#might be more interesting as alternating vignettes
the-witchhunter · 6 months
You know those video games where the character has to complete puzzles and work through their trauma to escape/wake up/something? Obstacles getting in their way and being tied to their past as they delve more into their trauma and have to learn/heal from it before they can progress?
Danny has been around a loooong time. He's old, he's powerful, and has a space in the ghost zone that he controls much like a god. The ghosts have long since started leaving him alone, the ones he's friends with have their own affaires to deal with, and in his ever shifting labyrinthian layer he's too powerful, and even outside of it he can still kick their asses.
and he's without a purpose
His friends had long since passed on after leading long and wonderful lives with him, not even leaving a ghost behind. His Family as well. Jazz had never had children, and try as he and Sam might have, half dead as he was he couldn't have children. He had no one left and nothing to do, and all of eternity to do it in.
Thinking of Jazz is what made him do it the first time
She loved helping people with her psychology, and Danny decided to do it in his own way. It hadn't been pretty, and it hadn't been easy, but he had found his method. Some took to it better than others, and many had different theories about his lair and his motives, but he helped people move past their trauma. Some believed his lair was some kind of purgatory, and... they weren't totally off
So, when Danny moved on to the timeline of the DC multiverse, he had some experience under his belt
He just underestimated how much trauma superheroes can have
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Black Women writing SFF
The post about Octavia Butler also made me think about the injustice we do both Butler, SFF readers, and Black women SFF writers by holding her up as the one Black Woman Writing Sci-Fi. She occupies an important place in the genre, for her creativity, the beauty and impact of her writing, and her prolific work... but she's still just one writer, and no one writer works for everybody.
So whether you liked Octavia Butler's books or didn't, here are some of the (many!!! this list is just the authors I've read and liked, or been recommended and been wanting to read) other Black women writing speculative fiction aimed at adults, who might be writing something within your interest:
N. K. Jemisin - a prolific powerhouse of modern sff. Will probably have something you'll like. Won three Hugo awards in a row for her Broken Earth trilogy. I’ve only read her book of short stories, How Long ‘Til Black Future Month? and it is absolutely story after story of bangers. Creative, chilling, beautifully written, make you think. They’re so good and I highly recommend the collection. Several of her novels have spun out of premises she first explored through these short stories, most recently “The City Born Great” giving rise to her novel The City We Became. Leans more fantasy than sci-fi, but has a lot of both, in various permutations. 
Nisi Shawl - EDIT: I have been informed that Nisi Shawl identifies as genderfluid, not as a woman. They primarily write short stories that lean literary. Their one novel that I’ve read, Everfair, is an alternate-history 19th century that asks, what if the Congo had fought off European colonization and became a free and independent African state? Told in vignettes spanning decades of political organization, political movements, war tactics, and social development, among an ensemble of local African people, Black Americans coming to the new country, white and mixed-race Brits, and Chinese immigrants who came as British laborers.
Nnedi Okorafor - American-Nigerian writer of Africanfuturism, sci-fi stories emphasizing life in present, future, and alternate-magical Africa. She has range! From Binti, a trilogy of novellas about a teenage girl in Namibia encountering aliens and balancing her newfound connection to space with expectations of her family; to Akata Witch, a middle-grade series about a Nigerian-American girl moving to Nigeria and learning to use magic powers she didn’t know she had; to Who Fears Death, a brutal depiction of magical-realism in a futuristic, post-war Sudan; to short stories like "Africanfuturism 419", about that poor Nigerian prince who’s desperately sending out those emails looking for help (but with a sci-fi twist), and "Mother of Invention" about a smart house taking care of its human and her baby… she’s done a little bit of everything, but always emphasizes the future, the science, and the magic of (usually western) Africa.
Karen Lord - an Afro-Caribbean author.  I actually didn’t particularly like the one novel by her I’ve read, The Best of All Possible Worlds, but Martha Wells did, so. Lord has more novels set in this world—a Star Trek-esque multicultural, multispecies spacefuture set on a planet that has welcomed immigrants and refugees for a long time, and become a vibrant multicultural planet. I find her stories rooted in near-future Caribbean socio-climatic concerns like "Haven" and "Cities of the Sun" and her folktale-fantasy style Redemption in Indigo more compelling.  And more short stories here.
Bethany C. Morrow - only has one novella (short novel?) for adults, Mem, but it was creative and fascinating and good and I’d be remiss not to shout it out. In an alternate-history 1920s Toronto, scientists have discovered how to extract specific memories from a person—but then those memories are embodied as physical, cloned manifestations of the person at the moment the memory was made. The main character is one such “Mem,” struggling to determine who she is if she was created from and defined by one single traumatic memory that her original-self wanted to remove. It’s mostly quiet, contemplative, and very interesting.  (Morrow has some YA novels too. I read one of them and thought it was okay.)
Rebecca Roanhorse - Afro-Indigenous, Black and "Spanish Indian" and married into Diné (Navajo). I’ve read her ongoing post-apocalyptic fantasy series starting with Trail of Lightning, and am liking it a lot; after a climate catastrophe, the spirits and magic of the Diné awakened to protect Dinetah (the Navajo Nation) from the onslaught; and now magic and monsters are part of life in this fundamentally changed world. Coyote is there and he is only sometimes helpful. She also has a more traditional second-world epic high fantasy, Black Sun, an elaborate fantasy world with quests and prophecies and seafaring adventure that draws inspiration from Indigenous cultures of the US and Mexico rather than Europe. She also has bitingly satirical and very incisive short stories like “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience” about virtual reality and cultural tourism, and the fantasy-horror "Harvest."
Micaiah Johnson - her multiverse-hopping novel The Space Between Worlds plays with alternate universes and alternate selves in a continuously creative and interesting way! The setup doesn’t take the easy premise that one universe is our own recognizable one that opens up onto strange alternate universes—even the main character’s home universe is wildly different in speculative ways, with the MC coming from a Mad Max-esque desert community abandoned to the elements, while working for the universe-travel company within the climate-controlled walled city where the rich and well-connected live and work. Also, it’s unabashedly gay. 
And if you like audiobooks and audio fiction (I listened to The Space Between Worlds as an audiobook, it’s good), then Jordan Cobb is someone you should check out. She does sci-fi/horror/thriller audio drama. Her works include Janus Descending, a lyrical and eerie sci-fi horror about a small research expedition to a distant planet and how it went so, so wrong; and Descendants, the sequel about its aftermath. She also has Primordial Deep, about a research expedition to the deep undersea, to investigate the apparent re-emergence of a lot of extinct prehistoric sea creatures. She’s a writer/producer I like, and always follow her new releases. Her detailed prose, minimal casts  (especially in Janus Descending), good audio quality, and full-series supercuts make these welcoming to audiobook fans. 
Nalo Hopkinson - a writer who should be considered nearly as foundational as Octavia Butler, honestly. A novelist and short story writer with a wide variety of sci-fi, dystopian futures, fairy-tale horror, gods and epics, and space Carnival, drawing heavily from her Caribbean experiences and aesthetics.
Tananarive Due - fantastical/horror. Immortals, vampires, curses, altered reality, unnerving mystery. Also has written a lot of books.
Andrea Hairston - creative and otherworldly, weird and bisexual, with mindscapes and magic and aliens. 
Helen Oyeyemi - I haven’t read her work but she comes highly recommended by a friend. A novelist and short story writer, most of her work leans fairytale fantastical-horror. What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours is a collection of short fiction and recc’ed to me as her best work. White is for Witching is a well-regarded haunted house novel. 
Ashia Monet - indie author, writer of The Black Veins, pitched as “the no-love-interest, found family adventure you’ve been searching for.” Magic road trip! Possibly YA? I’m not positive. 
This also doesn’t include Black non-binary sff authors I’ve read and liked like An Owomoyela, C. L. Polk, and Rivers Solomon. And this is specifically about adult sff books, so I didn’t include Black women YA sff authors like Kalynn Bayron, Tomi Adeyemi, Tracy Deonn, Justina Ireland, or Alechia Dow, though they’re writing fantasy and sci-fi in the YA world too.
And a lot of short stories are out there in the online magazine world, where so many up and coming authors get their start, and established ones explore offbeat and new ideas.  Pick up an issue (or a subscription!) of FIYAH magazine for the most current Black speculative writing.
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Floyd, Kalim: The Way of Water
I was wondering how the artwork would frame the sitting boys, but I guess having Floyd floating there on his butt is fine fjeviwgxkwjwhfoen I don’t know what the alternative would be…
It's nice to learn more about the land boot camp the Octatrio went to; Floyd's vignettes indicate that merpeople need passports and that they went to a zoo as part of the program.
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Museums could be such snore fests sometimes. Sure, the place had an entire section dedicated to merpeople history, but it was nothing compared to what the Atlantica Memorial Museum boasted under the sea: the Mermaid Princess's silver comb, a replica of the Sea Witch's cauldron, bones of a sea dragon, a statue of the Sea King...
Here? All they had were some crummy paintings.
Floyd tilted his head back, taking in merman arriving in a dolphin-drawn chariot. He was an older man that sported bushy brows and a grand white beard that flowed in the water, his physique muscular and imposing. There was a regal presence about him, perhaps in how upright he stood, or in the glisten of the crown upon his head or the gauntlets cuffing his wrists. With his trident in hand, it was clear who he was.
The ruler of all the oceans. The waves obeyed his every whim, the sea and all its spoils bowing to his power. He, the Sea King.
Meh, what’s so great about him? So stiff and uptight. It’s be so much better workin’ for the Sea Witch.
Floyd's eyes flickered to the boy next to him, who seemed far more interested in the painting than he was. A steady grin crept onto his face, and he leaned in close.
Floyd pounced, hooking a long arm around Kalim's shoulder and yanking him over. The eel peered down at him, a single golden orb colliding with a pair of garnets. Leering, Floyd jerked his head at the depiction of the Sea King.
"Ne, ne, Otter-chan. What'cha think of this one?"
Any sane person might have been paralyzed with fear encountering Floyd in a dimly lit room, but not Kalim. No, Kalim was not sane at all.
The dorm leader greeted his peer with a smile so wide it could fill the horizon. "Floyd!! I'm so excited I get to see more of your history."
He blinked. "You actually like studying this kinda thing? Are you even any good at it?"
"Nope, not really!!" Kalim confessed (perhaps a little too easily). "I was looking at this painting and going, 'His beard's so impressive!' It reminds me of the one my dad has. I won't remember all the details later, but I'll always remember how cool the Sea King looks."
"It goes in one ear and out the other. Why bother then? Just dedicate your time and energy to stuff that actually interests ya."
"But it does interest me. It's fun learning about where your classmates come from! I heard humans and merpeople weren't always on good terms."
"Yeah. Back when the Sea King still ruled, there were tooons of rules forbidding merpeople from coming into contact with humans." Floyd held up a finger for each one he counted off. "No going to the surface world, no owning human stuff, no exploring shipwrecks... even no music at one point. You'd think Goldfishy wrote the lawbook."
Of course, even if those rules were in place, he would still totally disregard them. No one—not royalty, not his parents—could stop Floyd from venturing into the unknown.
"Whoa, the Sea King sounds like he was super strict and scary! I don't think I could live without music..." Kalim's face dropped. "He looks like such a nice person in the painting though."
Floyd rolled his eyes. "Cuz he lost his wife to a human ship. After that, he got all paranoid, thinking himans and merpeople are too different to coexist. He got especially protective over his daughters. The Sea King had seven of 'm and he breathed down all of their necks.”
