#remusxsirius fanfic
Death, and Other Origin Stories
Chapter 28: A Potion for Joy
He didn’t remember falling into the dark and quiet of sleep, but suddenly his three mates were cheering loudly as the clock struck midnight above the mantle, yanking him from the deep pool of a sickly unconsciousness, his mouth tasting like saw dust and stale tea. Another blanket had been tucked haphazardly around him.
Bleary eyed, he sat up with baffled incredulity to see a half-dressed James slinging an uncoordinated arm around Peter and wetly kissing his ruddy face. Remus was just wiping his mouth from where he’d been drooling on the arm of the sofa when James was suddenly grabbing him.
“What the—” was all Remus managed in his exhausted stupor before James screamed “ Happy New Year ” at full volume and pressed his spiced mouth onto his, Sirius wolf whistling loudly. His shirt was unbuttoned and his face was flushed and his smile was big and bright. He smelled of cinnamon, vanilla and star anise. Like his skin might taste of it.
“I am not drunk enough to let you snog me, Potter!” Sirius shouted in warning, pointing the empty bottle of rum at James with one wavering hand and reaching for a cushion with the other.
“ What —” Remus repeated, dazed and confused in his exhaustion, wiping his mouth of the lingering bitterness of the spirit, realising just how sloshed his friends had gotten during his unintended nap.
Grumpy and tired and annoyed, he was suddenly feeling both isolated in his sobriety and somehow betrayed by their drunkenness.
“It’s New Years!” James was yelling in justification, launching himself at Sirius. In his inebriated foolishness, he miscalculated the distance and the force with which he lept and the two of them tumbled off the winged back chair with a loud thud and near hysterical laughter.
“C’mon, Lupin,” Peter was saying with a lopsided smile, swaying where he stood, his hand outstretched. Remus whinged and grimaced as Peter pulled too hard in helping him up, his hip aching something awful.
Sirius managed to worm his way out from under James and stumbled in an inelegant attempt to run to the stairs, James in hot pursuit, socks slipping comically on the wooden floor, shouting the benefits of platonic kissing.
Slowly, with aching bones, Remus shuffled his way to the stairs, listening to James yell dire threats of intimacy to the cackling admonishments of Sirius.
Remus toppled into bed with a graceless exhaustion, pulling his duvet tightly around his chilled body. Another wrestling match had commenced and James could be heard making exaggerated smooching sounds over the wheezing, cataplectic laughter of both Sirius and Peter.
And Remus, much against his will, felt an endeared smile break through his maudlin irritation as Sirius finally admitted defeat. James had whooped in victory before grabbing Sirius’s grimacing face and performing, what could only be described as, the least desirous snog Remus could possibly imagine.
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aaveafanfics · 1 year
No tengo idea de como describir esta historia porque me causó un conjunto de estrés, desesperación, fascinación y ternura, todo al mismo tiempo.
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Pareja: Wolfstar/Drarry
Idioma: Inglés (Usa traductor de chrome)
Categoría: What if.
Sinópsis por mi: El señor oscuro tomó algo la noche que mató a los Potter. El niño que vivió jamás conoció tal nombre y tampocó vivió en el armario bajo la escalera, en cambio Harry Potter fue criado por Lord Voldemort.
Calificación: 💙💙💙💙💙
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Okey, esta historia esta llena de cosas tanto satisfactorias como desesperantes, llegué a desear que dejaran en paz a los niños solo 5 miutos ¿tanto les costaba dejarlos vivir en paz solo 5 minutos? Pos si, en realidad si les costaba un chingo.
Disfruté un montón de esta lectura, fue entretenido aunque me lo leí rápido, no es la mejor historia que he leído, pero estuvo muy buena y agradezco que mi amiga me la recomendara valió la pena.
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navykangaroo59 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University Summary:
Remus Lupin didn’t ‘do’ crushes.
He could count the number of people he’d ever fancied in his 19 years of life on one hand.
That is, until university comes around.
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the-fab-fox · 2 years
Okay so I'm gonna be taking a step back from my BNHA projects for a bit to focus on a new passion project of mine.
I'm mentioning it on here in case anyone is interested.
Here's all I know so far...
Sirius's family (and by extention, Sirius himself) are still rich.
His family are still awful. Just not murderous/genocidal/etc.
He still doesn't get along with most of them but he's a young adult now and on his own.
Modern AU (As in this takes place in present because fuck trying to think of what normal life was back when the Mauraders were young adults.)
Remus is new in town.
(I'm tempted to make him HIV positive since positive lives of those who have it are rarely shown in media but I worry that that could be seen as disrespectful too. So, if any HIV positive persons read this, let me know if that would be disrespectful or how I can do this so it's done respectfully. I'd super appreciate it!)
