#kinda like what I've done for Sanctuary
vault81 · 2 months
also working on Tenpines Bluff atm! v proud of myself for lining up the floor inside the destroyed building on the first try!
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Mischievous Matching
☆ Pairing: Loki x Mutant!Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki is a trouble maker, always one to cause trouble, but he meets a mortal that is even worse than him and he finds himself absolutely powerless and victim of your stupid outdated pranks, but he finds himself to be putty in your hands.
☆ Word Count: 7,656 (good thing I didn't know what to do with this prompt, eh? This is just the second longest fic I've done.)
☆ Notes: My first request! Yay! 🥳Loki is a smitten little lee. I'm really bad at doing pranks so I did the worst and oldest pranks I remembered, because it's funny Loki not growing up on earth wouldn't know any of them. Also, it's not said outright, but in case of doubt the reader's mutation is super-elasticity because guess who started watching One Piece 👒🏴‍☠️.
☆ Warnings: Very bad and outdated pranks, other than that it's just pure fluff and flirting.
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Loki thought he was smug. He had always been the smart brother, growing up constantly tricking an entire realm of Gods and Goddesses, he was very little used to people being smarter than him. Of course, he knew a couple of them existed, his mother was one he could never lie to. Odin more often than others saw through his deception and caught him playing pranks on Thor. But when you grow up in a Realm that values more your physical strength and at most your ability to come with war strategies… You come to believe you’re bound to become complacent, and it becomes a matter until… well, what always happens.
Loki would’ve never expected his match would come from Earth. Quite frankly, he had expected humans would always stay the same, kind of like Asgardians did. But they didn’t. Humans (for the most part at least) didn’t have magic or supernatural skills, so they chose to be inventive, they created modern civilizations purely thanks to the fact that humans chose to play smarter.
He wouldn’t admit it, now that Asgard settled on Midgard, and he got to see what humans did with technology… it was sort of admirable how much they had made purely with ingenuity. Only a bit.
There was Stark, who had made a technological empire and entire armies just with just machines, humans like the sanctuary where Strange lived or the Maximoff girl that had learned magic despite their incompatibility with it, or the bug hero’s mentor that figured a way to alter the size of matter itself. Not to mention the Avengers had managed to take him down, a God his ancestors used to venerate without question.
Perhaps some humans were in fact, formidable.
Still Loki could get away with a ridiculous number of things simply because a lot of humans were just that gullible. His illusions had already started wreaking havoc in small towns where his illusions had turned into rumors of what he learned humans called UFOs… although, to be completely fair, he was, by definition, an alien.
But the true meaning of formidable he found in you.
He met you one night he was allowed to visit New York and he decided to mess with passerby Midgardians. He simply sat on a bench of the park casted the illusion of a Ratatoskr and let humans do their thing. Truth to be told, while the creature wasn’t necessarily scary, it was gonna be interesting when the young ones noticed a talking squirrel and he saw some children excitedly trying to catch it, which may or may not have been actually endearing. But the real fun came when the parents became hysterical. Chaos ensued and Loki couldn’t hide a smile.
“That’s yours, isn’t it?” a voice asked, and you sat beside him.
He looked at you perplexed.
“It’s just… it kinda sticks out that you seem even more amused than the actual children playing with that. It’s supposed to be Ratatoskr, right?”
He didn’t expect anyone to notice, he had sat at enough distance that he couldn’t be related to what was going on, and he had a book on his hands so no one would relate his amusement to what’s going on.
The illusion vanished as he lost focus, surprised that you noticed him. He couldn’t hold back a soft laugh through his breath when a woman in her middle age let out a screech threatening to call the cops on an invisible talking squirrel. And to his surprise you laughed too.
“Man, I enjoy seeing your everyday soccer mom lose her marbles at whatever, but actively seeking their wrath takes courage.” You laughed.
You stretched out your hand and introduced yourself with a firm handshake which Loki surprised himself returning and giving away his actual name.
“W-Wait… like the Loki, Thor’s little brother… The Asgardian that… you know… over a decade ago did… you know?” you asked perplexed, not daring to say the actual thing.
Loki tense up, not knowing how you’d act next. For all he knows maybe the police force would end up showing up after all.
“Damn, so what they say is true” you shrugged. “You are a softie now.”
“What they say?” Loki gasped out indignant.
“Yeah, it was over the news a bit after the second snap, Ironman and your brother gave a press conference to explain you were in peace with Earth and it was Thanos’ brainwash.” You explained as a cheeky grin formed on your face. “Ergo, you are a softie.”
Loki was speechless. You knew who he was, you knew what he had done to New York, and yet you were poking the bear with a stick without an ounce of fear in your expression.
“Listen well, mortal, I–” Loki huffed.
“Pfft! I didn’t know Gods blushed.” You laughed heartedly.
“Hang on just a minute!” Loki protested as he became aware of the heat on his cheeks “I am–”
“Surprisingly fun to be around.”
He opened his mouth and closed it again as he found himself with no witty retort for your teasing.
“Thank you, I suppose” was all he could say, with less spite than he usually had when he spoke with mortals.
“I was gonna go grab a bite, wanna join? It’s a bit boring eating alone” you offered.
His stomach growled and he took the offer, partly because he was very hungry and both you had caught his curiosity. You were an odd one, that was for sure.
“So…” you wondered. “Is it true you’re staying with the Avengers?”
“Why do you wanna know?” he asked back.
“Curiosity” you smiled.
A question like that could’ve easily triggered an alarm, but for some reason it didn’t. And you didn’t lie.
“Yes, my brother decided to join the quarters to live with his friends and he took me with him” Loki admitted.
“Took you with him? Like an updog?” you arched an eyebrow in a way that made him feel slightly sheepish.
“Excuse me? What’s that?”
“What’s what?”
“What about it?”
“What is updog?”
“Not much, what’s up with you?” you wheezed before letting out a dorky laugh.
Despite the fact that the All-Speak did not allow him to understand a place’s lingo he understood he had fallen for a stupid Midgardian joke.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I had to try, oh… oh god, I hadn’t met a anyone who didn’t know that one yet, but I had to try. I like you already.”
Now he was convinced, you were definitely an odd one. Not only did you not fear him, but you were bold enough to pull practical jokes on him and teased him for falling for it. It got on his nerves.
But he couldn’t help but follow you around. You kept teasing him the entire trip to a sandwich shop.
“What do you want to eat?” you smiled.
Loki stared awkwardly at the menu, he recognized some of the ingredients, but he had never been to a place like this. And he wasn’t used enough to human food to make an informed choice.
So, you stepped up and asked him a couple of questions about the food he liked and made a choice for him.
“You can punch me in the arm if it’s not good” you winked at him.
Loki surprised himself smiling at you.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
But it was really good. It wasn’t anywhere near as refined as what he was used to eat, but it was surprisingly good. And you even paid for his food, which spared him the uncomfortable conversation over why he had no money despite leaving in a millionaire’s house.
“Hey, I live a bit far away, do you mind accompanying me home?”
Loki wasn’t sure why he accepted, but he found himself following you around, risking getting lost in New York City since he didn’t really know the area that well just yet. But he got on the bus with you and followed you home.
Which to his surprise… was the compound he himself lived in.
“Wait… D-Did you…?”
Loki felt betrayed. Of course. He should have known Stark would send an agent to find him, no one really trusted him, and they had to assign him a nanny to make sure he–
“I’m glad I ran into you” You spoke, interrupting his train of thought. “I still feel anxious coming so far out of the city alone, sorry if I cut your trip short.”
