#like the so totally cosplay of bird
oneatlatime · 7 months
Zuko Alone
I'm hoping for some Appa this episode. It's been too long since he's gotten any good sight gags.
Zuko is cosplaying Clint Eastwood. He's also back to being stupid pale this episode.
You know it's a good thing that Zuko's not in the Fire Nation anymore because he really would have sucked at being Fire Nation. Robbing pregnant women is probably kindergarden level stuff for them.
How is Zuko in such bad shape? Last time we saw him he had a cave full of spoils robbed from rich people. Did he not bother to pack at least some of that stuff? Actually, not thinking far enough ahead to pack would be pretty in character.
Oof that would rub me the wrong way. Not enough money for a meal, but sure, let's use totally edible eggs as ammo.
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Where'd the egg go?
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Who is the scarred up hat wearing vampire and what happened to the real Zuko? Imposter Zuko just elected to not be provoked into a fight. Real Zuko would already be setting things on fire.
Just a bunch of thugs. Yep. It's consistently awesome how many of the facets of war this show can cover.
Imposter Zuko and Song's horse bird just got kidnapped. Did not see that coming.
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Zuko kind of has arm bandages like Sokka has this episode. Also love the character detail that the boy has scraped knees.
Is the kid's dad the same guy as the man at the store? Or maybe this is a one haircut town?
So the guy who was near to fainting off his horse bird this morning is now turning down freely offered food? Could Zuko please shelve his pride for five minutes? Kudos to the mom for accurately reading his distaste for charity and turning it into a request for aid though. Although covering for the boy's egg trick is worth at least a meal.
I don't get Zuko. How can he still have so much pride when he's wearing rags and starving himself to feed Song's horse bird? I'm quite shameless when it comes to accepting help and I've never, ever been able to understand the whole 'too proud to accept charity' mindset. I'm always up for some charity. I have enough manners to offer to do the dishes after, but if you're offering free food I'm eating it. And I've never been in a situation as desperate as Zuko's. So I don't get this.
ok tangent over.
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Peak rich kid behaviour. I hope those nails aren't expensive otherwise Zuko doing work for food might end up with this family out of pocket.
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Is the wood grain on this ladder an actual photograph of wood grain?
Zuko has more patience this episode than he had for all of season 1 combined. He's also never gone this long without yelling. Either proximity to young children activates Zuko's otherwise mostly slumbering decency, or to fit him into a Fistful of Dollars homage the writers had to make him out of character.
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If I had been in this situation when I was a kid, if I had been a) this visibly bored, and b) this nosy around guests, I would have been given a hammer and a bag of nails in three seconds flat. Also, nice to see a Sokka face from Zuko.
I get that 'a man without a past' is a staple of the cowboy genre, but the boy's father bringing up the privacy of the past twice in like two minutes makes me think he's done stuff he doesn't want to talk about. Seems both the parents have read Zuko right though.
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Finally! Some pretty! I have been suffering! This may be the first really good pretty all season!
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Bad news for the Appa decor on my blog. He may have been supplanted in my affections.
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Two things: first, Zuko is a carbon copy of his mom. Second, That is way too much forehead.
Having Zuko's mom introduce herself by talking about the lengths mothers will go to for their children is not giving me foreshadowing anxiety at all.
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Azula's been a bitch since birth. Noted.
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Sir, your eyebrows. Also, yeah, I wouldn't want to play with her either.
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Yikes this is making my teeth itch and my skin crawl. Calling it now, she's rotten to the core.
Zuko and Azula's dad has some weak ass genes. BOTH of his children are carbon copies of their mom.
Also, I was not expecting Zuko's very stupid ponytail to be a pre-scar thing. It is much better with a full head of hair.
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If I had spent my childhood hanging out with an untouchable princess who set things on my head on fire for fun whenever I involuntarily displayed emotion, I'd be gloomy and apathetic in self defense too.
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Sokka in this episode in spirit, if not in person.
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Seriously that's the same face three times over!
Um, no? If Iroh doesn't make it back from the front, doesn't his son become next in line to be Firelord?
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Can you hear all the unspoken "father thinks that" and "father says that" in front of every one of Azula's opinions in this whole scene? I stand by my assertion that she's awful anyways, but she's also obviously drunk much too much of her dad's koolaid, if you know what I mean.
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This kid is going to get into so much trouble one of these days. Provoking the soldiers, nagging the mysterious stranger with the mysterious past, and now taking his weapons? Kid's sweet but he really needs to learn when to stop pushing his luck.
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Stabbing dead, dried wood sounds like a great way to utterly annihilate the edge on those. Hope Zuko packed a whetstone.
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Where is this patience coming from? I don't understand and it's BUGGING me.
Hold on. Technical problems.
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My very basic DVD player sometimes has difficulty with these disks. Whatever happened between the above two screenshots, I've missed it. So picking back up from the one on the right...
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Either these soldiers are impressively cowardly (which, yeah) or Zuko's really been working on his death glare, because they've got him outnumbered and out-armoured and they still back off.
OH it's parallels! Zuko's cousin and the boy's older brother. Got it. Kind of a false parallel though. Grandson of the Firelord does not equal earth kingdom conscript.
Give the demonstrably impulsive and nosy child a knife. That'll work out just fine I'm sure. Pretty sad the kid glommed on to Zuko so quickly, but it's also yet another realistic representation of the consequences of war. This show's good.
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*shudders* theatre kids.
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She's tiny! Do you know how darkly humourous it is to watch a two foot tall baby spout her father's murderous nonsense? Once again, in this whole scene, not a word out of Azula's mouth is actually Azula's.
"What is wrong with that child?" Apart from budding homicidal and psychopathic tendencies? Her dad. Her dad is what's wrong with that child.
Their dad has no subtlety at all. And also no brain? You think a day after the firelord finds out one of his family died is the right time to very boorishly make a play for the crown with you daughter as a prop? Could you possibly come up with a better demonstration of why this guy shouldn't be in charge?
How did this asshole land such a nice wife?
Yep. Siding with the old firelord on this one.
Does flashback Zuko sleep in his day clothes? Because that's not ok.
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I like that their mom sees straight through Azula's lying here. She knows her daughter.
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In a move that should surprise no one, everything Zuko touches turns to shit, as usual.
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It's the Mexico filter!
Absolute truth from Zuko in that monologue. He's got them pegged. Too bad it fell on deaf ears. It's Zuko's curse, that whenever he approaches being remotely reasonable, he happens to be surrounded by people who will react in such a way that Zuko learns to equate being reasonable with failure.
An earthbender. The bare feet should have clued me in.
Last season Zuko and Iroh laid waste to like ten of these guys. And Iroh didn't even have pants. So what gives? Is he that starved?
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Ursa pulling a Mufasa.
Don't answer don't answer don't answer
And he does.
Zuko is so very good at completely misinterpreting the point.
So we can add thief to the list of things that make Azula awful. Also that delivery of "who's going to make me? Mom?" is chilling. Zuko's lost his only defender inside this atrocious family and she knows it, he knows it, hell the turtleducks probably know it.
His dying wish? You guys buying that?
Ozai. That's his name. I'd forgotten that.
So... something something dead firelord something something missing mom something something maybe Azula wasn't actually lying this time?
Final Thoughts
The title wasn't kidding. Let's rename the show 'Avatar: the Guy who's Really Bad at Capturing Him' while we're at it.
There is now no way whatsoever that Zuko is not going to be redeemed. No writing team would invest that much energy and a whole episode into a character we're not ultimately supposed to root for. So somehow he's going to end up joining the Gaang. Don't know how he'll pull that one off. He's done some pretty not great stuff. And it's not like the Gaang watched this episode and unlocked his tragic backstory.
Speaking of, what prompted these reflections? I could understand if Zuko started to contemplate his cousin and the events surrounding his loss in the war after he learned about the family's older brother, but he was having flashbacks before he even got to town. Usually when there are backstory bits, there's a good reason to show them at that time, like how the Storm prompts Aang to think about the last storm he was in, or seeing a boat from his father's fleet prompts Sokka to remember what his dad told him. So what caused Zuko's memories to give him situationally appropriate flashbacks?
Pretty funny that he found the Nice Earth Kingdom Family that Azula predicted for him. And they are really nice! Either Zuko is an open book or the parents' social intelligence is off the charts because they're giving him exactly what he needs to feel at ease after barely a single conversation.
Speaking of Azula, I'm not surprised to find that she's always had deeply awful tendencies, even as a child of (I'm guessing) less than ten. But it cannot be ignored that, from the moment her father took a liking to her (as a tool to boost his own greatness, if not as a person), she didn't stand a chance. You can tell by the number of times that the stuff coming out of her mouth is a thinly veiled repetition of her father's unfiltered opinions, that she's been spending lots of time listening to him, probably while he puts down her mom and brother and talks about how she's the special one. You know what I'm getting at. Azula never stood a chance once her father got involved, and her mom lost the ability to influence her once her father started giving Azula praise for objectively wrong behaviour. That being said, Azula is awful even when she doesn't need to be awful for her father's approval, like when she's with her friends, so it's not all her father's doing. She's not a good person but she also had plenty of help to become that.
