#like all cool as if Lila knew and Marinette knew she knew and it was the prelude of a show-down
seas-of-silver · 9 months
First Sentence, Then Scene: “I know your secret.” Lila said as she pinned Marinette to the wall.
Just a lil warning that I touch on anxiety and dealing with that... emotional feedback (I guess you could call it?) of being in a high intensity situation with your bully/source of anxiety.
'I know your secret,' Lila said as she pinned Marinette to the wall. Marinette wriggled, but Lila's grasp didn't budge.
'What secret?' Marinette asked, still trying to loosen Lila's grip. 'I don't have any secrets.' Lila tsked, shaking her head in mock disappointment before smirking up at her with a devious glint in her eyes. 'Playing innocent, I see...'
The Italian's tone sent shivers up Marinette's spine, but made sure she gave no indication of how the girl's words affected her.
'The only one "playing innocent" here is you,' Marinette spat. 'Everyone thinks you're so kind and sweet, but you're like the devil in disguise.'
'Hah! You flatter me,' Lila purred, 'but I am not the Devil- well, not yet, anyway.'
Marinette's eyes narrowed.
'See, the problem with you angelic types is that you're too honest for your own good,' Lila said, voice heavy with faux concern that made Marinette want to grind her teeth. 'Too kind, too generous, too self-sacrificing. You would do anything for a friend, and expect nothing in return.'
This was pressing on all of Marinette's buttons. She knew what the true purpose was of these words, and yet-
'And that is why you'll always lose to someone like me,' Lila finished with a devilish grin.
'You know what your problem is?' Marinette snapped. 'That attitude. Those lies. I know you can't help it, you're born this way, but the thing is you could be so much more than this.'
She couldn't help but take satisfaction in the way Lila's eyes widened ever so subtly.
'You have an incredible talent, and an even more incredible mind - you could be truly amazing if you wanted to be, but you don't, so you're not. You lie, you cheat, you play these twisted games, wasting your time and energy on things and people that do not matter to you - and for what? To get me down? To hurt me? We both know that you're targeting me with all this, for some minor disagreement long-since forgotten- which, let's be honest, doesn't justify all that you've done since then. I've tried to make amends, to help you, to do what I can to build bridges, but you burn them every time, turning away any offers I made so that you could keep that flame burning within you. You think that everything that makes me who I am makes me weak to the likes of you, but in reality-' Marinette forced her hands free from Lila's weakened grip, '-that's why you'll never win against someone like me.'
'Aaaand cut!' Nino cried, leaping out of his director's chair, his hand clutching his cap as his arms waving excitedly. 'That was electric! That was super tense and believable and ohhhhh, I knew this "angels and demons hidden amongst humans" theme was going to work! And you two! Man, I could not have cast more awesome people for these roles!'
'You're welcome, by the way,' Alya lightheartedly sing-songed from behind him, grinning happily.
'Yeah, okay, I owe you an Andre's ice-cream, but if this take is as good as it was in person, I am buying you ice-cream every day for a month!' Nino promised before dashing off to look at the take.
'Whew! It was sooo hard being so mean!' Lila fibbed, earning her some comments on how fantastic of an actor she was by their fellow classmates. With Lila sufficiently distracted, Marinette let out a shaky breath, the adrenaline pumping through her body making her fidgety and unsettled.
'Hey,' Adrien greeted gently as he approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder as he handed her a glass of water, 'you did fantastically out there.'
They both knew the real meaning behind his words.
'Are you okay?' he asked.
"I know your secret." Lila's line echoed in her mind, Lila's expression - and the way it scared her - haunted her. It was like she really knew...
'Yeah... but also... no?' Marinette answered. She wasn't entirely sure he'd understand what she meant, but he nodded like he did. 'The acting bit, I'm fine with, but her? It's... she's...'
'Overwhelming?' he prompted. 'Like suddenly, it's all too real, and it's hard to remember where you are and what you're doing.'
She nodded. He understood.
'I felt like that every time Dad was at a photoshoot,' Adrien admitted. 'Despite him being my father, he's this intimidating, powerful, incredibly critical figure that with one look can pull my performance- can pull me apart, and make me feel vulnerable in such a way that I feel like a kitten backed into a corner, trembling in front of this towering, snarling dog, and it always made me want to run and hide. But I had to fight through it, push through, pretend I had everything under control when I didn't feel like that at all, and let myself decompress once I was alone and safe in my room.'
Marinette's heart ached for Adrien, while also taking comfort in knowing she wasn't alone in feeling this way. Any other time, she might've felt guilty for taking comfort in such a painful thing, but she was too rattled right now. Instead, she silently hugged him, ignoring the stinging of tears forming in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, careful not to spill the water in the glass she was still holding as he hugged her back.
In his arms, she felt safe, and the world around them faded away as she let the adrenaline run its course and bleed out of her system, knowing he'd catch her if she fell. She ignored Nino's cries of a perfect one-take wonder, she ignored Lila's grandstanding to their peers, she ignored the clicking of phone cameras. She was in her own bubble within Adrien's arms, and all she could hear was the sounds of their breaths and his steady heartbeat against her ear.
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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aoparteilee · 1 month
Alya With a Chance of Defamation
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Words: 1,230
Part 1 (here) - Part 2 (Soon)
Summary: Alya Césaire wasn't stupid. As an aspiring journalist, she knew to fact-check, double check, and every other check. She could connect details faster than her phone connects to the school wifi. And while she wore glasses, her eyes are ones of hawk's when spotting holes in a story.
She's also not a suck-up, or too much of a snitch. If something isn't harmful, she's gonna let it slide. What she won't let slide, however, is the deliberate dragging of her best friend's name.
or, Alya isn't as dense as she is in canon
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When Lila Rossi first comes to Dupont, stories of travels and claims of connections spilling from her very bangs, involving a certain red and black clad super-heroine, Alya is a bit hind-sighted. Ladybug is not an easy lady to come by to request an interview, and while her partner in crime-fighting was a bit more open to conversations, the looming threat of identities that came in the form of beeping noises often pulled him away before he could share more.
She had many questions. How did they acquire their miraculous jewelry? How many miraculi were out there? Are there other ways besides Ladybug's yoyo and Chat Noir's Cataclysm to terminate akumas and prevent akumatizations? Do they have any leads on Hawkmoth's whereabouts and identity? Will they leave once Hawkmoth is gone?
Marinette had snagged her an interview with the heroine before, but it had been more about her thoughts surrounding her heroism and how the super suit worked.
She is brimming with excitement to question the new student when she remembers one, tiny detail: How could Lila even know Ladybug before coming to Paris?
According to the girl, she first came from Italy before moving here because her parents were important Italian diplomats. Knowing about Ladybug's existence is possible. By this point of time news of the superheroes has become old and accepted as something that just is and another weird thing about France. But how could a girl all the way in Italy personally know a superhero in Paris who most likely, lives in Paris.
Alya won't write it down as fact, but judging from how akuma attacks were always in Paris, whomever had given Ladybug and Chat Noir their miraculi must have given it to people from Paris. If, hypothetically, Ladybug were from Italy, she gets to Paris so fast it's unreal. How do person all the way across the continent hear about an akumatization so fast they get to Paris in around 5 minutes?
She looks beside her, to her best friend, and from the looks of it Marinette is thinking along the same lines. She's wearing a frown and her nose is scrunched in that manner that she only ever does when Chloe is being more irritating than usual.
Something is rotten in the state of Lila Rossi.
Okay, Alya will admit, she- as a little kid, mind you- had lied to her fellow students about whatever was trending being something she followed to sound cool. Everyone at one point lied about something to sound cool in front of their peers. It's a part of the beautiful cycle of life! But this is getting out of hand.
Lying about knowing celebrities is one thing, but making promises about helping her classmates reach their dreams with her "connections" was just mean. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes when Lila had told her about setting her up an appointment with Ladybug for an interview. She politely declined, wrapping her arm around Marinette's shoulder and saying, "Thanks, but there's no need, Lila. Miss Dupain-Cheng over here happens to also be friends with Ladybug. In fact, my blog's most viewed video, an interview with Ladybug, was arranged by her! I think I'm all set."
Marinette gives a small grin and flicks the hand by her shoulder playfully.
Lila's expression falters, her mouth twisting down from her welcoming 'I-can-grant-you-opportunities' smile into a displeased downturn.
She quickly smiles again, and moves to harass Mylene with her actor connections.
Alya is not a genius psychoanalyzing scholar. She's never been too good at reading people, often being labeled a bit naive back in her old school. But she's not stupid, nor is she blind. She saw and she knows.
Fortunately for Lila, she hasn't lied about something stupid and illegal enough that Alya would feel the need to call her out for.
She's lied before, so what if this girl's a little more intense? No harm done. Her friends aren't stupid nor blind either.
As long as no one is getting hurt, who cares if the new girl is trying to show off a bit?
Marinette cares. Marinette cares a lot.
"You do know Ladybug wouldn't publicly have a best friend right?" she squished Alya's cheeks, making her laugh a bit. "That would be dumb, because then the said best friend would be targeted by Hawkmoth and-"
"Babes, relax, I know she's a little bit of a liar," Alya reassures. "Just don't bother with her. Soon enough the hype will die down and she'll realize we're humoring her. You never lied to sound cool before?"
Marinette paused, then seemed to relax, slumping against her. "Oh. Good. Okay, so at least you know."
Alya laughed again.
What was Marinette worried about? Lila's a harmless liar. It'll die down in a few days, probably.
