#last two should be finished soonish
qhideduo · 1 year
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Hermit-a-day May days 25, 26, 27 and 28: Cub, Wels, Joe and Pearl
[Part 1] (Etho, Iskall, False, Gem)
[Part 2] (Doc, Xb, Mumbo, Stress)
[Part 3] (Scar, Cleo, Tango, Zedaph)
[Part 4] (Impulse, Beef, Grian, Keralis
[Part 5] (Hypno, Xisuma, Ren, Jevin)
[Part 6] (You're here!)
[Part 7] (Bdubs, TFC)
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
The word count for the Spiderman Au so far (Chapter 1)!
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Chapter one is FINISHED and should be posted soonish (Waiting on my account on ao3 to be approved). Definitely by Sunday. I’m working through chapter two slowly rn. This is my first fanfiction and definitely my biggest public writing project yet. I’m super excited. Here is a little snippet.
WC: 1418
Not thinking about Wednesday Addams had lasted an hour. Now, it was all Enid could think about, tapping her nails against the desk until she finally caved and her hand shot up. “Can I use the bathroom?” Once the teacher nodded, Enid quickly excused herself and then immediately began her journey towards the infirmary wing. The gray clouds that rested atop Nevermore like a crown had finally decided to overflow onto the grounds, rain steadily poured down onto Enid as she stepped outside, groaning in irritation. She hated wet clothes. Part of Enid wanted to go back inside, and another, more heroic part of her, reminded Enid that she couldn’t call herself a hero if she just let her roommate sit there without checking on her.
The werewolf swallowed her irritation and shoved down the urge to shake all the water off her body because that’s embarrassing, and sped towards the infirmary with quick steps. It was at moments like these Enid wishes she could be Spider-Wolf all the time, what she wouldn’t kill to swing across campus instead of walk.
Luckily, Enid didn’t have to walk far, she spotted Wednesday trudging along with her umbrella. Enid takes a moment to access. No blood, she’s walking, she looks as stabby as usual, a sniff lets Enid know she’s not bleeding profusely, but there is a bandage on her forehead that smells faintly of blood and medical alcohol. Wednesday is fine. A quiet sigh of relief left Enid’s lip, prepared to turn around without saying a word until her spidey-sense went off like a siren. The gargoyle above where Wednesday was walking had begun to tip, rattling and shaking as it slid towards the ledge. Enid sprang forth in an instant, she can’t use her webs in public, acting on pure instinct (saving people is what she does!). Wednesday looks up and Enid swears she sees the psychic’s lips twitch upwards. There isn’t any time to think about that though, Wednesday’s body tumbles out the way with Enid landing next to her. The shattering of the stone figure next to the spot the Addams once stood splinters debris everywhere.
Enid sits up fast, wrenching away from her roommate once she realized they were making contact Wednesday hadn’t consented to. The taller girl was honestly surprised she hadn’t ended up with a knife in her stomach for touching Wednesday. “Are you trying to die?” the werewolf snaps, only to realize Wednesday isn’t responding or moving, or opening her eyes!
This revelation unloaded a fresh wave of panic onto Enid. “Oh fuck I killed her!” Enid hopped to her feet, scooping a limp Wednesday up in her arms and speeding off to the infirmary. Figures she had come here to check up on Wednesday and ended up knocking her out! Way to fucking go End, some hero you are. “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead.”
Wednesday isn’t dead. The nurse delivers the news just in time to keep Enid from bursting into tears. She cannot handle that kind of stress and guilt! The nurse thankfully calls her teacher to let them know she is staying in the infirmary with a hurt ‘friend’ (Enid would hardly call them that). One of the perks about living in the education building is that the teachers are pretty lenient with certain things.
So, the colorful girl sits in the infirmary, watching Wednesday sleep with her arms crossed from a chair she had pulled up. It was entirely quiet, Enid doesn’t like it. She tapped at her thighs, made rhythmic noises with her shoes against the floor, and squirmed in place until eventually boredom turned into exhaustion. Enid had just begun nodding off when Wednesday suddenly sat up, which made Enid jerk and open her eyes wide. They meet each other’s gaze, Enid was learning Wednesday wasn’t the type to shy away from eye contact, Neither was Enid, usually. But Wednesday’s eyes were particularly…Enid isn’t sure. She just knows she looks at her lap after five seconds. Wednesday doesn’t say anything. Enid hates the quiet. “You’re okay.” Enid chirps eventually. Now, she wasn’t sure what to say. When she made plans to come here, she was going to just ask the nurse if Wednesday was okay.
Now she’s here. How the hell did she get here?
“The nurse said you don’t have a concussion.” The hybrid speaks with her hands, “But you’ll probably want to ice that bump. I’m sorry...” Nervous and awkward laughter followed. “Do you remember what happened?” The nurse says Wednesday doesn’t have a concussion but what about amnesia. Oh gods, she’d never forgive herself!
“The last thing I remember,” Wednesday starts, and her words draw Enid in. Wednesday spoke so little that Enid felt like everything she should be heard. The shorter girl’s body turned stiffly, facing the blonde and she didn't look away. Enid reasons that there is nothing else for her to look at. “I was walking outside, feeling a mixture of rage, pity, and self disgust. I’ve never felt that way before.”
Enid has to clench her fists to keep her face straight. She wants to laugh at that, because Wednesday’s delivery was perfect. Whatever Enid had been expecting to come out Wednesday’s mouth before it had opened, the goth always surprised her with something completely different. Enid didn’t want to seem rude, nor did she want to dissuade Wednesday from…whatever this was. Their civil conversation. So, she settles for smiling. “Yeah,” Enid mutters, thinking of the poe cup, thinking of Bianca’s name posted at the top of the class last year and the year before that. “Losing to Bianca does that. Trust me.” Enid can feel herself frown, but she shrugs it off. “Nothing a little ice cream and laughing at Riverdale can’t fix.”
Wednesday narrows her eyes, as if to say ‘That is the worst thing you could have said.’ “I don’t know what that is.” Enid opens her mouth. “And I don’t want to find out.” Enid closes her mouth. This almost felt playful. Enid wasn’t sure. Just this morning she was so sure her roommate didn’t want to ever speak to her, hell, just yesterday she wanted to scream at Wednesday, now she found the girl’s antics amusing.
Wednesday Addams is so confusing.
“Then,” Wednesday continues, “I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, at least I’ll have an imaginative death.” The slightest spark of delight that crosses her face, before she looks at Enid through her eyebrows, displeased, Enid assumes. “Then you tackled me out of the way.”
“Is that why you were fucking smiling?” The mutant hisses, throwing her hands up. She wants to say she’s surprised, but she’s not. “You are so weird.”
Wednesday’s face doesn’t change. “I feel the same way about you. Why?”
“Why?” Enid repeats, frowning.
“Why did you save me?” Enid stiffens.
It’s a good question. Why did Enid save her? Especially when all Enid had done last night was complain about Wednesday to Yoko.
The fact is, Enid can’t help it. Enid hates that Wednesday ruined the window, she hates how rude Wednesday is, and she hates that the other girl doesn’t seem to consider anyone else before acting. But Enid hates fighting with someone even more, Enid hates making enemies (surprising as a superhero, she knows), Enid hates being alone. “Because…we’re roommates. Instinct.” It wasn’t a lie, Enid’s instinct was to save Wednesday. She didn’t need to think about it, not their fight, not her distaste for the girl. When someone is in trouble, Enid wants to help. It’s that simple. If she can help, she will help.
“So you have attachment issues and chose to inflict them onto me?”
Enid’s face burns. Wednesday Addams is impossible. “Is everything you say an insult?” she grunts.
Wednesday looks her over once. “I don’t need to insult you.”
And like that, Enid wants to throw a gargoyle at Wednesday herself. “Oh my god, I save your life–”
Wednesday cuts her off. “I didn’t want to be rescued.”
Enid stands up fast, staring down at Wednesday with fire in her eyes. “So I should’ve just let that thing flatten you?”
“I would have rather saved myself.”
Stubborn. Enid thought to herself angrily, rolling her eyes and taking a deep breath. “The nurse says I have to walk you–” But Wednesday is already up, her feet carrying her towards the door and leaving a gaping Enid to scramble behind. “I’m fine. Leave me alone.” Enid stops. She watches Wednesday walk away with a frown fixed on her face.
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oyeedraw-arts · 11 months
Hello! Seems like it's been a while since we've heard from you. Just wanted to ask if you were okay, internet buddy? Also rly love your work
I have no idea why I sound like a bot but I promise this is genuine.
Hi! Thank you for the question, I'm doing pretty fine. I have been a little distracted from tumblr lately, which is not a bad thing, because more time for other things. I'm not sure where I am artwise presently due having veered from animation/art to technical stuff (freelancing was gutted in my country last summer, had to change), but I'm definitely in a better head space than a year or even two years ago.
I have been brainstorming on my fan projects on how to continue them, but I also want to do some orig comics I can publish (and do art for my dnd campaigns xD), while not nuking my free time. Last year when I did Humors of It my schedule was pretty much "go to work/home office, draw comic, sleep, maybe dnd, rinse and repeat". I'm getting old for not trying to keep a good sleeping schedule. XD
I do have art for a Belos zine, but that's yet to be published. (It's in the finish, should come out soonish)
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martsonmars · 1 year
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Hello hello! I had completely forgotten it was Wednesday, thanks @larkral for reminding me! So curious about your Lego projects 👀
The Like We Had A Clue writing block is still strong, but here's the first sentence of the next chapter, hoping it will be followed by other sentences soon 😂:
This time, Snow swings the door open before I can even ring the bell.
I'm currently feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of all the WIPs I have on AO3 (COTTA, CORB, COBB to mention just a couple of them) because I really want to work on all of them, but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it. I know people will appreciate my words whenever they're ready, and I'd rather work on what sparks joy than force myself to focus on certain WIPs and not write anything 💗
Having said this, I'm back at working on 47572 things at the same time! I have so many projects for EGF and I'm curious to see how many of them I can finish. Here's one that's about half done already, so there's hope for it 😂. It's very rough but whatever:
“So you've been spying on me this whole time?” I smirk. The thought makes me feel hot all over. Baz is incredibly handsome, and the image of him looking at me from under my bed…
“Fuck, no! I don’t watch. Not without your consent.”
“Bummer,” I say, and slap a hand on my mouth. What the fuck, Simon? Am I into being watched by the monster under my bed every second of my life? When I get changed, when I spend the afternoon dancing and doing bad karaoke and tripping in the cord of my charger? When I wank? Fuck. I am into it. “I would’ve liked that.”
He stays silent for a long moment. “I guess that could be arranged.”
Under the cut, one more snippet and tags <3
An old WIP I rediscovered yesterday and am hoping I can finish soonish:
He should be grateful. I watch all the stupid ads he makes and even click on the affiliate links even though I already know I will not buy a kitchen robot or a set of comfy joggers, not even if I'd get to use #SimonSnow61 as a discount code. I replay his reels and his idiotic TikToks until my eyes blur. I like his posts. I engage with them. I'm basically the reason why he's famous and can live a comfortable life.
