#now i get to put on the stickers uwu
bibleofficial · 2 years
i’ve been a real BITCH today & karma is rly telling me to knock it off like bro … rly enjoyed having a waterproof phone for like what ? 2 weeks 😭😭
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simply-m-a-d · 2 years
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✨stickers✨(inspired from that one wonho photoshoot)
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acorpsecalledcorva · 6 months
Issue I'm dealing with right now is a great example of why I hate people who push the "DID isn't a disorder it's an uwu quirky super power" idea. (Obviously no shade to those who view their own system hood as a net gain but I see people treat 'disorder' or 'maladaptive' as dirty words in general and I find it really demeaning to those who do struggle, myself included obviously, as though it's just a matter of perspective and I just need to turn that frown upside down 🙃)
TW for needle stuff under the cut
So being trans and chronically ill, I have to get blood tests, like, a lot of blood tests. I also use estradiol injections as my primary HRT method. So needless to say, needles are a huge part of my life and healthcare. A couple years ago this was completely fine, I just stare off into space for a 20-30 seconds and it's over before I know it. I dissociate. Very useful skill, been great all my life yay no fear of needles I'm a big girl with my big girl sticker (bandaid).
The last couple years however, things started to go a bit wonky, I've started to pass out during blood tests. I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine and then suddenly the lights go out and I come to with a very apologetic and worried nurse. This led to one hospital visit where I needed to get several tests and so they put a cannula in my arm. Oh boy my brain did not like that solution, my wolf alter fronted and needed to be actively prevented from ripping it out with her teeth.
With my estradiol injections however, something different started happening. I do them weekly on the same day, Thursday, and first I would keep "forgetting" to do them. No Biggie, though, would just do it the first opportunity I remembered to. Then, I started drinking. Every Thursday, without fail, I would remember to do my shot and realise I've been drinking alcohol without even thinking of it. I was getting sabotaged.
Then last week, things got stepped up a gear. After administering my shot it hurt much more than usual. The next day, my jeans waistband was pressing on the bruise(?) and rather than just feeling ow, I started panicking. Every time I would move in a way that hurt it I would instantly be filled with dread. Dread that I had been stabbed and was going to pop my stitches.
Then, as if that wasn't enough, I've been having nightmares about needles getting stuck in my veins and needing to squeeze them out like zits.
So why is all this happening? Because of the dissociation. My brain relied so heavily and readily on dissociation as a coping mechanism for all this needle business, that it became a trauma. All those repeated chronic minor routine events, by not being integrated due to such an inherent tendency to dissociate are bouncing around in my subconscious and upsetting the system.
As such, protectors and persecutors are getting royally pissed off, because it keeps happening, and I keep doing it to myself. They're screaming out at me to stop doing this absolutely horrendous horrible life threatening thing because being mostly locked inside they don't actually understand why I need to do it. They don't care about the outside world, they just care that I'm repeatedly triggering parts of the system and want it to not happen anymore.
This is so endlessly frustrating for me, because I had no issue with needles whatsoever. Everyone else I know who has issues with needles gets exposure therapied into being fine, but for me? I get new trauma from things that shouldn't and wouldn't have been traumatic if it wasn't for my brain operating on automatic responses.
So yeah, fuck dissociation, all my brain homies hate dissociation and I'll bite the next person I see saying that it's inherently a positive force for good in everyone's lives that does it.
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
300 followers event!
Thank you very much for support my writing 🤧💕✨💖 you know how to make this koala feel special uwu ✨🐨🔥
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Haikyuu x reader
The foxes get a new member, most of them are delighted to have you there
Inarizaki's new addition
You caught Aran's attention first, you don't give a single f*ck about the Miyas
He actually saw you grab them by the collar and drag them to the classroom to have a civilized chat
He soon learned from Suna that you're the class president, meaning you're a responsible person, and... Aran needs yOu, pLeASe HelP hIm, hE's StrEsSed
Obviously the vice captain talked about you to the always reliable captain Kita
Kita has his doubts but since your club was dissolved he took the chance to talk you to join them
Kita's main worry was about all the fans they have, you might be one of them but then....
