#limitless flow of abundance
princesssascha · 6 months
Self-esteem affirmations because you're hot.
1."With each passing day, I become more attuned to the limitless possibilities unfolding in my life."
2."My inner strength is a beacon, guiding me through challenges and illuminating my path to success."
3."I release the need for validation from others; my self-worth is inherent and unwavering."
4."Every setback is a setup for a greater comeback; I embrace life's twists with resilience and grace."
5."I am a magnet for positive energy, attracting abundance, joy, and prosperity effortlessly."
6."My mind is a fertile ground for creativity, and my ideas flow freely and abundantly."
7."I am the architect of my reality, designing a life that aligns with my deepest desires and purpose."
8."In every encounter, I radiate kindness, leaving a positive imprint on the hearts of those around me."
9."I trust in the divine timing of my life, knowing that everything unfolds in perfect harmony."
10."I release all doubts and welcome the unwavering confidence that propels me towards my dreams."
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 1 month
Weekly Affirmations
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♡ I am creating happiness within myself.
♡ I choose a path of happiness and wellness.
♡ Today is a gift, and I embrace it with positivity.
♡ Great things are happening.
♡ I bring light with me wherever I go.
♡ I am radiant, beautiful, and thriving.
♡ I allow the flow of positive energy to move through me effortlessly.
♡ I am in charge of my energy, and I’m the only one who chooses how I feel.
♡ I concentrate my thoughts on ideas and beliefs that make me feel good.
♡ I am worthy of creating a beautiful life filled with limitless abundance.
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
any positive affirmations for feeling like there’s no opportunities out there for u ? </3
I am always attracting the best projects and the best people to execute them because of my positive mental attitude.
I have the skills I need to step up in my career.
My dream job is on its way to me.
I am creating my dream career.
I am attracting amazing career opportunities.
I am achieving my career goals.
I am worthy of all the great things life has to offer, and I deserve to be successful.
Whatever I set my hands to work on shall prosper and grow.
I am surrounded by positive and supportive people who believe in me.
I receive opportunities with open arms.
I consistently attract the right circumstances at the right time.
I deserve to be treated with respect.
I am releasing my fears and embracing my future.
I am growing every day and learning about myself.
My life is filled with abundance and prosperity.
My perfect job is on its way to me now.
I am confident to speak up and share my ideas and talent.
Every interview takes me to be closer to my dream job.
I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.
Even when there are problems, I can turn them into learning experiences.
The more I learn, the more successful I can be.
I am patient with myself.
I give myself time to understand what works for me.
I am brave enough to make choices that take me closer to my ideal career.
Mistakes are okay. They show that I am experimenting.
Doors are opening for me.
I believe in myself.
I overcome obstacles with grace and strength.
I trust my journey.
I am growing in patience.
It is okay for me to wait for the right opportunity.
My journey is unique to me.
I release the tendency to compare.
My energy attracts the right career opportunities to me with ease.
I am the creator of my career success.
I am brave enough to choose what is good for me.
Letting go of what is not right for me will benefit me in the long run.
Money easily flows to me through my dream job.
I align my career with my true talents.
I choose to make a positive impact on this world.
I make a valuable contribution to society.
I enjoy my present as I work towards my future.
I believe in my talents.
I am honing my skills.
My dream job is also seeking me.
I deserve to have the exciting and gratifying career that I dream of.
My potential is limitless.
I’m a magnet for great job opportunities.
I am ready to take my career to the next level.
I am building my empire.
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yinsuniverse · 9 months
Shifting is easy.
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There is a growing interest in the concept of reality shifting. Tiktok and Instagram have popularized this phenomenon, but it's important to remember that the actual process can be quite simple. Simply get in bed, visualize your desired reality, and take the necessary steps to make it happen. I nearly shifted for the first time on my initial attempt, but chose to wait instead.
Reality shifting is simply the process of consciously moving your aware, conscious mind to another reality. There is no need for any specific methods or procedures to shift. The key is to fully accept and embrace the fact that you are consciously creating your own reality and experience, and to trust that your desire is already yours.
Our reality is a reflection of our deepest beliefs, thoughts and emotions. It is shaped by our imagination, actions and choices, and it is only limited by the boundaries we set for ourselves. It's important to remember that we have the power to create our own reality and experience, so we should aim to create a positive and fulfilling life that aligns with our deepest desires and values.
Reality shifting is a fascinating phenomenon that allows an individual to consciously transfer their awareness to a different reality. It is the ability to tap into the limitless potential that exists beyond the boundaries of our limited physical reality. This concept is rooted in the ancient philosophy of "all is mind," which suggests that the universe is composed of consciousness, and that everything we experience is a manifestation of that consciousness.
