#me? going to bed before 1 am? a miracle
Ok I’m going to sleep now probably most likely maybe see y’all in the morning
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byunpum · 10 months
Auntie Sully: New tail, new family | Part 2
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Pair: Auntie sully reader x Ruk'e mate x sully family x rotxo x spider
Warning: None, cute moments <3
Request: (Anon) Can I asked auntie Sully with her mate and hybrid baby? Along with spider in a sweet family moment together? (Anon) How would Rotxo be when Auntie Sully along with her mate and kids accepted him to be part of the family by giving him his own bow, as auntie Sully crafted for him with alot of love and care that her small hand craft with the help with her mate and Spider+baby sibling.
Note: I am going to adopt as many children as I can, because I can and I want to!!!! -auntie sully
Avatar masterlist | Part 1
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The arrival of your baby had been a miracle and a surprise for everyone. A human had given birth, a na'vi baby. Indeed, it was a perfectly healthy na'vi baby. It had the blue color that so distinguished the Omaticaya clan, and its beautiful blue stripes. And her luminous freckles on her little feet. She was a perfect baby, a beautiful na'vi baby. She was a blessing to the whole sully family. Jake was so excited to be an uncle for the first time, even neytiri couldn't hold back her tears when she hugged her for the first time. This was such an important event, this baby was a new opportunity for life. A mixture of two species.
Everyone could be excited, but not as excited as spider. The boy couldn't contain his joy at being a big brother. He dreamed of this, this was all he had ever asked for in his life and now he had his little sister in his arms. He couldn't ask for more from life. He had amazing parents and now they had given him a sister. He was holding his sister carefully, while playing with her little hands. The baby was much more small than the average na'vi baby, you were pretty sure she would be smaller than the average na'vi. But you didn't care, seeing your two children together made your heart fill with joy. But someone was missing…Rotxo.
Rotxo had been by your side, long before you got pregnant. The boy was so happy when he knew you were having a baby. Celebrating with spider, and the whole family. He even cared for you during your pregnancy, accompanying you through everything. He was your middle child…or so you thought. For you and for your mate. Rotxo was already part of your family. You had never mentioned it to him, but you thought it wasn't necessary. It's obvious, he was always with you. Spider referred to him as your brother and he practically lived with you in your marui. So now you feel a little worried.
After your labor, you spent some time resting in your marui. Ronal assisted with the baby's arrival. She took care of you, and left you ready for your healing process. She was surprised to see that the postpartum care was the same as that of a Na'vi woman. The only thing is that you had to rest longer. After a couple of hours you began to worry about the absence of rotxo. You knew he was out hunting with a group of young metkayina. For something like training, but they were supposed to return this morning. And you didn't know about him…he wouldn't want to miss his sister's arrival, would he?
"Ma ruk'e…have you seen rotxo?" you ask. You were lying on a kind of bed made of woven cloth, for your comfort. Ruk'e was holding the newborn baby, while spider was taking care of dinner. "Mmm no, now that you ask I don't know if the group of kids arrived" speaks your mate. You open your eyes wide. Lifting yourself up a bit with your elbows. " Ruk'e and if something happened to him?" you sound worried, that boy was practically your new son, and if something happened to him you were going to panic. Spider rushes over, trying to calm you.
"Mom…he's arrived. But he told me he wasn't sure if you wanted him to be here." spider speaks, lowering his head.
"And what did you tell him?" you ask. "I told him to come…that you wanted him to be with us…but he refused. He said this was a family thing" spider sounded a little sad.
How could Rotxo think something like that, after all this time. He was part of your little family too, even jake and neytiri had already accepted him as part of the sully family. The kids invited him everywhere, including him as part of the Sully family. Why did he feel that way about you…you had done something wrong?. You felt yourself getting nauseous and a pain in your chest began to feel.
You put your hand on your chest, your heart ached. "Love…calm down. You must not get like this, I will go find him and talk to him" says ruk'e. He didn't want you to be stressed, ronal was very clear about your care. You had to be in a calm environment. You decide to breathe and let everything calm down. You are sure that everything will work out. You had grown so fond of rotxo that you felt you owed him something.
The next day… ruk'e woke up earlier than the whole family. He hadn't been able to sleep anyway. The baby had cried many times during the night and in the early morning he was caring for her while you rested. Now as he was getting ready, he took a look at his new scenario. Y/N was holding her baby on her chest, asleep with her hair in a messy bun. She looked beautiful, while her oldest son, spider. He was curled up in his hammock, barely visible. But there was an empty hammock…and that was rotxo's. Someone was missing.
It didn't take long to find the group of guys…rotxo with a couple of friends. Some pretty nasty guys, who ruk'e knew were just taking advantage of his son. Because rotxo was too good for them. Ruk'e walks over carefully, watching as the group of metcayina boys walk away and laugh. Rotxo's eyes widen in surprise, trying not to make eye contact. "Hey…rotxo, son how are you?" says ruk'e casually, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. Rotxo laughs a little, something like irony. Ruk'e is a bit shocked by this behavior. Rotxo has never been like this.
"Hey…Your little sister was born already and " ruk'e was about to continue talking when rotxo interrupts him.
"She's not my sister…spider's not my brother and you're not my parents. Stop pretending to care about me" rotxo speaks, wiping away with his arm some tears that had begun to build up in his eyes. Ruk'e steps closer and bends a little so that he is now at the boy's level. Rotxo felt that his presence was no longer needed.
"Who told you that?" asks ruk'e, watching as rotxo takes a look at the group of boys he was hanging out with earlier. "Those idiots don't know what they're talking about… do you know how much we need you back home?" ruk'e watches as rotxo looks up, he looked so helpless.
"Why don't you come with me… and meet your 'sister'… because she is your sister too" says ruk'e getting up to guide rotxo. He was still a bit shy, he felt that he was not part of the family anymore.
After a short walk, they both arrive at the marui. Rotxo enters worried, but excited. He was lying if he said he didn't want to meet the baby. He had waited all those months to meet her. When he walked in, he saw how Y/N was sitting, with spider sitting next to her. He watched as she looked up, and gave him a big smile. "My rotxo…come here" you speak, stretching out your arms. Rotxo runs quickly, and sits down next to you. Hugging you. "I'm sorry…I didn't mean to" rotxo was crying, feeling ruk'e sit next to him, placing a hand on his back.
"No need to apologize…look" you lift the baby up, so rotxo can see him better. You can notice how his ears perk up and his tail begins to wag in excitement. The baby had its little eyes open, raising its hands to try to touch Rotxo. "Can I?" asks the boy, and you laugh and pull the baby closer so he can take it in his arms. The excitement he was feeling at this moment was something he had never felt before.
"Spider…hand me that bag over there" you speak, spider reaches for the bag and hands it to you. Everyone looks at you curiously. Watching as you pull something out of it. It was a bracelet, just like the one everyone in the sully family had. Including spider, ruk'e, jake, neytiri, your nephews…everyone. It was symbolic, it was a way of saying you were part of the family. You take it and show it to rotxo. The boy is a little surprised, feeling ruk'e take the baby from his arms.
"Come here, come closer" you speak, watching as rotxo obeys. Coming closer to you, bending a little. You take his hand and place the bracelet on him.
"I think it's formal now…don't you think so, son?" you speak, seeing how rotxo's eyes at no time leave you. His tears were starting to run down his cheeks. "It's official…. I told you that you were my brother!!!" says spider, hugging rotxo from behind. At that moment, you see how jake and neytiri enter the marui, accompanied by your nephews. They were all happy, and you could see how they were holding things to celebrate. Hugging Rotxo, welcoming him. You had told Jake about your plan, and he immediately accepted. "It's going to be a little celebration…but we'll make your welcome celebration" says Jake, hugging the boy. And ruk'e joins them.
You stand quietly, watching the whole scene. After so long…after everything, you finally had what you had longed for…a family.
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camslut7 · 4 months
Ain’t no way
Pov: Tenjiku’s top members go to the Haitani brothers’ house for a meeting, but they meet the third Haitani
Including: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Shion, Mochi, Hanma
Tw: curse words?, a little suggestive at one point
Reader is a female.
I got woken up by the slamming of the front door. Assuming it was my brothers coming home, I tried going back to sleep, but failed to do so because a couple minutes later i heard it again. And then again. I mean really, who the fuck was slamming the front door that many times.
I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was 1:15am. Groaning i fell back on my pillow, trying to return to my sleep, but i heard talking.
Getting up from the bed, i looked in the mirror. I was only wearing a black crop top and my underwear, so i decided to put on some leopard print pyjama shorts (idc if y’all like leopard print it’s 2006 and I absolutely love it).
I went out of my room and to the bathroom to pee. I mean hey, i got woken up anyway so why not pee, go drink some water and scold my brothers for waking me up.
While i was doing my business in the bathroom, someone tried entering. And i mean full on pulling the door open with all their strength.
“Why the hell are you pulling on the door so hard? Can’t you see it’s locked?” I yelled at the door, mentally thanking myself for locking it.
I heard someone groaning in annoyance on the outside, walking angrily back downstairs. And then i heard multiple people talking. Like more than two.
What is going on? Have my brothers brought someone to our house without telling me before hand?
Already kinda mad at them, I quickly washed my hands, checked how I looked and went downstairs to see what the hell was going on.
Walking down the stairs I yelled “Ran, Rindou, did you seriously bring someone to our house without telling me?!”
And at that moment, I looked in the living room. There were 7 guys, including my brothers, sitting in the living room, now looking at me like I was some god sent creature. I was dead ass looking at them like 🤨.
I few seconds of silence passed “Okay, what the fuck is happening right now? Why are you random boys in my house?”
“Hey, who are you calling a boy? Can’t you see im older than you.”
I looked at the guy with piercings and big ass tattoo on the side of his head.
“So what? Can’t you see I don’t care?” I said back at him.
“Who do you think you’re talking to, little lady?” Said a very big guy with some funny eyebrows. Seriously, someone needs to fix them.
“And you are?”
“That’s enough.” I turned to the side to look at the tanned boy with platinum blonde hair. “Ran, Rindou, who is this?”
“That’s our little sister.” Answered Ran.
Sighing, Rindou asked “Y/n, what do you want? Why are you so angry?”
“Why am I angry? You’re the ones who woke me up in the middle of the night. I wanna know why there are people in the house, at 1am, making noise and waking me up.”
“Woah, calm down, baby. You don’t wanna mess with us.” Replied a very tall guy, with blond on the front of his hair… Damn was he fine, but damn was he tall af.
“Yeah, what are you gonna do? Yell at us for waking up your highness?” Said the guy with the tattoo on his head.
“Um, guys, I don’t-“ Rindou tried butting in, but i cut him off.
“Oh yeah? Wanna fight? You would win, right? Since you’re being so cocky. Although, I think you’re a pussy.”
“Okay, that’s it, little bitch” And at that moment, the guy with the tattoo tried swinging at me, but i quickly dodged it and sent a right hook to his jaw, knocking him out.
I cracked my knuckles, making eye contact with every single one of them, stopping by a boy with a scar on his face and mismatched eyes. Oh, he cute, I thought, and hot. Looking at him up and down, I noticed the boy blushing.
Smirking at him, I said “Okay, who’s next?”
They were all looking at me as if I just did a miracle. Except Ran and Rin, they’ve always known that I could do that.
“What? Scared?” I smiled, focusing on the tall guy with the blond strand on his hair.
He scoffed “As if.” “Well, it sure looks like it.”
“Okay, Y/n, that’s enough.” Ran said, standing up from his spot on the couch and coming towards me.
“You should go now. And put something with more…” he stopped, searching for the right words, looking me up and down “more coverage, you know.”
And as he said that, all the guys in the room looked me up and down, now noticing how short my shorts are.
I scoffed “Oh my god, as if I care. You’ve annoyed me all, I’m going to sleep.”
“Good night, sis” Called out Rindou.
“Nighty, Y/n” Said Ran.
“Sleep well, princess.” Said the tall guy. I should really learn his name.
I went up the stairs and into my room. Closing the door, I sighed. What the fuck was all that?? I layed in my bed, going back to sleep, hoping that they won’t be here in the morning.
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periludic · 6 months
Hello! can you write a sick mc in step 1 of Ol2 and tamarack and qiu just stay by them to keep them company and treat them with treats while their sick I'd like for them to be crushes
" SICK "
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📌 Pairing: Step 1 Qiu/Tamarack x GN!MC (Separate)
Qiu "Autumn" Lin
Knew you were sick before you yourself knew
Definitely not because he stares at you for long periods of time. haha.
Checks up on you the day after to see if you really are sick
And surprise surprise! You were!
He kindly asks your Mom if he can check up on you in your room, and of course, asked you if he was welcomed inside your personal space as well
Qiu sits down on the floor next to your bed and stays there for a while, asking about how you're feeling and if he could get you anything at all
After a while though, he stands up with the promise of coming back, before dashing out of the door, leaving you confused
But really, he just went back home to ask his parents if he can stay at your place for the afternoon and got a few snacks to share!!
And if you wanted anything you couldn't get in your house, he made a quick trip to town to get whatever it is you wanted
Watches over you like a hawk
If you dare make one teeny tiny pained noise this stinker goes into full panic mode
"Are you okay? You're not dying are you? I am sorry!"
Meanwhile you stare at him in confusion because why is he apologizing over you being sick as if it was his fault??
Speaks in a softer voice just in case your head hurts, and because he's really worried about you
Would not let you lift a finger, he's spoiling you today and there's nothing you can do about it
Well that's not entirely true, if you get sad or angry about him doting on you too much he would let you do whatever you please
But he's staying by your side no matter what
If you're upset over the fact that you're sick, he spends hours sitting below you on the floor next to your bed trying to stay as close as he could without making you feel uncomfortable telling you funny adventures he, Baxter and Darren had
"Qiu. Get away from me you'll get sick" "But :("
He definitely gets sick a day or so after, but does he regret it? No.
He'll go through anything for you <3
Tamarack Baumann
This girl is prepared
Came over to your house ready with medicine, soup her grandma made, a wet cloth, etc. etc.
Your Mom lets her come inside your room (with your permission of course) because for one, she's a busy woman. And two, Tamarack seems to know what she's doing
Frowns so hard when she sees you sick and uncomfortable
She cares about you so much it actually hurts her whenever you're in any kind of pain
Tamarack was in a state of panic when she first saw you miserable in your bed
"(Name)!! How are you feeling? You're not hurting anywhere are you?" "I feel like I am dying" "Nooooooo!!!!"
Will not leave your side unless you beg her to. What if you fall and explode while she's gone? What if you start hurting and cry?? WHAT IF YOU DIE AND SHE'S NOT THERE???
Yeah. It gets intense with her.
Compared to Qiu's soft doting she's in full on in doctor mode
Whenever you cough or sneeze a lil she's on her feet ready to get you anything
"What? What is it? Medicine? Water??"
You'll have to periodically remind her that you're not in that much pain and that getting sick is normal
Is ready to fan you herself if it starts getting really uncomfortable and hot because lets face it you probably don't have a working AC in step 1 yet
Will sing praises and reassurances if you get scared
The only time she leaves you is when you ask her to get something from downstairs or another room
Other than that she'd glue herself onto you if she could
You actually recover quickly after her visit, its honestly a miracle
Her Omi and Opa wouldn't mind if she stays over at your house until late into the evening
Even when you're feeling better, she'll still stay close to you
Would be offended if anyone tries to separate the both of you
You can't take her away from her precious neighbor!!!
