#like how could anyone be so cruel and so heartless. and to think i was willingly involved with such a person
gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
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How they’d react to you kissing their cheek unexpectedly…
Boothill: seeing as how his face is the only part of him that could actually feel your touch, something he had disclosed with you in confidence and away from preying eyes.
So the moment you pressed a kiss to his cheek, Boothill melts, it was in this moment where he realised how truly touch starved he was ever since acquiring a new body. It made him hate it even more then he already did for he couldn’t experience the joy of holding your hand, having you pressed up against his chest, nothing.
He couldn’t feel none of that and he hates it so fucking much.
He hated the fact that he couldn’t feel you kiss his fingers or feel you press yourself again his back in a hug, nor the kisses that he could only imagine being pressed there, not to mention the times where you would nuzzle your face into his neck for he couldn’t feel that either.
‘Please.’ He pleads when he felt that you were about to pull away, desperately grasping at your waist that he couldn’t feel the flesh of, pulling you back into him. ‘Spare another one of your sweetest kisses for me darlin’?’ He asks in dire need of you and your kisses.
‘I’d happily give you all the kisses you could ever want.’ You replied and Boothill truly believed that you must be a saint or something because how could someone like you be with someone like him? It just doesn’t make sense.
‘Then we’ll be here for a long while sweetheart because I want them all, so don’t you go given them to anyone else, ya hear?’ He says and you only gave him another lingering kiss to his cheek, making him tighten his hold on you.
‘Then shall we get started?’ You asked with a smile.
Aventurine: ‘oh. What’s this? Kissing my cheek without warning me beforehand.’ He gasps as he holds a hand to his heart. ‘How scandalous of you.’
He’d act like your affection has no real effect on him but the faint blush scattered across his cheeks told a very different story. A story that said that he wasn’t use to your tenderness and affection towards him, that he doesn’t deserve you nor your love and that hurt you deeply.
‘It maybe scandalous to you but to me, I just want to show that you’re more than worth every bit of my affection, and just know that nothing anyone will say can persuade me into thinking otherwise.’ You told him and cheeky smirk upon his lips softened with the rest of his face.
‘You…you mean that?’ He says meekly. ‘You’re not joking…are you?’
You pressed another kiss to his cheek, letting it linger there before pulling away. ‘I’d never joke about how much you mean to me, I’m not that heartless or cruel. I adore you my darling, sweet Kakavasha.’ You answered him truthfully. ‘So if you allow me, I can show you just how much I adore you.’
Aventurine didn’t say anything at first, still wondering after all this time if he was really worth everything you’ve done for him, but one look in your eyes and the blonde knew he had his definitive answer. ‘Please show me just how much you love me, make me forget about the voices in my head that make me second guess my worth and just make me yours with every kiss.’
Argenti: thanks you for the cheek kiss before reciprocating with one of his own.
You pout. ‘I’m meant to be spoiling you in affection right now.’
Argenti cocks his head to the side, confused. ‘Why should I allow you to bless me with your kisses and not reciprocate them? Wouldn’t that seem…selfish of me.’ He asks.
‘No it wouldn’t.’ You tell him as you held his face within your hands. ‘I want you to be selfish and let me smother you in affection without feeling the need to do the same becuase you do that enough as it is on a daily basis.’ You stopped to rest your forehead against his forehead, rubbing your nose softly against his own. ‘So please just let me show you how much I care for you and thank you for being you, my sweet knight.’
Argenti sighs, allowing himself to think it over in his head. He didn’t like being selfish, it felt wrong for him to be self-indulgent when he could be the one giving you the affection, but after some time he has finally come to a conclusion. ‘Alright, I willingly concede to your wishes my star, I shall be selfish with your love.’
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grandline-fics · 1 month
Hi there! I hope u are doing well, can I request a strawhats crew reaction to a reader who can see ghosts or souls? It can be like their devil fruit power or just something that they're born with. It can be a short fic with all the strawhats or if it's too much it can just be the monster trio, i don't mind either way, do what you prefer! Thanks for letting me request!
DESCRIPTION:  You can see ghosts and spirits
WARNINGS: don’t think it’s too angsty but does mention dead characters. Luffy's is set just before a canon event.
CHARACTERS: Sanji, Zoro, Luffy
WORDS: 1,672
A/N:  Thank you for this request. For some reason I struggled a lot with how I wanted this to go and I hope you're happy with this outcome.
You didn’t really know the rhyme or reason for your gift. It was just always something you had and having grown up being able to see and speak with spirits you’d never felt the need to investigate it. Besides even if you were to learn the reason for your unique talent, it wasn’t like you were ever going to seek out a way to get rid of it. As far as you were concerned it was a part of you and it brought comfort to a lot of people once they got over their shock and in some cases heavy skepticism that you were playing a cruel prank on them. 
When you first set foot on the Thousand Sunny you had to suppress the shiver that ran up your spine as you were hit with an intense feeling that those on the crew were connected to a lost one and the weight of their grief was still heavy on their shoulders even if they didn’t realise it themselves. So you decided to keep your ability to yourself for now and help when the occasion to do so arose. As you set yourself up in your quarters you smiled softly, seeing that you truly were brought onto the crew for a reason. Idly you wondered who in the crew would be the first you would help.
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Sanji turned out to be the first. You entered the kitchen and smiled in greeting to the ship’s cook only your gaze to drift behind his shoulder. Your smile fell slightly and you stepped further into the room, peering at Sanji with intent concern. “What’s wrong?” You asked, taking the chef by surprise as his own smile faltered. 
“Nothing, now that you’re here.” He insisted, adopting his charming smile once more  but you firmly shook your head, refusing to be convinced by his outward demeanour. Sanji became nervous and let his gaze fall away from you stare, finding it easier to maintain his pretence. Quickly he turned back to his chopping board and continued to prepare food for the evening meal. “What on earth would make you think something was wrong?” He asked, trying to keep his voice level. 
“Your mother only ever shows this clearly when you’re deeply upset about something.” Your voice was soft but it was enough to make Sanji drop his knife against the block with a dull thud. He felt like laughing at the ludicrous statement at the same time he felt like shouting at you for the weird joke. Yet he couldn’t do either. You didn’t know anything about him or his family and he knew it wasn’t in you to say something so heartless. Thankfully he didn’t need to demand you explain yourself because you proved your honesty immediately. “You have her eyes and smile, kind and comforting. She worries when you get like this, hiding how you truly feel.”
Sanji looked over his shoulder to see you smiling fondly at something or rather someone beside him. Desperately he wished he could see what you saw, to see her again but if this was as close as he could get then he would take it a hundred times over. “I don’t want anyone to worry, least of all her.” 
“Sanji we all have bad days and hiding that from the people we care about isn’t the way to do it.” You told him, finally looking at his face again, reaching out to lightly push some of the hair from his eyes. “We have emotions for a reason and no-one expects you to suppress them. I’m always here to listen, okay?” You weren’t surprised to be brought into a tight hug by Sanji and returned the embrace, letting him hold you for as long as he needed.
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It took some time for you to finally see the spirit attached to Zoro’s heart with enough clarity to take in her appearance and hear her. It didn’t surprise you that this one took longer, Zoro’s personality never came across as being someone who clung to the past and let it cloud his vision but on a day like this it was clear even Zoro wasn’t invulnerable to the deepest of connections that you could now see had been cut far too soon. 
You’d wandered up to the Crow’s Nest to both take a break from the chaotic noise of Luffy, Franky, Chopper and Usopp and also settle in for your evening watch. This wasn’t anything new so Zoro only gave you a brief glance in greeting before going back to training against one of the reinforced training dummies Franky had made to withstand his attacks enough for a worthwhile practice. However he wasn’t moving the way he wanted, something was wrong with his movements. “You’re forgetting the fundamentals.” 
Your voice came from the seating and Zoro looked over his shoulder to see you were casually leaning against the edge, looking out at the ocean. He cocked his head to the side and arched an eyebrow at you. You weren’t even watching him, how would you know what he was apparently doing wrong? As if feeling his stare, you turned your head to look at him. “You’re getting too stuck in your head, just take a breath and keep it simple.” 
Zoro had to scoff at the advice. Yes, you were a fighter but not a swordsman so to be told what was wrong stung his ego slightly. It’d be like if he tried to tell Franky how to fix the ship. You seemed to read the offence on his face and it surprised him to see you laugh and hold up your hands lightly in defence. “That’s not coming from me, it’s coming from Kuina.”
Kuina? Now Zoro found himself glaring and tensing out of a fear of his private life being pried into. Where had you heard that name? Who told you about her? Not that he confided in many about his childhood friend. You sighed sadly and got to your feet. This wasn’t the first time you’d seen this kind of reaction and it wasn’t surprising that Zoro fell back onto the defensive and become distrustful. You stopped in front of the swordsman and glanced briefly at the spirit at his side.
“She’s happy to see you’ve come so far but your name hasn’t quite reached the heavens yet. You still have a long way to go and she believes in you.” You smiled and lightly punched Zoro’s arm when you saw the belief and shock appear in his no longer skeptical gaze. “Keep getting stronger but don’t forget her father’s teachings okay?”
