#letting her play video games on my laptop when she stays over
myname-isnia · 1 year
How do I politely tell my friend to fuck off
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screaminglygay · 14 days
hey! can we pretty pls have a pt2 to the stalker!amber?
Amber Freeman headcanons
warnings: dark!amber, swearing, toxic situationship, possibly bad grammar, stalking, obsessive behavior
word count: 1.7k
an: thank you for your patience! i still have some sort of writing block, so this is just something little, but I want to write a full fic on amber, so stay tuned! hehe
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Amber and you have many study sessions, she wants you to pass all the exams, it is not her fault that it always leads her to take you in any way she wants
"Amber, we talked about this..." you sigh as you look at the book infront of you, while Amber´s hands were wandering on your body.
"I'm just helping. If you can solve this under a distraction, can you imagine how good you'll be during the exam?" She looks at you, admiring you as she always does.
"So when someone would touch me during the exam I´m gonna be prepared?" You finally look at her, making a joke.
Her whole body shifts, she´s being slightly frustrated about you being such a brat. "Fine, let´s go back to stuying."
"What? I´m just playing your game, Ambs," you smile softly at her.
"No, you´re just being a fucking brat." And now, she´s mad mad.
You scan her face for a little bit, "oh come on, I was just joking," you poke her face slightly.
And there goes her tiny manipulation tactic, that you always fall hard for.
"I feel like you could do something little for me, since I´m spending so much time with you, making sure you pass..." Amber sits up.
You immedietly sit up too, "I- sorry, you are right," you take her hand in yours.
"Lay down, pretty girl..." she leans over you and you lay on your back, here it goes again.
No matter what subject, day in a week or time... Amber always knows how to make you do whatever she wants. And every single time and you... you obey.
Amber always knowing where you are, when the two of you are not together. She put few of a dog trackers in your wallet, some clothes, backpack, even into Chad´s car, just to be sure you´re always okay.
After a long weekend of not seeing eachother, Amber stops by your locker in the morning and waits for you. You immedietly smile, when you see her. It was a long time with your family on some stupid gathering outside the city, your cousin had birthday party - the most disgusting, pervy, rasist idiot. You´re very happy that you are back in school... it is kinda the same hell hole, but at least you still have your friends and Amber here.
"Hi," you say softly as you open your locker, taking out some books.
"Hi," she watches you, "how did you enjoy the family gathering?"
"It was hell-" you respond, but then you look at her with raise eyebrow, "wait, how do you know about the gathering?"
Amber without missing a beat asnwers with a smile, "Chad mentioned."
You nod, "oh, he can´t keep a secret, got it." You shake your head as you close the locker.
The girl smiles, another lie that you believe so easily. "Why a secret?"
"It´s a long story, but uh... I´m not really a fan talking about family, especially if most of them are shitty rasist who can´t name a single country outside of the US," you shrug.
"Got it, no more mentioning these people." She nods, like she doesn´t already know your whole family tree.
She has a tons of your pictures and videos, special folders on her phone, laptop, flashdisks, everything is sorted out.
Because you two are bonding more and more, she was really happy to make a new special folder of you. If the previous photos were only for her, these kinds of pictures are under increased security.
"You look so pretty, so so so pretty," she smiles at you kneeling on the bed, your hands covering your face, from all the emberassement. "Don´t be shy, puppy, look at me... come on." She takes her phone and opens camera.
"Amber..." you basically whine.
"What? Can´t I take a picture of a pretty girl on my bed?" She makes a photo. "Put those hands away for me."
You do, blushing like crazy, this is not something you´re used to. But you want to make her happy, seeing her smile at you makes something inside of you tingle.
"Pretty girl, look at you!" She smirks.
What you didn´t know, was that she has another camera in her room and every single time you´re there, you are increasing the number of files in her folder.
Even though the two of you are not official yet, everyone can see that Amber holds this sort of protection over you.
Another collage party, which is not a place you would chose to spend your time, but everyone decided to go and you didn´t want to be the only one saying no.
You are sitting on the couch next to Tara and Mindy, talking about your plans for the weekend, when all of the sudden a tall most would say handsome guy sit infront of you.
"That seat is occupied," Mindy says.
He looks around, "I don´t see anyone here. So..." He winks at you.
"That seat is occupied, they just went to grab someting to drink," you yell, because of the loud music.
"I wouldn´t leave such a pretty little thing on her own..." He smiles and you´re ready to throw up.
And before you or any of the girls could say anything, Amber steps in. "She is not alone, you dipshit."
He chuckles and stands up, "and who are you?"
"I don´t want to have a conversation with you," she splashes one of the drinks into his face, which indeed makes him leave with screaming something about a bitch.
"Oh wow, I respect that." Mindy says and Tara just stares at Amber.
"Um- thanks?" You look at Amber.
"Sorry about the drink, here take mine." She smiles as she gives you the only drink that survived.
Amber is very observing, she knows everything about you, even stuff you didn´t figure out on your own, but there are times when you totally shock her.
"Are you crazy, what are you doing here?" Amber yells at you. Walking in the rain was not the smartest decision you made. You were frozen to the bone
"I wanted to suprise you..." you smile softly.
"Wha- come in, jesus!" She steps aside so you can come inside her apartment, rushing to the bathroom for a towel.
"You uh said you had some hard time at work, so I just assumed... that maybe I could cheer you up a little bit." You say while your whole body is trembling.
Amber walks out with a towel and some of her clothes, looking at you like a deer in the headlights.
"I brought your favorite donuts and some nice relaxing candles. And we can order some sushi later. And if you´d like I can help with something, or just... keep you company, since I have zero idea what you´re doing at work." You let out a chuckle, "I mean most of the things I brought are completly wet, but I think they suvived it."
"You´re such a dumbass, do you know that?" Amber shakes her head, helping you put the things down and covering you up in a towel. "Why didn´t you call me, I could pick you up?"
"That woudln´t be a suprise, duh."
"God, we will be lucky if you won´t die from hypothermia, right now."
"I´m not helping with the stress, huh?" you sigh.
"(Y/N), I appraciate the effort, I really do, but next time, don´t try to walk in the worst thunderstorm, alright?"
"I think I could do that, yeah." The both of you laughed.
She loves PDA, her hands are on you all the time. Amber, an ardent lover of public displays of affection, is perpetually tactile, her hands finding peace on the lower back, intertwining fingers, and linked arms, embracing herself around her world.
“I’ll take this, thank you, pretty girl,” she says as she holds your hand for the billionth time today.
Amber is being your personal driver, driving you everywhere you need. Even if it means she has to wake up sooner, when you have classes, she will drive you no matter what.
The both of you made Saturdays as your movie nights.
"What are we chosing tonight?" Amber asks from the batrhoom.
You scroll through the Netflix, "how about the new season of YOU?"
Amber stops at her tracks, "um... what´s that?"
"You don´t know YOU?! What?! It´s really good show! We have to watch it."
"But you´ve already seen it, I don´t want to bother you by watching something twice..." She tries to skate out of it.
"No, no, it´s fine. I really enjoyed it and you will too!" You smile, clicking on the first season.
This was the biggest paradox in Amber´s life.
"Wow, that´s some stalker shit, just like you are!" Amber says with a light nudge.
"Oh shut up! I said if bilions of times, I didn´t stalk you. I don´t do that."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, (Y/N)," Amber teases you, "but following me like a lost puppy, liking my old photo, going through my social media, are you sure you´re not a Joe to my Beck?" Oh she´s pushing it, but for you, it´s just a silly missunderstanding that happened few motnths ago.
Despite her focus on academics and socializing, Amber harbors a secret talent for photography. She has a knack for capturing candid moments and hidden emotions, using her camera lens to express herself in ways that words cannot. And when it is combined with you?
Amber loves when you 'steal' her clothes, there is no better view than you in her bed with only her oversized shirt on you.
"Is that my shirt?" Amber looks at you, as youre already in bed, waiting for the usual movie night.
"Definetly not," you shake your head, taking the blanket to cover you.
"Oh- then what is your favorite song?" She smirks.
"You have my favorite band on your shirt, what is your favorite song from them?" Amber asks again.
"Oh... um- all of them." Good save?
She laughs "All of them? It is not a band shirt, it´s a car logo, pretty girl."
You blush, "oh." Not a good save.
"It´s fine, keep the shirt, you look pretty in it." She lays next to you, putting an arm around you, keeping you close as possible.
In her free time, Amber enjoys exploring antique shops and flea markets, searching for unique treasures and hidden gems to add to her collection. She has a keen eye for things like this.
Thank you for reading!
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neos-schlond-poofa · 3 months
rl donna beneviento hcs
because @scuba-gragas (your acc is NOT linking for some reason) freaked out over one of my edit captions and im like. why not share more sad stuff about donna! and also silly stuff in here too.
repeating this from the edit but due to her tendency to remember numerous timelines, donna has even more of a SEVERE fear of being abandoned by mc and lacks a lot of self confidence in the relationship. she remembers mc being happy with the others, what if they did a better job than her? what if mc goes to them? or perhaps, what if the loop occurs and mc goes to someone else, and donna sees them just act happier? was she easily replacable?
however, sometimes donna DOES express her relationship anxieties and mc always does help out; its not all torment for donna, dont worry. as time goes on she always tries to be more open with mc about her feelings
okay back to sad. i imagine this happens to everyone but in their own way, but donna is a sleep hugger. so when she wakes up the day after the loop, shes hugging a pillow instead of mc and she just sits there for a bit. sometimes, she doesnt really get it, other times, she instantly knows what happened. she hates the feeling of waking up that morning and thinking she has someone in her arms, only to have an empty spot in her bed.
really good at claw machines. when angie was younger, she loved going to the arcade, and so donna mastered the art of claw machines to get angie a bunch of prizes (and sometimes herself).
invested in noise cancelling headphones / earbuds once she got with mc. she wears them a lot everywhere and even went to her first concert with them, it helps her not be overstimulated.
she hates herself for this, but part of her prays that mc stays with miranda after she has to wipe belas memories. she cant stand the thought of hurting her niece again in another loop.
would probably get a sims addiction, but specifically making sims.
plays relaxing video game soundtracks in the store (dani, angie, and mc often update the playlists)
she sells those fake flowers on april fools that shoot water at peoples faces.
loves to watch operas and ballets.
im struggling with wording this but like. when donna realizes the loop has occured she always just takes a bunch of time to prepare herself for whatever is going to happen, but ESPECIALLY knowing she has to murder someone for angie again. shes basically doomed to do this forever until mc gets with miranda; and i KNOW angie sometimes isnt a doll but. lets forget about that!! i just imagine shes always a doll anyways, it makes more sense that way, and either way, a loop where angie is fully human is just a temporary break for one of donna's many problems.
ethel cain stan
hates hospital shows for MANY reasons. she doesnt like seeing the hospitals first of all, she doesnt like seeing when the people die, and she hates the medical inconsistencies.
in loops where bela and mc have a family (sigh), she can't help but literally try to keep her distance. they won't have their family for long, and she cant bear to tell them that (although bela is most definitely aware) or even get attached to their baby, she doesn't want to lose someone close again (although bela does not catch onto this; she tries to get donna involved as opposed to alcina)
owns a typewriter
constantly has a tab of solitaire open on her laptop.
theres a picture of markiplier hidden in her room and she doesnt know it. angie hid it there and has been waiting for donna to find it. thing is? she hid it before the loop started. so it is permanently there for every loop.
always has really cutesy and simplistic halloween costumes she wears in her flower shop for the holiday. her favorite costume is a bee.
loves build-a-bear. it obviously takes her some time to get ready to go there (she often plans out their least busy times), but she loves to make her own plushes for her collection and buy them new clothes. eventually takes mc there for a date and they adopt a bear together.
but outside of that? she really hates getting new ones there during the loops. she gets really attached to them and she hates knowing they're only there for a short time.
kanoodle master.
hates the smell of nail polish
great hugger, even if she doesn't give them out that often.
owns a bunch of retro game consoles and likes to collect them, although she doesn't get much time to play them.
hates the bee movie; angie loves it
while mc obviously does open her eyes, donna still struggles with the concept of even trying to get better because she knows its all just going to loop. yes, she will work on things and they will improve, but certain things will revert back to normal after the loop anyways.
once tried to dance in the rain for fun and ended up getting a cold instead.
alright i think thats it... i might share more in the future but i tried to balance this with silly and sad.
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solitaireships · 7 months
Rot Day
So one of the people at my internship talked about having what she called rot days where she just sits in bed all day and watches movies/tv, reads, and plays video games and since hearing about that that has become my greatest unattainable fantasy. Since I can't have that, I'll let Thalia and Cleo have that together. Note that this was all written in like 24 hours on a whim and I didn't edit it, so there might be some typos in there!
Rating: Gen
Genre: Fluff
Words: 989
Divider by emeraldurafreak
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“Good morning, Thalia!” 
The cheerful voice of Cleo is startling in the early morning, partially because it’s unusual. As Thalia mumbles, still half asleep in bed, she looks up to see her girlfriend looking far more awake than she usually does at eight in the morning. She’s always exhausted in the morning, practically having to be dragged out of bed by Thalia, but right now she’s looking awake and alert, Sebastian the rat perched on her shoulder looking just as awake. Bundled in Cleo’s arms is Thalia’s laptop, Nintendo Switch, and a couple of trade paperbacks.
“Morning?” Thalia says, more question than a statement as she sits up in bed, eyes blinking to adjust to the newly bright room. “What are you doing so… awake this early?”
“I had an idea for something fun to do today,” Cleo says, as if that explains everything.
“Could I get a clue?” Thalia asks. 
Cleo sits down on the edge of the bed. She sets each of the assorted items in her arms down on the bed, spreading them out in front of Thalia. “We’re going to do a rot day.”
“Cleo, baby, that does not help me understand what you’re talking about.”
