dakotakazansky · 10 months
Best Stitch Day Ever!
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Just a little drabble I wrote up for Stitch Day today(6/26).
Description: Sunshine's favorite movie is Lilo and Stitch, and she's got a little surprise for Jake when he gets home.
Pairings: Jake x F!Reader - No Y/N, goes by Sunshine or Angel(this blurb only)
Warnings: Teeth Rotting Fluff.
Word Count: 567
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It’s June 26th, and you woke up excited for the day. You had a short shift today at the station. Only 8 hours spent in the ambulance and then you were on your way home. Jake had left before you woke up, and he’ll be getting home later today which worked well in your favor.
After you had gotten off shift, you quickly got home, showered and changed into some Nike Pro shorts and a sports bra. You got dinner prepped and ready and then left it in the oven to keep warm until Jake got home.
Your phone lit up showing your background photo of you and Jake during your first date. The message that popped up was from Jake saying he’d be home in just a few minutes. You ran up to your shared bedroom and slipped into your Angel Onesie.
You brought down the Stitch onesie and left it sitting next to you on the couch. You quickly queued up your favorite movie, Lilo and Stitch right as Jake walked in the door and kicked off his boots. “Sunshine I’m home!” He called out. You ran across the glossy hardwood floor of your shared home and stopped short of Jake’s body, sliding to a perfect stop right in front of him, and you wrapped your arms around his waist hugging him tightly.
“We’ll aren’t you super cute!” Jake coos to you. “Come on bubs! It’s Stitch day!” You said excitedly trying to peel his flight suit off of him as you made your way to the couch where the Stitch onesie was waiting for Jake. The only other day that rivaled this day's excitement each year was Christmas. “I got you one too bubs!” You said in a very chipper tone handing the onesie to Jake.
Jake cocks his eyebrow up at you, with a questioning look, that you understand immediately. He was silently questioning if he really had to do this or not. “Bubs please?” you jut out your lower lip into your signature pout that makes him almost feel bad, but what flips him inevitably is the puppy dog eyes in combination with the pout.
Jake nods, taking the onesie from you, “Of course Sunshine, or should I say Angel?” He responds, and your face lights up like it’s Christmas. “Have you been studying my favorite movies Bubs?!”
He chuckles as he walks away, “Maybe just a smidge Angel. I know how much it means to you, and just want to do what I can to make you happy.” He quickly showers to wash the smell of Jet fuel and sweat off, swapping one of your favored scents for another, the smell of citrus and cedarwood.
By the time he returns you’re already cozied up on the couch, with both plates of dinner sitting on the coffee table awaiting Jake’s return. Jake comes bounding down the stairs in his Stitch onesie and pounces down onto the couch next to you and in the best Stitch voice he can do, he yells “Blue Punch Buggy!”
You couldn’t contain your laughter for a good few moments. After the giggle fit caused by Jake, you both ate dinner and had a movie Marathon of Lilo and Stitch, Lilo and Stitch 2, and Leroy and Stitch, before you both were tuckered out and made your way up to bed. It was the Best Stitch day ever.
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@mayhemmanaged @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @cassiemitchell @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @twsssmlmaa @bobby-r2d2-floyd @that-one-random-writer @horseshoegirl @footprintsinthesxnd @djs8891 @kmc1989 @starset21 @emma8895eb @shanimallina87
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
One Thing Right
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Word Count: 768 Tags: Mostly Fluff, hint of angst, mentions drinking and driving, wrecking, hospital
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Bradley Bradshaw was not an easy child. He was easy to love, but wrangling that boy was easier said than done. He’d started acting out soon after Goose had passed. He’d been kicked out of every daycare as a child. He picked fights, he pushed and shoved, and he tormented the other children. It always ended the same for poor Carole. She’d love him until the end of the world, back, and then some. 
Carole had eventually exhausted all the options she could with daycares. That was when she enlisted Maverick and all his squad buddies to help her care for Bradley while she worked. 
“Acting like my mama’s little devilish child.”
During his school years he only got worse. Still always picking fights. Always had barely passing grades, was even held back a year or two before he shaped up enough to barely meet passing grades each year. 
During highschool was when he finally met her. What she saw in that boy always shocked Bradley himself. He tried his hardest to push anyone and everyone away, including her, but she never faltered. 
Bradley had turned 16, and that just enabled him to be more reckless and wild. His first car was supposed to be Goose’s beloved Bronco. Carole never allowed that to happen, Bradley ended up with some beater that should have been dead on the road from how badly he ran it, but it never faltered as well, until one fateful night.
Bradley had been at a party that one of the school kids had thrown when their parents were out of town. He had one too many drinks and made the decision to drink and drive. He’d swerved all over the road, eventually wrecking that beater car into a tree. He wasn’t wearing his seatbelt, and was thrown through the windshield of the car. 
That night sobered him up well and fast. When he awoke in this hospital bed, he felt that his right hand was soaked. There he had found her. Devoid of all energy, tear stained cheeks, and sleeping. From that night he decided he wanted to be better, if not for himself, but for her.
“When I was getting crazy, reckless and wild…”
That night should’ve been the night that she threw in the towel and walked out of his life once and for all but she didn’t. She stuck by his side through it all. She went to school, got a voice recording of his lessons, and would grab his schoolwork, and as soon as the day ended she was right back in that hospital with him. When he was finally discharged she’d continue on just like before, but arriving at his house after school. 
With her help, his spirits after the wreck were lifted, and his grades greatly improved. She saw something in him, and during the worst of it, she never left. She helped him get to and from PT, even sometimes planning little outings for them. On the particularly hard days, she took him to her favorite ice cream shop, before taking him to the beach, where they would spend their time decompressing from stress, with the sound of seagulls and crashing waves. 
That had quickly become a tradition for them. Even on the anniversary of Goose’s death, they’d get ice cream, and then head to the beach. It was only a shock to her on that day, that Bradley had asked her to be his girlfriend. It was an even bigger shock to him when she agreed. 
“It took a heart like yours to find its place.”
They’d graduated high school together, and eventually graduated college together. They were stuck together like glue. They ended up back on that same beach that they frequented all those years ago, and that was when Bradley dropped two of the biggest bombs on her. Firstly he wanted to join the Navy, to continue to improve himself. The second bomb he dropped was asking her to Marry him. She of course said “Yes!” They had an extended engagement. 
Two years and a deployment later, came to this very moment. Bradley and his now wife, dancing their first dance at their wedding reception. Bradley spinning her is slow elegant circles as he sang their entire first dance song to her, as she giggled those music like giggles that he’d never get tired of. He looked her in the eyes finishing the song, “But I got one thing right.” He placed the most tender yet passionately filled kiss to the soft lips of his now wife, before looking deeply into her eyes, whispering, “You.”
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If you like what you read, check out my MasterList, for more one shots or stories.
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Tagging some people that may be interested:
@mayhemmanaged @roostette @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @cassiemitchell @lavenderbradshaw @roosters-girl @desert-fern @lovinglyeternal @sarahsmi13s @bobby-r2d2-floyd @bradleybeachbabe
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dakotakazansky · 11 months
Meet Atlas Blake
Notes: This goes along with a series currently being written by @mayhemmanaged and @cassiemitchell!