And if I went out of my way to find him even on an app not associated with his name or public persona, it's not my fault. It's on him for not hiding himself better.
It's on him for being a fan of the book series that's been consuming half of my thoughts for the past two years.
Which brings me back to the issue at hand.
Snow's slander of the painfully accurate meta I posted last night about how the epitome of heroism and heterosexuality that Soren Cherry is could never fall in love with morally grey, tormented antihero Fangvald Wampyrsen.
This WIP is fun.
No pressure tags:
@wellbelesbian @urban-sith @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @johnwgrey @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @whatevertheweather @jbrrring @confused-bi-queer @moodandmist @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @dragoneggos @captain-aralias @takitalks @excalisbury @otherworldsivelivedin @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @gekkoinapeartree @bazzybelle @stardustasincocaine @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @angelsfalling16 @basiltonbutliketheherb @messofthejess @ivelovedhimthroughworse @nightimedreamersworld @artsyunderstudy @foolofabookwyrm-activated @ionlydrinkhotwater @yellobb @orange-peony @ic3-que3n @whogaveyoupermission @katmiscellanious @yeonjunenby @erzbethluna @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrek-gogurt @raenestee @onepintobean
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xmimiteh · 10 months
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Here we go again. I have been back from my business trip for a week now. Slowly recovered from my cold and now I am about to head out for another week - this time on a private vacation. My first real one this year, so... I was looking sooo much forward to it! It is not long and we will not be going far away.
Just a bit away, one or two driving hours into the countryside. Away from my PC. Somehow I would wish to use the freetime for so much stuff on my PC, but that will come afterwards. I have a free week after that as well. So... look forward to being flooded with original Mimi content soonish! Though, I have to finish FF16 as well at some point. So I will utilize that free week so much for catching up on basically anything. At least that's the plan. Unless I catch another cold. Let's hope that will not happen.
Also have some new prompts (thank everyone for that!), still need to catch up on the older ones and maaaaybe I might look into some ask prompts as well. Been rather hesitant with that and only asked other people about their OCs so far. But maybe I will give it a try as well. I am just a bit afraid those asks might pile up in my inbox and I might procastrinate too much.
So, don't worry if you do not see me online as much the coming week. I will be back on Sunday and then I will be back and make it your problem again. No, just joking. Just happy my cold is nearly gone and I am really excited for our trip. We planned some hiking, but considering the constant rain the last week, maybe it will be mostly some chilling in the hotel. Luckily we booked one with a spa and swimming pool. So it should not be a problem.
See you on Sunday again! Okay, maybe I will see you sooner, because I do have my mobile phone with me and will check in on tumblr. But as I hate typing on my mobile phone, I probably will not write much, but simply throw some likes on your awesome content. Thanks for being such an amazing community! You truly are my favorite FF14 bunch - aside from my friendlist in game, of course. Truly appreciate you all and your positivity!
So, I'm going to wake up, get up and get out there! This earworm is sponsored to you by, well ... me! But really, if you have not played Persona 5, what are you doing? Seriously!
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galvanizedfriend · 11 months
Hi yokan!
Loving the latest chapters of the wolf III and was wondering if we will be getting any more chapters soonish?
If not don’t worry! I don’t want to add any pressure. Take all the time you need
Hi nonnie! Thank you so much, always so happy to know folks are still into the fic ❤️
I had been thinking about posting a ~~life update here, so thanks for asking I guess, cause then it gives me the excuse to do it 😂
I have been super overworked these last few months and that's not something I see changing any time soon. But that doesn't mean that I can't take time to write, just that I have less time to write. But the real problem lately might be the fact I seriously need glasses 🥲 My eyesight had been going from bad to worse over the last couple of months and I finally went to a doctor that confirmed I need glasses. But that was about two weeks ago and I only went to get my glasses made this weekend 😂 Why do anything if you can procrastinate instead? 💁‍♀️ After just a few hours in front of the computer things start to get difficult lol So I can't really sit here for too long, and those hours are usually taken up by work. Just writing this right now I can barely see my screen 😂 It's all just a blurry mess 🥲 HOWEVER.
Even with that minor issue, I have finished the next chapter of TW and also WAHNOLA, just have to edit them now. TW is very long, it's one of the chunky ones 🙃 But NOLA is a shorty. So I should get them done soon, hopefully. And hopefully my glasses will be ready this week and this will cease to be a problem 🙏
Thanks for your message and have a wonderful week!
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bluestringpudding · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @silently--here and @uncannycerulean for the tags!
How many works do you have on AO3?
19 (+ 1 that's waiting to be revealed for a fest)
What's your total AO3 word count?
329,661 😳
What fandoms do you write for?
Just Harry Potter. Maybe I should diversify?
What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
Live like common people Dramione/Draco pretending to be a muggle (88,794 words)
How did we get here? The sequel to the above, aka Draco wishing he could still just pretend he was a muggle. (153,536 words)
Dragons Only The Draco/Charlie drabble (289 words)
A Song of Ice and Fire and Awkward Ex Boyfriends The other Dramione, this time with dragons. 🐉(20,272 words)
Just a Minerva in time The MinMione time travel one (6,460 words)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Unless you're an absolute arsehole, and even then, I would rather reply (but only if I can come up with an appropriate retort). Why? Because I love the interaction. Getting a comment, no matter how small, will always make my day. So, it feels right to at least say thanks. Also, I met one of my now good friends through us chatting in our fics' comments. So who knows what might come of it.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, probably One Last Cup.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've not written the ending yet, but it's going to be How Did We Get Here? If only because I have become waaayyy too attached to all of the characters to give them anything but.
Do you get hate on fics?
It's not quite hate, and I know it could be worse, but How Did we get here? garners some pretty strong reactions. They're a downer.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I've only published very mild smut, but I have written more explicit stuff since, and some of it is in the next chapter I'm publishing, and I'm scared.
Do you write crossovers?
No, I struggle enough with one fandom. Huge respect to the people who manage it
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. They're not good enough for that.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! Three actually. Idle in Kangaroo Court W1, for the mixed up writer fest. We ran out of steam, so it's unfinished, but I keep promising myself I'm going to finish it one day. Then two more with some friends, one short one for the rare pairs fest, that will be revealed soonish. Then one long fic that 3 of us a writing, which is err... in progress.
What's your all time favourite ship?
Call me a basic bitch, but I will always be such a sucker for Dramione.
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I have a really unhealthy stubborn streak that won't let me leave things unfinished, so hopefully none. Though Idle in Kangaroo Court is most at risk, because its been so long (and I feel I have to reach out to my co-author to check they don't mind, and my social anxiety is one of the few things that trumps my stubbornness).
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. I keep thinking I should try writing something as a script.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and flowery language. I have to work hard at imagining visuals, so a lot of the time I don't. And I'm too literal to do well with metaphors.
Thoughts in writing dialogue in another language?
I've never really had any before. I guess I don't mind it in small amounts, if the meaning can be inferred from context or reactions. It's annoying if you miss something by not understanding what it means.
First Fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
Favourite fic you've written?
Oh god, that's like asking me to chose between my children! Live Like Common People will always have a special place in my heart, as it was my first and the characters will forever live rent free in my head.
But also, I'm most proud of Tattletail, because I think it is technically my best piece of writing.
Tagging anyone who wants to play, as I suspect I'm one of the last of my mutuals to get round to this.
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
A Moment in Time-Ch 5
I'm back! lots of things to come, and a slightly longer, Tim centered, chapter! and...the build-up to the Timari subplot! 
 I know that is what everyone is actually here for lol.
Tim was tired of looking for Jason.
He wasn’t at any of his normal safe houses, and none of his usual contacts had heard from him in the last few weeks. Three weeks after the ridiculous scandal had broken, the press had all but forgotten Tim for the time being. As he ducked through alleyways, the teen couldn’t help but be thankful as he climbed back on his bike and sped back towards Wayne Manor.
He was done waiting for his brother to show up. There was something sketchy going on in their city, and if Jason wasn’t going to show up, then it was no longer his concern.
When he got home, Tim found Bruce waiting for him in the study looking over the side gardens. The older C.E.O.’s face was grim.
When Tim approached the desk, Bruce handed him a stack of papers. As Tim started to page through them, he had a flashback to when Jared Stone had brought the pile of tabloids.
As he flipped through the new stack, Tim realized that it was Jason’s credit card statement. And-was that…? “did he buy a ticket for Paris? Why didn’t we get notified about his passport passing through customs? Why is Jason in France of all places?” when he looks back at his adoptive father, the man’s face was grim.
“I don’t know, Tim. But we sure as hell are going to find out. Go to his apartment. I know you have a key. We need to see if he left anything out from before he left.” Bruce paused before adding, “he’s been gone for two weeks. There has to be a reason.” Tim nodded as he moved to stride from the room before Alfred spoke, shocking both Bruce and Tim.
“Maser Bruce, did you by chance call Master Jason? Last I remember, his cell phone was still working.” The father and son froze, before turning to the family Butler, slack-jawed.
“We really are stupid.”
 Damian didn’t see anything wrong with Todd being gone. It was quieter around the Manor and it meant that the 13-year-old was allowed to patrol through Crime Alley by himself, something none of his predecessors had been able to do at his age.
As the young teen flew over the city, his mind raced. He found this the most relaxing part of his time with his father.
At the manor, there was always something going on and there was always someone looking over his shoulder. Here, as he went rooftop to rooftop, arching over this city, the boy was able to finally find some peace.
A sound over his earpiece broke Robin from his quiet elation. “Robin, how are you doing? Is everything clear?” oracle’s voice filtered through, bringing him to relax. Oracle he could handle.
“it’s a regular night, Oracle. A few of the regulars. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“perfect. Finish up and head back, B wants you back before 2 because you have school tomorrow.”
The annoyed “Tch” that came down the line made the redhead laugh from where she sat at the computer.
 Tim had texted Jason before he had left for patrol. When he got back, there was a response waiting for him.
Jason: in Paris. I’ll be back soonish
Tim: Jay, what’s soonish?
Tim: there’s a situation we need your help with.
Jason: kid, I'll be back when I can.
Jason: if B cares, tell him Gina kidnapped me. I’m staying with her right now.
Jason: otherwise, just wait. It's personal business.
Tim: Jay, we are your family. Doesn’t that make it our business too?
Jason: in this case, no. fuck off, replacement
Tim: See you when you get back Jay
 The teen sighed. It was just like Jason to try and handle everything himself. This time, Tim couldn’t play interference either, he was stuck across an ocean. He just hoped this Gina person wasn’t as impulsive as his older brother. If she was, they would all be in trouble.
 As he made his way to his room, having showered and gotten himself ready for the next day, Tim paused by his desk.
