#let me tell you my dumb ass actually drew his left arm completely forgetting he doesn't have one so I had to erase the whole thing
dittobooty · 8 months
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I saw this post today and knew what I had to do
I feel like my Shuggy divorce playlist really adds to the immersion
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pessimisticlatte · 5 years
Glass Roses ~ Chapter 10
~ Marichat ~ Adrienette ~ Lukagami ~ Platonic Marigami ~ Chlobrina ~ Ladynoir ~ Alya x Nino ~ Rena Rouge x Carapace ~ Emilie x Nathalie ~ Tikki x Plagg ~ 
~IT’S REVEAL TIME! HELL YEAH!~ Chapter 11 will have a whole gang reveal! I’m so excited to start writing it!
His towel hung over his damp hair, Adrien looked at a message on the screen of his spare phone. Water dripped off the tips of his dark, golden hair and onto the collar of his black shirt. He’d been in the middle of drying his hair and ignoring Plagg as the Kwami ate a roll of camembert bigger than he was as loudly and obnoxiously as he possibly could. Marinette had asked if he’d be alright revealing who he was beneath the mask to her tonight.
Weirdly, Adrien had thought she’d go longer than a day before asking but this was Marinette, the girl who interrogated Plagg after they beat Reflekdoll to get even the slightest hint as to who he was beneath the mask. He couldn’t be too surprised that her curiosity had gotten the better of her; he’d once seen her rifling through a bin for a note that Alya passed Nino and wouldn’t tell Mari what it said on it. Surprise, surprise, the note was about the party they were throwing Marinette for her birthday and both Alya and Nino knew better than to deposit that note where she could easily get to it, Adrien knew for a fact that Nino had taken the note home and shredded it so he must had dropped a dummy note into the bin that sent Marinette scrambling after it.
“What’s with the dumb look on your face?” Plagg took a break from his overtly sensual snacking to languidly roll his head back and look at Adrien with narrowly slitted eyes.
“What’s with the dumb look on your face?” After having listened to Plagg eat loudly for the last 40 minutes, Adrien’s quip came out harsher than he’d intended. Then again, Plagg had decided to follow him into the bathroom and eat his cheese so loudly that Adrien couldn’t hear his music, so maybe it was exactly as harsh as he intended.
“I asked first,” Plagg shoved a piece of cheese in his mouth and rolled his eyes.
“Marinette wants to see me,” Adrien held his phone in one had and rubbed the towel against his head with the other.
“You you, or Chat you?” Plagg spoke around a mouth full of camembert, some globs of the gooey cheese flying out of his disturbingly large mouth.
“Uh...both?” Adrien shrugged, sitting down on his lounge and depositing the phone on the coffee table before him. With both hands free, Adrien continued to dry his hair more roughly.
“Sooooo, she wants to see who’s under the mask, does she?” The look on Plagg’s face echoed the one on Nino’s from when they’d walked home. With a disgusted groan, Adrien looked away from the Kwami and stared at the dark screen of his phone, Plagg chucked almost maniacally behind him. “What’re you worried about?”
“What if I’m not what she expected?” Plagg floated over to Adrien and looked his guardian dead in the eye.
“That’s immediately what your mind goes to, Adrien?” Plagg crossed his fins and twisted in the air so he was looking at Adrien upside down.
“What if she was expecting someone else? What if she doesn’t actually like me?” Adrien pulled the towel off his head with a defeated sigh and looked at his bare feet on the wooden floor of his room.
“How dumb are you?” Adrien hadn’t heard Plagg sound more disdainful in his entire life. “Do you seriously think that Marinette ‘I would take a bullet for you, Adrien Agreste’ Dupain-Cheng would be angry at you being Chat Noir?”
“Uh...maybe,” Adrien’s voice cracked as the word ‘maybe’ left his lips.
“And she’s meant to be the clueless one,” Plagg huffed and slapped one of his fins against Adrien’s forehead until the teenager raised his head and batted him away. “She has been in love with you for a damn long time. God, Tikki complains about the pictures Marinette used to have of you stuck up all over her room.”
“Mari had pictures of me stuck up all over her room? I never saw them when I went over,” Adrien’s brow furrowed with confusion. If she liked him as Adrien, not just Chat, why didn’t she tell him?
“Because she hid them you, you moron,” Plagg started to whap Adrien’s face with his fins again. “Unlike you, Chat had time for her and went out of his way to see her. She would still love you, Adrien, if she knew you were Chat. I think it would mean a lot more to her if she found out that you were Chat Noir because it means that her crush, the great Adrien Agreste, has been saving her ass all this time.”
“I guess you’re right,” Plagg whapped Adrien’s face harder at that comment.
“I am always right, don’t forget it,” Adrien flicked Plagg away from him with his thumb and middle finger, the creature twisting through the air like a balloon with all its air being released. “You gonna go see her, or what?”
“Or what,” Adrien stood, carrying his towel over to the laundry hamper and dumping it in there. “Of course I’m going to see her, Plagg. Sh-should we get her some flowers?”
“Like I fucking know,” Plagg threw his fins in the air and floated back toward his plate of cheese indignantly. “I don’t know what human girls like! I barely know what Kwami girls like.”
“I think Tikki likes it when you leave her alone,” Adrien could feel Plagg’s eyes staring daggers into the back of his head. It drew a cocky smirk from the teen as he faced the angrily buzzing creature.
“Sugarcube loves it when I hang out with her,”
“I highly doubt that,” Plagg huffed and blew a raspberry at Adrien. “You’re an immortal being and I’m a 17 year old kid but, somehow, you’re the childish one. I can’t fathom how you’ve lived this long.”
“Being irresistable,” The pure conviction in Plagg’s voice had Adrien laughing so hard he started choking. He couldn’t be serious.
“Ok, Plagg,” Adrien wheezed once his laughing induced coughing fit died down. “Claws out.”
Plagg was sucked into the ring on Adrien’s hand and began to send the classic Chat Noir catsuit solidifying across Adrien’s body. The suit always made adjustments for whenever Adrien wore it; when he’d shot up, the suit had accommodated it, and when he’d started to stop being scrawny and start being brawny, the suit changed its fit to highlight the toned muscles of his abdomen, arms and legs. With a grin, Adrien pushed one of the windows out of his room open and launched himself into the cooling twilight air of Paris.
Marinette was pacing, chewing her nails. She’d sent the message to Chat ages ago and he hadn’t given her a reply. She knew that he’d been wanting to reveal who he was for ages but had something changed his mind? Did he already know what Tikki was going to tell them and thought it would be safer to dump her? So much doubt and worry clouded in Marinette’s mind, doubling the speed of her pacing and tripling the speed of her heart beat. A gentle rap on the curtain covered doors leading out to Mari’s balcony told her that her cat in shining armour had arrived.
Trying to steady her breath, Mari pushed the door open and looked at the black leather clad boy grinning adorably in front of her. Without a word but with a tiny bow, Chat produced a bouquet of assorted flowers and held them out to her with a sincere, cheeky smile.
“For you,” He said as Marinette took the paper wrapped bouquet in her hands and gazed at him with huge, wonder filled eyes. “May I come in, princesa?”
“Yes,” Mari’s voice was light, breathy, as she stepped out of his way with her stunning blue eyes glued to the flowers in her arms. “W-where did you get these?”
“A cat doesn’t like to give away his secrets,” Adrien winked at her and pressed a long, claw tipped finger to his smirking lips. The bravado was a facade to hide how nervous he was. Tikki said that Marinette liked him and Plagg said it too but what if she didn’t love him? He’d also grabbed the bouquet from a florist who was closing late, he’d given the poor man a lot of money for his trouble and said that the man was more than welcome to tell everyone that Chat Noir had bought flowers from his shop. The owner looked like he was on the verge of tears as Chat disappeared into the night. “But there is one secret I’d be happy to give away.”
Marinette placed the flowers gently on her desk and exhaled as calmly as she could. This was nerve wracking. What if he hated her once he found out that she was Ladybug? What if everything changed? Oh god, what if this was a bad idea? Her cheeks began to turn and tears pricked her eyes. Chat walked forward and pulled Mari into his arms as she pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes to stop herself from crying.
“Are you scared, corazon?” Chat’s voice was soft as his hand gently stroked her loosely ponytailed hair. Marinette gave a watery nod into his chest and pressed herself closer to him. “I’m scared too.”
“W-why are you scared?” Marinette pulled away slightly and looked into his green eyes with a wobbling bottom lip.
“I’m scared that you won’t like who I am underneath my mask,” He was completely sincere. He had no reason to lie to her and she was as scared as he was for this reveal. Chat pressed a gentle kiss to Mari’s forehead.
“If I can love you with the mask, why can’t I love you without it?” She blinked, her dark lashes feathering across her cheeks as she did, silvery tears shone between the thick fibres.
“Because fear is irrational,” He pressed her back against his chest, squeezing her tightly. If something did happen and they fell apart after this, he wanted to hold her properly. He needed to imprint how it felt to have her in his arms into his soul. “Are you ready?”
“C-can you keep holding me while you do it...so..so I can look at you when I let go and know that it’s still my Chaton?” Adrien melted into her as her wobbly voice released the muffled request. His heart pounded with overwhelming love for the girl in his arms, only she would need to be holding him to know that it’s him and only for her would be oblige.
“Of course,” Pressing one final kiss to Mari’s head as Chat Noir, he slid his hands down around her waist and whispered; “Plagg, claws in,” into her ear. She stiffened as the suit melted away and where she had once been touching leather, she was now touching either golden skin or expensive fabric. Mari wound her hands into the soft black cotton of his shirt as she felt her forehead make contact with the very warm skin of his neck. “Are you ready for me to let go?”
“Yes…,” Adrien released her and stepped back. Mari had squished her eyes closed, her hands still fisted into his shirt. He released a small laugh and put his hands over hers. The feel of his bare skin on hers felt so strange, she knew that whoever was standing before her now was still Chat but she didn’t know if she was ready.
“Open your eyes, Buggaboo,” At the sound of her cooed nickname, Marinette’s eyes shot open and she fell to her ass on the floor. A hand extended itself to her, long fingers with perfectly shaped nails, a silver ring with a faint engraving of a cats paw, a faded friendship bracelet knotted with green and orange and red and blue; looking up the arm her eyes met the curve of his bicep and the strong line of his jaw. Jumping her gaze to his face, blue eyes met green and a goofy smile broke across Adrien Agreste’s face.
“Ad-...Adrien?” Her words came out choked. Adrien was Chat Noir...and he’d called her Buggaboo? H-he knew that she was Ladybug?
“It’s me,” He decided to kneel down on the floor in front of her and take her hands in his own. “It’s me, Mari, I’m Chat Noir.”
“I don’t know...I don’t know how I didn’t guess it…,” Her voice was disbelieving and her eyes were still glued to his, wide and uncertain for the first time in a long time. “A..a-and you know that I..that I’m…”
“Ladybug,” Squeezing her hand, he supplied Marinette a reassuring smile. “I don’t know how I’ve been so lucky to have the most selfless girl in Paris to call my own.”
“How long?” Her voice wobbled but a small smile started to creep across her bitten lips.
“Since I put you to bed all those months ago, I had a little encounter with Tikki,” Hearing her name, the Ladybug Kwami came zooming out of her hiding place and was immediately pulled into an embrace by Plagg. “She told me not to force you to see who I was until you were ready.”
“She’s the one who convinced me to ask you to do it tonight,” Mari shot a grumpy look at her Kwami who was struggling out of Plagg’s grip with no avail. “It’s not like I wasn’t going to ask you anyway.”
“Well, I’m glad you did because today was so damn hard, Mari,” He released one of Marinette’s hands to run his fingers through his wavy hair.
“What do you mean?” She knew what he meant, judging by how calm he was and the shining look in his eyes, she knew exactly what he was talking about.
“I wanted to kiss you so many times today,” He gave her a sheepish grin. “Every single time you laughed or smiled or breathed, I just wanted to scream that I loved you and I wanted to hold your hand.”
Marinette placed her hand on Adrien’s cheek and wove her fingers into the silken strands of his hair. He’d let it grow out recently, hoping that it would make an easier transition between Chat and Adrien when he finally revealed himself. Of course, the suit had made adjustments for how Adrien had wanted to look, deciding not to make his hair longer when he transformed like it usually did.
“You messaged me when you were at school but you hadn’t given me your phone number,” She stroked the pad of her thumb across his cheek, Adrien let out a long purr. 
“Backup phone,” Adrien pulled the backup phone out of his jeans pocket. He unlocked it and showed Mari the two contacts on it, one was the number Master Fu had used and the other was Marinette’s. 
“Buggababe?” The tears that had shone in her eyes were gone now, a radiant happiness pulsing off the two. Tikki stopped struggling against Plagg after he whispered to her to let them have this moment, before they had to break the news to them they had to let Adrien and Marinette be happy.
“Y’know how I call you Buggaboo?” He leant into Mari’s careful stroking of his cheek. “Well, since you’re my girlfriend now, you’re my Buggababe.”
“Who said anything about girlfriend, Adrien Agreste?” She scrunched up her nose as she teased him and pinched the skin of his cheek slightly.
“But you are my girlfriend,” The confused look on Adrien’s face was absolutely adorable. 
“Technically, I’m Chat Noir’s girlfriend,” She tipped her head and smirked at him, poking her tongue out slightly. “No one ever said anything about being Adrien Agreste’s girlfriend.”
“Why’re you being so mean to me, Mari?” Adrien dropped the spare phone and picked Marinette up, securing her in his lap. 
“Well, I am Chat Noir’s girlfriend and if Adrien Agreste wants the same treatment, he’s going to have to ask,” She sung into his neck, both her hands were free now as she snuggled into the warmth of the boy holding her. Tracing a fingertip over the ridges of his chest hidden beneath his plain black shirt, Marinette inhaled the smell of his shampoo and deodorant.
“If that’s the case,” Adrien pushed Marinette out of his lap, earning a giggling squeal from her. He stood and walked toward the balcony doors, his back to her. “I guess Adrien Agreste is going to have to go home.”
