#no smut for once
thegreatwicked · 1 month
Lover, Fighter
This is a little something special for someone I know who is a lovely person but is also going through a tough time. Self-care is important and so is reaching out, I know it's hard and I struggle to do it too sometimes. But I promise you, there are many people who care and worry about you. It's going to be all right. So, if it's just a bad day or you've been having a series of bad days, take time to love yourself and let others love you.
Where my Obi-Wan Ladies at? Guys, we need a name. Obi-Wans Harem? I'm taking suggestions. Have a good day everyone! It's what Obi-Wan would want.
Part of the 50 Shades of Obi-Wan Reader Insert Series
Lover, Fighter.
Everybody says there's, two kinds of hearts Where one loves and one goes to war Some make peace and others get even No solid ground to stand for
Surely, it's not easy or that simplified I'm dying while you walk away I wanna put my boots on and march to the front lines
I will be your lover, fighter, harder, higher, lover, fighter I wanna fight for lover, fighter under fire, lover, fighter I wanna fight for love, love, love Wanna fight for love, love, love
The day was at its end and no one was more relieved to see it than Master Kenobi. He was fatigued, and his back ached from the long day of Council Meetings, and each moment spent in those chairs was far from pleasant as they had clearly been designed with aesthetics in mind rather than comfort. A little over an hour was all it would take before one’s tailbone began to ache. But being that they were meant to be uniform and accommodate other species aside from humans, there was little that could be done in the matter aside from trying not to look too obvious as you shifted in your seat. 
He felt a bit overstimulated as well, he had long maintained that the life of politics wasn’t for him, but as his time on the council grew he found that politics trickled its way into Jedi affairs more and more these days, and if left a bitter taste in his mouth.
He wanted a soothing cup of tea, the heat of a shower, and the cool caress of sheets on his skin with you securely in his arms, of course. He smiled as he thought of the softness of your touch and the sweetness of your lips in every kiss, and each step that brought him closer to your shared quarters brought him closer to your embrace; home.
As he stepped off the turbo lift, a choppy sensation prickled at the back of his mind, a slight disturbance in the Force that set him on edge. It could have been anything, maybe he wasn’t the only one having a long and tiring day, but as he drew closer to his quarters the disturbance grew more intense, like an awful tinnitus, a tuning fork from hell. There were several turns he needed to take before he reached home but even before those definitive turns he knew— 
"Something is wrong," Obi-Wan muttered under his breath.
He began quickening his pace until he was just about jogging to reach your shared quarters, his robes flowing behind him as only the muted sound of his heavy footfalls betrayed his urgency to reach you. Though not panicked, he was keenly alert and concern coursed through him as his connection to you wavered in the Force. 
As soon as he stepped through the doors, tension gripped him like a vice, squeezing his temples until they began to throb with discomfort. The air was both thick and fragile as if one wrong move would shatter it into a million sharp pieces. It set him on edge, if it was doing this to him, what was it doing to you?
He scanned the main room, but you were nowhere in sight. There was not a single sign of life besides himself. As he made his way towards your shared bedroom, his heart raced with a sense of dread that grew stronger with each step and the hairs on his neck stood up.
Obi-Wan's eyes landed on you sitting on the edge of the bed, and a sense of relief washed over him. But it was short-lived as he realized that the awful disturbance was coming from you.
You sat facing the wall back hunched in a miserable repose, hair cascading over one shoulder like a frigid waterfall as distress radiated off you in powerful waves, sending daggers to his heart. Your shoulders shook with silent sobs that tried at every turn to force their way out of your body, you were locked in combat trying to maintain them, your head buried in your hands. Fingers twisted in your hair, clutching your scalp. 
You were so consumed by your emotions that you didn't even notice Obi-Wan's presence as he stood silently in the doorway, his eyes filled with concern. Who had done this to you? Who had hurt you? His Starlight?
"Darling, what's happened?" Obi-Wan asked softly, his voice laced with worry, but you didn’t respond.
He felt the swirling chaos around you intensify like it was trying to pull him in. Your breath hitched in your chest as you tried to swallow your cries and ragged breaths. To force them back down to that place where they could not escape. A thousand questions raced through his mind, but he knew he needed to remain calm for your sake. 
The sight of you in such pain was unbearable, and he longed to take your suffering away, to shield you from whatever darkness had taken hold. But first, he needed to understand what was happening.
He took a slow, cautious step toward you, his heart heavy with concern. "My love?" He called gently, trying to reach through the overwhelming tide of your sorrows.
There was no response, and so he reached out and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You jumped at his touch, finally registering his presence. It was a terrible thing, the look in your eyes; red and puffy, glistened with unshed tears. Struggling to control the tide of tears. Startled by his sudden appearance, you leaped to your feet, hastily attempting to straighten your disheveled appearance. Arranging your hair to hide your face from him, you didn’t want him to see you like this, so vulnerable and small. The distress that was centered on you suddenly faded as though on turned off a tap of water, giving him a glimpse of just what you had been keeping from him. 
What was he even doing here? He was early, wasn’t he? You looked to the timepiece to find that, that was actually not the case, he was in fact, a bit late. You’d been so wrapped up in your misery that you’d failed to notice he was over an hour late in returning. You cursed yourself for being so careless.
"Is everything-" 
"Nothing's wrong," You insisted harshly, not meaning to snap at him, it just came out like that. "I'm just... tired, that's all."
You could feel his stare, not needing to turn around to see those beautiful blue eyes to know that he didn’t believe you. He wasn’t blind to your pain, he felt it in every half-smile, each reserved kiss. You hadn’t been yourself since returning from the front lines and he would have been a fool not to notice it, and you a bigger one if you thought you could hide it from him.
There was no hiding it now. He didn’t believe you for a moment, and you’d have a hell of a time convincing him otherwise now. Kriff! How were you going to fix this? He wasn’t expecting to come home to a simpering mess of a woman, he wanted his strong-willed, playful, passionate lover, but instead, he came home to a crying girl. 
For a few moments neither of you said anything. Part of you wanted so badly to turn around and embrace him; to fall into the arms of the man you loved but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Stubbornness had long been your greatest foe and your most insidious one; that it prevented you from seeking comfort from the person you trusted the most. Your eyes burned as a war was waged within them stemming the tides of those tears screaming to be released. A small part of you wanted him to force the details of your pain so you had to confront them but you knew better. Obi-Wan Kenobi would never do such a thing.
But that didn’t mean he was going to do nothing, instead of the anger or frustration at your deception you expected, he took a different approach. 
"What have I done to lose your confidence in me?"
You looked at him, shocked by his question, and then quickly turned away, placing your hands on the desk for support, hanging your head in shame. The silence between you stretched on, a chasm that seemed to deepen with each passing second.
Your trembling hands, gripped the desk as if it were your only lifeline. He approached you slowly, each step a careful calculation, a deliberate choice to bridge the gap between you. 
“My dear, I know you’ve been melancholy lately, and while I would never presume to know the depth of your despair, I had hoped you might reach out to me when you were ready,”
He hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of your anguish, before closing the distance and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. You stiffened slightly at his touch but didn't pull away. 
"I know how difficult it can be to leave that battlefield behind," He murmured gently, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Physical wounds may heal, but not all wounds close quite the same."
Warmth flowed from his palm into your form, easing your rigid posture.
"I could never lose confidence in you, Obi-Wan," You admitted softly, your voice laden with sorrow. "But I didn't want to burden you with my darkness."
You could practically hear him shaking his head, he did that a lot when you let silly things like this happen.
"My darling girl," 
He gently pulled you back by the shoulder, turning you to face him, but you stubbornly kept your gaze on the ground; staring at your boots meeting his. He didn’t try to make you look up at him, though he wanted to see your eyes, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. 
"I would rather endure a hundred battles in the darkest of nights than to see you suffer in stubbornness. But I know asking for help isn't something you're naturally gifted at."
He was one to talk… 
But he was right, you nodded against his chest, a small sigh escaping your lips. Gently, he stroked your hair, feeling the warmth of his body melding with your own, you relaxed in his embrace. He pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head, he did that a lot too, it was one of the things that saw to it that your heart could hardly contain itself whenever he was near.
“If you don’t want my help just push, darling, but if you do, just stay here with me.” He whispered into your hair, the sound of his heartbeat steady and reassuring beneath your ear. "Let me carry it for you," 
After several minutes of silence, a quiet rain began to fall outside their window, the droplets tapping gently against the glass. 
You didn’t push him away. 
Your hands gripped onto his robes tightly and the trembling returned. Obi-Wan took a deep breath, inhaling the damp scent of the air, before he spoke again.
"Will you tell me what's wrong?" 
You remained still for a moment as if gathering your thoughts, and you did your best to steadily let out a breath that shook just like you did. 
"You're right," You whispered "I'm struggling.” 
His arms tightened around you. 
“The pain and the memories. My connection to the Force isn't what it was, and I'm afraid, I feel like I’m drowning." Your body shook more as you spoke, the turmoil within spilling out like waves crashing upon a rocky shore. You hated feeling like this and not knowing what the catalyst was that caused all of this. That there was no rational explanation for the way you were feeling. It felt so… foolish. 
“I can’t find my peace, I can’t silence the nightmares or the ghosts, it feels like they’re trying to drag me down and sometimes I can scarcely breathe.”
You felt it creeping back up on you as you spoke the words aloud like the darkness was trying to claw at you and pull you away from the safety of Obi-Wan’s arms. Your breathing grew increasingly erratic, an invisible weight on your chest, crushing you, tearing you apart and the crippling fear of drowning returned. 
His hand found its way into the tresses of your hair turning your head to rest against his chest, just above his heart. If there was anyone who knew of the ghosts that haunted you, it was Obi-Wan, having suffered their attacks before as well. He didn’t tell you that you were foolish to keep this from him, nor did he patronize you by speaking to you like a little Padawan; telling you to collect your thoughts and concentrate on the force. Sometimes feelings just needed to be felt and acknowledged no matter how irrational or frightening they were. 
Mentoring his Padawan to Knighthood and eventually to the rank of Master had taught him that.
"Shh," he soothed, his hand rubbing gentle circles on your back. "Focus on my breathing, and listen to my heartbeat. Breathe with me, my love."
Somehow, you weren’t sure how, the muted sound of his heartbeat came through the noise and clutter that was crowding your mind. Soft and quiet at first but then as the seconds ticked on, it grew louder and… warmer. He stroked your hair and held you closer to him. He could feel the tension building in your body, the energy coming off you in waves of distress, his cerulean serenity went to silent battle with the demons that persisted after you.
"You are not alone in this. I understand."
He slowed his own breaths, taking deep and measured inhales and exhales. The Force radiating from him, a gentle and calming presence that enveloped you like a warm, soothing blanket. Gradually, your breathing calmed and matched his, the storm within beginning to subside, the waters stilling, the skies clearing.
As you breathed in and out, you gradually loosened your death grip on his robes. Your grip, once tight with fear, now softened. And then, without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around him, clinging to the sanctuary he provided. The rain continued its gentle rhythm outside, washing away the last vestiges of distress from the room. 
"Can you hear it?" Obi-Wan asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
His heartbeat. 
You listened intently, your ear pressed against the steady thrum of his chest. "Yes," You murmured, breathing in deeply. The scent of incense and the familiar linnens of the temple robes mingled with his own unique smell, a comforting presence that helped to calm you further.
"You're not going to drown, I won’t let you" He promised, his words firm and unwavering. "You're safe now, away from the battlefield." A few guarded tears seeped into his robes, but he didn't let go, only holding on tighter. "Your secrets are safe with me. All of you is safe with me."
Turmoil within you slowly abated, the Force around you becoming peaceful once more, mirroring the steadiness of Obi-Wan's presence.
He glanced towards the balcony at the rain drizzling down onto Coruscant, remembering your shared fondness for meditating in the rain. You followed his gaze and pulled back slightly, attempting a small smile, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes, but it was trying.
"I'm alright now," 
You insisted, hoping to reassure him. It was a lie, and not a very convincing one but at the moment, you weren’t sure who you were trying to convince more; him or yourself? Though it didn’t matter, one of you needed to think you were alright, even if it wasn’t true.
But that wasn’t good enough for Obi-Wan and he shook his head gently. 
"Not quite yet you’re not, but you are getting there." He took your hand in his, pressing a tender kiss to your palm and wrist before guiding you towards the balcony. 
The air had a chill that often accompanied the rain it felt good on your skin despite the initial shiver due to the sudden change of temperature. He wore that kind smile that made his eyes shimmer, and he looked from the rainy horizon and the darkening horizon to you. The corners of his eyes crinkled as his smile reached farther when he looked at you. 
He swiftly shed his heavy robes, tabard, and tunic then tugged off his boots until he stood tall and strong in only his trousers. Against this dreary backdrop, he appeared almost ethereal, his muscular frame glistening with mist and the soft light filtering through the gray clouds illuminating his features like a painting come to life. It was a striking sight, one that captured the essence of raw masculinity amidst the lush green landscape drenched in water.
