#my household collectively cheered
prettyevermores · 6 months
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natailiatulls07 · 5 months
could i request some leclerc!reader and so comfort with charles please
It's okay
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Arthur Leclerc Charles Leclerc Lorenzo Leclerc Pascale Leclerc & Leclerc!reader
Summary - In order to find her way in life, Y/n Leclerc runs away in the dead of night only leaving a note
Warning - neglection, running away
Growing up with three older brothers and two of such competing in karting competions, life was hard for Y/n Leclerc. Pascale and Hervé invested lots of their money and energy into Arthur and Charles.
When she was seven, Y/n's interest in ballet started. The young girl had her heart set on being a professional ballerina. So thats what she did. Y/n convince Pascale to enrol her in ballet class.
From then on, she became more and more talented. Quickly becoming the top of class. Yet when recitals came round and she was the lead, the only person who came to watch was Lorenzo.
The rest of the family were out at karting competitions cheering on Charles and Arthur. Yes they would apolgise to Y/n for their absence but to her it never really felt quite right.
Y/n was 14 years old, life got harder. Karting turned to formula 2 and E. Lorenzo now building his own life, he moved out of the house.
And the worst of all, Hervé Leclerc passed away. This meant attention was limited, Pascale was busy. She had her salon to run, she was running around supporting the two boys racing and she was mourning the lose of her partner.
As much as he wanted to support Y/n during her recitals, Lorenzos life became busier and he could no longer come along each recital. She felt as though no one her family could see her or her talent.
So what did she do? Y/n collected enough money to enrol herself into a ballet academy. In the dead of night she packed just enough and left without a sound. Of course she couldn't leave without leaving a note, she loved her family.
Dear Maman, Charlie and Arthur, I love you all dearly, please don't worry about me. I will be gone for a while, Lo Lo knows where I will be but please do not pester him. Thank you for everything and more Love from your dearest daughter, Y/n xx
Y/n Leclerc was a sensation, one of the best of her age. She was a household name, even if you weren't that well educated on ballet you knew who this elegant women was.
However, it was rare for the ballerina to speak publicily, Espercially as many would ask of her surname and family relations. And it wasn't hard to understand why.
"So Y/n please tell me, any relation to formula one driver Charles Leclerc?"
"No comment, thank you"
Charles, Arthur, Pascale and Lorenzo watched on, following her social media through burner accounts not wanting to make this harder for Y/n.
They could see how she spent most of her time dancing, spending time to herself or getting cocktails with friends she made along the way.
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Week in my life...
Spending time alone, you must prioritize self care
Fruit cocktails with friends, the key to my heart
Looking after the minis, they're the cutest little things
Lounging on my sofa after a long day of rehearsals, it is tiring!
Liked by cl_2648749 and 146,283 others
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username Gorg gorg girlie
cl_2648749 <3
username I so wanna be her friend omfggg
But she wasn't stupid, Y/n knew who those burner accounts were. Every single post, the burner accounts were there front and center. She felt their eyes on her, it was silly really but she constantly felt like they were watching her.
However, Y/n felt warm with that in mind. Like they were finally noticing her for the first time. No longer was she fighting for the attension with her two older brothers. But was it just online? If she were to go back, would it go back to how it was before.
Plus she had built up a life on ballet. Y/n made a family with her friends. Everyone knew her, fuck she is a household name hiding her Leclerc identity from the world, even herself.
"I think it's a good idea! It's been long overdue in my opinion"
"No. We need to work to her choices, not make her uncomfortable."
"Okay when?!" Charles throws his arms in the air with frustration. He was pacing in front of the television; Arthur, Pascale and Lorenzo all sat on the sofa watching him.
The topic of Y/n came up in passing by Arthur and it became much more. Charles was fighting, he was desperate to get his dear little sister back home. However Lorenzo, knowing how Y/n felt about everything, was fighting back and trying to prioritize her feelings.
The constant pacing stopped abruptly, and Charles turned to look at Lorenzo with a harsh glare. "Why do you want to so desperately work to her choices? Are you in contact with her?" You could hear a penny drop.
Eyes snapped over to the oldest boy, all confused and harsh. Lorenzo sunk into himself. "I um..." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Yeah um so I kept contact with her yes"
"Is she okay?" The first question Pascale asked. Years of guilt plagued her mind, she neglected her own daughter and she was now paying the price for that.
Lorenzo nodded. "Yes, she's okay...Y/n she um built up a family through her friends and as you know she is doing well for herself..." A small proud smile morphed onto his face, he was proud of her for doing this for herself.
"Does she hate us for what we did?"
He breathed in and out. "No, she doesn't hate any of us...she understands completely..." That did ease some guilt for the other three, it would of killed them to know that she hated them, her own family.
There was silence for a couple of minutes whilst they all fell into their own thoughts. And then Pascale spoke up again. "Can you at least text her or call her whatever...talk to her, please tell her that we love her and that we want to see her again...we're so so proud and sorry"
Arthur and Charles both nodded in agreement. "I'll see what I can do..." Lorenzo promised.
It seemed that the next time they would see Y/n would come round much soon than expected. It wasn't planned, totally sporadic.
Charles was in the kitchen, in Lorenzos apartment. He was scrolling through his phone when there was a ring coming from Lorenzos phone. "Lorenzo! Your phone, it's ring!" Looking over the driver read the name.
He knew it was wrong to answer the call, but it felt right like this would do something so he did. Charles picked up the phone and answer.
Before he could speak the voice he missed so dear filled his ear, yet it was panicked and he could hear uneven breathing.
"Lo I'm sorry please, I came back to Monte C but uh um the paps they um oh my god I can't breathe they keep following me! Please please I don't- I don't know where to go!" He missed her voice, granted it for much more mature and wiser now, he still missed it.
Though he was entranced by the situation, now very concerned. "It's okay, it's okay" His mind was on speed mode, much like it was in the car. "Send me the location, I'll come and collect you"
Y/n's voice came out calmer and confused now. "Cha...is that you?"
Charles nodded his head before realising she couldn't see him. "Yeah um it is Cha, I'm on my way" He rushed down to his ferrari.
Pulling up to her location, his heart clenched. Y/n had grown so much since he had last seen her, she had grown into herself and looked alot like Pascale now.
Charles climbed out of his car, walking over to her and collided her into a bone crushing hug. "Oh chérie, je suis vraiment désolé..." Oh darling, I'm so sorry
Tears soaked his shoulder, the whole chaos of the day and reuniting with her older brother weighing down on Y/n had finally toppled off completely.
She couldn't speak, just hung onto him. That long time spent away from her family catching up to her. "It's okay...it's okay..." Charles whispered in her ear.
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levithestripper · 1 year
romantic headcanons with peeta mellark
warnings: fluff, gender-neutral reader.
length: 1k || read on ao3 || join my taglist
notes: rewatched the movies again and you can guess what happened from there.
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peeta with a crush is singlehandedly the cutest thing you’ve had the privilege of witnessing. he’s super awkward around you, practically tripping over his own feet before he discovers his confidence.
his favorite date activity is picnics! he enjoys sitting under a shady tree and watching the clouds roll by, soaking up the sun’s rays with you by his side. more often than not, he’ll fall asleep there too. hands behind his head, one knee in the air, chest slowly rising up and down.
peeta is the biggest cuddler you’ll ever meet, hands down. sitting together? he has an arm around your waist and his head on your shoulder. sitting across from each other at a table? you can feel his knee pressed against yours. walking together? he laces his fingers with yours every chance he gets.
you’ll find yourself with more forehead kisses than you know what to do with. not that you’re complaining.
he teaches you how to dance! when peeta was little, his mother would put on a record and dance with him in the living room. there weren’t many records—or record players—left in district twelve, so his mother took great care of her small collection. his favorite was a love song by elvis presley. he nor his mother knew anything about the artist, but it didn’t stop them from getting lost in the singer’s words. years later, peeta plays that same song when teaching you how to dance. listening to the lyrics now, with you in front of him, peeta finally understands what elvis had been telling him all this time. he really can’t help but fall in love with you.
this boy is the biggest sap in the entirety of panem. he handmakes you cards, drawing cute doodles around the words he writes. sometimes you swear he’s making up new ‘holidays’ just as an excuse to make you a card. he looks so cute when he says, ‘did you know today is hug your partner day? the capitol declared it a national holiday!’ so you can’t help but go along with it.
not only does he create new holidays, but he also says random days are ‘national [blank] day.’ in the mellark household, mondays are ‘national breakfast in bed day,’ wednesdays are ‘national sleep past noon day,’ thursdays are ‘national kisses day,’ and sundays are ‘national candlelight dinner day.’ you’ll never admit it, but secretly, you love it when he uses excuses like ‘national kisses day’ to kiss you more than he already does. you tease him about it all the time, but it only backfires, as peeta gives it right back.
it doesn’t matter how long the two of you have been dating, peeta will still flirt with you like it’s the first time he’s laid eyes on you. he’ll lean against the closest piece of furniture, chin resting in the palm of his hand, proceeding to use only the cheesiest pick-up lines he could think of. you play along, of course, something you’re more than happy to do. the game ends when peeta asks you out on a ‘first date,’ and he cheers when you say yes.
you can always tell when peeta wakes up from a nightmare. he presses himself into your side, his head on your chest or pressed into the crook of your neck.
peeta will hurl compliments at you all day, but the minute you give it back to him, his face lights up like a strawberry. at the start of the relationship, he had a tough time accepting praise, regardless of what he did to receive it. he’d always subtly deflect it somehow, saying it was ‘no big deal, really!’ or ‘don’t mention it, anyone would’ve done the same.’ with your help—and a never-ending wave of admiration—peeta slowly grew more comfortable accepting the accolades he deserves.
if it wasn’t obvious, he loves all things domestic. something he loves about it is when he has together-alone time with you. each doing your own thing in the same room, silently keeping the other company while they work.
i’ve said this before, but peeta has multiple sketchbooks filled with drawings and half-finished sketches of you. peeta never tells you when he’s sketching you, claiming he prefers a ‘candid, more natural’ look to his portraits. once he fills a sketchbook, you’ll cuddle up next to him as he eagerly shows you everything he’s completed.
peeta’s love language is physical touch, acts of service, and gift-giving! (if that wasn’t obvious enough already). you almost regret telling him your favorite dessert/meal because peeta ensures you’ll never go without it, cooking/baking whatever it is whenever you mention you have a taste for it. you can’t help but love it and him.
as for physical touch, if it wasn’t clear before, peeta’s a top-rate cuddle partner. but his love for closeness manifests itself in different ways, too. back rubs, for one, are a prime example. he starts at the base of your neck, having just finished running his hands through your hair. from there, he rubs down the ridge of your spine, his thick, calloused fingers hitting the best spots every time. it never fails to turn you into a pile of mush, something peeta is (not so secretly) proud of.
with gift-giving, don’t always expect these extravagant, over-the-top presents that cost more than either of you make in a year. if he knows there is something expensive you’ve been yearning for, he’ll save up some cash to surprise you with it. typically, you’re gifted things like a bouquet of flowers, a new book, or something interesting/unique he found at the hob. you’ve slowly begun to fill a shoebox worth of stuff he’s given you over the years.
after you get out of the shower, under the guise of ‘helping you dry your hair,’ he’ll brush through it, detangling any knots still present. to be completely honest, peeta was playing with your hair more than actually drying it. you’re not in any place to complain; you do the same thing to peeta after his showers.
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neondiamond · 6 months
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If you know me at all, you’ll know that two of the things I enjoy most are writing fluffy ficlets, and Christmas. This year, I decided to combine the two and create my own little Christmas ficlet party all throughout December! 8 ficlets, 4 different pairings, many different tropes—all short, fluffy and festive! Perfect for a quick reading break with a warm drink!
Here is a little sneak peek of what you can expect!
🎄You Don’t Have to Be Lonely Tonight (Larry, coffeeshop AU, strangers, 2k, fic post)
Louis is stuck working the Christmas day shift at the coffee shop. Harry is the sad stranger who comes in to spend the day there.
❄️ An Annual Affair (OT5 friendship, A/B/O, 1.6k, fic post)
One Direction’s annual Christmas dinner, featuring pregnant Harry and his overprotective Alpha Louis, nervous Liam and his calm and collected mate Zayn, and clueless Niall who may or may not have a death wish.
🎅🏻 Not Quite Structurally Sound (Ziam, kid fic, 1.1k, fic post)
Zayn and Liam help their two kids build a gingerbread house.
⭐️ You’re Family (Larry, meeting the parents, asexual characters, 2k, fic post)
Louis is a little nervous about meeting Harry’s family for the first time for Christmas. Harry’s Mum shows him he has nothing to worry about.
Part of the Inner Crisis universe.
🎄A Special Bond (Narry friendship, kid fic, uncle Niall, 1.1k, fic post)
Baby Lilah goes to see the Christmas lights with her Daddy Harry and her uncle Niall.
❄️ Mistletoe Kiss (Larry, roommates, mutual pining, 1.2k, fic post)
A little bit of mistletoe is just the thing Louis needed to let his roommate Harry know he’s got quite the crush on him.
🎅🏻 Cookies and Christmas Cheer (Ziall friendship, hospital AU, 1k, fic post)
When Niall is feeling a little sad at having to work over the holidays, his fellow nurse Zayn shows him a little Christmas spirit is still possible.
⭐️ All That Counts (Larry, established relationship, 1.2k, fic post)
A soft Christmas morning in the Tomlinson-Styles household.
Merry Christmas everyone! ❤️
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 2 months
Never Say Never
Chapter 19
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 7.4K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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The peak of summer had hit. Humid days meant lots of time at the local pool and lake. You and Steve were enjoying every moment of the boys' break from school with them. Picnics in the woods, cookouts with friends, mini-golf, and trips to the zoo filled up your weekends. Evening bike rides had become part of your routine, often ending with ice cream cones or slushies from Scoops Ahoy. Nights spent chasing fireflies and roasting marshmallows over a fire. You and Steve had taken to enjoying evenings on the deck after the boys were in bed, glasses of wine in your hands.
Mid-July found everyone once again sitting around a large table at Sage and Salt, minus your parents, as you were all there for an entirely different reason this time.
“To Mike!” everyone cheered loudly, glasses clinking in celebration all around the table. 
Mike’s cheeks blazed bright red, his lips disappearing in embarrassment at everyone making a fuss over him. He’d told you last week that he finally got an offer for his book. The book he’d been working on for years was finally going to be published, he was getting a decent advance for a new author, had signed the contract just that afternoon, and everyone had insisted on going out to celebrate. 
“Thank you but this all feels a little…premature, doesn’t it?” he asked. “I mean, yeah, I got an offer and signed a contract but we have no idea how the book is going to do. Getting published doesn’t mean anything. Lots of people get published and their book just sits on a shelf collecting dust. It could still horribly flop.”
“It will not,” insisted El, looping her arm through his, a proud smile on her face. “You are going to do incredible. Michael Wheeler is going to be a household name.”
“Yeah, man. You could be the next Stephen King,” Lucas said. 
Dustin snorted, “Nobody’s the next Stephen King. Stephen King is the only Stephen King there is or ever will be. Besides, his books are in a totally different genre. You can’t even compare the two.”
Max rolled her eyes, “Jesus Christ, Dustin. Can you just say yeah and be happy for your friend?”
“I am happy for my friend but it would be more appropriate to compare him to Eddings or Brookes as his book would be of the fantasy genre and they are fantasy authors. Of course, those are big shoes to fill. If his books do even half as well as theirs I will be impressed.”
“Okay, we get it,” Steve sighed, shaking his head. “Anyway, this is a huge deal and I am sure your book is going to be great. Congratulations Mike.”
“Thank you.”
“Yes, we’re so proud of you,” Karen beamed, teary, reaching over the table to pinch his cheek as he grimaced and pulled back from his mom.
“It’s about time,” Tedd grumbled, taking a long drink of his beer. “Only been working on the damn thing for five years, letting his wife pick up the slack.” Karen elbowed him and he looked over at her, completely unaware of how rude he was being.
“Well,” Joyce added, “I think it’s great. I can’t wait to read it. I will be first in line to buy it the day it comes out.”
Mike smiled at her, “Thanks.” He glanced around the table at all of his friends. “And thanks to all of you. If you wouldn’t have pushed me so hard, I’d probably still be editing it over and over again, too scared to ever actually put it out into the world.”
Nancy ruffled his hair, “No problem, kid. We all knew you had it in you even if you didn’t.”
“It’s an amazing story,” Will told them. “Mike really did his research. It’s well planned out, the plot is gripping, the characters are amazing, and the world building is on point.”
Dustin’s mouth dropped open, his fork hitting the plate with a clang, his eyebrows furrowing, “Wait. You’ve read it?”
Will shrugged, “I mean, yeah. Mike wanted me to look it over to see what I thought. I actually helped him with some of the editing.”
“How come he got to read it?” demanded Dustin, offended. “You said we couldn’t read it until it was published and perfect?”
“It’s Will,” Mike stated as if that should be enough explanation. “I trust Will to be honest with me.”
“We’re honest,” Lucas scoffed. 
Max’s eyes rolled into her head, “Boys, boys…calm down. You all will have a chance to read it in a few months when it comes out. No need to bicker over who got to read it first. You’re all very important to Mike.”
“Speaking of people who are about to be famous, you will never guess who I saw at the record store today,” Robin said, turning to Steve as the boys continued to banter back and forth, her hand reaching across the table to grab a roll from the basket sitting in front of Steve.
“Who?” he asked.
“Eddie Munson.”
Steve’s eyes went wide, “For real?” 
Robin nodded with a grin like she’d just spilled the juiciest news ever but being that you had no idea who she was talking about, you just munched on your bread. It didn’t appear that June had any idea who it was either as her and you shared a look of confusion. Based on the look on Steve’s face, this was very big news indeed.
“But I thought he took off,” Steve continued. “After senior year…well, his third try at senior year, anyway. He said he was getting out of this hellhole and never looking back.”
“He did get out. Hasn’t lived here for years but he came back to help Wayne pack up the trailer. Apparently, his band just got a record deal with this big label in L.A. He said they’ve been playing in clubs for years and were just thinking of packing it in and giving it up when this big record executive came to one of their shows. Anyway, they gave him this huge advance and he bought a house out there and Wayne is going to move in with him.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Steve remarked, his hand on your shoulder, thumb stroking the bare skin along the strap of your tank top. You had learned over the last few months that he was a very physical guy. Some part of him was almost always touching you and you weren’t complaining about it. “Good for him. You know, the way this town treated him, I always hoped he’d do well and show them all.”
