Confuser Pride Flag
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Confuser: someone who confuses other people about one's identity (such as orientation or gender); or someone who feels like "whatever" about their own identity. A quoispec term.
This is meant for those who feel euphoria/joyfulness or comfort in other people's confusion about their identity, but can be also reclaimed by anyone else who likes the concept. Based on this post.
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imoga-pride · 1 year
Hiya! So I have com to the conclusion I am both ace spec and aro spec. But I'm having trouble figuring out where? Like for romantic (I'll start there) I don't even know what that feels like. I asked friends (who are alloromantic), what that type of attraction feels like and they said that you wanna marry that person, and live with them, and wanna be around them, but like. To me that sounds like friends? Like stuff I would do as friends? I'm a firm believer that action doesn't equal attraction, but is wanting those actions with someone what they mean? Like can't I do that as a friend? I feel queerplatonic (I thinks?) But I dunno. The way I see it is like for my friends (one which I've dated), they are all vials, with the same liquid, just different levels? I don't feel a different way, just stronger. And sometimes that fades, and sometimes it stays the same if I enter a relationship. And I'm fluxual with my desires for those actions. So I'm completely lost. And then sexual, I've always never really been into it, I mean I have a high libido, but (especially this past couple of years), I've found that when I ya know do stuff, I just kinda wanna get it over with, even if I initiate. I wanna get the job done, then do something else. Sometimes I even just feel like I panic and wanna stop completely. I've never felt like someone was sexy (pretty maybe, or attractive), and I have gone long spans with being just with myself, which apparently is foreign in modern day society (not dissing just seems like I'm the odd ball). Help please if possible?
You could be quoiromantic, I believe quoiro encompasses these experiences. Or idemromantic/platoniromantic, arospike/aroflux, amicusromantic. While for libido, I know of hyperlibidoist as an identifier. I can't tell what you're describing here as sexual.
Sometimes I feel orientationless or voidsexual, I only know I fluctuate sometimes and can be seen pinpointed at a gray area. There probably are some labels that could fit and I'm not remembering.
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crowdsourcedgender · 12 days
My zine, 'Label Coining as an Artform', is finally done! Transcript/Image ID underneath (warning: it's long). Printed version in a reblog.
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[Image ID: A series of pages in a zine. The text is handwritten, and all figures described are simplified stick figures.
Page 1: ‘LABEL COINING as an ARTFORM in large text. Below is the multicolored MOGAI wheel, with three figures taking pieces of the colors and using them for art: sculpting, cutting a piece of paper, and painting. Below is ‘a MOGAI (& LIOM!) zine by Elliot/Hesper aka @ crowdsourcedgender on tumblr. Under the text are five pride flags: aro-spec, veldian, alterhuman, xenoman, and schooldoodlic.
Page 2: ‘Label Coining’ in large pink text. ‘(in this context) is the act of creating a word (and usually flag) for a certain experience!’. Next to this text is a figure filled in with pink with a speech bubble full of pink shapes, talking to someone using a cane holding out a hand and expressing a question mark. Below reads ‘generally a queer experience, but does often include or incorporate disability, neurodivergence etc.’ A figure asks ‘Why?’ and the text reads ‘I would say these are the ‘core tenets’:’. In a cloud next to this text is a blue and purple pride flag with purple text reading: ‘like this cool prosopagnosia flag I made!’.
The bottom half of the page is split into two columns: ‘Understanding’ and ‘Community’. The first column has a purple arm amputee explaining a purple rectangle to another purple person who is thinking ‘that’s me!!’. Next to them another purple person is explaining the same rectangle to a blank person, who has a purple-filled thought bubble with a white exclamation mark. Underneath the drawing is text surrounded by question marks: ‘Labels help people understand what they are experiencing, and communicate this to others. It’s easier to explain something when it’s already been written down!” The second column has a purple person holding a purple umbrella. They are waving to a purple person in a wheelchair. A purple person is leading another one to the group. Underneath the drawing is text surrounded by connected dots: ‘People can unite under a shared label whether this group is big or small! Whether for practical purposes (like advice) or just for fun, having people like you is nice.
