#positive influences in his life and/or social outlets for his feelings? NO
yappacadaver · 5 months
anyways i want that old man to cry because there's no way in hell that man has a healthy relationship with his own tears
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In discussing Ronghao's two distinct sides with @tockamybeloved - the insouciant and careless fairy lord, versus the frightening and demonic Lord of Haishi - I found myself digging up old notes on Persona versus Personality.
A social mask that an individual chooses to wear in different contexts.
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An individual can have more than one facade they present to the world, and these can look very different to the casual observer, even to the point of being almost unrecognisable that it's the same person.
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Personas are often created consciously, in order to meet certain expectations or to achieve specific goals.
For Ronghao, his Shuiyuntian persona is to avoid being detected as a threat. He wants to be ignored, he wants to be dismissed. Thirty thousand years and he deliberately makes sure he has no position of responsibility or political influence in Yujing, nothing to make anyone suspicious.
His Shuiyuntian persona does, however, provide Changheng with an outlet - a means of escaping the rigidity of Yujing precisely because Ronghao cultivates this playful, happy-go-lucky persona that attracts Changheng into friendship with him.
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His Lord of Haishi persona is a different one entirely, and that of course is because he has a different goal to achieve: the creation of evil qi in order to sustain the immortal body of his Shifu.
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This fucking little head tilt
The unchanging characteristics, traits, and physical behaviours of an individual. While an individual can cultivate different facades, there will always be common idiosyncrasies they will be unable to completely disguise, e.g., the subconscious way they express displeasure or frustration.
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Personality tends to remain relatively stable throughout life.
For Ronghao (affectionately, my Batman of Haishi City), I wonder if his true personality is more aligned with his Lord of Haishi persona. And I wonder about this precisely because as Lord of Haishi his mask is physical (unlike in Yujing, where his mask is invisible).
The Haishi mask disguises his physical identity (and like Batman he also disguises his vocal identity), but the truth of who he is seems closer to the surface when he's in Haishi clothing. Perhaps that physical mask makes him feel safer to express his true self? For he's angrier, sadder, more driven, speaks more directly, moves with calculated confidence, and is overall far more proactive as the Lord of Haishi than he ever is as the fairy lord Ronghao.
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eunkitarot · 2 months
btw can you do eunchae's current energy reading and any solo gigs for her like magazine shoot, mc for award show , variety show, brand ambassador etc
Hi sure 💗
Current energy:
Knight of wands: little sis is busy. She is constantly moving. She is making strides towards her goals. She is doing things in a courageous approach. Eunchae is feeling enthusiastic about what she is doing currently. Seems like maybe cb preparation and she is feeling pumped up
3 of cups Reversed: I think in terms of her social life she is detached. I am getting a sense of loneliness here. She is feeling the lack of friends perhaps due to her busy schedules and idol life. She also feels lack of support from people around her. I think they do reach out to her, but somehow they are not doing it in a way that she feels supported. She dont feel the support even if people around her gave theirs. They are not doing it right. Its not reaching her is what i am hearing.
Four of Pentacles reversed: right now, eunchae is facing some difficulties of letting go. Of something that does not serve her any purpose. I think she is holding on to the point that it could affect her. So she needs to loosen her grip and be more open to sharing, whether its her time or her space. She is pretty closed off right now that explains why the support of others couldn't reach her. Eunchae is blocking it her herself bcs she is busy holding on this 'thing'.
Queen of wands: however she is feeling very determined, energetic and she is having this strong charisma with her right now. She is forming that charisma of a queen sitting proudly on her throne, holding onto a wand. So very bold . I think her being closed of and holding to that issue is making her more determined to comeback stronger. She is a phase where her passion and dynamic will start to influence the people around her.This magnetic energy can open up pathways for success and new possibilities, making it a promising time for personal and professional endeavors.
The Empress reversed:however she may feel like there is a lack of growth and creativity. This cause her to lack self-nurturing. She might start thinking that she is not good enough or all those negative thoughts like self-hate. This is suggesting that self-care or a new approach may be necessary for her. Because she is in her head thinking that this is a period of stagnation, it manifested into something real. In fact it was not the case in the first place. It could cause her to find difficulty in expressing creativity and worsen the lack of self-nourishment. The reversed Empress prompts Eunchae to refocus on her personal growth, to explore new creative outlets, and to ensure that she is prioritizing self-care as a means of overcoming these challenges.
Overall energy/eight of wands: she is making MASSIVE progress. On all aspects of her life but mostly her career. This tarot card represents a phase of your life marked by accelerated motion and bustling energy. It’s a time when plans and ideas are set into motion, and results come quicker than anticipated, propelling you forward in your journey. So she can expect rapid developments in whatever effort she put in. This dynamic energy can lead to exciting opportunities and the swift resolution of pending issues, so it’s a time for Eunchae to stay alert and adaptable.
Conclusion: her current energy is a mix of both but overall very positive. Its normal for a person to be in their head as long as they move on, let go and contihue to push through. Even now as I am writing, this i can feel a surge of excitement of happiness and curiousity as to what the future is gg to offer.
For future / solo gigs im gg to pull some oracle instead of tarot just as a bonus. So here are the cards:
Success in tranformation: yes but I think Eunchae seems to be more focused in her transformation and wanting to hone her expertise and skills. She dont really care about brand ambassador or any solo activities of that kind. (Which is crazy to me cause she is my ult and I want her to get opportunities too.) But to her its not as important as being able to progress and become better at certain aspects.( for eg: her dance skills) She care about her dance more, so if her management dont give her product endorsement or any face of luxury brands she really couldnt care less.
External Validation: people around her will start to realise how good she is when it comes to her eloquency. Its the way she speaks , her word choices will make peak people's interest. And people in the industry will probably approach her regarding this and offer her opportunities that allows her to display this skill. A lot of praises is about to come her way. She will feel very validated by people around her.
Bravely market your magic: eunchae will be attracting a lot of opportunities just by being herself. She will be able to pull ppl , business owners in because of her personality. Its like she has the pull,the aura that matches certain brands. And they will want her. In fact , the agency does not need to find for her endorsements. Its going to come knocking at their door. It is THE HONG EUNCHAE that is enough to want her as the face of your brand.
The spark of hustle: Eunchae has been working so hard behind close doors and because she is the maknae of the team people tend to oversee her talents and abilities. This is the point in life where her hardwork will pay off. Its gg to blow up. All aspects of her will be seen. And people will realise how good she is. Spark of the hustle also means that her opportunities will blow up because of her hard work being recognised. Like i said all sorts of opportunities will be laid out to her like a silver platter. Its like a domino effect of good things coming her way because of Eunchae's patience to continue grinding.
You Are the light: i think this aspect is where her postiveness as a person is going to be the very reason she is appreciated. Her being the light everywhere she goes brings her to places she needed to be and places where she deserves to be. She is just that person. And that energy of positiveness is going to pull people in. Its gg to reel opportunities in. What she wants is going to be what she gets.
I hope u like my reading this is a looooong one but yeah overall its very positive💗
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friendfromdsmp · 8 months
Are there Adrien Salt takes that you disagree with?
I definitely think that Adrien gets unnecessary hate as well as unnecessary praise. One thing that disappoints me is how many people see a lot of Adrien’s actions as malicious due to his arguably abusive behaviours concerning his love for Ladybug
You can partake in abusive behaviours without malicious intent. You can form a pattern of abuse without malicious intent. And while good intentions don’t justify or excuse the abuse, it does help to get to the root of the problem. In Adrien’s case, it seems to be a matter of not having been provided healthy outlets for his emotions, emotional identification and regulation or any positive examples or role models to lead by example
Before the show began, Adrien only had a few people in his life; his father, the cold and distant man who secretly had full control of Adrien’s free will and isolated him and all but forced him to work for his brand and do an ungodly amount of extracurriculars; Nathalie, the assistant who seems to have shown Adrien lightly more care and gentle encouragement but that’s really grown in the past few months more than anything; the bodyguard who’s chill and would keep a secret but isn’t exactly a fountain of advice, at best he’s a great option for venting; a mother who we know nothing about but judging by what we know in-universe there was most likely nothing too much better than Nathalie or Gabriel in her; and Chloé, the best friend that was clearly a horrible influence that Adrien tolerated more than liked but clung to all the same for being his only friend
All of this absolutely screams of an unhealthy social development in his upbringing. And when we see how Chloé and Gabriel both throw tantrums like toddlers whenever they don’t get their way or they need to play a part to manipulate others, it’s no wonder that Adrien has a tendency to lash out when his emotions get volatile. It’s not healthy or acceptable, but it’s understandable
Adrien also seems to have developed a bit of a codependency issue of sorts when it comes to Ladybug; if she’s not there, he doesn’t function, but when she’s present he constantly shows off and tries to win her over. This is another factor of his neglectful upbringing; he’s strongly motivated by praise and has a high reward drive, but when there’s no attention to be gained, positive or negative, he sees no point. And with Ladybug being the first person to actually return that emotional connection with him in a genuine and friendly way, he seems to latch onto her to continue supplying him with that positive emotional input and manage his emotions. Again, none of this is healthy or acceptable behaviour, but it’s understandable why he’d get to this point; it’s a classic case of a neglected child acting out for attention, whether positive or negative, because it’s better than feeling totally invisible
Adrien needs therapy, is the bottom line here. He’s developed horrible coping mechanisms or just straight-up lacks them due to a traumatic and neglectful childhood. I don’t think he’s always morally well-intentioned, but I think a lot of his abusive acts, while definitely not excusable, aren’t done out of any kind of ill-intent. They’re mostly done out of ignorance of how to appropriately express or vent his emotions, which results in him lashing out in harmful ways or completely shutting down on both himself and others. Both are harmful, but not inherently malicious. What Adrien needs to do is learn emotional regulation, something that everyone learns as they grow. Hell, it’s something many adults still struggle with, so I won’t blame a teenage boy for not having it down pat. But that doesn’t absolve him of responsibility to work on himself and to make amends for his past behaviours
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musicarenagh · 4 months
Meet Luxo: The Beat Wizard Making Waves in Tech House Let’s hit the dance floor as we investigate Luxo, a Portland resident that has been making waves in tech house for almost ten years. This electronic trip started by Luxo in 2014 is not an ordinary DJ. The tracks have settled with some of the coolest tech house labels as Night Service Only, Space Yachttt and Hood Politics creating a style that combines different flavors of House music. Luxo’s beats are not just some tones; it is an experience. Having residency in Portland’s 45 East, and a passport that reveals cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle, Raleigh and Miami he is considered the hottest artist of Pacific Northwest. And guess what? Next year will be his, as he has new releases all through it that’ll energize your speakers. However, who is the person behind these beats? In this exclusive interview, Luxo spills secrets. From being a homegrown musical weirdo to feeling inspired by crowds of people, Luxo’s life is as natural as his productive niche. In the non-music world, he is all about nature and enjoying a good meal. Thus, hold on tight because Luxo packs some serious heat with their turnt up beats and plans to collaborate in the future with friends namely SADYOUTH & Max Low. And to his fans eagerly awaiting new music, Luxo sends a simple yet genuine message: This year can’t come with fast enough because I have so much new music that wants to share it out there. Listen for Luxo! Listen to Chrome below https://open.spotify.com/track/1MwOIwpxfqZtsnaBx9tswz Follow Luxo on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Instagram What is your stage name: Luxo Where do you find inspiration? It’s always been about live shows for me, whether i’m DJ’ing or just going to see artists I love. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Music was my outlet Are you from a musical or artistic family? My parents forced me to play multiple instruments as a kid, I hated it at the time but looking back i think it’s been a blessing now Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? When I was younger I’d go to raves and I knew then I wanted to be a DJ! [caption id="attachment_53814" align="alignnone" width="1000"] When I was younger I’d go to raves and I knew then I wanted to be a DJ![/caption] How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I was self taught What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? Styx when I was 8 years old How could you describe your music? Tech House but I love pulling from different influences Describe your creative process. It’s very organic What is your main inspiration? Playing my own music out live and seeing people’s positive reactions What musician do you admire most and why? Too hard to choose Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes, when I first started out, I was making beat scene music but quickly found my love for house music Who do you see as your main competitor? Myself What are your interests outside of music? Outdoors, food If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? Probably something in marketing or business What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? The amount social media plays in your career https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ECUg6kTV5tp9vJ2UFNYZ9?si=2gu6l3UBS7-fVY8Cxk8CzQ What are your plans for the coming months? I’ve got some big releases planned on some of my dream labels. I can’t wait! Do you have any artistic collaboration plans. Yes, a few tracks with my homie SADYOUTH and Max Low that i’m excited for. What message would you like to give to your fans? Can’t wait for this year to unfold, I have so much new music that I want to share with everyone
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robfinancialtip · 5 months
🏋️‍♂️🧠Daniel Vargas Graulau's life has been one of perseverance and dedication, beginning in a little village in Yauco, Puerto Rico. Raised by his grandparents, since his parents were unable to care for him, he experienced childhood trauma and struggled to overcome early sexual abuse. Despite these difficulties, wrestling became his shelter, providing an outlet for his emotions and assisting in his recovery from trauma. Wrestling gave Daniel a feeling of purpose and accomplishment, shaped his identity, and provided a path to healing.
🛫🎭He decided to move to the United States, representing a new chapter in his life, as he pursued acting while working in social work to help foster children. This moment in his life marked not just a new work route but also the significance of establishing discipline and morals in his children and the lives of foster children. Daniel used his personal experiences to empathize with and encourage others suffering similar circumstances, demonstrating the depth of his perseverance and compassion.