"Ooooh!" Kalim didn't even bat an eye at the number (Floyd was sure it paled next to the number of siblings he had running around in his home.) "So the Sea King just wanted to protect his loved ones and make sure nothing sad like that ever happened again. He's a good guy after all!"
He now regarded Floyd with eager, sparkling eyes. "Wow, you know so much about this!! It's crazy thinking about how different things were in the past."
"Duh. It'd be boring if things stayed the same all the time." The eel smirked. He let go of Kalim and stepped back, giving a playful twirl, arms stretching out above him. "Ehehehe! Good thing the Mermaid Princess ended up opening doors for us to come onto land~"
Kalim beamed. "That's right!! She did! We wouldn’t be able to be friends without the Mermaid Princess’s help.”
The word gave Floyd pause, a rock tossed along his path as he brought his foot down upon it, snagging his step. Friend. He didn’t like spoken in that saccharine, trusting tone.
It was sticky and sweet, stuck in his teeth. Like cotton candy residue yet to be washed away by the waves, or sweat accumulated from summer heat. A gross feeling.
“You’re bein’ way too generous with your definitions again,” Floyd groaned, peeling away. “Cut it out, or I’ll get annoyed.”
Kalim (unwisely) laughed. Not at Floyd, but with him. “Oh, hey. When you think about it, we’re not really that different.”
“Mmm? What are you saying now, Otter-chan? Did all the sunbathing finally melt your brain?”
“In the Scalding Sands, waterways are really important. We use them for trade and travel. It’s the same for the Coral Sea. With all that water, it’s convenient for those sorts of things.” Kalim said matter-of-factly. “We’re using those same waterways now. We’re connected by water.”
“A good part of Twisted Wonderland is water,” Floyd pointed out. “You sayin’ everyone can be friends with everyone?”
Kalim nodded eagerly. “The Sea King was probably wrong. Humans and merpeople are actually very similar. I think the Mermaid Princess knew that too, and she wanted to help others recognize it.”
Floyd stared at Kalim, the moment long and hard. He wasn’t irritated anymore, only a little disappointed. Maybe mildly disgusted. “… Otter-chan, you’re so happy it hurts.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.” Floyd sighed. The energy and fight had been rapidly drained from in over the course of the short exchange, leaving him as wilted as a salted slug. “Aaaah, whatever. I’m tired of this already. I’m bailing.”
He turned on his heel and made for the exit and into the adjacent room. Already, Floyd could see a platinum frame of the Sorcerer of the Sand in the distance, bony fingers clasping a golden scarab.
“Wait up, I’m come with!” Kalim called after him. “I can teach you about my country’s history too!
That was how water was—always seeking to follow the flow. One body leading straight into another.
Floyd picked up his pace, arms pumping. (No running in the museum? Screw the rules.) Adrenaline deposited into his bloodstream, and he was hit with a rush.
Suddenly excited again, maybe a little interested in what a certain otter had to offer. A game, a chase, a thrill.
This is what he had come to the surface for.
Not rules or restrictions or a royal bossing him about. Not even friendship, as Kalim had suggested. Just fun, plain and simple.
It looked like he was going to get it.
Floyd grinned and shouted back, “Catch me if you can then!!”
And hurled right into the next room over.
Bless the Mermaid Princess.
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yuurei20 · 5 months
Hi hi! I have a weird question/thought after seeing the talk about Idia's use of language. There are a lot of things that are just unable to translate from Japanese to English, and some things that get changed as short hand. The whole nerdy implications of Idia using "-Shi" are basically absent from EN, instead he seems to use "Mr." (If I recall correctly) which really doesn't give the same impression? In your personal opinion - is there anyway you'd personally localize it? Stick with the same? Remove it completely? Use "M'lady/M'lord" instead? (haha)
Hello hello!! I love your "M'lady/M'lord" solution more than I can say ♡ It is associated with the past while still being used by some people in present-day just for fun, which is just like how Idia speaks! That would have been so great for the English-language adaptation!
As you say, Idia's honorific for others has (kind of) been translated as "Mr." on EN, but only in a select few places.
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For the most part it has just been removed, but the curious continuity makes it seem like he thinks that only Malleus, Azul, Grim and Riddle are (sometimes) worthy of "Mr." (the Riddle screenshots below are even both from the same vignette).
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And then there is the Harveston sub-plot between Sebek and Marja, where Sebek refuses to refer to Marja with an honorific until she proves herself worthy of respect (by fixing his plushie).
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At that point he awards her with an extremely respectful honorific (equivalent to "-sama," and the same word Silver uses with Lilia).
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Marja, however, immediately gives him permission to refer to her in the same way he has been throughout the entire trip.
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Idia is a psuedo-narrator for this sub-plot, commenting on Sebek's disrespectful way of speaking in both languages.
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But on EN he then proceeds to refer to Marja in the same way as Sebek (and everyone else) does.
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This has the unfortunate result of making Idia look odd for mentioning it in the first place, when the odd person is actually Sebek, as everyone else is using a respectful honorific with Marja.
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Idia using "M'lady" and everyone else (except Sebek) using "Ms." probably would have been a lot more successful in getting the situation across to people who may not be familiar with such Japanese-language nuances!
As for what I personally would go with...this conundrum reminded me of this amazing joke by @anottercoffee on Twitter:
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And I would be very tempted to go for the "fansubber" solution of translating everything literally, but just having the words doesn't mean that the players are going to understand the nuances, and might cause even more confusion.
If "-san" and "-senpai" are just mouth-sounds to someone, they're not going to understand the significance behind Riddle and Azul dropping it from Leona and Riddle's names in important moments, for example.
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But maybe that's okay! Because at the moment, the alternative that we have is everything getting removed from everywhere, and no one has the chance to understand anything at all.
The best comparison I have come across is Lord of the Rings and Star Trek, where authors incorporated languages that are completely invented, giving no one any chance of understanding them.
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Japanese is a language that already exists, so it seems like it would actually be less of a challenge to introduce world-specific terms like "-sama" and "-chan" for people to either glaze over as a world-building aspect that doesn't interest them, or to gradually adapt to through sheer repetition, so by the end of Book 6 they might have a greater-than-zero understanding of the nuances of a foreign language (much like another magic-school series did with Latin).
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The manga is actually approaching the honorifics in a different way than the game and giving “Mr.” to everybody, so Azul’s “Riddle-san," Crowley’s “Trappola-kun” and Deuce’s “Diamond-senpai” are all now Mr. Rosehearts, Mr. Trappola and Mr. Diamond (more here).
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So it seems that VIZ Media did not agree with Aniplex USA's localization?
What is going to be the most interesting is the novel! Slated for an August, 2024 official English-language release, the novel is also being overseen by VIZ Media.
This means that we might see "Mr." being used everywhere (to uphold continuity with the manga), but the novel goes much deeper into character relationships than the game, and relationships are what honorifics are all about.
Cater, for example, uses them with everyone:
“Usually, Cater does not ever yobisute anyone. When he calls to Trey, he always adds ‘kun’ to his name...When Cater uses Trey’s name like this, it is only when he is really serious. Only when it is important.” -Twisted Wonderland the first novel
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Is Cater going to be calling Trey "Mr. Clover"? And how are they even going to localize these sections describing a feature of a language that is not being spoken? It gives us a lot to look forward to!
In the end, writing out Japanese-specific honorifics into English might actually cause more confusion than it's worth, which is why Twst (and so many other foreign-language-adapting-to-an-English-speaking-audience properties) has gone in the direction that it has.
I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they know more than we do about what is going on, and that there are important reasons behind the choices they have made.
But I also think that the sheer popularity of the "fansubber" approach to this situation is a good sign that maybe people are sometimes okay with not understanding things, as properties like Lord of the Rings and Star Trek have shown us!
While too late for Twst, it will be interesting to see how this situation continues to evolve in the years to come. Maybe, one day, we will even get an official localization that introduces honorifics directly!
If such an experiment fails it will be most expensive for the localizer, and money is likely a large factor behind why companies might be reluctant to take such a gamble and would rather play it safe and just have everyone say "Mr."
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Post-graduation hcs part 1
I have been thinking about what might await the boys once they graduate, realistically speaking. I'm tempted to do another hc series similar but them as parents or with a s/o or something 🙈. Sorry, some are shorter than others. Hope you like them:
🌹 Riddle
He moved in an apartment with Trey and Chenya temporarily until he has enough savings to live on his own, alternatively moves in with his s/o, if he has one, ideally after graduation. He had been preparing for an independent life away from home post-overblot without telling his parents and when the moment arrives there's probably a big fight between them, especially when Mrs Rosehearts discover he won't study to become a magical doctor like she planned.
In his birthday vignette he shows interest in studying law, so I think he would be a judge. To me it's canon because it's a reference of how the Queen of Hearts was the judge in Wonderland trials.
Riddle disappointed his parents —more like infuriated Mrs Rosehearts— and had multiple arguments with his mom about what his future but he no longer cares what she says. He might like to continue being in contact if they come to terms he's free to do whatever he wants with his life; most likely only his father accepts this. #DisneyletRiddlehaveatleastoneredeemedparentchallenge
Riddle will need time to heal and accept this rupture is the best for him, but he'll still look at the past and mourn for the childhood and family he never had. He likes his job but sometimes he feels beyond exhausted after certain cases. Praying he gets the growth spurt or self confidence on his height he deserves 🙏
♠ Deuce
Deuce had one goal already in mind since his early freshman days, being a police officer, and by his determination you can bet he worked on it until the dream became a reality. Needless to say mama spade is super proud of her boy.
Oh the delinquent angsty teenager becoming a police. The irony. The amount of comments and stories his mom will share with his friends when they come to their hometown. They're not letting it live down.
Trey mentioned in chapter 5 that the best mages from fire and policemen are recruited by an international organization called Arcane Response Unit, which if I remember correctly it's the one that responds in OB cases when they aren't extremely dangerous. I find it sweet imagining Riddle and him keep seeing each other due their jobs.
❤ Ace
I'm sorry I have no idea which career he could be interested in (╥﹏╥) Maybe when we know his unique magic and more about him I'll write something else. But you know that joke shop the Weasley twins had where they sold magic artifacts and miscellaneous stuff?? Yeah, that could suit him. I believe he could have more ambition than just owning a shop though...idk
After graduation I can see Ace, Deuce, Grim and MC choosing to share an apartment while studying their major studies, if MC is still in TWST of course. Main trouble gang now as roommates, imagine the chaos.
♣ Trey
If he's roommates with Chenya and Riddle, they split chores: he's in charge of the cooking most of the time. He's also the one who keeps most contact with Heartslabyul classmates due his popularity as the "dad friend", but his closest relationships aside from Riddle are with Cater and Adeuce. Often reminds them via message to rest and gets upset if he finds out they have been slacking on a healthy lifestyle after moving away from home.
Either chooses to run his family bakery after his parents retire or becomes a chef in some restaurant. I imagine Azul would be interested in keeping Trey close or tries to hire him for his restaurant business.
♦ Cater
Your Cay-Cay keeps being fire on Magicam! ✧⁺ /hj
Just like Ace I believe Cater tried to make the most out of his school life, so planning from the start what he exactly was going to do wasn't in his top priorities. He knew he still wanted to have time for social media, and despite some minor existential crisis about his future he was realistically listing his abilities and cons in his search for okay-ish jobs.
Eventually he set up for working on social media management or marketing: him being able to read the room + being updated with the latest trends and internet language + meme culture + his obsession liking of Magicam + knowledge to make great pics to post = Best job for him!