"Marinette, I don't know what rough fight you and Ladybug might have gone through, but that's no excuse to threaten her identity!" Lila exclaimed the very next day to confused but listening class, if only to humor the girl. "Don't you know what could happen if Hawkmoth were to find out?"
Marinette blinked tiredly up at the girl, bags under her eyes and hair askew. "Say that again? My ears are still ringing from that commotion last night."
Yesterday's akuma had been a little boy who loved New Years and was frustrated that the date was taking so long to come. With Hawkmoth being the negativity leech he is, he had turned the boy into Fireworker, who made loud booming noises across Paris that resembled fireworks and shot beautiful lights at the two heroes who tried to get a grasp at what the akuma's object was while trying not to explode in beautiful lights. It had gone until 2 AM, when they realized the boy had actually left the object in his drawer figuring it was the safest place in the world.
Poor Marinette lived in the bakery that was right on the street where the akuma and the heroes were fighting and couldn't sleep with the noise.
Lila flusters, but goes on. "Yesterday! Ladybug told me how selfish you were and wouldn't help with the akuma! Then you threatened her identity after calling her annoying! For sake, the fight was right next to you!"
She expected people from the class to back her up on this, but no one did. They all looked at her like she'd grown two heads, both of which were empty.
Alya is the first to break the awkward silence. "Ladybug avoids asking civilians for help unless she's absolutely desperate. Beside the usual dangers of the akuma last night being destructive to buildings, it was nowhere out of the ordinary and Ladybug and Chat Noir ended up defeating the akuma on their own."
While her classmates back her up, and Lila begins to panic, Marinette is still looking groggy. She looks as if she hadn't heard a word. Alya couldn't blame her, while the Miraculous cure worked wonders to property damage, it didn't really change the effects the akuma had on people.
Encouraging Marinette to sleep, she silently fumed. She hadn't cared for Lila's lies at first. Everyone lies sometimes, after all. But this was deliberate. Trying to slander her best friend of all people?
Lila forgets, Alya is a journalist. And she knows a thing or two about bringing someone down with words.
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revolutionary-thoy · 4 months
Hey, first of all, love the reverse AU designs for everyone, your artstyle is so cool!
Second of all, how do you think the rest of the resistance would react to Shadybug and Claw Noir turning good? Would they accept them immediately or just be very distant for a while before they warm up to them?
They'd definitely be very distant and it would take a very very long time for Marinette and Adrien to regain their trust. (In this universe, everyone in the resistence knows each other's identities)
We don't know much about canon reverse Adrien's relationship with reverse Nino other than the fact Adrien "treated him horribly". Adrien is going to very eagerly try to rebuild his friendship with Nino by just pretending nothing ever happened between them and instantly treating Nino like his best pal, which will obviously make Nino very uncomfortable. Adrien will eventually have to confront whatever it is he did/said to Nino and apologize to him. I feel like their friendship will eventually be one of the strongest ones, it would just take a while for them to get there.
As for Marinette and Alya, they never knew each other before this, not even from school since Marinette dropped out of school right around the time Alya moved to Paris. But despite this, they despise each other lmao. If Nino and Adrien rebuilding their friendship takes ages, Marinette and Alya becoming friends would take eons. Alya is not convinced the two of them genuinely switched sides and believes they're tricking them, while Marinette considers Alya a goody two shoes who has no idea what she's been through. They constantly have to set aside their differences to work together
As for the rest of the resistence, there's obviously going to be some distance at first, but most of them will accept them pretty fast. Alix might still distrust them along with Alya for a while, but not to the same extent.
Lila will put on a show of instantly accepting them, but will subtly needle and poke at their insecurities.
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jayphoenic · 1 year
MLB Alya Cesaire Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations
A Bakers Daughter by @ladyanput
This doesn't actually have a title
“You’re not walking away from this, Marinette! If you need harrassing Lila like this, you’ll get arrested! Get it in your head! Adrien doesn’t want you! He would never want a baker’s daughter, someone so useless and uninspiring! You’ll never reach great heights, Lila does! Lila has more talent grace in one pinky, than you have in your entire being! You’ll always be a nobody and you need to learn to deal with that.”
All This After a Monkey Tries to Steal Marinette’s Purse by @cornholio4
“Dad, I can explain…” Alya replied while trying to think of an explanation that sounded somewhat believable.
“I sent Marinette to our house to wait for either of us, I want you home within half an hour to take over for the babysitting duties that you were supposed to be doing anyway! I will try and be home shortly to have a talk with you!” Otis told him sternly and Alya looked down sadly having to tell Nino and Adrien that she has to get home with them looking concerned.
FACT CHECK by @spooky-z
“Marinette, aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Act like nothing is wrong. I didn’t know you could be that cold and calculating.” She caught everyone’s attention again, especially Marinette.
Marinette sighed, her elbow resting on the table, she laid her head on her palm. There was an air of boredom around her. Chloe, Sabrina and Nathaniel with unimpressed looks on their faces.
New York Special Salt: Confrontation by @nobodyfamousposts
Adrien was shaking at this point, but forcing himself to remain steady.
“You both knew Marinette liked me. Fine. Sure. Apparently she was having trouble telling me this. That’s okay. You knew she felt this way and was having trouble telling me. I get that.”
He glared.
“What I don’t get is why it was necessary to go THIS far instead of just TELLING me what was going on yourselves?!”
Exposed by @miraculousbelladonna
She is still absolutely going to have words with her bestie later, but she doesn’t think twice about posting the life changing video onto her blog.
All she’s thinking about is how it’s so cool that she’s the one who found Ladybugs identity. It’s so cool that she’s the one who’s revealing it. It’s so cool that her best friend, Marinette, is Ladybug. Her views are going to go through the roof. Television channels are going to be talking about this, they’re going to be calling her and asking to use her footage.
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We're finally at the final (thank the gods)! Things that we talked about that I haven't seen discussed:
Nathalie trying to kill Gabriel is such bullshit. "You can't do this! You'll hurt someone!" Nathalie, you have known that since day one! You knew he was working on this all season and you're good now! Why are you only trying to kill him now? You were healthy most of the season! You even physically pinned him! Oh, right, because you're not actually good. It's all just "better than thou" lip service. Hypocrisy is the easiest way to make us dislike a character and Nathalie's a massive hypocrite, so we're not fans.
Evil Nathalie was pretty fun. "Good" Nathalie is aggravating and has as lackluster a redemption as they gave Felix or perhaps even more lackluster. Felix at least switched for love of Kagami. Nathalie switched because Gabriel didn't heal her even though she had zero knowledge that he truly had a chance to do so (she wasn't there and Gabriel has never given up an opportunity to save Emilie so that he could chase Ladybug before). Adrien was never Nathalie's motivation or else we would have seen her protest things like Gorizilla, Style Queen, and Chat Blanc.
Moving on!
The mass teleport to Ladybug should have killed everyone because the whole world is supposed to be after her. A couple billion people teleporting to the same location should mean people squish each other or that portals open over each other/on top of people. Just saying. Budget saved her life because Mirauclous' Earth has a teeny tiny population due to rendering costs.
SO was mad how anticlimactic the final fight between Marinette and Gabe feels. Oh two people who barely interacted, have minimal personal connection, and always hated each other are fighting? Such a big moment! I'm so invested! He talked about how other shows build up to moments like this by making the villain terrifying or by making the villain and the hero have a strong, personal connection or even by making the fight super fun to watch, but miraculous did none of that. SO seriously didn't care about the fight at all and, to be honest, neither did I when I first watched it. I only tuned in when Marinette detransformed and I went, wait, wtf are you doing?
We get to all the scenes with heroes in other locations and SO paused the show every few seconds to ask me who tf person X was. Fei resulted in multiple pauses because of her varied forms. So I can confirm that the casual viewer totally followed this part and it was a wonderful addition (that's sarcasm, btw). He did ask "why would the French say that they need a bunch of Americans to win?" Which I though was pretty funny. That's certainly one way to read the Americans showing up!
SO works in IT. He was so mad that the laptop wasn't remotely wiped after it was lost/Lila stole it. And why does it have access to the Agreste mansion and not just the police robots? I thought Tsurugi corp was a tech company? This is all security 101.
SO's final thoughts: well that was soulless. I feel nothing. I can see why you're so done with this show.
Credit where it's due: while the final was massively disappointing from a story perspective and while I don't think Caline Bustier was written like a good teacher for anyone above the age of 5, it is really cool to show a pregnant woman run for office, win, and then be allowed to do her job with her baby in tow without any of that being treated as a joke. That's a really powerful thing for a young child to see and I'm glad it was included even Caline would make a terrible mayor in real life.
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I was just thinking that given that Lila/Cerise is going to be a/the main antagonist in the future, it's a good thing that the Miraculous team now seem to have Félix on their side (and in their friend group too I suppose) as he might be the only one who will be able to see through her future's alias lies.
I mean, sure Marinette saw through her the first time, but not only was her jealousy over Adrien a major factor, she also knew for a fact that Lila didn't know Ladybug.
Similarly, Adrien, being Chat Noir, could find it suspect that Ladybug would be friend with a civilan, let alone one who talked about it so freely. What's more, while he might be a bit naive at times, his fame has him used to liars up to a point.
The rest of their friends though all seem pretty willing to trust her. I guess the only odd-one-out is Luka who I believe never interacted with her.
If she goes with more subtle lies, the way I seem to remember she did with Kagami, not lies about extraordinary achievements or famous acquaintances, but lies or implicit suggestions about interpersonal relationships, I'm not sure any if the Miraculous holders will see through it.