💪🌈Daniel imparts this message to everybody who comes across his tale as one of encouragement and inspiration. He highlights the importance of identifying one's passion and devoting time and dedication. Daniel's experience shows how pursuing a passion can attract positive energy and important relationships, demonstrating the transformative power of discovering one's purpose. His story inspires others to overcome misfortune and achieve strength through personal passion and perseverance.
🤝👨‍👩‍👧‍His early problems and journey to overcome them have had a tremendous influence on those who have heard his tale. Wrestling served as both an escape from trauma and a stimulus for his emotional progress. His acting career and dedication to helping foster children demonstrate the depth of his empathy and commitment to making a difference, reflecting the long-term impact of his early experiences on his life and choices.
💡👨‍Daniel's path demonstrates the strength of resilience and tenacity in the face of adversity, providing a beacon of hope to those facing obstacles. His ability to transcend personal suffering into a source of strength and compassion exemplifies the human capacity for resilience and progress. By sharing his experiences and emphasizing the necessity of discovering one's passion, Daniel epitomizes the journey from pain to triumph, inspiring others to follow their pathways to healing and fulfillment.
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tarotnoob · 2 years
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As requested, I've done a really long and thorough reading on Jungkook and I even deleted about 40 minutes worth at the end because it was too much guesswork and going into specific relationship stuff.
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For reference, I shuffled as I watched this IG video of him; here's a screenshot. I looked at the second photo while shuffling oracles.
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Here is his birth chart. But on his actual birthday, the moon is in both Leo and Virgo, so that sort of depends on his time of birth. Likely, he would probably have traits of both. And we don't know his rising.
Aspects to look at blockages for JK: Neptune Square Chiron: desire to seek deeper spiritual/emotional healing to provide service to others
Venus opposition Saturn: A natal Venus/Saturn opposition gives you important lessons to learn about measuring what’s worthwhile and valuable to yourself, versus the external standards of your family, culture, or society. You have high aspirations with regard to ideal forms and idealized expectations, and so you need to be careful not to become overly self-critical when you feel you’re not measuring up. You may have had some difficult relational experiences growing up, with a parent or other authority figure, that had a powerful influence on the way you judge your self-worth. As you cultivate inner security and self-acceptance for your creative process and output, as well as your relationship patterns, you’ll find it easier to strike a healthier balance between enjoying pleasures and maintaining necessary responsibility. In fact, due to your capacity for objectivity and clarifying discernment in your decision making, you have the potential to become a leader or authority within your vocational field of interest.
Mars Square Jupiter: Mars square Jupiter natal is a generally positive influence, in that it creates ample energy and enthusiasm, strength, courage, and sexual attractiveness. The high energy and this aspect definitely need some creative or physical outlet, otherwise, restlessness will build up into aggressive or rash actions.
Mars Square Uranus: You feel life is better lived on the edge or you're not living at all. Your continuous search for novelty and what's unusual draws you toward a need for speed and risk.
Chiron in Libra (wounds in need of healing/obstacles): When Chiron is placed in Libra it makes people vulnerable when they are not around people they trust, love, and care about. The world is dark and meaningless without your partner, friends, and family close to you. And you wouldn't feel the pain of loneliness if it was enough just being in the company of these people.
retro merc in virgo [sometimes difficulty in expressing self], retro jupiter in aquarius [difficulty building a vast social network, struggles with authenticity, maybe not fitting in with peers w/ a side of feeling "different" from peers], retro saturn in aries [difficulty with concentration or reasoning], retro uranus in aquarius [more difficulty with being comfortable in authenticity, introversion], retro neptune in cap [difficulty with setting boundaries or difficulty with change], retro north node in virgo (south node pisces) [issues with setting/maintaining boundaries].
btw, these are my personal takes on retrogrades in natal charts - i just looked up the regular placements and played opposite. it's not probably accurate but i just see retrogrades as obstacles or extra challenges :)
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Chinese zodiac: Ox
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Moon was in waning crescent: A Waning Crescent is a wise, aged moon that has already experienced every phase in the cycle. This causes people born under a Waning Crescent to possess special talents or knowledge. Having this unique perspective can lead to a life of success, imagination, and fulfillment.
Okay, knowing all of that makes even more sense after we do JK's reading.
Lunar Eclipse - Sun - 4th house back of deck: What I took from the eclipse card is that it represents a blockage but also a middle-ground, it also resonates with mystery or a lack of clarity, partciularly around something emotional or intuitive/spiritual. Sun represents clarity, but it also represents identity and ego. 4th house (ruled by Cancer) represents family, home, childhood, or groups/communities where we feel we "belong" or are safe, etc...
For me, this whole grouping ties into a lack of clarity around identity (due to emotional or spiritual blockages although in a way that feels one in the same here), and we may have blockages because of ego, as well. This could be a lot of things like... certain beliefs he may have or beliefs external people/culture has that make one feel like things they do aren't "normal" or acceptable. It may also have to do with someone who prefers to live in the comfort zone so is unwilling or seems to have (emotional/spiritual) trouble adjusting to change or things that would pull one out of that "nest". There could be issues around the self and not feeling like they belong in a particular group or being so at home in a group that they're unwilling to move or expand beyond that designated "familial" group. As seen with the above mentioned blocks because of his chart, I would venture to guess JK keeps his social/friend group pretty small. Ironic given that in these cards it's pretty obvious he has a big heart so he probably wears his heart on his sleeve, which likely... there's maybe a naivete, willing to trust in certain people who will just take advantage of that, thus leading to issues of... creating and maintaining boundaries. If he were to come across this multiple times, I think it would make him virgo-hermit even more because he would just withdraw or surround himself with individuals he has proof that he can trust them. I don't sense bitterness or cynicism, I just see someone trying to prevent themselves from being (emotionally) hurt, and again I'm feeling more Cancer energy because I'm seeing a crab (or turtle, but whatevs).
We could probably go more into the lunar eclipse... with the moon in between the earth and sun... there is a sense of "balance" which fits with all these Libra cards - but there's also a Pisces card in the Moonology deck that talks about balancing the spiritual with the practical, so there is something pushing JK to a sort of middle ground between intuitive/spiritual self and practical, which is likely the healthiest place to be, but it might mean these things are off balance. He seems pretty practical in my book, so there may be some type of spiritual blockages for him, maybe even unconscious ones (related to ego) that he needs to work on so that he can have more clarity about self and identity. I didn't try to read into it, but I'm pretty sure there was a time in JK's past where he might've struggled with his mental health (it's not conjecture, Jin brought this up in the 2019 festa I believe), where 3-4 years prior to that (my guess is DNA era), JK closed off even with the members and, maybe, no one was really... reaching out to figure out why - and to my knowledge, JK has never talked about this openly, but a lot of us are aware that he's got some anxiety and restlessness in certain social situations. But, I would imagine being in the entertainment industry since 12, being shouldered with the responsibility of an adult at 15 and never having a normal childhood would probably lead someone to have several identity crisis(es) before age 24. Especially if someone were introverted by nature, self-critical, and had a penchant for comparing himself to peers or the expectation of society on what he should be like. I've also noticed that JK has a penchant for mimicry. Personally, I think this is a skill and talent, but when a young person is developing their own identity and tends to look around him and use other people as a way to create an identity - is it really him? On the positive, this is why JK can see an actual skill or talent and put it into practice, but things I've wondered are yes he can sing like another artist and mimic that sound or inflection or he can take on the role of x member when it comes to performing or even socializing - taking what he's seen another member do and repeating the action (what comes to mind is when he went to fetch those shoes for their director and then said I'm only following what Jimin does and even Jimin has called JK his copycat), but... JK really does... copy? Because I'm sure psychologically he never had time to develop (hello, "my time") so in place of his own developed ego he often took on others. Also, why wouldn't he be an amalgamation of the members? He was the youngest, they were his closest role models and they "raised" him more than his own family, likely, so as the youngest and someone already skilled in mimicry, he... probably picks and chooses those personalities... which meant that developing his own authenticity might've taken longer (plus that area seems to show up as blockages in his natal chart, anyway).
Overall, the cards definitely indicate a coming of age type of situation in which a young person is growing into themselves and either being pushed into or naturally gravitating toward exploring his own identity free of all those external influences. It's why we've seen him - in the last couple of years - get tattoos, piercings, color his hair. For me, these symbolize more exploration than actually knowing who he is yet, but at least there's progress in there.
I asked the tarot what card represents JK's core energy. One deck gave the Fool, the other deck gave the Wheel of Fortune. What these have in common are that they both indicate taking risks and being open to change or maintaining a balance during (life's big changes). It also represents cycles and new beginnings. Fool is definitely free of anyone's opinions or limits and Wheel of Fortune also represents growth and expansion for me, so it's almost like this whole new cycle of spiritual growth is now available to him, and also one in which he needs to take more risks instead of trying to maintain control, surrender to those changes. I'm guessing control has been a big issue in the past when it came to changes, especially around anything that would have to do with his "home," "stability," "family groups." What does he know? What he most knows is BTS, so I imagine any type of changes to anything surrounding that aspect of his life would've been very difficult to handle, probably also because something about being BTS is heavily attached to his ego/identity and if BTS isn't BTS in the way he's known it, it fucks with his emotional/spiritual stability. The solution would then be that he would need to gain individual clarity about his own self instead of projecting that onto other members or anyone else - he has to realize who he is as Jeon Jungkook, the person, and separate from BTS.
Something about this journey is fated. If I had to guess, his purpose in this incarnation is for spiritual growth and to learn to be more trusting of the universe and the changes it brings, maybe become comfortable with the idea of how finite life is, learn to live more in the present, etc...
Moving onto the "mystery" and "truth" cards - for me, I associate one with scorpio and the other with Libra - both of which are present in his chart in Mars and Venus (possibly Rising, but dunno). They also say the same thing as that Sun/Lunar Eclipse, too. Mystery is about discernment and the idea of not wearing your heart on your sleeve, not feeling like you have to reveal everything to everybody. And truth is just that, truth and authenticity. So my take is again we have this notion of... boundaries in discernment and being TOO open to people about who you are. Either this is a something he needs to work on or it's advice. The other one could be about being the authentic self, being honest with yourself, it being unclear about who my authentic self is, the truth being hidden about something... in the end, it's just about JK uncovering something within himself related to who he actually is after putting everything (ego-wise) to the side. Does he define who he is based on his fame? Status? Wealth? Clothes? Number of hit songs? Or does he define himself by his own personal accomplishments. I'm Jeon Jungkook - I love to sing, dance, perform, and I want to help people and be a decent person. I don't think he's completely confident in being just Jeon Jungkook, but it feels like he's made worlds of progress toward that aim. He's been doing the work on trying to figure out those things he's been uncertain about regarding WHO HE IS as a person but I think it's been cloudy or uncertain or the external world of being a famous person has made it very difficult for him to identify that. Tattoos, hair, piercings - these are actually distractions sometime. We do use them to express our individuality but often times we also use them as a means to hide certain aspects of ourselves (I say this as someone who's had like 10 piercings at one time and I know exactly why I got them and I've had enough convos with people who get tattoos to feel similarly about that). These things don't make JK either, what ends up making us who we are is what we are on the inside (emotionally or spiritually), and imo, those things like hair/piercings/tattoos are a testament to him making the move to EXPLORE who he is, so he's likely IN this process now.
And then bringing it back to the placements that seem relevant, with a Mars in Scorpio, it makes me understand why he's so crazy about performing. Mars, to me, is what we do and often closely associated with career (well, probably sexuality for men as well). When would JK be most likely to feel in control? My guess would be performing... and probably in bed, but that's a generalization and, gross, not interested in going there, he's like 24. But, probably is related to expressing himself more sexually on stage in the last year or two. We saw it with My Time, and we've seen it with, well, the Black Swan wardrobe "malfunctions." Probably also the best way for him to explore that more sexual-masculine side of himself is, again, performing. Maybe outside of that element, he does feel a bit less in control and might explain the anxiety we sometimes see when he's LIVE but not performing (the rocking or the being restless). Sure, it could be anxiety and such, but I think it's more an excess of energy or adrenaline before or after performing and being able to express that type of energy that... probably gets bottled up when he's NOT moving or being active. I think being a virgo or just because he's intuitive or - i guess it's obvious as well - that since he can't perform 24/7 as much as he seems to try, that working out is another great alternative. Or any type of physical hobby that can get his body moving to expel that nervous energy or should I say overflow. It's odd because I personally think he could benefit with less active physical activities such as yoga... or more spiritually-minded activities like a martial arts that's heavy on the spiritual philosophy of it? Because I think it'd be beneficial for him to be able to calm both mind and body simultaneously - however stuff like boxing would do this. Not just running on a treadmill would suffice, I feel like his mind also has to be working during a workout - another reason for him to be taking up dance lessons recently, too. Any activity that engages mind and body would be good for him, yes that goes back to sexuality, too.
In that respect, one could probably also argue that in these situations, it's the opposite of having control and more like a release of control. In his case, with his placements, I would say that it takes more energy when he's not performing than it does when performing and what I mean by that is "controlling" his ego/identity is more difficult because perhaps he - on an everyday basis as just JK - is blocking some spiritual aspect of his self, but when he's performing this blocked aspect is freed, which is why he almost seems to have an addiction to performing, to working out, to moving around.
Are you going to be more addicted to a feeling of control? Or a feeling of letting go? Ask yourself why people smoke weed and drink - is it because they like being in control or they like being free of it?
So, what I sense is the spiritual parts he seems to fight in himself are totally free during performance and so there's some confusion of self because on stage he's actually MORE in tune with his spiritual core than when he's not, and maybe unconsciously/subconsciously he has an especially difficult time reconciling these "selves." He probably asks: Why do I feel MORE like myself when I'm on stage or active? So, if I don't feel that when I'm not performing, am I not me? Am I fake for thinking my stage persona is me when logically I should be saying that's not me and to say it is, is ego?
