#previous smut
Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 27
“Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking, memory loss.
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26
Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease @unlucky-number-13 @bitchassbecky691 @georges-left-ear
Eir was an imposing looking woman. Easily over six feet tall and crowned with a cap of snow white hair over steel grey eyebrows, she looked more like a general than a healer and tended to run her medical team accordingly. Loki had always had a great deal of respect for her, but he also found himself unaccountably ill at ease in her presence.
They were seated in his mother's study having gathered to discuss, much to his irritation, Loki's condition. Eir was the last to arrive, entering with the air of one barely humoring her inferiors. This look was lessened slightly as she nodded deferentially to Frigga but returned in double intensity as her eyes swung to Loki and Caroline.
"Thank you, gracious Eir, for agreeing to meet with us at this late hour," Frigga said, indicating a high-backed chair similar to the one in which she sat.
"When the AllMother calls, it is our duty to answer," she replied, sitting bolt straight in the chair, back not touching the carved wood. "The young Prince looks to be healing nicely from his wounds. I sense no lasting cellular deterioration beyond the elasticity which he always has possessed."
Her words were clipped, spoken in a deep, resonant voice. It was all Loki could do to keep himself from slipping back into the posture of the boy saw him as, slouching down to draw less attention to himself. To say the healing goddess had intimidated Loki, Thor, and their friends would hardly be stretching the truth.
"Indeed, his injury seems to be well on the mend," Frigga smiled.
"Pardon me, dear ladies. Do you think you might consider talking to me? I am in the room after all,” Loki asked with a look of false courtesy plastered on his face. His self respect, after all, would not allow them to completely send him scurrying back to the school room.
"Loki, behave yourself," Frigga chastised him gently, causing his eyes to roll.
"You see, they treat me as a child," he complained to Caroline who gave him a small smile of commiseration.
"That is what you are, comparatively," Eir said, though no intended offense was detectible in her voice. "I had lived two lives before you were even born."
"I must be an infant then," Caroline said weakly.
It was a valiant attempt, and he admired her for finding her voice among such imposing women, but Eir was ancient even by Asgardian standards.
"Less than that," the healer turned her ice grey eyes on Caroline. "You are the blink of an eye, a wave on the shore. Here now, but soon gone with barely a trace to show you existed at all."
Sitting close to her on the sofa, Loki could not help but feel the wince that Caroline tried to hide from the room. Knowing what a slap that sentence would be, squeezed her hand in support. To Hel with Eir and her superior manner. Caroline deserved better.
"Dr. Thorpe has made more of an impact on me in the past month than all the population of the Citadel of Asgard did in my entire life," Loki defended Caroline, glaring at the woman who had saved his life.
"Has she? May I ask in what way? I am curious about the lasting effects of Midgardian exposure."
To left, Caroline smothered a laugh. Alarmed at first that something was wrong with her - a reaction to all of stress he had put her through would not be out of place - he belated realized with surprise that her humor was genuine. Something clicked inside Loki's brain. Caroline had looked at Eir, a Goddess who terrified most of Asgard, and realized the truth of her. The woman was not trying to be rude or offensive, not a bit. She simply looked at the world in through a scientific lens rather than an emotional one. Eir was legitimately intrigued by their connection. She would probably like to take Loki and Caroline's clasped hands and study them under a microscope.
"Well, young prince?" Eir prodded again. "What changes did the Midgardian girl make on you?"
"Well, that is just the problem," Loki sighed with a rueful smile. "I don't seem to remember."
"The spell we wove, clouding the disruptive memories," Frigga jumped in to explain. "It seems we obscured more than we intended."
"Ah. I see. The brain is a complicated piece of machinery, and we were pressed for time, if you recall. Had he woken up again and continued to fight his recovery, he may not have had enough energy left to heal."
"I do recall," Frigga's voice trembled a bit at the memory. "I am not reprimanding you, or myself, Eir."
"I should hope not. How much time has he lost?"
"A year or more," Loki answered for himself, the barest trace of annoyance in his tone, even though Eir looked at his mother. "I have no firm recollection of anything between Thor's would-be coronation and waking up in the infirmary."
"Well, a year is hardly so great a matter. It may come back eventually. Or not. It is difficult to say."
"It was a rather significant year," Frigga put a slight emphasis on her words that added to Loki's misgivings.
"Meeting a Midgardian woman hardly seems significant to me."
"And your opinion of it seems even less so to me," Loki snarled. Quirk of nature or not, he would not allow anyone to disrespect Caroline.
"Loki," Frigga admonished with a glance. "As much as I am sure Dr. Thorpe was important to my son, there were other things that transpired that may hold more wide scale significance."
Ah yes, the mysterious other things. Loki stole looks at his mother and the healer under lowered lids. What was it that had them all so on edge? He knew from what Thor and his idiot friends had let slip that he had committed some errors in judgement in regard to Midgard, but instinct told him that this was not the extent of his actions. Torture had been alluded to, as well as some sort of break down. The more he heard of his lost year, the more anxious it made him.
"Frigga, have you seen Thor? Ah, Eir, what brings you here this time of night?"
The door to the study slammed open and a man strode in. Considering he had entered without so much as a knock or a by your leave, there was only one person this could be. Not that Loki needed to know that to recognize his father.
Odin was huge, not just in stature, but in presence. Burly in a similar manner to Thor, if perhaps not in such dramatically fit shape, his presence made the room feel as though it had shrunk to half the size. His hair was mixture of white and grey, with a few dark strands showing the color it once had been. One eye hid behind a golden eyepatch, permanently affixed to his face, but the other shrewd orb seemed to hold a stormy sky tossing in its depths. A similar storm surrounded him, it always seemed to Loki. He radiated an energy that pulsed through the room, commanding all attention rest immediately on him.
"AllFather," Eir greeted Odin, nodding from where she sat. Even she sounded deferential when she spoke to Odin.
"My queen is not unwell, I trust?" Odin's eyes flicked from Eir to Frigga, concern clouding them.
"I am fine," Frigga brushed off his worry. "We are discussing Loki."
"Good evening, Father," Loki stood to acknowledge his sire, bringing Caroline to her feet with him as he was not about to drop her hand now.
"What has he done now?" Odin demanded. "You are awake, I see."
"I am. Your well wishes are much appreciated," Loki couldn't resist from adding in the last words.
"Loki has not done anything," Frigga told her irritable spouse.
"Well, there is a first time for everything," Odin said with a hard look at Loki.
"You are not being fair, father," he said with the merest hint of a smirk. "At least half of the time it was Thor's fault."
"SILENCE!" Odin shouted, causing Caroline to let out a squeak she would be relieved to know only he could hear. "Now, would someone tell me what I walked in on?"
"Loki has lost some of his memories," Frigga said, shooting Loki a look when he opened his own mouth. "It is a side effect from the spell Eir and I wove on him."
"The Princeling is missing approximately a year of time," Eir added.
"Considering how he spent that year, I would think that would be all to the better," Odin opined, making him even more uneasy about his deeds. "If he is truly innocent, or at least not culpable for his actions as you claim, then it is better to let the unpleasantness lie in the past and hope we all forget it."
"That is the worst thing you could possibly do!"
Loki heard the words ring out in Caroline's clear voice. If he could have jumped in front of her and stuffed them back in he would have. Odin's eye, dark with anger at being gainsaid, swung to pin her to the carpet like a bug in one of Eir's experiments.
"And who is this person who dares contradict me in my own palace?"
"A Midgardian woman the Prince has befriended," Eir was the first to answer in a voice that said she was impervious to the tension crackling in the room. "He claims she is important for some reason, though I have yet to discover how."
"Caroline is my consort," Loki said boldly, puffing out his chest and hoping he sounded confident.
"A Midgardian woman? Consort to a Prince of Asgard? Don't be absurd. Call one of the guards and have her escorted to a room in the servants' quarters at once. We can send her home on the morrow."
"If Caroline goes, I go," Loki was angry now, and used it find the confidence he had never had to stand up to his father head on. "I am in love with her."
"He is obviously more disturbed in the head than you led me to believe," Odin said to Frigga.
"Dr. Caroline is a brave woman who saved Loki's life. Thor told me all about it today when we went to retrieve her. Perhaps we should hear her out." Frigga defended her, surprising Loki himself with the revelation. How had Caroline managed to do that? What other secrets did this wonderful woman hold?
"Regardless, she knows nothing of these matters. Her opinion is irrelevant."
"On the contrary," Caroline countered, taking a step forward. "I know a great deal. Loki and I have spoken at length, before he lost his memories, about what he was put through. I would go as far as to say that at this moment I know more about the situation than anyone alive. What's more, I have made the study and aid of trauma victims my life's work."
Loki stared at Caroline with love and admiration as she locked eyes, or eye, with his domineering father. Few even among the other Gods would dare to stand up to the AllFather when he was in a temper, and here was a diminutive mortal doing just that. He was immensely proud of her.
"Your life's work," Odin mocked. "A child on Asgard would have studied longer."
"Yes, we have already been through the disparaging of my age," she said. "I admit that my life is short by comparison, but I believe in this one matter if nothing else my expertise should be respected."
"You talk of respect - "
"Father - "
"My love," Frigga cut through Odin's next growl and Loki's protestation. "I believe we should listen to her. Just hear her out. After all, what harm could it do? If she fails to convince us, we have lost nothing. On the other hand, if it could harm Loki or anyone else to keep his memories buried, better to find out how and deal with the problem."
Loki held his breath, waiting to see if Frigga's calm and common sense would carry the day over her husband's pride. Sometimes it did, but not always by a long shot.
"Very well," Odin agreed at last. "We will here this person out. But I warn you, my decision will be final."
"Of course," Frigga assuaged him.
Loki didn't say that regardless of what Odin decided he would stop at nothing to recover his memories, but he was fairly certain everyone in the room knew it to be true. He bit his tongue instead as his parents seated themselves in the highbacked chairs that were not quite thrones.
"Loki, you should wait outside."
Caroline spoke so softly to him that at first he thought he must have misheard her. Surely, she did not expect him to leave her to face his father's wrath without him? Did she thing him such a coward?
"I most certainly will not," he insisted.
"We need to discuss what you have been through," she said practically. "Part of my concern is about the way in which you find out what you are missing. For you to hear it baldly discussed would be particularly cruel."
"I can deal with whatever it is."
"You could, but you shouldn't have to. Please, Loki. You have been torn apart once already by this. There is no need to have it go that way again."
"Dr. Caroline is right, Loki," Frigga echoed.
"Why don't you come into the next room with me, Princeling. I will look into your brain and see if I can determine just where the edges of our spell lie, in case we want to attempt to alter it."
"I do not like this," Loki looked from one of them to the next, eyes landing last on Carolines.
"I promise she will be fine, Loki," his mother assured him. "I will look after her."
"I am not a damsel in need of rescuing, Loki. This is my job. Please, let me do it."
"I will be just next door," he said reluctantly.
"I am hardly going to harm the girl," Odin grumbled.
Ignoring his father, Loki searched Caroline's eyes one last time before sighing in defeat. She was right. If he had really shared his story with her, she was the best equipped to decide what to do. He just wished he could spare her the unpleasantness of a confrontation with his father. Leaning down, he gave her a long, lingering kiss. He had meant it as a show of loyalty for the others in the room, but the moment his lips met hers he forgot them.
"Come along boy, you have made your point," Eir interrupted.
"Call out if you need."
As Caroline nodded, eyes slightly glassy, Loki reluctantly allowed Eir to lead him from the room.
Caroline's father had warned her that someday her need to ease the emotional pain of others despite the circumstances would land her in hot water over her head. Well, it didn't get much hotter than where she was now.
The departure of Loki and Eir had left her alone in a room on an alien planet (that she wasn't even sure actually was a planet) with her lover's parents, beings of immense powers who had inspired the gods of ancient Earth societies. It was all a little daunting to say the least.
"Very well," Odin grumbled, pinning her to the spot with his one eye. "Let's get this over with. You will tell us everything that Loki said to you, leaving not out a word out."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I cannot do that," she replied automatically, taken aback by the brusque request.
"I do not understand," the God glared at her. "I thought that was the reason we were allowing you to remain."
"Perhaps you can explain what you mean, Dr. Caroline," Frigga suggested with an encouraging smile.
"Loki is - was my patient," she tried to keep her voice professional. "As such, some of the details of what we spoke about are confidential. Ethics will not permit me to share them with anyone."
"Your ethics are of no concern to me. We are dealing with the safety of whole realms."
"They may not concern you, your Majesty, but they are of great concern to me," Caroline shot back, before taking a deep breath. "I cannot tell you word for word what Loki said, but I can discuss matters in general."
"Go on," Frigga said, as her husband just glowered. "Though some of it I have pieced together. He was tortured?"
"He was. For months on end. I do not know, and I do not wish to know, all of the ways in which he was tormented, but I do know that included mental and emotional torture as well as the physical. Loki was broken down bit by bit by someone who knew exactly how turn someone's mind, a creature he referred to as The Other, in service of Thanos."
"The Mad Titan!" Odin seemed interested now. "He was involved in all of this?"
"He was," she nodded. "His children abducted Loki and he used The Other, with the help of one of the Infinity Stones, to bend Loki to his will."
