mediumgayitalian · 27 days
The Great Current is, as most things in Hades’ domain, expressly forbidden.
The Surface is iffy grounds. If Nico is feeling strong enough to brave his father, he may attempt to convince him to allow him up on the ice sheets long enough to catch some of the sun, unbidden, even as he is burned by the winds. If he is lucky he will have the time to watch the penguins as they tussle, leaping and bounding down their steep slides. If he is luckier Hades will allow Hazel to come with him, and he will poke her in the ribs, teasing, one when of the nestlings waddles after its father, tripping down the slope and rolling into a feathery birdball. On his luckiest days she will shove him tail over fin as she cursesinto a half-frozen ravine, cackling as he shrieks his promise for revenge.
Neither have them have been to the Surface in a some time.
It’s hard in the winters, he knows. Air whistles away the sun’s warmth so quickly, as flighty and biting as a dolphin, and to be beached upon the ice sheets in the dark is to die buried and forgotten under the snow, too far gone even too pay the due rites. But even the dry and barren ice sheets are a mercy compared to beyond the Great Current. As much as Nico chafes under Hades’ frozen glare and icicle rule, his strictness is protective. He has swum the wide expanse outside of the Underworld; endured the desert endlessness, the scarcity, the risk. Here m, within the boundaries of the Current, the boundaries in which Hades as confined them, they have plenty. Here there is no surface untouched. Here there is ice and cold and silent, endless stillness, but never emptiness. Inside the Current, inside the castle walls, is safe.
Nico peers around the castle wall. A small hole in the ice-crust allows a beam of sunlight, brightening the grounds significantly more than inside, bouncing and twinkling off the frozen pillars. Many of the bottom feeders have retreated away from it, slinking into the shadowy corners, but a minke whale floats near the surface, basking in the heat. Her warped shadow leads a trail across the grounds to a small-mouthed tunnel — more of a crack in the ice sheets than anything.
She catches sight of Nico’s lingering form, raising a lazy brow. He shrugs — minkes, unlike his father’s favoured starfish, know to mind their own — and smiles sheepishly. She holds his gaze for a moment, blinking long and slow, and then begins carelessly floating upwards towards the square. With every inch, her shadow grows larger, darker.
Nico grins.
As fast as he dares, mindful of the chattery crabs still hiding along the edges of the seafloor, Nico darts across the path, keeping every stroke of his tail short and shallow to remain within the minke’s shadow. She, for her part, takes an extra-long breath, cheekily enjoying the sweet air of the wintery Surface, remaining up top until Nico is curled entirely in the tiny crack, careful to tuck his fins against the ice walls.
“Thank you,” he whispers, poking his head out.
She shifts, humming low and rumbly. She begins her descent, slower even than her climb to fresh air, and winks when she is low enough to be eye level. Nico waves one more time before turning and rushing, careful not to get stuck between narrow walls, through the tunnel. The ice is slick enough to almost push him through, which is as fun as it is disorienting. The isopods hadn’t mentioned that when he’d asked for directions, but he supposes they’re not quite big enough to notice. Nor are they very smart, so Nico will have to take the sacrifice. The crabs would have surely tattled to his father after one too many questions.
He’d worried, in the weeks he’d planned this, that he would grow tired in the middle of the tunnel and die, hands outstretched, trying to wiggle his way out either end. Usually during long swims he can simply float somewhere to rest, or lie against the back of a blue whale if there’s one around. (Aside from the scratchy barnacles a whale ride is almost pleasant.) But the tunnels are thin and long, and colder than the regular waters. If he pauses to catch his breath, how long would he have before the blood moved too sluggishly in his veins; before eternal sleep would pull as he used to on Bianca’s sweeping fins? A question he’d save usually for Seph, on her kind days, but they’d been few and far between. Lately the cold has made her irritable.
Thankfully, his worries had been unfounded. Energy thrums unusually in the cavity of his chest, pounding along with the erratic beat of his heart. Even if he grew tired the endless twitches of his tail would surely propel him forward enough to eventually escape the tunnel’s narrow confines. Even moreso when the end of the tunnel begins to grow brighter, burning his pupil-blown eyes — he’s close. Bright enough to be blue, the isopods had promised; nothing but sun past the widest expanse of the ice. Sun and churning, twirling water, disturbed flurries of floor flakes.
His heart grows loud enough to echo, with every swish pushing him closer to the exit.
When the tip of his head breaches the narrow end of the passage, he hesitates. The tunnel has widened, now, wide enough that he can just barely bend his tail up under him, fins brushing gently on the round icy walls. His hair has escaped from his tie in his rapid drag against the ice and it floats around his head, now, inky against the startling bright blue of the definitely-warmer water.
The stories his father would warn of him, when he and his sisters were young. The stories he still tells, when he catches Nico watching out the castle windows. Of snarling mers and sharpened coral, of flesh-feasters, of endless grudges. Of monsters from the depths and water hot enough to boil a mer alive.