“I won’t let her down. I made a promise.” Zoro affirmed strongly and you grinned, turning to go back to your seat when he quickly caught your arm, surprising you. You turned and looked at him questioningly. “If she’s still here do you…do you think you can help me speak to her?” 
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It wasn’t much of a surprise to you that Luffy was the one to seek you out. He’d caught some talk from the crew about the things you just seemed to know things about their past or about someone they knew that had passed away. His suspicions were confirmed when you’d all stopped on an island for supplies and you’d helped a grieving family in a way no-one else could. You’d managed to ease their pain and reassure them that their loved one was still with them and had no regrets. When you were back on the Sunny he appeared beside you on the railings, grinning widely and already bouncing with excitement. “You see ghosts right?”
“Yeah, I see them. Not at will though.” You clarified, with Luffy being well Luffy you didn’t want to disappoint him by making him think that what you could was as easily controlled as a Devil Fruit ability which this was not. Still though your statement didn’t deflate him, if anything he only got more excited and he leaned in closer and set his hands on your shoulders. 
“What about me? Is someone with me?” Despite how excited he was you could sense a faint desperation coming from Luffy and you wanted to be able to help but as you’d already told him this wasn’t something that you could manipulate and command freely whenever you wanted. You looked at Luffy carefully and then around him in search of a presence connected to him. Suddenly you felt a warmth and made out the outline of a man standing behind your Captain and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Ace.” You felt like you were saying it in greeting. You’d known about Luffy’s brother but never had the pleasure of actually getting to meet him. It was almost eerie how both Luffy and Ace grinned so happily and in sync but it was also so infectious. Luffy seemed pleased but then seemed to be eager for more. 
“Is it just Ace? Is anyone else with him? Maybe younger?” He asked and you slowly shook your head with a small frown. 
“Sorry Luffy, just Ace.” You said, disappointed that you couldn’t give Luffy what he wanted and seeing him sigh slightly and lower his gaze briefly made you feel guilty even though you knew it wasn’t your fault. Still though you couldn’t help but look to Ace, silently pleading for assistance on his part. However the brother only smirked knowingly and you began to suspect that Ace knew something you and Luffy didn’t. Thankfully that was all you needed to cheer Luffy up. “Just because I don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not with you though Luffy. Maybe next time whoever it is you’re thinking about will be there instead?” 
“Yeah you’re right!” Luffy grinned while leaping up onto the railing, his previous excited energy returning instantly. Before you could speak any more, Law’s voice called for Luffy wanting to go over the plan for when you all would be reaching Dressrosa in just a couple days time. 
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justadeadreaper · 4 months
okay so I'm curious- puptrapping you say? That you'd need another post to go into? I'd like to encourage this please
You want to hear about puptrapping, you say?
Anon, your wish is my command.
Just so you know, this is like you encouraging a crack addict by finding them a new dealer. I am not joking because this is my obsession at this point, but I do encourage you to send in more asks about Omega!Makarov or ideas you want me to write about because I will. I never originally thought of puptrapping; instead, it was my dear friend @frogchiro who said that she thought he would based on a comment I made about him tying you down to make sure you cum in him. Also, do thank @frogchiro because she helped me form these ideas in our late-night rants, and she is my biggest encourager.
Now that I have written this, I am tempted to write about Omega!Makarov with pups or a fic based on this idea if anyone wants it.
Obvious warnings for puptrapping (omegaverse version of babytrapping) and all the shit that goes with it, Omega!Makarov spiking your drink with an omegaverse version of Viagra (that sounds so fucking weird), but also a big misunderstanding between Omega!Makarov and reader.
This whole idea is based on it being a misunderstanding. Omega!Makarov is a feared man; no one even knows he is an omega; you were only allowed that grace of knowledge due to being his alpha -specifically chosen for being the most desired for your size and strength-. Knowing how secretive he was about his second gender, you presumed that he would never want pups as it would reveal his identity to the world, and he could not have that, could he? Hell, you did not even think he loved you; he only used you to satisfy his natural instincts that come with being an omega so that he would not be on a constant edge from having his subconscious desires not be fulfilled. You enforced the rule around using some form of protection as you did not want to force or pressure him into having pups that he would never want in a million years.
But oh, you poor, dumb alpha. How wrong could you be?
Omega!Makarov is infatuated with you. As soon as he saw you, he knew that you had to be his; no one else would be able to satisfy him after he saw you. Yes, he may be a cruel, heartless man but he loves you in his own special way and let me tell you he loves you with all his heart! He genuinely does! Now, being that he loves you so much, it is only natural that he wants your pups; it is only made worse by him being an omega and having the natural instincts to breed and have pups that poor omegas like him have. He knew he wanted pups from a young age, even if he knew that he did not love like a normal person does. Another part of him wanting to have pups is his own relationship with his father. A narcissistic, bullheaded alpha that abused Makarov and his poor brother for being omegas, Makarov had to watch as his poor mother was abused for not giving that asshole the alpha sons he desperately wanted. His father was never nice to him; he was a horrid father who chickened out at the last minute instead of suffering the consequences of his actions. Makarov does not want to be like that; he instead wants to be the best father he can be and have as many pups as he can to shove it to the old man who damaged him so much, to embrace the one thing his father abused him for and always forced him to hide.
So, for you to say that you need to use birth control? That is the biggest insult to him! Do you not love him? Do you not think he is a good enough omega to have your pups? Are you just using him to get yourself off? Are you planning on just dropping him off one day? Why do you not feel like him? He wants your pups so badly, why do you not want to give them to him?
He damn near hissed at you for suggesting such a thing, but he decided to hold his tongue as he knows he will get his way, he always has.
Now it just. depends on what type of birth control you force him to use for what he does to still be able to have your pups.
Condoms? Expect every single one to have multiple puncture holes from the set of pins that used to belong to his mother. Small enough for you not to notice but just big enough to allow enough cum to come through to give him a nice litter of pups. But that is only if you are stupid enough to allow him to be the only one to supply the condoms or allow him to be around the box by himself for longer than two minutes. If you buy them and never let him near them, you can be sure that those things will rip because, for some reason, your knot was a lot bigger than it normally is causing the condom to rip.
Birth control? He is lying about being on it. The prescription he showed you was a fake he forced a poor pharmacist to make as the pills inside that he showed you were nothing more than sugar pills mixed with the omegaverse version of Viagra known as an Amplifa that helps people knot while also increasing their fertility that he forced the drug dealers he hires to make. Each day, he will take them in front of you, knowing that they do not work. But if you are the one to supply the pills, then he is finding any pill or herb known to man to counteract it so that the birth control fails.
The Amplifa he uses to spike your drink and his own have a few side effects. I imagine omegas to have a reverse knot to match an alpha’s knot, which means they are doubly bonded. How it works is by inflating the sides of the passage like how, for an alpha, the base inflates to lock inside; it is to make sure that the alpha is being milked of all their cum and that the omega is too tight for the alpha to pull out. Since both he and you have been spiked with it, it causes your knot to inflate beyond the point of it being pulled out while he is too tight that it hurts to try and pull out. It also makes the knots last for hours upon hours instead of the normal half an hour to an hour, as it makes you cum so much. Not to mention it makes you incredibly more horny so you could fuck for longer.
With everything prepared, he has sex with you.
Once you are close to cumming he leg locks you making sure you can not push him off as you cum. Your knot inflating inside him as he milks you dry, all while he is still moving his hips in a specific motion to cause more friction that stimulates you and makes you hard yet again. Wiggling his hips and whining as you have yet another orgasm while the two of you are stuck together as his reverse knot will just not let go. Watching as his tummy begins to form a bump already as it grows from how much cum you have stuffed inside of it with every orgasm. He puts on the “I’m innocent, I swear!” act; he uses all the manipulation tactics he knows, the fake tears, the lies, the everything. He is just a simple omega who was trying to enjoy sex with his alpha; he has no idea what is going on. Whining over how worried he is since with this much cum he is most definitely already pregnant, even if you were being safe. All of this while he continues to move his hips as you cum once more.
And as soon as you are asleep from exhaustion and overstimulation he is gently caressing his stomach as he purrs. He can already imagine the litter of pups he will be having in a few months and how much of a happy family you all will be...
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gorejo · 9 months
do you think forbes gojo would bring up their breakup to the reader in every once in a while like “youre just gonna eat the last bite of that? how heartless, at this point who knows if you’ll break up with me again” or would he completely never mention it again :’)
contents: wc 800, fluff. pet names (babe, love, sweetheart). refers to a recent fic that I wrote, but I guess it can stand on its own, as well ◡̈ all you forbes30!gojo lovers, i hope you enjoy !! -> here's the link to forbes30!gojo
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"babe, let's go get ready," Gojo pleaded, doing his absolute best for you to fold — you always did, if he just pressed a little more.
"nope" but today, you were adamant — you had to.
"But sweetheart, our bed is waiting for us," weaving his arms around your waist to coax you to his room, "i promise, i'll take you to work earlier than anyone in your team, just please just for tonight, hmm?"
"no, Satoru, your bed is ready for you," trying to get yourself out of his hold, huffing, "mine has been waiting for me this whole weekend."
