#never got around to fixing my sleep schedule ig
itsjustinknow · 1 year
also building off that last thing except i'm too tired to reblog it, but it's so weird to think that just a couple of years ago i was like 15 or so on this site talking about my ocs and my little fantasy novel series that i wanted to write and stuff and now i'm 22 and going to grad school for literary fiction/magic realism (though i have every intention of returning to fantasy when i can, it's just the horrors of academia that keep me from doing so right now). i'm graduating undergrad in less than two months with two degrees. i grew my hair back out. i'm different but i don't always feel like it. i should go to bed.
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♡ Pairing: Buck/Gender Neutral!Reader ♡ Genre: Fluff, Idiots to lovers, Mutual Pining, Fuckbuddies to Lovers ♡ Word Count: 988 ♡ Warnings: implications of sex? ig :’) ♡ Summary: A conversation about ending things turns into the beginning.  ♡ Note: Day 6 of my 30 Day Writing Challenge! I’m like a day behind, but oh well. my sleep schedule is utterly fucked and i srsly need to fix it :’) It’s definitely getting a bit easier to write tho with this challenge! i’m getting there mayhaps. thx for spriting w me boos!! @fireladybuckley​ / @lonely-writer​
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It was a calm Saturday morning as you laid in bed, scrolling on your phone to see what the world had been up to while you slept. Sunlight streamed through the window blinds onto you and the sleeping Buck whose arm was currently wrapped firmly around your waist.
Since you and Buck had started fooling around a few months ago, you had learned a few things about him. He loved to cuddle and he never woke up first in the mornings. Not that you minded, especially because you wanted to make this moment last since it would be the last between the two of you.
A sigh left your lips as clicked your phone off, your thoughts drifting to your current situation.
You’re not sure exactly how you got in this situation with your fellow firefighter. It had started a few months ago, after a particularly hard shift. The two of you had been hanging out at the bar afterward and had been more than a few drinks. Maybe it was because no words could be said to comfort each other that you ended up tangled in his sheets, fucking the pain away for each other.
Once the two of you had a taste of each other, it had been all too easy to keep going back to the same fix, to the point you woke up in his bed more than yours. Neither of you minded it. It felt easy to be close, to be in each other's place, and to find comfort in each other. Until you realized you were growing genuine feelings for Buck.
You couldn’t keep being his fuck buddy, you needed more from him, you wanted more. Which was why you had decided to finally end things for good.
Before you could stew on your feelings any longer, Buck shifted from behind you, squeezing you gently and pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder to let you know he was waking up.
“Morning sweetheart,” he murmured sleepily, “what time is it?”
“Around nine, still pretty early,” you replied with a smile.
“Good, I’ve still got time before my shift at noon. Wanna have round three?” He whispered as he kissed your neck, his hand roaming up and down your silky skin, causing you to shiver.
You wished you could somehow imprint the way his kisses and touches made you feel in your mind because you would miss them dearly. The temptation to say yes was strong, but you knew that couldn’t happen. You had put this conversation off for long enough.
Untangling yourself from his arms, you sat yourself up in bed and took a deep breath before saying, “Actually, we need to talk.”
Buck frowned at that, his body tensing at the seriousness in your tone. “About?”
You struggled to find a word that fit and still didn’t feel right about your answer as you replied, “Our… relationship.”
He nodded slowly at that as he sat up beside you, motioning for you to go on.
“We’ve had a lot of fun Buck and having each other after a shift has been really nice, but we can’t keep doing this. Casual sex like this could ruin our friendship and honestly, it’s making me feel confusing feelings about you…”
“Confusing feelings, how?” Buck questioned after a beat of silence.
“Like I wanna be with you for real and I know that’s not fair to you, so we need to end this. Let’s go back to just being friends, okay?”
You looked anywhere but his face as you finished, your arms wrapping around yourself as you angle your body away from him. You knew this would be hard, but you hadn’t expected it to be this difficult. Why did he want to know how you felt? Why couldn’t he just leave it?
“___, would you please look at me?” Buck asked gently. “I have something I need to say now.”
“No, I know what you’re going to say and I don’t need to hear it,” you whispered, voice shaky, “I’m going to go now.”
You started to get up, but before you could Buck was grabbing you and pushing you down onto the bed. He now hovered above you, his sapphire eyes intent as he gazed down at you.
“Just listen to me okay? I like you, I have since before we started messing around. I mean how could I not? We spend all of our time together, you’re fucking beautiful, and when we’re between the sheets…” he paused, taking a deep breath, “but most importantly, you make me feel like everything is going to be okay. I need you.”
The world seemed to slow down as you processed Buck’s words. He liked you too and he wanted to be with you. He wanted more of you too. Happiness and love bloomed through you, heat gathering beneath your cheeks at his confession.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you wondered aloud.
“I was scared and I didn’t know if you felt the same. I didn’t want things to end so… I just avoided it. Kinda sounds like you were in the same boat.”
Tears of relief pooled in the corner of your eyes as you reached up, wrapping your arms around him. “So, we’re idiots basically?”
Buck lighted lightly, his voice emotional too as he leaned down a pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. “Seems like it,” he murmured.
“I guess we’re together now then,” you said with a soft smile as he showered you with butterfly kisses all over your face.
“I guess so.”
“Hm?” he asked, pausing to look up at you.
“Round three?”
“Fuck yes,” Buck said with a devilish grin, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss as his hands started trailing down your body once again.
He ended up almost being late to his shift, but neither of you cared because you were now officially each others.
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My Masterlist || My AO3 || Please leave feedback, helps motivate! :) Thank you for reading~
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edgyandoverzealous · 2 years
Okay so headcannons or ig cannons cause it's my au about my SP Creek road trip au.
- Craig and Tweek stopped for gas and while Craig refueled the car Tweek went inside to get fuel for their bodies, as they discussed. Craig got in the car and drove for three minutes before he realized his boyfriend was no longer asleep in the passenger seat and in fact not in the car at all. Horrified he turned around and sped back. Luckily Tweek was still shopping and was none the wiser. This didn't stop Craig from practically clinging to Tweek whenever they left the car afterwards though. When questioned the response was a monotoned "never again" and a look of someone who's been through the horrors.
- The first couple of weeks all they bnb's and hotels had two rooms/beds. But Tweek has nightmares and sleeping with Craig seemed to help. Needless to say they stopped getting two beds.
- Craig is an active sleeper and Tweek is a light sleeper. Therefore one night while the couple was sleeping Craig turned and nuzzled into Tweek, which Tweek found cute. Then Craig promptly wapped him in the face and turned around. Tweek got a bloody nose because it was dry as hell and his allergies were already acting up. He then tried to be quiet as he made it stop but Craig woke up to the yellow lights and a sink full of blood. Craig felt horrible. He propped Tweek up on the counter and fixed him up with a soft "oh honey" and then spent the rest of the night with his chin on the top of Tweeks head singing lullabies until his insomniac boyfriend fell asleep. Only then did he let himself drift off.
- Craig's favorite road trip snacks are savory while Tweeks are sweet. They share quite often. Craig also, much to Tweek's disapproval, refuses to drink as much water as he probably needs. He hydrates purely through Powerade, Gatorade, and the very few bottles of water he drinks when Tweek Pouts too much. They find a sugar free flavoring that Craig likes and store it like madmen to convince him to drink his water.
- The road trip playlist consists of cheesy old love songs, the crane wives, classical classics, perfect circle, Chevelle, Lovejoy, Conan Gray, dead man's poison, the oh hellos, mother mother, and Mitski. It's funky but they like it. (May or May not be making said playlist rn)
- while saving up for the road trip the couple didn't have a lot of days off that correlated for dates. Therefore they would show up to each other's place of occupation to flirt and eventually both started working for Tweek's family coffeehouse. They were scheduled together frequently because Craig's presence had a higher chance of soothing Tweek's nerves than it did of worsening them.
- they kept the savings in jars underneath their beds. So many jars filled with cash and coins. So many.
- they took stripes with them. One night they let him out of their cage in a field of wildflowers. They thought he ran away only to spend an hour running around the field for nothing when he was fast asleep in Craig's hat. They then placed stripes back in his habitat and danced with the fireflies in the field.
- Tweek is spoiled when it comes to coffee and therefore cannot drink gas station or fast food chain coffee. He drinks from canned coffee, coffee shops, or not at all. But the not at all didn't last long because Tweek had withdrawals, massive headaches, grouchiness, the works.
- Craig prefers to get his caffeine through energy drinks, most recently monsters. He likes the OG but his favorite was the Ultra Paradise monster.
- Tweek's favorite Monster is the Mocha loca coffee. he accidentally created Craig's Monster habits by choosing Monster triple shot canned coffee which he got banned from after he drank two and konked out for a day and a half only waking up to take Advil.
- Craig is always cold and Tweek is a human heater. This makes for hella good cuddles.
- Craig has a hard time finding beds that suit his height properly and the couples nightly routine consists of shifting until they both fit comfortably.
- It takes Tweek a few nights to get used to falling asleep with someone else so he stays up on his phone until Craig falls asleep during the early nights. Craig getting fed up with the Lack of Sleep Tweek is receiving once flopped his entire weight onto Tweek and tossed Tweek's phone into a drawer. Tweek found the weight weirdly comforting and had the best night sleep he's had in ages.
- The couple makes an effort to see the best of what each state has to offer. So they end up at a lot of nature events and festivals. One time they went on a ferris wheel in LA and the ride got stuck at the top. While Tweek panicked for awhile after he calmed down Craig realized he didn't hate the city and all its polluting lights when they illuminated his lover's face. Because he just looked so pretty as he looked on in awe.
- Sometimes Craig will shake his head and his hat will swing with it against his face. It is the cutest thing Tweek has ever seen and he even said 'i love you' but when he was asked why he just responded with some kind of form of 'i just think you're neat.'
- Car rides have always been soothing to Tweek. The soft hum and bumps, paired with the ever passing scenery, lulled him to sleep. Craig appreciates this the most during golden hour when Tweek's eyes flutter open as he realizes he woke up in time for his favorite time of day, sunset. The sky lit up in oranges pinks and purples.
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maximotts · 2 years
𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 • 𝑤. 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑜𝑓𝑓
a/n: I have no excuse for these upcoming fics except I saw MoM and was instantly filled with the urge to be kept by dark!mommy Scarlet Witch Wanda... this is purely such a self-indulgent AU and this is just an intro, but many kinks lie ahead (like in the next fic I'm writing now)
warnings: This is an 18+ AU, minors DNI; These fics are based on the events in Multiverse of Madness, keep that in mind if you're avoiding spoilers; hurt/comfort, fluffy with angst ig; talks of feeling abandoned/depression; manipulation and coersion; Wanda using her powers against reader; mommy kink abound
words: 1.6K
summary: As It Was AU; You lost your Wanda months ago and every day since, you've felt hollow. No one could fix it, except maybe Wanda herself
As It Was AU. || main masterlist.
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You were lost without her. 
It wasn’t as simple to move on as people thought; Wanda was your everything. She made your whole schedule, picked out your clothes, made sure you were entertained every moment of the day… she left a hole no one could fill. There wasn’t a person in the world you’d choose to replace her anyways. 
Thankfully you kept your shared house, but it felt empty now. All pictures of her hung on the walls were now just a haunting reminder that she was gone, buried, never coming back. You’d never felt more powerless than at Wanda’s funeral and more alone than every night you fell asleep. It’d been two months of sleeping on the couch— you couldn’t bear the thought of sleeping in your bed anymore; she’d picked it out to be perfect for you two and you feared that if you slept in it too much now, her pillow would stop smelling like her and you’d fully break down. 
You’d lost track of how long you’d been blankly staring at the television, but it had long been dark outside. It was that time of night where your eyelids were growing heavy; you hated that time. Whenever you dreamt, it was of her. Sometimes she spoke to you and others she just held you in silence, but it wasn’t that fleeting time with her you despised. No, it was the waking up that was cruel. How cold you were without Wanda’s arms around you, your cheeks growing wet every morning as you cried over her absence.
Most of the time you fought sleep as long as you could, letting the room almost spin with how stubborn you were against closing your eyes. It was only because of this that you didn’t fully believe your eyes at first.
“You should really sleep if you’re tired, dearest.” Wanda was standing in front of you, looking down at you with concern. And you screamed, a true fearful scream. You scrambled over the side of the couch, hiding from the intruder that just had to be some sick joke. You were able to stop screaming if only to try to hide further from the woman still hovering mere feet away from you, but your breaths were still heavy and you could feel your heart. Faintly you wondered if you were having a heart attack.
Rushed footsteps told you she’d rounded the couch, but it was only when her hand touched your back that you started screaming again, crawling as fast as you could. “Get out, get out! You’re not real!” 
“But sweetheart, I am-”
She was coming closer once more and the farther you went, the closer the imposter got to cornering you. Whoever she was, whatever she wanted, you could barely outrun her, “Leave! Get the fuck out of my house!” 
There was an escape route as you shuffled across the floor. If you could just make it a few feet further, the door was so close… But as you stumbled to your feet, tendrils of red magic wrapped around your ankle and you were falling to the hardwood with a shout. “Let me go!”
“Stop it!” She  yelled as she pulled you back until you laid on your back at her feet; your Wanda never yelled at you, not once. Looking at her, some form of Wanda, angry at you for a reason you couldn’t understand, all you could do was raise your arms to your head and cover your face. Seeing her was painful, but the sight of someone you loved turning against you so angrily left you crying hard. 
“I’m sorry, don’t hurt me…” Tears soaked your sleeves, racked sobs muffling everything around you so that you didn’t hear when she fell to her knees too, reaching out to touch your arm before thinking better of it. Her powers held you still effortlessly, even as you’d stilled with fear. She couldn’t have you slipping away again. “Please, let me go.”
Wanda instantly regretted her outburst; she’d acted selfishly in thinking you’d accept her without explanation. It had taken her so long to find a universe where you were accessible, much less one where she was gone— once any of her met you, they rarely let you go. But here, this was perfect. You needed her and didn’t have her and typically you were such a stubborn little thing, convincing you to let her stay would be easier while you were so vulnerable. It wouldn’t take much though; as independent as you thought yourself to be, Wanda always broke you of that; it was better when you relied on her, she could keep you safer when you let her take over. 
“I’ll let you free when I know you won’t hurt yourself.” Her tone of voice was different now, softer and closer to the Wanda you knew. It took a few moments of stillness to gain the courage to peek out from behind your arms, but she was still right there, looking you over for any signs of injury as if she wasn’t the one who’d started it all. She was definitely Wanda, but this one looked intimidating, her hair red instead of the dark brown you used to love burying your nose in and her face serious, more intense than you’d ever seen her. 
Still, afraid as you were, something about her just being so close to you calmed your heartbeat. If she truly was Wanda, she’d never harmed you before. “W-What do you want?” You hated how weak you sounded; only your Wanda had heard you so meek before. 
As soon as you spoke up, Wanda’s eyes were on you, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth. “You, of course. What else would I want?” She shifted closer, daring to brush some hair from your face and taking the small win of you only slightly flinching away. Good. 
“I don’t know you…” It wasn’t a complete lie. The woman before you was familiar, but she just wasn’t. Something within you screamed to be wary of the stranger who’d so quickly appeared in your living room, but another part, the saddest part, begged to recognize this Wanda as the woman you’d trusted your life with. 
When you sat up, Wanda released your legs and was quick to gather your face in her hands, ignoring that you’d started to struggle again. “Silly thing, of course you know me. I’m Wanda.” You shook your head even with the firm grip she had and her patience was wearing thin. She’d worked hard to be a constant force in your dreams, comforting you even when she couldn’t physically be with you and you weren’t grateful in the slightest. Wanda always did so much for you, all she wanted was appreciation in return. 
“N-No… she’s dead..” Those words hurt like no other; you hated having to say them, both to convince yourself and the new Wanda wiping your tears with her blackened fingertips. Wanda was gone and she wasn’t coming back— you’d spent months reminding yourself of that every day since Steve came to tell you of her fate. “You can’t be her because she’s not here anymore!”
You’d started crying again, overwhelmed by the truth and the impossibility of Wanda before you. She shushed you readily, too much like your Wanda had, and you only cried harder with how much you’d missed such comfort. None of it made sense, not when she kissed your forehead and certainly not when she started muttering explanations of the multiverse. Wanda had mentioned it to you in passing only; it was never something she had interest in. But this Wanda, wherever she came from, seemed well versed in the idea. She wasn’t your Wanda, but she was one who’d searched all over for you. 
In any universe, Wanda loved you and that alone filled your heart with more love than you’d felt since the brunette last kissed you goodbye. “You have no idea what I had to do to find you. All this just for my darling girl.” Something about the way her voice darkened over that sentence sent a chill up your spine; you knew better than to ask what she’d done. The sudden way she’d approached you, the possessive way she was holding you now, warm but enough to ensure you couldn’t worm away, told you this Wanda was dangerous. 
If your Wanda was here, she’d protect you from this threat, but she wasn’t. 
Instead this Wanda was here, bargaining with you to trust her word after she’d made a mess of the lower level of the house you and Wanda built together. You shouldn’t, you really shouldn’t… 
But you missed her so terribly. 
Wanda sensed your hesitation in both your thoughts and your body language. She’d wanted this to be easier, but she should’ve known she’d have to help you transition. Her poor baby wasn’t meant to think this hard anyways. No matter, it was an easy fix. “I’d never hurt you, I know you know that.” 
You were nodding even though you weren’t fully sure, your head relaxing onto her shoulder before you knew what was going on. Your body felt heavy with sleep suddenly, anxieties ebbing in place of the overly familiar smell that was Wanda. “I missed you…” 
“I’m sure you did, sweet thing, but it’s okay,” Wanda supported your weight easily, fingers twitching as she sorted through your thoughts. It’d be better for you both if she got rid of those pesky reservations now. Not everything, just enough to be manageable for tonight. “Mommy’s here now and I promise I’ll never leave you again.” 
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lovelyiida2 · 3 years
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SUMMARY: Todoroki isn’t known to his class for being the most “social” among others. How does he prove them wrong? Obviously create a fake online relationship with a girl form another class!
WARNINGS: grandpa Todoroki, he has a friend now, heart wrenching fluff, spelling errors I don’t feel like fixing, cringey asl on your part ig
WORDS: 1.5k
To say the least, you’re a character.
He decided to check out your account before sleeping and getting ready for another day. Let’s say you fucked up his sleeping schedule.
He didn’t expect himself to laugh at your posts, like full on laugh. From the grotesque memes that he’s never even heard of, to the slang, to the overall confidence that exudes through he screen.
He didn’t know a person like you could be so bold,
To show his appreciation to making his night so entertaining, he liked every last post you posted!
He thought nothing of it until you walked up to him during lunch and pulled him away from his friends.
“Is there something wrong?” He asks.
“Not entirely…Todoroki you liked every last post I ever made” you say, he still doesn’t know what he did wrong, enlighten the poor boy.
“I have 307 posts…dating back to this January, you get where I’m going with this?” You say. He still looks like a lost puppy.
You sigh and take out your phone and scroll through all the posts he gave you, “So, when you like a whole bunch of posts at once and there all over a week old or so—it’s considered stalking. So you were technically stalking me Todoroki” you chuckle.
“O-oh” Todoroki takes his hand and rubs his neck. “I’m really sorry about that, I just thought– well you made me laugh a lot, and I haven’t really felt like that—ever.”