“Get back here,” Mari launched herself off the floor and wrapped her arms around his neck, locking her ankles around his slim waist. 
“But it would be horrible of me to stay here with Chat Noir’s girlfriend and not my own,” He wrapped his warm hands around her calves and walked them over to the bed. ‘Unless Chat Noir’s girlfriend would like to become mine?”
“Of course she’d like to become yours,” Mari breathed into his ear before he dropped back onto the bed, crushing her beneath his weight. This was a far cry from the interaction they’d had last night, which had been all soft touches and stolen kisses, he’d gone out of his way not to collapse onto her when he’d carried her over to the daybed. “Oh my god, Adrien, what do you eat?”
“Bricks,” Adrien arched his back, still holding Mari’s calves so she couldn’t wiggle out from underneath him.
“At least you’ve got a good amount of iron in your diet,” She tried to flip him off her but she wouldn’t let go, chuckling loudly. “Are you going to ask me out or what?”
“Or what!” Both of them whipped their heads to look at Plagg who was then dragged away by an angry Tikki as she slapped one of her fins over his mouth.
Marinette giggled, the sound a lullaby to Adrien’s ears and heart. “Would you like to be my girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng a.k.a Ladybug?”
“I’m going to have to ask Chat Noir if it’s alright with him first,” The soft pads of Mari’s fingers found the bare skin of Adrien’s waist, his shirt having ridden up from her legs being wrapped him. She started to tickle him, his body arching and rocking as he laughed and tried to make her stop. “Would it be alright with you, Chat, if I started dating Adrien Agreste?”
Adrien was choked with laughs, unable to pull away from Mari as she retaliated to his heavy weight dropped atop her. “Y-y….yes, I’d be...r-r-really happy for y-you two,” She stopped tickling him, Adrien rolled off her and laid beside her in the bed.
“Then you have your answer, Chaton,” Mari rolled onto her side and kissed Adrien’s cheek. Adrien suddenly glanced at the trapdoor leading down to Marinette’s parents apartment. Noticing the glance and realising that she’d never told Adrien that her parents were out, she quickly set his mind at ease. “Maman and Papa are out having dinner with Grandpapa and Grandmama, they finally repaired ties. Grandpapa wasn’t very happy when Papa married Maman so I hope all goes well because I’m not sure what would happen if it didn’t.”
“I’m glad that I get you all to myself,” Adrien brushed her fringe behind her ear and smiled softly up at her. Marinette kissed his lips with a sweet smile. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Maybe the universe just loves you, Kitty Cat,” Mari rubbed her nose against his, her eyes closed as his memorised the sound of her happy hums.
“Maybe it does,” Her eyelashes brushed his as she blinked open. “Maybe you love me.”
“Maybe I do,” Marinette kissed him again. When she tried to pull away, Adrien slid his hand to the back of her neck and followed her, keeping their lips pressed together. She let out yet another happy hum as his long pianists fingers tangled into her soft, dark hair, the strands softer than anything he’d ever held.
“Marinette? Adrien?” The teenagers pulled away from each other as Tikki’s worried voice sliced through the almost silent room. 
“Oh, I forgot,” Marinette sat up, glancing between Tikki and Adrien. “Tikki had something that she needed to tell us and she wanted to do it when we were together.”
Adrien sat up and leaned against the wall to the side of Mari’s bed, pulling her into his lap between his opened legs.
“Adrien, you’re not wearing shoes,” His arms were securely wrapped around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. Mari pointed at his bare feet and bumped her head against his.
“I must’ve been so excited to see you that I forgot to put some on,” He bumped her back, his normal phone buzzed faintly in his pocket, drawing a quizzical look from Mari. “I’m not going to check it until I get home,” Adrien pressed a kiss to Mari’s neck. “I’m here with you and I intend to focus on you.”
“Alright, we need to focus,” Tikki floated in front of the two of them, Marinette lowered her hand and twined her fingers with Adrien’s over her stomach. “This might be some...terrible news.”
“Don’t freak the happy couple out, Sugarcube, just tell ‘em,” Plagg floated up on top of Tikki and balanced the back of his head on the crown of hers. Tikki protested.
“Okay, okay, Plagg, get off me,” Plagg did. “Thank you. I told Marinette earlier today that Duusuu came to see Plagg and I.”
“Duusuu?” Adrien raised his head and looked at Mari, who nodded. “Duusuu is the Peacock Kwami, right?”
“Yes, Duusuu is bonded with Mayura,” Tikki started to slide her fins together anxiously, looking to Plagg for support, which he didn’t provide. 
“Why would Mayura’s Kwami come and speak to you?” Mari shushed Adrien who just furrowed his brow and grimaced.
“Because Mayura doesn’t want to help Hawkmoth anymore, she wants to stop him,” Adrien opened his mouth to speak, he didn’t know that Mari had already asked all these questions but he closed his mouth after she gently smacked his hand. “Duusuu told us who Hawkmoth and Mayura are.”
“You didn’t say that earlier, Tikki,” The room was so silent they could have heard a pin drop.
“That’s why I wanted you two here together and with no secrets between you. This is going to be some...some potentially scary information,” Plagg floated over to Tikki and took one of her fins, trying to calm her down. 
“You can do it, Sugarcube,” Plagg squeezed Tikki’s fin.
“Who are they, Tikki?” Adrien asked as softly as he could, his heart hammering against Marinette’s back as she rubbed her thumb up and down his wrist.
Tikki glanced at Plagg, who gave her a nod, and exhaled shakily. “M-Mayura is Nathalie, Adrien,”
The force of Adrien’s head shooting upwards caused him to smack Marinette in the jaw, his eyes were wide and his pupils were dilated with confusion. Mari gently rubbed her jaw but didn’t say anything to him; this was a shock to her too but Nathalie was the woman who raised him, she was is mother in all aspects of the word other than by blood. 
“Nathalie is Mayura? A-am I the reason why she changed her mind?” Tikki nodded sombrely. “D-does that mean that someone working f-for my dad is Hawkmoth?”
Mari gently squeezed Adrien’s hand to reassure him that she was there, that she wasn’t going anywhere and that she understood that he was hurting. He sunk his head back into Marinette’s neck, a wetness pressing warmly against her skin.
“It’s worse than that, Adrien,” Plagg watched his guardian collapse into his girlfriend, this wasn’t going to be a nice talk but Plagg had insisted that Tikki give them time to associate tonight with loving each other instead of Adrien’s world falling apart around him.
“H-how could it be worse?” Adrien’s lips moved against Marinette’s skin, she moved a hand up into his hair and massaged his scalp. “It could only be worse if...if…,”
“Hawkmoth was your dad,” Marinette finished for him, looking at Tikki.
“Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth,” Adrien squeezed Mari tighter, tears sliding down the column of her neck and pooling in the dip of her collarbone. Tikki felt tears well in her eyes, at least he had Marinette.
“W...w-why is he doing this?” Adrien’s hiccup shook Mari’s body.
“He wants to bring your mother back, Adrien, that’s all Duusuu told me,” Tikki floated down to the surface of the bed, Plagg trailing behind her still holding her fin. “W-when you accepted Nathalie as your mother, she realised that she couldn’t keep helping him.”
Marinette hummed reassurances to Adrien as Tikki spoke, Plagg uncharacteristically quiet.
“Nathalie loves your mother, Adrien, she loves her more than your father does and she knows that Emilie wouldn’t want this,” Tikki placed her free fin on the top of Adrien’s bare foot, large tears dropping from her eyes. “She said that Emilie wouldn’t forgive your father for what he did to bring her back, or the way that he neglected you. Nathalie also said that she couldn’t see you torn apart by Emilie’s reappearance and subsequent reaction to what Gabriel did.”
A sob shook Adrien’s body as more tears slid down Marinette’s neck and into her shirt. She began to gently rock him; such a good night had turned so bad in a very short time.
“She’s doing it for you, man,” Plagg broke his silence. “I heard when you called her Mum and I saw how happy she was when you called her that. If I was the person who raised my childhood sweetheart’s kid after her hubby put her in the ground, I’d have a change of heart and want to save the world for the kid too.”
Marinette tipped her head slightly, Adrien had whispered a question to her. With a frown she asked him to say it again.
“Adrien wants to know of Nathalie knows that he’s Chat Noir,” Mari squeezed his wrist gently, he let go of his forearm and tangled his fingers into hers. She pressed a kiss to his temple.
“No, she doesn’t,” For the first time since Tikki had started telling them about her talk with Duusuu, her voice didn’t wobble. “She asked who you two were but I didn’t tell her, I said that it was too dangerous and that we’d get in contact with Nathalie when you were ready.”
“Thank you, Tikki,” Adrien’s voice was thin and reedy as he raised his head slightly and met Tikki’s gaze. His eyes were red and bloodshot, tears stained his lashes and traced silver tracks down his cheeks as well as Marinette’s neck. “Thank you for not telling her.”
“It’s alright, Adrien, just like you revealing yourself to Marinette, I wanted you to be ready to reveal yourself to Nathalie,” Adrien put his face back in Mari’s shoulder and shook his head, tears were tracking slowly down Marinette’s cheeks and dripping into Adrien’s golden hair. Small dark spots in the fine waves of his hair gave away how many silent tears she had shed while forcing herself to remain composed for him. Adrien hiccupped.
“Sh-she loved my Maman,” Adrien kept shaking his head, Marinette pressed one of her hands into his temple to stop him from cracking his skull against her jaw again. “And she..she wants to defy my father..f-for me?”
“Yes, Chaton,” Mari spoke softly into Adrien’s hair, his sobs quieted as she spoke to him in soothing tones. “You accepted her as your mother and mothers should always want to protect their children. Nathalie was the mother you thought you didn’t have, I can’t believe I saw that before you did,” She released a small, tear clogged laugh. “You have a family, Adrien, and it’s so much more than your asshole of a dad.”
“Did you just call my dad an asshole, Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” He raised his red, tear tracked face and looked up at Mari with a wobbling smile. She could tell that the smile was genuine, but that he was still hurting so he couldn’t make it as bright as he normally did. “Did you call world famed fashion designer and billionaire, Gabriel Agreste, an asshole?”
“Yes, I think I did,” Marinette feigned surprise and shot him a wide, dimpled smile. “It doesn’t matter how good his designs are if he can’t spend time with his own son. His own son, for fucks sake.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear,” Adrien pressed his nose into Marinette’s hair, her ponytail now completely gone and leaving her hair loose around her shoulders. She nudged up into his embrace with her shoulder, earning a kiss to her head from him.
“You have a family, Adrien,” She nudged him again as she whispered to him. Tikki and Plagg looked at each other, the Cat Kwami shrugging. Maybe this went better than planned, did Tikki even have a plan? She probably did, it was Tikki afterall, but her complete loss of composure had Plagg thinking that maybe she had no clue what she was doing. Marinette started to sway in Adrien’s arms. “You have Nathalie, you have Nino, and Alya, and Kagami. You have Plagg, and Tikki. You have my Maman and Papa, they love you a lot, you know. And you have me.”
Adrien smiled, the corners of his lips still twitching as his heart still cracked from finding out what his absent father had been doing in all the time he’d been absent.
“I have you,” He rested his temple against the crown of her head. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
“If I ever see your dad in person again, I don’t care if we’ve defeated him or not, I am going to kick him so hard in the balls he might develop a nut allergy,” Mari pulled out of his arms to turn and meet his eyes as she made her promise to him. Her eyes were hard, promising Adrien that she would not hold back even if she was fighting her fashion idol. He meant more to her than he could possibly fathom. Adrien laughed, a deep and rich laugh, before pulling Marinette into a deep kiss and pressing their foreheads together. She twisted in his arms and rested her back against his chest again, tapping her fingers along the goosebumped skin of his right arm.  “We’re going to have to tell Alya and Nino that I’m Ladybug. Oh my god, Alya is going to lose her mind when she finds out that I’m Ladybug.”
“They...uh...they kinda already know,” Adrien’s voice gradually got quieter as he trailed the admission off. 
“Oh, good,” Marinette smiled and wiggled into a comfortable position in his arms. “Wait WHAT?!”
She shot forward and out of his embrace, flinging herself off the bed. Plagg and Tikki had barely moved in time not to be hit by a Marinette cannonball.
“How do they fucking know, Adrien?” Mari’s eyes were wider than he’d ever seen them before and she was pulling at her dark hair, pacing. “How on Gods quickly dying once green earth do they know and how did Alya keep it to herself?”
“Mari, calm down,” Adrien crawled forward on the bed and grabbed Marinette’s wrists, halting her pacing. “Alya guessed that I was Chat and then let it slip that Nino was Carapace and then I accidentally let it slip that you were Ladybug. They only found out last night, so it hasn’t been anything major and I honestly have no clue how Alya kept it to herself.”
Marinette’s breathing evened out as she eased onto the bed in front of Adrien. “Oh-okay,” She took one of Adrien’s hands and slotted their fingers together. “I wanna tell them.”
“Did you see the message Nino sent you on the Yoyo last night?” 
“Uh, no,” Mari looked really confused as Adrien tapped his fingers against the back of her hand. “Why-...,” Marinette paused, her eyes sweeping back and forth as she processed something. “You skipped out on your patrol, didn’t you?” She grinned at him. “You skipped out on your patrol to come and see me and you needed Nino to cover for you but Alya was already there.”
“Alya wasn’t already there, I asked her to meet me too so I could convince one of them to cover for me,” Mari flicked his forehead. 
“Do we wanna get suited up and get the gang together?” She lifted his wrist, the one with his watch on it and tapped the face. Alya would be patrolling tonight, and Marinette would be patrolling tomorrow night, so it was likely that Alya was already out and not finished her second round yet. If Nino had joined her last night, then he’d probably joined her tonight. 
“If you think that’d be best?” Adrien squeezed Mari’s hand. 
“I want to ask you something first,” Adrien inclined his head to indicate to Marinette that he was listening. “I want to give the Snake and Dragon miraculouses to Luka and Kagami permanently.”