For his surprise you declined respectfully "I won't be anyone's assistant, thank you" and then you were gone walking calmly to your classroom🚶🏻‍♀️
He had to catch up with you and change the name 'manager' to 'glorified babysitter' because he explained he needed help with the second years
You being a sweetheart and looking Aran at the distance who is currently looking at you with pleading eyes, like... you could see he is a troubled soul you finally said yes BUT you have your conditions, if Atsumu's is being particularly bitchy you're going to slap him, no questions allowed
Secondly you're not going to fill anyone's bottle or give them towels, you're there to put order🔥🦊
The first day was a walk on the park
The second day was a bit more challenging, getting know the boys was fun, but they all had their quirks
The third day was a test for your patience, was almost like an Egyptian entity was placing you in the middle of a trial to measure your heart
Atsumu and Osamu were fighting over some nonsense, they both were very intense about it, and here is when you proved to be THE Mary Poppins of Inarizaki high
"Since you guys seem so prone to fight about who's the best, you will be cleaning the classroom before practice" you said softly smiling at the twins
"what? That has nothing to do with my settings! Ain't gonna do shizz" said Atsumu
You on the other hand 🙂☺️"don't be difficult Tsumu otherwise I will personally talk with our teacher about your problematic behaviour to get you out the club" 🤗✨
Atsumu's expression morphed into 'the scream' painting
Aran wants to marry you
Osamu is low-key impressed yet terrified
Suna made a sticker with Atsumu's face
Atsumu was whining but at least stopped the fight
Omimi will light candles on your behalf, powerful goddess 🛐✨💖
Akagi is thinking about inviting you to lunch to get on your good side
Ginjima wants your autograph
Riseki was already your fan because you're classmates
Kosaku makes a mental note to never get in your bad side
Kita is silently thanking Aran for the marvelous addition to the team
Aran's stress improved drastically, now his new worry is to protect his new manager/future wife glorified babysitter from other volleyball players outside the school
After a while they all are very protective over you
You're their precious y/n
They won't be chill if they see another school student trying to flirt with you
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mashiee · 10 months
remi hcs pretty please 🙏 ur dreams are trying to tell u something it’s meant to be
mahsdbenen so so sorry for how long this has taken to get out. tysm for the ask 🥺
edit: i literally forgot abt this omg im so sorry shdhb
she/her and neopronouns
generally i hc remi as fiaspec
but sometimes i make it more specific and hc her demigirl or girlflux. atm i think girlflux fits best
lactose intolerant
adhd !!!!
likes coloring books :)
good w like elementary kids and kind of w toddlers but terrible with babies
listen ik generally everyone thinks that remi is the braincell of the supertrio but this is very incorrect. there is only one braincell in the supertrio and isen has the monopoly on it. which would be fine if isen didnt have anxiety and wasnt paranoid out of his mind
will bite u
attracted to IDIOTS and idiots ONLY !!!!!!!!
her love language is crow. she will find random bits of things in random places and give them to ppl she likes
one time she found a hot wheels car in the outside windowsill of a church and gave it to isen and now its like one of his prized possessions
her natural hair color is actually green like rei and her mom. she dyes it pink to match her other mom (oc)
she was going to stop dying it before rei died but she decided against it when he died bc she couldnt stand looking at herself in the mirror. he was the only things she saw
is not a horse girl but she has the potential
muscular!! she is muscular she could throw john idc idc
she does work out btw
says uwu to annoy blyke bc he cant stand it and he has now has developed a physical reflex to it that makes him gag
one time her and isen did it at the same time in blykes ear and he gagged so hard he puked
bad at video games but still likes playing them
smash is her fav
unironically responds to messages with reaction images and/or memes
her fashion sense is fucking all over the place
has a GIANT worm on a string plushie
also has a worm on a string collection. an entire corkboard of them
also has a sticker book collection. just loves collecting stickers and putting them in her reusable sticker sheet book. she will spend 40 minutes putting stickers in a book and will be completely ecstatic the entire time. you could gift her a set of stickers thats just pictures of poop and she would love it
used to do ballet as a kid and is contemplating trying it again now
dimples !!!
long lashes too but not as luxurious as arlo's
eyes glow in the dark naturally
sometimes her hair will like. glow?? bc there's electricity and static in it
fleming's right hand rule of electromagnetism when using ability
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princesslocket · 1 year
I can do the same and ask for lore >:3c gimme the power of friendship/relationships lore for Locket and the twst homies!!
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You know... Even after asking the question I kind of have the same reaction sljhgioeshg
While Locket does have a good amount of connections with the students of NRC, I feel like she struggles a bit to maintain those relationships. Not because she doesn't care (sometimes she cares a little too much) but because she can get lost in her own world and forget to communicate with others unless they're right there in front of her.
Ramshackle & Staff
Grim: They're pretty good friends! Or at least Locket thinks so! Really she just enjoys following him along on whatever kind of adventure he wants to do- Honestly, she indulges him a little too much. Whether it be feeding him to his heart content or appeasing his whims.
Ghosts: Every now and then Locket will make the ghosts little ornaments and trinkets just to have. It's mostly her way of thanking them for their hospitality since she really doesn't know what else a ghost might like or have use for kshvjsnv
Sam: Locket finds his endless supply of items extremely fascinating. Like she can get super specific on what she wants and Sam will almost always have it somewhere (hidden) somewhere in his shop. She once spent an entire weekend in the shop reading one of her favorite comic series with him
Riddle: Views Locket as a menace (derogatory). She's always eating all the apple tarts and doesn't even share!!! (She does but it's always coincidentally when he's not around. I promise it's not on purpose). He'd throw her out the dorms if she wasn't so nice- Really it's a pain how well the two get along when they're in club together...
