#if you also find the apology video that would be great too
leverage-ot3 · 7 months
okay leverage buddies I have a quest for anyone who knows computers/hacking
does anyone know how to access a deleted youtube video that hasn’t been captured on the wayback machine?
not to go too deep into my Lore but when I was like 17 and in the twd fandom this popular youtuber made a hate video about me for asking him to stop posting his anti stuff in the tags
it wasn’t emotionally damaging or anything, I actually found it funny and would really like to be able to watch it again and to have evidence it actually happened lmao
here’s the link and his account was rayonisrayon
anyways if you are able to access it I’ll love u forever 💖💖💖 genuinely you’d make my year if you could recover it
edit: here was the thumbnail if that helps
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ghost-proofbaby · 21 days
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mind blown (eddie munson x fem!reader)
summary: when you get a certain achievement while playing baldur's gate 3, it catches your boyfriend's eye.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: slight spoilers for baldur's gate 3 game, TALK OF MONSTER FUCKING/TENTACLES, you literally have the option to fuck a monster in the game and that is the premise for this one-shot. it isn't described in great detail, but is a background bit. and eddie makes fun of you for it. a lot. oral (f receiving, insinuated m receiving at the end). use of nickname "good girl". minors dni.
wc: 3.5k+
a/n: for anyone who was forced to witness me rizz the emperor on my last bg3 stream - consider this my... apology? half the time i was writing this i couldn't take it seriously so please laugh with me.
also, shout out to @hellfire--cult for the best possible divider EVER.
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You don’t even notice when the notification pops up in the lower left corner of your screen. It’s the smallest of blips, hardly signified by the quiet ding from your Steam account in a pitiful attempt to congratulate you for the monstrous crimes you were currently committing on your screen. 
But hey, you’ve got to experience the entire game, right? 
“What the fuck,” you whisper to yourself as you click on the second dialogue option, eyes locked on your screen is disbelief in your own actions, “What the fuck.” 
2. Take its tentacle in your hand, invite it in.
You watch in absolute awe as, who would have guessed, your Tav takes the tentacle in their hand, inviting the Mind Flayer in. 
Oh, you’re not seeing Heaven for this. You’re getting kicked straight to Hell, receipts pulled up of this very moment in your lifetime. That time you only cackled when your younger sibling broke their wrist? Fine. That time you let a door slam shut on some random grandma? Forgivable. 
But making your video game character fuck the tentacled-should-be-enemy? No, yeah, you’re heading straight to the flames. 
“Oh. My. God.” 
You really, really, really should have noticed the achievement notification. Should have considered the fact that this was an achievement at all. Should have considered that your achievement would be public. Should have noticed who was currently online, and who would be getting the notification of your sins. 
Should of thought of your boyfriend, in the living room, playing the very same game on your shared gaming laptop that had been reduced to solely allowing the two of you to play Baldur’s Gate 3 at the same time. 
But you’re too entranced by tentacles and embarrassment and shit, is this kind of hot? Is The Emperor kind of hot? to think of any of this until it’s too late.
One moment, you’re leaning far more forward than you had realized, drawn into the screen as your mouth hangs wide open in that continued naivety of disbelief that the game actually allowed this, and the next, two hands are landing on the back of your chair and shaking you out of the trance. 
“Shit!” you can’t help but scream, scrambling wildly to yank off your headset with flailing hands. A few of your knuckles connect with something hard, and you spin quickly to find Eddie standing there with a hand clutched over his nose, “Oh my God, baby, I’m so sor-”
“Are you fucking the mindflayer?” he all but yells, not looking to be in an ounce of pain even as he continues to shield his face where your hand had blatantly smacked him. His eyes catch the screen in the same trance you had just been under before yelling out, “Holy shit, you’re fucking the mindflayer!” 
“It’s not what it looks like-”
“You are literally fucking the space squid right now.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“You’re fucking a glorified piece of sushi right now. You are literally-”
For the second time in the span of what hasn’t even been a full minute, your hand slaps Eddie’s face. This time, it’s more purposeful, slamming your palm right over his mouth before he can continue what you can’t even be sure is teasing. 
And you’re missing the entire scene. Thank God for learning to quicksave as a reflex, you suppose. 
“Eddie, I swear to God, do not speak another word when I drop my hand,” you threaten, no real violence behind your words as he glowers at you. You can see all that mischief swirling behind the look he gives you, every possible bad idea to ever exist in this Universe manifesting in those big brown eyes as they stare widely into yours. “Do you understand?”
He nods. Your mistake for trusting him, you suppose. 
The moment your hand has dropped from him, it reveals that giddy smile, dimples screaming for your instant regret before he even opens his mouth to say, “Play it again.” 
“Excuse me?”
“Go ahead,” he waves towards the screen where the scene is beginning to wrap up, your current companions interrupting the moment in horror. If you had still been entranced, you would have been an absolute mess. But all your focus had been stolen away to the boy towering over you, “Reload the save. Replay the scene for me.” 
Your brows furrow as you cross your arms, shaking your head, “No.”
“No,” you repeat yourself more firmly, leaning into your stubbornness, “I am not replaying the scene for you after you just made fun of me for partaking in it.”
Eddie wastes no time pouting as he throws himself down onto the bed nearby, looking at you with unimaginably forced disappointment, “Come on. You’re no fun.” 
You hate how cute he looks right now. Bottom lip jutted out for dramatic effect, legs splayed out to straddle the corner of the bed. He leans back on his arms, torso elongating as you watch him take every steady and expectant breath. He looks determined. 
Unlucky for him, you’re just as stoic in your decision.
“C’mon,” he whines softly, changing his approach when he realizes the cocky exterior isn’t chipping away at that set look on your face, no faltering in your decision to ignore his request, “Please? We both know that I’m not going to be fucking the squid, so this is my only chance to see the-”
“He’s not a squid,” you groan, starting to turn your chair to face the screen again and continue your gameplay, “Might I remind you just how hot my guardian was prior to the whole tentacle reveal? You can’t even blame me for succumbing to this, you know.” 
His lips press together tightly, biting back a grin.
“Your guardian was very hot. But, pray tell, baby, why did you choose to fuck the tentacled version?” You’re not having this conversation. You blatantly refuse to, picking your headphones back up and beginning to slip them over your ears when Eddie’s hand shoots out to stop you, “Wait. I have an idea.” 
“I’m not reloading the save so you can see the scene, Eddie-”
“What if…. I technically don’t watch the scene?” 
You halt all movement willingly, headphones still hovering in midair even as Eddie takes his hand away. “What do you mean?” 
He leans forward, elbows digging into his thighs, sly smile shimmering on his lips as he finally abandons the god-forsaken pout. He’s radiating pride as he simply asks, “Wanna have your mind blown in real life?” 
Your entire body flushes with heat, starting to actually get embarrassed that Eddie wasn’t letting this go. 
“With God as my witness, if you do not stop making fun of me for this, I will kick you out of this room and lock the door.” 
“I’m not making fun of you,” he says slowly, inching off of the bed, dropping to his knees on the carpet of your shared bedroom, “Not in the slightest, sweetheart. I’m making you an offer.” 
You eye him cautiously as he slowly makes his way closer to you. When he’s nearly tucked under your desk, you’re quick to bring your knees up, still terribly weary and unsure of where he’s going with this. 
“What do you mean then, having my mind blown in real life?”
Eddie’s smile has gone downright salacious as he easily fits himself under the desk that holds your computer, situating himself perfectly so that if you were to drop your legs back down, he’d be kneeling prettily between your knees. 
“Reload the scene. And drop your legs, yeah?” 
He says it so casually, nonchalance dripping from his tone as if he’s just asked you to pass him salt or inquired about the weather rather than the actual request he was insinuating. It has your knees pressing more tightly together, your chin dropping on top of them as you stare down at him in the cramped space. 
“Are you… are you seriously suggesting what I think you’re suggesting right now?” you question, each word falling from your mouth slowly. 
It had been a while since either of you had really gotten your hands on one another. Not on purpose, of course. The two of you had simply fallen victim to the immersive game, spending most of your free time either playing your individual campaigns or joining one another on a multiplayer one. Afternoons melted away from gameplay, and the two of you were usually already to the point of exhaustion once you’d end up in bed together. There had been a certain lack of affectionate touches, suggestive squeezes of your thighs and faux-innocent kisses of the neck. And neither had noticed, minds equally preoccupied on thoughts of pixelated characters and harrowing journeys over a screen. 
You can’t remember the last time either of you outright suggested sex. 
“Deathly serious,” you can see the shine of his teeth as he flashes them in the dark space. You continue to hesitate until he quickly adds on, “Only if you want to, of course. If not, I can always fuck off and leave you to Squidwar-”
“I want to,” you interrupt, ignoring the new nickname for the Mind Flayer that he had started to taunt you with. You carefully let your feet slip off your chair, avoiding knocking him in the face with your ankles. He aids you, a careful hand running from the back of your knee and down your calf as he guides your legs to rest on his shoulders. The fact that you had started gaming without pants was suddenly very helpful. 
“Good girl,” it’s sort of ridiculous, the way his words cut right to your core, nearly making you let out a small gasp. Your body is suddenly very aware of just how long the accidental bout of celibacy had been, “A few rules before we begin. You’re going to reload the scene, and really watch it this time. Headphones and all, got it?” 
He places a chaste kiss to your inner thigh, and this time, you can’t bite back your little gasp. It only elicits a chuckle from him as you eagerly nod. You could care less about the game at this point, but you can’t seem to find the words to tell him this. 
“If you stop focusing on the scene, I stop eating this pretty little pussy.” 
If you weren’t so light-headed from the way his breath hits your clothed core currently, you’d probably see just how ridiculous this entire scenario was. It was downright laughable. Even a little shameful, honestly. By no means was it the weirdest situation that you and Eddie had turned into a game of sex, but it was certainly up there. 
God, you were in love with a fucking weirdo. And it made you just as weird, if not weirder, as he was. 
He gently slaps at your knee, forcing your attention to focus back on him, “Got it?” 
“Got it,” you manage to choke out just as his hands begin to trail up to your hips, playing with the lace of your panties teasingly. 
You lift yourself ever so slightly off the chair as he slips your underwear off, bringing the fabric down agonizingly slow. He has to shuffle plenty, guiding your limbs around just to finally remove the garment, but you hardly pay attention to all that awkwardness. Your Tav is still on the screen, awaiting instruction just as you were. 
When Eddie finally has your panties off, knees back to hanging on his shoulders, you can hear him let out a soft groan at the sight of you. 
“Fuck,” he sighs gently, leaning his cheek against your knee ever so slightly, “The tentacles really do it for you, huh? Already fucking soaking-”
“Shut up about the tentacles,” you groan out, throwing your hand back in exasperation, “For the love of God, please shut up about the-”
“Ah, ah,” he tsks, pulling farther away from you, “Might I remind you the whole point of this is all those tentacles on your screen right now, baby? Maybe I should have you hook up your speakers instead of your headphones just to make sure I can hear the entire scene.” 
You’d honestly forgotten about the scene at this point. It was the least intriguing part of your evening now. 
When you stay quiet, biting your lip to avoid making anymore smart ass remarks that would only prolong what you desperately wanted, desperately needed, he finally takes it as his cue. 
That damn grin, dimples and all, look up at you with all the ill intent in the world as he gestures for you to slip on your headphones. You do it immediately, and just before you’ve fully engulfed your ears with them, Eddie says, “Now, please do the honors, and hit F8 for me, doll.” 
Immediately, the only noise you can hear is the ambience from the game. One swift punch of your F8 key pauses it entirely, sudden music replacing it as the reload screen appears on the computer. Eddie waits, staring up at you for a few moments, probably having memorized just how long these damn reloads take from how much the two of you save scum in the game (Ironic, given during your first playthroughs, he’d scolded you endlessly for save scumming rather than just trusting the dice and letting it all play out.) 
After a few beats of stillness, you can see the scene prepared and ready for you to begin to click the options again to initiate the scene in your peripheral. Your eyes are still locked on Eddie’s, though. 
He makes no move to move any closer to you, though, still smirking before he finally mouths ‘watch the game’. 