He had taken the time to compile a file on the girl from a few weeks ago but hadn’t read it yet. He knew that if he was to read it, it would be violating her privacy, but he did that every day, so was this any different? To Tim, the only difference was that this girl wasn’t someone to watch or take in. she was just a normal girl with a normal life, who had run into him for a split second.
It wasn’t like he was going to meet her, right?
The teen shook his head and flopped onto his bed. It wasn’t worth it tonight. He could have the moral debate with himself when he was properly rested.
 Maybe he should have called in sick. Tim was definitely finding a way to leave early, as he looked at the list of meetings that he had been scheduled for.
Why had he agreed to this again? He could have sworn that he had told his assistant that Wednesday was his day to go home and work on his college classes. Instead, Tim had a feeling that he was going to be at the office late.
On his off night too.
 Partway through the day, he noticed an email that he didn’t recognize in his personal inbox. The inbox that he probably shouldn’t have been checking on the company computer but…
After a moment of hesitation, the young C.E.O. had clicked on the new email and blinked at what pulled up.
Mr. Drake,
My name is Marinette Dupain Cheng. I believe that we ran into each other quite literally a month and a half ago, approximately. As I am sure that you have at least seen the fictitious stories floating through the media, I assume that you are aware of the interaction that I am referring to.
Originally, I had no intention of reaching out, but a friend of mine encouraged me to reach out. (had actually was the one to give me your email. Does the name Jason Todd ring a bell?) I do hope that this whole press fiasco hasn’t hindered you too terribly.
Kindest Regards,
Marinette Dupain Cheng
 Tim blinked once before rereading the short email that the girl had sent. No. no way. She knew Jason? And what did she mean, Jason was the one to encourage her to reach out? Opening up a new draft, Tim hesitated before flicking his wrists to rid himself of tension and trying his reply.
Miss Dupain Cheng,
I was surprised to receive your email, but it seems that it came at a fortunate time. Yes, I do know Jason Todd. I know him quite well, actually. He and I were adopted by the same man, Bruce Wayne. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you meet my brother?
I must apologize, for the whole scandal from last month. I know that neither of us were directly responsible, but I do feel bad for any trouble it may have caused you. If it is not too much of an intrusion, I might also ask, how were you able to respond so quickly? The only reason I knew about the incident was Bruce’s old friend Jared. The man came into my office in a fit about the nerve of the photographer.
(if you ever meet the man, you will understand what I mean when I say that he never does things halfway. He had picked up a copy of every magazine or tabloid that ran a story about it. When he came in, he actually brought his crocodile as well. Fang scared the lobby staff more than anything has for the past bit, I believe.)
I hope this finds you well,
Timothy Drake Wayne
 After reading through his email one more time to make sure it sounded professional enough, Tim hit the send button and let out a deep breath that he didn’t know he had been holding. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that this was the start of something important.
Suddenly, Tim was very glad he hadn’t read the girl’s file.
 As he was preparing to head to yet another meeting later that afternoon, Tim glanced at his personal email again. To his surprise, the teen was met with another email from the French girl.
Mr. Drake (or is it Drake Wayne?)
Jason was sitting next to me when I opened your last email. Imagine my surprise when he panicked. Apparently, he had decided against informing any of his family of his departure. I must say, his reaction was quite entertaining.
Onto your question from your email, Penny Rolling, a good friend of mine, dropped off a box full of the tabloid trash that her husband, Jagged had shipped to her as soon as she got it. After my initial reaction, the two of us got a good laugh out of the whole situation. Especially when we heard that Jagged tried to bring Fang into your office! I guess to you, he would be Jared, but to me, he will always be my Uncle Jagged.
In other news, I thought it would be polite to pass on that Jason will be returning in the next few days. He has been fretting over a family emergency, not that he will tell me what it is but, there is only so much I can do. However, I thought it might be prudent to forewarn you that he will be bringing my grandmother back with him. Nona said it was something to do with one of his ‘side hustles’. Knowing those two, however, makes me think that Jason has gotten himself into something significantly illegal this time.
No need to apologize for something that neither of us could control! You did not ask for the photographer to take that ridiculous photo, nor did you ask for the fiction writers who work for the tabloids to write a piece of the photo. That said, I do feel that it has opened many new avenues. I know that Jason and I reconnected because of the photo, and it has given my lawyers something to focus on while we wait on proceedings for other matters.
Have a good day,
Marinette Dupain Cheng
 Jason was coming home sooner than he planned. It seemed like Tim’s text had actually gotten through to his older brother.
With a sigh, he marked the email as important so that he would remember to respond to it before he started on his homework.
The teen C.E.O. snagged his thermos of coffee on the way out the door, he had a meeting to go to.
And...there it is! this week I'm going to try and work out my posting schedule. what did everyone think of the emails?
  i know that there are a lot more people in the Wayne/bat family, so I'm going to work them in a little bit at a time. as far as Dick Grayson is concerned, btw he knows about the scandal but not about Jason's sister or that he's not in Gotham.
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
We Have A Jedi [12] | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Fandom: Marvel and Star Wars
Pairing:  Tony Stark x Son!Reader, Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Summary: (M/N) is officially back on earth, so is Sheyo. With the two stranded and the war still raging on, what comes next?
Read from the beginning
(M/N) opened his eyes and was confused why he didn’t hear the hum of ship engines. Sitting up he realized he wasn’t in his quarters on the ship, he was in his room on earth. He could tell by how the sun was starting to raise over the city that he had woken up pretty early. Perhaps he was still adjusted to waking up for the next campaign. He stood up and walked over to the closet, inside he found some clothes that could fit him. Once he was dressed he wandered out to the living room.
The quietness of the area told him that no one was up yet. Moving to the kitchen he looked around. Last time he was on earth he was taught a couple of things for cooking. He got to work making something for everybody to eat as they got up. He had got some of the food done by the time someone entered the kitchen. “Do I smell food?” (M/N) smiled and turned to face his intruder. “Hey Steve. I’m making breakfast, grab a plate. most of it is done.” Steve smirked and did so before sitting at the table. “I gotta say, I half expected to wake up and realize last night was a dream. But you’re here...actually here.” He looked at his plate and back to (M/N). “Where have you been kid?”
(M/N) finished his cooking and set everything aside. “I didn’t want to leave. I wanted more time here, with you guys...with dad. But there’s still a war going on and mom wanted to make sure that we realized that.” (M/N) shrugged his shoulders. “I guess she was right though. Once we got back into the fight I realized there were still so many people that needed our help. I couldn’t just stay here or come back...even if I tried at first.” (M/N) had a far away look in his eyes and Steve noticed, the younger book shook his head quickly though. “Anyways that’s the past. I’m here now...I just hope for longer.” Steve nodded his head. “Well I’m glad to have you back, I know everyone else...especially your dad is too.”
Grabbing a plate for himself, (M/N) joined Steve at the table. “So...anything interesting happen when I was gone?” Steve smirked at him. “You’ve missed a lot. Turns out there were lots of hidden Hydra agents in Shield and that was an ordeal. Also...Bucky’s alive.” (M/N) raised a brow at that. Steve had told him of his time in the war, and his best friend Bucky...but that he died. Apparently that wasn’t the case. “How?” Steve sat his fork down, no longer interested in the food. “Hydra.” (M/N) nodded and gave him a small smile. “I’m sorry Steve. We’ll get him back.” Steve genuinely smiled and with that his appetite seemed to return. “Anyways, what have YOU been doing Mr.I’ve lead armies in war?” (M/N) blushed and looked away as Steve made fun of what he last said to them. “Shut up. I’ve just been doing what I’ve always done...fighting in a seemingly endless battle. But I HAVE been learning different art and stuff from different planets.” Steve seemed to be really interested with that. “Art like drawing and painting?” The boy nodded at him. “Yeah, plus pottery, music, theater. All of that. There’s a lot out there.”
Steve was about to say something when we were joined by some others. “(M/N)!” He didn’t have a chance to say anything before Clint pulled him into a tight hug. “Welcome back kiddo. Oh hey breakfast.” Clint let him go and went to get a plate. Natasha took the chance to rub his head and mess up his head. “Welcome back kid.” She also grabbed a plate and the two of them sat down. Just like Steve had asked before, he told them about what he had been up to. It wasn’t long before Tony and Bruce arrived, his dad sitting next to him. (M/N) noticed how his dad was grinning, almost like he thought it might have been a dream. They had told him that Thor had returned to Asgard for a bit but that he should be back soonish. The group were all enjoying their breakfast and talking when (M/N) heard the sound of a crutch. “Oh hey, there’s a group of people now.” (M/N) turned and smiled at Sheyo who looked a lot better than she had the night before. The avengers were looking at her with mixed emotions, who was she and why was she here...also why was she green.
Quickly standing from his seat (M/N) pulled out his chair offering it to Sheyo who gratefully took it. “How did you sleep? You feeling better?” Sheyo smiled at him. “Very much so. I think I should be fine soon hopefully. Now, are you going to introduce me to everyone?” (M/N) nodded and looked around. “Sheyo these are the Avengers. Steve, Clint, Natasha, you already met Bruce, and...my father. Tony Stark.” Sheyo grinned as she looked from me to Tony, soon she lifted her hand out to him. “Nice to meet you Mr.Stark.” It was obvious that everyone was still confused so (M/N) helped explain everything with Sheyo filling in any gaps. It was very similar to how (M/N) was questioned after the battle of New York.
The conversations were dying down and breakfast was coming to an end. (M/N) was enjoying the time he was spending with his family again, this time with his best friend. As everyone broke from the table Sheyo leaned over to him. “(M/N) a word?” He gave her a nod and excused himself from the rest. He took Sheyo to his room and closed the door. “What’s up?” She sat down on his bed and looked around before looking back at him. “So my leg’s out of commission for at least a couple days, but what are we going to do after that? We can’t stay here forever, you know that.”
(M/N) nodded. “I know. I would stay forever if I could but we can’t. The war is still going on and we have to get back. The first problem we’ll have is to find a way off planet. We’ll need a ship with a hyperdrive to get us back. Plus, we have another problem.” (M/N) took out the two infinity stones he has. “We have these to worry about. We can’t keep them together, it makes them a bigger target. We have to separate them.” Sheyo nodded. “So what’s the plan?” (M/N) laid the stones on his desk. “When Thor get’s here I’ll give him the space stone. Let him take it back to Asgard, it should be safe here. The mind stone, I’ll give to my dad. He and the avengers are the best the earth has. They’ll keep it safe.” He looked to Sheyo who only smiled at him. “Sounds like a good plan. Alright. Guess we get to take a little vacation for a bit.” (M/N) put away the stones into a hidden place and grabbed his sabers. “Come on. You may not be able to train, but I want you to at least give me pointers.” She let out a groan then grabbed her crutch and began following him to the training area.