In spite of the time being a publicist for brands and influencers take he still updates his Magicam account. Not exactly a worldwide star but I can see him having around +500K overtime and even hitting the million there or in his twst youtube channel. Because of his job and hobby he still cross path with Vil sometimes.
About his family... Just like Riddle I see him looking forward to move in #ASAP, but Cater kept in contact with his family because their relationship still could still be fixed. Therapy may be needed to further explore and heal his family issues and roots of his depression but eventually he's better, if anything still a bit salty with his sisters (don't get me wrong everyone here should go but Cater is in the list or easier to convince) Extra good sis points if they are the ones who talk with Cay-Cay about going to therapy and agree to go with him if asked <3
🦁 Leona
For a moment I wrongly thought "This man is filthy rich, I 100% can see him not doing anything with all the money he has if he feels like it." before the realisation that contradicts his character smacked me in the face. Seeing how he denied the idea of losing without a fight in the tournament I think he'll try to exit his title as being only the second born and make a name for himself.
Given he's a respected leader in his dorm and how he can put in work his leadership skills when the moment requires it Leona would want to be involved in his kingdom management.
Leona has a tattoo that resembles Scar's, and I think that was a symbol of the royal guard, so maybe he'd become royal guard captain. Something like an ambassador or related to military or diplomatic relationships, representing the royal family and travelling for politic reasons.
Knowing Leona he'd be keep ignoring his depression until others talk him out of that procrastinating attitude and force convince him to search help, most likely his s/o or Farena's wife scolding, since it seems he'd do what they tell him even if it's grudgingly. Cheka probably goes to RSA and by then any ill feelings towards his nephew are gone, although he'll always act like he annoys him.
🍩 Ruggie
In Ruggie SSR dorm card is shown Ruggie is fluent at Animal Linguistics. With his participation at the Animal Linguistics Speech Contest I'm positive he could find a job about it, perhaps work alongside Leona as the royal family interpreter.
Regardless of which career he chooses he'll make some good cash and after receiving paychecks he'll spoil his grandma and give small treats to his neighbours by buying a lot of food and making occasional meals for everybody when he visits.
🐺 Jack
Unless he marries somebody whose homeland is different I picture him living in his hometown tending to his cactus. He has a nice house, big enough to raise some kids, and space enough to grew his plants. Man has simple needs and he is content with it.
Definitely the most likely who ends up having a spouse out of all the students, closely followed by Epel and Rook imo.
At first I was blank about his career but thanks to a user on Reddit I agree with them that Jack could be a personal coach or some sort of athletic instructor, for instance ski/snowboard teacher since he likes it. Or a professional athlete.
🐙 Azul
Azul invests in the market and hit big numbers earlier than anybody else. Technically he doesn't need to work anymore or worry about making an income but he still runs a restaurant, expanding his empire as the owner of high quality restaurants both in land and sea. Chains like Applebee's are shit under his foot in comparison lol
Still trying to keep in contact with his dear classmates who he spent so many wonderful days Definitely not because he could use having the Asim new family leader or the royal captain or a honourable judge like Riddle or the STYX leader nono-
🐬 Jade & Floyd 🦈
The ones who mop the floor with Azul's competition
They are still by Azul's side, but they continue in their family business behind the scenes. Probably meet Riddle in the courtyard. Not because they are careless to leave traces behind mind you, Floyd just felt like squeezing some annoying dude and the law is being unfunny and charging him for aggression. Jade is never caught on the things his twin is accused of, but Riddle has the feeling he's never too far from the fights.
Each time the case is closed or paid with community services. Azul pays the penalty fees and the octotrio always act oh so casually about it while getting in Riddle's nerves. Poor golfishie thought he'd see the last of them after ending NRC and now he's near a mental breakdown when he reads "Leech" in his next trial file. Said trials must be a sight to behold, which is why Jade goes whenever he's not busy, amused.
👑 Vil
The octatrio preferably lives on land for different reasons: Floyd has an expensive and varied shoe collection he can't wear underwater, Jade happily built a greenhouse for his terrariums, and Azul has houses both in land and sea to supervise his restaurants and going on vacation when he feels like it.
Despite their shared shady business is likely the twins do secondary jobs to entertain themselves: Floyd keeps starting projects and dropping them once he gets bored, from modelling to participate in monster truck events. Jade studied economics and is in charge of the financial administrations of the business, but is member of a mountain lovers forum and its most active and enthusiastic user.
Vil had already planned his career since a child. However, he continued to expand his horizons: actor, super model, movie director, guionist, activist for lgbt rights and other causes, maybe helping Crewel to make a new fashion collection for upcoming seasons...you know, he takes Barbie's motto seriously. Probably loves being a director because he can envision and lead a movie while being on screen. He's Barbie because he can be everything he decides to be except being more popular than Neige
He keeps in contact with several classmates, including Rook, Epel, occasionally Cater etc. He has an online shop that sells products made by himself, except collabs he makes with other brands like Azul's moisturiser. Don't worry Floyd is okay, they found other merman to use :)
🏹 Rook
✨ Le chasseur de tes cauchemars ✨
Leona and company keep feeling observed, he has many people terrified. If hunter isn't his job then it must be related to beauty, but because he sees beauty in everything I'm not sure. Perhaps he has the same job as whatever his family worked to get all those villas but maybe they are just rich and inherited that CMON DISNEY TELL ME IF HIS FAM HAS A SHADY BUSINESS ALREADY! ARE THEY COPS?? WTF I NEED INFO
If he doesn't follow his family footsteps he could enjoy working as a photographer, capturing the inner beauty of the world both as a naturalist photographer and a fashion one. Hunting and stalking are his hobbies.
One of those who has higher chancer to get married at some point I think, but it's a bit tricky. He sure loves many things but something about it tells me in the present time he thinks he still has so many beautiful things and people to meet that he cannot imagine committing to somebody for the rest of his life yet?? Unless that person was fine he would marvel and compliment and stalk anyone he's around...
Open to having a longtime and stable relationship but it would make more sense if he waits until later in his life to get married in my opinion, realistically speaking at least. But be could also jump straight to marriage if his love for his s/o is that big, if his s/o is Neige, Vil or someone he adores as much as them.
🍎 Epel
Another student who had his future somewhat well thought out since he was a freshman.
Not long after graduation he studies a major degree and works in his family farm, trying to improve the Harveston farmers laboral conditions by implementing innovative methods to grow apples more resistant to cold temperatures...First he has to convince the skeptic elderly that technology and science can mesh together with tradition just fine. (This idea is from what he says in the Harveston event)
As weird as it sounds I can see Epel gaining more muscle after all those years working out. I'm divided between him growing taller or being ripped but continue being the shortest of the first year gang lol
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m34gs · 2 months
I really love this pairing and I have so many ideas. I know they're a rarepair, and people might not search them out as much, so here's a post with a link to all my Kalim/Idia fics and a quick summary for each:
Life of the Party - the very first one I posted for this ship! It's based on the vignette where Kalim invites Idia over for dinner and it ends up a much larger event as several others invite themselves along. I wrote the fic imagining what might have gone down at the party :)
Asim's Coffee - a coffee-shop au oneshot! Kalim works at his father's coffee shop, and Idia is a regular customer he wants to get to know better!
Black Cats and Hedge Mazes - an au where Kalim and Idia meet as children at a charity event their families attend. Idia gets lost in a hedge maze and Kalim helps him.
Treasure You - a short oneshot in an alternate universe where Kalim is searching for treasure and Idia is a prince under a spell.
Consolation Prize - Kalim keeps losing against Idia in racing video games, so he demands compensation.
Under a Moonlit Breeze - Two guys sitting in a tree under the moonlight...they might kiss...
Serenity - Kalim watches his boyfriend gaming late at night.
Onyx Flowers - a short scene of Kalim helping Idia let his hair down after an evening dinner party.
So, This is Love - Another short scene: Kalim wants to go outside, but Idia is possessive.
Sharing Blankets - Kalim wakes up cold because Idia stole the blankets.
A Winter's Evening - Idia and Kalim have a gaming date night.
Cookies and E-cards - Idia and Kalim aren't able to spend Valentine's Day together but they still make sure to express their love.
Delirious - Kalim gets a worrying text from his boyfriend, so he goes to check on him. He and Ortho find Idia in a state of delirium.
Oops - while studying in the library, Kalim startles Idia and Idia rips the library book. Panicking, Idia decides to fix things the Hard Way. Kalim is Determined to Help, which leads to some interesting situations...
A Different Kind of Magic - (alternate universe) Idia, the youngest mage to graduate from mentorship, works in his parents' shop on the weekends. It's quiet and dusty and overall not the kind of place that gets a lot of attention. In his mind; perfect. Until two other teens come in looking for a Mentor to teach them before their magic consumes them. They are very desperate, and rather 'persuasive'. Can Idia teach them what they need to know to save themselves, without giving away the skeletons in his own closet? He thought so...until his own feelings started making things more complicated. (my first - and so far my only - multichapter fic for the pairing! But I soon hope to be adding a Vampire multichapter fic hehe)
If you're interested, please feel free to check them out! I love this pairing so much and I really pour my heart into everything I write about them! 💜💜💜
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pumpkincarriage3 · 1 year
Deuce Spade Character Analysis
Deuce is interesting, simply because we meet him after he's already had most of his character development, even though he continues to grow over the course of the story.
And by that I am referring to his delinquent phase. We don't know a whole lot about it, but what we do know about it paints a picture that isn't the prettiest.
For starters, courtesy to Ace's Groom Vignette, we know that people considered Deuce so terrifying that they would run at the sight of him. It's why he hasn't actually interacted with all that many people, let alone girls that were terrified at the sight of him. We know that, courtesy of Deuce's Halloween Vignette, that he was considered the "top-dog" of his neighborhood. All of his old "friends" fully expected Deuce to be on top of the food chain at NRC when they went to visit him, simply because Deuce was that violent. We know that Deuce acted bad enough that anytime something really bad happened, everyone assumed he was the one that did it even when he wasn't. 
We know that Deuce has enough strength to take on a full group of people with fighting experience and beat them, once again courtesy of Deuce's Halloween Vignette. We know that Deuce is strong enough to take on Jack even with how much bigger Jack is, and Deuce didn't seem to be all that tired afterward (Of course, that's not to say Deuce beat Jack. It seemed to be more of a tie). We know he's fast enough that he's one of the top members on the track team even though he's just a freshmen, courtesy of Deuce's Ceremonial Robes Vignette.
We also know Deuce was always skipping his classes. It was because he had a difficult time learning, which lead to him lashing out in the way that he did but suffice to say Deuce isn't someone you would meet at school. He's someone you would only really meet out on the streets, where he's his most violent.
The point being that Deuce probably was someone that was terrifying to come across. We meet him after his character development, because Deuce without a doubt was a much worse person before we met him at the start of the story. There's no way of truly knowing just how bad he was, the only one that can tell us all the details is Deuce, and I doubt that is something he really wants to talk about. Not to mention we'd have no way of knowing just how much of it would be downplayed.
Of course, I doubt Deuce was someone that lacked morals even at his worse. Deuce himself says some of the worst stuff wasn't even him, even though people assumed it was. (Which also means he was probably incredibly open about his aggressive manner and never bothered hiding it. Or sent enough people to the hospital from fights people just started to assume it was him.)
We know Deuce loves his mother. It's the entire reason he's so desperate to change in the first place. It's the reason he's so desperate to not get expelled from NRC, that he's willing to risk his life for it (Dwarves Mine). He doesn't want to hurt his mother anymore, to the point that death is the better alternative to him. (Which, makes one question just how bad of a break down his mother had that he found that to be the better alternative. I'm sure Deuce downplayed just how bad the phone call was between his mother and his grandmother.)