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collapsedglasshouses · 9 months
Consequences || Noah Sebastian x Reader [Part 2]
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: Even though Y/N felt slightly guilty about the eventful night with Noah, she can't help but follow him to his room that night.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, mentions of previous sexual events, swearing, alcohol consumption, oral sex (male receiving), (pls let me know if i forgot something <3), metric system (if that counts as a warning lmao, i'm european i don’t know anything about feet and inches)
A/N: Soooo, here is part 2... I dont even know what to say except that i was absolutely flabberghasted with your reactions to part 1. Thank you all so much! For those who want to know, I listened to Miracle on repeat while writing this ;) I'm always open for suggestions! Pls let me know if you liked this chapter. Enjoy!
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When you woke up the next morning your head almost immediately started spinning. For the first few seconds you thought that maybe everything that had happened last night was just a dream but when you didn't feel any different after staring at the ceiling of your room for quite some time, you let out a frightened sigh.
Noah and you really hooked up last night. Noah really ate you out while watching your favorite movie. Noah and you really got intimate while your brother was celebrating his thirtieth birthday not even twenty meters away from you.
"Fuck..." you mumbled to yourself before you grabbed your phone to look what time it was. 10:23 AM. You didn't even sleep that long.
Slowly you got out of your bed and looked at yourself through the mirror that was hanging next to the dresser on the wall. The longer you looked the more guilt crept into your veins. You couldn't believe what happened. Even though you enjoyed every second of it, you couldn't wrap your head around how to go on from now on.
Would Noah and you continue as before? Were you now officially more than friends? Could you even go back from this? You had absolutely no idea...
After debating what to do, you decided to just go with the flow and went downstairs to be met with the mess the birthday party left behind. There were a lot of empty cups laying around and you felt the stickiness beneath your feet on the floor, causing you to shiver in disgust before tip toeing to a bar stool in the kitchen area to avoid as much floor contact as possible.
You weren't the first one to be awake since Jolly was sitting at said kitchen counter, eating a piece of Nick's birthday cake and mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.
"Good morning" you greeted him before grabbing a piece of cake for yourself.
"Are you okay?" You immediately tensed up and looked at Jolly who gave you a concerned glance. Is he talking about last night? Is he talking about why Noah and you just disappeared into thin air?
"I-… Uh… I threw up yesterday and Noah noticed I was gone and than he tried to make me feel a bit better." Tried to make me feel a bit better? Are you kidding me, Y/N, why don’t you just directly tell him Noah went down on you?
"Actually… just wanted to know why you looked so disgusted walking towards me." he began "But I’m glad you feel better now."
Internally you were this close to slamming your head repeatedly on the kitchen counter but on the outside you just forced a small smile onto your face "The floor is sticky. That’s why I looked so distraught." - "Thank god, I thought you decided you hated my face now."
"Jolly, you have long blown out hair and tattoos, if anything I would say I saw my fucking guardian angel." you joke and hug your friend from the said, who couldn’t help but gift you with the biggest smile you seen from him all week.
Right after you let go of Jolly, you heard steps behind you and were shortly met with Nick and Noah joining you in the kitchen.
"Good thing you took care of Y/N last night." Jolly spoke and making Noah and you stop in your tracks, while Nick just looked confused.
"Uh… Yeah… Thanks for taking care of me… Because you know… I threw up." You stumble not even daring to look your brother and his best friend in the eyes. "Oh right, yeah. She was totally wasted. She wasn’t even able to form clear sentences while we watched Spirited Away."
You immediately covered your cheeks since you noticed they were getting pretty warm while he grinned at you mischievously. He wasn’t wrong about you not being able to form clear sentences but for other reasons than Nick and Jolly thought.
"You really threw up? Holy! I always thought you could tolerate more alcohol than me, (Y/N/N)." - "Maybe, but yesterday was way different… Believe me."
You gave your brother an apologetic smile before quickly glancing at Noah who smirked a little while taking a sip from his water bottle. If he wouldn't have been so fucking pretty while doing that you would have slapped him in the face.
After Folio and Bryan had also found their way downstairs you began to clean the house.
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About two hours later you all found yourselves laying on the couch while One Piece was playing in the background but no one seemed to pay closer attention to it since everyone still dealt with the hangover from yesterday running through their systems.
You were scrolling through Instagram when you let your mind wonder. You looked to your right and your gaze instantly landed on Noah. The last two hours everything seemed normal. You chatted as normal, he even helped you again to put the 'Happy Birthday' sign down. It seemed like nothing had ever happened between you and you didn't know if you liked that or not.
For you, even thinking about yesterday made you blush and you started to feel that weird feeling in your stomach but it seemed like Noah wasn't even bothered in the slightest by his previous actions.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Folio threw a pillow into your face. "What?" you asked aggressively, throwing the pillow back to him, while the others chuckled. "What were you thinking about, Y/N?" Jolly asked teasingly but you just rolled your eyes. "What do you want, Folio?" - "I was asking if you wanted Pizza or Chinese Take Out for dinner?" Noah would be nice. You cleared your throat. "Fried Rice sounds really nice actually."
After the food was ordered, Nick threw a blanket over your lap, being the caring big brother he was. Before you could even process what was happening, Noah was also slipping under the blanket your brother just gave you.
"Would you all be down to do a small second celebration for Nick since we all got split up so bad yesterday?" Jolly asked and not even an hour later you were all sitting in a circle around the couch table and were playing stupid party games while eating your food.
"Oh! I know something. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong number." Folio stated and your brother and Bryan drank a sip from their beers. "Two each other?" Noah joked and everyone laughed at that. "That would have been intentional." Bryan smirked and winked at your brother who blew him a kiss before they laughed again.
"Never have I ever had dirty thoughts about a friend." Noah, Bryan, Jolly and you drank a sip. You could nearly feel Noah's gaze burn into you but you decided to not return it to avoid any suspicion.
"Never have I ever dumped someone over text." Noah and Nick drank a sip. "They learned that from each other" you joked and made the others chuckle a little.
"Never have I ever kissed or hooked up with a friends sibling or a siblings friend." Nick said and looked into the round. You also let your gaze wander over the others, but no one raised their drink to their lips except Noah and you.
Bryan howled teasingly while Jolly pointed at you two while smirking. You realised how your cheeks grew a lot hotter but before Noah or you could say anything, Folio came to your rescue without even knowing it. "Come on, guys. Everyone and their mothers know that Noah and Y/N were making out at that one party when they were seventeen. You know... They were drunk as hell, I think Davis was even filming it and even Nick knows that." Your brother began to nod. "I mean, it wasn’t the nicest thing to be woken up with Davis showing his phone under my nose but…" He chuckled awkwardly.
Meanwhile you took a deep breath and looked at Noah who smirked knowingly. Yes, you made out at that party but no one til this day knew that this was the day you lost your virginity to your brother’s best friend. Also no one knew that this little thing didn’t seem to be a one time thing.
Jolly seeing how nervous you got just went on with asking questions. Your mind still wandered through events happening almost ten years ago when you noticed a hand coming to rest on your thigh and than slighty squeezing it. You immediately tensed up and looked almost unnoticeable to your right. Noah wasn't even looking at you, seemingly paying close attention to the conversation your friends were having.
Slowly but surely his hand made its way up your thigh while drawing small circles on it. Were you hallucinating?
You took a big sip out of your beer when his hand landed on your clothed core and he suddenly started massaging you threw your panties. You immediately placed your beer bottle on the table before pulling the blanket closer to you and looking at Noah. His gaze was still on his friends and nothing on his face made it even slightly clear that he was almost fingering you under the blanket.
What was this supposed to become? Something made you mad about this. You knew this was wrong. You knew you needed to talk this out before anyone would get hurt. And than suddenly an idea popped into your head. If he wanted to play games, you sure as hell could take part in it.
Your hand started wandering as well and landed on his left thigh. Even though he tried his best not to look nervous, him suddenly biting his lip gave it right away.
The other boys were still full on discussing something about a video game when your hand landed right between his legs. He took a deep breath which made you grin while you slightly stroked him through his sweatpants.
His movements on you came to a hold, him being too surprised by your action and trying to contain himself, when your hand slipped through the waistband of his pants.
You gave him only a few strokes before he cleared this throat and started to shift, making you remove your hand from him. Guilt crept up your neck when Noah excused himself from the group, saying he was tired.
You looked at him while he stood up and adjusted his clothes. You shot him an apologetic glance when he started walking towards the stairs but you weren’t met with the emotion you thought you would.
Noah signaled you to come after him.
Does that mean-…? Does he want to-…?
Approximately five minutes after Noah you also wished the boys a good night before making your way upstairs and firstly going into the bathroom. You looked at yourself through the mirror and started to think about what was going to happen when you would enter Noah's bedroom.
You weren’t able to form a single straight thought in your head so you just splashed a few drops of water on your face in an attempt to cool you down at least a little before quietly making your way to Noah's room.
You again paused while looking at the door, feeling your heart race so fast you weren’t quite sure if you just had a heart attack. Your mouth went dry when you quietly knocked on the door.
Everything seemed to go a bit slower when you heard him shuffle and than open the door for you, staring directly into your eyes. You didn't even know what to say when you made your way into his room and you definitely didn't know how to go back from this when he closed the door and you slightly pushed him against it.
"What are we doing?" Noah asked quietly while bringing his hands up to your face while your arms wrapped around his torso. "I don't know, Noah. You tell me" You whisper, goose bumps forming on your arms when you noticed you could feel his breath on your face.
"Fuck... I just can't stop." he whispered before kissing you hard. A slight moan escaped your mouth.
Without thinking twice you worked your way to get him out of his pants, before he helped you out of your shirt. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and walked to his bed, while you kissed, your tongues fighting for dominance.
You signaled him to lay down to which he obeyed before he pulled you with him, but you swore to yourself that this time was payback. You helped him out of his shirt, before instantly attacking his neck with kisses. His hands found their way to your hair while he quietly whimpered under you.
"You don't even know what you do to me, Y/N." Noah almost cried out while you kissed your way down to his waistband.
"Than tell me." you demanded while slowly pulling his underwear down to expose his cock. You heard him quietly swear while grabbing the sheets under him. For a moment you were surprised you had this effect on him, before you continued your mission.
"Tell me, Noah." you whisper while taking him in your hand. "Tell me what I do to you." You pressed a kiss to his tip, causing him to buckle his hips up.
"Every time I see you, I want you all to myself." he let out under his breath before you took him into your mouth. "I just can't stop thinking about you."
If you didn't know any better, you would say butterflies filled your stomach because of his statement. You took him as deep as you can while his hips started to move in your favor. One of his hands tangled in your hair and the mix of him quietly cursing out your name and holding you in place while you pleassured him sparked a fire in your core.
"Fuck, Y/N." he curses, careful not to be to loud, "I'm so fucking close..." A moan escaped his mouth and he cupped your cheek with his other hand while you were going up and down his shaft in a steady tempo. "Can I-... Can I cum in your mouth?"
Almost moaning at his request, you nodded and hummed around him. When Noah released into your mouth with a groan it sent shivers down your spine. He slightly twitched as you worked him through his high, hands letting go of your face before pulling you up to his face while you swallow.
"I-..." He started but than there was a knock on the door that let you both freeze in your place.
With widened eyes you stared at each other before you heard the voice of non other than your brother at the other side of the door. "Noah, are you still awake? Can I come in?"
Before you could even think you rolled yourself off of and under this bed, while he dressed himself as fast as he could. "One second." He almost cried out before stumbling to the door and throwing your shirt under the bed in the process, that you quickly pull to yourself before holding your breath.
You felt like you were a fucking teenager hiding from the parents of your person of interest in an attempt to not get embarrassed.
So when Nick came into Noah's room, wanting to talk about something tour related you couldn't help but feel like this all was just some confusing fucking dream.
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fictionalgap · 6 months
Steal my heart (chapter 2)
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Pairing: Kit Thantalos x Thief! Reader
Summary: You woke up somewhere you don't know.
Warnings: Swearing
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Note: I accidentally used spoon feeding here too and have no regrets.
Song Recommendation: Blue Eyes - Elton John
"Dehydration and malnutrition. Honesty Its kind of a miracle for her to be able to carry herself, let your higness to the castle ." The healer was reporting to the Queen.
"Your majesty, our two guards just let us know that she was a part of a criminal activity. That-that she's a thief! "
"I don't care who she is. She saved my daughter's life. I owe to her."
You were able to hear the conversations but you couldn't find the strength to open your eyes and move around.
"That's enough. " you heard a familiar voice.
"She saved my life so what I need is, her to be okay." The familiar voice sounded distressed.
"Yes, your highness. "
You felt sleep taking you once again in its world.
You woke up to sunrays in front of your eyelids. You blinked a couple of times. You were in a bed. You looked around to see the girl who you carried to the castle. She was sitting in a chair next to your bed and polising her sword.
"You are awake! How do you feel? "
You blinked a couple of times. You wanted to answer but your throat was too dry to make a proper sound. You licked your lips and before you knew she came closer to you with a glass of water.
"Let me help. " You nodded as you looked in her blue eyes. She put her hand to the back of your head and raised it so you could drink from the glass. You sipped the water first then you grabbed the glass and finished it in a second.
You were thirsty.
She took the carafe and filled your glass with more water.
You chugged it in a second again.
"Thanks." You managed to say to the princess next to you as you looked up and down to take her in more.
She smiled and it rushed your heart.
"No problem...wait." She said and went to get a healer to check on you.
She came with a middle aged woman who first checked your temperature with the back of her hand.
"How do you feel? " th woman frowned worried.
"I feel better. Thank you."
Your stomach grumbled in a desperate way.
The princess nodded to herself "I am going to bring some food."
You tried to hide your red face.
"She needs soft food, your highness like soup. Something easy to digest but I can make someone go get her you don't have to-"
The princess already vanished to get you something to eat.
'Are princesses really that helpful?' You thought to yourself than you remembered what happened in detail.
She was bit by a large snake but she looked pretty good now.
You cleared your throat.
"How is your highness? She was bit. "
Woman who was busy with things you didn't know turned to you and her gaze soften.
" Yes, she was but thanks to you she is alive now. We are so grateful for that. Your highness's mother, Queen Sorsha wanted to see you when you got better."
"Oh... uhm. Sure and I'm glad I could make it in time. "
"Your highness is fine right now. Don't worry about that. You on the other hand had been sleeping for two days."
Your eyes widen to woman's words.
"What? Two days? I -I..."
The princess came into your sight with a tray in her hands with a dedicated expression on her face. She put the tray to the table next to you.
You tried to sit on your bed but you hissed when your back shivered in pain.
The princess and the healer tried to help you to sit properly on your back.
The princess was very close to you right now which made you blush. She took the bread and started to make it into small pieces and d put them in the soup.
You could feel her breath when she sighed as she grabbed the bowl. You looked at her face. 'She is really pretty." you thought and you might have looked at her more than appropriate cause the woman cleared her throat and you turned your head to her direction.
She smiled knowingly.
"Your highness I shall feed h-"
" I want to." She took a spoon of soup blew it to make it a comfortable temperature.
"I can eat own my own. "
The healer and the princess shoted a look to you and you found yourself being unsure.
"I- I mean. I really don't want to be a bother." you explained nervously.
The princesses eyes pierced yours.
"How can you say that when you literally saved my life. I couldn't make it without you. Thank you. I owe you. "
You smiled softly.
"You don't owe me anything. It's an honor for me your highness."
"It's Kit. Call me Kit." Her smile met her eyes.
The healer's mouth hang open as Kit's head turned to the healers direction.
"Brenda, did you know she didn't know I was a princess when she took me here?" she smirked at your direction.
"Really? " Her eyes widen with shock.
"Yeah. I told her I was a daughter of a guard in the castle. "
You remembered the earlier conversation.
Your arms ached with pain as you carry the girl who was becoming more and more pale by each moment.
"You don't know where the castle is? "
"I'm not really from here."
"Where are you from? "
"Not around. "
"That was specific." she chuckled with a groggy voice.