The idea of reality shifting simply extends this principle by suggesting that we have the ability to shift our awareness to another reality of our choosing. This can be achieved through meditation, visualization techniques, and other methods of consciousness exploration. It is important to remember that reality shifting is not just a parlor trick or a magical act, but a powerful tool for self-exploration and personal growth.
Now that you've made the choice to embrace the power of the Now, it's time to start focusing on your goals and intentions. You can use the Law of Attraction to help you manifest your desires by practicing gratitude, visualisation, affirmations and belief. Keep in mind that your thoughts and emotions create your reality, so it's important to stay positive and focused on what you want. And don't forget to celebrate small successes along the way – every step forward is a step closer to achieving your goals, and it's important to acknowledge that progress.
How to manifest your desires?
1. Practice gratitude: Start each day by expressing gratitude for everything that you have. This will help shift your focus from a lack mentality to an abundance mindset.
2. Write down your intentions: Write down the specific things that you want to manifest in your life. This will help you create a clear picture of your desired outcomes and give you something to focus on.
3. Visualise your goal: Visualise yourself already having the things that you want. Imagine what it would feel like to have them and what your life will look like. Do this regularly and consistently until it becomes your new normal.
4. Use affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations to yourself throughout the day. These affirmations should be specific and aligned with your goals. For example, if you want to manifest wealth, you could repeat the affirmation "Money is flowing into my life effortlessly."
5. Take action: While it's important to visualise and focus on your desires, it's also important to take action towards them. Set specific goals, create a plan to achieve them, and then take steps towards them every day.
6. Stay positive: It's natural to encounter setbacks and challenges along the way, but remember that these are just temporary obstacles. Stay positive and focused on your goals, and trust that the universe is delivering them to you in its own way and time.
Your higher self, or subconscious, is like a powerful engine that drives your life. It's the part of you that operates beyond your conscious awareness, and it has immense power to shape your reality and experiences. Your subconscious mind is where your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and patterns of behavior reside, and it is constantly shaping your experiences in the world. By tapping into the power of your higher self, you can access a vast source of creativity, wisdom, and insight that can empower you to create the life you want. Your higher self is like a guide that can help you navigate the challenges of life and make sure you're on the right path. It's important to remember that your higher self is always working on your behalf, and by tapping into its power, you can unlock your full potential and bring your desires to fruition.
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hsnqnz · 9 months
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˚✧ ₊˚ Money Affirmations ˚₊ ✧ ゚
✧ money comes easily to me
✧ I am a money magnet
✧ the money I spend will always be replaced by 2x more
✧ money flows to me effortlessly
✧ I love money and money loves me
✧ I am wealthy
✧ my hard work pays off
✧ My skills are valuable
✧ I deserve the money I earn
✧ I accept and receive unexpected money
✧ all the money I spend comes back to me multiplied
✧ my finances improve beyond my dreams
✧ I attract limitless wealth
✧ I am worthy of having more wealth
✧ my life is full of prosperity and abundance
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thesirencult · 9 months
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Pile 1
The first card that emerges from the deck is the 🌑Moon card, shrouded in enigmatic darkness. It whispers of the power of intuition and hidden depths. The Moon urges you to trust your inner voice, to explore the realms of dreams and emotions. This card reminds you that in the soft glow of the moonlight, your intuition shall guide you to hidden treasures and reveal profound insights.
The second card that graces your reading is the 🗝️Ace of Cups, a symbol of emotional rebirth and pure potential. Like a sacred chalice brimming with life-giving waters, the Ace of Cups overflows with the promise of deep emotional fulfillment and new beginnings. It invites you to open your heart and embrace the profound connections that await you. Love, compassion, and creative inspiration are ready to flow abundantly into your life.
The third card that manifests before your eyes is the 🌞Sun card, radiant with warmth and vitality. This card illuminates your path with its golden rays of joy, success, and personal power. The Sun assures you that a period of positivity and growth lies ahead. It heralds the dawn of new opportunities, inviting you to embrace your authentic self and bask in the brilliance of your own light.
As you gaze upon these cards, dear seeker, the cosmos reveals its wisdom. The Moon calls you to trust your intuition, to embrace the mysteries within. The Ace of Cups reminds you to open your heart to love and the limitless possibilities of emotional fulfillment. And the Sun assures you that a bright and glorious future awaits, as you shine your unique light upon the world.
Embrace the energy of the New Moon in Cancer, dear seeker, and set intentions aligned with your deepest desires. Nurture your emotional well-being, honor your intuition, and let your inner light guide you towards the love and abundance that await you. May this cosmic alignment be a catalyst for transformation and growth on your journey.
