#pops up for two seconds to ramble about something and then swims away again
deoidesign · 1 year
I'm gonna swim to the other side and back, time me
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kitmoas · 2 years
literally, every single fic, blurb, drabble, thought.
but these are just some parts that stuck with me
Pulling you onto her lap, you whine loudly as she slowly pushes you down on her cock. “Da-daddy, please is t’much.” Your voice is slurred as you wiggle around trying to avoid the inevitable. Natasha shushes you, thrusting up to mercilessly force you the rest of the way onto her strap. “Be quiet toy.You’re gonna keep Daddy’s cock warm while your mutt cleans up the mess you two made.” You’re whining now, wiggling around as you try to get off of the widow’s lap, completely overstimulated. A harsh slap lands on your pussy, sending a jolt of pain through your body and your mind swimming. “Sit still you brat, be a good little toy and watch the show.”
She’s pulling your thumb out of your mouth as she continues to try and give her side of security speech, shushing you as you whine. You glare up at her, grumpy and completely put out. “Don’t give me that look, baby Sweets.” The pout is short lived as she pops your paci into your mouth, booping the purple dinosaur on the shield. “All I’m saying is I get that Tony found you this house, but I would love to be able to give you guys better security and we could even give you a special AI. I have mine, and I ended up putting Sweets’ in their apartment.” At the mention of your name you swing your head around, giggling as the loose paci clip thumps against Kate’s thigh. She smiles down at you, ruffling your hair as she makes quick work of clipping the arrow patterned clip to your shirt. The entire interaction no one is paying attention to Wanda, who’s just staring at the archer and you with her jaw hanging open. “Not that this little quarrel isn’t entertaining, but are we just going to ignore the stray and her purple pacifier?” At the mention of your beloved paci, you clamber into your Mommy’s lap.
The look at Wanda’s face was so light, the smile soft and peaceful. “No, we always just ordered everything off the internet. It’s scary to go places.” She just chuckles at you, mumbling something about gen z against your temple as she leaves a soft kiss there.
She’s the one who finds the note, and she’s the one that immediately runs to her older sister. The blonde doesn’t know how to handle it, and she’s already crying as she shows the two the note she found. Natasha steps up to take the emotional burden off of her sister, and the three immediately jump into action. Yelena realizes quickly, when they can’t find you in the house, that she knew where you were. It’s those three faces you see before you close your eyes. It’s their faces that are rushing towards you, running up the hill. It’s their faces you see as your inner child screams out, telling you that you can’t go.
“My little one, I missed you.” She’s rocking the two of you slowly, her kiss lands right on your temple. Her hair falls around the two of you, once again acting as a curtain, when she pulls away to look at you. A quick inspection to make sure you look healthy and safe, eyes softening when she sees your bright smile. // You surprise her by leaning up on your tiptoes and kissing her gently, lips moving slow. The type of kiss she only shares with you and Natasha, the type of kiss that melts the both of you. It’s sweet, and filled with everything that neither of you could quite yet speak. The kiss, as Wanda finally takes control, makes you whimper out, “..Mommy..”
also “Gonna make you drink my cum, just like you drank my piss.” but let's not talk about that
AHH hi Lali!!! I love you so much and thank you for always bein such a like tgu hype man!!
These answers got LONG but lots of good background info!!
Send me your favorite TGU moments and I'll ramble bout em
Cockwarming Nat is just... *Chefs kiss* The entire thing is just so perfect and originally the entire second half of Leather bound was going to be cut. The fic was supposed to end after Kate gives Toy permission to cum but then i was like...what if..we just add a liiiiittle cockwarming? I also just love the idea of Toy being such a lil voyeur, like every time they watch is just so pathetic but so cute. (From Leather Bound)
(I love the vibe switch between your first one and second one lol)
I think for me..Kate and Little Toy had to have such a casual vibe. Kate being a dominant was something that she personally never thought was a thing, but I wanted it to show that she had this caregiving, calming, and dominant core to her that is just hidden under her chaos and energy and puppy energy. When I was trying to figure out how i wanted the quad to come back together and Toy to be all smol during it, i needed WandaNat to truly understand how GOOD Kate is at the whole taking care of Toy. The archer may think that she isnt a caregiver, and maybe she never truly becomes one, but the natural ability to take care of Toy is something that resonates no matter the headspace. (From Chronicle VII)
The gen z comment is just so light and warm and cute! I have this huge hc for TGU that wanda and Toy spent many nights going through the difference between them, because of the age difference, giggling all night. WandaNat always took Toy out places and believed in old fashion shopping, so showing that distinct difference for me was always important. I feel like it is important to emphasize that Toy and Kate are different to a certain degree generationally, and in some things it will definitely cause issues. It also helps when I write their characters because I feel like you have to write them at least vaguly different because theres a 6&8 year difference between WandaNat and Toy (5/7 for KateWandaNat) --(From Under their Control)
Lil baby El (insert pleading face) I love Yelena in this series. There's just...something about her and the way I wrote her. I WRESTLED for so long on who should be the one who finds the note. It was mostly between Carson and Yelena, MAYBE malik. But when I wrote out all three versions Yelena's kinda broke me a little. I wanted a lot of it to be written out in this... shaky, quick paced, unable to focus on small details kind of vibe because of the situation. I was really nervous about putting Yelena in that position--along with WandaNat, to be the ones who find Toy but I ultimately wanted it to be them because I feel like it would change the relationship all three of them have with Toy. (From Pain is Comfort)
Okay but Wanda, looking at you like you're the best thing in the world and she would do anything to see you smile. THAT. that's it. you know? I think something i've always wanted to show is that Wanda is the one who actually struggles the most with emotions. Nat is "colder and less emotional" while Wanda definitely shows her emotions more. But i think something you do see is when Nat does show her emotions it's almost always pretty solid. There's always situations where it isn't quite as solid, but Nat knows what she wants when she shows her emotions. Wanda on the other hand... has no idea. She's, to most people, actually very cold emotionless. She is scared of her emotions so when they come out it's always extremely intense because she can't control it--and I wanted that to happen A LOT specifically when it comes to toy because Toy is a weakness. A huge one. especially when it comes to their line of work, and i need that to be obvious no matter what part you read. (From Break You)
mmmm sneaky lol Kate saying "Gonna make you drink my cum, just like you drank my piss" ACTUALLY was almost cut. I was hesitant even in the first place to have Toy drink ANYTHING lol but I figured if I was gonna lean in to the piss kink then I should go all in lol (From Flood Gate)
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wondersofdreaming · 3 years
Sex on Fire - 3
Co-written with @radaofrivia​
Characters: AU Captain Syverson - Gynaecologist, dr. Syverson x female reader
Word count: 7.601
Warnings: NSFW! Overthinking. Talking to a dog. Flirting. Nervous energy. A little awkwardness. Smut. 69. Making love. Love. Fluff. The end.
Author’s note: This story was co-written with the lovely @radaofrivia​​ - who wrote the beautiful smutty parts.
The dividers are made by @firefly-graphics
This story is dedicated to all the women who struggle with pain. It doesn’t matter where that pain is, but know that you are not alone.
Please go enjoy her stories here:
Rada’s Masterlist
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
Sex on Fire Masterlist
Feedback is appreciated.
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“What have I gotten myself into?
You stood in front of the mirror, having changed into the fifth dress, but nothing you had tried on was good enough for a date with the hottest doctor in town. A loud groan left your lips, making your sister peek inside your room.
“Everything alright in here?” she asked, looking over the room. Clothes were spread everywhere, shoes thrown all over, and you pacing in front of the closet, desperately trying to find something fitting to wear. “Looks like a tornado went through.”
“I have nothing to wear! So please, either come help me or get out,” you snapped. You heard the angry tone in your voice and turned around to face your younger sister, who looked mildly annoyed at you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like a bitch.”
“Care to tell me what’s going on? I thought you were excited to go out with the dashing doctor?” She asked and went to sit on the only available space on the bed.
You picked up the five discarded pieces of clothing.
“This,” you held up the first dress, “is too short. He’ll think I’m a whore.”
“Then wear leggings underneath it. Do I need to remind you, sissy, that he has already seen you butt-naked?”
You glared at your sister, feeling she didn’t understand your situation that this date had to be perfect.
What if our attraction was a fluke?
“This,” you showed the second dress, “is too long. He’ll think I’m a prude.”
“Then cut it to the right length.”
What if he thinks I was an easy prey? I was. I practically begged him to fuck me. Fuck!
You were starting to sweat as you held up the third dress.
“This shows too much cleavage. He’ll think I’m trying to seduce the entire restaurant.”
“Wear a shirt under it.”
What if he isn’t taking me to a restaurant? What if we’re going to his place?
You kept rambling about the fourth and fifth dress, and your sister retorted with solutions to each of them.
“Sissy, your thoughts are so loud I think even he can hear them.”
You threw a dress in her face.
“You’re thinking of every possibility that this could go wrong, aren’t you?”
“No…” you mumbled, but a good death stare from your sister made you change your mind from lying, “Yes, I’m scared, Pat. What if he isn’t the man he made me believe he is? What if he’s a serial killer disguised as a vaginal doctor? What if he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing? What if I’m walking right into grandma’s house and get eaten by the big bad wolf?”
“Stop, stop, you’re making no sense whatsoever…”
“And what if he doesn’t like me? What if we don’t have any chemistry? What if… oh my god, what if he only wants me as a fuck-buddy?”
You were pacing around your room, walking through the clothes, kicking the shoes away from your wandering path. Your sister grabbed your wrist and pulled you down on the bed.
“You are overthinking,” she booped your nose, “You are a gorgeous human being, very pretty too, if I have to say so myself. If he was only going to have you as his fuck-buddy, then you either say yes, because God knows you need a good fuck, or you say no because you’re looking for something deeper. And he wouldn’t have asked you on a date if he wasn’t into you! Take a deep breath with me.”
You both inhaled and exhaled, again and again, until your heartbeat wasn’t about to gallop right out of your chest.
“Now that you’re nice and calm… eh, ish, let’s put on some music and get you ready for your date. I have the perfect dress for you to wear tonight, just promise not to spill wine on it.”
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Lucas walked out of the steaming shower, wrapping a large fluffy towel around his hips. His dog, a German Shepherd, was lying on the carpeted bedroom floor by the door. Her brown eyes were staring at him intensely like she knew that he was going somewhere.
“I’ll be home as soon as I can, Aika. And I promise to bring your favourite treat from the restaurant,” he told the dog. Mention of the treat perked her ears up.
Sy chuckled as he started grooming his beard. Then a light went off in his mind.
Fuck, what if she doesn’t like dogs?
He looked apologetically at Aika, who was drooling on the carpet, already tasting the treat on her palate.
Lucas finished in the bathroom and went to his spacious walk-in closet.
“What should I wear, girl?” He asked as if Aika knew what was hot in fashion. She walked over to where he hung his trousers, sniffed a few before picking a grey pair down from the hanger. She then managed to trot over to him with a pair of brown leather shoes.
“Well, thanks, girl, these are perfect. So what do you think, a white shirt or a black shirt?” Sy held each piece up to Aika, and she barked happily at the white shirt, her tail wagging excitedly. The dashing doctor also chose a matching grey suit jacket. He looked himself over in the mirror.
“I really want this to work, Aika,” he mumbled to his dog, who cocked her head to the side. “I think she’s amazing, and I hope she likes dogs because if not, I would be really sad… to say goodbye to you.”
Aika growled at him, making Sy laugh out loud.
“Sorry girl, I’m just kidding, I’m kidding. You belong with me, forever and always,” he scratched her belly. “What do I do if I make an ass out of myself?”
Aika rolled around and let out a loud ‘woof’ as if she was saying that he should just be himself.
“Okay, I’ll do my best. But what if she’s not who I think she is? What do I do then?”
Aika let out a deep rumble from her chest. I’ll bite her sorry ass if she isn’t.
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You walked down the pavement looking for the restaurant Sy had texted you the address of. Sy was standing out front, waiting for you, he looked so handsome in his grey suit, and now you felt you might have been under-dressed. His face lit up in a warm grin, and his eyebrows arched when he saw you moving towards him. You smiled shyly back.
As Sy leaned down to kiss her cheek, you were going for his lips, ending in an awkward angled greeting.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you whispered at the same time he said: “Sorry!”
You stood there, looking down on the pavement, red-faced and suddenly very shy, not knowing what to do next while he was staring at you, not being able to take his eyes off you.
Lucas chuckled and presented his arm.
“Shall we go in?”
He was smiling at you, trying his best not to make your encounter awkward. You took his arm and was led into the restaurant. You looked around at the warm and comfortable atmosphere of the room. Chinese lanterns were hanging down from the loft, casting a soft light over space. The wooden tables had an induction heating plate for the hotpot that could contain either one, two or four different soups. The couple were seated near the covered fishing pond that was placed in the middle of the restaurant, a glass wall surrounding the pond, so no one could fall and get wet. The koi fish were swimming around, showing off their orange, red, white, and black scales. It was a soothing and calming sight and helped you relax in the presence of the handsome doctor.
A waitress came to take your drink orders while you looked through the menu.
“Oh, I don’t know what goes well with anything here,” you said, suddenly feeling so out of place.
“May I suggest one of their beers? They’re really good,” Lucas smiled at you warmly as he gave his drink order. You ordered one of their light and refreshing beers.
You looked down at the menu again. Not knowing what to pick as everything sounded delicious.
“There’s so much food,” you commented with a giggle.
“Do you want to try one of their special menus? That way, you can try a little of everything,” Sy suggested.
“I’d like that.”
The waitress came back with their drinks, and Sy rambled away your order. He ordered the four soup hot pot, various meats, seafood, vegetables, and an enormous amount of different types of noodles.
“How did you come by this place?” You asked, taking a sip of beer.
“I was walking around the neighbourhood one day with my sisters, and one of them wanted dumplings, another some noodles, and the third wanted some soup. I searched for a restaurant that had all three things, and this place popped up. It has become my favourite restaurant in the entire city,” he was a vivid storyteller that doctor.
“You brought me to your favourite restaurant?”
“Well, yes. I know it’s not the most traditional place to have a first date, but the food is amazing,” a pink blush crept up his neck and reached his cheeks.
“I think it’s the perfect place for a first date. I like trying new things,” you assured him, watching as a boyish grin of pride spread on his lips. God, how you wanted to kiss those lips.
“I hope you mean that because here comes the food,” Sy nodded towards the three waiters walking with an extra table full of food and the pot filled with the four soups.
“Oh dear,” you watched as they set the plates full of meat around you. “Are we feeding an army?”
“Trust me, darling, this might not be enough when we first get started,” Sy smiled. He reached for his chopsticks, “Have you eaten with chopsticks before?”
You gasped, pretending to be offended.
“I will let you know, doctor, that I was trained by the best to eat with chopsticks,” you showed him your hold, “My sister loves to get Chinese takeout when none of us feels like cooking, and there’s a restaurant that makes the best potstickers and chow mein.”
“Maybe we can order from there one day,” Sy suggested, his voice soft and full of promises.
“I’d like that. So, how do we do this?” you asked.
Lucas told you about the four different soups. They ranked from not-so-spicy to hell’s gate spicy. He talked about all the different cuts of meat, how to just put the ingredients in the soup, advising that you put in the lotus root first as it took a long time to cook.
While the doctor was talking, you were watching him. Your sole focus was on the way his lips moved and his tongue darting out from time to time. That tongue, that godly tongue.
His voice was rich and deep, so smooth and velvety you wanted to hear him talk forever. He caught you ogling at him.
“Everything alright?” he asked, looking a bit confused.
“Yeah, I was just thinking how amazing you look out of your white coat,” you blurted, making Sy laugh and blush an even deeper shade of pink before turning red.
“Why thank you, but I think the real showstopper tonight is you. You look beautiful,” he complimented.
“You’re just saying that because I complimented you first,” you giggled like a teenage schoolgirl with a crush.
Sy shook his head as he reached for the pieces of meat he had put in the soups. He picked one out and moved the chopsticks closer to your mouth.
“Try this,” he recommended. You closed your mouth around the chopsticks, letting the meat fall on your tongue. The sweet umami flavour of the pork was melting in your mouth, and you let out a soft moan.
Lucas was watching your mouth closely. The mouth that had been sucking him off a few days earlier in his office. The pretty mouth that swallowed his seed. His pants were suddenly feeling very snug around his groin area. Fuck, not now!
Thankfully his horny thoughts were interrupted by your suggestion.
“My turn to feed you,” you dove into the spiciest soup and picked out a dumpling. Why does he look so good? Lord, what is he thinking? Why is he looking at me like that? Something on my face?
Your hand was shaking a bit as you leaned over to give the dumpling to Sy, and then you dropped it, watching in slow motion as gravity did its thing, making the dumpling land on Lucas’ crisp white shirt and then down to his lap it went.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. You quickly stood with your napkin and went over to clean the mess you had made. Lucas had picked up the fallen dumpling, not even thinking about the stain the red soup had made. He was having sinful thoughts of you sitting on your knees trying to wash off the red colour with your napkin.
“I ruined your shirt,” you sighed as the stain became worse, and it started to spread the more you rubbed the fabric.
“You’ve made it a habit to ruin my clothes, sunshine,” Lucas chuckled, but his laughter died quickly as you dabbed the napkin on his thigh, moving closer to the hard-on he was willing to go soft, but too late.
Oh, ooooooh.
“Maybe I don’t like that they’re hiding what nature has so gracefully given you,” you smirk up at him, giving him a sultry look.
Lucas swallowed hard. You could see his throat tensing as his Adam's apple bopped up and down. He’s looking you straight in the eyes, trying his best to restrain himself from taking you right then and there.
“God, I love your boldness,” his voice was low, soft, almost velvety, as if he was trying to tell you with the tone of his voice alone how much he wanted you. The smoothness of his voice was sending shivers down your spine, and some part of your brain was signalling that now was the time for you to attack him, rip his clothes off, ride him right there in the chair, not even caring about the people around you.
“Is everything okay?” A waitress asked, interrupting the moment. You snapped out of your lust-filled haze and went back to your chair. Sy coughed, masking his even dirtier thoughts.
“Yes, everything is good. The food is amazing. Can we get two shots of baijiu?” he asked, suddenly in need of something strong to stay put during dinner.
The waitress came back with the shots. Lucas held up his glass.
“Cheers,” he said and downed the clear liquid in one go, but you took a small sip.
“Oh shit, it’s burning my throat,” you gasped, putting the shot down.
“Believe me, you’re going to need all of it until we’ve finished eating,” Sy hinted at something more.
You inhaled the shot, letting the fire spread throughout your chest all the way down to your thighs and throbbing core. Your brain was slowly getting fuzzier, giving you the courage to ask him what had been on your mind since he asked you on the date.
“What are we, doctor?” You blurted, not thinking about how loud you actually were. You continued as you watched confusion spread on his handsome face: “What are you looking for in a partner? Are we going to be a no-strings-attached kind of thing? Casual hookup?”
You stopped and took a deep breath, waiting for his answer. You watched his lips, trying to avoid his eyes. If he wanted a ‘friends with benefits’-relationship, you would be devastated.
“There’s nothing casual about you, buttercup,” Sy was surprised by what you had just told him. He couldn’t deny the connection there was between the two of you. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he felt it deep in his guts that there was something more, and he wanted to be more for you. “I want to get to know you. I want to explore the deep connection that we have and see where it leads us. What about you? What are you looking for?”
“I… I want that too. Because to me, this. What we have is too good to be just an emotionless thing,” you started, “I feel safe around you, Lucas. I don’t know why, but I do. Do I make any sense? Because I feel like I’m just sitting here rambling…”
Lucas grabbed your hands across the table, avoiding the soups. He caressed the soft skin over your knuckles. His protective instinct was on overload, he wanted to protect you, and his heart was racing from hearing you say that you felt safe around him.
“You make sense to me, bug.”
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Your first date had been perfect, so were the following dates afterwards. Lucas Syverson was the perfect gentleman and taken it like a champ when you had asked to take things slow, especially with you not knowing if it was still going to hurt when having sex. You wanted to have your ‘problem’ solved before you took that all-intimate next step with Sy. You built a beautiful relationship and a strong friendship from your attraction.
Lucas had invited you out for lunch one day. He asked about how it was going with the new gynaecologist he had recommended, a woman, as he wasn’t keen on knowing another man touching you in such an intimate place. You told him that you had been referred to a physiotherapist and was going to see a specialist in vaginal diseases.
With time you hurt less and less, and it was with the support from your sister and Sy that you continued the different treatments the doctors gave you. You stretched out muscles in your abdominal area. You used soap that was for intimate use only. You even started using an anaesthetic gel to relax the nerves in your vagina by Sy’s recommendation. You had cursed him all the way to hell the first time you’d used it, even as far as telling him that it burnt worse than the alcohol shot he made you drink at the Hot Pot restaurant. You were walking like you’d ridden a horse all day long until the burning stopped after a few minutes, and Sy had kept his laughter to himself, not wanting to hurt your feelings, but when you had started giggling from looking at yourself in the mirror, he couldn’t stop the roaring laughter either.
Sy was very helpful when you were exercising. He had made the stretching into a game of some sort. You might not be having sex, but you could still tease each other, orally or with your hands, anything to build intimacy between the two of you. He was determined to make the process sexy and fun, not dull and boring.
You asked him to penetrate you a few times but had to tell him to pull out because the pain became too intense. Sy was extremely understanding, and he helped you through the crying afterwards, as you felt that you were never going to heal again. He loved that you were comfortable enough around him to tell him to stop, and you felt so safe with him.
It became your goal not only to have sex but to be penetrated without the pain. And you would get there eventually. For now, you would just bask in the afterglow of a good make-out session with Lucas on the sofa.
You had always felt that there was a part of you missing, a vital part, and now, with Lucas, you felt whole. You couldn’t go a day without at least texting him, saying you missed him, or when you were together, and he went to the bathroom, you missed him. When you had to go home the following day after a night of cuddling, you missed him the minute you walked out the door. Both of you felt like you were addicted to the other. It was almost becoming an obsession.
Life with a boyfriend like Sy was amazing, incredible, fantastic. He was everything you needed without having known it. And Lucas loved to have someone he could take care of, protect and maybe even love. Sy had never felt this way about anyone before. It was a fantastic feeling to have this wonderful woman he could call his girlfriend. His.
Not only were you an extraordinary human being: you also loved animals just as much as he did. If you were allowed animals in the apartment you lived in with your sister, you would have filled it already. Sy had let out a breath of relief when you’d told him. You and Aika had become cuddle buddies whenever you were visiting Lucas. The German Shepherd would completely ignore Sy and follow you around instead, and Lucas was only happy to share his girl with his other girl. The sense of having found you excited him, completed him and made him so happy.
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There are two kinds of tired: one that needs a good night's sleep and one that needs so much more. Lucas fell into the second category. He was both physically and mentally exhausted from a long and hard day at work, and he also had to face the guilt for ruining your plans for a quiet dinner.
“Plans are made to be changed,” you told him when he called you to cancel your dinner plans and suggest grabbing something to eat and spend the evening at his place instead.
"And I really like the sound of staying in and just cuddling with you, big bear," you whispered in your phone so your colleagues wouldn’t hear you.
"Big bear?"
"Yes, you're massive, hairy and just like a big cuddly teddy bear," finishing the phrase you noticed that one of your colleagues, Rita, was looking at you, chuckling at your big bear comment. You cleared your throat and with all the seriousness you could muster you told Sy: “I can’t talk right now. Call me when you get here,” and quickly ended the call, turning to her, “he’s an activist for the conservation of big brown bears.”
“Yeah, right,” she laughed. “Have fun with your bear-man, girl, you don’t need to explain yourself.” She winked at you and went about her work.
To your dismay, Lucas didn’t follow your instructions and decided that would be the day he showed his face to your work coming into the library to pick you up. He walked into the place, standing tall, his long strides and posture showing a sense of confidence and ease. He was as handsome as always, in his dress jacket, white shirt and jeans. Upon entering the library, he took off his sunglasses revealing his cobalt blue stare that made people stop in their tracks and this time was no different.
“Oh my God!” You heard your colleague gasping next to you when she laid eyes upon him. A small grin formed on your face to her reaction. You watched your man getting closer, noticing that his face looked tired, something only you would notice. The moment your eyes met a warm, sweet smile spread on his gorgeous lips, lighting up his face.
“Do they accept new members in the bear conservation club?” She asked not too loud, but loud enough for Sy to hear, who was standing right in front of you now. You blushed from embarrassment and broke eye contact with him. His soft laughter brought your eyes back on him.
"Sadly all positions have been filled up," he countered looking directly at you with a lopsided grin. “Ready to go home, sunshine?” You nodded excited, picking up your things quickly and moving on Lucas’ side, looping your arm around his offered elbow.
“Have a good evening, Rita,” you said giddily, looking back at her as she was fanning herself trying to cool off to the sight of Sy’s behind.
"What would you like to eat for dinner?" Sy asked as he opened the car door.
"You," you whispered silently.
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In the shower, the water came down warm and soothing, washing the weariness and bad energy of the day off of Lucas’ body. He took some time for himself to relax and find his balance again. But the thought of you sitting on the other side of the wall made him impatient. He needed to be close to you.
Aika whimpered at you, licking your fingers and begging for another treat. You were lying on Sy’s bed, flipping through channels, nibbling at the leftovers of your Chinese takeout, with a comfortable, fluffy pillow behind you, soft and crisp sheets underneath you and Aika laying across your lap, sharing the guilty pleasure of eating in bed with you.
“Shhh, girl! Do you want him to hear us?” You whispered at her, feeding her another bite of the delicious potstickers you had for dinner. She gulped the treat and then licked your hand in gratitude. “Eating in bed is the best, right Aika?” You told her in a colluding way, scratching your accomplice behind her ears. You knew that Sy didn’t approve of eating in bed nor sharing food with Aika, so you both were on the lookout for when he would finish his shower. You didn’t want him to find out the ‘magic tricks’ you had used to gain Aika’s trust so fast.
The moment you heard Sy turning off the water, you both jumped up, Aika taking her usual place at the foot end of the bed acting all cool, and you ran to hide the evidence in the kitchen and wash your hands from the grease. In a minute, you were back in bed pretending you were watching TV. Of course, you had no idea what was on.
“What are my girls doing?” The bathroom door opened, and Sy came out with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. He leaned lazily on the door frame, smiling in all his wet, half-naked glory, making you choke on your own drool. Quickly, you gathered yourself trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“Nothing special, just sitting here and relaxing.”
Sy walked across the room heading for his dresser that was on your side. Your eyes followed every move he made, studying even the tiniest dent and bump his muscles formed. At the view of his butt, a very unladylike sound escaped your throat.
‘Everything ok, sweetheart?” Lucas asked absentmindedly while looking for his underwear.
