#lettere italiane
eirene · 4 months
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The love letter
Eugen von Blaas
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pierciccarese · 1 year
Dante nacque nel 1265 a Firenze. All'età di nove anni stando al racconto della "vita nuova" c'è il primo incontro con "l'angiola giovanissima" Beatrice, figlia di Folco dei portinari, di pochi mesi più giovani, poi data e sposa Simone de Bardi. A sua volta Dante nel febbraio del 1277 contrae promessa di matrimonio con Gemma di Manetto Donati. Dante si afferma come poeta d'amore in volgare con una produzione di rime che trova vita nella "Vita nuova" pubblicato nel 1293 circa, mentre nel "Convivio" Dante ricostruisce l'inizio dei suoi studi filosofici per poi trovare conforto dalla morte di Beatrice, scomparsa prematuramente nel giugno del 1290. Nel giugno del 1300 viene eletto tra i sei priori destinati alla guida di Firenze. Il conflitto fra guelfi si acuisce sempre di più. Nell'estate del 1301 Bonifacio VIII chiede, sollecitato dai neri, a Carlos di valois fratello del re di Francia di andare a Firenze. Dante si reca a Roma per scongiurare l'intervento francese, ma all'inizio di novembre i francesi entrano a Firenze e prendono le parti dei Neri e instaurano un nuovo priorato. Dante ancora a Roma viene condannato al confino per corruzione e peculato emanata a gennaio del 1302. Non essendosi presentato a Firenze a marzo Dante viene condannato alla confisca dei beni e al rogo. Nel 1315 Dante rifiuta sdegnato l'amnistia offerta dal comune di Firenze al prezzo di una multa e di un rito umiliante. Nel 1319 Dante si trasferisce a Ravenna presso Guido Novello da Polenta. Qui circondato da amici e discepoli completa il Paradiso. Dopo aver sostato a Verona e a Bologna nel 1321 ritorna a Ravenna dove si ammala e muore tra il 13 e il 14 settembre, le sue spoglie sono ancora ìn quest'ultima città anche se Firenze per secoli ha tentato di riaverle, non torneranno mai a casa.
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rickybaby · 4 months
"My nose ..." Daniel on what he is insecure about
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singinthegardns · 5 months
Anche se non siamo destinati a stare insieme, avrò sempre un debole per te.
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jayrockin · 9 months
does Runaway to the Stars have italian people In Modern Era bc....... 😳😳😳
(this is a joke about how The Whop is a homophone for a derogatory turn of phrase for north american italian immigrants)
I was originally gonna spell it like that but then i googled it to make sure that didn't already mean something and was like oh. So i gave it a h because that version's mostly associated with onomatopoeia for smacking something and the adjective "whopping" meaning "exceptionally large." Moral of the story google stuff before you give it a silly nonsense word name
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Eugene de Blaas (1843-1931) "The Love Letter" (1887) Oil on canvas
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brother-emperors · 5 months
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if you've ever wondered how long something can sit in my WIP folder, this one is probably the idea I've been kicking around the longest
so. you see. what happened was.
last year I was reading about socratic dialogues in the renaissance right. only at one point, I got it confused with platonic discussions, and when you start reading about platonic discussions of love, you run into marsilio ficino, and I just kind of. stayed there until I ran out of books to read, and finally decided to finish this up!
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Plato's Persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Humanism, and Platonic Traditions, Denis J. J. Robinchaud
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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textless · 2 months
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fcthots · 7 months
ok so this is clearly self-indulgent but what Reader x canon stuff isn’t?? 😤 anyway I’m finally submitting a thing because your portrayal of him & all these ficlets have done wonders for the world—
Italian!Jason (and/or just Jason Who Speaks Italian) & you have used Italian as sort of a “comfort language” since you were growing up together as teens. Yeah, you speak English, but your nicknames for each other, the curses you tend to use, just a lot of specific words because English isn’t always properly descriptive…& there was always a sweet Italian old lady who made the best bolognese & arancini!
anyway, he dies & you’re obviously heartbroken. Skip to Jason finding you (he might be in costume or not) & revealing that he’s alive. He’s too tall, his eyes are too green, he’s too tired and sad-looking. Not that he’s not attractive, but—what if it’s not true? There’s clones, alternate dimensions, dreams…
Then he’s speaking your language. Just partly because you were never fluent. He’s slowly coaxing you into a hug. (Or maybe this is much less angsty & you went from suspicious to in love & ready for a sexy reunion in seconds, lol.)
anyway, have a great weekend!! ♥️ 👌🏽🇮🇹
Also I google translated everything bc despite my last name looking like an Italian masterpiece even I say it the English way.