That caught him off guard. Were you not follow him? He didn’t sense a lie, but perhaps he was still a bit distracted.
“You mean you found me by accident?” Loki asked.
“Yeah, I’m not used to the headquarters being a home, so I need to get out to stretch my legs every once in a while. Otherwise, I feel… I don’t know.”
“Imprisoned.” You finished, as Loki’s lips let out the exact same word in almost a perfect synchronization.
Again, no lie.
“Hah… yeah” you smiled. “Sorry, I probably sound like a brat, complaining about living in such a big place.”
“No, I understand perfectly.” Loki found himself say in soft tone.
Loki walked with you inside and accompanied to your room. The sight when you opened the door was rather dismal. Just a small bed, a desk. But the bed was interesting, or more like what was on top of it. A stuffed little bear with a green bow on its neck, and a travel bag. He assumed they did go with Director Fury’s intention of having the trainees educated like soldiers until they completed their training.
After that day he felt more interested on helping with the training of newer recruits, thing he crushingly refused to do before meeting you. But it was his excuse to see you more. And as he imagined, you were among the best recruits. You weren’t the strongest, nor the fastest, and definitely not the tallest given some mutants came to be even taller than him. But you were agile and flexible, and you worked harder than anyone else to make up for any shortcomings you could have.
And you were smart, the smartest in the group. Loki had seen Stark give tests to the recruits and your results always came among the best, and more often than not, you were on top of those results.
“You did it again” Loki would congratulate you.
“It’s just a number on a paper” you always replied back, “that doesn’t mean I am going to be good on the world out there.”
“And yet your leg is bouncing with excitement” Loki pointed out.
You laughed and placed a hand to your knee to make it stop.
“The ego boost is still appreciated” you replied, a bit sheepish.
You were his favorite of all the recruits. Not that it was a title most competed for, a lot just gave him wary looks when it was his turn to train recruits, after all who wanted to have the man who once terrorized Earth as the class teacher. But you always helped to control the group, willingly volunteering for sparring with him for demonstrations and even while everyone else got a partner you chose him, even when that meant it’d be ten times more difficult than picking another mutant.
But once again, that allowed him to get closer to you.
“I’m telling you, it’s magic!” you assured him pointing to the water bottle as you sat next to him.
“Sure, it is.”
He knew you had no magic. He had read your files –for purely professional reasons, like personalizing– and knew of your abilities. But he also had no clue how you had shoved a coin bigger than the bottles neck all the way to the bottom.
But he didn’t like that playful giggle of yours, it always meant trouble.
“Look inside if you don’t believe me.” You said placing your eye on the bottle orifice to get a better look at the coin.
He sighed and mimicked what you had done, pressing his eye to the bottle’s finish to get a better look and see if he could figure something to get it out.
“I don’t see–”
In a second you had squeezed the bottle and splash him in the face. Which was noticed by a few recruits that let out quiet laughs, unlike you who were giggling shamelessly at his expense.
“You! You... traitorous, cheeky, despicable, insolent–” Loki huffed as he latched onto your ribs and squeezed them repeatedly making you double over in laughter.
You batted his hand gently after about a minute as you regained his composure.
“Oh god, you’re my favorite thing ever, it’s been years since these pranks stooped working on everyone else” you laughed.
Loki huffed. “I wasn’t living here years ago.”
“Oh, I know that’s what makes it funnier” you laughed and patted his shoulder.
Other trainees were looking at him amused, but he noticed they seemed a lot less tense now. As if some of that fear they had was gone. It was… weirdly nice. So, he just sighed and rubbed his face with sleeve to dry himself off.
“You cannot expect me to go easy on you after your little stunt” he asked as he stood up.
“Mm, it’s already, I like rough treatment anyway” you winked at him.
That made some other people in the room as Loki’s cheeks heated up lightly. But he still smirked.
“We’ll see about that in a few minutes, won’t we?”
You were also what humans called, the class clown. And your favorite thing was to prank him. It was all harmless stuff, like when you started a game the entire class to start a game every time, he used Asgardian or just outdated expressions like “Norns” or “Heavens.” Or that time you taped giant googly eyes to your chest, so he had a hard time giving a lecture as he got the urge to laugh every time he glanced at you, and even had the audacity to tell him, “Hey, my eyes are up here!” as you bounced, making the googly eyes bounce all over the place. That time where you filled his locker with confetti and balloons.
It was embarrassing because despite he’s nature, he had no way to get back at you. His illusions didn’t faze you one bit, and the concept of pranks for a god weren’t particularly safe for humans, your style was weirdly benign, and he couldn’t match it. And everything he tried repeating from your pranks wasn’t really surprising.
He used to think nothing could ever bother you at all… Until he was wrong.
He found you one night by the roof, sitting with your legs hanging on the edge, but the little border made a secure railing that kept you safe. You had been gone for hours, even skipping training, and he saw a half empty bottle of Vodka behind you.
“What are you doing here?” he asked as he sat beside you.
“Wasting time, and Tony’s reserves” you joked bitterly. “Watching the forest.”
“It is a lovely night” Loki admitted. “But you were missed at today’s sparring. It is obvious I’m not nearly as tolerable without you around.”
“Just relax, they’ve already warmed up to you” you sighed. “No one likes a stiff teacher.”
It was true hay whenever you made him laugh everyone else seemed to ease up as well. He always attributed to your natural charm and that you relished embarrassing him. But… people were a lot less wary around him lately.
“What made you skip?” he asked.
“It’s the 13th anniversary since my mutation manifested” you sighed and you reached your arm into the sky, it stretched for a few meters before it regained its normal shape.
“I thought people here celebrated that” Loki inquired. “You act as if a partner abandoned you.”
“I don’t know, I think I miss being normal… well, more normal” you chuckled humorlessly. “Not feeling like an actual monster.”
Loki could relate to that, realizing that you are different means you will never wake up with the same concept of yourself, because as it turns out, you are a mistake, a cosmic improbability and turns out, you’ve never been like anyone else around you.
“You are not monster, you’re a–”
“Oh right, because mutant sounds so much nicer.”
“Does it upset you?” Loki asked. “Being the way you are?”
“Yes. No. A little? I don’t know, it’s like a dream living in the Avengers home.” You sighed. “But… don’t you ever get the feeling that rather than wanting to have you around they’re just don’t want you to go rogue? I mean, I get it, with all that’s happening with the Banshee black market…”
Loki couldn’t help but laugh at that. If anyone understood what you felt, that was him. You were a mutant, which granted was becoming much more transcendental these days. More with the mutation enhancing drugs circulating, SHIELD and other organizations were putting a lot of energy to make sure less mutants went on a rampage. But none of you actually had major lists of crimes on their backs, unlike Loki. If anyone was being monitored that was Loki.
Even if he was technically an official Avenger already, it always felt like it was all because of his connection with Thor and at most that he was already highly trained, better than most other Avengers.
“I assure you that they do not think that of you.” Loki spoke reassuringly. “The Incorporations of Mutants Program is simply to remove mutants from a dangerous environment.”
“Yeah, free of Banshee and even add some mutant soldiers to their ranks, it’s a win-win situation” you spoke bitterly.
A part of him felt weirdly nostalgic. His mind took him back to the treasure vault of Asgard, his words reverberating on the walls: «So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up, here until you might have use of me?» And now, more than a decade later, he found himself defending his father. This was just the same, you weren’t necessarily wrong… but it only a piece of the picture, the hurtful bit of a picture.