It had sometimes seemed a silly thing that he would often insist on taking off his boots whenever he could to meditate, insisting that it grounded him and it was good to feel the dirt beneath one’s feet. There was no dirt on the balcony but the chilly concrete was as good a place to start.
With a graceful motion, he lowered himself onto the woven mat spread out on the ground, extending his hand towards you, a silent invitation for you to join him, and for a moment; you hesitated and you didn’t know why. He opened and closed his hand gesturing for you to take his and something inside you screaming for comfort took control of your limbs and your hand slipped into his, the warmth of his gaze and gentle smile reassured you. 
Your hand trembled slightly as it reached out and slipped into his calloused one. His rough fingers wrapped around yours, pulling you closer to sit across his lap. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his strong neck, hands tangling in the hair at his nape. 
He didn't assume the traditional posture of meditation, instead choosing to lean back against the sturdy wall with you. His muscular arms that wielded a lightsaber with precision and strength, encircled you protectively, their strength reminding you of a fierce swordsman ready to defend his loved ones.
“Come,” He instructed, his tone soothing. "We'll sit here for as long as it takes. Until the shaking stops and the darkness fades. I don't care if it takes all night. Council meetings be damned."
The love of a Jedi was perhaps one of the rarest and most powerful forces in the galaxy, shimmering with an otherworldly energy.
Obi-Wan's love for you was like a warm blanket, wrapping you in safety and comfort. It was also a powerful shield, deflecting the darkness and chaos that threatened to consume you.
Your eyes slipped closed as you allowed yourself to be enveloped by his embrace. The raindrops pattered softly against the floor of the balcony, drops splattering but not quite reaching you.
The cityscape lights of Coruscant twinkled in the night. You smiled weakly into his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your cheek.
"What about Anakin?" 
"Anakin is a grown man," Obi-Wan reassured you, his voice strong and even. "Until you're well, he's Padme's responsibility and I trust she is woman enough to wrangle him even at his worst and most impetuous. There is no greater need of me anywhere else in the galaxy than right here with you." 
Your heart swooned at such words and the tenderness that emanated from them. What lucky star were you born under to have such a man? You stared at his handsome face for a few moments, seeing all your years together play out. From the moment you’d met him as a Padawan you’d known your destinies would be intertwined. You’d loved this man before you even knew what love was. Listening to the rain, you couldn't help but wonder aloud: 
"What would I do without you?"
"You'll never have to know," He promised, his voice filled with determination and love. Your heart swelled with gratitude and affection for him, prompting you to nestle closer in his lap, pressing a gentle kiss to his heart. 
"I love you, Obi-Wan."
"I love you too, silly girl," He replied tenderly. "Now hush, just sit here with me and let me care for you."
As if on cue, the rain began to drizzle down more heavily, the sound of it soothing and rhythmic. Obi-Wan's arms tightened around you protectively, and you felt his light pushing the darkness away. You were unsure if the warmth you were feeling came from his body heat or something deeper, but you knew it was there, keeping the cold at bay.
The clouds obscured the sky, preventing the stars from shining, but you knew they were still there, watching over you. This knowledge mirrored everything you felt from Obi-Wan's presence - not always visible, but ever-present and making the night less dark.
"Will we sit here all night?" You asked, curiosity laced with uncertainty in your voice.
"If that's what it takes," He replied without hesitation. 
"What if we get cold?" You questioned, seeking reassurance.
"Then I'll keep you warm," He promised, he reached for his discarded robes wrapping them around you like a cocoon of warmth and safety. "And if my robes aren't enough, I'll take you to bed and keep you warm in my arms there."
The certainty in his words brought the comfort you so desperately needed, and you knew in that moment that no matter how long the night was or how hard the rain fell, you would be safe and loved in his embrace.
As the raindrops melded with the distant city lights, painting shimmering streaks upon the Coruscant skyline, a stillness enveloped you. Nestled against Obi-Wan's chest, his steady heartbeat resonated within you, grounding you in this moment of serenity.
"Obi-Wan?" You whispered hesitantly, not wanting to break the fragile peace they shared.
"Yes, my love?" He replied softly, his breath warm on your hair.
"Thank you," 
"Always," He said, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
You didn't need to say anything more - words were insufficient when it came to expressing the bond you shared. At that moment, you knew, without a doubt, that you could weather any storm together.
Laughing softly, you shook your head. "I must seem like such a mess to you."
"Never," Obi-Wan assured you, a tender smile gracing his features. "You are the most beautiful, strongest person I know. If anyone is messy here, it's the galaxy for daring to challenge you."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his fierce loyalty, feeling your heart lighten at his words. "You really do have a way with words, don't you?"
"Only when it comes to you," He admitted, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "For you, I'd move mountains and cross galaxies."
“Move mountains?”
"Oh, yes.” He paused his lips brushing yours, “We are bound together, through the Force and through our hearts, till the galaxy lies in ruins and our histories are long faded to less than cosmic dusts, you will have me."
Damn tears welled in your eyes as you leaned into him, feeling the truth of his words echo through your being. You pulled him into a kiss, it was nothing that might set loose the fires of passion, not yet, that always came later. Obi-Wan was as selfless a lover as could be asked for, and you knew the look in his eyes, this would be one of those nights where he would guard you and carry you to the edge of gentle and exquisite bliss and in no hurry. He and he would do it again, and again and again until neither of you could keep your eyes open. 
Together, you sat wrapped in each other's embrace, letting the rain wash away your fears and doubts. And for the first time in a long while, the darkness that had threatened to consume you began to recede, replaced by the warmth and light that Obi-Wan brought into your life.
The Clone Wars were over, and though the battles never truly ceased, it was time to start living.
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@burnthecheshirewitch @pickleprickle @split-spectrum @heyhawtdawgs @bad4amficideas @hereticpriest
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saiyanmazen · 4 months
Closing Window - a Vegebul fic
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It's her wedding day and it's his last chance to tell her how he feels.
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sanatomis · 10 months
currently thinking about. . .
satoru who goes absolutely crazy each time you put it back in after it slips out.
cw. female!reader, vaginal sex, tit-sucking, implied creampie, slight dom/sub dynamics (dom!satoru, sub!reader).
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the first time it happens is on accident. 
he’s too caught up in the way the fat of your ass jiggles with each deep thrust, too mesmerised in the feel of your soft skin between his fingertips as he gives one of your cheeks a firm squeeze. satoru’s lust-riddled brain simply didn’t take note of the way his hips started to move a little too fast, a little too quick. 
all he’s able to focus on as he takes you from behind is you, you, you—and certainly not the way his heavy cock suddenly slips out of your slippery cunt. a few drops of pre-cum dribble down the base as he involuntarily pulls out, some of it staining the back of your thighs. there’s not a lot of time to process the fact, as he’s back inside your dripping pussy almost instantly. 
your greedy hands reach for him immediately, securely wrapping around his base and slamming your hips back against his once he’s lined up again. there’s not even a chance for him to miss the warmth of your sweet pussy.
you wouldn’t even let him. 
satoru is pretty sure he’s going to cum on the spot at the realisation, and has to really, really fight himself not to finish prematurely. a deep groan rumbles from his chest, eyes almost rolling to the back of his head, as he thinks about how quick, how disguistingly eager you were as you scrambled to put him back inside. 
as if that slutty hole of yours can’t even go a second without being filled by him. 
a string of curse words tumble past his lips, and he fucks you a little harder than usual that night. 
since then, satoru’s been subtly letting himself slip out of your cunt each time the two of you have sex. the physical aspect of it isn’t hard; you’re always so incredibly wet, he’s out in a second. mentally, he’s at war with himself—though, seeing you whine and whimper as you hastily reach for his cock again makes those few agonising seconds without your warmth all worth it. 
something about the gesture makes you look desperate, impatient, and it’s all for him. and fuck, did it turn him on. 
there’s one time where he briefly suspects you’re onto him and his antics, as you insist on riding him. on being in control. it’s not something you do often, though usually he fucking loves it when you do (he still does, admittedly)—but with you on top and holding the reigns, it removes his opportunity to see you scramble to put his fat cock back inside. 
but, he’s nothing if not an optimist, so, of course, he’ll make the best of the situation. 
with the way they bounce so prettily in front of him as you rock your hips back and forth, he’s almost incapable of not sucking on them. and so, he decides to stifle his previous complaints by taking a mouthful of your tits. there’s always next time, and as he sucks on your breasts and feels you move up-and-down, he completely forgets about his former plans. 
riding him was simply one of your whims, it turns out, and the next time the two of you have sex he’s back in his usual spot. and the time after that, and after that, and after that—and as long as he’s there, he’ll keep making you desperetaly stuff his cock back inside. 
satoru’s breathing heavily now, the mere thought of it (combined with your walls griping around him like a vice) almost enough to make him dizzy. with your legs over his shoulders and thighs pressed up against your chest, cheeks stained with dried tears and soft, high-pitched moans and hiccups leaving your lips—he can’t help but feel the familiar itch to ruin your fun.
even if it’s just for a little bit.
he does so at once. the mixed release of both you and him from previous rounds leak out of you as he does so, and your pussy twitches around absolutely nothing. 
immediately, you frown. it’s small, cute, almost, and then your hands search for his cock again. though, this time, the position he (very purposefully) put you in makes it difficult—satoru fights off a grin as you scrunch your nose in dissatisfaction. 
“. . .’toru,” you mumble, and attempt to grab him again. your voice is hoarse, broken from the sweet noises you’ve made for him so far. “wh—what’re you doing?”
“hm?” he hums. 
a little smile settles on his lips as he prods your entrance with his tip, smearing the cum—most of it his—along your puffy folds. he toys with your pussy, the squelching sounds as he moves his cock near your cunt (but never quite in it) feeling like absolute music to his ears.
he hears you sniff. “. . .’toru,” you mumble, voice a soft whine. you try moving closer to him, to push yourself down on him, but he simply pushes your thighs harder against your chest. “please, j—just. . .”
satoru fakes a dramatic sigh. “you’re so spoiled,” he comments, and relishes in the way your eyes roll back as he slides back in all at once. “so, incredibly spoiled.” he tuts, starting his thrusts again. he brings his face closer to yours, as if it’d make him hear all your pitiful sounds better. “can’t even go a second without my cock, can you? ‘t slips out for a second, and my pretty girl’s already whining.” 
he doesn’t get a proper response out of you, but that’s okay. he doesn’t need to. there’s no sweeter sound than your fucked-out babbles, anyway.
and they often sound even sweeter after he temporarily deprives you of his cock. 
satoru smirks as he looks down at you.
no, he’s definitely not stopping this any time soon. 
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© MADE BY SANATOMIS — please, refrain from stealing, copying, or reposting any of my works.
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konigsblog · 6 months
all priest!simon thinks is that a dumb thing like you needs to be bent over his kitchen table after found at a strip club, hoping to convert you to christianity and make this gross, little whore modest and obedient.
don't ask why a priest was at the strip club, that's not important. what's important is the way you locked eyes with him, dancing around in a pole in skimpy clothing, or therefore lack of, as the only thing protecting a sliver of your decency that you had left was a pair of panties and bra.
he'd force your face into a bible, possibly one about submission but you're too fucked-out to even read one line. simon's cock is utterly driving you crazy, and simon can't tell if you're that much of a whore, or if it's the aphrodisiac he slipped into your drink that's causing you to become so, so wet and slick for him. he can't help but rock his hips into you, with his huge cock stuffing you full and his hot, sticky cum oozing out from the sides of your cunny.
the empty glasses of wine remain on the coffee table over to your left, but you're too drunk and horny to think about anything other than the way his dick moves into your greedy hole, filling you up with his white release. he fucks deep into you, still wearing his black suit, with drops of cum stained onto his trousers.
“dirty thing--god, wish ya’ were more obedient, so i could manipulate your dumb head into doin’ whatever i want. lust is a sin, y’know? was usin’ this as a punishment, but even you’re enjoyin’ get used like a fleshlight, hm?”
you pant and wriggle, your skimpy dress rolled up past your waist, the sides ripped from his roughness. your panties are lace, pushed to the side to allow him to slide inside again and again -- however many times he likes.
he'll blame it on you for getting him to commit a sin; lust. that you were seducing him, that now you need to come over every saturday to pray with him, and maybe something more after a few glasses shared with him...
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fiendishfables · 4 months
Getting to make love to Lucifer Morningstar only once every year…
•You came down from heaven, he’d be waiting in hell.
• His whimpers and your moans would be the only sounds in the manors bedroom. The room that has gotten so used to silence whenever you’re gone, now full of your mixed presence. He’s finally able to release all his feelings for you, all his love, all his affections, all his frustrations, all his tears.
