#like I felt so bad they felt a sense of camaraderie with me
givemebishies · 3 months
I just had to replace my “Protect Trans Kids” pin because the text on it is so hard to see that it just looks like a plain trans flag from a distance, and someone saw it and mistook me for another trans person… I obvs wasn’t offended at all I just felt so bad that I accidentally kinda lied to somebody 🥲
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princesscait26 · 5 days
A Unlikely Friendship: 2
Summary: The two rivals wives are caught (I’m really bad at summaries)
Alastor x reader, Vox x unnamed wife, Vox’s wife x reader Platonic!
Part 1
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At the Hazbin Hotel, Y/n sat at her vanity, meticulously getting ready for the day. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the soft glow of the vanity bulbs. She was applying her lipstick when she noticed a familiar shadow in the mirror's reflection. Without turning, she spoke with a slight smile curving her now red lips, “I know you’re here.”
The shadow shifted, and in its place stood the Radio Demon himself. Alastor’s crimson eyes and broad smile fixed on his wife with a blend of curiosity and suspicion. “Where are you going today, my darling? It’s still only the morning,” he inquired, his tone deceptively casual.
Alastor was known throughout Hell for his malevolence, but in the presence of his wife, he was softened, almost vulnerable. Her absence left him feeling incomplete, a sensation he loathed.
Y/n turned, meeting his intense gaze with practiced ease. Avoiding his question, she picked up her purse and leaned in to plant a light kiss on his cheek. “I’m going out. I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t forget you have a meeting with Charlie today, dear!”
Before Alastor could react, she slipped past him, the reminder of his meeting momentarily distracting him. She made her way to the door, her heart pounding as she sensed his gaze burning into her back.
The moment the door clicked shut, Alastor’s smile twitched, replaced by a look of steely determination. His possessiveness gnawed at him. Where was his wife off to, and what was she doing? His mind raced with possibilities, none of which he liked.
He could not simply let it go. Summoning his shadow, he issued a silent command. "Follow her. Report back to me."
As Y/n exited the hotel and stepped into the bustling streets of Hell, she felt a chill, a whisper of unease that she couldn't quite shake. She knew Alastor's nature all too well, knew he wouldn’t take her abrupt departure lightly. Yet, she couldn’t let him control every aspect of her life.
Back at the hotel, Alastor paced his room, the meeting with Charlie all but forgotten. His thoughts were consumed by his wife’s mysterious outings. Though he trusted her, his darker instincts drove him to ensure her safety and loyalty.
Y/n was blissfully unaware of Alastor's shadow trailing her as she made her way to the café. Believing she had successfully slipped away, she pushed open the door and was immediately enveloped by the comforting aroma of coffee and pastries. The gentle hum of conversation filled the air.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice called out. She turned to see Vox's wife, waving enthusiastically from a corner table. Y/n smiled and waved back, weaving her way through the tables to join her friend.
"I ordered your usual," she said with a warm smile as Y/n sat down. "Late again, I see. Did Alastor give you a hard time leaving?" She laughed, the sound bright and infectious.
Y/n giggled, sharing in the inside joke that both women held—how their husbands never made it easy for them to leave. "You know him too well," she replied with a chuckle. "It’s like trying to escape a shadow."
Vox’s wife’s eyes twinkled. "Well, we manage. It’s nice having these moments to ourselves."
Y/n sighed contentedly, her expression softening. "I enjoy your company so much. It’s rare to find someone who truly understands. You’re a great friend."
"You're too sweet," Vox’s wife replied, her smile widening. "If only our husbands knew how much they actually had in common."
The two women laughed, their voices mingling with the ambient sounds of the café. They reveled in their shared moments, finding solace and camaraderie in each other's presence.
Unbeknownst to them, Alastor's shadow had witnessed the entire encounter. It slipped away, returning swiftly to its master. Alastor listened intently to the shadow's report, his expression shifting from curiosity to shock, then to anger. How dare his wife meet with Vox’s wife, of all people!
On the other side of the city, Vox had grown suspicious as well and decided to follow his wife. When he arrived at the café, he was surprised and annoyed to see Alastor approaching from the opposite direction. Their eyes locked, and both men bristled at the sight of the other.
"What are you doing here?" Vox demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
Alastor sneered. "I might ask you the same thing. I have every right to be here."
"As do I," Vox retorted, stepping closer. "However, it seems we have a more pressing matter at hand."
Their attention turned toward the café’s interior, where Y/n and Vox’s wife were laughing and chatting, oblivious to the storm brewing outside.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Alastor's tone is dripping with amusement, but his eyes betray a flicker of something darker. He stands at the entrance, his silhouette casting an imposing shadow over their table. Next to him, Vox's eyes blaze with barely contained rage, his screen flickering.
The café falls silent, the patrons' eyes darting between the two imposing figures and the women. Y/n's heart skips a beat as she locks eyes with Alastor, his usually warm gaze to her now cold and penetrating.
"Alastor," Y/n starts, attempting to keep her voice steady, "This isn't what it looks like."
Vox's wife stands up, her chair scraping loudly against the floor. "Vox, I—"
But Vox cuts her off, his voice low and seething. "You think I wouldn't find out? That you could hide this from me?" His words hang heavily in the air, his fists clenching at his sides.
Alastor steps closer, his smile never wavering but his eyes darkening. "My dear, I am not so easily deceived. And to think, you two have been meeting behind our backs. It seems our rivalry has taken a rather... unexpected turn."
Y/n can see the hurt beneath Alastor's facade. Despite his charm and confidence, there is a sting of betrayal in his eyes. She takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Alastor, we just wanted a break from the constant fighting. It was never meant to hurt you two. To be with someone who understands."
Vox's wife nods in agreement, her eyes pleading with her husband. "Vox, please understand. We needed to escape the endless cycle of your battles. We needed each other."
But Vox, his pride wounded, steps forward towards the two women, his voice cold. "You think I care about your excuses? This betrayal is unacceptable. You think sneaking behind our backs was a good solution" He glares at Alastor, as if blaming him for this newfound alliance between their wives.
Alastor, ever the performer, turns his attention back to Y/n, putting a hand up stopping Vox from getting closer to Y/n. His smile returning but now tinged with bitterness. "It seems we have more in common than we thought, Vox. Betrayed by those closest to us."
Vox scoffs, his gaze never leaving his wife. "Don't lump me in with you, Alastor. This changes nothing between us. If anything, it intensifies our rivalry."
Y/n steps forward, her voice firm. "Enough. Both of you. This isn't about your rivalry. It's about us, your wives, who have had enough of your childish antics. We wanted peace, but it seems that's too much to ask for."
Vox's wife joins her, her voice soft but determined. "We love you both, but we can't keep living like this. It’s exhausting. All of your time goes to your fight with him, Vox. Something has to change."
The tension in the café is palpable, the silence deafening as Alastor and Vox process their wives' words. Finally, Alastor speaks, his voice softer but still edged with frustration. "Perhaps we do need to reassess our priorities."
Vox, his anger simmering down to a low boil, nods in agreement. "For once, I agree with Alastor. This isn't over, but maybe it's a wake-up call."
Alastor's eyes flicked to Vox, surprise flickering across his face. "You're suggesting we... call a truce?"
"Temporary," Vox clarified, his tone grudging. "For the sake of our marriages."
Alastor considered this, then nodded slowly. "Agreed. Temporary."
Relief washed over Y/n and Vox’s wife as the tension in the air finally began to ease. The initial shock and anger on Alastor and Vox's faces had subsided into something more manageable, though still simmering beneath the surface.
Alastor, ever the gentleman, extended a hand to Y/n. “Come, my dear,” he said softly, though his eyes still held a hint of possessiveness. “Let’s return home. We have much to discuss.”
Y/n took his hand, squeezing it gently. “Of course, darling,” she replied, casting a reassuring smile over her shoulder at Vox’s wife.
Vox, meanwhile, wrapped a protective arm around his wife’s shoulders. “We’re leaving,” he said, his tone brooking no argument. “We need to talk as well.”
She nodded, leaning into him slightly. “Alright, Vox,” she murmured, her eyes meeting Y/n’s with a mixture of amusement and solidarity.
As the two couples moved in opposite directions, the two women turned back to each other, sharing a silent understanding. Their eyes met, and both broke into large, conspiratorial smiles. They waved goodbye, their hands lingering in the air as long as they could see each other.
“Until next time,” Y/n mouthed, her smile warm and genuine.
“Definitely,” she mouthed back, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
The café doors closed behind them, separating the two women physically but not in spirit. As Alastor and Vox led their wives away, the men’s grips firm yet gentle, the women’s thoughts lingered on their cherished friendship, silently vowing that this unexpected encounter wouldn’t be their last.
In the bustling streets of Hell, amidst the chaos and constant noise, two friendships stood resilient, bound by shared experiences and a mutual understanding of the complicated men they loved. For now, at least, the truce was a step toward peace—a fragile, tentative step, but a step nonetheless.
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ssaahthings · 6 months
I aimed to help you, in return you helped me too. (Reciprocity)
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Sometimes you noticed when things were off with Hotch, it seemed like a glitch in his armor. Specifically moments when you would hand him his coffee if it was out of reach, as he would move around any table the team was working at; walking and thinking. Your fingers would brush and his grip would tighten. It happened when you would squeeze by to step into the elevator at the office in Quantico, arms brush by, and he would freeze. It was never a noticeable thing, if anything it was only retrospectively apparent in those moments.
When it became clear to you, that he was likely touch starved, was when you needed to hold on to his arm to balance yourself because you had a rock stuck in your shoe; you felt his bicep flex under your fingers and heard his breath hitch yet when you casted a glance up at him he was focused on the squad cars parked in front of the crime scene you were needed at, your interest was piqued then.
After that you began noticing he would never partake in the physical camaraderie; Emily would hug and lean on JJ, Morgan would ruffle Reid's hair as he passed the genius and throw an arm around Penelope when she joined them from her office, and Rossi would pat their backs in a paternal manner when he spoke to them. Sure he had Jack, to hug and cuddle with but you deemed it was different with a father-son relationship, he most likely thought he was giving his son what he needed. Aaron Hotchner is selfless like that, one of the reasons you love him as much as you do.
For a while it was all observations and your heightened sense to notice patterns, especially when it was regarding the man himself.
You were already having a bad day today, the team had made a miscalculated judgement based on the competency of the officers in the local precinct, who were also ridiculing you as well as the whole of the team, but because of the past days, past week, past month it hit you harder than the rest of your coworkers. It's not like you don't know you can go to them with your troubles, considering they're also your closest friends, it's just hard to paraphrase it in a way that would make sense. It felt like everyone was going through something this time of year, but with the jobs you all had, there wasn't much else to do but move onward.
So here you were, standing next to Hotch who was holding a piece of gauze to his forehead from where the unsub's submissive partner, the team had failed to profile, struck him from trying to save the offender you were after. Your eyes roamed his face, his arms, his chest cataloging to make sure he wasn't harmed anywhere else. When you heard the paramedic say he didn't need to go into the hospital you sighed in relief and took some of the fresh pieces of bandages that had been placed beside him and offered to take over cleaning and bandaging him up, making sure he was okay.
"Y/N, you know you don't have to do this." You heard Hotch mumble, seemingly far away but still alert enough to be aware of his surroundings, always on guard like that.
You nod and smile softly and you say, "I know, but it's making me feel better to take care of you right now." You finish cleaning off the blood from his face, gently press the ends of the butterfly bandage in place, "There, good as new." You let him know you were done, squeezing his arm for nonverbal punctuation.
You notice again that he tenses and avoids your gaze, "Hotch? Are you okay?"
Still no response, you think back to when he got injured and you don't remember his arm being hurt, so then you start to remember all the other times he's tensed up and you remember all the evidence that leads to him being touch starved, you remember the time you had to physically lean on him for support.
But by the time you're ready to do something about it, he's already assigning tasks to the team and then it's back to the hotel. You have to stop by the precinct to wrap up and grab your work and personal belongings when you overhear some officer make a snide comment about you and your team, it puts you on edge and in order not to make things more complicated you keep quiet and leave for the hotel.
You're quiet and they all notice it, they see how your shoulders are tense and that you're not joining in on the conversation, and you fail to hear the others making plans for dinner or to notice how Hotch is acutely observing you, trying to piece together why you're feeling the way you are in that moment.
His room is on the same floor as yours, across from yours even, so when you walk up to your room and just stand there, Hotch is watching you from the doorway of his. He takes a step forward leaving the door open, observing you.
"Y/N?" Aaron spoke softly as to not disturb the quietness of the hallway.
You turned around and looked at him, he seemed to be concerned. "Hmm?"
"Are you okay? You've been off since we got back to P.D." His voice tender, eyes shining under the lights.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, Hotch. Don't worry about me." You wave him off unconvincingly.
"You sure? Because you could come in and we can order room service for dinner, the others already left. You could consider it making things even for you patching me up." He vaguely gestures to his head.
That amuses you, so you smile and agree, crossing the way into his room, looking it over your eyes fall on the open windows on the opposite side, "You got a really nice view of the city, I just face the nextdoor building." You sigh dramatically, side eyeing him so he knows you're just teasing.
"Yeah, but I'm sure it's a great building." He retorts, "What would you like to eat?" holding the phone and menu card in his hand
"I think we've eaten enough around each other for you to know what my preferences are." You turn to face him, with a brow raised.
He huffs out a laugh and nods your way, afterwards placing your dinner order. It was a timid sense of normalcy, forgetting what the day trailed behind the two of you, your nerves come back so abruptly it it feels like a force knocked a breath out of you, and of course he notices it. He notices you.
"Y/N... I'm here if you want to talk about what happened. I noticed that you seemed a bit shaken up after we came back." He comments while moving to stand before you, the sincerity in his eyes gives you the illusion of making them brighter, and your heart clenches for him in affection.
"It's just... been a tough day, Hotch." You confess, keeping your eyes wide in order to combat the stinging behind them that you know means you'll start crying soon, "at first it was one of those days, you know? The kind that you just go through the motions, but ultimately you're alright in the end. And then I had to deal with those officers, they belittled me so much but I know with this job and being on this team, we have a duty to a sense of professionalism, so I kept my mouth shut, reserved. And then you-" You blinked and a rogue tear escaped, keeping your eyes closed for a moment while you let out a hushed, "I was so scared when I saw you get hit... It was hard to focus because I needed to make sure you were okay but we also had a job to do."
Your eyes begin to sting further with oncoming unshed tears, blinking rapidly to fight the sensation and giving up the fight to falsely show your resolve. With your view downcast you noticed one of Aaron's tells for when he was contemplating something; his thumb would move up and down his index and middle fingers. Up and down two times, switch, up and down two times more. Your mind begins to race, what could the eloquent Aaron Hotchner be contemplating saying or doing in front of, or to you.
Whatever it was you looked up and locked eyes with him, something unspoken passed and all you could do was nod your head minutely. Standing still, allowing him to make the steps to come to you, and to wrap his arms around you. One around your shoulders, and the other around your waist. You laid your head on his shoulder, face tucked between the crisp fabric of his shirt and the soft skin of his jawline. You took a deep breath, and wrapped your arms around him in return. Sliding your palms from his midsection, feeling the muscles ripple in their wake, to then connect your hands together in a lock.
"It's okay to asked to be touched, you know." He startles at the sound of your voice.
"I... It's been a while. Not since..." He trails off, knowing you would understand.
"I know, but it's okay, Aaron."
"How come you're the one comforting me now, I was supposed to be consoling you."
"Well, that's what partners do right? An equal give and take for what's needed," You inquire, "And don't think I didn't notice the subtle topic change, Mister."
"Oh we're partners, now?" He says playfully, giving your side a squeeze in further acknowledgement of what you said.
"Well yeah, I mean..." Trailing off when you feel a soft press of his lips to your temple, "Oh..." You breathe out.
"I was teasing you, Honey." He says with a chuckle. Clearing his throat he begins, "You know, I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to feel so much again, for someone, for you. Everyday I see you at the office in the bullpen, or in a precinct when we're away, or if I'm lucky enough to see you sleepy in hotels. Y/N, it feels like a second chance I'm not certain that I deserve."
You move to pull away, so you can look at him in his eyes when you say the words you heard unspoken, but his arms tightened around you, you smiled brightly.
"Aaron, love," You give him a squeeze for emphasis, he viscerally reacts to the term of endearment "I think we all deserve a second chance in life, in love."
After you're able to step back enough to press a kiss to his cheek, right where it meets the corner of his mouth. He gives you the privilege to see his blinding smile.
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fyi: it's been a little while since i've written anything like at all but !!! i'm trying my best now to get to writing and post things because it's one of my favorite things to do ❤
this is for: @greg-montgomery @criminalskies @htchnr @ssahotchnerr
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kingofbodyrolls · 9 months
Friendcation (m) | myg | one
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| s.masterlist | m.masterlist |  next →
Chapter summary: As exhaustion and stress threaten to consume you and your friends at work, Yoongi comes to the rescue with an enticing proposal: a collective vacation—a friendcation. Amid the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes and shared adventures, your feelings for him only deepens more. Yet, his lingering gaze holds secrets you can't ignore, leaving you to wonder if it conceals something deeper—an unspoken connection that may forever alter your friendship.!
Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female)
Other characters: Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin.
Genre/AU: best friends to lovers, non idol!au, camping!au, roadtrip!au, mechanic!Yoongi, humor, slight angst, smut and fluff
Rating: mature/explicit/R18
Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸
Warnings/tags: bad crack/humor, longing and unrequited(?) feelings, accident involving a bra, exposure of breasts (through a shirt), ‘friendzone’, talk about past sexual encounters, vulgar language, a very lame game of ‘never have I ever’.
Status: completed!
Word count: 11,9K
Taglist: @idkjustlovingbts, @constancelayon, @wobblewobble822, @ktownshizzle, @moonchild1, @ultimatefangirl0, @baechugff, @jimintaemin, @parapiop7, @fckkntired, @iluvfndms, @citypop-princess, @tarahardcore, @massivelyfullenthusiast
Author’s note: This story takes place in South Korea — and I’ve never been there or to any of the places mentioned in this obviously. If something related to the locations, travel times and such, doesn’t make sense, that’s why. It’s fiction so I hope I can get away with that 🤭 Also, if you like it please let me know.
It's been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there.
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The air hummed with anticipation as the clock struck five on a balmy Friday evening, signaling the end of another grueling workweek. The city was alive with the promise of the weekend, and you could practically taste the freedom in the air. 
Your heart quickened with excitement as you left the office behind, knowing that the world was now your oyster. With the sun casting a warm, golden glow over the bustling streets, you rendezvoused with your closest friends, as you always did when the weekend beckoned. Laughter and camaraderie were your constant companions, and tonight was no exception.
As the night unfolded, you found yourselves in a new bar that had recently emerged as the hidden gem of the city’s nightlife. It exuded an inviting aura, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. With plush leather booths that cradled you in comfort and a softly lit ambiance that created an air of mystery, this place was different, and you could sense it.
Seated in a spacious booth with enough room for all eight of you, you felt the buzz of excitement ripple through your group. 
You take charge, ordering a round of beers for everyone, a familiar role you’ve come to embrace as the only woman in the group. The bartender nods with a knowing smile, having seen this ritual play out countless times before. 
With practiced ease, you slide the cold bottles onto a tray and carry them over to the waiting table, the anticipation of the first sip palpable in the air.
As you distribute the drinks, your friends don’t hesitate to lend a hand, their camaraderie a testament to the strong bond that holds your group together. 
Each bottle clinks against the table, a chorus of celebration for the weekend ahead. The men around you, usually boisterous and full of banter, fall into a brief, contemplative silence, their eyes fixed on the frothy brews before them. 
For a fleeting moment, the world outside fades away, and you all savor the taste of the golden elixir. It’s not just about the beer; it’s about the shared moments, the stories, and the unspoken understanding that binds you all together. The dim glow of the bar’s ambient lighting casts a warm, comforting veil over your group, cocooning you in a world where time seems to stand still. 
As you shared stories and caught up on each other’s lives, the bonds of friendship grew even stronger.
Seokjin, with a twinkle in his eye, leaned in and shared exciting news—he and his girlfriend were taking a leap of faith and moving in together. His face radiated happiness, and you couldn’t help but share in his joy, toasting to the beginning of this new chapter in his life.
Namjoon, nursing his beer, let out a weary sigh as he recounted the daily grind of his office job. The weariness etched into his features spoke volumes about his longing for change and adventure, and you empathized with his desire for something more.
Jungkook, the youngest of your group, excitedly shares his latest venture, a brand-new modeling gig that demands he showcase his sculpted physique. With each word, he vividly describes the sensation of being in front of the camera, the sensation of the studio lights warming his skin, and the countless hours he’s dedicated to chiseling his abs in the gym, transforming his body into a work of art.
Hoseok, the sunbeam of the group, exuded infectious enthusiasm as he described his teaching job, imparting the joy of dance to a classroom full of eager, smiling children. His laughter filled the air, warming the hearts of everyone at the table. You couldn’t help but admire his passion and the positive impact he had on those young minds.
Amidst the lively chatter, Taehyung leaned forward, his eyes lighting up as he shared his new passion for photography. He excitedly talked about the growing number of followers on his Instagram, each click of the shutter capturing a piece of his soul. The way he described his creative journey made it clear that this was more than a hobby—it was his escape, his sanctuary.
Jimin, on the other hand, slouched slightly in his seat, his eyes betraying the weight of his graphic design job. His once-bright spirit seemed overshadowed by the relentless stress that gnawed at him daily. He opened up about the overwhelming workload, the tight deadlines, and how the constant pressure was taking a toll on his well-being. You couldn’t help but empathize, for you too were trapped in a similar cycle.
You glanced at your own reflection in the condensation-covered beer bottle, a sigh escaping your lips. The walls of the corporate marketing world were closing in on you, suffocating your creativity, and overwhelming you with stress. Burnout was creeping closer, and you knew you needed a well-deserved break to reclaim your sanity.
Amidst the collective sighs and groans about the perils of office life, there was Yoongi, the mechanic. He leaned back, his expression content, almost defiant. While the rest of you complained, he cherished every moment in his garage, grease-stained hands and all. The smell of engine oil and the clank of metal were his symphony, and his love for his work shone through. The contrast between his satisfaction and your collective frustration was stark, a reminder that there were different paths to happiness.
The dimly lit bar provided a sanctuary for your candid conversation with Jimin. He sighed, his gaze fixed on the swirling patterns of condensation on his beer. The weight of your stressful lives hung heavy in the air, a shared burden you both desperately needed to unload.
“We should really consider taking some time off,” Jimin mused, his voice tinged with a hint of longing as he brought the cold bottle to his lips, his eyes locking with yours. The sincerity in his gaze made it clear that this was more than just casual chatter.
You nodded, a mix of agreement and resignation. “I’d love to, but you know how my boss is. Getting time off is like pulling teeth,” you admitted, deflated by the reality of your job’s demands.
Jimin’s lips curved into a sympathetic smile, his empathy palpable. “I know what you mean,” he said, taking a final swig of his beer, his shoulders slumping. “What would we even do on a break, though?”
With a sigh, you emptied the remnants of your beer, contemplating the questions. “Maybe just Netflix all day?” you suggested with a wistful laugh, the idea of relaxation feeling like a distant dream.
However, before the conversation could lose itself in the realm of impracticality, Yoongi interjected, his words cutting through the haze of doubt. “Or we could all go on a vacation together,” he proposed, his voice surprisingly confident.
The suggestion hung in the air, momentarily shocking you and Jimin into silence. The surrounding chatter among the other men faded, their curious glances turning in your direction. Gasps escaped your lips in unison, and the hushed anticipation in the room was palpable as everyone eagerly awaited your response.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your eyes widening in surprise as Yoongi’s unexpected proposal hung in the air.
Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he reached for another beer from the middle of the table. “We could take a trip in Holly,” he explained casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Holly, his self-renovated VW camper van, had seen its fair share of adventures, and tonight, it seemed destined for another one.
The idea seemed to catch like wildfire, sparking enthusiasm around the table. Jimin leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with wonder. 
“A camping trip?” he asked, already lost in thought, his excitement palpable.
Jungkook’s face lit up with a wide, boyish grin. “That sounds so fun, hyung!” he exclaimed, unable to contain his eagerness.
Seokjin, normally the voice of reason in your friend group, chimed in with a hint of excitement. “I’d have to check with my girlfriend, but it does sound like a blast,” he admitted, his willingness to consider the idea evident.
Namjoon, the thoughtful thinker, let out a hopeful sigh, “That actually sounds like just what I need,” he said, the weight of his office job still heavy on his mind.