"The Mind Stone," Frigga said. "Thor told us it was in the scepter Loki used in his invasion."
"The invasion was guided by Thanos through the Mind Stone," Caroline went on. "I believe Loki was fighting against it as much as he could."
"I did wonder how one I trained could be so clumsy," Odin said grudgingly. "The Mind Stone is a powerful tool."
"I have had some small experience with it. Nothing compared to what Loki endured, I was only possessed for a matter of minutes, but it was the worst thing I have ever experienced."
"You were possessed by the stone and survived with your mind intact?" Odin sounded marginally impressed.
"Only thanks to Loki. He had prepared me for what might happen, and when I could not prevent it he sacrificed himself for me. That is how he came to be injured."
She couldn't quite bring herself to confess to Loki's disapproving father that he had sacrificed himself by jumping in front of a gun and allowing her to shoot him. He already had reasons enough to dislike her.
"If what you say is true, then perhaps Loki is not to be blamed for the battle on Midgard. While I am disappointed that he would be careless enough as to fall prey to the Mad Titan, once subjected to the Mind Stone even Thor might have difficulty resisting its urges."
Caroline almost bit a hole in her tongue at that. Thor was physically strong, but compared to Loki his mind was that of a child. He would have been easy pickings for the jewel.
"I did not think the details we heard of the invasion sounded like our son," Frigga agreed with Odin, tactfully ignoring the second part of his statement.
"I still do not see the current difficulty," Odin said. "You claim to care about Loki; why would you wish him to have to remember the pain and torment you say he endured?"
"If it was only the torture and invasion he had forgotten, I might agree with you," Caroline struggled not to take offence. "But we all know there was more. The memory loss goes back further, to the day of Thor's coronation."
"What of it?" Odin crossed his arms across his chest, in a gesture Caroline had seen Loki mirror many times before.
"Loki has forgotten he is Jotun," Caroline said baldly, deciding the best way was to rip off the band aid.
"He told you, did he?" Odin's words were laced with contempt.
"He did. But even had he not, it was in his SHIELD folder that I was given at the start of our sessions. Thor apparently informed his fellow Avengers when they were attempting to form a defense plan against him."
"Damnation!" Odin growled, banging his fist on the arm of the chair.
"The secret is out, your Majesty. Earth knows. From what I have gathered, many people on Asgard know. The lie of him being your son is no more."
"He is my son!" Odin shouted, face turning red.
"Then perhaps you should have treated him as such!" Caroline snapped back.
He was an innocent, and brilliant, and longing for love and you treated him like a possession. You never thought to look at the potential locked within and find a way to help it to bloom. You took him into your home and your family, you should not have done that if you were not willing to open your heart to him as well. The words screamed in her head unspoken, but she was sure her face said them all.
"How dare you!"
"Odin, please!" Frigga placed her hand on his arm. "Caroline, despite what you may believe, we raised Loki as our child."
"But he was not born your child," she replied, getting a handle on her emotions, "and he found this out in the worst way possible. There was no one for him to talk to about it. Thor was gone, his father was incapacitated, and you were tending to him. Loki's entire world was broken, and he had to deal with it all alone."
"I admit, the timing was not ideal," his mother said in an extreme understatement.
"That knowledge is still there, somewhere in his psyche. He may not be consciously aware of it, but on some level Loki knows. On some level, he probably has always known. It was difficult, but I was finally beginning to convince him that this truth did not make him a monster, condemned to be alone and hated."
"Thank you," Frigga said simply.
"It was my pleasure. I would have done as much for anyone, but Loki is special."
"He is."
"If we keep this knowledge from him, particularly when everyone else is beginning to know, I worry what will happen this time when he finds out. All of the work we have done to get him over the worst of his self-hatred will have been for nothing. The last time he learned of his true origins, he descended into an identity crisis that led to an attempt on his own life followed by the lives of millions. Don't put him and those around him in that danger again."
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satoruhour · 5 months
If you don’t mind (tho ofc you don’t have to write it if you don’t wish to), could we get a pt 2 of that priest geto fic? Where him and reader have been secretly fucking every damn where but especially in the church ever since that night, they both realise they have a thing for breeding kink so they don’t bother with protection either. Obv they have to hide what they’re doing and reader secretly gets away from her house at night to get dicked down frequently. and he knocks her up so they ultimately run away together ( or somewhere along those lines it’s totally up to you)
We missed you!! So good to have you back :D
wc: 7.8k (when will the horrors stop) / first part here ✶
warnings: DARK CONTENT, LORE, priest!geto, fem!reader, age gap (reader is in early 20s, geto in late 20s), christian references, religious themes used in inappropriate ways, questions of religion and life, brief mention of abortion, described scenes of f! and m! masturbation, face-sitting, fingering, clit stimulation, both f! and m! receiving oral, praise, mild degradation, sex in a religious place, semi-public sex (blowjob while geto is conducting mass oop), deep-throating, lots of unprotected p -> v sex, LOTS of creampie / breeding kink, multiple rounds, abandoning home, n*sfw under the cut
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“father geto?” you curl deeper into geto’s back in the rectory, the uncomfortable mattress below you just reminding you of your upbringing in this suffocating town and the proximity of everyone. since that night, the two of you have been insatiable, using the House of the Lord for anything holy and instead are filled with violent moans and constant skin-slapping. even to you, the Church has started to look darker and darker, painted with the sin of Pandæmonium’s pillars, each time you enter it.
mass is all about locking eyes with the other, a game to see who falls first. sometimes you’d come in the shortest dress you can find, staring up at him from the second pew from under your eyelashes just like how you’d suck his cock. sometimes father geto would have his hair tied up, revealing his neck and jawline — the priest had not much to experiment with, but it took equal effect on you, anyway. clenched thighs, stuttered words, fluttering eyes.
father geto fortunately finds it easier to evade parishioners after doing his morning greetings to everyone; with another older priest who didn’t request the rectory, he could hide away to stroke at his cock all he wanted while the other took over the later masses. you, however, needed to reject the holy pastor ever so often to stop your mother from thinking vile of your absence.
it still was father geto, though, so whenever you mentioned his name after morning mass, she lit up like a switchboard, happily ushering you away to spend time because it was always encouraged to improve your faith.
— improving your faith in a non-existing god, perhaps.
“you don’t have to call me father when we’re alone, baby,” geto reassured, accommodating you when you turned around to meet him halfway.
“yeah?” you whisper, like someone could hear you. it was taboo, shameful even. the neighbourhood good girl with a deadbeat father coalescing with the newly transferred priest — it was the blasphemous, sent to be burnt at the pyre sort of sin. the rectory felt odd, your house felt odd; there was no place for people like the two of you, driven by lust and forbidden love and sin in the eyes of God, but what could people do when sin just felt so right?
you relish in the father’s gasp when you grind your butt against his crotch which are concealed behind his trousers, biting your lip with a smile when you catch his small grin at your mischief. you continue your ministrations, rolling your hips and bringing his hands to your chest. your clothing has become shorter and shorter ever since you convinced him of your little sin back in the confessional booth of skimpy tops and skirts. geto takes over, fingers slipping under your camisole to pull down your bra, fondling with your tits and playing with your nipples.
“sneaky little baby, hm?”
“s-suguru—” you whine, hips bucking and cunt already clenching. “need your cock, tongue, anything—”
“i’m getting there, doll, wait for me,” he pants, hurriedly unzipping his trousers. his erection is pulsing and throbbing by now, letting out a small sigh of relief when he finally pulls down his underwear, but you’re confused when you’re turned around and before you can reach to sit yourself on him—
“sit on my face first, darling,” he slyly smiles, beckoning you forward. here, father geto suguru looks anything like a pastor and if you close your eyes and listen, the repetitive tweets of the morning mass birds sound a little sweeter and the rushing water of the stream nearby remind you of a countryside house far away from your parents, your faith, your life. but forbidden has a time limit without the luxury of listening in, so you only settle for a pout when you hear the slick noises of him pumping his cock.
“you did say tongue,” he grins, “i don’t disobey scripture.”
“i’m not the Bible, suguru,” you jest with a small smile.
“you are scripture to me — anything you say and do, i’ll follow.”
and that’s the first time it’s truly cemented in you how much father geto was truly willing to throw away, but you hardly have any time to react before he easily settles one leg over and pulls you toward his mouth. it’s so violent, the way he loves you that there’s a small hmph that sounds from his throat when your sweet, wet pussy meets his mouth. after, it’s just endless groans as he laps at your clit while you fill the rectory with your sinful moans, grinding your hips into his mouth over and over while he just hums in agreement.
“that— that’s it, useme, useme—” it comes out slurred and slippery, just like your dripping cunt and his leaking cock, wet sounds that surround the both of you as geto’s tongue continue to assault your sensitive clit. he licks and sucks endlessly that you have no choice but to grab onto his hair for support and he does to same to both your thighs.
“father suguru—! hnfuck . .” you whimper out, looking down at him with hooded eyes while he meets you with the same intensity. below you are just streams and streams of your juices flooding his chin and hair; he just ever so lightly dips his tongue down to your needy cunt, plunging it in and your back arches involuntarily, “o-oh, god!”
geto laughs into your pussy, arm still clutching your thigh but the other goes back to his neglected dick, pumping it in time with his tongue as he swirls it around and you just clutch tighter and tighter. you definitely soaked through the sheets by now, but you follow his command, riding his face over and over until you feel that familiar feeling in your stomach.
“su— suguru, i’m g’nna . .” you moan out quietly, but your priest already knows what’s in store for him, abandoning his own ministrations entirely to please you as he pulls you all the way up to his face, positively cutting off his air supply in the process but he doesn’t care. he only suckles on your clit harder and with more pressure before switching to licking, abusing your puffy clit until you’re speechless and all that comes out of you are ah’s. “cumming, cumming— fuuckk . . !”
“cum on my tongue,” suguru manages to get out in between breaths, “give me all y’r cum, darling.”
those words are enough to send you over the edge, hitting your high with a soundless whine as your hips roll into his face and relentless torture, body continuing to convulse in his hold at the climax. if, before your continued praises sung God, now they were just full of father geto’s name, enunciated through the lips like a passionate blessing before mealtime. suguru, suguru, suguru, even Lucifer was ready to make ready his throne for the both of you.
“shit— sweet as always . .” father geto moans, slurping up all of your cum and making a mess, so much so that you’re giggling shyly at the lewd noises. you rest upon his heaving chest, noting wet patches that stain his black shirt — he came as well. “you treat me so good, don’t you, doll?”
your face twists, “i think i should be the one to say that, father geto.”
“i like it. rolls off the tongue nicely,” you smirk, easily scooting downwards before settling your pulsing cunt onto his softening cock. but he knows you can get him up at any instance, just as you start grinding your clit along his shaft. the pleasure-filled moan he sounds out never gets old, echoed at the front of the Church of not, “father geto.”
all he shoots you is an unimpressed look, but he can’t keep his look up because the sight of you always inspires a thousand sermons and questions of morality.
“i like the dangerous aspect of it, father geto,” you reason with a sultry voice, grabbing his hardening dick and teasing his weeping tip along your folds. the both of you shiver. “it reminds me of how a holy man like you so easily fell for some pussy and got addicted to it.”
“pretty slut’s developing a dirty mouth,” he laughs, “carry on.”
“fucked a clueless, innocent girl in such a holy place,” you whined when his tip nudges past your pussy and into your gummy walls, spreading you open so deliciously.
“need my help?” you shake your head defiantly, sinking down slowly with calculated steps, gasps escaping your mouth as his cock continues to impale you inch by inch.
“and then claimed her right at the apse of the Church. on the altar, where bread is b-broken and wine is shared.” your eyebrows have knitted together from the pure stretch, descending down fully where you sit a little uncomfortably. no matter how many times you take him, he’s still big and full in you, needing a few moments to adjust as you wiggle your hips.
“can man prevent himself from chasing after his darkest desires?” father geto asks, bumping up his hips just a little and he grins at the little whine you let out.
“no, but God can,” you reason and yet you know you wouldn’t want anything to have changed between the two of you. you still would have wanted father geto’s downfall, you still would have wanted to see him stroking his cock behind the velvet curtains of the confession box.
you momentarily lock eyes with geto, drunk off the feeling of his length in you and the friction of your clit against his pelvis that you naturally gravitate towards him, feeling tired from all the grinding from earlier. he coos, receiving you without any judgement just like how a good priest should do and you feel most at home in his hug.
“what if my God is my darkest desire?” you barely make the connection before geto starts to thrust up into you, not too harshly but not too gently, either. you limp forward and just let him do the work, praising and worshipping you with every snap of his hips from below you.
“o-oh, baby, you’re so tight . .” suguru mumbles, littering kisses all over your neck and face while you struggle to keep yourself up, held up by your weak elbows as you try to meet his eyes. it’s the purple eyes you want to see as he fucks you dumb on his cock, full of lust and only on you as you drop all of your walls for him to enter. suguru tries his best, too, treating you as gently as he can out of the bedroom, which frankly isn’t much, but he tries. he brushes away your hair when it gets into your tongue during communion, he massages your knees in the rectory, he brings chocolate cake whenever he can.
he tries in the bedroom, too, but you are just too much for him. too much in the way that the devil’s whispers start to sound more and more like O Emmanuel and too much in the way he can feel the swell of his heart when even your name is mentioned. father geto doesn’t want to name it love, because in his position it will simply come off as manipulation, deceit.
father geto needs to know you are willing, too.