• You’d make sweet love like it would be your last time ever seeing one another. Round after round until the daylight began to break. Soft words spoken, wings fluttering, intimate feelings shared. He had been so long awaiting your voice, your kind soul, your beauty, your loyalty…just like every other year before this one. He missed you so, so much. More than you’d ever be able to comprehend.
• Then it would be time for you to go, and with the next flap of the curtains and quick flash of moonlight into the room, you’d be gone. Lucifer would then curl up in the bed, inhaling the scent of the sheets where you had last been only moments before, tears streaming down his cheeks. And on the pillow; a single angelic feather from one of your wings.
• You always left him a feather.
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a/n: I came up with and wrote this at like 2:00 AM, so just enjoy l m a o
additional notes: yes, this is a bit of a teaser to my upcoming short series: Lucifer Morningstar x Angel! Reader. Stay tuned. <3
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dark-fics-4-you · 4 months
Just This Once
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Dark!stepbro!Rafe Cameron x f!reader
Warnings: noncon!! coercion, somno, dubious consent, incest relationship (step siblings), choking, unprotected sex, stealthing, forced pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy
A/N: reader is a year or two younger than Rafe in this, and a senior in high school at the time of this fic
Staring at the two plastic tests in your hand, you felt all the blood in your face drain.
Unfortunately there was no mistaking it. You had hoped that your cycle was just messed up, but you couldn’t deny the truth staring you right in the face.
You were pregnant, and the only person who could possibly be the father was none other than your older step brother.
But how could you be pregnant? Rafe had used a condom every time he had snuck into your bed late at night, aside from the first night which was over a year ago.
Hadn’t he?
You had never meant for any of this to happen, but now you felt utterly trapped.
The night Rafe had taken your virginity, you had both been drunk after a party. After taking more shots than you could count, you hadn’t put up much resistance when your step brother climbed into bed after you, before slowly peeling your clothes off of your limp body, caressing you and whispering sweet words in your ear the whole time.
“Just one time baby… please princess. ‘M dying to feel you.” His hands crept lower, reaching between your soft thighs.
“Rafe, what are you talking about?” You mumbled in confusion.
“I should be your first, Y/N. Not anyone else.” There was a determination in his eyes that you had seen many times before. It was the same look he had when was prepared to do whatever he needed to do to get what he wanted, and tonight it gave you shivers.
“My first what?”
Before you could realize what was actually happening, Rafe was already pushing the head of his cock past the resistance of your tight cunt, slapping a hand over your mouth to muffle your surprised moan. Your hand flew up to press against his bare chest, trying to push him off of you, but your step brother smacked your hand away.
The way his cock was stretching you out made your toes curl. The alcohol coursing through your veins made his touch feel amplified and you couldn’t hold on to one thought long enough to grasp what was happening.
Your initial disgust gave way to pleasure when he began to move his hips against yours, and you babbled away drunkly against his hand as he fucked you slowly, trying to ignore the way your pussy clenched around him.
“Oh fuck-” he groaned when he pressed himself deeper into you. “You feel so good sis.”
Your head was spinning, and the rocking of your bed wasn’t helping you ground yourself. The pressure between your hips was building with every stroke of his thick length.
Every sensation was foreign, but somehow you were the most disturbed when Rafe took his hand from your mouth before smothering your lips with his own. Your stomach twisted as his soft lips moved against yours before he pushed his tongue into your mouth, and to your horror, you felt a twinge of twisted pleasure in your gut.
Rafe rutted into you faster, looking between your legs to watch his large cock disappear inside you, filling you up over and over again.
“You’re so sweet, baby. So sweet for saving yourself for me,” he was mumbling against your neck in between pressing sloppy kisses to your tender skin. “Mm I’m so fucking lucky.”
Pleasure and disgust were mingling in your gut, the way your pussy was pulsing around his dick and growing wetter with each thrust confused you
“Rafe?” You whined, looking up at him as he leered above you, pushing his cock into you faster now. You couldn’t help but notice the way his abs were flexing as he fucked you.
“That feel good, Y/N?” He cooed above you, enjoying the feeling of you trembling beneath you and clenching around him.
“Mm mm,” your head lolled back, chest rising and falling rapidly as you tried to collect your thoughts, but the alcohol was making your head swim.
“God you’re so pretty. Such a good girl, letting your big brother take you like this. I always thought you were- fuck- always thought you were so uptight. I never dreamed my perfect little sis would be such a shameless slut for me.”
His words made your cheeks burn with embarrassment and you turned your head, eyes falling. You were forced to meet his eyes when he gripped your chin, twisting your neck and holding you in place.
“Look at me, I need those innocent eyes on me.” You nervously held his gaze, trying to swallow down the confusing feelings of looking at your step brother as he held you down and forcefully took your virginity.
“God I need to fill you up, Y/N.”
His words momentarily broke you out of your trance and you shook your head, protesting anxiously.
“Rafe no! I’m not on birth control-” his hand slapped over your mouth and your eyes widened as you looked up at your brother in fear.
“You’ll be fine, baby. I promise. Just this once.” His pace hadn’t faltered at your pleas, if anything he was fucking you harder now, large cock roughly pushing up into your pussy.
In your drunken confusion, you hadn’t noticed his hand moving until it was too late and you flinched when his fingers clenched around your throat.
You froze, terror paralyzing you. Rafe groaned at the feeling of you tightening around his cock, squeezing him even harder than before
You were so slick that the sound of Rafe’s dick plunging into you was echoing in your ears. His hot breath was fanning over your face and his thrusts were accompanied by low groans.
When the hand at your throat tightened, you cried out against the one covering your mouth.
Rafe chuckled darkly, “if only our parents could see their perfect daughter now. I wonder if they’d think of you the same if they knew how wet you were, all for your big brother.”
His words made you feel sick, but you didn’t have time to focus on them because Rafe was demanding your attention with his frantic thrusts.
His hair was disheveled, blue eyes drinking in your every sound and movement and when your pleading eyes finally met his again, it sent him over the edge.
Rafe’s grip on your neck tightened as he spilled himself deep inside your warmth. Your chest was heaving as you tried to catch your breath and calm your racing thoughts. A sick feeling was settling in your stomach, and you could feel his cum dripping between your puffy lips.
“What did you just do?” Your voice was barely a whisper, so quiet you didn’t know if he had heard you or not.
“Nothing that I haven’t wanted to do for years.” He responded with a chuckle that made your skin crawl and thighs squeeze together.
Rafe waking you up in the late hours of the night with his tongue became a regular occurrence. One of his strong arms would wrap around your thighs, preventing you from squirming away while he devoured your messy cunt, lazily pushing his fingers into you until you were trembling in his arms and cumming on his tongue.
You were tired out from your orgasm and it didn’t take much convincing from Rafe once he promised he had put on a condom before he was climbing on top of you, parting your legs, and pressing his cock to your soaked pussy and pushing himself inside of you.
It became a routine, with Rafe climbing into your bed in the middle of the night, never taking your sleepy protests seriously, and then pushing himself inside of you until your no’s became moans.
You had always trusted him when he told you that he put a condom on, and why would you believe otherwise?
Looking down at the tests, you felt like an idiot for thinking that you could trust him, especially after the way he had taken your virginity.
You tossed them into the trash before wrapping your arms around your waist and sighing.
What the fuck were you supposed to do now?
It’s not like you could tell your parents. You were the golden child of the family, the girl who had gotten straight A’s throughout all of school and was planned on going to college after graduating this year.
Although, you realized with a shock, how could you go to college and deal with a pregnancy and a then afterwards a child? Yes you had always excelled at school, but parenting was a whole other beast, and you still felt like too much of a kid yourself to be able to raise one!
You were terrified to tell Rafe, but to your surprise, he didn’t seem concerned at all when you told him that you were pregnant with his child. In fact, he almost looked excited.
“Maybe it wouldn’t be the end of the world if you kept it,” he trailed off and you stared at him with a bewildered look on your face, expecting him to tell a punchline that never came.
“Rafe, you are my brother-!”
“Step brother,” he corrected you gruffly.
“It doesn’t matter, this is wrong!” You hissed. “I am not fucking having your baby Rafe!”
“I’m the father, Y/N!” His hand shot out, gripping your wrist hard and digging into your skin. “You aren’t the only one affected by this!”
“It’s my baby, it’s my body, it’s my decision! So I don’t want to hear any more about this. I’ve already decided!” You ripped your arm away from him, shaking your head in disbelief.
As you walked out of his room, you couldn’t ignore the feeling of his eyes following you as you as you left.
Two days later, you were surprised when you came home from hanging out at a friend’s house to find your mom, step father, and Rafe all waiting for you.
There was a horrible sinking feeling in your gut when Ward called you into his office and you saw them all there.
You were frozen with fear, but that quickly morphed into quiet rage when Ward explained why he needed to talk with you.
“Your brother just told me that you’re pregnant. Is this true?”
You swore you felt all of the air leave the room. You moved your tongue to speak, but it felt so heavy you couldn’t make a sound.
When you finally nodded your head, you saw your mother’s jaw drop.
“Who’s the father Y/N?” Ward’s voice was stern and demanding. You looked at your mom, but Rose offered no assistance, just shooting another disappointed look at you.
You dryly swallowed, eyes darting to Rafe who was standing behind Ward with his arms crossed, an amused smirk on his lips that all but dared you to tell your stepfather who had really been warming your bed.
More tears spilled past your lashes and you shook your head, pressing your lips together in a frown. Of course you couldn’t tell Ward and Rose it was Rafe, but it was not like you wanted to pin the blame on anyone else.
“I- I don’t know,” your eyes were on the floor but the heat of Ward’s glare made you feel like you were six feet under. You had seen Ward look at Rafe in this way so many times before, but he had never had a reason to scold you.
“You don’t know?” He repeated in disbelief, and you could feel your guilt and humiliation eating you alive.
“No, I don’t,” you quietly responded, daring to look up and meet his gaze, not missing the triumphant grin on Rafe’s face.
“What the fuck, Y/N?! I mean, you’ve never had a boyfriend in 17 years and now you’re knocked up and you don’t even know who the father is? You haven’t even graduated high school yet for Christ’s sake!” Ward spat at you, and you felt your face burning.
“I- I could get an abortion, I mean, I know we could afford it,” you stammered out, more tears falling and staining your cheeks.
“Like hell you will!” He shouted at you and you recoiled at his anger. “No child of mine is going to murder her baby. You know that goes against every one of our values, Y/N!”
You felt hopeless about the situation, and Ward was only making you feel worse. You could feel a panic attack coming on and you could barely breathe.
When you staggered away from him, trying to walk past him to leave, he moved in front of you, blocking your path.
“Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
“For a drive!” You spat out in annoyance. You would come back and deal with the fallout of this later, but now you desperately needed space.
“You’re not going anywhere, Y/N. As of tonight, you’re grounded indefinitely. I can’t trust you to have a car if you’re going to be making so many irresponsible decisions.”
“But Ward! This isn’t fair!” You cried out in shock.
“Well, you should have thought about that before you got pregnant and tried to keep it a secret from me, Y/N!” His words shot through you, only compounding your helplessness in the situation.
Through it all, you couldn’t ignore Rafe’s burning gaze on you.
“The only time you’re allowed to leave this house is when you’re going to school or when in the company of me, your mom, or Rafe. Is that understood?”
“B-but what about with Sarah?” You asked, hopeful that he had just misspoken, but the shake of his head confirmed that it was intentional.
“I’m not gonna let you sneak out with her to see the same Pogues that probably got you pregnant in the first place! Now give me your car keys.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you handed your car keys and freedom away. You couldn’t believe that Ward finding out had gone this bad, and there was only one person to blame for telling him.
As if taking your virginity, fucking you against your will several times, and now knocking you up wasn’t enough for him.
Now he had even more control over you, and seeing as Ward had just grounded you, it’s not like you could get away from him at home.
With tears still burning in your eyes, you ran to your room, locking the door behind you and collapsing onto your bed to cry.
You must have fallen asleep at some point because the next time you cracked your eyes open, you realized it was pitch black outside your window.
There was a clicking sound coming from the other side of your door, and by the time your exhausted brain put together what it could be, your door was swinging open and then closing shut again as Rafe stalked in.
“You should know by now that a locked door won’t stop me, Y/N,” he chuckled cruelly. You sat up in bed, now wide awake as adrenaline coursed through your body. Your eyes were locked on Rafe as he approached the foot of your bed.
“Rafe, please! If you don’t leave right now, I swear to god, I’ll scream.” Your threats did nothing to deter him. He was bigger than you, stronger. Overpowering you was easy for him.
Which is why you knew he was pissed when he was using more force than usual, he wanted to hurt you for daring to lock him out of your room. You were stunned into silence after he landed a slap on your cheek that left your ears ringing.
Rafe chuckled as he discarded his shorts before tugging at and ripping your clothes, “I’m gonna miss roughing you up, Y/N. Won’t be able to do that in a couple weeks.”
