#on various levels) and the two others have their eyes sort of closed and they're talking close with each other
oldmyths · 2 years
Okay first of all i remember a couple years ago when a twitter thread was going around about artists that made really fucked up paintings and were huge horror iconography and everyone was sharing their favorite horror artists like goya and when i was scrolling through replies someone linked (?) to a thread where someone painted these detailed pieces but there was always at least one person looking directly at the viewer. like the concept was so fucking scary to me that i forgot to bookmark/like the tweet and i lost that thread forever and i really want to know who the artist was
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seneon · 11 days
hii! <3 may i request a hc about mashle characters if they found out they had a little sister in the middle of their school year and how they would act to her, also if possible, can you add a small part where they first interacted?
i have a sister..? ──── mashle various.
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featuring. mash squad + ames brothers.
notes. this is an interesting req! all platonic fluff.
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sweet, poor, mash would be so confused. she has the same honey eyes as him. even more miraculously, the same bangs and the same smooth silky hair that's in a specificly round shape. a one liner with pretty average magic. she does not like cream puffs. she likes tarts. obsessively. so when she's in the dormitory kitchen making berry tarts for herself and mash came in to make cream puffs, they stared at each other and she immediately screamed "you just look like me!!" and mash tilts his head. "i didn't know i had a twin." and she replied, head also tilting, "we're twins..?" both of them are equally dumb cuz why not.. mash's sis is based on this art.
little female version of them with black and yellow/blonde hair definitely stands out. so it was made into a commotion then rayne being a d.v. came to the commotion where one day it just exploded. his sister didn't even hesitate to call him brother at first sight. he froze at the sight of her and suddenly all the memories came flushing in of her being taken away. (oo mysterious) "tell me your name. now." he demands and she tells him and he covers his mouth at her voice. his sister who was taken away from him so long ago is now here, standing right in front of him. rayne caught sight of finn standing afar, also frozen. then finn runs to catch his long lost sister in a hug. omg so emotional
new victim to siscon about. im kidding. he doesn't know he has a wayyyy elder sister that's like d.v. level. she left the crown family long ago before lance was born so he know not of her existence. she came to visit the school one day as a special guest to demonstrate magic to the students. accidentally introduced as a crown before saying she has no surname cuz if fam issues. uses gravitiy magic, but hers is more intense and solid. lance knew they were related of some sort but he is unsure. confronts her after the demo as she's leaving the school. honestly, his sister would be shocked that there are two of her little successors. would tell lance to keep doing what's he's doing and she's very motivating! lance knows she wants nothing to do w the fam anymore and he respects her for it, wishing her luck in life.
in denial. there's a big difference in their appearance. she'd probably won't have such striking red hair as he does but more to a softer colour. i'm betting on her having a calm personality. but her ability tho. it's the same exact magical ability, hereditary, in fact. so when she appeared in school right in front of him, they were staring at each other in silence before dot started freaking out and started accusing her of looking similar to him. they also have the same line marking!! she's just there like "...?" then she'll ask, "are you dot barrett?" he nods. "oh wow! i'm a barrett too! although i was absent pretty much your whole life. lemme introduce myself, i am your sister bla bla bla" super respectful.
lemon having a sister??? younger or older, it doesn't matter. she's just really happy to find out she has a sister kept secret from her for the longest time. probably has super long hair. very confident and charismatic. she's under the wing of another family as that family wanted lemon's sister to be a bride of their son. they first met when she came to visit the irvine house and lemon immediately recognised her as she's that one cool girl in school. they immediately clicked and become close to each other after lemon's parents told lemon abt her secret sister. vv wholesome and sweet. the next day at school they're already besties doing whatever sisterish things they've always wanted to do if they hv a sister.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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;; im staring so very politely
i shall reveal what i have thought of so far!!
in the fae realm, the population is divided into Seelie and Unseelie fae. Seelie being the generally calmer, but still very much capable of mischief, yet also don't mind being helpful. sometimes. Unseelie being the ones that tend to be actually malevolent, harbouring hatred for humans... the Seelie and Unseelie Courts take turns ruling throughout the year, Seelie during spring and summer, Unseelie during autumn and winter.
i've decided to have two faerie royal families, one from each type of fae. the Seelie side of things is ruled by the Tenmas, and the Unseelie by the Shinonomes.
on the Seelie side, the Kamishiro family has been been loyal friends to the Tenmas for centuries, and the current generation is no different. Rui is best friends with their side's prince, Tsukasa, and despite his age, his level-headed nature and intelligence earned him the role of representing the Tenma royal family when they cannot. the main plot of the AU follows Rui's attempts to sort out various conflict between Seelie and Unseelie fae.
speaking of which, the two most dangerous Unseelie faeries around their age are a pair of twins, Arata and Iori. they are both particularly cruel to humans, have carefully practiced the art of being able to curse them, and are not above picking on other fae either. Iori dislikes how Unseelie fae are becoming "weaker" in her eyes, due to general hostility decreasing over the years, so she's determined to put a stop to any cross-court interactions she sees. one of her most targeted is Shiho, as she has been befriended by Ichika, Saki and Honami, who are all Seelie fae, Saki being the literal princess of that court, while Shiho (and Shizuku) were born into an Unseelie family. Iori is determined to prevent Shiho from being "influenced," in her eyes, by her friends, much to Shiho's annoyance. despite being royal, the Tenmas aren't respected by any of the Unseelie population, mocked for being kinder to humans, so Iori isn't fazed by the fact that one of Shiho's "disgusting Seelie friends" is Princess Saki. naturally, she doesn't care when Rui is sent to tell her off for the disruption either, often fetched by Shizuku, who can't bear to see her sister being bothered.
yes, despite being opposite types of fae, Shizuku and Rui get along rather well. Shizuku may try to act like a typical Unseelie should, but is really more of a peacemaker rather than a troublemaker. the other Unseelie fae, specifically Arisa, hate how Shizuku is praised by the Seelie Court for not causing deliberate chaos despite her nature, expecting the rest to follow her "example." because of this, there are rumours spread that Shizuku was adopted into her current family and is actually a Seelie fae. Rui can somewhat relate to her, as he has his moments of trickery, but despite lacking malice, people still sometimes accuse him of secretly being from the Unseelie side. he doesn't have it nearly as bad as Shizuku though, since his fellow Seelie aren't nearly as vicious, plus he and his parents are closely connected to the royal family, so they're more careful about slandering him.
meanwhile, Arata violently resents humans because a hunter unknowingly shot Souma when the two of them were hanging out in a human realm forest together, causing the other boy's wings to break beyond repair. he is relentless in enchanting humans at every chance he gets, and although this has made him extremely popular with his fellow Unseelie, the Seelie Court, especially Rui whose job it is to keep fae civilians relatively in line, are incredibly fed up with him because his antics constantly risk more humans finding out about them.
surprisingly enough, Souma, is in fact, a Seelie fae, which has people wondering how exactly he and Arata got so close considering Arata, like his sister and other Unseelie types, seems to currently dislike the Seelie. in truth, he was actually fine with the other fae... until Souma's accident, because he expected them to let go of the "good" act and take revenge against the humans who hurt his partner officially, especially seeing as Souma was one of them- yet, they did not, saying it was too risky, which made Arata see red and spend every day ever since delivering the "justice" himself.
pretty much the only way that Rui can manage to keep Iori and Arata from going completely off the rails is threatening to report them to their own king- the Unseelie ruler, King Shinei, is hardly as gracious and forgiving as the Tenma monarchs.
Emu was born into an Unseelie family, yet she never really felt that she "belonged" on that side... so she grew up trying to play with the Seelie children, but they would all be terrified of her because other Unseelie tend to bully them. however, she was found and accepted by Rui and Nene, two Seelie types who were willing to befriend her- as well as Prince Tsukasa himself. this is much to her family's annoyance- well, really, only Shousuke. Hinata is just pleased that her sister isn't quite so lonely anymore and Keisuke may be a little wary of what may happen to their reputation, but Shousuke is outraged. which is very much to Rui's amusement.
the Tenma royal family includes Toya, but Toya isn't a faerie at all. he was born a human child who the Tenmas saw being treated poorly by his biological family in the human realm, so they took him and left a changeling that mimicked Toya's appearance in his place. however, it was soon discovered what the "Toya" living with the Aoyagi family was, and it was killed while the real boy remained living in the fae realm. one of the plots in the AU is that Toya's older brothers, who were much kinder to him than his parents, found out what happened to him and try to negotiate with Rui who was sent to sort out the matter, of course, and he declares it's up to Toya himself to decide. the two beg him to return to them, but he doesn't want to, refusing to leave Tsukasa and Saki's side. he is afraid and confused by his biological brothers, barely recognising them because he was very little when the Tenmas "switched" him. the Aoyagi brothers realise how truly happy Toya is with his new family, and find themselves not being able to cruelly rip him away from that. probably wish they got kidnapped by fae too-
... well, that is all i've thought of this evening!!
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theancientdarkbeauty · 9 months
Payday 3 theory for New Character Designs
This is hella long, so the rest of it is under the cut, but if you want to see why that "Collar" is on Wolf and Dallas, from a lore and character design perspective, please click the "Read More"
Alright, you clicked, so you wanna know, what do I think the metal collars on Wolf and Dallas's necks are. For Wolf, you might think he was committing to the Dog Bit TM, but then you see an identical one on Dallas's neck, and he has no associations with canines of any sort in all of his years of being The Face of the Payday Gang (except for, of course, liking dogs on a casual level, he was on a team with John Wick after all, which could be counterargumented (Not a real word I know) by "but Jacket was on that team as well, and in his games, he is known for killing a good score of Doberman Pinschers" which is a bit of a theory for a different time) So the next thing you can assume, as you dirty minded Tumblr users, and as I've seen some other people say, is that they're just kinky bitches, to which I say BEGONE THOT! But in all seriousness I don't think Starbreeze would intentionally add something so noticeable to two of their most beloved characters and their only reason being "The tumblr and 34 community can logically go ApeShit now) Oh no no no my friends, if I can entertain your eyes for perhaps a paragraph longer, I'll tell you why that kinky shit in that google doc for Payday 3 with WolfHox using that collar thing would quickly devolve into more of a bloody angst story, logically.
You see, in short, these collars are helping them breath. Weird, right? But let me explain! Because, when you think about it anatomically, it will actually make a lot of sense. Lets take a look at our heisters in question real quick:
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Wolf and Dallas respectively. Now, do you notice anything? (Besides, Dallas being bugged, this game works as intended) The collar is on the same place on both of their necks, right in their jugulars (yes you have 2, one for each side) Right on the Interior Jugulars/ Internal carotid arteries, though, considering the circumstances, probably the carotid arteries. This is common place knowledge, but for those who don't know, Wolf is very close to Hoxton, shown in game through various nicknames they give each other, and Dallas is the oldest of the OG four, being 44 at the time of Payday 2 (since I don't know the exact gap in time from 2 to 3, but if it is 10 years, like rumored, that means he is 54 as of "today") For reference, the other oldest character, Chains, was 37 at the time of Payday 2, Wolf 34, and Hoxton being a fucking child at 32. So, Dallas is an old man, and he's been smoking since... well the first game (that is 100% confirmed.) so his lungs are fucking WRECKED. But, why is this related? If Dallas's lungs are heavily damaged, running, vaulting, sneaking around, and doing normal heistery stuff, his lungs wouldn't be able to keep up with the oxygen needed to run his brain/other body functions. So, Dallas's lungs are wrecked, yeah, duh, but why would Wolf, the second youngest little man, need this "collar"? Also simple, he's a heartsick bastard.
Wolf lost his best friend, Hoxton, for 2 whole years, do you really think that this man, who basically lost everything, his company, his wife, his kids, his sanity, and now his best friend, wouldn't take to some pretty destructive habits? 2 years of chain-smoking and drinking and doing whatever he could to get his mind off it (be it committing violences or building machines) wouldn't take a toll on him? His lungs would be 100% destroyed, even after only 2 years, because, if I had to take a guess, he started those bad habits when he initially lost his job and went on a rampage. That man has probably been smoking for at least 2 years casually (with periods of mental breakdown chain-smoking) and then 2 more years of hard chain-smoking, non stop, destroying his body. Though, statistically, it takes 15-20 years to fuck up your lungs as bad as maybe Dallas's would be, so whatever Wolf was doing to get himself on that collar device thing must have been pretty hard core.
BUT I'M GETTING OFF TRACK!!! You clicked read more because you wanted to know what I thought the collars did! My thoughts? They artificially pump oxygen into our beloved heisters blood streams, to give them the stamina and brain function they used to have, but still probably being cheaper than a lung transplant. (A quick google search will show you that, for both your lungs transplanted, it would be $1,295,900 in America. Crazy shit, especially for 2 people. Also, if the lungs and heart were damaged, the collar things would be basically a necessity if the guys wanna run around as much as they do in game (don't ask me why you can sprint for like a minute in a half straight in a light ballistics vest when they are all old men, I couldn't tell you). Why doesn't Hoxton have one? Probably because he's a stubborn bastard. Why doesn't Chains have one? He's just built different. The fact that these things are adding extra oxygen to people's blood would mean that the collars are imbedded in their necks, which means if some pulls on them, major ouchies (plus theirs a lot of nerves there and it's really just a whole mess of a time)
THERE YOU GO! This took me 4 days to write, off and on, so for the love of god I hope I got everything right. My area of expertise is reptiles, not humans, but story writing and character development were my first things studied. But this is all head cannons, nothing concrete yet! Anyways, thank you for sticking with the ramblings of a mad lad, and have a wonderful day/night!
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condemnedtranscendent · 3 months
Could you please tell me about your of bloodline (the daughters of eve)? 👉👈 they sound so interesting!!
:O thank you for asking!
tw: for murder, toxic relationships, mental illness and vampire nonsense
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i don't remember where exactly i got the name daughters of eve from, but it was from i believe a non-canonical biblical source?? they're not *literally* daughters of the biblical eve, but as eve = sin in some interpretations, it makes sense w the vampires of vtm lore. but they are all full blood sisters from the same parents.
there's seven sisters total, one put into each clan (just the primary ones in bloodlines). they were all turned on the exact same night at the exact same time (7pm). the event was not planned by any one or group, and none of the sisters were in the same location. some people think their coming is a sign of gehenna and that they all share the same soul, but whether you believe that is up to you. all of them are very different personality wise, and all have various levels of relevancy/power/influence.
meta wise, they represent each of my bloodlines playthroughs, so right now i only have two written out evas and entigone.
evas is the gangrel also known as the ugly german bitch because shes not afraid to look like "trash" (being fat, as i know personally, was NOT in, in 2005, but she dresses as she wants anyways and uses the term ugly to show she doesn't care what others think, i for one think shes hot) she will beat you over the head for talking shit. but shes also in general mean. so that's the bitch part. she has no problem or grief killing people. shes gangrel but down with the brujah. doesn't mind doing tasks/quests just because it gives her something to do and someone to beat up, but she doesn't like to be pushed around like a pawn. shes her own person and fights for her own cause, no one else is on her side, and anyone close to her she sees as temporary (whether they will betray or end up dead). evas probably the most sane out of all of them, and is the eldest sister of seven. also shes bi if you're interested. her ending was the brujah one.
entigone is batshit obviously being malkavain, but moreso than the typical malk. she had ocd before turning, and becoming malkavian turned that shit 100x worse. its very hard for her to sort out whats true and whats not. she is incredibly off putting to be around. she will attack randomly if she feels threatened (even if the person said nothing to her) and because of this she has the most masquerade violations out of any daughter of eve. also loses control when feeding and sometimes drains them without meaning too. big lesbian and trusts women too much, but never trusts any men. her hair is naturally curly, and meant to have greasy roots and matted ends (i use gerard way, amy winehouse, and britney spears for hair reference). she cant take care of herself physically. unphased by violence (the lollipop piece was meant to have a layer covered in blood from one of evas' kills, hence the surprised but not horrified expression) but is terrified of losing anyone she loves (heather is NOT leaving that fucking apartment shes probably locked in a goddamn cupboard if were being honest.) and lives in constant delusions, not being able to tell whats true from the malkavian voices and her ocd, and the x% of the time the voices are right. i haven't finished her playthrough but she was "fooled"* by ming xiao and that's her ending.
her name comes from the ancient greek figure antigone, who was present in oedipus rex. i haven't really figured out if she'll have any true connection to her namesake, their stories don't really cross very much other than i can read antigone's with the Eye Of OCD (only fellow crazies will get me here lol)
*"fooled" bcuz i really disliked they made the kuei jin evil and sneaky, it just felt kinda racist (and i love xiao) butttt i also like the idea of entigone following her ocd compulsions leading to her death like tragedy and comedy, (also since i suffer with ocd irl, and doing compulsions often leads to opposite results its sort of a cautionary tale, again like a greek tragedy)
i really wish i had more to this written out i'm sorry 😭 ill start posting stuff under the tag #daughters of eve when i come up with it from now on if you'd like to follow the story :}
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rankertopanwar · 2 years
sumptuous cookies
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Various aromas suit various events. The fragrance you wear out on the town could not precisely be the right one to put on while going to a conference. Thus, knowing the best aromas to apply for regular use can assist you with figuring out what sort of fragrances to wear that will be fitting for different circumstances. The scent you wear shouldn't bother or overpower individuals around you.