“You’re right to feel that way.” Loki spoke reassuringly. “But know that these people care about you… even if their original intentions aren’t as selfless. Trust me, I would know.”
“That’s surprisingly mature for a prince that’s technically younger than me.”
He felt his cheeks warming up to your comment and scoffed out a laugh. Of course, even in a vulnerable moment you wouldn’t let the chance pass to tease him.
“What can I say? I am not just devilishly handsome, charming, and tremendously intelligent,” he smiled, “there’s gotta be some wisdom to balance it all out.”
That made you laugh in that way that made his heart flutter in his chest. And before he knew it, you had rested your head on his shoulder. He felt his cheeks heat up and a smile make its way to his face. Had it always been so difficult concealing his excitement?
“You forgot humble and down to earth” you chuckled and rolled your eyes.
“What can I say, darling?” he smiled, “I’m a perfect man, I am completely irresistible.”
“And you still can’t get a date” you smile nudging his side.
“Not my fault there” Loki chuckled, “I’m quite particular when choosing a lover.”
“Right, and you being insufferable has nothing to do with it” you smiled as you grabbed his side and gave him a few squeezes.
The feeling made him jolt and let out a strangled gasp. Of course, you little brat always took advantage of this silly weakness of him ever since you found out.
He remembered the day you found out, quite vividly.
It was a holiday, so most recruits were out for a couple of days with either family, friends, or a new fling. Even some of the Avengers with friends out of the compound left for a few days. So, it was the super soldiers, the Maximoff twins, Vision, Thor, Loki, and you.
Your family had left for a trip, so you had no reason to leave the compound. Loki was thrilled that he would have you practically to himself. He felt those butterflies deep within his chest every time he saw you alone in a room. Of course, he kept his cool as best he could, still being the same mischievous charmer he’s always been, despite feeling like a giddy kid at the sight of you.
Even the most ordinary of mornings were blissful with you around. Even things like breakfast you could always make a monotone activities fun. Like right now, making Thor and the Maximoff twins laugh and sing around with you while you were whipping pancake mix on a bowl. It was some sort of little dance party while you cooked.
Loki couldn’t help but stare and chuckle softly.
“Loki, good morning” you smiled as poured some mix on a frying pan. “Wanna join us for breakfast?”
“Is it required for me to squirm around like a possessed worm like you’re doing?” he joked.
“Yes, it is imperative that you do, otherwise the pancakes will come flat” you quipped back with a cheeky smile.
“Come on brother, I know Midgard dancing is very different from what we used to see at home,” Thor intervened, “But it is quite fun, give it a try!”
“That’s the attitude, Thor-nderstorm” you grinned as you continued to dance.
“In that case I think I’ll just do with some coffee” he cleared his throat as he spoke.
“Come on, brother” Thor insisted, shameless —or rather, clueless— as usual. “It’s fun!”
“Hey, no shame if he can’t do it” you said, “Not everyone can dance.”
Loki laughed.
“If you call that «dancing», I’ll let you know I am actually a great dancer” he stated, just so you knew.
“Loki, if someone has to inform me of their traits, I have learned not to believe that.” You challenged him.
He looked away, focusing on the black liquid dripping into the coffee pot, trying to think of anything else that wasn’t you. Just the coffee, dark, bitter, that he had to keep himself from drinking before bed or it’d deprive him of sleep... Just the way you…
“ACK—!” he was brought back by the squeeze on his sides that made him jump and hold back a yelp.
He was ready to yell at Thor, when he saw the outstretched arms and you looking at him from the other side of the kitchen, the hands returned to your hips. Everyone was looking at him.
“Oh, you’re back” you saw his rosy cheeks a bit confused. “Honey?”
“Excuse me?”
“What do you want your pancakes with? Honey?”
“Uh- I… I- no… Um, I didn’t— I…” he couldn’t even look at you.
But you gave him a reassuring smile.
“I recall you like them with honey” you smiled, “It’s Thor that likes them with maple syrup.”
“That’s correct” Thor beamed happily.
“Don’t finish it all you hoarder” Pietro quipped as he wrestled with the blond for the bottle of syrup.
He sighed quietly, thankful that they had moved onto the next subject. He served himself his cup of coffee and just when he was going to turn around, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and that gently traveled all the way down his side and caused him to shiver.
He looked at you with daggers in his eyes before checking on the rest that were focused on eating and didn’t notice anything, thankfully. You just look at him and chuckled, before handing him a plate with neatly piled up pancakes with honey and some a small mix of berries you knew he liked.
“I didn’t know all Gods were so ticklish, I thought it was a Thor thing” you whispered. “…Good to know.”
You might as well have buried him alive after that. But, to his surprise you didn’t tell anyone. No one brought it up, not even Thor, who was already painfully aware of how cripplingly sensitive Loki was. No, and the anticipation killed him for the next day or two.
You didn’t bring it up once until one night you had the entire compound to yourselves. The doctor Foster had invited Thor over to «watch movies», not that anyone bought that for a second, the Scarlet Witch had gone on a date with the Vision, Barnes and Rogers were out on a party thing and had taken the Maximoff brother with him to further introduce him as part of the team. So, it was you and Loki completely alone.
You were reading on the couch on the weirdest positions, with your head upside down and the book inelegantly hanging on the air as you red upside down with your back arched as it seemed you’d fall out of the couch any second.
He grinned. It was the perfect chance to get you back. He made sure to be very quiet as he approached you and moved very slowly so you wouldn’t notice him —human earbuds were a blessing for his mischief, but they were not infallible— and right when he was towering over you. He squeezed both your sides.
“AAAAAAHHH!” you screeched as you fell off the couch.
Loki looked over to where you were laying on the floor where you had a hand over your heart.
“Loki! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” You scolded him.
What? No blush, no squeaky voice, no stuttering, no nervous shifting or even a giggle? No nothing? Were you that good at playing dumb? No way.
“What was that for?”
“I am sorry, I simply can’t resist when someone is vulnerable like that” Loki shrugged it off and sat on the couch, hoping you wouldn’t ask him to elaborate. “What are you reading?”
You sat back up next to him and showed him the baby blue book with pink letters and a couple kissing on the cover. One of those romance novels you liked.
“Is that the one you told me about?” Loki asked.
“It’s the one” you grinned and noticed the book beside him. “What are you reading?”
“Just old Asgardian poetry” he said, showing you the book, despite knowing you don’t speak Asgardian. He noticed the look you gave him, with an arched eyebrow and a smug grin, “It’s old even for me. Just old love poems.”
Your eyes sparkled like absolute diamonds, and you scooted closer to him, your face just inches from his. “Can you read one to me?”
He felt his cheeks flush at your excitement, and the clumsiness. But he cleared his throat and opened it on the poem he was reading. But he decided to be smug and read it just like it showed, in old Norse.
“Oh, so funny.” You growled and jabbed his sides.
Loki nearly jumped out of his skin and barked out a laugh. A laugh that didn’t go unnoticed given you quickly followed that same movement that had made him squirm. He very did a very poor job at concealing his reaction.
His brain quickly felt fuzzy, he could feel his restrained laughter echoing in his chest, and even still a few snickers were slipping out. His arms felt like worms just clumsily trying to find your hands to push you away. His face was impossibly hot and surely a dark shade of red at this point. His mind was on its knees begging for him to succumb and allow his body to laugh. And that’s exactly what he did when your hands sneaked past his arms and gently wiggled against the skin on his armpits.
“Wahahait! Stohohohop that!” he laughed.