In a nervous wreck, he begins to blush and look at the floor. Which makes you blush and look at the floor.
“Don’t stress it! I was just letting you know so you won’t get caught up in something you don’t want to get caught in. Plus, I’m glad I made you feel that way, a lot of my followers say I’m capable of doing that” you awkwardly chuckle.
“Um, I wanted to know if you wanted to talk more after school? Y’know, like text me on Instagram?” He says.
“Yeah I’d love that, plus for short just say DM”
“So—DM me after school?” He questions wether or not he worded it correctly. You clap your hands in excitement.
“Yes, that’s it! DM me after school, preferably around 4?”
“Y-yeah no problem” still in embarrassment at the sudden confession to you of basically saying you made him feel happiness for the first time in forever. He nods and quickly walks away.
“Well bye to you too!” You scream to him.
Walking back to his lunch table sits back down, a visible smirk cast upon his face. “Was it something important Todoroki?” Iida says.
“Eh? Oh no it was nothing” Todoroki than continues to eat his cold soba. “I’ve never seen the girl before, is she new?” Ochaco says.
Now to think about it, what do you even do here. You’re not a hero in training, nor do you build costumes or other parts, you don’t even do recovery.
That’s when Todoroki used his “stalker” like mind to go back to your feed. In one post with a bunny riding on top of a go-kart he remembers specifically the words you said.
“I can’t do this hero analytics shit no more! About 10 seconds from dropping out and dancing on a pole.”
Oh that one was really rich from you.
“She’s in Hero Analytics, she studies the hero’s and gives her notes to the building department so that they can build something to improve the hero.”
“Oh wow, I never knew they had a class like that! Maybe I should’ve signed up for that instead,” Deku awkwardly laughs.
“I think it’s a minor class under the Hero Studies subject, she must be really smart. What she’s doing is harder than our written exams” Iida says.
So she says…
“Ah! I know that look Todoroki, is that your girlfriend?” Ochaco says that a bit too loudly people turned their direction.
Especially Bakugo’s squad, “no fucking way, dude you got a girl?” Kirishima walks over to their table, eyes staring into his soul trying to suck out any other information.
And it was working.
“Well um–“
“You guys should’ve heard him, he was up all night just laughing. And we all know Todoroki never laughs” Sero teased.
Mina soon pushes away Kirishima and Sero.
“Oh please give him some space, if he has one it isn’t our business. But if he does than it would be bad to keep secrets from your dearest friends and comrades…” Mina trails off, her tone obviously sarcastic.
Todoroki grows uncomfortable in his seat.
Make up a lie, make up a lie damn it.
“Um yeah, she’s my girlfriend.”
“Oh my god, what’s their name?” Mina sits herself across from Todoroki.
“It’s Y/n L/n, from Hero Analytics” Mina’s eyes sparkle at his response. “What does she look like?”
Todoroki reaches for his phone in his pocket. Opening Instagram, he searches for a recent selfie you took on your story.
“She’s so pretty! Guys look” Mina snatches the phone from his hands and shows the rest of the table.
“Oh she’s hot, nothing less expected from a guy like you” Sero says.
“You never told us you had an Instagram,” Kirishima states.
Oh yeah, he meant not to tell anyone else he did have one. “Well I just downloaded it,” scratching the back of his head he looks away.
Mina then exits from your story and goes to Todoroki’s account. “Aw, this is so cute! Why didn’t you ever tell us about them? Bumping into you…”
Reading Todoroki’s caption he jumps from his seat and takes his phone from Mina’s hands. “Alright that’s enough, I congratulate you on your new relationship, she looks like a very sweet person.” Iida smiles trying to de-escalate the situation.
Todoroki nods in appreciation.
Fast forward to exactly two minutes before 4 PM.
Todoroki was exited to talk to his new friend, yet he was very torn about breaking the news to you that you’re officially his girlfriend.
So he conjured up a plan, he needs to make sure that you stay away from the rest of class 1-A. Even if they don’t know about you, word will probably spread quickly.
In deep thought he was distracted by the buzz of his phone. Todoroki’s heart began to pace as he sees the time.
4:01 PM
A soft smile plastered against his lips soon falls with the deep pang into his chest.
@lovleymina has followed you 3s ago
Soon a number of notifications pooled in.
@kirikirishima has followed you 2s ago
@hiimizukumidoria has followed you 1s ago
@itsserohere has followed you 1s ago
@kittychaco has followed you 1s ago
The constant buzzing rang from his phone to the point where he had to put his phone in his desk drawer.
He lays down and closes his eyes, hoping for the buzzing to stop by then, which it did.
3 hours ago
Eyes slowly opening he pays around his bed to look for his phone. Oh right, it’s in his drawer.
Groaning, he steps out of his bed and walks to his dresser and takes out his phone.
Instagram 3h ago
Hey, I know I’m a little late.
Instagram 3h ago
How was your day?
Instagram 3h ago
Instagram 2h ago
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
He missed your texts on accident.
Frantically unlocking his phone, he opens Instagram.
Im so sorry, I don’t know what happened.
I just closed my eyes and saw black.
Please answer me back?
Rubbing his temples he became irritated, this wasn’t friendly of him. Friends don’t leave their friends on delivered for more than 2 hours.
It’s simply just unfriendly.
Don’t cry jeez
You’re just a sleepy boy, I understand.
Shit I’d be in shame predicament if I had to be a hero in training. Sadly, my quirk isn’t useful to humanity…lol
Todoroki sighs in relief at your response, a light chuckle escapes his lips.
Guess I was overreacting huh?
My day was fine, I was looking forward to talking with you. Too bad I fell asleep…
You’re talking to me right now though aren’t you? Don’t beat yourself up about something you can’t control.
Todoroki pauses at your message, he didn’t realize how guilty he was feeling until now. You’re being so understanding and even making up excuses.
I feel asleep on accident…
Some of my classmates found my account, so I hid my phone away from myself and laid down until the notifications stopped.
that’s so cute Todoroki!!
Todoroki shouldn’t be smiling at your comment, but if you say he’s cute than so be it.
Hours went on and he didn’t even look away from the keyboard. He didn’t realize until he accidentally turned off his phone trying to take a screenshot.
(He likes to take screenshots of moments that made him smile the most so he can look at them when he’s alone. A little cute headcanon for you)
12:54 AM
It’s so late, he was so wrapped up in whatever you were talking about (you were talking about how potatoes are the most universal meal ever and how you’d take a large sack with you if you were on a deserted island) he forgot to tell you what he so desperately needed to tell you.
Hypothetically, if I accidentally told some of my classmates that you were my girlfriend due to peer pressure…
How would you feel?
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Here with another part! Left y’all on a cliffhanger and don’t give a damn!! ALSO I WANNA MAKE A TAG LIST BUT I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO IT ON HERE SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
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got-svt · 3 years
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pairing: seventeen x reader genre: fluff, angst
updates: ???
warning; this is just me indulging in some of my favorite tropes and cliches because I can’t get enough of them
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during the course of our lives, we meet thousands of people, creating either a seconds long moment or memories that last a lifetime. some of them you’ll have the opportunity to know beyond their names and faces, some you may even grow to love. unfortunately, not all of them have the luxury of staying in your life forever. 
seventeen as all the boys you’ve loved and lost.  
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lee chan as the childhood best friend. he’s the one you grew up next to, who lived in the house directly in front of yours. the one you’ll forever associate with popsicles on the sidewalk, bike rides at dawn, seesaws and swings at sunset. and you wish you could trap yourself within the memories, to never escape the hold of childhood innocence. but, just like everyone else, both of you eventually had to grow up. 
yoon jeonghan as the academic rival. he’s the one that had you wondering how could you be so similar to someone, yet so different? he knew how to push your buttons and make a competition of everything, whether it was sports, academics, or extracurriculars. he was the one that made steam come out of your ears and blood rush to your cheeks. but even you had to admit there was a certain rush that came with it, too bad he transferred schools just before senior year. 
vernon chwe as the first love. he’s the one who woke up thirty minutes earlier in the morning just so he could walk with you to school. it was the kind of love that felt more like a friendship, but neither of you would have had it any other way. filled with inside jokes, skating in the park, sneaking out after curfew. all smiles, messy kisses, and badly belting out songs in the car. unfortunately, both of you also knew your relationship would never last past graduation day.  
xu minghao as the boy you met at summer art camp. he’s the one you were hesitant to approach at first. it wasn’t until you were tasked to critique each other’s works that you really got to know him. after that it was all marshmallows around a campfire, swimming in the lake, drawing in the fields, and paint that never seemed to leave either of your skin. as much as you wanted it to last forever, summer had to end and he never promised to keep in touch. 
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joshua hong as the university campus crush. he’s the one who seemed too good to be true. whose smile could break a million hearts, but you knew better than to fall for it. you saw him studying in the library, walking the halls, relaxing in the quad, always surrounded by a crowd of adoring fans — all vying for his attention. what a shame you never found out that you were the one who managed to catch his eye.  
boo seungkwan as the classmate you tutor. he’s the one who pretended to struggle in chemistry just so he could get closer to you. soon enough quiet afternoons in the library ended with nights at a karaoke bar, singing your hearts out to hits from the 2000s. you always knew he liked you. he never knew you liked him back, and your newfound friendship became much too valuable to risk. as the semester drew to a close, so did chances of a relationship.   
wen junhui as the barista at your favorite cafe. he’s the one who spelled your name right on the first try and remembered your order by the third visit. the only one who greeted you with a smile as you entered the door — not a forced, practiced smile, but a genuine one. his voice was as soothing as the cups of tea he made on nights you couldn’t sleep. however, you could never recall a time you saw him outside the cafe. 
kwon soonyoung as the dance partner. he was the teaching assistant in your social dancing class. the butterflies in your stomach went wild each time he laughed off you stepping on his feet, when you felt how tightly he grasped your hand in his, whenever he looked into your eyes. for some reason, you thought he had fallen for you just as you had for him. that idea was crushed when you saw him dancing with somebody else, their bodies in sync the way yours and his could never be.  
jeon wonwoo as the college sweetheart. he’s the one you mistakenly thought would last. you remember all the early morning coffee runs and late night drives, cramming sessions in the library, holding hands underneath the table, dancing in the rain, his sweaters smelling like him, lazy sundays talking about the future. it was the kind of love you fought for, but fate had different plans.
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kim mingyu as the next door neighbor. living on your own would’ve been dreadful had he not been there. did you need an extra cup of sugar for some cookies? he’ll bring one over and even bake with you. are you going away for a trip? don’t worry he’ll water your plants and feed your fish, making sure they’re the healthiest they can be. something broke? he’s more than willing to fix it himself or call someone who can if he’s unable to. which is why you wish he never moved away, leaving you with nothing but a letter and a quieter apartment. 
choi seungcheol as the coworker. your first job was a nightmare, but he was the one who made everything much more tolerable. he made sure you ate properly, never overworked yourself to the point of exhaustion, offered you a ride home when it was too late to take the bus, sent you a smile during early morning meetings. he became your rock during some of the toughest months of your life, what a shame he had to be transferred somewhere else.  
 lee seokmin as the one that got away. he should’ve been it. hadn’t it been for the timing, the distance, every other little circumstance that eventually built up to be too much. you could’ve had it all. you loved each other and for the longest time you swore it would be enough. but with his life in the spotlight and yours out of it, the end was almost inevitable. maybe in another life things could be different, but neither of you would ever get the chance to know. 
lee jihoon as the endgame. he’s the one you met much later on in life, but little did either of you know that your paths were always meant to cross. he’s always been there, waiting in the sidelines. he attended the class after yours, entered the cafe just as you were about to leave, lived in the apartment three floors above you, worked in the building located a couple of streets from your office. the reason why every single heartache eventually became worth it, because they all lead to him — the one who ended up staying.
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[taglist is open for the entire series or specific member/s ! just send in an ask or a dm] 
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note; this will be bulleted scenarios bec i feel like it would be the most feasible for me to do with the other wips i have for this blog. ren — i hear you ask — if you have a ton of wips, why start another series? listen, my brain decided to fart out this idea at three in the morning and what was i supposed to do? say no? ajhsskh and it’s february wc is the month of ~love~ so no better time than this one ig? again,, no update schedule for this one but chan’s will most likely be up on his bday  (not sure on vernon’s and seokmin’s that depends on how quickly i can crank these out shdjasn) ! <33
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Are you still into krbk? I noticed you haven't draw them a lot recently (I don't mean to pressure you, I was just wondering)
I still very much am!!! but a convergence of unrelated happenings (my focus being unusually scattered, lack of general motivation, them not having interacted much in the manga lately, my having pulled out of the fandom a little for a bunch of reasons, having gotten into a lot of new things I want to make a lot of stuff for ??) had my output of stuff for them/inspiration related to them die down a lot ): I miss them though, I should fill a page with doodles of them one of these days... well, I haven’t drawn much in genereal lately, so maybe let’s start first with fixing that haha
Anon said: Fun Fact : In smash bros ultimate there are spirits with octopath traveler and they're in pairs and guess what ? Alfyn and Therion are together :3
I KNOW!!!!!! It makes me so emo I’m a bundle of feelings they’re soulmates I tell youuuuuuuuuuu ;;A;; (little inconsequential things making me a mess, what’s new xD) - another fun fact is that h’aanit and ophilia share one too!! and I ship them too!! and cyrus and tressa share one as well, and they’re my brother’s mains in his save! A series of delightful little coincidences haha
Anon said: Will you be drawing more Jujutsu Kaisen? I love your art sm and I would love to see more!!!!
Right now I feel like I want to spend the next ten years drawing these kids, so I sure hope so! But as I said my focus has been very scattered for the past three or so months, so I can’t promise anything ): let’s both enjoy it while it lasts haha
Anon said: You are my emotional support artist. I check back every once and a while and BOOM. Serotonin.
You’re too kind!!!! But thank you, I’m glad I can make you feel better! :D
Anon said: i'm super new to your art (and mha) and i just wanted to say your krbk stuff is just !!!!!!! it makes me so happy and makes my poor jaded heart feel something and it's just all around incredible!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like my way of portraying the kids!!!!
Anon said: I’m about to cry I’ve spent an hour looking though your bnha tag for that lil comic where Kiri hugs Baku and. It. Sent. Me. Back. To. The. Top. I didn’t even get to finish reading it. I’m so upset. So. So. So. Upset.
(samesame) Anon said: I. Found the hug thing. On Pinterest. In. Five. Seconds. I hate life but also it was really cute. Thank you but seriously I hate this website
The saga hahaha sorry anon I couldn’t get to you before you went out of your mind trying to find it, I got the asks in the middle of the night! Glad you could find it, though I’m kinda sad you had to look on pinterest for it (...sad it is on pinterest at all tbh) here it is anyway, if this is the one you were talking about! you really went back in the years for this one huh
Anon said: So for that thing that you made a w h i l e ago where Bakugou ruffles Kirishima’s hair, right? So I imagine Kiri is like w h a t and calls over Mina or Denki or Sero or all of them or something like that and tells them and is freaking out and they’re like “he wasn’t in the right mindset, you know he sleeps at 8:32” and make a joke out of it as Kiri is freaking out. And Kiri is freaking out soooo much as they are crying laughing on the floor at Bakugou’s sleeping schedule.
hahaha I’m sure he must have freaked out on them at some point after that, and bakugou must have done the same (probably with jirou, less likely but more hilarious with todoroki or tokoyami haha) - though, the original idea came from a bigger one where the scene in the comic didn’t bring them anywhere closer to getting together (or figuring out they’re into each other, for the matter lmao idiots) maybe one day I’ll get back on that >:]
Anon said: In your comments, you said “at this point my hands will never forget” and I had a nozaki-kun memory float into my head, imagining him sick and trying to make his deadline xD yes muscle memory
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anon you have no idea how often I think about that hahaha yes, I say my hands won’t forget but we all know that’s exactly how it’ll end at some point lol
Anon said: dang this happens all the time like I follow someone for their bnha content and then like two months after following them I find out they used to make yowapeda content and im just sitting their like dang thats wild because bnha and yowapeda are like the only two animes I watch
ANON!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always so nice to find other ywpd fans!!!!!!!! Sorry I’m not making art for it anymore (for now) but despite my sister insisting I read the manga already I’ve been putting it off......for years lol but it’s on my reading list!! So maybe I’ll get back on it at some point!
Anon said: FRAN!!!!!! i love ur art so much and im trying to buy ur products on redbubble and i geniunely cant decide what to get!!!!! i tired asking my friend but she doesnt know which one either hahahahhahah ig i just wanted to send this because i really appreciate u and u are very talented. im sending u lots of high vibrations and love❤️🧡
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! It means so much to me that you guys are still buying my stuff (TTATT) I should...........seriously update it..........gomen m(._.)m
Anon said:YES YES YEEES MORE ALFYON ON THE WAYYYYYY 💖💖💖💖💖 They're both the cutest really their ship is the beeest  Try reading some the alfyon fanfics if you have some time, they're really good ! The one i really recommend you is Crismonberries, blackberries by court_court on Ao3 !Your art is the best ever can't wait to see more octopath !!💖💖💖
Anon thank you SO MUCH for suggesting that fic to me I!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it so much I deep-dived into it and spent two straight days reading it it’s such a gem!!!!! ;;; bless you
Anon said: Have you watched Fullmetal Alchemist?
Hell yeah! Only Brotherhood though. I read the manga too tho!!
Anon said: Have you read Noragami? It’s one of my favourite manga, and the anime isn’t half bad either (still waiting for s3 tho lol) anyway it’s really good, concept-wise it’s similar to Soul Eater, I totally recommend
I watched the first season back when it aired! It’s not really my thing though ): feels a bit sad in that very specific way that always ends up just making me miserable as I keep reading............................... sorry
Anon said: I will never not be in love with your art. Everytime I'm feeling down and/or missing the boys I scroll through your krbk tag and it reminds me exactly of why I love them so much and I'm so thankful for that. Your brand of krbks is the one I love the most and honestly thank you so much for all your marvelous art of them and of other things as well because you art is just so pretty and I love seeing your ocs and other fandom art 💕💕💕
Anon I love you......................... ;;;;; thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me (oTT^TT)o<3
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Butterflies and Brushes (YuTae)
a/n : this is a promise I made for the wonderful IG account yutae.0126
warning : Slight suggestive content, but nothing explicit (or yeah?) Romance, bxb proceeed to masterlist if you’re not comfortable and pic something else. Romance, fluff, flirty!yuta and cold prince! Taeyong
ARTSCHOOL AU! nude panting (nothing explicit though, safe to read for anyone mature enough)
My first Yuta x Taeyong or Taeyong x Yuta fic and I am excited to see how this goes!!
Here we goo!!! 
Oh yeah I attach a picture for the poses below because I am afraid the explanation is not enough and sorry for my failed attempt to draw. (I blotted it okay and failed still )
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Every campus has that one hot guy everyone is afraid to approach and another guy with the total opposite appeal.
Well the same thing happens in this top college of visual arts, not only do they have talented artist in process of making visual arts, the students themselves have top visual points.
Meet Lee Taeyong, the campus' Aphrodite with a stoic face and a piercing gaze. Rumor has it, his beauty comes from the way he keeps his face poker whenever he walks around the campus. Though he rarely smiles, everyone believes he has his own reasons for being that. Afterall, no one dares messes up with Taeyong, not after the famous incident where he punched a bully so hard in the face after dissing a freshman's work of art. That freshman is famous here, he's called Ten. A sweet guy from Thai who draws amazing realistic drawings.