Sirius used some money to buy a flowershop to help the old owner who was in debt. The man still had shares in the company and works there but Sirius owns it. He also comes in to help. It's a nice and welcomed change from what he's used to.
Remus comes in looking for a job! (Haha! Because I like twists and most of the time they just come in looking for flowers to buy XDXD)
That's all I got so far. Please let me know what you think and if this is something you all want to read.
Please reblog if you like it as well! Get the word out for me. I'll be posting on the other site I'm writing this for but also on here and on my Ao3.
Everything for this fic will be tagged wolfstar flowershop au.
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amipang · 4 years
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🐺🐶 🌟 Twitter: @_amipang
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walthina · 3 years
sirius: oh remuuuuuusssss i wanna feel you close
remus: what is this? whAT IS THIS
sirius: oh remussssss come lie with my bones
peter: *whistles in rythm*
sirius: oh remussss don't look away
james: *dances*
sirius: oh remusss just look at me the sameeee
remus: please don't, just don't
remus: and... that's how sirius serenated me
lily: oh, really romantic
james: ...
james: oH LILYYYYY
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
Black and White - Part 1
"Starving Artist"
It wasn't a term unfamiliar to Remus. After all, he was an artist and he did struggle to make end's meet. 
It was the same term his father tossed at him when Remus had wanted to go to London College of Art and Design instead of working at the autobody shop with his dad. 
"What's wrong with earning an honest living, Remus? Why can't you just do your hobby in your spare time?"
That's what really broke Remus' heart. Not believing in his talents, he understood. Remus hardly ever believed in himself anyway. Not wanting Remus to live a life of poverty, that made sense. Nobody wants their only child to struggle to put food on the table. But calling what Remus did a hobby? That was a blow to Remus' heart that he couldn't withstand.
Art had never been a hobby to Remus.
Remus didn't paint because it relaxed him, he didn't paint because he enjoyed it, he didn't paint because it was fun or entertaining. Remus painted because he had to. He painted because if he didn't, he felt incomplete, empty. Remus needed his art the same way he needed food and air. He thirsted for it, felt it tearing at his insides. Days where Remus didn't approach a canvas and pick up a brush were excruciating, he was left broken and starved. Remus' art was never his hobby, it was his everything.
Remus knew he'd never be allowed to pursue the life he needed while he lived at home, so he took a job, then another, then another, until he was able to afford the run-down basement flat that he lived in: a single room that was his and his alone. It was filled with canvases and easels, three or four works going simultaneously. Tubes of paint littered the ground, pallets and brushes scattered about amongst half filled jars of dirty water. There was a single bed pushed into the corner, covered entirely with books during the day. There was no kitchen, only a hotplate, a microwave, and a mini refrigerator that served its purpose well enough. Remus knew that this was the life he chose. He knew that this was the cost of following his heart. 
One particularly soggy London day, when the sky threatened to soak Remus' only pair of shoes to their very core, Remus returned to his flat after an excruciating shift at the cafe. He had been on his feet the entire time, serving coffee to wealthier people than him, smiling through his frustration. As Remus slipped off his sneakers, he reached into his pocket and grabbed the handful of change that made up his tips, tossing it into the jar that sat on the table by the door.
The jar was getting fuller by the day, but Remus knew it wasn't enough. It took his entire paycheck to be able to afford his flat and his food, so saving up his tips was all he could do to eventually pay for LCAD. 
Remus dragged himself over to his bed and flopped down beside a pile of art books that wobbled precariously from his movement. With a weary sigh, he kicked off his shoes and forced himself to sit up. Back against the wall, laptop on his thighs, Remus began the arduous task of looking for gallery shows and openings. He had promised himself to go to at least one opening a week, ideally more. The more gallery shows he went to, the more elbows he rubbed, the better the chance that he would meet somebody who could help kick start his career. 
Black and White
The name sounded familiar.
Grand Opening of Black and White
The opening was that evening.
Sirius Black, son the illustrious Orion and Walburga Black, is following in his parents' footsteps as a curator of magnificent works of beauty.
"My aim is to juxtapose the frailty of the human condition with the dichotomy of gender normative notions through an exploration of the boundaries of art, with a particular emphasis on the arbitrary line that exists between painting and sculpture."
Please join us for an unforgettable evening as Black reveals the first collection to be housed in the gallery: Foreshadow.
Gallery will be open from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Wine and light refreshments will be served. 
Remus sniggered to himself at the ridiculous quote from Sirius Black that was included in the description. There were a lot of words not saying anything if particular importance. Leave it to a gallerist to come up with the longest string of nonsense possible. 