I guess Zuko and his mom are Fire Nation anomalies? And maybe Iroh has become that since his son died and he lost the war?
How on earth did Zuko survive as long as he did in the palace without his mom to protect him? What a no-win situation to be in. The only person in a whole nation with empathy.
This episode does makes Season 1 Zuko make more sense. He's been larping his dad as a defense mechanism for surviving the Fire Nation/probably a very futile effort to earn his approval. Although Zuko doesn't seem to care much for his dad if the tone he takes with him by the turtleduck pond is any indication.
Being banished was the best thing that ever happened to Zuko. The more distance between him and his remaining non-uncle family, the better. Between prioritizing his crew over capturing the avatar in the Storm, releasing the Avatar in the Blue Spirit, and now defending a random earth kingdom child this episode, it's hilarious how much Zuko HASN'T learned the lesson that Ozai banished him for not knowing. Don't get me wrong; that's a good thing. This episode plainly shows that behaviour that pleases Ozai is behaviour that should be unlearned as quickly as possible.
Zuko completely missing the point of his mom's last instruction is delightfully on the nose. But it also makes sense, which I may talk more about later.
How did Zuko hold on to his temper (and his volume) for a whole episode?
How did a show named after the main character get away with an episode that doesn't feature him at all? As a concept, this is such a strange episode. The writers were like "how can we kick start the woobification of Zuko? I know! A Spaghetti Western!" and it worked. Who comes up with that?
I now want at least as much, if not more, of Sokka and Katara's childhood via flashbacks. And more Gyatso please. If they can devote a whole episode to the childhood of a guy who isn't even a team member yet, they can show me some Sokka childhood shenanigans as a palette cleanser.
I really don't know what conclusion to draw about this episode. The writers have given me a massive backstory/trauma dump and I'm honestly like:
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tricerotopicpt2 · 3 months
Fable SMP Pokemon AU
Ok, so I've had alot of thoughts about a fable smp pokemon au. I definitely have full team ideas for some characters, but I have at least a partner pokemon and reasoning as for why for every character and thought that I'd share them! Some reasonings are definitely alot stronger than others 😅, but there is at least one!
Icarus: • Decidueye It's a bird-shaped (not flying type), ghost type, archer pokemon. It feel pretty fitting
Rae: • Espeon It evolves with high friendship, psychic type, incredibly loyal. These are all traits that feels fitting for rae (also a callback to heyhay's cosplay)
Athena: • Litten I mean it's a fire cat. I feel like that's reason enough.
Caspian: • Lycanrock (mid-day form) Guys its atlas For caspian, I have an idea for a full team, it's just hard to pick a partner pokemon for him, but i decided that since I have lycanrock on his team because of a pet, it felt the most fitting to be the partner pokemon
Fenrir: • Houndoom It felt like the most fitting wolf themed pokemon The rest of his pokemon are definitely more space themed (minior, aurorus, lunatone, ect.)
Ulysses: • Feebas Its known for being incredibly tenacious in tough situations, despite its appearance and being usually ignored. Its moon dex entry also says that its vitality makes it a subject or research. I also like the idea of Ulysses trying to get it to evolve, but just not figuring out how (Its totally because I think they look alike)
Aax: • Sharpedo An extremely powerful water type pokemon, also its dark typing makes it super effective against ghost types.
Jamie: • Dachsbun Its connor the dog. Also Jamie sure is baker and I think bread dog is a fun way to represent that
Momboo: • Meganium Can revive dead plants and grass. Also I just think it fits the vibe
Easton: • Bronzong It's a steel type bell pokemon, which feels fitting. it's also known for bringing rain
Haley: • Corsola I like the idea that something happens that causes it to somehow become a galarian corsola (which is a dead little ghost corsola) Idk how, but yeah.
Seven: • Klinklang It feels a bit obvious, but its fitting so-
Centross: • Ceruledge It's a very powerful pokemon that's exclusive to pokemon violet. "Ceruledge dons an old set of armor steeped in grudges and wields blades made of fire and ghost energy. In battle, these blades transform into great swords to increase Ceruledge’s power. Cuts from these great swords leave wounds from which life energy will flow." Also just look at it.
Ocie: • Basculegion Not only is it a hisui exclusive pokemon (which means its old as hell) and a water type, its dex entry says "Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream." Which feels fitting for Ocie.
Ven: • Alolan Vulpix Guys it's a little white fox. It's just like him.
Chaos: • Yanmega It's a dragonfly. And also extremely violent and powerful according to its dex entries
Galahad • Armarouge It's a warrior that's extremely loyal. Also fire type.
Original Arisanna • Togekiss I like the idea of the allays being togepi
Vexed Arisanna • Tinkaton I think it's a reasonable pokemon for arisanna to have already had, but pivoted more towards once she was vexed. Its and extremely intelligent pokemon, but its known for being mercilessly violent and stealing what it pleases.
Addie: • Spinarak It felt like the most fitting spider pokemon
Will: • Meowscarada I mean its got a mask. (Guys please I was so stuck on will if you have better ideas PLEASE give them)
I was too much of a coward to give the world sisters mythical/legendary pokemon, but if I did I think they might have their respective island guardians (tapu bulu and tapu fini) alternatively, ocie having suicune and momboo having virizion. Or Ocie having manaphy/phione and Momboo having shaymin
Anyways! Those are my thoughts on the characters partner pokemon! If you have suggestions PLEASE give them! I definitely want to come up with some pokemon for the npcs and gods aswell!
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did miss raven also join harveston? i think the traditional harevston outfit would have fit her like a glove! (i'm not 100% sure how a raven-turned-human would fare in the cold though)
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For each event, I like to think of an AU scenario where Miss Raven tags along for some silly reason to join in on the fun. I think she would really enjoy the hometown events specifically, as they give her a chance to explore and to experience new cultures and areas. She can sample Harveston’s specialties, learn about the agricultural community there, and help support and cheer on the NRC sledding team!
Epel’s proud of his hometown and more than eager to share it. Raven loves his enthusiasm and happily eats it up. She’s the one in the tour group that’s constantly raising her hand and posing questions to the guide. Epel doesn’t mind though—that just means she’s curious and knows how to appreciate Harveston!!
Miss Raven can go “big sis” mode when she’s dealing with Sebek. They usually don’t get along, but since the big guy’s susceptible to the cold she can hover nearby and make sure he’s sufficiently warm. “Blanket? Warm drink? Make sure you’re taking care of yourself, Sebek-kun!” (He shoos her off and shouts about how he’s a strong independent man that doesn’t need to be fretted over then he sneezes before he can finish his protest www)
Idia isn’t someone Miss Raven talks with a lot, but he’d probably be excited that she resembles one of the characters from Sled Over Heels in her Harveston fit. Maybe he asks her about cosplay in an attempt to make conversation and she just goes “???? What is that…” Idia gives up on attempting to socialize and crawls back into his quiet corner to be gloomy.
Jade… well, he’s Jade 💀 You can bet he’ll be bickering with her the entire trip as they take in the local flora and fauna. Miss Raven will want to try a little of every food and drink offered to her, but because of her small stomach she can’t possibly eat full servings. Jade can be her convenient human-sized food disposal bin more free food for him.
Ravens are actually quite hardy; they can survive in northern winters just fine (since they’re ready and willing to eat most anything they come across)! The birds that migrate do so for food and egg laying purposes; their warm-bloodedness and plumage often provide adequate insulation.
… Now that I think about it, Miss Raven doesn’t actually have all her feathers in her current form 😅 so she’s more susceptible to the cold at the moment; that’s nothing an Applepom/Snow Boa outfit can’t fix though! (Her thanks goes out to Marja and the kind people of Harveston~)
Here’s a quick sketch:
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It’s very similar to the outfits that Idia, Sebek, and Jade wear! Miss Raven’s variant has a poofy skirt and slightly different boots. You can’t tell from the sketch (because I totally glossed over the intricate patterns in it), but there are supposed to be scattered feathers and little sparkles included with the apple cross sections in the design. I imagine the overall fabric of the look to be dark blueish.
Her hat is most similar to Idia’s, with strings that resemble her braided pigtails. Somehow they magically manage to contain all of her hair… The new hairstyle is meant to resemble Princess Anna’s! There’s also a removable cloak which is meant to be a reference to Anna’s own magenta cloak. Miss Raven is suited for adventure; as you can probably tell from the sketch, she has a number of useful items in the pouch slung at her waist.