Félix might be the only exception in my eyes. While he seems to be somewhat sheltered, like Adrien and Kagami, and thus not the best when it comes to social cues and conventions, he is the most wary, the one most used to fend for himself. He is naturally suspicious where Adrien would give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure if his Miraculous might give him an additional advantage (make him some kind of empath), but that's also something to keep in mind. His own acting skill might be, to our knowledge, limited to imitating his cousin, but his skills as a magician might help him catch Lila/Cerise red-handed at some point. And he has shown an ability to come up with ambitious plans and to achieve his goals through a variety of means that only Lila/Cerise can rival with so far.
The rest of them are just too "innocent".
Though Luka could also be a candidate, due to his "empath" music skills.
For both of them though, there is the question of how much interaction they might actually have with Lila/Cerise as they have been rather secondary characters so far. And the show seems to stubbornly only focus on Marinette/Ladybug, and Adrien/Chat Noir to a lesser extent. The start of a new villain arc would be a great time to change the dynamic, but I'm not very optimistic regarding the probability of this actually happening (this is a kids' show with a vested (economic) interest to keep focusing on the friendly heroine and her cool & gentlemanly sidekick, rather than the deeper, somewhat ambivalent secondary characters).
In the end I wouldn't be surprised if they have Marinette being the one to see through her because of Lila/Cerise's animosity towards her and Ladybug. Possibly with Adrien/Chat Noir being taken advantage of, with the true circumstances of his father's death being kept from him by Ladybug, and Lila/Cerise telling him the truth or something close to it, plus not having "been there to save his father" and him still being just "one of the (Miraculous) team" getting to him.
If they are going to stick to Marinette and Adrien instead of giving a bigger role to secondary characters, let's hope they at least make it somewhat interesting by having Marinette completely falling for the "new girl's" friendly attitude and Adrien being the suspicious one.
But yeah, fingers crossed for more Félix screen time (he's definitely the most interesting character so far, toeing the line between "good and bad") and him being key to "defeating" Lila/Cerise. And in general to more "mature" storylines than what we've had so far. And/or more realistic ones.
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Daminette December 2022: 23-Swim
There was a heatwave in Paris. It was so hot that they felt like they were in a giant frying pan. The class thought the best thing to do would be to go to the pool. They already figured it would be packed with kids and parents. They didn't expect to see a paper on the aquatic center that said it was closed due to a reservation.
"They can't be closed!" Whined Alix.
"It's so hot." Nino sighed.
"I'm sure we can still get in." Lila declared, "It's probably a kid's birthday party or something. I'm sure we can convince them to let us hover in the deep end."
'Kim mentioned he was a lifeguard in training. All I have to mention is he's a lifeguard to the parents and they'll let us in. Free babysitting for Kim and we can swim.'
Lila had convinced the rest of the class that they could help with swimming lessons or even keep them an eye on the children. It would be simple and boring, but they would be cool and wet.
As they forced their way inside and walked into the pool area, they saw there was no party. The only person they saw was Marinette climbing out of the pool in a pink bikini with her hair down. None of them had known that the clumsy girl they knew was athletically built.
Before they could utter a word, a voice cried out, "Why are you here? Can you not read?"
A muscular guy with olive skin stepped into view. The girl stared in awe, while even Kim felt unworthy standing next to him.
'Who is this hottie and why is he with her?'
"Explain." he stated again.
"We-We just wanted to use the pool." Kim declared.
"You can return in two hours." he stated.
"Marinette knows us!" Lila smiled, "It's fine."
"Leave or I will contact the authorities." he demanded.
"Dude, you can't hog the pool!" Nino complained.
"I can when I reserved it and bought out the hours." he commented.
'This guy reserved the whole pool?'
"Dami, how was my time?" Marinette questioned, walking up to him.
When Marinette noticed some of the class, she quickly covered herself up.
"Dami, is everything okay?" she asked, half way hiding behind the guy.
"Get my phone, Angel." he demanded, "I'll be pulling my services from this establishment."
"There's no need to do that." Rose spoke up.
"Yeah, Marinette, tell him you know us." Alya smiled.
"I do." Mari declared.
"See!" Alix shouted.
"And?" Marinette answered.
The class fell silent by Marinette's decleration and sudden change in attitude. Even Lila was shocked by her new hostility.
"I can't believe your acting like this with your friends!" the journalist snarled
Marinette scoffed, "All of you have told me several times that we are not friends. I don't see you as friends. The only reason we came here, instead of the hotel pool was because it's being cleaned."
"We can share the time." Nino tried to offer.
"Leave." Damian demanded.
"What?" Rose questioned.
"You're kicking us out?" Kim asked, surprised.
Marinette handed Damian his phone in plain view. The class looked from Marinette to the guy with her.
Mari smiled, "Damian is very honest so I'd listen to him. He means everything he says."
The class quickly gathered up thei belongings, they had thrown on the floor, and glared at her.
"You've changed." Alya declared.
"I know." she answered, "I prefer myself this way. You can thank Lila for being such a bitch and a liar to me. You showed me these assholes aren't my friends."
Damian pulled Marinette close to his side and smirked, "We'll do another ten laps. Then, have your last break before another ten. Once we're done, we'll head back to the hotel and get ready for our dinner date."
Marinette placed a kiss on his cheek and walked back towards the other end of the pool.
"I'd leave now." Damian snarled, "You are unwanted here."
The class quickly rushed out of the aquatic center.
"Was that really Marinette's boyfriend?" Nino wondered.
"He seems super scary." Rose declared, "Luka was much sweeter."
"Who cares?" Alya shouted.
"I can't believe she said we weren't friends!" Lila sniffled, "She said so many mean things about me, too."
"But she was right, too." Rose admitted, shocking Lila, "We said we weren't her friends, first."
"We didn't mean it, though." Kim cried out.
"I think, she thinks, we actually meant it." Alix answered.
Everyone looked around at each other and frowned.
"We just wanted her to be nice to Lila!" Alya insisted, "We never meant for her to take it to heart!"
'They were still friends with her?'
"She still could have shared the pool." Lila whined, "It's so hot."
"I looked it up." Nino sighed, "The hotel pool is closed all week."
"I'm still shocked she was doing laps." Kim commented, "She isn't on the swim team, but she definitely has the body of a swimmer."
Alix scoffed, "Who cares about her body; did you see those muscles? I wanna know how much she lifts! She might be a bigger muscle head than you, Monkey Brains."
"Well, did you see who she was with?" Nino shouted, "He was ripped! He had like ten pack! Kim is a jock and Adrien is a model. He looked better than both of them combined!"
Rose giggled, "She moved on from a model and rock star to a God."
"A scary 'God'." Lila frowned, "I can't believe he was going to call the cops on us."
Everyone frowned and looekd around.
"Ice cream?" Kim questioned.
"Sure." Alix responded, dropping the subject entirely.
Everyone followed Kim, dropping the fact that Marinette was no longer their friend, she had a boyfriend and that the pool was no longer an option. Lila followed slowly behind them, wondering how everything came to a halt.
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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nullsleepy · 9 months
Infection 2.0
Chapter 1: Betrayal
Chapter 1(HERE), Chapter 2(TBA)
Marinette has had enough. Enough of all their jeers, their bullying, their outright assault on her entire being. After piling up all her emotions, she can barely find it in her to breathe anymore. When Chat Noir gives up his ring for selfish reasons, she loses it. She and Plagg are going to bring a ruin to Paris, one infection at a time.
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The cold breeze stung against the warmth of her flushed skin, her eyes unfocused as she gazed at the streets below. She leaned her bare forearms on the smooth marble of her balcony, shivering at how cool the material was. Marinette’s light pink nightgown pressed against her body, flapping as the wind got harsher. She did her best to ignore the chill of the outdoors, wanting to take a break from it all. As she continued to stare down at the streets, looking at nothing in particular, the memory of the other night began to taunt her.
“Chat…” Marinette whispered, her warm breath materializing from the freezing temperature. Her heart ached, her mind ached. How could he do that to her? After everything they had been through? Marinette couldn’t believe it, wouldn’t believe it. She denied it even as she stared down at the metal ring on her finger. The Chat Noir she knew would never do something like this, would never give up on her, on them.
“Think happy thoughts, Marinette, think happy thoughts,” she bit the inside of her mouth, trying to stay calm. She focused on the sounds of busy streets, of the people laughing down below. She thought of her own family, when they were playing games and baking. She thought of her friends and when they would plan surprise parties for each other. But then… then she started remembering how her life is currently. Of how her parents barely talked to each other or to her. Of how her friends had begun sticking gum to her seat and stealing her sketchbooks. Of how Lila Rossi tipped her entire life out of balance. Of how Chat Noir-
Marinette stood up from where she was leaning, clutching her head. Bad Marinette, bad! She had gotten too lost in her mind again, had taken off her rose tinted glasses for too long. She gripped her pigtails, strands of midnight blue hair sticking out of clenched hands. Marinette rushed forward into her room, slamming the glass door behind her closed. She drew the curtains, trying to hide in the dense darkness of her room.
“…Marinette” A low voice whispered next to her from where she sat in the middle of the room. She glanced over, noticing the glowing neon green eyes. The eyes of her chat, her kitty, her-
“Marinette, look at me.” Plagg stared at her, her chat nowhere to be seen. She saw the pity in those beautiful green eyes, saw the way they wavered as they looked at her.
