#polyamory fixes all problems actually.
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Mass Effect
Ships: Female Shepard/Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian
Additional Tags: Mass Effect 3: Citadel, Mild Sexual Content, Comedy, Open Relationships, Drunk Sex, Bisexual Shepard (Mass Effect)
Shepard joins Tali in the bathroom during the party.
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hyperactivewhore · 4 months
hi I love your blog we have very much the same opinions in everything except klamille is my favourite klaus ship and klaurora is second
I have been trying to enjoying klaus fics or any tvdu fics on wattpad but every thing I have read so far doenst show the characters accurately which is very annoying
I was hoping and want to request if you could give me some recommendations on fics on wattpad that are good. (Mainly klaus but any love interest would be good)
could you please give a short summary/review so far of any recommendation you give so I don’t waste time starting one only to not like ir
sorry if I am sounding rude English is not my first language but I can read it fully thank I you very much
Don't worry, you're not sounding rude at all, if anything you actually sound really sweet. I'm glad we share some opinions and I'm really honored you came to me for some suggestions.
I haven't read long fanfictions in a while outside works in ao3, I left Wattpad a few time ago but I'll still try my best, tho I'm not very good at giving summaries. Fair warning these are mainly fanfics I've read in Archive of Our Own, not Wattpad, but I hope it's not a problem. If it annoys you, send me an ask and I'll give you some Wattpad recommendations!
Patisserie (ao3, poly Mikaelson siblings x original female character, no incest) by @wickedlyemma:
Stats: (published: 2020-12-29), (completed: 2023-03-12), (words: 154,943), (chapters: 45/45), (comments: 4,385), (kudos: 8,469), (bookmarks: 1,799), (hits: 279,967)
Tags: Polyamory, Sugar Daddy, Self-Indulgent, Explicit Sexual Content, No Incest, Slow Burn, Not Canon Compliant
I think we've all read those kind of tvdu fanfics where the main character is a teenager, usually related to the Gilbert or the Forbes, still in high school and who suddenly stops trying to make a life for herself just because she gets dragged into the supernatural world. Well, Patisserie is the opposite of that. For once, the main character isn't a teen but an adult around her twenties, who works at a bakery and is completely unaware of the supernatural world until Klaus decides to change that.
The slow burn is is truly worthy of a chef's kiss, the way the author describes and writes the Mikaelson is just so on point it hurts. Their family dynamic is so entertaining to watch, but it's as fucked up as it is in the show, which it's something not many authors can accomplish. The way they behave around the main character, a simple human, it's so amusing because they truly know nothing despite their age and she's just so easy to relate to, because for once the oc is not ridiculously overpowered.
The way we perceive the Mikaelson and the vampire world from a human pov is truly interesting, how she copes with all of it and eventually learns to love all of them individually while being aware of the danger is so well done. Kol and her, as well as her relationship with Klaus, are particularly interesting to read, especially considering how they all behaved around her at the beginning and especially because both of them are the most dangerous members of their family. They are all selfish creatures, and I love how it shows the more their relationships with her develop.
Apotheosis (ao3, Klaus x original female character) by atriums;
Stats: (published: 2022-01-01), (completed: 2022-12-13), (words: 158,264), (chapters: 31/31), (comments: 606), (kudos: 1,817), (bookmarks: 491), (hits: 69,472)
Tags: POV Alternating, Minor Original Character(s), Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Sex, Sexual Content, Devoted Reader, Author Rejects Canon and Substitutes It with Their Own, Cannibalistic Werewolf Cults, Nobody Is Good But Also Nobody Is Evil, These Characters are Flawed and Problematic (Probably), This Fic is Not a Bastion for Healthy Characters and Relationships, Reader/OC Especially, Reader/OC can be any ethnicity
You know those fanfics who fix (almost) everything problematic in canon? Apotheosis does exactly that. In this story, Klaus isn't a complete irredeemable character for once, but he also isn't half as bad as his canon version, and due to the oc being a werewolf, this fanfic does expand on his werewolf side a little more than The Vampire Diaries or The Originals ever did. His family and him actually have a healthy bond, and Finn gets the recognition he deserves for once.
The story is set in season three of TVD, exactly when Klaus and Stefan are trying to make hybrids for his pack, and in a ironic plot twist, Klaus decides to take you with him when you're still a werewolf after you say you're not worthy to be a hybrid, at least not yet.
Her devotion to him is completely endearing and I absolutely love how Klaus actually cares for his pack, especially because they're all canonical characters who were killed way too quickly. Her relationships with the members of their pack are so well written, and this fanfic it's the perfect mix of humour and seriousness. It has a ongoing sequel, which I just adore. I warn you though, all the characters have several differences from their canon versions.
Twisted Obsession (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by rocket-queen98;
Stats: Originals, M, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 16, words: 59k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: May 6, 2023 published: Aug 13, 2016, [Klaus M., OC] Elijah M., Hope M.
Lola is one of the most adorable mc I've read. She is human and around nineteen, if I remember correctly, and just a sweet girl and adorable. She's introduced into the supernatural world thanks to baby Hope, who is just the cutest, due to her needing a mother figure now that Hayley wasn't present in her life thanks to the curse placed on her.
Her relationship with Hope is my favorite part of the whole fanfic. She doesn't suddenly turn into her mother, she doesn't intend to either, but rather becomes her best friend and Klaus and her develop a bond thanks to this. The way father and daughter interact is so heartwarming too, the subtle hints of them being werewolves, and seeing a main character having a good relationship with her father for once is a good turn, especially in tvd fanfics.
It's clear Klaus and Lola have something going on, even if they won't admit out loud, but for some reason the people around them give the impression they don't actually want them to date. There is implications something more fucked up than usual is going on with Klaus and his relationships, and I'm pretty sure him and Cami were a thing in this fic too. Surprisingly, Hayley and Cami aren't turned into absolute bitches, but there is Jackson bashing though.
The Girl in the Forest (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by noblecrescent;
Stats: Originals, T, English, Mystery & Romance, chapters: 30, words: 311k+, favs: 232, follows: 176, updated: Feb 19, 2017 published: Jan 23, 2016, [Klaus M., OC] [Elijah M., Camille O'Connell]
This fanfic is a tetralogy of books set in The Originals, I read those fanfics a while ago so forgive me for any mistake. Maleny is a witch who was cursed, if I remember correctly, and was constantly body-jumping every short time.
In one of her lives, she met Klaus and they fell in love, but she died, if I'm not wrong, and they end up meeting again in New Orleans time later where he has a child on the way and a kingdom to conquer.
I can't remember a lot more without giving you spoilers, but it's worth checking it out!
Now, I'll give no more summaries because I honestly don't remember a lot of the next fanfics, but it's your choice if you want to read them;
A Veil Between Love and Hate (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by MandalorianHybrid;
Stats: Originals, T, English, chapters: 57, words: 200k+, favs: 609, follows: 359, updated: Sep 15, 2019 published: Jan 30, 2014, [Klaus M., OC]
Summary; Another five books set in The Vampire Diaries, with a story that eventually moves to The Originals.
Allure (wattpad, Klaus x oc x Stefan) by @viavolterra;
Stats: 575k Readings, 20,5k Votes, 34 Chapters
I just could not not recommend this fanfic. Mia comes to Mystic Falls to seek revenge after Damon kills her best friend Lexi, but she of course gets dragged by the problems in that little town.
The thing I like the most about Via's story is how there is no cliché: no bashing towards Tyler or Elena, Mia actually befriends them, Bonnie gets the recognition and love she deserves, Klaus doesn't suddenly turn into a different person just because he loves the oc, he continues to be a piece of shit, and how sweet and empathetic she is, not like those reused badass mc who are just rude.
I would recommend some more, but it's kinda hard to find fanfics with a good Klaus depiction. I'm pretty sure I left out a lot of amazing fanfics, though.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 10 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I'm wondering if you could help me? Do you know of any (Sterek) fics where Scott joins Derek's pack? I just really want to see Stiles and Scott interacting w Hale Pack 2.0! Thank you.
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for us.
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Turn back time by A _pretty_good_pair (23/23 | 49,715 | Teen | Sterek) There's no one left. No one. Stiles decides in his grief to try and fix everything he did wrong the first time around. Will he be able to save everyone or will he relive the pain of losing them all once again?
True by inatshej (1/1 | 38,760 | Explicit | Sterek) The point is, anything can be believed to be true now. If magic can convince Stiles that he loves Derek – weird, angry, too-many-issues Derek – then how is he supposed to know what is actually true, and what is him being mind-screwed?
And Derek can go fuck this mates concept.
Spaz and the Sourwolf by TheRealDanniX (9/9 | 24,674 | Teen | Sterek) When Stiles comes across something he shouldn't in the Preserve he ends up on four legs. Not that anyone in the Pack knows it's him. He's just hoping they can figure it out before anything else bad happens.
clenching my jagged jaws (over the capture) by Marishna (1/1 | 21,495 | Teen | Sterek) Derek Hale was never supposed to be alpha, but he's a good one. He doesn't need any help and he definitely doesn't need an emissary. 
Stiles Stilinski is Derek Hale's emissary and come hell or high water he's going to see the Hale pack through the impending arrival of the alpha pack, even if it means he can never return to Beacon Hills after.
The Vasov Heir by neil4god (12/12 | 20,665 | Not Rated | Sterek) It was summer vacation. He was supposed to go to bed late and sleep even later, he should not be in a car at the ass crack of dawn (12:30) on his way to who know's where. That was not part of the plan, but then he hadn't planned on introducing the pack to his sort of fiance either or introducing them to his family, but his darkest secrets are being dragged into the light and Stiles may not survive it.
When the Wind Blows (the Grass Must Bend) by V1p3r_Qu33n (9/9 | 17,845 | Teen | Scallison) “Why is it a problem that he doesn’t know I’m here?” Scott was just getting more confused with every sentence she spoke and everytime he asked a question the answer just resulted in even more confusion.
She looked past him to a sleek black car that had just pulled up outside the house across from hers. “I think you’re about to find out.” - - - aka: the packs a dysfunctional family. Scott doesn't have a clue what's going on (though he's starting to figure it out), Derek's just trying to keep his betas in line (though they don't always like his methods), and Isaac's just trying to survive.
Learning Curve by Inell (1/1 | 6,050 | Explicit | Poly Pack) When Scott stops by to check on Stiles after he misses school, he isn't expecting to be introduced to the world of polyamory or to agree to become part of the Hale pack in such an unique way.
Heart Smart by Simplistically_content (1/1 | 3,578 | Teen | Sterek) Scott wasn't book smart like Stiles, he wasn't werewolf smart like Derek (was meant to be), he wasn't genius smart like Lydia, his decision making hadn't really given him the best track record where those kind of smarts mattered. No. Where Scott believed he was smartest, was in his heart, in his good nature. Sometimes he screwed up, but no one's perfect, are they?
