#leona gets his sleepy tired rants
bloodiegawz · 6 months
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Lilia is someone Bo runs into often, but strangely doesn't know much about. In the hallways, or the cafeteria... pretty much anywhere, really. They get along quite nicely for the most part- with Lilia's love for spooking people, Bo often finds himself tense around the guy earlier on, but eases up after making it clear he despises being snuck up on (see: burst into tears after getting jumpscared one too many times)
Bo tends to drop by random club meetings a lot which is where he properly gets to know these strangers. The Pop Music Club is one of his favorites, whether they're actually having a rare jam session or not. Although it's a group effort, Lilia is the one who encourages Bo to pick up music again and helps him relearn guitar as well as share his knowledge of random assorted instruments.
They also both tend to make a lot of "old person back pain" jokes, funnily enough. Not that Bo is aware that Lilia is, in fact, one of those fabled old people. Lilia will poke fun at him for it, also constantly pointing out if Bo has neglected wearing his braces or is slouching. He will not have this kiddo dealing with joint pain that hard if he can help it.
At the end of the day, they're on good terms, and Lilia is someone Bo could reliably turn to for advice on practically anything, or really just a good story. They're not particularly close, but definitely someone Bo would call a friend.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Hey can i req the dorm leader reaction , to find yuu\ fem!reader sleeping under the tree or somewhere else because too tired doing everything crowley asked she to do
Riddle Rosehearts
Will quickly start scolding you. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" It's probably his voice that wakes you.
When you begin open your eyes, though, then rubbing the sleepiness off them -- His mouth shuts. Suddenly talking is hard, and he feels a little bad for coming off so harsh.
You tell him you didn't mean to fall asleep there, it's just that today had been such a long day, and when you walked by, your body just moved by itself and you laid down on the grass... Riddle will grumble that's no excuse, and you shouldn't be spending your time lazing around, but you can tell there's no bite to his statement.
Offers a hand to help you up and walks you back to Ramshackle. "I know you're tired, but at least try to get to your dorm, sleeping like this is inappropriate..." He says. "B-But, make sure you're taking care of yourself too, so this doesn't happen again."
Feels worried once he knows you're overworked, but doesn't know how to approach the subject. The walk back to Ramshackle is a little awkward...
He'll keep the incident in mind, though, and you'll notice him offering you help often when you're doing chores.
Leona Kingscholar
Is sort of a bastard, so he ignores you if you barely know each other, and joins you if you know each other too well, maybe even draping himself over you a bit.
In a healthy, middle ground scenario, though, he just shakes your shoulder. "What're you doing just sleeping here? Am I rubbing off on you?" He asks, teasingly.
When you groan and mention, annoyed, about Crowley's overworking of you, though, he's less than amused.
Curses the principal under his breath, then stubbornly tells you to come with him. Agree and you'll find himself in his room.
"Just take a break here, alright, I'll be back soon." He grumbles, and off he goes, to argue with Crowley until his ears fall off.
If you ask about him nagging the principal to leave you alone, though, he'll deny it.
Azul Ashengrotto
...likely also ignores you, unless he wants something from you, or you’re close.
If the case is the latter, he’ll kneel next to you on the grass, and wake you up politely, with an excuse me and a gentle shoulder shake.
“Hey...oh, you’re awake. You just fell asleep here, are you maybe feeling unwell?” He asks, and it’s hard to tell sometimes, but there’s genuine worry in his eyes.
Tell him about Crowley and you’ll have his full attention. Both because that likely goes against some rules, meaning he’ll have some dirt on the man, and because, well, it’s hurt someone he likes, he’s not exactly happy about that.
Is quick to offer assistance, asking if you’d like him to get you a coffee or something like that, so you feel less tired, or even if you’d like him to walk you back to Ramshackle.
If he’s just doing this because he wants something from you, though, he’ll go through the same motions, just with a different motive in mind... and he probably brings up his favors, later. So, this can go well or pretty poorly depending on how much Azul likes you.
Kalim Al-Asim
He's just walking by when he sees you leaning against the tree, completely out.
It shocks him pretty fast -- His first assumption is you might have fainted, or something? He'll rush over to see if you're fine, you'll probably wake up when he has his fingers over your pulse.
