#like do you realize that you're saying the EXACT same thing you're accusing us of saying?
marcirose · 1 year
Sks: Ugh sorikus want Kairi out of the way for their ship how delusional of them
Also sks: Riku should've died in kh3 and Riku should fail in kh4 so Kairi can come in and save Sora so they can have their happily ever after
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xxlovelynovaxx · 4 months
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Uh-huh. You realize, coming from a 26 year old, that this is just ageism, right? "I'll only take you seriously because of your age"... and you think you're in the right?
Yeah, "14 years olds act more 14 about it" because typically a group with absolutely zero societal power that is literally treated as the subhuman property of their parents and irrational mindless inconveniences that are only here to annoy "real people" will get upset when you continue to treat them as such while reminding them of the absolute privilege and societal power you hold over them.
I was 14 too. I remember the frustration at no one taking me seriously. I remember the fury that when I turned 18, 20, 25, suddenly everyone believed me about the things I'd been saying for 4, 6, 10+ years. I remember the disillusionment that happened when I realized the only thing that had changed was not some arbitrary debunked number at which the brain "develops fully", not some threshold of "maturity", but simply that I was no longer the age at which the state had a chokehold around my personhood, or in some cases the age which people think my human rights should have been delayed to.
Because it's not like adults EVER have bad opinions about something you say online, right? It's not like they don't FREQUENTLY respond to you trying to talk to them about it with stubborn and willful ignorance. It's not like the OP of this or a similar post didn't once respond to my detailed and logical essay about ageism with "lol I'm not reading all that". It's not like unreasonableness and angry nastiness at a post is utterly unlinked to the age of the person perpetrating it, and people of all ages do this in equal numbers.
Oh wait, it's exactly like that, it's just that society supports and even rewards the exact same misbehaviors in privileged people that they condemn in marginalized people.
It's just that when an adult does this, it's either that they're arbitrarily right based on their age/other privileged identity and often the marginalized status of the person arguing against them (see: OP, every argument on antisemitism where goyim are seen as the rational and reasonable and therefore right ones), the person arguing is being "immature" and "might be lying about being an adult' or "is acting like a child" (transmascs being silenced about their oppression using infantilization, the concern trolling of people who are happily 'crazy', the infantilization of disabled people and especially those who are intellectually, cognitively, or developmentally disabled), or both.
They're right. Their age has nothing to do with what they're saying. However, it has everything to do with how you're mistreating them. If they had no age in their bio, you might have taken them seriously, at least enough to believe they might listen to your viewpoint and to treat them like an equal human being.
If they had had an age above (usually 20-25), your last grasp at defense would have been to discredit them by comparing them to a 14 year old or accusing them of lying about their age, precisely because even adjacency to that identity allows you to shut down any argument they make.
Unfortunately, when you're in your 20s and 30s, everything is influenced by how fucking 20-40 you are. You forget exactly how cruel and oppressive society is to children. You forget how people magically started treating you like a person instead of a thing that existed only to "irrationally" be angry at the world around you. You forget how you were right to be angry at how they treated you.
You forget that you were legally allowed to have someone else dictate what and when you ate, how you dressed, whether you received necessary medical care, whether unnecessary medical procedures such as intersex "correctional" surgeries and treatment were forced on you at any age, when and for how long you were allowed to leave the house, and if they hit you in a well-known erogenous zone it would have been considered "discipline" as long as they called it "spanking" and not "physical and sexual abuse. You forget this and any number of other things considered abusive if a partner or roommate were to do it to even someone who had just turned 18 two seconds ago.
You forget that while it was technically illegal for your parents to starve you, to beat you, to emotionally abuse you by gaslighting or daily verbal abuse or manipulation, to torture you, to sexually abuse you, to hurt you to the point of you developing PTSD and or dissociative disorders, that there is very little recourse for actually enforcing it. You forget that you just have to hope that a different adult believes you, and in order for them to do that you usually have to fit a stereotype of a good victim and that your parents usually already have to be not in good standing with your community.
You forget how many cases of actual textbook abuse CPS does nothing about for "lack of proof" despite a supposed societal narrative of "believe victims".* You forget that they prioritize reunification even in cases of actual physical abuse, often with the abuser themself. You forget that you were a member of the only class that can have the police called on them like dogcatchers to drag them back kicking and screaming to their abusers, with no recourse or means of escape provided, because the state depends on and serves the institution of the "nuclear family". You forget that historically police served to return escaped property to their owners, and still do so today.
(*Believe victims if they have any measure of societal power that causes consequences for not believing them. Believe victims as long as you will be judged by most people for not believing them. Believe victims only if you can be held accountable for not doing so.)
As a disabled person and therefore a vulnerable adult, I had the unique position of being treated as a child until I escaped at age 23. It was all the same arguments - that it was "for my own good", that I was "incapable of making those decisions for myself" (or apparently, finding someone I did trust to make them for me, because I was "unreliable enough" I couldn't even do that), and so on.
This only made me realize that, despite the fact that none of that was true, it wouldn't be okay even if it was. It's not okay for disabled adults who DO need significantly more help caring for themselves than I do and who are profoundly cognitively or intellectually disabled to have their autonomy infringed on and their consent violated.
So why, then, is it okay to do to a child, regardless of their actual ability to take care of themselves or "make rational decisions"? Why is it okay to treat a child this way? Why is it okay to regard someone as fundamentally subhuman until an arbitrary cutoff?
Why is it okay to assume complete and total irrationality and unreasonableness on the part of an entire class of people just because as a subjugated and oppressed class they are still on rare occasion irrational or unreasonable? Isn't that bog-standard bigotry?
Why is it okay to justify their oppression by them being sometimes unable to fully stand on their own two feet, without help or community, under the weight of the oppressive system itself that serves to reinforce that? Why claim the purposeful elimination of tools and obscuration of helpful skills and knowledge under the guise of "protecting them" shows that they are incapable of surviving without those violences in a system that you claim is not, in fact, openly hostile to them?
And yes, this does all matter in the context of petty online discourse, because it is these systems that serve to reinforce and be reinforced by this casual ageism.
It is reaffirming the ideas which uphold these systems - that children are incapable of being rational people with reasonable emotional responses to mistreatment, who have to be told at every point what is in fact fair and how they must react to not face active bigotry for their immutable identity. It is conditioning children to beg for scraps of respect so that they learn assimilation early and go on to perpetuate childism when they themselves become adults.
It's petty and cruel, and it's destroying my faith in humanity to see marginalized people I otherwise respect sharing this. Y'all of all people should know better. Y'all of all people should be able to see how it maps to multiple of the various types of oppression and even intersectional oppression and then goes further.
Y'all of all people should be able to remember how being a child was your primary identity and primary form of marginalization, because you could legally be allowed to be abused for your other marginalized identities and most people in fact supported your family doing so, or at least felt that even if it was wrong it was still "their right" to do so.
Maybe you were privileged enough to have a supportive family, but I know for a FACT most of you weren't.
Kids are considered uniquely incapable of having any identity that is not immediately apparent - of knowing they are chronically ill or queer or plural or neurodivergent. They are considered incapable of having valuable and complex thoughts about politics or religion. They are not listened to or considered experts on the specific intersectional discrimination they face for immediately apparent identities, such as being children of color or visibly disabled. Adults within those groups are considered the experts on forms of discrimination they'll even admit they no longer experience, but that children continue to.
This is not just queerphobia or ableism or racism or any other number of forms of bigotry. This is specifically childism intersecting those forms of bigotry. It is not just not okay because of their queer or disabled or racial or other identity. It is not okay because children are fucking people, and yeah, deserve to be treated as equals and not be condescended to even in the actual rare cases where their reasoning is not completely rationally sound - just as is the case for disabled people, I might add.
If you can see how one is ableism but not how the other is bigoted childism, if you can't see the parallels between two cases where
-most individuals in a class are fully rational and intellectually capable people purposely being mislabeled as not so in order to justify their subjugation
-which is fundamentally reliant on the societal acceptance of mistreatment of those who may not be fully rational or intellectually capable (which is deeply ableist/childist, oppressive, and wrong),
-and where those who actually aren't fully rational or are intellectually incapable face no reprieve both in being weaponized against members of their own class with relative privilege AND in fighting their own mistreatment, which unlike in the case of those who might be able to convince others of their capability is considered always justified on the basis of their incapability, while not actually being okay on ANY basis,
then I can't help you.
To be clear, the reason it is ableist and/or childist to label someone as intellectually incapable when they are not is not at all because actually being so would be in any way bad. It's because it relies on the deep, insidious ableism/childism against those who are considered intellectually capable to function. It is essentially a separate facet of that same ableism/childism, and one specifically functions because of the other facet of ableism/childism that says that all members of said class are incapable and therefore need to be mistreated in the same way as those who actually are.
"No one deserves to be treated this way," is fundamentally how this oppression should be addressed, period. Understanding how it functions differently for different people, and how easily the most vulnerable members of an oppressed class could have their liberation tossed aside in order to pursue assimilation for the less vulnerable is still important, though. Understanding that your own oppression relies on the total subjugation of part of your community on the basis of an ontological trait that they have and you do not is actually paramount in recognizing both your own relative privilege and how to effectively fight the oppression you all face.
Or to put it simply, it's important to recognize that if you're being oppressed because someone is claiming you're something you're not, that that oppression isn't okay toward the people who are that thing.
Anyway, adults who talk about childism, adultism (I apologize that I struggle to remember the difference between the two, much like I struggle with the difference between ableism and disableism), and youth liberation also hold privilege. As I mentioned above, the most that someone can use to discredit me here is to say that I'm immature or they think I'm secretly a child.
Even the people who really don't want to examine their own privilege and complicity in their hierarchical relationship with children are more likely to listen to me, and if they don't they'll make fools of themselves with such lines as "I refuse to read anything longer than a twitter post to educate myself on complex systems of oppression".
I'll keep trying to stand up for children anyway. Not just because I actually remember what it's like to be 14, but because I have a responsibility to do so as an adult. I'll uplift the voices of the children who quite honestly are way better at explaining this and have a far better understanding of both the direct experience and the sociological theory behind it than I ever will be.
Also note: I didn't anywhere in this post point out how people who are 17 and some months are functionally indistinguishable from those who have just turned 18, or how variations in "development" might cause some who are 15 or 16 to be very similar to others who are 18, or so on.
Quite frankly, I don't think that matters. I do think 14 year olds deserve to be treated with respect just as much as 17.99 year olds, and I also think often 17.99 year olds face much of the exact same mistreatment and oppression (especially systemically) as 14 year olds. The exceptions where legal emancipation can help those over 16 are both rare enough and require trading being controlled for being unsupported. Therefore I think that while a more nuanced conversation about this could take place within the communities actually affected by this, I think it's neither appropriate nor helpful here.
I'd also like to remind people that predators are often successful at grooming children because they pretend to treat them with respect and take them seriously. The answer to this should not be "oh, anyone who respects children is a groomer", but rather, "hey, maybe if everyone treated children with respect and took them seriously, actual predators would have one less avenue through which to target and harm children".
As a CSA victim myself, I will NEVER stop doing anything and everything I can to prevent more children from becoming victims. I only care about what's effective, not what feels good in pseudo-proxy revenge fantasies against imagined perpetrators while very real ones continue to go unnoticed and unchallenged by society.
I take children seriously because it's the right thing to do, but also specifically to fight CSA. I also remind anyone who needs it that they do NOT know they can trust me or anyone else on that sole basis. While I want to be a safe adult, doing so in a society where children have no recourse against mistreatment fundamentally requires them protecting themselves by not trusting me just because I recognize the power I have over them and the ways in which they are abused.
(This is another example of how the fearmongering mindset over generational friendships, particularly between minors and adults, is just as harmful as the pushback against comprehensive sex education and coming from the same puritan and christofascist roots. Knowing that something is sexual abuse just allows victims to voice what they're experiencing. Having safe adults who respect them allows children to recognize the manipulative behaviors and other red flags of unsafe adults.)
Anyway, all the original post is saying is "I don't like when members of an oppressed class stubbornly refuse to compromise on being treated as equal people with valuable thoughts and rational responses to mistreatment, and in fact insist on being listened to when I say things that are cruel, unfair, and untrue."
(When did use of "unfair" become a synonym for "whiny snowflakes children who just can't see that life is inherently unfair" in leftist spaces that purportedly fight against systemic injustice, anyway? When did it become something "immature" in the fight against identity-based violence that is inherently not fair?)
So I guess, act more 14 about it. I'll continue acting more disabled and queer about ableism and queermisia, so I fail to see what's bad about that. But imagine thinking that interacting with someone on the basis of their age is useless and thinking you're in the right for it. Truly showing their entire ass.
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mi-rae07 · 4 months
Hi it's me again 🤭 Hope everything is alright! If you do take requests still and like the idea, I thought about Hongjoong or Jongho neglecting their relationship, like always being out with anyone else and always at work, eventually lashing out at their partner's last desperate attempts to save the relationship and finally realising what they've lost after months? 👀💕
Choi Jongho : Regret (Part 1/2)
Pairing : Choi Jongho (Ateez) and named character (Na Jieun)
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Jieun : jongho? When are you coming home?
Jieun could hear the sounds of party music and people laughing from the other end of the phone, her hands clenching against the couch fabric as she realized her boyfriend was probably at some party. He had time to go to a party but not being with her?
Jongho : jieun why do you keep calling me every 5 minutes asking me the same exact question! I told you I'd be late so just go to sleep.
Jieun : but what time does 'late' mean?
Jongho : oh lord, do whatever you want but please stop calling me.
Before jieun could reply jongho had already cut the call. Jieun sighed, throwing her phone away as she closed her eyes. She missed him, but she supposed he didn't anymore.
A week ago :
Jieun : jongho I need to talk to you.
Jongho : not now I'm tired.
Jieun : I don't care-
Jongho : for god's sake it's 2 in the morning, jieun. Give me a break.
Jieun : why do you not have time for me anymore?
Jongho turned around, facing jieun with a frown as he asked
Jongho : what?
Jieun : you never have time for me, but you have time to go around with your other celebrity friends. You never have time for me but you have time to sneak around the company with the other members. You never have time for me but you have the time to attend birthday parties and wedding invites, all without me.
Jongho : what exactly are you trying to say?
