#s: catarina loss
adanseydivorce · 7 months
don’t have much specific commentary about learn about loss + a deeper love I just have always loved the amount of heronstairs + Jessa yearning and I stand by that on reread <3.
Okay actually I don’t have nothing to say Tessa mentioning how one person coming clean with a secret can solve so many problems really summarizes the verse and people’s problems in it lolz also I love the Catarina backstory about her being a mother to a shadowhunter once I love that Tessa will have someone throughout the years who understands that experience and how it effects her (because pre tmi Magnus can understand about loves but not about that so much so I’m just glad …).
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buriedlove · 10 months
I always use blue hearts, so 💙💙💙 for the cast?
Ooh I love a blue heart, so thank you so much for the ask!
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
Alex: Alex doesn’t just miss his significant other when they’re not around. The boy pines for them. His strong sense of wanting to protect, and his love for affection means that he is always happiest when his s/o is near, and so he’s definitely just a lost puppy when they’re not. Cue lots of staring at the night sky and counting the stars, wondering if his s/o is looking at the same ones, sadly watching rain fall on a window and listening to all of the songs that remind him of his s/o (played on vinyl, of course).
Rota: Rota doesn’t fully understand what the slight aching she feels in her chest when her s/o is away is, but it’s definitely a sense of loss whenever her s/o is away. She’s so used to throwing herself into whatever activity/ battle/ life or death situation is happening around her that she isn’t used to thinking of herself and her own needs. Buried Love has changed that, and Rota is starting to realise that it’s ok for her to have wants and needs. And what she wants is to have her s/o by her side. Now. 
Abe: Abe doesn’t openly miss his s/o. In fact, if you watched him quietly sitting in a chair, glasses on, reading a book, you might think he didn’t even care. But that’s far from the truth. They’re on his mind, all the time. Dancing around the pages in front of him. Abe feels like he doesn’t have a right to impose his own sense of loneliness on his s/o so he’ll never tell them he missed them. Instead he’ll cherish them when they’re back together in his own quiet way, listen to their stories, tell a few of his own, make them tea. But inside his heart is singing with happiness that they’re back by his side. 
Catarina: Catarina has developed a strong sense of independence. She’s had to. So although she’s always happiest when she’s with her s/o, she doesn’t feel a huge sense of missing them when they’re not around. But really that’s because she feels the energy of the people she loves around her all of the time. Oh, and there’s always the fact she might occasionally use a magical tool here and there to see them. Not because she needs to, you understand (independent woman, remember?) but just because she can…honest. 
Eli: Ah Eli, a freespirit. Wanderer of the world. People come and go in his life and he never missed a single one. Until he actually fell in love, that is. Now no adventure feels as fulfilling, no party feels as fun, and no drink tastes as good, if he doesn’t have his s/o by his side. He still goes on the adventures and enjoys them, but he’ll sometimes be found quietly sitting, a smile playing on his lips as he remembers a time with his s/o. He doesn’t ever want to smother his s/o and so it’ll be rare for him to actually say that he’s missing them. But you can bet he’ll be sending them photos to share his experiences, and asking them for some in return. Connecting in any way he can. 
Aayush: Aayush the CEO. Too busy to miss his s/o surely? It’s quite the opposite for our charming vampire. He’s been known to hire an overnight jet to be near someone he loves just because he misses them so much when they’re away.He’s flown to the other side of the world for just one night in their arms before flying back again. Aayush learned a long time ago that material possessions mean nothing. All that matters is time with the person he loves. Time is precious sand that slips through his fingers, and he’ll hold onto any grain he can.
Cerri: What? Miss someone?
Are you kidding?
Why would Cerri miss someone?
Waste of energy.
It would never happen. 
OC Emoji asks
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tommy-kinard-buckley · 5 months
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This is for my first Malec au which is a mundane au so this is part of it
Magnus is best friends with Catarina Loss who is a nurse at a local hospital that apparently the mayor works at. Magnus had heard all about the Mayor of New York City from Cat. He is sitting in his office listening to Catarina talk about Alec like he has for the last 3 months. “He literally offered this cute little girl to stay at his house because her parents put her in front of the hospital and left. It was adorable Mags.” Magnus rolls his eyes and groans, feeling extremely annoyed. It's not that Alec has done anything to offend Magnus personally. It's just that Alec is a lightwood and lightwoods are never kind to anyone. Robert Lightwood was Mayor before his son, Alec and he was the worst person New York City has ever seen. Magnus remembered the winter he met Robert for the first time. Magnus had recently lost his job and his house in the same week and was now homeless. It was the middle of December so it was extremely cold and brutal for the homeless community in New York City. Magnus ended up accidentally seeing up his small makeshift tent right next to the mayor's house that day. It had started heavily snowing and Magnus knew that he needed better shelter if he was going to survive the night. He looked at the mansion next to his tent and ran for the front door to ask the Mayor for shelter in his house for the night. Robert answered the door quickly with an annoyed expression. “Hello Mayor Lightwood, I was wondering if I could stay at your home for the night? It is snowing heavily and I just really need somewhere warm to sleep just for the night.” Magnus was shivering and Robert didn't care about it.
