#pregnant miruko
theleftoverkiwis · 1 year
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her 8'2 man putting an equally as big baby in her and thus making her look like she's got multiples, poor bunny~\
oh and a bra version below too~
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robinsomega · 1 year
Why is your name "girl dick enthusiast" and not Miruko dick enthusiast? I believe you did us a disservice
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hope this answers ur question!!
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
‘Missing yandere President Kai x first lady asks, so send some’
Hear me out, yandere President kai goes missing.. We all know first lady’s exact location would be found in 10 minutes but no one really cares about kai that much so he’s in someone’s basement for a bit but what happens to the first lady? Does she become president, sent to an underground bunker to be kept safe because if the president can go missing she could too, Does AFO slide into her dm’s ‘hey ur husband went missing, need any comfort?’ or does someone snatch the country?
Of course!!! The moment news of Kai's kidnapping reaches the secret service, they are immediately dragging you and the teletubbies down to an underground safehouse, locking down the entire Presidential House and delay telling you about the kidnapping for as long as possible.
Oh and by the way, you're still very pregnant, and when you finally snap at them to tell you what the hell is going on, they sit you down on the big table with all the generals and higher officials and tell you-
"Madam, the President has been kidnapped." The head of Kai's security tells you.
"What? What do you mean kidnapped? Where is he?!" You ask all of them.
Kai's chief of Staff, Hari Kurono cleared his throat as he showed you the footage of his car. "The president had left in his car last night alone, without his security detail. He turned around this corner and that's where he found his car. The security footage around this corner has been erased and there are currently no leads on who has taken him or where."
"How could you have let him go alone? He's the president for fuck's sake, he has enemies!"
"He insisted, madam. We advised him strong ly against it, but he said that he ordered us not to follow him."
"Why did he leave? Did he say where he was going?"
Hari shook his head. "He didn't say much, just that he had some business to handle and that he needed to do it alone. He- he looked distressed and he left in a hurry."
You closed your eyes and covered your face with your hands before looking back at them. "Alright, okay. Okay, let's deal with this. What are our options right now? Has the kidnapper contacted us?"
"No, madam. We have been looking at all suspected individuals, our Intel is currently searching for potential enemies in neighbouring countries, but we have no leads. We are trying to keep this news from tye public for as long as possible but we don't have much time left until media breaks this news. So now we have to- we have to think of our next step in case..."
The room fell silent as they all hesitated to meet your eyes.
"What? What is it?"
Hari cleared his throat. "Madam, if President Kai is not found in the next 48 hours, we will have to appoint another president- temporarily until the situation is handled."
You narrowed your eyes. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Are they going to give up on Kai that easily? After all he's done for his party? They're gonna betray him?
"And I suppose you already have a candidate in mind?" He nodded. "Well, go on. Who is it?"
"You, ma'am."
Wait what?
"What?" You whispered.
The attorney general decided to speak this time. "We think you're the best candidate for the job, ma'am. We are trying our best to locate Mr President, but we need to consider all our options if things do go south."
"The country cant run without a president, maam. You would be perfect for the job- the party agrees, the public already loves you, and whatever concerns you have about your job, well help you! All of us!" Miruko, your publicist offered.
"I see." You pursed your lips. "Is that all?"
You took their silence as an answer.
"So... you're telling me that the best plan you've come up so far is to replace my husband with me?" Your voice barely conceal your rage, and you slammed your hand on the mahogany table.
"No, shut up!" You barked. "It was your job to protect him! And now that you can't find him, you want me to just sit in his fucking chair and act like everything is normal because you guys fucked up?!"
You stood up, groaning as you suppoted your belly from under. "Here's what's gonna happen. There will be no talk of a new president until you find my husband, dead or alive, but you will find him. I don't care what you have to do, what rules you have to break, you will find him. Look under the sewers, check every suspicious building, search every corner of this country, but FIND. MY. HUSBAND!" You shrieked, hunching over as you felt your baby kick.
Miruko and Hari came close to you but you held up a hand. "Ma'am, let us help-"
"If you really want to help me, find Kai. Do I make myself clear?" You questioned.
You were sitting on the couch, rubbing your belly as you tried to calm down your baby... and yourself.
You were still livid at the proposal of the team. How could they just- how could they give up on Kai like that? And then expect you to take his place?
