#please stop they are now flooding my second blog
albino-notes · 1 day
Packing Party
Description: ★ᯓ Caught in the middle of a relentless argument with your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend Joost, you find yourself packing his suitcase in a desperate attempt to distract yourself. Tensions run high, but despite the hardships, you realize that your love is worth fighting for. ᯓ★
Pairing: Joost x gn!reader
Word Count: 2k
Contents: a whole lot of angst
A/N: had this idea in mind for a while, so i finally made a blog to join the party. pls be gentle with me :)
With ringing ears and a sore throat, you reached for the suitcase on top of the wardrobe. Your shaking hands were begging to be used for something other than making all sorts of angry gestures at your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend in a fight that seemed to have no end in sight. So, you set the suitcase down on your bed and started throwing in random articles of clothing. You weren’t thinking about the contents of the luggage—occasionally getting your and your boyfriend’s shirt shelves mixed up—you just needed to keep yourself busy. You didn’t want to spend the little energy you had left on anything involving explosive accusations, hurt feelings, or tear-stained cheeks.
“You don’t have to do that.” Joost sighed, closing the lid of the black carry-on. You barely registered him. Instead, you worked off your mental packing list so your endeavour would at least be productive: the white long-sleeved shirt with the black tie, the kilt, the striped shirt with its sleeves cut off that was originally yours but was now a staple piece in your boyfriend’s tour wardrobe.
“Jesus, will you please stop this? I can do this on my own.”
You didn’t answer him. Joost exhaled sharply. You didn’t have to look at him to know that he was annoyed. Finally, the sight of a particular T-shirt brought your frantic packing frenzy to a halt. Your pale, cold fingers glided over the soft, black material and finally over the vinyl print depicting Lola Bunny. You had bought it for him in a second-hand store in Berlin just a few months after you started dating. He loved it so much that he wore it every chance he got—on dates, during interviews, even during his shows sometimes. But you couldn’t remember when he’d worn it last. The T-shirt was crumpled up underneath a pile of other identical black T-shirts. It felt as unloved as you did in that moment. Your glossy eyes brimmed with tears again.
“Teun’s girlfriend is spending the night in Amsterdam tomorrow so she can see him off to the airport.”
You pushed the T-shirt to the back of the compartment, pulling out the white “I <3 Joost Klein” T-shirt instead and moved it to the suitcase. Only then did you take in Joost’s presence at the edge of the bed, with his hands folded together in his lap.
“Good for them,” you muttered, but you didn’t look up at him. Instead, you turned your attention back to the wooden wardrobe.
“For fuck’s sake. Do you need a written invitation? I’d like you to come with me,” Joost scowled, his voice raised significantly. “God forbid I want to spend some time with my girlfriend.”
It felt both reassuring and disconcerting that he was still referring to you as his girlfriend. Truth is, you hadn’t felt like his girlfriend in a while. This might be the last time he would call you that, so you savoured it despite the bitter aftertaste.
“Didn’t sound like that yesterday.” The memories all came flooding back to you. The screaming. The crying. The pure hatred in both of your voices. The half-hearted apologies that couldn’t mend any of the pain that the past week had caused you.
“I know. I already apologized for that.”
You turned around to face him now, for the first time that evening. His eyes were puffy from crying and there were deep, red lines in his forehead. He looked exhausted from the nonstop fighting, but so were you. You crossed your arms in front of your torso. “Okay, but it still stung when you said you couldn’t wait to get away from me. So maybe you should just go alone.”
“I know that…” He swallowed, rubbing his forehead. “But now I’m trying to make it up to you. Will you please come to Amsterdam with me?”
You huffed. “Why? So we can smash each other’s heads in at the Van Gogh Museum?”
“Why are we doing this now? I’m trying to tell you I want you there. Is that not enough? Do you want me to crawl on my knees and beg?”
“You can’t pull this shit with me right now, Joost. Just because you’re leaving doesn’t mean we should ignore everything that’s happened.” Admittedly, you couldn’t even remember all the reasons why you had been fighting so much lately. It was a mix between petty arguments about house chores blown out of proportion and unresolved and uncommunicated issues from the past exacerbated by the fact that you were both stressed about your own things. You had been unsuccessful in trying to find a job for a few months, and Joost had been spending most of his time at the office planning his headlining tour. Things had been tense for a while, and the fact that Joost was leaving soon made it feel like the fight had a resolution deadline set for tomorrow evening, which only added to the pressure.
“At least I’m trying to make things better. All you seem to want to do is fight.” Joost’s voice was barely audible, but you could perfectly make out the venom in it.
“Is that really what you think of me?”
“No,” he quickly said, “of course not. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You really need to think before you speak, then.”
“At least I’m trying to talk to you. You haven’t said a fucking word to me all day. Hell, you haven’t even looked at me since last night.”
“Okay fine, let’s talk.” You pushed the right wardrobe door shut with more force than intended, immediately turning around to see Joost cupping his noise-sensitive ears with a grimace. Your heart dropped immediately, rushing to his side.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry,” you said, letting your worn-out body flop down on the ground. In that moment, Joost reminded you of a helpless puppy. You knew he couldn’t stand sudden loud noises, usually walking around with earplugs without listening to music so it would cancel some of the noise. You pulled your knees towards yourself, looking up at your boyfriend’s blue eyes. His hands were resting on his thighs again, his feet dangling over the edge of your bed. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight anymore.”
You were tired, so incredibly tired. You wanted nothing more than to fall into a deep slumber next to Joost and wake up with his arms wrapped protectively around you. You did want to go to Amsterdam and spend a relaxing day with him and his friends and do a little bit of sightseeing before he left; you wanted to drive him to the airport and cry as you parted ways, declaring that you’d call and text as much as possible while he was away on tour for the next two months. You wanted the harmonious relationship back that you had tried so hard to build in those three years together, but you also knew you couldn’t pretend as if these horrible weeks had never happened. Like all these venomous words had never come out of your mouths.
“Me neither.” Joost was now the one avoiding your gaze, although his facial expression had softened. His left hand hovered over the suitcase before tugging on a pair of jeans, causing the entire stack of neatly folded clothes on top of them to collapse. “Those are yours.”
“Okay,” you said. Now you were the one growing frustrated with the way you were both avoiding the conversation at hand. You grabbed the pair of dark blue jeans from him, his cold and touch sending shivers down your spine. The sensation of the usually so familiar body now felt so strange and wrong.
You put the pants back into the wardrobe with disenchantment. Packing with your boyfriend for tour used to be so fun and light-hearted; you would put on your carefully curated Hyperpop playlist on full volume, dancing around the bedroom while passing around random articles of clothing that would end up crumpled up and crammed into the suitcase until it almost wouldn’t close anymore. And not to forget about the mandatory kiss after something would successfully make it into the carry-on. Those packing parties would usually take a few hours, but they always ended with roaring laughter as one of you was tasked with sitting down on the overflowing suitcase while the other tried to zip it up. Neither of you cared about how inefficient this process was, as it successfully made you forget about the tragic situation at hand—the otherwise inseparable couple being separated for Joost’s job.
You felt guilty about the fact that you were almost glad he was leaving, the words that had stabbed you like a knife the night before now running through your own mind. But you hadn’t been able to take a proper breather for weeks, his stifling presence lingering in every corner of your shared apartment. It was hard to avoid each other when you had never had a reason to.
“I’ll see if I can come see you at Lowlands.”
He scowled. “How noble of you.”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. How did he expect you to come with him to Amsterdam if the only form of communication you had lately was snarking at each other? You felt your cheeks becoming wet again. You were desperate to finally stop fighting. You couldn’t do this anymore. “I’m trying here, Joost. I’ll try to visit you on tour, but I think it’s better if we have some space in the meantime.”
“I guess you’re right.” He furrowed his eyebrows and let out a loud sigh, burrowing his head in his hands.
It was evident that you wouldn’t make up before he left. It was clear you were holding grudges against each other that would take a long time to be resolved, but you weren’t willing to give up. You had never loved anyone as deeply as Joost, and at the height of your relationship, you had never felt so loved by anyone before. You had the kind of bond that made people jealous and at times even annoyed because of how well you two were attuned to each other. And to make matters worse, you both were scared to death of being abandoned by the people closest to you, having both made painful experiences regarding that in the past. Now more than ever, you had to fight for love because even though these past few weeks had been among the hardest of your life, you knew you weren’t ready to let him go. Despite all the hardships, you knew Joost Klein was the love of your life.
You stood up from the floor, your legs trembling as you took the suitcase and placed it on the floor in front of Joost.
“Sit,” you ordered him. He looked at you with a puzzled expression.
“Sit down,” you repeated, grabbing his hand to help him up from his position on the bed. He obliged and sat down on the suitcase, the contents compressing under the pressure of Joost’s weight. You crouched down and fumbled for the zipper, closing the carry-on in one go.
You didn’t notice your hand resting on Joost’s lower leg at first, but neither of you seemed to mind it. You lightly rubbed the fabric of his track pants with your thumb as you looked up at him. His eyes looked glassy and tired. There was a bit of confusion there, but also acceptance. The fight might not be resolved, but you hadn’t given up on your relationship yet, and that made him hopeful about the future.
He carefully raised his hands to cup your cheeks. Despite everything, he still looked at you with so much love. You melted under his touch as he brought his lips closer and pressed a soft kiss on your hairline.
“The next packing party will be more fun, I promise,” he chuckled. You couldn’t manage a proper laugh, still so shaken up about the recent events, but as you looked at the now softening expression of your boyfriend, and how delicate he was with you even after everything that had gone down, the corners of your pressed-together mouth turned up almost automatically.
“I love you.”
“Ik hou ook van jou, mijn liefste.”
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smproject16 · 10 months
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I wish this were a real person now because that is a killer name
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solarwoniii · 6 months
" ˋ꒰ pinky promise ꒱ " - ft. choi seungcheol
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[ nsfw post! minors please do not interact. there are many other posts on my and other’s blogs which are much more suitable for your consumption! ]
syn. nothing gets to cheol like a pinky promise
a/n. OMG SECOND FIC IN THE LAST MONTH??? SORLAWONI LOOK AT YOU GO???? gusy i love seugncheol i wanted to write more of this but it was getting too long so i cut out the part where seungcheol jr comes in and i put it in another fic LOL
cw. fingering, orgasm denial, vvv teasing dom!cheol, vvv subby!reader, daddy kink, praise, petnames (princess), ermm i think thats it but lmk if i missed anything!
wc. 0.8k
"b-but you promised i could cum-" you mindlessly rambled into your sleeve, your body twitching with pleasure all over as seungcheol rammed his three thick digits in and out of you rapidly, having you choking on your own breath as you struggled for air, "a-after i took my p-punishment..!"
he only scoffed in response to your choked out reasoning, his ruthless movements clearly showing no sign of stopping, "oh, and remind me what you promised me, princess?"
you felt tears pricking at your eyes, your cheeks heating up from bashfulness as he slowed his movements, now curling his fingers up into your core, edging you for what felt like the millionth time tonight.
with his other hand he grabbed your chin between his two fingers, looking into your eyes, "i asked you a question."
you sniffled through the flooding tears which grooved along your pink waterline, "i-i promised i would s-stop being a brat..." you whimpered softly.
"hmm, that's right." seungcheol responded in his deep, earthy voice, "it doesn't feel nice when someone doesn't keep their promise to you, does it princess?"
you shook your head and bit your bottom lip, "n-no daddy.." you said, voice coming in sharp shards as his thumb came up to rub at your clit, sending shockwaves of bliss through your veins. you blinked hard at some tears as they rolled down your cheeks, "i'm s-sorry..."
"awh, you're sorry?" he pouted mockingly in response to you, but with your fuzzy head now, you really couldn't tell that he was ridiculing you.
you nodded your head quickly, the tears in your eyes webbing into your lashes, "i'll b-be a good girl... p-pinky promise..!" you babbled, your words only slurring together as your fogged up brain seemed to fall into another level of dumbness.
seungcheol only chuckled lowly at this, "pinky promise?" he repeated, clearly amused at just how fucked out he had gotten you, to the point that you were beginning to lose your own mind. "well, there's no arguing with that, is there princess?" he teased at you, his fingers seemed to suddenly speed up in fluidity.
your mouth only fell agape, eyes rolling back and head lulling to the side as your back arched off of the mattress at the feeling. his thick, long digits filling you all the way to the brim, his fingertips rubbing over your hilt in a way so pleasureful, you could see stars in your blurry vision. your hand gripped tightly onto his shirt as you looked up at him, your eyes glistening with tears as the moonlight from the window nearby shone in on your pretty little convulsing figure on the bed.
"d-daddy, c-an i-?" the rest of the sentence caught in your throat as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
usually, he'd use this opportunity to tease you into a farther away dimension of overstimulations, asking the annoying questions like, 'can you what, princess?' so that he could watch your quiver and writhe until you were sobbing into the satin of your pillowcase, begging for your climax like a helpless little damsel.
but you'd been punished by a fair amount tonight, and he was feeling generous. he kissed your forehead gently and nodded his head, "let go for me, princess."
and let go you did, gushing around his fingers, a choked cry leaving you as your entire body trembled with delectation, your eyes shutting tightly as tears escaped down your temples. your soft, yet sharp whimpers made him smirk as you held tightly onto him, as if he were all you knew.
"that's it princess... good girl," he murmured as he leaned in to kiss you. he pulled out his digits, rubbing them over your sensitive heat in gentle circles to help ride you out as you came down from your high, panting heavily against the feel of his mouth.
once you had soothed, he looked down at you with a warning stare, "this is the last time i'm letting you get away with it, okay? if you misbehave again... you're in trouble."
that was what he had told you last time. and the time before that. and the time before that. every time, he'd bent. his soft spot for you was just too deep for his own good. the both of you knew that his threats meant nothing, but you looked up at him innocently and batted your eyelashes anyway, nodding your head.
he sighed softly and kissed your cheek, "you're gonna be the death of me one day..." he muttered, closing his eyes for a brief moment, before looking back to you, "come on, let's get cleaned up. i'll cook dinner."
taglist. @hunbun07 @metalchick529 @chewryy @haesunflower @iraa567 @jwchn @bunhoons !
