#salads headcanons
swanqueensalad · 1 year
okay top 3 cute sq headcanons that you have right now and top 3 more angsty sq headcanons you have right now?
thank you for this anon!!! i love doing these <33
emma is actually so dad vibes she falls asleep on the couch every night the minute she, regina and henry start watching netflix. she kicks up such a fuss about what they watch then just straight up passes out. henry always complains and makes fun of her, but regina (though she would never say it) really likes it. it makes her feel very warm and safe and comforted to be snuggled up on emma's chest watching tv, feeling her breath rise and fall, listening to her silly occasional snores. because even asleep, emma never stops holding her. (and then emma wakes up at the end of the episode or the movie and insists she wasn't asleep and saw the whole thing)
every saturday morning, regina mills has a baking session. she is basically a pinterest mom who also is obsessed with organizing and scheduling, and baking is a hobby that benefits everyone, so it becomes part of her routine. emma is gradually learning to help: this means being annoying in the kitchen, eating ingredients, giving regina cuddles and neck kisses when she's trying to do something, and singing along badly to the music on the radio. though regina pretends to be annoyed, she secretly loves it. after henry grew out of helping her, she always baked alone until emma, and rarely got much joy out of it. now it's one of her favourite parts of the week. simple, peaceful, and happy. (and every time she bakes with emma and then they eat some of the freshly cooled goods together, it undoes cora's voice in the back of her head a little bit, every week her questionable relationship with food gets a little bit better)
as much as emma loves storybrooke, she sometimes misses the outside world, and so another tradition that develops is emma taking regina for date days out of town. they'll pick random towns, forests to hike in, and places to visit and take a leisurely drive, stop for food somewhere. for a while emma gets weirdly obsessed with weird thrift/antique stores and finding the dumbest stuff she can (regina and henry, when he hears, both tease her for 'keeping some Mr Gold genes after being the Dark One') and while regina makes fun, she secretly loves leafing through antique books and reading inscriptions left in them. also, whenever they speak to waitresses or shopkeepers on these outings, they have to make up different stories about how they met. every time, emma comes up with a different story and makes it as rambling and silly as possible, and every time regina smiles and shakes her head and sometimes inputs something funny that comes to mind.
i've def spoken about this one before, but regina has nightmares very regularly. multiple times a week, about various things from her past (god knows there's enough nightmare fuel). emma is a light sleeper and lifelong insomniac herself for many reasons, and if she is asleep, she wakes up very quickly when she hears the familiar change in regina's breathing, or feels her lashing out with her hands or feet in her sleep. it aches deep in emma's chest every time, knowing there are things that have happened that will always haunt regina like this, knowing there are some things she can't fight off. and she's still learning what to do with those things, how to help her without a sword and fist, but she wakes her as gently as she can and kisses her forehead, strokes her hair and whispers silly things and dumb jokes to her until they're both okay. regina doesn't like to talk about her nightmares or what they contain, and emma doesn't ask. they just hold each other and learn to feel safe.
idk if this is a controversial one, or if my view of them has just changed a little as i've gotten older, but emma and regina are both people that are still struggling big time with their mental health, processing, healing etc and though they love each other and are definitely on a one way path to peace, there's no way this doesn't cause issues sometimes. when regina and emma fight (beyond the everyday quibbling that undoubtedly means i love you), they fight badly. they both say awful stuff they don't mean or believe. they both spiral. (but afterwards, when they've calmed down and the dust has settled, they always find each other with immense apology and understanding. and the good thing is, because they both struggle, they both understand wholeheartedly what the other one went through, why they said those things, and they know unequivocally that they didn't mean them. their fights are not common, but after them they are always extra caring and tender and honest with each other, just to be sure the other knows how much they are loved.)
this is more sad than actually angsty, but it means a lot to me so. i have forgotten if this is actually canon or not, but regina had a version of daniel's tombstone brought over to storybrooke with the curse and it is still very important to her to visit it regularly, bringing his favourite yellow flowers. emma respects her privacy and that it's a very personal thing, but one day when emma asks where she's going and she says there, regina tells her very gently that she's welcome to come if she'd like. and so emma, after making sure it's not overstepping any boundaries, joins. she is quiet and respectful, holds regina's hand and sits with her there. after a while regina turns to her and tells her how much he would have liked her. how similar they are, in some ways. how totally not in others. before they go, when regina has already left, emma pretends to have forgotten something so she can have a quick moment to touch the stone and tell him a quiet thank you, for loving regina and taking care of her before she could.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Steve didn’t think much about what gender to like for years. It just always kind of been women for him so he didn’t think too deeply about it. It wasn’t until Eddie Munson that he re-evaluated. And it wasn’t during the Upside Down or anything. No, it’s six months later when they are smoking a joint together during a an older kids hang and he realizes how soft Eddie’s lips look.