The excitement and anticipation in the room were infectious, as if the mere mention of the camping trip had breathed new life into all of you.
The realization dawned that Yoongi’s beloved camper van, Holly, couldn’t accommodate all of you at once. It was a cozy van, filled with memories of countless journeys, but its space was limited. He had made the dining and back seats in Holly removable and customizable, so the seats could be turned into a bed big enough to fit two people. Then there was the overhead space big enough to fit one (or two every comfortable) person(s). Yoongi’s solution therefore, delivered with a sly smile, was to take turns with your vacations, ensuring that the bond of friendship remained unbroken.
“Let’s divide ourselves into groups of five,” he suggested, as you all huddled together, discussing the logistics. The prospect of close quarters and shared adventures only seemed to add to the excitement. You’d been friends for so many years that the idea of sleeping shoulder-to-shoulder with each other brought a sense of comfort rather than discomfort.
“The sleeping arrangement might be a tad tight,” Yoongi acknowledged, “but we’ve faced far worse challenges together.” His words were met with nods of agreement, a testament to the unbreakable bond you all shared.
Jimin, always the planner of the group, chimed in, “We can even set up a tent outside for those who prefer it, under the starry night sky.” The thought of sleeping beneath the open heavens, surrounded by the tranquil sounds of nature, sparked a sense of adventure in all of you.
As the discussion continued, you could feel the anticipation building. The prospect of taking turns with your vacations only made the idea more exciting. 
You imagined the laughter, the late-night talks around a campfire, and the shared experiences that lay ahead. The decision to divide yourselves into smaller groups only added to the sense of adventure, ensuring that each trip would be a unique and intimate experience. The camaraderie among your friends was unshakable, and the thought of spending quality time together, exploring new places, filled you with a sense of anticipation that was truly electrifying.
Each of you had to face the inevitable reality of asking for time off from your demanding jobs, but the mere thought of the adventure awaiting you was worth every ounce of effort. There was an unspoken agreement among you all, a silent pledge to make it work.
Jimin couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear as he contemplated the escape from his stressful work life. His eyes sparkled with dreams of the places you’d explore and the memories you’d create. 
Jungkook, probably the most adventurous of the group, was practically bouncing in his seat, already mentally packing his bags for the journey. His enthusiasm was infectious, reigniting the fervor in everyone else. 
Seokjin approached the situation with a sense of practicality, contemplating the delicate task of convincing his girlfriend to join in on the adventure. Yet, his hopeful tone hinted at his desire to make it work, as he imagined the joy of shared experiences. 
Namjoon had already begun to envision the break as a chance to rejuvenate his weary spirit. His sigh of relief was almost palpable, the idea of escaping the office grind a beacon of hope.
And then there was Yoongi with a heart full of wanderlust. His eyes gleamed with determination, a silent promise that he would do whatever it took to ensure that Holly, his trusted van, would carry them on this journey of a lifetime. 
As Yoongi excused himself to go to the toilet, a charged atmosphere settled around the table. Like moths drawn to a flame, the guys leaned in, their voices hushed, concern etched on their faces. They knew, as well as you did, about the feelings you harbored for Yoongi, feelings you’d kept locked away for so long.
Jungkook couldn’t help but voice his worry. “Are you sure you’re okay with being cramped together in his camper van for so long?” he asked, a hint of laughter in his tone but genuine concern underlying his words. His eyes bore into yours, searching for any signs of hesitation.
You sighed, your gaze drifting toward the empty seat where Yoongi had been moments ago. “I’ll be fine,” you replied, your voice carrying a mixture of determination and trepidation. Deep down, you were already apprehensive, knowing that the close confines of the van could only fuel the feelings you’d tried so hard to suppress.
Memories of past vacations with your friends haunted you. Those trips had been both a blessing and a curse, bringing you closer to Yoongi, yet painfully highlighting the unspoken love you carried for him. It seemed that everyone except Yoongi was aware of your hidden affection.
When you first met Yoongi a decade ago, the memory remains etched in your mind like a vivid painting. Jimin had introduced you two, and from that very moment, you were inexplicably drawn to him. His soulful, dark brown eyes held a certain depth that seemed to see right through you, and his laid-back, carefree attitude enveloped you in a comforting embrace.��
Over the years, you watched as he dated other people, trying to suppress your own growing feelings. You, too, went through your share of relationships, attempting to bury your emotions beneath layers of fleeting connections. 
Yet, no matter how hard you tried, your heart continued to beat with an unrelenting ache for him. Your friendship with Yoongi deepened, and the more you got to know him, the more precious he became. He was a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes. Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t bring yourself to confess your feelings, fearing it might jeopardize the beautiful bond you shared.
As time passed, you began to doubt whether he felt the same way about you. It seemed like the universe conspired to keep you apart, never aligning the stars in your favor. But your heart still held onto that glimmer of hope, a tiny flame of longing that refused to be extinguished.
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You mustered the courage to approach your boss and request time off from work, your heart pounding with anticipation. 
To your astonishment, your boss, who had been closely monitoring your dedication and the extra hours you’d poured into your job, responded with a broad smile. 
‘Take as much time off as you need,’ he said warmly, his approval a beacon of recognition for your hard work. It felt like a dream, a reward for your dedication that you never thought possible.
Unlike the rest of you, Yoongi held the unique advantage of being his own boss, running his own successful business. The mere mention of vacation didn’t send shivers down his spine as it did for some of your friends who faced the daunting task of navigating office politics and requesting time off. Instead, Yoongi could simply close down his shop without the constraints of corporate bureaucracy, making the prospect of this vacation all the more tantalizing and carefree.
Deep in conversation in another bar, you and Yoongi contemplated the duration of your upcoming journey. As the words flowed between you, you couldn’t help but yearn for an extended break, a chance to escape the relentless grind of everyday life.
With a thoughtful look, you suggested, “What if we make it three months?” 
The idea of such an extended vacation felt like a lifeline, offering not just relaxation but also the opportunity to truly disconnect from the stresses of the world. It was a bold proposition, a leap into the unknown, and the very thought of it filled you with a sense of exhilaration and anticipation.
Discussions had swirled among the group about the length of the upcoming vacation, and the other guys had mentioned that they could manage to get three to four weeks off work. 
You and Yoongi exchanged a knowing look, understanding that your own schedules were more flexible.In a quiet moment, you leaned in toward Yoongi, your eyes meeting his with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. 
“Maybe we could spend a couple of weeks on our own,” you suggested, the idea of sharing that intimate time with him making your heart race. It was a decision that felt like a secret shared between the two of you, a chance to deepen your connection amidst the adventures that awaited. 
You hope your heart can take it.
Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung eagerly synced their hectic schedules, determined to kick off the adventure with you and Yoongi on the very first stretch of the trip. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and the prospect of shared moments and laughter with your best friends at the start of the journey filled you with excitement.
As the days ticked by, anticipation grew like a wildfire. You could practically taste the adventure that awaited.
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As the final week of work drew to a close, you couldn’t contain your excitement for the impending camping trip with your best friends. 
Your evenings were a whirlwind of activity, filled with carefully selecting and packing canned foods and your favorite snacks, to bundling up your comfy duvet, selecting just the right clothes for the journey, and securing your trusty bike, and the flutter of anticipation that danced in your chest with each passing day. 
It was a week of meticulous preparations and eager anticipation, a countdown to the adventure that awaited.
For the first leg of your journey, you and your friends had collectively chosen Busan as your destination, having found a perfect Park Auto Campground. 
The decision to travel to Busan held a special significance, as it was a place close to Jimin and Jungkook’s hearts—where they had grown up, shared memories, and formed deep connections. 
As you envisioned the adventure that lay ahead, you couldn’t help but feel the excitement building. Busan, with its pristine beaches, bustling markets, and the familiar laughter of friends, promised a week of nostalgia, bonding, and unforgettable experiences. It was more than just a location; it was a place filled with stories and cherished memories, and you couldn’t wait to explore it with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, reliving their past and creating new memories together.
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The long-awaited day of your adventure had finally arrived, and the excitement in the air was palpable. 
With everything meticulously packed, you and Yoongi set off to pick up Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook, who were waiting eagerly, their laughter and chatter a prelude to the journey ahead.
The interior of the van was a testament to Yoongi’s craftsmanship, the extra seats he had skillfully fashioned providing a comfortable and cozy space for your friends. 
Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook settled in, their faces radiating anticipation as they found their spots amidst the camping gear and provisions. As you and Yoongi took your places in the front seats, a sense of togetherness washed over you. The engine roared to life, and the open road beckoned, promising a cascade of adventures and memories waiting to be made.
Together, you embarked on the journey to Busan, the road stretching out before you like an uncharted path of adventure. The drive was a symphony of laughter and camaraderie, the hours from Seoul to Busan passing in the blink of an eye amidst shared tales and uproarious laughter.
As you journeyed down the familiar highway, memories of your enduring friendship came flooding back, like cherished chapters from a well-worn book. Stories of your youth, of misadventures and inside jokes, wove a tapestry of nostalgia, each anecdote igniting fresh bursts of laughter and heartfelt smiles. 
The highway seemed like a time machine, propelling you into the past while carrying you toward the future. The miles melted away, but the bonds of friendship grew stronger, each passing mile a testament to the enduring connection you all shared.
After a journey filled with laughter and anticipation, you reached your destination: a Park Auto Campground next to the Nakdonggang River. The site greeted you with open arms, its serene beauty stretching out before your eager eyes as if welcoming old friends.
As you scoured the area from the van, Yoongi expertly maneuvered Holly to find the perfect parking spot. The soft hum of the engine came to a halt, and the atmosphere was filled with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of a nearby river. With Holly now parked in its serene haven, a collective sigh of contentment escaped your lips. 
The camping site held the promise of adventure and tranquility, a canvas upon which you would paint memories to last a lifetime.
The rhythmic clatter of camping gear being unpacked and the rustling of fabric filled the serene surroundings. With a sense of unity, you and Yoongi expertly set up the camper van, unfurling the marquee with practiced precision. 
Nearby, Jungkook and Taehyung worked in tandem, constructing their cozy tent under the sheltering canopy of trees. The spirit of teamwork and shared adventure was palpable, as each of you played a vital role in creating your temporary home. Yoongi and Jimin would convert the seats into a makeshift bed, ensuring their comfort for the night. Meanwhile, you would sleep in the top bunk overhead in Holly, a cozy vantage point that promised a night under the stars.
With everything set up and the campsite now a cozy haven, you and your friends gathered together, sitting in a circle amidst the rustic charm of your surroundings. The sun bathed you all in a warm, golden glow as you indulged in light snacks, the tantalizing aroma mingling with the sounds of shared laughter and conversations.
The relentless heat outside compelled you to make a bold wardrobe choice. 
You opted for a bikini, the cool fabric hugging your skin like a second, refreshing layer. Over it, you threw on an oversized, crisp white shirt that billowed gently in the warm breeze, and paired it with comfy shorts. The combination was a blend of comfort and casual chic, perfect for the scorching day ahead. 
While the guys collectively opted for a moment of relaxation, sinking into their seats to unwind, you felt a different kind of energy coursing through you. The allure of the campsite beckoned, and you couldn’t resist the call of adventure. 
As you ventured along the Riverside, the world seemed to slow down, and the beauty of nature unfolded before you.
The River stretched out before you, its cool, glistening waters an irresistible contrast to the relentless, sweltering heat of the day. 
You were well aware that the River wasn’t intended for swimming, yet the allure of the refreshing waters beckoned irresistibly. As beads of sweat formed on your brow, you couldn’t help but contemplate the idea of a quick dip. 
The prospect of the water caressing your skin, offering a brief respite from the scorching sun, seemed like a tantalizing temptation. A moment of hesitation hung in the air, your internal debate reflecting the eternal struggle between caution and the sheer joy of spontaneity. 
Would it really hurt to take a short plunge? 
With a sense of urgency, you hastily shed your shirt and shorts, driven by the need to escape the uncomfortable embrace of your clinging clothing. The scorching sun had left you longing for a moment of relief, and the thought of your clothes sticking uncomfortably to your body after your dip was unbearable.
As you wade into the River, the shock of its icy embrace sends shivers down your spine, an invigorating jolt that instantly cools your overheated body. 
The water’s chill becomes a welcome refuge from the relentless heat. As you ventured further into the refreshing waters, the sun’s warm caress on your skin, you reveled in the cool embrace of the River. The serenity of the moment was interrupted by an unexpected surge, a hidden current that wrapped around you with a sudden, forceful grip.
In an instant, the playful tug of the stream unraveled the delicate string of your bikini bra, causing it to slip from your body and disappear downstream. 
Panic surged through you, and you reached out desperately, fingers grasping at the elusive fabric, but it slipped through your trembling hands like a fleeting dream.
With your heart pounding and cheeks flushed, you instinctively covered your exposed breasts with one hand, the other waving frantically as you called out for Jimin, your voice a mix of surprise and embarrassment.
Desperation welled up inside you as you stood in the River, your voice carrying your distress with a pleading intensity. 
“Jimin!” you called out, the sound of his name echoing across the water. 
Each syllable was laced with a raw sense of urgency, as if your very survival depended on him hearing and responding to your plea.
Thankfully, Jimin’s sharp ears didn’t fail him. As he sat leisurely, engrossed in the pages of a book, the distant sound of your frantic yell cut through the tranquility of the campsite like a thunderclap.
His head snapped up, eyes widening in alarm as he quickly scanned the surroundings. The book slipped from his grasp, forgotten, as his instincts kicked into high gear. He’d heard your distress call, and without a moment’s hesitation, he was on his feet, ready to sprint towards the source of your urgency.
Jimin strolled briskly toward the Riverside, his curiosity piqued by your urgent call. 
As his eyes landed on your shivering form, it didn’t take him long to grasp the comical situation you’d found yourself in—a situation he’d shared with you once before. 
With a knowing grin, he couldn’t suppress a chuckle, the sound bubbling up from deep within him. His laughter, filled with camaraderie rather than mockery, drew the attention of your friends, who turned their heads to see what had captured Jimin’s amusement. 
There you stood, half-exposed, a mix of embarrassment and amusement dancing across your face as Jimin’s laughter rang out.
Expletives rang in your mind as you realized the collective gaze of your friends and even nearby campers had zeroed in on your predicament. 
The disapproving glares from unfamiliar faces added another layer of discomfort to your already embarrassing situation. 
Great, just great!
You couldn’t help but hiss at your friends, their raucous laughter ringing in your ears like a chorus of mockery. It was as if the universe had conspired to turn this innocent mishap into a spectacle, and you were at the center of it all. 
The heat of embarrassment flushed your cheeks, but your determination to salvage your dignity burned even hotter.
Jimin couldn’t contain his laughter as he turned to Yoongi, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Hyung, can you be our hero and help her?” he asked, a playful grin tugging at his lips.
Yoongi let out an exaggerated groan, his reluctance comically evident. Yet, he couldn’t resist the camaraderie of the moment and rose from his seat with a theatrical sigh.
With determined strides, Yoongi made his way over to you in the River, his expression a mix of feigned annoyance and genuine concern. His willingness to help spoke volumes about the unwavering bonds of friendship that bound your group together, even in the most amusing of circumstances.
Jimin couldn’t contain his amusement as he descended from the Riverside, his giggles echoing through the campsite like a contagious melody. His laughter was an infectious blend of mirth and camaraderie, a testament to the enduring bonds of your friendship that could turn even the most embarrassing situations into moments of shared joy.
As Yoongi approached, his gaze landed on you standing in the River, hands firmly over your chest. His voice, tinged with a hint of weariness from his earlier relaxation, held genuine concern as he inquired, “What happened?”
You sighed, your voice tinged with both relief and lingering embarrassment.
“... My bra fell off,” you admitted, your gaze sweeping the river’s surface in search of the missing garment. As you scanned the water, your heart skipped a beat with both trepidation and a glimmer of hope.
Luck was on your side, as you finally spotted your bra, ensnared in the river’s embrace, just a short distance from Yoongi. You couldn’t help but feel a surge of gratitude and amusement as you pointed in his direction, your tone playful yet appreciative. 
“It’s over there,” you called out.
He hummed thoughtfully, taking cautious steps closer to the elusive piece of clothing. As his fingers extended, a gentle breeze teased at the fabric, causing it to flutter away like a playful phantom. 
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, a vivid blush warming your skin.
Yet, despite the mortification, a sense of relief washed over you as your oversized shirt remained firmly on the grass in the Riverside, preserving your modesty. 
A grateful smile tugged at your lips as you acknowledged Yoongi’s well-intentioned attempt. “Thanks for trying, Yoon,” you murmured, your voice laced with appreciation and a touch of amusement. 
“So, are you coming out or what?” Yoongi called out, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and playful impatience as he waited for you. With a laugh in your voice, you responded with a confident ‘yes,’ your words echoing across the tranquil waters. 
You moved through the water with deliberate grace, a sense of vulnerability washing over you as you became mindful of your exposed form. Your arms instinctively crossed over your breasts, each ripple in the water causing a flutter of anxiety.
With slow and deliberate movements, you located your discarded shirt and shorts amidst the rocky shoreline. As you wanted to dress, you called out to Yoongi, your voice soft but firm, “Turn around, don’t look.” 
You could feel the warmth of a blush rising in your cheeks, and the weight of his gaze on your skin only added to the intensity of the moment.
He obeyed your request without hesitation, the soft shuffle of his feet marking his compliance as he turned away, facing his back to you. The rustling of leaves in the nearby trees and the distant murmur of the River filled the silence, creating a cocoon of privacy around the two of you. 
The air seemed charged with anticipation, and you could feel the weight of the unspoken connection between you both in that intimate moment.
You reached for your shirt, the damp fabric clinging to your skin and offering a brief challenge as you pulled it over your glistening body. Each movement was a tactile reminder of the refreshing dip you’d taken, your skin alive with the sensations of the River’s cool embrace. 
Next, your fingers fumbled for your shorts, a playful dance with the wet fabric that seemed to take a lifetime. As you finally completed your quick change, a surge of excitement bubbled up inside you, making your voice tremble with anticipation.
With a smile that you couldn’t suppress, you called out to Yoongi, “You can turn around now.” 
The air seemed charged with a newfound energy, and the world felt alive with the promise of adventure and connection.
“Nice tits.” 
Yoongi’s mischievous comment hung in the air, punctuated by a chuckle that echoed with playful admiration. 
Heat rushed to your cheeks, turning them beet red as you instinctively glanced down your body, realizing with a sinking feeling that your white shirt had become transparent when it clung to your soaking body. 
Panic surged through you.
In a hurry, you covered your breasts with your hands, the wet fabric clinging uncomfortably to your skin. Your heart raced, and your body felt hot, a combination of embarrassment and an unexpected wave of arousal coursing through you.
Why the fuck is he still looking? 
You thought with a mixture of irritation and intrigue. His gaze bore into you with a lazy smirk, and your skin prickled with a blend of vulnerability and desire.
“Stop looking,” you hissed, your voice trembling with a mixture of need and frustration. The tension between you was palpable, an unspoken connection simmering beneath the surface as the world around you faded into the background.
In an angry, trembling tone, you hissed at him, “And don’t you dare say a fucking word!” 
Your hands remained firmly pressed against your breasts, your skin still tingling from the electric encounter. 
With a mix of indignation and vulnerability, you turned on your heel and hurriedly retreated, the path back to the van stretching out before you, each step echoing the tumultuous feelings churning inside. 
You retraced your steps in stifling silence, the tension between you and Yoongi lingering in the air like an unspoken secret. Each footfall felt heavy, the weight of your thoughts bearing down on you, and the campsite that had once been a sanctuary of laughter and camaraderie now seemed like a maze of conflicting emotions.
Uncomfortable and flustered, your mind raced with a tempest of questions. He had complimented you, and it sent your thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of uncertainty. 
Had he looked before? Were there hidden desires beneath his playful remark?
The stories your mind conjured were like a tumultuous storm, each thought a lightning bolt of doubt. You had to remind yourself, sternly, that Yoongi was a friend, nothing more. But the realization didn’t dispel the tension that had woven itself between you, leaving you with a sense of unease that clung to your every step.
As you finally reached Holly, a cacophony of laughter greeted you. 
Jimin’s infectious laughter rang out like a joyful melody, echoing through the campsite. With an amused glint in his eye, he couldn’t contain his mirth as he pointed at your drenched figure, a teasing grin splitting his face.
Beside him, Jungkook and Taehyung had their faces buried in their phones, their shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter. The campsite had transformed into a stage of amusement, the camaraderie and playful banter among friends radiating with warmth.
Through gritted teeth, you hissed at Jimin, your frustration palpable in your tone. 
“Don’t you dare fucking laugh!” 
The words carried the weight of your embarrassment and irritation, the intensity of the moment etched on your face as you shot him a withering glare. With a frustrated sigh, you attempted to regain your composure, even as your cheeks burned with lingering embarrassment. 
Yoongi eased himself into a vacant chair, its worn surface embracing him with a sigh as he leaned back.
“Why? It’s not even the first time!” 
Jimin’s laughter erupted like an uncontrollable storm, his entire body shaking with mirth. The intensity of his amusement grated on your nerves, and you could feel a simmering fury building within you. The sound of his laughter seemed to echo endlessly, reverberating through the campsite and setting your teeth on edge. 
It was as if he was oblivious to the storm of emotions swirling within you, and his amusement only added fuel to the fire of your frustration.
Jungkook and Taehyung both lifted their heads from their phones, their curiosity piqued. “What do you mean, ‘not even the first time’?” Jungkook inquired, his eyes gleaming with interest.
Hushing your voice, you groaned loudly, the frustration evident in your tone. 
“Don’t tell them!” 
The words spilled from your lips with an urgency that bordered on desperation, and you shot Jimin a pleading look, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn’t let the secret slip. The air was thick with anticipation as the weight of your unshared secret hung in the balance.
He continued to laugh, his amusement contagious, and then leaned in closer to Jungkook and Taehyung, his voice lowering with a conspiratorial tone. 
“She lost her bra once when we were at a waterpark,” he giggled, the memory vivid and alive in his mind. As he recounted the tale, his eyes sparkled with mischief, and the campsite seemed to hold its collective breath, caught between the urge to burst into laughter and the anticipation of the full story.
Why did he have to tell them? 
The question reverberated within you like an unyielding echo. Although he hadn’t shared the whole story, a sense of exasperation washed over you, your frustration simmering beneath the surface. 
The campsite felt like a stage, and your emotions played out in silent turmoil as you grappled with the mix of embarrassment and annoyance. The memory had been a skeleton in your closet, and its unveiling, even in part, left you grappling with the desire to laugh it off and the lingering traces of annoyance that clung to you like a shadow.
“It happened when we were on a waterslide, and it just flew off!” 
Jimin continued to chuckle, his laughter resonating with your clear discomfort. The memory seemed to amuse him endlessly, and each guffaw only deepened your irritation.
With an exasperated sigh, you dramatically plopped down on a chair next to Yoongi, your grumpiness palpable in the way you crossed your arms and shot Jimin a pointed glare. 
The campsite was filled with the lingering echoes of laughter, but your mood remained as stormy as the clouds gathering on the horizon.
Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged knowing glances and erupted into contagious giggles, their eyes brimming with amusement. Their laughter seemed to dance in the air, and as they stole glances at you, their expressions shifted to ones of pity. 
“And you did absolutely nothing to help, some friend you are,” you retorted, your words dripping with spite and frustration. The sharpness of your tone cut through the lingering laughter, drawing a hushed silence over the campsite. 
The tension between you and Jimin hung in the air like a charged current, a stark reminder of the complexities that defined your friendship.
You made a brisk dash to retrieve fresh, clean clothes, the anticipation of changing into something dry and comfortable fueling your steps. 
The restrooms beckoned, promising a refuge from the lingering awkwardness. As you entered the private haven of the restroom, a wave of relief washed over you, and you couldn’t wait to shed the wet attire that clung to your skin.
As you returned, the flickering glow of a campfire had transformed the campsite into a warm and inviting haven. The crackling flames danced in the night, casting playful shadows that danced across your faces. 
The aroma of a delicious meal sizzling over the open flames filled the air, tantalizing your senses.
Amidst the camaraderie of your friends, you joined in the culinary adventure, the flavors of the meal mingling with laughter and lively conversation. 
The clinking of beer bottles punctuated the night, each sip a toast to the simple joys of friendship and the adventure that lay ahead.
Amid the warm glow of the campfire and the laughter of your friends, you couldn’t help but notice Yoongi’s gaze. 