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kisakis-boyfriend · 9 months
I wanna have public phone sex with Fremmy via the speakers in his diving helmet
Public Phone Sex
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Pairings: Freminet x reader
Warnings: GN!reader, dom!reader, sub!Freminet, slight exhibitionism
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshot
Author's Note: Oooohh noooo, he's going to be so flustered 😳 Freminet is 20+, as always~ Reader is gender neutral, but there is a focus on penetrating Freminet
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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Freminet was strolling through the city streets, helmet secured on his head so that he could drown out the people's chatter and the many possible sets of eyes that might point in his direction. He wasn't expecting you to contact him out of the blue like this. “Hello?” he answers meekly
You greet him with a smile in your voice, “Hey cutie, whatcha up to?” The little pet names you called him always made his heart skip a beat. He explained that he was simply on his way to drop off materials at the blacksmith's so that Estelle could create the magic pockets that Lyney had ordered before visiting you at the hotel
“Ah, perfect.” Was all you uttered, leaving Freminet confused for a moment. Perfect? What did you mean by that? Were you going to ask him if he could pick something up for you? This endless stream of questions was cut off when your sultry tone came through the speakers again
“I have a bit of a problem right now, and only you can fix it.” Now this made Freminet a bit nervous, what exactly does that have to do with his being in public? He gulped before attempting to ask what you meant, his question being promptly cut off by your next sentence, “What...what do you me–”
“I've been thinking about you all morning. Thinking about your pretty face and how hot you look when I fuck you.” Freminet's eyes shot open, inhaling a shaky breath as he stopped dead in his tracks. His cheeks burned within the confines of his helmet, unbeknownst to everyone around him
Every last shaky exhale of his could be heard from your end, seeing as the noises had nowhere to go. Freminet gulped, questioning you further, “D-don't say things like that... what are you even talking about?” He began fidgeting with the box of materials carried in his arms, kicking his feet against the ground shyly
The dark chuckle that hit his ears made him shiver, becoming antsy with each passing second. “Aw, my sweet boy, keep walking and I'll explain it to you, ok?” Freminet blinked a few times before working up the courage to continue towards his current destination. A stuffy warmth clinging to his skin while he walked on. “You've been gone for a few days now, ya know? I've missed you. So. Fucking. Much. Shit– ” Each word was punctuated with a sloppy wet noise, which earned a mewl from the timid cryo user
“Hear that? Hear what you do to me, my love? ” You growled, holding the microphone between your legs and moving your hand faster, letting your head fall backwards as wanton moans reverberated throughout the hotel room. Freminet's knees buckled, nearly causing him to trip in the middle of the street. He managed to recover quickly, clearing his throat and walking faster toward the blacksmith as if nothing has happened
“Y-y/n...please... this won't take long, can't you w-wait until I arrive?” He pleaded, breath labored as the growing need for your touch spread to his hardening member. Embarrassment flooded his being when he felt the wet spot forming in his shorts, thank the archons that they were dark blue...
Finally arriving at his destination, Freminet hurried to the table and set the box down in front of Estelle, praying that she was busy so that she wouldn't want to talk today. ...Luck was not on his side. Estelle greeted him cheerfully, waving and asking him questions such as how his siblings were doing, what he'd been up to recently, and asking him if he'd cobbled up any new contraptions or made any upgrades to Pers lately. Questions that honestly went in one ear and right out the other as the sounds of you touching yourself filled his head
Freminet fumbled his words as he attempted to respond, just trying to hurry out of there without coming across as being rude... His breath hitched when your voice broke the awkward silence between the two of them, “Baby...oh god– ” You moaned, raising the microphone back up to your lips. “Need you... I need that tight ass bouncing on me right now... Ooohh fuuucckk~ ”
A whimper unexpectedly escaped through his lips, followed by a twitch in between his soft thighs. Freminet desperately tried to keep it together, clenching his fists as his nails left crescent shaped marks on his palms. Estelle noticed that something was amiss, placing a hand on her hip as she asked him, “Everything alright? You seem a bit preoccupied.” Freminet nodded quickly, explaining that he actually had somewhere very important to be right now
The young woman nodded her head affirmatively, albeit still suspicious of his behavior but not wanting to upset him, apologizing for keeping him then bidding him adieu as she picked up the materials and headed towards the back of the shop to begin her work. Freminet sighed in relief, swiftly turning on his heels and speeding away
“My my, nearly got caught there, didn't we?” You teased as your partner sped down the busy streets, desperately hoping that no one would see the bulge in the front of his shorts. “I bet you're hard right now, aren't you? Probably dripping down your thighs too, yeah?” Freminet stifled a moan, swiftly ducking behind a large building and leaning against the back wall as his hand reached down to cup his erection, whining at the sudden contact
“Baby, I won't last much longer–” Your hips jerked as you continued pleasuring yourself, “I need you here to take all of it~ ” Freminet involuntarily humped his hand, his body chasing relief before his brain could do anything to stop it. Your desperate moans on the other end only stirred him up even more
“I need you t-too but... I-I can't walk around like this...” He whispered, heart pounding inside of his chest as his dick leaked more slick precum on the fabric of his clothing
“Then touch yourself.” You demanded, imagining the look on his face from such an idea. His eyes were probably blown wide open, mouth agape as he sputtered some excuse because he's too embarrassed. “C'mon, be my good boy? Lemme hear you work that pretty cock for me?”
Groaning while his dick twitched at the words ‘good boy’, Freminet relented, nervously unzipping his pants and pulling his wet cock out. Glancing around one last time to make sure that no one could spy on him from his hiding spot, Freminet wrapped his slender fingers around the shaft, pumping his aching length as another loud whimper escaped him
“Shit...I can hear how wet you are...” You moaned, licking your lips as your hand sped back up. “How's it feel?”
“Hurts...‘s wet and– Haah—!! ” Freminet cried out as he touched the head, mimicking the way you massage his tip, though it didn't feel exactly the same... He began stroking himself faster, the slick sounds of his ministrations coming through on your end only turned you on more. Just knowing that your shy little boyfriend is probably hiding in some corner or behind a building and pumping his hard, messy cock all because you did that to him
“Fuck...yeah– Harder, be a little rough with yourself.” At your order, Freminet pumped his dick harshly. Thinking back to one of the many times where you overstimulated him, jerking him off as if the world would end if you didn't. His dick throbbed within his hand, the tip an angry red and dripping precum into the bricks under his feet. Another minute of jerking himself off to the sound of your lovely, commanding voice and Freminet felt the familiar sensation of heat pooling within his gut, inching closer to a sweet release. “Hah...y/n I'm g-gonna...” He squeaked, voice cracking slightly while his hips bucked into his hand
“Cum with me, sweetie...make a mess for me~ ” You purred, matching the speed of his strokes based on the lewd noises coming through the speaker. Biting your lip as Freminet stuttered out a moan, the previous wet sounds decreasing as he came, breathing intensely while your own orgasm hit you
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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markster666 · 4 months
KINKTOBER (Except in February) - ALASTOR X READER - DAY #6 (Overstimulation)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Tags: Kinktober, One-Shot, 18+, Smut, NSFW, Not a lot of plot, pet names, overstimulation, teasing, pet names, Dom!Alastor, Sub!Reader, etc
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: 529
A/N: Enjoy! MDNI, please. Not edited, so apologies for any spelling mistakes.
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"Alastor, can I see you alone for a bit?"
"Of course, my dear! Please, let's find a quiet spot where we can chat in private."
 He led you to a very secluded corner of the hotel. He towered over you, letting you lean against the wall adjacent to him. His ears flicked.
"So, what's on your mind? I'm all ears."
"R-remember the last time me and you... you know..."
He raised his eyebrow at you expectingly.
"...had sex?" You squeaked out.
He smirked mischeviously.
"Of course I do, my Dear, why are you bringing this up now?"
You whimpered lightly, crossing your legs over each other, trying to hide your heat.
"I-I've been craving you again for awhile. I'm loosing patience and..."
He cut you off immediately by crashing his lips into yours. His ears furrowed back in pleasure as he continued his assault on your mouth. You moaned into the kiss as he started nipping at your lip gently. He broke away just as fast as he latched on. His voice was filled with pure radio static.
"Oh how i've been WAITING for you to come to me again."
With a few swift movements, he undressed you with his tentacles. You gasped at the sudden temperature change, going from the warmth of your clothes to the chill in the air. He pressed his body against you, and suddenly the cold didn't matter.
"I'm going to make you feel like a fucking God."
He turned you around so you were flush against the wall, facing it. You arched your back in anticipation, not able to process how fast he was going. He slapped your ass once, earning a loud yelp from your throat. You heard him unbuckling his pants from behind you, waiting in anticipation.
He didn't even give you a second to adjust as he slammed his full length into you. You screamed out in pain and pleasure as he wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing the sides to stop you from making any further noise. You started to feel fuzzy as the blood flow to your brain decreased.
He started bucking into you at a rapid place and you were nothing but braindead. You mouth hung open, your hands pressed against the wall and he pounded into you over and over again. His growls flooded your ears.
He reached around and started playing with your clit as he continued to mount you. You felt your walls constricting against his cock. You couldn't think of a single coherent thought. This was all too much for you to handle. He was hitting all the right spots in you.
"You look soooo good when you're braindead for me, my Dear."
You whimpered lightly in response, feeling your knees buckle from underneath you as the pleasure was way too overwhelming. His thrusts started to get sloppier until he eventually emptied himself out into you.
He pulled out, letting go of your throat, and you collapsed to the floor, feeling like a useless fuckdoll.
He tucked his heat back into his pants and brushed himself off, looking down at you and his work.
"What a good girl you are, little one."
TAG LIST (Comment Below if you'd like to be added!/If I missed you I apologize):
@smallershorteranduncut @persephoneblck @freekyfangirl @danveration @daisybelldarling @your-excellenc-z21 @aestheticgals-blog @naewasnothere @bontensbabygirl @amara-ishigami @strawberrypimpsimp @mneferta @deathnoteeee @lady-valtieri @itz-yue @alastorsfawn @thatdeadstoat @harmfulb1tch @no1sillybilly @ohbother2 @vee3-vox @alexandria-fandom @loratadina-makesmewanttocry @stargirlplanet @lbcreations-blog @depresoecspreso @dndmaniac @polytheatrix @transparentwizardmentality @the-lake-is-calling @randompersonidks-blog @ellezahen (won't let me tag you) @jyoongim @laundrybear413 @nega-omega @sageminty17 @lunaramune @heartsbutterfly @kaiandersonsbitch @a-jazzy-bee @my-divine-goddess000 @chewbrry @depresoecspreso @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @go-to-nerdytrashishere @creepylilneko @a-jazzy-bee @chewbrry @dievia3 @shotthrewtheheart @sunshinelulusplatoon @alon3lylov3r (won't let me tag you for some reason), @prosciuttosblog @casuallynotthirsty (you either rip), @lemonyboy97
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plaguechyld · 11 months
ok so i read ur “gently screwing kagaya to sleep” drab and now i’m obsessed with sub!kagaya🤭 can you write rough sex with him? like reader screws him so hard that he screams, hollers, and cries so loud that anyone passing his house could hear him? (and he loves how you don’t take pity on his frail body)
Sub!Kagaya x Dom!Reader
Contains: Rough sex, GN reader, Praising (Kagaya receiving), Dacryphilia, Overstim, Lots of thigh biting, Begging, Kagaya's whimpers, Voice kink, Reader implied to have a dick at the end
Synopsis: Kagaya being fucked as hard as he can take by his partner, you.
Extra: I'm obsessed with sub Kagaya too, like he's just so perfectly written to be a sub or a bottom. (Or both). Honestly he's my second fav character to write for. (Number one goes to Muzan.) Also I'm sorry that I haven't posted an actual fic recently, I've been having bad writers block.
Double Extra: Sub blogs, we need to band together to give Kagaya and Muzan more content where they don't dom. There's never enough sub content for either of them. 😞
Kagaya is laying on the futon, his legs spread wide open for you already. He had taken the liberty of lubing up his own hole as he was impatient tonight, though he would never admit such a thing. His blind eyes "look" up at you and even though he's lost sight in them, there is an unmistakable sense of need within the misty purple hues.
"Y/n... may I request something different tonight, please?" He asks in a quiet and rather shy tone. His cheeks are flushed with embarrassment and arousal as he awaits your response to his question. His chest rises and falls faster than normal as adrenaline pumps through his body from his situation.
"Yes of course, my dear. What is it?" You ask him in a gentle tone, your hands finding his chest. You take his sensitive nipples between your fingers and give them a few delicate squeezes. The sensation caused Kagaya's breath to hitch before he let out a small whimper, his voice gone for a few moments as you repeat the action.
"I want you to be rough with me, please." He requested in a slightly higher pitched tone than normal. He was grateful for his lack of sight at the moment because he knew that if he caught your gaze he would be unable to take the embarrassment that it would entail. He shifts his hips up when one of your hands trails down to his stomach. You slowly rub it as you pretend to contemplate his request, making him intentionally more aroused and desperate for your touch.
"Alright. I want you to say the word wisteria if it's too much for you, ok? And if you can’t talk then kick me twice." You say as you ready yourself. You move two of your fingers down to his hole but he stops you with a tug on your wrist. He looks away before speaking.
"I already prepped myself, can you just fuck me.. please?" He mumbled, his voice barely audible because of all of the emotions running through his body. You chuckle softly and kiss his forehead in reassurance. You lift his legs onto your shoulders and begin to place kisses on his inner thighs. He let out a little gasp for every single one of them. Your mind goes back to how he wanted you to be rough with him and it leads you to bite his thigh. He lets out a surprised moan at the feeling of your teeth digging into his sensitive skin. He let out more moans and whimpers as you repeated the action all over both of his thighs. At this point his cock was dripping with precum and he needed you badly. His hands squeezed the blankets below him as his body was flooded with the slightly painful stimulation. Before he can say a word about how badly he needs you, his legs are being lowered and his hole is being pushed against.