“Okay,” Adrien gave a half smile and shrugged.
“Yeah, I think it’d be cool to have some extra hands on deck,” He started rubbing the back of her hand again. “We should give Pollen back to Chloe.”
Marinette was silent for a moment, her mouth forming words that never created sound. “I agree,” Adrien raised his eyebrows. “She was great as Queen Bee.”
“I didn’t expect you to take that so well,” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed their joined fingers. “What changed?”
“I overheard a conversation between Chloe and Sabrina today, and it changed my view on Chloe,”
“She finally asked Sabrina out, didn’t she?” Marinette blinked slowly.
“Finally?” Adrien puffed out a laugh.
“That’s why she was stuck to me during the holidays, she wanted advice on how to ask Sabrina out,” It was Marinette’s turn to laugh.
“Did you have much advice to give?” She stifled her giggles with the back of her free hand.
“Unsurprisingly, no, I’ve never asked anyone out in my entire life,” Marinette’s eyes bulged open as her giggles died down.
“Am I your first girlfriend, Adrien Agreste?” She sounded so disbelieving.
“Yeah,” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Am I your first boyfriend?”
Marinette’s face went bright red, she let go of Adrien’s hands and shoved him back on the bed so he couldn’t see how embarrassed she was.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Adrien propped himself up on his elbows to find Mari hiding her face in her hands. “Hey, don’t hide your face,” He sat up and pried her hands away from her crimson cheeks. “I love when you blush, it makes your freckles stand out so much more.” Her cheeks glowed an even darker red. “You’re so beautiful, Mari.” Adrien kissed her warm cheek.
“Oi, lovebirds, are we gonna get groovin’ or be mushy all night? I’ve got a nice wheel of cheese callin’ my name back at Casa de Agreste,” Adrien and Marinette pulled away from each other and looked at their Kwamis. 
“He’s right,” Adrien shrugged, pulling Mari off the bed. “You might want to put something other than pjs on if we’re going to unsuit for the gang.”
“You might want to put some shoes on,” Mari poked her tongue out at him as she walked to her dresser and pulled a pair of jeans out of it. Picking a soft grey, cotton shirt and a bra, Marinette dug the miraculous box out of her underwear drawer and put the Bee, Snake and Dragon miraculouses on top of the dresser. “Eyes to yourself while I change, Agreste.”
Her voice had taken the confident Ladybug tone that he adored so much, raising his hands in submission he grinned and turned around. Marinette slipped behind her changing screen and swapped her pyjamas out for her normal clothes.
“I’m going to have to go barefoot because I don’t have any shoes,” The sound of Marinette changing, the small thuds and rustling of clothes, had all the hair on his body standing ramrod straight. She laughed.
“Poor baby, you’re going to get cold feet,” Mari’s footfalls walking toward him had him turning around to face her. Marinette dumped the bundle of pyjama clothes on her bed and pulled a pair of sneakers out from a plastic bucket underneath. Adrien hadn’t seen her grab socks but she pulled the sneakers on over the top of some pale pink socks with lace fringing the top.
“Never when I’m with you,” He helped her to her feet. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” The two faced each other and took a deep breath in. “Tikki-,” “Plagg-,” “Spots on-,” “Claws out-,”
They transformed, looking at each other. Marinette’s suit was different now, though. It looked a bit like the suit Adrien had worn as Mister Bug, but there was padded armour around her shoulders, sides, breasts and the sides of her legs. Adrien’s Chat Noir suit hadn’t changed, of course it hadn’t because it was just the way he liked it. With a cheeky bow, Adrien extended his clawed had to Marinette.
“Mi’lady,” His pupils dilated as his dimpled grin made an appearance. Mari quickly turned and grabbed the miraculous boxes she’d put on top of her dresser, shoving them into the pockets that appeared when her suit had changed. There were no lumps or bumps where the boxes rested in her suit, the magic of it tucking them safely away. “Shall we get going?”
“Yes, we shall,” Marinette took Adrien’s hand and they leapt out into the cool night air.
~~~~~~TAGLINE~~~~~~~ @katieykat513 @lady-charinette @aussie-lesbian @mochegato @starkerismyking @nifflerstorm @hnbutt @maniic-pixie-dream-girl
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Forget About It ~ Sweet Pea (Part 1)
A/n: Whoa I kinda died huh? Got sucked into IT for a long time. And then the Umbrella Academy happened. And then I got hit with MAJOR depression and really heavy, bad vibes from all the dark stuff and tried to get super engrossed in lighter stuff like My Babysitter’s a Vampire but then that show ended in the DUMBEST way so in desperation I’ve returned for my fluff ball of love. Prepare for emotions.
Warnings. A! N! G! S! T! Arguing. Awkwardness. Violence, threatening, Archie Andrew’s weird red circle and gun phases. Panic attack. Fear. Betrayal. Abandonment. Archie Andrews being an idiot actually-
Pairings: Sweet Pea x Female Andrews!Reader
Song: "Forget About It" by All Time Low
Word Count: 4800+
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One, two, three! You, are a handful of roses, thorns in a cheap bouquet. True, I'm a walkin' disaster- they told you to stay away. Seems like I'm makin' a deal with the devil who's whispering softly to me, "Are you sure that she's the one?"
You’d think things were insane enough as it is. But, no, my brother was nothing if he wasn’t one to add on top of already existing problems. The Black Hood was out there somewhere, closing in and leaving a path of destruction in his wake. Our dad was in a bed recovering from a shot wound and I couldn’t get my brother to eat or sleep let alone put down the pure - kind of terrifying - insanity with the whole Red Circle stuff. After the video, I’d been keeping a close eye on Archie, going as far as to stalk him. Following him around. Checking his phone. If I did sleep, I slept very close to where he was. I was so worried and cautious that it made me crazy... the problem was that I was right.
Despite the fact that I had reason to act the way I did, we’d still been getting into more fights recently and I felt like a jealous, controlling girlfriend he was about to break up with any second... but I also felt absolutely terrified. I was watching my brother - the Mr. Cute and Perfect I’d always admired and looked up to and wanted to be and leaned on and depended on (some kids asked what mom or dad or Jesus would do, but my first thought used to be, "What would Archie do?") - fall apart, piece by piece. I found myself falling apart with him.
So, despite the million reasons to stay back and take care of myself and my friends (who were also seriously struggling), I found myself helicopter hovering over my dumbass older brother, staying on his heels even as he brought both of us into the South Side.
Initially he caught me off guard, tricking me into feeling complacent, sending me in to make dinner just to sneak off with a big black bag. It wasn’t until I finished the grilled cheese sandwiches that I returned to where I’d left him, only to find him gone. I tore through the whole house but... no sign. Because of my close attentiveness of my brother, I knew about absolutely everything. I hadn’t told anyone in fear of getting him in trouble, but I knew. I knew him so well these days that it was as if it was my own mind with my own ideas telling me to go to the South Side when I asked myself, "What would Archie do?" It made me flinch to realize that for the first time, I wasn’t doing the good thing. The honorable thing. I wasn’t using Archie as an example to be better. I was stooping to the level he’d lowered himself to, just to find him and drag his moronic, seemingly psychotic self back home and smack some damn sense into him.
And so, sleep deprived and hungry and ANGRY, I found myself running full speed as I spotted my red haired brother so I could catch up with him as he spray painted a wooden door with a huge red circle. Oh god...
Catching his arm, I pulled him away from the door. "Archie what the HELL?" I screeched.
He didn’t seem to register me for a beat but when it clicked, he was only looking at me a second. "Y/n? What are you-?" His eyes left me fluidly as if he hadn’t been that focused on me to begin with. His arm dropped to wrap around me, scooting me behind him. I turned around to see three boys approaching. It was dark, but I recognized the look of the jackets and one of their faces seemed very briefly familiar. With Archie setting me on edge, I’d spent more time with Betty and Jughead before I’d full deep dived into watching him. I’d met Toni once and these boys had that vibe. That look. Not something that was physical, like most people would see, but a way they carried themselves. The way the confidence and power settled in their hands and in their expressions. Something you could sense. Could feel in the very air around them. They were strong, at home, and in complete control.
I’d never been scared of the Serpents. I feared them in a respectful way. I kept my distance and my head down. I’d seen them at the Drive In before it closed down and, as previously mentioned, I’d met Toni one other time. So I’d seen them around, but I’d always kept my distance. Toni was a serpent but she was small and a generally sweet person who avoided trouble when she could. She was almost comfortable to be around. Real and genuine- a breath of fresh air after living in a plastic world that demanded too much at too high a price. A world that demanded perfection. Toni was pleasant to be around, even when she was pissed at Jughead- I usually sided with her anyway just because I thought everyone was dumb most days. These erpents weren't Toni though. Not in anyway. These Serpents were tall and built and terrifying. I felt myself cowering behind Archie as I would at school as he blocked me from Cheryl or Reggie. Archie had always been my protector and even in his unstable mental state I still had a sliver of faith in him.
"What the hell are you doing?" The tallest snapped in a commanding voice that made me swallow hard after a lump formed in my throat.
Archie shook his head and my eyes flickered to the spray can in his hands. "Hey back off, I’m not here for you." I tugged on his arm and he seemed ready to move on and past the boys, maybe more because I was here than he felt done with how well he’d made his bold, red statement.
"Oh yeah?" The tall Serpent sneered. "Then who’s this message for?" He motioned to the paining on the door and I gulped again, still trying to get rid of that lump in my throat. This was gonna get ugly. Archie’s body tensed under my hands. When the boy realized what Archie had painted, his voice grew quieter, and it seemed even scarier than the loud aggressiveness he’d spoken with before. The calm before the storm. The hiss before the bite. "Aw, hell, don’t tell me this is for the Black Hood?" I cringed at the name of my father’s almost murderer and the boy looked at me, an eyebrow popping up. I tugged on Archie’s arm again but he was refusing to budge. The boy’s words were getting under Archie’s skin. My anxiety was rising. After Archie realized the boy was looking at me he moved to block me better. The Serpent’s attention returned to the tagging. "You believe this guys?" He asked his friends mockingly. "And people say we’re the troublemakers." There was a pause as Archie silently tried to move past them to make a show of his man power or whatever. Too scared to approach I let go of him, staying where I was. I was relieved when they caught him, the tall one uttering a, “Whoa," as they did so. The trouble was still brewing, the steam and bubbles of the boiling water slamming against the lid and threatening to explode any second... but at least I wasn’t alone. "South Side Serpent country," the boy eased. But then his voice changed again. Threatening. Heavy. Dark. Dripping with anger and unspoken threats... No, not threats. Promises. "You can’t come here and tag our turf." I suddenly felt sick, realizing that Archie was trying to KEEP GOING when all I wanted to do was go home. What drugs was he ON?! "So get your ass back to the North Side," the Serpent continued venomously. His eyes found me again as a I took a step back, trying to become smaller and smaller until I could just disappear. "Before someone gets hurt."
My eyes went wider, my blood running cold. Maybe Archie could fight these guys off but I couldn't. "Arch," I whispered. "You shouldn't have come here, let's just-"
"Get out of my way,” Archie seethed, cutting me off. His breathing was ragged and I took another step back, startled by how Archie suddenly felt even more a threat then the Serpents he was facing.. "Or someone will get hurt."
The Serpent stepped forward, inhaling to speak again and I found myself panicking, surging forward to place myself between them. The Serpent stepped back but Archie was solid. I wondered if he even recognized that it was me standing there or if he just thought of me as an obstacle. My body began shaking, my eyes staring holes into my brother’s skull. "Archie, this is crazy," I croaked out. "Let’s go home. You’ve caused enough trouble for one night. You made your point. PLEASE!"
The Serpent smiled. "Listen to the girl. Go run home to daddy before things get ugly." And he drew a knife, the blade hoverijg near my arm.
Well shit.
I felt it before I saw it. Felt my brother’s arms move, felt the air snap and change as the tension broke and Archie’s last chord of either self control or sanity - or perhaps simply both - flew free of it’s tethering post, no longer holding Archie back. The gun was in his hand, the barrel sliding back loudly in my ear to make sure we all knew it was loaded. I choked on a scream and stumbled back, toward the Serpents. "Who made the mistake? WHO MADE THE MISTAKE?!"
“Arch-" I tried. But then his eyes turned on me and I tripped, taking more steps backward. He looked so angry. So driven by pure rage and so far past a simple breaking point that I didn’t see my brother anymore. The Archie I knew and loved and looked up to was simply... gone. And a monster was in his place. It wasn’t the gun that scared me, but the maniac that wielded it. I expected the barrel to suddenly turn and point at me, his hand to come down on the trigger. I whimpered, the sound high and quiet and wet.
I tripped, falling on my ass, and cried out in pain. That seemed to knock Archie out of it. The tears started to fall and I curled in on myself, arms over my head and knees pulled to my chest. I was crying an shaking violently. I’d been under too much pressure with the looming threat of a murder leisurely wandering around my town on top of almost losing my father to have the human equivalent of my security blanket turn violent against me. I felt a hand on my arm and I squealed, cringing away from it and shaking harder. "I..." Archie whispered. "I’m sorry." And then in a last bang of blazing idiocy, to top off all of the shit he’d pulled tonight, he left me. Alone. Mid breakdown. At night. On the South Side. WITH Serpents. After he’d waved a gun around and it had been established that we were both North Siders and knew each other.
When nothing happened I slowly looked up. The three Serpents were in front of me, the tall one still holding the drawn blade. "Please don’t hurt me," I croaked out. "You have no reason not to, but, please..." My habds reached out, palms open as if to push him away. My habds shook in the air.
Instantly the boy’s face softened. He kneeled down in front of me, his hand reaching out. My eyes flew to the blade and he frowned, withdrawing his hand. He held the knife out in front of me and then turned it, holding the blade toward him and offering it to me. I looked between him and it a few times. "Take it," he encouraged. "That way you won’t feel defenseless."