Jieun stood up, walking up to jongho as she said
Jieun : what I'm saying is, maybe you're embarassed of me.
Jongho scoffed, looking away as he muttered in disbelief
Jongho : this has to be a joke.
Jieun : is that a yes, then?
Jongho : are you stupid, jieun? You think I told my parents and friends that I was dating you because I was embarassed of you? Bought you flowers every week for a year because I missed our one month anniversary because I was embarassed of you? You think I wear your hairband around my wrist every time I go for a function because I'm fucking embarassed of you?
Jieun pressed her lips together as she realized she'd forgotten about all of that. She'd focused on the bad and forgotten about the good, like she almost always did.
Jieun : I'm sorry, I just overthought-
Jongho : no you aren't sorry. Because you'll keep thinking this, you'll keep doubting me and you'll never stop doing it.
Jieun : jongho-
Jongho : all I ever do is work for us, jieun. Every day I go out there, making music and putting it out thinking about you, about our future. I worry for you every day, so I try my best not to give up on this stupid life. And I think, oh when I come back home and see the person I'm doing all this for, she might just give me a kiss and hold me in her arms while I go to sleep. But no, instead you're out here accusing me of being embarrassed about us.
Jieun looked at jongho with teary eyes as he stepped back, his eyes now distant and closed off as he whispered
Jongho : I'm going to sleep, and please, don't come after me.
Present time :
After that jieun didn't want to escalate things further, so she'd kept quiet as jongho went through the same cycle once again, every day. He'd go before she was awake and would come back very late. When she'd try to talk with him, jongho would say he didn't have the time for it and would leave immediately. Even during holidays jongho was working, always, fucking, working.
Jieun was an orphan, who grew up in an orphanage where she had no friends. Back in school she used to be the quiet shy kid so even there she'd make no friends. Jieun had no idea how she'd found jongho and had fallen in love with him but he was the single best thing in her life. Apart from him she had no one, no life. She was all alone in the world.
And now jongho was so far away from her, even while being so close to her. She wanted to just leave.
2 weeks later :
Jongho stumbled into his house from how tired he was, looking forward to the week of holidays after this one where he'd get to do…nothing. Jongho let out a tired sigh as he took his shoes off, throwing it away before walking towards the living room. His vision felt dizzy, but he was going to try and find jieun. And soon enough he did, because jieun's voice cut through the dark surrounding, almost scaring jongho
Jieun : finally home?
Jongho : as you can see.
Jieun : I wanted to tell you something, I was waiting for you.
Jongho let out a breath, already feeling even more tired as he muttered
Jongho : not again.
Jieun : don't worry jongho, this will be the last time, I promise.
Jongho frowned as jieun walked closer towards jongho, her eyes glittering against the dim lights as jongho's heart dropped.
Jongho : no why are you-
Jieun : I'm leaving.
Jongho : w-what?
Jieun : why are you so surprised? You should've known your actions would have consequences, jongho. You should've known our relationship was breaking down when I was the only one fighting for us.
Jongho : no, no our relationship hasn't broken down-
Jieun : how would you know, huh? How would you know when you barely even look at me anymore!
Jongho tried holding jieun's hand as he said
Jongho : no listen to me-
Jieun : do you have a proper reason, jongho?
Jongho : jieun I told you before, that I am doing this for our betterment. I'm not going to have enough money to take care of you if I don't work like this.
Jieun : I don't care about money, jongho! I want you.
Jongho scoffed, looking away as he said
Jongho : you're being so selfish.
Jieun : I'm being selfish?
Jongho : yes! You don't go for work, and neither do you cook or clean at home. You're not bringing any money back home, jieun. So all of that burden falls on me, and all I've been trying to do, is fulfill your requirements without even taking a break for myself.
Jieun : so if I cook and clean, are you going to spend more time with me?
Jongho : that is not what I'm saying, jieun. God you don't even seem to understand me!
Jieun : and what about all those parties you attended? Were those for our betterment as well?
Jongho : I do that in order to maintain relationships with them, jieun. I do that so I can make use of their resources in the future!
Jieun scoffed as she muttered
Jieun : you make no sense.
Jongho : I wouldn't to you, you don't know anything about the outside world anyway.
Jieun stared at jongho, trying her best to keep the tears at bay as jongho breathed heavily from all the arguing they'd done.
Jieun : so…so what you're saying is that I'm selfish, I don't bring anything to the table, I'm being immature, unaware, and what, not understanding enough. Is that it?
Jongho : jieun-
Jieun : if you think all of that about me then it means our relationship has already broken down, jongho. This is useless now, and tomorrow morning, I will take my leave.
Jongho stared at jieun as she continued
Jieun : because then you can find someone who'd better suit your standards of living, find someone who's more understanding, mature and can deal with your bullshit. Because I definitely can't anymore.
Saying that jieun walked away, banging the guest room door shut behind her. And the next morning when jongho had woken up, she was already all gone.
3 weeks later :
Jongho stared blankly into the recording studio computer, his thoughts going back for the nth time that day to jieun. He felt empty, his house felt empty with all her things gone, and his heart felt empty. He missed her, her touches, her voice, her warmth, her presence. He had no idea why he hadn't stopped her from leaving, but he guessed that at that point even if he were to have said something she still would've left him. Their relationship had been too scarred for him to fix it then.
But he still loved her, even though he'd tried drowning his feelings in a thousand bottles of soju, it still hadn't worked. Jongho knew where to find jieun, but did she want to see him? Would she hate him more if she were to find him at her doorstep?
Mingi : yah! Are you listening to me jongho!
Jongho blinked his eyes, coming back to reality as he looked at mingi who was standing right next to his chair with concerned eyes
Mingi : jongho? What did I last say?
Jongho looked at mingi as if he were in a daze before saying
Jongho : uh, what?
Mingi sighed, plopping down on the chair next to jongho before saying
Mingi : what is wrong with you?
Jongho : nothing. I'm just worried about work.
Mingi : work as in Na Jieun?
Jongho : is it that obvious?
Mingi : very. Jongho if you're this worried about her how about you meet with her?
Jongho : I can't, she hates me.
Mingi : did she tell you that?
Jongho : basically.
Mingi rolled his eyes, leaning back against the chair before saying
Mingi : we can't have you like this, jongho. You're not concentrating anymore, and everyone is concerned.
Jongho : I'm sorry I'll try better-
Mingi : that's not what I'm trying to say jongho-ya. I'm saying you need to fix things with her so you can concentrate on work when you can.
Jongho : but that's exactly the reason why she left me, hyung. Because I concentrated too much on work.
Mingi : well if I were to have a partner who gave more importance to their work and other social events over me, I'd leave them too.
Jongho looked up at mingi as he stood up, patting jongho's shoulder before saying
Mingi : learn to balance, jongho. If you can't, then you're just going to have to lead a very miserable life.
2 days later :
Jongho walked towards the Han river bridge at 2 in the morning, his hands tucked deep inside his coat jacket as his eyes darted around the place aimlessly. He couldn't sleep, and he supposed getting fresh air would work. As he looked at the bridge a few meters away from him jongho suddenly thought of the time jieun had forced jongho to come along with her to this bridge a year ago, wanting to see the new year fireworks with him. Jongho had had a concert that same day and was too tired, but seeing jieun's excitement he couldn't refuse.
And then when jongho had seen jieun's eyes sparkling at every firework that burst in the sky, her giggles as the big clock strung 12, and the butterflies jongho had felt when jieun hugged him and wished him happy new year, it had made all his pain worth it. Jongho couldn't stand the next day, but even then he'd still have chosen to come to the bridge that day.
Now new year was a few months away from him, and he had no jieun to go along with him to the fireworks this time. But as jongho got on the bridge his eyes landed on a figure that was leaning against the railing, having a sip of a convenience store-bought banana milk.
Jongho : jieun?
Jieun quickly turned around at that voice, her eyes growing distant at the sight of her ex-boyfriend in front of her. Of course, looking tired as always.
Jieun : yes.
Jongho : what are you doing here so late?
Jieun : why does it matter to you?
Jongho : because this is dangerous, jieun. Someone could do something to you-
Jieun : look around, jongho, there's people all around us. No one's going to do anything to me. Now leave me alone.
Jongho : I'm sorry.
Jieun said nothing, turning back around to face the water as she took another sip of the banana milk.
Jongho : we could try again, jieun. I could try to be better-
Jieun : I already gave you that chance, jongho. Countless times I did and yet you kept going back to what you were before. I'm not going through this shit again.
Jongho : but we love each other, jieun-ah. Isn't this what we do?
Jieun scoffed, shaking her head as she said
Jieun : that is old news, jongho. We don't love each other anymore.
Jongho : I do.
Jieun : well then it's too late.
Jieun threw the empty banana milk carton to the trash before saying
Jieun : because I don't.
Jieun turned around as she gave jongho one last look before walking past him. And jongho could only stare at her disappearing figure, small tears in his eyes. He was right after all, she didn’t love him anymore.
Jieun came back home the next evening after a day of work at the city corporation where she'd worked before jongho, feeling like she wanted to just lie somewhere on the floor in her apartment and sleep. But just as she was about to walk past the security gate a man rushed up to her with a boquet of flowers, making jieun frown as she asked
Jieun : ahjussi?
??? : this is for you, jieun-shi. A handsome young man came by a few hours ago and asked me to give it to you when you came back.
Jieun let out a breath, realizing it was from jongho. Jieun smiled and took the flowers from the security before saying
Jieun : thank you so much, ahjussi.
Just as she was about to leave the security said
??? : the young man seems to be very much in love with you, miss. I had a lady too, once. The look in his eyes are the same as what I'd seen in my own decades ago. Love is pure, and eternal. Please don't give up on it.
Jieun smiled, taking a single flower out from the boquet before handing it out to the security as she said
Jieun : I'm sure she loved you as much as you loved her, ahjussi. And I'm sure she always will.
The security smiled, tears in his eyes as he took the flower from jieun's hand before whispering
??? : thank you, miss.
Jieun smiled, giving a small bow to the security before walking away. She looked at the boquet of flowers filled with blue roses and baby's breath, her favorite flowers. There was also a small note inside that read
"I'm sorry, I love you"
Jieun sighed, taking her phone out as she quickly texted jongho
Jieun : don't send me flowers again.
Jongho : no.
Jieun : what?
Jongho : I'm going to keep sending you flowers, jieun.
Jieun : I'll throw it away, in that case.
Jongho : then throw them away, that's not going to stop me anyway.
Jieun let out a groan, throwing her phone back into her bag as she stepped into the lift. Jieun knew there was no point in telling jongho, he wouldn't stop.
3 weeks later :
Seonghwa : jongho-ya?
Jongho looked up from his computer, his eyes falling onto a worried looking seonghwa as he said
Jongho : yes?
Seonghwa : the CEO wants to talk to you.
Jongho frowned, standing up as he said
Jongho : is something wrong?
Seonghwa : I think so?
Jongho sighed, nodding his head as he walked towards the CEO's room. As soon as he entered the man's eyes sharpened, motioning jongho to sit down on the sofa.
Jongho : is something wrong, sir?
??? : it's been a month, jongho. A month since you've been slacking on work. You're not the same as before, the dance tutors told me that you barely even attend classes anymore, and when I asked the producers they haven't gotten any new work from you either. And then I asked your manager, but he said you haven't had any promo shoots lately as well. So if not any of these, choi jongho, what else are you doing?
Jongho sighed, already having known he would have to face this someday soon. Between trying to make up to jieun by sending her gifts and flowers everyday, and trying to drown his feelings for her jongho had forgotten about work.
Jongho : I'm sorry, sir. I've just been a bit distracted-
??? : except we can't afford that from you, jongho. You're an idol for god's sake, start acting like it. The world tour is going to be scheduled next year and the group album is going to come out within due time. It's high time you start getting to work, or I'm afraid things are not going to end well for you.
Jongho nodded, his hands clenching against his shirt fabric as he said
Jongho : I'll get back to usual, sir, this won't happen again.
??? : it better not.
Jongho stumbled into the 8th floor of jieun's apartment, half drunk. He already knew jieun wouldn't let him in, but even then, he wanted to see her. He had had a bad day, and all he wanted was to see her face just once, or even hear her voice. Otherwise he was afraid he wouldn't be able to go any longer.
Jongho rang the doorbell of jieun's apartment, the door opening just slightly a few minutes later as jieun's sharp voice cut through the air
Jieun : what are you doing here?
Jongho smiled, leaning against the wall as he whispered
Jongho : I missed your voice, eunnie.
By the use of that nickname jieun had known jongho was drunk, and a drunk jongho was a vulnerable one. Jieun let out a breath as she said
Jieun : did you seriously have to get drunk like this? Couldn't you ask your manager to take you back home after you had alcohol, jongho?
Jongho : I am home, eunnie. You are my home, where else would I be.
Jieun closed her eyes, opening the door wider as jongho fell right into her arms, almost knocking her off of her feet.
Jieun : god you're heavy.
Jongho smiled as jieun closed the door behind them, dragging jongho's half-limp body to the couch before laying him down on it. Jongho stared up at jieun with heart eyes as she removed his shoes, keeping them away before putting his legs properly onto the couch.
Jieun : this is just for one night, because it's too late and I can't drive you back home and you're too drunk to be outside. Leave first thing tomorrow morning, you get me?
Jongho : you're being so cruel, jieun-ie. Do you really have to do this to me?
Jieun : you did this to yourself, jongho.
Jongho let out a shaky breath, holding his hand out for jieun to hold as he whispered
Jongho : won't you at least hold me?
Jieun looked at jongho's hand, not having it in her to hold it. Jongho inhaled shakily, small tears in his eyes as he said
Jongho : I missed you, jieun-ah. I missed you so much and I regret not having gone after you.
Jieun : and you realized that only after I left you, jongho?
Jongho lowered his hand back down, staring at jieun with hurt eyes as she sighed, throwing a blanket over jongho before saying
Jieun : I don't want to see you again like this, so don't let it happen.
Saying that jieun quickly walked away, tears in her own eyes. Jongho shut his eyes tightly as he felt jieun close the door behind her, tears streaming down his own cheeks as he mumbled
Jongho : but I love you.