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@thisbuildinghasfeelings @carlos-tk @lemonlyman-dotcom @rmd-writes @firstprince-history-huh @storms-s @goodways @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand @reeeallygood
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roydeezed · 1 year
One Piece-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 1079)
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I’m sorry, Kid fans. That’s all I can say to y’all. I can’t even clown on you cause that was brutal. But before we get to that, let’s go through everything else. The cover story of Germa 66 ended last chapter with the creation of Neo-MADS and now Oda is doing requests. The analytical part of me is like trying to figure out what it could mean, but mostly I’m enjoying squat little Luffy living his best life. Though I do want that shirt. It looks luxurious. Alright, enough fun and bush beating cause right away Oda answers some really important questions, like how York planned it and how she had S-Snake attack her and free her, but tees up another question in its stead; What is York’s contingency plan? Because everything that’s happened since the shit hit the fan has been a part of it, and that means that the Straw Hats are most definitely involved as S-Snake spared them but killed Edison. The simplest answer would be that York plans to turn in the Straw Hat crew to become a celestial dragon but is she really that naive that she thinks that she even has a chance of being a dragon anymore? So it’s gotta be something else then, probably what gets deemed this the ‘Egghead Incident’, such as a mass release of information or something. I’ll go more in depth past the ‘Keep reading’ so click to read more!
I think something akin to Whitebeard saying the One Piece is Real or Firefly’s can’t stop the signal moment could cap off the ‘Egghead Incident’ with the world learning something that demands action. Though I can’t guess what it could be. It’s gotta be something we don’t know.  Anyways as we read on, we see the island and Sentomaru evacuating while something sails closer to Egghead… Another piece of the Incident. Blackbeard’s ship! With Shanks remarking later how he was surprised that Blackbeard didn’t show up at Wano it makes me wonder what’s about to go down here. Because I think it’s more likely Blackbeard divided his forces in between Egghead and the Island shown in Chapter 1063 where he was fighting with Law. So I don’t think Blackbeard is here, as it’s implied that he was fighting Law at the same time as the Straw Hats were exploring Egghead. And knowing Elbaf is Shanks’s territory he would have given that one up as he wouldn’t want to suffer the losses. So since Van Auger, Burgess, and Doc Q were with Blackbeard fighting Law, that leaves the rest of the crew, Shiryu, Pizarro, Lafitte, Catarina Devon, Sanjuan Wolf, Vasco Shot and Aokiji available to wreck shop on Egghead. Depending on the direction Oda wants to take this, Aokiji being or not being on the ship is going to signal how this arc will unfold. Although I think the Straw Hats are outright stronger than Blackbeard’s crew; Law was holding his own against five of them by himself, the Straw Hats are severely weakened from the battle with the Seraphims. If Aokiji is on the ship I think it has a chance to go really well for the Straw Hats, with Aokiji defecting and the Seraphims falling to their side as they fight off the government. But if Aokiji is not there, as the Blackbeard pirates need somebody to stay at their base, then I think it’s worst case scenario. One of the main players on the board that a lot of people seem to be overlooking is S-Snake. Because there is a very lose-lose condition with her. She’s already captured Franky and Ussop, and if her powers work just like Hancock’s then even if she’s taken down, no one can undo their stone form. Meaning that the good guys need to gain control of S-Snake or things will be going downhill fast. There’s a lot of things that could happen if Oda goes forwards with the worst case scenario. Some Straw Hats, especially the stone-turned Ussop and Franky, could be handed over to the World Government by York, the others could lose to Blackbeards crew and they could be driven back with their tail between their legs. I also think a showdown with the aforementioned available members is going to happen simply for the fact that Oda loves to show the parallels between Sanji and Zoro by switching their opponents up and I think he’ll have them take losses to Pizarro and Shiryu here. So yeah, a lot of unsubstantiated predictions off of one panel, but that’s just how it goes sometimes with One Piece. Moving on to the main course now.
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Shanks versus Kid. It wasn’t really a match though, my boy swaggered onto the deck and then one-shotted Kid in the most brutal way possible. Okay that’s not fully fair, but we’ll work our way up to it. So first of all, the one thing I want to highlight is something Oda has been doing recently, especially with fights concerning Yonkou. Did you notice it? They’re on water! That’s right, after more than 20 years of a pirate manga, major battles are finally happening over water. I jest but Oda’s making a point to have both Law and Kid’s fights take place on water, showing how tilty the fights can get when one person has solid ground. Both of these fights were really fun so I hope we have more. 