He rotated through every nickname in the book. You were his "principessa", "Tesoro", "cara", "bella", "mia amata", "mostriciattola", etc (princess, sweetheart, dear, beautiful, my loves, and little monster). He called you every sweet name under the sun, all in the language he said "was more fit for your beauty. It sounds much better in Italian."
And one day he stopped calling you anything. One day you just stopped hearing his voice for what you thought would be forever. One day he's calling you "puttana" for stealing his food and then the next day he's dead, laying in a coffin six feet under. You put a red, green, and white rose by his grave because you think he would have found it funny. You don't go back.
You're not the same after, haven't even jokingly attempted to speak a lick of something other than English. You keep quiet, keep to yourself, and think about Jason's spiel about americanized food when you pass by a Dominos pizza.
This all changes, though, when you're walking home by yourself late at night. You have to pass through the bad part of town and maybe you should have been more careful, but it was too late for that now. There were two men and one had a gun; you stood nom chance of making it if you ran. You attempted to back up, just to put some space, but you backed into a trash can and it loudly knocked over. You assailants don’t seem to have appreciated that: one grabs your arm and the other levels the gun at your head. You're shaking and slightly crying, scared out of your mind.
That is until a tank of a man with a bright red helmet drops in. He takes out the man with the gun first and the other pulls a knife to put to your neck. The Red Hood freezes when he looks into your eyes. After the knife starts digging into your skin, he springs back into action. It all happens so fast, you're not even sure what really happened.
But the next thing you know, there's two unconscious bodies on the floor, and the Red Hood is kneeling before you, taking off his mask.
"Principessa?" (princess?)
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stayawaymuggles · 17 days
Mi sento un'anima antica, in un'epoca sbagliata, fatta di complimenti online a foto di ragazze fatte mezze nude, che insicure cercano approvazione online, da gente che ha costante bisogno farsi occhi per occupare il loro vuoto fisico e mentale.
Mentre io son qui ad aspettare una lettera, una cena in riva al mare, o mangiare panini in macchina dentro un parcheggio.
@stayawaymuggles // stayawaymuggles
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onlinesweetheart · 7 months
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amypihcs · 5 months
Hello! As late as usual and a bit more frozen than usual! Let's see today's story!
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Holmes just wants to do his scrapbooking! He doesn't want a case now! Leave him ALONE!
heyheyhey! This is playing DIRTY!
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Holmes being quite a bit vain (and this we already knew) and also very very kind. Lol, the comment of not being seen for weeks! Mrs Hudson only sees him on an almost daily basis because she's FAMILY and adopted him! And worries if he doesn't eat his dinner. Well, what's the MATTER with this lodger?
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Ah, the landlady is anxious, how to find any fault in it! And who wouldn't be calmed by staring into Holmes' eyes? lol. Bet that Watson speaks also for personal experience (when he has nightmares), for exemple.
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This smells a lot of Mafia, tbh. And usually there is fire when there's smoke. mmmhn we'll see. What about the food? Watson stop glaring
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W-why printing? (also guess that printing means not writing in cursive?) This is an actually weird way of communication. Well, the idea of concealing the handwriting is good, tbh but again, WHY. Also, short messages and apparently the lodger seems very cautious. How did he look? this lodger, i mean...
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Oh this smells SO MUCH of mafia...
Well, you MUST enter the room in the morning? can't do otherwise!
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WATSON STOP GLARING! Looks after himself? WEIRD.
AH! Something to observe, finally!
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H: He has a beard... but he can't have smoked these! Watson, even with your pretty modest mustache it wouldn't be possible! It would be singed, and it would be such a pity... W: Holmes, stop staring at my mouth, you'll have your kisses. Later H: Alright, alright, spoilsport.
The landlady goes away, Holmes gets his kisses and then back to the analysis!
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This lodger might not be the bearded man who took the keys! It's an idea. But WHY?
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WELL, we can always look in the AGONY COLUMNS! scrapbooking for win! I love how Granada Holmes has his whole little art attack project with the agony columns! He's cute!
AND THEY FIND THE MESSAGES! yahoo! Maybe in the following day's gazette....
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THE MANTLEPIECE POSE! YES! only, Holmes should be happier, but it's alright! Holmes is feeling very satisfied of himself and HEY! CLIENT? What? Hey, they kidnapped her husband... and then let him go? He's shoked? oh damn!
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Nice, time to see this guy! Ah you say you can give us a hiding place? NICE! we'll be there!
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Uuuuh! Here's the house of the last ad on the paper! Ah, is the hideout ready? yay
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W-what? Oke, the substitution, but... WITH A WOMAN? WOW. And such a woman to impress HOLMES! Stuff to meditate on!