“Okay.” Cleo fully climbs into bed now, pulling the white and teal quilt onto her lap as she settles next to Thalia. “The idea is that we just sit here and do nothing. Well, not nothing, but the fun kind of nothing. Watch movies, play games, you can do some reading and writing and that kind of thing. It will be a good time for you to get to relax.”
Thalia can’t help but give a small smile at Cleo being thoughtful enough to suggest something like this. She knows that it’s easy for her to get lost in the bustle of life. Thalia always likes having something to do, always likes to be working and feeling like she’s doing something that helps others. 
But her work is exhausting. She loves being a counselor, but empathy fatigue is something that she’s been dealing with more and more. And despite that, it’s hard for her to take a break. Thalia can’t blame that on her work, though, that’s instead the result of some long running anxiety issues that she’s never addressed, always preferring to talk about others’ feelings and problems than her own. Self-care has never been a strong suit of hers, and as tempting as a day of just staying in bed doing nothing sounds, even her half awake brain searches for reasons not to do it.
“I don’t know if I should be taking a day off like this,” Thalia says. She reaches over to get her glasses from the nightstand, putting them on. 
“Why not?” Cleo questions, head tilting to the side. “You’re already not working today, it’s Saturday.”
“Just because I’m not at work doesn’t mean I don’t have things to do.”
“And are any of them ones you need to do right away?”
They aren’t, but Thalia doesn’t want to say that. “Well, even beyond that, literally staying in bed all day isn’t possible. We’d have to get up to, like, make dinner and stuff. And I need to get coffee in a bit or my head is gonna feel like it’s about to explode.”
“Oh, don’t worry about the coffee, I already got it started for you,” Cleo promises. “Rot day can start after you get your coffee. And we can always order food and I can ask Sebastian and the other rats to bring it to us.”
“I don’t want rats handling our food.”
Sebastian makes a noise that can only be described as sounding offended, hopping down from Cleo’s shoulder to Thalia’s lap. He looks up at her with his big black eyes, and it’s hard to resist him when he’s so obnoxiously adorable with his little backpack strapped to him. 
Thalia reaches down to pet him, her fingers tracing against his soft fur. “I’m sorry, buddy, I didn’t mean to insult you.”
Sebastian responds with a chattering noise, rubbing his head against her hand in a way she assumes means he accepts her apology. 
“But I still don’t know if we should have this… rot day thing. Rotting’s not exactly a good thing that people should want to be doing,” Thalia objects.
“We can come up with a new name,” Cleo promises. 
“What? What if I wanted you to stay in bed with me all day?” Cleo asks. “I’m tired. I want my girlfriend to stay with me and keep me company.”
Thalia knows exactly what she’s doing. Cleo knows that Thalia doesn’t like doing things for herself, but she does like doing them for other people. And while Thalia knows that this is just her saying something to try to convince her to take a break, she can’t force herself to say no to something that would make Cleo happy. 
Thalia can never resist Cleo. And, if she were more honest with herself, she could admit that staying in bed with her all day sounds like a dream come true. It’s been a long time since she’s done anything fun, anything just for herself. She’s always too exhausted to do anything but mindlessly scroll through social media, only half paying attention to anything she’s watched. 
But this could be a good thing for her. A chance to reset, and to enjoy some time with her girlfriend.
“Okay,” Thalia relents.
“Okay?” Cleo repeats, a smile on her face as she leans closer to Thalia.
“But we’re not going to order food for the rats to bring to us. We can put a pause on the rotting to go get stuff,” Thalia says. 
Cleo presses a quick kiss to Thalia’s cheek. “Okay. Thank you, pretty girl.”
Thalia “hmm”s in response. But as she settles into bed, she thinks that a day off like this may be just what she needs.
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sukunastoy · 7 months
What's your biggest regret? 😈
It’s probably depressingly sad, and maybe not want anyone wants to read. Trigger warning ahead. Talking about my dads recent death.
But, currently my biggest regret is not answering my dads phone call the day before he unexpectedly died. I was having a bad day, and was taking a nap. I remember the call waking me up, and I remember thinking “I’m just not in the mood to talk. He’ll understand. I’ll call him tomorrow when I’m not in such a bad mood.”
And it was Father’s Day weekend mind you.
The next day, I went to work at 6 am, and me and my bf had made movie reservations prior anyway right after my work so I thought, “well, by the time I actually get home, I’ll be tired from work and the movie and trying to eat dinner. So, I’ll call him the next day so it’s not so late.” We usually talked at least once a week. But the last time we did talk on the phone, he was asking if I could talk him through how to download Steam onto his laptop so he could play a couple war games that he enjoyed. I told him of course, and when he had some time we’ll get it figured it out and I’ll send him pics and videos if needed. (We live 14 hours away from each other, he lived with my sister. So..at least he wasn’t ever alone.) But…his final words to me were “hey, you should be calling me more often. I know you’re busy, but I hope you can make some time.” And I said “yeah..I know. I’m sorry, my days just blend together sometimes.” He said he understands, just misses me and wants us to talk more.
So…I get home at the end of the day, tired from work and the movie, and, just finishing eating dinner. My sister called me and I didn’t answer cause I was finishing up my food, but she called back again immediately which she never does so I figured was urgent and answered. And it was her letting me know my dad had a massive stroke, and he was found outside in their backyard, covered in ants, and he had wet himself…(imagining my strong father in such a way, being alone when it happened, and being found in such a way, fucking haunts me). He had been mowing the grass for her while she was at work, preparing for a little party they were about to have with my sister and brother (who was going to see them the next day). He had been out there for about 5 hours without breathing, and his dog -who normally ran away when not in a locked fence- was running around the front yard -not a fenced area- barking hysterically, and not even trying to leave the yard. I imagine the dog was trying to stay with my dads body while also not sure what the fuck was going on and also trying to get someone’s attention.
He wasn’t “physically” dead, but, his brain was. He had gone too long without oxygen.
My goddamn heart broke in that instant. Felt like some horrible movie plot meant to destroy the main character. I cried so hard I almost threw up, and i frantically scraped up money (thanks to a lot of kind souls here on tumblr donating to me in that instant) so I could take a flight the next morning to go down to him, BEGGING, whatever god or entity in existence that SOMEHOW, the doctors could bring some life back to him.
Obviously…they couldn’t. They did multiple tests and scans over the span of 3 days, keeping him on breathing tubes and other machines to keep his body alive. They have to have x amount of failed tests before legally declaring him “dead.” Though they did tell us from the beginning, they’re about 99.9% sure he’d never recover. And they said if he did by some miracle get a little brain activity back, he’d basically be a vegetable on a machine the rest of his life. And we all knew he would have NEVER wanted to live the rest of his life like that. So..we more or less just prayed for it to end already. To end his suffering. Let him move on. Cause he HATED being in the hospital and not being able to move or do something. (he had already gone through severe cancer surgery/treatments 10 years prior and he said he’d rather die than live in the hospital under such duress ever again.)
And so for 3 days, me and my brother and sister, sat in the hospital room with my dads body, waiting for the legality of it all to end. We watched his body twitch and move, though no control of his own. Just his brain completely shutting down. When they ran the last test, had the several different doctors sign off to keep it legal, they said it’s up to us when to pull the plug. Me, being the baby sibling, got to make the final decision. Cause they weren’t gonna do it til I said I was ready. Of course I wasn’t fucking ready. But…I had to be.
I knew he wasn’t there anymore. But, his heart was still beating. I remember once they pulled the breathing tubes out, and turned off the other life support machines, I held my dads hand, and laid my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat as it faded and then finally stopped only a couple minutes later.
And it’s only been a little over 4 months since he died, but I hate myself and regret so much I wanna throw up every day for not answering his call. When it was going to be the last time we ever got to speak. And I ignored it cause I was in a bad mood. And we had been playing phone tag for the whole week before that. So, the last chance I had to talk to my dad, the only real parent I ever had that loved me, and the only person who was ever 100% there for me, I fucking blew it.
And…Ive been crying every singe day over this since.✌️
So…that’s my biggest regret. It sounds corny and cheesy af. But..if you love/care about someone, truly treat each moment as if it’s the last. Cause, it might be…and I promise, if you don’t, and regret it, the pain is so goddamn fucking unbearable you won’t want to live. Luckily I’ve been on 3 medications for a couple years now that have already helped me through my suicidal depression, cause I probably would have already offed myself trying to go through this if I didn’t have them.
And well…that’s why I’m so randomly active/inactive on here. Cause some days I’m just not “here.” I’m fucking struggling hard. But…being obsessed with JJK and that 2D monster that is Sukuna, has kept me going for whatever reason. I appreciate everyone that obsesses with me. Helps distract from the pain.
✌️✨ Sorry for this depressive shit. I’ll get back to drawing/writing naughty shit here soon. It’s a great pain reducer. No one is required to comment, or say anything in regards to this. Lmao, I won’t be sad if you don’t. I know this stuff is awkward and for some it’s weird to handle/respond to. If you don’t want to say anything, or scared/uncomfortable, I totally get that. Cause I’m weird about stuff like this too. I handle death in a weird way, and everyone has their own way to cope/comfort. Don’t feel pressured to say anything. Cause I understand.
I’m just blessed to have some amazing people here on Tumblr help me through the days without them even knowing it. ❤️‍🩹
Big fat smooches and hugs to you all.
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starsunderwaterr · 2 years
Peeling Up the Lies (Pearl x reader)
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This is my first tumblr post so tbh I don’t really know what I’m doing but we’re gonna go with it! 
Here’s a Pearl x reader I thought of when I was eating yesterday!
also im ngl the insults i used against pearl made me giggle im so sorry pearl please don’t kill me i love you 😭
All characters involved are 18+
Minors DNI
words: 1058
warnings: none
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Pearl stared at the laptop with a sigh, scrolling through all of the comments on the group’s new music video. Despite the positive remarks, the same type of comments continued to flow in each time. 
“Haha, egghead”
“Next to Marina she looks like trash”
“MC Onion”
They used to make her blood boil, but now they just made her tired. She had to keep putting up the front that it didn’t bother her though, because she was Pearl, enough said. Marina had confronted her about it countless times before, but Pearl always brushed it off, saying she didn’t care. 
And usually it didn’t, but today, for some reason, it was. 
She continued to scroll, the comments lighting up her face in the dark room. It was an addiction, looking through the mean things they said. Pearl ignored all of the positive remarks, not even seeing them anymore. She was in too deep. 
She didn’t even notice when her partner walked in, instead feeding into the hatred.  Originally, your plans were to hang out with your spunky girlfriend that day, but when she wouldn’t answer your texts or calls, you decided to go looking for her. 
“Pearl…?” You asked from the doorway of the office, trying to catch her attention with a quick wave. When she didn’t answer, not even with a glance or a grunt, you knew something was off. 
You walked over to her desk, still trying to see if she would notice you. I mean, you were right there.
“Heyy…?” You sang, waving your hand in front of her face again. For a quick second, you glanced at the screen, noticing a comment. 
“Pearl ruins Off the Hook, it should just be Marina”
 Pearl finally seemed to break out of her dejected daze, slamming the laptop shut and looking at you. She raised a rather defensive brow, but her eyes that were glazed over told a different story. “(Y/N)? Why are you snooping on me? When did you even come in?”
“I wasn’t snooping on you. I’ve been calling you for the past thirty minutes, but you didn’t answer my calls or texts. I tried calling for you from the door a few minutes ago, but you didn’t answer. Wanted to make sure you were okay.” You added a small smile to try and ease the tension. 
Pearl’s gaze on you lingered a little longer before she looked down at the closed laptop. “Well, I’m fine, so you don’t need to worry.” 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Really? You think I didn’t see?” You sighed, pulling up a seat next to her in a nearby beanbag. 
“Pearl, I know you’re lying when you say that what people say about you doesn’t bother you.”
Pearl looked down in her lap, staying silent. In all the time of being one of her closest friends (next to Marina, and I mean, you’re literally her partner), you had seldom gotten her to open up. 
“It doesn’t.” She spat, hardening her gaze at you. 
“Really?” You asked, taking the laptop out of her lap. “Then why couldn’t you pull your eyes away?” You glared, challenging her back. It was a little game you two liked to play. 
Pearl glared harder, finally letting go with a huff. She never let herself lose. She looked back at her lap, her brows furrowed as she shook her head in gentle disbelief. 
“I’m so much more than what those people say. I know I am. They’re just jealous that I’ve come so far.” You were happy to hear all of this, but it didn’t shake the fact that the more she spoke, the more her eyes glistened. 
But, you simply listened, not bothering to interrupt her as she went on. She was finally looking at you, too, not at her lap.
“They make fun of the way I look when they’re too insecure to go out themselves! Always saying stuff about my forehead and my style. And…and…” Whatever she was about to say was something that hit home, hard, as she began to get choked up and tripped on her words. 
Your brows furrowed in concern, and you took her hand in support. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to say it.” 
At this, Pearl whimpered, bursting into a quiet cry. Instinctively, you hugged her, feeling her face nuzzle into the crook of your neck. You placed your hand on the back of her head, feeling your heart break as she sobbed into your shoulder. 
After a few moments, you felt her wrap her arms around your torso in accordance, nestling into your side. You remained silent, waiting for her to speak.
“It usually doesn’t bother me, but sometimes, it does. It makes me feel really insignificant when they say I should just be gone.” She muttered the last bit, nuzzling further into you. You nodded, a deep frown on your face. “Of course it would. You are absolutely in no way insignificant. I don’t know where I’d be without you.” You smiled, rubbing her cheekbone as she looked up with glossy eyes. 
As your smile faded, you grimaced. “You can’t keep up that front forever, you know. It’s okay to be upset about it. It doesn’t make you weak, Pearlie. You’re as tough as nails, MC Princess!” With a little smirk, you gave her shoulder a feather-light punch. 
At the use of her trusty nickname, her eyes shined. A small smile made its way to her face, and she nodded, wiping her eyes. “You’re right, (N/N). I’m not weak, I’m only the best rapper in all of Inkopolis and I co-created the sickest band ever!” She cheered, throwing her arms up happily. 
