#oc: yang fu
stridingwriter · 8 months
👻 ghost: can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/something you want to write in the future?
Okay so my whole thing is that I have chronic and continuous brainrot in regards to Ares and Viktor. Specifically their time together. Which means, while yes, Ares is dead in the main WIP, I do have so many notes about their time together. They are the OTP of all of my OC ships.
Basically their whole history and their intersections with Leo from Sacrificial Lamb as well as Julius. Just the Cardinals in general have been itching at me very much. Like they were basically their own little found family of sorts who were super protective of each other who had a terrible fallout after their Captain dies.
Similarly, I have ideas for the three ex-military men as well as Ophelia who is more of player in Leo's storyline (they're the one m/f ship that I really do enjoy). Which involves Cato coming back from the dead to go home, Julius dealing with the fact that Cato comes back wrong and the three trying to fix their relationship again. Which then brings up another WIP.
Namely, the existence of Lucas Liu who's a detective who has his storyline in parallel to Viktor's. Also is the one who actually gets Leo to open up again after Sacrificial Lamb. Which also means that Sebastian and Orion are also a thing, specifically Lucas is trying to catch Sebastian to prove himself while dragging Leo around for the ride. That means Sebastian's whole crew also exists and they have their own story.
So... you can see that I have many WIPs who grow on top of each other... There is just, so much to explore in the universe (mainly the city itself) which doesn't even include the ones that happen outside of the city itself. Such as my professor/student ship (Yang Fu and Hugo Wright) that happens a couple hours outside of the main city so they aren't even impacted too much by the happenings.
And there's the most disjointed little story I have about an obsessed artist (a director) and his muse who are off doing their own things. Riley and Jules are busy trying to learn how to communicate through the arts while shit is hitting the fan around them.
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princessofxianle · 7 months
Feng Xin's Family Tree
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in-depth character descriptions to come soon but im pleased to introduce...
Feng Yang (风阳): Feng Xin's Father
Shen Wangxi (神忘昔): Feng Xin's Mother
Shen Liang (神諒): Feng Xin's Older Sister
...more to come under the tag #fx backstory au
Feng Yang (风阳): Feng Xin's Father
a respected high-ranking general of the Xianle Army
his weapon of choice is a longbow
shares personal history with the current King of Xianle
lives by the motto "a man's worth is defined by his ability to protect the things he loves"
Feng Xin highly respects his father eventually adopts this mindset as well
Shen Wangxi (神忘昔): Feng Xin's Mother
also a descendant of the Miao people like Hua Cheng
her daughter is her "mini me" and she was SO proud of her
she tragically dies in childbirth with Feng Xin
fengshen (Feng Xin's longbow) uses the same character for "Shen"
Shen Liang (神諒): Feng Xin's Older Sister
Feng Xin's older sister by many years, born before her mother married Feng Yang
Feng Yang claims her to be a carbon copy of her mother
she hates Feng Xin... to the fullest extent of the word
to her, her little brother is a parasite that took her beloved mother away
but he still tries relentlessly to get on her good side... but to no avail... he loves her so much
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Now It’s time for me to pitch to everyone the Greatest Crossover of all time
(more popular than whatever the heck Infinity War and Endgame was).
Spoilers if you haven’t read and watched TGCF and watched The Last Airbender. Now here’s the worldbuilding!
-First things first, Avatars can’t ascend, because they keep reincarnating to continue the cycle, but they’ll occasionally be summoned to Heaven to help bring that 3rd realm balance with whatever help they can offer.
-Fire Lords can’t ascend because… they attacked.
-Heaven didn’t do jack squat to prevent the Air Nomad Genocide mainly because they were busy trying to defeat ghosts plaguing the land.
-The Windmaster wouldn’t be worshipped by the air nomads, but the Earth Kingdom worships Shi Qingxuan. Shi Wudu is worshipped in the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom, same as the Rainmaster. The Earthmaster? You guessed it, Earth Kingdom. My OC, Leishi Ying, the Thundermaster is worshipped in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. Tl:dr, all Elemental Masters are worshipped in the Earth Kingdom because of it’s diverse Geography and inspiration from ancient China.
-Toph could be a good candidate for the next Earthmaster, she wouldn’t need the shovel but a lot of the Heavenly officials would low key remind her of her parents. So Bumi would totally be valid as the next earthmaster since he’s very intelligent with his creative mind. Heck Katara would be a good candidate for the water master, look at how far she’s come in Book 3.
-I don’t think Sokka would ascend as a martial god, I think he would totally ascend as a Civil God because he’s a strategist. An interaction between him and Ling Wen would be similar to the time he trained under Master Piandao. Now imagine an interaction between him, Fu Yao, and Nan Feng.
-During Xie Lian’s 3rd Ascension to Heaven, a certain Cabbage Merchant happened to be really close in his vicinity… yeah I’ll let you guys guess what happened next.
-Aang and his friends wouldn’t need to ascend, they could just fly straight up there on Appa
Yeah, this was fun. Plz expect Thoughts I had on TGCF Season 2 February! Should I or shouldn’t I, do a part 2?
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noodletime · 3 months
since yall wanted me to, i made kfp art, hope you enjoy!! :DDDDDDDDDD
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Also, since i love this series so much, i'll introduce you to two of my kfp ocs (well, not really ocs, but its still cool concept for characters-)
i'll put it under a readmore if you dont wanna see it-
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heaven-s-black-box · 1 month
Team Pt.2- Ensemble & @/crystalkat6747 OCs
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Recovery date: May 6th, 2024
Description: Hello, I absolutely loved the story you made with my OC's and I would very much like it if you would write a second part, that is if you're okay with it ☺️
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @crystalkat6747, we thank them for their contributions. If you want more information on these characters there's this post on Kesshou and this one on Kakeru, but you should be good to read without them.
Pt.1 Pt.2 N-P Pt.3
Word count: 2 955
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The anti-matter legion went down easily enough, but everyone was waiting for Phantylia to show herself. Her voice seemed to echo off of nothing as they fought her underlings, taunting them with the coming destruction she would bring. It was a tense fight, and one that left them with a bitter victory.
