#hangman and coyote asleep on the other couch
forsty · 2 years
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Post dagger mission.... shh they’re sleepin 
based on this 
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Secret Girlfriend
-- Just a cute little thing about how the team finds out that Hangman has a girlfriend. It started out as a bullet point headcanon list but I decided to make them little blurbs instead.
Taglist:@mavswife @unsurebuttrying @dempy @peaches-1999 --
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Coyote finds out when he finds her asleep on his best friend. Her head gently rising as he breathes, his hand tracing her facial features. Jake’s listening to music on his headphones, and he doesn’t know anyone’s watching. 
Javi feels a little funny, like he’s not supposed to be seeing this and he needs to leave but he can’t deny it’s really sweet to see Jake like that, especially when Hangman coughs and she stirs and he spends the next minute coaxing her back to sleep. 
From the darkness he can even see Jake’s smile when his girl nuzzles her face in his sweater as she dozes off. 
Bob figures it out when he accidentally steps into the wrong hangar. He’s not fully awake yet and he ran out of the house too late to get some coffee in his system. His eyes are still a little blurry from the night and his brain is groggy but he swears he can see a picture on Jake’s dashboard. He knows he’s not supposed to look, especially since it’s not a crime for him to have a picture, it’s just out of character.
 Bob climbs up the ladder and sneaks a peak. He’s half expecting a picture of Jake himself to stare back but it’s a girl in a cheerleading uniform kissing a quarterback. It takes a second for his eyes to spot the name on the back of the footballer’s uniform. Seresin. They look young but Bob figures Jake wouldn’t be carrying it around if they weren’t still dating. 
He leaves when he hears footsteps in the corridor, careful to place the photograph back where he found it.
Fanboy meets her during family day. She’s about his height, his age and she’s gorgeous. 
“Can I help you?” He asks. Maybe he can shoot his shot at a date, it’s been a while and he’s out of practice but hey, he can always try.
“I’m looking for my boyfriend” Her voice is nice, soft, shy but it doesn’t dampen the disappointment.
“What’s his name?”
“Jake Seresin?”
Oh. At first he thinks the poor girl missed the fact that Hangman’s not the girlfriend type, but then her phone rings and he can hear Jake’s voice through the receiver.  Fanboy makes his exit before Hangman arrives. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see him, but he figures that if Jake goes through such lengths to keep his relationship private, he probably doesn’t want Fanboy sticking around. 
Harvard, Yale and Halo see him waiting inside of a coffee shop. He’s on his phone and they debate going in to say hi, but before they finish that thought a woman sits down in front of him with a coffee and Hangman smiles so genuinely and so happily that there’s really no mistaking who she is to him. 
She takes a sip, some of her hair dips into the foam and sticks to her lip. Jake leans forward and brushes it aside, he’s so distracted he knocks his coffee over and they scramble to move everything away from the spreading liquid, then, they look at each other and laugh.
Omaha finds out because he knows her. 
His girlfriend has invited a few people over for dinner and they’re bringing partners. She walks in first, a bouquet of bright pink roses and a bottle of wine in her hand for the hosts and he follows suit. It takes a second for Jake to notice Neil just sitting there on the couch, staring at him with eyes as wide as plates, but when he does, he shoots him a look saying “We will never speak of this again”. 
Omaha doesn’t. He sees Jake relax around his girl. He sees him being nice, funny and caring and Neil figures she’s good for him, so why ruin it by telling.
Rooster finds out when he pulls up to Jake’s house one day after training to bring back the jacket he forgot. He rings the doorbell and a woman answers. She’s wearing a shirt too big to belong to her and some bike shorts barely sticking out of the bottom. 
“Hi” She says, clearly confused. Rooster lets out a nervous cough
“I need to return something to Jake”
“Why don’t you come in?”
She turns around and leads him up the stairs to a living room and a kitchen. There’s pictures on the walls, one of those scratch-off maps of the world. There are pizza boxes on the kitchen table and Rooster recognises Jake’s usual order. 
Hangman saunters in a few minutes later with a can of something and looks at him like a deer caught in headlights. 
Rooster just hands him the jacket and leaves. 
Phoenix finds out last, when she and the team step out of the carrier after a mission. They’re just chatting when suddenly a dog beelines for the group. A woman runs after the pet, trying to catch it before it jumps and Hangman falls to the floor with a loud “THUD”. The dog circles him a few times, licking every inch of his person. He curls up on the floor, giggling.
“I’m so sorry! I swear I was holding her, the lead snapped and --” She grabs the dog by the collar and moves her away Jake. He stands up and smiles. 
Then, suddenly remembering where he is when his girl's eyes glance away from him and towards the team, Jake jumps back into reality.
“Err -- this is my girlfriend. Honey this is the team”
“Hi” The woman waves
Everybody but Nat looks at one another and simultaneously decides to act surprised, largely to soften the blow for Phoenix, as she usually prides herself on her detective skills. The team’s not so sure she could take the hit.
Phoenix is almost mad. She would like to be mad, but as she looks at Hangman she recognises the way her dad looks at her mom even after thirty years of marriage and three kids. 
She sees the look she has judged relationships by: “if he doesn’t look at me like that, then I’m wasting my time”. Phoenix can recognise pure, unadulterated True Love when she sees it. 
And she understands him then, because if she was to find her own True Love, she might not want to share them either.
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whisperofsong · 2 years
Pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x Female Reader
Summary: Jake’s return from guys’ night has him questioning his relationship with you.
Note: Prepare for some angst because Jake is really going through it.
You stir before you eyes flutter open. You’re momentarily disoriented and realize you drifted to sleep while waiting for Jake to come home. He had been invited to a guys’ night out that Coyote organized and you were delighted to be cozied up on the couch watching one of your comfort shows. However, you eventually relocated to your shared bed as your eyes began to feel heavy and while you fought to remain awake, you gradually succumbed to the exhaustion.
As you sit up and blink several times to adjust to your state of consciousness, you recall why you woke up in the first place. A loud noise from downstairs disturbed your slumber. You hear another alarming sound that sends you practically stumbling down the steps. You encounter Jake at the bottom of the stairs, fumbling with the removal of his shoes. He doesn’t initially notice you with his gaze locked on the simple act which, apparently, isn’t so simple for him.
When he glances up and catches sight of you standing on the landing, he’s sporting a somewhat guilty expression. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah. I tried to wait up for you, but I fell asleep.”
He moves to step forward and trips, but catches part of the railing to spare him from falling. “Sorry about that,” he mumbles.
“Do you want some help?” you ask him.
He nods and you help him sit down so you can assist him. While untying his shoes, he groans softly. “You’re so good to me, Y/N. So good,” he sighs.
Although you know he means it, it’s clear that he’s inebriated, so you give him a small smile and take off his other shoe before climbing the stairs with him in tow.
“Where are we going?” he asks groggily.
“To bed, Jake.”
“Baby, I don’t-I mean, I’d love to, but I’m not in the best frame of mind to…perform.”
You roll your eyes. “No. I’m putting you to bed.”
“Ohhhhh.” He draws the word out entirely too long. “I’m not even tired. Really, I promise.” He makes a “cross my heart” motion, but it’s sloppy as a result of the high level of alcohol within his system.
“Then just lay down. It’s best if you’re not standing right now.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He salutes you and chortles to himself.
You guide him to lay down on the bed as you go to his dresser to retrieve articles of clothing he can use as pajamas. The air is colder now and you want to make him as comfortable as possible. As you’re searching through one of his drawers, he sits up and stares at you.
“Y/N?” he calls out.
“Hmm?” you ask with your focus on the task at hand.
“Why are you so good to me?”
His question catches you off guard and causes you to drop the piece of clothing currently in your hand. You turn around and take in his melancholy expression. “What do you mean?”
He ruffles his hair and looks away for a little while. “You’re so good to me and I just…don’t understand,” he explains, returning his wandering eyes to you.
You approach the bed and gently sit down on the edge of it. “How could you even ask me that? I love you, Jake.”
“But…I mean, are you sure you’re not just…you know, settling?”
“Settling?” you repeat in an incredulous tone. “Where is this coming from?” You’re concerned at the abrupt shift between you and Jake as you recall the moments before he left for his night out, conjuring up images of him kissing you while getting ready and making you giggle as you two swapped your favorite movie quotes.
He falls back onto the bed and looks up at the ceiling. You move so you can lie beside him and face him even though he won’t look at you.
“We were all having a good time tonight. We really were and then Payback mentioned the girl he’s currently dating. This led to the others talking about dating and relationships and then Coyote…well, he brought up you.”
You nod slightly, but don’t interrupt him.
“He, um…he asked me how I landed someone like you and then Fanboy said I probably just caught you at the right time.”