You sighed heavily.
"Why are we going to the castle? Who are you?"
"My dad works there. As a guard. They can help me there. "
"Is that why you dressed up as one? "
She snorted as much as she could a poisoned person can.
"Don't tell me you stole your daddy's sword. That looks too good for you to have."
She smirked tiredly.
"You know about swords? "
"Kind of... " you smirked tiredly.
*end of the flashback*
You understood why she lied.
Many people could kidnap the Princess for their interests.
She put the spoon between your lips. The soup felt delicious and warm. It was like nothing you had for the longest time. You let her feed you as you eagerly took every spoonful of soup down to your stomach.
" Why didn't you eat before, darling? " The healer asked.
Kit cleaned your mouth with a napkin.
"I didn't have time to."
A few minutes passed with silence. You were never spoon fed by a Princess before. It felt weird. In a good way.
Kit's brows raised up.
" I heard things about you. "
She cleaned her throat and looked at the healer. The healer took it as a sigh and left you two alone.
You gulped.
"The guards came here, didn't they? "
You didn't felt like lying to her.
She sighed.
"Yes, they did. They told my mum, the Queen that they were looking for you. They told her that you are a thief. " She stopped and looked at you for an explanation.
You looked down at your lap and fiddled with your fingers.
"If I am going to jail or be executed I-"
She started to laugh "What? "
Her laugh was a song you never heard of.
"I mean, It's true. I am a thief."
"You saved my life. So you're not going anywhere." Her face came closer and it was pretty serious. "I-I mean anywhere bad. " She got back in her chair.
Relief came to you by her words but her being close to you made you nervous.
In a good way.
"Thank you, Kit. "
She put her hand on your leg.
"No, thank you, ...uhm? " her eyes pierced yours again as she smiled.
"Y/N." you smiled.
Her hand warmed your entire leg.
"Thank you, Y/N." She smiled softly.
You never really knew you could ever like blue eyes so much until now...
Taglist: @valenftcrush @elliewilliamsgf69 @hayatistirahati @rubycruzsbitch @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes
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tortillamastersblog · 14 days
ⴵ My Best Friend’s Little Sister - Part 2 | Yelena Belova ⴵ
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: You get a second chance to tell Yelena how you feel about her. . .
Part 1
It’s the first thing I feel when I start to come around. I thought dying was supposed to be peaceful.
I groan and force my eyes open. Everything is bright. Too bright even, but I force myself to keep my eyes open.
That’s when I take in my surroundings. I’m in bed in a small, white room. The wall to my left is made entirely of glass, which allows me to see all the people that walk by without paying any attention to me.
They’re all dressed in white and as more time goes by and my brain starts to catch up, I realize where I am; The medical ward of the Avengers Compound.
This has to be some sick joke, I think. I died! How am I here? Unless this is what the afterlife looks like… No, that can’t be it.
My eyes travel around the room some more and that’s when I notice all the machines next to my bed. They have colorful wires attached to them that disappear under my blanket and are attached to me.
The heart rate monitor above my head beeps quietly, almost inaudibly, and indicates that I am, in fact, still alive.
A wave of pain rushes through me when I try to sit up, and I fall back into my pillows with a cry.
That’s when several alarms start to go off and I’m afraid I’ve done something wrong. However when one of the doctors rushes into my room to check what happened, she freezes at the sight of me staring back at her.
“You’re awake,” she says in disbelief and before I can reply she rushes out of the room only to return a second later with Dr. Cho in tow.
She looks surprised as well, but smiles when she sees me. “Welcome back, Y/N. I must admit, that was a close one.”
“H-how am I still here?” I rasp, my throat feeling like sandpaper. I cough slightly and let Dr. Cho shine her penlight into my eyes before the nurse from before hands me a cup of water. I thank her with a nod and drink slowly, the cold liquid easing my overwhelming thirst instantly.
“Well,” Dr. Cho slips the light back into her coat pocket and smiles softly. “What happened is nothing short of a miracle, but I guess you have to thank Wanda.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Wanda?“
Dr. Cho nods and mumbles something to the nurse before turning her attention back to me as the nurse swiftly leaves the room. “Yes. She got to you just in time and used her magic to stop your bleeding.”
I huff in astonishment and lean back against the now elevated part of my bed. My mind is still somewhat foggy so I don’t ask any more questions and let Dr. Cho do some more tests.
It’s quiet for a couple minutes before the door bursts open.
I slowly turn my head in the direction of the commotion to find a familiar redhead staring at me with tears in her eyes. “You’re awake…”
My heart swells at the sight and I manage a tired smile in response. “Hey, Nat.”
That’s all it takes for her to rush forward and pull me into a bone-crushing hug. I wince but don’t say anything because I need this just as much as she does.
“You’re such an asshole,” she says when she pulls back to sit on the edge of the bed. “You died, Y/N! Right in my arms. Who does that?”
I chuckle sadly and take one of her hands, watching as she wipes away her tears with the other. “I’m sorry, Nat.”
Nat shakes her head and squeezes my hand tightly, her eyes fixed on me as though I could disappear any second. “I know. . .I know. It’s just— No one could tell if you were ever going to wake up again a-and I just missed you so much.”
“I’m really sorry,” I say again. “H-how long was I out?”
The uneasy silence that settles between us makes my stomach churn. It can’t have been that long, can it?
“How long?” I whisper, now suddenly afraid of the answer.
Nat bites her bottom lip and averts her eyes. “Almost a year.”
“What?!“ I cough and take another sip of water. “A whole year?”
“Nine months,” Nat clarifies and I close my eyes in disbelief.
How can it have been that long? The mission flashes through my mind as though it only happened yesterday and then I remember those green eyes that watched me fall. Those beautiful, green eyes…
“Yelena,” I gasp and my eyes dart around the room. “Is she okay? Where is she?”
My eyes meet Nat’s and she frowns. “She’s alright, but—“
“But what?” I interrupt, groaning in pain as I move to get up. A hand on my shoulder pushed me back down and I don’t fight it because I’m exhausted.
Nat watches me with pity and takes her hand back to place it on my knee over the blanket. “She’s gone AWOL a month ago. . . She couldn’t handle you like, well, this.”
My heart breaks at the thought of Yelena crying over my unconscious body for months. Where could she have gone if even Nat can’t find her? How is she now? Is she sad? Angry, maybe? I have to find her. I have to tell her I love her now that I’ve gotten a second chance. But first I have to find her.
Seeing how dejected I am, Nat nudges me with a small, teasing smile. “Hey, I still have to talk to you about that, by the way… I can’t believe the two of you have been going out all this time without telling me.“
I will find her, I think. For now, I have to recover though, just enough so I can get out of here. The thought of finding her lifts my spirits and I feel my cheeks heat up under Nat’s watchful eyes. “I know, I’m sorry. We were going to tell you after the mission,” I defend weakly.
Nat raises an eyebrow. “Uh huh. That doesn’t change the fact that you went behind my back to date my sister though.”
I cringe and don’t dare to look up. It’s silent for a moment but then Nat laughs quietly.
“I’m just kidding,” she says honestly. “I trust you more than anyone and I know you could never hurt her.”
I shake my head with wide eyes. “Never. I swear. She’s my everything.”
Nat beams at me and squeezes my knee. “I know, I can see it in the way you go all mushy when you think about her.”
I feel my cheeks heat up again and try to play it cool by scoffing. “What are you taking about? I’m a super soldier. There’s literally nothing mushy about me.”
“Sure, honey. Keep telling yourself that.” Nat laughs and it does nothing to tame my growing embarrassment.
I chuckle too and scratch the back of my neck. “Oh, shut up.”
After that we continue to catch up and Nat fills me in on everything I’ve missed which isn’t much. The rest of the team also stops by at some point and I almost crush Wanda in a hug when I thank her for saving my life.
She just laughs and squeezes my hand, saying I would have done the same for her if the roles were reversed.
I still can’t believe I’m alive and even though I’m happy to have everyone around me, I can’t help but think of Yelena being all alone, not knowing I pulled through.
It’s been two weeks since I woke up and I’ve slowly but surely gotten back on my feet. The rehabilitation exercises Dr. Cho showed me are helping me get around on my own and Nat being by my side every step of the way is also a big help.
She’s tried to contact Yelena several times, however like the times before, her efforts have been in vein. It’s not surprising though because if Yelena doesn’t want to be found, she won’t be found.
There is however one place she could be at that only I know about, so that’s where I’m headed now.
It’s pouring and I’m exhausted from the effort it took to get into the city unnoticed by the public. I took the subway and am now walking the rest of the way with my hood up against the weather.
When I finally get to the apartment building, I pull out my keys and unlock the front door. I’m just about to pull my hood down when a bunch of teenagers come my way, so I leave it up and look down in hopes of not being recognized.
They pass without saying a word, so I slip inside, keeping my hood up just to be safe.
I take the elevator up to the right floor and get off, my wet shoes squeaking on the ground as I make my way to the familiar apartment door.
I look around to make sure nobody’s in sight and unlock the door. I go inside and don’t turn on the light, letting the door close behind me with a soft click.
The place is just as I remember it, even in the dark, small, warm, inviting and filled with a bunch of memories. The person who’s part of all these memories though is nowhere to be found, so I slip off my shoes with a sigh.
I’m too tired to go back to the compound now, so I’ll just stay here for the night and return in the morning.
I limp through the dark, my scars hurting from moving around so much, and make my way to the bedroom to get a dry set of clothes.
The bed looks untouched, confirming my conclusion that no one’s here. When I reach for the closet though, I freeze when a gun is pressed to the back of my neck.
I still haven’t taken down my hood, so I can’t glimpse over my shoulder at whoever it is. I don’t have to though because when the person speaks, my heart swells.
“You have one chance to tell me who you are and what you are doing here before I shoot you.”
I find myself smiling and slowly raise my hands to lower my hood. “Well, I better make it count then…”
The gun drops from my back and I turn around slowly to find Yelena staring at me with wide, glistening eyes. She’s wearing shorts and an oversized black hoodie which I recognize as one of mine.
“What— How—?” she stutters, her bottom lip trembling. I reach for the gun and take it from her hands, placing it on the dresser beside us.
Yelena is frozen in place but when I slowly take her hand in mine, she crumbles. Tears spill from her eyes and her knees buckle and I’m quick to wrap my arms around her waist. Her hands claw at my jacket to pull me closer as she sobs into my chest. “You’re here,” she whimpers. “You’re here…”
Feeling my own tears rolling down the side of my face, I squeeze my eyes shut and kiss the crown of her head. “I am, baby. I’m right here.”
Yelena keeps clinging to me as if I’m about to disappear the second she lets go. “W-when did y-you—? she sobs against me and I know what she wants to know so I kiss the top of her head again and lean back a little to see her eyes.
“When did I wake up?” I unravel one arm from around her waist to brush some hair behind her ear. “Two weeks ago. We tried contacting you, but you’d gone off the grid.”
Yelena leans into my touch and closes her eyes with furrowed eyebrows. “I’m sorry, I should have been there. I just. . . I couldn’t. Y-you died, Y/N. I saw you d-die right in front of me and—“ she lets out another sob and buries her face back in the crook of my neck.
I just hold her close and whisper reassurances in her ear. “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m okay. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.”
It takes a couple of minutes for Yelena to finally calm down and pull away again to look at me. She raises a hand and traces her finger over my brows and down the bridge of my nose as if she’s trying to commit every little detail about me to memory.
I let her do her thing and stay silent, watching as the last of her tears escape her eyes. She is breathtaking, even now in the moonlit room. Yes, her eyes are sunken in and it feels like she’s lost some weight, but she’s still the girl I fell in love with all those months ago.
“You’re really here,” she finally whispers one more time before her eyes meet mine. I nod and kiss the pad of her finger which has landed on my lips.
Yelena sighs and slides her hand over my cheek to the back of my neck to pull me in for a kiss. It’s soft and our lips are barely even moving, but it’s enough to make me forget about everything other than this moment, right here, right now.
She really is my everything, so when we both part for some air, I’m finally ready to reveal my true feelings, but then she beats me to it.
“I love you, Y/N,” she whispers, her breath fanning my lips.
“You do?” It takes me by surprise. So much so that I pull back with wide eyes. Of course I knew that she liked me, otherwise we wouldn’t be in a relationship, but up until now I thought my feelings for her outweighed the feelings she had for me.
Yelena doesn’t seem fazed by my reaction and simply nods with a watery smile. “I do. I’ve loved you ever since you snuck into my room the first time to hold me after I’ve had a nightmare.”
I smile at the memory. That was right before we started dating. I knew about her nightmares because her room was right next to mine and my super soldier hearing always picked up on her jolting awake.
Closing the distance between us, I press another soft kiss to Yelena’s lips. She sinks into it, but starts smiling eventually which breaks the kiss.
I rest my forehead against hers and close my eyes, nudging my nose against hers playfully, whispering, “I love you, too.”
Yelena chuckles and runs her fingers through the baby hairs at the back of my neck. “I know. I can feel it.”
She pecks my lips a couple of times and I keep my eyes closed, savoring this moment as long as I can before I start shivering.
Yelena and I pull apart and it’s then that we realize that I’m still wearing my soaked clothes. It’s so bad that even the front of Yelena’s clothes are wet now.
“Sorry about that,” I whisper sheepishly, gesturing at her clothes.
“Don’t be.” Yelena unzips my jacket and helps me slip it off my shoulders. It lands on the carpet with a wet thud and I shiver again, so Yelena takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.”
I follow without complaint and turn on a small light as Yelena gets to work on preparing a bath. She adds some of my favorite oils and soaps to the water and checks the temperature several times before turning back to me.
She wordlessly unzips my pants after looking at me for approval and helps me out of the rest of my clothes.
“Y/N. . .” She whispers with horrified eyes when her eyes land on my new scars. Tentatively, she lifts her hand and traces a finger over the one on close to my shoulder.
It’s still a little sore and red, and Dr. Cho said it would take some more time to fade, but it doesn’t bother me.
“I’m okay, my love,” I say quietly, placing a hand over Yelena’s. Her worried eyes meet mine and I take her hand and place a reassuring kiss to her palm. “I promise, I’m alright.”
She bites her bottom lip with furrowed eyebrows before eventually relaxing visibly.
I press another kiss to her palm and brush a strand of hair behind her ear. “Now, how about that bath?”
Nodding, she steps back and takes off her own clothes, taking my hand to lead me to the tub. She turns off the water and steps in first, sitting forward until I sink in behind her.
I wrap my arms around her middle and pull her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head once she’s relaxed against my chest.
Her hands find mine around her stomach and she interlaces our fingers with a sigh.
The rain outside pelts against the window and I turn my head to watch the twinkling lights of the busy city. Yelena does the same and by the look in her eyes I can tell she’s deep in thought.
After a couple of minutes she shifts and whispers, “Y/N?”
I tear my eyes away from the city and look at her. “Yes, my love?”
Her green eyes look soft in the low light and I can’t help but press a kiss to her forehead. “What happens now? I mean, what are we going to do?”
I squeeze her hands and run my thumbs over her stomach. I’ve been giving that question a lot of thought myself and I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to take a break from saving the world every other day. “I don’t know. What do you want?”
Yelena’s eyes flicker between my own and she frowns in thought. “I don’t know. Can we just stay here for a while?”
I smile and crane my neck to peck her lips. It makes her smile and when I pull back her eyes are glittering with happiness. “Of course. We can do whatever you want.”
Here ya go, people. This is for everyone who wanted a part 2.