You struggled against him hard, but you were never any match for your older brother’s strength.
You cried when he held your legs open and forced himself inside you. Your tight walls weren’t prepared, and for a few moments he just held you in place as he basked in the feeling of you clenching around his cock before tilting his hips back and pushing into you again.
At the sound of your cry, one of Rafe’s hands snaked around your throat, while the other covered your mouth, insuring that you couldn’t be too loud.
He was filling you up to the brim with every stroke, anger evident in his speed, which was now picking up.
“They always liked you more than me,” he hissed, venom dripping for his voice as he pushed his cock into you at a brutal pace. “Well let’s see how much Ward and Rose like you now that you’re a disappointment too.”
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obsob · 1 year
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making and weaving and loving! like we have done for millennia!!
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visionsofmagic · 8 months
◜ mk1 men when they get hard in public because of you ◞
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▸ characters: bi-han, liu kang, tomas, johnny cage, syzoth ◂
▸ tags: drabble, nsfw, possession, dominance, submission, invisibility, semi-public (kinda), pet names, & more! couldn’t help myself and wrote about mk1 men once again. enjoy! ◂ ▸ m.
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BI HAN doesn’t like it even a bit. he’s not a weak man, and he shouldn’t be - has to stay still, calm, and steady in every situation, yes, he can let his anger go from time to time but except for it, he can’t let any feelings go away from his palms, to appear, to control him.
yet, here he is, leaning against the wall, watching you from behind as you train alone in the lin kuei’s training area - bending over, showing every curve of your body, with no shyness and no holding back even though you know he’s right there! he knows you tease him, that you don’t pay attention to him intentionally while doing every position you can as naughty as you can.
hands crossed across his chest, face is covered with his mask - doesn’t give away how he breaths deeply whenever he holds himself from going to your side and fucking you right there - in the middle of lin kuei, making everyone watching you.
the bulge is visible through his black and blue armored suit, but, he doesn’t give a damn fuck about it. contrary to that, he enjoys having it because after a moment, when he is done with your teasing, he picks you up, takes you into his room, and pushes you into the bed as he hovers upon you - lust and dominance rising within him as well as the coldness that he’s body creates on its own because of how you made him turn on in the public, breaking his norms, making him weak. he has to punish you for that.
putting your hand on his crotch, he makes you feel how turned on he is.
“do you feel it? it’s because of you. acting so bratty in front of me, making me watch you, giving me a fucking bulge. you made me have it in public. you have no idea how much it pissed me off - such a greedy brat. will teach you a lesson then, maybe you will learn how to only open your legs wide when you’re alone. if you don’t obey, I will fuck you in front of everyone. as your grandmaster, it’s my responsibility to make sure you act accordingly to the rules.”
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LIU KANG has great stability, never showing his true feelings, keeping his face straight except for two things; one, rolling his eyes whenever johnny’s ego goes high, and two, you.
he can’t help it - he tries though, believe it, he tries his best yet you break every wall he has as staying calm and unreadable. to others, he is still unreadable but to you, he isn’t because you see him purely and entirely unlike others, and you know how to push his buttons - the god of fire himself by acting so innocent while showing him your dirty side.
it doesn’t matter what you do to become dirty; from holding your window wide open when he passes by and taking your clothes off, to simply putting dishes on the table in front of him while sitting with others as well, bending over to him so lower that he can see the sight of your breasts - wearing no bra, and even winking at him.
he talks little in those moments, watching you from the corner of his eyes, pushing the desire to fuck you on that table down, waiting until everyone leaves, holding you by the wrist, pulling you onto his lap, making you feel his hardened cock on your ass.
whispering into your ear, his hands travel your body.
“you know how to push even a god’s buttons, princess. but making it in public? oh, you need to learn not to do that, or, I will make sure that you won’t do it again by fucking you on this table where anyone can see. now, let me take you to a more special place. you should take care of my cock after all, with these pretty breasts you showed me.”
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TOMAS will definitely try to hide it right away, a bit shy, yet dirty thoughts rushing into his mind when he sees you training - having a little cloth on your body; a bra, and a mini shorts, your body is entirely visible to his eyes.
he knows he shouldn’t take it as an attempt to make him turn on but he realizes your intentions turn from innocent ones to evil when you see him looking at you directly, gulping, a hand stays on his lap, hiding the bulge underneath his clothes, face full of heat because of not having his mask on.
he avoids your eyes immediately, looking at you from the corner of his eyes in a shy way, staying still on the chair he’s sitting on and trying to pay attention to other trainers when he sees you coming to his side, kneeling down - hands on your knees, you ask what’s wrong and from the way you speak, he understands that you’re being a brat.
however, even though he is shy, he doesn’t stop himself from being as needy as you.
“I know what you’re trying to do, yet, it will not create a difference. trying to break me in public is something and you achieved it, I am so turned on that I fantasize about you in ways I shouldn’t have in public. but who I am to blame when you’re being so greedy for me? don’t worry though my goddess, being a good lover for you, I will do my best to fuck you good enough after we get back to our room that you will see your effects on me.”
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JOHNNY CAGE will not try to hide it, not even for a second. he doesn’t care about what other people would think when they see a bulge rising under his pants, or how he puts his hand on it, caressing it under the table when he’s sure no one is looking, a smirk on his face as he watches you dance on the floor, giving him a goddamn show - you move your body so beautifully, only for his eyes to see, it makes him turn on the moment you take glances to his direction.
he can see you try not to alert others while showing off your body to him while dancing.
he will say ‘damn’ and drink his favorite liquor, watching you with pleasure, saying ‘it’s nothing’ when others ask what he’s talking about.
when he has enough, he will join you on the dance floor. under the dark lights and in the corner he chooses - less crowded, he puts his hand on your abdomen, pulling your body to his.
back touching his chest, you let his other hand grips your inner thigh under your dress, lip touching your ear as he says with a playful and cheerful voice, pushing his lower part onto your ass so that you can feel how hard he is full.
“feel it, princess? see, this is you making me go so hard in a fucking place like this, in front of everyone, by just dancing. such a naughty little girl you are for me, showing off your skills. ohh, pretty lady, you have no idea how I want to fuck you in one of the guest rooms - oh, and you know what - for this ass, will sure do it. come here, gotta go, you should pay for what you have done to me.”
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SYZOTH turns invisible right away when he has enough, getting up from where he sits, eyes not leaving yours as he finds a corner and becomes invisible.
no one can see him - only you who chuckles at his lack of self-control when it comes to you, especially when you make his mind go crazy in the middle of a meeting with others. having no actual job, you just mind your own business until you see how syzoth watches you from a distance, eyes never leaving you as you eat a very juicy fruit, licking your fingers to clean them, slowly, showing how skilled your tongue is which was on him and his entire body, including his cock, a night before as you look up to his heat rushed face, chuckling at him seductively, making him feel submissive yet dominant at the same time.
when the memories rush into his mind, he finds only escape in being invisible but he knows you shouldn’t get away with that so easily, so, when others pay attention to other things and you stay alone, he stays behind you as you sit. then, he slowly appears, dick that is hard enough to be felt through the fabric of his clothes touching your back. he holds your shoulders, kneeling down, he whispers to your ears.
“I see that you didn’t have enough of me last night or you just did all of that to make me go crazy, wanting to eat you alive in front of everyone and staying invisible while doing it. oh my pretty lover, if you keep doing this, it will be the only option for me to make you regret having me hard in here, where anyone can see it. maybe, I will not wait for you to act behaved and fuck you right here, now. hm? what you say, my goddess?”
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coryosbaby · 6 months
—1-800-ʙᴀɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴏᴅꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ !
(Dark! Dbf! Anakin Skywalker x fem! Reader)
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𝓈𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: your parents leave you home alone to tend to the christian faith. It’s a good thing that your daddy’s friend is there to help you atone !
୨୧ Content warning . Dubious consent (reader is naive, but consents), blasphemy & strong religious themes, manipulation, baby trapping? age gap (reader is of in her 20s), weird incest names but they aren’t actually related // innocence kink, god complex, loss of virginity, size kink, oral, pnv, missionary + full nelson position
Disclaimer: I am not religious, though I do know there are people that are. pls block if it bothers you! This is solely fiction and not meant to offend anyone, and I don’t condone using religion as a way to manipulate or hurt others. Thanks! ⋆。˚ ⋆
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Your parents leaving you alone is honestly a scary experience.
Although it’s fun (having the house to yourself means having the large flat screen tv in the living room), you’ve come to find that at night you’re quite afraid of the dark. And of course, your family has left on an adult-only Christian retreat and has left you home alone.
Sure, you’re more than old enough. But you haven’t been exactly… exposed to the world around you. So the idea of monsters and demons filling the dark corners of your home, it becomes even more prominent.
You try to concentrate on your bible, try to read through the verses where God tells you to fear no evil, but the paranoia is creeping in on your cold spine like a winter’s chill. You try to listen to music, too, to drown out the whispers you hear in the night.
But to no avail.
You decide that you have no choice but to call the only contact that’s available to you.
Anakin is your godfather, in the sense that he’s your father’s best friend. He’s always been around, and he’s always helped you with your studies. Anakin— uncle Ani, as you sometimes call him, lives less than a few blocks away. He always tells you that if you need him, he’ll be there. So it wouldn’t hurt to ring him up, right?
Pressing the dial on your phone, you type in his number with ease. Biting your thumb nail you wait for him to answer. He picks up on the third ring.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?”
You smile at his voice, the one that always gives you that tingly feeling in your stomach. You suspect that it’s because he’s your favorite person.
“Everything’s fine, Ani. Are you at work?”
“It’s a Saturday, isn’t it?”
“Well… yeah.”
“Then I’m off work, sweetheart,” he replies softly, and then you get that tingly feeling again. “Why did you decide to call?”
It’s not in the sense that he’s annoyed— he’s genuinely curious. You nervously rock back and forth on the balls of your feet.
“Well—“ you start, embarrassed. “Mom and dad are out, ‘n— it’s dark.”
“It’s—“ you can feel tears beginning to form in your eyes as the wind creaks outside. “I don’t like it, Ani. I don’t wanna be alone in here... Please come.”
Anakin’s cock presses against his zipper at the sound of your whiny, desperate voice. He palms his bulge through his slacks.
“Yeah, baby. ‘Course I’ll come,” he pauses. “Just gotta do something first, okay? Then I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
You sniffle, the tears beginning to fall now.
“Okay. ‘M sorry.”
“For what? Don’t apologize to me sweetheart. Just wait there.”
A good forty minutes later Anakin is there, and when you open the door for him you latch onto him like a leech— your hands wrap around his waist, your bury your face into his fit chest, and you whimper against him as he coos gentle reassurances to you.
“It’s okay, baby. Uncle Ani’s here.”
“I promise. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
He brings you over to the couch, sitting you on the cushion beside him as he looks down at your pink bible. He notes that you use the wooden cross necklace he had bought you for your nineteenth birthday as a bookmark.
“Been readin’?” He notes, looking down at the opened pages. You’ve been highlighting some verses, and next to this book there’s another: Christianity for Girls.
Anakin picks it up with idle hands. He flips to the first chapter.
“C’mere. Want me to read to you?”
“Yes, sir.” You reply, and with a gentle flick to your hair you begin to climb into his lap. It’s not uncommon for you to do this— he’s so comfy and warm. Even though sometimes the things in his pocket tend to poke against your bottom, you don’t mind. It’s worth it if Ani has his big arms wrapped around you.
He grunts as you settle down on him— his cock twitches as he feels your panties hit his lap. Your skirt is covered just enough to not expose you, but it still rides up as you sit down. His hand grips your thigh, and with the other he settles the book in his palm.
“Chapter 1,” he clears his throat. “Rules.”
Well, okay. If you say so.
“Girls should always follow their faith in God.”
Fair enough.
You nod along, as he reads the next.
“Girls should go to church every Sunday.” He smirks, turning to you. “Do you go to church every Sunday?”
“Of course! I love church.”
Anakin chuckles, flipping to the next page and adjusting himself from underneath you.
“Rule number three,” he says. His voice hesitates as he reads the next line, then he awkwardly clears his throat. “No premarital sex.”
Your brows furrow, bottom lip pulling between your teeth. “What’s that?”
He sucks in a breath, his cock beginning to become hard for a second time today.
“Sex? It’s—“
“No, no,” you giggle, your hand coming up to cover your mouth. “I meant— I know what sex is, Ani. Sort of. But.. what is premarital sex?”
“It’s sex before marriage. Doing it with someone you aren’t going to devote yourself to.”
“Oh.” You twiddle your fingers, eyes averting down to look at the ink splattered pages. “But— if you do it with someone you’re going to devote yourself to, without being married anyway, isn’t that still non premarital? I mean, in a way, you are married…sort of.”
Anakin shrugs, resting his head on your shoulder. You try to ignore how the closeness of his breath makes you tingle.