Page 3: ‘And these are just as important as ever! But I’ve noticed what I like to call COINING for the sake of CREATION’. This last phrase is in large, dark and light blue text. Two sun symbols are on either side. Below is the text: ‘Vexillology is very clearly an artform, but label coining has become something more (not to mention that not all new labels have flags!). It’s composed of multiple skills has become more than the sum of its parts. Any art captures an experience, but label coining is much more explicit about it. And not just people’s experience of their identity! Part of the art of label coining is incorporating other concepts too, e.g. Schooldoodlic A gender related to doodling on school work papers and/or your homework. By spirits-gender-coining on Tumblr.’ The text about Schooldoodlic is small and light teal. Next to the text is its flag.
Page 4: ‘Elements of Label Coining’. The text on this page is separated into four green boxes.
‘Naming: Coming up with the actual word can be tricky. Generally, labels with lots of elements get more leeway with length. It’s important to check that a label isn’t already a word as well.’ Next to this text is more rough, dark green text reading ‘Premade suffixes + prefixes help! And latin (for some languages) as it’s possible to intuit meaning!’ Around the text is a few examples: ‘-vesil’ ‘-musica’ ‘an-’ ‘quoi-’
‘Flag making: Also known as vexillology, this is a pretty big deal. It’s also the most fun for me! You develop a really good sense of color from spending so much recoloring the same three stripes.’ Next to the text is 6 versions of the same pride flag, each with slightly different colors, with a 7th final version with a symbol.
‘Symbol making: Most flags don’t have symbols, but they’re good for groups of labels under a certain umbrella, or just if you have a really good idea.’ Next to this is rough, dark green text reading: ‘I drew three semirealistic flowers for a flag and ended up only using one’ with sad face. Under it is a drawing of a daisy, a pink coneflower, and lavender, which is circled.
‘Descriptions/formatting: Explanations can be artistic in their own right, and formatting is fun to mess with: many people have their own style. Make sure it’s accessible: add image IDs and plain text where applicable. There are a lot of good resources online!’ In dark green text is the phrase ‘Accessibility over Aesthetics’ with an image of a key on top and sparkles below.
Underneath the boxes in light green text is ‘Note: in the right context, any of these can be optional!’
Page 5: ‘If it wasn’t clear, I think this is AWESOME’. Awesome is in large text with yellow radiating lines. Underneath is ‘I’m a MOGAI coiner myself (generally) with about 65 coins at time of drawing. Using something I made, I wanted to demonstrate what a label coining might look like!’ Underneath is four versions of the same pride flag as well as a description, with ‘flag!’ ‘stripe meanings (I don’t normally do these)’ ‘symbol’ ‘name’ ‘pre-existing format’ and ‘experience’ labelled. The description reads ‘[Image ID was here] Human non-conforming (HNC). Human non-conforming (HNC, similar to gender non-conforming) is an umbrella label encompassing all identities and subcultures that somehow incorporate nonhuman elements in any way.’
Page 6: ‘The thing I love most about the label coining community is just that- the community! The way coiners and users interact, as well as how coiners can work together, is wonderful. There are 5 large words each with an associated doodle.
‘Requesting’: A figure leaning on forearm crutches has a speech bubble with yellow shapes exploding out of it. Another figure is taking shapes down from the bubble and forming it into a ball.
‘Collecting’: A figure is pulling a yellow cart with a large cloth bag labelled ‘LABELS’. They have stars in their eyes, and are looking at another person who is gesturing to a yellow rectangle.
‘Collaborating’: Two figures, one with orange speech and one with yellow speech and an AAC tablet are discussing, with many shapes and lines intermingling to make a fragmented rectangle.
‘Combining’: A figure in a grey hijab pulls down a lever. They are standing next to a large blender mixing orange and yellow liquids. On either side is bright yellow lightning.
