#or could just be mutant hatred
chaoticace2005 · 4 months
Okay but… Adam and Vox starting a club of people who hate Alastor and also had their love interest(s) attention stolen by Lucifer.
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oddly-casual · 2 years
Have to get this out of my head, but I had a dream that 2012 Leo had an online friend that he would vent to about his ninja life. Not wanting a Chris Bradford incident he said he was never gonna meet the person in real life and Leo had to bend his story to make it seem like he was a human taking care of three siblings and not a ninja turtle and they slowly became best friends, but they would never meet.
Do with this what you will, or don’t
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loving-barnes · 3 months
A/N: I have a long chapter for you. Chapter NINE is up. I have put a lot of things in here. I hope you will enjoy it. Please, be patient with chapter ten. I won't have much time to write it next week. I will try, but I'm not promising it will be finished in a few days.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: I have decided to not give any warnings. Please remember this story is 18+.
Summary: Charles asked Logan and Y/N to babysit the students while the rest of the staff was away for the weekend.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 6200+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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You killed her! It’s your fault! Murderer! You fucking sick freak! I hate you! 
Y/N opened her eyes and caught her breath. It happened again. This week, it was the third nightmare she experienced. Her mother’s face kept appearing in the dream, screaming at her. The voice, even the eyes, haunted her, filled with wrath and hatred. 
She turned to face the clock. It was 7:04 in the morning. Her forehead was sweaty, as well as the rest of her body. This nightmare was worse than before. It felt real. In her dream, Y/N’s mother held her forearm tightly. Even now, the touch on her body burnt. Y/N had to look at her left forearm just to be sure no one was holding her there. Her mind was playing tricks on her. 
When will you stop haunting me? 
The first week of her being a teacher was almost over. So far, it was fun. The classes went smoothly. The students accepted her as a teacher. It turned out the teaching kept her sane. 
After a quick shower and changing clothes, she took her textbooks and headed downstairs to the kitchen. The hallways were empty. However, she could hear the kids from their dorms getting ready. 
When she arrived in the kitchen, she was met with fresh coffee. Some pure soul made a pot of it. She grabbed a mug and poured some into it. This was an ideal way to start a new day. She took a seat on a barstool at the counter. Y/N went through the textbooks to prepare for her first lesson of the day. 
“Well, aren’t ya an early bird,” Logan’s voice startled her. 
Y/N almost choked on her coffee. She coughed a few times, then looked at the man. “If you want to choke me, just use your hand,” she frowned at him. It took her a minute to breathe normally. 
Logan’s lips turned into a devilish smile. “Is that right, princess?” and he wiggled his eyebrows. “Good to know for the future. By the way, why are you up so early? Don’t you have a class at nine?” he changed the topic. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” she looked down at the textbooks again. 
Logan walked to the counter and leaned against it. He took a deep breath. He could smell the coconut shampoo radiating from her, even her natural scent. “I heard you, you know? I know you have nightmares, Y/N.” 
“Don’t we all?” she sighed. “It’s nothing. It’ll go away.” 
“You can talk to me, you know?” Logan reached his hand and put it under her chin to lift her head. “You don’t have to face it alone.” 
“Thanks,” her eyes found his. 
Logan heard the sound of the wheelchair. He let go of Y/N’s chin and leaned back. His eyes never left her face, not even when Charles wheeled in, already dressed in a suit. This time, it was grey with a black tie.
“Ah, just the two people I need,” he said, smiling. “I am going to need a favour from you two.” Y/N’s eyes moved to the Professor, and Logan faced him. “As you know, Jean and Scott are still away with Remy and Hank. Bobby asked for a weekend away with Kitty. Kurt is leaving for Germany. I will take Peter, Ororo and Rogue to Washington again.”
“More trouble?” Y/N asked. 
Charles shook his head. “The situation has calmed down a bit. However, I need to find more information about Trask Industries. I believe they are creating a weapon that could potentially destroy us.”  
“Shit,” Logan mumbled. 
“That is why I need you to stay here,” said Charles.
“Ah, you want us to babysit, is that right?” Logan rolled his eyes. “What about Colossus?” 
“He’ll be here with you, of course. I talked to him last night.”  
“When are you leaving?” Y/N asked. 
“This afternoon. We should be back on Sunday.” 
Charles left them alone in the kitchen. Logan turned back to Y/N and raised one brow. “It seems you won’t get rid of me that easily.” 
“I am one lucky gal,” she teased. “So, is this babysitting like it means? We will keep an eye on the kids. We make sure they are in bed at a reasonable hour?” 
“Sounds about right,” Logan nodded. “Don’t plan on having a big party tonight.”
She tilted her head. “Why? You don’t like watching children have some fun? Or is it because my attention is on them, not you?” She stood up and cleaned the mug after she was done. Before she left, she brushed past him. “If you want my attention, just ask.” 
Logan smirked, eyes resting on her back. Slowly, they fell down, checking out her ass per usual. Who would have thought that he would be crushing bad on this woman? He saved her a while back, and now, they had this unspoken thing between them. She was attractive and witty. Y/N brought something into his life. She made him feel something he hadn’t felt in years. 
Fuck, he thought and fixed his pants. Suddenly, they felt tighter than before. It was eight in the morning. It was bad timing to have an erection. Logan swiftly left the kitchen and headed back to his room. 
As the day went by, Y/N realised her mind had been preoccupied by a certain someone. The desire that she had was intense. She kept thinking about his eyes, lips, and those hands caressing her body. In a way, it was funny. She was falling for the man who saved her ass. 
My knight in shining armour.
“Miss Y/L/N?” someone said her name. “Are you okay?” It was one of the students asking. 
Y/N blinked a few times. Her mind got quickly lost in a world of daydreaming. “I’m sorry,” she cleared her throat. “I was just thinking about your next assignment,” she said. The collective sigh made her laugh. “Don’t worry. I won’t give you any writing assignments now. However, I want you to read The Great Gatsby by the end of the next week.” 
Some of the boys were annoyed. It was evident that reading was not their favourite activity. There were whispers around the classroom. Y/N frowned at them. “Please, silence. I don’t want to hear another word. You are only reading a book. If you keep complaining to your classmates, I will give you something to write about.” And then everyone silenced. 
The classes with the oldest students were difficult. Their hormones were all over the place, their behaviour was atrocious, and the boys had a problem respecting everyone, even the teacher.
At the end of the school day, Y/N was walking through the hallway when a clothed arm wrapped around her shoulder. It brought her back to reality from her constant daydreaming. She glanced at the person, only to find Rogue grinning. “I’ve heard you and Logan will be babysitting the kids.” 
“With Colossus,” Y/N added. 
“That’s a minor detail,” she chuckled. “You have the perfect opportunity to make a move. You’ll have the night to yourselves.” 
Y/N frowned. “What the hell are you talking about, Ro’?” Y/N knew damn well where she was going with it. And yet she pretended to be dumb. 
“Come on,” Rogue bumped her hip against Y/N’s. “I see how you two behave to each other. Everyone sees that - the teasing, the bantering and shit. In my eyes, you’d be a perfect power couple. I think you should make a move.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. Yes, Logan and Y/N had a playful banter going on. However, she didn’t think he felt anything more towards her. He saved her and gave her a second chance. He kept his promise. That was about it. A man like him would never want a girl like her. They knew each other only for two months. 
“Shouldn’t you be packing for the weekend?” Y/N asked Rogue. She needed to change the topic. “You should take something sexy with you. You’ll be reunited with Remy. You’ll be the one spending a hot, sexy night with your man.” 
The young woman sighed, defeated. “Why can’t you see that he likes you, too?” She had decided to omit that part about Remy.
“Rogue,” Y/N warned her. “I don’t want to talk about it. In fact, there is nothing to talk about. You should pack and get ready.” 
“This isn’t over. We will discuss this once I’m back,” Rogue threatened with a finger. 
Y/N walked up the stairs. She wanted to change her clothes into something more comfortable. The school day was over. There was no need to dress fancy. She thought about practising her forcefields. Y/N got better at creating two separate force fields at the same time. After they saved JJ, where she protected another person for the first time, she knew how to do it whenever she wanted. 
Storm usually practised with her. They tried using lighting to get through the force fields. Luckily, they were resistant. It didn’t even drain Y/N’s energy. It was fascinating.  
Y/N stretched her neck and scratched her nape. There was a foreign feeling lingering somewhere inside her mind. She couldn’t define what it was.
As she passed the second level, she was stopped by Logan again. He grabbed her by the wrist. “We meet again, princess.” 
She made a funny yet annoyed face. “For a princess, you aren’t treating me like one,” she said. “How can I help you, kind sir?” 
“Wanna have a beer with me tonight?” he asked. 
“Aren’t we supposed to be babysitting the kids?” she raised a brow, smirking. “We can’t leave the school and head to the bar. Colossus will kill us.” 
“Rules are meant to be broken,” he made a smug face. “Don’t worry, kid. I have my secret stash here. We can enjoy one after they are in their rooms, asleep.” 
“Secret stash, you say?” That piqued her interest. “Very well. I’ll see you tonight.” 
His eyes followed her as she continued up the stairs. “What are you up to now?” 
She shrugged, thinking. “I don’t know. I might do some training, maybe read a book,” she said. “I’ll see you later, Logan.” 
. . .
Y/N was on edge the whole evening. She didn’t know why. The feeling came gradually. At first, she thought she had forgotten to do something. Then, she observed the students, trying to figure out if they did something wrong. Y/N concluded that the feeling she had signified cautiousness. Otherwise, the time she had spent with the kids was fun. 
They all gathered in a lounge room where they talked and laughed. Colossus joined them. He listened to their stories and amusing memories. Colossus even chimed in about his memories. The kids laughed, which only made him smile. 
Logan kept his distance and observed from afar here and there. He didn’t join the talk, even when he noticed Y/N’s pleading look. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, while listening to the shared stories. 
Overall, it was a pleasant Friday evening with the students. By ten in the evening, they were all in their rooms. Y/N walked through the hallways, checking if everyone settled down for the night. Even Colossus headed to bed, saying how exhausted he was. 
Once Y/N was sure everyone was in their room, she headed downstairs into the kitchen. Her neck was sore after the long day. She stretched her head to every side, trying to find relief. When Y/N entered the kitchen, Logan sat behind a counter with two beer bottles. He was wearing a red flannel shirt and a white tank top. 
That fucker. 
The man eyed her from head to toe, trying not to stare much. Did she want to kill him with that outfit? She wore denim shorts and a loose T-shirt. “Fucking finally,” said Logan after he cleared his throat. “Were you avoiding me, princess?” he kinked a brow. 
“You think so low of me,” she said and sat on a barstool next to him. “Because you had decided to disappear and Colossus was tired, I had to ensure the students were in their rooms.” She grabbed a bottle. It was cold. Quickly, she pressed it against her neck and moaned a little. 
“You okay?” he asked, taking a swig. 
“I don’t know,” she said. “Something feels off. Also, my neck hurts.” She drank straight from the bottle, enjoying the cold beverage.  
Without thinking, Logan reached for her neck. His fingers pressed into her skin. When he realised what he had done, it was too late. Luckily, Y/N closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure. If she were a cat, she’d purr. Her lips were slightly parted. She enjoyed the touch. Once he was done, he asked, “Better?” 
“Damn, I’d hire you as a full-time personal masseuse,” she joked. When she looked at him, her eyes met his. A shiver ran down her spine. “Tell me, what do you do when you are asked to babysit the students?” 
“Before you came, I’d have a drink and head to bed. When Bobby was a student, there were nights when we would talk here in the kitchen. The kids here know what they aren’t allowed to do. When we ask them to remain in rooms, they will listen,” he explained. 
A tiny smile appeared on Y/N’s face. Her eyes moved to the beer bottle, where she scanned the label. “By the way, JJ loves lessons with you,” she changed the topic. “He loves history and says you are awesome.” 
“He said that?” Logan seem surprised. “I like that kid.” 
Y/N pressed two fingers between the bridge of her nose, frowning. A long sigh escaped her lips. “Shit, I can’t figure out what’s wrong today.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Ah,” she leaned against her arms, eyes closed. “Do you have that feeling, somewhere deep inside, when you know that something’s not right?” When Logan confirmed, she continued. “I have had this feeling since this afternoon. My gut is calling to me, screaming something is off.” 
“Is it the students? Have they said anything?” he asked. Logan wanted to help her figure it out. 
She turned her head to look at him again. For a second, her eyes slipped to his lips. “I have crossed out every box in my head,” Y/N’s eyes were back on his. “The students are well. Jerome is happy,” she started to list it all out loud. “I have done everything that was required of me. I don’t know.” 
“I think you are exhausted after this week. You’ve become a teacher. It might have taken a toll on you.” Logan’s voice was softer than usual. “Maybe it is rest that you need.” 
“Maybe,” she said. Once she finished the drink, she stood up and walked to the kitchen counter. “I feel some exhaustion,” Y/N admitted. “I’m not convinced that’s it.” She reached for a glass and filled it with cold water. She faced the man and leaned against the counter when she drank the water. “I feel like something terrible is about to happen,” Y/N admitted. 
Logan was immediately on his feet. He walked to Y/N, scanning her face. “What if you are overly anxious?” he asked carefully. “I believe you need to go to bed and rest. You had an intense week.” 
“What if,” she said suddenly, “something’s heading towards us?” 
His ears perked up at her comment. With a snap of fingers, Logan’s face hardened. “You think something dangerous could be coming our way?” He came closer to the woman, feeling her body heat radiating. 
“Think about it,” Y/N’s eyes locked with his. “Charles took everyone to Washington. At this time, they are all already there. It would take them longer to get back here. It’s just the two of us and Colossus. What if…” she stopped talking. 
A chill ran down Logan’s spine. The thought of them becoming targets again made him tense. In the past, he experienced attacks on school. It wouldn’t be anything new. And yet, it was terrifying. 
“I don’t know,” Y/N shook her head. “I don’t want to think negatively and draw something to us. Or I’m just being paranoid.” 
Logan smiled at her reassuringly. He put a hand on her left shoulder. “We’ll be alright. The school has a security system. Once it is triggered, the students know what to do and where to hide. If some sort of attack does occur, we will fight. Until then, let’s try not to worry about these hypothetical scenarios.” 
“You are right,” she sighed for the hundredth time. “My mind is running thousands of miles an hour. Nothing’s going to happen. Let’s just enjoy this evening.” 
A smile appeared on her face. Y/N wanted to say something more, but her mind went blank when she felt Logan’s hand move from her shoulder to her cheek, stroking it gently. His body was closer than usual. For a second, Y/N forgot how to breathe. There was a shift in the air. His gentle touch made her heat rise in her body. She was taken aback by it at all. 
Logan’s touch was tender. His thumb kept stroking her skin lightly. The desire was rising on both sides. Neither of them tried to push away. There was something unspoken between them. It was there for some time. Maybe it was the right time to lean into it and explore.