My head popped up so my words wouldn’t be muffled as I spoke softly. "I don’t want to hurt you either. Can we just agree not to hurt each other? I don’t want a knife just as I don’t want you to have a knife pointed at me. Why is it always violence with you people? God..."
The boy seemed to grow five years younger than when he had faced Archie, his face relaxing even more in surprise this time. He tilted his head, intrigued, and then the blade was gone and he put the sheathed weapon in his pocket. "Look, you’re cold and scared and... why are you out here?"
My face darkened. "My brother is a fucking psychopath," I spat. Emotions were ramming against my insides, controlled but painful to keep in. And after losing Archie to whatever madness he’d finally succumbed to, this boy no longer looked at all threatening. I wanted to trust him and he looked so human and normal and kind that I let myself trust him, even though a small part of the back of my brain screamed hysterically for me to keep being diligent. Even if he was a good person, he was still a Serpent and this place was still dangerous. He could turn on me any second. He was a stranger. And yet I ignored that part of my brain and trusted him anyway. "Came to stop him. Save him, maybe. From himself." My eyes unfocused as I stared through my fingers, past the boy who's name I still didn't know. "Guess I forgot to keep myself safe." I whispered that, my voice sounding far away and almost distorted.
Heavy silence fell and it was weird to feel so comfortable with these boys when just ten minutes ago I’d placed Archie between us as protection. So much had changed in just a minute. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling anymore. Except cold. I was feeling cold. I shivered again, more forcefully. The boy sighed, hanging his head for a second before looking at his friends and then back at me. "My name is Sweet Pea. Can you trust me?" I paused and then shrugged, nodding. "It’s late. Do you want to go home? I can take you..." my eyes went wide and he nodded. "Thought so. Is there anyone at home you should be worried about keeping him alone with?" I shook my head. Despite his breakdown, Archie wouldn’t shoot our dad. The boy nodded, moving and shifting around. I realized what was happening when he put his jacket around me, moving to my side. My hands were still in the air and it felt silly but my body was locked, unresponding. "Will you come with me? I know we’re strangers but I’m not gonna leave some little thing like you to roam around the South Side and find some hole to sleep in because you’re too scared to go home." He pressed his hand against mine, using touch to knock me out of it. My other hand dropped, my body relaxing. He was warm. "I won’t hurt you, okay? I just want you to be safe." He was quiet and gentle and when our eyes met, I felt... I couldn't put a name to it.
I nodded and he stood, pulling me after him. Our hands dropped away from each other. I looked at him, cocking my head. "Why are you helping me? My brother just..." my throat closed, refusing to allow me to say it.
Sweet Pea frowned. "He’s a genuine lunatic, sure. But you’re terrified and shaken up real bad." He paused. "I guess I can’t look at a lost person and not offer my help."
Our eyes met again and we stared at each other with mutual intrigue, like we saw something in the other that drew us in and was confused by it. I was suddenly realizing he looked different than when I first saw him, more than just younger abd less intense. The strength that accompanied the kindness in Toni was mirrored perfectly in Sweet Pea. A big, friendly giant. I was stunned to remember that his tall, muscly build had scared me before. He was so gentle and kind. I don’t know what he saw in me, but two strangers had met and suddenly become acquaintances under a truce in a split second. Half of me felt it was deliciously dangerous, dancing like this with a Serpent. The other half of me was tired and wanted to feel safe, just for a second. Both sides agreed that it was odd that I found that need for safety in the dark color of his eyes. "Yeah," I voiced finally. "Yeah that’s okay." Sweet Pea nodded, his hand moving to my back to guide me with the smallest amount of pressure he could while still applying it at all. I stepped closer to him, taking comfort in his warmth. His hand pressed harder to me, more protective.
I don’t know what just happened, but this definitely would not be the last time I would see Sweet Pea. I wouldn’t allow it.
Amidst all the chaos, I found myself on the South Side a lot more than I had reason to be. The night Sweet Pea and I met, he took me home. I collapsed on the couch, curling in a ball and hiding under his jacket. There was a pause before he mumbled, "I was gonna offer you the bed but... okay." I thought he was going to be gone for the rest of the night when I heard him leave, but only a moment later his footsteps pattering against the trailer floor was heard as he returned. I peeled out of the jacket to see him with a pillow and blanket, offering it to me. I sat up, the jacket falling into my lap as I took the offerings with a small smile. I put them down next to me on the couch before raising the jacket, offering it in return. He paused for a second. "Keep it for tonight," he told me.
My eyes had widened. "But it’s your Serpent jacket."
Sweet Pea paused for a second before he sat on the table next to he couch so he wouldn’t tower over me so much. "You feel safe in it huh? Like, more than a jacket has ever made you feel before." I paused and then realized he was right, nodding. He smiled. "That jacket means a lot more than just what it actually is. I first got that jacket after joining the Serpents to support my mom. I was too young to do anything else, and the Serpents already had so many of my friends - my family. So I joined because that’s what we are. A family. A united force. That jacket is the only thing in this entire world that has ever made me feel safe." He paused. "You need to feel safe. And as far as I’m concerned, here, you are safe. Always. I don’t like your brother and I don’t like that someone as good as you has to deal with him." He smiled, his nose scrunching, and a funny feelings bloomed in my stomach and chest, spreading throughout my body very slowly. The feeling was new but pleasant. "You’re not a normal North Sider."
I smiled. "Thank you."
He nodded, standing. "Just don’t run off with it."
My smile widened and he seemed to forget how to walk for a split second as he looked at me. "Promise." If an hour before this someone had told me I’d be in a Serpent’s trailer, sleeping on a couch with a blanket and a pillow, taking comfort from a Serpent jacket, I would have laughed so hard I’d peed myself, and then I’d have avoided that person for the next ever because I would have been worried they were crazy or on drugs. But that night I slept better than I had every night since Jason Blossom had died. For once the whole world simply faded out and I slipped into a dreamless sleep that was refreshing and peaceful and nothing else.
He fed me breakfast the next day, insisting, and I had to admit he was a good cook. I’d called my dad after that, letting him know I was okay and delivering him some lie about crashing at Jughead’s after ranting to him about my stresses at school and in general. My dad sighed and seemed to not like the idea of me sleeping in the South Side but allowed it this time. Sweet Pea offered me a ride to school and I laughed, telling him no only because my brother would lose his SHIT if he saw Sweet Pea again. He insisted that he didn’t care what my brother thought but I didn’t want to drive Archie to tell my dad the truth about last night and upset him while he was recovering. He understood that and we agreed to compromise. He drove me all the way to the first houses in the North Side and I walked the rest of the way to school, thanking him for everything. He asked if I would visit again. I said maybe.
I didn’t. I wanted to, but I had so much sense and fear hit me after I got home again. My brother was still acting weird except that Veronica was in on it now. He made her aware of the gun and what happened and I sat in my bed upstairs, pretending I couldn’t hear them argue while dad went to some meeting at the school. I found myself wanting to be with Sweet Pea again and hated that my brain was defaulting to him as a safe place. Serpents weren’t safe. North and South siders didn’t mix. Especially me being Archie’s sister- it was a BAD IDEA! ...Yet I wanted it so badly.
So when I heard a knock at the door, I couldn’t even try to lie to myself as I flew from my bed, hoping it was him even though I knew what trouble and chaos it would cause if it was. I wanted him to be here, checking on me and making sure I was okay and ready to whisk me away to his cozy little home I wanted to go back to so badly. Veronica got to the door before me, revealing Reggie and the other Bulldogs with pizzas in tow. I felt sick to feel so disappointed, ignoring everyone else even as Reggie waved at me. They moved into the living room and I plopped on the steps, arms crossed over my knees and my chin resting on top. They were talking about supporting each other and I felt disgusted to be so close to them. They were STILL going after the Red Circle shit? SERIOUSLY?! What would it take for them to learn? Who would have to die?
Revving engines knocked me out of my train of thought but my anger was still there. I knew the engines were motorcycles only because I’d memorized each second of the sound while Sweet Pea had given me a ride to the boarder of the North Side, just like I’d tried to memorize every other detail of my time with him. I didn’t let myself think it was him this time though, instead falling into memory to satiate the ache I had now. I didn’t know him well and it wasn’t like I was about to claim I was in love with him, but he made me feel good and I hadn’t felt so in a long time. It was addicting.
Ronnie was first to the door again, calling Archie over "trouble". Putting together their talk of the Red Circle and what she would consider trouble worth warning Archie specifically, my head popped up and suddenly I was a lot more scared than hopeful. A part of me still wanted it to be him but now that it seemed it was, that half of me that wanted to avoid the ‘trouble’ it would ensue was pushy and demanding, screaming and overruling the other half. When the door opened, I shot to my feet and moved down to the last step of the stairs, my eyes on Sweet Pea instantly. I hadn’t realized just how handsome he was. That odd observation sunk in a second before Archie and Sweet Pea locked eyes and their passionate hate for each other exploded as tangible tension in the room.
"How stupid are you North Siders?" Sweet Pea snapped. He hadn’t seen me yet but it still felt like a slap in the face. I was a North Sider. Sweet Pea took a step closer to my brother. "You really think you can come to my house, stick a gun in my face, in front of my boys, and there wouldn’t be any pay back?" My stomach twisted, because honestly he had a point. I was still mad at Archie about that... even if it had brought me to meeting Sweet Pea.
Reggie grabbed the door, opening it wider to reveal the rest of the Bulldogs. "You really have crap timing bro," he told Sweet Pea slowly. Their voices were full of so much hate that I shivered, my breaths becoming more shallow. "Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch." My fists clenched. My crazy brother and his stupid friends were threatening the Serpents. The only sane people in all of fucking Riverdale, who were protecting their home and their people from gun wielding maniacs like the idiot I was related to. I felt protective but suddenly torn. The Serpents weren’t my family. Archie was. Putting myself between them would make a statement, and there was no reason for the Serpents to take me in. Although I was fine leaving Riverdale high and my shell of a brother behind, leaving my dad behind was another story. So I stayed in place, my hands curling tighter and tighter as I tried to hold myself back.
"We’ll see," Sweet Pea cooed dangerously. "And the more the merrier." He had meant to look at the Bulldogs, challenging them, but as he took a step inside the house, his eyes landed on me. I only realized because I was staring daggers at the back of Reggie’s head, my face undoubtedly red with rage as I practically shook with how powerful the emotion was. I was glaring at Reggie and Archie and even Veronica and all these stupid North Siders I no longer wanted to be apart of when Sweet Pea stepped back, his movement catching my eye. Our gazes met and I softened instantly, my face exploding with agony and apology and regret.
I don’t know how he knew, but he seemed to know about me. Know what I was thinking and how I was feeling. Suddenly whatever invisible chord that had been between us, tying us together and gently pulling at us to return to each other, was now stronger. Thicker. Harder to ignore. For a split second he nodded to me and I don’t know what he was confirming exactly but I know that my decision was made when it came to my brother. When it came to Archie. This Archie that was twisted. This Archie who was dark and dangerous and threatening and crazy. This Archie that was not mine. This Archie I would not claim even if it meant siding with people who were practically strangers.
Veronica set some ground rules, which I was thankful for. We all filtered out of the house. Archie reached out to stop me but I jerked away from him, glaring at him ferociously. He physically stuttered, his body processing the hateful look I gave him. One he had never seen on my face. One he could not even imagine me showing, let alone directing at him. Despite that, Reggie offered me a ride since I made it aparant without words that I was going- even if I had to go by foot. So we all made our way to the hidden corner Sweet Pea had out for the fight. And everyone took their side, Veronica far behind the Bulldogs in her cloak. I moved to the side, far out of the fight still but not behind the Bulldogs. Archie threw the first lunch and I took several steps back to separate myself even more as the two groups converged on each other.
I didn’t like violence. I never did. The fighting made me sick, my face twisting with distaste and I want as I rejected the scene before me. Dilton was was suddenly bleeding, his knife buried in him. And then there was a gun shot and I jumped, soaking wet from the rain as the Serpents scattered, Sweet Pea calling a retreat when we all saw Veronica with the gun in the air. Bulldogs ran to their cars to help Dilton. Archie called to me. I stumbled back, away, eyes wide with fear and hate. Violence. All this violence. All this aggression and it was getting us NOWHERE. It was causing endless problems and issues and I hated all of it. I hated all of them. He called my name again and I turned first toward the North Side. But the Bulldogs were that way. My brother and his friends were the North Side. The Black Hood was the North Side. I turned away, running toward the South Side. And I didn’t stop running. Not even for a second.
"You know he’s trouble, right?" Betty told me one day. After the whole thing blew up, I’d called my dad and told him I couldn’t be home anymore. At least not for a little while. I had a panic attack over the phone and broke down and told him EVERYTHING and he paused before stating he understood. He asked where I’d stay and I told him I’d figure it out. The next hour after he hung up he called again to let me know Jughead was okay with me staying at his place until I felt good coming home again. He had always been a good dad. Understanding and supportive. These were extenuating circumstances. I was just glad that he let me get out of there. I might have strangled Archie in his sleep.
I was still going to Riverdale High, Sweet Pea giving me rides to the boarder as he did that first day. I avoided Archie at school and eventually he just gave me my space when all of his attempts failed. Sweet Pea and I began to hang out a lot though. Like, a lot. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed. Betty was the one who noticed, and, predictably, she had a word to put into the situation.
Shrugging, I didn’t even look at her to recognize that she had spoken as I focused on my homework. "We all have damage, Betty. I’m not pristine glass and smooth surfaces either." I looked her dead in the eye. "Maybe danger runs in the Andrews bloodline more than you think."
She didn’t have anything to say after that.
Forever Tag List: @bitchyseawitch @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21
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ghoulsandsunflowers · 6 years
Raindrop Prelude - Chapter 6
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12988278/chapters/32333424
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 ___________________________________
If you had asked Hide before whether he liked silence, he would have probably considered the question for a few minutes before concluding that no, he didn't. Silence to him was, in most cases, a reminder that there was noone there to fill it.
An empty thing.
The notion that a silence could be "full" was something that only occurred to Hide as he sank into the back of his couch, leaning his weight on a warm body besides him. Hide's blanket had been spread over Kaneki and he, cocooning them both.
