#pentacles suit
tozsoss · 2 months
One year ago approximately when I first got my tarot deck I decided to try this "look at every card and write down what you think/what you feel" tip for beginners and 💀💀 why did I roast the page of pentacles like that LMFAOO
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essseateatarot · 5 months
Ace of Pentacles “Tap into new opportunities and material potential.”
Our journey begins with the Ace of Pentacles, a symbol of new beginnings, material abundance, and the potential for prosperity. Like a fertile seed planted in rich soil, this card represents the promise of growth and tangible success. It invites us to open ourselves to new opportunities, allowing our efforts to yield fruitful results. The Ace of Pentacles lays the foundation for our material journey, setting the stage for the transformative experiences to come.
Numerological Meaning: New beginnings, material potential, abundance. Astrological Correspondence: Earth in Earth.
Two of Pentacles “A careful balance of resources and priorities.”
As we progress to the Two of Pentacles, we encounter the power of balance and resource management. This card signifies the need to juggle various responsibilities and priorities in our material lives. It represents a period of adaptability and resourcefulness, where careful planning and flexibility are essential. The Two of Pentacles invites us to find harmony amidst the demands of our practical endeavors, allowing us to navigate our material world with grace and efficiency.
Numerological Meaning: Balance, adaptability, resource management. Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter in Capricorn.
Three of Pentacles “Cultivate your skills and collaborative success.”
Moving forward, we reach the Three of Pentacles, a card that radiates with the energy of collaboration, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of mastery. This card symbolizes the power of teamwork and the value of honing our skills to achieve tangible success. It signifies the joy found in shared accomplishments, where each individual’s contribution plays a vital role in the overall achievement. The Three of Pentacles reminds us of the importance of diligence and collaboration in our pursuit of excellence.
Numerological Meaning: Collaboration, craftsmanship, mastery. Astrological Correspondence: Mars in Capricorn.
Four of Pentacles “It’s time to embrace stability and financial security.”
As our journey continues, we encounter the stabilizing energies of the Four of Pentacles. This card depicts a figure holding onto pentacles, symbolizing a desire for stability and a sense of financial security. It encourages us to take practical steps towards safeguarding our resources and ensuring our material well-being. The Four of Pentacles prompts us to find a balance between financial responsibility and the enjoyment of life’s comforts.
Numerological Meaning: Stability, financial security, resourcefulness. Astrological Correspondence: Sun in Capricorn.
Five of Pentacles “Endure through adversity and seek support.”
In the realm of the Five of Pentacles, we confront the challenging aspects of financial hardship and adversity. This card portrays figures facing a harsh winter landscape, symbolizing the need for resilience and seeking support during difficult times. It invites us to acknowledge our challenges, while also recognizing the potential for growth and assistance that may come from reaching out to others. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that even in times of scarcity, there is an opportunity for resilience and the emergence of newfound strength.
Numerological Meaning: Hardship, resilience, seeking support. Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Taurus.
Six of Pentacles “Give and receive assistance with balance and fairness.”
Continuing our journey, we encounter the Six of Pentacles, a card that evokes the energy of generosity, abundance, and the joy of giving and receiving. This card reminds us of the interconnectedness of abundance and encourages us to share our resources with an open heart. The Six of Pentacles invites us to find fulfillment in acts of kindness and to recognize the prosperity that comes from a spirit of generosity. It encourages us to cultivate a sense of abundance that extends beyond ourselves.
Numerological Meaning: Generosity, abundance, reciprocity. Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Taurus.
Seven of Pentacles “Cultivate patience and assess the progress of your efforts.”
As we delve deeper into the Pentacles suit, we encounter the Seven of Pentacles, a card that unveils the power of patience, diligence, and long-term planning. This card represents a figure tending to a garden, symbolizing the need for nurturing our endeavors and allowing them to grow over time. The Seven of Pentacles urges us to trust the process of growth and to invest our efforts wisely, knowing that our patient persistence will lead to abundant harvests in the future.
Numerological Meaning: Patience, diligence, long-term planning. Astrological Correspondence: Saturn in Taurus.
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dingoat · 2 years
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Eight of Pentacles
Upright: apprenticeship, passion, high standards Reversed: lack of passion, uninspired, no motivation
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caemidraws · 1 year
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Two of Pentacles
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owlhousetarot · 9 months
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Ace of Pentacles: Luz Discovering the Light Glyph
Upright: New opportunities, abundance, resources, prosperity, security, manifestation, needs met
Reversed: Lost opportunities, lack of resources, deficiency, instability, bad investment
The Aces in tarot all represent potential, opportunities, and new beginnings. They are the "seeds" of their respective elements, and it is up to you to choose whether and how to nurture them to their full potential. As the suit of Earth, the Pentacles are concerned with the material world: things such as career, finances, health, creation, and the earth itself. The Light glyph is incredibly important to and representative of Luz herself; she first finds it in a time of great need—both because she and King are in immediate danger, and because she has been doubting she may ever be able to learn any magic at all. Finding the Light glyph enables her to save herself, King, and Eda, and on a broader scale, unlocks an opportunity for Luz to have her lifelong dream of being a witch fully realized—a sort of "career" opportunity that later grants her the ability to earn money when Eda loses her powers. On the most fundamental level, this moment represents the beginning of her relationship with the Isles and its magic, the true foundation for her success as a witch. She can't quite call herself a witch, not yet—but now that she knows there's a wellspring of glyph magic to discover, she can become one—if she puts in the effort.
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themodernwitchsguide · 2 months
tarot and their divinatory meanings (pt.2)
this part includes just the suit of pentacles, for the major arcana click here
King of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: a provider and protector, rich (materially, emotionally, spiritually), intelligent, secure, rational, someone who will love you as you are
REVERSED: too indulgent to vices, corruption, materialistic, loss of reputation/money/position, overly concerned with external characteristics
Queen of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: down-to-earth, business savvy person, generous, thoughtful, stability, nurturer, a mentor/advisor
REVERSED: suspicion, fear of failure is holding you back, misplaced priorities, false prosperity
Page of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: a reliable, utilitarian person, routine and hard work, loyal, stick with your tried and true, someone who will help you
REVERSED: carelessness, inertia, upright meaning taken to the extreme, stuck in routine, boredom
Ten of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: scholarliness, concentration, dedication, news or a bringer of messages, reward for hard work and diligence
REVERSED: infidelity, luxury verging on wastefulness, illogical thoughts, lack of focus/too many distractions
Nine of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: gains and riches, a good and stable family/relationship, satisfaction, inheritance, look at the long term picture
REVERSED: loss, gambling/risky behaviors, a rough patch (current or impending)
Eight of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: independence, restraint and grace, security, personal accomplishments, being confident in the future
REVERSED: false sense of security/stability, take time to rest, a threat, there are more important things than money
Seven of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: craftsmanship, learning new skills, strive to be the best, a demanding job, be confident in yourself
REVERSED: be wary of your financial situation, voided ambition, vanity, lack of emotion, carelessness--especially at work
Six of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: effort turned fruitful, reaffirms your plans for the future, good news, investment, cleverness
REVERSED: bad investments of time/money, anxiety about money, loss but not an incredible one
Five of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: gifts, charity (given/received), return of a favor, accept the help you are offered, stability
REVERSED: jealousy, do not expect to be paid back, debt, being taken advantage of, selfishness
Four of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: destitution, unrequited love, loneliness, a debt haunting you, loss
REVERSED: the worst is over but recovery will be slow, new employment, change is coming
Three of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: shortsightedness, greed, wealth that is making you paranoid, jealousy, insecurity
REVERSED: suspense, opposition, delay, reversal of fortune, greed backfiring
Two of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: success, skilled labor--especially art, power, achievement, work together with others
REVERSED: mediocrity, occupation with success that hurts your craft, a group that doesn't work well together
Ace of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: a precarious unity/balance, gaiety, recreation, you've done a good job keeping things stable
REVERSED: too much on your plate, live within your means, forced gaiety, a neglectful relationship
UPRIGHT: perfect contentment, bright prospects, the seed has been planted--just put in the effort, ecstasy
REVERSED: poor investment of time/money, corruption, seek advice from others, unhappiness with wealth
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thewormsdontstop · 4 months
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The WAA lawyers!