You thrust your hips forward, entering him halfway and making him let out a moan-ish scream. He clenches around you tightly, resulting in you letting out your own moan. Your hands find his thighs and slowly pet them while waiting for him to adjust to your size. He wraps his legs around your waist and his hands find their way to your back. He let out another loud and deep moan as you thrusted the rest of the way into him, bottoming him out fully. His nails dig into your back as he feels his mind slip away for a few moments from the pleasure you're giving him. He let out a loud gasp that soon turned into a moan when you start thrusting into him at a faster and harder pace than you've ever used before. Soon his voice raises in pitch and he's letting out whines, mewls and whimpers as you fuck him into the bed.
"O-Oh god! Too deep, mm~ please!" Kagaya cries to you, tears running down his cheeks as you bully his sensitive body perfectly. His legs are trembling and he lets out screams of pleasure as you continue to make love to him so roughly. You press a kiss to his lips, it's a gentle action and a big contrast from how you're treating his body. He kisses you deeply without thought, his mind already too fuzzy to really tell what was going on. He can feel himself growing closer to his orgasm and his moans grow into pleasure filled hollering. His cries eventually turn into sobs as his cheeks get even wetter with tears. His blind eyes roll up in his head as you thrust into his prostate over and over again, your hands at his waist so he can't attempt to struggle away from you, not that he ever would. His cries are easily overheard by the servants whom are tending to the estate but he doesn't care, all he cares about is getting more and more from your body. He loves it that you're not treating him like glass this time and he can no longer feel guilty for pushing you to do this. It just feels too good.
You let out your own moans, though they are overshadowed by Kagaya's loud shrieks of enjoyment and desperation. Your hand makes it's way down to his dick and you begin jerking him off quickly as you continuously thrust into him. He arches his back and lets out an even louder moan at the feeling of your hand around his cock. He let out a particularly loud moan before cumming, white spraying out of his cock and painting both of your stomachs white. He pants heavily and lets out a little whimper when he feels you pulling out of him. But then, he moans loudly when you resume your brutal pace. His body soon feels the sting of overstimulation from your brutal but loving actions.
"P-please! I just came! I can't take it!~" He complains in a whiny tone, though you quickly shut him up by kissing his lips aggressively. Despite himself, he finds that his cock is getting hard again. His legs continue to shake as he clings onto you for dear life. He buries his head into your neck as he moans louder and louder. Your hands go back to holding his waist as his back arches even more. There is no doubt that you've woken up the entire estate by now but that fact only serves to amuse you. You feel pride that you've been able to please your husband so much. Kagaya let out another pitiful scream, his voice beginning to grow hoarse from overuse. You can feel your own orgasm approaching and the way that your partner is squeezing around you only speeds up the process.
"Give me one more, darling." You whisper into his ear before he lets out wail at the overwhelming feeling of you rutting into him deep and hard. Still, he doesn't stop moving his hips in rhythm with your pace. He nods his head quickly as he moans over and over again, your name becoming similar to a mantra for him. Soon, he screamed your name loudly as he came again, more white staining your bodies. You came with him, your own cum filling him up and making him mewl from the sensation. You fuck him through his orgasm, making sure to milk every drop from him.
Slowly, you pull out of his twitching body and retrieve a wash cloth. You get up from the bed and wet the fabric with slightly warm water before cleaning Kagaya as best you can. After you clean the both of your bodies, you lay next to him and bring him to your chest. You rub his back slowly while murmuring sweet nothings to him as he slips away from consciousness. Soon, his little snores is all that can be heard from the once loud room. You follow suit, falling asleep mere minutes after him.
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cb97breathing · 1 year
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Pairing: Afab! Reader x Seungmin
Theme: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Ageless Blogs & Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: Please do not repost or translate my work! Let me know if you wish to be on the tagged list.
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You were in a bad headspace, you insecurity and depression hit you hard today after finding a bunch of hate accounts dedicated to you. Why? Because of who your boyfriend was. It wasn't easy, dating an idol. But you loved him more than anything in the world. He brought so much joy into your life an you wouldn't trade it for anything. So when he came home you rushed to him and hugged him tight, But he immediately pushed you away, making your heart sink.
"Not right now Y/n. I'm not in the mood." He muttered as he walked passed you and went into the bedroom. You followed him and looked up at him and nervously.
"Baby a-are you okay?" You asked quietly. He ignored you as he laid down on the bed. You sat down on beside him and took his hand gently. "Baby." You breathed out. He yanked his hand away from you and glared at you.
"What point of I'm not in the mood do you not understand Y/n." He spat. "I had a really shitty day and I cannot handle you being annoying and clingy right now!" You flinched at his raised voice and looked at him with wide eyes.
Your heart shattered at his words and all the tweets and videos you had seen today, talking about how stupid and pathetic and unworthy you were flooded your brain. Your lip trembled and you got up from the bed. You didn't look at him, you didn't see the immediate regret on his face after saying those words.
"S-Sorry." You choked out as you rushed out of the room. You rushed out of the room and ignored his calls for you. You went into the guest room as you choked on a sob and slammed the door closed and locked it.
"Y/n baby please open up!" He called as he tried to open to door. "Baby please I am so sorry, I didn't mean it!" You didn't respond, you just curled up on the bed as the tears poured down your cheeks. He continued knocking and shaking the handle for a while before punching the door. "Dammit!" He cried out. He slid down the door and buried his face in his hands. "Baby please." He choked out. "Let me in, I love you. I love you so much. I d-didn't mean any of it."
"Then why would you say something like that to me?" You choked out. "You already know how sensitive I am when I comes to you and after everything I saw today.. the things people were saying about me. You just confirmed that maybe they're right."
"I was stressed and tired. This comeback has a lot of pressure on all of us and I took it out on you. I'm so sorry baby." He leaned his head against the door. "What do you mean? What who is saying?"
"The fans." You choked out. "They constantly talk about how I'm not good enough for you. How I'm not pretty enough, that I'm always clinging to you and desperate for attention. That you're tired of me." You said quietly.
"Baby." He breathed out. "Open the door, please." You could hear the nervousness in his voice. You slowly got out of the bed and walked over to the door. You let out a shaky breath and unlocked it. Within seconds the door flew open and you were encased in Seungmin's arms. You immediately melted into him and cried into his shirt. "If anyone isn't good enough it's me." He whispered. "I'm so sorry."
"After reading all of that all I wanted was to be in your arms and you just pushed me away." You choked out as you moved away from him. "Maybe it's best we just end this. I clearly don't make you happy." You said quietly. You didn't dare look him in the eyes as you walked passed him. You walked into the bedroom and got out a duffle bag. You reached to start putting your clothes in the back but he grabbed your wrist to stop you. You looked over to see him looking at you with wide panicked eyes.
"Baby... d-don't. Don't do this. Don't leave me." He choked out as tears flew down his cheeks he pulled you close and pressed his lips to yours in a desperate kiss. "I love you, I love you more than anything." He whispered into your lips. "Please don't you dare leave me." He held you tight and continued to kiss you, pouring everything he had into the kiss. It made you dizzy and your knees week. He picked you up and carried you to the bed before laying you down on it. He pulled away and looked into your eyes. "Say you'll stay." He whispered. "Please." You looked up into his eyes and nodded. He ran his hands up your thighs and looked into your eyes softly.
"Let me make it up to you." He whispered. "Let me show you how much I love you." He pushed up his shirt that you were wearing, knowing full well you weren't wearing anything underneath and leaned down he kissed all over your chest before taking your nipple into his mouth. You whimpered loudly and tangled your fingers in his hair. His hand slipped between your legs and began to rub your clit slowly. You whimpered and moaned loudly as you rocked into his hand. He kissed up your neck and nipped at it. He sucked at your skin and licked at the mark he left.
"I love you so much." He whispered as he slipped his finger into you. You whined loudly and pulled him closer.
"I-I love you." You whimpered loudly. "Please don't stop." He smirked at you before kissing down your chest. You gasped as you felt his mouth pressing kisses against your clit. He began sucking at your sensitive nub as he added a second finger into you. He thrusts his fingers into you wildly as he watches you scream out and squirm beneath him. He was determined to make you cum hard. He held you down to keep you still as you shook violently as he continued to assault your pussy with his fingers. Your eyes rolled back as you screamed out and arched off the bed as you felt yourself come undone.
"That's it my love." He cooed you came hard around his fingers. He pulled them out gently and licked his fingers clean. The sight only made you more aroused. He stripped himself of his clothes and laid flush against you as he kissed you slowly and passionately. He lined up his cock at your entrance and slowly slid into you, you both moaned at the feeling as he filled you completely. He nuzzled his face in your neck and pinned your hands above your head, his fingers linking with yours. "You feel so perfect love, you were made for me. Only me." He whimpered softly.
"Yours." You mewled softly. He rocked his hips slowly and gently into you, wanting to take his time and love you. But even so, every movement made your legs shake. He knew all the right spots to hit every time he rocked into you making you pant and whine loudly for him. He let go of one of your hands to grip your hip gently as he thrust into you, he was still going slow but the thrusts were rough. Your eyes rolled back and you clung to him tightly as you writhed in ecstasy.
He pressed his lips to yours in a deep passionate kiss as he held you close to him, your body's completely tangled in each other as he rocked roughly into you. The sounds of your heavy breaths and moans as you made love filled the room. His moans always made you shake. It was absolute heaven to your ears. You nipped at his lips and whined loudly as you felt yourself getting close to your peak.
"Yes, baby please cum around my cock." He whimpered as he started to become rough and thrust wildly into you. You cried loudly as you arched into him and he groaned loudly. You clenched around him as his cock throbbed and soon you both hit your high. You cried out his name and went limp beneath him as you felt him fill you with his hot seed. He laid on top of you, both of your bodies trembled as he pressed kisses all of your face. He wasn't pulling out of you, no, he wanted to make sure you kept all his cum inside of you.
He ran his fingers through your hair and looked at you gently. "You are my everything." He whispered softly. "I'll never want any one but you. So please, stay with me. Stay forever with me." He begged softly. You caressed his cheek and kissed him softly.
"I will." You breathed out.
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if you're able to support me and my writing, you can buy me a coffee here :)
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lewmagoo · 2 years
satin and mahogany | b. bradshaw
description: in which two lovers will stop at nothing to keep the flames of their affair burning
warnings: 18+, literally just pwp, unprotected sex, bradley has a bit of a cum kink, choking, kind of exhibitionism? creampies, bradley is a tiiiiny bit possessive, title kink if you squint, all that good stuff
pairing: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x nondescript fem!reader (she/her pronouns used)
notes: i took this idea from my other blog. i have plagiarized myself. also, i’m currently working on compiling a taglist, so if you’d like to be added, please shoot me a message and let me know!
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“Meet me upstairs.” His husky voice sent a delicious shiver down her spine, and warmth bloomed between her thighs.
When she turned, he was already gone, the only evidence of him ever standing there being the scent of his cologne. She knew he’d be waiting for her, probably shrouded in shadow, likely preparing to jump out at the perfect moment and give her a heart attack. 
But she also knew what was going to follow if she met him up there. The satin dress she was wearing would end up on the floor in a heap, and she would end up on whatever surface was closest, with his cock buried inside her. 
And that sounded a hell of a lot better than the gala she was currently standing in the midst of, where she was expected to socialize and put her best face forward. She didn’t spend too much time dwelling on his offer. Her desire for a certain Bradley Bradshaw outweighed the importance of keeping up appearances. 
So, without another thought, she set her champagne flute down on the nearest piece of furniture, and headed off in the direction her mischievous lover had gone. 
She hurried up the staircase, making sure no prying eyes were watching her as she disappeared to the second floor. Once she made it to the top of the steps, she glanced around, eyes searching for the handsome pilot. 
“I swear if you jump out at me,” she muttered, loud enough so he’d hear. 
Suddenly, she felt someone behind her, and a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back against a warm body. “Boo,” he whispered in her ear. 
She turned around in his arms, hands pushing at his chest. In the low light, she could see the smile on his face. “You just love pushing the envelope, don’t you, Bradshaw?”
“Whatever do you mean?” He asked, feigning innocence. 
“Leading me somewhere we aren’t supposed to be, just so you can fuck me while our commanding officers are right downstairs. Does that ring any bells?”
He grinned. “A few.” His grip tightened on her waist, and he jerked his head to the right. “Now c’mon.” He whisked her into a different room, kicking the door shut behind him. He fumbled for a light switch, and soon, light flooded the room. 
It appeared that they were in an office, of sorts. There were bookcases lining the walls, filled with books of every kind. In the center of the room was a large mahogany desk, which appeared to be an antique. And as the pair observed it, they caught each other’s gaze. One that said, you thinking what I’m thinking?
Then, without another moment of hesitation, Bradley was grabbing her, pulling her body to his as his lips met hers in a rough kiss. She reciprocated, lifting her hands to find purchase in his hair, tugging gently at the roots. This elicited a growl from deep within his chest, and she couldn’t help but smile against his mouth. 
But he wiped that smile clean off her face when he wrapped his hand around her throat, just barely applying pressure. “I’m gonna fucking ruin you, baby.” And she knew he would. 
He guided her toward the desk, his hand still around her throat, and didn’t stop until the backs of her legs came in contact with the surface. She fell back, but he caught her, lowering her with ease. 
His mouth was on hers again, kissing her with such fervor that it made her head spin. The bite of his mustache against her mouth had become something she’d grown to love, oddly enough. 
“Did’ya wear those panties I like?” His baritone brought her back to reality.  
She pushed her hips toward him. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?”
