#I’m sorry for the misunderstanding 🫣
givemebishies · 3 months
I just had to replace my “Protect Trans Kids” pin because the text on it is so hard to see that it just looks like a plain trans flag from a distance, and someone saw it and mistook me for another trans person… I obvs wasn’t offended at all I just felt so bad that I accidentally kinda lied to somebody 🥲
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tanniefm · 11 months
all mine | jjk (m)
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summary - after a heated argument in the car, jungkook makes sure to set you straight in the only way he knows how.
pairing - jungkook x (f) reader
genre - smut/minor angst, established relationship
word count - 1.5k
song inspo - all mine by brent faiyaz (but also seven cause FUCKKKKKKK)
warnings - jealousy and misunderstandings, lowkey sexual harassment (not from jk ofc), explicit language (especially calling kook out his name 🫣), angry car sex, daddy kink, unprotected sex (yes yes bad we know), creampie, reader says sorry while she gets fucked and jk like doesn’t care 😭, they love each other a lot still
a/n - heard the explicit ver of seven and my jaw dropped and pussy started throbbing and this is the result of that :)
Jungkook is having the worst possible time right now. When he came home from the studio this evening, he fully expected to see you laid out on the couch watching some random show in those tiny little pajamas he likes. He’d forget all his stress and the minor headache he’s had for the past hour and squeeze, and kiss, and touch his pretty girl to his heart’s content. He did not account for the fact that you’d be slipping into a form-fitting dress and fussing over how long it would take to do your hair and makeup.
“Um…where are you going?” he asks with a raised brow. “To the company dinner I told you about, remember? I told you about it before you left.” Jungkook does not in fact remember. How could he when his dick was stuffed down your throat and his eyes were rolled to the back of his head? But that was earlier, and this is now.
“Oh. Should I like, change or..” he trails off. In all honesty, he really didn’t want to go, he knows if he said as much you’d be completely fine with him staying home, the problem is he doesn’t want you to go either. You look over at him and see his cute little pout. You had a feeling he'd act this way, he had a tendency to be needy for your presence. You always found it endearing though, he was like a clingy puppy at times.
“Yes baby, wear something nice please, it's business casual but you know I can't pass up an opportunity to get dolled up,” you wink. He sighs wistfully and goes into your shared closet to find an acceptable dress shirt. Since your dress is gray he felt it was only right to wear a gray shirt with a black blazer overtop and some freshly pressed black slacks. You always call him corny when he tries to coordinate his outfits with yours but he knows you secretly love it. All he can do is hope the dinner is short so he can end the night with both of you fucked out in bed.
He really tried to have a good time, honestly. You seemed to be making it very hard for him, however (both literally and figuratively). He couldn’t seem to stop staring at how good you looked in your dress, the way his hands itched to caress your curves drove him insane. And not to mention how everytime you’d politely laugh at whatever your coworker was saying, your boobs would jiggle like they were purposely trying to taunt him. If Jungkook had his way, he would’ve taken you in the restaurant bathroom by now, but he promised before you two left to be good. But you just make it so, so hard for him.
“_____? Oh my god, how are you? I haven’t seen you in ages!” You turn to see the source of the familiar voice only to find an old friend from high school. “Chris? Holy shit I didn’t know you worked here! I’m good, it feels like we haven’t talked in forever,” you say cheerily. Jungkook slightly furrows his brow, Chris? You never mentioned a Chris before. As he watched the two of you catch up, he couldn’t help but notice the dark look in Chris’ eye. The way he seemed to look down at your breasts and ass more than he did your eyes. He knew exactly what that look meant, and he had no intention of watching him continue on with it. What especially irritated him was how naive you seemed to be to it. How could you not see that Chris wasn’t listening to a word you said? But the last straw was seeing him lean in for a hug and watching his hands slowly but surely make their way to your lower back, dangerously close to your ass.
“Ok that’s enough,” Jungkook said gruffly. He tugged you out of his arms and swiftly pulled you along out of the restaurant. “Jungkook what the fuck?” You were honestly surprised he was handling you like this, who the fuck does he think he is to be gripping on your arm like you’re some kind of bad child?