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carpetbug · 5 months
ML Feline Blue AU Chapter Two: The Pont des Arts
1 • 2 [tw: blood and slightly gory imagery]
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The last time Marinette had felt such paralyzing anxiety as she traveled towards the Pont de Arts was middle school. It was the day she realized she had a crush on Kim, and Socqueline - her best friend at the time, who left Francois’s Dupont at the end of 8th grade - had almost immediately shut down the immature day dream that was their future together. Still, Marinette had made her way to the bridge after school to stare at the locks of all the couples that had been here before her and conjure up sickeningly sweet fake scenarios of her new heartthrob. The craziest thing she had done that day was silently wish that Kim would magically reciprocate her romantic feelings, and still it had felt like she was walking some invisible tightrope, putting her life on the line for some spectacular balancing act she knew she could never pull off. She can still remember the way her hands shook and stomach churned while she perused the locks that decorated the bridge's walls. The fear she felt that day, that heavy stone of discomfort that lodged itself in her stomach, she felt it now all the same. Only this time, instead of feeling like she was merely risking her life, she could have sworn she was marching straight to death's door. And the miniature ladybug creature, this ‘kwami’, was doing little to put her unease to bed.
“You’re not listening, are you Marinette?” the alien-like red bug questioned delicately with a slight inflection to her already syrupy voice. Her eyes softened with guilt when Marinette met her expression with a lost look, lips parted slightly as she struggled to respond.
“I-I’m sorry.. uh.. Tek…?”
“Tikki” the small bug smiled patiently.
“Right. Tikki. I’m sorry Tikki” Marinette sighed and adjusted her hold on the miracle box. What a guardian she would be, she couldn’t even remember this kwamis name. How was she supposed to do.. well, everything else?
“I died. That old man pushed me into the seine and I died.” Marinette stammered in disbelief as her limbs pushed her away from these freaks of nature without waiting for her brain's command.
“Don’t be scared, Marinette! We’re your friends!” The ladybug themed creature said reassuringly, dropping the intense tone with which she was speaking seconds prior. She, along with all the other small beings, floated effortlessly in the air. “I am Tikki, the kwami of creation. We aren’t going to hurt you, Master”
“Master?” Marinettes throat went bone dry as the words rattled her brain. She was their master? “Oh my god I’ve actually lost my mind.” She chuckled under her breath. The chuckle morphed to a steady laughter, and soon enough she was doubled over in hysterics, hands clutching her sides so tightly she could feel her nails digging into her ribcage. “That OLD man PUSHED me into the SEINE and I DIED!” She shouted in a side-splitting roar of laughter.
“Good job Sugarcube, now she’s having a breakdown.” Marinette heard a much more sour voice taunt. Suddenly what seemed like a million more voices chirped in, each unique in its pitch and pronunciation, and each more desperate to be heard than the last. She could only hear broken sentences and words through the plethora of noise from the kwamis and her own uncontrollable laughter, an occasional ‘We’re doomed!’ and ‘Master Fu!’ catching her ear.
“Just hush, Plagg!” the ladybug scoffed in annoyance. She darted closer to Marinette, small fin-like arm extending to pat her shoulder in a comforting gesture. “Tune them out Marinette, you simply need time. Your bravery will surface soon.” She tried to soothe the frantic girl before returning her attention to the other beings. “Everyone, please listen! We can’t do this now, not to her.” Tikki spoke sternly, yet the words hung in the air like a plea. “I.. I’m certain none of us are ready to speak about Master Fu," a dejected tone began to cling to her small voice as she continued “But he wants us to go forward. And he needs us to guide the new guardian”. Marinette looked up as her voice began to catch in her throat, a pang of pity shooting through her unstable heart at the sight of the tears beginning to pool in the small beings eyes.
“Master Fu?” Marinette repeated softly, peeling her hands off her body and standing up from the rough cement platform that offered her safety. With a powerful shudder she became painfully aware that she was still soaked from the seine. Her hands traveled up to her hair, removing the smooth ribbon that held together her right pigtail - the left had come undone in the water. “Is that... was that the old man?” She asked the kwamis with a weary tone, eyes trained on her soggy shoes as her hands wrung out her dark hair of the water still wearing it down. “Why did he-?”
“Throw you in a river?” the sour voice chimed in again. It belonged to the black cat, who was now floating leisurely on his back with a yawn. Marinette was almost certain she could see sharp teeth in the kwamis mouth. Tikki shot him a deathly glare, but he went on. “I’m Plagg, kwami of destruction, lover of cheese” He stated with casual disinterest, as if nothing traumatic had just occurred. “Not his smartest move, I’ll agree. But-” he sat upright and narrowed his eyes, voice taking a more serious tone “-he did what he had to do to keep us all safe.” his long tail flicked, motioning to the other kwamis. “That includes you.”
“I was telling you about the kwamis, '' Tikki chirped, following by her guardian's side while levitating in the air. Marinette nodded, quickly glancing up to check what street they had reached, then darting her eyes back down to the wooden box she had hugged to her chest. It was getting harder and harder to focus on the bugs' words, her mind occupied only with thoughts of Master Fu. Despite the kwamis, and the freezing water that seems to have seeped into her bones, and the distressed voices in her head yelling at her that she was alone in this, Marinette couldn’t shake the idea that this man was still alive. He would be waiting at the Pont de Arts, ready to retrieve his miracle box and kwamis, and he'd reassure her that she would never have to worry about any of this miraculous nonsense ever again. Marinette wasn’t going to find his body. She wouldn’t.
“There's nineteen kwamis in all, but two of us are missing. Nooro and Duusu are the kwamis of transmi-”
“Tikki, I’m- I can’t-” Marinette bit her tongue as she fought to find the right words.
“What is it Marinette?”
“I’m sorry but I just can’t talk about this with you. It’s just… too much” Marinette mumbled, wishing the earth would open up beneath her and swallow her whole. “Can’t this Master Fu just explain things to me when we find him?”
Tikki blinked in surprise and remained silent for a few seconds. Then, she nodded and feigned a weak smile. “Of course Marinette. If we find Master Fu he will explain everything” she reassured.
Marinette nodded absentmindedly, taking another brief glimpse at the street signs and sighing in relief at seeing they were close to their destination. Suddenly this all felt like some sort of fever dream, like she would go home and sleep tonight then wake up in the morning with nothing changed. Except maybe she would always think about being thrown in the seine, the cold and brutal water that had seeped through her skin, leaving her fingertips wrinkled and pruny against the wood of the miracle box. And sure, it might feel real enough that her knees still wobble a bit as she walks, but everyone has horrible nightmares sometimes - right?
“One second, Tikki” she stopped the kwami, still stuck in her train of thought.
“Marinette!” Tikki had paused, and Marinette turned her head to see the small red kwami floating, arm extended to point at the bridge that suddenly seemed to appear in front of them. When had they gotten here?
“Oh. Great, we’re here! Let’s find this Fu-Man and let me get home so I can go to bed and forget all about this.” She adjusted her hold on the box and began to cross the wide bridge when Tikki darted in front of her with urgency.
“Wait! Master, I must tell you, thi-”
“Sorry, but please just call me Marinette.”
Tikki smiled and continued “Marinette, I have to quickly warn you that- even we kwamis are not sure of the lengths this villain is willing to go. We do not know if he acts with mercy, so this may be something you don’t want to see. If you’d like, I can go ahead without you and see for myself then come back?”
Marinette scrunched her nose as she thought for a few moments. Eventually she shook her head and smiled- a genuine and kind smile that made Tikkis heart ache. “No need, I’ll come with you. You’ve been here for me during all this, so I want to be here for you until you’re back in good hands” she promised.
“He was being chased?” Marinette questioned, reeling from the information the cat kwami had just dumped over her head like cold water. Fu had been pursued by some unknown antagonist for several weeks, until they eventually found and attacked the guardian. Marinette had only been an innocent bystander, a stranger in the wrong place at the wrong time, and a helping hand when Fu was at his most desperate for any kind of savior. She was the only way to get the miracle box out of the villains' reach in such a short amount of time. And the seine had been the only way to get her out of danger.
“More like hunted” Plagg sneered in response and crossed his arms
“Plagg, you're scaring her!”
“She should be scared!”
While the black and red kwami hissed at each other, the girl's head was spinning, overwhelmed with this new world she was suddenly a part of. There were so many questions running through her mind, all begging to be answered. But the most desperate one came first “Can we go back to the Pont des Arts?” She asked softly, interrupting their argument.
Plaggs expression widened in shock, and he was about to protest when Tikki stopped him. “Good idea, I’ll have all the kwamis return to the miracle box.”
“Well, wait-” she stopped her “Will you stay with me? I would feel a bit better if I had someone more informed by my side”
The red bug smiled and nodded, still ignoring the bewildered look from the cat. Before he could say anymore, she turned back to the kwamis, leaving him grumbling and following after her.
“God. It’s already three a.m, papa is going to be awake and getting started in the bakery soon.” Marinette muttered to herself while checking the time, her and Tikki moving at a slow pace across the bridge. It was dark, the moon providing the majority of the lighting cast down on them. And, it was almost entirely silent. Save for the constant rushing of the water beneath the bridge -the sound was making her hands begin to shake all over again-, and the occasional distant hum of a car passing nearby.
“A bakery?” Tikki whispered in response.
“Yeah,” she smiled. “My parents own a bakery. ‘Tom and Sabines’.” Her hands came together then spread like she was forming a rainbow in the air as she spoke, adding a loving touch to the simple name. Tikki gave a light giggle.
“Sounds amazing! What kind of sweets do they make?” the red bug questioned before suddenly gasping, “Do they make cookies?! I haven’t had a chocolate chip cookie in so long!”
Marinette was taken back by the kwamis sudden eagerness for one of the simplest sweets their bakery had to offer, but she couldn’t help but give an entertained laugh. “We make all kinds of cookies. Snickerdoodle, peanut butter, red velvet, oatmeal raisin, -”
“Don’t you dare say that about oatmeal raisin cookies.”
“Get to the good stuff!”
She stuck her tongue out teasingly at the kwami before continuing, “chocolate chip, chocolate chunks, and like a billion other ones I'm forgetting. Give or take seasonal and custom flavors my dad makes from time to time, too.” When she looked up, Marinette swore a line of drool was trailing from Tikkis mouth, but as soon as she had noticed it the bug was in her face in excitement once again.
“Wow!” Tikki exclaimed. “I can’t wait to try them.”
“How long has it been since you last had a cookie?” she asked. Marinette wondered what parts of human life the kwamis knew of and took part in, given the ‘secrecy’ about their existence. They were familiar enough to have opinions on cookie flavors, apparently.
“Oh, I'm not sure. I haven’t had a holder in a few decades, though I have left the miracle box during that time, - Marinette? Are you not listening again?”
Almost as soon as the kwami had started talking, Marinette had frozen her stare on something ahead of them, and she seemed a million worlds away. Tikki turned to look and her heart dropped.
Blood soaked into the wood underfoot, leaving a dark stain that seemed pure black in the night time. More sat in small pools and splatters, some spraying across the lock decorations and steadily drip-drip-dripping into the surface below. The longer she stared the more she realized the Pont des Arts would now always feel like it had been smeared with death. It was all too fresh, like someone had drained the old man of all his blood and used it like paint, spreading the viscous liquid on any surface they could. It seemed like both an introduction, and parting gift. The display was left with intent, the predator that had gotten Fu was leaving a warning for whoever tried to come to his rescue. It said ‘I’m here, look what I am capable of. Look at everything I did. Look at what I’m willing to do.’
Marinette took a step back, mouth agape as she realized breathing was becoming increasingly difficult. Her blood pounded in her ears, droning out the seemingly fraught help Tikki was trying to provide the panicked girl. Another step back and her legs buckled, dropping her directly into the glistening pools of gore. Her hands clenched into fists, now stained a dark red as she kneeled in the blood, and she panted in desperate need for air. It seemed to hang in the air now, the metallic tang filling her mouth and nose.
The screech - almost directly in her ear - snapped her attention back to the ladybug creature, whose voice was feverish with alarm. “Tikki..” she breathed, still struggling to keep from hyperventilating. “Tikki, this is him, isn’t it?” Marinette brought her hands up, now holding them raised in the air to shine in the moonlight. The crimson liquid trickled from her palm to her wrist, then down her elbow and back to the bridge. “This is Master Fu?” the tears began to fall down her cheeks now, the reality setting in. She was the guardian. She was alone.
“You need to get home.”
Marinette gets home, soaked (though no longer bloody, thanks to an alley hose she passed on her walk), and exhausted. Her breathing still awkward and unbalanced, lungs aching from whatever water she took in from the seine. Her emotions bubble inside her, threatening to spill over from her eyes once again. It was bad enough you could tell she had been crying already, she didn’t need her parents to see her in the act. Tikki rested on her shoulder, tucked neatly into her hair as they approached the bakery.
“Home sweet home” she said, waving her hands with pretend enthusiasm as she tried to revive the playful energy they had earlier. Instead her voice felt deflated and hollow. Her hands reached for the doorknob, shaking slightly as they hovered above it.
“Do you not want to go in?”
“Its not that.”
“Marinette. You can talk to me”
Marinette took a deep breath. “I can’t hide all this from my parents. Not yet, at least. If I go inside now and they’re awake, they'll know I was outside then they’ll see I was crying and I’m terrible at hiding things from my maman so one word from her and I’ll instantly spill everything that happened and then they-”
“Slow, Marinette. Is there any way you can sneak in?”
“Only through a window or my balcony, both of which I definitely can't reach from down here” she huffed, the puff of breath blowing through her still damp bangs that hung across her face. She was about to grit her teeth and accept the inevitable interrogation her parents would give when Tikki spoke again.
“I can fix that.” the kwami gave a sweet smile before phasing seamlessly through the wood of the miracle box and returning with a small case in her arms. “These are the miraculous of the ladybug. If you put on these earrings and say ‘Spots On’, you'll transform and be able to get to your balcony undetected.”
Marinette hesitated, then reached for the box and opened the lid to peek at the miraculous. Inside were two round, red earrings each with five small spots, which she carefully plucked from their resting places. They went through her ears effortlessly and lacked the weight that many earrings came with. “Please don’t tell me this is going to hurt” she wheezed, eyes drooping with sleep.
“Definitely not.” Tikki reassured quickly. “When you’re inside just say ‘Spots Off’ to drop the transformation.”
“Well… spots on?”
Tikki flew through the air, this time as if she was being pulled by some invisible force - one coming from the earrings. Her vision exploded with pink as bubbling, glowing masses appeared out of thin air and swarmed onto her body. She held her breath and pressed her eyes closed, still awaiting a sting or ache to overtake her body despite Tikkis reassurance. Instead the magical clouds felt light and tingly on her skin as they passed over her from head to toe.
The buzz came to a stop in a few moments which Marinette took as a cue to open her eyes. Nothing around her had changed, she was still standing outside the bakery clutching the miracle box, only now she was dressed in a sleek red and black spotted suit from neck to toe. She was a ladybug.
Marinettes breathing hitched in her chest as she ran her gloved hand across the material, then up to her face where she felt the grooves of a mask across her eyes. Built in secret identity, cool. She felt refreshed, the soreness in her legs was now just a weak discomfort. She took a relieved breath, and slowly stretched her limbs as she gathered her bearings. A yoyo rested on her hip, also a solid red with five black spots like the earrings, but with the same honeycomb texturing of her suit.
“A yoyo? I’m going to… yoyo to my room?” she mumbled to herself as she gave it a few experimental tosses. Looking up, she took a few breaths and prepared herself. She took a step back and threw the yo-yo towards a neighboring roof, then gave a slight tug when it had wrapped around some solid object. It pulled her effortlessly from the ground, propelling her upwards while she struggled, airborne, like a fish out of water. In moments she landed, almost entirely flat on her face, on the spine of the rooftop.