Because of this, we don't get to really see Deuce. Which might seem confusing, but here me out. I'm not saying that Deuce blowing his lid and beating people is the real Deuce, but I don't think the honor's student Deuce is either. Deuce can and will act manipulatively. We see this in his Halloween vignette. He doesn't have any problem using people either, such as when he also had Yuu give their lunch to him in exchange for catching Grimm in chapter one. Point being, Deuce is constantly restraining himself.
He's restraining himself to the image that he thinks that his mother wants. He's not nearly as bad as Cater is or nearly as secretive as Rook is, but he is restraining himself to a certain degree. So, to some extent, we aren't seeing all of Deuce.
Deuce is also extremely blunt and sometimes can't pick up on social cues. This being because of his past. While he can be manipulative when he needs to be, he's probably used to expressing his emotions through his fist, which is why he's always so blunt with want he thinks. He doesn't typically see the benefit in not being blunt. He can't pick up on social cues as much because he's not used to interacting with a whole lot of people, because people had been too terrified to interact with him before.
Actually, the fact that he struggled so much with his past and the fact that he so desperately wants to do better is probably why he sympathizes and actively reaches out towards Epel. He sees that Epel is also struggling to be something that he's not and Deuce empathizes with that and since he's someone that's so desperate to better himself, he also wants to help Epel to.
Deuce also isn't the most intelligent, but I don't think that's necessarily because he's stupid. And here's what I mean -- some people learn differently than others. Deuce is probably just one of those people that have an obscure method of learning that isn't typically used in classrooms. Deuce's problem is that he's not being taught in the correct way that suites him best, which leads to him getting frustrated and acting out. I think we see this in particularly with how he's Heartslabyul's honorary mechanic. If Deuce was stupid, he wouldn't be able to do anything with mechanics or electronics. He just learns differently, and most teachers have yet to find a way that suites him best.
And finally, to tie up this analysis, I would like to say that Deuce loves big. I don't necessarily mean romantically; I'm actually referring to his platonic affections but I'm sure that he would also love big romantically as well.
And by that I mean his relationship with his mother. After Deuce acting out for years, to the point it's still heavily ingrained into him, all it took was one phone call to try to change. One overheard conversation for him to be so desperate to be better. Like I said before hand, we don't actually know how bad that phone call was, but most people that are so submerged into their lifestyle like Deuce was, it typically takes a lot more than just phone call to do something, no matter who it's made by. But it was just one phone call. Because Deuce loves his mother so much, he's willing to change who he is as a person. To do something that he doesn't like doing, because he's breaking his mother's heart.
We see this carry over into his friendships at times. He, like Ace, is incredibly loyal to his friends and is willing to do most anything to help them. Like, instead of using his break to catch up with his mother who he clearly adores, he travels across countries to get back to his friend because they sent a text message saying that they needed help. A trip that was probably expensive. Deuce Spade is an emotional person that throws his everything into anything that he's doing. Sometimes this doesn't come out in the best of ways, but he's trying.
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alexandriaisburning · 10 months
033: Seabed
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A yuri mystery novel, Seabed has no choices or alternative routes to explore. You simply read it from front to back, like a conventional novel. And despite that, it remains constantly engaging, with a structure that feels more interactive than many of its contemporaries that lean more heavily on the genre’s adventure game aspects. There’s a real literary quality to Seabed, not only in its prose, but how it asks you to piece together the story. 
Told non-linearly, it builds up the relationship between Sachiko and Takako, with various vignettes from childhood to their adult lives together. We get to see them work together, travel the world, and deepen their affections, before finally reaching the revelation that here, in the present, Takako has disappeared and Sachiko has been hallucinating her presence. 
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The how and why is left unclear. Whether it was a simple breakup or Takako going missing during a trip, it calls into question exactly what happened and when, and gives an uneasy tension to past interactions, with each flashback heavy with the idea that this might be when Takako disappears. Layering the mystery are the “Tips”, parallel stories accessed from the main menu, with everything from small character moments to disappearing rooms and unsettling hospital visits. You’re never given a sense of where these fit into the timeline, leaving them spinning in your mind as you try to find where it fits into the ongoing mystery. 
The final revelations ended up mixed for me, but the process of unraveling the story kept it satisfying regardless. The heart of the story is the various relationships between the different women, and the complex emotional stakes that define them. Gorgeous prose describes each scene, and when we arrive at the mansion, the main location the story finally centers on, there’s a tangible sense of place that made me feel as if I’d walked its grounds myself. 
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Even as I eased into a certain intimacy with the mansion and its characters, the structure of the story kept the boundaries of its world uncertain and intangible. The warmth of conversation at a Christmas party, or in a bath room filled with colorful fruit toys gave way to intimidating mountain landscapes and tunnel paths filled with dreamlike terror. Seabad often lulls you into comfort, followed by a violent reminder of the story’s stakes and why its characters can’t afford to settle into a peaceful routine. 
It's a bittersweet story, washed in melancholy, but it never falls into the trap of becoming a gay tragedy. We get to see an entire lifetime between Sachiko and Takako, with the non-linear structure continuing to deliver tender moments between them long after Takako's mysterious disappearance. We see what their lives look like after their separation, how they deal with it, and the new connections they form. 
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If there’s one indulgence, it’s the classic visual novel trope of lavish food descriptions and detours into the author’s pet subject matters. Thankfully these detours are as interesting as the main story itself, with architectural history lessons, travel blog stylings, and conversations on delicate pastries and the astounding size of American portions. None ever go on too long, and each one of them feels as if it has a purpose in the story. 
In contrast to the maturity of the prose, there’s an almost amateurish quality to the art. Portraits are all ever so slightly off, with the occasional odd anatomy and posing, and fabric has a tendency to be suctioned tightly between every character’s legs. Backgrounds have a sort of mixed media approach, with a scene receiving either fully rendered 3D artwork, complete with variations for atmosphere and time of day, filtered photographs, or some combination of either with illustrations layered on top. 
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You can tell where the artist’s strengths lie, with the 3D backgrounds rendered with such care I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they had a day job at an architectural firm or something similar during development. The portraits can sometimes come off a bit goofy, but the sincerity behind them comes across, and there are some beautiful, intimate scenes that aren’t any less effective for it. An intense care has been put into the presentation, and alongside Seabed’s effective use of color and soundtrack, there’s rarely a moment that fails to hit, regardless of the resources or skills the team had at their disposal. 
As I read Seabed, I kept getting lost in the pull of its gravity. Seabed flows between the personal, psychological and even supernatural boundaries of mystery. It has the warmth of a friendly, lighthearted hangout that provides a reprieve from a life of emotional turmoil. As the stakes build, characters consider what it is they need to let go of, and what they desperately want to hang on as the waves of time erode their memories. Seabed is a mystery not about the cold hard facts of reality, but what the emotional consequences of each event are for its characters. 
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When the story wrapped up, I found myself wishing for more time with the characters. I wanted to see their desires fulfilled, to get one more interaction between them, one more conversation I hoped would allow me to let go of them. Goodbyes often leave us carrying the words left unsaid, hoping that the few words we can get out can express those silent feelings. Seabed captures those feelings--those feelings of a lifetime spent with the one you care about, of goodbyes that never end, and yet are never long enough, and of the memories you’re left to cherish--or forget--when it’s all over. 
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sky-squido · 1 year
A/J for to isolate? (very excited for the finale btw)
A: How did you come up with the title to To Isolate?
okay so when i originally reblogged the fanfic ask meme, these are the tags i almost added and then didn't:
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i did end up asking her anyway and she told me but i've already forgotten again, so there must not be a particularly interesting story behind it. i think we just played around with a couple of things and that was what we liked best. i mean, we had no idea it would get so huge, so we didn't put a ton of thought into it, and it's a perfectly serviceable and not-inaccurate title. yeah, there's not much more to it than that, i don't think
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to To Isolate.
HA!! NOW THAT TO ISOLATE IS ACTUALLY DONE I CAN MEME ON THE FINALE! i actually have TONS of silly ideas for post-fic funtimes because it has a happy ending and everything and i just really love the continuity it sets up. there's a strong chance i'll end up writing some of them out and putting them in their own fic that i group into a series with to isolate itself. i'll bullet some of my favorites below the cut for spoiler-proofing.
but those are less alternate endings and more extensions/deleted scenes/post-credits-scenes. most actual alternate ending possibilities for to isolate are pretty dark, but one of my favorite meme alternate ending ideas is one where Warriors keeps a journal in chapter one and for some reason?? Dink just Doesn't Notice so Wars wakes up on Day Four and goes "hey guys this is really weird" and everyone's like "YEAH that is pretty funky" and they all just talk about it. it would be funny to say that the whole plot just never happens, but that's not necessarily the case—dink still has his scheme, and i'm not fully sure what all the ramifications of them finding out this early on would be. he might just be like OH FRICK I FORGOT ABOUT THE BOOK and then wipes their memories and burns the journal. maybe that IS canon and sky just never knew~ oooooooooooooooh~ (it's not dw—if it were, wars woulda brought it up in ch. 10)
OH HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN! THERE IS AN ALTERNATE ENDING!!! POLTEA MADE ONE and it's beautiful y'all should check it out here
consider yourself warned
((lemme know which of these y'all are most interested in and if i ever get around to writing little these vignettes, i'll prioritize those))
four has been looking for the master sword for a while, Splitting for a time to cover more ground, and he hasn't found it anywhere. he's starting to plan out a long-term solution but also he's still looking. dot keeps telling him to stop, but he really wants to make extra super bonus sure he didn't just miss it by accident. as he's walking in the mountains, the sword drops out of the sky, bonks him on the head (with the hilt, but that's not much better than the blade cuz it's still Hot As Heck from ch. 7) and then tumbles down a cliff into the woods. he's simultaneously relieved and very annoyed, but he climbs down after it anyway to find it stabbed, perfectly vertically, into a pristine clearing, rays of golden sunlight spilling over it (wait where is that even coming from it's like midnight and also overcast) because the Master Sword is actually a Massive Diva and the laws of nature will bend to facilitate this
legend getting a loftwing!! he is a knight of skyloft, after all. i like the idea of his loftwing being really grumpy and kind of traumatized because it lost its rider, and no one's been able to even get close to it without getting bitten at, which is why it's up for grabs for someone of legend's age, but they understand each other really well and bond a lot, even if they can't "feel" each other like sky and his loftwing can, since they missed the critical period for that.