I would say to him if he was in front of me: JK, you are more you on stage in the spiritual sense than ANYWHERE ELSE and that doesn't make nonperforming JK less valid, it's just that nonperforming JK has created these constructs and limitations on what he's allowed to show of himself off-stage - for me it's a mix of social constructs based on culture and inner personal... issues. It could be like he's so caught up in how other people view him as just Jeon Jungkook that he's not sure which "self" to project or maybe he even shifts the self and changes based on the company he's in (although that's just an introvert thing to do, as well). He would need to practice being his "self" in all company and not change it to make OTHERS more comfortable even though there is probably no one telling him he has to be this or that self, it's more of a conception he has of how he imagines people expect him to be this way in this situation, not necessarily to people please, but it seems more to be like he just... doesn't know how to be himself and feel comfortable in that skin yet.
I know he has the DESIRE to be his authentic self and is moving toward that, but internally I'm feeling like there's something else and I keep thinking about the idea of the lunar eclipse and how it pits the moon in the middle of the earth and sun - and everything is about having balance between practical, spirit, ego/self.
lala moving on.
Coming to the Edge is basically Fool vibes with taking risks leading to authentic self, a 9 card by the way. We'll talk about how weirdly creepy his numbers are later. No Place Like Home is also about authenticity - but it gives me that vibe of fourth house again, too... when you combine them it seems like it wants to say moving out of what feels safe or what the comfort zone is for him, especially in terms of self and who he is/identity. I know they're about to come to the US, but these cards also highlight travel (as did that wheel of fortune and fool). I think travel for him is a good way to move him out of his comfort zone and also expand his (spiritual self). Perhaps if he's exposed to more things outside of his (culture or bts world), then it just helps him to evolve beyond this "box" he's created for himself. I shouldn't say he created because he created it as a means to adapt to or survive a life of early-age fame with adult responsibilities.
If he were in front of me, I would also advise him to take risks in areas where he's often played it safe at other times - if that be relationships, I'd say go for it; if it's wanting to experiment with music or art - go for it, now's a great time for expansion and taking risks. It's also a good time "spiritually" or unconsciously for him to expand what "belonging" or "home" means to him, I think. For me, this home also represents something like the emperor might but while there's safety in organization or control... it's certainly limited when it's just these four walls and the house is up in the sky, totally isolated.
I would push for more socialization, more experiences, and maybe I would push for opening up within reason. that balance of being open and vulnerable but not allowing people to walk all over you as boundaries for JK seem especially important given... the fool here and this idea of him being so open emotionally and trusting and... I don't want to say "obedient" but there is a part of him that wants to be seen as good and decent even though... there's also a very rebellious side to him. I'd guess this is a cultural imprint of living in Korea - with yes I want to be myself and a rebel but I also have to live within these confining cultural social construuucts, which I think he wants to respect... for the most part... I've never heard him question the system openly, especially government or politics, when he very well could but BTS hasn't seemed to question anything like that since the early days where they were all "we don't need no education" and then they all got online bachelor's degrees haha. >.>
I would advise though in relationships to not move too fast because this come to the edge... there are hearts and the edge can be dangerous and yeah it's good to take risks like with the fool - but... if you move too fast in relationships you can get hurt if you don't also use your brain or keep your boundaries in place. this isn't JUST romantically speaking, this is relationships in general where... he's going to have to be cautious in not moving too fast in trusting everyone he meets, though I'm sure he's learned this by now as BTS have been fucked over by plenty of folks at this point. But my gut is also saying in love - in previous years - to some extent, he moved too fast, I'd also guess that he's very much a romantic and would be someone who used grand gestures, even "risky" ones... this card does give "risk it all" vibes because sometimes he's not always filtering what he should do... because he might tend to be a bit impulsive when it comes to certain things... not just with love or romance but also like hmm.... things he feels strongly about - which yes makes sense love would be one because he's a big-hearted man... but that's because on principle (he is a libra venus), he will act in strong ways about things that (on principle) mean a lot to him. i would guess this would also be equality, work ethic. on principle, it'd be difficult for him to LIE, he'd be willing to risk it all for the truth, to defend the truth, there is a sense of righteousness to him, which is probably why the Libra is coming through in his cards. I mean, you can read up more on a libra venus but that's... what i feel... I guess I could address the numbers of these cards which is 36/9 and 50/5. 3 is social or creative, 6 is personal success or harmony in work, career, life, home... 9 is spiritual or philanthropic... so there's harmony to be had in communities and around home or work when there's also a sense of providing a service. but 5 and 0 would be change/conflict and new beginnings or just change.... also this no place like home reminds me of the hermit card because it's hanging on a staff and isolated and also i'm just noticing the moon in the back that looks like a waxing crescent D: or maybe you'll look at it and think of the lunar eclipse or maybe you'll think of his IG photos of being on the beach with the sunset... and we could read into the idea of beach/water and "home" and think about Busan or think about a spiritual/intuitive and home so as in a spiritual place to belong is truly what he's seeking but to get there, he'd have to take risks that involve leaving behind what feels comforting or safe or that taking that journey will eventually lead to a true "home."
Mediator is a card that is like Justice or that Lunar Eclipse, of needing to be in balance or feeling stuck in the in between. On the card it says "gift for negotiating fairness and strategy in personal and professional life. respect for both sides of the argument. Shadow is negotiating with an ulterior motive or hidden agenda, either personally or professionally. We covered a lot of what I would say here when I talked about how strong his principles are regarding truth or fairness. I can't see him compromising much and he'd never be more disappointed or ashamed as if/when he compromised on his own principles. No one could make him feel worse than he already would at that (which we've seen before already if you ever watched BV4 and saw him apologize simply for living his life but other external people reacted negatively to that) - but in his eyes, he disappointed people or acted out of "character" for himself. If I'm honest, the only time I was ever disappointed in him was when covid just started and he went out with some friends to a club or out to a restaurant and a lot of people were like HE'S JUST LIVING HIS LIFE - even though BTS had mostly just spent that time previous to that telling people to be safe and wear masks. You can argue all you want about it, but JK... just as an EXAMPLE, even though I don't think he wrote an individual letter, I'm guessing he got an earful from his hyungs or felt really embarrassed. Granted, maybe they were locked up in a room and all wore masks and stayed 12 feet apart from eo... but that's doubtful. He's also young, so he's allowed to make "mistakes." That's how we grow. And if we constantly live according to what others think, we become stifled, as well. In that instance... I wouldn't say he was stifled - but in the instance of dating scandals or accidents of some sort, then... stifled or case by case.
Some of this Libra stuff... may be Jimin's influence? It's clear Jimin has had some affect on him given some things JK has said (like about the shoe fetching?). Of course all the hyungs have had influence on him, but Jimin is the only Libra so I would wonder, too, if there's something about JK that's... become more of a literal mediator, or someone who is often listening to other friends' or members' problems. He might not have been in this role before but as he's growing, I would guess the older members (it reminds me of something Jhope said not too long ago about how JK's become even more precious to him lately) and it sounded like the context just involved them... having deeper, more adult, equal conversations. It is likely this is also about how JK sees people as equals so maybe some of that age hierarchy is just difficult or maybe this goes back to social justice and fairness, but it's become a really strong thing for him. We might then also want to look at his Saturn placement or if he had anything in Taurus... well we know his Saturn is in Aries (retrograde)
[Aries Saturn can have good concentration and reasoning skills. This can be used to your advantage when you are actively trying to get ahead in life. You may try to force your ideas of right and wrong on others, as you have an innate need to be in control of every situation] since this is in retrograde for JK, this is probably something that needed development over time - not just in terms of maturity but finding a balance when one doesn't always have good concentration or reasoning skills.... or may have a tendency of feeling like they're always right... but perhaps over the years, he's grown to be less like that, develop more concentration and reasoning... I think at the core, too, he just... genuinely would prefer everyone be happy. Everything be fair, he is a bit of a naive fool or romantic in that sense, I do think he's an idealist at heart and then his rational virgo side may come along and go - but that's how you've gotten hurt in the past!
from the image on this mediator card, too, i feel like this is a person who longs to belong but often feels they don't. the woman is holding onto these people's hands but they're turned facing in different directions.... it could also signify a reluctance to let go of what feels safe (especially relationships, but it can be whatever). Sentimental is the word I hear. Very sentimental person, especially with people. I understand why he cries at the drop of a hat during sad movies or marvel movies, lol. He gets attached to the characters.
Let's talk about the temple and the heart... i mean this is again a feeling of "spiritual home" and "heart/emotions" so we have someone looking for a spiritual sense of belonging again. The heart longs to be somewhere safe and secure - the temple can be a home or it can be what's inside us or even the physical body.... I also think both of these cards relate to the heart chakra. Heart can also represent authenticity and self again. Intuitively, so... well for one, the canoe in the center of the nest makes me think of In the Soop 1 and since these are people, it could be a nod to a particular relationship in his life or relationships in general and how essential it is for his spiritual self to find "home" in relationships. The canoe can also represent an internal balance or harmony, aspects of the heart that the nest is protecting, such as hiding emotions or tying back into that "mystery" and the truth card. I just think there's a whole lot that he keeps inside himself and doesn't let out easily, especially with people. I know I said he wears his heart on his sleeve and is trusting but to TRULY TRULY open up to someone, I think... there's probably like only a handful of people he'd ever do that with. It also makes me think that in a relationship... or maybe I should call this intimacy? That sort of personal intimacy is apparently very precious to him, so I think he would really enjoy one on one time with friends or partners. I'd say he also prefers privacy around these relationships so if you're taking photos of him out in public with friends - you'd be pissing him off.
I also feel that "home" isnt ever going to be a physical place for him but about the people he's with. There's no way even if he's a virgo-hermit-introvert he can survive being alone for long. Maybe this is why he goes and knocks on Jimin's door at 3 am. He cannot be alone. There's probably too many thoughts but he's more at peace in the company of others or companions (including pets). I'm not saying he is, but I could imagine a person being a serial/codependent dater with cards like these or just fall really fast like I said. I have no idea if this applies to him in that way, it's just another interpretation. I'd also say that he'd be sort of possessive in some regard, ofc you could guess that from anyone with a scorpio mars, but I feel that here, too, though it has more to do with this... "peace" that seems to come with being with one person. So, would he show some possessiveness? Yes. Should you hit him on the nose with a newspaper for it? Yes. It's not a cute trait, it's a sign of someone uneasy with being alone :)
It's also pretty human and very normal, so no shame. But boundaries, folks. Importante. I do think with these cards he's a bit of a homebody, probably too much so, but ideally he would love to be like him, one or a few close friends, sitting on the couch and watching Netflix. Why is he fighting his spiritual self? I see so much spiritual energy and intuition in the cards and yet there's something else here as if he's cynical or mocking of it, I don't know. Even though the numbers on these cards are 39/12/3 and 31/4 I also see these as 10 10 10 9 and 10 10 10 1 because of the roman numerals, and those numbers appear in the tarot. and 9 is his life path #. Also in these cards I see like... growth in the saplings and then there are flowers in the nest but there's also wheat here which makes me think of harvest.... well that's really just about cycles, isn't it, maybe we could even go into the idea of fertility or creativity... but these are cycles in life about discovering what the heart means and where it is and what's sacred (mostly internally speaking) to this individual.
Ok, a thousand years later, we'll talk about the tarot.
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8 of wands and Queen of Hearts - so I was watching the video as I shuffled so literally this is someone delivering a heartfelt message online, which is what was happening. I would also guess this is someone with a fire moon. Or at least it's likely that scorpio mars. But, someone with very strong or "fast-moving" emotions, someone who's also got extremely strong intuition, maybe even psychic abilities, like literally an ability to read thoughts? 8 of wands is communication or fast-moving energy, right, and queen of cups is a person with strong intuition, creative, spiritual, nurturing, good listener, tender, soft - I won't say his emotions are subtle given that they're paired with a fire card. I could read this as someone with an excess of emotions but also... spiritual/intuitive abilities. Someone who has the ability to convey very sincere or heartfelt or tender messages through communication - how they communicate their feelings will also come with passion. This makes sense for the mediator or Libra card in that imagine someone who's able to talk very earnestly and sincerely about what they're passionate about - but also it could be someone who is overwhelmed in some way like.... they feel so much that what they speak could have the tendency to come out very fast or overpowerful like what we talked about with the tendency of a saturn in aries person to always think they're right, so when he gets sensitive about a topic he's passionate about than what comes out is going to be... passionate or emotionally-charged. on a sidenote, it also looks like someone about to receive an online/text communication but that could just be the cards describing what i was watching D: I never looked at the transcription of that video. but yeah it does look like energy/communication that's being sent to and received by the queen of cups or just an "emotional/sincere communication" in general here.
9 of cups, 10 of swords, Justice. Goals/wish fulfillment/emotional contentment; harsh or anguish-filled endings; Justice/Karma/Choices/Weighing options. Also let's talk about WTF with the numbers because these came out 8, 9, 10, 11. Not only does it move toward the step by step end of a cycle it proceeds to a master number? And later the clarifying numbers and even oracle numbers all end up being the same? We'll talk about that in a bit. I guess maybe I could read this as a harsh karmic lesson that has to do with what truly makes a person happy or at ease or if someone was set out toward a certain goal and then that dream didn't... materialize in the way you wanted due to fate. I feel like it could also be about one having to weigh options or the consequences of some type of choice that would bring a painful end to a path the person previously thought would make them happy - as an example, the thought of disbandment. It could also be, though, someone's destiny to end a painful cycle but that cycle and that ending happen so that one can pursue a true path of happiness, maybe because that person thought xyz was the path to happiness or xyz was happiness itself... but... it actually wasn't and this new path, though it's sad it ended because he's sentimental, actually opens up a bigger path to authentic emotional satisfaction - like say someone thought their goal was "to be famous" but the more authentic goal in alignment with their spirit was "to find a place where our soul feels content" and it wasn't fame, so after that stage of life ends, one finds something else that's even more spiritually fulfilling? It could also be an end to a particular relationship, as well. Like a legal severing of ties in some way, too.