For a many individuals, clean smelling light scents are believed to be the best since they smell new and cause the wearer to feel invigorated. Their fragrances tend not to be overwhelming in many settings; particularly in work and business conditions where nuance is of highest significance. Light botanical aromas, citrus and musk fragrances are the most famous kinds of scent that function admirably in pretty much every circumstance. There are uncountable assortments of aromas of this sorts that will work with nearly anybody's body science.
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Information about the scent, their details and results is within reach: likewise, what kind of young lady the aroma is for, as well as the points of view of different clients. Fragrances are a fundamental part of the whole engaging quality industry. We want to dissect allure and we want to look at the aromas it offers. Online scent stores license us to do that. Yet, the scent ought to be shown and that is the reason division shops and online aroma stores supplement each other.
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babytaes · 3 years
Don’t Leave Me
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➳ 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢:  Over the past two years, the apocalypse has been raging, food has become scarce, and security has weakened. Will you survive as a small town girl living in a small apartment with your college best friend?
❥ 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: hoshi x female reader
❥ 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: zombie apocalypse au, suggestive/smut, angst, fluff, 
❥ 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 6k
❥ 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: Trigger Warning- Death and use of Gun. There are some smut scenes so if you are not comfortable please do not engage. Other than that enjoy.- BT
➳ part of the song series
↳ I used to be so happy
But without here I feel so low
I watched you as you left but I can never seem to let you go.
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If you had told me that the world will end in a few days, I would have told you that you were insane and that you should stop believing in government-created conspiracy theories.
The looming fact that her life was now ended and her dream was broken would have made old me giggle and shake her head. So much for my desire to be a doctor.
You didn't grow up believing in a zombie apocalypse or the end of the world, so you weren't prepared for this. You would have preferred to go out in a more pleasant manner.
It was wonderful to have some company to keep you sane during the end of the world as we know it, despite the fact that you and Soonyoung had been imprisoned up in this miserable flat for so long.
Today was the day, the one-year anniversary of the beginning of it all. The date is June 17, 2023. You recall the event as if it were yesterday. A day that began unlike any other.
Today was just another day, with loud music booming through the closed doors as you both changed for the day. It was routine: get up, go to work, eat a meal, and return home. There wasn't a lot of variation in either of your days.
There were days when things were entertaining, but life was monotonous in general, and you both wanted something to liven things up!
“Heyyy can you please turn your music down just a smidge, I’m trying to do my eyeliner and it's making my hand shaky.” You laughed at Soonyoung's response as he shouted out to you from the other room.
“Oh, so they're not supposed to look bad,” says Soonyoung. Your basic talent has nothing to do with the music.”
Fluffing out your hair and setting down your makeup brushes you trudge over to his room and rapped on his door, arms crossed and mentally preparing for his cheeky comments.
He leaned against the door frame after opening the door and staring at your stiff physique. You gulped as you examined his toned physique; there was something about his physique that drove you insane.
“Keep your eyes up here, princess.” As you smirked at his movement, he titled your chin. Your brushed past him and landed on his unmade bed, pushing him to the side. He laughed as he closed the door and resumed his preparations.
“So, Mr. Bodybuilder, what's on your plan today?” He spun around in his chair, palms on his thighs, cocking his head, chuckling at your inquiry.
“Well, I have some new dance students to coach until noon, but after that, I'm free.” Jihoon, on the other hand, had requested a meeting to work on various projects.”
As you flung a thumb up, you shook your head, taking in what he had to say and mentally organizing it in your thoughts. You let out a long yawn as you stretched your sluggish body, unwilling to face the day.
Soonyoung coughed and looked at you with an open mouth.
“Since it's just ten o'clock, I had a plan before we took on the world. “Do you think you're up for it?”
As the air in the room became tense, you sat up on the palms of your hands and crossed your legs, watching his behavior.
“You know I'm up for anything,” As you scoot back on his bed, you wink at him. As he lingered over you, Soonyoung stood up from his chair, chuckling.
He kissed your collarbone and ran his fingers over it, absorbing up all the energy you were releasing.
“After I'm done with you, you might have to fix your eyeliner.” You flung your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you because you both knew you were going to wind up in this situation sooner or later.
“This is going to be a lot of fun.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” You retorted
As you hungrily stripped each other's clothes, you both started kissing each other, not splitting lips. His hands flew to your body to assist you in getting naked as quickly as possible. You sat up on your elbow, whimpering under his touch, undoing his belt.
Soonyoung was the sort to take his time when he was praising you, but as he pressed lips lightly on your core, you grew impatient. Thankfully, the time limit was short, so he set right to work, not wanting to waste this opportunity.
As your body jumped, he began to press kisses on your inner thighs while grabbing your breasts and rolling them.
You grumbled, “Fuck Soonyong,” as you pressed up against him, begging for more. As you peered up at him, his tongue touched your core, and he laughed.
“You're already a mess for me; look how drenched you are.”
He checked the dampness within by sticking his finger inside. You nudge him in the stomach as you hit his head, no longer whining.
“So help me, if you don't fuck me already. You're lucky I'm horny; else, I'd have taken care of myself by now.”
“Is my baby needy…?” As he thrashed two fingers in your wet folds, you whimpered as your body reacted nicely. As he pressed his digits deeper into you, your stomach began to erupt as your high drew near.
“Please, a-ah, f-faster.
“Patience, honey, I want you to cum on my dick.” As you felt empty, he pulled his fingers out, and you opened your eyes to find him yanking his underwear off and discarding it to the side.
You cry as he tempts your core before gently pressing into you and allowing you to adjust before proceeding.
Soonyoung grins as he angles himself to drive himself into you.
“Mmmhmm-ah Soonyoung, t-there!” As he repeatedly hits your g-spot, your back arches off the bed.
“Fuck, I can feel you tightening your grip on me. Darling, let me fill you up.”
“Yes, y-yes please.
As soon as he feels his climax coming on, Soonyoung fucks you faster. With a low sigh, he tightened his fingers around you. As he touched your area one time, he moaned out his name.
You gasped, desperately shouting out his name as your orgasm poured over you, forcing you to squirm as Soonyoung held you down and coated the insides of your body.
As you both fell back on the bed panting and relaxing your bodies, your name slipped from your lips. He kissed your forehead as you slowly turned over and let out a quiet groan once you had calmed yourself.
“I know, speechless; it's one of my many skills.” Rolling off the bed and hurriedly picking up the stray clothing. Throwing his at him, you put on your underpants as you gathered the rest of your belongings and walked towards the door.
You turned back as you approached the door and winked at him before closing it.
He sighed, a broad grin creeping across his face.
“Oh the things I would do for her.”
Walking to work wasn't always so unpleasant, especially when you were accompanied by a talkative companion. It made the journey seem more annoying, enjoyable.
“Do you actually believe the government will do something like that? To their own citizens?’’
Hoshi scowled at you through his thick sunglasses as he went to take them off. He rolled his eyes and walked right up to you after opening the door in front of him.
“Unquestionably, the government is capable of anything. Nothing will be able to stop them from achieving their objective if they have one. All I'm saying is that we must exercise caution.”
“You and your irrational ideas. Stop watching Jerry Mason; he's simply fueling your fire.”
 When you arrived at your location, you came to a halt, clocking in and retrieving some files that had been left over from the night before. You sat down and exhaled deeply as you entered your temporary office.
“Do you think this is even worth it?” 
Soonyoung frowned and moved over to you, kneeling to get a better look at your troubled expression. He knew you'd be exhausted, and all he could do was be there for you.
It dawned on you when you were young that you wanted to be a pediatrician. It felt as if you were born to do this. You'd always adored children, seeing their faces light up when you offered them assistance or simply being there for them when they needed it. Despite the fact that you had just completed an eight-year school career, you still had three years left.
Regardless of what happened, you were going to make it.
“Hey, look at me.” As your eyes meet in the middle, he caresses your face.
“You got this; the long night of studying and grieving was for naught-" You smiled as you snickered at his remarks and allowed him to continue.
“This will be a breeze for you; the difficult portion has already been completed. All we have to do now is get through this summer together before moving on to the next level. Okay?”
As you rubbed his shoulders, he tenderly caressed your cheek and pulled you in for a forehead kiss.
“Thank you, Soo.”
As you jumped from your seat, you both heard a cough out of nowhere. As Soonyoung stood up and adjusted himself, you let out an uneasy laugh at your boss.
“I apologize if I interrupted anything, but we need to talk about the intern program with you.”
You coughed and tidied up as you walked to the door with him, shaking your head quickly. As you strolled down the corridor, trekking away to another room, you blew Soonyoung a kiss before leaving.
You noticed a man coughing on his approach towards you as you made your way to the rear room. He tripped towards you and grabbed your arm as he gathered his breath, his face showing symptoms of tiredness and worry.
“So-Sorry” He leapt to his feet and dashed out the rear entrance, out of the building and into his car.
You walked into the room, indifferent to his cries, and said, "No problem." While sitting next to the employers, you shook your head and took a long breath.
Many subjects were explored as the meeting progressed. One of the most crucial was when we would begin exercising our skills. Despite the fact that we still had schoolwork to complete, the boss had opted to get some exercise.
“It won't take long, but I want you to think about why you picked this profession. You understand why this is your calling and are free to write as much as you want about it. I'll be gracious and recommend that only one page be required. I'm excited for these papers, and it's a nice day today, so you may take the afternoon off.”
As everyone walked out of the room, loud whoops and hurrahs swept across the room, signaling that the weekend had arrived. As we were all leaving the room, you came to a halt and gazed out the building's window at a scene.
You saw a major shift in the man before you. As he smacked his head against the frame of his car, he twitched and screamed. You took a step forward, scrunching your brows and covering your mouth.
It all happened too quickly as the suddenly insane man leaped onto the nearest person and began biting them. You shuddered in terror as you hurried out of the room, falling back on your butt.
You yelled out to everyone, telling them about the man and his odd actions. Not only did you notice another woman twitching in the rear, but you also learned on the news that it was starting to happen all around.
*News* “Hello, this is NTC News, and we have just received word that unknown persons have been bitten and are biting others. Please don't stop for these people; we want everyone to get to safety as soon as possible. They are harmful to your health and can even kill you. We implore you once more to ge-”
As everyone gazed in horror, his voice was cut short. You yelled as you noticed a woman approaching the group after a man leapt on him and began biting him.”
“You guys heard him, runnnnn.”
You studied a puzzled Soonyoung as he waved to you, avoiding the crowd. You gently peered out the door, grabbing his hand and some items from your desk, and found it to be secure.
“What is going on, Y/N?”
“When we get home, I'll explain; we've been exposed here.”
As you ran down the corridor, panicked at the sight of the outside world, you took the emergency exit as you exited the back door. It was in shambles; they were swarming everywhere. Soonyoung kissed your hand and dashed through the horde, dodging stray onlookers.
It felt like you and he were in a movie, running and evading attacks and bleeding faces as they wiped out the people in front of you. You didn't know if you'd make it, but you clutched his hand as you rushed up the stairs to your apartment building.
As Soonyoung looked at you, you took your key and held it between your fingers.
“Are you ready for what we'll find when we get in here?”
Shaking your head, you hastily pecked his cheek before sprinting into the apartment complex and towards your room.
(Present Time, 2 years later )
Wasn't it supposed to be a typical day? In our town, nothing strange ever happens. Life had taken a different path and decided to run amok, and it didn't feel right to you or anybody else.
“Y/N, we have to leave; you're coming this time.”
“Yeah I’m coming” Soonyoung was strapping on his utility belt and grabbing his homemade weapon when you shot him a glare. “I know what you're thinking, and you're completely incorrect.”
He threw you the bat and also strapped you into your armor, shocked by your tone.
“We've been in this apartment for a long time, yet you still think I'm wrong. Hmm, it sounds amusing.”
Chuckling at his antics you quickly heard a voice on the other side as you both went silent. The sound of moaning and groaning never grew on you; hearing them reminded you of who they were before they transformed.
Where they are aspiring actors ready to take on the stage or innocent children on their way to school. It wasn't fair.
“This may be the most practical weapon, but it'll look pretty impressive if I can kill a zombie with it.” You giggle as you swing your bat in the air.
“I’m wondering how long I should leave you before I intervene and save your ass — again.” As he held the walkie up to his ear, Soonyoung heard a beep before tapping you.
“On the walkie, we got the all clear Y/N. It's time."
Shaking your head at him, you tightened your grip on the bat and went out the door gently, looking around to make sure no one was nearby. You and him did this on a regular basis when you were out scrounging around for anything. You know signs of life.
You and he discovered a group of survivors in your building as the outbreak was spreading for the past two years. It was a blessing to find individuals alive in this place attempting to survive; even though we only see them when we schedule weekly meetings, it's great to hear their voices every now and again.
“This is GoldenFox on level 6, and there are no zombies on this floor as far as we can detect. It is okay to proceed.”
After fully exiting the room, you placed a finger crossed kiss on the door frame. As you both made your way to the nearby stairwell, you turned around and observed his six.
To Survive a Zombie Apocalypse, Rule 21 is to Avoid Taking the Elevator. Stairs are your best friend.
Soonyoung crept over to the door, slightly cracked it open, and motioned you over after noticing no unusual activity. Shaking your head, you entered the stairwell straight behind him, pointing your bat in the direction of the vacant stairwell.
Slowly creeping up the stair the lights flickered on and off as you saw dried blood stains on the wall. You could never get over the fact that bodies were gruesomely taken as you approached the sixth floor entrance door.
When you walked out the door, you were greeted by a familiar sight.
“Hey guys, it's been a long time since we've seen one other.”
As he strolled alongside the girl, Soonyoung reached for your hand and gripped it tightly. She was escorting us to the survivors' debriefing meeting, or at least the ones who could make it.
“Hey Chae, how are you doing?” As a frightened expression washed across her face, you began to explain.
“Well, it hasn't been good; are supplies are rapidly depleting, and security is deteriorating. Tae-ho will elaborate, but things aren't looking good.”
You drew Soonyoung closer to you when you arrived at the correct door, pushed it open, and saw friendly faces.
“Ahh, here comes the couple; please take a seat; we have some business to discuss.”
You smiled and sat down next to Soonyoung, coughing softly before listening to Tae-ho's concerns.
“Because of a lack of hands and space, our inside and outside forces have been swiftly diminishing as the virus has become more prevalent in our area. We haven't been able to communicate with the military in a long time, and we're in serious trouble. Finally, I convened this meeting because we are in need of volunteers for a job tomorrow. We needed to connect our generator to the electricity grid, but it was out of juice.”
When you look around the troubled faces, you find that no one wants to look Tae-ho in the eyes, which is understandable. Isn't it normal not to endanger your life? Although, prior to all of this, you would have been ready to seize such an opportunity. Whatever it takes to help the community.
Soonyoung raises his hand after only a few seconds have passed. As he looks at you with his tiger-like gaze, you jerk to the right and broaden your eyes.
“What...no one else was willing to help.” Besides, instead of being locked up with you all day, it would be good to get out.”
As you rolled your eyes at him, you gave him a smack on the arm.
