#pokemon drabbles
pink-wooloo · 2 years
May I please request Piers with female reader and fluff 8? That’s “our kids are going to be the cutest!” I was thinking this is just them after stumbling across each other’s baby photos :)
This one sounds so cute!! ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ
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Stumbling Across each other's baby pictures (Piers x fem!reader)
You and Piers were going to move in together. You were helping him move his boxes to your car to take them to the flat you rented. The boxes were pretty heavy and taking them to the car was no easy task.
"I think those are the last boxes," You tell Piers as he tried to walk to the car with two boxes in hand.
"For Arceus's sake, finally" He whined, slowly walking so the things wouldn't fall off the box. You chuckled and turned around to take a last look at the small house before you heard a 'BAM!' behind you. You turned back around and found Piers on the floor, books all around him, out of the boxes.
"Piers! Are you alright sweetie?" You asked him as you kneeled on the floor next to him. He took a look at you and smiled
"You look amazing from down here" He chuckled. You rolled your eyes and stood up, softly trying to help him get up. He held your hand as you helped him up.
"Well, time to put them into the boxes again" You sighed dramatically as a joke, making Piers laugh. He put his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder.
"You're gonna help me, right?" He begged while kissing behind your ear. You nodded while laughing because of the tickling.
"Sweet, thanks babe," He said with his head still on your shoulder. You pulled away so you could put all the books back in the boxes. As you leaned down to get the books, you stumbled upon a photo album that had written 'Piers' in bold letters with a silver pen. You decided that you would take a look at the pictures inside it. When you opened it, hundreds of baby pictures flashed before your eyes.
You flipped through the pages and the baby pictures wouldn't stop. Piers was the cutest baby ever, he had these sleepy eyes, clumpy lips, and the fluffiest hair you've ever seen a baby have.
"Gosh, sweetie! Why'd you never show me these!" You couldn't help but smile. He looked over your shoulder to see what you were talking about and soughed in embarrassment.
"Well, it was never my intention for you to see them" He groaned and looked away so you didn't see his blush. You giggled and kissed his cheek.
"If it makes you feel better, I have some of my baby photos on my rotom phone," You said catching his attention immediately.
"Oh yea, I wanna see them" You giggled at the sudden change. You got your rotom phone from your pocket and looked in your gallery for some baby pictures. When you found them, you showed them to him. Piers's eyes immediately lit up. You were a chunky baby, with long eyelashes and h/c hair.
"You like them?" You asked glancing at him. His eyes were sparkling and his mouth was in a small 'o' shape.
"Arceus lord... You were adorable" He spoke not looking away.
"I hate to say this but you were definitely cuter than Marnie as a baby" He admitted making you blush, you never thought he would say that. He always talks so highly about Marnie! Him admitting such a thing is really impressive.
"You really think so?" You asked laughing, he nodded to then hold your hand. He looked away from the baby pic and stared at you in the eyes for a few moments.
"Our kids are gonna be the cutest, I bet to you" He purred giving you a wide smile. You stayed quiet for a few seconds trying to process what he just said.
"You want to... have babies with me?" You questioned, still amazed at what he just said. He chuckled and nodded.
"Well of course I do babe, first of all: you're hot as hell. And second of all: I'm moving in with you because I hope that one day... we get married... y'know? and do married people stuff, like have babies" He phrased what he hoped would happen. You couldn't believe it, of course, you wanted all those things too! It's just you never thought that Piers would say it out loud.
"I-... I mean we don't have to do it if you don't want to of course-" He blabbered nervously trying to play it cool. You leaned forwards and kissed him. He was not expecting you to do that, but as fast as possible he kissed back.
"Of course, I want to. I really want to get married to you, and have babies, and live with you until I die" You uttered excitedly, making direct eye contact with him so he definitely believes what you are saying.
"That is my dream came true" He smiled flirtatiously. You chuckled and kissed his cheek.
"I thought your dream was to give a big world tour," You said flirting back, putting your hands on his chest.
"Oh, that's my second biggest dream" He laughed.
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dragon-ascent · 4 months
Zhongli as a lover is the whole package. Case in point -
Photographic memory:
He remembers you saying how much you liked sweets, so on dates, he always takes you to places like bakeries and confectioneries. New ice cream parlor just opened? You're his first thought. And on fancier outings, he makes sure in advance that the dessert spread will be to your liking.
You'd once mentioned to Zhongli, in passing, about some obscure little dolls you once saw on a pamphlet. The doll collection was from a small creator, and was set to be released in eight months. You'd thought they looked pretty neat, but you'd definitely forget about them in a few months even before their official release since you no longer have that pamphlet.
Guess what? On release day a long time later, Zhongli presents the dolls to you, having been first in line to procure them.
Attention to detail:
He can tell by even the slightest of changes in your gait, perhaps a slower walk, or a slight frown of suppressed discomfort, that your new shoes are giving you shoebite. So he takes you into the nearest shoe store and buys you some nice new comfier ones (that still go with your carefully-styled outfit). When you two get home, he'll also massage your feet with his gentle hands, kissing the bruises as he does so (his smile growing as he registers how flustered you become at that).
Emotional stability:
Zhongli is pretty much your rock, pun possibly intended, when it comes to challenging situations. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, somebody to vent to, or simply a catalyst to help you through a difficult time, Zhongli has it all.