Steve just thinks, huh well that’s different like no panic at all, just curiosity. So in front of everyone he interrupts Eddie mid rant and asks “Hey Eds, can I try something?” And Eddie says of course, cause why would he think anything of it.
Steve just kisses him. Right there. In front of everyone. Eddie is shocked cause holy shit what, his crush is kissing him. And Steve just pulls back and nods with a “Yea okay. Guess you do it for me too.” And kisses Eddie again.
Eddie is enthusiastic about kissing him back.
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At this point, Wilson definitely packs a second lunch that he writes his name on and "hides" from House because it's the only way House will actually eat lunch. He definitely goes out of his way to make sure he brings things he knows House will enjoy, too, instead of just bringing stuff that he likes.
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myfandomprompts · 6 months
How do you think each ewan character would be like as a girl dad.
I have been dying to write prompts again (I did that in another life), and I have no time nowadays because of work, but because I am an unreasonable person apparently, I'll take great pleasure doing this headcanons!
Ewanverse!girldad headcanons
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He would be harsh with her/them. His community wouldn't really see girls in high regards and would be loving and caring only in private. He loves them, but is scared to be "too close" to them. In public he can't help but keep an eye on them though, they are his blood after all, his precious women.
Aemond Targaryen
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He would be over protective. At first, he would think that he would care only for boys, but no matter if it's his first child, or second, or tenth, he will go into dad mode and just- raise her to be the best. He would take pleasure spending evening reading High Valyrian with her, be very wary of what dresses she wears, of who she meets. He would encourage activities, would it be dragon riding or sword fighting, and whenever she would grow up to be a little rebellious he would turn mad and worry all the time she escapes the Keep or get into trouble. But he would be so proud.
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Billy Taylor
Clumsy at first. There is nothing more scary than to have a child, and have a girl of all things. He would be amazed during all the infancy, and then panick. All the time. But he would adore the moments where they would connect and spend time together. She would be as sweet as him, and would be showing her off to her mother and family proudly.
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Billy Washington
↑ This is his genuine reaction learning he'll have a girl. The minute he realises it, his mind is set on doing better, on getting all the help he needs in order to be a better person, and the best dad. There is something scary about having a girl, but he knows she'll be okay because the girls in his family are brilliant.
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What will he do with a girl? Is that the product of his obsession? Why is this different of any other girls he knows? > Because it's his daughter. On earth, he would be an awful dad (if he managed to keep her, that is), would provide but barely. Maybe send her to fetch his cigarettes or do things for him that a child shouldn't do. But in the end he would like to have her closer to him. It's his daughter, no one else's.
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Would not care, at first. Hell, what even is the point? When he sees her for the first time it's so odd, she is his, and she will grow up to resemble him. Maybe he could teach her a thing or two, who knows? How to fare for herself, how to con people. And as time passes, the more they team up, and he can't see his life without her.
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It's his babygirl. He is so lucky. She will be brilliant, how could she not be? He will protect her from the others that will look down on her, because no one deserve her anyway. They don't deserve to be in his presence. He would buy her so many books, her first computer at four, and from there just watch her grow to be as brilliant as him. And then she would crush all the category of person that looked down on him when he was himself growing up. He would be so proud.
Oh, and he would made dad jokes. All the time.
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Caring, loving. A product of the sky she is. What is more beautiful than his daughter? She is a gift, and he would protect her with his life, cherish her until she is so happy she shines. He would read to her early on, and then when she would know the psaums better than him he would have the biggest grin. He doesn't want to fight anymore, just take care of her.
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Him, a dad? Okay, he'll manage. Shouldn't be so hard, eh? But then a girl? He'll turn into someone else. Attentive, doting, a little firm but it's because he just want to protect his family, and hell how he would want to protect her. He would have an even closer relationship with her than the mother and would be so happy. She teach him how to be more responsable, because there is nothing more worth than changing for her.
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Will Will Will. Would be really lost at what to do, but then he looks and looks at her and just fall in love. Why should he not spend all the time he can with her? Would feel guilty nonetheless. What if he is not good enough? He would let the mother take care of her, but he can't stay always long. Believes she would be better without him, anyone would be actually. But life gave him this girl, he should at least try. And he won't regret it.
