infjtarot · 8 hours
Empress. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Fertility. Creativity. Maternity. Love. Sensuality. Beauty and attraction. Wife or mother. Receptiveness. The womb. Life and death. Fructification. Love and war goddesses, also the goddess. Mother Nature. Astrology/Element Other than the sun and moon, Venus is the brightest object in our sky. Trailing the sunset, she is the evening star (Hesperus); preceding sunrise, the morning star (Lucifer). Like Inanna of the seven veils, she reveals herself to us in phases. The planet is mysteriously veiled by clouds—and incredibly hot! Venus signifies female attributes, beauty, and how we attract and go about getting what we desire. Her glyph suggests a figure with welcoming arms, and is comprised of the circle of Spirit over the cross of matter. It looks like the Egyptian ankh, meaning “life.” Life emanates from nature. The appetite of life for procreation is born from humankind (the cross) seeking completion (the circle). The glyph is the only one which connects all the sephiroth of the Tree of Life. The planet Venus symbolizes all we find worthy of desire—usually love and money! Venus loves luxury, pleasure, and relationships of all kinds. She rules two signs: airy Libra by day and earthy Taurus by night. Libra, the seventh sign, represents beauty, harmony, balance, and marriage; Taurus, the second sign, is concerned with the comforts, pleasures, and necessities of life. As the lesser benefic, Venus bestows gifts. Her earthy presents are sensuality, refined taste, and resources: favors that grant prosperity. Her airy presents deal with charm, culture, physical symmetry and beauty, diplomacy, discernment, and popularity. In her fullness she represents all that is creative, whether that involves nurturing children, making music, or the creative arts. Her exaltation in Pisces shows that it is through compassion that she best expresses her ideal of love as sacrifice. Mythology/Alchemy The Empress is the representation of alchemical salt. In alchemy salt is the body and base matter. It is what remains after the process of combustion, the substance that survives death and generates new life. Salt is an enigma; it both preserves and corrodes just as Venus is described by the alchemists as “external splendor and internal corruption.” Salt dries things out yet is harvested from the waters of the sea.
Heavenly Aphrodite, born from sea foam, is the “Amorous One,” “Mother of Passion and Peace,” and the “Giver of Life.” Portrayed as an infinitely desirable woman, her domain is that of love, pleasure, and procreation. We must never forget though that her favorite lover was Ares, god of war, and that her predecessor, Astarte, was both a fertility and a war goddess. Like the Priestess, the Empress is associated with Hathor. She is also associated with Isis, in her role as Queen of Heaven, wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus. Yet Crowley reminds us, “not only Isis, but Nephthys.” 9 Nephthys was the sister of Isis, nursemaid of Horus, and bride of warlike Set. She was called “Lady of the Enclosure,” representing the gateway much like the Empress is often referred to as the “Gate of Heaven.” Where Isis guides the passage of birth, Nephthys guides passage through the gate of death, for one is inherent in the other. Demeter (Ceres), called “She of the Grain,” is a goddess of agriculture and maternal relationships. The name Ceres comes from roots meaning “to feed” and “to grow.” The suffix -meter in the name Demeter refers to the word mother. The prefix de- is an old name for a chthonic earth goddess; thus, she is the “Mother Earth.” Her most famous tale involves her mourning the abduction of her daughter Persephone, causing the earth to wither in winter. Don’t mess with Mother Nature! Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 1 day
3 of Pentacles. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Evolutionary striving. Building up something material. Aspiration and growth. Energy to create. Construction and production over time. Unstoppable energy awakens, building blocks of form. Cell division and multiplication. Collaboration. Astrology/Element Saturn’s influence doubles here as it rules both Capricorn and the sphere of the threes. Mars, ruling the decan, is exalted in the sign. Combine the vigor and force of Mars with the maturing ambition of Capricorn, add Saturn’s structural framework and form and the passage of time, and something will take shape. This is how organisms and empires are built: with discipline and one unit at a time. Resources are gathered and energy is applied. A blueprint is followed, and as a result, one is bound to a form. Mars strives in the sign of its exaltation, with a desire to succeed and create in spite of, or with the blessing of, Saturn’s limits and boundaries. Mankind aspires and over time progresses