But it'll help to look at clarifiers since I was trying to only think of the original tarot.
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tI8 of wands clarified by 2 of swords and queen of cups clarified by 9 of pentacles. How to interpret this - so it could be that there's going to be a decision JK would have to make, to be forced into making that decision or it's just coming up really fast. It can also indicate what we talked about earlier regarding some type of block in a type of information being sent to him, it could also be trying to hide something around communication or trying to temper or keep this fast-moving energy blocked. But like I said, JK seems to have a lot of fire energy inside that can only be relieved during performance or when being physical in some ways. This two of swords also indicates that if a decision is coming up, to be logical and rational as opposed to simply following the heart. Queen of cups clarified by 9 of pentacles, well 9 of pentacles can be about self-work, authenticity, independence. So you could read it as individual creative projects, you could read it as... someone exploring their individual or doing self-work around their emotional/intuitive/spiritual life or abilities. I suppose it could be someone who has a difficult time accessing their emotions when it comes to individual works? I guess it could be the opposite too and someone learning to use their intuitive abilities in a way that's synergetic with a creative career or project. Or just someone receiving a message about an individual passion creative project and having to make a decision about it - like if he's working on his mixtape or a solo project - but the deeper stuff applies, too, here as I think this is about how JK expels some emotional energy through external means - whether that's physical performance or creative projects. What's happening here is that there's a lot of energy or downloads involved and they're so strong that he needs to find ways to unleash them to maintain a healthy balance here... but at the same time, it's like... it could be easy for him to get blocked if there's a lack of balance... or this is just more about how strong his intuitive skills are when it comes to creation - like this could be his natural spirit given talent that he was mean to use for creative works... but beyond that i do see this queen and 9 of pentacles as an identity... like back to that lunar eclipse with the moon in the middle, the earth, and sun, slide them together like a sandwich and you have that practical application and physical manifestation of effort in 9 of pentacles but we have that spiritual and emotional in the queen of cups... so as personal characteristics, we have someone who is hard-working and earnest, independent, reliable - but who's also compassionate, caring, sensitive, kind, intuitive, creative. it's a perfect blend for an artist, though it does need some fire, although that's probably where the 8 of wands come in. notice how we then have air-fire-earth-water. it's all about that perfect balance here. i still think that the two of swords also works as a "block" or impasse or crossroads and it's blocking that fire energy in some way. or restricting it, or maybe it's that these creative projects or his line of work is what helps to expel and release all that excess fire energy - all of which was already mentioned *shrug*
five of wands clarifying 9 of cups. this would seem like inner or external conflict surrounding that emotional contentment or a goal/dream. i'm sure it's both. it could even be competition, too, but it's an internal/emotional conflict because we have cups. something getting in the way of a goal or happiness.
10 of swords clarified by 10 of pentacles. so we know we're talking about cycles since we have two 10s. the end of one anyway, and you could interpret this as ... well.. the textbook interpretations are the potential loss of a family member, the ending of a career (path). it could also be read as a cycle ending in which something that once provided stability and security is now coming to an end, and in particular this also involves the ending of goal or someone feeling conflicted about this ending because it made them happy for so long or was their goal for so long. then we have justice clarified by 8 of wands. and notice how the two of swords was clarified by the 8 and then now the justice which also comes down to a 2 is clarified by an 8... and how the numbers were 10/10, 9/9, a 5 and an oracle was a 5, the other a 9. so we have 2, 5, 8, 9, 10 being pretty prominent in JK's reading. his lessons likely would include relationships/inner balance, change/conflict, personal growth/power, service/philanthropy/spirituality and constant cycles in his life of learning lessons regarded to those things. change encourages growth, so that would lead to personal strength and empowerment. he might also grow through the relationships in his life, he'll also be more likely to achieve inner balance because of relationships in his life, it's also his destiny to help others. he might have changes that will take place in relationships that drive him to have to become stronger or constant cycles that are internal that lead to a more solidified internal balance... it's a lot of lessons, tbh, usually someone might have 2 or 3 repeating numbers but he's got... lots. i would take a stab at saying he's prooooooobably an old soul who's strong enough to take on this much. also when you add up all those numbers you get 7. isn't that funny ahhh.
right so justice and 8 of wands. it's interesting that two of swords and justice are both about... making choices. making right choices. this could be about passions for principles but it can also again be that there's going to be a choice coming up very soon for him or more related to the video and sharing of principles or a sense of right/wrong in the form of (online) communication. *shrug* maybe it's about being more open and public about these changes he's going through internally regarding being more revealing of the person he is, as well. maybe he's being more active on social media for this purpose of showing off or wanting to reveal more of his true self that, before, he felt compelled to hide for whatever reason. so i do think there is an internal or spiritual push on his part to SHOW this stuff more in the public eye (sun card).
overall whatever the cause, there seemed to be conflict around revealing this stuff, whether his doing or the company or just his imagined pressure from korean or global society. but it seems like he's worked/is working past that and is more interested in showing off the true self he is at this point... wanting to live more honestly and in the open. also can we talk about how after i posted this and they picked JK, that like an hour later JK took to instagram to answer 60 questions for people? and... that seems to be the kind of connection and honesty he's being drawn toward?
In terms of predictive interpretations, it does look that someone is waiting for or receptive to receiving information, that this will happen soon, that the information or decision comes quick. That it seems to involve work, hopes, competition. My guess given current events and what's happening soon would be this could be related to the Grammys. We don't have judgment here but justice is still about like a jury deciding something, we have the idea of competition around a wish or dream. I don't know how to interpret the 10 of swords and 10 of pentacles if this means that they aren't going to win. Or it just means the end of a cycle for waiting for the results of the Grammys. I don't really think 10 of swords is a great card but it could involve the anguish of waiting for the results. If it's not the Grammys, it could be some other type of communication that someone would be waiting on that involves a judgment. I guess that could make sense given that it gave him the mediator card. I suppose it's possible that recently or soon he'll be mediating a situation between people. With the eight of Wands and the queen of cups being somebody who listens to some type of information that is coming in and then we see him contemplating it and the nine of cups while the five of Wands is bickering. And then whoever the judge is shares what they think. As to what the subject matter is it seems to be whatever this ten of swords and 10 of pentacles thing is. I guess if it involves an end of something regarding work, stability, or potentially a family related or financial issue. I guess it could be a renegotiation of a contract or home.
Or it's saying some chapter related to career that involves someone having to make a decision and somebody waiting to receive that information is going to end. I mean the sun is here, so in theory it should indicate good news but sometimes the cards are like this thing that you don't know yet is going to be revealed. Without actually telling you the results. So that's why I'm not going to conclude anything. In the end, it could also just be that more clarity on a situation that was unclear is coming to light and with that information or hearing it, someone might be able to make a decision that puts an end to something that the 10 of pentacles represent.
anyway, i'll stop there bc i kept working on other parts including asking why he changed his IG name but it gave me similar cards to the first spread and wanted to talk about chiron and mars transits (also about authenticity) and maybe his chiron in libra. and apparently long-term connections with people he's close to but like how that explained the change i could only guess. it doesn't matter.
thank you to jk and jk's higher self for letting me do the reading - and if that moved him to go on IG and take questions, oopsy. i did ask before i pulled the cards... so. and then i had a bad dream, which woke me up and that's when i saw he was doing that on IG. so that's weird. someone trying to break into my hotel room and later the numbers 203 and 213 came up. oh wellz. now i can sleep.
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jason todd → a titans character analysis
Hiya, just before you continue, please note that titans is the only DC thing i watch so everything thing here is exclusive to titans. You're free to disagree, but these have been some thoughts i had after watching ep 5 last week lol
While watching this episode, the realisation of Robin being a bad idea had become apparent. Being Batman's sidekick, Robin is known to symbolise violence, and though it might be for 'the greater good, for the wrong person, this may be a faux pas. For instance, in episodes 4&5 (even 6, this was mentioned) that Bruce weaponises children. We see this through the explanation Dick provides when he was a kid, and Bruce would take him into the woods against his will and learn to use "fear as his friend". Here, we see the reinforcement of violence and the exploitation of children proves to be, not for the child's benefit, but for Bruce's power and his Batman persona.
Jason, being a kid who grew up with a repetitive family history of drugs, violence, foster care system, Robin would not have been the best influence for him, let alone Bruce's role in his life. In episode 5 and prior episodes, we see that Jason is a kid looking for love and acceptance and wants to settle into a loving, stable home. However, as aforementioned, Robin is the embodiment of violence. In the context of domestic abusers/violent offenders, we often see a history of violence in the family, so it is almost amusing why everyone seems to shake their heads and wonder why Jason has become a villain. Why is the simple answer that has been emphasised a myriad of times. Violence is all he's known, and instead of taking him into a violent-free, stable household, where I believe Jason would have thrived, Bruce decided to weaponise him into a protégé that he knew Jason would not be able to cope with or live up to. For instance, this is seen a plethora of times throughout episode 5. The mention that Jason is not able to distinguish between Bruce and Batman is one of them. Here, this highlights Jason's self and social perception as the 'hero', which Robin is able to do.
Further, I think he feels he has to be Robin all the time because he wants to be Batman and what Batman represents: the hero. Here, we see the envy present in Jason when Leslie said she was glad Bruce was there to save her in her encounter with Crane. In another instance, as seen throughout season 2, when they move into the Titan's Tower, Dick never lets Jason be a part of any 'real' vigilante things. Dick here is positioned to be the protective older brother, emphasising the damage that Robin has caused him, and he can already see those in Jason. Perhaps the reason why Jason transgresses from this is to prove himself and put himself as the 'hero of the day' just as Batman is seen to be time-after-time again.
Bruce, on the other hand, is at fault for this. In episode 5, we hear him call Jason "son" multiple times; however this poses a question as to why he adopted Jason in the first place. In Jason's first episode in season 1, he explains that he was working for Bruce and was caught stealing the hubcaps off the batmobile. Was this an opportunity for another Robin, or did Bruce sympathise and take in a fragile orphan? If he truly cared about Jason, he would have never gotten him to be Robin, but rather a son he could mentor in other ways. However, we see this pattern in Dick, whereby Dick was an orphan and fragile, and Bruce took him in only to train him to be the Robin that Bruce wanted. So, this poses another question as to whether he genuinely views Jason as his son, or just another outlet/opportunity to be Robin. This would be an interesting viewpoint for Tim Drake and the emergence of Red Robin, whether we see those patterns for a third time.
So, in conclusion, did Robin give Jason a much-needed purpose in life? Yes, but the violence and the weaponising that Robin emphasises throughout Titans history has proven to be a mistake for Jason (and maybe possibly Dick). We see that it has taken a big toll on Jason mentally, and maybe this is what makes him a good villain, but he is a smart kid. One who would have thrived in a stable home, and not one that focuses entirely on brutality and weaponising yourself.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Lunae Plenae Aries
Full moon in Aries, tomorrow, October 1st stargazers. Perhaps you’ve been feeling the effects already. The moon will be conjunct Chiron meaning, on top of all the feels all that Martian energy brings, you’ll be feeling even more with the contact it’s making to the minor planet. Aries is fire and fire is life. It’s pure cardinal energy. In its purest form, said energy shoots from the hip, charges full steam ahead first and asks questions later. In addition, Mars retrograde in Aries is still going on forming a square to Saturn in Capricorn. It’s important to be gentle with yourself and others right now. The Sun is in Libra so do not forget to give yourself grace. Again, Chiron is in the mix but Chiron is a healer, teacher and mentor. Chiron is literally the coach of countless mythic heroes. Let his energy coach you and show you where old triggers are stemming from. This is very intense energy but this too shall pass.
What to expect during this lunation
Old wounds resurfacing
Compulsive tendencies
Spike in libido [horniness]
Feelings of restriction
Disagreements with Authority
Wanting to break free from old structures
Look specifically where Aries lands in your chart for indicators on where this energy will manifest the most. For further illustration:
How to Handle This Energy Through the Signs
The full moon is happening in your sign, Rams. Emotions will be more amplified for you. Try not to lose control, even though personal tension and disagreements in love, work, or family relationships can leave you feeling wiped out and even drained. Honor your needs, first so as to avoid feeling guilt and frustration over others. Share love of course but you can’t take care of others if you don’t look out for yourself, first. If you have to take a mental day, do so. Some solitude could be good for you. incorporate some quiet meditation, reading, catching up on projects you may have neglected. Hikes in nature. All this can help you combat the intensity you’ll be feeling.
Let go and live, Taurus.  Things from the past may be bothering you but they’re in the past for a reason. As a fixed sign, it may be hard for you to let go but what has happened has shaped and molded you for a reason. Private emotional tension is rising like bile for you- all stemming from the subconscious. This can cause you to feel like you’re butting heads with others- particularly those in positions of authority. Feel it but don’t let it over-take you. Work on your creative passions. Try and compose a new song, cook a new dish, bake something- get your hands dirty. Create a vision board to compartmentalize things.
Using your voice is something that comes naturally to you- jus take care to chose your words wisely. Some things are better left unsaid. Sometimes silence is better than having the last word. Though it may be hard and something that causes you discomfort, you’ll come out of this feeling reshaped and better moving forward. Take a little break from social media if you must- you may be more prone to feisty disagreements with people in circle: colleagues, friends, or even followers. Write your thoughts down in a journal or simply save them in a draft so you can review them later.