“Who’s Eddie Munson?” June questioned just as you were about to ask it yourself.
“He’s this guy we went to school with. He’s Steve’s age but he had some struggles in school so he wound up graduating with my class. Honestly, I think he might have had ADD but of course they didn’t really talk about that back then. They’ve only really started talking about it in the last couple years. If you couldn’t keep your ass in the chair and learn like everyone else then you were just out of luck. Most of the teachers wrote him off as a lost cause so he lived up to it. He was sent out of the classroom so many times for being obnoxious or causing a disruption. But he was crazy talented at the guitar and he always had a book he was reading. People called him dumb but I never thought he was. Annoying, absolutely, but not dumb. I think he just couldn’t get it the way they were teaching it and no one took the time to figure out how to teach him.”
Steve shrugged, “He had it hard here. The town treated him like trash because his dad was trash. His old man went to prison for selling hot car parts and his mom took off when he was just a toddler. He wound up living with his Uncle Wayne when he was in middle school. Wayne had a trailer in Forest Hills. So on top of being a felon’s kid, on top of having trouble at school, he also lived in a trailer. It was the trifecta of judgement for the people in this town. Everyone always said he was up to no good and he was going to turn out just like his father.”
“You know,” Robin mused, tearing off little bits of her roll and stuffing them in her mouth, “one time some of the cheerleaders were being mean to me. Not that it wasn’t something that happened all the time.” She snorted, rolling her eyes. “I was a band geek so the jocks and the popular kids loved to give us shit. Anyway, they took my trumpet and were playing keepaway. Eddie stepped right in and swiped it from them, depositing it in my hands with a flourish and a bow before strolling off down the hallway. I always kind of admired him. He never let those asshats get him down. He just was who he was and he didn’t care what anyone thought of him.”
“I don’t know,” countered Steve. “I think everyone cares what other people think of them. I just think some of us are better at pretending like we don’t. I think that obnoxious, boisterous exterior was a shield he put up to protect himself once he realized he was never going to be accepted by this place. It was easier to pretend it didn’t matter than to allow himself to be vulnerable to the mockery. Dustin sure loved the guy though.”
“Loved who?” asked Dustin, catching the sound of his name.
“Eddie Munson,” Steve answered.
“Hell yeah I did. All of us did.” He gestured down the table to the other boys. “He was a Dungeons and Dragons Master. He was the head of our D&D club, Hellfire, and we all joined our freshman year of high school. Me, Lucas, Mike, and Will were never what you’d call…popular. Lucas was a bit once he started playing basketball and helped them win the championship game. But Eddie, man, he just accepted us from the first day. He gave us a place to belong. We were happy to be one of his sheep.”
Steve snorted, “It was like a damn cult. He referred to them as his sheep like he was a shepherd leading the flock. All four boys loved him but Dustin freaking worshiped the ground he walked on.”
“He passed the reins onto Dustin when he finally graduated, appointing him Dungeon Master,” Robin said, pausing to thank the waitress as she brought their food. “But he was heartbroken when he found out Eddie was going to completely skip town.”
“He was my friend. Hell, he was more like a brother, and he was a hell of a Dungeon master. I tried to fill his shoes but nobody really could,” Dustin stated. “I’ve been out there to visit him a few times, actually. He’s in town right now. Did you know that?”
“That’s what I was just telling him, doofus,” Robin said. Dustin stuck his tongue out at her and she laughed.
“And were you close to Eddie?” you asked Steve.
“Me? No. Not so much. Eddie and I…we didn’t have a lot in common. He was a metalhead who loved to play nerd games. I was an athlete who would rather do just about anything than Dungeons and Dragons. But I never had an issue with him like some people. I always thought he was a pretty good guy. Henderson’s a good judge of character. If he says you’re solid, you probably are. My few interactions with him were alright.”
One of Robin’s eyebrows lifted, her elbow dropping to the table as she leaned forward, “Oh please! You hated that Dustin and him were so close.”
“Yeah he did! He didn’t like that I had another older male friend. He wanted to be the only one.”
Steve’s lips came together, making a noise of disbelief, “Okay, one, gross. And please. Like I cared who you spent your time with. I was just relieved you weren’t constantly following me around anymore.”
Robin turned to you, “Don’t let him fool you. He was so jealous that Dustin was spending more time with Eddie. He got used to being the only one that the kid hero worshipped.”
“Aww,” you teased, poking him in the side, giggling when he jumped. “You didn’t like having to share your little brother?”
His eyes narrowed, “Please. Like I cared who Dustin Henderson hung out with.”
“Oh, he did,” Dustin shot back. “He can act like he didn’t want me around but he’d be lying. Steve loves me.”
“Okay, anyway, onto another topic please,” Steve begged, popping a fry into his mouth as the other guys caught wind of the conversation and started asking Dustin about Eddie. 
“Alright, how about we talk about how my amazing girlfriend had some brilliant ideas about how to get more business into the coffee shop?” June offered, her hand covering Robin’s. “I was telling her how weekday evenings can be pretty dead and I wasn’t sure if I should start closing early and she had some amazing suggestions.”
“Oh yeah?” You leaned forward, arms folded on top of the table. You smiled at how red Robin’s cheeks flared at June’s compliment. “What amazing suggestions did you have?”
Robin shook her head, fingers tearing little pieces of her napkin nervously. “It wasn’t really anything spectacular…”
“Yes it was!” June huffed, rolling her eyes. “She’s just being modest. She mentioned starting a book club night. We could have specials to lure them in. I mean, what goes better with a conversation about a good book than a cup of coffee and yummy sweets?”
“Oh, I think that’s a fantastic idea!” you exclaimed, bringing your straw to your lips for a sip of Coke. “We don’t really have anywhere in town that does book clubs. I think you’d get a lot of people interested. You could even make a special dessert to go with the book they’re reading.”
June’s eyes lit up. “I love that idea! Like I could make something with orange marmalade for Bridget Jones's Diary. We think that might be the first pick. I could even come up with some fun drinks to go with it. Maybe instead of coffee, have a fun tea beverage.”
“Yes! I’m totally in for the book club.”
“Oh, did I hear you say you’re starting a book club at the cafe?” asked Nancy, making her way down the table to join them. “I’m in.”
“Really?” Robin asked. “I mean, you really think it’s a good idea?”
“I told you babe,” June sighed, “it’s an amazing idea. We’re thinking about Tuesday nights. We’ll feature one book a month. I’m partnering with Terry, who owns the bookstore. He said he’ll make sure to order extra of whatever we pick so people can buy it directly from him instead of having to drive into the city to find it.” She shrugged. “I mean, it’s a win-win for both of us, you know?”
“I also mentioned a live music night and maybe a poetry night where people could come in and perform,” Robin added, posture straightening as her confidence built seeing that everyone thought it was a good idea. “That’s why I was in the record store today. I was talking to Tom about the local bands he knew of. We want to get the word out but we need to know where to find the people to give the word.”
“Yeah. But we’re thinking of waiting on the live music for a couple months. I want to make sure we have the book club thing down before I try adding in anything else. If that all goes well, then maybe in a couple more months we can phase in poetry night.”
“The Hideout would probably be the best place to find bands,” Jonathan offered as he headed down to join them as well, his arm slipping around Nancy’s waist. “I mean, that’s where Corroded Coffin always played.”
Robin nodded, “I know but we want to host a variety of music. I think The Hideout is pretty heavy stuff. Not that we don’t want that too but it would be nice to do a variety to get more people in.”
Steve snorted, “Yeah. Not everyone wants to listen to a bunch of screaming. Makes my ears want to bleed.”
“You know, Matt works with a guy who’s in a band. They play more acoustic stuff. I could talk to him and see if his friend would want to play at your shop,” you told them. 
“That would be great. Like I said, it wouldn't be for a couple months. Probably not until the end of summer but I wouldn’t mind lining up some talent so we have a schedule and are ready to go when it’s time. Plus that would give us some time to figure out logistics.”
“If you’re looking for something Monday through Friday, you could always eventually add a local artisan night too. People who make things could have small displays in your shop and in front of it. From my experience, people love that kind of stuff,” Nancy said. “There’s just something so gratifying about finding that unique something special that you can’t find anywhere else because it’s not mass marketed. You know?”
“That’s not a bad idea, either,” June agreed. “And I love getting to support artists and small business owners. Especially given that I am one.”
“Oh, I wanted to ask, would it be okay if Eli stayed over tonight?” asked Nancy, turning to you. “Jere has been bugging me all day since we were all going to be here together. We rented Space Jam and he refuses to watch it without Eli.”
Steve glanced over at you, eyebrows wiggling suggestively at the thought of the two of you having a night alone. You weren’t used to having Eli gone as much as he was these days. He usually wound up hanging out with one of the gang or having a sleepover at least once a week but you’d learned to appreciate any time you could have alone with Steve.
“Yeah. Absolutely. I’m sure he’d love that.” A soft smile lifted the corners of your mouth as you glanced down the table, watching as the boys took turns shooting straw wrappers at Dustin and Lucas, a skill that Hopper was apparently teaching them. The man was like an over-sized child sometimes.
“Thanks. We’ll bring them both back around lunchtime tomorrow if that’s good for you,” Jonathan said, him and Nancy sharing a smile. “Give you some morning time too, you know, if you need a little extra.”
A couple hours later found you strolling next to June as Steve and Robin argued ahead of you. Everyone had headed home and the four of you decided to walk off some of your food first. You were only able to catch a word here or there of Steve and Robin’s conversation and had no idea what they were arguing about. But considering it sounded playful, you weren't worried. If there was such a thing as platonic soulmates, those two were it. They bickered like siblings but their love for each other knew no bounds. That was obvious to anyone who witnessed their interactions for even a few minutes. 
“So, it seems pretty serious with you and Robin,” you observed, hooking your arm through June’s as you walked along the main street. 
A smile like a crescent moon curved the raven-haired beauty’s lips, “It is, I think. I’ve been crushing on her for months. I didn’t think she’d ever get the nerve to say anything. I mean, honestly, I wasn’t even sure if she liked me for a while. The girl never made eye contact with me. I knew she was into girls but I just figured maybe I wasn’t her type and she didn't want me to get the wrong impression or something.”
“Oh, she liked you,” you laughed, pausing to look in the window of the general store. Eli had been begging you for the Batcave playset that had come out a couple weeks ago. With his birthday coming up next month, you were going to need to stop in and get it. If you waited too long, it might not be there and you’d never hear the end of it. “She liked you a lot. I just think she was scared to say anything.”
“Obviously. But she’s…I mean, she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. She’s so kind and thoughtful. I love the way she rambles when she’s nervous. It’s just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. And those little freckles…I just want to kiss each one.” She giggled. “I often do, actually. It’s only been a few weeks but somehow I just know. I know this is going to be something amazing. I know it’s going to last, you know?”
You curved your lower lip in, nodding as your eyes instantly moved to Steve, “I do know.”
“You sure seem to. You and Steve are the freaking cutest. Anyone watching you two can see it’s something special.”
It was special. It was everything. It was more than you could have ever imagined you’d get in life. After losing it all, you’d never expected to find something this magical again, someone this amazing. You knew exactly what June meant because you just knew. You knew that Steve was it for her. You knew six months from now, six years from now, sixty years from now, the universe willing, that he would still be by your side and you would still be just as deliriously happy. 
Robin shoved Steve, his hand coming to her face and shoving her back, both of them laughing. You watched the exchange with amusement. You already loved both of them so much. They had seamlessly been sewn into the fabric that was your life. What girl not only got to have the perfect guy but also the amazing people who came along with him? Sometimes it felt like too much, like you couldn’t possibly deserve this much. 
“Are you two talking about us back there?” Robin questioned, walking backwards ahead of them. 
“Only good things,” June promised.
“My girl's not complaining about how I don’t hang up my towel after a shower?” Steve asked, spinning around to face them. “Or how I leave little hairs in her sink when I shave? Or how she trips over my shoes because I don’t put them by the door where they belong?”
“I can accept all of those things if you can accept how I hog all the blankets at night,” you replied. “Or how I take showers so hot you feel like your skin is melting off. Or how I always take the last of the coffee and don’t make another pot.”
Steve stopped walking, waiting until you were right in front of him. His arms wrapped around you, hand locking at the small of your back, a gentle kiss pressed against your lips. Those lips, so damn soft. The man always had a ChapStick in his pocket. You knew because you’d run it through the washing machine more than once. 
“I can accept every single one of those as long as it means I get to have you,” he whispered, his lips pressing softly against your nose. 
“Did we just watch them exchange vows?” teased June. “Because those sure sounded like vows.”
“Seriously, when are you two just going to bite the bullet and move in together?” asked Robin. 
Steve’s eyes went wide, zeroing in on you, examining you and you knew why. He was waiting. Waiting for you to sink into the dark abyss of an attack the way you had the last time moving in together had been brought up. You hated the way his body tensed, readying himself to try to pull you out of it. You hated that he assumed you would fall apart at the mention of the future with him. 
Because you weren't. You weren't panicking. The two of you spent more nights together than not these days. You had toothbrushes at each other’s places. You had a drawer with a spare change of clothes for those last minute decisions to stay over. He had a thermos in your cupboard for his coffee for work when he woke up at your place. 
“Robin, we’ve only been dating for a few months,” Steve urged, darting a warning glance at his friend. “We’re taking things slow.”
Robin guffawed, her head thrown back with loud laughter, “Moving slowly? You sleep at each other’s houses every single night.”
“Not every night,” Steve argued.
“Practically,” she stated. “You already act like a married couple. Aly packs your lunches for work for crying out loud.”
You shrugged, “I mean, I’m already packing Eli’s and mine so I just…”
“I don’t care that you pack his lunch. But if you’re packing lunches, taking turns picking up the kids from school, and sleeping next to each other every single night, what’s the difference if you just go from two houses to one?”
“She’s not wrong,” June agreed. “You’re basically living together in two different spaces. Just sell one. It’s definitely more economically logical. You’d only have one house payment.”
“And if you sell one, you’d have a decent chunk of change. You could use it for…oh, I don’t know…a wedding?” Robin’s eyebrows wiggled tauntingly. 
“We haven’t…I mean…we’ve talked but not…” you stammered. 
Steve’s hands found yours in an attempt to ground you. Oddly, you didn’t need it. This talk about weddings and living together, talk that used to make your heart run a marathon, that used to suck the air right out of your lungs, wasn’t doing anything. You just didn’t know how to respond. After the hospital incident, you hadn’t really discussed it anymore.
It wasn’t like it wasn’t there, a thought that kept jabbing at your brain every now and then. But you’d been happily just going along the way you were. If he had Jere, you would stay at his place so Jere could have his things. If he didn’t, they stayed at your place. Miles had even gotten comfortable at both houses. The dog was at home at your place, leaving dark hairs everywhere that you could never seem to fully vacuum away. Somehow you always went to work covered in him but you didn’t mind.
But did Steve want to take that step? He’d told you that he hadn’t meant it when he said he liked his space. But the man had been living on his own for a while. He didn’t have to be attached to a child seven days a week. If you moved in together, he would have Eli around all the time. Maybe he wanted to be able to head back to his own place, his sanctuary of peace and solitude. 
“Okay Robin. Your suggestions and opinions are duly noted,” Steve said, putting an end to the discussion. “Thanks for the input.”
Robin shrugged, grinning, “Just wanted to get my two cents out there. Voice the idea into the world. Because we both know you two will never do it if left to your own devices.”
Steve stroked your hair as you lay with your head on his chest, the two of you relaxed back on a blanket. A cool breeze tickled his skin, crickets creating a soundtrack for your evening as you enjoyed a moment of quiet together in his backyard. Stars twinkled like diamonds in the night sky, the half moon providing what little bit of light you had. 
He felt completely at ease with you right here where you belonged, cocooned in his arms, your hearts beating rhythmically against one another, sharing each other’s warmth to ward off the chill of the early summer evening. 
He’d been expecting you to go into a full blown anxiety attack earlier when Robin started talking about moving in together. He’d expected another call to 911 when you'd mentioned marriage. But he’d never been so glad to be wrong. You had taken it in stride. You'd stammered a bit, looked a little nervous, but you hadn’t lost control. It was a small step in the right direction.
Steve hadn’t broached the subject of living together since that night when he almost ruined everything. You were spending most nights and mornings together as it was. It wasn’t enough. He didn’t think it would ever be enough but you seemed to be okay with it and so it was what he would make himself okay with for now. He’d made a silent vow not to push you anymore and he’d stuck to it, waiting for you to let him know when you were ready for the next step. 
Had he wondered if you never would be? Of course he had. With your past, your struggles with anxiety, it concerned him that this could be what your relationship looked like forever. You frozen in place, terrified to move even an inch in a forward direction. Him never saying anything for fear of pushing you away. The two of you at a standstill, your relationship never evolving, never changing past two people who dated and stayed over at each other’s places. 
Steve had thought you'd fallen asleep until you said softly, “Maybe Robin has a point.”
“Hmm?” he questioned, pulling himself from his thoughts. 
You lifted your head, placing both hands over his heart before resting your chin on the backs of them. You took his breath away. Every time you looked at him it was like he had forgotten just how beautiful you were and he was stunned all over again. Every damn time. His fingers slid a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I said maybe Robin has a point,” you repeated, turning your face into his touch, your lips pressing a kiss to the center of his palm. 
Steve snorted, “Robin’s never right about anything.” At the look you gave him, he relented. “Okay. Fine. Yeah, she has some great ideas about June’s cafe. I think those things will really help bring in the business. We’ve yet to see but maybe she does have a point.”
“Steve, that’s not what I’m talking about.”
His heart stuttered in his chest. You couldn’t be saying what he thought you were saying, right? No. That was just him getting his hopes up far too high. It had only been a little over a month since that night in the hospital. There was no way you were going from barely able to breathe at the idea to suddenly saying you should move in together.
He swallowed, trying to rein in the desire that was raging in him for you to open your mouth and say those words. Because if you didn’t, the disappointment would come crashing down on him like an avalanche, his heart crushed under the weight of hundreds of tons of rock and rejection. 
“So, what are you talking about?” he asked, attempting to keep the hope he was feeling out of his voice. 
Your head tilted, your mouth curving into a gentle smile, “I mean, we are practically living together as it is. We’re just doing it in two different spaces. It does seem kind of silly, doesn’t it?”
Steve swallowed hard, nodding, barely trusting himself to reply with more than that. He wanted to grab onto you, pull you into him, kiss you breathless, and beg you to move in together. To choose a place. He didn’t care which. If you wanted to keep your place, that was fine with him. He just wanted you to be in his life, all of it, every day for forever.