A place you call home by TalesoftheEnchantedForest (1/1 | 771 | Gen | Sterek) Derek takes a walk through the newly built Hale house and is suddenly overcome by memories, both older and more recent ones. Then he realizes what was missing all along - his pack. Now with Stiles and his friends by his side, he has a home again.
(This is all flashbacks and feels, my dudes.)
Ice(d) Cream by LizzieLance (1/1 | 500 | Gen) “This is indoor snow, baby. Dodgeballllllll.”
“ Throw it, throw it!”
“Stiles, no!”
“Stiles, yes!”
“Over here!”
“Ohhh shit.”
Wait, what?? By hugs4saturn (1/1 | 424 | Gen | Sterek) Scott isn't the Alpha.
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polyamzeal · 2 months
X-Men '97, Episode 5 - Writing Mature Jealousy
               I want to go over episode 5 of X-Men 97, titled Remember Me, because it has a very good portrayal of how to write jealousy well and in a mature way. Now since this a polyamory blog I know everyone is just going to assume I am going to say, “All their problems would be fixed by polyamory.” As tempting as that is I am not going to do that! Well the X-Men comics have recently touched upon actual polyamory representation I don’t think it works for this incarnation in particular but I do think by looking at it through a polyamorous lens we see some very interesting stuff going on that deeply monogamous folk might miss. So I want to take this opportunity as a lesson we can all learn from about how to write portray jealousy as a more nuaniced and interesting complex emotion rather than a one-note toxic trope we often see it reduced to. Obviously spoilers below the cut.
               So going to assume you have seen episodes 1-4 up until this point so not going to spend long on setups but quick setup. Rouge and Gambit have have had an unofficial relationship that everybody knows about for some time now. But as Rogue’s old flame Magneto enters the scene she has been tempted by him. Meanwhile, Cyclops just found out that the mother of his child is actually a clone of the woman he loved instead of actually her and doesn’t know when the swap happened. Plus the original and clone share memories to make it even more complicated. Now that the clone, Madelyne Pryor, has left, Cyclops is unsure how to feel about the real Jean Grey.
                I thought I would be starting further along in the episode but let’s talk about Gambit’s arrival in Genosha. Right away we get Magneto subtlety exerting superiority over Gambit yet Gambit stays cool and doesn’t show that it bothers him. He makes a comment about two being better than three though to show that he doesn’t like Magneto interfering in his relationship. But the character drama really begins when Nightcrawler talks to Gambit. He urges Gambit to marry Rouge but Gambit replies about how he knows that Rogue wants somebody other than him and he basically says that he doesn’t deserve love. You see, Gambit has done a lot of shady stuff in his past and while he may act cool deep down he feels like Rogue deserves someone better than him. So we have a dichotomy between Gmabit’s brain that approves of Rogue hooking up with another man and his heart who does still want her all to himself as selfish as that is. This internal struggle makes up the entire character arc for Gambit this episode.
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               But let us move on the first of many big shockers of the episode! Jean Grey kissing Wolverine! As Jean is reminiscing about what to do about Cyclops and how they have been distant, Wolverine tries to give her advice as a friend. But he also slips up and lets out some of his own romantic feelings for her. Unexpectedly she returns them with a kiss! I get the vibe that a lot of fans might have cheered in celebration, “Wolverine is going to get the girl like he should unlike that jerk, Cyclops!” But as Wolverine just reminded us, he is far more mature than that. In an act of true selflessness, he instead forgives her for her cheating and tells her to instead go patch things up with Cyclops. He made it clear that he loves her but also he has been down this road before and knows that he isn’t the best man for her and if he really cares about her then she needs to be with the right man for her, Cyclops. This is actually very similar to the dichotomy Gambit suffers but with a 100 more years of experience and maturity, he commits to his brain over his heart and without the same hesitation.
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               We get a quick cut back to Rogue and Magneto who gives this great line, “As with Gambit, loving you makes broken men whole." But let us have them on pause for just a little bit longer.
               Instead let us focus on Cyclops having a touching intimate moment with who we think is Jean but instead it is the clone, Madelyne, having a psychic affair with him from half-way across the world. Not related to the topic of this article but a nice little extra detail is that Emma Frost, another telepath, totally 'saw' everything that Madelyne was doing. But back to the affair, Jean interrupts them and a drama-bomb explodes! Cyclops admits that he loves both Jean Grey and Madelyne Pryor but again I am not resorting to “non-monogamy is the answer here.” Afterall a psychic-powered clone is involved here, more than just a twin, so not exactly normal real life situration. But it does bring up hard questions of how to choose just one. Again Cyclops’s brain is probably telling him the one he loves is Jean Grey, that seems like the right answer. But his heart loves his son and therefor loves the one who he knows is the actual mother, Madelyne. As such we have the 3rd brain-heart romance dichotomy of the episode except this one has the most uncertainty and confusion involved. On the other side with Jean, we get into the philosophical question of having memories of loving someone versus feeling love for someone. It is deep! The Phoenix urging Jean to travel the cosmos might also seem unrelatable to real-life but I think you can equate it to someone that has a job opportunity to travel and make more money but they would need to leave behind their lover, something lots of people do struggle with.
One last thing I want to address is again I am sure some fans are extra mad at Jean in this scene. She just cheated on Cyclops and now she is mad at Cyclops for cheating on her. This level of hypocrisy might rub me people extra rough. But I want to ask this question, would she have been more or less mad at Cyclops’s cheating if she did not just cheat herself first? I think either has its arguments but I honestly think less. She knows she cheated and messed up so now she is putting in effort to mend and fix that. Just to see that Cyclops is also cheating but not repenting like she did. This anger she is taking out on him for cheating is amplified by her own guilt and shame for having just cheated as well. Maybe even more fueled by being rejected by Wolverine as well. It is spicey but also very realistic.
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               Back to Rogue and Gambit. How is Gambit going to find about Rogue’s relationship with Magneto? In what way will he discover them in the act and cause drama? Actually, she comes right out and confesses to him. I love them avoiding that trope and instead giving us a brutally honest heart-wrenching confession scene instead. And again, Gambit does not react like a 13-year child, instead he calmly asks if she is going to accept it. Explains how he has respected her wishes to not be official but this still hurts. Rogue unloads her heart upon him explaining her unmet needs, the physical incompatibility they have together. And we are given the very realistic question of physical needs versus non-physical needs. Are physical needs a deal-breaker in a relationship? The scene concludes with Gambit being as smooth as always by saying he bets Magneto will break her heart but until then he will respect just being friends with her and givers her permission to pursue Magneto. He maturely wants what is best for her even though it hurts him.
               As we transition to the Gala itself we see Rogue living it up in her full splendor! Magneto joins her and they make a big spectacle of the two touching which Gambit sees. This is another scene I have seen some people have very weird takes on Gambit’s emotions here. Many read anger and jealousy as I am sure many in the same shoes would feel. But I see more of the dichotomy at war again. He wants best for her and sees outright that Magneto can give her something he can’t. He even says as much to Madelyn right beforehand. He is happy for her but it still hurts and is just too much hurt for him to handle so he has to step away to protect his own feelings out of respect for Rogue.
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               By the way, the animation on Rogue is beautiful here! There is so much visual storytelling going on with her feelings that shown more than told. We get the sense that she really wants this and indulges in it to the fullest. But there are still doubts in the back of her mind. Is it all for real or just a performance that she has bought into. She enjoys it and had fun but decides that she actually does want Gambit more.
               Rightful so the rest of the episode from this point on does not have much time for romantic drama. What I do really like is we get to see the Gambit-Rogue-Magneto love triangle function under an emergency. A terrorist attack happens and they all put on their work face, because this is the work that they handle. Any romantic squabbles are set aside. Magneto asks Gambit the situation without any of previous boosting over him or even hard feelings that Rogue just admitted to choosing him. And then immediately they form a plan as a team to take care of the threat like they always would. They are professionals. We do get a scene of Rogue trying to save Magneto and Gambit needing to hold her back. Then Magneto protects not just Rogue but both of them as he sacrifices himself. Again understanding that feelings can’t get involved here, they have a duty to protect people.
               Some people find the final scene extra tragic because Gambit died thinking Rogue choose Magneto over him. But I don’t think it matters. He would have sacrificed himself to save her regardless of what she choose.
               To summarize they are some many scenes in this episode where I expected characters to follow troupes and throw jealousy-fueled temper tantrums. Instead it was one of the most refreshingly mature portrayals of adult jealousy I have seen in any show. No, the answer is not “Polyamory would have fixed all of this.” But instead we get, “Toxic monogamy is not the only way to write a story.” It makes the characters so much more relatable and enjoyable to watch just to see them not drown in toxic monogamy and petty jealousy. I hope more stories can learn from these examples.
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mdhwrites · 2 months
What do you think about the four most popular ships in Amphibia (Sashanne, Sasharcy, Marcanne, and Sashannarcy)? Even if shipping and romance aren’t that important and only used to teach a lesson or for a comedy episode, it’s pretty obvious that the relationship between the girls can be seen either as platonic or romantic.
So I'm going to first give my one sentence thoughts on each by concept and then canon before going in deep on this:
Sashanne: A unique dynamic that is actually very context specific so hard to actually recreate and I'd argue most people don't even try or get close in fan works (myself included)/I do like them but I 100% think they needed a couple years to figure out their lives away from each other or else post Amphibia they would have likely become toxic in a new way.
Sasharcy: Classic nerd and popular pairing/FUCKING NONEXISTENT.
Marcanne: A bit more nuanced since it's much more the slacker and the passionate one as far as a dynamic goes but not in the way you expect./Held back by a lot more tell don't show, especially in the first couple episodes that Marcy is introduced but it's cute and you can EASILY see how this whole trip will have made Anne be able to appreciate her oldest friend more.
Sashannarcy: In concept these are actually a GREAT polyamory trio and I love that it has such mainstream appeal with a fandom/I don't think it works from the show's perspective because of how well defined Sasha and Anne's relationship is while Marcy struggles to have a presence.
In case you didn't notice a running theme, these ships have essentially the same problem as my greatest problem with the show: Marcy. Her weaker writing compared to the rest of the cast and the fact that she serves a narrative role more than she acts as her own character makes it hard for me to be compelled by her canon self in ships. It's akin to why Willow and Hunter don't appeal to me from a shipping perspective. I like characters, not plot devices. Yes, Marcy is better than both of those characters as she actually has a firmer character than either but that doesn't fix that her narrative utility comes before who she is most of the time.
The other big element that maybe has always held me back from shipping them in canon once I watched the show is actually the fact that I agree with the show: As teenagers, they were AWFUL for each other. Marcy needs her own, personal strength that she found some of in Amphibia but needs to actually put to use in the real world. Sasha brutally changed so much of herself and was clearly struggling with that, over correcting or still wanting to run even to the end. She asks if it's okay for her to abandon Marcy after all, even after she's gone so far to make up to Anne as to give up ALL power in her life which isn't healthy either. Anne is the closest to being ready for a relationship after Amphibia but Sprig's Birthday/Give a Frog a Cookie showed that her self sacrificing tendency for her friends and her desperation for approval still. She may do it for better people than for Sasha but she is still struggling.