“The right time?” you questioned.
Jake gulps and you observe his pained expression as he swallows. “He said that you were probably so fed up with dating that you were willing to settle for me. He was basically insinuating that you didn’t care about lowering your standards.”
A wave of pain seizes your heart, causing it to clench uncomfortably. You find yourself enraged by Fanboy’s words and make a mental note to set him straight the next time you see him. However, right now, you’re more concerned with alleviating Jake’s insecurities.
“Jake, look at me.” You stroke his cheek gingerly, but he turns his head, only increasing the internal ache even more. You lean in closer so that your lips are mere inches from Jake’s ear. “Please, Jake,” you plead.
He slowly shifts himself so he’s facing you and there’s so much hurt in his eyes. “I’ve made countless mistakes in my life. I have regrets like everyone else and sometimes contemplate what life would be like if I’d made different choices. But you are not a mistake. You are not one of these regrets. You are one of the best choices I’ve made in my life.”
He eyes you seriously and you match his seriousness with your own eyes. “I fell in love with you because you make me laugh. You’re handsome and insightful. You appreciate me for me and consistently demonstrate your love for me. What more could I want?”
“I…I don’t know. It’s just that you’re so incredible and could essentially have any guy-“
“I already have the guy I want. He’s right here,” you affirm as you delicately place the palm of your hand over Jake’s heart.
He grips your hand tightly and captures your lips tenderly. The two of you kiss like this for several minutes before you pull away. “Now,” you say. “What have you learned from this?”
“That Fanboy’s an idiot,” Jake breathes while leaning his forehead against yours.
“And?” you prompt.
“That I’m an idiot for listening to him,” Jake chuckles.
“I think that covers it,” you say while shooting him a wink. You sit up and Jake positions himself so that his head is on your chest. You hold him and stroke his hair, but before lulling him to sleep, you hear a faint, “I love you, Y/N.” Jake knows with certainty that’s he’s loved for who he is, too.
@bradshawsbaby @gretagerwigsmuse @roosterforme @bobfloydsbabe @sebsxphia @abaker74 @inky-sun
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roosterscockpit · 1 year
Dagger Squad Takes Care of Leia | H.C Pt.2
click here for the master list
For my lovely @castle-bookworms-world ! Part two of Leia time ❤️ Sorry it's so longggg....
Happy reading and enjoy! 💕
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Mav carried her up to his room. He tucked her into bed and pulled out a book to read to her. He sat next to her on the bed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She laid on Mav’s hip. “This one is called, ‘The Little Airplane by Lois Lenski.’ He read the book to her and showed her the pictures. 
“All is ready for take off!” Mav manipulated his voice so he can give the pilot on the book a voice. “Pilot small climbs into the cockpit and sits down. He fastened his safety belt.” He showed Leia the picture and she smiled. “He has rosy cheeks like daddy!” 
Mav chuckled. “This was your daddy’s favorite bed time story.” He continued to read to Leia. By the time the story was over she was sound asleep on Mav’s hip. He smiled down at her and put the book on the nightstand. He went over to her luggage and grabbed her pilot bear Bradley got for her. He tucked it in her arms and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Good night, my little Jedi.”
The next morning Mav had to go into work with Payback, Bob, Hangman, and Fanboy. Coyote took the Leia for the first half of the day. Coyote clean up Leia and got her dressed for school. He sat her at Mav’s counter while he prepped her lunch. “What do you want for lunch today?”
“I want 2 PB & Js.” She smiled big. Coyote looked up at her and put his hands on his hips. “2!” He opened his mouth wide and looked at her. “Momma said you can only have those for a snack!” He looked around, “But she’s not here so Uncle ‘Yote is giving you whatever you want.”
He packed her 2 PB & Js with some other snacks she could eat. He brought her to school. He held her hand and walked her to class. He straightened out her backpack and gave her a big hug. “Have a good day at school, Captain Vapor.” He saluted her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He waved at her as she walked into the classroom. 
Coyote went back to Mav’s hangar to get things ready for when she got back. He laid out some comfortable sweats and made all the snacks ahead of time. He picked out movies for them to watch.
After he picked up Leia and came back to the hangar. They came in to all the squad eating the snacks. “Guys? What are you doing?” He looked at all of them disappointed. He set Leia up on the counter so she could also eat what was left of the snacks. He put her sweats into Mav’s drier and got her clothes warm. 
He pulled them out and put them on Leia. She was all nice and cozy. They all attempted to help Leia with homework. “I SUCK AT MATH, GUYS!” Fanboy groaned. “Garcia. It is 2+2?” Bob looked at him with furrow brows. 
After homework was finished, they all cuddled together on the couch with Leia to watch movies. After the movies, Phoenix came over for her turn of Leia time. 
“Come here my Vapor girl!” She squatted down as Leia ran into her arms. Phoenix peppered kisses all over her face. “You brought my Austin!” Leia leaped out of her arms into Austin’s. He kissed her cheek, “Hey, sweetheart. I’ve missed you.”
Phoenix and Austin brought Leia out for dinner at Pizzeria Luigi. It was Bradley’s favorite place to grab pizza. Austin held Leia on his hip while she picked out the pizza she wanted. Phoenix watched him in awe and shook his head.
They all sat down to eat. Leia sat in between Phoenix and Austin. Phoenix and Austin took turns feeding different pizzas to Leia. Her favorite was Hawaiian like her dad. “You sure have your dad’s appetite, Vapor girl.” Phoenix laughed as she nearly finished that pizza on her own. 
They brought her walking through downtown San Diego. She stood in between them and held each of their hands. She skipped around in between them looking around at all the lights in the trees. 
Phoenix snapped a couple of pictures of Austin and Leia by some of the lights throughout the city. Austin did the same. He took a selfie of all three of them together. Phoenix was holding Leia and kissing her cheek as Leia laughed hysterically and Austin made a funny face. It was his favorite picture.
Phoenix’s favorite picture was of Austin holding Leia and fixing his beanie onto her head. They were standing under the Downtown San Diego sign. It was an accidental picture. She made it her home screen on her phone. After a little bit of walking they brought her out for ice cream.
As they ate their ice cream and walked around they went by the boat dock for the U.S. Navy. Leia was mesmerized by all the boats at the dock. After some fun they brought Leia back to Mav’s hangar. Austin carried her in as she slept on his chest.
Phoenix and Austin tucked her into Mav’s bed and gave her kisses goodnight.
Last part will be up shortly! I hope you all enjoy the shenanigans! I love you all! 🫶🏼
Babies are in the comments 💕
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 10 months
Can I get a sleep headcanon for Bob and a hobby headcanon for Coyote!🤭🥰
Thanks for the ask, Sam!!! I am always up for HCs and these were a lot of fun! 🥰
Bob Sleep Headcannon:
Bob usually only sleeps for three or four hours a night, however, he takes frequent short naps throughout the day. He didn’t plan on this schedule, he just sort of fell into it while in college and it stuck. At Top Gun, he uses the extra time at night to read or study (much to the dismay of roommate Phoenix, who prefers the room pitch black) and then takes little 20-30 minute catnaps while the other teams are flying or during lunch. The other Daggers soon become used to finding him curled up on the couch in the rec room or laying with his head on his desk before training starts and just leaving him alone. Though they are all still amazing at how he always snaps awake with no problem at a moment’s notice and is completely alert.
When he is actually asleep in his bed, Bob likes to sleep in a pair of loose sweatpants and an old t-shirt. Then he cocoons himself under the blankets and curls up into a small ball. When Phoenix teased him one time for sleeping like that, he just shrugged and said it makes him feel safe and cozy. What’s wrong with that?
Coyote Hobby Headcannon:
Coyote is an avid poker player. His granddad taught him and his sister to play when they were little kids and he instantly fell in love with the game. Once he got older, he began to study different strategies and techniques and soon became an expert. He began joining amateur games on the weekends while at the Naval Academy to make some extra money and cleaned up. While Hangman has an uncanny ability to win at most things they compete in (darts, pool, foot races, flight training, etc), Hangman has never managed to beat Coyote at poker. He might win a few hands now and then, but at the end of the night, Coyote always walks away the big winner. 
Coyote grew up having huge potluck dinners every Sunday with his entire extended family and he always helped his mom in the kitchen. While this started his love affair with cooking, he hates baking. Baking requires precise measurements and following instructions to the letter, and he gets enough of that in his job. But with cooking, he has the freedom to change things up, add something special that he didn’t the last time, experiment with different ingredients or flavors, and just being able to take risks. His food is always the first to go when the Daggers have parties or get-togethers, and there has been more than one instance where fists were almost thrown over the last serving of one of his dishes. 