If it were you who was kidnapped, would they have offered Kai to get a new wife because their is now a vacancy for First Lady?
You closed your eyes and sighed. Kai would've never allowed them to give up on you like that. In fact, that one time that you were kidnapped by a deranged fan, Kai worked day and night, turned the whole country upside down until you were found. He didn't care about his image, he didn't care that he would look "weak" for caring about you, he didn't care when he advised against making threats to all his enemies to find you, and he did not listen to anyone when he went down to meet your kidnapper himself and beat the shit out of him to find you.
Kai found you within 18 hours.
"Mom?" You opened your eyes and saw your triplets standing by the door looking worried.
"Hey, my babies. Come here." You beckoned them. They ran upto you, hugging your lap. "What's wrong?"
"Are you okay?" Dabi asked. You nodded. "Mmhmm, your sibling is just excited to meet you guys. They're jumping up and down inside me."
"Where's dad?" Himiko asked. "He's... out, baby. But he's gonna be back soon." You patted their heads. "Its time for bed. Do you guys wanna sleep with mama tonight?" They all cheered.
"What's the update, Hari?" And you already knew the answer from the grim look on his face.
"We haven't been able to locate Mr President. I'm sorry, ma'am."
You pinched the nose of your bride. It's been 3 days. 3 fucking days since Kai has been kidnapped.
"Did the kidnappers contact us?" He shook his head.
"What if I talked to the kidnappers?" You offered.
Hari gave you a quizzical look. "Um- what do you mean?"
"What if we broadcast me talking to the kidnappers directly? I ask them what their demands are, tell them to return my husband?"
He shook his head. "Ma'am, I would highly advise you against that. You can't be talking to the kidnappers, we can't negotiate with them. It's not sensible to do that-"
"They could kill him, Hari. Nothing about this situation is sensible."
Hari sighed. "Okay, how about this? We can do a broadcast from the Presidential office on your behalf, instead of you-"
"No" You cut him off. "It has to be from me. Don't you get it? They won't respond unless it's from me directly. And who knows, maybe someone else has seen these kidnappers, maybe they can give us some leads to their whereabouts. Someone must've seen them, Hari. It's just not- it's not possible for a man to to vanish into thin air!"
"Ma'am I-"
"Ma'am?" Rumi walked in. "There's a phone call for you."
You picked up your cell. "Hello?"
"Hello, darling." You immeadiately recognised the voice.
AFO. Or Shigaraki.
"What do you want?"
"Aww, is someone having a bad day? Well, you could always come to my place for a good ti-" He stopped when he heard you sob. "Y/n? What's wrong? Come on, tell me."
You sobbed again. "Kai... he's been kidnapped." You whispered into the phone. "He's been missing for 3 days. They can't find him anywhere, they don't even know who took him. It's like- he dropped off the face of the Earth."
"Oh darling, it's- everything will be okay. I'm sure Kai is alright. He'll turn up-"
"He's the president, AFO! He can't just go missing and turn up like this! He's in trouble and I can't- they want me to replace him as the president but im still pregnant and the kids keep on asking me about him and I keep lying to them but- I can't do it- I can't! Not without him!"You broke down and it broke his heart to see you cry like this, especially over that piece of shit you call your husband.
"Okay, Y/n. Calm down, come on. Its not good for your baby. Take deep breaths- just like that." He guided you with your breathing so that you dont have a panic attack, which is totally not safe in your condition.
"Shigaraki?" You sniffled.
"Yes, darling?"
"I know its a big favour to ask..." "Go on." "... can you... can you find Kai? Please, I just- I need to see him. I need him here!"
"Y/n-" "Please, Shigaraki. I'll do anything you ask, just find Kai!"
There was silence on the other end for a few seconds.
"Okay. I'll find him."
AFO already knew where Kai was. In fact, he was indirectly helping the kidnapper, who was actually another deranged fan of yours, by covering up his tracks. AFO made sure that someone wiped the camera tapes clean. The fan kidnapped Kai because apparently he had some information on how Kai was a threat to you. And anyone who wants to hurt you... well, AFO would like to take care of it before anything ever happens.
He didnt plan on interferring with the hostage situation this early on, actually he didnt even plan on saving Kai at all, but you asked him to... and AFO would always give you whatever you ask.