“…Plagg…” Marinette’s voice was soft, like a scared little girl’s. “Why are you here? Where’s Chat Noir?”
“….” The pity in his eyes intensified. He flew up and onto her head, curling on top of it.
“Plagg? I asked you where Chat was! It’s dangerous if he doesn’t have his miraculous!” Marinette tried to look up at him, but it was impossible. He was on her head and wasn’t moving. “Don’t just ignore me, Plagg! Tell me where Chat Noir is!”
“…” No movement.
“Plagg! You have to go back to Adrien! He- no… I…” Marinette stopped, her eyes wide. She couldn’t know who he was, not unless- “NO! Chat wouldn’t do that to me! He wouldn’t!”
Marinette’s tears stained her flushed cheeks as she curled in on herself, shaking. “He wouldn’t! He wouldn’t! Chat Noir would never! He…”
Marinette felt a warm touch on her cheek. She took in the green glowing eyes of a creature that wasn’t her kitty, almost making her sob harshly once again.
“Plagg…” She reached over, hugging the small creature. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”
Her kitty hadn’t left just her but his kwami as well.
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“Chat! I got your message, what do you need?” Ladybug swung in, landing on the rooftop her kitty was standing on. “Don’t tell me you have to miss patrol again! You know as well as I do that-”
“I quit.” The low hum of her partner’s voice startled her, causing her to look him in the eyes.
“What?” She couldn’t believe it, she had to have heard him wrong. There was no way-
“I quit.” Her cat stood there, his tail softly swinging below him. “I just can’t do this anymore, Ladybug. This isn’t a joke. I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much- too much on me and my life. I had a lot of fun with you, Ladybug, but I can’t force myself to be someone I’m not. I’m just… It’s better if I show you- Plagg, Claws out!”
There he was. There was the boy- the man who had worked beside her and made her day for years. He was…
“I'm just Adrien. I'm not a hero.” He stood there, swaying slightly. His stance was awkward with his hand on his neck.
“Adrien? No, no! Chat, please, turn back! I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything so-”
“No, Ladybug,” he held out the now purely silver ring to her. “I’m just Adrien now. Chat Noir is a nobody. He doesn’t exist.”
He looked at everything that wasn’t her as he grabbed her hand and shoved the ring into it. He turned and walked away before she could say anything.
“…idiot.” A voice beside her mumbled, causing her to almost fall over. She turned towards the voice with tears in her eyes. A small creature with cat-like features was floating beside her, looking at Adrien's back. “You idiot! If you do this- you can’t go back!”
“I’m sorry Plagg, but you know how this is. I’m not cut out for this anymore. There’s nothing keeping me from quitting anymore.” Adrien kept walking, reaching the door that would lead him into the building. “It’s too much responsibility on me. And.. It's not fun. It’s not something I can mess around doing. I’ve realized this now. Goodbye, Plagg, Ladybug.”
Marinette and Plagg stared at the closed door with wide, shaky eyes. The image of Adrien’s back was clear in their eyes, as if the door hadn’t separated them. As if he hadn’t cut off their connection forever…
Chat Noir wasn’t spotted after that night, ever again.
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Plagg said nothing to the girl, his presence could only be felt by the warmth on a small spot on her head.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled for what must have been the hundredth time this evening. She still denied what happened days ago at this very same hour. She couldn’t believe it. Her companion in this ordeal, in life, had abandoned her. She both understood and didn’t. So she denied what happened with everything she had.
Plagg continued to warm that spot on her head, almost calming Marinette down.
“It… It didn’t happen, okay, Plagg? It didn’t happen and you’re still with Adr- Chat. You’re still with Chat and we are going to meet up tomorrow night since tonight he’s busy. Yes, he’s just busy.” Marinette tried her best to convince herself, insanity almost leaking out of her voice.
Not a single sound could be heard above her head.
“Yes, yes- that’s exactly it! He’s just a little busy right now! He’ll be back for you soon. Yes, yes!” Marinette smiled, her eyes bloodshot from her hours of crying. Her smile felt forced, too large to be normal. She looked every bit insane as she sounded, with only one pigtail still left half-tied.
“Hehehehe, yes! My chat is just a litttttttttle busy right now! He’ll be back soon!” Marinette started giggling, smiling even bigger.
“Hmmmmmm…? What is Plagg…?” Marinette tilted her head up, forgetting he was on her. She looked up, seeing him peak out a bit on top of her forehead.
“…I’m sorry.”
“…For what Plagg? For what?” Marinette continued to smile inhumanly large, eyes wide.
“….You’re weird, Plagg! You don’t even finish your sentences.” Marinette giggled again, and again, and endless continued to giggle the night away.
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Marinette’s eyes lazily left the board as she fiddled with her fingernails. Her eyes narrowed in on Adrien’s sunny blonde hair as he laughed at whatever Nino said. She couldn’t hear it from where she sat all the way from the back of the class, but she imagined his laugh sounded like angels singing. She reached into her jean pockets and pulled out the silver ring, playing with it under her desk.
“Dude, what happened to your silver ring?” She could make out Nino’s voice as she leaned over her desk, obviously staring at him.
“Uh, I just gave it away to a fan. I’m sure they needed it more than me.” Adrien smiled brightly, as if he was the sun himself. But his words hit Marinette hard. She physically flinched back, ring in hand.
“Oh, alright. Dude, you should get Lila to get you a new one! She knows a cool up and coming artisan who was like the great, great grandson to Da Vinci.”
“Maybe I’ll ask her later, I don’t want to bother her too much.” His smile strained just as Marinette’s eyes became shooting glares at the mentioned girl.
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“Marinette…?” Her darling Adrien’s voice called out to her, making Marinette sit up from where she dozed.
“…Adrien? Adrien! Hi! What’s up?” She scrambled to sit up, a paper sticking to her face. She beamed at him as she took in his gaze.
“Could I talk to you outside?” His large green eyes overwhelmed her, entrancing her like a magical forest. His hair was the sun beaming down on the plants of life and his smile was the very air that life needed to breathe.
“Y-yeah! Sure! Let me just clean up, I’ll meet you outside!” Marinette crammed her papers into her bag, blushing brightly as she ripped a paper off her face. She shoved all the rest of her belongings in after it, rushing after Adrien who had just smiled and walked away.
“So! What’s up? Whatcha need, my good old pal-io?” Marinette internally cringed at herself, but continued to smile at him.
“I just… I know you have a way to contact Ladybug and…” HE’S GONNA ASK FOR THE RING BACK! HE’S GOING TO BE MY PARTNER AGAIN! “I just want you to tell her that I haven’t changed my mind. I’m never going back. I like my life now, and I’m just going to forget everything.”
He’s going to forget everything? Everything they’ve been through?
“Could you tell her that for me?”
“S-sure…” Marinette stared past him, not really sure what she had just heard.
He… he’s abandoning her. He’s abandoning everything they ever did together… them.
He’s abandoning them.
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“Plagg…” Marinette slid her earrings into their case, ignoring Tikki’s call. Her eyes were even more bloodshot than before, but now she lacked any type of expression. “…I can’t do this anymore.”
The cold metal of the ring in her hand stung, as if it was trying to burn a hole in the middle of her palm. She stared down at it, the light from the window reflecting off of it. Her entire room was pitch dark aside from a peak in the window and the glare on the ring.
“I’m sorry…” She mumbled, a hand reaching down to fiddle with the lab coat she stole from her Chemistry class. She clenched the ring tightly with the other, the feeling of burning getting worse.
Her hair was still tied into a messy bun, with random pieces of hair sticking out. The circles under her eyes seemed to get worse every second as she continued to stare down at her closed hand.
Tears began to leak out from her swollen eyes, forcing her to close them. Her eyes ached painfully, the tear ducts abused from her hours of nonstop crying. The feeling was even worse than the time she got her wisdom teeth taken out without the use of anesthesia. She still continued to stand there, though, despite her pain. She didn’t even notice it, really. All she could feel was how the ring kept burning her hand.
A sudden warmth on her nose caused her to break out of the trance, making her look up with mostly unfocused eyes. A black blur stood floating in front of her, green eyes staring down at her.
“Plagg?” She stared at the green eyes as they changed to a bright yellow and the pitch black fur became green tinted. So confused by the image in front of her, she didn’t even notice as a certain black-purple butterfly flapped its wings and entered her lab coat.
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Notes: Rewriting a fic I wrote in the past(still continuing that one, but I’m redoing things in this fic) anyways I’m obsessed with doing polls so poll time!
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deustux · 9 months
I'll never get over Thomas asstruck for refusing to redeem a 14 year old but then redeem a child abuser who was planning to kill the entire world to bring his wife back THEN FRAME HIM AS THE HERO?!!! Also he refuses to want to redeem the 14 year old BUT REDEEMS HER FATHER THE CORRUPT MAYOR WHO TAUGHT HER TO USE HER FAME AND POWER OVER OTHERS AND ENCOURAGED HER BEHAVIOUR THEN GETS TO ABANDON HIS DAUGHTER FOR HIS STEP DAUGHTER AND SEND HIS BIO DAUGHTER TO HER ABUSIVE MOTHER?!!! 1000/1000 writing Thomas congratulations for teaching kids their parents are allowed to abandon them for fucking their kids up. Also reminder Thomas said chloe wasn't being abused by her mother cause he doesn't think emotional abuse and neglect is abuse 😒😒 (ofc unless it's his baby marinette or adrien)
I also can't help but laugh at how Thomas comes off as kind of sexist. For a feminist show he sure loves to bully and hate a 14 year old girl. Also him playing favourites with his "daughter" (yes he said marinette was the Love child of him and his ex, Sabine is literally the name of his ex and she was literally Chinese so wtf Thomas. Whyd he think putting him and his ex together in a show long after they've broken up is okay???!!.)