‘Redesiging’: A small star with four radial lines coming out of it becomes more and more complex, indicated by black arrows.
Under the words is the text: ‘I’ve never participated, but there’s this amazing event called: COINFIGHT. Hosted by @ kiruliom on Tumblr. It’s inspired by artfight, and it involves coining labels for other people- but competitive-ish!’ Coinfight is in large, text with a crescent moon with stars at the top right corner, and a star at the bottom left.
Page 7: ‘I don’t think there’s anything like finding a label that finally fits you, or hearing that something you made did that for someone else.’ Under is a figure looking at an orange flower with light lines, then forming elements of the flower into a bubble, then showing an orange rectangle to another figure, with orange tendrils reaching towards them, forming the shape of a heart. Below is the text ‘There are a lot of things like pouring out your heart- or just having fun- while making or collecting label. I coin in the same mind I sketch and color and shade.’ On each side is a pen drawing an orange figure with a red shirt, and a tablet with an orange and red flag. Under this is ‘Label coining is an artform both like and unlike any other, and I’m proud to participate in it. I hope that if you want to, you can join me. And if that’s not your thing- thanks for reading!’ There is a drawing of a figure with dark grey wings holding up two fingers. Next is a ‘<2’ heart and ‘elliot’ as a signature. In smaller text next to these is ‘Thank you to the creators whose work is featured in this zine! Credit on the next page. Remember to keep this wonderful community and artform accessible to all!’
Page 8: ‘Credit’: This section has a pride flag next to each label. ‘Aromantic-spectum, @ theflagarchive on Tumblr. Turian, @ kenochoric on Tumblr. Schooldoodlic, @ spirits-gender-coining on Tumblr. Xenoman, @ ryanyflags on Tumblr. MOGAI symbol, Kautr Wikimedia Commons. Alterhuman, @ vaestra on Tumblr. (the flag on pg. 4 is Wildflowergender). ‘About making this zine’: ‘I really, really regret handwriting this. Drawing over Helvetica Neue for so long might change my actual handwriting, [more rough:] which looks like this! According to Artstudio Pro, I took 14 hours! I barely planned this before starting, the color wheel theme and the people doodles. /End ID]
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quoicultureis · 4 months
happy aro week to quoiros who consider their quoiromanticism to be aro-spec, and happy aro week to any other aro quoi!
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neopronouns · 3 months
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flag id: three flags with 5 stripes. the left flag's stripes are yellow-green, golden yellow, dark purple-grey, faded pink, and dark pink. the middle flag's stripes are soft purple, light sky blue, dark green-grey, pinkish-red, and dark pinkish-red. the right flag's stripes are red-orange, light seafoam green, dark brown-grey, pinkish-red, and dark pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
aron't | acen't | aroacen't
aron't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not aromantic
acen't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not asexual
aroacen't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not aromantic asexual
[pt: aron't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not asexual
acen't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not aromantic
aroacen't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not aromantic asexual. end pt]
for anon! similar to transn't not just referring to cis folks, these terms don't just refer to allo(spec) folks. i took inspiration from inverted versions of the aromantic/asexual/aroace flags and from the absromantic/abssexual/absrose, orchidromantic/ orchidsexual/orchidaroace, allorospec/allosespec, and quoi- flags (though these aren't the only possible aron't/acen't/aroacen't experiences!)
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @orientation-archive, @narcette, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai | dni link
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entropy-sea-system · 9 months
Redefining Nebularomantic to be more open-ended as a label, like its Nebulasexual counterpart
Nebula- as a label was meant to be quoi- but specific to people who feel their neurodivergence and/or (action/attraction type)-related intrusive thoughts influences the respective orientation for them.
If you look at the nebulasexual label it is defined broadly, just as I described in the above paragraph. However, the term nebularomantic has almost always been defined only as "cannot distinguish between platonic and romantic attraction because of neurodivergence" unfortunately.