I excluded Jason, Jack, Poacher & car thief (SOAH)
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pompurumi · 6 months
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♡ lil duck is so starved of gentle touching that he doesn't know what to do when his own bf touches him :((((
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compressedrage · 20 days
Any random Hollow Heads hc's/thoughts you have? Dunno, just for fun
*cracks knuckles* You have come to the right place, my anonymous friend. Allow me a moment to collect my many thoughts
Okay, in no particular order:
– The hollowheads all see each other as siblings, with Victim being the eldest brother, and so forth until we get to Orange, the youngest. (I gotta get this one out of the way lol)
– Hollowheads have sharp teeth, but they're different from stick-to-stick. For example, Dark as a mouth like a shark, while Orange only has little fangs. Victim's teeth are like needles. Chosen has a mouth full of big teeth, idk how describe it more than that.
– Hollowheads are stronger and more resilient than normal sticks. It was never a big deal on the PC because the RYGB are fighting sticks: they're meant to be resilient too.
– Orange doesn't know his name is actually Second; RYGB named him Orange and he's been Orange ever since.
– Dark likes wasabi. (this is a newer, sillier hc of mine, don't question it)
– Chosen and Orange are eerily similar. When presented with a choice of food, scent, even texture, they will likely choose the same one. (This is because Orange is Chosen's second coming :])
– Orange used to have strange, abstract dreams of Chosen's imprisonment on the PC. These have mostly faded, however. There are more pressing traumas to occupy his nightmares.
– If Orange and Dark ever do meet, they would be a wonderfully chaotic duo.
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HC that Neil found the sweetest possible salad dressing he could find at his own expense of having to taste like 20 different kinds because the Internet can't be trusted and then asked Andrew to pick like, the top 3 he found and asked which one he liked. Andrew went along with it and now Neil bathes Andrew's salads in this dressing to get him to eat something with greenery so he doesn't die at 40 from the sweets.
(Kevin has pointed out that Neil makes Andrew salads and then turns around and buys him candy bars, which feels like a way to get no results, to which he has been told to stfu)
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crazysnor1ax · 8 days
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Drew @angst-dealer/@ask-the-werekraken-sisters’ werekraken Callie and Marie! LOVE these girlies and they’re a huge inspo for my own AU :3
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kittzuxp · 10 months
I headcannon they are a found family and they exchange shirts…
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 months
Actually the implications of John also being bisexual are so fucking tasty to me because like. OG John has no support system and no protection against the world except his own perceived strength so he learns to ferret out anything that can possibly be seen as weakness to those around him and that includes any affection or attraction he might feel towards men because nothing screams "stay in your fucking closet" like spending all your time around a fringe subculture of serial killing doomsday preppers in the Midwest during the Reagan era.
By the time he notices Dean starting to look a little too long at boys his age, he's probably convinced himself that whatever he felt (still feels but ignores) was a temporary youthful indiscretion, and of course Dean can't afford those, doesn't get to have those, he's got to be a soldier. He's got to be a better soldier than John, even.
I dunno I've just had enough conversations with family members who are loudly but somehow also mildly homophobic and yet say or do things that make me *eyeballs emoji* not to think this is not only possible but arguably likely.
#supernatural#the winchesters#spn#spnwin#john winchester#shifting my headcanon of john to the type of person who doesn't think of himself as homophobic if he ever things about it at all#and would even probably try to stop a hate crime if he saw one happening right in front of him#(or likes to think he would)#but also views his own queer desire--and thus that of others--with suspicion and contempt#like something frivolous that he simply doesn't have the luxury to pursue as a Real Man in the Real World with Real Responsibilities#and when you live like that especially due to your own choices anything that seems like a luxury you view with a certain level of contempt#so he's like 'heh must be nice to have time for boyfriends' in the most condescending and degrading way imaginable#in the same way he probably treated sam's affinity for academia#in fact i'd argue a lot of what we see from dean with regards to the way he mocks sam for certain things is probably just echoes of john#and what's REALLY crazy-making is the way most of these things dean mocks sam for early on later prove to be things DEAN actually does enjo#dean likes to read and he loves chick flicks and he gets excited about tomatoes and enjoys dressing up nice#dean learned early on that certain things were not acceptable for a Real Man from john bullying him out of doing them#and he does the same to sam#and one of the things he consistently mocks sam for in the beginning is his perceived sexuality#and sure we could just chalk that up to stereotyping but EVEN THEN that jives with the idea that#john simply put his own queer desire in a box labeled 'weaknesses real men don't have' along with idk a love of reading and salads and bein#emotionally vulnerable and sincere with people you love#and then he told Dean 'this is the box of forbidden things'#and dean the ever-dutiful son learned his lesson well
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dissectgirls · 1 year
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cw/tw: Slight gore, Slight nsfw?
