#romanogers forever
steveandnatlover76 · 2 months
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Steve: Why is Tony so angry?
Natasha: Because now the reporters on the Red Carpet are only paying attention to us and not to him.
Steve: Hahahaha, that’s tough. But we do look great together.
Natascha: We make a fabulous pair. Smile for the cameras, babe.
Steve: As Carol would say, Romanogers forever!
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missus-rogers · 1 year
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My Forever Ship ♥️♥️
They just need to fix their schedules and make another movie together 😞🙏
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agayandaslay · 1 year
Hot take: Winterwidow is overrated and romanogers actually sucks :)
But BlackHill will forever have my heart
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leennaan · 1 year
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A/N this is not my art I got it from pinterest all cred to the artist
A/N also posted on my Wattpad: @ leennaan
I am sorry but this is not proofread
@curiousgalacticsoul here is your request. Sorry that it took me so long but some stuff happend. But anyways here it is:
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Today was the 15th of June 2024.
Almost one year after the war against Thanos.
It was one of the most scary days in Steve’s life and at the same time one of the best.
If somebody had told him a year ago that they would win and get everybody back he wouldn’t have believed it.
But here he was, standing in front of a big window looking over the big garden they shared with Tony and Pepper. A long table was standing in front of the Stark house. He could see Pepper decorating the table. Tony was running around with little Morgan, his arm better but still not fully functional. He smiled while watching the small family outside, preparing for Morgan’s Birthday-Party.
A knock on the bedroom door interrupted his train of thoughts.
“Steve?! Are you ready? Pepper is probably already waiting for us.”
He smiled as soon as he heard the voice. Natasha was standing in the door, arms crossed and a small smile on her lips.
Every time he looked at her, he couldn’t believe that she was really there.
The few hours he believed she was dead, were the worst of his life.
The moment she walked out of one of Stranges portals, with her signature smirk, would be forever burned into his brain. The relief he felt when she hugged him, after they won, when he could feel that she was truly there and not just an imagination of his brain.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Natasha was now standing directly in front of him, her arms wrapped around his shoulder.
“Just how lucky I am to be standing here today, with you by my side. All our friends joining us today to celebrate Morgan’s sixth birthday. I love you, Nat.”
He bent down and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too. Now common, we really need to get going.”
Together they walked outside and then the short path over to Peppers and Tony’s house. They greeted the small family and congratulated the little girl.
“Auntie Nat, Uncle Steve!
Look what Daddy got me! “ Morgan was running up to them with full speed, a little robot similar to Dum-E following her.
Steve and Natasha kneeled down to greet Morgan and to look at her new friend.
“Daddy says he had one just like me now. I named him Griffin, after Harry Potters House! Mommy let me watch the first one together with Peter last time he visited and I want to be in Gryffindor just like Harry.” Rambled Morgan.
She looked cute like that.
“He looks really nice! Griffin is such a good name for your little friend!” Sayed Natasha while she hugged the girl. Griffin standing next to them watching their interaction.
“Uhh I really enjoyed watching Harry Potter when I watched it with Nat. Next time you visited we should watch the second Movie if your Mother allows.”
“Oh yay! Can we? I am going to ask Mummy right away!”
And before either of the two adults could say anything else, Morgan was running away on her search for her Mother.
Steve stood up from his crouching position and held out his hand to help Nat up.
“Come on, let’s great the others.”
While the couple chatted with the birthday girl, some of the others arrived.
Wanda and Vision where standing with Pepper, a big wrapped box in Wandas hands. Morgan was running up to them happy, to see another aunt and kind of uncle of hers.
Clint, Laura and the kids had just arrived and where now walking the path down to them. “Auntie Nat! Uncle Steve! I missed you sooo sooo much!” Nathaniel was the first who spotted them and flung himself into Steve’s arms, who catched him and hoisted him up on his hip.
“We missed you too buddy! How is school? You have to tell me everything!”
While they talked almost everyone else arrived and the birthday party was in full swing.
Around noon it was time for the cake. Everyone was seated around the table, talking and having fun.
Steve had his arm slung around Natasha’s shoulders, while she was talking to Wanda.