"Aah, you're okay, thank god!" Kalim exhales. You blink in confusion, asking what happened, and he explains he saw you sleeping and got too worried about it.
Soon turns the conversation back to you. What were you doing here? Were you okay yourself? You looked so tired, dull eyed and everything -- He's shocked again when you explain the situation, and how overworked you'd been.
“If you need somewhere to rest, you can always come to Scarabia! Ah, I can get Jamil to make you some food too!” He’ll innocently offer.
If you do accept, he lets you sleep for as long as you want in his room. Brings you snacks when you wake up and everything, Kalim just wants you to feel nice and rested. If you don’t, though, he’ll walk you back to Ramshackle, and check up again later!
Vil Schoenheit
Sooo exasperated at first. Really, what is she doing here, sleeping on the floor? She'll get her uniform dirty!!!
Upon closer inspection, though, he'll see the tiredness on your face, and soften at that.
Wakes you up and only lectures you a little bit. "What made you think it was a good idea to sleep here? Look, there's dirt all over your blazer..." He'll sigh, but still pat the leaves off your hair while you're half asleep "If you need to sleep so much, at least go to your room first."
He'll lead you back to Ramshackle so you can have a proper place to sleep, and when the walk gets silent, he asks you what happened, the concern showing in his voice. Worries about you being sick or something.
If you tell him about Crowley, you bet he'll be having a word with him about overworking his students.
Idia Shroud
Internal conflict galore. He thinks you look peaceful and sweet while sleeping like this, but, to just pass out somewhere like this? Are you okay?
Also worries about you being sick, and therefore, about whether he should wake you or not. Kneels next to you for a bit with an anguished face, questioning what he should do...
If you don't wake up by yourself, he'll eventually tap your shoulder shyly, and shakes it until you're up.
"Um, y/n, hey, y/n, wake up... are you alright? You just...fell asleep here." He mutters. He's so quiet it might take him a long time to wake you.
Sort of horrorized when you explain you're tired because of Crowley's tasks. What the hell was that man doing to his students? Idia's pretty sure that isn't allowed, and yet...
A part of him wants to invite you to his room so you could nap there, but the idea is far too overwhelming for him to get out -- If you ask for it, though, and you're close enough, he'll probably let you.
Otherwise, he just leads you back to Ramshackle, mostly in silence. If you need to rant about Crowley, he's all ears.
Malleus Draconia
He frowns. This is no place for you to be sleeping, the ground seems so uncomfortable... Malleus stares at you, unsure of how he should go about the situation.
He doesn't want to wake you up -- You look peaceful, and like you need the rest, but if you stay like this for too long you'll definitely wake up with pretty bad neck pain.
In the end, he might just leave you there, regrettably, or pick you up and carry you back to Ramshackle, if you're already pretty close. He'll want to take you back to your dorm no matter what, though. Malleus doesn't want you to rest somewhere so uncomfortable.
Does his best to let you sleep, mostly, though he worries a bit about what had you so tired -- Might bring it up later when you're talking, asking if you've been getting enough breaks.
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Soft Yet Twisted Valentine’s Day
This is what I have done so far of the Valentine’s Day posts. I have truly failed you all, because I didn’t do it for a long time since I had BIG exams for school, Japanese lessons, and work...
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Malleus asks you in a little letter to meet him outside the Diasomnia dorm (Around back). And he dropped off on your bed an outfit that would match his.
It wouldn’t be a date with Malleus without a stroll around the place. It’s quite but charming, Malleus holds out his arm for you to take it before leading you away. You two walk and talk for a time, you even earned a small chuckle from him.
As you turn a corner you see a glass table and chairs shine in the moon light, as well as food on the table. No light but the light from the moon.
“Don’t you think someone will see us Malleus?” (The whole secret relationship thing)
“Don’t worry little rose, I casted an enchantment on this area so no one can see.”
Malleus pulls out a chair for you and sits down in his.
After you eat he asks you to stand.
He takes your hand and spins you, you fall right into him.
He snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, and intertwining your finger on the other hand. You steady yourself as he starts to move. He steps back three steps and to the right three then spins around with you. Your waltzing with him.
“Wouldn’t this be better with music?”
“Right. Of course.” He clears his throat and starts to sing a song that you’ve never held before... But it sounds familiar. It’s quite a romantic night for the two of you.
After the song is done he says “Now, I hope you enjoyed yourself, but the night is still young little rose.” He leans down to your height and whispers “Shall we seek out more sequested quarters, hm?”
Early morning Lilia comes in and whispers something sweet to you. Which still being asleep you didn’t quite hear. He sighs and hops onto the other side of your bed and cuddles up to your chest, kissing your neck. When you wake up your neck hurts a bit so you growl in the small amount of pain.
Lilia pops up from your neck and says good morning!
You are startled awake and fall out of bed. You throw a pillow at him but he just catches it
He crawls to you, right up to your face and whispers “Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet pancake.” He goes down to your neck again but you back away a bit. Sadly or happily for you he quickly pins your hands against the floor knocking you on your back. He licks your neck and pulls back. “I come bearing all the gifts you could ever need. Says the word and it’s yours.” He laughs out seeing your face after teasing you with a kiss.
You wake him up in the morning with a kiss and a sweet smile.
He’s barely opened his eye but he’s got a soft smile too because it’s you who is waking him up with your love and beautiful voice.
Later that same day he gives you a gift and says to be ready.
You put on the gift he set on your bed (A Suit or dress)
You meet him in the ballroom of Diasomnia (You can’t tell me a castle doesn’t have a ballroom)
He’s waiting at the bottom of the stairs for you, and you walk down to meet him.
He bows to you and holds out his hand for you to take.
“Allow me to inquire, would you take my hand and let me lead you into a happily ever after, my dream?”
You start to dance the waltz as music starts. It’s just the two of you and the echos of your shoes can be heard around the room.
He looks into your eyes the whole time and you don’t see a hint of sleepiness in his eyes, as he smiles a shy smile at you, telling you how he loves you.
After the song ends he kisses you while holding your hands in his lacing your fingers.
⬇️idk what this is (optional)
Someone clears their throat and Silver looks up to see it’s Lilia.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed Silver.”
“Run!” You yell out taking Silvers hand and running the other way laughing with him and hiding from Lilia.
He is beyond shy when asking you to be his valentine.
“Will-will you um share this day with me?”
You mostly talk and hang out around campus because Sebek didn’t plan for you to say yes.
This is a new side of him because he’s a knight in training he has to be composed at all times. But with you he loses it.
“I-I love you more then I love Malleus!” He finally admits after you make your way up Ramshakle dorm steps.
You turn around and jump.
Sebek catches you in him arms spinning you.
You kiss him telling him you love him too
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Leona doesn’t care much about Valentine’s Day (Lazy ass)
In the morning if you stayed over the night before he’ll wake you up with kisses, and remind you that it’s Valentine’s Day and say something like “I don’t care about today but, if you like it then I’ll show you all my love.”
“Your mine today, Herbivore.”
He likes to pretend he doesn’t care all day in classes, but he does.
Late afternoon you hear something hit your window
You open it look down to see Jack readying to throw another rock but sees you looking at him
“Hey. You ready?” He says pointing at his bag.
“For what?”
“I have somewhere I’ll like to take you. Wear hiking attire.” You throw on some better clothes and go back to the window.
Jack is holding out his arms to catch you. You jump and he catches you.
You both sneak of campus and to the woods in front of school. He takes you all the way through the forest and to the cliff.
You made it just in time to watch the sun rise. He holds you closes as you both sit down in the grass watching the sun rise. He kisses you on the temple and says “I love you” shyly. You smile and since it’s early morning to fall asleep next to him as he holds you.
Before class you see a letter in your spot. You open it to see kinda scratchy handwriting that says to meet the person outside of Ramshakle dorm at 7:30pm.
After school around 7 you go to wait outside for the person.
“I hope you weren’t waiting long.” He laughed a bit. You knew that spray bottle laugh to belong to Ruggie. He was carrying a small basket with him.
“Come on, my Dandelion.”
“Where are we going?”