Right away, we see some fantastically goofy characters stand up to Kid in Shanks’s defense, and we soon find out how these goofy characters got so far as Elbaf. And that’s because of Shanks. Most of them are self-admittedly weak, using Shanks’s flag to be able to pirate around. This makes me think that Shanks, like Luffy, protects people's dreams, but to an outrageously generous degree, where people who want to be free on the seven seas are allowed to be simply because they want to as Shanks protects them. We also see that they were all meeting up, and it seems like Shanks was serious about going after the One Piece as that must be why he mobilized them. This also makes me think that the One Piece is time sensitive or otherwise Shanks would have gotten it much earlier. Maybe that’s why Roger laughed, he could’ve missed it by a day or so.
This chapter characterizes Shanks a lot, so forgive me for spending so much time on him. We rarely get such a detailed look at him. It also shows us how much he cares about fairness as he made sure Kid had recuperated enough from Wano, not just the ass-kicking Shanks’s men had given him earlier. Another thing that’s highlighted in this chapter is how much of an opposite Kid is to Shanks. Right away he claims he won’t hold back and is ready to fry all of the ships, but also the fact is, he is alone. He only has one ship and no allies like Luffy or any of the other Yonko do. It shows the difference between the two, with Law and Kid arguably being strong enough to be Yonko’s but not having enough political power in the form of wide spread crews to hold on to the title. It also brings into focus how important the politics of the world are, as connections and maneuverings of that sort are more important than raw strength, as can be seen with someone like Buggy.
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We also see how well the crew works together and how diligent Shanks is when he’s on. He seems easy going but he had his eye on Wano and is researching the fact that Kid’s from South Blue(wonder if that’s gonna play into the story somehow). And soon, we see why he’s easygoing. As Kid prepares an attack, Shanks gets a look far into the future of him destroying the ships. That’s why he’s so chill. His future sight is so advanced he can afford to be. And this also does Kid Justice without having him massacre nine ships worth of people, as we see Shanks get serious. With one attack he cuts through Kid’s rail gun and incapacitates his crew, getting Killer in the attack as well. It’s honestly heartbreaking to see the crew beg for Kid’s life as they hand over the poneglyph rubbings. And then Shanks jumps away and Dorry and Brogy annihilate the Kid Pirates. 
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I think this is Oda signaling that things are getting serious. And also potentially hinting at what could happen to the Straw Hats. Especially if we learn a familiar fate has befallen the Heart Pirates. All three prevailing crews from Wano could be decimated, with the dregs joining each other. As Kid went down near Elbaf, it’s easy to imagine him and Killer joining Luffy when he gets to Elbaf, especially if Luffy is going there with a chunk of his crew missing. Also a side note before I end it, watching Shanks protect his fleet so viciously makes me wonder about Barto, as Barto was going around messing up Shanks’s territory. Stay safe my boy. Anyways, as always, that was a great chapter and I can’t wait for the next one.
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I love how cold all these panels are, absolute devastation. I'm kinda scared of Shanks now.
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malec-ao3feed · 2 months
Brigther Than Gold
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/7EdS0gK by CorbeauPeregrin Because their wedding is more than an intimate, love gesture, but a political act broadcasting their alliance to the Shadow World, Alec and Magnus find themselves at the heart of yet another conflict tearing Nephilim and Downworlders apart. As always they are determined to get through it, come hell and high water, together. Alliance part 3 Words: 2917, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Alliance Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Madzie (Shadowhunters TV), Lydia Branwell, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Jace Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood, Original Female Character(s) of Color Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Helen Blackthorn/Lydia Branwell/Aline Penhallow, Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood Additional Tags: Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Married Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Good Parabatai Jace Wayland, Jace Wayland is a Lightwood, Good Sibling Isabelle Lightwood, Magic, Runes, Magnus Bane & Catarina Loss Friendship read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/7EdS0gK
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aworldinsideofthem · 2 years
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Shadowhunters (TV)
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Catarina Loss, Lydia Branwell, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Simon Lewis, Dorothea "Dot" Rollins, Elias (Shadowhunters TV)
Additional Tags: Background Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood, Background Simon Lewis/Maia Roberts, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Alec Lightwood x Denial OTP, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Oral Sex, ripping off Velvet Goldmine, Rock Star Alec Lightwood, POV Alec Lightwood, Rock Star Magnus Bane, Mutual Pining, briefly Magnus Bane/Original Male Character
Language: English
Alec held up his hand to say goodbye to the crowd, and just before he went to leave the stage, Magnus gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. “You were great.”
“You were, too.”
“Oh, I know.” He winked a glittery eye.
Oh, Alec liked him a lot.