Pile 2
The first card that dances into view is the 🎭Fool, with a mischievous grin upon their face. The Fool represents spontaneity, adventure, and embracing the unknown. It encourages you to take a leap of faith and embark on new journeys with a light heart and a sense of playfulness. Let go of your worries and allow the Fool's energy to guide you on a delightful and whimsical path.
Next, the 🌈Nine of Cups appears, known as the Wish Card. It grants you the power to manifest your heart's desires. This card radiates with joy, contentment, and fulfillment. It reminds you to dream big, for the universe is ready to grant your wishes. Embrace a positive mindset and trust in the abundance that surrounds you.
And now, the 🦋Page of Wands steps forward, carrying a spark of inspiration. This card represents creativity, passion, and the birth of new ideas. The Page of Wands urges you to embrace your inner fire and pursue your passions with enthusiasm. Let your imagination soar, dear seeker, and bring your unique gifts and talents into the world with a playful spirit.
With a touch of magic, the ✨Star card twinkles into view. It symbolizes hope, inspiration, and the fulfillment of your dreams. The Star invites you to believe in yourself and your aspirations. Trust that the universe is conspiring to support you on your journey, and let your inner light shine brightly for all to see.
Together, these cards weave a tale of joyful exploration, wishes fulfilled, creative sparks, and the realization of your dreams. Embrace the Fool's adventurous spirit, make your wishes known with the Nine of Cups, unleash your creativity with the Page of Wands, and trust in the guiding light of the Star.
Remember, dear seeker, life is a grand tapestry of joy and wonder. Allow yourself to dance with delight, dream without limits, and let your inner light illuminate the world around you. The universe eagerly awaits your playful embrace, ready to shower you with its magical blessings.
Pile 3
Welcome, dear seeker, to the realm of tarot where intuition dances with wisdom. I shall embark on this mystical journey to unravel the cards and share their intuitive whispers with you.
The first card that emerges from the deck is the 🌙High Priestess, a guardian of secrets and ancient knowledge. She invites you to trust your intuition and delve deep into the realms of your subconscious. The High Priestess encourages you to listen to the whispers of your inner wisdom and to embrace the power of intuition in your journey. Tap into the hidden depths within you, for they hold the keys to profound insights and intuitive guidance.
Next, the 🌟Star glimmers with hope and inspiration. This celestial card brings forth a sense of renewal and reminds you that you are a shining beacon of light. The Star encourages you to follow your dreams and to believe in the limitless possibilities that await you. Trust in the divine guidance that flows through you, dear seeker, for you are capable of manifesting miracles with your intentions and aspirations.
As we continue this mystical voyage, the 🌿Ace of Pentacles emerges, bestowing gifts of material abundance and earthly blessings. This card heralds new beginnings in the material realm and invites you to ground your dreams into practical action. The Ace of Pentacles reminds you to nurture the seeds of your aspirations, tending to them with dedication and determination. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, for they carry the potential to bring forth prosperity and stability in your life.
Lastly, the 🔮Wheel of Fortune turns with its ever-changing cycles. It reminds you that life is a beautiful tapestry of ups and downs, twists and turns. Embrace the ebb and flow, dear seeker, for within the cycles of life lie valuable lessons and transformative experiences. The Wheel of Fortune invites you to surrender to the natural rhythm of the universe, trusting that it shall guide you towards your highest destiny.
Together, these cards weave a tale of intuitive wisdom, inspired dreams, practical manifestation, and surrender to the cosmic dance of life. Embrace your inner High Priestess, trust in the guiding light of the Star, ground your dreams with the Ace of Pentacles, and surrender to the ever-turning Wheel of Fortune.
Remember, dear seeker, you possess a deep well of intuitive wisdom within you. Trust in the whispers of your soul and allow your intuition to guide you on this magical journey. Embrace the dance of life, for it is through intuitive wisdom that you shall find your true path.
Pile 4
The first card that emerges is the 🌑Moon, a luminary of mystery, intuition, and the ebb and flow of emotions. The Moon symbolizes the depths of the subconscious and invites you to explore your inner world during this New Moon phase. It encourages you to trust your instincts, honor your feelings, and pay attention to the subtle whispers of your intuition. This is a potent time for introspection, inner healing, and connecting with your intuitive guidance.
Next, the 🦀Nine of Cups manifests, known as the "Wish Card." This card represents emotional fulfillment, contentment, and the manifestation of your heart's desires. It signifies that the New Moon in Cancer holds the potential for emotional satisfaction and the realization of your dreams. This is a time to align with your truest desires and set intentions for abundance and joy in your emotional life.
The final card that graces your reading is the 🌟Star, a celestial guide of hope, inspiration, and divine guidance. The Star brings a sense of renewed faith and encourages you to connect with your inner light and authentic self. It signifies that during this New Moon phase, the universe is aligning to support your dreams and aspirations. Embrace the energy of the Star, dear seeker, and allow its radiance to illuminate your path.