Now there are generally a few problems with equating platoniromantic with quoiromantic:
Quoiromantic is an umbrella term with many definitions it can include. It generally includes any difficulty in comprehending or fully understanding an attraction or relationship type. Platoniro definitely is included in this but it is inaccurate to define quoiro as only platoniromantic and it disrespects the broader definition of quoi- that the coiner intended
It assumes that we all have a connection to platonicism and understand the concept of "platonic" well. Not all quoiros use the arospec label and some are more alloromantic-spec aligned but there is an assumption that arospecs must have a huge connection to platonicism (due to platonormativity) which undoubtedly sidelines those of us who don't (aplatonics and plato averse or repulsed people mainly)
It implies that you cannot confuse other attractions with romantic if this is the only way quoi- gets (mis)defined
Anyways, seeing as how the nebulasexual label functions as "quoisexual if orientation influenced by being nd and/or having sexual intrusive thoughts", it is very reductive to make the romantic orientation of nebula- spectrum mean only "platoniromantic and neurodivergent"
For those reasons I am now redefining Nebularomantic as follows:
Nebularomantic: Being unsure whether one experiences romantic attraction, being unable to fully understand romantic attraction, or otherwise identifying as quoiromantic or similar experiences, and this being influenced by one's neurodivergence and/or having intrusive thoughts about romance
The main reason I am doing this is because I'm an apothiplatonic sexuromantic who is quoiromantic and does not want people like me to be excluded from the label of nebularomantic. I also want arospec and adjacent terms to be defined properly, instead of being forcibly made to involve platonicism, despite the other orientation types' counterparts of the term not even specifying confusion with ANOTHER attraction type (while still including it under the term if one wishes to id w it for that reason).
This very much means people who fit the older definition of nebularo are still nebularo !! Just that it will no longer be the ONLY way to be nebularomantic because there was no necessity for that label to be that specific to begin with, especially compared to the usage of it in the acespec adjacent version (nebulasexual).
Additionally if anyone wants to coin another term that specifically ONLY means "platoniromantic and orientation influenced by one's neurodivergence" you definitely can. I think that can be a useful label for some people if they want it. (I might coin one like that for sexuromantic myself at some point)
Additionally at one point I will coin a term 'Nimbusromantic' which is explicitly inclusive of nebularomantics who do not experience platonic attraction and/or don't feel a connection to platonicism thus don't relate to the older definition of nebularomantic.
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super-ace · 2 months
After I talked to the person I'm in a QPR with about how I'm just realising now that all the romantic and sexual "feelings" I felt in the past were all fabricated for the other person and not for myself. I've come to realise that I myself am a-spec (more quoi leaning atm).
However sometimes I catch myself thinking more sensual things about them and I don't know what to do with the thoughts, like yeah I want them to pin me against a wall and kiss me gently, but not I a romantic or sexual way, if that makes any sense.
Being a human is hard.
(also sorry if I'm using this feature wrong, I'm kinda new to tumblr and trying to figure it all out.)
Sorry I’ve only just seen this!
From what I gather from QPRs they can be whatever you both/all want them to be. This is going to sound cliché but all I can suggest is communicate what you want with your person and what different forms of intimacy mean to you and go from there.
Hope this helps!
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i don't have that common aspec experience of picking a person to have a crush on in school, but i have a similar experience i thought i'd throw out there and see who relates
i never picked a person to have a crush on, but i could choose who not to have feelings for. they're already in a relationship or don't swing this way? not an option then and i'd just lock them out as one somehow. it took me so long to understand that people do genuinely have trouble with having feelings for people who are taken or issues of incompatible orientation. i'm gray/quoi aroace if that helps for context
and admin, love and appreciate what you do with the blog. deeply grateful for an inclusive space for aspec peeps :)
I have definitely heard of other a-spec people who could turn off their attraction when they wanted to or when the other person wasn't someone they wanted to be attracted to.
I'm going to throw this out to followers, does anyone have any similar experiences they want to share?
All the best, Anon! And thanks!
