#otherwise it’s all no tags no organization just vibes
enderspawn · 1 year
haiiiiiii I’ve decided to start using one of my side blogs as a spam acct instead of This One All The Time so. uh stream @chipjrwibignaturals
^ I’ll also probably do any liveblogging and such on there ^_^
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dclovesdanny · 4 months
Dcxdp fanfic recs w/ specific tropes
Also, all of these are on AO3 unless specified otherwise.
First off: Deaged Ellie\Teen Dad Danny
Since this got first place, here are three fics for this trope
My first submission for this is How To Become a Step-dad in 5 Easy Steps by CallMeStrega. It’s dead on main, with a ton of misunderstandings and pining Jason. Ellie is 6 in this fic, and it is so adorable
My second recommendation for this trope is Issues Regarding One Daniel Jonas by SIRDUCK_07. It has some dead serious, but that hasn’t shown up much in the fic yet. It delves more into how creepy Vlad is, and has twins Ellie and Dan.
My third submission is Brothers Ever After by Music_Feeds_My_Soul. It is somewhat centered around Damian and Danny being twins, but Danny being ‘pregnant’ with Ellie is a huge part of it, and it is a really good fic.
Next trope: Dimension Travel
My first recommendation for this one is Ghostly Delivery by WeirdNCrazy. It is very funny, and goes through Danny meeting all the main heroes, not just the Batfam.
My second recommendation for this trope is Danny's Accidentally Super-Inducing Adoption Chaos Filled Extravaganza! By Conartist170. Two of the tags are ‘This fic is not to be taken seriously’ and ‘Take everything with several ounces of salt’ which describes its vibes perfectly.
Next trope: Dead on Main
My first recommendation for fics of this ship is When You Accidentally Kill A Clown by SchlalensitzBucket. It’s only visible to those with AO3 accounts, but it is 100% worth it, with tons of shenanigans and shipping.
My next recommendation is Arctic Siren by Magpie_Crow. It is so cute and Danny is both androgynous and flirty as hell. Plus, something really cool happens in chapter one, leading to a smitten Jason.
Next up: Undead Dad Jason
My first rec for this type of fic is The Boy King and the Dark Knights by smallgaything. It is not only funny, but it hits you in the feels while incorporating several different tropes. Also, it’s one of the first Dcxdp fics I ever read, so it has a special place in my heart.
My second rec is Don’t Leave Me in the Dark by Astra_Nova_Kat. It has Good parents Fentons and Undead Dad, which isn’t really common, but works so well in this fic. It also has a bunch of misunderstandings, which everyone knows I adore.
And that’s all (for now). Let me know in the comments if you want more!
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coridotmp3 · 5 months
this song reminded me of you
aka the hangster playlist masterpost (and maybe some of the fics inspired by them)
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i have an unhealthy love of character playlists so i wanted to make one semi-organized post to keep track of the hangster ones !! if you want me to add yours, send me an ask or a dm!! if i've posted yours without tagging you, let me know and i'll correct it! (i might make an icemav one too if y'all want)
hangman's direct hits -> glen powell is the biggest hangster shipper around so this counts and you'll never be able to tell me otherwise thank you
songs bradley would play to jake at the hard deck -> "b serenading j all over again" // @crooked-jes
b&j -> also by my love @crooked-jes :)
"hangman you look...good" -> "i'm feeling very normal about these two fighter pilots"
IWTBY -> the accompanying playlist for everyone's favorite hangster nfl fake dating au "i want to brainwash you into loving me forever" // @hangmanbradshaw
uh oh! you fell from your perch! -> do you wanna cry? yes? okay cool listen to this playlist while reading "as he falls from his perch" - you're welcome // @urmomsonfire
ok bagman -> another accompanying playlist !! this time for "the whole time, under the lights" by our favorite @/urmomsonfire
do friends fall in love? -> a fic for what will EVENTUALLY be a hangster when harry met sally au - i just have to finish writing it first :) // @/coridotmp3
hangman. you look...good -> "i am good, rooster. i'm very good || rivals to friends to lovers, found family, and an asshole that cares about his friends more than he let's on" // @miraculousmultifan
hangster ✈ -> "just some bradley rooster bradshaw and jake hangman seresin vibes" (this one is over 15 hours long <3)
summer hangster (top gun maverick) -> "you look good" // @hangsterwheel
all about that slow ride -> "hangman thinking about rooster" also by @/hangsterwheel <3
hangster (lovers to exes back to lovers) -> "actually its: lovers to eves to rivals to friends to lovers" // @keenmarvellover
fucking sereshaw i guess -> "this is going to destroy me i can just tell"
yang on yin -> "bradley about jake" // @/hangsterwheel
yin on yang -> "jake about bradley" // @/hangsterwheel
"let me go. and i'll let you" -> "the exes to fwb to lovers one" // @/coridotmp3
i'll keep adding more as i find them, but i figured this was a good start !!
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
Heya! Hope you're doing well <3
So I have a world building question that I've been curious about for a while now, and I hope you're interested in answering; what would Cybertronian literature be like? Would they have fictional stories, or would it mostly be history texts and such?
If they did have fictional stories, I doubt they would have many, if any, romance books since they're obviously not a romantic species like humans. Would superhero stories with outliers be a thing? (Can't remember if outliers are viewed as bad or not). Would fantasy stories with like, Predacons be popular or would they be frowned upon with some mechs because of their history with them? (Looking at you, Kup and Autoway)
Hm, I wonder if stories with organic aliens would be a hit or not...
Considering how well Cybertron was doing before the war, I'd imagine their fiction stories weren't at the level and/or had the amount that are on Earth. Or would it have nothing to do with the state of Cybertron and more with that it was scoffed at?
My brain is just going wild with all the ways that this could turn out, but what I really, really want to know if they have fanfiction. Wait, would Orion write fanfiction??!! Dammit, Orion fangirling over a character has taken root in my brain
That wraps that whirlwind of an ask. Don't forget to not overwork yourself and stay hydrated! ❤️
Lore time?!?! Fantastic. So sorry its been *counts fingers* three to four months??? The writing vibe has been very picky as of late. Doing my best over here to answer asks from months back o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ
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Literature on Cybertron is a curious thing. Culture varies wildly from city to city, but due to governmental influence everywhere, a large portion of the consumable literature on the datanet follows a certain structure. Information is highly controlled, and thus, only literature that supports or otherwise agrees with the government is allowed to exist on any public platform. Things that do not conform with the regulations put down are deleted immediately. Thus the literature that is deemed "safe" is often bland, preachy, or straight up propaganda. While Cybertron's population may have tolerated the Council due to a lack of fighting capability at the time, they also weren't fools. Not a spark enjoyed the aft kissing works produced by those who couldn't be bothered to be original.
Thus the underbelly of literature came into being, a hidden series of trade networks and secret websites created to keep the quality writing safe from the Council. Most of the hidden works consisted of data from all over the planet, the things that the Council kept hidden. Police reports, body cam videos, documents, records, trade reports, incident reports, historical documents struck from the records, information on mecha who "vanished", and so much more. Everything one could ever want information was was down there in the dark parts of the datanet. Such things always came with a price attached.
If one wanted data, it needed to be paid for. Shanix was too easy to track, and so instead information was traded. Data for data, knowledge for knowledge. It was in the darker parts of the datanet that the Archives collected much of their... more confidential information. Alpha Trion never tolerated the loss of critical information and there were whole groups under his control dedicated to collecting what he wanted from those who possessed the knowledge. There were entire wars online when it came to data, some that even resulted in doxing and death. The world was dangerous, and with the Council hunting for any and all information, literature was a prized resource reserved for those with the ability to trade for it. Orion and Soundwave both were very well oriented with the trading performed on the datanet. They were well known under their online tags and both maintained very active information broking circles up until the war began. Even then, both managed to keep weaseling data out of their sources up until Cybertron went dark.