He held her gaze as he shoved the hem of her dress over her hips, revealing the cheeky little panties that she’d worn just for him. Except, tonight, she wasn’t going to get them back. 
“I wore them just for you,” she innocently spoke, giving him her best doe eyes, knowing it would drive him wild. 
“Good girl,” he drawled, reaching down to run his fingers over her fabric-clad center. He was utterly delighted to find that she’d quite literally soaked through the thin fabric. A knowing smirk spread across his stupidly handsome face. “Who made you this wet?”
She held his gaze as a wicked glint flickered in her eyes. She decided she was going to throw gasoline on the raging fire as she replied with, “Hangman. Seeing him in a suit just got me all hot and—”
She didn’t get to finish that sentence, because Bradley’s hand was clamped over her mouth in a heartbeat. His jaw ticked, and his gaze was so intense she thought she might disintegrate beneath it. “You and I both know that’s not true,” he growled. And he was right, of course. “Nobody else can get you to soak through your fucking panties. Only me.” 
His teeth grazed her bottom lip as he hooked his fingers under the band of those panties. Then, he promptly yanked them down her legs, letting them dangle in front of her before he folded them and tucked them into the pocket of his tailored suit jacket. 
“You’re not getting them back, sweetheart.” Then, he leaned in close, his mouth against the shell of her ear. “I want you to walk around for the rest of the night with my cum between your legs.”
The statement sucked all the oxygen from her lungs, it felt like, and she shivered against him, moaning softly. He began trailing his lips down the side of her neck and over the expanse of her throat, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin. 
It was almost embarrassing how responsive her body was to him. She arched into him, shivering under his touch. She was drunk off of him, and she couldn’t get enough. Bradley had ruined her for any other man. She’d had no idea what she was getting into when she’d first invited him into her bed, but she hadn’t been disappointed in the slightest. In fact, it was the best sex she’d ever had in her life. Or maybe, all her other sexual partners had just been poor performers. 
Bradley, however, treated it like it was his sole mission to make her feel the highest level of pleasure imaginable. And he always succeeded in that. In the past few months that they’d been hooking up, he’d taken it upon himself to get to know her body inside and out. He had memorized all the ways to make her moan the loudest, to make her beg for more. And it was most certainly paying off.
His hand dipped down between her thighs again, skilled fingers trailing through honeyed slickness. He ran the pads of his fingers over her sensitive clit, and she whimpered, which painted a triumphant smile across his face. “You make the prettiest sounds, baby,” he praised. 
“All for you,” she sighed out. 
He continued kissing down her neck, moving down further. Her dress exposed the tantalizing swell of her breasts, and he couldn’t resist biting the soft flesh. His tongue soothed the sharpness, all while his fingers, middle and ring, disappeared within her soaked cunt. 
His fingers were thick, and they filled her nicely. The stretch was delicious, and she relished in the feeling. She kept one hand placed on the desk for leverage, while the other rested on the back of his neck. His mouth searched for hers again, and the atmosphere began to heat up as she tugged at his jacket. 
Wordlessly, he pulled it off, and then he went for his bow tie, tugging it loose before she reached up to unbutton his white dress shirt. That was discarded, too, along with the white undershirt he wore. Finally, his torso was bare, and she admired his beauty, running her hands down his chest and across his abdomen. 
“Let me see how pretty you look underneath,” he rasped, reaching back to tug at the zipper of her dress. It soon fell away from her shoulders, and he was careful as he slid the smooth fabric down her body, even taking care to drape it neatly over a nearby chair to make sure it didn’t wrinkle. She made quick work of undoing her bra, so she was entirely ready for him when he approached her. 
He stopped to admire her, gazing at her with a look that could almost be described as an apex predator closing in on its prey. He reached out, running his fingers over her breasts, and squeezing them firmly in his hands. 
In the process, she grabbed for his belt, undoing the firm leather. Bradley helped her get his slacks down, along with his underwear, and he kicked the fabric to the side. They were both entirely naked in an office they had no business being in, but neither of them cared in the slightest. 
His large hands settled on her thighs, which he pushed apart to give himself space to stand between them. Again, his fingers were against her arousal-soaked center, playing with her little bundle of nerve endings. But she wanted more, and her needy whine indicated that. 
Bradley raised a brow, shaking his head at her. “Now just hold on a minute, darlin’. You’re an impatient little thing.” 
“But I need you,” she huffed. 
He hummed in amusement as he pushed his fingers into her again, pulling a gasp from her throat. “I know, but it’s so much fun to tease you.”
He worked her open, rhythmically twisting his fingers within her, hitting that spot that made her shudder in pleasure. His other hand came up to wrap around her throat again, and he applied pressure only to her pulse points, cutting off the blood flow slightly. Her mouth fell open, and her brow furrowed as she looked up at him. 
There it was again, that smug fucking smile that broke across his face when he felt her tighten around the fingers inside her. She had quite the Pavlovian response to his hand around her throat. Bradley had learned this early on, and had used it to his advantage many times since. It was a good way to get her to go from spitting mad, to a docile little kitten in a matter of seconds. 
To aid his fingers, pressed his thumb to her clit, and her eyes practically rolled back into her head. She grew impossibly wetter, so much so that she was quite literally dripping around his digits. 
“God, you’re fuckin’ soaked, baby. Gonna make it so easy to slip inside you.” He kissed her hungrily, and in the process, removed his fingers from her. When they parted, he held her gaze as he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking her arousal from them. 
She watched through hooded eyes, mouth open and chest heaving. He released her throat, only to pull her closer, wrapping her legs around his waist. Then, she felt his cock against her slit, and he took his time, gliding it along her until she grew impatient and whined deeply. 
“P-please,” she whimpered. 
He raised a brow. “Please, what?” 
“Please, Rooster.”
He pushed into her in one easy thrust, and she cried out softly, head thrown back. “See what happens when you ask nicely? You get what you want.”
“Quit running your mouth and fuck me, Lieutenant.” It seemed that she’d finally found the words that had escaped her. She knew the use of his title would get him all fluffed up, much like the proud animal whose name he bore as his callsign. 
He pulled his hips back and thrust forward purposely, and that shut her up right away. His hands gripped her upper thighs, holding her in place as he easily found a rhythm. 
Her own hands instinctively came up to find purchase against his broad shoulders, fingers digging into the skin. Again, his mouth was at her neck, mustache prickling against the skin, teeth grassing thereafter. 
All the while, his movements grew a little rougher, a little more hurried. The way he filled her up was indescribable. The initial stretch resulted in a pinchy burn that soon gave way to complete satisfaction. He was not lacking by any means, and as he moved within her, he easily hit that spot that made her see stars. 
“Talk to me, sweetheart. Tell me how good it feels.” That was Bradley, always wanting her verbal praise, eager to please and make her feel the most pleasure possible.
“So good, Rooster. Holy fuck, you feel incredible.” And she wasn’t lying, either. The way he angled his hips, and the force with which he fucked her, made her feel this all-encompassing bliss. 
He watched her as she took all of him, and he decided that she looked so heavenly in that very moment, like a deity sent to grace him with her presence. 
“You’re so pretty, baby.” The way he said it, with the utmost conviction, made her believe it was true. Bradley made her feel like the most beautiful woman on earth. And as far as he was concerned, she was. 
His gaze lowered to watch his dick disappear within her with each push of his hips into her own. The sight of her stretching to accommodate him had his knees going weak. 
He wasted no time in quickening his movements, the force of which caused the legs of the desk to scrape loudly against the hardwood floor. Not wanting to possibly alert the guests downstairs as to what they were doing, he lifted her into his arms with ease, still inside her as he lowered her to the floor, one hand supporting her head so she wouldn’t bump it on the way down. 
She gazed up at him, completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of him. His frame was hulking over hers, teeming with protective vibrations. She was safe here, connected to her lover. She didn’t have to worry about a thing when she was with him.
She lifted her back off the ground, reaching up to run her fingers through his curls as she pulled him down to kiss her. “You’re the only one who’s allowed to do this to me. No one else,” she confessed. 
A growl escaped his throat as he ducked forward to kiss her hard, resuming his pace, though this time, he went faster. He placed his hands on either side of her head, using his strength to drive himself into her. There was an intensity in his face, a look that seemed almost animalistic. 
When she begged him to fuck her harder, he obliged, encouraging her to let out her squeals and moans and pretty sounds. “That’s it. Let me hear how good it feels.”
And when she asked for more, he gave it to her. He ground against her each time his hips met hers, his pubic bone pressing into her sensitive gathering of nerves. This had her shuddering in pleasure, head thrown back as electricity crackled through her. 
To help her reach her end more quickly, he slipped his hand between their bodies, fingers swirling against her swollen clit. She arched into him, mouth falling open as she gripped his shoulders.
He felt her constrict around him, and his movements stuttered for just a moment before he regained his composure. “You gonna come for me, darlin’? I can feel you squeezing me nice and tight.”
With wide eyes, she looked up at him, nodding her head as tears of pleasure glimmered in her eyes like stars. “Mhm,” she managed to squeak. She was plummeting towards her end at an alarming rate. 
Bradley fucked her hard and deep, driven by his passion for her. He kissed her again, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him in even closer. When he pulled back, she looked up at him with desperation in her eyes. 
“R-Rooster, I—” she tried, but her voice failed her as every nerve ending in her body went white hot. 
He nodded. “It’s alright. Let go when you need to.” He purposely pressed deeply into her, applying more pressure and friction to her sensitive nub. 
Her breathing quickened, and her body began to tremble beneath her, hurtling toward that peak that would soon engulf her. It grew to the point where it was almost too much to handle, and her mouth fell open as she looked at him with wide eyes. She was done for, he knew it. 
Finally, that rubber band snapped. Within moments, she was falling apart, crying out his name as orgasmic waves washed over her body. Bradley watched her in awe, amazed at how beautiful she was when she was in such a state of unbridled pleasure. She writhed in his arms, and he held her, keeping her grounded when she felt like she’d float away. 
As she came down from the intensity, he picked up the pace, kissing her when she began to whimper from the sensitivity. “I’m gonna fill you to the brim,” he promised, voice strained as he neared his own release. 
She welcomed it, begged for it, longing to feel his essence spilling deep within her. And he gave it to her. With a broken moan, voice hoarse from overuse, Bradley came undone. He buried his face against her neck as he lost himself, and she held him close, shivering at the sensation. 
Her fingers absently ran through his hair, bringing him back to reality as his body finally relaxed against her. He let out a breathless laugh as he lifted his head. His cheeks were rosy, and his mouth was kiss-swollen. 
As he slowly regained his composure, he planted a deep kiss on her lips. Although he didn’t want to part from her, he knew he couldn’t stay that way forever. He reluctantly eased his softening cock from her, and gazed between her legs at the mess he’d made. 
“Got you nice and full of me,” he mused, sliding his fingers through the slick as she jolted at his touch, overly sensitive. “And you’re gonna stay that way for the rest of the night.” 
The thought sent shivers down her spine and heat creeping up her skin. “Yes sir,” she breathed, smiling up at him. 
He sat up on his haunches, and reached a hand out to her, pulling her upright. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asked, showing tenderness. 
She nodded her head. “I’m just fine. But, fuck, you sure know how to ruin a girl.” She rose to stand on wobbly legs, and he followed suit, keeping her steady as he did. 
“Why thank you,” he replied. Then, he stepped over to grab his suit jacket, reaching into the pocket to retrieve her panties. “Y’know, on second thought, maybe I should have mercy on you and give these back, since you’re gonna be a dripping mess for the rest of the night.” 
He grinned when she snatched them out of his hand. “Gee, how nice of you,” she mused with a playful roll of her eyes as she pulled the fabric up her legs. 
They both scrambled to get dressed, hoping to hide their dishevelment so no one suspected them of anything. Once she was situated, Bradley pulled her close, kissing her deeply. 
“Meet me after the party?” He asked, with a hopeful raise of his brows. 
She smiled. “I’d be happy to.” She left a kiss on his cheek before she slipped away. Then, she spared him a cheeky glance on her way out. “See you later, Lieutenant Bradshaw.” 
And with that, she was gone, leaving Bradley to marvel at how he’d gotten so lucky to score a girl like her.
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papaya-047 · 3 months
This is my first time asking something but could you do a Ron weasley x reader where they both are Quidditch players maybe different houses even!!
and they have fun in the quidditch closet! (fluff or smut whatever you want!!)
The most smut i will do is PG-13 lmao, we are a family friendly blog over here. Am I good at writing anything remotely smutty? No. so this what you get. 
This was going to be the worst practice ever, you've been begging for friendly matches to stop since you got on the team but they never were quite friendly. The last friendly game was against Slytherin and they did not hold back. You walked out of that practice with a black eye and a sprained wrist. At least this was just for fun, and since having fun was one of two reasons you wanted to do quidditch in the first place you try to make the best of it. Especially since the other reason is on the team you're playing against. 
Hurrying out of your dorm you stumble your way to the quidditch field, struggling to lug your equipment around the campus. “Need a hand?” A deep voice spoke over your head. Ron.
“I’m fine.” you said, your broom in one hand and an overstuffed duffle in the other, all dragging behind you. 
“Clearly,” the sarcasm in his voice was obvious. Without warning the bag was lifted out of your hand and you were free to hold your broom without it touching the floor. 
“You know if you keep dragging it like that you're doing to damage the bristles on the broom.” 
You laugh, “what's that gonna do? Make it less aerodynamic?” you ask sarcastically.
“Yes,” he said shortly. “Or you know what you should probably keep dragging it, it'll make it easier to beat you.”
“Please you don't need the help, I don’t try at these things.” Trying to keep up with Rons strides proved to be a bit of a challenge. He was walking at a lethargic speed but the length of his steps were worth 3 of yours. 
“That's too bad I was looking forward to playing you,” he said through a smile. You felt your face grow hot. “And a friendly game means you won’t kick my ass.”
You laughed, “what makes you think I would kick your ass at all?” 