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mingisdoll · 28 days
Ateez and Kirby
This list includes the members as Kirby characters. I totally wasn't inspired by old memories of playing the Kirby games lol anyways. This will include games I played on my old DS and my Switch lol
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Hongjoong - Dyna Blade
In Kirby Super Star Ultra, Dyna Blade is a huge colorful bird that will do anything to protect her children. You can fight her after fighting King Dedede in Spring Breeze. Hongjoong is similar to Dyna Blade since he'd do anything for his fellow bandmates kids. His hair has undergone so many color changes. I don't know how his scalp is holding up lol I'm surprised he hasn't pulled a Sehun yet. Only Yunho lol
Seonghwa - Dark Nebula
Originally, I had him for Dyna Blade since he was told he looked like an angry bird back in the days plus he's more motherly so it would make sense. However, I remember that his name roughly means to be a star and his name backwards means Mars. In relation to this galaxy themed thing we got going on here, I decided to choose Dark Nebula. Dark Nebula is the final boss in Kirby Squeak Squad. He's a huge black star with a single pink eye in the middle who gave Daroach ultimate power towards the end of the game. Seonghwa's long black hair is literally giving me life ever since I saw those Coachella pics and vids so I wouldn't be surprised if he put on pink eye contacts and cosplayed as his own version of Dark Nebula. Sometimes, even the brightest stars can suck you in.
Yunho - Void Termina
Void Termina is the final boss in Kirby Star Allies. I honestly had no context behind this other than the fact that Yunho is tall and big and scary only when he's mad though.
Yeosang - King Dedede
Yeosang literally looks like a fucking prince so it shouldn't be a suprise that he's King Dedede. I still remember that one video where he was able to hammer down a shit ton of nails in mere seconds. Homie is strong af so I'm sure he'll be able to swing around that huge hammer that Dedede has.
San - Marx/Marx Soul
Oof. I remember fighting Marx in Milky Way Wishes. He was this innocent little bean until he revealed his plans to control Pop Star and he turned demonic after that. This is literally San when you plant him on stage. Marx Soul is utterly fucking worse and I remember having major difficulty fighting him. I feel like demon mode San fits perfectly with Marx Soul. His stage presence is insane. Marx insane lol
Mingi - Galacta Knight
This motherfucker has had pink hair and now has white hair so I decided to put him as Galacta Knight. In addition, when I imagine Galacta Knight as a human, I envision a tall man with huge angel wings sticking out his back and the tips touching the floor, the white shield with the huge pink star in the middle roughly being the same size as Captain America's shield, the pink lance being larger than life, and the mask covering his entire face so you only see the sharp wolf eyes through that mask slit. Yeah I envision Mingi being the human version of Galacta Knight. Will he have his short pink hair or long white hair though? It's up to the imagination ig lol
Wooyoung - Kirby
You cannot fucking tell me that this man is the personification of Kirby. He's just a sweet boy with a huge damn mouth. He is softness and cuteness personified. The only difference is that he doesn't inhale everything in his path. He only screams. Maybe he can inhale San's di-
Jongho - Meta Knight
Ngl, I originally thought of Mingi being Meta Knight since he's my ult and Meta Knight is my favorite Kirby character of all time. However, I remember playing Meta Knightmare Ultra and this one scene popped up. Galacta Nova asked Meta Knight what his one wish was and of course, in true lone swordsman fashion, Meta Knight answered that he only wishes to grow stronger. In that Vanity Fair video, Jongho revealed that he was born with power and as he talked, he exuded that damn power. That's when I knew that he was more fit for Meta Knight rather than Mingi. Also, now I'm imagining Jongho as the human version of Meta Knight with his lilac hair and hands gripping Galaxia (the name of Meta Knight's gold sword) with that 49.1 kg strength, and piercing yellow eyes through the mask. In addition, I now want Jongho to dye his hair an indigo color since technically, Meta Knight's Kirby form is indigo colored in the DS version of the Kirby games.
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obeymycok · 2 years
MC’s Demon Form - Beelzebub
Just to be clear, MC can use all their forms. This is just the one that the brothers first saw MC in. If you haven’t read the setup for these headcanons, as well as the pact headcanons that explain what’s happening here, I strongly recommend you do so (they will be linked below) Otherwise, on with the reactions!
Taglist: @trashlord-007  @waldeinsamkeit600  @simpinginthecorner  @xxgenderenvyxx  @q-ueue
Pact Headcanons     Setup
“MC!!!” Mammon shouted as he sprinted to the fallen beast followed closely by the rest of the brothers. Apparently, too close. Mammon stopped dead in his tracks, feet still sliding over the dirt as his brothers crashed into him at full force. They all got up ready to curse him out, but the sight in front of them quickly shut them up.
There you were, but you looked like..?
He's still shocked he has to look UP to you
Definitely not worried about you taking care of yourself since you're now a giant
Ok he is a little worried because Beel is a fighter but he figures if you've been ok this long he won't step in to stop it
The peacock is proud
One jealous bird boy
He can’t be too mad though because Beel is one of the best protectors
He’ll probably always bring a snack for you even though he insists it was his and he’s sharing because he’s so generous you literally don’t even like these Mammon
Just let him be his tsundere self
“Of course you’d pick Beel as your protector I’m ju-”
Please just slap your hand over his mouth and explain that you train with EVERYONE”S power
He’ll probably ask you to show him a workout routine so he feels more confident when he cosplays
“I’ll let you try my Ultra Rare Limited Edition Ruri-chan mochi if you PROMISE not to tell Beel and don’t eat them all”
He SOOOO wants to see you fight up close
Will ask a million times to spar with you
Also asks you to drop him like a bomb on top of Lucifer when he doesn’t expect it because SURELY you can carry him now
He’ll calm down just give him a minute 3 hours
Ok Asmo totally fell even more in love with you towering over him THAT much
Obviously he would LOVE to help taking care of your horns and wings as if they were his own
Makes sure that whatever form your sin manifests (food, drugs, sex etc..), you don’t overdo it to the point of hurting yourself
Also takes care of any injuries you may have gotten while training
Frozen where he stands; he doesn’t believe it’s really you until you call to him
Like when a dog gets so happy it starts whimpering out of happiness
Really enjoys watching you fly since he has too much muscle mass to lift off
Takes care of your wings and makes sure they’re always safe so you never lose that ability
He thinks he sees 2 Beel’s for a second from either sleep or knocking into Mammon
He’s so so so happy for Beel and he can feel the excitement his twin is feeling
Now that you’re a giant, baby also demands you pick him up like Beel does
Brings you snacks because that’s always what he’s done for Beel
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disillusioneddanny · 3 months
Red Hood Tim Ask
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hello! i'm so sorry, tumblr ate your ask :((( I saw it in my email but didn't se it in my ask box.
To answer your question, it's turning into a very long fic lol. I also got two different asks about my red hood tim fic so I'm going to share the backstory details in this one and in the other one I'll share some of my favorite parts I have planned :3
Basically it's a reverse Robin's au where Damian is the eldest and he becomes Shadow. but Tim? Tim becomes Robin.
TW for torture, Joker Jr. and Tim's inevitable death.
This fic is also all @castrian-amore's fault because he has an amazing Red Hood Tim cosplay and I got inspired. i may have sent them the tim drake art first but still shhhh
At twelve years old he's running the streets taking pictures of his favorite duo, Batman and Shadow when he gets snatched up by Joker who in a bid to get Harley Quinn to take him back, tortures him for two months in an attempt to turn him into Joker Junior.
He kidnaps Harley and shows him his newest creation and she's horrified. But she has no clue how she can save this poor kid from the maniac. So she plots a way to save Tim and agrees to stay with Joker.
While they're together, Harley tries to help Tim as much as she can and she tells him stories to distract him from everything that's happening. She tells him about the little bird, Robin and how it's associated with life changing experiences and that it teaches you that even in the harshest of winters, the light of spring will appear.
Finally, Harley gets Tim out of the Joker's clutches and to Batman who takes on look at Tim and is like adoption bait. He learns that the Drakes didn't even know that their son was missing for two months and gets custody of Tim. But the problem is that it's not the only reason Bruce wants Tim. Bruce wants him because Tim managed to endure two months of torture with Joker and knows Bruce's secret identity and never once gave it away, not only that but he's concerned that Tim still might turn into Joker Jr and it's better if he just keeps Tim with him so he can keep an eye on him.
He encourages Tim to become a vigilante in an effort to make sure that the kid doesn't become a villain. Not that Tim really plans to? He's getting to live with his hero and be a vigilante and that's all that matters to him. So he takes on the name Robin as a symbol of his own rebirth after everything that has happened to him. And Batman raises him to be a soldier because that's the only way Bruce can convince himself that Tim won't become Joker Junior.
Anyway, years go by and it's miserable for Tim because he's taught to be a soldier and Bruce continually treats him like he's a threat. And he makes friends with this little kid in Crime Alley named Jason who thinks Robin is a hero.
Then the fight with Darkseid happens and Bruce is thrown into the timestream and Tim is desperate to save him. Because Bruce is all Tim knows and he doesn't know what to do without getting orders because that's all he's used to and Damian treats him like total shit.
So Tim goes on his Brucequest and dies against the Widower. Ra's sends back the information that Tim found about Bruce along with his Robin suit and tells Damian that he's dead. Only, Ra's has brought Tim back to life and has decided to make the kid his own personal soldier.
This is all the backstory for the story.
The fic itself takes place with Jason as Robin and wanting to know more about the Robin who used to come visit him in Crime Alley and bought him chili dogs. Especially because the plaque hanging in front of Tim's Robin suit doesn't say "a good soldier." no you see, it says "a precious son" something that Tim never saw himself as because Bruce never treated him that way.