The tower had changed a lot since the last time he came and the training room was no exception. It was now an ACTUAL training room and not just a boxing ring. “Sir. Your father designed a training program for each of the avengers, including you.” Jarvis spoke up. That made (M/N) surprised. He didn’t think his father would have taken his combat teaching into consideration. “Really?” Jarvis’ voice spoke again. “Yes sir. He studied the videos of you fighting during the battle of new york and based the training for you on them.” He smiled at that, his father really did take care in making sure he was included. “Thanks J. Can you start the training?”  Sheyo moved to the side and Jarvis began the training exercise. “Starting simulation.”
The simulation room started to hum and the lights dimmed. A holographic image of a Chituari appeared and it began firing at (M/N). He quickly ignited his lightsabers and began deflecting the bolts back on to the oncoming waves. As the waves of holo enemies came towards him, he switched from defense to attack. He slashed through the oncoming waves, as he was doing it he realized that he had improved during his time gone. Perhaps he’d have to talk to his dad about other fighting stances and techniques to help improve the simulation. 
While (M/N) was in the simulation, the door to the viewing room opened and Tony, Steve and Clint walked in. “Heard little Stark war doing the simulation, wanted to see his moves.” Clint said. Sheyo smirked at them and nodded to the simulation. “This is easy for him compared to other things.” They all watched as he did a flip with a landing slash on an enemy. “He’s improved a lot since last time.” Steve noted. “That’s my boy. Takes after his father.” Steve laughed. “I’d say he takes after his mother.” Sheyo raised her brow. She was going to find out who his mother was. Tony scoffed and turned back to watching his son.
Steve turned to Sheyo. “So Sheyo. Since you’re a jedi do you do what he does?” He nodded towards (M/N) and she smiles and nods. “You mean being part of a galactic war? Yep. My master’s Dia. His is Janai. I’m sure you know that bit though. Like we said earlier, we were on a mission when we ended up here.” Sheyo looked at Tony, studying him. “You know. He looks like you a lot.  We, Jedi, aren’t supposed to know our parents or form attachments. I don’t believe in that. I think it’s a stupid rule...but you should know there’s still a war going on. If he stays here...they’ll come after him. The Jedi. It won’t be pretty. He might have to leave but that doesn’t mean he wants to. I can see he loves you a lot.” Tony smiled sadly at her and nodded. “I know. When he first left I was angry at everyone, myself, his mom, but never at him. I knew he still had a job to do. When it’s time for him to leave again, I just hope he says goodbye this time.”
The simulation ended and (M/N) exited the room. “Oh, hey guys. Were you all watching me practice?” They all nodded. He turned to Sheyo. “Just like the temple training room.” She laughed at that. Clint lightly punched his shoulder. “Well kid. You definitely put on a show.” (M/N) smirked at looked at Tony. “What can I say I take after my dad.” Tony laughed and pointed at Steve. “I told you! Now…” He wrapped his arm around (M/N)’s shoulder. “Let’s figure out what we’re doing today.”
A/N: I realized I haven’t shown you what Sheyo looks like so here she is!
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talistheintrovert · 3 years
Hi there!! Can you spare some writing updates ? Miss your fics so much!
So things are going VERY slowly at the moment because I’m in the last leg of my degree and I have two dissertations to write before the end of April, BUT nothing is abandoned yet, I’m still working on it all, just very slowly!
say my name (wear it out like a sweater) should be the next one to get updated - I’m about halfway through the final chapter and I’ve recently picked it back up again so it should be done (hopefully) soonish.
Here We Stand or Here We Fall is POSTED!
A Little Peculiar is in the works, but it takes a lot more energy and mental gymnastics to write than all the others (because writing a sense8 au is a STUPID amount of work trying to remember who’s met who and how and I made an excel spreadsheet) so I probably won’t update this one until after I submit one or both of my dissertations. 
tranquil as a forest (on fire within) is at the bottom of the list because I want to get the ones closest to being finished published first, but she’s still there! And I still love working on her, so don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten.
I hope that clears some stuff up for you anon! I’m sorry I haven’t been super invested in my fics this past year, it was a combination of the panoramic, the show tanking itself, and my degree picking up speed, but I’m still here! Just much, much slower. 💕💕💕
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kaiowut99 · 3 years
CROSS GAME - Full Singable Translation & Romaji
Been a while since I posted one of these! 
So, after I finished my 5D’s “Dub-Uncut” project a bit ago, I wanted to go ahead and work on a full version of the singable lyrics I whipped up for CROSS GAME; I was proud of how the TV-size translation came out and wanted to tackle the full song, since I’d never done so.  There’s also no English (or even Spanish!) cover of this song apparently, so hopefully this helps to inspire folks to try it; it’s a really good song, and I miiiight’ve started thinking of Yusei and Aki a bit as I did the second verse with the “you lock me out... let me in?” line as CROSS GAME starts being used post-Fortune Cup and all, but I think the “shared goals” part and hearing stories can also work with the Signers coming together from their different backgrounds for their united purpose.  
For the line about an allegro, because an allegro describes something happening in almost an instant, the idea was that the scene being so captivatingly imagined about shared goals as stars lighting up the sky would be more vivid because it’d feel so much longer when actually in the moment of it happening.  It was tough trying to word it well enough to convey that, but hopefully I did, lol.
Enjoy, and yeah, feel free to use for fandubs or as a base for them or what have you! I’ll revise my Last Train - A New Morning translations soonish too and post those up, along with the With the Wind and Believe in Magic lyrics I meant to post for VRAINS *checks notes* two+ years ago... whoops
(Other Song Translations [including ARC-V and VRAINS stuff])
Artist: Alice Nine. Lyricist: Shou Composer: Alice Nine. Arranger: Alice Nine./Takumi Masanori
Watching the light brighten our way, we both vowed to face the unknown... That we'll go build a future made for us and us alone. Where the distant light of dawn shines bright from where we stand... ...as we rise and shine within our wonderland.
There's a wave of emotions that flooded in approaching our shores... In our world--one in which algorithms can't explain things... ...should you find that you've lost the light giving you wings... ...rest assured the hourglass behind your heart won't reset from your fright. So, roll the dice and live your life--get out and follow the light!
As time goes on through all our struggles, we'll see our new tomorrow... ...shared goals raining down like stars which leave the sky aglow. For so long, the scene ensnared us, yet their rays felt so distant... An allegro won't be as vivid in the “moment.”
I wonder what made you you... You lock me out... Won't you let me in? Black-and-white, all those thoughts you've got drifting inside your head... ...even when I'd use tricks or treats to stop that dread... Hazy is the sky you see, but there's no need to dwell on the past. Our winds of change will lead us to heights so vast...
One day, you had come to me, and I braced myself to see... ...all the tears that you shed telling me your story...
May you soar towards tomorrow, flying faster than your heart beats... Through it all, see the world on your endless journey of feats. And just know that tears are normal—every one has its reason. Let my voice break through and serve as your beacon.
Oh... We set off for our dreams... We'll get there, unyielding to every norm... Oh, yes... We want to find meaning... Take my hand; we've roles to perform...
Romaji (originally transcribed here; kana lyrics here)
Hikari sasu hou e miagete chikatta Bokura dake no mirai kizuite iku Yoake sura tooku mabushiku sasaru Mezamete yuku In the wonderland.
Afuredashiteta omoi no nami wa yose ARUGORIZUMU de tokenai sekai ni Tatoe hikari ushinatte mo, Kokoro no ura no sunadokei wa modoranai Sai wo tokihanate GET OUT & FOLLOW THE LIGHT
Yume miteta ashita wa itsuka sugisari Kousa shiteku negai, hoshi ni naru. Matataki mo wasure, mitsume tsuzuketa AREGURO yori azayaka-na "toki"
Mazariaenai kokoro ni kagi wo kake Amai torikku sasou FLAVOR Shiro to kuro no shikou no hate
Kasumi yuku sora, mou kako wa iranai Utsukushiki yokan kanadete
...Namida ochiru made, iki wo hisometa Ano hi, aosugita STORY
Maiagare ashita e, kodou yori hayaku Douka owaru koto naki tabi wo Imi wo nasanai namida wa nai kara Kono koe yo kimi ni todoke.
Aah, hashiridashita toki no nagare koete Sou nozomareta imi wo enjiyou.
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years
Operation: BREAD (Bring Revenge on Everdeen to Avenge Dad)
Written by: @alliswell21
Prompt 23: Rumor: MrEverdeen crossed fence dividing Town and Seam, kidnapped Mrs Everdeen making her his common law wife. Years later, Mellark sons plan to avenge their father by raiding Seam and kidnapping one of Everdeen’s daughters for one of them to take as a wife! Does Katniss “volunteer,” does she escape, how do the 3 brothers decide what to do with her since they didn’t plan it all out well? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Rated: T for now, for language.
Author’s Note: So, I resigned myself that this prompt won’t be completed by the new dateline of May 10th, because believe it not, quarantining with the husband and children at home makes for a very busy day… everyday. I haven’t been able to write anything for days at a time, and everytime I come back, I reread what I’ve written so far, and find faults that need fixing and what I hoped to be a short story is turning into a long one shot because I’m incapable of keep things simple… and now I’m ranting about everything instead of thanking everyone— from the EFE administrators, to @567inpanem for the prompt, and y’all dear readers— and wishing all moms a happy Mother’s Day, even if you celebrate it on a different date in your country… and I a belated happy birthday to Katniss Everdeen and Also a happy Mother’s Day to her, because she deserves it… anywho…
Here’s is the very first part of this story, that can’t make up its mind on what it wants to be (it’s leaning into romcom territory right now), I’ll post all my submissions soonish (hopefully finished), and I apologize for any formatting defects since I’m posting from my cell phone, otherwise I’ll forget to post it at all.
Sorry this is messy! I love y’all! Stay healthy.
“Quiet, you morons!” Bannock… whispers?
Is that the right descriptor for the harsh, low sounds that comes from his mouth? I’m not quite sure, but I look at him sheepishly, since I was the one to trip on air this time around and nearly knock down a clothesline, poles and all.
“S-sorry…” I stutter drunkenly.
Rye shrugs, uncaring. Asshole!
Bannock glares at us with his bloodshot, angry blue eyes before turning around and creeping forward.
It’s a chilly night out, with no stars and just a sliver of moon casting minimal light over us, ideal to maraud and raid… if we lived any place else, that is.
If we were to find ourselves face to face with the flashlight of a Peacekeeper patrolling the streets, things could go anywhere from awkward to deadly, and I really hope we don’t have to find out how it’ll truly go. We’re wasted, outside our house after curfew, and facing our mother’s wrath would probably be as terrible as any punishment the peacekeepers would inflict on us.
The later option has me swallowing thickly.
I’m no coward by any stretch of the word… but I do enjoy being alive, so… yeah.
“Don’t mess around, no more!” Bannock chides.
As soon as Bann turns around, Rye mouths his words back, mockingly, and I wonder— not for the first time— how can my brothers be so immature? Bannock just turned 25, while Rye has the mind of a 13 year old trapped in the muscular body of a 24 year old man; leaving sweet, little me, the 21 year old baby sibling, to bring the rear.
