#listen it'd be epic
Yes, I do want a side quest campaign a la The Seven featuring all the Bad Moms (including Cathilda Ceíli and Gorgug's Bio Mom, Roslyn "Roz" Fukumoto.) going on a quest to destroy the fucker that ruined Sandra Lynn's adventuring career and save the universe while they're at it.
Why? Because I wanna see a bunch of middle-aged women kick ass, be unhinged and deal with all the bullshit and trauma they have.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
I wish animations in my head would just appear on the screen with no effort at all
Why do I have to draw them? This is such bullshit
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foxstens · 2 years
but heck i can’t not play them as soon as i finish this one
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hotvinimon · 8 months
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Bokuto Kotaro x Reader
A/n : "You are annoying prank" Images are not mine. Credits to the owner. Likes, Comments and re-blogs are appreciated. Please don't steal my work. Enjoy ;) Warnings - English is my second language, tears, kisses
Master List
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Before saying yes to a commited relation, you always wondered what love looks like or feels like. Is it all pink like in movies ? Or totally unexpected like in dramas.
You couldn't stop chuckling to yourself as you whipped up some grub for your beloved boyfriend of 3 years, the bathroom rockstar.
Imagine this: a sunny summer day, Bokuto belting out tunes like he's on a world tour in the bathroom. While you made your Inari Sushi masterpiece, you stuck a cute flag in the tofu, thinking he'd devour it like a hungry legend.
Your kitchen shenanigans turned breakfast into a daily concert, and you were here for it, front-row seats and all!
Chilling on a kitchen stool, you snuggled up, scrolling through your phone and killing time. As you swiped away, you got hooked by a hilarious prank video of a couple.
Just then, the bathroom door clicked open, and Bokuto emerged, attempting an elegant pirouette, until he saw your unimpressed look from your kitchen perch.
He pulled off an epic gasp, covering his mouth with flair like a melodramatic actor and shouted, "Oh, behold the grand entrance! My precious! My drop-dead gorgeous darling baby!" With giant strides, like he's auditioning for a comedy troupe, he sauntered over on the wood floor, leaving just enough room for an over-the-top bow. You couldn't hold back your giggles.
"Wowza! Check out the size of that Inari sushi! Just what the doctor ordered! I must've won the karma lottery. Now, what else? Hmmm... Oh, I know! A good morning smooch to kickstart the day!" Ignoring any objections, he grabbed your face with his big hands and planted a juicy kiss. "As a token of my thanks, I'm whipping up some coffee, my sweetie pie!"
Late mornings are rare in your apartment due to both of yours busy schedule. But due to graciousness of your manager and Meian, you finally got some time to catch what's slipping up.
You watched his coffee-making skills, both of you sipping from cute matching mugs, and that coffee scent filled up the kitchen. He plopped your mug down, and you gave him a quick kiss. As he sat in his chair across from you, he eyeballed the yummy breakfast you'd whipped up with an eager grin.
He zeroed in on the sushi like a ravenous sushi monster, his lips dancing with excitement. Taking a huge bite, he made sure that sushi didn't stand a chance. You couldn't help but soak up his dramatic, operatic hum, followed by an award-winning moan.
It was like a foodie's Shakespearean theater! As he devoured, you remembered that prank video from earlier. You leaned in, resting your head on your left hand, grinning mischievously.
"Listen, babe, you know I adore you, right? But..." Bokuto's eyes locked onto yours, begging for more. Despite his heartstring-pulling expression, you kept going. "Maybe, just maybe, ease up on the childishness. It's starting to get a tad bit... well, you know, annoying."
His eyes got as big as saucers, and he froze mid-bite, never breaking your gaze. He blinked once, then twice, and a puzzled frown crept over his handsome face. He practically inhaled his food, trying to get words out, "You think I'm... annoying? Really?" His voice quivered, barely louder than a whisper, breaking your resolve.