Y/N thought that he would never feel the same way she did. In her mind, Logan saw her as someone he saved some time ago. But this showed her that he felt the same way. Her breath got caught in her throat. The air vibrated with an intensity of desire. The unspoken words between them became heavier. 
Logan took a step forward. His body pressed lightly against her. His other hand found her waist, where he placed it lightly. It felt right. For some time, this was what he wanted, and now, he was only one move away from getting it.
“Logan,” she whispered, eyes never leaving his face. They moved from his eyes to his lips and back. 
“Y/N,” he whispered back. Her name sounded so beautiful coming from his lips. 
They were a breath away from each other. Neither of them were able to close the gap. It took them a few heartbeats before they both leaned it. This was the sign that they both wanted the same thing. 
They met in the middle, lips pressing in their first kiss. There was no time to test the water. The first kiss was heated - all tongue and teeth. The passion ignited with a fiery intensity. Logan’s body fully pressed against Y/N’s. She could feel his semi-hard erection pressed against her lower belly. 
Logan’s hands explored her body. One hand held her by the neck while the other travelled down to her ass that he squeezed. It made her groan into his mouth, which gave him better access to his tongue to explore her mouth. Y/N’s hands were pressed against his hard chest, gripping the white tank top. 
Suddenly, he grabbed he by the waist and lifted her on the kitchen counter. Logan stepped between her legs, and she instantly wrapped them around his waist. The kiss never ended. They wanted more. Y/N’s hand gripped his hair and pulled on it, making him moan. Her other hands explored his chest and firm abs over that damn piece of clothing. 
They lost themselves in a world of desire. Logan’s mouth left her lips only to explore her neck and collarbones. He couldn’t get enough of her. His right hand slipped under her t-shirt. The feeling of her soft skin was incredible. His fingers caressed the flesh under her breast. 
“Fuck, princess,” he grunted when he caught a breath for a second. His lips were then back on her in another heated make-out session. 
Y/N grabbed his unbuttoned flannel shirt and took it off him. It fell on the floor under his feet. Her mind was filled with his musky scent. She could smell the beer and a faint hint of cigars. However, it only made her want him more. 
“Eager, aren’t we?” he asked with a laugh when he managed to pull away to look at her face. Her lips were a bit swollen from all the kissing.
“You are the one talking,” she said back. “If we want to continue this, I don’t think it’s wise to do it in the kitchen,” she raised a brow. “We don’t need a traumatised kid on our necks.”
Logan laughed at that. And then, his lips were on her again. This time, the kisses got softer. He took his time with each one he pressed against her lips. Their eyes closed. These kisses were different. They were filled with something new. It wasn’t hunger or desire. It was more intimate. As if they tried to tell they cared for each other. 
Y/N’s fingers reached for his big belt. She started to fiddle with it when he stopped her. She raised a brow. Did she cross a line?
The kissing stopped. Logan turned his head to the side and listened. His ears could register sounds that a regular person wouldn’t hear, not even Y/N. His hand gripped her exposed thigh, and he looked into her gorgeous eyes. “Fuck. Helicopters,” he said. 
“What?” she raised her voice, concerned. She turned her head to the window, trying to hear for herself. They were far away.
Logan pushed away from her and walked to the other side of the kitchen. Y/N’s gut warned them. “They knew we’d be here alone this night,” he mumbled under his nose. “It’s a trap!” He pressed a button that was hidden in a strategic place. It was a silent trigger. “Charles built a trigger system in every dorm. This will ensure everyone wakes up and heads to the tunnels.” 
Y/N hopped off the counter. She wanted to ask about it, but there was no time. Logan reached for her hand, which she grabbed, and they left the kitchen running. “Oh no. My gut was right about this,” she groaned. “I called this upon us.” 
When they arrived in the main hallway, they heard the students from the upper levels running around the hallways. Colossus’s deep voice was heard, too. He was giving the instructions to the students.
“There are strategic tunnels that will lead them out of the school and into a secure location,” Logan explained.
Y/N’s heart was beating fast. Finally, she registered the sounds of helicopters nearing the school. She squeezed his hand tightly one more time before letting it go. “So we fight,” she sighed. 
“We fight,” he nodded. “There’s no time to run.” 
They heard the sound of shattering glass. Someone breached in through the windows. Several footsteps were heard around the building. Soldiers. Logan and Y/N shared a look before they separated. 
Logan’s claws were out, ready to kill anyone who dared to approach him. He could heal, and Y/N could protect herself with forcefields. However, he hated they separated. The evening started promising, and it was ruined by some fuckers who had the desire to attack the school. 
Y/N ran outside the main entrance before soldiers could tear down the door. She formed a forcefield around herself to protect her body. She felt how her energy shifted. The shield she had created felt different. When she collided with the first body, the soldier screamed in agonising pain, and he flew away. All the bullets fired at her were absorbed into it. 
When she looked out, she realised at least six military helicopters had flown to the school, filled with soldiers. What the fuck was happening? While she kept herself hidden inside the force field, she created a ball that she threw at a group of soldiers, hurting them. 
Y/N’s eyes noticed the symbol on the helicopters. Trask. Holy mother of god! They wanted mutants, and this was the perfect place to get them. More gunshots were heard from the inside of the school, with Logan’s roaring. She could only imagine the bloodbath happening inside. It was amusing how the evening went from passionate kissing to fighting for their lives. 
More soldiers tried to take her down. Y/N was faster, and the shield got powerful with more determination to finish this. As if it wasn’t enough, it started to rain heavily. No wonder it was a week before Halloween, and autumn was in full mode. 
She didn’t mind the water or the cold air. Her adrenaline kept her warm. More soldiers surrounded her, aiming their guns at her. Y/N kept herself protected with her power, not giving them a window to shoot. It sucked. There were only two of them and dozens of soldiers. 
For a moment, Y/N thought that they would be able to defeat them. But the moment Logan’s painful roaring came from her side, her heart dropped to the ground. At least seven soldiers had him restrained with a collar around his neck. They even put him on a leash so he wouldn’t escape. That damn collar. It took away his power. 
“No,” she gasped. 
“Halt!” someone shouted. All soldiers ceased fire, yet the guns remained ready to shoot. 
The men who captured Logn had brought him down on his knees. The rain soaked through his clothes and hair, and there was a bloody wound on his right shoulder. It wasn’t healing.  
A laugh got her attention. It sounded so familiar that it brought goosebumps to Y/N’s skin. Her eyes widened in shock. The woman turned her head to the voice. She forgot how to breathe. 
“Look who’s crossed my path again,” said the female voice. 
This voice haunted Y/N in her nightmares. She dryly gulped, eyes never leaving the person who approached the front line. “Mother.” 
Logan gasped when he heard Y/N say that. “What the fuck?” he gasped for air. The woman in charge was Y/N’s own mother? What a sick, twisted joke!
The leader of this group was an older woman in her late fifties. She had grey hair pinned in a low bun. She was dressed in a military outfit with a raincoat over it. It protected her uniform from the rain. Why the fuck was she dressed like a soldier? What the fuck was going on? 
Y/N’s head was screaming questions. She was shocked. She forgot to keep herself behind the protective veil. It suddenly disappeared, making her vulnerable. It was painful to see her mother standing with the company that wanted to get rid of mutants. Y/N killed her little sister, the youngest daughter. Of course, her mother would desire to see all mutants burn in hell. 
“Why the fuck are you here?” Y/N spat.
The woman grinned. “I came here to collect you and bring you back to where you belong - the lab.” Her voice was strict. When Y/N made a confused and disgusted face, her mother continued. “Don’t act surprised. I know everything about you. I know what happened to you when you escaped the lab in Salem.” 
“What?” Y/N lowered her voice, confused. How was it possible?
The woman’s eyes moved to Logan. She laughed like a devil. “And we got the animal as well.”
Y/N’s fists clenched. “He’s not an animal,” she growled. “How the fuck do you know everything?” 
“You think I’d let the murderer that killed my baby get away from me? Oh, honey, don’t be naive,” she said darkly. “I had my eyes on you since I joined Trask Industries and discovered that you became a lab rat.” 
Logan was fuming. He tried to pull on the restraints to get away and run to Y/N. Hell, he would kill for her. That only got him a punishment. They pressed a stick to his side, sending shockwaves to his body. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Without his healing ability, he was vulnerable. 
“If you are wondering how I know you’d be here, it’s simple,” Y/N’s mother sang. “I knew you’d get the boy. The scientists in the lab informed me that you got attached to him. Disgusting, considering you like killing children. With that knowledge, we knew you’d try to save him. I must admit, for a moment, we lost faith that you’d show up. We were about to get the boy back to our main facility when you decided to rescue him with that thing,” she pointed at Logan. 
Y/N shook her head in disbelief. “No, it doesn’t make sense. How…?” 
“We have eyes everywhere,” the woman said. “I’d do everything to get the child murderer back where she belongs. In a cage, slowly torturing her to death. That is what you deserve.”
“It was an accident,” Y/N’s voice broke. Her insides were shaking. “I’d never hurt her on purpose. She was my sister.”
The older woman scoffed. “Do not speak of her! Don’t you dare talk about my baby girl! Murder is not an accident. I thought that after all these years, you’d be dead - that the experiments would kill you. And here you are, alive at this damn school for mutants. It’s disgusting.” 
Y/N’s nerves were on the verge of exploding. The force fields glitched around her a few times. “You are the disgusting one. You come here to threaten us. Tell me why you are here. What do you want?” Her whole body was shivering. It was the mixture of cold and emotions bubbling inside. The rain didn’t stop. It got heavier. 
“I came here for you, to take you where you belong. I want the little mutants for our experiments to create a weapon that would annihilate you.” The woman’s head snapped to a few soldiers that came out of the building. She frowned at them. They came out empty-handed. “Where are the mutants?” she hissed. 
One soldier saluted. “They are all gone. The school’s empty,” he announced. 
“Shit,” she cursed. “What do you mean gone?” 
“They must have escaped.” 
Y/N exhaled, glad that the children were with Colossus somewhere safe. Now, she needed to ensure Logan would get out of the collar. 
Y/N’s mother rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by the outcome. She had to think about something else. That’s why Y/N had made a decision in her head for her. “Take me and leave him,” she pointed at Logan. “You want me. You can have me.” 
“No!” Logan protested on the wet, muddy ground. Another stick got pressed to his body, and he got zapped again. 
“Oh, honey, that’s not how this works,” she tsked. “You’ll both come with me. I don’t care if you are alive or not. Your body is coming with me back to the lab.” 
There was a radiating energy flowing through Y/N’s body. It was new, unfamiliar. But it felt good. Her left hand flew up where Logan was held. She put a protective veil around him. It then expanded, making all soldiers fly away from his wounded body. They screamed in excruciating pain. Afterwards, the force field never disappeared. 
There was a sound of a gunshot, followed by a stinging pain in her right shoulder. She gasped, cursing loudly. Y/N forgot to protect herself. Her eyes fell down to the wound, seeing a lot of blood. That’s when she noticed a blue and silver hue around the gash. It helped to close the bleeding. That never happened before. Did her mutation evolve? 
Three deep breaths. Three exhales. Y/N’s left hand fell, yet the force field remained around Logan. She kept it on with her mind. Her eyes drifted to her mother. She raised both hands up as a sign of giving up. 
“Drop the shield,” her mother called. 
“No,” she spat back. “You can have me, not Logan. He’ll stay protected until my last breath.” 
“Cuff her!” her mother gave a barking order. 
That’s what Y/N was waiting for. Her ears tried to focus on the other sounds. It was difficult with the pouring rain. The clinging sound of handcuffs and that damn collar was closer to her ear. If they wanted a fight, she would give them one. She used everything she had learnt and decided to use those skills to defend herself. 
The second a man got closer, she punched him straight in the nose with her elbow. She turned around, bringing his head down to hit his face with her knee. Once more shooting started, she created a force field to protect her. Again, all she needed was to use her mind. 
Y/N reached for a shotgun the soldier had. Instead of shooting another man, she smashed him with the gun, using all her power, into his head. He spun in the air and landed face-first in the muddy grass. While being preoccupied with several more soldiers, Logan’s body was still protected. 
He watched her from afar, breathing heavily. He never saw her kick ass like this. Was it inappropriate of him to think it was hot? As much as he wanted to help, all he could do was watch. He lost his ability to take out his claws and to heal. There was nothing he could do now. His eyes glanced at the beautiful force field surrounding his body. This happened to him for the first time. It was mesmerising.
“Blow this place up!” The woman in charge shouted at her men. It seemed she gave up on taking Y/N or Logan with them. She turned on her heel while more soldiers tried to take down Y/N. 
During Y/N’s inattention, when she was focused more on snapping a man’s neck, the shield glitched, and she got shot again. “Fuck!” she screamed. This time, the wound got through her abdomen. It stung for a few seconds until the pain faded away. There was crimson red blood on her T-shirt. 
“Y/N!” Logan screamed her name when he saw the bullet get her. His stopped beating for a moment. 
“Retreat! Retreat!” the soldiers shouted. 
Logan watched as they went back into the helicopters. Some men were lying around, dead. Y/N just got the last soldier who was on her neck. She broke his arms, grabbed his gun and shot him in the head. “Shit,” Logan gasped when he saw that. He never would have expected to see her kill someone like that. Logan managed to sit up and slowly got rid of the handcuffs. He wanted to take down the collar. He fiddled with it, pulling on it. Nothing happened. 
Y/N tried to catch her breath after the fight was done. She turned around to see the helicopters up in the air. “You fucking bitch!” she shouted angrily at her mother. “One day, I will get you and kill you with my bare hands!” The nerves got the best of her. Afterwards, she fell on her knees, tired. The veil around Logan disappeared.
Her whole body was wet. The rain never stopped. She blinked a few times, trying to regain control of her body. When she raised her eyes up, she found one helicopter in the air, facing the school. Her stomach dropped. Blow this place up. 
Two missiles were shot directly at the school. Y/N’s mother gave the order to destroy a place that Y/N started to call home. It was a sanctuary, a second chance for young mutants. Only a monster would want to take that away from them. Then and there, she knew what she had to do. 
With all the energy inside of her, she raised her arms in the air and created the largest force field ever. It spread around her, Logan and stretched up in the air, surrounding the entire complex. It looked like northern lights if they were silver and blue. When the missiles hit the shield, they blew up with such intensity Y/N started to scream from the top of her lungs. She could feel it all. The explosion was massive. The ground underneath her feet shook. 
Blood started to drip out of her nose. It covered her T-shirt and dripped on the grass. She held the shield up until the fire from the explosion eased. Y/N’s started to spin. There was some last energy streaming through her veins. She pushed the force field forward. It hit the closest helicopters, and they got destroyed in the air. More explosions followed. 
It was over. The protective veil disappeared. The school was saved, soldiers were killed, but her mother got away. 
Y/N’s body fell on the wet grass like a rag doll. The blood never stopped coming out of her nose. She drained all her energy. The last thing she saw was the dark sky above her head.