Update 01/31/2024: This fic belongs to an alternative timeline of a fic that is currently being rewritten by the original authors. ATLAS’ CHARACTER IS MY OWN AND I REFUSE TO DELETE MY HARD WORK
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Atlas Blake aka Loki
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“Atlas Blake!” I hear my name called, and I release the hand of my long time high school sweetheart, looking over and smiling at Bradley before walking up the stage to receive my Masters of Law Degree. I hear the loud screaming from Emory, Birdie, and Bradley. My ride or die, the people I would do anything for. I remember the day I met Emory vividly.
I had just finished getting a scumbag placed into Jail for a year, due to a domestic dispute. The poor girl looked better now, but the photos I saw as evidence had her looking pretty rough.
It was a few weeks later and I’m sitting in the coffee shop near campus, drinking on a Caramel Macchiato, and studying to pass the next exam in the class to then move on to the next BAR exam, for my Masters of Law. I was having a hard time focusing though, some guy was trying to entice a woman to get with him. I’m sure the words falling out of his mouth were more on the crude side than the actual complementing side.
When he started to lay hands on her, and I noticed her flinching, was when I had had enough of this guy’s tomfoolery. I slammed my book shut, closed my laptop gently, and strided over to the two of them. I grabbed the guy by the shoulder and pulled him around to face me. “Now I know I have heard this pretty lady here tell you no more than once, so listen here buddy, I know about a thousand and one or more ways to get you served with a restraining order. Once again the lady said no, so I suggest you get moving before I start drafting an order up. Do you hear me?!” I say powerfully through gritted teeth.
The poor excuse for a man mutters something about being a bitch, and I just laugh it off. It's not the first time I’d heard that, and as a woman going for throats in law, I for damn well know it won’t be the last time. I nodded to the woman, glad to finally have the peace and quiet restored to the coffee shop, and I turned to head back to my table.
“Hey wait a moment?” I hear her say, “You’re one of the people that was on my defense team.” When I finally and fully get a good look at her, I recognize her from the trial that I had just done and internship on. I nod back to her. “I’m Atlas Blake, most call me Blake though.” She reaches a hand out to me, “I’m Emory. I’m so grateful for you and your team, and what you guys pulled off for me.”
I take her hand in mine, shaking it. “I’m just disappointed they only gave him a year, we had him set up for quite a few actually. Anyways, I’m glad that guy isn’t bothering you anymore, I’m just going to head back over there” I say pointing to my stuff, “and continue studying. It was really nice to meet you.”
“Hey Blake, would you mind actually sitting over here with me? My friend Birdie is running a little behind, and I’d love it if you'd sit with me until she got here.” Emory said. I nodded, “Yeah, just let me gather up my stuff really quickly.” I packed up my table, threw away my wrapper from my snack earlier, and grabbed my coffee and made my way back over to Emory. I sat down with her, and we just started talking. Once her friend Birdie got there, she introduced us, and we all sat there together just chatting away. She mentioned they were in school to get their MBAs and I told them how I already had my Juris Doctor and was currently finishing school to finally get my Masters of Law. Something about the three of us just clicked, and from that day we were thick as thieves, you could hardly separate us.
Now that the semester was finally over, I was set to take up Co-Ownership of Cora’s with Emory and Birdie. I was also in the process of opening my own law firm. I wanted to now represent and fight for broken and battered women and children. If they can't have a voice for themselves, then I’ll become their voice, and so I did as such. Whenever someone came in asking for a pomegranate scone, that’s when I knew it was go time.
Bradley was now a Lieutenant with the Task force out of the Austin PD department. He had started to hear about these vigilantes taking down men before PD could even get to them. When he started to bring it up at home that’s when I knew they were going to be on our trail soon enough.
The following day while in The Underworld with Emory and Birdie, I had mentioned how Bradley had brought up the vigilantes. “Hey has Bob, or Jake brought anything up recently, Bradley’s been rambling on about the ‘Vigilantes’ in the area. Should I tell him? I mean it would be a good thing if he knows right? Y’know having a cop on our side in case things go left?” I say questioning Emory and Birdie.
“Well, I mean Bobby knows.” Birdie squeaks out just loud enough for the two of us to hear.
“EXCUSE ME?!” Emory all but comes unglued.
“Em, you KNOW I get a little looser-lipped after tequila and an orgasm or two.” Bridie says as Em, nods slightly tilting her head to the side.I scrub my face, at the obvious truth tumbling out of Birdie’s mouth.
“Jesus, yes I do. Thank fuck you’re already married and can claim spousal privilege though.” Em retorts back to Birdie.
“I think it’s about time I start drafting up NDAs and we have the guys sign them.” I say to the others.
“Oh Loki, you know Bobby won’t spill. I told him if he narced on us he’d be castrated on sight. So you know we are good there!” Birdie comments, and I chuckle at her ‘castrated on sight’ comment.
“I sure hope you’re right there Birdie, but unlike Bobby, Bradley ain’t all THAT scared of us. The man knows I love him and his dick too much to let anything of the sorts happen to it. Shit he knows I’d draft up an insurance policy for it!” The room filled with the laughter of the three of us, everyone knowing the truth in that statement.
Later that night, I’ve finally gotten the full NDA written up and printed out, and placed into a portfolio. It’s sitting on the coffee table, dinner is on the stove keeping warm, and I’m sitting on the couch with a glass of wine, watching tv until Bradley gets home. About 30 minutes later Bradley strolls in. “Attie, it smells so good in here!” I chuckle and get up to greet him, placing a tender kiss to his lips, as my arms snake around his neck. “I made your favorite dinner bubs.” He groans knowing that it’s my Grandma’s secret family recipe for Chicken and Dumplings.
We dug into dinner, Bradley apparently was too busy today to eat lunch, so he brought his appetite home. It was a really good thing I made his favorite, hopefully this will butter him up to not explode when I tell him the news that not only am I part of The Furies, I’m also actually one of the Fates.
“How was your day at work bubs?” I ask, trying to pry at what Bradley may know.
“Well we’ve heard more about this vigilante group, apparently they are called the Furies. But honestly I think whoever is in this must be some kind of maniac. The way we keep finding these men, but not the attackers. They are meticulous, doing very well from leaving any sort of DNA on scene. Definitely a thorough person or bunch.”
I chew on my lip listening to Bradley talk about work and the Furies while I clean up our dishes from dinner and he takes a spot on the couch, queueing up a movie for us to watch. He spots the portfolio laying on the coffee table. “Attie, is this something for work?” I finish the dishes and turn to see what he’s referring to.
“Oh uh, kind of but not really bubs.” I make my way over picking up the portfolio and setting it in my lap. “We uh, actually need to talk about this bubs.”
He lifts up his arm for me to snuggle into his side, and then wraps his strong arm around me, embracing me in his warmth. “Bubs, I think it’s time you sign these papers.”
He places a soft kiss on my temple before asking, “Are you finally going to marry me, and this is a prenup?” His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas for a moment.
I shake my head no to him, “Bubs, can you just sign them, and then we can talk about it?”
He looks at me bewildered, that I would even ask him to sign these papers blindly. “Attie, honey, I’m dating a Lawyer, I know the first thing to do is read this, ask questions and then sign it.”
“Bubs please. Just sign them. Plus you’re a cop. You know all about doing whatever you need to do to get the task done, to get what you want.” I quipped back to him.
He sighs, and skims the document, and then signs it. “Thank you bubs. I love you.” I take back the portfolio, before he can do anything else to it. “What you just signed was an NDA, because I have something really big to tell you bubs.” I can tell the nerves are written all over my face, I can feel my skin crawling.
“Attie Honey, no matter what you tell me, I’m still going to love you regardless.” He says trying to calm my nerves and rubs my arms softly.