You couldn’t help but smile, even laughing a little bit. “That’s right, Pearlie!” You cheered with her, smiling down at her. To your surprise, she tackled you in another hug, wrapping her arms tightly around you. 
Hesitating, but finally settling upon it, you reciprocated, resting your head on top of hers. “Thanks again, (N/N). It means a lot to have you in my life.” A blush creeped along your cheeks, grinning sheepishly. 
“Thanks, Pearlie. Anytime. You know I’d do anything for you.” You expressed honestly. At this, Pearl grinned, but it was that grin. “Anything, you say…?” 
Your happiness instantly dropped, and your eyes widened. “Oh cod…” You muttered before being swarmed by a tiny love-rage machine. (Rage Against the Machine, anyone??) As you died, you were swarmed by kisses, laughter, and tight hugs. 
Man, what a heavenly way to die. 
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sasuhinasno1fan · 10 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 18+19
I imagined this one going slightly different but it ended the same, Adrien's Italian anger coming out in defense of the people he loves. Another thank you to @etherealxgenie for betaing. Masks
Adrien was still reeling from what happened earlier. He’d immediately gone to the Liberty after they left and they had to video chat Ivan and Rose – who surprisingly was home – to tell them the news. If he thought they were excited, Anarka was even more so. She might not like Jagged Stone but she was more than willing to cause trouble for Bob Roth. Adrien just hoped Juleka and Luka recorded when the two finally met.
He was typing out an email to his dad, bursting with excitement when he heard the front door open. He dropped his laptop to the side and climbed down his bed, running to the front door.
“Mama, Mama, you’re never going to believe what just happened! I got to meet – oh. I didn’t know we had a guest coming over.” behind his mother was an older gentleman. Compared to his father’s own style of suits, this man looked like a stereotypical high-profile lawyer, with his pressed suit and squirmy looking face.
“Adrien, I don’t know if you remember Signor St Claire? You went to school with his daughter Elizabeth in New York?”
Elizabeth? Then Adrien remembered. “Betty St Claire. Class president and president of the cultural society.”
“That’s my girl!”
And also, the most spoiled brat in the whole school. She was like Lila in terms of annoyance and Chloe, pre-change, in terms of behavior. She constantly insulted those she thought was beneath her, acting like her behavior was completely acceptable. Most of the students hated her, but because her father was a diplomat who was well known to be connected with politicians and the current president – who happened to also be a superhero – they would bend to her will. Adrien never had to, except when her mother was invited to parties by Betty’s father. Then, he had to pretend he was a follower of her, like he was this spoiled diplomat kid who had power and abused it whenever he wanted.
He hated that persona diplomate kids took, acting like just because their parents moved and they had a high pay check to pay for things it meant they could treat people who didn’t have that like crap. It took Adrien a long time to accept what his parents did as they’d been doing it since he was a child. It was rare they’d let him stay with his nonna in Italy while they moved. He learned to work with what he lived with, even more so when the fighting was getting worse. He had every right to be like those other kids but he wasn’t going to let them turn him into something he wasn’t. So, he didn’t spend much time with Betty, not playing her mind games, unless he had no choice. Betty had her father wrapped around her finger and she knew it. in a school full of people whose parents needed him for something, if they pissed her off or went against her, all she had to do was go crying to daddy and all that support would be ripped away. With her dad standing right there, it didn’t take much for Adrien to guess why he was here.
“I hear you’ve been pretty close to these new heroes and villains. Must have been quite scary getting akumatized.”
“Something like that. Thankfully people like mama are trying to do things that will help.”
“And we’re hoping Signor St Claire will offer his support as well.” his mother said.
“You’re really gonna have to convince me, Rossi. So, what are you going to make me for dinner?”
Oh god, he was one of those guys.
“Take out. You’ll be staying at the Italian Embassy while we host you, I’m sure you’ll get sick of Italian food very quickly. Adrien, caro, why don’t you suggest something?”
“Ever had bahn mi?”
“N-no. can’t say I have. I’ll have to ask for your suggestion.”
“While Adrien does that, how about a glass of wine?”
That brightened him up. “If you’d be so kind.”
Because the kitchen was open into the living area, Adrin slipped into Italian, but still spoke softly. Betty might not have passed her foreign language classes but he wasn’t sure about her father.
“What’s going on?”
“After Hero Day, all those who came to France to offer help and suggestions finally agreed on things that should be implemented. But after going over the budget, we don’t have as much funds. Most money is put towards counseling for those who’ve been akumatized and we don’t feel right taking money from that for these suggestions. So, we’ve asked our countries to donate and even gone to the UN. We’re getting a grant from them but we’re still missing a substantial amount, an amount that most countries wouldn’t think to have set aside for instances like this. Except, of course…”
“For the US, New York specifically.”
With all the heroes and villains that lived and centered themselves in the city, it wouldn’t be surprising if a lot of funding was directed there. And because Signor St Claire was so close with those who controlled the direction of the money…
“Will he say yes?”
“That’s what this visit is about. I wish your father was here, he’s much better at this interacting with people part.” His mama was more of ‘Let’s solve this problem together’ compared to his father’s ‘Hi, it’s so nice to meet you. Let's be friends so if either of us need something, we can come to each other.’ “We’re even having a ball to celebrate connections between Italy and America that he’ll be representing America at. Betty will also be there.”
“Adrien, please. You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”
And it was, god damnit, it was. If Paris wasn’t prepared for events where Miraculous Reset didn’t happen after a fight or if the heroes were unaware of the akuma due to its powers, they’d need help.
“You wanted to tell me something when we came in?”
Tell his mother about the best thing while they both had to deal with this? He was getting better at not hiding things from his parents, minus the thing with Lila, but he was sure Luka couldn’t begrudge him this.
“Not important. I’ll play nice.”
Luka looked around the reception area of the Italian Embassy. He’d seen pictures of a lot of museums and well-known buildings and castles in Italy and it seemed to fit. He mostly heard Italian being spoken, able to pick up a few words from what Adrien taught him, a bit of English and very accented French. The receptionist finally came around the corner, a man following her.
“Signor? This is Signor St Claire. He’ll be accepting the delivery.”
“I hear you have the name cards? And the ones for table settings?”
“Yes sir.” Luka handed him the box in question. He flinched a little when he pulled out a pocket knife to cut the tape and judging from the receptionist's face, she didn’t like it either. Opening the box and pulling out one of the cards, M. St Claire looked them over before nodding.
“Perfect. Here you go son.” He pulled out a $100 US bill and handed it to Luka, collapsing his knife and taking the box and leaving.
He looked at the sort of useless bill. His mom had a collection of $1 from every country she visited but he wasn’t planning on visiting America anytime soon. He was still trying to see if his school’s request to College Dupont would be accepted to allow him to join their class trip to London. He turned to the receptionist who’s exasperated face matched his.
“You can 100% say no, but do you mind…?”
“Of course. In fact, the Ambassador is heading to America with Signor St Claire when he leaves, I’m sure he’ll have change. I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you.” Unclipping his helmet, he pulled it off, ruffling his hair, wondering if he should text Adrien. The band’s parents were going to need to speak with Bob Roth and Jagged Stone to work out the details of the contract and their debut. He still couldn’t believe it when Adrien and Marinette told them. Adrien’s piano skills caught the rocker’s attention so much, he was giving them this chance to impress him just as much and Luka was dying to prove him right in giving them this chance.
“It’s so pretty!” Tikki climbed out of his hood, hiding under his hair as she looked around. “Is Adrien here?”
“I don’t know. I guess I could at least say hi to his mom.”
“It’s so small!” A new voice, accented French, worse than M. St Claire’s, echoed loudly in the hall as a girl Juleka’s age, with long curly red hair and a sneer on her lips came down the stairs. Following her, this odd look on his face was Adrien. “The school’s foyer is bigger than this. Daddy expects the party to be here?”
“The ballroom is big enough for the guest list.” Adrien said with a small smile. It didn’t seem real though.
“Please, it’s daddy. If they were at all smart, they’d have the ball at the hotel that idiot Mayor owns. I mean, can he even do that? Own a hotel, a movie company and run Paris? Though I guess the rest of the city knows where the actual power lies, with that brat of a daughter. I met her and she acted like she was so much better, with her little dog following her every word.”
Luka noticed Adrien’s hands clench, though the smile never left his face.
“Betty, this way, all the attention can be on you and your dad. A bigger ballroom would take away from that.”
The sneer morphed into a deformed smirk. “It would be a shame if that weren’t able to happen. My dress is from one of the best designers in New York. I hope you picked up some sense of fashion living here. I swear, you used to just wear whatever during free dress day at school.”
Luka then noticed it, Adrien’s heart song. It was normally a very pleasant piano melody. It’s tune changes depending on his mood. His favourite was the giddy yet soft tone it took when he kissed him. This… this was like you not knowing how to play the piano in terms of its chaos but oddly at the same time, you did know and you were going for a soundtrack that expressed all the anger in the world. But he still had that smile on his face.
“Well, no one can beat your fashion.”
“Obviously.” She scoffed, reaching the bottom of the stairs and heading to the front door when she spotted him. “And who are you? Thieves won’t get very far.”
“I don’t think he’s a thief.” Adrien jumped in. “Helmet and the fact that he’s still standing here probably means delivery guy?”
“Whatever. Still sure he’s stealing. I’m getting security.” The girl walked off before Luka could defend himself.
“I’m so sorry. Are you ok?”
“Are you? I can hear your heart song, it’s in chaos and you’re mad, like really mad. What’s going on?”
Before Adrien could answer, the receptionist returned, change in hand. “Here you are. Signor Rossi, anything I can help you with? Where’s Signoria St Claire?”
St Claire? As in the man who was carrying around a knife?
“Attempting to get security. I’ll go stop her. Sorry.” Adrien apologized, before running off after Betty. As much as he wanted to go after him, something told him it was better to leave. But he needed one more bit of information.
“Sorry, but is Boulangerie Patisserie doing pastries here tomorrow? I work as a delivery person for them and I was curious if I needed to plan to arrive early for this ball.”
“As far as I know, they might? We also have a local Italian bakery doing food as well.”
“Why did you want to know if Marinette’s family were working the event?” Tikki asked as he got to his bike.
“I haven’t heard from Adrien all day, so I want to know if this discord is something only, I've seen or if it’s something everyone knows about.”
Marinette was working at the register, her mother talking to someone on the phone and her father working away if the noise from the kitchen was any indication. She perked up at the sight of him, waving him over.
“Have you talked to Adrien?”
“I just saw him at the Embassy. Do you know what’s going on?”
“I don’t know the whole story, but he was dropped off by an embassy car this morning.” An odd start. Once Adrien knew his way to school, he either took the walk through the park or took the metro. “There was a girl with him. Chloe recognised her and Alya found her online. Elizabeth St Claire. She might have followers who are jealous of her lifestyle but most comments are about her behaviour and even Chloe couldn’t stand her. She met her the day before; her dad is an American diplomat with some pretty rich friends.”
Rich friends? “Wait, did Chloe mention anything about the decision for implementing things to help with akumas?”
“I think she said they agreed on things. She might have also mentioned something about money?”
When the talks started, his mom had mentioned she hoped they could afford it. Having to create a new budget to deal with akumatization was difficult and since Miraculous Reset fixed everything, the budget was kinda small. If Adrien was willingly hanging out with a person who’s manners clearly made him mad but had him biting his tongue, then there was a chance he had to pretend to be ok with this.
“Is your family doing an order for an event at the Italian Embassy?”
“Yeah, that’s why my mom’s on the phone. She’s doing a final check of their order. Did you want to come? The event’s in two days. I could use a hand as a waiter.”
“Can you believe that Boudoir girl? She looks like a little girl in that dress.”
“Bourgeois. Like the fashion critic. That’s her mother.” Adrien said, keeping the stupid peace though all he wanted was to shave Betty’s hair off. She was dressed in a backless short dress and had the nerve to say something bad about Chloe’s dress, the asymmetric hem and lace looking dainty on her, especially with her hair down.
“God, she must be so embarrassed that’s her daughter. I think I’d just kill myself.”
And he wanted to take the serving dish Luka and Marinette were carrying around and slam it on her head. Three days, he’d put up with her insults for three days while his mother tried getting the head of the St Claire family to agree to fund the ScarCat Assistance Program, as his mother finally announced it. He’d even heard Alya going insane over being asked to use the name for it. He'd distanced himself from his friends to keep his cool, which made things worse when Betty, who was always in the embassy car when he was dropped off, would loudly insult anyone she saw, giving fake smiles when they turned to her. He wanted to actually be violent with her, but he couldn’t. Not yet, not until his mom was covered. There’d been no approach by Scarlet Bug or Catseye about the note they left and while Scarlet Bug had disappeared the time he and Luka were going to St Vincent for the pictures, there was no telling what would happen if neither of the heroes were there to reset everything. They needed to program.
“Oh my god, look at those wait staff. What is this, such a sad excuse for Molin Rouge adaptation?”
“Moulin Rouge.”
“Don’t you have anything better to do than correct me all day?” she asked, turning to him.
She scoffed at him, walking away and he let his mask break a little to glare at her. Clearly Lila had spoiled him, he forgot how annoying she was.
“Deep breaths.” A very welcomed voice said, lifting a tray to him full of macaroons. “Yellow is your favourite.”
“Passion fruit.” He plucked one off and looked at his boyfriend. “I haven’t spoken to you in a while.”
“Marinette filled me in. Your ‘friend’ knows how to make an impression. If I didn’t know you, I would assume you were fine with her abuse.”
“We’re this close to getting the program, I just need to keep her happy.”
“Adrien!” Betty reappeared, looking annoyed. “You left me talking to myself like an idiot.”
Pasting that smile on again, he looked apologetic, “I didn’t know you wanted me to follow you. Macaroon?”
“Does it have eggs?”
“It’s a meringue cookie, so yes.” Luka answered. When he got a confused look he explained further, “Meringues are made with egg whites.”