“I understand if you’re not ready. I know you’ve probably gotten used to having your own space. I’m sure it’s nice to come home to a quiet house on the days when Jeremiah is with Nancy and Jonathan. So, I’m not pressuring you or anything. I’m just saying maybe it’s something to think about?”
He nodded. Emotion was clogging his throat. He knew he needed to say something. He needed to respond to you but he couldn’t seem to get sound past the lump in his esophagus. 
You blinked quickly, burying your head against his chest again as you muttered softly, “Anyway, just a thought. No big deal. I wasn’t saying we have to do it now.”
Jesus Christ, he chastised himself. Open your mouth. Say something. His arms wound around you tighter. Those beautiful eyes, eyes he hoped he was lucky enough to look into for the rest of his life, opened wide. He traced the back of his hand over the soft skin of your cheek. 
“Move in with me,” he urged. “Or I’ll move in with you. I don’t care. But let’s move in together.”
Those perfectly pink lips arced up on both sides, “Really?”
“Yes, really. Invade all of my space. I told you, I don’t want space. I don’t want quiet. I don’t want alone. I just want you. You and Eli and Jeremiah. I want you to fill up all the space until there’s none left.”
“Are you sure? You’re not just saying that?”
“Honey, I’ve never been more sure of anything than I am of you,” he said. “I know I want you forever. I know you’re it for me. I don’t need to wait and see. I don’t need time to figure anything out. I’ve known from the moment I saw your face that you were going to be something special in my life. And you are. I want you and everything that comes with you.” He cradled your face in his palms. “I want this face to be the first thing and the last thing I see every day.”
Tears sparkled in your eyes under the light of the moon. “Me too. Maybe it’s quick but I don’t care. I thought I needed to move slowly. I thought I would need time to know if this was right but I don’t. I feel it, so deeply in my bones. You’re right. This is right. I was worried about Eli but I don’t have to be because I am certain. I love you and so does he. It won’t matter if we decide today or six months from now. I will be completely certain it’s you.”
“So, your place or mine?” he asked. 
“I…” You paused, inhaling sharply. 
“It’s okay if you want to keep your house, honey. My house is just a house. Your house holds a lot of memories for you. I know that. I truly don’t care where I live as long as you and the boys are there.”
“No. I mean…I don’t think I want to keep the house. That house is full of memories but they’re memories from a different life. I want to start fresh. I want to build new memories with you. I don’t need the house to remember. Those memories will always be with me but I’m tired of living with a ghost and that’s what it feels like there. I mean, I should probably talk to Eli about it and see how he feels. But what would you think about buying a new house? Something we choose together? Something where we can create our own history and stories?”
“I think that sounds perfect.”
And it did. A whole new space where you could choose things together. You could slowly make it your own. A house that you would turn into a home by filling it with love and a shared history. A place where you could raise your boys together and then a space for just the two of you when the boys were grown and out creating their own futures. Four walls that would contain all the memories of your years, the happy and the sad, that you would look back on years down the road. 
“I love you,” you whispered, beaming from ear to ear. 
“I love you, too. God, I love you so much.”
You pushed yourself up, resting both knees on either side of his hips, straddling him under the stars in his backyard. Miles lifted his head from where he lay observing on the deck and Steve raised his hand, his command for stay. The dog released a heavy sigh but dropped his big head back down on his paws. 
“You are everything I never thought I could have.” Whispered words as your mouth, hot and sweet, covered his, your tongue teasing, flicking and brushing over his lips, teeth, and tongue. “You are a damn dream, Steve Harrington and I hope I never wake up.”
Your words, transmitted on your breath from your mouth to his, traveled throughout, spreading, inhabiting every single space. His hands ran over your body, grabbing and squeezing, as he made a vow to himself to keep you feeling like that. To ensure you never woke up, never looked around and doubted your choice right here on this blanket, never was disappointed to find the dream wasn’t your reality. 
You ground your hips over him and hissed at the feel of rock hard denim pressing over your clit. One hand slid up your shirt, taking your breast in his palm, while the other slid underneath your skirt, grabbing a handful of your ass. You rocked harder against him, whimpering when he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth between kisses. 
Steve sunk into your mouth, taking the kiss even deeper, his tongue exploring, gliding and dancing over yours. His hand on your ass grabbed onto the lacy fabric covering your hip, his fingers wrapping around it, wanting to tear it off of you and bury himself to the hilt right now. 
“Should we…?” you tried but gasped when he pinched your nipple, rolling the pert little bud between his thumb and forefinger. “Should we go inside?”
“No, honey…can’t wait…wanna fuck you right here…under the stars…” he mumbled against your skin, sucking and nibbling a path up your neck to your chin. “Wanna have you under me…take you in the moonlight…” 
A squeak escaped you when his arms came around your waist, flipping you to your back beneath him. His fists came down on either side of your head, taking in the sight of your wide eyes, parted lips, flushed skin. 
“Fuck, you’re so damn beautiful,” he growled, his lips crashing down over yours again as your fingers dove into his hair, your legs locking around his waist as your heat sought out the friction of him again. 
“But neighbors,” you protested weakly when his fingers wrapped around the edge of your panties, yanking them down and away, tossing them carelessly somewhere in the yard. “What if someone sees?”
“No one’s gonna see,” he assured you, his lips traveling down your body, lifting your shirt to press open mouthed kisses over the soft skin of your stomach. “Maybe Miles, but he won’t tell anybody. He’s good at keeping secrets.”
You giggled at that, the sound filling his ears, delighting his senses. It was one of his favorite sounds in the world, maybe his most favorite. It was a sound he wanted to cause you to make every single day but it’s not the sound he wanted right now. 
Sliding down the blanket, he slipped his head under your skirt, taking your pussy in his mouth, and that’s when he got the sound he wanted. You choked out his name when he sucked on your clit like a throat lozenge. You writhed, whimpered, when he licked you from top to bottom, swirling his tongue over you teasingly. 
The taste of you made him feel drunk, his head fuzzy in that delicious way when the world just goes soft. He wrapped his arms around each of your thighs, holding you in place, as he feasted on you. Your back arched, fingers tangling in his hair, as he flicked his tongue over your clit. 
“Jesus, Steve,” you groaned, your hips rocking against his face, seeking sweet release. 
Fuck, he would never get enough of you. Your taste. Your scent. Your sounds. The way you felt. He could spend the rest of his life buried between your thighs happily and it still wouldn’t be enough. 
You were panting softly above him, your chest rising and falling rapidly. Your thighs trembled around his head and he knew you were close to coming undone. Steve wrapped his mouth around your clit and your entire body froze as you cried out his name loudly. He gently lapped at your sweet center, not stopping until he felt you relax beneath him. 
“Steve…” Your voice was raspy with lust, your fingers threading through his hair, leading him up your body. He stared down at you, the way your skin glistened under the faint light of the moon, your eyes heavy, your lips curled in a satisfied smile. “I think the neighbors might have heard me.”
He grinned, pressing his forehead to yours, “Let them. Then they all know you’re mine.”
“I am, you know? Yours. Just yours,” you whispered, bringing his mouth to yours again, kissing him deeply. 
Those words did something to him, scratching an itch in his brain he hadn’t even known was there before this woman came into his life. Steve worked at his belt, undoing his jeans and kicking them down his legs, needing to be inside of you. 
Nestling himself between your legs, he took his cock in his hand, sliding the tip over your clit and through your folds, teasing. You moaned, low and deep, your eyes fluttering as he slipped just the tip in before bringing it back out to run through your slick tauntingly. Your feet slid over his calves, your hands slipping under his shirt, nails running over the skin of his back. 
“Steve…stop teasing…” you pleaded. 
“Lift up your shirt for me, honey,” Steve told her. “I want to see all of you while I fuck you.”
You obeyed, tugging your shirt up and over your head, leaving you lying beneath him in nothing but your little black skirt and a scrap of lacy pink fabric that was so sheer he could see your nipples, dark pink and hard. He couldn’t take it anymore, his hand grabbing onto your hip as he thrust inside of you, burying himself in your heat. 
“Oh fuck, yes…Steve…” you groaned, your nails digging into his flesh. 
Jesus, you felt so damn good. He thrust again, sinking even deeper into you if that was possible, both of you moaning. Your legs locked around him, your bodies melding together until he could barely pull out. His hips rocked into you, small movements that kept him sheathed the whole time, his cock dragging over your walls. 
“I love you…Jesus Christ, honey…I love you…so fucking good…you feel so fucking good,” he grunted, rutting against you, chasing his own high as he felt you already starting to tremble beneath him again. 
“Love…you…” you panted, fingers gripping his shoulders, your mouth catching his for a moment before you broke off, head dropping back. “Don’t stop…please don’t stop…oh god…Steve…right there…I’m gonna…”
His head fell back, riding it out as your pussy clenched down around him, clinging to him as you rode out the wave. He was almost hyperventilating as he thrust into you hard, fingertips digging into the flesh of your hips, his eyes squeezing shut as his own orgasm crashed down over him with force, spilling into you. 
His cock throbbed within you as your pussy pulsed around him. He dropped down, his elbows on either side of your head, his hands cupping your cheeks. You looked like a fucking vision glowing and flushed in the subtle light of the moon above them. Your hand came to his cheek, smiling up at him, looking as satisfied as he does after he’s power washed every damn thing outside of his house. 
“You’re mine, huh? Just mine?” he teased with a smirk, thumb coasting over the curve of your cheekbone. 
You turned into his touch, pulling the tip of his thumb between your lips, “For as long as you want me to be.”
“Careful what you wish for, honey because that’s a long time. I’m thinking forever.”
“Works for me,” you beamed, grabbing a fistful of his shirt, pulling his lips down to yours. 
Chapter 20
Taglist: @katethetank@roxiehorrorshow@sapphire4082@bakugouswh0r3@frostandflamesfanfic @mix-matchsocks @mushy-mushroom04 @palmtreesx3 @littlebookworm86 @eddies-trailer-babe @cheesewritings @emilyj444 @daisyhollyxox @angelbabyivy @the-fairy-anon @loritate7311 @k-k0129 @antiquecultist
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my little story! 😊 And replies and reblogs are always appreciated if you enjoy it. I love to hear what you think! ❤️❤️❤️ Only one more chapter to go and then this story will come to an end.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Ooh how abut number '11. toothpaste kisses' for soft prompts! Love your writing
Send me soft prompts! Ao3 collection post here!
Eddie is going to make everyone late.
Look: he really thinks most of it isn't his fault. He'd covered for somebody on B shift Tuesday, so he'd only had 24 hours off and he'd had to sleep through a good chunk of it, so laundry went a little by the wayside, leading to him tossing a frantic load into the washer at 5 am when he realized he had no clean work clothes. And, again, he’d covered that Tuesday shift after a 12 hour on Monday, so it’s reasonable that he forgot how dire the toothpaste situation was. The look Chris had given him when he said they needed to run to the store right now at bright and early 6 am would have withered a lesser soul, so at 6:04 Eddie, still in sweatpants and wearing ratty old slides is running down the block solo to grab whatever they have at the nearest corner store. He winces as he grabs the baking soda kind (Chris hates it) and books it back to the house, trying to breathe through the waves of oh god I’m a terrible father who left my kid alone and forgot about dental hygiene.
The house is considerably more crowded when he gets back to it. First, Chimney is lugging a dresser up the front stairs.
“What- hey- what-“ Eddie grabs the bottom of the thing, hastily shoving the toothpaste in his pocket. “What’s this?”
Chim tilts his head at him. “We were getting rid of it and you said you could use a new dresser, remember? I texted you I was coming to drop it off.”
Eddie’s phone is probably dinging away uselessly on his bedside table. “Right, yeah, sorry. There was a toothpaste emergency. Uh, thank you, we can just-“
Before he can come up with some way to finish that sentence, Carla opens the door. He hadn’t even seen her car, shit, he hopes there’s no calls right away when they get to work because he’s clearly not slept enough and should lay down again as soon as possible.
“Oh!” She says, surprised and cheerful. “Why don’t you bring that into the living room. I put your clothes in the dryer, Eddie, I figured if you were running the wash this early it was an emergency.”
Well thank god somebody has a plan and knows whats happening. He and Chim set the dresser next to a wall someplace as out of the way as they can get, and then Eddie points at Carla. “Thank you,” he says, trying to put as much sincerity into the words as possible, before pivoting to head down the hall to find Chris. Its not a long journey, the kid standing right around the corner. Eddie hands him the toothpaste. “There you go.”
Chris scrunches his nose. “Baking soda kind. Gross. And I don’t need it, Dad, Buck brought the good stuff.”
Eddie pivots again to look in the kitchen, where the man himself is leaning against the counter drinking a cup of coffee out of his current favorite mug, the one with the squiggly little drawing of a frog and a chicken dancing together. “Hi.” Eddie supposes he isn’t exactly surprised he’s here, Buck is a feature of their household as much as the mug he’s holding is, but he is a little concerned about the amount of people popping out of the woodwork without him noticing. “Anybody else here? Why’d you bring toothpaste?”
Buck grins. “I think you’ve seen everybody now. And you were running out when I was here last, you’ve been busy, figured it might be helpful.”
Eddie nods, a little… wordless, maybe, a little bowled over. “I’m gonna…” he gestures towards the bathroom and limply leaves the conversation. By the time he’s brushed his teeth (it is the good stuff, the pricier name brand arctic fresh, Eddie usually goes for generic spearmint) Chris and Carla are ready to head out the door. Eddie is glancing at the clock and nervously calculating exactly how wet the clothes he’s about to put on are going to be as he says goodbye, leaning to kiss Carla, Chris, and Chim’s cheeks. “Ok, thank you, have a great day at school, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
It takes a few seconds of staring at Chimney’s trying not to laugh face, and listening to Chris’s not-trying-not-to-laugh-at-all guffaws before his brain catches up to his actions. “Oh my god.”
Chimney grins and Eddie shakes his head futilely against the oncoming barrage. "I always knew I was your favorite." He smacks a hand to his cheek and swoons, and Eddie rolls his eyes. "Everyone said it was Buck, but I knew the Han-Diaz love connection was just waiting to happen."
Buck is laughing somewhere behind him, and Eddie wants to see what look is on his face, but instead he rolls his eyes again, harder, and says "I'm going to check on the laundry," and shoos his son out the door before fleeing to the dryer.
Of course it's all still fucking damp. They're already pushing it on time though (maybe if all three of them are late they can unionize against Bobby?) so he shucks his sweats and shimmies his way into the unpleasant cool of his pants. When he emerges from his shirt, wincing, he finds Buck in the hallway with him.
“Chimney says we’re running late and if you don’t hurry up he’s leaving you for dead, no matter your new found love.”
“I know, I know, I just need to find my shoes-“
“I put ‘em by the door,” Buck smiles, and then the smile becomes a grin. “Hey, Eddie.”
“Yeah?” Eddie says with the right amount of apprehension for the situation.
“No goodbye kiss for me?” He tilts his head, grin thoroughly classifiable as shit-eating.
“We’re going to the same place, Buck. I’m probably gonna ride in your car.” He’s absolutely going to ride in his car, they both know it.
“Ah, so is Chimney, he got one.”
And Eddie could defend himself with the reasonable explanation that he just happened to be standing in a row next to the people he’d meant to press his affection onto, or the less reasonable explanation that he only gives goodbye kisses to people whose names start with a C, but instead he says “You want a kiss, Buck?”
And he’s moving before he loses nerve, and Buck is also moving, laughing at him, so again Eddie feels like it’s not entirely his fault when his kiss lands sort of on his cheek but mostly- it’s mostly on his mouth, which is soft and exhaling a little surprised sound against Eddie. They both pull back but maybe not as far as they probably should, if they weren’t them, if Eddie hadn’t spent the last few weeks or maybe years wondering how he could ask Buck to live on the shelf with all the mugs he’s cycled through as favorites. Then Buck darts his head forward, pecking another little kiss to his mouth, and Eddie chases him for a third, and Buck’s hand tangles in his shirt and he says “Oh” into Eddie’s mouth because the fabric is wet under his touch.
“Buckley, Diaz, I’m getting in my car, and I’m not going to defend you to Cap!”
Even at Chimney’s words they don’t entirely jump apart, just slide back a little, stand more firmly facing each other as the front door distantly opens and shuts.
“We’re gonna be late,” Buck says, an awed little smile pulling at his face.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, a little breathless. Maybe he can blame that on the cold clothes. “We should probably get going.”
Buck nods, and barely finishes the motion before Eddie puts his hands on his face and pulls him in for another minty kiss, firm, a promise. Buck is grinning when he backs off and Eddie is sure his face is a mirror image as he ducks around him to go find his shoes.
They’re late. But as Buck settles next to him on the couch, all pressed along his side despite the still damp clothes, Eddie thinks it was worth the wait.
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peachenle · 2 years
playful delicacies
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader, ft. hyung line cameo
genre: domestic boyfriend!au | fluff, just fluff | college!au | established relationship
༄࿔˚✧ synopsis: a collection of moments with heeseung, shared over meals and snacks. a riff off of timestamps.
word count: 4.1k
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cherry wine
You were welcomed home by a frustrated looking Heeseung. You watched with amusement as he placed an aggressive kiss on your forehead and shuffled his way back to his desk set up in the living room, glaring at the screen. From your position in the doorway, you stared as his screen went gray again, signaling his character’s death and you couldn’t help but laugh at his expense.
Heeseung sent a glare your way and exclaimed, “Yeah. Yup. I’m done! I’m over this.” And he ALT-F4’d right out of a ranked game.
While you were fond of games yourself, there was a reason Heeseung and you only played simple survival games together, over tactical first person shooters, or god-forbid, League of Legends. Despite his cute pleas to play with him, and his forced “Don’t worry, babe. I’ll carry us!” after your 14th death, you knew better to stay out of his way. You found his frustration cute, and it was far better to witness it as a bystander, than to be its source.
He shuffled to where you stood, as you looked over the ingredients you bought from the grocery. Heeseung stared at you with anticipation, knowing that there was only one person in this household who could cook. He had no idea what you had in mind for dinner with those ingredients. And, neither did you, yet. 
“How are the games going?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” he pouted. You bit your bottom lip to spare him of extra laughter, opting to wrap an arm around his waist and pull him closer to you. He sighed into your temple and squeezed you.
“How was work?” Your part time job at the nearest ramen shop was grueling at times, especially on Fridays. Luckily, you filled the awkward lunch to afternoon shift, so you had time to stop by the market on your way home.