Three of Pentacles
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popculturetarot · 6 months
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‪The Queen of Pentacles is a symbol of generosity and positive authority, intelligent and compassionate but with a touch of a love for the opulent , she is still an authoritative and will defend what she loves fiercely. ‬
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misty-howler · 2 years
...Tarot Guide...
Hello everybody ✨ I hope you are doing great. This post is like so big. It alone took me around 3 weeks to write and then a day to make it look presentable. I have really worked hard on it. I hope you will like it.
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{Major Arcana}
The fool
Upright : Innocence, freedom, originality, adventure, travel, foolishness, carelessness, idealism, youth, spontaneity, lack of commitment, new beginnings
Reversed : Recklessness, carelessness, negligence, stupidity, distraction, apathy, irrationality, lack of fun, hope or faith.
The Magician
Upright : Power, influence, willpower, resourcefulness, skill, ability, logic, intellect, concentration and psychic powers
Reversed : Manipulation, greed, unused ability, untrustworthiness, trickery, conniving, cunning, lack of mental clarity
The high priestess
Upright : Desirability, unattainability, mystery, sensuality, spirituality, thirst for knowledge, mystery, subconscious, higher power, creativity, fertility
Reversed : Repression of intuition, blocked psychic powers, unwanted attention, uncontrolled outbursts and sexual tension, lack of self-belief, fertility issues
The Empress
Upright : Pregnancy, fertility, motherhood, sensuality, nurturing, creativity, beauty, femininity, nature, harmony, art
Reversed : Insecurity, infertility, lack of confidence, lack of growth, overbearing tendencies, disharmony, negligence,
The Emperor
Upright : Older man, stability, dependability, fatherhood, father-figure, structure, protectiveness, authority, logical, practical
Reversed : Abuse of power, excessively controlling, rigidity, stubbornness, lack of discipline, lack of control, absentee father, paternity issues
The Hierophant
Upright : Traditional institutions, traditional values, conventional, conformity, marriage, commitment, religion, beliefs, knowledge sharing
Reversed : Challenging tradition, unconventional lifestyles, unconventional relationships, reversed roles, non-conformity
The Lovers
Upright : Love, soulmates, kindred spirits, perfect unions, partnerships, relationships, major choices, romance, desire, sexual connections, shared values
Reversed : Disharmony, trust issues, imbalance, conflict, disconnection, lack of accountability, disunion, detachment
The Chariot
Upright : Victory, overcoming obstacles, success, ambition, determination, willpower, control, self-discipline, hard work and focus
Reversed : Forcefulness, lack of direction, lack of self-control, powerlessness, aggression, coercion, being blocked by obstacles
Upright : Inner strength, courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, taming, control, overcoming self-doubt
Reversed : Vulnerability, self-doubt, weakness, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, feeling inadequate
The Hermit
Upright : Spiritual enlightenment, soul searching, self-reflection, introspection, contemplation, inner guidance, solitude
Reversed : Loneliness, paranoia, isolation, bring reclusive, withdrawal, anti-social, restrictive, paralysed by fear.
Wheel of fortune
Upright : Good luck, destiny, change, karma, soulmates, decisive moments, cycles of life, fate, fortune, upheaval, chance
Reversed : Bad luck, upheaval, disorder, external forces, lack of control, disruption, unwelcome change, delays, set backs
Upright : Justice, karmic justice, consequences, legal disputes, law, truth, honesty, integrity, cause and effect, life lessons
Reversed : Injustice, karmic retribution, dishonesty, corruption, lack of accountability, dishonesty, unfairness, karmic avoidance
The Hanged man
Upright : Feeling trapped, confined, self-limiting, uncertainty, lack of direction, needing release, letting go
Reversed : Discontentment, apathy, disinterest, stagnation, impulsiveness, negative patterns, detachment
Upright : Spiritual transformation, new beginnings, letting go, endings, change, transition, sudden or unexpected upheaval
Reversed : Inability to move forward, fear of beginnings, repeating negative patterns, resisting change, dependency
Upright : Balance, peace, patience, moderation, inner calm, perspective, tranquillity, harmonious relationships, soulmates
Reversed : Imbalance, self-indulgence, excess, clashing, lack of perspective, discord, antagonism, recklessness, hastiness
Upright : Addiction, depression, mental health issues, secrecy, obsession, cheating, dependency, bondage, materialism, sexuality, powerlessness, hopelessness, abuse, violence, assault
Reversed : Detachment, independence, overcoming addiction, freedom, revelation, reclaiming power, reasserting control
Upright : Chaos, destruction, sudden upheaval, trauma, unexpected change, disaster, loss, tragedy, revelations, confusion, pain, divorce, abuse, violence, bankruptcy, natural disasters, suprise
Reversed : Resisting change, averting disaster, avoiding tragedy, delaying the inevitable, avoiding loss
Upright : Hope, inspiration, creativity, calm, contentment, renewal, serenity, spirituality, healing, positivity
Reversed : Hopelessness, despair, focusing on the negative, lack of faith, lack of inspiration, lack of creativity, boredom, monotony
The Moon
Upright : Intuition, illusion, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, anxiety, fear, misconception, subconscious, insecurity
Reversed : Releasing fear, unveiling secrets, subsiding anxiety, truth, regaining composure, self-deception, blocked intuition
The Sun
Upright : Positivity, freedom, fun, success, optimism, vitality, joy, confidence, self-expression, good luck, enthusiasm, happiness, truth, openness, pregnancy
Reversed : Lack of enthusiasm, excessive enthusiasm, sadness, pessimism, unrealistic expectations, ego, conceitedness, oppression, miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion
Upright : Judgement, self-evaluation, awakening, renewal, composure, decisiveness, homesickness, snap judgements, apportioning blame, forgiveness
Reversed : Indecisiveness, self-doubt, malicious gossip, lack of self-awareness, unwillingness to learn karmic lessons, unfair blame, false accusations
The World
Upright : Success, achievement, accomplishment, travel, completion, fulfilment, sense of belonging, wholeness
Reversed : Lack of success, stagnation, lack of achievement, disappointment, burden, lack of completion.