Rye burps, mostly quietly, earning another warning glare from Bann. All things considered, I’m a little impressed at how stealthily we’ve been moving so far, being as enebriated as we are and all. But who knows? Maybe we really aren’t as slick as my alcohol soaked brain thinks we are, and I’m just too skunked to know any better.
“D’you think we’ll be back before father wakes to take care of the ovens?” Rye slurs a little, squinting his eyes at a cat trotting across the alley in front of him. A second later he’s frowning down at the cat, shushing it obnoxiously, as if it’s soft paws are the ones making the stopping sounds coming from his own boots.
Bannock shrugs, “Who cares!”
I’m about to raise my hand and respond that I do, I care, but Rye starts laughing like an idiot, already distracted by something else. We turn to catch him picking up a stick and throwing it at the poor, unsuspecting cat. As soon as the stick hits it’s side, the animal loses its balance, making it fall into a trash can, with a terrified cry.
It’s awful. And loud.
“Knock it off!” Bannock growls as quietly as he can. “You’re gonna wake up the whole town, asshole!”
The cat meows indignantly, climbing out of the trash. He jumps to the other side and it’s gone in the next moment.
I sigh, rubbing one hand over my face. “Guys, I think we should go back. I don’t think Father will approve of this.”
“Shut up, Peeta!”
“Yeah! Shut it, runt!”
I grunt in aggravation under my breath. “I’m serious. We shouldn’t be out here… at all!” I insist.
“Why did you come then?” Bann hisses.
“You dragged me out with you, jackass!” I counter, pointedly. Plus, I’m the least drunk out of the three of us, and I figured I should keep an eye on them two, make sure they don’t get hurt in this idiotic quest… but I don’t say that out aloud. “I still don’t understand why, are we stumbling across town in the middle of the night, risking getting caught outside after curfew.”
“You know why, Peeta! We’ve gone over it to death,” snaps Bann, twisting his whole body to face me and almost walking into a potted plant sitting by somebody’s back door. “Father doesn’t know how to take care of himself, let alone how to defend his honor!”
“Our hands have been forced, runt. We need to pick up the slack, that’s why!”
I roll my eyes at my brothers.
It’s true though. For the last 26 years, our father has been both the butt of every joke said in the streets of district 12, and the victim of a tragic cautionary tale, people somehow feel the sadistic inclination to bring up to us, Mellark boys, as if we needed the reminder.
“Geez… save it for Everdeen, Bann. Let the runt keep his head instead of chewing it off him!”
Bannock frowns. It’s not everyday Rye comes to my defense, which means he really must be hammered.
Cool! I love brotherly affection… even if given under the influence.
“Whatever.” Bannock mutters under his breath. “We’re here anyway.” He signals to the fence dividing our district into two unequal sections: the merchant quarter, where we live, and the Seam (our destination), the largest— yet poorest— side of 12.
It’s unclear why the government erected the fence running right through the district in the first place, but the effect of having a literal barrier separating everyone in our small district, couldn’t be any clearer: we have a huge social divide amongst our people, very distinct and hard to overcome. Both sides distrusting the other, despite there never being a tangible reason why.
Personally, I think the most logical explanation for the creation of the internal fence, was just sheer desire to create hostility and antagonism between the citizens of 12… maybe it’s easier for the Capitol’s long arm to control a podunk place like here, when there’s an unbridgeable social chasm between our own denizens; how can we band together to demand better treatment and fair representation from the mighty Capitol, when we’re fighting with each other?
Of course, I keep my opinion to myself, because speaking of such things is just a sure way to find oneself in prison, facing charges of public agitation and whatnot.
Bann cuts through my musings, “Alright… let’s find a spot to cross over.” He says determined and still very intoxicated.
The worst kept secret in District 12, is how some sections of the fence are too close to the houses in the merchant side. If one really wants to cross into the other side over the fence, one only needs to look for a low wall adjacent to the top links of the fence to climb on, and after that, it’s all a matter of gravity pulling you down. Its been done before too…
Everyone speculates that’s what happened the day our father fell into disgrace: A man from the Seam found a weak spot to exploit… and the rest is history. Never mind the fact that jumping the fence is a common enough hooligan deed; how else can teenage couples reach the Slag Heap at the edge of the old coal mines to engage in their secret affairs?
It only takes us a few minutes to find a brick wall circling the backyard of a random house, just two feet shy of the fence.
We climb it with all the grace of a pig crawling up a greased pole, but after much huffing and puffing, we manage— with great effort— to drag ourselves over the barrier. We’re sweating and swearing, but who could blame us for that? We Mellark boys are just too broad and heavy with muscle, add to the mix the fact that we’ve drank our body weight in white liquor right before Bann had the brilliant idea of dragging us out here, and you have an uncoordinated— mostly clumsy— sad excuse, trio of vandals.
Rye goes first, then I go; finally, Bannock splatters down like a bullfrog, falling on his ass. He’s disgruntled and I suspect in dire need of a nap.
“Come on!” He commands, dusting his behind sloppily.
We’ve been walking aimlessly through unfamiliar dirt roads and dark unpaved alleys. The place is littered with produce crates set upside down in neat circles every other road… I vaguely wonder if that’s what passes as a socializing hot spot here in the Seam, like the square with its concrete benches is for us in town?
Sometimes I forget how things can be so shitty on this side of the District. It makes my stomach twist unpleasantly with guilt, realizing I take certain privileges for granted.
About five minutes into our stupid intrusion into Seam territory, Rye speaks up.
“Dude… do you know where they live?”
Bannock’s head snaps up, clearly annoyed. “How hard can it be to find the Seam’s apothecary?”
Very, actually.
First of all, The Seam consists of row after row of seemingly identical shacks, in varying states of shabbiness, arranged in a huge matrix of sorts. Each row is made of three to five houses with a slim road in between the next set of homes.
For what I gather in my limited liquor-addled brain, each horizontal row has a designated letter, and the vertical street goes by number. Other than that, there are no other distinguishing signs, telling us where we are or how to find the ‘Seam apothecary’ as Bann inarticulately dubbed it.
Rye groans in annoyance, seeming ready to overrule Bannock and call the whole thing off, himself; but my drunk ass is too stupid to keep my big mouth shut.
“They live close to the electric fence. Right before the meadow. They probably have a fence-in yard, too.”
I wince, regretting my words right away. I shouldn’t have said anything, but like an idiot, I couldn’t help spilling out the small bursts of information I’ve gathered over the years on the Everdeens.
I’m ashamed to admit it, but the Everdeens are a bit of an obsession to me… for all of us Mellarks, really. Given our entangled past with them, it shouldn’t be so much of a revelation, but this thing between our families has been a nuisance ever since I can remember and while my brothers and mother use it as a focal point of hatred and animosity. For me, is a curiosity driven thirst for knowledge on everything Everdeen. Anything that could shed light on our sordid past, I would gobble up, trying to answer why something that has virtually nothing to do with me and my brothers, still haunt us everywhere we go.
Rye frowns. “Fence-in yard?” He looks around the houses we are passing, realizing none of those have fences.
“Goat.” Bannock grunts, nodding thoughtfully. “Good catch, runt.”
“Huh?” Rye is scratching his head, confused.
“The blonde girl,” Bann says with mild irritation.
People from the Seam have a very specific look to them: dark— usually straight— hair, gray eyes, olive skin… ‘blonde’, blue eyed and pale, is more of a descriptor for people from the merchant class, like us… like Mrs. Everdeen.
The poor woman must stick out like a sore thumb in here; probably the same goes to her merchant-looking daughter, Primrose.
“What about the blonde?”
“She makes goat cheese.” Bann huffs as explanation, but since Rye still looks like the concept is too hard to fathom, Bannock grunts, expanding. “She trades the cheese in town. Mainly with Father. Which means, Everdeen has to keep at least one goat for the girl to have access to milk.”
“M’kay… goat, fences, meadow.” Rye lists clumsily on his fingers, following after Bann. “Got it!”
We quickened our steps in the direction of the electric fence. I’m still kicking myself for saying anything when we reach the last row of houses before the meadow.
I really hope I’m wrong about them having a goat, although I find it hard to believe Primrose steals milk from other people for her cheeses. She looks so sweet and innocent.
Alas, I’m too clever for my own good sometimes.
The very first house in the row at the edge of the meadow, has a pen connected to the house on the strip of backyard allotted to them. A tiny but sturdy shed stands against the back wall of the house, and if my eyes don’t deceive me, I can barely make out the snout of a goat, peeking out of the narrow opening of the shed.
“This is it!” Rye crows excitedly, rubbing his hands together and licking his chops like a hungry, humanoid wolf.
“Yeah. Finally!” Grunts Bann, “keep your voice down, doofus.” his reaction, both frenzied and anxious.
“Let’s do this!” Rye’s smile is deranged.
“Great!” I hiccup with fake enthusiasm. “What are we doing?” I deadpan, staring at my siblings with all the aggravation I can muster.
My brothers speak excitedly at the same time:
“Taking one of the girls back home with us!”/“Beating the shit out of Everdeen!”
My brothers look at each other, perplexed, and go, “”What?!” At the same time.
“Fuck!” I groan to the skies, noting its near dawn. “You better be joking! We came all the way out here, and you idiots didn’t plan what you were going to do once we arrived?”
“No… I mean, yes! No. it’s simple,” Slurs Rye trying to stare me in the eye and failing miserably, “We’re dragging Everdeen out here. Then, we’ll beat the snot out of the bastard, and have you doodle the whole thing out for Father… you’ll finally use that art talent of yours for something we’ll all enjoy… not just you,”
“No, no, no, no!” Snaps Bannock. “We’re taking one of Everdeen’s daughters, bring her back home with us, and avenge father.”
“What? Why?” Rye whines much too loud and even I shush him. “I thought we were just gonna jump the bastard and rearrange his face a little,” Rye sounds disappointed.
Bannock answers right away, sounding like our mother when she’s chiding us for some thing or another. “Dude… the guy stole Dad’s girl! You know what they say about repaying a slight with the same coin and all that shit. It stands to reason, the course of action here is to take one of the girls home with us, sleep with her, and get her pregnant or something, then she can’t come back to her daddy.”
I throw my hands up in the air, “That’s it! I’m out!” My brain practically short circuits with the outrageous shit my brothers are spewing out of their mouths.
Sure, beating the lights out of an unsuspecting man in front of his house in the middle of the night is already crazy, but Bann’s idea to take a girl away from her home, it’s beyond preposterous!
Instead of lashing out, I turn around and stalk away as fast as my legs can carry me. I’m still tipsy, so I stumble a little, but I’m determined to leave.
“Hey! Where are ya going?!”
I get grabbed by the bíceps and pulled back to ‘hide’ behind a scraggly bush overlooking the house we assume is Everdeen’s. My brothers push me down by the shoulders roughly, until I’m sitting on my ass.