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lonely-darksun · 4 months
✦ Hey there. call me alexx (damian, allistar, felix, az/azrael, and darksun all also work)
heres a little get to know me:
☾ pronouns: he/they/fae/it (most basic pronouns)
☾ most preffered neopronouns: void/rot/sin/that/fall/hollow/hallow/ abyss/abyssal
☾ gender: trans masc, neoboy, xenogender
☾ sexuality: i'm bi/uranic, diamoric, ambiamorous, and ace/aro but technically i'm cupio/quoi
☾ kin types: black Alexander archipelago wolf, spotted hyena, crow, raven, vampire, fae, demon, void, night, moon, space, storm (specifically lightning/thunder and rain), dragon, angel/divine/god???, and possibly some kind of nature kin, nightmare kin, and even something that's boney and dirty but in a eldritch way.
fun facts about me:
☾ im a pagan witch (specifically Im a Norse/Hellenic polytheist mainly, and a ecclectic witch), im alternative mostly emo leaning, my favorite animal is wolves, I use tone tags sometimes, and im in love with rainy/cold weather.
☾ hobbies include: dancing, writing (both prose and poetry), singing, acting, drawing, reading, and being chronically online.
☾ Warning: i am an extremely chaotic person and some things that may be posted could be...intreseting.
☾ Also, I probably have autism and or ADHD, so that too.
⋆☀︎. Link to my pronouns page:
⋆☀︎. Link to my Wattpad:
Link to my other pronouns page:
☾ DNI: Basic criteria, homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, z00philes, against therians, anti- neo-pronoun users, anti- xeno-gender users, radqueers, proship, etc. etc. (edited it because I realized that it may be unclear lmao)
☾ Tags!
darksuns reblogs- self explainitory. things I'm rebloging
darksuns sins- poetry/writing things
darksuns stars- alterhuman/otherkin/nonhuman/therian
darksuns sparks- is something a post I made that's not about the above
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sapphicriv · 11 months
Aroace source links
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
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Happy ace awareness week! I made a drawing of my ace-spec OCs! I have them each listed below
Ok so, from the top of the right top corner, clockwise:
Carrie (she/her), aroace
Chamberlain (or just Lain) (he/him), ace
Merell (she/her), grey-omni + ace
M0u5e (he/she/it), pan ace
Spire (they/them), bi ace
Mr. Bland (he/him), polyro + demi
Minus!Koko (they/them), aroace
Hanna (she/her), aro + quoi
Tommy (he/she), aroace
Ryōshi (he/him), pan ace
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fleabittenflags · 7 days
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[Image Description: Two pride flags of identical structure. The flags have six stripes of equal width, which are, from top to bottom, deep orange, pale yellow, lime green, cyan, pale baby blue, navy blue. The flag to the right has a large question mark symbol in the center. The question mark is the same navy blue as the bottom stripe, and is outlined in an off-white color. End ID.]
Puzzle aroace - A term for someone who is both quoiromantic quoisexual (quoirose) and on the aroace spectrum; a quoirose aroace(spec) combination identity
Made this for myself! I chose to call it ‘puzzle aroace’ since ‘quoi aroace’ is already used as a synonym for quoirose and puzzles make me think of confusing, complicated things - like the quoi- umbrella!
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lime2342-creations · 23 days
Ecstatic Attraction
When you don't nessarily know what attraction you feel/experience, whether that be constant or not, but you do know you're ecstatic or enraptured.
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[Image description: Two flags, both with six stripes in order colored: black, grey, white, yellow, green, and cyan. The second flag has an emoji which is blushing, hands by their face, and has two hearts.]
Stripe Meanings:
Black/grey/white is to repersent a-spec
Yellow is related to joy
Green/cyan is from the quoi- flag
emoji credit by @quackmojis
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quoicultureis · 8 months
quoi culture is being tired of a-(spec) vs allo binaries.
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englishindubellay · 4 months
THE or no THE ??