Then of course there was the less professional corners of the darker parts of the datanet. Works of fiction were by no means unusual, but they were only produced by mecha with certain... tastes. Most were not lacking in imagination, but rather the ability to make their visions legible. The ability to properly produce a work of fiction was, more often than not, difficult for the average mech to do. Most works of fiction came from the middle castes or the upper lower castes. Higher caste bots were not allowed to write anything serious for fear of backlash, and the lower castes simply did not have the time more often than not. As such, only the highly biased middle castes had any ability to produce fiction at all.
Sci-fi did not exist as a genre, for quite obvious reasons. More often than not, what fiction came into being tended to fall into several categories which matched the desires of the middle castes. Courtly drama was a world renown and beloved genre. Every mech ran into a work in the genre at least once, and the themes usually revolved around the main character either climbing the social ladder to get into the higher castes or somehow evading their hold to achieve something. It was wish fulfillment at its finest, but the middle castes adored the genre as it satisfied the desires they had. Ratchet wrote one surprisingly well performing novel about climbing the ladder to become CMO. It was based off his own experiences, and while not exactly popular, medics everywhere all universally knew of his novel, although not a spark knew he wrote it.
The second biggest genre was rather specific, and it happened to be the caste change genre. Every bot wished they were something else for the most part. As such, there was a plethora of documents that focused around a mech from one caste either moving up or down the chain and having to adapt to the new way of life. The cultural differences around Cybertron played their part in the caste change genre as mecha from all over the planet learned from and wrote their novels. Many serious misconceptions came from the novels of that type, but it tended to create a sense of tolerance amongst the population more often than not. Even still, there were more than a few crimes committed due to rather ridiculous misunderstandings regarding local culture from individuals who only learned from novels. While not common knowledge, Starscream wrote an incredibly well received novel with completely made up cultural norms for Vos that were so widely accepted that grounders everywhere got arrested en mass until the government stepped in. Starscream has yet to stop finding it amusing.
The third most popular genre was the only one the lower castes could feasibly relate to, and it happened to be about police and murder mystery. The stories had no set formula, unlike the prior two popular genres. However they almost always involved the main character eliminating some scum of the Earth, uncovering a deep dark secret, or putting an end to a horrific criminal underworld. It was pure wish fulfillment from middle caste mecha who knew just enough to want to change things, but didn't have the guts to actually go out and take a stand. Jazz wrote his fair share of novels relating to the subject, one of which became so popular that he ended up changing his identity twice and faked his death once in order to escape any connection to it. He didn't learn until vorns later that his novel, which was based on a real mystery, had actually solved a well covered Council kept secret.
Lastly there was the religiously oriented works of fiction. The genre itself was incredibly niche due to the differing beliefs and delicate nature of faith on Cybertron. But the few who wrote for the subject were masters of their craft. Usually they were artist renditions of old tales, retellings of myth and legend, or even fictional takes on the lives of old Primes. Highly heretical in nature, very few stepped into the genre of Primacy related anything. The Council was always on the lookout for such novels, and thus those who wrote them were far more likely to vanish under mysterious circumstances. What novels were written often didn't last long. The only three novels that made it out alive amidst the harsh censoring happened to be a set of novels written by Orion Pax in collaboration with Senator Shockwave and a novel done by none other than D-16 himself. The three novels all showed urban legends and tales from all three castes and were beloved globally, even if every physical copy was destroyed on sight.
Orion, and later Optimus Prime largely forgot about his written work. Unbeknownst to him, Megatron has kept a copy of his work and the two other novels. He has no clue Optimus and Shockwave wrote them, but he adores them and have lovingly gone into English teacher mode more times than one could count to find the deeper meaning behind everything. Humanity's love for 1984, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Dante's Inferno is the level of adoration Megatron holds for the three novels on his shelf.
There were other stories of course. Fantasy novels set far into Cybertron's distant past made purely off imagination and globally mocked by those who lived long enough to see the early days of Cybertron. A genre akin to Romance that focused on companionship and starcrossed designs put in place by Primus. Strange tales made by those on Colony worlds going into depth on organics and their cultures. Heroic stories focusing around Primus's chosen and champions of the people. Underdog tales with Outliers coming out of hiding or breaking their bonds to be free and express themselves as they saw fit...
The stories were diverse, but all were hidden. Every mech read them, but none spoke of them aloud. Literature was the quiet universal culture of Cybertron prior to the war.
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I'm not really a huge Alastor shipper, I love that he is canonically aroace and I REALLY don't wish to see him in a relationship in the canon show.
Even within the fandom, the only ship tag I enjoy is Radioapple, since the banter between the two is hilarious. They click like divorced parents trying to one up each other all the time and enjoy annoying (mainly Alastor) the other. I don't really engage too much when the content is too romance-y (there's nothing bad with the shippers or their content, I just don't usually vibe with it).
The chockehold the ao3 fanfic "Strange Appetites" by Gotllphi has on me, is so so real. Such good characterisation and dynamics. It's not quite a humanAU, but happens during Alastor's human years. Kinda gore-y, so keep that in mind.
Thank you for giving me so much 🙏
I don't know if the author has a tumblr, I'd tag them otherwise.
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pinespittinink · 29 days
🌿 pinespittinink reintro 🌿
hello and welcome to my blog 💌 i'm easing myself back into writeblr and hope to meet some new people and continue to vibe as i always have on here. this is not my main blog, so while i may follow you, it won't be from this account. i don't follow or engage with minors; all my work is adult and queernorm unless otherwise indicated.
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a little bit about me: catherine ~ she/her ~ capricorn ~ pan & poly ~ 28 ~ 18+ only ➡  about page ⬅ ​
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i've been around here sporadically since 2018 and always tend to come home; i like prompts and ask games and tags and fun things. i write love stories in sci-fi and fantasy settings, and i'm working towards traditional publishing always. currently i'm querying my adult fantasy standalone, The Great Glavenisean Theater (The Night Circus x House of Leaves). i enjoy writing nsfw content, lush scene setting, and detailed emotional headspaces.
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🖋 my wips 🖋
the great glavenisean theater 🎭 {wip intro} {general tag} spec fic/fantasy standalone. a tailor goes to the big city and gets swept up by a phantasmagorical theater with an interdimensional portal in the stage, gets a crush on a cute guy working the rigging, and maybe starts to lose his mind as shit gets Weird™️
in the deep of the trees 🍃 {wip intro} {general tag} high fantasy, romantic subplot, standalone. (bi4bi otp). a social-climber uses subterfuge, blackmail, and murder to achieve his ambitions, and the court eccentric that he's in love with gets weirder and weirder when a new discovery is brought back by an exploration team.
star white 🌟 {wip intro} {general tag} romantic space fantasy, standalone. (gay otp) one man searches for the love of his life after he's been abducted by sentient dark matter, and spends millions of years travelling through space with a semi-organic AI ship.
solene's verse 🌊 epic fantasy, duology. (t4t otp) a young self-taught wizard makes a ton of bad decisions, as a group of ragtag youths from the cesspit of the world try to rescue the elder brother of one of their own from a tower of cultists.
the revenant (working title) dark fantasy, duology(???? who knows). a one-woman-war-machine who cannot die fights alongside her childhood best friend and lover and their loyal band of vagabonds to bring down the corrupt royalty desecrating their kingdom
the wasteland (working title) weird spec fic/dark fantasy, novella. a lousy hot-tempered fire elemental and a shitty light necromancer embark on the world's worst walking roadtrip to a castle on the wasteland falling away at their feet.
[odyssey solomon's wip - mad max fury road x the road x the locked tomb, post-apocalyptic fantasy. father and son against the world plus a weird shapeshifting bitch]
[gentle poly cathedral wip - romantic fantasy, novella. gargoyles and psalms and stained glass, my beloveds]
[soft poly space wip - romantic sci-fi, duology. androids and black holes and librarians, oh my!]