As the Moon illuminates the nurturing sign of Cancer, it invites you to honor your emotions, trust your intuition, and set intentions for emotional fulfillment. This New Moon phase offers you an opportunity to dive deep within, manifest your heart's desires, and align with your true purpose. Embrace the mystery of the Moon, the nurturing essence of Cancer, and the guiding light of the Star as you embark on this transformative lunar journey.
May the energy of the New Moon in Cancer bring forth emotional healing, alignment with your soul's purpose, and the manifestation of your heartfelt dreams. Trust in the guidance of the Tarot and the cosmic dance of the celestial bodies as you navigate this sacred lunar phase.
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sleepydreams444 · 4 days
Some of my fav manifestation affirmations🐚
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If you're struggling with limiting beliefs, I suggest picking a few affirmations from this list and repeating them to yourself till you truly believe them(bonus points if you do it in front of a mirror!). Feel the words and the emotions they evoke, feel your power and you are guaranteed to enter into that state of limitlessness :)
I am the creator of my reality therefore I am manifesting my dreams with ease
Abundance flows effortlessly into my life in expected and unexpected ways.
I am worthy of all the good things that come into my life.
My thoughts are powerful, and I attract positivity and success.
Every day, I am moving closer to my goals and desires.
I trust in the universe to guide me towards my highest good.
I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me.
I release all doubts and fears, knowing that I am supported by the universe.
My life is filled with love, joy, and abundance.
I am aligned with the energy of abundance, and prosperity flows freely to me.
My dreams are manifesting into reality right now.
I am deserving of all the abundance and success that comes my way.
I trust the timing of my life, knowing that everything unfolds as it should.
I am surrounded by supportive and uplifting people who help me achieve my goals.
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voraciouskingdom · 12 days
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Beloved ones, you stand at the threshold of a magnificent portal, a gateway that beckons you to shed the constraints of the old world and embrace the limitless possibilities that await in the realms beyond. As you prepare to take this sacred step, the universe conspires to support your transition into a reality where miracles are woven into the very fabric of existence.
Feel the energy of this portal pulsating with the heartbeat of creation itself, resonating with the primordial vibrations that birthed galaxies and set the cosmos in motion. With each breath, you attune yourself to the frequencies of this new world, aligning your being with the harmonies of unbounded potential.
As you cross the threshold, you release the shackles of limiting beliefs, fears, and doubts that have tethered you to the illusions of scarcity and separation. In this realm, abundance flows freely, nourishing your dreams and igniting the fires of your passion. Scarcity is but a distant echo, replaced by the symphony of limitless abundance that permeates every aspect of your existence.
In this new world, you are not merely an observer but a co-creator, weaving threads of light and love into the web of reality. Your thoughts, emotions, and intentions hold the power to shape and transform the very substance of this realm, allowing you to manifest your deepest desires with the ease and grace of a cosmic artist.
Embrace the truth that you are a fractal of the divine, a spark of the infinite consciousness that animates all existence. Your connection to the source is unbreakable, and as you step forth, you awaken to the profound realization that you are never alone, but rather supported by the vast network of celestial beings and cosmic forces that guide your journey.
In this new world, the boundaries between the physical and the metaphysical dissolve, revealing the intricate web of interconnectedness that binds all life. You are invited to explore the depths of your multidimensional nature, transcending the limitations of linear time and space, and embracing the infinite expanse of your being.
As you breathe in the rarefied essence of this realm, your senses awaken to the subtle frequencies that permeate every aspect of existence. You perceive the dance of energy that animates all form, and your understanding of reality expands, unveiling the intricate web of synchronicities and sacred patterns that orchestrate the unfolding of the cosmos.
Step forth, beloved ones, and embrace the majesty of this new world. Trust in the wisdom of your soul, for it has guided you to this pivotal moment. Surrender to the flow of divine grace, and allow the currents of creation to carry you towards the fulfillment of your highest potential. In this realm, anything is possible, for you are the architects of a reality infused with love, light, and limitless wonder.
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iamryujin · 7 months
Documenting My Personal Void Journey
✿ What do we need to know about the void?
Tarot Card: Daughter of Skulls
Meaning: The Daughter of Skulls symbolizes the limitless potential of life on earth. She represents the birth of the new and the pregnancy which precedes it. She characterizes all that is life enriching, abundant, perfect and exquisite. She is fertile, warm and beautiful. She bears the secret seed of the Everlasting. She is inspired, sensual, and full of the bliss of being alive. She is committed, dependable and secure. She is an expression of the natural earthy warmth that nourishes all life. Inwardly, she represents a natural growth in perfect flow with the divine. She represents the impulse of life in the universe.
