#maybe I'm just disappointed that he didn't react much when he found out his brother got kidnapped
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Ok so tomorrow is the 11th day of Ray route but emmmm;; to be honest I found it's quite cliche to wrap up everything, seems a bit rushed and Saeran talked so much about MC than his own brother that got kidnapped by the one who made their life hell like okayyy?????? It's feel so different than in 707 route, like Saeyoung still put his brother above everything despite him with MC and we can feel the tension from the weight of situation but Ray route is like????? He's too easy, like "Oh! you came to my life for 10 days and you're already my angel that comes to save me from all this despair that I have since childhood uwu" kind of thing. ☺️❤️
Like, okay????? I get that 10 days aren't enough to lengthen the story plot but I'm disappointed that Ray route ended like this? It's more about MC than their past. Maybe it's just my personal interest but really, Saeran in this is ehhh ;;;;
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sourbinnie · 1 year
Hiii i have a request . Can you do as 9th straykids member when you left the group? and their reaction or maybe their massages? Just please as a friend not SHIP 💀 TYSM ❤️🫶🏻
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title -> sooner or later genre -> angst my beloved | voicemails pair -> ot8!skz + 9th member!reader a/n: i wrote it as voicemails since it's my favorite style. i hope you still like it ¡!¡!¡ since i don't really do messages. ALSO this is not romantic like you wanted i put a + instead of an x, that's how i differiante it.
"(y/n). where do i even start? i'm not mad, let's say that. i'm just mostly concerned, it was just announced to us that you left the group and we never talked about this? like, i've never  seen you look discontent with being a part of stray kids. is there things that i don't know? i would love to talk to you before it goes public and we have to say you're not a part of the team anymore. i just wanna know what happened, you're like a sibling to me and i don't wanna lose one of the most important parts of the band because we just didn't talk you know? anyways, please answer as fast as you can".
chan left the voice message with as much strength as he could as he looked around the room. he didn't even wanna know what was gonna happen now because he never planned for stray kids to be eight. there was an empty space in the dorms now, a new type of silence and an increase of anger & confusion in all of the members that was justified right? why would you just leave? that's what they said. you weren't kicked out, just decided your time on stray kids was enough and he needed to speak to you to know what you felt.
✉ ✉ ✉
"so you decided to just leave? without telling any of us? real funny of you. i'm not disappointed or sad, i'm just fuming (y/n) and to think we trusted you. do you not understand that you ar- were a part of this for life? we were supposed to stay together forever. how do i even explain to felix and jeongin you're probably not gonna come back? i've never seen them look so distraught. i know i didn't show it but i really wanted you to be there for me in my most important moments 'cause i thought of you as a friend for life. i don't know what went down but this doesn't excuse your reaction to leave us in the dust".
minho felt betrayed, like he was stabbed and someone twisted the dagger. he wanted to protest against the manager that announced it all and he did, he did not stay silent like the rest. the shock then suddenly appeared knowing that they were eight members now and the fact that he wouldn't see you around the dorms, in practice, at the concerts, or at the music shows. it made him sick to his stomach that someone he considered a brother/sister just disappeared with no reason.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey, i know it's kinda late but the news were just blurted out to us. i have no idea how to react. i just wanna know what happened, clearly there was something we didn't know that we need to talk about right? 'cause you can't just leave. i'm not gonna go out without a fight either, you are like one of my best friends and that's not gonna change. it's just so weird, we were talking about so much shit yesterday and you said you could only see your future with us and now you're gone? just like that? all your things are getting packed and it's just hard to watch. i don't imagine stray kids without you and i don't even want to".
changbin was completely lost. utterly and weirdly lost as he processed everything, another time he would've fought against it and he would've invaded his manager with questions (even if they were gonna remain unanswered). in this state he found himself in, he spammed you messages after sending the voicemail but they all weren't even seen. he wanted to go to chan for help but he saw the leader lost that shine in his eyes when all of this was announced. 
✉ ✉ ✉
"(y/n), i-i literally don't think this is the right decision. i know it's already in the work and that you will decide what's best for you. i am no one to tell you what to do but have you thought this through? leaving us? i'm just worried to be honest. felt like crying when they told us but i was a strong boy for you and yet you wouldn't care if you didn't care about leaving either. god i'm sorry, i'm just going through all the emotions at once and i still don't know how to react. just please call me and we'll talk it out like we always do, the team won't be the same without you and i don't even wanna think about you leaving me".
hyunjin knew he was being selfish by sending a voicemail like that and he did not care. even if didn't feel like crying before, he sure as hell was crying now thinking of his brother/sister and what could have happened for them to just leave. how did the person who was the most excited for him to come back from hiatus just decided to leave? and now they wouldn't answer their texts, it's like they disappeared face off the earth. hyunjin just wanted to get out of the dorms and go look for you, and guess what? he did.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey. gosh, is it too late already? to be sending you this voicemail and hoping you come back? i know it's not easy. i don't know exactly what you went through for you to be making this decision on your own but i wanna know, i wanna get to know you better. even after all these years, i feel like we didn't discover each other fully and i want more, i want your visits at the studio, us messing up choreography on purpose and writing lyrics together till the morning. tomorrow is gonna be awful for all of us but for you especially as this is gonna go on public and i wanna be there for you before it all crumbles apart".
jisung wanted to know what happened first of all. then he wanted to hug you and not let you go, afraid you would slip away from his embrace and he would have to be left alone. if there was a thing people didn't mess with was his friends and he considered you to be on top of his list with the rest of the members. sharing a dorm with him, must've been a nightmare but you two managed to be a mess together. now looking at box after box of your stuff, he just felt the biggest hole in his heart.
✉ ✉ ✉
"are you okay? do you need me to go where you are? i know it's late but i would do anything for you, you know this. even right now as everyone is losing their minds, i just care about you and that might show a bit of favoritism. i just don't know what the hell happened for you to go, was it something we did or said? 'cause i can't recall and i will apologize a million times if i have to. it's just a lot okay? just to be told that you decided to leave and it was your choice. and if it was i just wanted to know if we could remain friends because i seriously don't want to lose you. just call me back please".
felix was devastated. the fact that you were alone somewhere, away from them, away from him. knowing that even if he said that he wanted to remain friends, the company wouldn't like that and you two would probably never see each other again. it just felt so weird to wait around for a message when you were the quickest to type them out but now it was as if the world was against him or something. he needed to hear your voice and to maybe tell him that it was all a really well calculated prank.
✉ ✉ ✉
"why did you leave? i don't wanna go in circles. i just need to know bluntly and straight the reason why you decided to leave us. weren't we forever? you said that so many times that right now it just feels like another lie. all the things we promised, they're gone too right? (y/n) please fucking answer me before i lose my mind. i am not a person to beg for anything but i would do it right now for you to explain what the hell happened. we are all as confused and lost as we could be! you didn't even say it to our face, were you scared to face us? why would you be scared? we were always gonna support you if you gave us a reason".
seungmin of course didn't mean to sound as angry as he did. he just couldn't help it when he was left in the dark by one of his closest friends and the worst part is knowing that this voicemail was gonna be left on seen. he threw his phone onto his bed as he sighed, hoping you would just answer. it was just scary to him that all of this was happening and he had no idea how to react. you weren't there with them like you always were and he wished for nothing more than for you to come back.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey (y/n). it feels weird to call you by name but i just need to get your attention somehow so you answer me. it's been forever since we know each other and now to be witnessing what might be the end for what we were building, just leaves me with a bad taste. did we do something? or was it just something else happening that you never told us? either way i would rather you have stayed. i don't wanna cry because you wouldn't have liked that but i feel like i'm gonna do it anyway. not like you're here to stop me even though i wish you were. just please call me or any of us back, i wanna hear your voice telling us the truth".
jeongin's eyes were watery but he quickly wiped them away. he sat there on the couch while everyone was in their rooms and waited. he looked at the door every once in a while thinking maybe it would help him but at the end of the day it just hurt more to now that you probably weren't gonna come back. scrap that, you weren't gonna come back at all and this would be announced tomorrow. he felt like choking but he still stayed strong as he tried to think of the good moments with you and holding on to the memory for dear life.
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sleepyone2three · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot lately about MC coming out as asexual to Asmo. How would he react/handle this? Personally, I want to believe he'd be respectful about it but I also think he'd be really disappointed on some level (especially if MC was also sex repulsed) over that aspect of a relationship not being important and/or existent them.
I just picture Asmo bringing MC to his room for a sleepover and trying to take things to the next level. MC stops him and sort of mumbles they aren't interested in anything like that right now. Asmo giggles and tells them that he can help with that issue, only for MC to respond with silence as they look away. Asmo, clearly noticing that something is wrong, backs off and asks MC what's on their mind. MC is quite, trying to decide how best to tell him.
In my mind, the only person MC has come out to at this point is Simeon since they knew he wouldn't make fun of them or not take them seriously. And they'd really only confided in him about it because they weren't sure how to handle the brothers constantly bickering over them/clearly wanting to take things further at some point. So they went and talked to someone who'd known the brothers for a long time and hopefully wouldn't laugh at their predicament. It hadn't yielded much in the way of results, but at least MC knew they had someone who'd support them no matter what.
After enough time of MCs quiet contemplation, I think Asmo would begin to pout and whine that he thinks MC doesn't love/trust him enough to be open with him. It'd be sniffles, fake tears, and guilting until MC figures out something that's either believable enough to convince Asmo or shocking enough to shut him up. So they tell him the truth.
At this point, I see Asmo blinking and saying something like, "MC, darling, I don't think I heard you correctly. I must need to clean my ears out because there's no way you said you aren't turned on by me!"
"I didn't... I said I'm not sexually attracted to other people..."
"Soooo... you'd rather be with my demon form then? Why didn't you say so! That's an easy fi-!"
"N-no! That's not what I meant!"
"Oh? Then what can I do to help put you in the mood? I know lots of tricks I bet you've never even heard of~"
"You're not listening to me... forget it, I knew this was a bad idea."
MC then turns away and moves to gather their things. Asmo looks at MC, confused to what he did that could've upset them; he's only trying to help after all. He tries to stop them from leaving and asks them what bad idea they're talking about. Is it that they really don't like him anymore? Or is he just being too pushy? He'll slow down if that's what MC really wants, he only wanted to make them feel as amazing as they make him feel. And the best way, in his mind, is to use the skills he's acquired over the years.
MC looks back at him, clearly holding back tears at this point and says point blank that they're asexual. This then turns into them quietly admitting that they hadn't wanted to tell him because they're worried he won't like them if he knows. That he would toss them aside and move on when he inevitably found out they wouldn't be good for that aspect of his life. That all the brothers would think they're weird or childish. Every sexual activeness based insecurity finally begins tumbling from within and, by the end of the confession, MC is an absolute mess.
I think it would take a few moments for Asmo to process what's being said, but seeing MC so distraught throws a lot of his confusion out the window. He quickly wraps his arms around them and does his best to comfort. He tells them he'd never toss them aside and that he loves them for how wonderful of a person they are. That his brothers would never belittle or abandon them over something like this.
Asmo would more than likely be fairly gloomy about the discovery at first, maybe moping around or making off hand comments about it being a waste/unfair twist of fate. He doesn't actually mean anything by it, he's just not sure how else to process his feelings outside of being a drama queen. MC would have to let him know if the comments/behavior hurt them, because it won't stop for a good while otherwise.
All the other brothers find out pretty quickly as well, seeing as Asmo would probably brag about having a intimate heart-to-heart with MC as well as his moping. Either way, it might be best to just rip the band-aid off and let all of them know over breakfast. Asmo probably gives a pep talk before hand and encourages the choice, as if he wasn't the one to suggest a dramatic breakfast reveal in the first place. I think most of them would be pretty chill about it once the surprise wore off.
Levi might joke that there's finally someone more awkward than him and compare it to some anime or game he's recently binged/played, but he's just happy that his Henry feels comfortable enough to be honest. Satan's probably read something that covers sexualities so he takes it up on himself to help educate his brothers (except Lucifer because Lucifer) on the proper terminology. I honestly get strong ace vibes from Beel and somewhat from Belphie as well, so the brothers might already be on the same page as is. Mammon is going to obnoxiously tsundere about it, seeming disappointed and then blushing furiously before denying that he even cares about it in the first place. They all love MC regardless, so everything pretty much stays the same except they tone down their physical advances. It's up to MC to set new boundaries/their comfort level, the brothers will all respect them to varying degrees and Lucifer will dole out punishments if he catches any of them making MC uncomfortable.
I think Asmo and MC would eventually come out of this with a stronger relationship from all of this but that Asmo would have a hard time remembering to not get too handsy. He'd still demand cuddles if MC is okay with it, but the two of them, if in a romantic relationship, would have to have some serious conversations regarding this new development. I don't see Asmo as ever being able to go fully celibate and he might try occasionally suggesting the two of them at least try it. But I also think he'd back off if MC was made uncomfortable by this.
If MC is truly sex repulsed, I think there would be room for discussion of an open relationship on Asmo's end for the physical aspect of it. I don't see demons as commonly big on monogamy in general, so I think it would be up to MC at that point with what they're comfortable with. If MC is okay with it, Asmo will be thrilled but also honest that anything outside of their relationship is purely physical; after all, he couldn't ever love anyone like he loves MC.