step-by-step. Mythology/Time of Year The Sumerian god Enki, identified with the goat-fish (Capricorn) and semen (Mars), was called Lord of the Earth. He was the patron and founder of Eridu, the first city ever created according to Sumerian belief. In the creation myth Enuma Elish, he formed the first human workers from clay and blood. They propagated until they angered the god Enlil. Their long lives and extreme fertility had to be limited (Saturn) to appease the gods. The Mesopotamian poem Epic of Gilgamesh begins with the king of Uruk, called “He Who Sees the Unknown” and “He Who Saw the Abyss.” King Gilgamesh meets the ape-like Enkidu, created by the gods to keep Gilgamesh in check. Enkidu becomes civilized through sexual initiation, and the two men become friends and engaged on a quest. After Enkidu is killed, Gilgamesh becomes obsessed with seeking the secret of immortality, which he ultimately learns is futile. Yet in a sense, the king achieves it through his works and building projects—and the enduring of his saga. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 2 days
3 of Swords. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: The universal sorrow. Sublime melancholy. Truth that leads to enlightenment. Karmic coupling. Contracts. Love that binds. Self-knowledge and commitment. Love and time. Realizations that can’t be unrealized. Astrology/Element In the middle decan of Libra, the Venusian ruler of Libra meets a double dose of Saturn, as Saturn rules the decan and corresponds to the threes. Libra is all about partnerships, as Venus is the goddess that couples or brings things together. Saturn is the Lord of Karma, and a force of restrictions, contracts, and bindings. Yet Saturn is exalted in Libra. The karmic trials and tribulations encountered here are also sublime insights, sacred promises, and knowledge leading toward enlightenment. Whether these swords bind or sever, it is a dark and melancholic state. Truth is often painful. One must to some degree let go of reason in order to truly know themselves or commit to another. While the idea of sorrow is weighty, the significations of both Picatrix and Agrippa both speak of good things. The Picatrix image of a black man, a bridegroom having a joyous journey, references both the blackness of Saturn/Binah and the bridegroom as a combination of contractual Saturn and partnering Libra. Mythology/Time of Year The 3 of Swords brings us stories of dark and sorrowful wives and mothers. Venus as Libra’s ruler gives us Demeter, who so lamented the loss of her daughter that the earth itself grew dark and cold. Persephone’s marriage bound her forever to spend half the year in the underworld—yet gave her queenship of that powerful realm. In the most influential of Egyptian myths, Isis has a role as the chief mourner for her husband and brother Osiris, who was killed and dismembered by their brother Set (another Saturn figure). Isis wanders the earth, giving voice to her grief over the loss of her husband and sibling. She expresses her sorrow, her anger, and her desire for him, all in hopes that these thought-forms and emotions will stir him. In the Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys, Isis and her sister, Set’s wife, call to Osiris’s soul and entreat him to rejoin the living. They find and bind his parts back together, and Isis conceives her son Horus. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 3 days
3 of Cups. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Time of rejoicing. Fleeting sense pleasures. Shared celebrations. Female threefold nature. Fertile enclosures. Impermanent gratification. High point in a cycle. Astrology/Element In Cancer II a lunar sign combines with decan ruler Mercury and the influence of Saturn as a three (Binah). Cancer’s nurturing energies combine well with the Great Mother energy of the third sephira, as both define protective boundaries within which the many blessings of Mercury can be received. Mercury’s childlike wonder at all the abundance of worldly delights is given free rein in a fertile enclosure. Yet with Saturn, one must also recognize limits and endings (Mercury rides in Cancer’s Chariot to Saturn’s realm in his role as a psychopomp) and that the Buddhist doctrine of anicca (impermanence) is inherent in existence. Good things arise and they pass away. The key is to fully enjoy them in the moment and be present without clinging. Mythology/Time of Year Persephone, Demeter, and Hecate are the goddess-in-triad as Maiden, Nymph, and Crone, representing the green corn, the ripe ear, and the harvested grain. Almost all know of mother Demeter, whose daughter Persephone was abducted by Hades and brought to the underworld in his chariot (Cancer). Persephone’s father Zeus sent Mercury in another chariot to retrieve her, but not before she tasted the sweet seeds of a pomegranate, binding her to the Underworld for certain months of the year. For the remaining time, mother and daughter—and the entirety of nature—rejoiced in earth’s abundance. Their Eleusinian and Thesmophorian rites involve feasting, dancing, sexuality, and fertility. The Three Charities or Graces were daughters of the Oceanid Eurynome, a lunar mermaid daughter of Titans Oceanus (salt water) and Tethys (fresh water). Her name may mean “widely distributed.” With Zeus (of course), she bore Aglaea (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Cheer), and Thalia (Festivity). The Charities also have chthonian associations. Fertility and death coexist, just as certain times of year have either summer growth or winter withering, depending on hemisphere. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 4 days
3 of Wands. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes: New growth. Quickening of creative projects. Dignity. Virility. Performance. Benevolent rulership. Good governance. Nobility. Right action. Guest-host relationship. Watch and wait. Astrology/Element The 3 of Wands covers Aries decan II. This face is both ruled by the Sun and contains the degree of its exaltation, giving it extra dignity. Threes are associated with the planet Saturn, the Lord of Karma who rewards those who step up and refuse to shirk responsibility. With virtue comes influence, and with influence comes accountability. In this card, one rises to the occasion, discovering their true inner nobility by developing strength of character. Through right action, poise, and decorum, an individual cultivates sovereignty of self, establishing undeniable strength and the regal bearing of a genuine leader. Though we think of Aries and the sun as inherently masculine, the decan images of Picatrix and Agrippa are both female, perhaps due to the influence of Saturn’s association with the Great Mother. In one image, a woman dressed in green has only one visible leg, suggestive of a sprouting plant. In another, she is dressed in a red garment over a white, the colors implying purity underlying passion. Mythology/Time of Year The Egyptian god Amun-Ra is a match for Aries’s solar decan. This god form combines Amun and Ra into one supreme deity. Both were portrayed as ram-headed, suggesting virility. Amun was known as “the Hidden One,” a primeval creator god who also was self-born; a good parallel for the theme of self-sovereignty. As Amun Kematef, “Amun who has completed his moment,” he was seen as a snake which renewed itself. Known as the “Lord of All,” Amun gave form to all things seen and unseen and his presence was invisible yet everywhere. Ra is the visible sun who ruled in all parts of creation: the sky, the earth, and the underworld. Together as Amun-Ra they combine two principal deities, one visible, one invisible. The fertile ram god was said to father the Pharaoh, known as “Son of Ra, Beloved of Amun.” Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 5 days
High Priestess. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Holy secrets. Hidden mysteries. Divinity. Purity. Virginity. Autonomy. Aspiration. Vibration. Astral light. Wisdom. Enchantment. Divination. Silence. Esotericism. Intuition. The anima. Holy Spirit. Unvoiced belief. The cup. Astrology/Element The Priestess is the planetary trump of our glamorous satellite the moon, glowing with reflected light like a silver mirror. The moon’s orbit around Earth is twenty-eight and a half days. A day on the moon is the same since it is tidally locked, forever facing Earth. Ever changing, it shifts through its four main phases of light and darkness: new, waxing, full, and waning. As it changes, humans vibrate and flow with its tides. The moon affects the tides and the tides within, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Its orbit is the length of the menstrual cycle; it governs all things female. It affects sleep cycles and all the waters on Earth, including those within us. In astrology, the moon is as important as the sun, indicating our emotional capacity, feelings, home life, and bodily functions. It shows our magnetism and appeal to the public. It represents the human soul, our memories, the anima, our nurturing parent, and the many faces of our personality. It’s our positive psychism, our intuition, and all that is receptive in human nature. It’s our reflective inner light and our subconscious and unconscious feelings and needs. The glyph of the moon is a crescent, showing the reflected light of the sun. Turn it on its side and it looks like the bowl of a cup. This is the cup of the Priestess. The crescent shape when it appears in any of the planetary glyphs represents the cup lofted, the uplifted personality and spiritual aspiration. The moon has rulership in Cancer and exaltation in Taurus. Mythology/Alchemy The Priestess bears resemblance to the Hellenistic idea of Sophia as the initiatrix and personification of holy wisdom.