“Wasn’t too bad,” you replied. “Mrs. Sohn stopped by with her daughter. They asked me about you.”
Heeseung was a regular at the shop like Mrs. Sohn, going there long before you stumbled in a year ago, looking for a second job. You pulled away to see Heeseung look at you with a grimace. “They said something weird, didn’t they?”
“Asked if you dumped me yet,” you snickered. “Mrs. Sohn will never relent to get you to date her daughter.”
Heeseung groaned, his ears tinting with red. “Yeah, I think I’d rather talk about my games.” You found his passiveness with Mrs. Sohn too funny. He made sure to make it obvious just how in love he was with you if he stopped by the shop and she was there - amping up the lovely nicknames, and raising his voice when he called you babe. It never bothered you, because you knew how he felt about you and because you found it funny how Heeseung was too nice to the point where he felt bad.
Shifting your attention back to the problem at hand - both of your grumbling tummies - you hummed. You grasped a carrot in your hand and poked him with it. You glanced at Heeseung and caught his eye.
“Wanna get take out?”
“Should we just order delivery?” He said at the same time.
Thirty minutes later Heeseung set up two large pizzas in front of where you sat on the floor by the coffee table, and you prepared him with the latest League of Legends LCK highlight clips on the TV.
“Oh!” You gasped and jumped towards the kitchen. “I bought this on my way home.” You pulled a bottle of cherry wine from the fridge and grabbed two unceremonious mason jars.
Heeseung smiled as you brought them over, taking the bottle so he could open it for you.
You clinked jars with one hand and held pizza in the other, your legs intertwined over his, and you both drunkenly screamed at the TV. Heeseung yelled a mix of “What was that?!” and a couple curses, while you cheered in disbelief at the plays on the screen.
hot chocolate, extra whip
Winter wasn’t always your favorite season. Winter was cold and energy consuming, taking time for layers after layers and for running into buildings to beat the flashing snow. December was for hot packs stuffed in pockets, red runny noses, and staying home to avoid its bitter cold.
That was before you met Heeseung.
Each snowfall with him was treated as the first, him eagerly (and rarely) waking before you to revel in the white rooftops outside your apartment window. However, for the third snowfall of the season, you woke to find a sleepy and disheveled Heeseung making toast in the kitchen in silence.
When he noticed you emerging from the doorway he smiled, “Did I wake you?”
You shook your head, although you were confused why he hadn’t woken you.
Heeseung wiped his sleepy eyes and stretched his arms above his head with a yawn. “Don’t know I woke up so early -  I guess I was excited. It’s snowing!”
Mirroring him, you let out a yawn as well. “Hee, it’s almost 12 o’clock. When did you wake up?”
He stared blankly at you, knowing where you were going with this. “Like, 30 minutes ago.” You stared back. “Okay, like 10, but still! Earlier than you is still early in my book.” He beamed as if it was something to take pride in.
You left him to freshen up in the bathroom and get ready for a day of doing nothing with Heeseung. Maybe you’d go to a café with him and sit by a fire, or go outside and kick snow at each other or whatever he wanted to do.
When you came back, he was sitting on the couch, a random documentary lulling in the background, with a portable heater turned up by his toes. 
He pointed to a mug sitting on the counter, one matching his own on the coffee table. 
You smiled as you brought it along with you to sit next to him. “Hot chocolate?”
He smirked, and pulled out a red canister. Heeseung shook it before adding some whipped cream atop your drink. “I forgot I bought this the other day.”
You gigged as you watched him spray some directly into his mouth. He met your eyes and offered you some, and when you shook your head he opted to add extra on top of the slowly melting cream still in your mug.
Taking a sip and leaning into him further, you snickered. “You forgot I was lactose intolerant again.”
Heeseung’s eyes widened in shock, oh shit, and you laughed at his embarrassed face - whipped cream smeared at the corner of his mouth. You kissed it away and rolled your eyes. 
“Sorry.” Then he added with a sly whisper, “Lactaid’s in the bathroom cabinet.”
You set your hot chocolate down to, lovingly, smother your boyfriend.
Winter was for lengthy mornings in bed under the covers in his embrace. Winter was for snowball fights during Seoul’s first snowfall and for loving shoves into piles of snow. December was for the holidays spent with him, his hands stuffed into your pockets and flowers given to you on Christmas.
Winter was for Heeseung.
miso ramen
A college senior of yours was actually the one to suggest you look for a different job last year. “The clinic pays you dirt and doesn’t offer you a lot of hours, why are you still there?”
You playfully pushed her. “It’s for my resume! You know that.”
“You should quit and work at a restaurant - at least you’d get some free meals on top of pay. When I worked at the sushi place I never had to make my own dinner.” She was looking out for you, typical older sister-like duties.
You nodded in agreement and decided to follow her advice. But rather than quitting the clinic, you stubbornly just took it upon yourself to get a second job.
“Which one would you recommend?” You asked, taking a seat at an empty barstool. You kind of just wandered in here hungry after your study session and meeting with your senior. She had left you to meet with her boyfriend so you were off to have dinner by yourself.
The worker behind the counter hummed in thought, and before he could reply, a boy two seats down shyly answered, “Miso ramen.”
The worker nodded in agreement, “Well said from our number one customer himself.”
You smiled at the boy and placed your order, miso ramen with extra firm noodles and ginger on the side. 
The food was delicious and the atmosphere was better and you couldn’t help but notice a small sticker on their register when you went up to pay. HELP WANTED.
You interviewed on the spot and were asked to start three weeks later.
At the beginning of working there, Heeseung used to like to tease you about how he got you the job, how he had talked with the owner afterwards and complimented your manners. He would hang out a little even after finishing his food to talk to you and the other workers, and conveniently he only ever came at the awkward times after lunch, when there were less customers and less noise. You learned more about Heeseung as you cleaned tables and served food. You learned how at the time, he was in his final year in the architecture undergrad program at your university. He had morning classes most days, and a Thursday studio block that ended around 3 - hence his usual Thursday lunch-dinner at the shop.
But after 3 months of working there, you had learned the truth. That he had actually joked with the owner that if you were hired he would come more often just to see you. When the owner told you this, casually during a lunch rush hour, you chuckled.
“I didn’t order this,” Heeseung tilted his head towards you, the following Thursday. You had placed a single scoop of green tea ice cream onto his now empty table and sat down with him. Nevertheless, he quickly dove in with a spoon.
“Most people would say ‘thank you’ for a free dessert,” you said to him pointedly. 
He gave you a silly smile, giddy with the scoop in his hands. He jested, “Now, what did I do to deserve such a treat?”
“I get off in 20 minutes,” you simply stated and left to tend to a nearby customer.
You returned some dishes to the kitchen sink and glanced towards the front of the house to see Heeseung paying. He had to know what you had meant, right?
When you had waved your goodbyes to your coworkers, shoving your apron into your bag as you left. You frowned when you didn’t see Heeseung waiting for you outside. Your shop had a bit of a queue outside waiting for open seats, but he was nowhere to be found. Sighing with disappointment, oblivious men, you started walking down the street to the subway station.
As you walked, you started second-guessing yourself, cringing at the thought of Maybe he did know and this was his way of rejecting you? But there was no way someone would hang out that often after his meal to talk to you as often as he did? But he was a regular and friends with the owner, not just you…
A running figure towards you pulled you out of your thoughts as you neared the stairs to the station.
“Oh my god! I am so dumb,” Heeseung exclaimed, catching your shoulders in his arms. He noticed your startle and let go quickly, opting to smooth down his hair and attempt to catch his breath.
You frowned in confusion, “Why were you running?”
“Because you said you were off in 20 minutes and it took me the walk to the subway, and the time to reach the next stop before I realized what that meant.”
You poked his forehead, “What else would I have meant when I told you when I was getting off?”
“Honestly, I think I couldn’t believe my ears.”
Heeseung’s face was red, maybe from the running, but definitely from the embarrassment and you laughed, gently tugging his sleeve to pull him away from the subway entrance.
“Wanna grab some drinks?”
Your night had ended with him walking you to the subway station, and finally thanking you for the ice cream you had given him hours before. When you heard the chimes and the rumble of your incoming train, he rapidly tapped a foot.
“Are you free Saturday?” He asked.
“Wow, already wanting to see me that soon?” You joked, making your way to the side of the tracks.
“Hey, don’t tease the guy who got you your job,” he fought back.
You decided to spare him of your knowledge of the truth and waved to him as you stepped inside the train.
Heeseung waved a final time before he turned to the other side of the station to wait for his train. The windows were quickly covered by the passing wall as your train sped away and you pulled out your phone to message him.
yes i’m free
Heeseung responded quickly, perfect, i’ll take care of everything. just show up at sinchon exit 4 looking cute.
He double texted, hope that’s not too difficult ;)
pork fried rice
Heeseung had already graduated and was interning full-time, a hybrid of in office and at home. Working two jobs was tough to manage on top of school. Days at the clinic, coupled with nights at the restaurant, mixed in with sporadic classes every weekday left you with little time outside of your home life with Heeseung. 
The return to school after the winter holiday was something you dreaded since you knew you would see each other less, but something you looked forward to - since you’d get to see your uni friends again.
To celebrate the return after break, read: to cope with the return of assignments, your classmates had chatted about going out for barbecue and drinks on the weekend.
“Hey, if Sunghoon is coming, you should bring Heeseung!” Your friend suggested, and Sunghoon nodded excitedly. 
“If we’re bringing our boyfriends, you should bring Jaeyun~” you teased your other friend.
“We are not dating… yet!”
“Yeah, yeah glad you guys are all DATING and having BOYFRIENDS,” the youngest of your friend group complained.
You all laughed, and it was decided that you’d invite another boy, Jongseong from Anatomy 450, to make the group even, ‘without any ulterior motives’ you all had promised her.
Heeseung was more on the shy side, especially compared to you, which was something he had admired about you. So your mention of a quadruple date was met with a worried smile and a begrudging agreement.
“You’ve met Sunghoon before! Other guys will be there; it will be fun,” you assured him, climbing into his lap as he was reviewing designs on a tablet.
Muffled, he spoke into the top of your hair, “Yeah, yeah. Anyway - look at what the other intern made.” You resisted the urge to groan at him changing the subject, and instead shifted your body to follow where he was directing your attention.
He showed you blueprints and 3D drawings, combined with color swatches and matching foliage - things your pre-med mind didn’t really recognize but you enjoyed watching how his eyes lit up with creativity, and how he rambled about needing balsa and “Have you seen my exacto knife?”
Heeseung was insanely passionate, more than he let other people really know, and you loved that about him. You just wished he would be more vocal and take pride in all his accomplishments. You told him this once and he just shook his head, “I don’t need to show people how good I am. I already know it myself.”
He said it jokingly, but knowing him, you knew he believed everything he said.
Friday night came along and your friends met up earlier - “For some girl time before the, men, came” you had told Heeseung, adding a dramatic frown at the word men. You enjoyed taking photo booth pictures and even secretly stopped at a bar for a shot or two each before making your way to the decided restaurant. Your group giggled at seeing the other boys outside, making awkward small talk amongst themselves to pass the time.
Several soju bottles each later, you rested your head against Heeseung’s shoulder and he clumsily plopped his on top of yours and you suppressed your complaint about his heavy head.
You watched as your friends continued to fry meat and laugh about random things that came up in conversation. Heeseung hopped into the conversation naturally, “Yeah! And I heard that shit was expensive!” You had too much soju in your veins to keep up with what they were saying, but you were fond of how well Heeseung melded into your friend group. Even Jongseong, a classmate you had only hung out with maybe 4 times during study sessions, loosened up and … much to your satisfaction, had a loose arm around your friend. You made a mental note to tease them about it later.
A waiter joined your group for a shot and brought a bowl of rice and other condiments to make fried rice on top of your clean grill.
“Extra seaweed please!” Heeseung requested, knowing it was your favorite.
“I’m so full, man,” Sunghoon slurred. And you all laughed as he still scooped himself a plate of crispy fried rice.
You guys took a final shot before finally heading to the front of the house to pay - the boyfriends, the not-boyfriend-yet, and Jongseong fighting over the bill. You and your friends cheered for them, grateful your wallets had survived a Friday night dinner.
“Wait guys.” Your group opted to continue talking outside the restaurant. It was only 11 pm. You clung onto Heeseung, your hands held inside his jacket pocket, his other hand waving about during some animated conversation with Jongseong. You had to call out to your friends again to get everyone’s attention. “Round two?”
Heeseung smiled down at you as everyone excitedly shouted and started walking down the street to where all the bars were.
You two purposely walked a little slower, watching as the rest of the group argued and laughed and collected some stares from other people.
“I’m glad I came tonight,” Heeseung had mumbled. “Your friends are funny.” You pulled him in for a chaste kiss, tasting the sweet flavored soju on his lips, and you felt him smile against you.
“They can be your friends, too,” you reminded him. “Visit the uni more often and join us when we study!”
He jokingly scoffed, “Like I’d wanna listen to you nerds talk about bones and diseases.” Heeseung continued, “Yeah, I’d like that. Jaeyun told me he plays games too.”
You grinned at him, excited that your boyfriend was making friends with your own, and you tugged him along - your group was already getting their IDs checked by security outside the bar.
After a few more drinks and a couple hours at the bar, playing pool and chatting about everything and nothing, you learned that the guys had exchanged Discords and were planning to queue together at some point.
“Babe, we’ll need a fifth!” Heeseung had poked you, looking at you with pleading eyes. Despite the alcohol, you knew he was serious. 
“Oh god.”
“What have we done?”
The next morning, or rather afternoon, you woke with a pounding headache which was only exacerbated by shrieks from the living room.
“No way,” you stopped in your tracks to witness Heeseung with his headset and mic set up.
“Jongseong! What was that?” Your boyfriend whined. A pause. “No, it was definitely you, not Sunghoon- yeah tell him, Jaeyun!”
You walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to go along with your pain meds, trying to ignore the gaming guild you accidentally created last night.
“Babe! Can you join next round? We’re tired of having randoms in our party.”
puffed cereal snacks
As clumsy as he was, Heeseung took care of you endlessly. He would hold your hair or sleeves back as you leaned over your food to eat. Heeseung held the small of your back gently as he guided you through crowds. He made sure you were having fun when going out and quietly passed you snacks as you studied at your desk in your shared room.
Heeseung was the type to massage the knots out of your shoulders; to straighten you out when you were feeling unmotivated; to bring you random trinkets he bought on his way home from the office.
You woke up from a light shake and with a burning sensation on your forehead. Heeseung was curled up next to you, his breaths mixing with the sighs of your own, and he was sweating.
You pulled away to realize Heeseung was burning up with a fever, and he was shivering. Heeseung always got sick during the change of seasons, and the shift from the bitter cold to the brightness of spring was no different.
You tucked him in deeper and brought the heater in your bedroom, before walking into the kitchen to prepare him some soup with the ingredients you found in the fridge.
You took out his favorite puffed cereal snacks, cutting some fruit along with it. Your soup was pretty much done, so you peered into the bedroom to check if he was sleeping. Heeseung’s mess of a head of hair was barely peeking out from under the duvet and you saw the flutter of his lashes as he blinked himself awake. You knocked gently on the door to get his attention, offering him a glass of water.
“I think I’m sick.”
“Yes, I agree.”
“Will you nurse me to health?”
“Of course.”
He smiled weakly, and accepted your cup.
You left to scoop some soup into a bowl and placed it on a tray along with the other snacks you prepared.
Heeseung was sat up with his head in his hands, and you nudged him with your hip before placing the tray on the bed. He whispered a thank you before slowly bringing a puffed snack to his lips.
“I can’t kiss you right now, huh? Can’t get you sick,” he muttered.
You ruffled his hair, “Nope.”
“Being sick is the worst.”
You forced him to stay in bed, giving him his laptop to keep him busy as you prepared him some vitamins, meds, and plenty of puffed snacks.
Heeseung was teasing and playful with you, but when he was sick he was extra gentle, doting, and clingy. He pouted each time you left the room, only staying for a few minutes to check on him, keeping your distance. Heeseung apologized for making you sleep on the couch, whining about how he needs you to go to sleep. When you would leave to go to class, or to the clinic, or to the restaurant, he’d text you - dramatically proclaiming his love for you. On the 7th day of his mini quarantine he texted you hey i think i’m pretty much better but i need to kiss u or else i’ll actually die. 
When you arrived home, carrying some take out miso ramen for him from the restaurant, you found him looking pretty much recovered. A week of not sleeping next to him and only hearing his quips and teases in quick passing made you miss him, so you forgot to be hesitant as you kissed him.
You let him feed you some of his noodles as you two sat on the floor, using the coffee table to dine on as usual, and proudly showed him some of the clean and pretty notes you took. He sighed with content and placed his chin on your shoulder.
Cleaning up after dinner, he pulled you by your hands into the bedroom. He climbed on top of you, placing kisses all over your face, mumbling something about making up for the past week.
The next morning, you pulled Heeseung’s shirt over your body before realizing - your head kind of hurt.
You reached over a sleeping Heeseung to grab the thermometer on his night stand.
Heeseung got you sick. You couldn’t be mad at him, but you sighed as you leaned on top of him. You swiped your fingers along the contours of his face, brushing his eyelashes and tracing the turns of his lips. Heeseung opened his mouth in response to try to nibble on your fingers, before opening one eye slightly.
You kissed the spot between his eyebrows and whispered, “I’m sick.” You showed him the thermometer and he squinted and rubbed his eyes.
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reasonsforhope · 11 months
Across New York City, delivery drivers are a ubiquitous sight: congregating outside big restaurant chains waiting to collect orders, zooming through the city streets with orders in tow. “The most chaotic time for deliveries is easily during lunch time,” says Elijah Williams, who delivers food for both Uber and DoorDash. “I’ve had up to four orders at one time.” 
Mayor Eric Adams recently announced a major change that will deeply impact busy workers like Williams: app-based delivery workers will be paid $17.96 an hour starting July 12th — and nearly $20 an hour by 2025 — marking the nation’s first minimum pay for such workers.
“Our delivery workers have consistently delivered for us — now, we are delivering for them,” he said. “They should not be delivering food to your household, if they can’t put food on the plate in their household.”
The Background
Mayor Adams made the announcement at City Hall, surrounded by delivery workers as well as members of the nonprofit organizations, Workers Justice Project (WJP) and Los Deliveristas Unidos.
Ligia Guallpa, executive director of WJP, expressed her excitement and gratitude.