oh yeah it's canon that the wedding rings that sky and sun wear are gifts from legend—sky's got the green ring because a) green symbolizes courage in zelda and b) it's a balance of offensive and defensive boosts and mr. i-lost-the-use-of-my-sword-hand could use the help in both departments. zelda has the life ring L-2 which is pretty and heart-shaped but also regenerates health over time because sky and legend care about her lots and want her to stay safe <3
okay poltea and i high-key sidelined groose because neither of us can take him seriously because he's too much of a meme (even though i've played sksw twice now and agree wholeheartedly that endgame groose is a massive lad) and also like... he really wasn't relevant to the fic and there was honestly no point in fleshing him out or anything. however, this fun vignette would play with the HEY WHO'S THIS LEGEND GUY AND HOW'D HE STEAL MY BESTIE SO FAST?! element of the dynamic where sky's in a cheesy YA love triangle but of friendship sfdkgjhsldfgkjsdf. groose and legend would both slip slightly into their respective Jerk Modes to try and sus the other out, but then they'd bond and become bros and sky would bemoan the mistake he made in unleashing those two upon the world. they also fight over which of them will be sky's kid's favorite uncle <3 also legend's aroace in this fic because i said so so he just vibes with the lads. it's probably for the bet if he doesn't set up a bloodline in his own past anyway fdjhgfkgfjfd
OKAY SO REMEMBER THE LINE ABOUT PARADOXES AND CRAP and how sun kind of had a sense for them and would stop legend from causing any so he could safely inhabit the past? in this idea, like... the weirdest stuff sets off the Paradox Tinglies and Legend will be about to take a sip of juice and then sun bursts into the room and smacks it out of his hand and goes NO! and legend's just like O_O. he's honestly not sure if she's just screwing with him or not but he's too grateful to be here to question it
SKY AND SUN'S BABY AND LEGEND BEING A CHAOTIC UNCLE. i've never actively sought out fics in the vein of "we've just handed your favorite character an infant, what will they do now?" and i don't spend nearly enough time around children that small to be able to write any pre-school age particularly well, but just because it's these dorks specifically, i'm thinking about it <3
OKAY SO SKY AND LEGEND ARE THE FIRST IN THE TIMELINE NOW, RIGHT? get this—they make time capsules. they write letters to all the dudes, just for kicks, and they're kinda curious to see if any of them will actually reach their intended recipients, even if they'll probably never actually know until their spirits all meet up in the afterlife. not sure what they'll do about the timeline split and also convergence apparently though sfgljhsdgksdfh
hyrule just obliterating the ganon cult. like, we all know it happens, it's fully canon, but that doesn't mean i don't want to see it happen anyway. this is more likely to be art than fic, but i still wanna see it anyway because hyrule should be allowed to go feral more often i think
remember that bit where legend tells wars to not do too good of a job fixing space and time so they can all hang out again? yeah like five to ten years in, the portals all crack open again and the lads get to have like tea and biscuits and a nice chat or whatever. it would be purely crack and For The Memes because the boys all (largely) going back to their respective eras at the end was a Choice Made For Reasons, but also post-LU reunions are fun and this is a post-LU that i can really play around in because i actually know what it looks like and how we got there
okay that's most of them but there's definitely more kicking around my brain that i'm not thinking of right now. i just love the lads okay i gave them their happy ending and now i just wanna play around with it because it's fun :3
thank you for this ask and apologies for the Many Months delay, so i hope this answer manages to make its way to you! take care!!
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lunarpanda · 2 years
Gonna be making a kinda ranking/opinion list of the various Sanrio animes I’ve been watching over the past year or so. This will be edited accordingly as I cross some series off my list. I’m not really a writer so my writing might be confusing but I’ll try my best to keep it comprehensive.
First some kinda... not really ground rules but still like something I should say.
I’m not watching every Sanrio anime out there. Just stuff that’s readily available on youtube or anime streaming sites. I’m not gonna go out of my way to download a torrent of an old OVA or something. 
I’m also passing on Show By Rock, Sanrio Boys and the Gudetama series. I don’t really gel with those characters and Gudetama is still technically going strong with over 1,000 episodes and I don’t have the time or energy to care about that. Mr. Men/Little Miss will also be skipped over as it was acquired by Sanrio after the shows were made.
Anyways enough bs:
Joe and the Rose: The first Sanrio film and made by Takashi Yanase. Bittersweet and short. (Alright) *Subbed*
Little Jumbo: Pretty sad, another Takashi Yanase film. (Alright) *Subbed*
The Mouse and his Child: Honestly kinda boring. Feels like a movie you’d find in the bargain bin or one of those movies you didn’t watch much of as a kid but you still had the tape of it. (Skip) *Dubbed*
Ringing Bell: Yet another Takashi Yanase film and it’s the most famous one for a good reason. Honestly better than the first two of his movies and something I could watch again and again *even if that sounds horrible lol* (EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED!) *Subbed and Dubbed*
Metamorphoses/Winds of Change: This one’s kinda hard to pin down. I didn’t mind watching it but it can be boring to some. I’d say give it a shot for the first 20 minutes or so and if you’re not interested you can skip it since it’s all vignettes. I do enjoy the disco tracks for it tho. (Alright) *Dubbed*
Nutcracker Fantasy: Really rad adaptation. Honestly the best stop motion movie ever. (EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED!) *Subbed and Dubbed*
Unico: As a whole, the series is golden, but the best ones *and the easiest ones to find* are The Fantastic Adventures of Unico and Unico in the Island of Magic. Don’t sleep on White Cloud and Black Feather if you can find it tho. (EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED!) *Subbed for White Cloud Black Feather, Subbed and Dubbed for Adventures and Magic Island, Raw for Save Our Fragile Earth*
Oshin: This one slipped under my movie radar until I went onto Sanrio’s wikipedia page. It doesn’t seem to be subbed but there’s a VHS rip on youtube that I watched recently and tbh it’s just meh. Other than some pretty iffy stuff that would require a content warning it’s just not that interesting. I think it’d be better if you possibly watched the drama it’s based off of since it seems to be for the fans of the drama but as a stand alone movie it’s just kinda whatever. Maybe if it was subbed it would be a little more interesting. (Meh) *Raw*
The Sea Prince and the Fire Child: Another dope movie from Sanrio. I enjoy the art style and backgrounds for this movie a lot. (EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED!) *Subbed and Dubbed*
The Ideon (A Contact/Be Invoked): I found the Ideon series as a whole to be kinda boring to watch. I’m not a mech person so this doesn’t particularly appeal to me. I guess these movies could be used instead to watch the series instead of the show since A Contact is a recap movie and Be Invoked is an alternate ending but still it wasn’t really my kinda thing. But many other people enjoy it so it’s a shrug from me. (Meh/Skip if mech and depression is not your thing) *Subbed*
A Journey Through Fairyland: Feels like another bargain bin movie but not as boring as A Mouse and his Child was. I’ve seen this compared to Fantasia but with a plot since it’s got a lot of classical music inserts and that seems about accurate. (Alright) *Dubbed*
Mouse Story (George and Gerald’s Adventure): Really good and really fun! Wanted to watch this for a long time since it was paired with the Cinnamoroll movie! (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed*
Cinnamoroll the Movie: Surprisingly, I didn’t vibe with this on first watching. I was hoping it would be as good as the Hamtaro movies but it didn’t just jam as hard as it should’ve. It’s still really cute tho! (Pretty Fun!) *Subbed*
Jewelpet the Movie (Sweets Dance Princess): Not a bad little movie. I heard this one bombed at the box office which is sad but it’s really not as bad as one might think. Prolly did better with the kids that watch the show instead of the parents that were prolly dragged along. That being said, you def need to watch the show first before watching the movie. (Pretty Fun!) *Subbed*
Onegai My Melody (Yu and Ai): A small short that was shown before the Jewelpet movie. Just a silly little short of Kuromi trying to ruin My Melo’s barbecue. (Pretty Fun!) *Subbed*
Go-chan and His Forest Friends (Moko-chan and Marvelous Creatures): This is another Sanrio movie I have just discovered recently. To my surprise it was actually officially subbed and put onto youtube! I’m hoping the sequel will eventually get the same treatment. Anyways it’s cute! I think it’s based on a TV mascot and Sanrio just helped with the animation which is great to hear since I used to think that the Jewelpet movie kinda screwed them out of making movies for a while. It’s short, less than an hour and if you need something short and cute to watch then I’d recommend it! (Pretty Fun!) *Subbed*
Jewelpet Attack Travel!: This was going to be a short played before another movie unrelated to Sanrio but COVID happened and both of them got post-poned. IDK if the movie proper ever released but a few months ago the Jewelpet short aired on NicoNico in a special stream. It’ll be subbed soonventually but I thought it was good~ (Pretty Fun!) *Raw but might be Subbed in the future*
Kitty and Mimmy’s New Umbrella: I believe this is the first short involving Kitty. Just Kitty and Mimmy mucking about with a new umbrella... nothing too exciting outside of the fact it’s the first Sanrio short with Kitty. (Alright) *Raw*
Sanrio Anime Festival: A mixed bag of Sanrio adaptations of different fairy tales featuring different characters as well as original stories. Some of them were dubbed into English under Sanrio’s Hello Kitty and Keroppi VHS library. (Pretty Fun!) *Subbed and Dubbed depending on the OVA*
Sanrio Video: Another mixed bag of various Sanrio characters and stories. They pull from popular characters such as Kitty and Keroppi but include some obscure friends such as Vaudeville Duo and Patty and Jimmy. Again, some of these stories got dubbed and more recently, fansubbed by a youtube channel called Starshooter. (Pretty Fun!) *Subbed and Dubbed depending on the OVA*
Hello Kitty’s Furry Tale Theater: One of the most famous Sanrio works in the States at least. Not too bad, if you like old 80′s/90′s cartoons you’ll like it. (Pretty Fun!) *Dubbed*
Flint the Time Detective: Sanrio’s only shounen series so far. If you enjoy monster collecting series, you’d enjoy the heck out of this. Some episodes were pretty boring tho but when it’s 39 episodes long you’re gonna get some lame episodes. (Pretty Fun!) *Subbed and Dubbed*
Hello Kitty’s Paradise: Paradise in Japan is mostly a bunch of Kitty shorts with some 7 minute animes (including the later introduced Sugarbunnies, Hello Kitty’s Apple Forest, etc.) and some music videos from Puroland. AFAIK the third season of Kitty’s Paradise is what got dubbed and distributed over here. It’s cute, it’s prolly what a lot of people grew up with. It’s not as good as the Sanrio Video OVAs but they’re still nice. (Pretty Fun!) *Dubbed for Season 3, Raw for others*
Hello Kitty’s Stump Village: Essentially Pingu but with Sanrio characters. There’s really not much substance to it IMO, it’s cute of course but it could’ve been better. I do lowkey enjoy that the dub narrator (Wendee Lee) reads her narration like a mom telling a story. It is better than Adventures of Kitty and Friends tho. (Alright) *Dubbed*
The Adventures of Hello Kitty and Friends: Gonna be real, this one is big boring. This is a good example of a bargain bin DVD series. I don’t mind some mindless entertainment but this is just really bland mush. Writing isn’t good neither is the animation or the voice acting. My only positive about this show is the fact that they use rare friends for background characters like Kururin and Paupipo. (Skip) *Dubbed*
Onegai My Melody: Here we go, we’re getting into the most excellent stuff! If you enjoy either My Melody or Kuromi and also wanna see where Kuromi got her start then you better be watching this series. (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed*
Onegai My Melody (Kuru Kuru Shuffle): Another excellent season of My Melo and Kuromi going at it. If you watched the first season you better watch this one too! (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed*
Onegai My Melody (Sukkiri): Now this is where My Melo takes a little bit of a hit. Episodes have been halved to around 10 minutes. However this doesn’t mean it’s all bad. It does shave away a lot of the boring extra human plots and mostly leaves it to My Melo, Kuromi and their critter friends. People that enjoyed the middle school drama of the first two seasons might not enjoy it but I thought it was fine. (Pretty fun!) *Raw*