Full moon wants you to focus on completion, Cancer. Are there details you’ve been avoiding? Time to chop them up and hash them out [for yourself]. You have to complete things so you can fully move forward into the new. Aries is a fellow cardinal sign so it will be nudging you to embrace your natural vibe/modality. You’ll want to break free and start something without the restrictions of authority whom you may be combating now. Just remember you’re still a sensitive soul and confrontations can be draining. Take time to not give too much of your energy to others. Remember though you’re cardinal, you are water. Spend some time near [the element] if you can. Take a bath once you’re done completing things you’ve put off. Don’t engage in things that don’t concern you.
You need to trust your heart. You may be triggered in love or love may be in the air. Just remember, love isn’t always about another person but can completely be about YOU. Self love is a thing, you know. You need to embrace that. Don’t allow yourself to try to appease others too much during this lunation. People feel that because of your regal energy, you’re already full of it but you know where you struggle. Though you might find yourself the center of attention, the full moon is affecting your ego, personal beliefs or point of view- it could may rub others the wrong way. Don’t allow yourself to feel too insecure, and if you do, take some time to relax, do some throat chakra work which may be getting affected now. You’ll be thankful later.
Virgo, your attention to detail is finding a lot of balance now. Don’t lose momentum. You’re capable of everything, just keep your eye on the prize. Though right now, a few issues in the financial sector or even contract negotiations may be causing some unwelcome stress, don’t let these aggravations cause you to become ruthless with your words. Don’t let it effect your self-worth. You are pros at organizing and handling things with finesse, let your mercurial energy keep you on top of things and gathered so you don’t snap, lose focus, make simple mistakes and regret it later
Happy birthday, Libra! You may be feeling quite indecisive lately. Don’t let yourself live in that energy. You can be your own worst enemy at times with this. It can cause your personal relationships to suffer. Wanting to appease others and shutting yourself away can leave you feeling exhausted. That’s not what you need during your solar-return season. Take time to learn how to say NO with no explanations. Take time make your demands of others diplomatically but with firmness and emphasis. You’ll gain that respect you’re so longing for.
Fellow arachnids, the full moon is happening in our co-rulers domain. You’ll be drained, exhausted but finding others asking and making more demands of you and your time. Don’t pull out that stinger and lash out. Relax. Be fair. Don’t let others’ current behavior cause you to unfairly judge them/compare them to people who’ve hurt you in the past. Old Trauma’s may feel as fresh as when they first occurred. But not everyone is the same. If you don’t honor and release stressful or negative emotions, they’ll manifest in worse and more unsavory ways. Do some sacral chakra work. Mediate. Take a long bath- it’ll feel good with this cooler weather. If you have to, do some boxing or watch a good action film and live vicariously through the characters. This can help ground you and channel your energy through a healthier outlet. 
This lunation can cause you to be feistier than usual. You’re a fire sign just like Aries. Though you’re known for your blunt and unapologetic speech nature, it may be more powerful to keep your opinions to yourself. It will be for your highest good. You are in control of your thoughts and emotions, with that being said, don’t let others influence your inner voice. Jupiter is your ruler and he rules philosophy. Remember philosophy states, all is opinion, not fact. Embracing that sentiment can allow you to graduate to more maturity and wisdom. Perhaps schedule a local adventure. If you’ve felt cloistered during quarantine,  experiencing new places can give you a new and healthier take on things and life in general. You’ll have a healthy outlet to exert your energy and your explorative nature. 
You’re a hard working sign, Cap. Though your tenacity will be paying off, your home and emotional center could be draining or preoccupying you.  Some professional or career choices could be causing you stress or your family or relationships some conflict.heated exchanges or opinions you didn’t ask for could be coming from all sides. Honoring yourself, is imperative. Love yourself, first. As a work-oriented sign, you seagoats have a tendency to try and cope with your emotional state by burying yourself in it. We all have our ways of dealing but perhaps taking time off, having fun, or simply enjoying a quiet walk, glass of wine or a good night of [physical] pleasure might be useful to you. Connect with earth and don’t allow yourself to succumb to cherophobia.
The full moon wants you to build a solid foundation. You have a tendency towards scattered energy and eccentricity, which is fine sometimes but Aries energy could cause you to feel like things are haywire right now.  Your opinionated nature could cause you to come to blows unnecessarily. Hidden aggression may be brought to the surface. Old insecurities about your individuality can arise as well. This is never a fun feeling. Take some time to share what’s on your mind but articulate your thoughts in a private way. Journaling, talking to a close friend, a counselor or therapist. Chanting meditation or even reading can help you subconsciously compartmentalize your thoughts. 
Harsh realities may be hitting now But you are stronger than you [and others] typically give yourself credit for. Conversations surrounding your money, or thoughts of a new living could be dominating your thoughts. This lunation is making you realize your worth but also adding a tint of anger and saltiness to it as well. It’s okay to realize what you deserve without going overboard. Most of it stems from frustrations from the past [and people] not honoring you and your strengths or attempting to run rough-shod over you. If you haven’t learned to do this yet, just remember not setting boundaries allows others free reign to violate them. Take time to set hard lines if you haven’t. Take time to look at your budgets. Bills you need to pay. Projects to finish. Organization is key now so it may be time to get those heads out of the clouds and set some structure. When all is said and done, no one can ever say you didn’t have your shit together.
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dailytomlinson · 4 years
When reflecting on music’s most influential artists, critics tend to use statistics to measure their legacy—whether it’s a band reaching #1 on the charts, multiple sold-out tours, or albums that represent a generation. Those types of accolades and praise are for bands that, typically, exist within rock with a predominantly sizeable male fanbase, like The Rolling Stones or The Beatles. For English-Irish boyband One Direction, who actually broke one of The Beatles biggest achievements by having five Top 10 debut tracks on the Hot 100 compared to The Beatles’ four, have sold out multiple tours and delivered five albums five years in a row, they have not been regarded as much of an influential force in the music industry as they should be.
Today—on July 23rd 2020—the band celebrates ten years since they first became a band, even if five years of that time was during a prolonged indefinite hiatus while each of the members pursued solo ventures. A decade marks ten years of One Direction and, for the fans, ten years of an impactful legacy the band, both together and apart, has had on their lives.
After being thrown together on The X-Factor back in July 2010, the band did more in five years than most bands do in their entire careers; they released five albums and sold more than 6.49 million copies in just America alone, filmed one concert documentary and one tour film, completed multiple world tours, and pursued philanthropic ventures. All of those things didn’t come without a price, though. Zayn Malik left the band in 2014 due to his mental health suffering. The band toured consistently every year with hardly ever having any personal time off, and add in an album release a year, they were extremely overworked.
There’s a belief boy bands have an expiry date, and it’s likely their management felt they needed to get as much out of the band while they believed they were still relevant. It’s likely that fans would’ve stuck around if the members took time between their albums and tours. In 2015, when the hiatus began, people wondered if One Direction really could ever come back and, if they did, would fans still really care about them?
“One Direction was one of the biggest and most successful bands,” said @TheHarryNews, a Twitter fan update account. “They achieved amazing things in the five years they were together, despite being overworked by putting out albums and touring every year, which isn’t normal.”
One specific thread that ties together every fans’ thoughts when they reflect on why they decided to become fans of the boys in the first place is the carefree and loving rapport the band has with one another. We’ve all seen The X Factor video diaries, laughed over their banter during interviews, and watched every live performance they did to look out for cute interactions between our favourite members. In their own unique way, One Direction helped defy traits typically associated with toxic masculinity; they didn’t shy away from their affection for one another and made that known in interviews and concerts. Their friendship set them apart, made them more real, and through them, we made friendships of our own.
When someone seeks out new friends, they go to where they feel safest: the communities of people who love the same things as they do. Social media not only propelled the band to international audiences, but it also helped many fans meet the people they now call their lifelong friends. “They have impacted my life in ways I never thought a ‘boyband’ could,” said Lauren, a fan from Buffalo, NY. “They gave me the best friends I could ever ask for, helped me when I was lost and thought I had no one. They ultimately helped me find myself.”
Social media did more than just help us make friends. It was also a major catalyst for the band’s success, and a large part is due to update accounts on Twitter that were created by fans, for fans. Fan-created update accounts would document every single movement and moment made by the band’s five members, whether it was live-streaming a concert or updating fans on the band’s whereabouts. For @With1DNews, a UK/Canada-based update account, it’s a labour of true love for the band that “glued them together” in the first place. “We found each other through our 1D fan accounts on Twitter,” they said. “We started talking about the boys, then our lives, and quickly became great friends.”
Even though they started the account after the hiatus already began, they still felt like fans needed One Direction news. “We had noticed there weren’t really any active 1D update accounts left and we knew a lot of fellow 1D fans were still interested in seeing news about the boys’ careers and lives. It was also because we missed seeing 1D together and hearing about them together. We thought, why not create this space that connects them even if they’re now all going their own way.”
Update accounts take as much time, effort, and energy as an unpaid second job; it requires those who run them to schedule themselves accordingly to cover certain times of each day to ensure their fellow fans get updated in a timely manner, and they do as much fact-checking and researching that any other traditional news outlet does.
Even if some critics might not consider One Direction an influential force in the music industry, the impact they continue to have on their fans is what has set them apart from every other musical act. In a scene in One Direction’s concert documentary, This Is Us, a fan breathlessly states “I know they love me, even if they don’t know me.” This type of parasocial relationship to a band is something not many understand; it’s a sense of intimacy that doesn’t require either party to actually deeply know one another on a personal level but is still as meaningful and significant as actual relationships.
A connection with the band is even more prevalent for Amy, a Los Angeles based writer and mum of two, because of the impact the band has had on her family is something that isn’t tangible but has been detrimental to her children’s development. “I have a child with physical and neurological disabilities who, prior to One Direction, was completely non-verbal and really struggling to find motivation and happiness amongst all the doctors and therapy appointments,” stated Amy. “They have done more for her development, including indirectly teaching her to speak and sing, than any therapy she’s ever done. Up until we found the boys, everything was trial and error; trying to find what makes sense to her and would, in turn, make the world make sense to her. Who knew the key would be a ‘silly’ boy band?”
Many fans have expressed that the band is their happy place – the only positive light in their life when things got tough. For so many, the band came at a time when they desperately needed something to help them through difficult situations whether that be pressure from school, jobs, peers, or life in general. Watching the ‘Best Song Ever’ music video, or a funny interview felt like a cure to smile and laugh after a long day. “They were what we turned to when we felt overwhelmed in our own lives. Now, we’re adults, and they still bring us as much happiness as they did when we were younger,” says @With1DNews.
Not only that, but the band has also helped fans gain more confidence in themselves. By helping create a space and community for them, fans who may have felt lonely, different, or struggled to find a place they belonged had somewhere to go now. They made friends who accepted them, endless content that felt like a burst of serotonin, and a band of boys who told them through lyrics how great and valuable they are, songs like ‘Through the Dark’, ‘Diana’, and ‘Little Things’. Through the band, One Direction fans created their own safe space to work out and navigate their own identity; a space that is free from outside shame where they could be whoever they wanted to be because the people they loved the most accepted them for exactly who they are.
Despite the safety found in those spaces, others have given those fans different descriptions: Hysterical. Rabid. Extra. ‘Screamers.’ Those are just a few of the many words that have been used to describe female fans of boy bands, both past and present. Although these words carry negative connotations, they imply something more powerful than any naysayer could understand or try to define: the sheer force that comes with unashamedly loving something so deeply, you don’t really care about anyone else’s opinions.
Young female fans are the most supportive, passionate fanbase an artist can have, yet they are the most trivialized and ridiculed both within and outside of the music industry. At the start of their career, music’s most beloved band The Beatles was a boy band that catapulted into fame because of, not despite, their female fans. It wasn’t until male fans noticed the band’s progression into an experimental sound when they decided to embrace the band and deem them worthy of their support after they began playing ‘real’ music.
Even if there are major similarities between The Beatles and One Direction, the latter is still regarded by many to be a manufactured pop boy band with a ‘teenybopper’ fanbase. The members of the band have consistently embraced and validated their predominantly female fanbase; Harry Styles has been consistently vocal about this matter, going so far as to say “Teenage-girl fans — they don’t lie. If they like you, they’re there. They don’t act ‘too cool.’ They like you, and they tell you.”
In ‘Girl Almighty’, the fifth track on their fourth album, Four, the band addressed the way their fans have been misjudged and labelled ‘crazy’ because of their passion and not only applauded them for their dedication and love, but bowed down to them as well; “Let’s have another toast to the girl almighty […] I get down on my knees for you.” Not only has One Direction always known who helped them get to where they are today, but they’ve also never shied away from declaring their respect for them, constantly validating their fans’ feelings.
For One Direction’s fans, a decade of the band’s formation represents ten years of a legacy that will continue on, even if the band never formally get back together. For Amy, it doesn’t really matter if they got their start on a TV talent show because it’s the fans that made them and set the band apart from every other boyband. “What we all created together feels so untouchable in regards to boy bands of the past and ones to come. I think people will look back in awe and see what we see; we’ve been so incredibly lucky to have witnessed the magic of One Direction.”
They might not be aware of it, but One Direction was incredible at predicting what was to come in their own music; “Who’s gonna be the first to say goodbye?” / “But it’s not the end, I’ll see your face again” / “We had some good times, didn’t we? We wore our hearts out on our sleeve” / “We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen.” In ‘Best Song Ever’, a song that ordinary listeners would not exactly consider overly sentimental or profound, there is one lyric that will always stand out for the fans to represent One Direction’s legacy perfectly: “I hope you’ll remember how we danced.” Ten years later, we haven’t forgotten.