Jason eventually meets the new Gotham crime lord named Red Hood who is a little too angry at Batman and Nightwing (Damian)
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dumpy-dump · 2 years
ffxiv villains
Nael Van Darnus is the english localization team's greatest adversary apparently the unhinged garlean legatus responsible for slam dunking the moon into the ground. she's a big fan of bahamut, sephiroth, and majora's mask, among other things, you see, and decided to incorporate her interests into her work. she dies but doesnt.
Gaius "such devastation" Baelsar is a verbose fantasy nazi who's favorite color is social darwinism. he dies but doesnt, after getting epically pranked by a kingdom hearts cosplayer. later, his many adopted lizard children die. this all causes him to suddenly realize that fascism is not very poggers. it's all very cool and makes sense, you see. gaius "garlean man's burden" baelsar was already slightly less racist than his peers anyway so he's basically a hero.
Nero's not a villain, he's just based.
lol Lahabrea 🍞🔑🗡
Thordan is catholic.
Nidhogg was totally valid actually, but he needed to speak to a dragon grief counselor or something.
Zenos is megatron but sad is a sadistic bishonen who based his whole personality on "the most dangerous game." he's a twisted fuckin cycle path, less a person and more a weapon for the emperor to wield (at least until late stormblood). he's mostly just doing what he was born and raised to do, yeah, but it's not like that makes it fine. he dies but doesn't, as overstaying one's welcome simply runs in his family. he then spends most of his time in early endwalker trying to invite the wol to a nice, romantic, candlelit fistfight in the wendy's parking lot, by pissing on the moon (of course). that, and doing a whole lot of napping, apparently (way to beat the boring allegations, zenos). he helped cause the apocalypse because he's depressed (and very, very battle horny), but it's not like depression makes it all fine.
lol Varis 🗡😱🪦
Emet-Selch is the ceo of fascism, and was a funny and extremely likeable villain who stole the show everytime he showed up, until he wasnt. he stalled in the grieving process and decided to make that everyone else's problem by comitting mass genocide (he kins nidhogg you see) across multiple worlds for thousands of years in an attempt to bring his people back. but he's depressed (about his own ppl, he didnt seem to feel too bad about the everything else), so it's fine. genocide is his coping mechanism you see (very relatable). he dies but still has a ton of screentime and importance even after death because overstaying one's welcome simply runs in his family.
Elidibus more like elidibitch, ayo! was the convocation's little pogchamp who was sacrificed to become zodiark's heart, instead of any of the older members of the convocation who could have made that sacrifice (no, no, by all means, let the lil guy do it). he keeps desperately fighting for reasons he doesnt even know anymore, all while donning his best ff1 warrior of light cosplay (you're doing great, sweetie!). he can also apparently help you travel back in time, even though that's not how that worked when they sent the crystal tower through time initially but yeah okay sure (i kinda already did the twinning broski, cid's funky time robot is gone, how are you doing any of this? dont answer that).
lol Valens 🥛🐄💪
Fandaniel is become zodiark amon hermes a mentally ill funky little jester who is fought three goddamn times, one of those times being in the afterlife after you've already killed him once. one might assume that he may be related in some way to emet and his family based on how he, too, overstays his welcome. but no, he's just one of emet's annoying coworkers. yet another twisted fuckin cycle path, he helped cause the apocalypse (twice technically), but he was depressed, so it's fine. one of two characters whose existence slightly detracts from the whole hope vs despair theme of endwalker (imo).
Meteion is Necron a sad space bird, there to act as an homage to other final fantasy games that also have some random last minute bullshit as the final boss, not acknowledging of course that that is usually one of the worst parts of all the games that do that (i like ff4 but zeromus mcpalpatine-reference is lame). she's trying to destroy all life, yes, but she's mostly just doing what she was born and raised to do, so it's fine. she's also there to connect to the hope vs despair theme, but that is slightly undercut by the player charitably helping a violently mentally ill man die his preferred death (but like in a fun way) right after the big hope overcomes despair moment.
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negative-speedforce · 2 months
OC Fandom Asks! For Kayla and Siv please
1, 3, 7, 10, 15, 19, and 29?
1: Was your OC influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them?
Kayla is loosely based on the ORIGINAL-original version of Siv, the one from 14-year-old me's DC/Marvel/Percy Jackson/Star Wars crossover. I had some really cool concepts for the later chapters of that one, and I decided to recycle them into a whole new character.
Siv is quite literally the product of a dream I had when I was 13, but overall, while I mostly base my characters' stories and personalities off their playlists, her personality has been influenced by a whole lot of characters. They were influenced by Cassandra from Tangled: The Series, Natasha Romanoff, Reva from Kenobi, Adrien from Miraculous, and a whole lot of other characters from fandoms I've been into over the 7+ years I've had them.
3: What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch?
Kayla would absolutely SUCK in a rom-com. First of all, she aroace-spec, second of all, she does not know how to talk to girls- at all. It would low-key be pretty funny to watch her fumble around like that.
Siv would loathe being in a Regency period drama. All those rules and restrictions for how you have to be- she wouldn't be able to stand it. She'd probably end up going apeshit and destroying the castle.
7: If your OC had to cosplay as a fictional character, who would they choose?
Kayla normally isn't the cosplaying type, but I think she'd have a lot of fun dressed up as Sam from Totally Spies.
Siv would probably dress up as some kind of creature from Star Trek. I'm not sure what, but they'd pull it off really well nonetheless.
10: How would your OC do in the last book/movie/tv show/game/etc. you read/watched/played?
Oooh I watched Birds of Prey yesterday with my Grandma (it is her favorite movie) so this will be fun-
Kayla absolutely slays. She's got that vaguely morally gray component to her character that means that she'll probably get along with most of the main cast. Though Harley's personality would probably give her a headache.
I'm actually planning an arc where Siv has to team up with Harley and the Birds of Prey for... plot reasons! I feel like she'd get along best with Dinah and Helena for obvious reasons, but ngl I'm mostly planning this arc because I have the idea of Siv snapping at Harley and telling her to shut up/stop being annoying/etc, and Harley goes all psychiatrist on her.
15: How well would your OC do in a standard slasher movie?
Kayla, being a secret agent, would fare pretty well. Her skills in recognizing patterns and taking down supervillains would be invaluable in a slasher film.
Siv, if they weren't the slasher themself, would definitely make it to the end, and probably end up slashing the slasher.
19: If your OC was in Star Trek’s Starfleet, what would be their role/position? Or, if that doesn’t really fit your OC: why would they get kicked out of Starfleet?
Kayla, being a biomedical engineer in real life, would probably be either the chief medical officer or an engineer in Starfleet.
Siv would get thrown out of Starfleet for starting too many fights and overwhelming her ship's medical supplies with all the injuries she's caused.
29: Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona?
I don't even know if Kayla really knows what a fursona is, but if she had to chose, I think she'd go with some kind of bird. Like maybe a blue jay or some other kind of corvid?
Siv isn't a furry, but she made up a fursona as a joke with her friends in high school. It's a lynx that wields a giant battle axe.
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whisperingrockers · 7 months
I LOVE your take on hawkshaw, but looking back on penelope's...."cosplay" after you know the truth is really insightful on what she possibly feels about her family and environment. How much of penny and hawkshaws opinions and feelings do you think was true about Penelope and not just another farce?
I’ve been chewing at this question with Nim SINCE WE FINISHED THE GAME… it’s literally so… girl. Did you even love your fiancé be honest.
I will say that there’s a lot of self loathing that’s pretty evident if you ask hawkshaw about penny— the comment about being 27? the way she insults her own looks? and you could argue that it’s simply Penelope growing tired of one guise after playing the part for so long, but you don’t just… act like a flouncy bird person for 27 years and not have a part of that be an honest facet of yourself. One she couldn’t totally shirk as hawkshaw; the judgement about fifi leaving the library a mess, the kinder tone she takes when talking about the man that raised her, and her confusion as to why the other two girls don’t just. Leave.
Sure, Penelope’s playing another character, but I think she definitely used it as an excuse to air grievances AND voice an admiration for Poppy that she never could as Penny…
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Y'know how they are Legos and they are basically all the same but with different clothes and haircuts?? WHAT IF.
Wukong and macaque look similar to humans because monkeys in real life are considered similar to humans (and are), so while the others are totally different, wukong and macaque reassemble more Lego humans.
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gabysimgallery · 1 year
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BNHA Hero Killer Stain - xXDiamond_AraXx
My version of Chizome Akaguro bc i love him so much XDD
The Sims 4 Gallery (game gallery) - contains CC
All cc and poses I’ve used below the read more💗💗💗💗💗
First pic poses by @j-e-n-n-e-h called ♥ FRESH START ♥ 
Second pic by @juupo45 called  Male Secondary Poses♥
Modeling Trait poses 
- CAS Pose for Male Sim Set 06 Loner Trait by remaron
- MALE POSE PACK 4 Mean Trait by Katverse
I made a list of CC and CC sliders you need to download to turn out just like the pics!