“The hell is wrong with you two?” I snarl, trying to punch and kick either one of them.
“Shut up, runt! They’re gonna hear you!”
“Good! Then someone will call the Peacekeepers over.”
“Wha— No! Why would you want that?” Rye whines.
“I didn’t sign up for any of this crazy shit!” I spit enraged.
“Dude, you can’t bail on operation BREAD,” Rye scrunches up his face.
“Operation Bread? What in the hell, is operation Bread?” I wrench my arms free from them at last, glowering up at both.
“Bring Revenge on Everdeen to Avenge Dad!” Rye says proudly, a lopsided smile brightens his face, and all I want to do is punch his nose.
“You’re insane!” I sputter.
“No… I’m cle-ver!” Rye grins, tapping a finger to his temple.
“Come on, Peeta. You know this needs to be done!” Bann cuts in.
“No! It doesn’t!” I argue. I still feel woozy from alcohol though, so it’s costing me too much effort trying to get up. “This is just insane, Bannock! What you’re proposing is just… heinous!” I hiss.
Bannock’s face hardens, “Nobody will see it like that.” He assures, “An eye for an eye, baby brother.”
“So what? We’re gonna kidnap and rape an innocent girl in revenge, and you think that’ll fix anything? Will it bring peace? It’ll help you get Madelynn’s parents to back off and let her marry you?” I’m so pissed off, I’m pretty sure spittle is flying out of my mouth. “It won’t do anyone any good! Not us, nor father, and especially not Katniss or Primrose!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Bannock flies at me, and all I have to do is lift my arms to shield my head.
Rye is an equal opportunity asshole most of the time, but in this moment, he’s the one stopping Bannock from breaking my face in two, and I’m very grateful for my middle brother manhandling our eldest for me.
“Rape is a strong word, runt.” Rye gasps with the effort of keeping Bannock from kicking my ass. But if the wrinkling of his nose is any indication, I think maybe my words are chipping away some of his complicitness in this mess. “Maybe, what Bann meant, was, one of us will… you know… spend time with the girl, and then… make her his common law wife or something?” Rye looks at Bann expectantly.
Bannock nods. Rye lets go of him.
We all stay silent, breathing heavily for a moment.
“Same coin. Simple as that.”
If the stories are to be believed, Sorrel Everdeen crossed the fence dividing the merchant quarter and the seam, kidnapped my father’s betrothed— Lily— and made her his common law wife, despite being common knowledge, that the woman in question was engaged to our father since they were very young.
It’s an old rumor, really, with no real way to fact-check the events that led to this moment in time, but there’s always been some nasty whispering churning around town; tales varying in height and perjury, sometimes scandalous, others depraved, always with add-ons and full of conjectures flavored by the speaker in turn, but never the whole truth.
The worst thing is that the stories die down for a while when something juicer comes up, but then resurface, like a persistent oily stain on cement… It’s been 26 years since the real events leading to the Everdeens controversial marriage took place, yet the old gossip mill in District 12 has waxed over and rewritten the sordid story through the lense of judgemental people over and over again, until even our mother has started to repeat the outlandish tales, as if she wasn’t an active participant of the story herself.
Still… “I just can’t!” I say both exasperated and grossed out. “We should just go home—“
I get cut off when the door of the Everdeen house opens spilling faint candlelight into the almost blackened-out street.
My brothers rush to huddle around me, crowding on top of me like a pair of boulders… or worse: a pair of sweaty, heavy, alcohol doused men. Disgusting!
The door of the shack closes softly and to our shock, a very angry looking Katniss Everdeen stomps in the direction of the sad excuse for a bush we’re hiding in.
“Hmm… guys… I think she sees us.” I mumble calmly, yet terrified. Katniss Everdeen, eldest daughter of Sorrel and Lily, is coming our way with fire in her eyes.
TBC on AO3…
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bluetostone · 4 years
Coming Soon...sneak peak
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We Bloom Until We Ache - Jimin x Reader; Taehyung x Reader
Established Relationship + Voyeurism AU (is that a thing??)
Rating: mature ; graphic sexual content (preview is clean) 
Summary: Your boyfriend Jimin is interested in watching you have sex with someone else and you are more than willing to indulge him his fantasy.
You never expected he’d suggest hopeless romantic Kim Taehyung for the job, though. 
Genre: smut, romance, a lil’ angst (started out as a pwp that morphed into quite possibly the most self indulgent thing I’ve ever written) 
Sneak Peak! (360 words)
“So, what do we need to talk about that is so secret you needed to get me alone,” you tease, pulling back from him.
Jimin smirks.
“I think I have someone in mind. For our…experiment.”
“Oh, do you now? And please, baby, don’t call it that.”
“What, an experiment?”
“Yeah, it sounds too clinical. We’re talking about someone having sex with me while you watch.”
You’ve both talked about this so much over the last couple months that saying those words out loud don’t feel as taboo as they probably should.
Jimin snorts, “I would say that that sounds almost exactly like an experiment. I can even try to use all the steps of the scientific method. What is it again? Observation, questioning, hypothesis…”
“Anyway,” you interrupt, trying to keep your composure. He can really be too much sometimes. You pull his ear gently, looking deeply into his eyes. “So, you know someone?”
Jimin nods. “You know Taehyung, right?”
You freeze.
Of all the people in your circle who’d come to mind. Of all your acquaintances who might be a good option. Never, not even once had you considered Kim Taehyung.
You composed yourself, clearing your throat. “I know him, not well, but we’ve spoken a few times. Why?”
“I think he’d be down for it.”
It was interesting that Jimin thought that, because your perception of Taehyung over the last couple years he’s been in your circle you had not drawn such a conclusion. He was outgoing, sure, a little rambunctious. He tended to say whatever came to mind and cracked jokes with everyone. But privately you’d only seen him date one maybe two girls. Whenever talk of the future came up, Taehyung always seemed to be the first to mention marriage. He was the only man you know who actively wanted kids right this minute. Not in the future, but now. Namjoon wasn’t even like that.
Frankly, he seemed very traditional. Vanilla. Not a bad thing, but he did not seem the type who would find it arousing to have sex with another man’s girl while that man watched from the sidelines. Taehyung seemed the type to balk at such depravity.
But Jimin seemed to think otherwise.
+ + + 
[a/n: I’ve never posted a teaser before, so maybe this isn’t as titillating as it could’ve been haha. I didn’t want to give too much away, but if everything goes according to plan I’ll have this finished in the next couple of weeks? Maybe sooner if inspiration hits me like a truck. I’ll post a full list of warnings when I post the full story, but it will have smut, which isn’t new for me but isn’t exactly something I’m experienced in writing.
I’m still new here, so I doubt I’ll have people asking about when this will be posted, but in case I do, just know it’ll be out soonish! 
Thank you for reading! If you’re excited for it, let me know by giving it a note :) 
(banner was made by me) 
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Tension - Part 11
HAPPY SEPTEMBER 1!!! TO celebrate going back to Hogwarts, and my brain being awake enough to write, I wrote ya’ll some angst/tension hehe anyways hope you’re all ok and enjoy!Part 11
Moonlight was streaming in from the windows, shining a vaguely uncomfortable light into Y/N’s eyes as she lay, semi hidden, on the Slytherin Common room couch. She was fidgeting, staring up at the clock to see if any more time had passed since she last stared at it moments ago. 9:59 pm - 10:00 pm. Y/N heaved herself off the couch, edging along the wall hoping no one still reading by the fire would notice her slip out quietly.
She flicked her wand to cast a disillusionment charm over her, praying it would work but still keeping herself hidden in the shadows and doing her best to squint through the darkness and towards the small passageway that led towards the Herbology greenhouses. The air was cool but not as sharp as it had been on the return from Christmas holidays, and the snow had almost completely melted on the grounds. 
She stretched her back, having hunched it most of the way there, and began walking towards the whomping willow. The grass crunched under her feet loudly but she didn’t bother covering it, edging as close as she could to the large moving tree before it would notice her there. 
Glancing quickly around her she whispered ‘wingardium leviosa’ and guided a large stone towards the base of the tree, letting it land hard on a root on the base. The tree froze, unmoving in the wind. Y/N ran towards the opposite side first, placing her wand with a stash of clothes and bandages they kept nearby. Then Y/N slipped forwards and slid into the hole, down into the base of the entrance to the Shrieking Shack. 
There was no noise tonight and it put Y/N on edge, transforming quickly into her animagus form so Remus would only smell her as an animal and friend, not prey. She kept to the edges of the cave entrance, creeping forwards so she could listen for any noise. Still nothing. Heart beginning to pound, she took the remaining few steps at a bound until she reached the entrance to the main rickety room of the Shrieking Shack. Remus sat very still, staring where Y/N prowled cautiously towards him. 
She growled, low and soft, submissive, and kept moving towards him, only realising too late that he wasn’t staring at her. He was staring behind her. In a heartbeat, she turned to the entrance and heard a thump as someone entered the cave-like entrance. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck. 
Y/N growled again, louder this time, trying to break Remus’s focus on the hole leading back towards the school. She could smell the person now, thick and musty against the fresh dirt and mud the shack normally smells like. Remus ignored her, crouching on his back hind legs and moving closer. 
NO! Y/N barked loudly and moved to stand in front of the entrance, backing towards it. Without thinking, she transformed back into human and sprinted back down the cave wall to a dark figure standing behind a large boulder. 
“GET OUT,” she bellowed, “NOW.”
As if backing up her scream, Remus began to howl behind her, his head almost completely at the cave entrance. The person didn’t need telling twice, turning and tripping over some roots and swearing before pulling themselves up and out where they came from. Y/N turned back to see Remus staring at her, eyes red and wild. She turned and ran, transforming into a dog and bounding out of the entrance and up to the whomping willow which was swinging wildly around her. Then something hit her, hard, in the side, flinging her to the edge of the tree’s reach and cutting deep into her stomach.
The pain was blinding, her eyes watering and beginning to shake as she felt the blood on her fur. It took her a few attempts to get up, stumbling forwards as more tree branches slammed towards her, the edges cutting into her legs. Once she was out of range, she turned to look back at the entrance to the Shrieking Shack and could have groaned or cried as she saw Remus’s claws digging out at the dirt. He would be out and onto the grounds in minutes. 
She transformed back into herself, crying out as the pain got worse, no longer protected by her animal adrenaline and attempted to run towards her stash of gear hidden near the willow. She grabbed her wand and began moving away from the willow before she heard a low growl coming from behind her. 
Y/N sucked in a breath and willed her body to contort once more, just one more time into that of a dog, pulling herself up onto all fours. Remus’s eyes were fixated on her, no longer himself but pure wolf. He edged towards her and she edged back, huffing loudly. They stared at each other for what could have been minutes or hours before he launched himself at her.