Any disagreements you two may have never escalate because he catches himself in time to defuse the situation. It's always you and him versus the problem, not you versus him. His communication and reasoning skills are on point.
There's never a time when Zhongli runs out of things to talk about with you. He can go on for hours about anything under the sun, and there's always a story ready on his tongue for whenever you might want to hear it. Your nights are decorated with his tales, your dreams mirroring Zhongli's narrations like they were the script and you're a part of the play.
Zhongli only prefers to share fun things with you, so that you wouldn't get bored - but you always tell him how you'd attentively listen to him go on about even laundry.
All-around Adaptability:
Zhongli can do it all - whether it's being the big spoon, little spoon, sunshine, sunshine protector, the calm one, the lovesick puppy, the brains, the brawn, the one who encourages you to take risks or the one who keeps you from doing rash things. This god is multifaceted like gold, and he chooses to shine on you.
Never shall Celestia find a lover like him again.
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proxycrit · 4 months
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Elesa climbs to celestial tower to ring the bell. Emmet, stuck in between the distortion world, finds his way home.
Part 1/ Part 2
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The conductor falls, down, down, down.
“What’s my name?” He calls to the abyss in terror (what is terror?)
He’s a singular being, right? (That’s not right. He’s one of a pair.)
The abyss gazes back. It has no answers to give, in its multitude.
Not to someone that’s so, so alone.
Somewhere else, one Elesa of Nimbasa rings the Celestial Tower’s Bell, over and over. Her companion, Chandelure, keeps watch.
Nothing happens.
Elesa’s stomach sinks. The reverberations of Celestial Tower’s brass bell mocks her in its echo. The vibrations of it’s distortion only makes the tears she tries to hold at bay worse.
In the blur of her failure, she sees chandelure’s flames suddenly die. Part of her panics.
The rest of her is apathetic and numb.
What’s the point? It didn’t work. Elesa closes her eyes. Tries to swallow, and fails. She’s so tired. She’s so, so tired. The deal with Azelf, the media storm she’s weathered, the constraints of her job, the almost loss of chandelure-
Emmet has been gone for three months. Ingo has been gone even longer.
They have gone where she can’t follow.
Elesa, the ghost whispers in her head. Elesa shakes her head in denial. She doesn’t want to plan right now. She wants to curl into herself, and disappear, just for a bit.
“I can’t do this,” she croaks. The sob in the back of her throat bubbles outwards. She wants Zebrstika. She wants Skyla. She wants her friends.
The paliphet Azelf forced her forward. It permeates her thoughts, drowning out logical thought.
(Too much willpower, and it will become an obsession, Azelf had warned her once in Ingo’s voice. And then, in Emmet’s voice: And when you fail, it willll break you. And finally, in her own voice: you will not have a choice but to move forward, with this curse.
I accept, elesa and told it back in the lake.)
I’m so tired, Elesa thinks now, two months later.
But she keeps moving forward. The bell rings again as Elesa strikes it, with all the hurt and rage and longing forced by her own hand into her soul-
-And that’s when chandelure screams, and there is a terrible rolling crack, and Elesa feels the sudden lurch in her gut as she looks up, her apathy torn into shreds as-
The sky tears open in a fractal wave.
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Elesa gapes.
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She can not comprehend the sudden black webbing across the sky. In the distance, sirens suddenly start wailing as people stop to perceive the impossible.
But Elesa does not care, because in that moment, the wrench in her gut is so great she almost staggers off the platform. Chandelure is by her side in an instant, her glass body a warm comfort to the sudden chill, because-
Something white is falling.
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Elesa’s doesn’t know what she yells. But the tug in her chest feels like the beat of a drum, and she is helpless to the melody that calls for action.
Azelf’s blessed takes a leaping step forward, off the building. Chandelure lets out a panicked chime and the warmth of psychic cradles Elesa as she reaches out, arms outstretched, falling and flying and-
And Emmet, sparking with white electricity, reaches back.
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AU’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Everybody has a Bad Time. (Emmet and Eelektross go to Hisui and learn about the joys of the distortion world. Elesa hunts legends and makes bad deals. Ingo babysits some sneaslets.)
Backstory and explanation:
Prior this scene, Emmet was travelling Hisui with Eelektross before he falls through a mirror and becomes lost in the distortion world for a month. Elesa and Chandelure, meanwhile, refuse to give up on their remaining friend. (Ingo’s fine! He’s in Hisui right now trying to get fired so he can go searching for his memories. Eelektross is… less fine. We will Worry about That Later.)
Disclaimers: Everything’s a work in progress and subject to change!
Part 2!
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endeerling · 10 months
I love how arven —who has been introduced as a somewhat douche —has this bright colourful Rotom case that literally has flowers and a flabebe on it
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And yet Nemona —who has been introduced as someone who’s meant to be your best friend/rival and someone who is full of joy and has a seemingly endless amount of energy —has the solid colour phone case and it’s literally just plain black with no pattern’s whatsoever
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ridreamir · 5 months
Kieran, handing you a Dipplin as he pushes his mask back down on his face: "H-h-here!!" You as you look down at your half eaten candy apple: 'Ah, uh, apple with a worm in it? Does he expect me to eat this? But I already have one?' Everyone staring, mouth agape: :OOOOO Carmine, sputtering out chunks of apple that go flying onto the pavement and then choking because Kieran just made the equivalent of a marriage proposal in front of their entire town: :OOOOOO You again: "Uh, let me finish... this one first..." *Holding up the half eaten apple by the stick* Kieran, face hidden under the mask:
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teastainedprose · 2 months
homelander x fem!reader who RELIGIOUSLY sleeps with a stuffed animal (me and my 20 y/o giraffe with no stuffing in his neck are totally not projecting here)...
he spends the night at her place for the first time and sees it laying on her bed, he teases her for it but is also just slightly jealous because "why do you need this old thing when you've got me?"