“father g-geto,” you whine, hands upon his face and sweat lining your brow, “faster, p-please—”
he chokes out a moan, “o-of course, sweetheart.”
you just feel so damn good, clenching so tightly around him that he cannot stop rutting his pelvis into you. he can feel the ripple of your ass with each thrust, the snugly fit tip hitting your g-spot ever so often to pull out the most beautiful moans from you. you’re both so wet and sloppy that you both can hear it — the squelching of your cunt paired with the pre-cum of his cock, mixing at your connected bodies in noisy pap! pap! pap!’s.
“s-suguruuu . . pleasepleaseplease.”
“whaddaya want, baby? words,” geto slurs as well, hips never stilling but now grinding in circles. his glutes and thighs burn but he won’t stop until you tell him what you want.
“i w-want your cum, inside me,” you mewl out like it’s a secret, like he hasn’t been cumming inside you for the past multiple times that you meet, “w-want you to breed me.”
suguru chuckles like it’s a dangerous bet, like he hasn’t emptied his balls deep in your pussy before, “you’re still on the pills, right, baby?”
ah . . the pills, that’s what you wanted to ask him to get more of at the beginning.
you nod hurriedly, “yes— i am, f-fuck—!”
“oh . . my darling’s close,” father geto grunts out, angling his hips so his cock reaches deeper in you, arms trapping you in an eternal embrace like Eve and the devil’s Serpent. you give him lazy, intoxicated kisses, sucking at the skin until there’s bound to be purple and he does the same to yours, albeit lighter.
“y . . yeah, i’m yours, suguru,” you whimper softly, voice breaking from the sheer pleasure once your hand sneaks in between to rub softly at your clit. you suck in a breath when both his cock and your hand find that sweet spot, moans suddenly overflowing into his neck with repeated “yes”’s and profanities until you cum with a cry of suguru’s name, juices spraying everywhere. it’s messy and filthy, your cum soaking his balls and staining the sheets.
“that’s it, thaaat’s it . . squirt all over my cock, baby,” geto continues to ram into your pussy as he praises, hips faltering in the slightest bit, “that’s a good girl.” it only makes you clamp down on his cock harder, making him hiss.
“i w-won’t last long, sweetheart—” he warns you but it’s not enough before he’s stilling in you, pupils blown wide as he shoots spurt upon spurt of hot cum into your cunt, filling you up to the brim as his cock twitches in you. you shiver at the feeling, breathing heavily in his arms as he continues to pump you full. slowly you recover but he stays plugged in, heading back to your position on elbows.
“she’s satisfied?”
you grin with a sigh, “very.”
“that’s all i ever want.” father geto smiles, gently bringing your head down for a gentle kiss on your lips. it turns heated soon enough, the gesture prompting your hips to move again on his very sensitive dick. but with the distant clack of shoe upon cobblestone that increases in volume, the both of you freeze.
“father geto?” it’s a boy’s voice, possibly one of the altar boys.
“what is it?”
the boy seemed to be relieved, as if stepping near the rectory was a sin in itself, “father nanami unfortunately can’t lead the night mass at eight tonight, will you be available?”
you shoot him a disappointed frown, but it is still his job after all. all he manages is a forehead peck.
“a-ah, yes, i am,” father geto thinks if it’s worth asking the next questions, “how many people usually show up to the night mass?”
“not too many, father geto, but it serves mostly the truckers and people in our town who have night shifts.”
you nod since you’ve never attended the night mass at all. father geto has conducted it; it was right on that fateful night where you had texted him about an unnamed confession.
“thank you, go in peace . .” geto shouts his reply and then looks at you with a small smile, speaking softly, “i have an idea.”
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it’s only the afternoon when you make it back to your house for lunch before heading back out again like you planned with suguru earlier, following him from a safe distance until you’re out of earshot and sight of the congregation, even if no one was there. he kisses you gently in the sacristy, body pressed up against decades old of wooden cabinets and drawers. you have no idea what your priest has up his sleeve, so your eyes blindly follow his figure that brings out a toolbox proudly, taking out a hammer.
“don’t even know why the sacristy has a toolbox.”
“. . you’re insane,” your mouth drops open when he gives a hint of homily and sermon that you connect the dots, following him a little worried to the apse. there, stands the podium where he gives his readings and sermons, hands going straight for the board that’s nailed shut. turning the hammer around, using the claw at the back of it to remove the nails that hold it down, removing the nails of the lectern one by one with muscles bulking under his robes before it’s revealed.
“looks . .” he whistles lowly at the pristine condition of the wooden podium, “. . i forgot they gifted me a new podium when i transferred.”
“new priest privileges.” you nudge him in the side.
“i’m probably going to get transferred out soon, too,” he jokes with an arm around your waist, and in a perfect world, this would be the two of you looking at your newly built home in those terrible films. instead, you’re here, faced with temptation and sin.
“are you gonna be okay? we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to—” you cut him off with a hand to his crotch, sparing a glance towards the double doors. the church was small, yes, but there was still a good amount of people that attended it, even if the night mass garnered less.
“i’ll be okay, suguru. i’m wet just thinkin’ about it,” the other only hums at your revelation, bending down with you as you slot yourself into the dark place, pockets of light fighting to get in from the amateur job of the podium, “you better go prepare.”
“you’re a gem.” with a soft kiss to your forehead, father geto leaves just as the first parishioner shows up for mass: a whopping 43 minutes before the start of mass. you’re not surprised by the faith in this town, sometimes coming in to complete a rosary, do some extra prayers or partake in confession — but you realise you’re going to have to stay in this lectern for 43 minutes and more before he starts his homily. it’s a perfect fit, but trying not to rattle the box while adjusting yourself seemed to be the most difficult thing.
he had no helpers tonight, no altar boys, such a prime time to commit such a foul act in the eyes of God while he finishes up on the Gospel and you feel your fingertips tingling when he walks from the altar to the podium, dress shoes clicking against the wood of the floor of the rickety Church.
thank god the alb is huge and so is the podium, and thank god there aren’t any pews at the sides of the church. you know he spares some glances, too, so after a few moments of silence to reflect on the words of the Gospel, you’re lifting the alb right to where his boner was. you palm the area in wonder, at the clear sin of the act that you’re currently committing and this is all new to you apart from fucking when the place is empty.
“so big . .” it’s like he hears your whispers, cock twitching under your hold when you slowly remove it from his trousers, slotting his hardening dick through the boxers and zip hole without bringing too much attention. you trail your thumb over his tip that’s leaking pre, a difficult thing to see in such a dark place but you know it’s there when you kitten lick the mushroom tip.
you can hear a falter in his sermon, a stutter of words. leaning forward, you awkwardly switch onto your knees before wrapping your mouth around his length and it’s more clear now when you’re closer to the source of sound.
“. . ory of G-God, excuse me,” geto coughs as if he’s got something stuck in his throat, pulling at his chasuble that feels like choking him at the neck. your mouth continues its teasing, holding onto his thighs as you continue to suck on his fat cock. even now, you struggle to take it all in your mouth, pumping at the bottom while you bob your head. you can only pray that the broadcasted words of the sound system can cover up the obscene noises that your mouth makes.
“mmhh . . j—just, sorry,” the less-than-thirty church-goers don’t pay any mind when his hand snakes down from the top of the lectern toward you, offering his fingers and it’s like salvation after being stuck in there for God knows how long. you grasp at the hand, using your hand to stroke his shaft while you suck on his fingers. in a moment of bravery, you stick your head out as the other wills not to look down, but with a calculated glance to everyone that’s either asleep or zoning out, father geto rewards himself with one gaze while you switch from fingers to his cock.
“oh . .” he restricts himself before any pet name can escape, seeing your pliant mouth take all of him just like that first night but someone coughs and it snaps him out of the daydream, hand going back up.
“we should prioritise the Lord at every part of our day,” geto breathes heavily when he feels you deepthroat him, hands dripping the sides of the podium that you were sure the cheap wood would splinter under his grip. you focus on getting him in your mouth when he steps closer to you and you let out a small sound of surprise; he takes that small break to quickly bun up his hair, all wet from the sweat on his neck.
“mmf—!” there’s a small relief that leaves your priest’s mouth at having his tip hit the back of your throat, muttering a lot of uhm’s and repeated words. he wants to cum, and he wants to cum quick from how his hips thrust into your warm mouth, wanting to do away with conducting mass and to just be in your pliant pussy.
“. . a-and to make sure all our actions honour the Lord our Saviour,” his hips continue to move, continually buried up to the hilt in your mouth over and over as he fucks your mouth. you receive it willingly, hands taking action to play with his balls and that has his thighs tensing up. “and while you continue to live your life in praise—”
“f-fuck,” it’s whispered away from the microphone but you hear it, length twitching in response to your hands before you come off with to breathe. both hands stroke his cock while you suckle on the tip, driving him into insanity that he’s struggling to finish his sermon.
“you’ll be given the greatest graces in Heaven,” father geto shoots his cum down your throat and it’s so much, muscles pulled taut as he continues to buck his hips needily. you can feel him slump forward and out of breath while you continue to milk him and his words start to slur just a tad bit and while you clean him of his semen, you giggle to yourself under the podium as he gathers himself for another look down at you.
the final blow is how you stick out your tongue to show him the cum that’s left, a grin spreading that he just has to give you his hand again as you hold it gently, “—together in eternal life with God Almighty and Christ.”
“i hope i wasn’t too obvious on the lectern two weeks ago,” father geto laughs into your neck at your place, seemingly so long ago where he decided to step into your room and questioned your thesis on Paradise Lost. it felt like it was just last week he was bringing cake to your place, sitting in on dinner, walking with you around the town. now you sit in his lap in the living room of your house, unassuming because of the five day vacation that your parents decided to take. your mother stayed with your father for what, you never could figure out, but with the baby dropped off at the family across the street (your mother knew you’d be busy with university work) and them out to the next town, you did what every university student would do.
you sneaked priest geto in on sunday night, letting him take you on every surface he knew you’d spread your legs for him on, and now sat, freshly showered and the television turned down to a low, you could only hope this was what a life of matrimony could look like. all the dreams and fancy stories your mother tells you, you think you could twist this sick relationship and forbiddenness into something normal for at least five days if you convince yourself enough.
“you were stuttering on every sentence,” you mumble into his hair that starts to smell more and more like yours, arms encircled around his neck while he sits in a mere singlet. “you like my mouth too much.”
“ego te adoramus.” father geto hums quietly, pulling away from the embrace as he looks up at you and he sighs. if only he had found you sooner before starting his theology degree, before he could hear God’s call for him into priesthood. he would be happy being your childhood friend, anything.
“do you ever wish you weren’t a priest?”
geto swallows, brushing away the strands from your face and adjusts you on his lap, “sometimes.”
“my parents were open with my choice, as they always are, but they valued how much i liked to explore and try new things. they only said that i should choose this path carefully because they knew time is something that no one can get back,” he explains, hands stroking your sides carefully and you let yourself dream that you were just a normal couple, “some friends were weird about it, telling me i would miss having sex and whatnot, but i still value my relationship with God and the many things i’ve learned from my journey in the seminary.”
“i didn’t expect to . . meet someone like you so soon,” suguru laughs when you shout a small hey!, feigning annoyance, “someone so bright, and loving and kind. someone that embodies what Jesus and the Church stands for, and something i’ve never seen in ages. unconditional compassion.”
“your praise is too heavy,” you swat away his hand, only attributing your disposition to your mother’s exemplary way of raising you, “is simple kindness that hard to see?”
“you shadow a lot of priests in conducting masses, baptising people, giving first communions, and you see a lot of personalities — some that are vile for people that regularly go to Church. it’s disheartening to see Christians who are clearly wrapped up in their privilege and pride and think they’re the most important religion to exist. you hear it in history books, through word of mouth.” geto looks just like a boy, frustrated with the world that he lives in that a scowl settles into his features and his hands ball fabric into tight fists.
you manage to relax him a little, running your thumbs over his face and hands; he twines his fingers with yours. “i thought that if i went in, i could at least try to reshape the community. bit by bit, open their minds about abortion, about the queer community, but it is proving hard when the first church you’re transferred to is a small town.” that gets a giggle out of you.
“you’re not wrong, suguru, for trying your hardest. it’s so admirable. i’m trying to unlearn things about the Church that my mom has taught me too, and it’s all interesting reads alongside my second year of uni. if you can change one mind, there’s the potential to change many others.”
geto lets you rest your forehead on his, closing his eyes to just feel you, “thank you.”
he’s not even sure when to tell you that he’s fallen in love, the hardest he’s ever done since in high school with his first love, or in university studying theology, and he’s not even sure it’s love. all he knows is that when he looks at you, a life until silver hair is all he can think about.
“you can do it,” you break the ice softly, placing a peck on his lips, “i believe in you.”
“i don’t think they would wanna believe a sex-crazed priest, darling, not when i wanna give you the life you deserve.”
you sigh, hiding your face, “i don’t think we can achieve that, suguru, not while you’re still married to the Church and i’m supposed to be celibate.”