character: Salad fingers!
contains: mentions of blood and cannibalism
He absolutely loves playing with your hair, either it be brushing, smelling, washing or just touching it.
he tries his hardest to make you meals, but most of the time they are disgusting, bubbling piles of slop
he loves watching you sleep, his eyes almost hypnotized by the way your chest rises and falls as you breathe in and out.
sometimes he will pull you in close and give you licks like a mother cat
he has fed you human flesh before, not understanding how bad it was
he loves slow dancing with you
if you get a cut, he will literally suck the blood out and clean the wound with his mouth…
he loves seeing you in pretty, white dresses
he’s very clingy and touchy, refusing to leave your side no matter what
you’re his number 1 playmate! (don’t tell marjory..)
he will hum songs from the 1920s to help you fall asleep
likes to fall asleep with his head nuzzled in between your breasts
sometimes he’ll slap your ass if youre taking too long to do something
glass brother has tried to take you away from him NUMEROUS times
calls you nicknames like ; “Dazzling dreamboat”, “Sunshine dust”, “Sweetheart”, “My sweet”, “my beautiful girl”, “thunder thighs”…
he has introduced you to all his ‘friends’, Jeremy likes you the most!
glass brother flirts with you whenever he can through the mirror but salad quickly shuts that shit down
sometimes he hurts himself on purpose just to get your attention
your neck is covered in hickeys and bite marks from him
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swanqueensalad · 1 year
hi! love ur writing and ur headcanons. currently in my regina feels and i don’t usually write fic but i have this little scrap of dialogue floating around my head for some kind of regina and snow catharsis one shot (idk where this would fit into the series overall) where they somehow end up having an emotional sort of argument, skirting around past grievances and deeply buried stuff and (both speaking from places of deep unfiltered hurt) snow says something along the lines of “i was a child!” and regina SHOUTS back “so was i !” and after a moment she whispers again “so was i”. anyway so i was wondering if you have any thoughts or head canons on the snow/regina dynamic now after everything they’ve been through?
aaargh anon this squeezed my heart so hard. it is so strange how some exchange between snow and regina of a similar sentiment has played around in my head before - because it is just so important to those of us that get it that people fucking acknowledge that regina was just a kid too. if you ever do get round to that one shot please do tag me because it is 5000% my jam!
as for post-everything snow and regina headcanons, i've got your back. for some reason it's not letting me post as a response to this ask, i think because the post got too long lol, so i'm gonna upload it as a separate post! hopefully you find it, should be up right after i post this, i would tag you if i could!
it was a really lovely one to write and explore though, and once again i will shamelessly self promote and point you toward my fic 'fairest of them all' which is mostly about regina's self image and sexual politics but i think there are a few paragraphs about her relationship to snow that hit diff.
anyway i shall post the snow gina deep dive now for you!
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rustyreveries · 2 months
doctors say he’s got chronic sleepy boy syndrome, and there is no cure 😔
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this is based on a lil daydream-turned-roleplay with my salad bot on character ai. i love snatching sal from his universe via magic portal and watching him adjust to modern society (he is not having a very fun time but he’s doing his best). does this count as an AU? maybe. but i only made it so i could fulfill my selfshipping needs, so…. yeah.
since i hc sal as aquatic, his body can’t naturally regulate its internal temperature like everyone else, so he gets very chilly at night. i think it’d be cute if he wore a hat & some leg warmers to help keep him warm. and ofc i wrap him up in some blankets burrito-style so he’s extra cozy <3
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hellcheercaine · 9 months
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Yup that’s when Billy’s stomach hurts a little bit too long
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myfandomprompts · 5 months
Hey, I saw you did what Ewan's characters would be like with a girl daughter. And I admit that my curiosity was: What would each of Ewan's characters react to an unexpected pregnancy? Or announcement of a pregnancy
Or, opening new horizons, what would each person's relationship be like with their wife/girlfriend when they were pregnant? (if you want to use the reader for this part)
(I'm sorry if you're not accepting requests or something)
Hi! Thank you for the ask and it's truly okay and wonderful!