Headcannon Meme
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wackapedia · 2 years
Jamais Vu - Hangman x Reader
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Title from this song Hangman watches you crash and burn. Will you make it back? Word count: 451 Warnings: some swearing Gravity was tearing you apart. You were piloting well beyond human limitations, and your vision is already blurry. The world was spinning, the aircraft was spinning even faster, and the world is a smudge of assorted colors zipping past your screen. Jake Hangman Seresin hollers something you struggled to comprehend. The rest of the team pitches in. The voices sounded so far away, like being underwater, being in space, and being in mount Everest all at once. The skin under your clothes felt cold. The warnings on your screen catch your attention. [Engine 1 fire: shutdown] [Engine 2 fire: shutdown] [Altitude warning: 3070] The number kept decreasing, and then it all turned black. You hear a deafening screech from your colleagues, and the ground shakes from underneath you. And then silence.
"Hey guys, knock it off, its almost sunrise." Maverick descends from the stairs and into the common room. "We're playing Ace Combat 7 while drunk just to see who's the better pilot!" Bradley explains, half asleep and taking up much of the common room couch. It didn't explain much to Maverick who was sound asleep until you crashed in-game, causing the spectators to roar in defeat, stomp their feet, and lose ten bucks each to Hangman. It is also worth noting that no one was sober, because it was a long holiday weekend, and that the Playstation request was approved this morning by the naval custodian. [Game Over] was the last message on the tv before Maverick clicks it off, powering everything down, including the common room's lights. He navigates through the scattered bottles and loose limbs of his pilots who were getting comfortable in various couches and bean bags on the floor. Your head rolls heavy to the other direction, right into Jake's shoulder. "Careful, sweets. You're leaning on the best Ace Combat pilot." His accent was thicker when he's drunk. "Asshole." You mumble into his shoulder, snuggling closer as he wraps his arm securely around your waist. Its difficult to get comfortable in the bean bags you were sitting on, but you wouldn't trade this for the world. You feel a warm blanket being delicately tossed on your leg, covering your lower half. You crack an eyelid open to witness your captain Pete Mitchell chucking warm blankets to the rest of the pilots who are already asleep. He clicks one last lampshade off and heads back to his room upstairs. Bonus: Mickey Garcia sent a video to the group chat 🎥1:46 Maverick being a dad caught on cam Bob Floyd: oh so that explains the blankets this morning Payback: afternoon* i was first to wake up for lunch 🤪 Fee_Nix: Shhh. Coyote is still asleep [sᴇɴᴛ 2:15 ᴘᴍ] ------ Reblogs are very much appreciated! my posts dont usually end up in the tags :( 
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jungle-angel · 2 years
He’s only happy when he’s dancing
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Summary: One little video has Coyote tearing up the entire base......and maybe not in a good way
@creativitybeware​ I promised you I’d do this one and I’m here to deliver (lol)
“God, never fucking again,” Fanboy groaned, running his hands over his face. “I hate days like this.” 
“You’re telling me,” Bob said. “One training exercise after another and I feel like I got hit by a bus.”
“You wanna go to the rec-room and get some water?” Fanboy asked him. “Or coffee? I might actually fall asleep right here.” 
Bob rose from the bench in the hall and started making his way towards the rec-room, wanting nothing more than to just find a comfortable spot and collapse right then and there, or better yet, lie right on the living room couch and snuggle with Auggie and his wife.
He had nearly given into the tiredness that was beginning to set in when the muffled sound of music coming from the rec-room snagged his attention and reeled him in. Britney Spears.....? he thought. Who in the blue fuck is playing Britney Spears.....? Usually someone was blasting Van Halen or Bon Jovi at all hours of the day.......but Britney? 
Bob quietly opened the door, just a slight crack, the music clear as day as it reached his ears. There was Coyote, still in his flight suit and boots, moving to the music and adding in a few of his own signature moves as “I’m A Slave 4 You” blasted from his little bluetooth speaker. 
Bob stifled a laugh that threatened to leave his throat as he watched. It had been years since he had seen something like this. Back when he and the rest of the squad had been in elementary school together, he had been a chubby-cheeked little eight year old with a small recorder camera and had caught Coyote doing a similar dance in his bedroom mirror. That had gone over like a fart in church when Joe caught Bob running up the street, screaming for help as Coyote chased him with his whiffle-ball bat. 
But then a very naughty thought bloomed in the back of his head. Bob just couldn’t resist pulling out his phone and taking a video. 
“Hey Baby on Board!” 
“Shhhhh! Shut the fuck up Jake!” 
Hangman knitted his eyebrows together, moving in a bit closer to see what was going on. His eyes went wide and his jaw nearly unhinged as it dropped. Now he knew why Bob had told him to keep quiet. 
“Is that.......?” 
“Oh yeah.”
“And you.....?” 
Bob nodded. 
Hangman made a face, remembering the last time this had happened. “Should we?” 
Bob thought about it and finally decided to speak. “COYOTE!!!!” 
Coyote’s head turned towards the door, his face full of shock and embarrassment. “WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!! DID YOU RECORD THIS??!!!!” 
Bob and Hangman didn’t even have a second to think before the door flew open, the two of them running down the halls at full speed with Coyote hot at their heels. 
Fanboy was suddenly alerted to their presence by the sound of heavy, booted footfalls beating the floors and skidding as they rounded the hairpin turn, totally taken aback as to why Bob and Hangman were even running in the first place. 
“What the f-” 
“RUN!!!!!!” Bob and Hangman screamed. 
“Oh shit!!!” Fanboy blurted out, shooting to his feet like a bullet. 
Coyote chased them all the way onto the tarmac, weaving in and out from between the parked planes, the four of them running almost all the way to the runway. Halo and Phoenix looked at each other with a perturbed glance while Payback, Maverick and Rooster watched as they made their way back from the planes. 
“What the fuck is their problem?” Rooster asked. 
“I’ve got a hunch,” Maverick answered. “But I’m afraid to ask.”
Rooster and Payback cast each other a knowing look. This had happened before, albeit years ago, but it was still funny as hell to watch. 
“COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCHES!!!!!!” Coyote shrieked. 
“Think we oughtta go and stop’em?” Phoenix asked. 
“No let’s......let’s wait a minute or two,” Maverick replied. 
They all watched the chase until they just couldn’t anymore, finally deciding after fifteen long minutes that it was time to stop. 
Maverick watched the video on Bob’s phone, occasionally glancing at the bench where the four of them sat, two biting their bottom lips, one trying to hide a laugh behind his hand and the other looking like he was going to string them all up by their balls. He quietly stifled a snicker when he saw Coyote started moving his hips like a bellydancer, but quickly straightened his face and collected himself. 
“Can we get up now?” Fanboy asked. 
“No,” Maverick answered. “You idiots are still in time-out......and probably will be for the rest of the day.”  
He left the room for a hot minute until Bob let out a snort that had broken the long, pregnant pause that hung over the room. 
“I hate ya’ll so much right now,” Coyote told him, shaking his head.
A loud, obnoxious laugh escaped Bob’s throat as he stuck his head between his legs, slowly beating a fist against the bench. There was no way Coyote would ever be able to live this down a second time. 
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crinkled-emotions · 1 year
Oh G!
Can I request Lap/Chest pillow for Eddie or Jake PLEASE 🥺
Heeeeeey Kat! Happy holidays mate!
You got it! I'm in the mood for Jake getting some time with Mav but I have a feeling I'll come back to this and write some Buddie lmao 😂
Bob had been looking for Phoenix for at least an hour when he clocked that he should probably check the common room. Sometimes she hung out there to read or play cards with the guys. 
Look, all I’m saying is don’t bet against her. She will bleed you dry and then charge asshole tax. It’s her charm.
“Tash,” he said as he let the door slam behind him, “I’ve been looking for you-”
“-shut it. Right now.”
Bob blinked, startled. Phoenix never told him to shut up, or go away, or that he was annoying. Not like how she spoke to the others, how she was the first one to yell fuck you at Rooster or insult Hangman with a simple raise of her brow.
“Sorry,” Bob whispered. He snuck over to the couch and immediately his jaw dropped.
“Is that-”
“-mmhmm. Coyote went to get him some more meds, but I said I’d hold the fort. Mind passing me my water?”
Bob wordlessly passed over her water bottle and she took a sip, frowning as she cupped Jake’s forehead again.
“Is he sick?” Bob whispered. 
“Burning up. Think he was nauseous earlier but Coyote said nothing productive happened.”
“Do you... need someone to switch with? How long have you been here?”
“I’ve been doing this for as long as I’ve wanted to punch him,” Natasha said with a grin.
“I dunno, Jake gets a fever and he just... different person. Completely. It’s a little unsettling.”
With his head on Natasha’s lap, Jake shifted and she glanced down at him again.