Cosplay - Chizome Akaguro Cosplay Set by  Jay Bird The Nerd on Patreon
Makeup - EYESHADOW EYS02 by Katverse (under the mask)
Eyes - Magilou Eyes N109 by Pralinesims
Skin Detail -  Faceskin03 by Seokjji
*Optional -  Belaloallure_hanny top by  belal1997 (its a oversized T shirt for the night wear, totally optional)
My hero academia / Boku no Hero Academia belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi
The Sims 4 © 2023 Electronic Arts Inc.
BNHA Hero Killer Stain - zip file containing all mods/sliders and tray files in my MediaFire xXDiamond_AraXx  ;D
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kringletheelf04 · 1 year
Work and a visit from an elf
(Chapter 4 of wrapped in love)
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It's been eight months and the amount of mouth injuries I've gotten is impossible to count. Luckily my mouth instantly heals now, but it's still inconvenient. My canine teeth have sharpened and my ears have elongated slightly. Being a children's librarian it makes it easy to pass off as a cosplay in town. Dad is trying to deny what happened, but his hair has gone light grey and he has gained a lot of weight. I mean a lot. I'm setting up to record when I hear the sound of bells. I spin in my chair to see Bernard standing in my doorway.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him.
"Just checking in. How's everything going?" Bernard sits onto my bed.
"Cool, cool. My mom doesn't want dad to ever see Charlie again, but other than that I've been good." I say pulling on my sweater over my tank top.
"Oh, sorry about that." He winces.
"They'll work it out. They always do." I shrug.
"What exactly are you doing?" He asks, looking behind me at my books laid out.
"I'm gonna be going to work at the library" I say putting on my barrettes. 
"Can I come?" He asks.
"Absolutely! Just wondering, why?" I ask, putting on my clip on earrings.
"I have to see what your like with children. It's customary." He explains.
"Makes sense." I nod as I grab the bag he gifted me.
"It's just down the road so I walk." I say slipping on my shoes.
"Are you sure you can walk in those?" He points to my platforms.
"Yeah, totally. I've been rocking platforms for over ten years." I smile.
We walk out the door and I lock it behind me. The walk to the library is a short but pretty one. The flowers seem to bloom and the birds sing in the trees. After a short five minutes, we are there. Entering the library, I am greeted by a chorus of hellos from patrons and coworkers. I clock in and walk back to Bernard.
"Reading corner isn't for another couple hours, I've got shelving until then." I gesture to my cart.
"That's okay. I need to see how you work with others anyways." He shrugs.
Quickly and efficiently I stock all the returns and still have twenty minutes until reading to the children. Bernard observes from the corner as I check out several people.
"Oh I love this book!" I say to the person I'm checking out, gesturing to the book Misery.
"I adore Stephen king and haven't been able to find this one yet. Im excited to read it." The customer grins.
"Well, tell me how you like it when you return it." I smile back.
The head librarian taps my shoulder as the customer walks away.
"It's time." She smiles.
I grab my small bell from the counter and make my way to the reading corner where Bernard already sits. I bring the bell up high and ring it six times. Children seem to come out of the brickwork and swarm around the reading corner. Some racing to the front and others preferring to sit back.
"What story are you telling today Ms. Calvin?" A girl with no front teeth lisps.
"Today we are reading... where the wild things are!" I drumroll and pull out the hardback.
"That looks scary!" A boy from the back calls out.
"Remember, it's fiction! And fiction means-" I start and they all bellow "fake!"
"The monsters in this book are not real and cannot hurt you! And if they were, I'd be here to protect you!" I flex my arm and the kids erupt into giggles.
"Now we have the main character, his name is max! And he's naughty!" I explain the premise.
I open the book and begin reading.
"The night max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind"
I flip the page. "And another."
Flipping the page "his mother called him wild thing" I say in a sweet voice.
"And max said 'I'll eat you up!" I give a gruff voice.
"So he was sent to bed without eating anything."
"That very night, in max's room, a forest grew." I rustle the potted plants behind me, "and grew- and grew until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around."
"And an ocean tumbled by with a private boat just for max and he sailed off through night and day. And in and out of weeks, and almost a year to where the wild things are!"
The kids become enthralled with the story. Some stomp when the wild things do and some make scary faces. The children no longer appear scared and relax into the story. I close the book and set it onto the shelf.
"What story are you reading us tomorrow?!" A girl from the back calls out to me.
"Well I guess you'll have to come here to see!" I taunt jovially.
The group erupt into giggles and sighs of disappointment. They begin to scatter back into the library when the girl with no teeth approaches me.
"Ms.Calvin? Who's your friend?" She points to Bernard.
"This is Bernard! He's from out of state so he's just visiting for the time being." I lie.
"Oh, that makes sense. So can you tell me what book your gonna read next?" She pleads with me.
"Now Gisselle, that wouldn't be fair for the other kids." I ruffle her hair.
"I know." She giggles as she runs off.
"How'd I know her name?" I mumble.
"That's part of being Santa. They're all knowing. Most of the time anyway." Bernard shrugs.
"Oh. That makes sense I suppose. Anyway my shift is over, we better get back to pick up Charlie from the bus station.”
I sling my bag over my shoulder and punch out. I send a goodbye to the head librarian and she nods. Walking the way to Charlie's bus stop I think about what this means for my family. Getting to the stop, we wait about five minutes until Charlie's bus pulls up. I sit on the bench and change my shoes, a new pair appearing in my bag and I slip my platforms into it.
"Why the change?" Bernard asks.
"Charlie likes to be carried. And I can't do that in platforms without risking injury to both of us." I shrug.
The bus doors open and charlie is the first kid off, running to me with open arms.
"(Y/n)!!!" He throws his arms around me.
I pick him up and place him onto my shoulders.
"Bernard! You're here too!" He points.
"Hey sport! I'm here to see how your sibling and dad are doing." Bernard smiles.
"Dad's in denial. I learned the word from Neil." He smiles proudly.
"I'm sure you want to get home before dad gets back, so we better head out." I start walking.
Bernard trails behind us. We soon make it to the house and I unlock the door. Placing Charlie down, he kicks off his shoes and runs to the tv.
"Can we, oh can we watch muppets Christmas carol? Please (y/n)?" He asks with puppet eyes.
"It's not even winter yet, sport." I sit next to him.
"But it's my favorite!" He pleads.
"I can't say no to you, you watch it and I'll start dinner." I kiss his forehead.
I walk into the kitchen and start to prepare supper.
"This a new thing with him?" Bernard nods his head at the movie.
"Oh no! It's been his favorite forever. He watches it all the time." I clarify.
"So your dad. How's his transformation going?" Bernard clasps his hands.
"He's convinced it didn't happen. Even though we both have changed dramatically." I sigh.
"That's ok. You have three more months to get your affairs in order. Then you both will move to the pole." He wrings his hands.
"Like forever? How's that fair to us?" I get up.
"Well someone has to deliver Christmas presents. And your dad is now responsible for Christmas cheer." He holds his hands up.
"He's like the least cheery person I know." I try to explain.
"Well that doesn't matter now." Bernard shrugs.
"How am I supposed to tell him?" I ask.
"Not my job, sorry." He says, proofing into glitter once more.
"This is fucking bullshit!" I set the knife onto the cutting board.
I hear the door bell ring and sigh.
"Can you get that Charlie?" I ask him.
"It's the list!" He calls back.
The what now?
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ask-de-writer · 9 months
WIND MEETS THE ROM : Part 12 of 27 :
MLP Fan Fiction
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Part 12 of 27
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat
54212 words
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 06/01/18
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story? Read from Part 1, here!
Black Lotus was going over the harness with a light oil of some kind and making some small adjustments to it. Hoof Dancer was going over Wind, checking for chafing and wear points, which she treated with a lineament. She carefully checked Wind's hand and her feet as well.
Satisfied, they had the foals bring water around to all the horses, who were still in harness. In only a few minutes more, they were back on the road.
As she leaned into the harness, Wind was appreciating the cunning leather work. The harness not only gave her good leverage for Pulling, it also provided her with excellent support and assisted her in maintaining the best posture for the long lasting work of Pulling.
Wind was appreciating something else, too. Not merely the amazingly solid and smooth road underfoot, but the fact that the placement of the trees alongside, though seemingly natural, provided a fine balance of light and shade. She realized that the tone poem about the roads was exactly what this was all about.
Besides the Rom singing, she could hear the song of birds and smell the mix of vegetation alongside the road. Along with the songs, she fell almost into a trance, a meditation, breathing deeply and feeling as if she was one with the caravan and the caravan was one with the road.
She was actually surprised when they turned off into a Wayside to make their lunch.
Hanar nuzzled her back to alertness. “You have done amazingly well, Wind! Are you sore or stiff anywhere? Blisters on your feet, or anything?”
Wind gave an experimental stretch and pronounced, “Not really. I can feel where the harness bore on my shoulders and at my hips but it did a great job of spreading the load. I need to thank Black Lotus for it. She did a great job designing it.”