"What the fuck is that?" There's equal parts distain and disbelief in Homelander's voice as he plucks up the red plush toy from your bed, turning it over in his hands as a frown tugs his lips down.
"A Charmander," You reply even if you know he has no idea what that is. You busy yourself with turning the covers down as you crawl into bed. Sighing, you Homelander's gaze flicks between you and the large plush toy of a sleeping cartoon creature, one brow lifting. "Ah, right." He rolls his eyes, lips twisting in distain as Homelander squeezes the stuffed animal between his hands. The sleepy placid smile never leaves the Charmander as he briefly sneers at it. "That clears everything up," Homelander quips before dropping the stuffed animal back onto the bed. "Didn't know I was fucking such a childish woman," he goes on with a tone that's almost playful. Almost. You're used to this. Homelander isn't the most mature man. "It's soft and comfy to cuddle." You grab the plush as you settle down in bed, already pulling the covers up over your shoulder as you tuck the stuffed animal in with you. It's your bed the two of you are sharing tonight. Your pillows. Your well-worn sheets and buttery soft blankets. Homelander's bed may be the height of luxury, but it couldn't beat your own for sheer creature comforts. A content sigh escapes you as you burrow down, tucking your chin atop the stuffed animal's head. The perfect pillow. "You're really going to sleep with that- That thing while I'm here?" Homelander asks, voice incredulous as he crawls in beside you. He's quick to tuck himself about your form, never leaving any room for you to breath. Homelander nuzzles into the crook of your neck a moment before settling his chin on your shoulder. His arms snake about your middle, tugging you flush against him as Homelander releases a sigh akin to a put upon dog.
Then he huffs. You can sense as much as see the glare he's giving the toy as you glance up to him.
"Are- Are you jealous of my Charmander?" "No," it's a petulant grumble as he turns to press his face back into your neck. He nuzzles again before his teeth graze the sensitive flesh there and then he bites. "M'just not interested in an audience." There's a growl to his voice and you swear he sounds territorial. Over a plushie. You laugh and the sound turns into a delighted shriek as Homelander moves over you, teeth clamping on your neck as his hands roam over your body. Somewhere along the way, Homelander makes sure to pluck your stuffed animal free of the covers to toss it onto the floor.
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cheesus-doodles · 11 months
Star-Crossed by Choice
Yandere Raihan & Leon with Champion Darling
Pokemon SwSh and SV Crossover
been a hot minute since i've posted, so please enjoy this brainrot that has been eating away at my brain - i know its not the usual TR but gotta get it out somehow. next on the menu would (finally) be A Friend in Me!
cw: use of female pronouns twice
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The pokeballs hidden deep within the depths of your bag wriggled impatiently, and you giggled at the sensation against your back. You couldn’t blame them for wanting to escape from the confines of their balls, not with the hum of life that filled the air of the small town of Cortondo. But this was neither the right time or space. It had been some time since you dared to let them out for a breath of fresh air and to stretch their limbs after all, and you silently promised both them and yourself that you would the moment the opportunity arises. 
The evening was a welcomed relief from the scorching heat of the afternoon that had left you drenched in sweat - the air was crisp and fresh, just dry enough to lift the sweat from your panting skin but not enough to suck all moisture away. A far cry from the humid day under the blistering sun; much unlike what your usual day would be like spent wandering and exploring new grounds, you instead had been forced to duck into the air-conditioned shops for a break. Strolling down cobbled pathways, the little colored flags that stretched from rooftop to rooftop waved invitingly at visitors from all corners of Paldea, the calls of shopkeepers adding to the general hustle and bustle as the town came alive once more, the sun sinking ever lower towards the horizon. 
Your heart wrenched, the pain in your chest sharp. Despite your urge to shrink away from the masses of people, all the eyes you could feel watching you, there was no denying that you missed this. You missed being free. Just being able to walk through town without a care in the world, without anyone hovering over you, one arm slung tightly around your shoulders. Not having to constantly worry about your Pokemon friends getting hurt because of something stupid that was your fault. You never thought you would have ever been able to get a second chance at freedom, to start all over again from scratch; that brazen escape you had risked your life and limbs on seemed to have paid off, though you had to turn your thoughts to the present to stop the tears from welling at the thought of everything and everyone you left behind.
Amidst the crowds of students all dressed in the same Uva Academy uniform as you, out and about and eager to discover when their own ‘Treasure Hunt’ leads them to, you felt secure. You felt like you blended in for once. Maybe it had been worth it, changing both your hairstyle and color, making sure to dress down and look down. Maybe you could be safe here.