At least there would be food. Remus was grateful for the free refreshments; it meant not having to use what little money he had on dinner.
The artist grabbed his phone and checked the time before letting out a groan and rolling out of bed. He needed to change into presentable clothing before heading to the gallery, which was a half-hour walk from his home. There was no time to rest beforehand, he would have to make do with caffeine and resilience. 
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this little drabble that kind of just popped into my head! If this is something you think I should continue, let me know!
Part II
Part III
Part IV
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marlenemckinn · 4 years
Wolfstar Kiss List: 4. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
Get The Hint
Sirius watched Marlene chatting with Dorcas, their heads were close together. Remus was next to him with his arm tight around their waist since the bloke had tried to chat Sirius up earlier. The club was loud, and even though they were close to the women, Sirius couldn’t hear what they were saying.
“So, when the fuck are they actually going to snog?” Remus leaned close, practically yelling in his ear so he could be heard over the thumping bass.
“They’re so close!” Sirius groaned, leaning into Remus.
Marlene and Dorcas had been dancing around one another for months now, since they met after Remus and Sirius introduced them. They thought the women would get along perfectly. The two just were putting it off for some reason it seemed. It was unlike Marlene, who always sort of charged ahead. Remus thought Dorcas wasn’t acting herself either because she was normally confident as well.
“What are they waiting for? They’re maddening.” Remus shuffled even closer.
“They’ve got to be doing it on purpose. They know it’s driving us crazy.” Sirius turned his face, surprised for a moment how close Remus was. So close their lips accidentally brushed for the briefest moment. “Oh, hello there Remus Lupin.”
“Hello Sirius Black.” Remus grinned before Sirius going in for a real kiss, his fingers threading through Sirius’ hair. Sirius moved so he was in Remus’ lap, nipping at Remus’ bottom lip as he did so.
As Remus’ tongue teased into Sirius’ mouth, he felt something his him in the arm. He pulled back as he was his with a coaster. He looked over to Marlene cackling and Dorcas pretending to be innocent.
“Get a room!” Marlene shouted over the music at them.
“We’re happy here for now.” Remus tugged Sirius close again. “Maybe they’ll get the hint and snog each other’s faces off.”
“Doubt it, but we can try.” Sirius bit his lip around a big smile before kissing Remus once more.
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ehitsliz · 4 years
AU where Sirius and Remus have crushes on each other and Sirius has a nightmare and gets the courage to ask Remus to sleep in his bed.
Sirius wakes with a start, tears streaming down his cheeks and chin. He looks over at the other Mauraders beds to make sure he didn't wake them. They're all sound asleep. Sirius lays there for a couple minutes trying to calm down but can't. He looks over at Remus and acts before he can talk himself out of it.
"Hey Re?" Sirius says quietly.
Remus being the light sleeper he is opens his eyes immediately. "Padfoot?" Remus asks as he props himself up on an elbow and rubs his eyes.
"Er-sorry I was just...nevermind." Sirius says, regretting waking a sleeping Remus.
"No Pads. What's wrong?"
"Jus' a nightmare, I was wondering if maybe I could lay with you..."
Remus panics a bit because there's no way he could lay in the same bed as Sirius and not have his heart beat out of his chest but Sirius needed him. "Of course Si." He moves over to make plenty of room and Sirius climbs in.
"Are you gonna be alright?"
"Yeah I'll be fine." However Sirius was thinking maybe this wasn't such a good idea because his heart wouldn't stop pounding against his chest. He turned his back to Remus and layed still.
Remus laid on his back and quickly fell asleep. Sirius not long after him. The next morning Remus woke first. It took him a few seconds to remember why Sirius was in his bed and even longer to realize that Sirius' arm was draped across his chest. He turned his head to peer down at Sirius and his breath caught in his throat. The sun was shining over Sirius' face making his skin shine in the morning light. Remus was laying there admiring how attractive Sirius was when the boy stirred and opened his eyes.
Sirius quickly realized where his arm was and moved it instantly. "Er sorry." Then Sirius realized Remus was staring at him. "Is there something on my face?" He started feeling his face to see if there was drool or something.
Remus chuckled. "No I was just...you're cute when you're sleeping." Remus mumbled the end and Sirius blushed lightly. Remus decided to do something he never thought he'd have the courage to do. He leaned in and kissed Sirius gently. He was surprised when the boy didn't pull away and deepened the kiss. After a couple minutes they pulled apart, both boys smiling.
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Don’t forget about this /part 3
Word count: 2918
Summary: (Part three of my don’t forget about this fanfics. In case you haven’t read them:) Sirius had been really drunk some night several weeks ago. He and Remus kissed and Remus told him not to forget about it. Sirius did and they got into a fight. Now some weeks have passed and it’s full moon again...