Your hand reached out for his, but it was game over – tears welled up in his eyes. Panic mode activated, and you sprang up, cursing your snap judgment. "No, no, no, my bad, baby! I was just messing around! None of that was for real. I watched this dumb video of someone pranking their partner, and I thought it'd be hilarious to see your reaction…"
You pulled back and gently grabbed his chin. "Hey, look at me." You swiveled his head to lock eyes with you. "I'm so sorry, babe. I'm head over heels for you, you know that, right?" He zipped his lips for a sec, steering clear of eye contact. "You're so cruel! Why'd you do that to your lovely boyfriend? I really believed you were going to leave me..." His lip wobbled, a cute pout forming on his lips.
"Like, never ever would I want you to change! I'm all about your goofy vibes, you get me? I'm genuinely sorry, honey... Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Cross my heart, I'll make it up to you!" Your thumb stroked his cheek, sending a silent plea.
"Okay, but swear you won't pull something like this again!" He crossed his arms and huffed. "I swear!" You nodded big time, showering his face with kisses. You started with his forehead, then both cheeks, and finally, a smooch that lingered on his pouty lips. You milked that last kiss a little longer, feeling the corners of his lips curl up. When you finally pulled away, your grin was on fleek, and your way happier boyfriend looked back at you.
"Well, now that you promised to make it up to me, can I cop some of your sushi too?" you deadpanned. Maybe this was all part of his plot to score extra breakfast, and you were totally down with it, especially when he gave you that cheeky, smug grin.
Before saying yes to a commited relation, you always wondered what love looks like or feels like. Is it all pink like in movies ? Or totally unexpected like in dramas.
Maybe this is what love looks like. A drama queen hogging your breakfast with dried fat tears on his blushed cheeks.
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V-Chan's Dilly Dally
You can skip this part.
I really hope you guys would like it. I kind of changed the theme. I'm working on an akaashi fic and a gangster fic.
If you have any request, I would love to serve.
Comment down for tag list 😉
Love you all
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jotun-philosopher · 1 month
So, I was listening to this video recently (apparently it's Gneil's favourite song from the Span, which is a strong recommendation in and of itself) and it got me thinking...
The song being in Scots dialect and making references to France (in combination with the Gneil connection above) instantly associated it with Good Omens in my mind, and the speed at which Maddy Prior sings puts me in mind of birdsong (not a knock against Maddy in the slightest, she's a bloody amazing vocalist) -- and that reminded me of a thing I saw on Springwatch yonks ago!
Springwatch is an annual BBC thing looking at British wildlife reacting to the changing seasons, where wildlife experts gather to be super enthusiastic about it all; one year there was a segment about the structure of birdsong, where they slowed some samples of birdsong down to show that they were made up of discrete pulses of sound a bit like 'words', and they demonstrated the principle by having one of the presenters doing a tongue-in-cheek 'come on if you think you're hard enough' speech (the sort of thing birds use their actual songs for) and speeding it up until it sounded like a snatch of birdsong.
The Good Omens connection is this: what if the Ineffable Husbands use something like this as a means of covert communication in S3? It'd work nicely with their pre-existing bird symbolism and isn't too far removed in principle from the layered covert language they already use (as chronicled by @vidavalor -- go check out their blog for an epic crash course in frequently horny ineffable linguistics!)
Also, show of hands, who else can see Crowley rocking a dress like the one Maddy Prior's wearing in the video?
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copperbadge · 1 year
I'm sure I'm not being original, but surely there is an au where the King and Queen Emeritus court Jes Demos together? Given that the Queen had, uh, gal pals in their shared bed.
I think you're the first to suggest it actually!
(Honestly if I knew how much I'd expand this universe I would possibly not have had Miranda die, but that would have changed the series a lot and it's a trouser leg of time we won't go down.)
I can definitely see an AU where Miranda never got sick, and Michaelis and Miranda retired similar to the time frame in the books but found themselves still a little at loose ends the way Michaelis did in canon. I think Miranda, who could be imperious at times, might have been rather offended that Jes didn't do them the courtesy of notifying the palace they were doing the podcast about the country; she might very well have marched down to the recording studio to give that Deimos a piece of her mind not because she didn't like the podcast but because she felt it would have been polite to inform them.