“W-wait, hold on a second–” March said as everyone tried to catch their breaths. Kesshou was leaned against her sword with Kakeru beside her. Caelus was sprawled out on the ground, and Welt was braced on his cane. “Are you really saying that Miss Tingyun was a member of the Antimatter Legion all along?”
“No,” Kesshou breathed out, earning herself everyone’s attention. “That was not Tingyun, I assure you. In fact, I had been unable to contact Tingyun for a few days, only recently did she respond.”
“You believe that during that time Phantylia took over Tingyun, and then responded to you to avoid suspicion?” Fu Xuan asked, brushing some dust from her clothes.
“Then that flame was Phantylia? And her body–” Everyone turned to where Tingyun’s body had collapsed, finding nothing. Kesshou’s nails dug into her palm. “Where did it go? Mr.Yang, you’re smart. What happened just now?”
“Lord Ravager Phantylia– I’ve heard other Nameless speak the name in the past. She’s one of seven Lord Ravagers who serve Nanook…” Welt’s eyes swept from March, back to Fu Xuan, then to the two Ali. “and finds pleasure in witnessing the self-destruction of mortals. She’s led countless souls down a dark and hopeless path.”
A sick feeling twisted in kesshou’s gut as she stared at the empty spot surrounded by anti-matter legion bodies. Kakeru set a hand on his cousin’s shoulder, urging her to turn away. When she didn’t look away, Kakeru extended a wing to block her view and force her back into the conversation.
“I believe Kesshou is right, that was not the real Tingyun. There was no indication that she had been misguided or manipulated… Without knowing where the body vanished to, it’ll be hard to find out when she was switched.”
Welt continued sharing his speculations on what happened, wondering aloud why Phantylia didn’t leave Tingyun’s body in a display of power. Kesshou could see he was trying to pick his words carefully, a courtesy few afforded to her. She was the future queen of Elsaria, if she couldn’t handle unfortunate loss then how could she remain objective in tough situations.
Kakeru squeezed her shoulder and leaned in close.
“You needn’t be so brave.”
“The fight is not over.”
“So long as you remember not to keep everything bottled up. It isn’t good for you.”
Fu Xuan follows Welt’s speculation to conclude that Phantylia is after the Ambrosial Arbor.
“We need to take a starskiff to Scalegorge Waterscape–” Fu Xuan declared, starting off towards a nearby starskiff with everyone quickly following behind, the Ambrosial Arbor can be sealed from that delve.”
The ride was tense as everyone anticipated another battle. A greater battle.
Phantylia would not be an easy opponent, and she likely would not face them alone. The Astral Express crew was worn from their journey to get here, and everyone was running on fumes from clearing the Crucible.
March 7th leaned against Welt, closing her eyes as if that would make things better, while he continued speaking with Fu Xuan. Caelus, who was sat on Welt’s other side, leaned his head against the Starskiff and watched as they flew out over the water. The two Ali, through similar upbringing, found themselves hanging their heads as they tried to rest in the shaky transport. It was far from ideal, and Kakeru nearly slammed his head into the metal a few times.
They’d barely begun the ascent towards the entrance when they were thrown back into combat against Anti-matter legion members.
Kesshou took a deep breath, she wasn’t sure how many more times she could shield everyone. Sure if it was just one person all these fights would be nothing, but she was always shielding at least four people; six to keep her and Fu Xuan safe as they supported the others, choosing to stay back so there weren’t quite as many weapons flailing about.
A shimmering teal dragon wrapped in a thread of gold surged out from behind them. It dove into the ground around the legion members, encircling them with its body before a geyser erupted under their feet. The center most member was quickly obliterated, and the others were thrown back– showered in water. March acted quickly, freezing them, and Caelus followed it up by smashing them to pieces.
Another wave of monsters stormed out of hiding, and before anyone else could move a giant golden slash sparking with electricity cut through them.
When the third wave emerged from the smoke of the second, Kakeru used the cover to launch his own attack from above while Kesshou swept in from below. They missed one, a ranger, and Welt took it out for them.
It was when Kesshou and Kakeru turned around to rejoin the group that they saw their reinforcements. The sound of heels against stone echoed across the still water and cracked ruins, along with a familiar mirthful chuckle, as they approached.
“General Jing Yuan,” Kakeru breathed out, catching his breath, “it is good to see you again.”
“Indeed, the feeling is mutual. We should have tea and catch up once this business with the Lord Ravager is finished.”
There was a pleasant smile on the man’s face, and a glint of pride in his eyes. He truly was a curious man, always looking at them with pride, like their very existence made him happy.
“Jing Yuan! Where have you been!?” Fu Xuan snapped, storming up to him.
Another laugh bubbled up from his chest. “Forgive my late arrival, Lady Fu– we are indebted to you and your forces. The Seat of Divine Foresight relayed the battle reports to me. As for Phantylia’s plan…”
“The Ambrosial Arbor– that’s her focus.”
Fu Xuan continued to bring the General up to speed, while everyone else tried yet again to catch their breaths. If this area was clear, they’d have to plead with the two to let them rest for a bit.
“Friends of the Astral Express, I have brought someone with me whom I think you’ll be eager to see.”
A Vidyadhara with long hair stepped out from behind him.
“Huh?” March stumbled over her words. “I-Is that… Dan Heng!? You… Y-You are Dan Heng, right? What’s with the horns…?”
“It’s a long story, March. It’s me.”
“So… you do have a secret strength!?”
“Let us save such reminisce for later, shall we?” Jing Yuan apologized to the Express crew for being so hesitant to accept their help earlier and explained what he now knew. “The Luofu is in your debt, and I have no right to seek further assistance from you.” 
Still, he admitted it would be foolish not to ask for their help. He looked between the members of the crew, his gaze lingering on Dan Heng with a sad shimmer.
Welt expressed his willingness to help immediately, before letting the rest of his crew make their own decisions. His only guiding advice was a reminder of their creed, his gaze landing on each member for a moment as he spoke. Caelus and March circled around Dan Heng and reached their hands out to the center in a silent vote.