“Hey!” A call of your name cut through the commotion of the crowd like a knife through butter. You jolted as one hand came flying down to smack you on your shoulder. Whirling round, you came face to face with those excited orange eyes framed by three signature green strands of hair.  “I thought you’d never come!” The president of the student council was as enthusiastic and energetic as ever, not seeming to have noticed your startle, instead beginning to shake you by both shoulders as she all but shouted her questions at you. “Which gym have you defeated? How strong are your Pokemon? Do you want to battle?”
You opened your mouth, but as usual, no words seemed to come out. Perhaps it was the crowd, everyone else around the two of you that is. You had managed a few words to the friendly Nemona previously, back when you parted ways at Mesagoza; a rare and unusual occurrence, given how your throat usually opts to clam up in front of anyone but your parents, but it just goes to show you have come to trust the loudmouth girl. Your social anxiety didn’t quite show around her like it did everyone else. 
Lifting both hands in a surrender and placating manner, it was beyond you how you manage to calm the other down, before reaching into your pocket to shyly show your friend the two badges that you had obtained so far in all the days you had been wandering. It wasn’t much you knew, and it wasn’t much on purpose. After all that had happened to you back in Galar, you were afraid to go down the League route again, let alone touch anything that had the word ‘Champion’ in it with a fifty-foot pole. 
To your surprise, Nemona was elated. “WOW! You already got two? I knew you had potential!”
You blinked, confused. Wouldn’t she have expected more badges? Was she just hiding her disappointment? The Champion-ranked trainer didn’t give you even a minute to breathe though, hooking one arm through yours and starting to drag you towards the nearest restaurant. “I want to hear ALL about it, you understand?” There was no time to finish your thoughts as you had to scuttle to keep up with her incredibly quick walking pace, and the two of you disappeared from the streets and into the depths of some place you couldn’t catch the name of.
Outside, a different story was unfurling, a pair of teal eyes was fixed firmly on the doorway that you had just disappeared through from beneath the shade of a hoodie, a frown pulling at his usually upturned lips. From across the street and with most of his deceptively lean self hidden behind a wall, there was no doubt in his mind that it was you. A restaurant was no place to cause a commotion, Raihan knew; who knows what you could resort to if cornered? You had escaped once, what was going to stop you from running again? He had waited and waited for this moment despite not being a patient man, but perhaps it wasn’t a bad idea to let you enjoy your last hour of freedom. There would be the rest of eternity with you after all, and he didn’t intend on letting you run wild again.
One tanned hand reaching up to pull his hoodie further down his face, Raihan leaned back against the wall, bringing his cold drink up to his lips. Soon.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl, with each second feeling more like years passing by. The crowds of students of varying ages, all clad similarly in that signature purple uniform, drifted past where he stood like a gentle wave, the town slowly clearing of people as the minutes ticked by. The sun that had once ruled the sky had now fully set, sinking past the distant mountain horizon with a grand burst of colors; the evening rays had been the herald for the star full of skies that now twinkled above. Yet the Galar Dragon gym leader kept waiting. Even if his eyes drifted away from the building, to gaze at the empty distance and wonder of the different Pokemon that wandered this region, or to scan the throngs of people for threats, there was no activity in or out of the restaurant that he missed. All the while, all Raihan could do was recall the night you had disappeared again and again in his head as he glared down at anyone who dared venture too near: the sheer horror of finding you missing from your room in the morning, your confiscated Pokeballs gone from their secured box. The feeling of his gut dropping straight out the bottom when he couldn’t find you after tearing the entire estate apart, his own Pokemon returning empty-handed after he had sent them out to track you down in a sheer moment of desperation.
Never again would he let himself feel that way. Never.
You finally reappeared through the doorway long after his patience had worn out, but instead of the usual annoyance turned anger, the tanned man felt his breath hitch. You looked so very different yet at the same time, so very familiar. What a sight for sore eyes. The way you stood beside your new friend, huddled as close as you dared go, those doe eyes of yours fixed on a random spot on the ground. Small smile pulling at your lips as you fidgeted with the hem of the shirt of your school uniform, listening carefully to everything your energetic companion was spewing at you.
There was nothing you could change about yourself that would be able to hide you away from him: not changing your hairstyle, your hair color, the type of clothes you wear or even the color of your eyes.
But all his joy at seeing you once more was instantly wiped away when he had to witness you lifting your eyes to meet the other’s. And the anger that raged in his chest igniting once more at the sight of your lips moving - almost as if you were speaking. Sure there was no one else but the two of you lingering on the porch of the now-dark restaurant, but you never spoke to anyone but Hop. Not to him, not even to your Pokemon in the presence of another. Selectively mute, was what your all-too innocent mother had happily informed the gym leader when he had paid her a visit to collect some clothes from your house. Even Raihan himself never had the privilege of hearing your sweet voice in person. 
So who was this bastard? 
Watching as you stepped off the curb and back onto cobblestoned streets, there was no time like the present - with the dwindling masses and the shops closed or closing. Raihan pushed off the wall, both hands sliding into the front pockets of his jacket, each stride bringing closer and closer to your little duo. You never even noticed.
The unease you had in your gut had been growing for a while. You couldn’t quite pinpoint what caused that feeling, but it certainly was shared by your Pokemon, their balls having wriggled restlessly all evening where you had hidden them in the depth of your bag. But being out with Nemona gave you a sense of security, and despite your better your judgment, you had pushed the nagging voice to the back of your head. It was probably nothing.
Until it wasn’t.