It’s only once you do as you’ve been told that he has his mouth on you. 
He starts slowly as you distract yourself with the screen, peppering kisses along your knees and inner thighs, working his way towards your pussy. Teasing you, taunting you, dangling what he knows you want so badly that it aches and has you spasming around absolutely nothing. It takes more effort than you could care to admit to focus your vision on the dialogue options, and even more to remember which one is going to initiate the goddamned scene. 
When your shaking hand reaches for the mouse and finally clicks the correct option (thank God), his mouth finally hovers over your slick folds. 
Whatever the Emperor says falls on ringing ears. Subtitles are useless, the words blurring together on the screen when his tongue takes its first stride across your core. 
Your knuckles are paling from how tightly you grip your poor mouse, and you almost consider what you would do if this situation leads to you breaking such a vital piece of the shared gaming setup, but Eddie’s mouth is quick to distract you. You feel the vibrations of the hums falling from his lips just as they trail to wrap around your clit, forming suction as he gives one harsh suck that has your mouth falling open in a silent gasp. Your eyes can barely manage to stay open as you blindly click for the next dialogue option being presented.
Kiss the tentacle and hope that it’s an erogenous appendage. 
Not quite the same path you’d taken before, but it’ll get the job done. Especially when Eddie’s fingers are digging into the flesh of your thighs even harsher, pressing himself even harder against you as his tongue dances over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Kitten licks, but every single one sends a bolt of electricity up your spine. 
The sound that comes from the Emperor in the game doesn’t matter to you, completely overridden by the audible groan you can just barely catch from Eddie as your headphones begin to slip off. 
Was that… a good sound? 
You hadn’t noticed you’d breathily recited the words you read across the scene until movement below the desk catches your eye, and Eddie is nodding into your cunt more eagerly than the character on the screen could ever be capable of. 
It’s the type of eagerness that has you whimpering, the kind of enthusiasm that guides one of your hands away from the keyboard and down to tangle into the roots of Eddie’s curls. 
He’s going to be the death of you. 
His grip tightens until he’s tugging your hips hard enough to bring you further slumped down in your seat, letting your thighs cradle either side of his head. His nose bumping your sensitive clit as his tongue circles teasing against your entrance. Once, twice – and then it dives in, pushing you to arch your back, a soft cry leaving you as you yank at his hair. 
With a heaving chest, you find yourself reciting another line of words from the screen despite making no move to click any options, “Do it again. Please, God- do it again.” 
He lifts to look at you at that, smiling wide with glistening lips and chin alike, “God? Oh, you’re making me blush, babe.” 
“Eddie-” you start, but a smack on your thigh from one of his ringed hands effectively shuts you up. 
“Play the game, and I’ll do it again.” 
Your hand smacks against the mouse, and you must click the right option, the exact command you’d just demanded of Eddie, because the scene continues on. 
You’re not watching the screen. Not consistently. Your eyes can’t stop flickering down to your boy, to his dark eyes shining up at you as he keeps his face buried between your thighs, the only thing giving away his current grin being the slightest crinkle beside those eyes. 
The entire sequence from before is simply playing out, just as before, but your mind stays on the feeling of Eddie’s tongue on you. When he releases one of your thighs and brings his fingers into the mix, stretching you out far more fully than his tongue had, you’re preening beneath his touch. Gasps, moans, whimpers, sobs – they all fall from your lip as he knows just how to work you. All the right touches to bring your neglected body to the precipice, practically worshiping you on his knees as the brightness of the screen exposes your face to him. Eyes tightly screwed shut, mouth wide open, lips swollen from poor attempts to keep your noises down through biting them. 
It only encourages him further. Only has him forgetting entirely about the game as well, the only goal on his mind being making you cum on his tongue. 
And you do. 
In hot waves, broken calls of his name, both hands tugging mercilessly on his hair. Your thighs are squeezing his cheeks tightly as you clench down on his fingers. 
Somewhere between all the whispers of his name, numerous squeaks of please falling from your mouth, he slows down. He gives you a chance to bask in the after-warmth of it all, your entire body buzzing as you catch your breath. You truly, genuinely hadn’t expected to cum that quickly. But it had been a while, and if anyone knew your body well enough to get you off in record speed, it was the man currently still seated on sore knees with a winning grin on his face. 
“Your headphones aren’t even on anymore, you cheater,” he teases, sounding just as out of breath as you felt. 
You detangle your fingers from his hair, retracting your hands just far enough for one of them to flip him off, “Shut up.” 
Your eyes are still closed, head leaning back almost painfully as the headphones cut into your neck. If you could live in this moment forever, you probably would. 
He presses forward, placing a quick peck to your sensitive core that makes your legs try to squeeze together instinctually, “Make me.” 
At those two words, you finally open your eyes, slowly lolling your head towards him, eyes narrowing at the challenge. 
“Get off the floor and onto the bed, and I will.” 
You don’t have to tell him twice. 
The entire process somehow manages to remind you just how ridiculous the situation was. Watching Eddie clamber clumsily out from beneath your desk, cheekily flashing you the set of panties he’d taken off of you that he shoves into his pocket. Eyes glued on him as he flops himself down onto your shared bed, still looking far too proud of himself. 
Your heart swells as you look at the absolute idiot, knowing he was yours. 
“Well?” he asks expectantly, raising his eyebrows as he shimmies his shoulders jokingly, “You gonna make me or not, sweetheart?” 
You’re quick to start to jump out of your chair, just eager to be close to him again, deciding the game could wait until tomorrow. Just as you do, however, Eddie puts up a hand, biting back an even wider smile.
“I’m only reminding you because I won’t hear the end of it otherwise,” he drawls, slowly pointing a finger back towards the desk, “Don’t forget to press F5.”
You roll your eyes, but you do as he says. 
It works. It’ll save you time next time you reload the game – allowing you to skip the entire encounter, considering the way you’ve discovered there are far more fun ways to have your mind blown. 
Now, however, it was Eddie’s turn.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin
@ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87
@thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck
@cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking
@witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore
@mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog
@vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp
@princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
join my taglist!
(please let me know if the tagging worked!!)
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ihaechans · 5 months
Smile! (You’re on camera) || N.JM
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PAIRING ▸ Na Jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ pure smut
WARNINGS/CONTENT ▸ profanity, oral (m), hair pulling, throat fucking, praise, sexual photography/videos, dom!Jaemin, dirty talk, unbearable amount of pet names, slight hand job, spit kink (i apologize for this but not rlly...) unprotected sex (use protection plsss)
SUMMARY ▸Jaemin loves taking pictures. He loves the beautiful and captivating nature, golden sunsets, gloomy rainy days, and flower fields. The only sight that is his favorite though, is the one of his girlfriend on her knees.
A/N: First smut in like 5 months #yolo. this draft is so old it's been sitting half-completed for like a year and a half so I finally decided to just finish it today. Oops.
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Jaemin loved a lot of things.
Loved a lot of things about you to be exact.
First sight and he knew he had to have you, putting in hours and hours worth of effort. He's lucky it paid off. He scored the girl of his dreams, the girl he saw as perfect in every way and he’s so lucky he did.
He’s lucky for someone as perfect as you. He was lucky that someone could relate to him on an emotional level without feeling awkward or uncomfortable sharing his feelings with, one of the things he had feared you wouldn’t understand in the beginning. He loved the way you were unapologetically yourself, not hiding or masking your true self, being confident and bold in anyway you could.
He also thinks you’re the prettiest girl in the world, made just for him and him only. Everything about you was just perfect.
“Look at my pretty girl,” his voice sounds rough and strained, but his hand holds his camera steady. “You’re so perfect. Sucking my cock like a fucking pro.”
Nothing about this position was comfortable. Your knees are red and sore from kneeling on the wooden floors for a concerning amount of time, your jaw aching and your eyesight blurred by tears. You know you look a hot mess but Jaemin thinks you’re absolutely stunning.
His beloved camera is steady in one hand as the other finds purchase in your hair. Pulling, and tugging aggressively on your hair as you cry out around his thick cock, every moan and groan sending pleasurable vibrations throughout his body.
“Open up princess, show the camera that pretty little mouth.” and you do, letting his dick rest heavily on your tongue. “That’s it, baby. Now keep it open,” he demands, smiling happily when you cooperate without hesitation.
A fat string of Jaemin’s saliva lands on your tongue, a wicked smirk forming across his features when he grabs the base of his dick, slapping his tip across your tongue a couple of times to smear his spit around. 
“Mmh,” he groans, nearly cumming at the sight of your eager hand attempting to fully take him back into your mouth. “My sweet girl is a little impatient I see.”
In the beginning, you were never really a big fan of giving head, but being with Jaemin changed you. He was great in bed, and the first couple of times you two had sex, he would never let you suck him off. He always preferred giving instead of receiving, but something had awoken inside of you the first time he finally let you have a taste.
He was so vocal and appreciative of how skilled you were with your mouth, the praise and constant reminders of this were the sole reason why you kept doing it, and over time you came to enjoy it more and more. 
“Shit-” You lick at his sensitive tip before taking him back into your mouth, cheeks becoming hollow as you suck on him with fervor. “You love my cock don’t you pretty girl? Always so fucking good at sucking my dick. Made just for you baby.”
You simply nod at all his nonsense, barely paying him any mind as you continue sucking him harder, faster as seconds pass by. Your hand strokes his base and plays with his balls as you stare up at him, the overwhelming sensation feeling all too good. He stares at you from the other side of his camera, nearly forgetting to record when you trace the sensitive vein on the underside of his cock.
“Fuck yes.” He shudders, thighs beginning to shake uncontrollably as he nears his climax. “God baby, gonna let me cum down your tight little throat?” You nod without hesitation and immediately, the grip on your hair is unbearably sharp and painful, your boyfriend forcing your head down to take his entire cock down your throat.
You can barely breathe but you love it, your airway being stuffed full of your beloved boyfriend’s dick was something you would never complain about. “My baby looks so pretty. Mouth stuffed full of my cock and tears in her eyes.”
His voice is unstable and rushed, the intensity of his approaching orgasm making him sound winded.
He thrusts his cock down your throat a couple more times before blowing his load down your throat, almost causing you to choke as he demands you to swallow it all.
You’re sure that you’re drooling everywhere, lips smeared with his cum and your saliva.
“So fucking sexy. Open wide.” You do once more, showing the camera that you had indeed, swallowed all of his cum. “I’m not done with you yet princess, get on the bed.” Now that he’s finished, he sounds more relaxed and controlled, his voice steady and the camera following your every move.
Jaemin pulls his sweatpants back up as he watches you follow his orders. “Take your clothes off, I wanna see you baby.” In seconds, you are completely naked on his bed, waiting patiently for his next direction. “All fours.” Spinning around in a rush, you get on all fours, wiggling your ass in front of Jaemin and the camera. 
A hash slap is delivered to the flesh and you groan, mind wondering if Jaemin would be nice and stretch you out with his fingers or dive straight in to fucking you. Jaemin was big. The biggest you had ever seen. The heaviest you had ever handled too.
“Gonna fuck your tight little hole so good, just watch.”
You assume he’s talking to the camera since you are currently facing the bedsheets, about to beg him to do something when his fingers start rubbing against your folds. “Shit Jaem.. please fuck me…”
He simply ignores you, continuing his teasing touches against your cunt. You open your mouth to complain when he shoves a finger inside of you, a whine slipping out instead. “So warm. Wonder how good it’ll feel around my cock.” He groans, moving the camera closer to get a clearer view of his fingers shoved deep inside of your pussy.
“Please… oh my god.” When he finds the spot that makes your toes curl, you know it's over. Your climax approaching faster than you expected. “Stop! Please- I can’t.”
Jaemin is stuck in his own world, blocking out the sound of your pleas and whines as he watches your body quiver and flail around in front of him. “Just once princess, please cum for me and I promise I’ll fuck you.”
The softness in his tone throws you off for a moment and the pace of his fingers picking up speed nearly makes you choke. You’re so close, but the thing that makes you climax is the feeling of his tongue against your hole.