It took a minute for Marinette to figure out her next step, which ended up being just to drop from the roof to her balcony. It had seemed much more complicated in her head, like she would have to be some ninja, hiding in the shadows. But she had left the trapdoor to her room unlocked, so it had required no more effort than opening a door. She landed softly on her bed, and subsequently threw herself back onto her blankets with an exasperated sigh.
“Spots off” she mumbled, already fighting the alluring call of sleep. Another flash of the magic light and the suit was gone, leaving Tikki in its place. She looked around, observing her new environment before turning back to Marinette.
“Home sweet home” She echoed the previous statement, then burrowed into the crook of Marinettes elbow as the girl groggily put herself to bed. With the miracle box held firmly in her grip, and the deep ache slowly returning to her muscles as the magic of the miraculous wore off, she mumbled a barely coherent goodnight to Tikki and let herself fall into the comfort of sleep.
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neteyamssyulang · 3 months
You should do a part 2 where lily gets attached to neteyam and because of this, reader and neteyam started dating!!
⟢ A Miracle ⟢
⟢ Part 2 ⟢
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⟢ Pairing: Neteyam x fem scientist reader ⟢
⟢ Part 1 here ⟢
⟢ Summary: Since you keep saying no to her seeing Neteyam again, Lily takes things into her own hands.
⟢ Warnings: None just fluffy, Maybe lily being a lil match maker, Neteyam being a complete sweetie, reader feeling she’s not good enough for neteyam.
⟢ Word count: 1,151 ⟢
⟢ Translation(s): hì'i 'aw -> little one, syulang -> flower, yawne -> beloved.
⟢ Tagging: @teyamshuman
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It's only been maybe a month or so since the incident, You haven't taken Lily outside the lab ever since then, much to her dismay. She's constantly been asking to go out and find him.
"But mama" she pouted "I wanna see tall man again." Sighing, you scooped your daughter into your arms before sitting down on your bed "I know baby, but I can not risk losing you like last time."
Every time you said that it broke your heart, you hated seeing your daughter upset. Especially when she starting crying while saying "I hate you! I wish daddy was here!"
You know she didn't mean it but it doesn't mean it hurt any less, eventually it got to a point where your daughter once again did not listen and snuck out the shack while you were in the room folding clothes.
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Neteyam sighed as he sat back against a tree, eating some yovu fruit. Something’s been off with him ever since he met you and your daughter, like he couldn’t stop thinking about you guys.
He missed the little girl who he wished was his own, she was so adorable and looked so much like you. Too lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t even hear Lily coming till she practically jumped on him.
Neteyam yelped till he realized who it was “Neteyam!” Lily giggled, throwing her small arms around his neck. Whereas he was happy to see her, he wondered what she was doing out here.
“How did you find me hì'i 'aw?” He asked softly, Lily leaned back a bit “You know me see you from my room right? You large self gives you away.”
The omaticaya raised a hairless brow “Are you calling me fat syulang?” Neteyam had not noticed she could see him, he swears he’s not stalking he just likes to watch over you guys to make sure your ok that’s all.
Lily thought for a moment before nodding “Your huge Nete.” Neteyam pouted as she poked his belly “Am not”, “Are too”, “Am n o t” he huffed, taking a bite of the fruit, he can’t believe he’s arguing with a child.
“Are too” Lily snatched the fruit away from him and ran back towards the shack, Neteyam quickly got up following her “Hey! You come here!”
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Once you were done folding, you walked out the room only to be met with the airlock opening with Neteyam and Lily running out. Spotting you, she quickly ran to hide behind you while sticking her tongue out at Neteyam.
“What the hell is going on?” You looked over at Neteyam, crossing your arms. He put his hands up in surrender “I was just spending time with Lily, till she took my fruit and ran here.”
You sighed looking down at your daughter “Lily, give the nice man his fruit back so he can be on his way.” Neteyam’s tail lowered at this, surely he thought you may have missed him too but guess not.
Lily shook her head while pushing you towards the na’vi, “I don’t want him to go mama.” You were about to protest when she gave you a hard enough shove, sending you tumbling into his arms.
Neteyam was shocked to say the least, he looked from you then to Lily who gave him a thumbs up before running to her room, closing the door.
“Um, you can let me go now” you spoke softly patting his chest. “Oh, right sure” Much to his dislike, Neteyam let you go, watching as you stumbled a bit but regained balance once more.
You couldn’t deny that you had small feelings for him but how would it even work out? He was na’vi and you were only a mere human. Not to mention he was future olo’eyktan, he needed a strong partner, one his people would actually approve of.
Not wanting to stay where he wasn’t welcome, Neteyam turned to leave when he felt a hand brushing against his side,“Wait, please” You spoke, moving infront of him.
“No, I get it” he shrugged “I can stay away from Lily if that is what you wa-” “Jus say chu like her and she’ll admit she likes you!” Lily shouted from her room.
Neteyam’s face turned a deep shade of purple “Uhm, I..” he was at a loss for words.“Lily quiet!” You shouted back, making her giggle.
“Do you?” He asked after a moment of silence, looking back at him yoi slowly nodded “I do, but I cannot be with you. Im just a human.”
You could see his tail swishing angrily at your words, “I could care less if your a human, I love you y/n.. and I love your daughter as if she was my own, I would do anything to protect the both of you.”
He moved closer, cupping your face with his large hands “Please yawne, let me prove I can treat you and your daughter right”
Tears were streaming down your face at this point, you wanted nothing more than to accept but your worries still got the best of you “But what if the clan does not accept us? Accept me?”
Neteyam frowned, he carefully picked you up and sat down on the couch with you on his lap, “They will, I know they will accept you and Lily just like how I did. My mother already knows about you two and you know how she is, don’t you?”
You gulped silently nodding your head “I do, yes.” Everyone knows that Neytiri is not fond of humans, she can only tolerate them to a certain degree. “Well, because I mentioned how fond I am of you and Lily, she has agreed to meet you two and promises she’ll be nice.”
“But that is only if you are ok with it” he added on, taking one of your hands in his and bringing it to his lips placing a kiss ontop it. Your heart fluttered at this, never had anyone done something like this for you before. Lily’s grandma on her fathers side hated you with a passion, she managed to brainwash lily’s father into leaving you, claiming your nothing but a waste of his time.
Of course you never told Lily that though, you didn’t want her to think it was her fault. Neteyam doing all this for you really showed you how much he cared and was willing to risk, all for you and your daughter. “I’m fine with it, and I would love to give us a chance” you finally spoke.
A smile tugged at Neteyam’s lips and before you knew it, they captured yours in a soft kiss with his arms wrapped around you. From the hallway you could hear a faint “Ew” followed by a door closing.
Breaking the kiss, Neteyam rested his forehead against yours “Thank you.. I promise you won’t regret this.”
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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Read part 1 here: Asked For It
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Boyfriend!San x Fem reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings/tags: Idol!San, Established relationship, rough unprotected sex, light bondage (with his belt), oral sex, facefucking, pussyeating, dirty talk/foul language, degrading, namecalling (slut/whore), doggy style, hairpulling
@anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @star1117-archives @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @thatonenoona
Tell me if u wanna be added to my taglist!❣️
When you entered the dorm and went into San's room he was already waiting for you. He sat on his bed, wearing a white button up shirt with dark grey slacks, shiny and pointy shoes covering his feet. His shirt was slightly open, revealing his toned and pumped chest. His hair was styled backwards and in his hands he held his belt.
Exactly way you liked it.
''Wow, what a treat,'' you said, smirking as you dropped your bag and walked over to him. ''Mhm, thought I'd get on the whole sexy CEO look thing for you, since you're gonna have a long night, dear,'' San said. His smirk was dark, nearly evil and you knew he was going to absolutely ruin you tonight, punishing you for not making him cum.
''How thoughtful of you,'' you grinned as you stood in front of him. San got up, his big form towering over you. He grabbed your chin roughly with his hand, kissing you with so much passion and power you nearly fell to your knees. San had you pressed against the door, smacking it closed with a loud bang.
You felt his tongue on your lips, making you gasp and granting him access. San's hands explored your body as his tongue explored your mouth. You melt into his embrace as your lips mold together. There was no other explanation to the mess you were making in your panties than Choi San's tongue. It worked miracles on you everytime, no matter where he put it.
San broke off the kiss and took off your shirt and lacy bralette, licking your nipples and making you gasp as he ties your wrists together behind your back. ''S-San,'' you tried but he shook his head. ''You know better than to tease me and leave me hanging, princess, so now you're just going to take whatever I give to you, am I understood?''
''Yes, San, I understand,'' you nodded as San guided you to your knees. He unzipped his pants and dropped them, revealing his red, angry cock. ''You're gonna take, whatever I fucking give to you.''
He took a handfull of your hair, yanking on it, making you whine out. San saw this as a good chance to force his cock into your mouth. You felt it hit the back of your throat as he slid it in and out repeatedly. You tried so hard not to gag on his cock as he picked up the pace. He held your head in his hands as he fucked your mouth.
San's heavy balls slapped against your chin, making you yearn to have them in your mouth. You whined around San's cock, tapping on his thigh and making him pull out.
''Yes, angel?'' he asked with a softer voice, looking down on you to see if you were okay. ''I know, I will take whatever you give to me but maybe you wanna switch between your big delicious cock and your balls? I fucking love having both in my mouth, please,'' you begged.
San laughed at you and shook his head mockingly. ''Such a little cockslut, aren't you?''
Before you could answer he had already stuffed his balls in your mouth. You licked and sucked on them as much as you could, earning some low groans from your boyfriend.
''Such a good little slut, taking my balls like that, you like that huh? You fucking like that?''
You moaned around his length, clenching your thighs together. You nodded eagerly as San slapped his member on your cheek, before entering your mouth again, balls going back to slapping against your face.
Tears flowed down your cheeks as you kept on taking his cock. You were nearly full-on sobbing on his dick, clenching around nothing. San was grunting and groaning like an animal, having no mercy. ''Such a good little cockwhore, you like it huh? Well then fucking take it, take it baby, fucking take it, take my load, take my load baby, fuck. Take. It. Take. It, TAKE IT!''
San groaned loudly as he came in your mouth. There was no way you could have swallowed it all. San always cums with a generous amount, leaving you breathless. He pulls his member from your mouth, a thin string of saliva and cum still connected to your plump lips. The cum runs down your chin, dripping on your chest, making you hiss.
He helps you with getting up and taking you to the bed. San sits you down and slides down your skirt and panties. Immediately, you spread your legs instinctively, revealing your achingly wet core. San strips himself from his sexy CEO clothes too, sitting before you on his knees.
''Let me get a taste of that sweet little pussy, angel,'' San smirks as he dives down between your legs. You want to run your hands through his hair, want to pull it, but you are restrained by San's belt around your wrists.
You whined at the feeling of San's strong tongue deep inside your cunt. ''God, San, Yes,'' you moaned out. San was so eager to fuck you with his tongue, despite what you had done earlier. He was so good, never disappointing, and you could never get enough of him.
San was always like this. No matter what you did or how much you teased him, he wanted to have you writhing because of his touch. And you were, grinding your pussy on his face as you felt yourself come closer to climaxing. Before San could stop to tease you back, you came with a loud moan, spilling your juices on the idol's lips.
''Oh my God,'' you moaned out as San licked a stripe from the bottom to the top of your cunt. ''You're such a little whore... Cumming on my face after only a few minutes of my tongue?''
You whined as he moved you further on the bed, turning you over, nearly pushing your face in the matrass. San held onto your tied wrists with one of his hands as he guided his cock into your tight wet cunt with his other.
''O-Oh, San,'' you moaned out, feeling a burning sensation from the delicious stretch of his delicious cock. ''Be a good girl, okay? You are going to take my fucking dick as long as I want? Okay?''
You moaned as San pushed his cock as deep as he could, pistoning it in and out of your hole. You could not even form words so all you let out were murmured sounds, making him smirk at you. He had you at his mercy, completely. Always.
''You're fucking mine, you whore, you're mine, you're my body to fuck, my pussy to own, do you fucking understand?'' San grunted. All you let out were loud moans, muffled by the sheets half in your mouth, catching your drool.
''You are not in charge of me. You don't get to leave me hanging. You only get to get fucked and take my cum and I don't care if you can't take it, I don't care if it is too much, I don't fucking care because you are made to take my cock!''
''Y-Yes! Yes I am yours, I am yours, I am so fucking yours, fuck my pussy, please!''
San pulled your hair roughly, making you whine and cry out of pleasure. The stretch and the pulling were painful, but it was worth it. He was worth it. Everything he gave you was worth it. The cum that San was spilling inside of your cunt was so worth it.
He stayed hard and kept fucking you, making you think he had turned into some sort of sex God, completely ruining your pussy. But he filled you up so perfectly. The squelching of your wetness and his cum made you come undone on his cock.
You screamed out his name as your body shook roughly. San smirked and pounded you even harder, if that was even possible.
''Yes, yes, YES! Fuck me like you fucking mean it,'' you challenged him. You knew he loved it when you challenged and teased him with your words. Both of you knew what was gonna happen if you did, both of you wanted it to happen so you never cared.
''Yes baby, take my fucking dick, I fucking love fucking your cunt, I love your cunt baby, Take it!''
The tip of his member hit all your favourite spots. It didn't take long before San was moaning just as loud as you were, spilling his seeds inside your wet cunt once again.
You felt his chest and shoulders on your back, pressing you deeper into the matrass. You felt like you were gonna suffocate, but San was slowing down, clearly out of breath and stamina. He pulled out of you and took his belt off your wrists, breathing heavily.
You laid down with him, in his arms. The two of you smiled and just laid with each other in silence. You didn't need to speak, you didn't need to say a word. Your eyes told more than words ever could. Even with the roughest sex in the world, San still loved you. He always loves you. Always. Even when you asked for it with your teasing.
''ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING DONE YET? WERE YOU KILLING HER IN THERE?'' Seonghwa yelled, smacking the door with his hand, making the two of you laugh.
''TAKE IT. TAKE IT. YEAHHHH, BABY TAKE IT!'' Mingi imitated San with a rough voice. You laughed for a long time, cuddling with San.
''I'll kill them, for real, they've asked for it.''
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whorety-k · 21 days
Ebony Coasts [Part 5]
Batten down the hatches, my friends. This one is a L O N G one but it was so worth it.
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Pairing: Merfolk!Corvus Corax x fem!Marine Conservationist!Reader (second person POV)
Song recommendation: Unloveable - The Smiths
“If I seem a little strange / well, that’s because I am /
But I know that you would like me /
If only you could see me / if only you could meet me /
I don’t have much in my life / but take it, it’s yours.”
Warnings: Ocean mentions / thalassophobia, culture shock and misunderstanding between species, hospital mention, blood / injury descriptions, AMERICAN HEALTHCARE, more horrors of a nine-to-five (Dolly Parton would have words), extreme weather, angst, hurt / comfort
Word Count: 3.9k (SORRY)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 6] [Part 7 (NSFW)]
Driving on uneven roads is difficult enough on its own, and having only one hand while amped up on adrenaline and preoccupied about potentially having lost Corvus forever makes you downright reckless. A particularly hard thump! has you worried about your car’s alignment but you simply add it to the list of things wrong and continue down the road.
The emergency room sucks. You’re not even fully in reality by the time you finish checking in, clutching your still-bleeding hand in your lap with not more than a couple pads of gauze and a random towel you had laying around in the back of the car. It’s a miracle how a human can bleed for over two hours and still be fully coherent enough to lie to their nurses and doctors about a knife slipping while cutting twine.
They don’t believe you for a second, but they both aren’t paid enough and are over-worked enough not to care. Everyone lies in the ER.