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{Minor Arcana}
Suit of cups
Associated with emotions, matter of heart, water energy which is Cancer,Pisces, Scorpio.
Ace of cups
Upright : New beginnings, new relationships, new romance, love, happiness, joy, conception, fertility, pregnancy, celebrations, socialising
Reversed : Sadness, pain, unrequited love, blocked or repressed emotions, infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy issues, breakups, bad news, cancelled celebrations or social events
Two of cups
Upright : Partnership, unity, love, compatibility, happy couples, potential soulmates, relationships, harmony, balance, equality, attraction, connection, proposals, engagements, marriage, mutual respect
Reversed : Disharmony, disconnection, imbalance, inequality, incompatibility, unhappy couples, arguments, breakups, separation, divorce, ending partnerships, losing friendships, abuse, dominance, bullying
Three of cups
Upright : Reunions, celebrations, parties, socialising, gatherings, indulgence, festivals, festivities, gatherings, happiness, wedding, engagement party, graduation, baby shower, happy times
Reversed : Over indulgence, gossiping, bitchiness, lack of social life, lack of friends, cancelled celebrations, broken engagements, cancelled weddings, miscarriage, termination, cheating, affairs
Four of cups
Upright : Regret, refusing offers, missed opportunities, stagnation, apathy, disillusion, focusing on the negative, self-absorption, depression, boredom, nostalgia, remorse, yearning, frustration, weariness, meditation, day-dreaming, fantasising
Reversed : Seizing opportunities, letting go of regret, end of stagnation, motivation, enthusiasm, being proactive, interest, focus, self-awareness, focusing on the positive, gratitude, zest for life, re-energised
Five of cups
Upright : Sadness, loss, grief, despair, abandonment, guilt, remorse, regret, trauma, bereavement, mourning, heartbreak, unwelcome change, emotional instability, focusing on loss, focusing on negative emotions, isolation, loneliness, emotional baggage, divorce, separation, anger, disappointment
Reversed : Moving forward/ moving on, accepting help, healing, forgiveness, re-joining the world, releasing emotions, letting go of grief, letting go of regret or guilt, letting go of sorrow, overcoming despair, releasing emotional baggage, acceptance
Six of cups
Upright : Children, childhood memories, past influences, yearning, homesickness, nostalgia, reunions, playfulness, youthfulness, innocence, creativity, kindness, goodwill, simplicity, childishness, immaturity, sharing, gifts, charity, family, support, protection, childhood issues, childhood abuse
Reversed : Letting go of the past, focusing on the future, maturity, growing up, leaving home, independence, rose-tinted view of the past, boredom, lack of creativity, stagnation, being stuck in the past, resolving childhood issues, childhood abuse, stolen innocence, completing therapy/counselling
Seven of cups
Upright : Lots of options, choices, multiple possibilities, opportunities, picking and choosing, decisions, procrastination, dreaming, fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, imagination, hallucinations, meditation
Reversed : Reality, clarity, sobriety, poor choices, lack of choice, opportunities or options, lack of spiritual growth, feeling trapped, avoiding issues, decisiveness, reality check, missed opportunities, focusing on the superficial/materialistic
Eight of cups
Upright : Abandonment, abandoning plans, walking away, letting go, travelling, escapism, reaching limit, self-analysis, self-discovery, introspection, looking deeper, withdrawal, disappointment, looking for the truth, loneliness, leaving a bad situation, emotional strength, courage, fatigue, weariness
Reversed : Fear of moving on, stagnation, monotony, accepting your lot, lack of self-awareness, lack of emotional maturity, staying in a bad situation, faking happiness, low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, clinginess, fear of commitment, fear of abandonment
Nine of cups
Upright : Wishes coming true, realising dreams, happiness, cheerfulness, joy, fulfilment, positivity, optimism, satisfaction, success, abundance, prosperity, achievements, rewards, confidence, high self-esteem, triumph, celebrating, entertaining, fame, acclaim, recognition, pleasure, sex, sensuality, pampering
Reversed : Shattered dreams, nightmares, unhappiness, devastation, misery, lack of fulfilment, negativity, pessimism, disappointment, lack of success/accomplishment, disadvantage, underachieving, unrewarding, low self-esteem, addictions, eating disorders, self-hatred, arrogance, immaturity
Ten of cups
Upright : Happiness, family, happy families, reunions, homecomings, family gatherings, marriage, long term relationships, stability, security, harmony, abundance, domestic bliss, happy ever after, caring, children, fun, play, creativity, soulmates, fate, destiny, good luck, blessings, well-being, fulfilment
Reversed : Unhappy home/family life, dysfunctional family, broken home, lack of security/stability, divorce, separation, conflict, disharmony, lack of teamwork, rocky relationships, keeping up appearances, non-traditional families, not wanting marriage/children, infertility, miscarriage, social services, losing your home, homesickness, isolation, foster families, family secrets, neglect, abuse
Page of cups
Upright : Child, inner-child, youthfulness, idealism, sensitivity, dreamer, inner-voice, spirituality, psychic, messages, happy news, naivety, crush, admirer, becoming emotionally mature, romantic proposals, engagements, pregnancies, marriages, births, romance, artistic, kindness, loyalty, beauty, fashion, style
Reversed : Childhood issues, sexual abuse, bad news, broken dreams, cancelled social events/engagements/ proposals, bad news, obsession, envy, jealousy, vindictiveness, emotional vulnerability/ immaturity/wounds, becoming sexually active, promiscuity, seduction, ignoring inner voice or inner child, being obsessed with image, attention seeking, childishness
Knight of cups
Upright : Romantic proposals, offers, invitations, taking action, following your heart, chivalry, gentlemanly behaviour, being swept off your feet, charm, attraction, dating, affection, warmth, gentle, caring, sensitive, artistic, creative, imaginative, psychic, graceful, tactful, diplomatic, peace loving, negotiator
Reversed : Unrequited love, heartbreaker, manipulator, one night stand, cheating, deception, disappointment, revoked offers or proposals, bad news, procrastination, obsession, trouble-making, tantrums, moodiness, turmoil, homosexuality, lack of diplomacy, avoiding confrontation, jumping to conclusions, creative or intuitive blocks
Queen of cups
Upright : Mature emotional female, security, femininity, loving, warmth, sensitivity, kindness, happiness, intuition, romance, loyal, faithful, shy, easily wounded, pretty, beauty, daydreamer, psychic, empath, creative artistic, inspirational, healer, listener, counsellor, caring, supportive, good mother
Reversed : Emotional immaturity, insecurity, lack of trust, lacking direction, weak, giving too much, overly-sensitive, needy, shallow, frivolous, silly, self-centred, disorganised, depressed, sulky, smothering, bitter, vengeful, manipulative, spiteful, disloyal, unfaithful, blocked intuition, stifled creativity
King of cups
Upright : Mature compassionate male, calm, caring, friendly, sympathetic, wise, tolerant, diplomatic, balanced, affectionate, romantic, charming, devoted, family orientated, generous, easy going, married man, good husband/partner/father, loyal, faithful, spiritual guide, counsellor
Reversed : Emotionally immature male, overly emotional, overwhelmed, anxious, uncaring, unkind, gullible, depressed, cold, repressed, withdrawn, moody, unbalanced, controlling, rape, violence, deviance, manipulation, affair with married man, cheater, conman, blocked creativity, ruthlessness
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Suit of pentacles
Associated with financial material, physical matters, abundance, prosperity,earth energy which is Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.