“Shit!” You curse, shivering as you reach your high. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!“ Jaemin doesn’t stop when you climax, and all you can do is cry out and plead for him to stop against the bedsheets.
“Look how pretty…” He whispers.
Your entire body feels numb as he continues to abuse your hole with his fingers, not once stopping until you feel another orgasm building up inside of you.
“Please Jaem- fuck! I cant Jaemin, stop, oh my god…” There’s tears in your eyes, the pressure becoming overwhelming. All you could hear was the sounds of your soaking wet cunt being abused by Jaemin's thick fingers as he chuckled evilly at your suffering.
His camera was focused straight on your core, the lens picking up every single detail. “Such a good girl, taking everything I give you.” and finally, he stops, leaving a harsh slap to your ass as he pulls his fingers out of you.
You’re writhing on the mattress, mouth hanging open as thin strings of drool slip out onto the sheets. “I- fuck, I can’t Jaem-“ you breathe, clearly out of breath.
“I haven’t even put my dick in you yet and you’re already fucked out? How cute.” He adjusts his grip on the camera so that it’s capturing the mess he’s made of your cunt perfectly, adding another slap to your ass for the video.
“Turn around and spread your legs for me baby,” Your boyfriend starts, stripping out of his sweatpants as he awaits you to follow his direction. “I’m gonna fuck you now.” 
Your whole body hurts already, and you’re barely able to follow his order, groaning weakly as you muster the strength to flip yourself around and spread your legs for Jaemin to see. A low curse leaving his lips as he stares at the mess he’s already made out of you.
The room felt muggy as a thin sheen of sweat formed on your forehead, strands of loose hair matting onto your skin and mascara starting to smudge from the heat your body was emitting. “Please fuck me..” Jaemin smirks proudly when he hears you whine for him, staring straight at you with dark eyes.
“Shit,” he curses under his breath, getting tired of holding the camera in his hand. “Gonna fuck this pussy so good.” and with that, Jaemin stops recording, throwing the camera down onto the carpet below.
Positioning himself between your spread legs, you could feel the heat radiating from his skin, wondering how it would feel inside of you next.
“You want it so bad,” he growled, stroking your cunt with his tip. “You’re going to take it all, aren’t you?”
The anticipation was nearly unbearable, and you nodded feverishly.
“Yes...please,” you whispered, desperate for the relief only he could provide you with.
With one swift movement, Jaemin thrusts into you, filling you completely and sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body. Jaw slack, you gasp and moan, the feeling of him inside of you completely overstimulating.
“Oh fuck, baby,” He panted, feeling your pussy clench around him. He picked up the pace, his thrusts getting harder and faster, his thighs slapping against your ass with each movement. You felt his cock hitting that spot deep inside of you, sending you soaring higher and higher with each surge.
“Oh god, Jaem, yes, harder, deeper,” you pleaded, your nails digging into the sheets as you arched your back, meeting his every thrust. Jaemin grunted in response, his voice hoarse with lust as he poured everything he had into you.
Another climax hit you, this one even more intense than the last, and you wailed out his name as you came, clenching around him until he thrust once more, his own release filling you.
As he collapsed onto you, both breathless and spent, you couldn't help but smile weakly, your body still trembling from the intensity of the experience. Jaemin looked down at you, his eyes softening as he gently kissed your forehead.
“You're so beautiful,” he murmured, stroking your hair. The camera had long since stopped recording, but the memories of this night would be forever etched in your mind along with every other moment you spent with Jaemin.
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yup-thats-me · 2 months
—UNO reverse • Geto. S
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pairing : Husband! Geto x wife! Reader
summary : Y/n’s prank didn’t go as planned
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Y/n was bored. Bored out of her mind. Her dear husband, Geto Suguru was out on an errand from their principal. Although Y/n had wanted to go with him, he had denied saying “There’s no point in you going with me. You’ll just get tired. I’ll be back soon,” and had left with a kiss on her forehead.
Deciding she’d use her phone for a while, she sat down on the couch hoping to come across something interesting. After about fifteen minutes of scrolling through dozens of videos on the app, something finally caught her attention.
The video showed a girl, wanting to prank her boyfriend had written a letter saying how she fell out of love with the man. She had kept the letter at a pace where the man could read and she hid herself in their closet. The result was horrible. The man had read the letter and in ten minutes, he had brought another woman into the room to get intimate with. The couple ended up breaking it off.
Although the outcome was cruel, Y/n wanted to try it herself with her husband. Surely, he wouldn’t do such a thing. The worst that could happen is that he would turn the world upside down to find Y/n, at least that’s what he had said when one-day Y/n had jokingly asked him what he’d do if Y/n were to ever leave him.
So began her plan. She grabbed a piece of paper laying around and a pen and began writing a letter that would tell Geto why she left. Initially, Y/n had thought it to be an easy work. But when she grabbed the pen to write, her hands didn’t move.
She couldn’t find a single reason why she’d ever leave Geto. It wouldn’t be bragging if she said he was the perfect man alive. He’d always leave home only after he had kissed Y/n goodbye, would always call beforehand to tell her that he’d arrive home late so that she wouldn’t stay up waiting for him (she did, anyway), anytime he’d go out of town for a mission, he’d always return with a big bouquet of her favorite flowers as an apology for staying away for so long if Y/n feels under the weather for some reason, he’d take it upon him to make her smile, he would also make the meals for the entire week when she gets her period and would go lengths to keep her happy during that week. The list wouldn't end. Y/n could write and finish all the empty pages in her house but the list of why Geto was perfect, would not end.
So, with much trouble, she was at last able to put together various lame excuses of why she “was leaving Geto.” As the letter was finished, she got a text from Geto. ‘Be home in ten minutes. Want something?’ The text made her smile to herself. Quickly replying with a ‘don’t want anything. Come home soon’, she ran to their bedroom to keep the letter and hide.
She decided to keep the letter on their bedside table under the lamp to make it noticeable. She then searched for her hiding spot in the room. The closet was filled with their clothes, the curtains were too see-through, and the corner of the room wouldn’t work. She finally settled for under the bed.
She quickly crawled under the bed and lay flat, trying hard to calm herself down. She was too excited for all of this. After about seven minutes of waiting, she heard the door open.
“Y/n? Darling, I’m home!” Geto called out as he kept some bags on the kitchen counter. Judging from his footsteps, he had checked all their rooms. When he couldn’t find her anywhere, he finally entered their bedroom in hopes of seeing his wife on the bed reading yet again another book.
When he found the room to be empty, he started to panic thinking some curse had gotten her, he quickly forced himself to calm down upon seeing the letter under the lamp.
The room fell silent and Y/n could only assume it was because he was reading her letter and was in shock. What was to her shock was that she heard Geto let out a laugh and mutter. “Fucking finally.”
The next thing she heard was him talking to someone. “Hey, baby? I’ve got great news! My wife finally left! Yeah, can you believe that? Anyway, come over! Can’t wait to see you baby!” He spoke merrily and left the room.
It took Y/n a few minutes to regain herself. It was just like the video she watched. She also got cheated by Geto Suguru, the perfect man in the entire universe!
She finally composed herself as she came out of her hiding spot. Unable to control herself, she sat on the floor, her tears finally flowing free. Who would think Geto was cheating on her the Geto Suguru cheating on his wife? Who would believe that? The two Jujutsu schools all across Japan knew how devoted Geto is to his wife. He worships the ground she walks on. And that man was cheating on her behind her back. The world we live in.
After what felt like hours, the door finally opened to reveal a smiling Geto leaning against the doorframe. “UNO reverse, my love,” he mocked playfully.
Smiling still, Geto pulled her to his chest caressing her hair. “Did you not understand my love? I pranked you as well”, he revealed.
“Prank? So, you didn’t cheat on me?” She asked slowly, as if scared to hear him answer in any other answer other than no.
“No, my love. How could I ever?”
Hearing him, her tears finally stopped. In a weak attempt, she tried punching Geto on his back but her hands gave up, instead wrapping them around his shoulders and hugging him closer.
Geto carried her and sat her down on the bed but she was reluctant to let him go, making her sit on his lap instead. He didn’t mind, he was rather fond of having her in his lap. When her sniffles finally stopped, she turned to him, her eyes all bloodshot and puffy from crying.
“How did you know it was a prank…?”
Geto laughed again, booping her nose. “My sunshine, in all the excitement, you forgot to conceal your legs from my view, baby. I could see your slippers peeking from under the bed.”
Her face grew red in embarrassment. At last, it was her who shot herself in the leg. Okay it was her who gave herself away, but the call was a real one.
“Okay but who did you call then?”
Before he could answer, his phone rang. The very answer himself. Picking the call, Geto let out a sigh before Gojo could speak.
“Baby? Geto did you really call me baby? My god all my fantasies are coming true! I’m gonna die!” Gojo didn’t even let Geto say anything. Y/n giggled as she heard him through the speaker.
“Geto really? Are you leaving Y/n? Oh my god!” This time though, Geto was able to answer.
“Shut up, Satoru. I’m busy showering my wife with my never-ending love and affection.” His answer made the other sad, though. “Eh? Really? What a waste…But Geto, you should think over, you know. Maybe we cou—”
Before he could finish, Y/n cut him off. “Satoru, I’m going to kill you soon!” she said so threateningly but her usual sweetness was laced too. Geto felt a shiver up his spine upon hearing her.
“OKAY! SEE YA TOMORROW, GETO!” Gojo cut himself off as he hung up.
The couple stared at each other before bursting out laughing. Composing themselves, Y/n managed to ask the last question on her mind.
“Geto? How did you know the letter was a fake?”
Geto kissed her cheek. “Because, I know you well enough to say you won’t leave because I brought the wrong shade of the lipstick, now, will you?”
Y/n mentally facepalmed. She should have put more thought into the letter honestly. “You hungry, baby? I brought Chinese. Let go.” He again carried the woman downstairs, while she kept her hold strong on his shoulder.
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do not copy, steal or translate my work to any other site. all rights reserved to yup-thats-me on tumblr
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niqhtlord01 · 5 days
Humans are weird: Military Assassinations
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
“What do you mean General Veers is dead?”
From the corner of the room Nifien could hear the lowly orderly who had drew the ire of the prince swallow as if they were choking on a Ganta Nut.
“Forgive me my prince,” the orderly stammered, “but General Veers was killed several months ago during the opening stages of the conflict.”
Glaring at the orderly with a mixture of displeasure and disgust, Prince Kiora was growing more impatient by the minute. He had been sent by his father the king to check on the status of the war front with the humans only to find himself greeted by lower ranking officers instead of the supreme commander himself; and now he had learned why.
“Why was the homeworld not informed of his death?” Kiora asked as he looked up from the orderly and stared down the remaining senior staff inside the war room. Only Nifien met his gaze but said nothing.
“With regrets great one, all transmissions have been blocked by a network of human cyber warfare satellites.”  
Quickly pulling out a data pad and thumbing in several keys in rapid succession, the holographic projector spun to life and presented an image of the world they now stood upon in the center of the room. The orderly pointed to a rash of tiny red icons that began appearing above the planet and moving in perfect formation across the entire atmosphere.
“Any transmission sent from the surface is rebounded off their satellites and sent back to the surface. We’ve been unable to get a signal out since we first arrived and with our navy hampered by the human fleet we’ve been in short supply of any orbit capable craft to breach the bubble and-“
The prince held up a hand dismissively and the orderly stopped their explanation. Rubbing his four eyes the prince said nothing as he took in the information laid out before him. The information homeworld had was clearly well and outdated by this new developments and that shifted the entire picture for Kiora.
“I assume General Mentau now leads the campaign then? Why is he not here?”
The gathered officer core looked nervous and said nothing as the orderly tried to speak but stopped themselves several times.
“Because he too is also dead, your highness;” Nifien spoke as he stepped forward, “along with General Jul’nin, Safar, Dre’nuk, and Gin’tharie.”
  “Dead?!” The prince spoke out in surprise, “All of them?!?”
“I’m afraid so.” Nifien replied as he stood next to the orderly. With a subtle nod he dismissed the orderly who thankfully bowed his head to both Nifien and the prince before retreating back to the corners of the room; no doubt thankful to no longer be the prime focus of the prince.