“Dan Heng?”
For a moment it seemed Dan Heng would not help, whatever reason the General looked at him with such sorrow must have been a heavy burden, but still he reached out. A small smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
“Thank you, Dan Heng.”
“How am I still one of the Nameless? I stand here at the mercy of others without true freedom to speak… but as a descendant of the Vidyadhara, I will fulfill my duty to the Luofu.”
“We have no intention of leaving either,” Kesshou cut in, Kakeru nodding along with her. “Please, allow us to aid you like you once aided us.”
She extended her hand to the general, urging him to take it. He looked down at it, then up into her eyes– that spark of pride returning. His gaze drifted back to Kakeru.
“We came here to help, let us. Please.”
The General nodded, turning back to Kesshou.
“Very well.” He clasped his hand around Kesshou’s in acceptance of her and Kakeru’s aid.
“Great!” March cheered. “Everyone’s just as heroic as when they arrived. So, what’s the master plan, general?”
“There is no master plan, only a bet… a bet on the senior Vidyadhara’s incomplete exuviation charm, and on Dan Heng’s ability to access the memories of the high elder…”
Everyone turned to Dan Heng who turned to the General.
“High Elder?” March asked.
Jing Yuan nodded ahead of them, towards a large statue they’d noticed upon arrival. Looking at it now, it looked nearly identical to Dan Heng. The general began to explain the story of Scalgorge Waterscape as they ascended the final stairs to the statue.
“It looks so much like Dan Heng… I wonder if…” March voiced everyone’s thought aloud. She turned to her friend. “The statute… is that… Dan Heng’s brother?”
Caelus’s face palm was audible, while everyone else stifled a groan. Even Kesshou and Kakeru, who were very proud of their proper demeanours, couldn’t help it. Dan Heng only sighed, shaking his head almost fondly.
Jing Yuan kindly corrected her, and explained the current successor’s situation.
This was all old news to the two Ali. Kakeru had come far in building relationships before abdicating the throne, and that meant learning about pre-existing relationships, while Kesshou took great interest in the Xianzhou people. Still, they listened to the General explain.
They’d always found his voice soothing and familiar.
Dan Heng seemed hesitant to fulfill Jing yuan’s request to open the way. Perhaps it was the pressure, or maybe he was unsure he could do it at all, but Kakeru found himself approaching the man as they all broke away to rest.
“It’s a great weight,” he said, causing Dan Heng to turn away from the statue, “leading people. I do not know your story, but I do know that much. If you would like a friend, I’ll be over with Kesshou.”
The Vidyadhara nodded, thankful, before the former heir to Elsaria went to join his cousin.
Everyone was taking the moment to rest, March had sat on the stone around the statue and Caelus  was sitting with his legs hanging off the platform's edge over the water. Welt was leaning against one of the walls and Kesshou had sat down against another one, soon joined by Kakeru.
Jing Yuan joined the Ali, striking up a conversation about how they were.
Dan Heng took the time to check in with his friends before finding himself in front of the statue below its shattered arm.
The sudden sound of roaring waves drew everyone’s attention towards him and the open water behind him. Ribbons of rolling water encircled him as he rose up off the ground, one arm extended in the same pose as the statue. In his outstretched hand was a ball of golden light, and everyone found themselves staring in awe as a beam of light erupted into the sky and the waves parted to reveal the ruins below.
Kesshou and Kakeru were left stunned as they’d heard stories of the Vidyadhara high elder, but never seen him. Jing Yuan slowly approached the newly revealed stairs to overlook the soaked stone structures below, quickly being joined by everyone else as Dan Heng settled back to the ground.
He stumbled a bit as his feet hit the floor, and Caelus grabbed his arm to steady him.
“The annals mention that Scalegorge Waterscape was once the location of the Dragon Palace. Small wonder– look at all these submerged structures…” Fu Xuan hummed.
Jing Yuan began to reminisce, before calling on the Master Diviner.
“Remain here– lead the Cloud Knights in defense of this passage. We must prevent further incidents.”
Fu Xuan expressed her displeasure with Jing Yuan facing Phantylia, though she seemed to take it better knowing he would be backed by the Astral Express and the two Ali. The Cloud Knights, too, tried to convince him to let them join, but he stood his ground.
Truly a great man, the General acknowledged their will and rebuked it with a sound argument. This fight was not between Lan and Yaoshi but Lan and Nanook. It was new territory that may have unforeseen consequences. Instead, he tasked them with protecting the Luofu in his absence.
“Lady Fu,” he turned back to her, “if I am unable to return, I entrust you with the important task of relaying the full account to the other Xianzhou ships.”
At that, Kakeru grabbed Kesshou by the wrist and pulled her aside– briefly catching the General’s attention.
“Perhaps you should remain here as well,” he whispered.
“What?” Kesshou hissed, eyes burning with annoyance. “Why the sudden concern?”
“This is a Lord Ravager, and if both of us were to fall here Elsaria would be without a blood heir. I will not force you to stay, however I will advise you to consider your options and the possible consequences.”
Kesshou looked back to the group. They looked about ready to leave.
“I’m not staying.”
Kakeru nodded, patting her shoulder, and the two returned to the larger group.
The remaining puddles, pooled from flooded cracks, splashed with every step. Cool, damp air filled their lungs as they traversed the twisted landscape overgrown with vegetation from the water.
They came across shadows of the past, reminentes of the past High Elders’ times. Mara struck soldiers blocked their way, but Kesshou saved her strength for the final fight– not putting up shields.
Dan Heng led them to different points to remove the three seals, and answered questions about their surroundings. He explained the rebirth cycle, and the eggs they found around, and the seals.
It took some time, but they broke the seals and made it to the other side.
“Now, I will break the final seal…”
“I hope everyone is prepared?” Jing Yuan asked.
He received a round of silent confirmation, and the Ali found his gaze lingering on them– tinged with worry,
The group entered the depths of the Arbor’s roots once Dan Heng broke the seal.