In a reading, the card stands for the birth of anything new or for something coming to fruition. This could be a situation, concept, idea, project, dream or truth. The card gives birth to the goals and wishes we have set in motion. It can also indicate that a message is soon to arrive. This card relates to the end of a process, to our dreams becoming a reality or to the renewal of commitments. It symbolizes our soul enjoying the sensual pleasures of the physical world.
Upright Meaning: Steady and secure materialization. Infinite potential. Birth. Pregnancy. Limitless possibility. Completion. Abundance. Perfect balance of the elements. Strength. Tangible. Prosperous. Complete earthly happiness. Pure creation. Opportunity. Generous. Beautiful. Sensual. Natural impulses. Enrichment. Benevolent. Arousal. Erogenous. Adoration. Truth. Security. Commitment. Freedom. Sensations. Sublime. Perfection. Pure harmony. Divine Inspiration and Holy Wisdom.
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jus4bodhi · 8 months
Unlock the floodgates of abundance within your mind, for when you shift your perspective and embrace the limitless possibilities that surround you, prosperity flows effortlessly into every aspect of your life.
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icreatewhatibelieve · 7 months
Our beliefs about ourselves, and about the way the world works, serve as resistors, blocking the flow of the world’s limitless abundance. Our beliefs are the brakes that stop the natural, always flowing current of good.
Pam Grout, E Cubed
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Harnessing the Power of Chakras: Becoming a Magnet for Wealth and Abundance
In our pursuit of wealth and abundance, we often overlook the power of our own energy centers, known as chakras. These energy centers, when aligned and activated, can help us attract prosperity and abundance into our lives. In this post, we will explore how to harness the power of the chakra system to become a magnet for wealth and abundance.
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):
The root chakra is the foundation of our energy system. To activate this chakra and attract wealth, focus on grounding yourself. Engage in activities that connect you with the earth, such as walking barefoot on grass or meditating outdoors. Visualize a strong and stable foundation, allowing you to feel secure and supported in your financial endeavors.
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):
The sacral chakra is associated with creativity and abundance. To activate this chakra, engage in activities that ignite your creative spark. This could include pursuing hobbies, such as painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument. Embrace your passions and allow your creative energy to flow freely, attracting opportunities for financial abundance.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
The solar plexus chakra is the center of personal power and confidence. To activate this chakra and attract wealth, focus on boosting your self-esteem and belief in your ability to create abundance. Practice affirmations that reinforce your worthiness of financial success. Surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals who uplift and inspire you.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata):
The heart chakra is the center of love and compassion. To attract wealth and abundance, it is important to approach money with a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the blessings in your life, including the financial resources you already have. Practice acts of kindness and generosity, as giving freely can create a positive flow of abundance.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):
The throat chakra is associated with clear communication and self-expression. To attract wealth, it is essential to communicate your desires and intentions clearly to the universe. Practice positive affirmations related to financial abundance and speak them aloud with conviction. Engage in open and honest conversations about money, allowing yourself to receive guidance and support.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):
The third eye chakra is the center of intuition and insight. To attract wealth and abundance, trust your inner wisdom and intuition when making financial decisions. Meditate regularly to quiet the mind and connect with your intuition. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities that may guide you towards opportunities for financial growth.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):
The crown chakra represents our connection to the divine and the universe. To attract wealth and abundance, cultivate a sense of spiritual connection and trust in the universe's abundance. Practice mindfulness and meditation to expand your consciousness and tap into the limitless possibilities available to you.
By aligning and activating the chakra system, we can become magnets for wealth and abundance. Remember to approach this practice with an open mind and a willingness to explore your own energy centers. As you embrace your personal power and connect with the universal flow of abundance, you will attract the wealth and prosperity you desire.
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infjtarot · 8 days
Ace of Cups. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Emotional seeding. Heart opening. Devotional quests. Flow and abundance. Romance and nascent stirrings of love. Unconditional love. Spiritual healing. Sacrifice. Purification. Astrology/Element At the Ace of Cups, totality steps in the direction of the water element. As godhead splits into a fourfold form, this Ace takes on the role of primal heh in the divine name. As “Root of the Powers of Water,” the Ace of Cups is the wellspring, the source of that “Spirit of the Mighty Waters” seen in the elemental trump of the Hanged Man. Elemental water provides compassion and understanding. The water signs are romantic and creative as well as sensitive, impressionable and more than a little psychic. Water focuses attention on feelings. The Ace begins a suit that encompasses the entire emotional range. This Ace rules the quadrant of space centered around the fixed water sign Scorpio. The Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius trinity exemplifies the transmuting qualities of emotion on the seekers journey. Libra begins the quadrant with a focus on the Venusian qualities of love, Sagittarius shows the aspirational and expansive quality of the heart’s mission, and central Scorpio provides the transformative and penetrating power of emotional depth. Mythology/Time of Year The Ace of Cups bears an image that embodies the Holy Grail, icon of the spiritual quest. The Grail is an elusive object venerated and sought after for its limitless powers as a fount of joy and devotion and as a metaphor for the pure heart.