“Your track record,” you looked at him confused. “Do you really not remember? First year? And Second, third and fourth?” You shook your head. “Well I guess the trauma seared it into my memory,” he chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, “oh don't be dramatic. I never did anything that bad.” 
Still smiling, Ron looked down at you for the first time since you started walking, “No, just tackled me a lot.” 
“In first year? When I was learning how to fly? You still remember that?” you shouted mortified as the flood of embarrassment came rushing back. 
“When your crush lands on top of you, your 11 year old boy brain tends to think about it a lot.” he laughed.
“You had a crush on me?” 
“Wasn't it obvious? I nearly failed every class we had together because I was so busy staring at you.”
You tried your best to remember your first year classes, but any of Rons “obvious” behavior was not something your first year self ever picked up on, “I can safely say I didn't notice.”
“Why did you think I needed so much help in every subject?” 
“You're an idiot?” you asked through a muted laugh.
“No, I just spent every class paying attention to you instead of the material. So when you practically obsess over someone and they continuously struggle to balance on a broom, you hope to be put in a position that you might end up with said person on top of…” his voice tapered off. Cheeks red, refusing to make eye contact. He clearly didn't mean for that word vomit to come out, but up until he stopped talking you assumed those feelings had stopped after the first year, but now you're not so sure. 
“So what about second, third and fourth year?” you tried to move the conversation along wanting to casually move past what Ron just said, he was clearly embarrassed and you didn't want to make things worse. 
The two of you reached the quidditch field, the sight of fluttering robes and the distant echoes of laughter filling the air. Ron scratched his head, and avoided your gaze.  "Well, second year was all about the dueling club," he began, trying to regain composure. "Remember when I was petrified? You visited me in the hospital wing. I was so out of it and used to being tackled that I thought you were going to hex me." 
You chuckled at the memory. "As if I would hex you. Besides, I couldn't resist visiting the famous Ron Weasley,” you put on a mocking tone, “you were always up to something.”
“I still am.” he mumbled under his breath. Clearing his throat “in third year I convinced myself you hated me and fourth year, well I spilt my drink on you at the yule ball so I was certain you hated me.” 
You couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Oh my god,. How could I forget?” the Yule ball was a bottle of embarrassment you did not want to revisit. No one asked to go with you and the moment you thought a certain ginger was going to ask you to dance he spilled his drink all over you, “You know I stole that robe from professor sprout?”
Ron stopped in his place, “That was Sprout’s?” he raised his voice in shock.
“Yep,” you chuckled, “Do you even remember what it looks like?” 
“Of course I do!” he exclaimed, before calming himself down, “Although in my memory it’s covered in fruit punch.” Ron continued walking to bring your stuff over to where your team was setting up. You noticed how much slower he’d gotten, it was much easier to keep up. 
“I technically didn't steal it, I just borrowed it and had my dormmate alter it a bit.”
“Well they did a bloody good job, you looked hot.” Ron said before he could stop himself, “I-I mean,” he stuttered, “you looked good.” changing his tone.
You smirked at Ron stopping in the middle of the field. "Hot, huh?" you teased, enjoying the rosy tint that crept across Ron's cheeks.
Ron stumbled over his words, "No, not hot. Definitely not hot." trying to backtrack. Your face fell slightly, making him panic even more. “Not that you're not hot! You’re so hot it's crazy!”
Suddenly, in the midst of their walk, Ron tripped over a loose cobblestone and by instinct grabbed you for balance. But instead of regaining his footing, the unexpected momentum sent both of you tumbling forward.
As you crashed to the ground, and somehow you found yourself sprawled on top of Ron, his laughter echoing yours in the crisp air. "You definitely need balance training,” you quipped through laughter, but he wasn't laughing. Your duffle had been flung above his head, and his hands had instinctively grasped for you, firmly planted around your waist, and for a moment, you both lay there, catching your breath and sharing a moment of sheer hilarity.
Your laughter subsided, replaced by silence as you gazed into each other's eyes. “Just like old times, eh?” You tried to lighten the tension. He didn't reply, lost in your eyes seemingly unable to speak. “Ron? Are you oka-”
“Can I kiss you?” he interrupted. Rushing the words as if he had been building up the courage to speak. 
“On the field?” Ron shot up, nearly shoving you off of him. He quickly picked up your things and tried to avoid eye contact. This time he picked up your broom as well and we was off to your team's changing rooms to drop your things off. This time his pace was far from lethargic, he may as well have been running, that would be the only way you could ever keep up with him. “Ron?” you shouted as you jogged after him trying to catch up.  
Once you got to the changing rooms your team whispered at the sight of gryffindors keeper in their rooms. “Here you go,” dropping your things on the side and rushing out. You grabbed his arm. He was red and looking anywhere but your eyes. Your team began filling out the room to begin warming up as they called you to hurry and get dressed. 
You dragged Ron further into the room, “Listen Ron-”
“You don't need to say it, I'm sorry. It was an accident and it'll never happen again. The last thing I ever want to do is make you uncomfortable.” he was rambling, “and you can ignore what i said, i saw a pretty girl on top of me and i wasn't thinking. Not that I think you're pretty! Not that you're not pretty! Oh god-” you crashed your lips into his, an effective way to shut him up. He was tense with surprise before melting into the kiss as you pulled him closer by his shirt, his hand cupped your face, his arm wrapped around your waist drawing you in. He turned you, pinning you against the wall as his kiss deepened. His knee rose up to rest between your legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
The whistle blew outside, pulling you away from the kiss as you hear your captain shouting your name. You sigh disappointedly. You turn back to Ron, who was staring at you, you giggled nervously, “what?”
“I take it back, I think you're very pretty.” You smiled and pulled him in for another kiss. 
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Disclaimer: I do not own Maliksi and Makisig and other Planet Puto characters that are occasionally mentioned. Full Credit to the character and art goes to HC - @ask-emilz-de-philz Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto. All involved characters in any suggestive situations within the story are adults.
TW: Maliksi has a foul mouth ((which is nothing new, really))
A/N: Agwa is my OC, she's a Naga. The Philippine Naga lore originated in Bicol and they are fresh water mermaids, but instead of having fish tails, they have the lower body of a water snake or eel and the upper body of a human female. In Philippine folklore and mythology, they are often described as having an alluring face, curvaceous body and long flowing hair. They are fond of children, but very vicious to adults. They are also known to be extremely curious that they usually take human form to explore their surroundings. They bring rain, and thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought.
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Maliksi hates humans and no one is an exception, not even children who occasionally get lost along the moonlit forest path the tamawo usually prowls at night.
"Great. A snotty little human brat." Maliksi muttered underneath his breath as he looked down the crying girl who is slumped into the forest floor, hands clasping her dress as if to soothe herself.
The kid looked up at him, her face stained with tears as she tried wiping off her runny nose using her dress.
"Annoying little brat is too dumb to speak. And your parents must also be very stupid to lose you at this time of the night." The tamawo scoffed, clearly annoyed at the kid who is still too young to be speaking full sentences. "Humans are such idiots, and you will grow up to be the same-"
Maliksi fell silent when a minasbad was suddenly pressed into his neck with just enough pressure that he knew he won't be liking the outcome incase he moves an inch. His eyes were met with two ruby orbs glinting with pure displeasure as he looked up to a taller figure infront of him. Her hair is eerily beautifully long and curly- flowing down her shoulders and cascading down her back like the gentle first rain on an afternoon of June.
"Shut. the. fuck. up." The words came out of those pretty lips, not as a simple request but rather a threat.
Everything went quiet that Maliksi is sure he can hear a single pin drop at this moment- that is until he hears the nearby river's current, slowly building up into a raging pace. This was the very first time some woman spoke to him in such cold tone. And for the very first time, Maliksi felt his heart beating out of his chest in pure adrenaline- was he scared? No, he can't be. Intimidated? By a woman, impossible, right? Unless-
It didn't took long before Maliksi was able to put two and two together, realizing he is now face to face with a naga in human form and in the worst situation possible. The naga are known to be extremely fond and protective of human children and Maliksi was caught red handed not being exactly kind to one.
Maliksi quickly extended his claws but the naga's minasbad has definitely at an advantageous range against him.
"You're...tiny for a tamawo."
This is another first time- usually Maliksi was the one throwing insults and taunting someone he's facing and not the other way around.
Agwa tilted her head as she curiously examined Maliksi, trailing her eyes along his form, looking him up and down before softly chuckling and withdrawing her blade from his neck, realizing he isn't much of a threat and it wouldn't be worth it to get in a fight infront of an already frightened human kid.
The naga then turned around and picked up the child who has now stopped sobbing. Agwa started softly humming and within seconds of hearing the naga's enchanted voice, the girl was sleeping soundly on her arms as she tenderly and protectively cradle her.
"Excuse me?!" The tamawo scoffed as he covers his ears, not wanting to risk his chances against the naga's song, but still looking very appalled and offended from the her remark about his height.
Agwa smirked as she looks down on Maliksi. "You're tiny. I thought tamawos are supposed to be tall so girls will fawn over them."
" And I thought you fishies belong on the water and not here! You human wannabes-" Maliksi retorted.
Agwa raised a brow as she looked down on Maliksi. The raging currents of the nearby river quickly rising.
She clenched her fists before taking a deep breath to calm herself down but it's not exactly working. "Careful now, boy." She spoke in a tone that sent shivers down Maliksi's spine.
He is not liking the way his mind reacts to Agwa. He is not one to feel intimidated by anyone, but hearing her speak to him like that is like a double-edged sword. It drives him crazy with rage that someone dared to speak to him in such way, but it also makes him want get her to do it again, wanting to see how far she's willing to take it with that threat of hers.
Agwa can feel herself getting more and more annoyed by Maliksi's presence, as she can sense the absolute stubbornness the tamawo possesses.
"You keep running that mouth of yours and I'm raising the tides to-"
"Agwa, please forgive my brother. He's just not good with words." Makisig's voice rang throughout the forest as his footsteps slowly grew louder as he walks towards the two. Wanting to prevent any conflict that involves his own brother and his friend.
Maliksi's demeanor quickly shifts as he saw his Kuya Makisig, quickly standing beside his kuya, clearly happy about his presence.
"This tiny boy is your brother?! He's a sassy little thing." Agwa quickly turned to Makisig who happens to be her friend for a very long time now.
"I'm older than you, and I'm not tiny! You're f*cking lucky that my Kuya is here because I'll be dicing you into sashimi if it's just the two of us. Kuya, you know this fishy girl-"
"Maliksi! She has a name. You are not being nice and it'll cause you trouble one of these days. You're lucky Agwa here is being really calm and has not decided to drown you before I arrived. Other nagas are not that forgiving."
Agwa rolled her eyes at Maliksi. "Your brother is right-"
"Of course he is right!" Maliksi gritted his teeth in an effort to keep himself quiet and not clap back with something sarcastic, not infront of his kuya atleast.
Agwa was taken aback from how fast Maliksi agreed. She thought he'll be whining about it. "I'm Agwa. I won't be drawing my blade against you incase we happen to ran into each other once again in the future since you're Makisig's brother." Agwa extended her hand towards Maliksi, wanting to settle their earlier dispute.
"But I won't hesitate to drown you a little incase I see you being mean around human children once again."
Maliksi was about to run his mouth mindlessly again, not used to being spoken to like that, and not by a woman that is. His kuya Makisig quickly covered his mouth and gave Agwa a polite smile. "Sounds fair, Agwa. I'll make sure bunso here won't be mean around kids anymore."
Agwa nodded before excusing herself to take the human girl who is still enchanted by her song earlier and is still sleeping peacefully in her arms to safety where kind humans will find her and help her find her way home.
Maliksi has always been the type to get into fights very often because of his temper and foul mouth. It doesn't matter what creature you are, if he's in a bad mood then the possibility of him showering anyone with insults and sarcasm is at an all time high.
Why he's surrounded by three enraged tikbalangs after he made their big brother Lakas cry when he won against him on a fight is something Maliksi will definitely brag in this lifetime- if he survives, that is.
He's already exhausted after fighting with the older tikbalang, and now the three younger brothers are trying to make him pay. Maliksi isn't completely unscathed from the previous fight either. His chance of winning 1 vs 3 is definitely low and the odds won't be on his side this time.
Maliksi thinks of a possible way out of this mess he created when lightning struck not too far away, illuminating the forestscape for a few seconds before it was followed by a loud crakle of thunder. Rain started pouring and it's not just normal rain- it was strong, violent in a sense that Maliksi's felt a slight prickle with how heavy the water droplets are falling against his skin.
The three tikbalang approached him, cornering him at the edge of a downhill stream when he felt someone approach him from the back, covering both of his ears tightly.
Agwa who is currently on her naga form slithered her serpent tail slightly around Maliksi as if to shield him against the three, and to make sure he stays in place incase he gets affected by the naga's enchantment. "Get in the water." Agwa said, not louder than a whisper, but her tone is clearly not hiding a threat, her scarlet eyes glowing a fiery tint of red as she snapped her gaze towards the three tikbalangs.
The tikbalangs, slowly falling into the naga's enchantment and entering a trance all started to turn their heads into the stream. The tide is starting to rise and the current was turning faster and stronger by each second that passes.
"C'mon, boys. Get. in. the, water." She repeated and before she knew it, the three were already walking straight into the middle of the stream.
Agwa then let her rains fall down like fury unleashed into the three. It took less than a minute before the three are almost drowning- that's when Agwa completely stopped her torment, making the rain cease and the stream's current to steady. The three tikbalangs quickly grabbed the chance to narrowly escape their dreaded fate.
As the rain stopped, Agwa gently pulled her hands away from covering Maliksi's ears and gave him space, slithering slightly away from the tamawo.
"You okay, Makisig's lil brother?" Agwa smirked, her tone smug and taunting, much like Maliksi's usual attitude.
Maliksi, being around someone with the same brash and rude attitude like his irked him into oblivion that he even started pitying those he annoys on the regular.
