#mark ruffalo is the best hulk
kevinfeiges · 2 years
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Mark Ruffalo as Smart Hulk in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Episode 1
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odinsblog · 6 months
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The Incredible Hulks
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pizzaslut-xox · 2 years
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Dr. hulk - be my dad 🥺
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notrandtumblin · 6 months
This first poll will be dedicated to the original avengers team and Phase 1. I’ll work my way through the whole MCU.
Then the follow up will be Fox Marvel characters - and I’ll do another with Sony marvel characters plus any I may have forgotten.
Tumblr only allows a set amount of options so this is gonna be a long and elaborate process ending with a final poll facing off all the winners.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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Phase 4, the first post-Endgame phase of the MCU, has been a bit of a mixed bag for a lot of people, but I don’t honestly think that’s totally on the quality of the films and shows themselves. While there are some real mid films there are some genuinely great entries, ones like Shang Chi, Werewolf by Night, Wakanda Forever, and No Way Home. And even the more lackluster entries still have some genuinely good things to offer; I’m no fan of Eternals or Black Widow, but they definitely have some great aspects that justify them existing. The real issue, I feel, is how quickly Phase 4 was churned out; in nearly two years the amount of MCU entries has almost doubled, and with that much flooding us all at once cracks begin to show and people who were once more charitable towards flaws will become exhausted and stop overlooking them.
That left She-Hulk: Attorney at Law in an incredibly unenviable position, and one that only worsened as it continued to air. I mean, releasing a trailer that has effects that look unfinished at best is bad enough. But to then have to release while reports of VFX artist abuse start pouring out? This show soon became the butt of various jokes, the subject of obnoxious clickbait videos about how the MCU is woke trash, and gave people fuel to contribute to the fire that is the myth of “superhero fatigue.”
The discourse surrounding the show definitely killed my interest for a long while, but in hindsight I shouldn’t have let it do that; as we’ll get into later, the backlash to this has undertones as scummy as the ones that helped tank a certain Joel Schumacher superhero movie. With all that in mind, it’s easy to assume it’s not really that bad… so this time the question is more, “Is this show any good?”
Unsurprisingly, Tatiana Maslany carries this show on her back. Jen is such a charming, awkward, likable character in her hands, and she sells her every single moment of the show. It would have been really easy to fuck this up considering the distracting CGI sometimes muffles her performance a bit, but Maslany manages to shine through even in the weaker moments.
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The expansion of the Hulk mythos is welcome, especially after the characters spent the past three phases on the backburner. The big winner here thanks to this spotlight isn't even Bruce, though; no, it's Emil Blonsky, AKA Abomination, who makes a glorious return as a major character asking Jen to help him get parole. He's just a really hilarious and cheerful guy, long past his villain days, and when he gets out he seems to genuinely be a changed man. Dude even becomes a self-help guru leading a class of other villains in redeeming themselves. It also helps that when he turns into his monster form, the effect is one of the better ones in the show.
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The guest star characters are all a lot of fun. Bruce's appearance is a bit of a mess (which I'll get into below), but I don't think seeing Mark Ruffalo is a bad thing even at his worst. Wong is, of course, absolutely fantastic, and even Jen lampshades how much everyone loves the guy. But best of all is when Matt Murdock shows up in the penultimate episode, and gets to crack a few jokes, kick a few asses, and bang Jen like the true Chad that he is. How they managed to make such a cute, believable romance that you can't help but root for in a single episode is absolutely astounding, and considering the shit Jen and Matt go through on a regular basis it’s just so refreshing to see.
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While she sadly ends up a bit underutilized, Jameela Jamil's take on She-Hulk archnemesis Titania is a lot of fun. Here, she's imagined as an over-the-top evil influencer (redundant, I know) who just goes out of her way to be a petty bitch to Jen for no good reason. The fact we never learn any backstory about her and the fact she remains as an unrepentant asshole throughout all her appearances makes her a hell of a lot of fun as a bad guy. I wouldn't call her one of the greats like Killmonger or High Evolutionary, but she's still a very enjoyable foe for the type of show this is.