Remus Lupin took a look around. Dust was floating through the air, the first weak sun’s rays were shining through the window. Where was he? Rotten wooden floor, the old piano, the smell of mold, rain and wood.
Finally he started to understand. He was standing in the shrieking shack, his shirt torn, his head hurting… it must have been full moon again.
Now he recognized his friends, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter standing only a few feet away. They were both looking exhausted, but relieved that their friend had finally turned back into his human form again. For a moment Remus just kept staring at them, his first instinct was to see if they were hurt… if he had hurt them. Peter looked fine, he only had some small scratches on his arm, nothing too serious. But James, he had a big red bloodstain on his shirt…
“Oh god! Are you alright?” Remus whispered concerned, with a weak voice and walked towards Potter.
“Don’t worry about it”, James told him, trying to cover the red spot with his left hand, so that his friend didn’t have to see it, “it’s not too bad. One visit to the hospital wing and I’m gonna be as good as new.” He smiled a bit in order to comfort his friend, but he was very pale, some drops of sweat were visible on his forehead. No, he didn’t look alright, he looked agonized, Moony thought, feeling the lump in his throat.
He was so sick of this. He was sick of those sleepless nights. He was sick of feeling like a monster. He was sick of hurting his friends, of them playing it down to protect him. It was not fair, they shouldn’t have to suffer every single full moon, just for him, they should never have gotten hurt because of him and they should never get hurt again… It must be so hard, he thought, especially now, that it was only the two of them.
Over two months had passed since the night he and Sirius had had this… moment. And they hadn’t really spoken ever since. They had tried to, the day after, but Sirius didn’t seem to remember anything about that night, which made Remus so upset he ran away and hid in the room of requirement. When he came back late at night, Sirius tried to talk to him, tried to explain so desperately how he remembered now, but Remus… he didn’t want to talk. He didn’t want to listen. He told the other boy to leave him alone. And the next day it felt even weirder to speak to each other, just like the day after, or the week after… or the month. At some point, both of them had given up on each other. None of them felt as if the other wanted them to talk or even as if they wanted to have them back in their life again.
It had been a hard time. Not only for the two of them, but for all of the marauders. The atmosphere in the dorm was always so tense. It was so quiet all the time, no stupid jokes, no serious conversations, not even some light talks, nothing. Peter and James always had to choose whether they wanted to spend the day with Padfoot or Moony and they felt torn every single time. And then when the two estranged boys were forced to talk to each other, due to a school project maybe, they only said the necessary, usually not more than single words and parted ways again as soon as possible.
When the three marauders arrived at the dorm again, Sirius had already gone to breakfast, which made Remus feel relieved, but also incredibly sad somehow.  Peter took a quick shower before leaving as well, while James came up with some crazy story about how he got his wounds and went to the hospital wing.
Once they were gone Remus took a shower too, before taking care of his own wounds. Most of them weren’t too deep, except for the one he had on his face. Great, he thought, just where everyone can see. While getting dressed he already tried to come up with what to tell all those nosy idiots who were going to ask him about it throughout the day, but his head hurt too much and he couldn’t exactly think straight.
When he was ready he sat down on his bed, all he needed was a little break before going to class. His wounds burned, his head hurt, his stomach was cramped. No he couldn’t join class in this condition. Maybe if he skipped the first lesson, he would feel better afterwards. Plus they had McGonagall and she knows what was going on anyways, Lupin thought to himself, before lying down. With his finger and thump he started rubbing his forehead, hoping for his headache to magically disappear, (which of course, it didn’t,) then opened his eyes again and sighed loudly.
It was only now that he discovered that there was something on his nightstand that didn’t usually belong there. He sat up again. A big red cup filled with coffee, that was still at least a little warm and a bar of his favorite dark chocolate. No way, that couldn’t have been Peter or James. Does that mean…?
Looking around the room again, Remus started to realize other small things, that were somehow different than before. The bed he was sitting on right now had been freshly made and he was sure that he left it all messy the night before. And there on the floor he spotted his favorite woolly sweater, the sweater he always wore when having a hard day. It had been washed, folded and put in front of his closet.
“Sirius”, he softly said to himself, “why did you…?”
He wanted to help me, Remus figured out, he wanted to help but he couldn’t do it the way he used to, so he did… this?
The boy frowned, a little confused he leaned back on the huge stack of pillows again and took a little sip of coffee, then ate the first piece of chocolate, letting it melt slowly in his mouth. Not quite the healthiest breakfast one can have, but after a night like this, Moony couldn’t imagine a better one. It felt as if every sip of the dark drink gave him a little more energy, a little more life, and as if every bite of chocolate made his headache slowly go away.