“Get in the car,” he says sternly. He must’ve lost his damn mind. “Excuse me?” Where was this coming from? Just a second ago he seemed fine, why is he acting so pissy all of a sudden? “What the fuck is your problem Jungkook? What are you so mad about?” you ask desperately. He says nothing as he opens the passenger’s door and waits for you to get in. You scoff and sit down, rolling your eyes while doing so. He always hated when you rolled your eyes at him, and frankly, it was pissing him off even more. But it’s ok. He knows how to get that little bratty attitude you had to go away.
He gets into his seat and takes a deep breath. “So. You and Chris seem close huh,” he says calmly. You raise a brow and look at him with utter confusion. “Uh no, not really. I haven’t talked to him since I graduated,” you reply. He gives a huff of laughter and shakes his head. “Then why exactly was he giving you ‘fuck me’ eyes baby?” Realistically he knows he’s being overdramatic. Chris was obviously being a creep and you just so happened to be the person he set his eyes on. But Jungkook’s been annoyed the whole night, and it seemed like this was the catalyst for his patience.
“How should I know? It’s not like I was purposely trying to seduce him!” you say exasperatedly. This is ridiculous! Does he think you wanted to make him jealous or something? For what? He was making zero sense right now, and all it was doing was making you angry.
You two went back and forth for what couldn’t be more than 10 minutes before saying something you knew you should’ve never said. “Fuck Jungkook, why are you being such a little bitch right now,” you exclaim, annoyed. His eyes widen slightly before his entire face hardens. You’ve never seen him look so serious. “Come here.” He leans his seat back slightly and looks at you expectantly. “Baby I-“ “I wasn’t asking,” he interrupts. You’re so fucked.
“Fuu-uu-uuuck m’ sorry! M’ so sorry!” you cry out into the steadily rocking car. Jungkook grips your hips tight as he pulls you up and down on his fat dick. “Sorry? Oh, but I thought I was a bitch? What happened baby?” he grunts. This is exactly what he needed. He's been pent up ever since he got home and he needed to pound into this tight cunt to relieve all this pent-up stress he’s been feeling.
“N-no! Didn’t mean it I promise daddy, promise!” Your eyes start to roll to the back of your head. You’re so fucking close. He’s hitting your g-spot with precision, angling his hips in just the right way to take you over the edge. His big, strong hands move down to your behind and grab each globe. He holds you still and pistons into you with an ever-growing speed.
“Don’t give this pussy to anyone else, do you hear me? he pants as he throws his head back in ecstasy. “Whose pussy is this?” he questions. “It’s yours, daddy! Yours yours yours, no one else’s!” you moan out. His moans start raising in pitch as he works his throbbing length in and out of you. Your wetness staining his dress pants and his seat. “Uhhhh fuckkk I’m almost there princess I’m right there hold on baby,” he babbles.
You bring your hands to the back of his neck to lift his head to yours, making sure those pretty doe eyes of his look directly into yours. “C'mon, daddy. Cum in your pussy,” you say seductively. His eyes shut tightly as he lets out a loud whine. His hips still and press into you as deep as your walls will allow him as he paints them white. Feeling his warmth overflow from inside of you triggers your orgasm right away, you tuck your head into his neck as you sob and shake.
Jungkook wraps his arms around you and kisses your head repeatedly as you both breathe heavily and try to bring yourselves down from the intense moment. He squeezes you into his arms as if you’ll disappear if he doesn’t have a strong hold on you. His kisses go down to your face where he peppers them all over your cheeks and lips, whispering how much he loves you and how good you were for him.
“I love you so much ____ please don’t ever leave me,” he whimpers into your mouth. You pull away and look at him incredulously. “Baby…why would I leave you?” you ask softly. “I just…I don't know. I guess I got a little insecure back at the restaurant. I know it's stupid but, for a second it really seemed like I was losing you.” he explains sadly. You frown and give him a long, heartfelt kiss. “Koo baby, I don't even think about anyone else when I have you. You're all I need.” He blushes and grants you his precious bunny smile.