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I love how this show isn’t afraid to dig deep into the well of Marvel characters to throw in some obscure faces to spice things up. I think that’s one thing the shows have done consistently well, elevating lesser-known characters into the limelight, so it’s nice to see an entire episode revolve around Leap-Frog of all characters and for the Wrecking Crew to show up and get their shit wrecked. Blonsky’s little villain therapy session is a wealth of D-listers; how many people were aware Man-Bull and Porcupine were a thing before this, let alone that Saracen is a combination of two villains with the same name (one of whom is actually a vampire)? The average person isn’t like me, trolling through wiki articles looking for obscure supervillains to obsess over, so it’s nice to see them get utilized even in a minor way. The only one I can see people bristling at a bit is Mr. Immortal, who is quite the opposite of his comic counterpart, but in my opinion he’s the Great Lake Avenger I’m least bothered that they changed; if it was Flatman, Big Bertha, or (God forbid) Squirrel Girl I’d probably be angrier. At any rate, this show is clearly not afraid to give wacky minor villains a role, so I’m half expecting season 2 to include Jen’s enemy Dr. Bob Doom, the more famous Doom’s distant relative who’s an envious evil dentist who wants to conquer the tri-state area.
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The very best thing about this show, beyond cameos and weird characters and whatever else, is just the fact that it’s a very down-to-earth story about a woman who just wants a little bit of control and happiness in her life. Jen’s goals are relatable—she wants to do the job she loves, hang with her friends, and maybe find a nice guy who likes her for who she is—and a lot of the issues she faces as she tries to accomplish these are the sort of things women have to deal with on a regular basis. Obviously these things end up being filtered through a Hulk-green lens, but I’m sure a lot of women can relate to some of Jen’s struggles. Hell, the big bads of the show are incels who make revenge porn of Jen because they don’t think she’s worthy of her skills, and goad her into losing her cool so that she’ll be the one vilified and have her life ruined… It’s pretty obvious but effective, and it makes the moment where she forces the narrative to right itself to give her control in her own story a really great bit of wish-fulfillment.
The first episode is ROUGH. It’s a showcase of the poor special effects that made this show infamous, particularly the “She-Hulk clap” scene, though honestly her entire fight with Bruce is pretty bad. The way she gets her powers is ridiculously contrived and goofy, especially compared to her more lowkey origin in the comics (they really couldn’t have just done a blood transfusion here?). The worst moment of it all, though, is when Jen mansplains controlling your anger to Bruce. You know, the fucking Hulk?
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This does end up highlighting a big issue with the Hulk, though it’s not really the show’s fault: Hulk is the major hero the MCU has dropped the ball on the most. A lot of this has to do with the issue with the film rights, as Marvel can’t use him in solo films, but the fact that after Joss Whedon’s movies all of Bruce’s character development happened offscreen between films and all his tragedy and complexity was dropped in favor of making him “big green wacky science guy” is unbelievably lame. It leads to a lot of the moments in this first episode falling flat, especially the ones where Bruce reminisces about Tony. And then there’s Bruce being surprised Jen doesn’t have a different personality as a Hulk, implying to me that Bruce’s tragic backstory and DID are written out (if he had DID he’d know Jen probably wouldn’t get it from a car accident). It’s a shame because Ruffalo is great as the character when he gets the chance to be, but it’s to the point now where I wasn’t sad that he was barely in the show. At least there’s hope for the future given the ending and upcoming movies set to feature Hulk and his supporting cast, so maybe we’ll finally be able to say someone who isn’t a massive creep really gets the Not-So-Jolly Green Giant.
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Anyway... I really don't want to harp on the effects too much, but they are pretty subpar. Still, it was around the time these episodes were dropping that the stories of employee abuse and crunch time and all that were coming out, so it's not easy for me to be overly harsh considering the working conditions the VFX artists had to endure. I will say this: The jokes about how expensive the effects were in the final episode feel a little more tasteless in light of that.