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
hope my question doesn't sound so awful, i'm curious, when it comes to you and your ships like BruTim and etc., would you consider yourself a proshipper?
it's not! don't worry!
i consider myself very firmly anti-censorship which means that i am very firmly proship.
i know that there has been an attempt at changing the meaning of proshipping by people trying to cast it in a bad light because if you control the definition of something then you basically control all future arguments. (interestingly it's anti shipping that is the reason for pro ship's existence. livejournal was full of people telling others that their ships were gross and launching crusades against ships they hated calling themselves "anti-x-ship". pro, the opposite of anti, emerged to show as a symbol that you weren't an asshole. a lot of proshippers don't like or even approve of all ships but they believe you shouldn't get targeted and harassed for something as stupid as a ship essentially)
proshipping is something that i agree with not only for the anti-censorship aspects, it's also the finer details
1) your fictional interests are not a reflection of your irl beliefs
2) that harassment, doxing, and threats are not a logical or stable reactions to seeing something you don't like
3) fiction is not what influences reality it is interpretation of fiction that does (you were already a bad person if something you saw on tv or read in a book made you violent or do something depraved etc)
i've been lurking in fandom for a long time and i've noticed a trend with antis that have shaped a very low opinion of them because of the glaringly clear political agenda so many antis appear to have. there's been a rise in 'anti rhetoric' that pretty closely coincides with the rise in american alt-right movements and this is no different because it's people being radicalized by the exact same pipeline. anti's, right wing, q-anon people, etc say (oftentimes line for line) the EXACT same arguments.
arguments that tend to be anti women and anti lgbtq+
i realize indoctrination is hard to spot especially if you're young, vulnerable, or its being said by someone you look up to. but there are two things to keep in mind when you think about all the claims and stances antis make.
is the claim outlandish or incredibly bold? such as saying that people who like lolicon or make nsfw art of underaged characters are pedophiles. that is a VERY serious accusation and people online say it like its nothing. when you understand the full depravity of a crime like pedophilia there is ABSOLUTELY no way you could ever equate drawings of a fictional character to a living breathing child.
who benefits from you believing those claims?
-you ever wonder why ao3 writers who are majority queer women in their mid 20s tend to be baselessly accused of pedophilia? even though the profile of a pedophile in the USA is of a middle-aged white man in their 30s-40s? if we wanted to characterize fandoms by most likely to have pedophiles i'd be eyeing the nascar and sports fandoms given their fan basis fit the profile better.
did you know referring to queer people as pedophiles is a very age old tactic of eliminating public support or sympathy for them. look up 'boys beware' a 1955 PSA directed at boys to help protect them from the "sick" "pedophiles" known as the homosexuals.
-you ever wonder why antis claim to be "for the children" and yet use terms like 'cp' when referring to real children?
did you know RAINN has stated the proper term to use is CSAM-child sexual abuse materials. because 'child' and 'porn' cannot be used in the same sentence? fundamentally "(often) pornography online depicts adults who have consented to be filmed, that’s never the case when the images depict children". you'd think someone who cares so much for real children would get that.
-you ever wonder why so many antis rally for censorship on ao3 and cite the overnight mass deletion and censorship of fanworks from livejournal as proof of something that occurred because there was too much "cp" on the cite?
did you know it was it the 'warriors for innocence' who were behind not just livejournal but issues with other fansites and who directly stated their goal was to "hunt down people who support homosexuality, pedophilia and incest" and who have very clear ties to dominionism, and "Christian Patriot" militias?
do you notice how that's exactly what antis today say about "proshitters" just without the 'homosexuality' part because that part is being whispered since they know being homophobic within fandoms who are en mass queer would lose them a lot of support?
the anti and proship structure is a very american creation because it was born on forums mainly populated by americans and its only recently that this has started affecting overseas fandoms. recently on twitter a LOT of japanese artists have started referring to themselves as proshippers and blocking anyone who has 'antiship' in their description box because proship is the default for basically everywhere else that doesn't have american theocratic conservative powerplays.
maybe being an anti started as being an asshole but that's no longer the case. it's no longer just about "i hate this ship" its becomes "i hate this ship because ive fallen into an alt-right pipeline to appeal to the young future conservative and so fiction is real and you, a dirty fucking queer, are a pedophile, rapist, molester!!!!'
all you have to do to see a grown up politically involved "anti" is to turn on an american news station and watch the debate about banning library books that contain "explicit material" like things related to critical race theory or homosexuality. because that's what an anti evolves into. that's what all indoctrinated conservatives evolve into.
so the anti objectives and alignments have very firmly changed to something i will never respect or side with.
i think that an old article about WFI can summerize what i think is happening with modern antishipping and a changing political climate:
and if by chance an anti has somehow read this far: u were lied to girl. they knew you were a sucker and desperate for online connection or to be part of the "young activist" wave. but you were easy to trick and they filled your head with lies to help them push the christian conservative agenda that women dont deserve autonomy and gay people are depraved freaks who should all die.
"No mistake should be made here: these people are not so much about stopping pedo's, they are about erecting and establishing a hate filled theocratic society by any means necessary. They are all about control. And they are firmly entrenched in the belief that they are "more right" than anyone else"
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tirsynni · 1 year
it is not “ageism” because people find older qualities like gray hair and wrinkles attractive and this certainly has nothing to do with “purity culture” oh my g-d go back into your proshipping circle and leave us alone stop misusing terms and stay out of main tags
I would like to thank this anon for being an amazing example of why I am so frustrated with modern fandom:
"It's not ageism. I want to have them look older for my personal kinks/fetishes/whatever. Get out of our spaces, proshipper."
Hell, if you want to do that, go for it! Write whatever you want. I'm pro-self-indulgence with fics. Just don't do that bullshit where you argue that of course it should somehow magically be canon that they look that way, that of course someone in that age range will have gray hair and wrinkles, whatever. And for fuck's sake, get off anon if you're so confident in your beliefs. Yeesh. I feel like I need a broom and to yell at you to get off my lawn.
Referencing purity culture when you have no idea what it actually means? People like anon don't realize that they fell into a popular trap: they're taught specific trigger phrases so they have a strong, violent response to them, equating the people connected to those trigger phrases with IRL evil acts. They support right-wing, Conservative ideals because they're packaged to target people like anon. Years ago, it was "Do this or the terrorists win." Right now, it's accusing all opponents of being a pedophile. Kneejerk response: they're evil and are obviously pro-pedophilia. Yes. If you use the word "proshipper," you're a card-carrying member of purity culture, complete with the defensive response to all possible trigger phrases.
This is how Trump and his minions won over so many people. This is how the Russian bots won over so many people on tumblr and Facebook and Twitter. They learn the language or sometimes create the language -- in this case, proship -- and as such are able to manipulate people from diverse backgrounds to agree to attack the same exact people and enforce the same exact right-wing, fascist bullshit. "If these people do this, they obviously promote pedophilia and probably are parties to evil acts. Feel open to attack them. You are fighting evil." This people do not research or use the time to use critical thinking: after all, if they question it or even consider defending these evil people, are they evil, too?
These are the same people who end up convinced that some other minority group is evil -- like trans people - and are confident that their group is safe because their group is Good. We went from "don't like, don't read" to anons bitching about "proshipping." Don't worry: soon, your group will be evil, too.
We've entered the latest age of cults. Experts warned us about it a decade or so ago, that the economic and cultural instability was very similar to what led to the rise of cults several decades ago. Think the Age of Charles Manson. Same thing, except now we aren't seeing cults in the form of communes in the woods. We're seeing them in online communities, in the form of Trumpers, QAnons, antivaxxers, TERFs, crunchy moms, etc. We're seeing a rise in the group mindthink which suppresses critical thought and individual opinions. "We are Good. They are Bad. If you question it, you're Bad, too."
"Leave us alone," says anon. "My actions are good. Go away, proshipper."
I'm posting this anon as an example. The rest I'm just blocking and deleting. Seriously, this shit is tiring. It's bad enough that I have to deal with this bullshit every time I turn on the news about the latest book ban or anti-abortion laws or -- hey! -- pushes to legally murder women who obtain abortions. I don't need that shit in my inbox, too.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Woke up today to see so many assholes in your inbox. I'm so sorry you have to put up with their bullshit! They know you don't support e*riel and v*ssien and they still have the NERVES to spit bile at you when you're one of the most popular pro elucien blogs on tumblr. Honestly, they have no respect, if they really wanted to have a conversation, they would at least come off anon, but they simply lack the balls I guess 😃. It's probably to avoid the backslash because you have many followers, but they think it's ok to harrass you and send other antielucien minions at your blog and say your response is rude? They really need a selfcheck.
Thank you for messaging me ❤️
Could the anon have wanted to have a real discussion? Maybe.....
But the approach was EXACTLY the same as other anons or anti's that we've all come across who just want to fight with us under the guise of not really caring about ships at all (though they have paragraph after paragraph of knowing quite a bit about a specific ship that it's clear they want to happen). Under the guise of being ok with us only to find out they actually hate us and have hate stalked our blog.
It's not that I don't expect to get hate anons, because I realize we all will as long as we have our Asks open. It's the underhanded way they go about it that angers me. And it wasn't even about me so much as my being exhausted over the whole thing considering our mutuals just said they've dealt with some of the exact same stuff on other Platforms (i.e. new to the fandom and genuinely curious but how does anyone ship Gwynriel?) and I just feel tired over others trying to make us feel we're not allowed to freely and loudly ship Elucien / Gwynriel as much as the E/riels ship E/riel. They say shitty things about Lucien and Gwyn in every forum they can, they harass people that don't agree, they sneak into asks pretending to be friends at first, and so on. And I swear that I do NOT go searching for these E/riel blogs, which goes to show you how incredibly wide spread their harassment is. Their behavior and arguments are unavoidable.
If we're not vocal about our ship, they accuse us of not actually liking our ship all that much. When we start getting vocal they try to beat you down into submission so you stay quiet. They claim Gwyn is a liar and Lucien an abuser then they act affronted when I dedicate time to proving why Az and Elain aren't a match 😒And my blog has a lot of Anti E/riel posts but I don't see what's wrong with that. They try to push the Vassa / Lucien narrative hard so it frees Elain up for Az, they create Lucien slander to prove why he couldn't end up with Elain, how is my pointing out the incompatibility of two characters wrong? Pointing out how Azriel's treatment of Elain is wrong?
It's not but they need to make us feel bad for the content we create so they're free to continue their Gwyn / Lucien slander and push their E/riel agenda without others having valid counterarguments. Then claim WE'RE the ones who have a responsibility to followers and we're not doing it right because we're spreading the wrong interpretation of the text.
It is absolutely absurd and I, with much shame, lost my shit 😂
But I really love you guys for reaching out to me, I wasn't expecting it because I know it's annoying to have drama filling up your news feed. ❤️
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roachleakage · 1 year
Trans men are men, but we're not cis - why that matters.
I've noticed that a lot of people use the sentiment "trans men are men" as a jumping-off point to discuss how we can be culpable in or perpetuate misogyny. And hey, that's a great conversation. That certainly is something we can all be capable of and need to watch out for.
But a lot of these conversations tend to assume that our relationship to misogyny is exactly the same as a cis man's. I.E., that we're never the victims of misogyny, that we can't be hurt by it, and that we generally benefit by perpetuating it. If we don't start out that way, often people assume that as soon as we transition, our ties to our past lives and experiences are magically severed, transforming us into fully-fledged, uncomplicated oppressors, exactly like cis men.
That's bullshit.
Transitioning doesn't magically make you pass perfectly. It doesn't magically make you stealth. Testosterone can do lot, but it's not a guaranteed pass into the world of unconditional manhood.
It also doesn't magically make you an acceptable man. Even if people are convinced of your gender, even if you are stealth, they might decide that you're just too boyish, too queer, too whatever to be a proper member of The Man Club, and that's setting aside the fact that they might still hate you for being fat, disabled, nonwhite, whatever.
Neither being a man, nor transition, erases any pain you might have experienced from being perceived as a woman. It doesn't erase your understanding of those experiences (although trans men can, and often do, understand them differently from how a woman might.)
Another thing that people need to realize is that when trans men talk about pain they've suffered from being seen/treated as women, this is because they are trans, not because they "hate women". I've seen people who should have known better accuse trans men of misogyny just for having gender dysphoria - talk about nonsense.
It's also important to recognize that many of the "privileges" that trans men supposedly enjoy stem from pure, blatant misogyny. The reason TERFs aren't generally touting us as evil, dangerous predators isn't because we have male privilege - it's because anyone they deem to be a woman, which includes trans men, is automatically considered sexually submissive and incapable of causing harm. This is the exact same reason why we're more likely to be considered for inclusion on TV, despite the fact that most of the time, the mainstream media doesn't want to think or talk about us at all. And I'm not saying that the alternative is better, but you can't just decide that our problems are actually privileges because they don't seem to be as bad as someone else's. That's literally oppression olympics.
I need more people who aren't trans men or transmasc to understand this stuff. Stop throwing us under the rug for the privileges we do have and making up new ones for us out of whole cloth.
Sincerely, a very tired trans man.
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asirensrage · 2 years
Ridea, you don't know us. We mainly kept a kind eye on proceedings during the Darkling crisis in the OC community a year or so back until it calmed down. We don't have a name but we are just a group of writers who want the community to be a good place for people. We are like Batman but better ROFL. We kept a weather eye on the people involved in the Darkling crisis and there was a few stirring trouble, believe me, including anons and off anon. We see the struggle of littler OC blogs being ignored or overlooked in favor of the 'popular' blogs. We also watched the insane OCFA try and take power. As of now, we are currently watching Maddie's next move too. We are also watching certain people who changed URLs lately; there are a handful we are trying to keep track of that our informants feed information back to us on. This in relation to separate private accusations against these peeps of stealing OCs and ideas, as well as bullying. Nothing is proven. Plus since we aren't OFCA we aren't going to share these URLs publicly either. But these people are under observation, close observation, and there is no escape ROFL. We will act if anything is proven but mind you, in a safe and respectful way. Harassing and abusing people on anonymous is not our way. Why are we telling you this? Because we like you, Ridea. We like your spunky attitude and sense of justice. We love your spite porn. So we are considering asking you to join us but we just need to be sure of you and we aren't quite there yet. We have to have trust in the ranks. But consider this a friendly housecall 😋
Anon, I don't know what you expected sending this to me of all people. I don't know what interaction you've seen me have in the past that made you think I was someone who would accept this bull. But okay, I'll respond.