His eyes, like twin embers in the firelight, lingered on your face a fraction longer than usual. It was a subtle shift that sent a ripple of uncertainty through you, leaving you to ponder its meaning in the midst of the lively gathering.
Questions swirled in your mind like sparks in the night. 
Was it a moment of connection or something more? 
The ambiguity hung in the air, adding an undercurrent of intrigue to the already memorable night.
That night, as the campfire’s last embers flickered out, you found yourself tossing and turning in your duvet, unable to find the solace of sleep. Thoughts of Yoongi swirled through your mind like a restless tempest, his lingering gaze haunting your thoughts.
Beneath the canopy of stars, you were consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. 
Excitement for the adventure clashed with the uncertainty of unspoken feelings, and you couldn’t help but wonder if this trip would be the crucible that tested your friendship’s boundaries. In the silent darkness, the future lay uncertain, and the weight of anticipation kept you awake, pondering the enigma that was Yoongi.
The morning sun bathed the campsite in a gentle glow, promising a new day of adventure. 
With your river escapade now behind you, you decided to venture into the nearby city with Jimin. The city’s vibrant energy and bustling streets held the promise of a new, exciting experience.
As you entered a quaint boutique, the colorful array of bikinis dazzled your senses. Jimin, with his impeccable taste, became your trusted fashion advisor. Together, you sifted through the options, his playful commentary and infectious laughter adding a layer of camaraderie to the shopping spree.
Jimin’s eyes sparkled mischievously as he picked out a bikini top that he insisted would not only look fantastic on you but also capture the attention of a certain dark haired man named Yoongi. 
Jimin’s playful commentary continued as he held up the chosen bikini top, his eyes dancing with mischief. 
“This one really accentuates your curves and hugs your... assets,” he said, punctuating his statement with a sly wink. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his cheekiness, a mix of exasperation and amusement in your response.
But deep down, his suggestion had struck a chord. 
There was a spark of confidence that came with his endorsement, and in the end, you found yourself reaching for the very bikini top he’d recommended. With a grin and a playful nudge, you couldn’t deny the infectious excitement that Jimin had injected into your shopping excursion.
Later in the day, as the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the campsite, you and your friends decided to embark on a leisurely fishing expedition by the Riverside. The gentle breeze played with your hair, carrying with it the soothing scent of nature, as you cast your lines into the water.
The atmosphere was serene, punctuated by the occasional plunk of a line hitting the water and the soft rustle of leaves overhead. 
The Riverside flowed lazily beside you, a shimmering ribbon of tranquility that mirrored the camaraderie among your group. Light conversation flowed effortlessly between you all, the laughter and shared stories weaving a tapestry of connection that only deepened with each passing moment.
The following days sped by like a whirlwind of adventure and discovery. 
You and your friends immersed yourselves in the breathtaking beauty of the local nature, each step a new exploration, each vista a captivating masterpiece of nature’s design. 
As you ventured deeper into the wilderness, the serenity of the landscape wrapped around you like a comforting embrace. Majestic mountains loomed in the distance, their peaks kissing the sky. Pristine lakes sparkled like gems under the sun’s tender caress, and the lush forests whispered secrets as you wandered through their verdant embrace. 
Tourist attractions revealed the rich tapestry of the region’s culture and history, each site a new chapter in your journey. 
During your stay, one day brought the special opportunity to visit Jungkook’s family. 
The anticipation of the visit filled the air as you arrived at his childhood home. The comforting aroma of home-cooked meals wafted from the kitchen, welcoming you with open arms. Around a welcoming dinner table, you all shared delightful conversations with Jungkook’s parents and his older brother. Their smiles were as warm as their hospitality, and the stories they shared about Jungkook’s mischievous childhood added a layer of endearment to your friend.
As plates were passed, laughter echoed through the cozy living room, and the bonds of friendship extended to embrace the family who had nurtured Jungkook. It was a moment of shared intimacy, where the past and present converged in a harmonious celebration of friendship and home.
On another beautiful day of your trip, the anticipation of visiting Jimin’s family filled the air with excitement. 
You were welcomed into their home with open arms, the comforting scent of a home-cooked dinner beckoning you inside. Seated around a dining table adorned with love and care, you shared heartfelt conversations with Jimin’s parents and his younger brother. 
Their warmth and genuine interest in your stories made you feel like an extended member of their family. The dinner was a sumptuous feast of flavors, a culinary journey through Jimin’s heritage. As the evening unfolded, laughter and shared memories wove a tapestry of connection, bridging the gap between your friends and Jimin’s beloved family. 
It was a moment of shared intimacy, where the bonds of friendship extended to embrace the people who had shaped Jimin’s life.
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Excitement bubbled within you as you made the collective decision to journey onward to the next campsite, nestled near the picturesque Songdo Bay Station and its inviting beach. 
The prospect of a fresh landscape and new adventures beckoned like a siren’s call, promising breathtaking vistas and unforgettable moments waiting to be discovered.
As you began setting up Holly once more at the new campsite, an amusing discussion arose. Jimin, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, announced his intention to sleep in the tent this time. “You snore like a freight train,” he teased, a playful grin dancing on his lips.
Yoongi, ever the easygoing one, didn’t seem to mind, and Taehyung chimed in with his usual enthusiasm. 
“I’ll gladly switch with Jimin then,” he declared, a wide smile brightening his face.
With excitement bubbling in your hearts, you made your way to the enchanting Songdo Bay Station, eager to experience the cable cars that awaited you. 
As you all huddled into the cable car together, anticipation filled the air. The ascent was a slow and steady journey, carrying you higher and higher above the city and the glistening expanse of the ocean. The view that unfolded before your eyes was nothing short of mesmerizing. The cityscape sprawled beneath you, a tapestry of lights and life, while the vast ocean stretched out to the horizon, its waters shimmering in the golden embrace of the setting sun.
Silence settled over your group, a shared reverence for the breathtaking panorama that surrounded you. The beauty of the moment transcended words, leaving you all in awe of the world’s majesty. 
It was a memory etched into your hearts, a reminder of the profound magic that could be found in the simplest of journeys.
Once you’d savored every moment of the mesmerizing view from the cable cars, hunger tugged at your stomachs like a friendly reminder of the day’s adventures. Following a recommendation from a friendly local, you ventured to a cozy, hidden gem of a restaurant nearby. 
The restaurant exuded an inviting charm, its wooden beams and rustic decor welcoming you like an old friend. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of local flavors and the hum of lively conversations. 
As you settled into your seats, the menu promised a tantalizing array of dishes, each one a tantalizing adventure waiting to be explored.
Lunch was a symphony of flavors, a fusion of local delicacies that danced on your taste buds. The laughter and discussions of your group mingled with the ambient sounds of the restaurant, creating a harmonious atmosphere of shared joy. With satisfied appetites and hearts warmed by the culinary delights, you bid farewell to the small local restaurant, the memory of the meal and its unique ambiance etched in your collective memory. 
It was yet another chapter in your journey, one filled with the flavors and colors of the region you had come to love.
As you made your way back to the campsite, the sun casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape, the anticipation for tonight’s dinner filled the air with excitement. 
You decided to make a quick stop for grocery shopping, the aisles of the local market brimming with fresh ingredients and culinary possibilities. The aisles were a treasure trove of flavors, their shelves stocked with vibrant fruits, crisp vegetables, and the tantalizing aromas of spices and herbs. Your group moved through the market, selecting ingredients that promised to transform into a delicious campfire feast.
Back at the campsite, you all sank into comfortable positions, surrounded by the gentle embrace of nature. 
The crackling campfire cast a warm, flickering glow that painted playful shadows on your faces. The tranquil symphony of chirping crickets and rustling leaves provided the soundtrack to your evening.
Yoongi, your group’s resident cook and culinary magician, took center stage. With an air of calm expertise, he orchestrated the preparation of tonight’s dinner. The aroma of sizzling ingredients filled the air, tantalizing your senses and stirring a chorus of eager stomachs. 
As you watched Yoongi work his culinary magic, a sense of contentment washed over you all. The shared anticipation for the meal, the warmth of the campfire, and the soothing sounds of nature merged into a harmonious tableau of camaraderie and relaxation. 
It was a moment of serenity and connection, a testament to the simple joys of friendship and the pleasures of a well-cooked meal in the great outdoors.
As you savored every bite of Yoongi’s mouthwatering Korean cooking, a tranquil hush settled over your group. The flavors danced on your taste buds, each dish a symphony of tastes and textures that spoke of culinary mastery. Around the campfire, the shared appreciation for the meal transcended words. The satisfying sounds of utensils against plates and the contented sighs of your friends filled the air. 
After a satisfying dinner that left everyone in high spirits, you fetched some beers to keep the camaraderie alive. The campfire’s glow seemed to flicker with the promise of a lively evening ahead.
As you settled back into your camping chairs, conversation flowed naturally, anecdotes and laughter intermingling in the night air. The soothing rhythm of your friends’ voices was like a comforting melody, echoing in the quiet wilderness. In a lighthearted moment, Taehyung suggested a game of ’Never Have I Ever’. 
Groans of playful protest erupted from most of the group, each member voicing their reluctance except for Jungkook. His eyes sparkled with excitement at the mention of the game, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips.
In the end, you reluctantly gave in to the idea of playing, and it was mostly due to Taehyung’s persistent enthusiasm. He had a knack for getting his way, especially when it came to sparking moments of laughter and adventure within the group.
Taehyung, with a sly twinkle in his eye, kicked off the game, looking around at your group with a mischievous grin. 
“Never have I ever… kissed a man,” he declared, his choice of statement drawing an intrigued chorus of ‘oohs’ and laughter. 
Jimin couldn’t help but tease, “Gosh, that’s so tame,” earning a playful eyeroll from Taehyung. However, as the game’s first round unfolded, both you and Jimin raised your beers to your lips, a shared acknowledgment of your past adventures.
It was now Jungkook’s turn, and he took a moment to contemplate his statement, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You let out an exaggerated sigh, feeling like you weren’t quite tipsy enough for this game’s antics.
“Never have I ever seen ___’s tits,” Jungkook declared, his statement dripping with a cheeky grin. There was a collective chuckle from the group, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, fully aware of how this round would go.
As expected, Jimin, Yoongi, and you raised your beers in acknowledgment. Jungkook’s laughter filled the air, and you couldn’t resist a playful retort. 
“It’s not funny!” you quipped, shooting a mock glare in his direction.
Thankfully, it was now Yoongi’s turn, and you couldn’t help but anticipate that his statement would be just as amusing and lighthearted as the others. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he posed, “Never have I ever had sex while at work,” looking around the circle expectantly.
As his statement hung in the air, there was a moment of suspense before the inevitable. Jimin, with a sly grin, took a casual sip of his beer, and to your surprise, both Taehyung and Jungkook joined in with a shared laugh and a sip of their beer. 
Your surprised sigh was met with laughter from the group, and you couldn’t help but shake your head in playful disbelief.
Now, it was Jimin’s turn, and you couldn’t help but brace yourself for his cheeky statement. “Never have I ever had sexual fantasies about a close friend,” he declared, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. His playful wink was directed at you, and you responded with an eye roll that was just as playful.
Jimin’s statement hung in the air, thick with tension and teasing, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was trying to be your wingman in your quest for Yoongi’s affection or simply trying to rile you up for his own amusement.
Everyone in the circle, except Jimin, raised their beers to their lips and took a sip, leaving you utterly flabbergasted. 
The implications of this revelation left your mind swirling with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. 
What did it mean? 
You couldn’t help but steal a glance at Yoongi, hoping to find some clue in his enigmatic gaze. However, as your eyes met his, you realized that they were as inscrutable as ever. His poker face didn’t give away any secrets, leaving you to wonder whether this was merely a playful game or if there was something more beneath the surface. 
It was a moment of both intrigue and hesitation, and you couldn’t help but feel a subtle shift in the dynamics of the group, as unspoken emotions lingered in the air.
Jungkook suddenly perked up, his voice laced with intrigue. 
“Jimin hyung, you’re not being honest right now!” 
His statement hung in the air, a spark of curiosity lighting up the group’s expressions as you all turned your gaze between Jimin and Jungkook.
The unexpected twist in the game had injected a new layer of intrigue into the evening. The group’s collective curiosity swirled like a secret shared among friends, and you couldn’t help but wonder what lay beneath Jimin’s playfully confident exterior. 
You observed Jimin’s eyes roll and heard an exasperated sigh escape his lips. With a sly yet playful glint in his eyes, Jungkook continued, “Remember when you told me about that dream you had, the one about ___?” His tone was teasing but carried a hint of mischief.
As Jungkook’s words hung in the air, a ripple of knowing glances and shared amusement spread through the group. The expressions on everyone’s faces ranged from mild surprise to knowing smirks, each reacting in their unique way to the revelation.
“What? You had a sexual dream about me?” 
The words burst from your lips in a gasp of surprise, and without thinking, you playfully slapped Jimin’s shoulder, your eyes wide with mock shock.
Jimin’s laughter rang out, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. The entire group joined in, the campfire’s glow dancing in their eyes as they shared in the unexpected revelation. 
“It was just an innocent dream,” he tried to brush it off, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he masked it with a low chuckle.
The group’s playful teasing continued, a delightful blend of laughter and camaraderie. Jimin’s attempt to downplay the dream only fueled the banter, making the moment even more lighthearted and memorable.
Then Jungkook chimed in, his voice carrying an air of mischief. 
“It wasn’t innocent at all! He told me that he wanted to f–” 
Your eyes widened in both surprise and mortification, hanging on the edge of your seat as you awaited the rest of the sentence.
But before Jungkook could spill the rest, Jimin hastily interjected, bringing an abrupt halt to the revelation. 
“It was nothing, okay?” 
Jimin’s voice carried a note of urgency as he sought to downplay the situation. “It happened in the beginning of our friendship. Soon after, I realized it was just misdirected...uh, you know, sexual frustration. We’re besties, I’m not into you like that, I would never,” His words tumbled out in a rushed, rambling attempt to reassure you.
With a pleading look in your eyes, you turned to Jimin and spoke softly, “It’s okay, Jimin. I might have had a sexual fantasy about you too in the early days.” 
The confession slipped out, fueled perhaps by the influence of the beer, leaving you feeling both vulnerable and surprisingly liberated. The group’s reactions were a mix of surprise and amusement, and the campfire’s crackling flames seemed to flicker in response to the newfound tension in the air. 
“I know I’m irresistible,” Jimin playfully swooned in response to your secret, earning himself a playful jab in the ribs from you. 
Jungkook and Taehyung chuckled, the atmosphere light with shared laughter. However, you couldn’t help but notice that Yoongi’s demeanor had shifted.
His usually expressive eyes had gone dark, and a subtle tension hung in the air around him. It was as if your confession had cast a shadow over his mood, leaving you to wonder about the thoughts swirling in his mind.
As the game continued, you found yourself growing tired of its increasingly revealing nature. With a sigh of exasperation, you announced, “I’m going to bed. You can keep playing if you want.” 
Your words carried a hint of weariness as you pushed yourself up from the campfire and headed toward Holly.
The night air was cool against your skin as you retreated inside, leaving the laughter and confessions behind. In the dimly lit interior of the van, you could finally take a moment to reflect on the events of the evening. 
Drifting off into slumber, the laughter of your friends provided a comforting lullaby, wrapping you in a cocoon of cherished moments and the warmth of camaraderie.
As the morning sun filtered through the van’s windows, its gentle warmth kissed your face, coaxing you awake from a restful night’s sleep. With a contented sigh, you descended from your sleeping space and stepped outside, greeted by the sight of your friends gathered around.
“Good morning,” you greeted them with a pleasant stretch, the feeling of relaxation coursing through your body. Their collective response of ‘good morning’ warmed your heart, but you couldn’t help but notice the faint blush that tinged both Yoongi and Taehyung’s cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” 
You couldn’t help but notice the startled exchange of glances between Yoongi and Taehyung. 
Their hesitation hung in the air, sparking your curiosity. Just as Taehyung was about to speak up, Yoongi cut him off with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. 
“You just snore a lot,” he replied, his tone casual but his gaze stern as he shot Taehyung a pointed look.
The atmosphere shifted subtly, leaving you with the feeling that there was more to their exchange than met the eye.
After enjoying a hearty breakfast together, the group prepared to head down to the beach for a day of relaxation, swimming, and—hopefully, avoiding any repeat incidents involving your bra.
As you all changed into your swimwear, you slipped into the new bikini top that Jimin had recommended. The fabric hugged your curves just right, making you feel both confident and comfortable. You couldn’t help but appreciate how his suggestion had turned out so perfectly.
Amidst laughter and chatter, you made your way down to the beach, burdened with towels, parasols, and an absurd amount of sunblock that could rival a sunscreen store.
You scouted out the perfect spot on the beach, carefully arranging your belongings and setting up sunshades to shield yourselves from the relentless sun. The sound of crashing waves and the scent of salt in the air instantly put you in a relaxed, vacation state of mind.
As you all took turns applying sunblock to one another, Jimin’s suggestion added a touch of intimacy to the moment. He proposed that Yoongi assist you by applying sunblock to your hard-to-reach back.
With a soft smile, Yoongi moved closer, his fingertips tracing delicate patterns as he massaged the sunblock into your skin. 
The sensation of his touch sent pleasant shivers and tingles racing down your spine, a subtle yet electrifying connection between friends. His fingers, roughened by years of mechanical work, offered a striking contrast to the tenderness of his touch. Each calloused ridge on his fingertips seemed to carry a story of hard labor and dedication. 
It was a subtle reminder of the many facets that made up Yoongi’s character—strong and rugged, yet capable of such gentleness. As his hands worked diligently to apply the sunblock, you found yourself lost in thought, reflecting on the layers of complexity within your friend. 
The intimacy of this simple act revealed a deeper connection, an unspoken understanding that transcended words and gestures. It was in these moments that you realized just how much you cherished the bond you shared with Yoongi and your group of friends.
You couldn’t help but bite your lip, a soft moan of unexpected pleasure threatening to escape. 
When he finally finished, you managed to find your voice, your words laced with a subtle undercurrent of emotion as you offered a heartfelt thank you.
You settled onto a plush beach towel beneath the cool embrace of a beach umbrella, book in hand. With your stomach against the soft towel and the rhythmic sound of the waves as your soundtrack, you lost yourself in the pages of your chosen book. 
As the words on the pages blurred together, a restlessness stirred within you. The call of the ocean grew irresistible. You closed your book and looked over at your friends, a glimmer of excitement in your eyes.
“Anyone up for a refreshing swim?” Your question hung in the air, a tempting invitation to embrace the cool embrace of the sea. 
Your friends exchanged glances, their laughter and shared history evident in their silent communication. None of them provided a direct answer to your invitation, and as you turned to walk away, a teasing voice broke the silence.
“I’ll join you,” Yoongi’s casual response was laced with a mischievous undertone. 
"Who knows, it might come in handy if you happen to ‘lose’ something again." His words prompted suppressed chuckles from the rest of the group, and you felt a heat rising in your cheeks.
As you and Yoongi ventured deeper into the ocean, the cool embrace of the water enveloped your bodies, creating an immediate sense of exhilaration. The waves danced around you, and the salty breeze carried laughter and shared moments. 
With every stroke, the water seemed to wash away the cares of the world, leaving only the thrill of the present moment. Your laughter echoed over the waves as you swam together, the sun glistening off the surface, and for that brief moment, it was just the two of you, lost in the joy of the sea.
You eagerly snatch a ball, its surface cool and slightly gritty against your fingertips, and dive into the inviting embrace of the ocean’s azure expanse. With each leap and twist, the saltwater splashes around you, the ball becoming an extension of your playful dance with the waves. 
As you spring up from the water, your breasts jiggle, a consequence of the light support of your bra. A subtle shift in Yoongi’s gaze doesn’t go unnoticed, and you realize his attention has momentarily fixated on your chest.
A subtle blush crept up your cheeks, betraying your surprise and self-awareness, as you sensed his gaze lingering on you with a mix of curiosity and appreciation.
“Hey lovebirds, we are heading back to the campsite, do you wanna come with us?” 
Amused by Jimin’s interruption, you turned your attention from Yoongi’s lingering gaze to your friend on the shoreline. His teasing tone and the ‘lovebirds’ comment sent an additional wave of heat rushing to your cheeks, but you welcomed the distraction.
With a playful roll of your eyes, you shouted back, “Sure thing, Jimin! Just give us a minute to dry off.” 
Jimin’s laughter carried over the water as you and Yoongi shared a brief, knowing glance before swimming back to join your friends, leaving the unspoken tension behind in the sea.
As you all gathered around the campfire to enjoy dinner, the conversation meandered through various topics, including cherished childhood memories. While engaging in the banter and laughter, your mind couldn’t help but circle back to Yoongi’s lingering gaze earlier in the day. 
Was there a hidden depth to his stare? Did he harbor feelings for you as well? 
These questions swirled in your thoughts, a tantalizing mystery you were both drawn to and hesitant to unravel. Inwardly, you cautioned against reading too much into it, aware of the fragile balance within your close-knit group of friends. 
The fear of altering the dynamics that had bound you all together kept your emotions in check, though your heart couldn’t help but hope for something more.
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Over the next few days, you immersed yourselves in the vibrant heartbeat of Busan’s city life. 
Each moment was a sensory symphony, from the bustling streets to the enticing aromas that wafted from food stalls and restaurants. You ventured into the colorful markets, where every stall seemed to hold hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.
The city’s culinary delights tantalized your taste buds, from sizzling street food to lavish feasts at quaint eateries tucked away in narrow alleyways. With each bite, you savored not just the flavors but the shared laughter and stories around the table. 
Busan, with its unique blend of modernity and tradition, cast a spell on you all. The city’s enchanting sights, the harmonious rhythm of life, and the genuine warmth of its people made these days unforgettable.
Another day of your adventure led you to the mesmerizing Jeoryeong Coastal Walk, a place where the natural world intertwined with the human spirit. 
As you embarked on the winding path that hugged the rugged coastline, you were greeted by the panoramic expanse of the sea, its waves crashing rhythmically against the rocks.
The salty breeze kissed your cheeks, carrying with it the invigorating scent of the ocean. Seagulls soared overhead, their cries blending seamlessly with the soothing sound of the waves. 
Your footsteps resonated on the wooden boardwalk, a symphony of nature and human exploration. The scenery unfolded in breathtaking beauty, each bend revealing a new masterpiece of cliffs, coves, and pristine beaches. 
The connection to the earth and sea was palpable, reminding you of the immense wonder that existed beyond the confines of daily life. 
As you ventured along the Coastal Walk, the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the cliffs accompanied your every step. The path stretched out before you, winding its way along the rugged shoreline. 
In the distance, your friends, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, walked ahead, their laughter carried back to you in the salty breeze.
Walking alongside you was Yoongi, the man whose gaze had lingered on you during your coastal walk. 
The camaraderie of your friends was evident as they chatted and shared stories, but the proximity of Yoongi added an extra layer of complexity to your emotions. You stole glances at him, his profile etched against the backdrop of the sea. 
The sunlight played on his features, casting a warm glow that seemed to accentuate his allure. There was a shared silence between the two of you, a conversation unspoken yet deeply understood. In that moment, with the beauty of nature surrounding you and the bonds of friendship strengthening, you couldn’t help but wonder about the uncharted territories of the heart. 
The tranquil beauty of the coastal walk enveloped you both as you walked in tandem, the distant waves creating a soothing backdrop. 
“How do you like the trip so far?” Yoongi’s question cut through the stillness, his gaze fixed on the endless expanse of the sea.
You paused for a moment, taking in the salty breeze and the way the sun danced on the water’s surface. A faint smile played on your lips as you pondered his question, realizing that the journey held a deeper meaning than just the sights and experiences.
“It’s been incredible,” you replied, your voice soft but filled with genuine appreciation. 
“I mean, the places we’ve seen, the memories we’re creating... It’s more than I could have ever imagined.” 
As you spoke, you couldn’t help but glance sideways at Yoongi, catching the warmth in his eyes. In that fleeting moment, you felt a connection that transcended mere friendship. It was a shared understanding, a sense that this journey had the potential to change everything.
Yoongi’s gaze met yours, and a subtle smile tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“Yeah,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of sentiment. “It’s been pretty special.”
“It’s been nice seeing the city,” you began, your voice carrying a sense of nostalgia for the urban adventures you’d shared, “but I really look forward to the more rural camping, like in a forest by a tranquil lake or something. To experience the ultimate relaxation, you know?” 
As the words left your lips, you couldn’t contain the excitement in your eyes. The mental image of a secluded forest, the scent of pine trees, and the gentle lapping of water against the shore made your heart race with anticipation. 