Now, that all the other Griffindors had classes, it was completely silent in the dorm. All you could hear was the birds outside singing happily to greet the day. Remus drowned the sound by sighing loudly once again. Not an annoyed sigh though, rather one letting out all of the stress, all of the pain…
It was the first time in weeks that the young wizard had experienced such a silence. Sharing a room with your friends is great, of course, but you never have a minute for yourself (unless you’re a fxcking werewolf who has to skip class every once in a while, Remus thought).
But now he was alone, now he had time to think, think about everything that had happened lately. And by everything he meant Sirius and all the things that had happened between them. He was still angry. Sirius had hurt him really bad, he knew how much he meant to him and still… No he didn’t miss talking to Padfoot at all. He didn’t miss his stupid jokes, or his stupid pretty face, or playing with his stupid long hair while listening to Queen songs together and he totally didn’t miss that stupid smile Black had, or rather used to have, every time Remus walked into the room…
Okay fine, maybe he did miss him.
At least a bit.
Maybe he missed Sirius’ smell, that unique sweet odor combined with the smell of cigarettes and lemon tea (“Just because I am a dark, bad ass rebel doesn’t mean I can’t value a good cup of tea, Moony!”). Or maybe he missed sitting way too close to him every single time they sat together and maybe he also missed that stupid smile, that he, Remus smiled every time Sirius entered the room.
But what was the use of admitting all that? Sirius probably didn’t miss him at all, Remus thought and once those words appeared in his head, he felt as if his heart broke into thousands of pieces, as if it ached horribly. He took another bite of chocolate, this heavenly chocolate that Sirius had gotten him.
Yes, exactly, Sirius had gotten him that chocolate. Maybe, Moony thought, maybe there was a chance, even if it only was a small one, that Sirius did miss him as well. And maybe, even if all of that was just in his head and the other boy just wanted to be nice, wanted to be polite or helpful, maybe the chance was worth giving a shot.
He took the last big sip of coffee, put on his jumper (fxck school uniforms, today’s a jumper day!) and put the rest of the chocolate in his pocket. Who knows what the rest of the day might bring, if I end up sobbing ugly on the toilet because I interpreted my love’s actions wrong, I might as well eat the rest of this!, he thought to himself while grabbing his backpack and running towards McGonagall’s class room.
He was already walking through the corridor, when it occurred to him that he was going to interrupt her class now, having everyone’s eyes fixed on him, on his wound. And what was he going to do anyway? Storm into the room, recite some French love poem and carry Sirius outside like a bride? Oh boy, he should have just waited in his room for Padfoot’s class to end, but then again he felt as if he’d go crazy doing nothing now. And so he knocked on McGonagall’s door.
It was Longbottom, who opened it. He looked at the wound in the other Griffindor’s face for a moment, his mouth slightly open, he looked shocked, but tried his best not to show it by sitting down quickly again.
“Good morning, Pro… Professor”, Remus stuttered a bit. Having the whole class watching him as if he had just arrived from the future to pronounce the apocalypse didn’t help the already pretty anxious boy.
“I… I knocked my head… in the… in the shower this morning and felt a little dizzy. So I came later. I’m… I’m sorry.”
Knocked your head in the shower, what the hell Remus, this doesn’t look as if you had knocked your head in the goddamn shower.
“Of course Mister Lupin. I hope you feel better by now. But would you be so nice and sit down so that I can continue with my class?” Professor McGonagall replied with her posh voice.
You’re still an idiot, he thought to himself while walking down the aisle and sitting down on his usual spot… right next to Sirius.  
Sirius looked tired.He probably had spent most of the night lying awake, thinking about what he could do for Moony (or at least that’s what Moony liked to imagine). His tie was hanging loosely around his neck and his hair was tied into the messiest bun in the world history of messy buns. He looked like mess, a quite pretty mess though, Remus thought.
Sirius glanced at him carefully, then, when discovering that Remus hadn’t brought any of his stuff, slowly slid his book towards his friend, so that the other boy could follow the class. Remus grabbed a pencil and started writing on one of the pages:
Thank you
Sirius smirked, when he saw the little message, took out his own pencil and answered:
For sharing my book?
You know for what, idiot, Remus scribbled quickly
Don’t worry about it
For a moment they both just sat there, pretending to listen to the Professor, while actually trying not to stare at one another and make this more awkward than it already was. Should I write something else? What if I annoy him? What if I annoy him if I don’t write anything what if-
Before Remus could decide what to do, Sirius had already picked up his pencil again and, without looking at the page, he quickly wrote:
Are you okay?