“So there you are, lil champ,” came that all too familiar drawl. You froze mid-step as a long shadow fell over you. You knew that voice, and you knew it too well for your own liking. The hairs on the back of your neck instantly stood on end as the smile fell from your face. “Never thought you’d go all the way back to school just to hide from me.”
There was no answer from you, but Raihan just kept speaking as if he didn’t notice. “Have to say you fit right in though. You do still have a lot to learn, don’t ya?” You didn’t have to turn to look to know who it was standing behind you, cold sweat already beading at your forehead as you stared down at the pavement, your eyes quavering. No way. There was no way he could have already found you. You thought- you thought you had made it far enough. You thought you were safe. 
“You thought you were safe?” It was as if the man in the dragon hoodie towering over you could read your thoughts - no, in his presence, there was no doubt that your mind was like an open book. “That we would never be able to find you because you ran overseas?” Those deceivingly downturned eyes glared a hole into your back, his lazy smile deceptively kind. “Aren’t ya going to say anything?”
Your new friend seemed to have taken notice of the sudden fear that washed over your entire posture, and in an instant, you were pushed behind her back, Nemona’s gloved hand going almost threateningly to the Pokeballs that hung by her belt. “Excuse me, but who are you?” The usually bubbly voice you had come to know was suddenly firm, every bit of enthusiasm having faded away into this serious side you had only encountered once. 
The Galar Dragon gym leader was hardly intimidated by those orange eyes, ignoring her as his dragon-like gaze continued to stare you down, the pressure alone from the fixation enough to force you to freeze. “Can’t even look at me, huh? Rude.” He knew you couldn’t. Raihan of all people knew better than most you couldn’t meet his gaze. The only response that left your lips was a whimper, your figure starting to quaver as the tears welled at the corner of your eyes.
But the annoying girl with the three strands of green hair butted in again, this time withdrawing a Pokeball to fully hold in her hand with the other arm wrapping comfortingly around your shoulders. “You are scaring my friend, and I do not appreciate that. Please leave.”
Raihan’s eyes finally slipped to the little insect, that razor-sharp gaze losing any and all interest. “And who are you?”
“Nemona, president of the Uva Academy student council and Champion-ranked trainer.” She announced, and the tanned man almost groaned out loud. Of all the places to possibly find you at, of course you had chosen the company of another champion. 
Though it was a third voice that finally shattered your heart and any hope of escape you had left. “Champion?” The voice rang out from the darkness of the unlit side street. “I thought you were done with champions.” The pounding of heavy footsteps, and that unmistakably mob of long purple hair emerged into the dull light of the overhead streetlight. Just when you thought your heart couldn’t sink any further, your poor beating organ simply opting to fall straight out from your chest. Leon.
If Leon was here...
Nemona’s grip on you only tightened. “Who are you?” She demanded again, putting herself directly between you and the two men. You wanted to thank her, to say something, to say anything, but all you could do was tremble, your feet rooted to the ground no matter how much you screamed at yourself to move. No way - no way. How did they find you? “What do you want?”
There was no escape. You were trapped.
Her question was answered by the whispers of the gathering stragglers that still wandered the otherwise quiet streets of Cortondo, though the growing number of eyeballs didn’t help you feel anymore at ease. 
“Isn’t that… Leon and Raihan?”
“From Galar?”
“World number 1 and 7?! But what are they doing here?”
“Who’s that with Nemona?”
Your stomach churned, and you could feel the bile starting to rise through your throat. Leave. You wanted to leave. To run. To be anywhere but here.
The student council president was quick to realize that there was a lot more to you that she didn’t know, and that orange gaze, slowly but surely, turned on you. The reassuring grip she had on your shoulders never left, and Nemona gave you a tight squeeze. “What’s going on?” She whispered to you, but in the dead silence that suddenly fell over the night, everyone could hear her loud and clear. And what do these Master-Class trainers want with you? Was the unspoken question you heard loud and clear.
A single heartbeat of silence.
“Turn around, Galar Champion,” Leon ordered. There was no room in his tone for anything but absolute obedience, and against your will, you obeyed. Hesistantingly, shuffle by shuffle, you turned to face them, though your eyes remained firmly fixed on the ground, trembling hands gripped so tight that your knuckles were white.
Nemona’s eyebrows shot through the roof, and her voice pitched. “Galar Champion?!” And the growing crowd broke into a new round of frenzies whispers, every eyeball now on you, scanning you up and down in disbelief. 
A little thing like you? Champion?
“Never told you huh?” Raihan crowed. “That she had an entire team of Pokemon that could run at Champion League levels?”
Leon only continued to study your form mutely as Raihan continued to taunt Nemona with his knowledge, those once-friendly yellow eyes now almost seeming to glow in the dare as they peered straight into your soul. Taking a single step in your direction, it was enough to have you shrink away, your eyes flying shut and your shoulders hitching up. Almost as if you were expecting to take a hit from the former Galar Champion.
“So you have our Champion, and we’ll like her back. Please.” Finished the tanned man. Baring those sharp teeth, the smile that pulled at those lips was anything but friendly, Raihan once more turning his gaze back on you.
“Are you ready to come home?”
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arvenconned · 4 months
hiiiii I found your Twitter and I absolutely adore it, I had no clue you did requests but I think you'll like mine...