A shot of lidocaine and eighteen stitches later, you’re sent on your way with opioid pain meds you won’t be taking and a deep appreciation that Corvus hadn’t scored your dominant hand. It’s still irritating when you get home and try to undress to shower, unable to flex your injured hand at all. You straight up decide against actually cooking, heating up a frozen meal in the microwave and sitting on the couch to overthink everything once more.
The look of complete dismay on Corvus’s face before he left haunted you. 
You had long accepted that the black betta mer wasn’t the most emotionally expressive individual. His carefully neutral countenance rarely gave way to more than a quirk of a brow or occasional lip-turn, so the twisted look of open terror on his pale face shook you to your core both now and then. Hell, in the moment you had even been able to forget about a two and a half inch long laceration in your palm from sheer worry for him. 
You never would have expected a creature so powerful to run.
Another cold spoonful goes down roughly at the thought, and, dissociated, you decide you’ve had enough sustenance. You crawl into bed, exhausted, and feel your limbs sink heavily into the mattress as a deep sigh leaves your lungs. A hollow feeling permeates your chest.
You can’t help the rush of emotions that suddenly overcomes you, choked sobs racking your body as you curl up into a miserable ball around your pillow. The action brings only scant comfort to the throbbing ache in your chest. You don’t remember falling asleep.
The beach is cold, but you don’t care. 
You felt stupid coming back to the shoreline the day after everything, so you waited. Your Monday rolls around and you try to go back to the coast before work, briskly searching high and low for a glimpse of black fins and a glittering night’s-sky of scales. The tides grant you no such favors, and two hours are wasted on nothing when you’re forced to leave. You deflect every question from your coworkers with lies about a kitchen accident.
The next day is scarcely different. You finish your shift in the office like a reanimated corpse, putting in the bare minimum to not have anyone look twice in your direction. You can’t even remember more than the gist of the report you had just read on illegal fishing activity a hour south of you, another damned case of foreign bodies trying to use nonexistent loopholes in the law to talk their way into overfishing protected areas. It was a Coast Guard issue and never should have crossed your desk to begin with, but here you are, tangled in another mess outside of your depth.
You slam the door of your Bronco shut before you stomp onto the dark shore, not bothering to take the cliff down to Corvus’s den this time because you know you don’t have the brain capacity to even think about scaling the rocks. The extra five minute trip down and around the cliffside riddles you with nausea that intensifies when the light of your flashlight finds the entrance to the cavern. 
Of course Corvus isn’t there; you weren’t expecting him to be, yet still it anguishes you. Three days without the merman in your life and you’re already starting to fall apart? It makes you feel pathetic for having grown attached to him so quickly. 
But Corvus had never made you feel that way. Never once had he made you feel like your presence had been a burden to him, eagerly listening to every word you had said to him. He always replied with a caring thoughtfulness to any query you gave him, firm with his boundaries yet forgiving to the innocent faults that had occurred. 
Corvus had a way of making you feel genuinely listened to, even when he didn’t always reply. It was weird to describe someone like him as warm, given his penchant for reserved silence and generally closed-off nature, but the sincere cordiality he had with you had never failed to stir emotions in your chest that you had felt far too anxious to put a label on at the time.
You realize just how taken care of you had always been with the merman. He offered to hunt for you, even if the incident with the ducklings had been an awkward misunderstanding. He made a place for you within his den that could never have any functional use for him as his size. Hell, he would stride along you in the sand instead of asking you to join him in the waves because it was easier for you. You’re wearing a piece of his hoard!
He cared about you.
Your hand gently grasps the raven head pendant, and you sit down in the rickety chair that Corvus has specially gotten for you. The luminescents on the walls seem dimmer than before, and you notice how wilted they’ve become in Corvus’s short absence. Pushing aside the thought that the mer had been putting in actual maintenance to accommodate for you, you brush your hand against the cerulean phosphorescent flora. 
Corvus had taken care of you when you hadn’t asked for it, so you were going to do the same. 
Searching the den for anything vaguely cup-like to transfer water with turns up nothing, so you resort to cupping your healthy hand in that small stream leading into the den. You punctiliously pour the brine over each of the parched plants until they’re saturated. By the time you’ve finished, you notice the vegetation you had started with has already begun to glow brighter. You glow brighter than the cave in that moment.
Wednesday still bears no sign of Corvus, but it does teach an important piece of information: this den had not been abandoned like the others.
You finally gather the courage to check inside of the decorated bed space at the back of the den for the first time since the giant’s disappearance, and you’re flooded with relief when you see the large cache of dazzling objects still lining the walls. Corvus hadn’t left, per se. He just hadn’t returned yet. 
In your jacket pocket is the trusty metal pen Corvus had fixated on so long ago, and in a moment of weakness, you leave it on the stone shelf at the center of the cavern. You had other pens. This one should be his… even if he can’t use it.
You keep coming back to maintain the cavern: wetting the algae and mushrooms, clearing the space of any excess sand the tides brought in, polishing the corroded metals in his collection— nothing escapes your watchful eye. You’ve even accidentally fallen asleep on the bed of furs and grasses, waking up in a flurry to see that you were late for work and needed to leave now, even if you dreaded doing so. 
You always leave a new trinket behind on the round stone ‘table’. Old jewelry, a piece of abalone shell, a tea ball you haven’t used in ages, rose quartz, an entire abalone shell (that you’ve now started to use to hold everything), cool brooches you found at another beach, an enamel pin in the shape of a flying crow, and many other items from around your apartment make their way into Corvus’s den. You rearrange the items into a nice display before you leave.
A week passes. Half of a month. An entire month. The gash on your hand has healed well, the stitches removed with strict instructions to keep the area clean. 
Each day, no matter the weather, you return to Corvus’s beach. The den is monotonous, and recently, you’ve begun to avoid going inside of it lest you have to face the untouched items on the rock shelf more often than necessary. The physical effort to place something in the pile is nothing by now, but mentally, it wears on you.
What if all of this had been for nothing? You had been forcing such doubtful thoughts out of your head for a month faithfully, always trying to look on the bright side. You’ve waited longer for a pay-off before, haven’t you? 
Why was this any different?
…because it hurts. No matter what pep talks you give yourself or happy memories you relive, coming back to the beach hurts.
You’ve been persistent to the point you’re starting to think that you’re nothing more than an annoyance instead of the oh-so-great protector of the coasts you had foolishly thought yourself to be. What a sick fantasy, you think, meddling in the life of something so obviously beyond you. The delusion that you could ever be a part of Corvus’s realm has poisoned you to the point of desperately coming back to the barren sands for even a hope that you’ll see more than the black apparition in the reveries of your mind.
The apartment is a mess. Unfolded laundry piles in the basket, dirty clothes along the floor. You’ve used the same towel to shower for long enough that it’s starting to smell of mildew, but just thinking about the effort of washing a load of towels makes you feel like lead. It took an infestation of ants for you to do the mountain of dishes that piled in your sink. Everyday tasks become chores, and chores feel impossible. 
Still, you drag yourself out to work again today. The weather is awful: torrential downpour with gusts of wind that nearly knock you off of your feet. No one is working in the field today lest OSHA get a taste of blood in the water (literal or metaphorical). You drum your fingertips across the wooden desk as you read a private request for development nearby a protected habitat, opposite hand fiddling with your necklace. You can’t bring yourself to take it off, even if it hurts to see in the mirror each day.
You’re in the middle of a paragraph about intended waste management when a heckling voice jogs you out of it. “I didn’t take you for the goth type,” it jeers, and you look up to see one of the environmental science team leads. A man twice your age. What was his name again?
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you retort, audibly weary.
 “The necklace,” he gestures at your throat. Your coworker sits against your desk, uninvited, looking down at you with leery eyes. “Haven’t seen you in that number before.”
You simply shake your head and look back down at the paper, uninterested in the conversation. He doesn’t take the hint.
The lead continues, “You haven’t been as chipper recently. Where’s your spunk? Your fire?—” he follows the words with a ridiculous hand gesture— “Those bags under your eyes could be checked in at the airport.”
You’d laugh at his joke if you weren’t already in such a piss-poor mood. “I’m just tired,” you state, not turning your head to look at him, “I’ll be fine.”
A hand on your shoulder causes you to jolt. “Look, kid, we’ve all got our bad days, but I can tell when someone needs a break—”
You throw the offending hand off of you and stand up roughly, throwing your chair back into the wall in the process. You feel heated. “I told you, I’m fine!” Your words are laced with venom, scratchy and raw and bitter. 
The commotion causes the lead to recoil, distaste written on his face. Other people in the office are starting to stare, and you meet each of their gazes individually. Maybe that was a bit too far.
You sigh, shoulders slumping and head falling forward. Everything aches. “You’re right,” you admit, offering an apologetic look to what’s-his-name, “I’m not feeling well.”
It takes no more than a few minutes to submit your request to leave early. As soon as it’s approved, you rush out of the building. The torrent building inside of you has nothing on the rain around, and you high-tail it out of the parking lot. 
Truly, you didn’t mean to end up back here today. The ocean is too rough, the cliff perilous, the beach an utter mess. The thought of just how stupid your actions are does nothing to stop you, though. 
You run down the embankment to the dock, shoes getting soaked from the crashing waves as you search the water. 
You scramble to the den, slipping and falling down the rocky slope and barely catching yourself before you hit your head. 
You claw your way through the sands— up soggy hills and over rocky ledges, around complex twists and turns in the sandstone, under and over jutting stones, looking anywhere for alabaster white. 
You’re back at the dock, watching the serpent of metal squirm and thrash in the storm. With unstable footing, you sloppily traverse the writhing mass of steel, barely able to hold yourself upright as you reach the end of it. The storm forces you to your knees, and you place your hands on the lip. Despondency grips you, tearing at your throat.
“I’m sorry!” you cry, voice drowned out by the thundering of rain. “I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry!” A black wave pummels into your small body, the force of an ocean threatening to knock you off of the dock. Still, you cling. You duck your head against the chilled metal, letting out a hissed breath before inhaling a mouthful of seawater. Blubbering, coughing, you rise back up and look out over the waves. They are cold and unflinching.
When the fury of the storm lulls, you force yourself to continue, hoarse. “I messed up and I just want to know how, okay? I don’t know what I did, I—” you choke off a sob, shaking your head, “I-I…” Muscles cry at you to stop, body begging you to return to the car for warmth. You persevere. You have for the last month. 
“I miss you, okay!” The wail carries across the ocean, echoing across the tides back at you like a taunt. Even in the calm of the storm, rain batters against you. The dock stops squirming so intensely, and you take the moment to catch your breath.
Even in your honesty, even in your raw vulnerability, screaming to the heavens for an answer, you receive nothing.
You turn away from the ocean and sink down onto yourself, defeated. The sobs you had been holding at bay spill out, and you hug your knees as you bawl into them. Your clothes are soaked, the wind is cold, and your chest feels miserable. 
Even with the storm beginning to pass by, you feel no better. You will away the tears eventually, wiping wet tears with a wet sleeve that feels like sandpaper, and ready yourself to leave.
The utterly shattered face of Corvus Corax looks at you, a few feet from the edge of the dock, just barely above the water. Eyes of onyx lay wide with guilt, grimacing.
You do not hesitate to throw yourself into the choppy water at him.
Corvus has no time to react to your actions before you wrap your arms around his neck clinging onto him as you gasp like a fish, clutching the coal-and-bone giant close to you like a lifeline. Right now, in the swell, he was.
Tentative arms snake around your midsection, slowly but surely pulling you closer to him. You feel the merman press his face into your soaked hair, taking in a deep breath of your scent before a rumble leaves him. “This is no place for you,” he whispers, and you can only feel him fly through the water like a bolt of lightning, unable to look up from his neck with how firmly he holds you. When you can finally move your head, Corvus already has the both of you on land, beelining it for the den with a look of conviction on his face. 
You didn’t even know you were trembling before you got inside, the surprising warmth of the cavern thawing the numbness in your arms and legs. The frantic betta strides right past the chair in the main room with you in his arms, heading straight for the bed space. It’s only when he gets to the ‘bed’ that he abruptly stops, looking down at you.
“You’ve rested here before.” It’s another half-question, half-statement, and once again it’s correct.
“I fell asleep after taking care of the algae, I’m sorry—”
Corvus cuts you off by hastily lying the both of you on the furs and feathers, the action causing you to let out an ‘oof’ as the air is forced from your lungs. The way he curls and desperately clings to you like a lost child has you feeling all sorts of complex emotions, but you do not fight it. When you open your mouth to speak, he gently shushes you with a shake of his head. You rest beneath his chin in silence.
For the first time in over a month, everything feels okay.
“I hurt you,” Corvus’s gentle voice breaks the silence, barely audible. It’s laced with sorrow so deep that it cuts into your heart. With a shaky hand, the giant mer peels you away from him, looking your entire form over. 
You show him your scabbed and scarring palm, the area pink but almost fully healed by now. You jump to reassure him, “The doctor said it was a clean cut. Easy to heal. I’m okay.”
Corvus shakes his head again, gently taking your injured hand in his. He holds it to his chest, over his beating hearts as he looks deep into your eyes. The downpour inside of him has yet to quell. 
“I hurt you, and I could not bear it,” he restarts, twin hearts pounding in his ribcage. A heavy pause follows as Corvus thinks, wanting to explain himself properly yet lacking the experience to do so. His ear fins twitch up and down as he debates how to continue. Eventually, he sighs, looking around the walls of the bed space. "In fleeing like a coward,” he laments, “I have only hurt you more.” 
The sentence causes the tension to snap inside of you like a wire. “I came back here every day looking for you. Every. Single. Day,” you admonish, tears welling in your eyes, “I took care of the plants. I swept out the sand. I even polished everything so I could keep myself busy!” You go on a total tirade about your activities, Corvus’s gaze not once leaving you as he takes the brunt of it all. Falter, your words catch in your throat as tears spill. “...because I was so afraid to lose you that I couldn’t bear to be anywhere else.”
Corvus’s eyes soften with guilt, expression falling. He makes to respond, but you beat him to it.
“But I’m so glad you came back, because I don’t know what I would do if you didn’t.”
The merman’s mouth shuts, and his gaze returns to you. He does not hesitate to pull you close once more, gorgeous charcoal fins blanketing you. You run a hand over the appendage, unable to stop yourself, and Corvus lets out a blissful sigh. “I was afraid, so I fled without thinking of the consequences,” he explains. You do your best to sit back to watch him talk, but Corvus doesn’t allow you much room to move. He continues, “I am already… an anomaly amongst my kind. I was not created to have these sorts of simple domesticities, and I feared what would occur if I overstepped my bounds.” His words leave you with more questions than answers, but you know better than to prod the mer. Anomaly amongst his kind? He had mentioned brothers before his disappearance. You wonder what the others may be like.
Seeking to comfort the giant as he speaks (and partially out of scientific curiosity), you run a hand over his gill covers again. A soft gasp leaves the merman before he catches your hand in his, withdrawing just enough to look down at you. You give him a shy, cheeky smile.
“...as you are now,” he jests, raising a playful eyebrow.
“Sorry,” you say, not even remotely apologetic.
Corvus lets out a soft huff in response, when his eyes focus on the silver chain around your neck. He uses a talented claw to fish the raven pendant from underneath the neckline of your shirt, gazing upon it with the same fondness you had seen just before he fled. Before you can question the look, you’re shocked by the smile he gives you: a genuine grin, eyes crinkled at the outer corners and sharp teeth visible. For the first time, you see that he has fangs, the tips of canines poking into his lower lip. 
His eyes flick back up to yours, and his smile softens. Corvus croons, “I must apologize again for what I have taken from you.”
You’re confused by his statement, tilting your head at him. “What do you mean?”
The merman gently tips up your chin with a knuckle, keeping his claws away from the skin of your delicate neck as he leans forward to place a chaste kiss to your lips. It’s unpracticed and clumsy, Corvus being so much larger than you, but the cold taste of the sea and ocean minerals has you addicted. A delicate hand cradles your face when you lean into him, and the moment ends all too soon.