Onegai My Melody (Kirara): And this is where My Melo tanks. In between a slow start, shoddy animation for most of the series and bland plot points it’s really sad to see My Melo and Kuromi’s show reduced to this. And it’s also big sad that this is one of the few animations that has my absolute favorite Sanrio characters of all time, Lloromannic in it. Berry and Cherry got robbed. (Skip) *Raw*
Sugarbunnies: A cute little mini series about the Sugarbunnies and their myriad of friends in France. Each episode is about 7 minutes long so you can essentially watch the entire show in one afternoon. Keeps it light and easy going for those few minutes and it doesn’t really get boring either. Characterization of the buns is light since there’s about 14 of them in total but it’s not much of a dealbreaker. (Pretty fun!) *Subbed*
Sugarbunnies Chocolat: A sequel to the first season. More or less of the same as season 1 with the sweets competition except with a few new characters and more of a focus on chocolate sweets. There is an interesting story that happens near the end of the third of the show! (Pretty fun!) *Subbed*
Sugarbunnies Fleur: Sugarbunnies steer away from the sweets and now they’re focusing on reviving an old garden in the forest at the back of Sophia’s school. There’s not really a change in tone except there’s just no competitions to worry about. Still as cute as ever! (Pretty fun!) *Raw, subs in progress!*
Hello Kitty’s Apple Forest (Fantasy): Another show that aired on Kitty’s Paradise. This show is another short one like Sugarbunnies and involved Kitty and Mimmy being isekai’d thanks to a magical apple amulet. They’re asked to cure the Apple Forest’s Fairy Queen from a sleeping curse. Unfortunately for them, flying squirrels Monga and Montine are up to no good and try to stop the twins. I enjoyed it! I do enjoy how short it was (13 episodes) so you can speed through it easily. I’d definitely would recommend it for a lazy afternoon watch. I also enjoyed all the fairy tale references in all the episodes. (Pretty fun!) *Raw, will be picked up for subs soonventually*
Hello Kitty’s Apple Forest (Mystery): A sequel to Fantasy, it changes it up with Kitty and Mimmy solving various mysteries all around the Apple Forest and trying to figure out where the prince of the neighboring kingdom has disappeared too. Kitty and Mimmy this time around get magical outfits to wear each episode. Personally I think this is the weakest of the Apple Forest trilogy but again, it’s something you can plow through in an afternoon so it’s not like watching a long 52 episode show. (Alright) *Raw, will be picked up for subs soonventually*
Hello Kitty’s Apple Forest (Parallel Town): After Mystery, the Apple Forest begs Kitty for a brand new adventure and dumps her in a town similar to her home town of London except populated by more human like fairies. Kitty joins fairy girl Emily in finding Mimmy who mysteriously disappeared in the forest and figuring out who in the world Akuro is and what her goals are. This is a bit longer than both Fantasy and Mystery combined. I definitely recommEnd checking it out for Akuro alone if you wanna see what a Kuromi Kitty counterpart. (Pretty fun!) *Raw, will be picked up for subs soonventually*
Usahana (Yumemiru Ballerina): The only animated series that has Usahana in it! Aired alongside Hello Kitty Apple Forest. Usahana dreams of being a ballerina and is excited to go to Etoile Ballet Academy and become a ballerina. Joined by new friends, Rose, Mary, Anzu, Ivy, Nuts, Sakura and rival Azami, Hana will be sure to make her dream come true. Gonna be real, this show ends randomly. Hana is still in school doing her best but it just ends with no real conclusion. It’s also very short with only 7 episodes. Not sure what the thought process there was making it so short but since Hana barely has any anime appearances besides this one, she really needs a reboot! It is EXTREMELY good to see her tho and I love her little friends including the twins Rose and Mary, they’re such scamps! (Pretty fun!) *Raw, will be picked up for subs soonventually*
Kero Kero Keroppi (Hasunoue Town Kiki Ippatsu!): Also airing alongside Hello Kitty Apple Forest. This includes Keroppi and friends gaining super powers and acting like a sentai squad to save their town from an evil toad scientist. It’s also a short anime that didn’t even last as long as Usahana with having 6 episodes. TBH it’s not even that cute. Keroppi and friends get more human like proportions and it’s really strange and kinda unsettling. Really not recommended which is sad since Keroppi is such a cool little guy. (Skip) *Raw*
Charmmy Kitty OVAS: Composed of three different OVAs, it’s interesting to see the adventures of Kitty’s pet cat and Daniel’s pet hamster (Sugar). While the first OVA is just 30 minutes of them goofing off around the house with barely a word the second and third ones is where they get juicy. The second one introduces some secondary characters like Sugar’s friends and Charmmy’s neighbors. The third one is just a straight up retelling of Alice in Wonderland but with Charmmy. All in all it’s cute! I’m glad that Charmmy has a little love to her besides merch. (Pretty fun!) *Raw, will be picked up for subs soonventually*
Jewelpet: And here comes the big one. This is Sanrio’s biggest show they’ve ever had spanning at least 6 seasons. (That means like 300 episodes I gotta go through rip) but anyways. The first show starts as kind of a “Gotta Catch ‘em All” show of finding the Jewelpet of the day and having them solve whatever problem happens thanks to Diana. It’s a solid opening season especially since every pet gets their own episode which is big important since some of the later pets get shoved into the background for the more popular ones. (Pretty fun!) *Currently being subbed*
Jewelpet Tinkle: A magical girl series where Ruby and Labra become the partners of Akari Sakura and lead her journey to become the JewelStar. Favorite girl Labra joins the cast permanently and Sango is featured heavily! I can see why this is the more popular of the seasons tho I do lowkey miss how much of a dipshit Ruby was in the other series. (Pretty fun!) *Subbed*
Jewelpet Sunshine: This is just an extended shitpost of a kid’s anime and I love every minute of it. Ruby and friends are now in their senior year of high school and are just trying to survive. References are everywhere and nothing’s funnier than seeing a straight up hearing “Born to Be Wild” while a polar bear rides an alpaca like a motorcycle. (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed*
Aggretsuko: TBH, I think EVERYBODY knows how good this show is. Personally I still have to finish it. I always just watch the first season and then totally forget about the rest. I KNOW it’s good, it’s just me getting off my ass to watch it. Also remember to watch the TBS shorts when you find them. (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed and Dubbed, Subbed for TBS shorts*
Let’s Play with Hello Kitty: A short series aimed towards a very very young crowd. Follows Kitty and her new neighbors Eric and Amy and their friend Harry as they learn about the world around them. It’s cute, but it’s definitely not for me. I’m surprised it’s officially dubbed but it seems like it’s only on Apple TV or some obtuse service like that. (Alright) *Subbed and Dubbed*
Chibimaru: A bunch of shorts featuring Chibimaru the puppy and his friends. Not much substance to them since they’re all about 20 or so seconds long, but they’re good for a quick watch especially if you enjoy Chibimaru. (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Raw, no dialogue*
Pankunchi: More substance than the Chibimaru shorts with dialogue and a minute long runtime, it features two types of bread and a panda that eats bread going into a magical pocket world. (Pretty fun!) *Subbed*
Nyokki and Penne: There’s only two shorts of these kittens and they’re not bad. I wouldn’t mind if there were more. So I can’t really say too much about it (Alright) *Raw, no dialogue*
Tenorikuma: A stop motion series about extremely small red pandas running a cafe. I never see these little guys much these days even on Hello Sweet Days. But the shorts are OK. (Alright) *Raw, no dialogue*
Little Hello Kitty: This is a strange one. It’s about a plush Hello Kitty going on a big adventure with a bunch of different creatures looking for a home. After 15 or so episodes it just ends with a dance number with no closure. I kinda found it boring and a little hard to watch since the English voice acting was kinda... off? Really just people reading their lines and not putting anything into it. I wouldn’t recommend it. (Skip) *Dubbed*
Hummingmint: One of my absolute favorite modern Sanrio characters. Hummingmint explores the seasons around her. Rather than being fully animated, it’s just a puppet. It also has a live action portion near the end with merch based on the short. It’s really sad they only made four of these because I love these shorts so much and I wish Hummingmint was featured more prominently lately. (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Raw, no dialogue*
Marumofubiyori: Another one of my favorite modern Sanrio characters. Tells the story of an extremely lazy baby polar bear living at an aquarium employee’s home. What’s good is that Sanrio made official subs for these as well<3 I’m hoping there’s more sometime soon. (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed*
Cogimyun: And yet another favorite modern Sanrio character, this is about a little flour spirit that wants to become a rice ball. The are two different series of this, one where Cogi is looking after her grandpa’s apartment and meets all the wacky tenants of the building and a second slice of life where she’s in kindergarten. Both are must watch IMO. (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed*
Hello Kitty’s Supercute Adventures: Very small webisodes of various Sanrio characters. I love that the background cast includes characters like Baku and Doki Doki Yummychums and the fact that they added in Cinnamon after the second season. Really good if you need a quick pick me up. (Pretty fun!) *Dubbed*
Hello Kitty and Friends Mini Tales 3D: Another webisode youtube series. This is def something made to sell playsets and for little little kids. It’s cute but it’s not as good as Supercute Adventures. (Skip) *Raw, no dialogue*
Sweet Moments with Hello Kitty: Very short minute long webisodes of Kitty doing day to day stuff. It’s cute. Nothing special. (Alright) *Raw, no dialogue*
Kuromi’s Pretty Journey: Kuromi returns in her own series along with her BFF Baku and she’s traveling the globe with new friends in toe to try and find her long lost sister Romina. It’s a short series you can watch in like an hour and it’s thankfully officially subbed! (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Subbed*
Cinnamon Anime Da Mon: A series of youtube shorts featuring Cinnamon and his friends in their day to day. It has the animated debut of Cinnamon’s cat, Shirotaro. Currently as of writing there are about 45 episodes with more being added every few days. Recommended for any Cinnamoroll fan! (EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!) *Raw*
Beatcats Nekosta: This is kinda iffy to put on here, but the youtube description says it’s a short anime so I might as well. Nekosta is essentially a vlog-ish kind of anime for Beatcats and they answer questions and go into detail about their history. Animation wise, it’s really just them sitting down and talking and most of the animation is just tweens so it’s not THAT exciting. It definitely could use some subs since I’m not that great at Japanese yet. Currently there’s about 8 episodes with possibly more being made soon. (Alright, would only really recommend if you’re a Beatcats fan) *Raw*
Uh yeah, I can’t write. Enjoy a shitty long post that’ll be updated eventually when I watch like everything else.
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eatonlindsey19 · 9 months
Home Decor Ideas: 11 Straightforward Diy Ideas From The Professionals
The right curtains or window therapies actually set off a room, similar to a living room or bed room. In addition to wanting good, curtains and window treatments need to be practical as well, which is what may trigger someone to favor one over the opposite. Curtains and drapes are a method to add color, fashion and depth to a room and may serve to showcase the home windows of your home. They're obtainable in many colours as properly as materials, together with linen, cotton, rayon, satin, polyester, silk and several totally different cloth blends. In a perfect world, many people wish to have a sort of pristine workspaces the place there’s a place for everything and every thing as an alternative. But Filicia, who works with Kressley to revamp client’s spaces on Get a Room, admits that makes him slightly nervous. “I assume when someone’s desk has a lot happening you probably can see there’s a lot happening around them,” he says. Make your home look more expensive with these cheap adorning methods. In https://thevivamart.com used a colorful ikat wallcovering to add some interest and enjoyable to an otherwise serene New York apartment. A hearth would not have to be lit to create a comforting environment. Pay consideration to the whole fireside to benefit from its relaxing enchantment. Add ornamental accents to the walls around and the ground in entrance of a fireplace to create a comfortable vignette. Art is most likely not a must have in every house, but it’s certainly a nice-to-have. Start stocking up on pieces you like and build out your collection over time. Dining room chairs usually come in matching units, but if you’d favor one thing extra dynamic, you'll be able to piece together a set of your personal.