“So that’s what your laugh sounds like” you teased him. “Hm… it’s actually kinda cute.”
“Stohohop this or ehehehehelse!” he latched his hands to your forearms but found that he didn’t even have the strength in himself to push you away.
Maybe it was that subliminal fear that he knew how fragile humans were. Maybe he was just that stupidly ticklish. Or… maybe your fingers were warm, and soft… and you had never given him this much attention.
He had fallen back on the couch, and you sat on his waist, straddling him with your legs on each side, and your hands were now exploring every bit of his torso to see what got him to laugh the hardest, your eyes were looking for every reaction, and your words were dedicated solely to tease him. He truly had you all for himself right now.
And it was driving him crazy.
“Mohohohortal! Cease this ahahahahat once!” he cackled. “It’s ahahahahan ordeheher!”
“Oh?” you smiled in a made that made his insides tingle, “I don’t think you’re in any position to make that call~”
Your thumbs dug into his hipbones that made him arch his back as he let out a loud screech and followed by a stream of guffaws. You laughed along with him, and it almost made this torture worth it.
Worth it, not more bearable.
“Plehehehease, no more! I surrender!” he laughed as he clumsily slapped your forearm in what he had learned was a sign of giving up.
“Wait, seriously” you asked, a bit surprised that you had actually gotten to him.
“Yehehehes, please, I yieheheheld!”
And thank gods it worked. You immediately stopped tickling him and helped him sit back up.
“You okay there?” you smiled at him, and his only response was tackling you to try getting some well-deserve revenge.
Ever since that night you had tormented every once in a while, by tickling him silly whenever you felt like it. But somehow you always had the decency to make it behind closed doors, where no one could see him laughing like an idiot at the mercy of a mortal simply tickling him. And… laying on your bed at late hours was very much worth it, the books he brought to read for you could always wait.
Loki and you chatted for a few hours and soon you sober up enough which relaxed Loki enough, but he noticed your conversation turned more melancholic, contrasting with your grumpy drunk rant earlier. You talked about your family, old jobs, and a department you owned before moving in on the compound.
“Can I tell you something funny?” you smiled sadly, and he nodded. “I miss being ticklish.”
“Well darling, I think that’s been enough alcohol for you.” Loki said as he grabbed the bottle and made it vanish away from you.
“I mean it!” you laughed.
“You’re insane.”
“It’s… I used to laugh so easy… Now every poke, every squeeze, every jab…” you poked your side and your finger sunk in your skin. “It’s… I don’t know… absorbed? I don’t feel anything like I used to.”
He remembered, the time you tickled him silly, how he attempted to get revenge, and how poorly it ended for him.
He latched his hands to your sides and squeezed you thoroughly. He crawled his hands over your belly, he pinched your ribs, and skittering his fingers under your arms. He experimented on every inch of your body.
But at most you gave him a soft breathy laugh, more amused than ticklish induced.
“Sorry Loki, I’m not that ticklish” you smiled trying to be apologetic, but you seemed more amused.
Your armed stretched and wrapped in circles around his bicep to pin his arm upward and still stretched enough to reach and tickle under his arm.
Needless to say, this time he didn’t get a break so easily.
“I doubt there is any actual downside to being the way you are” Loki encouraged you, “I’d give anything to not be… you know…”
“Cripplingly ticklish?” you smiled and elbowed his side making his face flush.
Norns, where had the days gone when he used to be a charming silver-tongued flirt? He used to be swooning men, women, and mythical beings alike, but your silly teasing for some reason had him blushing like a young boy.
“I-It’s… not how I would have phrased that…”
“I would” you cut him off with a giggle and poked his ribs, making him jump and barely hold back a squeak. A squeak.
“Right… Nowhere near the point I was trying to make” he sighs.
“I know… I just miss that intimacy” you sighed.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, tickling was fun when I was little, it’s a nice way of being close to others” you sighed as you rested your head against his shoulder. “And I wish I could have that. Usually I get «no, it’s unfair since you’re not ticklish» and well… No more fun for me.”
Close to others.
He gulped at the warmth of your body as you leaned on him. His heart was racing, his hands were sweaty, his face was burning, he felt a knot in his throat and his breath was hitching.
“Tickle me then.”
“What did you say?!”
What did he say?!
Loki had been through the toughest training regimes growing up, he’d been deadly injured in battle countless time before he even turned 1000 years old, he’d withstand the most merciless tortures, and had been clinically dead more than once. But ever since he was little the one thing he couldn’t stand, was getting tickled. It was so bad to the point where the only people who could tickle him were his parents and Thor… who also had the advantage of being about three times stronger than Loki.
He remembered vividly the last time he was tickled past his limit he had lost control of his magic and unintentionally sent Thor to the healing room for two days (although he had been too proud to admit it had been an accident). The fact that you had left your last encounter tickling him unscathed was a miracle.
“Are you serious?” you asked him, looking at him suspiciously.
Truthfully, he didn’t know if he was. He was so convinced he hated being tickled, that he couldn’t understand why the idea actually felt… Exciting? Appealing? He tried convincing himself it was just the idea of having your hands on him.
“Yes, how bad can it really be?” Loki nearly wanted to die when he felt his voice crack in nervousness, and he had to clear his throat. “You’re just a human, after all.”
“Oh, is that so?” you chuckle. “Mm, I might take you on that offer then.”
You squeezed his side and his breath hitched.
“W-Wait, don’t!” he gasped and grabbed your hand.
“Oh, here better?” you grinned and used your other hand to squeeze above his knee, which made him jolt and grab your other hand by reflex.
“Gods, you do not make this easy” he chuckled softly.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable” you smiled genuinely. “I still appreciate the intention.”
The disappointed look on your face was all the motivation he needed, he pulled you towards him and sat facing you, guiding your hands to his sides as he felt his face burning. How terminally insane had he gone?
“Do it before I change my mind” he said firmly.
“Pfft!” you giggled, “You’re crazy.”
“It would seem so” he smiled. “Let’s get this over with…”
You chuckled and you started skittering your fingernails along his sides. Loki’s jaw tensed immediately as he felt his lips started twitching upward.
“Aww… you’re so ticklish, Loki” you smiled as you kept tracing your fingers up and down his sides, from his hips to his upper ribs. “It’s so charming.”
He cursed his choice of wardrobe today, and Midgardian fashion in general, he could have used a good layer of his Asgardian leather armors. Now a cotton shirt and black jeans served him very little as your finger tormented his sides.
And he was starting to giggle already.
“Yohohohou’re such a pehehehehest!”
“C’mon… it is pretty cute how you laugh,” you smiled, “your voice is so deep but your giggles are so light.”
“I’m nohohohot cute! Hehehe- Hey! Dohohohn’t touch thehehehere!” he giggled when your hands wiggled towards the sides of his belly.
“Oh, your pwetty tummy is so ticklish, isn’t it?” you cooed doing bloody baby talk, “You so cute~”
“Stohohohohop!” he guffawed. “Do nohohot patronize mehehehe!”
He hated how well you had learned how sensitive his stomach was. You had tickled him about three times total prior to this peak of insanity, but the weak spot that was his entire abdomen didn’t go unnoticed from the first time.
“I’m sorry, it’s so hard not to tease you when you have such a cute way of laughing.”
“I’m nohohohohot! Stop sahahaying that!” he protested between laughs.
“You should see yourself” you smiled at him. “The way you scrunch up your nose and stick your tongue out ever so slightly is so endearing!”
“Shuhuhuhut up!” he laughed as he bent over to try protecting his belly from your fingers.