Yet he wonders why exactly he's currently speechless right now, heart pounding out of his chest from when he witnessed this hauntingly beautiful naga command three strong creatures into their almost death without any effort. How she stood there without any remorse or mercy, yet looking that irresistible while threats that are definitely not empty rolled along her tongue as if it's poetry to drown men unforgivingly.
Oh. Hell naw.
I'll be damned.
It was another first for Maliksi. How can he describe someone else aside from his kuya with such adjectives is something that bothered him to the core.
That might be the first and only time he had used that term to describe a woman but he'll never admit it out loud.
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Art by: @ask-emilz-de-philz thankyouuu for my Agwa ;;;;; ((hngg. I can def relate kay bibilo coz those thighs))
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astarionapologist · 5 months
Hello! I was looking for people were wanting write and stumbled across your blog. I was hoping for an established relationship with Astarion and bard!tav. After the graveyard scene where she asks him to listen to a song that she’s written about them and what his love means to her. With the song turning page by sleeping at last in mind.
AHHH oh my god you literally described my tav! On another note however this request is so adorable ohmygods.
Our new chapter
Astarion x fem bard!tav
Word count: 1.7k
Spoilers for act 3 graveyard scene!
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As you collapse onto the soft sleeping bag in front of you, your body aches and your armor clings to your sweaty skin. You can't help but think back to the battle that ended not too long ago, still panting from the exertion.
Memories of having to see the love of your life struggle after killing his abuser of over 200 years flood in. How heartbreaking the scene painted in your mind was as you envisioned the pale elf sobbing out all the pain and misery that intoxicated a part of his heart for all these years. How his tears were a mix of anger and grief as he mourned the man he was before knowing Cazador.
You gave him some time to collect himself, and then you appeared behind him, taking off your cloak to wrap it around the upper half of his body. He was surprised by your sudden movements, and he looked up at you, his eyes heavy with torment and anguish. However, after a few seconds of keeping each other's gaze, his eyes grew softer. His wet, dewy eyes pierced into your heart as you dropped to your knees to hug him. He sniffled as he nestled his head on top of your shoulder and continued to release his agony, but this time his heart didn't feel as empty. In fact, it slowly began to fill with hope, and he imagined his newfound freedom with you by his side.
You snap back to the present as you hear the sound of your tent unzipping. Astarion's figure appears behind the thin sheet of your tent. You had left him alone to gather himself and bathe after the day's events. You half expected him to be already asleep by now, considering how tired his eyes look.
“Hello my love…” he says with a small pause
“There’s… something i’d like to show you if that's alright with you.”
Without hesitating you stood up swiftly.
“I would be happy to follow you. Please show me where you need me to go," you say with a hint of urgency. Your ultimate goal has always been to nurture and care for Astarion, which is why it took him so long to warm up to you. He was confused as to why someone so sweet and pure would want to be with someone as ill-minded and tainted as he is. However, after the events of moonrise, your relationship has greatly improved and flourished. Astarion has grown so attached to you that he now savors every second he spends with you.
A shocked expression fills his face only for a few seconds then changes into a small smirk.
“My dear don’t hurt yourself.” He says as he lets out a small laugh. “It’s not far from here so don’t worry, we won’t be out too long”
You gaze at him and give a nod as you both proceed to walk down a path outside the camp. The path eventually leads you to a cemetery. He stops in front of a small grave which is overgrown with thick and lush vines. He bends down slowly and carefully removes each vine off the sad-looking tomb.
“It’s been… 200 years since I’ve been here… 200 years since I’ve escaped this wretched grave.”
He begins to explain how he escaped his own grave and how he had to dig and claw his way viciously out of six feet of dirt. In the end, after all that fighting, he was met with the piercing eyes of Cazador himself who stood waiting for his new spawn.
“For all those years… I was his…” he says with disgusted scowl on his face
“He didn’t have the right to take you, you were never his in the first place… you never deserved this!” You say with anger on the tip of your tongue
He hums, "Maybe. But in the end, he took everything from me. There's nothing left of my old self, only fuzzy memories and an old rock with my name on it."
“For 2 centuries I was a monster… a ghost out on the streets looking for a new soul to fetch for Cazador… I was a shell….a husk of the person I was before”
Just as you were to say something he cuts you off
“But….. now I’m free…. Now I have to figure out who I am and what I want now.” He says with a small smile on his face as he turns towards you.
“And what exactly do you want?” You ask with another smile forming only this time it’s on your lips
“isn’t it obvious… I want you. Only you. I’ve only ever needed you.”
“You were by my side through.. well everything. You sided with me, protected me, cared for me and gave me a sense of comfort I’ve never felt before.”
"Hells. You trusted me too? Which was a terrible idea." He says while laughing at you.
You roll your eyes at his snarky little comment. “My apologies for falling head over heels for you” You say with a small sigh towards the end
“Apology accepted, falling in love is like falling through all the layers of the hells.” He quipped while dramatically putting a hand on his chest
“But seriously, I do love you. You know that, right? I love the person I am around you, and I'm so happy I get to stand by your side. Having the choice to be with you gives me hope that I deserve more in life. Being with you makes me feel a tad bit selfish. It makes me believe I deserve to be happy despite my past.”
” Thats because you do deserve to be happy… you do deserve to feel loved…” you say
“I’m glad you believe so.” He says looking at the tomb “ I think I’m beginning to believe that too…”
He clears his throat “Anywho I think so should fix this.” He bends down knife in hand as he changes the date on the tomb in front of him.
He stays down on his knees looking at the fresh markings in front of him.
You pick a flower away from the graves that caught your eye as it glistened in the moonlight. You picked the beautiful white tulip and carefully placed it on his grave.
“How cute” he dotes on your action a bit before turning to face you as you sit down next to him.
“I've been dead for long enough. It's about time I finally started to live for myself.”
“My dear, do you have any ideas on what we should do next?”
“well…” you say biting the bottom of your lip. “You don't have to but I have something planned for you… I've been working on it for a couple weeks now but I've been a bit too timid to show you. That is of course until now…. If you agree to it of course” you say looking at the ground in front of you.
“My my my… a gift for me? I’m assuming it’s another one of those beautiful ballads of yours” He carefully holds your face forcing you to look back at him. “I’d be honored to hear that captivating voice of yours darling” He coos quietly.
“It is.. specifically about us.. about my love for you about how I feel for you.”
His heart skips “ Very well then… let’s see what you have…” he blushes a bit while looking away then Turing his head to look back at you.
You pull out your spider lyre, a gift from Astarion. He found it during one of your adventures together and decided to gift it to the most beautiful and talented bard he knows.
You lick your lips timidly and clear your throat. Your hand gently strums across the lyre releasing a beautiful cadence with every strum.
a chill when up his spine as soon as you begin to sing
“I’ve waited a hundred years..
But I’d wait a million more for you”
His heart began to beat so fast it felt almost frozen in place.
” Nothing prepared me for… the privilege of being yours would do”
Gods you’ve barely started and he already want nothing more than to have you hold him already as he cries with appreciation.
As you continue to sing his eyes fill with adoration as he leans in so focused on your voice and on those beautiful plush lips of yours.
"If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
Well I would have known
What I was living for all along
What I've been living for”
You softly sing while looking into his eyes. You use the tadpol to allow him to enter your mind… to allow him to feel how you’ve been feeling this whole time. He feels nothing but admiration… nothing but love for him. He feels like he’s floating… he feels so pure. So at peace. Gods is this how you’ve felt around him? Tears being to spill from his eyes. How could anyone feels so at peace with him…? How is he at the center of each of these pure and sweet emotions.
“Your love is my turning page… where only the sweetest words remain”
He lets to finish you song before he quickly grabs and wraps his arms around you crying. You gently rub his back in return which gives him a deep sense of reassurance. Yes he’s felt your emotions just now but your soft gentle touches are more than enough to calm his soul from almost anything.
His puffy red eyes meet yours “you really meant all that…. You really do love me…. I- thank you”’
You carefully cup his face kissing his forehead softly before he pulls you by the shoulders for a deep yet gentle kiss. He stops looks you in the eyes and whispers in your ear
“I never thought a love so pure could exist in this cruel heartless world…. Thank you for providing me wrong again… thank you for showing me what it’s like to be cared for….”
You place a gentle kiss underneath his eye, “It was my pleasure… now then, let’s head back yeah? We should rest while we can tomorrow will be a busy day… and you’re more than welcome to stay in my tent again if you’d like.” You rub the back of your neck after saying that last part.
He gives you another kiss however this one is a small peck “It would be my pleasure…”
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Holy shit I hope this isn’t ass when I post it LMAO but still I hope you guys like it!
Ps if you see any mistakes on here no you didn't <3
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kisakis-boyfriend · 7 months
Trans Taiju Headcannons (but filthier this time 💙)
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Pairings: Taiju x reader
Warnings: GN!reader, top!reader, bottom!Taiju, dom & sub reader parts, sub and dom Taiju, trans Taiju, rough sex, daddy kink, choking, use of the term 'tdick'
Genre/Format: Smut; Headcannons & scenarios
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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This guy is a kinky and kinda rough motherfucker
He is a switch & vers through and through, but either way he likes it rough
It's either pound or be pounded 99% of the time. The other 1% is when Taiju craves a gentle touch or craves treating you gently (though he'd never admit that out loud...)
If you have a dick it's no longer yours. That dick belongs to him now, to use however he damn well pleases
“F-fuck! Taiju please...gah! Baby, slow down...” You plead through labored breaths, sweaty and flushed while your body is used like a toy for his pleasure
Taiju grunts loudly as his hips slam down onto yours, riding your dick with a hunger that no other man has ever known before. His dripping pussy squelches with every harsh slam down, swallowing your cock entirely. You swear he's trying to get himself knocked up whenever he gets into these moods; cuffing your hands to the bed post and yanking your pants off before stripping off his own clothing. Crawling on top of you, licking your dick and sucking on it until you're seconds away from shooting down his throat, then releasing you just to hover his soaking cunt over your thick member before sinking down onto it
Taiju's eyes cross as he slowly begins to move, grinding onto your cock as it stretches his walls euphorically. A dangerously seductive look hides behind those pretty eyes as he keeps you pinned to the bed below and uses your cock as his personal dildo. Drawing orgasm after orgasm out of you until you can barely even breathe. His own juices drip down your hips and soak into the sheets because he just can't stop cumming! The feeling of your loads shooting straight into his womb is too good!
Afterwards, you're usually wrecked; overstimulated beyond belief from your partner riding you for hours
He's surprisingly good with aftercare though, so you at least know that you'll be taken care of!
He'd never admit this either, but Taiju is kind of a cuddlebug. Even though he just bruised your pelvis and probably left some bite marks or more bruises on the rest of your body, he still needs to hold you afterwards. Still needs you snuggled up against his chest or in his lap 🥺
If you have a pussy, Taiju is going to trib with you constantly. No you do not get a choice 💙
Your pussy is also his toy, meant for rubbing against his pussy until there's a flood of juices underneath your bodies
“Taiju–!! Oh god that...th-that feels so good...aaahh!!” Your screams fuel his own pleasure as another orgasm caused your entire body to tremble below him. Taiju has a firm grip on your leg as it's thrown over his shoulder, his other hand wrapped around your throat while the bed creaks from how hard he's rocking against you
Your pussies are both puffy and sore from hours of grinding together, cumming over and over, squirting on each other, occasionally having your clits spanked by Taiju. Every kind of stimulation possible. Taiju just needed to have you pressed against him, tribbing the night away until one or both of you collapse from exhaustion
The way your tdicks press together feels heavenly. The overly sensitive nubs are coated in slick and sore from countless climaxes, yet neither of you want to stop when you're connected in this way. Desperate to frot your cocks together while you pant into each other's mouths in between sloppy kisses. Far too wrapped up in pleasure to care about anything else
Taiju loves to have his hands all over you. He has to grab you somewhere, somehow
Gripping your waist, tangled in your hair, choking you, squeezing your thighs, holding your hands (don't bring that up though. Taiju probably wouldn't admit to doing something ~sappy~)
Taiju has a major daddy kink...like, it's really major
If you have a dick:
Taiju's large hand squeezes your neck while his pussy squeezes your cock, both of you on the brink of an orgasm. His husky voice brings another wave of heat to your cheeks and ears as he purrs, “Call me that name I like so much, darlin'. Nice and loud, yeah?”
“D-daddy...mmph daddy!” The words tumble out as Taiju's hips snap down sharply, his walls clench around your dick at the sound of your voice addressing him with the title that he so adores
“Mmm daddy...it feels too good...wanna fill you up again, daddy...” You repeat. That seemed to do the trick as Taiju growls, bouncing on your cock until you fill his aching cunt again, screaming one last ‘daddy’ for good measure
If you have a pussy:
Impulsively wrapping his large hand around your neck, Taiju slowly tightens his grip as he nears his next climax. His cunt clenches around nothing from a particular thrust where your clits brush against one another. He needs to cum right fucking now, and the best way to relieve that ache is to get a little motivation
“Mm sweetheart, needja to call me daddy so I can cum all over your little pussy. ” He drawls in that husky voice that you love so much. You eagerly nod, choking out the title while you roll your hips against his
“Fuck...daddy, right there...fuck me right there...” The word sends an electric shock to his system, but it's not enough. He asks you to repeat it louder, say it again.
“D-daddy...yes daddy...want you- want you to fuck me, daddy!!” Your sexy voice pushes Taiju to the edge as he slides his hand in between your cunts, alternating between rubbing his clit and yours. With a loud moan, Taiju finally cums again, hips stuttering as his oversensitive folds slide over yours as you manage to cum nearly at the same time
As for submissive trans Taiju....