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yukisohmasmokesweed · 4 years
ideal professions for the furuba characters?
what do you think all of the sohma kids end up doing for a job once they become adults? student council too, if you'd like!
tohru - TEACHER....i live for teacher tohru. i feel like she’d be so great with kids and she just exudes so much love and acceptance and is passionate about being a positive influence on people’s lives! i think she’d have a bit of trouble with a leadership position at first but its a skill i can see her learning!
kyo - this kind of goes hand in hand with tohru’s tbh but karate teacher. i think he does (?) teach kids in canon (or im making that up, who knows) but i also feel like kyo likes kids (but wont admit it) and kids definitely love him. i feel that karate was a big outlet for kyo and helped him cope with all of his Very Big Feelings and that helping kids like himself while still doing the thing he’s passionate about would be something that is very fulfilling for him
yuki - i’m stealing this from pursuit but it’s because adri is right: writer!! yuki has such an interesting perspective on the world around him and he has a way with words, so i can def see it being a skill he’s able to hone
haru - budtender and i need you to know that i had this post half-written and saved in my drafts but i forgot about it until i, fully randomly and unprompted, thought “haru is a budtender” so. there you go he’s a budtender i guess he lives in denver now. he’d fit in there i think
momiji - music teacher!! similar to kyo, i think music was probably a big comfort to momiji and very healing for him and i also think he likes kids and bringing joy to their lives through art. i think more of a tutor than a music class teacher though, i think he would really enjoy one-on-one teaching
kakeru - lawyer, kakeru is smart and loud and convincing. he’d def need some polishing in college since he has chronic foot-in-mouth syndrome, but imo he’s a naturally good orator, is charming as hell, and a hard worker.
machi - machi is really smart but also really socially awkward, i could see her working in tech or something. coder girl queen, doesn’t really have to deal with people, can be as messy as she wants but is a whiz at what she does
uo - i just want uo to be a badass female technician so bad, but probably doing events and not theatre. i think the odd schedule fits her personality and she would totally fit in with the guys, plus would like the satisfaction of getting everything wired and managed perfectly and putting on a great show
hana - i’m gonna be honest, hana has so little motivation that i could see her settling for any decently-paying pencil pusher kind of job. works in HR or something and has a very fulfilling life outside of work haha
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toongrrl-blog · 4 years
Fashion Analysis: Nancy’s Purple work dress and Others Part 2
We’re back! We examine how Nancy’s dress stands as a beacon of great (admittedly mostly white) feminist hope, Karen Wheeler passes the torch in a consciousness-raising session, and we explore how purple has been used in other period pieces.
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Nancy has been no stranger to purple before, wearing it as a symbol of her passion, youthful innocence, and heightened emotion. She wore it in the library when she thought she saw Barb (despite the knowledge that her best friend died) and she wore it the day that Steve invited her for a get-together at his mansion (with a pool!) and it’s something that she promptly changes out of before getting in the deep v-necked, chevron striped sweater to look a little more sexier. 
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Now the purple is no longer pastel, it’s a saturated lilac that is updated for the times and reflects how she is no longer the naive girl in a ballet slipper necklace. After she talks about her struggles in a misogynistic office with her mother, her mother begins to open up, in colors that look subdued but symbolic (except for the makeup).
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First check the colors: lavender tones and yellow. Purple on her eyelids. Put a pin those colors (I want to note that a bold red lip remains timeless) and that necklace. We are going to explore the mystique of Karen Wheeler: Model 1980s Housewife and peel some layers with the help of some other ladies in period pieces and her exposition. 
We learn that it was likely Karen Wheeler had her own dreams aside from the conventional and traditional life she leads as a bored housewife (who got close to adultery) until casual misogyny led her to abandon those dreams presumably because she “wasn’t smart enough” or “good enough” and stopped trying. Some other ladies (also with incredible hair) would relate outside of the series.
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A savvy bombshell who had to negotiate sexism to get what she wanted, until she left men behind for now. 
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A young woman in her own bold shadow giving the news to her (unappreciative) boss that she is leaving for better things.
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A conventional wife and mother who always relied on her own beauty to get the attention and praise she needed and made the radical choice to go back for a Master’s degree. 
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A disappointed young girl in sensible (and feminine) cardigan and button up shirt listens to whatever a male relative is trying to tell her. 
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Two secretaries are reminded vividly of how disposable they are in a white male patriarchy but cannot confront the men themselves.
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A sheltered proud homemaker questions her life choices as she is surrounded by women who insist on making bolder moves for their lives and change society for all women. She also finds she is very naive to how life works.
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A woman who is renowned for her beauty and glamour fights to be recognized for her skills and intellect, tries to bring different people together, and is willing to confront authority figures on their wrongdoing. She also questions why a woman can’t be considered both beautiful and intelligent. 
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A hardworking wife and mother tries to use her influence to improve the status of women and manages to fight anti-feminists while enjoying tea time with her daughters and their friends. She is also challenged with expectations for how wives were “supposed” to behave.
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A woman, with a impenetrable veneer of perfection, attempts to negotiate her way to patriarchy by exploiting the image of traditional feminine perfection and keeping women's’ status, well, static. She loses out when she sees that no matter how many bodies she shoves under the bus, the men above her do not appreciate her efforts on their behalf. 
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A young and beautiful princess grapples with issues of being a trophy wife, mother, her own roving eye after a marriage to a much older (and unappreciative) patriarchy, and her yearning to be her own person. 
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A princess goes bold with her makeup, hair, and clothes to gain the attention she has been socialized to expecting. Trying to be a bombshell and “with it” while dealing with a crumbling marriage, feeling overshadowed by others, and no positive outlet for her intelligence.
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A vivacious and stylish housewife grappling with the painful realities that men can be fickle and that gender roles don’t offer women any outlet for their ambitions or a safety net for when things get really bad, she learns she will have to make bold choices to better her circumstances.
All these women, like Karen, have made choices to survive the patriarchy and live life on their own terms. Some succumbing to the patriarchy, others revolting against it, and one who would betray others to win her seat in the boardroom. Many of these women are/were noted for their beauty only to find that other people (men) didn’t expect them to be insightful or smart; some of these women were wives and mothers who loved those roles but chafed at the idea that they’d give up their autonomy and individuality to be excellent at those jobs; a few came into motherhood and marriage rather young, before getting to experiment and mature their way through girl’s trips, work, and messy experiences. And many of them chose a different path for themselves aside from being a domestic and maternal figure, probably swearing off it for their own reasons. That was (and still the reality) of many women in Karen’s generation especially. Those were the options open to her and she chose the option that seemed to reap the most benefits. 
Now about Karen’s sartorial choices? First the necklace.
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As noted in Seventeen magazine, many fans on the internet noticed the shape her necklace took, looking similar to a vaginal opening with the pearl as a clitoris. Given how heavy the male gaze was in the 1980s, this was a impressive expression of female sexuality. Given the look and symbolism (given added weight from the feminist pep talk she gives Nancy), it’s quite impressive for the conventional PTA mom whose front lawn held a Reagan/Bush ‘84 sign (just look up their policies on reproductive health and sex education, I recommend Gloria Feldt’s The War on Choice: The Right-wing Attack on Women's Rights and how to Fight Back). Then we go from Second Wave Feminism of the prior decade all the way back to First Wave Feminism’s use of White, Purple, and Yellow. 
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White dresses stood out against men in their dark suits and were cheaper to maintain (laundry practices at the time caused colors to run) and reflect how white mainstream figures of the movement really were, after all Nancy and Karen are upper-middle class, white, cishet, conventionally attractive preppy suburbanites in Indiana and their experiences wouldn’t 100% match those of transgender women, working-class women (Joyce), women in abusive households (Max), traumatized women (El), women of color (Erica), larger or “outlier” attractive (Barb), or lesbians (Robin). 
Gold/Yellow stood for “Hope”, Purple for “Loyalty”, and White for “purity” (given that name “Karen” means “Purity” from Nordic origins, it’s pitch perfect). 
Hope and Loyalty embody the Party of Stranger Things, as to why Purity isn’t mentioned here, we will go in the 3rd part (all the racial implications can be looked up) and see the group get intersectional. 
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soldouthaz · 3 years
2020 writing evaluation
thank you so much for the tag @allwaswell16 !!! these are always so much fun to read other people’s and to look back on my own! :) I did one similar to this but not quite, so I'm going to go ahead and do this tag as well! happy new year!
1. number of stories posted this year: 22
2. total word count for this year: 517,711 
3. list of works published this year: 
look after you series 
like it’s a game 
make this feel like home 
let me carry your weight 
give me love 
baby blue 
somewhere in between 
you know what they say 
until this blood runs cold 
sunflowers, sunshine, and you 
your biggest fan 
tall stories on the page 
smoke between your teeth 
eyes off you 
the way this river runs 
golden slumbers fill your eyes 
living for your every move 
makeup drawer 
sugary sweet 
can you keep me close, can you love me most? 
make my wish come true 
4. work you are most proud of (and why): 
oh gosh, I think my first fic will always be my baby, but from this year alone probably my most recent one, smoke between your teeth ! maybe because it’s just fresh on my mind still, but I loved writing these specific characterizations and the prompt was just the right amount of angst x fluff x smut and a bit of humor! 
5. work you are least proud of (and why): 
6. a favorite excerpt of your writing from this year: 
from the way this river runs -- 
“ It’d be so easy to just open his mouth and plead with Harry, to scream I’m sorry until his voice disappears, but he can’t. Be it his pride or his ego or his insecurities, he just can’t do it. The worst part is that he knows Harry would probably forgive him.
But Louis doesn’t want phony forgiveness. He doesn’t want Harry’s soothing words and pity embrace, thinks he might just break altogether if he was offered them. He feels like he’s made of glass recently and it’s to the point where he kind of wants to tip over the edge, just to see if he’d shatter. Just to see who’d be there to pick up the pieces if he did.
Maybe shattering isn’t negative, he muses. Maybe it’s a new beginning instead of the heavy weight of mourning. Maybe it’s something that needs to happen before he can move on.
He hugs Harry tighter but keeps his eyes wide open. Maybe, if Louis plays his cards right, he can pull this off. “
7. share or describe a favorite comment you received: 
honestly receiving any comment or feedback on my work absolutely makes my day!!!! I don’t think I can pick just one because it’s such a personal thing, and everyone expresses their gratitude in different ways -- I can’t thank anyone who’s ever commented on my writing enough for their kind words. 
8. a time when writing was really, really hard: 
probably recently! I struggle a lot with my mood during the holidays and general motivation, so it’s just a matter of pushing through or deciding to take a break! there were several documents or scenes that I wrote that were all deleted and eventually I just had to force myself to take a step back and wait until I was inspired again. I'm still struggling with this to be honest, but some of the ideas I have for the new year are keeping me very excited!!!!! I'm hoping for many good things to come :)))) 
9. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
hmm maybe H’s character in you know what they say ! I'm not usually a super big fan of the trope in that fic but I gave it a shot and I ended up really liking it!!! the idea was random and I wrote it all in one day when I was off work/college and I was really surprised with myself!! I loved writing a more nerdy!H and I think I'll definitely try to write more of it in the future! 
10. how you grew as a writer this year: 
oh gosh, a lot of ways! when I first started writing at the end of last year I was very private. I didn’t have my work beta’ed and I stayed off of social media except for making fic posts and answering the occasional comment! I met some lovely people this year and they really helped me come out of my shell and feel welcome in this little community <3 I feel like I'm more confident, and I came out of it with so many more lovely friends as well! 
11. how do you hope to grow next year?: 
I really want to keep my rule of writing for myself first. I feel like I pushed myself a little too hard to get fics out before I was ready this year, and I'd like to go back to spending months on a fic and making it longer and making sure it’s perfectly up to my standards before I publish, and that I'm writing things that I, myself would read, and not just catering to what I think people want. 
12. who was your greatest positive influence as a writer this year?: 
oh gosh, I can’t name everyone here but to name a few -- @falsegoodnight @cheershalo @behisoneandonly @yvesaintlourent @cowboyharrystan @tomlinvelvetfics and lovely chelsea too, among so many others. if we’ve interacted at all this year, consider yourself tagged! 
13. did anything from real life show up in your writing this year? 
I think in some ways it always does, even if subconsciously! writing tends to be my outlet so if I'm stressed or anxious or anything really, I channel it into whatever I'm working on at the time. not direct events, but the emotions always end up in there! 
14. any new wisdom you can share with other writers?: 
ahh just to go for it I think! there will always be people that will criticize or belittle, but if you’re creating things that you like and you’re happy, work on being strong enough to only care about that. it’s definitely a process, but it’s so much more gratifying that way!!!!! 
15. projects you’re looking forward to next year: 
everything on my wip page, and some other secret projects as well ;) 
16. tag three other writers: 
anyone who would like to do this!!!! I feel like I've tagged the same people over and over again, so if you see this on your dash, please take it as a sign and say that I tagged you!!!! I would love to see everyone’s answers! :) 
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joannerowlingfans · 4 years
Great article from June by Eileen Blair. Here’s some excerpts: 
“The Bodily Function Which Must Not Be Named
Daniel Radcliffe knows some things about menstruation. Recently he wrote a statement assuring us that the correct word for those who experience periods is not “women” or “girls,” but “people who menstruate.” However, when he told us this, he didn’t actually tell us this. He never used the word “menstruation,” or “period,” or “blood,” or any related word. There was no mention of clots, or cramps, or dysmenorrhea, or endometriosis. He did not name the “people who” experience these things.