“This first of its kind minimum pay rate will uplift working and immigrant families,” said [Ligia Guallpa of Workers Justice Project (WJP)] alongside Gustavo Ajche of Los Deliveristas Unidos. “[It will] ensure that workers who keep New Yorkers fed, are able to keep also their families fed too.”
WJP was founded in 2010, and coordinates numerous worker-led programs, including Los Deliveristas Unidos, that aim to improve conditions for low-wage immigrant workers across the five boroughs.
The Details
The current minimum wage in New York is $15 an hour. On average, service workers are paid $7.09 an hour, excluding tips. The new wage is in keeping with a law passed by the City Council in 2021, which requires the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to set a standard minimum rate for delivery workers.
App-based delivery workers are classified as “independent contractors,” which means they’re not entitled to the standard minimum wage that applies to salaried employees’ pay. Instead, delivery workers who work for the big food delivery services, like Uber Eats and Relay, are entitled to just $2.13 an hour before tips — a so-called “tipped sub-minimum wage.”
Research has shown that getting rid of tipped sub-minimum wages benefits not just the workers getting the raise, but the economy as a whole. A 2021 analysis found that states without a tipped sub-minimum wage saw 29 percent growth in their leisure and hospitality sectors, compared to just six percent in states that used the federal tipped sub-minimum wage of $2.13.
...For many of the workers who face hostile roads and unpredictable weather conditions to get New Yorkers their ordered goods, this is a life-changing development.
“This is my full-time job. I get up every day and do this,” says delivery driver Justin Martinez outside the Chick-Fil-A in Washington Heights. 
Martinez, 30, is originally from the Dominican Republic. His commitment to completing deliveries, he explains, is fueled by his love for his family.
“This is my way to contribute. I go out, 9, 10 hours a day, do deliveries, and then I can come home,” he says. Martinez first started driving for Uber in 2019 before transitioning to delivering food for Uber Eats and other apps in 2021. He’s excited for the pay wage increase: “Maybe now, I only [have to] go out for 6 hours.”
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, June 30, 2023
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 5 months
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— 1D Monthly Fic Roundup —
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for December 2023! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month and arranged by writer due to the number of fics this month as there were too many tags for tumblr. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
* Heart Beat by @allwaswell16 [E, 33k, Louis/Harry]
Hideaway Haven is the place that Louis has always called home. It's also the place that Harry had tried to leave behind him. When Harry returns to start a music academy in his hometown, he finds himself face to face with his high school crush—and his charming daughter who wants to learn to play the drums.
A 2023 Advent Fic
* Daydream [T, 2k, Zayn/Louis]
Every Thursday, Louis nods hello to her fellow regulars at Horan’s Cafe, one of whom is the woman of her dreams.
* One [E, 4k, Louis/Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)]
When omega Louis Tomlinson becomes pregnant after an unexpected encounter, he decides his only option is to flee his pack. But Tommy Shelby, pack alpha of the Peaky Blinders, might not be willing to let him go so easily.
* to wake up by your side is all I wanna do by @beardyboyzx [G, 1k, Zayn/Niall]
Sometimes, Niall still thinks about the way Zayn’s laugh sounds when they watch TV and Niall makes up fake answers for whatever quiz show they’re watching.
* it's a holidate by @disgruntledkittenface [M, 4k, Harry/Nick Grimshaw]
“So you know me well enough to come in my mouth–”
Nick’s head, along with Fiona’s next to him and those of practically every other attendee of the company holiday party, swivels in the direction of the girl in the red dress whose voice has risen enough to be heard over the music being piped across the 17th floor.
“–but not well enough to get me a Christmas present?”
Most of the crowd politely looks away at this point. Nick bursts out laughing.
When Nick meets Harry at his company holiday party, he never would have predicted that he’d met his match. Luckily, he’s been known to be wrong on occasion.
* Red [E, 4k, Harry/Louis]
Louis is wallowing after the breakup. He's never felt this kind of heartbreak before. All he wants to do is lie on his couch and listen to Taylor Swift alone. But when the pain is too much to handle on his own, he calls the one person who understands how this feels.
* You Don’t Have to Be Lonely Tonight by @neondiamond [G, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Louis is stuck working the Christmas day shift at the coffee shop. Harry is the sad stranger who comes in to spend the day there.
* An Annual Affair [G, 1k, Harry/Louis]
One Direction’s annual Christmas dinner, featuring pregnant Harry and his overprotective Alpha Louis, nervous Liam and his calm and collected mate Zayn, and clueless Niall who may or may not have a death wish.
* Not Quite Structurally Sound [G, 1k, Zayn/Liam]
Zayn and Liam help their two kids build a gingerbread house.
* You’re Family [G, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Louis is a little nervous about meeting Harry’s family for the first time for Christmas. Harry’s Mum shows him he has nothing to worry about. Part 3 of Inner Crisis universe
* A Special Bond [G, 1k, Niall & Harry]
Baby Lilah goes to see the Christmas lights with her Daddy Harry and her uncle Niall.
* Mistletoe Kiss [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
A little bit of mistletoe is just the thing Louis needed to let his roommate Harry know he’s got quite the crush on him.
* Cookies and Christmas Cheer [G, 1k, Niall & Zayn]
When Niall is feeling a little sad at having to work over the holidays, his fellow nurse Zayn shows him a little Christmas spirit is still possible.
* All That Counts [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
A soft Christmas morning in the Tomlinson-Styles household.
* Lonely Cards Club by @hellolovers13 [T, k, Harry/Louis]
Harry's life in Cardiff is rather uneventful. Until he receives a strange Christmas postcard.
It gets even stranger when he finds another one the next day.
An Advent story about missed opportunities and second chances.
* It's okay, 'cause you're not alone [T, 896 words, Niall/Zayn]
Niall focussed on Zayn’s steady heartbeat, tried to use it to ground himself.
thump, thump, thump
One, two, three.
He was safe.
Always safe in Zayn’s arms.
* tell me that your sweet love hasn't died by punk_pillow_princess / @punkpillowprincess [M, 27k, Louis/Harry]
“Remember when I said that I came out to my parents last summer, and told them we were together, and they took it really well?”
“Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate.”
Louis tries to settle better in the seat to see Harry. “They didn’t take it well?”
“No...I didn’t tell them.”
OR Louis and Harry have been in a relationship for a year. While on their way to Harry's parents' house and his family's legendary annual Christmas party, Louis discovers that Harry has not yet come out of the closet to his family, who are also full of secrets, fears and afraid of a bad reputation in town.
A Happiest Season AU
* Chaos by @haztobegood [M, 100 words, Louis/OMC]
Against the barricade, it’s complete chaos.
* Baking Memories [T, 2k, Louis/Jack Cochrane]
After a long day of songwriting, Jack convinces Louis to bake mince pies together.
* Jump! by @reminiscingintherain [M, 15k, Louis/Tommy Longhurst]
He let out a noise of surprise as his arms were suddenly full of a sweaty body, as Tommy threw himself at Louis and held on tightly. “Thank you so fucking much,” he muttered against Louis’ shoulder, squeezing a little. “You have no idea how much this means to us.” Louis softened a little, gently tapping Tommy’s back. “I absolutely know what this means, lad,” he replied, his voice gentle and supportive. “The way you’re reacting to being out there? That’s exactly why I chose you for the support slot.” He gave a reassuring squeeze. “You deserve this, okay?” He pulled back a little, gripping the back of Tommy’s neck and looking him in the eyes. “You deserve this.”
* don’t let the fire die by @nouies [E, 8k, Harry/Louis]
Harry makes a long trip to take back what is his. Part 2 of burning bright
* Ride My Sleigh Tonight by @kingsofeverything [E, 9k, Louis/Harry]
In exchange for free food and drinks at Liam’s office holiday party, Harry pretends to be his boyfriend.
But this is not that story.
* “Are there any gays in here?” by red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa [E, 7k, Harry/Louis]
“Maybe you just need a different approach,” Niall suggested, as Louis stopped by to pick up Clifford and was whining about not having met anyone in ages.
“Yeah, cheers. Very helpful,” he replied sarcastically. But as he took Cliff for his evening walk Niall’s words stuck with him.
OR Louis is fed up with meaningless hook-ups, Harry happened to visit Starbucks on a Wednesday, and Clifford is the best
* Stuck in Midnight Traffic by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [M, 2k, Louis/Harry]
The curly haired man sniffles again, but the tears seemed to have stopped for now at least. “I was supposed to spend Christmas Eve with my boyfriend, that is until we got into a horrible fight.” He seems to wince at his own words. “I guess I should start getting used to calling him my ex-boyfriend. But anyways, we just couldn’t stay there any longer. Kevin and I had to get out.”
Louis blinks before looking around the empty tube car confusedly. “Kevin?”
The man nods and then squeezes a little tighter to the little potted plant clutched in his arms. “Kevin is a Christmas Cactus, but he doesn’t bloom.” He quickly adds. “Which is completely fine, because I love him just as he is.”
Louis’ not sure what most of that means. All he does know is that he needs to make sure this strange, beautiful creature is never sad again.
(Or the one where two broken people meet in an empty tube car on Christmas Eve. Can they find a way to heal each other?)
* Let Me Inside by @enchantedlandcoffee [E, 286 words, Louis/Harry]
Louis gets a surprise visit from his alpha in the shower.
* Feel My Traces [M, 2k, Harry/Louis]
“Oh. You actually have a tattoo gun?" "Yes, Harold, I actually have a tattoo gun. What did you think I was gonna tattoo you with? A cucumber? You do talk some shit sometimes," Louis teased, walking up to Harry with the tattoo gun in his hand. "Right, what do you want?" Harry looked at the device and paled. "Um…" "Not backing out on me now, are you Styles?" Louis teased, a gentle smile forming on his face. "You see, the thing is, I didn't actually think you had a tattoo gun,” Harry chuckled nervously, eyes still fixated on the device.
Or, temporary tattoos, a misunderstanding and a passionate moment.
* Do you really want to be all alone? [G, 601 words, Louis/Harry]
Harry, Louis and the kids wake up on Christmas Morning. Part One of Three, Part 6 of The Coach Tommo Universe 
* hope we grow old but we never grow up [G, 5k, Niall/Harry]
But Niall was convinced that Harry couldn't like him back, that just wouldn't make sense. Both of them couldn't be that oblivious to how the other one felt. …Right? So he did the only logical thing his 17 year old self could think of. He flirted back.
OR Three key moments in Niall and Harry's relationship.
* I'm Missing Half Of Me... [T, 233 words, Louis/Harry]
Louis calls Harry after he's shaved his head.
* Always You [G, 922 words, Harry/Louis]
“You heading home, mate?” Liam asked as the movie ended. softly nudging Zayn to wake him up. “Is it alright if I just kip here, Payno?” Louis answered, taking a sip of his beer as he stretched his legs out, having been sitting on them for the majority of the movie. “You sure, Lou? You’re only down the hall and I’m sure Harry’d be worried if you didn’t come home?” “Nah, I'm sure he'll be just fine by himself for one night. Besides, I’m pretty sure Nick’s over there.” Louis drawled, finishing off his beer as he searched his pockets for his phone. Liam winced at the bitter tone in his friend’s voice.
Or, Louis calls his ex on Valentine's Day.
* Have yourself a larry little christmas [T, 2k, Louis/Harry]
The two of them had planned to exchange presents for Christmas and Louis’ birthday before they separated until New Years and Harry thought it'd be a perfect time to introduce Louis to his cat. However, they’d run into a small obstacle shortly after they'd arrived. That obstacle being British weather. An alert from their weather apps had popped up on their phones, signalling to them the start of a freak snowstorm and advising everyone to stay indoors.
OR A plan to exchange presents lead to more than both Harry and Louis bargained for.
* All The Way Home I'll Be Warm by @justanothershadeofblue [T, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Harry & Louis jokingly send out holiday cards together as friends, and now everyone is congratulating them for finally getting together. A 5+1 fic, for Christmas.
* Be Merry All [M, 30k, Harry/Louis]
there is a specific sort of oppression that comes with a miserable so-cal christmas, when it’s dark and dirty and rainy or else it's too hot and too bright and everyone’s hustling, and your family is all far away and the laundry machines in your building are broken and you’ve eaten too much take-out and all you want is two seconds of quiet and maybe a morsel of holiday joy.
an advent fic, posting daily (in theory).
* Santa Baby (one little thing I really need) by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed [T, 3k, Louis/Harry]
When Louis himself had first heard those words - all the nurses at the A&E have a secret line to Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve-, not nearly long enough ago to be considered a child himself, but long enough that he hadn't really felt like an adult all the time, he’d laughed them off. Thought they were sweet, of course, but just a line, something said to appease the kids who ended up having to stay overnight. Something to explain the presents that parents brought to the hospital on Christmas morning, or that were waiting for them at home, if they were lucky not to have to stay any longer.
Something that would allow a little bit of Christmas spirit in the sometimes sterile rooms of the hospital.
But that was before he’d met him.
* Snow In Love by @lululawrence [NR, 33k, Harry/Louis]
Harry and Louis are best friends and have been for basically as long as they can remember. For the first time since middle school, they are both single for the holidays leaving them with the brilliant idea to take each other as their dates to work events. To make things easier they will pretend like they’re dating. But then they learn something funny.
People thought they were already dating. Weird.
An advent fic featuring childhood friends, fake dating turned actual dating, really horrible secret keeping, and a winter weather surprise.
* Damsel in Christmas Distress [NR, 5k, Louis/Harry/NIck Grimshaw]
Nick's door was open. He didn't leave it that way. Maybe his gorgeous neighbor will help protect him from any possible murderers who have made their way into his flat while he was gone.
Merry Louis' birthday, Happy Stylinshaw.
* Step Into Christmas by babyhoneyhslt / @babyhoneyheslt [G, 4k, Harry/Louis]
Louis just wants to celebrate his birthday in peace, without all the Christmas antics.
Instead he wakes up in a strange bed, a confused stranger next to him and a self proclaimed elf calling him Santa. Part 1 of Holidays Are Coming
* 'tis the damn season by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf [E, 17k, Louis/Harry]
Harry returns to her small hometown over the holiday season and starts to think about the road not taken.
* A Christmas at Home by @parmahamlarrie [T, 3k, Harry/Louis]
After meeting his boyfriend in the emergency room, not having Louis home for Christmas Eve (and his birthday) was not a big surprise to Harry. What he didn't expect was just how hard that would be on his six year old son, Arlo.
Or, the one where Arlo wants nothing more than to celebrate Louis' birthday with him, and Harry hates having to be the parent who says no. Part 2 of Arlo's Christmases
* Get Out Of My Head (and I'll get out of yours) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter [E, 29k, Louis/Harry]
“You really that desperate, are you?” Despite it being a shitty thing to say, Harry didn’t mind too much, as the bitterness in Louis’ tone sounded like music to Harry’s ears. Harry was winning tonight. “Can’t find anyone new to be interested in you, so you try to hit on Zayn.”
“I can’t find someone interested in me?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re having a laugh, mate.”
“Yeah, well, where are they, then? Because from what I’ve heard, you’re here alone.”
“As if I’d bring anyone to somewhere I knew you’d be. I wouldn’t wish your presence on my worst enemy.”
“Aw,” Louis cooed in a way that made Harry want to slap him. “You’re saying I’m not your worst enemy?”
“For someone to be an enemy, you have to give a shit about them. So, no. You’re not even on the list.”
“Oh–kay. Well, it’s been lovely as always, gents,” Zayn said before knocking back the rest of his drink.
Or the one for the Bottom Harry Fic Fest where Harry bottoming is more of a side plot, because angst got in the way--but it doesn't really matter because the fest stopped existing when I was halfthrough.
* Oh Christmas Three by @tommokat [M, 1k, Harry/Louis]
A birthday surprise goes awry. Louis doesn’t understand. Harry blames the oven.
— Fic Fests —
* Louis Rare Pair Fest / @louisrarepairfest [AO3, masterpost]
A rare pair fest for all Louis rare pairs
* The Show Fic Fest / @theshowficfest [AO3, masterpost]
Fics written for and inspired by songs from Niall Horan's third album The Show
— Podfics —
* [podfic] Season 2, Episode 13: Oh Little Town of BATHlehem [a fic by ladylondonderry] by podfic_pals / @podfic-pals [G, Louis/Harry]
Louis Tomlinson needs a small pink bathtub.
He needs it.
His fucking family had forgotten to include him in the email chain for Doris for Christmas, with her very carefully thought out Christmas list, until every easy item was gone. Only when he asked Lottie if anyone else had heard from Doris yet, only then did they realise their mistake and forward the email chain to him.
So, it’s either a small pink bathtub or an entire bouncy castle. And if he had the money for a bouncy castle that would be fine, but that fucker costs more than his monthly rent and he simply does not make that much working as an optometrist assistant.
* [podfic] Season 2, Episode 14: I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm [a fic by haloeverlasting] by podfic_pals / @podfic-pals [NR, Harry/Louis]
Louis takes a deep breath, and replies very quickly to get it over with, “Well, see, I don’t have any heat in my flat right now and it’s hard enough to go to sleep when I’m bloody freezing—”
“Oh god. And my music’s gone and made it even worse,” Harry cuts in.
“Well, it only went out today,” Louis explains, “So it wasn’t that bad before, erm. Now.”
“Before?” Harry asks, horrified. “How long has this been?”
“Oh, erm,” Louis folds his hands where they hang in front of him and admits, “All week.”
Harry visibly wilts. He looks so sad, it makes Louis feel awful. He’s gone and crushed someone’s Christmas spirit. Some beautiful boy who looks like Danny Zuko is sad now and it’s Louis’ fault, which means he doesn’t stand a chance at being the cute neighbor from the floor below. And now he’s going to have to sleep in his freezing cold flat knowing he may as well have ruined Christmas.
Or, Louis' heat is out, Harry's a terrible upstairs neighbor, and an empty Christmas tree is the perfect excuse to fall in love.
* [Podfic] All I Do the Whole Day Through by Panda_Podfics / @pandapodfics [NR, Louis/Harry]
Louis reached up and grabbed the ridiculously thick jumper that had the planets all over it and slammed the wardrobe doors shut. It was only as he turned around that he realized why Harry’s bedroom door had been shut.
There was a nest on Harry’s bed.
But why was Harry using Louis’ clothes and items that probably smelled like him in his nest?
* [podfic] Season 2, Episode 15: room for your love underneath this tree [a fic by we_are_the_same] by podfic_pals / @podfic-pals [T, Harry/Louis]
“IwannameetHarryStyles,” Daisy mumbles, and Louis blinks.
“She says she wants to meet Harry Styles.” Phoebe pipes up, and Louis blinks again, absently switches the camera to himself because he knows that his followers will want to catch his baffled expression.