Also Thomas loves pulling a yandere dev (ofc not the pedo part) just like yandev he can't take criticism and blames it all on his fans. "What's that you think chloe is badly written? No that's your fault cause you can't get over how she's changed!" (He hasn't said this but he does say this type of shit to people then they point out plot holes or things that don't make sense for the characters to do).
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snitchesnsneeds · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews: The New York Special
New York! New York! It's a Fuck of a town! The Bronx is up but the Battery's down! I was spooked by it when I went there in the summer of 2017-ound! New York! New York! It isn't a town!
(It's a city.)
(Also I heard Alya and Nino did a big no-no here so I'll keep my eyes out.)
Oooh! Big new Fancy Opening!
Good introduction, silly stuff with Mr. Pigeon, New suits that I'll talk more about in season 5, etc.
Green typically represents jealousy, Chat. It's good to see you trying to befriend Ladybug instead of flirting with her, though.
Also good ego. It's hard to balance your ego from experience.
And of course Marinette harshly simps for Adrien when it's a detriment to her. Do the salters live in backwards land or something? Chat Noir isn't perfect but he has more respect for Ladybug's boundaries. He doesn't sniff Ladybug's pillow, and I doubt he would even if he knew where she lived.
Sock puppetry lmao
Chloe, shouldn't you be happy about going to New York? You wanted to move there with the Karen that birthed you.
Get disrespected lmao
I love through that sock-filled monologue Marinette implied Lila wasn't their friend. Then again, considering my belief that more of the class is sus of Lila than Marinette,
Yes! Marinette's actually letting go! Or at the very least trying to! Forget what I said earlier. Baby steps, baby steps.
I'm assuming Ladybug's taking the Horse Miraculous with her again like with Startrain. Also the Kitty toy alarm's so cuute!
Dramatic irony lmao "Do you see a supervillain in the house?"
I'm also glad we're getting Luka and Kagami content, even if they aren't going on the trip.
Adrien's dad is coming! And I think he's afraid of flying!
Oh god. This relationship is an agony of cringe. Also quit encouraging it, Alya. Even Rose seems to be for Marinette changing seats and she's an utter romantic.
He is afraid of flying.
Sleep cute. I love it. And the ships too.
Oh no. Alya, Nino, don't do it. Marinette and Adrien are better off as friends. Don't do what I think you're going to do.
He doesn't look that much like a pirate. Aren't supervillains supposed to have more swag than this? Maybe he's just a villain.
Oh yeah. The Miraculous isn't the only magic (in an abstract literary sense) in this verse. There's also superheroes. And all the other Zagtoon shows.
Adrien and Marinette are made for eachother in the same way water and cesium is.
They're really trying to tell me Sabrina is bi and into some guy she just met? I could probably believe the bi part, actually, but only if she uses her love language: acts of service pushed to the extreme.
The mischevious
They're really trying to act as if Sabrina isn't approx. as evil as Chloe and pushing this relationship with what looks like a background character?
Hot Dog superhero whose hot dogs empower others. This is objectively the best superhero I've seen.
Fuck it. I'll take this. There's Julerose in this slow dancing scene. Look on the bright side of life.
Doors! Doors! Doors! Doors!
Oh. So it's the teenaged American heroes suggesting that. Oh. Alya's more innocent than thought. She's still into it, though.
Why is Uncanny Valley's superhero design so white? And just looks like that in general? Sparrow's is cool and practical, though.
There's the piracy! I was looking for that!
Why did Techno Pirate only steal her third eye? She's 100% technology! Oh. He just couldn't.
Ladybug, quit distracting Chat Noir. He fully did not expect this.
Oh. Chat Noir had time, he was just anxious or something. Yeah. I get it now. Ladybug has the right to be pissed.
So it was an accidental killing. And she was only corroded, not dusted.
What is with these assholes? Technolyzer or whatever his name was the one that forced Chat Noir to cataclysm Uncanny Valley, and yet they're blaming Ladybug and Chat Noir?
Reused sewer model
No, Chat, she would've been fine no matter what. The Miraculous Big Bang undoes death. It undoes erasure from existence.
This feels forced. Too forced.
...Is that her civilian model? And at least someone's getting consequences for trying to force Adrienette.
This is a joke. That sopping wet cat breakup is a joke. Marinette's unfaithfulness is a joke. The superheroes under liberation are jokes. Why is Miracalyzer or whatever his name is making someone want to take people's freedoms away? Oh right. We got this much Julerose content in an absolute joke of a special. Cursed irony.
Alright, the orchestral reprise of Chat Noir's transformation was pretty cool, I'll admit. He's back!
Miracolonizer? Is that his name?
So was Adrien's dad just listening to stuff in his room this whole time?
And was this trip that short?
And all the VAs were dehydrated at the time due to production fuckery and a constrained schedule?
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So that's what that fic was talking about. It was a Julerose fic as well. Marinette was dating Luka and Adrien was dating Kagami at the time of this special. No mention of polyamory. They were making her cheat. This is Luka disrespect. This is Kagami disrespect. Alya, what the fuck? Also the other plot stuff was just My Hero Academia again, and I hate My Hero Academia.
Edit: So apparently Adrien was told he's going to New York right as he was leaving. So it wasn't his fault.
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
Gold Rush
Ship: Timari
Rating: G
WC: ~1.0k
A/N: this was written probably two years ago (?) and kinda rushed, so it's not my best work. I did edit a bit and any mistakes or bad plot is mine and not my lovely beta-readers', @kitsun369 and @mothofhearts
Constructive criticism accepted (but please be nice) and any feedback is great!💜
Inspired partially by Taylor Swift's song, Gold Rush. If you recognize little nods to certain lyrics, congratulations! My symbolism didn't go to waste.
For @the-coffee-fandom, @velveteenshadow, @forgottenfriends, @timinette-is-best, @miraculousmelodies and all the other Timari Coven fiends.
Marinette eyed Lila over the rim of her punch glass. She was talking flirtatiously with the host of their trip to Gotham, Wayne Enterpsises' CEO Tim Drake.
Marinette had hoped that he'd use his internationally famous genius to see through Lila's facade, but it seemed like the liar had another victim of her honeyed tongue. At least this time she wouldn't be lying when she bragged about knowing the Timothy Drake (even though everything Lila said after that probably wouldn't be true).
Marinette and Tim had met at the pre-party meet-and-greet, where their hosts formally introduced themselves to their Parisian guests. Marinette had met his eyes as they shook hands and promptly fell into his sparkling ocean-blue eyes that twinkled with amusement at her flushed face. She furiously willed away the heat creeping up her neck and into her cheeks, hoping it wouldn't come back every time she looked at him.
He was quite charismatic and she knew he was one of the most sought-after dates, a handsome heir to two multi-million dollar companies....handsome? She thought beautiful fit him better, with his expressive eyes and lean yet muscled build and hair casually falling into place over his eyes when he shook his head, laughing at a guest's joke.
No, bad Marinette. She had an online boyfriend, and they were going to make it official when they met in person. She was not going to do anything more than admire her host's looks.
Between the meet-and-greet and dancing/socializing part of the party was a fancy dinner, where Marinette sat opposite Tim and they had a delightful discussion.
It kind of reminded her of her DMs with her gaming partner/online boyfriend, RRBurgers (she called him RR). They typed about anything and everything and often debated random things just for fun, to test their wits.
Tim had said something—she was sure it was purposely controversial—and she'd ached to begin a war of words, but responded more mildly than she liked. He had looked surprised, then thoughtful, when she refused to verbally spar with him.
They'd brushed fingers as they crossed paths, completely by accident, and Marinette promptly increased her speed, heading to the powder room to silently talk to herself (and Tikki).
She was in love with RR and didn't need to fall for gorgeous eyes and perfect smiles.
Now, she was seeing red—or at least a shade of rose, the colour of Lila's surprisingly unostentatious dress—as she spied on Mr. Drake and Lila's flirting.
She drained her punch in an annoyed swig, moving to the balcony, and looked at the stars until her jealousy cooled. If Mr. Drake couldn't see Lila for who she was, he deserved her, she told herself.
With a sigh, she leaned on the railing and pulled out her phone to play a round of her favourite game.
She stiffened when Mr. Drake appeared at her elbow. How had she not heard him approach? Then again, the ambient chatter and music were noisy.
“You play well."
“Thanks.” She finished her round (a win) and returned her phone to her purse.
"You play Knights of Mirreile?” Mr. Drake obviously wasn't taking her silence as a hint, or else he was outright ignoring her body language.
“Yes. You know it?”
“I joined to practice my French with native speakers. I'm on the Parisian server, actually—my handle is RRBurgers.” He looked at her curiously.
She took a step back. “RR? I'm LadybugandtheTramp!”
He held out his hand. “Hi, Lady. I'm RR; thrilled to meet you in person.”
She shook it, willing her returning blush to retreat. “Wait a minute...tell me three things only RR and Lady know. Just to be sure.”
Tim grinned at her. “You're wise; this is Gotham, after all.
"Uh, une: I contacted you first, to ask you to teach me some hacks.
"Deux: You have PTSD from Hawkmoth and often can't sleep, so you game, because you don't like sewing as much anymore.