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🎐tag guide🎐
my writing 🌸 my edits  🌸 my poetry 🌸 sap spill 🌸 {original text posts, not always writing related} uwu romance 🌸 {umbrella tag for everything love and romance related} trope talk🌸 {umbrella tag. overlaps often with uwu romance} character work🌸 {what it says on the tin} compilations🌸 {tumblr web weaving posts} i live here🌸 {stuff i jive with on a molecular level}
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[ Romantic and indulgent prose full of filigree, worlds full of whimsy, mystery and a hint of danger, a core of tenderness rooted at the heart of every story. Your writing is always penned in the manner of a love letter not just to the craft or even as an ode to romance but to the subject of love in itself. ] – @aninkwellofnectar​ 🌹
“for whom / and to whom all this love, / all this light falling.” 
–@ragewrites, Film Still, for pinespittinink. 
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arbiterlexultionis · 8 months
Poltergeist pt. 2
Lol I didn’t even notice all the spelling mistakes in the tags of my own post until just now so I’ll be addressing all that first.
At first glance Frostbite’s the muscle of the organization, because you know the whole 9 foot tall yeti with arguably the single most metal and least metallic prosthetic arm in the world, but then he throws on a Lab Coat and starts cooking up a storm. New flavors, figuring out how to more efficiently bind and mix the ectoplasm with the energy drink, experimenting with different ratios of plasm to product, the whole nine yards. Maybe even figuring out how to incorporate the absolute masterpiece that is Jack’s attempt at making anti-ghost juice and resulted in pro-ghost juice, otherwise known as ecto-dejecto. That experimentation would have two results. The first one is just a premium version of the normal Poltergeist drink that has a bit more of a kick to it, like an energy drink X 2, but it’s ectodejecto so it’s kinda healthy for ghost. The other is essentially supernatural five hour energy/potion of mana restoration and or healing. They pop em like senzu beans.
Walker. He’s is absolutely having a blast about all this. His whole shtick is being an old timey cop. He’s practically straight out a old noir film, black and white coloration and all. And while sure, he has a whole bunch of prisoners to look after, he’s self aware enough to know that a lot of them are in on trumped up charges that arn’t fair. It’s nice and all, but it’s just not the same as proper criminals, investigations and getting to go full detective. So now that he’s got proper criminals to chase? Mysteries to solve? Old timey prohibition era shenaniganery to enjoy? He’s all in. Enjoying his job more then ever. Straight up vibing. No one’s seen him smile this much in decades. Not sense that one human criminal famous for killing cops kicked the bucket, became a ghost and pissed off enough people for someone to ask Walker to track him down. He’s straight up Giggling during his first high speed chase with Danny. Danny and his boys are in on it too. When I say high speed chase I mean an actual car chase, not just flying. He wasn’t planning to get caught in the act by Walker, but when he was he pointed at the vintage police car tricked out with ghost tech while climbing into his similarly tricked out pickup, tossed Walker the keys and was like “that one’s yours! We’ve got some killer jumps set up down the road so maybe try and drag it out a little? We’ll send you the footage afterward, even if you catch me.” Asides from cameras to capture footage of the jumps there were also speakers playing chase music. That type of style was a bit more modern then Walker was used to, but it was nice. More than nice. Similar speakers were set up in his prison shortly after the chase to play fight music whenever a prison riot or fight in the yard starts. He’s still legitimately trying to arrest Danny, and Danny’s bound and determined to get away, but they are having way to much fun with the whole ordeal.
So that’s what I have for now, enjoy your days, drink your water and comment any cool ideas you come up with pretty please with a cherry on top?
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wall-e-gorl · 2 months
Tag game! Tag nine people you would like to know better
I was tagged by @hellebore-petall! thanks petall!
Last song: Tessa Violet - I Like (the idea of) You, in a youtube playlist video
Favourite colour: Pink purple and blue in that order, tied for first place. My desk is pink and green themed, my hair is purple, my switch lite is the blue one, most of the gifts from family i get are pink, theyre just good colors that go well together and i love them.
Currently watching: I'm currently in the like last quarter of this youtube video, its from a house cleaning channel, that cleans hordes and otherwise extremely cluttered/dirty houses for free with a very like. refreshingly kind point of view and with like. silly dad humor interspersed to keep it lighter. This video is the worst house theyve had to clean, and they only had two days, so like its a grosser video with a less than ideal end point, so maybe watch some other ones first if you want to like do a vibe check n check out the channel? He does some uh armchair diagnosis but all in the "this is what i think might be the cause of this" and a very informed kind way, and doesnt share the people's faces or names and such. This channel was what inspired me to clean up my own room, it was nowhere near as bad as these houses but he emphasizes that everyone should have a clean and pleasing space to live that fits within their means and aesthetic and he also talked about what he throws away and what he doesnt, and how he organizes it, so that was all just rattling around in my brain enough for me to actually make my space nice again.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet!! I love pastries i love pb+chocolate i love sugar i love fruits. I also love savoury but mmmmmm <3 sweet <3
Relationship status: im aro ✌️
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[id: a small grey dog standing on its hind legs, with one front paw up and its other paw or tail behind it, looking as if it has a hand on its hip like a person. There is a peace sign emoji on the raised paw, upside down.]
Last thing you googled: "dog peace sign pose"
No pressure tags: @theccrowsnest @sisyphus-prime @ouroboobos @igniting-quill @thetragicallynerdy @stone-stars @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile @pixiesdirt @evelyn315 aaaand anyone who wants to!
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I think I asked earlier and I forgot the answer or maybe you hadn’t decided yet, but you recently mentioned the difference between spawned players and born players again. I think you mentioned spawned players are more common - are any of the people we know and love (hermits or otherwise) born rather than spawned? Or are they all spawned??
I’m fascinated by the concept of spawned vs born players actually, and the way you said they’d have to get a comm specially made and fitted. Is there a minimum age a player needs to be for this? Actually what’s the lifespan of a player like, and how old are born players and spawned players each when they reach a similar developmental stage? I presume it’s different because spawned players are in a single player world alone whereas I assume born players are babies and thus need caring for?? Or how does that work.
I’m just. Fascinated anew by this concept which I had forgotten about until you mentioned it haha.
Omg hello!!! I genuinely dont think ive seen your previous ask, but 😅😅 i have a lot of them in my inbox rn, so i very well may have intended to reply and then lost the notification and accidentally forgotten
Either way, some of your questions have been answered in one of the very first posts i ever made about hunger au!!! Which means its probably VERY easy to miss since theres so much content in the tag now 💀 i really do need to post a link to my current masterlist for yall so it'll be easier to keep track of lore WODNKDNSKSK new project time YIPPEEEE <- loves organizing
As for the stuff that isnt included in that post, i'd say that yes, you do need to be of a certain age to get fitted with a comm-- im not quite sure what the requirement is, but its probably around when you first hit the double digits, maybe about 10ish?? Culturally it depends on the Player's parents/caretakers, but i think most born Players get their comms around ages 12-14.
Lifespan for Players is on the same level as arctic sponges here-- they live for a while before their code begins to destabilize of natural causes. Thousands of years at least. This is a pretty young universe relatively speaking, so several of the oldest Players who first spawned in are actually still around!!!
There are only two born Players on Hermitcraft, and those are Joe Hills and TFC. Mostly for vibes, and because the idea of the oldest looking hermit being technically younger than several of the others highly amuses me. Everyone else spawned in!! Since born Players are such a minority, it felt right to keep everyone else in the cast as spawned Players :]
Im so glad you like all this worldbuilding!!! :D everyone who says they find it fascinating makes me SO happy like i cannot even tell you, because for the longest time i felt like worldbuilding was one of my biggest weaknesses. So its really reassuring to hear im getting better at it and people enjoy it!! thank you for stopping by!! :]
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devouringbodies · 5 months
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Hey I'm Rain. Here I mostly post about hannibal, horror, and various rural, gothic and darker aesthetics. This is a side blog technically, but I'm on this one full time. I follow back from @florihist.