You were being so gentle to him, simply skittering your fingers over his shirt. Being anyone else, that might have just gotten a few giggles out, but he was so ridiculously ticklish, especially there. That this delicate taunt to the skin had him hysterical.
“No mohohohore!” he pleaded, “Not thehehehere!”
“Not where?” you asked innocently. “Here?”
And you poked gently over the patch of skin right below his navel.
“Cuhuhut it out! Gehehet away from my stomahahahach!” he cackled, “I’m behehegging you!”
For some reason you decided to listen and move from his gut, moving to poke and knead his ribs, even doing those unbearable ticklish pinches around him.
You had a hellish ability to have him in stitches.
It kept going for a while, you would explore a spot, have him giggling like a child and then move onto the next to start over, not giving him a chance to get used to any sensation or spot.
“Dahahahahahahahaharling, plehehease!” he laughed, “thahahat’s so bahahahad!”
Seemingly that phrased worked and it stopped you giving him the chance to catch his breath, he placed a hand over his chest, feeling it rise and fall as he tried refilling his lungs with air.
“You little imp!” Loki panted “I was being so nice to you!”
“So was I” you smiled, “I’ve tickled you before, you know how bad it can be.”
Surely you were right, but the way you said it, almost like a promise, made Loki’s cheeks flare up, not that it would’ve been noticeable given how his face was flushed from laughing.
“You’re a menace” he chuckled, as he ruffled your hair “How come I’ve grown so fond of a little nuisance like yourself?”
“What can I say? I’m irresistible like that” you laughed as you rested your head against his arm.
He chuckled as he felt a lingering warmth spreading from where you were resting against his arm to his chest.
“Maybe you are” he sighed with a smile. If only you knew.
“Loki… can I ask you something?” you looked up at him.
“What is it?”
“Are you happy… living here?” you asked. “Or… have you never thought of running away?”
His face darkened. It made sense, but the idea of you thinking of him as a potential traitor stung worse than every awful thing said to or by him in stupid fights with Thor or his parents when the arguments got heated.
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, you lived in a castle, with luxury, prestige, fame and power” you spoke, “isn’t this too little for you? Don’t you feel trapped?”
Now that reasoning he didn’t expect. He smiled at you fondly.
“You make me sound like a spoiled brat” he chuckled.
“Aren’t you?” you chuckled.
“Of course not, I am the epitome of humility” he claimed, making you laugh. “But… answering to your question… I used to feel trapped, every day I’d be plotting my escape, how to make my great escape.”
“And we won't hear a word they say…” you chuckled.
“What?” he smiled.
“Nothing, The Great Escape is a song, continue” you smiled.
“And trust me… at first… I tried, they didn’t take long to catch me analyzing their security systems and patrolling schedules in a chance to sneak out. I was given so many last warnings and caused Thor so much trouble. Until… eventually I realized… I had nowhere to run to” Loki spoke sadly, “And eventually I stopped trying, this was all I had, and I had to make the best of it. At least my brother was around…”
“Aw, so you do care about Thor” you smiled as you nudge his side.
“I did not say that, and you are not to tell him that” Loki spoke in a fake seriousness. “His ego is big enough as it is.”
“Oh, you’re criticizing him about his big ego.” You laughed, and Loki’s heart fluttered, “You should tell him, he would be very happy that his little brother loves him.”
“Perhaps I will one day” Loki smiled, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…”
“Diva” you muttered under your breath, making Loki chuckle.
“…Eventually I resigned to living here,” he continued. “And one day, the Incorporation of Mutant Program was introduced.”
“I’m still not over the fact that we were named the IMPs” you laughed, making Loki snicker.
“Are you kidding? That was the only thing I considered salvageable of you all at the time.” Loki joked, earning a poke on the ribs from you, “…Among the other Avengers I was requested to instruct the recruits. Which I refused to do.”
“And then you met me” you smiled.
“And then I met you.” Loki agreed. “Which made it all more bearable, you at least provided me with some challenge and entertainment.”
“That’s a really twisted way to say you like me” you chuckled.
If you only knew…
“Would you believe me if I said I did?”
“That’s fair.”
The triggered something in him, a moment of bravado that made him want to risk everything and tell you.
“Are you sure of that?” he asked, as he gently placed a finger under your chin, and pulled for you to look at him. “Even if I said you drive me completely crazy?”
Oh, the look of shock that adorned your now blushing features was delicious.
“Even if I said that I think about you on every waking moment, and that just for the sake of that smile of yours I’d withstand the most barbarous tortures… That for the longest time now you’ve had my heartstrings wrapped around your fingers, playing me like a puppet at your will just for the sake of you one day maybe looking at me the way I look at you.”
“What…? Wh— L-Loki… I— you—!” you stuttered.
Your face was red, but you didn’t seem repelled by his confession. Thank goodness. He thought maybe giving you some time to organize your words was the best thing he could do.
“Why me?” you finally asked.
“Why not?”
“I’m not particularly strong, powerful or attractive” you stated. “Even among just the other recruits.”
“I beg to differ, it takes a lot to render a god helpless like you did earlier.”
“Because you allowed me to” you retorted.
“Because I am crazy about you” Loki said gently.
“You’re stubborn, you get on my nerves all the time, you question and defy my authority every chance you have, and you have no fear of the consequences of crossing a god, especially one with my history.” Loki chuckled. “That takes a lot of courage.”
You smiled at him shyly, and oh gods, the amount of self-control it took not to tackled you and kiss the daylights out of you was ridiculous.
“You are funny, and witty, you have these innocent eyes that make me want to blindly believe you every time you pull one of your stupid pranks on me.”
“And you fall every time” you smiled as the pink shade returned to your cheeks.
“I fall every time” he whispered with a gentle nod. “I fall every time you smile, every time you laugh and every time you look at me as if I was someone interesting and worth getting to know better.”
“You are worth getting to know better… Hell, you’re worth risking a friendship for…”
“Risking a friendship— Mmph?!”
Before he could process what you had done he was already melting against your lips that were sweetly pressed against his.
He felt your fingers sneaking behind him, brushing gently against his neck, which made him laugh softly against the kiss before they continued their journey to his head, where they started playing with his hair in a way that caused him to swoon. In return he placed his hands on the small of your back, brushing his thumbs against you.
And you let out a giggle.
“What was that?” he asked amused.
“W-Wait, do it again!” You smiled brightly.
Loki smiled and brushed his fingers gently across your back and you let out a little giggle.
“It tickled!” You exclaimed.
“Oh did it…?” he smiled and experimented by gently scratching your sides and belly, just soft caresses with his blunt nails over your skin.
And you were giggling like a happy kid.
“Would you look at that…” Loki taunted you. “The little springy mortal is ticklish after all.”
You just rested against his chest as he tickled you, not protesting or squirming at all, just happy giggles. He supposed it made sense, pokes, squeezes, and jabs did nothing, but your skin was still sensitive enough to react to caresses, and it turned out it was all he needed. He took his sweet time exploring every little spot on your body that made you giggle.
Perhaps tickling was fun after all.
| Masterpost |
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yandevee · 7 months
Johnny Cage × Reader
Chapter 1
You are a fangirl but he is kinda into it because he loves the attention
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In all fairness, you didn't really mean to go through a glowing blue portal.
You usually spend your days wondering the streets of the oh so famous Hollywood. Honestly in contrast to popular belief fame city wasn't all hot gossip and movie shoots.
There was a dark side, a poor and homeless side, that had been creeping up throughout the years.