“Dunno, honey. I guess so. Never thought of it that way.”
You nod, wiggling around on his lap to get more comfortable. Anakin’s fingers grab your hips with a firm hand.
“Have you ever done it?” You ask. “Premarital sex, I mean.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle. Something in him is breaking apart, all these years of pent up sexual frustration for you beginning to come to a head as his resolve crumbles.
“Yes. Many times,” he coincides. “With a lot of people I didn’t care about. I shouldn’t of done that. It’s bad.”
Your face fills to the brim with heat, as the tension in the room grows incredibly thick. Your eyes widen when you feel him hump against your clothed cunt.
“What about you, baby?” He whispers against the shell of your ear. “Have you done it?”
You stutter, hesitating, and that’s when Anakin gets his answer.
“Right. ‘Course you haven’t,” and then, quietly, as if to himself, “Too precious for those little boys…”
You let out a small sound in the back of your throat, that tingly feeling growing evermore prominent. You don’t know why you’re feeling this way. Maybe it’s the heat in the room, maybe it’s your claustrophobia.
Or maybe, you think, it’s the devil.
White hot heat coils in your private parts, and you try to get off of Anakin to get rid of feeling. He tsks, grabbing your hips and shoving you back into his lap. You whine, hands gripping is in an attempt to get away.
“Ani.. c’mon—“
“Do you touch yourself?” He asks darkly. You let out a little gasp. “Do you touch your princess parts, sweetheart?”
You shake your head, almost too quickly, and can’t help but press your thighs together. Anakin is having none of it.
“Liar,” he hisses. “You have. Don’t lie to me, little girl. I know when you’re lying to me.”
“I’m sorry!” You whimper against his harsh grip. “I-I stopped! I did, I really did, and I’ve been meaning to repent and atone for my sins but I haven’t yet…please, uncle Ani.”
Tears of shame begin to fall from your eyes, wet and salty. You let out a little cry. Anakin softens a bit, his grip on you loosening. He wraps his arms around your tummy and quietly shushes you.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, angel, I know you didn’t mean to,” he coos, as your hands move around to rest in the locks of his hair. “Sensitive baby. I know it’s hard not to touch yourself down there. ‘S okay.”
“Promise?” You sniffle, turning your head to look into his eyes. He smiles.
“I promise.”
Your eyes innocently move down to his lips, that feeling growing inside even more.
“Ani..” you whisper. “It’s.. I want to.. to touch myself again. I don’t know how to control it…”
He strokes your hair out of your face with his fingers, cooing again.
“It’s okay,” and then, after a moment, with his cock pressed flush against your cunt, “I can help. Do you want me to?”
“But.. isn’t that premarital sex?”
He presses a kiss against your earlobe.
“You love me, don’t you? And I know I love you. So isn’t that marital sex?”
Your brain has turned into a puddle. Softly, you whisper out, “yes.”
He smiles against your skin, his hands sliding up past the expanse of your thighs.
“There’s something they don’t tell you about sex,” he murmurs. “When you let the man you love inside you, it’s a way to celebrate god. You become one with god.” He quirks a brow, watching you listen closely to him. “And you atone. Don’t you want to atone, baby?”
Your doe eyes look up at him, and you nod. He grins, knowing he’s got you exactly where he wants you. His thumb pulls the flesh of your bottom lip down and he watches it bounce back against your teeth.
“Why don’t you give me a kiss? Hm, pretty?”
And just like that, he’s got you. Your lips, ever so softly, come up to peck his. He smiles.
And you do kiss him again. Only this time, he presses hard into your mouth and it’s not long before his hands are tangling in your hair and he’s rubbing his tongue against your bottom lip. It’s all surreal, this man below you, his cock hard. You don’t know that, of course. Pulling away from him, you have a confused look on your face.
“What’s always in your pocket? ‘S poking me.”
Anakin doesn’t say anything. He just laughs at you, and leans in for more of your kisses. You get too lost in the feeing of his hands massaging your inner thighs to press him for an answer. But you find out soon enough when you feel him push your hand down into the front of his pants. Letting out a small squeak you feel the warm skin of his cock, and something tugs at your lower tummy again.
“Oh.” you say softly, understanding. It was never something in his pocket— it was him.
“Feel what you did to me?” Anakin huffs out, as he guides your hand up and down on his length. “That’s my cock, baby. It’s what happens when I get really excited to see you.”
A small smile grazes your features at the thought of Anakin liking your presence. A whole lot, it seems, because his body is physically reacting. He grunts when you squeeze his length out of curiosity.
“Does it hurt?” You murmur, watching him.
“Not at all,” he coincides, adjusting you on his lap. “Feels good.“
And okay, that’s even better. Now you’re making Anakin feel good. Pride floods your chest. Watching him, you feel his precum drip down your fist.
“Can I see it?”
Your voice surprises him, and he’s nodding so quickly that it seems like he might break his neck.
“‘Course, pretty girl, can watch it all day if you want to…” looking at you hungrily, he mutters in a soft tone, “C’mere, get on your knees.”
Confusion muddles your brain, but not as much as the ache to please him. You crawl off of his lap, and he takes one of the couch pillows and places it on the floor.
“Sit.” He commands, and you rest your knees on the pillow and your small hands on his big thighs.
He unbuttons his fly, then his zipper. His bulge is straining against his briefs, a wet patch on the front from his arousal. Gulping, you watch as he pulls his pants and underwear all the way down and slips them off.
His length springs free, dripping with pre and insanely long. Your eyes widen as you watch it, wondering: where does it go?
Okay. So, you have a vague idea of where it’s supposed to go— somewhere in you, but you don’t know where. But either way, you know for for a fact that wherever that is isn’t adjustable enough for such a big thing. Your face floods with embarrassment.
“Where do I…” you start, quiet. Anakin furrows a brow, grabbing his cock into his palm.
“Where do you what?”
You avoid his gaze.
“Where do I.. put it?”
A smile quirks on the man’s lips, stroking himself to the sight of your pretty face peering at his cock.
“Your mouth, sometimes. But especially where you touch yourself, angel. Your cunt.” He tilts his head, not shaming you but trying to explain. “Do you know what your cunt is?”
You shyly nod, knowing that that’s what some of the boys around town called that spot where you touch yourself. And now, feeling this odd tingle inside you, it all makes perfect sense. It wants Ani inside.
But you frown at him.
“It won’t fit,” you say sadly. “‘S too big”
“It’ll fit, honey. Just have to stretch you first.”
Stretch you? That sounds painful! Fear courses through you.
“Stretch me?” You say worriedly.
Anakin seems amused by your reaction.
“It’ll only hurt a little, then it’ll feel really good,” he explains. “I promise. Don’t you trust me?”
Your head moves up and down, and you know that it’s true. He smiles softly, and then he’s tapping your lip with his finger.
“Open,” he says.
Your parted mouth falls completely open, pink tongue lolling out as he places the tip of his cock on it. It takes you by surprise, and your lashes flutter as his taste evades your senses. It’s an odd flavor— not too bad, but not too good either. Though, the thought of it being from Ani makes it all worth while. He slaps himself against your tongue a few times, the wet muscle making a plopping sound as his stringy precum creates a small puddle in your mouth. He watches, proud, and he praises you in the most gentle tone he can muster.
“Good girl. Such a pretty mouth, can’t wait to cum inside it…”
And that makes your eyes shut tight as you let out a loud whine, knowing that his cum is another delicious fluid that you will happily drink up soon. His cock guides itself even more into your mouth, the cockhead disappearing in between your plush lips. You use your mouth gently, treating his cock with care, not wanting to hurt your uncle Ani. He grunts when you swirl your tongue around him.
“Mmm,” he breathes. “Lick it, baby. Like an ice cream cone… yeahhh. Just like that, sweet girl.”
You hollow your cheeks around his mushroomed head, your brain becoming fuzzy at the feeling of his length moving in and out of your mouth. Suckling him, he’s soft and warm on your tongue.
You do this for quite some time. Anakin’s thrusts speed up, and he makes you take more and more and more. When you choke on him for the first time he tells you that it’s okay— “just get through it, baby, don’t you wanna be good for me?” And of course you do, because it’s Ani, and he’s really handsome and he smells really nice and his hands are so big as they card themselves through your hair. You can’t get enough and you’re almost angry he hadn’t shown you this sooner. Your vision is dizzy as he uses your mouth.
On a particularly harsh thrust that makes your throat spasm around him, Anakin begins to make some very pretty noises. Drool leaks down your chin and chest, your mascara running, his balls slapping against your chin. He groans loudly.
“Gonna cum,” he mutters out. “Gonna fill up your throat. Do you want that, sweet girl?”
You can’t say anything, but you try your hardest to nod around his cock. He gets the message. And with stuttering hips, salty fluid shoots into the wet canal of your mouth. It fills you up until you’re choking, and as Anakin rides out his high his cock practically coats itself in cum as he moves in and out, in and out. He pulls you off of him after a moment, and with a mouth full of spend you gasp out for air. Anakin’s got this possessive stare in his eyes as he looks at you.
“Swallow it.”
You do. You gulp it down excitedly, and with a small “aaaaa” you stick out your tongue so he can see that you’ve consumed it all. Anakin looks down at you with a grin on his face.
“That’s my girl.”
“I want you to… to put it in me.”
Your voice speaks softly in the darkness of your room, rain pattering against your window as Anakin sits on your bed across from you. It’s been a week since your last… encounter. Your parents are out once again— and as requested, Anakin had shown up on your doorstep to keep you company. After a mug of hot chocolate, your favorite, you had invited the man into your room. A cross is around his neck, shiny with a silver chain. His hair is messy, his fingers clad in silver metal rings. You want to bite them.
Anakin smiles, pretty teeth shining.
“Do you know the story of the Virgin Mary?” He asks, out of context. Your eyes light up. Mary is your favorite biblical figure.
“Yes!” You reply to him. “She got pregnant by God.”
“And how did she do that?”
“By magic!” You say. “She gave birth to Jesus.”
Anakin chuckles, kissing your forehead softly.
“Such a smart girl. But sweetheart, magic didn’t give her a baby.” At the sight of your confused face, he continues. “Sex did. That’s how all babies are made.”
Heat creeps up your neck, your face puzzled. “So you’ll give me a baby?”
Anakin should be frightened at the thought of getting his best friend’s daughter pregnant, but he isn’t. In fact, he smiles, his touch leaving tingles against your skin.
“If that’s what you want. Just imagine, angel..” his lips brush against your ear, smoothing back a strand of your hair. “A beautiful baby. My nose, my lips.. those pretty eyes of yours.”
You bite your lip, your heart fluttering. Having Anakin’s baby would be your dream! Having a house with him, children running around, Anakin coming home from work everyday…
Oh, but daddy would be so mad.
He would never look at you the same again. He would be ashamed, he would damn you to the deepest pit of hell.
You think these things so incredibly, but once Anakin’s lips press against yours all of those things go away. He kisses you slow, sweet, gentle. His stomach presses against your tummy.
“I can’t wait to see it. Your little belly, all swollen with my baby..”
And daddy is out of your thoughts and replaced with a new, different daddy: Anakin.
It’s not long before he’s got you laid down on your ruffled pink sheets, your baby blue nightgown gone (“cmon, let me see that pretty body”), with Anakin’s lips trailing down your neck. He’s gotten you prepped, used his fingers and tongue in oh so many ways that had made you quiver, used your throbbing cunt for his own meal. When you spread your legs for him this time, it’s so he can rub his incredibly hard length against the lips of your pussy. Delectable and sweet as he remembers, Anakin watches the way your leftover cum and slick coat his length generously.
He’s never seen a cunt so cute, so fat, so swollen and precious. He taps his cockhead against your clit, listens to the desperate little pleas you let out as you look up at him with doe eyes.
“Please, Ani, want your baby.”
“Please, daddy, put it inside me. My cunt’s so tight and wet for you..”
You don’t say that last part, Anakin’s imagination runs wild, but he knows you’re probably thinking that— thinking that as his mushroomed tip pops inside your entrance, stretching, burning. Thinking that as you cry, your salty tears his most delectable meal besides the thing in between your legs. Thinking that as you grimace, give him that pained look as he fully sheathes himself inside.
And then, he begins to move.
It’s like a fire in your gut, at first. Hot, burning, grating. But soon it gives way to something else— something not even his fingers can create, something that’s absolutely out of this world. Your nails dig into his back, leaving red welts along the skin, and you should apologize but you can’t bring yourself to care. Ani’s whispering something in your ear, something dirty, filthy, and deprived; you enjoy it so much, you really do, as he speaks to you like this.
“Good girl, so tight. Daddy’s so happy when he fucks his little princess.”
“Look at that, how red and swollen your little pussy is. Is my cock too big for it?”