“Oh right.” He clears his throat.
“If you’d do me the honor, I’d like to ask for a moment of your time night, under the moon light and stars, Dandelion.”
“I’d never decline a night with you.”
You both walk a bit away from Ramshakle and away from the school but not to far.
“We should be able to see the stars clearly here.” He pulls out a blanket and lands it out. “The sun is setting now.”
In the basket Ruggie pulls out little pastries and other food that you like as well as a small plate of donuts.
You both eat before the sun goes down.
“Mmm where did you get these?”
“I made them”
“No way”
“Well I had help from Trey...”
As you eat while your not paying attention Ruggie scoots closer and bites the other side of the food your eating. He backs up and says “Mmm so sweet” as he smiles.
You’r now laying back looking at the stars with Ruggie laying right next to him but he pulls away a bit and grabs something. You sit up and he has a box in his hands.
He opens the box to reveal a RING (lol got you! JK) it’s a charm bracelet.
The charm bracelet has a couple of fancy white gold (That’s a lot of money) charms one of an animal silhouette. Of course a hyena you could tell, another a dandelion for you and a couple others: heart, and a small dandelions.
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“My Jewel I shall shower you with your namesake the jewels of my treasury.”
Your every whim granted. He’ll spend the whole school day with you or an off day with you. He’ll give you chocolates, jewels, money, clothes, and any other items you want. Or if you want to just he’ll just spend the day with you, or he’ll lay in bed with you all day.
Kalim is a handful. If you tell him not to worry and take the day off he’ll eventually agree to spend the day with you.
He brings up the idea of staying in town for the day to get away. You two stay in a suite alone, it’s quite and nice. It’s kinda like a spa day, you get massages, a calming bath, and all that. His stress just melts away, and he becomes a really sweet boy.
After the bath and everything he decided to put on a movie it’s just a slice of life not a romcom because he doesn’t like them. He orders food to the room and you both snack and watch a movie together. After the movie you cuddle up to him, and he lets you do so and cuddles with you.
He talks to you about everything and anything, he goes from the things that he loves and enjoys, but then it turns into a rant about things he dislikes and things that are stressing him out.
In the end he falls asleep on your chest and curls up to you, his legs holding you to him. He’s truly at peace now.
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You walk into the hall that Vil’s room is in. When you walk in you can’t really see, only shadows from the candle that make a path to the other room, and the pelts on the floor.
You feel something soft though your back and push against you a bit and something hot touch your neck.
“Glad you could join me, my poison.” His voice was familiar, and only one used that nickname it was Vil. He kissed down your neck and took your arm leading you to the other room.
The moonlight and candles lit up the room a bit more with blue soft translucent light. Vil was in his white robe, the one he wore before bathing.
Vil kissed you again on the neck then the lips. “Joint me.” The soothing voice sent shivers down your spine.
While distracted he started to take off your blazer, vest and unbuttoned your shirt, letting it fall, he was still whispering to you but then you noticed he went lower to your pants. He then takes you into the Roman style bath with him after taking off his robe.
Shy or not he will not let you leave the bath. He wants to show you the love he want’s to give.
The bubbles from the bath hid the lower half of your body and up to your waist, unless you submerged yourself.
When you look around Vil is no where to be seen. You start to smell the sent of lavender, which makes you quite tired.
Something snakes around your waist and pulls you back. Vil brings you next to him on the steps and sits you down.
He leads over onto you and puts a strawberry in your mouth. “Enjoy, I hope you’ll find this Valentine’s Day on to remember.
He offers you Grapes juice, and apple juice since he’s underaged to drink.
After a bit of talking and kisses, he helps you to wash off and carries you out of the bath. He sets you down and puts a robe on you, then picks you up again.
Vil takes you to his bed and lays you down and lays with you.
Rook in a classic poetic display of love writes a poem for you.
After you head back home he’s there waiting for you.
He clears his throat and speaks
“Of all the things
I can do
On this earth.
I just want to build
A bridge
from my heart to yours.”
He kisses you after taking off his hat

He text you to meet him at the statues of the seven
When you arrive at the Main Street you see him looking up at the statue of the Beautiful Queen.