“Jerk,” you sneered, before slumping back in your chair and allowing Tae-ho to continue.
“Anyway, Soonyoung, Chan-woo, and Jong-ho have offered. Is there another volunteer who wants to join them?”
“Fine, I'll go,” you muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes and pursing your lips.
Low shouts of cheer rushed in the room as the teams were set for the trip tomorrow.
“Okay great, meetings adjourned. We go after the sun rises since the walkers get up early in the morning. So by ten o'clock, I'd like you to be packed and ready to travel. Soonyoung is the trip's leader, so pay attention to him.”
“Did you actually just call zombies ‘walkers'? God, you're having much too much fun.”
As he stood up, Tae-ho burst out laughing and ordered everyone to scram. Everyone in the room agreed and began filing out of the room, returning to their lowly abodes. You grabbed Soonyoung's hand and squeezed it strongly.
“Ow, what was that for?” 
“I don't know, I guess I just wanted to annoy you.” You rolled your eyes and smirked, your arms crossed in front of his face, pouting.
“Don't be like that, you know I was joking.”
Hiding his smirk he gazed at your eyes before kissing you all over.
“Stop,” you said, flailing your arms in an attempt to free yourself from his grasp. As he sighed, you completely surrendered and let him rest on you.
“Well, at the very least, we'll be going on a mission together tomorrow.” I was wondering whether you were planning on attending. But I'm glad you are.” He looked down at your lovely state.
You wrapped your arms over his neck and placed your hands on either side of his ears, narrowing the distance between you and him.
You were both shocked when Tae-ho coughed loudly, interrupting your conversation.
“How long have you been standing there?”
He laughed as he walked out the door, waving his hand in the air and said in a girlish tone.
“Oh, I love you, no, I love you,”  You both laughed as you flipped him off, then grabbed your bags and walked down the stairs to your apartment floor.
Soonyoung arrived safely at your door, opened it, and swiftly shut it while he stripped you and him of your clumsy armor.
“Is this a make-up for the earlier remark or...?” Soonyoung kissed you and dragged you closer to the bedroom, soon shutting you up with a kiss. 
Despite the horrible cries of walkers reminding you of what you were now living in, the night was young. When you glanced at Soonyoung, though, all of your worries and fears vanished because he made you feel safe no matter what was going on outside.
Soonyoung wrapped his arms around your waist and said quietly, “You're more lovely than anything else in this whole big universe.”
“Not more lovely than you, my baby,” you muttered as his handsome face drew you in closer.
Soonyoung chuckled and kissed your lips before resting his brow on yours and closed his eyes.
“I love you,” he said softly.
You grinned and pulled him in for a genuine kiss, saying, "I love you more than anything."
He nipped your bottom lip, eliciting a little whimper from you before sliding his tongue inside your mouth and kissing you hungrily, exploring every inch of you.
As a sticky pool formed between your legs, you could feel his hardening cock pressing against your thigh. You drew him upon you, already undressed, as he teasingly kissed your body.
You looked up at his toned figure, appreciating his abs as you ran your fingers on his solid stomach, your mouth watering because you knew this was just for your eyes. Soonyoung lifted your chin softly as you locked eyes.
“I'm not sure whether you're up for it, but I'm in the mood.”
“When are you ever not horny?” you asked, laughing. “I'm actually fairly hit, but I don't mind helping you feel good.”
The pupil of his eyes dilated. As you opened your eyes and looked up at him, he rapidly flipped you around.
“Oooh my favorite.”
Slowly, you slid onto his throbbing member and began to move; it was almost like muscle memory for your mouth as it went to work right away.
As tears began to collect at the corners of your eyes, you felt his palm on your hand, almost like clockwork, guiding you down.
“Yes, baby...right there,”  As his movement became jerky, he mewled. As you looked up at his trembling form, you chuckled.
Your name falls from his lips as his dick twitches in your mouth one last time before filling you up with his warm seed.
He drew you closer to him and kissed you for the twentieth time tonight when he cooled down.
“Ahh, I'll never get bored of that,” As he tenderly caressed your cheek, he complimented you.
“It is my area of expertise.”
As your eyelids began to drop, you both chuckled. You mumbled into his warm chest as you nestled closer to him.
“Goodnight, my love,” 
“Princess, good night.” He drew the blankets over your nude bodies, blew out the melting candles, and brought you closer to him, pressing one last kiss on your forehead. Allowing sleep to take control, the sound of his heartbeat and soft breath soothed you as you drifted off.
Thanks to the large windows, you were both awakened by the warm sun as it crept into the room, bringing the warmth and light needed for the day.
You snuggled closer to your love and crawled on top of him, sighing, as your tired eyes adjusted to the light.
“Hmm honey, we have to get up.” He began to get out of bed as you begged him not to leave you.
“5 more minutes,” you said as you drew his arm back and began kissing him on the arm and neck. He hauled you on his back, dropping you at the bathroom and making his way to the kitchen, smirking at your game.
“Get ready; I'm going to try to come up with something other than canned corn and rice.”
With a shake of your head, you took out the ladle and water bucket and began scooping up water for your shower. You quickly became accustomed to this way of life. You did miss your warm baths and your once-weekly takeout. At the very least, you had Soonyoung to help you get through it.
Stepping into the shower, you cleansed your body while singing a song; today would be a regular day. After a fast mission, the rest of the day would be laid-back, with nothing too serious on the agenda.
“LOVE GUESS WHAT I FOUND IN THE FREEZER, SOME FROZEN KIMCHI.” You giggled as you walked out of the bathroom in a towel, seeing how thrilled he was.
“I'm surprised it's still good; the freezer went out about two weeks ago.” He carefully set the chilly container down and pretended to choke while pinching his nose.
“At the very least, we got rice.”
“You can never go wrong with some fresh steamed rice.”
Before walking back to your shared room and locking the door to get dressed, you kissed Soonyoung on the cheek.
You pulled on some old sweatpants and a worn-out shirt and checked your appearance in the table stand's cracked mirror. You came to a halt as you looked around the once-bustling room, stunned at the extent to which an outbreak can devastate a space.
After giving it one last look, you stepped out the door, sat down at the table, and took a taste of the rice with a fork. Soon after, Soonyoung returned from the cabinet and sat down, smiling.
“I found some seaweed wraps stashed away. I mean, it's not that horrible; it should still taste fine after two years.”
Taking the package from his grip and swiftly opening it, you were greeted by the salty sea aroma as you both savored every last bite.
“Dig in!”
After devouring your meal you and he got prep and dress for your trek this morning. Making your rounds around the house one more time Soonyoung grabbed your hand and exited the apartment. 
“Well, the generator site is 3 miles from camp, and if we get there quickly enough, it will only last around 45 minutes. But that's just if we find another generator; it could take an hour or so.” As you looked around, you noticed your team's expressions as they tried to understand what Tae-ho was saying.
“Finally, the path you're travelling is a back road, which, while riskier than the street, provides more area to hide if walkers are noticed. I believe you can all do it; everyone will have walkie-talkies, so don't hesitate to call if anything goes wrong.”
Soonyoung grinned and shook his head as he counted his teammates and exited through the rear door. Before he left the building, Tae-ho grabbed him and handed him a pistol in case things went wrong.
“I know what's going to be out there, and I just wanted to let you know that if things go south, I won't hesitate to save you,” you said, thanking Tae-ho and pulling Soonyoung to the side. I know you're thinking the same thing, but these folks rely on you and your abilities, and I don't want to be in the way if something goes wrong."
“Don't even say that Y/N we're going to make it back safely all in one piece everyone of us,” he said as he pulled you in for a hug and lifted your face to stare at him.
“If you say so but still-”
“Shh, let's just concentrate on our mission and be ready, okay?” 
As you gathered the rest of the squad for a group huddle, you rested your hands on each other and said a quick prayer before shouting, "Let's go!" Tae-ho waved goodbye to you before closing the door behind you.
There was no going back now; it was now or never.
To ensure that everyone was safe, everyone had their backs covered just in case we were ambushed. You ran following Soonyoung, heavily gasping, as he dodged in and out of the automobiles and debris strewn everywhere. As we neared a small group of walkers, he came to a complete stop and raised his hand, motioning for us to move to the left.
These walkers were not your typical zombies; they had a poor sense of sight but a keen sense of smell and hearing, allowing them to track down humans even when they were not visible. Aside from that, they were normally fast, not lightning fast, but fast enough to put anyone who wasn't lightning fast to the test.
We were wary because we didn't know what kind of zombies we'd encounter. Tae-ho insisted on dousing us in a spray that penetrated their senses and messed with them for a while. Despite the fact that it smelled terrible, it kept us secure for the most part. All we had to do was spray it on ourselves every 30 minutes to keep the aroma from wearing off.
Soonyoung pulls the group around him, whispering, “We have about 2 miles to go until we reach the first checkpoint; we can stop at the old home on the right.” We shook our heads and waited for his next call, pointing to the house ahead of us.
“I want Y/N and Chan-woo to go first, to get to the building, and to keep an eye out for us when we arrive.”
As you carefully rushed to the building, you looked at Chan-woo and pulled him up, afraid of the walkers behind you. The next two were up as they quickly walked by the walkers, signaling that you had made it safely to the house.
“All right, get whatever supplies you can find and meet in the back in ten minutes.”
Soonyoung told the group to look around, and it was common knowledge that we should look for supplies. You left your companion and walked upstairs to get some fresh clothing; yeah, you still have to appear presentable.
When you got to the top, you went through random rooms until you arrived at a room that was clearly a teenager's room, despite the fact that it was blown out with dirt and litter. Not only did it break your heart to see all of their stuff crammed into the same space, but you also knew they were on their way to becoming a walker.
It was difficult, but you had to persevere. You stumbled throughout the room, thankfully discovering batteries, a few shirts, a first aid kit, duct tape, and some pads. Needed at all times.
Nodding, you threw your belongings into your bag and descended the stairs, only to discover everyone going for the back door. You looked around and swiftly moved to the back, where you saw them waiting for you in a defensive position.
“Hopefully, we all got some excellent things, and we'll be able to go through them more thoroughly when we go back. Now that the extra generator is only three houses away, we're into walkers territory, so stay vigilant."
As the group starts out toward the last house on the street, careful of walkers in the route, you tighten your hold on your bat and look about. You and the group make it to the last house, carefully moving across the wreckage and immediately entering the house.
“Okay, we've got a few minutes before they notice we're here, so let's finish packing.” Keeping in mind that these generators were compact, they were suitable for storing in tight locations. You take the tiniest ones and place them in Chan-woo's bag before returning your gaze to the larger ones.
“How about those? Aren't they going to be more effective than the smaller ones?” Soonyoung paused for a moment, staring at the generators while walking back and forth as he pondered.
“That is correct, but we don't have enough people to bring it with us; we can get it later when we have more people, but for now, let's just go with the four we have.”
As we got to the door, everyone glanced around and said, "OK." Jong-ho stepped out the door, completely oblivious to the fact that we were in the middle of the apocalypse. We were greeted by a group of walkers.
As we all rushed at him, one of the zombies grabbed his arms, and Chan-woo kicked him off of him and whacked him with his axe. Looking above, we could see a swarm of them approaching us, and we were all terrified.
As the walkers soon approached us, we grabbed hold of Jong-ho and pulled him with us.
We were quickly losing them, so we paused for a while to gather our breath before continuing on to the automobile portion of our adventure; we were almost there, and nothing could possibly go wrong.
Well in fact everything was just about too. When you turned back, you were confronted by the most scary of walkers, the runners. You yelled out to the group that we had to go right now.
We sped past the automobiles, grabbing everyone's attention and daring them not to turn around. Soon after, Soonyoung retreated behind the group to ensure that everyone was safe. You were almost there; the door was visible. You observed a bunch of familiar faces as the door opened.
Tae-ho kept the door open while telling you to duck, spraying bullets through the air and catching some walkers in the back.
“We're almost there,” you exclaimed as you turned around. Soonyoung was fighting the runner, gnashing his bleeding teeth. You panicked, unsure of what to do, as fear surged through your body. As you yelled, you could see the zombie rip into his skin.
You witnessed the zombie fall to the ground after hearing a shot travel through the air and hit it. You had a worried expression on your face as you gazed at Soonyoung.
“We don't have time to discuss this, Y/N.” You must leave right now.”
As tears flowed down your swollen face, you screamed at him.
“I can't leave you behind...,” 
As he strained to stand, he noticed them struggling and staggering toward us. He yelled again, worried for your safety, tears streaming down his bloodshot eyes.
“Please, Y/N, I'm sorry, but I can't let them take you. You have to go now before it's too late.”
You shook your head and raced towards him, barely hoisting him up, sobbing into your torn up sleeves.
“I’m sorry Soonyoung, but I can’t leave you.”
You watched a couple guys rush up to you and carry you and Soonyoung to the door, which they swiftly locked, not wanting to hear the walkers' cries.
When you saw the big bite mark on Soonyoung's arm on the floor, tears flowed down your face and your throat started to close up. You cried as you fell into his lap as he patted your back.
“You can’t leave me please.”
It was going to be a long night, not just for you, but for everyone else as well, and if someone got bit, there were two options. Make the pain less easy or to set them free outside, we couldn’t let the infection spread inside. That's how we survived, but you didn’t know if you could do it.
He was your entire world, and you and him would go to the ends of the earth, yes, even to the apocalypse. Why him? It wasn't right.
You awoke in a cold sweat, anxiously looking around.
“Was it all a nightmare?” As you entered the living room, calling out for Soonyoung, you heard a grunt.
It wasn't a dream in the least. Reality has smacked you in the face.
Slowly approaching the couch, you noticed his sweating face; the virus was growing quickly. As you saw him twitch and groan in anguish, it hurt your eyes. You wished you could just take the pain away for a moment.
You sat crouching at his side, clutching his hand in yours as you kissed it, thanking the guard. As he turned to face you, he felt your touch, and his red eyes met yours as you sobbed as you saw his devastated state.
“Hey..hey look at me.” He gently sat up, tears in his eyes, and embraced you, kissing your forehead.
“It was bound to happen, Y/N; all we have to do now is stick together and get through this.” For the sake of both of us, you must be strong.” You clutched him tighter as you became choked up, unsure whether this was the last time.
“I guess our family has to wait.” You wailed into his chest as tears welled up in his eyes. Fearful of what was to come, he brought you closer to him and kissed your head as he cried.
It happened so quickly that neither of you realized what was going on. What he had asked you to do was unthinkable; you couldn't do it. Was it the virus or him who was speaking?
“Babe I can’t.” As tears streamed from the corner of your and his eyes, the worn-out pistol in your fingers trembled.
“Love, you have to, it's growing worse and I can feel it taking over my body,” he began shivering as he attempted to regain consciousness. "Allow me to spend my final moments with you as Soonyoung.”
As you sat back, he grabbed you and held you in his arms as you flung your arms around his neck, holding back tears.
He gave you one more glance as he crawled up to you and kissed your lips as you drew him back to you, savoring every moment.
“I believe this is it, I love you so much Soonyoung, please never forget and I'm so sorry,” you chuckled as you looked down with a tear-streaked face. You gripped his hand as you silently cursed as you drew him closer. "
You brought the gun up in front of you and pressed the trigger while closing your eyes.
His body slid to the ground, the warmth of life snatched from him by death's icy grasp. Blood gushed from his gaping wounds, tainting the once-pristine earth with the wry wit of someone who had been gone far too soon. His chest lay motionless, with no signs of life or his customary purity in his bosom, indicating that he was dead.
Holding the rifle to your chin as you gently close your eyes, you take another look at his body. Everything was taken from you by the world: your happiness, your source of clarity, and your life. As the bullet flew through your head, you wiped the tears from your eyes and pulled the trigger.
As you fell to the ground, you felt your body's life drain away as you saw it fade from your eyes.
“I won’t ever leave you.” You kissed his hand one more time as your whole body went limp and drifted away into the light, holding his hand closer.