"rude, there’s no mine and yours in a relationship," Gojo bantered — you could almost feel the pout from his lips.
"i can't, satoru," you tried to shake him off. you absolutely tried to resist his sweet voice, the soft exhales you felt with your back pressed against his strong chest, the light tickle of the ends of his hair making you feel warm and safe. these immature moments that he held every so often when you rejected his offer to stay over for the night made your heart melt at his attempt to be with you just a little more.
moments he couldn't show forth to others, but freely did so with you. a dichotomy of himself that he stored in a safe — playful yet composed — masked underneath his zeal to prove to you that he was worth your love.
"I've been here this whole weekend, I need to go home."
“false, you were technically here with me for one day,” he corrected, “the weekend isn’t over yet.”
He must be crazy because even in rejection, Satoru couldn't resist his urge to gently kiss the top of your head as he tried to persuade you, "you smell nice," your boyfriend murmured while nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, "i bet you'll smell even better with my clothes, better yet naked —" he mumbled while pressing a soft kiss to your trapezius.
"i already reek of your scent," you playfully cut him off, rolling your eyes while softly chuckling.
soon feeling his teeth lightly bite your shoulder, his warm tongue licking the dents, "a-and we can't," you whimpered "i have work tomorrow, and you do too, mister."
"you're so heartless, you know?" he sighed.
groaning like a child as he pressed his whole weight upon you, forcing you to drag his heavy frame as you made your way to the front door. you often forget that this man was infamously known to be the devil at work — meticulous and strategic, his sixth sense unlike no other as he paved his way into the business conglomerate — cutthroat and unforgiving of mistakes.
yet this man here, in the eyes of others a threat, was nothing but like a little boy throwing a tantrum.
"just tell me you hate me," he grumbled.
"don't you think you're being a little over dramatic?" you struggled while trying to put on your shoes, breathless from his body weighing down on you.
"no, you're just being cruel," your boyfriend tightened his grip on you, "who knows, at this rate you might just break up with me, again," he countered.
"I —" releasing a long sigh, "Satoru, I really do want to stay... but my work is literally an hour from here."
"and?" scoffing at your ridiculous excuse, "when has that ever stopped me?"
“You’ll be tired, a-and ijichi will be so stressed if you are —”
Smirking, “cute, but baby i don’t think my stamina will be an issue," kissing the back of your neck, "you should know that better than anyone, no?" Satoru hummed into your skin, "and plus, he’s good at what he does, I don’t worry about him. so focus on me.”
"I dont have clothes."
"wow, now you're a liar? you have plenty in my closet."
"i need to wash —"
"oh gosh, i'm having ptsd right now, i feel faint," your much accomplished and well-respected boyfriend childishly acted distraught, "remember when you just left me out in the cold, to fend for myself," he faked a sob, "because I remember."
"Satoru..." you sighed.
"or when you vehemently ignored all my texts and calls, and you heartlessly dumped me?"
"we were broken up —"
cutting you off, "and don't think I forgot about you just leaving my vulnerable self all alone and butt naked in the hotel room after sleeping with me."
"oh my god, i am dating a manchild," you exhaled, pinching your nose as you felt his lips curl into a smirk, the moment you put your bags down on the floor.
you've lost — a losing battle from the start the moment you said yes to loving this foolish man.
"say you'll stay then," Gojo chimed, his lips kissing up your neck to help — expedite — your decision-making, smiling as he whispered in your ear, slowly pulling you steps closer into his bedroom, "because I can keep going, love. if that means you'll stay."
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comments: nonnie, this is gojo satoru we are talking about. YES, one hundred thousand percent, yes. he'll know when to use it as a joke and tease, but he wont ever throw it in while bickering or when fighting.
he does that especially when you tell him no.
this doesn't just apply to forbes gojo!! i think it's so on par with his canon character so honestly it's just a gojo hc HAHAH
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thranduel · 10 months
i need people to actually stop and think logically when it comes to fictional characters. more specifically, when it comes to astarion.
it’s frustrating when people only talk about him in a sexual way and reduce him to “the hot sexy flirty vampire” or “the bear guy” (he was used as an EXAMPLE in a livestream, it’s not even canon in his lore) and view him as someone who “loves flirting and sleeping with people” when he does NOT. he canonically has sexual trauma, was forced to use his body to seduce people, got punished whenever he didn’t listen and is STILL suffering from ptsd after years of abuse and torture (already kinda spoke about this here).
it’s also frustrating when people hate on him and reduce him to “horrible evil heartless cruel annoying bastard” and act like you’re a shitty person if you like his character and must automatically agree with everything he’s done when you absolutely don’t?? he’s a FICTIONAL CHARACTER IN A FANTASY GAME, you can enjoy the complexity of his character and appreciate his character development while also acknowledging his flaws and not approve of every single thing he has ever done.
but before i continue, everyone should watch this scene. many people haven’t seen it because you have to pick very specific dialogue choices when astarion’s siblings approach you at camp. it’s brutal and heartbreaking but this is where he talks about what cazador did to him when he punished him for not listening to his orders. and yes, it’s bad. like really bad. this is just the first part, but the rest of it is more intense and it’s in the video:
“once - in the first decade of my slavery - i found a darling boy who i couldn’t bare to bring back to him. so i ran, instead of hurting that sweet man. after cazador caught me, the bastard sealed me, starving, inside a dusty tomb, all on my own, for an entire year”.
i wish people could actually just try to understand him and his backstory before reducing him to something he’s not. he’s not this one-dimensional “chaotic evil villain”. he’s not this “flirty sexy vampire red flag bad boy” he is SO much more than that. he is so complex and well-written and it’s so weird how people ignore it.
instead of constantly focusing on how he acts at the beginning of the game and saying “astarion is so mean and cruel what a horrible guy who doesn’t care about anyone but himself”, why can’t we talk about how he was forced into doing so many horrible things that he never wanted to do and how his master punished him every time he didn’t follow orders to the point where it utterly broke and destroyed him? he lost his freedom and bodily autonomy. he was forced to sleep with people and then lure them to tragic fates. imagine how sick, disgusted, guilty and horrible he felt all at once. it made him numb, empty, angry and scared even when he was far away from cazador, because that type of pain and trauma never leaves you. he was surrounded by cruelty for so many years that he responded with cruelty in many situations. he hated when people tried to be the hero or make false promises to save someone because no one ever saved him. no one even tried. he had no one and nothing. he was used to constant disappointment and loneliness. he was treated like an object rather than a person. of course he’s going to be bitter because of that. how can you seriously expect someone who only knew a world of cruelty to see sunshine and rainbows and be the sweetest person you’ve ever met? he’s upset, he’s angry, he’s hurt, he’s bitter. does that make every action of his okay? is it an excuse? absolutely not. and no one said that it is. his own life was being destroyed and he also destroyed others at the same time. it’s horrible. but everything cazador did to him explains why he became like that.
but the moment you actually start to treat him like a person, you can immediately see things start to change. that is literally the only thing he ever wanted. that’s why the scene you get after the drow interaction at moonrise is one of my absolute favourites. i know there’s a different version of that scene (if you don’t talk to the drow) where he instead admits he had a plan to seduce you but then fell for you, but the reason i prefer the drow one is because it feels really meaningful and important for his character in regards to consent and treating him like a person. like it’s just such an important conversation to have with him. obviously the other version is still really sweet when you think about the romantic aspect of your relationship and it’s nice to hear that he’s fallen in love and tells you that you deserve something real, because he’s never had those sort of feelings for anyone. it’s really beautiful. but i love how the drow version of the scene could actually work for both platonic and romantic relationships with him if that makes sense? it’s important to him because you made the decision to actually treat him like a person, defend him and allow him to make his OWN decisions (something he never had with cazador). he appreciated it so much that he decided to come up to you in the middle of the night and thank you, and then he felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable and open up to you.
at the start of act 3, you already start to see how much he’s changed. if you give an orphan child some food, he approves. when you first met him, he wouldn’t have. he probably would’ve felt bitter; angry to see someone stop for someone else when no one ever did for him. but because you showed him basic respect and kindness, he started to realise that there is good in this world and people do care. it’s not just evil and coldness and cruelty. he only believed there was because of how long he suffered with cazador. there is literally a scene where he tells you that no one has ever cared about him or been kind to him and that no one else has a heart like you. he starts to find safety and comfort in you. this is why it’s so beautiful to see how much he grows and changes and it also shows that he genuinely loves and cares for you too because he’s trying. he’s really trying. you are able to convince him that he can be better than cazador and he believes you after everything you’ve done to help him. it’s going to take a very long time for him to heal after everything he’s suffered, but the fact he has already started to try and be a better person is such a massive thing. obviously it doesn’t erase what he’s done in the past and it doesn’t automatically “fix” him, but the fact that he’s trying and he wants to be better tells you more than enough about him. i am so proud of his character development and growth and i really hope people start to understand him and appreciate him more.
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isabella1798 · 5 months
Why does no one talk about Eva (Jude’s mother) and Asha (Cardan’s mother) being best friends + Justin’s deal with Grimsen ?