He was so happy, that everything turned out like this. That they could be sitting here together as one big family, celebrating Morgan’s Birthday and just enjoying life. But his thoughts were interrupted by a long whistle and Natasha’s head snapped around, whistling back almost immediately. When he looked up to Natasha’s and his house he could make out a small person, who he knew was Yelena, Natasha’s sister.
Natasha had told him about her in the five years of the blip and after they brought everyone back Natasha had tried to contact her for ages, but no luck. Turned out, someone had told Yelena that Natasha had died while fighting against Thanos and she had gone rought. Trying to find the one she thought was responsible for her death. Long story short around the Easter holidays Clint was visiting New York with his kids and Yelena found him, they fought and Clint told her what really happened and afterwards Yelena and Natasha reconnected again.
Natasha had stood up and was now walking towards Yelena, who he now saw wasn’t standing alone. Another woman was standing next to her, taller than Yelena but he couldn’t say who it was.
When they arrived at the table everyone was joyful to see Yelena again. And while everyone greeted the her the other woman was standing next to Clint and his family greeting them and talking to them. “Everyone, may I Introduce you to the new Hawkeye! This is Kate we met while I was in New York, I helped her with some problems and she helped me with Yelena over here!”
“Hey! She did not help you! She was trying to fight me with Hot sauce!”
“Come one Yel. We said we wouldn’t talk about it. Anyways. Hey everyone I am Kate. Kate Bishop. Big fan of you guys. Nice to meet you all.”
It was good to see, that eventho the original Avengers we’re slowly retiring, someone else was brave enough to stand up and do the work.
Steve and Natasha had agreed to stop with the avenging and while he had given Sam the Shield, Natasha had a long talk with Yelena and she agreed to step into her sisters shoes, at least for know.
So now they were sitting all together, new and old generation and just talking about the good things in life.
He jumped a bit when ge heard Nat whispering in his ear. “You are thinking really loud.”
He had to chuckle before he answers her. “ Just thinking about how lucky we are. How lucky I am to have this family. That I have you by my side. I Love you Nat.” The smile that she gave him was a real one. One he saw more and more since they retired. “I love you too, Steve. I am so happy to be here with all of you, and especially you.”
When he leaned in to kiss her. He heard none other than Tony wolf whistle. “Get a room you too.”
Yeah. They were lucky to have this. Family.
All was Well.
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First Sentence Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
1. Noah knows that faraway look. He's seen it hundreds of times over the last 18 years. from Carry Me Home (Stydia, 1.5K words, post-6x10 fluff)
2. Lydia is used to nightmares. She's been having them for years, and who could blame her? from Just Say You Won't Let Go (Stydia, 18K words, angsty with an eventual happy ending)
3. "You sure about this?" Steve asks tentatively. from Who's Going to Tell Them? (Romanogers, 14K, WIP, slow burn, fluff, angst, companion piece to Step Into the Light.)
4. Lydia reaches into the depths of her purse, feeling around for the spearmint candy she knows lives at the bottom. from Stars In Slow Motion (Stydia, 1.5K, post-6a fluff)
5. "See you in a minute." Those five words played in Steve’s head; stuck on a permanent loop that he couldn’t turn off no matter how hard he tried. from When a Minute Lasts Forever (Romanogers, 3.2K, so much angst)
6. Natasha came to suddenly, blinking several times as her eyes adjusted to the dark. from Far Too Young to Die (Romanogers, 4.5K, Natasha being a baddie. Steve saving the day.)
7. Natasha glanced around the platform at her team, her family – or rather, what was left of it – and drew in a deep breath. from Step Into the Light (Romanogers, 38K, slowish burn, fluffy, angsty, happy ending)
8. Felicity could hear Oliver calling her name, but she didn't stop, and she most certainly didn't look back. from Is it My Fault? (We've Been Missing Each Other) (Olicity, 9K, slow burn, team arrow saves the hero)
9. For the third time that week Felicity shot straight up in bed in a panicked, cold sweat. from Lay Your Weary Head to Rest (Olicity, 1.5K, angsty, comfort) 10. Just shy of thirty-six hours after leaving Slade Wilson behind at the ARGUS detention facility on Lian Yu, Oliver finds himself back outside of Felicity's apartment building. from You're in my veins (and I cannot get you out) (Olicity, 3K, mild angst, comfort, fluff)
Can y'all tell I love to write angst? Revisiting some of my older stuff was fun! :) Tagging @whitedahlia13 because she's the only writer I know here. lol.