After harsh thrusts, skin slapping against skin, and curled toes, Anakin pulls out of you. You almost sob from the loss, but it isn’t long before he lays you on top of him and slips himself back into your sopping hole, pulling your ankles behind your head. This causes your eyes to flutter open again, a small moan leaving you. Anakin brings his hands around to hold your legs and head in a chokehold. He fucks you like that, all twisted and overstimulated.
Looking down, you watch as his length fills you to the brim and moves in and out of you.
“A-Am —“ you sniffle, a pleasured sob racking through your throat. “Am I being good, Ani? Is… Is god inside me now?”
Anakin groans, his hips pressing even harder against your raw fucked pussy.
“Yeah, baby,” He breathes, his hand pressing against the bulge poking out of your lower tummy. “God’s in you. Right in this little tummy.“
You mewl, understanding his words, the blasphemy in them. A blush coats your cheeks as you murmur out, “don’t say that.. ‘s bad. You’re being bad.”
“But I’m making you feel so good. Aren’t I, baby?” He taunts, with a hint of malice in his voice. “Isn’t this what you wanted? A thick, hard cock to fill up this little pussy?”
You shake your head, trying to deny yourself this pleasure you can’t contain. Anakin chuckles.
“Yes, it is. I can tell when you’re lying, little girl... oh, look at you. Little legs are shaking. Poor baby…”
You should feel guilty for all the dirty things leaving his sinful mouth. You should hate him and find him icky and push him away. Hes a dirty, filthy man.
But… he’s your Ani. The man who protects you, hugs you when you’re sad, buys you your favorite lip gloss and stuffed animals. And that cross is dangling in pressing against your back, cold and heavy like a burden but still turning you on and— he smells so good, and although you keep trying to move away from his harsh fucking, you know in your mind that you don’t want him to stop. Little sounds escape your throat with each thrust, moans and whines that sound like a wounded animal. But you are far from wounded— unless you count the soreness you’re probably going to feel tomorrow from Anakin pounding your guts.
Grunting, his arms flex on each side of you as he grasps your body with firm hands.
The man’s cock moves against your walls harshly, slick penetrating the skin of your thighs and making you shake. A smirk glazes his lips as he watches your face contorted in pleasure, and your neck is craned so you can see every facial expression he makes.
You thought you had never seen God. But right now, you might not be so sure.
“Good little angel,” he groans gently. “Such a tight little fuck hole for daddy.”
You want to be disgusted by the name, wanted to be disgusted since the first time he said it, but before you can think too hard the tip of his mushroomed head slams against a certain spot that has you sobbing out, “daddy, daddy!” against your own accord. He moans himself at the sound of your pleasure.
“Good fucking girl. Hittin’ that princess spot so good, yeah? Pussy feelin’ good?”
Your eyes roll back, your body going limp like a rag doll as you relax against his jackhammering thrusts. It all feels too good. The Bible always talks about heaven and you think that this is truly it: Anakin below you, holding you down, humping into you like an animal, as he spews disgusting phrases into your ears.
Maybe he isn’t the devil. Maybe he’s God.
You can feel something building up in your tummy, the familiar butterflies now turning dark like moth wings, scraping against that one spot over and over and over. God grins from below you, and bringing his hand up he forces your mouth open with his big fingers. His spit lands down on your tongue, wet and warm and perfect.
“Swallow.” He commands, and you do it greedily. Your voice moans for more, aches for more, and he does it thrice.
“Do you trust me?” He growls. “Do you trust you uncle Ani, baby?”
“Yes! Yes sir.” You whimper, and you know it’s true when it falls from your lips. He forces his fingers to press even harsher around your head. Your ears ring, a pressure beginning to form in your skull.
“God’s got you,” Anakin growls. “God’s got you and your life in his hands. And you know what?”
You don’t say anything, just shake your head as you try to catch a breath of air.
“He’s not gonna let it go.” He continues. “You’re gonna feel this, honey. You’re gonna get fucked like this all the time—“ your vision is blurring, his words making you spasm. He brings his fingers down to that swollen button on your soaked pussy and rubs in harsh circles. “— When daddy thinks his precious little girl is asleep, when he thinks she’s praying to god, she’s going to be praying to me. Choking on my dick, getting fuckin’ bred. Do you want that? Do you want my cum, you fucking slut?”
You can’t really hear him anymore; your body has gone completely limp, your eyes fluttering shut as you ride out wave upon wave of pleasure. You’re still breathing, you know you are, but you fall unconscious in Anakin’s harsh grasp.
And when he sees you like that, all fucked out and deadweight, he groans and begins to pound you harder.
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marigoldenblooms · 2 months
An Important Lesson - One-Shot
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Pairing: Professor!Wanda x Fem!Reader (MINORS DNI - 18+)
Prompt: After years of rigorous study, you were nearing the end of your graduate program. Companionship had become a figment of your imagination, until your film professor caught your eye. Taking something from her desk, you hope you could catch hers- and you got more than you bargained for.
Tags: Who is Y/N I don’t know her, Dom!Wanda, Sub!Reader, Porn with plot, teasing, orgasm denial, vibrator use, thigh riding, Mommy kink, Professor kink (sparingly), no aftercare, slight dub-con, dumbification, praise, dom/sub dynamics, power imbalance (professor/student), age gap (Reader is 26 while Wanda is 34), brat taming if you squint. 
A/N: Holy balls, I did not realize smut was so hard to write. Major kudos to all who seem to do it so effortlessly! I know I envy ‘em. This is my first foray into writing this kind of fic (my university’s spring break has brought a lot of writing firsts), so if you have any feedback I’d love to hear it! This is also vaguely proofread! Wanted to do some practice before the evental sex in Unica Sempter Avis (Because USA is certainly an Abbreviation of All Time), and other ideas I’ve got cooking up. I'd love to write another part to this, if y'all would be down! Thanks y'all again!  Edit: An Important Lesson is getting a second part! Read a teaser here! >:)
Word Count: 2.5k - Read length: 9 minutes, 5 seconds.  Pictures aren't mine, credit to their owners! ~~~ 
The pen hadn’t been worth stealing, and yet here you were. 
Professor Maximoff’s classroom was overwhelmingly quiet, dark and empty with familiar rows of tables curved in a half arc around her desk, pushed off to the side. She’d always pace within the front few rows where you sat, and you’d have to crane your neck to keep her in view when you weren’t scribbling down paraphrases of what she said. She taught Advanced Film and Media Critique, which generally lended itself to analyzing the shit out of old TV shows. Maximoff was a difficult professor, but you weren’t looking for easy, especially in your graduate program. After a few years of working your ass off to make enough money, you’d wiped the floor with your bachelors and now you were vying for your masters, in your last few weeks of grad school. And you knew Professor Maximoff liked you, which didn’t make it so bad. 
You knew other things about her too - for instance, there was no way she wasn’t a lesbian. Whenever you’d raise your hand her eyes would snap to you, and you swear her face would curl into a smile that was beyond professional. You’d catch her staring in your direction during exams on multiple occasions (to be fair you did the same when she wasn’t looking, but that’s besides the point), and you swear up and down that she winked at you during your midterm. She’d hold onto your hand a little too long when you turned in papers, and always offered ‘tutoring’ sessions which you humbly declined in the beginning of the semester, your grade being nigh perfect in her course. Between that, the short nails, tailored suits, and the rings- oh, so many rings- there was no way your professor wasn’t gay, and possibly had the hots for you. Your studies had been your priority over companionship for so long,  And now, within a few weeks of your final, why not make a move?
Heist films had been the topic of last week’s lecture, and so nicking something small would be a good segway, right? You’d return it to her tomorrow after class, mention something flirty (perhaps about stealing her heart), and see where it went. If you were lucky, you’d have her number by the end of the course, and perhaps take the older woman to coffee after your final exam. You’d bring her to the movies, but that might turn into more of a lesson than a date. 
As you’d pluck a pen from one of her desk drawers, you notice that it was slightly heavier than most. You clicked it once, then a second time- and nothing happened, so it went into your pockets. You’d move to exit the dim room, before a plaque caught your eye- her degree. It was neatly pressed into its frame: Wanda Maximoff, Masters of Arts in Film and Media Studies. You remembered her mentioning she was working on her doctorate, a proud grin sparking at that. Perhaps you’d get to know more about her dissertation and herself shortly. ------------------------------------------
Class went by faster than most, although it didn’t help that you were anxiously awaiting the end of Professor Maximoff’s lecture. She had worn a trim fitted sleeveless blouse and buttoned pants, both beautiful shades of burgundy. A myriad of gold rings decorating her hands as she’d motion with them through her talk. You’d have to keep your eyes off her fingers, nose deep in notebooks as you’d scramble to collect her words before your incoming final exam. 
“And what is the significance of I Love Lucy’s laugh tracks?” Wanda would ponder aloud before your hand immediately shot up, the lone attempt out of your fifty or so classmates. She’d grin at you, “Yes, dear?” 
You almost forget what you were about to say, holding onto the vestiges of it as you’d sputter, “Oh, uhm- yes, well, I Love Lucy didn’t have laugh tracks, mostly- they were the first sitcom to have a live studio audience.” Her eyes would crinkle with mirth, and you could tell immediately that you had the right answer. You tuned out her words as your mind would swim, thinking back to the weighted pen in your jeans pocket. The pet names were new, settling a joyous fuzz both in your mind and between your legs. It was things like this that had you on the back foot- this was your chance to get her back.
“And I’ll see you all in two days,” Wanda would return to her desk, sitting atop it rather than in the chair behind it. One of your classmates had asked why in an icebreaker towards the beginning of the semester, and if you remembered correctly she said ‘Just like the view from up here,’ or the like. If you’d been on the same track mind as now, you probably would have noticed how she stared at you during her spiel, a detail only discovered in hindsight. Now, you had all the pieces. 
You pack up slowly, shimmying your belongings into your overly stuffed bag. Hanging back until there were few students left, you flag her gaze with a hand and an upturned smile, “Professor, I was wondering if I could..” Your words would halt in your throat, thoughts thickened and syrupy as she’d look down to you, head tilted a degree off kilter. Would it be embarrassing to admit you’d never been this close to her before? Her lips would be pursed, but would break into a wild grin, and you felt yourself melt right there. You weren’t a teen anymore goddamnit, focus- “Talk-” you’d squeak, clearing your throat hastily to camouflage the blunder, “Talk with you, after class. Professor.”
Her brows would raise, and you could almost see the cogs rotating in there. Her eyes would dart within the now-empty room, adjusting her position on the desk- and it’d become increasingly obvious (you can deny it no longer) that you were standing directly in between her slightly parted legs. This wasn’t how you were expecting it to go, but here you were. She’d start taking off her rings. “Of course, darling,” she’d tease again with a roughened lilt. Those damn pet names. “What do you need?”
“I think I have something of yours, Professor-” Your mouth would open a few seconds before you’d speak, and you swear she’d smirk at how she had you, devoid of any thought. Something about her had you smiling and kicking your feet, and boy did she know it. Without any further bravado, you’d pull out the pen, “I hate to say it, but I think you’ve stolen-”
“Oh,” She’d breathe, Wanda’s face tinting with a pinkish hue, yet her smile only grew larger. Her gaze would narrow, voice dripping with a sultry air that almost knocked you off balance, “I didn’t let you borrow that, did I?”
“No Professor,” you admit, beginning to launch into your story, before she’d shush you- shush you, words piling up into a lump in your throat. 
“And do you know what it does, darling?” She asks, her tone a breathy whisper now. You swallow, shaking your head no. She fucking giggles. She takes the pen from your hand, clicking it three times, and it’d start to buzz. Oh, my god. It was a fucking vibrator.
“Too dumb to even recognize what this is? And I thought you were so smart..” She’d tease, a flush forming on your face in tandem with a shiver down your body. You open your mouth to speak, and yet her warm, calloused fingers would clasp your jaw shut. “Shhh, don’t want your pretty little head to even think, darling. How about Mommy show you how it works, hm?” 
You’d nod immediately. She’d abandon the toy, clicking it off as her hands would slip beneath your shirt, and it felt like time had frozen. She was so soft, and your mind glazed over. Your breath hitched as she’d trail upward, palming your skin before running her fingers over your bare breasts. You’d watch as Wanda’s pupils would blow in seconds, a devious smile bubbling into view, “No bra?” She’d murmur lowly shaking her head as she’d start to knead your flesh, “Just couldn’t remember it, hm? My precious student, too busy thinking of me to get dressed, were you?” You nod again, a pitiful mewl escaping your throat. 
“Yes- Yes, Professor..” You arch into her touch, although that bliss was short-lived as you feel her dig her hands further into your tits, sharper than you’d like. She’d tsk at your reply, and you look up to meet her eyes- oh, that was the wrong answer. 
“Did you already forget my title, baby?” She’d ask almost tauntingly, her gaze sharpening as she’d shift her hands from your skin. You’d chase her warmth, dazed as your skin would flush and tremble, slotting yourself up against her. She’d run her thumb over your lips, crooning at your immediate submission. She could use that. 