Speaking of the final episode, while it's a funny use of a deus ex machina to resolve a ludicrous plotline and while I find it hilarious they lampoon how formulaic Marvel can get, She-Hulk smashing the fourth wall comes a bit out of left field because of how little they really build up her fourth wall-breaking abilities. Like yeah, she addresses the audience at the start and end of her episodes, but because of how episodes are paced it doesn't feel quite as fleshed-out as when Deadpool makes those same sorts of jokes in his movies. I wish they'd spent more time building up to that finale throughout the series, maybe have her do little things here and there beyond just talking to the viewers. It's not the biggest complaint in the world, and it wasn't a dealbreaker, but I didn't find the ending quite as satisfying as it could've been.
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Ultimately though, the biggest flaw I think this show has is just that by its very nature it's not going to appeal to everyone. It's a goofy slice of life comedy, and in a franchise known for over-the-top action and adventures the story is very grounded and most of the action that shows up here sucks. It's not something that appeals to the average MCU fan, is what I'm saying, and while that doesn't make it inherently bad (we could use more variety in these films, after all) it does make this a bit of a hard sell.
It is embarrassing I even have to address this, but unfortunately this was the biggest controversy the show had. You see, there is a post-credit scene where She-Hulk twerks with Megan Thee Stallion. This scene, which is maybe thirty seconds long (with only maybe ten of those being twerking) became the thing people would point at to call the show stupid and awful.
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Let me be clear here: This joke is meant to be dumb and cringey. There is literally a shot of Jen’s boss walking away in embarrassment upon seeing this. And beyond that, Jen is a cringey person. That’s why she’s so likable in the first place! So it’s not even like this is out of character.
But ignoring all that, this is literally a post-credit scene, and getting mad at those is lamer than a twerking joke could ever hope to be. And if nothing else it’s still better than that shitty mid-credit scene in Multiverse of Madness.
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I have no fucking clue what everyone’s problem with this show is.
Like, okay, I can’t deny this show isn’t for everyone. It has a rocky start, its special effects aren’t the best, and it is different from the rest of the MCU in that it’s just low-stakes slice of life comedy (at the insistence of the main character). The villains are mostly down-to-earth threats that happen to have powers, and the main focus is on comedy arising from the weird situations Jen gets into by being a lawyer who is also a Hulk. But with the amount of sheer vitriol this show’s existence managed to generate, you’d think this show killed someone’s grandma.
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I genuinely think this has to be motivated by misogyny. Like this show is perfectly harmless, completely fine, average at worst, and yet it has the single worst score of anything in the MCU. You cannot look me in the eye and tell me this is worse than Thor 2 and 4, Iron Man 2,  or even Age of Ultron—and that’s just if we’re looking at the weaker MCU films and not the superhero genre as a whole. The fact that most (but not all) of the criticisms for this show are just really unfounded and show a lack of even the most cursory knowledge about the source material it draws from combined with the fact the final challenge of the show is overcoming a cabal of incel nerds furious at the mere existence of a female superhero (the sort of parody of real life toxicity in comic fandoms these so-called fans constantly bristle at) really just highlights how nerds won’t be beating the misogyny accusations any time soon. I guess women are only okay in Marvel properties when they’re supporting male leads or are viciously murdering scores of innocents so she can sacrifice a teenager to bring her Sims to life.
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I’m not usually one to shout “Bigotry!” when something has a low score (the only time I can think of where I linked bigotry to poor reception was with Batman & Robin), but I just really can’t see any other way to comprehend this score being what it is. There is nothing this show does so poorly that it warrants a score anywhere in the 5s, and I’ve gotta believe the score is simply the result of review bombing. Then again, this superhero media dared to show things that women go through in real life via a superhero lens instead of shoehorning in Jesus imagery and having the conflict be resolved by Jen and Titania’s mommies having the same name, so I guess it can’t be that good.