First off, how are you going to claim you're not the same anons behind the ofca when you're claiming the exact same things they did. This entire asks sounds like it came from them, from the information you're trying to peddle to the way you sign off. Saying you're not them doesn't make it true. Especially when the evidence points otherwise. Nice try but I'm not stupid. I can see exactly what you're trying to do. Stop claiming you're watching people. It's fucking creepy and no one asked you to.
Second, I was only around for part of your so called "darkling crisis" which is stupid, in my opinion. Besides that, you realize I am a fan of the character right? That I have fics starring him? I enjoy problematic characters and we've been through my thoughts on purity policing. And with that...
Why are you so obsessed with specific people? Move the fuck on.
Your focus on "popular" blogs is unhealthy. You need to stop focusing on what others apparently have and focus on your own content. You spend so much time harassing people on anon (despite claiming you don't but I sure as hell didn't ask for this mini essay in my inbox) that you're wasting time you could spend on creating things. If you're that focused on follower count, which people can't even see, go on tiktok or instagram where people think that matters. If you're concerned about reblogs and engagement, the only way to get that is to engage with people in return. You can't assume they'll come to you. Stop focusing on others and create the things you want.
Finally, I don't care if you like me or not. I'm not interested. I've never been interested. You go back and forth between warnings, wanting me to join you and vilifying me. Make up your mind. Let me be clear though. The answer is no. I don't want your "housecalls". I don't want your support because I'm certain you're the same assholes behind all the other anons. You still sound like a cult. Leave people alone.
In short, fuck off.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
something abt The Family Unit as this bordered site potentially of a little system of authoritarianism being that it's really this example plenty of people have of how like, You Would Think "oh if the people In Charge realize the structural integrity of what they're in charge of & say they're Supporting is being degraded then surely on a practical basis they'd change course? compromise?" & like the compromises Are continually made to shore things up a little longer but it's a pyramid scheme & it's continuously crumbling. & the Logic of the authority is what's held on to no matter what, not whatever else is claimed to be the goal (e.g. having a Good Family, workplace, corporation, country...) & that means having all the power, which is never actually the case or possible so since that goal's never met it's really just about having More power (what's next, constant profit growth), & everything's oriented around That, such that yeah strategic fleeting compromises may be made but as this structure inevitably deteriorates further, i.e. the control as successfully applied power is being lost, it's not about compromising more & more until eventually things are egalitarian, it's more about lashing out & doubling & tripling & quadrupling down on the exact same measures always taken anyways, because of how the entire like belief is in being the authority, expressed by forever only following the logics of authority/hierarchy & control/abuse
that is to lead into how like, the Failure of [ostensible alternate practical goal: the cohesion of the perfect family(tm)] can happen in more obvious ways / on shorter timeframes than, say, the agenda of propping up an empire, & so there's like all this evidence of how even when the theoretically inviolate borders of The Family are ruptured there's like "wouldn't the relevant family members change their approach in the face of this undeniable failure. wouldn't they question themselves." b/c like, surely? how could you not? but the experience being overwhelmingly "absolutely they do not" with instead the doubling down, perhaps the strategic compromises that are then only used to wear away the targeted parties & then (perhaps after an incremental transition) be back at it once that defense is seemingly breached, but the same logic seems to "work" even in situations where whatever Unit is destroyed, partnership, family, friendship, acquaintanceship, b/c the sense of [i am entitled to More] is just like. undisturbed or "supported" by the ruptures & lack of access to whomever, the Denial of what they feel they're already entitled to. the dehumanization of others / No Need to ever have to consider & contend with those ppl's real feelings if you control their life enough anyways is all still at play & there's no room for even Now considering if you were wrong about how someone felt, so the logic might also default to things like "it's a total mystery but what matters is i was / am wronged" &/or "well things would've been great if i had my total authority like i should have & imagine i could have, so basically some Other enemy authority must be at fault (e.g. guess my child was converted by the gay agenda, the devil, the evil outside world, communist spies, anarchists, [the pc police the virtue signalers the woke dei agents the "almost forgot abt 'critical race theorists'"]" that it just so happens that agendas of Autonomy & Equality are ones that seem to inherently insidiously threaten & undermine their own. like yeah you're not wrong about that but in also true [every accusation a projection] form of course the belief must be that They are fostering bliss & freedom & the jealous evil agents of The Other are always trying to stop them :(
like "don't they realize this is counterproductive to the wellbeing of [what they're in charge of]" like compromises may be temporarily made along the way but not Really, no, & when push comes to shove it'll be about the priorizing of asserting & holding on to Controlling Lives vs anything that'd serve anything else. & that again, with families like you might see the decided Failure of that, e.g. very limited or completely absent relationship with an adult child, and you see that like. the Authority guardian/s who are the reason with it don't change their approach. any adjustments are strategic & meant to Ultimately restore the status quo; the people who managed to extricate themselves have to rely on their own ability to actually manifest their own choices to, say, be able to remove themself from the presence of this person if they want. and that like even with that lifelong experience of dealing with that Authority & the system under them it can be so difficult to believe like do they really not even question themself on all this despite the actual external consequences manifested? b/c the Logics are so different. the child made effectively Responsible for the actions of an adult or two / the supposed Wellbeing of the family is so much more used to having to consider others' Feelings & what might make them act xyz way, b/c of that impossible but evident tasking with being harmed if there's any Problems there, versus that the person "in charge of" the wellbeing of the family & individuals therein (& certainly the young children) being concerned with their own entitlement & whether everything seems to reinforce their authority, flexing it if not, disinterest in so much else, resentment for the physical needs of children as a begrudged investment in then lifelong entitlement to kids as property to give deference / whatever support you want. & when these "supported" children are never "grateful" enough, i.e. not noticeably thwarting efforts to access whatever a parent feels entitled to (with, exactly in line with all of this, pretty invariably Issues With (denial of) Any Boundaries, e.g. not allowed to close that bedroom door this is my house, not allowed to not want to be touched i made that body, not allowed to be unsupervised what are you hiding, not allowed to say no, not allowed to have feelings/moods/preferences/opinions not in harmony with mine...) like it's supposedly only an extreme, all the more sympathetic (to the authority parent) escalation of this Ingratitude to, if possible, escape the realm of said authority. can't believe they'd do this to me
just that tl;dr of like "but at this point [authority] is sabotaging themselves i.e. the longevity of any system where they even have that position of authority? surely they realize that & change their approach b/c they Have To?" & beyond "no, not necessarily" like it's so almost Necessarily that "they definitely will not & will just try to 'invest' in their perpetual authority (which is always trying to be Increased b/c it's also never total or unbroken) by upping the violence & lashing out & ignoring w/e they have to ignore b/c they do Not have any actual alternate way to address it" like no the parents lose the entire relationship with children & don't have Realizations abt it, don't question themselves, don't make a real change, don't stop feeling as, & increasingly, entitled
#you'd think they would. but they do not think that they would. it's a completely different Logical Framework#the impenetrability of ''i'm Superior to anyone; objects/props/property/tools in My life for My agenda''#if there's negative consequences of this treatment & it's constantly shattering b/c That Is Not Reality? it's just them being Wronged#you can just believe that forever. if you're trying to reject even the Vulnerability of [gotta consider other ppl Have thoughts; feelings]#then taking on the Vulnerability of; for one thing; That; & an entire upheaval of the rest of what you've built your whole Self around.....#it does not really happen. presumably some outliers / sure it can be Possible but even then it's like#is the priority ''converting'' ppl doing this. Convincing them to stop. or in how those affected can throw them off & have more support#yes we all think that would be lovely. but it's a whole Ideology. & [what do i care if xyz Believes im nonhuman if they cannot in practice#act on that belief & make it my problem] the external situations & manifestations of power Can be dealt with by others. ppl's internal#self is their own personal business Ultimately ofc. can feel entitled to Everything Forever sure but gotta get Other Ppl outta that sitch#this has also been resonating with like head in hands deep breath the like. [it's On Sight; Sound; Read Text; Anything] dehumanization as#an autistic person like ppl Do immediately assess the [this person's existing wrong] diagnosis & do not necessarily ''learn'' otherwise#the vulnerability is pounced on / the ''opportunity'' for abuse in any situation b/c it's Deserved in this case ofc / the like ''we Do#officially label you Autistic & we Do prescribe; even require; abuse about it'' aba / rejection/ostracization / pathology / Inferiority#like what else can you do but go ''maybe ppl will change their minds? maybe i can act a way to convince them to do so?'' But No#ofc all Compounding vulnerabilities only feed into all other systems of dehumanization / vulnerability / abuse / disempowerment#my experience being autistic seemed to support my experience w/family abuse...B/c It 100% Did support it#other disabilities; less resources; more poverty; appearing nonwhite & ''worse'' black; cultural ''difference'' from the norm(tm)....#further layers (often given ''priorities'' like how Race is given 1st Consideration in who's ''beneath'' whom) in dehumanization#which is an ideology people have to Reject to; you know; humanize everyone they encounter. but they don't ''have'' to so: might not!#& obviously playing into it is what's encouraged And demanded so yeah go find the ppl in Your life to scapegoat / deem inferior! to cope!#while this is so entrenched/supported By Everything As Is that it's just ppl ''being normal'' instead of consciously disdainfully violent#so it's Something having to go ok no the double standards never cease the Sympathy (i.e. again taking unilateral Responsibility for other#ppl's feelings (& by extension hopefully their resultant actions)) will never even afford you Being Liked much less the Basic Respect#whether someone happens to personally find you Likable or not in the first place. have to ofc Hope others have other principles about it#which; you know; the logic of Ableism is in all the systems of dehumanization & exploitation. it's Just Biology / Reality....#everyone's so Great abt things now. def don't have ppl like ''haha the lack of social skills am i right autists'' / ''annoyingly nd ppl''#just saying the same shit in an XD arm slung around your shoulder tone now. dont want me saying Idiot this is why i love ableism#(it was bc everyone is already taught to love ableism & leverage it however they can) i wasn't a violent bigot: then the leftists pwned me#anyways consulting Exp. w/Authoritarian Family sure can be a touchstone recognizing resonances anywhere else. dynamics/interactions. govts
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shiningcelebi · 5 months
But actually. I'm not so mad about her making this Flour character based on Suga or anything. It was more the other stuff, throwing the accusation that I would steal Rose's design when she's doing the exact same thing--after the times where I had thought she had done the very same to me, and insulted and hurt me in response.
Except she wasn't just using kanna's design for personal oc content. She was using it to sell for money!
It was always conveniently "I don't remember that" or "if I said that I didn't really mean it"
Simply put, miss-mossball and duckroulette are the type of people who will say something to you directly and not mean it. When you tell them no, they will ignore you if it's not what they want to hear. They will take from you and they will treat you like you're being so awful for even thinking they would.
That's why I decided to block them as much as I could. Because I couldn't deal with the dishonesty anymore. And I realize now that I can't be involved with anyone near them, because they can use those people to continue observing my work and trying to police and/or steal from me.
And like. I'm done with that.
0 notes
angellesword · 3 years
SAVE ME | KTH (11)
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Summary: You were determined to kill yourself, but what would happen when instead of ending your life, you ended up summoning the devil of death?
The Devil: I’m here to ruin you, I’m here to save you.
Genre: Demon au, e2l, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Devil!Taehyung x Doctor!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: mention of death, kissing, and blood.
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The sad thing about carrying the burden of guilt was that you felt as though you didn't deserve to experience good things.
"Who said you have to experience good things?"
The crease on Taehyung's forehead implied that he was looking for an answer, causing you to bite the inside of your cheek.
You honestly had no idea how to answer him.
"Let's just go home, Tae," you said after a long minute of silence.
It was better to give up when you were uncertain, sadly Taehyung was persistent. He wouldn't stop until you gave him an answer.
"You know you're being too hard on yourself, right?" His grip on your forearm was gentle, yet his tone was harsh.
"You know where I stand," your lips were pursed into a straight line. "I don't deserve to see him."
Him as in your father, or to be exact: your father's grave.
You and Taehyung were currently at Seoul cemetery to finally visit Cha Areum's grave. This was the very first time you went here.
You didn't have the courage to do so back then. However when things between you and Jeongguk started to get better, you realized that maybe it wasn't so bad to face your fear.
But fear was not the same with uncertainty.
Taehyung was suggesting that you should visit your father's grave as well. He said bringing flowers and trying to talk to him while you looked at his headstone might help you to somehow lessen the sadness caging your chest.
You answered him by saying that you were uncertain.
Uncertain if you deserve to experience good things.
Having the chance to talk to your father—even though it was only by pretending as if he could hear you from six feet under—was a form of redemption, like a way to free yourself from guilt of not trying to contact him when he was still alive.
You didn't want that because it would make you to feel better about yourself and feeling better about yourself was similar to experiencing good things.
Again, you felt like you didn't deserve to feel good things.
You didn't even think you deserve to mourn him.
You weren't like Jeongguk. You didn't get to be with your father and you most certainly didn't make him happy.
You didn't make your father happy so it was only fair that guilt was eating you alive.
Except you didn't think that. Deep down, you knew that it was unfair.
When the person you didn't get along with died before you did, other people would accuse you of being hypocritical if they saw that you felt bad.
You would also be left with a pang of regret because you didn't treat the now dead person better when they were still alive.
They didn't treat you better too. So why? Why were you the only one suffering? Why were you the only one left here to dwell on regret?
You hated that this was how the world worked. Couldn't bygones be bygones? Couldn't you really mourn your own father?
But most importantly, you hated that there wasn't any closure between you and your father.
You didn't get the chance to apologize.
And now that Taehyung was giving you the chance to say how sorry you were to your father, you were acting up—thinking that you didn't deserve to technically be 'forgiven'
It was all so confusing.
But you were more confused as to why Taehyung implied that you indeed didn't deserve to experience good things.
Was his reason the same as yours?
Well, it wasn't. Taehyung explained what he thought.
"You know what I come to love and hate about humans?"
You shook you head. You didn't know.
Taehyung pouted his lips, he was trying to light the candle placed on Areum's headstone.
You didn't see the point since the wind was blowing hard.
"It is their goal to always be happy." He groaned when the wind harshly extinguished the fire of the candle again.