“My big jealous baby, you know I love you.” ♡
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eepywriters · 5 months
please do getting into an agrument with quackity headcanons please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻😙😙🫣‼️💕💕🩷🩷
.✦°. • getting into an argument hcs (*´Д`*)
warnings: a bit of angst and maybe a bit ooc? I tried 😞🤚🏻
a/n: HIII!! THANK U SO MUCH! It means a lot :D and sorry if it took so long 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 finals kicked my ass so I couldn’t write for a while BUT IM HERE SO LET’S GET INTO IT
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(thinking of a young, little experienced Alex)
Oh it’s jover
This could actually be something that could cause a breakup cuz let me tell you THIS MAN just can’t stand confrontation
If it’s something that bugged you, he’d probably understand your point of view but would also be very overwhelmed at the thought of losing you cause he hasn’t been good enough for you, resulting in him hyper focusing on his spiraling thoughts rather than listening to what you are saying
I feel like he’d also be the type to act like nothing happened right after an argument; he’d ignore the tense situation and make jokes to light up the mood and forget about it. He’s not dense, he knows it hurts you to see him seemingly ignore your feelings like that, but he’s not used to being listened so he ends up making his partner go trough his predicament as well
BUT it’s even worse if it’s something that bugged HIM; he probably wouldn’t tell you about it, much preferring to suck it up and don’t cause problems, even though he IS creating more problems
the underlying tension caused by his silence would bring the relationship to a breaking point:
1 you break up and the regret eats him up (probably also wouldn’t reach out again because of shame and a tiny bit of ego)
2 you talk about it cause it can’t go on like this
When I talk about bugging tho, I’m thinking about things that don’t surge an immediate reaction from him, because if he’s mad, he’s mad.
He’s the venomous type, forget his silence and self pity, he’ll probably laugh in your face in irritation and say whatever the fuck he thinks
He’ll retreat to his office as soon as he sees the hurt in your face, understanding he went to far and going back to he’s usual silence, ending up giving you the silence treatment. (he also feels incredibly ashamed) (he’ll just stay in his office all day, editing mindlessly since his mind is anywhere but in the work he’s doing)
He’ll either leave you alone in bed that day, making you sulk and feel as lonely as ever, or will sleep with you but it’ll be the coldest shit ever (like the typical movie scene where two people sleep super afar from each other)
Don’t misunderstand tho, he does feel guilty, he just struggles with communicating his feelings properly (*´ー`*)
“(Name) I’m not a child, stop acting like you are my fucking mom” he spat, a look of indignation spreading on his features, shaping his otherwise gentle appearance into a strong, furious one.
“Cant you understand that I’m worried about you?” you strike back, jaw impossibly tightened “I understand that you’re very dedicated to your job, but you can’t get yourself to this state.” You sigh, not able to keep up the mad act: “You look very tired Alex”.
You take a tentative step towards him, determined to show him you weren’t scolding him, nor were you mad at him. You were trying to establish contact with him, not start a fight, after all your irritation came from worry, not anger. But he didn’t receive that well. His brows scrunching even further while his mouth twitches downwards.
“Stop acting like I’m some fucking rabid animal. I can take care of myself just fine, I don’t need a fucking babysitter”.
Seems that wasn’t the right move.
The way he was saying your name was probably what hurt the most. You find yourself missing the gentle tone he usually reserved to it when spoken.
“What are you even saying?” you breathe out, your voice being so fragile you almost don’t recognize it as your own. “Do you hear what you are saying? You are being impossible Alex”.
At this point his foot is stomping nervously on the floor. He’s getting annoyed by the minute and he can’t wait to forget about this tense situation. Arguments always put him on edge, but instead of working on the root cause of his discomfort, he always had preferred to just get himself out of the mess as soon as possible. (He hadn’t yet grasped how much that could hurt others). And that’s why, out of everything he could’ve gone, he replied with the one of the most uncalled for things he could ever come up with.
“Maybe instead of worrying about me, you should take a good look at yourself first”.
And you know what he was trying to entail.
You were never insecure of your dark circles, or at least, it wasn’t something that bugged you on the daily ever since you had found a common ground with Alex, knowing he struggled with very prominent circles cause of his lack of sleep. But for someone like him, who always had a hard time with his appearance, to clap back at you by going for your looks? Foul. Unexpected. Not like him at all.
