#asleep and at peace
itsjustinknow · 1 year
also building off that last thing except i'm too tired to reblog it, but it's so weird to think that just a couple of years ago i was like 15 or so on this site talking about my ocs and my little fantasy novel series that i wanted to write and stuff and now i'm 22 and going to grad school for literary fiction/magic realism (though i have every intention of returning to fantasy when i can, it's just the horrors of academia that keep me from doing so right now). i'm graduating undergrad in less than two months with two degrees. i grew my hair back out. i'm different but i don't always feel like it. i should go to bed.
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handweavers · 6 months
every time i'm with kids it feels so obvious that they really do not need ipads to be entertained like the 3 yr old and i literally played hide and seek and then i threw a single half-deflated balloon in the air above her while she ran around in circles and then she built a 'shower' out of big plastic blocks like 30 times and i explained to her that something can be both blue and green at the same time and she thought it was the coolest thing ever and now won't stop telling everyone when a nearby object is blue green. this all took up an entire evening she didn't even watch tv lol
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letitbehurt · 6 months
Personally I adore Whumpees waking up somewhere unfamiliar; in a dark basement, freshly kidnapped, tied down against the limbs of a chair; in a cold cell, crashing into awareness the moment they feel the hard ground against their cheek; in a warm bed bathed in sunlight, unsure how they got there and trying to sit up only to collapse again, clutching a wound covered in bandages they definitely hadn’t wrapped themself.
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kasieli · 1 year
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Somewhat modern day AU? Aka my excuse to do silly social media shenanigans and drawing Seb in a sweater vest? (p.s. that’s Ominis’ peace sign)
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achillean-yearning · 5 months
feeling arms wrap around my waist, a face nuzzle against neck, feeling my fingers comb through soft hair, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head, hearing soft steady breathing while he falls asleep…
oh what i would give to have him fall asleep in my arms
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
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Badsansuary day 8 - Boxed in
"there are other places to sit y'know" (they know but it's more fun to squish Dust in the middle)
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soars22 · 24 days
Missa stirred from his sleep slowly. He wasn’t sure what had woken him up, exactly, but the world felt… strange. The air hung flat and oddly empty in his ears. He didn’t like it.
He blinked and opened his eyes. He was in Rose’s sanctuary. He grinned softly; he hadn’t thought to ever see it again. Phil must have dragged him here in his sleep, as he had so many times before. Missa turned to the side to greet him and stopped short, his blood going cold.
Philza was dead.
Or, not quite dead, exactly, but very close to it. He was barely breathing and his skin, when Missa reaches out to feel his pulse, is cold. “No,” Missa breathes. “Chayanne?” He calls out desperately, turning to the bed where his son lays. There’s no movement, but that doesn’t mean anything. Chayanne’s a deep sleeper, he’s always been that way, it doesn’t mean-
It can’t mean-
“Chayanne,” he hisses, shaking the egg. “Chayanne, por favor, please-“
There’s no response. Frantic now, Missa scrambles over to his daughter. “Talullah, mi hija, wake up, get up! Talullah! Wake up!!”
“I don’t think they can,” a voice says quietly behind him. Missa whirls around to see the shimmering image of a woman with long dark hair watching him. “But-why?” The woman shrugs. “I don’t know. I can barely reach them, even here where I’m strongest.”
Missa blinks. “So… so they’re-dead?” The woman regards him sadly. “Yes. You need to let this happen, Missa. It’s the only way to reach them.”
“What do you mean? Reach them?” The woman cocks an eyebrow at him. “You are a reaper, aren’t you? Surely you understand how this works. I’m limited in my power here, but with you…”
Missa’s eyes widen. “Oh. Oh. Yes, yes, I understand.” He hesitates. “It’s… it’s been a while, since I’ve…” The woman smiles. “Yes. That’s why I’m here, to help you. I’m Rose.”
“Ooh…. So you’re Rose? Phil’s told me about you.” Rose laughs. “So I’ve heard. I’ll have to tease him later.” She holds out a transparent hand. “Shall we?”
Later-much later-Phil blinks open his eyes. He feels light, weightless, and the aches that have wracked his body have eased. He sits up and shakes a few stray leaves from his hair. “Chayanne?” He asks and coughs to clear his throat. “Lullah?”
“They’re here,” Missa’s voice sounds from behind him. “They’re just resting with Rose.” Phil turns to stare at Missa. “With Rose? She’s here?” Missa nods. “They’re just waiting on you.”