And then, out of nowhere, two lights dimmed, never to be seen again in this messed-up world.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➳ Navigate to the Maze
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blysse-and-blunder · 2 years
in lieu of a commonplace book
saturday, jan 15, 2022, 5pm pst — sunday, jan 16, 2022, 10 pm pst
what is a week, a month, a new year? a silly little series of days
head full, many thoughts, most of them about television! spoilers for star trek : discovery’s season 1
reading not a ton to report, on the book side of things. i'm trying to reduce the number of ao3 tabs open on my phone by deliberately finishing and closing things, which has meant some trips down memory lane (81 chapter yuri on ice fic from 2018, we meet again), and in so doing have been neglecting the vacation reads i packed for myself. on the brighter side, i've joined a couple of storygraph reading challenges for 2022 and am looking forward to the exploration these will require-- the one book i have started and been making progress on so far this year is olivia waite's the care and feeding of waspish widows, which i would highly recommend so far!
(can't say a whole lot for the cover design, though.)
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waite's previous wlw historical romance, the lady's guide to celestial mechanics, established a pattern which she follows again here, so both protagonists have a distinctive hobby/occupation/craft, in this case 19th century printing and bee-keeping, and this gives a lot of rich detail to the books themselves before you even get to the steamier dimensions. also liking waspish widows for the fact that both of our leads are in their forties!! and are a certain amount of jaded and/or world-weary! i'll say this for it, though, that while i totally buy the budding tenderness between the two protagonists, and while i'm excited to have the discussions of law, politics, art, beekeeping, etc., we're like 40% into the book and so far it is...not especially erotic. the introduction of 'oh these characters are attracted to each other' has felt...sort of arbitrary? i feel like i had this problem with celestial mechanics too? have i just been spoiled for published romances by the better slow-burn fan works i've been lucky enough to find? will definitely keep reading, however.
watching more thoughts on star trek: discovery, **spoilers for discovery season 1 ** one of the lessons i've had to learn watching picard and discovery this past month, is that i didn't keep up with star trek especially well post-voyager. or to put it another way, i was raised on next generation and there's just no escaping the fact that it shapes my tastes to this day. so it's been a strange revelation (though it probably shouldn't be) that...each decade or so makes the star trek of it's own tastes and sensibilities. and these are not the same, today, as they were when tng or ds9 were being released. these newer star trek series (so far; in the early eps of disco season 2 there has already been a palpable shift that gives me a lot of hope) feel like they want so badly to be star wars, to have galactic-level conflict (literally the Klingon war… a literal star war) and the highest of stakes in addition to gleaming surfaces and acrobatic fight scenes, and it's just...i stop caring when the scale is too big, because it feels (ironically!) cheaper than if we were fighting over 100 lives, or ten. i miss the philosophizing, i miss the holodeck, i miss the various characters' personal logs as a story-telling device— I miss planet-or-weird-nebula-of-the-week.
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(god she's incredible. what can't she do. i'm living for her hair journey. i'm living for her eyes.)
they're s l o w l y reintroducing some of these things, in the midst of the lens flares and occasionally super clunky dialogue (disco writers may i introduce you to...the subjunctive? or like, dialogue that isn't largely exposition?). maybe it's the delivery, i feel like almost everyone is unnaturally stilted and it only works for sonequa martin-green bc a) michael's vulcan upbringing and b) she's a motherfucking artist and steals every single scene. (something i noticed in Picard, too, was a different level of, dare I say, naturalism in some of the deliveries: people with stage training, Michelle Hurd and Anthony rapp and even Patrick stewart sometimes, bless him, are just…the reads are different, and it’s enough that I was able to say to myself ‘hmm I bet MH has a theatre background’ and then check imdb and be correct). but like, i was pretty skeptical of a lot of choices made in the conception of this klingon war story line, i found the tardigrade / spore drive slightly ridiculous while appreciating that they were introduced for Plot Reasons. I got very heavy doctor who vibes from the alternate universe stuff and was seriously debating whether they'd jumped the shark with the introduction of nega!georgiou (as good as michelle yeoh is), before the reveal that lorca had been nega!lorca the whole time, which was kind of beautiful— it made every objection i'd had to lorca and his jingoism/willingness to sacrifice personnel and longterm success 'for the war' fall into place (though a lot of the ‘for the war’ attitude from other characters, cough ash tyler cough, remained a bit grating). also michael's whole speech in the last episode about holding to starfleet's principles made me stop and consider whether i was wrong and the show had actually had me right where it wanted me the whole time. ugh. ** end of spoilers**
i also have now watched episodes 1-7 or so of the cdrama the wolf/ lang dianxia (2020), and while obviously i began watching and have continued to hold out for xiao zhan's appearance (according to imdb he was in ep 1 somewhere, but i missed it and won't be going back to rewatch any time soon in an effort to get to his proper introduction faster), it is a valuable experience in other ways. i'm really loving li qin as the main female character, she is not only extremely beautiful but has the same command of all her incremental facial movements that i admired xiao zhan for in cql, so ma zhaixing as a character is obviously built of several tropes, but lq is imbuing her with this humanity at the same time... also this show like. passes the bechdel test. also i like how it has evolved its own concept a few times already? i thought it was going to be A Certain Way at the beginning, and then it time-skipped, and now we're doing 'arranged marriage' trope stuff, and...yeah, it's something i'll keep watching. xz better hurry up and get here though. also i looked this show up on Wikipedia and was immediately spoiled for something so rip me i guess, never actually investigate these things you should know better. 😔 poster slaps, though.
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listening one of the drains on my mental health while visiting family is that i don't have control of the aux cord as much, so to speak. when i realize this, and start carving out time to listen to my own tunes (volunteering to cook solo, going on long walks and not inviting others, etc.), things inevitably improve. but the song of the post is still a moody one, i love the instrumentation's build and energy and i also love the fact that it's written from the pov of a real character. I had the refrain ‘cause I’m not in the right state of mind’ playing in my head on repeat for a lot longer than is probably healthy back in dec; it was relatable at the time.
playing conversely, one of the real joys of being with my folks is the chance to continue our epic, decades-long scrabble clash of the titans. last night my dad played ‘zoomer’ on a double word score that garnered a tidy 50+ points, a personal best of his and the high score of the game…until I put ‘quiz’ off of his ‘z’ tile with that ‘q’ on a triple. 66 points. still feeling untouchable. /hairflip
making got some oil pastels (but like, the kids version) for Christmas and have begun playing around with them, which is fun. the texture is very pleasant, even if the actual consistency isn’t probably that high. making my bff a little portrait of her dog (rough sketch below), which I may post if it turns out to be anything.
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working on I got an offer to do a guest-lecture in a course at my institution called ‘the Celtic book’ and, meeting with the instructor on Friday, I got all excited about topics I could cover and maaaaaay have seriously over-promised. The lecture’s on Tuesday and I played hooky all weekend so tomorrow is about prepping some slides and prioritizing what I actually need to say, versus getting sucked into rabbit holes and wasting time on trying to decide if the white book has been quietly rebound?? since the 2018 digitization?? (celticists please @ me it’s bananas)
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The Enforcers (Part 8.5): Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
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wc: 1.4k
tw: NSFW
The sounds, the smells, the items in the market are enough to drive you crazy with excitement. Suguru watches you brighten at the sound of live musical instruments like pianos, guitars, and handheld drums echo around the open-air space, and you dart around the stalls, looking at the fruits with fascination - papaya? - and even purchasing a mango. Finally, you settle on a bunch of wild orchids, the newspaper they're wrapped in crinkling as you walk beside Suguru, who has funded your entire excursion.
"Can we go back for the cinnamon sugar pecans?" you wonder giddily, almost forgetting everything that came before your little exploration.
"Sure," Suguru offers, smiling brightly at you. His mission has fully succeeded, and for a moment, he sees you as he dreamt you many moons ago: by his side, beaming, enjoying the things he could offer you. "We'll come back in a few days."
And when you settle back in his room, you place the flowers in a mason jar barely big enough to keep the flowers from falling over. When you turn around, you see Suguru stripping out of his shirt, and for a moment, you watch the ripple of his muscles as he undoes his hair from its bun, letting it fall loose around his shoulders.
"I smell like meat," Suguru mumbles, turning around and catching your gaze. When he sees you staring, his lips part slowly.
The second between you two coming together passes so fast - it's as if it never happened. One minute you were standing at the edge of the counter in the kitchen, minding your own business (sort of), and the next... you're in his arms with your lips planted firmly against his.
"Is it okay to touch you like this?" he wonders between kisses, but you only moan in response, tangling your fingers in his loose hair. When Suguru pulls away though, cradling your face in his hands, you close your eyes, exhaling deeply. "Is it okay to touch you like this right now, y/n?"
"Just... forget about everything before this," you plead, but Suguru shakes his head.
"I can't. I really can't," he breathes, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "You're so precious to me, and I can't..." His black eyes search your face as he trails off, running his fingers across your bottom lip. "I can't lose you." You press your lips against the pad of his thumb and wrap your arms around his neck.
"No more lies," you whisper. "No more secrets." Suguru nods slowly, dipping his head as you raise up on your toes.
"No more."
The kiss is deep, sensual, and almost hedonistic as you tangle yourself in his embrace once more, adding, "Then, you won't ever lose me."
Your head swims as Suguru spreads you across his bed - naked and spread eagle, hands drifting around your hips, down your back, and past your ankles. They scrape against the fresh bandage on your wrist, taking care to be gentle with their grips and touches. His lips run from your forehead to your shins and then back up again, worshipping the shape of your body with a level of care you'd never think a former Leviathan and leader of an ostracized society would be capable of.
"I need you," Suguru murmurs in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and making your toes curl. He hasn't even touched you in a sexual way, and yet... every single cell in your body is on fire. Your nerves light up again when he finally does, dipping a finger into you before adding another. "Always so wet," he hisses, smearing your slick on your thigh as he pulls his fingers out.
"Please, Su," you beg, and Suguru sits up on his elbows, eyes firmly planted on your face. You can't speak as your chest heaves up and down, but the feeling of something gnawing at your insides makes you sit up with him, pulling him on top of you once your hands capture his perfect face. "Just make me yours."
"You're playing a dangerous game, y/n," the black-haired man warns, turning you over on your stomach. "But I'll do whatever you want me to do." Suguru slides a hand between your legs, finding your slit again and then pressing his cockhead right there, sliding into you without parting your legs at all. You arch off the bed a little, but Suguru grabs your chest, running his hand over to the opposite shoulder and resting his face on the other shoulder, sighing as he pumps into you with deliberate slowness. He only picks up the pace when you grip his hand, moaning loudly.
You have to admit, the bed never stood a chance.
The poor headboard smacks against the wall, but you can't hear it as Suguru fucks your hips into the mattress, hammering away at your cunt while you shake fiercely in his grip.
"Such a beautiful woman," he breathes into your ear. "So smart and kind... so pure." You grunt softly, beginning to feel overwhelmed by the sensations while your eyes roll into the back of your head.
"S-Su, I can't--"
"Don't worry, love," Suguru mutters, lips pressed against your temple. "I'm right here, y/n. I'm not letting you go."
"Oh god..." you moan, cunt contracting around Suguru's cock repeatedly. "Suguru, I'm--" He keeps pumping into you despite feeling your orgasm, grunting and panting. Your high is extended by his refusal to stop, and you really don't want him to. So you're in suspension for what feels like forever, fully drunk on your orgasm and Suguru's bruising strokes.
"Shit..." he moans, and you feel his cock twitch fiercely, warm cum shooting inside of you. When Suguru tilts your head back, you can barely see anything except his black eyes looking into yours, and the rest is blurry. A kiss is pressed to your cheek, and you relax in Suguru's arms, sighing.
When he pulls out, you curl up against his side, tracing the Leviathan tattoo on his side carefully.
"Ever considered just..." you begin, and Suguru places his arm under his head, looking up at the ceiling. You don't need to finish the sentence for him to know what you mean.
"A few times," he whispers back, and you look up at his face, which is grim. "Thought about it a lot more recently."
"Yeah." You both lapse into silence, and Suguru rubs his hand up and down your back. "Thought about just walking away and taking you with me. Start fresh somewhere new. Have kids, maybe..."
"Is that what you want?" you ask, raising onto your elbow. "Is that your new dream?" Suguru turns his head to look at you, but before he can answer, his computer pings thrice. He jolts up from the bed and walks over to his desk, where you watch him look at something, his face slowly turning pale. As you open your mouth to ask what's wrong, Suguru switches on the TV facing the bed, turning it to the only news channel.
"...live from the Civil Service Bureau headquarters, where a deluge of files has just recently come through about various projects aimed at recruitment and retaining of the forces here, as well as underground dealings of the Grand Council that could lead to federal charges for many of those involved." You jolt up, watching the scene in front of the CSB, thousands of protestors holding signs and chanting slogans for the release of the rest of the files.
"At this time, the CSB has declined to comment, but we expect to hear from either side by the end of the week. Thomas?"
"Thanks, Pierre. We turn next to the revelations made evident by Kenjaku, a source notorious for leaking classified documents to sway investigations of and recruitment to the Civil Service Bureau--"
Suguru growls, running his hands through his hair and pacing naked in front of the TV.
"We're in big trouble," you breathe, but Suguru shakes his head.
"No, they're in big trouble. But this wasn't part of the plan," the man moans, rubbing his face. "The CSB isn't going to let this fade into the dust."
"I'm surprised they let anything fade into dust," you huff. "So, what do we do?"
"We have to wait," Suguru groans. "The CSB has the upper hand right now. And whoever let those files get into the public's hands just dealt us a blow."
"What if the Grand Council did it?" you ask, leaning forward.
"Either way it happened, the lives at stake have just shot up to figures I can't control." His computer pings again, and this time you hop up, checking his email.
Seven words are in the email with no sender and no subject.
"What does it say?" Suguru asks, coming up behind you.
"It says... they're going to get rid of us."
TAGLIST: @missbonekitty @wack0-genius @thankuary @jsqeeut @r-i-m-f-009 @sunfloweroranges @leanne-tamashi @girlruby23 @rein-icu @brownskinnedgirll @chanelmalandro @savantsoulfinder @jibe-gajima @chilledlucifer @amnxsia @kontentious @fuyuko26 @everybodylovescayrayray @flare-on @sammytamaki @meena-in-a-nutshell @falling-through-pages @naoyasdarling @vabybizzle
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Crazy Bitch
Song Inspired
George Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Smut. Swearing.
Note: First full smut piece. So the writing's pretty bad.
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[Y/N] was always known to have a hot temper, and for being quick to the draw when it came to hexes or defensive charms, against anyone who poked her in the wrong way. At face value she was the perfect example of a Slytherin. Dangerously ambitious and just a stone cold bitch. Though not many people got the chance to find out that was far from the truth. She had built very high, very strong walls around herself from a young age to keep herself from ever being hurt and as such developed a rather fierce reputation. Given which meant there weren't many people daring enough to cross her.
Of course the Weasley Twins, however, weren't like other people. They saw her as a direct challenge on their mischief making abilities. At least they did in the beginning. I mean...a Slytherin with a reputation of being untouchable? They're just begging to be pranked. But now, the boys tended to avoid pranking her after learning the hard way that her idea of payback was not an equally elaborate prank or perhaps a stern lecture but more rather...painful.
On two separate occasions Fred had found himself, stunned, flying backwards through the air. George was a tad more fortunate but still had a fair share of hexes thrown his way. Safe to say they definitely learnt their lesson. After 5 failed attempts, which landed themselves some rather ugly bruises, they agreed the hassle just wasn't worth it and gave [Y/N] quite a wide birth where they could.
George recalled the last prank they had played on [Y/N]. One which left her with bright maroon hair. [Y/N] confronted the laughing boys that day and had let her wand do most of the talking for her. She had began by shouting at them to get some steam off her chest.
"Oi, mind the accusations [Y/L/N], what makes you think it was us?" Fred asked incredulously.
"Because no one else in this school is stupid enough to pull a prank on me. I thought we'd settled this boys. Don't. Provoke me."
Fred let out a haughty laugh as if to challenge the angry Witch infront of him.
"Dunno, you look well enough provoked to me. Never thought I'd see the day someone would have brighter hair than us, eh Georgie" he elbowed his brothers arm playfully as they both began to laugh.
[Y/N]s hand twitched toward her wand and it was enough for George to know the time for jokes was over and that things were indeed about to get very messy. He cleared his throat before speaking, "it was just a joke [Y/N/N], it'll wear off in an hour or so...hopefully"
The look she shot him at his words were enough for him to back down, bowing his head slightly. He knew better than his brother who, had evidently, opted to poke the bear that bit further.