He lit another match, refusing to give up.
"Humans are always striving to be happy," he repeated once more. Same thought, different words used.
He claimed that he loved this since he could use this unending desire to tempt them. But Taehyung also hated it because of the discontentment they felt despite having everything provided to them.
Humans didn't have any satisfaction, always aiming for better and greater things.
"Is that wrong?" You arched your brow.
"No." The devil lit another match. "I guess it's just tiring."
You felt like everyone around you kept on speaking things you didn't understand.
Were they complicated or were you just slow?
"Don't you feel tired? You always say you don't deserve good things, but really—" He momentarily stopped lighting the candle just to look at you.
"—it's futile. You associate good things with being happy, right? So what if you just stop." Taehyung dropped the box of matches.
"Stop trying to strive for good things. What if instead of happiness, you just simply seek what's tolerable?"
It was the first time you clearly understood someone without asking them to explain any further.
But he still did. He continued speaking his mind.
"You don't always have to be happy to say that you are living 'the life,' sometimes it's better to just aim for something that is not happy nor sad. As long as you can bear something, it should be enough, right?"
You honestly had no idea why such words were coming from a devil like him.
Was he possessed?
But wait—“Are you telling me to stop classifying things?"
"That's not what I said—oh." Taehyung smiled when he realized what you meant.
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."
If you didn't categorize what felt good and what felt bad, you wouldn't have to worry about the guilt you felt.
You would just do things because that's what felt right.
Visiting your father was something right.
You owed it to him, not to yourself.
You were apologizing for him and not for yourself.
"For someone who claimed to be the devil, you sure act a lot like you're human," you shook your head, a smile gracing your lips.
You appreciated the things he said even though you knew that he was only doing this to save himself. He probably learned all of this by reading books on how to deal with a suicidal person.
"Whatever," Taehyung rolled his eyes at you. "So what now? Do you wanna visit your father?"
"Probably. But not now,"
Busan was far from Seoul. You would need more than a day if you went there. That's not possible at the moment since you were aware that you had used all of your emergency and vacation leave.
It's about time you stop abusing your privilege as the niece of the owner of Cornelia Hospital.
"You can teleport us to Busan, right?"
Taehyung's face crumpled.
"Yeah, about that..." He averted your gaze. "I can't."
"Why?" Was he lying? You had seen him teleport multiple times already.
"Because..." He was crossing his arms as if he was annoyed. "I'm powerless now."
Taehyung explained that it’s because he used all of his power to heal Cha Eun Hye and erase some of her memories from months ago.
"I thought you can only tempt people?"
You were confused. He said devils couldn't harm people without the permission of God.
"Yes, but we can erase memories of people when the reason why it happened was because of us," Tae caressed your left shoulder. "Cha Eun Hye isn't lying, you know? She isn't blaming you for what happened to Areum. She only said those mean things to you because I fed her with lies,"
Taehyung thought that it was only fair to erase those bad memories. This was the reason why Areum's mom kept calling you to make sure you were alright. She had been treating you as if you were her daughter.
She cared for you.
You didn't understand before why she was acting like that, but now you knew.
Mrs. Cha Eun Hye was a good person.
"The last time I used my power was when I teleported your brother back to your apartment. I considered erasing his memories because I know it isn't fair to drag him into my world,"
You agreed. All hell broke loose when Taehyung informed you that Jeongguk knew that the former was a devil.
You were so mad at Taehyung that day, luckily he convinced you that it would benefit your brother since he wouldn't be confused as to why Park Jimin was looking after him.
It all worked out in the end. Jeongguk called you yesterday to say that he was having a good time at Bangtan University. The presence of Park Jimin made his stay there even more fun.
"But I can't use my power anymore because—"
Taehyung wasn't able to finish what he was saying because instead of words, it was blood that came out of his mouth.
"Oh, my God!" Your eyes widened.
Your instinct as a doctor got the best in you. Panic and fear weren't in your system. You only did what you needed to do to help stop the pain he was going through.
"I'm okay," the devil said, stopping you from aiding him.
"This is okay." And then he gestured at his mouth.
You stopped to listen to him.
He explained that he had been going through this for months already. It was normal because he hadn't been back to hell for almost a whole year now.
Taehyung really spent his days by your side. Aside from this, he also hadn't collected any souls since his life connected with yours.
His power came from doing evil things, so now that he's acting like a good boy, his power was diminishing.
"So what should you do now?" You put your hands on your hips. "Do you need to tempt people? Or..." Your eyes dilated.
"Don't tell me you have to collect souls!?" This thought scared you.
You didn't think you could stomach the fact that he had to urge people to kill themselves.
"Nah," luckily Taehyung only let out a hearty laugh at your assumptions.
"It's true that I can just tempt someone, but I can also just give into one of the capital vices,"
The seven deadly sins were evil so it shall do the trick.
"Oh yeah?" The corner of your mouth quirked up. The worry you felt turn to mischief.
At least he didn't have to collect souls.
"What's your vice, then?"
Taehyung took in your appearance. He noticed your furrowed brow, your playful smirk, and the fact that you were just so...
"Greed." He simply said, void of any emotion.
You swallowed hard.
"Greed for?" You inched towards him.
Taehyung ran his tongue through his lower lip. Without a warning, he encircled his hands on your waist, pulling your body closer to him.
It caused you to let out a gasp, though he could tell that you weren't really surprised.
You wanted this.
You were playing with fire.
The look you two were exchanging was full of fire too, and this very moment made Taehyung smirk.
It was funny.
Funny that he had to associate bible verse and logic when he was trying to figure out why he wanted to save you.
But as it turned out, he only needed common sense.
What he felt towards you was simple. It was in his nature as the devil after all.
Taehyung didn't just care for you.
Taehyung also wanted you.
It was proven to be true by his strong greed to hold your hand, the greed to be with you, the greed to see you, and the greed to...
"Kiss you,"
There was no time to process things.
Taehyung crashed his mouth against yours, finally giving into his vice.
You tasted sweet, just like he had expected.
You also tasted fire, something that was making his body felt hot.
You tasted like wine, making him feel drunk on happiness.
He was the hypocrite here.
He hated humans for always wanting more, but he was just like them—always craving more.
Taehyung craved you and boy he could only hope that you craved him too.
He didn't have to hope actually, at least not when you decided to kiss him back.
It was clear.
You were greedy too.
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allegra-writes · 4 years
“Fine line” Part II
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Peter Parker x Reader x Harry Osborn
Warnings: Smut, threesome.
You couldn't help the hiss that escaped your lips as Peter gently padded the cut on your shoulder with gauze.
"Sorry" He flinched, "I'm being as soft as I can…"
"I know, Pete, it's ok" You reassured him.
He sighed,
"No, it's not. I'm good at this, god knows I've had practice, but I'm not a doctor…" nonetheless, he grabbed the needle and medical thread, "You should have let Simmons take a look at you"
"She was rather busy"
"I know" Peter was well aware of the carnage, the attack on the city had been vicious. S.H.I.E.L.D Tower now laid in ruins, hundreds of agents hurt or even…
"Your sister is going to be ok" He reassured you. Again. You nodded, swallowing through the knot on your throat. Peter finished his work, placing the softest, most careful of kisses right under the injury. He knew how scared, how worried you were. He knew that was the reason you didn't let doctor Simmons take care of you, cause you didn't want to distract her from tending to Daisy.
"I mean it" He insisted, "She's strong, just like you"
"Yeah, I know" You sighed, "I just wish we were smarter"
You had been naive, the both of you, in believing you had seen the last of the Goblin for the night, not realizing the whole incident with Harry had been just a distraction.
But the Goblin had miscalculated too, he hadn't counted on your whole former team being in the city to meet your boyfriend. All of S.H.I.E.L.D'S best and brightest in the same place, at the same time.
That mistake had ultimately cost him his life.
"What happened to Norman?" You hadn't stuck around for the clean up, too occupied taking an unconscious Daisy, and other badly hurt agents, into the med bay of the Zephyr to get treated. "To the body, I mean"
Peter avoided your eyes, instead choosing to keep wrapping a bandage around your shoulder.
"I took him back home" He finally blurted out, still not meeting your gaze, "His home, I mean. I know Fury probably wanted to study him or something but I just… Harry, I couldn't- his father, disappearing just like that? Harry deserves to know, he deserves to know his father is not coming back. O-or if S.H.I.E.L.D didn't take the body... I couldn't let Harry find him like that, all broken and bloody on the street. I just-... I just couldn't…"
It clicked then, watching your boyfriend's tear streaked face. All the late night phone calls, talking till sunrise, all the times his patrols around the city had taken him to Oscorp, his diving head first tonight to save Harry, suddenly it all made sense.
"You're in love with him"
"So are you" It wasn't an accusation, just the statement of a fact. You weren't really surprised he had realized, not when he could hear your heartbeat quicken whenever Harry showed up in the news.
The silence fell between you like ghost, a heavy presence, invisible but suffocating, for several moments, until Peter gathered enough courage to break it,
"I still love you, Six. This doesn't change that"
"I know," you sighed, "I still love you too"
"What are we going to do now?" He looked about as lost as you felt.
"I don't know, Peter…"
"I- I don't want to lose you" He choked out a sob.
"You won't" You stood, pulling him in, wrapping your arms around him. He held onto you hard, almost so hard it hurt, but you couldn't let go. You wouldn't. "You won't lose me, Peter, ever. Not for this, not for anything"
He leaned back just enough to crush his lips to yours, pouring all his desperation, all his fear and guilt into a bittersweet kiss. His arms wound even tighter around you in an iron grip, afraid if he let go for just a second, you would disappear from his side.
"Don't leave me… please don't leave me" He didn't realize the words were escaping his mouth between kisses until your answer reached his ears, soothing like a balm:
"I won't. I'm never leaving you"
The ground was swept from under your feet, as Peter picked you up, bridal style. He needed you, his sunshine, his anchor to-
"I'm sorry to interrupt, Peter" Karen's voice resonated through the apartment, "But Harry Osborn is in the lobby, asking for you"
You both froze. It wasn't completely unexpected, you knew how brilliant the blonde heir was under that frivolous bad boy façade, but Peter seemed to be taken by surprise. He searched your eyes, silently begging for guidance, but deep down, he knew what the right thing to do was, the only possible course of action.
"Send him up" He ordered Karen, gently setting you down on your feet again.
"Of course, Peter" The AI replied, with what Peter could have sworn was approval, if that was even possible.
You found a silk robe to put on over your flimsy summer pajamas, covering your body not out of modesty, but to somewhat conceal the bandages and bruises littering your skin. Peter smiled, it was just like you to hide your vulnerabilities, especially if you were expecting a confrontation. He took your hand, and you stepped out of the bedroom together. Come what may, you knew you could face it, as long as you had each other.
"Harry!" The gasp left Peter's throat unbidden, as soon as his eyes fell on his friend. It was a pitiful sight, the blonde still wearing the same clothes from last night, rumpled and dirty, the stench of alcohol coming out of his pores, so strong even you without your super senses could smell it from the other side of the room. He rushed to him, couldn't help it, but Harry's words stopped him dead in his tracks, in the middle of the living room.
"It was you wasn't it? You killed my father. I broke into his lab, read his files… he was the Goblin. Did you know?"
Peter hesitated, but in the end he answered honestly.
"And you still killed him… you knew he was my father, and you still killed him!"
You took a step forward, subtly placing yourself between them; you knew your boyfriend would not defend himself if Harry was to lash out, probably believing he deserved it.
"No, Harry. I did." Peter might have knocked the monster out, but the coup de grâce had been all you. You could try to defend yourself, to make excuses, say you were following orders, that he was too dangerous to live. But the truth was, when you had seen Daisy go down, bleeding, her body shattered, limbs bent in strange, wrong angles, you had seen red. You would have done the exact same thing, even without director Fury's voice in your ear.
"The Goblin almost killed her sister" Peter intertwined his fingers with yours. Of course he would advocate for you even if he wouldn't for himself, "and he also... hurt Kate" Understatement of the fucking century, but at least her injuries weren't life threatening.
Harry crumbled in front of your eyes, all the fight leaving him at once.
"He tried to kill me too" His own dad, the one person in the world who was supposed to love him unconditionally, had tried to murder him. Without flinching, without hesitating, all to mess with Spider-Man's head. Had Peter made a different call, go for you instead of him...
"The serum that transformed him affected his mind, Harry" You pointed out, consoling, "We don't know how much of your father was left inside the Goblin"
Harry scoffed, it would have been easier to believe your words if it had been the first time. But he could still remember, if only barely, the cold water of the pool in winter, lungs burning with lack of oxygen, his small legs kicking desperately, uselessly, and his father's blue eyes, colder than the water, watching him from above, doing nothing. Until the gardener had saved him
No, Norman Osborn had been a monster long before becoming the Goblin.
And what did that make Harry, then? Why had he come looking for Peter and you? At first he had thought he wanted blood, but now, having the both of you in front of him, he wasn't so sure.
Without your battle uniforms, you didn't look like the super human, terrifying villains his alcohol ridden brain had built you up to be. Standing there, bare feet in your sleeping clothes you were frail, vulnerable. Red eyed and bruised, you looked almost as bone weary and exhausted as he felt.
He couldn't do it.
"Did you mean it?" He managed to get out through the sobs shaking his frame, "What you said back on top of that building? Tha-that it's the choices we make and… and not what we are… th-that define us?"
Peter sidestepped you, advancing towards Harry.
"Every word" Slowly, ever so slowly, like approaching a wild animal he didn't want to spook, he reached out, "Give me the gun, Harry"
Harry's eyes went wide, but he complied, untucking the small 9 mm from the back of his waistband. He handed it over to Peter, who in turn offered it to you. Quick as lightning, you released the latch, unloading it and tossing it on the coffee table.
"I'm sorry" Harry croaked between tears, "I'm so sorry"
He hadn't noticed how cold he was, until Peter enveloped him in his warm embrace.
"It's ok, Haz" You heard him whisper, "It's going to be ok. We got you now…"
"Make it stop" Harry's cries were muffled against your boyfriend's shoulder, but you still could feel the pain in his voice, loud and clear. It hurt like a physical blow to your chest, knocking the air out of you. You had tried, you really had, but apparently your feelings for the blue eyed boy weren't as under control as you had thought "Please… make it stop"
He wasn't even conscious of the words leaving his mouth, as he begged to a god he didn't believe in, to whoever might be listening, for something to numb the pain. To feel anything else than that soul crushing agony consuming him.