Yoongi turned to you, his gaze meeting yours. “I can already picture it,” he admitted, his voice laced with a sense of shared anticipation. 
“Just the sounds of nature, the crackling of a campfire, and the peace that comes with it. It sounds perfect.”
“Hmm, yeah,” you replied, nodding in agreement as you shared Yoongi’s appreciation for nature’s serenity over the bustling city. 
“I also prefer nature over the city. I think next week we’ll head to Hadong. There’s this stunning river surrounded by lush forests and pristine beaches. I’ve heard it’s incredibly beautiful,” Yoongi said, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation.
Yoongi’s comforting smile widened as he looked at you. 
“That sounds like the perfect destination,” you remarked, his eyes lighting up with a hint of adventure. “A serene river, the tranquility of the forest, and the endless beaches—what more could we ask for?” His words conveyed the shared excitement and a growing connection between the two of you, making the upcoming journey feel even more promising.
As you walked alongside Yoongi, his profile illuminated by the soft glow of the setting sun, you found your thoughts drifting to uncharted territories. 
Have his lips always looked so soft and inviting? 
You couldn’t help but wonder, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.
The gentle sway of the conversation and the captivating scenery seemed to fade into the background as your mind fixated on this newfound awareness. 
“And you’re fine with just the two of us camping together in a few weeks?” 
As the two of you continued walking, Yoongi’s question hung in the air, and you couldn’t help but feel your heart race at the thought of the upcoming weeks. His casual inquiry concealed a world of unspoken emotions. 
With a subtle smile playing on your lips, you met his gaze, locking eyes for a brief moment before answering, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you reply, but your voice carries a hint of hesitation that lingers in the air. 
The uncertainty in your tone reflects the unspoken feelings you’ve been harboring. You wish you could say more, reveal the truth, but the fear of changing the dynamics of your friendship holds you back.
Yoongi offers a gentle smile, his eyes holding a warmth that sends a shiver down your spine. 
“We’re best friends,” you continued, your words tinged with a hint of longing that you couldn’t quite conceal. “I love spending time with you.”
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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nyxhaven · 8 months
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Seeking A Warm Body (gale x gn reader smut 18+)
On a frigid and rain-soaked night in camp, Tav's thoughts turn to the possibility of sharing a tent with their charismatic fellow traveler, Gale, purely for warmth. As the relentless downpour intensifies, Tav contemplates the unspoken connection between them, wondering if their camaraderie might evolve into something more. With a surge of courage, Tav approaches Gale's tent, seeking solace from the bitter cold, and in the cozy confines of shared warmth, they discover that sometimes, on a night as raw and unpredictable as this one, the line between friendship and something deeper blurs in the soft glow of lantern light.
Amid the persistent drumming of raindrops on the canvas tents, Tav sat by the flickering glow of a campfire, shivering slightly as the chill of the night seeped into their bones. They stared into the dancing flames, lost in thought. Across the camp, Gale, their adventurous and enigmatic companion, was huddled under a separate tent, their silhouette barely visible through the rain-smeared fabric.
Tav's thoughts wandered as they considered the idea of sharing a tent with Gale. It wasn't unusual for travelers to bunk together for warmth on such a cold, wet night. The rain had been falling steadily since the late afternoon, turning the camp into a mud-soaked quagmire. The campfire, though valiant in its efforts, provided limited respite from the pervasive dampness.
Tav stole a glance towards Gale's tent. Was it mere practicality that kept them apart, or was there something more? Gale was known for their cheerful demeanor and their charismatic tales around the campfire, but Tav had sensed something deeper in the glances and smiles exchanged between them. A connection that went beyond the camaraderie of fellow travelers.
The rain intensified, its pitter-patter on the tent turning into a persistent hiss. Tav felt a shiver run down their spine, and with each passing minute, the idea of sharing a tent for warmth became more appealing. They took a deep breath and gathered the courage to approach Gale's tent.
As they unzipped the flap and entered, the dim light from a lantern revealed Gale huddled in a bed roll, reading a weathered old book. Startled, Gale looked up, their eyes wide with surprise.
Tav cleared their throat, trying to sound nonchalant. "It's getting really cold out there, and my tent feels like an icebox. Would you mind if I joined you for a bit, just to stay warm?"
Gale's face broke into a warm smile, their eyes crinkling at the corners. "Of course, Tav, come on in. It's a tight fit, but I think we'll manage."
With a grateful nod, Tav zipped up the tent, now only realizing gales magic hes used to make the inside of his tent much larger then it looks on the outside and they settled in close, the warmth of the bed roll providing an instant respite from the bitter cold. The rain continued to pour outside, but within the cozy confines of the tent, Tav and Gale found them selves face to faces their noses grazing each others. Gale couldn’t help himself from smiling.
“you look very pretty tonight tav.” gale states holding his breath in response.
“thank you Gale, you’re always so kind to me. you’re not half bad looking either.” Tav jest getting a laugh from the both of them.
gale reaches over him, leaning himself close over the top of Tav. tav can feel his breath on their ear as he dims the latern down. “let’s make it more comfortable, is this nice?” gale says low and softly.
Gales voice sends a shiver down your spine. “Thank you for letting me stay the night.”
“stay as many nights as you wish in these walls.” Gale replies cupping tavs face, the water droplets on Tavs eyelashes fell to their face when they blinked. still damp from the elements gale wipes the water droplets off their cheeks. Gale noticed Tavs eyes for all they were illuminated dimly by the lantern. Gale chewed on his bottom lip. his hand slid back and begins to rub Tavs earlope softly. His hand slids its way down the side of Tavs body, stopping at his waist he pulls Tav in. Their bodies pressed close in the bed roll. “by the gods you are cold, You shoulda come in sooner.” Gale says caringly
Gale leans into kiss Tav pulling them in there lips meeting. Gales kiss start soft, and careful. Quickly they become sloppy and deep with passion. Tav doesn't see gale like this, possesive, he has your attention and doesn't want to loose it. Tav follows the tango with gales mouth, giving in to his urges. Gales hand explore Tavs back finding the small of it, pulling Tav into him, placing his leg between Tavs. Gales fingers find the hem of their shirt pulling the wet clothes over Tavs head exposing their bare chest. Gale immediately places kisses down their chest like he's claiming Tav all for his greedy self. Tavs hips grind against gales thigh placed between their heat. Luckily for Tav their pants are already partly wet as they are already wet with excitement.
Gales finger play at the waistband of tavs pants. Wanting to get the wet leather off their soft skin, he unbuttoned Tavs pants. Almost whining into the kisses begging Tav. Tav pulls the soft velvet tunic of over gales head. “Take your pants of Gale” tav whispers against his soft scruff.
Gale lifts his hips and pulls his trousers and briefs down kicking them off to the side of the tent somewhere. Tav follows suit balling up their wet clothes throwing them back into the cold. Now both naked gale lays over Tav holding himself up, looking down at them Gale reignites the passionate kissing.
“I want you Gale.” Tav says softly.
“Im all yours already, you just didn't see it.”
“Please just go slow, I haven't done this in a while.” (pov switch)
“No need to worry when you are in my arms.” Gale says kissing your lips. “Just watch me, now spit.” Gale says holding his cupped hand below your chin. Meeting his desires, he adds his own saliva to his hand before leaning back using his spare hand he pushes his hair out of his face painting, the gale that stood before you was not the gale you saw in the daylight with your companions, no, Gale was nothing but a acolyte ready to worship his God. Wetting his cock with the handful of your spit he using the remainder of your slick to wet the skin around your hole. You feel the calloused fingers of the scholared wizard tease you before slipping his middle finger into you, slightly pulling it out before reinserting it.
“You alright?” Gale checks in. You nod as your breath hitches as you tighten around his knuckle. “Wonderful”
Gale slips another finger into you stretching you out before setting a steady pace watching you pant, studying you like an ancient tome, learning where you like to feel his long fingers explore inside you. Pulling his fingers out he holds them up to his lips. Making eye contact his sucks yours and his juices of his fingers. Grabbing your ankle and setting it on his shoulder his pulls your hips into him. He places the head of his large dick on your hole. “Youre gonna be so good for me, I'll go slow, just breathe.” you realize how just how thick the girth of gales cock is as it rest, ready to enter you. Gale slowly prods the tip inside you, stretching you hole around the length of Gale. The heat of the moment fills the tent, the thunder in the back round rolling as Gale brought himself out and buried himself back again inside you.
You let out a flurry of deep breaths and gales name. Luckily the rain beat the canvas tent shielding your mess of joined moans from your companions sleeping in tents just feet away. Gales dick thrust into you finding the spot that makes you dig you nails into his arm. Gales pelvis slaps into your ass as he holds your leg up against him allowing him to enter deeper into you. Your walls tighten around him, looking up, gales hair falling into his face, his neck and pecks beaded with sweat. He has an intense look on his face as he focuses on making the person he's with feel pleasure. Feeling his full length in you brings the wave of your orgasm rushing in. Letting out a loud moan gales name makes its way to your lips you ride the waves of pleasure from your orgasm. Gale removes his cock pumping it over your center releasing a large load across your stomach. Gales hips buck into his hand as he leaks his final bit of semen.
Gale grabs his tunic he had thrown on he ground and cleans you up nicely and gently, tossing it back aside Gale settles back into the bedroll and holds you in his arm. He traces his finger over your skin as you listen to the rain and thunder. Gale whispers sweet nothings praising you for how good you did before dozing off ready for the next day. Thankful for the warm body Gale provided on a rainy night.
A/N had the day off enjoy this quick one shot, lemme know who to write next pls! I'm thinking probably halsin 🐻🍯
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freesia-writes · 4 months
Hey!!! So excited to see that you were opening requests for a Bad Batch Valentine's event! I would like to put in a humble request of a one shot with Echo and a female reader. I have no specific details on appearance. For the general vibe, I would like it to make me feel all the happily ever after feels. I love all your work, can't wait to see what you do next!! ❤️ 😍
Yeah baby! I can't ever resist a little stargazing/campfire sort of situation, so here's a fairly generic setting that's just filllllled with his sweetness (and slight sauciness, LOL). Dividers by @stars-n-spice from this post here!
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Echo x GN!Reader
970 words
No content warnings
Underneath the twinkling canvas of stars, you and Echo found yourselves nestled around the crackling campfire, the warmth casting a gentle glow over your faces. The air was crisp, carrying with it the faint scent of pine and the distant sound of nocturnal creatures stirring in the forest.
Echo sat beside you, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames as they flickered and swayed in the cool night breeze. His expression was thoughtful, his brow furrowed slightly as if lost in deep contemplation.
"You know," he began, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you, "there's something about being out here, under the stars, that just feels... right."
You nodded in agreement, following his gaze as it drifted up toward the glittering expanse above. "It's peaceful," you replied softly, "like the chaos of the world fades away for a little while."
Echo smiled, a small, genuine curve of his lips that softened the lines of his face. "Exactly," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
As the fire crackled and popped beside you, the two of you found yourselves lost in conversation, sharing stories and memories as the night stretched on. Echo spoke of his time as a member of the 501st as well as his time in Clone Force 99, recounting daring missions and narrow escapes with a mixture of pride and humility. You listened intently, hanging on his every word as he painted vivid pictures of battles fought and comrades lost. There was a depth to Echo's stories that resonated with you, a sense of camaraderie and loyalty that spoke to the bonds forged in the crucible of war.
"I'll never forget the time we were stranded on that desolate moon," Echo said, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his lips. "We had to fend off a pack of ravenous nexu with nothing but our blasters and a few thermal detonators."
You laughed, the sound echoing softly in the quiet of the night. "That sounds like quite the adventure," you replied, imagining the scene playing out in your mind's eye.
"It was," Echo agreed, his gaze distant as he relived the memory. "But it was also one of the moments that brought us closer together as a team. We had each other's backs, no matter what. I felt like a real part of a team again." 
As the fire burned low and the sky lay above you as a dark, velvet cover, you realized that this moment was something special. It was a chance to connect with Echo on a level that went beyond the battlefield, to see the man behind the armor and the scars.
"Thank you for sharing your stories with me," you said softly, breaking the silence that had settled over the clearing. "It means a lot."
Echo turned to you, his gaze soft and sincere. "Thank you for listening," he replied, a hint of warmth in his voice despite its wistful touch. "It's been a long time since I've had someone to share them with.”
You felt a flutter of anticipation in your chest, and the air between you seemed charged with electricity, a palpable tension that you couldn't ignore. He shifted beside you, his gaze lingering on your face as if searching for something in the depths of your eyes. 
"You know," he began, his voice low and husky, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, anticipation coursing through your veins. "What is it?" you asked, barely above a whisper.
He reached out, his hand coming to rest on yours, his touch sending a jolt of electricity up your arm. "I... I don't know how to say this," he confessed, his gaze dropping to where your fingers were intertwined. "But ever since I met you, I've felt... something. Something I can't really explain, and something I don’t think I deserve, but… I don’t want to stuff it down anymore.”
“Oh.” Your breath caught in your throat, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air between you. “Echo… How could you say you don’t deserve it?”
“Cause I’m a bit of an ass,” he said with a grin, breaking the intensity of the moment with some levity.
“My favorite ass,” you teased, heart warming at the humor and relief that softened his sharp features. 
Echo looked up, his gaze locking with yours, and in that moment, the world seemed to fall away. His pale brown eyes were brimming with emotion, a new vulnerability and courage surfacing at the same time. You didn’t know how to confess all that you felt toward him as well, feeling utterly paralyzed by the dreaminess of the entire situation -- nestled cozily side by side on the ground beneath the stars. 
Without thinking, you leaned forward, closing the distance between you until your lips met in a soft, tender kiss. It was like coming home, a perfect moment of clarity and connection that left you breathless and wanting more. He sucked air in through his nose, freezing for a split second before tilting his head to deepen the kiss. His arms snuck around you, pulling you more closely against him until you were almost losing your balance, and you came tumbling apart with hands sprawling to find the ground and a small chuckle punctuating the passion.
Once you got situated, you snuggled back together, closer than before, tucking yourself against his side. He nestled his cheek against the side of your head, his fingers tracing patterns against the outside of your arm. "I've wanted to do that for so long," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
You smiled, a rush of happiness flooding through you at his words. "Me too," you replied, turning and leaning in to press another kiss to his lips.
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Tag List: @littlefeatherr @arctrooper69 @foreverdaydreaming1 @stunkbiggu @mxkyrie @littlemissbshine @dreamie411 @skellymom @followthepurrgil @the-hexfiles @1vlouds @ughhhhfoff @coraex @gt13tbbart @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @ghostperson69 @secondaryrealm @hellhound5925 @thew0nderer2342 @cloneloverrrrr @kashasenpai @clonethirstingisreal @dukeoftheblackstar @kimiheartblade @mooncommlink @stardusthuntress @starstofillmydream @eyecandyeoz @dhawerdaverd @ladylucksrogue @thiswitchloves9904 @tech-aficionado @foodmoneyandcats @eternal-transcience @cw80831 @adh-d2 @techmexicanvieja @ezras-left-thumb @trixie2023 @sleepycreativewriter @nonsenseandm3mes @mlichaelm @nahoney22 @mary-on-the-contrary @sverdgeir @roam-rs @starsaboveclones @falconfeather23435
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Regarding the bsd Cannibalism arc stage play, because seeing all the different takes and opinions and interpretations made me want to put my thoughts down (and because I finally found some more concrete info on what happened in the stage play, yay)
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First of all, I'm on the side that says Chuuya leading the PM as it is now and following Mori's style would be bad for him. Mori operates with a level of detachment that would be quite bad, or near impossible for Chuuya.
But that doesn't mean Chuuya can't lead a criminal organization at all, and it doesn't mean that there isn't buildup for it.
The cannibalism arc stage play, to adapt the events to the cast and various other necessities, had to change the script. While at it, they doubled down on Chuuya's character arc. Nothing so far says that Asagiri contributed to this specific scenario (unlike the Dead Apple stage play), but keep in mind that the two previous productions were Fifteen and Storm Bringer. They were in full Chuuya mode. And on top of that, this one is their last bsd production!
Chuuya's arc so far has had themes of leadership woven into it. From his failing to lead the Sheep in Fifteen, to pledging his loyalty to Mori after hearing his approach on leadership afterwards, to taking a leader's position during the cannibalism arc. This theme is accompanied by the evolution of Chuuya's relationships and sense of belonging: he felt like (and was told that) he owed the Sheep for taking him in, the Flags showed him what true, mutual friendship entailed, and through many trials learned to rely on others instead of doing everything by himself, coming to view the PM, that he used to hate as it was under the Old Boss, as his family.
Since in this stage play context we would be experiencing Fifteen, SB and the cannibalism arc back-to-back, it makes sense to try to fit these themes into it. Chuuya takes over as leader in that arc, so lean into it: how does he feel? how does he take it?
So they made him express doubts. Which makes sense! His only experience was so bad it ended in betrayal, and he sees Mori as a role model! Of course he's not gonna be comfortable suddenly taking up his position!
And then, when all is said and done, apparently he downplays his capabilities to "well I'm strong, obviously people would want that in their time of need", which in terms of leadership won't get him far and he knows it from experience. So he points to Dazai still being Mori's first choice (which makes sense, Mori doesn't really do moving on), but after that, Mori produces proof that the Flags, arguably Chuuya's first real friends, trusted in his capabilities from the start, and that he never was doomed as a leader to them. Chuuya gets overwhelmed and excuses himself, keeping his head down and context implying that he is crying.
And from the initial rumours alone, this reminded me of Chuuya getting overwhelmed by the Flags in SB when they researched his past without telling him and gave him the results, when they showed him true camaraderie and support, when he met true friendship for the first time!
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[Chuuya] tried to look angry. He opened his mouth and attempted to yell something, but not a single thought came to mind. Everyone stared at Chuuya in puzzlement. He then swiftly turned around and shouted at the entrance: “Now I get it!” His voice was unnecessarily loud. “You thought you could pull a fast one on me, showin’ me this so I’d get all weepy and apologize! That’s what’s goin’ on, isn’t it?!” “Hmm? No, actually, we—” “Well, it ain’t gonna work on me. Got it? That won’t work on me!” Chuuya began storming toward the entrance and kept his head down. “I’m goin’ home! And ya better not follow me! I don’t wanna see any of your damn faces!”
This isn't a reaction to bad news, he is touched! It's him receiving something nice!
The stage play tried, I assume, to offer some closure since this is their last bsd production. Chuuya's arc was about friendship and leadership, so they used both of those on top of the already existing plot. Kinda like how the end of season 3 gave somewhat of a closure with the "to the stray dogs" toast; this journey isn't over, but here's a sneak peek before you have to leave.
To go back to my original point, part of Chuuya's arc is about leadership. His ties to the underworld run deep: he grew up in that environment, he chose to join the mafia, he chose to stay with the mafia, and he has made his way up the ladder with nothing but skills and respect for his boss. Could he be another Mori? Not without consequences I don't think. But could he be something else, something new? Most probably!
Is it sad that Chuuya found his place in the PM? yeah, kinda. Is it any less meaningful? No! This is a series about finding your place and doing the best you can with the cards you're dealt! It's about building the best life you can with and despite your conditions! The PM is where he found support, where he found friendship, where he learned and grew. The PM, or something similar, run by people who care is important, because otherwise we'd go back to the days of the Old Boss, with all the bloodshed and senseless violence.
Leadership is a skill that requires learning and practice, it's hard, and it's scary when you do a bad job. If you've ever had to take the reins of a project, you know it too. There are many ways to succeed in the role, it's a matter of finding the right one for both you and you group.
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chokememaximoff · 10 months
Sparks and Smoke: Wanda, Y/N, and the Unanticipated Connection
stoner Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Abstract:Y/N, the seemingly perfect sister of Natasha Romanoff, finds her world shifting when the sassy and enigmatic Wanda Maximoff joins the Avengers. As they train together and forge a unique bond, Y/N's facade of perfection begins to crack. When their relationship takes an unexpected turn, Y/N must navigate the complexities of sisterly support and newfound love, all while discovering the beauty of embracing her true self.
TW: weed, smut,fluff
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Y/N Y/L/N had always been Natasha Romanoff's shadow, the embodiment of the perfect little sister who never dared to step out of line. She admired Natasha's strength and determination, and she yearned to be just as impressive. For years, she'd followed Natasha's lead, absorbing every lesson and advice with an eagerness to please.
But when the enigmatic Maximoff twins, Pietro and Wanda, joined the Avengers, everything changed. Y/N's focus shifted from trying to emulate Natasha to the sassy and intriguing Wanda Maximoff. Their shared training sessions turned into opportunities for banter and laughter, with Wanda constantly poking fun at Y/N's impeccable behavior.
One sunny afternoon, Wanda pulled out a joint, the pungent scent of weed filling the air. She grinned at Y/N mischievously. "Come on, Y/N. Ever tried something a bit wild?"
Y/N hesitated, her eyes flickering between the joint and Wanda. She felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. "I, uh, I've never..."
Wanda chuckled. "Don't worry, it's legal here in New York. A little harmless fun won't hurt."
Emboldened by the thought of proving herself, Y/N took the joint from Wanda's hand. With an awkward smile, she took a small drag, coughing as the smoke tickled her throat. Soon enough, giggles escaped her lips as the effects of the weed took hold.
Wanda laughed at Y/N's reaction. "See? Not so uptight after all, huh?"
The two stumbled into the Avengers' kitchen, raiding the cabinets for snacks with a newfound sense of camaraderie. But their lighthearted moment was short-lived when Natasha walked in, raising an eyebrow at the scene.
Wanda waved casually. "Hey, Nat. Just getting some munchies."
Natasha's gaze narrowed as she surveyed the situation. She shot a pointed look at Y/N. "Y/N, mind explaining this?"
Y/N's giggles were uncontainable, making it difficult for her to form coherent sentences. She turned to Natasha with a dopey grin. "Wanda offered... and I thought... I should... try..."
Natasha's lips twitched, a mix of amusement and disbelief evident on her face. She stepped closer to Y/N, cupping her cheeks gently. "Oh, Y/N. You really have gotten yourself into a mess, haven't you?"
Y/N's eyes widened as her senses cleared a bit. She glanced between Natasha and Wanda, her cheeks flushing. "I... uh..."
Natasha's gaze turned serious as she turned her attention to Wanda. "You know you're being a bad influence, right?"
Wanda rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on, Natasha. We're just having some fun."
Natasha sighed, her lips quirking into a half-smile. "Fine. But don't let this rub off on Y/N too much."
As Natasha led Y/N away, Y/N couldn't help but glance back at Wanda, a mixture of exhilaration and uncertainty bubbling within her.
In Natasha's room, Y/N's giggles hadn't stopped, and her thoughts were consumed by Wanda's beauty and badassery. Natasha looked at Y/N, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Having fun, Y/N?"
Y/N burst into more giggles, her cheeks flushed. "Nat, you don't even know. Wanda's so pretty and so cool, like, I can't even..."
Natasha raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Is there something you're not telling me, Y/N?"
Y/N's giggles turned into a fit of laughter. She shook her head, trying to compose herself. "No, no, it's not like that. I mean, I admire her, she's just... really awesome."
Natasha leaned against the wall, her arms crossed. "Uh-huh. Are you sure you don't have a little crush on her?"
Y/N's eyes widened, and she erupted into another bout of giggles. She tried to sound serious between laughs. "Nat, come on, I don't have a crush on her. I mean, she's amazing, but..."
Natasha chuckled, her laughter echoing in the room. "You're terrible at being subtle, you know that?"
Y/N's laughter finally subsided, and she gave in, her face turning redder. "Okay, fine, maybe a little crush. But don't tell anyone!"
Natasha laughed, her teasing tone gentle. "Don't worry, Y/N. Your secret's safe with me."
As Natasha's laughter mingled with Y/N's, a deeper bond formed between the sisters, one that was strengthened by shared moments, laughter, and a hint of harmless teasing. It was a day Y/N would never forget, where she let loose and allowed herself to explore new connections, even if it meant giggling about crushes with her sister.
The next morning, Y/N woke up early, ready for another intense training session. Natasha was already in the training area, and they worked together for hours, pushing each other to their limits. They finished with a grueling 10-kilometer run, their breaths heavy as they entered the gym.
As they walked in, they spotted Wanda, who seemed to have just arrived. She was in the middle of stretching, her eyes narrowing slightly as they landed on Y/N. Natasha couldn't help but notice the not-so-friendly look Wanda gave Y/N, almost as if she was checking her out.