They found themselves in a heavy fog, with Phatylia speaking to them. Her voice was mocking as she addressed Jing Yuan.
“That witch! She was here waiting for us the whole time. Show yourself, Phantylia!”
Kesshou was sure the girl regretted her words immediately, as Phantylia addressed the express crew and asked them to let her “make herself look presentable”. 
The Arbor’s roots cracked as they twisted to encase her light, her voice ringing out the whole time. She praised the Arbor’s power, letting it give her form.
“All of you, ready yourselves. Dan Heng, guard my back. I’m counting on you.”
“General,” Bailu’s voice called into the room, “you have visitors.”
They heard a soft groan and saw a sliver of Jing Yuan’s head as he leaned forward in his bed to try and see out the door. Bailu whipped around at his groaning and the bed’s creaking, so he fell back against the bed with another groan.
“Send them in.”
She nodded, but leaned towards them before she moved.
“Don’t let him get up, he keeps trying to escape bed rest.”
Kesshou laughed. “We will, thank you.”
Bailu stepped back, letting them in, before leaving and closing the door behind her.
Kakeru held out a basket, taking it to the General's bedside table. He and Kesshou then took seats on opposite sides of the bed.
The General’s abdomen was heavily bandaged, purple bruises blossomed across his exposed chest from when Phantylia had grabbed him. Streaks of lightning were etched into his skin, raising it over the bruising. His right wrist was wrapped to keep it still, fighting against Phantylia’s hold had put too much strain on the structure and fractured a bone. If Dan Heng hadn’t caught him, the cousins were worried what injuries he may have walked away with– if he’d walked away at all.
They were thankful for the man, truly.
Phantylia may have escaped, but they were grateful everyone had walked away alive.
“I’m fi-” Jing Yuan broke down in a fit of coughs. “I’m fine.”
Kesshou handed him a glass of water, holding it for him as the coughing subsided.
“And I didn’t abdicate the throne,” Kakeru hummed, beginning to peel a fruit for him.
He handed the general a piece, then offered some to Kesshou. The three sat in relative silence as they ate.
“How are you two doing? I've heard our Astral Express friends are recovering well, but nothing about you.”
“We’re well,” Kesshou answered. “We’ve been helping lady Fu and the Cloud Knights, there are still many mara struck soldiers that need to be put to rest.”
Jing Yuan nodded. “Thank you for that, the Luofu is indebted to you for your help in this matter.”
“Noneses, you have helped us in the past, we are simply returning the favor.”
A breathy chuckle escaped Jing Yuan, and he smiled. He reached out to the fruits Kakeru had brought, wincing as his arm pulled his muscles out, and began to peel another one in his lap.
“You think too highly of me,” he said, a forlorn look in his eyes. He broke off a piece of the freshly peeled fruit, and handed it to Kakeru. “Now, why don’t you finish telling me of your recent adventures?”
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drawingquest21 · 8 months
Was inspired to make a fighter character around the theme of Yin & Yang and thought she might have an alternate version of herself being her yang, which is the one behind her back, hand on her shoulder. I wanted the Yang persona's design to be opposite in colors (not only the hair but also the outfit like black glove turning white) except for the eyes and the marks around them. The hair is also different, the Yang having spikier hair.
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Being themed around Yin and Yang, the outfit is asymmetrical in a way.
Below are two versions without the glove on her left hand and a version with a different skin color for the Yang.
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As for all the various symbols in her design:
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Only the Crown Chakra "Dui" is missing. I thought it could be a hat or a bandana that covers the top of the head. I didn't find this until after I had drawn the main body and I didn't want to redraw the head so I made another drawing on the left with the Third Eye Chakra "Lí" bandana which covers the eyes to open the third eye.
I imagine that in her back she has the Yin & Yang symbol.
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drenosa · 3 months
Inspired by an oc of @evenmorefatallyobsessed (mild nfsw alert btw)
Neptune: *Holding up a dating app on a Scroll in front of Sun, swiping either left or right at the Monkey Faunus' direction* Look, sometimes you got to take some drastic measures to get over a girl. Sure, you're saying you're happy to just be friends with Blake, but that doesn't mean you have to forget about your needs.
Sun: *Listening with half-a-mind* Sure... Left. Left. ... Right. Left. Ooh, Deffo Right. Says she also likes to use her tail for ~fun~.
Neptune: Yeah, you're getting it. Don't worry, bud. This Certified Lady's Man will help you get your groove!
Sun: *Pausing his swiping to give Neptune a pointed look* Certified, huh?
Neptune: *Coughs slightly* Ye-yes, now come on. Just a few more.
Sun: Uh-huh... Left. Right. Left. Left. ... !!! *Snatches the Scroll out of a surprised Neptune's hand* Oh, Right to the Hells to the Yeah! Bona-Fide Major MILF!
Neptune: Woah, seriously?! Lemme see, lemme see! *Grabs the Scroll back*
Sun: Never saw an office jacket and pencil skirt look THAT good before. And on an ass like that?! Gawd DAYUM!
Neptune: No way, someone look that good for you to... to- *Stares at the Scroll in abject shock and horror* Ah... fuck.
Sun: *Blinking away his surprise at Neptune's reaction* Whu... what, she got some super red flags or something?
Neptune: Uh... Yeah?! Holy hell, that's my Mom!
Sun: ...
Neptune: ...
Sun: Bitch. Would! *Starts climbing over the table to get at the Scroll and Neptune* Gimme that scroll back! I got to message her ASAP!
Neptune: Hell no! *Shoving a hand in Sun's face to keep him away* Back off, motherfucker! This shit ain't gonna happen!
Sun: *Smushed face* Fwuf hoo! ma honna bu a mahafaha fu wheel! Himme! [Fuck you! I'm gonna be a motherfucker for real! Gimme!]
Neptune: *Using multiple limbs to keep Sun away* Bros before hoes, dick-weasel! My mom ain't no hoe fo' sho'!
Sun: *Face unsmushed, trying his hardest to reach the promised land that is his Scroll* Imma weasel my dick into her! My hoe will plough her fields something fierce. Now give my Scroll back!