If the idea of Asmo being with someone else truly hurt MC, I don't think he'd be as keen to satisfy his own sexual appetite with somebody else. I do think the latter would result in him having an even harder time keeping his hands from wandering though and a fair amount of pent up sexual frustration on his end. Asmo is Asmo after all and I don't think toys would be enough to satisfy him at the end of the day. He's needy af and that's not changing anytime soon. If anything, Solomon might be accompanying the two of them to breakfast more often depending on the arrangement.
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Piece Of Cake (Fred Weasley)
Summary: Fred claims that asking a girl out to the Yulle ball is a piece of cake. Harry and Ron dare him to prove it.
Prompts: fluff list: 2 - "I don't care, just hold me." & angst list: "Try to see things in my point of view." & miscellaneous list: 4 - "My mum thinks I'm dating you." (changed a bit)
Warning: angst at the beginning, some swear words, fluff at the end
Author's Note: This is for @lunalovecroft 's 1K writing challenge! Probably it was meant to be the other way around, but that idea suddenly strucked me and I decided to give it a go. Happy reading ♡
HP Taglist: @alienoresimagines @95swifi
"You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have." - F.S. Fitzgerald
All the Yulle Ball decoration were making Y/N beyond sick, every ribbon reminding her that she still did not have a date to accompany her throughout the approaching evening. Molly Weasley was so kind to send her as a gift the most beautiful dress Y/N had ever seen in her life and now she was genuinely thinking about not going to the ball at all. 
When she threw herself at the bench in the Great Hall right next to her best friend Hermione who was sitting way too far from Ron, Harry and the twins were seated. Y/N knew about the brightest witch's secret crush on the young Weasley that was slowly but surely growing into something more than just a simple crush. She'd even swear that Ron felt exactly the same about Hermione but she had to promise not to get involved or play a cupid. 
"He didn't ask, did he." Y/N dared to speak up first, glancing from Hermione's sad expression on her face to absolutely oblivious Ronald just a few metres away from them who seemed to be stuffing as much food as possible into his mouth as fast as he could. 
Y/N's eyes wandered from one Weasley to another, much taller one, who's smile was so contagious that she found herself grinning like an idiot for no particular reason.
"What do you think, Y/N." Hermione sighed bringing her back from her daydreaming, "guess he's not the only one who didn't ask, right?" 
Y/N looked at her friend again, simply nodded as she wasn't able to react in any other way. As much as she tried not to, she felt a bit disappointed when the only person she wanted to go to the Yulle ball with, hasn't asked her.
"They've been bickering for the past 15 minutes whether asking a girl out is easy or not." Hermione stated, clearly upset with the whole situation.
"Are you serious, 'Mione? What are their points of view?" 
"Well, Harry and Ron are obviously struggling to even compliment a girl in the right way but Fred reckons there's nothing easier." 
The girls look at each other and burst out laughing in the next second. "Like he'd know how to ask." Y/N managed to get out of her through her laughter, "however, I must agree with Harry and Ron. They're the most oblivious idiots." 
"Tell me about it." Hermione giggled but a trace of hurt flew over her face and Y/N suddenly felt really sorry for her dear friend. 
"Hey Y/N!" Fred shouted out of the blue, his clear voice echoed through the Great Hall causing other students to perk up their heads in order to find out what possibly he has in mind now. 
Y/N threw a look full of question marks to Hermione before turning her head to the tall red-head. "Yes?"
The moment his typical mischievous grin appeared on his face Y/N knew that something either funny and unpleasant to her or something embarrassing is about to happen.
"Will you..." Fred kept on talking as loudly as possible while wildly gesturing with his arms - apparently pretending to dance, "go to the ball..." now he was just pointing at her and him, "with me?"
Y/N's whole face turned brightly red, her nervous eyes wandering from student to student with such awaiting and amused expressions on their faces. Her heartbeat fastened in the matter of seconds that it seemed like it might jump out of her chest. Y/N looked at Hermione for help with such desperation hidden behind her gaze but her friend just simply shrugged, absolutely shocked with the sudden question, just like Y/N was.
A few seconds passed and Y/N was still sitting at her spot totally speechless. She imagined many times how Fred would ask her to the ball but never in a million years did she think it'd be like this - shouting at her in front of the whole Great Hall with absolutely no sign of sincerity or romance; to her it seemed like some sort of a bet to prove his point.
Their eyes for a moment and Y/N realized that Fred was convinced that she's going to accept his offer, confidence was basically radiating off of him. She knew he's not bragging, Fred was one of the kindest people she'd ever met but sometimes, sometimes he just wasn't able to estimate the situation. 
Anger was slowly bottling up in her as she quickly stood up grabbing all her books. As much as it hurt her to say it, Y/N was still able to straighten up looking directly into his eyes. "Sorry, Weasley, not interested. But thanks for the offer, I feel flattered." The sarcasm in her voice was more than obvious. 
Y/N winked at Hermione, rightly feeling satisfied with her as she heard a few laughs from many students when she walked out of the Great Hall leaving absolutely speechless and embarrassed Fred Weasley. 
Y/N rushed into her dormitory, not wanting to deal with anybody at the moment as the anger was slowly transforming into hurt. This wasn't what she imagined.
She threw herself at her bed; her books were casted off on the ground, papers flying all over the place.
"Y/N! Wait!" a muffled voice of the too familiar Weasley filled her ears and before she knew it, Fred was standing in the middle of her dormitory with flushed cheeks due to the long run, doors slammed shut behind him. 
"Let me explain." he almost begged taking a few steps towards her. She quickly got on her feet as she shook with her head couple of times. "Please, no. I don't care if your intentions were the noblest, but it happened and that's it."
"If you could just let me talk."
But Y/N didn't see the regret in Fred's eyes, or how his hands trembled a little bit, she was way too furious to notice all these things.
"Try to see things from my point of view, Weasley! You basically shouted at me in front of the whole school if I want to go to the ball with you! I understand that you just wanted to prove something to Ron and Harry but this is not a game for me."
Every single word that left her mouth went straight to Fred's heart. He never in a million years intended to hurt Y/N, he'd rather suffer himself than have something happen to her. But he was scared, Fred felt truly terrified of asking her out and when the boys confronted him about it, he panicked. He didn't have an idea why he reacted that way. The pounding heart, sweaty palms, the hotness in his cheeks - all this was new to Fred Weasley and he wasn't sure what do to with his stormy emotions.
"I'm real sorry, Y/N. I didn't want to offend you but that doesn't mean I don't stand behind what I said earlier." he tried to ease the tense in the small room, his lips even formed into a cute little innocet smile.
"I don't know, Weasley. I simply think-"
"Let me make it up to you! The ball's tomorrow, just say yes."
Then they were there - Fred's puppy eyes that no matter how serious the problem was, Y/N wasn't able to bring herself to say no. She knew he's very well aware of that fact, he somehow managed to melt her heart.
"Fine. I'll go to the Yulle ball with you, Weasley. Don't make me regret it."
"I can certainly promise you that, Y/L/N."
Y/N was nervously pacing in her new white dress that she got from Mrs. Weasley while Hermione was watching her with an amused expression.
"You know, this isn't funny." she frowned but a part of her was telling her how unreasonably ridiculous she is.
"Actually it is," her best friend couldn't held back the laughter, "you'll be fine. I bet he's even more nervous than you are." 
"Hermione! His mum thinks I'm bloody dating him!" 
"That's just so perfect. Maybe you will be after tonight."
Their eyes met for a moment and then, as if their minds were connected, the girls started giggling like some 13-year-olds. Y/N finally relaxed a bit, just like Hermione did, as they both promised themselves to look after each other during the evening.
"So what do you think?" Y/N winked at her friend, "shall we?"
The duo walked together down the stairs leading to the dance hall, side by side, both of them smiling widely. Y/N found Fred's tall figure right away as he was nervously pacing back and forth mumbling something under his breath while George watched him amused. Just like Hermione watched her a couple minutes ago. God, how similar they could be.
"Well done, brother dear. Fucking well done." George whispered into his twin's ear tapping his shoulder. Fred's gaze immediately landed on approaching Y/N making him stop in his tracks. George just smirked and left with his own date to give them some privacy.
Fred was closely watching her every step, how elegantly she carried herself through the room, the beautiful white dress flew around her making her look like an angel descending from the sky. 
"Blimey, I don't think I've ever seen something so beautiful like you." Fred breathed out, his eyes roaming all over her body.
"You don't look too bad as well, Weasley." Y/N blushed at his compliment as she sent him one nervous smile. The truth was, he looked way more better than just 'not bad' and she had to remind herself not to stare at him too much. He pulled her into his side, his scent and warmth immediately embracing her, and she found herself falling for this dangerously good looking red-head. 
"Everybody's turning their heads after you. I swear I even saw a smile on Snape's face." Fred pointed out, his voice filled with obvious jealousy as his grip on her waist tightened. 
"I don't care, just hold me, Fred." Y/N gave him a reassuring smile taking his hand in his, "just hold me."
"I never wanted anything more." 
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rowyn-writes · 4 years
Confidence (Jack x Reader)
Warnings: Fluff, strong language, arguing siblings
Pairings: Jack Kline x Winchester!Reader
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jack, Castiel (mentioned only,) Claire (mentioned only.)
Word Count: 2124
Summary: You start to notice that Jack tends to stay by your side whenever he can.
Requested by: @nancyangel​
Part Two: Dying From a Broken Heart
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You sat in your room in the bunker, casually reading on of your many books that lined your walls. You were a bookworm, much like you older brother, Sam. You liked being by yourself with your books and a cup of coffee, as cliche as it sounds.
Right now, you needed an escape from your world and into another one where you know how everything ends. Your half brothers, Sam and Dean we're currently trying to figure out a way to get their mother back from apocalypse world.
You were John's daughter, being the youngest Winchester there was. Along with being the baby of the family, your brothers were over protective of you.
Most of the time you weren't allowed out on a hunt, so you stayed in the bunker and helped with lore and things like that while Sam and Dean would do the hunting.
Lately, however, you were getting more involved, much to your brother's dismay. You loved Sam and Dean with all your heart, but they could be overbearing at times.
You closed your book when you heard a knock on your door. "It's open." You called.
Jack popped his head into the room. "Hey, Y/n. Can I come in?" He asked.
"Sure." You nodded.
Jack took a seat on the chair that sat in front of your small desk. "What's up?"
"Sam and Dean are going on a hunt and I was wondering if you were going?" This was news to you. You're had no idea that your brothers were going on a hunting trip.
You frowned as you go up off your position on the bed. "Now I am." You said, getting your bag ready. "You coming too?"
"Yes." Jack nodded. You told him to finish packing while you did the same.
"Going somewhere, gentlemen?" You asked just as Sam and Dean were about to walk out of the bunker.
Dean let his head fall as he sighed. "You're not coming."
"The hell I'm not." You snapped.
"Dean's right." Sam agreed. "You should sit this one out."
You let out a frustrated grunt. "C'mon. Why are you still treating me like I'm twelve? I'm almost 22."
"You're not ready, Y/n."
"I'm not ready?" You scoffed. "But you let Jack go, and technically, he's barely three months old."
"That's different." Dean said.
"How?! How is that different?! I grew up hunting with you guys and Dad, I know what to do!" You argued.
"It's different because you'll die if something happens! Jack has powers and can defend himself! You don't!" Dean hissed.
"This is ridiculous!" You huffed.
"Maybe next time, Y/n." Sam gave you a smile, which you didn't return. "Alright, Jack!" Sam called out. "Let's go!"
Jack appeared beside them in a second, making you jump slightly. "See you later, Y/n." Dean said. He looked like he wanted to give you a hug but decided against it, because you might knee him in the groin if you had the chance.
"You're not coming, Y/n?" Jack asked, seeming disappointed.
"Apparently not."
Jack seemed to hesitate by the door. "On second thought, I think I'll stay here. You guys don't really need my help, do you?"
Sam and Dean seemed surprised by his change of plans. Jack had been wanting to go on a hunting trip with them for a while. "I guess not." Sam said. And with that, they were gone.
"Why didn't you go with them?" You asked Jack. "You've been wanting to go on a hunting trip with them for a while, so why did you back out?"
"I thought you could use the company." He shrugged.
. .
. . .
Sam and Dean returned about two days later, clearly pleased that you and Jack had stayed at the bunker. You had thought of finding you own case, maybe even hunting with Claire, but decided against it.
But that doesn't mean you still weren't pissed at your brothers. They kept treating you like you were five, when you were 21. It was infuriating. That's why you were determined to find a case.
"Hey, so look what I found." You said, holding your computer up to your brothers. "Five people dead. All found without their hearts. However, there was six victims. One survived. If we can find out who's killing these people, we can put down the son of a bitch."
"Where's this happening at?" Dean asked gruffly.
"Little Rock, Arkansas."
Dean nodded his head. "Okay. Sammy, pack your things, Y/n, send us the address. We'll call you when you get there."
"Wait a minute." You protested. "You said that I would get to come with you on the next hunt! This is the next hunt."
"No. You're not coming."
"Oh come on!" You yelled angrily. "You have got to be kidding me! You promised that you would take me out on the hunt!"
"I never promised." Dean reminded her. "I never make promises I can't keep. You know that."