“Mh-mm,” you nodded, turning your eyes to the TV. There was a short pause after you heard him close the drawer.
“Babe, is there something you want to tell me?” You craned up your head to meet his eyes. His face was serious. The only thing that kept you from worrying was a small twitch of a smile on his lips. Oh, his lips.
“Huh? Like what?” You asked puzzled.
“I don't know, maybe you want to confess something?” Your mind started racing, a hundred thoughts per second: you are so hot, take off that towel, take me now, how lucky can a girl be, you are perfect, I love you. What? Where did that come from?
“Uhh, no. I don’t think so,” you mumbled trying to hide the instant blushing on your face.
“Don’t you think that trust and openness are important, darling?” He leaned over you, his hand running over your jaw. So busted! But how?
“Of course!” You gulped, readying yourself for the revelation.
“Then can you tell me, why are there crumbs on the bed, bug?”
“What?” That was not what you were expecting.
“Aika?” Sy turned to the German shepherd. She whimpered, hiding her snout in her paws and quickly left the room.
“Traitor,” you muttered.
“I thought we had an agreement on this,” Sy spoke softly, putting on his underwear and sweatpants and headed to his side of the bed.
“I want her to like me,” you confessed in a small, guilty voice.
Lying down, Lucas let a deep sigh out, finally being able to relax and cuddle with his girlfriend. He pulled you closer letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Baby, you don’t need to buy her off. I’m sure that Aika loved you the first moment she met you… just like her owner.” Sy’s voice drifted off as he started zoning out, feeling so relaxed in your arms. Your breath caught in your throat, gazing at him like you saw the sun for the first time after an eternity of darkness. You wanted to say so many things but couldn’t find the words to bring out of your head. The only thing you could utter was:
“Wrap your arms around me,” you felt the need to be close to him, lost in him.
“How’s that?” He murmured with his eyes closed.
“Perfect.” He brought his face in your hair, inhaling deeply from your scent.
“Mmmmm, you smell amazing.” This felt so right to him, holding you and being held. He tightened his arms around you. Being in his embrace felt so soothing, calming and safe to you, that you let out a soft purring sound.
“Did you just purr?” He opened his eyes, a huge grin forming on his face.
“I think you did.”
“Uh-oh,” you said lazily, burying your face into his neck.
“Alright. But in case you did, I find it really cute.’’ He let you know in his deep, soft and gentle voice.
“I might have…” Your admission made you both dissolve into laughter allowing you to release all the pent up energy. Once out of your laughing fit, you were both left gazing into each other’s eyes. It was you who made the first move, bringing your hand on his cheeks, your fingers idly playing with the curls in his beard before you kissed him, slowly at first, lips tracing lips, becoming deeper, bolder and more intense as your tongues danced in a passionate rhythm. The moan that escaped his mouth when you finished the kiss, gently biting and tagging his lower lip set you on fire.
Sy felt he was on cloud nine. His head was spinning with giddy happiness. The way your body was moulded to fit him like a puzzle piece. His heart was galloping, his mind was going crazy, his feelings were all over the place with joy and love, he felt loved, so loved. But the minute you moved to sit in his lap, grinding against him as if you were riding a horse, his mind was transported to another place, only thinking about how good the friction between you felt, he wanted so bad to make love to you, to make you feel as good as you were doing to him at the moment.
He was still lost in your kiss, basking in your touch with his eyes closed as you kissed your way from his neck to his ear whispering:
“Baby, I think I'm ready.”
He opened his eyes, blinking lazily. At first, he didn’t understand what you were talking about. He looked straight into your eyes, his eyebrows furrowed with question. You caressed his face softly, waiting for realisation to hit him. The smile on your face, the feeling in your eyes soon let him in on the meaning of your words. His heart had skipped a beat as he truly grasped your words. You saw the surprise register on his face, his breathing quickened, his lips parted ever so slightly, his hands stilling on the lower part of your back and a faint wrinkle showed between his eyebrows. And then immediately his short-lived surprise gave its place to happiness shining through his eyes, fueled with desire as the colour of his blue orbs turned to a dark navy ring around his full-blown pupils.
His arms wrapped around you and you felt him pulling you onto his chest. You could feel the urgency in his movements, there was raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around the fabric of your dress. He claimed your lips once again, kissing you deeply, absorbing every detail of the moment, your scent, the weight of your body against his, all the feelings that were washing over him, raising a wave of heat inside him.
The taste of him stripped you from all your thoughts, fears and senses. His kiss, hungry and intense, ignited a fire inside you. Your palms were flat on his chest, your fingers were trying to dig into his skin as if wanting to hold on for dear life before you let go of all inhibitions and get lost in him. His hands trailed down your neck, never releasing your mouth from the hot, wet kiss he had you captured. Your body reacted to his touch, sending shivers down your spine and making you moan. You brought your hands to his deep brown curls, carding your fingers through them, tugging at his roots, to feel a little bit of control as your sanity was in the balance of tipping over. The little pain that he experienced made him exude more lust, he loved how you took control, as he could unwind and let you loose.
With one strong arm around your waist, he gathered you up and moved you both to a sitting position, letting you sit astride his lap. His fingers dug into your hips and pulled you closer to him, pressing your core to his straining bulge. You couldn’t help but grind against him, letting your instinct take over. Your kissing grew more passionate, more urgent, muffled moans and gasps filling the room. Sy brought his hands on your breast, kneading the soft flesh over the light fabric of your sundress and realising that you had no bra on. A throaty noise escaped him as he broke the kiss, looking at you with blazing eyes.
“You had it planned all along, you little minx!” he growled, his thumbs tracing your perky nipples through the thin layer, weakening your core, making you lean your forehead against his for purchase. He could feel the warmth coming off your skin through the lite fabric, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to touch you, he wanted to see the delicate, subtle flesh of your breasts.
You could feel the feral animosity inside him, as you kept grinding your core to his groin. You had never seen him like this before. His hands were eager to touch more than just your dress. Before you could think about taking the dress off, it was ripped from your chest, the fierce action kicking the breath out of you. Buttons flew in every direction and landed on the soft carpeted floor.
“That was my favourite dress,” you said in a shuddering voice, watching him take in the image of your naked body like a starving beast.
“Payback time,” he snarled. He studied you, running a finger over your breastbone slowly down to your stomach, his eyes following the invisible trail his touch burnt on your skin. He left a wet kiss on your chest and licked his way to one of your nipples, taking it into his mouth, torturing it with his tongue and tugging it with his teeth making it even harder. Although his moves were slow, you could feel how aroused and ravenous he was, his breathing shallow and fast just like yours. You closed your eyes, burying your face in his hair, feeling him everywhere; his lips on your breasts, his fingers pressing into the flesh of your lower back, his erection stirring between your legs. His scent and taste defined your reality now.
Sliding your hand between your bodies and pressing firmly on his arousal made him growl like a wild animal against your skin. He looked up at you with lustful eyes ordering you to take off your clothes. The demand in his husky voice stole your breath for a second. He commanded and needed you at the same time. You stood up obediently, let the dress fall down to your ankles, slowly peeled off your panties down your legs and stepped out of them with small moves while watching him watching you.
You crawled back onto the bed languidly, wrapping your fingers at the waistband of his sweatpants, removing them slowly along with his black boxer briefs, revealing his throbbing manhood and his muscular thighs. He stared at your face through half-lidded eyes with desire, taking in how you ran your tongue over your lips at the sight of the glistening precum that oozed from the top of the head, showing your eagerness to taste him.
He pulled you against his body, holding you close, feeling the warmth of your body skin on skin, your breasts pressed into his chest and his erection straining against your body. His lips captured yours in a deep passionate kiss, owning your very existence.
“The things I wanna do to you, right now,” he moaned in your mouth, locking eyes with you.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to make you come. Hard.”
“Mmm, how?” you purred, biting your lower lip to the suggestion. His eyes fell on your lips again and a small wicked grin appeared on his.
“Ride my face and I’ll show you,” his voice low and heavy with desire. His words sparked an adventurous excitement inside you, making your heart start racing. A bold smile appeared on your face taking up his challenge and the look of awe in the doctor’s eyes gave you the courage to move over, stride his beard, facing towards his body. His strong hands guided your knees on either side of his head and then trailed over your body, adoring every inch of it.
The beautiful close up of your dripping core mere inches from his eager mouth made him salivate, yearning for the taste of you. His tongue started tracing the inner of your thighs, writing small circles on the sensitive skin, lazily finding his way to your lips, licking, sucking, and making them beautifully wet. But his hands on your butt cheeks, kneading the round flesh with fervour showed you that he was impatient to dive into the main course immediately.
A warm, coiled tension started building up inside you, feeling your muscles quivering in anticipation. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding on the soft bristles of his beard, the variation in textures making you weak. You leaned slightly forward, putting your hands on his stomach to hold on, the small change in angle intensifying the sensation and giving him more space to navigate. You couldn’t tell the difference between his lips or tongue. All you could feel was just a nice, sloppy warm mess. A loud gasp escaped you when you felt his tongue run over your opening, lapping your juices.
“You taste like honey,” he grunted into your core, the vibration of his bass hitting you hard. He didn’t wait for you to answer, he went on with his smooth, wet and warm stimulation. When he hit your clit, your whole body shuddered in his tight grip. The effect he had on you made his cock jump. You leaned lower, putting your mouth on him, your fingers wrapping around the base of his shaft. You felt his body jerk upon contact and he tried to drown a curse clenching his teeth, causing you to laugh around him. But you didn’t stop, taking him deeper, giving him the attention he needed.
For a moment, he let himself get lost in your ministrations, having your eager, soft tongue wrapped around him, eyes closed, moaning deep, feeling he was growing bigger and harder in your mouth. You took advantage of his openness and brought your hand over his sack, massaging it softly, accelerating the pace, your tongue twirling around his glands every time your lips were around his head.
His hips thrust up involuntarily, searching to go deeper into the wetness of your mouth. You felt like you had the upper hand, loving the power he granted you over him, the naughty side of you wanting to make this a race of who was going to come first. But you should have known better, Sy wouldn’t let you have this one. He pressed his tongue flat on your core, intensifying the sensation and then ran it over your opening and sliding it inside you. You couldn’t keep the needy moan from escaping, feeling his tongue teasing your moist entrance and penetrating you.
Your focus was lost and so was your balance. You leaned your forehead on his pelvis, concentrating on all the pleasure he was giving you, stroking him slowly with your hand.
"Don't stop,” you whimpered, feeling the warmth of your orgasm spreading all over you. He pulled you closer against his face and shoved his tongue deeper inside you, fucking you at a frantic pace while his beard set your clit on fire. Your legs started trembling, his firm grip not allowing you to move away from him, the light tremors of your orgasm building into an earthquake, making you shudder and scream.
“God, Luc! Your tongue is magical,” you gasped as you collapsed on the bed, panting with your eyes closed. You heard his deep chuckle and felt the bed shift as he moved over, lying next to you. His arm wrapped around your waist and he scattered small kisses on your shoulder and collarbone, his beard wet from your nectar left a cooling sensation on your skin. You turned to face him, bringing your hand on his jaw, guiding him into a deep kiss. His kisses were always a delicious treat but now that you tasted yourself on his lips and tongue, it made you feel amazing and aroused again.
Never breaking your kiss, Sy laid on top of you, his weight spreading your legs apart. You couldn’t stop your hands from tracing his taut body, relishing in the texture of his muscles. You could feel he was tense, his strength, his heat increasing as he was taking over you and you couldn’t get enough of it. You needed this. You wanted to watch his face as he came inside you, to have his sweat all over you and you couldn’t believe it was finally happening. And neither could he.
He fought to control his movements and the urge to claim you hard, pouring all his passion on you. He needed his mind to take over the primal, animal instinct he was feeling at that moment. He was too far gone by now, his whole body aflame. Your voice brought him back.
“Lucas,” you whispered more breath than voice.
“Say it again. Say my name,” he said in your ear, his voice a low groan.
“Lucas, do it.”
His expression was one of intense concentration, replaced by wide sensation, as he eased slowly inside you. His thrust was slow, gentle, allowing your body to get used to his size and open up for him. You took in a deep breath as your body prepared for that familiar feeling of pain to come and tensed up but his kisses, his bites, his touch, his fire engulfed you, making you relax and forget about everything. Without even being aware of it, your pelvises touched and there you were, one deep inside the other. The realization alone made you both gasp, staring at each other with awe.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sy murmured, the overwhelming feeling choking him.
You paused for a moment, running a mental check before nodding faintly and breathing: “More”.
Sy took a moment trying to catch his breath and allowing you to catch yours. Eventually, your bodies unwinded and your breaths almost synced. With slow, soft thrusts he started moving inside you, claiming your mouth at the same slow, languid pace. Your bodies now were the closest they could be. The intense feeling of your tightness made him moan against your lips.
“I can feel every muscle inside you moving,” he gasped, “and it feels fucking incredible.”
"I love the way you feel inside me," you said, your voice giving away a slight hint of breaking, feeling a lump in your throat. You just needed to say it, tell him before your heart burst.
"I love the way I feel inside you," he let out a low content groan, not picking up your emotional overload.
"I love that I can trust you," you went on, closing your eyes trying to contain your feelings, trying to find comfort in his motions, rocking back and forth inside you.
The tears in your voice were more evident, making Sy stop and look at you with worry on his face.
"Baby... Look at me."
You couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes, you didn't want to ruin this moment for both of you.
"It's OK, bug. I'm here for you. Open your eyes."
"I love how you are always here for me," you gasped an intense sob ripping through you. "I-I love... you."
His eyes travelled from your lips forming those three words to your eyes, gazing inside them, finding your soul and claiming it as his own. He saw you, really, truly saw you and loved what was there. He tenderly caressed your face with his fingertips, wiping away the trail of your tears. He placed a feathery kiss on your lips and whispered:
"I love you too."
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ignitedbynatsu · 3 years
He Makes You Feel Insecure ~ Erik/Cobra
A/N: whoop whoop I finished it earlier than I thought 🥳 Here is the Corbra/Erik one as requested. Bikslow will be up next!! I also wanna take a moment to thank you all for the support on these series. I honestly thought nobody would answer or request anyone so thank you! As always let me know who you want me write for next! 💕
Warnings: insecurities (he makes you feel like you talk too much), cursing
genre: angst to fluff
Other versions:
Gray ~ Laxus ~ Bickslow ~ Gajeel  ~ Natsu  ~ Jellal ~ Freed ~ Sting ~ Rogue
“I can’t believe Jellal told Erza he was engaged, like, is he serious right now? After everything, I’ve done to help him admit his feelings” You scoffed as you braided your hair in the bathroom while your boyfriend Eric was laying in bed, trying to read a book. “What happened to the once feared Jellal? Who would’ve thought he’d be such a wuss about it. All he had to do was close that one-centimetre gap, that’s all he had to do”
Unknowingly to you, Erik grew more and more irritated as you kept complaining about Jellal and Erza. He has had a long day and the way you were talking non-stop didn’t really help his growing headache.
“It’s actually rather sad because he thinks he doesn’t deserve her, but at the same time she doesn’t want anybody else than him-“ You got cut off by Erica who decided he had enough of your rambling “Can you shut for two seconds? You really do not have a clue how annoying it is to hear people’s inner thoughts all the time and then coming back to you who keeps complaining about anything everything, do you? I just need some peace and quiet, not you who's talking non-stop about stupid, useless things. If you can’t shut up, I’m leaving because I really don’t need this right now”
You were a bit taken back by his sudden outburst, but completely understood where he was coming from. It must be really overwhelming to always hear everyone around you. You couldn’t imagine how it must feel and felt like you were being extremely inconsiderate. You always ran your mouth ever since you were little, and you know it’d come to bite you in the ass at one point. You just never expected Erik to be the one to put you in your place. You had always found it so easy to talk to him, but apparently, it was more of a bother to him. You didn’t want that to cause any problems between the two of you, so you made a promise to yourself that you should start talking less, especially if Erik is around.
As for now you mumbled a soft apology before casting your shield magic on yourself. You had the ability to form any size of shields. Within that barrier no magic except for your own works. Not even Erik’s advanced hearing ability could pierce through the invisible wall.
You finished your braid before going to bed with your back facing him and thoughts swirling freely through your mind, not having to worry about bothering your boyfriend.
The next morning you woke up before your boyfriend as usual and quickly cast your shield around you again, wanting to give Erik the peace and quietness he deserves.
Jellal got intell of a new dark guild he wanted to deal with, so he had asked to meet up in the morning in your usual meeting spot. You woke your boyfriend carefully up before continuing your morning routine.
As Erik woke up, he notices how uncomfortable silence the house was. He didn’t hear your usual humming while you got ready nor did he hear your inner thoughts. He shook it off and blamed it on still being groggy from just waking up.
The two of you were soon ready and met up with the whole group to go to your next location.
You usually chatted carelessly away with Meredy while you were heading over to a new job, but now it seemed more of a one-sided conversation as you replied rather short whenever she asked you a question.
Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend who wondered what got into you. He had hardly heard you say a word today. He thought about the fight yesterday and guilt immediately started to sink in. Not only that, but he didn’t realize how hard his words must have come across until now. He was just frustrated and need a moment of silence. He didn’t realize how he hurt your feelings in the progress and felt stupid for only realizing it now. 
“Hey, (Y/N)?” He tried to catch your attention to which you turned your head with a bright smile at him and your head slightly tilted to the side “can I ask you something?”
“We’re here” Jellal announced from the front of the group as he looked down on the guild.
“We’ll talk after this,” You said and kissed him on the cheek before joining the others, leaving Erik tailing behind the group with a frown. You never refused to talk. You even gossiped with Meredy while you were fighting others. Sometimes you even tried to talk to the bad guys if you had no one to talk to. His words had hit harder than he anticipated. He obeyed your wish and joined the others.
As the fight went on, you felt yourself grow more tired and tired by the minute as all your magic was slowly fading out of your body. Keeping up that shield on yourself seemed like a good idea at first especially since it didn’t take up that much magic in the short run. Combining your own shield with other shields to protect the others blind spot as well as fighting with your sword at the same time, piled on the already draining magic, leaving you with nothing left.
Erik sporadically heard your thoughts flooding back in his head, making him alarmed. His eyes scanned the area and found you desperately holding of your enemies with your sword with no sign of you using your shields.
He didn’t hesitate for a second as he ran his way over to you, poisoning every bad guy on the way. “Your magic is drained”
“Yeah,” you breathed as you leaned on him while he held you up with one arm. It broke him that even now you hardly dared to speak to him.
Erik made eye contact with Jellal who understood that you needed to get out of this situation before you got hurt “Leave to rest to us, we’ll handle it from here”
“Let’s go, we’re leaving,” Erik said as he picked you up in his arms before leaving the scene. Hoteye created a wall of dirt, making sure nobody would follow you. You wanted to protest but decided against it given your situation and your promise to yourself to talk less.
Once he made sure you two were far enough from the scene he propped you up against a tree and sat down next to you. Your head automatically found his shoulder, but you quickly lifted it up as you heard him heavily sigh. You looked at him with a questioning look. “Can you please stop trying to suppress your thoughts”
This made you even more confused “I thought you didn’t want my thoughts swimming 24/7 through your head?”
“I’m so sorry that I made you feel like that. That you felt like you had to form a shield around yourself just to give me some silence. I was frustrated and tired yesterday. I didn’t mean what I said. Not only that, but I didn’t even apologize for my actions afterwards. I should’ve realized sooner how bad my words would’ve affected you” He apologized as he took your hand in his and stared you directly in the eyes, showing how much he regretted his words.
“You shouldn’t apologize, you were right after all. I talk too much, and I never take your feelings into consideration when I ramble. It should be me apologizing” You said.
“No, hey, listen, that’s not true. You don’t talk too much. If there is only one sound I could listen for the rest of my life, it’s the sound of your voice. I love the sound of your laugh, the way you sing horribly out of tune with whatever song that pops up in your head, the way you just talk when you tell me what gossip Meredy heard this time. Your voice is like literal music to my ears, so please don’t ever cut me off from my favourite song again.” He said, making you tear up at his loved filled words.
You placed a soft kiss on his lips, breaking away once you ran out of breath and placing your forehead on his, “I’m sorry for not coming to you with my insecurities”
“Please let me in next time. I’ll gladly show how wrong those inner demons are” he kissed you again with all the love he could give.
“You see, Jellal! That’s how you get a girl!” You could Meredy say, making the two of you part away while laughter took over you. 
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
I am you (and you are me)
For Invisobang 2021. Art by @bibliophilea
On AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Summary: Set post Kindred Spirits. Something has been different since Danny came back from Vlad's and it started when the older half ghost had the tiny clone overshadow him. The half ghost remembers: His own screams. A pain in his inmost being, in his core. A tug back and forth. Being squeezed. A crash, a collision. And then... the blackness of death.
Danny comes back from the experience changed, with the memories of two lives stuffed in his head and new powers. The fire powers are pretty cool but shrinking, often involuntarily, makes him feel weak and vulnerable. All of it, the powers and memories, terrify him as he learns what they mean. And the thought of telling his loved ones...How can the half ghost hope that Jazz, Sam, and Tucker will understand and accept him now when he himself cannot?
Warnings and Tags: Self harm, Identity confusion, Self-Hatred, Ectoplasm and melting clones related gore, Clone Angst, Nightmares, Memory Issues, Involuntary Shrinking. Panic Attacks, Frostbite is Danny’s Icedad.  Evil Vlad Masters, Bad Parent Vlad Masters, Split Danny, Ghost Catcher, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual acceptance (by Danny and by his loved ones). Sibling Bonding, Friendship, Danny finally gets a hug.
Note: Welcome to my Invisobang fic! This is a semi-sequel to my story "Nothing and Everything." It's set directly after that story, though assuming an alternative ending. It is not necessary to read the older story to understand this one. All you need to know is, it deals with the aftermath of Danny being overshadowed by one of the clone's in Kindred Spirits and the emotional impact of the experience.
All that being said, big thanks to my amazing artist @bibliophilea for the amazing comic, and for beta reading! Thanks to @welcome-tothe-mystery-shack  for your comments and feedback on this story. And finally, a huge thanks to my dearest sister @nervousdragonrebelpie for looking over chapters and listening to me ramble about this story for the past few months. I wouldn’t have been able to finish this without you.
Preview Below:
Chapter 1:
“No! I’m a person. People have names! I have to have a name. I’m not….” A sob tried to break free from his throat.
A knock suddenly rattled the door. “Danny!” Mom called.
Both boy’s heads popped up, focusing on the door. They turned to face each other. “Don’t do this.” The real Danny begged.
“What?” The being asked.
“Every time you get close to the truth, you dream up a distraction.” His eyes widened in desperate panic. “Please don’t-”
Danny’s eyes popped open, a dream swirling in his mind. His heart raced, the sheets sticking to his sweaty body. His brow wrinkled, one shaking hand moving up to rub his aching head. Aching…. He still had that damn headache.
The boy closed his eyes, trying to push the pain away, to coax his heart rate down. He breathed. In and out. In and out. Slowly, so slowly, the throb in his head dimmed, his heart calming. But still, anxiety ate up his insides. 
Blearily, the boy opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. Dissatisfied, he groaned and rolled onto his side. He clenched and unclenched his fists, balling up the fabric on his bed. His bed. Yes, this was his bed…. Sleeping in a bed was so nice and comfortable but at the same time... something about it felt…. off.
The boy pinched his eyes closed, trying to make sense of the feeling. His stomach flopped. Something was off. Something was different. After today, after he’d come back from Vlad’s, after the man kidnapped him, after the man clo-
Danny cut off the cursed word, his mind refusing. He buried his face in his pillow. Vlad’s. Something had happened, something had.. had changed at Vlad’s but he couldn’t... quite... remember.
It flashed in images. Being locked in a pod. Electrocution. His own screams. Pain. A pain in his inmost being, in his core…. On the bed, Danny’s core throbbed at the thought… A tug back and forth. Then being squeezed. A crash, a collision. And then... blackness.
He’d passed out. Danny knew that much. And he’d woken up at some point later but everything between that and when he had arrived home was a blur.
Confusion. His head swimming. Danielle.. sister… frowning in worry. The hiss of the pod being released. A sigh of relief. An ectoblast. Twisted metal and glass. Ectoplasm. Ectoplasm on his hands, on the floor. Oh god, oh god. He hadn’t meant to do that. He wasn’t... the others weren’t supposed to…. weren't supposed to...
Vlad... Master... Vlad... glaring in pure hatred. “Get behind me.” His ears ringing with a scream. The older halfa being knocked into his shelves. His knees wobbling. He fell and turned human. (Human... why did the fact that he could do that make him so happy?) But then horror. Vlad was still up and moving.
Then Sam and Tucker crashed through, hitting the older man. Locking Vlad (Master) in a pod. He needs... he needs to find Danielle. He needs to find his baby sister. But she’s gone. She’s gone.
His friends’ worried faces. “Danny, you’re not making any sense.” “Hey! Hey! Stay with us!” He wobbled…. where was Danielle?..... falling forward….. Sam and Tucker caught him.
At some point later, he’d woken up on his bed with worried friends and sister who he couldn’t adequately comfort. His head had been pounding and he couldn’t remember what happened to him… and what he did remember made little sense. Sam had checked his eyes; he didn’t have a concussion or any other injuries. With his head throbbing, he’d dismissed the confusion as being from the stress of the kidnapping and electrocution. His friends believed him, though anxiety was plain on their faces. But after a few minutes, his friends had said their goodbyes, leaving him to get some much needed sleep.
But now, the night after, Danny laid on his bed. His headache was gone, his mind clearer. He should feel better yet... his heart was sinking like a stone in his chest. That dream. That dream. That was familiar. So familiar. Like it had really happened. Like... it meant something. And yet…. Danny yawned, sudden tiredness overtaking him. He closed his eyes.
Maybe this was the ramblings of a sleep deprived brain. Yeah, maybe he was just tired. Maybe he’d wake up in the morning and everything would be okay. The boy pulled his covers more tightly around himself and fell asleep.
The next morning, after quickly getting ready for school and rushing off, found Danny at his locker. The boy frowned, wracking his brain. What was his locker combination again? He spun the lock, landing on 25. That was the first number, right? Then….56. And finally….12? The lock clicked and he pulled the door open.
Danny sighed. Why was that so hard to remember? He’d had to open his locker just yesterday. He should remember… but why did that feel like a lifetime ago?
“Hey! Danny!” Tucker’s voice cut through his thoughts.
Danny gasped in surprise. In his chest, his core swelled and his body reflexively flickered invisible. A second later, he reappeared, rubbing his chest.
The next thing he knew, Sam was at his side. “What was that?”
“Yeah.” His technogeek friend took a step forward, voice quieting. “Your powers haven’t slipped up like that in months.”
Danny frowned, shaking his head. “I guess... I guess I’m still kinda shook up after….” He wrapped his arms around himself.