“How was this…this…disaster, allowed to unfurl..” the prince began as he looked at Nifien and it dawned on him that he had not introduced himself yet.
“Apologies my liege,” he began as he bowed, “I am Nifien Ve-gar, Commander of the 3rd front and acting supreme commander of the campaign.”
“How was this allowed to happen?” the prince reiterated, to which Nifien entered several keys into his own data pad and the projection shifted to a video feed.
“Shortly after our arrival General Veers was targeted by what the humans call a “hit squad”, and terminated while touring the front lines.”
The video feed was footage from a soldiers weapon camera mount and showed the general very much alive and discussing matters with several soldiers gathered around him. Veers was well known to be loved by his forces as he would see the frontlines for himself time to time and speak with his forces personally.
Just as the General finished telling a joke which had the gathered host laughing the back of his head blew out and showered his bodyguards standing behind him in brain matter. The gathered mass of soldiers began shouting while and searching for the direction the shot came from as Veers bodyguards cradled their now deceased leader and dragged his body away off screen before the feed ended.
“Shortly after his death General Mentau took overall command of the campaign. He held the position for a month before he too was likewise terminated by what we believe to be the same hit squad.”
Another feed appeared on the screen showing General Mentau’s personal command vehicle pulling into a compound only for it to suddenly explode violently. Black flames emerged from the shattered windows and the general’s death screams could be heard causing several of the gathered officers to look away in horror.
Rather than showing more gruesome footage several pictures of the other decease general’s appeared on screen showing they had met similar fates, along with half a dozen other lower ranking officers.
“Without a proper chain of command to direct the larger picture,” Nifien continued as the hologram switched to project the territories controlled by their forces and the humans, “the entire army had ground to a standstill. Some units have been operating under order several weeks old by now leaving the entire front stagnant. In the last month alone I have had to issue field promotions to some thirty six officers to keep the entire army from falling in on itself and even now the measure is merely a stopgap to the much larger issue. ”
Kiora listened in silence as the scope of the problem was finally laid bare. Without clear lines of leadership and orders to follow the entire invasion force was now on the verge of disintegration.
“If you have promoted new officers why has the war continued to remain a stalemate?” the prince asked.
Nifien shrugged. “Every soldier by now knows about the human hit squads and is terrified of them, especially the newly promoted officers. By now they all know there is a giant target on their back and the paranoia is making them halt and consolidate their gains to ensure their own safety.”
The holographic projection shifted again to show a blurry outline of a figure from great distance. Nifien pointed to the figure as he spoke to the prince. “This is the only photo of the human hit squad that we have. Despite every security upgrade we have done, patrols altered, transmission frequency recoded; they are still able to bypass our lines and target officers.”
He chuckled despite himself. “Hells, I’ve not been able to leave this command bunker since becoming acting commander and that was over a month ago.”
Though he was disgusted with the human’s cowardly tactics Kiora had to admit that they had played themselves well. With but the slayings of a few individuals the entire army had been ground to a halt as they awaited orders that would never come.
“When my father hears of this disaster he will be most…..displeased.” the prince said in a low tone which the gathered officers knew all too well. The King’s displeasure was that of a death sentence in all but name and their only hope was to earn some crumb of glory to stave off the butcher’s axe from their necks.
To the prince’s surprise Nifien shook his head. “I’m afraid that will be a long time before he hears that your highness.”
“And why is that?” Kiora dismissed flatly. “Do you think your temporary station gives you some measure of control over one of the royal blood?”
“Never your grace, but it does ensure me when in matters of your protection.”
“My protections?” the prince replied startled, “What do you mean?”
“These humans have shown they are more than capable of killing anyone at nearly any time of their choosing.” Nifien began, “So what do you think they will do when they learn that their most hated enemy’s prince has arrived at the warzone?”
The realization finally dawned for Kiora as his mouth hung open.
“Chances are the moment you step foot outside of this bunker, you will be dead before you even lay eyes on your ship.”
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kissohee · 7 months
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coming down idol!shotaro x idol!fem!reader ☆ nsfw ; wc : 1.9k ☆ one-shot mdni! synopsis; you and shotaro get paired up for a dance cover, but after a lot of tension, you find yourself in a sticky situation (literally) warnings; practice room floor sex, dry humping, recording, unprotected sex (AND cumming inside)
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When you debuted, you had expected people to like you. So when they did in fact like you a lot, it wasn't a surprise. Your group debuted on the more mature-sexy side of concepts after companies realized older fans were in demand of it, and when you listen to fans, you get more money. Already a week into your debut , your manager had mentioned that SM had plans of making one of the members from your group do a dance cover with a boy group member, but never specified anymore than that. You were honestly taken aback when your manager said SM wanted you to be the one to do the cover. Sure, you were very popular but you didn't exactly find yourself particularly great at dancing. At least not enough for you to do a cover dance. But it seemed like the company thought otherwise.
When your manager finally told you who you'd be doing the dance cover with, it started to make more sense. Shotaro. Of course, you should've guessed it. You had done a tiktok dancing to your debut song with Shotaro and the comments were flooded with people saying how you guys had such similar energy. It wasn't the reaction you had thought you would get from doing a quick 50 sec video with him, but it seemed to have boosted both of your groups, which is probably why SM is milking the fuck out of it. That's why you found yourself standing outside an empty practice room, waiting for your dance buddy and instructor to meet you. Out of nervousness, you accidentally arrived 1 hour early, so you took a seat right next to the room door. "How long have you been waiting there?" You hear a voice ask, looking up to see the adorable boba eyes of Osaki Shotaro. "Not too long," You stood up, dusting off the back of your pants and giving him a warm smile. "You know," he opens the practice room and holds the door open for you, "The door was open. You could've just walked in." "Oh." He lets out a small giggle and watches as you enter the practice room. "Instructor said he's running slightly late, so it'll be just us for a bit." He informs you. "So uh, why do you think SM picked us to do the dance?" Attempting at small talk, he gives you a smile. "Well it was originally my decision." He starts, grabbing his water bottle and drinking whatever liquid was in it. "What do you mean?" You furrow your brows. "SM allowed me to pick someone to do the dance with," He looks you in your eyes, "So I picked you." "Oh.." The conversation ended there due to how fast your heart started beating, you played with your fingers until the instructor finally arrived. After he apologized for being late, and blaming it on traffic, he started by saying he was going to show you guys the dance first before he started teaching it. The dance instructor started playing the dance on the large tablet so you and Shotaro can see what it's supposed to look like. You recognized the song as The Weeknd's Coming Down, and by the middle of the chorus you understood that this was supposed to be on the sexier side. "Isn't it a bit-" You look at Shotaro and back at the instructor, "Scandalous?" "Well," Shotaro piped up, "It's just a dance, I'm sure it's fine!" He gave you a warm smile before standing up and holding his hand out so you could also stand up. About 2 hours had passed and you guys were making fast progress with parts of the dance. It wasn't too difficult, thankfully, and Shotaro was there to help if you were confused on anything. He was the perfect dance partner. "We'll end here," The instructor says, "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Same time."
☆ Everyday, for almost a week and a half, you had spent 5 hours with Shotaro, going over the same parts you had already done. You had all but one move left to learn and rehearse. "Okay, now Shotaro I need you to lay on the floor. Y/N sit on his stomach. On my count, flip her over so that she's on the floor instead." The instructor ordered and you both nodded. When Shotaro finished getting into the position the same guy in the video was, you sat on his lower stomach. On the instructors count you rolled your body down so your chests were touching, letting Shotaro know that he can move onto the next move. He placed his right hand on your waist and his left hand on your upper back before flipping you over. What you weren't told was that it would result in your head banging against the hard floors. "Ow.." You whined before rubbing the back of your head. "Shit, I'm so sorry." Shotaro gets off of you and gives you an apologetic look, "I didn't mean for you to hit your head." "I know, it's okay." You sit up and the instructor shakes his head. "Do it again, this time less hard." He orders, "Hand placement was good Shotaro." Shotaro replies with a nod and you guys switch positions again. This time when he flipped you over, he quickly moved the hand on your upper back and placed it under your head to avoid it hitting the ground. He was also a lot closer this time, your faces only inches away and his eyes burned into yours. You had kind of wished your dance instructor wasn't here, you were almost embarrassed at how red you felt. Was Shotaro always so attractive? "It was better this time right?" He asks, unsure if it was towards you or the instructor, the feeling of his warm breathe hit your face. "Well it's a start, there's just no tension. And there needs to be tension." the instructor sighs loudly, "Let's pack it up today. We don't have practice tomorrow so I'll see you the next day." When he left you and Shotaro alone in the practice room, the silence in the room was deafening. "Uh-" He starts, his voice shaking a lot more than before, "Do you wanna still do practice tomorrow? Just the two of us? I think we could use the extra time." "Sure." You accept his proposal, "4pm."
☆ It was hotter in the practice room this time, the air was a lot more suffocating, and the energy felt different. Shotaro was a lot more serious today too, so much so that it worried you. "We don't have to practice it today," you gave him a sincere look, "The instructor should be back tomorrow so we could just do it when he's there." "No, it's okay," he smiled softly, "We don't have too much time left so let's just do what we need to work on today." You nodded in response, and watched as he lifted off his sweater, which made you do the same. "We need to work on that one part where you flip me over, right?" He nods in confirmation and sets up the companies tablet to record your practice, so when you look back at it you know what to fix. He positioned himself on the floor and you took a deep breath before sitting on his stomach. When you were both comfortable, Shotaro flipped you over just like you had been practicing the day prior. His nose bumps against yours, looking into your eyes. His body tense over yours as neither one of you choose to move, and become all too aware of the way his crotch is directly on top of yours.
His eyes travel from your eyes to your lips, his hand still holding your waist as he leans in and stops hesitantly. When you don't move, he leans in again, this time placing his soft lips on yours. Your hands move to hold the sides of his face as you reciprocate the kiss. His hand sneaks under your shirt to touch your skin, deepening the kiss and biting your bottom lip delicately. You softly moan into his ear, the sound going straight to his cock. You feel the way his dick hardens and experimentally circle your hips to apply feeling to it. "Y/N.." He groans, doing the same motion back. "W-we shouldn't be doing this here." "But you're not stopping," You wrap your leg around his waist, making his grinding even more pleasurable than before. "I don't want to." He lowers his head to kiss the side of your neck before sucking on it, leaving marks trailing down your neck to your chest. "O-okay," you close your eyes and let your head rest, the feeling of his lips making your stomach flip. "You look so pretty like this," He looks at you, satisfied with his markings. "You always look pretty though." "Shotaro.." The lights from the practice room was lit comfortably to see him perfectly, his lips swollen and his hair already sticking to his forehead. "Need you in me." You pout and toy with the band of his sweats. "You sure?" his eyes glisten and a small smile appears on his face. You nod, and start untying his pants when he sits up, which he allows. He frees his cock from his pants, letting out a soft moan when it hits his stomach. You look at his cock, worried if it'll fit but still removing your clothes nonetheless. Shotaro looks at your panties, "These stay on." He hooks his finger around one strap and pulls you to sit on his lap. Holding onto your thighs, he controls your movement. Your pussy perfectly rubbing against his cock, taking notice in the way his precum gets on your panties. Becoming more desperate, you pick up the pace, moving your panties to the side to allow direct contact of your skin on his. Shotaro's grip on your thighs tightens, his head falling back. You gently hold up Shotaro's cock, positioning yourself on top of it before sitting down. The feeling of your cunt wrapped around his cock makes his eyes roll back, "F-fuck." "Taro," you moan, fingernails digging into Shotaro's clothed back. The practice room air getting thicker when you start moving on his cock. The feeling of his cock against your walls feeling euphoric. Shotaros hips lift up, hitting you deeper than before. You were sure you were going to cum faster than you wanted, but with the way Shotaros dick kept twitching, you were sure he was too. "Sh-shit," His voice trembled, "feels too go-good, im gon' cum." You found yourself unable to respond in words, instead speeding up your hips to help both of you reach your climax. "Fuck.." You bit your bottom lip to stop yourself from moaning any louder, forgetting where you guys are. "T-together," he pleads, "Please." You nod, feeling the knot in your stomach as Shotaro's movement becomes erratic. He lifts you up and drops you down on his cock one last time, the feeling immedeatly sending you straight to release. The feeling of your cum on Shotaro's cock sends him over the edge, releasing inside of you before he could pull out. "Fuck you're so good." He looks at you with a softened expression, your head rests on his shoulder. "I'll get up," You mumble, "Just give me a minute."