24 | she/they | bisexual
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General warnings for this blog, I don't tag gore or animal death, both of which you will find here, along with various horror content, bones, blood, taxidermy, meat and organs, sex, murder, cannibalism, necrophilia and incest.
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I've got various aesthetic tags, most of them are always a work in progress tbh. I'll go back and retag things sometimes if I either forgot or think it needs to be in another or new category. My tag meanings are loose and maybe only make sense to me lol, but I'll try to explain most of them here.
Mind Stream - will graham core
Memory Palace - hannibal lecter core
If You Died Tomorrow I Would Eat Your Corpse - my hannigramcore tag, also just cannibalism and dark eroticism in general
Raincore - personal aesthetic posts
🪰(fly emoji) - original posts
Abigailcore - posts of or that remind me of abigail hobbs
Mylimacore - mischa lecter core, in a somewhat au version of her that lives in my head where she survived and grew up with hannibal
In The Stag's Footsteps - anything specifically deer related
These Feral Things - anything animal or insect related
God Owes Me - religious imagery, reflective of my exposure to religion growing up and the mindset I developed about it in retaliation
Return To Dirt - western, horses, cowboy aesthetics
The Home That Misses You - homes and houses, creepy or otherwise
The Woman In The Wallpaper - reference to the book 'the yellow wallpaper', mostly imagery or art of abstract women, women facing away from the audience, or any art depicting haunting or mysterious women
Exsanguinate Her - women or any people really, covered in blood
Tear Me Apart Start With This Heart - organs, anatomical hearts mostly
I Still Feel Your Teeth - teeth imagery
And Being You Must Be Hard To Swallow - kinda hard to describe, but relates to my own self destructive tendencies, a visual manifestation of violence and low self esteem. Usually weapons and blood in this tag.
Ochre - brown, yellow, and warm toned aesthetics, kinda a catch all tag for the uncategorizable, sometimes more about vibes tbh so if the actual pic is truly cool toned shhhh idc
Azure - just the opposite of the above, cool toned imagery
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ktarsims · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @simstryingtheirbestok @mainlyjustthesims @spaceapples98 @agnelid @nocturnalazure @papermint-airplane and @samkat10423. Thank you! I feel popular. LOL
Answers below cut for those who prefer to scroll past.
1. Are you named after anyone?  I am. My middle name is my father’s first name, and my first name is a play on my mother’s middle name.
2.  When was the last time you cried? Within the last week sometime, probably. I cry when watching sad things sometimes, when I’m extremely frustrated, when I’m having an anxiety attack... you know, the usual.
3. Do you have any kids? Yes. Just one. Y’all have benefited from the tools he makes me to help me with my Sims 3 game.
4.  Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not really. When I do use sarcasm, I’m very careful with it, only using it with a small audience of people that I’m 100% sure will know that it’s sarcasm, or in an overly exaggerated way that I feel fairly certain cannot be misunderstood. I feel like sarcasm is an easy habit to fall into that often creates misunderstanding. My partner says I used to not use it at all, but nowadays I use it carefully.
5.  What sports do you play/have you played? The only sports I’ve ever played were the ones I was required to play in school. Then the asthma got bad, and I got a doctor’s note to be excused from PE class my last two years of high school, so no more sports for me. I do enjoy playing with a frisbee, ping pong, or badminton from time to time, but not as a sport, just as playing around. If you want to get serious about scoring, I’m out. That’s stress I don’t need.
6.  What's the first thing you notice about other people? I’m honestly unsure about this. The first thing I LOOK for is how they’re behaving towards the people around them. Polite, respectful? Helpful? Or if they’re not interacting with anyone, does their behavior seem normal and can I make a good guess as to what they’re doing or does it seem abnormal and possibly suspicious? Yes. I actually go through that sort of process with every person I encounter. Aside from simply being female, I also have an anxiety disorder, and I’m fairly asocial as a person, and due to life experiences, I think the scariest thing in the world is other people.
7.  Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings. I state this conditionally though, some movies are considered scary by some that I don’t really think are very scary? I mean, I watched Supernatural, and the original Firestarter is one of my favorite movies... so... but they do have good endings. Good endings are required. I will absolutely skip ahead to the end sometimes to make sure it has a good ending if I’m getting nebulous vibes about a show or book.
8.  Any special talents? I would say that I’m good at organization, but I’ve come to know some people in the simblr community that are WAAAAY more organized than I am. I’m great with sorting out a physical space though, and have sometimes been asked by friends who aren’t good at it to help them out.
9.  Where were you born? Long ago and far away... in the not so grand ol’ USA.
10.  What are your hobbies? Sims, Reading, watching various shows (sci-fi, fantasy, occult, and mystery themes), Pokémon games, occasional other RPG console or PC games, and sometimes DDO or LOTRO.
11.  Do you have any pets? Nope. I sometimes moonlight as a pet caretaker for people on vacation though, because I’m very good with animals. One of my friends dubbed me the ‘cat whisperer’.
12.  How tall are you? Short enough to be considered petite.
13.  Fave subject in school? Uh. I once took a class in business and psychology and I really enjoyed that. Otherwise... math and science maybe?
14.  Dream job? I have often thought over the years that being someone else’s personal assistant to keep them organized would be what I would excel the most at, but having looked at the job descriptions for some of those jobs, I’m less certain of that. For now, I’m just hoping to score a job I can do mostly from home.
15.  Eye color? I agree with @simstryingtheirbestok that these questionnaires sometimes tend to ask too much personally identifying information, or information that is commonly used in answering secret questions. However, in this case, having made a simself that’s been commonly shared here, my brown eye color isn’t a secret.
I don’t know if I can find 15 people to tag that haven’t done this, because I’ve seen hordes of these cross my dash in the last week, but... I’ll give it a go for at least five: @aisquaredchoco @cas-sims @sharssims @wannabecatwriter @nornities @blackbriarsraven @spnmoosejerk @id-element0 @chazybazzy @simlicious Okay, I made it to 10. Don’t feel obligated if these are not your thing, and if you do decide to do it, I do encourage you to exercise due internet caution when answering the questions.
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siriuslygay1981 · 7 months
Introduction post!!
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You can call me Star/Basra/Bea, I go by them all :).
They/them! And he/she sparingly
Queer(not really labeled.) Poly!
I like cosmology/astronomy, writing, music and reading! I'm a writer, an artist, I love learning new things and I am always looking for friends! I have too many hobbies to list but I'm open to discussing them more if asked!
` * 🔭🐇
Things I'll post Abt:
Marauders era, Harry Potter, Stranger things, Good omens,Marvel, DC (specifically batman-robin-redhood stuff),Anime, Artrick, dune. Writing and in general probably random rants about whatever thing I've watched/read recently. I will reblog the most random post that I relate to or just want to reblog too ofc. I might post art sometimes ! My writing too ofc!!
。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。
hate comments
Slurs/racism/homophobia etc etc
Eveyone can:
Reply/ask questions
Ask to be friends
Texting me on here
Ask to collab
Mutuals only:
Asking for socials
Asking personal info
♥︎̶̶ ´ ˘ ` ۫ ִ ׂ🪕 ◟♡ ˒
My spotify-
My ao3-
I give permission to use any idea I've written/talked about as long as it's credited and I'm tagged (I'd love to see it :) ) Unless I've mentioned otherwise
Beta reader applications are open! If you wish to be a beta reader for any WIP (published or not) let me know!
My Pfp- cuckooboo_ on Instagram!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Request info-
I won't do inc3st, I won't do illegal, I won't force myself to write what I don't vibe with and I'll tell you that.
