#my bad if you’ve already been tagged lolol
lanabenikosdoormat · 1 month
Username Song Game!
thank you for the tag beloved mutual @bigbadvv0lf 🫶🏻
Rules: pick one song for each letter in your url and then that many people
feels like i’m playing on hard mode with how long this ended up being lolol
L - Lovesong by The Cure
A - A Lonely Night by The Weeknd
N - NEW MAGIC WAND by Tyler, The Creator
A - A Mistake by Fiona Apple
B - Beware by Deftones
E - Ease by Whirr
N - No Sex by Chris Rock
I - (It Goes Like) Nanana by Peggy Gou
K - King Kunta by Kendrick Lamar
O - O Children by Nick & The Bad Seeds
S - Sunday by The Cranberries
D - Do For Love by 2pac
O - Oh Sheit it’s X by Thundercat
O - orange show speedway by Lizzy McAlpine
R - Red Wine Supernova by Chappell Roan
M - Mask Off by Future
A - Alright by Kendrick Lamar
T - Twilight by bôa
No pressure tags for anyone who sees this! But also for.. @damn-it-a-side-blog @shanaraharlyah @rubensmuse @firebird-legacy @zaolan @melsilurian @rypnami @sithcom @scarecrowwizard @stormbreaker101 and literally everyone else i love my moots and followers
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hajiimes · 8 months
purple hydrangeas
pairing: suna rintarou x gn!reader tags: angst, hurt/no comfort, hanahaki au warnings: mentions of blood, surgery, and hospitals word count: 1.4k author's note: if this looks familiar at all that's cuz it's a repost from my previous blog (also hajiimes) from like 2-3 years ago lolol !! i revamped it and am reposting it here :D i'm sorry i was gone for so long it's been a wild time lol
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There’s a tickle in your throat and pain in your lungs. It’s been there for quite a while, so long that you’ve already forgotten what it felt like without the petals clogging up your lungs. You look at him, so unreadable, so unreachable . No one had told you that falling in love would hurt so much. 
It’s silly, you tell yourself. Childish. Dumb. Foolish. First love, a deadly fate. 
Suna Rintarou sits to your left in school and you cast glances at him whenever you’re sure that he’s paying more attention to doodling in his notebook than you. In your observations, you learn that Suna Rintarou dog-ears the pages of his textbooks to save his spot. You learn that he chews on the eraser at the end of his pencil when he thinks, leaving small indents in it when he pulls away to write. You learn that more often than not, Suna spends class time drumming his fingers on his desk, idly staring out the window instead of paying attention to the board. 
Suna isn’t the type to forget any pens or pencils, but he always forgets to bring extra paper. You couldn’t count the number of times he’d leaned over the aisle separating the two of you to ask for a sheet of paper, to which you’d happily obliged every time—always willing to lend a helping hand. Those reluctant smiles he sent you out of gratitude always seemed to brighten your day.
Honestly, it’s no surprise that you developed Hanahaki. 
He makes small jokes under his breath about classwork, little quips he doesn’t think anyone can hear. He offers you a pen whenever you forget one, accompanied with a small note stating ‘Give it back when you’re done’ wrapped around it. You end up keeping those notes, stuffing them between spare pages of your textbooks and notebooks. 
Suna is a boy of few words, but when he speaks you find yourself hooked on every one of them. Your friends call it puppy love. They call it a little kid’s crush. They tell you that in a month you’ll forget all about it and move on to some other guy. 
You don’t tell them that you probably won’t make it another month. 
The coughing fits become more and more frequent, each one right after the other. They get worse during school, during those hours when you’re near him. Purple petals litter your desk and pile into your hands, but you just discard them into your school bag with reckless abandon. 
Your friends approach you to ask if you’re okay. An easy, practiced smile stretches across your face and you wave them off like nothing is wrong. You tell them as much, you just have bad allergies! Nobody mentions that it’s not allergy season. You think it’s either out of mercy or pity that they leave you alone after that. 
Sometimes you think you can see Suna looking at you during class when you’re trying to discretely spit petals in cupped hands, but you always brush it off as a trick of the light. You think you can feel his eyes on you when you’re talking to your friends, watching as you carefully place your hands over the stray petals you forgot to brush off the desk. You smile and wave off your friends’ concerns like you always do. 
He never speaks up, never says anything about how your smile doesn’t reach your eyes.
Suna goes on with his life like nothing is wrong, pretending he doesn’t see you cough up purple petals into your hands out of the corner of his eye during third-period math. He pretends that he doesn’t see you each day in his peripherals, too preoccupied with your own impending demise to worry about the functions written out on the whiteboard. 
Even though things have changed so drastically for you, Suna stays the same.
You learn that he mumbles out the words when he’s reading something. You learns that he bounces his leg underneath the desk when you’re taking a test. You learns that he’s quiet, but that doesn’t mean he’s shy. When his friend—Miya Osamu, from the volleyball team—is around, he’s much more talkative than usual. You learn that he drops his bag on his desk loudly every day to wake himself up in the morning, the slamming of the books in the bag waking you up in turn.
It’s cruel, you think to yourself in those selfish moments you allow yourself to consider him between the last toll of the school bell and the beginning of club activities, watching as Suna packs his schoolbag and slings it carelessly over his shoulder. He spares you one single glance, his lips a flat line as he makes a beeline past his peers lingering at their desks and heads out the classroom door. You watch Suna walk away like he always does, sparing you a single merciful glance as you dump the last of the school day’s purple hydrangeas into the trash. It’s cruel that he doesn’t know the effect he has on you.
It’s getting worse. 
Your parents beg you to tell them who it is, and how they can stop it from happening. They offer to switch your school, to pull you from club activities, to move prefectures if it helps. Your mom begs you to consider surgery; she pleads that you’re too young to die like this. You don’t care—you would rather die in love than live without it. 
Each day you live with the disease is a day your body grows weaker and weaker. Your body runs cold and your head feels heavy every moment you has to hold it up. Your teachers, luckily, are merciful. They don’t say anything when you rest your head in class—they know your situation all too well. You can feel the pitying glances they send you during breaks and passing periods, their stares burning into the back of your head. 
It comes upon you suddenly, like a summer storm, during history class. Bile and flowers rest in your throat and, without a word, you excuse youself to the bathroom—just barely making it there in time.
Flowers bloom in your lungs, growing more and more until the petals fill your throat and spill out of your mouth. It hurts, you want to scream out, It hurts so much, but when you opens your mouth to speak, petals fall out in red, bloody clumps in lieu of words. You clutch at your throat and squeeze, hard, in a futile attempt to force the flowers out. 
It doesn’t work.
They find you in the second-floor school bathroom three minutes later. Petals surround you like a halo and, if it weren’t for the blood on your lips and the odd placement, one might think it’s some sort of art project. 
You remember what happened in flashes. You’re rushed to the hospital. The doctors call your parents. You’re rushed into the operating room. You fall asleep, Suna’s name on his lips. 
The flowers inside of your lungs are gone when you wakes, but a dull throbbing sits in their place. There are no flowers in the hospital room, no bouquets—something you find yourself grateful for. It’s funny somehow, the caution in which the people around you treat those silly little blossoms. It’s almost laughable, the way your family acts like you’ll break at the mere sight of a petal. Like you’re fragile.
It’s not long before you’re cleared to return to school, cleared to return to your fifth-row seat. People crowd you before class, each one asking if you’re okay, how the surgery was, and what it was like to have the disease. You wave them off with an easy smile, only saying that you’re glad to be back. 
There’s a boy who sits to your left. He holds his pencil tightly in his hand, plump pink lips wrapped around the end as he chews lightly on the eraser. His leg bounces with deep-rooted anxiety whenever you glance over at him. 
In the transition between second and third period, he passes a note with the words ‘Welcome Back’ written on it in hurried chicken scratch. You think it’s meant to be a joke. 
When you look up at the boy, you finally notice that his gray-brown eyes are watching you. You raise your eyebrows, watching as the corners of his lips turn upwards—an offering of the smallest of smiles. This classmate is familiar somehow, a creeping presence in the back of your mind. A gap in memory that should be filled, a cavity in your heart. You know that you’ve met before—it’s obvious in the way he’s looking at you. 
For some reason, you can’t remember his name.
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Lapis Love [Teaser]
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“And? What of this, then?” You pointed to the substance with the tip of your sword.
“That… that would be a simple slime,” your companion answers.
“And? Is it malevolent?”
“You know… you speak very eloquently to be from Fairham village,” he grimaces.
“Nonsense! I simply speak this way because of upbringing,” you defended.
“Well, whatever, to answer your question, no, it’s not bad. Not this one, at least. If it wanted to attack it would’ve done so already,” he rolls his eyes. You placed the sword down and crouched next to the small creature, its jelly eyes looking up at you with such sparkle.
“Can we keep it?”
“Whatever for?! It’s quite adorable, is it not?” You cupped your hands and the slime creature rolled onto them. “Well then, I suppose that answers it. I shall call you Sloane!” You announced. The slime, no, Sloane looked up at you with a new excitement, as if it were proud to have been given a name.
“Sloane? That’s an oddly human name for a slime.”
“Silence. Your name is oddly animal for a human.”
“How is Yangyang a name for an animal?!”
“Have you seen your mannerisms? If you didn’t look like a man I’d mistake you for a monster!”
“You— Why am I even helping you?!”
“Ah, so I see you’ve also fallen for my devilish charms, haven’t you?”
“Don’t be too proud of yourself.”
“I shall do whatever it is I so desire, now, we have a similar goal, remember? That’s why you’re still here!” You reminded him. “We’re both going to Stardenn, you have muscles and I have money, we work well together,” you crossed your arms.
“Ugh, right,” Yangyang groans. “… You think I have muscles?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” you said coldly. Yangyang stared back at you, initiating yet another one of these tediously petty competitions, but you would rather die than let him win. After a few moments, Yangyang cracks and a victorious smirk rose on your face.
“Fine, the slime can stay,” he concedes.
“The slime? What slime?” You tilted your head to the side and the creature in your hands, if it was even possible, seemed to glare. Yangyang sighs.
“Pardon me, Sloane can stay.”
“Wonderous! Let us continue on our journey, dear soldier!”
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Summary: When hit with the sudden news that you'd be married you freaked out and with the help of your brother you ran away to avoid becoming embroiled in a political war. However, your betrothed was just as freaked out as you were and sent a mercenary after you. When you're two paths cross unknowingly, suddenly your month journey to refuge becomes that much more interesting.
Release Date: October 22, 2022
Pairing: Mercenary!Liu Yangyang x Nobility!Reader
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy
YN Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Updates: Every Other Saturday at 6 pm PST
Notes: One night I was just hit with the writing bug and, suddenly, a new mini-series! I won't tell you how long it is just to keep the suspense up, you know, but I hope you all enjoy this series! I've been reading too many webtoons lolol
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
[Main Masterlist] | [Lapis Love Masterlist] | [Next]
If you want to be added to either tag list just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville @resonantcherry 
Lapis Love: None Yet
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sourstars · 3 years
— [2:36AM] : miya atsumu
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“One more song!”
Atsumu was a bad dancer.
He had little to no coordination, but you knew his heart was in it with how wide his smile was, so you couldn’t really hold that against him. He’s always been the one to make you experience life instead of letting you watch it pass by, so tonight, in the middle of the night, as he dances to the song blasting through your speakers, you had to commend him — his energy was boundless.
“Atsumu!” you yawned, a hand coming up to cover your mouth. “We have to go to be— Atsumu!”
I’m still young, wasting my youth.
You yelp as he pulls you up from the floor quickly, his hands warm against yours while he tugs you forward to keep up with his pace, bellowing laughter leaving him while he struggles to belt out the lyrics.
I’ll grow up next summer.
“Just dance with me,” he says beneath the music, and for a moment he stops, feet no longer moving and chest heaving, eyes wide and shining.
The longer you look at him, the more you realize his heart is exposed to you and finally, behind his messy hair and the twitch in his smile, you see it; the humming of a melody not yet shown to the world — the secret message of you are my favorite song in the whole wild world and suddenly, everything else can wait.