Something small of Reader finding out Kieran wants a baby, but Reader is an upper classman and Director Cyrano's niece! Preferably post-Area Zero Kieran cause I want my sweet pie Kieran food please an thank you mwah
I guess you've liked my tweets about making shonenshotas into fathers....
Warnings: implied AFAB reader, both of you are teenagers he's just a young one while you're an older one, slight babyfever ramblings...
You're just happy it's over.
When Kieran left for Kitakami, he came back acting so much different, outright refusing to talk to you most times, or plain ignoring you. He'd tell you on occasion he still loved you, but you never felt any real emotion behind it, because you didn't feel loved.
Thankfully, that changed after he took another trip with the person that was upsetting him so much, and he came back acting much like himself once more. The Kieran you fell in love with is now holding your hands, smiling at you, and asking you softly, "How do you feel about having a baby?"
"Huh...?" You've both barely even kissed before, where did he get this from?!
"Cause I've been thinking... That I want a baby, with you, of course, if you don't mind..." His face is getting redder by the moment, so you know this isn't a joke of a prank, Kieran really does want a baby!
"But... We're both still in school... What if I graduate before you do?" Though Blueberry Academy doesn't really have set years like most places, you're still much farther along in your studies than Kieran, and older too.
"I'll work extra hard in all my studies so we can graduate at the same time, I promise. I'm a good battler, my grades are picking up again, you know I can do it!"
Kieran sounds so desperate, it's adorable really, even when he still only had a puppy crush on you, you'd always fold to his cute voice and appearance. Now that you're dating, and it's serious, you can't help but fold more.
"I... will consider it."
"Oh! R-really? You will? I'll be patient, I promise, and I'll work really hard on the meantime so you know I'm serious! I'll even get a part time job here at the academy and—"
"Don't overwork yourself, if I do end up getting pregnant, I'll need your help... Cause I've never had a baby before."
"O-obviously! I know that!" Smiling even wider than before, he hugs you, pressing himself to your chest and nuzzling close, "Just knowing that you're even considering it... I'm so happy."
"Kieran." You look up to see your Uncle standing just a few steps away, your eyes opening wide in embarrassment at being caught with your boyfriend snuggled up so close to you. "What are you doing with my darling niece, huh?"
The kindness in his voice sounds strained, and you can't help but laugh, "We're just hugging!"
"In the hallways to class! Everyone else has already cleared out— get to your classrooms before I have to separate you two love pidoves myself!"
At that, Kieran finally pulls away from you, gazing at you with sparkling begging eyes, so you press a quick kiss to his lips just before he's pulled away by the arm, your Uncle taking him down the hall while your adorable lover mouths 'I love you' and blows a kiss.
You catch it, and make a small show of kissing your palm, and then he's pulled around the corner of the hallway, out of sight.
A baby, huh... That's something you're going to have to put a lot of thought into... But Kieran is really attractive, girls fawn over him all the time even if he's unaware of it, and you don't want to lose him to some tramp who will just say yes without thinking! Not that you think he'd ever leave you, but you don't need to give him a reason either.
You love Kieran, and it's not like you mind babies, so a baby with Kieran might be just what you need to get accustomed to them.
Hmm, you'll do your best too, for Kieran. Maybe you should give him an answer tonight... Alone, in his dorm room. He's not that patient, after all.
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sunandflame · 8 months
Ok hear me out....
But all he says is Umai
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I know and read that some people might find it cringe when he shouts his Umai, but gosh I actually fell in love with him with his first umai shout, so I am totally digging this 😂
So let's create following scenario:
What if Umai is the only word in his vocabulary? (don’t think too logically here and just imagine a crazy blood demon art, alright?)
Imagine then the different tones he would say it. Not him shouting it like we know, but the different vocal nuances. When he has a question and goes: “Umai?”
Or if he gets angry and is all broody, his voice grumbling in that deep timber. “Umai…!”
Or when he hears you giggling because his soft kisses tickled you and he also chuckles out his “Umai”
Or when suddenly his kisses travel down your body, making you whimper, and whispering at each lick and kiss a soft and seductive “Umai~”
crossposted on AO3
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seafoam-j · 4 months
CW: NSFW, Religious Struggles, Struggles with Lust, Guilt, Male Solo, Horny drabble
Getting used to writing again sorry if this sucks 💔
In order to be a devoted worshipper of Sinnoh, you must treat your body as a temple and not be intimate with anyone else unless you're married to someone. This is a rule that the Diamond and Pearl Clan have both followed, it was one of the most prominent rules out there for them.
Adaman, being the leader of the Diamond Clan had to be the most righteous one in the clan, while yes, he definitely had a pretty face and was sometimes so hopelessly flirtatious with people it hurt, he was still supposedly a virgin or just not driven by lust like other humans who don't worship Dialga. Adaman was a religious man, a devoted follower, yet in private that wasn't the case at all. Hormones eventually took place and for years his mind has turned filthy and eventually when his lower region was hot and stuffy he couldn't take it anymore, especially when he was pent up — he'd feel his hard on twitch against his pants and make them only get tighter around his thighs, he'd pull down his pants and let his cock spring out and beg for attention.