“How are you feeling?” She asked softly. He gave a little so-so motion and Natasha nodded.
“Javy just went to get you some Pedialyte and some crackers. Do you need anything else?”
“Is my phone there?”
“Hey,” Bob said as he knelt in front of Jake. He sent him a sympathetic smile as he passed Jake’s phone to him.
“How long have you been sick?” Bob asked. Jake shrugged.
“I dunno, since this morning. Tash tried to drag me out of bed around nine.”
He winced as a cramp wracked his body.
“Bad idea.”
“I can tell. Uh, well, maybe you should get some more sleep, nap off the bug.”
“That would be good...”
Phoenix and Bob exchanged a look, Phoenix’s fingers running through Jake’s hair while he went back to sleep.
“Did you drug him? I don’t think I’ve ever- is he- he’s out,” Bob whisper-yelled in delight. Phoenix rolled her eyes.
“I told you. He gets a fever and he’s a little like a cat.”
“Hey, Bagman, missed you this morning. Roo had the most amazing waffles-”
Phoenix glanced up from the couch and paused, words lost in her mouth.
“Uh- are you okay?”
Coyote had an arm wrapped around Jake’s shoulders, holding him steady as they stumbled toward the couch where she had been falling down the tiktok rabbithole for the better part of an hour. She sat up, holding out her arms and Jake collapsed on to the couch beside her, resting his head on her knee. Phoenix frowned, placing her hand gently on his forehead and her eyebrows shot up at the warmth there.
“Oh, dude, you’re sick...”
Jake leaned into her touch, practically melting into the way she ran her fingers through his hair. Coyote nudged her shoulder.
“I’m gonna go and get some supplies, I can’t find any Pedialyte in this place and Rooster is MIA so I can’t ask him or Mav. Hopefully the infirmary will have some otherwise I’ll have to go to the store. Could you-”
“-yeah, I got him Javy. You go.”
“Thanks, Tash. I owe you one.”
“Nah, me and Bagman have been here before, he’s good.”
She squeezed Javy’s hand and he poked Jake’s shoulder, making sure he was listening before he started.
“I have to go get some shit, stay here okay? Tash is with you. Nothing wrong with being sick.”
“Bye, Javy.”
Jake closed his eyes, and Phoenix took that as conversation over. He could sweat out his fever whilst asleep, that would be fine by her. She kept running her fingers through his hair, listening for when he’d actually fall asleep. When a few minutes went by and nothing had happened, she frowned and cupped his forehead again.
“You’re really warm, maybe you should go and have a shower?”
“Don’t want to move.”
By the time Bob came looking for Phoenix, Jake had fallen asleep in her lap and she wasn’t willing to move.
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Ghost Story - Chapter 23
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Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 2930
Warnings: Swearing, implied sex
Summary: No one will miss a ghost. It'd been a running joke for as long as anyone could remember, something Ghost herself started, and she always said it with a smile on her face or with mirth in her voice. The untouchable stealth pilot in every sense of the word, no one could've predicted the depth of her turmoil over recent events, nor the extremes she would go to in order to protect the man she loved, not even those closest to her. Now, all that was left of the young aviator for Maverick, Hangman, and Rooster were the memories of the past, which would slowly fade with time. She'd come into their lives and made an unforgettable impression, and then, like a ghost, she was gone... Then again, ghosts can't die a second time.
Notes: The chapters/large parts in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: Take My Breath Away Need You Now In Case You Didn't Know
Seeing Ghost and Bryn walk out of the warehouse arm-in-arm sent a surge of relief through his veins. Neither girl needed him, but they needed each other. Both had a connection with a shared life experience that bonded them: the death of their fathers. Rooster had lost his too, but his grief was different. He hardly had any memories of Goose save for the grainy home videos and photos Maverick and his mom had saved. Rooster rarely watched them, however, the pain of longing to know his dad but understanding it would never happen too acute to handle. 
As the evening progressed and dusk turned to night, Rooster noticed Ghost became less and less talkative. Her gaze rested on whoever spoke, and she would smile and laugh at all the right times, but Rooster saw the distant look in her eyes, as if she wasn't focusing on the conversation but unconsciously following the cues from everyone else on how to act. Add in the bouncing leg and her fiddling with her dog tags, Ghost's attention evidently resided in a darker place elsewhere and not on the current conversation. Rooster needed to do something to ground her again before Ghost got too wrapped up in her head. But how? He just wanted to pull her close and hold her while she spilled what was going on inside her head, but she hadn't done that since their argument when he'd thrown her feelings in her face like an immature child. So why would she trust him with her thoughts now?
Rooster couldn't sit back and do nothing while Ghost quietly stressed about something, but what? He sat clear across from her, so it's not like he could put a comforting hand on her leg or arm around her shoulders. Besides, Ghost probably wanted him to steer clear of her. Their conversations earlier had been small talk, and the smile she gave him earlier was a one-off. They meant nothing. 
Penny came to the rescue, if not inadvertently, by saying, "It's getting chilly. What do you say we head in and watch a movie?"
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A chorus of 'yeses' rose from the Daggers. Maverick offered to set up the projector, and Fanboy and Fritz assisted him. A drunk Omaha and Bob offered to make popcorn and bring over some more snacks. Phoenix and Halo decided to supervise, concerned the boys might accidentally break or burn something, specifically themselves. Bryn and Payback collected the remaining dirty plates and picked up the general area, making it look less like the aftermath of a packed night at the Hard Deck and more like civilized people had been there. Hangman, Coyote, Harvard, and Yale moved the couches and chairs back inside. Ghost, at Rooster's request, helped inflate some of the air mattresses, both having a sneaking suspicion that at least half their group would be falling asleep during whatever movie they chose to watch. As they were blowing up the first mattress, Ghost's phone rang. She glanced at the screen, brow furrowing. Turning to Rooster, she asked, "Hey, I need to take this. Are you okay setting this up?"
"Yeah, I got it," he assured. Ghost smiled appreciatively at him and scurried off, but not before Rooster overheard her say, "Hey, Mom." 
Rooster kept a watchful eye on her, attempting to gauge the tone of the conversation from afar. From what he could tell, Ghost and Charlie were still at odds with each other, and while Ghost appeared to be mostly enjoying herself tonight, he worried her mom might spoil her daughter's fun, even if unintentionally.
Bryn came over to assist Rooster. Noticing Ghost outside, she inquired quietly, "Is she okay?"
"I don't know. It's her mom calling, so this could go either way."
"Either way, especially if it goes badly, be there for her. I think my conversation with her earlier made her open a little more to the idea of fixing things with you."
Rooster smiled appreciatively at Bryn and thanked her. He should've been upset over losing out on a future with a girl as wonderful as Bryn Kazansky, but he felt nothing other than friendship toward her. Rooster cared for her, but he didn't love her. Not the way he loved Ghost. She consumed his thoughts more than he cared to admit, more than any person should, but they'd always had a connection, even when they despised each other initially. 
Ghost slowly walked up and down in front of the warehouse, far enough away from the entrance that no one passing could eavesdrop. Ten minutes passed before the conversation ended, and Ghost stopped pacing, staring at her phone contemplatively. Then, hesitantly, she shoved her phone into her back pocket and returned to Rooster's side.
"Everything okay?" Bryn queried while fighting with the air pump to get it into the air mattress hole. 
"Uh, yeah. My mom just apologized for what she said last week," Ghost replied, evidently confused by Charlie's words. "I'm not complaining by any means, but something brought on that apology. Mom doesn't do things out of the blue. Gave me no explanation like 'I thought about it' or 'Wolfman pointed out.' Nothing. My mom and I don't always get along, but I know when something's off. 
"Maybe it was one of those one-off times where it really was out of the blue," Bryn suggested, finally winning the battle with the air pump.
Ghost shook her head. "Trust me, Charlotte Blackwood does not change. I just need to figure out what the ulterior motive is, but I won't drag y'all down with this any further."
"We're always here for you. Don't forget that."
Ghost smiled appreciatively at her friend and said nothing more other than she needed the bathroom, that she'd be right back, and to save a spot for her on the couch. Rooster promised he'd do this. Ghost's eyes flicked over to Bryn with hesitance, but a silent understanding must've passed between the girls because Ghost thanked Rooster rather than rejecting his offer.
Swiftly inflating the other mattresses and placing them on the floor in front of the projector, Rooster then snagged two spots on the couch for himself and Ghost. Phoenix took the third. However, Hangman had other plans, and before Rooster could place his legs in Ghost's spot to reserve it for her, the cocky pilot plopped down instead, much to Rooster's dismay and annoyance. Shaking his head, he ordered, "No, on the floor, Seresin."