Ace of pentacles
Upright : Financial new beginning, new financial opportunities, new job, new business, money, investments, savings, prosperity, security, stability, abundance, manifestation
Reversed : Lack of money, poor financial control, lack of opportunities or lost opportunities, financial delays, excessive spending, scarcity, deficiency, instability, insecurity, lack of planning, greed, stinginess, penny pinching
Two of pentacles
Upright : Balance, trying to find balance, resourcefulness, ups and downs, adaptability, flexibility, juggling life, juggling money, balancing books, transferring money, profit and loss, income and outgoings, financial decisions, financial stress, partnerships
Reversed : Lacking balance, lack of organisation, poor financial decisions, overwhelmed, overextending yourself, biting off more than you can chew, too many balls in the air, financial losses, no contingency plan, financial mess
Three of pentacles
Upright : Apprenticeship, learning, studying, growing, hard work, commitment, building on success, collaboration, teamwork, determination, goals, dedication, quality, attention to detail, tradesperson, achievements, recognition, reward, hard work paying off, effort, motivation
Reversed : Not learning from mistakes, unwillingness to learn, lack of growth, poor work ethic, lack of commitment, mistakes, lack of effort, lack of teamwork, apathy, no determination, no goals, no dedication, no motivation, poor quality work
Four of pentacles
Upright : Holding on to people/possessions/ issues, deep seated/past issues, hoarding, stinginess, control, possessiveness, financial stability, financial security, saving for big purchases or retirement, greed, materialism, wealth, penny-pinching, isolation, boundaries, keeping to yourself, lack of openness
Reversed : Shedding the old, letting go of people, possessions or issues, generosity, sharing, giving to others, making large purchases, openness, generous to a fault, financial insecurity/ instability, financial loss, losing something valuable, reckless behaviour, lack of control, gambling, theft
Five of pentacles
Upright : Temporary financial hardship, negative change in circumstances, feeling left out in the cold, financial loss, recession, feeling the world is against you, adversity, struggle, hardship, bad luck, homelessness, poverty, unemployment, financial ruin, bankruptcy, outcast, alienation, illness, divorce, breakups, scandal, disgrace
Reversed : Improvement in finances/luck, end of hardship, positive change, becoming financially secure, recovery from losses, making progress, overcoming adversity, paying off debts, forgiveness, health improvement/ treatment, being welcomed/accepted, becoming employed, improving/letting go of relationships
Six of pentacles
Upright : Gifts, generosity, charity, donations, money, community, assistance, support, employment, sharing, kindness, wealth, prosperity, power, authority, control, investors, giving/receiving, gratitude, being valued, being well paid, rewards for hard work, fairness, equality
Reversed : Lack/abuse of generosity, abuse of power or position, gifts with strings attached, subservience, inequality, lack of charity, scams, fake charity, extortion, unemployment, lack of investment, underpaid, undervalued, bad debts, poor financial decisions, greed, meanness, gullibility, kiss-ass
Seven of pentacles
Upright : Things coming to fruition, hard work paying off, harvest, rewards, profits, results, pay-outs, manifestation of ideas or goals, inheritance, cultivation, growing, gestation, nurturing, perseverance, patience, planning, reviewing, taking stock, questioning, crossroads, approaching retirement, finishing what you started
Reversed : Bad business/financial management, not finishing what you started, laziness, aimlessness, procrastination, not putting effort in, cash flow problems, waste, lack of growth, setbacks, delay, impatience, frustration, postponed retirement, lack of reward, workaholic, not taking stock, lack of reflection, change of plans
Eight of pentacles
Upright : New job, self-employment, building business, trade, reputation, craftsmanship, quality, master, expertise, hard work, commitment, dedication, concentration, success, accomplishment, ambition, confidence, financial security, results, rewards, achieving goals, attention to detail, productivity, scholarship, qualifications
Reversed : Repetitive or boring job, failure, lack of effort/confidence/commitment/ambition/focus, shoddy workmanship, poor quality, rush job, bad reputation, carelessness, poor concentration/productivity, mediocrity, financial insecurity, scams, overspending, debt, laziness, under-qualified, workaholic, materialistic, mean, dead-end career, biting off more than you can chew.
Nine of pentacles
Upright : Independence, success, financial stability/security, profit, prosperity, wealth, property, abundance, rewards through hard work, collecting on investments, thriving business, status, freedom, wisdom, maturity, indulgence, contentment, self-discipline/ control/ reliance, sophistication, elegance, grace, beauty, pregnancy, birth, menopause, mature or independent woman, retirement, taking it easy
Reversed : Lack of independence/stability/security, reckless spending, shady investments, working too hard, not earning your wealth, gold-digger, marrying for money/ status, sex trafficking/exploitation/work, dishonesty, deceit, theft, property damage, con artist, scams, cheap, superficial, no style, failure, lack of self-discipline, lack of sophistication/elegance, over-indulgence, miscarriage, termination, reproductive issues.