His cock would drool with precum onto whatever surface was below him and his cock would twitch as he teased the tip of his cock with his fingers, wanting to spend as much time pleasing himself as possible. His cock was uncut and fairly large, 8 inches with enough girth to mold any hole he used into being his and his alone, his veins were prominent and pulsated and he could feel how full his balls were from not releasing for so long, he was just so fucking needy. As he slowly started pumping himself, his breath would hitch and his back would threaten to arch already and he would try to fuck his hand slowly, his arm moved up and down with precision, occasion rutting into his hand like an Arcanine in heat.
And his throat would let out the prettiest moans ever, he has a hard time sounding masculine and dominant because he moans 'like a girl'. He'd mewl and curse himself, he'd suppress his moans but can't help but let out those sounds signifying how good he felt. He'd mutter "Almighty Sinnoh" to himself. He hated it all, how pathetic it made him — a leader, feel. He would bite his lip until he swore he could taste something metallic. His face would be flushed with a brilliant red. It was so bad to give into lust, how could he be a leader when he gave in so easily? It felt like an addiction sometimes.
And eventually he'll realize how needy he really is and began fucking his hand as if it were a person, as if he was in someone right now. He craved being on top of someone, his barely chest against there's and rubbing against their body for heat. He wanted to feel someone's warm lips on his, their tongue tied with his, his body was so hot from the thought of it. From the thought of being so intimate yet fucking someone like a wild Pokémon. He'd finally let out a low grown and feel himself sweat, he was so hot... His muscles would tense in a way that was so pleasurable and his eyes would flutter shut while his mouth hung open as he finally released in his hand. He wouldn't stop there, for someone so worried about time preservation, he'd spend a while just to get himself off until he was satisfied. Until his whole body was hot and trembling from the multiple orgasms he had.
Until his hair was so messy and frizzy that it would look suspicious to anyone who saw. Until he's overstimulated himself so much he can't think. And after all that, he'd clean himself up, not being able to look at his own reflection. Guilt formed in the pit of his stomach, and after he prayed to Sinnoh knowing it was going to happen again. He knows that not only had he failed Almighty Sinnoh, he has failed his own clan, how could he look anyone else in the eye now?
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valleyxdoodles · 3 months
It was early morning, you groaned as you sat up in bed. “Oh great, breakfast is already cooked,” you muttered smelling Murdock’s cooking that could rival Gordon Ramsey. “Yup. Good morning, Sleeping beauty,” Friede said, you jumped and then pulled the blanket over your chest, “WHAT THE HELL FRIEDE? DONT YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK!?” you shouted, he jumped about an inch, he knew you were grumpy unless you ate but this was a new record…
“Good God, Y/N. You, you’re mad scary, kid…” “IM A YEAR YOUNGER THAN YOUR OLD ASS!” “OLD ASS!? OLD ASS!? I AM NOT AN OLD ASS!” you laughed, “that is the biggest lie on earth!”
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pink-wooloo · 2 years
How would the Swsh Guys react to S/O catching a cold (pt. 1)
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Gordie is used to taking care of people, he has four little siblings after all.
You weren't feeling alright, your head hurt like crazy and you felt like vomiting, your boyfriend and you were having kind of a date that night, you didn't want to cancel it so you went to his house anyway, besides, having dinner and cuddling can't hurt anyone.
He would talk to you, and you really wanted to keep up with the conversation but you were getting a bit dizzy.
"Sweetheart? Are you there?"
You nodded but he wasn't believing you. He put his hand on your forehead and when he realized you had a fever he moved his hand to your cheek.
"Sweetheart you're scalding!"
No questions asked, he carries you bridal style to his room, puts you on his bed, and opens his closet to look for a shirt he can lend you. He takes a black shirt that looked pretty soft, he holds it up and smiles at you.
"I think this shirt will fit you nice and comfy"
You smile back and ask him to help you get changed because you can't even stand up properly by yourself. He nodded with a soft blush spreading around his ears and cheeks. Gordie quickly helps you get changed and then sits beside you on the bed.
"You should rest Sweetheart, don't worry, I'll be here with you"
And so, he stayed up all night taking care of you.
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You and Leon were having dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Leon was telling you about the latest battle he had, he was really excited about it, so you were so sad to interrupt, but you couldn't help but want to throw up.
"Hey, you look pale! Is everything alright?... It's totally fine if you didn't like the food-"
Leon asked nervously. You reassured him and told him that you were just not feeling alright. Leon sighed and smiled at you trying to be comforting.
"If you're not feeling well we can go home, don't worry about it"
You responded with a smile before having to rush to the bathroom. He Stood up from the table, followed you, and stayed outside waiting for you. Leon could hear you throwing up from the outside, wondering if it was his fault.
"Maybe the restaurant I chose is the problem..."
He whispered to himself while adjusting his hat. When you got out of the bathroom he hugged you right away. His hug was soft and cozy, you felt a little better now.
"Let's go home m'kay?"
Leon paid the bill in a rush so they could go over to your house as quickly as possible.
The both of you quickly arrived home. He waited outside your room while you got changed, and then slept over at your house so he could take care of you.
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You agreed to help Milo out with the Wooloo, you know they can be kind of wild sometimes so helping him out will not be a bother.
With your (pokemon of choice), you helped Milo get the Wooloo in their corrals. You already had a little headache, but you decided to ignore it as it was a really small one.
"And I think that's half of them! Nice job sweetie-pie"
Milo gave you a thumbs up before ruing after the other half of the Wooloo. You sighed, your headache was getting unbearable by the minute, but you didn't want to quit right now. You ran after the Wooloo too trying to ignore your horrible headache, but this just made it worse.