You over hear him talk to the statue listening in you hear him, “Please I just wanna become the strongest man for them, I’m not some spoiled brat, I want them to see me for me not the persona that Vil created.” You come up from behind “Hey Epel!”
“Ah!” You had startled him “Oh it’s you Prince(ss). Are you ready?”
“You didn’t tell where we’re going.”
“Ah. Well we’re going into town.” He turns to his motorcycle, and gently puts a helmet on you and a jacket. “It’ll be cold because of the breeze and if anything were to happen it’ll protect you.” Then he kisses where your forehead would be if the helmet wasn’t there. You both got on.
“Hold on Prince(ss).” He takes your arms around his waist and you both ride into town.
He stops in front of a pet store.
“ARE WE GETTING A PET!” You say with excitement.
“Sorry no, but I did offer to help out here and it just so happens they need me on Valentine’s Day. So I hope you don’t mind helping me out taking care of them.”
You help out for hours through out the day and one of the animal follows you around all day to which you responded by carrying it around with you.
Epel yells that it’s time to go.
He stops and waits for you but when he looks back he sees you and your puppy eyes asking if you can have the animal your holding.
“No” Epel replies.
“No...” He insists
“Damn it. Fine...” He gives in. “You already have Grim but I guess this one can stay. On rule. They stay in my dorm.”
“Vil will flip his shit over it.” He was right and you both would get a kick outta it, but Epel would also use it as an excuse for you to hang out more with him in his room.
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He would love to go out but he can’t because of his anxiety. But if you really want to he’ll go. He’ll be at your side the whole time. He won’t hold your hand unless you ask him to, but he’ll stand close to you. Idia will enjoy every minute with you regardless of where you go or what you do. Playing games, shopping, or just chilling.
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The lounge’s lights dimmed as you walked in, and some of the jellyfish in the tank started to glow.
You received a text earlier that day to meet at Monstro Lounge, and to where something nice, followed by a “✨”. Azul wasn’t one to send emoji’s so you were a bit confused and concerned.
You brushed out your hair and styled it, and put on a nice outfit.
You looked over to the piano as you heard a sound. You see Azul sitting in the light of the moon tonight, playing the piano, with a gentle smile.
Something like “Marry go round life”, sounded from the piano.
Azul made that mistake of looking up at you. Azul froze in place...
“What’s wrong? It was a lovely melody”
“Sorry... It’s just I haven’t played in front of anyone in so long.” Azul stood up “You look great. Right um. I have something prepared for you.”
Azul holds out him arm for you to grab. He walks you over to a table. He pulls out a chair for you.
You look down and it’s a plate of fried foods. “if you don’t like them, feel free to peal off the crust”.
After you finish eating he goes to the bar area and pulls out a shaker, and glasses.
He shows off his bartending skills and knowledge of mixology. He comes back to the table.
“Don’t worry little guppy, It’s no alcohol.” He sits down next to you and drinks and you join him.
After downing the drink, he whispers how great you look, and without so much as a second thought he pulls you onto him, and holds on to your thighs, as your now straddling him. He brings one hand up and strokes your hair, then brings it down to trace your jaw and to your chin, pulling your face down to him.
He kisses you with a simple peck on the lips. No sooner had he do it did he realize what EXACTLY he had done.
“Ah! I’m so sorry... I should’ve asked first!” Instead of replying, you simply kiss him again.
a fun filled day. It’s strange because Jade isn’t normally like this, but he asked Floyd what he should do for the both of you.
The real events start late afternoon at sun down.
He takes you to the end of NRC campus, where a row boat sits.
Jade takes the two of you out to sea, don’t worry about getting lost or anything Jade knows the way.
Once sun down it about to hit he pulls you closer and kisses your hand, he drags his hand up your arm to your cheek and pulls you even closer, the kiss was blissful.

Lead through the forest in Dwarfs mine, to the lake.
He kisses you and pulls you closer to the water without you thinking about it.
You feel yourself getting lighter, you pull away from Floyd only to find out he’s removed your jacket, vest, and belt (Your shoes were already off).
He looks down at you and pulls you closer for another kiss.