“Y/N!” Logan shouted. “Y/N!” His legs brought her to her unconscious body. He got on his knees and brought her into his arms. He stroked her face with his fingers, observing the blood-covered lips, chin and T-shirt. 
Did he lose her? Was she dead? When he pressed two fingers on her neck where there was a pulse point, he couldn’t feel any. Logan started to panic. “No, no, no,” he repeated, eyes filling his tears. “Come on, princess. Don’t die on me,” he growled. “We have some unfinished business.” And then he felt it. There was a pulse. Her heart was still beating. 
The rain calmed down. The air got colder. Logan remained with Y/N on the grass. His eyes found the bloody spots - one was on her shoulder, the other on the abdomen. His fingers caressed the place on the shoulder. He was shocked to see no wound. How was it possible? There was blood around it.
His eyes noticed a weird movement on her body. He saw her veins radiating as her force field would. No, it was not the veins. It was her skin, glowing. A silver and blueish hue was sparkling around her body. “What the fuck?” he whispered. 
He remembered when he saw her irises change colour. The natural colour was gone. It changed to a silvery one. The same was happening on her skin.
Logan got Y/N into his arms, holding her bridal style. He walked with her into the school, where he could provide her warmth. Also, he would call the rest of the X-men for help. He had to believe Charles already knew what had happened. 
Her gut was warning her. It screamed something was off. And it was right. What Logan didn’t expect to meet Y/N’s fucked up mother, who worked for Trask Industries. They couldn’t predict an attack on the school.
Logan put Y/N’s body on the nearest sofa in the lounge room and sat on the floor. The bleeding wound on his body was painful. He wanted to clean it and patch himself. However, he couldn’t leave her side. Stupid collar. With it on his neck, he wasn’t able to heal. 
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travlersjoy444 · 7 months
Nice Eyes
2012 Raph x Reader
Takes place in the farmhouse arc
Summary: Raph's pretty confident that no one could ever genuinely like a weird mutant turtle. But when you catch wind of this, you're…not exactly in agreement.
Warnings: Light angst/self hatred. Mostly just fluff tho
Word count: 2.5k
  “Smooth move, genius.” Said Raph, leaning against the doorframe. “It’s never gonna happen Donnie! We’re mutants! She’s a human, you’re a giant talking turtle!” he exclaimed, and Donnie glared at the ground. “The sooner you get used to it, the better.” 
  You raised an eyebrow, glancing into the room. “...Uh, guys, what, pray tell, is goin’ on here exactly?”
  Raph rolled his eyes. “Nothing. Dee’s just bugging April again.”
  Donnie crossed his arms, and you winced. “Aw, Dee…You okay?” you said, coming into the room to pat him on the shell reassuringly.
  “...Not really.” they muttered.
  “Aw Don, y’know what you need?” Raph grinned, hopping from foot to foot as he lightly punched Donnie’s plastron. “Huh? Huh? Buddy? Y’know what you need?”
  “...For you to leave?” Donnie said flatly.
  “Forest ninja training!” Raph beamed.
  “Uh…Raph, d’ya think I could talk to you real quick first, actually?” you said, glancing at Donnie’s sad slumped over figure.
  Raph’s animated jumping slowed. “It’ll be quick, right? ‘Cause these guys are rusty, and Donnie needs some stimulation!”
  Donnie gave a warbling whine that sounded suspiciously like “Nooooo…”, and Raph shot them a glare.
  “Really really quick, yeah.” you nodded, trying and failing to resist the smile on your face at Raph’s antics.
  “Alright, if we havta.” he relented. 
  “Rad.” you said, nodding towards the other room, and he reluctantly followed.
  “Lemme guess. I’m ‘not supposed to tell Donnie that they have no chance with April’.” Raph said tiredly as you left Donnie’s earshot.
  “Nah, that’s not what I was gonna say, actually. You may have been overly blunt about that, but if you hadn’t said something, I probably woulda.” you said, waving your hand dismissively. “I just wanted to remind ya that sayin’ stuff like ‘it’s because we’re mutants and no one’ll ever like us or whatever’ is only gonna hurt Don’ in the long run.”
  “Well…it’s true.” Raph mumbled. “No one ever… would like something like…my siblings and I. The quicker we all accept it, the less…sad Donnie moments there’ll be.”
  And as he stared at the ground, it hit you that Raphael probably believed that.
  Raphael who had only ever been able to believe that he was a freak just for existing the way he did. Raphael who had literally only made friends who weren’t scared of him in this past year. Raphael who had never ever gotten the chance to be a normal kid…
  Poor Raph. 
  “You dumbass, remember the first thing I said to you?” you said finally, your voice coming out harsher than you meant it to.
  Raph glanced up at you, a slight tinge of a darker green in his face. “Uh…you….said I have cool eyes.”
  “Yeah, I said you have gorgeous eyes.” you nodded. “The reason why April doesn’t like Don is simply because she doesn’t like Don. That happens. Plenty of other people probably do find him attractive, or at least will someday. So quit fucking up his already fragile self esteem.”
  “I’m not! They’re the one fucking up his own self esteem by throwing himself at April!” Raph argued, clenching his fists.
  “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t mean to sound like…preachy or something, I guess I’m just tryin’ to say that plenty of people probably do find you guys attractive.” you smiled.
  “Like who, (Y/N)?” Raph sighed.
  You shrugged. “Like I said, you have pretty eyes.”
  Raph blushed again, his tired expression softening. “...You….you really think so?” his voice came out quiet and a little…shyer than it usually did.
  You nodded, smiling.
  He stared at you for a second, and then gently set his arms around you, pulling you into a slightly awkward hug. You bent over a bit to hug him back, but by then he had already pulled away, blushing furiously.
  “Sorry- I- I swear I didn’t mean to, (Y/N)- I just…was surprised.” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his body protectively.
  You smiled good-naturedly and patted his shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay, dude! You’re allowed to hug me- welcome to, even. Now c’mon, you’ve got some forest ninja training to do, right?”
  “Yeah. Yeah!” his eyes lit up. “(Y/N), you should come! It’s different from training in the city!”
  “Ya think I’ll stand a chance at keeping up?” you said doubtfully.
  “Normally? No. But Mikey and Donnie haven’t trained since like….December, and you’ve been practicing.” Raph grinned. “Plus, you know the woods better than we do. Or…better than they do, at least, I’ve been practicing.” he added with a smug smirk.
  “Awesome.” you grinned.
  Raph was trying and failing to get his siblings excited about forest training. But you, on the other hand, seemed hyped.
  Donnie groaned and leaned against a tree, Mikey tripped over a root and didn’t get back up while mumbling something like ‘Just let the vultures eat me’, Leo supervised from the hilltop, and you…you were standing in a fighting stance, hitting the makeshift punching bag Raph had set up.
  Even your stance was perfectly on point, with your right foot and right hand angled in front of your left, perfect for your left to lead the punch…you really had improved a ton in the time since he first met you. He felt himself grinning as you hit a line of quick punches.
  “What’s with the dopey grin, bro-bro?” Mikey said, and Raph jolted. 
  “Shut up!” he yelped, punching Mikey’s arm on instinct. 
  You glanced up, distracted by the commotion. “Angelo! You done pretending to die?”
  “Yeah, I got bored. Being dead is so boring.” Mikey sighed.
  “Oh yeah? What a surprise. It’s almost like lying on the ground being pathetic isn’t as fun as forest ninja training.” Raph scoffed. 
  “Okay, okay. We’ll train.” Mikey groaned. “Anything to stop bein’ so boooored.”
  “Yeah! That’s the spirit, Angelo!” you grinned, punching his arm.
  “Ow!” he squeaked, ripping his arm back.
  “Shit- sorry, I didn’t mean to hit that hard- are you okay?!” you panicked.
  “Yeah, just surprised is all! Dang! Since when do you know how to punch that hard?!” Mikey exclaimed.
  “Uh…since always.” you said.
  “Since I taught you.” Raph said, overlapping you. 
  You shot him a glare, and he held his hands up innocently. “Look I’m just sayin’-”
  “I’ll have you know my problem before was stamina , not power. ” you said, tossing your head, and Raph wasn’t sure if you were genuinely miffed or being purposefully overdramatic.
  “Yeah, but I taught you stamina.” Raph grinned. 
  “You can’t teach stamina, Raphael. What you did was bug me until I trained with you every other day for the past three-and-a-half months. ” you corrected, but you were smiling too, so Raph knew you were indeed being comically overdramatic.
  “But it helped, huh? I get results!” Raph said, and tried to use your shoulder as an armrest, but ultimately failed due to not being tall enough. Typical. He settled for leaning on a nearby tree instead.
  “Hm. Guess I can’t argue with that.” you relented, and proceeded to show off by using his shoulder as an armrest. ( Fuck people who were taller than him… )
  “Aw, you guys’ve been training without us?” Mikey cooed, leaning on Raph’s other shoulder. (What the hell?! Was Mikey taller than him now too?!)
  Raph shoved him off, but let you stay. “Yeah, and it’s paid off. The resta ya are rustier than the Titantic’s butt!” he grinned, using his sai to flip Mikey off.
  You snorted. “Well, to be fair, we’re not in the city anymore- they’re not used to the woods yet.”
  He grinned harder. “Exactly (Y/N)! This is a new environment!” he said, lunging at Mikey and Donnie, who both screamed and dove out of the way. 
  They both slammed into trees, and Raph continued his speech. “No buildings, no subways. Lots of trees!”  
  “Ugh, tell me about it.” Mikey grumbled, rubbing his head. 
  “I feel ya there.” you added, rubbing your own head, and Raph realized with a wave of embarrassment that you had fallen when he darted out at his siblings.
  “Oooh. Sorry (Y/N)” he winced.
  “It’s fine, it’s just grass. And tree roots. Ow!” you snarked. “S’okay though, I’ll just take some ibuprofen.” you added, more seriously this time.
  “Smooth move, Romeo.” Donnie said flatly from their spot on the ground as you walked away to get some pain meds from Leo. 
  Raph blushed. “I don’t- just- shut up! ” he snapped.
  “Ooh ooh, lemme guess! You were gonna say that you ‘don’t like (Y/N)’!” Mikey said, hopping onto his feet. “Y’know, like a liar!”
  Raph scowled. “Mikey, I really don’t. Besides, more importantly- (Y/N) doesn’t like me. So why would I even consider it?”
  “I heard (Y/N) say your eyes are preeeettty though…” Mikey said in a singsong voice. “‘Aw Raphie, your eyes are like the shiniest of algae’!” he added, pitching his voice up in a horrible impression of you. Raph shoved him.
  “You weren’t supposed to hear that!” he hissed. “And anyways, (Y/N) was just sayin’ that to be nice!” 
  “No I wasn’t, ya dolt!” you grinned, flicking his shell. “Get it through your thick skull, why don’tcha?”
  Raph felt like his insides had turned into mush. He suddenly wished he could simply sink into the ground and never show his face ever again…
  “Hi (Y/N).” said Donnie with a smirk.
  “Hi Don…how’s the view from the ground?” you said, bending over to make proper eye contact with Donnie.
  Raph swallowed, feeling his heart slam against his chest. It was okay, things were okay, but they didn’t feel okay… Everything was wrong and too loud and you knew-
  “You okay Rafa?” you said, placing your hand on his shoulder.
  Raph forced himself to take a deep breath, and put his hand on top of yours. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. These idiots just don’t know what they’re talking about.” he scoffed. You didn’t look convinced, with your eyebrows knit together and a worried frown on your face, but instead of pressing him on it, you said “Oh yeah? Sounds about right.”  
  Then you smirked, sticking your tongue out at Mikey, who gasped and held his hand over his heart dramatically.
  “Which is why we need to train, idiots.” Raph said, shaking his head. “Hey Fearless, what do you think?”
  Leo grinned, coming down the hill. “Hm… Turtle hunt. ”
   Well that he could work with! 
  “Turtle hunt.” Raph agreed, turning back to Donnie and Mikey.
  “ Turtle hunt?! ” they chorused, appalled. 
  “Ooh, fun. ” you beamed, hitting your fist into your palm with a loud SMACK .
  “You gonna join in, Leo?” Raph said hopefully.
  Leo nodded. “Yeah, I-” his smile faded as he tried to step forwards, wincing at his bad knee. “Ugh….Sorry. I guess I'm still not up to it. Enjoy your little hunt, guys.” he sighed.
  Raph nodded, trying not to think too hard about Leo’s injuries and how what if he didn’t get better what if Leo couldn’t be their leader what if Raph had to lead and got his family killed by freezing up in the face of the first bad guy they came across-
  “Dude!” yelled Mikey, snapping Raph out of his thoughts.
  “What do you mean by ‘turtle hunt’?” Donnie said nervously.
  Raph smiled. “You guys are gonna head into the forest. I'll give you a five minute head start, then (Y/N) and I hunt you down. If you can't stay hidden for at least an hour, you'll have to clean out the chicken coop.”
  “I was right, this will be fun.” you said, cracking your knuckles.
  “No way!”
  “Not the chicken coop, man!”
  “It smells like cheese fossils!”
  “It's got spiders so big, they play the banjo!” Donnie and Mikey protested, overlapping each other. 
  “We can't clean that thing!” Donnie said, crossing their arms.
  “Then get moving.” Raph grinned.
  And with that, his siblings both glanced at each other and ran into the woods.
  There was a beat of silence, and your smile faded. 
  “Hey, Rafa? You okay?” you said once Donnie and Mikey were solidly out of earshot.
  “Of course! What, do I seem not okay?!” Raph said, voice cracking.
  You gave him an unimpressed stare. 
  He glared back, crossing his arms. “I dunno what you’re on about, (Y/N).”
  You held your hands up. “Okay, okay, if you say so…I guess I just worry about you sometimes, Raph. You’ve been kinda off ever since the invasion. And I mean, that’s obviously understandable, what with…everything, but like…Well. It’s none of my business, but whatever it is that you’re goin’ through…we’ve got your back, you know?” you said, shrugging.
  Raph swallowed. You wouldn’t be saying that if you found out a freak like him liked you. Good lord he was as bad as Donnie…
   “Or shell, or whatever.” you continued.
  Heck, if you knew what he was ‘goin’ through’, you’d probably never want to talk to him ever again.
  But then again…you did like his eyes, right?
  Sure, but you were a human . You were only even friends with him in the first place because he’d saved you from the purple dragons months ago. The instant you found out he’d taken your kind words to heart was the instant when you’d make like basically every other human and run away screaming.
  After all, you were a human, and he was a giant talking turtle. The sooner he accepted it the better, like he’d told Donnie. 
  “Sure, (Y/N). Sure ya do.” he said finally.
  You laughed quietly. “You don’t believe me, huh? Raphael, when the hell are you gonna get it through your dumb brain that I like you? You’re my friend!”
  “No I’m not!” Raph snapped. “I’m just the mutant who saved your butt once and now ya wanna make up for it or something!”