Hangman gave him a cocky grin. "Nah, I'm comfortable here. You can move, though. Roosters like the ground anyways."
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Out of his peripheral, Rooster saw Ghost approaching. No one else, save for Maverick, seemed to notice her, judging by the thinly-veiled smirk on the captain's face. She eyed Hangman mischievously. Without a sound, she snuck up behind him, slipped her hands to his side, and whispered, "Move." Hangman leaped up and grabbed his ass like something had bitten him. Ghost hopped over the back of the couch with a triumphant grin, settling into her spot. Hangman, refusing to accept defeat and determined to get a place on the sofa, finagled himself between his ex and Phoenix. Having to slide over to give Jake more room, Ghost ended up pressed right up against Rooster's side. Bradley wasn't going to complain, and to make it more comfortable for her, he slipped his arm around her shoulders. Ghost snuggled closer to him and leaned her head against his shoulder. Rooster couldn't help the small smile on his face at the contact. He wanted to rest her cheek atop her head, but that would undoubtedly cause speculation about a non-existent romantic relationship, even though Bradley still desperately wanted one.
Maverick, confirming everyone was settled in, hit play on the movie. Fanboy had picked it out, and naturally, it was Star Wars. This sparked an intense discussion of who was the best pilot in the film: Hangman, Coyote, Omaha, Bryn, and Ghost were on the side of Anakin; Rooster, Bob, Halo, and Fritz chose Luke. Phoenix, Harvard, Yale, Fanboy, and Payback argued for Han.
However, one by one, everyone fell asleep, including Rooster. The last thing he remembered was Han charging like a madman after the stormtroopers, his cheek resting atop Ghost's head. Therefore, when he woke and found Hangman slumped over onto his arm instead of Ghost, Rooster was more than a little confused. He sleepily scanned the group, seeing everyone passed out except for the stealth pilot. Where had she gone? Surely she hadn't left?
Careful to avoid waking Hangman and stepping on Bob, Rooster got up from the couch and went outside. Ghost's bike was still there, so she had to be around here somewhere, and he had an idea. Going back into the warehouse, he beelined for the kitchen, which had been partially hidden by one of the P-51s. Sitting on the floor with her back against the cabinets, Ghost mindlessly shoved globs of ice cream while staring pensively into the massive tub.
"Is there any left to share, or should I start on another dessert?" Rooster inquired, slowly shuffling towards her. Despite their closeness earlier, that'd been in the company of everyone else. Now, with their friends asleep, it was just the two of them, and Rooster couldn't predict how she would act toward him.
Ghost froze at his words, a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and looking like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. She quickly swallowed the mouthful and cringed, probably from brain freeze. She smiled through the pain and asked, "Did I wake you?"
"Nah, woke up by myself and realized Hangman was sleeping on me instead of you." Rooster gave an over-exaggerated shudder, causing Ghost to chuckle. "Figured I'd come find you, but I can leave you be with the ice cream. Looks like it's quite the affair between you two."
"Shut up," Ghost snapped airily, chucking her plastic spoon at him. Rooster caught it, grabbed another one from the counter, and then sat down beside her.
Bradley scooped a bit of ice cream into his mouth. "So, why are you awake?"
"Woke up and needed the bathroom, and then was wide awake and knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, so I chose to eat ice cream before a hungover Hangman got to it in the morning."
"Speaking of which, what did you do to him on the couch earlier?"
Ghost smirked. "Hangman claims he's not ticklish, but that's not entirely true. There is one place I know of, so all I did was pinch his sides, and as he jumped up from that, I pinched his ass to give him an extra boost up. I'm going to pay for it in the morning, most likely. He knows as well as everyone else that I'm ticklish, so he'll try and get his revenge. Especially once he figures out all the ice cream is gone."
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 "Just hang near me. I'll protect you," Rooster told her, taking a scoop of ice cream. Ghost smiled but said nothing. Silence fell over them, and after two weeks of not speaking, Rooster finally found the opportunity he'd been waiting for: the chance to apologize. He took it. Quietly but full of sincerity, Rooster said, "What I said during our fight... it was uncalled for and out of line. I was angry at myself and took it out on you, and in doing so, nearly ruined our already strained friendship, and words cannot fully express how sorry I am for what I said, but I am sorry Ghost. I'm sorry for what I said, for how I treated you during the fight, and for not having the guts to ask you out sooner. I understand if you still want to keep me at a distance-"
"I don't," Ghost interrupted gently, leaning her head against the cabinet to look at him. "I've missed you, even if I haven't acted like it. I accept your apology, and I have one to make of my own."
"You have nothing to apologize for," Rooster said firmly. "You didn't tell me to go fuck my ex, nor were you being a dick to me."
"No, but I also could've said something sooner to you about my feelings."
"You loved Hangman, and he broke your heart after years of dating," Rooster replied with a shrug. "Plus, you don't do long-distance relationships."
Ghost cringed. "That's- that's, uh, not true. That was a lie I told you when I didn't want you to know I liked you. I was surprised you believed it, to be honest. Being in the Navy, all my relationships will be long-distance at some point."
"I'm glad you think I'm that smart, but you're giving me way too much credit," he joked, bumping her shoulder with his. "I'm the best of the best in the air, not when it comes to picking up hints that you're interested in me."
Rooster went to scoop another glob of ice cream, but emptiness met his spoon. Peering over the container, he discovered the dessert wholly gone. Disappointed and craving something sweet, he queried, "Do we have any more ice cream?"
"Sadly, no," Ghost replied. "There are other desserts, though. We have cake, cookies, your pick."
Rooster stared at her, mulling over his options. He zeroed in on a streak of ice cream on the top of her lip. "You got a little-"
Ghost moved to wipe her mouth, but Rooster beat her to it, capturing her lips with his own instead. Everyone Rooster knew had always told him time stopped and that you saw stars when kissing the one you loved, that they lost themselves when kissing the love of their life, but for him, he'd never been more hyperaware - the smell of her expensive Jo Malone perfume tainted by the faint presence of jet fuel, the softness of her lips tinged with the slight taste of Moose Tracks ice cream, and the featherlight touch of her fingertips brushing the underside of his chin.
"Did I get it?" Rooster asked huskily, only stopping the kiss to catch his breath and to give Ghost an opportunity to back out of this. He gingerly braced his forehead against hers, aching to touch her but not wanting to push his luck more than he had without her permission.
"No," Ghost answered breathlessly. "No, I think there's still-"
That's all Rooster needed to hear, and his lips were once more on hers. All the bottled-up emotions- the years of longing, the past two weeks of desperation to solve things, to be near Ghost again- came crashing down upon him in one fell swoop. Rooster cupped her cheek with one hand and slipped his other arm behind her waist, using it to urge her onto his lap. Ghost needed no encouragement, straddling his lap without breaking the kiss. Her hands couldn't decide between weaving themselves in his hair and cradling his face, constantly moving between the two until she finally decided to hook an arm around his neck and leave one hand in his hair.
They only broke apart to get air, both dizzy from the sudden, passionate makeout. Their heavy breathing, harsh in the quiet of the hangar, must've prompted Ghost to whisper, "Someone's going to catch us if we keep this up."
"You want to take it somewhere else?" he asked, eyes tracing the features of her face, memorizing the sharpness of her black winged eyeliner, the tiny tears in her lips from her biting them, and the green flecks in her blue eyes that he never noticed before.
"Where did you have in mind?"
"I mean, the Bronco isn't just great for car rides."
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"Oh, really?" Ghost said in mock disbelief. "I'm not sure I believe you. I think you're going to have to prove it."
"Follow me." Beaming, the two of them got up, swiftly and silently making their way out of the hangar and into the cool night. Rooster grabbed some extra blankets from the front seat to make the bed of his truck a little more comfortable. When Rooster finished setting it up, he lifted Ghost into the back. The second they settled in, their lips were once more on each other's, but unlike the passionate session before, this time, the kiss was so slow and deep, the two pilots savoring the moment and the feel of each other. This time, neither was inebriated or in the heat of the moment. Both were wholly aware of every single thing they were doing with full ability to stop and turn back, but neither did. Ghost and Rooster had finally gotten onto the same page, and how long that would last, Bradley had no idea, but for now, he planned on showing her how much he loved her, how much he missed her, and how well he knew every inch and curve of her body. 
"Fuck," Ghost breathed when Rooster trailed kisses down her neck, across her chest, and back up the other side.
"Fuck what?" Rooster asked, nipping her bottom lip.
"Me." Lying on her back, she cupped his face, her thumbs grazing up and down his cheekbones. "Rooster, you big stud?"
He bit back a grin. "That's me, baby."
Ghost kissed him long and slow before responding, "Take me to bed or lose me forever."