Neptune: That's a no from me, Bitch!
Neptune&Sun: *Start wrestling WWE-style*
Yang: *Seated with Blake not far from the SeaMonkey Bros* So... that guy at one point, huh?
Blake: *Mildly embarrassed at the short-lived crush* At one point, yes.
Yang: *Grinning bemusedly* Certainly a catch that slipped away. Can't believe I got reeled in instead.
Blake: *Elbows Yang in the ribs* Shush you. I can still do a catch-and-release with you.
Yang: Hehe. Love you too, Blakey.
Blake: *Muttering* You better.
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arc1t3ct · 3 months
ooc post!!
promoting my silly little server again ^^
⤜      Secrets of Wisteria  ᘒ    a HONKAI: STAR RAIL  alternate universe roleplay focused on the paranormal.
     stelle, himeko, welt yang, argenti      firefly, black swan, acheron, misha, boothill      bronya, seele, pela, lynx, clara, hook, luka      natasha, sampo, fu xuan, sushang, qingque      huo huo, jingliu, yukong, hanya, xueyi      herta, asta & ruan mei
  ✩  a friendly, non-tox community   ➤  2 canon AND 3 oc spots per roleplayer!   ✩  friendly staff!!   ➤  all kinds of channels for in and out of roleplay use.   ✩  and loads more!
this story take place in the normal star rail universe, but with a simple twist.
stellarons have supernatural abilities, when one is around it for too long they start to see something quite unusual; the spirits of the long forgotten. each pathstrider is able to see different spirits, for example: one on the path of abundance is able to see the spirits of those who helped other, whether in battle or in general. while the path of destruction mostly sees vengeful spirits who long for their dignity to be reclaimed.
the astral express, while helping other civilizations, they also attempt to help those spirits. while sometimes it works out, other times it doesn't....
each person is affected by a stellaron differently, and once the curse has begun to manifest in you, there's no known way of reversing the effect.... though there might one out there, one that hasn't been found yet.
    𖤛 we await your arrival, trailblazer! https://discord.gg/kHCAfH4EYK
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racecarcat · 3 months
intro ??! ˚❀༉‧₊
Hiiii!!! I’m racecarcat, if you want you call me kat for short.
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I just kinda wanna post stuff because I think it’d be fun. I’m unfortunately very inconsistent and everything (read: my mood) fluctuates very fast. I also, am really bad with tech, and therefore know to format nothing. Consumerism. Anyhow, here are some fandoms I’m in (or rather, have been in that if given the opportunity to talk about I can rant abt for hours):
• Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)
• Honkai Star Rail (HSR)
• Genshin Impact (GI)
• Bungo Stray Dogs (BSD)
• Project Sekai (PJSK)
• Chainsaw Man (CSM)
• Sakamoto Days (SD)
Here are my fav characters from each, not in a specific order:
JJK: RIKO AMANAIIIII (pls someone love her as much as I do), Aoi Todo, Mai Zenin, Maki Zenin, Hiromi Higuruma, Kento Nanami, Yuki Tsukumo, Iori Utahime, Yuko Ozawa, Mei Mei and Mahito (I like them ironically I swear)
HSR: Stelle/Caelus, Jing Yuan, Welt Yang, Robin, MISHA, YUKONGG, Fu Xuan, Huohuo, Tingyun, Bailu, Ruan Mei, Jing Liu, ARGENTI, BAI HENG
GI: NAVIA, Neuvillette, FURINA, Kokomi, Shenhe, CHIORI, Jean, Lumine/Aether, GANYU, KUJOU SARA, KAVEH, Itto, Nahida, Faruzan, Yanfei
PJSK: ENA SHINOME, Mafuyu Asahina, Ichika Hoshino, Honami Mochizuki, Minori Hanasato, Shizuoka Hinomori, KOHANE AZUSAWA
CSM: Denji, ASA MITAKAAA, Aki Hayakawa, KISHIBE, QUANXI, Angel, Kobeni, Reze, Madoka, Nomo, Santa Claus, PINGSTI, NAYUTA, Himeno
SD: Taro Sakamoto, LU XIAOTANG, OSARAGI, Shin Asakura, Nagumo, GAKU, Rion Akao, AKIRA AKAO, Natsuki Seba, Nao Toramaru, Obiguro, Heisuke, SHISHIBE, AMANE
And for funsies, here are some ships I like! Fair warning, I LOVE rarepairs and multi shipping:
JJK: Satosugu, Itafushi, NobaMaki, Hakari/Kirara, Choso/Yuki, Yuji/Yuko, MECHAMIWA, Nanami/Bakery Lady, Yuta/Maki, Yuta/Inumaki
HSR: Stelle/March 7th, Caelus/Dan Heng, Gepard/Sampo, Blade/Kafka, DAN FENG/YINGXING, Jing Yuan/Blade, Pela/Lynx, Bronya/Seele, JING LIU/BAIHENG, Himeko/Kafka, Cocolia/Serval, ASTA/ARLAN, Jing Yuan/Fu Xuan, Tingyun/Jing Yuan
GI: Jean/Diluc, Qingxiu/Chongyun, Beidou/Nigguang, Neuvillette/Focalors, Ganyu/Xiao, Lumine/Amber, Arlecchino/Columbina, Yae/Layla, truly too many to count.
BSD: Kunizai, AtsuLucy, Fyozai, FukuFuku, Shin Soukoku, RIMLAINE, Chuuya/Albatross, KuniBram, OdaAngo, Ranpoe, Shirachuu, KuniChuu, Yosano/Koyou, Kyouka/Kenji, SIGZAI etc.
PJSK: Ena/Mafuyu, Toya/Kohane, Rui/Shizuku, RuiNene
CSM: Denji/Asa, AkiAngel, Aki/Himeno, Denji/Yoshida, Violence/Kobeni, Denji/Reze, Asa/Yuko, Quanxi/her gfs
SD: None, surprisingly!