I sigh, “Bubs, you promise you’ll still want to marry me eventually too?” I give him the puppy dog eyes that I know he can’t resist.
“Of course Honey, nothing would ever change that, you’re the woman of my dreams, my high school sweetheart, hopefully the mother to my children one day.” He places a tender kiss on my cheek.
“Bubs, the NDA is about me. I’m not only one of the Furies, I’m also a Fate. So is Emory, and Birdie. We could stand to see women and children being harmed, or battered, or neglected. And let’s be honest, we all know how long it takes PD to get anything done around there, you said it yourself last week, they were dragging their feet.” I rambled on, a little longer while Bradley just listened.
“Attie, who else knows?” was all that he questioned. “Bob, and now you do too. I plan to find out who else knows, or plans on telling their significant others and getting them the same NDA you just signed.”
He nods, “Attie, this doesn’t change a thing for us, the only thing I want more than anything now is that you marry me. That way should something happen to you, I get notified immediately, that I’m your next of kin, and you for me.” He says holding me tightly.
I nod, “Of course I’ll marry you Bradley, whenever you want. Buuut first…" I trail off, and he finished where I left off, “I have to sign the damn prenup.” We both chuckle before agreeing to head to bed for the night.
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@startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @roostette @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @twsssmlmaa @bobby-r2d2-floyd @that-one-random-writer @horseshoegirl @footprintsinthesxnd @genius2050 @djs8891
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Dakota Kazansky's About Me | Masterlist
I'm Mal. 28 year old Marvel and Top Gun Enthusiast. I go by Any Pronouns. My Tumblr and posts are 18+, so Minors Do Not Interact. If your age isn't in your bio, or you're a blank blog, I will not think twice about blocking you, This is your only Warning!
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Jake Seresin Series
Ghost (On Going Series, on hiatus)- When an unexpected crash happens, Lovers turn to enemies.
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Bradley Bradshaw Series
Written in the Stars (On Going Series, on hiatus) - Soulmate AU where the soulmates first tattoos match each others.
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Jake Seresin One Shots:
Look What You Made Me Do - A One Shot written for CherryCola27's 1k Celebration | Jake Seresin x OC
Bright Rays & Happy Days- A fun day at the amusement park, ends perfectly. Jake Seresin x F!Reader (Sunshine Universe)
Best Stitch Day Ever - Sunshine's favorite movie is Lilo and Stitch, and she's got a little surprise for Jake when he gets home.
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Bradley Bradshaw One Shots:
One Thing Right - Bradley Bradshaw
Former Gunpowder & Lead Extra: Meet Attie Blake - This fic is my hard work. I will not be deleting it while the rewriting of said series is being done by the people who originally created the series.
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Mini Series
Bradley Bradshaw: A Million Nights Part One | Part Two
Jake Seresin: TBD
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Written in the Stars • Prologue
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Master List | Next Chapter
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I had finally done it. I had finished college, check box number one.
I had finished my 10 weeks at BMT at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center just north of Chicago, check box number two.
I had finished Officer Candidate School in Newport Rhode Island, check box number three.
Finally, I had finished pilot school, and had earned my wings, to become a Navy Fighter Pilot. My hand hovers over the 4th check box on my many years old checklist I had started when I first decided I was going to follow in my father's footsteps and become an aviator. I quickly mark the box next to Pilot school. 
My dreams were starting to become my reality, I looked down at the final check box on the page. "TOP GUN" listed in big bold letters. My next biggest dream lay before me, and I was excited for the future, but tonight, Phoenix, Fanboy, Payback and I were going to go celebrate our latest victory. 
The loud rapping knock on my barracks door notified me that they were here. We all piled into my Bronco that I had gotten when I was sixteen. My mother Carole kept it in great condition, never letting a single thing happen to it, if something broke she immediately fixed it, if she couldn't, She enlisted Maverick's help in fixing it. This Bronco was one of the last things we had of my father's, and we all cherished it, and just like my mother had done, I kept it in pristine condition too. 
We headed off to our first destination of the night. The local tattoo parlor. Our celebration was to each get a special tattoo, to commemorate us making it as fighter pilots, after that we were all heading to the bar to get drinks, and really let loose, before we all got our orders for our first squadrons. 
Phoenix had made her way over to the counter next to me, and peered over my shoulder at the portfolio of tattoo options that were available. "Y'know Bradshaw, they say that the first tattoo that you get, matches your Soulmate." I scoff at her, "No, no one says that Nat, that's so not true, and to prove it, I'm going to get this one!" Without looking at the tattoo I had just picked out for myself, I brought the portfolio over to the artist, pointed at the tattoo that my finger had landed on and requested to have that one done. The artist nodded, "Not a bad choice, do you like space?'' They questioned me. "I mean I'm not an avid fan, but I do think it’s pretty neat." The artist nods, and begins my tattoo. 
10 minutes later, I now have my first tattoo that will stick with me forever. Just below my Adonis Belt, on the left side of my body, now sits three little stars, connected by a small faint line. I recognize this as Orion's belt. Before losing my dad, when we weren't spending our time in the bar singing to crowds, I was always on my dad's shoulders outside, peering at the night sky learning about constellations with him. Who knew that randomly letting fate decide what stays on my body forever now, would hold so much meaning without knowing it at first. 
The three others got their tattoos as well, Nat got a watercolor Phoenix rising from the ashes on the outside of her right bicep. Payback of course combined his callsign with his favorite thing, money, and got a dollar sign on his left shoulder blade, the line down the middle of the dollar sign said in block letters, 'Payback'. Fanyboy on the other hand almost completely bitched out halfway through his tattoo, but his Star Wars TIE Fighter did turn out really cool in the end. With new ink wrapped in Saniderm, we all made our way over to the bar, for a night of drinking, and letting loose. We danced, played pool and darts, drank, danced some more, and to end the night I did what all Bradshaws do best, serenaded the crowd while sitting on a piano bench.
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Tagging People that might be interested:
@mayhemmanaged @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @roostette @cassiemitchell @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Written in the Stars • One
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Previous Chapter | Master list | Next Chapter
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Warnings: Smut
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I roll up to the Hard Deck, parking my Bronco in one of the Active Duty Parking spots. I made sure to get here early enough to claim one. Walking through the saloon style doors, a bell chimes alerting the bar goers and staff that another patron has entered. 
As I approach my usual spot at the bar I’m greeted by none other than the wonderful Penny Benjamin. “Looking good tonight Rio! Do you want your usual?” 
I nod back to her, “Yes please, actually can you make it a double? And possibly bring out two of them?” I question her. 
She cocks her brow up at me, “What’s going on Rio?” I see her giving me that stern motherly glare, something I’ve only ever gotten after Penny stepped in to be my mother figure.
“Nothing bad Pen, just want to celebrate a job well done, teaching yet another Navigation course to some cocky whatever branch you wanna call that, oh wait Army infantry men.” 
The hearty laughter that escaped the lips of my mother figure brought a smile to my face, “Now Rio, you do know you used to be one of those Army infantry men.”
I roll my eyes, “Yes mama Pen, I do realize that.” I say whining back to her. 
“Now Rio, come on, stop acting like you’re twelve years old.” I cock my head to the side and just stare at her for a minute before pointedly saying, “Mama Pen, you do realize I actually never got to act like a twelve year old when I was actually twelve, right?”
She just shakes her head at me, “I know dear.” She reaches across the bar and gently squeezes my shoulder, and I rest my head against her hand.