Taking a sip of water, Natasha shot a knowing glance between Y/N and Wanda. Y/N, seemingly unaware of Wanda's scrutiny, smiled and approached her. "Hey, Wanda! Ready for another round of training?"
Wanda blinked, a bit taken aback. "Wait, didn't you just train from 5 AM to 8 AM?"
Y/N and Natasha exchanged a glance before chuckling. "Yeah, we did. But it's no big deal for us," Y/N said casually.
Wanda raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Seriously? How do you have the energy for that?"
Y/N's playful side got the better of her as she grinned at Wanda, leaning in slightly. "You could say I'm just insatiable."
Wanda's eyes widened, and a flush spread across her cheeks as she looked at Natasha. Natasha burst into laughter, unable to contain herself, and walked away to the other part of the gym, leaving Y/N and Wanda standing there.
Embarrassed, Wanda cleared her throat and averted her gaze. "Right, well... I guess I have a lot to learn from you guys."
Y/N, now realizing what she had said, felt a warmth creeping up her own cheeks. She tried to backtrack, her tone more flustered than she intended. "Oh, uh, I didn't mean it that way. I just meant... you know... in terms of training."
Wanda's smirk was both teasing and amused. "Sure, sure, Y/N. We'll just leave it at that."
As Natasha watched from a distance, she couldn't help but enjoy the interaction between Y/N and Wanda. It was clear that there was some chemistry, even if it had started with an accidental flirtatious comment. She knew Y/N well, and she could see that her sister was growing more comfortable in her own skin, even if it sometimes led to amusingly awkward moments.
And as Y/N and Wanda continued their training, bantering and laughing, Natasha couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and affection for her little sister. She knew that Y/N was slowly coming into her own, forging her own connections and friendships, and discovering that she didn't always have to be the perfect golden sister. It was a step towards independence, and Natasha was there to watch and support every awkward, endearing moment.
After the training and banter-filled morning, Y/N returned to her room, deciding to take a refreshing shower to unwind. Wrapped in a towel and with damp hair, she stepped out of the bathroom, only to freeze in her tracks as her gaze landed on Wanda, who was sitting on her bed. The towel slipped slightly, and Y/N squeaked, immediately clutching the towel to her chest in embarrassment.
Wanda's eyes widened as she turned towards Y/N. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to invade your space like this!"
Y/N's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson as she hurriedly wrapped the towel around herself, her heart racing. "No, no, it's okay! I should have knocked or something."
Wanda looked away, her own cheeks flushing. "Yeah, I should have waited outside or something."
Y/N quickly grabbed some clothes, turning her back to Wanda to change. Once dressed, she nervously approached the bed and took a seat beside Wanda. "So, uh, what brings you to my room?"
Wanda grinned mischievously and pulled out a blunt, waving it casually. Y/N's eyes widened in both surprise and curiosity. She gave a nervous smile, knowing that this time Natasha wouldn't be there to keep her from getting carried away.
Wanda noticed Y/N's hesitance and shrugged. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
Y/N shook her head, summoning her courage. "No, I want to. It's just... I've never really done this before."
They lit up the blunt, taking slow drags as the room filled with a fragrant haze. In the midst of the smoking, Wanda glanced at Y/N and patted her lap. "Hey, ever done a shotgun before?"
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Shotgun? What's that?"
Wanda smirked playfully. "I'll show you. Come sit on my lap."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, but curiosity got the better of her. She cautiously moved to sit on Wanda's lap, looking a little bewildered. "Okay, now what?"
Wanda took another drag from the blunt, then held it close to Y/N's lips. "Now, when I blow the smoke out, you'll inhale. It's called a shotgun."
As Wanda exhaled, Y/N instinctively inhaled the smoke. When they pulled back, Y/N was left in a dazed state, her thoughts scattered and her heart racing. She stammered, "W-What was that?"
Wanda chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Just a shotgun. You okay, Y/N?"
Y/N's cheeks were tinted pink as she fumbled for words. "I-I... yeah, I think so. That was... unexpected."
Wanda's smirk grew more pronounced, and she teasingly tugged at the hem of Y/N's shirt. "Well, it's a new experience, right?"
Y/N's attempts at being coherent failed as she babbled, her words tripping over each other. "Uh, yeah, totally. Unexpected, but... um, yeah."
Wanda's laughter was soft and genuine as she gently patted Y/N's shoulder. "Relax, Y/N. It's all in good fun. If you're ever uncomfortable, just let me know."
As the effects of the smoke settled in, Y/N found herself leaning into Wanda's warmth, feeling a newfound connection that went beyond training and awkward encounters. In that moment, she was reminded that life was meant to be explored, even if it led to giggles, flustered moments, and unexpected experiences.
With the room bathed in a hazy glow, Y/N mustered the courage to engage in more conversation. "So, Wanda, what made you drop by my room today?"
Wanda leaned back, taking a contemplative drag from the blunt before exhaling slowly. "Honestly, I wanted to spend some time away from all the chaos. Being an Avenger can get overwhelming."
Y/N nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get that. It's nice to have a space where you can just unwind and be yourself."
Wanda's gaze softened, and she looked at Y/N with a hint of gratitude. "You know, you're not what I expected at first. I thought you'd be all serious and uptight, just like your sister."
Y/N chuckled, a playful gleam in her eyes. "Well, believe it or not, I have my moments of rebellion."
Wanda raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Is that so?"
Y/N's smile turned into a mischievous grin. "Let's just say, there's more to me than meets the eye."
Wanda's lips curled into a teasing smile. "Oh, really? So, you're not always the perfect little sister?"
Y/N winked, her demeanor growing more confident. "Let's just say, there's a side of me that likes to break the rules now and then."
Wanda leaned in slightly, her voice taking on a flirtatious edge. "I have to say, Y/N, the rebellious side suits you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at Wanda's comment, and she playfully nudged Wanda's shoulder. "Oh, really? You're not just saying that?"
Wanda's gaze locked with Y/N's, a hint of intensity in her eyes. "No, I'm definitely not just saying that."
The air between them grew charged, the room filled with the lingering smoke and an undeniable tension. Y/N found herself drawn to Wanda's confidence and the way she seemed to see through her perfect facade. It was a side of herself she rarely showed, and Wanda's presence was bringing it to the surface, making her feel more alive than ever before.
Wanda puts out the blunt and lets the ashtray down on the ground , then she takes Y/N by surprise cupping her cheeks and kissing her. The more their lips moved in perfect rhythm the more heated it got.
Wanda got on top of Y/N and helped her pull off her shirt."Is that okay?"She asks and Y/N nodded quickly.
"I trust you Wands"Y/N said and Wanda smiled genuinely .
She leans down and connects their lips.She bites Y/N's lip, causing the younger girl to gasp which she uses as a chance to slip her tongue into her mouth.Their tongues fight for dominance and Y/N quickly let her win knowing she had no chance against her.Her hands move down and she unclasped her bra then pulled it off.
She trails her kisses down my jaw to her neck once again softly sucking on her sweet spot putting enough pressure to make it pleasurable and leave plenty of marks decorating Y/N's neck.
She moves down to the younger girls chest and leaves gentle kisses then her tongue swirls around Y/N's nipple and a moan erupts out of Y/N's mouth, closing her eyes in pleasure.Her hand massages her other boob and the moans get louder.
"Wands please.."Y/N mumbles and Wanda bites her nipple gently to which a mixture of a yelp and a moan sounds in the room.
"Patience darling.I want to make your first time perfect."She says and Y/N nods.She makes her way to give the other boob the same treatment only difference being that this time she left a hickey higher up on Y/N's boob."Is that okay?"She asks and Y/N nodded.
"I like it." Y/N says and she smirks nodding.She moves her kisses down the girls toned stomach now and she leaves a hickey right where the waistband of the jeans was.
Her hands move to the zipper and she unzips it and the girl under raises her hips helping her pull the pants and panties down.She kisses her inner thigh and then leaves a hickey there too.
"Wands please.. I can't anymore..",comes out of the girls mouth as a pant and the older one finally gives in.
She lets her tongue circle around her clit and Y/N moans loudly reaching down and holding onto the sheets.One of Wanda's hands moves up to hold one of Y/N's who holds on tightly, moaning and enjoying the new sensation she was experiencing.Wanda teases her entrance with her finger and Y/N bites her lip.
"Tell me if I do something you're not comfortable with."She says and Y/N nods. Wanda's tongue connects back to her clit and she gasps as Wanda's finger moves inside. She gently moves it letting the younger girl get used to the new sensation.
"Faster please"Y/N exclaims and Wanda speeds up curling her finger hitting her g spot making pants and moans of her name slip past Y/N's lips.
"I..Im going to-"Y/N's sentence gets interrupted as pleasure takes over her and Wanda's name is moaned out as she shakes her eyes rolling to the back of her head.
Wanda let's her ride out the orgasm and when she opens her eyes she sees Wanda now above her, she pulls her in kissing her. Wanda kisses back and Y/N moans as she tastes herself on her lips. Y/N tries to pull the red heads shirt off but Wanda holds her hand."What?"Y/N asks and Wanda shakes her head.
"It's about you tonight there is time for that."Wanda says and Y/N's lips form a frown.
"But you need t-"Wanda pecks her lips cutting her off.
"You will pay me back don't worry about that."Wanda says and Y/N plays with her hair.
"Are you sure?"She asks unsurely and Wanda nods.
"Yes котенок."Wanda says and kisses her softly.
"You want to take a shower?"She asks and Y/N nods.
Y/N was in the kitchen, focused on making dinner, her mind far from the events that had transpired earlier. She was chopping vegetables when the sound of footsteps drew her attention. Natasha had returned to the compound, and Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her sister.
Natasha sauntered into the kitchen with her signature casual grace, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Hey, Y/N. Long day?"
Y/N smiled, grateful for the distraction from her thoughts. "Yeah, training was intense, but it's good to wind down in the kitchen."
As Natasha leaned against the counter, her eyes flickered to Y/N's neck, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What's that on your neck, Y/N? Looks like you got into some trouble."
Y/N's hand flew to her neck as she realized what Natasha was referring to. A blush rushed to her cheeks, and her usually articulate speech faltered into a series of incoherent stammers. "I-It's, uh, nothing, really. Just, um, I bumped into something earlier."
Natasha's expression turned mockingly stern, and she folded her arms across her chest. "Really, Y/N? Because those marks look a lot like something other than a bump."
Y/N's eyes widened in panic, her heart racing. She opened her mouth to respond, but her words seemed to escape her.
Natasha burst into laughter, her stern façade crumbling as she leaned against the counter, her amusement evident. "Oh, Y/N, you're terrible at lying."
Y/N's shoulders sagged in relief, and she chuckled nervously. "I guess I can't really hide anything from you, can I?"
Natasha's laughter subsided, and she stepped closer to Y/N, her expression warm and supportive. "You know, Y/N, I just want you to be happy. Whoever you're with, as long as they treat you well and make you smile, I'm on your side."
Y/N's eyes glistened with gratitude as she met Natasha's gaze. "Thank you, Nat. That means a lot to me."
Just then, the sound of approaching footsteps caught both of their attention. Wanda entered the kitchen, her presence filling the room with a kind of magnetic energy. She wrapped her arms around Y/N from behind, resting her chin on Y/N's shoulder.
Natasha's lips curled into a knowing smile as she observed the scene. "Well, well, seems like someone's been busy."
Wanda smirked playfully, her gaze meeting Natasha's. "Can't deny that."
Y/N's cheeks flushed, but she couldn't suppress her smile. She leaned into Wanda's touch, feeling a sense of contentment and belonging that she hadn't experienced before.
Natasha's gaze softened, and she looked at the two of them with genuine affection. "You two better take good care of each other. Y/N, I expect you to keep Wanda in check."
Y/N chuckled, the tension easing from her shoulders. "Don't worry, Nat. We'll look out for each other."
Natasha's smile widened, and she gave a subtle nod of approval. "Good. Just remember, if anyone hurts you, I won't hesitate to intervene."
Wanda's grip on Y/N tightened, and she pressed a soft kiss to Y/N's temple. "Don't worry, Natasha. I'll make sure she's well taken care of."
As the three of them stood in the kitchen, a sense of understanding and acceptance hung in the air. Y/N realized that while life was full of surprises and challenges, having the support of her sister and the newfound connection with Wanda made everything a little easier to navigate.
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Hello Again Friend,
I wanted to thank you for your kind response to my last submission - it has given me the encouragement to actually start this outrageously large fic that I have going on in my head. We shall see if at least part of it will be ready for AO3 by the end of the year😅
I have been considering sending you a snippet I was working on but it’s not nearly as flushed out as the first scenario (emotional Dream kneeling fic idea, just to confirm) I submitted to you. (read: I haven’t had a 2am anxiety-induced writing frenzy over it lol). But seeing your reblog of deviantly-inspired’s post made me feel like I could share it with you no matter how unfinished. The concept in my mind is similar and is also inspired by multiple fandom headcanons/fic readings so here goes nothing~
Before Dream begs Hob not to love him, before he kneels at the power Hob’s love has over him, and even before he allowed their relationship to slip unacknowledged past “just friends” into “what are we?,” territory, Dream had ignored his growing feelings for Hob. They had been friends seeing each other quite regularly for the better part of a year when Hob invited him upstairs to get away from the rambunctious new college graduates swarming the inn. Dream blamed their drunkenly hopeful and untamed dreams for the excitement he felt at following Hob to his private quarters. Of course, it was just a friendly invite considering Dream’s dislike for crowds and it was just a regular apartment for all intents and purposes. Except that it wasn’t. It was Hob’s apartment filled with Hob’s things and it was cozy and welcoming just like The New Inn. So how could Dream resist when Hob suggested they move future meetings there. “For the convenience, ya know? Less bothering the staff and saving money eating out ya know?” Hob is only rational so why disagree. “Not that you ever were an expensive date, ha! Seeing as I don’t think you ever ate at one of our meetings when I think about it. Hmm, do you even eat?”
Dream meets his eyes from where he sits across the couch: “If you mean do I need to consume sustenance for energy than no I don’t need to eat. But I usually abstain because like all things I consume I can sense the dreams of their creators which is unsatisfying in most cases.”
Hob’s eyes widen, “Unsatisfying because the dreams are bad or…?”
“Some. Often, the wishes are for riches or fame in cooking and sometimes they are dreams of being delicious or fulfilling which I find gratifying. But usually they are simply wishes to go home and rest which I believe you could see my hesitance for eating them in your company.” Dream smiles that tiny one-sided smile of his and Hob brightens up because he has a new goal based on what Dream said. He’s going to cook him a meal to enjoy just for him.
*Spongebob meme voice: Three Weeks Later”
Dream smells everything before he even knocks on the door of Hob’s flat. Hob has a bright smile despite the sweat on his face and he bows mockingly to say: “Your highness, dinner is served.”
Dream arches an eyebrow ready to decline the invite but even he knows it would be rude to deny as a guest. Especially when he can see Hob put a substantial amount of effort into the steaming pot he is currently scooping from. The drone of the oven fan fills the silent camaraderie of the moment as Dream sits at the small table set with two spoons and two glasses of wine. ‘How intimate,’ he thinks and is glad his embarrassed flush is covered up by Hob placing a gently steaming bowl in front of him and sitting across the table. “It’s just some beef stew but I hope you’ll like it. And it’s a totally odd companion dessert but I made some chocolate chip cookies to go with it. I’m just preheating the oven now.” Hob gives Dream a blindingly kind smile before he starts to eat and launches into a story about his Tuesday class.
The lack of pressure to eat or even talk is one of the things Dream appreciates about his friend. But to return this kindness he chooses to at least politely take a few bites before outright denying the cookies. On sight the stew is nothing more than dark gravy with hefty chunks of tender beef, soft carrots, fluffy potatoes, and translucent onions. A good hearty stew to be sure but nothing crazy for the palette and definitely not anything worth writing home about.
Dream scoops a single spoonful into his mouth and freezes. His natural stillness allows the moment to go unnoticed by Hob but the entire collective unconsciousness comes to a halt. The simple stew resonates with a multitude of wishes that coalesce into one overarching dream. The single most important dream of its creator imbued into every molecule and Dream can more than taste it. Run his human tongue over it, crush it between his teeth, and swallow it into the empty cavern of hunger too large for this human form to possess. The oven beeps so Hob excuses himself to quickly shape some cookies and get them into the oven. In the meantime, Dream is allowed to continue being overwhelmed in private.
He stares at where his spoon disappears into the comforting brown stew until his vision starts to blur. Tears are starting to well up in his eyes and though he has not been breathing this entire time his hands begin to shake. Shake with want, he wants to eat the entire bowl stew and all. The dream buried within that bowl begins to call to him and the intense fervor with which he wants to consume it all almost scares him. He wants to grab the still simmering cast iron pot and absorb it’s entirety into his being. Is it rude to eat Hob’s remainder? Could he lick the remaining flavor from within Hob’s lips so that he may always know it’s flavors? Is it too much to feel this way for a friend’s kindness? Is it too much for him to beg Hob for more sustenance? Is it too much to admit to Hob he is starving and only this will nourish him? What taste will his longing tears add to the broth? What more would Hob give him when he had nothing to offer in return?
The oven door shuts and suddenly the thought of an even sweeter food causes Dream to take in a lungful of air in fear. It would be too much to bear. It would be too much because he is too much.
“Are you okay, Dream? You look a little shaken.” Shaken? Yes, he is shaken to his core. The stinging tears threaten to fall but Dream blinks them back with immeasureable control because he cannot lose control. Not here.
“It is of no matter. My apologies for your efforts but I do not believe I could partake in your dessert. Thank you however, for the stew.” Dream carefully says only the truth. He does not say that it was ambrosia and the only reason he does not gorge himself on it is fear that there will be no more left. That’s not true, he fears acknowledging it would mean no more would come. Better to take this single bite now and have many singular bites in meetings to follow than to choke it all down now and never be able to feast again. He returns the spoon carefully to where it was initially set and puts his hands into his lap to hide their trembling.
“Of course, it’s totally fine, Dream! I would never force you to do anything you didn’t want. Besides, I’ll eat all of this myself eventually,” Hob smiles and tries not to let it be strained. He had hoped pouring all of his emotions into this meal would show Dream that he wanted to have more than just friendship with him but he must have misunderstood. It’s just plain soup after all and the cookies are the Tollhouse recipe so what was he expecting? A dramatic and mutual love confession? Was he thinking Dream would fall to his knees and rejoice in Hob’s regard? No! Of course, he would only stare at the soup with his starry eyes and take a singular bite before denying more. Maybe eating was painful and that’s why he had a pained expression on his face. Maybe Dream did know what feelings Hob put into the stew and was kindly ignoring them to allow Hob to save face and for that he was grateful. For that, he could continue their friendship without shame and choke down his soup and two cookies while still trying to play that he wasn’t bothered. He knew once Dream left the food would be thrown away.
Dream waited patiently for Hob to finish his stew and eat his warm cookies a little too soon after pulling them from the oven. Hob barely avoided choking on the burning dough through a series of undignified swearing about the temperature and blowing puffs of hot air from his open mouth. If Dream weren’t so caught up in his mind he would have done more than laugh his braying laugh. When Hob finishes they retire back to the perfectly worn out couch and Dream takes a last glimpse at the pot on the stove.
In that pot was a stew filled with unfathomable care and gentle regard for Dream. Every morsel flavored with warm feelings of positivity and each piece a wish for nourishment. The time taken imbued every spoonful with a wish for happiness. The mixture of textures and wishes gave the stew a singular flavor, a singular dream that Dream could not ignore. The stew, because its creator created it so, dreamed of comfort for Dream. A dream so beautiful and heartfelt it filled him with tears to be so cared for. It would be torture then to taste the cookies and know he could never have Hob. To know that he should not have Hob.
They said their goodnights and Hob packed away the stew because he couldn’t really bear to waste a perfectly good few meals. He did however, throw away the remaining cookie dough because it felt wrong to eat them or give them away when he made it for Dream. When he imagined Dream’s laugh with every scoop of flour, when he imagined the stars in Dream’s dark eyes for every grain of salt, the baking soda his smirk, the egg yolks his sunny small smiles, the white sugar his pale human skin, the brown sugar his dark unruly hair, the vanilla extract his unique scent, when every stir was a loving caress he longed to give and with every chocolate chip a sweet kiss. He would throw this declaration of love away if only to keep their friendship.
Dream returned to the Dreaming in a sweep of sand and he was glad to be away from Hob. From his flat’s intoxicating warmth and his easy smiles if only so he could think. He had to stop this from going further. He could not love Hob. It would ruin him. He would not let himself do that to his dearest friend…his only friend. He would not love Hob and it would be okay. Because they could be friends! Because it would be enough.
It will be okay because Hob does not love him.
You know, I am so sorry for coming to you a second time and just dropping my long ass scenarios on you lol. I just can’t get the imagine of Hob making Dream something yummy and it being so full of care that it makes Dream well up with tears. He has never been loved so quietly before, so patiently, so unobtrusively and I just want that for him. Hopefully, this will get worked into the same fic and hopefully one day we’ll all be able to read it lol. Once again, my apologies for dropping this on you but I hope you have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️
Oh beloved 🧶 anon!!! I'm so glad to hear that you felt encouraged by my last response, I'm absolutely thrilled and so excited by the prospect of reading what you create! Even if it takes some time, I promise that the effort will be worth it.
I'm absolutely obsessed with what you've done with Dream and food and love here. It's so beautiful and it's one of my favourite things to think about. How does Dream interpret love, as an Endless being with access to the entire collective unconsciousness of humanity? He seems very much to feel emotions in the same way that we do - perhaps even in a more heightened way. I'm so interested in the way a home cooked meal imbued with all of Hob’s thoughts and good intentions and love would make him feel. How overwhelming would it be to have those things directed at him specifically for once? Hob’s love is not overwhelming, in itself. It's an ember that's burned softly for many years, and nothing can put it out. But even though it is so gentle, Dream just can't... hold it. Not without coming apart.
And Hob, oh bless him. I'm totally in the "food is Hob’s love language" camp. I'm so emotional about the idea of him sadly throwing out the cookie dough, respectful of Dream’s wishes but still feeling a little bruised that his love doesn't seem to be enough. I think that he won't stop trying, though. That little ember isn't going anywhere.
So, once again: thank you for sharing this. You are wonderful and you're going to make a wonderful fic. I hope you have a great day, my friend!
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donfermin · 3 months
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Fermín López: “We will miss Xavi”
Fermín López arrives with Edu Gangoso, a member of the FC Barcelona press department, at the Ciutat Esportiva press room. He’s wearing a smile that fits perfectly with the sunny morning. He is in a good moment and his face can’t hide it. He is wearing white boots from Under Armour, the sportswear brand he represents.
Are these the boots you scored the goal against Napoli with?
No, no. Those are the gold ones.
You’ve just found out who will be your opponent in the quarter-final. Are you happy?
The truth is that it will be a great game, a difficult game because they are a great team, but whoever we played was going to be difficult and going to cost us. We will try to play our game and get through to the semifinal.
The draw could have been worse. You play the second leg at home, as well as in a hypothetical semifinal…
In the end we knew that whoever we got was going to be a big team, we got PSG and we’re happy. In the end it does work in our favour that we play the second leg at home, that’s true, but whoever we play… It’s true that City is a great team and they’re very good, but you can also find them in a final.
There’s no lack of motivation.
Motivation comes naturally in the Champions League. We’re playing against a great opponent and, in that respect, everyone will be pumped up.
Does Mbappé scare you?
He’s one of the most dangerous players in PSG, but there’s also Dembélé. They are great players and we will try to stop them.
Barça is also strong. The match against Napoli has made you grow a lot.
Yes, on an emotional level we have taken a step forward. Now we have to try to maintain this dynamic until the end and win titles.
When Fermín plays well, so does Barça. Has Xavi found the best system for you?
Against Napoli I played as a 8, inside, but more as a midfielder. The truth is that I feel good between the lines, the coach helps me a lot and things are going well and we are winning.
And scoring! What more could you ask for?
It’s a great joy. It’s something I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid: scoring goals like this for the club I’ve always wanted to play for, Barça! I’m very happy on a personal level, but above all for the team.
Cubarsí, Balde, Lamine, Héctor, Gavi… Is it different for someone who has grown up in La Masia?
We’ve been Barça fans since we were very young and we feel as if we were just another fan, hence the joy we show and everything we did after the game against Napoli and qualifying.
What Pau Cubarsí is doing is crazy.
It’s incredible, we can see it in training, but then in the games against the strikers he faces, how he plays… it’s admirable, I’m very happy for him.