Sam’s face softened, seeming to understand. “Do you feel any better?” She asked kindly.
The halfa’s brow wrinkled. “Well, my headache’s gone.”
“You do look better.” The goth commented, her brow furrowing with worry. “You looked rough last night.”
“Yeah, you were really out of it too.” Tucker frowned. “You kept asking where someone called Danielle was? And for your sister?” Clear confusion rang out in his voice and just a hint of teasing…. “We kept telling you Jazz was at home, covering for us.” as if the idea that he was worried about his older sister, when she wasn’t even involved, was funny.
But something in the recollection made Danny shiver. He remembered worrying about Danielle. But…. sister... he hadn’t been talking about Jazz. He’d been asking about another girl, with blue eyes and-
“Then you passed out.” Sam continued. “And we took you home.”
For a too long moment, his friends looked at him questioningly. Finally, Danny bit his lip. “I think I remember that.”
The confirmation seemed to encourage his friends. “That’s good.” Said Tucker.
Danny wasn’t sure it was. But he had no more time to think on it before the bell rang and they were walking to their first class.
During lunch period, Danny sat down at their familiar table, the same one as yesterday and every day since the start of freshman year. He placed down his tray and looked over the tables, waiting for Sam and Tucker to join him.
The boy’s brow furrowed. The cafeteria looked the same as every day. The same as yesterday when…. Danielle phasing through the table, a tiny green speck racing passed him…. At the lunch table, Danny’s core pulsed anxiously. Yes, that had happened but at the same time…. Looking back at the two chasing him. Laughing without sound at their fun game.
Danny shivered, feeling cold. He rubbed his chest, nervously.
“Danny?” Someone was waving a hand in front of his face. “Danny? You with us man?”
The halfa blinked and turned, meeting Tucker’s eyes. “Yeah. What’s up?”
“What’s with the spaciness?” Sam said bluntly. She stabbed at her salad. “You were like that all during English too.”
“Was I?” The boy questioned. He shook his head. “Sorry. Just... thinking about stuff.”
His friends gave him worried looks but didn’t question him. Frankly, it was to Danny’s relief. He couldn’t seem to put his thoughts in order. He couldn’t explain this... weird feeling. 
The friends chatted for most of the lunch period, Sam and Tucker dominating the conversation with a debate about the newest Doomed update.
All the while Danny idly rubbed at his chest with one hand. He picked at his cheese fries. Normally they were pretty good, but he wasn’t feeling it today. He shivered again, flinching as his fork fell through his intangible hand.
“Again?” Tucker questioned with a raised brow.
Danny didn’t respond, instead picking up his fork only for his core to flare and the utensil to fall through his fingers again. With an annoyed grumble, the boy rubbed his chest again.
“Do you think something’s up with your powers?” Sam quietly asked.
The halfa looked up, frowning. “No... I mean…”
The goth pointed. “Danny, you keep rubbing your chest.”
Danny looked down, brow furrowing. Below his palm, his core pulsed. There was something… strange about the rhythm and…. he adjusted the position, pressing just the smallest bit harder. Normally, it fit comfortably under his palm but now... “It’s... bigger?” He muttered.
“What?” Tucker asked.
Danny lowered his hand. “My core?” He shook his head. “No... I’m imagining it.” His core pulsed unhappily, even as he rubbed his forehead. “I’m just tired, I guess.”
Sam and Tucker again looked like they wanted to argue, but the bell rang and they split up, each hurrying to their next class.
The rest of the school day was surprisingly normal. Just his typical classes, without even a ghost fight to interrupt his day. Danny should have felt relieved for such a chill day after what happened last night but yet…. The boy tapped his pencil on his desk. He felt anxious. He must still be shook up, like he told his friends this morning. 
Danny bit his lip, shaking the writing instrument in his hand again. It went flying out of his grip and clattered onto the floor. The boy huffed as he bent down to grab it. His hand hadn’t even turned intangible this time.
With that, the boy straightened in his seat. He glanced at the clock. 20 more minutes left in class. Just 20 minutes. Then he could go home and take a nap. He rubbed his eyes. He was still tired after getting back so late. Maybe some sleep would help him feel better.
Soon enough, the bell rang. Danny stood and walked to his locker. This time, he remembered the combination without wracking his brain. He pulled out his books and turned to his friends, who were collecting their own belongings.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Danny said.
“Yeah, see you later.” Tucker replied.
“Call us if something comes up with the ghosts.” Sam frowned. “I’m grounded but…. I’ll sneak out if you need me.”
The technogeek groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’m grounded too.”
The halfa looked down guiltily. “Sorry.” He bit his lip. “You guys shouldn’t be grounded because you had to save my sorry butt.”
“It’s fine.” Sam comforted. “We weren’t not going to save you. We’re your friends.”
“Yeah.” Tucker agreed. “It’s just the price to pay for being superheroes.”
Danny half-smiled, though he didn’t much feel like it. He wasn’t much of a hero. Guilt still choked his heart. He hated getting his friends in trouble. But still…. “Thanks for having my back.”
“No problem.” Tucker confirmed.
Then down the hall, someone called his name. “Danny?”
The boy turned. It was his sister, Jazz. He frowned. Oh right, he hadn’t talked to her since he’d been half out of it last night.
The girl quickly approached. “There you are. Come on. I’m driving you home.”
Jazz didn’t give him a choice as she started leading him towards the entrance. Danny waved at his friends, watching their worried faces until he turned the corner. 
Less than two minutes later, the pair were seated in Jazz’s car. The girl didn’t start the vehicle, instead turning to face her brother. “Are you going to tell me what happened yesterday?”
“I... Uh…” Danny stuttered, trying to collect his thoughts.
“You disappeared during the middle of school. Sam and Tucker said some weird ghost girl showed up. You went off to fight some ghost and the next thing they knew, Vlad was carrying you away.”
The boy crossed his arms. “It sounds like you already know what happened.” He muttered.
Jazz pinned a serious look. “I know Vlad kidnapped you but…. what did he do to you?”
Danny paled. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Something happened. You were unconscious when Sam and Tucker got back. And you were super out of it when you woke up. But you weren’t physically hurt. What did Vlad do to you?” His sister pushed.
Danny swallowed, his stomach flopping. “I... I don’t…. It’s fuzzy….” 
Jazz rose a brow, her tone suggesting she knew there was more to it. “Danny.”
The boy flinched. “I... he... Vlad electrocuted me?” He remembered. Being locked in a pod, electricity running through him. The creepy hologram of his mom. But... but... there was more.
His sister paled. “Oh... I’m so sorry.” Her voice softened and she didn’t say anything for a while, then… “Do you know why he did that?”
Danny stiffened, looking up. The reason sparked in his mind, with the image. Vlad hissing in front of him, boasting his plan. The man had explained but…. the words stayed just out of reach. Danny's face set in a pointed frown. He shook his head.
Jazz’s own frown deepened. “That little girl…. Sam and Tucker said she looked just like you in ghost form. What does she have to do with all this?”
The boy avoided her eyes, heart fluttering nervously. The little girl.... her face snapped into focus in his mind. Danielle, that was her name. But... there was another word. Started with an S or…. a C. She was like him; she was a clo-
Danny shook his head. No, that wasn’t right. Well…. part of it was right. Danielle had been there. She’d been helping Vlad. She helped the man hurt him; painful betrayal stabbed at him from the thought. But at the same time…
“She helped me. She helped me fight Vlad.” The half ghost said quietly, awed realization sparking as he remembered.
“But… who was she?” Jazz asked, equally quietly.
Just like that, the boy paled again. The word, the cursed word, formed in his mind without his permission. Clone. She was a clone of…. him?... No... that didn’t sound right... he was the same as her but... it had to be true. His frown deepened.
“Who was she?” His older sister asked again.
The boy shivered. “I... I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Danny.” Her voice softened. “You can tell me. It’s-”
“I... I can’t... I don’t wanna talk about it.” He focused on his hands in his lap, trying to keep them from shaking.
“Clearly, whatever happened is bothering you. You can tell me.”
“No. I-” Danny bit his lip, reaching for the door. He couldn’t stay in here with her, couldn’t deal with the questions he had no answers for or rather... questions he couldn’t bear to answer. The… the c word... he couldn’t say it, could barely think it. How could he explain how everything felt wrong, like he wasn’t actually-
“Wait.” Jazz cut off his thoughts. “You don’t have to talk until you’re ready. Just... let me drive you home.”
The boy lowered his hand and slumped back in his seat. “You... you promise? You won’t press?”
His sister’s brow furrowed. Her face was tight, like she didn’t want to agree; but after a long moment, she sighed. “Alright. I promise.”
Danny nodded. “Let’s go then.”
Jazz turned the car on, put it into drive, and pulled out of the parking lot. They drove home in silence. Once they arrived, the boy went straight up to his room. He rubbed his head, flopping down onto his bed. He needed... he needed a nap. Yeah…. That was it. He was still tired.
Sister smiled down at him. “Look at this!” The black haired girl held up her crayon drawing. “This is me.” She pointed. “And Muscles. And Bones. And Daniel.” Her smile widened as she tapped at the last figure. “And this is you.”
The being tilted his head. He floated up, placing small hands on the green figure on the paper. He blinked owlishly up at the girl.
The corner of the girl's mouth turned down. She placed down the paper and offered him a crayon. “Come on. You try.”
The tiny being hovered forward, reaching out to touch the crayon. It was so big, almost half as tall as he was. He frowned, trying to understand.
“Make yourself a little bigger and you’ll be able to hold it.” She encouraged. “Come on. You can do it.”
The being scrunched his brow and he stretched. He was about the size of a toddler, maybe two and a half feet tall. He reached out, grabbing the crayon with his slightly larger hands.
“Great.” Sister said. She pushed a fresh piece of paper in front of him. “Now you draw. Like this.” She demonstrated, rubbing the crayon against the paper so color transferred onto it.
The being flopped down, sitting on the floor. Slowly, so slowly, he copied the girl. He traced his drawing instrument over the paper. He scribbled, creating a mess of lines and shapes without meaning or purpose.
Sister smiled proudly anyway. “You’re doing it. Good job, Tiny.”
He beamed, something in him sparking at the praise. He continued scribbling but the image changed into something more purposeful. A house took shape, stick figures. A large man and slimmer woman. A little girl and a little boy.
The little boy giggled at his drawing. His hands were chubbier than before. A toddler’s, instead of the miniaturized version of a teen’s. 
“Jazzy!” He looked up, showing off his drawing to the little redhead girl.
His older sister looked up. “That looks great, Danny!” She put her own crayons down, rubbing her sweaty forehead. “It’s so hot.”
The boy suddenly dropped his crayons and drawing. “Outside! Let’s go outside!”
“But it’s hot.” The girl repeated.
The boy was already running off. “Mommy! Mommy! Can we play in the sprinklers?! Please! Please!”
Mommy turned around from where she was making lunch. “After we eat, okay?”
“Okay!” The four year old beamed, already running up the stairs to get his swim trunks.
The next thing he knew, he was outside. Mommy set up the sprinkler. He and Jazzy ran around it, giggling. Daddy came outside with water balloons and Danny let out a happy scream. “Water balloons!”
The little boy grabbed one and threw it at his sister.
Danny blinked awake to bright light on his face. His nose wrinkled. It was still light out? Oh wait, he had been taking a nap. He sat up, yawning and rubbing his forehead. He’d been dreaming again, this time about…. He shivered, remembering. He’d been playing in the back yard with Jazz when he was four. And... he’d been with Danielle. She’d been showing him how to draw. 
The boy’s stomach flopped. That didn’t make sense. That hadn’t happened. Maybe... maybe he was thinking about her because Jazz had asked, earlier, when they’d been in the car but... that had felt like a memory.
Dread balled in his gut. He’d been small, smaller than her hand. And then he’d stretched and he was bigger, about the size of a toddler. Danny looked down at his hands, his human, properly sized hands. That, changing his size, wasn’t something he could do but…. In the dream, Danielle had called him Tiny. It didn’t make sense and yet….
He remembered. One of the other clones. The small green one. Danny shivered. That one, that one could shrink. That clone had overshadowed him.
The knowledge hit Danny like a ton of bricks. The tiny clone had overshadowed him. How... how didn’t he remember that until just now? How hadn’t he realized? Danny grimaced, a sickening feeling squeezing his insides. He’d been possessed. Someone else had been in his body, controlling his actions, messing with his mind. The boy wrapped his arms around himself. He felt violated at the thought. That was so wrong. Vlad had ordered one of his clones to overshadow him. And…. more memories of the experience pressed into his mind.
Danny had been semi-aware of the other presence. There had been a fight for control, another core so close to his and…. Memories, thoughts that weren’t his. Flashes of the tiny clone’s memories. And the feeling of tiny hands rifling through his own mind.
Danny pulled his knees to his chest. That must be why he’s felt so off. It was the aftereffects of being possessed. And that dream, the flashes of memory…. he must be remembering what he’d seen and felt from the tiny clone while it had been possessing him.
The boy sighed. But... the feeling would go away eventually, right? It would. He’d felt off after Sidney had overshadowed him as well. It had taken a bit to get used to being in his own body again. And Sidney was more experienced with overshadowing than his clone had been. The ghostly nerd knew how to push Danny’s spirit out of his body, instead of forcing both ghosts to cohabitate. That was why there were strange memories now, unlike last time.
But it didn’t matter. He’d get back to normal soon enough and his friends and sister would have nothing to worry about. Everything would be okay, right?
Danny stood up, rolling his shoulders to stretch. He had homework to do. He sat down at his desk, trying to ignore the way his stomach still flopped.
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emkay512 · 3 years
Just For Tonight
What if it had been Liam’s idea to have house Beaumont sponsor Riley in his social season? And what was Liam’s night like after he dropped off Riley in the very first chapter?
A/N: I watch a lot of rom-coms and chick flicks and couldn’t stop thinking about Liam and came up with this 🙃 This exists in my OUAT universe, so I’m using those tags, I hope that’s ok and you enjoy!
Thank you at @sfb123 and @queenrileyrose for pre-reading and giving me that extra confident boost! I think I was marinating on this too long! Lol 😅
Warnings: Some language, but that’s about it.
Tags: @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @ao719 @kat-tia801 @sincerelyella @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @queenrileyrose @kingliam2019 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @iluaaa @jared2612 @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @secretaryunpaid @ladyangel70 @gkittylove99 @texaskitten30 @shanzay44 @ofpixelsandscribbles
Word count: 1,676
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Liam’s head was swimming. He and Riley just piled into a cab to escort her back to her apartment after their midnight rendezvous with the Statue of Liberty. That kiss she gave him on the ferry had him dizzy, he was losing his inner fight to remember his duty bound responsibilities and wanted to embrace her again, but he also didn’t want to lead Riley on.
As if Riley was reading his mind, she broke the silence and asked, “hey, Liam?” Liam focused his gaze on her in reply, “what if just for tonight, we indulge in ourselves a little?” Liam lifted his brow in confusion.
“How do you mean?”
Riley was feeling quiet vulnerable with her idea, but in keeping with her own suggestion, she explained, “I have a feeling about you. That you’re used to putting your priorities and desires dead last in life. I’m even a little afraid that you may come to regret this night with me because you will convince yourself you had over indulged by allowing a little personal pleasure in your life. I’m saying, don’t do that. And I won’t either. I’m not sorry for opening up to a prince I know I’ll never see again. So… so how about you do the same?” Riley felt her cheeks blush and she looked up at him to see his eyes soften, knowing he was moved and would agree.
“Ok.” Liam smiled genuinely, she was completely right, and now thanks to her, he wouldn’t allow himself to feel any shame for enjoying this night. “Ok, Ms. Riley Brooks, I’ll do the same. Just for tonight, I will feel no shame for enjoying myself, for letting my heart call the shots for once.”
“Good.” Riley almost felt her eyes well up with tears from both the most sincere happiness she was feeling mixed with sadness of the night ending. Just then, the cab slowed to a stop right in front of her stoop. “Well, this is me. Good night, Liam. Thank you for the unforgettable evening.”
“Riley,” was all he could whisper before they both leaned in, closed their eyes, and surrendered into their goodnight kiss. Liam had relaxed completely, and it was Riley that deepened the kiss. She had parted her lips for him and he allowed himself to touch his tongue to hers, reveling in her sweet taste. He took one hand to cup her cheek and his other hand around her waist, both hands pressing her body as close to his as possible.
At the sound of the cabbie clearing his throat, they parted, both a little out of breathe. With smiles on both their faces, they said at the same time, “well, good night.”
They awkwardly laughed, and Riley touched her hand to his 5 o’clock shadow and said, “I think you are amazing, and thank you again for tonight.” She offered him the sweetest smile and then moved to exit the cab.
Liam replied as she was making her move out, “goodnight, Ms. Riley, and just so you know, I will never regret this night.” It was the right thing to say, as he saw nothing but elation on her face as she gently shut the car door and turned to walk into her apartment.
After giving the cabbie the name of his hotel, Liam leaned back in the backseat of the cab with nothing but stars in his eyes. He couldn’t believe the night he just had, and he was too far gone in his euphoria that he wouldn’t allow himself to think back to the reality that awaits him. Just for tonight. Just like they had said. He would allow himself to close out this night on his love sick high.
Upon his arrival back to the suite he was sharing with his friends, Maxwell was the only one still up. Liam could swear that his good, cheery, friend, Maxwell Beaumont, operated on constant energizer bunny batteries and actually didn’t sleep.
“Well, well, well… couldn’t quiet pull off the next-morning-walk-of-shame, my prince?” Maxwell knew Liam hated the formalities among his friends so he knew right away that Maxwell was in a full ball-busting mood. But Liam didn’t care. And to his dismay, Maxwell noticed. “Whoa. What the hell is that dopey look on your face!? You did get laid??” Maxwell was sincerely perplexed because he knew that a one night quickie was unlike Liam, but he could think of no other explanation.
Liam chuckled and shrugged, knowing he was unable to shake the grin off his face. No, he didn’t get laid. But he did get kissed. Twice. By a woman he knew he wouldn’t shake from his thoughts, for probably the rest of his life. Just for tonight. He continued the mantra in his mind. He’d let his mind wander to the idea of seeing her again. “Calm down, Max. She just showed me a very lovely evening. She pulled off a trip to the Statue of Liberty. Just for me.” Maxwell was not missing the stars in Liam’s eyes and couldn’t resist in fucking with him a little more.
“Huh, so your tryst involved another lady? Ya know, Lady Liberty? Kinky.” Liam rolled his eyes, that’s not even creative or funny, he thought to himself. “Wait, so how in the hell did you pull that off? I know you get shit done, but a last minute late night boat ride in a foreign country to impress a girl? How did you do it?”
“I didn’t. It was all the other way around. She called in a favor to impress me, and as you can see, I was quiet taken.”
“Well damn, sister’s got some moves! I mean, look at you, I’ve never seen you so smitten!” Maxwell was still muttering some mockeries at Liam, something about Liam being a smitten kitten. But it was something else he said that stuck out to Liam. Sister. Maxwell had call her a sister. After a second, a wild idea popped into Liam’s mind.
“That’s it! That’s it, Maxwell you genius!” Maxwell blinked up at Liam, very unsure what part of his rambles got Liam so excited. “House Beaumont still needs a sponsor for the social season, right?”
“Uh, yeah. That’s right.” Maxwell was clearly not putting two and two together.
“Catch up, Beaumont! Her! Riley! What do you think? We could catch up with her in the morning and ask her to join the season under your house. Well?”
Maxwell was grinning from ear to ear. He thought it was such a good idea that he was disappointed he didn’t think of it. “You’re on. You and I can find her in the morning before your early flight back and if she says yes, I’ll bring her back here to get the guys caught up and she’ll fly back with us.”
“Genius! Ah, I could kiss you right now Maxwell! I’m gonna try to catch some sleep before the morning.” Liam said while pumping his fist in excitement and he half jogged into a separate room to fall asleep.
The next morning, Liam and Maxwell caught sight of Riley walking up to her bar. Maxwell still had a curious amount of energy in him and next thing Liam knew, he was jogging ahead to Riley with his hand in the air to get her attention. “Hey! Hey, Riley!” Liam kept his pace as Maxwell rushed ahead.
Riley whipped around to see Maxwell charging at her. “Oh, hey. It’s you. One of Liam’s friends, Maxwell, right?”
“Yep! Good memory! Anyway I’m glad I caught you. I’m here because I want to formally invite you to Cordonia to participate in all the festivities for Liam. Normally you wouldn’t be allowed to join, but I want to sponsor you!” Maxwell could see the shock and confusion on her face as he continued to explain. “I’m from a noble house, but I don’t have any sisters so we don’t have anyone in contention to marry the prince. Instead we get to pick any girl to sponsor, and I pick you!”
“Wh-why me?”
“I’m not doing it just for you.” Just then Liam caught up and strode into the scene.
“Good morning, Ms. Riley Brooks.” Liam used his most husky and calm voice possible. He knew he was about to be asking a lot out of her.
Riley instantly picked up Liam’s voice as he walked up and greeted her, “Liam? What are you doing here?”
Liam approached and grabbed her hand, bringing it up to his lips for a quick kiss. He met her eyes as he explained, “I’m here to do the same thing my good friend, Maxwell, is here doing. I want to convince you to come to Cordonia. Everything he said is true. You can participate as his sponsor.” Riley moved her eyes from Liam and looked just over his shoulder at Maxwell, she was trying to decide if he was someone she could trust and someone whose house she wanted to join. She saw a very promising and honest smile on his face, and she felt comfortable. She then looked back to Liam, who was still holding her hand.
“I… I don’t know.. that’s a big commitment..”
“Look,” Liam said quickly not wanting to lose his momentum. “I’ll level with you, Cordonia won’t be like New York, but there’s something about you. About us, that I trust. There’s something here Riley, why not give it a shot. Come on, I know you feel it too.”
She most certainly felt it too and she thought about last night and the opportunity that could be ahead of her, versus her current shitty bartending life in New York, and she came to her decision. “Ok,” she smiled and looked him in the eye, “I’m in.”
“Yes!” Maxwell shouted from behind them, “go pack your bags, this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime!”
Riley looked at Liam and said, “I guess we’re shooting for more than just for tonight, huh?”
Liam replied, “heh, yeah I guess you’re right.”
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sneezefiction · 3 years
untouchable | vi
Atsumu x Reader
desc: in which an accidental run-in with pro volleyball player, Atsumu Miya, at a 7/11 leads to a strangers-to-lovers situation… but the catch is, you have no idea that he’s famous.
warnings: slight language, anxiety
wc: 6.6k
part 5 ⚬ part 6 ⚬ part 7 
untouchable m.list
And for the first half of this year you found yourself falling in love. Falling for this second glance of a man.
So finding out that Izumi Kenji had a partner was a punch to the gut. 
Reaching for his hand that summer was a defining moment for you. The way he snatched his hand away from yours would have knocked all the air out of your lungs if you’d had any breath to spare.
Laughter echoes off the sides of buildings as you make your way past food stalls and restaurants. It’s warm. A gentle breeze tussles his hair, different strands catching purple and orange light from the store signs.
There are several things that are begging to hold your attention right now. 
A new café to your right is stringing a “Grand Opening” banner across its shop doors. Bike bells ring off in the distance, the wheels gently thrumming against dusty cobblestone. Groups of teenagers snicker as they pass you by, their voices carefree and teasing. Two dogs tread loyally next to their owners on the other side of the street, their claws clicking as their paws hit the pavement. 
But even among all of those distractions and details, all you can see is him. The mop of messy hair atop his head. His umber brown eyes. A curious smile.
Izumi Kenji had stolen your heart slowly and carefully; he did so without a balaclava or a disguise to lure you in. And as you meander the downtown area with him, your fondness for him only grows.
Meeting him at that after-work party may have been the best thing that happened to you this year. You were comfortable - in the middle of a bar, talking to a stranger and laughing with him. And who were you to turn down the one good thing life had sent your way.
Although, with how nonexistent your social life was, you would’ve let almost anyone into your social circle. You just deem yourself lucky that it was Kenji who happened to be in your vicinity.
He’d ended up asking for your number at the end of the night - you rattled off the digits faster than you could blink.
“...if you ever need anything, just send me a text.”
It was an outstretched hand of a sentence. A bone thrown to a starving dog. Finally, there was a person you could rely on.
You took his words to heart.
After that night, it was almost unfair how easily he broke down your barriers. 
It was Kenji who took you sightseeing through all of Osaka in the Winter months, making sure that you’d mapped out the area so that you were more comfortable when you went exploring on your own. Your snow boots and his became well acquainted.
He’d shown you his favorite eateries and shops, rambling quietly about his favorite pastries and old, dusty memories that came from his time spent in the area. 
His jacket made its way to your shoulder when you visibly shuddered from the cold as Winter shifted to Spring. And as Summer approached, you allowed yourself to let your guard down. With distant eyes, you learned about his family and his plans. You wondered if maybe there was a place for you in that future.
Any doubts about this connection you had with him had melted away. 
He was your closest friend by far… and who’s to say he couldn’t be more?
You glance to your left, a small smile working its way onto your lips. Kenji’s eyes wander the street, completely lost in thought. His expression is serene under the violet glow of street lights. 
And his hand… his hand is achingly close to your own.
Its a position you frequently found yourself in: walking side by side, almost touching, but never quite close enough to grasp at his hand. 
You’ve never really seen yourself as someone to make first moves, but this has gone on for too long. And your fingertips are begging you to do something about this distance between you two. 
You swallow hard.
Choking back your hesitation, you brush your hand against his.
He doesn’t pull away, only sending you a quick glance. Kenji’s soft smile doesn’t budge, though he does raise an eyebrow at you.
You assume that this is a good sign. He doesn’t seem uncomfortable, the moment feels natural, and this… this could actually work.
You take one more deep breath and gingerly link your fingers with his-
But before you can even blink, Kenji snaps his hand back to his side. His head whips toward you, feet stopping in their tracks.
“What… what are you doing,” he stammers, eyes widening.
You wince. That wasn’t the reaction you were hoping for. Far from it.
“I think that’s-” You glance down at your rejected hand, eyes wide, “-kind of obvious.”
He stares at you, mouth agape. You take a step back, heart dropping. Why would he pull his hand back? Did I do something wrong-
“I’m seeing someone-” He breathes, “-you knew that.”
Like a tree branch splintering after a lightning strike, you feel as though something inside of you has cracked and split. 
Your body can’t decide if your blood should turn to ice from shock or if it should succumb to the heat of humiliation rising in your chest. How did you not know this?
And why hadn’t you just asked him first? 
That’s what normal people did. If you hadn’t acted based on a silly impulse maybe you would have spoken to him about your relationship with him first… but it’s too late now. And the pressure continues to build up in your stomach until you feel like a balloon on the verge of popping.