I’m probably use this blog for writing, talking about said fandoms, obsessively thinking about my ocs for each said fandom, and making very politically(/j) incorrect analysis about characters. And, more! I’m sorry this is so long, really just ask me abt anything and it’ll eventually happen.
Last thing: I might post about my own stories that are… painfully unfinished, so here’s a brief intro about each (they’re all heavily inspired by my respective fandoms, we don’t talk abt that):
*Insert Dramatic Title* (IDT): A robot by the name of Edis is asked to save humanity from a prophecy stating that, from five years from now, the world will end.
Slaughterhouse (SH): A pair of twins live in a “Haven Town” where there outside world was shrouded into an apocalypse. They learn how to truly survive in such a restrictive environment and find out the subtle corruption of their system.
‘Vest of the ‘Usual (VOU): A young boy has unusual abilities that leads him to work in the government, which depicts him having to do the unthinkable: go to school. And, do his job, that too.
Act I (A1): Olesia Lexina has had one dream all her life: protect humanity from the evil that is godlyhood! This follows her journey through the ideal of becoming on of the top members of the “Guardians of Humanity”.
Project: New World (P:NW): The government has allowed a project and organization by the name of “New World” to attempt to “purify humanity of all of its wrongdoings” and it has taken the world by storm; unfortunately, Chara has absolutely no interest in any of it.
The Eight Tragedies (T8T): An Angel has come to earth to ultimately destroy everyone on it, in which a humanities major named Reminiscence gives the world (her two friends) a chance to fix their problems before it can do so—by going into the past eight times to fix mistakes that should’ve never happened.
Majic Girl: BOOM ★ (MG:★): this one is something I’ve been meaning to get motivation to work on properly. A young freshman girl watches her whole world turn upside down (close to literally) to as some sort of eldritch horror resurfaces the earth! And she is one of the few people making the attempt to kill it.
$1 Supermarket ($1): The economy as we know it had crashed after inflation has risen way too high to the point even the upper class finds it hard to buy anything. Thus, a brand new chain store by the name of $1 Supermarket has arisen! Where everything is exactly $1! And there’s like, a bunch of monsters everywhere, but that’s besides the point.
Okay, that’s it now I promise. Thank you for reading this far!
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Here Are My DC OCs' Headcanon Voices
Benjamin Williams - K1-B0 (Danganronpa)
Yang Blossoms - Kim Possible
Night Edwards - Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing (BTAS/TNBA)
Taylor Heather - Mira Nova (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Marcus Todd - Red Hood (Injustice 2)
Suki Orchard - Numbuh 3 (KND)
Mia Tuckers - Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls)
Tootsie Jingles - Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
Jamie Quinzel - Mushi Sanban (KND)
Blade Quinzel - Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Blossom Isley - Esmeralda (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Vince Isley - Cash Buckzo (Helluva Boss)
Ray Nygma - Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
Trace Dent - Debbie Thornberry (Wild Thornberrys)
Berg Fries - Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Snow Fries - Karen McCormick (South Park)
North Ferguson - Grigori Olyat (Henry Stickmin)
Kraig Jones - Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
Lucian Dorrance - Puss In Boots
Bowie Tetch - Baby Bear (Puss In Boots)
Scotch Tetch - Mad Hatter (BTAS)
Kaleb Langstrom - Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Fangs Langstrom - Coco Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Hallow Crane - Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Laurent Crane - Scarecrow (Arkham Knight)
Lauren Crane - Loona (Helluva Boss)
Spook - Adorabat (Mao Mao: Heroes Of Pure Heart)
Katelyn Kyle - Frost Queen Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Katherine Kyle - Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
Feather Cobblepot - Carmen (Spooky Month)
Talon Cobblepot - Orko (He-Man Animated Series)
Tanny Donna - Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Toffee Karlo - Laverne (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Torch Lynns - Firefly (Batman: Arkham)
Ember Lynns - Toga Himiko (MHA)
Coona Walker - Sody Pop (Chikn Nuggit)
Meredith Miranda - Cofi (Chikn Nuggit)
Shade Miranda - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Iris Miranda - Goldilocks (Puss In Boots)
Misty and Oliver Miranda - Interesting Twins (Kids Next Door)
Evelyn 'Evie' Wesker - Kiazuki (Hanazuki)
Stitcher - Scarface (BTAS/TNBA)
Michelle Emerald - Momo Yaoyorozu (MHA)
Michele Emerald - Kurogiri (MHA)
Metro - Luz (Owl House)
Parker Miranda - Mr Herriman (Foster's Home)
Clove Miranda - Stella (Helluva Boss)
Harrison, Carrie & Misty - Delightful Children (Kids Next Door)
Leader Scorch - Father (KND)
Frederick Miranda - Iroh (ATLA)
Harriet Miranda - Jacqueline Bouvier (Simpsons)
Dia Mints - Rouge The Bat (Sonic)
Buttercup Evie - Inko Midoriya (MHA)
Norman Miranda - Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Volt - Tawna (Crash Bandicoot 4)
Zolt - Shego (Kim Possible)
Colton Snart - Master Mantis (Kung Fu Panda)
Scorch - Jafar (Aladdin)
Cloudy - Cofi (Chikn Nuggit)
Craven Crane - Scarecrow (Arkham Asylum)
Lunar Crane - Lumalee (Super Mario Movie)
Emerald - Maddie Wachowski (Sonic Movie)
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amongsthorns · 1 year
when i was first reading tgcf the thing that made me go "hmm... are nan feng and fu yao just feng xin and mu qing" were feng xin's various names. i put feng xin + nan yang = nan feng? in my mental whiteboard and i was right from the start but i now checked which chinese characters were used and burst out laughing. they are the same.
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which to me means feng xin is awful at coming up with names. he's neither original nor slick and i hope mu "i gave my oc a beautiful name that means to take flight, to be ambitious" qing teases him about it constantly
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S1 Ep 4
Heads up, this will probably be a short one since it mostly focuses on the worldbuilding on the 4 calamity ghosts now here we go!