The Priestess of the Silver Star is also well represented by Artemis (Diana), whose epithet is Maiden of the Silver Bow. Artemis, with her arrows of silver, is the twin of Apollo with his arrows of gold. Artemis was a maiden goddess of the hunt who guarded her chastity fiercely. Her virtue shouldn’t be thought of as asexuality; it signifies her completeness unto herself. Her power is in her autonomy and mastery of self. In spite of her virginity, she was known to help women with childbirth. Her iconography includes the bow and arrow, hunting dogs, and the moon. Hekate, whose name may be derived from a Greek word meaning “she who works her will” or from one meaning “the far reaching one,” is a goddess of magic and sorcery, light, herb lore, witchcraft, necromancy, and the crossroads. Also a virgin goddess, her appearance is often depicted as three-faced, suggesting the new, full, and half moon. The Egyptian Hathor, with her horned headdress, calls to mind the crescent moon. Isis, sky goddess of magic and wisdom, like the Priestess of the Silver Star, has connections to the cosmos, especially to the star Sirius (the “silver star”). Isis is often depicted as veiled, a personification and allegory of the inscrutability of nature and her secrets. Her temple at Sais was said to bear the inscription “I am all that has been and is and shall be; and no mortal has ever lifted my mantle.” Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 6 days
Marvelous animation using Tarot imagery
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infjtarot · 6 days
2 of Pentacles. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Progressive evolution. Cycles. Expansion and contraction in phases. Material prospects. Luck versus skill. Successions, divine and material. Climbing and descent are both forward motion. Opposites working in tandem through time. Exchanges across a distance. Astrology/Element Saturn-ruled Capricorn’s first face is ruled by Jupiter, and the twos are ruled by the zodiacal circle. Jupiter is in fall in Capricorn, but the realm of the zodiac is so lofty that the naturally opposing forces of Jupiter and Saturn work concertedly, as opposites are different sides of the same coin. The zodiac is a dimension of cyclic force, the wheel of Jupiter writ large. With the supportive boundaries of Saturn established, the wheels within wheels endlessly turn in linear time, creating change so naturally progressive that it can only be harmonious. Ups and downs, gains and losses, spiritualism and materialism, expansions and contractions, are nothing less than that which drives evolution. The hourglass of Capricorn contains the churning wheels of Jupiter: fortunes change over time. (Tabula Mundi Tarot) In Picatrix’s image, a man holds a reed and a hoopoe bird. In Egyptian iconography reeds were of the blessed afterlife, a heavenly star realm, and the hoopoe was a symbol of patriarchal succession. The significations speak of jovial joys and saturnine necessary endings. Agrippa’s couple carries full bags, with significations of going forth and both gaining and losing. Mythology/Time of Year Cyclic succession is encoded in the story of Kronos (Saturn), who deposed his father Ouranos and was overthrown by his son Zeus (Jupiter). In the Titanomachy (Titan War), Zeus and the Olympians unseated Kronos and the Titans, and Zeus inherited the realm of the heavens (zodiac) as his domain. In another story involving Capricorn Jupiter themes, monstrous Typhon, son of Gaia (Earth) and Tartarus (Hell), attempted in turn to defeat Zeus for supremacy over the cosmos. Typhon frightened the gods and Pan, in his panic, changed into a goat-fish, leaping into a river. While Zeus ultimately prevailed with his thunderbolt, in one close battle he used an adamantine sickle and was disarmed. Typhon used it to remove the tendons behind Zeus’s knees. Pan, seeing him thus lamed, blew his reed pipes to frighten Typhon and call Hermes, who retrieved Zeus’s sinews so he could win the battle. The time of year includes Yule, and iconic Santa Claus combines elements of both Jupiter (gifts) and Saturn (consequences of behavior). Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 7 days
2 of Swords. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Equanimity and equilibrium. Restorative justice. Transcendent mind states. Balance of dualities. Stilling the mind. Fair relationships. Justice as a fair and balancing force. Acceptance of all doctrines. Accommodating other perspectives. Truth leading to peace. Equality. Astrology/Element Libra is ruled by Venus, decan I is ruled by the Moon, and twos correspond to the Zodiac itself. Libra is about balance while the moon is known for fluctuation. Somehow in the exalted space of the zodiac, the lunar conditions achieve a moment of stasis under the harmonious influence of conciliatory Venus. The properly wielded mind balances dualities and reaches equanimity. The mind weighs and adjusts, obtaining equilibrium. While the Swords suit is by nature conflicted due to the chaotic qualities of the mind, here in the first manifestation it is as pure and tranquil as things get. In Picatrix, a man holds a lance in his right hand and a bird in his left, perhaps representing balance between male and female forces. Agrippa has an angry pipe-wielding man and the form of a man reading a book. The contrast between anger and calm rationality also emphasizes a sort of balance. The significations of these images both reference the idea of justice as a beneficial balancing force. Mythology/Time of Year The scales of Libra are the only stars of the zodiacal belt that represent an inanimate object. Libra is poised between Virgo the virgin and Scorpio’s scorpion. The stars of Libra have at times been considered the claws of the scorpion sent to kill Orion. Other myths have them as scales held by the maiden Astraea, the celestial virgin of Virgo who was the daughter of Themis (justice). Either way, there is an association with the idea of divine justice. The association with Astraea shows the purity that is necessary for truth and true fairness. The scales of justice are an emblem of Themis or Dike, as is the sword. The sword and scales are also seen held by Lady Justice, Roman Justitia, the blindfolded personification of the virtuous moral force of the judicial system and due process. The season of Libra begins at the September equinox, when night and day are of equal lengths. The scales of the constellation were said to weigh the light against the darkness, balancing them perfectly. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 8 days