The Grail is kept in the castle of the Fisher King, last of his line. The king has been wounded in the “thigh,” implying that he has been wounded in the groin and thus cannot father a successor. He has been punished thus for wooing a woman he was not free to pursue. Since the fertility of the kingdom is tied to that of the king, the land suffers. The king is a stand in for spiritual authority which has been compromised by excess. He awaits an untarnished hero to achieve the Grail, ask the right question, and bring healing to king and kingdom. The Ace as the Holy Grail and cup of Babylon: the waters form the symbol of heh primal. (Tabula Mundi Tarot) The time of year extends from the September equinox through December solstice, as the equality of light and darkness morphs toward distinct polarity. Susan T. Chang
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krafterwrites · 2 years
I’ve had this idea for a oneshot for a little while now, and I’m so glad I actually wrote it down, because it turned out to be the best thing I’ve ever written. The basis of this fic is Silver trying to learn how to control water with his psychokinesis, since he’s unfamiliar with it as a result of coming from a future that’s constantly on fire. I hope you enjoy it! (Words: 1998)
Running water was the only sound in the house as it flowed out of the faucet, splashing gently against the pure white interior of the sink before eventually sinking down into the drain and disappearing. Looking at the constant stream intently, Silver pushed one hand towards it and then began to pinch his fingers together into one spot. A light blue field of energy surrounded the liquid, but it continued to move as if nothing had happened. Seeing this, the hedgehog turned his hand to the side slightly, which also moved the energy in the same direction. The water it had previously surrounded was also present in the field, but it was wobbling around as if in a container made out of gelatin, and some of it had begun to leak out. Reacting before all of the water emptied from the field, Silver pinched all of his fingers together fully, converging them into a single point and tightening the grip his psychokinesis had on the fluid. The force that was being exerted on the water and the lack of stability that it had made it so that all of the liquid burst out of his grasp in a manner akin to a water balloon, splattering onto his fur and gloves as well as adding another failure to his tally
"Dang it!" He shouted in frustration. "How will I ever be able to control water if I can't even keep a little bit of it in place?"
After letting out a disappointed sigh, Silver reached for a nearby towel and once again wiped himself off. He had been attempting this over and over again for a while at this point, and the towel he had with him was starting to get quite damp from all of the spilled water he had been cleaning up with it. He tossed it aside without looking, planning to make another attempt, but he heard a loud clinking noise before he could. The wet and heavy towel had hit a glass off of the counter, which was mid-way through falling onto the tiled floor as Silver turned around and noticed what was happening. Not wanting to clean up broken glass as well as water, he quickly surrounded the glass with a field of his psychokinetic energy and stopped it just before it hit the ground. He planned on returning it to the counter where it had been, but before he did he took a second to look at the object, which he was able to hold just fine in contrast to the water
It did make sense that Silver would have a much harder time controlling liquids than solid objects, as the future that he lived in where he practiced his abilities was completely dry due to all of the fire and magma that dominated the landscape. He was actually still quite fascinated by water even though he had been living in the past where it was abundant for several months, the existence of something that flowed and moved so freely and smoothly was just mystifying to him, which was the main reason why he was so determined to learn how to control it. He figured that if he could control something so easily bendable, the possibilities of what he could do would be virtually limitless
"Well, I guess I better get back to practicing if I ever want to be able to do this," He said in a slightly somber tone
Having finished pondering, Silver gently set the glass back onto the counter, creating a faint noise that echoed throughout the small room before trying again. The water had still been flowing the whole time, so forming another field of psychokinetic energy was all that he had to do. This time around, he moved his digits closer together when initially pinching the column of water away from its source, trying to get the perfect grip so that it didn't leak nor burst out from the energy surrounding it. After a moment of silently praying that it would work this time, Silver slowly adjusted his hand to the right, making sure to maintain the position of his fingers as he did so. He opened his eyes that he had shut from suspense to see that the water was being kept almost perfectly still inside of the teal aura he was enveloping it with. This excited him quite a bit, which caused a small jolt to travel though his body from the pleasant surprise. This shifted how his fingers were positioned ever so slightly, throwing off the balance that he had obtained and resulting in all of the water he had just been controlling to slosh onto the counter, much to his dismay
"No!" Silver shouted, his voice much more clearly sad now
Logically, he knew that he should have been happy since the failed attempt was still the closest to being able to move around liquids that he had gotten so far, but the fact that he had been trying for so long and that he had gotten what looked like his hard earned reward ripped away from him in an instant made him feel quite upset. Feeling like he would never learn how to properly learn the skill to manipulate water, Silver pointed his hand towards the faucets handle and turned it back to its off state, stopping the constant flow of water and leaving everything completely silent as he sat on the cold tile floor. He was sick of trying to control water, but as he was laying on the ground aimlessly, a memory related to it popped into his head