-Previously on TGCF…
-He’s so distraught he couldn’t follow
-Yeah it’s not that Fu Yao
-He does look like the same age as a teen
-That’s a lotta scrolls
-The telepathic matrix, is basically the world’s first discord server
-Qi Rong will be important later on
-That goddess has a point
-Thank you Ling Wen
-Oh that had everyone shook
-Aw he likes Hua Cheng’s name!
-Ooh that disturbed Ling Wen
-More on the Black Demon later…
-That explains the fall of Xianle and the Moldy Face Plague
-Let’s be honest, Bai Wuxiang is totally responsible for Covid-19
-Xie Lian’s hand…
-Is he long since passed though? (Sorry, I’ve heard of the spoilers)
-Woah Hua Cheng has made his mark on Heaven
-Those lights sure look like floating lanterns…
-Aww he thinks the Butterflies are beautiful!
-Honestly, smart move Mu Qing and Feng Xin
-That’s also foreshadowing
-Don’t worry Nan Yang, they’re trapping her under a mountain
-Aww he thanked the two generals!
-Another camera shake!
-Those poor, poor archivists
-Oh she is so burnt out
-Really, I thought paying it off would take longer than that?
-The assistants got eyes bags too…
-I think that same question every day…
-Ling Wen really deserves a raise AND vacation
-He’s settling in well
-Yeah, who was the Prince of Xianle anyway?
-Hehehehe Dick Yang XD
-River Frog!
-And repairs too
-Oooooh awesome music!
-That’s a lot of stuff…
-And Honghai (A TGCF OC) is like @ Xie Lian: So he’s a dumpster diver?
-Woah word sure travels fast
-That’s a good lesson Xie Lian
-Ooooh here he comes!
-More camera shakes
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ardenrabbit · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask.....if you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Please don't apologize! These are fun :D I hope you can find something you like in my replies! 💜💖💜
I'm realizing that I don't ship a whole lot of things, but I get really invested in a handful. I deeply want more involving women, but I sadly just haven't found a lot in media that I relate to or find compelling?? :( I have more women in relationships in my OCs, but all of the following are m/m.
1. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, from MXTX's Mo Dao Zu Shi, canon: These guys are individually such fundamentally good and selfless people and express it with wildly different impacts to their reputations. Extremely different personalities while alike in all the right ways. The longing. The gentle care and appreciation for one another. Also unfathomably horny. They have a cute house and pet rabbits.
2. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, from MXTX's Tian Guan Ci Fu, canon: So. SOFT. Just. The gentlest and most unrelenting devotion. Eight hundred years of longing. It is unfair to compare any other slow burn to these guys. Hua Cheng is batshit insane but we forgive him for being a stalker and a zealot because he is so unhealthy levels of in love, and I am such a sucker for it. They are unfailingly so kind to one another and it murders me.
3. Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang, from MXTX's Mo Dao Zu Shi, possibly one-sided canon? Def not requited: Okay so this isn't a ship I'd go down with by any means, but I just enjoy how fucked up it is. Xue Yang is a psychopath, liar, and literal serial killer and Xiao Xingchen is a saint who deserved better than what happened. I'm just fascinated by Xue Yang's horrible little brain getting attached to the one person who ever showed him real kindness, and how he was never going to be able to redeem himself or even acknowledge his mistakes in a way that they could ever be together. Xue Yang is a bad person and the narrative neither forbids you from caring about him nor tries to absolve him. Just really well-written tragedy.
4. Keith and Shiro, from Voltron, not canon but we all agree that canon shafted everyone: Okay yeah I still love them. The anti thing was new and spooky to me when I first joined the fan community, so I was a secret sheith fan for a while, but these two are just special to me. They never give up on each other. That's a whole Thing. They actually get each other's dumb adrenaline junkie hobbies and their deep senses of justice, and they complement and support each other in the mature ways they need to grow as people. The stupid, unwavering devotion thing. The Eyes. The soft way they say each other's names??? Kills me. For me, canon feels like it was truly built on the foundation of their relationship.
5. Keith and Lance, from Voltron, not canon but we all agree that canon shafted everyone: I started out only posting Keith/Lance on AO3 because I was new to like, Talking to People and didn't want to get jumped by antis, and klance was the anointed, schoolboard-approved ship at the time. These two are sweet in that competitive boys way, and they gradually grow and become friends who actually support each other. It takes them a minute, and canon doesn't do it justice and then kind of uncomfortably forces it, but they get there.
6. Fenris and Hawke, from Dragon Age, canon depending on playthrough: Wow. Again, the Devotion. Fenris is a character that Hawke can really help heal from his past. They actually make a profound difference in each other's lives. The puppy eyes. Fenris's very real and nuanced trust issues and his efforts to navigate them. Hawke having opportunities to truly Support him. They can have great conversations and affect each other's perspectives on important issues. Love them.
7. Kvothe and Bast, from Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles, unconfirmed as of yet but at least one-sided canon as far as I'm concerned: A pair of fucked-up people. One is an unreliable narrator with possibly a case of megalomania + self-loathing, and the other is an unhinged Fae prince with a hero-worshiping crush on him that is dangerous for everyone else in the vicinity. Bast is scary. I am obsessed with him.
8. Lu Qingyun and Liu Jianghe, from Saved the Public Enemy by Mistake, canon: Please please please read this manhua. It's ongoing and incredible. It has six fics on AO3 and I want to talk to people about it. Dark wuxia story with spooky cultivation, a surly doctor, and an unpredictable genius maniac who isn't really the bad guy. These guys are ridiculous, and it's confirmed that they get together in the future and have a soft, happy ending, but for now their relationship is delightfully strange?? They have deep trust and respect for each other, and it's THERE once you see it, but the narrative does a great job of not showing it too much on the surface. Very cleverly written. I have a feeling that Liu Jianghe has been in love with Lu Qingyun from before the start.
9. Shion and Nezumi, from Atsuko Asano's No. 6, canon: Chaotic revolutionaries in a post-nuclear fallout dystopian utopia. Both simultaneously very intelligent and so stupid. Melodramatic bastards. Shion is the idealist and Nezumi is the one who just wants to burn it all down (he doesn't). They open each other's eyes to a lot of things, emotionally and existentially. My favorite blend of very different people with ultimately similar values, but different ways of going about them. They also can call each other out on their bullshit, which is important.