Wind's hearing picked up something totally unexpected from the guards. “I had my doubts, Hawkwing, Sir. That carnivore pitched right in and worked with the rest of them. I don't think that I could have pulled that load along side that filly. She is strong as a horse, and I mean that exactly.”
“So, Greenforest, you been watching and thinking like I suggested? What have you seen?”
Wind was helping to stow hitch parts as she listened.
“As part of security, I checked that Waller Left Leg's bill of lading after I saw that filly Hanar, the same that put me by the trash bin, lift the wagon up for the jacks. His load was SIX TONNES. She wasn't showing off or anything and not a one even noticed while she held it until the jacks were set. She had to lift at least THREE TONNES and hold it to do that! No pony except maybe Twilight Sparkle could manage that lift. Once I got over my butt hurt about that Waller being let into their camp and given meals, I saw that they did all that for him just because he wasn't rude and had something to offer for the cook pot. I was watching. They did not even charge him for the wood and glue that they used. I looked at that too. That was expensive, tight grain, knot free wood.”
“You are right, Greenforest. Here is something that you have not had time to find out. In seven years, I have never seen them buy any sort of lumber from anypony. It is like they have some magical source for the best woods in all of Equestria.”
Meal fires were lit and goodies baking. Wind was happily working up dough with her one hand. And watching Hanar dance while Tia played a tune for her on her new moro lyre.
Her attention was caught by the guard again. Thoughtfully, Greenforest pointed out, I used to think that the Rom were lazy, just sort of flitted about from fair to fair. This walking with them is opening my eyes. Those caravans, they call them, are heavy, even with those big wheels that they use to help them roll easy.
“Then there is here. They were pulling all morning. It puts all that dancing and music into a new light. I don't doubt that they are having fun. Thing is, they are practicing for their fair acts. That red roan mare is watching those pegassi that she took in. She is making more of those little boxes to sell too. The old donkey, over there, looks like he is working on more jewelry.
“Besides lunch, I see them packing away stacks of those Ka'chek pastries that they make into that big chest.”
Major Hawkwing's voice replied, “You are getting it, Sargent. And get this, so far, the only uncanny thing that we have seen is that Laying of the Stones thing. Most would not see anything too odd about it. But after you have seen it a few times, trust me, there is something strange going on.”
Wind's attention was pulled away by Tia pointing out, “I think that we have enough done, Wind. It is time for us to eat.” She casually took a large pot of the Rom black tea and poured it slowly into a machine that Black Lotus slowly cranked. Finely crushed dark colored ice poured out of a chute and into a collecting tub. Black Lotus's magic scooped up some and filled the bottom of a cone and then topped it with a ball of more tea made into ice.
She offered the first cone of tea ice to Wind. “You have been working so hard for us. Here, enjoy!” Wind did, sucking the cool tea ice and reveling in the sheer pleasure of it.
Following their well established routines, the band had their lunch, cleaned up, and broke out the hitches. They had not been long on the road before Wind fell into that near trance like state, carefully balancing her pull to Hanar's to keep the stress and load even. Not only did She follow, but sang along too. That was part of the whole effect. At the same time that it was heavy, sustained work, it was very peaceful and soothing.
Only a few hours down the road, the whole caravan came to a brief stop while Marchhare showed a pony at a road gate their contract. The gatekeeper made his needful notes and lifted the gaily painted red and white road gate bar. They all entered the access road to the Haymarket fairgrounds.
Wind's ears caught some resentful muttering from the guards. “What did he mean, calling us a clown act?”
That was answered in Hawkwing's voice, “Better than coming out and telling everypony that their Highnesses are here. They wish to stay incognito.”
Wind snickered and shared what she had heard with Hanar, who was seized with a fit of giggles, though she never broke pace.
Wind quickly found that setting up for a fair was very different from the setup at a Wayside.
Their campsite was back behind the rows and spaces laid out for booths or tents. As soon as their hitches were stowed, Hanar opened a different locker beneath the deck of her caravan. Together, they pulled out long parts, poles, ropes, stakes and rolls of a brightly colored but durable looking fabric.
Hanar verified her booth location with old Marchhare, who had their fair contract with its space reserved for the Rom. Together, they moved her things to be handy while they set up the booth. Wind's eye was taken by the light but sturdy panels that made up the sales counter. That was set up first, because some of the basic poles to support the awning were attached to it.
The awning was unrolled and lifted over the ridge pole that spanned above the sales counter and dangling ties secured it. Poles to support it went into rings of rope with metal centers. Ropes strung from the poles to stakes were loosely set while the balance of the fabric sides were attached.
Hanar had Wind hold the corner or side opposite to where she was expertly tensioning the ropes to stabilize and tighten the structure. Unpacking cases in her caravan's snug interior, she trotted out with a folded measuring table and racks.
Her many bolts of fabrics in a wide array of colors and weaves were put out on the racks. They closed the awning front down to close the booth until it was time to begin sales.
Hanar promptly led Wind down the Midway a bit to where Rose was setting up her display of boxes of all sizes. Wind chuckled as she realized that Rose packed smaller boxes into larger boxes and carried them all in a few chests, which were also for sale!
Rose offered, “My setup is under control. Both Myest and the Sky Dancers can use some help.”
Wind went to lend her simple strength to assisting the Sky Dancers, who were struggling a bit with the poles and canvas for a musicians shelter and resting place between their strenuous sets. They already had a roped off area for take off and landing.
Wind spotted the cause of their difficulty at once. She sidled up to the orange unicorn who was watching them with amusement. His horn was lighting up with barely visible green magic, which matched his eyes. Each time that it did, some small thing went wrong for the Sky Dancers.
Her hand laid gently against his neck, under his chin. She flexed her claws out into his flesh. “Stop messing with those foals.”
“Ow! They is just Rom! Peggesis what abandoned being good ponies!”
Wind released his neck, shifting her grip faster than he could dodge. She wrapped his muzzle in her hand, securing her grip with extended claws. She dragged his face around, forcing him to stare into her enraged, narrow vertically slitted eyes. Predator's eyes, so unlike the horizontal pupils of ponies eyes.
Curling her lips away from her fangs, she declared in a flat voice, “I am Rom.”
They were interrupted by Marchhare's familiar bray, “Warrior Wind! There you are! The healers want to know if you remember anything of the battle after the Berserker Rage took you.”
Wind saw Black Lotus behind him give her a wink and slight head toss. Wind paused, still gripping the orange muzzle, she remembered that Marchhare sometimes did demon stomps, as he called them and pretended confusion, “It is all hazy. Something about a minor demon king, wasn't it?”
Agreeably, he asked, “Do you remember losing your sword and arm to the dragon?”
Realizing that, though said to sound like fierce battle, the question was literally true, Wind replied, “I know that I did, but don't remember anything until I woke up in the Healer's house.”
Black Lotus put in, “The healers said to tell you that they never want to try operating on the arm of a catter in a Berserk Rage again! They did say that they will have you a replacement arm ready for fitting in a month or so.”
Marchhare offered, “Do come with us, please, Warrior. Seeing you try some of our vegetables and fruits, we made bold to fix you a nice savory stew of mostly meat and some of our vegetables that you liked.”
Wind followed meekly but absently “forgot” to let go of the orange unicorn's muzzle. Feeling both her claws and the raw strength of her grip, he realized that he had two choices. Follow until she let go or be dragged along like a sack of oats. He followed.
Short of the camp, he suddenly began to struggle in Wind's grip. To no avail. A unicorn of the Royal Road Police, in his midnight blue uniform had him, capped his horn, hobbled him and snapped a lead to the straps holding the horn.
As orange was led off, Black Lotus commented, “You are a quick study, Wind.”
Wind, sitting in some nice shade, was balancing a stew bowl and her tea mug on a tray. “Thanks. You guys are pretty sharp too. You put me in a deadly battle without ever actually saying that I was in one. Why?”
Marchhare tapped his big ears and replied, “There were a lot of ponies watching Chugg mess with the Sky Dancers. I think that a couple might have interfered if it had gone on much longer. Point is, you got there first.
“Everypony there saw your sashes and harness and when you stopped him you declared that you were Rom. We just gave you a backstory that contained no lies, though I admit that the truth was a pretzel!”
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
I Can't Be the One to Stop You - Legacies x Noralise!Daughter!Reader
You Will Remember Me
B/m/n = biological mother’s name
A/n: 💙
"Hope, wait!" you exclaimed as Hope was about to stab Aurora, but you were too late, and Hope was too wreckless, stabbing Aurora.
"What is that?"
"Oh, don't you worry darling, I'll explain everything when we wake up." Aurora smiled, her eyes shutting as Hope's body hit the ground.
"Bloody tridents..." You muttered to yourself, picking up the weapon gingerly.
You sat at the table, staring at the trident that rested there and waiting for either one of them to wake up with an explanation.
You remained still as Aurora woke up first, walking around and glancing at you in confusion.
"What did you do to me?" Aurora asked in a strange tone of voice as Hope awoke.