I quickly perk my head up off her hand at the very familiar feeling in my back pocket as Penny places my two double shots down in front of me. “Hey mama Pen, mind keeping my seat warm for me?” I ask, while pointing to the ringing phone in my hand, while mouthing the words ‘Restricted Caller’ to her. She nods once to me before nodding towards the door that leads to her private office. 
I quickly take one of my double shots before running off to Penny’s office. Once inside I shut and lock the door, before pressing the green answer button, and cheerily answering, “Go for Rio!” I hear a man on the other line clear his throat, “This is not the time for callsigns Aviator.” I immediately gulped back down the pit that had rapidly formed in my stomach and had crawled up my throat. I clear my throat, beginning, “Sorry Sir, this is Commander Nox, may I ask who I’m speaking with?”
“Commander, this is Admiral Beau Simpson from NAS North Island.” The pit sinks further into my stomach now. “Yes Sir.” I reply awaiting his next response. “Commander I know your callsign proceeds you as the partying type but your reputation also proceeds you, but I’m calling for an extremely Urgent matter. Would you be able to stop by tomorrow for a meeting in my office?” 
I let out the breath I was holding, “Yes Sir, what time should I be there?” He clears his throat again, “I’ll be sending you all that information in an encrypted message here shortly, I look forward to discussing matters with you tomorrow.” 
“Roger that, Sir, I’ll be there.” I say before Admiral Simpson ends the call. I quickly put my phone away, and made my way back out to the Bar top. I take my seat, slumping against the bar and sighing. “Rough day?” A raspy voice rings out next to me. I turn to look at who the raspy voice came from, to spot a nearly 6’2 man, with honey brown curls and the most gorgeous honey eyes. “Oh uh, something like that.” I respond coolly, while grabbing my other double shot and throwing it back like it was water.
He just peers over to me, like he just saw an animal with 3 heads or something. “Yeah, considering how easily you just knocked back the shot there, I’d lay odds that it’s definitely been a day for you.” I chuckle dryly, “Yeah you can definitely say that again.” I raise my hand to get Penny’s attention, “Hey Penny, could I get another?” She gives me a disapproving glare, before pouring my third double of the night. 
“Take a Break after this one Rio.” She says scoldingly. “Yes Mom.” I groan back. The Honey haired man looks back to Penny to get his round of shots, before looking back to me, “Cheers?” He offers as he holds his shot glass up to me. I clink my shot glass against his, before hitting it on the bar top and tossing it back. 
“So uh, Mom?” The man next to me rasps, prying for more information on the situation between Penny and I. “Not my real mother, she pretty much became my only mother figure when I first arrived here.” I rambled out before I could even stop the word vomit caused by my double shots. “It’s really nothing to worry about though.” I tried to say it convincingly enough, hoping that he would stop prying. 
“Okay well, Rio then?” He questions, turning his body on the stool to face me. 
“Yup-” I say, popping the sound on the p. “That’s what all my Navy buddies call me at least.”
He does a double take before leaning over to try to look me in the face, while I stare dead ahead, watching Penny in her element. 
“Wait you’re Navy, how come I’ve never seen you around before now?” 
“Before now, wait, are you trying to tell me you’re Navy too or something. Oh god, don’t tell me you're in the Army.” I say trying to look at him before scrubbing my face with my hands. I’m met with a hearty chuckle. 
When I bring my face out of my hands, he feigns hurt, “Army, that’s what I’m reduced to?!” He shakes his head no, “No I’m definitely Navy, I’m Rooster.” 
He offers me his hand to shake, and I do, but can’t help joking, “Rooster huh, your parents hate you or something?”
This time he lets out a full belly laugh, “Quite the opposite, they adored the daylights out of me, I was perfect.” 
I cock my eyebrow up at him, “Oh that explains it all, they named you Rooster after your cockiness.” 
“Actually they just called me baby goose.” He pauses for a beat, “Rooster was given by my flight school group.” 
I nod taking in the information this man was so willing to share with me. 
“Flight school huh, so you’re an Aviator. The name fits you even more now.” He smirks at my comment, taking a swig of the beer I hadn’t seen nor heard him order. 
“So why do they call you Rio?” He pries again trying to get it out of me. 
I take the moment to plaster the most devilish grin on my face, “Now if I told you I’d have to kill you.” I smirk back at him, before breaking character, and laughing my ass off.
Penny turns to look at me at just the right moment and I nod her over to us. “Penny this sad sap wants to meet Rio, what do you say?” 
Penny scrubs her face, and walks over to the tequila and pours me a double shot, passing it over to me before nodding towards the phone connected to the Bluetooth speaker system. 
I turn on my ‘Going Out 🪩’ playlist and shuffling it, the first song that plays is “Move Ya Body” by Nina Sky, and Jabba. I flip through the playlist to queue up the next song I want in the shuffle. I toss back the double shot of Tequila while the rhythm and vibe changes in the bar. 
As I hear Move Ya Body coming to an end, I take Rooster's hand, assuming that I’ll never see him again after tonight, and lead him to the middle of the floor. 
‘Naughty Girl’ by Beyoncé starts playing and I start off with a little bit of a tango, to get the heart rates rising. Midway through the song I turn on my Rio persona, and turn around and start grinding and dancing seductively on Rooster, his hands immediately finding my hips and matching my energy. 
I can feel the Semi that Rooster is now working with, and we carry on dancing like that for another song or two, before I let the party animal persona die down and return the bar to its normal nature. 
I stroll back over to the bar, turning my playlist off and requesting two waters from Penny. Rooster sits back down on the barstool he was occupying earlier and before I take a seat on the one I was occupying, I lean over, and whisper against the shell of his right ear, “Welcome to Rio.” 
I watch as all the tiny hairs stand up on the back of his neck and down his arms. As I take my spot back on my stool, I peer over for just a brief moment, and I can see the creeping red flush climbing up his neck, before it settles hard in his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 
Penny sets the two waters in front of us, Rooster is immediately grabbing for his water and gulping it down. I start to take a drink of mine, when suddenly I hear Rooster next to me start to choke on his. I can only assume as he grows even more flush after settling back down that the last few minutes had caught up to him again. 
“Y’know Rooster, you’re supposed to drink the water, not inhale it.” I laugh sarcastically. 
“Yeah yeah, very funny Rio.” He glares at me through a side eye. 
I feel a familiar buzzing in my back pocket, and pull my phone out looking at it quickly. My face pinches, as I read how early Admiral Simpson wants me to meet him tomorrow. 
“Everything alright?” Rooster says, pulling my attention back to him. 
“Oh yeah, just peachy, just some Admiral wanting a meeting.” I say blowing off the importance of the text message. 
“So why do they call you Rooster anyways?” I attempt to pry the meaning of his since he knows why I’m called Rio.
“Well–” he pauses, “–This party animal once told me, if I tell you, I’d have to kill you.” He smirks with the devilish grin that I wore earlier. 
“Oh really now, I think I can figure it out, your entire persona exudes cockiness.” I roll my eyes, before drinking more of my water. 
Rooster flags down Penny, and sets down his card to pay his tab. She runs the card and gets him to sign the receipt. He puts his card back into the black bifold wallet, he then leans over to whisper into the shell of my ear, “If you really want to know, follow me.” He purposefully brushes his fingers against my arm as he walks away. 
“Penny!” I yell to her, dropping my card on the bar top, to pay my tab. I don’t even wait to get my card back, I’m quickly peeling myself away from the bar to follow Rooster. 