  Your eyes narrowed. “I’m sorry, what? Dude! Do you think I’d be out here in the middle of nowhere sparring with you until my muscles feel like fucking jelly if I didn’t like spending time with you?! Do you think I’d constantly compliment you if I didn’t believe it? Do you think I’d care about how obviously weird you’re being if I didn’t care about your wellbeing? I don’t bloody wanna make up for anything, I wanna be around you! You specifically! I fucking love spending time with you Raphael!” you yelled.
  He felt his face burn, trying to come up with a response. “-Y-Yeah?!” 
  “Yeah!” you snapped.
  “Cool! Me too!” he yelled, glaring at you.
  You blinked, deflating. “...This is a really stupid conversation.”
  He nodded, facepalming. “...Yeah.”
  “Can we just agree that you’re my favorite person and I’m your favorite person and move along with our day?” you said, rubbing the back of your neck.
  Raph smiled, shaking his head. “ Please .”
  ( He was your favorite person?! Him ?! Raphael?! ) (He stifled a grin.)
  “C’mon, let’s hunt some turtles.” he said, reaching for his sai.
Author's note: I'm not suuuper fond of this one honestly, but y'know what? That's okay, it's decent enough. I actually wrote this back in like May or June tbh, but I've only posted it to ao3- so I figured I might as well share it here too
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ichorai · 2 years
mishipeshu ; namor.
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read part one ; amor.
pairing ; namor x mutant!gn!reader
synopsis ; one rotten fruit does not mean the entire grove is to be thrown away.
words ; 2.0k
themes ; angst, fluff, mutant au, married au
warnings / includes ; black panther: wakanda forever spoilers, more or less a sequel to this fic, reader is a mutant and can transform into a creature known as the mishipeshu, mentions of colonizers and mutant bigotry, descriptions of blood and injuries
main masterlist.
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Pain was not a feeling you were unfamiliar with. 
Your entire life, pain followed just behind you like a dark, stormy cloud hanging over your head. It was there when you left Talokan for the surface-world. It was there when the humans turned against you once they found out you were a mutant. It was there when Namor found you amongst them.
And for a short period of time, Namor acted as a barrier to the constant pain—a salve to your wounds. With him, you had duped yourself into thinking that the pain was gone. 
Now, as you stared him down with wide eyes and a clenched jaw, you realized just how foolish you’d been.
“You want to attack Wakanda…” you said, deathly calm, “because they won’t fight your war with the surface world?”
Narrowing his eyes, Namor stepped closer to you. The vibranium-tipped spear clutched in his fist glinted menacingly—you were lucky to have caught him just before his strike on Wakanda. “They killed our people.”
“In self defense!” you retaliated, throwing your arms up. “You were going to kill the girl! She is a kid!”
“I knew it,” your husband sneered. “I knew you still cared for the land-dwellers. After all they’ve done to you!”
There it was. Pain flared within your chest, crawling through the crevices of your ribcage and winding taut. The deep scars that ran down your abdomen and legs never went away, not after all this time—not even with your mutant powers. They were a reminder of their hatred. Of why you left with Namor and came back to Talokan.
“One rotten fruit does not mean the entire grove is to be thrown away, mi amor,” you whispered. Tears pricked the corner of your vision, and you swallowed the heavy lump in your throat. Head held high, you swam over to him, closing the short distance between the two of you. You placed a hand on his chest, just above where his heart laid. “Do not do this. You spared me when we first met—you showed me mercy. Do not tell me the person I fell in love with is gone.”
Conflict warred within his dark irises. This was tearing him apart, you could see it as clear as day. He gazed upon you with part frustration, and part longing. 
For you, only for you, did he take a second to reconsider. 
After a lengthy pause, he spoke again. “If I do not stop them now… we will never be safe from them.”
It seemed that his mind was made. 
“Is this what you want to be?” you spat out, stumbling away from him. “A king that rules through fear? The almighty K’uk’ulkan?” The last word was practically dripping with venomous animosity. 
“I love my people,” hissed Namor. It seemed like he wanted to get closer, but he stopped when you only drew yourself further away. “I love… I love you, mi vida.”
Scoffing, you shook your head. “Perhaps you do. But not more than your hatred for the surface-dwellers.”
The stagnant silence that stretched between the two of you was thick, bordering on torturous. Your husband could only helplessly stare at you. 
“I’m not going to let you attack an entire nation for protecting themselves.” Your words shattered the fragile quiet, like a hammer through glass. Namor’s eyes hardened. The fingers on his spear flexed.
“You can’t stop me,” he warned, uncharacteristically soft.
“I can die trying,” you replied, determined. 
Without having to vocalize it, you knew he was pleading with you to stand down. He tilted his head, regarding you with a wounded expression of betrayal. “You would die for them?”
“No, amor. I would die for you.” Locking your jaw, you rolled your shoulders and morphed into your mutant form—a Mishipeshu, as the land-dwellers called you.
And with that, you lunged. 
You dove at him with unsheathed claws, catching him by surprise and raking your talons down his face with a snarl. Despite his initial shock, he recovered quickly, effortlessly dodging your second strike, grabbing the dagger-like ridges on your spine, and yanking you back out of his way. 
“I will not fight you!” your husband roared. There were deep, jagged gashes running down the side of his face from where you scratched him, steadily leaking dark ichor and dissipating out into the ocean water. It broke your heart to see one of his pointed ears bleeding profusely—it seemed one of your claws had torn clean through half of the cartilage. 
His words fell upon deaf ears.
You swooped downward, sharp fangs sinking into the meat of his shin until you heard a sick crack of his bones cave in with the pressure, and you jerked back, trying to put as much distance between him and the shore as you could. An ear-splitting bellow erupted from his lungs at the pain, but you didn’t let go, only clamping down harder. The bitter taste of his blood hitting your tongue nearly made you gag with revulsion. Your spiked tail, thick and lined with scales the color of fire, was quick to come around and wrap tightly over Namor’s neck as you swam as quickly as you could.
Deep down, you knew there was no way you could hold him off, but you couldn’t ever live with yourself if you at least didn’t try to stop him. The Mishipeshu was more than twice his size, sure, but Namor had the strength of a thousand Talokan fighters combined. 
Sudden pain erupted through your front paw and a caterwaul of fury echoed from your lungs upon seeing his vibranium spear sticking out of webbed foot. Namor grabbed your tail, now limp around his throat, and shoved you away once more, ripping the staff out of your flesh.
“DON’T!” he ordered when you growled, preparing to jump at him once again. The wounds you’d inflicted on his shin and the broken bone made him swim with a minor limp, though you knew that must’ve hurt more than words could describe. “I’ve cut your tail off before—don’t make me do it again.”
It seemed all the commotion alerted the rest of the Talokan warriors nearby and they were by his side in an instant. They pointed their vibranium-arrowed staffs at you, fanning out around your husband. 
Namor studied you for a minute longer, noticing the genuine fear flicker behind the amber eyes of your Mishipeshu form. Slowly, you morphed back to your Talokan form—a clear sign of surrender. 
“I love you, mi amor,” you said to him with a trembling voice, despite the dozens of warriors and spears between you. “Never forget that.”
Swiftly, you turned and swam away. Away from Talokan, away from the war, away from him. You left a trail of blood in your wake, seeping from the gaping hole in your foot. 
“Stop,” Namor barked at the Talokan as they began advancing after you. “Let them go.” They halted immediately. There was a war to win—and he’d fight it with or without you. 
His own words rang in his head.
Let them go.
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He found you on the warm beaches of Angola.
It’d been a year since you left Talokan.
He watched you from the ocean as you walked along the shore, stopping every so often to pick up small sea shells. It was a good thing it was nighttime, or else you would’ve seen him lurking amongst the clear waters. 
Perhaps a year ago, he would’ve stormed right up to you, wrapped his arms around you in a way that seemed almost foreign to him now, kissed you until the sun rose once more.
But he was a changed man now. 
He spent an entire year searching—and he knew better than to scare you away like that.
So he waited. 
A couple hours later, the early morning stained the sky with a tangerine haze, and you stepped out of your small beach-side hut in a matching orange tank-top. Around your neck were the seashells you collected the day prior, clacking against your sternum with each step as you made your way back to the shore. There was a figure among the horizon, and initially, you had just assumed it was an ambitious surfer, or a deep-sea diver of some sorts. 
But as the figure grew closer, you began to recognize the dark silhouette. After all—you fell asleep beside the very same body every night for years. 
When your husband emerged from the waters, you stood your ground, staring him down as he strode towards you. Droplets of water meandered down his tan skin, dripping down onto the fine golden sand. The vibranium jewelry he wore shone beneath the daylight, unchanged from when you last saw him.
You noted, with particular interest, that he wasn’t carrying a weapon.
“Took you a while to find me,” you said, so quietly that your words were nearly lost to the whispering wind. 
He studied you silently, dark eyes roaming over you, soaking you in. You’d changed quite a bit—hair cut significantly shorter than it used to be, a few more sun-kissed freckles spotting your skin, and a small tattoo etched into your bicep depicting a pointed ear. But you were still the same in many more ways; your eyes were wide, just like the way they always were when you were watching him, the small, faded scar on your jaw was still there, and you still had that gentle slope to your lips that Namor was never able to resist kissing.
Noticing his gaze directed at your tattoo, you shifted slightly so he could see it better.
“I had it tattooed so you’d always be with me, in a way,” you said, a hesitant smile gracing your lips. 
He stepped closer to you, still quiet.
“K’uk’ulkan—” you started, but he lifted a finger, effectively silencing you.
“Amor,” he croaked out, voice hoarse. “You call me amor.”
And then, he kissed you. It was nearly visceral, how he hooked his arm around your abdomen, and tucked his other hand against the back of your head, fingers threading through your hair as he leaned into you. His nose knocked into yours almost painfully, but neither of you minded. Both of your hands were splayed over his chest, digging your nails into his pectorals, brushing against his warm jewelry. You trembled against him, a scalding tear slipping down your cheek, mingling with the salt water still dripping down his hair. 
“I missed you… so much, mi vida,” he whispered once you parted ways, his forehead slanting over yours as he gazed at you with blatant affection. “I am so sorry—I was blind with hatred. And I didn’t want to listen to you because I thought backing down from a fight was weak. I didn’t know that living with that… that anger, and being merciful to your enemies is the strongest thing a leader can do. Shuri had every opportunity to end my life a year ago. She wanted to—I could see it in her eyes. But she didn’t. And for the longest time, I was left wondering why. I realized that if we succumbed to our hatred, we would be no better than the surface-colonizers. You were right, mi vida. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, amor,” you uttered, breathless, snaking your arms over his neck and pressing your nose against the column of his throat as you embraced him, breathing in his scent. He smelled of sunlight, of coconuts, of salt. How you missed him. “I missed you, too. I love you so much.”
He grasped your chin between his pointer finger and thumb, lifting your face so he could meet your gaze. He kissed you again, softer this time, his septum piercing grazing your cheek.
“Come home,” he mumbled, gently stroking your jaw with the back of his fingers. “Come back to Talokan, Mishipeshu.”
You bowed your head, hiding a brilliant smile. “If you’ll have me, K’uk’ulkan.”
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Horrortober Day 25- Shock(Yandere Rise Donnie x Reader)
A/N, not important: Man there's a lot of Donnie. I should probably switch a few lol. Also this one kinda sucks because I'm running out of steam again and I only have Three more plots that I really actually like. And uh... two of them are Donnie. Oops. Hope y'all like him because apparently I sure did. Also my birthday's in exactly a week. So. yay! You're going to get reminded for the rest of these because I want to be annoying about it. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: chains, shock collar, yandere themes, dark themes
Words: 1047
Summary: Donnie's desperate to get you to listen
“You’re not listening.” Donnie says, his voice tight and his hands halfway clenched at his sides. You roll your eyes, anger bubbling in your chest from the sheer audacity. You didn’t want to listen to a thing he had to say until he let you go.
“I don’t usually listen to people who chain me in their lab.” You sneer, yanking at the chain screwed into the wall and connected to your ankle. Donnie bristles at your words, his eyes sharpening as he looks down at you. You can tell you hit a nerve, especially after he just gave a near hour long speech on why it was necessary to keep you here. He opens his mouth before shutting it with a small click, his shoulders tense.
“I’m trying to keep you safe.” He says slowly, like he was talking to a small child. You try your best to hold your tongue, knowing that anything you said would be taken both literally, and as an act of war. Making him too angry could be dangerous, and you weren’t sure you wanted to risk it.
“I don’t need to be kept safe. I was fine on my own.”
“Scoff!” Donnie exclaims, his voice growing in pitch as he gets more upset. “You were living in less space than the average pig. I will not allow you to be in such conditions. I have everything you need here, and you can be kept safe and healthy. I’m helping you.”
Your face heats at the notion, your teeth sinking into your lips as you try to keep from yelling. “That was not your call to make. And how can I possibly be safe here? You kidnapped and chained me! That’s the opposite of being safe!”
“They were necessary precautions!” Donnie argues, his drawn eyebrows furrowing. He’s starting to lose his patience, his shoulders shaking while he fights you. “I offered to bring you home a few days ago and you refused! It’s not my fault you’re so stupid I needed to intervene.”
Your nose flares at his words, all caution thrown to the wind. Whether it was his intention or not, he had successfully riled you up to the point of snapping. Cohesive thought leaves and anger takes over, your eyes darkening and a scowl set on your face. “Why would I ever want to go ‘home’ with you?”
Donnie shifts, his stance becoming more closed off. He towers over you, trying to make you cower back. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
You roll your eyes, standing up shakily to meet him, wincing at the tightness of the chain around our ankle. Fire danced in Donnie’s eyes as you met his glare, neither backing down for a second. You snarl at him, wanting to do nothing more than punch him square in the face for treating you like this.
“You’re being unreasonable.” Donnie sneers, his eyes twitching while he stares down at you. You don��t say anything, only staring at him with the utmost hatred in your eyes. Any care you had for him before was gone, your words only fueled by anger and hatred for the mutant in front of you. Donnie holds your gaze for a moment more before looking away, leaving the room he’s tied you in and shutting the sliding door with as much force as he could muster. You fall back into a sitting position on Donnie’s bed, grumbling to yourself as you pull on the chain keeping you stationary. If you could only get rid of that, you would be able to run and get away. As long as Donnie didn’t notice, of course.
The door opens again, Donnie’s heavy footsteps signaling his nearing presence. You don’t react, keeping your back turned to him while you continue to meddle with the chain around your ankle in an act of defiance. You couldn’t do much in your position, but you could show him you weren’t backing down. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head.
You regret not looking at him when a sharp pain shoots through your scalp, Donnie’s hand tangled in your small mess of hair as he yanks your head up. You struggle and scream profanities at the mutant, clawing at his hands before two sleek robotic arms hold you down. His hand is removed from your head, both limbs moving to your neck as he fastens something cold and metal around your neck. He pulls back, and all of your struggling makes you fall forward, his spider-shell no longer holding you up.