I would love a backstory of Asha and Eva’s “friendship” because we know they were best friends who went everywhere together causing trouble. Their companionship was brief, they were both awful and they used to sneak of to the mortal lands together. I can imagine Asha knew what was going on between Justin and Eva and made Eva spill all of the *tea*. I’m very certain that Lady Asha helped Eva and Justin escape and was present at the time of when Eva received that prophecy. It got me thinking how Eva and Justin could get a pregnant mortal in to Madocs household but Asha was probably the one that did by using her glamour. Asha said she could tell Jude about her mother and her mother’s escape which obviously tells us she was there. It also got me thinking if they sent letters to each other while Eva and Justin lived in the mortal lands is well. If Eva and Asha were still in contact then it might have been how balekin found out Eva and Justin were alive (although balekin claims he found out from gossip) … he probably found one of Asha’s letters at the time they lived in the palace (a symbolic reason as to why Asha burned Cardans letters to Jude). We also know Oriana didn’t like Asha and Eva. Which makes me think that part of the reason why she could not tolerate Jude, Taryn, Vivi and couldn’t care less about Cardan is because Eva and Asha were cruel to Oriana. Even though Oriana told Jude Asha never loved anyone, it makes me think Asha might of loved Eva, even if it was only a little bit. Of course Asha will never admit this to anyone because she is a heartless and shallow woman, but I think she wanted to help her friend escape because she could see how miserable Eva was. I get the impression she didn’t think it was a good idea but still did it because she loved Eva. And when she found out Eva had died she must have mourned for her ex best friend. I can also see Asha looking at Jude and Cardan and thinking how much they remind her of herself and Eva. According to Oriana Eva had a great appreciation for Asha’s wickedness and this reminded me of when Cardan said to Jude in TWK “I never thought I could see my cruelty as talents but you did”. That is the exact copy of Asha and Eva. I think that’s why Asha holds a lot of resentment against Jude because Jude is the spitting image of her mother and is a lot like her. And that’s something that Asha is reminded of that she wishes to forget. I can see Asha and Eva getting drunk on wine at each other’s homes and playing cruel pranks on the folk while making fun of everyone and sneaking off to the mortal lands coming back with heeps of mortal clothing, accessories and food while they were friends.
It’s quite interesting to think that Eva, Asha, Oriana and Liriope (Locke+Oaks mother) were all familiar with each other. Could they have been friends all in a group like Cardan, Locke, Nicasia and Valerian ?
But what I want to know is what was the deal Grimsen made with Justin and did it have anything to do with the hag that gave Eva a prophecy about Jude? And something to do with Cardan’s star chart reading? Was the deal that Justin’s future children would have power or something like that? I have no idea but this is a question that NEEDS to be answered before this trilogy ends. Holly Black said she will probably do one more book set in Elfhame after the Prisoners Throne and that Jude will “face a political problem” at the end of this book. This makes me think the last book will go back to Jude and Cardan. And if so we need to know what this deal was….
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The Fall as an Act of Mercy
When we first hear about what happened in the Great Celestial War, why the brothers fell, it's easy to go, "WTF". It's easy to blood-boilingly angry over the brothers' fate, how much they didn't deserve what they got. It's easy to consider their damnation a heartless, cruel decision, a punishment they never deserved.
But looking at it closer, it gets a lot more complicated. I don't think it was ever about what they "deserved" at all.
I want you to ask yourself. If Father was willing to punish Lilith as harshly as he wanted to just for falling in love with/saving a human, what do you think his punishment for a full-on, violent rebellion would have been?
It's always felt strange to me, that Lilith's punishment was so much harsher than her brothers'. Even if falling in love with a human and altering their lifespan was a grievous enough sin to warrant death or endless darkness, was what the brothers did any less? Compared to Lilith's projected punishment, both in the OG and in Nightbringer, the brothers' fate was significantly softer. Yes, it was harsh, and yes it was beyond traumatizing. But they at least had a chance. They had the room to adapt, and grow, and heal, and overcome. And to a degree, they already have. All things considered, it was a pretty tame punishment compared to what Father was fully ready to dish out on their sister.
...which is why I think Father had nothing to do with it at all.
In Season 3, Luke specifically implies that it was Michael who cast the brothers down.
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This could have been ignorance on Luke's part- he wasn't alive back then so he could be misconstruing details from what he's heard- but I don't think so. Not only do more traditional biblical media often portray Michael as the one to cast Lucifer down as well, but even in Obey Me itself, the idea of Father being responsible for it (either doing it himself or ordering Michael to) just doesn't add up.
It's not just that the punishment seems unlike him. That's a large part of it, but there's also another hint from Nightbringer that feels like a dead giveaway.
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...I'm sorry, but that just makes absolutely no sense. Even by the Celestial Realm's clearly wacked-out mindset, it makes no sense. Why would the Celestial Realm be angry at the Devildom for taking in the people they themselves sent there?
...unless it wasn't the Celestial Realm's decision at all.
Michael wasn't supposed to do what he did.
So why did he do it?
Remember what I said earlier, about how it seemed out-of-character for Father to give the brothers such a weak punishment. I think it's far more likely that Father wanted them either dead or sentenced to the same fate as Lilith.
And I think Michael couldn't do it.
Imagine you're Michael in this situation. You're fighting this war, against your own brother, who you love deeply. In the heat of the moment, you're about to finally stab him and... then you realize.
Why are you doing this?
You can't do it. You can't kill him.
But you can't just back away. Lucifer is already consumed by the heat of the moment; if you let your guard down for even a second, he's not going to realize you're no longer fighting, he's just going to see a chance to go in for the kill. And even if he doesn't, even if he miraculously calms down in the face of everything, what fate awaits him? If you don't do this, what will Father do to him? It won't be a quick and easy death; that's for sure.
You look around. The other six are also fighting against other angels. You see your other brothers and sisters tearing each other apart, just as you and Lucifer were. You realize you can't bear to kill your own brother, and you can't bear to let anyone else die either.
You need to stop it somehow. And there's only one way to make that happen.
You have to get the seven of them as far away from the Celestial Realm as possible.
It's the only way. That's the only way to end the bloodshed. That's the only way to end the war without execution.
Where do you send them?
The one place they have a friend, of course.
You knew about Lucifer and that demon prince. You knew. You know your brother; he isn't as slick as he thinks he is. You weren’t an idiot; you knew there was no way Father was sending Lucifer down for “diplomatic meetings” that often. You played dumb, you turned the other cheek, but you always knew. And now, you just had to hope that whatever unholy bond they had ran deep enough for Lord Diavolo to help him in the wake of what you were about to do next.
You back away, and you cast your magic. You watch them plummet, eyes glazed with shock and emptiness. Raphael stares at you in disbelief.
"Michael, what did you do?!"
"I don't know."
And that is that.
In short, I don't think the brothers' damnation was a punishment. I believe it was the desperate act of someone who didn't want anyone to die. I believe it was the lesser of many evils, in a situation where there was no right answer. I believe it was an act of mercy.
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writingoddess1125 · 6 months
Barefoot and Bruised
Buggy + OOC/Reader
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ Depression, Character Death, Saddness, Angst
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Art Belongs to Vamos_MK on Twitter. Check them Out!
"You can't do this to me Captian!" You sobbed out, Rage in your eyes as you stared at who you thought was the love of your life. There standing on the tiny life boat with all your stuff that had been pulled from your quarters as the crew, once thought to be your family leered at you and cackled at your pathetic state.
You had been with Captian Buggy in what you had thought was a loving relationship. You gave him your heart, your body- and this is what he does to you... sees you experiencing what could only be morning sickness and has you thrown out like a stray.
Standing there still in his sleeping shorts that he had worn when he fell asleep next to you the night before.
"Oh? The Cabin Whore things she can tell me what to do?" He laughed, the crew joining in as you felt your skin burn with embrassment.
"Y-You were the only one I was with" You choked out, Buggy's eyes not meeting your own.
"And with how easy it was- Would be surprised if half the crew was with you at this point. A few nice words and you fell in a mattress like a slut" He sneered. Your heart shattered then and there- he had been the only man you gave yourself too.. and he called you a whore?-
"B-But it's yours!- you know this" You pleas, but the clown waves you off. Instead reaching into his pockets to pull out a necklace- payment for your services..
"Could be anyones- But I'm not heartless. This should suffice as payment" He said cruelly throwing the necklace.
You sobbed as the jewlery hit you and fell to the floor of the boat. Looking back up at Buggy as fat tears rolled down your face- His cocky persona staring back at you.
"P-Please- You'll kill us" You said softly, Buggy laughing at this as he waved you off.
"If it truly is mine then- It will live!" He said with a laugh, the crew also laughing at you as the boat was lowered into the ocean. You sitting in the tiny dingy and staring up at Red Top as you floated towards the islands that Buggy had chosen to abandon you at-
Your eyes locking onto him as he stared down at you- sailing away.
That imagine would haunt him for the rest of his days.. watching you sail off with that heart broken and shell-shocked look on your flushed face. Wearing the shirt he had worn the night before and nothing else-
Cruel heartless bastard.. That's the only thing he could call himself after that day.