Kaneki was asleep.
After having spent the past day or two unconscious, Hide was more than happy to stay awake now, however drowsily, as Kaneki got what looked like some much needed shut-eye.
Perhaps to call it complete silence would be a bit of an exaggeration. From his place on Kaneki's shoulder, Hide could hear puffs of air as Kaneki snored lightly. If he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could hear the quietest ruffle of sheets as Kaneki's chest moved with every breath. It would be a lie to say Hide could hear any heartbeat - he'd have to place his ear on Kaneki's chest, and as nice as that sounded, he was in no place to wake the poor guy up.
It was enough that he was so close to Kaneki right now - he knew, logically, that he should probably still be keeping his distance to avoid contamination, but damn was this comfy.
Hide turned his head on Kaneki's shoulder to look up at his face.
It was frankly mesmerising how peaceful he looked when he slept. Hide knew that when he was asleep, his mouth would hang open and he probably drooled plenty. Not to mention he'd fall asleep in a perfectly normal position only to wake up, like, hanging upside down or on the floor or something.
Hide prayed that Kaneki wouldn't mind Hide appreciating his face as he slept.
He brought up one hand to run a thumb over his cheek. They had what seemed to be a permanent blush, a light dusting of rose as if he had kissed by a fairy or something equally dumb.
He drew his hand up further to feel Kaneki's hair. It was soft to the touch, if a little ruffled for having been asleep for the best part of two hours.
Kaneki let out a small groan and shifted, and Hide retracted his hand quickly. Shit, had he woken Kaneki up? Abort, abor-
Kaneki sighed in his sleep and brought his arm around Hide, pulling him closer.
Hide allowed himself the tiniest of smirks. He supposed this would be okay.
"I'm not watching that."
"But Kaneki! You're the one who suggested we watch a movie!"
"I stand by that, but I also refuse to believe that 'Shark Tale' is the only movie you own."
"Yeah okay that was a lie. I just really want you to see Shark Tale. But if you're so desperate to have a shitty time, I've got Netflix. And that gives us an infinite variety of terrible horror movies I can guarantee neither of us will enjoy."
"Wow, aren't I spoilt for choice. It's almost as if zero of the options you have given me are appealing."
Hide couldn't hide his grin at that.
"You're only saying that because you're still drowsy with sleep. Poor baby, rest your sweet head whilst papa Hide puts on Shark Tale."
"Hide, if you mention Shark Tale one more time I'm throwing Bradley out the window."
"Hey now! No need for that! If you're going to threaten our children at least have the decency to remember all their names first."
Kaneki failed to force down a smile as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Humour me."
Hide sat up and rubbed his hands together.
"Oh yeah, here we go."
Hide pointed to a couple of potted succulents perching in front of the sofa he and Kaneki were on.
"That's, Ringo, the one next to him is George."
"Like the musici-"
"Yes, like the musicians, well spotted. Over there - no, on the coffee table, the flower to the far left is Macbeth, next to him is Francis Xavier and then there's Rachmaninoff but we just call him Rach."
Kaneki gave an appreciative hum as he studied the small plants atop the coffee table.
"I'm sensing a historical theme. I didn't know you had such an intellectual side to you, Hide."
"Oh no, you were right, I absolutely don't. It just so happens Francis Xavier is a super cool name and perfect for an aloe."
Kaneki laughed and nodded before gesturing towards a window sill on the far left of the wall where four small cacti sat in a row.
"How about those ones then? I'm hoping for more Shakespeare."
"Ah wonderful, prepare to be disappointed. Those are Stanley, Eric, Kyle and Kenneth. Then to the next window along, where you'll find the flowers you so kindly re-potted for me, we have Bret, Reigen, Paul, Kuzuryu and Kaito. And how could I forget good ol' Bradley," Hide concluded, gesturing proudly towards the ever present anthurium set besides his TV. "Want me to introduce you to everyone in the kitchen?"
"It's funny, that would've actually made more sense without the context," Kaneki mused. "And you've already thrown too many names at me for now. I think I need some time to process."
He held the sides of his head and scrunched up his nose.
It took Hide an embarrassing amount of willpower to not lean forward and give his nose the tiniest of boops. Instead he settled with laughing and lowering his head back onto Kaneki's shoulder, who responded in turn by resting his head atop Hide's.
"Well alright then. We can revise the names another time." Hide let out a breath that could have been a laugh or a sigh. "You've done enough for me."
Kaneki hummed from the back of his throat. "I don't think I ever could."
"Pfft. As if." Hide countered. He sat up slightly to face Kaneki with his eyebrows raised. "I would most likely be dead if you hadn't come to take care of me. If it wasn't enough that you missed work, you had to spend two days lugging after my sick ass and even had the grace to clean up the danger zone."
"The danger zone."
"Yeah, the living room had kind of become a toxic wastebin for the habits of Disaster Hide." Hide leant back into the sofa so he didn't have to look Kaneki in the eye.
When he continued, he could barely raise his voice above a murmur.
“I’m sorry you had to see that side of me.”
Kaneki was looking forward but his eyes were concentrated on nothing. Hide figured he’d let him think.
It was at least another couple of minutes before Kaneki took a breath and began to speak.
“I think one mistake we make when we evaluate people is that we see them as if they’re, like, squares.”
Hide couldn’t say he understood. He just kept silent and allowed Kaneki to take the time he needed to continue.
“We just imagine that people have completely different sides to them. Like, the side of the square that faces everybody is one Hide. And the side that drinks on it’s own and smokes to, to fill something, that’s another Hide.”
Kaneki looked down at his hands.
“I don’t know if you think that’s what you are, Hide. A basic shape with different sides. As if the different sides to you are bad, or not who you really are, or not who you want to be.”
Kaneki turned his head slowly to look at Hide in the eye. Hide couldn’t seem to find it in him to breathe as he did the same.
“But…” Kaneki continued, “I don’t really see any of you as a different side to Hide. You’re more like a circle than a square. That is to say, um…” Kaneki cleared his throat. “Whenever I see you sad, or happy, or when you’re having to force politeness to rude customers, or when you cry during sad movies…” Kaneki looked away again, his eyes unfocusing. As he did, Hide noticed him slide his hand into Hide’s under the duvet.
Hide grasped it like a lifeline.
“Whenever you make me laugh so hard I cry, or you tell me you feel lonely… I don’t… I don’t see them as different sides to you. They’re all just Hide.”
“Just Hide,” Hide whispered.
Kaneki squeezed his hand.
“Please… please don’t hide, or, or reject yourself just because you think there are bad sides to you, Hide.” Kaneki’s voice was just a whisper now. A little croaky. He sniffed.
“If… if you can’t love just Hide then I will.” Kaneki’s breath caught in his throat. “I’ll love just Hide and all of Hide until you do too, and then after that.”
The hand Hide was holding was shaking. Hide couldn’t think of what to do but hold it ever tighter.
He knew his eyes must be wide. He could feel his mouth hanging open. He tried to force words out but only managed a choked whisper.
Hide barely had time to notice Kaneki’s reddened face scrunch up and tears roll down his cheeks before he used the hand not holding Hide’s to bring the duvet to his face, as if to hide behind it.
“I… I couldn’t not love you, Hide,” Kaneki choked into the duvet. “I-if you don’t want me to then I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You can try to forget, if you’d like, but if anyone deserves to know that they’re loved…”
Kaneki hiccupped and buried his face further into the bedsheet. shuddering with suppressed sobs.
Hide felt as if his heart had stopped. As if time itself had been put on hold for the weeping soul beside him, clasping his hand as if it were the last time he ever could.
Hide tried once, twice, to respond.
No words came.
Hide took a steady breath and looked ahead as Kaneki had.
If he could not formulate a response, Hide could say something else. He could start from the beginning.
“I’ve never loved someone before.” He began. He didn’t know where to focus his eyes. He couldn’t seem to zone out, so he eventually settled on Bradley on the far side of the room.
“I’m not even sure I even love my own mother. I thought I did. Maybe I really do. I always presumed I did because I was supposed to.”
Hide noticed that Kaneki’s breathing had calmed a little. His face was still hidden, but he didn’t object when Hide shuffled ever closer to him.
“I don’t think I know quite what love is. I don’t know if I ever really have been loved before.”
Now Hide looked down at his one hand resting above the bedsheet.
“But I know some things.” Deep breath. “I know that you are my favourite person. I know that being with you feels like home, and that I would do anything if only to hear you laugh. I know that I want to come back to you every day for the rest if my life, and, and hold onto you as close as I can. And if you’d let me, I’d never ever let go.”
Hide looked down to where Kaneki was hunched over, now perfectly still.
“And now I’m saying it out loud, I think that’s what love is.”
Oh so slowly, Kaneki lifted his head to face Hide with a look of utter disbelief. His cheeks were red and tearstained, his eyes watery and bloodshot.
Hide didn’t know if he’d ever seen someone so beautiful.
Later on, Hide would reflect on how barely he registered moving towards Kaneki, or how Kaneki moved in unison with him. He wouldn’t remember whether they threw their arms around each other first, or whether it was their lips that met. But he would never forget the bliss of Kaneki’s lips against his for the first time, or how his fists scrunched up the back of Hide’s shirt in a tight embrace. Kaneki’s lips were soft, if a little chapped. Lips almost sweet, but let’s be real, since when do lips actually taste of anything.
Perhaps most memorable of all was when they separated, and rested their foreheads against each other. Hide looked as deep as he could into Kaneki’s eyes, committing every detail to memory.
Kaneki smiled, wide, and spoke in a low voice.
“God, you are such a dumbass.”
Then they laughed. It started out as a mutual giggle, then grew until Kaneki was howling and wiping tears from his eyes, and Hide was burying his face in Kaneki’s sweater and shaking with laughter.
They calmed down eventually, unlikely as that seems.
As Kaneki leant back on the couch, Hide leant his ear on his chest.
He could hear Kaneki’s shuddering breaths as his laughter calmed, the shuffling of the bedsheets over the both of them. And when he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could hear Kaneki’s heartbeat.
Hide didn’t really need to hear anything else.
The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was his hand, still entangled with Kaneki’s, gentle but firm.
Kaneki was warm.
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Can I request a college au scenario where a girl suddenly asked Kuroo to be a nude model for her photography competition?? (I am melting just trying to imagine Kuroo posing nude) at first he wanted to be cool etc. but turns out the girl is interested in his dorky self and so she tries to make him laugh during photoshoot. Or it can be just a normal portrait (not nude) it is up to you!
Okay… So for this one… I kinda stole the idea from a NatsuxLucy (Fairy Tail) fic I read a LONG time ago… And I really REALLy loved it…. So the fic I read was pretty lengthy and had a few angsty parts, but this will just be the condensed version, basically… I don’t really have too much time to make an entire fic haha! Thanks for Requesting! - Admin Satori
Kuroo Tetsurou:
How in the hell were you supposed to do this assignment? Nude drawings? Of someone you knew? Someone who spoke to not only to your art form but to your very spiritual core? You huffed and tossed your paperwork off to the side, watching it slide just a bit out of the way and start to fall off the bench you were sitting on. You suddenly lunged for it, trying to grab just the edges when suddenly a large hand appeared on the other end of the paperwork, catching it just in time. Your wide eyes slowly traveled up the toned arm to meet a pair of golden eyes. “T-Tetsurou?” You blinked in surprise, not having expected him of all people to be attending the same school as you.
Kuroo smiled, “_____! Hey, how’ve you been?” His voice was calm, testing the waters of whatever acquaintance he still had with you. You’d grown up with Kuroo, had dated him for a few months back in middle and early high school. But things had gotten in the way, and the two of you had slowly lost touch over the years….
Try as you may, date as many guys after him as you had…
Yet, your heart still belonged to him.
“I’m doing great! Wow, it’s been a long time.” You smiled fondly up at him, barely seeing his hand place your items back on the bench within reach. “You have classes here? I would have thought the big shot you are would have gone on to be Tokyo’s greatest volleyball player!” You teased, knowing he’d, at one point, truly dreamed of becoming a national player.
His hand waved you off and you couldn’t help but laugh softly, “I’m nearly 24, ____. I can’t be daydreaming of the national team that never will be.” Kuroo chuckled, “They’re loss really.” He shrugged before taking a seat next to you, your school bag being the only thing separating the two of you on the bench. “What’s all this then?” He asked, pulling your assignment back from your bag and reading it over. Your eyes widened and quickly took the paper from him, not wanting him to see the embarrassment you’d have to be put through.
“Nothing…. Just a dumb assignment…. You know… I need a few electives before graduation is even a possibility…. So I thought ‘why not take art? It’ll be easy!’”
“And you got slapped in the face with the nude drawing assignment?” He raised a dark eyebrow at you, and, still, you didn’t meet his gaze, your cheeks dusted in a light blush. “I’ll do it for you.” He offered suddenly, and your eyes immediately snapped to meet his, “I’ll be your model.” He smirked at you, leaning towards you, squishing your backpack between his thigh and yours, “You just have to try not to fall in love with what you see.”
You laughed and pushed him away playfully, “You’re so dumb.” You mumbled before shaking your head and standing up with your things, “I couldn’t ask that of you, Tetsurou… Although we may have dated for a few months, you know as well as I do that neither of us saw each other naked, so I don’t know if I’d be too comfortable with that.” You admitted easily, moving your backpack to your chest to be able to put your paperwork back in it’s proper place.
He stared up at you from beneath his dark lashes, and your breath stilled in your throat from the intense sight. What you wouldn’t give to actually draw that stare of his and keep it for yourself. The project be damned. But his smirk made your mind clear and remind yourself that he wasn’t exactly the serious type, he didn’t really seem like he’d let you live down drawing him in all his glory. And if you drew him wrong? Sketched something completely different than how it was? Forget ever being able to think without his teasing and mocking. You knew he wasn’t saying anything for a reason. He was trying to smolder you into agreeing and have him be your model. And for fuck sake if it wasn’t working.