I’ll grow up...
“Dance with me,” his hand creeps up to cradle your face, eyes darting between yours and your lips, and for a moment when you think your heart will pop, he speaks again. “Just for one more song.”
I’m wasted and I’m not gettin’ younger.
And when you find yourself nodding, lips settling into your own grin, you swear you’ve never felt this way before — you’ve never felt like everything outside of this room didn’t matter, like life was the one waiting for you to slow down this time, and if you had to describe it in any way you could, it felt like suddenly all of the things you were looking for had begun to find you.
You lightly punch his chest, “Alright, just one.”
“One,” he muses, knitting your fingers together,  “Is all I need. C’mon, let’s wake up the whole world,”
I promise I’ll grow up next summer.
Atsumu is a bad dancer, but maybe that’s why you like him, because whatever he takes on, he does it with his whole heart, and how lucky you are to know someone who teaches you to just live.
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navi / masterlist
suggested listening: drunk face by mgk
a.n: fresh off of my break, thought i’d surprised y’all w some atsumu while i get to finishing the last remaining reqs! <3 // also @bleedinqhearts i wrote this bc i literally thought of you LMFAO (edit: i know i blabbed to you ab it already fjsndk i got excited lolol)
wc: 0.4k
p: Miya Atsumu x gn!reader
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tag list: @simpfortetsu @sincerelykore @frogtanii @http-worm @miyarins @aiiwa @crapimahuman please click this to join to the tag list!
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reblogs are appreciated!!
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adenei · 3 years
20 Questions for Writers
thanks for the tag @thequibblah !!
How many works do you have on AO3?
61 (will be 65 once all my Canon Fest fics post!)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
um...technically 2? But I guess a 3rd could be counted because of the one crossover that I did. Fandoms: Harry Potter, Tangled (though I took down that fic), and Brooklyn 99 (for the Auror 99/HP crossover I wrote)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Fraternizing with the Enemy
Join a sorority, they said. It’ll be fun! You’ll make so many lifelong friends and have more connections to the professional world than you could ever imagine. ...but what will happen when Hermione meets the mysterious man of her dreams who just so happens to be in the rival fraternity? The one they've been feuding with for fifty years? American College Muggle AU! Inspired by the Shakespearean classic, Romeo and Juliet.
Romione Muggle AU, Rating: M
2. The Idolatry Enigma
An AU twist on the first potions class of sixth year. Professor Slughorn wants to play matchmaker with his amortentia assignment, and the Gryffindors team up to tackle the assignment together.
HP Friendship Fic & Romione (also Hinny); Rating: T
3. The Arrangement
Ron is the assistant to an up and coming lawyer in London. He's always done everything he's told in the hopes of one day snagging a promotion to practice law with the firm, until one day his boss has a really big request. Based on the movie The Proposal and written for the Ron's Chessboard fest.
Romione, Rating: E
4. Fireworks
Lily Evans does not fancy James Potter. Not even in the slightest. At least, that's what she keeps telling herself. She had her chance, she turned him down, and he's moved on, so she needs to stop thinking about him. Too bad he's the only one who can give her that spark.
Jily, Rating: T
5. This is Me Trying
What could have happened 6th year if Hermione had confronted Ron about his behavior after his row with Ginny.
Romione, Rating: T
Spoiler Alert: I fudged this a bit as 3/5 highest kudos numbers are one-shot compilations in response to tumblr asks. They are:
Hinny Drabbles
Romione Post War Drabbles
Romione Domestic Bliss Drabbles
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do try to! I really, really do. I've been getting better about it so I can show my appreciation for my readers! I just hate sounding repetitive in my comments for fear it doesn't sound genuine 😬
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Rewrite the Stars or What Hurts the Most
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
haha everything has a happy ending for me. Um..
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
LOL I did two Crossovers: Both HP with Brooklyn 99
Auror 99 & Charges and Specs
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got a lot of flack from a reader once about Mix Tape Mishap, which was honestly a crack fic I wrote for myself so...whatevs. Haters gonna hate
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do...but I prefer to do more fade to black moments than explicit smut unless the fic really calls for it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and I hope that never happens...that wouldn't be cool.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have had people reach out to have some of my fics translated. I'm not sure if it ever happened.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Sort of! @be11atrixthestrange, @voldemorts-tap-shoes, and @avatarvader and I collaborated on a small "Terrier" series! lolol
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Romione or Jily, don't make me choose.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
LOL um, the only one that has gone unfinished is Summer Camp Shenanigans...
What are your writing strengths?
characterization, plot, dialogue
What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to be pretty wordy when I write. and my betas are amazing and help fix it!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've never tried it! but it would be cool!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Fraternizing with the Enemy for sure, but I am absolutely LOVING writing All You Knead Is Love! <3 You should check it out if you haven't already :)
Tagging: @accio-broom, @thedistantdusk, @cheesyficwriter
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dai-nana-han-agenda · 3 years
HIIIII!! I really realllly love reading your tags on your retweets! It's one of my favorite things to see while scrolling down my TL. I was wondering if you have any of your fave TEAM 7 gen fics you could recommend? 💖💕 preferably no ships and just something that focuses on their dynamic and growing solidarity with each other!
HELLO! thank you so much omfg 💖 i’m so so sorry it took me so long to respond, i had the answer all drafted out and ready to go and then my dumb ass CLOSED THE TAB and i lost everything 😭 i had to rewrite the post which took a while FJDFSJ but it’s here now!! i really hope these are fics you haven’t seen/read before (omfg could you imagine if you’ve read every fic on this list i’d feel so bad 😭) but yeah!! i hope this helps!! 💖
(also side note, your icon is SO cute, i always see it in my notifs but i never got the chance to tell you until now LOLOL)
komorebi by tomorrowsrain ─ okay, i know you said preferably no ships (we’re already off to a rocky start FDJFKSJ) but this is literally my favorite team 7 fic ever, it’s impossible for me not to include it. it’s kakaobi, and team 7 doesn’t come in until ch. 3 of the first part, but i highly HIGHLY recommend it. seriously, this is my absolute favorite characterization of the members of team 7 & their dynamic, the author does such a good job of building their relationship from teammates to family. i will say the first chapter is a little disorienting (it’s in first person POV, which i usually tend to avoid when it comes to fanfiction, but the author does it so well and it does shift straight back to third person POV for the rest of the chapters). the author is currently writing the chuunin exams arc and it’s literally everything i wanted. 
tides by edenfalling ─ omg, this was one of the first team 7 fics i ever read waaay back on ff.net when i was like, 12 years old. unlike most of the fics on this list, this is set in shippuden, but it’s very much AU/canon-divergent. good character dynamics with team 7 learning how to work together again<3
how to make a team by Pleasedial123 ─ basically, kakashi gets his head out of his ass and actually invests time into strengthening the bonds between the members of team 7. don’t get me wrong, i absolutely LOVE canon!kakashi & i know he did his best (he was traumatized + not ready to be a teacher, i get it)... plus, if he was a good teacher in canon, there literally wouldn’t have been a plot. basically this is me saying fuck kishimoto because LOOK at what we could’ve had!! 
and so, the sensei supports his students by ihopethelightwillshineupon ─ this is really more kakashi-centric and it focuses more on his relationship with each of his students than on the dynamic between naruto, sasuke, and sakura (but kakashi is technically part of team 7 so it still counts!!)
for warmth by magnificentbirb ─ a scene i wish we would’ve gotten in canon.... like you’re telling me there are literally HOURS of filler episodes and we couldn’t get ONE soft, genin team 7 moment?? kishimoto & studio pierrot, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers. 
believing in heroes by guycecil ─ another moment i wish we got in canon because like... can we talk about how, in their genin days, these kids are 12 years old. are you fucking kidding me. also, now that i’m skimming over the fic, this may be more sakura-centric than team 7 centric, but i’d still highly recommend!
the pretty one by theformerone ─ it’s tagged as ot3, but i promise there are no ships! like maaaybe if you squint? but i honestly read it as platonic. one of my favorite fics ever tbh. answers the question that i’ve been thinking about since the manga was released all those years ago: what could have happened if kakashi was too late?
take the fight from the kid by theformerone ─ someone tell me why these 12 year old kids aren’t allowed to process anything on screen.... like, right after the wave arc, everything just went back to normal. like okay, yes, naruto had that moment to grieve for zabuza + haku, but i really just wanted to see a shift in the team 7 dynamics and we never really got it. so take this beautifully written fic instead!! god bless fanfiction. 
pray my name by Chancy_Lurking ─ ok so this is a fic that i found today and i’m OBSESSED. i do want to warn you, since you asked for no ships: it’s not tagged as ot3, but it could be if you squint. or, you could argue that team 7 is just very affectionate/very codependent. either way, right after i finished reading it, all i wanted to do was curl up in my bed and cry (but like, in a good way). 
just killing time by edenfalling ─ a very short but cute little one-shot that i also just found today! same author as tides, so if you read that first and you like their work, you should check this one out! (or vice versa)
did you inherit a sickness? did you blame god? by hotgirl ─ i literally recommend this fic to anyone and everyone because like?? it doesn’t exactly match what you’re looking for but it does have team 7 moments (heads up: it’s implied sns). this is honestly one of the best sasuke characterizations i’ve ever read. 10/10 would recommend.
of bruised brains and dog baths by sweetpotatopie ─ okay so these last three fics might not be exactly what you’re looking for but i’m adding them if/when you’re in the mood for cute, feel-good team 7 one-shots. this one is just a happy, post-canon piece where they actually get along<3
another day in paradise by ohthelinsanity ─ modern au where sakura and naruto bully sasuke, sakura and sasuke bully naruto, and kakashi is weird as shit. the friendship between naruto/sasuke/sakura that i wish i got in canon. hints of past itasaku and implied inosaku, but it’s very much a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment.
gotta see! finally know! kakashi-sensei’s true face! by Lolistar92 ─ my FAVORITE face reveal fic EVER. episode 101 from naruto is the only filler that deserves rights (and maybe the curry arc because i love team gai, the ramen episode, and all the episodes with konoha 11. but mostly ep 101.)
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mylifeiskara · 3 years
fic writer interview
I was tagged by @burninghoneyatdusk and @andromedabennet thanks friends!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
As of right now, 46!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I’m currently at 600,704 which is perhaps too many, considering I have schoolwork again 😅
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I have written for six fandoms! Started off with Harry Potter and Captain America (though I have orphaned those fics so you won’t be seeing them again lolol). Then I got into Check, Please which is a very cute hockey webcomic, then The 100 (which is wildly a big reason why I’m in grad school right now so what does that say about me??), one Polin fic for Bridgerton, and I have written one thing for Sex Education because Otis and Ruby would not leave me alone after I watched season 3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
And Why Mess Up a Good Thing (Check, Please!, Nurseydex) Five times Nursey swears nothing's going on between him and Dex, and one time Dex admits it
You’re Already Breaking My Heart (The 100, Bellarke) Clarke loved Finn first. She was friends with him before Raven even spared him a passing glance. But that was a secret she was going to take to the grave. Or so she thought. A To All the Boys I've Loved Before AU
A Twist of Fate (The 100, Bellarke) Clarke knows she’s not someone who’s destined to have a soulmate. It’s not in the cards for her, and it’s something she’s working on coming to terms with. Bellamy is ready to be over Gina, but isn’t sure he wants to rush into anything new. Too bad he can’t seem to stop running into the girl he brought home last weekend… In which Clarke and Bellamy have a one-night stand. And Clarke and Murphy have a podcast.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? (Check, Please!, Nurseydex) Nursey prays that his so-called New Year’s curse doesn’t affect "Poindexter Siblings and their Significant Others New Year’s Game Night."