"I'd ask you to show me the way home-" Rooster brushed a piece of hair out of her face- "but with you, I'm already there."
After that, nothing more was said. Nothing needed to be.
Tags: @supernaturaldawning @shanimallina87 @polikszena @lgg5989 @callsign-milano @bradshawsandbridgetons​ @harper1666​ @shadeops21​ @double-j​ @copaceticwriter​ @rotating-obsessions​ @sharkprestige​ @thedarkinmansfield​ @lapilark​ @mickeyluvs​ @starshipfantasy​ @bennypears00​ @mandowife221b​ @the-navistar-carol​ @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth​ @carmellasworld​ @0hb0llocks​ @nicangelinee​ @summ3rlotus @3picklesinajar​ @magentamistress @the-other-hawkeye @elisha-chloe @emilymarie105 @persephone11110 @luckyladycreator2 @boogdleyboo @k0k3 @bibissparkles @lilmonstrjedi @stinkyrat09 @cocoag18 @suburbzchick @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @goodstuff28 @georgiasimpson95 @horselovers2016 @tanithpriad125 @davidshawnsown @sowolfstudentme @agagagfafa @callmemana @sec17 @brxklyn15 @hoppy0the0sheep @tomanybandstolove @abigailannz @mini-bee-bee
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Ghost • Six
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Warnings: 18+, Fluff, Angst, lots of Dumb Bitch Juice, Some Smut
Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OC & Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x OC
Word Count: 722
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Javy and I left Kota's room and headed back to my room. I mean I wasn't really lying when I said I wanted to get to know him more, but I also wanted to talk to him about Kota and Jake. "So do you see it too?" I asked looking over to Javy while I unlocked my door. 
"What do you mean?" He replied back with a curious look on his face.
"Kota and Jake, like I see the way those two look at each other and..." I trailed off. 
He nodded to me, "Yeah I've noticed it too." He started, but then continued after sighing, "I've known Jake for a while, we met during plebe summer in the Naval Academy, we were roommates, and then became close friends, he's liked Kota for as long as I can remember," he looks over to me, "but that doesn't leave the confines of this room." He finishes. 
I smile, shutting and locking the door, "Well I won't tell anyone, your secret is safe with me, but recently a little birdy had told me she likes him too." I pause for a second feeling bad for telling Javy this but even though I just met Kota I do really want her to be happy.
"She's just scared to take that risk, and I understand why, it's hard to have feelings for your friend, and then have to wonder if they even see you the same, and if they didn't, that it wouldn't ruin that friendship." 
I nod over to the couch, inviting Javy to sit while I run to the kitchen to grab us some water. I take a drink, when Javy begins to speak again, "What if we like.." he stops, trying to find the right words when I speak up, "Parent Trap them?" Javy exclaims, "Yes! Exactly that, like you invite Kota somewhere, I invite Jake. And you know maybe magic happens from there." 
We both laugh at the silliness of the situation but then start throwing around ideas of what we could do. "I think before we go making big plans like these, we should do it in the right headspace, you know sober." I say to Javy. "Tate, you're absolutely correct." 
"Are you still a bit tipsy?" I question Coyote.
"Yeah just a bit, you mind if I stay here with you tonight, I know it wouldn't be responsible to drive currently." He questions.
"I mean I'd prefer you to stay here than driving home, let me go grab you a pillow and a spare blanket. I'll be right back." I say walking to my bedroom closet where I keep all the spare linens, and other bedding.
I look out my bedroom door to make sure I can't be seen, before fanning myself and thinking to myself, Come on Tate, get it together, you've only known this man for a little under a week now. 
I grab the spare bedding once I've recomposed myself and turn the couch into as good of a bed as I can. "There you go, all set!" I say hoping the nerves didn't come out in my voice again.
"Thank you Tate, one last question before you head to bed, where's the restroom in case I need it?" I begin to point down the hallway, "Oh uh, just down this hallway here, it’s the first door on the right." Coyote chuckled, I didn't notice it, "Thank you Tate, goodnight." He says approaching me for a hug. 
I hugged him back, and once we broke away, I grabbed my water off the coffee table and headed to bed. I shut my bedroom door, before leaning my back up against it. "Holy shit." I mutter under my breath, "You really gotta get your shit together man." 
I climbed into bed for the night, but sleep didn't come easily thinking about the gorgeous tall, dark and handsome man, sleeping on my couch in the living room. I take a deep breath trying to relax enough to fall asleep but all I can smell is his scent, mixed with the beer we were drinking. I mumble to myself, "Holy shit I'm down bad for him." Little did I know, that man out on my couch was experiencing the same thing I was, we're equally down bad for each other.
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@mayhemmanaged @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @roostette @cassiemitchell @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @roosters-girl @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @twsssmlmaa @bobby-r2d2-floyd @that-one-random-writer @horseshoegirl @footprintsinthesxnd @genius2050
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fyrewalks · 1 year
i can't do this. // @a1truist
He feels like they've finally reached equal footing, and found a dynamic that hints towards friendship but doesn't lead their friends to wonder if there's more between them. Or at least, Bob hopes no one is too curious as to why Jake turns to him for a game of darts rather than Coyote. He thinks, maybe, they've been like this for a while. Bob's only just now admitting it to himself.
And then - I can't do this.
Bob lowers the raised dart, swallowing. Jake's meaning isn't hard to miss, vague as his words are. Oh. This must have been deliberate, then - even if Bob wants to argue back, and he does, there's little he can say without revealing the more intimate nature of their purposefully unlabeled relationship.
"If that's what you want," he says, aiming for unbothered nonchalance and missing by miles. This isn't what he wants. Not at all. "You have my keys." It'd been practical, giving Hangman a spare key to spare them both the hassle of dealing with locked doors when all they wanted was to get their hands on each other. Although, Hangman sometimes showed up to play video games and eat his food, and once, Bob found him sprawled across his couch, sound asleep without any warning.
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India Lima Yankee - Chapter 23
Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 4055
Warnings: Death, terminal illness, near-death, lot of sadness
Summary: Juliette Kazansky discovers Maverick is back in town for a special training detachment, but she's more than a little blindsided when her Rooster arrives too. Having not spoken to him for almost ten years after their less than amicable break-up, Juliette can only imagine how the next few weeks are going to play out when she remains head over heels in love with him while he wants nothing to do with Juliette other than to forget her.
Or so she thinks.
Notes: Chapters in italics are flashbacks. I made this chapter long since y'all had to wait so long for it :)
Chapter Songs: You'll Be In My Heart (Piano) Beyond the Sea (Piano) Great Balls of Fire (Alternate Piano)
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23
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The words coming out of Juliette's mouth made sense individually, but Rooster couldn't make heads or tails of them combined. He didn't care, though. He loved how she lit up talking about her proposal, the way her sapphire eyes glittered with anticipation at the idea of presenting it, how an involuntarily smile would form on her kissable lips the longer she talked about it, how the facts sprouted from her mouth like she'd been born with them ingrained in her mind. Most of all, Rooster loved seeing Juliette's worries, stress, and melancholy melt away for a short while, the tension dissipate from her tightly wound shoulders. 
Rooster kept a hand on her thigh as a constant reminder that Juliette was here and alive, that this wasn't some cruel dream he'd wake up from and find himself staring at the charred remains of Coyote's plane instead of Juliette's glowing face. 
Around seven, she finished her work, and they migrated to the couch. Rooster turned on the TV, but neither one paid much attention to it. Juliette fell asleep on his shoulder thirty minutes in, exhausted from the rollercoaster they called today. Rooster didn't dare move a muscle, unwilling to break the peace that had finally overcome Juliette. Instead, he stared up at the ceiling, keeping his hand on her thigh as he unconsciously, lightly, tapped out the words he ached to say: India Lima Yankee. Even after their passionate kiss mere hours ago, Rooster was still scared to speak them in fear of pushing their relationship forward too fast. Juliette had never been one to act without thinking when it came to relationships. She liked slow and steady. Rooster learned early on before he started dating her that Juliette wanted to be wooed. It was the same day he bought the locket for her, the same one currently residing in the chest pocket of his flight suit. Rooster had meant to give it to her the next time they met, but he hadn't planned on that being this morning. Then she'd gone up with him and the other pilots, chaos ensued in the evening, and Bradley hadn't found the right time. Remembering Juliette hated being woken up, Rooster decided now was certainly not the right time either.
Darkness settled over North Island, but Rooster still didn't move. Instead, he allowed himself to close his eyes, to maybe get some rest while he waited for news, but the idea was short-lived because the door squeaked open. Rooster looked up, hoping it'd be Maverick with information on Phoenix and Bob. Instead, he found Hangman standing there, his expression perplexed but seemingly not from seeing Juliette passed out on Rooster's shoulder.