“Gross. Get lost. Come on.” she dragged Adrien away, who gave Luka an apologetic look over his shoulder.
This continued and the mask of not being bothered was getting harder and harder to keep when his mother stepped on the steps and taped a fork to her glass. Once the room fell quiet, she smiled brightly.
“As many of you know, myself and other diplomates came to Paris to assist the mayor in efforts to help combat Hawkmoth and his attacks. During Hero Day it became very apparent we could not let this slip by us any longer. Measures and suggestions have been agreed upon and the Mayor is ready to implement the ScarCat Assistance Program, named after the famed blog that documents the heroes’ rescues. Our only issue had been money, even with donations made by each country. Tonight however, at this ball to celebrate the bond Italy and America have, their diplomat Signor St Claire has signed a check of 4 million and has already secured from the President of America, a hero in her own right, another 4 billion to put towards the program. With this, we can help Scarlet Bug and Catseye and for those moments where their magic fails, we have a way of helping the city when they can’t. a round of applause for Signor St Claire.”
“What kind of name is ScarBug? It sounds like a disease.” Betty said.
“The only disease is you and the words you constantly spew. It’s like you love hearing the sound of your own voice, even when it’s only capable of saying hate and insults. Take a look in the mirror you porca Eva and actually think for a second if by the time you leave school if anyone is going to want to be around you. I have put up with you insulting my friends these past few days when all I wanted to do was shove you down the stairs. Grow the fuck up and vaffanculo!” Adrien finally spouted. He was loud enough that they certainly got attention, but his mother had the band start playing again if only to distract a little.
“You can’t talk to me that way!”
“Why? You gonna go crying to daddy and tell him to pull the funding? Please, do that, in front of this whole ballroom, including the mayor of Paris and the cameras he has focused on him. I guarantee you that you’ll have gotten your dad fired faster than you can backstab someone.”
Betty let out a frustrated scream and stomped off and a few people who’d dealt with her applauded. He couldn’t help but truly smile as she tried complaining to her father, who was in the middle of guests.
“Caro, a word?” his mother whispered. “What were you thinking? I know you don’t like her but insulting her that loudly? And what about that language? I’m ashamed of you.”
“Mama, normally I’d care, even when it was Lila, but I don’t. It was bad enough playing nice with her at school when I couldn’t ignore her. I had to do it now while she insulted my friends, my boyfriend, staff at the embassy, I’m pretty sure you at one time.”
“Mama, I have wanted to do that for ages. Please, punish me later, but let me revel in this, just a little. Oh wait, don’t punish me.”
“And why not? Mio dio Adrien, your behaviour was worse than when you yelled at the Agreste girl in the middle of class.”
“I wanted to tell you before, Jagged Stone.”
“Did you find out I got you tickets? I have half a mind to ban you now.”
“You got me tickets? Wait, I’ll go back to that later. No, Marinette was commissioned to make a jacket for him and I went with her to ask him to save a ticket for me until I could get dad to send me the money, but turns out Marinette gets free tickets for the class. I was messing around on his piano during his fitting and he thought I was so good, he’s gonna get Bob Roth to honour his promise of a contract and he wants us to open for him at his first concert. Mama, Kitty Section is going to open for Jagged Stone.”
“You are? Oh caro, that’s amazing news! I’m so proud of you. It’s not getting you out of punishment, but I’m so happy for you.”
Ok, well he tried. But the good thing was, it sounded like he could do it and bonus, he was finally able to pull Betty down a few pegs.
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don't you want to?
fandom: blooming panic
relationships: xyx/reader, xyx/main character
characters: xyx, main character/reader (and again featuring server chat shenanigans)
words: 2000
a gift fic for my friend shuru, also on ao3. more lighthearted xyx fic this time, featuring a slightly tsun reader getting caught playing otome by xyx (omoshiroiiii), and a bloombot who has somehow learned to bully
Read below the cut, or on AO3.
xyx had always fancied himself to be rather well-versed in the little quirks and habits of his adorable little lady. 
True, they had only begun dating officially three months ago, but the late-night chats and video calls before had already clued him in on what she liked.
And well… Upon meeting her, he got to see so much more of how adorable she could be.
So the resting bitch face, as she called her natural expression, actually tended to disappear into the dopiest grin when she was reading romance novels or playing the otome games of that visual novel hobby that she had gotten into after Blooming Panic ended. There was a rather fetching tendency for her to hide her face behind her hand, even when no one else (but him) was around…
Other times, though, that gloriously pink face would be uncovered and he would just get the urge to turn it even rosier.
You loved staying in xyx’s study.
Aside from being the backdrop when you first saw him on a video call, the study was also the place that you associated with him the most. Adventurous he was, and a thrill-seeker at heart, but you bonded the most with the man over comfortable silences only broken by the faint sound of flipping pages and Cat’s warm purrs. Your best memories were over laughter shared over ridiculous history facts that only a history geek like him could know.
It was becoming more frequent, his familiar voice narrating the passages of his favorite books, breath feathering against the nape of your neck.
He let you stay in here alone, as well, during cases where he had to work later nights or work at another state.
It was one such evening that found you nestled in the armchair, laptop on your thighs.
LovelyLola: did
LovelyLola: did he just pin her to the wall???
June: Mhmm
June: It’s such a good scene isn’t it?
June: I love your live reactions, telling you about otome games was such a good idea >w<
BIGLADY: They’re goooood, and I say this as someone who likes the ladies
June: And totally not to eye the cute heroines, right, @BIGLADY? 
LovelyLola: oh god 
LovelyLola: i think this just awakened something in me;;;;;
June: YEAH
June: same
BIGLADY: that’s odd
LovelyLola: what
BIGLADY: i’d have guessed from how often you talk about xyx driving you insane, he already does it to you
LovelyLola: WHAT
June: alkd;fhakl;hakadflj
LovelyLola: @BloomBot 
LovelyLola: this is
LovelyLola: sensitive personal information
BIGLADY: pppffffft
BloomBot: @LovelyLola We stopped censoring private information shared by members six months ago. 
BloomBot: Do you have any other inquiries?
June: oh my god BloomBot learned how to bully others
June: anyway!
June: @LovelyLola congratulations on learning about one of your new weaknesses, the kabedon :)
LovelyLola: no
June: you’re welcome
“Something else got you all red, aside from me? I’m almost jealous, love.”
An undignified noise escaped you as you almost leaped off the chair, only just managing to stay put at the reminder of the laptop sitting on your thighs. He was supposed to come home tomorrow evening, right?
And how didn’t you hear him come inside the room?
“ xyx!”
“Is that all you’ve got to say to me?” 
There was a laugh in your ear as xyx bent down, tucking a finger under your chin and turning your face towards him. Your brain temporarily short-circuited at the lazy smile aimed your way before he dropped a kiss on your lips.
Oh. Um. What were you supposed to say again?
“Learn to knock,” you hissed afterward, pretending that you definitely didn’t chase after him as he pulled back. 
He arched a brow at that. “Why, sweetheart, I did. You seemed rather taken by what you’re doing.”
That brought you up short. You were, indeed, absorbed in the game you were playing, and the bullying from the others on the Blooming Panic server. The music was still playing from where the earphones laid on the chair’s arm, momentarily put aside while you were chatting with your friends.
Which made you remember-
“Now… What could it be that’s got you so flustered?” Leaning over to get a better look, xyx’s gaze alighted upon the words on the screen and your mind came to a screeching halt.
Oh god.
Hands moving faster than Cat running to her bowl at xyx’s singsong I’ve got a treat, you tried to close the chat application.
And close it did, showing the magnificent, HD rendition of a 2D man precariously leaning over a blushing maiden, his hands on either side of her-
Slamming the laptop shut, you threw it on the armchair and leaped at him in one fluid motion, far more graceful than you’ve ever been in life before. It was an acrobatic move worthy of Olympic gymnasts.
You thank xyx for having the foresight to have a carpeted floor as you both landed on the ground, his arms coming up to catch you. 
Always the not-so-secret softie, he instinctively held you close to him. It was but a short trip down from the chair for you, you hardly needed the protection…
As he landed on the carpet with a small oof, xyx’s lips curved in a grin you barely caught before he flipped your positions.
He stared you down as you regained your bearings, watching the minute expressions that crossed your face. 
Speechless, you gaped up at him, at the arms on either side of you, and at the top buttons undone on his shirt. He had this habit of loosening the tops of his shirts the moment he opened the front door, ready to retire and peel off the layers and layers of the polished and professional man that his work knew him as. 
It was hot, watching him kick back on his favorite chair - that you were occupying - and throw his head back, revealing that tan throat. Letting out that deep sigh as he raked his fingers through his hair…
You shuddered at the remembrance. And also for yourself, now that you were stuck in what was yet another thing that will haunt you straight to fucking bed.
Was it worth it, MC?
Real-life is sometimes stranger than fiction, you tried. You tried really hard. Oh lord, you tried.
With the grin that was steadily widening on that smug face, you knew that you had failed.
Drawing closer, he watched as you bit your lip. His eyes darkened, considering you for a long moment. You jolted as he leaned down, closer still, until he stopped with his lips by your ear.
“Do I truly drive you insane?”
“Why do you even ask, if you already know the answer?” You fired back with a groan, already feeling the heat spreading on your cheeks. Damn him and his stupidly alluring self. Damn him for unknowingly feeding into your newfound weakness. Squeezing your eyes shut, you listened to the breathy laughter from the infuriating man in front of you. 
“I dunno, doll. Perhaps I like the faces you make,” he murmurs, voice gravelly low. 
“That’s news to me.”
“Care to tell me what that was about?” He would not stop talking in your ear using that tone, you were going to fucking combust. “Or are you going to freeze on the stand?”
“I have the right to remain silent,” you breathed out. “Wanna get me to talk? Make me.” 
You’ve already reached past the threshold of cliche scenarios, you might as well live your best life. Or enact a harebrained scheme to distract him from what he just saw on your screen. 
Let’s goooooo.
“Oh, you have no idea what you just asked for, love.” 
You only had a moment before you felt lips on the side of your neck, a firm hand reaching for your hair and undoing the messy bun. With a gasp, you clutched at his shoulders with both hands as teeth grazed your skin, unable to get away as he held your head in place. The mixture of bites and sucks that xyx abused your skin with would leave a mean hickey for later.
Sighing and feeling your mind about to melt, you were about to run your fingers through his hair when he abruptly pulled away. You blinked at him, torn between annoyance and confusion.
xyx chuckled at you, sitting back on his haunches. Watching as the haze faded from your eyes, he murmured, “Two can play this game, but let’s call it a tie for tonight, hm?”
“... um. Okay,” you gestured at him helplessly with a flap of your hand. “I was about to say earlier that you should rest up…?” Before he thoroughly distracted you, that was.
The smug smile on his face softened into something gentler. He reached out and brushed his hand against your cheek, letting out a helpless little laugh as you reached up to cover it with your own. You nuzzled into his palm and sighed.
Idiots, the two of you were. 
He had been gone for a month on an important client’s request. And you, with your career only getting back on track after the big move, couldn’t come with him. 
You had counted the days that he was gone, Cat faithfully keeping watch at the study’s window with you. He texted or called in the evenings when he could, but judging from the publicity of the case he was working on, he couldn’t always make it. 
It sometimes astounded you, how three months of hurried yet laughter-filled mornings and free evenings spent talking late into the night could make you crave the presence of another once they were gone. 
“I missed you,” you uttered simply, painfully honest where he was elusive. Yeah, you missed even the way he drove you up the wall. What of it?
His breath caught in his throat, the sound audible to you. You kept still as xyx took a moment to compose himself.
“I’ve ordered some takeout for two, care to eat with this poor and famished man?”
She was hiding something. Her expressions had become easier to read, far past the cool and inscrutable face she put on for most people. 
Not that he minded. He already had an inkling of what that rather interesting chat could be about. He watched anime, after all. Mind you, he saw mostly magical girl shows, but he wasn’t a stranger to the cliches.
Finding out was always part of the fun, though she’d once talked of his fascination as ‘like Cat hunting mice, except I am the mouse, so why do I like this?’ Quite unfortunate for her that he took that as a compliment.
The day he logged in on the server to catch up on her discussion about something called a ‘kabedon’ with Lady and June would prove to be one of the best cat and mouse games they had yet.
After all the butterflies she caused in his stomach, and for those days of warmth, xyx would indulge even her more embarrassing fantasies.
June: Hey @LovelyLola , did you know that a kabedon but on the floor should be called a yuka-don?
LovelyLola: …
nightowl: why has the kabedon been such a popular topic in the chat lately? o.o
nightowl: not that i mind
nightowl: it’s a very interesting topic!!
BIGLADY: two-girls-kabedon.png
BIGLADY: My type of kabedon, personally :)
NakedToaster: nice
salociN: Oh! June was just telling me about this the other day. It looks like a bold way to flirt! Ha ha
salociN: But remember not to do it or to stop if the lady doesn��t like it, okay?
BIGLADY: Yes, salo
nightowl:  yes, salo! ^.^
Quest: Yes, @salociN. 
June: Yes, salo!
onionthief: Obviously, yes.
two2: why are we doing this
two2: why do i feel like i’m being given the talk
LovelyLola: Is there a way for me to delete the previous chat, @BloomBot 
BloomBot: You’ve asked this question already, MC. Nope.
xyx is typing…
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whiskeyandwolfsbane · 2 years
8/14 - 11:04PM
My final post-op appointment was on the 11th! The nurse took off the steri-strips covering over the incisions, and cut off any remaining sutures that hadn't ended up dissolving like they were supposed to, and said everything appears to be healing nicely.
I'll take her word for it; though I have been and still am kinda worried about how, to me, my nipples look like they're spaced unevenly. Like, too far apart. Everyone I've talked to about it so far though says, you're still healing, the swelling still hasn't gone down, give it time. So I'm trying not to stress too hard.
While there, I went to bring forms to the front desk. You know, the ones they told me to fill out that I had already filled out. (I didn't fill them out again, I just brought the original ones from home.)