Stopping strikers like Muriqi, Larin or Osimhen at 17 is not normal.
In La Masia they do a good job, in the youth teams, and they try to get as many people as possible into the first team. They prepare us quite well and then we have to get there and do well, which is what Pau is doing.
Put like that, it sounds easy, but they give you something to eat…
(Laughs) We eat everything, good food, but everything.
You and Gavi were like the fathers of La Masia in your last period there. Now it’s Lamine and Pau’s turn. Everything you experienced there can be felt in your football when you get to the first team.
Yes, the truth is that La Masia is like your second home, your second family. There you experience a lot of good and bad moments, and we all stick together and that's why you can sense the camaraderie that can be seen later on.
You understand each other just by looking at each other.
Maybe. As almost all of us have played together when we were kids, watched the same game, played the same way, it could be that in the first team you can see that we know each other.
If La Masia did not exist, there would be a big problem now.
The club is in a more difficult moment and has to rely more on young players and I think we are trying to make the grade because playing for Barça is difficult, but there is a group of young players that I think can stay in the first team for many years.
A period with fewer minutes
You went through a period when you played very little. Did it hurt?
Everyone likes to play and do well, I went through a period where I didn’t feel as good as I did at the beginning, but these are processes that you go through during the season. I’m young, I have to learn, I learn from my teammates, the coach helps me a lot and now I’m feeling good again. Let’s make it last as long as possible!
What did Xavi tell you?
He always told me the same thing, to stay calm, that everything will come. He always helps me a lot in every way.
You returned to the eleven against Atheltic and finished the match angry.
I was pissed off, yes, not just because of myself, but because it was an opportunity to close the gap and we didn't win. And I didn't play a good game and I was a bit more pissed off. But in the end you think that it's over, that there will be another chance the following week and that's it.
You had it and you took it. You seem mentally strong.
You rely on the people around you. If you have a bad game and people from the team, or the coach, come and encourage you and give you confidence to do well in the next game… then everything gets easier.
Will you miss Xavi?
Yes, of course.
He has almost given me everything here at the club because, since I came back from the loan, he is the person who has trusted me the most. He has always given me that confidence, the opportunity to be a first team player, and we will miss him, obviously.
The Champions League title as a farewell present would be nice.
Both for the coach and the club, as well as all the Culés. Let’s hope we will win!
Is it the title you see the best chance of winning?
We still have faith for La Liga. We know it’s difficult because Madrid and Girona are having a good year, but yes, of course, in the Champions League we’re very motivated, we’re doing well and we see ourselves there. We will fight until the end to get it.
You haven’t played at the Camp Nou yet.
Sometimes I pass by, I see it and I say ‘I wish I could play at Camp Nou’. It’s a dream I haven’t fulfilled yet and I hope that when I’m available I’ll be able to achieve it.
Can you imagine scoring in front of 90,000 people?
Sometimes I think about it, if in Montjuïc it feels like that, in the Camp Nou it has to be incredible.
It’s only a matter of time because you have a contract until 2027.
Yes, the truth is that I am willing to stay here as long as the club wants me to. I'm young and I have a long way to go, but my dream is to be here for many years.
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kyleoreillylover · 4 months
Always Take Care of You
Sami Zayn x Fem!Black!Reader x Kevin Owens
After a pretty dull weekend (Nothing too special, just you, Kevin and Sami main-eventing WrestleMania, no big deal), your boys want to take care of you.
Word count: 2,303
tagged: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant @raya-hunter01 @afterdarkprincess
A/N: Zowens brainrot at the moment. That's it. This can be read as platonic or romantic, it is up to you! inspired by a zowens fanfic I read<3
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Everything felt like too much yet not enough at the same time. The flashing lights of the cameras were blinding, the cacophony of voices echoing throughout Wrestlemania weekend like a relentless drumbeat.
But none of those could compare to the electricity that surged through your veins as you walked inside your hotel room, Kevin and Sami following behind you, your new Raw Women's Championship shimmering in your hands.
"I've never went inside her hotel room, we're best friends but there are some things that are just sacred," Kevin joked to an interviewer earlier that day, and you had nudged him with a smile, knowing that his jest was a cover for the genuine bond you shared. But he would follow you anywhere if it meant he could share in your success.
And as you carefully set all your titles onto the richly furnished dresser (now 5!!), your boys watched the glimmer in your eyes as the you stared at your Raw Women's Championship. The golden plate reflected the ambient glow of the room, and your face seemed to glow as well, and Sami and Kevin's hearts swelled with pride.
You had done the same with them yesterday when you had stood by them when they won the Tag Titles from Jimmy and Jey the previous night, cheering them on with unwavering support. Now, it was your moment, your time to revel in the glory you had rightfully earned.
"We did this." You whispered.
"You did this." Sami corrected, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. His voice was soft, but his words carried the weight of their meaning.
You turned to face them, the smile on your face widening. "No, we did this," you insisted, your eyes meeting each of theirs.
Kevin gently placed a hand on your shoulder, his blue eyes reflecting the pride and camaraderie that flowed between the three of you. "We did this, we fought for this together, and now we get to celebrate together." he said, his voice gruff with emotion. "This isn't just your victory, it's ours."
You breathed out, feeling the warmth of their friendship envelop you like a comforting blanket. "Ours."
Then you let out a giggle, and the tension that had been building up in the room suddenly dissipated, replaced by your shared laughter. It was a moment of pure joy, a moment where the pressures of the wrestling world melted away, leaving only the bonds of friendship and the thrill of victory.
"I can't believe we actually pulled it off," Sami chimed in, his voice filled with disbelief and elation.
"I can't believe Adam actually gave me the main event over Roman," Your voice was filled with awe and disbelief. "I can't believe he hates him that much that he would give me the spot over him," You chuckled, shaking your head in wonder. "I feel bad for Cody, but it ain't my fault that I'm just that good," You added with a playful smirk.
Kevin let out a hearty laugh, clapping you on the back. "You earned every bit of this spotlight, and Roman can take a backseat for once." Kevin wasn't gonna let you diminish everything you did.
Sami nodded along with a soft grin, his eyes shimmering with pride. "You've worked so hard for this moment, and no one deserves it more than you."
As the adrenaline of the victory began to subside, a sense of contentment settled over the room. For a moment, there were no rivalries, no feuds, just three friends that made their way from the Indies basking in the glow of their shared success.
"Now go shower, you stink of victory!" Kevin interrupted with a playful shove, breaking the momentary solemnity.
Typical Kevin. It seemed like he was on a sugar rush from stealing all your snickers bars from the press conference, and you knew that you were gonna have to monitor his candy intake if you wanted to get any sleep tonight.
You chuckled, swatting at him half-heartedly. "Hey, I earned this stench," you retorted, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
Sami smirked, leaning against the dresser. "Yeah, but the rest of us don't have to suffer through it," he teased, earning himself a mock glare from you.
You rolled your eyes, but the smile never left your face. "Fine, fine," you relented, giving them both a playful glare before disappearing into the bathroom, the sound of running water soon filling the room.
When you came out of the shower, a bonnet wrapped around your head and soft robe draped over your shoulders, you found Kevin and Sami sprawled out on the plush hotel bed, talking amongst themselves.
You plopped down onto the bed beside them, the softness of the mattress a welcome relief after the long day of wrestling and celebrations. You immediately cuddled into Sami, making him smile and wrap an arm around you, while Kevin made room for you with a playful shove but then he pulled you both into a tight embrace, sandwiching you between him and Sami.
"I'm tired. So, so tired." You mumbled into the cozy embrace of both men, feeling the exhaustion from the day's events finally catching up to you.
Kevin let out a sympathetic chuckle. "Well, you did just win the Raw Women's Championship in the main event of WrestleMania, I think being tired is allowed," he remarked with a teasing tone, though his eyes betrayed a genuine fondness for you.
"I thought all that chocolate you ate was supposed to give you energy," Sami added with a smirk, earning a playful smack on the arm from you.
"Kevin stole all the chocolate, remember?" you shot back, sticking out your tongue at Kevin who grinned sheepishly in response.
You winced slightly as you shifted to get more comfortable, the soreness from the match still lingering in your muscles. Sami noticed and reached over to grab a nearby pillow, gently placing it behind your back for added support.
"Better?" he asked with a warm smile.
You nodded gratefully, sinking deeper into the embrace of your friends. "Much better, thanks," you replied, feeling the tension easing from your muscles as you settled in.
"How much does it hurt?" Kevin asked, his voice soft with concern as he traced your scar.
You winced again, the memory of the stinging pain flooding back to you. "Bianca whipped her braid into my ribs, how do you think my side feels?" You answered with a playful grin, trying to lighten the mood.
"I think I blacked out when she hit me with it," You added with a chuckle, though the pain was still very real.
You leaned into Kevin's touch when he traced your scar, the warmth of his hand providing a comforting reassurance. "It's not too bad," you replied, though you couldn't deny the lingering ache in your side.
Sami's expression softened with empathy. "Well, you bruised her eye, so I'd say it's a fair trade," he quipped, trying to inject some humor into the situation.
"Yeah, because me punching her equals instant karma," you replied with a laugh, closing your eyes when Kevin and Sami chuckled, the sound a soothing melody in the quiet of the hotel room.
For a moment, the three of you simply existed in the space, the weight of the day's events mingling with the warmth of friendship. Despite the pain and exhaustion, being surrounded by Kevin and Sami made everything feel bearable.
You hummed when you felt Sami's hands gently massaging your shoulders, the tension gradually melting away under his skilled touch. "You're tired too, you don't have to—"
"I want to," Sami interrupted softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "You've carried us through so much, it's the least I can do to help you relax."
You smiled gratefully, feeling a rush of warmth spread through your chest at Sami's words. You wanted to protest, but Sami's hand working out the knots on your shoulders felt too good to resist. Instead, you let out a contented sigh, allowing yourself to fully surrender to the moment.
"Thank you." You murmured softly, your voice barely above a whisper as you leaned into Sami's touch. "Both of you, thank you."
Kevin reached over to squeeze your hand, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection for you. "For what? You're the one that won the title tonight. You're the reason we're all here," he said sincerely, his voice warm with admiration.
You shook your head, a soft smile playing on your lips. "No, the reason we're all here is because you two bozos are the best friends a person could ask for," You said, your voice filled with genuine gratitude. "20 years of laughter, tears, victories, and defeats. You've been there for me through it all, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world."
Kevin chuckled, a hint of emotion in his voice. "Bozos, huh? Well, I guess we'll take that as a compliment," he replied with a playful grin, squeezing your hand in return.
Sami nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with affection. "Yeah, wouldn't want to be anyone else's bozos," he said, his voice tinged with fondness.
"I just spilled my heart out to you and the only thing you guys hear is "bozos," you finished, pretending to pout, though the playful twinkle in your eyes gave away your true feelings.
Kevin and Sami burst into laughter, the sound filling the room with warmth and light. You would never get tired of hearing the sound of their laughter and being the cause of it. You loved making them happy, being the cause of their grins and overall happiness. You just loved them in general...
"I guess we're just used to your insults by now," Kevin quipped, brining you out of your thoughts, earning himself a playful swat from you.
"You love it," you retorted with a grin, feeling a sense of contentment settle over you like a comforting blanket.Sami wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a tight hug. "We do," he agreed, his voice filled with sincerity. "We love you, champ."
You leaned into the embrace, feeling the weight of the day's events finally catching up to you. But in that moment, surrounded by the warmth and laughter of your friends, you knew that everything was going to be okay.
"I love you both too." You mumbled into the embrace, feeling a surge of gratitude and love wash over you. It was moments like these, the quiet ones filled with shared laughter and heartfelt sentiments, that made all the struggles and sacrifices worth it.
You laid down on the bed, sandwiched between Kevin and Sami, feeling their warmth enveloping you like a protective cocoon. Sami continued to massage your shoulders, his touch gentle and soothing, while Kevin rested his head on your shoulder, his breath warm against your neck. It was a simple moment of closeness, but it was everything you needed after the whirlwind of WrestleMania weekend.
"Remind me to owe you for massaging me like this," you murmured with a contented sigh, feeling the tension in your muscles slowly dissipating under Sami's skilled touch.
Sami sighed contentedly, his fingers working magic on your shoulders. "Consider it payment for all those times you've had our backs in and out of the ring," he replied softly, his voice warm with affection.
Kevin chuckled, his breath tickling your neck. "Oh, don't worry, I'll make sure to collect on that debt if he's too nice not too," he teased, though there was a genuine warmth in his voice.
As the laughter faded into comfortable silence, you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fully bask in the warmth and love of your friends. In that moment, surrounded by the people who had been with you through thick and thin, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and peace wash over you.
WrestleMania weekend had been a whirlwind of emotions, but as you lay there with Kevin and Sami by your side, you knew that no victory or championship could ever compare to the bond you shared with them.
"Go to sleep, champ," Kevin murmured, his voice soft with affection.
"Can we get Waffle House when we wake up?" You groggily asked, earning a playful groan from Kevin and a wide smile from Sami.
"Of course we can, as long as you promise not to order everything on the menu this time," Sami replied with a laugh, his voice filled with fondness.
You grinned, feeling the exhaustion finally catching up to you as you snuggled deeper into the embrace of your friends. "I won't," you mumbled sleepily, feeling the comforting weight of sleep beginning to pull you under.
"Whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy, we'll make it happen," Kevin said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.
With those words echoing in your mind, you let yourself drift off into a peaceful slumber, surrounded by the warmth and love of your two best friends.
Sami kissed the top of your head gently, his touch light and filled with affection. "Goodnight, champ," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. His hands squeezed Kevin's as a silent kiss in the night as well.
Kevin followed suit, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Sweet dreams," he murmured, his voice warm with love.
There had been so much noise over the past few days — press, fans, interviews, and the roar of the crowd. You cherished that, loved the connection with the fans, the love the three of you had been getting.
But in that moment, in the quiet intimacy of the hotel room, where all you could hear was the steady rhythm of your friends' breathing, a comforting lullaby that carried you into a deep and restful sleep, was what you truly wanted.
And that was worth more than any championship title or victory in the ring.
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theladyofbloodshed · 1 year
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Be Consumed By The Flame - Chapter 3
Thick wedges of sunlight seeped through the gaps in the busy buildings of Velaris as they returned to the city. It was cooler than the weather Nesta had enjoyed for the last two days. The skin beneath Nesta’s eyes was tinged pink and pulled tight from a morning spent in the Dawn Court followed by a day in the Summer Court. Lucien had taken her there after breakfast and they had enjoyed a day spent wading in the shallows of the ocean, feasting on sea food – which wasn’t as bad as she thought – and marvelling at Lucien catching fish with his bare hands to show off. He’d caught brightly coloured fish to show her, before letting them go again back into the waves. The waters of the Summer Court had been so crisp and clear that they were able to stand still in the shallows and fish could be seen darting near their legs in a colourful shoal.
While her own skin tingled from the kiss of the sun, Lucien’s had simply turned golden. Both of them had enjoyed strong alcohol that had been disguised with fruit juice on the beach until they had become giggly and flushed in the afternoon. They had lamented their miserable existences together, taking comfort in the fact their lives were equally abysmal. There was a sort of camaraderie in shared misery. At the first signs of sunset, Nesta conceded that she ought to return despite not really wanting to. She hadn’t missed Cassian. They rarely spent time alone anymore. Now she was shiny and healed, he did not need to ensure she didn’t fuck her way through Velaris. He could devote his time to his precious circle of friends.  
Holding onto Lucien for support, they wove through the gleaming streets of the city. Already, Nesta missed the constant roll of the ocean against the shore, the towering palm trees, and the dusting of sand on the streets. The return to Velaris brought with it a sense of dread that she knew should not accompany her arrival home.
‘Are you ready to do battle, my lady?’
Nesta couldn’t help but snort. Her mind was scrambled from a day in the sun along with lots of strong smelling alcohol. ‘You take on Azriel and Mor. I’ll handle the others.’
‘Even the baby?’
‘Isn’t it disturbing that Feyre is closer in age to her son than her ancient mate?’
‘Your mate is ancient.’
‘Everybody is. Surprised you haven’t turned to dust.’
Lucien made a scorned noise. ‘I will you have know, Nesta Archeron, that I am barely two centuries old.’
She swiped at his arm. ‘Practically a baby yourself despite the fact you groan when you have to stand up.’
‘That’s not old age,’ he said, grinning at her. ‘I’m just lazy.’
Nesta gave him another swat. ‘Stop making me smile. My face hurts.’
She pressed her cool hands against her glowing cheeks, trying to flatten the smile and stop the ache from the skin being pulled taut when it already felt like it was stretched too tightly over the bones.
‘What a positively wicked thing to say. It is my personal mission to make you snort with laughter each time I see you now.’
Elain did not realise how lucky she was to have a male who was so brilliant, so uplifting, waiting for her to notice him. Lucien had made her laugh often during their two days together. He was a silver-tongued prankster who waited until Nesta’s mouth was filled with liquid before he cracked a joke so that she’d spit it out down her lap. He had even made her suck in a breath at a comment so she’d began choking on a chunk of battered squid and Lucien had needed to slap her on the back amidst his laughter.
Lucien held up a hand and Nesta staggered into him. They stood before a glass window. It was the bakery that they had visited a few days earlier. It was readying itself to close for the night, but there were still a few items that would be thrown away lingering in the window.
‘No. I couldn’t eat another bite. All you’ve done today is feed me.’
Lucien paid her words no heed as he peered around the doorway into the shop. ‘My lovely friend here will have the carrot cake and if that’s a macaron, then she will have that too.’
‘I will not. I’m too full.’
‘Ignore her. She’s drunk. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.’
The bakery owner gave a laugh as she boxed up the items for Lucien.
‘I don’t want them.’
‘You will want them later. I know you already.’
When they arrived to the river estate, the conversation amongst the inner circle dried up. The weight of their gazes pressed upon Nesta. She could already see the disapproval seeping from Mor’s thin lips and Rhysand’s tense jaw.
Cassian’s eyes raked over her, assessing for injury, then he announced, ‘You are drunk.’
‘Well spotted,’ she snorted.
Beside her, Lucien pressed his lips together to keep from laughing – and she had to do the same. This shouldn’t have been a funny situation, so Nesta fought valiantly against the urge to burst into giggles once more. She could not look to Lucien. He would make her crack.
‘You know she’s not supposed to drink, Vanserra. What the fuck are you thinking?’
‘I explicitly told Cassian that I did not want Nesta to leave. Worse, you tricked Az into helping.’
The shadowsinger stood in the doorway with Elain peering over his arm to look at them with a pinched expression.
Lucien gave an uncaring shrug. ‘I hadn’t known Nesta was a prisoner who could not make decisions for herself.’
‘She’s not,’ Feyre said quickly.
‘Oh good, because you were not very happy when Tam wouldn’t let you leave the manor, so I’d hate for the same to be inflicted upon your elder sister. She’s already living in a house that she cannot escape from though, so I am a little uncertain on what constitutes a prisoner in the Night Court.’
‘Who the fuck do you think you are?’
If Rhysand did not have his son slumbering his arms, Nesta was sure that he would have stood after uttering those words. Nesta did not like his tone. He gave Lucien the same repulsed look that he had used on her the first time that they had met, condemning him to a life in Rhysand’s disapproval list.
‘Don’t speak to him like that,’ Nesta retorted.  ‘A high lord should have more neutrality when it comes to his court. You’re all ruled by your hearts. My apologies, emissary, for the lack of manners within this court. Feel free to return to the mortal lands.’
She gave Lucien a stern nod that tried to convey to him that she could manage this lot and he didn’t need to be in the firing line any longer. Lucien had never truly been trusted by them, so she could understand exactly why he would be leaving his post. After one day in the Dawn Court, even she might contemplate a life there.
Lucien departed without fanfare. He pressed the box of cake into her hand after giving her a soft smile.
Nesta could feel their judgements of her scraping at her skin. She was a bad person. She had hurt Cassian’s feelings. Lucien had hurt Feyre’s too so by default, it was Nesta’s fault. The arguments were building on their tongues, but before Nesta could be pelted by them, she turned on her heels. ‘Well, I have ten thousand stairs to climb. Farewell.’
Lucien was a fool whose tongue always landed him in trouble. This time, he dreaded that it had landed Nesta in trouble too. He could not help the remark about Tamlin from leaking out. Feyre was blind if she could not see the parallels to her own situation. He had known that Nesta had had her struggles with alcohol after the war, but it was not uncommon for others to numb pain that way. The inner circle never held events without alcohol also being a guest. He had known she was not supposed to have it. If that had been the case then they were insensitive to be drinking around her. But Nesta had not been a shaking, desperate wreck who had clawed at alcohol as a crutch while they languished on the beach. Lucien had been the one to suggest it. She’d sipped her drink slowly and decided that she had drank enough before she was too inebriated. Despite everything, Nesta was capable of making her own decisions too. The Night Court did not know what was best for her.
His knee bounced as he tried to read a report from his contact in the Summer Court. Lucien’s mind was unable to forget Nesta Archeron. He worried for her. It was different to the way that he had worried for her sister in Spring; Feyre was unable to follow simple instructions designed to keep her safe in a world of faeries. It was also not the same worry he had for Elain. Lucien had worried for her thin frame and hollow eyes. Now, she was whole again, but content to hide. The worry that he had for Nesta was because she would stand her ground and bleed to prove a point. The thought of her having to weather the Night Court’s scorn – or face Cassian in an argument – because nothing she could do was right, infuriated Lucien.
What could he do?
Even if he returned to Velaris now, she might have already been sequestered into the House of Wind, with no hope of reaching her to ensure that she was well unless he could brave a dizzying ten thousand stairs.
And after he handed in his notice? What then? He wouldn’t be able to see her again.  
He had made his peace with an unwanted mating bond. He would not burden Elain with his presence any longer. But maybe he needed to burden the Night Court with it to be a lifeline to Nesta.
‘Will you stop shaking your fucking leg?’ Jurian let out something like a snarl. ‘The whole table is wobbling.’
‘Sorry. I’m distracted.’
‘And drunk.’
‘I’ve sobered somewhat.’ Lucien scrubbed at his face, fingers snagging on the ribbon of scar tissue ruining his face. ‘I have a feeling I have made a monumental mistake.’
He shared details of the last two days with Jurian along with his worries that he might have put Nesta in an unfortunate position due to his attempts at lifting her mood. She had reminded him too much of his mother to leave her alone. In a strange sort of atonement for his life, Lucien had reasoned that because he could not help his mother, helping Nesta carried an equal weight. Although he hoped Cassian was not a male like Beron, Lucien had seen the general’s temper, had seen the way he spoke down to Nesta or preferred other people’s company to that of his mate. These small things might have been insignificant, but over time, they would erode her just as they had to his mother.
‘Bring her here if you’re so concerned.’
Lucien’s eyes canvassed the room, from the cracks in the off-white paint of the ceiling to the faded paper peeling from the wall. The chair that Jurian sat in creaked with every movement, the window frame was rotting, and one strong wind might blow the roof off. He could offer her nothing beyond basic safety.
‘She’s mated besides. I can’t steal her.’
‘Who says you’ll steal her? I’d be glad to leave the insufferable righteousness of the Night Court. I spent fifty years trapped with Rhysand, remember? I’ve seen his cock more than I’ve seen my own.’
Vassa, transformed for the evening, strode into the room. She took the seat beside Lucien on the couch then tucked her feet beneath her legs. ‘Whose cock are you discussing today?’
‘You make it sound like a regular thing,’ frowned Lucien.
‘It is for him,’ she replied, inclining her red head towards Jurian on the other side of the room.
He made a noise of protest. ‘No. I said Graysen engages with a pissing contest every time we meet. It wasn’t specifically about his cock.’
Ugh, Graysen. The male that Elain harboured feelings for. Lucien could not understand it. He was one of the dullest people he had the misfortunate in meeting. The male lacked ambition, expected everything to be passed to him by his father’s work, his voice was monotonous, and quite frankly he was rather plain on the eye. Still, that might have been better than a metal eye and a face full of scars on an exiled fae.
Despite the bickering that went on between his two friends that evening, Lucien’s mind was elsewhere. Beyond worrying for Nesta, he could not shake the thought of her cheerful laughter that had reminded him of sunlight. It was so glorious, so unexpected as she tossed her head back and squeezed her eyes shut. Nor could he let go of that wit that he struggled to keep pace with. They had volleyed words back and forth, the conversation more stimulating and engaging than any he had had for some time.
More than anything, Lucien looked forward to seeing Nesta again.
‘Don’t be ridiculous.’
Cassian’s hand clamped around her wrist, pulling her to him in the darkened front garden.