Besides saving Kai himself would actually be killing two birds with one stone- he would be on your good side and Kai will owe him one too.
So within 3 hours, AFO had sent his men to take out your kidnapper and return Kai to you in one piece, minus the few minor injuries. And concussion.
But the universe must've felt extra benevolent that day because his men brought him a document that made AFO feel like he just hit the jackpot.
Its the document containing the legal paperwork with the "added" clause about how every penny gives you, spends on you and your kids, you will have to return him back with a huge amount of interest in order for you to divorce him at the end of his term. And since you're not even aware of this clause, you would be in his debt and thus, unable to divorce him.
The kidnapper was someone who worked for you, and he must've found these documents, and felt betrayed on your behalf. He must've been concerned for your safety, so he used them to blackmail Kai and get rid of him for good.
AFO chuckled as he made a copy of the document. Should he show them to you when you come to visit, or should he first use them to toy with Kai a little?
Nevertheless, AFO has a feeling he will have you back in his arms sooner than he expected.
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burned-out-match · 1 year
shiggy being in love
dabi and shigaraki’s ideal types lol
hawks, shiggy with a short s/o
hawks, shiggy, aizawa with an insecure s/o
hawk’s and aizawa’s ideal types
domestic! hawks
hawks mating for life??
aizawa and hawks as dads!
shiggy with a mentally ill s/o
if shigaraki had a different childhood...
shigaraki redemption arc?
endeavor thoughts
bakugou, shiggy, shoto being jealous
shiggy, aizawa, hawks with a flirtatious s/o
bakugou and todoroki hearing you gush over them
toga, shinsou, tamaki with an s/o who has a shrinking quirk
shinsou, bakugou, kiri with an s/o who snaps
hawks with an oblivious s/o
kiri, bakugou, izuku with a chubby s/o!!
shinsou, ms. joke, toga with a stuttering s/o
bakugou with a pregnant partner
shinsou, aizawa, monoma with an avid reader! s/o
toga, shinsou, denki with an s/o with glasses
momo and ochako with an s/o with an opposite quirk
aizawa meeting a motherly s/o
bakugou, kiri, shoto with a twin sister
hawks after an argument and breakup
present mic, aizawa, midnight with an s/o with long hair
dabi, shinsou, miruko with an s/o who loves the rain
shinsou, denki, tamaki genderbent
shinsou, bakugou, tsu with a mega quirk s/o
toga, bakugou, dabi when u fart
shigaraki, bakugou, shoto when you ask for a kith
shinsou with a lying s/o
hawks, aizawa, shinsou with a writer s/o
tsu, shinsou, uraraka holding hands
tsu on a swimming date
mina and jirou with a singer
kiri, iida, all might as boyfrens
hawks in a relationship
hawks with an owl quirk s/o
bubble tea date with denki, shinsou, mina
hawks, bakugou, dabi when their s/o opens up
monoma with a pained s/o
shinsou, monoma, kuroiro with a shadow quirk s/o
all might fluff
midnight and mic with a villain s/o
bakugou, denki, shinsou when their s/o visits from the future
more hawks relationship fluff
hawks breakup angst
shigaraki and hawks with a singer
aizawa, shinsou, jirou with a cat-quirk s/o
kinoko komori appreciation
momo, izuku, neijire with an s/o who possesses people
shigaraki and his gamer
aizawa, izuku, bakugou with a quirkless s/o
shiggy x reader fluff fic
random class 1a hcs
bakugou angst, tw:abuse
kurapika with a short s/o
can illumi love??
yandere illumi
can hisoka love??
kurapika and leorio as boyfrens
leorio, hisoka, kurapika with a tall s/o
kite, illumi, chrollo with a pregnant s/o
hisoka’s type
hisoka hcs
illumi brainrot
Genshin Impact!!
childe x reader sample fic??
thoughts about sampo
hsr shitpost number 1
hsr shitpost number 2
hsr shitpost number 3
hsr shitpost number 4
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lovelyrots · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Preview!
*UPDATE* Crimson Pride (the sequel fic to Experiment 184 from ‘21) has been taken off for Kinktober this year since I finished it and I might have forgotten the kink in it…but I will post it soon just because I had been wanting to write this since last year and I love it and feel like I tied it up in a nice little bow.