Best Kept Secret (Bridgerton, Polin) Colin and Penelope have been dating for a month and they're very happy together. They just haven't told anyone that they're dating yet. Probably because Colin's family is too nosy for their own good.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I definitely try to, though I always get behind. Engagement on my work is like moderate, at best, so I get excited to see any sort of comment and want to be excited with my readers. That being said there’s like 48 comments in my inbox right now. I promise I’ve read them, I just haven’t responded to them all yet!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I guess it might be Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine, a fic I wrote for Troped last year. I called it a modernization of Emori and Murphy’s first meeting meets Taylor Swift’s I Knew You Were Trouble video. It’s kind of angsty by accident because I originally planned to write another chapter but then that never really happened and I don’t see it happening so lol sorry to everyone that this fic ends not that happily.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
No, my brain simply does not work that way lol.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wouldn’t say hate, but like some mild dislike of how I wrote things. In A Twist of Fate, Bellamy dates Echo for a good portion of the fic and someone felt the need to tell me they didn’t like how much Echo was in the fic. It’s properly tagged as minor Becho so it’s made clear what you’re getting into so that comment felt silly to me.
I also got a wild and very long comment on Cold-Blooded my silly Twilight AU where the commenter thought that Clarke realized Bellamy was a werewolf too soon and suggested that I should edit it so that it made more sense, then they basically went on to say how they thought the rest of the story should go. Don’t do this to people lmao. I already had that whole fic planned out so it’s not like I was going to change how it happened based on something one person said? If you feel that strongly, go write your own fic!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but not often because I hate the process. I’m not one for smut, in fact if it’s in a story I will usually just kind of skim it. I’d say all my stuff is very vanilla, though I do have a couple smut scenes I know are coming in my Nemori arranged marriage fic where I am trying to spice things up a bit, though I think they’re still pretty standard. You probably won’t catch me writing much more of it since it really is a chore for me lol.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I’m aware of?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Lmaoooo idk. I guess Memori is up there, but I don’t know that I’d say they’re my all-time favorite? Honestly, I’m not one to get too attached to ships normally. I guess for a long while I was super into Booth and Bones, but it’s not like I ever read fic for them. And of course I had my Chuck and Blair period as well. I’m pretty big into multi-shipping, so I’m not sure I have a good answer for this. I guess if we’re talking right now, if anybody hasn’t noticed Otis and Ruby from Sex Education are all I can think about lol.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Rip to the very short Nurseydex piece I should finish because it wouldn’t take me long, but I simply never will. I’m just kind of past writing for them. I’m worried I won’t finish my Bellarke Emma AU but I do kind of want to get back to it, because Murphy has not shown up yet and those who know me know that Frank Churchill (Regency's finest fuckboy) is weirdly one of my favorite characters, and I was really looking forward to writing Murphy in that role, so I think that might win me over to finish it eventually.
15. What are your writing strengths?
As a screenwriter, I hope I can say dialogue?? I feel like I’m decent at picking up on how characters talk and their speech patterns, which has also been helpful for writing spec scripts, not just fic! Similarly, another thing that is great for both fic and spec scripts is characterization. I’ve definitely gotten compliments on that before, and if I really like a character I’ll pay attention to how they move about the world and how they interact with others, and I think it always ends up coming off in a cool way.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’ve always felt pretty iffy on like worldbuilding. It’s definitely been weird to write so much fic for a sci-fi show when I am not well versed in writing that (but that’s why I mostly write modern AUs lol). I also don’t think I’m the best at description, but then again I tend to prefer when things are more straightforward anyway.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I guess I’ve never really thought about it? I probably won’t do it (unless it’s the Trig from fics I’ve already written) because I can only speak English fluently so it doesn’t seem like something that I could easily fit into anything I’d ever try to write.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
We’re very lucky the Glee fanfic I once found in an old notebook never saw the light of day. I almost once wrote a Downton Abbey fic in high school that would have been Sybil and Branson being penpals while she did her nurse training. But my first fandom that I actually posted something for was Harry Potter, though I only ever wrote the next-gen kids.
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I’m cheating and picking two, I have so many!
First is obviously We Don’t Need To Say It, my Memori actor AU. It is the longest fic I’ve ever written at over 100k words, and I also created an entire fake TV show out of it (that I have also written a pilot for) so a lot of work went into this one and I’m super proud of it. Also got a few new people into Memori, which was another win.
And second is my most recent fic which is all’s well that ends well to end up with you. It’s one of like 45 fics in the Otis/Ruby tag on AO3 (I guess 42 if you get rid of the ones that are actually Otis/Maeve). I just got a picture of Ruby and Otis reconnecting many years later and giving it another try and I had a lot of fun writing it/I have more ideas for other installments in that little future universe that I am NOT allowed to write until I get some more prompts done look at me Sam, I’m being responsible.
Tagging/saying hi: @hopskipaway | @useyourtelescope | @imunbreakabledude | @mobi-on-a-mission | @slyth-princess | @unremarkablegirl | @thelittlefanpire and whoever else wants to do it!
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kyunsies · 3 years
check in tag ✅
i was tagged by @wabisaba and @hongminchy (i think that’s it); thank u my sweet friends !!
why did you choose this URL?
i chose this one bc i didn’t like my old one @/kyunnie-ah my she rest in peace LDSFJ <3 i really like kyunsies and i don't see myself changing it anytime soon !! :)
do you have any sideblogs?
i don’t have any :( i was debating on making a shinee sideblog tho ..... who knows !! maybe in the future i’ll just make a sideblog for all the other groups i keep up with bc when mx is in a drought and i can’t gif anything i go a little crazy LMAO 
how long have you been on tumblr?
technically i’ve been on tumblr since like 2014 when i discovered it and only just reblogged aesthetic stuff but after a couple years i really didn’t touch it again until this blog was birthed jan 1st 2019!!
do you have a queue tag?
nope hehe i’m really bad at running a queue, i only use it for anniversaries and when i would like to post something on time that isn’t in my timezone!!! 
why did you start this blog in the first place?
i really was inspired to be a content creator !!! gif makers blew me away when i first got into kpop and i was just like “how do ppl do this??” and i wanted to learn soooo bad . here i am and i’m happy i learned how to make things <3
why did you choose this pfp?
it has good lighting sjdlfkj but i’m most likely going to change it soon bc we are going to get SO MUCH mx content <3 
why did you choose your header?
it’s one of my favorite changkyun photoshoots :) !!!!
what’s your post with most notes?
;_____; it’s one that i deleted, it’s my workout with wonho gifset but i found that a lot of blogs that interacted with it were p*rn sites so i decided to take it down :( not including that one is either my changkyun showcase live set for love killa or the changkyun vlive that’s my pinned post <3
how many mutuals do you have?
i’m not really sure lol but a good chunk of my friends are mutuals :-) love u all !!!!
how many followers do you have?
i’m going to be hitting a nice little milestone in the next couple months (maybe) and i want to show my gratitude, so you’ll see a little something then <3 
do you make shit posts?
all the TIME 
how long do you use tumblr each day?
during uni i would go on tumblr before class started, during lunch, and after class + before bed if i had the time to gif something !!! now that i’m not doing much at work ........ i’m on it a lot i’m not gonna lie lol ................. 
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
mmm @imnameimss thinks i’m weird for not liking seafood LKDSFK (it’s a joke there’s no fighting) </3
how do you feel ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i’ll reblog something if i feel like it not bc someone tells me to SDKFJ
do you like tag games?
absolutely !!!!!!! sometimes i’m really bad at getting back to them tho (sorry everyone) i’m just slow sometimes ;____;
do you like ask games?
i love them the most but i feel guilty for doing them in case someone thinks i’m asking for attention SLKFJ i just feel like talking and that’s why i love them :’)))
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
literally all of them lolol you’re all so much funnier and more talented than i am and honestly i’m ur biggest fan <3 
do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of them <3 
tagging: @chaotichae @softhyungkyun @joosgf @kihyunsgf @hyunubear @nfly5 @shyung-shoes @joozvoicemail @hyungwonssign @minhyukopedia and @imnameimss but as ALWAYS always no need to do it at all <3 i hope u are all doing well and taking care and so sorry if you’ve been tagged already !!!
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sunfloweradore · 3 years
i’m leaving this blog
hi! this post is a bit long but at the end you’ll find prompts and requests that you are free to use if you’re a writing blog :).
hi there!! if you’re reading this, i hope you’re doing well and staying safe. i just wanted to say that i’m leaving this blog and i’m not sure if i’ll ever come back. the years i’ve spent being a harrie have been great and it’s been a crazy amount of time! pretty much since the x factor! however, for a long time it’s also felt like i’ve been forcing myself to be a fan of harry’s. i’ve put so much energy into being a fan of his that it hasn’t been fun for me in a while and neither has writing fanfiction, which is what this blog is mainly for. it’s felt very difficult to sit down and write a fantasy about somebody who i might not even like anymore and in hindsight it seems a little dumb, but i did stress over writing all the time. this isn’t really about anybody i’ve interacted with on tumblr because you’re all lovely but sometimes it feels as though harries don’t treat him like he’s a human being and instead like he’s a god. me, included. even though i know we joke about harry being the only man we’d let degrade us or destroy our lives or whatever, he is still a person at the end of the day! it took me a very long time to realize that and thinking of him as otherworldly or completely perfect was my way of thinking for a while and i think it was pretty damaging. the fact that so many people would literally die for him is sad because unfortunately, none of us are going to be on his “level”, so to speak. we don’t know him personally and chances are we aren’t ever going to. ahhhh please don’t be mad at me for saying this, it’s just something i’ve realized i need to change about myself and i think it’s something we should all consider about everyone we are fans of. 
anyway, the time and energy i’ve spent on something so ridiculous is exponential and i really feel like it’s time to put it in the past. i’m dedicating this year to self-growth and part of that is learning how to be my own person. feeling like i have to be interested in something or someone in order to be normal has been a common theme in my life and harry has been that someone for as long as i can remember. this isn’t his fault of course but i’m getting older and i don’t want to think of this time in my life as the era that i was obsessed with harry styles. instead, i want to form memories and real life experiences instead of using fanfiction as a way to cope with all of the things that i can’t handle in my life. it worked for a while but at this point i’ve been reading it and writing it for so long that it feels like i’m living inside my head, like i’ve become dependent on it (obviously this is very bad lolol). so, long story short, i will be leaving this blog because it just isn’t good for me anymore. thank you to everyone who has requested things for me to write and anyone who has interacted with my writing. sorry i couldn’t get through them :(. i’d also like to thank everyone i met through this blog because you’re all such amazing people and you deserve the world. i will leave my writing up but the sentiment still applies- i’ve worked very hard on everything i’ve written so please don’t repost any of it without crediting me, thank you.
below are requests i couldn’t get to and prompts(?)/works that i never got to finish. feel free to use them if you want and tag me in them bc i’d love to see how you write them :)
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1. paperboy harry!
i think the direction i wanted this to go in was kind of like a 40′s au? or just a long long time ago. not sure why i had this started seeing as i already have harry as a paperboy in a story of mine but go off ig
2. vampire harry!
i had a specific plot i wanted where harry was in a car wreck because of a vampire who ended up biting him in like an alleyway. reader saves him and is a vampire herself! she nurses him back to health n teaches him how to be a vamp with various shenanigans along the way
3. hospital au?
this one i’m not too sure about but if you’ve seen the red band society you’d sort of know the direction i was going with this. there’s kind of an in-between for people in the hospital who are fighting death or going into surgery and in that in-between is a boy who has been in a coma for a long time. i pictured this as being angsty and for harry to be the boy who guides people in certain directions but he ends up falling for the reader while she’s there
4. ghost au!
self explanatory but i pictured harry as the ghost who kind of just wants a friend lol
5. tea au?
this would probably be pretty short, i just thought it was cute! reader has different kinds of tea all the time and it’s a surprise each time he kisses her 
6. strawberry farm au?
reader has a strawberry farm LMAO maybe harry buys them from her or it’s another vampire au, who knows!
7. threesome
most likely has been done b4 but a threesome w 2 guys and the reader where the guy is inside harry while he is inside the reader
8. chocolate by the 1975
a fic based on that song! it would probably be from harry’s pov 
9. space au?
hmm i think i probably saw something that inspired this but all it says is “harry sends letters to space” so i’m assuming it’s an au where he just decided to send letters to space out of boredom or something and mayhaps alien reader finds one?