Peter's eyes found yours, a silent request for permission. You didn't know what was in his mind, but you trusted him, with more than your life: You trusted him with your heart.
You nodded. It was all Peter needed. He cupped Harry's face with his hands, and kissed him.
It was surreal. Suddenly, you were witnessing your boyfriend passionately making out with the man that had been haunting your dreams for months, and you should have felt jealousy or betrayal, but the truth was, those were the furthest things from your mind. Because Harry seemed to be finally kissing back, fingers tangling in Peter's curls, still wet from your shared shower, tugging just enough for the brunet to let out the most delicious little whimper and fuck, but that had to be the hottest thing you had ever seen in your life.
And Peter had probably felt the change in you, the rising in your temperature, the beating of your heart, cause he reached for your hand without even looking, pulling you closer, guiding the blond man towards your lips. His once familiar mouth quickly reacquainted itself with yours, tongue exploring, teeth nibbling softly. The shock sent shivers down your spine, as Peter's hands opened your robe, sliding the cool silk down your arms. His lips on your neck had your head spinning, and you had to hold onto Harry's strong shoulders to stop yourself from falling.
"Hello" He breathed out as you broke the kiss, cursing your need for oxygen.
"Hi" You smiled, "It's been too long"
"Far too long" Harry agreed, the beautiful ocean of his eyes, dark and turbulent with lust.
Peter didn't stay idle for long, agile fingers working open Harry's shirt, stepping closer, pushing your body further into Harry's space. It wasn't long till you found yourself trapped between two naked, equally stunning torsos, pushing and pulling, as Peter's and Harry's lips collided again over your shoulder.
You felt your boyfriend's hand slip inside your sleeping shorts, teasing you over your panties.
"Peter" You reached back, arm hooked on the back of his neck for purchase, as he tugged your underwear to the side, and buried two fingers inside your tight heat.
Startled, you opened the eyes you hadn't even realized you had closed. You were ashamed to admit you had pretty much forgotten the other man's presence, Peter was just that good, knew your body that well, but Harry was still standing in front of you, eyes fixed on the erotic way Peter's hand was moving inside your shorts. His other hand lowered the straps of your camisole one by one, baring your chest to Harry's wonderstruck stare.
The moan that escaped your lips as Peter started expertly massaging your breast finally pulled the golden haired man out of his trance,
"Can I…"
"Touch her?" Peter finished for him, placing a sweet kiss on your temple, as your head rolled back, coming to rest on his chest, "I don't know, buddy. You'll have to ask her"
You heard Harry's voice, but it was hard to concentrate with Peter's fingers penetrating you over and over again, grazing that perfect spot inside you every time. Peter chuckled a little smugly,
"Baby girl, is it ok if Harry touches you?"
"Yes!" You panted, at last "Yes, please, Harry… touch me"
He did more than that, lips closing around the nipple not currently between Peter's fingers, hands roving all around your body, tearing and ripping at clothes with Peter's help, until you were completely naked, and completely at their mercy.
Your boyfriend laid you down on the massive chaise lounge that dominated the living room, yellow, like almost everything else on your apartment, he wanted everything to remind him of his sunflower when you weren't there. He positioned you so your legs would hang out the border, guiding Harry to kneel between them.
"Bossy, aren't you?" The blond quipped, playfully.
"Oh, you have no idea" Peter smirked from behind his back, turning his head to capture his lips again in the filthiest of kisses. You watched Peter's hands trail down Harry's chest, lower down his abs and further south stil, undoing his button and his fly, disappearing inside his pants.
Your breath catched at the same time as his, when Peter's hand closed around his member, slowly pumping up and down, up and down, the same hypnotic, insanity inducing rhythm you had taught him a lifetime ago on a tropical island.
Harry's head fell forward, eyes closed in bliss, but that was when Peter saw you.
"Naughty girl," He murmured, eyes zeroing in the way your index finger was rubbing circles on your clit, "you know I hate it when you do that…"
Your smirk was defiant,
"What are you going to do about it?" You let your other hand travel over your skin, caressing softly, teasing yourself as much as teasing him "You have your hands full"
"I'll take care of her" Haz was looking at you longingly, "Please, Peter… let me take care of her…"
"Hmmm… only because you ask so nicely" Peter's words were a little slurred, and you knew he was drunk with the power. Having both you and Harry to dominate, to do as he said was making him dizzy, almost overwhelmed.
But for once, having his senses dialed up to eleven wasn't painful, no. He was in heaven.
"Put your mouth on her, Haz… she's fucking delicious, tastes just like strawberries…"
Harry bent over, licking his lips, eyes fixed on yours. The movement pressed his ass against Peter's hard on, making him hiss.
"Can I-"
"Yes, please"
Your boyfriend tugged both Harry's pants and boxers down. You couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, but Harry’s handsome face, contorting in pleasure, gave you a pretty good idea.
"Oh, god, Harry!" You gasped as his tongue, at last, made contact with your flesh.
He hummed as if in agreement, flattening his tongue over your slit before using the tip to tap your pearl. Your hand flew to his head, finding purchase in his golden curls as he licked into you eagerly, rocking his whole face against you.
He was nothing like Peter. This was messy, obscene, it lacked Peter's finesse and precision, but fuck it was good.
You could feel the coil tighten inside you, already so close to the brink from Peter's hand, but just as it was about to snap, Harry's lips left you.
"Oh, fuck!" His curse was muffled against your thigh. You could see your boyfriend's curls over the curve of Harry's back and you could only guess what his wicked tongue was doing to the boy between your legs.
"Oh yeah, he's quite talented at that isn't he?" You giggled despite your frustration
"So good" Harry moaned, "So so good…"
Peter came into view then, placing kisses along Harry's spine.
"If you want my mouth on you" He whispered in his ear, loud enough for you to hear, "keep yours on her"
Harry nodded, enthusiastically.
"And make sure she comes," He went on, "that's the only rule: Our girl gets to come… Over, and over," He punctuated every word with a kiss down Harry's back again, "and over, and over…"
The most wanton of noises left Harry and you knew conversation time was over as he dove right back in, separating your lips with his fingers, thrusting his tongue inside you as deep as it would go. Your back arched off the chaise, crying out loud when Harry decided to add a finger, and then another one, as his lips closed around your clit, sucking a little too hard.
It was too much.
"Haz… fuck, ah!... Slow down, baby"
"Keep going, Harry" Peter's tone was stern, as he watched you writhe in pleasure. He was on his knees again, coating two of his fingers with lube. When had he gone and fetch it, you had no idea. "Make her come… god you have to see her, she is so gorgeous when she comes…"
And it wasn't going to take long, with the way Harry's tongue was circling your clit and the vibrations from his own moans and sweet little whines, you could feel yourself right at that edge, all you needed was something to tip you over.
Harry's hand made its way to your chest, finding your breast and massaging just the way you liked it, the way you had done earlier. He was a fast learner. But you didn't have much time to marvel about that, cause you were finally falling, every nerve of your body going up in sparks, your cries of ecstasy intermingling with his, as Peter finally, finally entered him, torturously slow, making him feel every lavish inch.
The stronger boy's measured but powerful thrusts pushed Harry's body forwards. He wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face on your stomach, mouth slack against your skin, muffling his sounds.
"Careful there," Peter warned, slowing down his movements almost to a stop, "She's hurt"
Harry opened his eyes, and they came to rest on your bruised ribs. You could see the thoughts behind his icy blues crystal clear, the misplaced guilt twisting a knot in his entrails: His father had done that to you. But you refused to let those heavy feelings invade your bubble of solace, refused to let his father ruin this for him too. Squaring your jaw, you looked up at Peter,
"What are you waiting for, Tiger?" Your boyfriend's eyes went wide at your commanding tone, "Fuck him like you mean it"
Peter gulped, goosebumps erupting on his skin. Oh yeah, he might be a big boy now, but your dominant voice could still make him weak. He wondered absently if it was simply you, and everything you did, that turned him to putty in your hands.
"Yes, ma'am" He grabbed onto Harry's hips, picking up his rhythm.
"Oh god!" Harry sobbed into your skin. You ran your hand through his curls, caressing soothingly.
"He feels good, doesn't he? So hard and big…"
"So big…" The blonde agreed, "so deep…"
"How does Harry feel, Peter?"
Your boyfriend was biting his lip, looking down, fixated on the place he was disappearing inside Harry.
"So good, so fucking tight…"
You sighed, yearningly. They were breathtakingly, heartbreakingly beautiful. All lean and strong muscles, locking and releasing, miles of soft creamy skin colliding on skin, tiny beads of sweat glistening in the soft morning light. It was fascinating, watching them move together, the dirty sounds leaving them more than enough to make you wet and ready again.
But before you could say something, you felt Harry's turquoise stare on you.
"Six… I need you, please" He pleaded, small and shy, as if afraid you would say no. You looked at Peter for reassurance, but he was already bending over, reaching for Harry's cock and unrolling a condom around it, pushing him further up your body. The blond whined in complaint when the movement caused Peter to slip out of him.
"You liked that, didn't you?" Your boyfriend moved closer, kissing his shoulder, "Like me filling you up so good…"
Harry and you moaned in unison, making him chuckle.
"It's her turn now. She needs to be filled too. So go on, bury that gorgeous cock of yours between her legs" Peter encouraged, softly, his tone a stark contrast to the vulgarity of his words, "and I will fuck you so hard she will feel it"
Harry cursed, Peter’s dirty mouth was going to be the death of him, he just knew it.
No, he was already in heaven, he decided, as he braced himself on his forearms at each side of your head, taking his sweet time entering you. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about this, the truth was he had, a million times. In fact, every time he had taken a girl that looked just enough like you into his bed. But they were never quite right. Never had your perfume, or their hair was the wrong color, or their eyes were the wrong shade. Now it was really you, and never in his wildest dreams had he pictured it could be like this, your breathy moans underneath him, your heat embracing him so perfectly… As your boyfriend did obscene, immoral, delicious things to him from behind, driving him right to the brink of sanity.
And he didn't waste any time, thrusting hard and fast. Soon, Harry was a sobbing mess, trapped as every move to escape Peter’s cock drove him deeper into you, every motion backwards and away from you impaling him further on Peter’s cock. There wasn’t much he could do, but take whatever Peter gave him.
You clung onto his back, blunt fingernails digging into his skin,
“I'm going to come… Harry, I'm going to come on your cock”
Fuck, you were just as dirty as your boyfriend. And it was truth, he could feel it, feel your walls quivering around his dick, feel your body starting to shake with the force of your orgasm. Peter bended over, grabbing hold of his shoulders, changing the angle, hitting his prostate over and over, white hot pleasure exploding without warning. Harry drown his screams into your mouth, his climax almost painful in it’s intensity, his vision going black.
“…Alright, then what about the Academy of Science and Technology?”
You made a face,
“You need at least one PhD to get in…”
“I got a master’s in engineering, does that count?”
“You could get into the Academy of Communications with that” Peter interjected, lazily caressing your naked back. The three of you were in bed, a mess of legs and arms intertwined together, as the sun went down over the city outside.
“That’s the easiest of S.H.I.E.L.D’s academies to get into, right?” Harry mused. Freedom, what a strange thing it was: He had spent his whole life craving it, wishing to be able to do whatever he wanted, go wherever he wanted, be with whoever he really wanted, without fear of his father judgement, without fear of his wrath, and now that he finally could… It was slightly terrifying.
A part of him almost felt guilty, for being so eager to tear apart everything his father had worked so hard for years to turn him into. For allowing himself to feel something this good not even 24 hours after his death. But a touch of your hand, or a glimpse of warm brown eyes, and it all faded away. His second thoughts, his doubts, his responsabilities… In fact, everything outside that bed faded away until there was nothing more than the three of you, alone in the world, still tangled together just talking and touching and basking in the afterglow.
You nodded,
“Data specialists and field agents. But I seriously think you could get into Operations, if you really want to”
“I think she’s right. I'm getting into the Academy of Operations this fall, and” Peter decided, finding Harry’s hand under the sheets, interlocking their fingers together “I really would like you to be there with me”
Harry was speechless. He had wish, he had dreamed, but he hadn’t let himself hope. That this… whatever it was, wild, and exiting, and delicate and precious between the three of you was not a one time thing. He had tried to convince himself that he would be fine if it was, that he was going to treasure it anyway, be glad it happened, enjoy it while it lasted. Even if it killed him the next day.
It was a fine line between happiness and heartbreak, the one he had been walking with you today.
“I… Well, I mean” He stammered “I think I would love to. Go with you, I mean. If I can get in, that is”
Peter and you exchanged a look, one of those silent communication things you seemed to always have going on, and he felt the littlest pang of envy. He wanted to be privy to those conversations, like he wanted to be a part of yours and Peter’s world. He wanted to know what the Cavalry was and why Peter seemed to be so scared of it. He wanted to be able to keep up with yours and Peter stamina. He wanted to spend so much time with you that not knowing your name stopped bothering him, cause he literally knew everything else about you, like Peter did. He wanted to speak the same language you two seemed to share…
And maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t an impossible dream. Because suddenly he found himself with an armful if you, capturing his lips in a possessive kiss that spoke of something deeper than lust and passion, something permanent and meaningful and as inescapable as fate, ‘You are ours now, you belong to us. And we are never letting you go'
Yeah, outside of that bed, the world had shifted again, fallen apart and crumbled to pieces for Harry just like it had for Peter almost a year before. And once you left it, you were going to have to face the aftermath. Harry was going to have to deal with the press, and the fact that his father was a villain. Peter would have to deal with his aunt, and Pepper and to not only explain his sexuality wasn’t conventional, but his relationship now wasn’t either. And you would have to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D, and the rebuilt, and to explain Fury and May how you had ended up with no one, but two boyfriends that had once been your mission. And none of you had any idea how you were going to do that. Or how you were going to make this between the three of you work, because the world was cruel, and didn’t take kindly to things that were different. But you knew the alternative was to painful to even think about it.
Truth was, there was a lot the three of you didn’t know. But there, in each others arms, watching the NYC lights start to shine outside the massive window, you knew one thing: You were going to be alright.