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Photo of a younger girl decorating the lounge of her house; getting ready for the upcoming vacation season. Picture of a comfy, green sofa in the colorful front room with geometric decoration. Put your wardrobe on show by turning two ladders into an elegant clothes rack. You'll also want two picket planks for the shoe platforms, as properly as a wood rod for the highest. Monique Valeris is the senior home editor for Good Housekeeping, where she oversees the brand's home adorning coverage across print and digital. Prior to joining GH in 2020, she was the digital editor at Elle Decor. Morris, who asserts that there are such a lot of factors involved in designing a space, points to the thought that creating cozy corners in the home could imply you prefer the quiet life. “Perhaps an introvert would possibly sit reading a e-book in a nook in their front room,” she says. Watch out for these items that might be bringing your home bad luck. Stick to colours like beige or grey, especially on the first floor, the place move is important. Maximize the comforting effect of favourite equipment by clustering them collectively to create a focal point. That method, each time you pass by, you can take in the collective joy of the objects. Be sure to determine on a place you discover every single day, such as a fireplace mantel or entryway console desk. Just dip the straight edge of the sponge into paint, then press it in opposition to the wall. Here, bloggers Niña Williams and Cecilia Moyer group the strains in threes, utilizing a degree to ensure straightness. With a soft blue sectional and sage green walls, designer Michelle Woolley of One Coast Design performs with cool shades to offer this lounge appeal. You can't go wrong with a neutral couch, but this sizzling pink type is a maximalist's dream. Blinds are especially useful because they make it straightforward to regulate how much gentle is available in through the home windows, and you may regulate them relying on the time of day. Many shades are made from wood, wood composite or artificial wooden, but there are shades created from vinyl, steel and bamboo as nicely. Shades typically work along side drapes or curtains and are ideal for keep sunlight out, particularly on hot days. However, daylight will nonetheless normally leak into the room at the edges of the shade. Wirecutter researched lots of of finances area rugs, interviewed consultants, and examined rugs with panelists, then put their toes on our favorites at home to find one of the best. If so, plan for a wall mount or a media unit to carry it, as nicely as a path for cables that won’t be unpleasant. Statement-making wall coverings and finishes are typically costly, but as a outcome of foyers are often small, these products can often be put in without breaking the bank. If it can’t be averted, seal massive furniture beneath plastic drop cloths and equipment in bins with tape to guard them.
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Rereading the Scalding Sands event and seeing your post about Jamil's childhood friend got me thinking about it again, and I had some thoughts that are probably completely off-base but I had to somehow release them into the wild anyway, haha. I hope that's alright!
I think the most popular theory is that Jamil's friend is a twisted version of Iago, which makes a lot of sense considering his dynamic with Jafar and how iconic they are as a duo. That said, Iago has been referenced by the game in other ways (Jamil wanting a parrot as a pet, the Iago plushie for the guest room) which makes me wonder whether there's any other alternatives for who his friend might be...and the next characters that come to mind are Aladdin and Abu.
I find it really interesting that a lot of Jamil's childhood memories (hiding in the urn whenever in trouble, stealing the melon, haggling with merchants and running around the markets, etc...) seem to be direct references to specific scenes in Aladdin's first act (namely, stuff that happens during One Jump Ahead and the scene where he meets Jasmine) and that whenever he brings his friend(s) up it's usually within the context of getting up to some kind of mischief in the markets, which is something that (based exclusively on the source material) has a stronger association with Aladdin/Abu than it does with Iago. There's also that Bloom Birthday voiceline where he says one of his middle school friends would usually try to take his snacks from him, which also really reminds me of Abu, who gets several scenes where he's trying to steal or hog food in one way or another (the bread scene and the apple scene with Jasmine come to mind off the top of my head)
(.....Actually...the more I type this down, the more the little bits and pieces we know about his friend just start to sound like Ruggie..............I guess them getting along so well in the masquerade event makes a lot of sense, haha)
But in all fairness, I might be reading too much into it and forgetting something.....Still, I guess I was curious about other people's thoughts on the idea of twisted Aladdin or Abu as Jamil's friend. Does it sound plausible at all given what we know? Is it a theory that gets brought up often?
[Referencing this post!]
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I think it’s possible to reference a Disney character in the lore while also having a Twisted counterpart appear in the world of Twisted Wonderland itself! For example, we hear a lot about the mermaid princess of legend (Ariel), but we also know that Rielle (presumably Twisted!Ariel) exists. This is the case for many other characters as well, from side characters to the main cast itself.
I'm under the impression that most people think Jamil's middle school friend is Twisted!Iago, but that's mainly due to Jafar and Iago being such an iconic duo in the Aladdin movie. I personally haven't really thought about it much beyond that because I just really want Jamil to have a shitty sidekick 😂 I admittedly have a weakness for that kind of a dynamic, so in my heart I was praying and hoping hard for Iago to become canon when I first played through the Scalding Sands event! I went back to reread some parts of the event and the vignette mentioned but 🤔 I only saw Najma mention the "middle school friend" once in 3-11, though it wasn't in context to being up to mischief. It seemed to just be a remark that she, Jamil, and that friend hadn't been to the market together for a long time. In the other scenarios where Jamil was being mischievous, there didn't seem to be a mention of that friend. For example, when Jamil almost set the fruit stand on fire and when he hid in an urn, he seemed to be acting alone. For the latter situation, Jamil was specifically hiding from his parent, not up to trouble with the middle school friend. In Jamil’s Yasmina Silk vignettes, silk melon vendor does mention that Jamil (alone) once swiped fruit from their stall, but Jamil reminds him that he just didn’t have money that day. He paid the vendor back by wrapping money up in a scrap of paper and placing it with a melon rind.
A lot of the activities that Jamil gets up to as a kid are references to the things that Aladdin has done, but I actually didn’t see an instance where the lone middle school friend was implicated to be a part of Jamil's antics. The best I could find was that Jamil mentions having friends (plural) that he detoured through the Camal Bazaar with (in Yasmina Silk vignettes and voice lines). In the vignettes, Jamil says “things happened”/stayed vague about other events that happened in the market, but Trey teases him by bringing up the instance when Jamil (alone) stole from the fruit vendor. Even if Jamil’s middle school friends were cited to have been involved, Jamil mentions multiple friends; there’s no way to confirm it was the specific friend that Najma brought up during the event itself. I think that story was shared less to drop lore about the middle school friend and more about showing the contrast between the freedom Jamil had back in middle school versus how he is in present day, bound by his duties to the Asims; he talks about how he experienced a lot of things during that period, including arguing with and ignoring his friends sometimes (which seems like a very normal friend thing to do, I could see this going either way since Jafar never got along with Aladdin or Abu, and even butted heads with Iago sometimes).
I believe the Broom Bloom Birthday voice lines are like... the most recent example of the friend was mentioned. Heck, it might actually be the only other time that friend is mentioned. It came to us quite a while after the initial release of the Scalding Sands Fireworks event (and in a far more limited place), so it may have been overlooked. This detail (of stealing Jamil's snacks) does lend some credence to the Aladdin or Abu theory; I don't think Iago was that eager to eat the crackers offered to him by the Sultan in the movie 😂 But I think it’s also possible (given that Jamil mentioned he had many middle school friends) that he could be talking about a different friend??
It’s possible that the middle school friend was characterized in other lines or stories (there’s a lot of them out right now, and I can’t possibly comb through them all), so there may be details I overlooked 😅
In any case, TWST didn't give too many specifics about one specific middle school friend so there's enough plausible deniability that they could be some other Twisted character, not exclusively just Twisted Iago. I think you brought up a lot of interesting points about the potential for that friend to be a Twisted!Aladdin or a Twisted!Abu! 👁 It's not a theory that I feel like I've seen all too often, so it definitely offers a new perspective and makes me excited to hear other thoughts and theories! ... Now I want to see more of Jamil and Ruggie interacting with each other--
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renfri420 · 1 year
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The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe
The bhateau intn which my valet had ventured to make forcible entrance, rather than permit me, in my desperately wounded condition, to pass a night in the open air, was one of those piles of commingled gloom and grandeur which have so long frowned among the Appenines, not less in fact than in the fancy of Mrs. Radcliffe. To all appearance it had been temporarily and very lately abandoned. We established ourselves in one of the smallest and least sumptuously furnished apartments. It lay in a remote turret of the building. Its decorations were rich, yet tattered and antique. Its walls were hung with tapestry and bedecked with manifold and multiform armorial trophies, together with an unusually great number of very spirited modern paintings in frames of rich golden arabesque. In these paintings, which depended from the walls not only in their main surfaces, but in very many nooks which the bizarre architecture of the chateau rendered necessary--in these paintings my incipient delirium, perhaps, had caused me to take deep interest; so that I bade Pedro to close the heavy shutters of the room--since it was alread9 night--to light the tongues of a tall candelabrum which stood by the head of my bed--and to throw open far and wide the fringed curtains of black velvet which enveloped the bed itself. I wished all this done that I might resign myself, if not to sleep, at least alternately to the contemplation of these pictures, and the perusal of a small volume which had been found upon the pillow, and which purported to criticise and describe them.
Long--long I read--and devoutly, devoutedly I gazed. Rapidly and gloriously the hours flew by, and the deep midnight came. The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.
But the action produced an effect altogether unanticipated. The rays of the numerous candles (for there were many) now fell within a niche of the room which had hitherto been thrown into deep shade by one of the bed-posts. I thus saw in vivid light a picture all unnoticed before. It was the portrait of a young girl just ripening into womanhood. I glanced at the painting hurriedly, and then closed my eyes. Why I did this was not at first apparent even to my own perception. But while my lids remained thus shut, I ran over in mind my reason for so shutting them. It was an impulsive movement to gain time for thought--to make sure that my vision had not deceived me--to calm and subdue my fancy for a more sober and more certain gaze. In a very few moments I again looked fixedly at the painting.
That I now saw aright I could not and would not doubt; for the first flashink of the candles upon that canvass had seemed to dissipate the dreamy stupor which was stealing over my senses, and to startle me at once into waking life.
The portrait, I have already said, was that of a young girl. It was a mere head and shoulders, done in what is technically termed a vignette manner; much in the style of the favorite heads of Sully. The arms, the bosom and even the ends of the radiant hair, melted imperceptibly into the vague yet deep shadow which formed the background of the whole. The frame was oval, richly gilded and filagreed in Moresque. As a thing of art nothing could be more admirable than the painting itself. But it could have been neither the execution of the work, nor the immortal beauty of the countenance, which had so suddenly and so vehemently moved me. Least of all, could it have been that my fancy, shaken from its half slumber, had mistaken the head for that of a living person- I saw at once that the peculiarities of the design, of the vignetting, and of the frame, must have instantly dispelled such idea--must have prevented even its momentary entertainment. Thinking earnestly upon these points, I remained, for an hour perhaps, half sitting, half reclining, with my vision riveted upon the portrait. At length, satisfied with the true secret of its effect, I fell back within the bed. I had found the spell of the picture in an absolute life-likeliness of expression, which, at first startling, finally confounded, subdued and appalled me. With deep and reverent awe I replaced the candelabrum in its former position. The cause of my deep agitation being thus shut from view, I sought eagerly the volume which discussed the paintings and their histories. Turning to the number which designated the oval portrait, I there read the vague and quaint words which follow:
"She was a maiden of rarest beauty, and not more lovely than full of glee. And evil was the hour when she saw, and loved, and wedded the painter. He, passionate, studious, austere, and having already a bride in his Art; she a maiden of rarest beauty, and not more lovely than full of glee; all light and smiles, and frolicksome as the young fawn; loving and cherishing all things; hating only the Art which was her rival; dreading only the pallet and brushes and other untoward instruments which deprived her of the countenance of her lover. It was thus a terrible thing for this lady to hear the pain4er speak of his desire to portray even his young bride. But she was humble and obedient, and sat meekly for many weeks in the dark high turret-chamber where the light dripped upon the pale canvass only from overhead. But he, the painter, took glory in his work, which went on from hour to hour, and from day to day. And he was a passionate, and wild, and moody man, who became lost in reveries; so that he would not see that the light which fell so ghastlily in that lone turret withered the health and the spirits nf his bride, who pined visibly to all but him. Yet she smiled on and still on, uncomplainingly, because she saw that the painter, (who had high renown,) took a fervid and burning pleasure in his task, and wrought day and night to depict her who so loved him, yet who grew daily more dispirited and weak. And in sooth some who beheld the portrait spoke of its resemblance in low words, as of a mighty marvel, and a proof not less of the power of the painter than of his deep love for her whom he depicted so surpassingly well. But at length, as the labor drew nearer to its conclusion, there were admitted none into the turret; for the painter had grown wild with the ardor of his work, and turned his eyes from the canvass rarely, even to regard the countenance of his wife. And he would not see that the tints which he spread upon the canvass were drawn from the cheeks of her who sat beside him. And when many weeks had passed, and but little remained to do, save one brush upon the mouth and one tint upon the eye, the spirit of the lady again flickered up as the flame within the socket of the lamp. And then the brush was given, and then the tint was placed; and, for one moment, the painter stood entranced before the work which he had wrought; but in the next, while he yet gazed, he grew tremulous and very pallid, and aghast, and crying with a loud voice, 'This is indeed Life itself!' turned suddenly to regard his beloved--She was dead!"