10. assassin au!
harry is an assassin and in my draft it’s super vague? and almost seems like he’s stalking the reader? it could go in any direction really but i’m assuming the reader is dating him and doesn’t know he’s an assassin
11. chapstick
very similar to the tea one! just w the reader wearing diff chapsticks all the time
12. shower
this is inspired by something i read on wattpad a long time ago and i’ve tried finding it but i think it might’ve been deleted. the reader flicks da bean all the time in the shower and is really loud about it, harry is distracted and confronts her
13. dang ANOTHER threesome
but this time harry is on a date with a girl and they’re at a bar- the girl is looking around, sees the reader and thinks she’s gorg and they end up having a threesome
14. photography au!
harry is a photographer who somehow ends up taking pictures of the reader. in my draft the reader asks him to delete the ones that are ugly but he keeps them all hehe
15. scrapbook au
similar to the last one, harry takes pictures of the reader a lot but it’s not bc he’s a photographer, he just thinks she’s pretty n wants to scrapbook. twist is that he has TWO scrapbooks- one of innocent pics and one that’s lustier (consensual ofc)
16. habits of my heart by jaymes young
self explanatory, angsty
17. roommate au?
this is for some reason also an assassin au? but they’re roommates and reader doesn’t know what he does. they’re bffs, mutual pining
18. don’t forget about me by clove
wow another song fic, big surprise
19. puppyy
harry gets a puppy who hates him :( but the puppy loves the reader!
20. mall au
lol this one is kind of dumb idk why i thought of it but harry is one of those kiosk people at the mall who sells perfume! dunno!
21. condoms
reader works at gas station, harry buys huge condoms
22. poetry
either person reads erotic poetry while touching the other
23. magic au
one of them makes a love potion, kind of dark? like making the other fall in love with them idk it could be an accident though
24. private chef
the reader is a private chef! that’s all i’ve got!
25. message board
this is inspired by..... the sims lmaooo you can pin messages to the message board in your apartment building and i thought it’d be cute if the reader and harry lived in the same building and he leaves notes on the board and she doesn’t know they’re for her! she always thinks they’re cute though
26. raisin theory
inspired by new girl! specifically a comment i saw in like a compilation? video of new girl on yt
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i thought it’d be cute for harry to be that person
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may-shepard · 4 years
Supernatural and Me, Painting With What I Hope Will Be Gradually Increasing Skill 1x01: The Pilot
In celebration of This Thing That Is Happening I’m watching Supernatural from the beginning. I’m a bit of a completist when it comes to media so I will very probably watch every episode, which means it’ll be sometime next year before I get to the glorious ending but heyyyyyy tv shows are forever. 
Remember when, unless something went into syndication or ended up in reruns, you could never see it again? Remember enjoying stuff and having no ability to rewatch, and never, ever, being able to obsessively rewatch or start anytime or decide what time of day was convenient for you to watch? When the only things on at 4pm were Sesame Street and Oprah?
Me neither.
This is going to seem like a total nonsequitur but recently I’ve become aware that (1) I have too many home projects to do and (2) I have been skimping of self care and R&R and (3) one of those projects involves teaching myself how to paint petrykivka, because I’ve always wanted a kitchen that looks like this:
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Okay, not exactly like this because I have modern appliances and my city bylaws wouldn’t support the use of a woodstove no matter how aesthetically awesome it is but I totally have ambitions to paint my kitchen cupboards in a much less accomplished version of this style.
I have no artistic training but there are loads of tutorials on this online and I’m willing to paint my way through as many episodes of Supernatural as I need to in order to feel like I’m not going to totally fuck up this fun project so WHEEE and also fair warning: if you don’t want to watch a non-artist struggle with basic concepts for a longass time, maybe look away. Also if you don’t want to watch a previous not-viewer of Supernatural watch it from the beginning, well, you’d best also look away.
Also fair warning: I’m a horror fan, and since we’re in horror territory I’ll probably talk about horror tropes a bit. I’ve got an academic background that includes writing about Victorian horror lit so I’ve got a high tolerance for the representation of masculinity in pop culture and I also think it’s hilarious, so I might make some fun of the show, but just know that it’s all in the name of enjoying it. If that perspective isn’t your cup of tea, you know what to do.
Anyway here’s Supernatural s1e1: The Pilot. For painting, I’m going work on the brush loading and stroke technique from the first five minutes of this handy tutorial which won’t embed for some reason.
I have many favourite moments so far but I think my absolute fav is the high male doofery of John hearing Mary scream, run upstairs to see what is up, find baby boy child Sam comfortably tucked away in his crib, and forget completely about Mary or whatever is up with her (HA! see what I did there?) until her blood literally starts dripping onto their son. Lol 100% realistic in my opinion, this is what happens in the male brain when a woman has a genuine problem.
I’m fine, by the way.
12 minutes in: oho! a highway that eats men. I approve.
15 minutes: oho! a Victorian ghost lady in her Victorian ghost underwear who eats men. I APPROVE. [Later note she’s not Victorian but her underwear kind of it? I continue to be confused by this.] I love that she glitches like a bad VCR tape and this driver dude doesn’t blink, hahahaha.
Something I really enjoy--and I mean genuinely enjoy--about horror-esque media made by and for men is that male sexual anxiety as a driver for monsters of the week makes for incredibly powerful female monsters, like, I know this one will probably be defeated but I am all for her apparently enormous sexual appetite, demand for compliments, perfect mid-2000s eyeliner, and relentlessness. also like lolol don’t be led by your dick bro, I once knew a guy who got a bird thrown at his face and then ghost-eaten is a message for the ages.
Can I say I am really looking forward to watching this whole deal become increasingly gay, like, what a treat.
Also ayyyy non-recurring goth gf:
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And non-recurring goth gf gf:
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Can someone please point me to the fic where these two solve supernatural occurrences through vaguely Satanic practices? I headcanon that they’ll exorcise your house by infesting it with a larger, more powerful, but somewhat more polite demonic entity than the one you’ve already got. Problem solved!
Today’s palette has been determined by the abundance of mismatched colours I have left over from various stencil projects, most of which I have yet to complete. In any case I’ve got some nice acrylic paint but for practicing brush strokes this old chalk paint will maybe do (spoiler: it smelled bad and it did not do, but I got at least one hilarious piece of art from it, see below). Today I’m working in indigo, pepto bismol, and gold. 
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Petrykivka paint strokes are charmingly simple until you try to do them. Today I’m practicing with one colour at a time, and then mixing. (This video explains the different strokes.)
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To be fair, this paint is very thick and crappy, so the struggle is real, lol.
I mean the victims are all men, this is quite a fantasy yeah? like, WhAt if thErE wAs a GHost wHo eNDANGered the MenS??? 
Like, Dean searches for this:
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And he gets this:
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Hahaha ao3 tags: extreme AU, on what planet? not this one
“Sooner or later you’re going to have to face up to who you really are” oh Dean.
Like though the ghost lady supposedly died in 1981...maybe her whalebone corset killed her? Anyway she drives the Impala for a bit, so like, steals the symbolic penis of the male protagonists, lol. Good times, you go ghost lady.
38 mins? Rapey ghost is rapey. Uncool, lady ghost. Very uncool. Also I think you might have a plumbing problem. Okay a pretty serious plumbing problem. I like the effects as the ghost kids flush her (and themselves, I guess) down the spiritual toilet. Nice work.
44m from a previous viewing attempt I have a vague recollection of being somewhat attached to Jessica, and Jessica in her smurf pjs, and then being just a little disappointed by the end of the pilot and here we are...hooboy
Is it Sam? Is it Sam’s psychic Need for Adventure that is slashing the midriffs of these women and sticking them to the ceiling? Was it so intense that it manifested practically the moment he popped from the womb?
Please enjoy my half arsed brush stroke techniques that I practiced on this terrible portrait of Jessica and / or maybe Mary but probably Jessica. I didn’t want to use as much orange and yellow as I would have needed to do flames around her so I did a bunch of flowers instead lol.
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cloversweets · 4 years
pairing: piers x reader
genre: fluff
a/n: read on ao3! this got SO out of hand lolol. i originally started writing it as a drabble for an anon requesting something fluffy but it ended up being 1. way deeper than i expected and 2. way LONGER than i expected! anyway pls enjoy these 3.2k words of fluffy, awkward, domestic piers/reader lolol
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It’s late when you hear knocking at your front door.
It’s been a hard day - harder than most, in fact. Work sucked, and you had the worst ride home in a flying taxi you think you’ve ever had thanks to the awful Galarian weather and an especially bad-tempered Corviknight at the helm. But now, finally, you’re home, bundled up on the sofa with some tea and blankets after a nice, hot shower. Peace, at last.
Well, until now.
You pull yourself up off your comfy sofa with a huff, taking a second to straighten out your comfy pyjamas before you go and give whoever it is that’s still banging on your front door a piece of your mind.
Of course, that plan goes out the window as soon as you yank open the door. You’re ready to begin lecturing, only to see Piers slouched in front of you, greeting you with tired eyes. “Oh,” you say in lieu of greeting, and Piers takes this as his change to push gently past you, his heavy boots making a racket on your wooden floors.
“Nice to see you too,” Piers responds, and your head turns to follow him as he wanders into your apartment - until you have the sense to close your front door again. By the time you’re finished locking up, Piers is standing in the middle of your living room with a plastic bag in hand, surveying your furniture with a critical eye. After a moment he glances at you, and sees your eyes on the bag swinging from his hand. “Ah. I forgot to mention. I brought food.”
You hum in response, moving back to your comfortable spot on the sofa. “You also forgot to mention that you were even coming over in the first place, actually. And pushing past me like that? I’d tell you to make yourself at home, but you obviously already have.”
Piers shrugs and mumbles something vaguely apologetic, but you know he’s not actually feeling all that guilty. “I was playin’ a local gig an’ decided I’d pay a visit,” he says, and finally decides to plonk himself down beside you on your sofa after he places the plastic bag of food on your coffee table. Now you’re close enough to notice how good it smells, you realise just how hungry you are. “It’s from the Slowpoke tail place you like.”
You meet his eyes and can’t help but smile. You didn’t even realise he knew it was your favourite. “I’ll get cutlery,” you tell him, moving to stand, but he puts out an arm and stops you where you are.
“I know where everythin’ is, don’t worry,” he tells you, standing up before you’ve even gotten the chance to argue. “It’s the least I can do for intrudin’.”
“You aren’t intruding,” you call after him as he clomps to your kitchen, the heels of his boots clacking loudly. “I’ve just had a hard day, and I’m so tired. Sorry if I was rude.”
You hear clattering in the kitchen and lean over your sofa, trying to peer through your open door to see what he’s doing to your lovely, tidy kitchen drawers. “Don’t worry,” he responds, his voice ringing clearly over the racket. “I get it. You look tired, if I’m honest.” With that, you hear him banging your cupboards closed and the noise of his heels moves closer again.
“I don’t think that’s a polite thing to say,” you tell him, but he just shrugs as he reappears in your doorway. You smile sweetly at Piers as he re-appears, and he watches you suspiciously. You pause for a moment, holding back laughter as his expression grows more into the perfect mixture of unimpressed and panicked. “You know what would help, though?” you finally ask, breaking the tense silence.
“What,” is his deadpan reply, sheltered in the doorway as though you’re going to leap at him from over the sofa.
“Taking off those bloody awful boots of yours.”
He huffs at this, and heads over to place the handful of cutlery he’s holding next to the bag of food on the table. “You’ve got no appreciation for style, you know that?” he grumbles, but you notice that he’s walking a lot more lightly. Your wooden floors will be just as grateful for it as you are, you’re certain.
“I do have an appreciation for my eardrums, though,” you tell him, and lean forward to finally start digging into the food he’s brought along. You open the bag and peer in, spotting the Alolan-style spiced vegetable and Slowpoke tail stew you love sitting at the very top. “You got my favourite!”
“‘Course,” Piers tells you, fiddling with his boots somewhere near the door. “What, y’think I don’t remember what you like?”
You’re too busy trying to pull the lid off your stew without spilling it to reply with something intelligent, so you settle for shaking your head once you hear him padding over to sit on the sofa again. “No,” you respond, absentmindedly glancing over at him for a moment. “I’m just grateful.”