‘It’s ten thousand steps. I’ll fly you up.’
Before Nesta could speak, he’d hauled her roughly against him then pushed off from the stone. Her breath caught in her throat as they flew upwards, the cold air whipping her cheeks, the altitude unbalancing her.
She was unsteady when he put her down on the roof, so Nesta staggered a step forwards, colliding with Cassian’s chest.
‘You see? You’re in no fit state to walk straight, let alone go upstairs.’
‘I am fine,’ she bit out.
Cassian followed her across the roof and into the house. Both of them were warriors with neither knowing when to yield. Nesta already knew that there would be a fight that night.
‘I’ll have Lucien for letting you drink.’
Nesta pushed out a breath. ‘Lucien didn’t let me do anything because he isn’t my keeper, Cassian. I decided to enjoy a few drinks on the beach because I was having a good time. Mor constantly has a glass of wine in her hand and that is fine. You drink every time we visit them. Why can’t I enjoy a few drinks to unwind? I had a lovely time with Lucien, by the way – thank you so much for asking.’
‘Oh yeah. I’m sure you had a great time with another male. Did you fuck him?’
The question absolutely blindsided Nesta. It took her a moment to even process it. She blinked at him. ‘I beg your pardon?’
A slight blush crept up Cassian’s neck but he held her stare. ‘You heard me.’
She turned away from him to begin unpacking her bag – although she wished she could escape somewhere else. Somewhere far away. ‘Unbelievable,’ she muttered under her breath. ‘I will not even dignify you with an answer.’
‘You made a habit of it before.’
Those words were worse than a slap. Cassian knew she hated that part of her history. She had told him once that she wished she had never ventured down that path, had saved her maidenhead for him because he loved her, rather than bouncing from male to male, sometimes two males a night, in her pursuit of drowning out the hatred for herself.
She was too stunned to even speak.
Nesta continued unpacking as she forced away the prickling of tears that were a common occurrence in this relationship.
A hand brushed down her arm. ‘I’m sorry. That was out of line.’
‘Leave me alone.’
‘Nes,’ he continued, trying to link his fingers with hers.
‘Leave me alone.’
Her voice was hard and raw, leaving no room for negotiation. To his credit, Cassian did leave her alone. Faintly, she made out the boom of his powerful wings. Soon, her ears would be burning as he would likely spin a tail about her being cruel, not opening her legs for him after her absence, and not answering his questions about a dalliance with Lucien. If Nesta had said anything similar then she would be hung from the rafters. She was tired of constantly being pecked by them all for not being the female they decided that she ought to be.
She wished she had some plates to break. Lucien had been right when he said she had a lot to be angry about. Life had never been fair to her. Nesta was not Feyre; she could not air out all of the horrible things her mother and grandmama had done to her to make everybody feel sorry for her. It was bad enough that there had been witnesses to what happened with the Cauldron – yet even then, Elain’s experience was somehow made to be worse than Nesta’s. Feyre’s trauma at being unable to help was more important than Nesta actually going through it.
Her bag hit the ground with a bang as she tossed it there.
Feyre had forbidden her from marrying Tomas Mandray. She wondered whether her sister ought to have extended that advice to Cassian too. What did he offer her except heartache? A mating bond did not equal perfection. It provided strong offspring, nothing more.
Tears dropped onto her cheeks as Nesta tried to keep busy in the bedroom by tidying away Cassian’s messes. She could not stop the echoing voices in her head that she always tried to banish.
Not good enough. Embarrassed of your past. Second place to Mor. Shackled to me.
When her tears blurred her vision enough to make her stop, Nesta perched on the edge of the bed with her face in her hands. It wasn’t fair. This wasn’t the life she wanted. She did not want to be with a male who made her feel as if she did not deserve him, like he was doing her a favour by being with her. There was always something she did wrong, always a reason to be blamed for something. She had survived the Blood Rite that she had been forced into, but it was her fault that the Illyrians were angry. She had given up her powers to save Feyre and Nyx, but now she was defenceless when they might have needed her skill one day. She had accepted Cassian’s bond, but had been warned to be good to him.
Nesta had not stolen from the Cauldron and killed the King of Hybern to sit here and cry over a male. She was made of steel and flame, made for more than this.
In a sudden burst of passion, she re-packed her bag, ensuring that she could lift it easily onto her back without Lucien carrying it for her as he had in the Dawn Court. Hurriedly, Nesta scrawled a note to Cassian then aimed for the stairwell.
You have done this once before, she told herself. Anger had accompanied her then too, giving her feet wings.
It was better if she did not count the steps. She forced herself to go on for as long as she could before resting a while in one of the landings. It allowed her the chance to steady her heart beat. Nesta pressed her cheek to the cold wall to cool it then she was on her feet again, ready to tackle the next chunk.  On. On. On. Throughout her marching, Nesta was her own support, telling herself that she deserved better, deserved more, deserved a future that filled her with joy. On. On. On.
When her legs began to tremble, Nesta did not force them to keep going. She took a rest again. There was nothing wrong with resting. The corners of her mouth ticked up as she peeled back the lid of the box containing her baked goods. Lucien had been right. She did need them. Needed that sugar to bolster her on the final way. Her tongue traced through the thick layer of icing. She wished she had a cup of tea to wash it down.
On. Nesta went on. Her fingers brushed against a wooden door that felt damp from the cold. A surge of pride built in her chest as she realised that she had managed the stairs for a second time. Her muscles might have been burning and she’d be in agony in the morning, but Nesta had done it.
Her hood was pulled up over her golden hair and pointed ears. A few streets were still busy with revellers enjoying drinks and as she passed the Boar’s Head, Nesta faintly made out the sounds of instruments seeping from the open doors. It was tempting to go inside to bask in the atmosphere that she had once coveted but it would be the first place that Cassian would think to look for her. No, Nesta had to be smart. If she headed towards the south-westerly portion of Velaris, that was where traders were permitted to enter the city. There were roads that led through the mountains towards the Day Court or there was even a quiet port where ships could rest a while. Either of those was a better option than staying here with a male who could always find fault in her.
Sleep had not come. Lucien tossed and turned until the sun came out, worrying over Nesta. He had gotten her in trouble then left her to fend for herself. It was wrong. Lucien had pondered and puzzled on a way to get a message to her – a way that she could let him know that she wasn’t in trouble. Then, the most obvious thought struck him and he’d wished he had thought of it earlier. He would return to Velaris and claim that he had thought that he had left an item in the bedroom of the House of Wind. It gave him a chance to enter the house, to see Nesta with his own eyes.
Lucien waited in the lounge of the crumbling manor until it was an acceptable time to call upon Feyre and Rhys. In his head, Lucien tried to sweep away his worries. Nesta was likely asleep still in the arms of her mate. They had spent a night apart for the first time in months, both had likely jumped at the chance of seeing each other again. He hoped all of his worries were foolish.
When Lucien winnowed onto the lawn of the high lord’s river front estate, the shadowsinger strode from the house followed by Morrigan. She shot him a look. ‘Where is she, Vanserra?’
A crease pressed between his brows. ‘You’ll have to run that by me again.’
‘Nesta,’ supplied Azriel.
A shiver ran down his spine.
The female had nowhere else to go. She’d told him that enough times.
‘Did you check in Windhaven with Emerie?’
‘Obviously,’ seethed Mor. ‘She is not hiding in the library either. She got out of the House of Wind.’
‘Careful, Morrigan. When you speak that way, it really does sound as if Nesta is your prisoner.’
Throwing her hands in the air, Mor stalked past him, saying she didn’t have time for Autumn Court males. It left him alone on the grass with Azriel. Memories of the Winter Solstice resurfaced. Lucien had been unsettled that night too. He had risen from the bed to retrieve a glass of water. Careful not to wake anybody, he had moved like a fox through the house then heard Rhysand berating Azriel for kissing Elain.
‘Where is she, Lucien?’
‘I am unsure why everybody is of the opinion that I should know that.’
‘You took her off the other day.’
Lucien held out his hands. ‘I left her here yesterday. I’ve only come back today because I believe I left a report on the desk up at the house.’
The lie had fallen off of his tongue smoothly, rousing no suspicion.
The shadowsinger scratched the back of his neck. The early morning summer sun was swallowed by his broad wings. ‘Nesta can’t have gone far.’
‘I’ll help you look.’  
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claireelizabeth85 · 2 months
Come Home to Me - Chapter 4
John Egan x OC Female!Reader
Summary: When the idea of a past life isn't just an idea or something that is only for dreams.
Warnings: grief, death, suicide (if you squint), lots of emotions.
AN: This chapter has been one of the hardest to write. It's taken me three days to get it all down on paper. With rewrites and deletions and asking friends to read bits hoping they don't think it's toddler garbage. Anyway, I hope you like it. If you have any thoughts/idea or generally want to ask me what the hell I'm thinking - my inbox is always open.
This is a work of fiction and is based on the tv characters of the Apple TV series. No disrespect is intended towards real men of 100th Bomb Group
Part 1 can be found here Part 2 can be found here Part 3 can be found here
The letter from her trunk left Lizzy utterly devastated. Tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably as she struggled to grasp the weight of its contents. Brushing off Sarah's concern with a dismissive wave, Lizzy returned to the now closed pub, her mind consumed by anguish. Without a second thought, she walked behind the bar, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a glass, leaving an IOU in its place.
Feeling as though she was coming apart at the seams, Lizzy sank into a chair, overwhelmed by grief. The person she had been just that morning felt like a distant memory compared to the shattered soul she was now. Sitting outside, she poured herself a more than generous measure of whiskey, her hands trembling. Desperately, she tried to summon memories that didn’t contribute to her overwhelming sorrow. Images of her time in the cockpit flashed through her mind—the camaraderie with friends, the echoes of laughter shared during pre-flight checks. But even those memories offered little solace in the face of her profound loss.
"I left you the left-hand seat, didn't I?" She recalled teasing her friend and colleague about his “preference” regarding which seat he sat in. 
He chuckled in response, "Good, cos I doubt very much our Air Exec would appreciate another guy sitting in your lap." She tried to turn away as she blushed. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Major," Lizzy smiled, trying to concentrate on the pre-flight checks.
“Uh huh.  I’m sure you don't, Lieutenant.” Her friend gave her a knowing look. “He tells me, to tell you not to do any stupid shit and to come home.”
She fixed her gaze on the starry sky, whiskey in hand, swaying gently as she sang to herself. The creak of the backdoor interrupted her solitude, and Sarah emerged observing her friend's drunken, sorrowful dance with a mixture of concern and sadness.
Watching Lizzy stumble and fall, her glass shattering on impact, Sarah rushed to her friend “Liz? You okay sweetie.” Sarah crouched down in front of her friend.
"I can't do this again, Sarah," she confessed, her voice trembling. "I can't go through this again. I did it once, I put on a brave face, I put one foot in front of the other because..." Her words trailed off, interrupted by a drunken hiccup.
Sarah gently urged Lizzy to get indoors.  When Lizzy stayed where she was, tears streaming down her face, Sarah wrapped her best friend in a hug.  In less than 12 hours, what had been Lizzy's wild and vivid dreams had turned into a waking, confusing, heartbreaking reality, leaving her with a newfound sense of vulnerability. 
"My soul hurts so much," Lizzy confessed.  "I remember everything, Sarah. The good times and the bad. The parties to remember the dead and those organised because the day ended in ‘y’, and the fact that I will never see any of them again…and to learn that he survived..." Sarah was confused. “Who Liz? Who survived?” Liz screwed her eyes closed at the thought of saying his name “John.” She sobbed “He survived, Sarah”. Her voice faltered, choked with emotion. "I can't…Tink. I can’t go through this again.”
Sarah held her friend close, offering the only things she could, love and comfort.. "But you survived sweetie. If these dreams aren’t dreams and they’re memories, then you survived.  You cared enough to survive." Lizzy shook her head. "You don’t get it. I had to care. I was responsible for bringing nine other guys home. But trust me when I tell you, I felt nothing.” 
Lizzy stared at her hands, not able to look her friend in the eye while she confessed something that she knew she had never said out loud the first time, “But as the weeks turned into months, the deaths, the waiting became harder, the silence in the bar, the not knowing- I had to fill it somehow so I took on every mission going hoping they’d blow me out of the fucking sky" Lizzy's grief was laced with anger. “Oh Lizzy” Sarah held her closer, rocking her gently to try and soothe the waves of emotion that were crashing over Lizzy. Her confession hung in the air like a lingering cloud.
Sarah's heart ached. Despite their decades-long friendship, she felt powerless to ease the torment consuming Lizzy. Gently coaxing her inside and into bed, Sarah tucked a strand of loose hair out of her face as Lizzy gave in and went to sleep.  “I promise I’m going to find out what the hell is going on Lizzy.  I promise!”
Sarah retreated downstairs to the deserted guest lounge. She switched on just one light and it lit up the beams of exposed wood and brick. It was old, as James had said oldest pub in the village but it had been nicely renovated to keep its cozy and homely feel. Sarah couldn’t believe how much Lizzy had settled into this place when they had arrived earlier that evening. Running her fingers over the bar, asking where ornaments were and expressing sadness at their loss. She walked behind the bar with such familiarity fixing herself a drink it would have be been assumed that Lizzy was the owner.
Sarah was determined to uncover the truth behind Lizzy's inexplicable connection to the past. Typing "Elizbeth Waterfield'' into her laptop, Sarah braced herself for the usual search results showing other women of the same name in their corporate headshots.  What she wasn’t expecting to find was a link to a WW2 history page. "Lieutenant Elizabeth Waterfield," the search results revealed, "the only British female pilot to fly with the US Army Air Force during World War 2." Sarah just sat there and stared, her brain trying to absorb what she was seeing and reading.  “What the…” 
Clicking the link, a professional black and white photograph of Lizzy in her uniform filled the screen. “Lieutenant Elizabeth Waterfield,” the blurb read, “was one of only a handful of British female pilots who were attached to combat units.  Lt Waterfield successfully completed 15 bombing missions with the USAF’s 100th Bombardment Group based at Thorpe Abbotts.  She took part in strategic bombing missions over France, Germany and Norway, knocking out submarine pens, factories and other machine centres of the Third Reich.  Lieutenant Waterfield was listed as missing in action during a bombing raid in February 1945.” 
Sarah choked back a sob.  Lizzy had gone missing. How? Why? Was that why she was so distraught about the letter?  Sarah had placed it safely back in its envelope on Lizzy’s bedside table.  She would not pry to satisfy her curiosity but instead would wait and see if Lizzy offered it to her.  Writing down everything she could, Sarah fell asleep curled in the corner of the guest lounge, the heroic exploits of her best friend laid out in front of her.  Her own dreams were of Lizzy falling and she not being able to save her, constantly falling, small planes whizzing around them like flies.  
Sarah was gently shaken awake  by Fred, the pub landlord and James’ son. “You sleep down here all night?” Sarah stifled a yawn and stretched the kinks out in her back.  “Lizzy was a little worse for wear last night, after she was given the trunk.  She found a letter inside that I don’t think she was expecting to see.” Fred moved around the lounge, switching on the coffee machines and the hot water urns for tea. “You’re still not sure about all this, are you?” Sarah shrugged.  “You have to admit, it is a little…far-fetched.  A young 25 years old woman has memories of a time that she couldn't possibly have lived through and yet she was outside last night chucking down whiskey like it was water, crying, grieving for men that have been done for almost 80 years.”  Sarah shook her head. Fred hummed in contemplation of what to say next. 
“You know, I grew up on stories of Lizzy and the rest of the lads.” Sarah was shocked and curious all at the same time. “What? You knew about her?” 
Fred nodded. “Yeah, I mean Dad was only a kid back then, so I’m guessing he doesn’t remember all that much to be fair, but his aunt, my great aunt, was a Red Cross girl.  She was a good few years younger than my grandmother and she had no kids or a husband.  There was a mix of American and English RC girls on the base. 
I remember being at her house a few years before she passed in the 90s and she brought  out all the photographs, the notebooks and her diaries. She’d fill a glass of whiskey and then proceed to tell me all about them. The games they would get up to, the parties they would hold, how bad the weather was then, the mud! She would tell me how she was there to serve coffee and donuts and be a pretty face. She’d sometimes help out the orderlies if they needed a hand with the walking wounded. There were a few photographs that she showed of Lizzy.  One was of her all done up in her flying suit, with a British RAF officers cap on. No one knew how she got there or even why she was there.  She turned up one day apparently with orders.  She was taken to see the CO and the next thing everyone knows, she’s attending briefings like the rest of the men. From what Auntie Jean said, she blended in so well nobody batted an eyelid and yet when you study the war and the RAF, one thing that they want everyone to know is that the girls didn’t fly combat missions.” 
Sarah shook her head, finding the whole situation absurd. "You realise how crazy this sounds, right? My best friend, the girl who is currently passed out upstairs with an impending hangover, born in the 80s, can't possibly be the same person you're talking about. This is like something out of science fiction, like time travel. It's utterly ridiculous. We don't have a police box to shove her into or a circle of stones for her to hug it out!" Fred calmly placed a cup of coffee in front of Sarah, unfazed by her frustrated outburst.
"Well, how else would you explain it?" Fred challenged, setting down plates and crockery on Sarah's table. "I've seen pictures of her, more than once. I've known about her since I was a child, and I was born in the 60s." Sarah was at a loss for words. "Listen, I think Dad donated Auntie Jean's collection to the museum. Everything she had ended up there. I don't know if it's been sorted through or catalogued, but if you want to try and figure out what's going on, feel free to dig through it all." Sarah took a sip of the coffee Fred had brought her. 
Collecting her things and draining her coffee, Sarah swiped the croissant from the basket waiting on the bar. She thanked Fred and took up his offer of the trip over to the museum.  She felt like she was becoming desperate, the more she pulled on this thread, the more she wanted to know, the more she needed to know.  
The image of Lizzy in her uniform was seared in Sarah’s mind along with the information of her being listed as missing in action, her laughing and smiling in the photographs that she found in the Control Tower, she looked happy and content.  But where had she been when she went missing?  How did this link to her dreams if they did at all.  
“Hey Fred, quick question for you. Who's John? Lizzy brought up the name a few times last night, but I haven’t heard her mention him before." Sarah was about leave to head up stairs as she asked the question over her shoulder. Fred glanced up from behind the bar as he stocked the shelves. "Ah John? There's only one person she would be talking about - Major John Egan. He and Lizzy, they were the darlings of the airfield." Sarah paused, intrigued. "Auntie Jean used to call them the Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood of Thorpe Abbotts. John was the hot shot 'over-sexed, overpaid, and over here' American pilot, and Lizzy? Well, she was the gutsy British sweetheart taking on the Nazis from the cockpit of a B-17.”
Sarah’s brain has so many questions fighting to be asked. “They were seeing each other?” Fred chuckled softly. “Yeah, you could put it that way. Jean always said they were made for each other.  Lizzy was a little loud which was unlike most women back then and liked to let her hair down literally and figuratively. She said most people knew about them but no one ever said a thing because they always tried, as Jean said, to keep things professional when at work and weren’t being stared at by the senior command.  That’s not to say she didn’t catch them in a hug or sharing a quick kiss before one of them went on a mission. John was never more than an arms’ distance away from her, and Lizzy would be waiting for him inside the interrogation hut…” Sarah cut him off “Interrogation?” Fred explained the protocol for pilots and crew to be interrogated after a mission to get a record of what happened.
“Lizzy would always be there, with the Red Cross girls, whiskey in one hand and a donut in the other.” Sarah couldn’t stop the next question.  “What happened? What did he do that caused my best friend to sink nearly half a bottle of whiskey last night?”  Fred stopped what he was doing.  He sighed and his shoulders sagged slightly, his face covered with a mask of sadness.  “What did he do?” Fred repeated the question and Sarah nodded. The tone of her question was defensive, protective even. It was one of a best friend looking to settled a score for someone too heartbroken to do it themselves. “I’m guessing she didn’t tell you” Sarah shook her head. “Jean knew more about what happened to Lizzy, but from what I remember being told, John was shot down over Germany and was listed as Missing in Action towards the tail end of 1943. Lizzy never saw him again.” 
Sarah's heart sank as Fred's words hit home. She felt a lump form in her throat, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. "Oh god," she whispered, her hand covering her mouth in shock, her voice trembling with emotion. "Oh god, I had no idea..."
Fred placed a comforting hand on Sarah's shoulder, offering her a sympathetic smile. "It's a lot to take in and if the letter was from John then I can't imagine what she's feeling."
As Sarah took a seat as she grappled with the revelation. The pieces of the puzzle began to click into place. The conversation she had with Lizzy outside the night before echoed in her mind, Lizzy's raw emotion as she spoke of wanting the Germans to end it all. It wasn't just a drunken ramble—it was a cry of anguish, a manifestation of the grief and mourning that had driven Lizzy to volunteer for every mission available.
A shiver ran down Sarah's spine as she momentarily entertained the notion of time travel, a concept so fantastical it seemed absurd. Yet, faced with Lizzy's inexplicable connection to the past, her grief for John and for the rest of the men, Sarah couldn't help but consider it as a possibility.
Still, Sarah was still a skeptic at heart and was determined to seek a logical explanation, unwilling to fully embrace any alternative until it was the only answer left.
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miss0atae · 10 days
Random thoughts about Knock Knock Boys Ep 1-2:
First of all, I'm so glad Gaga allowed me to watch it I was super curious about this series but I didn't want to pay for WeTv to watch it.
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It's funny, but after watching the first two episodes I can't say if I really like the series or not, yet.
Things I liked:
▪️Latte is my favourite character. He is unbelievable. He is a real party animal. He drinks too much. He is not a morning person. He doesn't seem to be the role model student and he can be a bit nasty (the cockroach scene I can't forget!). However, at the same time he is confident, fun, a pan and doesn't seem to be bothered by anything. I think he is going to be a character who will provoke absolute love or irritation. As for me, I love him.
▪️The genuine camaraderie between the housemates is really something I like to watch. They all are pretty different from one another. I'm not sure in real life if they would be able to live together. However, in the series it seems to work well enough. I don't know if the series will keep up this way, but as for now, I think it's really interesting.
▪️The ridiculous premise of the series: one virgin wants to do it for the first time with his crush and he is betting a one year rent to his housemates so they help him get with his crush. The first one who can do it, will win the bet. Isn't it insane enough? This plot is glorious in its own way. All of the housemates are pretty crazy and they go for it. Love it!
Things I didn't really enjoy:
▪️The first episode was a super long introduction on how they all ended up in the house and what's their reason. I'm not sure why but I didn't really like how they decided to show it. The pacing wasn't my taste. It's not bad and it made sense, but it just didn't work with me. The second episode was good at the beginning and the ending but the middle part felt flat to me.
▪️I can't warm up to Peak. It is really sad because he is played by Best and I find him really good as an actor. It's just that Peak appeared to be really selfish (not that Latte is better sometimes) but it annoyed me (still wondering about what happened with Jane). I wanted to like him more than the other characters. Peak also seems to be not really clear about what he likes or wants. Being indecisive isn't charming. It's just two episodes, so Peak may surprise me later.
▪️Almond's mom is too protective and too naive at the same time. It's just annoying.
➖ I don't have much to say about the other characters. They were okay.
Thanwa is the cool guy, older brother figure of the group. He knows how to cook and openly gay.
Almond is the cliché of the rich guy who is ready to do it for the first time, but only with the one he loves.
Jumper is the heartthrob for whom Almond has a crush (he is played by Pak so I understand).
It was funny to see Tuss playing Thanwa's ex (the guy can't seem to play in a loving and healthy relationship anymore since Love Syndrome 3 which is crazy to write xD).
We'll see next week what the third episode will bring.
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Can you turn me from a chunky middle management bore into a fat, slutty blue collar dummy? I don't want to forget who I was but i want to love my new life. Even the bad stuff like being poor and greasy and the biggest whore bottom in any gay bar.
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Marcus had always prided himself on his appearance. In his previous life as a middle manager, he meticulously groomed himself, his hair always perfectly styled and his suits immaculately tailored. But as his transformation progressed, he found himself growing increasingly lax in his grooming habits. His hair became unkempt, his beard grew wild and unruly, and his once sharp features softened into a round, pudgy face.
The transition wasn't just physical; it was a gradual unraveling of the carefully constructed persona he had cultivated over the years. Gone were the days of power lunches and boardroom meetings. Instead, Marcus found himself surrounded by the cacophony of clanging machinery and the acrid smell of grease.
At first, he resisted the change, clinging to the remnants of his old life like a lifeline. But as his body continued to swell with each passing day, he realized that there was no going back. He was becoming something new, something different, and he had no choice but to embrace it.