Moving on from the coldest guy, we have the warmest guy who always smiles. He wins the “healing smile fairy" nickname thanks to his gummy smile.
If Taeyong is the Aphrodite here, Yuta is Apollo. His smile is enough to defrost a thousand years of snow and with one wink, you're 90% guaranteed to have a good day.
The Japanese guy with long blonde hair -sharing similar traits as to that famous Howl character- is the one who always smiles no matter what!
Every girl has fallen for his smile, every guy envies his attractiveness. He is playful, cheerful, and flirty! No one walks away from Yuta without a smile or a blush, no one but Lee Taeyong.
Yuta has never personally encounter Lee Taeyong. He just knows the famous cold-hearted prince who shares the same painting class with him. Despite sharing the same class this term, Yuta has never seated next to him nor has he the chance to talk with him. Taeyong always comes into the class near the starting time and leaves first.
T'was until one eventful moment that the two opposite individuals are put together for their final Junior year project. The teacher insists for their final project to draw a realistic nude painting of their assigned partner. Nude painting is not something new to the students here, besides the teacher paired the students and asked their conscience about it. Yuta won’t turn the chance down, but when the teacher asked Taeyong if he is okay with his partner, Yuta can’t look into his direction. All the Japanese guy can do is fiddle with his hands while waiting for the teacher to call out his name and pair him with another student.
“Sure, I mean I don’t have any reasons to object.” Taeyong's deep voice resonates through the studio and believe it or not the whole class was holding their breaths. Yuta almost squeals when Taeyong accepts the partnering scheme. When the teacher asks him, Yuta immediately nods and gosh his silly smile over there was caught in Taeyong's peripheral view. Believe it or not, for the first time in forever, Lee Taeyong smirked in public.
Ten who sits close to Yuta secretly gives a sly smile to the Japanese man. Yuta tosses a questioning look and Ten mouths “Everyone is confused if they want to be in your shoes or Taeyong's"
Yuta blushes at his words, Ten sure knows how to tease him. Well, Ten is one of Yuta's best friends and he is the only one who knows about the secret mission Yuta has in his heart. Yes, Yuta aims to be able to make Taeyong falls for him like any other people. It is not an easy task, Yuta is aware of that, but because of that he is more than challenged to succeed.
“So, I guess I'll miss you,” Ten suddenly says this when they're packing up their books.
Yuta glances to the room and sees Taeyong is still there, unlike usual!
“What do you mean?” Yuta asks back
Ten winks, “He is coming here, maybe asking your number. I won’t bother, see you!” he taps Yuta's shoulder and flies all the way down the room leaving Yuta alone with Taeyong on his side.
“So… you are my partner for our final project, right?” Taeyong's secret voice greets Yuta's ear. He almost falls on the ground for realizing how good his voice sounds.
Yuta quickly nods his head and waits for the other to continue.
“I don’t want to flunk this class, so when should we start?” Taeyong goes straight into business.
Yuta feels a bit sad that the man in front of him is strictly stuck to business, but he is the best in masking emotions, Taeyong wouldn’t be able to guess.
“Yes sure, I also want to start early. Umm when do you have free time?”
Taeyong picks his phone out and goes to his planner, he scrolls and sees how busy he is. He sighs, not wanting to disturb the warm guy in front of him longer…
“Put in your number and I'll text you my free time. Also, sorry for bothering you.” He sheepishly gives a tiny smile! Microscopic but not to Yuta!
Yuta wants to jump right now, Taeyong is asking his number! How silly was he, thinking about so many ways to ask the latter's number without sounding too flirty or rude. He didn’t have to worry, Taeyong did it well.
Yuta quickly types in his number and saves the contact. He presses the call button and when his phone rings, he shuts it off.
“Cool. I got your number.” Yuta, who is usually verbose, only slips in efficient reply but his warm smile is always there.
Taeyong seems a bit taken aback by the smile; Yuta didn’t notice this. If he noticed, Yuta won’t let that go.
“Okay, see you then.” Taeyong shuffles in his place and finally leaves Yuta alone. The class is empty already and Yuta sits back on his chair.
He controls his heartbeat that is beating faster than a runner, and he hides his face in his hands as he feels his cheeks getting hotter.
“I MUST BE DRUNK HAPPY!” he muffles his scream to himself and Yuta elicits the brightest smile ever that day.
He walks through the corridors, tossing smiles and greetings to everyone he sees and that radiant look really energized everyone else.
“I wonder what's wrong with Yuta hyung, he looks really bright!” Renjun, a freshman from China, asks Ten.
Ten just smirks, “He won the lottery maybe. Come on! I want to learn how to do water color with you!” he pulls the younger away.
That afternoon, Yuta is seated on the edge of his bed with Ten sleeping on the soft mattress.
“Ten why isn’t he texting me? Should I send him my schedule first?” Yuta sounds like a nervous teenager who is confessing to their  crus.
Ten laughs out loud at his worries, “Yow! Yuta! You're the flirtiest guy here and you're nervous and confused about talking to Taeyong?! You know your rules.. because this is Taeyong you wait! You don’t want to look easy on him right?”
Yuta frowns “Well yes, but Ten I am so excited! Like I am afraid I cannot draw him nicely and I’ll hurt his feelings! Gosh Why does it have to be nude realistic painting?! If it's comic I'm sure he will fall for my drawings!”
Ten scoffs, “Silly because the class we're taking is realistic painting??? Come on you're good with your hands. He will like it.”
Yuta feels nervous, he is not the best in realistic drawing but he is not that bad.
Yuta suddenly turns his head to face Ten, “Hey!” he grips Ten's wrist.
“TEACH ME HOW TO DO BETTER REALISTIC DRAWING!!” he sounds so excited and nervous at the same time.
Ten grins “What will I get in return?”
Yuta rolls his eyes, there is always a catch with Ten.
“I don’t know?? I'll treat you pizza?”
“Nah, not interested. What about that model friend of yours,’ number??”
Yuta frowns for a while, trying to remember who is Ten talking about
“Johnny?” Yuta raises his brow
Ten bites his lips and nods, Yuta reaches out his hand and the other one seals the deal.
“Okay, you follow me to the studio tomorrow after 2? Bring a sketch book I'll help with the sketching first and then we'll go to the painting part which I know you do okay.” Ten jumps in surprise when he catches the light of notification in Yuta's phone.
They both crowd the screen as Taeyong's name appear in Yuta's message box.
“Best day ever…” Yuta shyly opens the message and replies back with his own schedule.
They talk for awhile and come to an agreement that they'll start doing it next week.
“TEN! WE NEED TO DO THE CRASH COURSE ASAP. I am not going to disappoint him.” Yuta looks so ambitious and Ten is just happy he's getting Johnny's number.
Crash course was not that easy. Ten is a strict teacher and he keeps on nagging Yuta to fix his way of sketching. Well Yuta's inattentive to small details, but Ten insists it is the most important thing.
“You're doing nude painting, every stroke matters! What if he ends up not having edges? You'll hate yourself.” Ten reminds Yuta his goal.
“Don’t you want to impress him? Plus I’m sure you'll get good finals if you follow my tips.”
Yuta ends up doing three more drawings, all from seeing Ten posing in front of him.
“Ten, you're just playing around with me right? You just want me to draw you?” Yuta slams his pencil down after the third time of renewing Ten's picture
Ten throws an apple he found at the table to Yuta “You think I'd ask you to draw me?! I'd rather ask Taeyong!”
Yuta shoots his eyes while rubbing his head “Hey! We agreed he is mine. Don’t you dare!”
Ten analyzes the sketch Yuta did and smiles “Now this, will make Taeyong interested in you.” He examines his friend’s work and compares the first two.
He just stays quiet and tosses three of the papers side by side to Yuta “See that? If I'm not your friend… I'd charge you a thousand dollars already for this class.”
Ten is not lying when he said that, within three sketches (and two hours of painful comments) Yuta's drawing significantly improves. He barely knows he can draw like that third drawing he made.
“Yoksi… Ten you're so talented! My best friend!” he hugs Ten and Ten just slightly coughs “Don’t forget the deal.”
Yuta just smiles and fishes his phone, he quickly sends a contact name to Ten and when Ten receives the number, Yuta takes his chance to leave the room.
He's now more confident in seeing Taeyong. He didn’t know what will happen on the day they'll meet but he sure wants to make a good impression.
“Hey so, you'll directly follow me home? Or do you have to do something first?” Taeyong starts the conversation that afternoon after their painting class.
Yuta has not talked with Taeyong after they exchange schedules. They haven’t talked and discussed about their themes, but Yuta guesses they'll figure it out on their way home.
Yuta shifts his head from cleaning up his mess and looks at Taeyong, the stoic man has a tint of blush in his cheek upon seeing Yuta's radiant smile but he quickly hides it away.
“Pull yourself together Taeyong, why are you like this?” Taeyong speaks to himself in his heart.
“Yes Taeyong, I have nothing to do and i'm ready to go." The blonde man smiles to the red haired man and both of them are trying their best to keep their emotions low.
Taeyong slings his bag and nods his head “Hope you don’t mind walking, my apartment is only a 15 minutes walk.” He leads them out of the class and Yuta copies his long steps.
No Yuta doesn’t mind walking an hour if that is with Taeyong. Under the sun, the two angelic man of the school walk side by side… inviting by passer to stop and sneak a picture of them or just stand there frozen upon what they see.
Taeyong keeps his stoic face until they reach the outer gate, meanwhile Yuta is busy waving his hand to anyone he knows and just smiling to random students.
Taeyong snickers when they reach the outer gate “You really are kind to anyone eh? The rumor is true.”
Yuta widens his eyes “Rumor?”
Taeyong smirks and looks into the younger's hazel eyes “Well yes the rumor that you are the school's Apollo? Because they say your smile heals everything?”
Yuta doesn’t know how to react, well he knows that but what should he do? Saying “oh yes and you're the aphrodite that everyone fears….”no that is not good.
Taeyong suddenly shakes his shoulder and loosen down his tie. Well their school gives them uniform with ties, and Taeyong loosening it doesn’t help Yuta's red face. Gosh he looks so hot.
“Hufth glad we're far enough from school and cameras.” He gives a small smile. Yuta is confused, okay so Taeyong did realize the students love to take pictures of him… he also knows how to smile?
Yuta’s confusion makes him ask the red haired man “So you do know?”
Taeyong raises his brow, “Know what? Knows that my picture is secretly famous in the dark web? Being used for sketching references? Comics?”
Yuta gulps well yeah he did see some comic works having illustrations very similar to taeyong and him,… “You know how to smile.” Was the thing Yuta's unfiltered mouth let go.
The blonde Japanese man covers his mouth in fluster, he quickly bows while muttering “Sorry, I really didn’t mean to say that.”
Taeyong freezes in place when he heard that remark, he turns his heels around and faces Yuta who is now looking on the grounds.
Taeyong smirks, interesting, no one dares talk to Taeyong that way and Yuta just did.
“Say that again?” he smirks looking ten times hotter and dominant.
Yuta grins and scratches his head, “I didn’t say anything. Pretend you hear nothing.” He tries to hide his face away but Taeyong bravely brings his chin to face him.
“Well as a matter of fact, yes Yuta, I can smile.” He puts back his cold face and his eyes pierces through Yuta's weak soul. He turns his body away and continues walking… he smiles when he realizes how cute a flustered Yuta is. What he doesn’t know is that behind his back, Yuta has already level up his game.
If that is how Taeyong is going to play the game, he chooses the king of flirt. Yuta will not lose to Taeyong.
The younger shakes his thoughts away and pick up his steps. Once he is next to Taeyong again, Taeyong quickly puts back his stoic face.
“So, what is your theme Taeyong?” Yuta opens the conversation.
Taeyong has been sleepless for the week, trying to find a pose where he can capture Yuta's ethereal beauty in his oil painting. He went through a lot of illustrations references and even imagined Yuta posing for him. He cannot lie, that man really has his own attractiveness and Taeyong cannot pinpoint where.
“Well, as a matter of fact I've prepared several poses for you. Wait before that who is going to draw first today?” Taeyong asks the most important question. He is not spoiling the theme to Yuta right now, at least not in front of a kindergarten school they just passed by.
Yuta shrugs his shoulder “If you're ready to pose, I'll draw  firs… You're a better painter. I'd rather paint you first rather than seeing how great your work is and lose confidence doing mine.” He laughs and Taeyong giggles.
“No way, your drawing is good Yuta! I love your anime illustrations.” Taeyong slides a sincere praise here.
Yuta feels happy that Taeyong knows about his works, “But your abstract painting is wonderful! You're going to be a great artist one day!”
Taeyong feels flowers bloom in his heart, but his face isn’t showing anything.
“Okay then, if you want that… I can pose for you today.” Taeyong hates to admit he actually feels like losing a bet but there is no bet.
Yuta secretly smiles, so Taeyong is the first one giving up for Yuta eh?
Yuta claps his hands “Great! I have some ideas you can choose okay! Pick the one you're most comfortable with.”
“Okay… oh do you mind we walk a bit further and then go back?” taeyong pauses in his track.
Yuta doesn’t understand “Huh?”
Taeyong sighs and shakes his head, not believing himself for saying this outloud to anyone, “I need to feed some kittens there…”
Yuta softens his face “Sure! I love cats and dogs! Didn’t know a cold guy like you cares so much about animals.”
Taeyong can relax now, he feels better knowing that Yuta didn’t laugh at him “Thanks, they're too young to survive.” Taeyong walks into a corner and purrs. Slowly three cats emerge from the dark and meows softly while taking defensive stances when they sense a new presence of Yuta.
Taeyong giggles as he extends his arm to pour the cat foods he had prepared to the ground “Don't be afraid, he is my friend… he won’t hurt you guys.” Taeyong uses a nasal voice to baby talk the kittens and calls Yuta friend?! Oh gosh Yuta is ready to die, Taeyong is a totally different person out here! And he is more than eager to portray that emotion into his painting.
Yuta ends up squatting down beside Taeyong and plays with the kittens for a while. Both men giggling at the smallest action the clumsy cats made.
“Okay, we have to go, or we will end up not working.” Taeyong stands up and brushes his dust off, waiting for Yuta to follow him back to his house.
Yuta bids the kitten farewell as he catches back Taeyong’s long strides and they finally make it into their place for the afternoon.
“Make yourself at home, or at least like this is your studio.” He is glad he cleaned up his room last night.
Yuta nods his head, he sets his canvas up, prepares his pencils, and anything else he needs for the project.
Taeyong has to admit he is nervous, now that he realizes he should be the first one stripping.
The older excuses himself to bath first, earning a small giggle from Yuta, but since Yuta wants Taeyong to be comfortable he lets him go.
As the older finishes his shower, Yuta has pulled out his phone and opens up his choices of poses. Unlike Taeyong who cannot choose a pose, Yuta already has one in mind since the first day Taeyong came to him.
He wants the older to sit on one of the armchair he surprisingly has in his apartment. He’ll have Taeyong sit cross legged, posing as elegant as he can while staying in that position for hours. Yuta esitimates he’ll need six hours to draw, yes draw.
Then maybe they’ll continue the next day for the layers and coloring. He wishes they can finish before time runs out.
“Okay, so how do you want me to pose?” Taeyong comes out of the shower fresh with only a towel covering his lower privacy. Yuta almost chokes upon seeing his appearance, but he is professional enough to hold it back.
Yuta chooses to just show him what he wants and Taeyong easily agrees, “You want me to sit? That’s kind of you. Someone else asked me to stand and damn I got tired, but t’was okay since they paint me nicely.” Taeyong says as he takes his seat and sets his body to look like how Yuta wants.
In front of Yuta, sits Taeyong in his heavenly state. His armchair despite being super simple, looks like it is a throne thanks to Taeyong’s indescribable aura. The man in red hair is sitting cross legged on the armchair, leaning his head to the side supported by his left arm. His face shows the same expression that of a model. His eyes? They were soft minutes ago, but now they’re piercing through the air. Yuta can fall to his knees right now and follow every command this king beholds.
“Please tell me if you need any breaks,” Yuta says breathily.
Taeyong nods, “Oh before that, I haven’t asked you… Do you want any drink or special condition for drawing?”
Yuta thinks for a while, “Well, I can’t work in too much silence, so please talk with me while I start sketching you.”
Taeyong takes a good note on that and as the younger man ties his hair to a man bun and pulls his sleeves up, Taeyong is more than excited to be paired with him. He wants to know how great Yuta can draw him.
They talk about random things like where they studied before entering this school, hobbies, favorite foods, even ended up talking about cats and dogs.
“I’m considering buying myself some fish and put them in the aquarium. What do you think?” Taeyong asks while leaning his head more to his resting hand. Yuta lets one of his hand rests on the arm rest and his head is leaning to that hand. (Super ugly sketch I tried blotting is attached below)
Yuta still focuses on his drawing, “Fish? Their water maintenance can be expensive.”
Taeyong rolls his eyes, “That’s the least I can own in this apartment, they do not allow dogs or cats.”
Yuta just hums, “Okay then go with fish. I don’t see why you’re hesitating.”
“Because if they die, I’ll be super sad.” Taeyong answers in a heartbeat.
Yuta almost drops his pencil upon seeing this side of Taeyong, the soft hearted cute guy is hiding behind a cold mask.
“Sorry if I sound rude, but you’re totally different in and out of school! What makes you act like that in school?” Yuta is glad about his sketch right now, at least his crash course with Ten is saving his face.
Taeyong smirks, “You want to know, or you want to know?” he teases the blonde man a bit, starting to feel super comfortable. Hey nothing beats being comfortable faster than being naked in front of them right?
“Just tell me. Everyone’s talking about you being a heartless cold man, but in real life you’re totally soft and I hate that people are talking about the wrong you.” Yuta blurts his heart out and gasps when he realized what he just said.
Taeyong seizes the opportunity, “Oh, you care about me that much? Well I did that because I’m tired of being the center of attention.”
Yuta clicks his tongue, “And you being like a cold bitch is just making you more into the spotlight.”
Taeyong giggles, now he is using bitch in his sentence? “Well thank me, I give you the spotlight of the good guy!”
Yuta wants to slap him hard if he is his long best friend, but not yet.
“You’re interesting Yuta, you really look astonishing when you’re focused. I wonder if you got a female partner, how distracted will both of you be.”
Yuta hums, “Well that didn’t happen, now I am here drawing you like one of my French guy.” His humorous side comes out.
Taeyong laughs heartily at that, “Okay sorry, I have to keep my expression.”
Yuta nods, “Thanks for realizing, I almost ruin the drawing with your big smile.”
Taeyong grins, “You better draw my cold face there, no one should see this side of me yet.”
“As you please, Your Majesty. Now you may rest, I’ve finished roughly and let me order us something to eat.”
Taeyong is thankful when Yuta tosses him back his towel and the red hair quickly runs to his room to fetch some clothes. Once Taeyong is inside his room, he runs to the mirror and checks how red his ears are actually. Gosh, did Yuta realize?
While Taeyong is changing clothes, Yuta orders them a meal and he keeps his canvas in a safe place.
They have a good time talking again through dinner and like a long best friend who met, the two click like puzzles made for each other.
“Thank you for the meal,” Taeyong says before Yuta leaves his house.
“Thank you for being a nice model. Don’t see my canvas yet okay. I’m not confident with what I have right now.” Yuta wears his jacket as he steps outside the door.
Taeyong nods, he knows that same feeling and he will respect Yuta for it.