“that’s out the window—” and he laughs when you slap him on the bicep, finding that you’d want him to laugh more. he does it sometimes when he gives sermons, recounting a specific story about his mother, or while baptising a baby. it’s pure like a young boy’s laughter, something to be protected, the way his eyes crinkle and lips stretch . .
“what if i break priesthood for you?”
“no . .” you brows furrow, “don’t say stuff like that.”
“why not, my love?” you continue to shake your head, standing from your place on his lap and he’s confused — wouldn’t you want this?
“don’t call me that—” your safe space, your room is the only place all you can think in, and you escape to it before he can catch a thread of your clothing. father geto calling you that means he’s officially fallen, chained to the river Styx. the descent was fun, but you didn’t want to be the reason why he’d truly throw away all of his hard work, you didn’t want him to be shamed, nor did you want to be called out for being a temptress. self-serving while serving others — maybe that’s how Christians operated and you were the walking proof of it.
geto thinks he’s messed up big time and unsure of the reason why as he lets you stay in your room to cool down. he only sends out a text simply to check on you, but it takes you an hour before you’re ready; once he hears the click of your door, he’s heading up the stairs and pushing open the door gently.
just like that first night, he’s cautious when he enters your room as if touching your sacred place will have him reciting rosaries as penance, as an apology for staining your heart and your body. you stand.
“i don’t want you to leave everything behind just for me . .” you sound out, sniffling softly and the priest’s heart already shatters at the sound, “all your hard work, the years you did in the seminary and then just dumping it all just for a chance with a woman who you don’t even know whether will be suitable as your lover.”
geto’s expression softens in the dark room, only illuminated by fluorescent light from your bedside table lamp — “i won’t leave anything behind; all those years, all the studies, all of it mattered because somehow it still led me to you. if that isn’t God’s doing, i don’t know what else it was. my definition of Christianity has been entirely reimagined, entirely changed when i look at you, a person filled with nothing but pure lovingness and soft-heartedness and yet i still feel proud when you said you wished harm on your father because i know that Christ didn’t ask men to gouge their eyes out for nothing.”
he grabs your hands, stroking the back of your palms and stepping close to you as much as you will let him. suguru plants feather-like kisses onto skin before continuing, “i will always carry my Christianity with me, the shame, its history and if i fall, so be it. Lucifer had fallen many times after, crouching by Eve’s ear to whisper sin, turning into a serpent to give her the forbidden fruit, sentenced to rule Hell because he himself is Hell.”
“and are you dragging me down with you?”
“i have been dragged to the darkest pits of Hell from the moment i saw you, and if anything, while i worship God, i cannot ignore the olive branch that you hold out to me like a saving grace, like you ascend the same pedestal that the Trinity sits on.”
you swallow, eyes breaking contact and he’s quick to rectify that, both palms on your cheeks and your face is tilted upwards.
“our God will always be there for repentance if you wish so, but allow me to indulge in the blasphemy and filthiness and sacrilege of craving someone so desperately that my body burns from thinking about her and my knees want to strike the Earth whenever she’s around me.”
the sentence takes you aback before he’s leaning forward, but abruptly stops short— it’s rushed, can i kiss you?
“yes. yes, suguru—”
and he kisses you with the force of a thousand suns and the most detrimental winds of the pacific, arms going from your face right to your body as he wraps you in his love. geto deepens the kiss just as he always has, but the feelings that spark in you differ greatly from just mindless kissing during sex. it’s full of passion, full of possibly everything he’s kept bottled up as he walks you to your bed, yelping in surprise when the back of your knees hit the mattress.
“do you still have your pills, my love?”
your fingers bunch up the same sweater he wears on the first day, “i . . ran out . . a while ago.”
“i’m surprised those pills work even after i cum so much in you,” that really draws a hearty laugh from your stomach, “but whatever happens, i’ll be here.”
“the feeling’s just too good—” you giggle, squealing when father geto lifts you off the floor and puts you on the bed.
“if you test positive, and if you want to keep it or abort it, i’m okay,” geto hovers over you, looking at you with so much love you wonder how you miss it the many times you’ve been together, “i’ll support you in everything that you do.”
a peak of silver shines in the moonlight under his sweater and you realise this feels like the first time you lost control over your lust, the first time you touched yourself. like heeding a call, his crucifix falls from the safety of his sweater and almost hits you in the face if not for suguru pulling away in worry.
“was it just like this?” he teases with a small smirk, knees already nudging your legs apart, “you imagined me fucking you with this dangling in your face?” your face heats up at the mention, at the fact he still manages to remember that confession and you nod whilst biting your lip. 
“well, you get to live it now,” geto grins, leaning down to plant a kiss to your lips before having his way with you.
and have his way did he — you aren’t even sure what round you’re on at the moment, simply subjected to getting you face smushed into your pillow as he pounds into you from behind. geto grunts as he eases his cum-filled cock back into your sweet cunt, hands travelling everywhere over your sweaty back.
“are you okay, baby?”
you turn your head with arms still buried in the pillow, a cock drunk smile on your face, “splendid.”
“goin’ in— shiit . .” geto sinks into you easily, your mixed juices proving easy before getting himself right up to the hilt. his mouth hangs open in pleasure, pants leaving both your lips before he starts to thrust and the wetness is just straight-up obscene. with a wordless tug, father geto brings you close to him, wrapping an elbow around your neck while the other settles for your tummy, feeling the muscle that curls around you. he doesn’t trap you so tightly, simply holding your limp body up as his pelvis rams into you.
“your pussy’s just so good, darling,” he mutters into your neck as your head tilts back in ecstasy while your body trembles in geto’s hold.
“s’full, suguru . .” you whine, hands flailing for his toned arms that encircle your body while he thrusts, cum spilling from where you were connected onto your sheets. it was a blessing your parents were out because father geto doesn’t hold back with the way he fucks you, voice carrying throughout the house and permeating the walls that you hoped the neighbours wouldn’t hear.
going for multiple rounds meant the two of you were highly sensitive, jolting when his hand sneakily drew circles along your clit and matched his pace, while his length in you kept twitching and pulsing from the way your gummy walls wrap around him. “s-suguru — i need you, p-please—”
“i’m here, sweetheart,” geto chokes out, hand wrapping around the expense of your neck and turning your face, indulging himself in a sinful kiss that you return immediately. tongue and saliva is everywhere, hands and hips never slowing down when it comes to you and your sweet pussy. “i’m here, always, amie.”
“i’m gonna c— fuck— shit,” you tighten around his cock at the name, moaning into his mouth like a mantra, like a mystery that cannot be solved as he cums with a guttural groan into you and you shiver from the feeling of him filling you that you forget all about your own pleasure, body shaking with mini orgasms instead. “lay forward . .”
it’s softly spoken, and you obey, eyes fluttering close when he pulls out slowly and geto’s fixated on the drip of his cum that falls from your pussy. flipping you over instantly, he smears your juices together and all over your centre, smiling at how your legs close in on each other at the sensitivity. his tip’s filled with your cum, a messy painting of your repeated rounds.
“you’re the most stunning right here,” he breathes out as he rests on his calves, cock still hard. his hand trembles as he strokes himself, moaning softly at the warmth that he misses already and he’s brought to attention again when you whimper softly. you’re fingers play lazily with your folds, finger rubbing circles into your clit and all he can think about is pumping you full of his cum again when you look at him from under your eyelashes, with a subtle pout and the plea of the eye.
“fuck me again, father geto,” you mumble, “fuck me until i’m full of your cum.”
the priest only grunts lowly at that, trailing his angry tip along your pussy and collecting your juices before slipping in. the both of you gasp at the sensation, more of you when his hands close around your knees and push. he’s forcing your legs right up to your chest the same time he enters you, sending you deeper into desperation that you writhe on the bed.
“ohh . . tha’s a perfect pussy right there . .” suguru slurs, body pushed against your bent legs as his cross swings back and forth like an omen, like a crow watching your movements, “will you be mine, my darling?”
your voice comes out in high-pitched whines at his question, so intimate, so loving in such a dirty space. you can only manage nods when he starts to move, this new position allowing him to reach much, much deeper into you that you preen at the overwhelming feelings that bubble in your chest.
“yesyesyes! r-right there, suguru—” your back arches off your childhood bed, where you first prayed, where you first read the Bible, where you did your homework, where you first fingered yourself, all overthrown by the sheer blasphemy that geto suguru wished to indulge in, and you give it to him just like that, “f-fuck! love your cock in me, father!”
“o-oh . . you’re playing a dangerous game, c-calling me that, baby,” his eyes also struggle to stay open, committing your pleasure-filled face to memory as your jaw slacks and your eyes roll back. he can see your tits move with his rough thrusts as well, licking his lips while feeling you fuck him back, “are you close?”
“mhmm—” you’re humming, mumbling incoherent sentences at this point as your mind fogs at the neck-deep euphoria you were in. with the room that’s filled with sex to the nasty, sloppy noises of his balls hitting your ass, and soaking wetness that can be heard from a mile away, the both of you are lost to the claws of Hell. geto knows you’re close with the way your cunt tightens and your breathing escalates, using his thumb to rub at your clit and now you truly feel like you’re going insane.
“c-close . . haah—” your eyes try to stay open to look at the sight above you: messy-haired and body lined with sweat, the beautiful entity of abstinence and temptation all in one person. you fumble with his shoulders, wanting to pull him closer so you can admire him up close while he drives you to your high. the moment of vulnerability only spurs geto on, drawing out the brutal, carnal need he has for you.
“is that it? you wanted this?” he grunts out through gritted teeth, “you wanted me to fuck your pussy until it knows the shape of my cock?” the words muttered sends goosebumps throughout your body. you nod, “you wanted me to defile this pretty pussy so no one else can fuck you, isn’t that right?”
you whimper at the words as he pushes your legs further into your chest, “cum on my cock, darling.”
and you do. generous with it, you’re gushing all over his length as he continues fucking you through your overstimulation, thumb slowing its ministrations on your puffy clit as he chases his own climax. “taking my cock so well, so good like the good slut she is,” the other says through a small grin, hips stuttering when you give him a small yeah in return.
“another load for you, baby,” father geto groans out loudly before he switches to quick, fast thrusts into your warm, welcoming pussy before cumming with a whine, shooting thick ribbons of white deep into your womb. your moans are swallowed by geto as he continues to fill you to the brim, painting your insides and enjoying your slow, needy kisses.
“she’s had her fill,” you mumble softly, feeling sleepy while the other only hums in agreement. slowly, geto lets your legs down which only plop down on the bed, unsheathing himself from you and relishing in the way the cum dribbles out, glob after glob of cum leaving your pussy and onto the sheets, “are you okay, suguru?” he takes your shaky hand, interlocking your fingers with his as he scoots up to you, closer until he’s just over you.
“always better with you here.” you roll your eyes, tugging on the crucifix and pulling him into you where your lips collide, feeling him collapse by your side even as your mouths continue their movements. all you do is smother each other with hands, one through his sweaty locks and his grabbing your waist. you want to live through the feeling of his front against yours for eternity, deepening the kiss with your tongue and moaning softly when his fingers squeeze your ass secretly.
“you just stay here and i’ll clean you up,” with one last peck to your temple, father geto navigates your house like he lives there, getting a rag and wetting it before he cleans you up gently, fabric travelling along your skin like a kiss of hellfire as he massages your legs, your arms. there’s a multitude of things before the two of you succumb to slumber, going to the toilet, grabbing something to eat and then wallowing in some late night conversations (“do you think you find me in other universes?” / “i’ll find you in every one.”) until finally, you two settle in each other’s arms.
it’s like a still painting that would be studied by future literature students, scrutinised by art critics all over the world of a sacrilegious relationship that should not have place for love, that should not have place for purity, but the feeling of geto suguru’s arms from behind wound tightly and protectively around your physique feels like both the good and bad of the secular world. love and lust can coexist.
just as father geto worships, your luggage is quickly packed up a few weeks later alongside a pregnancy test that looks awfully reminiscent of the cross in the church. picture frames emptied, laptop and papers packed, a barren land of what used to be the place of a God-serving, holy girl — and even if knowledge caused her downfall, she was more than willing to own up to it. the room looked larger and drab with everything gone; you aren’t even sure how you fit everything into the luggage.
the fallen angels watch over your encounters with crinkles of the paper of your farewell letter, the squeaky floorboards, and the atmosphere of the night sounding like vacuum from its sheer silence as you snuck out of the house and into the stark night, hands clasped within each other’s while gravel below your feet reminded you of your situation. you weren’t sure if you were walking to salvation or away from it, but at least you knew Eden was by your side, with the lavender scent of your shared shampoo on both your heads and his saccharine words.
after walking for what felt like forever to avoid detection, geto waves excitedly to a car in the distance which seemed to house two men — one blonde that looks awfully like father nanami and the other, a white-haired man.
“i called up some friends,” suguru brings your connected hands to his lips and his tired eyes soften even further, pressing soft pecks along your fingers and face. your priest catches you in a sensual kiss, humming into it and mumbling sweet nothings that sound just like Lucifer in Eve’s ear, but you’re too enamoured with the sparks you leave on one another to notice the commencement of your coronation at Pandæmonium.