“It seems Mommy has a lot to teach you, dear..” Her touch would ghost across your exposed forearms, her feather-light touches only stuttering your breath further. “And I think you’re ready for your first lesson. Think you can handle that, darling? Keep your eyes on me,” Her hands would dig into your jeans, rougher against the hem’s fabric, “Think you can take this off for Mommy?”
“Please..” You beg, raising your hips to strip yourself bare, your glance trained on her. You don’t miss how her eyes darted down to your bare cunt, having slid off your panties too, or how she licked her lips at the sight of your slick. Her hands would hold your legs open, the cold lecture hall’s air chilling your exposed skin. Still staring at Wanda, you’d discard your shirt in the same breath, her jaw clenching as all of you felt the cool air. Feeling exposed, the urge to flee ebbed away some of your arousal. Were you really about to fuck your professor in her own classroom? Your focus was immediately drawn again as she’d capture your chin in her hand, pulling it harshly to meet her gaze. Her eyes were dilated, a thin sheen of sweat on her brow as she’d pant, both from your disobedience and your thighs rubbing against hers. “Look at me,” she’d hiss, taking your lips into a searing kiss. Your answer? Fuck. Yes.
Your cunt would grind against her leg as Wanda would pull your hips up and onto her thigh, grip bruising as your lips would crash together. You could smell her vanilla perfume as she’d tug at your bottom lip with her teeth, a familiar buzzing sound heard but not registered before you felt it on your clit. “Mommy- yes, Fuckin’ christ, there-” You’d keen, lurching back as Wanda’s hand would rest on your hip, keeping you from escaping her touch.
Wanda would groan at your words, voice a little breathier as her hips would stutter against yours, “There’s my good girl..” Teasingly, she’d circle your clit with the pen-shaped toy, gasping herself as she’d feel the aftershocks of its pulse on her clothed cunt. “Taking Mommy’s toy so well..such a sweet girl for your Professor-” 
You’d rock your hips against her, the friction from her dress slacks and the vibrator’s pulse bringing you to the edge embarrassingly quick. Wanda wouldn’t notice your frenzied breathing or how you lost your rhythm, but she would hear your words; drawn between husky whines, “Mommy, please, I’m so close, fuck-” Your face would flush, legs beginning to tremble before the whole feeling was ripped away from you, Wanda’s grip leaving as the buzz would click off. With shaky breaths, your eyes would rise to meet hers- only to see a teasing grin. She’d pat your arms, gently coaxing you off of her thigh, the few sparks of friction from that not enough to bring you anywhere close to your release. You’d blink, thoughts thickened and reeling, brow furrowed ever so slightly for her- and Wanda loved it. 
“You did so well for your first lesson, dear..” She’d croon, brushing herself off as she’d rise to her feet, leaving you on her cluttered desk. “But, Professor, I didn’t-” You’d begin and she’d silence you right there, hand rising to close your jaw shut again. 
“And you won’t come unless you call me by my title, darling. You’ve received your correction for your first mistake- and for stealing from me,” You nodded slowly, absorbing her words as though they were molasses, and her smile only widened at how dazed she’d made you. “And if you disobey again when you’re with me, alone- then I’ll lower your grade by five points. Understand?” 
If you were in any kind of fog before, you cleared it from your thoughts immediately. “Yes, very clear- uhm,” You pause, noticing the stain on her pant leg where your pussy had ground into the fabric, and you feel your face warm. Wanda would shift her stance and you’d look up- she leaned above you, a single brow raised. You’d swallow, keeping your eyes on her completely, “Yes, Mommy- I understand.”
“Good girl.” That was the right answer. She’d smile at you, her praise going straight to your cunt. Could she not have given you a few more seconds? Maybe you could’ve gotten off without her noticing. She’d interrupt your mind with a quick peck on the lips, and you felt your wits slow, swimming with thoughts of her mouth. Oh, that was why- couldn’t get away with anything if you didn’t think anything at all. Wanda’s grin would only intensify as she’d watch you dress, clothing rumpled from the haste it had been taken off. After a few minutes, you were back to prim and proper..besides your racing heart and flush whenever Wanda so much as moved. “This was great..” You’d murmur, pressing the wrinkles from your shirt, gaze flicking back up to Wanda’s- your professor still watching you with a smooth, secretive smirk. 
“Of course it was, dear..but it’s still nice to hear you say that. Anything for my best student,” She’d wink at you and you’d fold, feeling your palms clam up. Since when were you this weak in the knees? She’d settle at her desk again, her hands clasped together on its wooden grain. You’d be taller than her now, with her sitting down- and yet there was an aura she commanded that you couldn’t outdo. You turn to leave without any further fanfare but her voice would seize you again, just as warm as her touch. “I’ll be expecting you after tomorrow’s classes, then? I think some…after-hours remedial work for my course would do you well.” 
Were you really about to fuck your professor in her own classroom, again? You’d leave her hall with a bright smile, a reply, and a secret. Your answer? The same as before - Fuck. Yes. 
And your secret?
You’d stolen the ‘pen’ again.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Simeon: Stop eating crab legs! How would you feel if someone cracked your legs open and ate your insides?
MC: See, me personally-
Lucifer: MC!
MC: I didn't actually say it! I was gonna say it!- But I didn't!
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hyewka · 6 months
i once saw a nsfw Reddit or something talking about how the user and his gf tried aphrodisiac chocolate and he fucking passed out from the pleasure and woke up to his gf still using him… i think about it a lot
anon youre responsible for getting me completely off track because this is sooooooooo hot now i literally cant stop thinking about beomgyu who’s under aphrodisiacs fuckkkkk😭😭😭😭😭😭
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imagine gyu accidentally eating them just because you misplaced and hadn’t labeled the ziplog, so when you come back from the bathroom to continue your movie marathon, you see your previously very much normal-not horny boyfriend frantically, manically jerking off, letting out sinister moans an whines you’re surprised you hadn’t heard it when you were in the bathroom- it takes you by total surprise because you’re sure five minutes ago he was totally fine… when you hesitantly walk closer to the couch, hes a mess hoodie ruined with his dried load, his jaw slack letting his drool dribble from the ends of his mouth…god he looked like a total slut. you ignore what shoots down between your legs and dryly laugh—he doesn’t even know you’re here. “babe?”
his eyes shoot open, but even then they’re cloudy, so clearly out of it and heavy lidded. dumbly he manages to babble even as he fails to stop jacking off, moaning wantonly. “k-..ng-kiss me—kiss-” imagine he sounds even dumber with his lisp coming out, just talking with his tongue out like a dog 😞
beomgyu’s desperate but never this desperate. somethings not clicking. but does it matter? you’ve already basically drenched your panties seeing him like this-but you don’t even get to process too much before he erupts, twitching cock semen shooting up in the air and some of it lands on your feet. imagine just being shell shocked of the cum on your feet that you dont even notice the man jumping up before practically engulfing you, kissing your neck in hot frenzy and you’re just taken by complete surprise at how strongly he reacts to…everything. imagine that when you reciprocate, pressing your lips against his just as eagerly as he came onto you, hes trembling under you, not even being able to kiss back properly, its like his mind was completely shut off for sex, and thats when it clicks. the chocolate.
you’re on his lap and he’s quite literally frying, hips bucking with no thought or rhythm like a dog in heat, when you look back to the coffee table to see your ziplog completely emptied your eyes widen. “pay attention..hah..p-pay attention to me” he mumbles as he feverishly presses wet kisses all over your skin, how can you turn from him any longer?
lol but imagine he passes out just like that reddit guy bcs of a little grinding and kissing and hes all sweaty and dirty and a complete mess.. will be taking pictures of his fucked out face for sure with his hair sticking out and all over the place & his cheeks flushed that would be the sexiest thing ever
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 months
-> Second Masterlist (couldn’t fit everything on here)
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-> - Blog Rules & Warnings -
♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐩 ♡
- Worth The Risk | Pregnancy - Angst
- The Real Incubus | NSFW - Choking - Soft Haarlep - A Touch Of Malevolent Haarlep - Comfort
- Bred By The Incubus - Creampie - Breeding - Possessive - Pregnancy
- Milky | NSFW - Lactation - Knotting - Pregnancy - Fluff
- Daughters | Fluff - Parenthood - Haarlep Being A Parent
- Soft Haarlep PRT 1 | Comfort - Angst - NSFW
- Worried For The Incubus (Soft Haarlep) PRT 2 | Aftercare - Abuse - Comfort - Injuries
- A Tainted Mind (Soft Haarlep) PRT 3 | Hurt/Comfort - Soft - Bathing Together
- Bathing With The Incubus (Soft Haarlep Prt. 4) | NSFW - Masturbation - Hurt/Comfrot
- Prequel To Soft Haarlep PRT 0 | This was written by a lovely human I know and I wanted to add it to my list so you all could enjoy it as well!!! - Comfort
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
- No Escape | NSFW - Noncon - Mephistopheles - Heavy Angst - Tragic Romance
- The Truth | Enemies To Lovers
- Frightened Little Dove | Hurt/ Comfort
- Loves Punishment | Angst - Character Death - Slight NSFW
- Unexpected Death | Angst - Character Death
- Just A Taste | NSFW - Male Giving Head - You’re Haarlep’s New Meal
- How They Say ‘I Love You’ | Confession - Fluff
- Reacting To ‘I Love You’ | How He Reacts To You Saying ‘I Love You’
- Realization | NSFW - Noncon - Hurt/Comfort - Ascended Raphael
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♡ 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 ♡
- Leashed | NSFW - You Leash Raphael - Multiple Creampies - Choking - You Ride The Devil
- His Weakness | Soft Raphael - Tender - Comfort
- Stuffed | NSFW - Breeding - Belly Bulge - Ascended Raphael
- His Little Mouse | NSFW - Jealous Raphael - Possessive Raphael - Hurt/Comfort - Minor Angst
- Bred By The Devil | Breeding - Creampie - Possessive - Pregnancy
- Loss Of An Heir | Hurt - Angst - Miscarriage - Ascended Raphael - Raphael Gets Revenge
- Fatherhood | Headcanons - Dadphael - Daughter
- Cambion’s Daughter | Dadphael - Fluff - Parenting
- Daughters | Fluff - Parenthood - Dadphael
- A Cruel Game | Mephistopheles - NSFW - Dubcon - Noncon - Heavy Angst - Double Penetration
- Symphony Of Sin | Angst - Romance
- A Devil You Love PRT 1 | Soft Raphael - Hurt/Comfort
- The Devil You Loved PRT 2 | Heavy Angst - Character Death - Ascended Astarion - Pregnancy
- No Hope For The Devil PRT 3 | Heavy Angst - NSFW - Ascended Astarion - Noncon - Bad Ending
- A Devil & His Eager Pup | NSFW - Riding The Devil
- The Problem | Raphael Realizes He’s Caught Feelings For His Little Mouse
- Professor’s Pet | NSFW - Au Professor Raphael - Age Gap - Slight Voyeurism - Handcuffs - Creampie
- His To Use | NSFW - Voyeurism - Exhibitionism - Degradation
- A Tender Moment | Raphael Reads To You And His Unborn Child
- A Dance With The Devil | Soft Raphael - Dancing - Comfort
- A Wicked Facade | Soft Raphael - Love - Raphael Loves His Little Mouse
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
- Impregnated By The Devil | Breeding - NSFW
- His | Pregnancy - Possessiveness - Character Death - Protectiveness - NSFW
- How They Say ‘I Love You’ | Confession - Fluff
- Reacting To ‘I Love You’ | How He Reacts To You Saying ‘I Love You’
- A Pretty Little Toy | NSFW - Lap Riding
- Nightmare | Angst - Slight NSFW - Death
- Unholy | NSFW - Breeding - Corruption - Dubcon
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♡ 𝐀��𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 ♡
- The Ascended Devil & The Mouse | NSFW - Monster Fucking - Belly Bulge - Ascended Raphael
- Confession | Belly Bulge - Cumflation - Deep Throat
- Ascended Phael | NSFW - Monster Cock
- Realization | Ascended Raphael - Noncon - Hurt - Forced Pregnancy
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♡ 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 & 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐩 ♡
- Used & Abused | NSFW - Rough - Deep Throat - Choking - Anal
- Confession | NSFW - Belly Bulge - Cumflation - Deep Throat
- Plaything | NSFW - Threesome - Fingering - Stuffed
- Two For One | NSFW - Double Penetration
- Impregnated By The Devil | Breeding - NSFW
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
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♡ 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♡
- Come Undone | Angst - Hurt/Comfort - Pregnancy
- Birth Of A Miracle | Pregnancy - Birth - Angst - Fluff - Dadstarion
- A Little Convincing | Hurt/ Comft - Talks Of Pregnancy - Fluff - Making out (coming soon)
- His Child | Dadstarion - Jealous Halsin - Possessive Astarion
- Remembrance | Dadstarion - Angst - Hurt/Comfort - Character Death
- Prowl | Slight NSFW - Blood - Blood Drinking
- A Vampires Pet | Noncon Elements - Ascended Astarion - Yandere - Master/Pet - NSFW
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♡ 𝐙𝐞𝐯𝐥𝐨𝐫 ♡
- Commander | NSFW - Big Dick Zevy - Stretching - Calling Him Commander
- Betrayal | Angst - Pregnancy - Hurt/Comfort
- Training You | NSFW - Big Dick Zevy - Stretching - Creampie
- Big Dick Zevy | NSFW - Belly Bulge - Creampie
- Sweet Zevlor | NSFW - Comfort - Period Sex
- Zevlor & The Druid | Fluff - Comfort
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Zevlor’s Pretty Cock | NSFW - Cock - HC’s
- Zevlor & His Druid Child | Fluff - Adorable - Parenting
- Zevlor Confessing | Confession - Fluff - Comfort - Zevlor Doubts Himself
- Zevlor Headcanons | Fluff - NSFW
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♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 ♡
- Dammon Headcanons | Fluff - NSFW
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Dammon & The Druid | Fluff - Comfort
- Dammon & His Druid Children | Fluff - Adorable - Parenting
- Dammon’s Pretty Cock | NSWF - Cock - HCs
- Protector | Protective - Soft - Fluff
- A Surprise | NSFW - Comfort - Pregnancy
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♡ 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧 ♡
- Damaged | NSFW - Noncon - Hurt/Comfort
- Rolan Headcanons | NSFW - Fluff
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Rolan & The Druid | Fluff - Angsty Rolan
- Rolan & His Druid Children | Adorable - Fluff - Parenting
- Appreciated | NSFW - Comfort - Riding Rolan
- Rolan’s Pretty Cock | NSFW - Cock - HCs
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♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐧 ♡
Baby Trapping | NSFW - Forced Breeding
The Big Reveal | Pregnancy - Fluff
Unconscious | NSFW - Halsin doesn’t know his own strength
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♡ 𝐆𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡 ♡
- A Dance With The Lord | Forbidden Love - Angst - 18 + Elements
- Sleeping Beauty | NSFW - Somnophilia
- Breeding Kink | NSFW - HCs
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naivegh0ul · 7 months
ghost is the type to grab your face and SHAKE it if you are far too gone and he wants you to focus on how he is ruining you. he totally gets off on how glazed over your face is. his stupid little darling
Anon you are so right. It makes him so hard to see you looking up at him, an adoring look in your glazed over, half-lidded eyes. You're not even in this world anymore, mind somewhere else you gently suckle on Ghost's cock and rest against his thigh.