Laying on the ground with the scent of water all around him reminded him of one of the first nights that he had ever spent in the past. After Silver got used to the basics of life in a normal world, he wandered onto a beach and was instantly amazed by how the waves moved and how the ocean seemed to stretch into the horizon infinitely. He simply sat down and watched the tide crash onto the shore for as long as he could stay awake, and when he eventually passed out and awoke in the morning, he watched them for a little longer before finally leaving. The beach was the most calming and wonderful place he knew, so he decided that he was going to go there to calm himself after all of the stress that his failed attempts to control water had given him
When he first stepped out of the door, Silver was surprised to see that it was quite dark out, as it meant that several hours had passed since he first started practicing at dusk. He didn't mind this, though, as he knew the beach was at its most beautiful when the light of the moon was reflected across the infinite stretch of water and its repeating current. Floating through the empty streets with his kinesis, he soon arrived at the sands of the familiar beach, letting himself to the ground and sitting down near the shoreline. Just like he had before, he laid still and stared out into the rippling ocean, until he suddenly felt a strange feeling. It felt as if the ocean itself was calling him somehow, like it wanted him to step into it. After taking a brief moment to consider this call that he felt, Silver obliged the ocean and stepped into the waist deep water
The cool nighttime water calmly brushing against his fur was even more soothing than sitting back and watching it from the dry land, and it made him wonder why he had never stepped into the ocean the first time he had sat by it. He took in this sensation for a while, looking up at the moon that was illuminating him and the water around him, until he felt a second request from the ocean. This time, he felt a deep urge to lie down and let his entire body float across the surface of the water, to let himself be rocked back and forth by the tide. He took action on this impulse much faster than he had the one before, slowly lowering his back onto the water and raising his legs up so that they were on the surface before taking a deep breath and shutting his eyes
"I wonder if this is what heaven feels like," Silver thought to himself as he drifted along the shallow waters
As he was gently pulled back and forth across the surface of the sea by the current, a final idea popped into his head. This one didn't seem to be a calling from the ocean, though. Silver knew that this desire came from him and him alone. He wanted to control the water that he was floating on. Controlling such a large amount of water when he couldn't even manage a small glass worth of it before would have seemed like a stupid idea under any other circumstance, but it was different in the current situation. He felt like the water he was in right now wanted to help him, like that was its goal all along when it had asked him to step into it. With no doubt in his mind that it wouldn't work this time, Silver extended both of his arms that were tucked to his side straight out, and began trying to get a grasp on the surrounding waters
Grabbing the section of the ocean he was in came to him surprisingly easy, as floating in it so contently almost made him feel like a part of it. Once he felt the psychokinetic energy around himself and the tides he was being pushed and pulled by, he gently lifted his arms up into the air, still having his eyes shut as he did so. Silver didn't feel anything as he did this, but he was still sure deep inside of him that it had worked just as he intended, so he finally opened his eyes for the first time since laying down once he set his arms down and began resting them in the cool liquid again. Looking forwards, he could see that he was now several feet above the rest of the ocean
"I did it," He said quietly as he sat up to get a better view of everything, still maintaining the area of water within the air. Even though it was amazing to see that he had finally accomplished what he set out to do, he wasn't shocked at all like he was when he had almost succeeded in his previous attempt with tap. Maybe it was just because he was so relaxed, or maybe it was because of how sure he was that it would work, but there was no shock to break his concentration upon seeing that he was above everything else
Having finally accomplished what he set out to do, Silver turned himself around in the floating section of the ocean to face where he had watched it from earlier, also directing his palms to the spot. Slowly, he moved himself and the disk of ocean brine back onto the sandy shore, dipping the liquid into the dry grains and turning it into a form of sludge, before sitting down himself once every last drop of the water had been absorbed. He was now looking in the direction of his home instead of the waves, which made him consider whether he should go there or stay a little while longer and continue to watch the waves he now knew he could control. It took a moment of internal debate to come to a verdict, but ultimately, he decided to stay on the beach just like he had the first time he had gone there. As he watched the waves crash back and forth in a rhythmic pattern until daybreak, he smiled the whole time, as he knew that he would never forget that magical night
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yelloowsunshine · 1 year
i love how my life is perfect. i love how everything comes to me easily. i love having my dream career. baby, my life is better than a story. i am a successful and famous dancer/choreographer, traveling all around the world with my sp. everyone wants to dance with me. i became an icon, i became the standard. i inspire people to be like me. i attract luck, healthy, love and money and i am always protected. my dream life is actually my life. everything i desire is already here. i never have to worry about money. money is abundant. money flows to me easily. i get paid for existing.