Ace: Her self appointed older brother! Locket just liked his vibes decided he was her unofficial older brother day (unbeknownst to Ace of courses). The two of them get along as well as anyone else would - And they both end up getting into tricky situations more often than not even when they're both being mindful of the other.
Cater: Before meeting Cater, Locket was seriously against having her picture taken/posted online for fear that someone from home might find her you know 'cause if tsum's could appear out of nowhere then surely her family could too, right? But after being shown what differences filters and editing could make to her own photos, she reluctantly started to warm up to magicams and the like. She STILL doesn't really like having her picture taken but Cater is always kind enough to put a sticker on her face, cropping her out, or just not the posting the picture to keep her mind at ease.
Trey: He probably views Locket as a little menace (affectionately). The only times she visits him are when she's hungry for apple tarts, which is quiet often. And while he make the tarts for her, he has to wonder what would become of their relationship if he suddenly stopped making her the tarts- He's considered teaching Locket how to make them herself multiple times but is afraid of what would come next...
Jack: Low-key headcanon he has a crush on Locket and isn't even aware of it yet himself. He's just has some conflicting feelings and chalks them up to strong friendship vibes uwu
Ruggie: Out of everyone here, Ruggie probably knows Locket the most. And totally not because she told him anything but because he found out while snooping through her belongs (during book 2) He's been real good at keeping her past life a secret and all and Locket's real thankful for that but every since he found out, she's kept a subtle distance between them. Very few have noticed this besides Ruggie, Leona, Ace, and Lilia.
Jade: Has her order practically memorized at the Mostro Lounge. I like to think that when business is slow he'll join Locket at whichever booth she's settled at and ask what kinds of foods she enjoys because there's no way the girlie can survive on the same exact meal each and every day.
Kalim: Her partner in parties! These two could dance and sing all day and night if you let them! Locket's waited YEARS for someone to match her lively energy oh boy was she glad to have found Kalim! They plan all kinds of activities to do together when no one else wants to party. It's usually up to Jamil to keep them both in check from overdoing it-
Jamil: Locket is a little wary of him- Even though her time with Kalim has shown her just how smart and reliable Jamil is, she just can't shake the feeling that he probably knows more about her than he's letting on. Of course, since she has no proof of anything she's on much better terms with him than she is with Ruggie.
Vil: In the beginning, Locket exclusively avoided him because he reminded her of her mother (not to mention his massive online presence) but after The National Arcane Academy Culture Fair, Locket quickly warmed up to him. She doesn't go out of her way to make her presence known to him nowadays but every now and then she'll send him some sweets to eat even if she knows he'll throw them away (he doesn't but she doesn't know that).
Rook: They're archery buddies uwu They first met when Locket was trying to reenact that one scene in Brave where Merida was firring off arrows as she rode through the land on Angus's back and Rook found it amusing how awful Locket's aim was so he helped fix her form on ground and then by horseback and they've been friends ever since! And yes, Locket does give Rook some sweets to eat too!
Epel: Locket's always been an apple lover so when she heard about Epel and his history with the fruit she knew they were going to be fast friends! She quickly found out however that apple talk wasn't exactly the best thing to base a friendship on. Luckily for her, the two where able to find other common interests such as their shared love for blastcyles and potion making.
Ortho: For some odd reason Locket's always been good with little kids. Probably because she has a hard time saying no and they take advantage of it but with Ortho, she never has to worry about that. The kid is smart enough to know what limit he should and shouldn't push and makes sure Locket is having just as much fun as he is! The two of them have spent countless hours making up fantasy worlds for fictional characters to live in.
Malleus: He's her literal favorite person to talk to when no one else is around. Partially because Malleus never pries into her life but also because he's got such a comforting aura. She makes it a point to invite him to any and all events, even if it's just to walk around campus, but is rarely ever taken up on the offer. On nights when the two of them are conversing outside, Locket will sometimes fall asleep to the sound of his voice. And when she wakes up, she's almost always tucked back in bed with a few fairy lights lingering by her window...
Silver: It was strange how they became friends- Whenever Locket would wander off looking for somewhere quiet to be (the library, the forest, Sam's shop, etc) Silver was always sleeping right there! Sometimes he'd wake up to her placing a sandwich by him as she was preparing to leave and sometimes he'd awake to no one at all but with her blazer wrapped around him- No matter what happened he'd always seek her out later on to return her jacket/repay her for her kindness.