"Come off it, won't ya? If you ask me it's an improvement" he jested, flicking her hair slightly with his hand.
Bad idea. [Y/N]s wand was drawn and, before anyone could register what happened, Fred was promptly flying down the length of the corridor. Georges eyes followed his brother, drawing his own wand and raising it as he turned back to the furious slytherin in front of him.
"Expelliarmus!" she bellowed and Georges wand flew into her grasp.
She began advancing on him slowly, his own wand raised at his chest as she starred directly into his eyes. George backed up, soon finding himself pressed firmly against the castle wall. She walked toward him until their chests were just about flush. His wand stabbing into him, not enough to hurt but enough for it to sting, and he knew there'd definitely be a mark left when this was over. He flattened his head to the wall as she slid the wand up slowly till it was pointed into the crook of his neck. George swallowed thickly and cast his eyes down to meet hers. She was smiling, wickedly, he would never admit it but this was sort of a really big turn on. A gorgeous and confident Witch putting him in his place? To George there was nothing hotter. His mind got lost as his eyes searched her face and slowly ventured down her neck, then to the slight cleavage protruding from her blouse, visible only due to his great height advantage. He swallowed again as he watched her chest heaving lightly while she drew slow, long breaths to steady her heartbeat. It wasn't till she spoke he realised just how long he hadn't been paying attention to the dull stab on his throat.
"I'm warning you. Prank me again and I promise you..." she paused as she moved his wand swiftly down from his throat so it was prodding directly into his groin, he gave a small grunt and pushed his head back with tightly closed lips to try avoid the not so gentle pain she just inflicted, her eyes never left his face as she continued to speak.
"You'll lose more than just your wand next time. Are we clear?" She gave a quick glance down and smiled back at him sweetly. He nodded repeatedly. Forcing the wand slightly harder into his crotch she spoke again "I said. Are we clear!?"
Grunting George spoke fast "Yep. Yes, absolutely, painfully clear."
Retracting the wand from it's owners flesh she smiled and whispered "good."
With that she stepped back from him, George let out a hard breath he had been holding. She raised her arm to his eye level and dropped the wand she'd disarmed in front of him. He fumbled over air for a moment in an attempt to catch it. He turned to see her striding past Fred as he returned rubbing the back of his head and lower back with a confused and hurt look.
"What's the deal? I get flown half way cross the castle but you just about get wanked off?" His brother chuckled "What'd she say?" They both watched as she disappeared round the far corner at the end of the hall.
"She threatened to take off my balls if we prank her again." Fred laughed at this
"Well, Georgie boy, there's worse ways to go. At least she's hot." He shrugged and clapped his brothers back as he began to walk the opposite direction to where [Y/N] had strided away. George mumbled a faint "mmm" in response, his eyes still cast after her as he rubbed the place on his neck where his wand had been jabbed. After a few long seconds and a call from his twin he finally turned to leave.
Things didn't get better from that point on. Although the boys had admit defeat and stopped trying to prank her, there was still a resounding amount of tension between the three. [Y/N] and George most of all. It seemed that whenever the two of you were within eye sight of each other it was inevitable they were going to fight. Near every time they saw one another they wound up screaming.
So, all in all given the mutual hate/hate relationship with one another, it was safe to say that George was beyond shocked to find himself currently, and yet again, pulled tight between her thighs on a desk in an empty classroom frantically clawing at the various layers of clothing separating their bodies from one another. Lips locked in a heated and deep kiss that left both gasping for air. He was tearing at the buttons of her shirt as she fumbled with the clasp of his belt and jean zipper.
This had become a somewhat regular occurrence between them. They both hated each other but whenever they were alone neither could restrain themself.
If they were to run into one another past curfew, there was always somewhere to hide and fuck one anothers brains out. Caught alone in a hall between classes, they'd suddenly find themselves clumsily shoved into a hidden passage or cupboard pashing intensely or otherwise involved in some other not suitable for school activities.
By this point they had probably snogged in every closet of the castle, and fucked in just as many empty rooms.
It hadn't been easy of course, for George especially, having to lie to his brother was something he always hated to do. So when he asked where the scratches on his neck and shoulders came from things would suddenly become uncomfortably awkward between the two. For a few minutes anyway, until Fred eventually would drop the subject.
He could only imagine the questions [Y/N] was being bombarded with when people noticed the countless hickies littering her skin. Questions he knew were being asked due to the circling rumours he'd heard of the marks. He could never help himself. Leaving love bites over her soft skin was one of his favourite things to do in the moment. He'd be sure to leave a few fresh ones again tonight.
As his belt came loose he shimmied his jeans down the rest of the way, stepping out of the bunched material. The sound of his pants hitting the floor excited [Y/N] further, wrapping her legs tight around his waist in anticipation, she rolled her hips into his seeking friction. This pulled a deep groan from George as he threw the girls shirt aside haphazardly, lips still locked with the others.
Breaking the kiss only to pull his sweater over his head, while he removed her tights. He snaked an arm around the girls lower back and pulled her flush against him as his other found it's way into her [Y/H/L] hair to bring their lips back to his once again. She reached eagerly for his buldge and palmed him gently a few times, over the thin material, before sliding a hand below the band of his boxers. Taking a firm grip to his member he moaned and detached her legs from around him completely. Bringing the hand he had placed on her lower back to pull off her lace underwear. Gasping as the cold air struck her aching core, and the cold desk top hit her bare ass she immediately threw her legs over him again but this time the grip in her thighs around his waist was notably tighter. The hand that'd been supporting herself on quickly came to grip Georges shoulders. He used his free hand to finally remove his boxers completely and she lined him up with her soaking entrance. Both moaning as his tip made contact. Unable to wait any longer [Y/N] looked into Georges eyes, breaking their needy kiss once again, seeking premission to continue. He nodded as he buried his head into her neck and she brought him in by her legs. Unable to restrain the whine that left her lips as she adjust to his size.
Chest heaving against his, [Y/N] moaned his name and bucked her hips to let him know she were ready. With a deep growl from his throat and a final kiss to the nape of the neck he began to thrust, at first slowly, but both knew by now how the other liked it and so soon he was fucking her with as much force as he could. Pressed tight against one another she were scratching for grip on his shoulders as he pulled her into him with both hands on her lower back. [Y/N] was fighting with all her strength to stop herself moaning too loud. He was lightly biting at the skin of her chest to keep from doing the same.
[Y/N]s mind wandered for a moment to what would happen if a teacher were to walk by. They'd stop abruptly at the sound of soft moans and gasps coming from the meant to be empty room, mixed with the rhythmic beat of the old desks legs being rocked off the floor with every hard thrust from George's hips.
Suddenly she were snapped back from her thoughts by a tightness in her abdomen and the feeling of Georges strong hand reaching up to wrap around her neck.
He pushed her down so her back was flat against the cold wooden desk top, grip on the throat tightening. [Y/N] knew he was getting close. That was his go to finishing move. He'd choke her against the surface of, whatever, they were having sex against and use his free hand to stroke her sensitive clit as his speed violently increased. As he pounded into her, her mouth opened in a silent plead for release. His breathing was rapid and he could be heard grunting with every thrust as he tried desperately to hold on until she came first.
Then for the first time, in a long time, George did something new. Lifting one of her legs over his shoulder as he fucked her. She had to bite her lip to stop from screaming now, but any attempts to remain quiet were futile against the loud moans escaping her dry mouth as he pounded directly into her g-spot. Feeling his hands grip loosen around her throat and travel to the baseline of her hair, George pulled their faces towards one anothers. Placing a rough kiss to her lips he leant to speak in her ear, whispering in a husky voice "scream if you need to, just let it go." They'd never spoken much during these encounters and his new position coupled with his coaxing tone got her heart racing faster, chest beginning to heave. "George..." she whined into him and tightly shut her eyes, he chuckled at the pleading "I know." His finger on her clit began to press down and circle faster, and her breath began to falter and shudder under his touch. Head falling forward into the crook of his neck "George!" She moaned loudly this time nearly shouting. "Look at me." He comanded, pressing his forehead to hers. She tried to obey but the pleasure was too much, it caused her head to drop again.
He clasped her jaw in his hand that had been pulling on the hair at the back of the scalp, forcing her to stay at eye level with him. "I'm not going to last much longer, so it's bloody well time you fucking cum." he growled.
[Y/N]s toes began to curl and she bit her lip "fuck" she breathed. Another loud moan leaving her lips, tightening around him as her orgasm approached. Unable to stop the sounds issuing from her own mouth now. With one final hard thrust from his hips she screamed. There wasn't a doubt in their minds that, had there been a teacher or prefect in the corridor outside they'd be promptly storming toward the room.
Feeling her unravel beneath him George let himself come undone. Letting go to step back, giving a few final tugs on his cock, he'd readied himself to cum when suddenly his movements were cut off by [Y/N] jumping down to his feet and taking him whole in her mouth. Running tongue over his swollen tip and right down to his thick base, she could taste herself on him. Gently grazing teeth over his sensitive skin it didn't take much and he came hot and heavy into her mouth. Gripping a handful of her [Y/H/L + C] hair as he did so.
Licking lips as she stood and she pulled her body close to kiss him deeply. Only stopping when she felt him shudder slightly from poorly restrained laughter. [Y/N] looked up at him with furrowed brows to which he smiled brightly.
"Fuck...you're a crazy bitch." The girl looked at him sternly as if to ask 'seriously?'.
"Am I now?" She asked trying to hide a smile, given the circumstances it was a little difficult to remain angry at him - after all he does look fucking gorgeous after sex.
"Yeah, you are." He grabbed her and pulled their sweaty bodies flush together once more. Slowly he traced his fingers up across her bra strap, along the vein in her neck to behind her ear, "but you fuck so good, think I'm on top of it." He kissed sweetly.
"We really need to go" [Y/N] mumbled into his lips and swiftly turned away from him to begin getting changed. He huffed and frowned at the abrupt break in closeness but lightened when he recalled the past events.
"True. I guess, even though the whole castle heard you having mind blowing sex, I don't think the staff on patrol will appreciate catching us half naked" he joked pulling on his jeans and stuffing his underwear in his pocket. Throwing his jumper at him she ran her fingers through her hair and made to leave when a whistle from behind made her turn.
George was leaning against the tainted desk with his arms folded and a grin on his face. She raised an eyebrow at him impatiently which only caused his smile to widen as he raised one hand to show a pair of lacey pink panties dangling from his forefinger. "Can't forget these, love."
She snatched them from him and left with a scowl like nothing in their relationship had changed. George couldn't contain his smile as he shoved his hands in his pockets and slowly left the room heading for his dormitory, laughing to himself he commented "Crazy bitch".
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Friends: Platonic Omega x Mechanic Reader
-sorry, I was supposed to write more, but idk what happened
-sorry I'm late to finishing this. Hope it's not too disappointing.
-i had MCAS and a lot of other stuff to do, so I got soooo busy
It started out as a one-tine thing. You had gotten hurt on a mission to the Outer Rim, and despite only being a simple mechanic, the 501st had an insane liking to your skills. They were nice boys, and you enjoyed hanging out with them. It wasn't like you minded.
Anything was better than an old, greasy hanger.
But then it wasn't. You had been caught in a stray volley of blasts, and somehow, ended up with a hole in your shoulder. The last thing you remembered was yelling at Kix, then Jesse, and finally a sea of darkness.
This one-time volley of stray shots became another incident. Then another. And another. Sometime during your visits to the med bay, you met a young girl with bright eyes and blonde hair. She had the toothy-est smile, the most enthusiastic words, and the best laugh that made you feel like life wasn't so bad.
"And then I walked past Nala Se. She told me to stay close, but you know me, I can't stay close because what else am I supposed to do?" Omega ranted with a dramatic sigh.
Three months ago, this little girl would have been all smiles and nervous laughs. Now, she talked like she had known you for years.
"The boys always give me these weird looks. I don't really care though. They're all Melanie's because I'm different...!"
Whenever Omega had nothing to do, she came to your room. The girl always said it was to run 'tests', but you knew better. She just needed someone to talk to.
"Hey, (Y/n)?"
You hummed in acknowledgement.
"We're...friends right?"
You raised a curious brow. Omega wasn't one to openly show doubt unless asked about it. Her enthusiasm and natural curiosity always kept that part of her in check. Yet the look in her eyes was different today.
Those orbs swirled with uncertainty, worry, and so much doubt you couldn't understand. You were a simple mechanic, not a top-tier psychologist. "Where is this coming from, Omega?" you inquired.
Omega fiddled with her thumbs. "Well...someone said to me today that I annoy you and that you'd prefer talking to a protocol Droid over me because we're fake friends." That was nonsense. Whoever said that to your dear Omega would have to watch their backs because...
...where in the Universe would you be without little Omega?
"Stop right there." you firmly stated. "Whoever said that is going to have a long talk with my trusty wrench over here. As soon as I can walked again, I'll be sure to make sure everyone knows we're the bestest friends."
A smile rose to your lips but Omega didn't return it. "If I hadn't met you, then I'd be so lonely here every single day. Who else am I supposed to make friendship bracelets for anyway?"
Omega blinked. "Friendship bracelets?" You dug a hand in your pocket and pulled out two braided bracelets. "I worked all night on these." One was a marvelous (colour) while the other a dazzling (colour). You helped put one on Omega's wrist before doing the same with yours.
The frown painted on Omega's lips disappeared in an instant. She beamed, and it was so bright it could have rivaled the sun. "Wow!" she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "You made this? It's so pretty! I love it!" Omega opened her arms and tackled you in the tightest hug she could muster. "Thank you!"
You ruffled her hair with a grin. "Don't go doubting the power of our friendship because one measly kid says it's 'fake'." Omega pulled away and matched your grin. "You're right. I don't know why I listened to that kid anyway. He's always been known for being mean."
"Then why did you listen to him?"
Omega blinked and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. It was as if she debated between telling the truth or making up a white-lie. If there was anything you knew about clones, it was that they were all terrible liars. Omega was no different.
"I...I guess it's because I'm not used to talking to people much. I've never really been lied to, so it's sort of new to me." You nodded thoughtfully. "Because it's not something you'd think of doing."
You ruffled her hair again, watching as her eyes darkened and lightened like a passing patch of cloud. "For a mechanic," Omega scratched her cheek sheepishly, "you're really sharp." You shrugged. "Sometimes you have to be in order to guess the parts that need fixing in a pinch. You learn overtime."
"Oh, that makes sense."
A small chuckle left your lips. You planted both hands on Omega's shoulders firmly. "Listen here, no matter what anyone says, we're friends for as long as I'm breathing. Don't listen to the extras, because you're the main character of your own story."
Omega smiled, taking one of your hands and giving it a good squeeze.
It was funny to imagine how these talks remained a one-tine thing. After various other visits, you got to know Omega on a personal level, as well as how she was as a person.
If there was am author writing your book now, you hoped you were a main character too.
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loliwrites · 3 years
I'm having a really hard time believing that Alex and Addi didn't at least have a make out session before they started dating 😂 their chemistry was on another level even when they were just friends. It seems like their "friendship" is very playfully romantic so maybe one night they've had a bit to drink and they have at it and then Addi is all weird because... she's Addi, but Alex is all sweet and gentle and wants to talk about it with her. I'd love to know if that's something that you also think would happen between them xx 😘
(We've been hitting' pre-relationship hard lately, haven't we friends? ☺️)
Oh man Non. Got me thinkin'.
I know it seems totally implausible that nothing would've happened because of how affectionate they are in their platonic relationship, but like... it does happen 😂 I have honest proof of it. I have a friend like that and I shit you not, he was a saving grace during the pandemic. You know the point where you just need another living human body to cuddle with that's not family? Good cuddles for movie nights (especially the back to back National Treasure viewing where we took a sip of beer every time Nic Cage was sexist towards Abigail Chase 🥲). And still just only friends. No wandering hands, glances, or lip placements.
But I could see how given a group of friends and some free-flowing alcohol, how that line might get a little blurred. Because sometimes a group of close friends can get some pretty weird ideas when left alone to their own devices... and gin. Sometimes a group of adults can devolve into younger versions of themselves, and games they would've played in middle school or high school resurface with newfound enthusiasm.