You turn to glare at him, opening your mouth to yell some more, but your body doesn’t let you as white-hot pain shoots through your person. Your muscles spasm and lock up as you scream, the onset of pain only lasting mere seconds, but your limbs refusing to move for moments more. You shakily push yourself to your knees, looking at Donnie’s smug face with fear. Your twitching hand moves to your neck, swiping over the metal now practically melded to your skin from the tightness.
You thumb the sleek technology, the aftershocks of pain making you dizzy while your vision fades in and out for a few terrifying moments. You felt sick, the small amount of electricity buzzing under your skin before finally dissipating. You stare at Donnie in shock, unable to speak to him. Everything he had just done to you broke every assumption you had about him, every form of trust and bond shattered. He shocked you, the remote still loose in his hand.
“Do we understand the consequences of our actions?” Donnie asks, his voice light and playful despite the condescending words. He sounded happy with what he had done, probably overjoyed in the fact that his invention had worked. Faint memories of a similar device given to his brother flood your brain, but Leo’s could be removed and was much bulkier. Yours was sleek and smooth, flush with your skin and more collar-esque than the bulky tech that Leo was given. You gulp, looking at Donnie and the situation really dawning on you. You were stuck, and Donnie would do anything to keep you that way. He would keep you safe, even if it meant hurting you himself.
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
How about Easy A for Clexafication? I could see Clarke trying to help out a fellow gay by telling other kids in school that she slept with him. And then, thanks to her loud mouth friends, it gets out of hand with her trying to help out other guys and she gets labeled the school slut even though she’s never slept with anyone. At first Clarke leans into it and plays up the slut bit but soon realizes that it’s all too much. Her actual crush Lexa seems to be the only person who doesn’t believe the rumors. I see Lexa as the school mascot (the warriors) and she does the whole warrior getup with black eye makeup and riles up the crowd at pep rallies. Lexa also works at a local seafood restaurant where she dresses up like a pirate which is also a look that Clarke quite enjoys. Eventually the truth comes out and Clarke and Lexa become everyone’s favorite couple at school.
Ahoooo do I have a cavalcade of HCs for an Easy A au 👀.
First of all, they'd be childhood friends. The kind with weekly sleepovers and even a joint a 5th birthday party one year (despite their birthdays being 3-4 months apart, much to their parents dismay. But they insisted.) I'm talking the childhood friends who practiced witchcraft in each others backyards (potions of mud, cool lookin rocks, and leaves. Highly dangerous stuff), who learned to ride bikes together, who caught fireflies in glass jars together, who promised to grow up and get married to each other 'cuz boys are yucky' kind of friends.
And then middle school happened. And they both kinda went their separate ways.
More like Lexa grew into her own person. Doing things like joining the girls basketball team. And then volleyball. Even ruining their weekend plans with track and field practice one too many weekends in a row. She started branching out in her interests and making new friends, and left Clarke totally behind. Or so that's what Clarke has always thought (more on that later)
Cut to high school and they haven't spoken to each other in years. Not since about 3 weeks into 6th grade. There's no animosity or anything, it's just... They're strangers who occasionally wave and smile at each other in the school halls. Lexa way more often than Clarke ever does, but it's not like anybody's keeping a tally. Right? Because it doesn't matter because they don't know each other anymore. Clarke doesn't even really recognize Lexa as the same girl who used to wear matching Mutant Ninja Turtles pj shirts with her and stay up late staring at the glow-in-the-dark stickers on her bedroom ceiling while they talked for hours. Now Lexa is like, Ms. High School with all her Track and Field trophies and her badass Warriors mascot credentials (the pauldron, plastic sword, and warpaint coming across much more threatening than their old mascot, The Raccoons 😕 (tho there will always be something to be said for their freshman year when Lexa was forced to rally in the overstuffed costume while menacingly rubbing her lil raccoon-y painted hands together...)). That all has cemented her a seat at the Cool Kids Table.
Not to mention the fact that Lexa spent all of sophomore and junior year with her arm permanently attached to her (now ex) girlfriend's hip.
Not that Clarke ever cared. Or even noticed. So like, why did you even bring it up? ಠ_ಠ
So when her not-really friend but general acquaintance Monty asks her to... well, be his beard, Clarke agrees. In a way that, jesus fuckin hell, really got away from her faster than she ever anticipated. Because then Monty tells Jasper, and Jasper asks her to do the same, and before she even knows what the hell happened to this simple favor, everyone in school seems to believe that a painfully virgin Clarke is fucking the entire AV Club. And more.
It all spirals from there with the usual slut shaming and everything that goes along with society's hatred of women who have sex. It's only when her own best friend Raven/Wells (whichever, doesn't matter) turns on her - accusing her of being a slut and a liar and a terrible friend for not even telling them - that Clarke just says "haha Ok Fuck This" and goes all in.
Which. Whew. This is Clarke Griffin we're talking about. She's aware she's been blessed by puberty. So when she starts shaking her ass around school in tight jeans and corset tops, it has the exact effect she desires.
And then some.
More, in fact, than she had initially bargained for.
In the melee that follows of more guys bribing their way to be on the Griffin Bedpost Notches of Shame (and few a who missed the fucking memo that all of this is actually fake 😒), there is... Lexa.
Seemingly out of nowhere.
Where people had started parting in the hallways just to not touch her, Lexa seems to start showing up out of nowhere.
The smiles still come, and the friendly waves too. Nothing big. Nothing imposing, or like she wants something like everyone else. But then things like Lexa coming over to sit next Clarke during her break at the pep rally start happening (in her full Warriors getup to boot). Things like Lexa making little jokes to Clarke in passing. There's the moments when she asks Clarke if she's ok and offers her a ride after school, which Clarke always absently turns down. It's weird having Lexa back in her space again, but honestly, she's got too much on her plate to give it much thought. Because Lexa's just Lexa, and now Clarke's apparently the school slut, so... Their worlds are still very much divided.
Until eventually one night Clarke thinks she's actually going out on a date with a nice guy. I mean, she's known Finn since 10th grade. And he picks her up and opens the car door for her and everything. Like,,, this is most definitely a real date!
Except it's not, and he's a pervert asshole just like everyone tf else.
But thankfully, wouldn't ya know it, guess who happens to work at the very seafood/pirate themed restaurant that fuckboy Finn had decided on?
It's finally, FINALLY, in the quiet of Lexa's car when she parks them outside of Clarke's house that they actually talk. It starts with Clarke feeling like a fool for even thinking Finn could—... Not after everything. And Lexa of course does that thing she's taken to doing again. That calm, knowing, entirely too wise for her years kind of smile that Clarke still remembers from when they were kids.
Even in her ridiculous yet oddly attractive pirate's uniform (complete with a discarded eyepatch and clip on parrot) it's distractingly charming.
It's what has Clarke admitting that she doesn't know how she got into this mess. That she never meant to become this person. To which Lexa, in her infinite patience and wisdom, replies, "Clarke, you're still the same person you've always been. I know you. Nothing about you has changed."
Of course Clarke's dismissive answer to that is a smartassed, "Haven't you heard? I'm the school slut."
She can't help but smile at Lexa's laugh. "Actually, if I recall, you're the girl who once convinced me if I hung upside down by my feet from a tree, it'd help me grow taller."
"You can't say for sure that it didn't help," is Clarke's automatic response with a wave toward Lexa's general lanky, goddess-esque physique. Which earns her another laugh. Again, not that anyone's keeping a tally.
"True," is Lexa's response and, dammit, she's doing that all knowing smile-y grin thing again. "But you're also the girl who used to help me tie my shoes. And traded her pickles for my carrots. And taught me how to fold our secret notes so that nobody else could ever read them."
And, yeah, Clarke does remember that. Which in hindsight had been kind of stupid. It wasn't like they ever let their class time correspondence fall into the dastardly hands of anyone but each other, so the chances of interception were zilch making the whole exercise rather moot. But at the time it'd felt... important. Because what'd they'd had was only ever meant for just them.
What the hell even happened to those girls?
"You stopped answering my calls," is Lexa's simple reply. It doesn't even seem to hold any blame. "It was like... one day you just cut me out."
Which was not what had happened?
Was it?
Except, as Lexa gently explains that while, yes, she did start getting into sports, she still always tried to make time for Clarke. She did call and leave messages that kept going unanswered. Sent texts that more often than not were left on read. She'd ask Clarke to go to her games and track meets, sometimes would call her just to come out to eat with her and her teammates. But Clarke had always given her a disinterested promise for a million next times that never actually came.
Eventually Lexa just stopped trying because Clarke made it clear that she didn't like who Lexa was anymore. And it stings ten times worse because Lexa's doesn't sound angry or blaming. Just a little hurt. Maybe still a little sad even after all these years.
It's just one more thing to feel absolutely awful about. Like, she really is the universe's biggest asshole. She has no idea what to do with this revelation of her own failures, or the soft way Lexa keeps looking at her.
After that night things both change, yet stay completely the same. Because after that night when she'd apologized to Lexa and said she regreted doing what she'd done - that 6th grade her was an idiot. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade her as well 🤧 - she was still the "school slut" and a social pariah, but she had her best friend back at least.
Her best friend who smiled her every time they passed in the hallway and sometimes walked her to class. Her best friend who now ate lunch with her and texted her on the weekends and would laugh at every single one of her jokes (fINE we're keeping a fucking a tally).
Her best friend, who when Clarke mentions is the only perso who talks to her without looking at her corset wrapped breasts, nonchalantly corrects, "Oh I look. Just... Respectfully."
It's hard to return the decency of that favor when Lexa walks away after leaning into Clarke's ear and whispering, "You know I prefer Ninja Turtles pjs anyway."
Clarke eventually comes clean about the whole fiasco, too the shock of everyone. Everyone, that is, except Lexa. Because Lexa kind of knew. Because, as Lexa says in all her glorious Warrior gear, when she kisses Clarke in front of the entire school at the end of the football team's pep rally—
"I told you, Clarke. I know you."
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eywathemother · 1 year
Fish Lips Chapter 9
Ship: Aonung x Kiri's twin sister!Reader
Warnings: Language, bullying, gore, fighting, talk of war, injury and blood, slow burn, enemies to lovers (not really a warning just some people don't like that trope), death of (a) character(s), not proofread, mentions of reader being depressed
Words: 1,901 (kinda short sorry)
Keys: (y/n) = your name,,(y/i/n) = your Ikran's name,, Neural Queue= the braid extension of a Navi's nervous system that allows them to link up to animals and Eywa,, (y/n/n) = your nickname),, Bold is English,, Italic is sign language,,Bold italics is when you're communicating with Kiri,,
Chapters; Introduction || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 ||
My taglist is wack ass hell so I won't be doing taglist requests anymore. It takes me about half an hour to update the taglist as well, so it's more time consuming then I originally thought.
Spoilers for Avatar: The Way of Water A whole ass lot.
Special dt: @k1rislov3r
This is mainly a filler chapter so apologies if it's a bit dry, I'm trying to go into as much detail with the reader and her life so that the plot makes more sense. Also, I FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO MY CLASSES SO I CAN FOLLOW MY POSTING SCHEDULE, YAYYYY!!!! Thank you guys for your patience, I really appreciate it.
I did delete the original chapter for this so the sneak peek I posted was for the old chapter, this is the final cut for the chapter so it's completely different than what I posted. The reason why It took so long for me to post today was because I was editing mama Neytiri *smirking intensely*. Also, my brain is still fried, and I start more classes tomorrow so....I'm crying internally.
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You hadn't gone to sleep until an hour before sunrise, so you were exhausted to say the least. Jake was okay with you sleeping in some more for rest, but Neytiri countered, you needed to do your chores and you had said the night before you would watch Tuk. Kiri was going to assist Ronal and Neytiri in Tsahik-training and the brothers were joining a hunt with Aonung and Rotxo earlier in the morning.
Neytiri was upset with your reckless decision to stay up so late but she had promised Kiri would be done by lunch so you could take a nap. You had been struggling with nightmares, you had no idea what they meant, and you refused to talk about them. Even Kiri was clueless to your nightmares.
Kiri didn't think you'd hide anything from her, as you both promised to always share everything, and it was very difficult to hide anything from each other. You held your end of the promise... somewhat, you didn't want to worry her or anyone, so you hid it.
You couldn't even turn to Eywa for help, as you couldn't even properly connect to the tree. Mo'at thought it was a sign from Eywa for some greater purpose for you in life, but Norm thought it was something to do with the malfunctioning of your Neural Queue. He explained that the Avatar's body is not as fully functioning as a Na'vi body at times, and you could've unluckily gotten some sort of mutant gene from the human DNA that didn't allow your Neural Queue to work the same as others. It was odd though, you had no issue connecting to animals, just connecting to any trees related to Eywa.
You had tried before, the farthest you had gotten to connecting to Eywa was a white room of sorts. Nothing but you, the brightness of the white around you, and the echos of your voice begging for someone to respond.
That was the day the nightmares had begun, depicting war and violence, filling you with nothing but anger and hatred towards the sky people. On occasions even towards Jake, who you had lashed out at saying to him he was nothing but ' a disgusting alien bringing violence and war wherever he went.' Of course, you apologized and got heavily grounded afterwards, but Neytiri was beginning to worry that the lack of connection you had with Eywa was starting to affect you.
You tried not to let it affect you too much, you tried not to stress over things way beyond your control.
As of now you had your head rested in your hands, sitting crisscross with your elbow resting on your knee. Tuk was playing in the water, looking at surrounding coral and observing the fish.
You tail wagged a bit, moving lazily over the rock you were sitting on. You hear footsteps next to you, several people calling out your name.
" (y/n)!!" Lo'ak was the first to make his way to you, Tuk turning to him with." Hi Lo'ak!" She smiled before a yellow-ish green fish caught her attention; she immediately went back to observing the waters.
" Where's Neteyam?" You asked, your ears perked up at his presence, watching as he plopped himself next to you. He pointed towards the beach." He, Rotxo, and Aonung were right behind me, I don't know where they went though. Don't really care either." He shrugged, placing his feet in the water.
"Oh." You yawned, you were trying your best to stay awake but you knew you'd pass out soon." Hey, do you mind watching Tuk for a little bit?" You asked Lo'ak and he gave you a side eye. He wasn't happy about it but he knew something was bothering you and keeping you up so of course he wasn't going to be apathic towards you and keep you from sleep.
" Yeah sure, be here before dinner though. Mom will be upset if you're not back by then." You nodded and stood up, stretching your body from being in the same position for almost half an hour.
Normally your napping routine included flying (y/i/n) to a random and secluded area and napping together until it was time to head back. That or you let her fly freely through the air as you napped on her back.
This time you wanted to be alone, you currently didn't want to be around anyone or anything. You just wanted to lie down someplace and just sleep. Hopefully dreamless.