With a roll of his eyes, he gently pulls the container out of your hands. “You should be,” he mumbles, but his voice is softer. You pick a spoon from the table in front of you as he carefully peels off the lid of your food, and take it from him when he slowly hands it back. “Careful not to spill any, yeah?”
You give him a thankful smile, and he meets your eyes for a moment before he looks away. You can see the tips of his ears turning pink against the dark black streak in his hair, and you hide your smile behind a bite of spinach.
The two of you eat quietly for a little while, with the only noise in the room being the quiet music you’d put on when you’d gotten in from work. “So,” you eventually say, disturbing the quiet. “How was your show, then?”
Piers shrugs, shuffling from his slouched position on your sofa until he’s facing you. “Pretty decent, y’know,” he tells you through a mouthful of noodles. “I like it ‘round here. Crowds are always amazin’, and they never seem to mind that I don’t do encores. It’s easier to leave when you don’t have a room full of people shoutin’ after you, wantin’ you to keep the show goin’.”
You hum, scraping the bottom of your bowl with your spoon for the last little bits of stew. “You’ve been playing a lot more since Marnie took over,” you note, and he shrugs again, but you see a smile playing at the corner of his mouth as he fiddles with his chopsticks. “Have you been having fun?”
“Course,” he says, looking up from his food. “To be honest with you, I didn’t realise how stiflin’ it was to be Gym Leader ‘til Marnie took over for me. I was only really holdin’ the job for her. I’ve always been more into music.” With that, he pauses for a moment, lowering the container in his hands to his lap. “Well,” he says after a moment. “You helped a lot, actually.”
You raise your eyebrows, keeping your eyes on him as you lean over to put your empty box onto the table. Arceus, that stew never fails to make you feel better. “Me?”
Piers shifts, his ears turning red again. “Yeah,” he says, and his eyes move to inspect the chipped nail polish on his fingers. “I know I might not act like it, but I’m glad I tagged along with you when all that stuff was happenin’ with those stupid posh brothers. An’ it might sound bad, but I’m glad you beat Marnie for Champ, too. She’s done more for Spikemuth than I ever could, an’… well.” He shrugs, glancing back up at you. “I finally feel like I’m comin’ back to myself, you know? I couldn’t really handle the responsibility, an’ before I met you, I was, ah… a bit depressed, if ‘m honest. Now, though…”
“You’re a lot happier, right?” you ask, and Piers nods. “It doesn’t sound awful, you know. Marnie is an amazing Leader, and it’s because she loves battling. In the same way, you love music. You had to sacrifice that to take on a lot of responsibility at a young age, so… I don’t think you should feel bad.” Piers watches you, and you give him a smile. “I wouldn’t.”
Piers is quiet for a while after you speak, peering down into his box of noodles. He eventually moves to sit them alongside your box, the chopsticks clinking against each other. “That’s what I mean,” he eventually says, sitting back and taking a minute to get himself comfy. You don’t know how he manages in those skin-tight leather trousers he has on, but you don’t comment on it. “If I hadn’t met you, I’d be beatin’ myself up like mad over it. Now, though, I’m just thankful. Marnie is happy, Spikemuth is growin’, an’, y’know… You’re Champ, an’ everythin’ is good. I’m just… thankful for the stuff you’ve done.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” you tell him, reaching out to pat his bony knee. “I just did what I had to. And, just so you know… I’m glad I got to know you, too.”
There’s a silence after you speak, and though it’s tense with something, it’s not awkward or weird. It just feels like there’s something unspoken - but this has become blatantly obvious the more time you spend with Piers. Sure, there was a spark during that random battle during your quest to become Champion, but it’s grown, blossoming into a comfortable companionship. Comfortable enough for deep talks at 12:30am in your apartment, anyway.
If you’re being honest, though, you haven’t really been open with yourself; you know, slowly but surely, you’re developing feelings for Piers. Piers, though, being the aloof grump he is, has never even hinted he feels the same way. Now, though, as you watch the blush on his cheeks grow as he picks at the black nail polish he wears, you’re beginning to second guess that.
With a deep breath, you decide to take a leap of faith. Why not, right? So, knocking your knee against Piers’, you speak up. “Piers, can I ask you something?”
He looks up quickly enough that it betrays his cool, even while he’s straightening out his leather jacket and brushing back his messy hair a second later. “‘Course.”
Your hands are sweating with how nervous you are. You clear your throat, but you can already feel how hot your face is growing. “Um… this is a weird question, but please don’t be, like, mad, or creeped out, okay?” you ask, and Piers nods, the confusion evident on his face. “Is - I mean, do… do you think there’s something between us?”
Piers isn’t daft, and he knows what you mean straight away - you see it in his droopy eyes. He doesn’t answer immediately, though; instead, he opens his mouth as if to speak, and closes it again after a moment of silence. “Well,” he eventually says. His voice is shaky. There’s another long pause. “This is unexpected.”
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” you say quickly, but he shakes his head.
“No, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expectin’ it.” He looks at you and you can tell he really means it. You guess he’s just not used to vulnerability like this - but, at the same time, he’s been vulnerable with you from the very beginning, ever since he admitted to you that he blamed himself for the fact that you were the first challenger he’d had in a while. “If I’m bein’ honest, I do,” he eventually says. His pink cheeks are so bright compared to his hair and black clothes. “I’ve felt it for a while, too.”
“I felt it the first time we met,” you tell him, your voice shaking. The excitement - or maybe it’s adrenaline - is rushing up inside of you, though, and you can’t help the way you start to babble. “I’ve always really liked you, Piers. You don’t hide anything, and you’re so honest about your feelings. I really appreciate that.” You pause, face burning, and an idea hits you like a truck. It’s a risky choice, but you take a deep breath before you speak again. “Do you want to stay the night?”
Piers looks away from the hole he was boring into his own skinny legs to meet your eyes, obviously in shock. He’s stayed before - crashing your apartment after a gig isn’t that rare of an occasion - but this time it’s different. He knows you’re not inviting him to attempt to curl his lanky legs up into a comfortable position on your little sofa, anyway. “You mean - right now?”
You nod, determined to not back down. “No funny business, I promise,” you tell him, and he slumps back into a more relaxed position. “I just… it’s late, but I want to talk about, um, us, but… I think it’s too late, but I wouldn’t ask you to come over again tomorrow morning just to talk, and I think it would be kinda weird to make you stay on the sofa like usual-”
Piers cuts you off with a wave of his hand. “I get what you’re sayin’,” he interrupts, and you thankfully take a much needed breath. “Mind… you’re sure y’mean no funny business?” he asks, raising an eyebrow, and you can’t help but clock him on the knee. He doesn’t even flinch, much to your chagrin.
“Of course I mean no funny business!” You’re telling the truth, really, but you can’t help but poke fun. “I mean, unless…”
Piers glares at you from the other side of the sofa, shrinking into himself like a particularly angry turtle. “Don’t push your luck with me,” he grumbles, but you can see the pink on his pale cheeks. “I’ll stay, though. It’s gettin’ late, after all.”
“Yeah,” you agree, stifling a smile behind your palm. “Very dark out there.”
Piers fixes you with a death glare. “Very.”
You can’t help but snigger at your own stupid pun after that, and you reach out to knock your knee gently off his bony one. “Okay, mister,” you tell him, pulling yourself off the sofa with a lot of effort. Even despite your heart-to-heart and the way that you’re giddy from excitement from Piers sharing a bed with you, oh Arceus - you can’t deny the fact you’re in a total food coma. “I’ll let you get changed, shall I? I’ve got some clean clothes you can sleep in fresh out of the dryer, actually.”
“Will they fit?” Piers asks, taking the hand you’ve reached out to him with an even brighter blush than before. You roll your eyes, playfully pushing him towards your kitchen.
“We get it, you’re over six feet tall, but you don’t need to worry,” you tell him, and you grin at the smile just about playing on his lips. “Clothes are on top of the dryer, and you can change in the bathroom. Have a shower if you want, actually. I’ll clear the food from the living room, yeah?”
Piers allows you to push him to the washing machine but catches your wrist in a gentle hold before you can turn back to the living room. His fingers are cold, but it feels like his hand on your wrist has you glowing from the inside out. “Hey,” he says, and his voice is more gentle than you think you’ve ever heard it. “Thanks.”
You give him an easy smile, trying not to betray the fact that your palms alone are sweating buckets. “Of course, love.”
It doesn’t take long after that for you to clean up the living room and kitchen - though your record timing might be because of the fact that you seem to be running on pure adrenaline. You double check that you locked the front door and turn all the electronics off before you head to your bedroom. The sound of the shower coming from the bathroom gives you just enough time to throw your dirty laundry in the washing basket and add a little lavender oil to your humidifier before you hear the sound of water shutting off.
You peer around your room, checking it’s not… well, romantic, you guess. It’s still kind of messy - there’s an empty mug from this morning on your bedside table you should really take to the kitchen, actually, but you ignore it and clamber into bed anyway.
It’s just a friendly sleepover. Seriously. You have no ulterior motives, and you know Piers doesn’t, either.
So why are you so nervous?
A few minutes later, Piers meanders into your room and gently closes the door. You can’t help but giggle at the way he looks - he’s fresh faced, his poofy hair tied still into a top knot to keep it from getting wet, and he’s in the most casual clothing you’ve ever seen him in - a pair of black sweats and a baggy white t-shirt.
“These clothes are even big on me,” he tells you, and you shuffle over to make room for him to sit on the edge of the bed. He peers at you from over his shoulder, and without the smudged eyeshadow, he looks cute. “Why’d you have them lyin’ about?”
You shrug, pulling the covers up to your chin to hide your smile. Okay, well. This definitely confirms that you’re embarrassingly smitten. “I just like wearing big clothes.”
Piers breathes out a little noise of laughter, and then… there’s a weird pause. You’re waiting for him to climb into bed, but he’s not moving. You look at each other for a long moment before you snort, hesitantly patting the mattress beside you. “Um… I won’t bite, you know.”
That seems to be the confirmation Piers is looking for. He shimmies his way up the bed, clambering in as carefully as he can with his long, bony limbs. “I know that,” he grumbles, but the tips of his ears are pink again.
It takes a few moments for the two of you to settle in, and… well, it’s kind of awkward, but not as painful as you’d imagined. To avoid it growing uncomfortably silent, though, you lean over and turn off your bedside lamp, leaving only the glow of your humidifier. It’s quiet, but the sound of Piers’ breathing is more relaxing than you realised. Now, with all that adrenaline out of your system, the tiredness from earlier hits you like a truck.
“You’re fallin’ asleep already,” Piers says, clearly amused. You grumble, shuffling further into your covers - and perhaps a little closer to Piers. Perhaps.
“‘M not,” you try to argue, but even you can hear the way you’re slurring. You huff out a chuckle. “Had a hard day. So tired. Go ‘sleep.”
“I will,” Piers tells you, but his voice is already growing more distant as you doze off. You think he might be taking the opportunity to move a little closer, but you can’t be sure. Either way, you’re so comfy. “Thanks again. Let’s talk in the mornin’, yeah?”
You ‘mmm’ an affirmative, and then you’re out like a light.
And, well, if you happen to wake up in the morning to Piers’ lanky arms wrapped around you like a Komala, gently snoring against the back of your neck, you certainly won’t complain.
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 4 years
Writing Tag Game
I was tagged by @red-exo​ 💕💝💖
Rules: complete the quiz and tag 5 people
1. what is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
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I write in my study at home currently and I find I focus best in spaces that I’ve been able to decorate. I have a lot of art & objects in my study to kind of stimulate and kick start my brain... I love being surrounded by cute stuff as well as paintings, sculpture and plants (don’t judge me on my Mark Lee bullshit!)
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My biases are showing!!! (or the ones my so called ‘friends’ bought me lolol I see you kiki, encouraging bad things!!)
2. what is your favourite genre to write?
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I really enjoy writing crime, and obviously, I love writing smut. I find soft fics really quite specific, and therefore they can be a bit more difficult to master, but I love the challenge of writing them so I’d say that’s up there...but I also love writing some bullshit with cliffhangers and jokes so???