You...are a part of that percentage. There is a lovely little place on the tip top of an apartment building that you have found sanctuary. A lovingly crafted shack made from two tall and sturdy pieces of plywood and a blanket draped over the top. The loving part was the string of battery-operated lights that you managed to steal from a dollar store. Along with your trusty, kinda beat up CD playing laptop you may or may not have also stolen...
It's not much but it's yours, along with the beautiful view of the walk of fame.
You wished desperately to get to that place you call 'home', but fate seems to have a different plan.
Oh shit oh fuck. I've really done it now.
You know all these years of shoplifting and never ONCE has someone chased me down a street for a fucking CD!
"Just stop running! If you give it back I swear I won't call the cops!" This guy has some damn good stamina.
My legs beg me to give in, but there was absolutely no way in hell I'm giving this up. It's Johnny's newest film!
"YOU DEFINITELY DONT GET PAYED ENOUGH FOR THIS SIR! Probably $8.00 a hour at MOST." I yelled over my shoulder, not looking where I'm going.
Why is it daytime?
I stop and catch my breath. At the very least, this means he won't get me. "How did I even get here?"
"That's what I want to know." I'm mildly embarrassed at the yelp that left me. Only a tad. Ok, maybe a lot.
I nearly jump out of my skin and turn around to see a man with... white glowing eyes? He's tall with dark hair pulled partially into a bun, wearing a white, undone shirt and dark blue pants.
"Uh, you're not the guy from the video store."
"Definitely not." It feels like his gaze is burning holes in me. Clearly, I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be.
He took my stiff figure in slowly, like as if he was trying to scan me for...well something. "You are lost?" Uh, no shit?
I don't know the guy. I can't just say that out loud, so I settled with a nod. He looked more relaxed and settled his eyes on the CD I had clutched to my chest.
"Where am I? If you don't mind me asking that is-" I've had my fair share of fights to know that I don't wanna be on this guy's list. Especially since his eyes are glowing like a comic villain.
He gave me one more once over before giving a soft smile. "How about you follow me, and we can discuss your questions." I'm not too sure about that one chef. This has murder written all over it.
For whatever reason, I find myself following after him despite my thoughts.
He led me through courtyards of men in orange that were training tirelessly. There were beautiful statues and lush greenery that complimented the stone pathways. I took it all in, and the only thing the serene setting gave me was more and more questions.
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This is my first time writing something like this but I CRAVE more Johnny content and honestly I was like 'Oh wait I can make some' so here I fucking AM!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAA there will be more parts definitely but hope you enjoyed chapter one! Next one should be longer- baiiii
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hancocksspouse · 23 days
"you told me not to worry. You told me you were fine" with Hancock and Sole, please?
Ooooooh, I love fights between two pining idiots 🖤
I use Doll by default just because I know her very in depth but if ever you'd like it changed, let me know :)
Cool, calm, and collected. Most people that met Hancock described him in exactly those words, no matter the situation. He knows how to keep a level-head, even in the most stressful and shitty situations which often times came in handy when hashing out an issue or spat of some type. In fact, his special talent for keeping the peace was one of the main reasons he made sure to stay back in Goodneighbor every so often in between his travels with Doll. Needed to make sure his people didn't miss him too much and everything was going smoothly.
So to say he may have sorta kinda maybe lost his cool when he came back to Sanctuary to see the atrocious state Doll was currently in would be a gross understatement.
He had been in Goodneighbor for a good two weeks. The well-being of his town and everyone within was not a matter he took lightly and wanted to be 100% secure in their well-being before he left once again to aid Doll on her quest for Shaun. To be fully honest with himself, he couldn't say he was completely comfortable with being away from Doll. Perhaps it was the extended amount of time they spent together or the comfort felt when in each other's presence or the ever present, chest rattling heart palpitations that shook his being when it became apparent to him how deeply he felt for her, but either way, his place was by her side and he planned to be back at it quickly.
The trip didn't take long, he had made it a hundred times over and by now, walking there was subconscious. A weight and anxiety lifted from his shoulders when the familiar statue and bridge came into view and he let out a deep sigh, a trail of cigarette smoke leaving him as his boots thumped against the decrepit wood. The worry wart in him did check in on her over radio while away, just to be sure she was alright and from what she told him, she was fine. Keeping busy and running the commonwealth as normal, so their radio chats weren't long, but it was enough for him. She said she was fine.
She wasn't fine.
Fast forward to now, he's trudging after Doll and for once, he's upset with her in a way he never expected he would ever be. He is angry in a way that someone can only be when they love you.
In the time he had been away, she had assured him she was doing just fine and was simply keeping busy with things that needed to be done. However, her exhausted, thinner, clearly haggard form was anything but fine. From the dark circles under her eyes, to the extra unruliness of her hair, to the way her clothes seemed to hang off of her in a way they didn't before, it was clear that she was not fine. And he keeps that in mind as he follows that clearly malnourished frame of his friend up into the woods near the Vault where she seems to be trying to avoid what she knows is inevitable.
"Doll!", he calls for what he thinks might be the third time since he saw her and she took off. "Doll, stop and talk to me! What the fuck is goin' on?!"
"Nothing is going on, Hancock, I'm fine", she replies, not looking back as she keeps walking. She manages to make it past the gate and onto the platform before a firm hand takes her shoulder and turns her, forcing her to face her distressed friend, who doesn't know what to do.
"Doll, I'm gonna ask you one more time what is goin' on and this time I want you to tell me the fuckin' truth", he says, his jaw clenched. A frown takes over her face and she looks down at the platform beneath them as she folds her arms and shakes her head.
"Nothing. I've just been busy, I'm fine", she insists, but he's known her too long to believe that.
"You told me not to worry. You told me you were fine", he slowly says, his tone lower but the clear distress and frustration present in his voice. "And because you're my friend, I believed you. I have never had a reason to doubt you, Doll. But based on what I'm seein', you weren't bein' honest with me and I'll admit, I'm actually real fuckin' hurt by that."
A silence takes over for a long time, long enough for the guilt within Doll to rise while the anger in Hancock lowers. Neither one moves from their spot and before long, the faucet in Doll's eyes begin to leak slowly, her head still hanging.
"...I'm sorry", she almost whimpers out and worry in him rises once again.
"Doll, you look fuckin' sickly! You haven't taken care of yourself since I left, it's pretty fuckin' obvious! What the hell is goin' on?! Why didn't you tell me?! You said you were okay!" he says, his feelings getting the better of him. "You told me you were alright and to not worry about you! And it's real damn clear to me you ain't alright and I'm way past worried!"
She won't make eye contact, looking off to the side while the tears continue to flow and she keeps her arms around herself. Hancock takes a deep breath and rubs his eyes. If he doesn't get a handle on himself now, he'll cry, too. And he doesn't want to do that until he knows what has caused his friend such a rapid and sudden decline.
"...I-I had forgotten", she starts, making him look down at her while she rubs her arms, almost as if she were trying to comfort herself. "I had forgotten wh-what day was coming u-up. A-and then, the day after you left, I checked and...I remembered and..."
Doll begins to struggle with words as she slowly becomes more and more upset.
"Talk to me", he calmly says. "What is it? What did you remember?"
For a moment, she tries to fight down the heavy sob shaking her chest and she wipes her face before looking up at him.
"...It was mine and Nate's anniversary", she manages to say thru her cracked voice.