By now your in your underwear and in the lake with Floyd as he takes off his clothes.
You see him dive into the water, when he comes up he’s transformed into his eel form.
You played in the water for hours with him, just having fun, and laughing at how stupid and funny he is.
The moon started to rise so I started to get out, when you look behind you Floyd is following. Your face turned all shades of red and pink, he’s now human, and you had no idea he didn’t have any clothes on, so you turn away from him hiding your blush.
When he starts talking to you, he finally puts his shorts on after you bring it up and he teases you about it.
In his backpack he brought dinner for the two of you and you spent the whole night talking and laughing. Eventually falling asleep in his arms, only to be woken up by some not happy fairies.
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When you get to Heartslabyul and up to Riddles room. When you walk in with flowers in your hand you see small candles light the room, and RED rose petals.
Riddle is sitting at the end of the room at a table, with a tea set, stirring his tea.
“A lovely evening,” Riddle turns to look at you, and walks over to you.
Riddle takes the flowers from your hands and puts them in a vase next to you, he then takes your hand and twirls you closer to him, and whispers to you a heart felt apology for working on tasks as the dorm leader, and up holding the Queens laws.
You both walk to the table with the tea, your cup poured, and small desserts sit in front of you.
After enjoying Riddle’s company and drinking tea, Riddle reaches across the table and his hand running through your hair till he found the back of your hand and pulled you closer, making you stand as he did.
He tilts his head and closes in till you can feel his hot breathe, and the sent of Roses from him, he whispers “There’s nothing in the laws of the Queen that says I can’t be with you today.” Then he asks to kiss you, saying your lips are sweet.
Yesterday Trey decided to teach you to bake treats from around the world of Twisted Wonderland, you two spent the whole day laughing, making a mess, and enjoying the other’s company. You made around fourteen dishes not just baked but cooked too.
The next day is were the magic starts, You hear a knock on your door, but before you could fulling wake up a man stood in front of you, a tray in hand.
“Good morning Sweet Tart. I made you breakfast.”
“Hmmm~” You said still sleepy “What for?~”
“Ha, for Valentine’s Day of course.” He sets down the tray of food ranging from pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausage. “I wasn’t sure what you were craving this morning so I made you a bit of everything.”
You couldn’t hold back your hunger so you dug in. You heard a loud chuckle come from Trey. “your hairs a mess, Sweet Pea, mind if I fix it?” He found your brush and sat behind you and brushed your hair, oh so gently. He even hummed a sweet song, when he was done he just laid his head on your back, in exhaustion from all the work being Vice-dorm leader.
Later in the day around lunch time you were feeling hungry. “Since it’s raining right now... Did you wanna have an indoor picnic?” Trey suggested holding up a picnic basket.
He sat the picnic up in the lounge of Ramshakle, rolling out a blanket, pulling out the food and drink. He sat down taking off his hat, a sighing, you could tell he was exhausted. You recognized the food Trey laided out, it was the food you made the night before.
“Sweet Tart, did you know, food always tastes better when you make it together?”
After eating once, Trey sat up against the wall, you grabbed the blanket he set out and sat in his lap, startling him awake.
“Shhhh Trey.” You put a finger up to his lips and you two cuddle till you both fall asleep together.
Cater thinks this day is not a day for social media, it’s a day for the two of you privately.
The first activity is making a couples playlist for incase the two of you are missing the other. You both use the others phone and creat a playlist of your favorite songs and songs that remind you of the other. So you know that the other will always love them.
Sadly the two of you still have classes today. While walking around during your couple hour break from classes Cater rides his board while you walk. Cater walks off his board and picks you up. When he sets you down you about fall is it wasn’t for his chest being pressed up behind you, you were now on his board. He then holds your hands and walks beside you and shows you how to skate... Well kinda.... If you don’t know how to skate he just holds your hands walking beside you the whole time.
I couldn’t think of much for Ace sorry. But he totally the guy that would get you flowers and then say “I just happened to walk by a flower shop. Here, don’t think about it.”
He would also remind you of how great you are by putting post it notes around Ramshakle, and if you carry a bag, in your bag, and notebooks. There’s a lot, just when you think you’ve found them all it’s like they just keep reappearing.