The woman at the front desk, the very sweet one who helped me the first time I actually filled everything out, said she would take care of it and when I came out of my appointment, to come by and she would give me my paperwork back.
So I get out of my appointment and walk up to the desk. She tells me that she did some research - and apparently I was already approved for medical leave.
This was very confusing for me, since I never got any sort of notification: no email, no letter, no phone call. The only letter I got was for when I got denied.
We discussed it for a short time, but only really could come up with "maybe things got lost in the mail". She couldn't tell me where or who exactly allegedly approved it either. When I got home, I eventually called into SAW to ask about it.
According to the lady on the phone - I have never had medical leave approved. Only denied.
So yeah I have no fucking clue what is going on anymore and I'm so over it, lol. I'm trying not to bother thinking about it anymore. Later in the day, my store manager texted to ask if I could come back by the 3rd of September. I considered it, but since outside of having money again I would gladly stay away for months upon months, I decided to stick with the date my own surgeon originally gave me (that I sent to him and the HR team actually) and say it'd be best to wait til September 9th. So that's what I'm doing.
Other than that... yeah. Same old, same old. Just playing video games, reading, trying to get back into writing and trying to learn guitar and trying to learn to draw.
There has been trouble in my family. One of my grandmothers passed away suddenly and shortly after that, someone else in my immediate family had a near death experience that I'd rather not talk about as it's not my place. I only just found out about the second; I learnt about the first a few days ago after it happened.
My mind is... mush. There is a lot going on mentally and I'm not sure how all to handle it. So of course I'll handle it the way I've been handling my beloved cat dying, and how I've been handling my crippling fear of the future, and how I've been handling my general pining for past relationships that have changed drastically.
That is to say, refusing to think about any of it and throwing myself into multiple forms of media at once (i.e., a game going on my laptop and one on my phone, a book open on the desk next to me, music playing in the background, and notebooks scattered around) and never letting up until I'm no longer able to stay awake, thus being taken by the release of sleep. I am well aware that I'm doing myself a disservice and only delaying the inevitable, and that it will be all the worse for me when the foundation caves in but... I can't really help it. It's all I know how to do.
Anyway, sorry, that was a bit of a depressing note and nothing really related to my surgery, which is why this blog exists, and none of yall need to be burdened with my mental BS, so - sorry about that.
On a positive note to try and bring this back; so far, it's been really, really nice to be able to wear tank tops and not be super uncomfortable anymore. I'm still semi uncomfortable because of how large my stomach is but it is very nice to finally have a flat chest and not have to worry about that part of things anymore. I'm excited to hopefully lose weight and then be able to fit into all the old shirts and jackets I've missed so much.
And... yup, that's about all I got, surgery-wise. see ya.
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When the FaceTime Cut Out
On March 4th 2023, three friends Chelsea, Stan, and Elise were on a FaceTime call when a power outage occurred ending their call and forcing them to deal with the power outage. Here is how each one of them handled the situation and responded.
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Chelsea's Response: 
The day was March 4th 2023 and I was just on facetime with my friends Stan and Elise when the unspeakable occurred. It was on that day that the power cut out and we lost our signal and the facetime ended. It all happened so quickly that I didn’t know what to do, I was just staring at my black laptop screen. I tried to facetime my friends again but the calls would not go through. I tried that over and over again but nothing was happening. This had me worried, like what was I supposed to do without the internet? Who do I talk to? What do I do with my hands? Like one minute I was just lying in bed talking to my friends on facetime and the next minute I was at a loss of what to do, it was truly a catastrophe. So there I was lying in my bed under the covers and I could not get a hold of my friends. It was annoying to me like we were literally in the middle of our conversation and now it was all blank. I yelled for my sister Sharise and she came running into my room. I asked her if her phone was working and she was like no it’s not, she said she was watching netflix and it cut out. So we both pretty much figured that it was something wrong with our house wifi and we went to our dad. He was out working in the garage with his tools. The garage door was open as it was a nice sunny day and so the whole garage was lit by the sun. My sister and I approached him with our little dilemma. At first he didn’t seem too worried but after the two of us standing there complaining he came inside to figure things out. We watched our dad try to flick a light switch on and off but nothing happened, the light just stayed off. He let out a little laugh and just told us that it looked like the power was out and there was nothing he could do about it. He said for now it’ll just take time to start up again and that we should go outside for a walk or something because it is such a nice sunny day. I was all like EXCUSE ME, what am I going to do outside? I am barely awake, I just got out of bed, I can’t go outside right now. So I went back to my room and went back to my bed to my laptop. The laptop was just a black screen and no matter how many times I tried, there was just no wifi for it to connect to. I just couldn’t believe this had happened especially since I was in the middle of a facetime call with my friends Stan and Elise. This outage had upsetted me and I felt like there was nothing to do now so I just decided I would go to sleep and hopefully when I awake the wifi would be back.  
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Stan's Response:
Yeah I remember that day it was like early March or something like that when I was on facetime with my friends Elise and Chelsea and then the call ended. To be honest I remember the power going out but at the time I was playing a game on my XBOX and felt more concerned about my XBOX turning off then the facetime call ending. I wasn't really paying attention to the call that much as I was deeply invested in the game I was playing so when the power cut out I first reacted to the video game and then was like oh yeah the facetime call. I pretty much figured right away that it was the power that went out as my whole tv and gaming system turn’t off so I was not surprised that our facetime call had also lost its connection. At first I could not remember what we were even talking about on the facetime call since it was mainly Chelsea who was doing all the talking but it was more like background noise to my video game on the XBOX. So I figured if my video game wasn’t gonna turn back on I might as well go back upstairs and get myself something to eat. I went upstairs into my kitchen and into the pantry and snagged myself an unopened bag of cool ranch doritos. After that I went into the fridge and grabbed a nice cold Pepsi to have with my doritos. I sat down there in the kitchen at our table and just ate my chips and drank my pop. Time passed by and I continued sitting there in place munching away at my chips. I wasn’t concerned about the facetime call, I figured we’d call each other later or something. Actually after sitting there for a bit I thought to myself what a beautiful day it was. I looked into my backyard through the window and just saw my basketball sitting there in the sun calling my name. So I decided to throw on my shoes and I headed out to my backyard. The facetime call wasn’t even in my mind right now and I just wanted to go around and shoot some hoops. I was in my backyard shooting the ball around sinking shots left and right just having fun. At that moment there really was nothing I would rather be doing, I was just happy playing a little basketball outside. Outside I wasn’t even thinking about what Chelsea or Elise were doing, the power could have been back on but I didn’t care because I didn’t even wanna go back inside. It was nice outside in my backyard, the big trees provided a bit of shade from the sun, birds were chirping and I could hear other neighborhood kids playing outside. I played basketball outside in my yard for another two hours completely forgetting about the game I was playing on the XBOX and my facetime call, it was just me and the nature outside.  
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Elise's Response: 
March 4th 2023 was a saturday I believe, I remember that day specifically because the next day Sunday March 5th was my brother Jack’s birthday. That Saturday I remember I was in the middle of making a cake for my brother’s birthday when the power went out, oh and yes I forgot I was also on a group facetime call with my friends Stan and Chelsea but I was more focussed on the cake at the time of the power outage and less concerned with the facetime call. During the facetime call I had my brother’s cake in the oven and it needed about 20 more minutes before I would be able to take it out of the oven. This had me stressing as I was worried the cake was not going to be able to fully cook through. The facetime call was not in my mind at all but I mean I also wasn’t really talking that much as I was trying to get ready to finish this cake up. It felt as if I was just listening to whatever Chelsea was talking about, I don't really know it seemed like she had not stopped talking for like a full hour and then before I knew it the power went out and the call ended and I panicked as I knew my cake was not ready yet to be taken out of the oven so I was going to need to think of something fast before it was too late. The facetime call was not even a thought for me as I was trying to think of a quick solution to my problem. I looked around the kitchen for an idea or something but it was all eclectic and there was no power so I needed to think more outside the box. I looked all around the kitchen when finally it hit me, I knew how I was going to save the cake! The barbeque was the solution to my problem. Our barbeque was a gas burning one that required no power so I was able to fire up the barbeque to the temperature I needed it to be at and after five minutes I took my cake out the oven and placed it inside the barbeque wrapped in tinfoil. I was nervous about the cake as I felt like this could either help it or this solution was going to ruin the cake. During all this I had completely forgotten about the facetime call with my friends I was in earlier and all I could focus on was finishing this cake. After a bit of time went by I was ready to take the cake out of the barbeque. I was nervous and anxious to see how the cake turned out. I went and took out the cake, it was smoking and it did not smell good. When I removed the tinfoil the top of the cake was totally burnt. This sucked and I was annoyed and tired of the hassle. For my brother Jack’s birthday I just decided to buy an ice cream cake. 
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #120
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Uh... I don't remember? I'll do that soon though for my first tattoo appointment.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? No to both.
Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? I mean, honestly neither, but if I had to pick one it'd be a novel.
Do you still have both of your parents? Thankfully, yes.
Do you play video games? Yeah, but not nearly as much as I did as a kid and teenager.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? Hell fucking no, he knows I wouldn't allow that and I also know he doesn't want to do that to me.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Twice, yeah. I recently learned that I WON'T be able to be put to sleep for my wisdom teeth extraction because it is just impossibly expensive for us, and one especially HAS to come out because it has a very deep cavity that is going to kill the tooth and cause me hell if it stays in.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes.
Have you ever skipped class before? No, not just one specific class. I'd rarely skip school by staying home, almost only ever because of mental health or more rarely being absolutely insanely tired, but Mom normally wouldn't allow that. Oh, I think I also usually did get to stay home on my bday.
Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? Myself, more than absolutely anyone else. I don't let (other) people stay in my life anymore that do that to me.
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Well, my grandmothers died of different cancers, but neither I was very close to at all (I actually hated Mom's mom) for multiple reasons. Did Dad's dad die of cancer too? I can't remember, but I barely knew him either.
Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah, when I was way younger. We actually got real close to big trouble on the road Friday; we were the first in line at a stop light and across from us, an 18-wheeler carrying some metal stuff turned in front of us, but way too sharply, and he tipped entirely onto two wheels, very barely managing to get back upright. Both Mom and I nearly had a fucking heart attack and both of our anxieties were very elevated for a while, like she was about to shift the car into reverse to back the hell up.
What was the last film you watched, that made you feel emotional? I have no idea. I basically never watch movies.
Does anyone you know ever recommend books to you? No.
What traits/behaviors do your pets have, that you find cute? Strongest is Cookie's tendency to get EXTREMELY excited when she merely suspects Mom or both of us are leaving. She is crazy for car rides, and she'll immediately start running between us, pushing our legs, doing this weird hyperventilation thing chihuahuas do when they get so excited their tiny bodies basically can't handle it haha, and will jump right into her carrier and stare at Mom, waiting to be picked up. Cookie also tends to prefer toys that are bigger than her, and watching her try to beat up like her big sloth or cow is the cutest shit. As for Roman, when we get home, he'll saunter into the living room and just plop down onto the floor in this uniquely content way, like he's just happy we're home and wants to chill with us. He stretches out and will frequently start rolling around/playing on the floor basically, lol. Also since being a kitten, he loves to sleep like as close to my face as he can get, normally. Lastly, Venus. This isn't exactly super unique to a snake, but it's still cute: when I handle her, oftentimes she loves to try to go into my shirt to be against my skin and stay warmer (I'm very convinced this literally saved her life once in a power outage we had), and back when I used to use my laptop in bed, she was great about snuggling up against me and just chilling there for basically ever, lol. She's a sweet girl.
Is there anyone who "likes" a lot of your posts online, but you don’t talk? Yeah, ig.
What was the last song that you recall singing along to? Pretty sure it was "Love Stuck" by Mother Mother the other day.
Have you ever been in your kitchen naked? No.
This time last year, what was your relationship status? I was still with Girt.
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? Reject, I think. Pretty sure it was some random guy I'd never met and had no mutuals with, gotta love those.
Are you sure of your sexuality? I AM sure I'm at least queer, and while I'm quite certain I am specifically pansexual, I don't think I'd ever truly know until I had a legit sexual experience with a feminine person.
What was the last compliment that you got? The person who worked with me for PT today told me I did great.
Do you know anyone with a really weird name? In almost all cases, I don't like to think of names as "weird," because generally they are given with great love and consideration and are important to those who named them, so I think it's pretty mean to consider someone's name weird. Now yes, there are exceptions, there are rare cases where names are given carelessly or even as a "joke," but generally, you get my mindset.
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you? Basically.
What’s the worst hangover you’ve ever had? I've never had one, actually.
Who in your family are you closest to? My mom.
Ever sat in someone’s lap because there were no more seats in a vehicle? I remember doing this with Jason once.
What do you tend to drink a lot of? Flavored carbonated water.
If you were going out for a meal, what restaurants would you typically AVOID going to? Seafood and foreign, generally. There are times I'm fine with some foreign food, but on your average day, if you ask where I wanna go, I'm gonna pick American cuisine.
Name a song you enjoy that’s in a language other than English. Basically Rammstein's entire discography lmao but for this question I'm gonna go with "Zeit," I think the vocals are fucking fantastic and sincerely beautiful in it. I feel like German has a rep for being an ugly-sounding language, which I don't agree with in general, but I cannot imagine someone calling the vocals "ugly" in that one.
Did you ever have head lice as a child? Quite positive no.
Do you like/listen to Queen? Do you have a favourite song by them? I adore Queen; Freddie Mercury is my favorite vocalist to ever live. This is probably like, EVERYONE'S answer, but I adore "Bohemian Rhapsody," but also "Killer Queen" and "Headlong" are high up on the list.
Do you have any idea when you’ll next attend a wedding? Whose will it be? Nope, but if I had to guess I really do think it's probably gonna be my own lmao. Girt visited his grandmother two days back and she's officially joined the party of asking when we're getting married haha.
What was the best job you’ve ever had? I've never had a job I even liked.