I think a fight between her and Jes would have been fucking epic ("It's common courtesy!" "Are you attempting to curtail the freedom of the press?" "Are you delusional??" etc) and also extremely hot. And then Miranda would vent to Michaelis, who as a diplomat would attempt to smooth things over by inviting Jes and Lachlan to dinner on neutral ground and negotiating the Pax Podcastrum.
After which Lachlan would undoubtedly be like "it's a good thing you're bi because they both want a turn" which Jes scoffs at but also finds intriguing, and we go from there. It does add some twists and turns since Miranda would probably be the one more overtly interested, and Michaelis might just be like "If you like them, that's enough for me," but take a while to warm up to Jes.
In the canon, and this will pop up at some point, Miranda and Michaelis didn't have an open marriage (not that I thought you implied that, just clarifying generally) -- they had one close, intimate friend who wasn't around very much but basically was their booty call when she visited. I plan to have her show up eventually and be delighted by Jes and the positive change they've made in Michaelis. In this possible AU scenario I can see Michaelis and Miranda discussing the idea of perhaps a more permanent and stable arrangement with Jes. It'd be an interesting story to write, I think. The Emeriti Take A Young Lover. :D (I mean Jes is younger than they are...)
Fascinating to consider what they might tell Gregory and Noah. Not to mention whether the press would eventually get wind of it. I remember listening to one of my regular podcasts and one of the hosts speaking openly, but somewhat suddenly, about her polyamory, and my eyebrows shooting up. Not in judgement, I have no problem with polyamory and a lot of poly friends, it was just unexpected to hear someone being that upfront about it in a public forum that wasn't explicitly about the topic. I suspect the general reaction of the populace would be a) what and b) yeah if I could take any two of those people to bed I would too.
Be especially funny if at first everyone thinks it's an affair but can't figure out which one of them is cheating. Miranda would enjoy herself hugely. "We can finally have a sex scandal after forty years of marriage, my love. Let me at least bask in it for a week or two."
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honeybuns-bb · 2 months
My Bad Batch Season 3 Predictions
Ok listen. I am NOT a critical thinker or predictor when it comes to my comfort media, and this show falls into that category, BUT in honor of Bad Batch Eve I thought it'd be fun to try my hand at making some theories anyway just so that if any of them happen I can brag that I predicted it. So let's try this out.
Thing I think will happen by the end of the series:
Phee dies
Cody shows up + Cody dies
Pabu is destroyed(I saw someone say they thought the Zillo Beast would be the one to destroy it and tbh I agree)
Wolffe comes back. He sighs dramatically about something. Perhaps even incorporating an eye roll. And if we're REALLY lucky, he'll even cross his arms.
CX-2 is Tech
Things I WANT to happen by the end of the series:
Quinlan shows up(I will accept a name drop but NOTHING LESS. Give me his FACE or give me his NAME. No vague references)
Ahsoka pleeeeeease!!!
At least one (1) group hug with TBB
Ventress shanks a bitch
Crosshair gets a new outfit/armor. Someone help this outdated fashion disaster of a man.
emerie picks up hemlock and dunks him into the garbage. fucking obliterated(i saw someone ship them once. i want that person to know: im going to kill you)
Omega gets a lightsaber. As a treat. She deserves it.
Things I think will happen in the finale specifically:
Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker, Hunter all die
Omega lives
Those three itty bitty clones(Mox, etc.) go with Rex
Cid pulls a Lando and tries to make up for her betrayal
Howzer dies and i die too
Crosshair momentarily overcomes his hand trembling to make a heroic and epic shot that saves someone's life(Rex/Wolffe/Gregor?). The music swells dramatically. The sun comes out. Omega wipes a tear from her eye. He will immediately die after this.
CX-2(Tech?) kills one of the bad batch
Then Omega/someone will be in danger and CX-2(Tech??) will overcome his reprogramming or whatever to save her life. He will also immediately die after this.