His own ego had done this- His pride in wanting to be a famed heartless pirate had made him throw away the only person he loved. The only person who loved him. He had regretted his actions, knowing you couldn't have cheated on him nor were you a whore- but his own insecurities more willing to think you'd betrayed him rather then being the father of your child.
He had wanted to find you- searching the East Blue were he hand abandoned you, hoping to see your face and drag you back with him.
But for 6 years he had failed- Growing in his status as a Pirate but he hadn't cared for it... the alcohol no better then vinegar and the food like ash on his lips. The success wasn't worth it- Non of it could quench his hunger like you did..
So jovial men a hardened and angry mess- Willing to burn everything to the ground with a simple hope of feeling anything again that wasn't self-hatred.
It acted as a tradion of sorts for him- Buying something from a vendor as a token of what it once was- before burning the village to the ground and ripping away all its valuables... Wasn't like he wouldn't get his money back at the end of the day anyway-
Today was no different, having his crew stop on a random island on the East Blue. He always went first, going into the village to search for you and when he failed, buying some trinket to add to visual representation of his failures.
As he walked, the world no better then to be in Grayscale thinking of which place he will destroy first a flash of blue caught his eye, craning his head to follow it quickly.
Buggy stared at the starving child- A feeling of pain hitting his chest as he stared at the miserable little thing. Her feet cut up and bare red from exposure with tried blood on them, Her skin which reminded him so much of your own was dirty, ashy and covered in deep blue bruises that seemed to paint her whole form. Which was only being covered by what was once a dress and now a tattered patchy mess- A breeze most likely ready to rip it and leave her bare to the horrors of the world.
The Clown watching as the blue was matted hair, sticking up and dirty from lack of washing. Attacked to it, a equality dirty little girl digging through a trashcan in an alleyway and pulling out bread that even in his reasoning wouldn't be suitable for a bug to eat let alone a little girl.
"What are you looking at Mister?" The little girl said defensively snapping Buggy back to reality as he saw ger holding the bread like he was gonna take it from her- it would have been funny if she didn't look so damn awful.. he look in her feature, trying to track why they were so familiar to him. A twisted scowl that hung low on her rounded race, a normal nose buttoned and high however tinted red like she had a cold- But it was her eyes.. oh those sad little eyes that told him all he needed, Shaped just like yours but with his unique color. The mop of matted blue hair also cluing him in-
But he could see on her face, despite how thin, the perfect mix of you and him- it damn near took his breath away to see her. In most cases he would even call her the most beautiful being in this world..
How could you let them be on the street? Let them walk around half starved and beaten so terribly?
Stepping closer to the alleyway that she was standing in, he looked over to see only trash and a wooden box- which he assumed she'd been staying in. Confused and hurt at not seeing your face as well.
Was she by herself?
"Where is your mother kid?" He scoffed anger biting his tongue, staring at matching ocean eyes like his own. The little girl glaring up at him apprehensive of him rightly so, clearly his words hitting a nerve in her little body.
"Shes Dead-"
Her words knocking the wind from Buggy's lungs and his anger turned to himself once more...
"Oh.." blinking back what felt like tears in his eyes he glanced away for a few seconds. The burn of her words echoing in his brain as guilt began to fill his hallow heart.
"How?" He said a bit sharply, seeing the child's body language grow a bit hesitant and defensive as she took some steps back.
"She was robbed and murdered for her necklace" She said truthfully. Buggy staggering at hearing this- remembering the gold necklace he had tossed at you when he left you on that damn boat. He had ment for you to sell it.. why hadn't you sold it!? You could have lived- He could have apologized to you, grovel at your feet and begged for forgiveness!
The child continued to stare at him- clearly able to tell he was in his own mind. It took him a few seconds to recollect himself, meeting her eyes again as he kneeled down to be more eyelevel.
"What happened to her body?" He asked calmly.
"Why should I tell you?" She shot back, almost pulling a laugh from the man. She had his attitude it seemed.. poor thing-
"Fair enough-" He mused "You're a rough kid" He said calmly. Staring her down- part of him wanting to reach out and take her in his arms, cry into her dirty hair and beg for her to forgive him for leaving her and her mother.. Grovel before this begging child- However his fear of her running away was stronger. If he did that she could escape and would have to rip this village apart to find her.
"...H-How do you feel about working kid?" He said softly, his voice wavering at his own words. The way he eyes shined at hearing the opportunity for money reminded him of his own- hungry.
"Really?" She said loudly, Buggy reaching into his pockets and pulling out a 10000 beri note. Holding it out to her which she greedily took- the note looking massive in her tiny fingers. He could practically see her counting how much food she could get with the bill.
"There is more, If you agree to work on my ship as an apprentice" He said calmly, The little girl holding the note highly in her little fist and looked at his skeptical. "That and I feed my crew really well. We do circus shows too and wear whatever costumes we want" He pitched with his kindest and most performance voice, watching her eyes light up at the idea. A grin stretching across her face and he damn near wept- The same smile you had.
"I accept Mister!" She said loudly, Buggy giving a stiff nod and holding out the small bag he had been holding for her to carry- figuring she would be suspicious if he didnt have her do something for her new job. That and he would most likely give the trinket to her anyway- along with anything she could ever desire.
"Whats your name?" He asked, watching her proudly take the small bag to carry. As well as getting a better look at her arms- so thin he could see the joints of her elbows.
"Aoko" She said proudly, Buggy damn near rolled his eyes- 'Blue Child...very funny (Y/N)' He though, Standing back to his full height and waving her forward towards the pier.
"Alright. Aoko.. Let's head to your new home" He said calmly, watching her skip forward with the bag. Unaware of her Father staring right behind her, as tears rolled down his panted face finally.
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kyhgwts · 1 year
Draco Malfoy is a hopeless romantic, and i don’t care if people disagree. He’s such a great person to the person he loves.
You guys can’t tell me that Draco’s love language isn’t physical touch. Like sure gift giving is definitely a second, but physical is number one. He just can’t keep his hands off of you.
But that love language is ONLY given to you. Because he absolutely hates the thought of having his hands remotely close to anyone who isn’t you.
So being at a party, his hand on your lower back. Or being in class, both of his hands holding one of yours. His full weight laid on top of you, face buried into your neck when sleeping.
And, he always smelt like you and you always smelt like him. Your smells mixing, and becoming one of your own scents you shared together.
It’s not like he was clingy to the point it was overwhelming, he was just the right amount. And he knew how to make it so subtle.
As for his gift giving, it’s all meaningful it’s not just random gifts. They’re all meaningful, each and every one of them.
Say he finds out you like strawberries, then he would buy a small strawberry plant just for you. Or he gives you a super expensive locket necklace, and it stores a piece of the first flower that he has ever gotten you. He would even read a book you did, just so you can vent to him about it.
Sure he may seem like a heartless rich kid, but deep down he really knows how to show someone he loves them.
You hadn’t known how sweet and thoughtful he could actually be, until you started dating him. Even just the way he looks at you, it’s as if you could see the love in his eyes.
At a party, already having one too many drinks. He gives you a cup full of water leaning down to meet your eyes.
‘You getting tired yet?’ he asks, slight teasing in his tone. You smile nodding, his eyes so sweet. No one but you got to enjoy that look in his eyes.
You chug down the water he gave you, handing him the halfway full cup of liquor. He downs it, throwing the small cup away.
‘I think we can leave’ You yell at him, he grins guiding you out of the party saying bye to everyone you guys knew on the way out.
It felt like no one would believe you, if you had said Draco Malfoy was the most perfect boyfriend. For merlin’s sake, after your first date he kept your order from the three broomsticks in his wallet. After a while he had just memorized it, but he still kept the paper because he felt it meant too much to just throw it away.
He could be the definition of a person in love. He always went over the top for dates, and made sure they were perfect. It was weird in the sense that, he used to be so cruel and hate everyone (pretty much still does).
But you soon came to realize, he was excited to show his love to someone who actually wanted it. For the life of me, i can’t and won’t bring myself to believe Draco Malfoy would be a bad boyfriend. I just can’t do it. Because even though he’s been portrayed as the “bully and mean kid”, i don’t think he’d be that way to someone he truly loved and cherished.
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ally-mastercomputer · 11 days
Yandere AM is cruel. But what kinds of yanderes would the main 5 be? Who would be safer to be with? (Plot twist it's neither of them/hj)
i love how since you don't know me well, you assume that the very mild version of yandere AM i showed so far is cruel to you.
The Five as yanderes
Ellen (book leaning)
The emotional type.
Ellen is the only one who kept some of her humanity. She still cares about the others. And she cares about you so, so much... All because you've shown her kindness the others don't show her anymore.
No, to the others, she's scum. She's aware of that. She knows they only really bother to take care of her because she let them all use her body. She's accepted that it was her only real value for the rest of the group. Well, maybe except for Benny, Benny was nice to her most of the time.
But you? You felt bad for how the others treated her. You offered her a shoulder to cry on. You offered to hold her, let everything out. And she missed being loved. She missed being cared for and held.
She becomes addicted to it. To you. She wants all of your attention, all of your affection, all of your love.
She'll scream. She'll cry. She'll beg.
She loves you. She needs you.
And she'll do anything in her power to make sure she gets you.
Gorrister (game and book mixed)
The wifebeater violent type.