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cherrytdatt · 3 years
what a shame we're fucked in the head (au)
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Word count: ~1.7k
Summary: peter and y/n always find it easier to be fwb than assuming their feeling for each other 
A/N: this was in my drafts for the longest time and i'm just getting rid of it. this is an au but they are still superheroes.
Warnings: drug use and mention of sex
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"What up, loser?" you heard a familiar voice say behind you. You turned your head, recognizing his silhouette. "Abandoning the party?" Peter chuckled, sitting by your side on the edge of the building.
"Making my own party," you said with a weak smile, raising your hand that held a joint you lazily made a few minutes ago.
"Oh! And didn't call me?" he asked with an offended look.
"Sorry. I thought you were having fun inside," you said, passing the cigar to him.
"Sure. Cause seeing Banner and Rogers fighting over some mysterious hallucinogen that Banner's dad accidentally made on the lab is so much more fun than relaxing and talking to you," he took a pull of the cigar, without looking at you. You stared at his side profile, admiring every inch of his face. His eyes that were shining with the city lights, the small smirk that never left his face, the sharp angle his jaw made even when he was relaxed, and the curls that fell plainly on his forehead.
You and Peter had a lot in common, you were Stephen Stranger's daughter, and Peter was adopted by Tony Stark at the age of three. As everyone knows, those two were the most rich and arrogant superheroes to walk on this earth or any other planet. So you two understood how hard your life was growing up. Don't get me wrong, both were great parents, but they didn't think twice before pressuring you two to be the best amongst all the other superheroes' kids. Besides that, there were the absent parents, and all the ego fights that you two had to deal with daily.
"That thing's dangerous," you said, shaking your head. "Banner and Rhodes took that last week, and they blacked out for forty eight hours after almost jumping from the top of the Stark Tower!" Peter handed you the cigar.
"That would make my dad so happy," Peter said sarcastically, making you laugh, just thinking about the bad press that two superheroes' kids jumping from the most expensive building in New York would cause for Tony Stark. "These kids are crazy," he finished when your laugh faded out.
All the Avengers kids formed some type of clan that was known for excessive partying, drugs, and doing crazy shit around town that usually caused some sort of damage physical or financial. After all, be raised by babysitters while your parents fought against aliens and robots wasn't easy. You, Peter, Shuri, and Magni, Thor's son, were the only ones that tried to follow your parents' steps and become superheroes, but that didn't keep you from partying and doing crazy things sometimes. The difference was, You, Peter, and Shuri usually do it without drawing attention, and Magni did it on other planets.
"Cause you and I are not damaged by our dads 'jobs', right?" you looked at him.
"I rather not talk about it," Peter joked, and you laughed. "So, how is your life?" he asked, staring at the city view from Will Maximoff's penthouse, where the party was happening.
"Same old. Studying and being in the lab for hours, drinking, and smoking weed the rest of the time, sometimes studying and smoking at the same time. I don't even know anymore," you took a pull from the joint. Even though your dad's power was like some type of magic, he always made you study very hard and you two worked on your lab developing nanotechnology and other things to help the Avengers. Sometimes you worked with Mr. Bruce, Shuri, or even Tony although he wasn't your dad's favorite. "And you?"
"I'm spending my days at the lab, improving my suit," he shrugged. "And waiting for you to call me," he finished, looking at you, and you chocked a little.
"Waiting for me to call you?" you coughed. "You have my number. You can call me," you said, looking at him.
"I'm always the one that calls you," he said nonchalantly.
"And?" you asked, holding a smile.
"A man gets tired..." he scratched the back of his head, shrugging and looking away from you.
"You know I don't mind you calling me," you stated. "And you also know I'm not gonna get in the middle of your commitment issues," your voice was lower.
"I didn't have a commitment issue with you," Peter defended himself.
You two were more than friends, and that was clear to everyone that had eyes. Everything started on the night of your nineteenth birthday. Your parents were out of town, and you decided it was a good idea to close an entire club in New York to have the biggest party you could think of. After using almost every drug in the building, you still felt alone, and the only person you could think about was Peter. He was at the party, but you barely saw him. At 2 a.m. you called him, and you finally hooked up. But, unlike what everyone was thinking, your 'relationship' didn't go further than occasionally making out, sleeping together and then you two wouldn't talk for two or three weeks after that. You, obviously, liked him, but Peter never dated any girl for more than two weeks, so you came to the conclusion that, even with your feelings, this 'friends with benefits' relationship was the best you could do.
"Yeah, right!" you laughed. "And that bullshit you pulled out last year was your way of committing," you joked, remembering the day he showed up in your father's cabin, knowing you would be there alone, and left the next morning without saying a word.
"You know why I did that," he sighed.
"I honestly don't," you chuckled, looking at him, waiting for his excuse.
"You told me you wanted to be alone! I was there just to make sure you were okay and then did what you want," he explained, his hands moving around anxiously.
"Are you stupid or what?" you got up, not believing how someone so smart could be so oblivious.
"What?" he asked, confused with your reaction.
"I wanted to be alone with you, dumbass. That's why I texted you my exact location," you said, pointing at him.
"Oh!" he was honestly surprised, his eyes widened in realization.
"You are dumb..." you concluded, the corners of your lips going up, forming a smile.
"I'm not dumb! I'm just..." Peter got up.
"Hard to commit," you said, knowingly.
"Oh, shut up!" he held a laugh. "You are not that great either. I lost count of how many times you ghosted me or avoided me," he accused you, and your eyes avoided his because you knew you the times you ran away from him.
"Do you...uh..." you gulped, afraid of the damage that your next words could cause. Peter studied your expression, knowing you were struggling with your thoughts. You took one more pull from the joint, trying to gather all your courage. "Do you think we will work..." you glanced at him for a split second. "I mean... in the future... you think we could work... if we tried?" you stuttered, regret already filling your chest.
"I don't like parties, you know?" Peter said, and you looked at him. Half confused and half cursing yourself for asking anything. Was he changing the subject just to avoid the question? "I mean... I like them sometimes but not every weekend," he said, looking at the buildings around.
"It's not what it looks like since I only bump into you at parties," you said with a weak smile.
"That's because I go to all the parties you go," he confessed. "When you're out of town or just at your house, I spend my night working in the lab or fighting small crimes in town," he glanced at you. You looked at him, not fully understanding what he was saying. "What I meant is..." he stared at you, and you felt the air being pulled out of your lungs by his intense eyes. "I really like you... and I hope we can work things out when you're ready," he smiled.
"Hey, Parker!" William Maximoff called, and both of you looked at him. "It's your turn on the beer pong," he yelled.
"I'm coming," Peter laughed at him, and the boy walked back inside, laughing, with some girl you didn't know, pulling him by his hand. "I'm going in..." he told you in a low voice, and you looked at him again.
"Yeah... okay," you muttered, the things he said still being processed in your head.
He stared at you, and you felt in his eyes that he was pondering on doing something. Peter took a step towards you, his face a few inches from yours, and you looked at him, feeling his hot breath in your mouth. You parted your lips, already anticipating what was coming. Peter's hand came to your face, touching gently your cheek, his eyes staring deeply into yours. You moved your face up, finally ending the distance between you two. You moved your hands to his neck, tugging at his hair, feeling his soft lips against yours, and he held your waist with his free arm. The kiss started slow but soon became needy and eager, your tongues colliding and moving in synch, traveling through every inch of each other's mouth. You captured his bottom lip between your teeth, causing him to moan softly, his hand going down to squeeze your butt. 
"I really missed you," he whispered against your lips.
"Peter..." you started you a hesitant voice.
"I have to go," he said before you could say anything else. Peter took a step back, glancing between the party and you. His arms left your body, and you felt cold without his touch. He gave you a small smile, putting his hands in his pockets, walking away from you. You turned slowly to look at the buildings, not ready to go back to the party yet.
"Y/n," you heard Peter call, and you turned to look at him. "Call me when you decide to go home." he smiled and grabbed the doorknob. You nodded at him, and he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm gonna kick your ass, Will," he yelled when the noise from the party invaded your ears, and then everything was silent again.
You stared at the buildings, feeling the fear from loving Peter more than you loved anyone else in your life invade you.
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
Jaken = Rin's Dad?
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Okay, is this how a daughter treats their so-called father?
Most definitely not.
Rin and Jaken's relationship clearly screams of your typical sibling rivalry punctuated with cute and silly moments of playful bickering.
Yes, Jaken may technically be her main provider, but that doesn't necessarily equate to him being more of a father than Sesshomaru. If anything, he demonstrates more of a brotherly love towards her. As we all know, parents (which Sesshomaru embodies more based on real life patterns and parallels) will leave their older more capable children in charge of looking after their younger brothers and sisters. In this case, that would mean making Jaken responsible for watching over Rin and protecting her if need be. Ah-Un offers protection, too. Think of it as Jaken as the big brother and Ah-Un as the family dog who are babysitting while Sesshomaru as the parent of the household is away at work or taking care of business. I mean, they literally fit that description to a tee and I'm dying at the accuracy of it all! 🤣👌
[Quick! Someone write up a modern au where Sesshomaru finally gets out to have a nice date night but everything goes wrong in the most spectacular way. Like maybe Rin and Jaken catch a ride on Ah-Un to go spy!]
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I recently revisited some episodes from The Final Act, and I couldn't believe how many moments like this there were where Rin got after Jaken or when she would "put him in his place" so to speak. Obviously, all of it is mostly harmless. I was only surprised by how often it occurred, not to mention how Jaken would just stand there and take it. Towards a supposed father figure, Rin's behavior is downright unacceptable. There's a certain level of respect a child is expected to show their parents/guardians, and that's just not what I'm witnessing here between them. Like at all.
Rather their dynamic has the nature of some sibling relationships like I mentioned above. So I really wish fans would stop pretending otherwise, because based on what we know of father-daughter relationships- healthy ones at least- they don't appear anything like what Jaken and Rin have. If you could please provide me other examples of where we've seen similar portrayals in fiction or in real life, then perhaps I can get on board.
Look, that doesn't have to mean that because Jaken isn't her father then Sesshomaru must be. They can both be her caretakers without necessarily filling that traditional father role. I'm just saying that if we're going to start assigning titles to characters, let's make sure we are accurate and truthful in our assessments. If you're going to label anyone Rin's dad, then it needs to be Sesshomaru. Jaken doesn't have precedence over him in terms of fatherly attributes, that just wouldn't make sense.
After all, this isn't about what you want to see, this is about what Rin very likely sees. It's safe to assume that she views Sesshomaru more like a father than she does Jaken. She knows she's safe with him (broadly speaking lol) and that he'll come for her no matter what. That sense of security and comfort is what a child seeks and what they should always feel in a parent's presence. She trusts and even idolizes him, just as a young and innocent child tends to do with their parents. At that age, parents are perfect and could do no wrong in their child's eyes. Idk about you, but this describes perfectly how Rin is around Sesshomaru.
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Rin adores him and will follow him anywhere- yes, even into danger! That's what the innocence and unconditional love of a child will bring them to do if necessary. Fortunately, at the end of The Final Act we learn Sesshomaru takes Kaede's advice when he realizes that leaving Rin with her in the village is in her best interests. That way she'd be able to lead a more normal and safer life alongside other humans. Remember, Sessrin shippers, that doesn't mean he wasn't still a part of her life and didn't witness her become a young woman over the years right before his very eyes. Therefore, if they eventually do become romantically involved, then most if not all of those gifts had intimate and seductive intentions and it essentially constitutes as child grooming.
I understand from a Sessrin shipper's point of view why it'd be so much easier to claim Jaken as the father. In doing so, they diminish Sesshomaru's role in her upbringing. By refusing to acknowledge the real role he had in helping raise Rin (short periods can be crucial and impressionable too esp. in a child's early years so yes they did assist in raising her not only Kaede), these shippers are better able to justify how their filial-like relationship evolved into a romantic one. So yeah, I get it, if I were a Sessrin shipper I'd probably do the same. It's one of the more plausible arguments available to them, after all. "Let's pin Jaken as the father to fend off antis!" is the best chance they've got, but even so, it's still not good enough. But if you insist Jaken is indeed like a father to Rin, then Sesshomaru is most certainly one too. Who says she can't have two fathers anyway?
The thing is however much you want to deny or downplay what Sesshomaru truly means to Rin and vice versa, nothing will ever change or hide the truth of the matter. Please, stop acting like they're only traveling companions and nothing more. Some of y'all even go so far as to say that they're like strangers. Knowing potentially little about a person is not equal to a lack of love and affection. Making big assumptions such as this to defend your ship is actually doing you more harm than good. Let me elaborate.
According to your reasoning, if that's all Rin ever was to him was a companion and Sesshomaru had no real attachment to her, then what precisely is the basis of your ship? Recall that Adult!Rin doesn't exist yet, thus we have no real idea what she will be like or if she's even alive. So how can you make comments like that but then go on later to say "they have such a unique and unbreakable bond" or "only Rin can be the mother because she's the only human he ever cared for" if all that time spent traveling together didn't amount to much in the first place like you claimed to believe beforehand? Do you see how your rationalizing is confusing?
Contrary to what some of you may think, I'm not just saying all this because I'm an anti and I'm obligated to disagree with you, or whatever other excuse you want to tell yourself. Believe it or not, I'm attempting to give as unbiased and objective of an analysis I can based on widely accepted interpretations of family dynamics, development, and any history we know of.
Of course I respect that at times fans will perceive things differently since that's bound to happen. What's hard for me to wrap my head around however is the unwillingness of some fans- not exclusively Sessrin shippers- to apply basic common sense and sound judgment to their observations and deductions.
Looking at all our facts, then taking the small handful of scenes Sesshomaru and Rin do share together into account, one can logically conclude that their dynamic is akin to one found in a typical parent-child relationship. If you still fail to recognize Sesshomaru as a parent to Rin, then that's fine too. In the end, that won't really change the fact that he'd still take on a role resembling an adult figure overseeing a young child's care and protection. Be it as a vassal, guardian, what have you. Plus, nobody is saying here that Sesshomaru doesn't make mistakes regarding Rin's general well-being, but so do all parents. Overall, I think the majority of us agree that Rin is in good hands. Whether it's in his direct company or in his occasional supervision from his frequent visits to the village.