"Trois,” he lowered his voice and stepped closer. Marinette could feel his body heat, even though the air was crisp. “We're a couple in Mireille and when we are planning to meet and date in person. You told me you were in love with me twenty-two days ago, and I replied that I was in love with you too.”
Marinette could barely breathe when she saw the intense look in his eyes. “Uh...I guess you are RR...I'm so glad to finally meet you in person, although it's sooner than I was expecting! You're even cuter than I imagined.”
She enjoyed the pink on his face instead of hers more than she should have.
"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow, Lady?”
"I'd love to!"
" But until tomorrow, would you care to spend our time together dancing?"
The red on Tim's neck spread and Marinette giggled. "Who taught you how to be so smooth? I almost fell for you all over again."
Tim winked at her, took her hand, and led her to the dancefloor. Marinette silently thanked Chloe for insisting on teaching her how to properly waltz, at least.
As they swirled around the room, he complained in her ear. “I talked with Lila. You're right—I can't believe what she made up! When I asked for clarification, the lies got more outrageous! I am so sorry for your suffering.”
Shyly, she admitted, “I was a little jealous of the attention you were paying her. I thought your smarts could see through her but it didn't look like it—you're a good actor."
“Thanks, I have to be.”
At her puzzled look, he explained, “In business meetings, you've got to keep a poker face, especially when you're a young businessperson like me.”
“Oh,” she nodded. “I understand that."
She relished in the angry look Lila sent their way as they twirled past her. Maybe Tikki's powers did rub off on her, building up to this moment. For some reason, she felt secure in the knowledge that she was safe and could be herself.
When she had first met RRBurgers online, she was prepared to keep her distance from him emotionally. It had been just after Ladybug and her team defeated Hawkmoth and she was depressed and suffering PTSD, gaming when she couldn't sleep or had nightmares. But RR had somehow wormed his way into her good graces with his nerdy jokes and similar lifestyle and whacky stories about his family, and the next thing she knew she had a big crush.
They gradually grew closer, DMing every day, and RR had really encouraged her in a way her old friends hadn't been able to do. She had changed a lot after being Ladybug, but they still saw her as Past Marinette. RR was a virtual friend, a blank slate, and knew Present Marinette.
He'd encouraged her to stop sewing if she didn't have a passion for it anymore and not be bound by people's expectations of Past Marinette, but show them Present Marinette.
She hadn't been brave enough to completely act like Present Marinette, but with Tim encouraging her from her side instead of over a screen, she thought she could try now.
Tonight was as good a place to start as any. She approached Lila, Tim's arm around her waist. "Hey, Lila, I see you've met Tim's brother, Dick. Have you told him about that time you heroically saved Jagged's kitten yet?"
~~le fin~~
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jennrypan · 1 year
So..MLB basically says.
Gabriel, Tomoe, Jagged Stone, Audrey and Andre are ALLLLL worthy of redemption and theyre actually NOT that bad despite one being an actual terrorist and the others being either overbearing to an abusive degree, neglectful and childish or verbally abuse.
Obviously Chloe and Lila are assholes and deserve repercussions for being bullies and treating others like shit, anyone with a brain can see that but to be so heinous and down right stupid to claim these kids are more fucked up than the actual adults who are fully aware of whats going on?? Whos been alive longer?? Seriously?? Make that make sense.
Why does Gabriel get to redeem himself after spending months terrorizing Paris, killing people, neglecting his son and even physically abusing him when he deems it fit?? Why does he get a pass?? Cuz his baby mom got sick doin shit she knows she shouldnt be doing?? Really??
Why does Audrey and Andre get to not see anyone call them out for how they made Chloe?? Why does Andre get to disown Chloe and start over with her nicer copy?? After making her into the spoiled brat she is cuz HE GAVE HER EVERYTHING SHE WANTED, HE COULDVE PUT HIS FOOT DOWN BUT HE DIDNT?? HES A GROWN MAN, and suddenly hes done?? Cuz he wanted to be some dumbass director?? Seriously?? Sir you made your daughter that way and allowed your shitty wife to talk down to her and destroy her self worth, you allowed your daughter to keep demanding things from people and never ONCE tried to speak up, and suddenly you wanna start over with a kid that isnt even yours??
Jagged Stone literally abandons his whole ass kids cuz "kids arent cool" and he KNEW WHERE THEY WERE, KNEW WHO THEY WERE, and likely wouldve NEVER told them unless Luka in his akumatized form actually found him cuz hes a fucking man child going through a midlife crisis
(also lol @ all the salt fics saying hed be there for Marinette more than her own parents. Mf wasnt even there for his own kids, bffr)
I cant really say much on Tomoe cuz we dont really get much on her besides little hints but giving how Kagami is and how she mentions she wasnt even allowed to draw shows that Tomoe is exactly like Gabriel and what do ya know..Kagamis also a senti monster. Its fucked up!
Why do these grown ass adults get passes but Lila and Chloe dont? Chloes apparently a little soulless monster and Lila?? Is a fucking sociopath pulling an Orphan with all these new identities?? What the fuck??
Also lets not forget, Felix tried to make Adrien lose his friends, mocked Adrien for being an abused kid, found out Adriens mother is in the basement and REFUSES TO TELL HIM?? He gave Gabriel all of the miraculous, and instead of helping his COUSIN, he helps this random girl hes now suddenly obsessed with?? What?? But no yeah FELIX deserves to be forgiven despite all of his actions also being just as selfish and terrible as Chloe and Lila but go the fuck off ig, but EVEN STILL HES NOT WORSE THAN GABRIEL
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
hello I quite literally need you to finish your Lila and Alya swap arrival times AU
Going insane over the Lila side so far!!!
(What if Lila and Alya swapped arrival times) Part 3
-All things considered, Marinette's Hero life is not in as much jeopardy, in fact in season one its arguable that Alya made things harder.
-Ladybug is popular, but info about ladybug outside of Paris is limited, there is no consolidated place for information on whats what. Probably a few pockets on the internet, but no official blogs.
-Marinette's personal life is a bit more rocky. She never told her supposed best friend Lila she's Ladybug. In fact, Lila seems more envious of Ladybug than liking her. She cant tell Lila that SHE like Adrien, because Lila likes adrien.
-Thats when we get into Volpina,
-Adrien finds the book like in Canon, and takes it with him. Meanwhile things are relatively calm. Adrien isnt helping lila since she has been in school since the beginning of the year.
-Marinette finds herself helping the new girl around, Alya Cesaire. She is joining the class, and since Marinette is class rep, it would make sense she had that responsibility. Alya shows herself as quite a nice person and Marinette and her get along really well. Alya complimenting her style.
-Chloé tried to mess with them, but Alya showed she stands her ground just like in canon, with a heroine analogy as well. So thats a plus. They bond pretty quick.
-Of course Lila is calling marinette for something, which Alya notices the strained look on Marinette's face.
-"You okay?"
-"Yea, its just my friend needs something. I should get it to her."
-Alya asks if this is a common trend, but Marinette denies it... it is. It was after a bit that Marinette realizes that she is acting more like an underling than a friend.
-Marinette decides to ignore the call, she is having a fun time with the new girl, if its important than Lila can call again.
-Lila had been rocking a new look, something Marinette had made, and wanted Marinette's help to put the finishing touches. She was planning on asking adrien out.
-Of course, she notices Adrien is absentmindedly looking through a book.
-She sneaks a peek and notices that the pictures look very similar to a certain heroine of Paris.
-But before Lila could go forward asking adrien out. In his rush to get to fencing he agreed to meet her after school... he left the book.
-Marinette managed to finish showing Alya around, right as Lila arrived, focused on her own idea she ignored Alya to tell Marinette what she needed.
-"You want a necklace like that... what is this book?"
-Alya also took a look and noticed some similarities between the book and heroes of paris she heard of.
-Lila managed to shoot some lie about being super close with Ladybug halfhazardly, and Alya thought that was cool, but Marinette knew was a lie but was focused on the book.
-"So can you make it or not?"
-Tikki was watching, and whispered to Marinette to say yes. Surprised by tikki's insistance she went with it.
-Lila asked how long it would take, and Marinette said she wasnt sure, but that she needed the book as reference.
-Lila smiled and left, telling her to try and finish before end of school day.
-After leaving Alya told Marinette that Lila may know Ladybug but she didnt seem that nice.
-"What do you mean?" Marinette more focused on the book, didnt notice Lila's usual harshness.
-Alya told Marinette the honest truth, which Marinette did sort of understand but with her mind focused on leaving to see what tikki wanted with the book. Said that they could talk later.
-Alya decided that SHE would confront Lila about her treatment of Marinette.
-Marinette takes the book to Fu immediately as per Tikki's instruction. Missing school. But Lila covered for her since she believed Marinette was making her necklace.
-Marinette learns about Fu's backstory and Helps him make copies of the book. Because she needs to get it back to Lila. Though she did wonder how she got the book.
-After school, Lila realizes there is no Marinette in sight and she is ignoring her calls. So she grumbles and Buys a necklace thats... Close enough for her plan.
-Alya investigating Lila after the odd behavior. She is the one that confronts Lila before her interaction with Adrien.
-Lila tries to spin it but Alya knows whats up, she is trying to pretend to be a heroine. And Lila decides okay, enough nice girl.
-Lila threatens to destroy Alya's school life. Turn everyone against her. She would be alone, the weird hero obsessed new girl.