I was worried
He was worried. Sirius Black was still worried about Remus’ wellbeing and that little thought alone made Remus smile widely. But then he remembered…
You should be worried about James.
He’s gonna be fine, Moony, Sirius comforted him without hesitation.
“Am I right Mr. Black?” The high pitched voice of McGonagall made Sirius look up again.
“Ugh, yeah, Professor. Totally. You’re making some really good points!” Sirius answered provocatively, obviously having no idea of what was going on.
“I was just saying”, his Professor repeated herself with a strict tone in her voice, “how you, Mr. Black and your friend Mr. Lupin as well, are wasting your potential by doodling and sketching in your book!”
“Well… you’re not wrong Professor-“
“Then, start paying attention again, Mr. Black!” McGonagall cut him off immediately and continued her lesson.
Sirius sighed and started taking notes again and Remus followed his example. They talked again, he thought, or maybe not talked but they wrote to each other. Sirius was fine, Sirius wanted to communicate again. That was good that was progress, that was… amazing. He felt his cheeks getting warmer the more he thought about it. One more look at the book just to make sure it was real, before continuing taking notes for class again.
Just sitting so close to Sirius felt weirdly exciting. And then every once in a while they almost touched. While writing Sirius’ hand would almost touch Remus’ elbow and every time it happened Remus’ heart felt as if it skipped several beats.
Then, finally, when Professor McGonagall wrote the name of a new spell on the board, Sirius used his chance to start writing something on the page of his book again. Lupin moved his head to the right and the left, attempting to read it while the other boy was still writing, not seeing their Professor coming closer.
“Uh hum!” She cleared her throat to get the boys’ attention, before closing the book and taking it with her.
Nooo, don’t! Remus almost shouted. He wanted to know so, so badly what his crush had written for him. Even though it was only a stupid note in a stupid schoolbook. After weeks of ignoring each other, he wanted nothing but reading that note. But he couldn’t. He had to wait and even though every single minute felt like torture he had to stay calm.
When inhaling he could smell that familiar odor of lemon tee and smoke and when exhaling he already missed it. He could feel Sirius being close and all of a sudden he had so many things to say, so much to explain, so much to apologize for, but now, that he finally had the courage to, he couldn’t! He just wanted to, no, he needed to know if Sirius felt the same. He needed to know right now if Sirius still liked him the way he said he would that night. What if he had changed his mind, what if everything was different after not talking for so long… He needed to know… but he was caught here, in class. So close to the boy of his dreams not able to even say a single word.
That’s when he suddenly felt Sirius’ hand around his wrist. At first he didn’t get who had touched him, he almost pulled his hand away. But then he let him take it, let him lay it down in his lap. What was that? Some kind of a weird hit on? Some bad attempt at being romantic? But then he felt the cold tip of a ball pen writing on his hand. He had to smile a bit, since it was tickling him. Sirius only wrote five words, then he waited for Remus to pull his hand away again. And Remus did, even though every single brain cell of his told him to keep his hand lying in Sirius’ much bigger, much warmer one. He immediately looked down at the smudged handwriting.
Skip next lesson with me?
Even though he tried to, Remus couldn’t stop himself from smiling. After all, Sirius was probably the only person who could make him smile like this after such a night. Trying to hide his smile, Remus covered his mouth with the hand Sirius had just written on, while the other boy glanced at him waiting for a reaction. Carefully, just slowly enough so that nobody else could see, Remus nodded.
Yes, he was definitely going to skip that next lesson. Who needs potions class anyway? No, as soon as McGonagall would finish he would grab his backpack and Sirius’ would grab his and they’d just run outside together.
Together, after so long. Would it all work out, Remus asked himself. Would they both be forgiving and talk it all out. What if not? But right now, that didn’t matter. All that mattered to Remus in that exact moment was that any minute now they’d walk out together.
Together… wasn’t that a beautiful word?
@of-stars-and-moon @todays-quote @wewhohavefailed @dude-bro-tm @siriuslyxblack @remus-la-swearwolf @wolfstar-matriarch @nerdyqueerfangirl @kierabee123 @knduniverse @queenofhellish @meandminniemcg @fayerye (they’re not that sad this time i guess so i hope i’m slowly making it up to you :) ) @flawlessflatline @therealhmmlingle @blackwolfofhogwarts @jencala @rjpea @a-queer-kids-blog @maraudersvs @seriouslyblacklikemysoul @rosielupin @rosielupin @padfootlupinblack @wynd27  @full-moon-008
If I tagged anyone who doesn’t want to be tagged anymore for whatever reason please tell me so I don’t want to bother you. 