“You-” he starts, and then stops himself, because he did tell her she could ask for anything she wanted, and how can he go back on his word and tell her that he doesn’t actually have the power to make that happen?
Because Harry Styles is -- he’s next level kind of famous. Louis has two million subscribers on his YouTube, but Harry has eighteen times as many followers on his Twitter alone. He’s had three number one hits in the last year, and his last album had charted at the top spot for a record breaking 27 weeks. He’s a singer, actor and philanthropist, and there is no way in hell that Louis can get him to come meet Daisy for Christmas.
So of course he laughs, even if it’s a little bit breathless, and nods at her. “One Harry Styles for Christmas, coming right up.”
* [Podfic] Christmas Special 2023 by Panda_Podfics / @pandapodfics [T, Louis/Harry]
three fics full of Christmas Fluff
All the lights are sparkling for you, it seems written by @thebreadvansstuff
Do you really want to be all alone? written by @enchantedlandcoffee
You Don’t Have to Be Lonely Tonight written by @neondiamond
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rendy-a · 1 year
Regarding your househusband AU,
what do you think of general househusband headcanons for Sebek?
It’s always fun to write Sebek.  He has nice qualities like being loyal and dependable but at the same time, something about him is just lends itself to comedy.  Lets see what it’s like being married to sweet and silly Sebek.
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If he is going to give up his life’s goal of being Malleus’s guard to be a househusband, then he is resolved to be the best househusband.  He couldn’t live with himself otherwise!  Sebek assigns himself training projects to improve his household skills.  Through research and practice, he hones his skills.  Now, he can fold a fitted sheet and tell you how to get red wine out of your white shirt.  And yes, he is pretty smug about it.
You are famous throughout the neighborhood; how could you not be?  Sebek goes about bragging up all your accomplishments to everyone he meets.  When you meet a new neighbor, it is common to get an appraising look and a, “OH!  So, you’re the spouse of Sebek.  He’s told us ALL about you.”  Sebek will stand at your side with a proud expression; it’s only right that the neighbors recognize the greatness of his Sweetie-Sama!
He feels things deeply, he may just not always show it.  Be sure to let him know how much he means to you.  Your loving words carry him throughout the day.  If you give him a gift, he will treasure it like the priceless symbol of your love that it is.  Please keep this in mind when picking out gifts and don’t get him anything perishable.  He will be heartbroken when the flowers wilt or the candy spoils.
You were talking with your neighbor, having meet her on the street while taking out the trash for collection day.  “I’m surprised to see you this morning, it’s usually your spouse who brings out the trash,” you say to make polite conversation.  “That lazy bum!  I’ve told them at least three times today to take it out but do they do it, no!  So here I am!”  Then your neighbor proceeds to heave the bag of trash into the waiting can with a sigh.  “MY SWEETIE-SAMA ALWAYS TAKES OUT THE TRASH WITHOUT BEING ASKED!” Sebek shouts, causing you both to jump at his sudden arrival.  “Perhaps you should consider your spouse’s merit if they can’t take out a single measly bag.” Sebek concludes with a smug grin.
Your neighbor takes one look at Sebek’s expression and turns sour, “Well it’s just taking out the trash.  It’s not like it is that important.”  Sebek looks stunned for a moment, as though your neighbor had dared insult him and his ancestors.  “HUMAN! Have you no PRIDE in your spouse! Of course, it matters!”  You sense that this is another neighbor who will not become a friend.  You better do some damage control.  “Ah, Sebek, could you please run inside and see if you can find my keys?  I seem to have misplaced them.”  Your eager spouse is easily distracted by the opportunity to prove himself useful to you and darts off into the house. 
You turn and give your neighbor and apologetic look.  “Sorry about that, he just is very enthusiastic.”  She gives you a disapproving frown, “Human.  You let him talk to you like that?  Does he respect you at all?”  You cringe, aware of the way Sebek is often perceived by others.  “I assure you that he treats me very well,” you say.  ‘Maybe he should teach your spouse a thing or two,’ you add privately to yourself before heading back inside.
When you arrive inside, Sebek is waiting for you with a beaming grin that shows his fangs.  He proudly presents you with your missing keys.  “What a fine job, dear.  I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you say before giving him a peck on the cheek.  Your praise and kiss add an adorable flush to your spouse’s cheeks.  You feel saddened that such a wonderful person can be so misunderstood.
Sebek notices your drooping shoulders and attempts to cheer you up, “Don’t worry.  It doesn’t matter if some lowly human can’t recognize your greatness.  I’ll be sure to scold her more later.”  This makes you chuckle, imagining your spouse cornering her and shouting to her about your virtues.  Suddenly, you decide not to go to work today.  “Hey, what do you say I take a day off and we have a date instead?”  The excited expression on your spouse’s face tells you that this was just what you needed.
There is an area of your town that has a carnival atmosphere.  There are street food stands, games, and a Ferris wheel; you take your husband here for your date.  After arriving, you scope out the selection and pick out some food; tasty fried foods to start and cotton candy for dessert.  The best part of the meal though is seeing Sebek blush when you wipe the stray sauce from his cheek.  Then you walk the boardwalk, trying your hand at a few games.  Sebek wins you a small stuffed bear and you assign him the task of protecting your precious charge.  He takes this duty as serious as when he was still a guard-in-training back at college.  Surly, no harm will come this bear.
Finally, you wind up at a stand that draws caricature portraits.  “You should get one!” you tell Sebek happily.  He looks at you and says, “If it’s for me than I want one of you!”  You laugh and pay for a portrait before sitting down.  As the artist sketches you, he asks about your spouse.  You end up gazing at him and chatting with the artist about how you’d met, your wedding and some of your many adventure since.  When the picture is finished, the artist hands it to you.  You look at it, laugh and comment, “I look like a lovestruck teenager.”  He laughs back and says, “Are you sure you aren’t one?”  That brings another laugh and smile to your lips. 
When you get home, you both carry your treasures inside.  You find a comfy place on the couch for your bear to ‘sleep’ and then head to see where Sebek has put your caricature.  You find him in the office he has taken over for his library.  He gives you a satisfied smile and hug before heading off to prepare dinner.  You gaze at the wall of the library; between two bookcases, your caricature hangs next to the portrait of Malleus that Sebek has cherished all these years.  ‘Yes,’ you think, ‘your husband does respect you.’  The proof is right on the wall.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 3
Battle of the century or kids playing console games...
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CW: Unicorn zombie with minor carton gore
Carson: You don’t think this will be too physically taxing do you
Artemisia: Only for losers
Onyx: Don’t worry Carson, there’s no exercise required
Fergus: I dibs the green car
Onyx: Is everyone ready
Artemisia: Oh would you just press start already
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Onyx: First round goes to me!
Artemisia: That’s ridiculous, you must have given me the broken controller
Carson: Or you’ve been practicing, I get to pick next track. Strawberry Fields!
Fergus: Oh no I hate that one, I always get stuck in the strawberry jam
Onyx: Just follow along behind me Fergus and you’ll see a clear path okay
Fergus: Thank you Onyx
Artemisia: I always think it’s so funny how well-mannered you are
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Carson: I would have thought you’d find that annoying
Artemisia: Nope, it helps us get out of trouble
Onyx: So see here Fergus, if you go between these two flowers there’s the fast launch ramp
Fergus: And no strawberry jam sinkhole!
Artemisia: Hold on, you’re not entitled to win
Fergus: Just try and stop me Emi
Carson: Come on Artemisia, let’s wipe the track with them
Onyx: Team Pancakes!!!
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Kayleigh: I like to hear them play, the house is so quiet with just Carson now
Eliza: Bob and I have been thinking of trying for another one after Fergus becomes a teen. Bob would love a daughter
Kayleigh: And how about you
Eliza: Well I’ve never loved being pregnant but a third kid would be nice
Kayleigh: Sweetie I don’t mean to sound indelicate but have you considered adoption
Eliza: Adoption? Is that legal when I can get pregnant?
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Kayleigh: It’s the 21st century, just because you can have them doesn’t mean you need to. Not that I can talk, I had four
Eliza: I suppose that way I would avoid the pregnancy impacting on my work
Kayleigh: And if Bob wants a girl you can tell the agency that, but you can’t tell your uterus that
Eliza: *chuckles* Good point, I’ll think about it. Oh, would you excuse me? The markets just opened in Tomarang
Kayleigh: Go ahead, you’ll not beat me at this chess match anyway
Eliza: Thanks for helping me learn more
Kayleigh: No problem, I’ll collect my husband and get out of your hair. Night
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Kayleigh: Come on Carson, time to go
Carson: Just let us finish this last race mum
Artemisia: Oh it’s finished and I’m victorious
Fergus: Thanks again for helping me Onyx, I had a lot of fun. See you for my birthday Emi?
Artemisia: Sure thing, Tuesday right
Fergus nods excitedly and the dinner party disperses.
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Happy very cloudy Halloween! The Pancakes decide not to have a party since they had one last night and Bob will need to work tonight. After a quick breakfast the household splits up as everyone has their own tasks to do this morning.
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Bob of course wants to get his work out in before shift. Fergus is in a patch of hyper focus with his ADHD and decides to play mad scientist in the treehouse. Eliza decides to do a dance workout since she cleaned everything yesterday and finally Onyx is set to walk Ginger again.
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Eliza is dancing away when she pulls a muscle in her back.
Eliza: Ouch! Oh, maybe an adoption is a good idea, I will be a 40 soon
Thinking on this she carries on, working on her other muscles. Outside it’s hard for Onyx and Ginger to make out where they’re running but the pair do their best. Ginger isn’t sure why her dad isn’t taking her for these jogs but supposes Onyx is an alright substitute.
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Onyx: I’m back home dad, Ginger is all walked
Bob: *grunts with effort* Did you tell your mother
Onyx: No, she’s busy practicing speech and I didn’t want to disturb her
Bob: Smart choice
Onyx begins their cheer routine, they still have some more solo practice to fit in. All is going well until they fall over on their face. They push up looking around but Bob is busy working his legs and hasn’t noticed. To celebrate Onyx pulls off a perfect flip!
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ofthecaravel · 5 months
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I'd Rather Be With You
Sequel to But You Look So Cool
Summary: Happy (????) Holidays!
Tags: Being home with your family for the holidays, The Twins conspiring, shame, doubt, arguing, Danny being a saint, NSFW at the very very end for like 2 secs
Words: 3k
A/N: Itty bitty holiday sequel to my most beloved! Wanted to touch more on Sam's family dynamic and what they've been up to since we left them. Thanks for reading MWAH
“Oh, my God, you were serious.”
“Did you think I was lying?”
“I mean, a little! Can you blame me?”
The Kiszka twins -home for the holidays, clutching wine glasses, and peeking around a doorway- were struggling to understand just what they were seeing. Not only had Sam brought someone home for Christmas (which is something they had never, ever expected from him, at least not in the state he’d been in for the past couple of years), but he had brought Danny Wagner. Danny fuckin’ Wagner, who stuck out in their collective consciousness for being a consistent presence during their Sunday school days and very briefly being the solitary member of their high school’s golf team. A nice, well adjusted boy with a nice, well adjusted family that he could easily be spending a much merrier Christmas Eve with. But here he was, laughing in the quiet living room of the Kiszka household and going through a photo album with Sam and their sister.  
“Crazy,” Jake murmured into a sip of his wine, shaking his head slightly as Josh nodded thoughtfully next to him. 
“It’s not like I’m mad he’s here,” Josh added, his eyebrows still high in surprise. “It’s just funny to see him next to Sam.”
They did admittedly look a little out of place nestled shoulder to shoulder. Danny’s smiling face was aglow with a wine drunk blush, snuggled up in a well fitting blue sweater and his hair tucked dotingly behind his ear. Sam, on the other hand, had his knees clad in oil stained mechanics pants and pulled up to his chin, looking not unlike an anxious pretzel as he chewed on his thumb and rested his head on Danny’s shoulder. 
“He pierced his ears,” Josh noted as he wiped some crumbs off the chest of his sweater. “Ya think Sam had something to do with that?”
“Definitely,” Jake smiled, his lips still stuck to the lip of his glass. “He probably did it for him. He’s gonna corrupt that sweet kid. Poor guy.”
“He’s been doing better,” Josh argued on behalf of his baby brother. “He’s got a job and his own place now. I swear Mom was gonna start charging him rent.”
“She would never,” Jake hummed, tuning in to the sound of their mother in the kitchen, talking to someone on the phone as dishes clinked in the sink. “He could crash the car into the house and she’d forgive him.”
“I guess the standards have been set pretty low,” Josh mumbled. Jake sighed a little and Josh cringed at his own words, slotting another cookie into his mouth and pulling out his phone.
He’d meant it as a joke, but it was still weird to even allude to everything that had gone down with their dad. It was hard to ignore, mostly when they were all together. It made it all the more obvious that someone was missing from the equation. Sure, he was a phone call away, but none of the siblings really wanted to talk to him. The twins were already graduating when their dad had been arrested, and they quickly escaped the immediate fallout with the titles of valedictorian, salutatorian, and two full ride scholarships that they rode the hell out of town. Ronnie had escaped into time with their mom and a myriad of friends to disappear in. And Sam…Sam had found his escape in means that only added to the fallout of the situation. 
So, yeah. The joke didn’t land. 
Especially during December. The family that used to fill their house simply didn’t bother to come by anymore, leaving only the immediate family to desperately try and revive a festive cheer that none of them really believed in anymore. Sam had barely attended the past few gatherings, and Jake and Josh had skipped them altogether under the pretense of their busy lives and jobs in Detroit. So imagine the oddity of having someone know all of the tension that would come with their awful little Christmas party and deciding to come anyway. 
“It’s just weird, dude,” Jake said plainly, finishing off his drink and setting it down loudly. “Kinda thought we’d be the ones bringing people home to try and fill the silence.”
“He’s making us look bad,” Josh chuckled, making a fond noise in response to seeing Danny give Sam a quick kiss to the forehead. “Look at that! What witchcraft has he been cooking up in his shitty little basement to swing that?”
“Love potions,” Jake responded in a silly voice and they both erupted into harmonizing giggles. 
The three on the couch looked up in confusion at them, which only made them laugh harder. Sam bristled instantly and Danny turned to see his eyes flicker with insecurity before glazing into a cold glinting squint.
“Shut the fuck up!” Sam barked, immediately (and correctly) assuming they were laughing at his expense.
“Sam!” their mom yelled from the kitchen, and Sam immediately closed his mouth and continued to glare stormily at his snorting brothers. 
“What’s funny?” Danny asked innocently, applying a gentle pressure to Sam’s shoulder with his own to try and calm him a little. Sam had been touchy for days leading up to this and Danny was honestly running out of ideas on how to soothe him.
“Nothing, nothing,” Jake said coolly, turning his back on them to return a bottle to their bar cart.
“He’s drunk,” Josh accused teasingly, exchanging an amused look with Danny that made Danny ease up ever so slightly.
“He’s an idiot,” Ronnie quipped, which Sam passionately nodded in agreement with. 
“You’re an idiot,” Jake retorted, his words carrying no bite as he and his sister traded mocking faces at each other while Danny watched with a shy smile. While the bickering continued, he looked over at Sam and melted a little at the sight. Around his siblings, Sam seemed smaller and softer than when he was trying to put on a suave front when he was on his own. Danny had obviously seen through that facade over a year ago, but Sam still attempted to carry himself with that same edge that Danny had fallen for but never really bought. However, in his childhood home surrounded by family and the ghosts of dynamics established long ago, there was no hiding for Sam. He was a little boy in a leather jacket being picked on lovingly by his big brothers and sister, and while Danny knew that Sam was going to be annoyed for the rest of the night, he really couldn’t help but find the whole scene adorable. 
“Danny is very tired and we are going to bed!” Sam finally shouted over his jabbering siblings, holding onto Danny’s arm and tugging to try and get him to his feet. 
“Aw, lame, Sam, come on!” Jake cackled while Danny gave Sam a look of confusion and amusement as they both stood up. “We were all gonna stay up until midnight and throw rocks at Santa’s sleigh.”
“I thought we were seducing him,” Josh complained, clearly much more into his idea. 
“Well, give him my number, then,” Sam countered. “Or throw a rock in my honor. I can’t be around you assholes for a minute longer.”
“That’s not very festive of you, Sammy,” Ronnie frowned, pulling on his sleeve as Sam attempted to shuffle Danny across the room almost as if he were a human shield. “Come on, stay.”
“I really am tired,” Danny said with remorse, giving all of Sam’s siblings a sincerely sympathetic smile. “But we’ll be up bright and early for presents, I promise.”
“You’re the sweetest, Danny,” Jake replied, clapping Danny on the back as they passed. “Don’t know why you bother with this street urchin.”
Sam rolled his eyes but Danny felt the genuine shiver of irritation from him as Josh and Ronnie hummed similar sentiments about Danny and Sam being…Danny and Sam.  
“Goodnight, you guys,” Danny bid them, giving a little wave as Sam practically dragged him up the stairs. 
They had all tossed him enthusiastic and properly festive goodnights as he chuckled and let himself get pulled along by Sam, who let out a frustrated sigh the second they were out of earshot. Danny only got a moment of appreciating the cute, vintage wallpaper of the hallway and the childhood photos hung up before Sam pulled him into his old bedroom and closed the door noisily behind them. Sam immediately collapsed face first into his pillow and let out a muffled groan while Danny cracked his neck and did a little perimeter walk of the room. He ghosted his fingers over posters ripped haphazardly out of magazines and Scotch taped to the wall and sun bleached science fair ribbons. Sam let out another noisy sigh while Danny continued to dote on every tchotchke and think with red cheeks about another time he’d surveyed Sam’s room while Sam vied for his attention. 
“They only razz you because they love you, baby,” Danny hummed, finally turning away from the sweetly dorky photos of Sam and his school peers to smile at Sam sprawled dramatically on his twin bed. 
“I wish they would do it in a way that didn’t remind me I’m such a fantastic fuck up,” Sam spat bitterly, flipping so he was staring up at the ceiling. His eyes were flat and dark in the way that Danny had seen for so many years and his heart fluttered sadly as he sat on the edge of the bed and put a reassuring hand on Sam’s cheek. Sam immediately let out a little huff and nuzzled against his palm.
“You’re really warm,” Danny noted simply as he felt the heat brewing on Sam’s skin.
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m fucking pissed off,” Sam muttered, rolling his eyes dismissively and shaking his head slightly as he stared at the wall and allowed Danny to swipe his thumb over his cheek and smooth his hair.