You made your way into the woods, not bothering to really watch where you're going, just trying to stay on your feet. You wanted to lay yourself on the ground floor of Pandora and just listen to the heartbeat that echoed from within the empty-feeling heart of Eywa. Your true mother, you may not be able to connect to her with your braid, but you didn't need to.
You could hear her silent comforting words within the wind, whispering in your ear words of encouragement that had never left your parents lips. Your feet carried you across the Earthy flooring of the walkway towards the denser part of the forest. The mother trees, the children, all of their silent voices being carried by the cool breeze.
The sound of the ocean's waves hitting the beach slowly vanished as your ears focused on listening to the birds and rustling of the trees. The longer you listened the more you tried to think of it as the Jungle's trees rustling or the animals singing.
You missed your home, and you will miss it as long as you remained on this planet. You were slowly falling into a depression, missing your home, your people... your family. It wasn't the type of sadness to make you cry, but the sadness that put a hole in your chest and made you feel empty. The Jungle was a part of you, and you missed it terribly.
You laid down on a patch of grass, running your hand over the blades of grass. Feeling the edges of the plant tickle your palm and the tips of your fingers. A comforting warmth drifted over you, the wind dying down as you closed your eyes and listened to the breath of the planet. You slowly began to drift, finally being able to rest.
Red. Orange. Yellow. Fire.
Surrounding you, ingulfing you but it didn't burn. It was like the rage of the flames understood you and you understood it. War almost feeling natural and like your second nature. You felt nothing as you cut through the humans like their life meant nothing to you.
It didn't, you could care less about these murderous and destructive aliens from afar. You wanted them dead, you wanted all of them to disappear. You weren't just angry, or rageful, you were vengeful. You were going to give them what they had given you, you were going to make them feel how you felt as you watched your friends and loved ones die for a fight that would never have happened if it weren't for them.
If it weren't for Jake Sully, HE started this, HE is the reason you are all on the run. Why didn't he just kill them all, why did he let them go back home in one piece. You would've shredded them until they weren't even recognizable, showed them to Eywa, your beloved mother that you would protect her at all costs.
These weren't your thoughts; you would never think this way of your father. What was this dream, who was this unrecognizable being?
You jolted awake, beads of sweat running down your face and tears sprung to your eyes. You hated these feelings, they were so foreign like they weren't even yours, but in a way comforting. You wanted to deny them but, on some level, you knew that you agreed with them.
You stood up and headed your way to a small stream nearby. You splashed water onto your face, wiping the tears from your eyes and staring at your reflection in the water.
You stood up, looking around realizing how late it was. It was way past Eclipse. You ran hand through your hair and drew a breath preparing to be grounded again. This was what? Your third or fourth time breaking a rule or causing trouble. Honestly you didn't care, at this point it'll happen at least every week.
You heard footsteps approaching you and you spun around on your feet in alert. Aonung appeared, he blinked a bit in surprise and then grinned." You have some awesome hearing, I thought I was being sneaky."
You rolled your eyes." You stomp, there's no way you could survive in the woods with those." You pointed at his feet, and he grumbled under his breath." My feet are not that big." He protested, placing a hand on his hip, his ears back in annoyance.
A small silence broke out, and you tried your best to keep your normal aggravating smirk placed on your lips. Aonung could see past it though, he paid enough attention to tell that you were not doing so well. He didn't watch you or anything, he was just very aware and constantly read people. Maybe at times he would watch you with someone and pick up on your mannerisms more than he would with anyone else, but so what you were his friend.
Well...friends a stretch still.
" What's wrong?" He asked, he might not be the best at comforting, but he was willing to try. You brushed him off." Your presence always seems to dampen my mood, have you not noticed?" You teased but he didn't return your teasing.
" I'm serious, whatever's bothering you, you can tell me." Aonung placed himself in front of you and placed a kind hand on your shoulder. Your shoulders tensed and your jaw tightened, the smirk falling off your face for a split second.
" Now what's got you all tinder hearted your big teddy bear!" You pinched the side of his ribs lightly and he instinctively pulled away." What? What is a t-eddy barer??" You slapped a hand over your mouth giggling at his terrible English." Did you just insult me? It is one of those human insults, isn't it?"
Your worries and bad dreams disappeared instantly, Aonung unintentionally brightened your day-or rather night. Speaking of night, you needed to hurry and get back to your families Marui. You looked towards the path that led you back to the beach.
" Don't worry, it's not as late as it seems, just after dinner. Lo'ak and I covered for you so you're fine." He gave you his charming smile, the calmest you've ever seen him be. You grinned, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and dragging him closer to you." You know...I kinda like you a bit now."
" Just a bit?" He teased and he placed a hand on your other shoulder. You put your other hand up and put your pointer finger and thumb almost touching." Just a smidge."
" So does that mean I've finally won you over?" He asked, his tone was light and teasing but he was asking an actual question he's been dying to bring up." Won me over? Hell no!" You shook your head." I'm not gonna be friends with you that easily, you have to do something biiiig." You exaggerated and he rolled his eyes, he should've known he wasn't going to get a real answer out of you.
Taglist; @akinatrix , @willowbrookesblog , @lovesickbtch , @ao-sleepy , @elli-aesthetics , @ducks118 , @aeclark04 , @audigay ,@lola-bunn1 , @curlszx88 , @kidwithaheavystick , @weridpersonhelp , @yeosxxx , @tsamiaxoo , @shartnart1 , @tsukette , @daphne000 , @amarillyssnowdrop , @neteyamsmate4life , @stitch-lele , @purplefsh , @dumb-fawkin-bitch , @goodiesinthecloset21 , @theghostofshadows , @aonungs-tsahik , @simpliheavenli , @bob-the-ikran , @littleshybunbun , @werelosingdaylight , @ijwsbdinp , @xoxovienna , @findingourtreasure , @yogirlfriend , @pussymode , @wilmalovegood , @valentineheartzz , @lovekeeho , @isnt-itstrange , @ifevilwhyhot , @dngnmtr-blog , @yuzxi18 , @cupidddd-d , @emilia-the-artist , @essiemolololol , @aisselasstuff , @kitkat1690 , @howlerwolfmax , @bottleofsoju , @galaxyfruits , @sunwayx , @hana-1235 , @mad-simp420 , @jakesullys-bitch , @rinizitos , @zilena9 , @sakurayuki8655-blog , @artistodilflord , @fucksnow , @Icrimsons ,
@mad-simp420 , @philiasoul , @heartueheartue , @guska0 , @aisselasstuff , @neteyamsw , @bella82vsps , @lessoswifereallll , @cupidlot , @thornlessrose , @silversnake13 , @caediez , @galaxyfruits , @ohashley101 , @claireionaire , @ghost-lantern , @nijha2tact , @nyotamalfoy , @bajadotcom , @gamorxa , @friendly-reject , @madaramyluv , @shootingstarforever-blog1 , @rratman , @pitypinkabyss , @gayseokjin2 , @av-sos , @elegantkidfansoul , @itsthetiss65 , @mysteriouszer0 , @useryourbut , @inosukehasibara , @luvlykrispy
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AITA for calling a nineteen-year-old character a kid?
(For context, I (19FtM) am autistic and they refused to elaborate on anything and never asked anything clearly.)
I have an RP character with his own blog, and on that blog I wrote a post from his POV, where he called himself a kid and implored an institution in the fandom (SCP Foundation) to treat him like a person. I had just turned 19 at the time and still considered myself a kid and the adults in my life considered people my age (18-20) to be children who could vote. I know a bit about brain development and had been taught that mental maturation is a physical process. The character is immortal (born 1349) but, because his brain can't age, he's still got the physical brain structure of an eighteen-year-old guy. He's still mentally eighteen and will always be mentally eighteen.
For the next three hours, I was bombarded by anons telling me how creepy that was and that I shouldn't have done this. I didn't understand and defended my choice. I talked about brain development (they instantly turned this into "the character is brain-damaged" and when I said he wasn't but mentioned that I am, they started being pretty ableist about that.) I also mentioned that both the character and I don't do anything with minors and find even the thought to be disgusting (they were calling my use of the word kid to somehow be paedophilic,) and they said that sounded like something a paedo would say. To my knowledge, I did nothing other than call this character a kid and defended it by pointing out the ways 18 is an adolescent and that neither of us were doing anything harmful with it.
There were a few minor issues the anons never directly mentioned (he makes his own medication because he doesn't trust other people not to drug him and because his metabolism is significantly enhanced, they didn't like this. They didn't like him being a level 6 mutant but I think I should be allowed to write a level 6 mutant. Two of his children are white, but all of his children are adopted. He has a husband who is immortal and 19. He uses a name not from his culture, meaning not Aztec, because he survived the Aztec genocide and chose a new one to fly under the radar, which I guess is a fair point but they never addressed that directly.) But almost all asks were about the age thing. They got progressively angrier and started calling me a paedo for calling him a kid, and they told me to end my own life.
When I asked one of the people involved in the discourse (part of the RP community I had reached out to immediately before this all went down,) she was weird. She insisted I should know why calling him a kid was creepy and refused to elaborate. She claimed they had been far more direct about the other issues, but I had a maximum of one ask per issue and none of them even directly called it an issue. I made an apology post even though I still didn't understand what I'd done and she said it just made the issues worse.
At this point, I made a "screw an apology I'm not sorry for anything" post criticizing the hours of hatred and told them to block me, then disabled anon.
Clearly I'm missing something, but they refused to tell me what I was missing and they told me to end my life. Is it really so wrong for a fictional 18-year-old to call himself a kid? If so, can one of you please explain why?
What are these acronyms?
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Shadows Entwined: part 11
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 / Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
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A/N: I bet ya all have been waiting for what is about to happen, but it is still not over yeeeeeet💙😉
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Warnings: Fighting, breaking of bones, if you have seen the movie you know what happens, just with a little extra.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
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Baxter Stockman connected the last few wires, plucking the machine together, the Cloud Seeder making noises as it started to warm up. The scientist turned fly mutant then turned towards the people below him inside of Ace Chemicals’ main building, his arms up in the air as he gave the speech he had been preparing for several weeks now.
“Gentleman!”, he started. “Ninjas all around… murders… I’m pleased to announce that the venom slash ooze hybrid is complete. The Cloud Seeder is ready to launch”.
Shredder turned towards Ra’s al Ghul with his always angry eyes, narrowed in almost spite for the Demon’s Head.
“Then it is done, Ra’s”, Shredder said, his voice muffled by the metal mask that covered his mouth, his distaste for the leader of the League of Assassins thick as he spoke, bubbling over into pure hatred and anger. “The Foot has completed its obligations to you. I will expect no more delays in giving me the Lazarus Pit!”
Ra’s sighed, annoyed with Shredder’s continued demands of the pit, just like he had done at Arkham the other night as they sought out Joker. It was already becoming an old story. Ra’s suddenly understood very well why Kraang wasn’t there to help Shredder out with their plans. Maybe that was why Shredder came to Ra’s in the first place. Or maybe it was his age. Ra’s could really feel the 650 something age difference between the two.
“Over eager as always”, Ra’s sighed, side eyeing the ninja and the blades on his gloves. He then turned his attention back towards Baxter Stockman, giving him a firm command to “activate the machine”, making the fly turn towards him. “It’s time for the city to reward to its primal nature and destroy itself”.
Shredder knew very well what that meant. No Lazarus Pit before Ra’s knew the machine was working.
“Do as the man says”, Shredder growled at Stockman.
“Yes sir!”, Stockman said, turning back towards the Cloud Seeder with a small laugh. Though the fly had several times wondered about his status as a hostage, he could not deny the excitement of trying out his machine. It was fine being a hostage, as long as he got to try out his newest creation. His small wings carried him to the machine, turning it on with a small beep, lights and screens turning on with small sounds as the Cloud Seeder gained life.
“Ah”, Ra’s sighed in delight, watching as the machine woke up from its slumber. “And now nothing can stand in my way”.
But like so many villains often did, Ra’s spoke too soon, the Foot Ninjas and assassins turning to the wall in confusion, at the sound of rapidly approaching motors.
With no hesitation, Leo broke through the wall with the Turtle Van, sending bricks flying everywhere. You, still on the back of Raph’s motorcycle, came flying through the window alongside Batgirl, sending glass shards across the room. The Batmobile broke through the window just above the door, shatting the group of Foot Ninjas that stood in its way. Emerging from your vehicles, you and your Bat family stood alongside the turtles, staring down the big crowd of villains.
“So much for your distraction”, Shredder said to Ra’s, knowing very well that he was beginning to push his buttons.
Donnie’s eyes quickly scanned the machine in front of them, no confusion about what it was that he was looking at.
“That’s it”, he said, referring to the Cloud Seeder. “We have to shut it off before it launches”.
“You’re too late, detective!”, Ra’s called out, smirking at Batman as Foot ninjas and assassins gathered around him. “Gotham will fall and be born anew”.
“We don’t have much time”, Batman said, his eyes never leaving Ra’s. “Let’s take him down”. And as if that had been a call for war, all of you jumped into action, fighting and making your way through ninjas and assassins. Leo swung his katana at whatever enemy came close, followed by Robin that jumped and kicked them so hard that they fell to the ground without a sound. Mikey’s nunchucks sounded loudly whenever they came into contact with his opponents faces, just as loudly as the sound of Batman’s knuckles against jaws. Donnie’s bo staff knocked people out, while Raph jumped an unsuspecting assassin, at the same time as Batgirl’s motorcycle roared as her front wheel connected with a Foot ninja’s face. You too fought the best you could, using everything your father had ever taught you. But you did find yourself unprepared at moments, ducking quickly before a blade was able to grace your skin.
Shredder and Ra’s watched calmly as you all fought. Evenever one of their men fell, several more came to take their place, keeping you all busy. Almost too busy. You had a hard time keeping up. Whenever you dodged one punch, you were soon met by another, keeping you turning, running, jumping and ducking, almost out of breath. You stumbled, the blade of an assassin making its way towards you, and for a moment you thought that it was it. This would be the moment you would die. But before the blade could touch the surface of your skin, another sharp shinny one came into view, deflecting it, followed by a flash of green and blue, a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking your way for a moment, making sure you were okay. Leo.
It was not hard for Leo to emobile the assassin, with Donnie coming to his aid, helping his older brother clear the way, before both of them brought out their grappling hooks. In a swift move, Leo brought his arm around you, pressing you to his side, before letting the grappling hook pull you both to his desired destination. The scaffolding, high above ground, not far from where Shredder and Ra’s were standing. Leo dropped you off behind him, making sure you were covered by his shell, before Donnie came to his side, followed by Batman that took a spot between them, all three staring down the two villains.
“Shut off the Cloud Seeder”, your father commanded the two turtles, almost not acknowledging you behind Leo. But he knew you were there. You knew your father too well. There was no way he hadn’t seen Leo bring you with him. “Shredder is mine”.
“I think you forgot how our last encounter played out”, Shredder said, reminding you of what your father had told you. The things that had happened inside of Wayne Enterprise, while you had stayed outside, watching the turtles and Penguin go at it on another roof. But there was no time for you to tell your father. You wanted him to be careful, and not let Shredder come too close again. But before you could even utter a word, he and Shredder were off, fighting on the scaffolding.