They all just need time to figure themselves out as people because your relationships SHOULD NOT DEFINE YOU. That's kind of part of the point of the ending. Take the good and grow as a person, whether you lose someone by choice or by circumstance. That includes for the trio as friends or romantically.
Okay, but I did mention something potentially quite controversial which is my Sashanne take. See... Their dynamic in most fandom works is the overzealous, brash one versus the patient, more responsible one with Sasha and Anne respectively. That is accurate post Amphibia but it also carries NONE of their baggage and usually leans a lot more on Sasha's tomboy nature instead of the fact that Sasha is a girl who can both kick your ass and then worry about having chipped a nail. The complexities of Sashanne that make it so compelling in the show just don't show up as much except as an obstacle to get over to get together. That works for shipping but it's not why their friendship is as complicated and interesting as it is in the show. It doesn't have the punch it should and it's damn near impossible to replicate because that level of history is hard to depict. It only functions in the show as being well depicted because of how much time is spent essentially breaking Anne out of Sasha's control, which is part of it. Anne is someone who pretty much left a cult and Sashanne is her having to decide to now be with her cult leader but not slip back into the mentality the cult taught her. That's... not easy to put it mildly.
But then again, a lot of people just take Sasha and Anne working together for a greater cause to mean they have literally no issues anymore despite Sasha's Angels existing. I guess that happens when somehow the entire fandom doesn't give a fuck about Amphibia but only the trio. sigh
Let's end this on a positive note though which is that if I am so rough on essentially all the Sasha relationships for needing time for Sasha to genuinely internalize her lessons, Marcy is the opposite. While I complained about her above, the strength to the fact that she's a pretty well defined, nice character who can be used mostly to support others arcs is that she more neatly fits into a position for shipping. Her awkwardness and nerdiness is PRIME romance fodder (there's a reason a shocking amount of romantic protagonists are clumsy but that's for a different blog) and her passion makes it easy to understand why someone would want to be with her.
And I do want to say some thoughts on Marcanne. Even if they start on a rough place with more tell instead of show, it actually does kind of work in this context. A complaint I've had about other relationships is not actually knowing what the other is interested in their partner for besides "That's the hot one." There is ZERO ambiguity here. Marcy likes Anne because of her compassion, something she probably has worried about wearing out herself. Anne has always appreciated Marcy's intelligence but Amphibia has made her understand Marcy's passion far better than she did before and Anne clearly actually is into that now that she better cares about others properly. This also clearly shows their chemistry as we know the strengths and weaknesses each of them cover for the other, though not perfectly as they're both still human and the same things they admire in the other can cause anxiety and worry in themselves from comparing themselves to their partner. Marcy in Wartwood and Scavenger Hunt are all it takes for all of this to come out and it leads to more romantic chemistry, and a genuinely dynamic look at what they could be, than a lot of romance movies manage in their entire runtime.
In conclusion, I like all of them in general. In practice, I find most of them deeply compelling within the show. It's just... It doesn't drive me to want to write them during the show romantically because I agree with the show. They're complicated, both as a trio and as themselves, and they probably could use a more solid ground for themselves before they really start working on each other.
And that is honestly even better to me because it just makes them all the more interesting.
For anyone curious why I didn't talk about Sashannarcy at all despite literally being a polyamory writer, it's because I kind of wanted to keep it to the ships that I think are properly represented in the show and Marcy and Sasha get essentially zero time together to try and form a relationship beyond "Marcy thinks Sasha is really fucking cool while Sasha barely gives Marcy the time of day if she's not also giving attention to Anne." The theoretical would be fun to talk about but it's pretty much only the theoretical and I decided to keep the blog more focused on the practical.
Also had a moment after this of going "Huh. I wonder how much of me being demiromantic is playing a part in how I see these.?
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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beskarandblasters · 9 months
We Can Fix That
Cassian Andor x Jyn Erso x Virgin/F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Cassian Andor Masterlist
Author’s note: Picture the title being said like that one dude from the movie Holes lmao
Summary: Cassian, Jyn and the others decide to go Scarif to steal the Death Star plans. You know it’s the right thing to do but you’re nervous about dying… a virgin. You confess your fears to Cassian and Jyn who decide they can help you out.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, canon divergent, Cassian and Jyn are already an established relationship sort of, reader is a virgin, reader is shy and nervous, use of pet names (sweetheart), polyamory, MFF threesome, oral sex (F receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, face sitting (Jyn on Cassian) masturbation (Jyn), no use of y/n, no aftercare because you have a mission to complete ok!!
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The impending doom sinks in your stomach. You watch from the sidelines as Captain Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso and the others decide to go against the plan set by the council and go to Scarif. You know that what they’re deciding is the right choice but there’s still a chance you and everyone else could die. 
You must be wearing your distress on your face because after Jyn and Cassian are done talking Jyn comes up to you and asks, “What’s wrong?” snapping you from your thoughts.
Yes, you’re nervous about the dangerous mission but you’re also… a virgin. And you’re scared you’ll die a virgin. But Jyn doesn’t need to know that. 
“Just nervous, that’s all,” you respond shakily. 
She raises an eyebrow, like she can see right through your lame excuse. 
“You knew it would be dangerous when you joined the rebellion, no?”
Ah shit, she’s got you there. Maybe you can tell Jyn your little issue in private. 
“Okay, fine. I have something to tell you but… can I tell you alone?”
“Sure,” she nods, leading you behind the ship away from the others. You look over your shoulder to see if anyone notices you two walking away. And to your surprise no one does, except for Cassian. He raises an eyebrow at you when you make eye contact. You turn your head away quickly and follow Jyn. Better make this fast. 
“So what’s wrong?” she asks once you’re alone, folding her arms. 
“I just have a… small problem. Yes, I knew that joining the rebellion would be dangerous and I’m fully on board with this mission but I’m worried about dying… a virgin,” you say, avoiding eye contact with her. 
“Oh,” she says, dropping her arms to her sides. 
“It’s really embarrassing…” you trail off, keeping your gaze locked on the ground. 
“No, it’s not. And I’m glad you feel comfortable to share that with me,” she says, to your shock. 
Your eyes meet hers and you can tell she’s being sincere. But before you can say anything further, Cassian comes up behind her, startling you.
“What’s going on?” he asks, sort of with an accusatory tone. 
“Do you want me to tell him?” she asks, glancing at you. 
You were actually starting to feel somewhat better about the situation after telling her. Until Cassian interrupted, that is. You don’t know him knowing he’s a virgin because you have a small crush on him. Though you’re pretty sure he has a thing with Jyn. But if there’s a possibility you’re going to die… who really cares?
“Tell me what?” 
“You can tell him,” you say, hiding your face with your hands. 
“She’s nervous about the mission; about it not going well because she’s a virgin.”
“Oh,” Cassian says, having the exact same reaction as Jyn. 
“Well we can fix that for her, can’t we, sweetheart?”
You remove your hands from your face and stare at them, your mouthing hanging open in disbelief. 
“What do you mean by we?”
“He means we both take your virginity.”
“You guys would do that?”
“Of course,” Cassian says, putting his arm around Jyn’s shoulders. 
“Okay,” you say with a deep breath. 
“Come on, I’ll take you to Cassian’s quarters,” Jyn says, grabbing your hand. 
“I’ll go give the others something to do while we’re busy and I’ll meet you there,” Cassian says, pressing a kiss to Jyn’s temple. 
She nods and leads you through the base to Cassian’s quarters. The whole walk there you feel like your knees are going to give out with how nervous you are. How exactly does one go from being a virgin to having two beautiful people fuck you at the same time?
She opens the door to Cassian’s room and leads you to his bed. The door closes behind you as you step inside. She lets go of your hand and sits on the bed. You sit beside her gingerly and try to get yourself to calm down and enjoy the moment. 
“Th-thanks for doing this for me,” you say, hoping it doesn’t come out shaky as fuck but it does. 
“Thank you for letting us be your first,” she says, leaning on the bed with her hand, tilting her head at you. 
Cassian enters through the door soon after. He meets you both by the bed, standing with his hands on his hips. 
“How are we doing this?” he asks. 
“Let’s ask her. Have you ever been eaten out?” she says, a suggestive smirk taking over her face. 
“N-no, I haven’t done anything at all.”
“Okay, we can take it slow. Let us know if you need us to stop,” she says gently. 
You nod and start to undress, pulling your shirt over your head and sliding off your pants. Cassian and Jyn follow suit, tossing their clothes into a pile on the floor. You lay down on the bed, your feet resting on the floor. 
“Who do you want first?” Jyn asks, sitting next to you. 
“Doesn’t matter to me,” you breathe out. Your nipples perk up in contact with the cool air. Goosebumps prickle your skin, but also because you’re nervous. You close your eyes and feel your cheeks and chest heat up in anticipation of someone’s touch. You feel someone’s hands spread your legs apart and a warm tongue on your core, licking at the sensitive skin. You shudder when you feel their tongue lick a slow, long stripe up your entrance. You feel someone’s hands take your nipples in theirs, rubbing them between their fingertips. It’s almost overwhelming; having someone lick your cunt and also play with your nipples. The feeling is something you’ve never felt before. It’s almost indescribable. 
“Open your eyes, sweetheart,” you hear Cassian say by your ear. You open your eyes to see him staring down at you, his pupils blown out so wide that there’s only a small ring of brown showing. You look down and see Jyn in between your legs, lapping at your cunt.  
“How do you feel?” he asks softly. 
“Good,” you whisper back. 
“Just good?” he says, pinching your nipples with his fingers. 
“Amazing,” you sigh, just as Jyn starts sucking on your clit. 
“That’s more like it,” he says, pressing kisses along your collarbone. He trails up to your neck and along your jawline before reaching your lips, kissing you and brushing his tongue against your mouth. You part your lips and let him explore your mouth, moaning into him as Jyn suck’s your clit harder. You already feel yourself arrive at what you think is an orgasm. She pulls away for a second however to moisten her fingers before pushing one inside you slowly. Your arch hips higher and moan into Cassian as your pleasure mounds. He breaks the kiss and pulls back and that’s when you say, “I think… I think I’m already gonna cum?”
“That’s okay, sweetheart. You’ll be coming a lot tonight,” he says. You look into his eyes and nod just as your orgasm overtakes you. You writhe against Jyn’s mouth, arching your back in pleasure. Cassian steadies your hips in order to keep Jyn’s mouth flush against your cunt. You ride out your first orgasm with Cassian taking one of your nipples in his mouth, bringing it to a stiff peak with his tongue and releasing it with a pop. He does the same with the other and when he releases it your orgasm is finished. Your core is sore already and your whole body feels tingly but the night is far from over. Jyn pulls her mouth away and sits beside you on the bed. 