I’ve been working on a couple of these already so they’re all ready by the time October rolls around but these are just the titles, pairings and a (bad) summary at what each one will be about. More details or titles may be added to this list as I continue to work on them.
Rigged - Dabi x reader x Natsuo
Natsuo had fought so hard to find and reconnect with his brother, bribed so many people and done some unsavory things to finally get a hold of him and try to rekindle their brotherly friendship. He just has to prove to his brother that he isn’t some backstabbing bastard(like some people), and what better way than ruining his innocent little study buddy with him?
Content Warnings - corruption kink, spit roast, double penetration, cock worship, dumb/bimbofication, noncon->dubcon, cnc
Daddy’s Girl - Stepdad Kirishima x step daughter reader
You’ve never liked your step dad, it’s not because he’s mean or has any immediate red flags. He’s just too pushy. He’s always constantly trying to get you to act like the perfect version of a daughter whenever you’re home from college. Whether it’s the way you dress, your lack of cooking skills, your ‘foul’ language or the guys you’ve dated, he always has to have a say about it. What a dick.
Content Warnings - stepcest, brat taming, noncon bondage, daddy kink, degradation and humiliation, blackmail, noncon
Fabulously Trapped - Tengen + Makio, Suma & Hinatsuru x widowed reader
You’ve been trapped in this god forsaken room for who knows how long, the only people you see are your unwanted spouses. The only one that stays longer than half an hour is Tengen, the sick bastard. To take you in the throes of grief and make you his. Truly you wonder what defines a demon and a man, if said man lacks any morals.
Content Warnings - Pregnant sex, thoughts of suicide, lactation, breeding talk, noncon, spoilers for Mugen Train(Just in case some haven’t seen it yet)
Rent - Toji Fushiguro x milf!reader
You’ve had your eye on the newest tenant of your husband’s apartment complex since you bumped into him coming out of your husband’s office. When he’s two weeks late on his rent though, the task of getting him to pay gets pushed onto your shoulders by your cowardly husband. Toji is more than happy to provide payment another way though…
Content Warnings- cheating, degradation, mentions of breeding/pregnancy, oral (fem receiving)
Pretty Girl - Miruko x reader x Hawks
Your new masters were oh so affectionate with you, nothing at all like your previous owners. They reward you when you present without a fuss, they ensure you’re fed only the best food and cream, and you get taken out to the massive backyard for some outdoor exercise. What more could a good pet ask for?
reverse hybrid au (humans are the ‘animals’), cum play, outdoor sex, pet play? (in a sense)
Blindsided - villain Izuku x vigilante reader
You couldn’t work with the so called ‘heroes’ after they gave up the search for your boyfriend. So you dropped everything and disappeared off the face of the earth, now you do what you can from the shadows. Waiting and watching for any trace of your freckled sunshine.
Content Warnings- stalking, corruption?, dubcon at first but turns consensual, inappropriate quirk use(Reader misuses her quirk), afo dad au
Shattered Halos and Broken Icons - Succubus Reader x Katsuki
He was a lonely hero and you were a hungry woman with a succubus quirk. How else would this end? It’s not your fault if he sees your parasitic ‘relationship’ as something more though. Right?
Content Warnings- consensual and noncon/dubcon, cumplay, delusional mindset, body worship, overstimulation, yandere
Opium Blood - vampire Aizawa x reader
Sequel to A Certain Addiction; You’ve been kept as his blood bag and cum dump for a year now, being drank from every other hour. He always takes just a bit more, whether it be your blood or your sanity…you just don’t know anymore.
Content Warnings- referenced past noncon, dubcon, aphrodisiacs, blood (mild), Stockholm syndrome
Tricksters and Monkeys - Geto Suguru x Reader
You’ve told your mother so many times now that you’re not being haunted, yet she insists on you meeting some monk or priest she’s been infatuated with for the past couple months. Geto, you think his name was. You decide to humor her and meet him, if only to get her off your back.
Dubcon, mentions rape and murder, Geto calling non-sorcerers monkeys a lot, emotional manipulation, gaslighting
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bkgrl · 19 days
Just came back home for the holidays and found my old Mha OC and... How could I leave such ideas behind; like I'm talking about a full ledger, a backstory, and defined relationships ( and hard-core angst, like HARD-CORE ANGST with capital letters )
I'm gonna try to summarize it; Noriaki Yagi ( note that her name is typically a male name; note it for later it's important [ between no she's not trans it's something with her family lineage and all *angst* ]
As her family name points she is All Might's niece, so his brother's daughter Taro Yagi; the first son of the Yagi family, a long lineage of heroes and Taro is the heir to the agency that is passed down from generation to generation.