2 of Cups. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Nurturing. Agape versus Eros. Preparing for pregnancy. Maternal care. Pledging troth. Entwining. Union of polarities and the result. Romance. Harmony of male and female. Partnership. Mirroring. Mutual attraction. Interest/excitement. Astrology/Element Cancer decan I combines the motherly moon as ruler of cardinal water sign Cancer, with feminine Venus as ruler of the decan. Cancer is a protective and maternal sign, associated with the womb and breasts. Venus is the goddess of love and attraction, encouraging harmonious union. Yet as a two, it is also associated with the supernal masculine, as well as with themes of polarities encountering each other. This merger of the sexes is bound to be fruitful. Agrippa’s decan image is appropriately feminine and Venusian, featuring a youthful crowned virgin in fine clothes. The signification speaks of acute senses, perhaps the feeling nature of Cancer, and mentions specifically the love of men. The Picatrix imagery is less clear, telling of a man with distorted fingers and head, perhaps a supernal reference to yod and Kether, from which the twos descend. His horse-like body could relate to the seas of Cancer, and his white feet and fig leaves are vaguely Venusian. The significations at least mention love. Dolphins are associated with Venus and the womb (Cancer); here they are paired as argent (silver) and or (gold). (Rosetta Tarot) Mythology/Time of Year Untainted love stories are appropriate here. Homer’s Odyssey tells of Penelope’s marital fidelity to Odysseus and her determination to preserve both her marriage and her son’s legacy despite Odysseus’s long absence. Venus’s maternal side shows in Aphrodite’s protectiveness toward her son Eros. The mortal Psyche had offended Aphrodite, who sent her son Eros to cause Psyche to fall in love with something hideous. But Eros fell prey to his own arrows and fell deeply in love with Psyche. After many trials from Venus, the tale has a happy ending when Psyche is made immortal and allowed to wed Eros. Silver (lunar) and gold (solar) cups, red and white roses: symbols of the alchemical marriage or union of opposites traditionally associated with the card. (Universal Wirth Tarot) Goddesses who protect children also apply. Hindu Parvati was the wife of Shiva, and goddess of love, children, marriage, and devotion. Parvati and Shiva are often portrayed as the Shiva linga, the conjoined yoni and lingam that represent the interdependence of the male and female forces in the regenerative process of life. Parvati’s prakriti (feminine nature) joins Shiva’s purusha (male consciousness). The decan begins at June solstice, when baby animals flourish.127 Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 9 days
2 of Wands. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes: Manifest fire. Rulership via conquest. Mastery of all directions. Penetration. Initiating. Breaking ground. Affirmation of will. Resolve and resolution. Old and new worlds. Astrology/Element The card covers the Ram’s decan I. The decan, and Aries itself, is ruled by militant Mars. The sephira is ruled by the entirety of the zodiac. Thus, we see in the card a message of domination over all things. The fire that was pending in the Ace now issues forth in its highest untainted form. Fire force is at heart a quality of inspirational leadership. Aries is the groundbreaking pioneer. With the addition of Mars, we add conquest. The images of this face were said to grant victory and ascendancy. The ancients relate the decan with dark and powerful men, red-eyed and wielding weapons. They are described as ferocious, fiery, and furious. The force that was nascent in the Ace’s wand now is wielded as the warriors grab hold of axes and spears. Here at the beginning of the zodiac, the infant Aries swings his blade to sever himself from the collective at the end of the zodiac and heads out newly born to conquer the world. A fiery ram’s head and wands shaped like Mars glyphs underscore the Mars-in-Aries decan rulership of this card. (Rosetta Tarot) Mythology/Time of Year One might expect the double martial influence to color this card with tales of bloodshed, but this isn’t a card of the savagery of war. While it describes dominion and conquest, it is not born of cruelty. Fire at its first appearance is so full of life force that it can only burst forth and embark upon a course of invasion into new territory. Perhaps myths more appropriate here are the epic tales of heroes setting out to accomplish incredible feats; we could reference Alexander the Great or the Greek myths of the nearly invulnerable Achilles, the travels of Odysseus, Perseus rescuing Andromeda, Hercules and his twelve labors, and Jason in search of the Golden Fleece. In modern tarot, a globe has come to signify the concept of “dominion” and the idea that a new year and a new world begin together. (Linestrider Tarot) The time of year spans approximately ten days following the March equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the first day of spring, when day and night are equal but the balance shifts toward light.97 The fires of spring have kindled. The seed breaks open, is penetrated by the light, and grows. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 10 days
Magician. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Will. Magic. As above, so below. Words and thoughts with power to bend reality. Words as trickery. Illusion versus change in accordance with will. Knowledge. Skills. Tools. Connection. Transmission. Universal access to all realms. Mind, with all its virtues and flaws. The wand.