“...you knew that… didn’t you?”
Something sharp stabs at your heart.
“I had no idea.” Your reply is flat. Distant.
It twists.
“I- I’m so sorry, I could’ve sworn I’d told you…” He responds softly.
In a tearing motion, it rips back out.
“No. You hadn’t.” You say curtly, eyes glazing over.
You let on to the bitterness welling up in your chest more than you wish you would have… but who could blame you? 
Tucking your hands deep into your pants pockets, you try to hold your composure. 
Your mouth is uncomfortably dry and your hands are suddenly very sweaty. 
What does someone do in a situation like this? 
You’d always assumed that this was the type of thing to happen to somebody else. Thinking that feelings were mutual and then being struck with the fact that your “almost-boyfriend” was actually already deep into a relationship. It sounds like something out of a teenage romance novel... but it’s clear that the shame clouding your mind is not secondhand.
Unintentionally or not, Kenji had led you on… and here you are, feeling like you’ve just been publicly gutted.
He doesn’t owe you anything. No, not at all. 
If anything, you owe him for all of the kindness he’s extended to you. 
But that doesn’t explain everything he’s done for you these past few months. 
Paying for meals even though you’d practically fought him for bills at every restaurant you’d visited together. Spending hours together on weekends when you both had work to complete. Meeting his friends, taking the train together on days when your schedules collided, exploring the city and your past with him…
You’d wondered why he hadn’t asked you out yet.
It didn’t make any sense.
Maybe he was confused too?
A thought crosses your mind that maybe he may have been using you as some sort of support system. Maybe you were just let into his life to comfort him through his own relational instability. Were you just Kenji’s escape? Is he just completely unaware?
But now you’re just jumping to conclusions. It might not be anything of the sort. Trying to piece together a story that doesn’t add up in the first place won’t help you at all - at least, not right after such a blatant rejection.
You take another step back, effectively tuning out anything he has to say. The light on his face no longer reflects something inviting; instead, all you can see is the confusion marring his previously peaceful expression.
He’s trying to talk to you, he’s taking steps toward you, he’s even reaching a hand out… but you just can’t. Not with the discomfort in your chest and a thundercloud of tension rumbling above you.
You can’t remember what shitty excuse you’d made to get out of there, but not even 10 minutes after this awkward, messy, fucked up moment, you’re on a train back home. 
And everything is numb. 
The shuffle and shake of the passenger car is enough to distract you for now.
But the moment you get home - the very second you kick off your shoes - insecurity comes knocking at the door of your mind. 
You lay face down on the couch. The room stirs in darkness, gloom sinking into the cracks of the wall and pooling at the corners of your eyes. Because how was this fair? What had you done to deserve this? Was nothing going to be easy for you?
You let yourself cry.
Questions swim through your mind. Fears too. The pain of, once again, being alone exposes itself through heavy tears and spluttering sobs.
So you attempt to bury it all deep down...
As far from the surface as it can go... 
But as most things do, these questions and insecurities will resurface. 
It’s only a matter of time.
You noticed it from the moment you woke up.
The stiffness in your arms and the churning in your stomach were telltale signs… but as the hours rolled on and the sun sunk lower in the sky, it became more obvious. 
Your lungs were fine yesterday, but today they shrink and tighten with every passing minute.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you’ve switched on the TV and turned to Netflix for comfort. It isn’t much, but the modulated noise of a baking show and a warm blanket draped over your lap blocks out some of the dizzying worries in your head.
First date nerves are a thing.
The clammy palms, the jitters, the loss of appetite… you have it all. 
You’re well aware that this is a universal experience, so you try to empathize with yourself. There’s no reason to be embarrassed by it. Shame would only drag you deeper into this muddy pit of nerves that you’re so desperately trying to claw your way out of.
But this technically isn’t even a date. 
And you’re not about to assume that it’s anything like one.
Just to be safe, you’ve decided that this outing would blandly be categorized as a “sporadic meet up with a stranger.” Your words, not Atsumu’s. 
But just because it isn’t technically a date doesn’t mean you can’t be jittery… 
You grip the remote in your hand tighter. It accidentally shuts the TV off, but that’s probably for the better. You haven’t gotten ready yet and it’s getting close to 5 pm. Somehow you’d managed to snuggle the day away in your apartment. Again.
Letting out an anxious yawn, you hop up from your nestled position on the couch.
You step into the hallway and make your way to the bathroom to wash your face. As you patter the length of the hall, you finally allow your mind to roam. It immediately hones in on your anxieties like a dog chasing a delightfully peeved squirrel.
Is it pathetic? To be 20 something years old and petrified by something as simple as a dinner date? 
Your brain says “no,” but a part of you is whispering out a quiet “yes” in response. Most people would be excited to see someone after being lonely for so long. 
So why are you this bothered? What’s with this piercing fragility that makes your hands shake and your skin crawl? 
When did you become so… scared? Like you would crumble just by being in the presence of another person?
And then it hits you. Your head plummets into your hands.
Ever since you’d met Atsumu, you haven’t had the mental stamina to think about Izumi Kenji. 
Or what he’d done to you. Or how he’d metaphorically pushed you when you were already toeing at the precipice of a cliff. You’d been a step away from falling and breaking under the weight of the past few years, and he’d shattered you in a single night.
So, yes, that would explain the current twisting in your chest. It’s also probably why you’re so worried about Atsumu. Or, at least, it’s one big reason as to why, you conclude.
But, even with this epiphany, you find yourself stepping into the bathroom, wrung dry and physically unsteady. Thinking about Kenji doesn’t make you feel any better.
Your fingers grip the rim of the porcelain sink, eyes fixed on the drain in the center. 
You stare at it. 
One reminder of him and you were already weary. 
The glossiness of the bowl reflects a splotchy, humanesque blob back at you. You swivel the faucet handle, letting warm water coast around the bowl and spiral down the drain. It erases that human-like reflection.
If only it could wash away your problems. Now that’d be something to write home about.
The cool of the tile beneath your feet and a splash of warm water on your face is a welcome distraction… but short-lived. The water drips off of your face. You blindly feel around for a fresh towel and, after laying your hands on one, you gently pat your face down.
Blinking your eyes open, you stand up straight.
As you do, you find yourself studying a much clearer reflection than the blurry face in the sink bowl. Sunken features bore into you from the bathroom mirror. You sigh and turn to open up a medicine cabinet to grab a few facial products, applying them one-by-one.
If you do happen to crash and burn tonight, you figure you might as well look damn good in the process. Skincare would help with that.
But before you can further sink into the idea that tonight might turn into another nightmarish scenario, a friendly face, someone sunny and charming, enters your mind. 
The picture Atsumu’s wavy hair and that smug smile of his. While the rest of his face is a little fuzzy in your mind, you vividly remember how his mouth quirk upwards and the electric buzz you felt from the sheer warmth of his eyes.
Atsumu has been on your mind a lot these days. And, as much as it’s been a distraction, it’s also been a welcome mental detour. 
Somehow, the very thought of him coaxes your own lips to relax into a smile. You sigh, tilting your head back in defeat. So this is what 3 years of loneliness can do to a person - how embarrassing.
But you can’t deny that he gives you something to look forward to - an emotion you can’t quite put your finger on. You two share a connection; there’s some common ground that hasn’t been dug up just yet. And, for whatever it’s worth, you want to keep digging until you figure it out.
As you smooth a moisturizer over your skin, you decide that you’ll wear something nice tonight. Maybe you’ll pick out an outfit you haven’t worn before and do your best to drown your shaky hands in the fabric of a long-sleeved shirt. If it goes well, maybe you’ll have found someone who actually likes you.
If it doesn’t work out, you can just drive back home and forget he ever existed. Simple as that.
You’d like to think that Atsumu could be just as sweet as he seems; assuming the worst about him would get you nowhere.
You continue to repeat that to yourself before you leave. That all you can do is hope it goes well. 
Nothing more, nothing less. 
You rest your foot firmly on the brake and switch the gearshift so that your car is in park. You rub your eyes and double-check the location on your phone’s GPS. Back at your apartment, it looked like you would be arriving at a café near the park… but you’re not so sure anymore.
Did… did Atsumu really send you here?
You never entertained the idea of him being a prankster… but if this was, perhaps, a practical joke? Well, you’re not above calling him and telling him to “fuck off.” There’s nothing stopping you from driving away and blocking his number right now.
Scrolling through the map application, you notice that you’re relatively close to several restaurants, so there is that. He’d promised you dinner and there’s an abundance of food within walking distance.
But you weren’t expecting to pull up to such a secluded location. You shiver in your seat and grip the steering wheel. Does he realize just how scary it is to meet someone at a random place like this?
Whipping out your phone, you tap a quick message containing something along the lines of “why the hell did you send me to a park.” Your therapist would probably give you a high-five for being so straightforward.
You hit send and sink into your chair. 
A brief glance out your car window helps to settle your frayed nerves just a hair. 
It’s not quite as empty as you thought it was. The area is just… calm. Many couples stroll along the main path, hand-in-hand. Others are sat on picnic blankets, tucking their toes into the cool grass and chattering away. 
And, most comfortingly of all, it’s still bright outside. 
You thank the sun that it still rests above the horizon, drenching the trees tops and green grass with deep-honey hues. People and daylight mean safety. You’ve had to learn that after living alone for so long.
A text notification pings on your phone only seconds after messaging him. 
You’ll give him some credit. Atsumu is a timely texter. You’ve found yourself in more real-time texting conversations with him than almost anyone else you’ve met in Osaka. And it’s been how long since you met him? A few weeks? A month?
Atsumu’s text reassures you that you’re not at the wrong place.
At least the park was intentional, you nod to yourself. You’re doing your best to trust that he wouldn’t take you somewhere that would make you uncomfortable.
Another text informs you that he’s already seated on a bench near where you parked.
Your heart skips a beat and your head jolts upward, scanning the area. A hand also shoots up to clutch at your chest, gripping the fabric of your top. 
Yep. You’re still jumpy.
But this time, the shaky hands and pounding nerves are rooted in restlessness instead of fear… and maybe a little bit of excitement?
Suddenly, the park is far less frightening.
You step out of the car, wallet and keys in one hand, and smooth out your outfit with your free hand. The wind nips at you through the fabric of your clothes, but with the sunshine painting your skin, it isn’t too bad. 
Maybe bringing a coat would’ve been wiser than relying on this sweater to keep you warm… but it’s too late to think about that now.
Your eyes dart around and you trod through the grass and onto a graveled pathway. It crunches satisfyingly underneath your feet, but you can’t enjoy it when you’re so intent on finding him. With a few short strides, you’re quick to spot the back of someone’s head. A familiar head of blonde waves shines golden thanks to the setting sun. 
You’re almost entirely sure it’s Atsumu.
And as if he had sensed your presence, the man in question tilts a glance over his shoulder.
His face is blank until he catches your eye. 
An easy grin, one brighter than the stars, bursts into existence.
For someone so conventionally attractive, he sure looks excited to see little ole you. Raising your hand, you wave and send him a shy smile back.
He’s quick to jump to his feet and as he does, you’re quickly reminded of just how tall he is. Atsumu’s head matches the height of several tree branches. It makes you think that he’s probably walked into a number of things. Door headers, branches, signs that are hung a couple of inches too low… you’re sure he’s learned to duck and dodge over the years.
You wish you could ask him about that.
You blink.
That’s right. You can ask him about that - you’ll do that later, though.
“Hey there.” He chuckles.
His voice… it’s huskier than you’d remembered.
You spoke with him over the phone just yesterday to confirm that tonight was still happening, so why was his voice giving you chills now? It’s deep and smooth and, without the static from the phone audio, it’s actually kind of sexy.
Okay, you’ve got to calm down.
“Hi,” you reply sweetly, tilting your head.
Should you hug him? Just keep standing there? Hopefully, he’s better at filling awkward silence than you are. You’re not bad at handling social situations, but it seems safer to wait for his cues.
Atsumu keeps his hands in his pockets, “Long time, no see.” 
It’s phrased as if you were both old friends reuniting after years of distance. It kind of feels that way too.
“I don’t actually think it’s been that long.” You raise an eyebrow, keeping a straight face.
“It’sa turn of phrase, sweetheart.”
That word sounds so easy on his tongue, damn it.
A few beats pass… and both of you break into grins once again.
But before you can respond, and much to your confusion, Atsumu spins on his feels to face the pathway. The pebbles under his feet shift as he takes a few steps forward.
He turns his head to catch your eye, “Well? C’mon then, let’s walk and talk,” and juts an arm out.
You stare at him for a moment, confused. 
“Are ya gonna leave me hangin’? Atsumu tilts his head back, a coy smile on his lips as though whatever he’s trying to do is ridiculously obvious.
After a few moments of deep contemplation, realization dawns over your features. He’s extending his elbow out… for you? To hold onto?
With a slight flush, you step forth and link arms with him. He grins down at you, perfectly resembling a fox you saw in a National Geographic magazine last week. This is a lot closer than you’d anticipated on getting with him; not that you’re complaining.
Although, for someone you’ve only met twice, you feel like you’ve known him for years. 
The few phone calls and those text conversations have given you some insight into his life, but they don’t explain why you two click so well in person. He’s illogically familiar.
You decide not to question the closeness and instead choose to spark a conversation. 
That should be easy enough; after all, he’d promised you dinner, and you were given directions to a park - you’re anything but questionless.
You lean into his side slightly and break the silence, “You smell good.” 
Considering he’s crossed that line with you already, you aren’t too worried about saying it back to him. 
“Thanks, I showered.” He smiles and shrugs as if to brush off your compliment, but you swear you see a fleeting blush on his cheeks.
“Thank God.” You sigh in mock relief, relaxing your shoulders.
He squints, clicking his tongue, “Okay, no need to tease. At least get to know a guy first,” but his voice is void of offense.
“So if I tease you, you won’t take me to dinner?” A curious tone rings in your voice.
“Oh, I will even if ya do. Where do ya think we’re walkin’ to?”
You snort, “Hopefully a restaurant?”
“Bull’s eye.” He winks.
Atsumu looks down at you and you can’t help but smile up at him. Your nerves had melted away like a popsicle under a blazing summer sun; all that’s left is a sweet, melty feeling that has you feeling a little too comfortable.
Maybe you shouldn’t be so trusting. Protecting yourself has been your number one goal since Kenji let you down…
But that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh or get to know Atsumu. 
It just means you need to keep your expectations in check. This may seem like a date, but until he says something, you won’t jump to conclusions. In the meantime, you just need to keep talking. Enjoy it while it lasts and laugh a little.
You nudge his side, “By the way…”
“What’s with bringing me to a park?”
You’ve been dying to hear this explanation since you arrived. Sure, the atmosphere is perfect; fall weather is notorious for pleasant walks and colorful leaves. However, you’d like to hear his reasoning.
“I thought we could get to know each other better before stuffin’ our faces.”
You make a face, “Well, doesn’t that sound lovely. You sure have a way with words.” 
Atsumu is nothing if not blunt.
He pouts, eyes narrowing, “You gonna make fun of the way I talk now? I’ll have you know, I’ve been mocked enough to last me a life time. I ain’t all that sensitive anymore.”
You laugh and subconsciously tighten your hold on his arm. 
“Alright Mr. Not Sensitive, I won’t make fun of you anymore.”
If you were paying attention to his face, you might’ve seen another flush of pink… but your eyes are squinting from the sun and Atsumu is sure to pull himself together before you can notice it.
“But I do have some important questions for you,” You begin.
Those words are sure to spark fear into anybody. This is confirmed when his arm stiffens ever so slightly and your eyes crinkle in mischief.
He swallows, “Yeah, go for it.”
“Favorite color?”
Atsumu’s eyes flick down to yours, squinting. They seem to say, “important, my ass.”
He instantly loosens, “Easy. Red.” Confidence is clear in his tone.
You nod. You don’t have to know him well to know that the answer suits him. Atsumu is fiery and he’s burned bright in your mind since you met him. If anyone should be allowed to like red, it’s him.
“Favorite food?”
“Mmm…” He furrows his brows in deliberation, “ I gotta say fatty tuna. But my brother makes some killer onigiri, though. I think that’s a close second.”
Your brows shoot up, eyes widening. He’d never mentioned anything about his family before this.
“You have a brother?” You press, leaning in to study his face while trying not to trip over your own two feet.
“Technically, a twin. But I’m the older one...” He huffs, “...and the better lookin’ one.”
Your jaw drops. “I can’t believe you hadn’t mentioned him before this!” 
As an only child, you can only imagine what it’d be like to have a sibling, much less a twin. 
“Well,” Atsumu rolls his eyes at you, “He’s alright…”
It looks like he’s about to change the subject, but one glance at your face is all it takes for him to realize that you want to hear more. Your eyes are sparkling. Full of vibrant curiosity… how could he stop now?
You’re actually interested in him.
“We’re really close actually,” Atsumu clears his throat, straightening up a little. “I mean, he isn’t like me at all. He’s real’ calm in comparison. A great cook. Some people say he’s handsome - but he got the looks from me, y’know?”
You roll your eyes, keeping in stride with him. “Yeah, yeah, keep going.”
“He’s good with the ladies, smart, athletic...” He rambles on. “If he’d just slow down a little, he would probably be married by now...”
You just listen, fully invested in his words. 
It’s nice to hear about family - you haven’t seen your’s in a long time. 
The fondness in Atsumu’s expression seeps through his abbreviated words. 
He looks almost pained as he compliments his twin and amusement flickers in your eyes as you watch it all unfold. You hadn’t asked for a dating profile description of his brother, but you’re not about to shut him up.
“I bet you’d like him. Not as much as you’d like me, of course,” he smirks and your chest tightens. 
The butterflies you’d thought you’d left back in highschool seem to have dusted themselves off and started fluttering again.
“But, yeah. He’s a good guy.”
Atsumu’s free hand then runs through his hair, pushing the waves back. You can see a sudden onset of nerves on his face. He’s quick to hide it though.
“And, uh, just so you know… he may or may not own the restaurant I’m taking you to tonight.”
That’s enough for you plant your feet in place. Atsumu stops as well. 
He’s… taking you to his brother’s restaurant.
You gaze up at him, at a loss for words.
Is his brother going to be there? I mean, it is his place. But meeting his family? Out of the blue, like this? It’s all out of order. 
You can’t help but wonder if he’s ever going to give your racing heart a chance to settle.
“Is that too much?” Atsumu is quick to cut in. His voice isn’t gentle… but even with it’s roughness, you can hear something that resembles concern.
“A- ah, no! It’s fine!” You reassure him, “I… I’m happy to go.”
His shoulders drop down again and so do yours.
There’s no point in getting worked up about it. But it’s becoming clear that Atsumu isn’t a very conventional person. Nor is he daunted by sporadic plans. Next time, you’ll ask for a point-by-point itinerary, just to be safe.
Atsumu reveals the name of the restaurant, “Onigiri Miya,” and you find yourself asking more family-related questions as you two dawdle down the pathway…
Which naturally leads to conversations about high-school.
It turns out that he and his twin were on a volleyball team together. Which makes sense. He definitely has the muscle, the height, and the spunk to be an athlete. 
You know shit about the sport, but that doesn’t mean you don’t see the gleam in his eyes when he rattles off a story about one of his old games. It’s been a long time since you last listened to someone speak about something so passionately.
But there’s even more. 
You hear mentions of many boys’ names. 
There’s his brother, Osamu; he mentions their little spats and occasional fist fights. Although he makes sure to clarify that they’re both a lot more level headed nowadays. Next is Atsumu’s upperclassman, Kita; he’s someone Atsumu respects and fears with every inch of his being. Then there’s Suna, Omimi, Aran, and… too many others to count.
Games and nationals and several terms you can’t quite grasp swim through your head as you re-live some of Atsumu’s own memories with him.
His high-school years sound exciting, bright, and funny. Of course, those experiences would create the charming mess that is Atsumu Miya.
After padding under draping treetops, you both finally make it out of the park and onto the sidewalks. 
Restaurants and small shops line the streets and pedestrians cross in groups across the narrow roads. At this point, the sun is loosing its shine, sinking beneath the trees’ branches and ever-darkening buildings. But you, with your phone in your pocket and your arm in his, feel safe. 
Atsumu’s effortlessness and his blunt way of speaking really made for easy conversation. 
But before you can ask him if he still plays volleyball, you find yourself standing in front of a small, bright storefront: “Onigiri Miya.” The words are plastered on a wooden board in white, chalk paint. It’s sleek and cute - if you’d stumbled upon the shop before this, you’d have walked in of your volition.
“I’m thinkin’ I just talked your ear off the whole way here.” Atsumu sighs apologetically.
You shrug, “I guess that just means I’m a good listener.”
In all honestly, you’re glad he rambled. It got rid of your restlessness and calmed your racing thoughts.
He unlinks your arm from his and your side is now exposed to the cold air. It only just hits you how physical that walk had been. Even without a coat, having him at your side had kept you warm and cozy.
How long has it been since you were comfortably side-by-side with someone? It’s been months since you’d been around Kenji… years since you last slept with someone you actually liked… but when was the last time you held a hand or wrapped your arm around someone else’s? 
Atsumu’s words cut into your thoughts, “You’re easy to talk to, but I wanna hear more about you when we get inside.” 
And he’s holding the door open for you, one hand clasped around the handle and the other tucked casually into his pocket. You thank him… he didn’t give you the impression of being “gentlemanly” or whatever that word meant, but you find the gesture to be sweet. 
As you step inside the small restaurant, your senses are overtaken by the smell of freshly cooked rice and an explosion of delicious seasonings. There are bar stools open at the front counter and metal chairs surrounding worn-down wooden tables. The atmosphere is homely and diner-like; as though, no matter how often you actually visited, you would be treated as a regular.
Someone calls out from the back, “C’mon in, I cleared the place out for y’all.”
The voice resembles Atsumu’s style of speech; gruff and straight to the point… but a little smoother. Then you realize what that voice had actually said. There’s nobody else here.
“Alright, we’ll make ourselves at home then. I can take your-”
He scans you for a jacket… that doesn’t exist.
“You didn’t bring a coat.” He says flatly.
You glance down at your outfit, grasping the edge of your sweater and feathering a thumb over its seam.
“I forgot one.” You admit, looking back up to him, “Why? Is that a problem?”
“Nah, I was just gonna offer to take it.”
You hadn’t noticed what he’d been wearing before this, but now that you’re under the soft lighting of the restaurant, you realize he’s dressed up a little. 
Atsumu removes a short, tan coat and places it onto the back of a chair. A black turtleneck sweater is revealed underneath. The fabric outlines his chest and arms in the most unfair way while the dark color pleasantly contrasts his lighter skin tone. 
How hadn’t you noticed how gut-wrenchingly attractive he was before this? 
With how fast things were moving and how comfortable you felt talking to him, you must’ve conveniently glossed over this fact. It’s not like you’d planned on getting to know him.
But now that you do? Well, it doesn’t hurt that he basically has the body of Chris Hemsworth. Atsumu’s definitely not some Walmart version of him though - this boy deserves his own brand of attractiveness.
You swallow hard as your eyes trail his body.
“Like whatcha see?”
You startle, shuffling backward. If you weren’t already out of your element, you sure are now. Caught red-handed (red-eyed?) staring at your not-date. 
“Awh, c’mon I’m joking - take a seat,” Atsumu pulls a chair out for you, cringing when it lets out a shrill squeak on the floor. The sound rings through the air and you find yourself laughing.
In a swift motion, you jump up and onto the chair.
He slides the chair back toward the bar counter, except this time you both expect the screeching of the chair’s legs. It’s worse than nails on a chalkboard, but it’s perfect for loosening up any tightness in the airspace. This time, it’s his turn to chuckle.
He mutters out a quick, “Sorry,” but you just shake your head, amused.
Snagging his own chair, and this time lifting it off of the ground to avoid bursting another eardrum, Atsumu slides up next to you.
You lean on the counter, a hand propping up your cheek. “That was very smooth, Atsumu.”
“Thanks,” he rolls his eyes, “I try.”
“‘Tsumu? Smooth? Yeah, right,” that same voice travels from the kitchen to the front of the store.
Footsteps are soon to follow it and you’re greeted by Chris Hemsworth 2.0. Maybe you should refer to him as Liam Hemsworth? Nope, Osamu, you quickly decide, is also his own genre of attractive.
Although Osamu is dressed in a simple, black “Onigiri Miya” t-shirt and cap, he could probably be a Calvin Klein model. For someone who owns a restaurant, his muscle tone is absolute perfection - these brothers are really something. 
And their resemblance of each other, though twins, is almost uncanny. You thank some unknown force that hair-dye exists, because if you saw them from a distance, you may not be able to tell them apart.
“Ah, shaddup. You’re just sayin’ that cuz you’re jealous,” the blonde snorts.
“Jealous of what? Your shit attempts at flirtin’?”
“That’s below the belt, ‘Samu. Don’t be such an ass.”
‘Tsumu? ‘Samu? That’s cute, you chuckle to yourself. Of course, these guys would have nicknames for each other. It was common sense.
You sit back as they bicker, wondering who must’ve raised these 6-foot chaotic giants. You’d love to meet them just to give them a medal and a bouquet of flowers for putting up with them. They must’ve dealt with so much bullshit.
“I could say the same to you. Ya haven’t properly introduced me yet.” He nods his head toward you, cool-grey eyes warming up when they meet yours.
Your lips quirk into a smile and before you know it, you’ve introduced yourself. 
He copies your smile, though it’s much softer than your own, and begins his own little introduction; although you’re sure that, with all the information Atsumu has already listed off to you, you don’t really need one.
“I’m Miya Osamu, but that’s probably obvious by now,” he adjusts his cap, “Callin’ me Miya would be confusin’ for all of us, so just Osamu’s fine.”
He’s polite and carries himself confidently, but his voice is a little softer than Atsumu’s. Or, it is when he’s speaking to you. There’s a brotherly gentleness to his tone and it relaxes you instantly.
“Please keep in mind that I’m the better twin,” Atsumu adds, shooting daggers at his brother.
Osamu shoots them right back, but you don’t fail to notice the playful fondness behind their eyes. You can almost picture them as kids, with band-aids on their knees and mud on their clothes. They make it seem like being twins meant having a built-in best friend.
Their closeness is overwhelming. 
There’s a warmth in the atmosphere, and you’re positive that it’s not just because something’s cooking in the kitchen. It feels special, just being allowed to sit and watch them banter. 
And the fact that Atsumu is sharing this with you?
Well, you’re counting yourself very lucky to be here right now.
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causalgelato1993445 · 3 years
Drunken Snaps & Unrequited love
Chapter two
pairing: felix x reader, with a hint of chan
word count: 1,376 
warnings: mentions of alcohol abuse and fighting
group: skz
The morning is fresh, and rich with the smell of earthy autumn leaves. A cool breeze drifts through the holes in my cream sweater, and on any other day, I'd exhale with a smile and thank the universe for a cool day to break the cycle of endless heat. Today, however, I'm holding in that breath. My body is tense and stiff. I’ve dreaded this Monday morning and its consequences for two days.