Sebek: He scares her. Being in the same club and should have helped her come to understand his character a little more, but really, it's just confused her more on who he is as a person. Let's just say the two don't see eye to eye (literally with their height difference and all XD)
Lilia: He helps tutor Locket when she's having a particular hard time understanding a subject. He breaks it down for her in ways she can get without having to do mental gymnastics. And if it's late when they're done, he'll invite her back to the dorms for dinner or walk her back to the Ramshackle dorm. (I feel like he wants to adopt Locket but can't because he isn't sure how Silver would take it XD And yes I'm implying that I can low-key see a ship happening with her and Silver or her and Malleus)
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Hehe meanie me is out tonight ~❤️
Jk jk XD
Well I'm doing good uwu
I got some vacations projects canceled but welp more free time to do other fun stuff I guess :p
I bought some amazing stickers from Kotika! I put them on my lil' computer :)
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I got asked for another commission (≧▽≦) (but I'm so much in a lazy mood lately, I really to work on it (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Mmmm what other... I daydreamed a bit about a new oc and I'm currently reading a crossover fanfic between How To Train Your Dragon and Rise Of The Guardians because nobody can stop me >:3
I wrote some sentences of CDTT too
Sorry about not answering last time, I started to think about the answer and I guess I just thought about it sooo long I didn't answer... (Dunno if I make sense)
Anyway how are you doing ?
Work is keeping you busy?
Your last drawings are <3 btw !
What's the first thing that is going through your mind right now? 👀
The biggest hugs for the sweetest darling!!!
((You know I'm all for your ideas *w*))
That's good <3 Have fun and a niccce rest too! >:3
AWWW you got them! \(//∇//)\ Such an amazing feeling to receive something from a friend far away, especially when you touch the dents from the handwriting and realize that this is a touch through distance & time ★
OH what is this another one about?? *0* I'm sure the commissioner won't mind you to take your time for the awesome result (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
A new OC? ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) Love for good fics is boundless ;D
I've seen your wip! \(//∇//)\ And I'm so hyped— take your time ♡
Oh don't even worry about it! (ówò) You don't owe anything and it's absolutely alright╰(*´︶`*)╯
I'm doing great, thanks! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) It's getting hotter here again, that's why working is harder >:D How's the weather for you now? And thank youuu! <3
The first thought: "gonna make some tea again" XD What about yours? :D
*hugsss* It's mutual (〃ω〃)♡
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carlyolivia · 1 year
thinspo tagged “diets”
i feel like there are a lot of young people in the thinspo area of tumblr. when i say young i mean 15-19 year olds who have been caught in this for the first time. maybe youre 30 years old and caught in this for the first time. idk. and idk if this is gonna get hate but here goes:
i know what that’s like. you see all these cutesy “diets” on the thinspo tag like
day 1: 500 cal day 2: 300 cal, or now there’s some weird aesthetic uwu calendar where you put a sticker on each day that says roughly how many cals you ate.
my advice? it’s trash. in fact, it’s all trash. none of these stupid diets are going to be helpful to you. sure, eating 500 cal a day will make you lose weight. but how about in 6 months? you are already stuck in this sick cycle of not eating, and holding yourself accountable to some uwu themed calendar is only going to make things worse, and your metabolism turn to complete shit. 
tl;dr the diets that are under the thinspo tag are useless
who even makes them? i would love to know
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
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✿✿ for haru/ig. uwu
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✿ 10/10 one day he's gonna lose his shit and transform into a hellhound. since he's young in this verse, he would not grow to such massive size as he is canonically... not yet anyway... but just, the first time he loses control over himself? with barely any knowledge about his roots? watch him go berserk and haru being the one to restrain and calm him down. and then the follow-up of reassurance that she still loves him even if he's a monster // ✿ i think their business relationship will be a little rocky after the first mission they'd undergone together, since it made haru so upset with how ig behaved. i like to imagine that she's gonna run off on her own, without even telling him about her next assignment or the location so that he can't follow her and 'fuck it up' for her. the stubborn youth. and of course she gonna get into trouble and then her not-so-noble knight gotta rescue her. ✨ but i think the worst of it all for this would be that it'd be ig to get shit from shinjou later. and u know what? he'd gladly take the blame.
✿ when they're kids, haru is probably utterly fascinated by his black nails. keeps saying he's just being an edgelord with a black nail polish, even if ig keeps telling her it's just the way his hands always have been. nevertheless she puts shiny stickers on them. and he has to deal with it because you don't tell the yakuza princess no. // ✿ he starts to properly realize his feelings once she starts working at the strip club. he wouldn't think twice about it at first, and simply go watch and be there as moral support for her first performance... and a bodyguard should someone get too handsy or otherwise pose a danger, but honestly just? seeing her like that? it'd make his silly brain finally put two and two together. as he was so long under a certain impression that there could be nothing more between them, constantly convincing himself that she was just a little fox for him to protect and take care of, and now he would be directly exposed to other men wanting her, he'd just... get very territorial. and want to have Words with her after her shift that night. words and more.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Daoist Priest with Sugar Gourd - New Year's JZEU Series (13)
This figure is actually the last one (so far) in this fig maker's JZEU series. Hopefully we'll see more soon, since I have absolutely loved every single fig in this series.