Astrology/Element Speedy, tiny Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, has an orbit of only eighty-eight days. It has no moons and flies solo. Because of its proximity to the sun, it rises and sets with it, so it is difficult to see in our night sky. Because its orbit lies inside that of Earth’s, it has phases, but we can never see its full phase as it is always behind or in front of the sun. It’s never more than twenty-eight degrees from the degree of the sun, being either in the same sign or an adjacent one. The sun governs force (Spirit), the positive (masculine) polarity, while the moon rules form (body), the negative (feminine) polarity. But Mercury is androgynous, being the mind or messenger between the two. It’s one of the most important influences on a chart because it tells much about the mind, which creates reality, and describes the intellect and style of communication. It rules messages transmitted and received, travel, motion, magic, the sciences, and logic.
Mercury’s glyph combines the circle of Spirit above the cross of matter and is topped by the crescent of personality (which looks remarkably like a figure wearing a winged cap or transmitting antennae). Mercury has dual rulership over mutable air sign Gemini as its day sign and mutable earth sign Virgo as its night sign. As Gemini, it expresses its quicksilver nature, curiosity, versatility, and wit. As Virgo, it expresses common sense, attention to detail, deep analysis, and logical thought.
Mythology/Alchemy Mercurial gods all bear the creative and compelling power of the logos: the will and word. Hermes (Mercurius) was known as “he of the persuasive tongue.” He wears the talaria (winged sandals that give swiftness) and either the petasos (traveler’s cap) or winged helmet, and he carries the herald’s staff, or caduceus. He is the messenger of the gods, a mischievous trickster, the patron of travelers. Hermes is a friend of those who pursue the occult arts, merchants, thieves, orators, and those in the fields of art and science. In his chthonic form, he takes on the role of psychopomp. Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Great) is a form of Hermes combined with the Egyptian god Thoth. Thoth ruled in Hermopolis over the Ogdoad (eightfold), a pantheon of eight primordial gods. He was the measurer of time and the scribe of the gods, and he was credited with the inventions of all branches of knowledge, human and divine: astronomy, writing, science, law, mathematics, medicine, and the measurements that established the heavens and Earth. As a scribe, he appears with the head of an ibis. In the underworld, he appears as an ape. His feminine counterpart was Seshet, “she who scrivens”: Mistress of the House of Books, overseer of the royal scribes and library, and dually credited with all of Thoth’s inventions. The “ape of Thoth” trope on the Thoth deck’s Magus is a mercurial reference; here is the ape-as-Magician, complete with the usual wand and analemma. (Prometheus, who stole fire from heaven and gifted it to man, is also a mercurial figure. Other figures cognate are Loki, Ganesha, and Hanuman. It’s usually the Magician, as the Mercury card, where one thinks to find alchemical mercury. In alchemy, mercury represents the spirit (mind), sulfur represents the soul (consciousness, life), and salt represents the body (matter). Because alchemical mercury is spirit and mind, both the Fool and the Magician share this role just as one evolves from the other. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 11 days
Ace of Pentacles. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Creation. Embodiment. Sleep and awakening. Seeds. The start of something material. Taking action. Body and Spirit conjoined. Material opportunities. Incipient resources. Incarnation and becoming. Seed money. Astrology/Element Heavenly unity takes a final trajectory, its expressed tendency now moving toward a last objective: to take shape and form as the element of earth. In earth all previous elements combine and solidify. This is the suit where mankind sleeps and is awakened. This Ace is the supply point for the last of the elemental powers, “to keep silent,” which is a precursor to the synthesis of all: the fifth power “to go,” or to take action in the material world. Elemental earth creates both the organic matter and the opportunities for activity: getting things done, providing practical necessities, and working with tangible resources. All beings desire the security, physical pleasure, and fulfillment this realm has to offer. Earth is the place where the complexities of life emerge and evolve. The Ace represents initiation into this material realm of substance. Earthy Taurus is concerned with holding value and assets, Virgo with analyzing and perfecting them, and Capricorn with their use and responsible stewardship. This Ace rules the Aries-Taurus-Gemini quadrant, centered around fertile Taurus. The “Root of the Powers of Earth,” represented as the complete cosmos and reposing among literal roots. (Universal Wirth Tarot) Mythology/Time of Year The