“You’re not a fuck up, Sam. I hate hearing you say that,” Danny assured Sam, using every ounce of sincerity in his body when he said it. Sam didn’t answer, simply continuing to chew on his lip and petulantly avoid eye contact. 
“Hey, can you look at me when I’m talking to you?” Danny asked sternly.
“Can you stop pretending like I’m some pathetic wimp fishing for a compliment?” Sam snapped, pulling Danny’s hand off of his face and rearranging himself again to stare into the expanse of the room. Danny recoiled slightly, unable to fend off the sting of Sam rejecting his kindness. But after a year of learning how to navigate Sam’s many tantrums and categorizing the roots of the meltdowns, he knew that Sam didn’t mean to hurt him. He never did. 
“Sammy,” Danny said softly, moving further onto the bed and tucking his feet under Sam’s legs. “I know you were really hesitant to come and do this at all.”
“They just make me so mad,” Sam whispered. “There’s just, like, this hole whenever we’re all together. Dad, I mean. His stupid choices and then, you know, my stupid choices. I don’t…I don’t want to be another empty space for them. And I feel like no matter what I do, I’m gonna be that.”
Danny couldn’t stand to give Sam his space for a second longer. He lowered himself to lay behind Sam and Sam immediately turned and buried his head into the crook of Danny’s neck, the both of them awkwardly entangling to keep Sam as close as possible to Danny’s chest while they clung together. There weren’t any tears from Sam, but Danny could feel the shudder in his thin chest as he fought to even out his breathing and calm down.
“And then,” Sam continued weakly, his voice high with emotion as he stumbled over his words frantically. “They’re giving me all that shit about how great you are and how you don’t belong with me. Like I don’t already know that. Fuck, Danny, I’m sorry but I agree with them. You deserve so much better than me and my-”
“I’m serious, I swear I’m just waiting for you to wake up and realize I’m an asshole with-”
Sam, ever the obedient listener even in the midst of a full blown rant, cut himself off with a ragged exhale and pressed his mouth against Danny’s neck to silence himself. Danny held the back of his head and rested his lips right next to Sam’s ear, resisting the urge to nip his earlobe like he usually did when he was this close. 
“Sam,” Danny whispered, soft and smooth and steady. “You know I love you. You know I hate hearing you talk about yourself like this. I know you’ve had a lot of trouble coping with everything since your dad went away, and I know you made a lot of choices that you’re not proud of. But, I mean, you were a kid. A really hurt kid. And you’ve been trying so hard to change from the person you were and frankly, I can hardly believe you can’t see how much you’ve grown in this past year alone. You’re amazing.”
Sam sniffled slightly and burrowed up further against Danny. Danny smiled, his mind fuzzy with fondness as he thought about every instance that proved his own point. Sam, who quietly leafed through self help books rented from the library and wrote down all the tips and tricks he could because he was so determined to stop picking fights with anyone and everyone. Sam, who taught himself to cook with nothing but the cooking channel and the goal of having a new dish for Danny to try every week. Sam, who had worked infuriating shifts at the mechanics to pay for the lovingly hand picked presents for his family that now lay under the tree downstairs. Sam, who Danny loved more than anything.
“You should be with a good man,” Sam breathed, barely audible. “You’re gonna die wishing you hadn’t wasted so much time on me.”
“Good men die too,” Danny replied with a disbelieving laugh. “I’d rather be with you.”
Danny felt Sam’s lips smile slightly against his skin and he kissed his temple, still gently cupping the back of his silken head as his other hand absently doodled soothing shapes on the considerable curve of Sam’s back. If his hand dipped any lower, he’d be tracing the inky wings of the lower back tattoo Sam had surprised him with a few months back. Danny’s cheeks burned thinking about it for a moment too long and he channeled the warmth into pressing more kisses against Sam’s hair.
After a few minutes of silence, Sam pulled away just enough to look up at Danny through his starry lashes and give him a lovelorn smile. 
“Thank you,” Sam whispered sincerely, tucking a frizzy wave behind Danny’s ear with his deft calloused fingers. “I’m sorry for spinning out on you.”
“Family makes everybody crazy,” Danny shrugged, reaching up between them to lightly hold Sam’s chin with his thumb and forefinger. “And you never have to apologize. I’m happy to help.”
Danny tried and failed to smother his smile watching Sam’s pupils blow wide with affection as Danny kept a hold on his jaw. 
“I love you, Sammy,” Danny purred, teasingly brushing his nose against Sam’s. “And for the record, I have never once thought you were bad. You’re actually very, very good.”
“How good?” Sam asked bashfully, his lips parting to let out a shaky smiling breath as he playfully pressed his finger against Danny’s lip. If there was one thing Sam loved, it was hearing mountains and mountains of praise from Danny. And with all things considered, Danny figured he was owed it in.
“So good,” Danny grinned, tapping Sam’s nose. “You’ve always been so good for me, Sammy, right from the start. Such a good listener especially. So gentle and kind and nothing but good. And so, so pretty.”
“Now you’re just buttering me up,” Sam murmured with flushed cheeks, still staring unabashedly at Danny’s lips.
“I’m serious,” Danny rasped, his hand moving to properly cup Sam’s jaw with his fingers pressed right behind his ear. “If I had known how well you take direction, I probably would’ve started bossing you around a lot sooner.”
Sam’s eyes widened slightly and Danny knew he was teetering on the edge of falling deep into a sweet, needy headspace that he’d initially been shocked to uncover. But these days? He counted on it. 
“You want me to boss you around a little, baby?” Danny asked gently. “Do you want to forget your hard night and let me do the thinking for a little bit? And then you can wake up nice and happy on Christmas morning and open all the presents I got you. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah,” Sam breathed desperately. “Please.” 
Despite his impatience, he always knew what Danny wanted to hear from him.
“I didn’t even have to ask you to say please,” Danny delighted, finally giving Sam a kiss but pulling away far too quickly to whisper again. “You’re gonna have to be quiet, okay? I know that’s not your strong suit but we can’t have anyone hearing all your cute little noises.”
Sam nodded eagerly and, with both hands firmly planted on the sides of Danny’s head, pulled Danny into a much longer kiss that had Danny readjusting to pin Sam under him. Under any normal circumstance, Danny would’ve had Sam by the throat for grabbing him the way he did. He would’ve had him on his knees until there were tears in his eyes showing Danny how sorry he was for getting handsy without asking Danny first. But maybe Danny was feeling the holiday spirit a little more than usual and decided to show Sam some mercy. He’d bring it up later after Sam had the nice, black necktie Danny had gifted him as an early present wrapped around his wrists. 
“Love you,” Sam murmured dreamily against Danny’s lips as Danny put his weight on his knees and began moving his hands up to smooth over Sam’s chest and play with his waistband.
“Love you too,” Danny echoed with a mischievous smile. 
He didn’t give the chance for Sam to speak again before his palm muffled Sam’s chatty mouth and stifled his growls and whines until the first rose flush of dawn stretched over the newfallen snow and the lovesick boys tangled in a creaky little bed.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
Hello and goodevening po!! Can I ask for a Miles x Gn!Filipino!Reader where the two have been bsfs since like middle school and they've just started dating and one day reader's family invites him over for dinner where they serve adobo and pork sinigang, and him and the parents are just casually talking while the little siblings are being complete chismosas abt y'all and stuff and when your finally only with him in your room and everything is romantic your brothers are lit just stalking y'all and suddenly teasing you and your just chasing them out embarassed 😭
(Aaah i'm really writing this in the notes app for practice bcs this is my first request but i just can't get this out of my head 😭😭😭, also pls take your time on this time, don't need to rush and gl on that miguel fanfic!! <33)
AH HI !! DWDW, thank you btw <:DD (mgee it's just sitting in my gdocs collecting dust LOL) BUT GOOD LUCK WITH WRITING THAT TOO ON YOUR END, I HOPE YOU LIKE WHAT I MADE <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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gonna admit it? miles x gn!filipino!reader
summary: you and miles are just really good friends, but your family wishes you two were a little more than that–and your siblings are eager to witness how in love you both are with each other. word count: 1,184
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you invited miles over for dinner, which was common practice in your family's household. he wasn't any stranger to this custom, in fact, he treated your family as if they were his own. he got along with your parents quite well, calling them 'tio' and 'tia' and extending his hand out to them to receive their blessing. he was who your parents wanted for you, a decent guy who was respectful, cheerful, helpful and loving–but you and miles swore there was nothing going on between you two.
"i just really care about them a lot, tio, tia." he said as he got himself another bowl of adobo. you pretended to gag as you got yourself a pork sinigang, which miles rolled his eyes and smirked at. you two had this silly little rivalry between you two where all friendships would be forgotten when adobo and sinigang were on the table; he always chose adobo, and you always chose sinigang–never the other way around. your parents chuckled to each other and shot a devious look at you and asked you if you and miles weren't lying, to which you chortled out your response. "siyempre naman po, i'd never pick a boy who'd choose adobo over sinigang, no..." you muttered as miles made a yapping motion with his hand that mocked your expression as you spoke, eliciting laughter from your younger siblings as he laughed along silently with them.
you shot them an intimidating look and kicked miles lightly in the shin to get him to stop being so smug as your parents smiled to themselves, finishing their meals as you and miles still bickered in a friendly way on how adobo and sinigang are better than the other. you loved miles, apart from his–what you believed–very twisted way on taking the adobo versus sinigang debate, and was extremely happy to be his friend. you have known miles ever since middle school, and since then, you two have never been anywhere without the other. most of your friends had shipped you and him together, going on and on about how cute of a couple you two would be.
your family was obviously no stranger to this incessant pairing between you two, and you were relieved they liked miles enough to treat him like he was family, but you absolutely hated how annoying they got whenever you mentioned him or they saw your posts on instagram with him in the pictures. like tonight, your parents kept asking you subtly (and not so subtly) for hints between you two, if you two changed your minds and were secretly dating now, or...? well, you didn't have to think about your answer too much, because the answer was the same as always: siyempre, hindi.
your parents pretended to believe you as you and miles were going to head upstairs to your room to just hang out, your dad stopped miles on the way and reminded him not to do anything stupid with you, and shot you a look of warning, as well, as your mother chimed in and told you the living room was a better option to 'hang out'. you tried telling your parents nothing weird or dangerous would happen anyway, while miles poked fun at you from behind to entertain your little siblings–making silly faces behind your back as you spoke.
you turned around quickly as soon as your parents finally let you and miles go, smiling a little at miles' funny faces. you rolled your eyes at him as you took him by the hand and dragged him up along the stairs. your little siblings followed you two up without you knowing, and they were giggling to themselves as they snooped around and watched you two, hoping you two would finally kiss.
you and miles just sat on tour bed together, not really doing much but just teasing each other. miles really refuses to let go on his love for adobo, and you refuse to let down your stance that sinigang is superior. amid your friendly argument, you started to tickle miles to get him to let up his side. miles cried out for you to stop tickling him through peals of laughter as you laughed alongside him and tickled him even more. your siblings were watching you both by the door and squealing in delight to themselves as they took out their phones to film and capture this moment, while also debating on which ship name would be better for you two.
your tickle fight with miles wasn't one-sided, as miles tickled you back with full force, causing you to squeal out in laughter as you tried to subdue him. your siblings watched the whole scene unfold, and their hopes that you two would get closer was fulfilled when miles accidentally got on top of you as his tickling got a little out of hand. you both quit tickling each other and laughing as you were both now face-to-face with each other so up close. "i... i can, um, sorry. i-i'll get off now." miles stuttered in embarrassment as he tried to get off you, but you held him by the shoulders and gently pulled him back down closer to you. "huwag, ah... please stay." you pleaded with him as your face felt hotter as you pulled him closer.
miles smiled as he got more flustered in the face and did as you asked him to. "alright, but you'll admit adobo is better, right?" he asked you in a teasing voice as you cursed him out playfully and smacked him lightly on the arm. your siblings couldn't handle it anymore and squealed loudly as you two got closer. they screamed in utter delight at how adorable you two looked, and as you heard them, you momentarily got off from under miles and creaked the door open slowly as your siblings celebrated your admission of feelings towards him--well, almost admission of feelings, at least.
you coughed loudly, which made your siblings turn to face you slowly, as a raging fire was kindled up in your eyes, you screamed at them and told them to hand you their phones and never to speak of what they witnessed to any living soul, ever. "SINASABI KO SA INYO, MUMULTUHIN KO KAYO, KAHIT PAG PATAY NA AKO, 'PAG PINAKITA NINYO SA KAHIT SINO YAN, HUMANDA KAYO SAKIN!" you exclaimed as your siblings ran away from you, with miles poking his head out the door as he watched you hunt down your siblings and see them begging for mercy from you as you waved your slippers around to scare them even more. he chuckled as he leaned against the door frame, calling out to them, "hey, send me the videos and pics! i gotta have a copy of them!"
you berated miles from a distance as you kept threatening your siblings never to tell your parents or anyone about what they saw. though miles doesn't mind if anyone else knew about you two like that... he'd like to know from you yourself how much further this 'friendship' between you two will go.
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0-animelover-0 · 1 year
When they're sad
A/N: I am sorry if a character is not on par, I haven't watched all these movies recently, only half of them I've seen in the past month. But I try my best to keep the characters in character. The reader is almost always gender neutral unless I specified differently in the title. For Elsa, this scenario is set between the 1st and 2nd movies. For Buzz, this scenario is set when he was still Andy's toy.
Hades (Hercules 1997):
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It is a rare occurrence that you see the god of the underworld vulnerable. Sure you've seen him mad, angry and frustrated but never sad or down.
You knew better to approach him quietly so you made it known that you were going to him.
His hair flared more to life and his head snapped towards your direction. A fake grin spread across his face and he spoke up. "Aye dollface! The dead didn't keep you away I see."
You suppressed the eyeroll at his remark. He was trying to mask his vulnerable state and it was obvious. You got down to eye level and looked at his ashy face. You reached out and caressed his tear stained cheeks. "You have been crying, haven't you..."
His hair flickered and he pushed your hand away. "Please, as if. It's all this dust down here. Making my allergies all messed up."
You weren't buying that one bit. A sigh slipped past your lips and you sat down beside him. "Tell me what's wrong. I can listen as long as you want me to."
He huffed and pulled you closer by your waist. He rested his chin on your shoulder and grumbled on about something that happened earlier.
You just sat with him and rubbed his hands that placed on your stomach as you listened to his venting.
Elsa (Frozen):
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The large door of Elsa's room made her look away from the window she was staring out of. Once she saw it was you, she quickly whipped her tears that threatened to spill over. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" She smiled softly but the saddness in her voice was still there.
Your face softened seeing her upset. "Hey, what is it? You look like you've been crying."
Elsa straightened her posture and waved her hands in front of her. "Oh no I'm fine. Everything is fine." She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself more than anything.
You took gingerly steps towards her and took her cold hands into yours. Ignoring her confused expression, you continued speaking. "If something is bothering you, tell me. Whatever it is I will help. Or at least try." The last part you tried to lighten the mood by adding that in.
And it did make her lightly laugh but then her eyes met yours again and the waterworks started again.
Elsa gripped your hands tighter and pulled you close, wrapping her arms around you tightly.
You hugged her back and stood there with her as she cried into your shoulder/neck. 
Barley Lightfoot (Onward):
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Barley sat on his bed as he played with a Quests of Yore card between his fingers. His eyes shown sorrow and a pain shot through your chest seeing him so blue.
His mom had told you that he was just upstairs when you entered the Lightfoot household. You thanked her and giggled at the panting dragon bouncing around your feet.
Mrs. Lightfoot sprayed it with water and it scurried away. You opened the door to Barley's room and your excitement slowly faded as you saw him hunched over.
You quietly shut the door and cringed as the click of the door sounded.
Barley looked up and wiped the pool of tears collecting on the brimes of his eyes. "Hello lovely! You need something from the great Barley?" He tried to act tough and playful but the facade didn't fool you. His smile faltered as you came nearer.
You cupped his cheeks and rubbed your thumbs over them gently. "Oh my dear Barley, whats got you so sad? Your eyes are red and your face is blotchy."
He leaned into your touch and sighed. He relaxed into you as he leaned his head on your stomach. His thick arms wrapped around your torso and he nuzzled into your stomach more as he cried.
You rubbed his back and let him cry it out. To cheer him up, you two shared stories with each other afterwards.
Ian Lightfoot (Onward):
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Little sniffles could be heard from Ian's bedroom as he fiddled with the wooden staff in his hands. The door was cracked since he thought he was home alone and didn't expect you to suddenly show up.
He smiled and wiped the wet trails of tears off his cheeks. "Hey N/n, sorry you had to see me like this."
You of course didn't mind that he was crying but it did worry you a good bit. "Don't apologize for crying. It's better letting it out then holding it in."
He nodded and stared at the ground by his feet. You sat next to him on his bed and reached out, combing your fingers through his hair.
He blinked; looked at you, your hand, then back at you. "Wha-what are you doing?"
You shrugged and gazed into his big brown eyes. "Just thought it would help."
The corner of his mouth quirked up a little as he tipped his head to give you better access to it. "It does just a bit." He set the staff aside and turned his body more towards you.
"Wanna talk about it?" You asked him.
He shook his head and ran patterns on your leg using his fingers. "No. Maybe later when I'm ready."
Violet (The Incredibles):
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Violet's parents, Helen and Bob, warned you beforehand that she had been emotional all day. You being her partner, you shrugged it off and made a mental note to try and comfort her if needed.
The door to her room was shut as per usual and you slowly cracked the door open. All you saw was floating clothes on her bed; her powers obviously activated.
Violet was curled up and soft whimpers could be heard throughout the teenagers room.
You knocked on her door and she audibly gasped. "Go away...I look horrible." She said as she pulled a blanket over her head that then covered her body.
Sitting down on her bed, you placed your hand on hers. "Why are you sad? Both your mom and dad said that you've been...upset all day."
Moments of silence passed before she responded. "I don't know. Just not feeling it today." She rested her chin on her knees.
"Can I do anything for you? I'd bring a truckload of candy if you'd ask." That earned a soft smile from her. "Ice cream is fine."
You nodded and exited her bedroom. She perked up when you came back with varies flavors of ice cream. "I uh didn't know which to grab so I grabbed all of them."
She pulled the blanket off of her and snatched the chocolate ice cream out of your hands. "Thank you N/n." The night ended with the two of you cuddling and eating ice cream.
Helen smiled as she leaned against the doorframe of Violets bedroom. "Bob get in here!" She whisper yelled towards her husband.