"I tricked you, little bird. Thanks to a bit of magic, from dear departed Agatha. She's been watching you a long time, Hope. That's how she knew to make the trident. You bringing the angel along wasn't something she expected however. Papa Tunde's blade was destroyed, in order to raise the Hollow. If only you weren't so ignorant, and knew your family history, you might still, inhabit this tiny body." Aurora in Hope's body taunted Hope in Aurora's body, leaving you to let out a dramatic sigh.
"She likes to talk a lot, doesn't she?" B/m/n pointed out, frowning as Mary-Lou glared, "so do you."
"Does the back of your neck itch, by any chance?"
Your eyes widened as you spotted the brand on the back of Aurora's neck.
"That's not good. Not good at all." Nora remarked, grimacing at the brand, plus the memory of how Mary-Lou's family ran a slaughterhouse and cow's being branded.
"Come at me, and let's fine out." Aurora (as Hope) threatened, but Hope (as Aurora) sped away instead, leaving you to teleport as Aurora (as Hope) reached for her glass.
"I'm quite cute when I'm angry."
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson, get your ass back here, even if it's not yours. We have to get you back in your body." You stated, finding Hope in Aurora's ody at some village fete, having acquired a denim jacket, sunglasses and a baseball cap.
"How did you find me? I thought your teleportation-"
"I know your soul, Hope, your spirit. Regardless of what body you're in." You replied, folding your arms as you glanced around for Aurora in Hope's body, "anyway, we need to get you back in your body."
"Well that sounded not totally platonic." B/m/n remarked as Nora chuckled to herself. You weren't exactly subtle.
Turning your head, you frowned as you felt a tingle down your spine.
"I think Lizzie's in trouble." You replied, tilting your head to the side with a hum as Hope in Aurora's body got out her phone.
Lizzie was calling.
"You could at least put it on speaker, I don't have supernatural hearing!" You exclaimed, only hearing Hope's side of the call before Lizzie hung up.
"Did you get any of that?" "No." "I, like my daughter, don't have supernatural hearing, Hildegard!" Your mothers squabbled amongst themselves.
"Step one is complete, step two, think of a trap to set up before..." Lizzie paced back and forth, having trapped Hope's body currently housing Aurora in the coffin built to hold a God. Of course neither you or Hope in Aurora's body knew this yet.
"Too late." Hope in Aurora's body snarked, letting go off you as you teleported her and yourself into Aurora's basement, "but I'm so curious, what's step three?"
Lizzie swallowed nervously as Hope as Aurora glared at her, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Honestly didn't see this coming." Hope as Aurora admitted as she and Lizzie walked in a circle, pacing around dramatically.
"The therapy box showed me a new side of myself." Lizzie smirked, and Hope as Aurora raised an eyebrow, watching you from the corner of her eye as you leaned against one of the columns holding the basement up, concern in your eyes.
"The side that cosplays as a vampire hunter?"
"She takes after her father." B/m/n sighed, whilst Nora and Mary-Lou frowned, wondering what exactly they were missing.
You snorted at that, hiding it as a cough as Lizzie gave you a look.
"The side that's willing to do whatever it takes, unlike Y/n, who seems to have got nothing done." Lizzie snarked as you shifted, meeting Hope's eyes as she heard your heart flutter.
"She's crumbling." "She doesn't think Lizzie would understand, I think, anyway." "Bloody hell." Your mothers complained, watching in anticipation.
"Interesting. So what was the plan, how did you expect to fight me without dying?"
"It doesn't matter now. You're not the tribrid anymore, you're just a vampire, so any old stake will do." Lizzie replied, stepping forwards, before she noticed you had moved slightly. Closer to Hope.
"Y/n!" Nora called out, desperation in her voice, but it fell into the void.
"True, but you know the tricky thing about therapy is, knowing what you need to do, and going through with it, are two different things." Hope as Aurora replied, walking over to break the leg off a wooden chair, ignoring how your eyes widened slightly.
"So, now's your chance, let's see if you have it in you." Hope taunted Lizzie, ignoring you as your jaw clenched, hand raised to summon the stake to your hand.
"I know what will help. Being able to look into the eyes of person who tried to kill my father." Lizzie replied, casting the spell as you watched, waiting as Hope was shown as Hope now, not Aurora.
"Oh, you think that will help? Take your shot. Do it." Hope taunted, stepping forwards as Lizzie held up the stake, the wood shaking in her hand.
"Lizzie. Don't." You warned, stepping forwards as Lizzie glared at you.
"She tried to kill my father, she deserves this!" Lizzie snapped, her hand hovering in the air, trembling slightly as you slid in between Hope and Lizzie, your back to the Tribrid.
"Do I? Kill Hope and you kill me too. It's my loophole." You replied, voice quiet as Lizzie's jaw clenched, disbelief in her eyes.
"Get out of the way, Y/n. I came here to make Hope hurt. Like she hurt all of us, like she hurt you. Seeing you in front of me, protecting her. I hate you both. I hate this. I hate how many good memories I have of you both. I hate that I have to be the one to do this, because no one else will. Most of all, I hate you, for being my friends, and for being a part of my weird messed up family, and for making me, and Y/n love you, Hope Mikaelson. Because no matter how far you go, no matter how evil you become, apparently, I can't be the one to stop you." Lizzie let out a breath, glassy eyes glancing around as the stake was thrown to the floor.
Turning around, your cloaked wings brushed Lizzie as you stepped out from between them.
"Hope?" Lizzie whispered as Hope blinked several times, her eyes softening as she looked at you and Lizzie, "are you?" Lizzie tentatively asked, hope in her eyes as you swallowed thickly.
"I'm back." Hope smiled, pretending like she didn't see the disbelief on your face, the suspicion in your eyes.
"Did it work?" B/m/n asked, but Mary-Lou took a step closer to observe, ignoring the question, whilst Nora shrugged.
"Can't believe you got bamboozled by this old thing. What's the first thing you're going to do, when you're back in your body with your humanity on?" Lizzie asked, holding the trident and preparing the spell to undo the body swap.
"Humanity off me, was, um, reckless. But there's one thing she wanted to do, that I should have done a long time ago. Also, I'm so sorry-" Hope eyed you as Lizzie glanced up, raising an eyebrow at her behaviour.
"I don't trust her." Mary-Lou finally voiced her opinion on the matter.
"Save it. When Hope Mikaelson apologises, I like to give it my full attention. You know, I have to be honest, when Josie told me you weren't too far gone, I didn't believe her." Lizzie admitted, arranging the items required for the spell.
"Me neither." Hope replied, her voice soft as she met your eyes again.
"I don't know why it was I that got to bring you back, out of everyone, but I'm just happy I didn't have to do it during Salvatore Idol." Lizzie joked, not noticing how uncomfortable you got as Hope admitted she agreed.
You zoned out as Lizzie began the spell.
"What do you mean, my love? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Nora asked, concern washing over her as Mary-Lou tilted her head to the side in agreement.
Lizzie and Hope were hugging when you snapped out of your thoughts.
"You can't trust her. Once a Mikaelson, always a Mikaelson!" Aurora exclaimed, shoving the column you'd leaned on before over, the ceiling beginning to crumble without the column.
Uncloaking your wings, you wrapped them around you to cover yourself from the debris, not seeing Hope find Lizzie's red oak stake and hide it on her person.
"What is Hope doing?" "Is Y/n okay?" "She's not hurt, Nora." Your mothers frantically watched, unable to do anything else as the scene began to unravel.
"Okay, first things first..." Lizzie began, pausing as she turned around to spot Hope checking on you.
"What are you doing?" Lizzie asked, about to ask again when Hope stepped closer to you, cradling your face in her hands.
"Um!" Mary-Lou voiced her opinion first, whilst B/m/n's eyes widened and Nora gasped.
"What I should have done a long time ago? Can I?" Hope asked, glancing at your lips as she felt the blood rush to your face, smirking slightly as you nodded.
Lizzie's eyes widened as Hope pulled you into a kiss, and you, you kissed her back.
"Is now really the time, ladies? We need to go home and try and save my dad, then... we can go after Aurora." Lizzie rolled her eyes, turning away from Hope as she playfully tugged your bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes glowing yellow as her fangs appeared. Hope smirked as she knew her cover with you was blown, but one hand remained on your neck, the other on your waist as you stared at her.
Hope let go of your lip, stepping back with a finger on your lips to keep your quiet as she removed the red oak stake from where she hid it before.
"Did she just-" "You were right, you two." B/m/n replied, gesturing to Hope and distracting Noralise from what had happened.
"Actually, um, the first thing you need to do is explain what this is." Hope replied, about to step back when you siphoned her finger by kissing it.
"You remember that tree, the three of us sprouted together before you transitioned?" Lizzie's voice was soft, quiet, as she explained.
"Let me guess, that was an oak tree."
"Red oak," Lizzie elaborated, "actually, kind of beautiful."
"And this thing," Hope twirled the stake in her hand, "can kill the Tribrid?" Hope asked, sighing as Lizzie shook her head slightly.