“Great, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Yuta smiles, “Yes! Let me know if I need to prepare anything.”
He leaves, walking down the road another five minutes to arrive in his small apartment.
They decided that they will take turn, tomorrow Yuta will be in Taeyong’s shoes.
“I hope you don’t mind lying in my bed,” Taeyong says as he explains the concept pose he has been thinking again last night.
Yuta shakes his head, “I’m down for anything! You’re one of the best painter in the class, It’s an honour to be your muse. I’ll do anything for a good result.”
Taeyong slyly smirks, “Anything?”
Yuta winks (hell he is not losing okay), “You heard me loud and clear.”
“Okay then, you… wow, that’s a nice tattoo! We should get that in the frame.” Taeyong runs his eyes over the toned abs and the pretty butterfly tattoo on his lower abdomen.
Yuta smiles, “Yeah I got a story behind it, I’ll tell you later.” Yuta makes himself comfortable between the white sheets Taeyong has prepared and covers his lower abs below with the thin linen. His butterfly tattoo is half peeking but that is exactly what Taeyong needs.
“I hope you’re not allergic to flowers,” Taeyong suddenly appears with a bag of flower petals. Yuta blushes, this man really prepares a lot.
“Absolutely not, just do what you need to do.” Yuta stutters a bit. Where is his confident flirty personality at time like this?! Taeyong calmly places the petals in different places, once he is satisfied with what he has the Aphrodite walks to his fridge and takes out one cold can of beer.
“I need some cans to draw,” Taeyong explains himself, though Yuta didn’t ask anything.
The drawing session begins, and they casually talk again, Yuta is facing the opposite side of Taeyong and from a lower view, he can clearly see how Taeyong frowns and how he bites his lips while concentrating on his canvas. Yuta can see each detail in Taeyong’s face from a new angle!
He loves the shade of red his lips have and his hair! His hair is envious. Yuta sees Taeyong pauses to sip his drink some time and when he feels like closing his eyes on the sheet, he doesn’t hear any warning from Taeyong and so the blonde angel falls asleep after watching the man he secretly likes.
Taeyong finishes not long after it and when he realizes the younger is no longer talking, he peeks over his canvas and smiles upon seeing Yuta’s calm sleeping face. Even in his sleep, he looks super kind and angelic!
“You really are son of Apollo or maybe Apollo himself,” Taeyong brings a strand of hair away from Yuta’s eyes. Gently, he pulls a thicker blanket over the younger’s bare skin and lets him rest for some more.
Taeyong leaves the room and controls his quickening heartbeat. When pulling the blanket over Yuta, he is close to his face and inches away from those plush lips. Taeyong feels his heartbeat increasing and he has to quickly walk away before doing things that he didn’t want.
Yuta wakes up feeling sorry for falling asleep, but Taeyong just shakes it off. Saying he totally understands, and he doesn’t mind. With that being said, they eat dinner together again before finally parting goodbye. To make things faster, Yuta brings home his canvas so he can start layering and do the basic stuff he can do without the model. Same thing for Taeyong.
That night, both men busy themselves in their own studios. Accompanied by one light, cups of coffees, soft music, and each other’s sketches on their canvas witnessing just how love struck both parties are. Yet both souls are too stubborn to fall on one knee and confess this big crush they have to the other.
Another week comes and this time they need to meet again. Yuta and Taeyong have already been comfortable with one another, to the point where Yuta can talk in the hallway with Taeyong. Something super rare to be seen! Not Yuta’s part but seeing Taeyong walks and talks with someone at school is the hottest news of the week.
Through hours and hours of staying together in the same place, stroking paint brushes, learning each and every flaws and beauty their muse have, it’s not surprising how comfortable and close they are right now.
Yuta knows just every detail of Taeyong’s face. He notices the rose print scar next to his right eye, the small mole on his lips, the way Taeyong’s eyes twinkle with stars, how his hair stays in place despite the hours of posing.
Taeyong is able to draw Yuta base on memory too now. He finds the perfect hue of his skin, the right yellow shade for his smooth hair, the way his eyes relax and the story about how Yuta’s butterfly ended up being printed in his torso.
Taeyong cannot deny the bubbly feeling in his chest. Is he feeling that dangerous chemical reactions in his body? Is he in love?
It’s already the last week from the deadline and the two choose to finish everything tonight. So, that afternoon Yuta comes into Taeyong’s house with a sleepover supply and they start their last journey of painting.
There’s a tugging feeling in Yuta’s heart as he finalizes his painting. A satisfied smile comes to his face when he sees his final painting of Taeyong. His eyes run from the breathing perfection sitting like a throne king waiting for his interesting part in life to start, and to the canvas he’s been working on for hours! A satisfied smile comes to his face when he feels his hours of blood, sweat, and tears of working being paid off with the portray lying before him.  He is proud with how he manages to capture the soft side of Taeyong hidden under his cold guy shell.
Yuta waits for the paint to dry, and while doing that he is now again, lying on the bedsheets of Taeyong’s room. The fresh linen once smelled like fresh laundry, the day when Yuta fell asleep. Today, it smells different. A slight hint of musk and mint, is this how Taeyong smells like? Did the painter across him sleeps on the same bed he is lying bare right now? If that’s true, this is hot.
Unlike Taeyong who shows his soft side to Yuta, through this painting course Taeyong realizes just how charismatic Yuta is behind his warm healing smile. The same guy who tosses hearty smile in public can hold an intense fiery gaze on sheets. Taeyong bites his lips as he runs his eyes one more time over his perfectly pliant muse. Yuta feels relaxed on that bed, and that makes Taeyong feels less guilty for asking Yuta to stay a bit more since he needs to finalize the tattoo and the details.
“Mind if I see that butterfly a bit closer again?” Taeyong excuses himself and bends to scrutinize over the complex lines.
Yuta holds his breath and hides his read ears, he can feel his face burning from embarrassment but Taeyong doesn’t seem to care. He even traces the lines to get the shape and returns behind his canvas.
What feels like eternity finally comes to an end and both heart secretly wish they have more time to enjoy the presence of the other, looking each other without being judged creepy, but everything has an end.
“And I’m done!” Taeyong sets aside his canvas to dry next to Yuta’s. They plan to add their names and signature later on tomorrow maybe to not ruin the colors.
“Do you want some drink?” Taeyong asks as he tosses Yuta a big teeshirt and his pants.
Yuta nods, “Let’s order some good food and have a bit fun tonight. This project is tiring, but I’m glad with my result.”
Taeyong scrolls his phone to order some foods and beers, he agrees with Yuta. This ending needs a celebration! As the two men sit on the dining table, chopsticks reaching over for foods and glasses being refiled with golden liquids, their heads slowly turn drowsy.
“I hate that this thing end actually…” Taeyong, who is a lighter head than Yuta has fallen to his drunk state, comments.
Yuta swears if he is sober right now, he will blush, but no. Now he is similarly under alcoholic control and he can’t seem to control his flirty side.
“Oh yeah? You like seeing me that much? My presence is enough to make you happy?” Yuta leans in closer and rests his chin elegantly on his right palm.
Taeyong furiously runs his hands over his face, “Gosh yes Yuta! You make me crazy! Being super hot on my bed with just one linen over you, not to mention I really want to bite that tattoo mark!”
Yuta giggles, drunk Taeyong is fun to play with. He bravely stands up and walks over to sit beside Taeyong. Daringly runs a hand over the tensed shoulder, “Guess you’re super tired already. You’re starting to speak nonsense.”
Although Yuta wants to hear more about Taeyong’s true feelings to him, he knows it is not polite of him to listen to Taeyong’s drunk rambles. What if Taeyong didn’t remember anything and it will make things awkward.
Taeyong pulls Yuta who is trying to walk away, and makes the blonde man falls into his lap.
“We’re both stubborn and our egos are too high. Fuck it, I’m gonna say this now.” Taeyong’s grip on Yuta’s slender waist tightens.
“I love you, I love you so much Yuta! It pains me every night to finish this painting without you in my room. I can finish it because I memorize your features, but it doesn’t feel the same when you’re here posing and breathing the same air with me.” Taeyong’s lower voice growls inside Yuta’s ear.
Yuta cannot think of anything else, rather than focusing on the glistening lips Taeyong has and it takes every ounce and angel in Yuta’s body to hold himself back from attacking that lips.
But the devil won tonight, and the blonde man sticks his lips into the red hair’s. Taeyong presses his neck deeper and lets Yuta takes control of the intense lips battle. No one is backing down, the two gods of the school have met and the opposite attractions have connected.
Just like North going South, butterflies looking for their flowers, and soulmates finding one another…
Taeyong finds Yuta and Yuta finds Taeyong.
Both separate souls finally become one, after years and years of waiting. Seasons of love months, and hours of portrait painting.
“I love you too, Lee Taeyong. And you drive me crazy.” Yuta breaks the kiss to whisper this right next to his lips and seals their bond back with a deeper meaningful kiss.
On the edge of the room, their painted portraits of each other glow under the moonlight.
 “This is very nice! I mean Taeyong!!! I’ll definitely buy this at any price!” Yuta gasps and shakes his head when he sees the result Taeyong shows.
Taeyong shyly looks into his feet, after what they did last night somehow, he feels like he cannot see Yuta’s eyes this morning.
Yes both young men have woken up under the same blanket, bodies sticking to each other as the cold morning air tries to creep up their soft skins. Taeyong wakes up being under Yuta’s possessive strong arms and he knows he wants more of this in the future!
“I am not selling it.” Taeyong smirks.
Yuta’s face fell, “Not even to me?
He shakes his head, “No. I like that masterpiece I made.”
Yuta frowns and pouts, “Okay then… I am also not selling mine to you.”
Taeyong runs his eyes over the painting. He needs to admit, he didn’t expect Yuta to paint him that nice… but everything in that picture speaks a thousand words about Taeyong. Taeyong is dying to have that paint in his room too! But if this is how they’re going to do it…. Okay then no one will have their own portrait.
“Okay, then when are you free?” Yuta suddenly asks
Taeyong sounds flustered, “Eh? Are you asking me out on a date?”
Yuta rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue, “I am booking you for a painting session. I need you to make my portrait but this time I will keep it in my room.”
Taeyong steals a kiss on his lips, “Wow, okay then the price is a portrait from you too.”
“Seriously guys? Infront of my salad?” a voice suddenly interrupts the two madly in love couple.
“Oh, sorry Ten, we forgot you’re there…” Yuta picks his tablet up and shows his face and Taeyong’s back on his screen.
This morning Ten video calls them wanting to see how their painting look like.
“Those are perfect. Why don’t you two live together and put them up in the same place. That way both of you can see it every day without actually selling it.” Ten rolls his eyes and grins.
The couple look into each other’s eyes and grin “That’s not a bad idea…”
“Okay I regret saying that, now go… Ew stop displaying affection in front of me.” Ten shakes his head and closes the call when the screen once again shows both of them sucking their faces off.
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    How is it?? cringe enough???
please give comments and inputs :”)) I really am looking forward for your opinion about the story 
Thank you for reading, sorry for the long post 
Have a nice day/ sweet dreams :*
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 3 years
Congratulations on 1.2k!! You deserve every single follower and more 💛 however, I see your request but I’ll up you one- let’s see if you can figure out who I am 😈
May I request a male JJK and Haikyuu matchup
Strengths: Adaptable, Resourceful, Quick Witted
Weaknesses: Stubborn, impulsive, tad bit scatterbrained
My usual day: I either sleep 10 hours or 3, there’s no inbetween. I usually work out, have my coffee and some breakfast (and then probably forget to eat again until 10pm) and then proceed to procrastinate on my schoolwork until the last minute by scrolling through social media, singing and dancing along to my music while I clean (seeing a mess stresses me out unless it’s my organized mess) catching up on my anime/tv shows, or focusing on one of my hobbies (drawing, reading, writing, playing the piano). I work from home so tbh if I don’t have a job or school that day, my plans usually revolve around my mood. The only set schedule in my life is the fact that I somehow manage to end up at target 2x a week. Pre-pandemic though, every Friday and Saturday I’d usually end up going out with to a bar/restaurant/club/movies to catch up with a friend(s) but I hate driving and I “drive too fast”according to everyone so I just go with the flow when it comes to the place and time I leave/get home 🦑
What I want from a relationship: reliability (just someone you can depend on yk?), freedom (as in-we can both do our own thing without feeling like we’re holding the other back), playfulness? Ig? (Where it’s effortless and we don’t take life too seriously, we can joke about things as they come, type of thing)
What qualities I look for: loyal, caring (they don’t have to outwardly express it), thick skinned
Extra information: I mayhaps tend to not hold back if I don’t agree on something and i will not hesitate to put someone in their place no matter who they are (unless they’re family because trauma lol) but I’m also the type of person who has and will bring animals home (because they were strays, or they were ‘practically giving them away’) and I will seriously 🥺 my way into getting whatever I want, so I usually tend to gravitate towards guys who have the ability to be assholes, but not to me, unless they need to keep me in check (idk if this helps)
Who I don’t want to be paired with: don’t worry I’m not picky 😌
Again- congrats on 1.2k!! You deserve it!! I’m proud of you!! -🦈
𝙸 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑....
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✨ 𝙵𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚘 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚒✨
Okay okay, you might be thinking - HUUUH? But I have some real good reasons for picking this cutie!
First, since you’re scatterbrained sometimes, you need someone who will help keep you organized and on task! And Megumi has all the experience with that - look at who he’s surrounded by!
Second, your lifestyles strangely enough match. Due to the nature of his job, the amount of sleep he gets varies too. So it won’t just be you with the very bad sleeping schedule <3 yippie! Taking mid-day naps when you’re both super exhausted is 100% a thing. You never plan it, but you’ll get so comfortable snuggled against him – and BAM, it’s been three hours. Congrats, now you have a sleep hangover!
Your relationship with Megumi is one that is built on mutual trust. You both have your own lives and aspirations, which is fine! You are both supportive and understand that to be together doesn’t mean to be literally together 24/7.
OH, and at first let it be known that Megumi could not deal with your playful attitude. He was actually just confused, but he made it seem like he seriously could not stand you – oops. But then the more time he spent with you, the more you saw him loosening up. You started from a half smile and made your way up to a real laugh!!! CONGRATS G, you really unpeeled the onion <3
Overall, your relationship with him is one that no one will understand except you two (and me LMAO). No one gets your connection, but that’s because what you have with him is rare af!
You both are similar and yet so different. You both are adaptable, which is why you guys can deal with whatever obstacles come in your direction. But you’re the type to sing and dance while cleaning, and he’s the type to watch you with sparkles shimmering in his eyes.
MY POINT IS you both have every quality the other lacks or needs, and that’s what makes it work!
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𝙸 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑....
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✨ 𝙾𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚃𝚘𝚘𝚛𝚞 ✨
A relationship between you and Oikawa would be one for the books! 100%. I would LOVE to see it.
You both are stubborn, resourceful, quick witted and a bit scatterbrained. You both value your freedom and have similar interests. One may say you two are too similar, and I would agree in some respects. BUT I think since you are adaptable, you could make the relationship work.
Your relationship would be unexpected, to say the least. Neither of you were searching for a partner, and yet the fairies of fate had brought you two together!
Oikawa’s presence in your life would never be overbearing, since he respects your freedom. When he’s not playing volleyball, he’ll happily settle down beside you as you work from home! He just enjoys being able to catch glimpses of your face as you focus on your tasks! Oh, and when your attention shifts to cleaning?
He will be by your side, dancing along with you and probably singing into a spatula! He’ll always end up accidentally wooing you, because he’s a smooth little shit. But that means getting things done with him around is quite difficult!  
Your friends would absolutely love him too! When they first meet him they’ll probably be like.. oh pretty face, must be dumb af. BUT shocker shocker! Oikawa Tooru is not a big ol’ dummy and he’s quite smart. I mean he better be, to keep up with you!
Whenever you guys choose to go out drinking, he’ll usually be the one to stay sober, since he will nOT have you drive him. NOPE. He refuses. If he can’t handle it when he’s sober, he sure as hell will not handle it drunk!
Overall, your relationship would be one that is fun, and filled with banter. The two of you will be the one couple everyone finds hella amusing. But that means communication will not be a strong suit.
You guys will have some issues with communication, but thankfully that can be fixed! Since you’re not someone to hold back. He’ll need that from you, because sometimes he gets lost in his emotions!
And at the end of the day, it’s worth it ya know? Because he cares so much about you, and you two just kinda work! Who else would accept all the random animals that you bring home, anyway? 😉
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A/N: I honestly can’t guess BC I SUCK ;-; your uno reverse card got mee!! 
4 notes · View notes
Edit 7 (7/12): I didn't realize I kept breaking the link when I was trying to come up with a good title lol my bad.
Last two titles: "I'm not your bass-slut anymore." (That didn't exactly fit the narrative.)
"Don't fuck your idols. :)"
Since everyone is talking about accountability, let me put it succinctly: I was 22, this was consensual for me, I was a "groupie" who knowingly emotionally cheated on my then-bf with Bassnectar for months, I broke it off & moved out because I expected more from the relationship than I ever got.
As one person on IG stated: I was just a groupie whose fantasy didn't go the way I wanted it to. Lol it's true, but that isn't the whole story.
I know it's easy to focus on how I was "old enough to know better" and the harmful choices that I made, but don't forget that Bassnectar actively pursued me even after finding out about my boyfriend -- I'm sure he wouldn't have had any problem finding a single girl to talk to instead, given his stature.
He offered me concert tickets, plane tickets, money to buy an apartment, he told me to email him as often as possible, he told me to keep everything a secret and to lie to my boyfriend over and over.
He tried to "save" me with controlling advice about eating, sleeping, not partying (ironic, considering that he is a DJ) not pursuing music journalism, not hanging out with any male friends whatsoever, where I "should" work. This was all before we ever met in person.
People don't realize how hard it is to say no to your idols, especially when they are CONSTANTLY offering gifts that I considered very extravagant at my age.
This wasn't a normal affair; I had absolutely nothing to offer Bassnectar but myself, yet he spoke to me like I was a star. He told me we could "go deep" and that he wanted to "mate" with me.
Of course my dumbass young-adult drug-addled mind is going to fall in love with the idea of him.
CONSENT IS NOT DEFINITIVE. I didn't consent to a relationship as two normal people sneaking around. I became a cheating asshole who was misled by a rich & famous liar. I never said what I did was right -- in fact, I made it very clear that I did something wrong, too.
I also said that my story is NOT as bad as the other accusers'. I absolutely do NOT think that I had it worse than anyone else. I think my story is important because it shows that his behavior wasn't limited to people underage.
Hopefully my candor denotes honesty and by admitting my faults in this situation, people can see that Bassnectar's emotional manipulation was real and calculated, and most certainly did not start or end with me.
Side note: Apparently Bassnectar DOES cuddle... I guess he just didn't want to cuddle me that night. Ouch! :)
Edit 6 (7/12): Too many typos to fix so I'm just leaving them now lol. Added detail.
Edit 5 (7/12): Just because I say I'm slutty and I like sluts, doesn't mean every girl/women who was involved with Bassnectar is a slut. I'm just owning that label to change MY narrative for MYSELF. I really don't think there's anything wrong with being slutty -- it's always the rest of the world that has a problem.
I wrote this stream-of-consciousness, so I wanted to mention that sometimes my statements that involve other women may seem brusque, but I'm on the women's side. I mean to convey disdain for the way Bassnectar treated us (as a secret "harem",) rather than jealousy or annoyance toward the women. I hope it comes off that way, but I don't know who is reading this and how some might interpret my words.