“I am here, and I will not be pulling such an imprudent stunt ever again,” Corvus promises as he pulls away.
“Thank you,” you whisper breathlessly, before nestling yourself into the crux of his neck and shoulder. 
The tender moment warms you, the shaking in your body finally coming to a stop. Your clothes may be soaked and salty, but the soft bed beneath and gentle embrace of the mer ease you. You let out a soft giggle that catches Corvus’s attention, and when the merman lets out a questioning hum, you remark, “If you ever do that again, I’m getting my boating license and hunting you down myself.”
Corvus hums from above you, knuckles tracing up and down your back. “From what I have learned, I should expect no less.”
This took far longer than expected I am so sorry but I hope everyone likes it!!
[Part 6]
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shrenvents · 8 months
Is This What You Wanted
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Chapter three of the Miracle Aligner series
Warnings: Smut, swearing
Alex's POV
Reluctantly, my eyes peel open to reveal a bright daze of sunlight, seeping through the blinds of my hotel suite. I slowly shift and stretch my aching limbs, completely disoriented. Symptoms of a hangover begin to arise and I groan in discomfort.
Rising to my feet, I head to the restroom, paying no mind to the clothes that littered my bedroom floor. It was only until I glanced at the mirror that was I reminded of the night before.
Red bruises decorated my chest to my jaw. Though, one spot in particular was more significant than the rest: a bite mark that covers the left side of my neck. My lips part loosely at the sight.
Suddenly, my skull starts pounding as visions of last night's events cloud my mind.
1:57 am
After roughly swiping my key card, the force of Jennie's kiss causes my back to bang against the front door of my room, now awkwardly fiddling with its knob.
The door swings open and I flip our bodies around, backing her towards the bed with urgency. Our moans intermix as our mouths move together fervently and our tongues collide, fighting for dominance. I grip her body for support. I was utterly intoxicated by her cherry taste.
Jennie then rips away from the kiss to take a breath and I instinctively chase after her. My hunger for her was insatiable, and I could tell from the lustful look in her eyes, that the feeling was mutual.
I smirk as I regard her beautifully flushed face, dimly lit by the golden bedside lamp I left on. I affectionately caress the smear of faded lipstick that adorned her lips, and I imagine my own.
I touch my forehead to hers and her eyes flutter closed. I observe her chest rise and fall as we mellow out.
My own chest does the same, my heart hammering widely against my ribs.
"Stunning Red." My compliment makes Jennie's eyes open, peering up. She grins instantly and I shudder at the sight. Her eyes flare with a wicked thought.
Unexpectedly, Jennie drops to her knees in front of me, hands sliding down my chest until they reach my thighs. My jaw drops at once. "Christ," is all I can muster as her hands rise to meet my belt buckle. The clasp opens and I rejoice in the release of my waistband. My head tilts back. When she draws me out of my slacks I whimper, "Jennie." 
"Alexander," she replies pleasantly as if she isn't holding my cock in her fist. Becoming exasperated by her attitude, I warn, "Don't start."
"Okay." She politely utters, abruptly dropping her hands from my body. My eyes go wide and my head shoots to look at her knelt-down frame. "Don't be a tease, you know what I meant," I growl at her.
Till I met this woman, I didn't know just how pent-up I'd been. I feel as though I've been unleashed and now need her more than anything.
Without hesitation, I pluck her up from the ground and toss her onto my bed, making her yelp. I briefly gape at her scrambling on her back, shuffling the bed sheets around. Looking at her I demand, "Fuck, tell me what you need."
"Fuck." I rub my hand coarsely against my slack jaw. My eyes then pop in my reflection. Rushing back to my bed, I behold the empty mattress. Disappointment blackens my chest.
The redhead from yesterday was nowhere to be seen. My shoulders slump in defeat.
Surely last night had not been so bad she had to flee at dawn? From what I could recall, that was not the case. So where had she gone?
Glancing to my right, I take in the mess of papers scattered across my desk. Making my way over to it, I noticed the newfound placement of my sheets meant my lyrics were read by my recent guest. Reading them now, I can't help but be self-conscious. They really were grim, and seeing how things turned out last night, Zach and James had a point.
Millions of ideas were racing through my mind; I couldn't stop the urge I had to sit and write, thinking about what happened hours ago.
"Anything you need, tell him what you're needing."
"Get down on your knees, get down on your knees again." 
2:08 am
My bare body flattens against her lush one. I take mental notes of her figure, deliberately engraving every curve to memory.
Jennie flips us around, hovering above me with a sinful grin.
"What 'I' need?" Her sensual voice echoes throughout the room, and I nearly melt into the sheets.
A groan is the only response she receives before slamming our lips together, and I react energetically.
Our bodies interlace and I place one hand between her shoulder blades, and the other through her red locks, gripping it at its roots as my mouth deepens the desperate kiss. Her arm, in turn, wraps behind my neck, embracing me, while the other gropes my tricep. Jennie then wrenches her lips from mine, "What I need is you inside me Alexander."
I stare at her awe-stricken, my thoughts incoherent. To stop myself from almost begging, I attach our lips once again in confirmation. Jennie straddles my waist while her palms enthusiastically roam my body. When our lips break apart, I study her aligning her base with mine, marvelling at how heavenly she looks as she rips open a condom.
I suck in a sharp breath once my tip pierces her entrance.
"You're hovering above my bed looking down on me." 
"Dracula teeth, lipstick on my pillow via my cheek."
I smirk mindlessly at the page.
After two hours of pensive reminisce of yesterday's affair, I devised at least two songs worth of lyrics. I can already visualize the sound for them; their titles are as clear as day, and dedicated to my mystery woman.
My phone's incessant buzzing takes me out of my thoughts. Moving towards my bedside table, I click on the text notifications, ignoring the 27 missed calls covering my lock screen. With a scowl, I begin to read my texts.
8:46 a.m. Zach: Where the fuck are you? I get you're still upset but we've got work to do Al.
9: 27 a.m. Miles: Darling I've been calling you non-stop. Pick up if you're alive.
12:31 a.m. Jaime: OOOIIIIIII
Just before I close the app, I notice a text from an unknown number.
1:03 p.m. (1+416-555-0144): Heyyyyy it's Mickey (the bartender from last night)!! You left your 🎸 here. If you don't come and get it, it may or may not be sold on ebay ;))))
Immediately I wince. After Red took me by surprise, I clearly neglected to remember the $3,000 guitar I travelled with. My favourite guitar. I wail out a cry of frustration. Then I pause. Now I had an excuse to see her again.
I bolt around the room, grasping at clothes left and right, then heaving on my boots. Hurriedly, I search Les Cactus on Google Maps and head straight for the door.
Chapter 4
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Unveiled || Chapter 1
Fandom: The Mandalorian
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
Rating: PG 13 for violence. Subsequent chapters’ ratings may vary
Word count: 1.7k words
Summary: Saving a life was noble. You didn’t expect applause or praise for it. But kriff it would be nice if you weren’t treated as the scum of the Earth for it.
A/N: Gonna make this the SADvent calendar instead of the advent calendar. At this point, I have to admit that I won’t be posting everyday. But I’ll still post when I can. When I have internet and am able. Lot of shit happened. My friend and I got fucked over in three different cities in a very short period of time. We were humiliated in Venice, robbed by an intentionally dysfunctional system in Riyadh, and almost sexually exploited in New Delhi. It’s a round the globe horror story. But some good things happened too- we made friends through our shared trauma and I got to meet my internet friend I’ve been moots with for a loooong time. So in true fanfic writer fashion, here’s a fic I’ve been writing posted during some of the most difficult days of my life
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He screamed loud enough to break through the sounds of the intensifying battle. You ignored his heart-wrenching screams and dragged him with all your strength, your own weapon slung over your shoulder and reachable should you need it to defend the wounded Mandalorian. You were a warrior, trained through years of life or death battles. It was why you were sent to the Mandalorian covert on Navarro to train with them. But this was an impossible one. Even for you. Even for the man you were dragging past enemy combatants using your own body as a shield.
You settled him against the walls of the cave you’d dragged him into. You reached into your armor and retrieved the bacta patches you had with you. You took a look at the patches and then at the large gash on his neck that went up who knew how far. The hope you had for saving his life dwindled. But you couldn’t give up. The motto of your teachers back home rang loud and clear in your head.
No soldiers left behind. No life collateral.
“Not s-safe. Not safe you— Listen to me,” he choked out as you leaned in close and inspected his wound.
“Shut up, Din! Shut the fuck up!” You spat as you retrieved more medical supplies from your pouch. You’d done this many times in training. You could do this. You could fucking do this!
“My helmet…” he whimpered too soft to be audible if you weren’t so close to him.
“It’ll be okay, Din. I got you,” you reassured as your brain finally comprehended the exact risk he was in and you knew what you had to do.
“This is gonna hurt at first, alright?” You warned more than asked as you inserted the needle. It was the last thing you did before he lost consciousness in your arms. The last thing you did before making the big mistake that would change the course of both your lives.
He looked up at you from his bed, resting after a long session in the bacta tank. You imagined him underneath the helmet, the only face you knew in the covert other than that of the children who were yet to take the creed. His features came to memory, bloodied and bruised and at the edge of life itself. His strong nose, his messy black hair and blood. So much fucking blood. That he was alive at all was a miracle.
“Din?” You called again when he did not respond.
“Why are you here?” He asked, his voice stoic, emotionless as it came through his helmet. It was how it always was. Something about wearing a helmet filtered out part of the humanity of voices. But there was something about the way he spoke this time that was chilling to you.
“I…I just wanted to see if you’re doing well.”
He snorted, turning away from you as though your mere presence disgusted him. Rage boiled through your veins as pain shot up through your legs as a reminder of the blow you’d taken in the process of saving his fucking life.
“You know what? Fuck you, Din. I know you’re hurt and shit, but you have no right to speak to me like that.”
“Get out. Right now. I don’t want to see your face ever again.”
You flinched at the way he spoke. The coldness of his voice and the words themself. You turned away from him and walked out of his room, bearing the pain in your leg as you trodded on to your own room. You didn’t expect him to thank you. No, that was not why you saved his life at the risk of ending your own. But you didn’t expect him to behave so appallingly either. You raked through your addled mind for clues on what you could possibly have done to deserve this. Did you say something before the battle? No, it couldn’t be. You’d exchanged few words before battle and he was…nice. As amiable as could be for a man who spoke in grunts and sighs more than he did words.
You crashed on your own bed, whimpering when the act shot another piercing sensation throughout your body. It did nothing to alleviate your anger for Din, reminding you of what you’d done to yourself for him. For someone you thought a friend until now.
On a strange planet, fighting for space and acceptance, Din was one of the first people to be amicable to you. Well, you took his grunts and sighs as a sign of friendliness. For all his stoicism and his beskar like facade, he never did snap or show signs that he wanted you to fuck right off. So you stuck by. Stuck by when training, when you ate your meals and he sat by listening to your idle chatter. Stuck by when he took a hit and needed saving.
Perhaps he had a concussion.
That should be it. For a man clad fully in beskar, he had a soft heart. Never did he speak to you or anyone else in the harsh manner he just spoke to you. You shivered as images of his dark messy hair and blood so dark it matched returned to your mind. His closed eyes and his limp body collapsing on you as you attempted to remove the shrapnel that has somehow gotten underneath his helmet to his skull. A sharp pain shot through your leg again and you let out a cry. It was a mess pop emotions. You were happy it did not hurt as much as it did on the battlefield yet annoyed that your body was outside your control.
You jumped, both from the pain and from the opening of the door. You looked up, hoping to find the nurse droid that visited you every now and then to check your vitals. The gleaming gold helmet on a tall, strong stature told you that this was no small visitor. Despite all the beskar and the strong shoulders that carried an entire covert, she was very human.
She said you name, in a way that was gentle, calming, yet told you that she could be relied on.
“Did we win?” You managed to ask through the spasms of pain.
“We did,” she said, stopping in front of you. “You did well, warrior.”
You snorted. “I succumbed within minutes of the battle.”
“You did. So did a few others. That does not make you any less of a warrior. You were valiant.”
Despite disagreeing, you nodded. You were in no mood to start an argument with the leader of the community that was housing, feeding, teaching, and caring for you. No matter how much you disagreed with their way of life.
“So, do you visit everyone who got a little scratch of their leg?”
“I do, yes. But my visit is not just to check on your wellness.”
“You saved one of ours. Din Djarin.”
You said nothing, feeling too embarrassed to acknowledge it even though it was true. It would sound too much like boasting if you accepted. In poor taste in your dismissed it. It was best to take a sip out of the mandalorian pog soup and remain silent.
“Do you know what this means for his future?”
You tilted your head as you considered her words. What the kriff was she expected to say to that? What if it was a rhetorical question and you’d just acted like a womp rat in the snow about it?
“You removed his helmet, soldier.”
“To tend to his wound,” you quickly interrupted. “You— you didn’t see what— you weren’t there! He would’ve died if I hadn’t done that,” you sputtered, shaking your head in disbelief of the implication in her words. The Mandalorian were quite strict about wearing their helmets. Once a child took the creed and wore their helmet, they would never take it off again. But there were exceptions. Right? There had to be. Receiving emergency medical help had to be one of them.
“I know.”
You waited, not for long, for her to proceed. For her to reassure you that it did not count because you had no other choice but to remove his helmet to save his life. With no words coming from her, you shot up from the bed, pain be damned and dragged yourself to where she stood.
“He would have died!”
“I know,” she said, more sternly this time.
“Go on then, tell me how you are going to punish him for the audacity to be alive.”
“He became an apostate the moment his face was seen by a living thing.”
“An apostate?”
“He has strayed from the way and will be cast out from the covert. He is Mandalorian no more.”
You shook your head frantically. That was some bantha shit! “No. No, no, no. No,” you sputtered. “That is not fair. Look, it’s not his fault. He was unconscious when it happened— when I did it,” you said, thumping your chest. “He didn’t do anything wrong. He told me to go away. He was ready to die. Kriff— you can’t— This is not fair,” you screamed, your voice breaking at the cruelty of it all.
“This is the way,” she said in a manner that was too cold for you to consider calm.
“Oh, for void’s sake, spare me the kriff about the way. What kind of way of life is it to cast someone out for being alive?” You spat, all your reservations about rudeness and your sense of cultural relativism flying off into a blackhole.
“There is only one way for him to remain in the covert and he rejected the proposal. Said he could not possibly do that to you.”
“What is it? Does the way ask for a human sacrifice? Is that what it will take to keep him from being excommunicated from everyone he knows and loves?”
“I understand you think us barbarians, soldier. I will discount it on account of your efforts to save one of our own. And for how you have protected us. There need be no blood. Only the establishment of a riduurok so that he will have been seen by the only being he is permitted to show himself to.”
“What is a riduurok?” You asked, even though you had a sinking feeling about it.
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baejax-the-great · 12 days
Haven't watched bridgerton but saw your tags & they made me laugh 😂 Perhaps she was just pretending to be out for five days. Like 'finally some peace and quiet'. Bonk
Spoilers for season 2 of Bridgerton, I guess.
Here is how it goes. She is on a horse. She is good at riding horses, as she's demonstrated repeatedly throughout the season. It is raining. Her suitor/lover/ex/whatever shows up and her horse rears in response, dumping her from the saddle. She falls to the ground and does not get up. Suitor checks on her and discovers 1. she's out cold and 2. She is bleeding from the back of her head.
He brings her to her home. She does not wake up during this time. She does not wake up for days. I don't know that the number of days was specified, but it seems to be around four or five.