I'll do NSfw, I'll do any ship, any scenario! I might even do x reader. I'll link my stories from my Tumblr on my pinned post too. You can request in Asks or messages.
I'll be posting my own stuff that I want to post until someone asks for SMTHN specific!
Black brothers angst- Angsty, sad, Regulus' hopes and dreams squashed.
Regulus Dying- Regulus' last moments
Dorlene word prompt- Dorcas being a simp
Rosekiller quote prompt- Silly little guys, short interaction.
Jegulus- Fluff mostly. Right before Regulus leaves for the cave.
Rosekiller quote prompt thing - Miscommunication, slight angst
Wolfstar Short - Small crack one shot
PANDALILY domestic - Lily's pov of her day to day with Pandora
Rosekiller prompt Part 2 - slight angst, comfort, hea
Rosekiller mircrofic- Word prompt, may 24th. Word:Favorite
JEGULUS mircrofic- Microfic based off of a fanart!
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sansxfuckyou · 11 months
The Solace of Silence
Summary: It's a coincidence they both hate the noise that parties bring.
Warnings: Smoking, referenced drinking, off screen violence, sexual tension, check tags for full tag list.
Authors Note: I should probably find the prompt list for SNF week instead of looking at what everyone else is doing and just going for it. So I'm not good at writing hurt/comfort, I'm good at writing hurt on it's own, but there was this vibe in my head that wouldn't leave, so heres hoping this counts as hurt/comfort. If ya'll enjoyed maybe consider leaving a reblog or dropping by on the Ao3 port to drop a comment or kudos.
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Sapnap leaned on the porch railing, a can of root beer in hand despite everyone urging him to man up and just have a beer. The taste stung in his mouth, he hated it, he's pretty sure he's allergic to barley, that's what brings him onto the back porch at every party he goes to. He's shocked he hasn't decided to stop going entirely at this point, but Quackitys the one with a car, and he likes to go to parties.
He hears the sliding door open but barely catches the soft sound it makes as it closes again, the sound of the party overwhelming. He pays no mind to the quiet footsteps that follow, they're buried in the cacophony of music, shouting, and a hint of rain.
He picks up the sound of a lighter flicking, once, twice, then a third time. He gives a soft sigh before speaking, "I got one too," He holds out his own lighter.
They take it, "Thanks."
Sapnap recognizes the voice before they finish the word, he just talks like he knew who it was all along, "I thought you left when Dream held parties?"
George shook his head, "He said you'd be dropping by so I didn't want to leave," He lit the end of his cigarette, "You don't mind if I smoke beside you right?"
"Naw, it's chill, just try not to get all of it in my face," Sapnap said.
"Cool," George answered with, "How come you're here?"
Sapnap shrugged, watching the gray plumes of smoke fade between rain and refracted streetlights. He takes a sip of his pop, the bubbles are comforting, "Quackity dragged me along, it sucks here though."
George gives a weak laugh, "Totally, way too loud if I'm being honest," Sapnap nodded.
"Entirely so," He circles the can in his hand once or twice, "I didn't know you smoke."
"Not a whole lot, only when Wilburs over, he has like, an infinite supply on him," George explained, "He usually lets me have one but otherwise I never buy."
"Promise?" Sapnap asked, he probably sounded childish over such a simple concern, but all George did was give a small laugh.
"I wouldn't lie to you," He rested on the porch railing as he spoke, holding out his empty hand to catch some raindrops. They were cold, like ice, but it was nice. He pulled back his hand and wiped it down on the leg of his pants before holding it out to shake, "I promise you."
Sapnap took Georges hand in a shake, "Cool," His gaze lingered on the lit end of the cigarette, it glowed a soft orange, "Cool."
"Wanna try?" George offered, holding it out to Sapnap.
"Sure," He took it reluctantly, "It's a party, shit happens," He tried to take a drag but broke into coughs instead and George laughed.
"Dude! How do you fuck it up that bad?" His question is somewhat sincere as he takes the item back.
"What makes you thing I've tried before?" Sapnap answered with, using his now empty handed to slam against his chest, still coughing.
George gave a hum, "Good point, I'm gonna get a drink, you want anything."
Sapnap paused, he shook his can. His voice came out a little bit strained, "Root beer."
"Cool, I'll be back in a minute," He hands the smoke to Sapnap, "Don't drop it."
"The fuck? Do you want me to try it again?" Sapnap asked, George shrugged.
"if you want, there's still a lot left," George stated as he turned to leave, "Dream doesn't like anybody smoking inside."
"Alright," Sapnap said quietly.
He glances down to the cigarette in his hand, he's tempted to hold it out in the rain, see how long it takes for it to go out, but he refrains. He's tempted to bring it up to his lips and try once more, but he might drop it if he does which is the one thing George said not to do. So instead he opts to just prop between two fingers like they do in the movies, he actively holds himself back from spinning it around like a pencil. One end is lit, charred, he could end up with burns if he does so and for the time being at least he'd like to avoid that.
He just listens, to the rain, the muted music, the thud of footsteps, the hollering, it's all so loud. He doesn't exactly see himself hanging around at parties until he moves out of Quackitys house, but he needs to make sure his friend gets home safe. He takes a sip of his root beer, it's mostly backwash now, he flips it to drain out the remains before tossing it to the side. He rests his chin on the railing, it's damp, cold, and wooden, he opts to rest his chin on his arm instead.
He turns to face the sliding door when it opens again, George returns with two cans of root beer and a bloody nose. He's grinning a little bit despite the forming bruise on his cheek so very close to his eye. Sapnap is quick to be at Georges side, gently pressing right beside the wound, George tenses.
"What the fuck happened?" Sapnap asked quietly.
"So it's really chaotic in there, a lot more than I thought it would be," George said almost nervously, he held out a can to Sapnap, "I got your drink though."
"My drink can wait," Sapnap said, bringing a hand to rub away the fresh trickle of blood running down Georges face. The pad of his thumb running along Georges lips as he did so, "We're going inside and getting you fixed up."
"I'm fine," George said boldly, he flinched a bit when Sapnap tried to wipe the blood from his nose.
"No, no you're not," Sapnap said before urging George to follow him to the other side of the porch.
George reluctantly followed Sapnap down the stairs, an arm slung around his shoulder as they walked along. His face hurt, a dull pain on the side of his nose and his cheek bone, it was a little too close to his eye for comfort. He brings a hand to rest at the wound, Sapnap bats it away and George stays silent at the motion.
Sapnap pushes open the basement door before leading George in, heading directly to the half finished bathroom. George takes a seat on a closed toilet lid while Sapnap rummages through a cabinet without a door for the first aid kit. He knows that there has to be one down here, he's watched Dream ascend the stairs holding it above his head like it's a sacred object.
He tugs on the string attached to the light, he still doesn't see it, "Where the fuck does Dream keep the first aid kit?"
George shrugged, "Go ask him, I never come down here."
"You live here and you never come down here?" Sapnap asked in disbelief as he compulsively reached to close the cabinet door that wasn't there.
"I don't come down here for the first aid kit at least," George said as he rolled his eyes, "Check under the sink."
Sapnap drops to his knees in seconds to open up the aforementioned cabinet, he pulls out a first aid kit in seconds. He rummages through it haphazardly, some items find their way to the blocked sink drain, others are shoved to the side. He pulls out some gauze pads and swivels around to face George, "What happened up there?"
"I think I got shouldered pretty bad," George said as Sapnap dabbed away the blood, he used a hand to tilt Georges chin a little bit.
"But you're tall," Sapnap said under his breath, George gave a light chuckle.
"There are people taller than me Sapnap," George said, he leaned into Sapnaps touch a little bit, a faint flush rose to his face at the motion.
"I find that hard to believe," Sapnap stated, he paused as he brushed off the final bit of blood, "Where they wearing something spiky?"
George nodded, "Yeah, is there a cut?"
