#please tell me it was a fever dream
estrellami-1 · 5 months
January prompt: hole
Word count: 404
No warnings apply
Rated G
Technically yes I DID already write one but for some reason I randomly thought about this song my dad taught me and decided to do something sickeningly sweet about it!
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“There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.” Eddie keeps humming as Steve cocks his head.
“What’re you singing, Eds?” He asks, smiling. “Doesn’t sound like one of your typical songs.”
Eddie hums. It reverberates in his chest, makes Steve’s face buzz where he’s laying on it. “It’s a drinking song,” he says. “Or a working song. I can’t remember which, just something to keep time to. There’s a lot of verses. I dunno all of them.”
“Who taught you?” Steve asks, almost cringing, because he’s sure the answer is going to be his father.
Eddie curls an arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Wayne,” he murmurs. “He’s taught me a few.” He laughs. It sounds hollow, tired. “I know what you were thinking, sweetheart, but my dad wasn’t ever around enough to teach me any of that stuff. Just the important things.”
The important lies heavy on Steve’s heart. He knows it means things a nine-year-old shouldn’t ever have to learn. “‘M sorry.”
“‘S not your fault.” He rolls over carefully, until they’re both face-to-face. “M’kay? And I’m really happy, here, with you.”
Steve smiles, looks him in the eyes. Sees truth shining back at him. “I’m happy with you too,” he whispers. “Really happy. I didn’t think I’d ever get this.”
Eddie smoothes Steve’s hair back, presses a kiss to his forehead. “I know exactly what you mean.”
Steve snuggles in, closes his eyes. Relishes in the hand laid on the small of his back, keeping him close, safe. “Y’gonna fall asleep, baby?” Eddie asks, and he hums in confirmation, smiling when Eddie presses a feather-light kiss to his forehead. “M’kay. Sleep well. I’ll keep the nightmares away.”
“You always do,” Steve agrees. “You make me feel safe.”
With that he falls asleep, missing the softest, “I’m so glad,” from Eddie.
He’s woken an indeterminable amount of time later by Eddie singing the same song. “There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza-” he cuts off when he feels Steve moving.
“A hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole,” Steve murmurs sleepily. He yawns and opens his eyes to Eddie’s absolutely besotted smile. “You can’t just not finish the song, Eds.”
Eddie grins. “Would you like to learn more?”
“I always want to hear you sing,” Steve tells him, settling more onto Eddie, who grins.
“So fix it, dear Henry…”
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teliathetv · 3 months
i am begging so hard for someone to send me the edited audio of elias going to confront martin or whoever, and it’s just the fucking sound of him undoing his belt
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correctdsmpquotes · 10 months
tommy: i’m rock solid mate, 2 and a half inches-
tubbo: we have fallen the FUCK out- two and a half inches is not impressive, you have a tiny fucking penis-
tommy: NO I DON’T! NO I DON’T! two and a half to three inches is huge!
tubbo: and the best thing about this, i know it’s real now! i know it’s real!
tommy: two and a half to three inches is massive, man!
tubbo: dude, no- you’ve brought it up multiple times, that is fucking tiny man.
tommy: it’s a lot, it’s a lot!
tubbo: that is upsetting, dude.
tommy: it’s a lot, it’s more about the motion really isn’t it-
tubbo: no, it’s- to an extent but at that tiny scale it’s really not.
tommy: just because i don’t have the tubbo nine inch schlock-
tubbo: what are you even saying right now?
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marrymeganondorf · 2 months
Pls someone tell me if I'm either misremembering things or if I completely made this up in a fever dream but DOES SOMEOJE have a video that's like "STUPID MAN THING IM FUCKING BALLING!!" PLEASE it's been in my mind rent free for so long
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Don't even ask about the photo
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majorbisexualpanic · 1 year
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this and the fact they’re playing dream daddy simulator makes me feel some type of way.
has anyone seen dream lately. is he okay? like mentally after this stream, will he recover?
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thismustbefakeme · 1 year
Four movies that defined your childhood (a trend I saw on twitter) —these are mine. WBU?
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ell-vellan · 7 months
You know what I miss?
(I'm gonna show my age here with this very specific and niche memory but bear with me. Or don't, whatever!)
Back when I was a kid, middle/high school ish, I frequented Gaia Online. I'm not even sure how to really describe that site (if you remember it, help me out here) but it was mainly an anime-esque forums where people could make different communities about a million different things, but it wasn't just forums. You had an anime avatar that followed you around the site, a currency you used to buy dress up items for your avatar, mini games and a a marketplace. Pretty sure there was some kind of stock market.
This was my online home for years.
I landed, somehow, on the Adoptables forums. Shops, technically, for people to "adopt" pets and then roleplay with them together. Some were original make believe worlds - one of the more popular I can remember was a world of wolf packs with their own lore and setting.
Specifically I remember being active on the Lion King RP forums called I think Shadows of Africa? The artists who ran them would sell colored lineart of lions in the style of the movie, with a little info card that displayed their name and the owner (you).