Headcanons: How would EwanVerse characters react to unexpected pregnancy?
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He hadn't even planned to stay with you, his only focus was on earning his place among the gypsies. Yes, he lied to himself about liking you, about being obsessed even, but at least he had managed to keep his emotions at bay. Until now. When he learns of your pregnancy, he gets mad, takes time for himself to think. Then he sees how miserable he had made you and his turmoil quickly turns into guilt. He can't stay away from you for long, let alone hurt you. You could be together after all, happy, and hell, that baby is his. What other beautiful manner to make his claim on you is there?
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War was raging, and he took you as his companion because he could, because as Prince Regent, no one will dare say a word against it. He had needs, impulses both of sinful nature and quiet affection, and you were meeting each of them perfectly. But when you don't bleed for two moons, he finally realises why he chose you, why he didn't 't care about being careful: he wanted you for himself, and having you round with his child would be the ultimate prize. You and the baby would be untouchable.
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Billy Taylor
He feared it was going to happen. He had heard the stories so many times : people around with too much passion which caused unexpected things to happen ruined their lives, even reputations. It had scared him as much as elated him when he got to be with you, to touch you everywhere. And now, with the news of you pregnancy and amidst thinking of a way to tell his mother, he finds out that he would do it all again, thousand times over if life allowed it. He would be so very happy with your child.
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Billy Washington
He wasn't supposed to have met with you again, or even to hook up. You, the ex he had a hard time forgetting about. But he guesses that once you harbour feelings for someone, it never really goes away. When you tell him, he is awestruck, not believing it, even asking you if it's his. It takes weeks for him to wrap his head around it, thinking what the hell he's going to do then he decides. Decides that he was delusional thinking he could live without you for a while, and that he won't let you go again. He never stopped loving you, and that baby will make everything right.
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You're just his neighbour, the only one who gets him, who sees him for what he is. He actually doesn't care about what people think of him, or what you think about him. Or maybe just a little. But he likes how you let him do things to you others wouldn't. When you tell him, he stays silent for a while, expressionless. "So?" he tells you, and when you slam the door in his face, he tries to convinced himself that he doesn't care. But in truth he can't stop thinking about it. About what it would feel like to have something as... precious with someone. How foreign it seems to him.
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He doesn't understand: you said you were fine with him being "just a friend", that you didn't want more, and it suited him fine. So why were you telling him that now? He can't do anything for you, he has nothing, even if he would like to. He would, truly, he finds himself thinking, provide for you if he could, for the baby. But it's the way you look at him with those shiny eyes and a hand on your belly that make him abandon any idea of disappearing on you. He'll stay, whatever you say he is to you.
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Michael Gavey
He is euphoric. You're the girl of his dreams, and it seems surreal. He can give you everything you want, provide for you like you've never been cared for before, you don't need to be anxious about it all. He reassures you at once, already scheduling how you'll manage to graduate and have a beautiful baby at the same time, your baby. He won't ever let you go, and is already planning for the second one.
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You're the lady he can't believe he has, and when you announce that you're carrying his child, he can't help but feel guilty. He has promised himself never to sire a child, a bastard's bastard, and now he had brought shame on you. You would have been better without him, really, better with someone worthy of you. If only he had been more careful. What if you died in labour? What if the baby died? It's with those dark thoughts that he snaps out of it and decides that he will look after you until then. He will pray for you and the baby, be there for the both of you until life takes him.
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Tom Bennett
He isn't even surprised, you're his girl after all. It's not like he had planned it, but it was bound to happen at some point. Deep down, Tom is a family man, always taking care of his folks, a fact he is finally brutally made aware of when you tell him the news and a warm feeling fills his chest. Now he just have to find a way to get you a ring. Maybe he'll have to steal it?
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It wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to get sick of him like everybody eventually did, and he was supposed to remain detached. But then here you are, saying you want to keep it and he allows himself to hope. Hope that maybe you truly love him, that maybe he'll finally have something of his own, something to share with you. Maybe he'll be able to let his guard down, like he always longed to. With this news, he felt like he wouldn't be hurt anymore.
I excluded Hoodie, Jack, Jason & Poacher.
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pompurumi · 3 months
someone needs to give me salad fingers hcs. there isn't enough from what I've seen and if there is it's either yandere-ish or just plain weird. I need to understand every single way that Salad Fingers can be perceived.
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