Before you could even fully register your father’s absence in the chaos, Leo turned towards you, his pretty eyes catching yours.
“You wait here, (Y/N)”, he said in a demand, before he and Donnie were off, using their grappling hooks to get past Shredder and Batman, landing not far from the Cloud Seeder. And Ra’s al Ghul.
“Typical”, the Demon’s Head spoke. “Batman sends children to do his work for him. Perhaps another must die to teach him the folly of his ways”. Ra’s pulled off his cape, letting it fall to the ground. Leo and Donnie exchanged glances, before Ra’s came at them with a sudden move, causing both of them to jump back. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands.
On the ground the others continued their fight against the men of Shredder and Ra’s al Ghul, with Robin having turned his attention towards Baxter Stockman, only for Stockman to throw up before Robin even got to him.
You jumped from side to side, unsure what to do. You couldn’t just stay back here and do nothing. There was no way. Especially not with all the narrow misses Ra’s pulled on Leo and Donnie. And it was with the sudden push of Leo, that sent him colliding with the scaffolding that brought you into action, using your grappling hook the same way he and his brother had.
You landed next to Donnie watching Ra’s with narrow eyes, ignoring Donnie’s confused look.
“But you have no weapons”, Donnie said, throwing a quick worried look over his shoulder at Leo who still wasn’t up from the ground.
“Don’t worry about it”, you said, knocking your wrists together, hearing the echo of the metal inside of them.
“It’s almost a pity”, you heard Ra’s snicker as he swung his blade one more time, making you and Donnie jump back. “So many children that must die today”.
You were ready to jump back in, but before you had the chance, Donnie did, still angry from what Ra’s had done to Leo. But Donnie was met with a kick to his plastron, making him fall to his knees for a moment. Ra’s swung his blade at him, but Donnie managed to catch with his bo staff, the point of Ra’s sword poking through the middle of wood. In the short moment Donnie stared at it, still in shock from what had happened, Ra’s grabbed his forearm and threw it over the railing, before bringing his foot down upon it with full force. Donnie yelled out in pain as his bone broke, falling onto his broken arm, between the pieces of his broken staff.
Ra’s looked at his work with a small smile, before pushing Donnie off the scaffolding with his foot, sending the mutant plumaging towards the earth below.
“Donnie!”, Leo called out, making you aware that Leo now sat up. But in the short time you looked away, Ra’s had turned his attention towards you, making you take a few steps back, terror clear in your eyes. “No!”Leo called out again, flashbacks from Arkham Asylum flooding his mind. His brothers laying dead on the floor of the boiler room, and the fear in your eyes.
Ra’s swung his sword at you, and you shield yourself with your gloves, the metal inside of them making the sharp edge bounce off. Ra’s roared in annoyance, before kicking you with his foot, making you fall to the ground. The vision of you on the ground, crying out in fear was very clear in Leo’s head. He could not let it happen.
With a battle roar Leo rose from the ground and jumped at Ra’s. Ra’s turned at the last moment, their blades clashing together.
“Get away from her”, Leo growled as the sky light broke above you, the Cloud Seeder launching with Donnie hanging off of it with his good arm, while Mikey frantically tried to turn it off.
Ra’s laughed when he caught on to what was happening. Young love was never hard to spot. He had seen it from the moment Leo safed you on the floor below and brought you with him, and when you selflessly jumped into action, with nothing but your metal gloves to protect you.
“Then be her hero and make me”, Ra’s laughed pushing Leo off, before swinging his sword at you once more. You ducked and rolled out of the way from two more blows, before Leo was on him once again.
“I have to admit”, Ra’s said through the clashes of blades, clearly very amused. “This is very interesting. A turtle and a human. How did you expect that to work?” Leo did not answer however, but swung at him once more. “You think I’m trying to make a fool of you? Well, I’m not. You seem like a smart child, and therefore you may know how impossible it sounds. But the Cloud Seeder could be your key to be together. It could turn her into anything. A bat, a wolf. Maybe even a turtle”. But Leo did not listen. He knew what Ra’s was trying to do. Make him unsure. Make him question. Make him hesitate. But Leo did none of those things, especially not with you, your family and his brothers’ lives on the line. He felt anger, the same kind of anger he had felt in Arkham, and it was controlling him.
Ra’s, seemingly too caught up in his own perceived brilliance, did not notice you launch at him, kicking at one of his feet, making him stumble. Leo, still blinded by anger, jumped at him once more, but Ra’s caught him in the last moment, before throwing him off the scaffolding and down towards the floor below. You called out for Leo as he landed on the ground with all the wind blown out of him, dropping one of his katanas on the way down. Ra’s turned his attention towards you, smiling menacingly as gave you a hard kick to your side, causing you to roll up on the ground, whimpering at the pain. He then grabbed a hold of the railing, ready to jump over, sending you one last evil smile.
“Time to get rid of that turtle lover of yours”, he said, before acceding to the floor, where Leo was slowly getting up, resting his weight of the katana he still had in hand, watching as Ra’s landed on his other one. The memories from Arkham still flooded Leo’s head. His brothers, you, all of it. But then he remembered your father’s words.
“Your anger won’t help your brothers, and it won’t save (Y/N). You have to focus”.
Taking in a deep breath, Leo got off the ground as Ra’s came closer, his blade still proudly in his hand. On the scaffolding above, Leo could hear you whimper and see your eyes as you watched them below you. Leo calmed his breath, watching as Ra’s got closer, grabbing firmly around the katana in his hand.
Whatever Ra’s had expected, it wasn’t the sudden newfound speed that Leo came in with, clashing his katana with his sword in several swift moves. Ra’s was taken aback, taking several steps back with each blow, but then struggling to do so when Leo stepped on his foot. You watched in awe as Leo managed to swing Ra’s sword out of his hand, sending it flying up into the air, before it landed into the floor several meters away. But Ra’s wasn’t done, continuing to fight without a weapon, kicking and punching at a dodging Leo.
Leo then jumped, swinging his katana down upon Ra’s. But to your surprise, Ra’s caught Leo’s blade between his hands before breaking it in half. Leo stumbled in shock, before Ra’s sucker punched him in the face, sending him flying backwards, the sight making your insides hurt more than they already did.
Ra’s went to get his sword, before pointing it at Leo, who was still struggling on the ground, all while you watched in fear.
“How?”, Leo asked, still not fully having processed what just had happened. Ra’s chuckled.
“Foolish child”, he chuckled. “I’m hundreds of years old, and have trained with the greatest teachers in history. How could you possibly-”.
Ra’s was suddenly cut off as Leo’s foot kicked up between his legs, hitting him where the sun was not supposed to shine, and definitely no foot either. Ra’s fell to his knees, cupping his manhood while Leo got up with a backflip.
“Oh yeah?”, Leo asked, finding the scene before him very amusing. “Well, I’m 19, and I learned this from a rat”. Leo did a series of small punches and pokes to Ra’s upper body, before the leader of the League of Assassins fell unconscious to the ground, dust flying up around him.
“Leo!”, you called out from above, crawling towards the edge of the scaffolding. “Catch me!” And without question Leo did so, holding arms open for you, catching you as you fell down from above making sure not to touch you where Ra’s had kicked you.
Both you and Leo wanted to ask each other if you were okay, but neither of you did so. You could not help yourselves. As relief rushed over you both, there was nothing that stopped your lips from crashing together in a passionate kiss. For a moment the two of you forgot where you were or what was happening, letting nothing but the feeling of each other's lips play out in your mind. Finally, after so many hours of wondering, Leo was finally able to feel them against his. Soft and warm. It was only his first kiss and his was already feeling himself becoming addicted. He already dreaded the moment he would have to let go of them again.
Leo leaned his head further to the right, deepening the kiss, until both of you had to pull away for air, staring into each other’s eyes, fighting the smiles that was playing at the corners of your lips, and the urges to go for another kiss. Leo’s lips felt cold now, and there was nothing he would rather do, than warm them up with yours one more time. But now was not the time. As much as he wished it was, he could not stand around and continue to kiss you, even if it was very tempting.
“Come on”, Leo said, forcing himself to let you go in order to take your hand, pulling you with him towards the stairs. “Let’s help your father”.
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lirarere · 1 month
relationship headcanon with Peter
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Peter Maximoff\Quicksilver(X-Men) x reader
notes: I still have a strong hyperfixation on Peter, and I'm still stupidly in love with this mutant, I miss Peter in real life(
warning: bad english, silly fluff, mention of the reader being Xavier's adopted child (very briefly), possibly OOC Xavier lol, mention of movie plots (not too much), some mention of self-hatred (Peter), daddy Issues, mention of depressive episodes
words: 932
★ imagine that you met him when you pulled Eric out of the Pentagon (and imagine that Xavier is your adoptive father), well, he flirted with you a lot and persistently and, well, maybe Xavier wanted to kill him a little (?) (yes, in my headcanons Xavier this is exactly the kind of father, please don’t hit me)
★ but nevertheless, you decided to stay and not fly to Paris, or rather, it was your father who decided, he thought it was better to leave you with a teenage guy (SOS SOS NO BOYS ❗❗❗) than to put you in danger (especially considering that Eric is on board)
★ and you decided to hang out with Peter, like you were bored and he seemed like a nice guy and you both listened to Pink Floyd, so why not?
★ you hung out all day, and it was a great day, you did literally everything you could and perhaps also became a kleptomaniac (Peter seems to be a very bad influence on you)
★ you separated, but decided to continue communicating, although you were gradually moving away because of your studies, helping your father, etc., but for some reason you missed Peter, he seemed so familiar, it was so easy with him, and even despite the fact that he was always flirting (with everyone), he did not cross the boundaries and, in principle, seemed not tojust like all the other boys.
★ and then the apocalypse, Peter told you that he is Eric's son, and much more. so much has happened lately that you didn’t even understand when it all ended and when Peter decided to stay at school, but you were glad for this coincidence of circumstances.
★ you had time to catch up, which you were both very happy about, and Peter definitely fell first and harder.
★ he decided to hide it because, well, he’s clearly not in your league, you clearly could have someone better and cooler and more beautiful than him, Peter didn’t even understand why you were friends with him.
★ but you definitely fell in love with this gray-haired kleptomaniac, and unlike him, you didn’t think for a long time and almost immediately confessed your feelings to him. In general, it’s so banal, but you started dating.
★ uhh he is definitely a very gentle and sensitive lover, he is 100% master of all types of love, he will tell you forever about how much he loves you and how beautiful\handsome you are even if nothing has changed about you:
—god, baby! you are so beautiful\handsome today, you are simply beautiful\handsome!
—Peter, literally nothing has changed since last day.
—shh, it doesn’t matter, you’re always stunning.
★ baby, darling, ray of light, my love, etc. - absolutely all pet names Peter will use in relation to you.
★ he will hug you forever, like.. constantly, sometimes some mutants think that you have already grown together (children constantly shout “EWW”)
★ he will definitely buy you something (steal), like literally you just mentioned that you want (something) and the next second he’s standing there with it lol.
★ he is still a person with his own feelings and thoughts, so sometimes you have to calm him down from attacks of self-flagellation and self-hatred, you tell him that he is great, that he is the best person on earth, etc., and he will definitely cry.
★ continuing on this topic, he still has not told his father that he is his son, and he suffers greatly from this, either because of the all-consuming desire to say it or because of some subconscious resentment towards Eric. you will definitely support him in any case and listen to his thoughts on this matter.
★ he just lies his head on your lap and talks about his feelings and experiences, and you just stroke his head, combing his soft hair.
★ but don’t worry, this is not a one-sided game, he also supports you and will do everything (and when I say everything I mean ABSOLUTELY everything) to make you happy and if you need to distract you from all your worries.
★ if you have depressive episodes, he will do all the housework for you, clean, cook, even if he needs to take you to the bathroom and wash your hair, you are the best thing that has happened to him, a small thing can do this to you, regarding how much love there is you give it to him.
★ sometimes he thinks that he is unworthy of you and you always scold him (kindly) for these thoughts, because why does he even think so, he is the best boy on earth, this should not be in doubt.
★ you ship your fathers as a joke (SORRY—)
★ remembering Xavier by the way, at some point he accepted that you were together, although he still tries to take care of you (and it seems to you that he threatened Peter a couple of times, saying something like “if I hear even one bad thought about my child in your head..." )
★ btw, I have headcanons of Peter's jealousy.
★ almost every evening you have a kissing session while watching a movie, no matter what, after 5 minutes they will already forget about film.
★ dates in arcade machines are the best that could be, in principle, every date with Peter is the best that could be.
★ to summarize, Peter is the best (anyone doubted?), He is the best thing that could happen in this life. he's definitely 37637262726\10.
god I love Peter, I want him in real life or his kinnie in my life (please if you are Peter's kinn text me—)
sorry if there are mistakes here, I wrote this very sleepy :(
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Here I am going to leave some ideas that I would like to write down, so as not to forget them. If anyone is writing a fanfic too, you can play this, because like I said: WE NEED MORE OF DARK!CHARLES
• In most fics about Cherik, Charles is gay or bisexual, but homophobia is almost never touched on at the time. I mean, an alcoholic mother, the kids being raised by Kurt Marco, and it didn't occur to anyone that he might have been sent or forced into one of that conversion shit, or those horrendous shock therapies?
• Brian died before Charles manifested, but let's imagine that he could have manifested before and Brian noticed it. How about Brian being scared of Charles, not just because of his mutation, but because working as a mutant researcher, he had to report his son as one to be studied?
• One of the things I would most like is for Charles to use his telepathy with Raven during puberty, to cover up certain abuses against him, so she would not be aware of it, and protect her from being a victim as well. As Raven grows up she notices these kinds of fragments that were altered or erased from her and complains to Charles later.
• That there is a human who has helped Charles, and therefore has a justification for such a fairytale dream about the coexistence of mutants and humans. Something that motivates him.
• Like Charles immersing himself in alcohol as we see in Days of Future Past, so Charles would realize his alcoholism and tell Hank something along the lines of 'Children deserve an exemplary role model, not an alcoholic with a sspect homeless and scared of himself, Hank. Maybe it's time to close it.'
• Once again, Sharon doesn't seem very attached to Charles, I think this can also be included as a hatred she developed for her daughter's death, perhaps she always blamed Charles.
• Charles' hate of his own telepathy not only comes from when he discovered he is a mutant and told people, and people rejecting him. Like I said, what if Sharon didn't know exactly what Brian was up to with his research and doesn't know what a mutant is until later? The feeling of guilt when using his mutation, but also comes from those therapies that Sharon or Kurt put him in, where more than therapies he received torture to make him believe that he was crazy.