Like Spin the Bottle. Or Seven Minutes in Heaven. Maybe as fate would have it, they got lucky during Spin the Bottle. Amid the various couplings that emerged, Alex and Addi didn't get pinned for it. In fact, maybe they kissed a handful of other people and the turn of the bottle didn't transpire for them. Shit, maybe they don't even think it'd be a big thing or weird for them to kiss during the spin the bottle. They weren't actively hoping they wouldn't have to kiss. It just didn't become a thing. Until --
That beautiful and slightly traumatizing little game -- Seven Minutes in Heaven. You know the one. The one where two people go into a closet and have seven minutes to do... I dunno, whatever they're gonna do (author's note: to be honest, I was too much of a nerd to be invited to parties where this game was being played). So Addi gets chosen first and she makes her way into the closet with a blindfold. Secretly she's hoping one of their mutual friends gets chosen to go in with her. They've been vibing all night and even shared a pretty hot kiss during Spin the Bottle. So yeah, she's looking forward to someone.
The closet door creaks open and she chews on her bottom lip in anticipation. Her body perks up a little bit when she hears the door shut, waiting to be swept up in another kiss. What she doesn't know is that the person standing in front of her is Alex. And for the life of him, he's trying to sort out a game plan here because his best friend is sitting cross-legged on the floor and he has to admit she looks pretty adorable. But again... this is the girl he calls his best friend. He wants to do the right thing.
"It's me, kid," he drops to his knees and contorts himself to be cross-legged in front of her. As soon as he's comfortable, he notices Addi's already taken off the blindfold.
She twists the fabric between her fingers shrugs, "I guess that's for the best." Her shoulders deflate a little bit. The alcohol coursing through her system was giving her enough courage to throw caution to the wind with their mutual friend. Now she likely wouldn't get the chance to. She darts her eyes to Alex with a playful and disarming smirk, "it's not like we're gonna kiss, old man."
"Why not?" He flashes a quick smile at her, "that's breaking the rules of Seven Minutes in Heaven." Scooting forward a little bit, he's shocked but not displeased that she doesn't retreat, "one kiss so we don't have to lie to our friends when we get out of here. You're a terrible liar,"
"Am not. I'm a great liar," her gaze upon him alters slightly to adjust for the fact that he's advancing a bit closer to her.
"Fine, I'm a terrible liar."
"You're an actor for a living. All you do is lie,"
He lets out a quiet huff. "It's just a kiss, slugger. It means nothing. I just kissed like three dudes out there during Spin the Bottle."
As he nears, Addi feels her heart rate pick up. Her cheeks go hot. Everything is bubbling up inside her, woefully excited by the possibility of whatever this is. But that's just it. What is it? As her body shivers involuntarily, she leans away from him. "Alex, no."
He pauses, bites his bottom lip, all the while not breaking eye contact. "Is that a real no or a nervous no?"
"Does it matter?"
There's a second where he says nothing at all just to allow the anticipation fade from his veins. "No, it doesn't,"
She exhales. "I know we kiss on the cheek and head... the lips is just different,"
He nods but he knows what he can say to get this backtracking. "So when you kissed Lindsey out there, that was different for you?"
Addi cocks her head to the side with her lips pursed. Oh, leave it to him to make this difficult, "Alexander. You're you. And a kiss on the lips between us is different. You know that,"
He nods again. They've been toeing this line for awhile now. This line that they both knew was more flirtatious than any other friendship they had with the opposite sex. The line that had been the reason for late-night cuddles in Germany and random naps in LA. The line that had also been toed when they divulged intimate details about their lives and what shaped them into being. A kiss between them was different than between anyone else in the room because no one else in the room knew them as well as they knew each other.
Alex backs up a tiny bit to give her some room. Not too much so she feels like he's retreating from her, but enough to give her confidence that he's not going to sprint past the thinly drawn line. "You know you're my best friend, right kid?"
She nods affirmatively and averts her gaze to her lap. They've only got a few minutes left before the timer outside goes off and one of their friends will come knocking on the door. And she figures a few minutes more isn't too long to hold out on this. But as the seconds tick by and they sit in silence, Addi starts to think. Having too much time in her own head is never a particularly great thing for her, but on this particular night, it's got her making a list of the reasons why a kiss really means nothing. She's kissed four girls and three boys tonight. One of those boys slipped his tongue into her mouth. And surely Alex wouldn't do that. Surely their kiss wouldn't be much more than a peck --
A sturdy knocking on the closet door yanks her from her thoughts. Alex stands and holds his hand out to her so she can use it to help her stand up as well. No sooner than she's on her feet and Alex is reaching for the doorknob, she whispers, "hey old man..."
He turns back toward her as she's leaping up on tip toes to reach him. And catching her by the waist, he leans in as if on cue to meet her halfway. The kiss is just as each of them expected -- only a touch longer than a peck. And by the time they part and exit the closet, none of their friends are wiser. In fact, they all steadfastly believe the two shared a rather uneventful seven minutes in a dark utility closet. But they know the truth (regardless of how minor that truth was), and Addi knows that after the kiss, Alex was a little more hands-on with her all night. Again, their friends couldn't have discerned the difference. It was so slight. A quick touch here, a gentle brush of an arm there. At one point as they all huddled on the back porch for night caps and cigarettes, Alex kept his free hand on her mid-back. Undoubtedly given confidence by the cover of darkness.
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
No one asked for it but I've had scenarios of a Yandere poly-relationship for the First Year Squad for a while now and I just felt like indulging myself for a bit ✨ Hope you all like it as well!
Requests are in the works,both new and old. Your patience is greatly appreciated ❤️.
Warning; Toxic/Unhealthy relationship.
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[ A Dent in the Mold ]
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Epel looks at you with glistening eyes,his hands clinging onto your arm as he tugs you down into the seat beside him. He smells of lavender and goat's milk and his warmth is the kind that buzzes around you like a cocoon.
"Hands off, shorty!" Ace yells with a frown,his red brows furrowed as he takes up the empty space beside you. His hand comes up to swat Epel's away from you but misses when Epel swiftly evades him.
"Why? It's not like I'm taking up any of your space, and plus, who are you to tell me where to put my hands anyway?". The sneer that came onto Epel's face then bellied his soft features, and at a glance from someone outside the circle it may look like a boyish banter between two friends, but from where you sat trapped in-between them, the glower of possessiveness and envy didn't seem to miss either one of their gazes.
"Stop making a scene you two. Can't you see you're making them uncomfortable?", it was Jack who came by then, along with Deuce and Sebek. His sharp gaze almost immediately landed on you, a tinge of irritation encircling the ring of his pupils at the sight of how close you were to Epel.
You would've told him that it was against your own will, that despite his small stature Epel had a grip of an iron maiden set aflame to fix you in place and eat away at your flesh the more resistance you gave him. But you knew better than that. Dismissing Epel meant giving him an opportunity to punish you later.
Then again you also knew Jack was the most possessive of the group. Your explanation would have fell on deaf ears anyways.
"It's fine." You murmured, quickly before feigning a smile. It did no good to have them fight after all. You'd barely be able to handle them if they decided to turn against one another.
"What did you get for lunch?" You directed the question towards all three newcomers. Jack remaining his stiff expression while Deuce and Sebek beamed at your acknowledgement of them.
"They ran out of egg dishes for today but I bought you and I some sandwiches to eat together!" Deuce took out the sandwich he mentioned and immediately handed it to you, his teal coloured eyes tinting a slightly shy shade of blue as he raked your figure.
You returned his gesture with a smile of your own, somewhat grateful you weren't stuck with just Epel and Ace. Though the small act alone made the other four send death glares towards Deuce who still seemed dazed from your attention.
"Sandwiches aren't really nutritious you know, Deuce." Sebek pointed out with a frown before sliding a bottle of herbal tea in your direction. "Here,to wash away the leftovers".
He seemed so pleased with himself when you took the bottle and nodded your head, so satisfied that you were willing to take what he'd given you. It made the rest of the boys coil with annoyance. The kind that seemed to seethe and boil to a frightening degree.
But of course,to every other student watching, you were all nothing more than a group of first years conversing with one another.
And thus, your days at NRC repeated itself as if on loop. Trapped between the clutches of boys who would degrade anyone that dared interfered in their game of house with you.
Twisted and erratic, the unsettling delusion that you belonged to no one other than themselves grew apparent with each passing day.
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General Headcanons
- Epel and Ace are the most clingy. They're always the first to latch themselves onto you like some sort of extra appendix.
- They make up the part of the group who watches who you interact with and keep track of where you go since they rarely ever leave you alone.
- Epel clings to you the most though and makes it close to impossible to shake him off without people asking you why you'd leave your meak-looking friend all alone.
- Ace is a bit more laid back but being easily jealous, he's quick to make a situation awkward for anyone he thinks is taking up too much of your time. Things like slinging his arm over your shoulders or making fun of you is his way of telling people you're his as opposed to Epel who leaves small, bright hickeys on places that are easily seen then pointing them out later as if he didn't know where they came from in the first place.
- Jack is quiet and stiff, but being a wolf, he's the most possessive in the group. He plays the part of the pact leader in the sense that he's always the one coming in between fights within the group and keeping you sane.
- He likes having you near him and makes you wear one of his wristbands so it's easier to find you and because he gets off on the fact that his scent is on you.
- Sebek and Deuce are the salves in the group. Since their possessive levels depends on their mood, which is always on the upside as long as you remember to flash them a smile and give them your attention, they're less likely to lash out on you or cause any great harm.
- However, once you get them on their bad side,these two won't hesitate to corner you together.
- Sebek's natural intimidation as a Fae will leave you unable to form words while Deuce's harshness leaves you a trembling mess.
- The group functions well together as long as they don't feel like you're favouring one of them and thanks to Jack you're not completely defenceless but there are times when even the loyal wolf enjoys watching you squirm underneath the great pressure of pleasing all five males.
Nsfw [ m i l d ]
- Jack gets to have you the moment school period ends. Deuce and Ace can't afford to spend the night due to Riddle's strict rules and because they can't have people questioning why you're being coddled by these boys too much while Epel and Sebek have their vice dorm heads hovering near them.
- He's always the one to walk you to Ramshackle Dorm and the one who warms your bed at night.
- He isn't overly aggressive when it comes to it but Jack has a tendency to lose control of his strength, watching you beneath him all writhing and crying makes it hard for him not to press you harder against him. The feel of your bare skin touching his drives him crazy, causes his thoughts to stir up this sick fantasy of having your flesh submit to his fangs.
- In the morning it's Ace and Deuce who greets you, Jack will have to be gone before they do to avoid any bitter discourse.
- Deuce's kisses are gentle but lingering, he likes having his hands on your waist as he pulls you closer to him. He gets all hot and bothered when he doesn't let you pull out for air and you let out this small helpless whimper against his lips.
- Ace is cheeky. The first thing he does after you pull away from Deuce is tug on your hair before he dives in for a kiss. Long and messy, Ace nudges open your mouth to let his tongue roam around your cavern without really asking for permission. The way his hands grip you is hard and careless, but when he ends the exchange, he grins and flashes you a wink. Boyish.
- Epel clings to you all throughout recess. His fingers cold and slender as they come in contact with your skin. He sits with you and even eats off the same plate, sharing food is a commodity of his you've learned to get used to but it's the trips before recess ends that always leaves you breathless and worn. He'll make the excuse of wanting to put away his and your plate but afterwards he pulls you into the bathroom and has you kneel in front of him before he slips in two fingers in your mouth and watches with ravenous eyes as you suck on them.
- He'll coo at you with praises and even play with your hair before he leans down and presses his lips against yours. Tongue impatient and hungry. He'll undo your collar and start leaving hickeys until you're whimpering and he sees your eyes swell with tears. He always cleans you up afterwards, spraying some of his cologne as a finishing touch.
- Sebek has you through the last two periods before school ends, and usually it's spent with him teaching you the history of his hometown and having discussions about magic and other various subjects. He isn't really a touchy type but he adores it when you flash him your shy,small smile or when you go through the trouble of adjusting his uniform for him.
- He lets you do whatever you felt like doing as long as he could involve himself in it, but on some days he likes having you play with his hair while he rests his head on your lap.
- All five have agreed on keeping you a virgin, the furthest act of sexual intimacy being oral sex.
- They have it decided that you'll choose who to belong to by the end of the school year.
- As long as they can keep the peace between one another of course.
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janekfan · 4 years
omg you're taking prompts?? best day EVER!!! i was thinking. season 2, where jon is complaining about some kind of illness/pain that's actually worse than he's letting on? maybe elias sends jon, tim, and martin on some kind of gay little errand and jon's either really ill or already hurt, and he keeps trying to communicate that he really wants to go back to the hotel and lie down, but they're so angry with him that they assume the worst? then, comfort :) if you don't like this i can try again!
@taylortut :D I hope you like it!
6 hours and 47 minutes.
The average amount of time it took the train to travel from the London station to Edinburgh.
And that being if they didn’t run into some sort of delay. Or hit a cow. Rupture the fuel line and be trapped on the tracks for the rest of the day.
Jon massaged his temples, shifting uncomfortably on the hard cushion that honestly might as well not exist for how much good it was doing him. Barely back from their mandatory thirty days leave after the Prentiss, Elias, the prat, sent them away to investigate the vaults beneath the city regarding the murders committed by Burke and Hare nigh 200 years ago.
And Jon really, really didn’t want to.
He’d been looking forward to sitting in the dark of his office and going through statements at a snail's pace and possibly, possibly skiving off early because he hurt and hadn’t been sleeping well because of it. The injuries left behind had been deep and damaging and he'd walked out of the hospital with a brand new cane. Leaning against the window and easing the weight off his left side, Jon tried to let the scenery slipping by lull him at least a little bit. Tim and Martin were spending the majority of their time in the dining car sampling the assortment courtesy of Elias’ generous travel budget and that was fine by him. While Martin may be better at hiding it, both of them were quite angry with him and he wasn’t exactly looking forward to the next week spent in their company.
Pain exploded in his bones, waking him from his nap and he whacked his head against the window blinking hard, breathing shallow, as he gathered his wits about him and took in Martin sitting across from him.
“Tim,” he admonished, setting a cup of tea down in front of Jon and turning the handle toward him. “Should perk you up a bit; you look tired.”
“Yeah, Boss.” Tim mocked him, prodded a particularly sore spot on his side. “Drink your tea.” Jon chose to ignore him.
“Th’thank you, Martin.” He spoke low, shrinking away, into himself, and holding the warmth close to his chest, checking his watch: two hours and change. Surely it wouldn’t be this awkward between them the whole week?
Jon was often wrong and this experience would prove no different as he pushed himself as fast as possible following Tim and Martin, the tip of his cane clacking unevenly on the cobblestones. It was dark and he had no desire to be caught alone on the streets at night, sure that whatever else had complaints with them wouldn’t hesitate.
“Tim, slow down.”
“Ah, sorry, Marto.” Jon looked away, feeling the heavy weight of Tim’s gaze press down across his shoulders and he almost stumbled beneath it, catching himself and thankful he’d chosen a backpack instead of luggage. “Tired from the train?”
“I happen to be, yes.” Authoritative, eyes cast pointedly forward. “Besides, it’s a nice night. Let me enjoy being away from the Archives for a moment, won’t you?” Tim laughed, pounding Martin on the back, and the two discussed going out for drinks at the various pubs they passed along the way. While grateful for the decreased pace, Jon was isolated and alone, throat closing up so tight it was like choking, face turning hot, but he refused to cry.
He’d dug this grave. He’d have to lie in it.
Unable to stand one moment more after climbing the stairs to their room, Jon collapsed heavily to the couch, digging his knuckles into his thigh in an attempt to stop the awful seizing in his muscles. His whole body was trembling with fatigue and when Tim suggested it was the perfect time to head into the Vaults he could have kissed Martin for insisting he was too tired tonight because he knew he was only saying it for Jon’s benefit and he didn’t understand why. How could he...after all. He hated him and he still--
“Well, I call rooming with Martin and there’s just one bed. That leaves the couch for your skinny arse, Boss.” He batted big dark eyelashes at Martin, making the other man blush furiously and sputter and despite himself Jon smiled, just a little, bidding them a quiet good night neither of them would hear through the door between them.