So to clarify there are conditions for it to be passed down; the heir has to look identical to the previous owner of the agency and have the same quirk ], and Taro in a quest to have a son and finally please his dad ( it's his real goal; he doesn't care much for the agency, he just want his dad's attention and affirmation ) had many wife's; the first one was Sana she was from North America and gave birth to Kana Yagi; who was a girl and looked nothing like him; 3a curly brown hair, dark skin, and green cat eyes ( she also has vitiligo marks around her left eye and neck; marks that in her grandmother's eyes taint her beauty and make her look like a monster paired with the white strands in her hair ), when she was 13 and her mom "died"( she was killed by the grandparents so their son could remarry and they didn't want to deal with a messy divorce as she loved her daughter dearly and would rather die than leave her behind) so she ran away and joined her uncle toshinori; who was also kicked out of the family because he was quirkless ( he didn't tell them about OFA obv ) so she trained and later became a pro-hero alongside her best friends Miruko and Keigo.
Nori ( nickname for Noriaki ) was 5 when all this happened; she was still living with her mom at the time; she and Taro had a one-night stand but when the grandparents found out she was pregnant they forced him to marry her and cast aside Sana ( the first wife ); the women he loved. This led to a toxic marriage; where Taro didn't love and resented Tama ( Nori's mom ), who loved him to the point of obsession; so to forget the pain she fell into a drug addiction and drinking problem; and when it wasn't enough she'd lash out on Nori..
Why she did do so? Because Nori was perfect; she had her dad and mom's quirk and looked exactly like him but was a girl. So that led to her growing up with a mother who would scream things like "Why couldn't you be a boy ?! You ruined my life etc..." while hitting her. When the grandparents ( again 😒) found out they put Tama in a mental hospital ( the same one as Rei where they grew quite close: Trauma bounding does wonders I guess 🤷‍♀️ ) and took Nori under their "care" ( now to note they changed Nori's name; her real name was Reina Yagi but in their ( the grandpa's ) delusion they renamed her Noriaki ).
Their "care" was intensive quirk training and abusing the poor girl mentally and physically; now to delve into her quirks she has two.
1) her mom's which is Kinetic energy absorption and control; basically if you hit her she'll absorb the energy behind the hit and enhance her attacks ( or if she falls from a certain height she'll absorb the shock from the fall); the drawback is there's a limit to how much she can absorb at once; so if she is too charged she either has to release every energy in her body and so blackout/faint or she would implode/explode.
So you guessed; Osamu ( her grandfather) would regularly hit her and make her keep it all in and discharge it all in one hit or make her do endurance training so that accumulated energy would be her only source for it. Of course, for it to work she had to have no energy/barely any strength before training; so she was malnourished, sleep-deprived, and generally exhausted for most of her childhood.
Which would later cause eating disorders, insomnia, and body dysmorphia (her grandmother Yumie was fat-phobic and the typical housewife; and made sure to plant the seed of those teachings and internalized misogyny in Nori's head and shaped her in the perfect image of a barbie doll ( she has straight dirty blonde hair and royal blue eyes; small nose, full cherry-pink lips; the only thing not "perfect" in her is the shape of her body ( and Yumie made sure to hammer it in her head for fifteen years straight ); as she is pear-shaped with a small chest * her grandma has been suggesting breast implants since she turned 12*🤢
A.N: I'm genuinely freaking out, how twisted was my mind and we aren't even halfway through this!!
So here we have a poor girl who was abused by her mom for 3 years, then was "saved" only to be brought to a place worse than hell; in which she was again abused, insulted on her appearance every day, and had to train her whole life to be ready to look "perfect" in front of the cameras and journalists, turned into a puppet for the world's entertainment.
So to go back to her second quirk; energy manipulation; she draws the source either from her first quirk or from the earth around her. Then she shapes it into different things weapons, armor, shields... [ In the future ( when she becomes a pro-hero; she can combine both her quirks so she'd be able to absorb any hit on the energy shield ]
Whew I think that's all for the basis of her past, I'll have to look through my stuff and find the rest, but if I remember correctly she is close to Momo; met her at a meeting. And Shoto: because in the past they were engaged until her father stepped in and refused it... Or I think but I don't remember shipping her with Shoto but rather Bakugou?