But again, let me stress that disliking this show doesn’t inherently make someone misogynistic. This show has its issues, and even I feel like a lot of the story elements and effects could have been handled a lot better, so it’s not like I’m trying to convince you all this is some unsung masterpiece. If you don’t like this show for a reason that isn’t “I hate women superheroes,” that’s fine! What I’m trying to point out here is that this initial score reeks of malicious intent, and I honestly don’t feel people really gave this show a chance because of the initial low audience scores.
Realistically this show deserves something around 6.6 - 6.9. It’s a solid enough show, but there’s no denying that even in its genre it is an extremely niche entry that’s not going to have the same widespread appeal as some of the other shows. If you can get on board with the concept and can stomach a rough pilot and some weak visual effects, there’s a sweet, amusing story about a woman just trying to live her life here that’s honestly refreshing in a sea of “save the world” plots.
Of course, it could definitely improve with a second season. And the best way to do that? Make Spragg the Living Hill the big bad.
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byronicherobracket · 3 months
Byronic Hero Bracket Round Of 128 Batch A #12
Bruce Banner from Marvel vs. Suzaku from Code Geass
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Reasons under the cut (spoilers for both)
(All sources from TV Tropes)
Bruce Banner:
Bruce Banner (both the Edward Norton and Mark Ruffalo portrayals) has shades of this. He is a brilliant, non-confrontational scientist who is terrified of his own destructive potential, considering himself a monster because of the Hulk, though in reality, the Hulk is more of necessary darkness that Banner must one day accept as part of who he is.
Previously Beaten: Hachiman Hikigaya
Suzaku could also count. Brooding, uncompromising, self-destructive Death Seeker who seeks atonement for killing his father and causing Japan to be enslaved by Britannia. He tries sacrificing himself under the guise of chivalry to both Britannia and supposedly Japan as an excuse to fulfill his death wish but mostly serves to derail Lelouch's plans before they would otherwise bear maximum results. In season 2, he becomes even worse, descending into Knight Templar territory and conquering EU nations for Schneizel. He eventually joins Lelouch, but not before they're both broken beyond repair.
Previously Beaten: Arrow
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artistcaptainbendy · 1 year
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Here’s the man! Dr. Bruce’’ who needs sleep’’ banner and big green guy, hulk! I based a lot on mark Ruffalo’s version of Bruce. I just happened to watch the ‘now you see me’’ movies (which mark was in) so I had my Bruce be good at card tricks and simple magic (nothing on Dr. Stranger’s level). He constantly looks like he needs a nap, but when he finally does chaos happens. Loves Koloas, listening to chill music, long walks in the desert, eating gummies, science, having a good night sleep, oh how did his dating profile get in here? Hulk is the one who’s green and smashes things, don’t say you hate koloas or he will kill you. I’m sure him and curt could be best pals, they can talk about their trauma together. 
Peter and the au belong to @tornrose24
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marvel-ousmondays · 3 months
The Avengers (Avengers Assemble)
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So it took me a week to finish watching The Avengers.
It wasn't the movie's fault. It's a great film, especially if you are into the action-packed, fighting scenes. The dynamic between characters is great, and it has one of (if not my absolute) favorite quotes of the series.
But it is 2 hours and 23 minutes long and I had a weird week in terms of work, plus I wasn't actually feeling like watching a bunch of fight scenes. So it took a hot minute. Also, I had just finished season 2 of Loki not that long ago and going back to really bad Loki was a bit hard. He has few if any redeemable qualities in this one.
I'm not going to attempt a standard review given my less than standard watching procedure. I'm just going to call out things I liked.
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow will forever be flipping incredible. In the Battle of New York where she's jumping on the flying Chitari and such- epic. But also her clear care for Barton and her emotional manipulation of both the criminals at the beginning and Loki later on- chef's kiss. I'm so glad she's the one to close the portal.