Ten of pentacles
Upright : Unexpected financial windfall, lump sum, will, deeds, trust funds, inheritance, solid foundations, privilege, inherited issues, ancestry, family home/ business/ responsibilities/ values/ support/ issues/ riches, old money, affluence, business empire, domestic bliss, contracts, pensions, long term financial security/ stability, being conventional/traditional, settling down, pre-nuptials, marriage, marrying into money,
Reversed : Disputed inheritance/ being excluded from/not leaving a will, unexpected changes, financial disaster, bankruptcy, huge losses/debts, collapse of an empire, illegal activity, money laundering, rocky foundations, losing everything, family feuds/ burdens/ neglect, domestic disputes, fighting over money, divorce, “new money”, faking wealth/affluence, instability, breaking traditions, unconventional, marrying for money, cold-heartedness
Page of pentacles
Upright : Good news in earthly matters, solid beginnings, setting goals, developing a plan, laying the foundations, taking advantage of opportunities, jumping in, consistency, excellent prospects, excelling in or seeking education/ training, ambitions, decide what you want and go for it, grounded young person, loyal, faithful, dependable, healthy lifestyle, Tarot/ divination, earth magic, nature
Reversed : Bad news in earthly matters, lack of goals, lacking common sense, irresponsible, lazy, foolish, immature, sullen, rebellious, no groundwork, no follow through, unworkable plan, underachiever, procrastination, not taking advantage of opportunities, poor prospects, failing/dropping out, learning difficulties, frustration, disloyalty, unfaithfulness, unhealthy lifestyle, obsession with Tarot/ divination, dark magic
Knight of pentacles
Upright : Patient, practical, loyal, responsible, persistence, protective, defensive, conservative, stubborn, ambitious, hard worker, profit, finishing what you start, working with nature working for what you want, making your dreams/wishes come true through persistence, environmentally conscious, getting back to nature
Reversed : Impatient, lazy, apathy, lack of common sense, unstable, unskilled, unreliable, disloyal, irresponsible, weak, gambler, loser, unconscientious, deadbeat, broken promises, not finishing what you start, boring, obstinate, ultra-conservative, pessimistic, obsessed with money/materialism/looks, workaholic, animal abuse.
Queen of pentacles
Upright : Mature grounded female, businesswoman, high social status/social butterfly, generous, loyal, prosperity, success, financially independent, wealth, luxury, homemaker, the finer things in life, down to earth, organised, sensible, practical, no-nonsense, kind, welcoming, nurturing, witch, healer, wonderful mother
Reversed : Ungrounded, overly ambitious, social climber, meanspirited, shallow, sociopath, jealous, possessive, wicked, out of control, under/overweight/ unhealthy, disloyal, cheater, sex trafficking/exploitation/work, disorganised, impractical, chaos, poverty, pretentious, boring, neglect, manipulation, dark magic, bad mother, dangerous, stuck in a rut
King of pentacles
Upright : Mature grounded male, successful, wealthy businessman, bettering yourself, not a risk-taker, empire, thriving, high status, stability, security, enterprising, provider, cautious, careful, loyal, faithful, dependable, supporting, encouraging, conservative, principled, reaching goals, hard work will pay off, seeing things through to the end
Reversed : Ungrounded male, unsuccessful businessman, corruption, extortion, instability, poor judgement, gambler, collapse of an empire, bankruptcy, underqualified, broke, slob, materialistic, greedy, hasty decisions, disloyal, unfaithful, unsupportive, discouraging, obstinate, cold, uncaring, ruthless, losing your grip on things
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Suit of swords
Associated with thinking,matters of mind, intellectual/rational decision making, air energy which is Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.
Ace of swords
Upright : New ideas, new plans, intellectual ability, victory, success, mental clarity, clear thinking, breakthroughs, ability to concentrate, communication, realising the truth, vision, force, focus, intensity, stimulating people and environments, new beginnings, new projects, justice, assertiveness, authority, making the correct decision
Reversed : Lack of ideas, intellectual inability, failure, hostility, arguments, insults, destruction, confusion, misinformation, memory loss, inability to concentrate, lack of communication, creative blocks, frustration, injustice, hate triumphing over love, lack of assertiveness, making the wrong decision, lack of stimulation.
Two of Swords
Upright : Stalemate, truce, sitting on the fence, cross roads, difficult decisions, painful choices, stressful decisions, opposition, facing your fears, being torn between two relationships, divided loyalty, being caught in the middle, denial, blindness, inability to see the truth, avoidance, blocked emotions
Reversed : Indecision, delays, postponements, seeing the truth, lies being exposed, overwhelming fears/worry/ anxiety/ stress, information overload, overly cautious, emotional turmoil, mental turmoil, holding onto anxiety or resentment, emotional detachment, emotional coldness, being emotionally guarded
Three of swords
Upright : Heartbreak, betrayal, loneliness, removal, absence, division, depression, separation, sadness, heartache, unhappiness, upheaval, grief, sorrow, upset, disorder, confusion, alienation, loss, distraction, ill-health, conflict, disillusion, trauma, serious misunderstandings, tears
Reversed : Releasing pain, overcoming depression, optimism, forgiveness, overcoming grief/ sorrow/ sadness, recovering from heartbreak, reconciliation, compromise, sharing problems, getting over the worst, repressing emotions, inability to let go of pain, suppressing memories, refusing to let go of emotions
Four of swords
Upright : Fear, anxiety, stress, feeling overwhelmed, mental overload, needing solitude, relaxation, rest, peace and quiet, sanctuary, meditation, regrouping, recuperation, hospitalisation, introspection, planning for the future, contemplation, self-protection, spiritual counselling or support, having faith
Reversed : Finding mental strength, awakening, re-joining the world, coming out of isolation, recovering slowly, healing, mental breakdown/ collapse, burn-out, restlessness, not taking care of yourself, lack of self-protection, not accepting counselling or support, losing faith
Five of swords
Upright : Defeat, surrender, change, walking away, self-sacrifice, self-sabotaging behaviour, underhanded behaviour, deception, lack of communication, aggression, bullying, intimidation, abuse, violence, crime, rape, murder, assault, standing up for yourself, victory, fighting back, overcoming challenges, serious conflict, hostility, stress
Reversed : Peaceful resolution, moving on, compromise, communication, ending conflict, releasing stress, overcoming challenge, major sacrifice, risk everything, relentless, revenge, escalating violence, held accountable, arrest, uncovered crime, regret, remorse, humiliation, shame, not heeding warnings , surrendering to challenges
Six of swords
Upright : Calmer waters, healing, progress, moving on, moving forward, things calming down, calm after a storm, overcoming hardship, relief, stability, escaping, running away, journeys, travelling, travel overseas, going on holiday, feeling deflated, lethargy, carrying negativity, spirit guides, guidance, support
Reversed : Trouble coming, out of frying pan into fire, lack of progress, slow healing, trapped, delay, stuck, overwhelmed, causing trouble, rocking the boat, changing/ abandoned plans, standing your ground, nowhere to run, stormy relationships, instability, disrupted/cancelled travel, return from travel, eloping, floods, accidents in the water
Seven of Swords