He is fabricating. Or at least exaggerating; that kind of danger cannot be so adequately held behind a border. Not for so long.
Other mers must be gone by now, mustn’t they? So much fighting, so many wars…wiggling migration lines and danger after danger…endless scarcity of food, of shelter…even the relentless beat of the sun, with no ice for shelter. How could they survive? Seph braves the Current to pay her respects, as is her duty. The restless dead are worth the risk of the living; they demand that respect. But had her kin lain inside the Current, she surely would never breach it. She charges under Hades’ strictness, sours under his chains like the rest of them, but she returns. With great harry, usually. The Underworld is the only place the Ocean will accept his kind; will welcome them.
But a visit is, Nico is sure, warranted.
Without another lingering second to talk himself out of it, Nico darts forward. The moment he is free from the close-cropped ice walls he can feel the difference, the beat of the sun pressing into his skin, the giggling warmth of the shallow waters. The unbelievable blue of the water makes him lighter, makes the near-translucence of his skin even more obvious, the dark of his hair almost navy. He spins, once, to watch his scales catch the light, his fins flare out and swirl against each other in a spiral as dizzying as snail shells. The smile on his face is wide and unbidden, ache pulling at his cheek, and he can’t help quiet laughter, carried away by the roar of the Current.
He’s hardly a few dozen sponge-lengths from home, but he feels as if he’s woken up from a dream, floating within a brand-new planet.
All the worries that had plagued him burn to melting lava in the bright heat of the sun. They have no place to fester here, in the shimmering light, the roaring water. The flakes from the seafloor shoot upwards in a constant stream, unrested by the rapidly cycling streams, and they catch the sunlight in little burst of light, dotting Nico’s skin. He’s seen snow like this only in the deadliest of Surface storms, watched safely from the thinnest sheets of ice in the top of his father’s castle, but it is beautiful without the barrier; delicate.
There is no one beyond the Current. Only pods of dolphins, at this time of year, and the beautiful, brainless fish they brag of teasing; graceful whale sharks and pretty pink corals. Nico won’t stray too far. He only needs shells, glittering and iridescent, and a moment in the open sea. Hardly longer than a minute, really.
He needs to feel it. For himself. To say that he’s done it, if nothing else, to remember in his own head that there is somewhere outside his father’s domain.
With a resolute, steady nod to himself, Nico swims towards the Current.
It gets louder as he approaches. The churned-up snow gets thicker, too, so much so he swims nearly blind, and he is grateful for it. Much harder to back away from a threat he can hardly evaluate. He lets himself sink into it all, the roar of the current, the tickle of the flakes, the thick presence of them in the water, the lovely, bubbling warmth. They swirl around him, a pressurized swell of constancy, and drag him forward, swirling hands of promise, if chainbreakers, of swelling breaths of freedom. He churning current whips him around and he rides through it with all the bravery he can summon, loose somewhere in the expanse of his skull, churning identically to the water in the echo of his chest. He forces his tail to rest loosely, to ride along where the water takes him; swimming, he knows, is futile, fighting against the current useless. There is no force more powerful than the water, no pillar thicker or stronger than ice. The ocean will drive as she sees fit and Nico can only hope she finds him satisfactory enough, that she hears his silent begging, his endless longing. I want to see all I can, he whispers to her, eyes squeezed shut, teeth burrowing into his bottom lip, gills flaring. Please, even just a sponge-length into the open sea. Under the wide, sizzling sun.
It is only after an eternity in the brushing pound of the current that he is released. His skin almost aches with its absence, body reeling from the sudden loss of feeling; his ears, only, relish in the still-constant sound, if at all muffled. His head still spins as dizzy as the hermit crabs he and Hazel used to toss around, chasing after their warning claws and retreating legs. His hair billows in every direction.
Slowly, allowing himself to relish in the sensation, he blinks open his eyes. His fins are the first thing he sees, tangled as they are all around him, reaching far enough even for of them that the tip of it tickles his wrist. Some of his scales are missing, even, torn off in the power of the water, but he is almost pleased at the physical marker of this change. No matter what, pieces of him will have stayed in the Current. Even, perhaps, crossed the border entirely.
In looking under him he realizes the water is still churning — he has not, yet, made it entirely outside of the Current. Water roars in a wall behind him, circling around him in a giant, lengthy spiral. He hovers in the inside of the great churning river; hardly a sponge-length away from fully foreign waters. Once he crosses he has a few hours, at least, before his absence is noted; to swim around, to note, to gather. Or even simply to bask in the sun, swim up the the Surface and breathe air outside of what his father rules.
Smile spreading giddily across his face, he looks up, determined to find the weakest link of the Current wall and swim right through it.