(Quick side note/small spoiler- there's a fan theory going around that her "feelings" for Banner in Ultron are all fake, just a method of control. I call bullshit. She is clearly fascinated by him throughout this film. If anyone's feelings are fake, it'd be Banner's, but Mark Ruffalo is too genuine for us to ever know.)
Erik Selvig and Barton both under Loki's control and then when they come out of it did incredible jobs. I particularly like the writing of Selvig under Loki's control- the science fascination unbridled, versus any actual desire for power. I think this hits the Tesseract's power and Loki's manipulation abilities dead on- they don't project what Loki would assume others would want onto them- they magnify the worst parts of anyone's desires and abilities. Barton is a master strategist and Selvig wants to understand every aspect of the cosmos. Generally these are traits they've put to good use. But under Loki, they're manipulated into awful acts.
Samuel L. Jackson's line "I recognize the council has made a decision, but as it is a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it" could be emblazoned on my tombstone and I'd be happy. The delivery was pitch perfect and always makes me laugh, while also being deadly serious.
Coulson- Clark Gregg's best role by far and the small amount of fanboying here just humanized his normally very stoic disposition so well. So glad they did opt to bring him back and in style.
I'm a huge Mark Ruffalo fan, both as an actor and just as a human being. It was incredibly difficult to come in after Edward Norton to fill this role but he nailed it. The moment when he tells about how he tried to commit suicide and the Hulk spat the bullet back out breaks my heart every time. There's obviously a lot of parable here about learning how to channel your anger. I personally think anger has gotten a bad rap, especially among women and activists. Righteous anger, as Starfire might say (yes, I know, I'm daring to mix DC and Marvel again, fight me later), is a powerful motivator. Anger can fuel us to change that which needs changing, but it has to be directed. Hulk shows that well enough. But I also appreciate the slow realization by Banner throughout the film that the Hulk is less crazed, destructive monster and more protector. We're not *there* just yet by the end, there's still some concern, but he's beginning that process of acceptance and understanding.
Captain America is mostly well written here, particularly in demonstrating he doesn't just follow the U.S. or orders blindly any more. He still sees himself as a soldier, but when Tony and Bruce alert him to the smell of fish in the air, he goes looking for answers. This is key character development for him as there was a time where he would have considered himself more bound to higher-ranking officials. However, I would wager Marvel regrets the one "God" comment they made in there as it doesn't really fit him overall.
Stark and Thor perform well, I just don't have a lot of commentary for either. Their rivalry is solid, though the idea that Thor would leave his brother unattended, even in remote mountains, seems unlikely.
I will also argue for more women sooner but that ship has sailed. I had forgotten about Thanos in the post- credits scene, so that was a good addition.
Note for me
Directed by: Joss Whedon
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kingoftieland · 6 months
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Mark Ruffalo IMPROVISED one of Endgame’s best Hulk moments! 😆
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 years
Hmm,,,boyfs 46?
"I miss Edward Norton's Hulk."
Jeremy snorted at the out of nowhere comment, despite how common they were when he and Michael were any amount of stoned. "Oh yeah?"
He was glad to be able to get Jeremy to laugh, since it had been a particularly long day. They'd had a math test, a history review for an upcoming test, and they had to run the mile today. Plus Jeremy had been having an off week anyway, so Michael was doing everything he could to make things marginally less sucky for him. He didn't know all the details, (Jeremy wasn't always great at articulating what was wrong,) but he was doing his best.
"Mark Ruffalo's a good A-, don't get me wrong, but Edward Norton?" Michael gave a chef's kiss. "A++ I tell ya."
Jeremy repositioned in his beanbag. "Hulk is just a rage monster. Anyone can do it."
"Ok, fine, I miss Edward Norton's Bruce Banner."
"There ya go."
Michael splayed his arms out as he sank deeper into his beanbag. "He did the paranoia right! Bruce is supposed to be a scrawny nerd in constant fear of Hulk coming out, not the same snarky smart-ass that every other MCU character is! I get it, Disney's going for mass appeal, but!"