Sighing in defeat, knowing this was going to be one hell of a project, you closed your eyes and nodded, “Fine, Tetsurou… you can be my model.” You mumbled, “Be at my apartment around 8 next Monday… and we can get started.”
Next Monday came, and while Kuroo was undressing in your ‘art studio’, which was just a section of your bedroom that you’d designated with the best lighting for your art, you were quietly panicking in the bathroom.
The week between meeting him since high school and today had blurred past you in a series of small dates with the stranger turned close friend. He’d taken you for coffee, dinner, lunch, he’d buy your breakfast and he’d even run errands for you. You couldn’t fathom why either! You couldn’t even tell if he was confused that this was simply a project and not something you’d planned to get him back.
But each and every one of his actions towards you, his favors, his running your errands… his thoughtfulness towards you, it filled you with hope. Maybe you two would get back together.
A knock at the door scared you out of your delusions and you looked towards it with wide panicked eyes. “____? You ready to sketch this perfection?” Kuroo called through the door and you wanted to smack that smirk out of his voice. Maybe you didn’t want the two of you to get back together after all.
“I’m coming.” You called back lamely, taking a deep breath and washing your face in water before opening the door. He stood just outside the doorway, his right hand leaning on the wood of it while his left hand held a towel in place around his waist. You had to pause for a moment, blinking a few times to try to make sense of what it was you were supposed to be doing again. How could someone so infuriating and annoying be so… goddamn attractive? He smiled down at you, his black hair as messy as ever and covering half his face. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from drooling before maneuvering around him as best you could, “Come on, the assignment is due next week.” You reminded, forcing yourself from looking back at him and feel your insides warming at how fluidly and perfectly, even gracefully, his body moved as he followed you.
“You have time… I mean.. I’m not really sure how thought out this project needs to be, but all that’s left now is you to actually draw me…” He shrugged, following your instruction as you placed him on your rented model stand, moving him around to best suit your art style. He watched you closely, even when you turned his head to best fit what form you were going for, and the way your eyes focused so intensely on his bare skin made his heart almost beat out of his chest. He still loved you. Years later, and you were still on his mind, running through his dreams, reminding him to better himself. He wanted you back, he truly did - that’s why he’d taken up this opportunity to be your model… So he could spend his days with you while his dreams were filled with you during the night.
Finally the moment for his towel to be removed came and your hands shook as you reached for the fabric - his only cover from your eyes. His eyes watched you intensely, and you couldn’t help but notice the small blush on his cheeks as your hand made contact with the towel, the slightest pressure making his usually calm nerves suddenly become erratic. You suddenly cleared your throat before pulling the towel from his waist, tossing it behind you so as not to hide from the entire view of his body.
You didn’t really know what you’d been expecting. He was a tall young man, dark bedhead hair, long long legs that you felt went on forever, everything about him was relatively big… And his penis was no different. While the moment called for embarrassment, Kuroo was thankful he wasn’t sporting a hard on with your first viewing of all of him. But he knew the more you looked at it, the more self conscious he’d become about his size and his exposure.
Realizing the moment was becoming a bit more embarrassing than an artist needs to make it for their model, you stepped back, tilting your head this way and that to make sure everything looked in place. Everything. The assignment asked for an organic type of pose, not something completely robotic and mechanical looking. Sighing, you sat down and pulled the paper close to you, getting ready to work your magic. “Okay…. Tetsurou…” You called quietly, seeing his golden eyes trained on you still, “Don’t move.” You instructed, seeing his lips quirk in a small smirk before you were focused on getting his exact likeness in your drawing.
“This just looks absolutely awful…” You groaned into your hands after closing your journal. It’d been a whole week since he first came to pose for you, and almost every day since you’d worked endlessly on the art piece so it was absolutely perfect. You’d barely had any sleep, and you were wearing yourself almost completely ragged; Kuroo saw this, and not only felt enormously guilty for not being the perfect model, but also felt concerned over your dedication. Were you putting this much effort just because it was him? Or did you give this much of yourself in all of your pieces? When you both had reunited a little over a week ago, you’d spoken of the class as if it was something to laugh at, so he figured you’d just half ass it and turn it in…
He looked over at you, breaking his pose and seeing you visibly shaking. Kuroo integrally panicked before grabbing the towel to wrap around his waist and walk over to you. He took a seat next to you and let his right arm rest on the other side of your body as he nudged you with his shoulder, “No way - if you’re the artist, I’m sure it’s perfect!” He tried to encourage, but couldn’t really formulate what exactly he wanted to say. His left hand reached for the journal, but you slapped it away. His hand recoiled and he gave you a shocked expression, “What? I can’t even see it?”
You shook your head, “No. It’s completely just a mess… I can’t get your likeness at all.. Every time I try… It’s like my hand automatically reverts to cartoons and hard lines…” You whined, tossing your head back and feeling only a little surprise when the base of your head came into contact with his shoulder. You groaned and closed your eyes, “I think I’m just going to drop the class… Then I can take something better or easier - it’s just an elective anyway…” You muttered, your frown slowly turned into a pout and you crossed your arms over your chest; Now you were just being childish.
Kuroo smiled down at you, and before he could actually think about what he was doing… His lips were gently pressed against your pouting ones. You only tensed for a moment, having not expected him to make his move at this juncture of your struggling, but in the next second you were kissing him back. No one said anything, there was no apologies for inviting himself into your personal space, and there was no hesitation or rejection coming from your end. It’s almost as if the two of you just continued where you’d left off back in high school.
Only…. He was still naked.
You don’t know when or how this had happened; when you’d fallen for him all over again, so easily, without any fear. But you had. You’d always loved him, but falling in love with him all over again had definitely been an adventure for the both of you. An unexpected turn in your lives, two souls finding one another again after time apart. And you were completely positive your hearts and your souls would continue to find each other - no matter how many times the two of your separated.
The morning light streamed through your blinds right into your eyes, and you inhaled suddenly as you were pushed into the conscious world. You blinked a few times, holding your hand in the way of the sunlight so your eyes were thrown in the shade once more, trying to get your bearings. You closed your eyes again, feeling your body come into your senses once more, feeling soreness.
Your eyes snapped open and you sat up in your bed, looking down at your body as the sheet fell away to reveal your decorated skin. The decorations being hickies and bruises. You blinked, not understanding what it was you were currently seeing, not understanding what you’d just done with the person sleeping in the bed next to you…
Turning your head, you finally realized someone was sleeping next to you. As peaceful as ever, Kuroo slept while facing you, his left arm thrown out and resting over your waist while his other was bunched up under the pillow under his head, his lips were a little bruised and slightly parted; You could hear his steady breath as he continued to dream, his lips twitching into a serene smile now and then, and you wondered what it was he was dreaming about. Though, you had an idea of what it could be. His hair, as bedhead as it usually is, was actually pushed back from his face while he slept, making his expression look all the more relaxed with the new reveal of the right side of his face.
Something was running through your veins, and you reached over him as quietly and discreetly as you could to grab your sketching journal. Sitting back, keeping his arm on your waist, you focused all your energy into drawing his likeness into the paper; the only sound in the morning light being the scratching of your pencil on the paper, and yours and Kuroo’s combined breathing. Though, focusing so much on your drawing, you noticed you were holding your breath most of the time. Motivation wasn’t what pushed you - it wasn’t even inspiration… It was something more. Something stronger that pulled your hand over the paper, getting all his angles and gentle curves - every point in his messy hair to the very delicate curvature of his lips and eyelashes.
The final product was… There were no words for how not only perfect it’d come out, but for how the picture you’d drawn almost completely mirrored the peaceful man beside you. You placed your journal and drawing utensils off to the side of the bed, knowing your class wasn’t until later that day, before curling up in the blankets once more, scooting as close to Kuroo as you dared. But you didn’t have to worry about waking him up by getting too close, because once he’d felt you start to stir, he pulled you close to his body with the arm that was laying on you. You tensed just the slightest, waiting for some teasing remark from him or even some snarky confidence - but the only thing you heard was a content exhale. You closed your eyes and let your ear rest against his chest, hearing his heart beating strong in his chest. And you realized…
His heart beat matched yours - exactly. In every way possible. You felt connected to this man in more than just the physical sense. You felt it spiritually. You felt his soul entwining with yours, and you knew you could overcome anything as long as he was by your side.
Your teacher said you’d mastered the assignment.
Edit: So I realized after making the entire scenario that the request was for PHOTOGRAPHY!!!!!….. I done goofed!!!!! Uuughhh But I hope you like it, sweetheart!!! Please accept my apologies!!!! 
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todokanai-suishou · 3 years
Excerpt of a fic I didn’t know I still had
Vanilla Twilight - an excerpt of what used to be a ceo!JJK AU fanfic written at three AM somewhen in november. I don’t know why I didn’t choose names.
Neither do I know why I’m posting this. Good Night. WC: 2,4k
„As many times as I blink I'll think of You tonight“
It's been what? Three months now? Yeah, it must have been about three months since she told him „I don't want to see you again.“ Three Months since the love of his way too young life just stumbled out of it completely, three months since he's been drowning himself in work,
and yet, only two days since his father told him not to.“You need a break“ he said. „You'll die before you reach my age if you keep overworking like that.“ „Take a leave for the next week or so, the company won't go down in flames because you're missing for a few days.“
But yet it felt like the company was the only thing that held him together anymore. It may have been unhealthy to work that much, but sitting on his rooftop right now and starring at the sun that was setting wasn't any better. The company might not have missed him, but he missed her and if he was wide awake like that, from the lack of work or excercise to keep him from falling asleep as soon as he even saw a bed, it was worse.
There was nothing to distract him now. No means to make up for what he had done and no reason to not think of her this very second
on this very day, that once was so special to them both.
A tear ran down his face as he gripped the magnetic bracelets tighter with his left hand. Two years had passed since he's got his.
„If my heart was a house, you'd be home.“ they'd say. The compasses reacting to each other wildly, needles swinging left to right beneath the glass as the bracelets were pressed together.
At one point, after she left hers at his place that night, he stopped wearing his. Though for the time being, he still looked into the little flowery treasure chest in his closet to see if hers was still with his, Hoping she'd secretly somehow come to sneak in and steal it like she did his heart three years ago, or that it was all a bad dream and he woke up with her next to him like they did on every trip, or back somewhen two and a half years ago when she fell asleep in his apartment after watching some movie he didn't want to watch in first place. He still hoped, wished, dreamed he could go back to that.
And every time it was devastating. It was devastating to see her bracelet next to his, lying there and just pointing at the other as theirs would if they were within a few metres.
But she wasn't. And he had no idea where the hell she was. And it killed him. It killed him when he told her she'd never change, that he made her say good bye instead of letting her into his apartment, when he was the only one she trusted with her deepest thoughts, the only one she felt whole around and when she was the only one he ever really loved that loudly, and he didn't tell her until she walked out of his life,her still saying „I'm sorry“. When, to him, he was always the one that should be saying sorry for the things he said and did that night.
Or maybe they shouldve both just said sorry, talked it out.
He sighed „no.“ She made it clear that she didn't want to talk. She didn't want him to apologize, or at least not accept it. Letting her pride led by the pain get in the way ...and that was just what it was.
He created a hole in both their hearts and for a second he contemplated just throwing both of these bracelets down the 24th floor into the rose planted and flower filled garden, so he wouldn't find them even if he tried - and They could fall anywhere.
Another sigh from him as he clenched his hand tighter around the bracelets, holding them up as though he was ready to throw them as soon as the sun would have fully set.
But he didn't. He couldn't.
He just got flashbacks of that night when she gave it to him.
„I swear to god if you ever lose or break yours, or if I see another person with it, I'll kill you.“ she'd say smiling, but he fully knew she meant it. „There's only two of them“ „They were custom made.“ They were his blessing and now his curse. He looked up into the sky, somehow trying not to cry while it seemed like the same full moon from back then came to taunt him now, laughing at him with „Tsuki No Usagi“ laughing along at how pathetic he was.
But he cried. He cried a lot, clutching both of these bracelets over his heart. He couldn't do anything to them. He knew he wouldn't.
Except for the smell of her perfume on the couch pillow she prefered to lean her head on and hug, they were the only thing of hers that was still with him and he thought that maybe, just maybe...
in another universe he'd still be with her, with these bracelets.
And maybe in this world one day, he'll get her back, give her the bracelets and somehow everything goes back to normal. Despite the trust being broken, the wishful thinking didn't stop. A sillouette to build him up again.
However when  he cried his last, he didn't mean to get up. Something drew him to the stars that night. All he got was a blanket before tiredly making his way back up just to continue whatever he meant to do.
He fell asleep a few hours after getting the blanket she gave him, on the roof that night, in between looking up at the stars, looking up at the constellations trying to find the ones she tried to show him before. Failing miserably, like tonight, two years ago, and almost laughing through the tears he shed, at how she showed him a million times and he still couldn't figure out all that astrology stuff, or how they worked, and so “well”.
All he knew was that looking for even the slightest signs of stars and constellations in the sky, brought him a little closer to her.
Maybe she'd be looking up tonight too, probably in a different timezone, to a different time, he didn't know.
But what the did know was that for a second, while actually finding the little bear, he was happy. „I did it,love, I did it.“ For the first time in forever while thinking about her, he actually smiled.
It was a weird feeling of, not quiet feeling content, but better, a little less sad. Maybe he'd always spend like three hours just ripping strands of his black hair out while trying to find anything in the sky. Texting you like he did that night.
“And love, you won't see it, but, I did it. I found one of the constellations, I bet you'd be so proud now. I'm still lost though. I wish you were here with me. To tell me about all of them. And your days. And you and what I missed And see your probably already new hair do and hear you laugh and rant about your literature professor. I just want to see you. Hear you. Happy. And mostly I want to give you your bracelet. I can't even remember which one was yours though. Please remind me.”
A lie. He knew exactly her bracelet had a little slit on one of the wooden pearls, as he accidentally lost track of the knife while cooking. He was apologizing so many times that night while she yelled about him almost chopping her arm off and he almost had to laugh again. She raged that night, but eventually they'd laugh about it later on.