He could tell already he wouldn’t be getting much sleep, if any at all. The pain wasn’t anything sharp anymore, just a low level throb impossible to ignore, and no amount of adjusting or staying still or squeezing his fists so tight crescent moons were bit into his palms would change that. So he laid there, in the dark of an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar city, filled with unfamiliar sounds and listened to the deep and even synchrony of his employees’ breath. More street lights kicked on, the glow pleasant if only because he could see, transforming eerie shadows into shapes he could identify. Jon nibbled his bottom lip, shifted, pushed his feet into the cushions to exert pressure? Release pressure? He wasn’t sure exactly what he was trying to accomplish other than keeping himself quiet.
Dragging his bag over he dug blindly through it for the bottle of paracetamol settled at the bottom, fighting with the child safety cap and tipping too many pills into his hand. It didn’t matter. It wouldn’t touch it. Not really. But hoping for a placebo effect was better than writhing in agony and Jon swallowed them dry because getting up wasn’t an option. Rigid, shivering, he pulled up the blanket, trying to take comfort in its weight and the sun was coming up by the time heavy lashes fell shut over tired, burning eyes.
“Wakey, wakey, Boss!” Jon jerked violently awake, whole body thrumming in panic and pain before he had the sense to realize what was happening and by then Tim was gone.
“Sorry Jon, I tried to distract him.” Sheepish, Martin offered up a small smile and a cup of tea, setting it on the low table beside the couch. “You alright?” He’d relaxed back into the cushions, trying to gain back any of the soft, drifting nothingness he’d finally succumbed to and failing miserably. Good lord, he wasn’t well.
“Just fine, Martin.” Rubbing away the remnants of sleep, Jon struggled upright and took a sip. “Thank you.” Strong and dark and perfect, the caffeine would help. “When, what time are we investigating the Vaults?”
“Midnight or so? There will be fewer people on the streets then.” Silence broken only by Tim’s puttering in the room settled between them. “We’re hoping to sight see, be proper tourists for the day.”
“Ah.” He hid his disappointment behind the rim of his cup. Of course they would. Of course and they deserved it. “That sounds like a fine idea.” It didn’t. He wouldn’t make it, surely. Almost choking on his tea when his jacket came down over his head, Jon sputtered and coughed, catching a glimpse of Tim slipping on his trainers.
“And you’re not getting out of it.” Martin reacted to Jon's sigh with exasperation and hurt.
"Look, Jon. I know you'd rather be anywhere than with the two of us, but try to enjoy yourself?" And while that wasn't entirely true Jon was unfortunately too much a coward to refute it.
Which is how he found himself here, now. Nauseated, Jon sipped carefully on some juice, sitting stock still in his chair and watching Martin and Tim sample almost everything on the menu. He’d been dragged through the city and while he’d enjoyed some of the history and honestly their company, the pain cast a dark pall over the day. It was only on his third try asking for a break that they passed a pub and Martin suggested supper, and not a moment too soon. Even with the cane and Jon's white knuckle grip on his self control, his leg felt ready to give way.
“Come on,” Tim cajoled, tongue loose and on his third pint. “Don’t you want to waste Elias’ money with us?”
“Not that hungry I’m afraid, but go on. Looks good and you mustn't forget dessert.”
"Martin! You heard the boss-man!" After sitting in the low light, resting for a bit, Jon felt up to a drink, enjoying how it blurred everything at the edges and dulled the worst of it so quickly on an empty stomach.
When they returned to the room for a nap prior to their excursion, Jon barely remembered passing out on the couch.
It was cold, the jacket completely useless against the underground chill and his exposed fingers were numb on the handle of his cane, on the torch. Long after this happened, Jon asked for a reprieve. They’d been down here for hours already and they had all week so with no leads they could come back another night, couldn't they? It had fallen on deaf ears and when he tried to speak up again, this time because he’d fallen more than a few steps behind, it was clear he just needed to tough it out. Obviously, he was supposed to be handling this better and he was only embarrassing himself by being overly dramatic. Gritting his teeth, Jon pushed himself faster, catching back up only to lose ground seconds later.
“I’m. I’m sorry. I.” Why was this so hard? Asking for help, for a break, to go back and just please stop standing up. “Could we. Could we take a moment? Just. I mean--”
“Spit it out!” Tim’s frustration echoed painfully in the enclosed space, bouncing off walls and striking Jon from all angles like a series of blows. “We don’t have time for whatever you’re on about.”
We don’t have time.
“Leave off, Tim.” Something caught Martin’s eye and he veered away from the pair of them.
We don’t have time for you.
Stop it.
Stop being a child.
“Of course. Yes. Push on.”
Sick with exhaustion and shaking from pain, Jon was falling further and further behind, the torch losing its effectiveness as the dark closed in, heavy, tight, suffocating. He couldn’t call out. They wouldn’t. He. They’d made how they felt clear and asking again would only be shameful. But his cane wasn’t enough anymore and it dropped from his ennervated fingers, clattering to the ground while he held onto the wall with both hands. He’d be lost here, buried here, in the oppressive black, his body saved by the End for experimentation and dissected by medical students and he didn't think he cared about being forgotten but the thought of it felt far too real. He sobbed. It echoed. And he clapped his hands over his mouth and let the tears glance off them as he slid to the ground.
He’d just hide here. In the dark behind his eyelids, stifling the pathetic sounds forcing their way up his throat and between his teeth. If he was quiet he wouldn’t be found, nothing could find him if he was quiet. Not the things scuttling around in the black, not the pain doing its level best to gnaw its way through his skin, not the overwhelming weariness clawing open his chest, between his ribs.
“Jon!” He flinched. He hurt. He curled tighter despite it. He didn’t want to be found. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this. “J--Christ, Jon.” Martin’s heavy footsteps slowed to a stop on the stone in front of him, shifted nervously. “Hey, what’s. Jon? What’s wrong?”
“M’.” But it was so much more than that and he didn’t know how to explain, so he didn’t and Martin’s voice came from above him.
“Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn't you say it was this bad? ” But he had. He had tried. Hadn’t he? After being ignored he thought he was just being needy and dramatic. Annoying. Tim had similar injuries and he was fine. Jon ducked his head into folded arms, shoulders hitching with a shaky breath. He didn’t know what to say or how to justify how bad off he was.
“S’sorry.” He’d have to stand in a moment. To continue the investigation and even the thought made him want to cry. “Just need a. N’need.” But it hurt so much and when the next breath he reached for broke open he heard Martin sigh heavily, shoes scuffing the ground and this time his words were at his level.
“I’m sorry, Jon. You. You did tell us. We just didn’t listen. Thought you were cross at being sent here with us.” A warm palm enveloped his forearm. “What do you need?”
“N’nothing. Just.” Deep breath. Relax. You’re alright. “I’ll be ready in, in a m’moment.” Thick and hoarse, he didn’t want Martin to see his face. He didn’t want to see the disgust in his. “You, you go on. Tim shouldn’t be alone.”
“And you should?”
Yes, because he’d be fine. He was always fine.
Before he had the chance to answer he heard Tim coming back, steps angry if there was such a thing, and calling through the tunnels.
“I see, just abandon me to the spooky vaults, serve me up on a platter next time, it’ll be faster!” Jon risked a look and saw Tim staring down at him. “What the hell, Martin? Jon, sure, but you too?” And that hurt, cutting to the quick of him deep enough that he almost checked for blood. Tim didn’t really think he’d abandon him, did he? “What’s with the secret meeting?”
“We need to go back to the room.”
“What?! We’ve barely started anything!”
“Jon needs a break.”
“Of course.” Scoffed, Jon could practically see him rolling his eyes
“Tim--! No, Jon’s been. He’s tried to ask a few times and I know we’ve got work to do but--”
“It’s alright, Martin. I can. Keep going.” The crease between Martin’s eyebrows deepened. “O’or stay here until you get back.”
“No,” Martin spoke sternly, “Tim, help me get him up.” Jon didn’t think he’d ever seen such a scathing look on his face before but it was enough to shift Tim. They lifted him together and as everything stiff stretched back out fire bled into his bones and he couldn’t help but cry out, trying to collapse back to the ground and into himself. “Oh, okay, Jon. Okay.”
“Ah, it’s.”
“If you say “fine” I’ll drop you right here.” Tim adjusted his grip, tried to take more of his weight and Jon was ashamed that he let him but--
"Good lord, Jon. You're so pale." When had Martin gotten so close to him? “I’m, I’m sorry.”
“S’alright.” The shaking started up again when he tried to take a step and Martin had to catch him before he collapsed all over again. This was so stupid. Why was he like this? Why did he hurt so bad?
“You can’t walk like this.”
“No! No, I can! I just…nngh.” His teeth were chattering, he was shivering. Just leave him here. This was mortifying and he all but gave up, following their soft directions until he was draped across Martin’s broad back and suffering through the strain of forcing his leg far enough forward for him to get his hand under it to lift him. Off his feet and pressed against a veritable wall of warmth, Jon lost his grip on the frayed threads holding the last of him together. They unspooled, slipped from his hands, and tears soaked the back of Martin’s collar.
"You're warm." Empty, sitting limp on the edge of the couch, Jon leaned into Martin’s hand on his forehead. “Are you sick?”
“No…” Clumsy fingers clawed open the bottle of paracetamol, irrationally angry when Martin only allowed him double the dose.
“Jon.” Tone firm, Jon looked up at him without lifting his head. Didn’t think he could if he wanted.
“S’mm.” He pulled in half a lungful of air with difficulty. “When it. When it hur’s like this.” The next breath strangled him and he thought he saw Tim and Martin exchange a look, one he couldn’t interpret and didn’t care to if it just meant they were leaving him here to go back to the vaults. He didn’t bother worrying about the new moisture dripping off his chin. He just wanted to disappear.
“Jon?” There was a packet of digestives being thrust under his nose and his stomach turned. "I haven't seen you eat at all today, or yesterday for that matter. I'm not going to let you take all those pills without at least a little something."
“Mm.” He forced one down his throat and pushed insistent hands away, swallowing the medicine with some lukewarm water Tim helped him hold, gasping when they manhandled him down to the cushions, sighing when something cold eased the fire in his hip.
“Ice, should help, okay?” And Jon concurred, new tears slipped between closed lids in relief, in weariness.
“Try and sleep, Boss.”
Quiet voices tugged him up through layers of cotton. Martin. Tim. Talking. Hushed.
“...shouldn’t have pushed so far.”
“So stupid...didn’t think…”
“Shh.” Caught eavesdropping. Jon swallowed. Everything they were saying about him was true, he wouldn't cry over it.
“Hey, Jon. How’re you feeling?” Sore. Foolish. Like he wanted the couch to open up and drag him down to wherever loose change went.
“Better.” When he made to sit up Martin stopped him. “Really, m’fine.” He stayed put.
“I need to apologize, Jon. I, I was so stupid. I didn’t even think about. Well, your injuries. Caught up in myself, I suppose.”
“No! I. Martin, it, it isn’t your fault. This,” he gestured to himself and laughed humorlessly. “This isn’t your fault.”
“We should have listened.” Now Tim was sat on the arm nearest his feet. His elevated feet and his face must have shown his confusion. “Did some googling. But we shouldn’t have let it go so far.”
“It’s--” he stopped abruptly at their combined frowns. “It’s. Um. Thank you, for taking care of me.”
“How is it?” Jon looked at his folded hands, guilty.
“I’d. If I could stay here today?” He closed his eyes, waiting for the frustration, the disappointment. “Not because I don’t want to, to, I want to. I enjoy your company! I’m.” He was botching this, just speak your mind, Sims. “I’m just. I’m very tired. Haven’t been, uh, sleeping much.” Opened them again when Martin cupped his shoulder and saw understanding reflected back.
“Sure. Of course you can.”
“We’ll make a day of it.” Tim flashed the company card. “Back soon, gents.”
The day was spent watching bad daytime television and Jon dozed on and off between being plied with sugary snacks and tea and watching Martin scold Tim for throwing wrappers at the worst of the actors.
“I’d clean it up, Marto, but,” he gestured to Jon’s feet where he’d tugged them over his lap. “I’m trapped, clearly.” It was so much like old times, away from the pressure of the Archives and Elias that Jon couldn’t help but smile. Maybe this could be fixed after all. Maybe it wasn’t all lost.
In the end, they’d discovered nothing new. No evidence to back up the statement givers that inspired this whole excursion in the first place.
6 hours. 47 minutes.
It didn’t seem such a long time on the way back.
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Geraskier Rockstar AU: Choose Your Own Adventure!
Part 2
Results from Part 1:
1) <Wake up Jaskier> "Alright, let's party!" (0 votes)
2) <Invite Jaskier to your hotel room> (3 votes)
3) <Let Jaskier sleep> "Actually, I'll stay here with him." (36 votes)
A/N: Thank you for participating in my first Choose-Your-Own-Adventure round, I'm so happy you guys enjoy the idea! To no one's surprise, most of you picked option 3. I'm sorry Part 2 took so long but I wasn't happy with Geralt's face so I had to redraw it a couple times. Was going to redraw Jaskier's too but I just want to get it posted! This is a bit longer than Part 1— enjoy!
Geralt glances at the kid sleeping on his shoulder and back to his bandmate, Eskel. "No, you boys go ahead," Geralt says, voice hoarse from a night of screaming into a microphone, "I'm staying here with him. Meet you back at the hotel."
Eskel sends a sly smirk towards Geralt. "Fine, but you have to clear everything up for tomorrow."
"Hmm," Geralt responds.
Once his bandmates leave, Geralt takes a few moments to admire the sleeping young man snuggled against him. Aside from learning that his name is Jaskier, the two hadn't spoken to each other whatsoever. Talking is usually the last thing on Geralt's mind when he invites a guest backstage, but for some unexplainable reason Jaskier had piqued his interest. His face is round and youthful, especially while he's asleep, but the lines under his eyes give away that he is older than he looks. Geralt wonders if the baggy hoodie and swooping hair is a way for Jaskier to cling to his youth.
Geralt slowly shifts himself, carefully placing Jaskier's head on the couch armrest, who is still snoring softly. He begins to gather the various guitars and drumsticks the band had strewn around the greenroom and zip them back in their cases. He grabs the wartorn acoustic that has been with them on every tour, and gives it a light strum.
Jaskier's eyes flicker open at the sound, and when Geralt notices that he's awake he joins Jaskier on the couch once again.
Geralt begins to strum a tune Jaskier is familiar with. In fact he's familiar with all of Rivia's songs. To Jaskier's delight, Geralt begins to hum the melody.
He pauses after a few bars. "I would serenade you with my singing, but I'm afraid my voice is shot for the night."
Jaskier wants to say he likes the way Geralt's voice becomes gruffer after a show, but he can't get his mouth to work at the thought of Geralt serenading him with that slick-as-oil voice.
"Do you sing?" Geralt says.
Jaskier's brows shoot up. "Yes— I mean no. I can sing— I'm not famous like you or anything." Jaskier curses himself for stumbling his words, but he can't think straight with Geralt so close.
"Will you sing for me?"
An ice pike slices through Jaskier's heart; there's no way, in his half-asleep 1:00am stupor with bed hair, was Jaskier going to sing for Geralt the bloody frontman of Rivia.
"Nooo no-no no, I can't!" Jaskier tries to keep his voice level but he knows he fails.
Geralt's lip curls into a smirk at Jaskier's reaction. "Hmmm. Alright. But I will hear that voice someday."
Jaskier can do nothing but gape wide-eyed at his idol.
Geralt strums the acoustic once again. "Do you play?"
"No," Jaskier lies.
Jaskier's senses become acutely aware as the singer shifts closer to his until they're pressed shoulder-to-shoulder. Geralt places the guitar over Jaskier's lap and slings his heavily-muscled right arm around Jaskier, fingertips at the strings. With his left he takes Jaskier's hand and places it on the neck.
"Like this," Geralt says gently. He begins to puppet the younger man's hands, nudging and cooing instructions in that husky voice that tantalizes Jaskier.
Jaskier can feel the roughness of Geralt's calluses on his skin, and the heat of his breath on the back of his neck.