The fig maker already did one version of Gong Jun's Daoist priest Dong Fang Yuechu from Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Yue Hong in Ink and Wash Daoist Priest - New Year's JZEU Series (6), but as with all these figs, the more the merrier. Especially since Yuechu has so many beautiful costumes.
The inspiration for this figure is this gorgeous number:
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Look at that hair crown. Amazing. Here's another shot of it:
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This guan is legitimately a crown crown, it's huge!
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Look at him, he's so sweet looking, holding those tanghulu in his hand and the cute little wibbly smile.
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Despite his very solid looking feet (more to come on that), this swirly-robed cutie sends to topple over. I tacked him down with a little bit of museum putty in order to take pics, but after that he went right on a standee.
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His silver ribbons down the back of his head came a little bit squished together due to the packaging. I took a few pics before I washed* the figs before realizing the ribbon was too lopsided, so you'll see the ribbon moving in these pics!
*Yes, I wash the figs when I get them (I've seen a LOT of factory videos, and it's a surprisingly handiwork-intense process!) to get any factory dust or oil off them. I just turned the water a little bit warmer and re-shaped the ribbons.
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Post-wash! I could have straightened out the ribbon a bit more but I was in a hurry.
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I've since straightened out the ribbon on our right, but honestly I think it looks fine like this too. It doesn't have to be perfectly symmetrical! You can see a little bit of the museum putty down there by his feet, where I was holding him in place.
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There's a lot of sunlight shining off his golden robes here, but they're really this pretty. This is a great angle to admire that incredible guan he's got going on there too.
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That guan is officially Not Messing Around (tm). It's intensely decorative and stately and I am here for it.
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Now this is the best view ever of the tanghulu! It's looking shiny-sugary-crisp and crunchy. I've never had tanghulu but I'm 100% ready to try one. This is a nice angle to see the movement on his waist tie too.
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I know you've already seen the front picture but I just can't resist putting another one in the post. He's just so cute! His robes are swirly, his mouth is both sweetly uwu AND a bit pulled up to the side (for extra cuteness AND a bit of a rascally look!). His forehead mark is looking magical and his enormous beautiful eyes with the crescent moon are just fantastic. I love this fig so much, there's just something special to it, I don't know what it is.
No, I do know what it is, it's that the robes are swirly and his hair is in motion, and it reminds me a little of my phone lock screen that I'm absolutely crazy about:
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I love this picture so much, I can't even tell you.
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His feet are nice and wide - this should provide a wonderful stable base, which it doesn't quite do. However, it provides lots of real estate for the fig sticker to grip on, so I'll take it. Note that these wider than average feet are still really quite small! Also notice that he has a white stripe going up vertically on his boots...that's the first time I've ever seen that before. Little bit of style there, Yuechu!
This is actually a great angle to see all the layers in his sleeves and his robes. It also shows off the motion in his waist tie. Very nice.
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I figured I'd show this angle from the back too. You can see this is one of the pics I took where his silver hair ribbon is still bent from the cross-continental voyage to me.
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Ooh, his guan. What a magnificent piece of hair jewelry! This thing is not messing around. I can't wait to see it on the big screen. This is also a nice angle to see his forehead mark and the shiny sugar gleam of the tanghulu.
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Another angle so you can see more of what's going on with this silversmith's masterpiece!
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You'll notice that the fig maker's inspiration piece is Yuechu meditating vs actually standing and holding the tanghulu. Interesting! Yuechu canonically does love his sweets, so this rendition does make sense.
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Yet another gorgeous piece of art on the box from this fig maker. I really, really hope she continues on in this series!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 326
Scene Count: 24
Rating: Magical!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
♡(> ਊ <)♡ I can't get enough of your Dylan analysis(es?) pls never stop. I like how you view him as a fully fleshed out person and not something to like project onto (not saying there's anything wrong with that but I like seeing you deep dive into my blorbo of the month) ( ˘ ³˘)♥
I'm glad I know at least two of my followers don't mind me constantly examining Dylan and that's a win in my book. I'm gonna put my raw 4am thoughts under the bar for anyone who actually gives a shit lmao
Dylan's obviously a super loveable character and he's also super interesting. He's multi dimensional!
But a lot of people see someone who's some level of uncomfortable socially and stamp the ✨UwU anxiety✨ sticker on their forehead.
Sure there's overlap, someone with one disorder can experience things a person with another disorder does, it's just experienced differently. But there's complexity in the nuance y'know? Subtle differences that separate one thing from another but give them totally different meanings to be explored.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with someone who has anxiety, projecting onto their comfort character, absolutely go nuts if that's your reason.
But it's ~a lil frustratin'~ to see a character with so much depth to them, having all of their complex traits reduced to a blanket statement because people see any sign of social discomfort and jump right into "widdle baby has panic attacks. smol bean baby needs proteccing" which.. y'know...gross. I also have a lot of opinions about that specific treatment repeatedly and exclusively being done with white or asian gay men, but we're not talking about THAT can of worms right now...