“You’re pretty today!... Um well I just...Wanted to give you this!” Then he hands you chocolates, “they’re home-home made... Well I mean I made them in my dorm, so they’re not really ‘home-made’ per say...”
Later that day you both head to the beach next to Royal Swords, and hang out in the water and on the beach itself. Deuce picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist.
Deuce has the best IDEA to walk over to the water and bend over threatening to drop you into the water. The worst part is when Deuce lets go of you and you start yelling at him. But you can’t for long because he starts laughing. And his laugh is beautiful, you can’t help but smile and pull him closer.
Before sneaking back onto Campus, you both watch the sunset reflect on the water of the ocean while riding home.
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Royal Sword like Night Raven has festivals too. Che’nya takes advantage of this by taking you to every one of them, whether you go to Royal or Night.
His favorite date was your first. He takes you to all the stalls you remember, and at the end of the night, you both go on the Ferris wheel.
Even if you have a fear of heights, he tells you there’s nothing to fear, and disappearing all but his Cheshire smile.
You kiss his lips before he comes back.
“Wait?! That’s not right! I kissed you when we reached the top of the wheel... Your not supposed to kiss me!” Che’nya pulls away and yells, as he reappears.
“It wouldn’t be right with out a little madness or difference right Che’nya?”
I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS I’M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG...🎶 But work, and school are a priority for me so I’m sorry.
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gaymershigh · 4 years
I'm really glad to find your blog! It's really rare to see content of male or gender neutral reader on this fandom. 💕
So, I was thinking, how would the Savanaclaw trio, Jamil and Idia react to a Male! Reader with a really deep/low voice that gets even deeper when they wake up 👉👈.
Ooooooh!! This sounds so interesting! Hearing a veeeery deep and I assume- sexy deep voice is one amazing thing to experience when you first wake up, I would love it but would be scared a tiny bit! (C_C)
Triggers: none
Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Jamil and Idia reacting to male s/o having a more deeper voice when he wakes up
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Since it's Leona, it's impossible for him to wake himself up in time, so you have to him up yourself for the sake of him going to class and for the sake of helping Ruggie's sanity.
It took about 10 to 13 attempts to wake this man up, he would either shrug you off or try to make you go back to sleep. But that's because you were just poking him, no words or anything and you're still tired.
When you spoke, this man was fully awake. Not even a tiny bit tired now, he got a sudden tingling sensation like he heard some weird asmr or something.
He will stare at you with his eyes slightly wide but what you didn't know, his eyes were bugged out from the sudden deep voice.
He was a bit fascinated with your already deep voice but hot damn, he didn't even know it could get lower? He's loving it though.
Please keep talking or he might fall asleep but don't talk too long or he'll fall back to sleep. Balance is the key!
He really loves your deeper voice and he's not denying it but he won't say it to your face.
Hope he can hears your deeper voice everytime he wakes up, so of course he'll be both not and intentionally be lazier and making it harder to wake him up.
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He's always wakes up you up first and you somehow always got the energy so you suddenly being still not fully awake is a new for him.
Your sudden deeper voice is also a new for him and its a pleasant one too.
The hyena was doing the usual, waking you up so you got a few time to spend before and seeing the usual Savanclaw early routines but for some reason, you just had to stay up late doing whatever.
He was getting himself ready and a few meters away from you so he might not get the exquisite experience Leona did but he still got something and it's still as shocking.
Your tired groan is enough to make his ears flick and tail stand straight up. He slowly turned to his bed where you are, seeing you rub your eyes innocently but your voice says otherwise.
You kept blabbering about how you want to go back to sleep and you're tired or whatever but he didn't listen- no, couldn't listen well. Your voice was so enticing and sexy, he wished he could listen to it forever.
He shook the provocative thoughts off and went about his day but your deep voice sometimes randomly pop up on his mind, causing him to blush out of the blue.
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He always wakes up early to go jogging and other healthy things that you couldn't afford to do at five in the morning but he still respects you and your limits nonetheless.
He woke up as usual but there was a sudden obstacle he had to pass through. You decided to sleep in his room since you had to deal with some problems until midnight and you walking all the way home feels like an impossible task.