Among the Shadows opens for Magnus Bane and the Spiral Labyrinth on tour and Alec has a small, tiny crush that doesn't get smaller when Magnus suggests they perform a song together on stage.
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
Crossover Headcanon: Pairings
A/N: Because the fandoms I write for are in the teenage media space, I thought of which would be pairings ideal for crossovers, from romantic to friendship. These are the characters from the fandoms I write for that I could see work well together as the cast for a crossover AU.
-Joco from Shaman King and Izuki from Kuroko's Basketball would be the best of friends. In an alternate universe, these two are aspiring comedians trying to come up with an act that could change the world together. I can also see Izuki's family taking Joco in and giving him a place to stay once they learnt their son befriended a homeless orphan as well as that Izuki's family would be a great home for Joco. These two together have a tendency to cause Hyuga to develop a headache. Especially when Kiyoshi decides to join in on the fun. -Vert from Hyperdimension Neptunia wants to adopt KNB's Momoi. Because of their similar personalities and chests, Vert's obsession with wanting a little sister kicks in whenever she sees Momoi and she wants to be her big sister. -Senri from Vampire Knight actually gets along with Shu Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers. Shu is Senri's casual go-to friend for peaceful sleepovers. Takuma may join if he's in a calm reading mood. -A part of my soul is convinced Celine Montclaire from the Shadowhunter Chronicles would have been a perfect fit for Lyserg Diethel. A rich, British, handsome nice man with a dark side? That's a description that befits both Stephen and Lyserg. Whereas Celine's fragile air that makes everyone adore her reminds me of Jeanne. It just works! -Makoto Tachibana and Kiyoshi Teppei are distant cousins. If there's an AU where both Free! and KNB exist in the same universe, there is no way in hell these two aren't related. -Kagami from Miraculous Ladybug is member of one of the book clubs Hyperdimension Neptunia's Blanc frequently attends. The two often exchange light novel reccomendations. -Plutia from Hyperdimension Neptunia is related to Cordelia Sakamaki. Kanato is the only one of her distant cousins that she somewhat likes. -KNB's Kise is the grandchild of Jace Herondale from the Shadowhunter Chronicles. Remember how Jace had a one night stand before dating Clary? Kise's mom was born out of that one night stand. Supremely handsome, golden eyes and Kise is a prodigy at pretty much every sport because of his copying ability? I swear, Kise is ripe for a fanfic where he discovers he and his sisters are the new lost Herondales. -Zoe from MLB's father actually bought a painting by Jocelyn Fairchild from the Shadowhunter Chronicles once. -Speaking of MLB X TSC crossovers, never put Plagg and Magnus in the same room unless you want another catastrophy worthy of the extinction of the dinosaurs to happen. -Shaman King's Ryu got rejected by TSC's Isabelle Lightwood in the past. -Gabriel Agreste from MLB actually was the tailor who made the lolita dresses for Iron Maiden Jeanne (Shaman King). Marco wanted nothing but the best of France for his French adoptee. -Catarina Loss from TSC was amongst the nurses who took care of KNB's Kiyoshi Teppei when he was in America for his surgery. -KNB's Murasakibara is one of the few people who buy Horohoro's candy (Shaman King). As a matter of fact, the only reason Horohoro's still producing the flop-candy is because Murasakibara buys big enough batches to store at Yosen for the production to continue. -Speaking of KNB and SK, I actually think Momoi and Tamao are cousins but they never met due to Tamao being orphaned at such a young age. -Because of Hyperdimension Neptunia's Vert big chest but also the way she is supposed to be a blonde American beauty and KNB's Aomine has a thing for Marilyn Monroe, he'd develop a crush on Vert if they'd ever meet. The fact she's a goddess and could whoop his ass doesn't intimidates him at all. -Free!'s Rin Matsuoka and KNB's Kagami actually were forced to sit across one another at the Maji Burger once when it was busy and there was no other seat for Kagami available but the empty one across Rin's. The two actually shared a chat and once they actually learnt they had a few things in common such as being an athlete and having studied abroad in an English speaking country, they decided to exchange emails to hang out some time.
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saeraanne · 11 months
Week 7: Slow Fashion
Slow Fashion vs Fast Fashion
Being one of the most well-known industries worldwide, people often overlook the fact that the textile business is one of the most damaging sectors. According to Silva (2017) and Gonçalves & Natal (2017), the fashion sector is one of the top consumers of water and one of the biggest polluters of the environment. Sustainability has thus become a strategic focus in the clothing industry. A worldwide loss of more than $500 billion occurs each year as a result of improper apparel use and a lack of recycling. Retailers like Zara, H&M, and Topshop are popular for producing clothing that customers use just a handful of times and promoting so-called "throwaway fashion" [5]. Additionally, the wastes produced by fashion items, such as fabrics and chemical dyes, contribute to climate change, water resource contamination, and environmental harm. This low-cost and fast product rotation is called ‘fast fashion’.