He walks into the bathroom, and my eyes widen. I quickly look around the bar to make sure no is looking in this direction before slipping into the bathroom myself. 
As soon as I walk in, Rooster slams the door shut, locking it behind me, before we end up in a very heated and bruising kiss and a tangle of arms and legs with my back pressed firmly against the door. 
I slowly snake my hands up his arms, feeling every hill and valley in his muscular form, the thoughts that race through my head are enough to make a nun faint, and soak my panties a little more. 
We pull apart just long enough to get a breath of air, a small string of spit still connecting our mouths. “Roo–” was all I was able to squeak out before one smooth solid motion had my pants unzipped, and his big muscular hand connecting itself to my aching core, and the most sinful moan escaped shortly after, as I pulled him back in for another bruising kiss.
The combination of me squeaking out a partial of his callsign, the sinful moan, and the ever growing slick at my core, had him groaning into my mouth and pulling one of my legs up around his waist. 
I waste no time grinding against him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and my other leg around his waist, as his other hand slips down to cup my ass and carries me over to the bathroom counter. 
He drops me back down to my feet, and I take advantage of that, wasting no time in unzipping his pants, and freeing his length from the confines of his pants and boxers, springing out before me. 
I take in the gorgeous sight before me, and pump his length a few times, then using the precum as lubricant, he groans again, throwing his head back. When his gaze meets mine again, those gorgeous honey eyes are gone, and are replaced by gorgeous dark chocolate eyes as his gaze darkened. 
Rooster can’t take it any longer, he removes himself from my grasp, and grabs my hips, spinning me around to face the counter. 
“Grab the counter.” He commands, and I submit to him. I lay against the counter, holding on, while he swiftly pulls my pants and panties down enough to gain access. He kicks my feet apart, and then rubs his hard length against my folds, and leans over me, kissing my neck softly. 
I grind my hips against his, and that’s all that was needed for him to slip in, and fully seat himself inside me, before quickly picking up the pace and slamming into me as wet skin slaps together. 
“R-Rooster, please.” I whine as I reach down to fondle my clit, but my hand is quickly swatted away, before his hand slowly creeps down the soft skin of my tummy, past my hips, he grabs a fistful of my thigh, finally making his way to my clit.
The pace in which his fingers worked over my clit was agonizing, far too slow, and way too much teasing. 
He continues his tirade on my body, thrusting rough and fast, as his left hand works agonizingly slow on my clit, his right snakes up my body, to my throat, all blood now being restricted. I let out another sinful guttural moan and I topple quickly over the edge, my moans and climax sending Rooster quickly over the edge as well. 
He pulls out and we quickly clean up, and put our clothes back on. I had turned around to face him, leaning against the counter now. 
“I definitely see why they call you Rooster now.” I say, before palming the front of his jeans, and placing a chaste kiss to his cheek, and walking out the bathroom door towards my seat at the bar, to collect the card from Mama Pen. 
I tap impatiently against the bar needing to get out here before Rooster comes out of the bathroom. “Hey I’m heading out for the night, got some other admiral’s ass to kiss in the morning. Love you Mama Pen!” 
She grabs my wrist before I leave, “Orion, don’t make an ass of yourself.” She warns, but the only thing I’m worried about is that dopey ass look in Rooster’s eyes that clued me in that he’d have given me his number if I don’t get out of here soon. I nod to Penny and then bolt out of the door, to make my way home.
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@mayhemmanaged @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @roostette @cassiemitchell @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Written In The Stars • Two
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I awoke in the morning with a decent feeling of a hangover, nothing to regret or write home about but just present enough to be an annoyance. 
I shower, do my hair and some light makeup, eat some breakfast and then finally get my uniform laid out. Since it’s nothing formal, other than this meeting, I pull on my navy issued OCPs. I prefer them over the khakis and that god awful material that the flight suits are made out of. 
I grab all my last minute necessities, and my backpack, and bolt out the door before I somehow inevitably make myself late. 
I check my phone once more to verify the meeting time before checking the time on my watch, and I couldn’t be more thankful in that moment, I have enough time to hit a drive thru for coffee. I can’t stand the pot of mud that base coffee is. 
I badge in when I get onto base, before making my way towards the building that Admiral Simpson said to meet him in. Over my time in the Navy and being stationed here for so long in North Island it takes me next to no time to pull up at the building. 
I walk inside, and speak to the mousy little secretary, who salutes at me. It’s honestly still a shock to be saluted at. I quickly salute back putting them at ease again and tell them I’m here to meet with Admiral Simpson, before taking a seat and waiting my turn. 
I pull out a notebook, and begin jotting down some notes from previous squadrons and platoons that I’ve taught, remembering what worked best for the groups and what I need to focus on more. I get distracted from notes hearing the raised voice of Cyclone in his office, and I hope that my fate isn’t like the poor sap that is currently getting the berating of a lifetime in that office. 
10 minutes later, the door to the office that contains Admiral Simpson opens, and low and behold, the poor sad sap that was getting berated was none other than my mother figures on again off again boyfriend, Captain Pete Mitchell. I nods towards Pete whispering, “Maverick.” as he nods back to me. 
Mav gets down the hallway quite a ways away before I’m called to come in. As I enter the office, I salute to Admiral Simpson, he salutes me back before ushering me into a seat across from him.
“Commander Nox, I have to say your reputation precedes you, but not in the same way as I had just said to Maverick.” 
I nod, “Thank you Sir. I worked very hard to get where I am, wouldn’t want to tarnish that.”
He nods, “I understand. I called you here as you have heard from the previous mission we had here, we almost had quite a few members of our squadron not make it home.”
I nod taking in his words.
“What I want you to do, is with your set of skills, I want you to teach these flyboys a thing or two about surviving. Anything they need to know, I want you to teach it. They expressed that they would like to increase their odds at coming home on these dangerous missions by any means.”
I nod once more, and pull out the notebook that I was previously making notes in. I showed everything that I’ve learned in the time I’ve been teaching, what all has worked, what hasn’t worked, and what could still be worked on. We spent the next few minutes discussing class length, in terms of how much time I have to get these guys ready for their next mission. 
I explain how I would like to take advantage of night time training if possible, and how I would like to set up different courses for them to run, using the knowledge I instill, to see what else they need assistance in.
As soon as I finish going over all my plans for the squadron he nods, accepting what I’m offering to bring to the table before ushering me out of his office and to follow him. 
He leads me down the same hallway I had previously seen Mav scurry down and leads me into the door that Mav had gone in. I wait in the back of the hangar room that is currently in session of being briefed. I zone out while Warlock and Maverick speak, I only resume focus when admiral Simpson steps up to the podium.
“Today we are introducing a new instructor. Her reputation is highly decorated and distinguished. Her platoons and squadrons have completed LandNav courses in record times, no one has come close to her time. She’s also led many ruck marches with her platoons in exceptional timing.” 
I bounce softly on the balls of my feet, as Cyclone tells each of these aviators all my accomplishments. My eyes scan over the group of aviators in front of me, and one particular one looks familiar, then it hits me like a bag of bricks to the chest. 
“Shit..” I mutter under my breath, thankful that no one else is nearby enough to hear it. There before me, my eyes locked onto the gorgeous honey curls that I spent last night with at the Hard Deck. 
I look back to Admiral Simpson, just in time for him to nod at me to make my way up to the podium. I quickly void my face and body of any emotions that I was just experiencing. I square my jaw, pull my shoulders back, and walk down the aisle way to the front of the room.