His shoulders sag at her words and his anger evaporates as his heart clenches in his chest. It became crystal clear to him what happened and while he may not have been in the same boat for the same reason, he still very much knew exactly what state she was in. He had fallen into those depressive episodes himself a few times and understood how hard they were to get out of.
"Oh, Doll", he murmurs, pulling her to him and holding her tightly. "Doll, I had no idea..."
The dam breaks and she sobs against his chest, clinging to him.
"I-I'm so sorry, I sh-should've told you a-and I didn't w-wanna be alone, b-but you were gone and busy and I-I didn't wanna worry you and-", but he shakes his head, keeping her safely against him.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. I understand the sentiment, I do, but I would rather you tell me so I can help you get thru it instead of fightin' it all alone and hurtin' yourself. If you can sit and laugh with me, you can sit and cry with me, too. And that ain't somethin' you should be sittin' and cryin' about alone", he gently says, his cheek rested against the top of her head. "If I ask you if you're okay, it's because I genuinely wanna know if you are and if you're not, I wanna help you fix it".
A bubble of guilt wells up in her and she cries harder, knowing he was right and feeling bad for lying to him. But he simply holds onto her while she cries for as long as she needs.
Because now, she's crying here with him instead of alone in her house, staring forlorn at a cracked picture frame of a family that never had a chance.
Oof, that hurt lol but I hope you still enjoyed it, friend!
-Hancock's spouse
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cxtori · 1 year
Natsuo Todoroki ✭ Afraid of Losing you
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Cat’s Note: I lowkey think this might be kinda crappy, but it's honestly one of my favorite little things I've written 🤭 Plus I actually finished it which is rare lmao. the love for my mans Nastuo is LACKING
WC: 5.2K
Genre: One-shot, fluff, hurt and comfort, friends to lovers
Warnings: N/A
Fic Playlist: 
Fear ~ Gnash
You ~ Benny Blanco
Sanctuary ~ Joji
Summary: Natsuo is your childhood best friend and long-time crush. But you've never taken the chance to tell him how you feel. What happens when the chance is almost taken from you entirely?
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“Hey, Y/n! Are you free tonight?” Fuyumi’s voice chirps through the static of the phone.
“Uhh, yeah. I don’t have any plans,” You reply. “What’s up?”
“Weeell,” Fuyumi drags, and you can tell she’s excited about whatever is going on. “I invited Shoto and his friends over for dinner as well as dad. Natsuo is coming over too! I thought I’d invite you since, y’know, you’re basically family. It felt wrong not to!” You chuckle at Fuyumi’s enthusiasm.
“Haha, yeah sure, I’d love to. But…” You hesitate. “Is it really a good idea to try and have dinner with Natsu and your dad? You said it didn’t go well last time…” You wilt off, the image of a teary-eyed Fuyumi as she described the disastrous dinner to you entering your mind.
“Ahh, yeah,” she mutters. “But, I’m hoping that having you and some other guests might make it less tense?” She says, though it sounds more like a question that a statement.
“I think you underestimate how much it’ll take to make things ‘less tense’.” You chuckle, shaking your head.
“Oh, come on! Natsu’s always a lot calmer when you’re around, maybe it’ll help!” You sigh softly at the sound of desperation in Fuyumi’s voice. Ever since you were kids, all Fuyumi wanted was a “normal” family. She would talk to you about it all the time. So would Natsuo, especially after Toya’s death. All they wanted was a loving family, but instead, they were left with a broken home. And Fuyumi was doing all she could to try and fix it.
“I’ll be there,” you affirm. Fuyumi squeals on the other end and you can picture the bright smile spread across her face.
“Awesome! Be here around 6, ‘kay?” She says. You both say your goodbyes and hang up. You grunt as you throw yourself back onto your bed, face buried in your pillows. Although you know it’ll be an awkward night, you’re still looking forward to seeing your childhood friends, especially Natsuo. With your busy school schedules, you hardly see each other anymore, despite being on the same college campus. You smile giddily, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and chest at the thought of getting to sit down and eat with him.
Having Enji and Natsuo in the same room will be hard, but maybe dinner won’t be so bad.
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“Y/nnn!” Fuyumi exclaims as she throws her arms around you, squeezing tightly.
“Haha, hey Fuyumi!” You laugh, hugging her back. “Ugh, I’ve missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too!” Fuyumi grins, eyes scrunching from her bright smile. You pull apart and Fuyumi steps aside to let you in. You place a hand on her shoulder, using her for balance as you remove your shoes. “I’m so glad you could make it! Natsu’s already in the dining room if you want to join him. I’m almost done with food and the others should be here soon.”
“Okay!” You reply, placing your pair of shoes next to the others. You part ways, Fuyumi heading back to the kitchen and you to the dining room. You grip the handle to the shoji door and slide it open gently. Natsuo looks up from his phone at the sound of soft wood scraping wood, eye’s lighting up when he sees you in the doorway.
“Y/n!” He says, happy to see you. You slide the door closed before skittering over to him, falling to your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your torso, face digging into the side of your neck. You both breathe in deeply and melt into each other, tense muscles relaxing at each other’s touch.
“I haven’t seen you in forever,” You say, words muffled by your arms.
“You saw me last week,” Natsuo chuckles.
“I know. But it feels like forever!” You unwrap yourself from him to look him in the eyes only to look away immediately, blushing at the proximity. You push off him lightly, scooting yourself back to sit in your own seat. “I’ve just really missed you,” you say delicately, a slight blush still dusted across your cheeks. Natsuo looks at you with a sheepish smile.
“I’ve really missed you too.” A silence falls between you for a moment and you squeeze the hem of your shirt nervously.
“So, I was a little surprised when Fuyumi told me you agreed to coming over,” you faltered. Natsuo tenses and looks away from you, gaze focusing on the wooden grain of the table. “I know it’s hard for you, but it really does mean a lot to her.” you place your hand on his, grasping it gently. “Just- please… try to be civil. For her?” There’s a long pause, and you can tell he’s battling to find the words.
“I told Fuyumi I’d come for dinner… I’m not making promises to stay any longer than I have to,” he muttered, still avoiding your eyes. You sigh softly.
“Okay,” you conceded, not wanting to press the matter any further. “Thank you for still making the effort to come though.” The grimace on Natsuo’s face softens, and he nods. You turn at the sound of the door sliding open and are met with five faces, two of which were unfamiliar. You feel Natsu’s hand stiffen beneath yours and you give him an encouraging squeeze before letting go.
“They’re here!” Fuyumi walks in, the others following closely behind. Everyone shuffles around the table to take a seat, the awkward tension in the air already thick. With everyone placed, Fuyumi sits up on her knees.
“Let’s do introductions again,” she began. “I’m Shoto’s older sister, Fuyumi. I teach at an elementary school nearby.” She turns to you and Natsuo sitting beside her. “This is Natsuo, Shoto’s older brother. He’s currently in college.” Natsuo scratches the back of his neck and gives a short greeting. “And this is Y/n,” Fuyumi continues. “She’s just a family friend, but she’s so close we might as well be related. She goes to the same college as Natsu.” You give a shy little wave to the two strangers.
“Shoto, this is where you introduce your friends,” Fuyumi prompts, looking over to her youngest brother.
“Oh, right,” Shoto says. He introduces his two classmates, Midoriya and Bakugo.
“It’s nice to meet you!” Midoriya says enthusiastically, though a little nervously. Bakugo scowls at him. He clearly doesn’t want to be here. You catch the way Midoriya’s smile drops slightly and you know he’s noticed the tension between Natsuo and Enji. Fuyumi clears her throat.