Over the past ten years, the fast fashion phenomenon has completely transformed the fashion business (McNeill & Moore, 2015), elevating change as the key component of style to a new plane. The concept was developed so that individuals, particularly teens, may quickly and affordably purchase the most recent fashion trends. The industrial revolution offered new technology, such as the sewing machine, making it easier, quicker, and less expensive to produce clothing, which led to the emergence of fashion fast. Therefore, in order to increase the long-term sustainability of the fashion supply chain, these developments point out the urgent need to return to "slow" fashion, minimizing and reducing the negative impacts on the environment.
Slow fashion on the other hand, seeks to put an end to the rising demand for fast fashion as well as the variety of negative environmental and social consequences that affect the fashion industry, ranging from worker rights violations to environmental degradation (Pookulangara & Shephard, 2013). This strategy for systemic change is rooted in sustainability and design. According to Clark 2008, Fletcher 2010 and Ertekin & Atik 2015, slow fashion does more than only reduce consumption and production; it also preserves the state of wellness of communities, the environment, and workers. Slow fashion brands constantly maintain their style, whereas fast fashion brands can instantly grab consumers' attention. Due to the high level of fashion consciousness in today's society, this lowers their popularity. Additionally, the lack of variety in slow fashion apparel is due to the eco-friendly nature of their manufacturing technique and materials.
Pookulangara, S., & Shephard, A. 2013, ‘Slow fashion movement: Understanding consumer perception’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol 20, no. 2, pp. 200-206.
Silva, L.C., Brazil 2017. Fashion program in movement, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Sc.
Gonçalves, Natal, Andreia, 2017, Fashion and sustainability, Msc.
A. Mcafee, A. Sjoman, V. Dessain 2004, Zara: IT for Fast Fashion, Spanish Version.
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malecficlibrary · 5 years
Sway by lemonoclefox
Chapters: One-Shot Genre: Other AU Length: 10K - 25K Rating: General Audience Secondary Characters: Catarina Loss, Izzy Lightwood Secondary Pairings: None Additional Relationships: Alec Lightwood & Izzy Lightwood, Magnus Bane & Catarina Loss Themes: Alec POV, Angst, Autumn, Business Owner, Family, First Meeting, Fluff, Hazel-Eyed Alec, Magic Use, Magnus POV, Pining, Relationship Milestones, Witchcraft
Alec's small shop has everything the modern witch needs -- and more than Magnus personally ever expected to find there.
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mothlet-incarnate · 2 years
I see any tsc warlock and I'm like: yes I will kin this character and make them my idol.
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half-bakedboy · 2 years
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your magic is contagious
Pairing: Isabelle Lightwood/Catarina Loss Rated: Gen Prompt: Magic/Flirting
Izzy wasn't sure what Alec had against the warlock, Catarina Loss, but if it meant being able to flirt with a beautiful woman and annoy her brother at the same, she just couldn't resist.
read on ao3 or under the cut
Izzy had heard of Catarina Loss; she was a powerful warlock by day, a badass nurse by night, and had a multitude of talents that Izzy could only wish to possess. One of those, she quickly realized, was having just as much sass and quicker wit than Izzy could dream. Of course, that was possibly the bane of both her brother and his boyfriend’s existence. (Pardon the pun, Izzy couldn’t help herself.)
“And here I thought that Magnus had found the most beautiful Lightwood in Alexander. I didn’t realize he had a sister,” Cat began, turning toward Magnus with a hand on her hip. “Magnus, why didn’t you tell me that Alexander had a sister?”
“I’m sure I mentioned it,” Magnus said with a wave of his hand, “but that doesn’t matter right now, darling. We need your expertise to–”
“Isabelle Lightwood, Alec’s sister,” she introduced herself, holding out a hand to Cat.
“ Younger sister,” Alex grumbled. Izzy ignored him in favor of squeezing Cat’s fingers lightly in her own.
“Age is just a number, big brother. Isn’t that what you’ve always said,” Izzy said. “It’s so great to finally meet you, Ms. Loss.”
“Oh, please. Call me Cat.”
“Catarina, I really don’t think now is the time to…” Magnus tried to interrupt but Cat waved him off, her focus solely on Izzy.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Isabelle?” Cat asked instead, a bright grin on her face.
“Izzy,” she corrected, “though, I’d let you call me anything you want.”
“Iz, by the angel ,” Alec groaned, throwing up his hands as he walked toward Magnus’ desk. “We’re here to figure out why your hospital has been targeted–”
“Ah, yes, my hospital. I don’t see why I’m here instead of protecting my place of work,” Cat shot back, narrowing her eyes at Alec.
“Cat, my dear, he’s trying to help.”