Two things happened very quickly. Remus’s body bounded for her, a swift leap in the air that would land on top of her if she didn’t push her body to run towards him instead. A flash of light blinded her peripheral vision as she moved and she ran head first into something that fell backwards as she hit it. A yelp from in front of her made her think it must be a human, alongside the lack of noise from Remus. 
Y/N fell to the side of whomever she hit, her eyesight coming back and allowing her to see James and Sirius hovering over her. Sirius was next to her, still on his knees from her slamming herself into him, James on his feet and pointing his wand out to where she presumed Remus was now lying unconscious. She felt her throat tighten painfully. She never wanted to do that to him. Treat him like a rabid animal. It was a few moments before she realised her shaking body had become human again and the cold was seeping into her bare skin.
“I . . . clothes . . .” she pointed towards the rucksack she’d pulled out from a bush to get her wand and saw James run towards it whilst Sirius had already stripped off his jumper and was pulling it awkwardly over her, looking up at her face intently instead of the curled up naked body. 
James had grabbed a large coat and wrapped it around her from behind, covering her completely. Sirius bundled her up and lifted her gently but Y/N pushed against him. 
“Remus nee-ds.” she stumbled on her words, cursing her fragile, shaking self. Remus needed help, he needed someone to make sure he was ok, that he got back into the shack and stayed there. “Shack . . . put him b-ack.”
“James is already on it.” Sirius held tight to her even as she tried to pry away from him, “And this will go a lot easier if you stopped bloody hitting me.”
Y/N abated but kept trying to glance back at James and Remus to see what he was doing, but could only see the faint edges of her vision begin to shake and the dark green of the trees as Sirius began running back up to the castle. 
There were moments where she wasn’t sure if Sirius was talking to her or to himself, swearing under his breath but she didn’t reply until she saw the direction he was moving. 
“NO, no hospital wing,” She gasped. “They can’t . . . know, I . . . was with Remus.”
Sirius huffed loudly but turned on the spot and began taking the stairs to their left two at a time. 
The next thing Y/N remembered she was on a cool, stiff mattress, light beginning to stream into the window beside her. She blinked a few times, unsure where she was, and jumped as she suddenly felt someone’s hands on her side. 
“Fuck.” Y/N groaned, the pain in her side creeping back to her as she jerked it away from the person beside her. 
“She’s awake!” Sirius called from her other side and Y/N turned to see him sitting on the edge of the bed. A red covered bed. Y/N felt her cheeks flush as she realised where she was. As if noticing her slight panic, Sirius continued. 
“You were pretty adamant about no Pomfrey last night, so I took you to the second best healer around.” He nodded to the person who had touched her and she saw Peter giving her an awkward smile. 
“Sorry for freaking you out there, I thought you were still unconscious.” 
“I was unconscious?”
“For a few hours now,” Sirius replied. 
“Where’s James and Remus? Is he ok?” 
“They are both fine, James sent a note up to the tower but he did tell me that he managed to knock Remus out and fix the giant bloody hole he dug. I think he’s staying down there until the sun comes up. I guess he should be back soonish.”
Y/N’s mind was reeling as she remembered the events of the night before, and-
“Did you see anyone else on the way down?” Y/N stared at Sirius intently, her heart beginning to race again. Someone had been down there. Someone had followed her, had known how to get into the Whomping Willow. How could she have been so careless? 
Sirius looked at her with an expression she couldn’t interpret. She met his gaze but he ducked his head, looking over at Peter. 
“Can I continue patching you up?” Peter interrupted. “You’re beginning to bleed again, I think you need to rest a bit more.”
Y/N hesitated but agreed when attempting to sit up further and feeling like her side was tearing apart all over again. Peter and Sirius muttered to each other momentarily, pulling things out of their trunks and bags whilst Y/N watched the door closely. 
“Hey Y/N?” Peter called again, looking a little awkward. “We uh-”
“Need you to change.” Sirius finished for him, giving her an apologetic smile. Y/N looked down at her the jumper and coat she was still wearing, realising she was pretty bare under the covers they had thankfully covered her in. 
“Oh, right. Do you have my clothes?” 
“Uh . . .” Sirius grimaced, holding up her rucksack. “I think Remus might have cut into it at some point.”
The bag was almost torn in two, bits of cotton and parchment hanging out of the edges. Y/N stared at it, heart pumping hard again. 
“Right.” She repeated dumbly. 
“We have some stuff you can borrow - and I can ask Lily or Alice for some uh undergarments and stuff.”
“Wouldn’t they get suspicious?” 
“We will come up with something,” Sirius waved her off, standing up from the bed. “I’ll be back in a few.” 
He moved quickly towards the door and shut it quietly, slipping downstairs. 
“Does it still hurt?” Peter crooked his head to one side, looking up at her. 
“I-” Y/N started, but sighed. “Yeah, a fuckton.”
Peter laughed, grabbing out a bottle of something bright blue and a large spoon, pouring some of the liquid into the spoon. 
“I tried to give you some of this earlier but you were having none of it.” Peter held it out to her mouth, “I promise it will help with the pain.” 
Y/N nodded, opening her mouth and taking a large gulp. It tasted sickly sweet but went down easy enough, and within minutes she could feel a wave of calm wash down her body and ease the throbbing pain in her side. In her haze she saw Sirius return with a tall redhead who told the boys to ‘fuck off please’ and lifted her out of the bed and towards the bathroom. 
“Lily,” Y/N mumbled once she had sat Y/N down on the toilet seat and helped her begin putting on some underwear and taking off the jumper that was now stuck to her skin. 
“Yes, are you ok? Do you need anything?” Lily’s deep green eyes stared straight into Y/N’s and she shook her head. 
“No, just . . . thanks.”
“Of course.”
Dressed in a pair of Lily’s pants and an oversized jumper she presumed was Sirius’s from the smokey smell, Y/N let Lily guide her back into the main room. 
“Can I dress the wound now?” Peter asked Lily, looking genuinely concerned. 
“I think you might need to clean it again, that jumper was clinging pretty tightly to it.” Lily threw the jumper and cloak back to Sirius who made a face as it hit him in the chest. 
Y/N lay back down on the bed and watched as Peter lifted the edge of her jumper up to start cleaning it again. 
“How does it look?” Y/N asked the three of them who were now staring intently at her side. 
“Not great.”
“It’s fine.” Lily said, hitting Sirius. “She doesn’t need to hear that.”
“Oh she’d rather know the truth- right Y/N?”
“He’s annoyingly correct.” Y/N mumbled, her tongue beginning to feel heavy. She blinked a few times, exhaustion hitting her like a brick as she let herself relax properly for the first time in hours. “You’ll let me know when he gets back?”
“Definitely, just rest.”
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@dollsome-does-tumblr​ does this and opened it up to anyone and I am feeling chatty today SO!
Because I co-write a lot with my lovely wife, I might answer some questions including those co-written stories, or I might not, depends on how I feel when I get there.
Megan but I go by Lentils most places on the internet, Shadowcrawler over on AO3
at the moment: MCU, especially Agents of SHIELD and Daredevil; Terminator: Dark Fate; Halt and Catch Fire. Oh and I wrote Dollhouse fanfics a thousand years ago. Sometimes I will watch a movie/show and think “those two girls should be gay” and bang out 2k of fic about it and then never write for that fandom again. (I THOUGHT this was going to be HACF but as it turns out, no, it’s not done with me yet.)
where you post:
AO3, at Shadowcrawler. I also have a tumblr @lentils-writes​ where theoretically I post links to fics/advertise them in the tags, because I used to be real precious about not putting porn on this blog, but fuck it.
most popular multi-chapter fic:
Co-written, it’s definitely mallverse, which is I think the reason most writers definitely hate us because it’s very long and there are a lot of tags lmao. The problem is that every tagged character HAS shown up in a significant fashion at some point so we can’t just...untag them! It doesn’t update weekly anymore because we’re exhausted by life lmao so at least there’s that???
As for a multi-chapter fic that was just me, I don’t tend to do that so much, so actually it’s say you will, my 3-chapter Endgame fix-it where Clint dies instead of Natasha and Natasha and Laura have a past. It actually has over 1000 hits which is very exciting! I feel like it’s...niche in a way that is frustrating but understandable lol. I put a lot of my heart into it and some people really liked it, so that’s gratifying.
favorite story you’ve written so far:
Co-written, I think our SHIELD Dollhouse AU is very underrated for the amount of work we put into it. Author bias evident here because I love Dollhouse warts and all, and it’s a lot of fun translating episode plots as well as the general trajectory of the show into stuff that will work with SHIELD characters. We don’t just rewrite episodes, we really try and rework them as needed. Also it features both Skimmons and my beloved rarepair Bobbi/Kara, though of course they won’t get together until later.
Of my own stuff, I’m still really really proud of the AU where Kara Palamas didn’t die. I think that was a pretty severe misstep of the show and I think I did a good job of fixing it. (I haven’t forgotten Kara, promise!)
fic you were nervous to post:
lolololol I wrote some uh. Terminator pornography last year and. They are very porny! I had co-written a bunch of smut obviously, but that was the first time I’d posted like, PWP all by myself on purpose??? and that was TERRIFYING. Also I was very nervous to post the Engame fix-it because that was my own personal goodbye/tribute to Natasha.
how you choose your titles:
They are always either song lyrics or jokes (such as Three Lawyers and a Baby, my Daredevil Accidental Baby Acquisition fic). My WIP docs are always titled either obvious shit like “RoseJannah horse girls” or memes like “what if we belonged to a fire cult and we fucked haha just kidding unless...?” or “Morgan has two mommies.”
do you outline?:
B and I typically outline for the co-written fics, although it’s more often chapter-by-chapter outlines since that’s how we write them. On occasion we’ve fully planned multi-chapter stuff out in advance but that’s less common. Oh and the one-shots are nearly always outlined as well, just to keep ourselves organized.
When I have written planned multi-chapter fics in the past I have used outlines - particularly for the Kara one and I had to do that for the SHIELD Kill Bill AU because I was trying to follow the format of the movie. For things that are allegedly supposed to be one-shots I almost never outline, which turns out to be a terrible idea when they inevitably balloon beyond my control and become 45k like say you will. That one, I wrote out a list of scenes I thought needed to be in it and then I wrote about 75% of those scenes and then I wrote a bunch more scenes I hadn’t planned for. Don’t be like me, kids!
complete fics:
According to AO3, 89 as of right now. Uh, you do not want me to list all of them, here’s a link, I guess!
in progress:
I don’t understand what the difference is between this question and the WIP questions lmao help????
posted WIPs that I have active plans to continue at this time:
Cowritten: mallverse as I said, and its femslash smut oneshots spinoff and character flashbacks spinoff and older characters/teachers spinoff (these get updated, uh, irregularly), the first half of a Piper/Snowflake SHIELD s7 fic that we are planning on finishing the second half of soonish, SHIELD Dollhouse AU, SHIELD Teen Beach AU, SHIELD Buffy AU. You may notice a pattern!