“we’ll be okay, amie. ego te amo ut dum stellae luceant.”
“Rise, then, to the thrones of Moloch and Paimon, of Belial and Beelzebub, of the infamous angel who challenged his Creator and clawed his way from the Stygian pool to Pandæmonium made of demon blood and soot-filled fingertips. Rise to Lucifer, and take your rightful place on the throne overflowing with hate and vice and villainy, and rule Hell just as how he would’ve wanted it.”
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a/n: another insane piece .. pls dont look / tagging @mysugu @slttygeto @screampied @suguruplsr @na-t0 @peachsayshi
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ashiemochi · 4 months
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cleaning the slate, i swear i can draw 😭i promise!!
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writerracha · 1 year
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ like never before, part three — han jisung x female reader
↻ 1.6k :: best friend's brother :: cw. explicit smut. soft dom!jisung, dry humping, fingering, unprotected sex, slight degradation/dumbification, hair pulling, choking, claiming, creampie, dirty talk, use of "baby," "baby girl," "slut".
you spend a part of your summer vacation at your roommate's house, and her older brother is making you feel things you've never felt before. this time, you can't get jisung out of your mind, so you decide to visit him.
↻ 18+ mdni :: not proof read, pls be kind :: masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
I’m going to need you to ask for it. 
You can’t keep the words out of your head. They turn and turn all day, making you distracted. You can’t focus on anything - not the conversations, not your favorite tv show, not the book you skim through by the poolside. It doesn’t help that Jisung is around you all day, giving you those smirks of his, reminding you of what you did in the laundry room. You’ve taken a shower since, but it’s like you can still feel his cum on your stomach. 
He gave you four orgasms so far - but all you want is to feel him inside of you. You need Jisung to fuck you. And he’s made it clear that he wants it too. You just have to ask for it, right?
He gave you four orgasms so far - but all you want is to feel him inside of you. You need Jisung to fuck you. And he’s made it clear that he wants it too. You just have to ask for it, right?
I want to see how much you want this.
You lay in bed that night, unable to find sleep, trying to come up with an idea to do just that. How can you show him? You’re not very good at those games - you’ve never even sent a nude. Maybe you could do that. But it doesn’t feel quite right.
How desperate you can be.
Desperate. That’s the word. And your desperate self just doesn’t want to wait until you can form a plan. You want Jisung. You need him. Now. 
You slip on a pair of shorts in case you meet someone on the way - then you can just pretend you were too sleepy and got lost on your way to the bathroom. You tiptoe through the house to Jisung’s room, which is luckily not that far from yours. The house is quiet as you expect to be at one in the morning. 
You don’t knock on the door. You just go in, peeking inside to find Jisung sleeping in his bed. He’s not wearing a shirt, his hair falling in front of his eyes. You carefully close the door behind you, approaching him. You remove your shorts, staying in your panties and tight tank top. He doesn’t wake up as you step in his bed, crawling under the sheets. You straddle him, leaning forward to kiss his neck. There’s a sore spot there, near his collarbone - the hickey you’ve given him earlier. You giggle seeing it and feeling him stir as you tease it. 
You’re drunk on him. He’s teased you enough. It’s your turn now. 
Slowly, you start to roll your hips. You place your core against his cock, humming softly at the friction. Jisung frowns, and you start licking his skin again, his neck, his chest, his jaw. 
“Jisung…” you whisper in his ear. 
You bite his earlobe gently, pulling it teasingly. 
“Jisung, wake up,” you breathe. “Please, I need you…” 
He stirs a little, his eyes starting to flutter open. You move your hips more decidedly, letting out a louder moan. 
“I’m so wet, Sungie…” you sigh. “Please, wake up and touch me.” 
“Hm, what a sight,” he finally slurs out, rubbing his eyes. He is already grinning, and when his eyes meet yours, they glisten in the dark. “My baby girl came to beg for it?” 
You nod, pouting softly. “I was in bed, I couldn’t sleep…” You brush your hands across his chest. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” 
“Hm, yeah?” Jisung asks, bucking his hips, his cock hardening quickly. His voice is hoarse from sleep. “What is it that you want, baby?” 
“I - I want you to fuck me.” 
Jisung chuckles, his hands moving up your stomach to palm your tits. “You want it that bad, huh? Had to come and wake me up?” 
You nod shyly, and Jisung sits up, meeting you for a kiss. He pushes his mouth deeply against yours, sliding his tongue across your lips. 
“Needy baby,” he chuckles. “I have no idea how I still haven’t fucked you dumb. That body of yours… Fuck, the way you look at me. Fucking tease.” 
You let out a small laugh. Jisung takes your hair in a fist behind your head. 
“What’s so funny?” he asks in a sharp whisper. 
“It’s just - you have been teasing me so much…” 
He grins. “Only so I could get you where I wanted to. Which is right here, dry humping my cock like the desperate slut you are.”
You can’t even deny it - everything Jisung has been doing has brought you here, so it worked. You can’t resist him. It would be useless to try. 
He pulls on your hair, your head falling backwards, and starts to kiss your neck. He bites your skin, making you roll your hips desperately across his length. You’re soaking wet, feeling almost uncomfortable in your panties. 
“Please, Ji, can I put it inside?” you whimper.
In a quick movement, Jisung rolls you on your back, pushing you against the mattress. He towers over you, his hand leaving your hair to instead circle your neck. 
“Don’t think I’m going to rush this,” he grunts. “Gonna fuck you right.” 
He removes your clothes and his, leaving you both naked in his bed. Your legs are spread under him, and in a second Jisung’s fingers are deep inside your hole, stretching you. 
“Still so wet. I love that about you, baby girl,” he laughs. 
You just whimper in response, reaching for his cock. It hovers near your entrance, thick and hard, and you just want it to fill you up. 
“Right there,” he whispers, grinning up at you. His eyes are dark with lust. “That’s where you belong. Under me, your legs spread wide, your cunt ready to suck me in. Fuck.” 
You rolls your hips as Jisung kisses you.
“You wanted this too, huh? Tell me.” 
You swallow hard. “I wanted it too. So bad.” His tip pushes against your wetness, sending shivers of pleasure across your body. “Jisung, please.” 
“You on the pill?” 
You nod. 
“Good, ‘cause I’m fucking you raw.” 
He pushes his tip inside of you, and you gasp. He’s bigger than anyone you’ve ever had sex with - but your slick helps him penetrate you. He gives you some time to adjust, but he’s still quick in stretching you, bottoming inside your cunt. 
You choke out a moan, and Jisung pushes his hand on your mouth. 
“Stay fucking quiet, baby. Everyone is going to hear you if you moan like that. Unless you want my whole family to know I’m balls deep inside your cunt?” 
You shake your head, closing your eyes and breathing out slowly. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight,” Jisung growls. 
He looks down at your cunt, removing his cock almost entirely from inside of you before he thrust his hips and enters you completely again. You bite your lip, holding back your moans. He’s so deep, so thick, you’re drunk on the feel of him.
“How’s it feel, baby? Good?” he pants.
“Good,” you nod, “so fucking good.” 
With a chuckle, Jisung starts to pound into you, not holding back whatsoever. Once he realizes you’re trying not to make too much noise, his hand moves back around your neck, squeezing just enough air to make you dizzy. 
He fucks you deep into the mattress, the bed squeaking as he thrusts his hips sharply and quickly. He grunts in your ear, his body warm, and you hold onto him as best as you can. The room is filled with the sounds of your quick breathing, the sloppy sounds of your wetness, his hips against yours.��
“You’re taking me so well, baby girl,” he hisses, fucking you deep, so deep, your breath hitches in your throat. “Shit, fuck, you’re going to make me cum if you keep clenching like that…” 
You’re the one who cums first, though, your body shaking from your orgasm. Your juices make Jisung’s thrusts even easier, and you can’t come down from your high as he keeps hammering into you. 
“Fuck, that’s it, that’s just it - Open your eyes, look at me while I fuck you, let’s see how dumb I made you.”
Jisung growls, his fingers wrapped around your neck. You lazily open your eyes, your body almost limp against his, his cock still fucking you hard. 
“So fucking pretty,” he smirks, taking your chin tightly in between his fingers. “I’m gonna cum in you, and you’re going to keep every last fucking drop, do you hear me?” 
You breathe out, trying to steady your heartbeat. Jisung slaps your cheek gently. 
“Answer me,” he grunts. 
“Yes, Jisung,” you whimper. “Please, fill me up. I need your cum…” 
“Ah - fuck - yes -” 
He thrusts into you two times, his cock twitching hard inside of your cunt. You feel his cum fill your cunt so much it spills out, making a mess of things, but you almost cum again at the sensation. Jisung is grunting, and he does not even stop fucking you.
“Fuck - you feel even better with your cunt full of my cum. Gonna fuck it deep into you… So you remember who you belong to…” 
You roll your eyes, putting a hand on your own mouth to stop you from moaning. 
“Gonna cum again, baby girl? Come on. Make me feel it.” 
It only takes two more seconds until you cum, your cunt tightening around his cock. Only then does Jisung slow down, leaving his cock inside of you. His forehead falls against yours and you both breathe heavily. 
“That’s my girl,” he whispers to you. “It’s over for you now that I fucked you. You belong to me now - and I am so not done with you.”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
it finally happened!!! i hope it wasn't too disappointing eheh i wrote this while being sick so... thank you so much for the support on this series i hope to continue! let me know if you have ideas/requests for these two. ♡ love you all
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hard-core-super-star · 7 months
Can I please request reader taking Hailee's strap for the first time or Hailee taking reader's strap for the first time, whichever you prefer! I really really enjoy all of your fics 😁
sinking deeper into you [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: top!hailee steinfeld x bottom!reader
summary: your girlfriend is the sweetest person you've ever met and yet you can't help but try to get her out of her shell for a night.
warnings: smut -> minors look away [porn with two inches of plot and by plot i mean fluff; sweet, needy, dorky hailee turns into borderline daddy hailee very quickly so keep that in mind; strap-on sex {R receiving}; like 2 seconds of strapwarming; so many pet names; praise kink go brrr; is loving degradation a thing?]
wordcount: 2.2k
a/n: not gonna lie, this is exactly what i think about every time i listen to the coast bridge so...yeah. you can't tell me it's not intentional. i sincerely was going to write this the other way around but i got too carried away and committed to this instead. thank you, lovely anon, for being my first smut request [and for the lovely comment], hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
There are a lot of things to love about dating Hailee. There's the long list of ridiculously cheesy pet names she loves calling you, the constant hand-holding, the soft reassurances whenever you're having a particularly rough day, and, of course, the way she's always so considerate about your feelings.
Sometimes, you don't even need to tell her you're uncomfortable with something for her to know she should step in. She'll just quietly change the conversation or lead you away from whatever was causing your discomfort. 
Your girlfriend is lovely and supportive and you would have absolutely no complaints about it if she weren't so blinded by her need to make sure you're always comfortable. It's a strange thing to complain about, you're very aware of that, but sometimes you wanted more than the brunette was willing to give you. 
Especially in the bedroom.
You’ve heard every possible excuse under the sun about why she’s so hesitant to take certain steps with you but you’re pretty sure she’s just trying to keep her dominant side in check when it comes to you. It’s truly sweet but also attractive in a way that only makes you want her even more. 
Which leaves you stuck in the best yet worst cycle of your life. One that’s filled with soft pleads that fall on ears that are too busy relishing in your moans of ecstasy to actually listen to your words.
Tonight was going to be different though.
At least that’s what you told yourself. You had rehearsed the words you were going to say to your girlfriend over and over all day but unfortunately for you, they flew away the second she walked into your shared home.
She’d been gone all day, bouncing from one boring business meeting to another and while she loved her job, she loved being with you even more. So, the second she found you lounging on the couch wearing one of her old shirts, she practically pounced on you.
“Hello to you too,” you say through a laugh. “I take it you missed me?”
“You already know the answer to that, baby.” Her voice is softer than usual, traces of her earlier annoyance still noticeable in her tone. You don’t have to ask to know she’s had a rough day and you both already know you’ll do everything in your power to help her feel better.
You merely hum in response, content to just lie there with your overly affectionate girlfriend situated on top of you. Hailee seems just fine with having her face buried into the side of your neck but it takes no less than two minutes for her true intentions to come out.
She shifts a little seemingly trying to wrap her arms around you so she can feel you close to her but you know her well enough to know she’s not merely trying to cuddle with you. You’re proven correct when her hands start to mess with the hem of your shirt. “Have I ever told you how much I love it when you wear my clothes?”
“Once or twice,” you reply with a grin.
You feel her chuckle against your neck, her warm breath dancing against your skin but now quite touching you yet.
It’s been five seconds and you already want more.
Hailee, never one to leave you hanging, gives in to both of your desires and begins to press feather-light kisses onto the side of your neck. You instantly tilt your head back for her and pretend not to notice the smug smirk plastered on her face. She’s slowly winding you up like you’re her favorite toy and you can’t find it in yourself to complain.
Especially once her hands begin to move.
“Is this okay, love?” She whispers between soft kisses.
The tips of her fingers are just barely grazing against your stomach and it takes all your strength not to arch into her touch. “Mhmm…”
“I need words, baby. Tell me what you want.”