"You're being ridiculous! C'mon Sam, back me up here." You looked over to the man, giving him pleading eyes.
"I think Y/n's right Dean." He agreed. "We've seen what she can do, handling a werewolf or two isn't anything she can't handle."
Dean frowned, looking back and forth between you and Sam. "I'm not gonna win this argument, am I?"
"Fine. Go pack your things. Tell Jack to do the same." You nodded, calmly walking away. But as soon as you were out of sight from Sam and Dean, you gave a tiny squeal and did a little dance.
"Are we celebrating something?" Jack asked from behind you, making you jump slightly.
You gave him a big smile. "That we are, Jack. Sam and Dean are letting us go on a hunt! So pack your bags, we leave in an hour!"
You quickly packed your bag full of clothes and other essentials and put them in the trunk of the Impala.
Jack sat in the back seat with you; it was only logical, since Sam was the Jolly Green Giant and could barely fit back there.
While you loved the Impala, you did not love the kind of music that played constantly. As Sam once put it, "It's the greatest hits of Mullet Rock." So you had brought your phone and a pair of earbuds.
"What are you doing?" Jack asked curiously.
"Listening to music."
"But Dean has music playing?" He furrowed his eyebrows, making your heart soar at his cute little scrunched up face.
"Yeah, well, Dean and I have very different tastes in music. Here, listen to this." You gave him the other earbud you had.
Jack seemed to like your selection of music, as he grinned as the song played on. After a while of driving, your legs began to cramp. Whether you were tall or short, being in the back of the Impala for a long time did nothing to help your legs.
You tried to find a position where you weren't invading Jack's bubble, as not to touch him because you didn't know how he would react.
"You can stretch out your legs." Jack said, as if reading your thoughts. "I don't mind." You gave him a grateful smile as you rested your legs in his lap.
About four hours in, you began to doze off. Car rides were always relaxing to you, seeing your surroundings blur as you sped past, feeling the Impala rock beneath you, and being able to spread out in the back seat.
Although, you couldn't count how many times you had to disinfect the back seat because of your brothers. Mostly Dean.
You were woken up rather unpleasantly by Dean. You had been leaning against the door of the Impala when he yanked the door open, causing you to tumble out of the car. "Thanks for the awesome wake-up call, dick." You growled.
"No problem, fuck-face." He grinned as he helped you up. You grabbed your stuff and checked into your motel room.
It was like every other motel you've ever stayed at, rock hard beds, ugly wall patterns, and a small box T.V.
You went ahead and changed into your FBI clothes, a light blue button down shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans, matching boots and a blazer. "You boys ready?" You asked, exiting the bathroom to see all of them had changed into their uniforms.
You all piled into the Impala once more and headed to the local police station, and then to the hospital.
. .
. . .
You had found out nothing. There was no victimology, no connection, nothing. You figured there wouldn't be a pattern, it was a werewolf, after all.
You did know, however, that the werewolf was a Purebred, as the moon cycle didn't line up with the victims deaths.
And the surviving victim was a fifteen year old girl. Thankfully, she hadn't been bitten. But she was in so much shock that she couldn't remember her attackers face.
"Poor girl." You commented, shrugging off your blazer. "She's never going to be the same."
"She'll learn to cope." Dean assured you. "Okay, so Jack and I are gonna go to where the bodies were found and dig around a little, you and Sam stay here and see what you can find out about this town. See if there's any kind of pattern with the killings."
"Actually, could I stay here with Y/n and help her?" Jack asked.
Dean looked taken aback slightly. "Uh, yeah, sure kid. Sammy, let's go." Once the two brothers were in the car, Dean looked over at Sam. "Jack has a crush on Y/n." He frowned.
Sam snorted. "Okay? And you couldn't tell that before? I kinda thought it was obvious."
Dean cuffed Sam. "Alright, Captain Jack-ass. I was just saying maybe we shouldn't leave Y/n and Jack alone."
"Oh, please." Sam scoffed. "Nothing's gonna happen."
You got out your laptop and sat on one of the beds. You noticed that Jack was watching you from the couch. It was obvious be wanted to say something.
"Hey, Jack?"
"Yes, Y/n?" He looked excited to see that you engaged in a conversation with him first.
"How come you wanted to stay behind with me?"
"Oh, did you want me to go with Dean?" Jack seemed disappointed.
"No, no. That's not it!" You assured him quickly. He looked extremely relieved to hear that. "I was just curious. On the last hunt that Sam and Dean went on, you decided to stay behind with me too. And whenever I go out to grab food or something, you always come with me. I love your company, so please don't take that the wrong way. I was just wondering."
Jack thought over your words for a few moments before answering. "I don't really feel confident around anyone. Sometimes I feel like another burden onto Sam, Dean and Cas. But with you, I feel like I'm not judged."
"You're not judged by any of us, Jack. You know that." You frowned.
"I know that, I just can't help but feel that way sometimes. But things are different with you. I feel confident and safe, like I can be myself whenever you're around. I enjoy being around you, Y/n."
You felt your heart melt at Jack's words. You felt exactly the same way about him. While growing up, you never really had boyfriends, just a one night stand here and there (which your brothers definitely didn't know about.)
"Jack." You started. "Do you see me the same way you see Sam and Dean?"
"No. It feels different. I can't really explain it. It's like. . . When I'm with you, I can feel my heart start to beat faster, and my palms get kind of sweaty. I don't do that when I'm around Sam and Dean." He explained.
You smiled as you realized what he was saying. "Jack, I think that means you have a crush on me."
"Crush you?!" Jack looked startled. "I would never hurt you!"
"No, no, no! That's not what I meant." You sighed as you tried to break it down to him. "It means you really like someone, but not as a friend. Kind of like a boyfriend or girlfriend."
Realization dawned on Jack as he soaked in your words. "Then can I be your boyfriend?" He asked eagerly.
You gave a small laugh. "Yeah, you can." You kissed him on the cheek. Jack's face became pink under your gaze.
"Could I kiss your lips?" You didn't answer as your lips brushed over his.
"Does that answer your question?" He nodded happily as a smile formed on his face. He felt happy and safe with you standing in front of him.
I was thinking about making a part two? Tell me what you think!
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚂𝚊𝚗
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Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging nor trying to romanticize or promote yandere behavior. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warnings: Mentions of toxic relationship, violence, torture, murder, death, degradation, sexual scenes that might disturb some readers, and other yandere behavior. Read at your own discretion.
Tag list: @seacottons
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 :
𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚂𝚊𝚗
𝙳.𝙾.𝙱: 𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟿
𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟷𝟽𝟻 𝙲𝙼/ 𝟻'𝟿 𝙵𝚃
𝙰𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■■100%
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■□90%
𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: ■■■■■100%
𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌
𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜:
•𝚂𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕 𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚖.
•𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚟𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛.
•𝚄𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙱𝙳𝚂𝙼 𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜.
•𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍.
•𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚗𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
It was his sweet and innocent smile...
That's how it always starts with him.
Everyone falls victim to that smile that radiates happiness with dimples that captivate your heart.
But he never chases anyone down.
San wants them to chase him, so he plays hard to get.
And he's not looking for a relationship, he just enjoys hooking up with people.
No strings attached, no commitments, his booty call list is miles long.
And then you came along.
What was it about you that drew Choi San to you?
Was it your pure and intact body?
Was it your curious and inexperienced eyes that begged for excitement and adventure?
Perhaps a mix of both aspects?
Whatever it was, the day you crossed paths with San, was the day you crossed paths with the devil himself.
"Hi. I'm San....pleasure to meet you."
San's first goal with you was just to get in your pants like he did with the rest.
But you weren't easy, and when he found out you were a virgin, the goal changed.
Now he wanted you.
He became obsessed with owning everything about you: your mind, body, heart, and soul.
He wanted it all and he'd get it no matter the cost.
So he plays the sweet caring boyfriend for a while.
Yes, Choi San was exclusively yours, much to the shock and disappointment of others.
As a boyfriend, he was very caring to you.
Perfect gentleman that held you in high esteem and made you feel like you were the most important person in the world.
You truly fell deeply and madly in love with his charms.
So you had no qualms about letting him take your virginity, letting him be your first.
After all, he did love you.....right?
Well he did love corrupting you.
And after your first night together, he became more demanding and started showing aggressiveness towards you.
He'd never hide his displeasure if he saw you wearing something he didn't like.
"Why are you wearing that in public? You look like a whore."
He'd make you tell him your every move about where you went and with whom.
And if you didn't answer or reply to his messages, he'd somehow always find you.
"Why the fuck weren't you answering me? When I talk to you, I demand an answer."
And if there was a particular thing he absolutely hated, was your male friend that you often saw.
"I don't want you hanging out with that friend of yours."
"He's my childhood friend? He's like my brother. " You told him.
San just glared at you. "I don't care. I don't want you hanging out with him. That's final."
You rolled your eyes at him and thought he was just being jealous.
It was wrong of you to disobey him.
Next time he came over to your house, you were there with your friend...
If that scene alone didn't make San angry, the fact you were wearing a very thin tank top and revealing shorts made him get rigid.
"I thought I fucking told you never to see him again!" He screamed at you, striking fear in you at the way he raised his voice.
Your friend, however, wasn't scared of San and decided it would be good to stand up to your possessive and controlling boyfriend.
"You need to leave Y/N alone. She doesn't deserve to deal with someone like you."
Grabbing your hand, your friend tried to take you away from there, but San wasn't having it.
Roughly, he gripped your arm and pulled you away from your friend, placing you behind him.
"She's not yours to decide what to do. She's mine. Got it?"
Your friend wasn't going to give in that easily. He shoved San which culminated in fists flying from both of them.
"Stop! Stop it! Both of you!" You begged, covering your eyes at the violent scene.
They ended up in the kitchen, with your friend gaining the upper hand and holding San down against the counter.
It all happened too fast for you to react:
San grabbing a knife which was withing his reach, coming up and striking your friend in his lower abdomen....
And it didn't stop there.
San took out the knife and began to repeatedly stab him until his body collapsed on the floor, completely lifeless.
You were in such shock you couldn't find your own voice to scream for help.
The last thing you saw was San's diabolical eyes looking at you, his footsteps getting closer to you before you passed out from shock and the intensity of what you just witnessed.
You woke up approximately 12 hours later, feeling sore and somewhat sticky.
You let out a mix between a whine and a moan when you feel something very familiar sliding in and out of you.
Turning your head, you're met with a smirking San, his hands on your hips as his cock thrusts deep inside of you.
Looking down, you notice your hands are bound by handcuffs that are tied to the bed.
You jostled the handcuffs, trying to get them off you but were met with a harsh slap to your ass by San.
"Don't you dare." Was his only warning before snapping his hips even harder, making you come all over him in mere seconds.
For the first few days, he kept you handcuffed to his bed, refusing to let you go.
"If I let you go, you'll try to run away. I can't have you doing that."
So your days consisted of waking up with San next to you, having him feed you things which you swore had something in them since you always ended up feeling drowsy afterwards.
And of course having him fuck you like you were his personal sex toy every single night.
Finally one day, he removed the handcuffs from you.
"Try to run away and I will break your ankles."
He often had to leave the house for work, so the first day you were left to wander around, you stupidly tried to check if any windows or doors were left unlocked.
But they weren't. They were all bolted in and out.
And San walked in just in time to see you try to smash open one of the windows.
"Seriously?! I give you a simple order and you disobey me?!"
You ended up not being able to walk for 6 weeks because San was true to his word: he broke your ankles.
Now you were deathly scared of pissing him off.
So you tried your best to just please him, do whatever he asked you to do.
Whether it'd be cooking him food, cleaning the house, sucking him off or letting him do any of his depraved sexual acts on your body.
The only request you actually enjoy doing for him is when he asks you to cuddle up next to him.
Feeling his chest move up and down, hearing his heartbeat while his hand strokes your hair, you think maybe.....just maybe.....there's still a hint of the sweet man you met at first, the one you fell in love with..
But that image is quickly shattered whenever he pushes you off him or strikes you across the face because you 'glared at him or rolled your eyes at him.'
And you can't even cry in front of him because it just angers him even more.
Once, he held a pillow over your face so as to muffle your annoying little whimpers.
And another time he almost drowned you in the bathtub.
Sometimes you really did wish he'd end your misery.
As the days passed by, it was getting harder and harder to deal with his violent mood swings.
Nothing was ever good enough for him, and if anyone from the outside world angered him, you were the one who had to bear the punishment.
Either in the form of harsh beatings or so many overstimulations.
"San...." You whined, tears falling out of your eyes as your body couldn't handle another orgasm.
San merely slapped your swollen and red pussy, making you hiss at the stinging pain.
"I'm not done with you yet my little slut. This dirty hole of yours belongs to me and I'll fuck it as many times as I want to." He growled in your ear.
You were often left limping for a day or two, while San merely snickered under his breath, proud of himself for ruining you yet again.
With how much sex he was making you two have it surprised you how you never ended up pregnant, considering that he always went in raw with you.
Your question was answered one day when your period came late and it was excruciatingly painful.
You were bleeding more heavily than usual and it felt like your guts were being ripped apart.
San took you to the hospital, warning you not to say anything.
It's not like you could anyway, you were in so much pain and under heavy medication that you never got the chance to say anything.
Especially not when San took you home early so you wouldn't get the chance.
"What happened? What did they do to me?"