Sapnap nodded, he reached blindly for what he needed, coming up with an Isopropyl wipe. He tore it open and slowly pressed the corner to the open wound, George recoiled, "I have to clean it out."
"It hurts though," George whined, Sapnap reached once to more to grip his face just a little bit tighter.
"I know," Sapnap answered with softly, rubbing small circles on Georges cheek as he brought the wipe to his nose, "Just hold still for me."
"Okay," George said quietly, barely a whisper, a crack on his voice.
He still winced when the corner of the wipe hit his nose. He leaned further into Sapnaps touch as he slowly dragged the corner around the edges of the wound. He grit his teeth and stayed silent even though it stung a lot- he couldn't help the whine that slipped out when the alcohol hit the deepest part. He held perfectly still despite that, even as Sapnap pushed gently against the small rupture.
"You're doing so good for me," Sapnap spoke on an exhale, his face was so close to Georges the latter could feel the warmth of his breath, pick up on the hint of root beer.
George only whined again, reaching out to rest a hand on the small of Sapnaps back, then the other.
Sapnap gave a soft chuckle, "I'm almost done okay?"
"Okay," George managed quietly as Sapnap grabbed two small bandages.
"Good boy," Sapnap really didn't mean to say it, but it just fell out of his mouth. He went with it though, especially with the way it made George melt in his grasp, "Holding perfectly still for me."
He secured a fresh gauze pad in place over Georges nose with two bandages before letting go. George didn't let go of him, he only looked up at Sapnap who looked down at him.
"It's so quiet down here," George said.
"Definitely," Sapnap answered with.
George barely opened his mouth, letting his tongue rest at the corner of his lips. The tang of iron hit him, "I think you missed some blood during clean up," A bit of desperation was on his voice.
"Oh really?" Sapnap asked, tracing a blunted nail where he could see the distinction between lip and blood.
George nodded, "Really," He leaned up a bit.
Sapnap leaned down a bit, pressing a soft kiss to Georges lips, George pulled him in a bit more, pushing on the small of his back. Sapnap had to reach for the wall to use as a type of support, one hand pressed against it and the other closer to Georges hip. The coppery taste rested heavy in his mouth but who was he to complain?
There was a party raging on above them, yet it was a perfect silence down below in the dim light. An imperfect moment in a place they both hated, the mood flickering on and off like a light switch. The passion burning like the soft embers of a cigarette, touch like fire and desperate enough to leave momentary marks like burns.
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littlestsnicket · 1 year
Hi! I'm really late to the ASOUE fandom, so I'm happy that there are still some great fanblogs around. I loved reading through yours. I wanted to ask what you think of the Netflix series and the movie in relation to the novels. Apologies if you've already answered this question!
Also (and slightly related) do you have any Jacques Snicket headcanons for the book or the Netflix character? I never really noticed him in the novels but I loved him (probably Nathan Fillion) in the show.
Thank you <3
welcome to asoue fandom! i’ve been a fan of these books since they were first published and didn’t get involved in fandom until after the netflix series had finished, so it’s never to late, and i’m glad you enjoyed my blog!
i have talked about my thoughts on the netflix adaptation (i forget which tag i used, i was trying to use a consistent one for that at some point…), but i love talking about adaptations and how they work and i’m always happy to talk about it some more!
i saw the movie when it came out, and i don’t remember feeling very strongly about it one way or another, which says something because 2004 would be around the peak of me obsessively rereading the books so i should have cared a lot. i mostly remember really liking violet’s costume in an objective, aesthetic sense and also feeling it was deeply deeply wrong for the tone of the books/how things looked in my head. i’ve only rewatched it once since then with lemony snicket’s commentary track, which is just absolutely delightful, so i’m afraid i don’t have much to say about it.
i think the netflix show is a good adaptation with some things i will go to my grave mad about. i love the visuals, it’s the exact right amount of fantastical and timeless. it’s the right amount of funny while still having moments of intense seriousness. i love the musical numbers in season 2. i love what they did to change the vibe of this being a tv show so it shouldn’t exist in a world driven by books like the books do. i love the addition of the recurring adult characters.
since you asked about jacques snicket, i really love how they re-conceived that character to be a suave, james bond-y, spy type. i think it serves the rest of the changes they made really well. i enjoy his relationship with olivia and larry the waiter. i love the dynamic he has with olaf. i will die mad that they didn’t give him a unibrow. we deserve otherwise conventionally attractive jacques snicket with a unibrow. it’s thematically important damn it!
book!jacques snicket, who we only really get to know through his letters in the unauthorized autobiography and quigley’s memories, will always be the jacques snicket of my heart, but i can love both.
also still mad about the opera night. it is absolutely thematically critical that the viewer not know what happened, and what you gain isn’t enough to offset that. also wish we had gotten more morally grayness from vfd. i really love how the organization is introduced in season 1 and 2, but it never got to evolve into being about how kind, well meaning people can do horrible things either because of their own flaws or because of intractable circumstances, and we all have to live with that because it’s part of the human condition.
i don’t have any netflix!jacques head canon, except that in the fictional version of the show that i got to have input in, olivia learns that he’s done really difficult to rationalize things from the snicket file and that puts her in a much more similar to book!olivia’s mindset when the baudelaire’s meet her at the carnival.
i have lots of book!jacques head canons. i think i’ve talked about most of them before but these are my favorite: 1, jacques looks almost exactly like lemony but is several inches shorter and 2, jacques is the least committed to vfd of his siblings, and he will always put the safety of the people he loves (but especially lemony) over the greater good.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
born to be my baby | stranger things ; s.harrington
tag list babes || req rules / fandoms+characters ; open asks|| send reqs || masterlist
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For now, this one is it. The Stranger Things masterlist is here.
Le sigh. It's only fitting I name this after a Bon Jovi song, right? Anyway... This is the result of me, envisioning a reader who is like this outrageous hybrid of madonna vibes / jersey girl vibes / 80's glam rock groupie vibes + a v. feisty persona -aka the storm to Steve's ever-present calm. So yeah. I am lowkey tempted to follow the season with the events that happen but Idk just yet..
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--You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man ... and sooner or later, it'll get there.
Steve Harrington x Fem!reader (beyond outfits, huge 80's teased hair and huge personality / loudness as well as female organs, reader is kept vague as I can manage. reader inserts are kind of a learning curve.)
swearing, pining -lots of, huuuge bouts of internalization from both parties, reader is a smartass and a flirt, eventual filth maybe, maybe some angst in the future, who knows. I'm uh... kind of winging it as of right now. If this one is a hit, I'll sit down and plan more.
@untitledarea are the only ones present on my taglist. if you'd like to be added, please click the link above.
set in S3 and may or may not follow canon events with changes (no deaths because fuck writing deaths unless absolutely necessary) , idk yet. If you guys want me to throw her into the glorious shit show that is the Upside Down, i can uh.. I'll try? Otherwise, this one might end up being a mere slice of life thing like the rest, just like if you're interested in throwing reader into the insanity please lmk, Ig? Side note, reader is 18 and has cut ties with her family, so this is also a kind of 'found family' fic of sorts. She has her own place / spends her own money, etc. Similar to Steve, in a way?
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You’re roaming Starcourt Mall with two hours until you have to clock in to work your makeup counter for the afternoon. You’ve just stepped out of a lingerie store when you happen to glance across, into Scoops Ahoy.
Carol Perkins is laughing nearby, nodding to the parlor. “The mighty have really fallen, huh?” she muses with a smug grin. Nicole nudges her and whispers something into her ear and the next thing you know, they’re both looking at you.
“I love those earrings.” Carol’s staring at your favorite pair of earrings. They’re these obnoxiously big leopard print hoops. And while you love them more than life itself, you’re almost ninety five percent certain that true to form, Carol’s compliment is an underhanded one, because she’s always been a bitch towards you.