Edit 4 (7/10):
Removed names. A story mentioned in this post wasn’t true. Either just a lie (to make someone look bad,) or I don’t remember it properly ‘cause it’s been so long. If it was my fault: my bad. 
Edit 3 (7/7): 
Edit 2 (7/7):
I like sluts. Stop making us feel bad for wanting love *and sex, too. 
Another thought: Bassnectar probably pursued a relationship with me because I had a boyfriend. Therefore, I would be more secretive and would have to take some of the responsibility and guilt in this situation, too. And that is true. I do feel guilty about the lying and sneaking. I think that it was inevitable that I would break up with my then-boyfriend, but it really wasn’t Bassnectar’s place to accelerate the break-up by giving me the impression that Bassnectar would be my boyfriend instead. This wasn’t friendly advice given to me by someone older, this was tactical. It makes me wonder if a lot of girls/women don’t want to come forward because they are afraid that the truth will come out about their own affairs? 
Don’t be afraid to tell your story because women-hating assholes try to dissect and expose your secrets in an attempt to discredit you! Bassnectar is the one who needs to be exposed for HIS indiscretions -- this is about what HE did wrong.  Edit 1 (7/7): 
- Bassnectar told me that he was coming to NYC and because we had an online relationship, I thought that he was coming to see me. My friend told me today that Gov Ball 2013 was the same weekend, so I think he may have actually been in NYC for that reason (I don’t think he was scheduled to play on the flyer,) but I was delusional about it.  - I removed the screenshot of his phone number from the post because I don’t want to violate any doxx rules. I am still willing to compare this phone number with other women/accusers to corroborate our stories. :)  - This is my story told from my perspective. I was an adult and I’m not posting this with the intent of legal action, or revenge (although I do admit that this relationship was devastating and heartbreaking for me.) I just want people to know what kind of person he is. - My story is not as harrowing as some of the other accusers’, but that doesn’t make it invalid. - Even now, reliving everything hurts me and I wish I could say that it was real, but now that I’m older I am wise enough to know that it was all lies. - I stand with the women who Bassnectar has hurt in similar, or worse, ways.  
My relationship was short-lived, but it was so eventful for me that I remember it clearly. I'm mentioning many minuscule details because I think that could help prove the validity of other victims' stories.
Writing in bullet points because it's easier for me to sort through the memories. I'm calling him Bassnectar because the "Lorin" I was talking to is someone that I feel hurt and appalled by now.
• I don't have social media/email screenshots because I deactivated my Facebook and Twitter years ago. Bassnectar asked me specifically to delete our emails because his "girlfriend had caught him" and asked me to get rid of the evidence because she was "demolished." (I will go into a bit more detail about that later on.)  • I don’t have a “smoking gun” that skeptics are looking for, but that’s what happens when someone asks you to keep everything a secret and delete everything that shows you were communicating.
• This happened in 2013 over many months, plus Bassnectar texted me a few times about once a year after our "relationship" ended. • I was 22 at the time. I'm from NYC and frequently went to clubs, shows, events, and festivals with my then-boyfriend (who I lived with) & the same group of friends. • Bassnectar was one of our favorite artists and we'd seen him perform several times in several states. • My friends had a private Facebook group where we'd tell each other about shows and make arrangements to travel/meet up/stay over each other's places. • I was very interested in music journalism at the time and occasionally wrote show reviews for my friend's online music magazine. • I actively used Twitter. I basically tweeted at every DJ we liked, and always posted reply screenshots in our private Facebook group to share with my friends. • Things became complicated with my then-boyfriend, but we still lived together. We had recently gotten back together around the first time Bassnectar DM'd me on Twitter.
• Bassnectar responded to a Twitter pic I posted of our mini-fridge with a Bassnectar logo sticker and said that he "liked my fridge" or something. • I screenshotted this and posted it in my group because he was the biggest artist who had responded to me at that point. • I thought I could use this as an opportunity to interview him for my friend's mag. • After I already posted the screenshot in my group and had responded to his DM, he sent another message asking me not to screenshot him because he "hates that." • I deleted the screenshot from the friend Facebook group. I stopped screenshotting and sharing our conversations with my FB group immediately after he asked. • I continued to chat with Bassnectar via Twitter and said that I was a big fan of his merch and that I bought several things at all the shows I've attended. • I asked to interview him at some point in the conversation, and he skirted over the request.  • Instead, he gave me his email (bassnectar2012) and asked me to send him merchandise ideas. • I slapped together a few simple, quick ideas on Photoshop or something and sent them to him.
(I don’t know how to embed a picture on Tumblr lol -- will update.)  • You can see that the image I sent is no big deal, and all the files were similar, but he responded as if they were the greatest things he had ever seen. He definitely made me feel special and talented. • We emailed regularly and relatively frequently for days. • Emails are exchanged back-and-forth and eventually I asked to interview him again and he agreed. • I gave him my number and he called me. My then-boyfriend was aware that I was in contact with Bassnectar, with my original intention of interviewing him. • My then-bf was in the room when Bassnectar called me for the first time. • Bassnectar didn't want to be interviewed; he wanted to get to know me. I agreed to just chat at first. • He told me not to call him Bassnectar because that was his "band" and that I should call him Lorin. • At some point he asked if I had a boyfriend and I told him no, even though things were complicated with my then-bf and we were technically together.       > I know I'm going to be chastised for doing this, but I've learned years ago that I made a bad choice. Honestly, I still wanted an interview, and I am well-known for leading with my sexuality. This is when I started becoming deceitful with my then-partner. Simply put, I was just more enticed by the idea of advancing my career, and eventually the allure of potentially being Bassnectar's girlfriend, so lying seemed best. Just because I’m flawed, too, doesn’t mean Bassnectar did nothing wrong. 
• My then-bf confronted me about not saying that we were together. I felt guilty and the next time I spoke to Bassnectar, I confessed that I was back together with my then-boyfriend and I wasn't single. (I don't remember if it was via text or voice call.) • Bassnectar was upset that I lied, but continued to talk to me nonetheless through text and email.
• He made me feel like my writing was profound and touching, and that we were falling in love. • He would tell me that he wanted to "bring me the sun," or "get me a puppy." He said things that were romantic and poetic and I felt heartened to respond to what I thought was love. • He said he had $10,000 in his mattress and he wanted to get me an apartment in NYC, so I didn't have to live with my then-bf anymore. • He would text me before and sometimes immediately after he played shows then say he was going to sleep by like 12am (typically.) It was easy to keep up with where he was playing via social media.  • He offered to fly me to his show in Red Rocks so I could attend. (I didn't accept.)
• He called me from time-to-time and told me not to tell my then-bf who I was speaking to. • One day he had me call a different phone number, which he said was his "home phone." • He told me a story about a beautiful girl named (removed)? Who he had a falling out with because she mentioned that Bassnectar told her that he didn't like Steve Aoki. (I don't remember that story in detail -- I think he was telling me so I wouldn't tell other people when he talked about other artists.) > Edit (7/10): This person messaged me to say that’s not what actually what happened between them. • One day I was speaking to Bassnectar on the phone and didn't answer when my then-bf called on his way home from college classes (I always answered right away.) He asked who I was speaking to and I admitted "Lorin."
• When I called Bassnectar back, he became annoyed that I told the truth and said that I should tell my then-bf that I meant my girlfriend Lauren instead. • I began to sneak around more, lie more often about who I was speaking to on the phone, and texted or emailed Bassnectar almost every single day. • He said we should skip Camp Bisco 2013 and just spend time together. (Obviously anyone who attended Camp Bisco knows that didn't actually happen lol.) • He was flirtatious, charming, and always offered me tickets to events, or sometimes to fly me to where he was. I didn't accept any of this then.
• He told me that I shouldn't do any drugs, not even smoke weed. All of my friends were casually experimenting back then, and I was equally as candid as I am now about everything I did. He told me not to do drugs at his shows, or any shows, and especially not around guy friends. • Me and my friends traveled to see a show in Philly and stayed with friends. When I texted saying I was mostly with guys (my friend group was mostly guys at the time,) he asked if I "felt safe" and offered to get me a hotel. I thought it was unusual because I always felt very protected by my male friends. • He told me that I shouldn't hang out with guy friends, or have guy friends at all. • He told me that guy friends all wanted to sleep with me and I didn't realize it. • He told me I should eat healthier and exercise regularly -- it was very weird and controlling. He just didn’t want me to be myself.  • He told me that he had a girlfriend who had two abortions. I think because we were talking about relationships?  • He told me that he grew up in a hippie commune and was Christian and he questioned his priest and that his mom was a poet laureate. It just seemed like he wanted me to get to know him at the time. • He told me I was co-dependent with my boyfriend and that I needed to become independent and move out. • He told me I should make lists of my life goals as an independent person and email it to him. • He told me not to tell anyone about us talking. I told all of my girl friends, but it was a "girl code" situation and none of the guys or my then-bf knew what was going on. • We talked A LOT and often, but all of this only happened in a matter of months.
• Time passes and our emotional affair eventually becomes physically intimate when he says that he is going to fly to NYC. This is JUNE 2013! He played at Electric Zoo 2013, but that wasn't until Labor Day, so I'm not sure why he really needed to go to NYC, but it definitely wasn't for a show because me and my friends would have been there. > NOTE (7/7): My friend read this and mentioned that Gov Ball 2013 was the weekend before, so there is a good chance that Bassnectar was already in NYC for some reason and didn't actually come to see me personally like I was led to believe. lol.
• He alleged that he would see me again around Labor Day when he came back for EZoo, too.
• I am from Staten Island, and wasn't totally familiar with Manhattan's layout at the time, but I think that the hotel he was staying at was in Midtown. It's been 7 years since this happened, but I tried my damnedest today to figure out exactly which hotel it was -- there are soo many in that area alone.  • If Bassnectar says any of this isn't true, then he's lying because there will definitely be a plane ticket or something with his name on it to NYC in JUNE 2013. > NOTE (7/7): I thought he was there to see me specifically, so the dates he told me was staying in NYC are probably not 100% accurate, but there is definitely some proof somewhere on his end that he came to NYC for whatever reason. The lies he told me are just coverup to make me lose credibility if this ever came out. 
• He said he had a hotel for three days. I think it was a Mon-Wed? I took off work those days so I could see him everyday that he said he would be in NYC. If he has no record of checking into a hotel around the time I'm citing, then his manager probably did it for him. I believe his name is Carlos. (I'm going by the memory of what Bassnectar told me.)
• Bassnectar met me in person at the Staten Island Ferry (Manhattan side) and we walked to Battery Park and sat on a bench and talked. • I felt extremely shy and awkward because I knew that by meeting up in-person, I had given up with my now-ex. The whole thing was conflicting and unfair to so many people, but it was too late now. • Bassnectar frequently complimented me in person. He said things like, he was dying to smell my neck, that he loved my wrists because they were delicate like a bird's frame.  • He said that he felt self-conscious that he would be recognized because he's used to being recognized in crowds. • He would pet and caress me, but didn't try to kiss me in public. • He told me that he got his hair washed at a hair salon and he gave the hair dresser a ($50 or $100?) tip and looked in the window to see her reaction and she was crying because she was so happy.  • He convinced me to go back to his hotel. We took a cab there. It didn't take that long, which is why I'm convinced it was Midtown. He never told me which hotel it was, but I didn't realize it was actually because he didn't want a trail back to him. I guess it worked.
(I'm about to get very detailed about my memories, so trigger warning for making people feel uncomfortable.)
• When we got to his hotel, he became physical with me very quickly, but he said he wouldn't kiss me first. That I had to do it first. So I did. • It progressed into kissing, cuddling, him touching me all over in bed with our clothes on. He dirty-talked a lot. I also remember that he moaned and grunted a lot, and I wasn't used to any of that. • At one point, I untied his hair and let it down and he joked that I was making sure he was really Bassnectar and not his assistant that I was meeting. • He told me about his go-go dancer friend who had fake boobs. I can't remember why. • I remember him kissing me against the wall, and he said something like, I want to fuck you against the wall and hold you up with only my dick. It was way too specific to forget. (It didn't happen, though.) • We inevitably had full-on sex after the on/off touching/kissing/talking. • He said he didn't want to wear a condom at first, but he thought he should. We did, but it felt like a test to see what I would say. • I remember that he wanted me to have an orgasm, and I instructed him which position worked best for me. • He orgasmed by having sex with me from behind and asked me to look back at him. I remember him draping his long hair over my back. How could I forget that? -_- • One of my girl friends texted me ("How are you plants doing?" was our code phrase) to check in and make sure I was okay because she knew where I was. It was monumental for me, so I told her it was great. • I sat on his lap while he looked at his laptop. • We had these deep conversations about life, and love, and the future and it seemed so real to me at the time. • I remember that I told him I was unsure if we could be boyfriend/girlfriend because he was so much older than me (I think he was 35 at the time?) • He told me about about a girl he loved named X who was also around my age. I didn't think it was that weird because I was convinced he still really liked me best, but he probably had so many "Xs" and I was just another one. • At some point, he commented on Facebook (or Twitter?) in response to someone saying he was Illuminati. Honestly, it was like we were two people hanging out because of how normal everything felt after the sexual tension was gone. 
• I remember having dinner with him at the restaurant across the street and talking about wanting to be a writer and he said I CAN'T WRITE ABOUT HIM EVER. (So it wasn't normal after all.)
• I remember, back at the hotel, he asked me perverted questions like, can you show me how you make yourself orgasm? He asked me to just demonstrate on his hand so he knew what to do next time. • I don't remember much more because I wasn't planning to stay. • My other girl friend had a job interview that day and we decided to meet at the ferry to take it home together. • On my way out, he walked me to the elevator and he gave me $50 to take a cab to the ferry and to use for a cab when I came back to see him tomorrow. (For my fellow New Yorkers who doubt this story, no, that wasn't enough fare for both trips, so the amount is definitely the truth lol.)
• I went to see Bassnectar again the next day. When I asked him for the hotel address or name, he wouldn't give it to me directly. He said it was because of people stalking him or something. I don't fucking know but it was obvious confusing bullshit and I think he gave me an address that was about a block away. I think he even said he would tell the cab driver the address over the phone. There was a lot of runaround to avoid saying the exact address. (Now the reason why seems obvious.)  • My details are a bit fuzzy at this point because I remember meeting him outside the hotel and going up together, but I forget why we met outside and why we were both confused about which street the other person was standing on. • We went up to the hotel room, he worked on music on his laptop, while I sat on his lap and read Trainspotting on my Kindle. • He let me listen to what he was working on, but I don't remember it. I just remember that he was working with female vocals. • He told me he had to meet his guy friend in Williamsburg because his friend was making him lobster. Looking back, it was probably another girl.
• I asked to stay because I wanted to spend more time with him. I texted my now-ex-bf (who I still lived with) that I was staying with my friend. • Bassnectar said that normally he would say no, but for some reason he agreed and left me in the room with the room key and all his stuff. He either really trusted me, or really trusted how much control he had over me to leave me with his laptop. • I left at one point to get pizza, and came back. I watched TV, but couldn't sleep. He got back some hours later and he was drunk off wine, but I just wanted to cuddle and sleep. • He jokingly thanked me for not stealing his things. • Apparently Bassnectar DOESN'T cuddle and made that a point, but he did sleep in bed with me for a bit, before moving to the other bed in the middle of the night. (There were two beds in this hotel room.) • For anyone else who had sleepovers with Bassnectar, you know that he sleeps with his own fans for the white noise. So we slept in separate beds with his own personal fans on. It was all very bizarre. • We didn't have sex this day at all.
• The next morning I went to Duane Reade while he was still sleeping so I could get toiletries and shower since the sleepover was impromptu. • He had a meeting with someone (manager?) who was supposedly coming to stay in the room later that evening? (It was probably another girl though? idk)
• When he got back, he made me go over the list of accomplishments and goals he asked me to email to him. • He told me that I shouldn't be worried about finding someone to be in love with and it should be a lower priority on my list. • He told me that I should get a job at a restaurant or American Apparel or something and get a shitty starter apartment with only girls. • He said that finding an apartment that was pet-friendly shouldn't be a priority at all. I had a pet cat so if I moved out, that meant I would have to leave my cat behind, but that didn't matter to him. • He told me that if I wanted a serious boyfriend, I shouldn't let him see my legs or have sex with him for a long time. • When he finished life-coaching me, we watched a movie together. • He chose Spring Breakers because he was supposedly asked to do the musical score for it and turned it down (that's what he told me.) • At one point in the movie, Vanessa Hudgens jokingly gestures to her friends that she's giving a blowjob, and Bassnectar said he "didn't understand why girls sucked dick." • We had sex once more, more quickly than the first time and with much less romance. I can't remember much because I just remember feeling sad about leaving soon and like he was blowing me off suddenly. • We took a shower together after.
• I packed up my stuff and before I left he gave me $1000 in cash without warning and told me I could use it to help put a down payment for an apartment or something, but I should pay him back because it would be "good for me."    > Looking back, when he left for a short while that    morning, it was probably to take out cash to give    me when I left. • He didn't walk me to the elevator this time and he sat on his laptop while I left feeling very cheap, stupid, and crushed.
• Time passes and we talk less and less. I'm heartbroken, but still make moves to find a job and move out of my ex's ASAP. • I email Bassnectar a diatribe saying I'm feeling hurt and abandoned. I say that I felt betrayed that he made me think we were essentially going to be together after I left my boyfriend and it turned out to be all lies. • I'm having lunch with friends when he calls me and is angry saying that he told me what I should do to make my life better and that he can't just give me a job or do anything for me and that I need to do things for myself. • My friends walk over to the car where I'm on the phone and when I say I'm ready to go, he asks who I'm speaking to and I say, "my friends." • He yells at me and asks why I'm talking to him on the phone when my friends are around (he asked if he could call and I said it was okay, I didn't know we were supposed to be alone.) I tell him I will call him back. • I text him and ask to call back and his mood flipped and he's suddenly super kind and apologetic and tells me he just wants me to be independent. He reminds me that I'M the one who told HIM that he was too old for me and we can't be boyfriend and girlfriend. • I am heartbroken all over again, but I move on with my life and move out within the next month or so.
> I actually did get a waitressing job as per his suggestion and saved money from that + the grocery store I already worked at and moved to BK by August 2013. I didn't use the money he gave me at first because I thought it was a reason for us to see each other again, and I was afraid to spend it in case I couldn't earn enough to pay him back by the time I saw him. (I never saw him again, though.) > In case you're wondering, I did spend it eventually when I started to resent him for blowing me off.
• I speak to Bassnectar very rarely, and only via text. He doesn't call anymore, even when I ask. • One day while I'm at work, he sends me a video of a beach he's supposedly vacationing at. • When we DO speak, he asks for nudes, usually. • When I send them, he says he feels guilty since “he has a girlfriend” and that we should stop. • Contact is so infrequent, when we catch up about my life, he gets annoyed if I mention I'm seeing any guys, but I never think he really cares because he stopped caring about me a long time ago. (If he ever did at all.)
• I still tried for months to maintain any kind of relationship with him because I truly thought we had something special, but he was always too busy for me. It fucking sucked because he was always in the back of my mind now that I was *~independent~* like he said he wanted me to be so many times.