He waved pointlessly at the ceiling before dropping his arms again. He'd be able to construct a better TedTalk if his brain hadn't been made of cotton from the joints he'd just smoked. "The Incredible Hulk is so good. It made Bruce his own distinct character and I just," a wistful sigh, "I love it."
He wasn't looking at Jeremy, but he could tell from his voice that he was raising an eyebrow at him. "If you love it so much, then why don't you marry it?"
"Because I'd rather marry you."
Michael had half a mind to not slap a hand over his mouth after the words came out.
He was no stranger to jokingly flirting with Jeremy, in the over the top 'no one would actually believe I was even being slightly serious' way. Not in the 'oh look at me, I'm so smooth and that just slipped out' way.
He could play it off as a joke. He always did! Because it was staggering how many times he was accidentally smooth and had to play it cool. But his brain locked up when he heard a downright horrifying silence.
Michael looked at Jeremy, seeing bright blue eyes just as wide as his were. He expected a flushed face. Dumbfounded, flustered stuttering maybe. What he got was...
Just a blank, red-rimmed stare.
Then, a breathy laugh. A small, choked sound behind a blink-and-you'll-miss-it twitch of eyebrows.
"Yeah, right," he said, looking at the carpet. "Your standards can't possibly be that low."
Michael didn't think he could get a response worse than rejection.
He'd comforted Jeremy through more than enough downward spirals of self-loathing and commiserating over never getting the girl over the years, but he didn't expect... that to hurt as much as it did. To hear Jeremy so quickly shoot down the mere concept of Michael being serious, sounding so... hopeless, and hurt that he would even bring it up.
He could take the out. He could take Jeremy's denial and keep it all buried. Run with it like he always did.
Michael pushed himself up. "That," he paused, voice soft, "wasn't a joke, Jeremy."
He didn't.
He didn't know what all specifically was going on in Jeremy's head to make his week suck, but he was beginning to suspect it had something to do his and Christine's breakup a month back. Going through all of the SQUIP's bullshit to get the girl only for it all to quietly fizzle away a week later.
Jeremy had apologized more than enough. Insisted that getting with the cool kids wasn't worth a parasitic computer controlling him like a meat puppet. Sobbed into Michael's chest wondering why the fuck he decided to forgive him. Quietly wiggled away from talking about Christine in any capacity other than 'all that for a week's worth of pecks on the cheek. Go me.'
Bringing up Christine when Jeremy didn't want to talk about her? Yeah, Michael could understand a response like that. Michael accidentally letting out a secret that could've (and should've!) been played off as a joke? Something wasn't connecting.
Jeremy let out a strained sigh. "Don't fuck with me, Micha, I'm not-" he dragged his hands over his face, "just- this isn't the day for it."
A little over two months of being at the mercy of a supercomputer that promised him the girl, royally fucking things up with his best friend, evicting said supercomputer from his brain, getting dumped by the girl he'd been chasing after that whole time, already having a history of accepting the false reality that no one would want to date him, and then hearing his best friend casually say he wants to marry him...
It was starting to click into place.
"Jer, I'm not..." he said slowly. "I'm not fucking with you this time. I... never really was."
Jeremy froze.
Then peeked out over his fingers.
Michael wasn't sure where this sudden bravery came from, (it was the weed and the overwhelming need to have Jeremy understand how loved he was,) but he wasn't gonna pull on the brakes now.
"I've... always meant it whenever I dropped stupid, flirty lines on you. I just kinda let you think I was joking because... I assumed you never wanted me to be serious. And you probably still don't, but-"
"No, wait." Jeremy fully sat up, his expression some mix of offended (not good) and confused (unclear). "You mean to tell me that you've been genuinely flirting with me for the past- what, two? Three years now?"
Michael grimaced. He still wasn't sure what direction this was going in, whether he was actually making Jeremy feel better or if he was dumping a whole garbage load of other shit onto him.