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Oh, come on, Watson! I have made a cute deduction! Well, probably she's entangled or well, she and her man are entangled in a matter of life or death! -vibing holmes noises-
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-Holmes is vibing HARDER- While he tells Watson that it's of course l'art pour l'art! (This passage sounds soooo early case! later Watson would know already!)
Evening and they're at the landlady's again! -i'll be very italian now-
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A CODE A CODE A CODE! Eh, Holmes! You should practice your italian a bit more! 'Attenta' means a lot of stuff, as you are freaking out she is understanding (Also the proof that us Italian women as so cool that we even manage to impress Sherlock Holmes uwu) Meanwhile, Holmes sclerandone (sardinian way of speaking) and Watson proposing a cipher and in fact...
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AAAAH! You remember your italian at last! HEY! more messages!
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Holmes going 'WTF's happening now?', freaking out a bit more but no Watson, stay with me! (Yes, Holmes 'pericolo' means 'danger', glad you remember your lessons) We're going to investigate now!
And we'll see their discoveries in the next story!
Vibing a lot with the last part in italian! yes!
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emailsfromanactor · 5 months
John Gielgud on Romeo and Juliet, from a letter to Richard Sterne dated June 22, 1963, as quoted in Sir John Gielgud: A Life in Letters:
All thanks for your two letters. I am delighted to hear Ashland [Oregon Shakespeare Festival] is so much to your liking, and that you are to try a fall with Romeo. You will find the part a great challenge and often unsatisfactory, for Juliet has all the best positions in the text – the Banishment must not seem an anti-climax after her great cords scene – similarly the Mantua scene is hard to put over after the Potion – and the mourning. You only manage to beat her to it in the Tomb – and you will surely get a crick in the neck, while she queens it up on that damned balcony! Don’t let the director convince you that the love scenes are realistic. The ball scene meeting is a SONNET, the Balcony the epitome of longing and romantic imagination and ‘getting to know you’. The Wedding is the only scene when he really declares his most complete surrender to her (and she to him). The farewell is not a rough and tumble on the bed. It ought to be played on the same balcony as the other one – only they are worn out with the past night and the agony of parting – morning light, bleak despair = EPITHAL[AM]IUM – foreboding on both their parts which they try vainly to hide from each other. The evanescence of youth and passion – the hectic hopelessness of the moment they are both strangely aware of – then in the Mantua scene, he grows up in a single moment ‘Then I defy you, stars!’, he is suddenly a man and not a boy, no longer affected (Rosaline scene), not rash (encounter with Tybalt at the Ball and the Mercutio death). He has no sense of humour – he is a doomed young madman (but must not be too conscious of it himself!). In the tomb he is tired again suddenly – (the effort of control when he heard the news of her death, the long ride from Mantua to Venice, the blind rage as he kills Paris) and, marvellously, he shivers in the cold silence and dimness (just as SHE described it in the Potion scene) and he promises to stay there and look after her in that icy stillness. SIMPLE. (I only found this extraordinary truth in doing the death speech by itself out of context in the Recital.) It is a wonderful part. I know how to play it well now, but I could never convey it on the stage. Olivier was Romeo (though he couldn’t speak it in those days) because he was absolutely the lover of all time in the way he looked at Juliet and leaned against the balcony, and flung himself on Tybalt, but he was VULGAR in the farewell because he insisted on lying on top of Juliet and giving a physical violence in the love scenes which Shakespeare could not have imagined (or risked) with his boy Juliet! The words must do it. But they must give you a beautiful SIMPLE costume, and every help with wig and make-up. The first entrance – from a distance – is very important for the first impression, and grace of manner and deportment must be blended to a feline sensuality and sudden violence at a few important moments. You need to relax with a Latin indolence, but always with an underlying athleticism and a power that is ready to strike – like a flame – in the moments of fury and expressed emotion. So full of feeling at one moment – and an emptiness at others for contrast – the utter spontaneity which Latin people have when they are very attractive – and very young!
You can see why Sterne thought it would be worthwhile to record Hamlet rehearsals. Read all about those with Emails from an Actor!
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soldier-poet-king · 5 months
my nonna referred to a crockpot as a crackpot multiple times tonight. as in she kept insisting we 'cook your dinner in the crackpot to save time'. no she does not know what a crackpot is
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singinthegardns · 1 month
Lasciai la gelosia e mi misi a pensare che ognuno va dove vuole stare e perde ciò che vuole perdere.
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Just remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once.
Trying to live my Sufjan Stevens summer
(Source - Pinterest)
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