I haven't decided if I think Batcher will live and stay with Omega(symbolic of the rest of TBB still being with Omega metaphorically despite their deaths) or will die before the rest of them in a sooner episode(foreshadowing that they're all going to fkcing die)
I unfortunately don't think Hemlock will die. I have never hoped to be wrong about something as much as I hope to be wrong about this.
Welp. That's it. Happy Bad Batch Eve. See you all tomorrow if we're all still alive.
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earlgreytea68 · 6 months
Guess what? The song "So Much (For) Stardust" made Time magazine's best songs of the year list!
It makes me wonder whether it would have gotten a Grammy nomination, if it would have been chosen as a single. I bet the video would be epic!
I'm so used now to critics just basically ignoring that Fall Out Boy exists FOR NO REASON THAT I CAN TELL so the fact that someone listened to SMFS and was like, "You know what? This song is incredible. Write it down for the list," is just SO SATISFYING. I hope it made the boys so happy to get some kind of recognition for an album that has been unjustly glossed over by so much of media.
Also, SMFS really does have searing lyrics in the sense of, like, yes, that's exactly what this all feels like, being a grown-up in 2023. That "I used to be a real go-getter / I used to think it'd all get better" is just...it knocks me over the head every single time I hear it, it's simple and straightforward but absolutely brutal. It's such a good song, I'm so glad it got credit. :-)
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bangerbattlethemes · 1 year
battle of the battle themes
I've been following these poll tourneys very closely and got an idea for one of my own! I love video game OST's and thought it'd be fun to make one about that, especially since music has been a less explored venue than characters.
Must be from a video game
Must coincide with some kind of battle with the video game's enemies. Something that hypes you up and makes you feel unstoppable!
General battle themes or boss fight themes welcome
Some examples I had in mind: With Twilight of the Gods from Shadows of Valentia, God Shattering Star from Fire Emblem Three Houses, Song of the Ancients (Fate) from Nier Replicant/Gestalt
Y'all can submit those or whatever you want! In fact I'm excited to find new OST's to listen to!
I won't tolerate any rudeness or toxicity. Any offenders will be blocked.
No botting/cheating either, please. Let's just have a fun time here.
No video games that are very NSFW in nature please!
You can only submit your song once but you are free to send in multiple. Basically, no flooding with a repeat confession.
Propaganda is welcome, especially during the submission phase if you want a song submitted- though for the most part the music will be speaking for itself I think!
This is something very new for me and I don't rlly know much about tournament seeding or w/e so it'll probably be randomized. Please be patient with me!
Submissions have been closed early so I can include more people- sorry about that!
Other poll tourneys that inspired me to make one:
@pinkhairswagtourney @redhairswagtournament @sleepsmackdown @mad-scientist-showdown @purplegreenbracket @patheticmenscuffle @redandgreenpoll @fashiondisastertournament
Have fun; current polls are under read more for ease of access!
All Polls
Ace Attorney | Winner: Pursuit ~ Cornered ARMS Preliminary | Winner: Name Redacted Bravely Default Preliminary | Winner: Serpent Eating The Horizon Dai Gyakuten Saiban Preliminary | Winner: Partners ~ The Game is Afoot! Earthbound/Mother Epic Battle Fantasy Preliminary | Winner: Return of the Snow Queen Fire Emblem Preliminary | Winner: God Shattering Star Final Fantasy | Winner: One-Winged Angel Genshin Impact Preliminary | Winner: Scaramouche's Theme Granblue Fantasy Preliminary | Winner: Paradise Lost Hades Preliminary | Winner: God of the Dead Hollow Knight Preliminary | Sealed Vessel Kingdom Hearts Preliminary | Winner: Vector to the Heavens Kirby Preliminary | Winner: Masked Dedede Mad Rat Dead Preliminary | Winner: Ghost of Culvert Miitopia Preliminary | Winner: The Darkest Lord Monster Hunter Preliminary | Winner: Bewitching Dance (Mizutsune Theme) Octopath Traveler Preliminary | Winner: Decisive Battle II Persona Preliminary | Winner: Rivers in the Desert Pokemon Preliminary | Winner: Battle! Champion Cynthia/Battle! Pokemon Wielder Volo Splatoon Preliminary | Winner: Fly Octo Fly/Ebb and Flow The Legend of Zelda Preliminary | Winner: Revali's Theme 2 Toontown: Corporate Clash Preliminary | Winner: Guilt and Resentment Touhou Project Preliminary | Winner: U.N. Owen Was Her Transistor Preliminary | Winner: In Circles/_n C_rcl_s ULTRAKILL Preliminary | Winner: The Death of God's Will Undertale/Deltarune Preliminary | Winner: Death by Glamour Xenoblade Chronicles Preliminary | Winner: You Will Know Our Names Yakuza Preliminary | Winner: One-Eyed Slugger
Preliminaries We're Working On (Up Next)... None, all have been posted!