I'm not saying I think dyl is neurotypical he definitely has something, it just takes one extra step of critical thinking to see him beyond the tip of the iceberg y'know?
Characters with anxiety are complex and unique in their own way but they're consistently misrepresented in fandoms and that's, y'know... annoying.
I could go on but I won't.
Thanks for the ask 💓
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nakunakunomi · 2 years
It must be satisfying to complete each scrapbook considering all the hard work you put into it!
That's such a good idea! I'm certain your parents would love the scrapbook, especially since it's one-of-a-kind!
I've been alright! Same old, same old haha. I can't believe it's almost autumn though, summer passed by so quickly!
I'm looking forward to your writings 👀. Of course, no pressure haha.
Hope you're taking care! - berry anon
It is truly super satisfying to put all the things in place UwU! And it is also super nice to actually *use* stickers instead of hoarding them!
Summer did pass really quickly, I do love autumn vibes (and spooky season) even though we don't truly celebrate Halloween here.
I have been slowly slowly SLOWLY getting into the writing all again. Usually I can focus on one or two fandoms at a time, but at the moment my 'moods' so to say are ALL over the place, making it hard to focus. I am trying to write down all my random thoughts and ideas in a blank word while I am working on my old stuff, but it does slow me down considerably.
Also! How are you doing in the joint exams? I am struggling a little! I managed to barely get an A in the first rounds, and now this exam I got to A but the difference to get to S is... immense QwQ
have a great weekend <3!
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𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 - 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
-> (gn) manager who finds random things cute and kinda fixates on them.
warnings: none
teams: inarizaki, aoba johsai, karasuno, fukurodani, shiratorizawa
a/n: some of these are kinda short but you get it ><
you cant tell me kitas name doesnt sound adorable
this would have been your first time meeting the team
you had applied cus your teacher said it'd look good on ur uni applications
totally not cus the team is cute
and youd show up to ur first practice hoping not to embarrass yourself
and then u heard the captains name
like what business does he have having such a nice name to say
its so cute
and you kinda just repeated it in a small voice, in a daze
ur small little "kita-san.." uwu
the team immediately decided they needed to protect u at all costs
they were stunned
like how were u so cute?
i bet u suna caught it on video
they've all tried to get him to send it but he refuses
atsumu thinks hes selfish
aoba johsai
you had been a manager for a while
they hadnt seen your random cute fixations yet
tbh i cant expect many things in the gym to be cute tho
that was until you had pulled a sharpie out one day
you draw a small :) on the white of the ball
you were so proud
you had kept the ball beside u then, unwilling to give it up
that was until oikawa said something dumb
cus when doesnt he apparently
iwa had been standing near u, drinking from his bottle and picked up the closest volleyball
which happened to be urs
as he prepared to throw it u had grabbed his arm, making him pause
u were pouting
why were u pouting?
"see manager-chan appreciates me!" everyone ignored him
"not that one" u pointed to ur smiley face
iwa's heart just melted
the rest of the team were in shock, he gave the ball back???
hanamaki definitely handed iwa a different ball
oikawa still got hit
but the team adore u even more now
to be very fair yachi's hair ties/clips are so cute
when she came to visit for the first time u were abnormally quiet
kiyoko was the first to ask what was up
"she had little stars in her hair"
kiyoko is soft hhh
tsukishima definitely made fun of u issokay tho the second year duo beat him up for u
he would understand tho when u later show off a cute dino sticker u had
suga vowed to buy you ur own clips
first years are kinda confused
they love u tho and ur so cute so its fine
u were beaming when u came to practice
team is 100% confused
like what happened to u??
kinds just assumed u did well on a test or smth
until they see u staring at ur notebook more
u were so distracted bokuto almost hit u with a spike.
akaashi finally asks
"oh, theyre just really cute" ur little grin ahhh
theyre so soft for you its not funny anymore
u showing off your little owl stickers, they looked like the team too?
it made their day
like why did u have to be so adorable
youre pulling all their heartstrings
bokuto pulled u into a hug
mans has so much love to give
the boys put kaori and yukie on yn duty afterwards tho no spikes to the head today maam
u were so happy
you finally got a plant to grow
and boy was it cute
the tiny sprout in your small bird shaped pot
hell yes
you were so happy
and the first thing u did?
went on a mission to show the team
the first person you found was tendou
"satori! look at my little baby plant. isnt it cute?!"