I hear different mutterings from the aviators in their seats around me. As I turn around at the podium and set my notebook down I scan the group from the front of the room. As I’m scanning over them and begin to speak about the training I intend to put them through, I see Rooster’s face, his eyes damn near fully bugging out of his head, glaring beams in my direction. 
“I will be teaching and training each and everyone of you what you requested to learn. You all have asked for more ways to increase your chances of surviving missions. I will teach you everything I know about navigating the world around us no matter the climate or biome we’re in.” I begin as I keep scanning over their faces. 
“I’ll be setting up courses and ruck marches, along with day and night time training. You’ll continue your flight training as well with Maverick here. Tonight we’ll be meeting back here for night training session one.” 
I nod to them and to both Captain Mitchell and Admiral Simpson. Simpson nods back before leaving the room to return to his office, and Captain Mitchell takes over, before dismissing the aviators to the locker rooms to get ready for their flight training today. 
After packing up my stuff, and beginning to walk out of the room, I’m called over by Captain Mitchell. “Hey Rio, hang on a moment.” 
“Yes Sir, what do you need?” I asked, turning back and approaching him.
“Go get changed into your flight suit, I want you to watch their ACM training today. I know you’re an aviator yourself, but this will allow you to see their limits. I’d also like to have you join me in the skies to act as another bandit, for training purposes, but we’ll save that for another day.” He explains to me, as I nod understandingly.
“Will do, Maverick!” I say, and turn to walk out of the room towards the locker room myself. 
My walk to the locker room was quickly halted as no more than 200 ft out of the hangar room’s door, I felt a huge warm hand grasp around my bicep turning me around towards them. 
Bradley hisses, “You never told me you were an instructor!” 
I smirk back, “Well you never asked!” I say far too confidentially and shrug at him. His hands immediately fly to his face. I swear if that man dug the heels of his palms any harder into his eye sockets he'd give himself two black eyes. He turns, forcing his back into the wall leaning against it. “I cannot believe I fucked my superior.” He groans, now scrubbing his face with his hands. 
 I scoff at him, “what you just assume that you hear my callsign and that I’m some newbie pilot here at Top Gun?” I shake my head, thinking of the audacity of this man, before I turn back towards the locker room. 
“Rio wait–” he calls out. I shrug off the massive palm that lands on my shoulder. “You have training you need to get to Lieutenant.” I say closing before barging into the space that is safe from Rooster. 
As I’m speaking to the Daggers about their upcoming mission, in about a month's time, I see the door at the back of the room open, as Cyclone leads in Commander Nox, or better known around the base as Rio, the party animal. 
I finish what I have to say and allow Cyclone the podium. He begins his introduction of Rio to the Daggers. 
“Today we are introducing a new instructor. Her reputation is highly decorated and distinguished. Her platoons and squadrons have completed LandNav courses in record times, no one has come close to her time. She’s also led many ruck marches with her platoons in exceptional timing.”
That’s when I notice Bradley turning around to see who is back there. Reminds me of the time when I was being introduced to the Daggers for the first time, and Hangman having the realization of who I was. 
Bradley turns around with a dopey ass grin and a sparkle in his eye that I have only seen come from the Bradshaw men when they are looking at their soulmate. It was the same look that Goose had given Carole as soon as she stepped foot off the plane to visit us at Top Gun. 
The look was quickly dashed, when Cyclone said, “I present Commander Orion Nox. Callsign Rio.” The now present look of distaste leads me to believe they’ve already met before. 
Rio approaches the podium and gives off her speech. 
“I will be teaching and training each and everyone of you what you requested to learn. You all have asked for more ways to increase your chances of surviving missions. I will teach you everything I know about navigating the world around us no matter the climate or biome we’re in.” She began as she scanned over their faces. 
“I’ll be setting up courses and ruck marches, along with day and night time training. You’ll continue your flight training as well with Maverick here. Tonight we’ll be meeting back here for night training session one.” She ended on that note, nodding to me to allow me to take over once more.
I clap my hands together, and dismiss the Daggers to go get ready for their flight training while Rio packs up all of her items. 
Before she leaves I call her over to me, “Hey Rio, hang on a moment.” 
“Yes Sir, what do you need?” She asks, turning back to me. 
“Go get changed into your flight suit, I want you to watch their ACM training today. I know you’re an aviator yourself, but this will allow you to see their limits. I’d also like to have you join me in the skies to act as another bandit, for training purposes, but we’ll save that for another day.” He explains to me, as I nod understandingly.
“Will do, Maverick!” She says, and turns to walk out of the room towards the locker room.
I follow her out and can see what I can only assume to be a lovers quarrel as I don’t want to get any closer and interrupt them or butt in where it’s not needed. 
Watching this whole scene play out reminds me so much of when Goose and I got our tails chewed out during Top Gun, but also reminds me of Charlie and I. I could only hope that whatever fate this may be, I wish them the Goose and Carole kind of relationship and not the Charlie and I kind. 
I chuckle to myself as I walk out to the flight line to do my checks before I get into today's training session with these pilots. Those two are just going to have to figure this all out on their own.
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dakotakazansky · 11 months
Bright Rays & Happy Days
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Description: A fun day at the amusement park with your boyfriend, ends perfectly. Pairings: Jake Seresin x NonDescript F!Reader (no Y/N, referred to as Sunshine) Warnings: Pure Fluff, a Small 18+ Mention, MINORS DNI Word Count: 3.8k
Huge Thank you to @mayhemmanaged and @thedroneranger for being my proofreaders! I adore you both!
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If Jake could go back in time, he’d have probably thought twice about saying yes to going to the amusement park on such a hot and humid day but your excitement for the day was just enough to sway him the other way. Thankfully there was a water park attached to the amusement park only a short train ride away and you both could go cool off there whenever you wanted to. 
You put on your favorite swimsuit underneath a cute pair of short jean shorts, and a light breezy shirt, but also packed a backpack of all the essentials needed for the rest of the day, like sunscreen, deodorant, extra sunglasses, and a spare change of clothes for the both of you. 
Jake came down the stairs to meet you at the front door, excitedly bouncing on the balls of your feet ready to leave. You wanted to get to the park right when it opened so you could make the most of your day. 
“Hey there Sunshine!” He says pulling you into his side, placing a soft kiss on your temple. “All packed and ready to go?” He asked, although he already knew the answer to that question, but you still excitedly piped up, “I sure am babe! Park passes, spare clothing, sunscreen, towels, sunglasses.” You said listing off each item while counting them on your fingers. “You name it babe, and I’ve already got it packed in the bag.”
You both piled into the truck, and made the drive to the park. The drive there was filled with loud country music that you both sang along to with the windows rolled down, and letting the breeze of the day cool you down. The sky was a gorgeous shade of cerulean blue, and was littered with little white fluffy clouds. It was the perfect weather for a day at the amusement park, minus the humidity that was already leaving you both a little sticky.
You both arrived right as the park was opening, not a lot of people were here yet since it was a work day, that you both had taken off, just to be able to spend the day together. You both usually don’t have many days off, each of you having high demanding jobs that always have long hours. 
“So Sunshine, where do you want to start first?” Jake questions, while intertwining your fingers together after taking the backpack from you. 
“I was thinking we could browse the shops here down Main Street, but they have the water feature running and it sounds so nice! What if we just walked down next to it?”
“Whatever you want to do Sunshine!” He says happily as you begin to walk towards the long water feature that spans the entire length of Main Street in the park. Already enjoying your time, you jump up on the brick wall that acts as seating as well, and act like you’re tightrope walking along the brick wall while holding Jake's hand tightly for support.