If I didn’t tag you and you want to be tagged in future fanfictions of mine or only the “don’t forget about this” ones then you can tell me so in the comments. 
(I hope you enjoyed it, I really put a lot of work into it because it was requested so much. (I have like a thousand drafts on my laptop because they were never good enough and I still don’t think this one is but I guess I finally had to post a part three...) I have been way too busy to write lately but I missed it so much and I loved working on that one so thanks to all of you for keeping me motivated and asking for it all the time. 
Thanks in advance for every reblog and comment. Your nice words always make me really happy!)
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stonecoldhedwig · 5 years
A new chapter of Mosaic (finally), specially for the birthday of the lovely @jencala! A birthday BJ, a party hat in an inappropriate place, you know the drill. 
A sneak peak: 
“What the fuck are you wearing?”
“What does it look like I’m wearing?”
“A party hat… but very much not on your head.”
“Well, it’s on one kind of head, isn’t it?” Sirius winked. He was standing in the doorway of their bedroom, the early morning light flooding through the windows promising a beautiful spring day. His hair was pulled back from his face, his days-old beard crinkled as he offered Remus a wide, self-confident smile.
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Death, and Other Origin Stories is underway with chapter 2 having been posted today.
Come let us know what you think!
“Remus had to cover Sirius’s mouth with his hand to stop him from laughing out loud after he Remus had accidentally stood on the edge of the cloak, nearly pulling it off them both. Once Slughorn was out of sight, Sirius licked Remus’s hand, who pulled it away in disgust, wiping it on his trousers and muttering, “Ugh! Sirius! Gross! For the love of Godric.” while Sirius sniggered and started off down the hall.
Gaining the cold air of the dark night beyond the great oak doors, Remus breathed deeply for the first time since they had left the towers. The frigid air stung the inside of his nose and a fresh scar, still scabby and cracked, one that curved around up his left nostril, tightened uncomfortably.
They marched through a light dusting of frosty snow on the ground, past Hagrid’s and down to the edge of the lake. Sirius pulled the cloak off of them and stuffed it into his robes before crouching down and picking up a stone, tossing it artfully at the dark waters. It skipped three times before a large lazy tentacle broke the surface and grabbed the stone, retreating into the rippling water slowly, like a reprimand.
Remus smiled. The action pulled at the scab by his nose, reaching across his cheek to under his eye. In the cold night air, it tightened further and cracked. He winced, making it worse. His fingers came up to touch the place where it began to bleed and he swore under his breath. Sirius turned to regard him with a careful expression.
He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to Remus who thanked him awkwardly. He dabbed the blood away, his embarrassed sigh curling in mist before his face.
“You ever going to tell me where you’re really getting those scars from? You have new ones every time you come back from seeing your mum.” Sirius’s voice was quiet but steady. Knowing.
Remus looked up to catch his gaze, feeling far too exposed. But, he too, had seen the scratches and old scars that peppered Sirius’s skin; when they changed in the morning and evenings, when they passed each other in the communal showers, when he let his guard down. Poorly healed wounds that Sirius worked hard to cover. Sad stories told on his skin.
“Are you?” Remus retorted, not unkindly.
Sirius stared at him for a long moment. Eyes soft, but uncertain. Thinking. Eventually he stooped down to pick up another rock, breaking the intensity of the moment.
Touché.” He said, and tossed it into the still water.”
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aaveafanfics · 1 year
La familia no la hace la sangre, el fanfic.
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Pareja: WolfStar
Idioma: Inglés (Usa traductor de Chrome).
Categoría: Rewritte/What if.
Sinópsis por mi: Sirius Black compró una librería, contrató a Remus Lupin tras darse cuenta de que era asqueroso para el servicio al cliente, ¿pero, por qué? Para poder cuidar a Harry Potter, su ahijado, el cual estaba siendo criado por molestos y odiosos Muggles. Robar a Harry Potter será una cosa peligroso, pero la mejor decisión que Sirius jamás pudo haber tomado.
Calificación: 💙💙💙💙💙👑
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Estoy enamorado. Y Draco Malfoy no aparece en esta historia.
Tengo mucho de lo que hablar en este momento, pasan muchas cosas en esos 11 capítulos, no por nada son casi 100.000 palabras. Para ser justos, me gustó todo, no puedo pensar en nada que haya sido malo o mediocre, no puedo recordar nada malo, solo una sensación constante de emoción, diversión, ternura (porque Harry hace que todo sea adorable), desesperación, miedo y alivio.
Todas las relaciones en la historia son hermosas; la familiaridad con la que todos se tratan, el cariño en actos pequeños, la fidelidad y el apoyo, dando a entender que de alguna forma, todos son parte de una gran familia extendida.