he was just trying to read his jump why did u have to attack him like this 😩
he just agreed and let you go on ur cute rant about it
boy was distracted by you
then you found ushijima coming back from a run
he was so excited you were also interested in plants
you two had a whole talk about how hard it was to grow one in the dorms
soon the rest of the team had found you
all whispering to each other about how cute u are
yamagata managed to snap a photo
semi and reon tried to see what other things that would make you like this again
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faggot-hell · 4 years
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bunny-bun-draws · 2 years
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Hi there!! A little late, but for a good reason- bringing this month’s update! And that’s because on January 30th it’s my birthday!! Here more details on each thing;
So for that apart from bringing some new things, I’ve got a small sale ;3 20% off any purchase above 5 dollars from Jan 23rd until Jan 30th! A small celebration for both all of you and I~
FNAF stickers! For now got a couple characters that hold a special place on my heart- but be assured I will be adding new ones around the year uwu
BTS stickers! Because no one can have enough of these boys-
New Vocaloid pins! Completing the Crypton gang with Luka, Kaito and Meiko, now available to get along with Miku, Rin and Len uwu
Updated the listing for discount pins! Removed some pins that have already been purchased, and added a few ones
Laminated keychains! Being honest, I had put down this listing for a little while since it wasn’t getting much attention, but thought would be a nice idea to bring it back because of the small interest that bloomed on them from commissions nwn so now you can get any sticker/pin design you like available on my shop as a keychain!
Aaaand that’s all! If you guy’s are interested on any of the above, make sure to visit my shop right here!
Bunny out! 🐰✨
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sunaswife · 3 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Ten
“Don’t worry I will save the princess and the queen!” Rini yelled with a paper towel sword. “Rawr!!!” Rin sat on his knees and flared his arms. “Oh no save us!” Akira yelled and you both stayed huddled on the couch. “I’m going to eat the princess and the queen.” Rin growled and attack Rini. Rini fell on his back and Rin began tickling his son.
Rini immediately began laughing and thrashing around under his dad and you were trying to tell them to be careful so Rini wouldn’t pee on himself. “See mom, boys are useless.” Akira muttered and stood up on the couch. Before you can scold her she hopped on Rin’s back and began pulling his hair. “Bad dragon don’t tickle the knight!” She huffed and began smack. “Oww, what the fuck—“ Rin hissed and gripped Akiras shoulders. He flipped her and made her land on her back (gently) and began tickling her as well.
Akira’s laugh filled the living room and Rini was trying to catch his breath. “Mom save us!” Akira yelled. “Jesus Christ.” You sighed and did exactly what Akira did. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your chest rubbed his back. He froze and Akira caught her breath. She lifted her legs and with her feet pushed him back and Rin lost his balance. You fell back and Rin landed right on top of you. “Ow..” you mumbled and rubbed your head. “I’m sorry.” Rin groaned and turned, his face rested right between your breasts. He slowly lifted himself and he looked at your chest. He looked up at your face and saw the embarrassment. “Holy shit I’m sorry!” He said and immediately pulled away.
“It’s okay. Sorry for landing on your back.” You muttered and he held out his hand, you grabbed it and he pulled you up. “Mommy and daddy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Your kids sang and you scowled. “Come on, time for bed.” You immediately said and they began to whine. “No cuz then daddy’s gonna leave.” Akira whined. “No arguing. It’s late and momma and I need to have a talk.” He said and carried them both.
He walked them to their room and began tucking them in. They kept protesting that they didn’t want him to leave but he said that he had to and it was final. He was going to come back and see them anyways.
A crying fest began and it took almost an hour for them to calm down and eventually they knocked out due to exhaustion. Finally you and Rin sighed and closed the door to their room. “I can’t believe you did that for five years already.” Rin said and rubbed his shoulder. “I need to see a chiropractor.” You muttered, “me too.” He replied. You made your way to the kitchen and took out a wine cooler, “want one?” You asked, he nodded and you tossed it and he caught it.
“I’m gonna need like four of these.” You said and Rin snorted. “You bet.” He sighed and you both got comfortable on the couch. “Where do i start?” Rin hummed. “Post breakup...?” You suggested and he nodded. “Once upon a time—“ he started and you nudged him with your foot. “I’m your ex not your kid.” You said and he chuckled.
“Alright. So it started when—“
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“Sweetie please talk to us..” Rintarou’s mother knocked on her sons door. “I’m fine.” Rin spat out. “Just leave me alone.” He said as he held the pig plush in his arms. “Rintarou I’m worried. Please.” His mother begged. “What do you want me to say?!” He raised his voice causing his mother’s eyes to widened.
He’s never ever raised his voice at her. “The girl that I love left me. How am I supposed to feel?! I don’t have anyone anymore!” He cried. “Sweetie she’s your first love, of course it’ll hurt but—“ “She’s my only love! Don’t you get it! I don’t want to be with anyone but her. She was my rock, she was there when nobody else was. She supported me and inspired me to be better and now she’s gone.” He sobbed and squeeze the pig plush. 
He saw the photo of you and him smiling by his bed and his chest tightened. “You fucking idiot!” He yelled at himself. He threw the plush and grabbed his wallet from his desk. He opened the door and his mom was standing there looking at her son in shock.