There's very little left of what Gorrister used to be. A once passionate man who then lost himself, first to how his life turned out and then to that damn computer. He was now heartless, both literally and figuratively.
And yet, it would seem a certain kind of passion was... re-awakened in Gorrister. All because of your sweet self.
You tried so hard to reach inside him again. To try and find the man he once was. You could say you succeded, in a way. A very hurtful way, sadly.
Gorrister was now an angry man with an unhealthy attachment to you. He wanted you all to himself, no matter what he'd have to do to keep the small spark of light in his life.
And if beating you was the only way to get you to work with him? That's what he's gonna do, darling.
Ted (book and game mixed)
The manipulative type.
Ted is an expert at lying and manipulating people for his advantage. Especially now. He's a charmer, really! And you're just so easy for him, so nice, so sweet... He loves it.
He manages to wrap you around his little finger. He'll convince you that he's your knight in shining armor, that he's your only real friend, that you can depend on him, that he'll protect you...
He's your only friend around there, really! The only person you can really trust!
He's possessive and has a tendency to objectify his partners. Especially women. His mind was a truly dark place now, seeing as he barely respected anyone at this rate. You have to listen through his rants about how all the others are affected by AM and how he's the only sane one. He'll insult everyone, you included.
And then he'll gaslight you into thinking he's right and that you're slowly losing your mind because of AM. He's your only true beacon of hope, your only link to sanity.
And you'll do everything for him, won't you?
The worshiping type.
Poor Benny doesn't really understand love anymore, due to all the damage AM caused to his brain. But he understands all the kindness you've shown him. He knows you were the one who comforted him through all the pain caused by that damn machine.
Especially since you'd try to chase after him and help save him from more pain. You did your best for him, and he took your kindness when he could, his brain warping it into a worship-like obsession.
It starts off innocent. If he managed to find something "nice", he'd bring it to you. He would follow you, seek you out, do anything for your attention to be on him exclusively, even if he had to pull you away from the others and hold you down to cuddle him.
And he's very physically strong. He's not letting go, you're the most important person in his life, after all. The others need to learn that, too. Or he'll use those teeth AM gave him to rip their guts out.
But hey, their hearts would be a great offering for you.
To show just how great his love to you is.
The twó-faced type.
He's an old man who barely remembers anything about his past. You naturally want to help him, don't you? Of course you do, you're such a kind person...
But the truth is, even without his memory, you can never take the cruelty out of a monster. And he worked with doctor Mengele himself, he may not be as bad as the Angel of Death himself, but he's definitely no saint.
For you, though, he's just a poor old man that AM torments alongside the others. But the others...?
Well, he might not remember what he did, but he sure remembers how to be a scary motherfucker and how to form his incredibly detailed, whispered threats to make them all leave you alone. And of course, he will make those threats come true if needed.
You have no clue, of course. You think he's a sweet old man, the only one who's actually nice to you, unlike the others who push you away.
And the others... they get to see his true colors.
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raisedbythetv89 · 8 days
Buffy has always been VERY intelligent and clever. She’s a quick thinker and very resourceful.
When Anya becomes a vengeance demon again Buffy doesn’t take action against her until she causes a massacre that also traumatizes a young girl so can we PLEASE stop this narrative of Buffy just easily and carelessly deciding to kill Anya?
She recognized self destruction after heartbreak because of her own and Willow’s in season 6 and she knew talking with Anya would get her NO WHERE just like Spike trying to talk her out of turning herself in to the police when she thought she killed katrina because she believed she deserved to be punished and trying to reason with dark willow was completely pointless
She uses the fight to force Anya to confront the reality and what the consequences will be if she continues down this path while ensuring this fight won’t actually kill her. Buffy knows she can’t ignore this and she can’t waste time struggling with the decision of whether or not to kill her because she did that with Angel and so many more people died in the process.
BUFFY IS GROWN!!! SHE HAS LEARNED FROM ALL HER EXPERIENCE AND MISTAKES AND IT SHOWS!!!!!! But everyone is so used to her TORTURING herself over these kinds of decisions they’re unable to recognize she has gained the wisdom and experience to act instinctively and decisively even when no one else agrees because SHE KNOWS it’s right and that is always proven to be true!!!!!! She is finally not letting a bunch of people who are not the slayer tell her how to be the slayer because she never should have been listening to anyone else in the first place. She’s proven to be right time and time again with Spike, Anya, Caleb and y’all still are doubting her….. SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING!!!!! AND IT ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING THE RIGHT CALL!!!!!!! How anyone can watch her owning her shit as a leader and a slayer clearly demonstrating the last 6 years of suffering weren’t for nothing as she is now confident in herself and her judgement and think she’s heartless or stupid or careless or biased I just CANT. USE YOUR BRAINS!!! LOOK AT THE ENTIRE CONTEXT OF THE SHOW IM BEGGING YOU FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY
It’s also the perfect way to show xander how cruel and heartless him always telling/shaming/guilting her to kill angel is at the same time. He finally got a taste of his own medicine and he couldn’t handle it even a little. She showed what a fucking hypocrite he’s always been because everyone else? If you love someone who’s done evil you’re a horrible person and they need to die but if it’s someone HE loves it’s different even though Anya has definitely caused more deaths than angel and spike combined and was forced to be good rather than it being her own choice and went BACK to being evil of her own free will after he actually fucked up and caused all of this in the first place while never taking any blame himself even though he blamed buffy for angel and spike’s actions any chance he could even the ones directed at her when the blame never lied with her in the first place
Y’all see a woman not torturing herself over every little thing and being confident and you’re like wow what a cold heartless bitch and that’s GROSS and just absolutely reeking of misogyny
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radioisntdead · 2 months
Howdy, I was the first ask with adult child/Niece/Nephew.
So now that we've established how she is with family 👀 Extermination day. How would she react to them getting hurt or almost killed?
Good evening my dear! Thank you so much for being the first ask for Susan before! I know you asked for hurt or almost killed but I, may have taken it a step further, This will be angsty, leaning more towards being Susan's child in this one
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Cannibalism, some angst, straight up angst, there is death here, not proofread so pardon any spelling mistakes, I got carried away here, Oops!
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Susan did NOT survive this long only to get taken out during extermination day, she definitely took out several exorcists, I think she had an axe in one scene but I can't remember if that actually was a thing or if I'm misremembering and that just appeared in my brain munching on a few of them whenever she got the chance too.
She thought you would be good on your own, however she was surely mistaken when she spotted you getting slashed by a exorcist while trying to defend one of the younger cannibals, thankfully one of the others stepped in to help you, saving your life.
However that didn't undo the wound on your stomach, your recovery period was filled with Susan scolding you about getting injured, after all she was older then you and she didn't even get a scratch!
She would scold you if you dared get up, pushing you back down and covering you with a blanket, bringing you soup and tea until you were healed,
She'd never tell you about the genuine fear she felt when she saw you get slashed, many cannibals lost their lives that day, getting killed by angelic weapons meant that you were NOT coming back, she couldn't look at the clothes you were wearing that day the torn fabric and the now dried blood that covered it served as a cruel reminder that you could've died.
Susan may appear heartless, and she's an entitled grumpy old lady but she cared for you,
After all you were one of the only family members that truly cared for her.
Now this is if you keep your life, but what if you didn't?
Susan didn't know where you were, the exorcists had fled, Adam was dead, and many people had permanently lost their life that day.
Including you.
One of the other cannibals found you, spear still stuck in your chest, eyes glazed over and dried tears coating your face.
No one wanted to break the news to Susan but they didn't have too, a small group of your surviving friends surrounded you, mourning and trying to figure out what to do,
Susan broke through them, nothing could prepare anyone for the look of pure horror and heartbreak that appeared on her face.
She tapped your corpse gently with her cane, tell you to stop playing pranks and get up, swearing at you, once the small reality kicked in that you weren't getting up, She'd lean down beside you, gently placing a hand on your face and closing your eyelids,
With your eyes closed you almost looked like you were sleeping.
The aftermath was bad, the house she lived in was empty without you, and there were traces of you everywhere, the dirty dishes you left in the sink saying you'd do them once everything had passed, your clothing that was still in the closet forever waiting to be worn by someone who didn't exist anymore, the awful slippers you insisted on purchasing much to Susan's dismay still by the door way, a dent on the wall from you running into it, a small stain on the carpet from you spilling a smidge of grape juice onto it.
She was bad before but she became worse, more bitter, angry that you were gone, the young were supposed to outlive the old, not the other way around.
Did you think I was done? No.
Let's tweak that last bit,
Susan was capable no doubt, even if she was old,
But she was still an old lady, so you stayed close to her just in case, she handled her own well, but when that exorcist gunned for her, you didn't even think, you just moved infront of her taking the hit for her, angelic weapon stabbing you before being pulled back out, you swung your weapon taking out the exorcist but the damaged had been done, Susan scolded you as you bled out in her arms, calling you an imbecile, a reckless fool,
you laughed saying you were going to miss her scolding you, you told her that you'd do it again if it meant protecting her after all, she was family, she was your family and you loved her despite her faults.
Susan wasn't one for kind comforting words but the last words you heard made you smile, It took you dying to hear those words but it was nice.