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nerdybeardharmony · 2 years
Embellishing with mirrors
Decorating with mirrors is easy to master but you can really only take advantage of their results if you understand the tricks of the trade to position them appropriately, choose the ideal weight of frame and also structure design from our https://www.homefurniturespace.co.uk/ Mirrors are an incredibly flexible layout attribute, adding instantaneous appeal as well as interest while increasing light and increasing the sense of room. We consider remarkable ways to make use of mirrors effectively to make your residence feel brighter and also larger. Decorating with mirrors is a lot more engaged than you may assume. Obviously, some spaces supply an apparent choice of positioning as well as some frame designs are an easy option however accept these interior decoration pointers to take advantage of your mirror designing.
Guarantee the mirror's reflection merits. We always suggest going with the largest mirror you can afford to make the most of every ray of light from your mirror's representation. Typically mirrors are typically hung from the walls or put on a mantlepiece to reflect your ceiling and opposite walls. So, make sure you consider what will be received the representation as well as choose a show-stopping light fixture or remarkable gallery wall of artwork to expand the wow factor. The brilliant trick of the reflection means you'll now have 2 of these functions, so the bolder and also more gorgeous, the better. Invest in bespoke glass panels for corners. Alcoves are an incredibly helpful building area in a living-room, they can be used for bookcases, displaying artwork, or, use them to lighten up and also reflect rather. Including customised antiqued mirror wall panels in the recesses on either side of the fireplace in a large living room develops a refined reflective surface area and also a gentle, diffused light within the area. Utilising this verre églomisé method is a beautiful means of sidetracking the eye beyond the main components as well as emphasising all the unforeseen little vignettes within the room instead. Install a mirrored wall for influence while a big picture might subdue a space as well as particularly a tiny room a huge mirror will certainly do the contrary. As long as the frame isn't also large (a lot more on that listed below), a larger mirror will just offer to make a space feel bigger as well as brighter, so attempt to select a design that gets on the bigger side as opposed to one with more small percentages. And if there's little wall area to hang a mirror, a floor-standing mirror is a terrific alternative. Nevertheless, if a remarkable effect is your objective, you can ask an expert to fit an entire mirrored wall to increase the dimension of your living-room visually, anyway. Additionally, note the balance produced by the 2 chandeliers and also couches, this gives a framework to the system, you don't desire it to be also busy as it will show back in the mirrored wall. Produce a gallery wall of mirrors to produce a vignette. Not just are mirrors wonderful for showing light, however they can also give you the chance to create a vignette, especially when hung as a gallery, developing a light-reflecting, space-enhancing centrepiece. Round mirrors can additionally soften a space that's furnished with difficult products and also will be a better fit than square or rectangular items on an awkward-shaped wall. If you are looking for a designer wall mirror, why not visit beststylishfurniture.com Get the percentages of an overmantel mirror just right. Getting the dimension of your mirror right is crucial as well as going as well small will be even more of a design concern than selecting one that's also huge for the area. So, when it pertains to selecting a mirror for a mantelpiece, guarantee that it is the same width as the mantel or just a couple of inches smaller on each side. To make a ceiling feel greater, be generous with the elevation of your mirror, to keep in mind just how the perfectly proportioned mirror in this living room reaches simply over the top shelves of the cubbyholes. Invest in a good sofa for the living room. If you are looking for modern 2, 3 or 4 seater sofas check our www.sofasandsofabeds.co.uk
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parttimeghost · 2 years
Hiya Taylor, name's Midnight and nice to meet you!! Please, tell me more about both of your WIPs!
Hi Midnight, it's so nice to meet you! <3
I know you're probably referring to the two WIPs I have in my pinned post so I'll talk about those first. But I've also got a couple of other WIPs that I'm currently working on/thinking about and I just haven't gotten around to updating my pinned post so I'll chuck a little bit about them on the end as well for a bit of fun!
An Ode to the Destined is my main WIP at the moment; I just started rewrites for the second draft which I'm super excited about! It's an Arthurian-inspired fantasy told from the perspective of Morgan of Avalon, the twin sister of Prince Arthur of Camelot. The story follows Morgan as she attempts to stop King Uther's purge and prevent the veil between the worlds from unravelling, whilst also dealing with the prophecies of Taliesin (who believes she is destined to fall to darkness) and her own seer dreams, the lines between reality and vision blurring as the events of her visions draw nearer.
The magic system of AOTTD has to be one of my favourite things that I've ever come up with! The basic concept is that reality is set out like a weaver's loom, right? The warp is everything that provides the structure to reality, things that cannot be changed (like the rising of the sun, the phases of the moon, and the seasons of the year). Whilst the weft is everything else, everything human. It helps to explain the way Seer visions work in AOTTD, where the future is possibilities (the different ways in which you can weave), whilst the past cannot be changed (as it is already woven).
I'm definitely going to be posting about this story over the next couple of months: here's an excerpt from the opening that I posted for HU7U!
This is probably the WIP that I've been working on for the longest. I started writing about these characters in 2020 for my HSC English Extension Two major work (basically I elected to take a course for my final year that meant that I got to submit a major work, which in my case was a short story) (they didn't like it very much lol).
It follows the lives of Bran Wren, Clancy Culpa, and Melissa Kennedy (though it's mostly told from Bran's point of view) as they navigate life as newly initiated superhero-vigilantes in the city of Wrenwood.
It's very much a slice-of-life superhero story; it's told in a non-linear fashion where each chapter of the collection is based on that counting crows nursery rhyme (One for Sorrow, One for Mirth, etc.). And I'm thinking about adding a couple of 'bonus stories' in the second draft (shorter stories based on alternate versions of the nursery rhyme, maybe told from Clancy and Melissa's point of view?). It's just really fun to write and the characters are so dear to me. Here's an excerpt from one of my favourite chapters so far.
I'm currently working on the second (?) draft so I'll post some more excerpts as I get into that (and when I finally stop procrastinating).
I haven't actually posted a lot about this WIP so far so I'll give a brief overview. Vignettes of a Life I Never Lived Vol. One is a collection of short stories I wrote in early 2021/22 about being unsatisfied with the direction my life was heading but being uncertain about where exactly I wanted it to go. It's a work in progress and I'm adding little vignettes every so often when I think about different lives I could've led (some of them are realistic, others less so). I'm currently writing the story in a kind of weird possible-future-tense (I'm not sure how to explain it) but it makes for a really interesting structure and reading experience.
It's more of a love letter to all the people I could have been than anything else; a way to mourn them and say goodbye. I might have to finally get around to writing up a WIP intro for this soon...
Don't Pay the Ferryman is my most recent WIP. I started it for Camp NaNoWriMo back in July, but uni kicked my ass that month, so I only managed to write a little bit. It's about Thea, an Afterlife guide, who ferries unmarked souls (those without religious belief) through the afterlife and is looking for a way to escape, to find her own peace in an afterlife (any afterlife really). The only way for a Ferryman to retire, and that is to get an unmarked soul to take their place by paying them before the journey is over (based on that Chris de Burgh song of the same name). So when Thea receives her first charge, she believes herself willing to do anything to reach retirement. That's when she meets Adriana. So it's a road trip romance novel but with a fantasy (and philosophy) bent.
Thank you for the ask! Have a lovely day (and lmk if you want to know anything more about any WIP in particular)! <3
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soulfleek · 2 years
Decorating with mirrors
Concepts as well as policies for just how to make use of mirrors in your house. How to utilise mirrors to ideal benefit in every room and also even outdoors
Decorating with mirrors is simple to master but you can really only make the most of their impacts if you understand the techniques of the trade to position them properly, choose the best weight of structure and framework design.
Mirrors are an incredibly flexible design attribute, adding instant allure and also rate of interest while increasing light and also increasing the sense of space
We take a look at remarkable means to use mirrors successfully to make your house really feel brighter and bigger.
Enhancing with mirrors is a lot more engaged than you might believe. Naturally, some areas supply a noticeable selection of positioning as well as some structure styles are an easy choice … but welcome these interior design suggestions to make the most of your mirror decorating.
Make certain the mirror's representation is worthy. We always suggest going for the largest mirror you can pay for to maximise every ray of light from your mirror's representation at https://www.floormirrorsboutique.com Traditionally mirrors are frequently hung from the walls or positioned on a mantlepiece to mirror your ceiling and also contrary walls. So, make sure you consider what will be received the reflection and opt for a show-stopping chandelier or remarkable gallery wall of artwork to expand the wow element. The clever method of the representation suggests you'll now have two of these features, so the bolder and much more stunning, the far better.
Invest in bespoke glass panels for corners. Alcoves are an extremely valuable architectural area in a living-room, they can be utilised for cabinets, presenting artwork, or, utilise them to lighten up and also mirror instead.
Including personalised antiqued mirror wall panels in the recesses on either side of the fireplace in a large living-room produces a subtle reflective surface and a mild, diffused light within the area. Using this strategy is a charming way of sidetracking the eye beyond the main aspects as well as stressing all the unanticipated little vignettes within the room rather.
Set up a mirrored wall for impact. While a big image could overpower a space as well as specifically a tiny room a huge mirror will certainly do the opposite. As long as the frame isn't too bulky (much more on that listed below), a larger mirror will just offer to make a room feel larger as well as brighter, so risk to pick a design that's on the larger side rather than one with more small proportions.
As well as if there's little wall space to hang a mirror, a floor-standing mirror is a fantastic alternative. Nonetheless, if a dramatic effect is your objective, you can ask an expert to fit an entire mirrored wall to increase the dimension of your living-room visually, anyway. This smart layout by VSP Interiors fits around the fire border and the painting has been hung as if it's a normal wall, and also the outcome is striking.
Also, keep in mind the balance created by the 2 light fixtures and also couches, this provides a structure to the plan, you do not want it to be also active as it will certainly reflect back in the mirrored wall.
Create a gallery wall of mirrors to create a vignette. Not just are mirrors fantastic for reflecting light, yet they can also offer you the possibility to produce a vignette, especially when hung as a gallery, developing a light-reflecting, space-enhancing centrepiece.
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