• One random day when I was too busy to chat with him, I remember he actually DID call me because he said he lost a sound file and wanted me to record myself saying "I really like it." A few times to use on a track. I guess I took too long to get back bc 15 mins later, he texted to say he got it from someone else. I couldn't do it anyway because I was dealing with some other personal stuff. I forgot about it soon after. • I didn't listen to the album NSVB for a long time after it came out bc I was still hurt, but when I did.... I heard that fucking sound bite in whatever song it's on (I really don't care to know) and it fucked me up. • I was conflicted thinking, shit, did I blow my last chance for "us" ? I was still hung up on this asshole as if he were just some ex because of that emotional manipulation. • Would that have solidified what we supposedly had? Or would that have just been another way he used me? I began to resent him.
• Fast forward a few months and I'm drunk with my girl friend at home and text Bassnectar for the lols. I say that I should ask him for tickets to BASSLIGHTS 2013 in VA to make up for him being such an asshole. • Surprisingly he agrees on the condition that I only go with girl friends, don't do any drugs, and say that the Tix are left for me because I interviewed him. (Don't forget that no interview ever happened!)
• Before Basslights, he texts me and even asks me what songs he should play and I don't realize he's just stringing me along. Presumably it was just another plot to hook up. • Before we leave for VA, my friend who is driving admits that one of her OTHER friends secretly knows Bassnectar so we might be able to get into some party or backstage. Sooooo I guess she was another one of his "harem" that he was having a secret relationship with. (I don't mean anything negative towards that girl/woman, just that Bassnectar probably saw us this way and was playing *at least* the two of us at this time.) • My friends and I drive from NYC to VA and miss Bassnectar's set the first night because we arrived late, but the Tix were waiting for me at the box office. • If you get Bassnectar's guest list for Basslights 2013, my real name is on there. I'm sure a lot of other girls he manipulated are on there, too. • Bassnectar texts me and asks what I think of the show and I say I missed it. • He says he was thinking of me a lot during the show. • He texts me saying I should let him "vroom vroom in my girl power." Obviously he's alluding to sex, and I show the text to the friend who was at my place when I asked him for the Tix. He won't send a cab to get me at my hotel when I say sure, though, because he "has a girlfriend" again and he would feel bad. Maybe he was annoyed that I missed his set, maybe he picked someone else, maybe he actually was with his gf? Whatever. • I told him I didn't feel comfortable texting like that anymore because he said he had a gf. • He tells me I'm a good person.
• I am so hurt that I don't answer his texts at all anymore. • We go to Basslights night 2 and I get suuuuper fucked up with my friends (because fuck him) and have an awesome time and disassociate Bassnectar from his controlling bullshit. • I ignore him all the way back to NYC and just text to say I'm home. • He sends me an URGENT text saying that his gf suddenly found out about his gross infidelity and begs me to please delete all of our emails and texts. • I'm stupid and kind and fucking over him so I do it. He knew I would because he knew I was too nice of a person not to. • Bye bye evidence, though. :(  I regret deleting those emails even now because I knew this misconduct shit would come out eventually with him.
• LOTS OF TIME PASSES. Now and again, Bassnectar would text me just to say what's up and I'd barely respond. This only happened approximately once a year. • I'm pretty sure this was just to make sure he was on my good side and there wasn't a chance that I was going to expose him. • I think the last time he texted me first was all the way back in 2016.
• The last few times we spoke were when he had a cancer scare and I texted to say sorry. • When I went to Moonrise Festival, I asked if we could meet and he blew me off. It's been so long, I didn't really expect him to say yes, but it was worth a try. • When me and my friends went to Electric Zoo and he closed, I texted him saying that we couldn't hear well from where we stood and left early. I think he was offended because he replied saying that no one else complained. • The last time I spoke to him, I knew he was playing at an event near me and asked for tickets again so I could see him and he said he would be with his girlfriend. It was a one-off thing and I thought it was worth the try. •There were no cordial conversations in-between the times I contacted him at all. Just me being lonely and single and still hanging on to this idyllic version of him that never fucking existed in the first place. 
• I'm much older now and I know that a lot of this happened because of choices I made, but I was 22, starstruck, in a confusing relationship, partying, and desperate for an ethereal love that I sought in that music scene.
• I bet Bassnectar specifically targeted girls like me because (at least in my case) I was depressed, pumped full of mind-altering chemicals, pretty, and lonely. He acted like I was a unique, artistic, lost soul and he made me believe that he was the only one who could save me.
• At 22, you don't realize that a man 13+ years older than you shouldn't be asking you to keep your conversations a secret from everyone, asking you for nudes, asking you to lie to/break up with your boyfriend, inviting you to hotels, offering you gifts, and straight up giving you cash that you didn't ask for.
• But that man DEFINITELY knows he's doing something wrong, otherwise he wouldn't be sharing that hush money with you, or asking you to hide and delete everything.
• Because he would text me once in a while saying something like, "You cross my mind all the time," it would be enough for me to hang on to this hope that *maybe* there was still a chance. I couldn't see that it was just another manipulation tactic that worked well on me because I was still feeling the effect of the emotional annihilation from so long ago. :(
• I loathe how he made me feel for so long and it breaks my heart to know that there are so many other girls who were taken advantage of in worse ways by this egotistical LIAR in his position of power. Seriously, Bassnectar, fuck you.
ALSO: not sure if this was his burner phone or what, but here are the last two digits of the # he always contacted me with (sent in the DM). If any other victims want to corroborate by comparing numbers... Let me know.
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neonwizardheehee · 4 years
personal rant & brain dump bc I’m listening to bigbang and feel emo:
so i have a few topics that are circling my mind thus this will get messy (as usual hahaha)
- music as I said I’m listening to bb and the way I wanna cry??? mainly bc i miss my sis talking about them and being all happy and proud.. and just her in general v.v I feel like i overdid her with kpop and that doesn’t feel good. i was supposed to be the baby but i got too invested and now i am so damn invested i scare her :((( it makes me so sad :( but idk how to stop.(current mood & playing: let’s not fall in love) 
 - romance the new girls i met here are so different from the friends i have bc they are extroverts. i never had extroverts as friends before so i feel blessed now. we only met recently but they already were so open to me about things no one ever told me. like 3/4 girls i met talked to me about their first time and BOI i was so glad that we casually talked about it bc my other friends wouldn’t do that in a million years bc they are too shy. it really felt good. also no one judged me which was very reassuring. albeit me feeling a bit dumb bc i couldn’t really add to the convo but apparently I get better at listening ig? also that made me think that sex and dating shouldn’t be such an “important” topic as it is with my friends before. one friend sees it as an achievement to have a s/o but doesn’t talk about it or either brags (kskssk giiirl that’s so funny yet annoying XD yes u can be proud of your boi and brag bc i’m here for that bc i’m just so happy for you but ... not at random moments XDD). this made me realize how ppl refer to their s/o when talking to others. bc my friends who are very chill with their relationship always say their name while said friend (and ofc some others where having a relationship is important) always say “my bf/gf” or “ex” when that specific info is not relevant to the story they are telling XD
anyways it also made me realize how BAD i am with talking about my own feelings and wishes. since talking about my worries feels like complaining and i am good at that - but it feels random and uninteresting for anyone to hear i think to myself (it prob isnt). i feel so smol when asked about that topic and all i wanna answer is “???”. even if there is no pressure. idk why I’m like this and it makes me feel sorry for the people around me :( I’m so confused and idk what the question is. i can do better with writing but idk why but i wanna find out one day hahah. maybe i should just ask my new friends for advice since they are not judging me and i trust them and want to learn to be better with that. altho there’s this thought that I’m uncapable of love which frightens me a lot. I know i’m okay without it and i don’t mind but i feel so sorry for the people who like me? it also might be natural and I’m just stressing myself over nothing so idk what to ask and do -since you can’t force love right? i mean i don’t really believe in love at first sight i guess but rather spending time with that person and liking them a lot. so id why I’m pressuring myself so much with this :( maybe i am just too scared? or maybe i am anticipating too much? it all could be possible bc for everyone love is different and every relationship is different. so it’s mostly me feeling sorry for not giving back as much as i should and could :( - that’s also the reason why I’m so pro polyamorus relationships bc I know I’m not enough and idk how and if i want to fix that bc idk the rules bc there are none hahhaha - but also that makes me feel good bc i know i’m not responsible for someone’s happiness. i am too egoistical and these thoughts work as a self-protecting mechanism I KNOW that’s why i do this. so i’m not stressing myself even more. i just feel so unfairly precious when someone genuinely praises me when we’re just two ppl and no one else :( might be bc i don’t understand that feeling yet. i def want to know that but also i’m scared that it’d take me down a road where i loose myself (for some foolish reason idk why). so in the end ig I keep trying and get used to that (i already made loads of progress this year so ig i shouldn’t feel like I’m being too slow)
- studying okay so next topic is also just me feeling like i do too few. this week went quite okay and i managed to study on out study server everyday (ofc i had my bad days but i still at least smth). well yesterday i hastily did some vocab and then teh whole day i spend with friends & kpop... like LITERALLY until the night. a friend of mine was proud of me for taking a break (me too yesterday) but today i don’t feel good about that :( i missed so much. i’m scared it’ll kick me out of my study routine (since it was so hard to get my ass down to study itself!). i really want to be the person who’s studying every day and feel good about that. so since i have another thing planned today i don’t think i’ll get much done today as well :(((( i just wanna be a wise guy who knows a lot T.T i already made progress i know but... i want more.. i really wanna do well here and not be stuck behind like i was for the past 6 years :( i wanna have ambition again and not just pass... i kind of hope i can manage to study at nights on days like this but also i need my sleep so i stil have to find a solution for that. bc even tho i regret not studying as much i don’t regret hanging out with people. that’s smth i missed out in my first semester and so important in times like this were I’m stuck on my own. 
- religion so i have one christian friend here and yesterday we talked about church services and stuff like that and it was cool learning how it’s with her bc she goes to a very modern church (instead of me going to a traditional one 4 times a year). Suddenly i got sad tho and felt like crying :( even tho she was just stating her opinion i felt attacked and wanted to cry. after some thinking i think it’s just the way we are used to talking about religion bc we both grew up in an area where religion is looked down onto. for me .. i turned to myself and made up my own thoughts and beliefs bc i am too scared to talk and ask someone about it bc of all the accusations around me. religion was not smth to be discussed and only smth for yourself and maybe your family for me. the girl had to fight her way through all the “churches are old and fucked up and scary” things and since she goes to a modern one has good reasoning against them - that’s perfectly understandable and I’m so proud of her for speaking up like that. but like... it hit me on thw wrong side bc i am used to these old traditions and kind of like them even :( so it felt like she was insulting me. even tho she wasn’t.  i just dont know how to talk about religion and how to practice reading the bible or praying and hearing her talk about how she does all these things.. makes me feel invalid :( it’s like the only thing that i have is that i was raised a christian. but y’know for me it was okay since i learned in school not to practice or show my religion.. so idk how to do it... and i feel baby and sad if i have to ask her for some reason. i tried to look up this on the internet but ofc everyone is even more crazily involved there and it scares me SO much. so i unfollowed everyone hahah. i also have this one podcast but i still feel bad bc i’m not able to really read the bible on my own ig :( these days I’m just blaming it on the translation that i have but deep down i know it’s me who’s not able to ask questions at the text. maybe i should try to talk to someone... my sis who’s also in the same situation as me... or said girl to take me along and feel like a complete newbie and a little bit like an outcast bc religion for me is so different than to her.
- christmas i really enjoy the christmas spirit but i also already wanna cry if i think about gifts. i hate that i have so many people i love and will prob get smth from them so i have to make smth in return. i am overwhelmed and scared already. i didn’t even make a list yet T.T feels like i should block time to figure out gifts in my schedule bc I’m just putting it off more and more :( and also i already feel sorry for everyone bc they will get shitty gifts bc I’m so bad at this :(
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theatricaldeathling · 6 years
I’d Rather Be Me - Part 2
Because I’m not done yet. And also I cried instead of sleeping last night. 
Ignorance is your new best friend...
Hey again. 
So I made a playlist before I started this series. (Is that what this is?) I thought it might help me get through this. Turns out it all it did was dredge up a lot of other emotions that I didn’t even know I was feeling. And give me subtitles for this fucked up and admittedly cowardly method of catharsis.
Since we’ve established that this is more for my sake than for yours, I’ll keep going until I get it all out. (And it’s not like you can reply.) Not sure how long that’s gonna be. It’ll be a surprise. Just like this whole shit show.
I’m sorry, was that bitter? Oops.
I get that being friends as an adult is tough. You have to plan around different schedules and it’s hard to get people together. But there comes a point when you just have to give up the charade.
There are only so many times that you can pull the “sorry, I’m just really tired” or “sorry, I already promised them I’d go” card before it gets really old. REALLY. FUCKING. OLD. [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE].
Especially when it’s really all because you just want to get in this guy’s pants. Okay. Fine. We all have our needs. I’m not begrudging you that. You want to ditch us for a bad comedy show with your new pals? Okay. Cool. You spend most of your waking hours with them every single weekday and then want to dedicate all of your off hours to them as well? That’s chill. It’s not like we asked really far in advance. Oh, they asked you first? Sure. I might as well thank you for that slap in the face. Fuck you, too. Look, you can’t just blow people off like that. Because there will come a time when they finally get the message you couldn’t say to their face. 
Read: I got the message. I’m sorry I’m not as cool or exciting as they are or that I’m not Mr. Generic-Scrawny-Ass-White-Guy. See you never.  
The last time we met felt like the equivalent of a pity date. You didn’t want to be there. You made that fairly clear.  Like it was something you had to do because you were feeling guilty. *in scathing sarcasm* Great, thanks. Love you too, I guess. Honestly, I wish it hadn’t happened. It was awkward and pointless and I kind of want those hours back.
We haven’t spoken since. No snaps. No ig exchanging of posts. Certainly no texts. Radio silence. I have to convince myself to look at your ig and snap stories. Like maybe if I watch, we can still be friends? Wrong. It doesn’t fix anything. It just makes it so much fucking worse. 
Maybe I’m being stupid and stubborn in not trying to resolve this. It’s a two-way street, after all. I could’ve easily pushed it, continued to put in all the work, pulling teeth, setting myself up for inevitable disappointment. All the while pretending like everything was okay. And maybe we wouldn’t be in this ridiculous fight? mixup? disagreement? mess. Damn. Like maybe this is even my fault? 
But like I said, it’s a two-way street. That last visit left the ball in your court. Or so I thought. And you did nothing with it. 
And frankly, I think that I deserve better. 
To quote another song that’s also on my increasingly foolish playlist, “No words, no calls, no texts, someone’s about to be my next ex.” 👀
So it’s all good. Message received. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt though. People grow; people change. That’s a fact. There once was a time when I felt like I’d known you for ages. I just didn’t think it would end like this. I couldn’t have imagined that it would be because I don’t know who you are anymore. In some ways, I suppose I don’t recognize myself either.
I’m not proud of leaving you out of that Best Friends post. I’ll even be upfront and tell you that I did that on purpose. How petty and childish of me. Sometimes I’m so sorry about it that the guilt makes my fingers hover over my phone. Maybe I’ll delete it because it was silly anyway. Maybe I’ll amend it and put you in what was once your rightful place. I’ve done neither. Sometimes I feel no remorse because I did it intentionally: partly out of anger and to get your attention and partly because at the time it was true--you didn’t have a place among those people. Either way, it was an awful thing to do. It came from a place of anger and that was wrong. I’m sorry if it hurt you. 
I guess all of this is coming from a really dark place. I can pinpoint some of it to this weird notion that I’ve always had about you. So much so that I’ve brought it up to C several times and she’s so caringly talked me down from the metaphorical ledge. I’ve always felt like I cared about you way more than you did about me. Like I was always trying too hard, still trying to win you over as my friend. Somehow I felt as though I was giving 100% and you only returned half. On a good day. So I tried really hard to play it cool. I didn’t want to freak you out. But maybe that’s where I went wrong? Maybe I should’ve verbalized my fondness for you more often. Even so, all of this seemed to feed into that insecurity, exacerbating it until I really believed it. 
I’d like to think you cared. At least a little. Maybe you still do. 
I won’t reach out anymore. I won’t invite you to things that you weren’t going to come to anyway. I won’t hope that maybe you’ll take the hint this time. 
We’ll be just like perfect strangers. I guess I’ll go. I’m sorry. I’d best be on my way out. I miss you. 
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beehindthesceens · 3 years
Thing I wrote
This is just concept stuff for a series I'm working on. I quite like it so why no share it? If you have any constructive criticism please do tell. and uhh yeah enjoy ig.
(btw this was originally something for school so if it feels rushed... it was. Another thing is that I'm planning on re-writing the last bits and probably expanding on everything else later.)
*this is not based on real witchcraft, it’s just a made-up system of magic
Ida was a witch, the last of her kind. Not saying witchcraft was dead, it was just dead where she was. The only other person in her life that openly did magic was her mother, but she was gone. Not dead just somewhere else. At least she hoped she was just somewhere else. But Ida didn't let these thoughts bother her too much anymore. She had grown to like it when it was quiet. The silence helped her listen and learn about herself and the things around her.
The rather petite girl looked out the window of her little forest cottage she used to share with others. The morning sun just barely shone through the crosses that sat in front of the glass panes. Vines and flowers covered and flowed throughout the kitchen. Mushrooms and herbs growing in between the cracks of the stone wall. Ida eyes continued thoughtlessly looking at the same scenery she’s seen for years now. Beyond the window was a large field with a dry dirt path. Surrounding it was grass greener than emerald and flowers of all sorts spread across the ups and downs of the hills forward. On the side was a green house where Ida got most of her food, if not from the walls of the kitchen. But in the middle of it all, was a big weeping willow tree. She used to think that it looked to be taller than the gods sometimes. Its slumped branches simply danced with the wind.
Swaying with the leaves was an old wooden swing Ida would use so often in her youth. She would sometimes think of fixing it but always talked herself out of it. She constantly told herself that there would be no use for it. As nowadays she simply wanders around looking for anything new. For she was now too big to fit the swing. But that didn’t matter much anymore.
Ida didn’t like to linger on the past. She thought it was a waste of time. It wasn’t like Ida had anything else to do though. She told herself it was all the king’s fault. It was his fault that she’s miserable. It’s his fault her mother was gone. It was his fault she lived this boring life that only kept on looping over and over.
Though deep down inside, she knew that to be false. Accepting that was hard. One of the hardest pills to swallow. But Ida wasn’t ready to take her medicine yet. What she was ready for though, was another day full of dull adventures and almost tripping on wet leaves. Well, I suppose that the adventures weren’t that dull. When you can see spirits and creatures of the unknown, it spices things up a bit. However the interactions with said creatures were give or take, the same. They would say hello, have some small talk, then leave. On Tuesdays she would have tea with some of the mushroom people. And on Thursdays, read to the baby JHj'Hanfog. She had a set schedule that she didn’t mind, she quite enjoyed the mushroom people gossip, but it wasn’t fulfilling enough for her.
Her mother always said she was one for adventure and danger. Always out and about breaking bones and messing with the wrong group of knights. She basically craved the adrenaline of danger and high tension. Time obviously gave her more self-control and calmed her down but even so, parts of someone never die that easily. Which leads us to our current situation.
After saying goodbye to the emptiness inside, she left the house with pep in her step and a blank stare. Walking down the same dirt path she looked down, then at the sky. The early morning gold slowly transforms into the blinding light of day. She took her usual route, down the river, find the bridge and cross, forward until you pass the mushroom peoples village. It wasn’t Tuesday so she waved and left. ‘Today is looking like a good day for me’ she told herself before completely spacing out.