Your happy carefree attitude has Jake falling in love with you more and more each day. He couldn’t wait for the day that he could make you his. You’d both been dating for years now, but with both of you having busy schedules, it never seemed like it was in the cards just yet, although he already has the perfect ring in mind.
Jake is so lost in thought he doesn’t notice you’d stopped walking until your hand jolts him back a bit. 
“What’s up Sunshine?” He asks trying to figure out why you stopped, and all you could do was beckon him to you with your index finger. You had noticed the park photographer wanting to snap a photo of you both, trying to meet their daily quota of photo-ops that they could then upcharge you on some package later at one of the booths. You placed your small hands on his cheeks and placed a sweet soft kiss to his lips. Right when your lips connected the photographer snapped the perfect photo. Once you broke apart, the photographer gave you a little card, that you could take to the booth later to view your photo, and purchase later. 
You nodded to the photographer, thanking them. 
“Babe, could you turn around please, I wanna slip this card into the backpack, I want to view this later!” Jake chuckled and turned around while you still stood up on the brick wall, and placed the card into the backpack. 
“Thank you!” You said excitedly jumping off the wall, and resuming your position tucked up under Jake arm, and in his side. 
“Of course Sunshine! Where to now?” He asks. 
“How about we cut through there?” You say pointing towards the path that leads to Viking Fury, the swinging boat ride. “We could ride Viking Fury when we cut through, or skip it for now, and hit it on the way back through?” You offered. 
“Whatever you want to do Sunshine, I’m fine with either.” He replied back. 
“Yeah let’s ride that first, after that we can go ride Congo Falls, to cool off, and then hit Banshee and Delirium before making our way through the rest of this side of the park.”
“Sounds like a perfect plan Sunshine!” Jake agreed while you both hopped in line for Viking Fury. You were on the ride in no time, and you clung to Jake’s side the whole time as the boat swung higher and higher back and forth, until it was over. 
“I know you fly multi-million dollar jets, and face G-forces daily, but holy smokes babe, I’ll never get over the feeling of the boat going fully around in a circle.”
Jake chuckles, “Even if that would happen, I’d never let anything happen to you Sunshine, you know that for a fact.” As you both walked down the exit ramp of the ride you both constantly bumped into each other playfully towards the fence on either side of the ramp. You both could hear the chuckles of the people behind you, and the faint whispers from them saying how cute it is to be young and in love.
You both made your way over to Congo Falls, and before getting in line, you both stood on the bridge over the ride, and wanted to see if this time the log boat would splash enough as it came down the hill to splash the bridge viewers. Looking down at the ground, you both saw it had done so recently, as the pavement below your feet was still wet, and in the process of drying out already. 
You both talked while waiting for the log boat to approach the drop hill. 
“Babe Look!” You shouted excitedly to Jake. 
“Oh it’s go time Sunshine!” Jake replies back standing up against the fence on the bridge, you were right next to him tucked up under his arm again. As the log boat traveled down the hill, it had enough weight to splash a wave so big that it completely coated the bridge above the ride. You quickly turned to bury your face in Jake’s chest, and squealed as the cold water coated you both. Jake laughed holding you to him. 
“C’mon Sunshine!” He took your hand in his again, leading you both to the line of the ride. A 10 minute wait in the line, finally had you both in the boat, and ready to splash the next set of bridge spectators. 
“Y’know, that ride doesn’t last long enough!” You huff when the ride ends, and you disembark off the log boat. 
“I know Sunshine, but we have so much more of the park to hit!” He said excitedly.
“Yeah you’re right about that.” You replied back. 
You both rode Congo Falls once more, before heading to Banshee, then Delirium after that. 
“Whew! After that, I think I need a break from the rides.” You said. 
“Well luckily for you we are walking up to Coney Island, how about some games? Maybe I can be the macho man that wins his girl the biggest prize.” Jake says flexing his muscles, as you giggled next to him. 
“That sounds wonderful!” You said as you both rushed off to the row of games in Coney Island. You had your pick of games, the peach buckets, water gun games, ring toss and many others. 
“Babe! Babe! Looky!” You excitedly shout, pointing towards the water gun game. “Look, it's got a Red Panda for a prize!” You jump happily, before taking off towards the game. Once you both sat down in the seat, the game attendant explained the rules of the game, and set up the two lanes for you both to play. 
“Are you ready to eat bubbles, Sunshine?!” Jake says razzing. 
“Pft! You couldn’t even keep up!” You retort back, knowing that his hand eye coordination is infinitely better than yours. “Game’s on!”
The attendant counts you down, “3…2…1…Go!” The attendant continues to rattle off the play by play, of the game to the passersby. 
Jake’s hand eye coordination really pulled through as he was in the lead, it took you a moment to find the bullseye, but you got there, and it was almost neck in neck, Jake was still in the lead though. You tried one last ditch effort and called over to Jake, he turned to look at you as you squeeze your arms against the sides of your chest while still holding the water gun, obviously trying to distract him with your cleavage but it was to no avail. 
The alarm above the water tubes went off, and you looked up to see which one was lit up. Jake cheered when he realized it was his. “Which prize do I wanna get?” He questioned. “May I have that Red Panda right there?” He points to the one you’ve had your eye on since you ran up to the game station. The attendant nods, and grabs it down, handing it to Jake. “Here you go Sunshine.” He hands you the Red Panda, and you hug it tightly, bouncing on your feet. “Thank you Babe!” You happily walk towards the next game of the afternoon, hand in hand with Jake, and hugging your red panda in the other arm. 
You both then made your way past some other games before you asked, “Babe, can I play the ring toss?”
Jake looked down at you, before slightly grimacing, “Sunshine, that game is pretty rigged, and you can absolutely play it, but don’t get your heart set on winnin’, okay?”
You nodded before skipping over to the ring toss counter and setting down five dollars for 3 rings. You tossed the first ring, and it looked like it was going to land on a bottle with a yellow cap, which meant you’d win a medium sized prize, but at the last moment it clipped off the edge of the bottle and between them. 
You tossed ring number two and got nothing but air before the putter and patter of the ring you’d tossed, hitting the glass of the bottles as it fell between them. 
Jake came up behind you and gently rubbed up and down your arms, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “It’s okay Sunshine, remember, it’s pretty well rigged for failure, just toss it carefree.” 
Carefree you thought, and did just as Jake said. You tossed the rings fully expecting it to miss yet again so you thanked the attendant and turned to walk away before the attendant yelled, “We have a winner!” You turned back around to spot the last lone ring, wrapped around the neck of the bottle with a red cap. 
“You can pick from any of these small prizes here.” The attendant said, gesturing to the many different squishmallow keychains on the racks. You did a glance over all of them before deciding on one in particular. You pointed at the one you wanted, “Could I have that one please?” The attendant agreed and handed over the keychain that you then happily turned to Jake to show him. In your hands was a very smiley Shark squishmallow keychain named Gordon. 
“Look babe! He looks just like you!” Jake chuckled before plastering that million dollar smile that would make any dentist wet and weak at the knees. You held up the smiling Shark next to your boyfriend’s face, before quickly snapping a photo of them both. You turned your phone around to Jake, “See! Looks just like you! Now I get to have you with me even when you’re gone on deployments!” Jake looked like he had tears welling up in his eyes. “I love that Sunshine.” He said, pulling you into a tight hug, before letting you go a few moments later, “What would you like to do now?” 