“We all are,” Izzy chimed in, taking a step closer, “but I think she has a point, guys. You two know enough to figure it out here, don’t you? That way, I can accompany Cat to the hospital, make sure she’s protected, and gain any intel there that might help us out.”
“You just want an excuse to flirt with her,” Alec retorted, raising his eyebrows in an unenthused look that Izzy recognized fondly.
“And who are you to stop her, Alexander?” Cat argued. For a moment, Alec and Cat glared at each other like a challenge, neither blinking nor making any move to look away. Even when Magnus clapped his hands, they continued to stare each other down. Izzy couldn’t help but laugh as Magnus started to speak.
“Well, as fun as this has been,” Magnus began, shooting an unimpressed glance at Alec before turning to smile at Cat, “I can just feel the magical energy stirring in a not-so-productive way. Isabelle, my darling shadowhunter, while it was lovely to see you, I think it’s best if you escort Catarina back to her luxurious career at the ICU. What do you think, sweetheart?”
Alec didn’t agree, that much was clear with every turned-down feature of his face, but instead of arguing, he said, “Of course, Magnus. Ms. Loss, always a delight.” Cat shot him a smile as equally sarcastic as Alec’s words.
“Mr. Lightwood, the pleasure is all yours.”
Isabelle waved goodbye to her brother and made her way out of the front door with Catarina leading the way. Once they reached the hallway, Cat conjured a portal but before she could step through it, Isabelle grabbed her hand.
“Were you flirting with me to annoy my brother or because I piqued your interest?” Izzy asked. Cat smirked at her and raised an eyebrow in response.
“I guess you’ll just have to find out.”
Well, Izzy had always loved a challenge.
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Magnus: Cat is going out of town this weekend and wanted to know if we could take care of Madzie.
Alec: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's a big responsibility. What do we know about children?
Max: I'm leaving. Backpack?
Alec: [Hands Max his backpack] I swear you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on. [To Magnus] I don't know the first thing about taking care of a child. [To Max] Where is your jacket? It's very cold outside.
Max: Forgot.
Alec: Here, take mine. [To Magnus] Kids are a lot of work.
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elettralightwood · 2 years
They streamed in through the open doors of the Sanctuary, one after another: Downworlders and Shadowhunters in a seemingly never- ending cascade.
First came the vampires with their paper-white faces and cold elegance, enchanted black umbrellas held aloft as they took the few steps from their tinted-window cars to the Sanctuary doors, eager to escape the sun. Emma recognized Lily Chen among them, on the arm of a tall vampire with dreadlocks. A gaggle of blond Swedish vampires came in chatting with the Lindquists, who ran the Stockholm Institute.
There were werewolves from all over the world: Luke Garroway, scruffy and bearded in his flannel jacket, Clary’s mother, Jocelyn, at his side. Werewolves in kilts and hanboks and qipaos. Maia Roberts and Bat Velasquez. […]
There were warlocks, too, more than Emma had ever seen in one place. Catarina Loss, blue-skinned and white-haired: She marched in with Tessa and Jem, wearing nurse’s scrubs, and looked around her thoughtfully. […]
Hypatia Vex, with her bronze hair and dark skin, regal and curious. Warlocks with bat’s wings, with hooves and gills and rainbow eyes, with delicate antennae and curving stag’s horns. A bat-faced woman who went up to Cristina and began muttering in Spanish. A dark-skinned warlock with a white mark on his cheek in the shape of a spiderweb.
And there were Shadowhunters. […]
Julie Beauvale and Beatriz Mendoza, their parabatai runes glimmering on their forearms. Marisol Garza, wearing white in memory of Jon Cartwright. Magnus and Alec had just arrived with Maryse and their kids, and were standing by the door opposite Aline and Helen, greeting the Downworlders while the two women greeted the Shadowhunters. Kadir Safar of the New York Conclave gave Diana a somber nod before going to speak with Maryse, who was dandling little blue Max on her lap while Rafe ran around them both in circles.
The Romeros had come from Argentina, the Pederosos from Brazil, the Keos from Cambodia, and the Rosewains from Northern England. A dark- haired, petite woman darted over to Cristina and hugged her tightly. […]
“It’s cool to see the Alliance in action,” said Mark, who had been helping the others set up rows of chairs. […]
Alec was greeting a werewolf girl who spoke in excitable French and asked him something about Rafael; a tall, dark-haired vampire wearing a T-shirt with Chinese characters on it slapped him on the back, and Lily and Maia darted over to confer with him in low voices.
Mark suddenly straightened up. Emma followed his gaze and saw that several faeries had come into the room. […]
Gwyn had come in, of course, which everyone expected, but following him were several others. Among the dryads and pixies and nixies Emma recognized several piskies, the Fair Folk she and Julian had encountered in Cornwall. Behind them came a tall phouka in a JUSTICE FOR KAELIE T-shirt, and after him, a woman in a long green cloak, her face hidden but a bit of white-blond hair escaping nonetheless.