Anyway just have to say that 2020 me was out for blood with this character 😭😂
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 2 months
Mt lady loves the attention so she's always stuffed to her limits whenever she's doing hero work so people can fawn over this oh so brave mom!... You can't touch her belly.. I..it could harm the baby! In reality she's scared someone's hand sinks into her gut.. And then she'll probably get her reputation ruined..
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She was offered a spot in the hero associations maternity class for expecting heroes. If she refused she'd look guilty so she begrudgingly accepted.
Being surrounded by so many pregnant bellies and being forced to do various yoga, stretches and exercises definitely didn't come easy when she was backed up by deep fried lard burgers. One particular stretch had her almost blowing a hole in the back of her sweat stained yoga pants with a particular explosive fart. She was beyond embarrassed but everyone was so nice! Telling her it was natural and some extra gas was to be expected with all the excitement in her gut and the stretches loosening her up...
She almost couldn't believe it when she saw Miruko lean to the side and let one rip herself. It was all very casual as If they had seen someone so gassy before!
Now she's wondering If she should bight the bullet and try and get knocked up... Uwabami even invited her to participate in a maternity photoshoot!
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kisu-doodles · 2 years
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A quick doodle that turned into a full on painting for reasons unexplained! Based on the idea that the pregnant femgum causes animal type heroes instincts to act up and go haywire!!! #miruko #rumiusagiyama #mirukobnha #mirukotherabbithero #mirko #mirukomha #usagiyamarumi #usagiyama #mirkobnha #mirkomha #fatgum #taishirotoyomitsu #fatgumbnha #fatgummha #fatgumfanart #fatgumxmiruko #mirugum #chubbybunny #hawks #hawksbnha #keigotakami #tokoyamifumikage #gangorca #selkiebnha #nezumha #centipeder #hounddog https://www.instagram.com/p/CdzBA97vI4G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bcdwclves · 10 months
Any unique physical details regarding Miruko’s cock, being that she is the “rabbit hero” ?
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Not so much a "unique" physical feature, but she does have a VERY QUICK refractory period. It's essentially no time between when she cums, to when she's rock-hard and raring to go again.
She's able to go for hours on end, and that is very dangerous for you and anyone else who ends up in a hotel or her bedroom because if you weren't pregnant the first time around, you will be the OTHER dozen times.
Other than that, her cock is just "normal-ish", besides it hanging to her inner thigh and just above her knees when she's entirely flaccid. She's not so much a grower, more than she's a shower. What you see is what you get, and what you're going to get is 11 1/2 inches of thick, bnuuy cock.
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emmaakabane · 7 months
🍗Masterlist 1🍗
★ - NSFW
“Just someone I can talk to” ★
Headcannons with black s/o ★
headcanon for Hawks x pregnant fem!reader
Hawks is such an ass
Hawks w/ S/O that likes consensual pain ★
hawks who is pining after a reader who is also endeavor’s daughter
Hawks x clueless/shy fem!sidekick!reader with a crystallization quirk!
Hawks having a big phat crush on a hero who happens to be best friends with Miruko
grocery shopping
Hawks w/ shy but super affectionate in private fem!s/o
fluffy fic with merman!Hawks
“Just kiss me already.”; “Your eyes say no but your lips say yes.”