I know for a fact that this man loves to be collared and leashed. Craves the feeling of submitting to you so deeply that he'd act like a pet for you
Have him suck you off/eat you out while you tug on the leash every now and then. Pulling him against your pelvis as your cock fills his throat. Pulling him further into your cunt until he can't breathe
Taiju's so eager to please you, it's really cute
He does enjoy the humiliation though. Of course it's embarrassing to be on his knees in nothing except way too small panties, or maybe even nude, while you pet him and call him a “Good kitty~”
But he enjoys being knocked down a peg in the safety of your presence. Being conditioned into your perfect whore with every honey-coated praise and loving brush of your fingers against his skin
If you have a dick:
Taiju's grip on the pillow under his head is violent as that sweet spot inside of him is repeatedly stimulated, bringing him more pleasure than before. Your cock hits deep inside with every thrust while your hands rest gently on Taiju's waist
“Oh honey, that must feel good. You're gushing around me sooo much~ ” You tease, gingerly touching lower and lower until your fingers find Taiju's tdick and stroke it. Obscene moans fill your ears as you play with your partner's body, knowing all of the things that make him tick and using that against him. Fucking his wet cunt so much that his brain basically turns off and he mindlessly agrees to every word that you say
“Are you gonna cum again, lovely?” A frantic nod from Taiju followed by your hips pistoning into him sends him reeling. Arching his muscular back like a slut as he wails in pleasure, chanting “Thankyouthankyouthankyou—!! ” as another flood of his nectar spills onto the bed
If you have a pussy:
“Uh-huh~ Mmm just like that~ ” Taiju moans, fucked stupid by your clits rubbing together. His legs are wrapped around your waist while you lean over his large body and thrust against him, grinding your cunts together vigorously
“Yeah? That feels good, slut?” You spat, carding your fingers through his gorgeous blue hair and lightly scratching his scalp in the process. “You love it when I fuck that lil pussy of yours, don't you?”
Exhausted and shaking, Taiju nods his head, biting his bottom lip hard as another orgasm bubbles to the surface. You notice this and swiftly stuff his cunt with your fingers, immediately pushing on his sweet spot as more of his juices drip down your knuckles. The lewd, wet sounds of his fuckhole turn both of you on even more. So you finger him a little rougher, a little faster, curling your fingers and scissoring them while Taiju bites back a gravelly groan
One quick slap to his impossibly sensitive clit is all it takes to rip that climax right out of him, forcing your baby to cum on your fingers while you call him the most beautiful thing you've ever seen
As mentioned before, aftercare is surprisingly delightful with Taiju
Whether you're bigger or smaller than Taiju, he's going to demand that you curl up in his lap or at least on his chest or something
If he was the dom then he wants to baby you for the rest of the day/night
Now if Taiju was the sub, that's your chance to baby him and coo all sorts of sweet praise while he's vulnerable
He might whine as your hands glide over his skin, whispering loving words against his neck or shoulders, but he does enjoy and appreciate it
Taiju can be really sweet when he lets go of that tough guy act and opens up with someone that he trusts dearly
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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"You're so pretty"
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~ Armin x Dumbification
CW: nsfw, dom! Armin, sub! reader, Armin is slightly manipulative but he’s sweet towards the end, mentions multiple orgasms but only one is written, overstimulation, subspace, sex toys, Armin and reader are in a relationship, black coded reader, afab reader, pet names are used
WC: 1.7k
Synopsis: Armin is usually a humble guy when it comes to people recognizing his brilliance. With the constant praise and compliments, you’d be flattered but not him. No, Armin finds that the reassurance and reward he needs for his smarts is when he has you babbling nonsense and only having him on your mind, nothing but him and his cock flooding every crevice in your mind.
AN: First 2022 Kinktober piece! Literally finished this an hour before it needed to be posted. This is actually a rewrite so if you read the first one… just know this one is 10x better! Still working on my aesthetic and how to write smut so bare with me but enjoy!
❗️minors & blank blogs DNI❗️
Second Person Pov
Whiny whimpers escape you while Armin calmly increases the vibrations of the vibrator on your clit and curls his long, slender fingers in your cunt. Your spread out on the bed you both share with a jeweled butt plug lodged in your ass, a vibrator stuck on your clit, clips clamped on your nipples, and your hands tied behind your back with rope while Armin had his fingers deep in your dripping pussy. All the items were a pink color since Armin likes to keep things organized and uniform, pink meaning you were going to cum… a lot. It’s been about thirty minutes and he’s already made you cum twice, on his way to making it three. 
“What was that baby? I didn’t quite get that, do you think you can try again pretty girl?” Armin has a mockingly teasing tone, but you don’t hear a drop.
“Please ‘Min! I-I can’t… no more.” You’ve been moaning and whining as you begged him to stop after the first time he made you cum. 
But Armin just can’t get over how pretty you look when you cry and he loves the sounds that fly from your puffy lips. Plus you’re at the edge of the headspace he wants you in so he can’t stop now. His cock is throbbing from the anticipation of you falling into a mindless state where all you could do is say his name and babble how much you loved everything he did to you. 
Armin gives you a fake pout that you completely fall for, not sensing the sadistic intent behind it. “But my love, we aren’t done yet. You’ve got at least one more for me, right?”
You look at him with tears streaming down your face from the overstimulation and from the heavy want you have to touch him. He returns your teary eyes with one that feigns sadness and disappointment if only that’s what it actually was. Armin knows the extent of your want to please and impress him so he’s well aware of what to say and what to do to get right into that pretty head of yours. 
Your eyes widen and your lips quiver at the thought of disappointing Armin. “I-i’m sorry ‘Min! I’ll try one more time.” Your eyes are filled with determination as you wait for his response.
Armin’s pout slowly turns into a bright smile as he starts fingering you at a fast pace while your pussy drools down his knuckles. He slowly licks his lips before he leans over you, kissing your neck gently as he whispers in your ear. “You are such a good girl. Do you know how happy you’ve made me, my love?” 
The flutter you feel in your heart shows all over your face causing Armin to chuckle when he pulls back to see the face you make as he finger fucks his pretty girl. My precious little bimbo. That’s all he can think as he looks at you simply because he knows he most likely isn’t stopping after you cum again. You’re too wet and adorable for him to stop. He feels like you have at least two more until you truly are unable to cum anymore. Then he’ll reward you with the best aftercare for his best girl, even though that's something he does either way. He loves you more than anyone and that’s saying something since Eren and Mikasa are two people he holds very dear to his heart.
Your eyes flutter closed and whiny moans leave your lips as he curls his fingers slightly, picking up the pace a bit. You clench around his fingers and squeeze your hands into a fist, a signal that you are  going to cum for him again soon. So being the person he is, he slows the pace of his fingers to a painfully slow rhythm causing you to whine and try to move your hips to simulate a faster pace. 
“Hey baby, open your eyes and tell me what you want.” He coaxes as he uses his free hand to gently hold one side of your face.
You lazily open your eyes as you snuggle into his hold on your cheek. Drool falls from the side of your mouth, exposing the fucked-out look Armin has been working for this whole time. Not a single thought in that beautiful head of yours. You’re exactly where he wants you and the sadistic smirk that grows on his face shows just how proud he is of his achievement. 
“You… want you to fuck me… please ‘M-min.” You slur out as he smiles at you and gently kisses your forehead. You’re always so beautiful to Armin but he thinks you’re the prettiest when you look so drunk for his cock. The tint showing where your heat rises into a blush across your brown skin, your hair wild and the sweat glistening like pearls on your skin always turns him feral with the want to ruin you completely. 
“That’s what you want sweetheart?” You nod your head lazily as you feel like you’re in a hazy cloud. 
Armin slowly pulls his fingers from your weeping cunt, forcing a choked whine to leave your throat. Though his fingers are no longer in you, you are both still attached by the thin strand of slick lingering on his fingers. He taps your lips, a signal for you to open your mouth which you do, allowing him to put his fingers in your mouth. He makes sure you suck them clean, one of the things he uses as a way to make sure you’re still conscious and still able to function properly, or he’d stop immediately. Though you haven’t used the safe word, Armin decides that the vibrator isn’t necessary anymore so he removes it gently before pulling down his sweatpants and boxers. 
As soon as his cock is free, you immediately wake up from the haze you were previously in. He chuckles softly as he spits on his base before stroking himself slowly. He has such a pretty dick and you will never get over it. It’s about 6 1/2 inches and has a good girth to it with a pretty pink mushroom tip that is an angry red from how hard he is right now. Your wide eyes watch his every move as he hovers over you, rubbing his tip against your opening causing you to arch for more and moan his name.
“My cute little baby. So dumb for my cock, yeah?” You whine as he teases the tip into you before pulling it out, continuing to rub against you. “Patience princess, you know I’ll always make you feel good.” His voice is soft as he holds the side of your face with a small smile. 
He bits his lip gently as he slowly pushes his cock into your dripping pussy, hissing at the feeling of you hugging him in your warmth. The sounds that leave you are beyond sinful and solidify Armin’s decision to let this be your last one but he was going to make sure you feel this orgasm for a while. He slowly starts moving faster, wanting the pleasure you both feel to last as long as he could. He always loves the way your pussy feels. He believes you’re both made for each other since you both fit each other perfectly. 
The faster he goes, the tighter your hold on his dick is. The room fills with the sounds of your whimpers and whines, his breathy moans, and the sound of wet skin slapping against each other. He starts rubbing your clit when he feels that you were getting closer to your orgasm. You start babbling complete and utter nonsense which brings the biggest smile to Armin’s face as he picks up his speed. 
“You wanna cum baby?” You nod the best you can, whimpers tumbling out your mouth. “So cum for me baby, cream all over my cock.” That’s all you need to be pushed over the edge. You cum for the third time, cumming so hard your vision turns white and the scream you let out of his name pushes Armin closer to his orgasm than he was before. 
“Fuck doll, I’m gonna cum.” Armin gives you a few more hard sloppy thrusts before he pulls out and cums on your stomach, groaning as he does. He hits his cock against your fluttering pussy before leaning down and kissing your forehead, whispering sweet nothing to you with a gentle voice. “You did so good baby. I’m proud of you.”
He kisses your lips gently before he gets up to untie the ropes from your sore arms, rubbing them to soothe the pain a bit. He unclamps your nipples next, pulling you up and holding you close to him. You wrap your arms around him and sob as he rubs your back, pulling the buttplug out gently. “I know baby, that was a lot but you did so good. I told you I’ll always take care of my baby.” He whispers as he carries you over to the bathroom, sitting you on the toilet gently before moving to get the tub running. 
Once the tub is filled with warm water and your lavender bubble bath, he gently puts you inside and follows behind you. Your back rests against his chest as he gently starts washing your body, making sure that you aren't in any pain or discomfort. He washes your hair, doing everything you taught him from the times he wanted to learn how to help you with your natural hair. After you’re both all clean, he dries you off and puts you in a matching pajama set you both share. Armin lays you in bed gently as he gets ready himself to lay in bed with you.
Though the whole process is done without many words except the reassurance and praise from Armin every now and again, you both express your love through actions. As soon as Armin climbs in bed behind you, he asks if you’re okay when he wraps his arms around you with love and protection. You nod lazily as you slowly let sleep take you over knowing that you could always trust your boyfriend with everything.
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quailfence · 11 months
Copy-pasting this post by @/somnolent-scout @yaytheprofessor and @landscaping-your-mind because OP has turned reblogs off
What's happening to AO3 right now?
As you may have noticed already, Archive of Our Own is currently down. This is temporary, but unfortunately.. we now know that this is much deeper than we thought.
AO3 is currently the victim of a DDOS attack orchestrated by "Anonymous Sudan"
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[Image description: two images.
First image is a post from Anonymous Sudan, translated to read:
❗️The reason of our attack is simple: It's part of our campaign targeting companies registered in the United States. The operators of this site is "Organization for Transformative Works (OTW)" who are registered in the United States. In addition to that, we are against all forms of degeneracy and the site is full of disgusting smuts and other LGBTQ+ and NSFW things. We bring you the good news that we will continue attacking for hours on end.
The second image are two Whatsapp messages in the group Anonymous Sudan. The UI is in the cryllic alphabet. The first message is the same as the first image. The new message reads:
The attack will continue for another 5 - 24 hours. End description.]
Why? Because AO3 is home to thousands of LGBTQIA+ content and lots of NSFW content. They're doing this as an Anti-LGBTQ+ attack. If they're doing this for or from America specifically, we're not sure. But this is what AO3 is facing at this time.
What can we do?
Spread the word. Spread the fucking word. I'll be providing updates to my Tumblr page directly from the r/AO3 subreddit. I know that not everyone here is comfortable using Reddit, so I'm taking the blow for you. I cannot access Twitter though.
And please, whatever you do...
Stop using the Archive of Our Own website at this time.
The moderators, showrunners, and service providers all need to repair the damage done by this group. The amount of data flooding in from people trying to log in will cause more problems. Keep yourselves off of the website.
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[Image description: a Twitter thread from AO3 Status (@/AO3_Status). It reads:
The Archive is experiencing some issues (as many of you have noticed). We’re looking into it, please stand by!
We apologize for any distress caused, and we’ll do our best to be back soon! As we’re running on volunteer power, we can’t always act on server hiccups as quickly as we’d like. Thank you for your patience! 🫶
Very sorry we can’t give you your fanwork fix right now, or a time estimate for when AO3 will be back. Welcome to all our new followers, and sorry we had to meet like this. 😬 Please stick around for the happier updates! 🌸
It looks like the Archive is under a DDoS attack causing the servers to fall over. Our volunteer sysadmins are working on countermeasures. Please be patient with us, we’ll be back!
A DDOS attack is when an attacker attempts to knock a site offline by overwhelming it with requests: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack. Data is not compromised in a DDOS attack, so there is no need to change your password at this time.
A group presenting themselves as a collective of religiously and politically motivated hackers has claimed responsibility for the attack. Experts do not believe they are honest about their motivation, so we urge caution in believing any reasoning they provide for targeting A03.
The AO3 is a victim of a DDoS attack by a group called Anonymous Sudan, reportedly for hosting LGBT and NSFW content, however this is not confirmed and their reasoning is doubted.