Continuing on she realized that she was lost. Confusion filled her brain as she frantically looked around. She said, “HOW AM I LOST I BASICALLY GREW UP HERE??????” None of the trees look familiar and she had no recollection of her previous turns. ‘I take back my thoughts...’ she thought, annoyance quickly rising to her face. She had no way of getting back. No magic tools, no signs from the forest, and no random creature to help. Ida sighed; her mind still boggled on how she got lost. She obviously didn’t know every nook and cranny of the forest but still. Getting this utterly lost? ‘Must’ve been the work of Sir Thomas’ ghost I say!’ she dramatically thought, a small giggle coming out.
Without anything else to do, she continued to wander. Seeing the trees around her pass by. Small rays of sunlight peeked through the trees as she walked. The deeper in she got the darker it became. At first, she didn’t notice it, but sooner or later it seemed like it was evening. Becoming kinda spooked, she tried to search for a speck of light. Any would do. For what seemed like hours Ida ran around lost. Every direction turning into one. No matter where she looked, she only found the darkness growing.
‘I just had to not learn fire magic...’ She thought, rolling her eyes. Ida was about to give up, and just try again later. “Sleeping in a tree doesn’t seem too bad.” She said, too quiet for anyone to hear aside from her. Then from the corner of her eye, “LIGHT!” She excitedly jumped up and down and immediately dashed towards the source. Twisting and turning throughout the trees, the wind making her eyes tear up. A small sliver of hope gleaming in her mind. Footprints running deep in the mud as a smile formed. The blue gleam became closer and closer and then, falling.
Ida was falling. A pretty deep distance might I add. Ida didn’t even realize she was falling until she was halfway between the air and the floor. She was too scared to even scream, her face frozen in fear. She quickly accepted the fact that she was probably going to die, as sad as it is. Her face trying their best to close her eyes shut as her body awaited the incoming crunch of her spine. But... it never came.
The radish haired girl was super confused, opening her eyes again to the sight of the pitch black in the forest; except this time she was surrounded by the lush blue light she was chasing. “Oh god am I dead? Is this how I die? Curse you Sir Thomas!” She remarked, putting a weak fist in the air at the end. Kinda like an old man saying, ‘dagnabbit you little scoundrels!’ to the youngin’s passing by. Ida decided to close her eyes as a final act of closure to her supposed death. Her head moved with her eyes, her hood falling off in the act. Her hair falling out with it having one of her side braids fall on her nose.
“Umm, miss? Are you gonna thank me for saving your life or what?” A masculine voice appearing out of seemingly nowhere. The girl’s eyes shot open as she frantically looked around, pulling her hood up with it. “Right here ma’am.” The same voice spoke.
Her vision finally clearing she was met face to face with a transparent boy holding her in his arms. They stared at each other for a good 5 seconds before Ida screamed and fell out of said arms. The pain she awaited from the top of the cliff finally came but not as spine crunching as expected. A stifled laugh soon erupted from the boy, wheezing and coughing filling the dead empty silence of the cliff- ravine thing they were in. Sitting up she frowned at him, obviously not liking the fact he laughed at her pain. While starring, she noticed 3 major things about him.
One was that he was very much see through, him and his entire body was see through. His clothes, his face, his everything! Then, the uniform he wore was one a top general would wear, at least that’s what Ida thinks it is. She’s a country bumpkin so she doesn’t know much about the city. The jacket was black with gold and red accents. He rocked lots of leather straps and a cape around his body. Honestly, some of the straps just seemed to be there to look cool. He had many pins and ribbons of honor on the left of his chest, despite the dark atmosphere they seemed to shine very bright. Along the side of his sleeve were 5 embroidered gold stars, therefore proving he was someone super duper important.
And lastly, his eyes... or at least what was supposed to be his eyes. All that was there were hollow sockets. But they weren’t as bad or scary as one might think. Despite the lack of emotion in his eye holes they seemed friendly enough. If it weren’t for their current situation Ida would’ve thought that he was pretty handsome... for a ghost of course. The more she starred, the more her frown turned into fascination. The ghost noticed this and smirked.
“Awe, you think I’m pretty right?” he said with the same teasing tone, floating towards her in one swift motion. Ida simply rolled her eyes and said, “First off no, and secondly, where am I?” The ghost boy faked his shock and slowly floated down as if he was falling, hand on his heart like he was having heart burn. “Oh random girl I just met! How dare you break-eth my heart with such cruelty?” He shouted in an overly dramatic fashion, maybe even more dramatic than Ida…
“Oh my god you’re worse than me- Is this how my mom feels? I kinda feel bad now.” Ida remarked, only half joking. The ghost boy quickly floated back up and chuckled, holding a hand out to Ida as she was still on the floor. She reluctantly took his gloved hand and patted the dirt off her. In the silence Ida came to a realization. If he’s a ghost, how in god's name did he catch her, hold her, and help her back up? He’s a ghost you shouldn’t be able to do that! Suspicion rose, Ida’s eyes narrowed at his nonexistent ones.
“...what?” he sighed. “Oh gosh, look I know I’m like the most gorgeous person you’ve ever met but you don’t have stare~” he fake whined. Ida shook her head, clearly annoyed by this man’s actions.
“Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re a ghost, right?
“Hmmm, let’s see, transparency, floating and weird hollowed eyes... no I don’t think I am.”
She groaned at his sarcasm, only earning a smirk on his end. Hand on her eyes, Ida continued saying, “Look, if you’re well... a ghost, then how can you touch me?”
“That’s a secret toots.” He winked at her.
“Because I’m cool now, you want to know where you are right?”
Ida remembered her initial question and nodded. Now that she thought about it, she was in this weird reveen thing with glowing blue things around her. They looked like flowers, but she’s never seen them before. ‘A new species maybe?’. The sky was still a void and the floor was rocky. Not like sharp rocky but the smooth stones you can step on. The ghost then started walking- er- floating? It was really confusing; the bottom of his legs would sometimes blend with the light of the flowers so you couldn’t really tell. Ida followed behind as if it were a house tour. Then it turned into a house tour.
“Welcome to my humble abode! Where the weird glowing flowers are plenty and rocks are, uh, also plenty!” He said in his best salesman voice he could muster. Putting his arms out to present the beauty of this dark dark rocky hole. “IF you take a look to your left, you’ll see a big rock! If this were in the city, I would be super rich cause I can make profit off of people taking pictures with a rock!”
“Wait, people pay to take pictures with rocks!?” Shock filled Ida’s voice.
“Only if they’re super big!”
“That’s stupid...”
“I know!” He said in an overly jolly voice.
Continuing on, he explained that they were in a deeper section of the forest. One that she’s never ventured in, or well many have. And when they did, they usually never came back the same. Ida would be lying if she said she wasn’t at least a tad spooked but she put on a brave face as to not fuel this guys need to tease her. She could already tell this guy’s personality. He was a cocky bastard that she hoped was lovable because who knows how long they’ll have to be together.
He also told her about a way out, a staircase to go up back to the surface. Which was awfully convenient but who cares? Curiosity struck Ida, just who exactly was this guy? And why was he helping? She went to tap his shoulder but tripped in attempting to do so. “Pfffffft, are you okay?” turning around to check on her. “I- I’m fine, I forgot you were a ghost for a second.”
The sentence made him smile a bit before, turning back around. Leading her to the supposed stairs. They walked together in surprisingly comfortable silence. Ida was scared that it would be too awkward for her to handle so she was glad about this. The tall ghost then put his hands on the back of his head and turned a bit to look at Ida.
“Oh, by the way, what’s your name?” He asked in a very nonchalant tone. Ida’s eyes widen a bit at the realization of the fact they haven’t properly introduced themselves yet. “Oh right, my name’s Ida...yours?” putting her hand out.
“My names Kia...”
Ever since that day in the reveen Ida regularly went out to see her new and, I guess, first friend. She would venture out into the dark parts of the forest she used to be scared to even go near to meet up with him. Together they would wander with each other and just chill. Every new day, a new adventure. Ida would actually leave earlier to see him. She would even take him to her weekly mushroom kingdom gossip.
“Can you BELIEVE that Mushy actually said that to her husband!?” Ida yelled to Kia as she hopped on rocks; trying her best not to get water on her socks. Kia, simply floating ahead yelled back “I KNOW RIGHT? You’d think after 10 years they’d be past this...” he sighed. Ida shook her head “Gosh I hope she wasn’t being serious about that... we might have to get interrogated by the MPD!” she giggled.
“OH GOD I HOPE NOT- I will not be able to take it seriously. Imagine the officer is like “DID YOU KILL HIM!?” then you look up, it’s a mushroom.” He laughed
“KIA STOP- I- *wheeze* I’M TRYING NOT TO FALL YOU DUMBASS!” She basically screeched. The laughter that erupted from them was probably enough to fill the entire forest. This continued for some time. Their cheeks and jaws hurt from smiling, continuously adding to each other’s jokes. Once Ida finally made it to the other side, she sat down on rock to catch her breath. Kia started ranting about the MPD and Ida simply listened. Finally calming down she stood up.
“I was actually almost arrested by the MPD... Not that I did anything I was just framed is all. Yeah, the officer would not let me go even though I was completely innocent!” He whined. Ida simply hummed a response and started following him again.
“He started to threaten me too! He said he was gonna ‘make sure I got the punishment I deserve’ or, something along those lines. Then I told him I could cook his entire family and he let me go.” Kia said as if it was nothing. Ida only looked at him with a shocked smile, stopping right in her tracks. He looked back confused, his face only saying ‘what?’ as if he didn’t just admit he threatened the life of an MPD officer. I mean like sure they are just mushrooms but still.
A blanket of silence fell on them again. It was the same comforting silence from the first time they met. It was all familiar. Ida walked behind Kia in silence in a dark area with only small specks of light to guide them. The only difference now is that they both know they have problems and have to take their medicine sooner or later.
Ida never noticed this, but Kia had a soft glow around him. It was almost majestic with all the sparkling particles as well. Finally deciding to break the silence, Ida spoke in a quieter voice.
“So Kia, mind telling me where we’re going?”
“Hm? Oh, we’re just going to a spot I like to hang out in. Also what’s in your basket? You’ve been making me hold the entire time.”
Ida forgot about this basket. She scrambled to take it back from him, but he floated higher. It didn't help that he was tall as well, I mean yeah was on the shorter end of the stick, but she can at least reach the tops of cabinets. Quickly admitting her defeat, she said, "Fine, there's cake it there... I just didn't want it going stale okay??"
From the time they spent together she had learnt 2 things. One, Kia has no memory of his past life. And 2, the only thing he remembers is liking cake. Not being sure if he can even eat it as he was a ghost made him sad. He hasn’t had ever since he died, but the few precious memories of it made him wonder why it brought him such joy. Ida felt guilty for bringing it, but she didn’t want it to get stale and dry as she stated earlier.
Kia’s form floated down like a feather and slumped on a rock. Ida decided to sit next and try to comfort him. Ida’s knees went past his own legs as if he weren’t even there. She told him a quiet sorry and went to hold his shoulder. Her hand stayed there.
“Hey if I stab the cake do you think you can eat it…?”
“....Fuck you Ida.” Kia said with a small smile.
“I mean can you even f u c k things? Like a ghost ween or whatever?”
“Would you like to find out?” He said, obviously as a joke. He wore that same fuckboy smirk that he always did.
“Shut up you have no eyes fucking loser.”
A fake gasp escaped his lips. He put his gloved hand to his mouth. He tried his best to look like he was about to cry but motherfucker couldn’t stop smiling.
“Ida! You whore! I’m gonna fuck your mom.”
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cubby5499 · 3 years
Paring: Oc’s x Characters
Genre: Crack, Fluff, Humor, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 2.2k (not much I know lol)
Summary: Don’t know yet lol
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual Jokes & References, A lot of Swearing lol
Status: Ongoing
Schedule: Random updates as school has just started back up
Note: I don’t dislike any of the characters my Ocs have replaced I just though which ones could I replace without hurting the storyline to bad I personally love Ojiro and Hakegure. (Mineta is a different story lol)
Chapter One- Gremlin looking headass!
I’m so frustrated right now, I’ve never been able to show off my quirk on my own before. I wonder how Kana and Esora are handling things right now. I bet Kana is either staring at all the ‘eye candy’ or freaking out over how she’s going to be able to show off how versatile her quirk is. Although I’m trying to figure out how I’m supposed to break/kill these robots. I could just scream at them but is that enough? There is always the safe option and I could disassemble them, that could take a while though, with having to find out how they work and everything. I look over to my right and see a boy that looks as if he's about to puke, and yes, yes I am silently laughing at him. He’s toast, I can already tell, all of a sudden I hear Present Mic’s loud ass voice. “Right, let's start! Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting airtime here!”
As soon as he said let’s start I bolted for the gate with a select few others that were fast to pay attention. Instead of going straight I drat left as soon as I can people will go furthest they can then turn, usually. I see a 2 pointer right after, I turn and use a super loud scream to make it essentially explode. I do this a few more times and eventually get my points up to a fairly good number in my head 31, suddenly I hear the ground rumbling and feel it shaking. All I see is some giant ass robot thing come out of the ground, and instantly my first instinct is to run obviously. If not for the fact that it's bigger than most of the buildings, then for the fact that it's not worth any points. That kid that was about to throw up in the beginning fell and is looking at this with pure fear, from down the street a bit I see him.
“Kid! Get out of the way you're going to get killed!” He doesn't look as if he's going to move so I start running towards him, while everyone is running away from that big ass robot. “Less than two minutes remaining!” Present Mic yells, all of a sudden I hear a girl scream and dart for her instead of the boy. “Shit are all of you trying to kill yourselves today?” I’m too far from the girl but regardless I just hope I make it in time. That green haired boy starts to run up to the robot and jumps into the air, what the fluff? He punches the robot in the face, if he could do that all along then why does he have no points? I reach the girl and help pull the debris off of her leg.
The only thing I'm thinking is ‘how's that bish gon’ get down?’ and from the looks of it he's thinking the same thing, so I look at the girl. “Hey, you can make things float right?” She nods and I pick her up. “Good I’m going to propel you upwards with my voice and I want you to make sure he doesn't hit the ground.” She silently agrees, instead of wasting time I help her up onto a piece of one of the broken robots and tell her to cover her ears. Then I yell using enough force to move her but not enough to hurt her, she then slaps the kid to keep him from falling face first into concrete and dying. Instead of cheering like I'm probably supposed to I start to feel myself laugh. So to be polite I cover my mouth to keep me from laughing and falling over. The girl then starts throwing up which is apparently really funny to me and I start laughing underneath my hand.
That little green string bean starts crawling like a worm on the floor and I couldn't take it anymore and fall on the floor laughing, I barely hear Present Mic’s words saying that the exam is over. With that ended and me finally able to form sort of coherent words I hear a little ‘Clack. Step. Step. Clack.’ “Very nice, good work all around. You're heroes in my eyes, every one of you.” Ignoring Recovery Girl I head towards the entrance or rather now its an exit, because I have a few cuts and scrapes but nothing too bad. I look at myself assessing my body… Oh? When did that get there? A fairly big ‘scrape’ on my leg… eh I’ll just get Recovery girl or Koko to fix it later there are way too many people right here and I’m not one to be very social. I started to meet up with Kana and Esora, I hope that they did well too. I mean as well as possible considering that Esora has a totally different test from what I heard because she was recommended by Kana’s Aunt Midnight.
I can see the front gate from where I’m standing, we are supposed to meet up right inside the gate. I suddenly get jumped by an idiot blonde(and pinkette ig lol), but one of the few people I tolerate… Kana. “So, how’d you do, babes? I got 56 points because some stupid angry pom-pom got in my way. I'm not joking though that kid looked like Katsu, it was kinda uncanny actually. I may or may not have borrowed his quirk because he was being a douche… he didn't like that very much, he blasted my arm.” She fake cries and continues to ramble on and I tune her out while we wait for Esora.
After a few minutes of not listening to Kana ramble on and instead looking at stuff on my phone, we see Esora come smiling like she had achieved something. Kana pipes up, “So, I’m guessing that you got in? I mean then again how could you not, your amazing.” she smiles. Esora smiles back at her, “Yeah, as much as I don't like to boast I’m pretty sure I got in there were a few other people with good quirks as well though, and one guy that was kinda ‘hot’.” She shrugs, and motions for us to follow her. Kana skips a bit in front of us then turns around, “So you guys wanna hit a convenience store then have a horror movie marathon?” she smirks, knowing we would say yes. We both nod and she smiles and walks back in step with us going home.
*--_--_--_--_Time skip brought to you by the condiment bottles Kami and Kiri_--_--_--_--*
I wake up to Katsu licking my face as he's taken to be my personal alarm clock because I always put them on snoose and or just forget to turn them on. “Katsu get off, I'm awake baby.” I start to laugh while pushing him off, and pushing the blankets off of myself. Stepping out of bed and going into the bathroom across from my room and getting ready, brushing my hair and putting half of it into a bunthen straightening the rest. Then going to my sisters room, knocking on the door. “Hey Koko are you up? First day of school.” I hear a response from the kitchen, “I’m downstairs making breakfast for us and the girls.” I reply with a thanks and go back to my room, changing into our school uniform. I think I’m going to put longer socks on today, so as I’m putting on my thigh highs, two idiots run into my room. “Hey, bitches! Ready for the first day of school?” I ask pulling the other sock up, then going out of the room to the kitchen. “Thanks for the breakfast, Koko-chan.” We all say and dig in, we talk about how we want our day to go and how it probably will go.
“Hey, the cookies and color coded macarons are on the counter in a baggie, your bento is on top of that as well.” Koko informs me, I swallow and thank her for getting up, the girls follow and walk to the door. I go to the kitchen and grab my bento then head to the door grabbing my keys and my backpack. As I’m putting my shoes on, Koko comes up, “Are you forgetting anything?” I shake my head. “I don't think so. Well, we're off, be safe, you heathen and make sure you have your phone cause I know you always forget it.” I kiss her on the top of her head, the girls and I leave for the first day of our soon to be hectic high school life.
We talk about all the people we could potentially get for our homeroom teacher, and all of us say simultaneously that we don't want Aizawa-Sensei. As we reach the school I am kinda nervous for who we're going to meet and who our classmates will be. We reach the classroom and there we see a guy that has messy green hair. He's babbling to himself, “Hey, kid are you going in? Or are you just gonna stand there and look at the door all day?” I may sound rude but I’m just blunt growing up around Aunt Midnight taught me to speak my mind. Emiko and Esora nudge me in my ribs on both sides. “Ow! What was that for!” He turns around and waves his hands in front of his face. “Oh, I’m sorry I was holding you up, ladies first.” He steps aside letting us go in first and we see… pure and utter chaos.
Some dude with glasses is yelling, that dumbass blonde kid from the entrance exams is there too. “You! You little pom-pom looking head ass! I’ve got a bone to pick with you!” I walk up to him and nudge Mr. Pointy Brows over, I slam my uninjured arm on the desk knocking his feet off of it. “Your little gremlin looking headass blew an explosion on my arm, you ass wipe! And I would like to know who the fuck you think you are injuring me!” This kid is mostly bark and very little bite from what I can tell. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Emiko and Esora, talking to some people, and the guy in front of me is fuming. “Who the hell are you talking to, huh, blondie?” “I’m about to beat the wholly living sh-'' I say getting in his face, suddenly Esora grabs me by the back collar of my school uniform and picks me up, effectively shutting me up. She then places me in my seat, I cross my arms and huff and look away. ‘This isnt over stupid pom-pom.” I say glaring at him. Everyone is staring at that green haired kid and making goo goo eyes at him.