cup and the disk are joined in myth, just as in the Tetragrammaton. They share the letter heh and the story of the daughter who becomes the mother in the Qabalistic fairy tale. For the cup of the Holy Grail was said to be fashioned from a green stone, a luminous gem loosened from Lucifer’s crown when he fell from heaven. This stone was called the tzohar, which like the letter heh, has a possible translation of “window” in Genesis, where the term describes either a window or a gem providing a source of light within the Ark. Either way, there is a connotation of light, which can be taken as a metaphor for awakening. The tzohar was bright as the sun, capable of illuminating the world. It was retrieved by an angel and given to Adam and Eve when they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. The Talmudic version of the legend said that the stone also functioned as an astrolabe for star viewing. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 12 days
Ace of Swords. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Will as purpose grasped. Dual nature for good or evil. Conquest versus defense. Invoked versus natural power. Free will. Fixity of purpose. Magic: the ideas of one world = the reality of the next. Mind as interpreter of symbols. Self-directed thought. Astrology/Element The winds blow as unity now goes forth in the direction of the air element. The divine brings forth and grasps the Sword of reason. This Ace is the root source of the energy inherent in mental processes. First came fire (force) which descended upon the primal waters (form). The heated waters created the winds, birthing the son, air. The combination of fire (will/creativity) and water (love/emotions) yields air (reason/mind): thought as the precedent to action. While the first two Aces are naturally arising energies, the Ace of Swords is consciously invoked. Form is force directed into matter; thought is the director. Elemental air governs internal and external communications, connecting the energies of inspiration and emotion (fire, water) to the material world of action (earth). It conceives of and disseminates ideas. The Ace represents the inception of the delineating principles of thought. The air signs are Gemini (idea analysis), Libra (idea balance and sharing), and Aquarius (inventive ideas and ideals). This Ace rules the Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces quadrant of the year, centered on Kerubic air sign Aquarius. Mythology/Time of Year One of the most loved and well-known sword myths is the tale of the “Sword in the Stone” of Arthurian legend. In the story a sword appears embedded in an anvil resting upon a stone in a churchyard on Christmas Eve. The wizard Merlin foretells that only the true and rightful king, the heir of Uther Pendragon, can remove the sword and become ruler of Britain. Thus Arthur obtains the kingship and the sword, which in some versions is conflated with the magical sword Excalibur he was later given by the Lady of the Lake. Excalibur was inscribed on one side “Take Me Up” and on the other, “Cast Me Away,” illustrating the idea of a force invoked with purpose and sovereignty.156 This Ace rules the quarter from the December solstice through the March equinox. This spans the darkest day of winter through the first day of spring, when light and darkness are again in balance.157 The increasing light leading to balance is a metaphor for mental clarity. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 13 days
Ace of Cups. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Emotional seeding. Heart opening. Devotional quests. Flow and abundance. Romance and nascent stirrings of love. Unconditional love. Spiritual healing. Sacrifice. Purification. Astrology/Element At the Ace of Cups, totality steps in the direction of the water element. As godhead splits into a fourfold form, this Ace takes on the role of primal heh in the divine name. As “Root of the Powers of Water,” the Ace of Cups is the wellspring, the source of that “Spirit of the Mighty Waters” seen in the elemental trump of the Hanged Man. Elemental water provides compassion and understanding. The water signs are romantic and creative as well as sensitive, impressionable and more than a little psychic. Water focuses attention on feelings. The Ace begins a suit that encompasses the entire emotional range. This Ace rules the quadrant of space centered around the fixed water sign Scorpio. The Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius trinity exemplifies the transmuting qualities of emotion on the seekers journey. Libra begins the quadrant with a focus on the Venusian qualities of love, Sagittarius shows the aspirational and expansive quality of the heart’s mission, and central Scorpio provides the transformative and penetrating power of emotional depth. Mythology/Time of Year The Ace of Cups bears an image that embodies the Holy Grail, icon of the spiritual quest. The Grail is an elusive object venerated and sought after for its limitless powers as a fount of joy and devotion and as a metaphor for the pure heart.