The sensations of his transformation were both strange and exhilarating. There was a heaviness to his new body, a sense of inertia that seemed to weigh him down at every turn. And yet, there was also a strange sense of freedom in the newfound simplicity of his existence.
As he traded in his designer suits for threadbare coveralls and his polished leather shoes for scuffed work boots, Marcus felt a sense of liberation wash over him. No longer shackled by the expectations of corporate life, he was free to be himself – flaws and all.
Sure, there were moments of doubt and insecurity, times when he longed for the comfort and familiarity of his old life. But with each passing day, those feelings grew fainter and fainter, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and belonging.
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In his new life as a dumb blue-collar worker, Marcus found a sense of camaraderie and solidarity that he had never known before. He may have been poor and dirty, but he was also happier and more fulfilled than he had ever been. And as he looked around at his fellow workers, their faces smeared with grease.
As Marcus settled into his new life as a blue-collar worker, he found himself drawn to the gritty underworld of the city's gay bars. It was a stark contrast to the polished cocktail lounges and upscale restaurants he used to frequent in his previous life. Here, in the dimly lit confines of these seedy establishments, Marcus discovered a side of himself he had never known existed.
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It started innocently enough – a few drinks with his coworkers after a long day's work, a harmless flirtation with a handsome stranger across the bar. But as the nights wore on and Marcus became more comfortable in his own skin, he found himself exploring his newfound desires with a sense of reckless abandon.
The sensations of his transformation only heightened his newfound appetite for adventure. The weight of his body pressing against the rough fabric of his clothes, the heat of the crowded bar enveloping him like a suffocating blanket – it was all part of the thrill.
And so, Marcus embraced his new identity with gusto, immersing himself in the hedonistic pleasures of the city's gay scene. He became a regular fixture at the bars and clubs, known for his insatiable appetite and his willingness to indulge in the most taboo of pleasures.
In the dimly lit backrooms and darkened alleyways, Marcus found a sense of liberation unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Here, among the sweat-drenched bodies and the primal sounds of pleasure, he was free to explore his deepest desires without fear or inhibition.
Sure, there were moments of doubt and insecurity – times when he questioned the choices that had led him down this path. But as he looked around at the faces of the men who surrounded him, their eyes filled with desire and longing, Marcus knew that he had found his true calling.
In the world of the gay bar, Marcus was a king – a larger-than-life figure, revered for his willingness to push the boundaries of pleasure and pain. He may have been poor and dirty, but in the eyes of those who worshipped him, he was a god. And as he reveled in the adoration of his adoring fans, Marcus knew that he wouldn't trade his new life for anything in the world.
Marcus, covered in grease and dirt, didn’t really yearn for any of his previous life. He loved the dirty world and the hard work. He also loved his manly coworkers. he had a new odor and smell to him and he found so attractive. He also is becoming quite the popular slut at the local gay bars. Once the power top is now power bottom.
As Marcus found himself entangled in the throes of passion with a stranger he had just met at the bar, flashes of his old life flickered through his mind like distant memories. He remembered the crisp, clean lines of his corner office, the polished wood of his desk, the taste of expensive scotch on his tongue.
But as the sensations of pleasure washed over him, Marcus realized that those memories no longer held the same power over him that they once did. Yes, there had been moments of success and achievement in his old life, but they paled in comparison to the raw, unbridled ecstasy he was experiencing in this moment.
With each thrust, each gasp of pleasure, Marcus felt himself being pulled further and further away from his old life, like a ship drifting away from shore. And as he surrendered himself completely to the moment, he knew with absolute certainty that he wouldn't trade his new life for anything in the world.
In the dimly lit room, surrounded by the heady scent of sweat and sex, Marcus felt truly alive for the first time in years. This was who he was now – a man unbound by the constraints of society, free to explore his deepest desires without fear or shame.
After a couple of years immersed in his new life, Marcus had transformed both physically and mentally. His once hefty frame had ballooned to a staggering 400 pounds, his belly protruding proudly like a badge of honor. His beard had grown into a massive tangle of hair, cascading down his chest in a wild, untamed mane. His once-thick hair had thinned and receded, leaving behind a shiny expanse of balding scalp. His IQ dropped 50 points.
But it wasn't just his appearance that had changed. Marcus had become a different man entirely – confident, self-assured, unapologetically himself. He reveled in the power of his body, the sheer mass of it filling every room he entered with an undeniable presence.
His hands, once soft and delicate, were now calloused and rough from years of hard labor. They bore the scars of his work, a testament to the countless hours he had spent toiling away in the factory. And his feet, encased in powerful work boots, carried him with a sense of purpose and determination that he had never known before.
Despite the challenges he faced – the long hours, the meager paychecks, the constant struggle to make ends meet – Marcus had never been happier. He had found a sense of belonging in his new life, a community of fellow workers who accepted him for who he was, flaws and all. He was admired and wanted as the power bottom within the gay scene. He couldn’t wait to be fucked. He even doubled in fisting.
As he looked in the mirror, Marcus couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the sight of his reflection. This was who he was now – a man of the working class, unpolished and unrefined, but fiercely proud nonetheless. And as he set off for another day of hard labor, he did so with a sense of purpose and determination that he had never known in his previous life.
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classickook · 2 years
paper hearts (part three): round and round
pairing: stephen strange x widow!reader
summary: it looks like america has some more tricks up her sleeve…
warnings: mentions of injuries, swearing, i think that’s it?
word count: 4.3k
a/n: i really enjoyed writing this one! please let me know what you think <3
series masterlist | main masterlist
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“i just don’t understand why he’s acting like this. one second he’s actually kind of… nice, i guess? and then the next, he’s practically kicking me off his doorstep. i mean, what is his deal?”
you were telling yelena about the disastrous events from the other day when you had been tricked into entering the sanctum and coming face-to-face with stephen after so many months apart. it was certainly a shock to your system, and you weren’t sure how you should be feeling about it. he was causing this niggling feeling in the back of your mind that wouldn’t leave you alone no matter how hard you tried.
“he is a dickhead, that’s what.”
you snorted at yelena’s honest response. “you can say that again.”
the two of you were seated outside the compound, enjoying some fresh air after your training session earlier that morning. you were sporting a pretty nasty bruise on your ribs that ached every time you moved—or even breathed, for that matter—no thanks to your counterpart who had kicked you down and then elbowed you back onto the mat. you had gotten your revenge, of course. she was also sporting a bruise of her own that just so happened to be on her left cheekbone with a matching cut to her lip from where you had punched her in retaliation. just your average sisterly bonding activities.
“okay, i will,” she replied with a firm nod. “he is a dickhead and he does not deserve you. you should get over him, his head is so far up his own ass that he can’t even see straight.”
a boisterous laugh escaped you and you practically fell over from the force of it, but had to hold yourself back from the stabbing pain in your side. “woah, where did that come from? no need to sugarcoat it, yel,” you teased.
yelena actually looked rather pleased with her response. “what? it’s true! he paid no attention to you at all. he just strung you along the whole time, asking for your help all while he was pining over his ex-girlfriend, or whatever she was, and then ignoring you.”
well, she had a point. you had felt rather sloughed at the other sanctum, helping stephen and america on their journey throughout the multiverse up until the point where you had watched as he professed his love to christine that could transcend all universes. it annoyed you that it still bothered you so much. several months had passed and you knew that you should be over all of this by now, but some incidents in life tended to rear their ugly heads at the most inopportune moments, with this being one of them.
“come on, y/n,” she continued, reaching for your hand and forcing you to meet her eyes. “you’re so much better off without him. he doesn’t deserve you.”
you smiled at her sincerity. no matter what happened, yelena would always have your back and you didn’t know where you would be without her. in fact, you didn’t know where you would be without the others within the compound as well.
you had felt alone and cut off from the rest of the world practically your whole life, up until recently, that is. now you had yelena and america, bucky and sam, even kate and clint stopped by every now and again. with them, you felt a sense of camaraderie, community—even family; you’d never really had a family before. if it weren’t for this little group you found, you probably would’ve gone down a completely different path in life, and for that, you were eternally grateful that you had been welcomed into this family you could call your own. if only they had come into your life sooner, maybe things wouldn’t have been so bad for you over the years.
“thank you,” you replied, and you truly meant it. “i really needed to hear that.”
“of course you did. i’m full of knowledge and advice, that’s what i’m here for,” she said with a smug grin, “and to kick your ass, too.”
you snorted out a laugh. “who’s the one with a busted face right now?”
she rolled her eyes with a gentle shove against your shoulder. “whatever. i just hope you’ll be happy, sestra.”
“yeah,” you said thoughtfully. “i hope so too.”
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you released the kickstand of your motorbike parked out front when you felt a vibration in the back pocket of your jeans, indicating an incoming phone call. pulling it out, you saw the caller id image of america’s smiling face peering up at you.
“hey, kiddo. i’m on my way to the school now.”
“actually…” she started and your movements faltered at the hesitation in her voice. “i was wondering if it was all right for me to take the bus from school today? a couple of friends invited me to go ice skating at this cool indoor rink that everyone raves about and i’ve never been before and i’d really like to give it a try—”
you smiled fondly as the teen rambled on. while she was always welcome to ride the bus, you had insisted that you pick her up and walk with her instead, worried that a bus ride wasn’t the safest method of transportation, and that she would be much more protected with you around. however, you understood that she wanted a normal high school experience with other kids her age, especially since she was new to public schooling and new york in this universe, and she was more than capable of portaling herself out if anything happened. you just worried, that was all.
“sure, america. did you check with wong or strange first?”
“yep! they both said it was okay, but i wanted to ask you too.”
your heart warmed at her inclination to include you in any ‘parental’ decisions that needed to be made. “absolutely, it’s fine with me. do you want me to get you after ice skating?”
“well… they also invited me for a sleepover afterwards. is that okay?”
you took a moment to think. it was friday after all, and the weekend was more than an appropriate time for a sleepover and you truly did want america to create lasting friendships and have fun. “of course it’s okay, i’m glad you’re making friends.”
“awesome! thank you, y/n!” you heard the faint cacophony of cheers from her friends on the other end of the line and grinned to yourself.
“no problem, kiddo. but you call me at any time if you want me to come get you, all right? doesn’t matter if it’s two o’clock in the morning, i’ll be there.”
“i will,” she promised. “hey, would you mind stopping by my room real quick to pick up some things for me?”
you gulped. her room was in the sanctum. the sanctum that stephen managed. that meant you might risk running into him. don’t be ridiculous, y/n. it’s not a big deal. you’re acting childish, you mentally scolded yourself.
“um… couldn’t you just portal to your room and pack up some things yourself? i don’t want to pick out the wrong clothes,” you said, coming up with any excuse you could to get you out of the situation. “for instance, maybe you want the purple pajama set i got you for your birthday, or maybe you’d rather just wear that old band t-shirt you like so much instead. see? i might be completely off here. i could totally pack the wrong things and you’d be mad at me.”
her muffled giggle indicated just how foolish you were being. “i wouldn’t be mad at you, y/n. they’re just clothes and it’s only for one night. besides, i can’t portal in public unless it’s an emergency, remember? people would see! i’m trying to remain inconspicuous here,” she whispered into the phone.
time to put on your big girl pants, you told yourself. sighing in defeat, you agreed, “okay, you’re right. i’ll do it.”
“thanks, y/n! you’re the best.”
“yeah, yeah.”
“oh, and y/n?”
“hmm?” you asked distractedly, already readjusting your seat on the bike and getting ready to head out for the sanctum.
“don’t worry about bumping into stephen while you’re there.” your stomach dropped. of course she saw right through you and at the truth behind your initial hesitance, you were about as obvious as the nose on your face. “he’s off in kamar-taj today so it’ll just be wong there.”
“who said i was worried?” you asked nonchalantly.
“y/n,” she deadpanned, “we’ve spent enough time together for me to know your tells by now, and you always freak out when someone mentions stephen around you.”
you gasped dramatically, “america chavez, you take that back right now!”
“can’t deny the facts, y/n. you like him.”
“i most certainly do not.”
you could hear the smirk in her voice. “sure, keep telling yourself that.”
“whatever,” you muttered. “where do you want me to leave your overnight bag?”
“just leave it on my bedroom floor and i’ll grab it real quick.”
“how? i thought you said you weren’t allowed to portal unless it was an emergency.”
“well… as long as it’s only for, like, two seconds, and it’ll only be my arm coming through! no biggie.”
“how will you explain to your friends that your bag just magically appeared out of thin air?” you challenged.
“i’ll run outside or something to get it and tell them that you dropped it off for me. they’ll be none the wiser.”
“you know, i should probably scold you for breaking the rules, but i have to give it to you, kiddo. that’s actually pretty clever, given the circumstances.” you paused. “don’t tell anyone i said that.”
“as long as you don’t tell stephen that i’m going to portal in public.”
“you really think i’m going to voluntarily tell him that?”
“can never be too careful,” she mumbled.
you chuckled lightly. “your secret’s safe with me, kiddo. i’m heading over there now. call me if you need anything, got it?”
“yes, ma’am,” she said seriously but a giggle followed soon after and she hung up the phone.
you flipped down the visor of your black helmet and revved the engine, speeding down the roadway out of the compound and onto the main road. thickets of trees bled into residential communities and public parks that later turned into mammoth buildings that grazed the clouds, their glassy surfaces reflecting the sunlight from every angle.
you wove in and out of lanes, shifting your body from side to side as you maneuvered your motorbike around scattered cars and taxis, but your bruised ribs were acting up and caused a sharp jab of pain to radiate down your side. huffing out a breath, you finally reached the main part of the city but turned down some familiar backroads that would lead to the sanctum. turning onto bleecker street, you saw the old brick building with ornate wrought-ironed balconies and intricate designs within the circular window up above. the sanctum really was quite beautiful, and maybe you would actually stay for a bit after bringing america back from school, if it weren’t for the infuriating sorcerer who lived inside. wong, you knew, was much more pleasant to be around; always one to offer tea and kind smiles to visitors. stephen, on the other hand, maybe not… at least, you hadn’t allowed yourself an opportunity to see if he would or not, always escaping before he could come downstairs and greet america in the foyer.
on a normal day, you would typically leave your motorbike parked on a side street between america’s school and the sanctum so you could walk between both places relatively quickly before driving back to the compound; however, without your usual companion and task of picking her up from school, there was no need to do so, instead, you parked alongside the curb that bordered the sanctum.
knocking down the kickstand, you removed your helmet and hung it around the handlebar before swinging your leg over and approaching the large double doors. you inhaled a deep breath and then pushed them open with ease. once again, you familiarized yourself with the interior of the sanctum but didn’t allow yourself to linger for too long; you wanted to get in and out as soon as possible just in case stephen decided to pop in unexpectedly.
there weren’t many bedrooms inside the sanctum that you could see, but the door with posters plastered to every inch of wood along with a cheeky sign that said do not disturb unless you have pizza somehow just screamed ‘america.’
you let yourself inside, weaving around a bean bag chair and bookshelves stacked high with an array of novels and comic books until you found her closet, pulling out some pajamas and a change of clothes for tomorrow.
stepping back out into the hallway to grab toiletries she would need, you bumped into stephen who was meandering about the sanctum and must have heard you rummaging around. so he was here after all and america had tricked you yet again. damn it. you cleared your throat as he approached. “strange, hi.”
“y/n… what are you doing here?”
you held up america’s overnight bag and shook it a bit as if that would clear up any confusion. “packing a bag for america. she’s spending the night at a friend’s house and asked me to get this ready for her. she told you about it, right?”
“she did,” he said, “but i wasn’t aware that you would be stopping by to collect america’s things in her stead.” he paused for a moment and then asked, “do you need any help?”
you were genuinely surprised by his offer. “oh. um… sure, i guess. could you tell me where her bathroom is?”
he led you down the hallway until you came upon a single bathroom with what could only be america’s belongings as you doubted stephen or wong used mascara, hairspray, and lip gloss on a daily basis. you gathered her toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, and nightly retainer that she despised wearing and neatly placed them all in her bag. zipping it up, you returned to her room and set it just inside the door so she could portal through and grab it. as you bent down, however, you felt a twinge of pain in your ribs where yelena had so lovingly kicked you earlier. you huffed out a strained breath and held your side as you stood up straight.
“what’s wrong?”
you turned around to find stephen standing off to the side, having watched your little display of discomfort. you felt a bit embarrassed but tried your best to brush it off, rolling your shoulders and facing him fully. his brow was slightly furrowed as his eyes scanned your body, looking for the reason for your reaction.
“oh, it’s nothing. just a little training mishap from earlier. i’ll be fine,” you said with a wave of your hand.
“you’re not fine,” he replied firmly yet you detected a hint of softness in his voice as well. “let me take a look at it.”
your eyes widened at his suggestion. no way in hell would you let him get that close to you, it seemed much too… friendly, intimate. you had managed to keep your distance from him, to a certain degree, up until a pesky multiverse-jumping teen happened to intervene with her own personal schemes for the two of you.
“no, really. i’ll be fine. it’s not like i’ve never been injured in a fight or on a mission before,” you reasoned.
“if simply bending over is causing you pain like that, it could indicate that your ribs are broken.”
once a doctor, always a doctor. “okay, fine,” you sighed in defeat.
“take a seat,” he said as he conjured a wooden stool out of thin air to rest in front of you.
you followed his directions and sat down, trying your hardest to hide just how uncomfortable you felt, and it wasn’t because of the stool.
“may i?”
you rolled your eyes but lifted your shirt enough for him to view the purpling bruises covering your side, tucking the fabric under the band of your bra so it would stay out of the way for now.
goosebumps formed as you felt the warmth of his breath brush against your skin when he leaned in closer to you and surveyed your injuries, and you sincerely hoped he didn’t notice. his cerulean eyes took on an intensely-focused gaze, forehead creasing in concentration as he assessed your injuries. such a doctor. he ran his thumb along your ribs, the rough calluses scraping slightly but not uncomfortably, as he applied just enough pressure to make you flinch. “that’s what i thought. two of your ribs are broken.”
“great,” you sighed as you pulled your shirt back down.
he returned to his full height and fixed you with a look, his features serious and leaving no room for argument. “they should heal on their own within three to six weeks. until then, make sure you rest and ice it regularly, take ibuprofen as needed.” you nodded along up until he added, “and no more riding that death trap of a bike.”
“what? how am i supposed to get around?”
“if you hope to heal anytime soon, you need to take it easy,” he replied firmly. “have someone drive you or get an uber if you really need to.”
you pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and index finger. whatever, you would agree with him just to get out of here and then you would return to life as normal; what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
“okay… then what about my bike for now? it’s parked out front and i can’t just leave it here overnight. someone might steal it.”
“what bike?” he asked with a quick snap of his fingers.
your eyes narrowed at him. “what did you do?”
“returned your bike home for you,” he shrugged as if it was obvious. “looks like you’ll need another form of transportation for the evening and i just so happen to have a sling ring right here that can take you wherever you want.” he wiggled his fingers to better emphasize his point, the tarnished gold ring sat snug around his index and middle fingers.
as if you needed any further proof other than the fact that a sorcerer stood in front of you and who you had seen wield magic many times now, you still peered out the window to confirm that, yes, your motorbike had indeed magically disappeared as if it was never there in the first place. you turned back to him and arched a brow. “all right, i’ll give. considering i don’t really have any other choice, thanks to you.”
“i’m glad we were able to come to an agreement,” he replied with a self-satisfied smirk. “now, if you’re ready?”
“sure,” you exhaled, lifting your hands in surrender. “beam me up, scotty.”
stephen looked down as he twisted the sling ring around his fingers and you almost missed the way his lips twitched into a smile. “not quite how it works, but i suppose the intent is similar.”
his scarred hands swirled around in a circular motion until an outlining of golden sparks sizzled in front of you, and within that little portal window was a glimpse of the entrance to the compound. he had ‘walked’ you home, so to speak, right up to your doorstep. you hesitantly stepped out, not entirely knowing how portal-travel worked, and eyed your surroundings as you jumped from one part of the city to another within seconds. there was a sort of tingling sensation, not unpleasant, that kissed your skin as you passed through and landed safely at the front door. you turned back to see stephen still standing on the other side of the portal, watching your reaction in amusement.
“thanks for walking me home, doc,” you said with an easy grin.
his lips lifted at the corners into an almost-smile. “you’re welcome.”
nodding at him in dismissal, you started to reach for the door handle when his soft voice reached your ears and stopped you in your tracks. “wait.”
here we go again, you thought, thinking back to the last time he had bid you farewell. but he surprised you with different parting words this time.
he hesitated slightly before offering you a quiet “see you around, y/n” and promptly stepped back as the portal closed, your response dying on your lips now that he had vanished without a trace.
or maybe not…
as the golden sparks flickered out, a small piece of paper floated to the ground where stephen had stood just moments before. bending down to grab it, you noticed a series of numbers written in chicken scratch, as if the writer was in a hurry. your brows furrowed in confusion until realization washed over you: it was a phone number.
your eyes scanned the number over and over until you practically memorized it, then placed it in your jean pocket as you walked inside the compound. you made a quick stop to the kitchen and grabbed an icepack from the freezer and came upon sam and bucky who were seated around the table and arguing over the difference between sorcerers and wizards, for some odd reason. how fitting, you thought, considering who had just dropped you off.
pulling yourself up the staircase and breathing out a curse with each step as pain radiated up your side, you reached the comfort of your bedroom and heaved yourself onto your neatly-made bed, trying to find a comfortable position that wouldn’t irritate your ribs any further. you wrapped the icepack in a thin towel and placed it on your swollen ribs, wincing at the contact.
you laid there for who knows how long before an idea popped in your head. reaching inside your pocket, you pulled out the paper from earlier and internally fought with yourself over what you should do. you figured you might as well try to be friends with stephen because clearly avoiding him wasn’t working out too well for you, thanks to america’s endless schemes. and it seemed almost kind of sweet that he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable, instead, he had offered you his number and left the decision up to you whether you would reach out to him or not.
you huffed out a breath. what’s the worst that could happen? it was just a bit of harmless texting. at least it would pass the time before you turned in for the night.
is the doctor in? you texted.
a few moments later, you saw the familiar speech bubble of three dots that indicated he was currently typing.
that depends… who’s asking?
your favorite patient, of course.
hmm… do you have an appointment?
you rolled your eyes as you typed out a response. i would assume so. he did provide me with his personal number, after all.
you must be pretty important, then.
i suppose so, though i’m not sure why he gave it to me. i didn’t really think we were that close.
maybe this is his attempt at reaching out.
you swallowed around the lump in your throat. what did he mean by that? was he being serious or was this just part of the game? maybe… you typed out, not knowing how else to respond.
a few moments passed before his speech bubble popped up. how’s the injury doing?
icing it as we speak.
good. and i meant what i said earlier, no more riding that bike for at least three weeks. he ended his statement with an angry face emoji and you choked out a laugh.
aye aye, captain, you replied.
his only response was an eye-rolling emoji. you laughed again and had to press a pillow down on your ribs to keep from injuring them further.
maybe stephen wasn’t such a stick in the mud after all.
i guess i better turn in for the night and get some rest, you texted. doctor’s orders.
you saw the three dots pop up and then disappear a few times until you finally got a response. goodnight, y/n. sleep well.
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“looks like someone wasn’t being truthful yesterday,” you said as america stepped outside her friend’s house the following morning, shielding her eyes against the sun as she approached you.
“who, me?”
“you would be the one i’m referring to, yes. you said strange wouldn’t be there but guess who i happened to bump into?”
“oh, did i say that?” she smacked her forehead. “i meant wong would be going to kamar-taj for the day, i must have gotten their schedules mixed up. my mistake,” she said simply.
you quirked a brow at her. “i’m on to you, chavez.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said with a mischievous glint in her brown eyes.
“mhmm.” you grabbed her bag and plopped it in the backseat of the car you had borrowed from sam until you could get back on your bike again. america hopped in the passenger seat and waited for you to walk around the front and sit behind the wheel. she looked like an excited puppy, practically bouncing in her seat as she gazed over at you.
“soooo… what did you two talk about?” she asked, resting her hand on her chin.
rolling your eyes, you pushed her face away from you and started the ignition. “not cool, kid. you’re going to pay for that little trick of yours.”
america leaned back in her seat and faced forward, but as you looked across the console at her, you saw that she was still beaming.
what the hell was she up to…?
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taglist: @stygianoir @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @samisubi @seishoari @mischiefmanaged71 @pasta-warlord @elicheel @vesta-ro @luthientinu @torresbarnes @kikus-art
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