Grudgingly, San handed over the hospital papers to you.
You felt like you lost the ability to breathe when you read that it was necessary for them to remove your uterus since it had been severely damaged by some weird chemical substance.
"I don't understand! I've never taken anything! Have I?!"
San only blinked at you, then looked down and walked away from you.
That's when it hit you: every time he made food, and you always ended up feeling weird.....
San had been altering with your own body all this time!
You were beyond disgusted, you were repulsed and you hit your breaking point.
Something in you snapped as you marched up to San and pushed him into the wall, demanding to know why he would do that.
"So you wouldn't get pregnant! If you had gotten pregnant, I would have had to be soft to you. I wasn't going to do that." He admitted that so casually, as if there was nothing wrong in the way he treated you.
And that was it for you, the last straw of your sanity left as you slapped San harshly across the face.
Of course he retaliated, but you weren't going to give in so easily.
Using whatever strength you had left, you tried to fight him off, even going as far as breaking a vase over his head, which rendered him immobile for a while.
You ran to the basement, and picked up a can of gasoline and a couple of matches.
Running back inside, you spilled the contents all around the hallway, the living room and in the dreaded bedroom that you loathed with every fiber of your being.
Then you struck up a match and let it fall, watching as part of the house burst up in flames.
You went to a part of the house that you left intact, where there was a window.
Picking up a baseball bat, the same one San had used to break your ankles, you tried to break it open, succeeding only in cracking it...
Before a pair of bloody arms pulled you back and dragged you deeper into the burning part of the house.
You struggled to get out of his grip, but he was much stronger than you and the black fumes that you were inhaling were only debilitating you more.
The last thing you remember was San glaring at you, wrath written all over his face as he said his final words to you:
"If I'm going to hell, I'm dragging you down with me...."
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heliolicious · 3 years
napoleone della rosa's diary - from cristoforo della rosa's point of view
chapter 2: confusion
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one day, napoleone had a girlfriend. she appeared very suddenly in his life, the girl of the restaurant confessed to him, a spring day, that she wanted to be his girlfriend. and my brother, a 17 year old, bless his naive being, gave into it without questioning anything. he never got anybody going up to him and asking him out like that, everyone preferred to be away from him. because he was the weird one. the smart ass chatterbox. the one everyone found boring.
portia de amarettis, this was the girl's name. i saw her, multiple times, at home. she seemed to be highly spoilt and respected by our parents, who even started to treat napoleone himself, a little better. something didn't sit right with me about it. something felt fishy, but napoleone was blinded by the feeling of finally having someone by his side. i can't tell if he really ever loved portia, or if he was only ever in love with the sole idea of being loved by someone.
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"april 12nd, 1992. (=napoleone's age: 18 / cristoforo's age: 15)
this morning i've been on a date with portia, my girlfriend. we have two almost every week, my parents have never been happier than this, it almost feels like they care about my happiness and my freedom, which is pretty unbelievable. we ate together, and i paid for it to try to be a gentleman. i feel like i took a wrong step, however, when i asked her how she was feeling about making love with me. she is two years older than me, i supposed she already had more experience, but she said she wasn't ready yet. and looked a little upset when she left.
so i took some time to think about where did i go wrong, hoping she wouldn't be upset. i took a walk at the park. and i met a boy, who didn't laugh in my face and didn't call me names when everyone else did. he seemed to be much taken aback from me, and did not want me to see his face. this didn't and won't stop me from being next to him. i'll see him again."
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so he met a special friend. a special friend that in a matter of little time, became someway almost as important as portia in his life. but again, his dates with portia started to feel organized in the same way his parents organized and kept under their control his studying schedule. my brother would have wanted to spend an afternoon with his new friend, but sometimes, they set up a date for him and the girl three afternoons in a row. so he couldn't see his friend, for quite some time.
his girlfriend started to feel more like homework, during those days, leading my brother to think about it and realize, that maybe it wasn't as good as he thought. that maybe his heart didn't really beat for her precisely, nothing was in his heart when she smiled, he only ever felt something when he thought about receiving love. no matter whether it came from portia herself or not. until he realized what being suddenly lovestruck really meant.
when his friend showed up with a completely different face. a perfect one. a porcelain doll looking one.
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"april 20th, 1992. (=napoleone's age: 18 / cristoforo's age: 15)
i am feeling weird. i have a girlfriend, so it can't be that my heart is racing for desire towards someone else. it should just be for the surprise, he said it's a curse that changed his appearance. never have i ever struggled to keep myself from kissing someone this hard. but he's a man. and i am one too. i don't know how to take this, not to mention, i am busy with portia. even if i never felt this way for her. this might just be the effect of the surprise for i have seen his new face. i have a date with portia, tomorrow. i'll see what do i feel about her and judge what's up with me."
"april 22th, 1992. (=napoleone's age: 18 / cristoforo's age: 15)
i don't know what to say, nor why i did it. there's nothing i want to write here, if not that i messed up, when portia leaned in for a kiss and i backed off. she thought i was upset because she didn't want to sleep with me yet. the truth is, i just don't know if i love her anymore. it saddens me, she seems to love me a lot. or at least she's doing anything to keep me. in all honesty, i fear what would happen if i told her the truth, or worse, if i told my parents. i can't even ask for my friend's opinion. it would require telling him i ache for a kiss of his. and it feels wrong."
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i can't hide these pages of my brother's diary hurt me. because i've already read it all, and it makes me furious.
however, napoleone soon found out everyone, portia included, had been using him the whole time, for her family's restaurant had been falling into bankruptcy due to debts with passione, a huge mafia. the plan was getting her married to napoleone, joining the families together, to start a good total income for the two families, being the de amarettis restaurant the best one in the city and the one with most success. the only obstacle so far, had been the debts to fulfill with the rival mafia.
but now, napoleone's heart created another obstacle. when he found out portia never really loved him, and that her family and his own parents played him like a fiddle for money, he stabbed with a dagger all the pages that contained words of affection towards her. or that spoke about her in any case. it took me a little to understand the missing pieces and restore the pages i showed a second ago, but i was able to fix them quite well.
the last piece of this chapter doesn't require his diary anymore, however. after stabbing it with a dagger, he never spoke about her again, in his diary. so, i'm gonna have to expose something i spied in secret.
he mentioned in the first diary page i showed here, that he felt almost as if his parents had started to care about him, after he got together with portia. but he soon learnt at his own expenses that it was just for money. of course, my brother tried to delete her from his mind, even if it was not possible. he even let a lot of anger off, in secret. but when our father saw him set himself up all elegant and good looking, more than he looked like when he used to hang with portia, he questioned really hard where he was gonna go.
napoleone always tried to stay outside with his special friend the most he could, he did not want to stay inside, seeing our family angered him, and seeing lady delphine angered him more, since she knew about it and never told him. he trusted her deeply for years, and she gave his trust away too.
however, my brother was just trying to go outside and spend an afternoon with his friend, when our father stopped him.
"who is it?" he just asked. straight to the point. napoleone could just freeze on the spot and turn around. our mother, olympia, was just in the next room, but as i was spying in secret, i'm sure she was listening just as much. "not only you ruin what your mother and i had planned for you, money and a wedding, but you also have the guts of setting yourself up and leaving like this. almost everyday, instead of studying. there must be someone. is she... rich?"
"no. can i go?"
"is she known?"
"i don't owe you answers. i really... just wanna go-" a loud, smacking sound. when my brother refused to answer for the second time, our father lost his patience. he always snapped. too quickly. i had never seen it before, though. napoleone was the one who always got caught into it. his cheek hurt immensely. his glasses flew off.
"you don't have the power you think you hold, leone. you disobey your mother and i, you leave a betrothed behind for a random lady, a poor underdog god knows where you found. you've always been an obedient kid. what are you doing of your life?"
"she's not an underdog. he- she- ... she is someone i value."
our father stared at him. immensely. for some seconds. my fifteen year old mind didn't get what had happened, i used to ask myself what was wrong with having a male friend, but my current mind does understand what the whole situation truly meant, enough to tell about it. napoleone had slipped on it, and our father wasn't so stupid to not to notice. in fact, he stared at napoleone with a disgusted expression for seconds that felt neverending. and then, whispered under his breath. "you filthy f****t. whose son are you? not mine, for sure."
don't make me write that fully. our father said that word to him, and i didn't know what it meant, when i was fifteen. but now i know, and it gives me chills to think about the scene. the scene of my father taking a handful of my brother's hair to kick his nose, insulting him and telling him he was a disappointment. it was the first time, i ever heard napoleone scream in agony. our father sometimes slapped us if we didn't behave, but he never got so far.
when we were younger, napoleone had little to no muscle. and he was definitely thinner than me. now, it's the contrary, but at the time, it really mattered. the scene continued under my - hidden - eyes and under my mom's gaze, until my brother had a seizure and could just lie on the ground, not reacting, not answering to anything.
"i will find your son's filthy friend." our father murmured in our mother's ear. and i don't know what happened afterwards. all i know, is that i saw my brother's eyes widen and move towards them, as if he heard them despite the ongoing seizure. and the day after, i witnessed him shooting our father in the head.
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"june 5th, 1992. (=napoleone's age: 18 / cristoforo's age: 15)
no, no you won't."
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it was the beginning of the end.
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Hank ‘Tranq’ Loza x Reader
Anon asked: Hi! I hope your doing okay💜 I was wondering if you could write an imagine where the reader is an old lady (you can write this for any member of the Mayans, I didn't think of anyone specifically) and she seems like this cozy housewife but one day she kicks the shit out a burglar and she explains to her family that she is the daughter of a crime boss and she was taught how to fight by him and other members of her family. I hope you have a great day / night and thank you💜💜💜💜
Word Count: 1.3k
Author comments: What about a second part? This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Shit, baby, wait!”
Tranq stops his bike, like Bishop and Taza does. You were about to have dinner at the ranch, when you noticed that your phone isn't inside your pocket.
“Just one second, caballeros!”
The front yard of the clubhouse is empty, with the lights turned off, so taking off the helmet from your hair you lead your steps towards the porch. Coming in and illuminating the living room, you have one quickly look to the poker table, finding your phone there. Grabbing it, you turn around hearing some steps walking closer.
“I foun— ¿Quién chingados eres tú?” (Who the hell are you?)
A man wearing a spooky mask is in front of you, pointing you with a gun and making a gesture with his free hand for you to close the door. But even if the logic would ask for help, it's the first time in seven years that someone threatens you like that and your body reacts before your brain. The guy is close enough to be hitten by your right leg, going straight to his forearm to make the gun fall down, getting shot in the meantime. The bullet impacts in the virgin, alerting the Mayans.
The man tries to hit you back, but you use the helmet to punch him on the face, unbalancing him to the left, before squatting to move your leg from his right ankle to his heels; making him fall to the floor. Everything happens in less than three seconds, when your husband and the other two mexicans appear.
“Are you okay?” Tranq runs towards you, cupping your cheeks in his hands, while you nod somewhat nervously.
Bishop takes off the mask from the man, but they look at you two, before looking at Taza. No one knows him.
“Who has sent you?”
“Lobo Sonora”. He replies between some painful growls. “Her father”.
“What?” Your husband looks confused, taking some steps away from you. And you can't blame him. You never told him who you really are.
“Madre de los Mayas” that's how the whole Cali knows you by. The perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect friend. But you're far away to be perfect, you don't even want to be it. You just take care of your chosen family, like your blood family never did. You ran away from Sonora when your father tried to make you marry someone you didn't love. Someone that used to denigrate you in several ways. And maybe Santo Padre was too close from your hometown, Hermosillo, but you didn't care about it. Your father knows pretty well where you are, but for a damn time he respected your decision. Now, you would like to know what the hell he wants, after almost eight years without crossing the border.
But first, you have to answer some questions that you never thought you would have to answer.
The three men are sitting in their respective chairs, while you had a seat on the other front of the main table inside the Templo. It's been a couple hours since you caught the mexican your father sent to have contact with you, without using phones. Tranq looks disappointed, bemused and furious. All in one. All because of you and your half truths.
“I love you”. You say when Bishop is about to talk. “I really do, Hank”.
“I don't trust you anymore. I don't know who you are… And all I care about, right now, is my club”.
“Brother, let her explain himself”. Taza says raising a hand to calm your husband.
“I don't want”. He simply replies, before getting up from his chair.
“Hank, listen…”
“Don't fucking dare to talk to me”. He points you with a forefinger, when you try to face him before leaving the Templo.
Sitting down again, you nail your elbows on the table starting to cry, sinking your face into your palms. It hurts the other men too. They know you're not a liar. They know you're not a traitor. So they wait in silence for you, to explain yourself.
“I ju—just ran away from Sonora… I didn't wa—want to follow his orders”. You say after some minutes, between sobs and deep breaths.
“What orders, querida?”
“My father… My father wanted me to ma—marry a Vato”.
“One of El Palo's men?” Che leans over the table, shaking his head slightly.
You nod.
“You, better than anybody in the Mayans, knows what it means”.
“And that's it…?”
“Beatings, rapes, scapegoats…” The Apache turns to the mexican, making him lying on his chair snorting and rubbing his face. “That's what they do to their wives, hermano. That's for what they use them”.
“I ha—have information about my father… that could burn down his empire. I wi—will give it to you, if you want it”.