Upright : Deceit, lies, trickery, cheating, theft, underhanded, scheming, dangerous/risky behaviour, enemy masquerading as friend, spying, lack of conscience, strategy, resourceful, flexible, escaping detection, getting away with it, adaptable, courage, daring, sharp wit, mental manipulation, cunning, overly rational
Reversed : Confessing, coming clean, turning over new leaf, conscience kicking in, ignoring warnings, pathological liar, serial cheat, slander, dangerously two-faced, malicious, con artist, blackmail, unworkable strategy, being outsmarted, getting caught, running away from consequences, coward, no backbone, stealing credit, military
Eight of swords
Upright : Feeling trapped, restricted, backed into a corner, hands tied, victimised, paralysed by fear/terror, anxiety, feeling pressure, hopeless, helpless , powerless, silenced, crisis, dilemma, drama, imprisonment, punishment, slavery, persecution, judgement, trial by jury, consequences, negative attitudes, psychological issues, major weight-loss
Reversed : Escape, freedom, release , finding solutions/ options, relief, taking control, standing up to abuse, self-belief, survivor, facing fears/ truth, releasing anxiety, hopeful, empowered, healing, mental strength, clear mind, overcome obstacles, prison release, end of punishment, severe depression, paralysis, oppression, surrender
Nine of swords
Upright : Fear, anxiety, terror, negativity, deep unhappiness, stress, burden, overwhelmed, at breaking point, inability to cope or face life, mental anguish, guilt, regret, remorse, focusing on past, subject of gossip, isolation, making mountains out of molehills, joylessness, despair, nightmares, insomnia, hormonal, menopause, migraines
Reversed : Light at end of tunnel, recovering, improving, letting go of negativity/stress, learning to cope, facing life, opening up, accepting help, extreme guilt/regret/ remorse/shame, scandal/malicious gossip, night terror, total collapse/breakdown, hallucinations, giving up, depression/ problems/fears escalating, self-pity/loathing
Ten of swords
Upright : Backstabbing, betrayal, enemies, bitching, badmouthing, bitterness, doormat,failure, ruin, collapse/breakdown, exhaustion, inability to cope, curses, rock bottom, hitting a wall, dead end, severing ties, goodbyes, nail in the coffin, exaggeration, overly dramatic, martyr, attention seeker, playing victim, attack, violence, sudden ending
Reversed : Rising above problems/haters/bitchiness, over the worst, surviving disaster, being saved, things getting better, NDEs / OBEs, escaping ruin, pulling yourself together, learning from past hardships, fears coming true, being beyond help, worst is yet to come, despair, total ruin, relapse, problems coming back
Page of swords
Upright : Delayed news, patience needed, ideas, inspiration, planning, vigilance, protective, guarded, fairness, think before you speak, don’t get drawn into arguments, mental agility, using your head, inquisitive, curious, quick-witted, chatty, communicative, education, petty gossip, being truthful/ direct, speaking out, fighting injustice
Reversed : Bad/disappointing news, lack of ideas/planning, defensive, player, mind games, paranoid, lack of mental agility, having your head in the clouds, scatterbrain, dim-witted, nothing to say, cold, sarcastic, cynical, malicious gossip, being blunt/ abrasive, not speaking out, delinquent, lack of education/ learning difficulties
Knight of swords
Upright : Big changes/ opportunities, seize the moment, jump in, arrival/departure, assertive, direct, honest, quick-wit, talkative, impatient, impulsive, intellectual, daring, rebellious, brave, courageous, focused, single-minded, perfectionist, ambitious, risk-taker, forward-thinking, champion, hero, soldier, go against the flow, leader
Reversed : Missed opportunities, out of your depth, out of control, left behind, rude, tactless, hurtful, sarcastic, insincere, forceful, bully, aggressive, vicious, dangerous, know it all, follower, go with the flow, unfocused, coward, criminal, self-obsessed, arrogant, leading others to danger, heading for a fall, inferiority complex
Queen of swords
Upright : Honest, truthful, candid, protective, independent, chatty, communicative, witty, funny, principled, fair, constructive criticism, strong, quirky, realistic, objective, discerning, problem solver, sceptical, intelligent, sharp wit, self-reliant, open-minded, sophisticated, mother, repressed pain or sadness, divorced, hard knocks
Reversed : Overly critical, pessimistic, lack of empathy, rude, malicious gossip, manipulative, harsh, bitter, spiteful, vindictive, nasty, cruel, deceitful, cheater, unforgiving, scatter-brain, mental fogginess, poor communication, dysfunctional, obsessive, dependant, not learning from past, absent mother, repressed trauma, infertile
King of swords
Upright : Structure, routine, intelligent, rational, logical, power, authority, strength, manners, conversation, discerning, detached, cool, honesty, integrity, ethics, morals, clinical, stern, methodical, self-discipline, head over heart, use your head, military, law enforcement, legal matters, judge, father
Reversed : Lack of structure/routine, intelligence used in a bad way, irrational, illogical, power-crazed, dictator, oppressive, inhumane, aggressive, brutal, violent, intimidation, controlling, cynical, cold, ruthless, weak, powerless, rude, dishonest, lack of integrity/morals/discipline, losing your head, judgemental, absent father
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Suit of wands
Associated with inspiration, creativity, transformation, fire energy which is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Ace of wands
Upright : New beginnings, good news, physically starting something, creative spark, new initiative, finding new passion, enthusiasm, urgency, accepting a challenge, potential, talent, growth, action, travel, excitement, getting in the game, getting fired up, spontaneity, fun, being bold/daring, fertility, birth, conception, new lease of life
Reversed : Delays, disappointing news, stopping something, creative blocks, lack of initiative/ passion/ assertiveness/ energy/ enthusiasm/ motivation/ growth/ action/ spark/ fun, slow, hesitant, missed opportunities, wasted talent/potential, infertility, pregnancy issues, cancelled travel, being too intense, stuck, bored, predictable
Two of wands
Upright : Two paths, decisions, options, planning, grass is always greener on the other side, emigration suddenly leaving, deciding to stay or go, waiting, anticipation, restlessness, detachment, withdrawal, wanderlust, lack of contentment, business partnerships, co-operation, expansion overseas, overseas travel
Reversed : Fear of change, indecisiveness, restricted options, lack of planning, fear of the unknown, staying put, cancelled emigration, deciding not go, being held back, choosing the safest option, self-doubt, disappointment, anti-climax, cancelled or delayed travel, choosing a mundane life, sudden arrival or return
Three of wands
Upright : Travel, moving abroad, foreign land, foresight, forward planning, moving forward, self-confidence, self-belief, freedom, success, happy with choices/outcome, hard work paying off, experiencing life, spreading your wings, adventure, long distance/ travel romance, fortune favours the brave, overseas trade/expansion, growth
Reversed : Returning travels, moving home, lack of foresight/ planning, holding on to the past, haunted by the past, lack of confidence, self-doubt, restriction, failure, disappointed with choices/outcome, frustration, clipped wings, lack of progress/ adventure/growth, failed long distance relationship, failed overseas trade/expansion
Four of wands
Upright : Happy families, reunion, coming home, celebrations, surprises, parties, weddings, events, feeling welcome, community or family coming together, community spirit, teamwork, success, prosperity, stability, security, laying down roots, pride, self-esteem, being proud of achievements