Suddenly Aizawa pops up in his yucky yellow sleeping bag, and me and Emiko start laughing, while everyone else is confused. “If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now.” I look at Emiko and whisper, “He looks like a larvae.” Me and her start to laugh louder, still not audible though. “Welcome to UA’s Hero Course. It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that.” Me and Emiko are still silently giggling, sending each other pictures of larvae and comparing them to Aizawa-Sensei. “Tanji and Yanachi get off your phones and pay attention.” We both sit upright in our chairs afraid he might tell Koko, she's scary even if I am the older sibling. “Hello, I’m Shota Aizawa. Your homeroom teacher. Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside.” All of us are majorly confused, and outwardly express it. Even so we do as we're told.
“What? A Quirk assessment test?” Everyone says surprised when we all get outside. The rosy cheeked girl speaks up first. “But orientation! We're gonna miss it!” Aizawa speaks up right after with a stern tone. “If you really wanna make the Big Leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. They audibly gasp and I’m just sitting here bbq sauce on my tiddies. I'm just waiting for Uncle Aizawa to tell us what we're going to be doing. Esora, Emiko and I have known him long enough to know that he doesnt fuck around. “Here at UA, we’re not tethered to traditions.That means that I get to run my class however I see fit. You've been takinging standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before. The country’s still trying to pretend we’re all created equal by not letting those with the most power exel. It's not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn.” I hope this goes well.
0 notes
Personal Touches (Montgomery "Scotty" Scott x Reader)
Summary: Sometimes there isn’t time to show Scotty how much you love them so you have to make do with such limitations.
AN: AKA. The six times you and Scotty didn’t have long to show affection and the one time you did. I debated whether or not to make this a preference but Scotty deserves more love as does Simon Pegg. So here’s a bunch of blurbs with soft!Scotty.
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  Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
 It was never a rush in the morning but it wasn’t a slow-paced environment either. You were always up second so the effects of sleep were still heavy, hence why you couldn’t focus too much on showing affection when you were meant to be getting ready. Scotty’s role on the Enterprise meant he always had longer hours. So by the time you had finished your breakfast, he was all ready to get out the door. But he saved himself a little time.
You sloped over to the bathroom, passing Scotty as he brushed his teeth. His mouth broke out in a foamy grin as he tucked his toothbrush into his cheek to chirp a good morning. Evidently he’d already had breakfast. You grunted one back, no hard feelings but you weren’t the best morning person. Once you were invigorated by a quick shower, you wrapped a towel around yourself and began to towel your hair dry.
 Undeterred by your state of undress, Scotty lifted your chin with his forefinger and pecked your cheek before leaving your shared room. You blamed his schedule for the lack of cuddles and long goodbyes. You also blamed your morning breath.
   Taking the opportunity, you rerouted your path so you could go through engineering. It was always a gamble to get the chance to see Scotty since, y’know, engineering was massive but you happened to know that today he was in one particular part of the ship, fixing a buggery caused by one of the new recruits. Being the big teddy bear that he was, he offered to demonstrate and teach them how to fix their mistake. It wasn’t influential to the Enterprise’s continued journey but it was always good to learn on the job.
 You saw him kneeling in front of the panel beside another red shirt. Knowing that he could distinguish your blue shirt amidst the sea of reds, you leant over the chief engineer’s head to see what he was doing. Head-torch across his furrowed brow, Scotty continued his work. He never passed the opportunity to show off in front of you, but he didn’t know that you knew that.
 You squeezed both his shoulders before carrying on with your journey, the heat transfer from your palms sliding into Scotty’s cheeks as he carried on with his work. The red shirt didn’t comment, merely observing the placated effect on the chief engineer.
   You had to work overtime, not able to get lunch until you’d completed your work. Sadly that meant one of your few breaks with Scotty would not be taking place today. You messaged him quickly on your PADD – about half an hour in advance to your breaks’ overlap – and went back to your work. The hope that you would finish up early to catch Scotty at the end was futile considering the workload.
 Finally, you finished your work up and set up for the next controlled experiment ready for your return. Then you could finalise what materials you needed to recover from your upcoming mission. But now was the time for food. You didn’t expect many people to be eating so late. Nor did you expect Scotty to appear, holding a tray laden with food.
 “Monty, I thought I missed you.”
 “Oh, I know you had to work longer. So I got your food ready for when you came,” He held out the tray, “I have to go now though.”
 You gratefully took, your fingers brushed against his as you did so. Making sure you had a steady grip on the tray, he touched the backs of your hands before zipping back off to his job. You saw that he’d got your favourite together and that it was still steaming.
   Scotty was looking down at his PADD. Dr. McCoy had alerted him that one of the bio-beds had malfunctioned and wasn’t picking up the heartbeat of a patient. This led to a scare and three nurses and doctors to rush to the bed with defibrillators and prepped for mouth to mouth resuscitation. With his tool belt slouching on his hips, he was tapping a reply to inform the CMO that he was on his way
 You were busy talking to a fellow blue shirt Rena about your upcoming mission. The plan was for both of you to go down and collect the samples firsthand from the planet’s surface. It would only be an hour down there but out of habit you planned everything down to the finest detail. There were twenty samples they had to collect
 It was even apparent that you two had noticed each other. But without shifting your gaze from your co-worker, you passed Scotty in the corridor and high-fived him. On the return of your hand back to your side, you slapped his arse. Rena seemed a little surprised at your lack of professionalism but you merely shrugged as if your hand was filled with iron filings, Scotty’s arse was a magnet and you couldn’t help the attraction. One of the three excuses was true.
 Throwing a smile over your shoulder, you saw Scotty doing the same to you, though his cheeks were noticeably matching his shirt once again.
 You were being sent down to gather your samples firsthand. Already in your suit, since the planet’s atmosphere was very thin, you were waiting outside of the shuttle for the pilot of the shuttle to appear. Instead, you got your boyfriend appearing around the loading bay and narrowly missing a crate to trip over.
 “Hey, just wanted to catch you before you left,” He straightened out his uniform.
 “I’ll be back in time for dinner. Don’t miss me too much,” You teased but in reality you couldn’t be happier that Scotty was clingy as anything and unabashed with his displays of affection.
 “Oh, I’m gonna miss you regardless. And I know you’re gonna miss me,” He pressed his forehead against your visor. You leant forward too, your forehead blocked by the glass.
 "Of course I'm gonna miss you."
 Feeling his hands on our waist through the thick suit, you smiled up at him and ignored your team’s gaze watching your intimate farewell.
 “Good luck,” He whispered, squeezing your hips through the suit before releasing you to get your mission kick-started. 
 “Evening,” Scotty appeared in the doorway, stripping off his red shirt and the long-sleeved black layer underneath in one fell swoop. Upon your arrival, he’d been rushed off for an engineering emergency and this was the first time you'd seen him since your melodramatic farewell. It was now half eleven.
 “Hey, Monty,” You rolled over from the middle of the bed to his side as he sat down to remove his shoes. Sliding up behind him, you wrapped your arm around his midsection and pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades.
 Scotty brushed his hand across your arms before breaking the embrace to stand and take off his work trousers, “The mission went well then?”
 “Yeah, got all the samples stabilising in the lab. We’re gonna do the experiments in two days, see how they adapt. How was your day?”
 “Pretty standard,” He sniffed, gesturing for you to budge over, “I missed you.”
 You flopped onto your back to give him his side of the bed back, “I missed you too.”
 Scotty bundled up in the blankets next to you. He rubbed his nose against yours, snubbing his upwards deliberately to make you laugh before calling for the lights to dim into blackness and pressing his face into your shoulder. It didn’t take long for sleep to take its hold on you both.
   For once, you weren’t woken up by the buzzing of an alarm clock. It was your first day off in a while – although Scotty as commanding officer was technically on standby in case anything happened.  You felt Scotty’s breathing tickling your neck. Somehow he always wormed his way into a koala-style hug. You didn’t mind; it gave you the optimum hair playing position and his sturdy yet soft body was completely cuddle into you.
 To your displeasure, the intrusive bleeping of a communicator drew yourself and Scotty out of the embrace. Scotty reached over for the disruption and held it before his mouth.
 “Yeah?” He grunted, falling onto his back and pinching the bridge of his nose. You eased it away and pushed back his mussed up hair.
 “Oh, it’s Captain Handsome,” He said as you stroked past his receding hairline and tugged to soothe the sarcasm. Jim’s voice anchored Scotty in professionalism instead of letting him drift into the comfort of your touch.
 “There’s an issue with one of the panels on the bridge, we need you to come sort it out please.”
 “Alright, Jim. I’m coming.” Scotty tossed the communicator back onto the bedside cabinet and extricated himself from you.
 “Is it too much to ask to just have a lie-in then lazily make out with my boyfriend for half my day off?” You complained to the ceiling.
 “I’ll be back in a jiffy,” Scotty promised as you stretched out your hand to him atop the duvet. Taking your hand in his, Scotty pressed his lips against your knuckles and held you there for as many seconds as he could spare. As he pulled away, you reached your fingers back to his hair, palm against his cheek.
 “You better. I miss you like you wouldn’t believe when you’re gone, Monty.”
 The tinny tiny disturbance returned, “Scotty? You there? You didn’t hang up.”  Dropping from his face, you grabbed the communicator and held it out to Scotty.
 “On my way, Captain,” He nodded at you whilst trying to tug on his undershirt.
 “Never mind, we got someone else,” Jim cut him off, “Enjoy your day off… Monty.”
 Scotty clacked the communicator shut in bewilderment, “Never before have I been happy I left my comm. on.” Stripping off his clothes back down to his underwear, he dove back into bed, both of you giggling like children when he nestled his body back against yours. Cupping the back of your head, he gave you an Eskimo kiss. He closed his eyes contentedly as you snuggled closer, wrapping your arms around his torso and tangling your legs with his, seizing every opportunity for the familiarity of skin-on-skin contact.
 Yes, Scotty loved the Enterprise with all his heart, but he loved you a little bit more. A whole day dedicated to time with you was worth thousands with the Enterprise.
Perma-tag: @tomgcsglasses and @lowdenglynnstyles (Idk if y'all like Star Trek but that's the perks of the perma-tag. You see all.)
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drunken-wanderer · 4 years
#2 (6-12-20)
So the nationwide shutdown was interesting for me. There was this girl (L). I didn't really think too much of her. Not in a rude way, or in a way that implies I saw her as a lesser being, but to me she was just there. However, she took a liking to me which was a problem because she was in a relationship. As time progressed, she began to claim me as her bestfriend even though we never even exchanged numbers. All of our communication was through IG, and she initiated all of it.
Everyday she would send me with a "good morning" message and a "good night" message. I personally don't consider someone even a friend until I have their number, so I was confused as to why she held me in such high regard. Turns out, I wasn't her only her bestfriend I was basically her only friend. She had 1 person other than myself, and I was the only one she would literally message all day. I know what it's like to not have friends, and I didn't want her to feel that, so I obliged and treated her as I suspected a bestfriend would. As time went on her and I exchanged numbers, and eventually began to grow closer and her boyfriend began to get jealous. She began insisting that we should hangout, but I told her that I don't really leave my house so I don't know anywhere to do so. She suggested that my house was fine and that we should still hang out. I reluctantly agreed and met her and her boyfriend at a neutral spot. She hopped into my car, and we returned to my place. It was a chill hangout. We drank tea, and I essentially listened to her vent about her relationship problems for about 4 hours, only offering advice when she requested. By the time I returned home after dropping her back off with her boyfriend, she was already talking about how much she enjoyed it and that we should do it again. Her boyfriend was emotionally and physically abusive, so I just assumed she considered being around me a safe space. Also since she considered me her bestfriend, it make sense that she would be pushing to hangout with me, right? So once again, I agreed. A day or two before she came over she was complaining about how she had had a continuous migraine for the last several days. I read a lot about general health, and had recently been listening to a podcasts that spoke of the benefits of massages. Based on my readings, migraines are caused by vasoconstriction causing tension in the brain, so I suggested that she ask her abusive boyfriend to give her a massage to help. He refused, she was complaining a lot, and I wanted to experiment with and find out if massages could lessen the pain of migraines. So I suggested that I could try massaging her neck if her boyfriend okayed it, which he did.
Let me pause right here to divulge some pertinent information. There is a working theory by my friend and his wife (the latter of which specializes in working with children with high-functioning autism) that I have high-functioning autism. And when I say theory, I don't mean the popular misuse of the word. I mean the scientific, hypothesis supported by a large body of evidence, definition. I struggle greatly with picking up on social cues. Especially romantic social cues when they are directed at me. Although I can read someone's body language and voice tones rather easily in regards to their mental state, I am embarrassingly oblivious to people when they flirt with me and I don't always pick up on when things are inappropriate (to ask, or to say) if I'm operating on my own curiosities, which is very often. It will also go over my head when I have pure intentions. Now back to our regular scheduled... whatever this is.
So I gave her a massage, which she said fixed her migraine. She told her boyfriend on their way home, they started fighting, and he essentially kicked her out. She didn't have anywhere to go, so I offered her a place to stay because I have an extra room. That's what a bestfriend would do, yeah? She only ended staying the night, but within that night she gave into her aphrodisiac of grief and initiated some... events. Interestingly enough, there was no kissing or sex, but they certainly weren't things just bestfriends would do.
I should also mention that while these events were happening, I didn't feel. I felt no emotion, no happiness, no sadness, no lust, no horniness. It was as if I was just going through the motions, while analyzing what was happening and why. The few times I directed attention to how I was feeling or what was happening, I could feel that my face was expressionless and I kept wondering when it finally end.
The next day she met with her now ex, and they argued as he tried to manipulate her into coming back to her and making me out to be the bad guy. He failed. Until the next day, then she took him back and moved back in with him and his parents. One of the conditions of them getting back together was that she could no longer visit my place anymore, so she just continued to keep in touch everyday. Eventually her and I met up, and she consulted a mutual friend about her abusive relationship. The friend told her how toxic the relationship is, if she just allows it to keep happening it progressively become worse, and that she should exit before she is trapped. She told them about how she was considering it because she was realizing how bad it was and she was beginning to have strong feelings for someone else. After this conversation finishes, which I witnessed, she asks to speak to me alone for a moment. Now I'm oblivious, but I'm not dumb... all of the time. I understood that the person she had strong feelings for was me. I agree to speak with her, and she essentially tells me that she's in love with me, how she wishes her and I did more that night, and the things that she would like to do to me. I don't know how to handle people's feeling or people being attracted to me. I do not see myself as an attractive being, so when people find me attractive I think they are 1) trying to manipulate me, 2) lying, or 3) crazy. She asked me what I thought, and I explained to her that I would be willing to give it a try but I hadn't been in a relationship since I was in 8th grade, so there will be some things I will need to learn to pick up on. She said that was okay, and that she would meet me that evening with all of her stuff to move into my place. I picked her up that evening and she settled in. We decided that it was best not to jump into a relationship immediately since she just got out of an abusive one, and I would essentially need to calibrate myself to being in romantic relationship. Some things also happened that night, except these were more fitting of a couple.
We spent the following day gathering supplies for her to move in, and finishing her moving in. The next day, I told her I needed the day to get some work done. I just needed a few hours that day to set me up for the entire week and I have a regular routine to use that day for such preparation. I never got the few hours I needed, as she spent the entire day crying and complaining about her past relationships and how much they had damaged her. I maybe only got a third of the work done, so the next day I tried to finish. Again she spent the day crying and complaining about her past relationships, except this time she added in how her family had essentially disowned her and wanted nothing to do with her. After that day, two-thirds of the work was now done. Day 3, she asked me if she could meet up with her ex. I have this odd philosophy when it comes to dating, where I don't see her as property. Instead, she is free to act the way she wants and I will treat her accordingly. For example, if you act disloyal, then you obviously aren't committed to the relationship and are free to go. So I dropped her off with her ex, and they talked for hours and I went and spend some time with my recently widowed grandmother.
On my way to pick her up I got a call from a former best friend(A) that I hadn't heard from in a long time. Allegedly I had been coming up rather frequently in A's therapy sessions. She felt bad in regards to our relationship (she felt it had always centered around her) and she wanted to amend that. I was on the phone with A as I picked up L and so I told A I would call her back after I got home, which L heard me do. On the way home L, was rather quite which is uncharacteristic. She began crying, but I didn't ask about her conversation with her ex as I saw it as none of my business. L broke silence to tell me she didn't want to be alone tonight. I prefer to keep my word, so I told her I will call A back, as I promised and then I will spend time with her. She had literally spent all day with her ex so I didn't see the problem. After I got home, I called A back as promised and listened to her for about 30 minutes. I was about to end the call because it was getting late, but L told me she was going to bed. So I continued the conversation with A, only really speaking to ask the prying questions she asked. This went on for about 3 hours, only ending because she finally realized I was falling in and out of sleep.
The next day we woke up and I think she was began trying to initiate sex, which I didn't know until later because I asked her. I woke up and went and finally finished the work I was meant to finish four days earlier. After I finished, I walked by the bedroom to see her sitting in the floor crying. I assumed it was about her conversation with her ex and me taking the 30 minutes to talk to A last night. In that moment, I knew I had two options: 1) I could cottle her, and allow her to use me as crutch or 2) I could continue with what I was doing, allow her to cry it out, and grow from it. I chose option two because it would be better for her in the longer run. Especially because she will not always have a shoulder to cry on. She then told me that she was to meet with her ex again, so I took her to meet with him again and returned home. A few hours into their visit, she texts me and tells me that she is in a really bad headspace and needs to leave this area. She also mentioned her cousin offered her a room across the country.
Let me pause one more time here. Remember how I told you her family wanted nothing to do with her? Well the cousin she said offered her a room is the same one she told me had previously kicked her out. She also previously told me that this particular cousin lived in the area. She had also previously told me that her ex and his parents were already planning on moving to the state where she claimed the cousin now lived. Do you see where this is going yet?
I picked up on what was happening immediately, and told her if that's what she wants to do then I would help her pack. She said she was going to meet up with her aunt tonight and leave the next day, and that she needed to delete all of her social media for a fresh start. She returned to my place, I helped her pack her stuff, and then dropped her back off with her ex (not her aunt). By the ay, I should also mentioned she always left her location on on her snapchat, so I could literally see where she was at all time. Later she snapchatted me, but she made sure to ask the camera at a curtain. This was unusual for her, because she typically preferred to show me her face, even when she was undressed, in the shower, or bathing. After she sent me the snaps, I checked her location, she was at her ex's place. She essentially told me goodbye that she officially leaves 3 days later (not the next day like she originally said), and that she appreciates everything I had done for her then she deleted all of her social media accounts. About a week later, I'm on IG and a "new profile" comes across my suggested feed. Guess who? To add to it, guess whose new snapchat was in my suggested snapchat contacts? She has no idea I had pieced everything together, am aware she has still reinitiated contact with local mutual friends (which she claimed she needed to leave behind), and she still believes she fooled me.
So what did I learn during quarantine? Two things:
Even if someone claims to love you, they will betray you. So trust no one.
Even when I try helping people, I'm no better than an abusive boyfriend.
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