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egg-emperor · 4 months
have an idea for the Sonic Symphony. because they have that projector screen thing dedicated to the lyrics and video to accompany the music, the Eggman logo could show up just towards the end of a song and interrupt with a recorded Eggman message by Mike Pollock
all the music abruptly stops in response, everyone stops playing to listen as Eggman announces himself and makes threats and demands that everyone involved starts playing and singing along to songs/tracks related to him alone instead, such as level areas/bosses that he created- or else!
so then the orchestra and singers act afraid and start playing various Eggman boss/level music with urgency, then Paul Shortino or someone else comes out to sing E.G.G.M.A.N, to satisfy Eggman and save everyone in the audience too, who also have to sing along to contribute to their efforts!
how cool would that be? it'd be epic I think 💜🥚
feel free to take inspiration Sega/Sonic Team/Sonic Symphony team XD
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solarsonicsoda · 5 months
Rating 500+ Theme Tunes - #1: Adventure Time
Adventure Time is a show you have to have been living under a rock to miss. It’s an outlandish yet lore-rich show following adventurers Finn & Jake’s daily shenanigans in a colourful world that’s also post-apocalyptic. It’s pretty small though, definitely didn’t alter the market and become arguably the seminal cartoon of its time.
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I really liked this show growing up! I got Cartoon Network for the first time around the time this first came out, so this was one of the hot new shows for me to watch! I remember seeing adverts for this one so vividly and not really being sure what it'd be. I think I thought it would be a show dipping into various characters' wacky adventures, as opposed to the more focused show it was. But I watched those first few seasons whenever they were on, and I absolutely adored the world, the lore, and the characters. Marceline the Vampire Queen, you will always be famous.
I sadly fell off the show as I grew up, not for a lack of interest however, and tried to keep up with the goings-on when I could. I remained a fan, I occasionally drew the characters or in the style of the show, and of course I listened to all the songs. This show is known for having some absolutely brilliant songs throughout, "I'm Just Your Problem" being a personal fave, as well as "Nuts". God, I love this show, and it really brings me back to that time in my life when it was in its first few seasons! But speaking of music, how does the theme stand up?
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Adventure Time Theme Song (Link Here)
This is a simply iconic intro, with the big, sweeping open across Ooo into the fist bump and the sweet singing. I'm not counting the visuals but the spectacle and build-up of all this is simply incredible! It’s a really good fit for the show, and it’s pretty consistent with the unique presentation the show made for itself. Like, you wouldn't expect such innocent, quirky vocals with the grandiose build-up and exciting title, but not only does it work well, it really fits everything the show is. It's epic and vast and heavy, but it's also extremely goofy throughout.
Those lyrics are also super iconic! Simple, almost overly so, which furthers this whole charmingly odd vibe the intro brings, but also memorable and catchy. Very malleable for changes too, as seen in the variations for the subseries like Stakes and Elements. I won't get into too much detail on them, as they're all pretty much the same song with different singers and slightly altered lyrics, but they're super charming. Each unique singer brings a whole new sweet vibe and I think really drives home how iconic the lyrics are! It feels super cool for other characters to get involved in the intro. Best alternative intro is Stakes though, it goes hard.