"'Genuinely' as in I was trying to flirt, not exactly. 'Genuinely' as in I'd rather marry you than The Incredible Hulk? I think your laugh is adorable? I think about kissing you at inopportune times?" He hissed through his teeth. "Yes?"
That mixed expression Jeremy had melted into something softer. Something less dubious and more... relieved, almost? "Oh my God, you shoulda said something sooner."
Michael blinked. "Huh?"
"Michael, my dumb ass has been pining for you since freshman year."
Michael blinked harder. "Huh?! Wait, shit, then why haven't we been making out this whole time?"
Jeremy laughed, but still kinda looked like he wanted to cry. In a good way now, though. He couldn't give much response other than trying to stumble words out through his strained giggles. "I- you just- I didn't- we weren't- we didn't-"
"That your way of saying we need to make up for lost time?"
He flushed. "I- shut up."
Michael wiggled his eyebrows. "Make me."
Jeremy let out an amused huff and clamored into Michael's lap. He didn't really do anything after that, other than glance between Michael's eyes and lips like he wasn't sure what he was supposed fo do next. Which, to be fair, his SQUIP never exactly taught him how to kiss (as godawful of an image as that was).
Michael ended up shutting himself up by pulling Jeremy into that awkward 'I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing but I don't care because it's you' kiss himself.
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You already settled the best Batman and Spider-Man so now who in your opinion is the best Hulk??
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I actually have no opinion to be honest. Edward Norton was just really fucking hot in the movie, so… I guess him. I have nothing against Eric Bana and the 2003 film, but I honestly barely remember it. Sorry! As for Mark Ruffalo, I’m indifferent about him as both Bruce and Hulk, and the fact that Disney bought Marvel just makes me dislike the character even more.
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jamesesnameses · 2 years
I want an Immortal Hulk movie trilogy/quadrology. It's the best comic series I've ever read, and it needs to be made. If Marvel wants to continue on the Multiverse path, they need to do either an Immortal Hulk series, or Maestro Hulk series. Maybe have Bruce go through a series of events that leads him to becoming the Maestro. In She-Hulk episode 5, Bruce left Earth and is headed to what is likely Sakaar; now, we don't know that, but it would be awesome to see a Maestro Hulk. Or even just a Planet Hulk. Mark Ruffalo has said he'll be Hulk basically as long as Marvel will let him.
I know that Universal currently owns distribution rights to the Hulk and is not willing to share them for some reason, even though, like, what movie of note has universal made in the last 3 years? Point is, I want Universal to make a deal with Marvel like Sony did with Spider-Man, that way we could get an actually good Hulk story in live action for once
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It's been nearly 24 hours since I watched the first episode of She-Hulk so here's some thoughts floating around my brain:
I feel really petty for this but I want Jennifer to be big and have lots of muscles :( Like even when she's green she's tiny compared to the CGI monstrosity they are calling Bruce Banner nowadays
SPECIAL GUEST STAR MARK RUFFALO?! YOU MEAN HE'S NOT GOING TO BE IN THE WHOLE SHOW?! God Marvel I know you threw Bruce out the window but I want my Bruce content 😭😭
I like the breaking the fourth wall, I think it's fun when characters do that
The bathroom scene was everything. I want to be cared for like that. And the "he doesn't deserve you - or she - or they" like aw they're inclusive
I don't see why they needed to devote 2 scenes to talking about Steve Rogers' sex life, are you really that scared of the Stucky shippers Marvel? Because Steve Rogers OBVIOUSLY lost his virginity to his best friend since childhood James Buchanan Barnes and I don't see why you need to debate about that, we all know the truth
Some of it felt a bit silly but I guess that's what happens when emotions run high
I think Jennifer's going to be a fun character :) She knows how to speak her mind and I love her for that
I hate the fact that Bruce is just considered a joke, like is NOBODY GOING TO TALK ABOUT HIS ABUSIVE DAD OR GIVE ANY FORM OF NOD TO HIS PAST?! Instead it's just "haha we can't get drunk :D Haha I'm jealous"
In fact you know what Marvel, hand him over. You obviously can't be trusted to treat my baby boy Bruce right, I'm taking away your Bruce privileges
So he's stuck as that CGI monstrosity unless he's injured? Is it mean to say "be injured more Bruce"?