Do you have a troublesome medical condition? Above all, severe depression and anxiety. My AvPD is also very noteworthy with how it affects my life, and I still deal with the effects of relationship trauma. OH, I was so focused on my mental stuff that I almost forgot uh hey, my leg health also MAJORLY affects my life and what I can do, etc. Lastly, my weight plays a massive part in my poor self-image and super severely contributes to my depression.
Magenta, aqua, or coral? Coral; I consider that my second-favorite color. I love all of these, though.
Do you like the color orchid? Yes! I love basically every conceivable shade of pink, haha.
Would you rather be a wedding photographer or a nature photographer? It's my literal dream to be a nature photographer. Once upon a time I was aiming for wedding photographer, but only for the pay; I'm just not social enough for that shit.
Have you ever had an ulcer? None other than those you sometimes get in your mouth from like, biting your cheek.
Do you enjoy writing essays? I actually do, quite a lot.
What is your favorite name that starts with a "Z?" Probably Zane.
Do you believe that God’s plans for you are better than you could ask, think, or imagine? "God's" plan involves giving kids cancer and allowing pre-teen girls to be knocked up by rapists, fuck his "plans."
Would you want your first child to be a girl or a boy? If I decide I want children, I want a girl so much more than a boy that I'd almost be tempted to do IVF so long as my husband was still the biological dad, I've no idea how the rules of that process work. Super unlikely I'd actually do it though because I don't care quite enough to invest money in that.
Do you think you have what it takes to be a good salesperson? I've been in this position and I can ASSURE you I am the worst salesperson imaginable lmao.
Which name do you like better: Jessica or Jennifer? Jessica.
To you, what is especially distracting? People talking when I'm trying to count something. I physically cannot do it. Numbers just DO NOT store in my damn brain.
Have you ever contemplated cheating on anyone? Nope.
Who do you go to when you need comfort? Mostly Girt or Mom. Sometimes Tez and Mazzy.
Has anyone you know started a new job recently? Do they seem to enjoy it? Uh I feel like somebody has, but idr who.
Have you seen a butterfly at any time recently? No.
Have you drunk any fruit-flavored beverages today? Yes; the water I drink is usually strawberry-flavored.
What carbonated beverages do you have in your fridge at the moment? None, not even my aforementioned waters right now.
Has anyone you know got into a new relationship lately? Um maybe, idk.
Do you have any sisters? How is your relationship with them? Ashley, Nicole, Katie, and Misty. Katie and Misty don't live here and I barely ever see them, but I am A LOT like Katie (more than any of my other siblings) so connect to her a lot, though we don't talk enough. I like Misty enough, but she can also be incredibly fucking stupid and self-important as hell. I get along fine with Ashley and Nicole too, but we also don't talk a lot and I've never in my mature life known how to properly interact/connect with them. Nicole and I were very close as kids, but not anymore.
What was your favourite class in high school? Art.
Do you have any plans to buy any furniture in the near future? No.
Do you know anyone who has a matching tattoo with someone? (including yourself)? I'm sure I know more than I think I do. I know Ashley and her husband Nick got each other's first initial tattooed on their ring fingers on their honeymoon. Colleen and I each got "ohana" tattoos dedicated to each other (which I now want to rip directly off my fucking skin, especially when you consider I don't even believe in unnecessary loyalty to family just because they're family), but they were styled entirely differently and in different spots.
What type of milk do you like to drink? Either 1%, 2%, or whole.
Do you have a first aid kit at home? Yeah.
Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? I know Mom's a dog person, and I think Dad is too. Since leaving us though he's never owned another, just cats because of Kim, and he's loved both of them very much.
Are there sounds that bother you on a visceral level? Vomiting.
Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? I will never, ever, get another tattoo that will lose meaning if that person leaves my life. It's a terrible fucking decision. I'm perfectly fine with getting one with somebody that will still be a perfectly relevant, important tattoo to me if our relationship spoils, though.
What would be worse for you, unplanned pregnancy or cancer? Gah, I guess cancer, but both would fucking suck. I'm pretty sure the abortion I would inevitably get would traumatize me, but cancer could straight-up kill me.
Have you ever popped another person’s zit? oh my fucking god no
Have you ever told a friend to dump their SO? Did they? Yes, and eventually, yes. She was my best friend and her boyfriend (who I knew via school) was an ABSOLUTE piece of shit. Summer's always had a thing for people who aren't good for her... Even now, her partner she's been with for many, many years is complete trash, but it really does look like they're staying together no matter what.
What do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? Generally lip kinds.
0 notes
Hi! Would I be able to request Top!kate headcannons?
Hello! Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy. God I'm sorry this took so long but I've been pretty busy lately so :)
Sex with Kate could never be boring
Kate was very adventurous, not just in the streets but in the sheets
While you were out of the apartment, she would look at different kinks to try on her laptop
When you would come home, she'd do that little smirk she always did when she had something planned
Some things wouldn't work out and you'd never try them again, but some things stayed
For example, Kate loved making you suck her strap or fingers
Your gags as she shoved her long, calloused fingers into your mouth were the best sounds she ever heard
"How are you supposed to take my dick when you can't even take my fingers?"
"Look at you drooling all over them"
Her sex drive was huge
Literally anything you do would make her want to bend you over the couch and rail you
You could just be cooking or cleaning and she'd be turned on
Often she would wear her favourite strap under her clothes because she knew she'd want to fuck you throughout the day
You loved it
I feel like she's the type of girlfriend to tease you by slapping and grabbing your ass, then running away
After a hard mission, she'd come back and you'd let her fuck you till you pass out
She'd feel bad afterwards but you assure her it's okay
She would only properly degrade you if you asked for it
She never ever wanted to actually hurt you or your feelings
Though she would totally be into spanking
She'd love to slap your thighs
If she was in a more mean mood, she'd slap your face
Don't be surprised when she wakes you up by eating you out
She just "can't get enough of you"
Marking your body with hickeys was one of her favourite things
She'd smugly smirk whenever other people noticed the hickeys on your neck, their face going red in realisation
It turned you on whenever she acted possessive
Her favourite position would be cowgirl
She'd love watching you bounce on her strap
She'd enthusiastically watch your breasts bounce
Definitely stares into your eyes when you cum
Calls you "baby" "baby girl" "love" "hot stuff"
Her voice turns you on and she knows it
Will use it to her advantage in public
Teasingly whispering dirty things in your ear
She'd let you warm her strap while she plays a video game
Whenever she would die or lose, she'd thrust up into you
You'd whine and beg but she wouldn't give in until she got too turned on or bored of the game
Cause she'd never get bored of you
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
hi!! do you know that tiktok trend where the girl asks her bf if he can temporarily break up with her so she can be heartbroken when she listens to olivia rodrigo’s new album and the bf always says no? could you do that but with peter and avenger!reader? i don’t really know how the avengers play into that but i trust you to think of something great. love your work babes <3
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
word count: 2.7k
a/n: hey fren, tysm <3 i do know that trend, and it always warms my darn heart. you probably meant for this to be a headcanon but halfway through i realised that i was writing full sentences, so i just rolled with it bc i have no self-control lol enjoy x
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Peter, I need you to break up with me.”
Not a moment later, you heard a series of loud crashes and Peter stumbled out of the bathroom, hopping on one leg while fiddling with his zipper. “What did you just say?” His eyes were wild as they scanned your face.
“I need you to break up with me,” you repeated calmly, not taking your eyes off your laptop.
“Break up with you?” Peter echoed, hand raking through his hair in bewilderment. “Why would I do that? Do you want to break up?”
This made you look up. Peter was staring at you like you had just insulted his face, making it quite an effort to stay serious. “It’s just for 34 minutes and 46 seconds,” you assured. “So I can listen to Olivia Rodrigo’s new album.”
He blinked at you.
“Please?” You set your laptop aside, shuffling to the end of the bed so you were sitting right in front of him. “I want to listen to it in full effect with a broken heart and everything.”
“I…” Peter slowly shook his head. A helpless laugh escaped him. “Um, no. Thank you.” He turned and made to return to the bathroom.
“Peter,” you whined and grabbed for his hand, pulling him to a halt.
“Sorry, angel.” He shrugged, supressing the faint tug at the corner of his mouth.
You pouted. “We can break up when you train with Bucky! In that way you won’t even notice because you’ll be busy and distracted. I won’t even be on your mind.” You weren’t sure what you had said that made Peter stare at you like you were insane, but it took him a second to snap out of it.
He cupped your face with his hands and made sure to meet your eyes. “Babe, I think about you all the time.” He said it like it was a wish he wanted to word correctly. Slow and precise. Then he switched to a lighter tone that implied that he was done with the conversation. “I’m not breaking up with you.” With that he turned and left for the bathroom.
“Fine,” you called back although the water was already running and you doubted that Peter could hear you. And if he did, he probably didn’t care. You took that as your cue to leave. Defeated, you plucked your headphones into your phone and picked out a song of Olivia’s album at random.
Steve was lounging on the couch of the common room when you entered. He looked up from his magazine and gave you a small smile by way of greeting. You returned it by tapping two fingers at your temple in salute, ignoring the way how his stare lingered a little longer. You sat down next to him. When you locked eyes again, you saw the silent question on his face and let out a laugh. It ended up sounding more like a delightful scoff.
“I know Tony takes pride in being the philanthropist amongst us, but for someone who grew up in the ice age, you’re really good at reading people’s faces.” You wanted to annoy Steve, maybe even coax out a laugh, but he just kept looking at you, and you held his gaze. You were good at it—an aftereffect of living with Bucky who happened to love the same yoghurt as you did. Sometimes you put all western movies to shame with the way you narrowed your eyes at each other early in the morning in front of the fridge.
To your luck, Steve was just as stubborn, which meant that you two could’ve kept it going until death if it weren’t for the door banging open.
“I can’t believe you did this to me!” A voice boomed. You took a wild guess and assumed it was Clint.
“Tell me about it!” Another voice bellowed right back.
A second later, Sam and Clint marched into the room, furious, whereas Bucky strolled in behind them with no care in the world.
The former two were holding bags of food. Both were animated and waving their arms through the air while arguing. You turned down the volume of your phone in time to hear Steve demand, “What’s going on?”
Clint and Sam stared daggers at Bucky until Steve amended, “Buck, what did you do?”
The man in question turned around, facing his best friend in exasperation. “I asked these two to get food for me.” This earned him a snarl. Bucky waved them off and examined his metal arm, unconcerned. “Honestly, I have no idea why they’re getting so worked up about it.”
“We—” Sam gestured wildly between Clint and himself. “—were asked to pick up food for him from two different places. And neither of us knew about it!”
“Yes, neither of us knew,” Clint chimed in, eyes narrowing at Bucky who was busy flicking dust off his arm. “And I don’t know about you, Sam, but I was touched. I was moved, okay? Because Bucky never asks for anything and here I was, thinking we’re starting to bond or whatever but now I just feel USED.”
Sam gave a harsh sound in agreement.
“Bucky,” said Steve after no one had anything to add. “What do you have to say to that?”
Your gaze flitted between them, not sure what to expect. Bucky didn’t give any sign of wanting to respond, making you wonder if he had heard Cap at all. But then a slow smile swept over his lips and you noted that it was probably the most feline smile you’d ever seen. It was a smile storybook villains wore after burning down the world.
“The only thing I have to say is that I regret not having the moment they ran into each other in the elevator on video tape, because that—” He turned and looked Sam and Clint straight in the eye. “—was amazing.”
No one spoke.
“Ruthless,” you said under your breath and just like marionettes, the four men glanced you before another argument broke.
You took the chance to turn the volume back up. “happier” was playing and you settled further into the couch to watch the scene unfold. Sam was arguing so passionately that the vein on his neck was making an impressive appearance. Clint, on the other hand, had a palm pressed flat to his chest; his face showing pure betrayal. Bucky didn’t seem to care for the chaos. He tried multiple times to grab for the bags only for one of them to move out of his reach. When you glanced at Steve, you nearly lost it.
He was staring at them like his lifespan had just been reduced to ten years. He looked like he wanted to throw pebbles after them.
Nudging him with your arm, you silently handed him one of your earphones. He glanced at you and hesitated, probably thinking of the many times you had offered him a taste of blaring electronic music. You rolled your eyes and insisted again. This time, Steve took it and you watched in amusement as his brows rose in surprise.
“I like the piano,” he mouthed and glimpsed at the name of the song. You grinned.
In the meantime, Clint and Sam had decided to form an alliance. They had planted themselves in the opposite couch, digging into the contents of the brown bags while Bucky gawked at them from the other side of the room with his mouth ajar and heart ripped out of his chest. Shaking his head in disbelief, he let himself fall into the armchair facing them. He looked devastated. You weren’t sure if you had to stifle a laugh or tears.
Next to you, Steve chocked back a laugh. You quirked an eyebrow and considered him only to realise the reason behind his glee. Bucky was brooding in his seat while Sam and Clint did an excellence job on commenting every bite. Nothing has ever received as much praise as that pasta, and you were certain that if this were a cartoon, there would be rain clouds hovering above Bucky’s head. As if the angels had set it up themselves, you took notice of the lyrics.
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great but don't find no one better
Bucky was pouting, poking the leather of his armchair with his finger while stealing glances at Sam and Clint. It was perfect. Steve slapped a hand on his chest and he tipped his head back, laughing.
I hope you're happy, I wish you all the best, really
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me
And think of me fondly when your hands are on her
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You were both laughing hysterically. The others had stopped their on-going war to stare at the two of you; their expressions baffled. The song came to an end and Steve gave back your earphone, rubbing his eye as if wiping away a tear. He rose and walked over to Bucky, hurling him to his feet and putting an arm around his shoulders.
“Oh, Buck,” Steve said with a note of laughter in his voice. “There’s a song I need to show you.” You smiled as you watched them leave.
“Well, this was fun.” You pushed yourself off the couch and shook your head as Sam offered you some of his sushi. “Thanks, but I’m on a mission to get heartbroken.”