But final verdict: the tune itself is really sweet, very cute, and it’s nice and snappy too, which can be nice sometimes! This is a simply brilliant intro, and I might be a smidge bias, but who isn't going to be? We're starting strong here, because I'm giving Adventure Time an S!
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Stay tuned for more and be sure to send in any suggestions for other shows you'd like to see done (after the 500 already in the pipeline that is). Maybe I'll do Fionna and Cake eventually! Also, by the way, this isn't the first alphabetically, I just thought it was a good starting point. Check out the intro to this series here, and let's look at the tier list so far... I guess.
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marvellouspinecone · 2 months
Ohhhh, you know what would be beautiful?
We'll have River meet Yaz - that needs to happen anyway in my book - maybe she'll show up at the support group or something. And then we need the Doctor Moon in her pocket on some device (sneakily listening in on the companions talking or maybe River muted herself for the therapy session) and we need a working hologram implant on Yaz.
And then they meet :)
(tbh I am very tempted to draw Dr. Moon on some screen perched on a desk side by side with hologram!13 watching with puzzled looks as Yaz and River flirt in the background)
I am very in love with the phone Dr. Moon idea. Even if it is revealed he isn't the Doctor (or it never is revealed whether he is). It can be a little bit like 12 in Clara's ear in Flatline, making commentaries and helping out technically. Or I assume like Mr Smith, but I don't actually know SJA, so Idk how fitting that comparison actually is.
If he still is in the library and live streaming and not just some downloaded copy, we could have Anita or Cal or someone take over from time to time to say hello to River and help out.
River has an archaeological problem: "Sweetie, get me Dave for a second, will you? This is his specialty subject, I need a second opinion and frankly, in this regard you are - practically useless."
"River! I am in the biggest library in the universe! I can just look it -"
"This is no book knowledge, dear, and we're kinda [in whatever mortal danger they are in]. Dave? Please? In your own time?"
And obligatory "River thinks Yaz is the Doctor" for a sec PLEASE! Yeah i think it'd be epic if they met and the hologram started glitching in and out of different versions of the Doctor bc of interference from both River and Doctor Moon.
Yeah, it's a whole pocket sized expert team!
ANITA i kind of forgot that was lowkey obsessed with Anita, do you wanna see a moodboard type thing i made for her?
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Well i'm showing you anyways. If River has some contact with the Library inhabitants still, i DEFO wanna see some more character moments for Anita. She got her face back, is she still genius? If personality traits can be changed so easily when you are just code - how can you be sure that you are a real you? Basically i want some existential themes, questioning humanity and all that jazz, her arc would fit nicely with River's here, since River is also just code now. How easily River can be changed from outside, who got her out of the Library and for what purpose and what is the price? It can very quickly go extremely dark, but i hope we can keep the balance
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vigilvntes · 1 year
Do you think Bruce can cook? I love the idea of domestic!Bruce making you food and leaving it for you when he goes out, but I also think that he'd burn water
domestic!bruce owns my heart sjdjskdjsjd
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i've spent too much time thinking about this and i DON'T think that bruce can cook. i think you're right, he'd burn water. every meal he's ever tried to make for himself has been a failure on an EPIC scale. he tries to turn to oven on and the world explodes. but i think that's because he's never really had an interest in taking care of himself? being the batman and protecting gotham pursuing vengeance is far more important to him so why would he waste his time on trivial things like COOKING or LEARNING TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF??