As I slide into the seat of my car, I open snapchat, and read over the messages to which I still haven't responded. Part of me feels guilty, and rightfully so. Felix does not deserve to be left on open. However the situation is tricky, and I fear saying the wrong thing. 
Last Friday, I made a big mistake.
Before Christopher arrived, Felix Lee and I were best friends. We grew up together, experienced middle school alongside one another. We giggled together when Mrs. Miller would mispronounce words, or when Peter DeWitt would run down the halls screaming profanities. The beauty of public school was the friends i’d made, and the heartbreaks, and the fights and make ups. And all the while the smaller blonde remained by my side, faithfully, as if it were his only responsibility.
It never occurred to me why…
Felix is a straight A student. He does his community service at the local animal shelter to play with all the “lonely dogs”. He’s on the swim team, and swimming has given him a beautiful physique, but the boy only wears baggy sweaters and hoodies. He is trustworthy and patient, and anyone would be lucky to have him. And yet, he chose me.
In another life, if I'd never met Christopher, I might have loved felix.
When Chris moved here, and started school our freshman year, Felix grew distant. He hung around less, came over less, and began cancelling plans. He snarled his nose when I would speak of chris. He would act annoyed when I would lose myself in thoughts of him. And now, I understand.
The smell of sweat, and ungodly amounts of Victoria's secret perfume hits me like a brick as I walk through the doors. I’m eyeing my surroundings, turning every corner with caution so I don't run into Felix unintentionally. Of course, I plan on confronting him eventually, but for now, avoiding him seems to be the most promising option. The homeroom bell has not rung yet, so i opt for a quick stop by my locker. It would benefit my stressed out mind not to have 30 extra pounds of weight on my back.
But my heart stops when I see him standing at my locker. Why him, why now. 
“uh...Chris. What’s up?”
He’s leaning against my locker, arms crossed with a friendly smile. 
“Oh, hey, I was waiting for you!” He speaks in his thick aussie accent. I do my best not to melt into a puddle.
“Yea, I noticed. What can I help you with?” I ask. It’s too early for this.
“Actually, (y/n) was it? I need some help with something, and I was told you could help. Do you know Clara?” He asks. I flinch at the name. And suddenly i realize, she was the blonde girl with the flowers.
“You mean Clara Casteel? Yeah, Why?”
“Well,” he reaches a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “I was hoping you would talk to her for me.”
“uhhh...Clara and I haven't talked since 5th grade. You know we aren’t-”
“I know I know, the big fight, your parents, the drinking. You aren’t friends with her anymore. But why would that stop you from at least trying?” He persists. I stare at him in confusion. Why would he push me to talk to her if he knew what had happened. And who told him that I would?
“I...i’m gonna get to class.” I mutter, brows furrowed.
The lunch bell rings, and I’m awoken from my class nap. Nobody seems to have suspected anything. I rise from my seat slowly and stretch out my stiff limbs. Something catches my eye. A tiny ghost notification. My heart beats a little faster and I curse at myself for being so afraid. 
I open up a snap, and as I suspected, it’s felix. This time, without thinking i open it to reveal all four messages. 
“(y/n)? Did you get my snap?”
“Am I bothering you?”
“When can I see you?” and finally
“(y/n) i’m sitting in the far left corner at the empty table. Please come sit with me.”
I sigh, collecting my things and trudging to the lunchroom. When I arrive, marissa waves me over, but my eyes instinctively drift to the far left corner. And there he is. In front of him is a single chocolate muffin and a ceramic travel mug of tea. He’s sporting an oversized blue knit sweater and a pair of ripped jeans, his platinum locks tousled from the outdoor wind. He must have walked to starbucks for lunch. 
The boy has his slim legs crossed at the calves, and he’s giggling at something on his phone. I almost want to go sit with him. I start to turn to head towards marissa’s table, when i see felix pop his head up. He immediately looks at me, and breaks out in a grin. Suddenly, the boy waves me over, pulling a small Starbucks bag up from the seat next to him. Que the guilt.
Against my better judgement I start to walk over, and he’s practically buzzing with excitement. When I reach the table, the boy is at his peak of happiness. 
“Oh, (y/n) for a second i thought you wouldn’t show, but i’m so glad you did. I saw you finally opened my snaps, you must not have gotten them until today.” he rambles. I crack a smile. 
“Yeah, I got them. Is that for me?” I smirk. He grins, and he resembles the sun.
“Oh, yeah! It's a lemon pound cake. I know it’s your favorite.” he bounces it off his seat as he hands it to me. It’s a little crumbled. I chuckle.
The blonde stares down bashfully as I take a bite of it, pulling his small hands into the holes of his sleeves. For a minute I can see the sheer infatuation in his eyes. He’s so genuine, and full of life. He deserves to have someone, he deserves to be loved on. But I just don’t want to push him further away than I already had.
“You know,” he mumbles, “I almost questioned if that snap was even for me. But why else would you have talked to me at hyunjin’s party?” I frown, resting my chin on my palm. “Anyway, I'm glad you did. I’ve loved you since 6th grade. I felt so bad for you after what happened with Clara. I thought you were still hung up on chris.”
“Well…” I begin “we’ll see what happens.” I gave a weak smile, taking another bite of the treat. 
“Can I take you out this weekend? Well, I mean...you’ll have to drive us, but dinner is on me.” he smiles bashfully. 
Before I have the opportunity to answer, the bell rings yet again. We stand, and Felix does a small stretch. He waddles over to me with his arms outstretched, and embraces me around my waist. He has a look of joy on his face, almost as if he were a child holding a puppy. 
As the lunchroom grows empty, the boy looks at me in the eyes for the first time with red cheeks. Platinum bangs falling into his eyes. 
“(y/n), i missed you. Please don’t forget about me this time.” he whispers. The room is silent as we stand alone in the far left corner of the lunch room. I brush the hair away from his face and he wrinkles his nose. 
“I’ll pick you up at 5:00 on friday” I whisper to him, letting go of his small body and exiting through the metal doors. 
Outside the art room, Clara Casteel giggles, twirling her hair as Chris smiles his lopsided smile. Our eyes meet as I pass by.
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wevegottogetaway · 3 years
I love you
First I love yous...do I need to say more? Anyway, please don’t hesitate to reach out for anything, whether that be comments, requests, feedback or just to have a chat! Happy reading xx
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It’s been three days of utter pandemonium ripping through your brain in complete disarray. Three days of pent up stress storming through your mind as you ran like a headless chicken to try and find a handle on a situation that frankly, you didn’t give a rat’s ass about.
It all started when your boss had called you in his office, his signature tyrant-resting face on, solid frown drafting his features in a look of severity. Well, this can’t be good, you’d immediately thought once you took a hesitant seat across his desk. You’d hoped for a benign reason behind the sudden meeting, and that the scowl on his face was merely a residual of some other trouble that had absolutely nothing to do with you.
Your prayers had fallen on deaf ears however, as the summoning proved to be a twenty minutes angry diatribe about how one of your most recent client had expressed their wish to withdraw from their deal and de facto, the company. Though it hadn’t been your fault per se, your boss didn’t have any reservations about reminding you of your supposed responsibility to keep your clients sated and on the company’s leash. He’d given you three days to fix it after that. Three days to persuade the client not to pull out of the deal, or you risked some serious downgrading if not redundancy.  
You’d called Harry for support the minute you got home and spent the whole evening brainstorming the craziest ideas to him. He’d listened patiently, holding your hand on the table as you both indulged in the Thai take-out he’d picked up on his way over. That first night, you’d barely slept as you laid in his strong arms, back to his chest. Your reeling mind had still been trying to conjure up any sort of plan that would help you out of this chaos; but for each switch of the glowing red digits on your alarm clock, your hopes had dwindled some.
You hadn’t known then, but Harry couldn’t find rest either as he spooned you against him. You two hadn’t been dating long, several months at best, but already your distress was unbearable to him and every bone in his body ached to do something to help you. This feeling of powerlessness was crawling out of his skin and swimming around like a shark amidst his prevalent thoughts of support, admiration and love. Because, while he’d shown you the first and conveyed the second countless times in the past, the third had yet to tumble out of his lips, despite the confession burning their flesh a bit stronger every day.
What really had had his mind reeling though, was knowing that maybe, just maybe, he had the power to make this situation go away; and for each switch of the glowing red digits on your alarm clock, his hopes grew some.
Your earlier utterance of the client’s name had been ringing through his mind in faint recognition, an itch starting to fester at his fingertips. Dialing a phone number was all it could take. A couple choice words and if he played his cards right, the deal would be back on the table. He’d known interfering was arguably a bad idea, and truthfully he’d always made a point of honor not to use his connections to serve ulterior motives (his or anyone else’s), but how was he supposed to do nothing when the person that caused you trouble was in fact a friend of a friend that might reevaluate their stance if he pitched in with a bit of charm and compelling words? How was he supposed to stay idle, watch you dissolve in an anxious mess, if he wasn’t as powerless as he thought?
So he didn’t. 
He’d originally planned on keeping you in the loop, but you’d been gone by the time his forest green eyes had fluttered back to consciousness the next morning. After a quick shower, a large mug of the coffee you’d left for him before running back to work, and locking your apartment with the spare key you’d given him a couple weeks back, he’d pulled out his phone. Two minutes was all it took for his friend to pass him your client’s number and without hesitation, he’d launched the call and brought his phone to his ear.
It took a bit longer than a couple of minutes for that conversation to take effect, but eventually his words hit their target. After all, his lovely nature could pierce through the most robust walls and stubborn minds. He didn’t even have to put on the charm that much, instead drawing earnest sentiments about your impeccable skills and rambling about how there was no better person to keep their account safe in the business. He’d gnawed at his lips the whole time, desperate to pull through but still scared to fail you somehow. You’d already been let down by the client and your boss, you certainly didn’t need your boyfriend added to the list.
The call had ended with their promise to reassess and consider your undeniable abilities in the equation, yet the next day you were once again convoked to your boss’ office with a snarly bark of your name. Puzzlement washed over you as you speed-walked after him. Why was he still so resentful with you when you’d gotten the client to reenter the contract?
Another twenty minutes of intense scolding provided you with that answer. With a disdainful gaze puncturing your poise, your boss told you that while your job was no longer on the line, you’d been given a firm warning about using your boyfriend as negotiator for the company’s dealings.
How he knew when you yourself weren’t aware of the fact, you didn’t know. In retrospect, your talk with the client had been suspiciously easy for someone who’d made their will to ditch the company crystal clear. You’d merely laid out your arguments, expecting resistance and some pushing, but were only met with a squinted look and cautious acceptance. Now you know your case had already been pleaded once, by the man who was taking more and more space for himself inside the chambers of your heart.
You didn’t quite know how to feel about it; didn’t know if you should be mad or grateful. You were specifically stunned because you knew it was out of character for Harry. Your boyfriend was the most generous being you’d ever met, but humility was even more so a prevailing layer of his beautiful nature. You certainly didn’t expect it, didn’t wish for it to happen again because you were always adamant not to ever use anyone for their assets. Yet there was a tingling, a mixture of discomfort and gratefulness, sloshing in the pit of your stomach. 
This whole thing was a mind-fuckery of emotions you were too tired to process.
What you did feel though, was the pure frustration at your boss’ hypocrisy. You both knew he didn’t really care how you’d gotten the deal back, just that you did, but his intolerable disposition wouldn’t allow him to applaud your efforts and move on.
Wanting to put this all mess behind you, you bit back the retorts that you craved to force down his throat, simply nodded through his chastising charade, and leaped to your feet as soon as the dismissing words left his stupid trap.
Now that you’re making your way inside your home, your nose is hit by a waft of delicious aromas traveling from the kitchen. Your mind is still fuzzy with every trouble and startling revelation that transpired in the past three days, but as your eyes settle on your apron-clad boyfriend, you take a moment to appreciate the sight of his soft figure stirring the content of what must be a pan on the gas. His back is facing you, but you can hear the gentle humming under his breath, as he hasn’t registered your arrival yet.
After another minute of whistling, he finally twists around and his eyes almost pop out of their socket when they find your timid stance a couple feet away. "Jesus, pet, didn’t know you were home yet," he chuckles softly before taking in your somewhat moony features. Your expression is hard to pinpoint, your delicate traits blank of any emotions yet your eyes have the same sparkle that greets him every morning and every night when he pulls you for a deep kiss in his warm embrace. "Everythin’ okay, love?"
The query snaps you out of your semblance of trance, your head looking down to the floor to gather your wits before you level your gaze back to his. "Yeah it is. Umm, my boss called me in again today," your bite your lip, not knowing how to navigate the conversation. In all honesty, you just want to be done with the whole thing, would rather spend an evening full of cuddles and potentially mind-blowing sex, but you know this ought to be acknowledged.
"Oh," his brows pull together with the same confusion you’d experienced when your boss ushered you to his office. "Did he thank you for the big save?"
"Not exactly," you clear your throat bracing yourself and Harry’s face tenses at the realization about where this is going. "My job is safe and I’m still working on the account," hie loosens up in relief, but your next words have him stiffen right back up in alarm. "But I got a warning for a certain someone’s involvement in the company’s operations. Apparently, my boyfriend called the client on my behalf and forgot to clue me in…"
Your voice is calm and doesn’t carry any reproachful tone, but Harry’s pulse is suddenly speeding with dread regardless. The fact that he could have lost you your jobs is the only thing registering in his frenzied mind, as he sets the dish towel from his shoulder down on the counter and steps closer to you. His eyes are bouncing off yours in a frantic back and forth, as he gulps his remorse down. Before you can appease him with reassuring words, and show your lack of anger, he launches in an apologetic rant, enclosing both your hands between his palms.
"M’so sorry, love. I didn’t mean to put you in a bad position. Fuck I just- I kept thinkin’ I could help since your client was a friend of a friend. And, the more I thought about it, the more I kept thinking 'I can’t do nothin’. Cause I hate seein’ you in pain an’ I really want to be here fo’ you and I know this was probably the wrong way to go about it, but damn y/n, I couldn’t stand doin’ nothing, m’sorry-"
"I love you."
The words come fast but distinct, airy but firm, not an ounce of doubt laced through their utterance. An eerie silence permeate the small space surrounding them, as Harry tries to find his own words back. It took three of them to steal all of his, but in his defense they were the ones he’d been dying to hear and to deliver himself. His eyes are wide, blinking in total surprise. He’d expected irritation, disappointment perhaps, maybe even anger, but definitely not the sweetest words he’s been keeping at the forefront of his mind. "I- you do?"
You still have that wondrous look on your face, but this time a bright smile enlivens your features, "I really do." You take your hands out of his grip to hold onto his wrists and pull him closer to you. You have to look up since he towers over you but you’ve always liked that about your relationship; the way he always seems to dwarf you in his embraces, whether because of his height or his bear-paw hands. "I mean, don’t that again," you let out a soft laugh, "but I know why you did it, and I love you for it." 
Harry smiles rivals your own now, as your hands smooth up his arms to clasp at the nape of his neck, "plus, my boss is a jerk anyway so, who cares?" You pull him in a loving kiss then and his arms wrap themselves around your shoulders in a tight lock. His lips are as soft as ever between your own, and you detect the faintest taste of pepper and other exotic herbs lingering on their edge, from his cooking endeavors. He’s always been one to have a taste or two while he’s working, whether that be in the kitchen or other rooms…and regardless, you always like it when you get your share from his supple lips.
He feels slightly distracted against your mouth though, his technique not as ravishing as it usually is. and before you can wonder why, he’s pulling an inch away from your swollen lips, hurriedly whispering your tender confession back to you as though the words couldn’t be out of his mouth and into your heart fast enough, "I love you too, pet. So much." His hands are cajoling your face, thumbs drawing soothing circles across your cheeks, and his beaming smile is melting your heart in a goo of pleasure after all the strain it suffered in the past couple of days.
"Fuck, c’mere, don’t ever wanna stop kissing you," Harry mutters against your lips before diving in for a real mind-bending, soul-shaking, tantalizing kiss this time. Just like that, all your worries and sorrow evaporate into thin air, only to be replaced by an intoxicating pink loving brume. You two definitely spend the most perfect evening with lots of cuddles and endless mind-blowing lovemaking. Screw everything else.
➪ Masterlist
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Hiiii! Can you write Alice Cullen x Fem reader in which Alice prepares her a birthday party and they give each other their first kiss? Something like that fluffy and cute. 😻🤧
||AN||: Most definitely! I'm so sorry this is so late. Online Classes are a bitch.
||AN2||: My first request and I'm already fucking it up. Damn.
||AN3||: Thank you Anon for sending in a request! Sorry this was so many days late, I hope you liked it! I really had fun writing this, It’s a nice break from the part 2 of strings!
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Pairing: Alice Cullen x Fem!Reader
Summary: Just Alice being Alice, oh and the start of a cute mortal x vampy relationship
Warnings: ...Fluff, lots of them
Word Count: 1,752 words
It was around 3 am on a Saturday morning when the local seer Alice Cullen got a vision she was not expecting,At all.
“Why didn’t she tell me?!” Alice shrieked
“Alice?” Jasper stared at Alice in light surprise. He was just reading when Alice suddenly shrieked
“Y/N’s Birthday! It’s today! She didn’t tell me!” Her body shook with excitement and giddiness
And as Jasper stared at his adoptive sister, All he could think about was: “Poor Y/N”
It was your birthday, yes, but you didn’t want anyone to know. Not because the day had some painful or sad memories, but because you were too socially awkward to tell people that it’s your birthday. And besides, you’ve made peace with the fact that most people in your life just forgets your birthday, to the point where you just felt like it was irrelevant and that your birthday did not exist.
But of course, Alice just can’t let that happen, She refused to. 
“Y/N! Hey!” Alice’s bell like voice echoed in your eardrums as you walked into Forks High
“Oh, Hi Alice. Uhm...Uh? Rainy Weather we’re having?” You stuttered.
I mean, How could you not? Sure you’ve been friends with the pixie and her family for quite a while now and that definitely didn’t help the way your heart just stops and just takes off, running into Alice’s Hands. 
Weather? Really Y/N? Out of all the shit you could have said? You spoke with yourself, forgetting about the resident mind reader.
Edward was about to scold Y/N when he was cut off by the bell, and when they looked toward’s Y/N’s direction, she vanished into the sea of hormonal mortal teenagers
“We’ll find her later.” Jasper reassures Alice
And as Jasper said, They did find you later. Humming to yourself while reading a book in the school library. If they weren’t vampires, they could’ve sworn they couldn’t find you. 
You felt eyes on you so you looked up and saw the Cullen siblings there, you smiled and waved them over.
“Hi. Thought you guys were at the Cafeteria?” You ask them, curious as to why they were here
“Were you avoiding us?” Rosalie whispered
Contrary to popular belief, Rosalie was rather fond of you. She never really admitted it but you knew. You just did.
“No, actually, I was just reading a book. I’m not hungry.” you shrugged
“How’d you guys find me anyways?” you asked but then you mentally facepalmed when you realized
“Right. I forgot, I’m sorry.” You sheepishly rubbed your neck
“It’s alright, we were just wondering if you wanna come over later? Esme’s trying this new recipe and she needs you and your sense of taste.” Alice lies.
Well, half-lies, Esme did cook a new recipe, just not for the reason you think.
“Yeah, sure. I’d love to. Who am I riding with?” You ask, packing your things for you last period
“Alice.” They all answered together
“Well that’s not creepy at all.” You teased them before parting ways to go to your last class
Minutes went by fast and soon you found yourself sitting in Alice’s bright yellow car, sweating and nervous. You kept glancing on Alice’s hand that’s resting on the shift lever which caused her to roll her eyes. She grabs your hand, and placed it on the shift lever with her hand on top of yours so she could hold your hand and drive at the same time.
Your eyes widened for a second then you felt your cheeks grow hot.
“We’re here!” She giggles making you look up and lo and behold, the Cullen house.
“Why are all your lights off?” You ask as Alice intertwines your fingers. 
You noticed how she was barely containing her excitement since she’s shaking and also fidgets alot.
“We decided to let the sun illuminate our home” She grinned at you
“For a vampire, you suck at lying.” You teased her
“That’s not true! Maybe you just know me better than anyone else.” She winked at you
Was she flirting? She was flirting with you? No, that can’t be right? That’s just how Alice is to everyone. Right?
You were about to ask her about it but your thoughts we’re interrupted when a loud pop echoed throughout the room.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!” Everyone in the Cullen Household, including Bella, screams at your face as Emmett releases the Confetti Popper
Your face held visible confusion, How did they know? You made sure not to think about it since you knew about Edward’s abilities. They smirked at your visible confusion and Alice liked it so much she decided to take a picture.
You just nodded and tried to enjoy your birthday. Well, as much as you can with Alice out of your sight. 
“For documentary purposes” She states while grinning and let her adoptive family whisk you away from her.
“If you’re wondering how we know, Alice had a vision of you celebrating you birthday pathetically with only bread and pancakes, so we decided to throw you a party.” Rosalie states as she poured you a glass of grape juice since Esme disliked the thought of you drinking alcohol.
You did admit it to yourself, just a couple months ago, that you indeed have a crush on the pixie-haired vampire. You liked everything about her, her smile, her bell-like voice, her cold comforting embrace, the way she knocks on your door when you miss school, the way she texts you asking if you wanna go shopping with her. Basically, you are completely smitten. And the thought of Alice is enough to make you smile.
But of course, like any other teenager, you decided to just keep your crush in and never think about it again. 
“Y/N, It’s gift time~” Alice suddenly appeared by your side, linking her arm to yours before dragging you away, with Rosalie following you two, barely keeping her smile in.
She pushes you to sit on the couch before shoving gifts into your arms
You cast her a concerned look as you squeezed her hand, knowing she’s having one of her visions.
“That one’s from Bella and Edward!” She says pointing at the medium sized gift.
“This one’s from Rosalie and Emme...” She drifts off, a blank look in her eyes. 
Jasper was the one who continued introducing the gifts to you as he helped you open them, since one of your hands are still intertwined with Alice’s cold fingers as she continued to stare into space.
“Is she okay? Her visions never stretch on this long.” You ask, noticing that 5 minutes have passed.
“She’s fine. I would say she’s enjoying herself.” Edward husks out, a smug smirk settling on his lips
“It’s not fair! How come you could see what she sees! I wanna be a mind reader too!” Emmett whines just as Edward widens his eyes and furiously shakes his head
“I did not need to see that.” He shivered, planting a kiss on Bella’s forehead before speeding off
“What happened?” You asked to no one in particular
“Maybe he saw something he didn’t want to see. He does that to get out of range.” Carlisle explains while he hands you his and Esme’s gift.
“What did you see anyways?” Emmett asked his sister, who’s now staring at you
“You don’t wanna know...” She grinned at Emmett
“...Now come along Y/N. I have to give you my gift.” She pulls your hand as she leads you outside
“Where are we going?” You ask her
“We’re taking a little walk into the woods.” She softly smiles at you and grips you hand
The two of you walked silently, just enjoying and basking in each other’s presence. It looked like Alice was enjoying herself, letting herself go as small rays of sun hit her diamond like skin. You stared at her, willing yourself to look away, but you just can’t. She looks ethereal, the way her golden eyes shine or the way her skin glows or maybe it’s just the way she’s talking to you. Yeah, she’s talking to you and you were barely listening.
“Y/N? Are you okay? You zoned out there.” She waved her free hand infront of your face. 
“You’re beautiful.” You suddenly blurt out. Your eyes widen when your brain finally caught up
“I mean- it’s not like that! Well I do mean it. I mean- You look beautiful like this- I-” You rambled on but stopped when you heard her laugh
“It’s okay, Y/N. Really.” She giggled
“You’re beautiful too.” She smiles before pulling you down to sit beside her under a tree.
You laid your head against hear shoulder, staring at the nest of birds chirping happily.
“I can’t take anymore of this.” She suddenly blurts out, then turns to face you. Her face inches before yours.
“Can I give you your gift?” She whispers
“What?” You whispered back, stunned at how close she is. 
She giggles at you flustered state before cradling your burning face in her cold hands. 
“May I kiss you?” She finally asks, gold eyes meeting yours
“Yeah.” You nodded, in a daze.
Slowly you both leaned in and you were freaking out inside. Was this really happening? Is your crush really about to kiss you? What did you do to deserve an angel?
But all of your worries were silenced when soft, cold lips touched yours in a gentle, surreal way. Leaving your body buzzing with happiness as your heart clenched. Minutes felt like hours, and soon you had to pull away because sadly, humans need air. You stare at Alice’s golden orbs and admired how the stars seemed to swim inside her eyes, or maybe it was just her looking at you in awe. 
I think it’s safe to say that this, was the best birthday gift you could ever have. Even though you had so many amazing gifts like Edward’s Old Classic Book that he wanted you to have, or Rosalie’s Necklace, not even Emmett’s Car Keys. (He restored a car for you) None of them could ever compare to Alice.
The two of you were too busy admiring each other that you don’t notice Emmett handing Edward and Jasper 50 bucks, since he bet on you making the first move and not the other way around, making him whine and pout.
And then suddenly, your birthday seemed really special, to you and your little family. And you just knew, that you’d be this happy for many, many, many years to come. 
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dadsbongos · 3 years
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Insert Coin - Chapter 2.d / Series Masterlist
A/N: okay i figured something out, so uploads should deffo be a lot faster than they used to be. sorry about that, everyone!!
Knocking on the door awoke the pair, (Y/n)’s eyes drifting open with the sunlight streaming in through the cracks of the old building’s wood. She stood as quietly as possible to avoid waking Nagito, popping her back as she headed towards another rattle of knocks.
She was met with, once again, Hajime on the other side of the door. Rubbing the bleariness from her eyes, (Y/n) exited to the hall, silently shutting the door behind her as she did so.
Hajime examined the girl for any possible injuries, in total shock she’d just slept in the same room as the boy currently accountable for two deaths, “Are you hurt? Did anything happen?”
“Hajime,” she spoke sternly, but not without heart, “everything’s fine. Nagito’s doing really well, he listens. There’s no need to worry about us,” her eyes caught an error in the brunette’s attire, squinting at it before reaching up to fix his tie, “But apparently the same cannot be said for you. Did you just fight Monokuma on your way here?”
They both knew he didn’t - he’d be dead if he even tried it.
“I wanted to make sure you were safe,” he reasoned before gesturing down to his clothing, “Hence improper tie.”
“You’re sweet,” (Y/n) mockingly cooed, pulling back from her classmate and settling against the wall once she was finished, “Anything else you wanted to tell me, or did you just want to be my knight for a day?”