Hawks finally having to reveal their short/tiny fem civilian s/o to the public after a long time of rumors
hawks + self conscious s/o
Hawks x Hero!Reader - Protecting
Reaction if Young Pro was quirkless
Jacket to Return
No Loose Ends ★
Rockstar S/O
Finding out their student has a crush on young pro
the league wanted to give a warning to Hawks *if he ever betrayed them* so they paid a visit to their house
stressed Hawks that as soon as he gets home he gets pampered like a king
Being saved by their SO
Reaction when young pro hugs him
ride Hawks face ★
hawks giving oral ★
Hawks and his fem s/o have the same birthday ★
Afraid of Heights #1 #2 ★ #3 ★
hawks finding out his s/o is prego ★
“Truth or Dare?” ★
Hawks and his s/o who’s usually very outgoing and hyperactive but when they do the deed she becomes all shy ★
Bodysuit ★
Fem!reader's quirk it lets her sprout dragon wings from her back
hawks reaction to finding out his s/o is pregnant
non sexual acts of intimacy
angel ★
Squirting ★
“I think you need a punishment” ★
Hawks with a clingy s/o
"where'd this scar come from"
Caring For Your Hormonally-Charged Bird ★
I’m Looking Forward to Holding You Close in Bed Soon
S/O wearing their clothes
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robinsomega · 1 year
miruko/rumi in rut x reader
this is a drabble for rumi in rut, i might make this a full length thing at some point but... here are my thoughts. it's by no means perfect this took me 15 minutes i am simply here to dump my opinions about rumi turning me into her cumdump idk what else there is to say. also male rabbits actually don't go into ruts so you can ignore that or think of this as an abo fic, either works
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content warnings: rumi has a dick, breeding kink, mentions of reader getting pregnant/carrying her kids, idk just lots of cum, i think that's it lmk if anything else needs to be tagged
thinking about rumi in a rut and the only thing she wants to do is fuck a baby into you... sharing her rut with her would be absolutely insane, because she literally won't stop until she's sure you're filled with as much cum as she can possibly stuff into you before either of you are able to sleep, her rut pushing her on to the point she can't even feel the overstimulation over the physical urge she has to get you knocked up carrying a litter of her kittens. just the thought of how you'd look stuffed full and carrying her kits has her hips picking up speed even further, jackrabbiting right into your wet heat. (pun slightly intended) by the time she's decided you're as stuffed as she can get you, the entire lower half of your body is numb and shaking. you don't know how many times she dumped a load in you but you do know how heavy your stomach feels, filled to the absolute brim. you don't know how you're going to last until the end of the week when this is only the second day.
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i-cant-sing · 6 months
How many times is she gonna get pregnant? Snow? The people want to know!
Kai, narrows his eyes: not that it's any of your concern, but as many times as she can. She loves a big family, and I wanna fulfil all her dreams.
First Lady Y/n, who's actually been traumatised from the first pregnancy cause she almost died: Miruko, do you know how to put an IUD in? No I don't have time for a doctor, pull put a video on YouTube and do it, rn.
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burned-out-match · 9 months
masterlist :3
(plus a bit of blog nav... hi! i'm match. i write random simp-enabling content. i post when i want to. no schedule. send an ask if you want to. just don't send nsfw stuff plz. i try to keep my blog minor-friendly (no explicit content) but some things are suggestive, so keep that in mind. happy scrolling, and happy simping.)
shiggy being in love
dabi and shigaraki’s ideal types lol
hawks, shiggy with a short s/o
hawks, shiggy, aizawa with an insecure s/o
hawk’s and aizawa’s ideal types
domestic! hawks
hawks mating for life??
aizawa and hawks as dads!
shiggy with a mentally ill s/o
if shigaraki had a different childhood...
shigaraki redemption arc?
endeavor thoughts
bakugou, shiggy, shoto being jealous
shiggy, aizawa, hawks with a flirtatious s/o
bakugou and todoroki hearing you gush over them
toga, shinsou, tamaki with an s/o who has a shrinking quirk
shinsou, bakugou, kiri with an s/o who snaps
hawks with an oblivious s/o
kiri, bakugou, izuku with a chubby s/o!!
shinsou, ms. joke, toga with a stuttering s/o
bakugou with a pregnant partner
shinsou, aizawa, monoma with an avid reader! s/o
toga, shinsou, denki with an s/o with glasses
momo and ochako with an s/o with an opposite quirk
aizawa meeting a motherly s/o
bakugou, kiri, shoto with a twin sister
hawks after an argument and breakup
present mic, aizawa, midnight with an s/o with long hair
dabi, shinsou, miruko with an s/o who loves the rain
shinsou, denki, tamaki genderbent
shinsou, bakugou, tsu with a mega quirk s/o
toga, bakugou, dabi when u fart
shigaraki, bakugou, shoto when you ask for a kith
shinsou with a lying s/o
hawks, aizawa, shinsou with a writer s/o
tsu, shinsou, uraraka holding hands
tsu on a swimming date
mina and jirou with a singer
kiri, iida, all might as boyfrens
hawks in a relationship
hawks with an owl quirk s/o
bubble tea date with denki, shinsou, mina
hawks, bakugou, dabi when their s/o opens up
monoma with a pained s/o
shinsou, monoma, kuroiro with a shadow quirk s/o
all might fluff
midnight and mic with a villain s/o
bakugou, denki, shinsou when their s/o visits from the future
more hawks relationship fluff
hawks breakup angst
shigaraki and hawks with a singer
aizawa, shinsou, jirou with a cat-quirk s/o
kinoko komori appreciation
momo, izuku, neijire with an s/o who possesses people
shigaraki and his gamer
aizawa, izuku, bakugou with a quirkless s/o
shiggy x reader fluff fic
random class 1a hcs
kurapika with a short s/o
can illumi love??