“Waiting on me for what?” Phil asks as he lets Missa pull him to his feet. “To move on,” Missa replies.
“To-oh,” Phil says quietly. “So… so we’re not waking up, then.” Missa shakes his head. “Not here; not exactly. Rose says she’s got bodies prepared for you somewhere else. I’m just here to lead your souls.”
Phil frowns. “Lead our souls… back to my old world, I imagine, or something like it. And you’ll go with us, right?” Missa stares at him. “I will?” Phil rolls his eyes. “Yes, dumbass. You’re part of our family now, you aren’t leaving. You don’t have a choice.”
“Oh. Uh-“
“Just shut up and let it happen, Missa,” Phil laughs. “You aren’t letting go of us that easy. I’m not about to let my Missa be homeless again.” Missa’s eyes are wide as he mouths the phrase ‘my Missa.’
Phil tugs on Missa’s hand and starts leading him down to the distant shapes of Rose, Lullah, and Chayanne. “Come on; let’s go home. We’ll have time to talk about it later.”
Home. It sounds nice; Missa’s never had one before, at least not one he remembers. He can’t wait to finally build one with the people he loves.
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hornkneebee · 9 months
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//no warning tags applied, 502 words//
How irresponsible, Mark thinks. The Farmer is always stretching themselves thin. From managing their farm, running people's errands, fighting monsters within the shadows–the Farmer has a lot on their plate.
And despite Mark's initial indifference towards the Farmer, pity begins to well when he sees the Farmer sleeping so soundly beneath the tree in the Woodlands. Sleeping so peacefully that even the bypassing insects weren't startled by their moving chest.
Might be from exhaustion, he thinks. No wonder; day and night the Farmer goes here and there doing things of many sorts.
Mark sighs. How can the Farmer be so irresponsible. Sure, sleeping on the open grass under the shade of the oak tree seems nice, but he'd reckoned the Farmer might get rashes and itches all across their body.
Mark approaches the Farmer, crouching so that he can see the Farmer's face that is partially obscured by their straw-hat (did the Farmer bought it recently?), gently nudging the Farmer to wake.
Yet, the Farmer remains oblivious towards Mark's nudging. Instead, they lean more towards the tree, a small, satisfied smile etches across their face as they say "Just five more minutes," as though Mark was waking the Farmer up from their daily sleep.
Mark sighs, again. How helpless. With one swift motion, Mark hoists the Farmer up, craddling them protectively to ensure their security within his arms before walking. Their home is not that far, so it is not that far of a journey.
But such sudden movement immediately jolts the Farmer awake, their eyes widen as they were lifted out from the earth below before they begin to register the presence of strong arms around them, securing them in place. Only when the Farmer turns towards Mark does they speak.
"M-mark?!" the Farmer's mouth agape, still trying to make sense of the situation, "What are you doing?"
"Bringing you home," Mark says, his face stoic and cold as ever yet his tone betrays the warmth that already exuding within, "You're tired."
The Farmer doesn't know what to say to that. Indeed, they were tired.
"I..." Alas, there's no other appropriate response but a little, "Thank you... Mark..."
Despite his overall apathetic aura, his lips quirk upwards a bit, though not noticeable enough for anyone to notice.
"You know, it's amazing how you manage to keep all those plants alive..." he sighs, now the Farmer's farm is within views. He sees a vast piece of land decorated by nothing but crops that the Farmer had planted. Otherwise, there's untouched land beyond the fences.
"Yet you can barely take care of yourself." and Mark's expression soften a bit. He then looks down at the Farmer, who has a bewildered expression across their face.
"You ought to take better care of yourself, okay?" and as if the last wall had collapsed, the Farmer witnesses Mark smiling. Not at anyone else. Or anything else. But at them.
The Farmer smiles. Again, still confused, yet they're slowly taking in this development.
"Thank you, Mark."
🌻A little note from me🌻
Thank you for reading! I hope you like this one! I really love Mark and the only other fan fiction of Mark is about him adopting a pet and I love it so much!!! To contribute to the scarcity of Mark-related content, I wrote this one just for fellow Mark-lovers out there!
Also, if you notice, the last few dialogues from Mark is heavily taken and inspired from his own dialogue in game;
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Which I interpret as Mark softening up with the Farmer, which is a development I yearn for!!!