“Har, har, very funny,” Hajime shook his head before relenting, “but yeah, Ibuki was looking for you earlier. She needs to tell you something.”
“Oh? Okay, I’ll head over, just let me finish up with Nagito.”
After Hajime had left the building, (Y/n) turned back inside the room and approached Nagito as he slept on the floor. His eyelashes fanned over pale, rosy, cheeks and messy hair framed around his head and flushed over the makeshift pillow underneath him. She knelt beside his sleeping figure and gently shook him awake.
“Can you keep that promise you made to me last night?”
There was a beat of silence as Nagito rang around his brain to figure out what promise he’d made. Realization snuck through his expression and suddenly he was nodding tiredly.
“Okay, good,” she brushed some hair from Nagito’s forehead as he laid on his side, “I have to go, but I need you to stay here.”
“Then I will,” he affirmed, sitting up to shrug on his jacket, “Trash like me should never interfere with an Ultimate’s day.”
“You’re not trash,” (Y/n) weakly protested, already at the door, “I’ll try to be back soon.”
“Please, don’t rush,” Nagito waved off, “I can wait all day.”
Hesitance settled in her bones before washing away - Nagito was the same age as her, he could take care of himself. Besides, he didn’t come off as the type to break a promise - and as much as she hated to admit it, her status as an Ultimate probably increased his desire to keep their promise. Ibuki needed her anyway.
Before she could get too far, Ibuki herself had rushed up to the peacekeeper, slapping her hands against the girl’s shoulders and shaking her around, “There you are! Ibuki has some news for you,” the musician tossed her hands in the air, jazz-handsing it, “You’re invited to a girl’s-only beach day!”
“Aww, you’re sweet, thanks, Ibuki,” she managed to get out after stabilizing herself. (Y/n) thought it over - again, Nagito was the same age as her and seemed to have significantly calmed down from the first trial. Eventually, she nodded slowly, “Yeah, sounds fun, I’ll be there.”
Cheering to herself, Ibuki hopped in place before suddenly freezing up, “Do you know where the new diner is?”
“The second island, yes,” (Y/n) hid exactly how she knew that information.
“Great! Then come down there in an hour!” as the girl dashed off, she turned, running backward to call out, “Bring a bathing suit!”
As (Y/n) arrived at the diner, she spotted Ibuki - a little early but hey, who wouldn’t want the chance to get closer to the resident rocker? “This was a great idea; lovely weather and friends.”
“Ibuki thought so,” she beamed proudly, crossing her arms under her chest, “Being on a beach with a bunch of cute girls, nothing better than that!”
Turning at the sudden call, (Y/n) quirked a brow at Hajime and Kazuichi’s unannounced appearance, putting her hands on her hips, “What’re you two doing?”
Hajime avoided staring directly at the Ultimate Peacekeeper, feeling a bright crimson splatter across his cheeks at her in her swimsuit, fumbling for any words, “Kazuichi, well, he figured that- "
“Miss Sonia’s gonna be here, right?” the mechanic himself interrupted.
“Far as I know, yes,” (Y/n) shook her head once she realized what he truly meant by that, “Kazuichi, you shouldn’t intrude like this. Wanting to spend time with people is fine but- "
The princess herself came into the diner, taking focus from everyone in the room. A wetsuit covering her body from neck-to-toe, modest and fashionable - Sonia made it work well. Shortly before was Chiaki bearing only her swimsuit - also rocking her attire. Hajime and Kazuichi, for definitely unrelated reasons, were tossed into rambling, fidgeting, blushing morons as soon as the girls made themselves known. Even Akane’s bloodied form had them distracted - definitely making the girls question their peers' sense of priority between bloody and half-naked.
“You’d think they never saw a woman before.”
(Y/n) let out a small giggle, nodding along to Peko’s words - while trying to pretend the girl popping out of nowhere didn’t frighten her, “I almost feel bad for them,” upon closer inspection, she noticed something… off, “Early start on the beach?”
Peko Pekoyama was absolutely soaked.
The easy-going air around Peko faded, eyes narrowing only so much to be intense without outright convicting, just enough to warn you to not ask more questions as she reasoned, “I was on a long swim today trying to see if there was a way out via the water. However, that doesn’t appear to be true.”
“Right, sorry,” (Y/n) wasn’t sure what she was apologizing for exactly, but the swordswoman was quite intimidating when she wanted to be.
There was a soft thump against the glass, a finger pressed against the large window peeking out at the so-called parking lot outside the diner, Kazuichi responsible for it. His brows furrowed as he spoke to the rest of the group, “What’s up with her?”
Everyone was at the window now, bodies packed together to see what Kazuichi was referring to.
Hiyoko Saionji - the Ultimate Traditional Dancer - dashing towards the diner with tears and snot rippling down her face, eyes wide and chest sporadically rising and falling with her breaths as she ran.
Pushing away from the group, (Y/n) headed out to hopefully comfort the girl when her questions as to why were answered. Not with words. Not with a show. But with a sound that was telling enough.
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soulwillower · 3 years
long way home • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested:  please please please do a richie x reader about long way home by 5sos
warnings: nothing really, some mentions of canonic trauma but its really vague and underaged drinking
i was happy to write this bc it def got me out of my slump! lmk if yall want more fics
(also i loved 5sos so much back when the self titled album came out in like 2014. i was such a huge fan in middle school so this was so nostalgic to write!!) 
[reader + losers are in their first year of college, set around early summer 1995.]
2.9k words
"i don't really know what else to do. we have an hour and a half until we meet everyone." you say, breaking the momentary silence that had fallen upon the car after bev had climbed out the back. you hum, settling back against the passenger seat, head lulling to meet richie's gaze.
 you can't help but smile. he's looking at you - just staring, fingers drumming against the steering wheel. he hums, too, turning his head, arm grabbing the shoulder of your seat as he backs up the car. "i have an idea. let's just go - what?" he asks, smiling with a chuckle as he catches you staring at him.
you blink as you flush, "i don't know. just really missed you." you say with a laugh, shaking your head as memories flood your mind. his face flickers for a second and he shakes his head, hair bouncing slightly in his flattery. "gee, i missed you too. it kinda sucks that we all went to opposite sides of the country." 
you blow air from your lips gently in agreement as richie starts to drive somewhere east. "yeah. not seeing you for six months is, surprisingly, pretty shitty." you say, causing richie to snort. "you could barely handle it." he says, hand shifting gears as he stops at a stop sign. 
you roll your eyes, but you don't tell him the truth: he's right. "let me tell you, when i got the bear last, i sure wanted to forget all about you." you say, kicking your feet up on his dash. 
you and the other losers all split ways after graduation. of course, you all still kept in touch with phone calls, letters, and that of the sort. but you all had found a favorite way to all still feel close together: a toy canvas bear bev found that you all signed and drew on, shipping it around the country and letting it stay with each person for a week. 
you'd all been printing photographs of the bear with yourselves at various places around all your campuses and sending them along with the bear as little post cards. the most recent from richie had the tattooed-bear propped next to him at a party, smirking with the bear in a vulgar position that had made you roll your eyes so hard you almost got a headache.
 that was in april, and you spent the month and a half after that missing richie and your other dumbass friends so much it hurt. 
richie smiles, "oh, yeah. that bear had some fun times with us up in the ol' N-Y-C."  "-don't call it that."  "-anyways, i did miss you guys, i wish you could meet my roommate, charlie, he's a hoot. i almost wanted to stay up there and have you come to me, y'know?"  you nod, all too familiar with that feeling. "yeah, i wanted to do that too. there was some kind of-" you stop, frowning. do you really want to admit this to anyone? will they think it's weird? but then you remember it's richie. "-i don't know, some kind of dread i felt at having to come back here." 
it's quiet for a second, and you think you said something wrong, but richie's knuckles tighten slightly and he nods, "me too. i have...bad feelings from this place. i didn't want to say anything, but- i don't know. i feel like something's..." but the thought seems to swim away from his voice, getting lost in the dredges of his brain.  
and then as if on cue, the old car bumps its way over a speedbump and you cross past old neibolt street near the tracks. 
 a sick shiver runs down your spine as your eyes fall on the long road, fading away and extending as far as your eye can see...almost into a foggy dark haze, the train tracks running parallel making you feel desolate. 
clouds suddenly move to cover the sun in the sky and you feel cold - you feel like something happened here, something important - but you have no idea. it makes you anxious, so you just swallow, saying nothing and instead looking ahead. richie does the same, and his knuckles are pale against the wheel. 
"the only reason i came back was so i could see everyone." you say. it's quiet, but you know richie's agreeing with you. 
the car rumbles on, eventually pulling past your old high school. you perk up, pointing to the glass and laughing. "wow, look at that shithole." 
"swore we'd never go back there, didn't we? when we left?" richie says, amusement lacing his tone. you're clearly both relieved to have changed the subject, and you nod, chewing your lip. "yeah. you know, i know it was really terrible and stuff, but i have some pretty fond memories from that place." 
humming, richie nods and slowly pulls into the parking lot. “remember those days?” he says, “kickin back in the ol’ schoolyard during lunch.” 
you do remember those hot days, richie, bill and bev smoking cigs while you and eddie play a game of marbles or scramble to copy richie’s math homework. ben reading a book, mike eating stan’s sandwich. the heat barreling down on the eight of you... 
he stops the car next to the football field and you snort slightly at its misery in the dying purple and blue of the summer twilight. "remember those bonfires that were always over in the woods right there?" he points a chipped nail towards the dense trees on the other side of the field, and you can see it. 
the crackling of the wood, the orange glow reflecting the light strands of stan’s dark curls. there’s a sea of students from your class and the class above, everyone rowdy with drunken fun. there’s laughter drowned out by the boombox placed on the outskirts, blasting a salt-n-peppa song that has eddie bouncing around with some kids from track. over to the side, you can nearly see bev's lips curl around a note as richie strums on someone else's guitar, putting together some surprisingly pleasant chords while mike throws twigs into the fire, singing softly with richie and bev. 
you can almost smell the smoky hot air from those nights and you remember the odd sensation of feeling invincible back in those days, when your greatest fear was nothing more than coming across your parents when you were too hungover to remember anything the next morning. 
it’s almost melancholic, the realization that you’ll never have those years again. you’ll never have your friend group in the same way as you did in high school, and it was barely over a year ago. it hurts a bit, until you realize you’re here, in the car with richie. 
but still, despite the feeling, you grin. “why did we think it was a good idea to party so close to the school?” 
richie chuckles, “it was safer. for some reason.” 
it makes you smile, "i wonder if those pabst cans are still hidden in all those hollow logs." you muse, a gentle smile splaying over your lips. richie huffs a small laugh at the memory of jorge garcia drunkenly stuffing the empty beer cans quickly into the log when the cops came. 
a car pulls into the vacant lot behind you, and richie takes the liberty of driving away again, still not really sure where you're going. 
the trees roll past, and soon you're passing through the downtown section of derry, causing the two of you to fall silent as your eyes flick up and down the nearly desloate streets. the aladdin passes by quickly and you remember going to see so many films with the others for less than five bucks a pop, richie slipping an arm around your shoulders and whispering in your ear about the weird worker who always gave you the eyes. 
you smile lightly as your eyes fall to look ahead, passing the corner store. you remember how many times you and richie and stan stopped there after classes or during lunch to grab slushes while the workers weren’t looking. you remember the sticky fingers and bright blue tongues. 
then as you stare more at the ugly front of the store, memories from middle school scratch the surface of your brain. "didn't the boys..." you say, perking up as you turn and watch it pass, richie looking at you attentively. "-eyes on the road, rich." you say absent-mindedly, "...didn't they... steal stuff from there? i can't remember why... it was for ben. tissues?" you ask, tilting your head. richie's brows furrow. "i had to stay outside with him, all i remember is bein' pissed i couldn't go in. dunno why, though." he mutters. you hum, sinking back in your seat. 
"crazy, how quickly you forget your childhood." he says quietly. 
the town slowly fades away before your eyes, and its just then that you realize you're going the opposite way from bill's. then it's plain grassland and marshes, dipping into the barrens. your lips twitch and the silence, while pleasant, makes you feel nervous. 
you look to richie, all nervous slowly releasing from your body. 
you feel stupid for thinking it, and you don't dare say it, but there's something really sweet about being in the middle of nowhere with him. 
you feel like driving along this ugly, terrible road on the outskirts of a truly ugly and terrible town with someone as beautiful and captivating as richie is such an important moment; as if the roads along here are a place only you and richie share to yourselves. 
"i kind of like taking the long way home with you." you let slip instead, instantly feeling hot and panicked as the words leave your mouth. "y-you know, because i just really didn't want to- er, i don't like being-" 
as you stutter out some excuses, he leans forward towards the wheel, face turning to you with a smirk. "oh?" he asks. you feel flustered, your hands sweating and heart tingling as you stare at his handsome face. 
"god, sorry." you say, feeling flushed, "i don't know why i keep rambling. it's so awkward." 
"y/n, you could talk about anything." he says with a laugh, and you look at him, trying to ignore the sheer zoo of animals parading around in your stomach and instead escaping this moment with a sarcastic, "even dead squirrels?" 
he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, his hair glinting in the light. "yeah, whatever baby. i just don't wanna be wasting my time alone when i could be here with you. that's what i'm trying to say." 
and the stupid pet name almost makes you snort but you also get butterflies, the words that he's said making you smile so wide you're almost embarrassed. "yeah, well." you say bashfully, "i guess spending my time with you is, like... the best part of coming back home." 
you avoid eye contact, staring out the window as you pass the house of your junior year bio partner. "hey," richie nudges your jaw and you almost jump at the feeling of his cold ring against the warmth of your skin. he speaks softly. "i'd never let you down, you know." he says, mischief in his eyes. you smile against his hand and look at him, his blue eyes warm and inviting and looking like home. 
your eyes fall back towards the windshield and you see a sign up ahead. shifting, you look at richie again to find him still staring. 
he's got such a terrible habit of watching you instead of the road (he has since high school), and that combined with his lead foot (also since high school - wentworth tozier was a menace on the streets) has you conditioned into reminding him of every obstacle that he may run into while driving. 
"stop sign, richie." you mutter, knowing in his ramble he won't notice it (it happened way too many times as high schoolers). he seems to not really hear it, and you say again, "stop sign!"
just before it's too late, the car lurches as he slams the breaks and you just barely hit the white line, your hands bracing yourself against the dashboard. "oh my god." you hiss, shaking your head. richie's laughing. 
"we've been hitting every red light. can't i just have one pass to not stop at one of these things?" richie says. you roll your eyes with a slight head shake. you can't believe him. 
"you'll be the death of me, tozier." you mutter. richie's still laughing quietly and then he takes a big sigh, hand reaching out. you lean forward, hand reaching for the volume knob on the stereo just as richie does the same, and your hands brush by accident. you feel warm and instead of pulling away, his hand covers yours and he gently turns your hands, bringing up the volume of a green day song. it's seemingly just in the background as you watch your hand in richie's, then slowly turning your gaze up to his face. 
he just stares at you as you stare back, wanting so badly to kiss him but wondering if he feels the same. 
"hey." he whispers, quiet for the first time possibly ever. "hey." you respond softly, watching as he comes a bit closer. his hand is still in yours. "i am so happy to be home. with you." he says sincerely, his eyes wide and honest behind his glasses and his smile soft.  your breath catches slightly and you smile, "me too. i always feel like this is the way it's supposed to be. u-us." 
something in richie's eyes change, a light of sort, and then he's leaning into you and you're kissing. 
his hand that isn't in yours falls to softly rub your thigh and you're taking a shuddering breath as your lips touch his. he tastes like mint chapstick and those stupid red-hots he was eating earlier, his lips slightly cold but his tongue warm as he slowly pulls you closer to him. 
your mind almost falls blank as the world melts away, the only thing in your mind is how long you've missed out on this - richie is kind of unexpectedly a fantastic kisser. you pull him closer by his hair as his tongue grazes yours, his thumb tilting your jaw for a better angle. 
but suddenly a horn honks loudly behind you and you both spring apart, your stomach panging with anxiety at the noise.
"shit." you hiss as you remember you're at a stop sign. richie snorts slightly, a smirk on his face despite the blush on his high cheekbones, feet going back to the gas pedal and clutch. his hand leaves your thigh as he drives forward and you clear your throat as the car turns behind you at the intersection, leaving you two back in the middle of nowhere with just you two. 
it's tense for a few minutes, neither of you two really talking and you can tell the tension is going to kill richie, his hand twitching on the shift and his leg bouncing. 
you break the silence after a couple more moments, "did you want to pull over-"  "-yes." he says quickly, car almost swerving as he pulls off the road near the quarry. you laugh and grip the handle of the car as you slide to a stop and he laughs too, the feeling of glee unmatchable. 
you both unclick your seatbelts after gaining a few breaths, and then you're leaning over the console to kiss richie hard enough on the lips that he falls back towards the window. he holds your face with his hands and he laughs a bit into the kiss, teeth grazing your bottom lip before tugging it. "goddamn, you're eager." he mutters into your mouth. 
you smirk, pulling back. "fine, i don't have to kiss you. we have to be at bill's soon, anyways." you say, feigning a fake dismissive voice. 
"wait, no, no. we've still got 20 minutes." richie defends after glancing at the stereo on the dash. his eyebrows raising in a plea. you giggle, leaning towards him and bringing your arm over. he's beaming as your face nears his and he moves to kiss you but you turn your head, instead letting his lips graze your neck as you lean to turn off the headlights.
"tease." richie mutters hotly against the skin of your neck before biting down softly, kissing over the skin. "i thought you said i was eager?" you say with a teasing smile. he hums, "y'know, it's pretty unfair to be teasin' me, toots. i've been eager to kiss you since we were seventeen." he says, and you can't help but smile, pulling him in to a kiss as his hands slide up your thighs and yours tangle in his messy curls.
you pull away slightly, "you want to get in the backseat?" 
taglist:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier​  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby​ @trashedfortozier  @daughter-of-the-stars11 @oceandog13​ @chl0bee @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @screammin @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @five-motherfucking-hargreeves @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec @hockslutter  
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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pinkanonwrites · 3 years
can i get a manager reader having a crush on Yaku and it's REALLY obvious to everyone except Yaku and Kuroo gets tired of it and 'accidentally' locks them in a closet somewhere? And maybe it leads to smut? thank you so much!!
I’m finally tackling this one and I’m so sorry it took this long so I really hope you enjoy!
Not necessarily NSFW, but NSFW-implied.
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“I’m gonna kill him. I don’t care if he’s fuckin’ huge. I’m gonna end him.”
“I’m really sorry, Morisuke.”
It’s dark in the closet you’re both shoved in, but there’s still enough light seeping in from under the door that you can see Yaku wheel to face you with an expression you can only describe as equal parts placating and uncomfortable.
“It’s fine! Don’t apologize, you didn’t do anything.”
But you did. You’d vented to Kuroo one to many times about the massive crush on Yaku you’ve been harboring since second year and he finally decided the best solution was to not-so-subtly jam you two into a coat closet together at the former volleyball team’s get-together. 
It certainly did nothing to help you that Yaku had only gotten more attractive since the last time you’d seen him in person. Selfies and facetime videos did him no justice, really. No, Morisuke Yaku was a person best experienced from your current vantage point: about a foot away from each other, max.
If only your heart would stop racing long enough to enjoy it.
“Bastard. I know why he’s doing this. Stupid, tall bastard, he’s really gonna die this time.”
“Y-You know?”
His eyes snapped back to your face, as if he’s only just remembered you were in there with him. Oh god. Oh god he knew. He had the decency to look embarrassed, at least. You could only just tell that he was blushing.
He looked like he was about to say something, too. You could beat him to the apology at least.
“God, I’m so sorry. Of course he would’ve told you. I really didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, I just needed someone to vent to and Kuroo was the first to figure it out cause I have no poker face.” Okay, you’ve said enough now. Just... Could you just stop rambling for a second? Your cheeks were burning and your eyes stung in a way that could only mean tears but you just couldn’t shut up.
“You’re just smart and really cool and, like, really attractive? And at first it was just a dumb crush that I thought would go away but it hasn’t and I thought seeing you here again would help but it’s only gotten worse and- god I’m so stupid. I’m sorry.”
Yaku wasn’t speaking. Maybe that was good. Maybe he was thinking of the nicest way to reject you. Maybe he was thinking of the quickest way to get out of this wildly uncomfortable situation. He opens his mouth, then closes it again, a few times. Finally he croaks out three, quiet words.
“You... like me?”
“Kuroo didn’t tell you?”
“N-No. He didn’t.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck why didn’t you just keep your big mouth shut? You’re really gonna cry now. Lifting your hands to cover your face, you startled suddenly when Yaku’s hands shot out and caught your wrists.
“How long?” There was something indescribable in his voice. Something you didn’t dare call hopeful.
“Since high school.”
“High school!?” He barked out a disbelieving chuckle. “So this whole time. And I didn’t even notice.”
His hands slid down your wrists to curl his fingers with yours, and when you finally mustered the courage to glance at his expression his eyes were swimming with fondness.
“I- ugh, fuck, how do I say this...” His fingers were playing with yours, intentionally or not, you weren’t sure. “Kuroo got us both in here because he knew how I felt. About you. And us.”
“Oh. Oh.”
One of you started chuckling first, you aren’t sure who. But soon the small space was filled with the sound of both of your laughter. His hands still hadn’t left yours.
“Well, now what?” You manage between giggles.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d get this far!”
Finally, his hands left yours to drift up and cup your cheeks. Warm, soft, with slight callouses on a few of his fingertips. You wouldn’t have him any other way.
“Can I kiss you?” He murmured.
His breath was warm against your lips as your eyes drifted shut and the boy you’ve been pining after since high school finally kissed you. A hand slid to cup the back of your neck and you clutched his button-up in both of yours, unworried about wrinkling the expensive fabric. A few coats rustled around you as you stumbled back into the closet wall, Yaku’s lips never leaving yours as you did. Tongue chased eager tongue, and his other hand pinned your hip against the wall as he devoured you, drinking in your soft, muffled whines.
He pulled away with a slick pop, face flushed, breaths heaving.
“I’ve been waiting so long to finally do that.”
Something about the low, eager purr in his voice made your knees weak. You yanked him towards you again, not flinching when his hands shot up against the wall on either side of you with a bang!
“Who said you had to stop?”
He groaned, low, desperate as he hitched up one of your legs around his hip and pressed into you, mouthing at your neck with ravenous desire.
“Perfect. God, you’re perfect.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kuroo hadn’t intended to leave you two stuck together quite as long as he did, having wandered off for a few moments just to refill his drink and getting sidetracked by Yamamoto. But the sound of muffled, eager murmurs and quiet, shivering gasps of ‘Morisuke!’ had him pulling a 180 as soon as he was within earshot of the closet.
He’d come back later. You two had a lot of lost time to make up for.
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rae-gar-targaryen · 4 years
oneirataxia, but make it comedy | marcus pike x reader
A/N: Part of the Sleepover Weekend.  Oh, shit, did I ever get carried away. “Write a blurb,” they said, “it’ll be fun,” they said. “You won’t write 3.3k words of a fake-dating Marcus Pike fic. Surely not. Surely the fuck I will. Buckle up, babe. I hope this is what you were looking for!
Pairing: Marcus Pike (The Mentalist) x fem!Reader
Warnings: Romance is its own warning. 
Word Count: 3.2k of fake dating tropes, bad jokes, Marcus getting a lil sassy (he gets it from his mom, apparently), and coffee abuse.
Summary: Marcus invites you home for the holidays; but there’s a bit of a string attached to the invite. Based on the prompt: “Your mum hates me.” “She doesn’t hate you…she just doesn’t like you.” 
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You were absolutely going to kill Marcus Pike.
Okay, not kill. Maybe maim?
As you met his mother’s eyeline over the rim of her tea mug you could have sworn she sneered at you a little.
So, no. Most definitely kill. Marcus was number one on the list. And his mom? Number two.
Let’s back up a little here--
You and Marcus were both agents at the Bureau together. You were part of the Art Squad, and have partnered with Marcus on missions a time or two. Honestly, you thought he was kinda cute. He had a sweet vibe to round out his killer intensity when he was in the field. And once you started talking to him, he had a kind of puppydog energy you found so darn endearing.  But in your sporadic interactions with Marcus, it never felt like he was being his fullest, true self. Like he was holding back a bit.
Still, you didn’t press. Pike’s business was Pike’s business.
Beyond him bringing you coffees a few times at team meetings, your interactions were limited. And he brought coffee for other people sometimes, too, so you tried not to read much into it and to damper your little crush.
It wasn’t until the two of you were partnered to go undercover together at a gala that you think Marcus really, truly saw you. You two had made an excellent team-- posing as a husband and wife undercover to sniff out some art thieves.
Marcus, in his pressed suit, had looked every inch of just dashing. You tried not to let yourself get too carried away in your daydream. Your dress was uncomfortable, and rode up a bit, if you were honest. You hoped Marcus didn’t notice.
But he told you you looked nice, ever the gentleman. And you were so busy looking for your mark that you didn’t notice how often Marcus was really looking at you.
After the gala, Marcus approached you more.
The idle, “Hey, how was your weekend” became, “Have you heard the new Black Keys album?”
You started to feel like he really understood you-- and the agency must’ve thought so, too, because they partnered you more and more.
Sure, Marcus knew you. So it was honestly fucking baffling to you why he’d even ask this of you--
“You want me to what?” you asked Marcus, your tone taking a slightly interrogatory edge.
“Uh, come to my family’s house for the holiday? I know you were going to spend it alone anyway, so really, you don’t have to--” Marcus sputtered a bit, his invitation seemingly sweet on its surface. But you were no dummy, you knew what you’d heard.
“No, Pike. Don’t act like you’re doing me some huge favor. I fucking heard you--” you started.
“Then why’d you ask me to repeat myself?” God, he could be so smug at times. That sinful little smirk around his full lips making you want to smack said smirk right off of his handsome face.
“Pike, I’m not going to pretend to be your little girlfriend at some family holiday shindig just so you can convince your mommy you’re not a perpetual bachelor, or whatever asinine reason you have for this request,” you chided.
The nerve of this guy! And to think, you’d had an Alicia Sliverstone-sized crush on this sweet, good-looking Paul Rudd wannabe!
“Come on, it’s not like that,” he protested, trying to win you over to his (obviously terrible) idea.
“Then what’s it like?” You demanded.
“It’s, uh.. It’s complicated. I was just hoping you’d do this for me? Please? Partner?” He implored. You almost gave in. Those damn puppydog eyes slightly too endearing for their own good-- but, no, you have always been a stick-to-your-guns kinda girl. Marcus Pike’s failed, mid-2000s rom-com of an oddball request wasn’t gonna change anything. But still… you were curious.