„JK, I'd never forget“ he wrote below a photo he sent. Him wearing his bracelet for once while looking at how the compasses searched for each other. Knowing well the photo wouldn’t reach her though. That she still had him blocked, yet...
Wondering if one day she'd search for him again. Knowing she'd be the only one who could find him instantly.
„Good Night, flower girl.
I Really Miss you terribly“
„Sincerely, me“ he typed, deleted „yours tru-“ deleted.
„- The dumb ass that almost chopped your arm off about 16 months ago.“
If she could read it, she'd no doubt, be laughing but for now he'd hoped someone else would make her laugh the way he used to.
That she could focus on her studies and not the loss of him and the few grams she no longer carried around with her.
He wished her to be as happy as he can't be right now, as happy as she can be and with other, possibly better people, who would treat her well. Also that she got better at smash bros and mario cart so people wouldn't laugh at her being terribly bad again.
„Maybe I should also take on drawing lessons“ he whispered before tiredly closing his eyes „but I guess if she ever found out, she'd be the one to almost cut my arm off“
slight reminders of her telling him the only thing she was really good at was drawing and how she showed him and he really didn't figure out how anything worked at all flashed in his mind as he calmed.
„I'll teach you“ and only she could.
Well, technically she couldn't. He was a hopeless case and they both knew. Clowns. Clowns in love, for she loved him as much as he loved her, but the words always stayed unsaid. She'd make an impression that she did the night he ruined her, but he was too far gone.
Never from her mind though. He was still what she'd draw on the weekend when she was not in the mood for her theses or working. He. Though painful, was still her healing in some kind of way.
„You're working on that again?“ Her new dorm mate said as she sketched his face from memory. They had a different model in the art class she enrolled in right now but the face portraits still always went back to him. Much like the pictures where someone posed with scrunched up noses or peace signs.
She really didn't mind it though, for some reason, unless she found the initial sketch of their bracelets, drawing him was therapeutic, falling asleep on those pictures was therapeutic.
And her just getting a hick up as she started sketching reminded her „If you get the hick-ups, someone's thinking about you. My mom used to say that.“ She laughed back when she told him one night at one of their week-end trips, half drunk and laughing. Him responding with „Yeah, or someone talks badly about you, my three times divorced and landlord-hated aunt said. She had a hick-up problem.“
More laughter to the backround noise of „if my heart was a house” followed by slurred lines of „sugar we're going down“ and „american idiot.“
She chuckled quietly. „Oh shut up, I want to sleep“ her roommate exclaimed. It wasn't that late though, was it?.
Seven pm, still early, the sun not yet setting. Yet, with the full moon above, she couldn't wait for the sunset, night fall.
She stared at her phone. „Approximately 15 Minutes till the sun starts setting and you usually can't fall asleep until it's getting cotton candy skied, what's wrong this time?“ a chuckle escaped her mouth.
„Bad break up.“ the other girl murmured. „That's the 4th time in 15 days. I think you should get a new guy.“ - „That's also the third in  a month. Love just doesn't work for me, believe me.“
„It will.“ The artist said. „Even if the person you think you'll end up with isn't the one, one day, with the right person, it all will.“
She didn't realize tears were falling on her piece of paper as she switched to his contact on her phone, contemplated unblocking him, but eventually she didn't.
It would be better this way. She said good bye and it was irreversible. It always was irreversible for her. Gripping her empty wrist and letting go of the pen for a while she smiled through the tears and said, in a cheerful yet shaky voice.
“Even if it wasn't him, one day, there's someone who won't leave, who you won't leave. One day, I promise.“
Not knowing if it was to reassure her friend, or herself and not realizing she held her breath, until she felt two arms and a blanket wrap around her signaling that „everything will be okay, precious, everything will be okay“
and for once, even without her telling the context of the story no one really knew about, she started to let down her walls and cry to let out the emotions all the parting had led her to.
Even if her friend didn't know or understand her infatuation with Jeons son. She just held her as though the fragile soul, whining loudly like a child that fell and came running with a bleeding knee, would break if she wasn't there to give her the warmth she deserved and obviously needed in that very second.
„You know, I miss him so much.“ a little inaudible whisper said and her friend didn't understand what she meant, but „shhh, shhh, it gets better.“ Came from her until her roommate fell into a deep slumber.
All she saw was the name on the display that wouldn't go off. The display picture looking quite familiar.
Name saying „Jeon Jeon Jeon“ and the caring one wondered if the girl had been catfished and dreams crushed by that person on screen, and if that was exactly why she blocked that number. Ideas about unblocking him and investigating filling her head but then again, as much as she wanted to. She couldn't just meddle in a broken hearts story, especially not her friends.
So she kept her theoretic, tangled and still curious thoughts, knowing they'd stay just that - and left the blanket above the girl that was fast asleep, closing the book with the drawing of the Jeon boy and replacing it with a pillow to slobber on, instead of the art she created.
„Good Night, lovely“ she said as she went outside to take snapshots of the sky, making sure to get her friends beloved constellations on camera, as the sleeping beauty usually did herself. Sneaking in trying not to wake the other up again.
„Good Night, dumbass“ the artist almost fully asleep whispered as her friend said good night the way he did. Some things wouldn't fade and her roommates complaints the next morning, for insulting her, though accidentally, would be surely be one of those.  
It’s 3am and I have no idea why I’m posting this. 
The Idea Of “Vanilla Twilight” is part of a ceo!Jungkook fanfiction I never posted because I usually don’t post my writing for..uh...reasons. 
“If my heart was a house -” fanfiction was created on national novel writing month and is a full on trainwreck that might never be finished. The Name as Well as reasons for the writing & inspiration for the bracelet design is lowkey because “if my heart was a house, you’d be home” by Owl City was kind of their Song since they first met and they do be soulmates so... >-<
Said magnetic bracelets stam from the line “if my heart was a compass you’d be north” and basically have magnets pulling “needles” towards eachother whenever they’re close. (They’re custom made, which is why they’re that special to OC & him. Also expensive as hell and she’s a poor lit/art student.) It was partially brought up by OC in a former chapter after they lost eachother at a fully crowded market and didn’t find eachother again for about two hours despite being like 2 minutes away from eachother the whole time. 
I don’t even know why I’m writing this it’s three AM lord help. Good Night. 
0 notes
essiefreds · 7 years
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In light of what happened last night in Las Vegas, I’m not going to try to make jokes or anything, and I probably shouldn’t even have posted this, but maybe someone will read this and feel better. 
That’s all I ever want anyone to get from anything I write. 
Please stay safe, everyone, and keep all those affected in your thoughts and prayers, if you do that kind of thing.
Word Count: 2710
“You’re insane!“ 
“I know, isn’t it great?“ 
Eddie helplessly followed Richie in the direction that the skateboard had gone, not knowing what else to do. He couldn’t just leave; if Richie ended up breaking something while trying to actually pull off a trick, and he wasn’t there, then Richie would be alone, with an injury, and Eddie couldn’t let that happen with a good conscious. 
So, instead of leaving his idiot friend to fend for himself in case he did manage to break something (which seemed likely, considering the bullshit stunt he was currently attempting to do on the skateboard), Eddie was sticking around, unable to do anything but watch as Richie time and again fucked up. 
"Now what are you going to do?” he asked, stopping a few steps away from where the skateboard had rolled to a halt. 
Prior to this, Richie had been struggling to manage a wheelie on the back two wheels of the skateboard. Eddie didn’t feel like telling him wheelies were usually performed on only one wheel, mostly because he knew that that information would only mess things up further. 
“I gotta get the wheelie down,” Richie said, stubbornly placing a foot near the back of the skateboard and pushing down on it so that the front two wheels rose into the air. “Stan said it’s impossible. I’m going to prove that impossible is just I’m possible, meaning me, and this fuckin’ trick." 
"Richie -” Eddie began, but cut off as Richie pushed his foot against the pavement, and the skateboard went rolling away again. Eddie watched as Richie stumbled his way to both feet on the board, and then to one foot on the back of it. 
And, just like before, as soon as he attempted to push the front wheels into the air, he lost his balance, and went tumbling to the street. 
Eddie inhaled a sharp breath, and hurried forward to where Richie had fallen. “You dipshit,” he began, watching Richie grope blindly for his glasses, which had fallen from his face. He bent down the retrieve them, and frowned at the crack in the left lens. “Uh… here,” he said, and handed the glasses to his friend. 
Richie slid them on, and cursed. “Fuck. My dad’s gonna kill me; I just got the right one replaced!” He yanked the glasses back off and held them in his hand, glaring down at them, blinking. 
Eddie stood back, unsure of what to say to that. He knew that when Richie mentioned his dad, and in a context like this, he was only mildly exaggerating when he said he was going to kill him. Obviously, Richie’s dad wouldn’t actually kill him, but… 
After a moment of back and forth with himself, he huffed out a sigh and stepped forward, holding out his hand. 
Richie looked at it, and then up at him, blinking. “What?" 
"C'mon,” Eddie said. “We’re gonna get your glasses fixed.”
“And how the fuck do you plan on doing that, Spaghetti Man? You got some stock invested into your favorite lotion brand?” Richie demanded. 
Eddie smiled slightly. “Condom brand, actually. Let’s go." 
Richie grabbed his hand, and Eddie hauled him to his feet. Richie stumbled over the skateboard, which had rolled to a stop a few steps away from them, and Eddie bent down to pick it up. 
"I hope you didn’t spend your life’s savings on this thing,” he said, offering it to Richie. 
“Nah,” Richie answered. “Even if I had a life savings, I wouldn’t waste it on this.” He shoved the skateboard under his arm. “It’s Stan’s, and he bet that I couldn’t learn at least one trick on it by the end of the week.” He blinked down at the ground, stumbling over a rock, and Eddie reached over to grab his shoulder before he could fall on his face. “Guess he was right, the asshole." 
"I just can’t believe Stan has a skateboard,” Eddie said, and Richie snorted. 
“I know, especially since it took him four months to convince his folks to get him a bike.” He tripped again, this time over the curb, and Eddie once more reached out, grabbing his shirt sleeve this time. “Thanks, Eds. I can’t see shit." 
"Obviously. Fuckin’ four eyes." 
Richie responded by trying to reach over and shove him, but he missed by a mile, and Eddie cackled. 
"Fuck off, you walking hand sanitizer bottle,” Richie grumbled. 
“Better that than you, mole." 
"The fuck? That’s not even an insult,” Richie said, and Eddie rolled his eyes. 
“Moles are blind, dumb ass." 
"I didn’t know that, so the insult has no affect on me,” Richie stated. 
Eddie sighed to himself. “Whatever." 
The banter continued back and forth as they made their way into the center of Derry, Eddie stopping Richie from falling flat on his face or running into things along the way. By the time they’d reached the optometrist office, Eddie had saved Richie at least eight times, although neither one commented on it as Richie almost stumbled down the stairs after missing one, and Eddie had to push him back upright from behind. 
"Richie, you need to take better care of your glasses,” the eye doctor scolded, seeing the crack in the lens after Richie had shown them to him. 
“I know, doc,” Richie said, “but I’m a teenager, out doing stupid teenager things. This is the prime of my youth! I’m supposed to go out and hurt myself and break my glasses." 
The eye doctor shook his head and examined the glasses for a moment. "We’ll have to get a replacement lens. That could take about a week." 
"A week?” Richie sounded as though he was about to vomit, and Eddie quickly stepped in. 
“Is there anything you could do in the meantime? Another pair that he could borrow?” he asked, looking at the doctor. 
He glanced between the two boys, and then he smiled slightly.
“Richie,” he began, “have you ever heard of contacts?" 
"Yeah, but they’re like… way out of my price range, doc,” Richie answered. “You know that." 
"Not the trial pair,” the doctor said, and Richie blinked at him, both in a lack of understanding, and simply because he couldn’t see. “See, before we try to sell contacts to someone, we give them a free trial pair, so they can see how they like them, and then decide if they want to pay for them. Buying a box of contacts will be much cheaper than getting your glasses fixed over and over again." 
Richie blinked once more, and then looked in Eddie’s general direction. Eddie shrugged once. If the trial pair of contacts was free, and they would help Richie see while his glasses were getting fixed, why not try them out? 
"All right,” Richie decided, turning to the eye doctor once more. “Let’s give it a shot.”
“These fuckin’ burn!" 
"So stop rubbing your eyes, stupid, and maybe they’ll stop!" 
The two boys, after leaving the optometrist’s office, Richie with two new contacts in his eyes, along with a container to hold them and a little bottle of solution to keep them wet, had made repeated stops in front of shop windows so that Richie could look at his reflection. 
They had just stopped again, this time in front of the ice cream parlor, and Richie was fidgeting with his left eye, rubbing at it. He didn’t look like he was satisfied with this new method of corrected eyesight, but he’d barely had the contacts in for twenty minutes.
Eddie was getting impatient. "Richie." 
"They hurt, Eds!” Richie moaned, pressing his fists into his eyes and turning away from the window. “They really fuckin’ hurt!" 
"They do not,” Eddie dismissed. “You just think they do because you’ve never worn them before. Give it time, and you’ll forget you’re even wearing them." 
"Fat chance,” Richie said. 
Eddie let out a breath, and looked around, trying to think of a way to distract his friend. He spotted first Stanley’s skateboard, still tucked under Richie’s arm, and decided it was the best choice.
“You should try skating again, now that you don’t have glasses to worry about,” he suggested, gesturing to the board. 
Richie sniffed, wiping at his eyes again. “I guess I could,” he said, and then he set the skateboard down on the sidewalk and placed one foot on it. He kicked off with the other, and the skateboard went rolling down the sidewalk. 
Eddie ran along behind him as Richie steadied himself, then quickly stomped down on the back of the board. The front wheels rose into the air, and, miraculously, Richie stayed upright. Granted, his arms were spread out as wide as he could make them for balance, and the skateboard was traveling very slowly, but he’d done it. 