☆ When you finally clean up the mess you made, Shotaro remembers that he had the tablet recording. He grabs it to see if it recorded what you guys did. After confirmation that it did, his head gets fuzzy just looking at what you guys did. It causes the tablet to fall out of his hands, and when he picks it up, his face drops. "Are you okay?" You rush over to see what's wrong. "Uh, don't kill me," He gives you a worried look, "I accidentally sent the video in."
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i tried rushing the actual story leading up to the sex as much as i could because i just wanted to write the sex oops 😭 - 🐠
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allhappyandgay · 1 year
The bedroom scene was undeniably flirtatious and romantically coded and whoever says it isn’t is specifically filtering out the signs so they don’t see it
(because we all know if they were straight everyone would clearly view it as what it is: an intimate moment)
here’s why:
Mike’s (and will’s) body language
The shots and cinematography (I was planning on linking @byleranalysis’s video on this scene cuz it’s great but I can’t find it, still though the shots are very telling. edit: t'was found! x)
Labeled ‘intimate moment’ in the script
Interruption trope
It inspired will to take his painting which is a symbol of his love for mike
Mike enters the room, completely shutting the door behind him (no matter the reason), leaving the two of them alone. He sits down on the bed, letting his bottom lip audibly slip out from under his teeth and nervously drums his legs while looking will up and down from behind. he let’s out, “thanks by the way,” which he knows Will will have to question (re: “I didn’t say it”). mike is aware will doesn’t know what he’s referring to, adding clear design to his approach.
Now this could just be me but starting a conversation with something like “thanks by the way,” regarding what you know the other person is unaware of, is intentionally setting them up for a surprise appraisal, which I think is very flirty.
This allows mike to make a joke out of his shitty behavior as a means to lighten the mood because admitting you were wrong and being able to make fun of yourself is hot, sorry not sorry! this is mike giving will permission to laugh at his behavior with him, which seriously throws him off and he looks mike up and down before turning away in excitement, denial, self preservation, vulnerability or most likely all of the above lol, poor flustered will. once he turns away mike draws in a deep breath to wipe the smile off his face so he can focus on apologizing to him. he shakes himself out of whatever trance he was just in so he could get to his point, squinting one eye and stuttering as he changes the subject. “hey, also, but, uh, about the last few days,” he starts, exiting flirting territory.
He tells will his home isn’t the same without him despite having all their other friends, and doesn’t mention his girlfriend until suggesting he was worrying too much about her, followed by “I don’t know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something,” bringing the two right back into a flirtatious standpoint.
This again could just be me, but asking “does that make sense?” is such a… I don’t even know the word, it’s just, such a thing to say lol. there are some situations where it’s annoying to hear, like a parent trying to confirm their child knows what they did was wrong. but the way mike asked will if what he’s saying makes sense low key gives me butterflies. he paused to make sure he’s on the same page in such a soft way and will immediately nods his head, holding back tears. Idk maybe Im making it a bigger deal than it is but I love that simple line from mike so much.
Mike and will both nervously gulp down air, unable to take their eyes off each other. the tension rises as the camera gets closer to both their faces, removing any physical distance you might’ve thought was there at one point. mike tells him that whatever it is that happens next, he thinks it will be easier to go through if they have each other, if they work as a team. quiet moments linger on their teary eyed expressions with every heartfelt addition from mike. he quickly looks will up and down again, emphasizing his desire to be “best friends,”—reciprocating wills own previously stated desire brought to light at rink o mania—his lips slowly parting with anticipation.
Will responds finally with a quiet “cool,” trying to keep his cool lol. you can see his excitement despite the stillness of his body, and there’s a calm steadiness to his eyes, glistening with tear beads. mikes eyes are also shining, the sunlight from the window illuminating his own teardrops sitting comfortably, refusing to fall. he raises one eyebrow as a smirk forms from his lips, looking him up and down once again but slower this time, before completing wills ‘cool’ with his own. he chuffs as his smirk grows into a smile, and they gaze at each other in silence for a couple moments.
This is a huge contrast to how mike was acting before their scene in Jonathan’s room, which tells us something changed for him because of it. mike was reminded how much he loves being with will, how much he missed his company. and without will having to tell him, mike realized he was being an idiot. of course this was seemingly because will reassured him about el, but quite honestly I think it was mostly by will flirting with him. he literally waltzed into wills room—without even knocking first—to get some more of whatever that was between them two scenes prior. and neither of them are fully aware the other is flirting or what that could mean (otherwise we’d be in very different territory by now), which tells us it’s intentional from both parties.
I also think it’s important to mention that what made them start flirting in Jonathan’s room was will reminding mike (and the audience) of their history and how they used to be, saying “that was you guys who saved me, that was you guys.” this is what made mike all giddy and what inspired him to address everything so they could be close like that again.
Based on this logic, will flirting with mike was what “knocked some sense into him”that he was being a “self-pitying idiot,” because mike apologizes to will by following the same energy that inspired him to, flirting. making fun of a situation. joking around.
All they had done since mike got to lenora was fight and ignore each other. then suddenly every moment they get alone they find themselves giving each other heart eyes and hiding stupid grins. they don’t even seem to question it, this is just how they are now. it comes naturally. so when mike realized how good it felt to be in wills presence again without arguing and being petty, just themselves, it probably gave him a huge confidence boost and made him feel better about the entire situation. yes will told him he would have another chance to tell el what he didn’t get to (which is what the GA thinks he wanted to hear), but what really lifted his spirits was having will back in his life, which inspired him to confront and apologize to him. he got a taste of what they could be like, and decided he needed that. he couldn’t go back to fighting and being awkward after their moment in Jonathan’s room. when he confidently swung the door to will’s open, and skipped straight into flirting, that was mike implementing his decision to turn back the clock, make things go back to how they were. but this time with slightly different intentions in mind.
Mike suggesting they be friends (best friends) again is also a callback to, canonically, “the best thing [he’s] ever done,” I might add. that holds a lot of weight, they didn’t need to remind the audience of mikes (also teary eyed and intimate) monologue in s2 but they did. mike basically relived the best thing he’s ever done in this scene.
After mike and will have their “intimate moment,” as the script itself calls it, a tire screech dramatically breaks their eye contact. we are brought back down to earth, where the two of them are actually several feet apart and not face to face. if you felt like they were supposed to kiss, you were quickly reminded that they physically couldn’t lol.
The tire screech wasn’t even that loud and yet their demeanors both changed drastically in less than a second, as if they’ve been caught doing something they shouldn’t. Jonathan hadn’t even barged in yet, but they were so focused on each other that a loud noise basically jumpscared them out of it lmao.
This is, as we all know, the interruption trope, which is used most commonly for ‘will they won’t they,’ tension reliant, slow-burn romances to keep you on the edge of your seat, only to make you throw your arms in the air and yell “oh, come on!”
The last part of the scene mike gets up and goes to the window with Jonathan, but we keep our eyes on will who gives mike one last pineful look before quickly grabbing his painting—a symbol of his love for mike—and stuffs it into his bag.
This is intentionally showing the audience that their conversation gave will either the confidence to give it to him—which he seemingly has been going back and forth between based on mikes behavior toward him, proving that’s what made him decide to take it in the end—or hope that it could go well, possibly implying he thought mike might feel the same, or at the very least was flirting with him (which he was).
The fact this moment was deliberately focused on says “hey! will got an idea from this interaction—one that specifically made him decide to take the painting—so you should too!”
In conclusion, gæ.
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seoktized · 12 days
too far? (s.mt)
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pairing: matthew x fem!reader
warnings: smut. somewhat mean dom!matthew, oral (m. receiving), matthew calls reader a slut, unprotected sex, creampie. lmk if i forgot any.
word count: 1.6k (kinda edited sorry for any errors)
a/n: finally done w/ this after putting it off for a month!! hope you all enjoy <3 also thank you to my baby @taeraelicious for inspiring me to finish this 😚
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yes, you loved when matthew got jealous because that meant you’d get the best sex of your life.
but maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to tease matthew all night, wearing a short skirt that basically flashed everyone if you bent over, being overly touchy with his best friends or even worse; perching yourself on jiwoong’s lap.
he was furious, but he kept his jealousy hidden because he knew you were doing this on purpose. he knew you loved getting him all worked up in order to bask in the way he’d fuck you later on.
matthew tried to stay calm, but what sent him over the edge was how you had now leaned back against jiwoong’s chest, his hands finding place on your thighs, even going as far as caressing them.
matthew immediately stood up, apologizing to the boys, saying the two of you had to go. he pulled you off jiwoong’s lap, his grip was tighter than normal signaling that your plan had worked.
the drive home was silent, both of his hands were on the steering wheel gripping it tightly. usually he’d have his hand on your thigh or draped across the center console.
did you go too far this time?
he only spoke as he put the car in park, “you’re brave,” he paused for a second, “i want you to listen to me and listen to me carefully because i am not in the mood for your games,” he said turning his head in your direction.
his hand went up to pinch your chin between his fingers, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“if i come inside and you’re not on the bed ready for me, i’ll go to bed and leave you untouched.” his tone was serious, causing shivers to run down your spine.
his hand dropped from your face and he was now facing forward and you took that as a sign to exit the car.
making your way to the door, you felt a little bad for pushing matthew this far, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit excited for the events that would follow.
you unlocked the door and stepped inside, taking off your shoes before walking up the stairs to yours and matthew’s bedroom.
you slipped off your top and your skirt, leaving yourself in the lingerie set you had picked out earlier which happened to be matthew’s favorite set.
hearing your phone buzz on the dresser you walked over to check who it was.
matty <3: you ready?
im coming in.
*one video attached*
your pressed your thighs together as you watched what he sent, it was a video of him palming himself over his jeans.
you heard the front door open and your placed your phone back on the dresser before scrambling back over to the bed, sitting with your legs tucked underneath your thighs.
the bedroom door opened to reveal matthew who had rid himself of his jacket leaving him in a compression shirt that hugged his muscles in the right spots.
matthew smiled a bit, seeing your eyes trail down his arms. he made his way over to the bed before reaching out to stroke your cheek.
“good girl,” he started, his hand suddenly went down to grip your jaw, bringing his face closer to yours.
“too bad you wanna act like a slut when we’re out.” he released your jaw before standing up to pull his shirt off.
though you’ve seen his bare chest many times, he never failed to take your breath away. you reached out to run your hand down his chest but your hand was swatted away.
matthew made a noise of disapproval, “you don’t get to touch me tonight, princess.” he then slipped his jeans off and your eyes immediately went to the bulge in his boxers.
“off the bed,” he ordered, he waited for you to climb off before he continued; “get on your knees.”
you obeyed and sunk down, now being face-to-face with the tent in his boxers.
matthew’s hand laced itself in your hair, pushing your face against his clothed bulge. he continued to rub himself across your face, groaning at the feeling.
“stick your tongue out,” he rasped, smirking when you obeyed.
he placed himself on your tongue, rocking back and forth. the friction from both his boxers and your tongue made him throw his head back with a grunt.
you let one of your hands drop between your legs, rubbing yourself over your panties.
matthew looked divine at this angle, his abs flexing everytime he moved his hips, his bottom lip finding place in between his teeth.
his eyes were now back on you, “move your fuckin’ hand.” he said through gritted teeth.
matthew felt himself growing closer to his peak so he pulled away, leaving you a bit confused.
“don’t wanna come yet.” he simply said.
matthew paused for a minute, his eyes trailing down your awaiting form.
“c’mere.” he said, pulling you to stand up. he sat himself down on the end of the bed, “sit right there on your knees.” he pointed to the floor.
you were a bit worried about what matthew had up his sleeve, but you obliged, sitting down in front of him.