-Alya felt stunned and hurt. And in her frustration Yanked the fox necklace away from Lila, telling her that she isnt letting her have her way.
-Hawkmoth notices and finds he has an interesting new victim.
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the-delta-42 · 4 months
Battle Cry
Battle Cry
“Are we seriously having this conversation?” Demanded Alya, glaring at Nino. The rest of the Miraculous team watched the two argue, while Adrien scowled at his arms.
“She failed to stop Monarch, lied to us about his identity and lied to Adrien and told him his dad was a hero!” Snapped Nino, “She’s done nothing but lie, she’s no better than Lila or Monarch!”
“Felix and Kagami knew, are they no better than them or are they exempt from that view?” Retorted Alya, as her miraculous warmed against her skin, “She doesn’t call out for help often, if she’s doing it now, it’s serious!”
“Felix and Kagami didn’t have a choice, she did!” Yelled Nino, getting an eye roll from Alya.
“Fine, whatever,” Huffed Alya, turning away, “I’m going to Ladybug, you can…do whatever.”
Alya stalked away, with Luka and Zoe following her. Three flashes of light told the group that the three had transformed and gone to Ladybug.
Nino huffed through his nose and turned around, looking at Adrien, “Sorry you had to see that, bud.”
Adrien stayed silent, tracing invisible patterns on the table.
“Adrien, are you okay?” Asked Marc, getting a shrug from Adrien.
“Do you think I over-reacted?” Adrien’s voice was quiet, but everyone heard him.
“No-” Nino was interrupted by Kagami, “Yes.”
Everyone looked at Kagami, “Marinette only found out about Monarch’s identity an hour or two before we left, but she acted alone while everyone else was affected by the Akuma. I’d known for a couple of months before telling Marinette.”
Everyone’s Miraculous suddenly became hot, before rapidly cooling.
“W-what was that?” Asked Adrien, as Plagg appeared in front of him.
“Something’s happened.”
Rena, Viperion and Vesperia leaped and bounded over the rooftops of Paris, all racing towards the Louvre, they could see Ladybug fighting with someone with what looked like to be a dog’s head. It looked like the dog-headed person was winning.
Rena leapt into the air, launching herself feet first into the person’s head. It looked like a man. He grunted, as Rena kicked him into Viperion’s fist and Vesperia’s foot. Ladybug was breathing heavily, as Rena turned to her.
“Are you alright?” Asked Rena, frantically checking Ladybug over.
Ladybug looked down and Rena almost screamed at the sight of the knife in her side.
“We need to get you to a hospital.” Said Rena, trying to pull Ladybug to her feet.
“We need to help the Akuma victim.” Wheezed Ladybug, letting out a cough.
“Mari, if we don’t get you to a hospital, you could die.” Begged Rena, her throat getting tight.
“It won’t be a big loss,” Shrugged Ladybug, “the team wouldn’t care.”
“I would.” Rena’s voice broke, making Ladybug look up.
Ladybug’s eyes widened, before she shoved Rena out of the way, half-a-second later, a khopesh was embedded in her chest. Ladybug looked down, as Rena looked up at her and screamed, before Ladybug let out a final breath, closed her eyes and fell forwards.
Rena stared, horrified, at the blade of the khopesh sticking out of Ladybug’s back. The blade dissolved into dust, reforming in the person’s hand. With a swing of his arm, Viperion and Vesperia were knocked down, and the person rushed to Ladybug’s body and picked it up.
“Ffffindersss keeepeerss.” Wheezed the person, before vanishing in a plume of smoke, taking Ladybug’s body with him.
Rena stared at the spot where the man had vanished, oblivious to Chat Noir and the rest of the Miraculous Team arriving on the roof top.
Ladybug’s body hit the floor of Hawkmoth’s lair in the Parisian Catacombs, making Hawkmoth look at the man.
“I thought you said you needed her alive.” Said Hawkmoth, as the man stared at the corpse.
When she didn’t receive a response, Hawkmoth sauntered over to Ladybug’s body and delivered a kick to its side. Within a moment, the man had grabbed Hawkmoth by the throat, and slammed her into the wall.
“That…was unwise.” Growled the man, glaring at Hawkmoth, “I’d hate to have to find a new use for you.”
Hawkmoth sneered, “Let me down, Anubis.”
Anubis sneered back, before dropping Hawkmoth, he didn’t care for her name and he didn’t care for her motives.
“I never said I needed her alive, I just need her Miraculous, having her bones is a bonus.” Said Anubis, drawing an Ankh on Ladybug’s forehead with her own blood, “It means I won’t have to wait to acclimatise to it.”
The Ankh faded, as Ladybug’s suit became dark red with blood red spots. The body convulsed, before Ladybug’s body jumped to its feet, glassy eyes were narrowed into a glare as the body snarled and tried to launch itself at Anubis.
“Hmm, it’s not strong enough to fight its former comrades.” Mused Anubis, before looking at Hawkmoth, “I guess you’ll have to do.”
Deadbug’s head snapped to Hawkmoth, before releasing a horrifying scream and charging at Hawkmoth. Within moments, the zombified heroine had launched itself across the room, before tearing in Hawkmoth as it devoured her.
Anubis laughed as Hawkmoth screamed.
Deadbug clambered around the sewers, growling and groaning as it moved, grabbing rats and tearing into them. Anubis stood over a whimpering Hawkmoth, smirking as she tried to clean up the bite marks.
“Contrary too popular belief,” Said Anubis, “my dead don’t turn people by biting them, mine just eat what they need and leave, like leeches.”
Anubis crouched down and whispered, “Don’t go anywhere.”
“Bug!” Called Anubis, making Deadbug to stop, “Come!”
The monster growled, before prowling towards him, leaving Hawkmoth in a pool of her own blood.
“You can make yourself useful by sending out an Akuma to lure the others out.” Dismissed Anubis, before leaving with the monster.
“What do you mean you can’t?!” Demanded Alya, glaring at Alix, “You said Marinette wasn’t supposed to die, so why can’t you prevent this?!”
“Als,” Said Nino, gently touching Alya’s arm, “it’s okay.”
Alya gave Nino a withering look, he saw anger in her eyes, coupled with grief, but if Alya was going to say anything she decided not to, as she huffed through her nose and stalked away.
Nino went to say something, when everyone’s phones went off with an Akuma Alert. Quickly glancing at it, Nino quietly groaned, someone had been Akumatized over Marinette’s, Ladybug’s, death. Luka had told them what Marinette’s last words were and, while there was still the slight division over Monarch, everyone was shocked at what Marinette had thought.
Nino glanced over at Adrien, who hadn’t said anything since they saw Marinette dissolve into dust, before deciding to get anyone other than Adrien, and the three that had been with Marinette, to deal with it.
“There’s an Akuma.” Said Nino, getting anyone’s attention, “Who wants to deal with it?”
“How?” Asked Nathaniel, “Only Marinette could fix things and she’s dead.”
Nino winced, before Kagami got up, “I’ll take some people.”
Nino smiled, before Kagami, Félix, Sabrina and Ivan left to deal with the Akuma.
Fifteen minutes later, Nino found himself with the rest of the team as they fought off the Akuma, which turned out to be Marinette’s reanimated remains. The Dog-headed person from before was at a distance, commanding Marinette’s body. They’d started referring to it as Deadbug, as if to rub in the fact Marinette was dead.
With an inhuman scream, Deadbug would launch herself at various members of the team, while it may be Marinette’s body, it didn’t have her skills or intelligence. Pegasus had mentioned that it was a good thing, citing the number of times Marinette had beaten him at chess.
‘Dog-head’ obviously didn’t like how poorly Deadbug was doing, decided to change tactics. A moment later, an Akuma flew into the gaping chest wound on Deadbug’s body. The wound sealed up and Deadbug started hacking up strange, fleshy-looking clumps. Deadbug stopped hacking and breathed in, raising her head, her eyes, which had been a reddish black, were now purple. A sneer appeared on her face. With a scream, she detached the yoyo on her hip and turned it into a staff.
The staff connected with Carapace’s shield and Viperion’s lute, cracking the former and shattering the latter.
“Pathetic.” Snarled Darkbug, as she grabbed Viperion’s throat.
A Black blur zoomed past Carapace and tackled Darkbug. Viperion gasped as Chat Noir and Darkbug vanished down into a sewer.
Chat desperately tried to get Ladybug to snap out of whatever Hawkmoth had done to her. The usual bright red suit was dark and the spots blurring into the red, her eyes were purple, and her face was curled into a snarl.
“M’Lady, please, it’s me.” Pleaded Chat, as Darkbug stalked towards him.
“Stop calling me that!” Snarled Darkbug, conjuring a sword out of thin air and swinging it at Chat, “She’s gone, pest!”
Chat managed to knock the sword away, before she punched him with enough force to send him through the ceiling, the road on top of it and into the roof of a building. Chat groaned as he rolled onto his side.
“Dude!” Yelled Carapace, rushing towards him, “Are you alright?”
Darkbug landed on the rooftop, Chat scrambled away from her, with Darkbug striking the roof where he’d been moments before. Darkbug screamed and continued to strike at him. Each blow missing by a hair. Darkbug threw her sword, embedding into the roof a short way away from Chat. Darkbug went to punch Chat, only for Chat to grab her fist.
“Marinette, please,” Begged Chat, “it’s me, it’s Adrien.”
Darkbug looked confused, before standing up, her eyes flickering between purple and blue, before finally settling on blue. Her suit brightened and her spots became black.
“Adrien?” Murmured Ladybug, before swaying slightly.