Amé a Remus Lupin.
Amé a Severus Snape.
Amé a Nymphadora, aunque fuera una secundaria.
Pero sobre todo, adoré con todo mi corazón al pequeño Harry, no hubo ni un solo momento en el libro en donde no quisiera piñizcar y besar las adorables mejillas de Harry.
Estuve demasiado metido en la historia, no quería hacer más que leer y leer, quería saber que sucedería con Remus y Sirius, quería saber como Harry se adaptaba a su nueva y gran familia, moría por leer cómo poco a poco más y más personas se agregaban a la amada familia de Harry.
Disfruté cada momento, a excepción de ciertas partes R18.
Super hiper mega recomendado.
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yumenouveau · 5 years
New Christmas Wolfstar fic! Modern AU with photographer Remus and Bartender Sirius, hope you enjoy!
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girlwithacrown · 5 years
a wolfstar dialog
My second fanfic ... no warnings, nothing to explicit.
Remus? Are you awake?
Bloody good eyes of yours.. can I sleep in your bed? James is snorring my ears off.
Why don't you sleep in your bed then?
I had a nightmare.
You are 16 years old.
It was a bad one.
*sighs* Ok then.
Where is your blanket?
Didn't bring it.
Wtf your toes are icy!
You are always so warm.
Wolf's blood - you know.
Still reading.
What are you reading?
*sighs* nothing you would like. Muggle romance stuff. One of Lilys.
I like romance.
Snogging all the girl is not romance.
That's just because I fancy someone else.
(Still reading and just asking because he wants Sirius to shut up) so who is the lucky girl?
Well, brown eyes.
Curly hair.
Gryffindor genius.
Not really a girl.
Are you listening?
No. ... What?
My fingers are cold.
Remus sitting up to take Sirius hands and blows into them.
Sirius actually blushing in the dark.
I think you might get sick. Your heart is racing.
I think that might be just being so close.
Remus putting his book down and lying down.
Sirius putting his hands around Remus upper body.
Sirius, you know I have a boyfriend.
I know.
You know that you are straight?
We are best friends.
This can't happen out of curiosity.
Mhm. ... ask me what my nightmare was about?
What was your nightmare about?
Ever since you came out to us .. I never thought about it but now ... I think I might have always fancied .. you.
Silence (except for James' snorring)
Remus shifting and Sirius holding faster onto him, afraid he is moving away from him.
Yes, Pads.
Can you break up with your stupid, boring rawenclaw boyfriend and be mine instead?
Sorry i can't.
Because .. we broke up one week ago.
Now Sirius is sitting up surprised.
Why didn't you tell us?
Because ... You would have asked why and I promised never to hidde anything from you again.
Is there someone else?
No, there has always been only the one.
So why did you break up?
He wasn't the one.
Sirius again resting against Remus' shoulder - his hands under the covers searching the warmth of the others scarred body.
So, you are single now?
And utterly in love with my best friend since he started growing his hair out and being an absolute gorgeous wizard?
*gasping* James?
Don't tell him.
Are you serious?
No you are Sirius. ... Ouch that hurt.
You are unbelievable. And a liar, no one sharing a bathroom with Potter could fall in love with him.
Remus?.... If you don't stop stroking my back in this very second I will have to kiss you.
If your hands wander any more down it will not end at kissing.
Both stop their hands movement.
It's not out of curiosity... not really.
What do you mean by "not really"?
I think I am just curious how it would be to spend the rest of my life with you.
Oh godric, Pads, we did not even make out and you fantasies about marrying me.
That must be the romantic within
me. ... can you stroke my back again?
*sighs but obliges*
Sirius shifting his leg over Remus'.
Oh my.. Remus how can you stay so calm?
I have all the restraint you are lacking, obviously.
What about when I kiss your neck? Just like this?
This works fine for me.
What if I kiss your cheek? Just like this?
I can't see why this is a problem.
What about a proper kiss?
What about I sit on top of you and snogg you so bad that your lips will still be bruised at breakfast?
That can only be expected from my future husband.
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picascribit · 3 years
If anyone is curious to explore the history of the wolfstar corner of the HP fandom, I feel like there are few better resources than the remusxsirius livejournal. The community was founded 18 years ago, in March 2003, before the publication of OotP, and contains tons of fanfic, fanart, gifs, memes, speculation, and meta. It has been inactive for a few years now, but was once a vibrant fandom community. It was the place a lot of us met other wolfstar shippers and made lifelong friends back in the day.
June 2003: the month OotP was released.
June 2004: the month the PoA movie was released.
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