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bikananjarrus · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
finally getting around to this, thank you @astromechs for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mainly star wars and marvel! though i don't write marvel as much anymore (the mcu really burned me too many times lol and just took away a lot of my inspiration/motivation to write for it). so mostly star wars nowadays, but occasionally i will sprinkle in a fic for a different fandom!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a. we find ourselves when we lose everything else - 519 kudos
b. our time in the dark - 518 kudos
c. risk everything we have (and just let our walls cave in) - 426 kudos
d. if loves elastic (then were we born to test it’s reach) - 391 kudos
e. revelations (come to us in recovery) - 388 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
no 🙈. weirdly enough, i was a lot better about responding years ago on my ff. net account. but i don't really do it on ao3, honestly because i'm just a little lazy about it lol. but i promise i read every single one and know that if you've ever left a comment, i appreciate it so so much!!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably broken things. it's a romanogers soulmate last words au which ended in a major character death. but you know. last words au, death. it made sense haha.
i've also written a couple canon-compliant character study type fics, including one for natasha romanoff, one for cassian andor/rogue one crew, some for leia organa (post-tfa), and well, none of those end very happily sooooo.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhh why was this so hard asdffglkhglj. i write a lot of agnst and hurt/comfort lol. but my fic, the weight of your love, is just pure kanera fluff. and these two kanera fics that i've posted on tumblr (but not on ao3 yet), are just silly and fun and fluffy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, thankfully. i mean, i've gotten some not-so-nice comments in the past (again, mainly on ff.net) but i've never gotten anything super aggressive or confrontational, so i'm grateful to be in nice corners of fandom!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
occasionally yes. typically i insert my smut scenes into longer fics though. (i do have a bunch of unpublished half-written smut fics that i haven't gotten the courage to finish and post yet, bc i'm not always the most confident in my smut writing but maybe one day!)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really. i'm not even the best at coming up with AUs, much less crossovers lol. i think the closest i've gotten to a crossover is an agents of shield/mcu crossover, which shouldn't even BE a crossover, but considering that the mcu never acknowledged AoS, it kinda feels like it is. anyway, wrote a fic where daisy johnson and bucky barnes are bffs, and i'm quite fond of it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah :/ i had somebody take one of my fics and (related to next question) translate it and put it on wattpad. i couldn't message the author and my attempts to contact wattpad got me nowhere so i kinda just let it go.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
looking at last question, technically yes. but other than that, not yet! i would be very honored if someone wanted to translate one of my fics though, and would have absolutely no problem with it! (so long as they asked and didn't steal it asdkfsjd)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
only bits and pieces of shared aus with friends for fun, but haven’t published anything.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
kanera and romanogers, hands down. kanan and hera are more recent, but i fell in love with both their characters and them as a couple so fast, and i absolutely love writing for them. they're going to stick with me forever. and steve and natasha.... my loves. fell in love with them when i saw catws the first time and haven't looked back. they've stuck with me the longest, i think. and even though i don't write marvel as much anymore, i still think about them a lot, and there's a lot of stevenat wips i have that i still hope to finish one day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
whew ummmmm. there's a couple of romanogers fics (specifically finishing our time in the dark and the follow-up to revelations which is an endgame fix-it) that i have told myself i will finish. and i want to! but it will really take a major push to get me back into the headspace to write for marvel again. genuinely, endgame drained so much of the love and inspiration i had so 😔 i hope i can prove myself wrong one day!
i also have ambitions to do a star wars sequels rewrite, but it feels so big lol, so idk if i'll ever actually get around to finishing it. but the bits i have written for it i have so much love for.