“I believe you, (Y/N). You don't have to prove us a shit, okay?” Bishop highlights then, letting you breathe for a second. Turning to the vice, he has a drag from his cigar. “Find out why they sent that pendejo for. I'll talk with Tranq”.
“Bish…” You call him, while they get up from their chairs. “I'm sorry… I'm really sorry for not telling you about it. I tho—thought my father just… gave up on me”.
“Mamá Maya, estás salvo aquí”. (You're safe here) He replies caressing your left cheek with the back of his fingers. “Wait here”.
As soon as they leave you alone, closing the glass door, you break into pieces. You really appreciate that they trust in you, but if your husband doesn't, you're lost. You love him more than anything. You've been together for the last seven years and your love turned into a beautiful warrior called Alma. You can't imagine a day without waking up by his side, while your daughter jumps on the mattress. You can't imagine a night without watching your husband reading a story to your baby, before going to sleep together, telling him how much you love him in the intimacy of your room. You were living in hell for twenty years, until you found Tranq. He saved you.
When the door gets opened again, you're unable to turn around, recognizing his smell flooding the empty room. Closing it, he walks towards you, sitting on the next chair and resting his forearms against the edge of the table. His look is lost in the middle of nowhere, organizing his ideas inside his head, keeping silence and making you feel scared.
“Why did you leave Sonora?”
“My father wa—wanted me to marry Pablo Santos”.
You know that you don't need to say anything else, when he turns his face and his attention towards you.
“Does your father know about me, about Alma?” You nod slowly. “Did you tell him?”
“The last time I talked with him wa—was eight years ago”. Shaking your head and cleaning the tears, you curl a leg against your chest above the chair. “But he is ‘Lobo Sonora’, he knows everything”.
“You should go home”. Tranq just says, getting up with a heavy snort.
“Hank, please”. Quickly, you hold his hand standing up. “Please… don't leave me. I beg you”.
“I'll stay here to know what your father wants”.
“I will wait for you, then. Alma is… with Leti till tomorrow”.
Your husband cups your face into his huge hands, leaning forward to kiss your forehead and all that you can feel is your legs about to falter. He catches your lips between his in a dearly kiss, caressing your cheeks with both thumbs. So warm, so gentle, like he usually is with you.
“Go to my room, try to sleep. I'll be there in a few”.
“I love you”. You just say, letting a tear run away from your left eye.
“I know it, vida mía. I know it”.
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tdoompoet · 3 years
Keep You: Preservation of Papyrus
Sans had snapped from the humans endless genocide routes, and so took the option away from them by killing everyone himself first. After so many times doing it on his own, he grew tired (and desparate) from the loneliness. He can't keep it up, but he can't stop, either.
(Full story under Keep Reading, with alt link to Ao3 in notes)
(Potentially triggering drawing at end of story)
(CW: injury, violence, genocide, decapitation, body horror)
Keep You:
Preservation of Papyrus
Not again.
He couldn't do it again.
Yet here he was, covered in dusty remains once more, the population under the mountain made silent.
It had become routine:
Wake up.
(was he really awake?)
Recognize the world had Reset.
(again. he had to do it all again. and again. and again--)
Spend an hour staring at the ceiling, bracing himself for the day's work ahead.
(--again. and again. and again. he had to--)
Slip by Papyrus, busy preparing a fresh batch for his spaghetti trap.
("Today I, The Great Papyrus, WILL capture a human! Nyeh-heh-heh!! --Brother! Don't forget to Calibrate! Your! Puzzles" --yet again--)
Murder Everyone.
After so many repeats (thousands? tens of thousands? how many by the kid's hand, how many by his own?), he was able to go about his self-appointed duty on auto-pilot. Easy enough to slip on his smile, walking alongside the townsfolk and make them laugh or groan at corny jokes as though it were any other day, until they were out of sight of anyone else. Then they couldn't react to anything anymore.
Easy enough for the first dozen or so, as he built up his first few levels of LoVe (don't think about how with his single ATK lousy damage that the only ones he could take down swiftly and quietly at first still being in stars damned stripes--). Even easier once the LoVe trickled into his Soul and what little guilt he could still feel was replaced with adrenaline and the growing reinforcement of the knowledge that he would soon be completely alone in this world once more.
But things would be different this time.
He dusted his way through Snowdin, then Waterfall, and Hotland along with the Core, and finally on his way to the Capitol, careful to keep a good distance between his brother and himself even as the population dwindled to be replaced by gusts of dust, and his growing LoVe became more and more obvious to the point that others went on the defensive as soon as they laid eyes on his on imbalanced red-tinted gaze.
No one would be allowed to stop him. He must complete this before the human arrived and destroyed everyone themself. (was he really any better than the kid, or even that damned flower?)
An encounter with the King would have been likely to end in Sans' favor even before he gained any LoVe, what with the King's own LoVe and guilt making him weak to the mercies of the Judge. This, it couldn't even be counted as a fight. Sans couldn't afford to stop and think of why, if it was because the King believed he deserved the Judgement for all his own sins when there was nothing left to lose, or if it was the shock of grief and betrayal from one of his most trusted-- No, can't think about that. There was a goal to complete.
One last task. And then..
The trip to the Room of Souls was quick. Anyone who earned a Royal title was made aware of its exact location, and given a general knowledge of how the Soul containers functioned. No point in limiting the information to the King alone if his death would also result in the loss of the six souls the Underground had managed to collect so far. No point in denying them what little HoPe was left to cling to.
Now, they were Sans' only means of preserving his own last HoPe.
Soul container collected and stashed in his inventory, a detour through New Home where he quickly found and claimed that damned knife (so many Resets since the kid was last able to hit him, and that scar-that-never-happened still fucking BURNED), and a shortcut later found him blinking a gust of dust mixed snow out of his sockets. And ahead of him on the path, same spot as every other time it had come to this point--
Deep breath. Don't get distracted yet. He was so close to finishing this.
So close to saving Papyrus from the non-existent mercies of the creature masquerading as a human.
Papyrus stood there, seemingly expecting him (as he did every time it came to this point of the timeline), the small remainder of hope being replaced with that soul wrenching mix of grief, disappointment, and ever-present Mercy once he took in the changes to his brother. Once he saw the effects of the LoVe he'd earned.
Sans said nothing. Time was of the essence. The human would be through the ruins soon. But--
"All the Dogi are gone. And all of our neighbors."
"..yea." There was no denying the evidence, he fully knew and accepted what he'd done, but somehow it was still a struggle to get the admission out past the sudden tightness in his non-existent throat at admitting it to his brother.
"Undyne isn't answering her phone."
Sans said nothing. The reason why was obvious. He can't think of how his actions hurt his brother just yet. He'll accept everything Papyrus has to throw at him once this is over. He deserves nothing less.
"She's never going to, is she. Nor any of our other friends." A statement. Not a question.
Every other timeline, he ended it immediately upon shortcutting here before his brother had the chance to talk him down. To allow his guilt and grief to overwhelm him before he could finish and result in his brother being left to the tender (non) mercies of the kid. But if this worked (it WOULD work) Papyrus would be able to say anything he wanted to his Soul's content. He'd be ALIVE to do so.
"..i'm sorry, Papyrus. i have to do this." He was cracking. He needed to get his shit together. He needed to finish before that door opened and everything was ruined.
"Brother, this isn't the way to solve any problem! You KNOW this! Talk to me, I don't underst--"
His barely-wavering appeal, a tangled mess of bravery, belief in his brother, and wet with tears of grief finally released when the truth could no longer be denied, was cut off by a wave of bones surging up behind him. Familiarity from years of training with his brother had him dodging forward into Sans' space without a thought. It was playing dirty, but right now that didn't matter.
Sans took advantage of the familiar routine, manipulating Papyrus into position to move under his outstretched arm, yank him down by the scarf, and within a blink the cursed knife was out of his inventory and through Papyrus' neck.
Everything stopped as quickly as it started, Papyrus never even having a chance to recover from the shock before his body started dusting away beneath him.
"W-well, that's not what I expected," Papyrus managed to say. Sans' soul damn near broke right then from hearing the familiar words usually spoken to the human all those genocide runs ago now directed at himself. But he couldn't let it affect him. Not now. No time.
With speed few would believe he possessed, the knife was dropped, the Soul container was out of his inventory, on the ground, opened, and the orange soul of Bravery tossed aside without a thought. With hands starting to shake, Papyrus' head was reverently lowered inside in its place.
The lid was quickly sealed. Sans remained crouched, staring into the jar and shaking with anticipation as the rest of Papyrus dissolved to dust beside him. The scarf caught up in a sudden gust of wind, fluttering down to catch around himself and the container holding what (HoPefully) remained of his brother. It was hard to tell whether it felt more like a threatening noose or a comforting embrace.
(It was his brothers. Of course there was only ever one option it could be, regardless of what Sans thought he deserved.)
The silence stretched on, Sans refusing to break eye contact for a moment even as a stinging mix of magic and dust dripped into his straining sockets. He couldn't look away, not even to blink. Not until he was sure it worked. Not until--
"Brother, I believe we need to have a talk. There are much better ways to solve problems than shoving people into jars! Well, parts of people! That was very rude! I was very attached to my body! And where did you even find a jar that already seemed to have people parts in it?? They--!!!"
Sans couldn't help it. The tension melted out of him, body falling into a heap between the jar containing his ranting (LIVING!) brother and the dissolving human soul. Tremors wracked him as dreaded anticipation of failure switched too quickly into hysterical laughter, the disbelief of success overwhelming.
Alive. Papyrus was still alive, and still very much himself. Well, until the shock wore off, at least. He was well aware he had a lot to make up to Papyrus for, not that he could ever make up for everything he had done. But Papyrus was safe, ALIVE. With him, and unable to needlessly sacrifice himself to the human yet again.
Sans managed to save him, and he would never have to be alone with his ghosts again.
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At the far end of the path, through the woods and over the bridge, a stone door creaked open. The human child stepped out into the snow.
A.N. Wasn't sure how to do it, but had the idea of the human coming out of the ruins and being horrified out of their genocidal stupor at the image of Sans gleefully hugging the jar containing his brother's decapitated head, evidence that he'd willfully done it surrounding him. Who knows, maybe it would be enough of a shock to get them to reconsider their choices up to now.
Alternatively, there was the idea that Sans would manage to evade the human while keeping the Papyrus jar close to him at all times (perhaps he even did this early on before killing everyone else), and.. just enjoying what he can of his brother's company before using him as a last resort EXP boost, even going so far as to break the jar and finish dusting his brother in front of the human for the extra shock factor.
But I couldn't bring myself to go that route. With Papyrus having the chance to natter on and chip away at his brother's mental walls while trapped in the soul container, I don't think Sans could have brought himself to murder Papyrus a second time in one run.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
I can see your pain...
Hello my friends!! This is another meta from my meta series. Today I'm gonna talk about how Dean starts to see in Cas something is odd, he sees him sad, and depressed, and he begins to be worried about him.
I want to say thank you to my wonderful friend here, @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this meta and discussed the episodes with me.
Castiel's sadness
Knowing Cas from season 7 was depressed, and then that he wanted to stay in Purgatory, gave us a sad idea about how Castiel was feeling.
We are going to talk first about episode 8x08 Hunter Heroici, Dabb's episode.
Cas starts to share more time with their human friends. But he is still kind of clueless about humans, and everything. He's literal with words and human's expression, and that had been the fluel for a lot of jokes in the show.
When Dean and Cas were talking in that gas station, Dean was questioning what Castiel would do now, because it seems he was kind of glued to them. He thought maybe now that they're back on the road, Cas would do the things he used to do, angel's stuffs. But no, he's still there with them. So he had to ask him...
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So is evident, Cas don't want to talk about angels, or Heaven, or coming back to Heaven, he's afraid, and ashamed, and it mortifies him. He needs to avoid anything that hot to do with his past, so he decided to stay with his humans friends. And imitate them. Because he sees in Dean and Sam two good humans that help people.
DEAN: So what now? Move to Vermont, open up a charming B&B?
CASTIEL No. I still want – I still need to help people. So... [smiles] I'm gonna become a hunter.
Is so important the switch in the words here... He changed the WANT for the NEED. He needs to hel people. Because he needs to do it, to feel better with himself. To get better from his sadness.
Castiel tries too hard to be a good hunter, but his lack of "humanity" makes it difficult. That's why he fails in everything he tries to do
And there's a little foreshadow hidden in this piece of dialogue... Trying to decipher the case of the man who's heart jumped out of his chest.
SAM: So he stashes his car at the park across the street, meets Olivia there.
DEAN: His wife probably found out about it, and it broke her heart.
SAM: So she breaks his. Sounds witchy.
DEAN: Yes, it does. Guy was living a lie, and it came back to bite him in the ticker. But nice job on the bladder infection.
He broke her heart so she broke his.
If this isn't a a foreshadow for the incoming crypt scene and for the season 9 scene in which Dean kicked off Cas from the bunker, I don't know what it is...
He was living a lie, that's for sure foreshadowing the crypt scene, when Dean will realize what was happening with Castiel.
Let's jump to the big Destiel dialogue now...
CASTIEL Your father... Beautiful handwriting.
DEAN How you feeling, Cas?
CASTIEL I'm fine.
DEAN Well, I just – I – I know that when... I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to... find my sea legs.