“Holy shit!” Richie exclaimed, jumping off the board before it had rolled to a complete stop. He turned around to face Eddie, who drew to a halt in front of him. “Did you see that? I did it!" 
"Yeah!” Eddie said, grinning. “Nice job, Trashmouth." 
Richie was beaming. He turned back to the skateboard. "I wonder if I can do it while it’s going faster,” he said, and Eddie smirked to himself. He was a genius. 
The rest of the day was spent like this: Richie continued to practice his wheelie, and Eddie sat on the curb, offering tips and tricks. He didn’t think any of them were reliable, but he felt useless otherwise.
And Richie forgot all about his contacts. 
By the time the sun started to sink to the west, Richie had mastered the wheelie, and had almost mastered something he called an ollie. Eddie didn’t know why a skateboard jump was named such a stupid thing, but he didn’t argue with Richie, which was probably a first. 
“I think we should head home,” he began after watching Richie jump over another can in the street. “It’s getting dark." 
Richie nodded, and kicked the skateboard back and forth with one foot. "Let’s see if we can ride this together,” he suggested, and Eddie blanched.
“Are you kidding?" 
"No, I’m Richie,” his friend answered, grinning. “C'mon, Eds, what could go wrong?" 
"Um, everything,” Eddie answered. “One of us could fall off and get hurt. Both of us could fall off and get hurt. We could break Stan’s skateboard, uh -" 
"Eddie, Eddie, Eddie!” Richie interrupted. “Where’s your sense of adventure?" 
"Down in the sewer,” Eddie mumbled, not loud enough for Richie to hear. He then raised his voice: “I’m not getting on the skateboard." 
"You can stand in front of me,” Richie offered. 
“What does that change?” Eddie asked, and Richie shrugged. 
“If we fall off, I’ll be the one to hit the ground first." 
"Oh, that’s tempting,” Eddie said, sarcastically, and Richie rolled his eyes at him. 
“Eds. Don’t make me pick you up. I’ll do it.”
“No you won’t.”
“Is that something you’d bet on, Spaghetti Man?”
Eddie decided that, no, it wasn’t something he’d bet on, so, muttering, he walked over to where Richie stood waiting. 
Richie grinned, and held out a hand. “Join me, my dear, and I will take you to wondrous places,” he said in a terrible attempt at a sultry voice. 
“Fuck off,” Eddie replied, and he placed first one foot on the skateboard, and then the other. The skateboard shifted slightly, and he gasped, holding out his arms for balance. 
It was unnecessary, however, for Richie had grabbed him by the waist and was holding him steady. 
“Whoa there,” he said, a grin in his voice. “Don’t fall." 
"Fuck you,” Eddie said hotly, his cheeks burning. 
“Interesting choice of words, Eds." 
Eddie bit his tongue to keep from saying anything more, and Richie’s hands moved until both his arms were wrapped around Eddie’s middle. 
"All right,” he started, “we’re doing this. Try not to move, and everything should be fine." 
Eddie started to complain, but Richie was already kicking at the ground to get them going, and before he knew it, the wind was blowing in Eddie’s face, and the two of them were skateboarding down the street. 
Richie whooped loudly in his ear. "Check us out, Eddie!” he exclaimed. “We could be a circus act." 
"You could be one all on your own, with you’re goofy looking face,” Eddie retorted, probably louder than necessary. 
Richie cackled, and Eddie pressed back against him, fearing for his life. 
They actually made it pretty far without incident. Whenever they began to slow down, Richie would gingerly reach out and kick again at the ground, and off they’d go once more. Eddie, who’d decided almost immediately that he despised skateboarding, eventually stopped panicking, and allowed himself to enjoy the feeling of the wind on his face, and the fact that he didn’t have to do anything in order to keep the board moving.
As they reached the outskirts of their neighborhood, however, something went wrong. Richie’s foot, instead of kicked off the ground, ended up dragging instead. Because the two of them were attached courtesy of Richie’s arms around Eddie’s waist, they both toppled off of the slowing skateboard and hit the ground. 
Just as Richie had predicted, however, he hit the ground first, saving Eddie from the worst of the impact. Eddie went rolling over the pavement once he’d fallen from the protective scope of Richie’s grasp. 
He stopped a foot away from where Richie had landed, groaning. His elbows hurt, and he could already feel the road burn on his leg. 
He pushed himself upright, and drew his knee towards his chest. Indeed, an angry red road burn laughed maniacally at him from its spot on the side of his calf. A glance at his elbows showed they’d suffered the same.
“Ouch,” he muttered, brushing at the burn on his leg to get some of the gravel out of it. He lifted his gaze towards where Richie was. “Richie?" 
His friend was didn’t move. 
Eddie paled, and crawled across the street towards Richie, who lay still on the side of the sidewalk. He reached out and shook Richie’s shoulder. "Richie? Are you okay?" 
He was relieved when Richie let out a soft groan in response. "Here, let me help,” he suggested, and then supported Richie by the shoulders as his friend pushed himself into a sitting position. Richie had a road burn on both his arms, and his shirt had been pushed up, so that one had ended up on his stomach as well.
“Geez,” he said, peering at the one on his stomach. “Got the wind knocked out of me." 
"You’re okay, though?” Eddie asked him, and Richie nodded. 
“Yeah, totally.” He reached up, as though to fix his glasses, and when he didn’t touch them, his eyes went wide. “Where’re my glasses?" 
"At the eye doctor’s office,” Eddie reminded him. “You have contacts on, remember?" 
Richie blinked in surprise, and then his face broke into a wide grin. "Eddie! Do you know what this means?” he demanded, and Eddie frowned at him. 
“No, but I have a feeling I’m not gonna like it,” he said, slowly. 
“This means I never have to worry about breaking my glasses again!” Richie exclaimed happily. “Well, for a week, at least, but still! Eds, do you have any idea how much trouble we’re gonna get into?" 
Eddie exhaled. "A lot?" 
"Yep!” Richie clambered to his feet, and held out his hand to Eddie. “Come on! Let’s see if we can do a wheelie with the two of us on the board!”
Eddie felt a stone drop into his stomach. He had created a monster.
Then again, it was his monster. 
He took Richie’s hand, and allowed his friend to haul him upright. “I’m not getting on the skateboard to try a wheelie, but I will ride with you,” he said. “You have to promise you’ll keep all four wheels on the ground, though." 
"Aw, but Eds -”
“We can get into trouble tomorrow." 
Richie gazed at him for a moment, and then he sighed. "Fine,” he submitted. “Can we at least try -" 
“We’ll talk about it first." 
Richie beamed. "That’s basically "yes”.“  
Eddie smiled to himself. "Sure, Trashmouth. Whatever you say.”
2 notes · View notes
todieingrave · 7 years
Thursday, August 10th 2017
Hey it’s be awhile since the last time I made a blog on here. I’ve been super busy dealing with a lot of things, especially the moving part. I will be moving to southern California in about 3 days!! Woah that came up fast! 
I think the last time I made a blog was on June 1st, so I’ll try to catch some of you up on some things that have happened between that time until now. Well, I’ve gone on a few hikes and made some new friends between that timeline. I have been becoming more mentally healthy now that I’ve let go of a few toxic people in my life. It’s even starting to show in my dreams how much better I have become so far. I used to always have horrible nightmares, especially this past year while my mind was in a very negative place. But now this past 2 months I have been having good dreams. I ended up officially reactivating my main facebook account again and I had an overwhelming respond of support from my old friends welcoming me back that I am so thankful for. I updated that account a little bit with photos that I haven’t been able to share on there since I have been gone. Right when I reactivated that account a good friend of mine informed me that they found a fake account using my pictures. So I had to get rid of that and I deleted quite a few people who I no longer wanted them to experience my life with me anymore. Then the funny thing is that some people from my old high school were even trying to holla at me.. I find it funny how some of the people who used to judge and bully me in school are now up in my messages trying to flirt with me and try to creep on all my social media accounts. I see them but they aren’t eva gettin’ a chance. Drew and I have been doing really well actually. I think we’ve been falling back in love again. Everything just has been becoming so much nicer like it used to be before I fell into this deep depression. I have even been going out a lot more like I used to. I went out to multiple shows including, Hammerfall, Morbid Angel, Warped Tour, Iron Maiden in California, DragonForce and a few more back in Portland. The Iron Maiden trip was amazing!! Drew and I first drove to San Francisco and did a bunch of cool stuff there, like visit some spooky shops, museums, and gardens. We watched 4th of July fireworks on top of a high building looking over the city at night and flew some kites over the bay area. Our car did unfortunately get broken into on the first night there but thankfully we had good insurance on our rental and just got a new car right away. Then all the fun we had after that made up for it and we completely forget that even happened. Oh and I finally got to see Iron Maiden play live and I am beyond happy with the turn out! 😃 Their stage performances were one of the best I've seen and they brought such an amazing energy to the whole stadium. I like how they genuinely look super happy up there and love what they are doing. The crowd was awesome as well! I got to get up reeaaalll close to the stage with no problem. That night turned out way better than what I expected. Then we drove down to San Diego to visit our friends Holly and Nick. We didn’t do too much down there but visit the beach, go to the exotic reptile animal expo and get SUPER sun burnt. Oh my goodness I don’t think I have ever been that burnt in my entire life. I was beat red! It was embarrassing xD Then we drove back up to L.A. for Drew’s birthday. We mostly used our time there to look for places to live and do a couple of home tours. We almost got this spooky house out in the desert but it looked like there needed to be a lot of work done on it, so we passed and settled for an apartment right next to these mountains in San Bernardino. After we found our place of stay we finally got to go out to the city and celebrate Drew’s birthday. We got to see DragonForce play on the first night we were there and oofta I got a lot of drinks bought for me. I guess I looked real purdy that night :P Then we walked on the stars and some dude forced me to hold his giant pet snake. I can’t lie, I was a little scared at first that it was going to bite me. We then visited the famous Museum of Death and stopped at a lot of random vintage shops around town. I may have spoiled the both of us a little too much. Oops! Whatever we were on vacation. Then once our trip was over we drove back to Oregon using the scenic routes and hiked around on the coast quite a bit, taking our sweet time exploring before we have to head back to that awful city I hate to call home at the moment. Once we got back home I got an email saying my chest tattoo proposal with an amazing artist I have been wanting to work with got accepted!! YAY! So I will be finishing my full chest piece for my birthday in late September. I am so beyond excited for this. Not only that but at the end of July I finally finished the complete outline on my left sleeve. Now I just need to finish the shading on it along with tattooing my armpit and hand, then it will be officially finished sleeve! Then I’ve been going to this big book store on Powell a lot with this pretty lady friend. I’ve been slowly becoming addicted to collecting books now. I just finished this thick book in a week! Yeah everything has been going well but knowing my life there will always be those downs. For instance I have been packing up a lot lately but it’s been so damn hot here in Portland these past 2 weeks while i’m doing that and we don’t have any AC here. So that sucks ass. Not only that but I am way beyond angry that one of my dumb ass roommates left our balcony door wide open a week ago, even after countless amount of times I have asked them not to do that because I'm worried about the cats getting out. Well guess what!? Those assholes left it open again and this time my kitten Artemis actually got out and jumped off our 2 possibly 3 story deck. I wasn't aware until one of our town home maintenance guys knocked on our door and said he found her hiding in a vacant lot covered in toilet water and blood on her paws. She was panting and whining whenever we touched her tummy, so now we had to rush her to the vet because she might have possibly broken either one of her paws or even a rib. Luckily everything wasn’t as bad as we expected, but she didn’t land on her feet from the fall so it was still a hard impact on her tummy that knocked the wind out of her and kinda left her breathing funny for a few days and it broke most of her claws off, along with a few teeth from her jaw hitting the ground. I was fucking furious at them because of what they have done to my sweet fur child. Mostly because the dumbass who was stupid enough to do it kept on trying to blame it on us like it was our fault when we NEVER open the deck door, let alone we have caught him leaving it wide open all the damn time. So we knew who it was right away. I of course start screaming at him when he gets home that if he doesn’t pay for her vet bills then we will be taking legal action and suing him. He then tries to pick up the broom next to him and hit me with it. I grab it and begin to kick and punch him because my immediate reaction is to defend myself if someone is going to try and hit me with an object and hurt my animals. My other roommate then decides to become violent as well and puts me in choke hold and slams me against the wall while Drew was trying to get him away from me. I was pissed and everyone who has personally has seen me with that much anger knows damn well it’s best to NEVER put me in any type of hold or try to hold onto me at all. It’s better to speak to me with words and look me straight in the face rather than trying to hold onto me, because if you hold onto me I WILL go fucking crazy and most of the time try to bite a chunck of flesh out. Since I know that has always been the most effective way to make someone let go of me when they won’t when I tell them to. So I bit his arm to release me and I punched him a few times in the face. I ended up giving him a pretty nasty black eye and fat lip but honestly... I’m not sorry at all because he shouldn’t have been as aggressive with me as he was. If he didn’t slam me into the wall then he wouldn’t have his ugly purple eye swollen shut. Stupid weak bitch. He then tells on me to his daddy and his daddy tried to play pretend detective on the phone and make it seem like I was in trouble with the police to scare me. I knew right off the bat that it wasn’t a real cop because i’m not stupid but I played along anyways because they said I apparently gave him stitches. I was very concerned at first about the stitches because he went to the hospital but then I found out he just had a little cut on his eyebrow with none. So I told them that if they ever call me again with threats I will be taking action against what has happened to my cat because of them and the fact that they assaulted me as well, leaving multiple huge bruises all over my body that are still here. He didn’t call back after that. Good! Because I am not one to mess with unless you want me to take some form of harsh revenge out on you. So I think I made my point very clear that I don’t ever let anyone harm my animals or loved ones and get away with it free. I will stick up for myself so that nobody will ever try to harm me or them ever again. Point made. Don’t fuck with me unless you want me to go crazy. I am very thankful for all the friends I have who were very supportive during this. It really helps during stressful times. I seriously can’t wait to be out of this house in a few days and start my life over on the positive path I have been aiming for. 
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