BUT i do think he'd be willing to learn how to cook, and i think once he's learnt he'd be really good at it, because he wants to be really good at everything he takes on. i think he'd be such a caretaker. always asking if you've eaten or if the new sheets on his bed are comfortable enough for you because he loves you and he wants to protect you and care for you, even if he can't seem to show himself the same kindness. so maybe you just mention a specific dish you really like. you probably don't think he's fully listening or paying attention because it's just mindless chatter, but he remembers every little thing about you.
he wants to do something nice for you, because you're so good to him and he honestly doesn't think he deserves it; so he's determined to cook your favourite dish. he'd buy ingredients on his way home, sneak into the kitchen of the penthouse before everyone wakes up and attempt to cook for you. i think he'd spend many mornings in there, because he'd be kind of perfectionist about it (and he doesn't want to give you food poisoning or something). he'll burn it, undercook it, overcook it. he'll set the stove on fire and hit it over and over again with a towel in hopes the fire will just go away, kick the oven, realise how much kicking the oven hurts and then kick it again because fuck you that hurt.
but eventually he perfects it!!! and bruce knows what time you usually wake up so he leaves a plate out for you and heads back down to the batcave to review the footage from the night before. that's how you end up eating dinner for breakfast but you don't CARE because it's such a sweet gesture (and let's be real living with bruce wayne would fuck your biological clock up anyway so??). when you've eaten and you go down to the cave to see him your grin and praise literally makes him feel so !!!!! 💖💘💝💗💝💞💓💘
it's enough encouragement for him to learn how to cook more dishes, just so he can see your smile and also because it gives him the incentive to feed himself !!! he'd probably love to cook with you too. i think deep down he'd probably crave simple domesticity, and the both of you in the kitchen causing havoc and burning food together makes him feel grounded !!! so even if you fuck it up, it's okay and he's still happy because he got to spend that time with you <3
anyway this was longer than i thought it'd be bYE
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littlesparklight · 1 year
<3 thank you @papillon82fluttersby :D
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four ships:
Zeus/Ganymede: feel like it'd be a crime not to start here, haha. I've always been into mythology, but randomly thinking about Ganymede's myth a couple years ago now (that long!!) got me wanting to read Greek myth stuff, and I started with the Iliad (for the Trojan-related angle) and the Bibliotheke, and so. I might currently be more focused elsewhere but this is still my beloved ship <3 You can do so much with them, and, especially, I'd say, by interpreting them as mutually in love. There's obviously other m/m couples in Greek myth and even one of those that at first looks tragic doesn't need to end that way (Apollo/Hyacinthus) but there are so many reasons Zeus/Ganymede is the one that has me by the throat.
Menelaos/Paris: Honestly, looking back I'm not quite sure how I didn't zero in on this one from reading the Iliad itself the first time, because this is definitely one of the flavours of ships I love. This ship is also what led to, first, Helen/Menelaos/Paris for me and then Helen/Paris, because 99% of the time I just don't care at all about het ships. This ship is also why I currently am like I am about Paris! Make no mistake, I didn't hate or dislike him before that, either, like the majority of Tumblr (and elsewhere) seem to do; reading the Iliad I mostly thought him kinda hapless and inoffensive, so going from there and liking him wasn't that big of a step. The possibility of them having bonded during those nine days in Sparta (or in Troy!), going from friends (or more) to enemies with complicated feelings still in the background is just so damn juicy to me.
Carmilla/Laura: original novella flavour! One day I hope to do a rewrite/retelling of my own, that would definitely end with Laura going or otherwise together with Carmilla, one way or another. The way Carmilla talks to/about Laura and what they feel for each other is just. so great. The caterpillar quote. The one about Laura loving her or hating her, and especially "love will have its sacrifices; no sacrifice without blood". And you know. The boob-biting to feed is extremely inspired and very hot, even if Le Fanu undoubtedly didn't mean it that way. I don't care. They're mine now. :)
Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker: Since I am so deeply into gen&family ships aside from romantic/sexual shipping, it feels, again, like a crime not to mention these two. The ST might have broken the back of my fannish engagement in SW currently, but these two? I love them. I love Luke's impossible and earnest belief in his father's inherent goodness, I love that fucking scene at the end of ESB where Vader reaches out and Luke reflexively, despite everything, says 'father?' HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE IT???
Last song: Oh, uhh... I don't remember, but it's possible it was Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer (happens to be one of my Helen/Paris songs for late war lol). I end up listening to a row of songs while drawing, sometimes (which is the only time I can listen to music and actually do something else at the same time), but it could have been another one, just as well.