yandere illumi
can hisoka love??
kurapika and leorio as boyfrens
leorio, hisoka, kurapika with a tall s/o
kite, illumi, chrollo with a pregnant s/o
hisoka’s type
hisoka hcs
illumi brainrot
kite with a tall s/o
Genshin Impact!!
childe x reader sample fic?? (don't even look here it's not good i'm working on the content)
sumeru shitpost
liyue shitpost
general shitpost
wriothesley thoughts
diluc rant
wriothesley x reader fluff
husbando shitpost
thoughts about sampo
more thoughts about sampo
hsr shitpost number 1
hsr shitpost number 2
hsr shitpost number 3
hsr shitpost number 4
jing yuan royal arranged marriage au pt.1
random hcs
gepard x librarian reader
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 9 months
Fake Dating and Costumes
Fake Dating and Costumes by megwritesfanfiction
Was it? “Do you want kids?” she asked him before she could think better of the question.
Katsuki frowned, flinching away from her. “What kind of question is that?”
“A normal one?” It wasn't. “You seem to know a lot about babies.” But it seemed like a logical thing to say to justify the question.
He just stared.
“Like, what if a woman told you that she was pregnant-”
“What's with the hypotheticals?”
“I'm curious.” If she was going to tell him about this baby, she wanted to make sure he wanted it.
Words: 2754, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Kacchako Week 2023
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Shindou You, Kirishima Eijirou, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako, Shindou You & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, idiots to lovers, Accidental Parenthood, Mentions Pregnancy, figuring out feelings, Jealousy
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48906982
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lovelyrots · 1 year
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Fabulously Trapped
Tengen + Hinatsuru, Makio & Suma x reader
Content Warnings - Pregnant sex, thoughts of suicide, lactation, breeding talk, noncon, spoiler for Mugen Train (🍩 Rengoku), yandere vibes, light noncon somnophilia, (Y/N) is used for name placement (in case someone doesn’t like the insert name format)
Dabi x Reader x Natsuo (More x Natsuo really)
Content Warnings - drugging, spit roast, double penetration, staged noncon, consensual noncon(cnc), 1 consensual scene, Dabi definitely manipulated Natsuo and his older brother privileges here
Pretty Girl
Hawks x Fem!Reader x Miruko
Content Warnings - hybrid au, outdoor sex, pet play? (I guess), sex toys, heat cycle (no A/B/O though), threesome
Shattered Halos and Broken Icons
ProHero Bakugo Katsuki x Succubus-quirk!Fem!Reader
Content Warnings - noncon/dubcon, delusional mindset, body worship, yandere, sex work, oral, forced cum feeding, a touch of breeding, technically drugged sex?
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 5 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uAPCpqg by Quirky_Chibi_Rose85 Katsuki and Eijiro were adopted together by Fuyumi Todoroki, but Katsuki is slipping back into bad habits. He has no plans of telling his big dumb mutt what’s wrong, but Eijiro won’t take no for an answer. He’s determined to find out why Katsuki is being so distant and cold to him. Words: 2888, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Fuyumi, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Kirishima Eijirou & Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum Additional Tags: Healthy Relationships, Kirishima Eijirou is Whipped, Aged-Up Character(s), Cat Hybrid Bakugou Katsuki, Dog Hybrid Kirishima Eijirou, Quirkless Bakugou Katsuki, Quirkless Kirishima Eijirou, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Scents & Smells, Worried Bakugou Katsuki, Established Relationship, Hybrids, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pregnant Bakugou Katsuki, Not Beta Read, Sappy, Sweet read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uAPCpqg
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