By myself, I have: Have Your Elf a Merry Little Christmas, a Terminator Hallmark Christmas fic that I ambitiously posted the first chapter of in 2019 and then lost steam immediately (I am going to go back to it sooner or later bc I had some cute ideas for it); the SHIELD Fate of the Furious AU that has one chapter to go and which I do intend on finishing eventually; Three Lawyers and a Little Lady, the Daredevil Accidentally Baby Acquisition AU that is literally just cute kidfic and poly avocados and which I have a bunch of ideas for and just need to buckle down and finish some.
posted WIPs that I have given up on:
Lol so there’s a Dollhouse Caroline/Bennett Doctor Who AU that I wrote purely as idfic and which nobody ever cared about except me, and I think that ship has sailed! RIP darlings. I also had an ongoing Skimmons series waaaay back when where I posted oneshots that were like missing scenes or gay readings for each s1 episode, and I just feel like it would be inauthentic to even try and finish it at this point. (It does include the first ever Skimmons fic to be posted on AO3! Really truly, there’s one fic that shows up as older but it’s an ongoing fic and was updated with the tag way after I posted mine.)
exchange fics due soon/unrevealed:
I haven’t done an exchange since like 2015 lololol I am so bad at them. I am currently working on finishing up my MCU Femslash bingo card, very late, and I do have plans for almost all of the remaining squares!
WIPs that live in my fanfic folder and are incomplete and who knows when they’ll be finished:
“RoseJannah horse girls,” which has been put on hold temporarily but is literally just Rose and Jannah being gay while riding orbaks
half of a Daisy/Gwen fic from Marvel Rising because I know they’re not making any more of those but I stg those two were really gay
multiple fics about Elise Nelson-Page including: avocados Halloween with smol Elise, Aunt Elektra very reluctantly taking smol Elise shopping until she realizes smol Elise also likes weapons (she buys her a fake katana), Uncle Frank is a pushover and spoils the shit out of Elise, and baby Elise has a high fever and everyone freaks out but then she gets better and smile at them for the first time (inspired by baby me lol).
coming soon/not yet started:
“Morgan has two mommies,” yet another Endgame fix-it where Maya Hansen did not die in Iron Man 3 and she resurfaces and she and Pepper kiss and eventually she adopts Morgan
Claire and Colleen go on a nice date to get coffee/tea where Danny doesn’t interrupt them goddammit
Bobbi/Kara Warehouse 13 AU which is sort of like “For the Team” but gayer ft. grappling hook
X-Men: Evolution Tabby/Amara fluff
Cameron/Donna character study disguised as smut
Grace proposes to Dani with a ring made out of the metal from her power source and Carl officiates the wedding 
Dani gets horny watching Grace eat a peach and jerks off and Grace ends up hearing her and then they fuck (I have been calling this “the peach fic” in my head but I gotta stop being delicate about it lmfao it is just porn)
B and I have plans to do a Nico/Karolina Jasper in Deadland AU but we keep forgetting
do you accept prompts:
uhhhhhh I have on occasion written a prompt for someone before but it’s pretty rare and I have enough trouble writing the shit I come up with in my own head lol. but never say never?
upcoming story you are most excited to write:
I’ve got a bit of the Bobbi/Kara Warehouse fic written and it’s nice to go back to that world. Also I’m weirdly excited about the Cam/Donna smutty character study I mentioned above, I have a lot of what I think are good ideas for it and it’ll be fun.
tagging @unwind-myself @swiftzeldas @swashbucklery @loved-the-stars-too-fondly and, if you want to, you!
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nemrut · 3 years
Epic Seven - Balance Adjustment Patch 02.09.2021
So, some interesting units getting adjustments there.
Don't care much about ML Ravi since I do not have her. I'll be honest, I didn't think she needed a buff, but then again, I rarely saw her, so maybe she did.
Her S1 now inflicts injuries, which is interesting enough. Her S2 now gives her a CR push and her S3 gets stronger the more people die, although it only stacks up to three times.
It looks like a pretty good buff, should make her more annoying, at least, although it was never fun fighting an ML Ravi even before this buff. Now, the longer the fight goes on, she will do increasingly more dmg, cycle faster, have an easier time reviving teammates who also revive with more health. So yeah, looks good, too bad I do not have her.
Luna is more interesting to me, because I have her, and she is almost at max mola. I got her when she was first released and back then, Luna was the wyvern queen, and you basically used her everywhere. Lab, wyvern, grinding and even PVP arena. She was cycled out rather soonish though, what with the Commander Lorina SC, who could do her job in PVE better and more reliably and a lot of units who were way better in PVP. At the latest, Luna was unfeasible for Wyvern 13, so, with that, she lost her last useful job. She can be used for one of the expeditions, and many do, but it was mainly people making use of a unit they already had. No one was going to build Luna specifically for expeditions, and even there, Lorina could do a better job imo.
That said, her updates. Her S1 had always been unreliable due to the RNG factor. If she attacked multiple times, it was great and if she didn't, it kinda sucked. Now, she can soulburn ten souls to increase the number of attacks to the maximum amount, which is actually pretty solid. It firmly locks her in as a hero you have to manually control though, since the SB is very important.
Her S2 now always gives crit hit chance by 30, no matter her HP and also additionally 30% crit hit resistance, which is new, as a modicum of protection. Guess pairing her with Diene is now even better than ever. The ATK and Def increase modifiers are the same as always, depending on her health.
Her S3 now penetrates defense by 50%, and she gains an additional five souls if the enemy is defeated. Seeing that the attack always attacks using an advantageous element, having the 50% def penetrating on top of that is pretty song.
On paper, the buffs are looking good, even if they are not going overboard or anything. I am doubting we are entering a Luna renaissance where she will be dominating the meta, but at the very least, it seems like she will be feasible. Personally, I would probably be building her like a bruiser herself, so she would have decent hp and def. Beefy counter build with her EE which gives CR push still seems feasible, especially since she now is less likely to be hit by a critical attack and her S3 now hits a lot harder, making it dangerous to ignore her if she can snipe a unit. She probably can't kill a full health bruiser but since she isn't very fast, by the time it is her turn, the enemy would ideally have accumulated some dmg and it should be enough to finish someone off at least. So, I am interesting to see how this goes. Always feel bad for benching a unit with so many mola investments, so all the better if she becomes viable again.
I do have Kawerik, but I never really used him, and I only fought him a handful of times, so I don't know if this moving stealth from one attack to another and is going to do much, but the attack buff on his EE seems like it would make him better at least.
Same with Mort, never really used him, but I might try him out. SB moved on his S1 so he can apply def break for two turns which is always useful.
His S2 now always gives him a 30% chance to counterattack and his chance to activate his blessing has increased by 10% to 50%, which is fair enough.
His S3 now deals 5 % more injury, 20% in total every time he uses his skill and it deals more dmg.
So yeah, I don't know if this will make him good or worth using but it does make him better, no doubt.
I am also part of the tiny minority of Epic Seven players which is 99.5% of the player base who has never used Roaming Warrior Leo. His buffs seem to make him better, both as a unit in general and to do his job as a bomber, but it really depends on the bomb mechanic being feasible now. With Summer Iseria coming out with bombs as well, could be that they work very well together, making RW Leo a meta unit of sorts but that is very hard to say before seeing Summer Iseria and the new improved bomb mechanics in play.
Ice Dominiel got a pretty significant rework though. Her S1 now can stun and has an SB with which it has a 100% guarantee to stun with only ten souls which is pretty good. Furhtermore, her S2 is now a passive with a 35% of triggering after an ally is hit by a critical attack as opposed to always when she activated it but it is actually a huge improvement because now she doesn't need to go first to activate it. I actually tried Dominiel before, and her reflect barrier strength was based on her atk. That meant, not only did she need a lot of speed so that she could go before the enemy dmg dealers, she also needed a solid atk base since otherwise her reflect barrier would be worthless. So you needed her with high speed, attack but also HP and DEF since her play style revolves around being hit by the enemy and reflecting the dmg back at them and ideally, she kinda needs to survive for that. She also wanted effectiveness for her S3 stuns.
That's a lot of stats for a unit whose stats were already not great, since she is a 4 star. But now, well, now she doesn't need ATK and speed anymore. Now she just wants HP, Def, and maybe effect resistance and some effectiveness. Now she just needs to say alive on your team before she grants your whole team a reflect barrier, one that is based on an ally's max health by the way, which means that if she is paired with soul weavers, knights and bruisers, that's going to make it hurt at least somewhat for enemy attackers. Landy, Arby, SSB and others now have to actively watch out for her.
On paper, at least. Oh, her S3 now also decreases combat readiness by 15 % and gives her increased speed for two turns, even compensating for the loss of speed due to the new gear requirements. I am rather excited for her, since I always liked the idea of killing the enemy with reflected dmg.
Lastly, Mercedes. Now, the only time I used Mercedes was in the first few days of playing epic seven before I replaced her and never looked back.
Her S1 now increases her CR by 15% which is neat. Her s2 now also has a 70 chance to dispel one buff and if she has increased Attack her s2 attacks again. This attack also deals more dmg the fewer enemies there are. Her s3 increases attack of all allies and does more dmg than normal with a critical hit.
Overall, this definitely looks like a buff to result in a stronger Mercedes but I am kinda doubting this will lead to a Meta feasible Mercedes. Maybe the increased dmg and functionality will result in her becoming used more often in RTA or arena, her s2 being able to attack twice and remove one buff from every enemy each time alongside more dmg overall seems to be good on paper at least.
Two artifacts are getting some changes as well. Merciless Glutton which to my knowledge was a more or less useless artifact so far, is changing to increasing single attack dmg by 16% which is pretty good. And when defeating an enemy with a single attack, it increases the CR of all allies except the caster by 12%. Honestly, this is definitely an improvement and on first glance, I kinda want to give this artifact to Luna. I don't know if I have it, tbh, but if I do, I will definitely try it with Luna. Ravi would also benefit from this. Basically warriors with single target attacks who are on counter sets will benefit the most from this. Okay, upon checking, I do not have this artifact. That's a bummer but good for those who have.
Now, Secret Art Storm Sword is confusing me a bit. It says that the effect to grant increased atk to the caster is 100% but that is only the case if you have max limitbroken the artifact which is definitely not the case for most people. So, I am assuming this will still be the case and the text here just was talking about a max limitbroken artifact.
Or, will it change so that the increased atk will always happen but the value which is increased by limitbreaking the artifact is the CR push?
Either way, the artifact was pretty solid on Celine and I don't think on anyone else and CR push can only help there. I still need like 4 more copies of it to make it actually useful because so far, it rarely triggers.
Overall, not my most wanted units who got overworked but some interesting stuff. Hope this all works out positively. The Violet buff for example has proven to be frustrating since the bugger is everywhere and is dodging like crazy. It's no fun fighting him. He is way better than Riolet now.
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