“Oh my god, how’d you get your hair to do that?” Nicole nods to the way you have your hair teased and curled. You want to laugh, you want to speak up and say the name they called you until you were crying all through school until you finally moved away, but you don’t.
“Earrings came from a jewelry store in Atlantic City.” you answer, popping a bubble with your gum and then you shrug, “My hair is an entity all it’s own.”
“It’s pretty.” Nicole gives you one of her typical plastic fake grins and you almost want to laugh, but you don’t. It’s tempting but you’re not the girl you used to be and now, looking at the two of them only a few months after high school, you’re pretty sure you’ve done more with your life in just a few months than they’ll ever manage in the entirety of their lives. And it’s not bragging, it’s not egotistical, it’s fact. They have that narrow-minded and extremely stunted mentality about them still. And it’s just low hanging fruit for you, so why bother?
“She looks like one of those models. I mean, a less expensive version, but pretty.” Carol and her underhanded compliments. You laugh, gazing at her intently. “You’re okay for a frumpy midwestern housewife.” you say it with a shrug, hints of an apologetic smile. Nevermind the fact you know damn well she's 18 or 19, you just couldn't resist. All her taunts about your nose or your teeth or your body back in high school. You feel just a little bad about doing it, but you justify the comment as you being on the defensive, after all. She did just give you an underhanded compliment.
“I’m 19.” Carol looks panicked in this moment.
“You look 35. Sorry.” you cringe a little and you’re the one with the smug look when your jab settles over her. “Look, I’ve gotta get going. It was a nice chat though?” you smile, walking across the corridor of the mall backwards so that you’re facing them, your best honeyed smile playing at dark red lips. You turn with your back to them and roll your eyes, raising a hand to your throat and Robin Buckley, one of your old best friends sees you and laughs.
“Your friends are annoying you?” Robin asks as her laughter dies away.
“They’re not my friends, actually.”  you give her a hurt look. “Do you not remember me, Robbie?”
She’s gaping and then laughing and then the two of you are hugging in the middle of the ice cream parlor. “Oh my god, ___? Wow.” Robin pulls away from the hug to look at you. You shake your head and laugh, “No, nope.. You, Robbie… Whew?” you fan yourself a little.
“Not even.” Robin shakes her head.
Steve Harrington steps out of the back with a vat of ice cream to go into the freezer and he locks eyes with you.
“Are you gonna put the ice cream in the freezer or stand there all day?” Robin asks the question and rolls her eyes, nodding to him as she whispers quietly, “His father got him the job. I’m waiting on the day he quits.”
You’re distracted though, watching the way strands of hair fall down onto his forehead as he leans over the open back of the freezer to place in the new vat. Robin looks from him to you and she palms her forehead. “Some things never change.” she’s giving you that gentle and teasing laugh when she says it. You shrug. “Please. I grew out of the crush.” and yet, as the words leave your mouth, you’re at least fifty percent sure they’re a lie.
Robin knows it too and true to form, she calls you out on it. “Bullcrap. Total bullcrap. You’ve got that dopey look on your face right now. Lie to somebody who didn’t grow up two trailers down from you, ___.” 
You pout. “I’m not lying!” you insist, laughing. “I’m not, okay?” 
“When did you get back?” she asks after a few seconds. 
You were staring at him again so you’re quick to tear your eyes off. Laughing softly as you twirl a strand of hair around your finger. “Around the end of May. I’ve just been busy settling in. I got my own place!” you’re grinning and clapping your hands. 
“I moved back by myself.”  you smile, shrugging. “Graduated a year early. I mean, it didn’t matter, my parents weren’t around either way. I just wanted to hurry up and finally be on my own.” you laugh softly and Robin seems to relax just a little. “How is it, having your own place?”
You laugh. “It’s awesome.”
But it’s lonely too. To be fair, you’re not exactly a stranger to loneliness. Once you were old enough to do basic things for yourself, your parents were always in and out, never around. They didn’t care before but once you were able to fend for yourself, they cared even less.
“You’ve gotta come over sometime! It’ll be fun. I mean I’m in the midst of painting and stuff, but yeah.” you’re all smiles. Robin laughs and nods, raising a hand to tug at her hair. “Where is it?”
“Oh, you know that bar downtown? The owner is making the top two stories of the building into studio apartments.”
“The bar the cops are always at?” Robin looks concerned and you nod. “Yeah, I never go in through the bar. I go up the stairs in the back entrance.” you laugh again. “It’s not that bad, don’t freak out. I’m a big girl now. I carry that switchblade I always used to carry and I know how to fight, I mean.. C’mon.”
“I’ll have to come by.” Robin smiles, laughing at your excitement. She doesn’t blame you, honestly, and she’s really happy for you. More than anything, she’s happy you came back to Hawkins because you were one of her few friends.
“Ugh, we can have so many sleepovers!” you’re laughing, smiling bright at the thought.
Steve clears his throat, motioning Robin over.
“Who is she?” Steve nods to you. Staring hard. “She looks familiar.”
“Because she went to Hawkins High until 83. Then her family moved her to New Jersey.”
Steve’s still staring. Robin grumbles and shakes her head, laughing to herself. “She’s not your type. Trust me, Steve. Stick to your type.”
“You barely know me, Robin. How do you know who my type is?” Steve questions, gazing at her intently for a second or two before his eyes flit back to you and settle again. Robin’s not wrong, you’re not his type, but.. His type only hurts him. If they’re not hurting him, they’re only interested in whatever he has to offer them. And if it’s neither of those things, they’re only interested in sex without any attachments. And he’s slowly come to realize that he wants love. He wants something serious, he wants to feel stability just once in his life.
And the second he realized what he wanted, he stopped settling. He hasn’t been on a date in months at this point. And he tries to maintain that whole King Steve thing he had going for him but it just doesn’t seem to work anymore. Robin’s even got a scoreboard up behind the counter that she diligently marks whenever he makes an ass of himself, as if he needs or wants a reminder.
He’s just gotten so used to being the guy everyone wants him to be that it’s hard to find his footing lately.
So maybe Robin’s little statement about you not being his type does sting just a little. He’s staring at you again and Robin clears her throat. And maybe it’s because she’s finding empathy for him lately because they have to spend so much time together at work and work is easier when they at least get along just a little, maybe this is why she drags him over to you before he even has a chance to pull himself together.
“___. You remember Steve Harrington, right?” she asks as soon as you turn around.
Up close, holy shit. You’re even prettier somehow. He was not prepared for it, not at all. You’re giggling and you’ve got a strand of hair wound around your finger as you glance from Robin to Steve as you smile up at him after locking eyes with him. “Mhm. King Steve.” you almost want to kick yourself when you say it, but you’re quick to follow up with a soft little laugh and a shrug, “Or so I’ve heard.” and it’s almost as if you’re teasing just a little.
Steve’s cheeks are flushed and it’s the first time the shoe has ever been on the other foot for him. You giggle and it’s this cute little sound. Soft and dreamy almost. Then you turn your attention to Robin. “You and me, shitty chick flicks and house paint. Tonight around 9. You’re in, right? I’ll come pick you up.”
Robin’s grinning as she nods and laughs. “I’d love that. Hey, think you can make some of those brownies?” she’s fidgeting a little, giving you her best pleading look and you laugh. “Yeah. If my stove doesn’t try to burst into flames.”
You and Robin hug and you air kiss her on both cheeks before pulling away. You turn and find yourself standing thisclose to Steve. You swallow hard and you try to ignore the way your breath is caught in your throat for just a second or two. Then you raise up, fluff his hair a little and wink. “I’ll see you around, king Steve.” you’re teasing again when you say it and Steve shuffles his feet as you pull away from him and slink out of the ice cream parlor, disappearing into the crowd outside.
Steve tugs at the red tie of the stupid uniform. “You’re friends with her?”
“Mhm. She lived close to me. We kind of grew up together. Everybody used to tell us we were like night and day though.”