And locks eyes with another mer, staring at him as if he’s a ghost.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Things Percy Jackson has in common with Harry Potter
Black hair and green eyes
The protagonist
Was unkowingly part of a magic species
Things Percy Jackson has in common with GWEN STACY
Streaked hair
New Yorker
Rock music fan
Corrupted abusive dad
Awesome mom we don't see enough of
Bully beater
Only friends are other outcasts
Anger issues
Poor social skills
Brutal ass fights
Insecure from trauma
Was framed for an uncommited crime at a huge turning point in the story
Same sense of humor
Complete sweetheart despite the tough exterior
Normal world best friend is a greeneyed redhead bombshell weirdgirl
Had a corrupted form and is scared of it(That one Tartarus scene with the poison/Gwenom)
Not actually oblivious,just a mix of inexperience and having too much shit going on
Has a found brother who's a bit younger that's an optimistic softboy but also a little shit with a black color theme
Pastel punk
In love with a hugely dorky guy who wears glasses that's down horrendous and has great power that comes with great responsibility just like she does and who she banters and flirts with
Daughter of a sea god/Watercolors artstyle dimension
Is a trans girl
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
The Little Mermaid AU in which Bianca is Ariel who has left her brother to see the land, falls in love with someone up there, and dies trying to get his love.
And now Nico, with his sister gone, resents the land and the humans living on it - hides away in the trench, his tears ripples across the currents, creating numerous disasters in the sea, drowning many sailors alike in his own loneliness.
And Percy just happens to be a pirate obsessed with conquering dangerous seas.
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gyossaith · 1 year
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Nico Saba
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sionisjaune · 3 days
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Releasing this on the last day of mermay…
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happyk44 · 1 year
The cabin door was locked. Nico stiffly knocked on Percy's door, but no response. He wasn't sure why Percy had called him. He'd loudly yelled for Nico to come to his cabin and then hung up. Didn't even have the decency to unlock the door first.
Nico sighed, finding a dark spot behind the cabin to slip into. The inside of the Poseidon cabin was always homey. Maybe it was Percy - an instinctive creature comfort to Nico. Or maybe it was the water motifs, the bubbling fountain and soft blues, that reminded Nico of Venice and sitting in his mother's lap while they sailed down the canal on a gondola.
The cabon itself was empty, but rhedoor to the batjroom was creaked open just a smidge. Nico eyed ir warily. "Percy?" he called out.
"In here!" Percy called back.
"You better be decent," Nico grumbled as he pushed open the bathroom door.
Percy was, in fact, decent. Well, as decent as one could be when they were a mermaid. The first thing that Nico noticed was the dark blue tail. It was squished awkwardly in the bathtub. The end fins, whatever they were called, stuck out over the end of the tub.
Percy, himself, was sitting hunched over, looking absolutely miserable. His spine had a series of spiked fins, more rigid than the near translucent tail fins but just as floppy. They were a grayish blue, and trailed down his back into his new tail. Nico couldn't see much below the water but he had a sense that if he followed that trail, it would lead him right to the end of Percy's tail.
A small series of shimmery dark blue scales spotted up from the tail and over Percy's stomach before fading out by the time it reached his chest. His fingers were webbed.
Brows furrowed, Nico stepped closer. "How..."
"I don't know!" Percy wailed.
It was sharp and deep guttaral sound, that vibrated through Nico's core and rattled his bones. Percy groaned and hunched over even more. The fins on his back fluttered angrily.
This time, when he spoke, it was quieter. "I was visiting my dad yesterday because he asked, and I wanted to see Tyson." He flicked at the still water pooled around him. "And maybe.. got into it with Triton."
"About what?" Nico sat, criss-crossed, beside the tub.
Percy scowled. "Tyson wanted to make me a shield for my birthday, he told him not to deviate because they're still restocking Dad's armory I told him to lay off Tyson, he can do what he wants, we started arguing and..." His eyes darted away as he trailed off.
Nico stared pointedly at his cheek. "And?" Percy tilted even further away. Nico stared harder. "And?"
Percy caved, wincing from his shoulders all the way down to the flip of his tail fins. "I kind of... Punched him."
"He was being a dick!" Percy protested. He covered his face and groaned. The water churned dangerously beneath him, going frothy. "He's always such a fucking asshole when I'm around. I get it - I'm Dad's illegitimate whatever but like fuck off, I don't want your shitty throne, I just want to live to see tomorrow, you jackass."
Nico twisted his ring as he considered what he knew about Triton. "He doesn't like most of his demigod siblings, Percy. It's not the illegitimate aspect - he just thinks if you're going to be associated with Poseidon, you should be under his rule." Nico shrugged. "You're human, so you won't be. And you're his son, the untameable, uncontained ocean. So living under someone's rule isn't really for you."
"So Triton's the fuck-up?"