Despite his bleary eyes that are probably smudged with eyeliner, Jaskier can't keep his gaze off the tall, muscular man. Jaskier hadn't gotten a chance to study him up close while their lips had been on each other.
He is utterly unearthly handsome. His lashes are longer than any he's ever seen. His chiseled Superman face topped with flowing white hair that Jaskier recently discovered is silky and light. And those eyes... Those vivid unnatural yellow eyes that are a trademark of the entire band (contact lenses, Jaskier assumes). They remind Jaskier of some sort of beast, a wolf, or a dragon.
"...and here, put your fingers on this fret...' Geralt's voice interrupts Jaskier's staring. He almost forgot he's supposed to be listening to his instructor.
Secretly, Jaskier knows how to play the guitar. Very well, in fact. Of course he does— he's been a closeted band geek his entire life.
But the moment is too good to pass up to have Geralt's arms around his, directing the soft strumming, that he couldn't help but lie about his musical talents. He still can't quite comprehend the fact that he is here. Here! With Geralt of the band Rivia! A man he's idolized for years whose music has pulled him through the toughest times like a childhood friend who never failed to rattle his parents (and later his roommates.)
And then, the realization hits Jaskier with an icy chill: Jaskier only had the funds for one ticket, and he had picked tonight. This night. The third and final night the band is performing in his city. Tomorrow morning, Geralt will be off across the continent to his next venue. If Jaskier had known he would not only meet Geralt of Rivia but actually taste his lips— he would have found a way to muster up cash for all three nights.
Oh, Jaskier curses himself for picking this night!
1) "It's late, I should get going."
2) "When can I see you again?"
3) <Kiss him>
What should Jaskier choose? You decide!
Comment below with the dialogue number that you want to see happen next!
Reblogs appreciated!
Tagging accounts who may enjoy this post!
@jaskier-royale @andyet-here-we-are @geraskier-hell @itsgeraskier @geraskier-trash @bardsingingasong @dandeliongeralt @jaskierssilence @remijcrowley @mystic-majestic @geraltxjaskier @yappingjaskier @lankygeralt @geralt-jaskier @punk-jaskier @verobatto-jaskierxgeralt @wolfgeralt @geraltofriviasleftbuttcheek
Rockstar AU tag list (let me know if you want on/off the list!)
@coffins-coffee-andstuff @mueslimuncher @theblackheiress @maythefandomsbwithu @flamingbluepanda @transmangeralt @cassiopeiaerinblack @dapperanachronism @shi-toyu @welcometoshiphell @fontegagrilledcheese @caspertheassholeghost @thequeenofcarvenstone @han-morricone @kodyscarlett @we-the-lionhearts @odd-otter @tossingwitchers @limited-days-limited-tears @smittenwithdaydreams
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/SUMMARY: Hulk interaction Hulk interaction Hulk interaction. Plot is thickening. Feelings. Operation Baby Thief! A wild Coulson appears. Lokireader besties <3 There's just a lot going on.
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Bruce hulked out within minutes of my confession.
As I stood in the middle of the common room, partially hidden behind Loki and scrunching the fabric of my hoodie, I had no choice but to observe the reactions of various Avengers to the fact someone might have... Predictably, Sam, Tony and Stephen looked like kicked puppies. I trusted Loki to handle that part. Steve, Bucky and Natasha had murder on their mind and Thor, Pietro just stared at me, aghast.
I noticed the tinge of green before anybody else, perhaps, because I'd been used to automatically seek comfort from Bruce. My interactions with Hulk, however brief and few and in-between, were positive. As much as they could be with a someone's alter-ego that possessed the emotional intelligence of a twelve year old. So I could safely say that what startled me was the noise of Bruce transforming and not the Hulk himself.
The Hulk growled, zeroing in on me - I remembered of Loki, who stood frozen, and their mutual disregard. The decision was prompt - I stepped out from behind the Asgardian, waving shyly at the large green creature. He was LARGE. Like, I could comfortably sit on one of his shoulders.
"Hey, Hulk. I'm alright, don't worry big guy," I took unhurried steps towards the agitated creature. He seemed to be satisfied with my statement, giving me another once over and growling quietly in the back of his throat. An idea struck me: "Wanna get out of here? The gym has more space, we can sit and talk there."
The stares I was getting were downright incredulous. Here I was, an average human being, fearlessly making my way over to the destruction machine that was the Hulk. I knew he wouldn't hurt me - on purpose.
"No," He growled. "We find bad man. Then Hulk smash." The green creature raised, I had to admit, valid points.
"It's going to be pretty boring though. We have to sort through the security footage, then probably traffic cams, then hold Steve back from going in there in Terminator mode..." I listed off all the logical steps of the investigation until I reached the Hulk. My neck was going to get a crick in it from tilting it so I could see his face. "I'd rather..." I didn't get to finish my sentence as I was suddenly picked up. One large hand gently cradled me to Hulk's chest, akin to a kitten, the other hand landing right under my butt.
I heard a collective exhale from the team, acutely aware of the way they were eyeing me and Hulk.
"Boring," The green creature agreed. His face briefly contorted in what I perceived to be an intense thought process. "Necessary." The word had to come from Bruce; it slipped out with difficulty off the Hulk's tongue, stiff.
"Not you too, big guy," I giggled-slash-groaned, giving a playful slap to the hand wrapped around me. "Fine. Let's get this over with." I looked around in search of a spot for Hulk to park his butt somewhere. The ceiling was barely tall enough for him to comfortably stand.
I needn't have worried as he simply sat down cross-legged right where he stood, still holding me to his chest. "Now," He announced, looking expectantly at Tony.
The engineer chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, you're right, big guy. Let's find this sonuvabitch." Tense snorts and sounds of agreement filled the room, drowning out the noise of Tony tapping on his keyboard and communicating with Friday.
I poked Hulk in one green, large finger. "Maybe I could sit on your shoulder?"
He nodded, letting me crawl all over his green, hard chest and arms to sit on the large expanse of his left shoulder. It was comfortable as far as shoulders go; inwardly, I squeed like a mad woman. I was friends with the Hulk and I was sitting on his shoulder! Lost in my fangirling, I absentmindedly began messing with his dark hair, only noticing it when satisfied rumbling started coming from his chest. The Hulk was... Purring?
"Puny Banner upset," Hulk declared shortly after the team found the man who drugged me and started tracking his movements. It wasn't someone who'd been invited to the party, which meant there was a serious security breach - it was all hands on deck kind of situation.
"Yeah, I can understand that. I'm pretty upset too, the hangover I got was terrible, I threw up in Loki's apartment," I said, frowning. "And my boys are going to mope now," I rolled my eyes.
"Banner says he will talk with them," Hulk replied, placing hand over my legs. "Hulk will help Banner."
I couldn't help it, I snorted. "Gonna smash some common sense into them?" He grinned at me, too mischievous for someone who was described to be a mindless destruction machine. "I think they're beyond that."
"I can hear you two talking shit about me and I do not appreciate it," Tony piped up suddenly, shooting us a hurt look. To be fair, his shoulders looked considerably less tense and the cloud over his face had dissipated by a little bit. Me and Hulk managed to erase at least some of the guilt away. I think. Stephen, however, still remained frowning and closed-off.
"You're stupid, Tony." Hulk answered, sounding a little bit smug. I gaped at the exchange together with Natasha and Steve. It seemed like Hulk's sense of... Humor was a novelty.
"Hey, don't pick on my dumbass white boys," I chastised the green... Man, side-eyeing him. "Only I can pick on them. If someone else does it, I'mma throw hands if I have to."
"Puny," Hulk replied petulantly, poking me with a finger, making me sway in my spot. I rolled my eyes fondly, settling in to mess with his hair again for the sake of having something to do with my hands. The brief exchange helped to get my overactive brain off the case but the tranquility didn't last very long.
Natasha and Bucky left to interrogate the guards responsible for the security breach, Loki shooting me an apologetic look and following the two. I smiled back, knowing the Asgardian wasn't fully comfortable being around the Hulk due to his previous experiences with the big guy.
"Wait, hold on. That guy. I know that guy." As an array of faces appeared on the large screen, a familiar pair of mismatched eyes stared at me from it. Hulk tensed under me and the team turned towards me expectantly as I shrunk slightly under their combined gaze. "The one with anisocoria - with the weird eyes. He works at a coffee shop near my school, actually he only started working recently, few months ago. He tried to flirt with me but Peter said he felt weird about the guy so I stopped going to that café." I explained the situation as eloquently as I could, seeing Clint's eyes widen at my story.
"Are you sure?" Stephen Strange raised an eyebrow. "Because that man is a mercenary that we have been looking for months."
I felt my heart skip a beat. "A what now?" My ears were ringing. Hulk growled quietly under me, evidently sensing my distress.
"A hired man," Clint typed on his phone rapidly. "Mostly sells not-so-harmless trinkets on the black market. Hydra, AIM, you name it. Anything for the highest bidder." Clint muttered. "I'm calling Peter, maybe he can tell us something more. This is an Avengers level threat." The Hawk's jaw was firm and his face was hard.
"Already on it," Tony looked shaken. I understood him - someone like that had invaded his tower, his home. Hell, I myself felt like someone had spit right in my soul. It was my home, too, to some extent.
"Let me down please, Tony needs a hug," I whispered to the Hulk, who begrudgingly did as I requested. I padded over to Tony, wrapping myself around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He always was my comfort; expensive cologne and motor oil filled my senses as my arms clutched at his chest from behind. I didn't expect reprocitation - Tony wasn't the one for emotional vulnerability.
"He could have gotten you," He whispered, almost inaudibly, fingers shaking where they typed rapid-fire commands.
"Bold of you to assume I would have gone down without a fight," I answered as calmly as I could. "He is either dumb, or reckless or has nothing to lose. Planning a coup in the middle of your tower..."
"Or he's showing us that he can just do that," Clint supplied unhelpfully. "The guard who let him in just has been found dead and his family is missing. Natasha texted, she's calling in SHIELD. This is now Operation Baby Thief."
I couldn't help the snort that escaped my lips. "Baby Thief, really?"
"Nobody's stealing Princess," Tony barked, finally turning his head and pressing a sloppy kiss to my cheek. "Not if I have to do anything with it."
"I will make sure the pathetic mortal scum never walks," Thor finally piped up, voice low. In the distance, the harsh noise of thunder and pouring rain echoed through the city.
I frowned but withdrew from Tony, finally feeling well enough to do something. My hands itched to help and as appealing as snuggling with Hulk appeared, my brain had gone straight into overdrive. "Should we take a blood sample to find out what he dosed me with? It's not Roofies, and the hangover is too shitty for it to be anything like Ecstasy." I mused out loud, pacing in the small space between the Hulk and the nearest wall.
"That is a sensible idea," Doctor Strange piped up, giving me an appreciative look. "We'll wait for Romanoff," One angry look at his own scarred, shaking hands, Stephen went back to the book he was reading. He needed a hug, too, I decided.
"Puny Banner will do it," Hulk suddenly announced, reaching out for me.
I obliged, giving the green giant a hug. "Maybe we can go play in Central Park once it's warmer, whatcha think?" I looked up at him, brain just so full of different things. Ideas bounced off one another like ping pong balls.
The Hulk grinned and... Well, I didn't see the transformation, my eyes shut themselves as soon as I felt the flesh under my palms begin to shrink and expand. It wasn't that I was afraid, rather, the feeling was so bizarre that my racing brain had to automatically shut down in fears of being overstimulated.
"Hi," Bruce supplied meekly, an adorable blush staining his cheeks. I didn't resist the urge to kiss and hold him close, and we stood there with him holding up his pants with one hand and clutching my hoodie with the other until Tony cleared his throat.
"You good, Brucie-bear?" The engineer gave a distracted smile towards us, not taking his eyes off the keyboard.
"Yes, Tones," The scientist replied easily, adding with a frown: "I'm glad me and Hulk finally agree on something." With that, he departed in the search of normal pants and the tools needed to acquire my blood sample.
I gave it without much fuss, waving to Bucky, Natasha and Loki that had returned with a middle-aged, balding man in tow. The shared look of amusement between Steve and Bucky and the man's starry-eyed look towards the Captain let me deduce it was one Agent Coulson, the very same man Tony couldn't stop telling stories about, the one with the Captain America trading cards.
So, mayhaps, me taking place in Stephen's lap while Bruce filled up three whole vials full of my blood wasn't exactly the smartest way to go about it. Tony found it amusing, Steve was shaking his head in fond annoyance and Stephen himself struggled to maintain his indifference, yet, the blush betrayed him.
"Agent, what brings you to our humble abode?" Tony snorted, seeing the man raise an eyebrow at the display of affection.
"Operation Baby Thief," Coulson replied with a sigh. "I see the Baby is secure. Keep it that way." Oh, the man was cheeky. I liked him already.
"The Baby has a Tony, a Sorcerer Supreme and a Hulk," I retorted haughtily. "And a functional brain. Fuck that guy."
"Indeed," Coulson snorted. "Tell me, what do you know about the Hamptons incident?"
I blanched, immediately tensing. Bruce withdrew the needle and pressed a bandage over the wound, running gentle fingers over my arm. Everybody must've noticed my surprise, turning to me with their faces full of expectation. Stephen's touch was calming, slightly trembling at the nape of my neck.
"Not much, to be honest. I was about thirteen when it happened and my mother tried to hide it from me," I chewed on my lip, looking away. "What I managed to find out is that there was a robbery that resulted in two deaths, my father being one of the suspects because he was high as hell on coke and he was found sleeping in the same room as the open gun safe," I recalled the memories of mother angrily screaming at dad, calling her law firm colleagues late at night. "I don't need a law degree to know the evidence was flimsy. Dad got a drug charge, his buddies got the same and both the killer and the gun were never found." I exhaled loudly, tapping my foot on the floor, supressing the need to pace.
Coulson nodded, opening a thin manila folder and producing an image of a small, wooden box with carvings that looked like runes on it. "Have you seen this object?"
I felt my blood run cold, my vision swam. "Yes," I swallowed dryly. "That's my end-of-the-world box. I buried it in my grandparents' backyard two years ago."
"End of the world?" Coulson asked, alarmed. "Did you open it?"
"No," I shook my head negative. "I found it in my room at one point and every time I looked at it, it felt... Wrong. Like it was a glitch in a computer game. I couldn't sleep, so I stuck it in my closet and that gave me terrible nightmares and sleep paralysis. I took it with me when I went to visit Gramps and buried it three feet deep under the cherry tree." My hands were shaking once again; I had forgotten about the box but my body remembered the primal, untameable terror that I experienced in it's proximity. At fourteen years old, I just thought I had an overactive imagination or something, too many horror movies, hormonal storms.
"That is a magical artifact," Stephen's voice was quiet and concerned. "A very dangerous, destructive at that. How long were you in it's presence?"
"About nine months, give or take."
"And you didn't open it once, not even a little bit?" Tony had caught on the trend, almost a hysterical edge to his voice.
"No, and I think I know why," I looked to the side. "I saw Wanda on the TV, and, like, magic was confirmed to be real, so I guess I was sure whatever is in there, it wasn't good. During that time, my parents told me I was sleepwalking but I can't remember any of it. I might have wanted to get that box to someone of your... Specialty," I briefly messed with the sleeve of Stephen's shirt, exhaling loudly when his hand grasped mine and held it with care. "I think that box messed with my head... Because I swear that I had no recollection of it until you brought it up," I realized suddenly, my eyes shooting up in blind panic. What else have I forgotten?!
"That is astonishing," Loki's baritone exclaimed. "Nine months is a long time to resist the pull of such a strong artifact." My best friend stated with a great deal of respect.
People in the room started talking all at once. Stephen and Tony declared I needed to get checked out by a professional - Tony meaning s doctor and Stephen meaning a healer of the magical kind; Bruce scooted over and pulled my frozen body in a solid hug; Steve and Bucky planned out to get the box from my grandparents' house, debating whether to take Loki or Thor with them; the SHIELD part of the team discussing the intel and further plans to catch the rogue mercenary.
The door opened quietly.
"Hi everybody, hello Mr. Stark," Peter was disheveled, his ratty backpack in one hand and an enormous sandwich in another. "Got here as fast as I could. What's up?"
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95
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