3. do you prefer to write on paper, or digitally?
I write all my smut & fanfic digitally, usually in the form of Google Keep notes, then drafts in Word for the big works, or Google Docs. I write academically on paper though, as it requires a bit more drafting. 
4. it’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. what do you do?
Grab my phone (usually under the pillow cause I’m a terrible addict), open up Google Keep and note it down in the most broken English drunken typing you’ve ever seen - adding a picture if I especially need to. 
5. who is your favourite BTS person to write about ?
I’m going to cop out and do a top 4! Because I never usually have a singular favourite with questions like this! 
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Hobi (personal favourite) 
I know it won’t come as a shock that Hobi is definitely one of my favourite people to write about. I love playing with the different shades he presents, and flirting between slick showman and soft sweetheart. I think my version has a deep seriousness behind his eyes and some kind of quiet dark side - and hopefully that comes across in my writing. I definitely write Jay more than J-Hope, and whilst I don’t think his fics are necessarily my best works, I love his presence in them. 
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Namjoon (most natural to write)
It’s pretty straight forward; I find Namjoon the easiest to write. I literally put Joon in a fictional room and then get busy focusing on the rest of the cast because I really don’t have to think about what Joon would do. I prefer to write him hard & a little angsty, but I also adore a bit of love-struck Joonie bear. My go to Dom for sure. 
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Taehyung (most difficult to write / greatest achievement of writing)
If you have been here for the full two years (anniversary in October!) that Sweet Teeth has been a thing, you would remember how much of a problem I had with writing Taehyung at first. I would get a lot of Tae requests and each one was a legitimate struggle to complete. Then I decided to write a smut drabble of Taehyung & a certain mirror and whooo boy, the rest is history. I really take pride in my Tae writing now, and I actually really enjoy putting him in things. 
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Jimin (favourite to surprise with) 
I enjoy writing against type, and for some reason a lot of people write Jim in a completely different way to me. I have always seen him as a ‘kill with deadly kindness’ type, and I love to write him as lethally sexy, sweet but with a wicked smile. It’s also really fun because there seems to be a core group of Jimin fans who absolutely die for that version of him and I love writing for them (and me!) 
6. do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
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I usually write about real people, but obviously fictional versions (’my versions’) of them. I also really enjoy writing my own characters (like my beloved Duchess & Artemis above & below). 
I consider all my characters my own though, because I always remember a piece of advice my father gave me - I had complained to him that any writing ideas I had were ‘already written’ and he came back with 
‘the ideas may have been written before,  but they haven’t been written by You.’ 
Your own voice always makes a difference. You bring your entire personal history, your influences, your vocabulary and your comprehension to whatever you write, it comes along with you subconsciously like a suitcase in your mind, so any person you write, even if they’ve already been written by others - will always carry with them little pieces of you. Original characters are just the chance for less influence from exterior sources because they’re wholly a combination of your personal viewpoint. 
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7. have you ever written a book, or a story with more than 15 chapters (or 100k words)?
I think the most I’ve written on one story was about 50k, when I was around 18. It was a Lord of the Rings / King Arthur / Sci fi fantasy. 
8. how often do you get ideas?
If I averaged it out I’d say I get at least one new concept a day, but some days I get a whole bunch, and some days I get none because I don’t have any time to focus on writing. But my brain is really high running and I often ricochet between inspiration points and mood so it’s not like all the ideas are good, even if there is a lot of them, and I often lack the discipline to action all the ideas I have! 
9. do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
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That’s literally my life 24/7/365, see answer above.  
10. what is your least favourite plot?
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Here comes the rant.
As far as smut goes, my least favourite plot is a toss up between sex that sounds implausible/ unnatural and the really tropey fanfic cheese tropes/aus/plots - like ‘they were roommates’ or ‘enemies to lovers’ or ‘he’s a complete bastard but i love him anyway’  
Now first off, don’t get me wrong, I love a trope. I’m a bit fan of using them and I rely on them pretty heavily, especially in my longer pieces. However, if I see another ‘college au enemies to lovers au’ Imma scream. COLLEGE ISNT LIFE OMG PICK ANOTHER SETTING. COLLEGE IS BORING IN COMPARISON TO THE GRIT AND THRILL OF REAL LIFE SEX! DO YOU KNOW WHAT SEX FEELS LIKE WHEN YOURE DOWN ON YOUR LUCK AT WORK AND ALL YOU HAVE IS THAT 3AM MOMENT OF HEAT AND TIMES RUNNING OUT AND THEY HAVE TO BE GONE BY MORNING CAUSE YOU’LL NEVER SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN... WHY DIDN’T WE DO THIS YEARS AGO???
And as far as my first point, I just find that sex that is either difficult to read/access ‘what are they doing? what position are they actually in? where are they??’ or is completely unbelievable/untrue to how bodies work - ‘she’s so wet but so tight’ & ‘i can see his dick’s outline in my belly’ really breaks my immersion and drops me right out of any sexiness in the fic itself. 
Like, our job as smut writers, in my opinion, is to arouse you. We’re supposed to write stuff that gets you, the reader, off. 
It should be accessible, so you can understand it easily, and it should be realistic, so you believe its really happening - because you can relate to it. That way you get turned on quicker and better because you’re fully in the dream space of the writing. And when people make these simple mistakes, of describing shit that’s unrealistic to the point of uncomfortable or using stereotypes that read as unfeminist, it just reads to me as inexperience, or a lack of understanding of the way the world actually works. It prioritises things that I don’t agree with, and empowers treatment I don’t recommend.  
Like girl, no. Just, no.
I generally believe that the sweeter, the fonder you are towards your potential readers, the better - if you can think of them as someone you want to treat, to treasure, to spoil, that thought will ring through in your writing. Tenderness is underrated in fanfic, and I think it’s so healthy and healing, and we all deserve it. 
Thanks for tagging me Kat! I loved doing this! 
I tag @gotmetalkinginmysleep​, @thotantics​, @lamourche​ and @feedmeramyun​ if they want to do it/haven’t done it yet! 
*@bangtan-sonyeon-scans​ credit for scans! (seriously, go follow them, its like the best place for scans!)
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sebspocketsquare · 5 years
Wishing you were here... 1
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (chatroom)
A/N: Hey guys! Here’s the first real thing I’ve worked on this year... oops! Anyway, I’ve had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy reading it! Part 1 is mostly just a preview of what’s to come, I have other, longer chapters written and I’m thinking I’ll post once a week! Let me know what you think! (PS i did put a ‘read more’ link in here, so hopefully it works!)
Warnings: language, maybe? flirting? pet names
The only light illuminating your bedroom is the one that comes from your computer screen - bright, almost blinding, and making your eyes silently scream for sleep. 
You’re moments from giving in, from turning away from the chat room you’d found your way into a few weeks ago, hoping that you’d find someone to take the edge off your loneliness.
Unfortunately, all you’d managed to find was creepy 60 year old men begging to see your breasts. You weren’t here for it. 
A long yawn escapes you, the kind that makes you raise your arms over your head and extend your entire spine. You’re in the process of lowering your arms to exit out of the chat program, when a new IM appears on your screen.
[Sarge1917]: Hello.
You refrain from rolling your eyes, willing yourself to believe that this one won’t be a creep… but there’s a nagging thought in the back of your head, one that whispers: he’s just like the rest.
You reply anyway.
[SpaceKitten]: Hi there.
It takes a few moments before you receive a response.
[Sarge1917]: How are you?
You’re used to the first question someone asks you being “pics?” Or “dtf?” You can’t even think of one person on this god awful site that asked you how you were.
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly.. I’m exhausted. How are you?
His reply is almost instant this time.
[Sarge1917]: Oh, about the same. It’s pretty late where I am.. nearly morning, but I just can’t sleep. What’s got you up?
The fact that he has taken the time to try to have a normal conversation with you has you appalled… but also intrigued.
[SpaceKitten]: My mind won’t stop racing. I’m up all night, every night. I’d blame insomnia, but…
You hit the send button before you realize it. 
  [Sarge1917]: but…?
You don’t expect him to reply so quickly and you face an internal struggle: do you be honest, or do you lie? 
He’s a complete stranger, so why not tell the truth?
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly, I’ve never liked sleeping alone.. Once the sun sets and night takes over I.. I’m overwhelmed with how lonely I really am. I can’t stop thinking about it.
He doesn’t respond straight away this time, and you’re afraid you might’ve scared him off. Fiddling with a random toy on your desk, you anxiously await the sound of a new IM coming through.
[Sarge1917]: We have more in common than you think. I know that feeling, exactly, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’m sorry.
You’re chewing your lip as you re-read each word, letting it soak in. 
A total creep would never speak to you in such a sweet way, right? 
You decide to be brave.
[SpaceKitten]: I keep telling myself that Mr. Right will come along some day and sweep me off my feet, but.. The more I think about it, the more it seems unlikely.
[Sarge1917]: Why’s that?
You sit back in your chair for a moment, letting out a long sigh as you contemplate your response. You’d been honest with him so far, so why not continue on that note?
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly?
[Sarge1917]: Honestly.
Taking in a large breath, you write out your reply.
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly.. most of the men I’ve gone on dates with, and the ones I’ve met here only want one thing from me.. and I’m not looking for just that, you know? I want something.. real, I guess? That probably sounds stupid..
His response is delayed for a few moments, but when it finally shows on your screen, you have to bite back a smile.
[Sarge1917]: Not stupid at all.
[Sarge1917]: In fact, I’d like to apologize on behalf of all of the men who have made you feel like a sex object.
[Sarge1917]: Nowadays, most men are.. for a lack of a better word, pigs. It makes all of us look bad.
[Sarge1917]: You deserve better than that. You deserve to be treated like a goddess.
[SpaceKitten]: Oh, I don’t know about a ‘goddess’, but.. I’d like to at least be treated like a person.
[Sarge1917]: Like an equal.
[SpaceKitten]: It’s like you read my mind.
[Sarge1917]: (:
You’re not sure how late you stayed up talking to your new mystery friend, mostly because you end up falling asleep at the keyboard. The only reason you wake is the sun peeking through the curtains and directly on your face. 
The first thing you’re acutely aware of is that your back and neck are killing you. You’ve got drool stuck to your cheek and you’re quite sure the shape of the keys are embedded into the side of your face. 
You couldn’t look worse. 
The computer is still up and running, your chat app still open, along with your conversation.
You feel guilt flood your belly immediately.
While having such a pleasant conversation, you fall asleep on him? What kind of jerk does that make you?
The guilt starts to swirl and alter to another emotion as you read the last bit of your conversation over, the skin up your neck and to your cheeks burning with.. embarrassment? Desire? You weren’t sure.
[Sarge1917]: Well, kitten, it would appear you’ve fallen asleep on me. Can’t say I blame you, it’s nearly 7am here..
[Sarge1917]: I really enjoyed talking with you. And I’m glad I was able to help you find a way to sleep.
There’s a long time gap between the last message and the next.
[Sarge1917]: I was thinking.. maybe if you wanted.. we could talk again? I don’t know what it is, but.. I really would like to get to know you better.
[Sarge1917]: Would that be alright with you?
[Sarge1917]: I hope so.. Sweet dreams, kitten.
How could you possibly say no?
Night after night, week after week, you fall asleep at your desk messaging back and forth with Sarge. He’s sweet, charming and almost a little too perfect in some ways. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t grown attached - the kind of attached when chatting with him was the highlight of your day; the kind where you’d once spent an entire hour wondering what the color of his eyes were and if he has a beard or not. 
It’s the kind where you’re afraid that someday, he might disappear.
6 months later, you were still conversing every day, but that fear just seemed to grow and grow. How long would this last?
You’re in your usual spot at your computer with your usual snacks, listening to music. It’s late, your neighbors have already gone to sleep, and it almost feels like you’re the only person left awake in the entire world.
Until a new IM notification appears on your screen.