You were sure he could tell from the look of disbelief on your face that he had fucked up.
Alex’s breathing keeps up, his chest constricts, and the anger and the pride that he has wearing like a tailored suit are stripped out of him at the sight of your frown. His mind goes haywire trying to come up with any response.
Maybe if you would’ve known him better by then, you would’ve known how terrified he was of your judgment. Even though his fame often had him deal with horrible comments filled with free hate, if judgement came from you, it scarred 100 times more than anything could ever do.
“Just leave it be, I’m fine” it’s all he mutters before booking it and hiding himself in his office, leaving you to stand there, in the middle of your living room.
Tears prickle your eyes, threatening to fall at any moment and your lip begs you for mercy as you bite into it.
God, why was communicating so difficult in this house?
It took time, it took healing, it took sitting down and TALKING to finally find your balance
He’s still pretty much venomous when it comes to immediate triggers, but after you are both done fighting and cursing each other out, you talk about it and come out of it somewhat unscathed
Anger isn’t easy to control or refrain after all, but you both try your best, and you are able to make up most of the times without falling into old dynamics of silent treatment or isolation
If something bugs him, he most likely will tell you; he is hesitant about it, but after many nights spent in your arms, he starts to let go on some of his biggest worries (anxiety still gnaws at his core every time he opens his mouth though, that doesn’t get old at all)
If something bugs you, he doesn’t shy away from confrontation anymore; he’s not perfect at it either, he still feels the urge to run away and laugh about it all, but he’s gotten way better at it
He’s still very scared of you having a negative opinion about him, but now you know him well enough to spend some extra time to reassure him that you won’t stop loving him for a petty fight, and that arguments in relationship are important to grow not only as a couple, but as people too
“(Name)” he calls out, and you instantly recognize the hint of anxiety that he’s trying to hide from you.
“Yes honey?” you reply, taking your eyes off your phone to stare into his pretty, brown ones. They screamed stress, fear, yet also determination. He did so much progress compared to the beginnings of your relationship. You were proud of him.
Alex took a deep breath before saying: “Uhm, It’s about the photo of us you posted earlier”. You could practically smell the tension in the air. His body is stiff, his chest is heaving, but your gaze is captured by his fingers and by how his nails are digging into them continuously, tearing his already red skin.
You take his hands in yours, preventing him from doing further damage to his poor, abused fingers. You knew he does it as a way to ground himself, but he really needed to find a new coping method - one that didn’t feature him torturing his body if possible.
He stares at his hands in yours for a while. You don’t say anything, allowing him to take his time.
“Okay fuck it” Alex whispers under his breath, so quietly you almost miss it.
“It makes me feel insecure, I don’t like it” he admits, keeping his focus on your hands as he munches his bottom lip nervously. You, in response, draw slow circles on his hands, offering him a gentle smile.
“Can you delete it..?” he sounds unsure, like he’s testing the waters instead of actually making a request. Either way you welcome it.
You put one of your fingers under his chin, gently applying pressure for him to lift his head, just enough to look at you. “Of course I can. Thank you for telling me Alex, I know it’s hard”. His once tense body relaxes.
He avoids your tender gaze, seemingly preferring to stare at the floor, yet you see the soft blush that was quickly taking over his cheeks. You also can’t help but notice that he already had found his charming smile back.
“Stop looking at me like that” he mumbles as his smile spreads. Uh oh, that can only mean trouble.
“Like what” your eyes narrow, not trusting his new found confidence.
“Like this”.
His imitation is pitiful: furrowed eyebrows, small frown and large puppy dog eyes. The more you look at him, the more he reminds you of that one emo guy that kind of looks like him (he definitely does). He looks ridiculous. How did you even fall in love with this dude?
You slap his arm, scoffing out a laugh as you look at him incredulous: “I don’t look like that!”.
“I think you do” he says with a smug tone, one that makes you want to hit him with a pillow till he goes back to sleep. And maybe you just will.
“Oh it’s on you motherf-“
The room was filled with laughter instead of unconfortable, loud silence.