“i don’t think you deserve my cock yet.” his thumbs hooked under the waist band of his boxers, lifting his hips up to push them down to his ankles.
you watched as his cock sprang out, hitting his stomach in the process.
he wrapped a hand around his length, stroking it slowly. matthew winced at the feeling, his hand gripped tighter, now fucking his hand at a slow pace.
you watched intensely wanting nothing more than to reach out and take him in your mouth.
matthew knew what you were thinking. he smirked watching how you ran your tongue across your bottom lip.
“pretty girl wants to touch, hm?” he waited for your response, smiling at how you nodded so eagerly.
“too bad, sluts don’t get what they want.” he spat. you felt tears start to well up in your eyes, wishing you didn’t tease him earlier.
matthew watched your facial expressions carefully. his eyes locked on the tears falling from your eyes, mentally noting that you looked so pretty like this, eyes red and wide, not wanting to miss any movement he made.
his groans rang through your ears, traveling straight to your core. you whined out hoping matthew would let you off the hook this time.
“do you think you deserve to be pleasured, doll?” he tilted his head to the side.
you nodded, “please matty, ‘m sorry for teasing you.”
a wicked smile grew across matthew’s face, “go ahead,”
once he gave you the green light, you pounced on his cock, taking him in your mouth. your tongue slid across the underside of his length. matthew groaned, his hand finding place on your head once again.
“fuck baby- slow down,” he moaned. you didn’t let up though, he’d teased you enough and you weren’t gonna stop now that you got what you wanted.
matthew knew he was going to come soon if you kept sucking him oh so good, so he pulled himself out of your mouth.
“c’mon doll. up on the bed,” he said, you arose from your knees and matthew moved out of the way so you could climb on the bed.
you crawled onto the mattress, pushing your ass out in the air and wiggling it in matthew’s direction. you heard a faint chuckle from behind before there was a dip in the mattress.
matthew ran his hand over the lacy panties you had on before running it down your back, pushing you to arch further.
he stroked himself a few times before running his tip over your clothed heat. he took his time, dragging himself at a slow pace.
“you’re soaking, baby..” he groaned. you whined in response, pushing your ass further in his direction.
“patience, doll, patience. you better be glad i’ve even gotten this far,” he snipped, “thought about leavin’ you like this, guess i still can, hm?”
“please don’t! ‘m sorry” you whimpered, matthew laughed at your desperation.
he pushed your underwear to the side, bending down to get a look at your glistening cunt. matthew groaned at the sight.
“prep or no?” he mumbled.
“just fuck me, matt!” you replied. he obliged and ran his cock over your wetness before pushing into your cunt.
you both moaned in unison at the feeling. matthew paused, relishing in the feeling of your pussy gripping him so tightly.
he bit his lip before sliding out then thrusting in harshly. you lurched forward, a broken moan leaving your lips. matthew gripped your hips, sliding his cock in and out at a ruthless pace.
the force of his thrusts made him hit that spot over and over again, making you scream his name.
“scream my name again—fuck—let everyone know who’s fucking you this good.” he said through gritted teeth.
“you are, matt!” you cry, his deep thrusts made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“jiwoong couldn’t fuck you this good, huh? only i can right?” he chuckled, “you should’ve saw the way he was lookin’ at you. made me wanna bend you over the table and take you right there.”
“he can’t! only you—shit—only you can fuck me this good!” your hands that were flat on the bed were now gripping the sheets and your mouth opened in a silent scream as you came.
“so fuckin’ tight ‘m gonna cum!” matthew growled before he stilled, shooting his load deep into your pussy.
the room was filled with panting, both of you trying to catch your breath.
matthew pulled out, watching as your mixed juices leaked out of your hole.
you whined in overstimulation before letting your eyes flutter shut.
“let’s get you cleaned up, hm?” he said before picking you up and carrying you to your shared bathroom.
it definitely was a good idea to tease matthew all night long.
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eroticdarling · 1 year
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Do They Like Car Sex?
Tokyo Revengers x Reader
× Featuring × — Timeskip! ♡ Manjiro Sano ♡ Rindou Haitani ♡ Kakucho Hitto ♡ Haruchiyo Sanzu ♡ Haijime Kokonoi ♡
× Cw × — ♡ Car Sex ♡ Semi-Public Sex ♡
× Side Note × — ♡ I know this isn't the one shot, but my brain wouldn't cooperate with me, and because I failed to finish it so here are some TR car sex headcanons as an apology
× A/n × — ☆ I do not own any of the TR pictures that will be shown below × Credits to @chironiverse on Pinterest ×
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♡ — × Manjiro Sano ×
Yes, he loves the thrill
Mikey knows what he’s doing when it comes to car sex. He loves to take a seemingly typical activity and turn it into something exceptional. Whether it’s a quickie in a parking lot or a romantic sunset session on the side of the highway, he looks for every opportunity to surprise you and make the car ride a memorable one.
The thrill of having sex in his car and the feeling of being watched are what he likes. It's not so much the act of sex itself, but rather the thrill of doing something that few people would be bold enough to do.
He loves the freedom that it provides and nothing feels as naughty as when you two are doing it with the window rolled down and all the neighbors are watching.
He also loves the adventure that it brings and he's always finding new ways to spice up these steamy sessions like taking photos and videos as you both perform yall naughty acts, he says “it adds a bit of excitement”.
Him being able to look back at the photos and videos later, as a reminder of yall wild, daring, joy rides gets him excited to do it again.
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♡ — × Rindou Haitani ×
No, he despises it tbh
Rindou despises car sex for a multitude of reasons, but the main one is that he doesn't like people looking at him when it's happening. He feels like he's on display and being judged, and it's uncomfortable for him. He wants his lovemaking to be private, not public, and the idea of people gawking at him when he's trying to get intimate with you is just too weird for him.
For him, this invades his personal space and he prefers a closed-off, intimate atmosphere for intimate activities, and car sex doesn't offer that.
The idea of car sex doesn’t sit right with him because it lacks the privacy that he craves. It can also be uncomfortable and cramped in a car, leaving little room for mobility. Since you are isolated in plain sight in a car, it also means that people passing by can look into the window and potentially see what's going on.
He is always very protective of you, and would never think of suggesting car sex to you. His number one concern is that someone could be looking into the car windows and seeing him giving you all types of pleasure.
That being said, he's willing to compromise and will try to make the best of tight situations, as long as it doesn't involve taking things too far. He still wants to show his love for you and will continue to do so without taking things too far or stepping outside of his comfort zone.
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♡ — × Kakucho Hitto ×
Probably, likes trying new things but for a limited amount of time unless he enjoys it
Kakucho is always up for trying new things, so there's a good chance he's open to trying car sex. He would most likely it out, and since he likes trying new things, car sex is right up his alley.
You thought it would be a great way to mix up your routine and add a little excitement to yall sex life so you suggested it to him.
He enjoyed it and said he would probably do it again sometime. It was exciting and thrilling, and he loved how you were so into it. You loved how he was so forceful and demanding, and how he made you feel so desired.
He love how you let him take control and made you feel so good. It was an amazing experience, and you can't wait to do it again.
So him wanting to have car sex again is not surprising. After all, car sex is one of the most popular places to have sex.
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♡ — × Haruchiyo Sanzu ×
Yes, very adventurous and willing to try anything and everything
Sanzu has always been a bit more adventurous when it comes to expressing his love for you. For one, he loves to do something a bit more out of the ordinary like having car sex.
He finds that the thrill of doing something so daring outdoors brings about a surge of adrenaline and urges him to become more intimate with you.
Some of his favorite car sex activities include experimenting with different positions and of course keeping a couple of extras like lingerie and toys on hand to help spice things up.
He also enjoys being able to be creative in a setting with some tight spaces, and the added possibility of getting caught or being noticed by someone is especially arousing to him.
He sees sex as both a physical and a mental connection between you and him and continually strives to find new ways to make the experience pleasurable for both of you.
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♡ — × Haijime Kokonoi ×
Maybe, it depends on if he's feeling it or not
For Koko, it depends on whether or not he's comfortable in tight quarters and still able to feel connected to his partner, and whether or not he enjoys car sex depends on his mood.
if he's feeling adventurous and open to the idea, then it could be the perfect way to have fun and be spontaneous with you and he may find car sex to be a hot and exciting experience.
If he's just not feeling it at all or not in the mood for something so intimate, then he may not be as into the idea of car sex, he trusts his instincts and sticks to what feels best for him.
He can be one of those individuals who can be difficult to read on whether he likes it or not. Most times, he finds the idea of having sex in a car too uncomfortable, due to the limited space and the fact that he has no privacy.
If you ask he may be hesitant to agree at first, but a little bit of flirting and teasing can be very persuasive and once you get him in the mood he's open to the idea of it, he make sure to take advantage of the opportunity and have a great time.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
Sergei pt.2
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Part one | Kraven x Reader
Your bestie finds out about your big cat man boyfriend.
Ever since you met the man who came to kill you, your ability to care better for yourself had finally shown itself. In the form of Sergei sending you money and giftcards to expensive boutiques in your neighborhood.
His visits had been sparse with your home being in Spiderman's main area and he couldn't just drive up to your place and parade himself around without being spotted.
He still visited, taking a different car each time, checking any and all social media pages so he could steer clear of his location.
You loved his visits. Every time he’d show up with treats and toys for the cats. Usually he’d call you to ask what you wanted for lunch or dinner and let you know when he’d arrive. At first he would never stay the night, afraid of being found and putting you in danger but this morning you had woken up on your couch, tangled in Sergei’s limbs as the sunlight shone through the windows.
Right now you were sitting around your coffee table again. You had done a quick breakfast run to the bakery across the street and when you returned Sergei had already brewed a fresh pot of coffee. One of the first things he had bought you was a stupidly expensive coffeemaker and a large box of supplies to easily make your beloved expensive drinks at home whenever you wanted, as soon as he learned that was where most of your leftover money went towards.
He had also bought you this huge, squishy lion plush that went everywhere around the apartment with you and was currently back to living on the couch behind you, after spending the night on the table you currently sat at.
“For when I’m not around.” He had said when you video called him. He had left you the instructions to either send him a video or call him whenever you’d get a git from him so he could see your reaction even when he wasn’t with you.
The two of you happily enjoyed breakfast together and cleaned up before refilling all he cats’ food and water bowls. You worked well around each other and planned your day while you both did your things and had decided to just stay here and do nothing, hang out on the couch with some snacks and TV. It was good for Sergei to unwind and not think about life for once, and having you with him worked as a great distraction. Such a great distraction, that halfway into the second episode of your show he had half laid down against the armrest of the couch, one leg up against the backrest and one hanging off the seat, with you sprawled over him like a ragdoll, but still holding Kraven the lion. With one hand he was rubbing lazy circles on your back while the other rested on the stuffed lion’s head, fingers playing with its mane. You were lying if you’d say you knew what the last thing said on the show was, as you were way too distracted by how beautiful Sergei looked with the sunlight casting a glow around his curls and making his eyes look almost like a glowing orange.
He caught you staring a while ago but decided to ignore it until now when he peeked down at you, looking you straight in the eyes. He let out a breathy laugh and without a warning hoisted you up so he could properly sit you down on top of him, Kraven still held close to your chest. Sergei looked up at you, down to the stuffed lion and back to you again. You took the hint and leaned over, your chest an inch away from his face as you went to place the lion on the chair next to you. When you moved back you were pulled against him, a pair of strong arms around you and soft lips on yours. You hummed as one of his hands went to the small of your back and the other played with your hair. Yours had found his curls almost immediately, tugging at them and deepening your kiss.
A squeeze to your side made you jump and break the kiss, sitting up, your hips right on his. Taking one look at each other you both laughed. He apologized for accidentally tickling you a you leaned back on his legs that were hanging off the armrest of the small couch he barely fit on like this. He put his hands behind his head with a stupidly handsome smirk on his face, looking at you like he was trying to say ‘I know you’re enjoying the view.’ And yeah, you were enjoying it for sure. You placed your hands on his chest, shamelessly squeezing like he would do to you whenever he’d walk up to you from behind. He returns the gesture before grabbing your hips and grinding you down on him, letting out a satisfying growl.