“Ready for more?” she asks. 
“Mhm. What now?” you say shakily, chest still heaving from your high. 
“You want my cock, sweetheart?” Cassian asks. 
You look from him to Jyn, almost as if you’re asking for approval. Strange, you didn’t feel like you needed approval from him when Jyn ate you out. She nods and you inch up a little higher on the bed. Cassian, who’s already hard, situates himself between your legs. He gathers your orgasm on his hand and spreads it on his cock. 
“I’ll go slow, okay?” 
“Okay,” you breathe out, just as he begins to enter you slowly. 
It’s nothing like you expected. It’s a little painful, yes but it also feels euphoric. He buries his length into you down to the hilt, making sure you have time to adjust to his size. You look over at Jyn who’s touching herself at the sight of Cassian fucking you. He grabs your hips and begins thrusting in and out of you, still taking it slow. 
“You doing, okay?” he asks.
“Mhm,” you moan, your voice rising a few octaves as he pushes his cock back into you. 
“You’re doing so well,” Jyn praises beside you.
You really can’t believe it but you already feel yourself arriving at the edge of another orgasm, this one feeling different than the first. Cassian feels your walls tense up around him and starts fucking you faster. The head of his cock brushes your cervix with each thrust. He brings his thumb to your already sensitive clit and rubs circles around it, making the impending orgasm arrive faster and harder. You close your eyes and let it overtake you, crying out in pleasure with this one. He keeps his motions around your clit steady as he fucks you through your release. Your walls contract and release around him erratically, the pleasure originating at your core and spreading outwards. He pulls out once you’re done and to your surprise, he hasn’t cum yet and he’s still hard. 
“But what about you?” you ask.
“Don’t worry, we’re not quite done just yet. You’re gonna sit on it.”
You nod and move over on the bed so he can lay down. You straddle him with shaky legs and sink down onto his cock, feeling him in your guts at this angle. Jyn moves to straddle him, too but she places herself on his face, facing towards you. She leans forward almost as if she wants you to kiss her as she fucks herself on Cassian’s face. You oblige and lean forward, too, pressing your lips against hers. You rock your hips back and forth on Cassian’s cock as she does the same on his face. She brings her hands to your breasts, pinching your nipples as both of you get pleasured. Between her fingers pinching your nipples and Cassian’s cock deep inside you, you know you’re not going to last long. You haven’t been lasting long the whole night and this is the most intense stimulation you’ve had. With one final rock of your hips your final orgasm washes over you. Your mouth falls open and you moan into Jyn’s lips, letting your orgasm overtake you. Everything from your toes to the tips of your ears feels tingly and white-hot with pleasure. Jyn cums, too, moaning against you. And between both of you coming, Cassian cums, too. You hear him groan underneath you and you feel his warm load erupt inside you. At least the implant you have is finally good for something. The movement of your hips slows and eventually stops as your orgasm concludes. You pulls yourself off of him and collapse onto the bed, feeling truly spent and wondering how the fuck you’re gonna complete a mission after this. Jyn lays on the opposite side of Cassian and the three of you catch your breath. You suddenly feel a little awkward, still in disbelief and rise to get dressed. 
Cassian follows you and says, “Good idea. We have a mission to complete.”
“Well, thank you both,” you say awkwardly, putting your clothes back on, “I’m just gonna, um, go get something from my room really quick. I’ll meet you at the docking yard,” you finish quickly, putting on your shoes and hightailing it out of there. 
You power walk back to your room with shaky legs in order to hurry to the others already. If you’re going to die today, at least you lost your virginity in a truly unforgettable way. 
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End note: Omg this was so different for me to write but I hope y’all like it
Follow @beskarandblastersfics and turn on post notifications to be notified when I post a new fic!
So I’m gonna tag people who are on my Cassian tag list even tho I know this is like… something different. Hope that’s ok!!
@wannab-urs @readingfan @gingaaaaa @septimaseverina @hellomoonlightluna @twirl731 @dinsdjrn @pedritosdarling @vibrantbirdy @simpforbritgents @radcollectivesoul @forlornghosts @thesoftdumbass
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scifimagpie · 10 months
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Last Updated: Mar 2024 So, I realised I hadn't actually written one of these, and I had to fix it!
Name: Magpie, or Shelle, or Michelle.
Pronouns: she/her or xe/xer/xis.
Who: both a writer and an editor!
The Writing: I’ve been publishing since 2011, and I have a bunch of free and paid anthologies I’ve organized, but these are my most important/favourite works.
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Except for The Meaning Wars series, all of my books are set in Canada!  
The Meaning Wars (complete; And The Stars Will Sing, The Stolen: Two Short Stories, The Meaning Wars, Poe’s Outlaws, A Jade’s Trick, The Meaning Wars Complete Omnibus)
Similar to: Becky Chambers’ A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet and Ruthanna Emrys’ A Half-Built Garden
Vibes: Space opera! Found family! Mature (30s) protagonists! Best friends! Sapphic and queer m/f romance elements! Friendly space raptors! Space pirates! A beach episode! Antifascism! Colonization (and inequality issues)! Fighting stuff with democracy and direct action!  
The Underlighters (Book 1 of The Nightmare Cycle; Book 2, Monsters and Fools, is complete and in edits. Book 3, The Foundling City, is a current WIP!)
Similar to: Jean DuPrau’s The City of Ember, Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere, the Fallout series
Vibes: Coming of age/new adult themes. Spooky monsters. Post-apocalyptic. The importance and warmth of community. Friendship. Struggling with teen problems. Polyamory. Nightmares. Mental health issues. Trauma. Hope. Recycling.
After The Garden (Book 1 of the Memory Bearers Saga; Book 2, Within the Tempest, is also one of my WIPs)
Similar to: Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, The Wachowski sisters’ Sense-8, the Fallout series
Vibes: Found family. Gentle romance. Polyamory (m/f/m). Superpowers without superheroes. Sinister cults and religious extremism. Reincarnation. An alternate future. Adorable giant spiders. Silk-weaving and fiber arts. Post-collapse societal reorganization and politics.
The Loved, The Lost, The Dreaming: A Horror Anthology includes an alternate-ending version of The Underlighters, the novella A Shot of Vodka, and a dozen or so genre-crossing short stories. All of them have spooky elements.
Similar to: Neil Gaiman’s Smoke and Mirrors, Roald Dahl’s Skin and Other Stories (this is not an endorsement of antisemite Roald Dahl; I am antifascist)
Vibes: Underground living. Spooky dolls. Abandoned houses. Queerness. Sinister fey. Nightmares. Lovecraftian eeriness. Here be monsters.
Bad Things That Happen To Girls (Book 1 of the Memory Bearers Saga; Book 2, Within the Tempest, is also one of my WIPs) Possibly my most underrated work, this New Adultish story is a standalone novella about trauma and what happens when life breaks down.
Similar to: Emily Danforth’sThe Miseducation of Cameron Post and Miriam Toews’ A Complicated Kindness
Vibes: Broken family. Abusive mother. Being queer in a small city. Religious trauma. Forbidden cross-cultural love. Teen heartbreak. Coming-of-age. Sisters.
The Hell series (Unpublished WIPs; Dark as Hell, Uncharted Hell, Hope in Hell)
Similar to: Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, Andrej Sapkowski’s The Witcher series
Vibes: Grumpy/sunshine romance! Mature protagonists! Queer f/m romance! Thriller elements! Immortal pirate! Marxist/anti-billionaire politics—with a billionaire protag! Lovecraftian ocean horror! Historical fantasy elements! Lots and lots of boat stuff!
Prairie Weather Trilogy (Unpublished but complete, in submission; Chinook Phase, Tornado Warning, Brushfire)
Similar to: Douglas Couplands’ Jpod,Nick Sagan’s Idlewild trilogy (without the sci fi stuff), Love Actually, Heartstoppers
Vibes: Aggressively Canadian! Found family! Cozy academia! University! Set in the early 2010s! Queer romance! Ensemble cast! Aggressively queer, diverse, and inclusive! Coming-of-Age/New Adult issues! Friendship! Drama! Sex work-positivity!             
The Editing: I've been a professional freelance editor since 2013, with Top-Rated status on Upwork (a freelancing website) and several hundred books under my belt. (I don't know how many things I've worked on at this point. I've lost count!) Primarily into sci fi, fantasy, horror, and literature (and associated subgenres); enthusiastic about #ownvoices and all kinds of diversity/marginalised representation in fiction.
You don’t have to go through Upwork unless you want to; DM me if you’re looking for an editor who’s knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and gentle. I’m also budget-friendly!
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Age: in my 30s.
Queer?: yes. Also poly! Happily married to two people; also have a girlfriend. Not looking for more partners.
Disabled?: yes.
Languages: English mostly, but some conversational Spanish (rusty), scraps of French, tiny bits of German and Irish. All my writing is in English, though.
Location: Southern Alberta, Canada. (Texas + Kansas + Colorado = Alberta, more or less.)
Other hobbies: Knitting, making jewelry, playing Dungeons and Dragons (and other tabletop games), singing, reading (obviously), learning stuff; playing cello, clarinet, and violin
Interests: Jewelry, gems, metalworking, fiber arts, queer issues and social justice, environmentalism, drinking quite a lot of tea (usually black; I like an assam, Ceylon, or breakfast blends, though Golden Snail absolutely slaps when I’m in the mood for it, and I love Earl Grey Cream as well)
Other internet profiles: *Website * Mailing list * Magpie Editing * Amazon * Tumblr * Mastodon *Facebook * Medium * Twitter  * OG Blog* Instagram * Paypal.me * Ko-fi
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shakespearerants · 17 days
Started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, currently somewhere in the middle of season 3. Here's my comprehensive list of things I think would fix the gang:
- Charlie: Going to live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere as a ranch hand/cowboy -> He loves horses and he needs an environment where Charlie Work™ is actually valued. Also I'm choosing to headcanon his substance abuse problem as self medication to cope with sensory issues thus the middle of nowhere. Also tell me that boy wouldn't be the pride and joy of every ranch owner. Does every gross shit without complaint, is able to immediately grasp what needs doing and does it independently, will work all hours of the week, and has a knack for animals, handy with machines. He even likes country music. They would never let him go.
- Mac: Toxic gay friend circle. Also going to church more often -> he needs people who accept him for the bitchy queen he is (toxic gay friends) but also I think he needs to fix his daddy issues and projecting on God/an older priest who will actually tell him good job for once is the way to go. Also being accepted into a group of bitchy judgemental Church Elders™ would fix him. Tell me that wouldn't be that boys natural environment I dare you.
- Frank: Become the director/producer of a failing amateur theatre company -> he has the money to keep them going and actors would actually voluntarily participate in his convoluted shenanigans. Also I just KNOW he would put on absolutely bat shit out there productions. I'm talking Much Ado About Nothing fully naked in a junkyard and everyone dies at the end. I want to see that.