Anyway, again, thank you for reading and see you guys when I see you!!!
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ichooseviolence · 7 months
So, during the Vale courtyard scene where Sansa is taking in the beauty of winter and later rebuilds Winterfell out of snow, I always picture her with her auburn hair instead of her dyed brown. Why? Because she is Sansa Stark in that moment.
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forsty · 2 years
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Post dagger mission.... shh they’re sleepin 
based on this 
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telogenic · 1 year
pleasee please draw kaz please please pleek
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hold my hand lets frolic in kaz land
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thinking about having to cold camp with simon. Having no choice but to wait out a snowstorm until its clear enough you both can make the trek to the rendezvous point safely. You're both adults, soldiers at that, and feel no shame in curling up together to stay warm. But that doesn’t mean its odd. the simple act of spooning with a 6′2 man that wears a skull mask day and night is enough for an awkward tension to settle in the air and clog your lungs. youre still cold, even with the blankets and his bulk by your side, but you wouldn’t complain because there’s nothing else to be done. But he notices that youre beginning to curl into yourself, the bite of the cold winds turning you raw and frigid so your lieutenant takes your hands and slides them under his shirt without saying a word. Cold fingertips splaying out over disciplined muscle and coarse hair that fills you with a fire to the point where you forget about the threat of frostbite. Neither of you say anything but settle into one another, feeling the rise and fall of his breath until you drift to sleep. 
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theropoda · 7 months
in bed about to sleep but suddenly remembered every fossil that's been found in a sleeping position and feeling like this
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sugarcandydoll · 25 days
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jfkisonthemoon · 7 months
they honestly couldve done so much with junpei beheaded/dismembered and im disappointed that it ended up just being mira. so much of his character and his relationship with akane is characterized by his lack of bodily autonomy, and him being openly beheaded during the nonary games would be the ultimate example of this. its perhaps the most brutal death in the game, and it never really gets explained or developed beyond the one puzzle that we get with it. junpei has been shown repeatedly to be subject to akane's plans or follow her blindly and i just think that would have been a really interesting angle to approach his beheading from. junpei has willingly signed up for nonary games in two different timelines just because he knew he would see her. he was infected with a deadly virus trying to find her. he grew desensitized to death as he took underground jobs to try and find her. his safety always comes second when shes in the picture, and his beheading wouldve been a prime opportunity to 1. exploit his willingness to let himself die/be injured for her and 2. make akane confront the fact that her confidence that junpei will always follow after her is not necessarily a positive thing.
#zero escape#additionally wasnt mira supposed to be asleep?? like i know she didnt get the forget juice but didnt she still get knocked out?#but also!! none of her other kills were like that! none of them were dismembered and she didnt touch junpeis chest#so even that reasoning doesnt make sense#kinda feels like a copout to keep the shock of junpei being disrespected in such a way - to have his very body turned into a puzzle#a puzzle that akane is forced to solve!!! without knowing that what shes looking for is his head - him!#theres so much potential there and they just didnt do anything#im not even saying that akane should have somehow been responsible for that death - only that not having her really grapple with it is such#a missed opportunity#i still fucking LOVE the imagery of it though. i really think its the epitome of the representations of his lack of autonomy#he loses all of vlr. quark. 45 years of his life. because akane decides this is best for him. he dies repeatedly trying to find her.#because she believes that she knows what will keep him safe#and turning junpeis body into a puzzle posthumously is a fantastic example of his lack of control over his body#its like hes literally become a doll. hes jumpydoll - not junpei. hes subject to these games even after he has died.#he gets no peace. no respect in his death. not when hes in these games. not when hes in the shadow of akanes whims and games.#i still love the imagery. i think it was one of my favorite parts of ztd and is honestly now a core tenet of my Junpei Understanding#but i was disappointed in the lack of narrative weight that specific death had. for him to be one of the first dead? for it to be in such a#brutal manner? like come ON. the character analysis for junpei and akane and their relationship is RIGHT THERE. all you had to do was put i#in the game#but nope.#they just handwave it as something mira did.#and dont bring up the details ever again because. plot point solved?#anyway. ive been thinking about junpei imagery and bodily autonomy a lot. obviously.#zero escape spoilers#mak no peeking#marydontlookatthis
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orgasming-caterpillar · 3 months
Late night calls except we both say nothing and do our own homework with an occasional "what did you drop this time" text
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