You were staring down at him with a soft smile, the show on TV turned into low, barely there background noise. “what are you thinking about, my little rabbit?” He had quirked up one brow and returned your smile with a half one.
With a blush you look away, feeling almost embarrassed to admit. “I’m just happy.” Your hand moved to rest on his cheek. “Haven’t felt that in a long time, until you showed up.” Your voice was barely above a whisper but he heard you clear as day, placing a hand on your cheek and guiding you down towards him and pull you into a kiss.
The kiss was soft and sweet at first, slowly getting more intimate as his hands started grasping at any part of you that he could reach. You could feel the growl rumbling in his chest as he held you close to him. Your hands found his hair and gave it a good pull with both hands causing him to groan into the kiss, parting his lips for you to slip your tongue past them.
Things had gotten intimate with Sergei before, but this felt different. The way he held you close and the intensity of the kisses. It sounded stupid in your head but you wanted more. Your sighs and moans only spurred each other on more, one of his large hands on the small of your back, holding you against him as he kept grinding up into you making you think he was hoping to do more than make out today.
Your intimate moment was cut short when your front door was opened without any warning, your best friend standing in your living room out of the blue. You both shot up at the sudden intrusion, you staring at your friend, Sergei staring at you in shock and your friend looking between the two of you and dropping whatever she held in panic.
“What the hell?” She had backed up against your door, hand fumbling to find the doorknob and failing as she did not dare to look away, afraid the man in front of her would attack.
You had crawled off Sergei’s lap while he sat up as well, giving you a look asking what the plan was. You looked back at her, one hand had found her phone. “What are you doing?” On her phone was the app you had gotten for emergencies, broadcasting your location in case you needed saving. “Please don’t press that button,” the look on your face must have said enough as her thumb moved away from the screen, holding her hand up to show you.
By now Sergei had gotten off the couch and walked over to the dropped papers now all over your floor. He gathered them up to give them a quick look but stopped as he realized what he was holding. He picked them all up and rose again, standing only a foot away from your now terrified friend.
“Why do you have this?” He clutched the files in his hand, holding them up to her face as he snarled. He turned back to you now. “Why does your friend have detailed files on me?” He stepped over to you.. “Do you have these as well?” He drops the papers in your lap for you to look at. You rifle through them, taking in the images that are clearly security cam footage screen grabs. Timeframes included tell you these are from his visits. So he had been spotted, even with how careful he had been. You had talked about what to do if something like this ever happened, but you never really got to a proper answer. Your only options were either killing or leaving and you didn't want to do either, you loved this area and there was no way you’d let him kill your friends. With tears in your eyes you looked back to your friend, still standing frozen at your door. “Can you please talk?”
Your sudden change had Sergei shift his focus back you caring for you rather than eliminating the threat that was your friend who now knew who he was and had seen him with you. He leaned against the couch’s backrest and turned to listen to your friend’s explanation.
She sighed and looked down at her feet, starting her story.
What you had expected was true, Spidey had spotted Sergei in town on multiple occasions, but didn’t have any evidence of him actively hunting someone so he found there was no reason to engage for now but he did feel like he had to warn his close ones in case he was planning something. Clearly he didn’t know of the original reason he came here that first time, otherwise a fight would have happened already. Luckily he threw that plan out the window when his first target turned out to be, well, you.
“So, yeah.” She sighed, nervously looking between the two of you and praying her words were good enough to not end up beheaded and put on a wall like a hunting trophy.
When she was with Spidey he had given her the papers and they talked about the dangers of them spending time together as there were, according to him, always enemies watching.
“What were you doing with him then, anyways?” You interrupted her continuation with a suspicious look. A blush crept up her face as she stumbled over her words. “We.. we’re friends,” she shrugged nonchalantly. “Friends can hang out.”
You rolled your eyes at her, immediately reading through her lies. “yeah, of course you were hanging out just to talk about the dangers of hanging out.” You gestured grandly as you spoke. “He could have emailed us those files, but h went through the effort of having them printed so you had an excuse to see each other, i get it.” you shrugged back at her. “I don’t care that you guys are fucking but I wear if you tell him about any of this,” You wave your finger between you and Sergei, who had just been standing there, watching how you were going to handle this whole thing. “I will send him to go put your head on Spidey’s wall.” It was clear it wasn’t an empty threat, but she also knew that if you both agreed to keep your partners’ names out of your mouths like true friends would, there would’t be a single problem. So that’s what you did.
Her very chaotic visit ended with you all making an agreement and rehearsing her ‘I gave her the files, she said she’d be careful. Your app is still on her home screen.” speech before heading back home.
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deliriumzer0 · 1 year
Gen Loss' shooting location
I'm super into dead/dying malls so I knew what mall it was as soon as I saw the ending of Ep 2, but I didn't wanna post anything about it until after Ranboo had left NY just in case. I'm not about to facilitate any creepy behavior, you know?
So GenLoss was filmed at the now-closed Galleria at White Plains, which -- fun fact! -- is the same mall used for interior mall shots in the movie Eighth Grade (so everyone who enjoys Ranboo/Bo Burnham connections, there's a fun one!). It opened in 1980 and positioned itself as the mall for "normal" people, in contrast to the more upscale Westchester mall nearby. Sadly, that other mall is still alive & kicking, while this one was closed at the end of March 2023. There are apparently redevelopment plans in the works to turn it into mixed-use (retail + residential) space.
I was too curious about what some of the stores used in the shoot used to be, and how much of what I saw in GL was set design and how much was already in place, so I looked up old directories & photos of the mall to see if I could sleuth some of it out. In case anyone else was curious about the set designers' work, or is into retail history, I figured I would share my findings!
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The central elevator area of the mall in GenLoss, and how it appeared in 2019. (Screenshot from the 2019 video linked below)
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Apologies for the multiple different angles on this one, but this is all the same area, first in GenLoss (right after Ranboo starts walking away from the panel where Hetch is appearing), then from the Fleabitten Adventures 2023 video, then from the Raw & Real Retail video from 2019. (Couldn't resist screenshotting the drone ad on that last one, lol)
In the GenLoss screenshot, at the far right edge of the Sears entryway, you can see a bit of the painting left behind, so my guess is the GL set decorators got rid of that artwork for the shoot.
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The screen where Ranboo first speaks to Hetch in ep 3. The empty store behind them was an American Eagle Outfitters at one point, but it was already closed by February 2023. (screeenshot from Fleabitten Adventures 2023 video)
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Here's a before & after of this directory panel. (Screenshot from the Fleabitten Adventures 2023 video)
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The store full of "props". In the original store photo (Google's only photo of this shop), you can see how the existing shelves were repurposed for GL. Also way at the far end of the store there's a black & white photo of someone with a basketball that was left hanging up.
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I had a hard time finding a closer angle of this Victoria's Secret, but in case you were curious, here's one from the Raw & Real Retail video lol.
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Where Ranboo almost left but Hetch stopped them: a Kay Jewelers.
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The streamers are sitting in the following establishments: My Kitchen, Bourbon Street Cafe, Sarku Japan, Dunkin' Donuts, and of course Charley's. The last empty storefront was a Burger King before it emptied out. (Photo from Foursquare, cropped by me)
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The Dental & Foot Care storefront is unchanged except for the seating out in the open area. It was a rounded wooden bench set as of Feb 2023 (screenshot from the Fleabitten Adventures video), but for GL it was the standard metal benches found throughout the mall. Not sure why.
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Going far back enough, this was a Radio Shack. Couldn't find ANY photos of this particular location though, so here's the only photo I could find of what it was in the interim: a dress shop called Gloria's. (Photo from Yelp)
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This one is my favorite part. :) As of February 2023 (screenshots are from the Fleabitten Adventures video), the "Heart of the Facility" is this weirdly sparse artsy furniture store called Home Splash. But before this, what the shop's facade was designed for, was...
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A Charlotte Russe location. Ranboo died in a fucking Charlotte Russe. When I learned this, I could not stop laughing.
A great youtube video from Fleabitten Adventures walking through the whole mall in February 2023
Raw & Real Retail walkthrough video (from 2019)
A shorter walthrough video from HELLOTHISIS4U
Photos from FourSquare
I didn't cover everything I learned here, just the stuff I thought was coolest (and that I had images of), so please feel free to flood my ask box with questions about what certain things used to be!
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earthnashes · 1 year
hey, sorry, but i was wondering how you started on your fitness journey? i'm in a similar spot that you were two years ago and i want so badly to make the progress you have. i keep trying to begin but stopping because i get too scared or nervous, it's so daunting. do you have any good resources like websites/videos/youtube channels/blogs/etc.? i would really appreciate it. you look awesome and your post was super inspiring.
No apologies needed! It is pretty daunting man because it's getting into it for the long run.
Before I finally stuck with it I started and stopped several times in the past as well. If I were to give short tips personally on how to get started based on how I did:
-Start with the most simple thing for you and focus on building a habit out of it. Whatever that is, do it even if you don't want to. For me, I started with a scheduled walk around a trackfield (one full loop around the track) twice a week.
-Take the time to really outline your goals. Make sure to include short term goals and not only long term ones! It helps to say "I'm gonna walk for 5 minutes" and building up to the goal of "I'm gonna walk for 60 minutes", for example. Additional: having something visual can help with tracking it.
-Take it slow, and keep it simple. You're in this for the longhaul. And it will be very slow, but trust the progress and focus on the present
As for resources, these are what I used (with some notes if it helps!)
Jeremy Either's Youtube Channel
Great source of information in regards to many things, particularly muscle building. I already had a base understanding of working out due to my sports background, but he's great for complete newbies and for anyone who needs a refresher. I still watch his stuff today but I don't rely on it nearly as much now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing.
Hybrid Calisthenics Youtube Channel
Fantastic channel for complete beginners and for people looking to get into the swing of things again, but at a slower rate. He focuses on being genuinely positive and encouraging finding ways that'll work specifically for you. That includes doing variations of exercises that may be too hard at first, like variations of the pushup, or pullup. Simple routines to get you started without destroying yourself. Very good channel, honestly.
Sean Nalewanyj Youtube Channel
He was the first fella I followed before I found Jeremy. His content is short, punctual, and easy to understand, so if you're looking for much quicker advice without the super detailed explanations his YT Shorts would be recommended. You'll likely have to do a little more research on your own to supplement the knowledge though. Like Jeremy I still watch his content.
Jeff Nippard Youtube Channel
His content is chocked full of research based shit and sometimes can be a tiiiiny bit much to follow, so not really something I'd recommend for beginning lifters. That said, his content in general is downright fascinating and if you're looking for in-depth analysis on the world of bodybuilding, powerlifting, and so on, he's my go-to.
Leanbeefpatty Youtube Channel
Her content is far more vlog-ish, but she gives solid advice while simultaneously just being fun to watch. I like how much more relaxed her stuff is as well, so if you're looking for something that isn't as potentially stressful I'd recommend her over anyone else listed.
Eugene Teo Youtube Channel
I've only just started watching him a couple of months ago but he's been a joy to listen to. His content is relatively chill but he gives indepth explanations without getting too science-y with them. He also promotes things other than fitness that'll help with your goals; stuff like mindful hobbies, healthy food-relation habits (for example: there's no such thing as a good or bad food), so on.
Other sources I've used to help educate myself the more I got into it include MyFitnessPal (I use it to count my calories and macros), Healthline, countless other youtubes I won't list just so I don't talk your ears off, and asking for tips from fellow gym goers who attend the same gym I do.
I hope these are of some help to you! And keep up the grind; take it one step at a time, and if you need any more advice you think I can help with I'm all ears. I'm rootin' for ya! :)
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hannuhbee · 2 years
𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗱𝗮𝘆
it's rainy and steve needs to go to work.
pairing; steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings; just fluff, steve is so cute
wc; 0.5k
a/n; decided to try a different little layout, so i apologize if it's a little weird. also it started raining and i was like "omg... i should write about this"
you decided sundays were evil. you could spend all weekend in steve's bed, in his arms, only to be torn away when it was monday. evil, really.
it was monday, a really awful day. you were never kicked out of steve's bed or house, as his parents were rarely ever home, but it was a lot worse being alone.