(first post of 2024 yippiee)
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tadpolesonalgae · 17 days
Ahhh noo I didn't mean 'tame Helion' like that. 👁👄👁
I meant get this man to monogamous for, like, the first time in his life. He's just so forever enamored with reader, that she's as smart as he is, and would make the perfect High Lady, so he's no longer a rake after they'd get together.
Like, some girl offered to be his mistress and he genuinely banished her. Because, while Helion isn't house broken-- and will never be. He only got googly eyes for wifey.
Hes still Helion, just The Great Horny™ directed at one person instead of the entire court.
And yes, I will take ANYONE another than Azriel. He's such a prick in this, and being in the ic is clearly tearing reader apart.
-The anon who sent the Helion beg.
‘I meant get this man to monogamous for, like, the first time in his life. He's just so forever enamored with reader, that she's as smart as he is, and would make the perfect High Lady, so he's no longer a rake after they'd get together. ‘
Ahhhh thank you for clarifying and sorry for misunderstanding!! I’m glad we can agree to not remove the feral from dear Helion 😳🫣 that would be so adorable though if they both connected with one another in such a way 😭 (though after that thing Rhys said about Helion sleeping with males and females, I can’t help but feel he might open reader up to some different things every so often—then again, that’s almost definitely me impressing my own thoughts into the matter 🤭)
‘Like, some girl offered to be his mistress and he genuinely banished her. Because, while Helion isn't house broken-- and will never be. He only got googly eyes for wifey.’
Girl you’re making me want to write more for Helion 🤭 both writing something where they’re monogamous and love studying books together but also where they’re open? Maybe something with Rhys, or something with Feyre? LoA? Nesta? 👀😳
‘Hes still Helion, just The Great Horny™ directed at one person instead of the entire court.’
Poor reader subject to all of Helion’s…attention? Reader who’s mostly introverted and gets fatigued quite easily facing Helion’s stamina? She’d hardly have time to rest! 😳🫣 I’m not sure if one person could handle all that enthusiasm 🤭
‘And yes, I will take ANYONE another than Azriel.’
Anyone…you say? 👀😏 well, when reader decides to skip the sons and goes straight for Beron… 🤭 or enters into an extremely turbulent, sapphic, love/hate relationship with Mor…😳 or decides to go seek out Bryaxis…👀
(Obviously this is a joke)
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djarins-cyare · 2 days
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Hi, thanks for checking out my writing!
I write purely for Din Djarin (though I read and rec other Pedro Pascal characters and other Star Wars media). Whilst not all my stories include smut, they usually contain adult themes and language, so are suitable for over-18s only 🔞
My writing is extremely detailed and character-oriented, and I research and proofread/edit thoroughly. I never start publishing something until it’s fully written. As a result, it takes me a while to produce content, but I hope this ensures that my completed works are high-quality immersive experiences for my readers.
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**The emojis assigned to each fic below indicate moods rather than specific genres and are open to interpretation**
🔹 Be-All And Endor [405,180 words]
My magnum opus, this is a novel-length slow burn set after season 2. Din has a bounty on Endor and gets more than he bargained for when Reader accidentally nearly runs him down with her speeder in the forest. Over 1.3k kudos on AO3. [😍+🥰+🥵]
🔹 Never Look Down [13,160 words]
Two-part mini-series set on Nevarro after season 3, wherein Din falls for Grogu’s babysitter and a drunken misunderstanding results in some revelations. [😍+🫣 and a hint of 🥵]
🔹 The Long Goodbye [45 words]
Flash fiction in 280 characters or less. An examination of the reason Ahsoka came looking for Din in Chapter 13: The Jedi rather than waiting for him in Calodan like he asked. [🥺]
🔹 Held Is The Seed
[snippet] A four-part smutty series. When a guy in a cantina claims Mandos make poor lovers, Reader leaps to Din’s defence and lists several ways in which he could in fact be exceptionally talented in bed. Din overhears and later offers to prove her assumptions true one by one. [😍->🥵]
🔹 To See A Thousand Things
[details & snippet] [snippet - 1st one down] An extremely smutty, angsty piece based on five firsts and one last. Din has something casual with a gun shop owner over the years, but they both discover that something long-term will inevitably transform into something that runs deep. [🥵+😭]
🔹 Auretiise
[snippet - 2nd one down] One-shot based on the idea of Din and Reader both coming up with reasons they can’t be together, none of which are the same and all of which are idiotic. An argument finally leads to a conversation about it. [🥺…🥹🥰]
🔹 Final Sanctuary
[snippet - 3rd one down] [snippet] Smutty one-shot (will be lengthy) based on a fantasy Din has watching his shipmate spill white dip on her chin, and how he manages to figure out flirting and make his fantasy a reality. [🥵->🥰]
🔹 Din Djarin In Jarringly Domestic Situations
[details & snippet] Space romcom involving a series of encounters in which Din meets the woman of his dreams but each time it’s in an embarrassing or awkward location or situation. [😍😳🥴]
I’m very open to requests because having a deadline and someone waiting for it usually helps motivate me to finish! I’m flexible in terms of content, but please bear in mind that smut takes me a lot longer to write, and I lean towards fluff rather than angst (though I’m not opposed to the darker end of the scale). I’m also not a fan of breeding kink (sorry - I firmly believe Din is a reluctant dad who loves Grogu but would have to be brought around to the idea of one day having his own). Otherwise, please feel free to suggest anything that takes your fancy!