That’s all she has to say to get you to turn into putty in her hands.
“Keep going…please.”
“Good girl.” Your reward comes in the form of her helping you slide out of your shirt. She leans back and kneels between your spread legs to admire your body, her smirk growing once she realizes you’re not wearing a bra. “Always so good for me. So beautiful under me.”
“Is that why you’re taking forever?” You ask, unable to keep your inner brat in check.
She rolls her eyes at your question but you don't miss the way her hands wrap around your hips in a tight grip. It's a subtle warning but it's a warning nonetheless.
You can't help but wonder what would happen if you pushed her, though. If you truly pressed all her buttons until she had no choice but to strip away that sweet facade and put you in your place.
But that's a plan for another day.
For now, you bite your tongue and let her have her way.
She watches your face closely, her lack of words only adding to the intensity of the moment. She’s barely even touched you and you’ve already made a mess in your underwear.
A mess that only grows once her hands finally move again. They glide up from your hips, her nails lightly scratching your stomach, until she finally reaches her destination.
It takes all your self-restraint and then some to stop yourself from bucking your hips as her fingers tease your sensitive nipples. A barely audible whine slips past your parted lips the second she starts pinching and pulling at your flesh, though.
The sound makes her stop which only serves to draw out another needy sound from your throat. “What was that? Do you need something, love?”
All you can do is nod but, of course, Hailee’s not letting you get off that easy. It’s part of her charm, even though it’s also ridiculously frustrating in moments like these.
“Go on, baby. Tell me what you need.”
Here it is. The moment you’ve been searching for for far longer than you’ll ever admit out loud. You ignore the flush on your cheeks and the throbbing in your cunt long enough to ask for what you truly want.
“Your strap,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper yet full of that subtle desperation your girlfriend loves bringing out of you.
She doesn’t say anything for a few moments but the glimmer in her eyes stops you from overthinking your words. “Are you sure? I don't want to rush you, love.”
“I know but I really need to feel you inside of me.”
Her eyes widen for a few seconds before her whole face changes. You practically watch her slip into that dominant persona she plays so well when she wants to. And it seems like she desperately wants to tonight.
“Is that so? My fingers aren't enough for you anymore, baby? You need more?”
You force the confirmation she's looking for out of your mouth before you get too flustered to respond. “Yes, please.”
That's all she needs to hear and she wastes no time jumping to her feet, the action so endearing you almost forget about your drenched underwear. You hold in a giggle as she extends her hand out to you and helps you stand only to pick you up and carry you toward the bedroom.
You’ll never understand her fascination with carrying you around but you’re also not about to complain. Mainly because her radiant joy is contagious…and because the view you get of her biceps is more than enough to distract you.
“Stay right here, okay?” She mumbles as she sets you down on the bed. “I’ll be right back to give you everything you want.”
There’s no doubt in your mind that she’ll be true to her word.
The next few minutes pass by far too slowly for your liking but your suffering finally ends when Hailee comes out of the bathroom, looking far too proud of herself and the dark purple dildo strapped to her hips. “What do you think?”
You’re speechless and more turned on than you’ve ever been in your life. You didn’t think the brunette could get any more attractive and yet here she is leaving you dizzy and desperate just from standing in front of you. The smirk, the abs, the pure confidence she oozes, it’s all too much in the best of ways.
“Come here…please.”
All she does is chuckle before finally joining you in bed. She helps you discard the rest of your clothes without pointing out how absolutely drenched you are for her. One hand lands on your hip while she uses the other one to hold herself up above you, staring down at you like you’re the best thing she’s ever seen.
The sentiment is mutual except you’re sure your eyes carry far stronger traces of neediness than Hailee’s. Which is exactly what she likes, if you're both being honest.
For a second you’re sure she’s going to make you beg before moving an inch but thankfully, it seems she wants you just as much as you want her.
She shifts her hips closer to you and you immediately wrap your arms around her as she oh so slowly slides the tip of the strap into your aching cunt. You let out a gasp, the intrusion feeling slightly uncomfortable but not unwelcome.
“I know, I know,” she whispers. “Just relax. I’ve got you.”
“Fuck.” You groan, loving and hating the torturously slow pace she’s set.
“Is that good or bad?”
“Good. Really good.”
Her slow movements allow you to feel the way she stretches your walls with every inch she pushes inside. It takes no time at all for the sound of heavy breathing and quiet moans to fill the room.
Her hand slides down between your legs and her thumb messily circles your swollen clit to help you get used to the feeling of her strap buried inside you. “Was this what you wanted, baby? To have your pretty pussy filled up by me?”
You’re glad she can’t actually feel the way you clench around the dildo at her slightly degrading words. She’s not an idiot though and she’d have to be blind not to notice the way your hips buck toward her.
“Come on, darling. I’m not a mind reader.”
You open your mouth to say something, anything really, but Hailee decides it’d be the perfect time to start moving again. You can’t form a single word or thought once she starts thrusting in and out of you.
The brunette can’t even pretend to be disappointed by your lack of words, too lost in the way your body responds to her movements and the feeling of the base of the dildo rubbing against her clit with every thrust. “Fuck, you feel so good, babe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. So wet and needy for me.”
Your nails dig into her shoulder blades as you pull her closer. “Hailee-” Whatever else you were going to say is swallowed up by another moan.
“I’m right here, y/n.” The way she so easily slips back and forth between the two opposing sides of her desire drives you to the brink of pleasure-filled insanity. “Just focus on me.”
She leans down to nip at your jawline while her hips move faster and faster against you. The only thing you can do is arch your back into her touch and beg for more.
A request your girlfriend wastes no time in fulfilling.
Her soft caresses to your clit pick up speed. Her thumb, hips, and lips all work in unison to bring you the release your body craves. “You’re perfect like this. All fucked-out and mine to please.”
You love and hate the way she knows your mind and its hidden desires so well. “Lee, please, babe.”
“Please what?” She asks, clearly loving the way you’re so willing to play this game with her. “Use your words, baby, you know the rules.”
“Please, can I cum?”
A few agonizing seconds pass by before she gives you the answer you’re waiting for. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Show me how much you love the way I feel inside you.”
If her actions weren’t enough to push you to the edge, her words are.
The world outside of her embrace disappears and you give in to the overwhelming pleasure. All you can feel is her strap pushing and pulling in and out of you as you let yourself go, making a mess on both the toy and the sheets below you.
Hailee falls over the edge with you, mumbled words of praise and breathless moans filling the space between your faces.
It takes a few moments for your brain to come back down from such a breath-taking high and once you do, you realize the way your girlfriend has collapsed on top of you. The sight is just as heart-warming as it is arousing but you’re far too tired right now for another round.
“You okay?” You whisper, tilting your head a little so you can truly appreciate the way your girlfriend looks with her face buried into your neck.
“Yeah.” She presses a quick kiss to your sweaty skin to emphasize her point. “That was incredible. How are you doing? Was that too rough?”
“I’m not made of glass, Lee,” you assure her. “And I’m not the one covered in scratches.”
She shivers as you trace a finger up and down her spine. “Feels nice…Do you mind if I stay like this for a little while?”
The way you hold her close is enough of an answer for her. You’re both desperately in need of a shower and some food, but all you want right now is each other and the peace being locked together like this brings.
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firerose18991 · 4 months
Special agent! Gojo x reader
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A/N: No this is not based on special agent Oso my friend pointed out the name and now I'm 😭.
Info: JKK AU, Omegaverse!, Alpha!Gojo,  gn!reader, omega!reader, reader is in a pack(so they share him👍🏾), NSFW/smut at the end
Minors DNI!!
wrdcnt: 1.22k
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Special agent! Gojo who's been working on a case tracking a crime lord through the deep mountains.  After chasing him around the world his team managed to corner him in the region.  The problem is he is hiding among the civilians.   
Special agent! Gojo and his teams have a rough idea of where he is.  But none of the locals are talking.  While walking through town he's noticed everyone avoiding him until he locks eyes with you.  You and your pack quickly scurry away, but not before he tells his team to track you down and bring you in.
Special agent! Gojo who has you all pulled from your cozy hut a few miles away from town into the team's makeshift camp for interrogation.  
“Sorry to treat you all so rough.  But everyones been ignoring us, you know how it is.” He entered the cold tent where they placed you all.
“You tryna get my pack killed?” you growled back.
“I'm trying to save this whole region sweetheart. And I bet you can help.  Seen him around?” He slid a picture toward you.
“Nope.” you kept you glare on him.
“It'd help if you looked at the photo.” But of course you didn't budge.
Special agent! Gojo could see he was getting nowhere and returned to his team for suggestions.  Nanami suggested a bribe, people in this region weren't known to give something for nothing.  And Gojo knew that well having been undercover in the area just last year.  Though normally if there was a threat to the community they'd give them up right away unless they knew them, meaning the target was one of their own.
“Bring them some rare sweets, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.  All omegas do.” Nanami suggested.
Special agent! Gojo shrugged, ambivalent to the suggestion.  He walked out of the hut wordlessly.  Which only served to piss Nanami off.  Why ask if he had his own idea?  Nevertheless they went through with it and presented you and your pack with a buffet of sweets.
The three of you sat at the silver interrogation table uninterested. Watching the Agents clumsily try to entice just one of you enough to get some info.  Your head turned when you smelled something heavenly from outside the tent.
Special agent! Gojo pushed through the tent opening holding a silver baking pan with a baking mit.  Whatever was in the pan was crackling and smelled like pure bliss.  He placed it down on the far corner of the table just close enough for you to peek over and see the giant roasted duck in the pan.  You and your pack's eyes glued to the bird, practically salivating.
Special agent! Gojo who took his original place across from you all smirking, waiting to see what all you were willing to give up in exchange for such a rare bird in your region.  
“Now can you tell me if you know this man?” The teasing lilt in his voice surfaced.
You got a nudge from one of your pack mates.
“Food is not worth our lives.” You composed yourself enough to speak.
“Well if he's a threat to you all, why are you protecting him.”
“The townspeople know him.  We're new to this area.  That's all I'll say.  Find someone else.” The waft of the duck had your mind muddled.
“Hmm I think you're exactly what I need.”  He leaned in close.  Enough to catch your sweet scent.  “You have my word, we'll keep you and your pack safe, or die trying.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” you sneered.
“Well there's a reason this guy is runnin’ from us.” He winked.
Special agent! Gojo who finally gets the information he needs to bring this guy in and leaves you all in the protection of his team to enjoy your duck.  
Picking up the guy was no problem but it was a shame to break into his elderly parents home to do so.  It almost made him regret it, but the pay raise he was going to get from this take down may be worth it.  After all he's got the hopes of taking a small pack of omegas home with him.
Special agent! Gojo reports back to see you and your pack already at the bones of the bird.  He'd only been gone 30 minutes.
Special agent! Gojo escorts you back home through town.  Only to have your neighbors throwing stones at you as you passed by.  He of course blocked any before they could harm any of you.
Special agent! Gojo who acts clueless upon the three of you reaching home and panicking about having to find a new home, again!
Special agent! Gojo is happy to protect you all as long as need be and proposes a move down south with his team.  Of course your pack has no choice.  His agency comes and boxes your home up with efficiency and ships it to his high rise in the city. 
Special agent! Gojo watches as you and your pack wearily board the agency private plane, and take your first flight.  
Special agent! Gojo who brings you to his home and tells you all to make yourselves comfortable.  He couldn't wait for the place to reek of the three of you.
Special agent! Gojo who plans a special housewarming dinner with all the delicacies you could imagine (yes there was more duck!!!).  He watched you all happily gorge yourselves.  Occasionally one of you would shove a piece of food he “had to try” into his mouth, which he happily accepted.  
Special agent! Gojo who ends the night showing you all to a den he had prepared.  He let you all run around exploring the vast room while he sat in the corner of the Alaskan king bed waiting for you to tire out.
Special agent! Gojo sends you all to sleep bouncing on his cock.  Taking his time to make sure the whole pack is fully sated.  He'd have one of you waiting on his fingers, kissing the other and fucking the last into the sheets.  You were the last standing as your pack mates slept after a handful of orgasms.  
You were barely holding on as Special agent! Gojo folded you in a mating press onto the pillows.  
“Come on ‘mega. Know you wanna come for me.”  He could go all night but he can feel you holding out on him.
The way you'd force yourself to settle after squeezing him for a dangerously long time.
You shook your head, trying your best to match his thrusts.  “Wanna stay.  Feels good, wanna stay.”
“Nnnn I can get you here anytime you want, baby.  Let me make you feel real good now.” He purred in your ear.  Your skin felt like a wave of fire passed through.
You were so close, a few well placed thrusts was all it took to have you spilling over to which Gojo reciprocated.  After a few minutes of panting all over each other he began to pull out.  The two of you were connected by strings of your own release, painted all the way down Gojo's thighs, that fell as you came apart.
Special agent! Gojo laid next to his new pack already excited to tell his team what they'd all missed out on.
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spideyhexx · 1 month
2 am thoughts with kit:
mdni; cw piss
billy’s gang made camp only a couple hours ago but it’s the middle of the night now, and he’s comfortable in his cot, secluded a bit more from the rest of the men because he likes his privacy. His body is achy, tired from the past busy days and he’s so happy, so content to be laying down but then the familiar pressure in his bladder makes him audibly groan into his pillow.