A DDoS attack attempts to overload a system with a lot of requests, stopping actual requests from getting through.
This does not compromise any data, so changing passwords is not advised/necessary.
It is unknown when the AO3 will come back online.
Do not attempt to access the AO3 at this time.
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kitkatnerds3 · 9 months
I have not finished the episode yet but I've just gotten to the Fukufuku backstory (specifically the part where they just met and its night and they're lying on the floor together) and, these two are fucking dark timeline Renga from sk8! 'The way of the sword is enjoyable!' and 'I'm going to master the sword alongside you' vs 'skating is fun!' and 'I want to skate with you infinitely' I swear Fukuchi even did the same hand movement that Reki did at some point. Energetic sunshine (at least at the moment) x calm and collected. I am getting such strong Renga vibes from that scene and it's driving me insane.
DONT DO SYMBOLISM WITH THE FUCKING BIRDS YOU DUMB SHOW! I SEE WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING DOING! For context, they were having a conversation but the focus was on these two egrets? herons? anyways, and then one of them just flew off when Fukuchi said that he was gonna be promoted and sent to the battlefield , which is what separated these two. I'm going to die, I'm not entirely sure why but I am. /pos
Fuck it, I'm committing to the live blog. enjoy seeing my live uncut reactions folks!
The animation is so pretty bro, bones adores their old man yaoi.
Ok, old man yaoi backstory is over , and before I move on to the next thing I just wanna say, young Fukuzawa was so fucking cute! He was an old man even when he was a baby! he was adorable! and honestly so was Fukuchi! I'm very sad that he became the way he is now, war really does stuff to people, huh?
Ok I'm a little bit confused, I didn't realize that he had told that United Nations guy the half-truth. But whatever, that's on me I guess.
God, Fukufuku are so gay. I know that stabbing someone isn't exactly romantic but he Fukuzawa did the thing where you grab onto the other persons clothes and after Fukuchi stabbed him his head ended up resting on his chest. This is PEAK romantic tradgedy.
Teruko, I love you. She looks so pretty and she is so hecking smart and I just adore her. She let Atsushi go! Woohoo!! Also, Atsushi's hallucinations are really coming in full force, huh? He is seeing so many people.
Dazai and Sigma are so silly, I love them, Dazai stop flirting for two fucking seconds challenge. Also, it's fun to hear that Dazai is screwing around with Sigma while thinking of Kunikida! Truly every ship is being fed this season! Except sskk, but we did get Aku in Atsushi's hallucinations doing a thing so that's kinda a win for the gays!
Wow! What a nice elevator! I'm sure nothing bad will happen here!
Oh catgirl, you left us too soon.
I must say, I don't really have much to say on the Meursault section. It was good! The animation was great as it usually is for the Meursault sections, Sigma was so pretty I love him and! Dazai did the thing where he played with Sigma's hair! Woo! Fyodor was his usual level of kinda ugly in anime form, Dazai is showing emotions! more of the sillies, Dazai fucking stood on Sigma, which is delightful, aaaaaaand it's started to flood! Fuck!
Anyways, back to the very start of this episode before I was overcome by the homosexual-ness of Fukufuku, Aya Bram Kunikida and Tanizaki got yoinked! Fuck! I still have a theory that Tanizaki could be doing an illusion and I will make a post about it one day. And also, please excuse me for saying this because while I am still upset about Ranpo being hurt... watching Fukuchi pick him up by the scruff of his neck like a cat was kinda hilarious. Also, Teruko I love you. You're the only hunting dog that heard about Fukuchi's real identity and didn't immediately die. Girlboss fr. Also also, where are Lucy Kyouka and Yosano :D? W-where did they go? Asagiri please I need to see my girls.
And to once again revisit the old gays, Holy Shit that was so gay. Nobody told me that the Fukufuku backstory was a Sports Anime tm that turned into a war drama in the second season! I knew we said they were divorced but I never realized just how married they were before the separation! Wow! Fukuzawa smiled so softly at Fukuchi! They were such sweet kids! Aagh!
This was a good episode! I liked this! Excited for next Wungo Wednesday!
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Podcasting "Twiddler"
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This week on my podcast, I read “Twiddler,” a recent Medium column in which I delve more deeply into enshittification, and how it is a pathology of digital platforms, distinct from the rent-seeking of the analog world that preceded it:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Enshittification, you’ll recall, is the lifecycle of the online platform: first, the platform allocates surpluses to end-users; then, once users are locked in, those surpluses are taken away and given to business-customers. Once the advertisers, publishers, sellers, creators and performers are locked in, the surplus is clawed away from them and taken by the platforms.
Facebook is the poster-child for enshittification. When FB welcomed the general public in 2006, it sold itself as the privacy-respecting alternative to Myspace, promising users it would never harvest their data. The FB feed consisted of the posts that the people you’d followed — the people you cared about — published.
FB experienced explosive growth, thanks to two factors: “network effects” (every new user was a draw for other users who wanted to converse with them), and “switching costs” (it was practically impossible to convince all the people you wanted to hear from to leave FB, much less agree on what platform to go to next). In other words, every new user who joined FB both attracted more users, and made it harder for those users to leave.
FB attained end-user lockin and was now able to transfer users’ surpluses to business customers. First, it started aggressively spying on users and offered precision targeting at rock-bottom prices to advertisers. Second, it offered media companies “algorithmic” boosting into the feeds of users who hadn’t asked to see their posts.
Media companies that posted brief excerpts to FB, along with links to their sites on the real internet were rewarded with floods of traffic, as their posts were jammed into the eyeballs of millions of FB users who never asked to see them. Media companies and advertisers went all-in for FB, integrating FB surveillance beacons in their presence on the real internet, hiring social media specialists who’d do Platform Kremlinology in order to advise them on the best way to please The Algorithm.
Once those business customers — creators, media companies, advertisers — were locked into FB, the company harvested their surplus, too. On the ad side, FB raised rates and decreased expensive anti-fraud measures, meaning that advertisers had to pay more, even as an increasing proportion of their ads were either never served, or never seen.
With media companies and creators, FB not only stopped jamming their content in front of people who never asked to see it, they actively suppressed the spread of business users’ posts even to their own subscribers. FB required media companies to transition from excerpts to fulltext feeds, and downranked or simply blocked posts that linked back to a business user’s own site, be it a newspaper’s web presence or a creator’s crowdfunding service. Business users who wanted to reach the people who had explicitly directed FB to incorporate their media in users’ feeds had to pay to “boost” their materials.
This is the (nearly) complete enshittification cycle: having harvested the surplus from users and business customers, FB is now (badly) attempting to surf the line where nearly all the value in the service lands in its shareholders’ pockets, with just enough surplus left behind to keep end-users and business-users locked in (see also: Twitter).
There have been lots of other abusive “platform” businesses in the past — famously, 19th century railroads and their robber-baron owners were so obnoxiously abusive that they spawned the trustbusting movement, the Sherman Act, and modern competition law. Did the rail barons do enshittification, too?
Well, yes — and no. I have no doubt that robber barons would have engaged in zuckerbergian shenanigans if they could have — but here we run up against the stubborn inertness of atoms and the slippery liveliness of bits. Changing a railroad schedule to make direct connections with cities where you want to destroy a rival ferry business (or hell, laying track to those cities) is a slow proposition. Changing the content recommendation system at Facebook is something you do with a few mouse-clicks.
Which brings me to the thesis of “Twiddler”: enshittification doesn’t arise from the special genius or the unique wickedness of tech barons — rather, it’s the product of the ability to twiddle. Our discourse has focused (rightly) on the extent to which platforms are “instrumented” — that is, the degree to which they spy on and analyze their users’ conduct.
But the discussion of what the platforms do with that data — the ways they “react” to it — has echoed the platforms’ own boasts of transcendental “behavior modification” prowess (c.f. “Surveillance Capitalism”) while giving short shrift to the extremely mundane, straightforward ways that the ability to change the business-logic of a platform lets it allocate and withdraw surpluses from different kinds of users to get them on the hook, reel them in, and then skin and devour them.
The Twiddler thesis, in other words, is a counter to the narrative of Maria Farrell’s Prodigal Tech Bros, who claim that they were once evil sorcerers, but, having seen the error of their ways, vow to be good sorcerers from now on, forswearing “hacking our dopamine loops” like vampires swearing off blood:
People who repeat the claims of Prodigal Tech Bros are engaging in criti-hype, Lee Vinsel’s term for criticism that repeats tech’s own mystical narratives of their own superhuman prowess, rather than grappling with the mundanity of doing old conjurer’s tricks very quickly, with computers:
That’s what twiddling is — doing the same things that grocery store monopolists and rail monopolists and music label monopolists have always done, but very quickly, with computers. Whether it’s Amazon rooking sellers and authors, or Apple and Google’s App Stores rooking app creators, or Tiktok and Youtube rooking performers, or Uber rooking drivers, the underlying pattern of surplus-harvesting is the same, and so is the method. They do the same thing as their predecessors, but very quickly, with computers.
A grocer who wants to price-gouge on eggs needs to dispatch an army of low-waged employees with pricing guns. AmazonFresh does the same thing in an eyeblink, by typing a new number into a field on a web-form and clicking submit. As is so often the case when a magic trick is laid bare, the actual mechanic is very, very boring: the way to make a nickel appear to vanish is to spend hundreds of hours practicing before a mirror while you shift so it is clenched between your fingers, and protrudes from behind your hand (sorry, spoiler alert).
The trick can be baffling and marvellous when you see it, but once you know how it’s done, it’s pretty obvious — the difference is that most sleight-of-hand artists don’t think they’re sorcerers, while plenty of tech bros believe their own press.
There’s a profound irony in twiddling’s role in enshittification: early internet scholarship rightly hailed the power of twiddling for internet users. Theorists like Aram Sinnreich described this as configurability — the ability of end-users (aided by tinkerers, small businesses, and co-ops) to modify the services they used to suit their own needs:
Arguably the most successful configurability story is ad-blocking, which Doc Searls calls “the biggest boycott in human history.” Billions of end-users of the web have twiddled their browsers so that they aren’t tracked by ad-tech and don’t see ads:
Configurability was at the heart of early hopes for mass disintermediation, because audiences and performers (or sellers and producers) could go direct to one another, assembling a customized, un-capturable conduit composed of an a-la-carte selection of payment processors, webstores, mail and web hosts, etc. Whenever one of these utilities tried to capture that relationship and harvest an unfair share of the surplus, both ends of the transaction could foil them by blocking, reverse-engineering, modding, or mashing them up, wriggling off the hook before it could set its barbs.
But — as we can all see — a funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century. The platforms seized the internet, turning it into “five giant websites, each filled with screenshots of the other four”:
Three factors let them do this:
1. They were able to buy or merge with every major competitor, and where that failed them, they were able to use predatory pricing to drive competitors out of the market:
2. They were able to twiddle their services, setting them a-bristle with surveillance beacons and digital actuators that could rearrange the virtual furniture every time some knob-jockey touched their dial:
3. They were able to hoard the twiddling, using laws like the DMCA, CFAA, noncompetes, trade secrecy, and other “IP” laws to control the conduct of their competitors, critics and customers:
That last point is very important: it’s not just that big corporations twiddle us to death — it’s that they have made it illegal for us to twiddle back. Adblocking is possible on the open web, but to ad-block your Iphone, you must first jailbreak it, which is a crime. Yes, Apple will block Facebook from spying on you — but even if you opt out of tracking, Apple still spies on you in exactly the same way Facebook did, to power their own ad-targeting business:
This is what Jay Freeman calls “felony contempt of business-model” — the literal criminalization of configuration. When Netflix wants to decide who is and isn’t a member of your family, they just twiddle their back-end to block the child that moves back and forth between your home and your ex’s, thanks to your joint custody arrangement:
But woe betide the parent who twiddles back to restore their child’s service, by jailbreaking an app or the W3C’s official, in-browser DRM, EME — trafficking in a tool to bypass EME and reconfigure your browser to suit your needs, rather than Netflix’s, is a felony punishable by a five-year prison sentence and a $500k fine, under Section 1201 of the DMCA:
This is the supreme irony of twiddling: Big Tech companies love to twiddle you, but if you touch your own knob, they call it a crime. Just as Big Tech firms turned “free software” into “open source” and then took all the software freedom for themselves, configurability is now the exclusive purview of corporations — those transhuman, immortal colony paperclip maximizers that treat humans as inconvenient gut-flora:
If we are to take the net back, we’ll need to seize the means of computation. There are three steps to that process:
1. Traditional antitrust: Merger scrutiny, breakups, and bans on predatory pricing and other anticompetitive practices:
2. Anti-twiddling laws for businesses: A federal privacy law with a private right of action, labor protections, and other rules that take knobs away from tech platforms:
3. Pro-twiddling laws for users: Interoperability (both mandatory and adversarial — AKA “Competitive Compatibility” or “comcom”):
Monopolists and their handmaidens — witting and unwitting — want you to believe that their dominance is inevitable (shades of Thatcher’s “there is no alternative”), because the great forces of history, the technical characteristics of digital technology, and the sorcerous mind-control of dopamine-hackers.
But the reality is much more mundane. Digital freedom was never a mirage. Indeed, it is a prize of enormous value — that’s why the platforms are so intent on hoarding it all for themselves.
Here’s this week’s podcast episode:
And here’s a direct link to download the MP3 (hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive ; they’ll host your media for free, forever):
Here’s the direct feed to subscribe to my podcast:
And here’s the original “Twiddler” article on Medium:
Image: Stephen Drake (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Analog_Test_Array_modular_synth_by_sduck409.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
This Thu (Mar 2) I’ll be in Brussels for Antitrust, Regulation and the Political Economy, along with a who’s-who of European and US trustbusters. It’s livestreamed, and both in-person and virtual attendance are free. On Fri (Mar 3), I’ll be in Graz for the Elevate Festival.
[Image ID: A mandala made from a knob and button-covered control panel.]
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