16. What are your writing strengths?
digging deep into character emotions and their headspaces. that's something i really like exploring. also i think i'm pretty good about including small details, particularly with using the different senses and using those to help set the scene, and whatnot. in short, description and emotion are my strong suits!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
humor. i think i can be funny sometimes in my writing, but i definitely don't think i'm as good at humor as other people. and especially funny dialogue and banter, that's something i feel like i have to think about more. so still working on that!
i also don't know if this is a true weakness, but i literally don't know when to stop writing asdfljgldkj. i feel like lately it's so hard for me to write short fics (unless i do it in a mad burst in one sitting). but if i'm thinking a lot about a fic, chances are it's going to be 5k MINIMUM.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm not real comfortable with it, especially if i don't speak the language. if it's a very short phrase or a singular word, i will try to use a translator and other online investigating (and then nicely ask people to correct me in the comments if i'm wrong lol). but if i want to have the character speaking full sentences i will usually type it out in english and then use "they said in [insert language here]" as the tagline.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
if we're going wayyy back, technically the first fic i wrote was a bones fic when i was in middleschool lmao. i wrote it in a notebook, never published it online. but i first posted fics online in high school (as a freshman i think), and i think the first fics i published were for percy jackson and supernatural lol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
probably revelations. looking at it now, there are certainly things i would change about this one, but i wrote it on and off for 3 years, so i was just really proud when i finally finished it. and there are still a lot of character moments i wrote into this one that i still love.
also you are my solid ground. plot does not really exist in this fic, but i had the best time writing the steve/nat/sam dynamic. literally dream trio.
(real talk, some of my fave fics are ones that i haven't finished yet/haven't published yet. i think my newest favorite fic is the kanan character study one i'm working on now. i still have a little bit to go, but i'm really close to finishing it, and i'm just so proud of it. there's so much about it that i love and i can't wait to share it (hopefully by the end of the year!)).
no pressure tagging: @effie-trinket and anyone else who would like to participate!
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natrogersfics · 9 months
Hi! Just finished reading Game Plan and I loved it! I’m bummed that you won’t be writing anymore but so grateful that you took the time to give such a great story the ending it deserved. Your commitment is very much appreciated!
Thank you so much for sharing your writing and so many amazing SteveNat stories (I reread them often, almost an embarrassing amount 😂)
I hope you are well, wishing you all the best and glad I’ll still get to see you around tumblr lol 💗
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Hi there! I’m ecstatic to hear that you loved Game Plan and how it concluded, especially since I had to rush through some of the remaining chapters. I know you’ve been reading this story from the start, so thank you so much for sticking with it until the end! I know it’s been a lot of waiting, lol 😁
Bummed to be stepping away from writing as well... I love creating these universes and sharing it with fellow Romanogers shippers, so while I have to close the door to doing so right now, I hope it’s not for forever.
I feel like a broken record, but I’m going to say it anyway: Thank you so much for reading my fics AND reading them again (multiple times even?!)! It will never not be surreal to me to know that someone out there comes back to read the words I write late at night, typically on the floor of my laundry room, as I wait for the dryer to finish up. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. Thank you, truly!
I hope you’re doing well, too! Sending all the love and good vibes your way. Looking forward to seeing your posts pop up on my dash. ❤️
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astromechs · 2 years
Just read 25 for romanogers and I loved it, so how about 50 for romanogers? (:
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hello, another writing prompt from three years ago! i think this fulfilled both of these in its own way, so i put them together 💙 if y'all see this, hope you enjoy in spite of the lateness!
from this list; still accepting
now also on ao3!
There are a lot of strange things to get used to in this brand new world, but Natasha thinks that one of the weirdest might be that sometimes, a Saturday can just be a Saturday.
If she wants, she can stay in bed until ten o’clock or later, stretching lazily alongside Liho while the morning sun peeks in through the blinds and settles over them both. (There’s no better teacher of this art than a cat; she’s grateful to that black fur ball she’s adopted for a lot of things, but maybe this above all.) She has nowhere to go, no crisis to handle, no one to be except her. This has its limits, of course — she’d be disgusted with herself if she let her daily yoga and exercise routines lapse too much — but it’s nice on some mornings, and this morning in particular, to just… be.
Liho’s purring grows louder. Clearly, she agrees.
It’s all still a wonderful novelty.
“Hey, baby,” Natasha whispers, smiling as she reaches out a hand to rub the cat behind the ears, just as she likes. Liho’s eyes scrunch contentedly shut at the contact.
With one last gentle kiss pressed to the top of her head, Natasha stretches her arms and dangles her legs over the bed until her feet hit the floor, leaving the cat be, for now. Her smile is fond as she watches Liho shift into some of the warm space she’d left behind, curling into a ball, before, eventually, slipping through the doorway and padding toward the kitchen.