"These ones are the last ones"
Milo tried to lift the mood, but right now, the only thing you could focus on was how much your head hurt. You tried to run, even walk, but your headache hardly let you think properly. Your boyfriend noticed that something was off.
"Hey, sweetie-pie? Is everything Alrighty?"
He asked with a worried face. You nodded, you just told him that your head was aching. Of course, he understood immediately that you weren't feeling okay.
"I think we should go home"
He said while slowly helping you get home. That day, he closed the Gym and stayed with you all day, making you hot cocoa and cuddling you.
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Piers invited you to one of his small concerts.
Everyone was screaming and cheering for Piers while he sang. You tied to cheer and yell as much as you could, but your throat was icky and you couldn't even talk correctly.
As the concert was about to end, you felt like your throat was literally palpitating. It hurt so much that any noise you made came out muffled. You definitely lost your voice.
"y/n? You look good, but you don't like as if you're ok..."
Piers said as he approached you when the concert ended, you tried to say something but your voice just sounded muted.
"God, where'd that sweet voice of yours go?"
He joked trying to lift the mood as he asked team yell to bring you a glass of water. Your boyfriend put his arm around you and kissed your forehead while waiting for Team yell to arrive with the water. When they came by, they brought more than one glass, they brought like a thousand of them!
"Thank you, now go cheer for Marnie or something"
You giggled quietly at the way Piers asked them to go away. Without saying anything he just walked you home. You tried to say that it wasn't necessary but words wouldn't come out.
When you got home, he made some tea and cuddled with you until you fell asleep.
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lorekeeper-backset · 7 months
Arven is convinced he's the physically strongest of his friends. After all, he spends a lot of time outdoors, he's noticably muscular compared to them, and he works out. Surely he's gotta be the strongest right? Then he sees Nemona lift an entire Tauros above her head and never has this delusion again.
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godlyaffection · 2 years
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Guzma taking care of you on a day where you’re feeling bad. Him being really bad at it and not really knowing what to do or how to “properly” take care of someone, but trying his damndest to make you feel better. Holding you close and letting you rest your head on his chest, even if it makes him sick. You’re his favorite, and even if the grunts complain he’s always gonna put taking care of you over anything else.
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r0-boat · 6 months
I JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS BECAUSE I JUST REMEMBERED!!!! N was in my dream last night and we were curled up in blankets in our own separate blanket burritos and our faces got real close and his smile was so cute….AND THEN I WOKE UP 😭😭😭
Do what the information as you will….have a lovely day 💚💚💚
I know what to do with this information and you know that I was going to do it didn't you🤭😏/j
But the Fire is so Delightful
N x gn! Reader sfw Drabble
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It was a cold winter night riding on the back of your Pokemon just coming from Unova's Pokemon League even though you are bundled and your Pokemon, your best friend, and today, your Noble steed, were bundled up for the cold. It didn't help that only your home was miles away even after your trusty bird flew most of the trip. However, you were already still feeling the chill of waiting on that mountain and challenging other trainers who threatened your position as Unova's Champion.
When your husband N came to welcome you home, he was shocked at how cold your hands were. Your whole body was practically shaking.
As soon as has your husband had brought you into your warm cozy home taking off your only defense from the cold Unovan winter to hang it on a coat rack he grasped your smaller ice cold hands and his warm ones. Since end Tower it over you his hands much bigger than yours engulfed them holding them tightly and lovingly.
N leans downward, his face devoid of a smile, but his eyes when he looked up at you said everything, blowing warm air into his grasp and warming your hands. Noticing that just him isn't enough, he looks back at you, flashing that familiar, small, awkward smile. " I'm guessing it was cold today, well... I already knew that but didn't know you'd be so cold. I'll get a warm drink and some blankets ready. The fireplace is already lit." With a kiss on the forehead, he leaves you to take off your shoes. Not before long after you settle in front of the crackling fire, you are draped by your husband in a warm throw blanket. "Thank you, baby." You say has your husband hummed in response.
Your smile returns to you as you already feel yourself getting warmed up.
You are not sure if it was the sound of the crackling fire or perhaps the blanket you are snuggling in or maybe Zoroark occasionally brushing against you like a cat asking for affection as you lay on the floor, your whole body wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, exhaustion from a day's work hits you as you begin to nod off.
And he had noticed you sleeping peacefully on the ground when he had come by with two cups of warm hot cocoa. He had your cup hot and ready to drink with all your favorite toppings. Still, he couldn't wake you up, not when you were so cute wrapped up like that... he placed the two hot cups on the table, forgotten as he snuggled into another blanket he had brought for you, wrapping himself in the same burrito, copying what you had done to yourself. N, who is cozy and warm, just like you, also fell victim to sleep when you would both wake up and meet each other face to face. N being caught in the act of being so close to our face, his words were caught in his throat. A smile filled his lips as he finally found out what to say. "Did you sleep well?"
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ridreamir · 5 months
Arven, mid mochi-mochi dance as he stalks toward you, eyes glowing and glazed over... he doesn't stop, getting up so close that it's almost uncomfortable:
"M-moch-li-little bud..."
"-m... mo...I..."
"..." He then leans in close, his breath hot and sickly sweet.
"M-mo-ch..." "M..M...ine..."
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