- Dennis: Therapy - Ayahuasca retreat - become a minor celebrity/cult leader in that order -> He is deeply fucked up and needs validation (therapy) but I don't think it would actually sink in without some kind of Experience™ (thus the Ayahuasca, though I think shrooms would work too). But I don't think his need to be The Best And Prettiest Boy In The World is something that can be therapized away, thus he needs to become some kind beloved public figure. Hopefully with the therapy and shit he won't let it go to his head so much he ruins it again. Also that boy needs a pair of absurdly expensive Persian cats.
- Dee: Join a weird women only cult then leave said cult with a group of like five other women and form a lifelong friend group bordering on qpr/polyamory. Also never ever ever contact the rest of the gang ever ever again -> this woman NEEDS close female friends she NEEDS them. Also she needs to speed run emotional intimacy. And cut off the rest of the gang. Thus the cult. And then she needs to leave the cult but keep her support system. And that support system needs to tell her she's the best and prettiest and goodest girl ever every evening while tucking her into bed.
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Heyhey, do you do polyamorous relationships? If you do could you do hcs/scenarios with 2D x male reader x Murdoc? If not then maybe both of them separate w male reader. Please and thank you🤓
2D x Male S/O x Murdoc and 2D x Male S/O, Murdoc x Male S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Heyhey 🍜Anon hope your having a good day, I'm not the most knowledgeable on polyamory but I will try my best, so to make up for it I also addes a few separate hc as well. Also I'm not good a gender specific hc, but again I did my best
Also disclaimer this is mot a 2doc ship, I do not ship them whatsoever, and they should not be shiped- its too toxic, these hc's are more like Mudz and 2D both have the hots for the reader, sorry if this is not what you wanted
Edited: uh... no
All art in this post is mine, including the GIF
TW: Curssing, internalized homophobia, homophobia, Murdoc's dad, paula cracker, uhhhh idk if thats it but if not tell me plz
(Update: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, its's abuse, I am nto tryingto indorse it!)
2D x Male S/O x Murdoc
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Ok first of all this relationship should be only pursued in later phases like phase 6 or later because Murdoc and 2D became on some what of better term after Murdoc got out of jail even if 2D was kinda salty because if it was before that it would be purely toxic because Murdoc treats 2D like shit in earlier phases and we all know it
It probably started out with 2D getting a boyfriend during phase 5 and getting really close with his S/O
Fun little headcanon Ace introduced 2D and 2D new S/O to each other
When murdoc got released, 2D would be a bit iffy about letting Murdoc be around his boyfriend but he thought Murdoc wouldn't make a move on his boyfriend, he trusted Murdoc not to have have another Paula Cracker bitch of the year incident
Low and behold Murdoc flirted with 2D's S/O, but in his 'defense' 2D only brought up that he had a significant other once and thats it he never brought it up agian
But to Murdoc's surprise he gets a a firm rejection
But due to him being hard headed, he keeps flirting with S/O and ends up actually spending time with S/O because S/O often had sleep overs with 2D 2D loves sleep overs
And well- Murdoc actually develops actual romantic feelings for 2D BOYFRIEND, shit was about to go down
So Murdoc became extra competitive for S/O's who is 2D'S FUCKING BOYFRIEND may I remind you attention
How were they gonna fix this problem?
Oh wait S/O also developed feelings for Murdoc- but also still has feeling for 2D and doesn't want to break up with him
And one day the three of them sit down and try and work this out. An hour passes and they have figured jack shit out yet- till Noodle pops in and suggests a polyamorous relationship between the three of you
And at first the two of them aren't exactly thrilled with the idea, 2D doesn't like the idea of sharing with Murdoc- while Murdoc doesn't want to share in general
Though the three of you do start a poly relationship despite previous qualms with the idea, but in the end it works out pretty well
You guys are 100% gonna be asked about your relationship, and depending on the questions asked- 2D can either be bashful or frustrated and Murdoc can be either cocky or pissy/obnoxious
S/O usually has to pick the date, because these two can hardly ever agree on a date idea
Due to the fact S/O os also a man, makes relating to each other much easier
2D tends to barrow steel clothes- I mean your clothes could looks like a damn crop top or a dress(it depends on hight and size) and he will still wear it
Murdoc got pretty upset at first when 2D started steeling clothes including his, but when Murdoc see's his S/O in his clothes he suddenly more ok with the idea of sharing his clothes, as long as they are washed when returned if not...
Frankly it is not very often that you three share a bed- as i talked anout in my nap/sleep hc, 2D can and will move in his sleep- which irritates the FUCK outa Murdoc and he will push 2D outa bed- leading to some problems as it wakes up S/O(but not 2D despite him being the one being pushed off the bed) and S/O sees that Murdoc pushed 2D off the bed- leading to a slite fight
And now S/o take turns sleeping in the beds of Mrudoc and 2D
Also Murdoc has a thing with you liking he better- like he asks S/O every other day
"Ya know, dis wasn't half bad of'a idea"
"Hey luv... you like me better right?"
2D x Male S/O
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2D's parents knew he was fruity before 2D knew himself
When he was in middle school he talked about a guy in his class like he had attraction to the guy- but if you asked him if he liked men he would be 'no I don't like men, I just think their hot just like girls are hot'
So he's an absolute dumb ass when it come the fact he likes men
I see him being a bit more bashful or shy when it comes to dating guys as he has less experience in that area it's adorable plz give this boi hugs
Did I mention he'll steal all your clothes
At first in the relationship he called you bro because he didn't wanna look weak, but once he realized his S/O isn't gonna think he's weak, he uses all the pet names- like if it weren't for the fact you two are dating people would think he didn't remember your name with the amount of pet names he uses
He does not stand homophobia, if someone says some homophobic shit he will stare at them like they're the most crazy person in the world, like they just admitted they like to eat cat shit
I mean its amazing how much judgment he can have in his eyes- when he doesn't have eyes
Then he striaght up calls the person stupid... like "why ain't you a stupid sod, com'on babe we have tea to get"
"I'm not' to sure that I'm that gay?"
Murdoc x Male S/O
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Murdoc didn't realize he was bi till he was an adult/teen cuz I totally see his dad being a homophobic prick
So he's a bit flustered awkward at first as this man is trying to fight his internalized homophobia- turns out talking about yanking it with a dude or just yanking with a dude in general is harder then dating one- because FEELINGS LOVE??!?!? GASP! this applies to almost all serious relationships because he ain't good with his feelings
Side rant over sorry
My god satan sorry, I feel bad for the poor person who decides to make a homophobic remark cuz he will light the up like he did Kong Studios-
Like he says some reaaaall shit to that person, many many threats are said and most of them Murdoc would not be able to keep but thats not what he's thinking of- he's thinking of what this shit head just said
Guys are able to fluster him way easier then girls- this only applies if he is some what sober
Let him pick the date location it makes him feel better about himself
He likes being little spoon but you didn't hear that from me someone just hold this poor sad man
"Hey babe... can we.. cuddle?"
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tabbycatplushy · 8 months
Big Questions: Prologue
Featuring: Joule, Mocha, Paprika, Natalia, Lizzie
2.9k words. Full story: 18k words
Joule has just moved to the city, and now she finds herself living with two friendly, pretty, gay, attractive... roommates. When she suddenly shrinks down to five inches tall, will she be able to deal with the consequences while navigating her budding poly relationship?
This prologue chapter is mostly a rewrite of my old story, First Meeting, with some extras leading up to this larger story. The actual shrinking doesn't happen until chapter one, sorry!
[disability, shrinking, lesbian romance, anxiety, polyamory, furries]
Joule twisted the four screws that secured the side panel and lifted the dark glass pane, revealing the mismanaged guts of the customer’s computer.
“You said it just won’t turn on?”
“Yeah,” said the customer, a bearded human. “So what’s wrong with it?”
“Let’s find out.”
With deft paws she began excavating the actual components from the tangled mess of unused wires and connectors inside. She started pulling out these pieces, laying the useless things off to the side. As Joule worked she tried hard not to focus on her boss, who was observing the interaction from the sidelines.
Don’t fuck this up, please don’t fuck this up…
She tried to distract herself with small talk. “So… you built this yourself, huh?”
“Yep. Watched a few YouCube videos and followed those. I did everything right, so I think one of the components is busted.”
She finished digging out the last of the superfluous stuff. “Well the first thing I’m seeing is… all this. Do you know what it is?”
“Those are just the extras, they don’t matter.”
He made an exaggerated nodding motion. “The extra wires and stuff that came with everything else.”
“So… why are they in here?”
“Because I didn’t want to lose them?”
“Ah, of course.” Joule took a deep breath to regather her patience. Her tail snapped angrily behind her. “Well, now that I’ve cleaned it out a bit, let’s see what we can see.”
She began to pick through the wires and boards, feeling each with the tip of her claw before moving on to the next. She felt electricity thrumming within each one. And then…
“Here we go.”
She plucked up a group of small cables and moved them to another port on the motherboard. “The case’s power button wasn’t connected right. Should work now.”
“Really? I could’ve done that.”
“Well, you didn’t. Thank you for choosing TekRite. By the way,” she handed him the bundle of extra junk. “Keeping this stuff inside the case will cause problems over time.”
“Yeah, whatever. So like, how much are you going to charge me?”
“We don’t charge for quick fixes like this. Just remember us when it actually breaks.”
“Oh, nice.”
The bearded human collected his things and left without another word. Joule sighed as she pulled off the grounding wire attached to her arm, and turned to her boss. “How’d I do?”
Kurt, a balding human in his fifties, was the owner of TekRite: a local computer store tucked in the corner of a strip mall, and the place where Joule had worked for the past week.
“You were a bit snappy with him. But your advice was sound, and you diagnosed the problem quickly. That power of yours is real’ nifty.”
Kurt had already put her through several tests to make sure she could actually detect electrical current as she claimed. Then, for the past week, she had been shadowing him as he showed her the ropes of working at TekRite. This customer was the first real test of what she had learned.
“Sorry sir, I’ll try to be more patient with the customers.”
“See that you do. You’re doing great so far, though. Customer service is the one area you could stand to improve in.”
The rest of the shift was a mix of training and hands-on work with some other broken PCs. She spent most of it hunched over the counters, working on this or that. By the end, her feet and back ached from all the standing. She was glad to finally clock out at the end of her four hours. She enjoyed her job; if only she wasn't so tired at the end of it.
When she had landed this job, Joule had thought for a moment that things were finally going to get easier, at least for a little while. But while she had now secured a job, she hadn’t exactly figured out her housing situation yet.
For the last three weeks since she moved to San Orchidia, she had been sleeping on her cousin Alex’s couch. And while Alex kept saying she could stay as long as she needed, Joule could tell it was wearing on them more and more every day.