It’s the music crackling from the old phonograph they’d gotten at an antique sale about a month ago in the corner that greets her first; she doesn’t know the song — honestly, she hardly ever does — but no matter what, she’s come to associate it with home. Next, it’s Dodger the retriever and Buck the German shepherd making a beeline for her and taking turns jumping on her. That takes at least a couple of minutes of mitigating before their attention is drawn elsewhere, before the smells of breakfast-in-progress find their way to her nose, and her eyes land on —
Steve, by the stove, wearing that stupid Kiss the cook apron he’d insisted on getting from that same antique sale over his bare chest, hair still stuck up in about six different directions from sleep. The last piece to complete the picture.
A smile spreads on her face; it feels like one that could be stuck there forever.
“Eggs,” he says when he notices her arrival, pointing with the wooden stirring spoon in his hand.
“Yeah, I can smell, old man.” She steps closer to the counter, peering at his efforts. No, she thinks, it’s a spread, and one he’s been clearly working on for a while. “Bacon and toast, too? And coffee? Talk about the deluxe treatment.”
Lifting a shoulder in a shrug, he turns back to stirring. “House special. For a special lady.” Somehow, he manages to say that with a completely straight face.
Some wonders will never cease.
Natasha snorts, leaning against the counter. “You’re so corny sometimes. You know that?”
Most people wouldn’t see this, she thinks, but she has two points of advantage here: a lifetime of reading people for survival, and… knowing Steve. Both of these put together make it impossible for her to miss the little curl of a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and just the right inflection in his tone as he counters, “I’m as wholesome as apple pie. Didn’t you ever see the pamphlets?”
That’s when Natasha can’t hold it in anymore, and truly bursts out laughing. If there’s anything Steve Rogers isn’t, it’s wholesome; he’s a cheeky little asshole about half the time, has a habit of swearing like a sailor, and she has firsthand knowledge of how skilled he is at using his mouth in ways that would definitely make one of those “family values” people blush to the tips. But of course, all joking aside, he’s kind — one of the kindest people that she’s ever had the privilege of knowing. A kind person who’s shown her what kindness actually means, and has been instrumental in helping her discover how to show it to herself, who’s stuck with her just as she has stuck with him, who’s by her side as they continue to navigate this next chapter together.
At the thought, a lump forms in her throat and tears begin to sting in her eyes. She averts her gaze to the floor, and folds her arms protectively over her chest.
It’s still an active struggle not to withdraw from things like this.
She can read him — but he can read her, too; of course that doesn’t escape his notice. The playfully smug facade dropping in an instant, he watches her as continues to stir, and asks, quietly, “What is it?”
There won’t be any judgment here; she knows that. It’s safe to look up and meet his eyes once again, safe to not retreat into herself and come closer instead, safe to reach out and let her fingers gently graze over his arm. Safe to let herself not hold back her smile and give him pure, unfiltered honesty: “I’m happy.”
It’s safe, too, to stand on the tips of her toes and press her lips to his. Because, just as he always does, Steve welcomes her with open arms, showing her possibility beyond anything it would’ve once never occurred to her to even imagine.
Before long, he’ll have to break away to tend to the eggs again; their breakfast will be a lot better if it isn’t burned. The dogs will get bored with each other and trot back into the kitchen, dropping tennis balls at their feet with wide, hopeful eyes and furiously wagging tails. Life that happens on an easy Saturday will continue to meander as it wants, and they’ll continue to figure out what that means. She’s happy to face all of that, head on.
But she’s not in any rush; for now, she’s happy to stay right here.
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yanderemcu · 2 years
Yandere Steve Rogers X Natasha Romanoff: Your the one I want
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(Takes place in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Romanogers. Yandere Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff. Your the one I want)
It was hard for Steve to keep his obsession a secret. Especially since Natasha kept trying to get him a girlfriend.
You don't know how hard it was for Steve not to just say,"No. I don't want them. I need you. I love you so much. I want you as my girlfriend." but he didn't.
He couldn't. Not yet. They both needed more time.
So he started planning. Knowing Natasha it would be very hard to take her.
It was. It was almost impossible.
He tried to kidnap her and almost died in the process.