“Nope. No way, Pike. If you can’t be honest with me, then why would I do something so obviously-insane for you? Don’t act like I’d be doing you the favor when it’s obvious it’s a favor to you… especially if you won’t even tell me why. We’re partners, we’re supposed to trust each other.” You were resolute.
Marcus looked like he was going to tell you. In that moment, maybe he would have… He opened his mouth slightly as if to speak, before shaking his head slightly and closing his mouth again. As if he’d thought better about trusting you. Fuckin’ insulting.
“Sorry, Ace. I can’t tell you that.”
And with that, you left the room. Screw Pike! Screw him screwing with your feelings. A favor. Honestly!
Two days later, Pike walked into your office with your coffee of choice in one hand, and an apologetic look on his face.
“Look, I’m sorry about the other day. You’re right, it was crazy… it was crazy,” the second time sounded more to himself than to you.
“Bring me caffeine, babe, and all is forgiven,” you chirped, trying to lighten the mood. But it was clear Pike was thinking about something deeply, churning it over in his mind, his ochre eyes swimming with the sea of his own indecision.
“Pike, don’t think too hard. It’s not good for you. I can smell the smoke coming from your ears,” you teased gently.
“Teresa,” he said softly.
“Excuse me?”
“Her name was Teresa. She was my fiance… briefly. It… ended badly. Embarrassingly. I’m not-- I haven’t really been the same since. But I fucked up,” Marcus rambled. You nodded, trying not to interrupt him so he could continue. “I dove in too fast, proposed too soon. She didn’t really want me.”
Your heart panged at his confession. You’d had no idea. Honestly, your status as newbie agent didn’t really afford you to the inner workings of Marcus Pike, and you didn’t want to incite gossip by asking around too much. Being an inquisitive agent because it’s our job isn’t much of a guise if your crush becomes too obvious. Poor Marcus.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Marcus. I really am,” you placed a hand on his shoulder. “No one deserves that. But, um, what does this have to do with you asking me to spend the holidays with you?”
Marcus sighed.
“I told my mom about Teresa. When we were together, anyway. She knows it ended badly. I couldn’t take her smothering. Her pitying glances. Her everything. So, when she asked me about coming home for Christmas, I said I couldn’t because I was spending it with my girlfriend. I panicked. She then insisted I bring said girlfriend to Christmas at their place,” Marcus rushed out. “The problem being, of course, said girlfriend is fictional. Imaginary. Just like some bogus forgerd painting,” he chuckled a bit at his own attempt at humor.
Of course, of everything Marcus had just said, you were most surprised to hear that he was, in fact, single. File that one away for later.
“And your first thought was to ask me to be your fake girlfriend? Pike, that’s a little Hollywood. And not in a good way,” you chided.
“I know,” he moaned, rubbing a hand over his face. “And now she won’t let it go. So please, please, kid. Have pity on me? Come be my girlfriend for a week at Christmas?” He gazed at you pleadingly. “And you were an obvious first choice. You’re a stunner in the field, and smart. I thought you could handle it.”
Damn those eyes. Damn that face. Damn Marcus Pike.
If you hadn’t been caffeinated and in a better mood than the other day, you probably would have said no. Regardless of your caffeinated status, you definitely SHOULD have said no. And yet, here you were, drinking your coffee like it’s your dumb bitch juice.
But still, you couldn’t resist teasing a little.
“Don’t try to flatter me, Pike, it won’t work. I know I’m a good agent. But here, now, I’m just imagining you whining to your mom.” You put on your best, piteous John Mulaney impression, “Can my giiiiirlfriend come?” you mocked.
Pike rolled his eyes at you.
“Fine,” he said, popping himself up from the edge of your desk where he’d been irresistibly leaning since entering your office. “Enjoy your Christmas alone with your cats. I’m sure the ugly sweater looks great with cat hair stuck to it.” He started to walk out the door.
What possessed you to do what you were about to do?
“Pike,” you hollered, stopping him in the doorway. He turned.
“Fine,” you sigh. “I’ll do it.”
You couldn’t put your finger on it. Maybe it was because you really did feel for him. Which you did. Maybe it’s because you didn’t want to be alone. Which you didn’t. But maybe it’s because you were still carrying a torch for Marcus Pike, and the idea of spending Christmas with him was too good to pass up. Even if his whole family was there. Oh, shit. You are so screwed.
He jumped up, wrapping his arms around you quickly.
“Great!” He intoned. “Because I already told my mom it was you.”
“I’m gonna let that one go for now, Pike,” although you were secretly imploding. “Because we need to set some ground rules.”
So, here you find yourself, days later, standing in the threshold of the Pike family home, where Marcus’s mother had been smothering her son with kisses and coos, waxing poetic about how glad she was that her “baby is finally home!”
And then, like a demonic switch has been turned, she turns to you and greets you (if you want to call it that) nothing short of ice-fucking-cold and a chirp of, “So this is the tart you work with!” before turning on her heel and walking to the kitchen, hollering for Marcus to put his bags down and follow.
The rest of the week passed like that, Marcus’s mother flipping moods so fast it made your head spin like the little girl from “The Exorcist.” Ironic, really, since it was Marcus’s mother who was the damn demon.
“So, Jennifer, where is your family from again?” She’d been calling you “Jennifer” for the entire time. She knew damn well that wasn’t your name. You grinned and bore it, for the sake of her beautiful, idiot son sitting at the table at your side.
You mumbled your name, trying to politely correct her.
“Is that not what I said?”
Honestly. This woman was a piece of work.
“You know, Mrs. Pike, we could get to know each other a lot better if you started with the right name.” You were just trying to lighten the mood a little, but not able to resist a slight jab at this old goat of a woman.
“I’m sure I’ll learn your name, dear, if you stick around long enough for it to be important to remember,” she replied primly, sipping her tea. You wanted to knock the china cup out of her little rat hands.  
UNBELIEVABLE, you thought. Here, you were suffering this horrid woman because at the behest of the ghost of Teresa Lisbon, the recipient of a punishment for a crime you’d done nothing to incite. Guilty by association was still guilty, though, apparently according to Marcus’s mother. If another woman had broken her son’s heart, she obviously felt entitled to regard you with suspicion and disdain.
Marcus was nothing short of apologetic in the peace and quiet of his bedroom, expressing profuse regret from his spot on the floor where he slept. Because of course he would be a perfect gentleman to you and allow you to sleep in his bed during this whole whatever-it-was. And if he was trying to be a gentleman, he was failing. That tight white t-shirt stretched across his fine, firm chest was just fucking rude.
“Marcus, it’s fine,” you insisted. “You have no control over her or her opinions. And I’ve seen and dealt with worse. Federal agent remember?”
As the week pressed on, you were able to temper the rudeness of Marcus’s mother with the intensity of your ever-growing feelings for Marcus. Seeing him at home, in his element, in relaxed clothing was doing something to you. And you weren’t quite ready to admit it. You spent quite a bit of time together, reading in front of the crackling fire in his family’s cozy living room. You played boardgames against his younger brother and his sister-in-law, teaming up to destroy the competition at Codenames.
You’d thought maybe, just maybe, Marcus was developing feelings for you, too, his touch lingering on your waist as he shuffles past you in the kitchen, sending you soft smiles over the pages of his books as you two read. But the more you thought about it, the more you were convinced that Marcus was just being nice and putting on a show for his family.
Until that old goat opened her mouth.
The family dinners were the worst. Marcus’s mother always seemed to sit across from you just so she could glare into you with that unyielding gaze of hers.
“Jennifer, a word?” She asked, as you got up to help clear the table.
Yeah. Where were we? Oh yeah, you were DEFINITELY gonna kill Marcus for talking you into this.
Marcus put the dishes he was carrying down, and squeezed your hand gently.
“It’ll be fine,” he whispers to you, before pressing a soft kiss to your temple, your brain instantly going dumb and numb at the contact, like you were listening to the people in the room from underwater. Nevertheless, you followed her into the kitchen, where you stood, alone, a marble-topped island counter the Switzerland between the two of you.
“Yes, Mrs. Pike?”
“I’m going to be frank with you, dear, I don’t like you,” she stated.
You’d had enough. The wrong name, the cold shoulder, the glares, the hmphs of disdain whenever you talked about the cool cases you were working on. You’d just had enough.
“No shit, Mrs. Pike? I just assumed you’d greeted all of your guests this way, and that’s why there were so many of them here. Because of your warm hospitality,” you snipped.
“Don’t get cute with me. I’m not about to applaud a relationship with my son if it’s just going to end badly.”
Now that gave you pause.
“That Teresa girl really did a number on him. So excuse me if I’m not going to sanction any old relationship. I don’t know you. I don’t want to know you. Not if you’re just going to break his heart. You’re just his co-worker and it should stay that way. Unless you’re serious, especially with the way he looks at you,” she stated firmly.
And you could honestly forgive her in that moment. Almost, anyway. “The way he looks at you” ringing in your ears. You had to say something-- and snark was getting you nowhere. So, you spoke from the heart-- before you could think about it too hard.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Pike. I wasn’t around for any of that. I don’t know much. Only the little Marcus has told me. And I'm not keen on making him relive any of that, or cause him heartbreak,” you paused. “But I wouldn’t do that to him. Because I care about him. Deeply. I really do,” and you just kept going... “I know I’m probably not what you envisioned-- I’m too dedicated to my job, it’s not glamorous, I’m not some subservient little housewife. I’m brash, I’m annoying. All of these things are true. But the biggest truth? Your son means everything to me. And that I won’t apologize for.”
And with that, you left. To go find Marcus and give him a piece of your mind.
You marched upstairs to Marcus’s bedroom, where he was perched on the bed with a book in his lap. You fist your hand into his sweater before yanking him up and planting a firm kiss on  his mouth. Marcus stilled in shock, before reciprocating, kissing you back, cupping his hands to your cheeks. You pulled away, heat pooled in you cheeks, blazing in embarrassment at what you’d just done.
Honestly, what the hell did you just do??
Marcus regards your silence by raising an eyebrow.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what the hell was that?” Marcus asked.
You rushed the words out, knowing you’d retract and redact them from your brain if you waited too long.
“I’m sorry, Marcus. I’m so sorry. Your mom just really got to me… she thinks I’m another… her,” you spared reference to Teresa’s name, mindful of Marcus’s melancholy that followed when she was mentioned. “But I’m not her. I love working with you, Marcus. And I’ve always had a thing for you, if I’m honest. Which I am. But it wasn’t until she really started pushing me that I realized… I care about you, Marcus. I want you, I really do. All of you, even the parts that hurt. I want you,” you professed.
Marcus stood there, shock etching his features, eyes widening and mouth starting to gape.
You bowed your head, blinking back furious tears as you stared hatefully at your shoes. Why would you do that? You thought. You’ve ruined everything, all because that old grackle dug at you too much. And now Marcus hates you.
Marcus’s hands were suddenly in your downcast eyesight, palms resting on your cheeks and urging your face and eyes upward to meet his gloriously shimmering midnight ones.
“I want you, too. God, you drive me crazy, you’re such a punk at work. But, fuck if I can’t stop thinking about you. You make me crazy. And I thought I was the only one. I’d go back to my apartment at the end of the day sad, because I knew you wouldn’t be there. My love is not really the overwhelming kind. Jesus, I just go home and drink rosé and watch ‘Remains of the Day,’” he implores. “But I mean it when I say I want you, too.”
And with that, he slides one hand from its resting place on your cheek to the back of your neck, scooping your face upward for a soft, slanting, warm kiss.
Needless to say, you were fine with Marcus relinquishing the spot on the floor in favor of lying next to you in bed for the remainder of the week.
Now, you held hands while going for brisk, winter-air walks around his neighborhood, despite his mother’s withering gaze. You were always touching, never far from the other’s hand or mind. Marcus’s brother teasing you good-naturedly about your interlocked fingers being “PDA.”
You head back to your lives and back to reality, but still on cloud nine. Sharing kisses before separating to one another’s respective offices at work. Spending weekends at one another’s apartments, making out against any and every surface you can find, your thigh slotting between his as you press together during every conceivable moment you can.
One of these nights finds you laughing about the inception of your relationship, when, inevitably, Marcus’s mother comes up in the conversation. You had spared him the gory details of your kitchen scene in favor of a simpler retelling.
“Honestly, Marcus, your mom hates me,” you implored. “She told me so.”
“She doesn’t hate you…,” Marcus trailed off, “She just doesn’t like you. I’m pretty sure that’s what she told you, if the grapevine was correct,” he smirked.
You slapped him on his chest. The nerve of this guy!
“But that’s okay. Because I like you enough for the both of us,” He said, smiling as he presses his lips to yours for a sugary sweet kiss.
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emmies-archives · 4 years
A Little Brat
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Bakugo Katsuki x Reader Part 1: The Girl with the Skull Panties
A/N: All characters aged 18+, Requested by @samxbaker​ :) I hope you like it 
Warnings: Smut, lots of teasing, fingering, handjob, very descriptive smut.
Word Count: 4k+ words
Summary: You decide to get Bakugo back for making you a mess and teasing you with your panties. Leads to fun times.
 It was slow, but something started to stir between you and Bakugo. There was a small but immediate change in your energy. Your glances lingering on him a little longer than you wanted them too. You found yourself to be pulled to him as though there was some magnetic force enticing you. The way you felt when you looked at him was different. Admiration of his strength. Amusement at his perpetuated annoyance. Longing to see the fierceness of his gaze. You yearned for his attention, his predatory eyes pining to capture his prey. Waiting wouldn’t work so you decided to take his focus from him. A blunt approach wouldn’t work with him. It was too obvious, too many eyes to see. He would never admit that you were affecting him. What you wanted was for only him to realize what you were doing. You wanted to make him snap.
Arriving in the shared common area, a grin crept on your face when you saw most of your classmates relaxing around. Your eyes flicked to Bakugo slumped into a chair talking to Kirishima, then to Midoriya. An idea popped into your head. It was a little risky, it would either benefit you, or you would probably be blasted through the wall. You couldn’t tell if you would even hate the latter one.
“Hi, Midoriya!” You chirped louder than necessary and slid into the spot next to him on the couch. The unnatural preppiness to your voice was thankfully not picked up by him.
“Oh! Hi L/n!” A soft pink dusted the boy’s cheeks as you smiled at him. He had a pile of notebooks on his lap like always.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about your notes. I noticed that you are always writing, it's really interesting!” Your eyes caught on Bakugo’s intense glare settling on you, stroking the fire inside of you.
“Really?! Of course, L/n.” He went quiet for a moment pulling out a notebook, it was about you. “Do you want to see what I wrote about you? Your quirk is really amazing and I have so many ideas!”
“Tell me all about it.” You basically purred at the boy. Locking eyes with Bakugo’s harsh gaze you moved closer to see the notebook on Midoriya’s lap. The usually flustered boy paying no attention to your actions.
Midoriya began to ramble. Words flowing from his mouth like a small stream that has no destination. A part of you felt awful about using him to get to Bakugo but it was working. Midoriya’s nonstop talk about you; how great your quirk is, how you can make it better, his full focus was about you. So was Bakugo’s. You could see his crimson eyes turn almost dark, he was clenching and unclenching his jaw repeatedly. When he saw you staring a small spark popped in his palm, he looked like he could growl.
A sly smirk slipped onto your lips and you moved your eyes away from him and to the boy next to you. “Midoriya.”
He paused his rant and looked up at you, just not realizing how close you were to him. Your body inches away from pressing into him. His face erupted in red and he all but squeaked. “Y-yes, L/n?”
“Show me the scars on your arms.” You could basically feel the heat coming from the eyes staring into the back of your head.
“What!? Um, sure.” He rolled his sleeves back and lifted his arms. “They look really bad, but I really don’t feel them at all!”
“Wow, they’re so big!” You gasped exaggeratedly and reached out to touch the lines on his arm. Slowly run your finger across the largest one. You could tell Midoriya’s heart stopped. “I can’t believe you’ve got all these scars and you’re still so strong.” You were laying it on thick, it was definitely new to Midoriya.
“Yeah well, if I’m going to be the number one hero, I’ll be faced against worse things than scars, right?” He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. He seemed to realize you were there again and red shot up to his ears again. “You don’t have to say all that stuff though, L/n!! Really, they aren’t that bad! You’re even tougher though that one tim-”
Before he could say anything else to Midoriya, a rough fist wrapped around his shirt and he was pulled nose to nose with a seething Bakugo. “Stop your useless rambling you quirkless idiot!! I’ll be the number one hero! Shut the hell up about it!!”
Midoriya was thrown back onto the couch and Bakugo’s anger turned to you. “And you! Stop fangirling its god damn pissing me off! Say one more word to Deku and I’ll set you on fucking fire!”
You only smirked at him and just barely bit your lip. Oh, how you wanted him to follow through on his threat. His eyes stopped on you for a second longer than you expected.
Nothing else came from it as he stomped towards the stairs. His reaction was good. But you wanted more. A thrill came over you when his furious eyes stared you down. It was like a drug.
 You always loved sparring outside in summer with your class. It gave you a chance to use your quirks a little more freely and stronger. This was definitely a good thing, especially on the hot days. Thanks to Bakugo’s drive to push past his limits, most of the time he would end up with the top of his uniform undone. This day was no different. Showing off all of his defined muscles he worked hard for.
You couldn’t help but stare at him. He always caught your attention. Noticing your eyes flicker up and down his toned body, he smirked. He was going to get you back for Deku.
“Oi, L/n!” He barked, shaking you from your lingering gaze.
“What do you want, Bakugo?” You snarked back, folding your arms across your chest.
“We’re sparring dumbass!” He didn’t even give you a second to process his words before he rushed you. You barely dodged his blast, ducking out of the way at the last second. The blaze didn’t miss your uniform though, burning a large hole in the side exposing your skin.
“The hell!?” You shouted at him angrily, the grin on your face betraying your tone. You loved fighting Bakugo. The passion he put in his attacks was amazing. You activated your own quirk, taking the offensive.
“Glad you’re finally fighting back. I’m going to kick your ass!” He yelled back and sent another blast towards you. You jumped out of the way, using your quirk to propel you towards him. You almost landed a punch on him when he grabbed your wrist and flung you to the side.
You growled out a laugh and skidded to a halt. With every attack sent between you two, you both were fighting to get on top. You didn’t even bother with defensive moves. You wanted to feel the heat from his blast on your skin.
“That all you got?!” Bakugo’s eye twitched, his mouth pulling back. His hair was pushed back slightly from sweat, he was a sight. With a yell, he sent another, larger blast towards you. You were caught off guards and this one almost hit you head on, hitting the ground in front of you sending a cloud of smoke up instead. You couldn’t believe it didn’t hit you.
You started to shout a reply to him when a foot appeared from the smoke and kicked you back. You landed flat on your back, the wind knocked out of you. As you tried to catch your breath, any chance at getting up was blocked by Bakugo as he pushed himself on top of you. His left knee on the ground next to your waist, the other leg was holding down your legs. He had both of your hands pinned above your head with his one. His face was inches away from yours.
You couldn’t tell if it was the heat from his explosions or your face from him being so close to you. “You fucking pathetic idiot. Barely put up a fight.” He was growling now as you squirmed under him. His strong body pinning you down there was no way to get out from under him. Not that you wanted to. His eyes lit like fire starring straight at you.
You gasped feeling him run his free hand up the tear in your shirt and he squeezed his hand around your wrists even tighter. You could feel his fingernails dig into you when you shifted. His voice dropped low, eyes deadly. “You think your funny, don’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bakugo.” You quipped back at him, batting your eyelashes slightly. He sees past your innocent façade. You wanted him to.
His mouth twisted into a snarl and you grinned at his anger. You loved it. “I’m going to make you regret ever talking to that quirkless loser.” You could feel your heart in your ears at the hungry look in Bakugo’s eyes. They flickered down to your lips when your teeth pulled your bottom lip between them.
He tore himself off of you at the sound of Iida’s voice calling the winner. The smoke around you started to clear and you could tell from the bored look on your classmates' faces that none of them witnessed what happened. That smart bastard, the smoke was a diversion. You had just a few tastes of Bakugo’s hunger, and you were hooked. Oh, how you were hooked. But you weren’t done yet, he was close to snapping you could feel it. He just needed one more push.                                                                              
 Summer was probably your favorite season. Everything was bright and cheery. There was so much stuff to catch up on outside after being locked in all winter. Your most favorite thing to do was swim though. It was probably because of your quirk but you loved to feel the cool water cover you completely after a long day of training.
You were relaxing in the UA’s pool that was somehow completely empty, leaving you alone. You were grateful. It lasted a while of just you in the water. The serene energy of the pool was so wonderful that you didn’t notice another person entering the water. Your eyes snapped open at the feeling of a current in the water.
“I’m sorry for startling you, L/n.” You met the dual-colored eyes of Todoroki and smiled slightly glad it was only him and not some purple monster that could be lurking under the surface of the water.
“No, you didn’t startle me.” You spoke softly, leaning back into the water. Todoroki moved closer to you resting against one of the ledges of the pool. “Did you get a good training session in?”
Todoroki nodded and looked at the way you moved around in the water. “Yes, it was very beneficial actually. I’m getting good at controlling both sides at the same time.”
“I guess I should’ve gotten in some training today, but the water just called me.” You spoke and ran your hands along the surface creating small ripples. You glanced up at the boy and had to suppress a giggle at the way his eyes followed your hands.
“Sometimes relaxing can be as good as training. It gives your body a break.” Todoroki stretched his hands behind his neck and rolled his shoulders groaning. He smiled at the small sigh that left your lips when you ran your wet hands through your hair. He was right about that; the water was so relaxing. “It seems to have helped you.”
“You might be right.” The water felt so nice against the heat of the summer sun.
“Have you been in here for long?” He asked you his head quirking to the side.
“For a while yeah, somehow it was just me the whole day.” You said and shrugged. “I don’t mind being alone. I’m glad I finally have company though.” He just nodded at your words with a soft smile.
A nice quietness fell over the two of you. It didn’t last that long though. You heard the door to the pool fly open with a bang. Bakugo and Kirishima walked through the threshold and you could feel your heart jump a little. This was perfect.
“What the fuck.” Bakugo stopped in his tracks when he saw you and Todoroki in the water.
You waved at Kiri who returned with a grin before he jumped in the pool. “What?” You asked Bakugo, smiling a bit. He looked annoyed already.
“The hell is half and half doing here.” He snapped and dropped himself into the water from the ledge. His glare sent daggers at Todoroki who just blinked at him. You ignored Bakugo and moved closer to Todoroki.
“Since you said giving your body a break is good. Let me help you; your muscles look tense.” You spoke to Todoroki who smiled and nodded. Paying no attention to Bakugo you pulled yourself up to sit on the ledge and reached for Todoroki’s hand pulling him between your legs. “My parents showed me the importance of massages.” You said and turned to where his back was against your stomach. Peeking up at the other boys you saw Kiri was paying no attention to you and was doing laps. Bakugo, however, was fuming. Good.
You moved your hands to Todoroki’s neck and started working out the knots. “You must’ve gone rough in your training today, you’re full of knots.”
“Thank you, L/n. I did push myself a little harder today with the strength training.” Todoroki started to relax into you becoming more comfortable. You saw Bakugo turn away from the two of you, the water around him was bubbling. He wasn’t fooling you.
“Don’t worry.” You said moving close to Todoroki’s ear, you could feel him shiver. “I’ll take good care of you.” You purred and moved your hands onto his shoulders. Working out a tough knot you felt him melt in your hands.
“Shitt.” Todoroki groaned, his head fell back a bit resting on your chest. Bakugo snapped his eyes to you when he heard the boy. “That feels so good.” Locking eyes with him, you saw they were full of pure fire. You almost felt the rage in the air when Bakugo looked at Todoroki’s head on your chest. A chill rain down your spine at the look on Bakugo’s face.
After working out the last knot Todoroki pulled away when you took your hands off him. “L/n, I didn’t know you had magic hands like that. I owe you, I feel so much better.” He looked so relaxed, something you’ve never seen on him before. He looked quite handsome.
“It was no problem, let me know whenever you feel tense. I’ll relieve you.” You said and pushed yourself up from the ledge and out of the water completely. It was a good thing that Todoroki was a little out of touch with innuendos and other people’s emotions.
“I’ll definitely take you up on that offer.”
Started walking towards the changing rooms, sending one last look at Bakugo. He was furious, the water around him was steaming from the blast igniting under the surface. He was so god damn hot. You smirked and winked at him, dipping into the girls changing room. You heard faint yelling from the pool and the sound of an explosion going off.
 Later, you had settled down with a book. It was incredibly late when you finally looked up from the book you held in your hands. Thankfully it was summer break, you didn’t have to worry about morning classes. You were resting on the couch in the common area. Somehow you found yourself alone again. It was pleasant. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back. Just like you keep finding yourself alone, Bakugo somehow always shows up when you are. Like he has some sort of radar on you.
When you opened your eyes again, you were met with a crimson pair. You slumped further under the blanket atop you. “Oh, hey Bakugo.”
His face scrunched up. “Don’t fuckin hey me.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” You said staring him in the eyes, challenging him. Hoping he would take the bait. You had pushed him far enough, he had to do the rest.
His eyes turned dark. You swear a growl left his throat. He pushed himself down, trapping you against the corner of the L-shaped couch, your knees pushed open settling himself between your legs, pulling the blanket off of you. “You’re fucking wrong, L/n.” Your back was moved into the couch and his face was close to yours again. Your heart jumped to your throat, your chest warming immensely. He slammed his lips onto yours, pulling you into a hungry kiss.
Hunger that you’ve been waiting for. One of his hands found its way to the back of your neck, the other gripping the back of your thigh. You gasped and he took it as a chance to shove his tongue into your mouth, dancing with yours. You gripped his hair until he pulled away panting. “You’ve been so annoying, you fucking brat.”
He moved his lips to your neck, kissing and sucking roughly. “I’m sorry Bakugo, I didn’t mean any harm.” You breathed trying to sound innocent. A sharp bite on your neck drew a quiet moan from your throat.
“Yeah the fuck right. Fangirling over Deku. Using your hands on fucking Icy Hot.” With every point, he left another bite on your neck. His hands found their way down to our shirt, pushing up under. You looked him in the eyes, they were completely full of lust. Pure angry, lust. Your eyes probably reflected his emotions. You could feel your body getting hotter. He brought you into another kiss, this one was more passionate and intense. He pulled your chin close with his hand, snarling. “Those hands belong to me. I’m going to show you what happens if you forget that.”
“I didn’t know you had ownership over me, Bakugo. I’m my own damn person, I don’t need you.” You pursed your lips and looked up at him through your eyelashes, you could see his jaw clenching at the sight. He kissed you roughly again.
“It’s Katsuki.” He grunted, pulling away. “Those marks on your neck tell me otherwise.” A sly smirk fell onto his face, it was too damn hot. You were too needy, pulling him in for another kiss. He was overwhelming you with just his lips that you didn’t even notice his hand slip down into your sweatpants. A gasp tore from your lips as you felt him cup his hand on your aching core through your panties. “How wet you are tells me otherwise.”