"What do you want, Seresin?" Bradley asked quietly, hoping not to wake Juliette. It didn't work. She stirred, blinking sleepily.
"Cyclone requested my help in finding Juliette. He needs to speak with her in his office. I'm to escort her there," Hangman said.
"Shit," Jules muttered grumpily, pushing herself up. "I swear to God if he's going to force me to see the doctor after what happened today..."
She got up and shouldered her purse. Rooster walked her over to Hangman and said, "I'll be here when you're done."
"Hopefully, this won't take long," Juliette replied, giving Bradley a quick peck on the lips. "I'll be back."
Rooster nodded and watched her leave with Hangman, who walked much too closely to Juliette for Bradley's liking. Swallowing his rising annoyance, he turned around and returned to the couch. He switched off the TV, the noise now grating on his frayed nerves. It'd been fine with Juliette by his side. She'd always had a calming effect on him, whether she intended to or not, but with her gone, the anxiety and worry from today rose up like a violent tidal wave, continually swelling, waiting to crash down on him in its monstrous size and drown him. Rooster simply sat in the darkness, though, unwilling and unable to move with the paralyzing fear gripping him. Something must've happened to Phoenix and Bob for it to be taking this long for him to get word on their condition. And maybe it was paranoia overtaking him, but a quiet, ominous voice in the back of his mind told him that whatever Cyclone needed to talk to Juliette about, it couldn't be good. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Rooster saw a familiar figure enter the room. He glanced at Maverick for only a brief second, avoiding looking at his captain's face in fear he'd see the news he didn't want to hear.
"They'll keep Phoenix and Bob in the hospital overnight for observation. They're going to be okay," Maverick informed, stopping a conservative distance away.
Rooster bowed his head in relief, silently thanking God for allowing his friends to live. There'd been too many close calls today, but they'd all survived. He could be grateful for that. "That's good," Rooster replied, his voice much steadier than he felt inside, the tidal wave still threatening to drown him. "I've never lost a wingman."
"You're lucky," Maverick said softly. "Fly long enough, it'll happen... there will be others."
Maybe it was his frayed nerves; maybe it was his pent-up fury at the man he loved so much but had been brutally betrayed by; maybe it was him wanting the answers he always wanted but never received; maybe it was Rooster wanting to hurt Maverick the same way his surrogate dad had hurt him all those years ago because as Maverick turned around to leave, Rooster said, "Easy for you to say. No wife. No kids. Nobody to mourn you when you burn in."
The words weren't true. Rooster knew Juliette and the rest of the Kazansky clan would be devastated if Maverick died, that Penny would be upset, that he himself would be distraught, but Rooster didn't care. The pain caused by the betrayal of Maverick cut Bradley to the bone, and it had been an open wound ever since, festering for almost two decades. Nothing and no one could stop him from finally unleashing his fury.
Maverick didn't turn around. All he said was, "Go home. Let's get some sleep."
The decorated captain tried to walk away, but Bradley snapped, standing up in outrage and demanding, "Why'd you pull my papers from the academy? Why did you stand in my way?!"
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Maverick stopped, peering at Rooster over his shoulder. He hesitated before replying, "You weren't ready."
"Ready for what, huh?" Rooster stalked towards him, putting himself nose to nose with his captain. "Ready to fly like you?"
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"No," Maverick said, finally turning around and meeting Bradley's gaze. "Ready to forget the book. Trust your instincts. Don't think. Just do. You think up there, you're dead. Believe me."
Had Rooster not been so far gone in his anger, the look of despair falling onto Maverick's face might've stopped him from what he said next. He wanted the man he used to look up to feel the same pain he had all these years, to feel some betrayal of his own. All Maverick had wanted was for the two men to reconcile. Bradley knew this, and he would steal those dreams the same way Maverick had stolen his by pulling Bradley's papers. In a quiet and accusatory voice, Rooster said, "My dad believed in you. I'm not going to make the same mistake."
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Pained silence engulfed the two of them, both evidently hurting in their own way but unable to work it out. Rage rolled off Rooster in waves, colliding violently with the sorrow pulsating outward from Maverick. Who knows how long they would've stood there, their gazes unwavering from each other, had Warlock's quiet voice not gathered their attention from the doorway.
"Maverick," the rear admiral said. Something about his expression, although always stoic and collected, had an edge of sadness in it.
Mav cleared his throat and tore his eyes from Bradley. "Sir?"
Warlock's gaze briefly flicked over to Rooster as if he was trying to gauge the situation between the two aviators. But, if he figured out what was happening, he didn't ask. Bradley wished he would've inquired about the trouble between him and Maverick rather than the bombshell he dropped next. "Admiral Kazansky has passed away."
Both Maverick and Rooster staggered slightly back, stunned and disbelieving. How could Iceman be dead? The man who beat the cancer twice before already? Perhaps Rooster had fallen under the same denial Juliette had, that the doctors had misdiagnosed the terminal illness, or that he'd be a miracle case and survive it against all odds, or-
"Jules," Bradley breathed, the reality sinking in. Cyclone calling her into his office... it couldn't be a coincidence. "Where's Juliette?"
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"I'm here," came her unsteady response, her voice barely above a whisper. Jules came into view, barefoot and supported by Hangman, who held her purse and heels in his free hand. How Juliette was even up and walking was beyond Rooster, but then again, she'd never reacted to shocking situations like most other people. 
She slipped out of Hangman's grasp and shuffled in a daze to Maverick, who enveloped her in a stupefied hug. "I'm so sorry, Juliette. I'm so sorry."
Tears rolled down her face. "I saw him this morning. He seemed to be doing better. I don't know what happened. I don't-"
Juliette broke down into hushed sobs, sinking into Maverick's embrace. Rooster bowed his head, hiding the tears forming in his eyes as he silently grieved the loss of Admiral Kazansky, the man who had supported Rooster at Top Gun when he'd had no family of his own, none that Bradley wanted there, at least; he grieved the man who Rooster wanted to ask permission to marry his daughter when the time was right; the man he had hoped to get to know once more but now would never have the chance. 
Out of his peripheral, Bradley saw Hangman set Juliette's belongings inside the room and shut the door behind him and Warlock, allowing the three to mourn privately.
Bradley rested a hand on Juliette's shoulder and squeezed it to let her know he was there for her too. As much as he wanted to be the one consoling her right now, he understood that she and Maverick shared a bond in regards to Iceman much deeper than she did with Rooster. Admiral Kazansky had been a rock for both of them, and now, he was gone.
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"When's the funeral?" Maverick inquired, sniffling.
"Tomorrow evening," Juliette replied, hiccuping and pulling away. She wiped the tears off her cheek.
"I, uh, I need to go talk to Cyclone and Warlock about the preparations, see what I need to do." Mav turned to Rooster. "Take care of her and get her home, Lieutenant."
"Yes, sir." If there was one thing that could make the boys set aside their differences, no matter what, it was Juliette. Maverick kissed his goddaughter on top of the head and left the room.
"Let's get you home," Rooster said gently, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.
She sniffled, frowning. "You need to change out of your flight suit. You'll get in trouble if you don't."
"It's fine. I think some exceptions can be made right now."
"No, don't- don't make exceptions for me just because-" Juliette's voice hitched- "Nothing is normal for me right now, and I need... I need some type of normalcy to occur. Please. For my sanity, I just need you to do what you would normally do if what happened hadn't-"
Juliette covered her mouth as a sob burst forth, and Bradley immediately enveloped her in a comforting embrace. She wept into his chest, her fists clutching his shirt like it was the only thing tethering her to reality. Having been in her position before, the possibility of that being true was strong. Rooster let her cry until no more tears could be produced, and the second of many waves of grief subsided. Without a word, he once more slipped his arm around her waist and grabbed her things, escorting her to his room. Juliette sank onto his bed upon their arrival, and Rooster swiftly changed into casual wear. He draped his flight suit over the back of his desk chair, taking Juliette's locket out of the chest pocket and slipping it into his keepsake box before she could see it. He could give her the locket one day, but not today. Now was not the time to bring up their past in any way, shape, or form.
Rooster grabbed his wallet, keys, and Juliette's belongings. She stood up shakily and gripped his hand in a vise. She might crush his bones if she squeezed any harder, but he'd let her. Anything to help Juliette through this. Rooster had been here before. He understood the helplessness and disbelief, the inability to fully comprehend that someone you loved and cared for so profoundly was gone. Time would heal the wound, but the scar would always linger as an emptiness in the heart that nothing and no one could fill.
Bradley briefly let go of Juliette to help her in his car, get in the driver's seat, and reverse out of his parking spot. However, the second he could, his hand was back in hers.