CASTIEL I'm fine.
DEAN Don't get me wrong. I'm – I’m happy you're back. I'm – I’m freaking thrilled. It's just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing – it always has one mother of a downside.
Dean is trying to make Cas talk, because he's seeing Cas is avoiding Heaven's topic. And maybe he's trying to get to him, talking about that huge experience they had in Purgatory. Trying to empathize with the angel...
CASTIEL: [closes the journal] So, what do you want me to do?
DEAN: Maybe take a trip upstairs.
CASTIEL: To Heaven?
DEAN: Yeah, poke around, see if the God squad can't tell us how you got out.
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Dean is still feeling there's some piece missing, he needs answers, but he can't see far more... Cas is in pain, and he will know again and right in this scene.
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Dean goes for the normal way to look things... Of course, angels would kill Cas, but the truth is worst than that...
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Kill himself? Dean is in shock. And Sam is there interrupting.
Cas saw a way out from that conversation, so he ran away towards Sam, but Dean is so in alarm about what Cas had just said, that he can even get up from the bed. And while his brother are talking, he gave a quick glance to Cas... He's worried...
And this episode already gave us a guy with a blue tie, jumping out of the building, commiting suicide.
Acting awkwardly around you
We are still in episode 8x08, I will point two weird attitudes coming from Dean...
The first one is the classis "I'll watch over you."
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Is a simple, honest angelical offer to make. Angel watch over humanity. And why not watch over Dean? Why not if Cas is an angel and that's what angels supposed to do.
But Dean takes this as another kind of offer, it makes him uncomfortable, just thinking about Cas standing there, watching him sleep... Is so "creepy" but mostly... Gay.
So he snapped off that idea "That's not gonna happen," making that face that show discomfort, and some kind of stress. He's very conscious about the offer, because he's in love with Castiel.
Then... We had the old lady scene... I found a couple of good points...
OLD WOMAN: You are so pretty, Charles.
(...) DEAN notices an attractive female CARER walk by.
Why is this immediately pointed after a lady calling Castiel pretty? Because Dean is conscious about that too... Cas is pretty, and then a pretty Young lady passed by and Dean goes there. Yeah. No homo. Is just subtext.
CASTIEL: That's not my name.
OLD WOMAN: Oh! You look so much like my third husband.
I don't know if someone already pointed this in the fandom but... Cassie/Lisa... Are one two... And now Castiel is the third for Dean. 🤣🤣🤣
And this one here...
OLD WOMAN Oh, my diamonds, yes. I hid them there. [to CASTIEL] I'm sorry, Charles. I didn't trust you. You were quite the bounder.
Okay... So Charles/Castiel is the binder, this is a funny foreshadow about what Cas would do to Dean... He will break his heart.
Jumping now to episode 8x10 Turn and Frayed
Not mention the scene in which Castiel actually is watching over Dean, I want to talk about the exaggerated and awkward reaction from Dean when CAS is standing behind him, and he opens his laptop, with the "Busty Asian Beauties" on it...
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Why is he reacting like that? If Cas is a dude, and the normal reaction between dudes would be just poker face maybe a joke or wherever, but no. He's in front of his crush, people! He's ashamed! He even covers the screen with his hand!! He looks back to see if Cas is watching. He's ashamed because he cares about what As would think. Because he is in love with him. Okay I will repeat this a lot of times during season 8...
And this whole episode here is a parallel to 5x03, Free to be you and me, we even had an intent of date!
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And Dean is flirting again, and watching Castiel mouth, then touching his own lips, I mean... This is it. This was another date between them. A hunting date. The whole episode my dears.
Dean is also feeling proud when CAS requested the ingredients list Kevin was writing. Yeah, this is my handsome angel friend, nothing he can't get.
In this episode, Dean and Sam saw Castiel had killed Samandriel, suspecting there was something really bad going on with the way Cas was behaving.
Bi Dean exposition
Episode 8x13 Everybody hates Hitler, written by Edlund, is a big Bi Dean exposition.
Before we will be talking about that, I want to point here, this scene...
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Dean is avoiding Sam's gaze, he is like playing with some books, because he needs to make that question as if that was nothing, just a bro, worried about his best bro, so, yeah...
But while he's doing that, is plenty obvious to the audience, he's trying so hard, and he's really worried, and he's ashamed for asking that. Because he was trying to contact Cas and he didn't answer his phone, so he's really, REALLY, worried, and struggling with Castiel's absence.
But now let's talk about how he's bi self was exposed when he met the rabbi's grandson.
You already recall the scene in the restaurant. The guy and Dean exchanged gazes, and the rabbi's grandson flirted with him.
And when Dean went to face him, he got very VERY flustered, and everything was awkward, and he even gave the guy a flirting gaze... Okay... He named that MY GAY THING.
Now... Why is Dean disappointed in this dialogue... (Also, pay attention to the symbolism and the parallel is hidden here...)
BEARDED YOUNG MAN The rabbi who was murdered, Isaac Bass – he was my grandfather. That's why we're here. When you guys started to follow up on his case, we started following you.
This is placed after the episode in which the guys met his grandfather, so this is a parallel to that episode, but also, what is about to coming, is a Destiel brokenheart parallel (the crypt scene)
DEAN So, wait. What you're saying is that you and me – we, uh, didn't have a moment?
Because Dean had a moment there too... He thought they, together, had a moment. (Bi Dean alarm sounding).
RABBI BASS’ GRANDSON No, man. I was tailing you.
Now... The deception, and the foreshadownfor the broken heart...
Cas I thought we had something special, you and me, but it looks like it was just me feeling that way...
DEAN [to SAM] Told you I was being followed. He was my gay thing.
[to RABBI BASS’ GRANDSON] It was really good. You really had me there. It was very smooth.
Trying to remain cool... But he fooled him.
He will feel fooled by Castiel too.
Can I die now? Okay, after finish this, then I die.
To Conclude
Episode 8x08 showed us a depressed Castiel, thinking about suicide, not being able to come back to Heaven, and trying to stay with Dean and Sam, trying to be a hunter like them, because they're role models to him. And he NEEDS to keep helping people, he need to feel himself as a good person.
We had a worried Dean and and awkward behavior coming from him, with huge heartbroken (crypt scene) foreshadow everywhere.
Episode 8x13 was exppsitional for Bi!Dean, and it had a lot of elements that acted like parallels with MoL legacy and, again, the crypt scene.
I hope you like this one, see you in the next Chronicles.
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Links are right here: vol. XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII.
Buenos Aires, October 23rd 2019 6:20 PM
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getitinbusan · 5 years
September 1st
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Happy Birthday Jungkookie!
The balcony doors were open and a cool breeze drifted through the bedroom. Lazy days with Jungkook were rare, even when he was on a break he was always up to something. It had reached noon but you were both still laying in bed scrolling mindlessly through your phones when you brought it up. "You're going to be 23 soon, I think we should have a big party" He put his phone down and rolled into your side, "I was thinking about going to Jeju," he said matter of factly. "Oh, am I invited?" you asked smiling. "I was going to invite everyone, my family, the guys and yes," he giggled, "I guess you can come too. Would that be okay?" Running your fingers through his messy hair you pushed it back out of his face and nodded. "You shouldn't have to plan your own party Jungkook, we can do it together" 
You had a week to figure things out, guests,  accommodations, food. A party was one thing but coordinating a destination get together in a few days was a crazy undertaking. 
You really wanted Kookie to have the best time and just be able to relax and enjoy himself, he however, wasn't being very co operative. Everytime you asked questions he shut you down, if you brought it up he brushed you off. He was downstairs at the gym when you came across his to do list. 
Call and confirm guests✔ 
Book Flights✔
Book Hotel ✔ 
Schedule Dinner and party space✔
Reserve private beach✔
*do not forget to pick up the package*
Puzzled as to why these were already checked off as done you messaged Joon. 
Y/N: Hey Joon, I just wanted to invite you to Kookies party in Jeju. Are you down? 
Joon: Yep, already confirmed with JK last week.  
Y/N: What kind of cake do you think I should get? 
Joon: I thought that the guys were taking care of the cake? Don't worry about anything,  I think everything is already organized.  
Y/N: Oh… okay,  thanks. 
Flopping on the couch you couldn't help but feel left out. You heard Jungkook's key turning in the lock, the door squeaking open announcing his arrival. He was looking through his phone while he dropped his bag on the floor. "Hey Babe, Joon said you messaged him about the party? He walked over to where you were sitting. He tapped your nose with his finger, "I've already taken care of everything so all you have to do is pack" 
Feeling disappointed your face fell into a frown. "Jungkook, I just wanted to take care of you for once, to be able to contribute a little." He looked flustered, "I'm sorry Y/N, I just didn't want to burden you with it." Upset you stood up, "I can't believe you would think that throwing you a party would be a burden on me Jungkook… it makes me feel useless," your statement trailed off as you walked away to your bedroom.
Tae was your closest confidante and you knew he'd tell it like it is.  
Y/N: I know I'm probably overthinking and being too sensitive but I'm sad Tae.. 
Tae: What's wrong love? 
Y/N: If Guk doesn't think I'm capable of throwing him a party…this is so stupid… but he certainly can't think I'd be able to take care of him as a wife… it's been two years Tae we've never even discussed marriage. Does he think of me that way at all? 
Tae: Noooo Y/N,  he loves you so much. You are totally over reacting. Please, just don't make an issue of this, it's his birthday. 
You didn't know but in the other room Jungkook was busy texting Jin.  
JK: I don't know what to do Y/N is mad at me for not letting her help with the party. 
Jin: Just make up a job and get her to do it. 
JK: That's Brilliant!!  Thank you.  
He made a quick call, arranging that you would be picking up the last to do on his list, the package. He pulled the bedroom door open and lay down beside you, "I'm sorry, I've been keeping a secret from you." You set down your phone giving him your full attention. "Junhyung is going to propose to his girlfriend, he swore me to secrecy, that's why I've been planning everything, so she won't find out." You felt your temper rise, "Are you fucking kidding me?  You finally get your birthday off, you haven't had a personal party for years and your brothers using it to propose to his girlfriend all while making you plan it for him?" Jungkook laughed, "It sounds kind of shitty when you put it that way. It's really not that big of a deal Y/N, I'm happy he wants to share it with everyone." How could you fault him for wanting to help his family? He was such a giving person and it was part of the reason you loved him so much. "If you really want to help there's one thing left that you can do." 
It was all set, the flight was leaving at 3pm and you had been tasked with picking up the box and keeping it safe until the party. Arriving at the jeweller the older man greeted you kindly. "Would you like to see it?" he opened the iconic tiffany blue box while you nodded. It was a beautiful square cut diamond on a vintage white gold band, it was breathtaking. "The gentleman took a long time deciding on this particular ring, he said it had to be perfect. What do you think?"  Your heart was aching in your chest, lately you found yourself daydreaming about marrying Jungkook, him placing a ring just like this on your finger. "She's a lucky girl, I'm sure she's going to love it." It's not that you weren't happy about the engagement, you were just completely full on green with envy jealous. They haven't even been together a year and Junhyung is already confident enough in her to propose.
You knew you were being an idiot, Jungkook loved you, you lived together, he always made sure your needs were met but here you were upset because she was getting a ring first. Taking the box you snapped the little lid closed and put it into your purse for safe keeping. Enough, you needed to stop thinking about yourself. It was Kooks birthday and it was time to think of him and what he wanted, but what do you get someone who has everything? Wandering around you came across a neon lit sex shop, perfect! Three days away, three new sets of sexy lingerie and a bag full of goodies.  Maybe you didn't get to plan the party but you could make sure he had a few extra surprises.  
It was a short smooth flight and you were amongst the last to arrive.  Making your way to the suite to change for dinner Jungkook flung himself down on the bed, "I'm calling dibs on the first shower!" you called out. You got ready putting on the new black lace thong set, loose black mini sundress over top and wrapped your hair into a messy bun.  Exiting the bathroom you found Jungkook in the same position on the bed snoring lightly. Crawling on top of him, you pulled back his bucket hat to reveal his closed eyes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He instinctively wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close for more. "You need to get up babe" he hummed softly into your neck, "that's the problem, I am up," he moved your hand to his bulge. Placing his hands on your ass he could feel the lace under your dress and he let out a needy moan, "Jungkook we need to go, everyone's waiting" he pouted, "but it's my Birthday." Getting off of him and laughing you couldn't help but throw it in his face, "Yes, and if I had planned this party I would have pushed dinner back so the birthday boy could have gotten his dick sucked before hand. You really only have yourself to blame Jungkook" he knew he was defeated so he rolled off the bed and sulked to the shower.  He came out about 20 minutes later skin glowing, tan hanbok pants with a white dress shirt, his hair long and fluffy. "You look amazing Guk," you walked over and hugged him sneaking a kiss onto the side of his neck. "You had your chance Y/N, now we both have to suffer all night" 
You walked hand in hand to the open air dining room where most of your friends and family were waiting at beautiful white rose adorned tables. "Jungkook, did you arrange all these details?" Smiling he nodded, "Did I do good?" That dull ache hit your chest again, yes he did good, he'd planned the perfect proposal… for someone else. You kissed his cheek and lay your head on his shoulder, "I think you've pulled off every girls dream" Trying to hide your melancholy throughout dinner you stayed pretty quiet only offering small smiles instead of conversation. You didn't want to be selfish but you knew in a few hours all talk would be about weddings. The thoughtless question on everyone's lips would inevitably turn to "when are you going to take the plunge?" It usually happened at family gatherings, you'd watch them corner Jungkook and he'd awkwardly explain that one day when his career wasn't so busy you'd be able to think more clearly about it. You hated how calculated of a decision marrying you would have to be for him. Seeing how romantic he could be with the laid out gestures before you, made you question why he could do it for someone else but not you? Maybe he didn't think you were the one? Like he could hear your inner thoughts he put his hand on your thigh under the table, "What's going on, is everything ok?" He asked quietly. "Just thinking about getting you back to the room later, that's all." He kissed your cheek but you knew he didn't believe you. He seemed a little out of sorts himself, maybe this whole situation had him questioning your future as well. 