She wakes up. She immediately recognizes her sister. She says she feels fine. She remembers the ride in the rain and falling from her horse. She is immediately concerned about whether her suitor came to visit her while she was sleeping and not, you know, the life threatening concussion she just had.
Friends, this woman is dead. She is not among the living. She is passed on. Bereft of life, she rests in peace. If someone sustains a head injury and is not somewhat conscious again in like 30 minutes, there is a strong possibility they will never be conscious again (especially without the interventions of modern medicine--neurosurgery is needed for severe injuries).
There is no button on your head that if you push it hard enough, you get a nice nap that lasts a random amount of time. That's not what a concussion is. It's brain damage. You don't just get a concussion and "sleep it off." In fact, if you see someone get a concussion and they decide they really want to go to sleep, it is your duty to 1. keep them awake and 2. get them to a fucking emergency room.
Now they didn't have emergency rooms in Bridgerton, but that doesn't matter, because she's dead. She died. She's pushing up the daisies. Four days. FOUR DAYS. But let's say a miracle occurred and she's not dead.
She almost definitely would not remember her injury. That memory was knocked the fuck out of her brain before it could be stored away and 2. probably the morning ride was forgotten, too and 3. she might even lose the preceding few days if she hit her head that hard and 4. she would absolutely be suffering from brain damage, because that's what a concussion is. It's brain damage. You bruise your brain and neurons die and you hope it wasn't very many or it wasn't any important ones (they are all important that is your BRAIN).
Kate would be left with anything from blurry vision and trouble concentrating to having to learn how to walk or talk again. She could have gone blind or deaf. She would almost definitely have one hell of a headache. She would not be spinning about the dance floor that evening because she would be too dizzy and uncoordinated for that shit and she would be for days if not weeks if not permanently. Even in a moderate case with eventual full recovery, post-concussion syndrome can last for months, and it sucks.
I am TIRED of shows using brain damage like it's a tiny lil nap. Just knock someone out and then you can sneak past them/skip the plot ahead hours/have them languish in bed for days and not feel guilty for it. It doesn't work like that. Bonking your head and going to sleep for four hours is a life-threatening life-altering situation, and not a "tee hee we snuck past the enemies without having to kill anyone!"
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btsficsandsuch · 9 months
Okay love how An Ungodly Dream started!!!
Thank you for taking my request into consideration, I love it, of course I would like a little more angsty part, you can take as much time as you like, I'm in no hurry and neither should you💜💜
Here’s part 2! This one gets pretty angsty. Warning: Mentions of demons/demon activity, Death, Also gets suggestive. PART 1 HERE
An Ungodly Dream
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Even if you had 1,000 chances to guess how you’d be spending a Thursday night you never would’ve guessed sitting in your living room talking to a demon but here you are. “Soooo Yoongi, were you born a demon or how did this happen?”, you asked unsure if that was even okay to ask but you weren’t sure about boundaries when it came to demons. He chuckled, “It’s kind of a long story but no I wasn’t born a demon. I actually signed a contract with this guy and in exchange for him doing something for me I agreed to become one his servants.” You nodded unsure of what your next question should be.
Yoongi could tell that you had a lot more on your mind. He began, “Look Y/N there’s a lot about this you’ll never understand but I’ll try to make it as simple as I can. About six years ago I was really in love with this girl. She was my everything. One day she passed out at home and after they ran some tests in the emergency room they told us she had incurable brain cancer and was given three months to live. I was devastated and I knew I’d do anything to not loose her.” He ran his hands over his face and sighed. This story was clearly hard for him to tell but he continued anyways, “One night shortly after that, I went to a bar to try and drink away the pain. While there I met a man who told me his name was Jin. He said he could take away any pain in the world in exchange for something small. He had my attention so I followed him to a back room. He pulled out a piece of paper that I didn’t really understand but at the time I didn’t really care. He basically said he would heal my girlfriend so that she’d be cancer free and all I had to do was agree to work for him. In my drunken grieving state I didn’t even ask any questions, not even how he knew about the cancer when I never even told him that. I signed the paper and before I could say anything else he was gone. Well a week goes by and I assume it must’ve just been a drunken dream because nothing has happened. Then we go to my girlfriends appointment and there are like nine doctors from all over the world. One of them pulls up her brain scan from the day before and tells us how the cancer is completely gone. They’ve never seen anything like it before and it’s a medical miracle that she was cancer free. I was ecstatic. The love of my life was healed and no longer weeks from death. I didn’t even think about the contract that I signed. So a couple weeks go by and I come home from work and hear a strange sound coming from the bedroom. I gently pushed opened the door and saw my girlfriend in bed with another guy. When I confronted them she told me that she had a new lease on life or some bullshit like that and didn’t want to be tied down to one person any more. So I packed a bag and went back to the bar to drink away the heartbreak. That’s when I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Jin standing there. He told me how he had held up his end of the contract and now it was my turn. So I’ve spent the last six years doing his bidding all for a girl who in the end didn’t even love me and I have no way out of it.”
You were speechless. Yoongi’s eyes didn’t move from the the coffee cup on the table in front of him. After some time you reached out and grabbed his hand, “I’m really sorry that happened to you Yoongi. I really am.” He gave you a small smile. “Any other questions?”, he asked trying to change the subject. “Um yeah a ton but I don’t even really know where to begin. What kind of things do you normally do for this Jin guy? Is there anyway for you to break the contract? Maybe a lawyer or something?” Yoongi chuckled at that, “Do you really think there are lawyers that specialize in demon contracts? No there’s no way out. Either fulfill the contract or cease to exist basically. As far as what I do. I do a little bit of everything. I’m a master of all trades.” There was that cockiness again that you hated but also kind of found attractive. He continued, “It depends on why I was summoned or what Jin had planned for me. Sometimes I’ll make deals with people and have them sign contracts to lure them in. Sometimes I’ll be an incubus if that’s what is requested of me.” You cleared your throat unsure if you want to ask your next question or if you’re just scared of the answer. You forgot that he can read minds but he answers before you can even ask. “I only physically hurt people if I’m commanded to by Jin. He’s like my boss. It’s rare for that to happen though. He mostly only cares about getting people to sign away their lives. The more contracts he has the more powerful he is.”
You nodded in acceptance of his answer feeling a little better. You had so many more questions but decided that it was late and he had opened up enough for the night. “So do you sleep or how does this work?”, you asked unsure of yourself. Yoongi smiled, “I can sleep. I don’t have to but sometimes it’s nice to just relax and pretend to be fully human again.” You awkwardly chuckled being reminded that this beautiful man in front of you was not actually human any more. “Go to sleep Y/N. I’ll be alright out here. We still have a lot to discuss tomorrow.”, he smiled over at you. You nodded and began walking back to your bedroom before turning around, “Goodnight Yoongi.” He smiled back at you, “Goodnight Y/N.”
Somehow you managed to fall asleep for a few hours before your alarm went off signaling you it was time to get ready for work. You quickly showered and changed eager to find out what your new demon roommate was up to. You weren’t expecting to walk into the kitchen and find a large breakfast prepared for you including pancakes, blueberry muffins, an omelette, and fresh squeezed orange juice and hot coffee. “Morning sleepyhead”, Yoongi smiled before handing you a mug. “I didn’t know you could cook.”, you said happily taking some coffee. “I used to be human or did you forget already.”, he laughed. You rolled your eyes, “No I didn’t forget. I just didn’t ever expect demons to be this nice. You know, usually they’re more demon-ish.” Yoongi smirked as he sat down next to you taking a bite of a muffin. “Not all demons are like that. Of course there are ‘bad’ demons but a lot of them are like me. We’re just trying to survive after making the choices that we did.”, he said taking a sip of juice. You nodded and silently ate your breakfast.
Yoongi told you to leave the dishes as he’d do them later since he had nothing else to do. You reluctantly agreed before grabbing your purse. “When I get back from work we can talk some more.”, you told him. He nodded before walking you to the door. “Oh and there might be some chicken in the fridge. You know in case you wanted to whip up something for dinner later.”, you said and he chuckled taking your hint. “Yes Dear. Anything else?”, he asked. You shook your head before saying a quick goodbye and closing the door behind you.
The day went by surprisingly quick. It probably had to do with the fact that you couldn’t wait to get home to see Yoongi. Somehow you found yourself actually kind of missing him. So once 5:00pm hit you found yourself rushing home quickly kicking off your shoes by the door and walking into the kitchen greeting Yoongi who was hard at work putting the finishing touches on dinner. “I hope you like it. It’s been a while since I cooked like this.”, he said shyly. “It looks amazing plus anything is better than what I would’ve been able to make.”, you chuckled. Taking a bite of the food you smiled. “It’s so good Yoongi. You’d really make a good husband one day.”, you said not noticing his shoulders drop at the compliment. The two of you ate in silence and then you washed the dishes with Yoongi’s help because he insisted. After you changed into some comfy clothes you met Yoongi who was already sitting on the couch mindlessly watching something on the tv. When he saw you walk in he shut it off, “I’m guessing you want to talk about some things.”
You nodded, “Yeah we probably should.” There was a long silence until you spoke, “How do I release you back since I summoned you on accident?” He bit his lip, “Well there are three ways to do that. The first being that I complete a task for you, it would be the reason you summoned me to begin with. The second is to have you sign a contract and you basically become one of us. The third is we have to wait for the next full moon and on that day we would follow the guidelines in that book you were reading. Looking at our options we’ll probably have to go with the third one.” You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, “I mean we could look at the other options. I know I didn’t intend to summon you but my boss has been a real jerk lately so maybe I can have you go mess with him a little. You know slam some doors. Open all of his kitchen cabinets in the middle of the night.” He laughed, “Y/N I’m a demon. Not a poltergeist. You’ve said it yourself that you didn’t mean to summon me. And there’s no way I’m letting you sign any contract so our only option is number three.”
Nodding in agreement you got up and retrieved the book from your room turning to the chapter on demons. Yoongi helped you flip through the pages before finding what he was looking for, “There that’s it.” You began reading through the pages wanting to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all but at this point nothing shocks you anymore. You checked your phone, “Okay the next full moon is in three weeks.”, you said. “Okay then I guess we’re gonna get to know each other.”, Yoongi smiled. You wanted to say something sarcastic but deep down you felt your heart flutter at the thought.
The two of you spent the following week acting like an old married couple. You’d bicker about minor things only to return back to normal shortly after. He cooked you breakfast and dinner every day and even packed your lunch a couple days. The two of you ended up cuddling on the couch one night after falling asleep leading to you both waking up feeling awkward and confused.
Thankfully it was the weekend so you were able to get to spend more time with each other. It was Saturday evening and the two of you had decided to go out to dinner. Admittedly you maybe put a little more effort into your outfit than you needed to but it was worth it when you walked out and saw Yoongi checking you out. “You look very nice this evening.”, he said offering you his arm to hold onto. “Thank you. You clean up nice yourself.”, you responded. Since the weather was so nice and the restaurant wasn’t too far the two of you decided to walk. As you passed a group of guys standing against a wall Yoongi protectively put himself between you and the men while keeping his arm left arm around your waist. Just as you walked by them Yoongi suddenly stopped and whipped his head around to glare at one of the men wearing a blue baseball cap. “Weren’t you ever taught to respect women asshole? She’s not a toy for you to use as you please.”, he spat. Yoongi grabbed your hand and quickly pulled you away from the men before you could even question him but you assumed the guy had thought something provocatively about you and Yoongi heard his thoughts. You felt a smile creep up at the thought that he felt the need to defend you like that.
Dinner was one of the best nights you’d ever had. Yoongi had lots of stories about things he had done and seen. You listened very closely taking it all in. After dinner the two of you made your way back to your apartment and once inside you let your feelings overtake your brain. The alcohol from dinner probably didn’t help but you instinctively wrapped your hands around Yoongi’s neck pulling him closer to you and placing a kiss on his lips. You waited to see if he’d push you away. When he didn’t you pulled him in again and deepened the kiss. Then you moved to his dress shirt and you started unbuttoning it one by one as Yoongi removed the sweater you were wearing over your strapless dress.
The two of you made your way to your bedroom where Yoongi pushed you down onto your bed before going in for another kiss. The kisses went back and forth moving from your lips to various parts of your body. In-between kisses you managed a whispered, “Yoongi.” Not stopping he mumbled something which you took him as acknowledging you. You placed another kiss to his lips before speaking, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
You weren’t sure what you expected. Hopefully for him reciprocate the feelings. At the worst just ignore you and pretend he didn’t hear you. What you didn’t expect was for him to jump back like something had just bit him. “Yoongi what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”, you asked concerned. “We can’t do this Y/N. There can’t be anything between us. We’re not the same and I’m not going to risk you being dragged down with me.”, he said quickly buttoning back up his shirt. “Yoongi I don’t understand. Everything has been so good between us. We can figure something out.”, you said reaching for him. He shook his head taking a step back from you, “No Y/N. It’s not like a long distance relationship or something. This is serious. There are things you just don’t understand. I ruined my life and I have to pay that price. I won’t let that also hurt you.” “Yoongi please. Help me understand. I’ll do what it takes to be with you.”, you cried. You watched at Yoongi opened your bedroom door. He turned around to look at you, “No Y/N. I won’t let you do that. I’m gonna stay in the spare room until the full moon is here and we can follow the protocol to release me. Just stay away from me until then. It’s for your own good.”
With that he walked out and shut the door behind him. You heard the faint click of the door to the spare room shut next to you. Sitting on the bed you began to sob into your pillow. You knew he was right. He was a demon after all and you seemed to forget that little detail. But even after you reminded yourself of that you still couldn’t help but feel your heart breaking at the fact that the man you loved was in the room next to yours but you were never going to be able to have him. Unless maybe you signed a contract of your own…
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sugary-bluebell · 11 months
Could I please get a gn!reader with Lucifer from Obey Me? Maybe just typical dating headcanons and what you think dating him would be like?
Dating headcanons
《☆》 《☆》 《☆》 《☆》
°•A/n: me? Posting something? A miracle has happened- lmao anyway i AM working on other posts dw dw anyway- I hope u enjoy this :) reminder that i have stopped playing obey me for a very long time so forgive me if it isn't that accurate to what is canon in the game rn! Btw i love ur writing, i binge read every now and then <3
◇Warning◇: nothing
°•Characters: Lucifer and Simeon
°•Reader: gn
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A relationship with Lucifer will require a LOT of patience and understanding, so if you don't got that then idk what to tell you
Lucifer is more on the romantic side and since he works most of the time he tries to make it up to you with romantic dinners, gifts and if he got time off even a romantic get away
He'd set his pride aside for you the best he could
If an argument ever happens and it gets really heated, he'd take a deep breath and tell you he's going to cool down before something he doesn't mean comes out
You and his brothers are his number 1 priority, not even diavolo can save the pathetic fool who hurt you or his brothers
Like if you ever say out of no where for you and him to get in a car and drive to who knows where, on a school night-
He wants to say yes so bad but he just KNOWS the moment he's gone, all of the devildom will flip upside-down
If you want him to take a brake form working? Tempt him with music, poisoned apples and cuddles
He LOVES kisses on the lips and neck- he especially loves to do said kisses in front of anyone who wanted you
Despite most beliefs, the relationship moves quicker then expected
He already knows you're the one he wants to spent every moment of his life with, why hold back as long as you're comfortable?
Like Lucifer, he is very romantic but he likes the domestic life style more
Making breakfast together or one of you make breakfast in bed for each other
Picnics are an often occurrence and he makes handmade gifts for you
Forehead and cheek kisses are his favorite, it just feels so much more interment for him
You get to help with his writing, he values your opinion more then anyone else
Loves when you make him handmade gifts to btw- he gets so flustered <3
If you're a workaholic, he WILL use his angelic voice to make you take a brake and pay attention to him
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