Reversed : Unhappy families, postponed/ cancelled reunion, leaving home, cancelled celebrations/surprises/parties/ weddings/ events, being jilted, feeling unwelcome, not fitting in, community divided, lack of community spirit, lack of support/ success/ teamwork/achievement, instability, insecurity, neglect, uprooting, self-doubt
Five of wands
Upright : Conflict, fighting, arguments, rows, disagreements, struggle, opposition, battles, aggression, temper, clashing personalities/egos, strikes, chaos, unruliness, being defensive/ territorial, assertive, pent up energy/aggression, lack of control/ cooperation, frustration, irritation, competition, adrenaline, sports, being rough, petty
Reversed : Compromise, end of conflict/ row/ struggle, reaching agreements, peace, harmony, battle fatigue, fear of confrontation, shyness, intimidation, suppressed temper, finding solutions, cooperation, control, focus, order, lack of competition, war, looking for an argument, extreme aggression, short fuse, cancelled sports event
Six of wands
Upright : Success, victory, winning, having the advantage, triumph, achievement, praise, acclaim, awards, recognition, applause, goodwill, fame, celebrity, fans, well-wishers, supporters, crowds, being in the spotlight, riding high, being a leader, stability, strength, confidence, self-esteem, pride, sharing your victories, campaign trail
Reversed : Failure, lack of achievement/recognition/ support/ confidence/ endurance, losing, disadvantage, disgrace, being hunted, ill-will, mob/ pack mentality, treachery, disloyalty, disappointment, broken promises, being a follower, weakness, fame hungry, diva, arrogant, egotistical, pride before a fall, unsuccessful campaign
Seven of wands
Upright : Standing up for beliefs, fighting your corner, protective, defensive, determined, challenging, opposing, stamina, holding your own, taking high road, maintaining control, territorial, assertive, forceful, relentless, strong will, under attack, blame, harassment, scapegoat, resisting, busy, hectic, demanding
Reversed : Folding on your beliefs, giving in/up, admitting defeat, yielding, quitting, surrendering, weakness, being timid, lack of courage/ self-belief/ stamina, failing to defend/ protect, resolution, compromise, scandal/losing moral authority/ control/ power/respect, sharing territory, being overbearing, worn down, burn-out, exhausted
Eight of wands
Upright : Hastiness, speed, progress, movement, action, rushing, exciting times, travel, freedom, holiday, holiday romances, taking off, gaining momentum, ahead, thinking on your feet, sudden action, hard work paying off, results, solutions, energetic, positive, infatuation, obsession, being swept off your feet, jumping in
Reversed : Slowness, lack of speed/ movement/ action/ results, slow progress, delayed/ cancelled/ returning from travel or holidays, restriction, bad timing, losing momentum, missed opportunities, late start, unfinished business, lack of energy, negativity, lack of romance, panicked, hysterical, impatient, impulsive, out of control
Nine of wands
Upright : Ongoing battle, battle weary, fatigue, drained of energy, nearly there, close to success, courage, persistence, perseverance, backbone, learning from past failure, gather your strength, fight your corner, last stand, guarded, wounded, expecting trouble, holding out, not working out as planned, setbacks, strength of will
Reversed : Refusing to compromise/ give in, stubborn, rigid, obstinate, last one standing, not learning from past, no fight left, chronic fatigue, stalemate, retreat, withdrawal, falling at the final hurdle, lack of courage/ persistence/ perseverance/ backbone, weakness, dropping your guard, unexpected trouble, giving up, chip on shoulder
Ten of wands
Upright : Overburdened, overloaded, responsibilities, stress, problems, weight on shoulders, duty, drudgery, obligation, saddled, restricted, burn-out, uphill struggle, taken for granted, taking on too much, delays, struggle, resistance, lost your way, lost focus, major challenges, lack of fun/ spontaneity, keep going, end in sight
Reversed : Insurmountable problems, flogging a dead horse, duty-bound, resigned to fate, too much responsibility/ stress, cross too heavy to bear, collapse, breakdown, no stamina, not up to the challenge, working hard but getting nowhere, learning to say no, off-loading, dumping, shirking duties/responsibilities, letting go
Page of wands
Upright : Good news, swift news, letters, phone calls, word of mouth, fresh, cheerful, childlike, fun playful, active, optimistic, full of energy, bright ideas, new exciting plans, creativity, lovable rogue, charismatic, free-thinking, confident, intelligent, extroverted, fearless, rushing into things, finding your passion
Reversed : Hasty, gullible, impatient, lack of energy/ ideas/ creativity/ ambition/ goals/plans, lazy, lethargic pessimistic, spoiled, loud mouth, tantrums, problem/inner child, delinquent, lack of confidence, self-conscious, close-minded, predictable, fearful, boring, procrastinating, failure to act, feeling uninspired, not finding your passion
Knight of wands
Upright : Being hasty, adventurous, energetic, charming, warm, exciting, fearless, confident, self-assured, hero, rebellious, brave, revolutionary, open minded, free spirit, sexy, warm, shameless flirt, hot tempered, travel, moving country, swept off your feet, finishing what you start, success, taking risks
Reversed : Arrogant, reckless, hyperactive, daredevil, overly confident, loud, show-off, lack self-discipline/ control, passive, fearful, lack of enthusiasm/ambition/ purpose, chip on shoulder, violent, abusive, jealous,volatile, extremely aggressive/ hasty, overly competitive, domineering , not finishing what you start, cancelled travel
Queen of wands
Upright : Energetic, vivacious, strong, courageous, passionate, funny, independent, confident, optimistic, outgoing, assertive, sexy, chaotic, hot tempered, forgetful, efficient, accomplishing many tasks, efficiency, motherhood, fertility, a lot of balls in the air, helping others, organising your life, taking charge
Reversed : Pushy, demanding, overbearing, self-righteous, busybody, bully, unfriendly, jealous, catty, manipulative, spiteful, vengeful, malicious, liar, deceitful, unfaithful, trouble-maker, low confidence/ self-esteem/ self-belief, temperamental, overwhelmed, exhausted, burnt out, fertility issues
King of wands
Upright : Energetic, experience, optimistic, confident, strong, friendly, funny, charming, way with words, fearless, freethinking, motivated, action-orientated, proud, passionate, honest, loyal, lenient, dependable, protective, natural born leader, self-centred, controlling, hot tempered, taking control, daring to be different
Reversed : Rude, boorish, forceful, bully, dictator, tyrant, impulsive, abusive, nasty, vicious, bitter, weak, unreliable, lack of energy/ experience/ enthusiasm, breaking promises, womaniser, volatile temper, taking a back seat, setting a bad example, afraid to be different, not being proactive, undependable, ineffective, powerless
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I hope you enjoyed this post. And it was atleast a little helpful to you.
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charlotte's art history tarot - knight of pentacles
Art: Saint George Killing the Dragon – Bernat Martorell
interpret this card
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targarrus · 1 year
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page of pentacles
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hermitsmirror · 1 month
Get to Know the 🪙 Page of Pentacles
Also known as the Princess of Disks or Valet of Coins
She's the earth of earth, an explorer of life, a messenger of Mother Nature, and more.
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Learn more about the court cards and how to bring them to life in your readings and in your own fully developed self with Awaken the Court Cards, a workbook for getting to know the courts and learning to experience them in your own life. The 16 court cards are all aspects of us; many are just lying dormant or underutilized.