“Rintarou—you’re out. Are you hungr—“ “I’ll be back in a few days.” He told her. “Wait what? Why—Rintarou I know you’re heartbroken but you’ll find someone who will truly love you and appreciate—“ “Don’t you get it you old hag?! She loved me and appreciated me! But I ruined it! I ruined everything!” He neared his mom causing her to take a step back.
His eyes widened and he saw the fear in his own mother’s eyes. “Mom I—“
“I’m sick and tired of you being stupid! She’s gone. She doesn’t want you. Just move on. It won’t be easy but you’ll get over her eventually.” She told her son and he wiped his face with his sleeve. “I’m going to Miyagi and I’m going to find her.” He had decided, “With what money Rintarou? That’s a day long trip.” His mother asked.
He looked at her and she shook her head, “I’m not giving you money to see your little ex girlfriend just for you to come back even more depressed.” She told him and he rolled his eyes and slammed his bedroom door.
His mother sighed.
That night she got into a fight with her husband. “Rintarou is severely depressed and he’s having mood swings over some girl!” She hissed and his dad sighed. “My love, he’ll get over her eventually. He just needs his space—“ Rintarou’s parents were both interrupted by banging on their front door. They looked at eachother confused and his dad went to answer.
When he opened the door he was met with the gray haired twin. “Osamu hi..what brings you here—“ “Where is Rin?” He immediately asked and pushed through them. “What do you mean, he’s in his room.” Rin’s father said. “Excuse me.” Osamu quickly panted as he ran up the stairs. It was incredible disrespectful to barge in unannounced and without taking off your shoes but he wanted to make sure that his best friend was okay.
He found Rin’s door and tried the door knob. “Leave me alone!” Rin’s voice cracked as he tried to open the new pain meds his mother bought. “Rin listen to me, open the door. Please.” Osamu begged. “Osamu whats the meaning of this?” Rin’s father automatically asked. “Rin open the door.” Osamu repeated. Everyone else was muted from his mind his watery eyes and shaking hand made it hard for him to open the pill bottle.
He didn’t answer and Osamu’s heart stopped. He took a few steps back, then rammed his shoulder in the door. Rin flinched and turned to see his door slightly cracked. Osamu winced at the pain and he stepped back once more instead of his shoulder he lifted his leg to kick and he tried breaking it once more.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck.” Suna muttered as he kept his struggle. Finally the pill bottle cap unscrewed and his eyes widened. He held the pills in his palm and he put his head back to swallow. Even if he chokes trying to swallow the dry pills it doesn’t matter. He grabbed his water bottle, the one you put stickers all over and he drank as much as his throat could take.
It hurt swallowing down those pills, his throat burned and it felt like he was being cut from the inside. From the corner of his eye the door bursted open and came in Osamu with Suna’s poor weeping mother being held by her husband, his father. “Are you a fucking idiot?!” The gray haired twin screamed and immediately pulled Suna to his side. “Call 119 NOW!” Osamu yelled. “Leave me alone Samu—“ “Like hell I will! What would Y/N think if she find out you did this?!” He yelled. Tears filled his eyes and he could barley see his best friend. Rin stayed quiet and his gaze shifted passed Osamu’s shoulder.
“Y/N...what are you doing here?” Suna whispered and Osamu saw Suna’s eyes next to him. “What do you mean I’m stupid? I just feel so lonely... I said I was sorry. But you didn’t want to listen.” Suna began to cry once more and Osamu hugged him. “It’s gonna be okay. Please stay with me Rin.”
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“Oh my god.” You cried, “I’m so sorry.” You apologized. “Hey hey it’s okay. I’m fine now.” Suna smiled softly and held you in his arms. “You could have been dead because of me.” You smacked his chest. Even in tears You looked so beautiful.
“In all honesty it was my fault to begin with. I shouldn’t have played with your heart. And when you left, it broke my heart. And I desperately wanted to get it back. I guess it showed how much I loved you.”
“How much I still love you.” He said softly.
“Rin you’re insane.” You wiped your eyes. “And what happened after?” You asked. “Well I had a dream about you and you seemed disappointed in the actions and state I was in. So I decided to try to be better than I was before. So that eventually you can take me back. I don’t know if you noticed but I’m a bit more social.” He joked and your heart swelled.
“In all honesty you were my motivation out of my depression. Sometimes I still get episodes and it sucks but I’ve been fine for a while now.” He admitted. “So you literally did a 180 just for..me?” You hiccuped. “Yeah. I love you. Always have and always will.” He looked into your eyes hopefully.
“Do you want to move in?” You asked and his eyes widened. “You want me to move in?” He asked. “Well how else are we gonna raise two kids? Our schedules are always changing. It makes sense to just live together.” You said and he nodded.
“Does that mean we can like share a room and cuddle like last night?”
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🔪: I know this was a lot but I wanted it to end a little positively
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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