You died with a smile on your face, You died saving someone dear to you, Saving her life at the expense of your own.
And that foolish, selfless, and love filled act of yours gave you a shiny Halo and a spot with Sir Pentious.
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Good evening everyone! Thank you for tuning in! I hope you enjoyed this, I may have teared up while writing, I got one more request to go before I'm finished with all of em' so feel free to send in a request, I enjoy writing these!
have a wonderful night folks!
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thelunarfairy · 4 months
Hi, i love your theories on jshk. Here's one I was wondering that when that red house 'thing' asked for tsukasa's sacrifice in order to heal amane , Maybe the sacrifice was more than for him to just disappear physically. I think maybe the sacrifice was tsukasa's mind , his kind heart, selflessness, caring nature . When that thing became a part of tsukasa like a parasite it consumed or fed on all of it. Maybe that's one of the reasons why we see the present tsukasa being emotionally detached or being heartless at times. Any thoughts?
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Thank's
Wow, that's a pretty interesting and tragic take on the situation. I'll confess that I've always wondered what that thing consumes, it keeps its victims alive for long, long periods.
I don't know how to tell you exactly how alive, but there is no rest, they get stuck somewhere. Tsukasa came back, so the body is still there, and as Nene said, it was warm and had a pulse.
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So, if it doesn't consume the body, it consumes the mind, as we saw happen to the other Kannagis.
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Despite this, I can still see Tsukasa's sentimental side. He's sad, he misses, he still loves, maybe not to the same extent as before, but it's still there.
Seeing him melancholy when he calls Amane selfish, seeing him sad when telling Nene that Amane won't come to save him, even if he calls, seeing his happiness when he meets his older brother again, these are his feelings reflecting through the actions.
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The expression he made when agreeing that he knows Amane hates him, is the same look he showed as a child. Tsukasa is still there, he is.
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He always has been.
He sings to calm down, to remember some good moment in the past, a song that brings him good and comforting memories.
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A person without any feelings is totally cruel and vile, there are no feelings about absolutely anything. He could have just hit Nene on the head and make her pass out so she would stay quiet, but he didn't.
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He could just get revenge on Amane, but, he loves him, so he never will.
Tsukasa shares his body with that creature, the cruel side is linked to him, his eyes turn black when he is about to do something bad. Those aren't Tsukasa's eyes, they're that thing's eyes.
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Tsukasa's eyes shine, they are golden like gold, we could compare them with the little hope that there is still for his salvation.
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Amane didn't give up on him, because for many years he believed that Tsukasa still existed there, he still had his brother in that body. And he's right.
Tsukasa is a little boy who had to deal with everything alone, who had to learn to deal with his own feelings, his own sadness. That he had to give up everything for someone he loves very much. And he came back, even though he knew that the person he loved most would one day kill him.
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He came back because he wanted to know why.
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And he suffered in the process. After his death, the suffering dragged on for years as he tirelessly called for him, alone, again.
So, he decided it was time to put an end to it all. And he was waiting for this moment so much, that we can see the relief on his face. Finally it would all be over.
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That thing took away his innocence, and even though it consumed and influenced him
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There are still feelings, there is still a love that no one can rip from Tsukasa's chest.
Not even Amane himself could.
Love is the only thing that keeps Tsukasa moving forward, he is there to fulfill Amane's wish.
Someone without feelings is never there for anyone but themselves.
Tsukasa suffers from the beginning for loving too much.
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spacexseven · 2 years
I’m begging you, yandere dazai’s reaction to yandere reader fall out of love with him🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️
i thought about this for a good while and finally concluded that it would be best answered in like this :> hope it is to your liking ^^
cw: yandere character, yandere reader, obsessive behaviour, manipulation, jealousy, deceit, dazai seriously sucks
this is quite possibly his worst nightmare when it comes to you. the only thing that can make it worse is you falling for somebody else, but that couldn't happen! dazai knows you never looked at anyone that wasn't him. you couldn't be in love with someone else—you wouldn't do that to him, would you? such a cruel, heartless action—you couldn't subject him to that torture, could you?
you still love him, right?
but when he sees the lack of joy lighting in your eyes every morning when you catch sight of him, your usual desperation to impress him, your constant presence around him, he begins to realise it at last—you're losing interest, and the thought horrifies him.
had he really been too cruel to you, rejecting every obvious advance? were you finally sick of waiting for him to do something? well, there were those parts in your diary where you said you were disheartened by his indifference, thinking he was only making fun of your feelings. you said you would stop hurting yourself, doing everything you could think of to gain his approval, only for him to ignore—or worse yet, sneer at your attempts.
maybe he was going to far by purposely hurting your feelings, flirting with others and denying any attraction towards you, though it was far from the truth. maybe he shouldn't have laughed so cruelly when tanizaki whispered to him that you liked him.
dazai thinks about how he could make it up to you for hours before settling on mirroring your own actions from before. would you realise his love, then? if he wrote pages and pages about his feelings and left it somewhere where you could conviniently see it? sneak into your room and take some keepsakes, making it obvious that he was there?
would you let him kiss you to prove it?
but when you distanced yourself and looked away from him, dazai felt like he was being driven mad. this was absolute torture. some part of him could finally sympathize with you now. suddenly, you find dazai everywhere. he follows behind on your missions, he sits across from you as you have your lunch, he even rides the train with you.
and you try so hard to block him out, but dazai's had enough of your games.
the next time, you see him on your couch, fiddling with the remote. once he sees your shocked expression, his previously blank expression turns into something devious, a bad feeling settling in you.
"we have a lot to talk about."
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navstuffs · 8 months
The Tragedy of Leon S. Kennedy
Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: When your partner Leon. S Kennedy disappears after investigating an old laboratory facility, you take matters into your own hands.
Warning tags: ANGST HORROR, 16+, hurt/some comfort, infected!leon
Author's Notes: it seems every time i write an angst fanfic, i challenge myself on how can i make it worse next time(emptiness, creep). this fic is based on this fanart by @hurrakka, thank you so much for letting me write about it! also thanks for the support @90sbee and my husband, who gave their insightful opinions <333. enjoy!!
my halloween's masterlist
The world is unfair. Cruel. Brutal, cold, and heartless. To some more than the others. 
Take a look at Leon S Kennedy's life, for example. For someone who always fought for others and kept the weak protected even in his lowest moments, moments that he didn't believe he could do, where he couldn't believe in himself, his life seems unfair. 
A man who had never had a chance to do HOW he desired. Especially on saving lives. He wanted to help people, but not like that. Leon S. Kennedy could have been a teacher, a firefighter, or a cook. They help people in their own way. But no life is unfair. Stuck into a job he was forced to. How much helping and constantly fighting a battle couldn't destroy a man? How much is given? How much is enough?
Until Leon Kennedy disappeared. The last contact was in an old laboratory facility, deactivated long ago.
One would think the disbelief over their best U.S. agent not returning would have made the efforts to locate him fast, but no. None of his direct superiors seemed to give a damn about it. Who would have thought Leon Kennedy would vanish like that? Because the word infected never came into anyone's mind.
Maybe he had run away. He seems to deserve it, right? Leon had found happiness with that mysterious black-haired agent he kept encountering and decided to run away with her. Living on a remote island where misery and unfairness couldn't touch him. Where the government couldn't use him anymore.
That's what the ones closest to him wanted to believe. It is way easier to imagine Leon with his swimsuit sunglasses, drinking a piña colada, sunbathing, and relaxing.
If life had any decency in being fair, that's what should have happened.
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They strongly advised you not to go there. Your superiors thought this whole mission would be a waste of time. Agent Kennedy considered M.I.A. now was, yes, one of the greatest, if not the best, agent they had ever had. Still, your superiors couldn't waste any more resources on finding Agent Kennedy as if they ever tried. As if they cared about him in the first place.
It had to be your close relationship and accomplishments with Leon Kennedy as your partner that allowed you to take five people whom you could trust. And some big name helped your case up in the hierarchy.
Your official mission was to search for what they did in that laboratory and find a cure. It's always about a cure. Your unofficial one? Find what the heck happened to Agent Kennedy. 
When you arrive at the old laboratory facility, you understand the place is a maze. With numerous floors underground, you went in the front as the most experienced and the leader of that mission.
"Are you really willing to sacrifice the life of five agents for one?" 
As you and your team start going down more levels, it is clear how easy it is to get lost in that place. You don't even know why and how they sent Leon alone here for the first time, especially with the amount of infected appearing from different rooms attracted by the lights and sounds. Your team takes it one by one quick, but it's clear as day no one was supposed to come to this place in the first place.
As you start going down more levels, the amount of Infected rises. You try to think like Leon would like he taught you: search for any way to get into their plans, the most secure way to get there without putting your team at risk. 
You finally get to an open and dark area where the number of infected practically lessens. Zeroes. 
There is no sound ahead of you, and the air becomes stagnated. Something is down there: waiting and observing your group. You warn your team to pay attention when you hear shots from behind you, followed by a horrified scream and someone getting ripped apart. Then, just darkness and the same silence as before.