So of course you two cuddled to feel eachother's warmth (that sounded wrong) and just chatted for a bit until both of you fell asleep. So the current problem is, you wrapped your arms around his body and legs around his.
He really didn't want to wake you up but he neither doesn't want to ruin his healthy routine. Plus, he doesn't want to leave Vil exercising by himself and probably upset him. Life's hard, man.
He hesitated but he has to do so for the sake of fitness life or whatever. He took his arms of off you and asked you to wake up as he needs to move.
It took a while but you manage to open your eyes and take your arms off him. Your "good morning" caught him off guard. It was 10× deeper than before. He quietly gasped and his tail straightens.
He mentioned it to you and thought you were sick of something. He calmed down when you reassure him and the thought won't bug him that much like the others. Though, the feeling of vibration from your voice hitting his chest made him felt something. Putting your head on his upper torso was a very good idea!
He thought that your voice is very manly and awesome and wish to have a gruff voice just like yours. Want to stop or encourage him? Your choice.
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You two usually meet up at the cafeteria very early in the morning because he always needs to pack up Kalim's foods for the day. You decided to wake up early and keep him company since it's kinda comforting, no?
You just couldn't help but think how lonely he felt waking up at about 4 or something to do simple things that Kalim could just learn to do it by himself if he wasn't so dependent? What a hell of a life. Not in good way, too.
You always manage to arrive as soon as he does or sometimes even earlier than him. This makes him happy, you genuinely care for him and he could him express all his bottled feelings more than anyone would ever witness.
However, today was different. He already arrived 15 minutes ago and you still haven't showed up. He was worried, are you ok? Did something happen? Or were you just not interested to meet up with him? Did you found someone else!?
He shook off the thought, you're probably just so tired and still knocked out on the bed. No human can keep an unnecessary streak for years if they got a choice not to do it and he accepted that. Not everyone is perfect, he thought. (but you still are to his eyes)
His eyes lit up as he heard the cafeteria door open and footsteps getting closer. He looked back to see the guest of honor: you!
He greeted like the usual, saying good morning with a soft smile but what he didn't expect was for you to greet back with such a low and kinda hot tone.
You were still sleepy, it's obvious since you weren't really talkative so he didn't mention about it until probably around lunchtime, anytime you were fully awake and not in this sleepy state.
He had mixed feelings about your voice. It was kinda scary and eerie to hear it at midnight or early morning, especially when it'd this dark and you were just lurking in the shadows when you said those words but it's very sexy and really likes to hear that voice again, he's confused.
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You two would always game with eachother in his room. Either until sunset or wake up a bit early to have some time before getting ready for school. You would always have to hear Ortho nag about how unhealthy your midnight/morning routine is and all but at this point, who cares?
This time, you stayed at Ramshackle Dorm and both decided to play it at morning. It sucks since you didn't get enough sleep last night due to Crowley shenanigans or whatever but you still didn't want to cancel the plans with your boyfriend so you'll just have to hear an annoying alarm go off on your phone.
It felt impossible to wake up but you manage. An alarm going off with Grim complaining how noisy it was really boosted your energy but you were still tired and was too lazy to wash your face.
He was already waiting for you in a lobby and you quickly joined in. It seems like nobody else is in this lobby this time, which was weird but at least they don't have to hear you sound half asleep or something.
He greeted you like the usual, he sounded more energetic than you. Guess he took proper sleep this time like you. You greeted back and you can hear the gasp of shock and confusion from the voice chat. It was silent for a few awkward seconds.
But he broke it by saying how your voice was deeper and how sexy amazing it sounds. You awkwardly laughed about it and he started the game, still talking about your deeper voice.
He's too much of a chicken to admit it but he reallt loved your voice. Your current deep voice was already baffling and hearing you talk or even rant for hours feels like some sort of weird voice heaven. But your deeper morning voice? Oh dear, hearing it loud and clearly from the headphones gives him shivers down his spine, it felt so close lie you were whispering in his ear.
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I had so much fun writing this. I woke up and the first thing I do is get straight to doing this request, don't know why but I like this sudden energy! (°∀°)b
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