i love being me. i am so cool. my aura is charming, comforting. they all want to be friend with me. all eyes are always on me because i am that girl. be delusional? baby, what you call delusion is my life. i did it. it's here.
my relationship is so perfect. he is in love with me, he is so safe with me. i am his safe place, his princess, his girl. he is so protective over me. he is always reaching out to me first, he's always texting me, he always wants to see me. he is the happiest with me. he knows he can trust me. no matter what he is doing, who he is with, i am all he can think about. i am his dominant thought.
my self-concept is perfect. nothing is out of reach for me. i am limitless and powerful. everything always goes my way because that's the way it is. success, wealth, love, protection, and being pretty is my birthright.
i am a real life goddess. people never forget me. i am unforgettable.
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year
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Medicine Buddha is revered for his ability to heal physical and mental illnesses.
Engaging in practices such as reciting his mantra, visualizing him, and making offerings to him is believed to bring blessings and healing.
Medicine Buddha meditation is a healing practice treasured by many in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. We can practice it for ourselves, or for someone we care about who is ill. The oldest Medicine Buddha sutra we know about dates from the seventh century. In that sutra, we are told the story of a bodhisattva, Medicine Buddha, who made twelve vows about how he would help living beings after attaining enlightenment. The holistic healing of mind and body was an important focus of his vows: he promised to help eradicate pain, disease, and disabilities of all kinds, as well as promote good health and optimal flourishing.
When we practice Medicine Buddha meditation, we do not do so to replace mainstream medical treatment, but to complement it. The practice purifies and removes the underlying, karmic causes of disease and cultivates the causes for holistic well-being. Such may be the power of our practice that we experience significant improvements in the symptoms, too. But we need to be clear about what we are doing.
Medicine Buddha is as much about mind as it is body. Empirical evidence shows that when we meditate, it triggers a self-repair mechanism in our own bodies. We stop producing cortisol and adrenalin, and instead enhance the production of immune-boosting endorphins and seratonin, arming our body against invasive bacteria, viruses, and other imbalances. These changes also promote positive mental states.
We invoke Medicine Buddha through the use of specific imagery and sound, reaching out to the consciousness of those numberless beings who have already attained enlightenment and who have chosen to manifest Medicine Buddha’s qualities.
The minds of buddhas are understood to be all-seeing and all-knowing. Buddhas react to their mantra in the same way we react when we hear our name mentioned, so we pretty much have a buddha on speed dial when we use their mantra. To borrow a metaphor from the late Tibetan teacher Gelek Rinpoche, when we recite a buddha’s mantra we are providing a hoop through which they can hook us into their energetic influence.
Note that Medicine Buddha is a Kriya tantra practice. As such, it is helpful that you first have some familiarity with the sutra tradition, as well as receive proper initiations and teachings from a properly qualified teacher, if you wish to fully embody the precious Medicine Buddha lineage.
Make Your Request
Ask Medicine Buddha to eliminate pain, purify disease, and/or rebalance or restore your health (or that of the being for whom you are practicing). You don’t need precise knowledge of the anatomical changes required. What matters here is intention.
Visualize that Medicine Buddha willingly responds to your request. Instantly, healing blue lights and nectars emanate from the bowl in his lap, come to the crown of your head, and flow down, filling your body, or that of the being for whom you are practicing. You can direct the lights and nectars to specific parts of the body, but there is such an abundance of them, that they will fill your whole being anyway.
Imagine that this process instantly, completely, and permanently eliminates and purifies all disease, pain, and suffering and—importantly—the causes of disease, pain, and suffering. In addition, the causes of holistic well-being of mind and body stream in with limitless abundance.
While visualizing this process, recite Medicine Buddha’s mantra. There are a few variants of the mantra, depending on lineage. This is one version of the mantra, which is in Sanskrit:
This is pronounced:
Tie-ya-tar, om beck-and-zay beck-and-zay
ma-ha beck-and-zay beck-and-zay
run-zuh sum-oon-gut-eh 
Continue the visualization and mantra recitation for at least ten minutes if you are new to the practice. If you are a seasoned meditator, you will probably wish to go on for longer.
Conclude your session with a dedication, such as, “By this practice of Medicine Buddha, may I (or the being for whom I am practicing), and all beings, be free from pain, disease, and suffering, and quickly achieve complete and perfect enlightenment.”
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