You pondered it for a moment, before listing off excitedly, “We definitely need to ride Adventure Express, The Racers, and the Antique Autos!”
“That sounds perfect, I'm assuming lunch after that?” Jake questioned while you nodded back to him, “Oh yes!”
You and Jake rode Adventure Express first, and both of you ended up complaining to each other how that ride is not as smooth of a ride anymore. After that you both made your way to the Racer, and chose the Red Train to ride in. You could hear the ruckus of “Red Train! Red Train!” and “Blue Train! Blue Train!” By the time that the ride ended, the Red Train did beat the Blue Train in the race back to the station. 
After that, and right before lunch you made your way to the line for the Antique Autos. You both mindlessly chatted about anything and everything you could think of until it was your turn to get into one of the cars. Of course, Jake knowing what this day was truly about let you drive the car along the track. You bumped around and had such a blast you both got back in line to do it all over again, this time you opted to be the Passenger Princess and enjoyed the peaceful ride with your boyfriend, while you looped your arm around his, and laid your head on his shoulder until the ride was over for a second time.
By the time the second trip on the Antique Autos was finished you both were sufficiently hungry enough to grab some lunch. You both made your way to the Brew House to grab two beers, and some pizza, before making your way over to Potato Works to get some of the best bacon cheese fries anyone could ever ask for. While you sat and ate your lunch you watched the Diamondback coaster, which was the tallest in the park standing at its highest point of 230 feet. You watched the train cars make their way up to the first drop of 215 feet, while the passengers on the ride shrieked as they finally went over the hill. 
Every so often the two trains that were exact scale replicas of the 1800’s The General would pass through to pick up people to take them to the waterpark or for those that just wanted a nice relaxing round trip ride around the two parks. You knew exactly what you wanted to do next, and that was to head over to the waterpark. By this time in the early afternoon the sun was at its highest point, and it was getting to be really warm, and all you wanted to do now was cool off in the pools, maybe ride a few water slides, and bask the afternoon away in a lounge chair, or in the Lazy River.
You both hopped on the train and made your way to Soak City. Once in the gate you both went immediately to find lounge chairs and laid your stuff down, before stripping down to just your swimsuits. 
“What’s first on the list to do here Sunshine?” Jake asked, getting an eyeful of you in your cute swimsuit that really really accentuated your body well. 
“How about we go spend some time in one of the wave pools?” You suggested, while Jake nodded back to you agreeing. You both picked the less busy of the wave pools and waded out together in each other's arms. Every five minutes an alarm would ring out letting you know that either the waves were starting or ending. You spent a good majority of your time together splashing in the waves, or treading water together when the waves stopped. 
After a while you wanted to take a break, but Jake wasn’t ready to leave the wave pool yet, so you got out, and went to lay down on your lounge chair, and watched Jake play around in the wave pool for a little while longer, until he decided that you should apply more sunscreen so you don't burn. He liberally applied the sunscreen to your back and body, before you did the same to him. 
All the swimming in the wave pool had made you both hungry for a snack, so you ran over to Coconut Cove to grab you both a boozy slushie drink, while Jake ran over to Island Smokehouse, to get you both a pulled pork sandwich. When you both met up again, you notice how Jake had even gotten you extra barbeque sauce for your pulled pork sandwich remembering how in conversation once you had mentioned that restaurants never put enough on the sandwich, and they were always too dry. You both ate your sandwiches and drank your boozy slushies before relaxing for a little bit longer. 
Once it had gotten later in the afternoon, you decided that to end your time at the waterpark, you wanted to spend the rest of your time in the Lazy River with Jake. Your first go around in the river you both had gotten individual floats, and held hands along the ride, as kids at various points of the ride, lined up at water cannons, to spray you both, and following riders. Your second time around, and for as long as you could, you lost count after the 3rd lap, you had both gotten a two person float and just enjoyed each other's company, although at one point Jake thought it would be funny to act like the float was tipping over. You grabbed a handful of water from the River to throw at him for that. 
The announcement came overhead that the waterpark would be closing at 7:00pm which was only 20 minutes away, so you both went and got changed back into dry clothing, and made your way back over to the train to get back to the coaster side of the park. You spent the next few hours riding as many roller coasters as you both could. Around 10:25 you both made your way to the Grand Carousel, where you rode that twice without having to get off since everyone was starting to gather in their spots on Main Street around the water fountains for the fireworks show to begin. 
“Hey Sunshine, I think we need to go get our spot for the fireworks show!” Jake said excitedly, once you both exited the carousel. 
“Okay! I’m so excited for them, they always have such a beautiful show!” You said, grabbing Jake’s hand and pulling him underneath the ⅓ scale Eiffel Tower at the end of Main Street. Before you could fully make your way out from under the tall structure, Jake stopped walking and tugged lightly at your hand. 
“Let’s head up.” He said, which left you with a bewildered look on your face. The park usually never allowed anyone up on the Eiffel Tower during the fireworks show. 
“But we can’t.” You said back to him, as he pulled you over to the elevator attendant at the base of the tower. The attendant nodded to him, and Jake said, “Seresin, party of 2.” The attendant pulled back the rope barrier and only allowed you and Jake to the elevator. You heard another guest try to join you, but was denied by the attendant, and they grumbled away as the elevator doors closed, and began to rise to the top of the Tower. 
You peered through the glass walls of the elevator and began bouncing happily on the balls of your feet. Out of all the rides here at the park, your favorite was the Eiffel Tower, because on a clear day like today, you could see as far as the eye could see. You enjoyed being able to point out all the rides in the park to Jake, and no matter how many times he heard about which ride was where, or what new spot the next ride was going to go into, he never got tired of listening to you ramble on about it. 
As you both exited the elevator, Jake nodded to you, allowing you to sprint off to the wall of the Eiffel Tower that was caged just enough to keep people in, it still allowed you great visuals beyond the gate. You started pointing out where some of your other favorite rides were, and when you turned around to make sure Jake was listening to you ramble, you were in complete shock. You slowly walked half the length of the floor back to Jake, your hands immediately flung up to cover your mouth, and your eyes welled up with tears, as you saw Jake kneeling on one knee with a gorgeous diamond ring on display, held up to you. “Sunshine, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you Marry Me?” He said, his voice slightly wobbly with nerves. You couldn’t even form words at the moment, so you just shook your head yes, before squeaking out a barely audible “Yes!”
Immediately Jake was off his knee, and placed the ring on your finger. You barely gave him enough time to get the ring on your finger, as you pulled him into the most passionate kiss your both could muster up, your arms wrapped around his neck, and his wrapped around your waist pulling you tightly to him. At that very moment when your lips connected to each other is when you truly felt the fireworks. Both figuratively in the kiss, but also for real, as each mortar popped in the background. Jake had timed the proposal perfectly with the start of the show. 
“Jake…” you began to say, but he cut you off, “I love you so much Sunshine.” You swatted away, the few stray tears that had fallen down your cheeks, “I love you too. Babe, this is a night I'll never forget, thank you.” You both enjoyed the rest of the fireworks show, but you were more mesmerized by the flashy ring now placed on your finger. The colors of the fireworks reflecting off the ring. It truly was a night you’ll always remember.
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Taglist: Open @mayhemmanaged @roosterforme @startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @cassiemitchell @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @twsssmlmaa @bobby-r2d2-floyd @that-one-random-writer @horseshoegirl @footprintsinthesxnd @djs8891 @kmc1989 @starset21 @emma8895eb @shanimallina87
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