In other words, it doesn't really matter what exact title you assign him in relation to Rin, as the distribution of power is all inherently the same with any and all adult-child relationships. That bond never changes once you've established it either, seeing as it's a special kind of connection one can only form with a child and a child alone.
I was a teacher for a few years, and speaking from personal experience, you don't need to be a parent, per se, to take on a role of authority in a child's life. I know without a doubt that I could never and will never view any of those kids I taught in a sexual/romantic light later down the road; yes, not even once they become grown-ups who are independent and more than capable of making their own decisions. Those of you who disagree are usually missing the whole point though, because we're not trying to dictate what Adult!Rin can and cannot do like many tend to accuse of us doing. This isn't a question of taking away from her autonomy nor does it fall under "purity culture," which is why people shouldn't continue jumping to these outrageous conclusions and really listen for a change. You're deflecting from the real issue here when you choose to misinterpret what we're saying by ignoring the problem we're actually referring to. You cannot present a valid counter-argument if you persist in twisting our words.
Bottom line: once these kids become old enough to pursue a sexual/romantic relationship, of course they have that right if they're ready. All we're trying to say is you guys ought to stop pushing forward this it's-completely-normal-to-want-to-bang-your-adoptive-dad-since-you're-an-adult-and-can-do-as-you-please agenda and not expect backlash. Ship it if you want, but please stop acting like their romance would be the epitome of a pure and healthy relationship.
Sesshomaru may not wear his heart on his sleeve, but it's foolish to presume he didn't actually care about Rin during their whole time together just because he didn't openly express his feelings until the very end. Surely everybody can comprehend that people handle and process their emotions differently. The way Sesshomaru chooses to is completely valid for the most part, so let's cut him some slack regarding this already.
What I'm trying to get at is that any child whose life you played an influential role in will always be a kid in a lot ways to you even when they're old and wrinkly. Just as they will always picture you as the loved one who guided and protected them when they were most vulnerable and couldn't always fend for themselves. Can't we relate this to children we know personally and apply it accordingly?
Finally, I want to end on this note. Could you kindly take a look at these two images below for a second?
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The reason I ask is because of something I recently read that's relevant to the topic. There was this pro-sessrin tweet I saw that stated Rin trying to take care of Sesshomaru when they first met is what a mom would do for a child, which in their opinion, translates to Rin being more like a mother than a daughter if anything.
First off: are you freaking kidding me????
Seriously, so now children aren't allowed to tend to their sick or injured parents?! Parents are apparently superhuman and shouldn't be offered a helping hand from a child, even if they mean well and want to help their parent who's in pain?? Now this Twitter user was mostly being a smartass, but at the same time, it was evident they genuinely thought they offered a valid enough point that warranted no further explanation or clarification.
Secondly, by saying this Sessrin fans don't seem to realize that in actuality they're contradicting themselves and proving the point we've been trying to make all along. Glancing at the first picture and moving down to the second, the role of the one being cared for and the caretaker is reversed. So then by their own logic, Sesshomaru IS in fact like a father to Rin.
What it comes down to is the names you give to the roles these characters play aren't as crucial as the dynamic they share. The specific characteristics of that dynamic are what define the importance of said role, not so much the name in the role itself. So real father or not, Sesshomaru and Rin clearly mean a lot to each other. Close relationships are defined and solidified by the devotion and belonging they have to one another, not solely by the duration of time spent together and their proximity.
Well, that's a wrap! I hope you guys got something outta this blog, and that you enjoyed or found some portions of it interesting. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject from this fandom, but only engage in conversation if you plan to be respectful. Thank you!
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Yandere Reaction 💖Darling Signing A Contract With Azul💖
How would Yandere Leona, Carter, Jamil and Riddle react to their darling escaping and trying to sign a contract with Azul to reclaim their freedom.
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Leona is annoyed, he woke up from his nap to see that you had disappeared. Your side of the bed was cold, your sent barely clinging to the sheets. He sighs when he realizes that you must have left quite some time ago.  What a hassle now he's going to have to actually look around for you it's too much work! But the lingering promise of punishment does make a rabid excitement build up inside him causing his muscles twitch and ears to perk up. 
The first thing he does is call Ruggie and have him start asking around the, trying to pry information from the other member of his dorm. He'll also enlist Jack, giving him a piece of your clothes or some piece of jewelry he may have bought you, anything that has preserved your sweet, intoxicating aroma. Being the all so good, always eager to please guard dog that he is, Jack will follow your scent all over Night Raven College. With Leona lethargically following behind. 
eventually, the invisible trail leads them straight to the Octavinelle dormitory. Of course, Leona is displeased with this, not only is the place under freaking water! But the worst most calculating, conniving person lives there. The school's very own loanshark, Azul Ashengrotto! To say that Leona is displeased is an understatement, he's downright furious! What the hell are you try to do? Sign a freaking contract with the devil! Are you so desperate to trade away your goddam soul! Really it's not so much that Leona cares exactly what Azul asks from you, rather it's the notion that you'll belong to someone other than himself that makes hin charge inside the  Mostro Lounge. Claws out, teeth bare, ready for a fight. 
The sight awaiting him is just infuriating. There you are seating all meek pen in hand, eyes wide, fear and panic dancing over your face, like a  little doomed rabbit. While Azul looms over you, that calculating avaricious smirk plastered on his pale face. 
"Ah, senior Leona how nice of you to join us. Would you like some refreshments? Tea, coffee maybe some milk?"
Leona doesn't respond he's too agitated, too vexed. He runs up to your shacking form, grabbing your wrist, pulling you forcefully to his side. In the midst of the moment, he's calm having you back in his arms makes the carnivorous fury die down. He gently kisses your head, lingering a second too long before he's throwing you over to Jack. 
He's in Azul's face, threatening to skin him alive and throw him to the hyenas to eat if he ever even think about scamming Leona's beloved into another contract. He rips the parchment in front of the sea witch then processes to march back to where you and your wolf bodyguard are standing. 
Leona's a lot rougher now, squishing you to his side as the three of you depart back to your "home". Leona just can't comprehend why you would sign that contract. 
He's never done anything to hurt you
He's never 
so why? Why are you so desperate to get away from him?! It downs on him when he's dragged you back into savanclaw territory. In the middle of his rage, he realizes just why you're all so eager to reclaim your precious freedom. You're lying on the cracked rough ground, holding your bleeding cheek where he just struck you. You're crying and trembling, it almost makes him want to stop, almost makes him want to hug you close to his chest promising everything will be all right. But he doesn't instead he kicks you with enough force to turn you over onto your back. He lifts his foot crushing down on your arm. Relishing in the cracking of bones and your screams of pain. 
Leona's reaction differs from moment to moment, one second he's simply annoyed and the next he's choking on his rage. He knows that he has to change a bit, to be sweeter, nicer to show a bit more empathy if he truly wants to keep you as his queen.  
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Carter's in a sheer frenzy, he's stunned speechless when he sees you walk over to the Mostro Lounge manager. But instead of ordering drinks like you were supposed to do, you're chatting up Azul about something that he can't hear. 
It's nervewracking watching the two of you. Carter can't quite tell what expression you're wearing but he knows that the Azul is giddy about something, smiling and laughing. Oh god, what are you talking about! It's only when he sees Azul retrieve parchment and his signature golden fish pen that he realizes just what is happening. 
Carter is quick to react, he's sprung to his feet and by your side before your fingers can even graze the murky colored contract. His arms are wrapped protectively around you, squeezing with just an ounce more force then they need to be. His shimmering emerald eyes are glaring daggers at Azul, but his tone is as cheerful and preppy as always.
"Azul-chan you know it's rude to take advantage of naive first years right?~ innocent little (y/n) doesn't understand how your contracts operate yet~"
"Actually they do Carter, tell me what in the great sea witch's name have you done to poor unfortunate (Y/N), for them to be so desperate to get away from you? So much so, that they are willing to trade they're special ability for?"
That hurt...
It felt worst than a kick to the stomach...
Worst then when his pictures only got 100 likes...
worst then Riddle's loud screams...
You...You were trying to run away from him? Carter's heartbroken, he can't stand the thought of you not loving him. Heck, you hate him so much that you're willing to trade away your ability to be apart from him!
Once you get back to Heartslabyul, he's hectic. Shacking you with tears in his eyes, demanding to know why you don't love him! "What have I done wrong? Do you love someone else is that it!" He makes accusation after accusation trying to find out just why you're desperate to be rid of him. 
Never once does he consider that it could be because his presence suffocates you. That simply standing next to him, strips your lungs of air, drives your brain into a historical fit! And you don't tell in fear of further angering him. 
Carter's reaction is heartbroken mania, he's sad, angry, determined to fix things, everything at the same time. He'll try all so hard to mend things between the two of you. Shower you in gifts, take you outside more often, even give you some more freedom. ANYTHING as long as you will love him again!
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Jamil actually finds it rather funny when you try to beg Azul for a contract. Oh, sure he knew what you would do the moment he saw you slip away from his side while he was preoccupied with Kalim. He knew you would run straight to the sea witch, ready to get on your knees and plead for a contract. You were willing to humiliate yourself in any way imaginable so long as you could escape Jamil's clutch.
Jamil's eyes follow you as you walk over the counter and whisper something in Jade's ear. He knows everything that's about to unfold. Knows how Azul will bring out some parchment and his golden pen and "nicely" state the terms of service. He knows all this yet chooses to sit idly by. He wants you to get as close to your freedom as possible, practically graze it before he snatches it away for good this time. Cause after the stunt you're pulling there is no way in hell that Jamil is ever letting you leave the Scarabia dormitory ever again.
And sure enough, it goes exactly as planned. Azul walks out ready to grant you "your one true wish" all posed and gentleman like...except he's leaning way to close. His lips are brushing against your ear. His thin pale fingers are reaching out to grab your own pulling them towards himself. 
It's that moment that Jamil reacts, that he realizes that you've played your little game long enough. He slams his hands on the table, causing Kalim to jump spilling his drink and the other customers to turn around all holding their breaths for a magic fight to break out. 
Just like everyone else Azul slowly pulls away from you, eyes trained on Jamil a smirk dangling on his charming face. Your vacant eyes stare back into the dark ones of the sand mage. You know your fate, know the penalty for the crim you commented. Despite what Jamil may think he knows, you were always one fragmented step ahead. You knew you would never be free, knew that you would always be confined in Jamil's cave of wonders.
Reluctantly you heave yourself to your feet, breaking the thick silence with the screeching of the chair legs along the marble floor. You gradually trudge back to the table where the man who owns you is awaiting impatiently. 
"Don't test me (y/n)" 
His lips brush over the shell of your ear sending a cold shiver up your spin. His breath cresses the soft flesh of your neck as he places a teasing kiss over one of the visible love bites he left not so long ago. Jamil's fingers dig into your sides, sizing you up as tightly as he could. You where sure there would be bruises by the time he let go, there always was. Slowly his fingers snaked around your waist pushing you flat against his chest, smoldering your face in the fabric of his shirt. 
"That goes for you too Azul" 
His voice was oddly modulated, kept barely above a hush, you wonder how he expects Azul to be able to hear from across the room. It's a  haughty laugh that answers your question. The voice is much closer then you anticipated. Silk covered fingers tangle themselves in your lock as you hear the manger of the  Mostro Lounge speak up. "You may consider keeping sweet little (y/n) on a shorter lease, that way she won't accidentally find her self trapped in my grasp."
Suffice it to say he does, Jamil grants the exact opposite of your wish. He steals the minuscule fragments of freedom you had left, keeping you constantly by his side, arms always wrapped around your waist tight enough to make walking an uncomfortable feat.
Jamil's reaction is one just amusement, sure he feels betrayed but that feeling has long become nostalgic for the young man. There really isn't much you could say or do to get under his skin. But there is all so much he can do to get under your skin and he'll be dame sure to leave some marks! 
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Riddle is furious when he sees you talking to Azul before history class. His blood is boiling coursing through his body like molten lava, heartbeat had quickened sounding like the march of card soldiers faster! His fingers are wrapped in fists by his side, knuckles turning as white as the white rabbit's fur. His posture is stiff, spin too straight shoulders pulled back until they're about to pop from their sockets. 
The redhead could barely stand the thought of you talking to his closets friends let alone the most conniving man in all of Night Raven! He's prepared to shut the whole thing down in a moment, ready to stomp over to Azul and rescue you from his web of lies. But then he hears it, those soul-shattering words. They stop him in his tracks, steal the life from his loins. He couldn't even believe his ear at first. Surely he was going mad! 
" I want to be free, as far away from Riddle and his stupid rules as possible! Please Mr. Ashengrotto won't you help me! I'll sign any contract, give you anything you deem a suitable price just please save me from Riddle!"
Riddle's heart is broken tears prick at the side of his dark blue eyes. Ready to tumble and fall. His mouth has gone dry stripped of all he was going to say. He wasn't your knight in shining armor no he was the beast that had abducted you, stolen you from those you loved. 
"Not to worry you poor unfortunate soul lose of freedom as a situation can be corrected, I simply need you to sign--"
Maybe it was the was what Azul said, made it was the adrenaline that was surging through his veins. Either way, Riddle screamed his voice cracking, lungs burning, yet he still screamed after you to stop! 
"Don't you dare sign that contract (y/n) Or it'll be off with your head!"
Your freeze finger floating in midair just millimeters away from the golden pen.  A heavy sigh leaves your lips, you knew you would never reach your freedom again but still, you tried and ended up with a broken heart. 
Riddle is quick to jog over to the two of you, his fingers grab your shoulder and push you back against his chest. He's trying so hard to look strong, to be the knight that you deserve. He doesn't want to show any weakness in front of Azul but he just can't wipe the heartache away. 
Riddle really wants you to love him, he's delusional thinking that making you follow all these rules will benefit you in the long run. He wants you to be safe and perfect to be a fit ruler by his side! But he also wants you to be happy and fall for him on your own accord. 
Riddle's reaction is pure heartache and heartbreak. He doesn't punish you, just some empty threats and words of advice (in the tone off ear-splitting shouts) The whole affair may actually make him nicer he'll try to give you a bit more freedom. He lets you outside more, sometimes even takes you somewhere off-campus. Sure he's always around in some way but from time to time he may "wander off" in the opposite direction and give you the relaxing semblance of being alone.
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