The Grail is kept in the castle of the Fisher King, last of his line. The king has been wounded in the “thigh,” implying that he has been wounded in the groin and thus cannot father a successor. He has been punished thus for wooing a woman he was not free to pursue. Since the fertility of the kingdom is tied to that of the king, the land suffers. The king is a stand in for spiritual authority which has been compromised by excess. He awaits an untarnished hero to achieve the Grail, ask the right question, and bring healing to king and kingdom. The Ace as the Holy Grail and cup of Babylon: the waters form the symbol of heh primal. (Tabula Mundi Tarot) The time of year extends from the September equinox through December solstice, as the equality of light and darkness morphs toward distinct polarity. Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 14 days
Ace of Wands. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Aces are tendencies for unity to divide itself by stepping away in one of four directions. The Judgement/Aeon card is the “Spirit of the Primal Fire,” and this Ace is the root source of the element itself. Aces are nascent beginnings in the world of the element. The fire realm has themes of life force and will: inspiration and passion, conquest and principled leadership, courage under pressure leading to victory, and the virtues of speed, flexibility, and strength. Fire is also associated with Spirit, so this first Ace expresses the closest connection with divinity. This Ace’s Cancer-Leo-Virgo quadrant of space is a fertile astrological sequence. In Cancer we see that nurturing with enclosure and protection leads to a creative birth. Sun-ruled, fixed fire sign Leo at the center of the triad best resonates with the Ace. Here the individual is given a chance to struggle and to shine. Last, we have Virgo, showing that the ultimate goal of the creative projects we start with this Ace is manifestation. Mythology/Time of Year In a sense, all creation myths have some resonance with the Ace of Wands, because it connects to the element of Spirit as well as fire. Whether the universe began with a big bang or a lightning flash, it is the story of the first spark of existence from nothing. No beginning, you say? Then the Ace of Wands is the arbitrary beginning of a never-beginning, never-ending cycle.
Aces each encompass an entire quarter of the year.91 The Ace of Wands gets the June solstice through the September equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the solar height of summer, the hottest and most fertile season.92 Yet the light, which peaked at the June solstice, is now decreasing. The light is a stand in for both fire and Spirit. All beginnings are progressions that lead toward endings, yet all endings are deaths that lead to rebirths. At the summer solstice, the holly king returns to do battle with the reigning oak king, who rises again. This naturalistic Ace clearly shows its tree-borne origins, but the living leaves and nuts can also remind us of the Wands’ eternal life force. (Ancient Italian Tarot) Susan T. Chang
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infjtarot · 15 days
Fool. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Mythology/Alchemy Both innocent and virile, the Fool is associated with Dionysus or Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry, of fertility, religious ecstasy, and ritual madness. Dionysus is said to be a god of epiphany. An epiphany, or revelation, refers to inspiration received from divinity. His appearance is said to induce a frenzy in his followers akin to divine madness, freeing them from self-conscious cares, fears, and oppressions. His iconography includes pine cones, grapes, figs, ivy, tigers, leopards, and serpents. Depictions of Dionysus either show him as a mature bearded man, a sensuous and attractive beardless youth, a ridiculously garbed or partially nude androgynous youth, or an effeminate male. Crowley’s 777 lists the correct design of the tarot Fool as “a bearded Ancient seen in profile,” and though we see him as a bearded jester in some Marseilles decks, modern decks portray him as either a Harlequin, an androgynous youth, or as a sort of “Green Man of the Spring Festival.” 3
The Orphic “first Dionysus,” Zagreus the horned, was an underworld god dismembered by the Titans and reborn, paralleling the story of the Egyptian Osiris. The Fool is also associated with Zeus Arrhenothelus, the primordial Lord of Air who embodies the concept that the original god (Tetragrammaton) was both male and female. Though sources list Dionysus as being born after being sewn into Zeus’s “thigh”—or testicles—the oracle of Apollo declared Zeus, Hades, and Dionysus “three gods in one godhead” overseeing birth, death, and reincarnation.4 The Fool has resonance with Parsifal, the Fisher King, and the Grail Quest. Tales of wandering princes who marry the king’s daughter and become king are applicable to the Fool’s story. As the absence of speech and the indrawn breath, the Fool also has associations with Harpocrates, god of silence. Susan T. Chang
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