Currently reading: Iliaden - en cover, by Dimitrios Iordanoglou, which is a (pretty heavily, sometimes) abridged and modernized version of the Iliad where the language is extremely slangy sometimes and the setting has been moved into "present day". Everyone uses guns and stuff. Apollo's main epithet is now "the Bomber" lol and he uses bombs and grenades. It's both extremely fun(ny) and really interesting, even if the language used sometimes make me wince even when I get why he's chosen it. But it's exactly because I know the changes he's made etc. that makes it extra interesting. When he keeps lines word-for-word from the Iliad they both stick out and fit in very well and it's interesting to see that, too. Also, and much longer than the above, is Paris in the Epic Tradition : a Study in Homeric Techniques of Characterization by Roberto Nickel, his thesis from 1997! I've mentioned it before; Nickel is exploring the possibility of the Iliad having changed/presented Paris (a lot) differently from how he might have been in traditional oral epic material. It's really interesting!
Last movie: Dungeon and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves! Loved it, a lot of fun, and despite how long it was, it all moved along at a good clip, nothing dragged.
Craving: Uh... :C Fics/art for my rare pairs? lol
Tagging: @a-gnosis @battlinghurricanes @crowlilies @my-name-is-apollo @scribeprotra @kebriones
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transgods · 29 days
91, 90, 67, 64, 61, 48, 38, 25, 23, 11, 10
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10. any unusual fears?
i don't have that many fears at awl in general i think but i get so anxious i can't sleep if i have to share a bed w someone i don't like trust aha also i used to be deathly afraid of stingrays as a kid like to the point where vaguely stingray shaped things like. the pool cleaners used to scare me. like id swim in a pool and if i saw this thing
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under me i would literally just exit the pool and refuse to get back in until it was removed. idk if im still scared of rays now tho
11. favorite myth?
collapses to my KNEES.... if no one got me the epic of gilgamesh got me. its The story. to me
23. what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
irl its kpop... all my friends r into kpop but i am just not rockin with any of the songs ive heard so far but im honestly ok with this. the ticket prices...... i will stay listening to my established range ty DGFGHJHJK and hmmmmmm i think online it'd be like. dnd or in an extension of that bg3 like im sorry but i just. maybe its not for me
25. do you collect anything?
YES the uhh nano/petit/mini bricks/blocks theyre basically mini legos and way cheaper than lego. ive gotten pretty much every aquatic animal from petit bricks theyre sitting on my shelf i love them :') extremely good activity to do when my hands get twitchy
38. what is your love language?
its definitely physical affection i am thee cuddly bitch of all time. second is words of affirmation tho. why are u asking me this u gay or smth?
48. you get to give a one-sentence note to yourself from a decade ago. what does it say?
kill yourself NOW! im kidding but idkkkkkkkk it might be surprise that i made it another decade or smth. not sure. past me is a bit of a mystery
61. do you believe in/follow any superstitions?
AWAAHHH off the top of my head im blanking bad but i dont eat bananas on lunar new years. or when theres like an exam. neither does the rest of my family. idk why
64. what's the best thing you can cook?
oh wow i love thematic continuation. its banana bread LMFAOO it might just be my favourite thing i can cook though
67. what's your favorite obscure piece of media?
HM i do not consider this obscure but ive literally never met someone else whos into this but the graphic novel/comic series called saga..... literally excellent idk
90. weirdest habit?
hmmmm i don't know whether this counts as a habit but i paint my nails just to pick off the polish otherwise i would probably ruin them altogether. hands need enrichment
91. what's a common misconception people have about you?
at this point i dont even know anymore i got too much stuff im juggling to work out exactly who is perceiving what.. i do think ppl think im smarter than i actually am tho eek
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angelroute · 6 days
okokok umm what would we be doing on a rooftop and whats the last messgae you sent.....
we would play and draw ❤️ it sounds fun to do it at night or during a sunset it'd be epic. we could listen to silly music
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the turkish wolf in mw or something
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