Leaving the men to their food, you wandered the halls and listened to “traitor” as you walked past Wanda’s room. Her door was open and you could see that Vision was in the middle of a chess game with Bruce and Wanda. By the looks of it, Vision was as good as winning and you reined the urge to cheer for him. You peaked around the door frame and saw that Vision had their king in check. Deep betrayal crossed Wanda’s face.
You chuckled quietly and whispered, “FRIDAY, play what I’m listening to right now through the speakers in Wanda’s room.” FRIDAY didn’t bother to respond but not a second later, the lyrics were blasting through her room and their heads snapped up in confusion.
Don't you dare forget about the way
You betrayed me
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
“Wanda?“ You heard Vision’s careful voice. “What is going on?”
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still
You're still a traitor
“I’m not sure, but these lyrics aren’t wrong…You are a traitor.” Wanda narrowed her eyes at him, slowly bobbing her head to the music. Treason danced in her eyes. It was the beginning of a villain origin story.
“Maybe it’s a sign of God,” Bruce said and you almost burst out laughing.
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
“Hell yeah!” Wanda yelled and this time you bolted down the hallway, wheezing. You dashed right into Tony’s lab and slammed the door.
“What are you on?” He looked up in amusement. You simply shook your head, laughter still bubbling over your lips.
“Just spreading love in this facility.” You waved your hand at nothing in particular and Tony nodded.
“Right, I heard you asked Peter to break up with you to listen to that one album? Very dramatic. I like it.”
“See.” You gestured at him, indicating that he was the only one who got it. “It’s a good album. Maybe you should ask Pepper to divorce you.”
Tony gave a humourless laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think she would come back if I asked her.”
“Yikes,” you mumbled and this time Tony’s laughed for real.
“So what? You’ve just been walking around waiting for heartbreak?” He turned back to whatever he was working on. You stepped closer to get a peek.
“Sounds tiring.”
“I’m powered by exhaustion” You handed him the wrench he needed. “Want a listen? I think there’s a song you might like.”
He contemplated the offer and lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug. “Sure, why not.” You couldn’t help but squeal. You knew that Tony probably didn’t care but sharing your music was always exciting.
Beaming, you removed your headphones and connected your phone to the speakers of Tony’s lab. The first tunes of “good 4 u” started playing and Tony tapped his foot to the beat, head bobbing just slightly. When the chorus hit, he stood up and you stepped back, thinking he wanted to headbang. Instead, he reached for a tool that was further away. You didn’t miss the way he moved his shoulders in a little dance move though.
“I like this one,” he said, and you flashed him a smile. You continued working on the suit, handing Tony things you knew he needed until you passed him a plier and he froze. You furrowed your brows, glanced at the tool you knew was the right one, and cocked your head in silent question.
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
Looking you straight in the eyes, he flung the plier over his shoulder, opened a drawer, and took out another plier to use on his suit. You gasped.
“How dare you,” you whispered in shock. Tony had the nerve to shrug.
“Enjoy your little heartbreak moment, Y/N.” He shooed you away like a cat. “FRIDAY, yank up the volume, would you.”
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me
“Guys?” Peter’s voice was drowned out by the booming music. He was leaning against the doorframe, watching in amusement as you and Tony towered on the lab tables, using screwdrivers as provisional microphones. While Tony played a terrific air guitar, you sank dramatically to your knees and impressed the crowd with your air drumming skills.
“Guys?” Peter tried again, chuckling. This time you and Tony whipped around at the same time and pointed straight at Peter.
Like a damn sociopath
You threw your arms up in the air and spun in circles while Tony jumped into quite an impressive split leap.
I've lost my mind
I've spent the night cryin' on the floor in my bathroom
Just over the fact that I really don't get it
But I guess good for you
The song came to an end, and you leapt on Tony’s table to share a screwdriver with him as you sang the last lyrics together.
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
The song ended and all you could hear was heavy breathing. Peter began to clap. “This was great, you guys. Wow.”
You exchanged glances with Tony before making a show of bowing at the waist.
“So this is what happens when I refuse to break up with you?” Peter strolled over to where you sat on the lab table, positioning himself between your legs. Tony chuckled and jumped off to grab a water bottle from across the room.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate on that,” you said, just for the devil of it.
Peter smiled. “Cap and Bucky are crying over a song, Vision is sending Wanda flowers in ten-minute intervals, and you are down here having a rock concert with Tony.”
You gave him a toothy grin. “I was just feeling sour.”
* * *
stay hydrated pals
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astolary · 2 years
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( Synopsis ) Life around the protocol with you by his side.
( Pairing ) Chamber x GN! reader
( Content Warnings ) Mentions of death.
( Word Count ) 1.0k+ words // NOT EDITED! 
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Nicknames! Chamber only feels comfortable being informal and cheekier around you. Mon amour (My love), Mon cœur (My heart), and Mon ange (My angel)— these would probably be his nicknames for you.
Gives morning hugs and kisses! He hasn’t felt so relaxed in a long time, he would just go behind you while you’re probably brushing your teeth and just hug you. (You’re gonna lightly slap his hip when he does that cause you want to finish brushing your teeth in peace. Chamber laughs at your reaction and leaves you be.)
I stand with at least most of the community believes that Chamber can dance. Hugs you and sways from side to side, it’s nice to have no worries inside your mind after hectic missions the protocol gave.
Whenever he’s working out you would annoy the heck out of him like sitting on his back while he’s doing push-ups, he’s gotten used to it but will do push-ups fast so that you could fall on the ground and cage you with his arms. Ignores your complaints and whines about him being sweaty and just smiles into your shoulder.
Twirls you around in the air if he’s really, really happy. It doesn’t matter because he will do it.
• One time he was curious about how you were able to claim that it was comfortable on his lap. Probably did it while you were on your laptop or reading a book and was like— wow so this is what it feels like to be held.
[ star chosen: if you’re an agent in the protocol . ]
Is discreetly protective over you. He knows you can handle yourself and understands the aftermath of underestimating somebody. Either way, no matter how many times Brimstone or Sage tells him “(Agent Name) is an agent of the protocol, she can handle herself.” Or how many times he was close to just running to your side, he trusts you. It’s always better safe than sorry, letting you get fatal injuries or potentially dying is something that would make him bitter and regretful for the rest of his life.
It doesn’t matter that Sage can revive people, he wouldn’t want you to go through that feeling of your blood being replaced by crystals freezing you while stopping your blood and oxygen flow for a split second until you’re back to normal. He knows that one day radianite and radiants will cease to exist— one day. So both of you do your best to stay alive. 
The shooting range! If other agents are around, he would go back to his arrogant and smug self, he only shows the soft side of him around you. The both of you would compete against other agents as a pair to see who can get the most bots. The both of you always come out on top with Chamber’s precision and your skills. 
Both of you will combine your quarters together since it may be relatively small. So now whenever you enter the bathroom whenever it’s your turn to take a shower it smells like Chamber’s (expensive) shampoo. 
And whenever he writes down in his journal or typing on his computer he would see a heart on the corner and just smile.
Cypher probably has noticed the acts of affection you give each other around the base. No matter how much Cypher doesn’t trust Chamber, your relationship reminds him of his own relationship with his significant other. So he lets the both of you enjoy your life while it’s still bright.
There’s probably a routine within the protocol like whenever it’s noisy from Killjoy screaming at her monitor in League of Legends, or explosions coming from Raze’s workshop. Omen lurking around the base because he couldn’t (and doesn’t) sleep, or even Skye’s animals playing around with Breach’s dog. So whenever these few peaceful moments happen, I can see both of you playing with cards or playing a video game that has puzzle mechanics. (Like “We were here together” or maybe “Horizon Zero Dawn.”) 
[ star chosen: if you’re not an agent in the protocol . ]
Will tell you about the protocol either way since he’s practically revealed all his secrets to you. (That’s how much he trusts you.)
You have probably witnessed one of his interactions with his counterpart, and the three of you stared at each other like o-o.
Leaves sticky notes on the wall for you, and has better handwriting from the both of you. Probably leaves his agenda for the day and leaves a sweater he bought for you the previous day. (He won’t buy you expensive clothes if you’re uncomfortable but he can’t help himself to spoil you just a bit.)
Miraculously, the protocol never knew about the relationship between the both of you. If Cypher, their most experienced hacker, couldn’t find anything about him, how would they know about you?
Only stays in the quarters the protocol provided for him if he’s really tired. Other than that he will go to your home and open the door, the aroma of food greeting him as you welcome him back. Just for him to collapse and lean all his body weight on you to complain how boring his day was without you.
Created another pair of rendezvous for the both of you. (Agent or not). It required a lot of materials from him since you can’t just teleport that easily. So he was determined to create this for the both of you to ease your concerns. But since it’s always indefinite when he can return to you safely, it was specifically made so if you’re ever in danger or hurt because of the enemies he made in the past he can teleport directly to you.
I can see you sneaking into the base after receiving a text that he’s in the infirmary since the mirror agents’ managed to land a few punches on him after finding his hiding spot. (He was a sniper, once his location was revealed the plan fell apart.)
You probably had close calls with encountering some agents like Skye, Omen, Viper, or Sova, but none of the agents nor the protocol ever saw you. 
Will scold you but is touched with the lengths you would go for him.
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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starryhyuck · 3 years
thin walls. (m)
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pairing: softdom!jaemin x sub!reader
words: 1.8k+
summary: you try your best to keep quiet since you know jaemin’s room is right next to yours. turns out you’re not as quiet as you think.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: dom!jaemin, bestfriend!jaemin, roommate!jaemin, oral sex, daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Is what weird?”
You’re having your weekly video call with Donghyuck and Renjun, the latter actually paying attention to your conversation while the former furiously clicks away on his keyboard.
“We’ve been quarantining for almost a year now. You haven’t gotten any dick in months and your roommate is like the hottest guy we know,” Renjun clarifies, raising an eyebrow. You both ignore the sound of Donghyuck grumbling loudly as he loses another game.
You roll your eyes. “And you’re so concerned about my sex life because?”
“Because clearly, neither me or Donghyuck have one. I’m living vicariously through you.”
That gets Donghyuck’s attention. “For your information, I am supporting many lovely women through OnlyFans. It’s only Renjun that has difficulties with sexual partners.”
Renjun scoffs. “I could have anyone on their knees for me, and we all know it.”
There’s a knock on your door and you take an earbud out when Jaemin pops his head in. He looks like a mess — his hair springing up in different places and eyes puffy. You frown at his disheveled state.
“Hey, are you still busy?”
Your fingers move at the speed of lightning, barely registering Renjun’s protest when you quickly leave the meeting. You toss your laptop and earbuds aside to give your best friend your full attention.
He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “If you’re busy, I can come back later.”
“Nope, not busy anymore. Are you okay, Jaem?”
He fully enters the room and shuts the door behind him. He smiles softly at you as he takes a seat on your bed.
“Not feeling too great. Just wanted to see you.”
You ignore the swell in your chest at his confession, worriedly stroking his cheek when you realize how red his eyes are. His hand comes up to play with your fingers, eyes moving in and out of focus.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask.
He shrugs. “Didn’t do so well on my test today. Feeling a little hopeless.”
Your frown grows deeper. You move closer to him, wanting to soothe his pain.
“Don’t say that. It’s just one test, you’ll do better on the next one. I’ll help you! We can make flash cards and create some trivia games to help you remember.”
He chuckles, eyes still staring down at your connected hands.
“You always know what to say. How is that?”
You giggle. “I earned the title of your best friend for a reason.”
“I suppose you did.” His eyes move upwards to lock on you. “Can I stay here? Just for tonight.”
You freeze. You haven’t slept next to Jaemin in months, the two of you only doing so when you were really drunk or really sad. You don’t even remember what it’s like to fall asleep in your best friend’s arms.
And you two fall into a quiet rhythm, Jaemin’s arms circling around you as he brings your back to his chest. Your eyes flutter shut, focusing on his steady breaths as you try to fall asleep.
You’re startled when you suddenly feel a pair of lips ghost over your neck, pressing a small kiss to your collarbone.
He hums in response, not showing any signs of stopping while he continues to pepper kisses on your shoulder.
“Jaem, w-what are you d-doing?”
“I heard you last night.”
You pause. You try to register what he’s saying, which you find is incredibly hard to do when his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your neck. You backtrack to last night, when you were feeling so drowsy but struggled to get to sleep. You don’t remember much, except for the fact that you reached to your nightstand to grab your vibrator-
Oh. Oh fuck.
“Y-You heard that?”
He hums again, moving to suck your neck with vigor. When he finally parts from his masterpiece, he chuckles.
“How could I not? The walls aren’t exactly thin, you know. I hear everything — all your silly commentary when you rewatch your favorite dramas, your weekly conversations with Renjun and Donghyuck, the pretty little noises you make when you turn your vibrator on, and the unmistakable sound of porn you watch when you’re really aroused.”
You feel more than embarrassed, stuttering as you try to offer an explanation. Jaemin chuckles against your ear, biting softly down on the lobe. A whimper tumbles out of your mouth before you realize it.
“I couldn’t sleep last night after listening to you. You made me fail my test, baby.”
“I’m s-sorry.”
“If you’re really sorry, you’ll let me eat you out.”
You swear your heart stops. “W-What?”
“I’m hungry. You wouldn’t want me to go to bed on an empty stomach, would you?”
“U-Um, no.”
Before you know it, you’re on your back with Jaemin between your legs. His fingers thumb over the fabric of your pajama shorts and he looks up at you, his eyes glimmering with a question.
You nod. “It’s okay, Jaem.”
With your permission, he slides your shorts down your legs and throws them haphazardly across the room. His gaze darkens at the sight of your lacy panties, which you honestly wore unintentionally today. You’re glad you picked them this morning though, because Jaemin looked like he was about to go insane at the sight.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
And then his tongue licks a stripe up your clothed core and you yelp. He’s almost predatory, shoving your underwear aside and diving into your sopping pussy. You moan when his tongue furiously licks your folds, curling in on yourself while he holds you down.