Curious about the tarot decks shown? Just ask. (When I put them in the captions, people inevitably don't read them anyway.)
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essseateatarot · 2 years
Tarot bits - When the cards speak of your SELF-ESTEEM (Part I)
And help you take care of yourself, deal with body issues, anxiety, and improve your self-confidence.
Tarot cards are not just for love readings! Actually, they work at their best when we allow them to answer empowering questions that can really put the spotlight on matters of self-love and self-acceptance.The first topic I would like to touch on in this series of posts is body issues. It's not just a women's concern as popularly believed, everyone more or less goes through these stages of not feeling good enough and I can assure you that I had a lot of questions related to insecurity about one's own appearance asked by men during tarot sessions. The subject also popped up when doing some shadow work for clients as some of the cards discussed below called attention to the relationship with the body in the "shadow" position, as I will observe next.
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When talking about body issues in tarot, the first card that comes to my mind is the Ace of pentacles. We all know that the pentacles suit relates to everything material and earthy, so they have a lot to do with the physical realm, including health. When we draw the Ace of pentacles as a piece of advice in a tarot reading it definitely puts the focus on the need to nurture our body and take care of it. The card highlights that we should consider starting a new fitness routine or that have made the decision recently: the aces are all about beginnings, so it looks like a moment in our life when we are making our well-being a top priority. It's time to do something for ourselves and to feel good in our skin. This includes eating proper food, possibly counting macros, and being more aware of what we put in our bodies and how we fuel it. When we take care of the vessel of our soul, we work more efficiently in our everyday activities; there's a link between nutrition and the energy levels that allows us to perform our "duties" or work, that is what pentacles are also about. Basically, this card is a call for awareness, realizing that our body is the "temple of the soul", a vehicle to manifest abundance in our life and key to our overall well-being.When some time ago I had this card appear in the "shadow" position during a reading for a client, I really thought this person had to take more care of his body; interestingly, it turned out instead that he was a fitness addict, and that he was already exercising a lot. He was really concerned about his body shape since he was turning fifty. So I realized that the message of the card was even deeper: it was a call for self-acceptance. That little belly sticking out we seem never to get rid of no matter how much we train? We may at some point reach that goal, but for now, it's part of who we are. The Ace of pentacles tells us to embrace our "abundance" in every sense, even - and especially - the parts of the body we reject. For this to happen our mind needs to be okay with it and we should develop more tolerance for our imperfections, even though this doesn't mean we should not try to improve our body shape or give up our fitness goals.
The core lesson of the Ace of pentacles can be summarized as: "embrace your abundance". It addresses body positivity. By putting in the work you can implement some changes but remember to be grateful for what the body does for you and that every change is a process. Having a healthy relationship with our body doesn't mean that we don't have to join a gym necessarily, we may just need to remember that the body needs a little movement and to pay attention to any issues with overeating or restricting our diet too much, or other bad habits that do us harm. Pentacles are also about stability and I personally think that, apart from feeling motivated to achieve a certain body goal, they speak of the importance of maintaining a stable weight, since too many fluctuations can damage our health. On the other hand, it's a reminder that our worth doesn't change with those fluctuations, and here's another lesson of the pentacles suit. These cards are all about value and worth, often specifically relating to the sense of self-worth. Balance is the keyword, and by this, I mean balance of body, mind and soul, which opens the way to achieve self-healing and have a feeling of personal wholeness.The Ace of pentacles reminds us to exercise, sleep enough, hydrate, and ground ourselves. Since it's an earthy suit, enjoying the earth barefoot and taking walks in nature are also a way to keep the body moving and breathe some fresh air that will make us feel better and renewed. When it comes to addressing our physical wellbeing, we shouldn't forget that this suit points to the healing benefits of nature as well.
***Coming next >>> When tarot cards speak of your self-esteem: the Four of pentacles***
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I'm actually posting art again!!!
Here's my Page of Pentacles tarot card that I've been working on for the past few days. I really like how it turned out!!!!
I wasn't all that in love with the border that I had for my other tarot cards. I thought it was a little boring and didn't really go with the ~Yakuza aesthetic~ so I tried something a little different and I think it came out really cool!
So let's talk tarot meanings! All of this will be under the cut since it's a little long
The Page of Pentacles (or yen in this case) typically represents having luck in the material world whether that be with your finances, a new business opportunity, or just all-around being able to live comfortably and be provided for.
The Page has the energy and drive to do all of the hard parts of being successful; after all, achieving any major goal isn't going to be fun all the time. There are times where you're doing something that's tedious, or difficult, even just new and kinda scary. The Page of Pentacles is a reminder that you have the willpower within you to prevail as long as you stick to your plan and go forth with confidence and focus.
Overall, the Page of Pentacles is a card of new beginnings. If you're wondering whether or not now is the time to start that project or make that big decision, this card suggests that now is the time to do it! Make those plans and implement them!
Reversed, the Page of Pentacles appears to lose their sharp focus. Perhaps they haven't put a detailed enough plan in place to achieve their goals, or maybe they've lost sight of the reason they're even working towards their goals in the first place. Now might be the time to take a step back and reevaluate what you want and why. Maybe you've been working too hard and a break would help sharpen your focus?
Unlike other cards in the tarot which indicate outside forces are to blame for your setbacks, the Page of Pentacles reversed suggests that there's something internal-- something within yourself-- that's making it difficult to achieve your goals. Looking at the other cards in your reading may be beneficial in figuring out what, specifically is making progress difficult.
I chose Kiryu in Yakuza 0 because the Page as a tarot card represents someone who's young and is still in the process of learning their suit's gifts. Pages are students and as such, they're still at the very beginning of their journey. While they're full of excitement and drive to succeed, their actions may be clumsy or poorly thought through; they might not necessarily have the wisdom of the older cards in the suit.
I thought this fit Kiryu really well because he just sort of falls into running a real estate business and has to be taught by the people around him to make it successful. He's not very refined due to his personality and also his inexperience, but he still pursues it with that trademark Kiryu zeal.
I chose to depict the moment when he's defeating the different billionaires because that's really when he's embodying being 'wealthy'. There's so much money in the air that he can snatch a huge handful from the sky and fan himself with it. It's such a campish example of opulence.
But I think Kiryu in Yakuza 0 can also embody the reversed aspects of the Page of Pentacles as well. He's sort of bouncing around. He starts as yakuza, decides to be a civilian, then he bounces back to being yakuza. It seems like he doesn't really know what direction he wants to take or what opportunities are really available to him and because of that, his obscene wealth doesn't last.
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caemidraws · 1 year
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Ten of Pentacles
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highflyartist · 4 months
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I did it.. I DID IT!!!!! LETSAGOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Suit Of Cups - The Silver Bell
Suit of Pentacles - Saragona's Missing Poster
Suit of Swords - The Star Blade (Saragona's Sword)
Suit of Wands - The Grandfather Clock
Nutboi Month Prompts Created by @artsynoova / @noovamulticolors
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