Billy considers ignoring it but the urge to piss grows the more he tries to shift into a more comfortable position. He’s always been fairly good at holding it if he absolutely needed to but the amount of water he had throughout the latter part of the day didn’t help this particular situation, where his bladder felt so fully and made him squirm. He turns onto his back, but it still doesn’t alleviate it. Getting up and walking somewhere to piss was already making his feet hurt. He’s so tired, he pushes his thin blanket down and then his pants, underwear, following.
He stays on his back and strokes his cock, once or twice, squeezing it gently before he moves it to the side, slightly over his thigh. His jaw clenches and his eyes are closed, rubbing his thumb to his tip before he holds himself and begins to let go, pissing off the side of his cot, a sigh of relief leaving his lips as his stream hits the grass next to his cot, some drops dribble to his thigh and cot but he’s too sleepy to even notice it, all he cares about is pissing until he’s relieved.
He can hear the puddle forming, and the hiss of his stream as he pushes harder to relieve himself and he keeps letting out shaky breaths, his heart picking up at how good it feels. Billy finds himself wanting to watch himself piss and wet the grass near him but his eyes don’t cooperate with his thoughts. He curses at himself for even thinking to ignore this. “Fuck,” he breathes out, and wills his eyes to open as he finishes, shaking himself slightly before he gives his dick a few strokes. He feels the tinge of pleasure heat up in his belly but he’s too tired to even move his wrist anymore, so he tugs the blanket back over him and drifts off to sleep.
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wikiangela · 5 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley 💖
istg soon i'll focus on just one wip and finish it and then move on to the next but for now I'm all over the place so you'll get snippets of everything lmao - married buddie smut again haha
prev snippet
It’s just a few seconds of him standing there and admiring his husband, before he gets impatient again, climbs onto the bed and straddles his lap, immediately grinding their hips together, eliciting groans out of them both. He kisses Buck, then grabs his hands, that are on either side of Buck’s head, and laces their fingers together, pinning them down in place, and leans in to kiss Buck’s lips gently. 
“Hello there, Mr. Diaz.” he murmurs, and feels a shiver go through Buck. (...)
“Hi yourself, Mr. Diaz.” Buck grins. “Holy shit, I’m a Diaz.” he adds with a little giggle, sounding genuinely awestruck.
“That you are. Now finally officially.” Eddie smiles. Buck’s been a part of the Diaz family for as long as they’ve known each other. Taking the name is just a formality, really.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @lover-of-mine @jamespearce9-1-1 @giddyupbuck @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @buckaroosheart @hippolotamus
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 2 years
Oct 7th [Yunho + Praise]
[10:53] You pulled back, playing with the edge of your flowy babydoll nervously. You couldn’t help how you were biting down on your lip now as you carefully straddled Yunho’s hips. His hands held your waist firmly and securely and he watched as your gaze darted to the side table and then back to his chest, not quite meeting his eyes.
“Everything okay?” He asked, voice laced with concern as he gave your hips a comforting squeeze.
“Yep,” you knew your voice sounded a little strained but you couldn’t help it. It was the first time you were going to try being on top, it was also the first time the lights had been left on. Despite how good you felt at the outset the nerves were starting to creep in, the little voices pointing out all the ways you might mess this up, or all of the things Yunho would be able to see all too clearly.
“If you wanna do something differently-”
“No!” you said quickly and a little loudly before softening. “I mean… I want to see you too, fully with the lights on. A-And I’m excited to try this.” You ground your hips down, giving him a shy smile while he let his eyes fall closed for the moment, groaning at the sensation. He squeezed your hips again as he took a deep breath, looking at you with a desire that was decidedly soft.
“But… I’m just nervous I guess?” You admitted, not quite meeting his eyes. He slid his hands up your back and brought you down so he could kiss you. He always managed to convey all his love in a kiss. You savoured it, pressed close to him until you needed a breath and only pulled back a bit, feeling a little more calm being so close to him.
“So am I,” he mumbled. “I think anything new is fun but nerve wracking.” He bit his lip nervously. “It doesn’t make you feel worse hearing that, does it?”
“It makes me feel better,” You confirmed with a small smile. You took a deep breath and pushed yourself back up to sitting, not missing the way his eyes trailed down your body, clearly enjoying the view. You smiled a little wider at that, plucking up all the confidence you could as you rose up and wrapped a hand around his cock. You bit down on your lip and felt his hands on your hips, helping to guide you as you aligned him with your entrance and slowly sunk down on him.
Moans left both of your lips at the sensation as you slowly slid down, taking more and more of him and feeling your thighs tremble a little until you managed to take all of him. Yunho had closed his eyes, head resting back in the pillows as he took deep breaths.
“A-Are you okay so far?” You asked, a little worried you were hurting him somehow. You wondered if he ever worried about those things being on top.
He chuckled and squeezed your hips. “I’m great.”
“You’re sure.”
“O-Okay because you’re not looking at-”
“Babe,” he cut you off, finally opening his eyes again and the pure lust in his gaze was evident, but so was the blush creeping up his cheeks. “You feel and look so good I’m trying so hard not to cum right now.”
You felt the heat creep up your cheeks as you grinned a little. “O-Okay I’m glad I didn’t do anything wrong so far.”
“You’re not going to.” He assured you.
“I mean it might not be great,” you chewed your lip.
“Trust me, it’s really not going to be easy for you to mess this up,” he chuckled. “Not when you already feel good.”
“Okay but what if I break your dick?”
“I- please don’t break my dick.” He chuckled.
“Well I’m not going to do it on purpose! It just-”
“Babe!” He cut you off again, hands sliding around to grab at your ass. “Just try moving. I’ll let you know if something is wrong, just like you do with me.”
“R-Right,” you mumbled. You were still hesitating though so Yunho took the opportunity to squeeze your ass suddenly and roughly. It was enough to make you buck your hips and both of you moaned out at the feeling of cock dragging against your walls. It sent pleasure coursing through you and the look he gave you as you met his gaze again made you clench around him.
“Keep going, babe.”
You nodded, not quite trusting yourself to say anything as you braced yourself against his shoulders. There were lots of ways you could move but Yunho had kept telling you that you could focus on making it feel good for you like this. You wanted him to enjoy it too but either way it might take some trials.
You started to grind your hips down slowly, letting moans fall off your lips. It felt so good, he just felt so deep and you tried to let your mind get swept into the feeling, moving your hips in the same way. But you couldn’t help watching Yunho’s face, hoping he was enjoying it too even if he looked like he was.
“You feel so good,” he moaned, as if on cue. “Making me feel so good, babe.”
You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your lips as you moved a little faster. His hands helped you, urging you to a pace he liked but ultimately letting you set it. Your confidence grew as he groaned the more you moved. And you moved a little more roughly as more arousal started to curl in your core, chasing the pleasure of each movement.
Yunho opened his eyes, gazing up at you. The look he gave had a thrill running down your spine but you still felt shy under his gaze. Your hips stuttered and slowed a little and he squeezed your hips, urging you to keep moving.
“Don’t stop,” his voice was much more strained now with a slight hint of desperation. “It really feels so good, babe. I just want to see you too.”
You dropped your gaze but a smile broke out across your face as you moved your hips faster again.
“God, just like that.” He moaned. “You make me feel so good, and you look so good too. My pretty baby.”
His words had a warm feeling blooming through your chest and a bit more confidence creeping in. You slowed again but before he could say anything about it you changed your movements, swirling your hips in a circle.
“Oh fuck!” His head fell back, eyes screwing shut. “J-Just like that, babe. Please keep going!”
You did just as he asked, finding a comfortable pace while swirling your hips and watching the pleasure on his face. The new movements had moans pouring from your lips and you wondered what else you could try. You moved your hips the other way, transfixed with the way Yunho’s features contorted with pleasure.
“G-God you feel s-so good. M-Making me feel s-so good. My pretty baby.”
You clenched around him again hearing the word, feeling bold enough to try changing up the movements, trying to spell words with your hips while still moving as smoothly and quickly as you could. Pleasure coursed through you from each movement and you finally found a set of movements that felt like pure heaven, repeating them and feeling Yunho’s grip on your hips tighten, listening to his groans become louder until his hips bucked up, holding you down while he released.
You stilled your hips, nails digging into his shoulders and humming at the warm feeling of his release filling you up.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “You’re so good at that babe. I think I need you to ride me like that every day.”
“I’m glad it was good,” you mumbled, feeling a little shy and squirming a little. You had been getting close to your own release but you didn’t want to move and make him too sensitive.
“It was perfect,” he grinned. “You’re perfect. My perfect, pretty baby.” His hands held you strongly and he grinned at you before suddenly flipping you underneath him. He leaned in to kiss you as he carefully replaced his cock with his fingers, sinking two deep into your heat and curling them slowly.
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sprout-fics · 1 year
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Consequences Masterlist
(Brat Tamer! Simon "Ghost" Riley x Brat! F! Reader)
Summary: It doesn’t take much to get a rise out of him, but he doesn’t let it show. The mask keeps his face hidden except for his eyes- calculating, cold. You’re the only one who can see the subtle indicators of his annoyance. His finger tapping on his weapon, the shift in his stance as he widens his legs to look bigger, the low, subtle warning bite in his voice that speaks of consequences.
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Part One: Brat
Part Two: Ask Nicely
Part Three: Foul Mouthed
Part Four: The Depths of Him
Part Five: Coming soon!
(Header image originally by @daniel-bruehl!)
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immonanotlisa · 4 months
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"isn't this what you wanted, baby? a relief from all your stress. tell me why mommy should reward you with her mouth." she overstimulates my poor, wet cunt that's on her face. endlessly lapping at my pussy at an exhilarating speed. my thighs tremble to an extreme i now know exists. my moans overlap with eachother. "c'mon, use your words. mommy's gonna take care of you now. shh, it's okay baby. you'll go back to studying later. now be a good girl for me and try not to cum."
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sttoru · 5 months
idk who needs to hear this but write what the fuck u want man 😭😭 drabbles & long fics about whatevaaaaa. jus do what YOU want, not because you feel obligated to
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
So that pervious Chigiri post was really something omg. Thanks to the anon, my brain is now full of that and I wondered if you could write a part 2 to that.
Like you know, elaborate on the reward...
Continuation of this post
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“You – you take me so well” Hyoma says, between a whimper and another.
You are on all fours, and his cock fills you so perfectly that every time he pulls out a little you feel like crying.
Hyoma is gripping your hips, fingers bruising, barely concealed moans inebriating your brains, while the room is filled with the sinful slap of his balls on your ass making the atmosphere even more intoxicating.
It wasn’t love-making, it, you were just satiating a physical want. Hyoma doesn’t kiss your shoulders, he fucks hard and fast and when he leans forward it is to grope your breast while snapping his hips into your own.
He hisses when your cunt clenches his cock.
“You are enjoying this way too much, shitty whore”
He stops his relentless assault on your breast and starts toying with your clit eliciting louder moans from your face.
You turn around to look at his face, droplets of sweat rolling down his face, tongue licking his lips, such a concentrated look on his face.
Hyoma’s eyes close, mouth dropping open, while his hips lose any kind of rhythm just frantically pushing into your wet core. Your cunt tightens around him like a vice, your walls impossibly wet a tight and you hear him whimper, a sound you recognize way too well.
Hyoma keeps pumping through your orgasm overstimulating you to near pain, ‘till you feel a harsh slap on your asscheek and a groan.
Hyoma pulls out, cum oozing off your warm hole “what a waste” Hyoma thinks, before pushing his semen back in, fingers forcing themselves in your already abused hole.
“I didn’t know you had this kind of side in you” You snicker, recollecting yourself after the intense orgasm
“Me neither” Hyoma chirped happily, finally giving you the smooch you desperately needed “I’m going to the kitchen, want something?”
“Just the warm embrace of my boyfriend – wait are you blushing? After what we did half a minute ago?”
“Shut up”
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lamnwar · 1 year
MDNI 18+
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Daiki Aomine has always been vocal about his love for women's chests, it's no secret to most of his entourage. Granted, he may pass for a pervert for being so open about it, but we can't blame the young man for feeling the way he does, can we?
But what Aomine never anticipated, was that the real thing is way beyond his expectations. Sparkly blue eyes stare at you, like you are some goddess about to grant him his biggest prayer.
"Do you wanna see them, Dai-chan?"
Your voice is so full of honey that he doesn't even pick on the amusement hiding in it. Cute little virgin, you think to yourself, so eager to see his first pair of tits.
"Fuck yeah" he replies with maybe too much enthusiasm.
"Oh! Well, let me give you a show, then."
Again, he's completely oblivious to how much you're enjoying yourself, turning a proud boy like him into such an eager creature. You grab your breasts through your tight tank top, squeezing them together as a smile creeps on your lips. He's in awe already, and you have yet to show him the real thing. Cute nipples peak through the fabric when your hands leave to reach the hem of your top. He's impatient beneath you, fingers digging in the flesh of your thighs in anticipation.
So, so cute.