He parts from you briefly and raises an eyebrow. “I think you have another name to call me.”
You’re confused yet again. “W-What?”
He snickers. “Forgot already? I listened to all those dirty videos you were watching, baby. I know all your cute little kinks. Now, I know you have a different name to address me as.”
“J-Jaemin, I-“
He clicks his tongue. “That’s not right.”
You gather all the courage you have inside of you, ignoring the clear embarrassment on your face by the fact that Jaemin has discovered all of your secret fantasies.
“Daddy, please eat me out.”
He smiles mischievously. “Good girl.”
You have no time to dwell on your self-consciousness before he’s sinking a finger inside of you, tongue lapping at your clit. You feel like a dog in heat, warmth spreading throughout your body as you struggle to comprehend the fact that your best friend is currently eating you out like his life depends on it.
“D-Daddy, daddy!” You scream when he slips another finger inside, curling them upwards while he sucks on your clit furiously. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“
You cry out when your orgasm sweeps over you in waves, thrashing and whimpering under Jaemin’s hold. He uses his other hand to hold your hips down when the oversensitivity crashes into you, desperately trying to push away from him.
“D-Daddy, no, I-I’m sensitive-“
Jaemin growls and holds you tighter, fingers still drilling into your pussy and mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud. You don’t have time to warn him when your second orgasm comes just as quickly as the first, convulsing around him. You try to gain a sense of strength to push him away before he can launch you into a third, and Jaemin gets the message as he parts from you.
His chin glimmers with evidence of your arousal, fingers slipping into his mouth while he tastes the remnants of your two orgasms.
He pounces on you, lips crashing into yours and you moan. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and the fact shoots another spike of arousal to your core.
“What else did they do in that video, baby?” He whispers breathily. “Tell me.”
Your brain is a little fuzzy as you try to remember.
“H-He fucked the girl until she was crying and she took it. Anything to please her d-daddy.”
He smirks. “Is that what I should do to you? Fuck you until you’re crying? Will you do anything to please me?”
You know you trusted Jaemin with your life, so you nod.
“Anything for you, daddy.”
He grins. He quickly pulls down his sweatpants and his cock springs up, already half hard. You gulp at his size, and you’re suddenly reminded of why Renjun calls Jaemin the hottest guy you know. Jaemin’s girth wasn’t exactly a secret in your friend group, many rumors spreading around after Donghyuck discovered how well endowed your roommate actually was.
His fingers grip his base, slowly pumping himself while keeping his eyes locked on you.
“Like what you see, baby? Do you think your pussy is ready to take daddy’s fat cock?”
“Y-Yes, d-daddy. I c-can take your c-cock.”
He chuckles at your response, brushing strands of hair away from your face to fully look at you. His look is almost endearing, and you would swoon any other day if he wasn’t about to fuck you.
He lines himself up to your entrance, pausing for a second.
“Do I need to get a condom?”
You shake your head. “I’m on birth control. We’re fine.”
He doesn’t hesitate any longer, pushing into you slowly. You whine at the stretch. You haven’t been taken like this in months, and your vibrator is no match for his huge cock. He coaxes you through the pain, whispering softly in your ear and kissing your neck again to help ease you up.
Once he bottoms out, he waits patiently for your go ahead before moving. You can tell it’s killing him on the inside, brows pushed together as he tries his best not to pound you deep into the mattress.
“P-Please, daddy.”
Jaemin builds a steady pace inside of you, groaning and grunting into your ear as he sinks deeper and deeper. Your mind draws a blank when you struggle to form any coherent words, babbling while he impales you with his cock.
“You’re such a good girl for me. Always so good. Been waiting for this forever, baby. Dreamed so long of having you underneath me like this.”
“Daddy,” you gasp at his unexpected confession, hissing lowly when his fingers circle around your clit. Tears spring up in your eyes from the pleasure.
“Especially all those mornings when you were wearing practically nothing in front of me, you don’t even know how many times I wanted to take you on the kitchen counter.”
You cry when his cock hits you harder and faster.
“But you’re so good for me now, aren’t you, baby? So pretty and perfect for her daddy.”
“Y-Yes, daddy,” you whimper. “I’m all yours. All good for daddy.”
Jaemin groans loudly. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for daddy.”
Your orgasm is blinding, your nails digging into his shoulders as you ride out your high. He follows shortly after you, grunting when he shoots his cum deep inside your waiting womb.
You both lay in silence before you suddenly burst out in laughter. Jaemin eyes you.
“We just fucked. I just fucked my best friend and called him daddy. This is so surreal.”
He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips.
“Better get used to it. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck in quarantine together.”
You smile. “Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
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bee-ackerman · 3 years
Whats in the AOT Gangs Bag Modern AU Part 2
A/N: This is in my seaside city AU. Marley characters will be in the next part. I tried to keep reader as neutral as possible ~ Connie's part is my fave lol he's so chaotic, PLS why am I so mean to Jean I luv him~ REBLOGS ARE WELCOMED 💕
TW: Implied age gap relationship, mentions of alcohol
Part 1 - Includes the Vets
This part includes the 104 - (Y/N) aka YOU 😌, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Ymir, Historia
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Certified gamor gorl 🙈
Broke his 4th phone cause hes a degenerate and now his dad refuses to replace it
Broke bitch but also rich bitch
Sketchbook for option art class - plays switch during lectures
Went to university cause his dad made him but really he wants to be a streamer
Majors in finance at seaside city uni
Works part time at Levi's tea shop because of an incident that he'd rather not talk about
Has called Levi dad by accident more than once. Jean will not let him live it down.
Loses his bag a lot
Ends up watching video game streamers in class instead of paying attention
Has actually flown to LA for a meet and greet of his fave streamer just for said streamer to cancel 😔
Gets in a lot of trouble at Levis tea shop cause he's so short tempered, he's so bad at customer service.
Tried to arm wrestle a costumer once so Levi has sent him to work in the back instead
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Handkerchief - never gave it back after getting it from historia
Doesn't like social media so flip phone is the vibe (still has it but it's on his ipad)
Intern for Hange
Studies bio and hopes to become a marine biologist
Lives in the same building as Moblit and Hange so he also has a key to Hange or Moblit's place just in case they pull an all nighter
Has mostly ocean pictures on his camera but also pictures of friends and a certain blonde who hes crushing on... *coughs* Annie
Is clumsy and awkward but gets serious when focusing on what he loves
Accidentally forgot water once while he was out on the boat with Hange and Moblit tryna study whale sounds and he was so parched he thought he was gonna die(dramatic). Hange forgot to bring water then chugged moblits. Lets just say their sea day trip was cut short.
Now religiously brings water in his bag wherever he goes
Mikasa, (Y/N), Jean, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Historia after the cut off
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Over the shoulder bag
Carries a wallet because Eren is always forgetting his so she carries his money too
Sea shells Armin gave her
Lives with Eren
Carries food for after her gym sessions
Make up for that same reason
Takes notes on her laptop
Majors in finance with Eren
Works part time at Levis tea shop as well
Has a scholarship due to her incredible athletic abilities
Is on the tennis team
Calls her parents everyday without fail and even calls Eren's parents so he and her can say hi
Knows that Jean is copying her mint brand but doesn't mind. Asks him for mints so that he doesnt have to eat them cause she knows he actually doesnt like mints.
Always has food for the gym but also for a Sasha emergency.
Has matching handkerchief with Historia because they saw them when they went shopping. They dont use them much but its the memory and thought that counts.
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Whats in my bag sticker given to you by Mikasa
Mikasa, Eren, and Armin are your childhood friends
You got the airpods as a birthday gift from Eren
The keys are Sasha’s cause you’re staying over at her, Connie and Jean’s place while you find a new place to live.
Yes it does get super chaotic and you sometimes have to go to Eren and Mikasa’s apartment to get some quiet time
Usually you go there when they both have a shift at the shop
You and Jean are both pre-law poli-sci students so in first year you meet the rest of the 104 through Jean and become friends quickly
You use a laptop for your notes
Your camera is full of pictures of your friends and candid shots of Levi that he has zero idea about and you will never tell him cause he’s gonna delete them.
He knows about them he just simps so hard he doesn't say anything.
Theres one picture of him climbing a fence like a pro because you both decided to sneak into the universities tennis court so he can drunkenly show you his tennis skills at 3am.
You got treats for Connie’s cat who literally has no name so everyone has different names they call him. Yours is Captain grump.
The dandelion is from Sasha cause she wanted your sandwich and she offered to trade with you. Obviously not a fair trade but you love her so you did it anyways.
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Cute and weird wallet phone case is really her vibe
Does not use the case as a wallet tho
Collects random rocks she thinks look like candy. The first time she encountered one she ate it... seriously, Jean had to take her to the doctor to make sure she's ok.
Always has food... ALWAYS
Messy make up bag but she always has a hair tie
Has a switch so she can game with the bois during break
When you and her get annoyed at their bickering over the games you just end up playing animal crossing together. Sasha always steals fruit from your island
Pranked you once by stealing ALL the fruit from your trees
Takes notes on her ipad and unexpectedly has really neat well taken aesthetic notes
A game boy for when she sneakily plays while on shift at Levi's shop
Majors in psychology, and wants to become a child therapist
On the University archery team, she's actually a archery prodigy and was offered a scholarship for it like Mikasa
Roommates with Connie and Jean
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Actually rents a locker cause he does not fuck with back packs
If he needs to carry stuff he puts on his cross body fanny pack
What he can carry in his fanny pack: vape, adhd meds, gameboy, snack for his cat, polaroids he cherishes, a pencil and eraser, peice of gum, keys to his apartment and some cash, lastly his ipod and phone.
Keeps his switch in his locker till he goes home
Has a 6 month old drink in his locker he doesnt care to take out
Keeps textbooks and notebooks in his locker also but carries around one notebook while going to classes which is a bad idea cause he keeps losing them.
Thankfully he has permission to record his lectures so he keeps some notebooks in his apartment
Found a four leaf clover and i'm convinced this is why he hasn't accidentally flunked out cause hes so forgetful about everything. *cries* my poor child
Actually has good grades
Majors in psychology with sasha and bertolot and peick
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Has a pink phone cause he likes rose gold
Says he doesnt believe in wallets but really doesnt have one cause the one he truly wants is like more than 1k
Has the same key chain as Mikasa cause they went to buy it together. Awe... SIKE bb is delusional cause it's more like everyone went as a group and he just got the same one she did ahhaha
Also gets the same brand of mints as Mikasa so he can start a conversation.
Keeps seashells armin gave him as well ( not cause mikasa does it but cause he loves armin also )
Keeps cat treats for Connies cat who he calls snuggles 😳. He will NOT say it in front of anyone but snuggles
Got a blue and red switch so he wouldn't match Eren's switch, cause gawd forbid they match like the besties THEY ARE.
Secretly has reading glasses but refuses to wear them near Mikasa cause he is self conscious about how he looks in them
Is a majoring in poli-sci and is hoping to go to law school - thinks of levi as his mentor and asks lots of questions when levi pops by the tea shop.
Jean stops by the shop a lot because he is visiting (stalking 👀) Mikasa and "studying".
Can surprisingly cook well so he cooks dinner most of the time for Sasha and Connie
His mom gave him that hanker chief. Secretly a mamas boy so he treasures anything she gives him 🤧😊
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Got the phone case as a prize at the seaside city festival but has grown to really like it so he refuses to change it. Boi is emotionally attached like don't even touch it or breathe near it.
Unlike jean he actually doesnt believe in wallets - he gave zero reason’s
Has reading glasses and wears them often - they're actually full time glasses but he doesn't realize it. Jeans tried to tell him but Marcos too sweet he doesn't wanna upset him that he needs to wear them always. They hurt Marco's nose.
Journals every detail of his day
Photography major
Carries around polaroids of his closest friends
Only can finish half his food cause hes a really light eater (pls don't come for me cause of this joke)
Sasha gave him those rocks and he claims he forgot to clean them out but really he treasures them
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Does not fuck with air pods or any ear phones cause they hurt her ears, she will blast her music and everyone lets her
Bought another matching hankerchief as Mikasa cause Armin committed theft and stole the other one. She holds a grudge secretly.
Loves green tea in all forms so she's a regular at the shop
Ymir won her the lil plush at the seasode city festival cause she thought it looked like historia
Journals religiously to the point she cant hear anyone else when shes deep in journal heaven
A history major who doesnt really know what shes gonna do after undergrad school
Thinks she might go to law school or grad school and become a professor
If you ask anyone else what she should do the answers would vary from “marry me” to “model or become famous”
Unknowingly she is one of the campus it girls
Sorry boys but shes a BISEXUAL QUEEN in a relationship with a woman - broke many boys hearts when her and Ymir were caught kissing during the university end of year party
The boys are still simping
Takes all her notes on her ipad and at first she tried to be aesthetic like Sasha but got bored and now just takes neat notes.
Has had Erwin as her prof a couple times and at first it was hard to pretend she didn't know him on a deeper level (her friend's boss who they sometimes party with)
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Not a uni student
She joined a cruise when everyone was in their first year of uni as a singer/performer
Hopes to become a movie director and music producer
For now works at zekes music studio as an intern
Has an old ass carrot 🥕 in her car but cant find it and doesnt know where the smell is coming from
Her and historia have to drive with the windows down because of the smell
Vapes pretty religiously
Her and Eren are surprisingly really close. They love pranking Zeke and Eren takes all the blame when they get caught cause Zeke can never be mad at his precious baby brother 💀
Loves making juice, especially the aesthetically pleasing ones she sees on tik tok when she's on historias phone
Isn't upper middle class unlike most of the 104 so she only has a flip phone and ipod so she can listen to music ~illegally~
Was able to buy a switch off Zeke for a low price cause it wasn't the colour he wanted so he was practically giving it away (rich man tingz 👀🏃‍♀️)
Now she games with the boiiis and WINS 😎
If you read it all I love you have a cookie 🍪 , forehead kiss and a good day!
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