If you’ve enjoyed my writing, please consider heading over to AO3 and adding some kudos on my fics over there. Also please consider reblogging any of my fics/series masterlists here on tumblr. Both these actions increase visibility and help new readers to find my work long after publication. I don’t have a Ko-fi because I value online encouragement and marketing assistance more than cold hard cash.
Thank you for your support, it means the galaxy to me! 💙
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mickittotheman · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Huge thank to @mickeym4ndy for tagging me! I love these things 🤠
how’s your day going? could be worse! my boss was absolutely wilding today but I did get to spend most of my shift writing fanfic so that was nice.
are you okay? My Chemical Romance song plays faintly in distance
what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour? hmm definitely a pale sort of sky blue, kind of like this
are you single? very
are you happy about that? most of the time? 
what age do you feel in your brain? what brain? jk lol sometimes i feel like a little kid, sometimes i feel well past my prime. I’m in my mid-twenties though.
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you? hopefully ahead!!!
do you have a best friend? yes i have managed to maintain the same one since middle school
did you have a childhood pet? so many! over the course of my childhood I have had rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, turtles, a tortoise, crabs, hamsters, mice, fish, dogs, and turkeys (the turkeys sadly only survived one day)
do you sing or whistle around the house? sometimes i sing if no one is around and i’m in the mood
do you light candles or incense? candles but only on special occasions because i get sad when they’re all used up
are you busy Friday night? it's my dog's birthday! also the ides of march so very busy all around
if you were a circus performer which act would you be in?  my heart says knife thrower my brain says clown
what is your favourite outfit? hmmm i have these really soft worn dark green pants that look killer with a black shirt and an open dark teal button up layered over so probably that. bonus points if i add in a leather belt and boots and also my totebag with cartoon dogs on it. Another strong contender: tannish/orangish pants with a white tee open navy button up and my socks with weiner dogs that have hotdog buns and toppings. ideally though i would live in my pajamas (which are also almost all dog prints)
what's the last thing you created? I've been working on a fic for fun for a while now! haven't shared any of it yet but maybe someday lol.
what is your favourite fic or book of all time? ooooh so hard to choose. I absolutely loved etherized against the sky by snarfle. I’m a huge sucker for angst centered around secrets and misunderstandings and miscommunication. also it was so funny but also tricked me into a few unwilling therapeutic breakthroughs. 
what are you looking forward to? sleeping! I am so tired lol. also my dog's birthday party of course. 