You look so happy down there, so peaceful and pliant. As much as Ghost loves seeing you cockdrunk and floaty, he wants you to pay attention to what is going on, wants you to focus on him and nothing else.
His favourite way to get your attention is to shake you around a little. Pulls you off his cock with a wet popping sound and shakes your face a little. He's gentle to begin with, lightly holding your chin and tapping your cheek with his fingers to get your attention.
But when you don't even seem to register what's going on, simply humming as you lean forward and wrap your lips around Ghost's cock again, he gets a little rougher. Grips your face tightly in his hand and forces you back by the hair, his fingers tangled into your hair as he grips your cheeks and shakes you meanly.
He loves to watch you come back down from your floaty headspace, blinking a few times and whining when you realise what's going on. "Stupid little thing," Ghost taunts, squishing your cheeks and shaking you back and forth like a dog with a chew toy.
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rosesaints · 5 days
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* college!yuuta who is so eager, so responsive over text, sends "good morning" or "good night" texts religiously, offers to grab you coffee or lunch before class, laughs at the silly, stupid texts you send in between study sessions, responds "yes!" within seconds when you invite him over to your dorm for a studio ghibli movie night.
it's a stark contrast with the man you currently have over in your dorm, who has been looking straight ahead at the tv in dead silence for the past five hours. it's 1 am, and you've watched kiki's delivery service, ponyo, and you're currently watching my neighbor totoro—and yuuta has given you absolutely nothing to work with.
you took the time to consider that maybe, he's just really into the movie, but you've caught him staring at you too many times with those droopy, sleepy eyes you've come to adore, impossibly long eyelashes fluttering and eyeing the plump of your lips for a millisecond.
you're not usually one to initiate, but you don't know how much longer of this you can take.
yuuta, who has been laying next to you on your dorm bed, a mere three inches away from you and has yet to close the gap. your fingers twitch on the worn cotton of your bedsheets, dangerously close to his own fingertips.
"hey," your voice is soft, and yuuta startles, like a deer caught in headlights. looks at you with that wide, doe-eyed stare, before easing at the sight of your sly smile. "it's 1 am."
he looks at the clock on the opposite side of your dorm. "it—yeah, it looks like it is," clears his throat. "what... what do you wanna do now?"
you hum, finally garnering the courage to lace your hand through his, watching in pleasant satisfaction as goosebumps begin to form all across his arm. "do you wanna make out?"
his eyes widen.
"yuuta!" it's like he comes alive. gone is the quiet, composed man sitting so prettily and nicely next to you. yuuta's kisses are hot, filthy, and all-consuming, kisses like he's got something to prove, tongue swiping across your bottom lip and nibbling softly, hands coming up to hold the sides of your neck to bring you closer, slowly climbing on top of you until you're surrounded on all sides by him. makes the most delicious little sounds, whimpering and gasping when you reciprocate with just as much ferocity, determined to wring more of those pretty, pretty sounds out of his lips. ruts into you in desperation, takes one of your hands and guides it to where he's hard, aching, and needy. you're babbling mindlessly, "want you s'bad, yuuta, god, been thinking about you all night—"
"'m right here," his teeth grazes the side of your neck, sucks harshly at a delicate spot that makes you whine, watches you with something akin to reverence like he's taking mental notes. "don't need to think anymore."
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© ROSESAINTS ! — do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own. requests are OPEN .ᐟ
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cerisereids · 11 days
a/n: tobias hankel when i catch you… (divider from @reveriesources !!)
warnings: extreme angst, it’s hurt/comfort but it’s rly sad, basic spencer trauma, blood, showering together but it isn’t sexual, i watched the tobias hankel eps and i just wanna comfort him so here this is
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going home with spencer reid after the team figures out where tobias hankel had taken him. once he’s been medically examined, he’s wrapped up in a jacket, tucked under your arm in the backseat of the suburban. he’s trembling under your touch, and you muster every last bit of your courage not to break down. you’re determined to be strong for him, he needs it.
it’s normally him cradling you like this, especially after tough cases, in your bed, or the couch, or even in the conference room if you can sneak a moment alone. it’s not to say that you’re weak, you’re just a bit more outwardly emotional than spencer. maybe a lot more outwardly emotional. it’s a hard job. it’s an impossible one right now, as you sit there, cradling your man as he shivers in your arms.
you’re practically on top of him, your arms coiled around his neck while your legs sling over his lap. his arms squeeze your waist, weak, deft fingers leave wobbly imprints on your plush skin, like he was trying to absorb you through his fingertips. your fingernails gently scrape his scalp, your body on overdrive as you so desperately try to comfort him, to calm him. anything to stop this godawful shaking you don’t think your heart can handle it much longer.
“i’m sorry…” your head snaps up at the sound of his voice, your heart dropping to your stomach.
“spencer?” you struggle to find your breath as his name passes your lips, your voice is hoarse from crying.
“i’m sorry…” he whines in a far off tone, eyes half shut, “imsorryimsorryimsorry-”
“spencer!” you cut him off, cradling his jaw in your hands as you get him to look at you, lightly tapping his face to force his eyes open, “spencer, it’s me. you’re safe.”
you see it in his eyes when it clicks, when he sees you. the relief is palpable, it’s contagious. you stay in each other’s arms the entire ride home. the second you get in the elevator of his apartment building, he breaks. he collapses into you, a sob escaping his lips.
“oh, spencer,” you gasp out, lightly kissing his lips, testing the waters.
“i thought of you the whole time,” he sobs, kissing you again, deeper this time. you move in time with each other until the ding of the elevator breaks you apart.
your heart just aches at the sight of him. his brows are furrowed, his eyes screwed shut as tears flow like a waterfall down his sweet, sweet face. you hastily wipe at his wet cheeks, it’s the closest thing you have to being able to take his pain away.
“i thought of you, an-and my mom,” he chokes out even more sobs at the acknowledgment of diana, and you kiss his salty cheek as you prepare him to exit the elevator.
he takes a deep breath to try and quiet his sobs as you walk through the hall to his apartment. he all but falls through the door, just barely holding himself up on the side table next to the entrance. you hastily wrap your arms around his middle from behind, cuddling into him when he relaxes in your hold.
“let’s get you in the shower, then you can sleep. okay?” you whisper, your cheek pressed to his back.
“okay,” he mumbles, and his garbled tone breaks you even more, which you didn’t even realize was possible.
once you’re both under the hot stream, you dedicate yourself to soothing him. you rub some of your body butter up and down his arms, along his back, massaging the skin until his muscles begin to relax. little whimpers slip past his lips as he loosens up under your touch, and it makes you feel on top of the world.
you revel in the pure intimacy of the moment- grasping for silver linings like they’re needles in haystacks- as you stand here, washing the lotion off his reddened and bruised skin. you catch a glimpse of the blood stained water swirling the drain, and you almost lose your composure. you falter in his arms, just a tad, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as your eyes glass over.
“hey,” spencer whispers, oh so soothingly. he takes the body butter from the shower rack and dips his fingers in. the cold lotion on his deft fingers massages into your skin, and you finally let your eyes fall shut, “you were so brave for me today, hm? hotch told me all about it.”
the fact that he’s trying to comfort you is the trigger that unleashes the waterfall of tears you’ve held in since late that afternoon. memories of being in that godforsaken house flashes through your mind- seeing spencer so scared and frail on that computer screen, the adrenaline of sheer panic bursting from you like a fireball, hotch having to carry you from the room, your white knuckle grip on the kitchen table, the violent chattering of your teeth as you sobbed and heaved.
“i’m sorry, i need to stop,” you bury your face in your hands, desperately wiping at your tears as if the past 24 hours could wipe away with them.
“what? no you don’t,” he states matter of factly, “why did you say that, honey?” his brows are furrowed, and he looks so earnest, so unbelievably spencer. a small ray of light shines through the cracks in your heart, you just adore him.
you smile weakly, “becaaaauuuuseeee, my love,” you nudge him as you whine, almost childlike, “i want to be here for you. i need to be here with you, to make you feel better. i can’t do that if i’m blubbering like a whale!” you let out a wet gasp and turn your face into spencer’s large hand that’s cradling it.
“i don’t care what you’re saying,” he whispers out breathlessly, planting a sloppy kiss to your lips, “i don’t care what you’re doing,” another kiss, his hands roaming hastily around your body, like he needs help believing you’re real, “just as long as you’re here,” kiss, “as long as i have you, i’ll be okay. we both went through it, honey. cry it out, we’ll get through this together,” his voice breaks at that last word, and you grab him by the cheeks for a desperate, messy kiss.
you spend a few minutes like that, his lips devouring yours, tears streaming down both your cheeks. the messy, desperate press of his plump lips on yours is enough to erase the horrors of your day, just for a moment. he’s always had the power to do that to you, to make you feel like you’re on a different planet when you’re with him, no matter what is going on.
when you break apart, you press your forehead to his and attempt to regulate your breathing. he follows suit, so you grab his shampoo and work your fingers through his scalp. you’re so gentle, scrubbing lightly along his scalp to shed the dirt and grime from his hair. you study his every move, especially the way his head tilts back slightly as you scrub, eyes falling shut. he lets out a low string of air when you move his head under the stream of water, and you can’t help but plant a kiss to his sudsy neck.
once you lathered his body with just as much love and tenderness, and he so eagerly returned the favor, you two were finally ready to sleep in each other’s arms. you hand him your fluffiest towel, and allow him time to dry off before you insist on moisturizing him before bed. he whines about it at first, a small little pout forming on his split lip. you kiss it, and it curls upward in a cheeky smirk.
“your skin needs it,” you promise, “plus, i kind of just want to touch all over you,” you wiggle your eyebrows flirtatiously. your first genuine smile all day appears on your lips at the blush on his cheeks. you never get tired seeing the effect you have on him. just like you did in the shower, you tenderly massage lotion into his skin, also applying an antiseptic to any minor scrapes or cuts, kissing them when he hisses at the sting.
you sit him down on the bed when you get back to your room, and grab a fresh pair of pajamas for him. he brings you between his legs, fingers intertwining with yours. “i love you,” he murmurs, and you smile.
“i love you more,” you reply against his lips, placing a quick kiss to them after, “let’s go to bed my love, let me hold you while you fall asleep, hm?”
you knew he could never say no to that.
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