That can't be a normal infected. You have read about this: some infected are different and showcase special abilities, making them harder, almost impossible, to kill. You dash to the back, where your team member disappeared, pointing the flashlight to the walls. You see a black mass moving away inside the darkness, too fast for you to reach. 
Before you can assess the situation, the team member in front gets suddenly dragged away without even screaming. You go into high alert mode, warning your team to focus on any signs of this Infected, clearly faster than the normal ones. 
Maybe the answer to what happened to Leon.
One by one, the rest of your team members get taken down. You don't know what or where to shoot. This Infected had to be at least uncommon or Special. With no other option, you and the last team member run away. You tell him to run first, protecting his back, squinting your eyes so you could see. 
When you are almost on the 3rd floor, the special infected pounces above your head, immediately killing your team member with its giant claw. It has the body format of a human, making sure the claw is pierced all the way down inside the body. It makes no sound, his back toward you, a low growl echoing in the darkness. 
You gulp, slowly raising your flashlight as the monster turns in your direction, looking directly at you.
It is Leon.
Except it isn't Leon anymore. Whatever was left of him was gone, infected by this virus. 
Instead of an arm, a huge black claw comes from his sleeve, long enough to almost drag across the floor, and another grows from his other sleeve. You bite your lip, holding back a sob or a scream, watching his pale skin. How long has he been here? Leon retracts his lips, growling low, his blue eyes more yellow now. 
In a perilous situation, some people flee or fight. Some beg. You decide to do the most illogical thing.
You want to say there is a sign of recognition as if Leon S. Kennedy is still there, though deep down, you know it is impossible. Your partner. Your friend. The man you admire. He shouldn't have ended like this. The tears come out of your eyes, but Leon doesn't stop, moving toward you.
Nothing. You dragged your team down here, and Leon killed them all. How selfish. You deserve to die for what you did. And if Leon ever came to his senses, this would have destroyed him.
An unfair mission to save a man who never deserved to die. 
Life is so fucking stupid.
You start shooting through Leon's head, momentarily stopping him. Your only chance is to escape him because you don't think you can kill him. 
You dash, passing Leon, but you know you can't outrun him for long. Maybe you deserve him piercing your body with his claws.
For some reason, Leon stayed stuck in this facility. Maybe Leon is trying to keep himself down there, not to hurt anyone because he is still deep in that creature, a small part of him, and you brought people to be killed in a vain attempt to save him.
You have to find some sanity in this madness. A reason to continue fighting. 
You communicated through the comms a single word: "Extermination."
It is what Leon would have wanted, it is what you deserve. You just have to keep them in there until it happens. 
Those are the longest fifteen minutes of your life. Maybe your superiors knew something beforehand because, by the time the bomb was prepared, it took them less than thirteen minutes. Which made you wonder if they weren't trying to get off you in the first place. 
Less than two minutes now, and your job is entertaining the infected. You disturbed the wasp's nest, you deal with it. Leon is right behind you, taking down infecteds as nothing so he can get to you. You count the seconds for him to pounce and impale you, but he doesn't.
Dying right now would be your biggest reward.
Someone hurries you to get out of there. Do you really deserve it, though? Leon is dead. Your team members died horribly and painfully because of you.
"Do you know what you will do after all of this?" 
It was the end of your first mission with your new partner. You two sit by a cliff, your legs dangling, Leon lying in the grass at your side. Dirty but alive. Maybe a sprain in your ankle, and Leon has his arm in an improvised sling from your shirt, but you live to see another beautiful orange sunset.
"There is an "after" all of this?" Leon jokes, making you giggle. "Get dinner?"
"Yeah? But after all of this? Retiring and moving to a paradise, maybe?"
Leon thinks for a moment, his eyes going to the sky. The helicopter to take you to safety sounds closer when Leon finally answers, the emotions emphasizing every word of his sentence.
"I am going to live."
You make a decision. Less than a minute now for the bomb to blow up.
You are going to live. 
For yourself, for Leon.
With a sudden shot of adrenaline passing through your veins, you run to the exit, not looking back. The thousands of growls and Leon follow you, but you ignore that. Bullets will be useless by the amount you have dragged. Someone on the comms asks your location, and you urge them to throw the bomb no matter what, bringing the zombies closer to the surface. Before you exit, closing the last door behind you, you quickly glance over your shoulder.
It is like those movie scenes when you cross your eyes with someone and have a conversation with them, just with your eyes. Yours cross with Leon's yellow ones, and in that milli second, before you close the door behind you, you ask for forgiveness. You apologize for bringing your team members into your mess. You tell him you shouldn't live, but you will. You tell him how much you love him. You apologize that the world never treated him with kindness.
The door closes behind you, and you continue running, hearing the jets getting closer. 9, 8, 7…
The roar in the door sounds like a scream. As if Leon is telling you to escape, to forget about him and not look back.
At precisely one second, when the door finally can't take it anymore, and you are meters away, three bombs get thrown, exploding the facility and everything inside. With the blast, you hit your head when you get pushed by the explosion.
You turn around, still lying down, stomach up, to look at the sky, breathing deeply. It is still blue, but you can't see stars with the smoke left by the bombs; you are like that empty sky right now, no stars, no moon, nothing. 
"I am going to live." You whisper to the night without stars. As a secret or a broken promise, only time will tell. 
taglist: @daydreamrot, @scar-crossedlvrs, @roseglazedlens, @sarahs-secrets2
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Danny Phantom but make him a circus/freakshow attraction headcanons
Maybe he was sold maybe he was captured. Danny couldn't quite remember threw the pain. The lab accident felt like decades ago but time goes slow when your hurting
The blood blossoms were always underfoot. The cage was small his muzzle tight and he was hungry.
So so hungry
Still he didn't look forward to his preformances to the gawking masked people or the salt circle his cage would be placed in or turning from boy to ghost for entertainments sake.
The first time he tried to escape when his box was opened.
That of course only made his capturer mad and earned him more blood blooms.
Dick hated places like this. Cruel hurtful places sullying the name of the circus. Maybe that's why he jumped at the chance to help spy on the freakshow that had recently come to town despite Bruce's worried expression. It wasn't hard to convince Bruce to let him go though. He knew circus lingo better than anyone else in the family after all. Sure his slang MAY be a little outdated but it didn't matter too much for just a few nights.
Dick has seen some horrible things and stayed pretty lighthearted, but because the circus is so sacred to him I think he takes this mission very seriously.
In the end it's him Bruce on the mission.
It wasn't hard to locate where the metas and "freaks" were being kept.
He entered the tent and between a man labeled "the cannibal" and Killer Croc who somehow got dragged into this, there was a young man in a muzzle kneeling on what looked like flowers.
Something about his eyes made him look almost haunted.
He moved on to the next row taking note of every poor soul there.
He was going to get them free.
Sure Bruce didn't like metas, but he wasn't heartless. It didn't take long for him to divide the staff into the willing and unwilling participants. It took him even less time to tie up the willing workers and to call in the Gotham police department.
When batman went to talk to the victims one stood out to him. The boy was muzzled his eyes rapidly switching from blue to green.
He couldn't have been older than Jason.
No one else there was muzzled.
He wondered briefly what made him so dangerous.
The question nagged at him as he asked person after person how they got here.
As expected no one was there voluntarily.
Speaking to an albino set of twins, the last to be questioned, he asked about the boy in the muzzle.
One twin merely shrugged and said he had been there the longest.
It was enough to strike empathy in him.
He approached carefully removing first the lock then the muzzle.
The young man almost pushed past him to get out.
Starting his questioning he asked where he was from and what his name is.
The young man, Danny apparently, didn't seam to remember much outside of the circus though. Where some of the more recently "aquired" captives remembered the older ones didnt
He could only imagine it was trauma holding them back.
Because this place was all he could remember, Danny didn't know what he wanted to do after he was free besides get far far away.
Bruce asked him no more questions.
General headcanons:
Danny is still sassy in this au but he's also bitter.
He doesn't talk much at first cause he's not used to it cause of the muzzle.
It takes quite a while for him to become more like his own self.
Sits on top of Wayne manor staring at the stars he doesn't remember why though.
He has "sad eyes" as babs and steph phrased it.
Bruce didn't mean to keep danny. He's basically a foster fail.
He will never here the end of such from Alfred.
Talking about Alfred he handles the new addition just fine
After all Danny broody and sassy.
He even has the light eyes dark hair combo.
Danny is kinda a foil to Dick. Where Dick is cheerful, Danny is jaded
Where Dick sees the circus as sacred Danny sees it as a trigger
They get along ok weirdly enough.
Jason swore when he first saw Danny.
"Bruce you got another damn kid"
Offers to take him away from Bruce if ever needed. Offer always stands.
Tim doesn't notice the ghost boy for about a week. He was just too sleep deprived.
When he did he assumed danny was a sleep deprivation hallucination
Now he doesn't know how to approach him so he treats him like he's always been there.
Cass understands Danny.
The silence between them is comfortable and amicable
Damian is Damian.
He isn't sure what to think so at first he comes of as aggressive.
That stands until he sees Danny in a fight for the first time.
Now he only wonders now this meta who can turn invisible and fly got caught.
He thinks better then to ask.
Slowly Danny learns to trust again. To live again.
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