what can put you immediately in a better mood? anything to do with my special interest. and also puppies
do you like hugs? ehhhhhh i’m like one of those cats who will rarely tolerate hugs and even more rarely enjoy them
what is something you wish people understood about you?  that i have no idea what is going on at any time ever and that everything is also so very scary but i am being very brave about it
Tagging: @wh0lemilk0vich @jezzibelle89 @swiftfootedachilles @sillygoofygoobersstuff @jademickian BUT only if you want to of course if not this is just me saluting you and also it might be thursday by the time yall see this sorry 😬🫡🫣
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criminalskies · 8 months
okay babe it's me again andddd i think there was a misunderstanding cause i was talking about that angsty abuse thingy 🫣🫣 but i mean i need that second one as well soooo
and also i meant to send that last one without my anon emoji to be more mysterious but i forgot so 🧍🏻🧍🏻😭😭
I’m a bit of a clown in my spare time 😞
YES! The angst. It was about reader’s abusive ex finding where they were living and working with the BAU but it quickly turned dark and I was like GOING for super angsty but then I realised I was bordering on just plain traumatising so I hung it up never to return again. I just thought maybe people didn’t want to read that? But that being said I am actually a sucker for like an escaping-an-abusive-ex (into your new patient lovers arms) fic soooo who was I kidding?
I would totally be willing to pick this up again if I know there’s an audience! So, I’ll count you in hahahah. I do want to grind out some of the requests I have collecting dust on my shelf first bc I feel bad people have been waiting FOR EVER! but I’ll brush the dust off this old friend, too. <3 thanks for enquiring omg. You are so sweet and so cool I’m kinda starstruck.
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firsttarotreader · 8 months
Hi, mami! Does P have any ongoing fwb situation? If he doesn’t, has he had it, male or female? And what about Lena, was she one of his fwb? Sorry, too many questions! 🫣 If you can ask Tarot, please?
Hiya! So, I realized I’ve never done readings about it, but I’m gonna need to split this ask in 3, since there are 3 different questions. In the part 1, I’m gonna do the general question, about whether he might possibly have ongoing fwb situations or not. The Major Arcana for that were Strength, The Hermit and The Moon reversed.
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Well, Strength points to him mastering his raw emotions, having inner strength and self-control. The Hermit means he might prefer to not go there, to retreat and keep non-sexual friendships, since he knows well enough the consequences it might have to be fwb and he is wise enough to know it. The Moon reversed shows him knowing how confusing it could be, how secrets and lack of honesty could happen, and how it could lead to distrust and the feeling of being fooled or lied to. It would be full on confusion, insecurity, an emotional mess.
The Minor Arcana were the Page of Cups, Queen of Pentacles and 5 of Swords. Page of Cups with Strength could be telling us he might fear he would develop feelings for the person (or the other way around). He could even think the sex could be fire in certain situations, but he still controls himself a lot. Queen of Pentacles with The Hermit means he could stay away from fwb situations because he’d rather be a reliable, stable, trustworthy friend, one his friends could count on and someone who supports and nurtures them. 5 of Swords with The Moon reversed is the ultimate defeat. All that confusion and that lack of trust from The Moon reversed would cause a lot of conflict and misunderstandings and it would fuck up the friendship, it would probably end up with him losing the friend.
So honestly, I doubt he has any ongoing fwb situation now because he knows the mess it can be and the way he prefers to be a more grounded and reliable friend instead. I am obviously not saying I know anything for sure but these cards show Pedro to not really be someone who is into fwb arrangements right now. Also not saying he has never done it before ever in his 48 years, which is something we will delve into in the part 2 of this ask.
Another thing that’s important to point out is we are considering fwb as something consistent and a “stable” arrangement.
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
I’ve read your last chapter (it’s me again) and I’m so scared that something bad is going to happen and they’re going to fight big one because they’re not communicating with each other!!!!! 😭
I’ve never been so invested on a wip, so this is new for me, I’d have already binge read the fic (mostly what I’ve done today but I need more yk? hahaha) but this last chapter was so good!!! I love it, but that ending? It was like ‘okay I’m right to be afraid of them fighting because of a misunderstanding’ and I’m just like, going to scream if that happens, which probably will happen so I’ll come to scream here, sorry about it 🫣 hahaha
Also, I’m more into leaving messages here that in ao3 so I’ll probably be here every time I read a chapter! Would love to know what Louis and Anne talked ngl 🫣 And Louis changing his shift so he could spend more time with Harry!!! They’re so in love omg And the other 3 being so fucking subtle with the sitting change, yes babes, nobody notice, ahaaaaam, keep doing it! And then texting while they were in the same room and Zayn like 👀 but also like 😏😌 because he knows! Louis helping Harry with so many ideas, yea baby, you’re so smart!!!