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TAGS: (sorry if you dont like being tagged, its been so long since i’ve posted idk who to tag anymore lolol. @mindingmyownbusiness @plumfondler  @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @loricameback @tinaferraldo @geminimoonbeamx  @preserumsteverogers @moderapoppins @lowkeysebby @buckyshattergirl  @jayattemptstoruletheworld   @the-observant-fangirl @moondancewrites @moonbeambucky @trinityjadec  @stevieang  @bionic-buckyb @eyecandybarnes @propertyofpoeandbucky @promarvelfangirl @ballyhoobarnes @bucky-plums-barnes @cate-lynne @witchymarvelspacecase @imaginingbucky @theimpossibleg1rl
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bbypeterprkr · 5 years
Got it Bad (Part 1)
Summary: After weeks of not seeing each other, you and your best friend, Bucky, are finally reunited. (i suck at summaries I am so sorry lolol)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: approx. 1,000
Warnings: bad writing, angst (?)
A/N: this is the first thing I’ve written in like 2 years. constructive criticism and feedback are greatly appreciated. let me know if you guys want a part 2 or if you’d like to be added to my tag list!!
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You were sitting quietly in the corner of your favorite coffee shop, reading your favorite book. You had finally had time to yourself after having two full weeks of missions. You’d been going to this cafe since you were a little girl. It’s familiarity gave you a sense of comfort. You and your closest friend, Bucky, had agreed to meet here at 5:00pm sharp. It was 6:15.
Just as you were about to take out your phone and shoot him a text, you heard the bell  hanging over the door ring signalling that someone had entered the shop. You glanced up and the person you had been waiting for finally arrived.
“You’re late.” You said, standing up to greet your friend. You crossed your arms over your chest and shifted your weight to one foot. Bucky  saw past your angry façade and stepped forward to give you a tight hug. This is the first time you had seen him in a while since he was sent to London on a separate mission.
“How’ve you been, doll? It’s been almost a month since we’ve talked face to face.” He sat down looking through the menu placed in front of him. You took this time to admire his features. You had always thought Bucky was incredibly handsome. The moment Steve introduced you to him, you were mesmerized by his steel blue eyes and his perfect, dark hair. You never voiced your opinion, though. It would be a bit inappropriate seeing as you worked together and you didn’t want to jeopardize your friendship. You didn’t realize you were staring until Bucky spoke up again.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He said with concern written all over his face. You quickly shook out of your daze before replying. “Yeah, I was just… thinking.”
“About what?” He put the menu down and gave you his full attention. You were caught off guard by his question and had to make up an answer on the fly.
“I was thinking about how much I missed my best friend.” You said giving him a cheesy smile. He just chuckled and shook his head. “I missed you too, doll. I was thinking, since we haven’t hung out in a while, why don’t we we visit the carnival, tomorrow? It’s in town for one more week and it’ll give us some time to catch up.” He asked with a hopeful look on his face.
You gave him a look of approval. “You’ve got yourself a deal, Barnes.” He just smiled excitedly at you.
While Bucky was ordering his beverage, you decided to go to the restroom to freshen up. While you were washing your hands, one idea kept replaying in your mind. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to pursue a relationship with Bucky. You both already knew so much about each other so you wouldn’t have to go through that awkward “getting to know you”  phase. You got along great. You were two peas in a pod. All you had to do was see if Bucky possessed any romantic feelings toward you and everything would fall into place.
You quickly dried your hands and exited the restroom. You were about to go back to your booth, when you saw the shop manager, Margot, sitting in your spot. You and Margot were good friends seeing as you were a frequent customer. She was a nice girl. She and Bucky were laughing and seemed to be having a good time. You didn’t want to interrupt so you quietly walked over to the table to grab your coffee so you could wait for Bucky. Unfortunately, you were unable to slip away unnoticed.
“Oh, Y/N! How are you? I didn’t even see you come in.” Margot smiled at you with her perfectly straight teeth. She was one of the prettiest girls you had ever seen in your life. She was also one of the kindest. When she wasn’t busy running the coffee shop, she was busy donating to local homeless shelters or reading to underprivileged kids.
“Hello, Margot. It’s great to see you, but I’ve got to get going. Buck, I’ll be waiting outside. Have a good night, Margot”
Bucky didn’t acknowledge you but you knew he heard you. You stood right beside the welcome sign by the door. You played multiple games on your phone to try to help pass the time. You even resorted to digging through your purse to throw out all of your old receipts. By the time Bucky finally exited the shop, your bag was about a half pound lighter.
“Took you long enough.” You said jokingly to your friend. He let out a light laugh. “I’m sorry, Y/N. We were in the middle of a hilarious story about her little brother getting a fishbowl stuck on his head. I didn’t realize the time.”
“Yeah, yeah. Apology accepted. Let’s just head back to the tower.”
You were in your sleeping quarters getting ready. Tonight was the night that you and Bucky agreed to go to the carnival. Your hair was styled to your liking and your makeup was perfect. You wore a stylish pair of distressed boyfriend jeans with a cute halter top and comfortable shoes. You looked as if you tried, but not too hard. Once you were satisfied with your look, you made your way down the hall to Bucky’s room. You gently knocked on his door and waited for permission to enter. A couple seconds later. The door flew open to reveal Bucky. He wore a neatly pressed suit jacket, shirt, and black dress pants. To top it off, he donned Italian leather loafers. Confusion was written all over your face.
“Um, Buck… don’t you think you’re just a tad bit overdressed for the carnival?” Just as the sentence left my lips, his eyes widened in shock.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N. I am so sorry. I completely forgot that we were supposed to go to the carnival tonight. Margot called and invited me to the theatre tonight.”
Ouch, that stung. You thought to yourself. You felt your heart break just a little bit. You couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Two hours of getting ready were wasted and now you had nowhere to go.
“No. It’s okay, Buck. Go out and have fun. I’ll be fine.” You said, trying to avoid eye contact in fear that your eyes would reveal your true emotions. He placed his hands on your shoulders. “Are you sure? I could always try to get you a ticket to the show.”
“I’d rather not be the third wheel. I promise I’ll be okay. Enjoy your night.” You said, offering a small smile. He gave you a quick hug before walking towards the exit. “You’re the best Y/N. I’ll make this up to you, I swear. Bye doll.” And then the door shut behind him.
It was that exact moment that you realized something. Bucky Barnes was actually going on a date. With a girl that wasn’t you. You weren’t completely sure how that made you feel. But, you did know one thing.
You had officially been  placed in the friendzone.
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fallingin-like · 5 years
november 21
push to talk by @alexjosten​ [requested by @nikothespoonklepto]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post!
this is a delightfully engaging fic based on the game firewatch that follows neil as he spends a summer as a fire lookout, isolated except for radio communication with andrew, a fire lookout in the adjacent sector of the park. this is such an intense, fun, beautiful, and humorous fic.
i remember enjoying this so much as it came out, eagerly awaiting each new chapter. you drew me in so easily and deeply that i watched a whole playthrough of this game. i can fully appreciate how well you were able to translate the plot, gameplay, interactions between characters, and the stunning visuals so so seamlessly and have it aftg so well.
some parts that stood out to me:
”dusk settles on the trees like clay powder, dusting the evergreens with a red tint” woah this is such a gorgeous way of starting off this fic.
”the moon extends her helping hand to guide him out into a clearing. here, neil can see. but also, he can be seen” i love these descriptions, and our introduction to neil. 
”he ignores his sleeping bag and the strict instructions to camp at nightfall and continue during the day” ah yes, Neil I Do What I Want Josten strikes again, with little regard for what people tell him to do
”if he’s not careful, the black dirt beneath his feet could bleed crimson. the exact combination of colours he came out here to avoid” this is stunning. i am immediately drawn into this fic, wanting to know what or who exactly neil is running from, and where he’s going
”buttermilk rays whisk the shadows of leaves into a dance on the forest floor beneath his feet” !! buttermilk?? somehow that works so so well
”the irony of calling it that in his head isn’t lost on him, and he vows to avoid that comparison again” what a subtle detail, but so telling! i am pretty bad with reading tags a lot of the time, so this was a great introduction to raven!neil
”it’s as exposing as it is freeing. he can’t feel trapped when he can see for miles every way he turns” wow it’s still so early in the fic, but you’ve already done an exceptional job at justifying neil choosing to come here, to escape.
foxtrot tower is such a cute name! i love that it’s not something directly taken from the books, this name seems to fit this au so well. i know that you likely had the game as reference for the tower, but i really liked the way you describe it, you were able to establish the same tone that exists in the game, but you did it through words instead of visuals and audio, something that really impresses me
”glad to hear you’re literate enough to have read the dossier” ohmygoodness ANDREW
”andrew’s tone is playful. neil thinks it might even be flirtatious, but he doesn’t care enough right now to find out” as much as i enjoy oblivious!neil, i appreciate that this version of neil is more aware, he seems more in tune with things around him. it fits better with this story, with the isolation and only communication being through the radio
”the sky slips into a more comfortable pink, the sun laying down to rest amongst the mountains” am i ever going to get over your descriptions of the environment? i don’t think so
of course neil goes for a run, basically right after doing a super intense two day hike in one day
”andrew sounds agitated” I LOVE THIS
oh dang, neil’s panic is so sudden, i’m so immersed that i immediately felt nervous too
”it’s our job to watch the horizon, neil. it’s not my fault you’re on mine” oh this is so good
”neil doesn’t believe in coincidences. he believes in traps and ill intentions, because that’s all his life has been until now”  it’s honestly amazing how quickly the atmosphere of this fic has turned to something a little bit darker, kind of scary. we know neil as a runner, but the idea of someone finding him so soon and trying to lure him out? gives me chills
“he doesn’t realise his hands are shaking until he struggles to press the push-to-talk button” PUSH TO TALK I AM SO FOND OF FICS THAT INCLUDE THE TITLE OF THE FIC IN THEIR FIC. also shaky hands are my kryptonite
”he also takes the cleaver from the kitchen counter” NEIL I- I AM SPEECHLESS
”a small sensible part of his brain tries to convince him that there are much easier ways to kill him than leading him out in the middle of nowhere, in a forest that he told nobody from his past life that he would be living in, where he uses a new name that nobody knows” !! good to hear that neil has a sensible part of his brain LOL
”but underestimating his enemies and their taste for dramatics would be a mistake” neil of all people does have a good reason for being paranoid. i love that you have this separated as a different paragraph, i read it differently because of it and i think that it adds more gravity to the sentence
”there, he finds a lipstick-red tent, zipper teeth yawning open to reveal two pink sleeping bag tongues” the imagery!!! incredible
”he feels like a walking timebomb” yeah i am definitely nervous for neil
”’girls don’t do it for you?’ andrew’s curiosity has a hopeful slant” OHMYGOODNESS ANDREW
”andrew’s voice is a firm, solid reassurance” bless andrew
”neil never thought he’d be relieved to meet someone who didn’t like exy” i also never thought that. neil you are a changed man
ooh the backstory to the fireworks is so good! i was also thinking it was a little out of character, but this is the perfect reason that renee would let it slide!
”the stars are withering in the purpling sky” i could cry because i love your writing so much
the easygoing banter between andrew and neil is so great, their conversation is interesting and flows really well
”he’s almost home” it amazes me and really shows something about this version of neil that he’s so quick to call this tower his home
”i know i needed to do this, but i am not sure i am ready to be so alone” woah break my heart why don’t you? this hits really close to home,, how dare you make me feel emotions
”i usually take a more straightforward approach” andrew never lies, but this is the truest thing he has ever said
”they’ll probably never meet, because neil intends on spending the rest of his summer without meeting another soul, andrew included” hmmm why do i have the sneaking suspicion that this will not be the case?