You're kind. Really, really kind. While you'd have more fun making him wait longer, you settle to rather please him. You lift your tank top up, the fabric bunching up right above your chest as your tits drop in the most mesmering bounce. He's speechless, breath hitching in his throat at the sight. They're so round and soft, your adorable nipples standing proud, like they want to make a show for him.
"It's ok, you can touch them. I know you want to" saccharine voice resonates in the silence of his room.
"They're so hot, baby."
You almost laugh at the slight tremble in his voice, oh... isn't he cute, your virgin, tits-obsessed, boyfriend?
"You can grope them however you want, they're all yours."
Aomine thanks the sky for giving him a girlfriend like you. So lewd, yet so generous. His big palms are quick to grap your breasts and they feel heavenly against his palms. He swears, squeezing them together and letting them go, just to see them bounce. And he goes to grab them again, squishing and jiggling, taunting your nipples and gasping when you whine as a reaction. For the first time since you've shown him your tits, he looks at your face. Your doe eyes and your parted lips do not help. Not a single bit.
And he looses it all when your own hands join his on your chest, getting him to toy with your gorgeous, gorgeous tits. You grin, feeling his cock twitch under you. He's so easy to turn on, so easy to please... but you do love him, your cute, perverted, virgin boyfriend. <3
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gazkamurocho · 5 months
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Some Kazumaji smut 😌
🔞 Full and uncensored art on POIPIKU
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tassodelmiele · 17 days
Noisy little mess
Hi cutie!
I've, incredibly, keep on writing the same fic for one time in my life, so i'm posting the second part of the first part (obviously) of the whatever i've wrote.
I like writing. It's a little difficult switch from my italian kinda writing skill to the english language.
I feel less poetic in english. More...meh. Dunno.
Anyway, we do not have that much of a smut content in here, just...talking. A lot of talking. I like dialogues.
Sorry for every incorrect grammatical things, i hope i haven't made a complete mess.
DISCLAIMERS: not that much of a smut thing, anyway is GhostxReader, arguing, terrible nicknames, gym, blame shifting, not having breakfast, recalling of behaviours that shouldn't belong to a military base but oh well.
First part is here:
Next day, you skip breakfast.
Your ass hurts like hell, you've got bruises on your neck and it seems like you've gone through a fight with the full cast of a Jason Statam's kinda film.
You rush through all the damn base like crazy, avoiding smiles and greetings, in search for that goddamn man who has to give you explanations.
'Cause that sort of thing doesn't happen between two who barely speak at breakfast. 
'Cause you may find muscles attractive, but you've never told him you like him in particular.
'Cause he almost ravaged you, without even saying "goodnight".
And 'cause you've liked it. But that's not necessarily to be known.
You're about to go straight to the training camp (you've seen Soap nearby, and he's Ghost's shadow), when the wanted finds the detective: a door suddenly opens, and you bump into his goddamn big chest, almost drowning your nose in that rock solid-muscle softness pile.
Ghost looks at you like he's just stepped on a candy wrapper. You open your mouth, ready to yell:
«ok, now you're going to tell me, sir, what in the actual fu-»
Then, Price gets out of the office too. And your face blushes with the brightest red.
«'s nothing. We've finished»
It seems like Ghost's trying to make you comfortable, and that just gets on your nerves. You look at the captain walking away, and before having the opportunity to speak again, the lieutenant has grabbed you by the shoulder and pushed you in his office.
You do your best not to trip over your feet, almost making a pirouette to face him as he closes the door. You open your mouth, prepare your lungs to yell like a fucking eagle…and he stops you, cupping your face with all of the grace he's capable of, looking at you through his goddamn scary skull mask and spells:
«I'm sorry»
And your brain goes blank. 
You squeeze your eyes; you weren't ready for this. For a scold; for a joke, for him to make fun of you, for you to break his terrible per holder on his face…but not for this.
«I'm sorry. Fucking sorry, ok?»
«Yeah, yeah» you scroll his hands away from your face. «I'm sorry too for having my ass burnt and my fucking neck disassembled, that's not the point»
«I was just saying-»
«You were saying nothing»
«If you-»
«Sorry for what? For your kinks, or your lack of asking consent? Go on, i'm listen-»
And he ends up squeezing your face in his hand, glaring at you while you just stay still with your cheeks pressed together and your arms crossed, raising an eyebrow.
He sigh.
«You've caught me off guard»
You muffle, widening your eyes, about to try to say something but his grips tighten a little.
«Let me fucking finish! Bloody hell, you weren't so noisy yesterday! My god…look, 's not a great time to restrain instinct, ok? I'm not saying that you've…awakened something. You're not my type, anyway»
You start to move again in his grip, trying to punch him, but it's so easy for him to stop you.
«I just want to apologize 'cause i've acted by instinct, and is no good. And 'cause I've hurt you, of course»
He stares at you for five seconds before releasing his grip, and the first thing you say is:
«…not your type? Seriously?»
His eyes widen under the mask.
«You…is this really what you're interested in? Out of everything I've told you?»
«You haven't told me that much»
«What the hell-»
«And you're lucky i've liked it, otherwise i would have smash the whole set of weight on your face»
«Yeah, Yeah, sure, a gnome like you»
«I'm a gnome in berserk armor»
«Still a gnome»
«Fight me»
«I'm not wasting my time in a prison for your dead body»
«…don't you dare, rookie»
«Rookie a pair of nuts»
«Watch you fucking mouth»
«I can't do it, there's no mirror in here»
«…ok, maybe your murder is worth a life in prison»
«You're eating away your guts just 'cause i'm having the final say»
«No, but i'm going to eat your guts anytime soon» 
«Try me! Fight that fucking gnome! Then, you're gonna make better apologies»
«My apologies were flawless»
«You said i'm not your type! After…after making a mess out of me!»
«I've said, if you would have listen, that I was lead by my goddamn instinct»
«Yeah, and since when instinct tells you to ravage alone girls in the gym?»
«Since when i've heard you-»
He suddenly stops. Your mouth is still open, ready to talk back, when he starts to push you by the shoulder in order to get you out of his office immediately.
«Time is finished» he says as he tries to get rid of your presence.
But you're not ok with him.
«Nonononono, don't you even-»
«I've told you everything i had to»
«Fuck your excuses! You didn't even make me come!»
That wasn't a challenge. But somehow Ghost's brain classified it as such.
And the same night, in the gym, different machines…you spot him looking at you.
And your panties get instantly wet.
«No» you suddenly say. He gets closer.
«"No" what?»
«No. I won't»
«Don't tease, you know "what"»
He doesn't listen to you, and starts a whole different topic: 
«Wanna know something fun, kitty?»
«Can you find another nickname, please?»
Ghost's eyes make a turn under the eyelids, as he repeats: «Wanna know something fun, gnome?»
You make a pout, and he goes on:
«you've been the only one with enough guts to yell at me since fucking forever»
«Well, you've been the only one to touch my panties since…fucking forever. We're fair»
«…you mean it?»
«No boyfriend? No sex? Never?»
«Never. Don't make fun of me»
«Why should i?»
«Dunno. An almost thirty years old is suppose to have made something in her life»
«You're working. And living. That's enough»
You're about to grab a weight, but you leave it there, looking at Ghost through the mirror.
He raises an eyebrow.
«…oh? That's the most sensible thought you've got?»
«It's just…i've thought…well…»
«What? What was that little brain of your thinking?»
Your face blush like hell as he comes closer, every step of him is a skipped heartbeat for you.
«I-i've just…i've thought that someone like you may be more…demanding?»
«You don't know me» he towers you in all of his highs «little gnome. 'S dangerous making assumptions on your enemy without collecting intel, don't ya know?»
«You're not an enemy». You swallow, finding yourself hesitate. «…i believe»
«You don't seem so sure about it»
And then he gives you the most threatening, close up encounter with his mask, leaning on you like an eagle on a mouse.
«How come, little gnome?»
You swallow. Than you remember he's your fucking lieutenant, and you're in the base gym, and there shouldn't be nothing to worry about, really. And you feel like an idiot, blushing and lowering your eyes. You decide to use his weapons against him:
«…it's dangerous making assumptions on your allies without collecting intel»
And he stares at you, seeming happy with your answer.
«You do are a brat, don't you?»
«I'm the cutest rookie in the entire base»
«Someone's going to make ya eat that goddamn tongue of you»
«They're just jealous»
«'s not like that»
«…No? Than w-»
«You can't talk back to your superior. You'll end up getting in trouble»
You instantly blush, blowing your cheeks.
«I've never-»
«You're doing it right now»
You blush more, become as red as the goddamn Snow White's apple. Your mouth is finally shutted, and he seems proud of his work. You try to make a step back, gaining some distance between you and his massive body…but he follows you. He follows you and he gets closer, trapping you between him and the weights rack.
«I…don't think i like brats that much» 
Ghost is not touching you, but somehow you shiver under his voice as he's drilling your ears.  
«I like you more with your little mouth shut»
The last word is perfectly underlined by his voice; another shiver down your spine, and you try to fill the silence to not explode under his presence:
«I'm afraid i'm not that good at staying silent, sir»
And he grabs you by the cheeks, squeezing them in one hand without effort, leaning on you as his gaze catches your red face:
«You did a great job yesterday, kitty»
And you melt in your panties. You do it with a little bit of regret just 'cause you'd rather endure a little bit more. You're about to say something, even if you know that as soon as you open your mouth the only thing that'll come out is a moan, and…
He releases you, so suddenly you've to concentrate not to lose balance, stumbling on your feet. He grabs a weight, announcing dramatically:
«But i've seen you've got your mouth fucking open the 90% of the time. That's why you're not my type, little gnome»
«But…you've searched for me»
He stops, holding the weights silently; he's not looking at you, but you know he's waiting for you to keep on with the speech. You swallow again, your throat is almost dry now.
«I know you've heard me. That night. You've heard me…touching. And-»
«So what? You were loud»
«Not that much- anyway, you've come in the gym just for me, i know it»
«No way»
«None come to the gym that late»
«But you were there»
«I'd a busy day- but that's not the point! I wasn't even watching you!»
He hiss a: «liar» in the middle of a curl. You cross your arms.
«…ok. Ok, MAYBE i was, but just for one goddamn sec-»
«So you do like me»
You shut your mouth, biting your lips before saying something that could cost you way worse than a scolding by your superior. Your feet stomp till the biggest weights you can lift, and you start your rdl sets, knowing you're gonna hurt your back.
But he's looking. He's looking through the mirrors (too many goddamn mirrors in this gym) and it hurts your pride how he's acting like he doesn't care that much. So you take a deep breath, and while resting after the first set you spit it out:
«So you've touched me just 'cause you've felt like discharging some frustration?»
His arms suddenly stop moving. He turns his gaze at you, watching you directly this time, as you keep on:
«'cause, you know, since i'm not your type i can't find other reasons why you should've come to do those things. My appearance doesn't turn you on, so you've just found the first random person to use»
You lift the weights again, ready to release your bomb:
«So childish. It's not that mature for someone in your position»
You have no time to get aware of him who's just thrown his weights on the floor, reached you in two big steps, and now he's taking your weights from your hands like they're light butterflies, also throwing them on the floor.
He's towering you again, fists clench and hazel eyes on you.
«…it's your fault»
Your eyes widen. You've expected something different.
«That's why my apologies were good enough for you. 'S just your fault»
«What the hell of a fault did i-»
«You did it on purpose. Those…those fucking sounds of yours, your bloody behave, everything. Goddamn. Everything»
«How?? How could-»
«I don't know, you bloody witch!»
«So learn to know yourself better!»
«Maybe you could behave like a normal human being!»
«I was!»
«Liar. Bloody liar, you've spent the most of the time jerking on every fucking chair you were touching»
«You're hallucinating»
«And you've walked with closed eyes if ya didn't even notice what the hell you were doing»
«I'm not some animal in heat!»
«You looked so!»
«You could've just asked me to stop instead of wetting your hands in my panties!»
This is his time to bite his lips, choking words behind the mask. He stares at you, and you return the glare, arms crossed and ice cold eyes on him, pretending not to feel the wetness in your underwear.
He sighs.
«I could crush you with my bare hands»
You stay still, eyes wide open, hands buried in your sweatshirt, asking yourself why the hell does he seem so embarrassed out of nowhere. Ghost sighs again, louder, blowing hot air away as if he's trying to discharge his lungs from something heavy. 
«It's been days you walk everywhere with those goddamn swallowed eyes of yours, adjusting your panties under the uniform, trembling at the tiniest touch…what the hell did you expect? To not be noticed? You, a little whimpering knot tied on itself?»
Your mind gets blind for a second.
You listen with your eyelid twitching. It is…unreal. He's not describing you, that's what you try to get in your brain, convincing yourself that you've not behaved as he's saying. 
You start to mutter through your teeth: «…but…no, no way, i'm not that-»
«Shameless? Dunno, have you ever tried looking at your fucking face in a mirror?»
«Look little one, if you don't believe me, just ask someone else. Everyone have noticed»
«'s not that i'm scolding you 'cause of your hormones. I'm just explaining myself»
«You…you're not explaining shit!»
«I am»
And he leaves you like this, curled on yourself, insecure and embarrassed. He turn on his heels, sending you a few last words:
«Ask the others 'bout it. The answer will surprise you»
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