You couldn't roleplay with other people until you officially had a character through purchase, gift, or contest prize.
Each lion was unique and people gave them names from African languages (that was a rule). People formed entire prides and had special forums just for them, with rosters of who had what character, where you could "hang out" with others in your pride. Your lion would be able to age from cub to teen to adult after you had roleplayed a certain amount of time and applied for it with the artists. Your characters could find mates and breed and the artists would (for Gaia currency) remix the "DNA" of your two characters and you'd get a random number of cubs you could "give away" to friends or even hold contests for others who wanted to play.
I was just thinking about these communities and how much I loved everyone there. How much work these artists put into these communities, often without any real compensation except for pretend money. How elaborate they were. Giant games of pretend with strangers online. I did SO much writing on those RP forums, I actually feel in retrospect like it was a safe place to cut my teeth on writing and it was literally from the point of view from an OC Lion King character.
And there were so many shops like this.
I'm sure there was toxicity in some aspects of these communities, but I don't remember it, at least not to the level of toxicity the Internet gets to now. Maybe it's my rose colored glasses.
But every Christmas, these Adoptables shops would open up for people to Secret Santa gifts to your friends: a randomly colored gift, the .jpg or whatever sent to your inbox, that you could post in your profile or your journal. And on Christmas day, the artists would update all those images, and the wrapped gift would be replaced by a unique pet, randomly created for you by whatever colorists were working for the shop.
Like YES okay I understand how very childish it sounds now. Maybe even cringe.
But I've never found another sort of community like it. (Maybe discord, idk, I was too old and busy to get into discord when it came out.) So many artists doing so much work, just for others to play with pretend pets with their online friends and write silly stories about them together. These were people making dozens, hundreds of unique designs by hand, as far as I'm aware. Their workload had to be stressful. They were probably doing this in between studying or working real jobs.
But to this day, every Christmas, I think about those Secret Santa gifts. And every year I miss that excitement of logging in first thing to see all your gifts 'magically' hatch into adorable little creatures that were unique and yours.
This post doesn't have a point except I'm in my mid-30s and I still miss my online friends that I used to play pretend lions with in middle school. And nothing else has quite matched the very specific excitement of those secret Santa gifts becoming 'real' on Christmas.
And I'm so, so thankful to all the people - likely college students and adults - who did all this work just for fun. And I wanted to share this memory of some old communities that I still think back on fondly. I hope they're doing well in life, wherever they are.
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the-kestrels-feather · 9 months
Does anyone remember the Josh Fight or did I hallucinate that
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leverage-ot3 · 7 months
okay leverage buddies I have a quest for anyone who knows computers/hacking
does anyone know how to access a deleted youtube video that hasn’t been captured on the wayback machine?
not to go too deep into my Lore but when I was like 17 and in the twd fandom this popular youtuber made a hate video about me for asking him to stop posting his anti stuff in the tags
it wasn’t emotionally damaging or anything, I actually found it funny and would really like to be able to watch it again and to have evidence it actually happened lmao
here’s the link and his account was rayonisrayon
anyways if you are able to access it I’ll love u forever 💖💖💖 genuinely you’d make my year if you could recover it
edit: here was the thumbnail if that helps
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sanpape · 3 months
I can't read the word oomf with out thinking of that humansona perry the platypus x doctor doofenshmirtz kpopstan twitter rp that I read in its entirety.
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blueberryscent · 2 years
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I'm ok. not screaming, just unwell... a little bit 😀 (gonna die right now)
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faetookmyname · 11 months
I’m desperate, I’m looking for this fic on fanfiction.net it’s been 5+ years since I’ve read it and it haunts my dreams. where it’s a Danny Phantom Spider-Man/ Deadpool Au. Danny is Spider-Man and Dan is Deadpool, I don’t ship it, but the fic was so good. I think Danny tutors Dani at one point if it narrows it down. I know there’s fan art of it, where they’re dressing wounds on a couch. There was alliteration in the name or sounded like it, something like The Fantastic Phantom
Please I need help, ao3 is down and I’m desperate, please, I will give my soul or 50 cents, whatever is worth more
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does anyone here remember soupmates bc if you do i love you so very much
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salaciousdoll · 5 months
only the baddies know who in your pinned post 😭😭 truly selected Trish every time in wwe wrestling games
Same, her or Melina was my to go to, every single time 😩😭
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w0lp3rtinger · 10 months
Can... can you custom reprogram tamagotchis?
I know we all bitch like, 'oh no why don't they make an X tamagotchi' (I do it whinging tamas all the time) but like... could we just take matters into our own hands and make the tamas we want to see?
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fagbearentertainment · 6 months
Deciding which route to do next and on one hand I really wanna be a homewrecker and do Josephs route bc it might be funny but on the other I just do not want to date him, literally the least fuckable dad from vibes alone. Also his kids scare me.
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