He rubbed you gently through the thin fabric of your panties eliciting a soft moan from you. Pulling away from you, you lifted your lower half up just enough for him to slip down your sweatpants. You heard him groan and remembered what you were wearing.
“These fucking underwear.” He grumbled, they were the black lacy panties with silver skulls. He ran his hands up and down the inside of your thighs.
“I put them on for Todoroki, but I guess you’ll do too.” You teased, your breath hitching when he pinched the inside of your thigh.
“Shut the fuck up, brat.” He leaned in kissing you roughly again. You could feel his hard member against your thigh, you reached down and started stroking it through his sweats. He let out a loud groan into your mouth. You felt yourself grow wetter at the sound.
“Fuck, Katsuki.”
“Say my name baby. That’s the only name you’re allowed to say.” You ran your hands through his hair tugging it gently. When you felt his breath hitch, you pulled rougher. He moaned into your neck leaving another sloppy kiss. He reached down to your wetness again.
“What if someone sees us?” You panted out as he pushed his hand into your panties.
“Fucking let them.” He grunted from the friction of you moving your thigh against his hard length. His hand found its way through your folds drawing out a moan from you. He drew some of your wet and started to rub circles around your clit.
“Katsuki, holy f-fuck.” You whimpered, he felt himself get harder at the noise. He smirked and slipped a finger into you, pumping it gently. Your hands gripped his shoulders and you tried to grind down on his hand. He held you in place with the other and added another finger, moving them in and out slowly. “Fucking move.” You groaned.
“Tch, after all that teasing you think you’ve been a good girl?” He nipped at your jaw and you whined.
“Katsuki please.” You were becoming desperate, you needed him. It was too much.
“Beg, Y/n. I want to hear your bratty voice beg for me.” His fingers moved at an ungodly slow pace. He used his other hand to fondle one of your breasts. He knew what effect he had on you, the fucking cocky shit.
“Fuck! Fine, Katsuki, please. Please make me come.” You moaned out, “Show me how to be a good girl, you good girl. Kats-“ You were cut off when his lips crashed into yours, he started to pump his hand at a faster pace, curling his fingers as he did so. You moaned loudly at his thumb putting pressure on your clit. You were coming undone, fast.
You reached your hands down pushing down his sweats enough to let him spring free. He hissed when you took his length into your hand and started pumping. You rubbed your thumb over the tip, feeling the precum leaking out. You picked up your pace and he moaned very loudly. “Ugh, baby. You feel so good.”
“I want you to come with me Katsuki. Let your good girl make you come.” His face dove into the crook of your neck muffling his moans a bit, he was close too. His fingers found your sweet spot.
“F-fuck, shit, Katsuki right there, please. Fuck don’t stop.” The combined pumping of his fingers and pressure of his thumb was too much. With one final curl of his fingers, you were coming. He swallowed your moans in a kiss. Your hand pumping faster as your body shook in his embrace, you were in pure bliss.
The sounds of your whining sent him with a long groan, he bucked his hips into your hand his cum landing on your thigh. You opened your eyes to see the immense pleasure of his features. He was so fucking hot. His forehead touched yours, the two of you panting.
“You better not be a fucking brat anymore.” He grunted, kissing your neck once more.
You looked up at him as he pulled himself off of you. “If it ends like this I think I’ll make it my personal mission to piss you off.”
His face scrunched up, “I was going to get you a towel, but you can fuck off!”
You giggled and reached for his hand. “Wait, no!” He laughed slightly at you, handing you a towel he had somehow pulled from thin air.
“You’re staying in my room tonight.” When he saw the way your eyes lit up he bared his teeth. “It’s just so you don’t touch that fucking melting ice cube!”
“Yeah right.” You laughed at him, lacing your fingers in his hand. “If you don’t want me touching him, then does that mean I can give you a massage sometime?”
He was quiet for a moment and glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, then rolled them. “Yes, you dumbass.”
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mariinara · 4 years
TWENTY - TWO (Sam Drake x Reader) ANGST |PART 2|
A/N: Aaaand that's a wrap on this one, ladies and gents! This was all sorts of emotions rolled into a single one-shot but HEY it is what it is and y'all know how I am by now so :") HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY THIS ONE.
Tags: @easy-and-steady , @the-winchesterboys , @the-drakeboys , @missdictatorme , @psg-for-life , @elledrake , @samdrakeftw , @s4mdrake , @ghost-of-the-oldwest , @writersblockincoming , @purplezebra68 , @hrgnm
Request for anon: '14, 18, and 19 for angst prompts with Sam? 👀👀 I also really really adore your work!!!'
Prompts: "Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask.." + "Don't make this harder than it already is.." + "It's better this way."
Warnings: ANGST. Just ANGST, okay?
Word count: ~ 4.8K
(Part one here!)
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Your fingers tapped away on your keyboard, your eyes flickering from the screen to your fingers as you filled in a resume for a teaching job in Boston. You wanted to quit your job in Philadelphia to spend as much of the summer vacation as you could with your mother. When she’d come back from Jersey, that is.. 
Avery was completely supportive of your decision and thought that you and your mother needed to squeeze some bonding time into your tight schedules. She wanted to keep her job in Philly, though because it paid pretty well and she wanted to gain her independence as quickly as possible, which Sam pretended to be proud of when it caused him severe anxiety, despite knowing fully how capable his daughter was. However, she was his only daughter and he liked when she counted on him for everything, but as she grew up, she became less and less dependent on him and it upset him to some extent but he hid it well.
You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him, your cheeks heating up as memories flashed through your head of that night. The images were so vivid that you felt the same sensations tingling you, causing every hair on your body to stand up and a shiver escape your parted lips and, suddenly, you were no longer focused on the resume and were only swimming in your pool of that night’s memories. God, it was so good. How he had no control over his actions. The look in his eyes that so clearly displayed his hesitation-- his debate on whether to take the next big step. And once you reassured him that it was okay and that he could do whatever he wanted, he took you hard and fast, his hand clamped over your mouth or his lips against yours to silence you and nothing in the world mattered at that point.
You inhaled sharply before chuckling lightly to yourself. The best thing about what happened was how you casually put your clothes back on and continued to play video games all throughout the night and laughing like nothing ever happened. To some women, that could’ve been a bad thing, but to you, that was the equivalent of cuddling. And he stayed charming and funny up until he passed out right next to you, which made you smile, pull a blanket over his body, and plant a quick kiss to his cheek. Next thing you knew, you were out of the shower and sleeping next to Avery, who was passed out and snoring softly like the heavy sleeper she was.
That was almost two weeks ago and you hadn’t seen or heard from Sam since you entered your empty home, but you didn’t question it. You reckoned he was probably busy with finding another gig with Sullivan. You and Avery called everyday, though, and she’d tell you how absentminded and distracted her father seemed. She’d be talking to him and he would be in another dimension and would snap out only when she alerted him, apologizing and asking her to repeat what she’d said before he’d do it all over again. She was complaining about it to you and you couldn’t help but wonder if that was a good or bad thing. For all you knew, you might’ve had him finally wrapped around your finger.. Or he was completely regretting what he’d done. 
Your cell phone suddenly started ringing, startling you out of your thoughts. You realized that you’d been staring at the blinking cursor aimlessly for the past ten minutes. A sigh escaped your lips as you reached for your cell on the nightstand, expecting it to be your mother checking up on you, but when you looked at the ID, you raised your brow. 
She usually didn’t call you more than twice a day and you didn’t know why she was calling again after you rambled on to each other for two straight hours but you decided to pick up with a smile: “Hey, Av--”
You frowned deeply at her tone. The way her voice cracked and the sniffles and little whimpers alerted you, causing you to sit up straight and push the laptop off of your lap, “Ave? What’s wrong?” You asked, causing her to let out a small sob, “Talk to me. What’s goin’ on?”
“It’s dad.” She croaked, her voice still broken. You found your heart sinking at her vague response and a million things popped up in your head, but before you could say anything, Avery continued, "He's going to Vancouver.." 
Your brows pulled together in confusion and you shook your head, "Wait, but– He travels all the time, Ave, what–"
"No, no, I'm goin' with him."
Your mouth snapped shut and you shifted on your bed a little so your legs dangled from the side, “H-Hold on, Ave.” You closed your eyes with a soft sigh, your fingers rubbing your forehead, “Slow it down for me.”
You heard her sharp intake of air and her shaky exhale shortly following, “Dad.. got a job in Vancouver and we’re gonna move there for a while.” 
Your eyes snapped open again and you felt your breath hitch in your throat, “What’s “a while”..?”
You heard a short pause on Avery’s end and your heart sank with each passing second. You were going to prod her to speak up, but what she said next almost made you double over: 
“A year and a half..”
Your blood ran cold and your eyes widened. And suddenly, everything around you started falling apart. Your whole being began to crumble. Your breathing started getting heavier when you asked yourself: 'If it's just work, why would he take Avery this time?' and you realized that he was probably planning on staying there for good and Avery knew it as well.
Your hand flew to cover your mouth to muffle a cry.
"I don't know what to do. He told me so suddenly and I pretended to be happy just because he seemed happy and I–" Avery paused to gasp for air, "Sully got him this job all of a sudden and he's been packing for the past twelve hours and–" She sobbed. The sound broke your heart to a million pieces and you wanted to just apologize to her. For all you know, you might've been the cause of what was happening. Maybe he wanted to leave because of you, "I dunno what to do and I'm runnin' outta time, (Y/N)."
You let out a shaky breath and squeezed your eyes shut, your jaw clenching as you cursed yourself before getting up to your feet, walking over to your closet, "It's okay; Calm down– I'll be here in a few."
"There's literally no time– The moving company came for our stuff and we're headed for the airport in a few."
You frowned, "Moving.. company?" 
"That's what I asked but he said that he needed everything in case the job took a little longer than he expected." She croaked and sniffled again, "I don't fucking know what he takes me for or if he's being an idiot on purpose."
"No– Listen to me: Your dad is not an idiot." You defended in a calm tone, "You shouldn't blame him for this; he, uh.." You stared down at your feet, biting down on your bottom lip in contemplation as you swayed back and forth on your heels and soles, "He–He hasn't worked in a while and he needs this, so just.." You looked up again, your shoulders slacked in surrender and your eyes glossy with tears, "Just see where this'll go.. You're all he has, Ave and he loves you so, so much." You slowly breathed out, not wanting her to hear how you were trembling– not wanting her to detect how you were one minute away from breaking down. 
You closed your eyes again as she spoke, letting your tears slip freely down your cheeks.
"I know." She sniffled, "He's been so strange and I feel like he's not telling me something."
At that, you mentally smacked yourself about three-hundred times in a row. It hurt you so deeply how you've betrayed her trust like that. And again, with your eyes closed, memories flashed before your eyes, but the narrative completely changed. 
Sam's groans and words of praise filled your ears, his chest hot against your arched back and his hand clamped over your mouth while you let out muffled cries. But you imagined Avery, standing there, watching you in horror, drowning in her tears, traumatized by the sight. And you made eye contact with her at that very moment, maintaining it, as if to taunt her– to highlight just how selfish you were. You imagined her staring back, betrayal written all over her face, her cheeks burning from the salty tears and her hand clutching her chest and her other covering her mouth. With one snap of Sam's hips, you were pushed over the edge and your vision blurred with white light, your brows furrowing and your heart furiously pounding in your chest as you let out a scream into his hand, but when your eyes readjusted, Avery was no longer there. And neither were her pictures that once filled every corner in the living room. They were white sheets in pretty frames. And the ones she had with Sam only had him in them. And somewhere, from afar, you saw your father, laughing as he sent you a wink and walked away from you, only to dissipate into thin air. 
You snapped out with a sharp inhale, your brows arched and your eyes wide with terror as your fingers ghosted your lips before you covered your mouth, hoping that she didn't catch that sound that slipped you. 
"You still there?"
"I-I'm here." You quickly replied, your hand dropping from your mouth to rub your chest, trying to ease the feeling of immense discomfort, "I'll be right at the airport, okay?"
There was a short pause and then, you heard him call out for his daughter, followed by a "We gotta go, baby!" and you didn't think it was possible for your heart to sink any more than it has, but it did. 
"Coming, dad!" Avery called back, her voice completely different, as if she hadn’t been bawling for the past hour, “I’ll stall him at the airport cafeteria, okay?”
You nodded, trying to catch your breath, “O-Okay. I’ll be right there.” 
“I will.” 
You quickly hung up and put the phone on your dresser before hurrying to put on anything. You opted for a hoodie and a pair of jeans, pulled your hair back with whatever hair band you could find into a low bun, slipped on whatever sneakers that were next to your door, grabbed your car keys and phone, and hurried out of the house, trying to keep calm so your drive there wouldn’t be a complete disaster. 
You wasted absolutely no time. You kept your eyes on the road, had a steady foot on the gas, but your chest bubbled with anxiety. The kind that made you let out a small, suffocated whimper from time to time. The kind that made your hands tighten around the steering wheel. The kind that made it extremely unbearable to listen to anything from the radio, which caused you to reach out and turn it off quickly. You rolled down the window after the light turned green, immediately speeding down the road, the wind ruffling the stray strands of hair that fell on either side of your face and drying the tears that rolled down your cheeks. Your eyes caught a sign that made you nervously chew on the nail of your thumb, your heart beat quicker, and your stomach churn with jitters. Your head was so empty and you were so fixated on getting to your destination that you haven’t even rehearsed what to tell Sam or Avery. 
You were filled to the brim with sadness, nervousness, and a tinge of anger. The street lights that rushed past you and the sound of the wind had a hypnotic effect on you. The sound of cars zooming by on the smooth asphalt put you at ease somehow. 
When you parked in the airport’s garage, you didn’t even pause to think about your next step. You were out of your car and running towards the entrance, pushing past families and couples, absentmindedly muttering ‘sorry’s and ‘excuse me’s, getting looks in the process. 
You were stopped at the first checkpoint at the entrance by a security guard, who thoroughly searched you while you looked ahead, getting on your tiptoes to look past his shoulder for the cafeteria, but your eyes only saw several ticket booths and passport checks next to each other. 
“Free to go.”
You closed your slightly open mouth and got to your feet, swallowing your nerves and flickering your eyes to look at the guard, “Uhh, excuse me, but is there a cafeteria close by?”
“There’s more than one, but--”
Your phone rang in your back pocket and you quickly pulled it out and checked the ID, letting out a shaky sigh before answering, “Sorry..” You mumbled to the guard, “Ave? Where are you?”
“We’re in Peet’s coffee and Tea.” She sniffled, her voice a bit above a whisper, “I’m in the bathroom but I’ll come back in a bit, I just, uhh..” She huffed, “I needed a little time for myself.”
“O-Okay..” You nodded, “I can wait for a bit..” You squeezed your eyes shut and pressed your lips together, dreading the fact that it meant you’d have time with Sam. Alone. 
“I love you, Sparrow.”
You nodded your head, smiling softly, “I love you, too, Salazar..”
The line went blank and you looked up at the guard with a sheepish smile, “Peet’s tea and coffee..” You shook your head, your brows pulling in confusion as you scratched your forehead, “Er.. Coffee and Tea..” He chuckled at that.
“Uhh, you’re gonna continue along this path and find east Terminal B. You’ll continue past Starbucks and the vending machine and you’re there.”
You huffed softly and nodded, “Okay, thank you. Thank you so much!” You ran past him and made it through the crowds of people, apologizing and mumbling your way through people, your eyes fixated ahead. The sign above your head displayed ‘Terminal B’ and your stomach did flips as you ran past Starbucks and the feelings that bubbled up in your chest caused you to slow down. It was only then that you realized how out of breath you were.
How unprepared you were.
Your hand reached up for your fingers to gently brush the silver, heart-shaped pendant around your neck, with the letter 'A' engraved in beautiful cursive. 
You looked down at your feet as you walked, your hand clutching the silver heart.
Avery had the same one around her neck, with the initial of your name engraved. You'd had those since you were fourteen, but never in your life did you feel like you didn't deserve her love or trust. 
Again, you found yourself at your destination, with no semblance of an idea of what you were going to tell Sam. 
The chattering noises around you started dying down and were replaced by your loud heartbeats as you stepped into the café, your eyes carefully searching for a familiar face. Normally, the smell of brewing coffee and cold club sandwiches would draw you in but at the moment, you felt like you were growing sick. 
You looked around a corner, scanning the tables, only to see couples sitting and talking, teenagers being a tad louder than the rest of the people around them, or businessmen, sitting along in their fancy Tom Ford suits and their open macbooks, sipping on their typical cold brew. 
You sighed, but didn't know if it were from relief or frustration and just when you were about to search your head for how to approach Sam while you turned on your heel to look in another corner, you bumped into someone much taller than you, causing you to stumble back with a groan.
"Fuck." You cussed lowly, raising your hands in defense and backing away, scared that the person might be holding coffee, "Jesus, would you–" Your eyes flickered up and the aggressive furrow of your brows melted into a mildly surprised arch as you blinked, your eyes softening.
Sam pursed his lips and pushed one hand into the pocket of his Levi's while the other rested at his side, fiddling with a fraying thread in the side of his jeans. His eyes wandered from yours for a second before he looked deeply into them and his shoulders sagged, "Hey, kiddo.." He breathed out, giving you a tiny, awkward wave.
You blinked again, taking in a deep breath and crossing your arms, "Hey." You responded, swallowing down the lump that formed in your throat, "Did you know I was coming?" You asked, your hand quickly flying to wipe a stray tear from your cheek before you crossed your arms again with a small sniffle.
"Yeah. Yeah, uh.." He looked down for a second, as if he was ashamed of something. And you knew exactly what, "I figured Avery would call."
Your brows pulled together and your lips trembled slightly, "Why didn't you?" The bitterness that you tried to hide to no avail made him look up at you with a frown. 
He knew where this would go. It was inevitable. 
Sam reached out for you, "Okay, let's just sit down for a sec–"
"No." You sternly said, flinching away from his touch. The raise in your voice caught some attention around you, making Sam sigh softly and retreat his hand, "I want to know why you're doing this.." You whispered, your voice laced with heartbreak and disappointment. 
"Doing what?"
"Escaping me..!" You responded immediately, looking into his eyes as you took a step towards him. He ripped his gaze from yours and shook his head.
"I'm not escaping anything." He let out a mirthless chuckle, "I am trying to provide for Avery–"
"Oh, spare me the bullshit, Samuel." You venomously replied, narrowing your tearful eyes at him, "You are a coward." Your arms unfolded so you could push him away, which did nothing but make him take half a step back from you, "You're a fucking coward–" Your voice got louder as the lump in your throat grew more unbearable as you pushed on his chest again. He was quiet but his jaw was clenched. When you went to push him again, Sam grabbed your wrists to calm you down, knowing that both of you would be escorted outside if anyone from management took notice of the scenario.
"Get– offa me." You yanked your wrists away and took a step back, staring at him with wide, bloodshot eyes as you wiped your nose with the sleeve of your hoodie, "Don't fucking touch me.." You croaked, pointing an accusing finger at him, "You are just like that fucker."
He paused to narrow his eyes at you, "What..?"
"You're gonna leave me just like he did!" You let out a broken sob, your shoulders shaking with every quiet cry that broke through you.
Sam closed his eyes and shook his head slightly with a soft sigh, "Sweetheart, don't make this harder than it already is–"
"Please, stop.." You begged weakly, "You used me. Do not talk to me about things being "hard" because while you have a fucking escape, I do not!"
He scoffed, offended, "I did not use you–"
"Then why are you acting like that?!"
"Because what?!"
"Because what!?–"
"Because I have feelings for you!" He snapped, making your breath hitch in your throat. You took a step back, feeling a little unbalanced as you frowned at him. His nostrils flaring and his eyes burning holes in your soul, his brows pulled together.
"What..?" You sounded confused. Or maybe hurt. Did you hear that right? By the look on his face, you seemed to have heard it right. Did it make sense? No. Absolutely zero sense, "Why did you.." Your brains froze on you, the gears not spinning properly, just lagging at every dent.
He took a step to make up for the distance you made between the two of you, "And I don't want to feel like that.." His hands were on your shoulders, then your upper arms, his thumbs drawing back and forth in comfort, "I'm pulling myself from the equation because I do care for you.. If we stay around each other, Avery's gonna notice and you're gonna lose her. I know that for a fact.." He searched your eyes for something. Anything. But it still seemed like you were at a loss for words, your mouth hanging open a little. It made him smile softly, his eyes gleaming with the sort of warmth that brought you a feeling of safety, "I don't want us to get in trouble. This could cost us everything and it is not worth it–"
"But it is." You refuted, hopeful. Your eyes brimmed with more tears at his words.
"No, no– Sweetheart, listen." His hands quickly cupped your cheeks so his thumbs could wipe away your tears, "I.. am not worth it."
You felt a sting in your heart. One that your face slightly contort in pain, "Sam–"
"You deserve someone who'll love you unconditionally without being a threat to every single relationship around you, and.." He shook his head, trying to search for the right words, "I love you unconditionally, but you and I've been through enough.." He breathed out, "You should be comfortable with the guy you bring. You should be with someone to bring home to your mom. Not lead a dangerous, tiring lifestyle. You don't need that." 
God, you hated how right he was. It made you love him all over again. His sincerity and tenderness with you contrasted the rough touch of his hands that you leaned your cheek into, your face shifting into one of complete pain as you let out a small sob.
"It's better this way.." His own eyes began to gloss the more he blinked and it took you back to that same night when he was completely vulnerable to you, "Trust me, sweetheart." He gave you a warm smile, tucking your stray strands of hair behind your ears, "C'mere.." He pulled you into a tight embrace, his chin on the dome of your head and the side of your face pressed against his chest. You felt his hands rubbing circles on your back. Slow, comforting, very familiar ones, "And I'm me.." You felt his chest vibrate and his cologne filling your nostrils, "I'll always be me; I'm not him.." Your fingers curled to clutch onto the front of his red flannel shirt, your eyes squeezing shut as you cried quietly against him, "I'm never gonna really leave you." He pulled away from you for a second to look at your beautiful crying face that you used to make when you'd fall off your bicycle when he taught you or came back from school and straight into his arms when you'd have a rough day of bullies. It made him smile with a wistful sigh from his nose, "Not if you ever forget me." He flicked your nose gently with a teasing smirk, making you chuckle unexpectedly with a big grin. 
"Never." You replied, smiling up at him with that glimmer in your eyes and for a minute, it was only you two in the entire airport and it didn't matter how many eyes were on you. And there it was again.
That spark.
And again, your mind convinced you that he was leaning closer to kiss you, but you shook your head profusely, getting your vision straight before looking down at your awkwardly shuffling foot, "Can I, umm.." You clicked your tongue and scratched your cheek with your forefinger, clearing your throat, "Can I ask for a favor?" You mustered enough courage to look up at him, your hands clasped behind your back.
He shrugged a little, "Shoot." 
You bit down on your lip and your eyes traveled to his, "Can you just kiss me?" You quickly asked, afraid of wasting any more time before Avery would get back, "One last time..?" His shoulders fell and his eyes flickered to every corner of your face, as if he was mesmerized by you, thinking 'Oh, man..' at the angelic look on your face that he couldn't for the life of him resist, "That's all I ask.."
He let out a shaky breath and glanced around. No sign of Avery. He then looked back at you and reached out, gripping the front of your hoodie and yanking you forward, making you yelp and stumble a little, but he caught you with a firm arm around your waist, pressing you against him before capturing your lips in a soft kiss, relaying his utmost care and love for you. For a second you were taken aback but when it clicked, your eyes fluttered shut and you kissed back with a soft exhale from your nose. God, it felt so right. So good. 
It wasn't fair.
How something could feel so perfect but be so wrong in every aspect.
Sam slowly broke the kiss and the sound brought you back from paradise, causing you to slowly bat your lashes to adjust your eyesight, gripping onto his strong, muscular upper arms for support, "Oh, wow.." You muttered, swallowing thickly afterwards.
Sam let out a light, breathless laugh, still looking into your eyes. You smiled warmly up at him, wishing that you could take him and keep him forever, but it wasn't up to you.
His arm loosened from around you and his hand was now on your hip. When you backed away from him a little, his hand went back into his pocket and the lack of physical contact from him almost pained you.
"(Y/N)!" You heard Avery's voice, causing both you and Sam to look to the side, but before you could say anything, she ran into your arms, making you stagger back a little, "(Y/N).." She whimpered, her arms tightly wrapped around your neck and her face buried in your shoulder. Your arms slowly snaked around her and you held her close, closing your eyes. 
"Hey, Salazar.." You tried to lift her mood, your hands comfortingly rubbing her back. Sam looked down at both of you with a thin smile.
"I'm gonna miss you so.. so much." She breathed, her voice muffled in your hoodie, but you heard her loud and clear and it caused you to smile sadly.
"Hey.. There's still college.. And we'll video chat every day, okay?" You suggested, but your voice cracked with both uncertainty and hurt, "It'll be like.. like I'm right there with you." 
She nodded against you, hugging you tighter, "I love you, Sparrow.." 
"I do, too.." She pulled away from the hug to smile at you, tears staining her rosy cheeks, "So much." You returned her soft smile, sniffling a little. 
Sam's hand was on Avery's shoulder as he stood behind her, giving her a few squeezes.
'Flight to Vancouver in thirty minutes. Please head to Gate 15B.'
All of you looked up as the feminine voice broke through the speakers.
"Well.." Sam sighed, "That's our cue.." His eyes locked on yours and you pressed your lips and swallowed to prevent yourself from crying. Sam stepped forward and towards you, and again, you were in his arms and he hugged you close as you stood on your tiptoes, "You take care o' yourself, alright..?" Came his deep, raspy voice, making you feel safe again. But all you could do was wordlessly nod, afraid that if you talked, you'd cry again.
And as they walked away, stealing glances over their shoulder at you with smiles and small waves, you kept it together. 
You held your own until they disappeared in the large crowds of people, and suddenly, you felt hollow again, as if something sucked all air from your lungs, and suddenly, you hand was clutching your hoodie as if it burnt your very skin while you let out small sobs and gasps of air, trying to keep as quiet as possible. 
You squatted on the floor, not caring how many people stared at you or circumvented your body. You quickly pulled your phone from your back pocket and with a shaky hand, you dialed the only person you could think of and pressed it against your ear, trying to keep your emotions at bay.
Finally, she picked up, her sweet voice filling your ear with a gentle "Hey, sweetie."
"Mom.." You sobbed, "Mom, please come home." 
"Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?!"
"Mom.." You sniffled again, your whole body shaking as you debated yourself on what to say, but if you kept it to yourself, you’d feel like you'd explode, "I need to tell you something.."
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