"Wow, nature really doesn't waste any time, does it? Unlike you, sorry, Angel, we'll talk later, ad somnum." Hope apologised, sending you to sleep as your body hit the floor in a heap.
"Y/n!" "Why doesn't she fight back?" "Because it's Hope, Y/n doesn't just have a tribrid shaped soft spot, Hope has Y/n's heart, just not physically this time." Your mothers retorted, reaching out to try catch you, but they couldn't.
"Your humanity never came back on. It was all just an act, you kissed Y/n-"
"No, I wanted to, and she wanted to. That wasn't an act, but everything else was, and a pretty good one. Right?" Hope smirked, as fear washed over Lizzie.
"Did she just admit she wanted to kiss her?" B/m/n asked, looking at Nora and Mary-Lou for elaboration.
"My guess is, becoming a vampire heightened Hope's feelings for Y/n, her lack of humanity made her reckless and impulsive, so she didn't stop herself from wanting to kiss Y/n, unless Y/n didn't want that. She still has a sliver of respect left in her."
"Hope, I meant what I said, every word. Deep down, I believe that there is still some good in you." Lizzie replied, stepping forwards to confront the no humanity Tribrid.
"Oh my god. Everyone keeps saying that. Let's prove them wrong." Hope smiled menacingly, black veins protruding under her glowing yellow eyes.
"No! No, I am not gonna fight you, and I'm not gonna run, because this is stupid, you're not actually going to kill me. We all know that, you haven't killed anyone who can't come back to life, you're just being a bully, so drop the act, there are some lines that even you won't cross-" Lizzie was cut off as Hope sped forwards, snapping her neck and allowing her body to drop to the floor.
Your mothers stared in horror as they watched Lizzie's body drop like a rag doll.
Staring down at the body, Hope walked over to you, running a finger across your cheek as you stirred.
"What, what did you do? Oh my god, Lizzie!" You yelled, trying to run to Lizzie's body but Hope didn't move, staring at you intensely as she listened to your heartbeat.
"She was a fool, just like you." Hope whispered, cupping your chin with her hand and hearing your blood pump around your body. Your jaw clenched as Hope smirked.
"Why? Was it worth it? Was killing Lizzie Saltzman worth it?" You shouted, getting louder and louder as Hope just took it, ignoring you to try destroy the weird coffin that Aurora had tried to trap Hope in.
"I'm surprised she hasn't just killed her again... seems to be her calling card when Y/n's challenging Hope." B/m/n admitted, but Nora and Mary-Lou glared at her, not wishing to see you drop dead by Hope's hand again.
A cracking noise, followed by a gasp had you and Hope turning around.
"You're supposed to be dead." Hope deadpanned, whilst your eyes widened, relief overwhelming you, until Lizzie said something that explained everything.
"I know, but all I am, is hungry."
"Well, Valerie will be less lonely, now there's a population of two living heretics in the world!" Mary-Lou exclaimed, waving her arms around sarcastically.
The Story of My Life
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izzy-mc-fizzy · 2 years
//:TOH spoilers ahead://
Decided to make this a lil tradition for after a big episode of TOH airs so without further ado here’s some things I wanna see in For the Future!
Lilith and Hunter 1 on 1 convo about their time together under Belos. For the first time her seeing who hunter truly is, an intelligent and brave young kid rather than the haughty know-it-all she assumed he was for so long. I can imagine her apologizing and saying something like “I misjudged you, Hunter.” (Basically I just really really want cool Aunty Lilith and hunter Clawthorne is that too much to ask?!)
Hunter mourning flapjack, like truly mourning him. And I want to see the hexsquad there for him every step of the way, supporting him through his journey of loss and grief.
On a slightly lighter note, hunter discovering that flapjacks sacrifice actually gave him some sort of magic. Bonus points if it’s him, like, teleporting on complete accident or something and everyone around him plus himself just being at a complete loss for words
LUZ’S PALISMAN!!! I’m still holding out for team bat but I also think a snake would be cute too! Like a little snake coiled around the actual staff, I think that’d be really cute!
Hunter carving a new palisman, and unpopular opinion I don’t want it to just be a remade flapjack because I feel like that’ll really take away from the impact of his sacrifice and loss. I’m hoping for another bird of some sort because as I’ve established I am nothing if not a hunter Clawthorne truther
Camilla and Eda meeting while Eda is in harpy form and Camilla assuming she’s some sort of malevolent monster so she just gets so ready to throw down to protect her kids and is shocked and slightly horrified as Luz just bursts into tears and launches herself at Eda.
The return of the C.A.T.T’s. Them re-establishing their base as a safe haven from the collector and giving Camilla and the kids a safe place to hide out while they all plan how to get king back (this will also allow the crew to change everyone’s designs back to normal bc even though I think it’d be hysterical for all of them to throw down in cosplay I don’t think it’s very practical or easy to animate)
Eda, Lilith, the coven heads, Camilla, AND the kids all throwing down against Belos. All the kids took him on twice and were able to hold their own pretty well, but were ultimately defeated by him but with them PLUS all of the adults I think they’re strong enough to take him down. Plus that battle scene will be the most badass thing on the planet
Hunter getting the final hit on Belos, because I think he deserve it
Luz’s reaction to Edas lost arm as well as the apparent death of Raine. She’d be so heartbroken and sad, especially once she finds out Raine did it to keep their promise to her (ok wait that sounds really sad maybe I don’t wanna see that)
CAMILLA AND EDA MOM DUO oh my god I just wanna see them meet and interact so freaking bad! They’d definitly bond over how proud they are of Luz and what it’s like accidentally finding yourself to be a parent of way to many kids
Adding onto that I’ve always wanted to see Luz accidentally call Eda “mom” but now I think I’d rather see Luz call out “mom” is some sort of stressful situation and having both Camilla AND Eda respond to it
Luz giving hunter and her mom a crash course in glyphs! I can imagine her telling her mom to learn them as a form of protection and Camilla eventually telling her that she prefers the bat but hunter is TOTALLY into it and actually catches on really fast
Also something I wanted from this episode but unfortunately didn’t get was luz and the others showing down against belos and him cornering Luz and taunting her about her lack of magic in the human realm and her in response just absolutely decking him across the face
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m34gs · 9 months
What’s an unlikely hobby/interest you think your twst faves have? :o
Oooh what a fun ask! Thank you for this, Blue :D I couldn't answer sooner because I was busy visiting my siblings and their partners, but I am here now! 💜💜💜
Idia Shroud: cosplaying; specifically, I think posting cosplay photos online. Idia is a shy boy, cripplingly so. But, he loves video games and anime with a passion; one that allows him to at times override his own anxiety and become very outspoken and even participate in things he normally would never be remotely interested in. It's not a stretch to think he would cosplay, but it is unusual for him to want to post any photos online. I think he would still be too nervous to have others associate the cosplay account with him irl, so I think he uses a fake name, and only posts the cosplays he's certain cannot be linked back to him...the ones where either he is wearing a TON of makeup, or his face is covered. And Idia is a perfectionist/child prodigy. These costumes are Top Fricking Tier.
Azul Ashengrotto: poker. I know, he gives off mafia vibes, he gives off vegas vibes; why would I think poker is unlikely for Azul, but still one of his interests? Well, Azul does give off the vibe of a mafia boss and, like a mob boss, he does not like leaving things to chance. At all. Based off of Ursula, the sea witch, he makes deals that have high stakes, and he likes to have everything calculated so that he comes out a winner. He will, of course, be willing to take a small loss in the interest of "playing the long game" and coming out on top overall, but that's because he has planned it to be so. He does not like guessing; he very much likes to be in total control of a situation. There's tricks you can use to mostly come out on top, but in poker it's never a 100% guarantee. Still, I can't help but think poker would have an allure for him. Honestly, my headcanon for this game is he tried it once, got his ass kicked by Floyd who never seems to think about the long-term consequences of anything ever, and got so angry about this that he continuously played it when he had time prior to bed in an effort to "improve" for the next six months until he was so used to the game that playing it actually became a bit relaxing for him. He pavlov'd himself.
Jade Leech: I'm not sure if there's anything "unlikely" for Jade; he really is the kind of person that's like "try everything at least once and keep an open mind"...but if I had to pick the thing that I would be a bit surprised to hear he enjoys, it would be video games. Jade gives off the air of someone who would much rather be in nature or be enjoying an art museum, and he canonically is the Only member of the Mountain Lover's Club and goes on camping trips by himself for fun. But I do think he would be able to appreciate the quality and art of a few video games at least, and would potentially enjoy the ones that allow the player freedom to roam and do side-quests as well as storylines.
Floyd Leech: Birdwatching. If you know Floyd, you know he likes to be moving, he likes to be doing things, he's a very active person. But I think he would enjoy birdwatching. For one thing, it's definitely something he and Jade could do together and Jade would happily tell him about all the birds they see, and for another, birds are rather fascinating creatures. Canonically being a merperson and coming from the Coral Sea, I do think Floyd would find birds and their habits interesting. I also think he'd like looking for the different plumages and maybe even make a game out of finding the rarest ones he could.
Thank you again for the ask, this was very fun to answer!!!
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