• That Charles has telepathy and that he suffered from depression could have led him to think that he is not even alive on his own, that he lived only if he was connected to someone, or that he did not even think for himself, that his thoughts were not his own, that I didn't really feel one thing and it was someone else's feelings. This could also have given him insecurities about his personality or his body, questioning if what he's interested in are his own interests, I don't know. Where Charles doesn't even know if he knows himself.
•If Charles can completely possess a person, occupying his body as a vessel for his consciousness to live on, it would definitely be a very useful weapon. It would mean that this essence of Charles would never die, but would move again and again.
That's what I've thought about, if you have ideas yourselves let me know, and leave your opinions. Now it's time to do research on Erik☠️😭
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magneticallyyours · 21 days
Hi! I have a Erik Lehnsherr x reader fic request.
First of, you're doing god's work, we need more Magneto x reader fanfiction
So, the request - Erik x gender neutral reader, where Erik applies his "mutants are different and therefore special" kinda worldview on the gender identity of the reader? Like, the reader is like "You believe mutants shouldn't change from how they were born as, would you accept me when I need to change from how I was born due to my gender" and he is like "well, you were born genderqueer, so you're not really changing, you're just being yourself".
Fluff (with possibly little smut if you want to, idk, whatever you're comfortable writing about & you feel would suit the storyline)
Thank you!
Of course, I hope this is what you meant with the ask! Also it's the least I could do for all the Erik enjoyers out there, we're all starving. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy this. <33
𝙀𝙧𝙞𝙠 𝙇𝙚𝙝𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙧 𝙭 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧-𝙉𝙚𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 || 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚
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WARNINGS: None, just fluff.
WORDCOUNT: 902 words
Summary: Your partner, Erik, is always emphasizing the idea of staying 'as yourself', as he thinks mutants shouldn't change for human acceptance and stay just as they were born. It seems you took his words quite literally, leading to an interesting conversation.
It was one of those days where you found yourself alone with Erik. It wasn't always that you two found the time to sit idle like this. The times that you did, you made sure to make full use of it. The brotherhood had a pretty busy schedule as you could imagine. Always something or the other to do. They had to stay on their toes at all times, of course. The humans couldn't be trusted. They were among the most wanted on the planet by now, you guessed. That was the conversation you were having with Erik, coincidentally. A pair of smooth, metal orbs hovered in circles above his palm as he spoke, gazing at them absentmindedly.
“Because of their fear, they have slaughtered our kind in droves. Naturally, the inferior species grows wary of those above it. We have evolved, far beyond their understanding. With their burning hatred for us, coexisting with them is an impossible, and frankly idiotic dream,” He spoke with disdain, shaking his head. Passionate rants like these were quite common to hear from Erik, or Magneto as he preferred now. “We shouldn't change. We have nothing to be ashamed of. From birth, we are special just as we are. If anything, humans have to change, by going extinct. Survival of the fittest is the natural order of this world,” Erik sounded matter of fact, meshing the orbs together and apart to keep himself busy as he continued. “For so many years they have oppressed us, in fear that we may be, simply put, better than them. That was always the case, unfortunately. I suppose it is their hubris.” There it was, that same line. We shouldn't change, he'd say. You'd overheard him say the same to Raven at the start. To embrace her true form, to be comfortable in her own skin. Because if she couldn't even accept herself, how could she hope for society to do the same? For weeks now, the question had been simmering in your mind. Did the same apply to you? It kept you up at night. You tiptoed around asking him upfront. Fearing the worst.
“You're awfully quiet today,” He mused out of the blue, breaking you out of your stupor. “Is something worrying you?” The orbs were abandoned, returning to his desk as he turned to fully face you, eyes boring into yours. Eyes as cold as a December morning, with a hint of warmth reserved only for you. They always managed to put you on the spot, like a deer caught in headlights. “I wanted to ask you something,” you began, taking it slow. He didn't say anything to interrupt, simply nodding slightly as he intently listened to you. “When you say that we shouldn't change… to stay as we are from birth, Does that- apply to me, too?” He seemed to think for a beat before answering. “Well, yes, of course. It applies to all of us. But in what sense?” He pressed. “As you know, I changed from the gender I was assigned at birth. I'm genderqueer, Erik. Didn’t I change, too? Doesn't it apply?” You couldn't manage much more than that as you waited to see what he'd say in response. “I don't think you've changed,” was all he said, making you raise an eyebrow in confusion. “But-” He cut you off, it seems he isn't done yet. “You didn't change anything, my dear. You were born as yourself, and as that you remain. It's all a construct. You're still- well, you. You're being yourself. It doesn't matter to me what those humans assigned to you when you were born. You decide who you are, not them.” His hand was on yours, gripping you tight enough so it was comforting, yet intense at the same time. He hadn't once broken eye contact. “I wouldn't have it any other way.”
There were a few beats of charged silence, filled with unblinking stares. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears just slightly, suddenly picking up every subtle noise in the room, from your breathing to the Newton's cradle on his desk. “You're blushing, you know. If this was what was troubling you for so long, you should've told me sooner.” He sighed again, adoration crossing his features for a split second before he continued. “I love you for you, and I hope you don't forget that,” his voice dropped, and so did your stomach. “I love you too, Erik-” You'd began, but he'd shushed you with a kiss instead. And gosh, what a kiss it was. All consuming, he kissed like a man starved. Every single time. It never failed to astonish you. It was intense, like everything about him. Your arms hooked around his neck, as he caged you in with his. Time seemed to have lost all meaning, as at one point you weren't sure how long you held the kiss. It didn't seem to matter, because the next thing you knew, you were on your back on the table with Erik on top of you. You tried to brace yourself, hearing a dull thud as you craned your neck to see what it was. The Newton's cradle had gone crashing to the floor, rolling across the floor. You reach for it, only for your arm to be pulled back by Erik. He tsked. “Let's focus on you, hmm?”
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
The bloodied snow au kinda like resonates with the 'open up your eyes' song from mlp 😆
Idk just a thought
Where reader also gets shunned out for her difference- and learning to never trust anyone but yourself kinda like that smthn 😸
True! I myself imagined the song "Other Friends" from Steven Universe The Movie! If you had to make the 🩸Bloodied Snow❄ AU a playlist, I'd recommend using or listening to Open Up Your Eyes, like you suggested, from My Little Pony The Movie, Other Friends from Steven Universe The Movie, Blood//Water by Grandson, Bloody Mary by Lady Gaga, Hayloft 2 by Mother Mother, Twisted by MISSIO, Bad by Royal Deluxe, Wolf In Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off, and Dance With My Demons by Blame My Youth...
🩸Bloodied Snow❄ AU Creed!Reader is pretty unhinged and traumatized. They don't want to leave their story at being the victim. They're so tired of being the helpless child who is beaten by their monsters. So this time... They're going to be the monster. The one that eats the other ones, that tears them down, that gets their fill and doesn't stop even then. They want blood, and they plan to get it, no matter the cost. Their wrath, their hatred, their fear, keeps them going when nothing else does. They could have chosen to slip off quietly, to never be heard from again... But they're so sick of going unheard. Of everyone getting away with hurting them. So this time, THEY are the one who's going to come out on top. They'll show their old "mentors", their "guardians", their peers, what a true mutant is. What it means to have complete power over someone. What it's like to be the prey hunted by the predator. Reader doesn't care about the innocent teens, the ones who are guiltless in their torment, their agony... They'll leave them alone... for now. But everyone else...? Heh. They're about to know what true suffering feels like. And nothing will stop them, nothing will hurt them, ever again...
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silver-tangent · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how BLATANTLY allegorical X-men has been since the 60s, and how it’s been 60 years and people are still willfully AND unwillfully ignorant to the message…
Teenagers who discover something about themselves that's considered taboo and "evil" by the public, which they have no control over, and having to hide it from parents and family who refuse to understand. People who are given a derogatory label such as "mutant," and who the media holds debates over every night on the news about how dangerous they are, how they're everywhere, how they're in our schools, near our children, in our neighborhoods. Total fearmongering and hatred.
Literal children being kicked out of their homes or reported to the government, and having to seek shelter on the streets, or with gangs, or in a homeless shelter disguised as a boarding school.
And the main villain is an extremist and a protestor inciting civil unrest and possibly going too far, but only in the name of mutant rights. A literal Holocaust survivor who is watching history repeat itself and refuses to let it happen again!
The real villains, the real conflict always being about politicians who are trying to pass laws making mutants illegal, putting these people in camps or prisons, somewhere that they aren’t a threat to “the natural order,” even though the natural order is completely made up out of some yearning for fascist control…
And every attempt to make the world safer, every attempt to segregate mutants, always spirals into a fascist nightmare. Always.
But through all of this, none of these people had a choice. None of them woke up and decided to be this way. Some of them wish they weren’t born this way, others are just unapologetically themselves, but none of them had a choice. They’re all being punished and feared simply for being born different…
WhO cOuLd ThIs PoSsIbLy Be AbOuT!?
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5 underrated TGCF moments in my humble opinion (and bonus)- expect spoilers!
When Xie Lian saved Mu Qing in book 5 at the volcano: We do NOT talk about book 5 enough, as I will mention further in this list, but when we do, we rightfully talk about Mu Qing's f-f-friends confession (which I would love to talk about more, but that's for another time), but we never seem to talk about the bit before where it's revealed Mu Qing took a cursed shackle for Xie Lian but nobody believes him or really plans on saving him except Xie Lian, despite the huge risk to himself. When Xie Lian makes it clear he would save Mu Qing anyways and Hua Cheng also has a great line to Feng Xin about how dianxia gets to make his own decisions no matter what, even if Hua Cheng himself is uncomfortable with them- something that contrasts him perfectly with White No-Face that gets overshadowed a lot. This scene and the scene leading up to it (the tunnel chase and Xie Lian being too nice to that empty-shelled mutant is just brilliant) all in all feels so underrated. Like I love the f-f-friends confession, don't get me wrong, I could talk about that anyday, but please gods can someone talk about the saving Mu Qing scene.
The virgin-detecting sword in book 3: The fact that Jun Wu even HAD a virgin-detecting sword is one of the funniest things about book 3, but the whole scene where Shi Qingxuan digs Xie Lian into a hole like "I bet he's never kissed anyone!" is just beautiful. The fact everyone assumes he's a virgin before Jun Wu even mentions that his cultivation path requires abstinence never fails to amuse me- me too, Xie Lian, me too. The virgin-detecting sword being his saviour in that moment surely must've been something. It's so funny but I've seen 1 piece of fanart of it on twitter and I think this is incredibly memorable. Since book 3 is so long, a lot of brilliant moments go less spoken about by the fan community, I feel, such as...
Xie Lian tricking Hua Cheng into revealing himself in book 3: One of my favourite scenes in the entirety of TGCF is where Xie Lian tricks Hua Cheng (disguised as Lang Ying) to reveal himself. We've already got the deadpan back-and-forth of "Who's the strongest?", "The one in red", "Who's the richest?", "The one in red", "Who's the dumbest?", "The one in green", with no beats skipped. Then he says "it's a must" to inviting Hua Cheng over, Quan Yizhen takes a bite of a yam through the window (as one does) and then he gets him to try and write an establishment plaque for Puqi Shrine and it's so funny- Xie Lian can be so funny, he's just playing around waiting to see how Hua Cheng will respond and is having the time of his LIFE. B*tch in the best way possible, this man. It's perfect. And then we get, "Only having met you did I rediscover that it's such a simple thing to be happy" which is so simple and lovely and just-- this scene is perfect, okay? We do not talk about this scene enough at ALL.
The scene where Yin Yu 'dies' in book 5: Back to me going off about how much love book 5 deserves, what with that moment between beefleaf and that massive gege statue. However, I'm choosing moments I think are the most underrated, and I just HAVE to mention Yin Yu. This man is underrated in life, in godhood and in banishment alike. The way he chose not to harm Quan Yizhen anyways- "Just because I hate him doesn't mean I have to hurt him!" This moment really links him to Xie Lian, especially just after book 4, as once again White No-Face tries to manipulate someone into weaponising their resentment the way he did, and once again he is denied the satisfaction of thinking what he did was justifiable because Yin Yu chose not to spend his life motivated solely by pain and hatred. One can argue that in book 4, after the bamboo hat incident, Xie Lian may not necessarily have had his faith in humanity at large restored but rather his faith in the power of choice. The choice to care, the choice to help, the choice not to hurt others just because you can- as opposed to the choice that was stolen from him in the 100 swords scene, and the 'choice' people claimed not to have when they stabbed him. The choice Xie Lian made when he chose not to massacre Yong'an despite his pain is like the choice Yin Yu makes when he chooses not to steal Quan Yizhen's power despite his pain. It's so satisfying to see Yin Yu stand up for his own actions when he's been cast aside by everyone, and no matter how much resentment you harbour you can still choose what to do about it.
The pagoda collapsing in book 2: This scene was the tipping point in book 2 where Xie Lian himself realised he didn't believe in his own potential anymore, and it is soul-crushing. The way he spends 3 days trying to hold up the celestial pagoda in pure desperation and anguish, and then being surrounded on all sides constantly until the pagoda collapses with people begging him to save them and him realising he can do nothing...if book 4 is the full-on descent to rock-bottom, book 2 is the anxiety-packed precursor without which book 4 would not hit as hard as it did, and sometimes it feels like it's overshadowed by book 4 completely. Book 4 may hit harder, but the end of book 2 is gut-punching as it is. You can FEEL Xie Lian being overwhelmed and trying so hard to pretend everything is fine when his life and nation are collapsing in front of him, piece by piece. Hands shoving him, some even strangling him until he keels over in the most helpless moment of his god-pleasing life as everyone calls him a fraud and begs for his help, when he has none to give or recieve. And after all that, chasing White No-Face only to break his leg, being the nail in the coffin of Xie Lian's unshakeable will that facilitated his rise and fall. It's haunting, it's poetic, it's the epitome of tragedy. Bonus!!! : Is it just me, or does nobody seem to talk about the book 5 fight scene? There's so much fanart of Hua Cheng fading into butterflies, which is honestly more compelling for me because of the Wuming reveal and their dynamic; however, Xie Lian finally out-manoevering and stabbing Jun Wu after being flooded with spiritual power by his bf, and then Guoshi calmly addressing Jun Wu asking him if he's exhausted...I think needs more attention too. It's the ultimate fight scene! Xie Lian gets a fighting win over Jun Wu that somehow feels numbing because at the end of the day, Xie Lian's triumph over him was never in revenge or in physical combat. Almost the opposite actually, it was in his choosing not to let his anger and resentment of White No-Face control him. Xie Lian winning is well-earned but ultimately the focus is what a sad, angry, tired man Jun Wu is. I think MXTX writes this wonderfully and really gets that message across...much as I'd like to see more discourse on the fight scene, I can see why there isn't because of how bleak it is and just generally-- unfulfilling compared to Xie Lian's character development. It's the climax wherein the main character had his personal climax 800 years ago, and I love it for how antithetic it feels compared to Xie Lian's other power moves and his overall development. This is just my view, of course, I would really love to see more opinions on this!
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