Despite all of that, Joule let herself relax just a bit; the next part of her day was bound to me far more pleasant. She checked her watch; eleven o’clock. Plenty of time to walk to the coffee shop.
Several months ago, Joule met Mocha and Paprika in an online gaming community. The three of them had hit it off instantly, and started messaging daily soon after. They had made plans to meet up in person as soon as Joule got into town; plans which had been continuously pushed back as Joule struggled to get her life started in the city.
Now they were finally, finally going to meet.
Joule’s tail flicked back and forth in anticipation; even the pain in her feet wasn’t enough to dampen her spirits. She crossed her fingers, hoping at least this one thing could go well. If it did, she would have at least two friends in the city. She didn’t want to think about the alternative.
Joule followed the directions on her phone as it led her further into downtown, skyscrapers rising higher and higher around her. She spotted the sign for the coffee shop they were to meet at. As she got closer, she checked her messages.
mocha: we are in a booth near the window. im wearing pink, and paprika has red hair <3
With that description in mind, Joule instantly spotted them through the glass, her eyes drawn by a flash of pink and orange: the brunette cowgirl with cream-colored fur was definitely Mocha, wearing a pink cropped blazer and a blouse which had clearly been modified to show a tasteful amount of cleavage. Leaning affectionately against her in the booth was a much shorter orange tabby catgirl who must have been Paprika, wearing a loose white tank emblazoned with the phrase 'THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS.' Her tied-back hair was fiery, long and red and fading to blonde at the tips.
Mocha immediately spotted Joule as she entered through the double doors, and raised her hand in a friendly wave accompanied by a warm greeting smile.
Wow, she’s gorgeous, was Joule’s first thought. She waved back and pointed to the front counter, indicating she was getting a drink before she sat down.
“Pap, she’s here,” said Mocha, nudging her girlfriend out of the purring reverie she had sunk into. She gestured with her snout towards the catgirl that had just walked inside, and was now ordering a drink at the counter. Mocha watched her as Paprika stirred awake. As usual, the fashion side of her brain took over as she began critiquing Joule’s appearance.
She’s lanky, the cowgirl thought. That uniform isn’t doing her any favors. And her hair could use some work. Still, I suppose she’s cute in an awkward sort of way…
“Oh fuck, she is hot!” Paprika whispered through her teeth as she smiled. Joule was now approaching, steaming drink in hand. “I told you she would be! Look at that coat!”
Mocha had to agree; if the girl had a defining characteristic, it was her lustrous coat. Light gray, with darker stripes running down the back and patterning the face, and a near-white front-coat. Between the stripes, an undercoat of dark orange shone through in places, most prominently on her pink nose and the tips of her dark, wavy hair.
Mocha began to think her initial assessment of the girl had been a tad unfair. Pap’s right, with a little work she could actually be quite—
Mocha’s train of thought was cut short when the cat stubbed her foot on the wet floor sign and, as she was righting herself, slipped with her other foot in a puddle of coffee. Her feet flew upwards, and her head took their place on the floor.
Half a dozen people rushed towards Joule as she fell. It was all she could do to yell “Don’t touch me!”
It came out far more harshly than she had intended, but it worked. Her friends, as well as the barista and several other patrons, stopped in their tracks. Paprika knelt down a few feet away, giving her plenty of space. Joule’s hackles were already standing up from the stress, and her short hair was beginning to tingle and stand straight out.
Okay, now just calm down. You can do that. No need to zap anyone. Joule closed her eyes and began the breathing exercises to ground herself, but it was a paltry effort. Oh god, they think I’m stupid. And an asshole. That’s their first image of me in real life, shouting at everyone when they’re just trying to help me… fuck. She could feel the static buzzing around her now, building in a bubble that would shock anyone who entered.
She heard a voice, saying, “Hey, Joule, are you okay? Can we help at all?”
She opened her eyes. It was Paprika who was speaking. “No!” she replied. “I mean, thank you… I just need to calm down. Then it’ll go away.”
“Alright. I’m Paprika, by the way. It’s so cool to finally meet you!” The tabby gestured upward towards the cow, who was now standing at full height nearby. And—the poor, gay little catgirl couldn’t help but notice—her height was full indeed. She must be over six feet tall, and it’s curves all the way down!
“Anyway,” Paprika continued, “we just wanted to mention that we think your coat is gorgeous! Do you groom it yourself?”
In between her rhythmic in- and exhalations, Joule answered, “Ahh… yeah, I guess. I just… do whatever…” She wasn’t sure how to answer that, even if she wasn’t in the midst of a panic attack—it was taboo to ask a cat how she groomed, even from another cat.
“Interesting,” Paprika said, as if Joule had given an actual answer. “I mostly self-groom, but every once in a while Mocha and I like to go to this salon down the street. They specialize in felines, so they really know how to treat a girl. Which reminds me, today’s feeling like a she/her-kind-of-day for me. Remind me what your pronouns are again?”
“Uhm… yeah, thanks for telling me. She/her.”
“Right, I thought so. Hey, you just got off work, right? Is that your uniform?” The tabby gestured at the unflattering gray shirt and slacks.
“Mm hmm. I wouldn’t be wearing this by choice.”
“Ugh, tell me about it. I used to work at that burger chain, Meat Monarch? Their uniforms were the worst against my fur, so uncomfortable. And the colors did not match at all. Know what I’m talking about?”
“Yeah, for sure… I think your coat is very pretty too, by the way.”
“Aww, thanks! I try.”
Mocha brought down one elegant hand to touch Paprika’s shoulder. “Crisis averted, love. Joule, would you like to join us at the booth?”
Joule opened her mouth to say no, I can’t, I might hurt someone, but she stopped. The bubble of static around her, she felt, was dissipating into harmless background noise. She steadied her breathing and began to stand up once more. Paprika offered a paw, which Joule gladly took, and yanked her up into a tight hug.
“It’s so good to see you, friend!” she said. “Welcome to San Orchidia!”
Joule, confused and then relieved, hugged her back. When Paprika finally let her go, Mocha immediately pulled her into another, somehow even tighter, hug. The cow was every bit as strong as she looked, and even lifted Joule off the ground for a moment.
Joule couldn’t keep a smile from her face. My friends! I’ve finally met my friends!
Leaning over, she examined the dark coffee stain on her work pants with a sigh.
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” said Mocha. “Coffee stains usually aren’t permanent. If you want, I could send you some tips on how to clean it.”
“Would you? I think I’m going to need it.”
“Sure thing. But first, take a seat.” She turned to the barista. “Can you please make her another drink? Of course, just add it to my tab.”
Soon after, they were all seated in the booth.
“Sorry about… all that,” Joule said. She tentatively sipped her new coffee, then grimaced at the heat.
Paprika clearly had no such problems; her own drink was steaming hot as she downed a swig like one might a stein of beer. “It’s all good. There isn’t a single demihuman out there who hasn’t let their aura get out of hand before.”
“I know… doesn’t make it any less embarrassing, especially in a room full of humans.”
Both Mocha and Paprika nodded their understanding to that.
“So your aura is electric?” Paprika asked.
Joule sighed. “Yeah. When I get anxious it builds up around me. Other emotions, too, but that’s the big one. Most of the time it’s not much more than a static shock, but it can be dangerous if I don’t keep a handle on it.”
“Mine is similar—things around me start to heat up. I’ve started a few fires in my day. Burn through a lot of clothes, too.” Paprika rubbed the back of her neck.
Joule offered a commiserate expression, eyes locked on Paprika. After staring for just a moment too long, she collected herself and turned to Mocha. “And you?”
Mocha’s calm, collected demeanor up to now cracked just a little, as she tensed at the question. “Mine is empathetic.”
When Mocha didn’t continue, Joule considered for a moment. “So that’s how you knew when it was safe to approach me?”
“Mm hmm. I can generally read emotions pretty well.” Mocha seemed almost sheepish. “Sometimes my own emotions project onto others. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable.”
“Not at all. Should it?”
With a small smile Mocha said, “absolutely not. I try not to use it, to respect others’ privacy. I’ve had some bad experiences with it, though. Times when I lost control, and accidentally hurt people.”
“Oh… that sounds kind of scary. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Usually I don’t like to talk about it, but since we were all sharing our auras…”
“Want to change the subject?”
“Very much, yes.”
“Okay. Well, I’ve got to say I’m pretty excited to actually have some demi friends! I’ve only ever met two others before you, and they were just my parents.”
“You came from a pretty small town then?”
“Yeah, a little place about two hours east of here. Something like twelve thousand people. All humans.”
“I know what that’s like,” Paprika said. “I used to live a couple states over, waaay out in bum-fuck nowhere. Luckily I had Bruma, though.”
“Bruma's another demi?”
“Yeah! He’s a wolf, my best friend since forever. He lives here in the city too, you’ll probably meet him at some point if you hang out with me long enough.”
“I hope I do!”
Their conversation spun on from there, shifting towards interests, hobbies, and eventually work. Joule launched into a tirade about her own job, shitty customers, her search for housing, and her undying hatred of all landlords. Both Mocha and Paprika jumped in with their own experiences, complaining about their own past jobs and apartments.
At one point during the conversation, Paprika tried to drink her tea only to find that her cup was empty. “Joule, could you do me a huge favor?”
“Want me to get you another?”
“You read my mind! It’s just that I don’t want to make Mocha get up, and your side of the booth is open…”
“Say no more. What was your order?”
“Hot chai latte with extra spice. Thank you so much! Hate to see you leave, love to watch you go!”
Joule stopped at that last line, utter confusion on her face.
“Just ignore her, Joule, she’s a habitual flirt,” said Mocha.
The tabby raised her hands. “Guilty as charged.”
“Oh… uh, okay.” Joule hoped they couldn’t see her blush through her fur as she returned once again to the counter.
She smiled at the barista, and relayed Paprika’s order. As the barista ran her card she made a silent prayer, hoping it would accept the charge.
The card reader beeped its acceptance, and Joule sighed in relief. She left a sizable tip, and moved to the pick-up counter.
As she waited, she glanced across the room to her friends in the booth. They seem to be talking quite a bit, she thought. About me? I hope not…
She caught Paprika’s eye. The tabby made an exaggerated smile and waved at her. Oh no, they’re definitely talking about me!
Anxiety crept over her. She began replaying every second of their conversation in her mind, searching for anything she might have done to make them dislike her. By the time she was carrying Paprika’s drink back to the table, she was certain they hated her guts over half-a-hundred imagined slights.
They stopped talking as she approached. Joule was unable to make eye contact with either of them as she sat down and slid Paprika her chai.
“H-here you go.”
“Thanks! You’re a real one.” She took a sip. No one spoke for several excruciating seconds.
“So, Joule…” said Mocha. “We had an idea while you were up.”
“An idea?”
Mocha and Paprika each grabbed one of her hands. What the…
“How would you like to move in with us?”
