#meditative breathing
brightlotusmoon · 5 months
Mom emailed me this just as I was reading "Breath" by James Nestor, which is about how breathwork genuinely helps heal things we don't think about overall.
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fucking-relax · 1 year
take in a deep breath.
now breathe out.
feel the fucking nonsense float away.
take full, deep breaths.
breathe in stength...
breathe out bullshit.
allow your breathing to find its own natural, unhurried pace.
with each breath, feel your body saying:
fuck that
(full Fuck That meditation here)
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postitforward · 2 years
Take a little scrolling break to follow along
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a-path-by-the-moon · 3 months
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wandoffire · 5 months
How to Practice Meditation
Guided mediations
where a voice is guiding you through your mediation - a great way to start or for if you have trouble silencing your thoughts
Breathing exercises
activates the parasympathetic nervous system (calming) and great for grounding
Body scan
technique for tuning into the body, scanning how the body is feeling from head to toe
very effective for grounding and unwinding the mind, even better in spaces with nature
reduced anxiety, depression, stress and pain
improved self control, focus, self care and clarity
find the right technique for you - what works for one person may not suit everyone.
start small - if you can't commit to 10 minutes a day, then commit to 1 minute.
youtube is full of guided meditations of numerous lengths and purposes - for mindfulness, for mornings, for energy, etc.
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nicoscheer · 3 months
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euphorictruths · 2 years
Feel those intense feelings and emotions flowing throughout your entire body; become aware of them. Recognize them. Trust your heart– Feel them, breathe... And then let go.
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Dear friend, remember that "This too shall pass" nothing in this world is permanent, not even your troubles. Better days will come. If you are going through a hard time, know that you can learn from it, grow through the process. You have the inner strength to weather any storm and emerge stronger, wiser and more resilient. There is a light in you that nothing can put out. Please leave a little heart for yourself or anyone who may need this today sending so much love and strength your way.
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chakrajourney · 8 months
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Chakra Meditation in the Redwoods by Laura Iverson
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histhoughtslately · 1 month
Just breathe…
You’re being tested. Focus. 🧠
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ear-motif · 1 month
how does one cope with knowing that every moment of their happiness can only exist with the continued exploitation of colonized nations. like even if i kill myself it wont be enough and even if i devote my life to change it wont be enough because all forms of my happiness are predicated on theft and destruction.
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cosmichighpriestess · 2 months
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creepyscritches · 3 months
God I've been trying to learn how to meditate on the advice of my therapist but all I really experience is terror and panic lol... I've only started like ig allowing and processing emotions over the last 5 or so years and meditation just feels like smearing my face across a stovetop
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postitforward · 1 year
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Mental Health Spotlight: Jasmine Marie, Founder of black girls breathing®
Jasmine Marie is a speaker, breathwork practitioner, and the founder of black girls breathing®. Her work is innovating the wellness, healthcare, and research industry by making mental health services accessible to Black women while filling in the gaps of data and research available on this underserved and underrepresented demographic. Marie plans to impact one million Black women and girls with her work by 2025. She is a serial founder with a past life in global haircare brand marketing and an alum of NYU Stern. The impact and range of her work to date is expansive—ranging from underserved minority communities to stressed-out college students and executives. She’s brought her expertise to elite colleges such as Harvard Business School, Columbia University, and Cornell University, and her client list includes corporations such as Estée Lauder Companies, Under Armour, Capital One, Ford Motor Company, Facebook, and Twitter. Marie has been featured in Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America, VOGUE, Forbes, Harper’s Baazar, Marie Claire, Glamour, Nylon Mag, Wall Street Journal, and Black Enterprise, to name a few.
What is black girls breathing®? And why was it created? black girls breathing® is a safe space for Black women to manage their mental and emotional health and heal trauma in their bodies with breathwork and community.
I created black girls breathing® after finishing my breathwork training and seeing so few facilitators that looked like me yet knowing how much chronic stress and trauma (generational, societal, etc.) and decided to create it. I used my background in business to help me develop a model where we could provide this work accessibly.
Do you have any secret hobbies, skills, or interests?
I don’t think I have any secret hobbies but for a while, I would always feel embarrassed whenever anyone asked that question, as a lot of my hobbies can maybe seem boring to others lol. But I love to read. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I love having quiet time…any activity that allows me to feel refreshed, sit with my own thoughts and enjoy my solitude. I think because I deal with so many people’s energy that in my spare time, I just like to spend time with self. I love to cook though…it’s a very meditative activity for me that allows me to unwind from my day.
How did you get started in this work? And why is it important to you?
As mentioned above, after my breathwork training, I realized there were so few Black breathworkers. But before that, I found breathwork while being stressed out after graduating from business school at NYU and working in beauty in NYC. My nervous system was so fried I began having physical symptoms…rashes and an inability to sleep. The doctor would see me and always say, “This is stress. How can you reduce your stress?” Fast forward to me finding my first breathwork class and falling in love with the way it allowed me to just feel more space in my mind and body.