Chat grinned, before Ladybug froze. The Khopesh that would’ve embedded itself into Ladybug’s back was blocked by a green shield.
“Where’s the Akuma?” Asked Carapace, as Ladybug shook her head.
“There,” Ladybug coughed, “There isn’t one. He’s using a miraculous.”
“Okay.” Nodded Ryuko, landing next to Ladybug, “Where is it?”
“The choker, it kind of looks like a dog collar.” Groaned Ladybug, “Oh, I’m gonna throw up.”
Ryuko blinked, before she looked at Rena, “get her out of here.”
Rena nodded, before vaulting off with Ladybug. Ryuko turned and looked at the Miraculous user, “Anyone have an idea how we’re supposed to beat this guy?”
Marinette threw up as soon as she dropped her transformation. Alya dropped hers and looked at Marinette.
“You okay, girl?” Asked Alya, as Marinette continued to throw up.
“Gimmie a minute.” Heaved Marinette, as she spat out some bile, “Okay, let’s get back there.”
“What?” Asked Alya, “No, you’ve got a chest wound and we don’t know how things are going to go if you go back there.”
“I have a plan.” Protested Marinette, before resting against the wall, “give me a minute.”
A soft thud had Alya recalling her transformation and swinging her flute at the source of the noise. Su Han stared at her, before looking at Marinette, “How did Anubis escape?”
Marinette shrugged, before trying to straighten up, only to collapse back against the wall, “This is starting to become a problem.”
Su Han frowned, before looking at Alya, “Where’s the Akuma?”
“In her chest, it’s the only thing keeping her sane.”
“Has she tried healing?”
“No, it’s still in her chest.”
“The Akuma’s already been purified, as soon as she casts the cure it’ll no longer need to keep her alive.” Said Su Han, as Marinette winced.
“Tikki,” Rasped Marinette, making the weaken Kwami look up, “Spots On.”
Ladybug slowly got to her feet, she coughed out, “L-lucky c-ch-charm.”
A red and black spotted first aid kit hit the floor. Rena quickly grabbed it and passed it to Ladybug.
“Mmmm, miiiraaculoouss,” Wheezed Ladybug, “L-laadeeeeeebuugg.”
A swarm of ladybugs swarmed over the city, repairing the damage done by Ladybug and Anubis’ initial battle and the fight between Chat Noir and Darkbug. The swarm suddenly slammed into Ladybug’s chest. Coughing up some blood, Ladybug fell down onto one knee.
The swarm vanished, leaving a heaving Ladybug covering her mouth with her hand. After one forceful cough, a single white butterfly fell onto her hand. The Butterfly shook off the bile covering it and flew off.
“Bye-bye, little butterfly.” Murmured Ladybug, before getting up, “I conjured a sword, where is it?”
“It should still be on the roof.” Answered Rena, looking at Ladybug, “girl, no offense, but your last fight with that guy left you covered in cuts.”
“Have you used the shielding feature?” Asked Su Han, getting Ladybug and Rena’s attention, “You just need to say the Kwami’s name and guard up.”
Ladybug and Rena looked at each other.
“Okay.” Sighed Ladybug, “Tikki, Guard Up!”
Red and black spotted plate armour formed on her feet, legs, hands and forearms, while similarly coloured padded chain mail formed on her chest and abdomen. Ladybug looked down at herself, “Wow.”
The team kept moving around Anubis, they didn’t stay in one place for two long, so the dark miraculous user couldn’t land any serious hits on them. Pigella suddenly tripped and fell to the ground.
Anubis gave a sneering grin and licked his lips, “Finally.”
He threw a khopesh towards her, Pigella closed her eyes and waited for the blade to hit her. The sound of metal hitting metal made her look up. A broadsword had batted the khopesh toward the ground. An armoured Ladybug and Rena Rouge stood in front of her.
Ladybug spun the sword in her hand, before she leapt towards Anubis. Rena drew two daggers and followed Ladybug’s lead. With Anubis suddenly on the backfoot, the team converged on him, with Purple Tigress grabbing the Jackal choker and yanked it off Anubis.
The man screamed as she dissolved into a pile of bones. Ladybug prodded his remains with the tip of her sword.
“Tikki, Guard Down.” Said Ladybug, after a moment.
Ladybug sighed and looked around, “Is anyone else hungry?”
Nino absently nodded, “Yeah. I think I saw Andre while we were fighting.”
“Good. Cool.” Muttered Ladybug, relaxing, “Let’s…let’s get some ice cream.”
The team started leaving, as King Monkey asked, “So, what’s it like being dead?”
“Surprisingly quiet.”
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a-had-matter · 6 months
Greetings mutual of mine, tis I, completing my duties as a mutual to randomly send you questions :D (I haven’t done these in a while oh well lmaooo)
Thoughts on the ending to s5 of MLB?
Sorry for the late reply, I literally just watched it and i went on a roller coaster of emotions. spoilers ahead for whoever else reads this
I was in tears when i saw that GABRIEL FUCKING AGRESTE HAD A DAMN STATUE AFTER WHAT HE DID, like what the actual fuck. he started off as a goofy bald-looking villain and turned out a whole terrorist. we forget, i guess, that they are teenagers. what he did is unforgivable. akumatizing innocent people, neglecting his son, (i feel for Natalie honestly, cause she deserves better) causing so much stress and probably trauma, stealing miraculous, spreading his terribleness throughout the world, existing.
i also don't know why marinette thought she could reason with him, and i literally howled in laughter when he paralyzed her with venom cause idk why she trusted him. i knew it would happen. he's crazy. you cannot reason with crazy.
I also haven't seen any of the show since season 3 i think, so whenever I saw luka was a guardian, i was happily surprised. i don't even know how that happened, so that's when i burst into my first set of tears. I love that man.
I am also a fan of gimmi just because of the name (also, why did bug noir's eyes look like kiwis?!) and honestly, these two episodes just changed my entire view on marinette. i know it was gabriel's "dying wish" for adrien not to know of his villainy, but that does not mean mari should have kept that wish. if my parental figure did that shit, i'd wanna know, and then if someone i loved pulled what she pulled, i'd be pissed! like wth?! HE DOES NOT DESERVE SHIT. HE'S LITERALLY TERRIBLE. ADRIEN HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW!!!
and then the way marinette knows. she knows everything about what went down, i know it, i know it, i know it. and she didn't fucking tell him, like what the actual fuck. what the fuck. (also, the way ladybug and chat noir still don't know each other's identities is hilarious to me) the truth about that will come out, and it will ruin their relationship. and the only person i'll feel bad for is adrien, and no one else, cause why would she keep that from him? he needs to know that. also, i don't know about that one girl who has the moth miraculous. she looks like a lila
and i'm not hating on how it ended with how their city is now, cause that's super cool, i love the eco rule, and the new school, and how bustier is the mayor, and the new reporter though i liked the old reporter. it was... good. i just don't like how marinette lied, and how gabriel was made to look like a hero though he was a literal fucking terrorist. thats all. and honestly, idk how i feel about adrienette anymore. or marinette anymore. it's just... idk
but there's my rant. i feel better letting all of this out.
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Why do you think the writers give Adrien's role to Alya and Félix instead of let him doing it himself?
Do you think there will be a consequences for Marinette choosing Alya as her partner? Since y'know Alya's identity is already revealed and Lila who steal Gabriel's data about miraculous most likely know her identity.
Sorry for my bad English!
Your English is fine! As for your questions...
My best guess is that Adrien's downgrade occurred for one of two reasons:
They didn't want to deal with the fallout of Adrien learning Gabriel's identity as that's a pretty freaking serious thing to try to handle. Every time I write a Gabriel reveal, the Adrien element is the hardest part to get right. I don't think I could do it if you made me fit it into 20 minutes and those 20 minutes also had to contain a cool fight to entertain the kids.
It's near impossible to involve Adrien in the parts of the plot that Alya and Félix get without leading to a love square identity reveal and this show is not going to let that reveal happen until they're dead certain that the show is ending.
Since the writers have straight up admitted the Adrien was never going to be at the final fight because they wanted BugNoir to happen, my guess is that it's more option 1 than option 2, but it could also be a combination of the two. Hard to say without insider knowledge.
As for the Alya thing, no, I don't think that's going to have any sort of negative consequences. After all, Alya's identity was revealed to Gabriel three times (Rena Rouge, Rena Furtive, and Scarabella) and he never once stopped to say, "Huh, maybe I should look into Alya's friends a little more or threaten her family again?" I believe that the show's head writer has straight up said that Gabriel wouldn't try a plan more than once because "he already knew it wouldn't work" or some similar confusing nonsense logic that may honestly have been a language gap thing since, "we don't want to repeat plots" is a reasonable stance even if it makes your villain look rather unintelligent.
Language barrier or not, this means that it's highly unlikely that Lila will be allowed to do the same things Gabriel already tried. We also don't know what knowledge she has. Like I call serious bullshit on her knowing that Adrien is a sentimonsters based on Nathalie just sending her a picture of Emilie and one of the Agreste's rings because why would Lila know that broken miraculous make people sick? Like there are a lot of mental leaps you have to make and a lot of additional knowledge you need to have to go from those pictures to the actual facts.
Then again, Lila learned Gabriel's secret identity by reading Nathalie's lips so who knows what BS the show will claim she knows next. Her writing is aggravating to the point when I'm not planning to watch season six because she's the main villain. The most I'll do is put it on in the background once it's all dubbed and streaming.
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