Steve is still staring out the doors of Scoops, a hand raised and resting against the back of his head. 
“She’s changed a lot.” Robin muses, shrugging.
“Well, when she lived her back then, she had big glasses. What I used to call grandma sweaters.” Robin laughs. “Stop staring at the door, Steve. It’s not going to summon her back.”
“I wasn’t!”
“You were, dingus.”
“I was not, Robin.”
“You totally were. Do I need to add a tally to the board?”
Steve rolls his eyes at the comment.
But he wants to run into you just one more time. So when he goes out for his break around 6, he wanders around just a little. And he happens to catch sight of you behind one of the branded makeup counters in JcPenneys.
He wanders in before he can stop himself.
You jump a little, turning to look at him as you’re restocking a row of foundations. “Hey! You scared me.”
“You work here?”
You nod. “For now. I uh.. One day, I want to open my own salon.” you laugh. “Anything you need? If you need a gift for your girlfriend of the week,” you gesture to the perfumes sitting on a 3 tier display on the back side of your circular counter, “I can help you find something?”
“I uh.. Don’t have a girlfriend.”
You pretend to be shocked, but admittedly, his confession does have you curious because back in high school, he had girls flocking to him.
“Sorry, I just thought...” you’re not even sure why you’re apologizing and you laugh softly about doing it. He chuckles, shrugging it off. “It’s by choice.”
“Oh. yeah, I get it. Me too.” you say it in a rush, words tumbling out on top of each other. 
“Do you get breaks around here?” he asks, a hand dragging through his hair as soon as he’s taken the stupid hat off. You laugh and nod. “Just give me a second. I’m dying for a cigarette anyway.”
After stopping the manager on the floor to tell her you’re stepping out for a smoke while it’s slow, you wander back over to Steve. He smiles and the two of you wander out into the parking lot, lighting up your cigarettes as soon as you’re outside and sitting on the curb of the sidewalk. The breeze picks up a little and you glance up. “That storm is supposed to set in tonight. Just fucking great.” you grimace when you say it and Steve is staring at you while you’re staring ahead, eyes fixed on a row in the parking lot, lost in thought.
“You hate bad weather?” Steve asks, exhaling a shaky ring of smoke into the air as he tips his head back just a little. Enough that you’re focusing on the strong yet delicate line formed by the column of his neck.
“So much, oh my god. At least Robin will be there tonight.” you smile, laugh softly. You tear your eyes off and remind yourself that you’re not a kid anymore and this crush is one you absolutely cannot delve back into. You’re not his type and you never have been. It would never work.
“Yeah, that’s good.” Steve mutters. And he thinks about how he’ll be going back to that big and empty house all by himself. Where the quiet is too much and the walls are always just a second away from closing in. Where he feels the loneliest. 
But he can’t tell anyone because who would even care?
You can sense just the slightest shift in his demeanor and you glance over. Studying him for a second or two, the way hair falls into his eye and the streetlamp overhead illuminates an outline of his strong facial features and you’re doing it again, you’re staring.
“It is. It won’t be so scary.” you admit, taking the last drag of your cigarette. You pull yourself to your feet and slip back on the heels you brought before your shift that you’ve been trying to break in. They’re killing your feet. But they were pretty and you could finally afford them.
You hold out a hand to him and he snickers, gazing at your hand first and then up at you. He grabs hold and lets you think you pulled him up and the two of you make your way back into the building just as the storm settles in over Hawkins.
“Great.” you mumble, flinching as thunder rolls noisily, only slightly quieted by the structure of the mall as you both roam through. After talking to Robin about where to meet up after your shifts end, you make your way back down to the department store and you get back to work.
And Robin grills Steve relentlessly about your little smoke break together. Steve has a few questions of his own and when he starts to ask them, Robin gapes at him. Then she’s quick to repeat what she told him earlier in their shift together.
“Oh no. Uh uh, no you don’t. Trust me, Steve… She’s not your type.”
It’s code for “You’re not going to break my best friend’s heart.” and on some level, Steve knows this. But the phrasing and the way she feels she has to be so protective over you just stings a little. But he knows it has everything to do with the guy he used to be.
Rather, the guy he used to pretend to be.
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malewifemanhunter · 2 years
Challenge is NOW OPEN!!! 9th August to 9th September 2022
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Heyyy everyone! The Always Sunny Drabble Blast Contest is now open for submissions :D
Anyone can enter, whether you’re a confident writer or you’ve never written anything before, if you’re new to sunnyblr or you’ve been here since Charlie Kelly crawled out of the floorboards. You can also submit anonymously! (just talk to one of the organizers for that~)
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A drabble is a VERY short fic of just 100 words (not including title, tags or authors notes). And it can be about anything you like! As long as it’s Sunny related and hits that target (give or take) then you’ve nailed it. You can even write a series of drabbles and arrange them as chapters if you want to explore your idea more, as long as they work on their own too. If you need some examples, you can find them in the collection.
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Good question! We’ll be opening a poll on September 1st for people to vote on their favourite stories, with a contest winner and runners-up, and we’re ALSO going to hand pick the winners of some very special categories. (And yes, that’s because otherwise, our beloved macdennies will swamp the votes :p)
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BEST IN SHIP: The big six, babeyyy. Macdennis, Deetress, Charden, Charmac, Chardee, Charmacden. You know the drill.
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BEST RAREPAIRS: Any relationship not in the above list :)
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BEST TEAM-UPS and FRIENDSHIPS: Non-ship based fics
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GENRE: Best fluff, humor, angst, AU, horror, smut
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HAND PICKED PERFECTION: Best Scheme, Most Sunny-ish Vibes, Best Twist, Drabble We're Most Desperate For More Of, Best Drunk/High Fic, Most In Character, Best Title, BEST SINGLE LINE, Dialogue Only, Fewest Filler Words, Best Fic In A Language Other Than English, Best Freeform/Visual Design, Best Meta, Best Crack Meta…
And finally...
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WASTE NOT WANT NOT: The real deal. The most prestigious title. That’s right, we’re talking about Most Obedient. This is the award for whoever writes the most submissions with exactly one. hundred. words. No more, no less. 
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Content: write whatever you like! Try to tag things appropriately, but we can help you figure that out if you want (dm or send an ask to us @malewifemanhunter @headgehug @officialbillhader or @lets-dont-this)
Where to post: Feel free to post your work on tumblr/anywhere else you like - it’s your work! just make sure you also submit it to the collection on Archive Of Our Own 3 so we can keep track of them all. And don't forget to tag sunny d blast!
Submitting anonymously: There are two ways you can do this. 1. Upload your fic to your Ao3 account, make it anonymous, then submit it to the collection, or 2. Send it to one of us (@malewifemanhunter @headgehug @lets-dont-this @officialbillhader) on anon and we will post it for you (although it may mess up your formatting a little to do it this way). 
But what if I dont know what to write?!: Do not worry - as well as having beta readers available we’ve also got this list of prompts! No need to stick with these (seriously, write what you wanna), but If you wanna write and the creative juices just aren’t flowing, you can take your pick from this list and just go to town
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moments when Dennis kissed Mac on the forehead, Mac and charlie have a bike race, Dennis and Charlie sing together while high, Charlie takes care of a sick Dee, the gang tries to catch a turkey for Thanksgiving, Mac and Dee want the same man, Charlie and Mac almost set fire to Mac and Dennis’s apartment while cooking, the twins (children) hate each other but they still spend their birthday together because being together with someone you hate is better than being alone, Frank swindles a street vendor and gets food for everyone in the gang, water fight turned erotic. You can take these as they are, or play around with them a bit, whatever floats your boat~
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Don't forget you have a title! With only 100 words it can really help to set the scene or the tone of your fic. And make sure you tag the fic. If you don't know how, or have any other questions, just ask one of the organizers!
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