”neil’s not sure what grindr is but his face heats up all the same” this sentence is a MOOD (except i do know what grindr is)
”andrew’s response is sharp like a blade. ‘why? because one of the girls called you scarface?’ neil feels himself flinch” hhh i am secretly a very big fan of scenes that include neil’s scars, so you got me here
”andrew keeps neil company on the hour hike up to the north of his sector, but his usual commentary seems a bit strained today” uhH what’s going on, i’m getting scared
ohmygoodness, neil leaving andrew pictures and a sweatshirt? so so so cute
”he imagines the fear they felt when they saw him holding it wasn’t too unlike the fear that used to paralyse him when his father, or lola, would threaten him back home” woah this is good
i would bet that allison was the one to write that letter haha i can imagine that renee is likely kind of shaken by the incident, otherwise she might not have let allison leave it behind
andrew is such a good companion for neil, calming him both by his presence and by logically explaining what could have happened to the tent. he’s an anchor
”he feels like the cleaver he had attempted to defend himself with on his first day now carries a foreboding aura” YEAH I’M GETTING PRETTY NERVOUS TOO
woah so interesting to learn about neil’s backstory and his reason for not going pro “his offers to join pro teams curled up like dead leaves in a fire” dang, referencing both his burns and his new job? so good
oo that subtle way of mentioning andrew’s memory
i am so emotional, andrew is just so so good. makes me feel all the feelings ;-;
”andrew sounds like a bristled up cat tail” CUTE!!
i am dying to know what is going on in andrew’s head, during this conversation, when he left his tower to see neil, and really, just throughout this whole fic
woah i really like the way that you had neil describe his asexuality. it’s something that i recognize in myself and i like the way that you handled it.
them drawing each other?? peak cute. i want that to happen to me (have someone who doesn’t know what i look like try and draw me)
”neil waits for him to say more. he doesn’t. oh. that’s why. ‘heh’” LOLOL
you know what, i actually,,, only recognized the name draco malfoy LOL
ANDREW PRETENDING THAT HE DOESN’T ACTUALLY KNOW AARON OH MY GOODNESS. I CANNOT BELIEVE HE PRETENDED TO GET HIS NAME WRONG. “i look like him. but hotter and better dressed” ANDREW HOW GOOD TO YOU DRESS YOU LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST. this whole section is hilarious and really helps lighten the tone and keep things playful
”’why would i wear that?’ andrew’s response is too quick and defensive” *unintelligible screaming*
”neil gets into the routine of falling asleep next to his radio, talking to andrew deep into the night, far past his ability to keep his eyes open. they take turns drifting off mid conversation…” this is the softest thing ever
”considering neil’s job is to prevent forest fires, there’s a certain irony in how beautiful the park is when painted the colours of flames” oh (like a good oh)
”his heart tumbles from his chest and falls to the bottom of the ravine. he doesn’t understand why it was so close to the railings of his ribcage in the first place” this is so so beautiful even though it’s describing something so sad. makes me feel achy
drunk andrew. how is it that you, alexjosten, seem to know everything that i love in a fic?
”neil’s cabin floods with light. how real is neil josten without nathaniel wesninski filling his shell? with a snap, it’s gone.” uh this is so incredible, i love how you split everything up into its own paragraph, their conversation so similar to the storm. ugh i can’t get enough
”still, neil feels the change: the undeniable part of him where his branches have been torn asunder and his bark has been scorched away to expose his core” every time i think that this sentence is the best, and every time you blow me away again. i can’t describe how this sentence makes me feel
the scene of neil rescuing allison and renee fills me with adrenaline, it’s so intense
having the girls recognize neil was like being trapped in a nightmare, there was nothing i could do but read on and see how it ends. dajsflks. but also i really hope that neil got back his jacket and sweater lol
dang, how does andrew know kevin?
andrew’s gifts for neil are so cute. i am here just freaking out!!!!
“you sweet, sheltered city child” oh my goodness adorable
”you’re going to go nuts when i tell you what a caterpillar turns into” ANDREW
honestly, i’m a little surprised that neil wasn’t supplied with bear spray
”’andrew, i don’t think they’re coming for me.’ ‘of course they’re not.’ neil’s heart sinks. ‘they’re not?’ ‘i am’” KFAJSDFJPOJAFD THIS GLORIOUS INTERACTION WILL FOREVER BE WITH ME
”we had your face on a dart board in the break room” AHHHH
”the only consolation is it smells of the andrew who just walked two hours to rescue him from the side of a cliff, and then spent another two hours carrying him here” i don’t even know what to say
wait andrew knew who neil was the whole time oh my goodness
THE GAME IS ANIMAL CROSSING. this is now and forevermore considered canon! 
”half of andrew’s sandwich is in his mouth, and he kind of looks like a hamster” adorable!
okay okay jean and jeremy being the two trading letters? so so good.
the last chapter was amazing, i loved the way that you wrote the interactions between andrew and neil, they fit so well together. i also appreciate that you deviated from the game and had them meet! it is infinitely more satisfying. this was such an easy fic to read, everything felt right. i love your characterization of both of them. to have andrew treat neil the way that he did, knowing who neil was? amazing
also, can i just say that the moodboards that you include at the beginning of each chapter are amazing? they really helped with establishing the tone of the fic.
this fic is so intense, i was constantly amazed by how i was so fully immersed in it. everything that neil felt, i felt. your descriptions were gorgeous and i could not get enough of them. there were so many small details, sentences that were pure gems, that rereading this was just as, if not more, enjoyable than the first time. i really cannot put to words how much i loved reading this. thank you so so much for writing it!
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inactivesimblrr · 6 years
get to know me tag!
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tagged by @literalite (thank u lamer clone!) n im not tagging anyone bc.............. every1 i think i know has already been tagged so thats calm, there r 125 questions below!
3. BIRTHDAY? 23rd of nov!!!!! <3 (2001)
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? hmhmhnnnn,,,,, lotr, the hobbit, harry potter, anything from the grishaverse,,, idk man i like books a lot,,, the raven cycle,,, hnmgmg,,
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? aliens 100% i believe in them! ghosts? i mean... i half kind of do half dont but my kind of ghost aint the same as the usual idea of a ghost yanno? mine r nicer <3
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? leigh bardugo, tolkien, i would say j.k rowling but shes trash! her books r good tho ://
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? ??? idk so im gon pretend this means podcast and in that case im listening to the black tapes rn! 
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? matcha or strawberry!!!!!!
9. WHAT WORD WOULD YOU USE OFTEN TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING GREAT OR WONDERFUL? thats swag (i began using it ironically but now i cant stop)
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? uhhh eve or the wonderful world by mark joshua! orrr shiloh by little chief!! 
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  walking back to georgia by jim croce
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? honestly.... drop dead diva... im sorry.... but tbh i dont watch tv all that often!! ACTUALLUY HECK i would def recommend merlin the bbc tv series and ofc sherlock the tv series but keep in mind both those recs will rip out your heart MULTIPLE times,
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? .......... im down all the time lolol but tbh all the harry potter films + the 1st fantastic beasts movie, all the lotr films and all the hobbit films AND sherlock both the rdj and jude law films and then the bbc sherlock christmas special the abominable bride
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? yah! my all time favourite game is tes oblivion!! it has been my fav since i was 6!
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? my life not working out the way i want to!! i want my life to be happy and long and spent with the people i love and not having 2 worry abt money or health!!!
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i think maybe my ability to find everything funny??
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? my temper is beyond vicious honestly like im not kidding my temper is.... disgusting
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? im still a kid im only 17!!! and uh,, i miss the innocence!! i miss being oblivious!!
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? i dont have one!
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? brownn w/ a bit of green!
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? dark brown!
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my parents and my family!
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? jude law, sebastian stan, emma stone
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? back to school shopping!! also i get to eat fried chicken and cheesecake tonight because even tho my birthday was yesterday im celebrating it today!!!!
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? stationery??? video games?? FOOD??
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? jane and the dragon!
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? i dont know what a male is sorry
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? a baby bit only
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? n’aw i dont think so!
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? i mean... if i weren’t as ugly as i am id love to be in front of a camera doing fun acting stuff or whatnot! but bc i am ugly im usually behind the camera + i do film at school!
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? lettering/calligraphy!
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? what if its us by becky abertalli + adam silvera (its so cute but the ending was.... not satisfactory...)
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald!!!
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? used 2 play piano, accordion, and violin! but i dont do tht anymore!
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? too many 2 pick from !!! im srry!
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? gdgs all of them!!!!! maybe the power to warp reality bc i could do anything then?? a reality where im married to jude law or emma stone? done, a reality where i have all the powers in the world? done
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? a cliff somewhere where its cold and the water is vicious underneath!
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? babies, animals, happy couples, pregnant people, old people, a lot of things really!
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i used 2 do karate but now i dont do sports!
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? idfsng idk! strawberry milkshake maybe?? matcha boba??? milk!!
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? ppl who r rude for no reason and also ppl at school who just pick on other ppl for no reason looking at you rahni teagan and the other f*ckheads!!! hope u die literally i know thats a horrible thing to say but you all deserve it
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? i went to two twenty one pilot concerts!! the first one was in the forum in melbourne and then the other one was a few years or one year later and it was in a sold out stadium!! both were in the mosh! and then idk if this counts as a concert but i went to and did the meet and greet for dan and phil’s first tour! i dont like them anymore tho ! ://
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? a lot of things!!! famous actress, spy, war general, prime minister, pro wrestler, explorer, cartographer, filmmaker, architect, interior designer, dragon, PIRATE
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? i know this is a bad idea but honestly the harry potter universe PROVIDED i had magic!! bc like,,, yah
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? a lot of things! my future mainly lol :(
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? no but i gotta say sometimes in the middle of the night when i wake up and the undefined shape my clothes sitting on my desk chair looks like That i get a bit worried yanno it looks like a demon im not gonna lie
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? ya but i dont htink im any good at it!
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? only due to sickness, funerals, or holidays!
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? my house! OR the cliffs of moher :o)
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? in some old old old european castle in the middle of nowhere on a mountain and next to the sea
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? nuu :( but i do feed a lot of birds that come to my house and ive named them and love them even if the lorikeets dont love me back which is fine!!!! :(
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? early bird i guess
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? yes! but i dont have my full lisence only my learner’s permit!!
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? headphones (noise cancelling!!)
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? yup!! they were green!!
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? soft rock, indie folk, indie-everything mainly except for indie-rock,,, country music dont hate my i love country music as long as its certain country music!! aint having none of this keith urban rubbish in my house!! we only listen 2 the james taylor brand of country music in this house!!! so i guess country folk. folk music in general is my jam!!! i love ballads as well and ofc blues!! theres so many more jbdsgjbas but i cant possibly list all of it!!!
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? the idea of me living out the future i want if that makes sense!
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? a lot of things honestly!!!! 2 many to list im really passionate!
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? real book but i read more on electronic devices bc its easy and i dont have to worry about lights !!
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? idk!!!!!!!! maybe history!
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? nup!! im an only child thanK GOD
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? movie tickets to crimes against grindelwald last night!!
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? i think im like 176cm??
75. CAN YOU COOK? only if i have a recipe! but i can make really good drinks (non alcoholic ofc!!)
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? rainy weather, good literature, my family
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? hubris, wrath, pococurantism
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? ?????????? who knows
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? my birthday yesterday lol
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? dont want youtube tht much anymore tbh
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? incredibly close with both parents but fight with my dad like cats n dogs
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? irish or strong strong american or posh english also scottish
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? israel, republic of ireland, and so many more places like nksgskbgs i cant list them also all the nordic countries
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? daring in terms of i like to do things that could potentially kill me for the adrenaline rush but not daring in terms of introducing myself to other ppl lol
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? ill happily admit i’m wrong provided the other person wasnt a douchebag about it but even then ill admit im wrong! aint no shame in recognising ur wrong ma dude
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? dont like the beach but i love the sea?? so forest i guess bc i dont like sand
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? "two things stand like stone, kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own” - adam lindsay gordon
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? an excellent one, but i dislike lying and value honesty so!!
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? ssssss slytherin!
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? cop out answer here but it depends on the situation
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? try and find the owner and track em down but if i cant ill hand it in to the place where it was lost
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? ears but theyre closed up!!
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? no, too many bad people are living good lives right now
115. DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR CONTACTS? nope! perfect vision here my dude!
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? in the future i want 1 child only
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? my little cousin
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? a few times only, but i value sleep
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? black and green
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? hell ya !
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? audience member for the xfactor!
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 17
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “so comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.” -tolkien OR “always seek the giant.”
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