Emma turned to Mark. “It’s Nene.” […]
Emma glanced over at Julian again. He had moved behind the table and was standing with his arms at his sides. Helen and Aline had joined him behind the table as well. The rest of the family was clustered in a group of chairs at the left of the room, Kit and Ty together, Dru with her hand on Tavvy’s shoulder, turning around to squint at a figure who’d just come into the Sanctuary.
It was Cameron. […]
She waved to Simon and Isabelle as they came in, holding hands. Isabelle made an immediate beeline for her mother and Max.
Simon regarded Kieran with a look of surprised recognition before crossing the room to talk to Vivianne Penhallow, the dean of Shadowhunter Academy. […]
In the shadows, Emma saw them—she didn’t know when they’d come in, but a single Iron Sister and a single Silent Brother stood motionless against the far wall. […]
There was no gesture, no signal that Emma could see, but the doors of the Sanctuary opened and Jace and Clary walked in, as if on cue.
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hmmdelicioussoup · 3 years
So I just finished The Lost Book of the White and I really want to talk about Simon.
I’d tried reading this book sometime last year but didn’t really get into. Then after listening to the TMI audiobooks and TFSA I was motivated to try again since I knew it took place after Simon lost George. Second time round I absolutely loved it, Malec, baby Max, Magnus x Ragnor x Catarina friendship, all so good. But Sizzy! My god so so good. Getting to see them finally be together as a couple honestly made me so happy. But despite the happy moments, it’s also occurring during a time when Simon is grieving, and that grief is very fresh. TLBOTW takes place only 4 months after Angels Twice Descending.
So, throughout the whole book I was waiting for Simon to crack. From his first scene in the book it’s mentioned how different he seems.
Magnus says upon the TMI gang arriving at his apartment about Simon:
“…it was obvious [Simon] wasn’t doing well” pg 36
From the start I was strapping myself in for some pain. Even just a couple of pages later Magnus notes that Simon is acting ‘very unlike himself’ pg 39.
Simon has gone through a lot, they all have, but I think it’s different for Simon. Just on the basis that he kind of got dragged into the shadow world. He wasn’t raised in it like Jace, Alec, and Isabelle. It wasn’t his birthright to be a part of it like Clary. He’s had to fight stay beside Clary, to earn the respect of the Shadowhunters who even though they would eventually become his friends, didn’t think much, if anything of him, when they first met him. He had to really fight to show he was worthy of their respect. And he did. He fought beside them, lost beside them, sacrificed himself for them and all the while maintain his morals. I’m not saying he never changed, on the contrary, he developed significantly throughout the series and throughout it all always managed to be the optimistic one. Magnus says of him,
“Through all of it, Magnus had grown impressed with his morale, his willingness to persevere and keep a brave face even when the situation seemed worse than impossible” pg 40
Even knowing all Simon has been through, even Magnus who kind of seemed the least invested in Simon during TMI, expects him to have the same attitude he has always had. They’ve legit been to hell twice now and all seem pretty chill about it. They’re all making jokes, Magnus and Alec get it on basically every time they’re alone lol. I think they feel almost invulnerable. There’s very much this energy of well we’ve survived one hell dimension before, surely we can survive another. But they seem to be forgetting that they very nearly almost didn’t survive Edom. They only got out because of Simon. And I think Simon is painfully aware of this. He’s not one to brag about saving them but he understands maybe better than anyone the risk of having to make sacrifices.
Simon’s truly at his tipping point throughout TLBOTW. Despite all he went through in TMI, mainly with him losing half his memories and as a result losing important pieces of himself, he’s able to find himself again throughout TFSA or at the very least gain some idea of the type of Shadowhunter and person he wants to be. But then he loses George, once again he’s faced with unbearable loss. One as well that didn’t come from noble sacrifice or dying in battle protecting the people you love. George died drinking from the mortal cup and even though he was a good person, even though he was more than worthy, more worthy than Simon according to him, the cup didn’t want him.
“[George] was no different to me. No less worthy of Ascension. If anything, he was more worthy than me.” pg. 283
So when they all travel to Diyu and Simon is taken and tortured by Sammael, and Magnus has been stabbed by Svefnthorn and Isabelle gives herself up to demons, it’s all just reinforcing Simon’s worries about loss and how easy it is to lose what you love. Honestly I am so glad to have content where Simon is appreciated and allowed to show how much he cares and be more than just comic relief.