"I think maybe we need a minute to talk Y/N, let's go while everyone's finishing." He took your hand and lead you away from the group  towards a private area of the beach. Sitting down in the sand he motioned for you to sit in between his legs in front of him. You sat with your back against his chest, head on his shoulder and he put his arms around you. The sun was beginning to set into a light shade of purple and orange, "I want to know why you're sad," he said it like he knew the answer but needed confirmation. "I just wish that this party was only for you, for your birthday, that it wasn't about engagements…" you were trying hard to not sound jealous but he could see through you. "How about you tell me the truth?" He kissed the top of your head. Reaching into your purse you pulled out the box and handed it to him. "This, this is what's bothering me. Jungkook…do you think that you'll ever want me to be your wife? Do we want the same things?" His arms still around you he held the box in front of you and opened it slowly, "It sure is a beautiful ring," he said. You closed your eyes, knowing it wasn't for you, "it really is," you answered softly.  
"Do you really not know what I want Y/N? I love you more than anything in this world. The only thing I wanted for my birthday this year was to bring you here, to sit on this beach with my arms around you and to propose with this ring. So… you tell me, do we really want the same thing? Will you marry me?" Absolutely 100% shocked you turned to him, "Are you joking with me Jungkook?" you hit his shoulder. He laughed, "I think I know better than that" still skeptical you asked, "So all of this was a lie? You really made me carry around my own engagement ring all day thinking it was for someone else?" His grin gave away the fact that he was pretty pleased with himself, "No, you haven't said yes yet so technically it's still not yours." You crashed your lips into his as he pulled you back on top of him in the sand, "Yes"
Walking back to the restaurant the tables had been moved and outdoor furniture and candles had taken their places. Everyone was chatting and drinking until they noticed your arrival, silence fell and eyebrows raised waiting for the news. "Of course she said yes!" At Jungkook's declaration everyone cheered and the waiters came out with trays of champagne as the boys carried out a large white cake adorned with sparklers. The rest of the night was perfect, you danced in the sand as guests slowly filtered out back to their rooms for the evening. Looking around, you realized it was just the two of you left, lost in your own world. "Maybe we should call it a night?" you said. "Maybe, but I don't really want this moment to end" he responded with a kiss. "Maybe… you forgot what I'm wearing under this, and that it's also your birthday, and that I still haven't given you your gift" He grinned and pulled your hand leading you back to the room. 
You left him waiting on the bed as you got ready in the bathroom. Finally revealing yourself,  you were fully naked, he whined "Babe what happened to the lingerie, I mean you're beautiful naked but… " you cut him off "But I'm not naked, I'm wearing this beautiful ring. It also just so happens that I bought you a ring too" you threw him the little black bag and he pulled out his gift. He blushed, "Oh mines a little bigger, and silicone and definitely not church appropriate." Cocking your eyebrow at him you added, "And it vibrates too. Happy Birthday Baby" 
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I'm Not a Bad Person- Chapter Four
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SUMMARY: Troy Otto does have feelings you know. He's in the process of figuring them out; especially when it comes to his childhood friend, Jaymie. Whatever they are, they're rooted deep, and they're growing.
WARNINGS: Language, Warped thoughts, Violence.
WORD COUNT: Fuck if I know.
PAIRING: Troy Otto x OFC
AUTHOR'S NOTE: My plan is to follow along with the events of season 3, but with my OFC involved. I'll veer off plenty of times and probably switch shit up completely. Not sure yet. We'll be exploring different characters' POVs throughout the series. I'm not great at this writing thing but I try my best. Hope you like it enough. All characters except my OFC don't belong to me.
Chapter 4
(Alicia's POV)
None of this would've happened if Nick hadn't left us to wander with the dead. Mom was on a mission to find him after that, even though it was clear he didn't want to be found; but we did- in a new world death camp lead by Troy Otto.
Don't get me wrong: I'm grateful to be reunited with my brother. I missed him. It's just that a lot happened while he was gone and, well, it would've been nice if he was there for us.
As much as Nick didn't want to be around the living, it turned out he had joined another community. It honestly hurt. Didn't he want to be away from people? He got so wrapped up with that group that he even ended up with a girlfriend.
Enough of these thoughts right now. They're not helping. I should be focusing on the task at hand.
Jake and I are heading to his ranch by foot now. We've been carrying Nick's unconscious girlfriend between us for the past few hours. I'm fucking exhausted. Everything about life is exhausting now. No use in complaining though. At least I'm not in Luciana's boots. She had been shot and was already in bad shape before the helicopter went down. I'm still shocked the three of us made it. I just hope we make it to the ranch in time. If anything, for Nick's sake.
Finally, our destination is in sight. A handful of people come to the gate to meet us; either to help or to find out what's going on. Jake and I carefully lay Luciana down so a red-haired man, who appears to be a medic, can check her vitals.
My thoughts wander again. I'm worried about my mom. How is she going to handle it when she sees Travis isn't with us? She's always been so strong; even through all of this mayhem with the dead rising. Will losing him break her? I guess I'm about to find out.
I am given a quick hug and then I notice her looking down the road, expecting to see Travis lagging behind. "Where is he? Where is Trav?" Realizing he isn't coming, she asks once more, looking me in the eyes this time. "Where is he?"
"He," I hate this. "He's not-" I see it in her eyes. I don't need to say any more.
"No... No, no..."
"I'm sorry-" I cut myself off. Those words seem so pointless, though I mean them from the bottom of my heart.
Mom doesn't have time to mourn right now unfortunately. Here comes Nick, sprinting towards the scene. He goes straight to Luciana and kneels at her side. I see fear in his eyes.
"Luci.. Luci, hey.. Hey, it's Nick. Luci.."
"Not sure she can hear you," the medic tells him.
"What? What do you mean? Nick panics.
"She's not going to make it is what he means." That's an all too familiar voice- Troy fucking Otto.
"Help her!" Nick shouldn't even have to say that. They should be on it already.
"No. We take her to the infirmary, she may turn. It's against policy." I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Why is this even up for debate? Luciana is still alive!
"It's your fault! You shot her!" Despite the fire in his voice, Nick sounds scared and helpless.
"I was defending my people. I'll do it again." Troy walks over to Luci while pulling out his pistol. "I know what to do."
"No no no no." Nick stands and puts himself between Troy and Luciana.
"This is how it has to be." Troy nonchalantly pushes Nick to the side. I can't believe what's unfolding in front of my eyes. Nothing feels real anymore. Why isn't anybody doing any-
"Troy!" A girl about my age approaches the scene, interrupting the tension. She gets close to Troy, and looking up at him with pleading eyes, she speaks quietly as if only to address him; though she can faintly be heard anyway. "This is one of those scenarios we talked about, ok? Do the right thing."
Troy mirrors her volume. "I am, Jaymie. I'm keeping you safe. I have to keep you- and everyone here, safe."
"But she could pull through, Troy. You know this isn't right. We should give her a chance."
"She's not worth the risk."
"What if, what if it was me laying there?"
The way he looked into her eyes was so intense. He went quiet; her words sinking in. After a brief moment though he swallowed hard and shook his head slightly.
"It isn't." Then Troy addresses Nick again. "Come on, out of the way. Move aside." He fails to heed the direction of this Jaymie girl. She looks more disappointed now than concerned for Luci's life as she was just moments ago.
Troy advances on his target.
"I'll do it." I barely heard him, but Nick said it twice. "I'll do it. I'm allowed this."
Troy contemplates Nick's words. He continues to stare down at the dying girl, his pistol ready to fire. I was stunned when he actually agreed.
"Troy wait-" Jaymie doesn't trust my brother. The transaction is already in progress though. Troy released the hammer of the gun and passed it over. Nick was now the one pointing the weapon at his girlfriend. There's no way he'll do this. I bet he's-
His arm raises, aiming the pistol directly at Troy's face. I knew it. The crowd reacts in gasps as a few others draw their own guns.
Jaymie doesn't hesitate to step in front of Troy. "Nick, please! Please don't do this!" Troy gently but hurriedly pushes Jaymie to the side and gives her a stern look. Her expression is one of utter desperation. "Nick, put the fucking gun down!" Tears form in her eyes. It's hard to believe someone actually cares this much about the guy.
"Let her in," Nick demands.
Jake has his own pistol trained on my brother. "Nick, this is not how we do things here."
Nick stares Troy dead in the eye, then changes his aim, putting Jaymie in the line of fire.
The color in Troy's face drains and his entire body language changes. He certainly didn't seem all that phased when the pistol was pointed at his self. "Whoa, hey, Nick, this is between you and me. So you keep that thing aimed at me, alright?"
Nick doesn't move it. "I said let her in."
With his unpatched eye trained on my brother's trigger finger, Troy cautiously reaches over to Jaymie, hoping like hell Nick won't pull the trigger. He guides the girl behind his body, shielding her. She is clearly against the idea, as she shows restraint, but Troy's grip on her is persistent. Unsure of what else to do, Jaymie wraps her arms around him, splaying one hand over his heart and the other on his stomach, like an instinct to protect his vitals, perhaps? Of course it would do no good since Nick is aiming for Troy's head anyway; that and her hands aren't going to stop a damn bullet. She doesn't seem that stupid, so maybe she's just grasping at straws.
"Nick, please. I'm begging you!" Jaymie's voice cracks as a tear runs down her cheek. "Don't do this!"
"Put the gun down, Nick." Mom's voice chimes in.
"Not this time."
More tears run down Jaymie's face upon hearing Nick's words. She attempts to hold in her sobs. If I'm being honest here, her reactions are breaking my heart. I actually feel bad for her. Too bad it's Troy she's defending.
"Do what your mommy says." Troy provokes Nick, who takes another couple angry steps towards him. Jaymie's hold on Troy tightens as she lets out a yelp.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Jeremiah steps between Troy and my brother. "Nick, Nick, easy there. Let, let me have the pistol, son."
It's Nick's turn to have a broken voice. "You can't let her die."
Jeremiah's voice is soothing. "If she's got a pulse, we'll let her in; but you got to give me the gun."
"Do it, Nick. Give him the gun," our mom encourages.
Nick reluctantly disengages the hammer and hands the gun over to Jeremiah. I look over at Jaymie to watch her let out the breath she had been holding, and the remainder of her tears fall. She rests her cheek against Troy's back, and moves her arms to wrap around him completely. He affectionately places his own hands on top of hers.
"Get her to the infirmary, and secure her before you treat her." Jeremiah gives the commands concerning Luci. "Everybody, that's enough fun. The show's over. Go back to what you were doing." At last, the crowd disperses.
"Everything's alright, Jayms." I hear Troy calming Jaymie as he turns around, interrupting their embrace. He then puts his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, and guides her through the gate.
I have a feeling we'll be staying here awhile. Maybe befriending this Jaymie girl would be in our best interests. If anything, we could probably find out some useful information from her. I suppose I should wait for some of the emotional distress that my brother is responsible for to dissipate though. She was obviously terrified for Troy's life. What a sweet, foolish girl.
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Review #91: Sister
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Written by Xiaoying You, Directed by Ruoxin Yin
Sister immediately caught my attention for two reasons: It's an Asian film, and it's about family. After watching the trailer, I knew I had to go see it at the cinemas. There seemed to be aspects of it that I really liked - family members unable to love each other with nobody specific to blame. I really wanted to know how the characters would resolve that. And so I went to see it.
I was disappointed and not invested maybe a third of the film. I was slowly won over during two-thirds of the film, then by the end, I was bawling. Really. And the film remained with me for a while after that too.
The reason I wasn't invested at first was, I think, pretty simple. The main character was such a biatch. Yes, I understood her - she had enough reasons to be that biatch, but nobody actually wants to see the main character really be one. We could all see why she hated her brother and why she felt she wasn't responsible. We could all see that she wasn't loved as much as her brother was while her parents were alive. We could all see that her family members were also inconsiderate, pushing her to take care of her little brother despite the abuse she herself had gone through. We could also see that her brother was being a pain from time to time, and that she had her own life and her own plans - she was smart and wanted to be a doctor and also get married to her long-term boyfriend.
BUT. But despite all that, the second most important character is a little boy. A child. Moreover, he's a child who has just lost both parents. He doesn't even know what death means, what grief means, and here he is thrown around like a soccer ball, from heartless person to heartless person. And nobody wants to keep him. I just couldn't empathize with the main character when here was a child who was being forced to live through grief and constant abandonment by himself. Like what the fuck? Maybe I was even more angry because I have a little brother with around the same age difference. I don't think I could ever give my brother up to adoption regardless of whatever happened between me and my parents. Hating parents is one thing, abandoning a child is another.