WOW — ONE MILLION Black women and girls breathing by 2025 what an ambitious goal! What impact do you see this having?
It is an ambitious goal, but in 2020, we fundraised $55k to make our work accessible for one year. After the year was done, it was so clear that we couldn’t stop there. So many Black women needed this work, and we would hear that over and over again. So I decided if I was going to do this work, I was only interested in creating real impact and a goal that would signify that. Imagining 1 Million Black women using breathwork as a tool to regulate their nervous systems, heal from compounded trauma and reduce the effect that chronic stress has in our community (health challenges linked to chronic stress: heart disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, fertility issues, and the list goes on) will not only affect them but our community as a whole. Ending the passing down of generational trauma and normalizing healing.
What would you suggest to people who feel like they cannot find the time to breathe or practice mindfulness?
I would first affirm that it’s okay they feel that way. Western society has done a great job of making us feel that anything outside of productivity is not only a waste of time but the least important thing we should make space for. Making time for yourself for any mindful activity can be eased into and it can start with being more aware of the present moment and practicing that action on a daily. Maybe you create a routine where every morning for 3 minutes right when you get up, you take a moment to be still, notice your breathing pattern and focus on each and every inhale and exhale.
Why is Black representation important in this industry?
The wellness industry isn’t unlike other industries where Black representation is lacking. I think it’s important to see other Black women caring for themselves because, historically, we’ve been taught to do the opposite for oh so long.
Where do you find joy?
I find joy with my family and my loved ones, in intimate moments with friends, in good food and conversation, and in being able to create something and see it grow, shift, and evolve.
Want to learn more about black girls @blackgirlsbreathing?
Check out their website!
Breathe with us on March 27th @12pm EDT during their Mindful Monday Breathwork for Anxiety session on Tumblr Live
Ask black girls breathing all the questions on your mind for IssueTime on Navigating Anxiety in an increasingly digital, lonely world
Take the pledge with black girls breathing®
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Having read bits of your post on To Be Continued, I'm curious about your thoughts on To Be Continued and The Promise even though I am not watching the former and dropped the latter.
Where would you say they rank on The Alan Scale?
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I don't know what's happening to me, y'all because first I didn't want Yuan to be too petty in Unknown, and now . . .
I ain't that mad at To Be Continued
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Therefore, it's not on the Alan scale (yet! We still have one more episode so shit could change) because the show is kinda basic, but not in a bad way. It's checking off the BL boxes, but, oddly enough, it called out itself in this past episode for doing that.
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It's not City of Stars level of awareness, but both leads acknowledged the reason they separated for ten years was pointless. They both apologized for the hurt they caused, then they chilled on the couch and cracked jokes. It was rushed as many of us assumed it would be, but it happened.
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In the beginning, I did not like Achi. I thought he was disrespectful to Ji and pushy. Then by episode three, I was completely on Achi's side while being livid at Ji for being distant.
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But I've never been upset at Gumbie. He is perfect. He is everything. He is love personified. He resides in my heart. Forever.
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Then, once both men stated that they should have actually talked to each other after they had sex as teenagers, I just wasn't as pissed at either of them as I had been for the six previous episodes.
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I'm still upset. Let me not gloss over that because I had to deal with hating them for various reasons most of the series, but just like Sun for 7 Days Before Valentine, I see the growth. They aren't the same raggedy bitches that walked into the series.
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Unlike this motherfucker.
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Phu was exactly who he was at the beginning of The Promise. Not one thing changed about him. He would still run away from the problems HE CAUSED instead of answering for any of the bullshit he pulled.
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Nan had already forgiven Phu before Phu even came back into his life. Hell, Nan had forgiven Phu AS PHU WAS WALKING AWAY! Yet we still had to witness Phu be the victim.
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There is only one show for me that has really gotten the "I left him because I love him" right and that's our Lord and Savior known as Our Dating Sim.
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And it's because none of these other shows know how to balance the reason for leaving with the anger of being left. THAT'S IMPORTANT!
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The Promise didn't allow Nan to be angry AND for Phu to acknowledge his part in that anger. Phu just kept crying. How can a relationship happen when Nan could never trust that Phu wouldn't run away again since Phu never saw what he did as wrong?
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To Be Continued at least acknowledged that both the reason for Achi leaving and Ji being upset were insignificant. It's not great, but it's the basic amount needed to start fresh because it makes things equal. No one is left standing on high ground thinking his actions were right and the other guy's were wrong.
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So, yeah, basic. Bare minimum. But it checked the boxes.
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And it also had Poppy's fine ass, so . . .
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I ain't that mad at it.
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inshelliesworld · 6 months
calm and balanced
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if it won't matter in 5 months, don't spend more that 5 minutes worrying about it.
this is much easier said than done.
try opening up instead of closing off & let it go. 🪷
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