When they are in the Cathedral and Simons calm finally wavers I was so keen for it. And boi was I not disappointed. We get to really see how Simon is coping, how the loss that made him stronger is now what’s making him fall apart. Everyone else is so shocked and confused by his reaction:
“[Clary] looked wary…“This isn’t like you,”” pg. 282
“….“This isn’t even your first trip to a hell dimension,” Jace pointed out” pg. 282
It really shows how no one expected Simon of all people to be the one to break. It gives the others the chance to crumble a bit too. Isabelle who has always been very noble, always ready to fight, doesn’t know how to answer Simon when he asks how they all keep risking their and their loved ones lives. Before this book we never really got to see how they coped with the trauma they gained from TMI. We saw them in TDA but that was about four (I think?) years later, in the midst of someone else’s story and another fight. (As someone who very much prefers character over plot being able to read moments like this with some of my all time favourite characters really is my favourite thing. Like yes it’s sad as hell but oh isn’t it the best kind?)
Simon needs this moment. They all do. The desperation in Simon’s voice, everyone else’s inability to give him an answer. Because he has a point.
“How do you risk yourself and everyone you love, over and over again?” pg. 284
The Shadowhunter motto is just as much ‘we often die young’, as it is ‘facilus descensus averno’ and George’s death made this painfully clear to Simon. I think that Simon is definitely prepared to risk his own life, we’ve seen him do so many times before, but it’s the risk to the lives of the people he loves that he cannot deal with. The others kind of accept it, they definitely don’t love the idea of it but they know it’s a dangerous job. Both Jace and Alec literally say so.
It’s a moment that makes everyone grateful for their love.
- Clary tells Simon and Isabelle she loves them.
- Jace wraps his arms around her ‘drawing her close’.
- Alec reflects on the choice to love someone.
Writing this is really making me realise that maybe that’s what the whole story is about. Love. They’ve all found their epic loves, their families, they should all be happy. And they are, you don’t go through what they went through and not come out of it happy to still have the people you care about. But with the presence of love now it’s apparent, especially for Simon, that fear of losing it. And while it’s a hard thing to cope with, as Alec and Simon put it:
“That’s being a Shadowhunter,” said Alec.
Simon shook his head, “No, that’s being a person,”
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malec-ao3feed · 1 month
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/d7MLyYm by mo0nyzh3art Recently Alec has been experiencing an odd discomfort between his shoulder blades, then all of a sudden he faints. The team enlists Magnus Bane to help figure out what’s up with Alec. Alec grows wings and he learns to navigate his new life. Words: 837, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Jace Wayland, Raphael Santiago, Maryse Lightwood, Maia Roberts, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Madzie (Shadowhunters TV), Catarina Loss, Chairman Meow (Shadowhunter Chronicles), Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Lydia Branwell, Bat Velasquez, Lorenzo Rey Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Additional Tags: Shadowhunters - Freeform, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Protective Alec Lightwood, Insecure Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood has wings, Winged Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Protective Magnus Bane, Good Sibling Isabelle Lightwood, Supportive Isabelle Lightwood, Good Parabatai Jace Wayland, alec grows wings, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Domestic Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Background Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood, Background Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane-centric, Alec Lightwood-centric, Wings, How Do I Tag, My First Fanfic read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/d7MLyYm
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A concept: Eva Blackthorn portrayed by Natalie Dormer (as Anne Boleyn in The Tudors).
let me show you a bunch of stuff so you could see it better :)
note: this is based on my personal headcanons and the way these Anne Boleyn gifs I found could easily be used to Eva's tragic story as well.
What do we know about Eva's personality?
"He was a sweet boy, kind as his father and fierce as his mother". (Catarina about Tobias and Eva's son Ephraim)
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"Eva was, according to Catarina, a strong, brave woman. She was quite the opposite of her mild husband, resulting in quite the unexpected match".
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"Catarina Loss compared Eva to Isabelle Lightwood, in the sense that both were "raven-haired spitfire(s)".
source: Shadowhunters Wiki.
So, according to these sources, we know that Eva was a brave and powerful woman, but we could expect that as she was a Blackthorn and a Herondale.
I like to imagine her as black or dark brown hair and light hair, since it's said it's a characteristic of ancients Blackthorn such as Jesse, Annabelle and therefore Ty apparently got these features from them. Kit could have got his blue eyes from her? I guess we'll never know, but still.
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I mostly think she was kind of a sassy and regal sort of person. With her little smirk and gracefulness. (*coff* Herondale's type *coff*).
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Finally, we are certain of these characteristics of her as she accepted her trial. She must have been so scared, facing her death and before that, being recluded in a wet and cold cell in The Gard without anyone to take her defenses and without knowing where her beloved husband was. Imagine if something like that had happened to Tessa and Will, so you get the idea.
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She sacrificed herself for her son, and faced her cruel death walking towards it like a queen. Her story it's truly so tragic and I'd love to hear about her more.
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Heartbreaking bonus:
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Eva if she could've held properly her son :,(
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