Bob walked behind his wife and placed a hand on her shoulder. "They fell asleep." The two adults smiled at their daughter and her loving partner who relaxed together on her bed.
"Should we do something?" Bob asked Helen.
Helen lightly smacked his chest and tried not to make noise. "No, let's let them sleep. I will call Y/n's mom/dad/grandparent and tell 'em that he/she/they are staying over."
Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story):
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The plastic space ranger sat on the edge of Andy's window, messing with his wrist with his back facing everyone else.
He didn't notice you walking up behind him and was startled when you spoke up out of nowhere. "What are you doing all the way over here? You're missing out on Rex trying to beat his current level."
Buzz glanced beyond you and towards the green dinosaur and his pig friend. He raised an eyebrow and looked up at you. "Yeah sounds like a blast."
You furrowed your brows and sat with him. "Okay. What's wrong?"
He looked at you with a confused expression. "Nothing?"
You shook your head. "No something is bothering you. You always sulk by this spot."
Buzz scoffed. "I do not." You nodded. "Yes you do." He looked away and at the plants outside.
You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You're only quiet 'cause you know I'm right." If he could you knew he'd be blushing at the contact.
"Maybe." You smiled and unwrapped your arms from him. "Well, what is upsetting you? Can I help in any way?"
Buzz grabbed your hand and played with your fingers. "Just stay here with me. Your presence always makes me feel better." You scooted closer to him and put your chin on his broad shoulder. "Yes sir."
Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame):
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You climbed all the steps of the tower and inhaled deeply as you reached the top. The large golden bell hung in waiting for it to ring. The man that won your heart lived in the tower and you visit him almost everyday.
It can get boring living alone, besides the stone gargoyles. You walked around the bell and looked around your surroundings. "Quasimodo? You up here?"
You heard whispers and light shushing sounds coming from the other end which view was covered by purple fabric. You knew that meant he was shielding himself for privacy. You slipped passed it and saw Quasimodo with his back towards you. His gargoyle friends circled him, trying to console the man.
"Oh my sweet Quasimodo, are you crying?" You said, putting your hand on his back. He stiffened in surprise and turned away more. "Please, go. I look hideous."
His words stabbed your heart and made you feel bad for him. "I won't touch you if it makes you worse but I can't leave you like this. At least let me know what is making you unhappy."
He slowly lifted his head and shuffled further back away from the ledge. The gargoyles by now left the two of you alone to talk. The silence was broken when he spoke up from his spot. "Why...Why do you stay?"
The question caught you off guard and you sank down to your knees. "Because I care deeply for you and I am not going to abandon you." You started to extend your hand but stopped and observed his face. He gave a hesitant nod and you caressed his face. "And nothing can tear me away from you."
His eyes scanned yours for any fault in your words but there was only truth and love. "Thank you...N/n."
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rhettabbotts · 1 year
shelbs!! my love!!
okay so here’s what i’m thinking… rhett and his partner’s first big holiday like thanksgiving or christmas as a married couple, idk i feel it would just be so special for them especially if maybe it’s his partners favorite holiday.
kisses!! - 🧸
underneath the tree - rhett abbott x reader
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summary: christmas in your first home with your husband is nothing short of magical.
pairing: rhett abbott x wife!reader
w/c: 1.3k
warnings: none. lots and lots of fluff and holiday cheer. and kittens!
a/n: something a little short and sweet to celebrate the season. happy holidays to all of my sweet friends. ily all so much and i hope you have a wonderful celebration. thank you for all that each and every one of you do 🎄
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Christmas has always been a big holiday in your family. It was the one thing you looked forward to every year. You had a lot of family traditions; baking cookies on Christmas Eve, decorating the tree the day after Thanksgiving, watching a Christmas movie every night during the month of December. When you and Rhett began dating, one thing you were so excited about was making your own Christmas traditions with him.
Christmas wasn’t a big holiday in his household. Sure, they decorated the tree and had a Christmas Day dinner but it wasn’t made out to be a big deal like it was with your family. So, that first Christmas you were together, you knew you wanted to make it special.
He joined your family on Christmas Eve for the Christmas cookie baking and the Christmas movie marathon.
Rhett grew to love and adore Christmas just as much as you. Moving into your first house after getting married was stressful but you knew the holidays were right around the corner and you were ecstatic. Going to the Christmas tree farm to pick out your first tree together was a little emotional - decorating it that night because you couldn’t wait. Throughout the two years you dated before getting married, you collected random ornaments. Some were so cheesy you couldn’t hardly stand it but they made you laugh.
Every night during the month of December, you curled up on your couch together with a cup of hot cocoa and a Christmas movie playing in the background. One night while you were laying there you heard a scratching noise at the door.
“Rhett, did you hear that?” You asked, turning the volume down on the television to listen for the strange sound. You heard it once again accompanied with a small meow. “Is that-“
“Sounded like an animal,” Rhett observed before moving from his spot on the couch to walk towards the door. He peeked out of the living room window, quickly putting on his winter coat and boots.
“What is it?” You raised up on your knees to face the front door. “Rhett?”
The bitter Wyoming winter air cut you to the bone when he opened the door and crouched down. He turned to you holding a cat that was covered in snow. He quickly moved inside and set the shivering ball of fur on the couch with you before shaking out of his coat and kicking off his boots. The cat quickly curled up into your lap, seeking out a heat source. You wrapped your blanket around it and pulled it close.
Rhett warmed up some milk in a little saucer and knelt beside the couch, holding it out to the animal. The cat lapped it up in no time, purring as you scratched behind its ear.
“That’s it, sweetie. What were you doing all alone out in the cold, huh?” You cooed at it, not even knowing what the gender of it was yet. Once it finished the milk, you held it up to see. The little gray cat was a girl - who also appeared to be pregnant. You hadn’t noticed when Rhett had set her down but now it was very clear that she was expecting.
“Rhett, she’s-“
“Yeah. I can see that.”
You weren’t sure how to care for a cat but you knew you couldn’t let her stay out in the cold. You fluffed up a warm blanket for her to lay on and was determined to head to the store the next morning. Collecting the essentials you needed for the cat was harder than expected. You bought a few toys as well just in case she felt like playing. You took her to the local vet as well to have her checked over and she was very close to having the kittens.
You cared for Tinsel the following weeks leading up to Christmas, all while preparing the holiday for you and Rhett. She stayed by your side while you put up the rest of the decorations, following you up and down the staircase. She had a newfound favorite spot at the foot of your shared bed with Rhett.
“We’re going to be grandparents soon, baby,” you joked with Rhett as you dried the dishes one night after dinner. The snow was falling in thick flakes outside, the sight of it sent a shiver down your spine. Tinsel was curled up on the back of the couch watching the two of you. Rhett just playfully rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I think I see a grey hair right here,” he said, eyeing your temple intently. You shoved at his chest as he let out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back towards the ceiling. You loved how playful you were with Rhett. There was never a dull moment in your relationship. Christmas was only a few days away and you weren’t sure who was more excited.
Christmas Eve snuck up on you quicker than you would’ve liked to admit. You spent the evening with your family, baking goodies and enjoying each other's company. Rhett caught you under the mistletoe several times that night, giving you a deep kiss each time. You headed out a little earlier than normal, wanting to make it home before the roads got too bad.
You readied yourself for bed, sliding into your Christmas pajamas and taking a seat on the couch in front of the fireplace. Tinsel was in your lap in no time, her belly looking the biggest it had looked since that night you brought her in. You pet under her neck, smiling at the way she purred contently. The tree was lit and the fire crackled.
“I don’t think she likes you much,” Rhett gestured to the sleeping cat in your lap. He placed the hot cocoa on the table in front of you and wrapped his arm tightly around you. “Our first Christmas married. It’s hard to believe.”
“I love you so much, Rhett,” you looked up at him with so much adoration in your eyes. Rhett pet Tinsel on the head and she pressed up into his touch. He wouldn’t admit it but he is quite fond of her as she is of him. You finished your drink and movie, moving to the bed to get some rest for the next day’s festivities.
You had not been asleep too long when you were awakened by the sound of Tinsel. She sounded like she was in distress and you were kicking Rhett awake as you searched the house for her. You found her curled up under the Christmas tree and upon further inspection, seeing three kittens feeding. You let out a gasp and called out for Rhett to let him know you found her.
“Would you look at that… little miss Tinsel is a mama now.” Rhett whispered as he stood behind you watching the little kittens lay with their mother. You looked over Tinsel to make sure she was doing well, bringing over some food and water for her. You looked at the clock on the wall and noticed the time. 1:05am is what it read and you squeezed Rhett’s hand. It was finally Christmas Day.
You felt so overjoyed standing there next to the tree looking down at the newest additions to the Abbott family. Rhett kissed your temple softly, swaying you as he hummed a Christmas song. Your first Christmas as a married couple in your first home will be a memorable one - that much you were sure of. You knew you had a long day ahead of you but that didn’t seem to matter much in the moment. Right now, you were going to let your husband hold you while you watched your cat love on her newborn kittens.
“Merry Christmas, darlin’.”
“Merry Christmas, Rhett.”
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yuyuswrld · 5 months
O Captain, My Captain || 3
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characters: zeke yeager x reader (this chapter), various aot boys x reader
notes: sorry for the delay! had to come over a huge writers block. this chapter is kind of plot heavy as well, but the smut will be cont. in 3.5/4 :) tysm everyone for your support as well! <3
content warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. heavy sexual content. DUBIOUS CONSENT, power imbalance (zeke is the other school’s volleyball coach), HEAVY degradation, vulgar language, usage of terms such as slut and bitch
read the introduction here, part 1, or part 2 here!
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There are times when you watch Eren play that remind you of dancing on the ice, sweat beading slightly. The contrast of the cold arena and your hot skin creates the sickly sweet and addicting feeling of paradise and freedom on your body. To be focused but to also be free, to glide like a dog relinquished from his chains, running free through a field of tall grass. You see a vision of a future in his eyes, one among the flashes of sports cameras and post-competition interviews where fans cheer excitedly in the background. A future where Yeager is posted prominently across the backs of people’s fan jerseys or a household name that gets discussed over Christmas dinner. If he was meant to be anything, it was to be an athlete.
It makes you want to cry that he got to have it and you didn’t. Maybe that’s what really bothered you about him. Your own envy seeping out at the seams, body overwhelming with the rage of a career in the sport that you loved. To be able to stand face-forward to the camera, jumping and screaming with excitement as you hold the gold metal in your hands. But now, it would never be you.
Your final highschool show, after this you could dedicate yourself to the world of competitive figure skating. There would be no more homework to complete after you got a gold, no more biology classes that seemed like they would never end. It would be life on the ice, never having felt anything better than the rush of cold air blasting your face as you stepped in the rink. To soar like a dove throughout the skies of the ice as if it was called upon you by God himself to do. But as your head thumped against the ice during your failed jump, you already knew it was over before your had eyes forced themselves shut, refusing to acknowledge the collective gasp of the large audience. With a single devastating concussion, your career had slipped out of your fingers. The dove had been released from its cage.
“I just think it’s really nice that you ended up liking volleyball,” Armin says, picking at his dining hall food. “It sucks to be stuck with someone who doesn’t care for a manager. We’re all here because we’re good at what we do and because we can’t imagine ourselves not being involved in it.” 
You smile at Armin’s kind words but take a second to contemplate them, unsure if your dedication to the sport is as commendable as he gives credit for. Sure, it’s been a couple of chaotic but enjoyable months, but it’s hard to say you should be managing them. To have the stars in your eyes as you gaze at the ball, eyes narrowed in and head in the game. Reflexes attuned to the ball soaring above, to be here rather than anywhere else in the world.
“You college athletes are a different breed,” you sigh, jealousy escaping in a single breath.
One day, none of this would matter to you. This might not even matter to the rest of them in a not-so-far-away future. Not all of them were going to continue playing volleyball forever, no matter how starry-eyed they are now. Not everyone goes to nationals and not all things that matter in college will matter forever. The world will always revolve. But it mattered now, and here you are, in a major having nothing to do with sports but still taking the spot of someone else who could care more than you do about the sport. It was one thing your parents had ingrained in you: never take something from someone who needs it more.
You snap yourself out of the state of self-pity, glancing back up at Armin, who has taken a heaping bite of his food. You might as well make the best of it while you’re here.
“We’re going to Marley for a fancy training camp, right?”
“Yeah! We’ve never gone before. Reiner and Eren’s families are both from there! Eren’s older brother is the coach of one of Marley’s best university teams.”
“So why didn’t he go to that university?” You ask.
“Family drama,” Armin sighs. “I don’t think those two like each other at all. I won’t bore you with the details, but don’t expect Eren to be in the best mood when the camp starts.”
You watch in silence from your fold-out chair, hands folded neatly in your lap. Eren’s form is almost impeccable, even somewhat delicate as he serves the ball with unimaginable force. Ever since you arrived yesterday, the tension between him and his brother has been palpable. Coach Levi and Coach Zeke haven’t been seeming to get along well either, butting heads at every turn which has led to you having to sit in on a lot of mutual scowling. 
“He’s not your little shit to coach, Zeke,” Levi almost spits at him. “Not anymore anyway.” It’s only returned by a petty glare from the bearded man, who excuses himself at the comment. Despite the minor scuffles, you’ve been watching in awe as the boys focus themselves on the constant practice matches. It was beyond impressive, the middle blockers of the other team picking up on unspoken strategies just for Armin to adapt to their solution. 
Eren rushes in to spike the ball as it flies into the air, arm swinging before a loud smack resonates through the gym and a whistle wafts in the air. Eren pats Armin on the back, almost launching the poor, startled boy. You two make eye contact, and you shoot him a congratulatory thumbs-up. He doesn’t return the gesture, only going to cuss Jean out for a bad dig he made in the second set. It stings, even in a small way, but you get out of your chair and tidy up the gym as practice comes to a close. 
You sit with Levi, Zeke, and the manager of Liberio University’s team manager, Pieck. She shoots you awkward smiles every so often, you assume in attempts to diffuse the painful silences of the dinner that had been arranged up in the nature of hospitality.
“Is this your first time in Marley?” She smiles at you, taking a sip of the beer that sits in front of her. You nod, a pleasant smile coming across your face.
“It is! But I’m having a great time so far. I’m especially excited to check out the arcade room back at the university.”
“I have some paperwork I need to get in my office back at the school. I’ll show you how to get there since it’s along the way.”
True to his word, Zeke drives you and Levi back to the university, where Levi departs to the assigned housing to sleep off the travel earlier. He guides you through the ginormous, winding halls of the school, they’re never-ending in nature and decorated with trophies from students of the past. One catches your eye, it’s an ornate gold trophy, decorated by jewels at the cusp. 
The nameplate reads as Best Coach of the Year, 1996. Grisha Yeager. You pause, steps halting behind the taller man to inspect it from outside of the glass case. There are a few beside it, reading the same name, but for different years.
“Is this your father’s?”
He turns around, his scowl too obvious for comfort. Oh fuck. Should you not have asked that? Before you can attempt to rescind it, Zeke talks.
“Yes. He’s well-known in Marley for leading our volleyball team to win international competitions multiple years in a row.”
“Seems like the passion runs in the family,” you chide in, despite being unsure of Zeke’s pleasure on the current subject. Although, you’re not quite sure what is pleasurable for him overall. The entire time you’ve been here he’s seemed displeased by everyone’s presence, whether it be Levi, Eren, or even you. 
“I am where I am because I did it to please my father. Eren still loves it, in spite of our father. There’s a reason he went as far for school as possible.”
“So, if you don’t love volleyball, why do you care so much about what Eren does now? You’ve been tearing him apart since we got here.”
“Because he can do better than our father. I want to see Grisha Yeager crushed.” Oh. What the fuck? You shake it off, following Zeke as he deems the conservation over and resumes his trek to his office. As you arrive, you first start by standing at the door frame, but allow yourself in as he beckons you. He clears the paperwork off of his desk, placing it in his briefcase before locking his gaze with you.
“What?” You glance around the room, trying to figure out at which seat he’s implicating. 
“Sit on my desk.” His voice is commanding, the same brutal tone he used when scolding Eren’s missed spikes. You step forward, legs moving on their own before you find solace on the cold wooden desk, cringing as it touches your exposed legs. Zeke’s fingers land on your chin, grabbing it and forcing it into a position where you look up at him.
“You’re so obedient, keep it that way or see what happens. I’m not in the best of moods, so I’m really not trying to play any fucking games.” His fingers are sophisticated as he removes your shirt, pads tracing your skin in unrecognizable patterns. He begins by playing with your nipples through your bra first, experimentally before they resume their professionalism in toying with you. Even despite your confusion, your body reacts in indescribable ways, back arching to savor and give into his touch. He goes to unhook it, proceeding by latching his lips on one as his other hand caresses your other side.
You can feel his cock nudge against you every time he shifts, allowing yourself to whimper at the gain and sudden loss of contact in such a short period. Zeke releases his mouth from you, using the back of his hand to wipe the saliva off. 
“What do you want? I can’t be doing everything, even if you are such a desperate little bitch.” His hands play with the fabric of your skirt as he continues to stare you down, waiting for a response. 
“Eat me out, please.”
“Please, what?”
“Please, coach.” That answer seems to appease him as he flips your skirt up before kneeling and placing the smallest lick on your clit through your underwear. Your hands attempt to find solace in his hair, but are swatted away. Control issues, got it. You’re snapped out of your head as Zeke moves your panties to the side and immediately plunges a finger into your wet cunt without warning.
“You’re already fucking soaked,” he remarks coldly, but it’s followed by his tongue finding its placing on your clit once again. The brutal, face-paced assault on your hole continues as he continues, unrelenting in the wake of your moans bouncing off the walls. You feel as he adds another finger inside before picking his pace back up to where it was. You feel as the coil builds in your stomach, a familiar feeling drawing in closer.
Zeke’s fingers stop their ministrations in full as he shifts his focus up to you. “Good little sluts beg to cum.” He withdraws his fingers and you clench around the emptiness. Instead, you feel as he traces lazy circles around your sensitive spots, clearly not interested in allowing you the time to think.
“Please, oh my god, please. Coach! Let me cum all over your fingers.” Zeke only nods in acknowledgement, but you feel as his spit lands against your hole erotically. Unwavering in his resolve, he ignores your gasp of shock and his pace resumes its toe curling effect. Once again, the feeling reaches its fever pitch as you release along his fingers. He slows down before finally stopping. Zeke stands up, placing his fingers along your lips.
“Lick it up, all of it. I can’t fucking stand filthy bitches.”
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