Also, that child just went through something incredibly traumatic that even adults struggle with. Of course he needs more care and attention during this time. But he doesn't get it (in fact he gets the exact opposite, right in front of his face) and you're surprised and angry that he's acting out? That's his way of crying out for help. And what does the sister do? Become a biatch, that's what.
I just honestly could not empathize with her. And this lack of empathy and relatability made it initially very hard to become immersed in the film. I constantly found myself empathizing with the little brother instead and feeling really sorry for him. It really didn't help that he was a child. Children already have the image of being helpless and weak, and the film put that child in an even more vulnerable situation with a sister who literally wants to abandon him and overtly hates him. Like, come on.
This sister slowly starts changing as the film progresses. It's true that the beginning of the film may have been more realistic than others. The sister had issues she had to resolve within herself and the film may have just shown that in the most dirtiest and realest way possible, with no sugar coating. If that's what the film intended, I gotta say it succeeded. I'm just glad I stuck with it because it was incredibly cathartic seeing the sister heal herself as the film goes on. It surely doesn't happen immediately though, which I loved. It took quite a long time (which is probably why the film is over two hours long), but it was time well-spent, and more realistic too.
The sister goes back and forth many times, but that makes it even more real. There are moments when she advocates for her brother and takes care of him, and then the next moment she's back to wanting her own life and giving him up to adoption. The back-and-forth movements become more and more dramatic as time goes on, and the sister finds it harder and harder to emotionally detach herself from her brother. The film does all of this gradually, which is one of its strongest points. It reflects real life better.
A standout scene for me is when the sister goes to visit her brother after sitting her exams, and she finds her brother playing mahjong with a damn cigarette tucked behind his ear. I honestly gasped at that scene, and would have reacted exactly the same way the sister did - yell and scream at the uncle and drag little brother out of there. We're then led to a really heartwarming scene where the sister bathes her brother at the apartment during golden hour, sunlight pouring through the glass. I'm trying to remember the dialogue during that scene. I'm sure it was something really warm.
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What I also loved was how, even after this heartwarming scene, the sister still decides to leave to Beijing. It felt way more realistic than some other family movies where it doesn't take much for the person to give up their desires for the younger being. It's shown during another standout scene where the siblings lie in bed, having a talk before going to sleep. The little brother asks her if she still wants to go to Beijing and why. The sister answers honestly and we can all tell that she really dreams of this life that she's planned out. The sad thing is that the brother is included in that 'we'. I didn't know during that scene, but in the following scenes, I realised that he understood exactly what his sister wanted.
It was really crazy how the little brother left his sister on his own accord and gave himself up to adoption just so his sister could pursue her dreams. As much as I loved that beat, I found myself seriously wondering: is that realistic? That a six year old boy would be that deeply sacrificial? He's probably the most sacrificial and loving character in the film, even more than his sister. It was a great beat though, one of the best in the movie. It was heartbreaking seeing him cry, unable to tell his sister why he chose to leave her. It was like a drama scene where one of the leads forces themselves to leave their partner and be all noble and sacrificial. Still not sure if it's realistic for a six year old to do that though. It's kind of sad even thinking of it. A child doing something even most adults wouldn't do. The brother really had to grow up and mature at a super young age. It's sad. I wonder what kind of teenager and adult he will be in the future. I hope he gets to resolve the hurts inside of him too as he grows up.
And so the sister actually buys the ticket for Beijing and prepares to leave. Again, I loved this. I loved how the film took us till the very end of the end before resolving things. The film really made us believe the sister would leave. And to be honest, I understood her and didn't blame her for deciding to pursue her dreams. I sat there wondering how they would actually resolve things. The ending scene is definitely one of my favourites, maybe even the favourite. I loved how the sister was given an ultimatum: you can leave, but if you leave, you've gotta sign the paper to say you'll never come to see your brother ever again. It was a great choice. There was so much at risk on both sides. It was a moment where I genuinely wasn't sure what she would do - I knew she loved both her brother and her dream and held both of them dearly. Both of them were precious.
I held my breath when she hesitated, pen hovering over the paper. Then she throws the pen down and runs out to her brother, and when her little brother turns to her, his eyes are full of tears. My heart. My heart. My damn heart! I bawled there, the tears just flowed. The brother had been pretending to be okay and holding all tears back, thinking that his sister would feel bad if she saw him cry and she'd give up her dreams. That's just too much for a six year old, I swear. He finally lets it out when he knows she still wants and loves him. That was both incredibly painful and cathartic to watch. What an amazing climax and resolution.
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I also liked how the sister resolved her own deep issues before finally going back to her brother. I believe it's shown in the scene where she visits her parents' grave on the rainy day and cries to them. There was a hint of the start of her healing when she cries and lets out her honest feelings during night in front of her parents' pictures. The rainy day she rips the paper and is again honest to her parents' grave, is a great scene. I also loved the part where she comes down the stairs, and it's a long shot with rainwater flooding down the steps like a beautiful waterfall. It made me want to film something like that in the future. Felt like things were being washed away.
So yes, I started off not liking the film because of how unlikable the main character was (they're allowed to have negative qualities, but I honestly believe there needs to be something that makes the audience identify with them or empathize with them, just something that makes the audience root for them) and her treatment of her brother. I know it was done that way to show her gradual change, but I still do think it could have been done a little differently. Because, even with her treatment of her brother aside, I didn't really like her as a person and had trouble understanding her. She seemed really tantrum-ey at points. But as the film went on, I warmed up to her and the gradual change took place. She was still herself with her own desires even while growing to love her brother, which I loved. She learned to balance things out, and I hope she continued to pursue her dreams even without going to Beijing, with her brother by her side.
I find that this film presented a different image of 'sacrifice', and that it was saying that different image was okay too. You don't have to fully give yourself up for someone. You can still have your own life and that's okay. By the end, none of her family members guilt-trip her about looking after her brother, which I really liked. It's pretty rare for Asian families to not do that guilt-tripping thing. But her aunt did it. Her aunt, who seemed to be the most guilt-tripping person, let her go in the end and told her that it was okay, that not everyone fits that image of sacrifice perfectly, like the Russian dolls. I think that actually enabled the sister to go back to her brother later on. Sometimes you have to let people go to get them back.
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apathbacktoyou · 6 years
Okay since I didn't even know you were doing this and now that I know I'm gonna spam you with them. (sorry,notsorry). - Also feel free to not do any of them ofc xd. All of these are Bellamort cause I'm a sucker for them. 1 - the one where soulmates are reincarnated and keep finding each other throughout their different lives. 2 - the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you hear them say your name (imagine Bella only calling Voldy 'Tom' at the final Battle and only then - oh, my heart)
hello new fave person in the universe, pls spam me with bellamort, it’s both my main reason for living and 89% of my personality at this point
doing 2 first bc what is order or logic
The first time he speaks to her, she’s newly wed, and still forgets to react half the time someone adresses her as Madame Lestrange. She ends up looking behind herself for Rod’s mother rather more often than she’d admit if anyone pointed it out to her.
But there is something in his eyes that she can’t quite put a name to that always reminds her he’s speaking to her, no matter how unused she is to the new name. She almost likes it from his mouth.
She remains Madame Lestrange for a while, until she’s inducted into the Inner Circle, and is from then on called by her surname, like everyone else.
She still thinks the same name sounds different, somehow, when he’s speaking to her, and not her husband or brother-in-law.
Or maybe she just imagines it does because she wants it to. It’s more likely, if she’s honest with herself, since Roddy and Rabastan both turn aswell when he says their surname behind them.
The Dark Lord looks exasperated for a moment, then clarifies,”Bellatrix.“
She’s two steps towards him already when she stops dead in her tracks. Rod throws her an irritated look but then takes up conversation with his brother again. The Dark Lord wears a similar facial expression.”Is there a problem, Bellatrix?“
There it is again. And the feeling hasn’t gone away. She has no words for what it is. A sense of recognition, perhaps. The feeling of returning home. She opens her mouth to reply, but no sound comes out. She swallows hard, trying to keep her voice and hands from shaking.
“You’ve never called me that before,“she finally forces out; it sounds almost neutral. Her mind is reeling. She’d never thought - she hadn’t even truly believed - she takes another few steps towards him, tries not to let any sign of her inner turmoil show outside.
“I suppose I haven’t,“he says slowly, eyeing her with something close to suspicion.
She thinks he must know. She’s long gone from Bellatrix to Bella, and neither of them have ever brought up that first time he called her by her name. But she’s sure he must know.
She never bothers closing her mind to him. And even if he hasn’t seen it in her mind, he must feel it, surely.
She doesn’t dare ask. Doesn’t think she could bear the wrong answer. Yet sometimes she considers just blurting out his name, just so she’ll have to wonder no longer. Just so she isn’t the only one who knows. But she always bites her lip to keep the urge at bay.
Because he looks at her as if he has guessed, and says nothing, so neither does she.
“Bella?“he says softly, almost not audible over the storm raging outside. She’s half asleep already, just slightly turning her face towards him. She can’t see more than his vague outline in the light of the near-extinct fireplace.”My lord?“
There’s a long pause after that.”You don’t always have to call me that. You do realise that, yes?“
“What should I call you, then?“ It never even had occured to her not to. She’s too tired to wonder why he suddenly cares.
“Voldemort,“he says, and suddenly she’s wide awake.”You could call me Voldemort.“
There is a question in his voice. Her mouth is uncomfortably dry all of a sudden. She can’t bring herself to do it. She’s convinced herself she’ll be alright with never knowing.
“I’ll keep that in mind,“she says instead, and he doesn’t push the matter.
When she finally does end up using his name, it’s not something she planned or even decided to do.
They’re in battle when she’s that split second too slow and the curse hits her. She’d just deflected it enough to only be caught in the leg, but her bones shatter, and she goes down.
He catches her before she hits the ground. The moment of distraction costs him dearly. The pain is so blinding that for a second that stretches into eternity, she doesn’t understand. Doesn’t think of what it means that he slowly sinks to his knees, that his fingers are digging into her side so hard it hurts; she absurdly thinks the drops falling on her face are rain. But they’re too warm for that, and far too red.
He’s gotten his shield charm up again, somehow. She manages to apparate them both away, somehow.
“Help!“she screams into what she hopes is not an empty manor.”Help! Please, we need help!“
She can’t go for help herself. One leg barely more than a battered bit of meat, the other trapped under his body. She’s no good at healing charms. Why the fuck is she no good at healing charms?
His blood is soaking through both their robes, making her hands slick and even more useless when she hopelessly presses them to the cuts across his chest, trying to somehow stem the bleed.
“You can’t die,“she says, not remembering the truth to that in her panicked state.”Please, you can’t die, you can’t. Please.“
His heartbeat is growing fainter under her fingers, and when he opens his mouth to reply, blood drips down his chin.”Calm down, Bella. It’ll be fi-“
“Don’t give me that bullshit,“she snaps, one shaking hand moving to cup his face, leaving bloody fingerprints on his pale skin.”Don’t give me that shit when you’re only hurt because you were helping me.“
The house elves have found them now, and their magic is good enough, inferior little creatures though they are. She doesn’t turn her attention away from him.”I don’t want to live in a world without you, Voldemort.“
“You said my name,“he says, somewhere between surprise and disappointment.
“I did,“she confirms.
As he slips into unconsciousness, she closes her eyes and wills back the tears.
She keeps calling him Voldemort anyway. She may not be his soulmate, yet he is hers, and allows her this intimacy. That’s something, that’s close to enough.
“Well, that was horribly anti-climatic,“he says as his followers turn to leave the forest, and Bellatrix laughs, a teasing glint in her eyes.”As teenage nemeses are wont to be. You brought it onto yourself when you messed up killing a toddler.“
From anyone else, this would be reason to end them on the spot. Bella can always get away with such impertinence. And she isn’t entirely wrong, either. Still, he puts on a stern face.“Careful, dear, you’ll get yourself into trouble if you keep on like that.“
“Oh, I do hope I will,“she quips in a sultry voice.
He can’t keep the small smile from creeping onto his face.”Well, aren’t you in a particularly giddy mood.“
“Maybe it’s being back on school grounds.“ She shrugs.”Strange, isn’t it? Kind of brings out the kid you used to be.“
“Not for me,“he says, deciding to humour her.”Although I’d wager I wasn’t all that childish even as a child, so it is hard to tell.’“
She rolls her eyes.“Of course not. Little Tom was too busy building himself his following, was he?“
The joke dies on her lips at the look on his face; he is utterly stunned. They’ve never discussed it but she figured he knew she knew. Hell, everyone knows. Purebloods can recite bloodlines backwards in their sleep; you can’t reveal yourself as Slytherin’s heir without them knowing you are that Gaunt girl’s messy little secret.
The kind of secret everyone just politely ignored, granted, much the way no one said anything about her spending more nights in the Dark Lord’s chambers than in her husband’s house.
“Too far?“she asks. He comes out of his stupor at that, though his smile is still gone.”I’ll let that slide for now. Now go win me that castle.“
He watches her go. His mind is reeling. He’d never truly thought - he hadn’t even believed - he shakes the thought away and follows his army toward the castle.
He’ll tell her after the battle.
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