Nico rolled his eyes. "Triton is Triton. You are you." He prodded Percy's tail. "So why the tail?"
"I don't fucking know." The water began to boil. "But I do know once this shit wears off, I'm kicking his fucking merman ass."
"Because that's not gonna exacerbate the problem?" Percy shot him a dirty look. Nico grinned wickedly.
He flicked Nico's forehead. "Just help me get to the beach so I can swim down there and kill him."
Nico snorted. "I'm not doing that. I will, however, get you breakfast since..." He gestured loosely to Percy's... everything.
Percy's tail flipped in a huff, but he sighed dramatically. "Fine."
Pushing off the ground, Nico headed for the door. A thought blistered by him. He smiled quietly and pushed through the doorway, peeking back in. "Also I'm taking a picture."
A sprout of water hurtled for him just as he slammed the door shut. Behind it, Percy shouted, "No, the fuck you're not!"
Nico giggled to him as he slipped into a nearby shadow. Yes, the fuck he was.
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real-jaune-isms · 29 days
I Can’t Draw it, But Here’s Some Mermay Content:
Zoro: Still cracks me up that you almost died from a nosebleed, swirly perv…
Sanji: Oh fuck off, marimo! You just lack good taste, or any taste at all really!
Zoro: The hell do you mean??
Sanji: I didn’t shed blood for just any old reason, I risked my life in the glorious and gorgeous company of mermaids!!!
Zoro: That’s another thing, why the hell does anyone care that much about mermaids?? It’s just women without legs.
Sanji: That’s what I mean by lacking taste, you don’t see the unique beauty of the mermaid! Silky smooth skin always glistening from being freshly wet, lovely scales on their elegant tails… amazing breasts with minimal covering!~
Zoro: And any point you could have made goes out the window… twirly brow troll.
Sanji: You’re just still not getting it! Just imagine Nami-swan or Robin-chwan as mermaids!!
Zoro: *pictures Robin with an indigo tail, hair flowing beautifully in the open water, with some sea green coral covering her chest.* F-fine… maybe it’s not that stupid of an idea. I need a nap.
*He stomps away before before the cook sees he’s got a nosebleed*
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Day 7 - Robin
Here is the lovely Miss Nico Robin! I decided to make her an octopus because, well, they are incredibly smart and curious, just like Robin 💕💕
That and the sea witch vibes hehe
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starl1tt · 4 months
so do y’all know abt how ppl were making edits of Percy, uma, and Ariel? (it’s clever bc Percy is a son of poseidon, uma is the daughter of ursula, and ariel is the daughter of triton? ) ((ursula and triton r both poseidons kids I’m pretty sure)) ((Percy being their uncle is so funny to me))
so, i was thinking that when season 3 dropped, we DESPERATELY need an edit of mal (yes, mal from descendants), nico and bianca bc they are all hades kids!! (also I need to know if anyone made any fanart of mal as a camp half blood demigod bc technically she is a demigod)
Yall I would pay actual money to see this PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏
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fluffy-bacon363 · 9 months
Your Love Is Sunlight (solangelo)
A pirate!Nico and siren!Will solangelo fic!!!
All those old stories about giant sea monsters, the sirens and the merfolk that Nico was so found of as a child have turned out to be mere myths.
At least that's what Nico tries to tell himself, but he soon realizes that there is a shred of truth behind each of these stories.
- ongoing multichapter fic
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ziananami · 3 months
🖤👩‍🦱 Girls with black hair part 1👩‍🦱 🖤
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g0thnico · 6 months
Nico: ...I call my magical unicorn and he uses the powers of his horn to defeat you
Percy: You can't do that because I cut his horn with scissors
Nico: It's a MAGICAL UNICORN, scissors won't stop him
Percy: Dude, I have magical scissors
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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New York and their Ghosts by @coffeemilkcatz !!!
(Don't tag as any Percy ship names.These are all intended as familial dynamics but the rest are okay to take romantically instead)
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Have never realized how well Nico fits into the role of Triton in the Little Mermaid until I put Hazel in as Ariel.
See. Hazel is Ariel, Frank is Eric, Nico is Triton. Nico lost his loved one (Bianca) to the humans (aka Frank’s people - bc obviously Hephaestus/Vulcan is Mars’ brother), so he forbids Hazel to come close to the surface. But Hazel adores Frank, so she leaves nonetheless.
Wow it actually fits.
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webp-ghost · 9 months
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frozen in time
u've already experienced this being created thru disc but [arises, ragged, skeletal, rotted from my grave] @blazersp1arker 's dtiys!!!!!! mermaid zane u hav cosnumed my waking days!!!!!!!!!
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moodyjazzyblues · 9 months
idk why but mermaid ghost king nico- bro i love this literally ugh
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the digital one was smt i rushed for my portfolio class but i really like the perspective and foreshortening on the pose ahwiwoaihwoehekfkgb
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