La faim est le problème principal dans le monde aujourd'hui, a dit Rosalie. Elle a raison. (un fléau, mourir de faim, une disette, une pénurie, un manque, faire pousser des céréales, des OGM, bio carburants, du soja, du blé, I could eat a horse)
Les USA veulent normaliser leur relation avec l'Iran d'après Tilian Il sait de quoi il parle. (the Foreign Office, David Cameron, the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, un étranger, un inconnu, un accord)
La France exporte du blé et importe du pétrole, c'est Antoine qui me l'a dit. (des marchandises, délocaliser, expédier, livrer, passer à la douane, trade tariffs, un déficit commercial)
Les oeillets sont les fleurs qu’Edwin aime le mieux. Quel gars romantique ! (a poppy, Poppy Day, daffodils, a forgetmenot, a lily of the valley, a lily, un bouquet, fleuri, ça, c'est le bouquet !)
L'homme a dompté le cheval il y a bien longtemps m'a dit Mahaut qui, soit dit en passant, est une très bonne cavalière. (to fall off, monter à cheval, une selle, un cheval de course, une course de chevaux, une jument, un poulain, a stud, a horse-shoe, a horse-woman, a steed, to saddle up)
Julie pense que les riches ne devraient pas mépriser les pauvres. Je suis complètement d'accord. (la répartition des richesses, combler un fossé, les nantis, les SDF, to sleep rough)
Axelle m'a raconté que la reine Elisabeth, qui était la cheffe du Royaume-Uni, voyageait sur le Queen Elizabeth. (a liner, a deck, to set sail, a mast, un matelot, faire de la voile, to sail across the Channel, to ship goods abroad)
Sara pense que l'arabe et le chinois sont les langues les plus difficiles du monde. (se débrouiller en Italien, apprendre par coeur, une langue maternelle, un pays anglophone)
La dernière fois que j'ai vu Quitterie, c'était la semaine dernière. Elle me manque. (tomber amoureux, to fall out of love with, rompre, a love affair, to have an affair with, to have a crush on someone, it was love at first sight, unrequited love)
La plupart des jeunes aiment la musique et l'alcool selon Estéban Je ne suis pas d'accord. (la biture expresse, to down a vodka, brandy, port, booze, BYOB, a drunkard, un demi-litre)
Ophélie m'a raconté qu'il y a un an, elle a visité le palais de Buckingham, le château de Windsor, le pont de la Tour, les Maisons du Parlement et la Tour de Londres Mais a-t-elle pris le thé avec le Roi ? Je ne crois pas. (to go sight-seeing, to take a tour, un voyagiste, une agence de voyage, réserver en ligne, annuler, are you well-travelled ?)
Gautier trouve que rien n'est fait pour les sourds, les aveugles et les muets. Pourquoi n'écrit-il pas au Président de la République ? (the disabled, a wheelchair, to be hard of hearing, sign language, to have a stutter, specs, to be colour blind)
Allons au cinéma, a dit Lucas. Nous pourrions voir l'histoire du Roi Georges VI, le père de feu la Reine Elisabeth. Ca s'appelle The King's Speech. (la monarchie, the Royals, to reign, to rule, être bègue, the King reigns but does not rule)
Saviez-vous que Mathurin jouait du piano, de la guitare et de la batterie ? Il donnera un concert prochainement. Réservez vite vos billets ! (complet, a venue, une représentation, le public, to boo, to cheer, to clap, applause, une ovation debout, to encore)
Les parents de Martin travaillent dans l'éducation ou dans la santé. Je ne me souviens plus de ce qu'il m'a dit. (a carer, un travailleur social, the NHS, l'Etat nounou, subventioner, to live on benefits, to be on the dole)
Le taux de chômage n'a pas monté en flèche car il y a eu un plan de relance, m'a expliqué Jade. Tu peux lui faire confiance, elle est bonne en économie. (le plein emploi, les 30 glorieuses, a slump, a recovery, double digit inflation, the cost of living crisis)
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kaplisbelial · 2 years
Hello! If you're aromantic or aro-spec, I would ask that you take this survey. I'm collecting data on our community for a project.
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