He tried again tho. He grabbed her taking her into a room. Put her against the wall. Knocked her out with the cloth that had the sleepy stuff in it.
Picked her up and carried her home. Chaining her to the wall. Then he just waited for her to wake up.
When Nat woke up she looked around.
"Steve...? What...What is this" Natasha asked.
"You always tried to set me up with every girl. Ever girl...besides the one I want. I want you. I have since we first met. I always believed in love at first site but I didn't think it would happen to me.Tho I have loved you since we locked eyes." Steve said.
"I thought you wanted Peggy." Nat said.
"She was my first love. Not the one I wanted forever. She died. I want you. Your my forever love. I'm going to get that dance with you." Steve said.
Natasha couldn't believe it. She was the one Steve wanted.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 1 year
ghosted (romanogers version)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rAaJRn0
by captasha_universe
Steve Rogers is a regular farmer boy in Washington, D.C. who works at a farmer’s market. He meets a regular girl named Natasha Romanoff and has the best date of his life with her. However, two months go by and he hasn’t been in contact with her since. Deciding to go after Natasha is what makes Steve land in a pile of trouble that changes his life forever.
Words: 4687, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 43 of Romanogers One-Shots
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America - All Media Types, Black Widow (Comics), Marvel
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Helmut Zemo, Bug Man, The Grandson, The Ghost, The Man On The Plane
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: Romantic Comedy, Fluff, Action/Adventure, Comedy, Spy Natasha Romanov, Spy Steve Rogers, Central Intelligence Agency, Thriller, Farmer Steve Rogers, Betrayal, Weapons, Romanogerrs, Captasha - Freeform, stevenat - Freeform, capwidow - Freeform, Steve loves Natasha, Natasha loves Steve
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rAaJRn0
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steveandnatlover76 · 2 months
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Pepper: Oh, Natasha. This necklace is just exquisite!
Natasha: Yes, Steve took me to New York‘s biggest jewelry store for our anniversary. He said I could pick whatever I liked but said he already had an eye on something. When they showed me the necklace he picked, the choice was clear. I don’t know how Steve got the jeweler to open his private vault!
Pepper: Steve has such great taste!
Tony: „Steve has such great taste“! Diamonds the size of dinosaur teeth, Capsicle?! What are you trying to do? Make all of us other husbands look like bums?!
Steve: It’s not your fault, Tony. You simply don’t have my artist‘s eye!
Tony: Oh, Lord!!!
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missus-rogers · 1 year
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Forever Romanogers .... 🤎🤎
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ao3feed-sambucky · 1 year
ghosted (romanogers version)
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46970719
by captasha_universe
Steve Rogers is a regular farmer boy in Washington, D.C. who works at a farmer’s market. He meets a regular girl named Natasha Romanoff and has the best date of his life with her. However, two months go by and he hasn’t been in contact with her since. Deciding to go after Natasha is what makes Steve land in a pile of trouble that changes his life forever.
Words: 4687, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 43 of Romanogers One-Shots
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America - All Media Types, Black Widow (Comics), Marvel
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Helmut Zemo, Bug Man, The Grandson, The Ghost, The Man On The Plane
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: Romantic Comedy, Fluff, Action/Adventure, Comedy, Spy Natasha Romanov, Spy Steve Rogers, Central Intelligence Agency, Thriller, Farmer Steve Rogers, Betrayal, Weapons, Romanogerrs, Captasha - Freeform, stevenat - Freeform, capwidow - Freeform, Steve loves Natasha, Natasha loves Steve
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46970719
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riverhalorix · 1 year
yall i just spent forever on the romanogers tag
me and my non canon ships 😭😭
they're everything to me though i am brainrotting too hard
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In my Romanogers feels
I'm feeling particularly angsty and nostalgic today, so here's a repost of one of my recent Steve x Natasha fics, "When a Minute Lasts Forever".
“See you in a minute,” followed by a confident, closed-lipped grin that he returned without a second thought.
Her smile, the last one she ever gave to him, would be imprinted on his brain until the day he stopped breathing. The smile that had him convinced that he would, in fact, see her in just a minute.
He didn’t, though. He never would again. And that was something Steve still couldn’t reconcile. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever understand how to live in a world where Natasha Romanoff was dead.
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