Ugh love this fic! It’s probably going to be one of my fac fics ngl The tension is so good, the slow born too, Louis is so well written, with his confusion and internal homophobia! I’m afraid is going to be like that in another chapter if things go more serious, so I can’t wait to read it!! 💖💖
Comments like this honestly make me laugh so much. You are all so funny!
Thank you so, so much for putting some much time into it.
I'm so glad you like it and I'm so glad you're so invested!!
If you ever have to scream here, I'll understand
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gojonanami · 2 months
Initially, when I was reading this I was so annoyed at the misunderstandings simply because they were so petty 😭 like BOY?! YOU GO AROUND FLIRTING WITH WHOEVER YOU COME ACROSS AND YOU CAN'T ASK HER OUT?! 👺
(No because this happened with me irl, my best guy friend confessed recently and I was so.....clueless? And apparently he had a crush on me for atleast over an year?! And I never knew?! Like, genuinely?! Why you ask? Because there was this time he had a crush on this other girl and literally the whole school knew?! So instead of going for petty tactics please try actually flirting and impressing me, that was atleast he would've had a chance?! Because it might've worked here, but it didn't work with me irl ☠️🤚🏻)
But then the tension 😏😏😏😏
My oh so favourite part of arrange marriage tropes FRFR - when they both start falling for each other little-little and their relationship starts going into honeymoon phase hehe! Giggling. Kicking my feet.
god. You're relentless.
haha I think gojo was truly too afraid of being rejected and he wanted to see if reader would get jealous or do something about it — he didn’t realize it would only end in a fight (but yes that’s why you don’t play games!!)
but I’m sorry that happened to you :( it sounds like a shitty situation to be stuck in because yikes. sounds like he’s not a mature guy or someone worth being with — I can only say he had good taste for liking you 💕 but yeah these things do not work in real life and should be confined to fictional works 🫣
I knooow I love the beginning parts of the relationship where they are slowly growing feelings for each other — I think it’s so cute 🥹🥹🥹
HAHAHA the original “RING RING RING” -ing I traumatized everyone with in prof geto hahaha — this was the og haha (since I wrote this before prof geto) — what can I say? I love interrupted moments 🤭
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
i haven’t been here in a while BUT IM BACK!! had a rough few weeks but i’m getting back into things i enjoy, which includes reading your works!!
babes i’m so proud of you for this past year, you truly went above and beyond with all your aus <3
strictly business was SO cute!! tbh, i expected it to be way more smutty (NOT THAT IT WAS A BAD THING!!) but i think with the plot and how angsty it was, too much smut would’ve derived from the plot. i’m so happy they got the happy ending they deserved😫🩷
now. COLD HEARTS?!!! BABE, i say this about every one of your aus, but this is gonna be so good !! it already is😩😩 if hoon talked to me the way he talks to yn, i think id punch him in the face then cry my eyes out bc holy shit🫣 i can’t wait to uncover what happened between the two of them bc it deffo had to be some huge misunderstanding. like misunderstandings at the age of twelve seem so pivotal that it’s so hard to get rid of that hurt you felt that it just turns into hatred☹️ lowkey hope riki hockey checks hoon for no reason bc he deserves it lowkey🤭🤭🤭
WELCOME BACK BABY I MISSED YOU🥺🤍 am sad to hesr that you havent been doing well but even more am i proud to hear that you're allowing yourself to do the things you enjoy. imma know it probably wasnt easy but you're doing so, so good 🥺
and yeah omg i actually never realised just how little smutni wrote for SB but i agree with what you said and am ngl since i did get a little insecure about the whole DDLG criticism i had received i subconsciously pulled away from the smut too so im sorry about that 🤕
YOU AND ME BOTH BABY 😭😭 i'd definitely punch him in the throat but turn around and burst intot ears if he ever said those things to me because WHAT THE FUCK?? i honestly can't wait for you guys to find out the reason because it's a little deeper than one might think. like yes it happened when they were twelve but its mostly about the circumstances and them both being a little too stubborn 😞
im so glsd to know youre back my angel, i love you so much 🥺🤍
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