"Do we need to pick up Raptor and Lightning?" Rooster asked gently.
Juliette shook her head. "No, they're with my par-" she stopped short, correcting herself- "my mom. I dropped them off this morning to... to cheer up my dad."
Juliette's voice went up a couple of octaves as she tried to stop the tears from falling again with a barely successful attempt. No other words were aid until Rooster pulled into the Kazansky driveway. An eerie silence had settled over the place, and the darkness of the house didn't help. The only light showing, dim as it was, came from the living room. 
"I don't want to go inside," Juliette whispered, staring at her home with what Rooster could only describe as fear. "I don't want to be in the house he's not in anymore."
"You don't have to," Rooster replied softly, kissing the back of her hand. "I can go get the dogs for you."
Juliette shook her head, giving a small appreciative smile. "No, I have to. My mom needs me..."
Taking a deep breath, Juliette exited the car. Rooster followed her up to the front and inside the unsettlingly quiet house. Juliette called out for her mom, who emerged from the living room within seconds. Tears streaks stained the Kazansky matriarch's cheeks, and she broke down when she saw her daughter, who appeared equally as distraught and depressed as her mom. The two women tightly embraced, their bodies shaking while they wept into each other's shoulders. Rooster hung his head to avert his eyes, feeling like he was intruding upon a moment the two were sharing. 
Sarah Kazansky pulled away, and her gaze fell on Bradley. She smiled so warmly at him for someone who had just lost her husband, and it reminded him of his mom whenever she would go through periods of severe depression when missing Goose, how she would plaster on a smile that could brighten even the darkest of rooms. 
"It's so good to see you again, Bradley," Sarah said, pulling him into a hug. 
He willingly returned it, telling her, "You too, ma'am. I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Thank you, sweetheart." Sarah backed off, wiping fresh tears off her cheeks. "We knew this day was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier."
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"Are you by yourself?" Juliette asked, kneeling down to pet Raptor and Lightning, who had come strolling in at the sound of the owner's voice. The dogs acted as upset as the humans, almost like they knew Iceman wasn't coming back.
"Yes. Jack and Lillian will arrive in the morning, along with Joey, and will stay with me for a while," she replied.
"Will you two be okay by yourselves tonight?" Rooster inquired, unreasonably worried about them being alone. It's not like they were in any danger. However, the aviator still didn't relish the idea of leaving the grieving women alone.
Sarah smiled appreciatively at him. "We should be fine, but if you'd like to stay, I know neither of us would object."
"I don't want to intrude. I'm sure you two would like to be alone, but if-"
Sarah shook her head. "You wouldn't be. If you have to get back to base, I understand, but-" her gaze shifted worriedly to Juliette- "if not, I'd like for you to stay the night. I'd feel better about it."
Rooster nodded. "Of course."
"I'm, uh, I'm going to take a shower. It's been a long day," Juliette said, standing up. She picked up her belongings and kissed Rooster on the cheek. "I'll be back in a bit."
He watched her go slowly up the stairs; Raptor and Lightning followed closely behind. Sarah waited until her daughter was out of earshot before saying, "Thank you for staying. I know things aren't what they were between you two, but after she nearly crashed in the plane-"
Rooster blanched. "You know about that?"
"Yes. Maverick called me, told me he was worried about her. If he was concerned about how she was holding up, I knew it had to be serious."
Hesitantly, he nodded. "It was..."
"Juliette will never admit when she's struggling, but I know the signs, and she's been showing them for a while. Even though things have been tense between you two, she's been happier recently, and all I can think of is that you and Maverick are around."
"It probably has more to do with Maverick," Bradley admitted, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I think I've caused her more stress."
"Maybe in the very beginning, but not now. Not anymore." Sarah grasped his arms, a sadness falling onto her face. "Thank you for staying with us tonight."
"Anything I can do to help, just let me know," Rooster promised.
"Would you mind playing the piano for a little bit? The house is too quiet, and I missed having you around to play. None of us could do it half as well as you."
"I'd be honored." Bradley offered his arm for Sarah Kazansky to take, and she did. He escorted her into the living room. While she took residence in her late husband's recliner, Rooster took a seat on the piano bench, his fingers gliding over the keys to play some soft melodies, nothing too sad to avoid adding to the already somber mood in the house, but nothing too upbeat either. Just... calm. He played 'Dock of the Bay' as it was the first one to come to mind, followed by 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz, 'Half of My Heart' by John Mayer, and a few others he could think of. He noticed halfway through the sixth song that Sarah Kazansky's eyes were closed, but Rooster kept playing in the event she wasn't asleep. She had asked him to play, and he would until his fingers fell off. Anything to make the tragic situation a little more bearable for her.
As Bradley finished off 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling,' Juliette slid onto the bench next to him, wearing leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, the too-long sleeves pulled over her fists. She had her hair pulled back in a clip, and she would've appeared completely fine save for her bloodshot eyes, a dead giveaway for the breakdown she must've had in the shower.
"Your mom asked me to play," he whispered, continuing to play a soft melody to prevent waking Sarah with the conversation. "Do you have any requests?"
Juliette rested her head on his shoulder. "Dad always loved Phil Collins."
Rooster nodded, going over the playlist of songs in his head. Finally, he landed on one, although he hesitated to play it. Unlike the others he'd been playing, this song verged on nostalgic and melancholy, especially given the circumstances, but he swore he could hear Iceman's voice telling him, compelling him, to play it, convincing Bradley any other song would be insufficient for the moment.
Rooster's fingers started playing involuntarily, almost like they had a mind of their own, and he started singingly softly along to 'You'll Be In My Heart.' Although Bradley couldn't see Juliette's face, he could feel the muscles in it contorting against his shoulder. Halfway through the song, he heard her sniffle, and Rooster's playing trailed off.
"I'm sorry. I should've chosen a different one," he apologized guiltily upon seeing her crying.
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Juliette lifted her head and shook it. "No, no, it's not that. I love that song. Dad loved that song. It's-" she wiped tears off her cheeks- "it's just of all songs you could've chosen that I know you know how to play of Phil Collins, you chose that one."
"How come?"
She smiled wistfully at the piano, a fresh stream of silent tears rolling down her cheeks, but she didn't seem to notice. "I told my dad that if I ever got married, he could choose our father-daughter dance. Dad chose that song."
"You know-" Rooster swallowed the knot down in his throat as the gravity of the song's meaning fell over him- "my mom always told me that whenever 'Great Balls of Fire' started playing, it was Dad saying hi. I usually heard the song when I was going through tough times and needed a pick-me-up. So maybe hearing this song tonight was your dad saying he's still here."
There were three specific times Rooster remembered hearing 'Great Balls of Fire' an abnormal amount of times for a song that had come out in 1957: after his mom passed, after he cut Maverick out of his life, and when he'd broken up with Juliette. It always came on when he was feeling incredibly alone. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but Rooster had always believed his parents were watching over him. And, if his parents were his guardian angels, then Iceman was undoubtedly his family's, letting his presence be known through Bradley playing the piano. It's why Rooster had mentioned his little belief, not intending for his words to break Juliette down again, but she did. However, the tears weren't full of sadness because she was smiling through them. Glancing over at the piano, she whispered, "Hi, Dad."
Bradley reached over and grabbed her hand. Juliette squeezed it gratefully. She stood up, keeping ahold of him. He followed her to the couch, and they settled in under a plush blanket while Raptor and Lightning lay at their feet. Juliette turned on the TV, changing the channel to one playing classical piano versions of popular songs from all decades.
"What's the sign that your mom was around?" Juliette asked softly, resting her head on his shoulder.
"It's 'Beyond the Sea' by Bobby Darrin," Rooster replied, smiling. "I have one faint memory of Mom playing it before we went to see Dad at Top Gun, belting out to it. She would always play it on their wedding anniversary, even after he died, and the anniversary of his death, but no other times. I think it hurt too much to listen to outside of those times."
"She must be saying hi right now, then." Juliette nodded at the TV. Following her line of sight, Rooster zeroed in on the caption at the bottom of the screen stating the song: Beyond the Sea. "I guess your mom and my dad are hanging out together."
"All we need is for 'Great Balls of Fire' to start playing, and then we know it's not a coincidence that the songs are playing," he replied, resting his cheek atop her head. The two of them fell into a comfortable, albeit sorrowful, silence, both wrapped in their own thoughts of their late parents, wishing they were here in person rather than having to look for signs of their presence. 
Slowly but surely, Rooster started nodding off, exhaustion overtaking him. His heavy eyelids finally closed, and as he drifted off to sleep, Bradley heard the all too familiar piano riff, gentler than normal but still recognizable, of 'Great Balls of Fire.' Smiling to himself, Rooster murmured, "Hi, Dad."
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