Instead, Radcliffe did name author J.K. Rowling, who recently came under fire for stating the controversial opinion that the word “woman” is still of use, and that this now-contested term may even provide a more appealing way to describe human beings than “people who menstruate,” or the more streamlined “menstruator.” But while Radcliffe invoked Rowling’s name, he did not acknowledge her ideas, which she has expressed publicly in a number of tweets and in a recent essay. Instead, he opened his statement by simply insisting that there is no “in-fighting” between him and Rowling, without mentioning why anyone might think there is. He anticipated that “certain press outlets” might seize on the opportunity to report on a conflict between Radcliffe and Rowling, which they promptly did. The Guardian, the Independent, and the Times all referred to a “row” between Rowling and Radcliffe.
On social media, many enthusiastically shared Radcliffe’s statement, but I have yet to see any of Radcliffe’s fans mention that he both failed to identify the topic at hand and neglected to consider Rowling’s ideas about it. In 2020, it seems, if someone mentions Rowling, however obliquely, and with even the slightest hint that they disapprove of her for some reason they need not even state, they can count on being showered with unreserved praise.
The Menstruators Who Must Not Be Named
There is more that is not mentioned. The third sentence of Radcliffe’s statement asserts, “Transgender women are women.” Curiously, he does not go on to say, as anyone familiar with scripture would expect, “Transgender men are men, and nonbinary people are who they say they are.” In fact, there is no mention of transgender men or nonbinary people anywhere in Radcliffe’s statement, even though the ultra-specific term “people who menstruate” is intended to accommodate these groups—people who have periods who do not identify as women.
Why does Radcliffe choose this occasion to remind us that trans women are women? Trans women do not menstruate. This is why it is now considered exclusionary for those women formerly known as women to claim that menstruation is related to being a woman. That’s pretty much the point of terms like “menstruator.” By intoning “transgender women are women,” Radcliffe associates women, and only women, with the expression “people who menstruate.” This is exclusionary and transphobic. Not all women have periods, and not all who have periods identify as women.
Among those who cheered Radcliffe, I have yet to see anyone call out Radcliffe for his exclusionary and transphobic refusal to acknowledge “people who menstruate.”
The Silencing That Must Not Be Spoken Of
There is yet more that is not said. Rowling has been on the receiving end of misrepresentation and verbal abuse for over two years, simply for suggesting that women formerly known as women have the right to discuss the word “woman.” For advocating free speech, she has been derided, slurred, and even threatened.
Into the fray saunters Daniel Radcliffe, who, without any apparent effort, scribbles a few words calculated to score points with his base. His four-word magic incantation, “transgender women are women”—again, this is transphobic and exclusionary of people who menstruate—ignites passions and encourages continued demonization of Rowling. Readers need not even know what Rowling has said, for Radcliffe’s magic spell sanctifies him and positions him securely on the moral high ground. Rather than discuss menstruation, or Rowling’s point of view, he describes the discrimination young transgender and nonbinary people have self-reported. It goes without saying that this should be eradicated, but it is a diversion. Rowling, the prop he uses to display his righteousness, is at this very same moment being mercilessly bullied online and in the press. By ignoring this, by saying her name only to turn away from her, by making the sinner a foil to his own saintliness, he lazily enables those who would consign her to the online ducking stool.
Rowling has taken pains to be considerate and measured, just as women formerly known as women are still expected to do. Nevertheless, she has been described as “hateful” and “transphobic.” She has been accused of saying trans people “don’t exist.” Rowling has been called a “bitch,” a “cunt,” a “whore” (also “hoe”), and even—gasp—“a Karen.” (In reality, the offense seems to be not that Karen has demanded to speak to the manager but that she is the manager.)
As expected, Rowling is also called a “TERF.” (Rhymes with “serf.”) Proponents of “letting people be who they are” have proposed that “TERFs” like Rowling deserve to be physically assaulted or killed. One TERF-hunter calls upon a well-known veteran to do the honors: “I’d pay to watch [Charlotte] Clymer put on her army camo and shoot the TERF.” Another goes for the DIY approach: “Smack JK Rowling so hard I give that fool a lighting scar on HER forehead.” Rowling has been challenged to a duel by Tara Flik Wolf: “Oi JK rowling ow about you meet me outside! Hyde park! Lets fucking have it you cunt!” (In 2018, Wolf was convicted of assaulting Maria Maclachlan in Hyde Park in London.)
The demeaning comments are not limited to the blue circle of hell known as Twitter; otherwise reputable news outlets have also adopted the term “TERF.” Mainstream publications insist that this is not a misogynistic insult but a neutral term, an acronym radical feminists invented and applied to themselves. No matter how many times we insist that we consider this term a slur, no matter how many times we see “TERF” joined to “bitch” or “cunt,” we are informed that we have misunderstood, that this term is not intended to demean us. We really do like it, we are told. And a minute later we receive, for the 83rd time, a cartoon image with a gun pointed at us, an anime character threatening, “Shut the fuck up, TERF!”
The mainstream media has also joined in telling Rowling to “STFU.” The Washington Post says it directly in an article titled, “J.K. Rowling’s Transphobia Shows It’s Time To Put Down The Pen.” Molly Roberts informs us that Rowling is flailing; she’s a bigot; she’s even—middle-aged! And therefore obsolete. Other prominent publications have described her tweets and essay as “transphobic” or “anti-trans.” This is eerily reminiscent of how second-wave feminists were described as “man-haters.” In the 1970s, we were said to hate men. Nowadays we are said to hate trans people. Fifty years ago, we learned to speak about our bodies. Nowadays, we learn how not to.
Major advocacy organizations have issued patronizing “reminders,” as if Rowling has forgotten her lines. The Human Rights Campaign laments, “We see JK Rowling is at it again. Helpful reminder: If your feminism isn’t trans-inclusive, then it’s not feminism.” A GIF of Emma Watson as Hermione is included for no extra charge, mocking the author with her own invention.”
“Radcliffe’s statement has been applauded online by people like me: college-educated, feminist, middle-aged American women of the sort formerly known as women. I haven’t seen any of them mention the gleeful dehumanization of Rowling; nor I have I seen any of them object that Radcliffe has remained silent about the abuse, or that it was taking place as he crafted his “response.” While he is not directly responsible for others’ treatment of Rowling, he is responsible for contributing to a hostile climate, and not just among anonymous Twitter trolls.He is responsible for what he does and does not say, and for what he does and does not know (or pretends not to know).”
“The final paragraph of Radcliffe’s statement offers consolation to those who feel betrayed, who feel as though their experience of Rowling’s fiction has been sullied by Rowling’s continued existence. He assures fans that they may still be nourished by—well, by “the books,” “these stories,” and “the book that you read,” despite “these comments.” He doesn’t say whose books, whose stories, or whose comments.
The explicitly violent tweets and the contemptuous journalistic dismissals are unsettling enough on their own, and it’s troubling to think that Radcliffe’s failure even to address the matters at hand may have amplified them. But here he moves from omission to erasure. Whereas he began his statement by focusing on Rowling’s name and not her ideas, now he appropriates her ideas while refusing to utter her name. This final negation is pernicious in its own way. Radcliffe opened his statement with an acknowledgment of J.K. Rowling’s influence on his life, but just a few paragraphs later, he seems to have forgotten that he played Harry Potter in the movies based on the books rather than inventing Harry himself. At the same moment when Rowling is being “cancelled” by those who loved her books, as her former fans and even major publications demand that she surrender her agency and autonomy, Radcliffe steps in and arrogates the right to speak for “these stories.” He assures his base that they may still find meaning and solace in the books, despite the mortal sins committed by—She Whose Name Must Be Erased From The Covers Of Her Own Books. Chillingly, Radcliffe assures his readers that “nobody can touch” their experience of the books, implying that the unnamed, erased author has been purged entirely. How magnanimous of him. How inclusive.”
“I haven’t seen any complaint that Radcliffe fails to mention the trans men and nonbinary people who menstruate, or that he pretends not to know Rowling has already been fending off verbal attacks for years, or that he erases her name as he refers to “the books.” 
“Daniel Radcliffe seems to have forgotten Harry Potter began as an idea in J.K. Rowling’s head. But he wants “women” to be an idea in his own.
For all its popular appeal and re-postings, “Daniel Radcliffe Responds” does not respond to what J.K. Rowling expressed, and much is communicated by what he did not say. Radcliffe did not acknowledge the terminological issue or the content of what Rowling said about it. He did not mention the “people who” are affected by the issue or even credit Rowling as an author of “these stories.” Nor did the thirty-year-old honor Rowling as an elder who carries significant wisdom and experience—and who just might know something he doesn’t about the word “woman” or the practice of menstruation. He expressed fervent opinions about who counts as a woman, but didn’t show respect for this woman. Perhaps it is Daniel Radcliffe, not J.K. Rowling, who should “put down the pen.”
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emsartwork · 4 years
Sorry if you’ve already answered this but J was wondering if you could talk more the girls childhood/growing up? Love what you’re doing btw, absolutely adore how you’ve basically recreated the Winx world! 💗
Thank you!!! and sure thing! long post ahead
BLOOM: she never really had any problems family wise, Vanessa and Mike told her she was adopted at like…. Age 7 or so (in a positive affirming way obvi) and even if any kids teased her about it she never doubted her parent’s love for her. Even with Daphne’s spell helping her blend in with earth life, Bloom still had a nagging sense she didn’t “fit”, and got lost in fantasy books and art whenever possible. Growing up she deals with some body image issues that probably stem from the whole wrong fit feeling. Bloom grew up an artistic and quiet kid, Mitzi and Selina were her best friends from childhood, and because they both had really strong personalities, Bloom often repressed her own feelings in order to play peace maker. Up until high school, where Mitzi, who was always the leader, slowly started to turn into a bully in order to gain the approval/fear of her peers, targeting Selina specifically. Bloom was more of a follower at the time and just didn’t want to loose her friends so she didn’t stand up to Mitzi but tried to treat Selina as if nothing had changed, which was not cool with Selina and she not-so-subtly started to reject Bloom as a friend. Bloom, for her part, did get her shit together and stand up to Mitzi, loosing her only other friend right before her senior year of highschool (she was still technically friends with Andy but they had also just broken up and everything was awkward lmao). Bloom regrets not standing up to Mitzi sooner, and wants to rekindle her friendship with Selina (and Mitzi if she’s willing to tone down the bitchiness).  
STELLA: So Stella’s childhood is a little more complicated. Stella is the first SoLuna heir in Solarian history, and a very loud minority protested her very existence. Stella also had to stay close to the Second Sun of Solaria as a child, so she had a very solitary and confined early childhood in a wing of the Solarian castle. When she did figure out how to sneak out she was only 10 or so, and spent most of the time just wandering around the capital city. She didn’t have any problems in the city, but an off duty guard recognized her and took her back to the palace. Stella was then sent to an elite boarding school under a false name (Sasha), she formed close friends with Nova and Varanda, but the trio was the target of the rest of the school’s bullies (for various reasons). Junior high was peak nerd Stella, but she “princess Diary-ed” herself when starting high school and started placing all of her value in her appearance and status as a sex object. Her parents’ marriage was also starting to crumble and Stella felt like she had lost their love. Because Stella craves validation and affection, this lead to a couple bad relationships because the only way she could get people to “love her” in her brain was through physical intimacy, even if it didn’t really fill the void she felt. Nova and Varanda were her rocks during this period and Stella was able to learn to love herself first with their help. Stella was insanely nervous to leave her friends and go to Alfea, and tried to force friendships with other people originally, (this mostly lead to people thinking she was annoying and getting multiple censures from Griselda), and her first genuine connection on Magix was with “Prince Sky” (Brandon). Nova and Varanda were VERY worried when Stella first told them about “Prince Sky”(Brandon) and how fast they had gotten into a relationship and they may have stalked/threatened him on a visit to Stella but they eventually came around and started to like him. Stella being expelled was only kind of an accident, Varanda texted Stella in the middle of a Chemancy class her application to Alfea for the next year had been accepted and Stella got SUPER excited and blew up the classroom. She probably could have stayed in school but her response to Fraragona and Griselda’s “now what do you have to say for yourself young lady” was *giddy laughter* and “ i only wish the explosion had been big enough to send me forward to next year!!!!!” and griselda was like “either she goes or I go” and Stella was like “ya gurl i gone” of course her time back on Solaria didn’t go exactly as planned as her parents were just fighting every time they tried to do something together making her people pleasing/self blaming tendencies worse. 
FLORA: ahhh my baby So Flora does remember her father, not a lot and she feel guilty she doesn’t remember more, but she was only 7 when he died. Alyssa remarried when Flora was 13, and eventually she adjusted to having a younger sister who she loves very much now. Due to Rhodos’s nature preservation needing a lot of room for study Flora and Miele grew up pretty far away from any town and didn’t have a lot of friends. This is primarily why Flora and Miele are so close despite their age difference, and why Flora took her role as protector so intensely; she was the only one there (I mean besides the parents obviously). Flora did well in school though she was quiet and reserved, which made making friends even harder than living in the middle of nowhere. She figured out the best way to make people like her was to give them what they wanted, and this snowballed into Flora becoming kind of doormat not comfortable with voicing her true feelings and faking a lot what people expected from her. Flora has a lot of repressed…… everything (Bloom mostly just has a lot of repressed anger she’s good with other emotions lmao) she has trouble identifying what she’s feeling and for the most part is content to leave her feelings buried as long as the surface remains calm. The Winx do help her start to access her feeling more, and encourage her whenever she does voice an opinion. Helia is a perfect match for her in the sense that his quiet nature leaves Flora to express herself without trying to mold herself into whatever she thinks he wants (of course on the flip side this also means Flora and Helia have issues with communication and repression but that’s another topic). 