Having trouble thinking of anyone else 😂 All of these are ones I've cared enough to dabble in fic about, whether I've posted it or not, which I think is a decent metric. I'm nice to myself so I tend to lean toward canon stuff.
Thank you again for asking! Have a great day! 💕💐✨
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Hihi!! I heard from a friend that you were re-designing peoples Lmk characters and I loved how they turned out!! So I hope it’s okay I send in my Oc Onyx to see what you could maybe do <33💙✨✨ thank you so so much If you do her!!
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Gǎo Mǎnǎo (缟玛瑙; Gao-maon-ow), the Yin-Yang Wolf!
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Now, how did we get here?
I was doing this in order... until I didn't... I saw her and I needed to draw her I needed to.
First I started with a new outfit! She got a bun (because she looks like a fighter and fighters in China have to wear their hair back because it might get cut or torn otherwise) and a traditional Kung Fu training outfit! (with one short sleeve as a callback and a
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And I tried to look into Chinese wolf demons or anything but there are literally fucking none so I went to the Yin Yang wolf! She's now a Yin Yang wolf, and she's got some more color in her design!
A quick language change on her name (because she's Chinese and she should have a Chinese name :P) and she's done!
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arleniansdoodles · 2 months
As an avid sunshine x grumpy connoisseur (both rokantic and platonic) i so understand the mc-sean thing. Its just so fun to write and read!
N e ways could you perhaps share your thoughs on The Olds (Jinfeng, Sifu and co.)? Pretty please?
Ooh I’d be more than happy to share my thoughts about the oldies! Regarding the Wood and Water Guardians, I don’t have a lot of headcanons about them except for creating OCs as their surviving relatives post-massacre 😅 So I’ll stick with Sifu, Sean’s father, and Jinfeng for now XD
Starting with Jinfeng, I didn’t know her backstory at the time of writing my fic (nor do I have the game, so I couldn’t check for myself), so I created one for her - only to realize much later that her backstory is written on a wall in the Tower 🙃 Basically, she was born to an impoverished family (which I’d already assumed) as the eldest of four sisters, only to lose her family and right arm in a terrible criminal attack. Following that, she relocates to the city, trains, and becomes the first female Sifu in that region, teaching poor families, women, and girls how to fight, etc.
I’ve kept all that as the basis and just added my headcanons on top loll Before the attack, little Jinfeng is sent to a kung-fu school so she can learn how to defend her younger sisters. And it’s there that she finds Sifu and Sean’s father, and becomes their little sister – not just as a fellow student, but in a more familial way XD She becomes the sunshiney one while Sifu is the voice of reason and Sean’s father is grumpy loll I’d say they’re kinda like the older generation version of Yang-Sean-MC, which presents quite a few parallels between Jinfeng and fem!MC.
Following the attack, Sifu and Sean’s father avenge Jinfeng by dealing with her attackers, though Sifu is affected enough by the experience that he vows to take the Wude path; on the other hand, Sean’s father has no problem beating people up loll And afterward, they support Jinfeng as she heals, and they all train and grow up together! 😁
Regarding Sifu and Sean’s father, I imagine they lived in a similar region as Jinfeng as kids – Sifu was probably better off; meanwhile, Sean’s father was in the roughest neighbourhood and developed a rough personality because of it, which is later passed down to Sean. I’d say Sifu was the most level-headed of the trio (though he’d still get in some trouble as a kid hahaa); he’s the “middle sibling” and the most conscious about the virtues in kung-fu. Sean’s father was protective of Sifu and Jinfeng as a kid, given that he’s the eldest; but he’s probably the reason they got in rough (or dangerous) situations in the first place loll 😅
In their adult era, I like to think that Sifu and Sean’s father are pretty smart when they’re separate, but when you put them together, they gotta share one braincell while Jinfeng gets the other to herself 😂 I even had this crack idea about putting the three in an escape room; Sifu would climb out the window (or search for the key if there’s no window), Sean’s father would break the door down, and Jinfeng would force them to solve the room lmaoo
I think having Jinfeng as their little sister adds to the betrayal later when she works with Yang to take down the Guardians. By that point, she likely had some disagreements with Sifu and Sean’s father about the talismans, but they didn’t realize how far she was willing to go to do it. I do think she truly believed what she did was for the best – she wanted to prevent others from suffering what she did as a child – but at the same time, I imagine she had to bury her guilt and grief so deeply that she wouldn’t feel it anymore.
I also headcanon that she’s kept her conspiracy board up for eight years because she regularly goes down to the Rift to look at Sifu and Sean’s father’s portraits, since she has no other mementos of them (which is something I’ve added to my extended Sifu fic XD)
And that’s the summary of my thoughts! I did start a mini-comic about Jinfeng last year, but it’s been sitting in my drafts forever and I don’t know if I’ll ever return to it 😭But anyway, thank you so much for your ask, anon!! I always love a chance to ramble about my ideas lololl (and feel free to share yours too, if you’d like! 😊💗)
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ao3feed-fengqing · 6 months
Co parenting has never been easy
by Thewolfprincess What if Fu Yao and Nan Feng were actual deputies? What would their story be? How did their generals find them? How did the generals raise them? Or the palaces of Xuan Zhen and Nan Yang have a shared secret which Xie Lian is told Aka an idea I had kinda vague will make sense later Words: 884, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Other Characters: Nan Feng (Character), Fú Yáo, Fēng Xìn, Mù Qíng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Heavenly deputies Relationships: Fēng Xìn/Mù Qíng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Fēng Xìn & Mù Qíng, OC & Fengqing Additional Tags: Co-Parenting, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Well they're kids but same thing, Falling In Love, Rivals to Lovers, random idea i had, Not yet finished reading the books so probably plot holes and canon inaccuracies, give this a chance please, no beta we die via https://ift.tt/vFmdMxL
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