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three--rings · 9 months
Ask game tagged by @gnomeicecream
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded  0 - don’t care either way  +10 -> very enticed  nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.  Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0
Yeah honestly this doesn't really mean much to me. I'm more likely to judge by the other tags, etc.
Codependency: +4
I don't dislike codependent relationships at all, though I might be a little leary of the fic if it seems like this tag isn't earned, because it can be a sign of Therapy Speak Ahead.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +4
Depends on the ship, depends on my mood, but it's not a turn off unless done poorly.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +5
I tend to like my contrasting pairs a lot, but I feel like I usually know that about a ship going in and it's less about author intent. More relevant with orig fic. There is a slight danger of someone substituting a nuanced understanding of characters for extreme versions.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Top tier tbh. I adore rival romance and antagonistic relationships because of how much more room there is to explore and so much more territory to cover. And actual barriers to being happy together than your typical friends to lovers or coffeeshop or whatever.
Friends with benefits: +6
I really love the next trope, which tends to come together with this one. I love a sex first, feelings later ship anyway I can get it. So yeah I eat this up.
Sex to feelings: +10
Like I said, this is catnip to me. I don't know exactly why, except that I really enjoy sex scenes that progress relationships and that's everywhere in this trope. Also personally I tend to be a sex to feelings person myself.
Fake dating/relationship: +3
This can be done well or badly. I have enjoyed it a lot.
Friends to lovers: 0
Yeah this is pretty bog standard to me and doesn't do anything particular either way.
Found Family: 0
I tend to really be romance focused. I enjoy a good Found Family but only when it's background to other things I'm into.
Hurt/Comfort: +3
I feel like people's idea of what hurt/comfort is varies WIDELY. From like "I had a slightly rough day" to "extreme torture." So I feel like this tells me very little about what I'm about to experience. Also it's just sorta basic: bad things happen, good things happen, which is just...like how plots work.
Love Triangle: -2
If it's put like that, slightly negative. Cause I have no patience for "who should I pick" stories. Threesomes, triads, and poly shit on the other hand...
Poly, open relationships: +7
I enjoy polyamory a lot more in fiction than real life. I mean, I have lots of poly friends and I've tried it but also the drama omg. Seen so many relationships torn apart by it. But in fic? Yeah yeah absolutely I'm there.
Mistaken/hidden identity: +3
Mmm, it depends on everything else about the fic and whether the premise appeals to me.
Monsterfucking: +8
Like, there are limits okay, but have I read some shit out of my comfort zone out of perverse curiosity? Yup. Yup. But also your standard monster shit? I'm about it. Tentacles are sexy. I've been a vampire girl since age 12. I wrote that Beauty and the Beast au where WWX is a ghoul-type thing.
Pregnancy: -10
And here we have the thing I won't read, no matter what. Pregnancy is body horror to me both in real life and fiction.
Second Chance: +5
Very much like this when it's fixing or redoing canon. Little less when it's "I took this couple and broke them up so I can get them back together again" because I don't like invented barriers to romance.
Slowburn: +4
I have not great patience, and as mentioned, I have a problem with artificially thrust in barriers to two characters being together. Some fics I really enjoy have nearly gone sour on me when I just want to scream from like WHY WHY can't you be together already. Why are you just inventing new reasons not to be happy! So it's good in small doses, and as with most things when done well.
Soulmates: +7
I like a good soulmate fic. I don't have the problem with them that many people do. Because IDK I just don't take it that seriously I guess. Like, people have soulmates in this world, okay. That doesn't mean they only have one or lose all agency or whatever. And I don't need the fic to go to great lengths to prove their soulmate AU is Different Actually. I will just suspend my disbelief for a while it's cool I have rope.
Because I enjoy being tagged for things like this, I will tag some folks, but whatever. And if you want to do this please do. @waterhobbit, @sunshine304, @amuseoffyre, @chubsthehamster
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autumnslance · 1 month
2 19 23 (hiiiii Lyn! Hope your weekend is going well!)
(Hi! And it is, thank you! Saturday was pretty busy, so hoping to put together a bookshelf Sunday and otherwise relax with newly arranged books!)
2) List 3 shipping tropes you don’t love
The main reason I don't care much for love triangles currently is the over-reliance on them to often try and force conflict. Done well, with actual quandaries between the 3 points, it can be decent tension and a meaningful choice. But too often, if it's just "the 'choice' isn't one why are we bothering?" and/or "polyamory fixes this easily" then the triangle has probably failed in its narrative intent.
(I watched the movie version of "Paint Your Wagon" when young, and dodging the triangle problem with the former Mormon woman saying "I used to be married to a man with 2 wives, why can't I have 2 husbands?" And the men going "Sound logic" and working out a schedule where they each got time with their wife while just being platonic buddies to each other was formative.)
That thing where people demonize or kill off or otherwise "get the canon lover out of the way" so they can write or draw their preferred ship. Usually done to female characters. It's entirely unnecessary and pretty gross.
Unrequited Love is one I'm gonna have to agree with Richard Siken on. Also the way it's often used is in a pining/mooning manner but can also lead to attitudes that step into being "owed" love/sex/attention and it just doesn't feel good, especially if one's ever been on the receiving end of such in real life before.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
All that said, I don't hate the first and third tropes here necessarily, they're just often either overdone and/or often difficult to do in a way that isn't annoying to awful.
19) How long did they know each other before getting together?
For Aeryn & Thancred, about three and a half years-ish. Being loosey-goosey with my year-and-change-per-expac timelines.
(With my original story pairing, they knew each other maybe 15 minutes, most of it ballroom dancing, before being informed they were being tossed into an arranged marriage within the next couple months. It takes them a few more months/a couple years to sort things out. And then things get complicated.)
23) Have they met each other’s families?
Thancred has met Aeryn's family in Thavnair; maybe someday I will get that darn fic wrangled where they run into her family at the end of the Thavnair intro before returning to Sharlayan. Since then, her family's been around for the various EW plot stuff and beyond into the patches; the couple has their own little apartment within the family's city residence.
And of course they didn't initially realize it, but he did know her brother Zaine first.
Aeryn knows everyone Thancred considers family, and has for years.
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I would love to hear some nessa/vana/tulkas/orome thoughts if you wanted to share?
Ohhhh yes I have so many thoughts. Firstly for the vibes I have one ultimate Brainrot Song For They which is The Cult of Dionysus by the Orion Experience.
Before I was actually shipping them they already all occupied the same place in my brain because they make a neat little box of relationships- Nessa and Orome are siblings, Tulkas and Vana are their spouses along with functionally being the "youngest" of the Valar (Vana the ever young, Tulkas the last to come to Arda), Orome and Tulkas have overlapping Domains of hunting and fighting and chase after Morgoth's beasties, Nessa and Vana are considered the weakest Valar and are associated with flowers and general disney princess vibes. That's the basis I was working on.
So it started with... probably Tulkas/Orome but Nessa/Vana wasn't far behind. Tulkas/Orome is peak "construct intricate rituals to touch other men by 'wrestling' in the forest" and also I thought their character vibes suited shipping very well (Tulkas "canonically laughs in battle" Astaldo and Orome "canonically constantly pissed off" Aldaron). Even the Tolkien Gateway article directly contrasts the two. I'm working with what I've got.
Nessa/Vana have textbook fairycore forest lesbian vibes. Making each other flower crowns and braiding each other's hair and dancing in a lush clearing with birds and butterflies and bees and delightful woodland creatures (not to mention Vana's plausible association with fertility ;) Quoth Tolkien Gateway: "Vána robed Nessa with her flowers for [Nessa's] wedding." Could this be gal pals? Sure! But where's the fun in that when it's super gay! This is the least feral pairing simply because of how they relate to each other, but they're also the most shameless.
Of course the problem is that I'm a chronic canon-shipper unless I Physically Cannot Stand it, and I do very much like Orome/Vana and Nessa/Tulkas because you get fun hunter/gardener and dance/dojo vibes respectively, so I fix this the same way that I fix every problem: polyamory!
Orome/Vana has definite Hades/Persephone vibes to me, but wilder and without the whole. Kidnaping thing. Yavanna even slots nicely into Demeter's role but again, no kidnapping. She's much more chill with her brother-in-law. I have many inarticulate vibes about Orome's Domain of the hunt and dying opposing and complimenting Vana's Domain of new life and fresh growth, and how hunters weren't supposed to kill deer in the spring. Because of this, I think Vana is one of the few Valar who has no subjugation(?) at all to Orome's Domain despite the clear nature overlap (others who wouldn't are Varda, Namo, Vaire, Nienna, and Aule, but that's because their Domains don't really overlap with his at all, except for Namo who as Death would overpower Dying.) They are, functionally, each other's force-pairs in Newton's third law- the equal and opposite reactions.
My love for Nessa/Tulkas is more characterization related: to me, they are the epitome of those 20-something Fitness Couples who keep those super detailed daily planners with spots to fill in how much water you drank, who make really healthy delicious looking meals with seemingly no effort and constantly drink various smoothies but like. Fantasy Flavor. Their idea of a hot date is to spot each other at the gym, and martial arts sparring. They would go feral for Capoeira. Crucially, they thrive off of this. Their relationship is astonishingly healthy and peppy and they serve as each other's hype-man. My vibes-only Valar-in-modern-society AU has them opening a strip mall dance class/dojo place.
So we have the siblings, and the spouses, and the spouse swap (which has some very funny crack potential, I specifically find it amusing to imagine Nessa calling dibs on Vana and tossing Tulkas to Orome before stealing her away (they are both very amused, Orome is vaguely aggravated because she could just ask for time with their wife)
Tulkas/Vana starts as something like a relationship of convenience, along the lines of "Hey, our spouses are busy chasing each other around like idiots for Sibling Shenanigans, want to make out?" but ends up as something not quite romantic but past... FWBs I guess lol. A foundation of their relationship is committing to the bit- If Nessa and Orome are arguing it's even odds as to who will side with who, but if either of them has an argument with Tulkas or Vana it is the other's sworn duty to side with their bestie, no matter how utterly stupid. They will "Yes-And" each other's stories into eternity, even if it's a blatantly untrue excuse. This drives their spouses absolutely insane because "I know you're lying, and I know you know I know you're lying, and I know for a fact that you weren't doing something as dumb as convincing Aule to put smiley face shapes in rocks" but they will double down. (The one time they did this to Yavanna while on a warpath was unintentional and terrifying once they realized, but they committed and got her so frustrated and confused that she bluescreened and stormed off, forgetting why she had been interrogating Vana in the first place). Basically, they bring out the idiot in each other, and despite having very little in common they get along very well. It is also important to me that I see their typical physical forms as being a massive, firey, golden-veined stone giant (Tulkas), and a young, uncanny, bug-eyed and golden-haired hobbit lass (Vana). To the Valar this doesn't really register as strange beyond vague inconvenience for interacting, but to any elves who see them hanging out together it Very Much Is.