AISHA: hoo boy another complicated one. Aisha was raised in a strict environment, this mostly stems from her parents and their more…. anxious natures, but royalty on Andros is not as free as some of the other planets. Aisha’s world consisted of lessons and adults and rules and she had very little control over her own life. Aisha met Anne in a rare moment of freedom in the tidal gardens where Anne’s father worked. Anne was biding her time waiting for her dad to get off work so they could grab some dinner and was dancing. Aisha just watched her for a while before Anne noticed her and asked her if she wanted to play. The two formed a fast friendship, and Aisha finally started to feel like she had some sort of influence in her own life as she snuck out of lessons to play with Anne every evening she could(obviously their favorite thing to do was dance lol) Unfortunately Anne and her father disappeared one night. Aisha lost her only friend, the only social outlet she had, her one source of freedom, and couldn’t even figure out what had happened. Feeling so out of control lead to a pretty bad anxiety disorder for most of her teens, primarily triggered by the dark or being trapped in some way. She also has issues trusting others and letting people help her. Aisha started to act out, trying to exert any kind of control and relieve some of her anxiety. Her risk taking behavior got pretty bad, but she had started to tone it down after she met and bonded with Piff(royal business trip to Magix she skipped out on). Of course when the pixies went missing she wasn’t going to let her friendship vanish again and tracked them down with a not so healthy single minded determination.
TECNA: born to higher class parents, Tecna had greatness thrust upon her from an early age. She received extra training and education basically from birth, which she was fine with for the most part. Tecna grew up being able to handle academic pressure very well and met all of her teacher’s and parent’s expectations.  She and Riven had a brief collision as preteens in a school before Riven got expelled. Tecna’s one issue was that of her emotional intelligence, Zenith doesn’t really place an emphasis on that, so she was able to advance through high school very predictably until she attended a non-Zenith based workshop for magic. She found herself socially ostracized and very very confused. Of course Tecna had never met a subject she couldn’t master and emotions wouldn’t be an exception right??? Wrong. Zenith’s information about the brain and the chemicals produced was of no help, her teachers and parents didn’t understand why Tecna suddenly had this new interest in such an illogical subject, and worst of all, Tecna realized she didn’t understand her own brain chemicals. Tecna had a mini existential crisis, realized she had no idea what she even wanted to do with her life or why it mattered and applied to the Alfea Fairy program because “FAIRY MAGIC EMOTION MAGIC HELP” also it would offer her strong emotional experiences(transformations basically require it), the opportunity to work closely in groups, and personally obverse her dorm-mates emotional states. She got way more than she bargained for but doesn’t regret it a bit.
MUSA: my angst child T-T so basically, the first half of her childhood is p good, her parents work really hard and don’t always have enough money but the family unit is pretty stable. At around 12, Musa’s mom gets sick. Nobody is too worried at first, but she never seems to get better and she takes a big turn for the worse when Musa is about 16, Matlin is finally diagnosed with Core Failure Syndrome. CFS is similar to Core Fatigue, but while Core Fatigue can be remedied fairly easily with rest and magic, CFS is virtually incurable unless it’s caught really early. The causes are still unknown, and the symptoms (fatigue, nausea, cognition issues, and muscle weakness) can be prolonged but mild until it’s too late. In the later stages (extreme fatigue, numbness in the extremities, chest pain, joint pain, memory/focus issues, inability to keep food down)  all you can do is try to make the afflicted comfortable. Ho-boe is understandably distraught, and tries to freelance write for music but goes into a pretty bad depressive state. Musa has a few odd jobs here and there, and thats mostly what’s keeping them afloat among heavy medical debt. Musa latches on to her mother for emotional support as Ho-boe is super dissociated. When Matlin does pass as Musa turns 18, Ho-boe finally breaks, and violently destroys every last reminder of Matlin because he can’t deal with the pain. Musa, who has suddenly had her one emotional anchor cut off, is super freaked out and scared by this and it really damages their relationship going forward. Musa becomes incredibly anxious, and can’t really process her mother's death because her father won’t talk about it with her and is still shut off emotionally. Moving to Magix only worsened it as Musa rebelled and went after music with a desperate passion. Applying to Alfea was a way for Musa to get out of the house, and she and her father weren’t on speaking terms when she did leave for the college. Musa had planned on learning more magic to further her career as a musician, special effects infusing magic into a song rubbing shoulders with rich and well connected people who could possibly get her connected to the big shots in music….. The winx situations had her change some of her long term plans a little, but her connection with the group + her separation anxiety and fierce loyalty didn’t really leave any other choice lol 
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bangwoolofbangtan · 3 years
ENTERTAINER of the year
[Time magazine BTS interview ]
It’s late October, and Suga is sitting on a couch strumming a guitar. His feet are bare, his long hair falling over his eyes. He noodles around, testing out chords and muttering softly to himself, silver hoop earrings glinting in the light. “I just started learning a few months ago,” he says. It’s an intimate moment, the kind you’d spend with a new crush in a college dorm room while they confess rock-star ambitions. But Suga is one-seventh of the Korean pop band BTS, which means I’m just one of millions of fans watching, savoring the moment.
BTS isn’t just the biggest K-pop act on the charts. They’ve become the biggest band in the world—full stop. Between releasing multiple albums, breaking every type of record and appearing in these extemporaneous livestreams in 2020, BTS ascended to the zenith of pop stardom. And they did it in a year defined by setbacks, one in which the world hit pause and everyone struggled to maintain their connections. Other celebrities tried to leverage this year’s challenges; most failed. (Remember that star-studded “Imagine” video?) But BTS’s bonds to their international fan base, called ARMY, deepened amid the pandemic, a global racial reckoning and worldwide shutdowns. “There are times when I’m still taken aback by all the unimaginable things that are happening,” Suga tells TIME later. “But I ask myself, Who’s going to do this, if not us?”
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Today, K-pop is a multibillion-dollar business, but for decades the gatekeepers of the music world—the Western radio moguls, media outlets and number-crunchers—treated it as a novelty. BTS hits the expected high notes of traditional K-pop: sharp outfits, crisp choreography and dazzling videos. But they’ve matched that superstar shine with a surprising level of honesty about the hard work that goes into it. BTS meets the demands of Top 40’s authenticity era without sacrificing any of the gloss that’s made K-pop a cultural force. It doesn’t hurt that their songs are irresistible: polished confections that are dense with hooks and sit comfortably on any mainstream playlist.
BTS is not the first Korean act to establish a secure foothold in the West, yet their outsize success today is indicative of a sea change in the inner workings of fandom and how music is consumed. From propelling their label to a $7.5 billion IPO valuation to inspiring fans to match their $1 million donation to Black Lives Matter, BTS is a case study in music-industry dominance through human connection. Once Suga masters the guitar, there won’t be much left for them to conquer.
In an alternate universe where COVID-19 didn’t exist, BTS’s 2020 would likely have looked much like the years that came before. The group got its start in 2010, after K-pop mastermind and Big Hit Entertainment founder Bang Si-hyuk recruited RM, 26, from Seoul’s underground rap scene. He was soon joined by Jin, 28; Suga, 27; J-Hope, 26; Jimin, 25; V, 24; and Jung Kook, 23, selected for their dancing, rapping and singing talents.
But unlike their peers, BTS had an antiestablishment streak, both in their activism and in the way they contributed to their songwriting and production—which was then rare in K-pop, although that’s started to change. In BTS’s debut 2013 single, “No More Dream,” they critiqued Korean social pressures, like the high expectations placed on schoolkids. They have been open about their own challenges with mental health and spoken publicly about their support for LGBTQ+ rights. (Same-sex marriage is still not legally recognized in South Korea.) And they’ve modeled a form of gentler, more neutral masculinity, whether dyeing their hair pastel shades or draping their arms lovingly over one another. All this has made them unique not just in K-pop but also in the global pop marketplace.
In March, BTS was prepping for a global tour. Instead, they stayed in Seoul to wait out the pandemic. For the group, life didn’t feel too different: “We always spend 30 days a month together, 10 hours a day,” Jin says. But with their plans upended, they had to pivot. In August, BTS dropped an English-language single, “Dynamite,” that topped the charts in the U.S.—a first for an all-Korean act. With their latest album this year, Be, they’ve become the first band in history to debut a song and album at No. 1 on Billboard’s charts in the same week. “We never expected that we would release another album,” says RM. “Life is a trade-off.”
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Their triumphs this year weren’t just about the music. In October, they put on perhaps the biggest virtual ticketed show of all time, selling nearly a million tickets to the two-night event. Their management company went public in Korea, turning Bang into a billionaire and each of the members into millionaires, a rarity in an industry where the spoils often go to the distributors, not the creators. And they were finally rewarded with a Grammy nomination. On YouTube, where their Big Hit Labels is one of the top 10 most subscribed music accounts (with over 13 billion views by this year), their only real competition is themselves, says YouTube’s music-trends manager Kevin Meenan. The “Dynamite” video racked up 101 million views in under 24 hours, a first for the platform. “They’ve beaten all their own records,” he says.
Not that the glory comes without drawbacks: namely, lack of free time. It’s nearing midnight in Seoul in late November, and BTS, sans Suga, who’s recovering from shoulder surgery, are fitting in another interview—this time, just with me. V, Jimin and J-Hope spontaneously burst into song as they discuss Jin’s upcoming birthday. “Love, love, love,” they harmonize, making good use of the Beatles’ chorus, turning to their bandmate and crossing their fingers in the Korean version of the heart symbol.
Comparisons to that epoch-defining group are inevitable. “What’s different is that we’re seven, and we also dance,” says V. “It’s kind of like a cliché when big boy bands are coming up: ‘Oh, there’s another Beatles!’” says RM. I’ve interviewed BTS five times, and in every interaction, they are polite to a fault. But by now they must be weary of revisiting these comparisons, just as they must be tired of explaining their success. RM says it’s a mix of luck, timing and mood. “I’m not 100% sure,” he says.
They’ve matured into smart celebrities: focused and cautious, they’re both more ready for the questions and more hesitant to make big statements. When you ask BTS about their landmark year, for once they’re not exactly chipper; J-Hope wryly calls it a “roller coaster.” “Sh-t happens,” says RM. “It was a year that we struggled a lot,” says Jimin. Usually a showman, on this point he seems more introspective than usual. “We might look like we’re doing well on the outside with the numbers, but we do go through a hard time ourselves,” he says. For a group whose purpose is truly defined by their fans, the lack of human interaction has been stifling. Still, they’ve made it a point to represent optimism. “I always wanted to become an artist that can provide comfort, relief and positive energy to people,” says J-Hope. “That intent harmonized with the sincerity of our group and led us to who we are today.”
In an era marked by so much anguish and cynicism, BTS has stayed true to their message of kindness, connection and self-acceptance. That’s the foundation of their relationship with their fans. South Korean philosopher and author Dr. Jiyoung Lee describes the passion of BTS’s fandom as a phenomenon called “horizontality,” a mutual exchange between artists and their fans. As opposed to top-down instruction from an icon to their followers, BTS has built a true community. “Us and our fans are a great influence on each other,” says J-Hope. “We learn through the process of making music and receiving feedback.” The BTS fandom isn’t just about ensuring the band’s primacy—it’s also about extending the band’s message of positivity into the world. “BTS and ARMY are a symbol of change in zeitgeist, not just of generational change,” says Lee.
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And in June, BTS became a symbol of youth activism worldwide after they donated $1 million to the Black Lives Matter movement amid major protests in the U.S. (They have a long track record of supporting initiatives like UNICEF and school programs.) BTS says now it was simply in support of human rights. “That was not politics. It was related to racism,” Jin says. “We believe everyone deserves to be respected. That’s why we made that decision.”
That proved meaningful for fans like Yassin Adam, 20, an ARMY from Georgia who runs popular BTS social media accounts sharing news and updates, and who is Black. “It will bring more awareness to this issue people like me face in this country,” he says. “I see myself in them, or at least a version of myself.” In May and June, a broad coalition of K-pop fans made headlines for interfering with a police app and buying out tickets for a Trump campaign rally, depleting the in-person attendance. Later that summer, ARMY’s grassroots fundraising effort matched BTS’s $1 million donation to Black Lives Matter within 24 hours.
For 28-year-old Nicole Santero, who is Asian American, their success in the U.S. is also a triumph of representation: “I never really saw people like myself on such a mainstream stage,” Santero says. She’s writing her doctoral dissertation on the culture of BTS fandom, and she runs a popular Twitter account that analyzes and shares BTS data. “Anytime I’m awake, I’m doing something related to BTS,” she says. “This is a deeper kind of love.”
Devotion like that is a point of pride for BTS, particularly in a year when so much has felt uncertain. “We’re not sure if we’ve actually earned respect,” RM says. “But one thing for sure is that [people] feel like, O.K., this is not just some kind of a syndrome, a phenomenon.” He searches for the right words. “These little boys from Korea are doing this.” —With reporting by Aria Chen/Hong Kong; Mariah Espada/Washington; Sangsuk Sylvia Kang and Kat Moon/New York
RM: Jacket, shirt, pants and shoes HERMES; SUGA: Jacket, shirt and necklace CELINE. Pants GIVENCHY. Shoes LOUIS VUITTON; Jung Kook: Jacket, shirt, pants and shoes FENDI; J-Hope: Jacket, shirt, pants and shoes LOUIS VUITTON. Necklace HERMES; Jin: Suit, knit top and shoes BALENCIAGA; Jimin: Jacket, silk shirt, pants and shoes CELINE; V: Suit, shirt and shoes ALEXANDER McQUEEN. Tie THOM BROWNE.
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