The nod to Tony and Bruce's friendship was nice, it's nice that the Science Bros were actually Science Bros.
Also the "oh, I thought I'd get some work done while you were sleeping", Bruce you spent the whole night in the lab didn't you
I feel I need to read Bruce-centric fics to make up for the lack of Bruce content I am receiving by Marvel does anyone have any recs
At least they ripped Jen's sleeves a bit ig? Idk it feels odd that with Bruce it's no clothes but Jen gets to mostly keep all hers
Anyways that's all the thoughts out in the open, the show's enjoyable so far. Still missing Bruce Banner more and more every day.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
My son and daughter had this idea and they don't show up with the bull but it's pretty close. And this is the idea they used to work with the Japanese bikes a little but they're just not really into it it will work with Harley-Davidson so he said I might be able to sell them on riding Harley-Davidsons but we have to put motors in that are Harley Davidson and I said this we're going to do that too cuz they're after clowns to put endoskeletons in and we need to find out where they are and they want to grab us and they want to grab these people and it's perfect it seems one-sided though they're afraid of the empire a bit and we understand that we have to prep and get teams together and they're going to try and infiltrate and we get information if we need it now
Thor Freya
This song goes we're going to have a patch and people will say these are the people that are bait and the max will try and go after them cuz you're saying you can't
Nuada Arrianna
Gross he finally made use of it gross it's disgusting gross and it started out this way gross and we didn't do too well gross
We weren't really doing it much now we're going to do it and we are going to start making Harley-Davidsons and we can help set up plants of people interested
Thor Freya
We are interested in we'd like to do it and we're going to set up some meetings about Harley-Davidson again
And I'm the hulk and he knows my name is in and out with remembering all sorts of things are blocking and he's smart this is really smart we're going to do this I don't really have a huge body but I can get really big and I don't take other people's bodies you can see me working out and I'm not Trump damn it everybody's him is getting old is another character in the movie yeah he's the magician guy you see him with me so I'm going to go ahead and help out I do think this idea is great his idea of the particular bike that you make out of aftermarket Harley parts because the Harleys are going to be coveted now this is a great idea we need to do it and we get the Intel and we can ride and it's really perfect
Mark ruffalo AKA The incredible hulk
I do know he is and he is not Trump and Trump is a rebel and he's going to be clear and hopefully of a lot of crimes and he's getting crucified like any of us could. His stuff is his stuff is not true he took a lot of our stuff but he says he got help and he actually did and we can see Max taking stuff with his and it's on and it's finally out he says and I'm doing the job and this works he says and we have to have a superhero bar before I go up there or people might think it's mine or that I got to go myself and he said that last part and it's true and I'm going to put it in now I'm going to get some money in there and some ladies and this Coyote ugly up there already that's kind of his place and he says no it's true too we did it ourselves and we do go up there it's kind of a mess
Black widow we can have a party nearby and I know where we can go over there and talk about it this
My husband's a fun guy he's going to be huge he says the hulking out process when he gets angry takes many years it's just kind of explaining it once it's triggered he'll start growing it's still damn slow he has to stay angry which is not a problem
Hahaha we were talking about this and rolling and laughter but it's really bad he's mad ad all the time like I am but we see why this is going to help
Mark ruffalo
We need to get out of here and do some work we keep bothering him about everything I'm getting blames this is terrible then shooting s*** through us all the time and then you're a dick it says I'm an ignorant idiot and don't try and pass numbers that are unmarked completely I mean bills damn it
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popculturebrain · 5 months
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