To use the terms I used in Appointed, Orome and Vana are Counterpoints, Nessa and Tulkas, Nessa and Vana, and Orome and Tulkas are Harmonies, and Nessa and Orome are Tone-mates and Harmonies. Tulkas and Vana are not quite Harmonies but they harmonize regardless. Don't mind if this makes no sense lol.
#asks#lesbianhaleth#my headcanons#valar#orome#nessa#vana#tulkas#i need to come up with a convenient ship name for them...#bacchanalian gods#re: orome/vana yes im aware that namo slots neater into hades direct role thats not the point#namo is lord of the dead but orome is hunter/predator/killer the inevitable instinctual awareness of death and being chased#which is CLOSE ENOUGH for my vibes when vana slots perfectly over kore/persephone#I haven't actually listened to the magnus archives but from what I understand I think orome works very well as a kind of amalgamation#of the Fears (give or take and obviously hunt-focused) but more morally neutral/grey and less overtly negative#i tend to have him and nessa as splitting the domain of sheer animal instinct with orome as cause and nessa as effect#so like orome is fear: something-watching-stalking-you-destruction-coming-death-and-sickness and nessa is fight/flight/freeze/fawn#but the relationship there is definitely not unequal- even rabbits will kick when cornered and she is far more than a rabbit#i saw a headcanon- i think from actuallyfingolfin? that suggested that measse and nessa were just two aspects of the same vala#and that has fundamentally shaped my characterization since#i also guess i should say i don't think there's really incest going on#(inasmuch as that can apply to non-physical beings all made by the same creator whos sibling statuses seem arbitrary)#but like. nessa and orome's relationship is *weird*. definitely eyebrow-raising if they were human but they very much aren't#what with their domains and the overlap and their spouses and the inbuilt codependency of fate and sharing most of your Song#it goes to a bit of a indistinct grey area. for Flavor and Zest.#also i wobble back and forth on whether all of them are out about the relationship#i generally think it's one of those things everyone knows but you don't *say* for the valar#bc while i like my arda to be as accepting as possible there's the issue of The Canon Opinions On Polyamory re miriel/finwe/indis#but on the other hand the valar don't get incarnates or their relationships and maybe figure that elves can't marry more than one person#bc ainur don't really get married as we reckon so the whole polycule thing is fine for ainur actually but better not risk it for elves
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evilwickedme · 1 year
What ships do you like with all the Bats?
All of the bats???? Damn
So starting with Bruce, my fav ship for him is probably batcat. I just think they're cute and she's a great character. But superbat and superwonderbat do have their appeal - again I'll say my main problem with this is I literally cannot picture a Clark who isn't in love with Lois, but polyamory fixes this for the most part in theory. In practice anytime I've read anything superbat either Clark has been gay or clois aren't together for some reason and it always low-key throws me off
As for Dick there aren't many people I don't ship him with it honestly? Certainly I can work with any ship that's even sort of mainstream. So birdflash, dickbabs, dickory, dickroy, etc. As long as it's not incest or Slade Wilson, I could conceivably go for it
For Jason I'm basically strictly JayRoy and joyfire, with the occasional jaytemis thrown in there. Idk I don't vibe with most of his canon love interests
Tim's a canon bicycle honestly but uh timkon obviously, timber, timsteph, timberkon, timpulse, timbartkon, core four as a ship, I can and have vibed with all of them in fic
We've already covered timsteph but obviously I also like stephcass!! Beyond that I honestly don't know enough about Cass or Steph to ship them with anybody else tho. I know Cass has gone on a couple of dates with Kon and that's a no from me but beyond that I have nothing. If they have insane chemistry with other characters please send the relevant panels my way!
Damian's still a bby for real he's 14 but damijon is literally so obvious and it helps that poisonivory has written some really good fic for them
Again I don't know enough about Duke's supporting cast to ship him with anyone, let me know if there's anyone notable
Kate deserves better than dating a cop but I have no opinion on her girlfriends beyond that
Like I said I like dickbabs just fine but dinahbabs seems like a great ship, I've only seen them in the background of backgrounds of fics but I should look into them more
Idk anything about the Rows or the Foxes or Terry
Did I miss any of the Bats? I feel like that was literally everyone but this family is so big
Oh actually, as a bonus: Thomas Wayne/Martha Wayne/Alfred Pennyworth throuple, thank you and good night
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aronarchy · 1 year
Things I didn’t know were possible in a romantic relationship until I had a healthy one, and now I will not accept anything less and you shouldn’t either, a thread:
If your partner is stressed/over-capacity, they can tell you without being mean to you, and you don’t need to fix it to be safe with them.
When you’re stressed/over-capacity, you can tell your partner instead of hiding it and they can hold you in it without trying to make your feelings go away.
It doesn’t actually need to be normal to fight. Conflict DOES happen, but instead of resulting in a fight you and your partner can treat it as a mutual problem that you can solve together, and not be mean to one another in the process.
If your feelings are hurt, your partner should care about that and want to talk about that. Even if your hurt feelings aren’t necessarily a result of them having done something “wrong.”
If your partner HAS done something wrong and hurt your feelings as a result. They should be eager to apologize. Apologizing should also look like: recognizing harm, not making excuses, committing to doing differently in the future.
If YOU have done something wrong and hurt your partner’s feelings, you should feel safe to apologize without having to flagellate yourself on their behalf to be safe with them again.
If your partner is upset with you, they can and should communicate that to you without being mean to you.
Feelings like anger, hurt, and sadness can be welcomed and held with compassion, while also recognizing that everyone involved is responsible to their actions while they are in those emotions.
Your partner can be excited and encouraging about your other relationships in life. They can be happy that you have friends and community outside of them and should not make you feel guilty for the time you spend with others and not them.
Your partner should also be excited about your other life projects, encourage you to pursue what makes you happy and fulfilled, and be excited to talk to you about them even if they’re not in their personal interests.
Bears repeating: if you are passionate about something, your partner should (with understandable limits) be interested in hearing/talking about them with you, because they love you and part of loving you is loving your passions too, even if they don’t share them.
If your partner feels jealousy, they can talk to you about it without making you feel bad for having other projects and relationships in your life/pressure you to end them to soothe their jealousy.
Your partner should want to help protect your boundaries. You should not have to protect your boundaries from them. All it should take is communicating your boundaries for them to respect them. Your boundaries should not have to withstand a battering ram.
Your can see your partner’s boundaries not as attempts to punish you or an indictment on the status of your relationship, but simply as what they need to feel safe.
It can and should be safe to talk openly about your relationship structure with your partner. This can be as radical as wanting to talk about polyamory, or just whether or not you need more alone time. It should not be scary to have this conversations, even if they are difficult.
If you need something different in your relationship (like more alone time for example) your partner should want to talk about that and want to make that happen for you if they can, even if it’s not what they want or is disappointing to them.
Self-regulation and co-regulation can both play an important part in your relationship. You can both build your capacity to self-soothe so you can be kind/respect each other’s boundaries, but sometimes we also need to co-regulate with the people who love us when things are hard!
While each person may have different skills/inclinations/ability for certain projects, reproductive labor (housework, paperwork, emotional labor, etc.) should be generally equitable and you and your partner both can be attentive to that.
Relationships can be filled with gratitude! Thanking someone for even small things, like clearing the table, sweeping, giving you a kiss on the cheek as they go by, is a wonderful way to keep gratitude in your relationship, in your heart, and in your day to day practice together.
You can have a relationship(s) in which you share important values, and in which you hold one another accountable to acting in those values and growing in them.
You should be able to feel excited at opportunities to grow and change, and know that your partner shares in that joy, rather than feeling threatened by change.
Manipulation is not an acceptable tactic to get what one wants in the relationship. If you have a boundary that is not compatible with a need of theirs, the conversation should be about how they can see to that need otherwise, NOT how you should change your boundary.
Also I 100% agree with all the folks commenting that these should be practices in ALL healthy relationships!
So so glad and honored that this thread is meaningful and helpful to many of you. Here’s a longer form piece I wrote on the subject of love, relationships, and capitalism if any of y’all are so inclined:
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dreamcaught · 11 months
The Doc/River and Doc/Clara are equally valid ships.
I'm a Tentoo stan all the way, so the Doctor moving on to a new romance doesn't bother me, especially the first time I watched the show. But on rewatch, I'm frustrated with how poorly his new romances have been executed.
(My apologies to any Thasmin fans -- I haven't seen any of that yet, but I hear your ship is gold, so kudos there and I'll take your word for it.)
The problem I've had with both of them though is that they occur concurrently. Matt Smith said in an interview once that it was tense to introduce his girlfriend to his wife. And while I'm genuinely on board with polyamory, I do not think that's what this is. It takes away from both relationships and confuses the narrative.
I think that the Doctor loved Clara but never had her, while he had River but never loved her. Their romantic stories are sometimes interesting from his perspective because it's him trying to do the right thing for both women and failing in consequence. But it's also taking away the agency from Clara and River who just become the mistress and the wife.
It confuses things even further when you realize that both of them were introduced in a strange out of order way and whose main arcs revolve entirely around their interactions with the Doctor. This is flanderized with River (literally - her actual life revolves around him) and, while there is an attempt to fix that mistake with Clara (by making her only part of his history because of a paradox), it ultimately falls flat. Their backstories, their personalities and their interests make them feel much like the same person as much as their relationship with the Doctor does.
(Don't even get me started on how much River and Clara sound alike, either. Moffat only knows how to write one woman. She makes an appearance in Sherlock, too. But I digress.)
The essential problem that I have with these concurrent relationships is the faithlessness that the Doctor demonstrates. Again, it could be argued that some of these feelings are only problematic when seeing them from a monogamous perspective. The Doctor could not be monogamous, except that he is. The level of devotion and faithfulness to Rose through to Journeys End is one example of this.
However there is also that Twelve's reactions to River's exploits and other marriages shows that it bothers him. Eleven calls River his ex when he's with Clara, because being with two people at once bothers him. Both River and Clara are jealous of each other. The Doctor keeps them a secret from each other while simultaneously dating both. That is not devotion to either of them, nor do they have devotion to him.
Honestly, unless River is a plot point in the episode of choice, she is essentially forgotten about. Then, when Clara is actually forgotten about, River comes back. It's sort of like Moffat thought they were interchangeable. It's like he wrote part of River's timeline and then fell in love with the idea of Clara but had already tied the knot with the whole marriage to River thing that he had to begrudgingly keep on -- and it shows.
(And sidenote, Moffat: bisexual people are not polyamorous by rote, just so you know. It can happen like once and be okay, but you used that card with Jack Harkness.)
I know this is mostly nonsense because I'm talking about the B romantic plotline of an action/adventure/science fiction show, but how these characters interact with each other has a big impact on why we enjoy watching them. I don't like being taught that it's okay to emotionally cheat on someone you're with, whether that be either River or Clara, and I think that's ultimately why I could never get on board with these ships.
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