"popeye." steve whispers. you were in his bed having just woken up, and you were clinging to his side.
"you've got a real tight grip on me."
you nod. "i know."
he laughs, beginning to resume drawing patterns on your back. "i hope you know that i've got to leave in like, t-minus 5 minutes." he held up his arm and looked at an invisible watch.
"no you don't, it's raining."
"why would rain stop me?"
you laugh and look up at him. "because you could hydroplane and die. i don't want that to happen."
he laughed heartily, prying your arms from his waist. "gotta go."
"do you want me to bring you a movie or not?" he asked, knowing it would change your mind. "see, i knew it. you're only using me for my job."
"am not! i just wanna be with you."
he leaned down to press a chaste kiss to your lips. "i wanna be with you too, but i have to work." he frowns and mimes a tear falling out of his eye. "sorry, pretty girl."
steve's use of the pet name in the mornings always made your face heat up. you would always say you hated it, but really, it made your heart swell.
"idiot lover." he replied, kissing you again, then digging through the laundry to find his uniform. you loved his stupid family video vest. it was silly but he pulled it off, he always would.
"it's raining real hard. thundering and stuff too. you might be struck by lightning." you said, observing the weather outside.
"do you really think of me dying all that often?"
"only when it's raining."
steve returns to you after messing with his hair. he peppers your face in kisses, then sighs. "i really do gotta go, i'll be back before you know it though!"
steve was lying. it would feel like an eternity before he got back, and he knew that you would be bored most of the day.
"i really gotta go, i'm two minutes late." he kisses your forehead.
"keith's gonna kill you." you pull him into another kiss. you thought that if you kissed him enough, he would forget about his job and stay with you. "okay, you can go. love you."
"i love you too, don't sulk all day." he teased.
you sighed dramatically and fell back onto his bed.
not even a minute had passed and you heard steve trudging back up the stairs. he opened his door and flopped down next to you. "it's gonna flood." he said. "no work."
"this is great news."
monday was still a bad day, but it was a lot more bearable with steve there. the sound of rain on the window and roof also helped.
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toadallytickles · 2 months
recently i had to set a tickle boundary with an online friend who teases me pretty regularly. he took it pretty well and apologized for pushing the boundary w/o realizing, but i want to get better at setting boundaries before i’m backed into a corner. any advice?
We all may experience having our boundaries, big and small, crossed by accident throughout our lives. Some unfortunately on purpose because some people suck. Some of us learn what our boundaries are by having them crossed. Though there are ways to help minimize having our boundaries crossed.
When you talk to your friend next, you could share how you are feeling at the moment. “Hey! I’m open to being teased, though maybe lighter teases as I didn’t have a good day at school.” or “I’m not really in the mood for teases tonight, maybe we can talk about [vanilla topic] instead.”
Know what you like and what you’re into, and also know what you’re definitely not into! If you only share what you’re into, the other person could be like, “Oh, well they didn’t say anything about [potential dislike/soft limit/hard limit]!” and go ahead and try it anyway. Know what you don’t like and don’t want to try! You can go down a list of fetishes, or porn categories, and organize them into Likes, Dislikes, Soft Limits, and Hard Limits. When I was open to making online friends, I had a pre-written paragraph and Word document that I would send them on my boundaries, what I’m into, what I’m not into, nicknames I like and don’t like, tease I like and don’t like, etc. With your friend and future friends, you can send them this pre-written boundary list so they know how to tease you comfortably! Also, no boundary is too weird or too small! All boundaries must be respected.
Be comfortable saying no when you need to say it. I still struggle with this and will get myself caught in situations I didn’t want to be in. If things are feeling a bit off, or you already know it’s not going in the direction you were wanting or expecting, or they just say or do something uncomfortable, you can say no and stop that interaction before it escalates further. Trust your gut! You know yourself, and sometimes we have that instinct that something is off. And if you somehow “read wrong,” you were protecting yourself- something went off inside you for a reason, and it’s great you put yourself first and responded to those feelings. That’s more important than being teased and playing.
Practice being a good communicator and negotiator! Always have an open line of communication, always share how you’re feeling and how you’re doing. You always want to be on the same page. Don’t play games, don’t assume, guess, or mind read. It’s ALWAYS better to ask questions and get your answers than assuming and guessing. Some people may feel asking too many questions ruins the mood, most people find it very respectful, courteous, and attractive~. (Some people find the kink discussion and negotiation of a scene as the scene!) I feel a safe and great play partner is someone that wants to know you, and takes their time making sure you’re comfortable and feel safe. Check in with each other. “Are you in the mood for teasing/playing?” “What kind of teases/play would you like right now?” “How do you feel about me calling you [this nickname]?” “What do you think of this text post?” “What do you think of the activities in this video?”
A reminder too, being a good friend and play partner is a two way street! You both need to be good, open communicators and listeners!
Hope you find this helpful! :)
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Advice + Resources
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sensei-venus · 10 months
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( @gemini-sensei) (I can’t get this out of my head now!, ahh their so cute, I love the new Moskowitz Twin Au! Gemini made!) (Spin of of this post from Gemini)
Can you imagine how many time Hawk could have done this? Passing himself off as his twin brother, Eli.
But the whole time Reader know it was him all along. Eli would come home and talk about Reader constantly. Going on and on about how cute she is, going red in the face as he described her. Maybe Hawk didn’t know her very well so he just took Eli’s word.
He memorized every detail, keeping it at the front of his mind. He loves his twin brother but some times he doesn’t really get the things that he’s into, especially girls.
I imagine that for years as kids they had separate taste for a while in girl department.
Eli was super into the types of girls in video games. He loved the stereotypical kinds of girls in action games, skinny, adventurous and even bimbo like. To Hawk his girls where a bit bland. Hawk was into thick girls, a mix of chubby and dare he even say fat.
He likes fat ass and soft belly’s and jiggly thighs. Tits that pushed against his chest on accident because of how big and soft they sat on a girls chest. Sweet and shy, soft and kind. The complete opposite to him for the most part. The mear thought made him shiver is lust at the idea of a thick girl on top of him, hell even talking to him.
When Eli described Reader in great detail while borderline fan-boying over her, he had to scratch his head. His twin had never talked about a girl like this, let along a chubby girl.
“I thought you didn’t like big girls? What made you change your mind?” He grinned and jabbed a elbow at his twin. The other boy cringed and rolled over on his bed. His face warm to the touch from his small little vent he just had.
“I don’t know….maybe Reader just changed my mind is all. She just so nice, and pretty and- she’s hot ok! Like really really hot! Uhh you just don’t get it.” He groaned and rolled over to his brother. Hawk chuckled as he watched his twin have a mental dilemma. His whole little world flipped upside down because of a girl. It was kinda funny to watch. He seemed so out of it all because a girl started talking to him and laughed at his corny jokes in class.
One day Hawk takes a chance. Eli has to go home early because of a doctors appointment. Hawk is known to skip class and their mom hardly cares, he simply erases the schools automated messages after he gets home so she never finds out he ditched school.
When Eli leaves he knows that the next period he has is with Reader. The teachers at school are so dense that they get the two of them mixed up all the time. No one would notice if he took his twins place in class for a day.
Well that’s not really true as Reader knows the minute he walks in.
No amount of hair gell used to slick his tiny mowhawk down can make her believe that it’s Eli.
Eli had mentioned to her that he had a twin brother who went to school with them. At first she though he was joking with her, which seems to hurt his feeling so she apologized. He explained that it was ok, a lot of people thought he was joking. He claimed that just about everyone didn’t even know Hawk was his brother because of how different they both acted. Their personalities where complete opposites along with their attitudes. Even their looks he claimed where different.
But when he steps into the classroom she know it wasn’t Eli.
Eli didn’t wake with that much confidence, this guy walked with a kind of swagger that screamed the opposite of the boy she know. He also did too much trying to hide his lip scar. Eli never did, claiming he tried to put concealer on it at one point but failed.
This guy had completely forgotten to wipe the thick layer of pale cream makeup off his lip. It only made the boy more suspicious. He confirmed her suspicions when he smirked in her directions but then quickly tried to play it off like he was timed.
She just knew it had to be his twin brother Hawk but she says nothing.
They talk a while during class, acting like he was the real Eli. She acts like she doesn’t suspect a thing and just talks to him like he WAS the real Eli. Reader admits he plays the part well, she wonders if that was a crazy twin thing for a while. She laughs at his jokes and chats with him. They talk for a while as class goes on until the bell rings and they have to part. She giggles a little as he waves her off and they go separate ways down different sides of the hallway.
This happens dozens of times. Reader can’t even keep count after a while. She kinda gives up and just plays along every time Eli isn’t there and she has to spend a class period with the fake “Eli”.
Weeks pass and she finally try’s to hint to the real Eli about the on going joke. Hinting at the fact that his brother might be taking his spot when he isn’t at school. Eli isn’t great at getting the hint, but denies it. He thinks she is just pulling a fast one when she makes a off hand comment about how funny it would be if his twin some how was taking his place during classes.
That’s crazy!
After a while Reader starts to feel like Eli really has no idea about what Hawk has been doing at school.
Her only question, why is Eli’s twin trying to pass himself off as Eli?
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earhartsplane · 6 months
Since we're all talking about plagiarism now, I'd like to share this video which came out last year about a paper accepted at the CVPR 2022:
For the people not in the know, the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference is the biggest conference in computer science. Last year, in 2022, the paper featured in the video got accepted. A few days later, this video was posted. The first author, a PhD student, apologized and the paper was retracted and removed from the proceedings. Hilariously, the first reaction of the co-authors, including a professor at the Seoul National University, was to say that they had nothing to do with it.
My point here is that scientific papers are not rigorously checked for plagiarism, and a background in academia tells you absolutely nothing about whether or not someone will be diligent in avoiding plagiarism. The biggest difference is that there are consequences if you're caught.
I also don't want people to be too harsh on the first author of this paper, or to think the situation is equivalent to the whole Somerton debacle. For starters, you don't get paid for publishing papers, you (or more commonly your university) pay the publishers. But the phrase publish or perish exists for a reason, and everyone in the field wants to get published in the CVPR, because it's supposed to show that you're great at research. Additionally, the number of papers and the prestige of the venues they're published in criteria on which you will be evaluated as a researcher and a university employee.
The way I see it, there are basically two kinds of plagiarism that are shown in the video. The first one concerns sentences that are lifted completely unchanged from other papers. This is bad, and it is plagiarism, but I can see how this would happen. Most instances of this appear in the introduction and on background information, so if you're insecure about your mastery of English and it's not about your contribution anyway, I can understand how you would take the shortcut of copy-pasting and tell yourself that it's just so that the rest of the paper makes sense, and why waste time on phrasing things differently if others have done it already, and it's not like there are a million way to write these equations anyways.
Let me be clear. I don't approve, or condone. It's still erasing the work of the people who took the time and pain to phrase these things. It's still plagiarism. But I understand how you could get to that point.
The second kind of plagiarism is a way bigger deal in my opinion. At 0:37 , we can see that one of the contributions of the paper is also lifted from another paper. Egregiously, the passage includes "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first [...]" , which is a hell of a thing to copy-paste. So this is not only lazily passing other people's words as your own, it's also pretending that you're making a contribution you damn well know other people have already done. I also wasn't able to find a version of the plagiarized article that had been published in a peer-reviewed venue, which might mean that the authors submitted it, got rejected, and published it on arXiv (an website on which authors can put their papers so that they're accessible to the public, but doesn't "count" as a publication because it's not peer-reviewed. You can also put papers that are under review or have been published on there as long as you're careful with the copyrights and double-blind process). And then parts of it were published in the CVPR under someone else's name.
I think there's also a third kind of plagiarism going on here, one that is incredibly common in academia, but that is not shown in the video. That's the FIVE other authors, including a professor, who were apparently happy to add their name to the paper but obviously didn't do anything meaningful since they didn't notice how much plagiarism was going on.
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