“Let’s eat before the food gets cold! If there’s anything you don’t want, don’t feel obligated to eat it! I won’t feel bad,” she says. Everyone gives her their thanks before filling their bowls. As you all eat, Midoriya gives his praise to Fuyumi’s food, impressed by how good it is.
“I’m not surprised,” Natsu says. “Fuyumi’s been cooking for a long while since our housekeeper had a back injury.”
“You would cook too, Natsu,” Fuyumi injected. “We would take turns.” Shoto seems surprised by this and turns to his brother.
“Does that mean I ate your food growing up?” Shoto asks. Natsuo’s face twists.
“It’s possible, I can go overboard with seasoning though,” he answers. “Endeavor might have kept you from having it. He always did keep an eye on your diet.” He states, giving the man at the end of the table a glare. You hear Midoriya and Bakugo choke on their food.
“I supposed there is truth to that,” Enji acknowledged. Natsuo looks away with a frown. You drop a hand under the table and place it on Natsu’s knee, silently reminding him of your earlier conversation. Try to be civil. For her. Natsuo inhales deeply, returning to his food to finish the little bit left in his bowl.
“SO!” Fuyumi jumps, trying to recover from the passive aggressive interruption. “Shoto, what kind of food do they serve at the school?” She inquires. Fuyumi’s topic change only lasts long enough for Shoto to answer before Enji speaks again.
“Natsuo,” he says, turning to the white-haired man. “I’d like to try your cooking next time.” You look to Enji with slight surprise. You feel Natsuo take your hand, removing it from his leg before placing his bowl on the table with a clank. He stands up.
“Thanks for the meal sis,” he says, ignoring his father’s words. “I came like I said I would, but now I’m done.” He walks towards the door to leave.
“Wait, Natsuo!” Fuyumi pleads. Midoriya and Bakugo grunt in shock again.
“Wait a second!” You say, standing up yourself.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t do this,” he mutters before sliding the door closed behind him. An uncomfortable silence fills the room. You look down to Fuyumi whose eyes are welling with tears. You sit back down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder as she quickly wipes at her face.
“Uhh, I’ll go ahead and start cleaning up now. Please, finish eating,” Fuyumi says, her happy tone covering up the pain twisting at her heart. She stands and starts picking up empty plates and dishes. You follow her lead, picking up whatever was unneeded. You follow Fuyumi to the kitchen, placing the dirty dining ware in the sink. You hear a sniffle and turn to see Fuyumi crying softly into her hands.
“I- I just want… I just want us to get along,” she cries. You walk over to her and wrap your arms around her, hugging her tightly.
“I know…” You whisper. Shoto walks in with more dishes, stopping short when he sees his sister crying.
“Is everything okay?” He asks concerned. Fuyumi quickly pulls away from you, sniffling more intensely and rubbing her eyes. She turns to her little brother with a smile on her face.
“Yeah!” She exclaims in her usual cheerful voice. Shoto walks to the sink, placing his dishes down.
“Everyone is done eating,” he says quietly.
“Thanks, Shoto,” you say kindly. The boy nods and walks back out of the room. Once Fuyumi has composed herself, the two of you walk back to the dining room to help finish cleaning up. Fuyumi insists that Midoriya and Bakugo not help, but they’re also adamant to lend a hand. When there’s only a little bit of clean up left to do, you catch Fuyumi, telling her you’re going to head out and try to catch Natsuo. She nods in understanding before giving you another tight hug.
“Thank you for coming,” Fuyumi wavers. You squeeze her even tighter.
“Of course,” You smile. “You’re my family too, you know.” Fuyumi chuckles at this.
“The sister I never had,” she says. You both laugh light heartedly before saying your goodbyes. You walk back to the dining room to give Shoto a hug and say goodbye to his friends as well. You walk quickly to the front of the home and throw on your shoes and jacket, hoping to be able to catch up to Natsuo. But you’re surprised when you open the front door and see the man standing in front of the home, looking up at the sky.
“Natsu?” You call. The man shifts his gaze over to you and gives you a faint smile.
“Hey. I thought I’d wait so we could walk back to campus together.” He breaks eye contact and scratches the back of his neck nervously.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you laugh gently.
“I know, but I wanted to,” he practically whispers. You smile at him and start walking.
“Thank you.”
There’s an odd silence resting between you as walk, both of you thinking about dinner but neither wanting to address it. Natsuo finally speaks up.
“I’m sorry for leaving, Y/n. I just… I can’t stand to be around him,” he seethed. You glance at him before looking back to the concrete pathway.
“You don’t have to apologize. I’m not upset,” You sigh. “Fuyumi was a little hurt though…” Natsu winced.
“I know,” he mutters. Another pause.
“Hey, Nat-” you cut yourself off when you see the paint lines on the street start to move, lifting from the pavement. Before you or Natsuo can process what’s happening, multiple strips of street paint are flying towards you.
“Watch out!” Natsuo shouts and pushes you to the ground. You grunt at the impact and push yourself onto your knees. You look up to see Natsuo hanging above you, wrapped and bound in dried, cracking paint.
“Natsu!” You cry. You hear a deranged chuckle come from the street and you look to find the source. Your eyes widen when you see a man dressed in striped clothing walking towards you, the same strips of paint tied to Natsuo wrapped around him.
“Hahaha, got you!” He says giddily. “Too easy.” Before you can say anything, the villain is bolting off, taking Natsuo with him.
“No! Let him go!” You yell. Without thinking, you chase after them, shoes pounding at the sidewalk. But it’s only a moment before you lose sight of them. No. What do I do? What do I do! You quickly pull your phone out of your pocket and search for the right number. The phone rings for only a second before a deep voice answers.
“Mr. Todoroki! It’s Natsu!” You panic.
“What happened?” Enji questions. You place a hand over your eyes, trying to calm yourself down enough to explain.
“We were walking back to school and a villain attacked us. He took Natsu!” You hear the man inhale sharply on the other end.
“Do you know where they went?”
“I-I don’t. I tried to follow them bu-but I couldn’t keep up,” you stutter. There’s a sudden noise of tires squealing followed by muffled grunts and shouts.
“He’s here!” Enji says. “Y/n, go back to the house and wait there! I’ll handle this.” And with that, he hangs up. You stand there frozen in shock. You feel your eyes sting and your vision begins to blur. There’s a loud boom in the distance and you whip around to see thick, dark clouds of smoke. That must be them. You turn on your heels and sprint back to the Todoroki household, ignoring the burning in your lungs from both exhaustion and panic.
“Fuyumi!” You call as soon as you step through the front door. You run into the kitchen to find Fuyumi finishing up the dishes, putting away dry plates and bowls. The woman turns around, her face twisted in confusion.
“Y/n? What are you doing back here?” She asks with a giggle. Her expression drops when she notices the hot tears rolling down your face. She puts down the ceramic plates and walks over to you. “What’s wrong?” You press your cold hands to your face, trying to stop your tears.
“Na-Natsu… He-”
“Natsu? Did he do something?” Fuyumi asks, thinking her brother was the reason for your tears. She takes your hands away from your face, squeezing them comfortingly. You shake your head and take a deep, shaky breath.
“A villain took Natsu,” you whimper. Fuyumi freezes.
“What?” She whispers.
“We were almost to campus and a villain came at us. He took Natsuo and ran.” Fuyumi doesn’t say anything, she just stands in shock, gripping your hands in hers. “Enji said he saw them; he told me to come back here.”
“So, dad’s there… It’s okay! He’ll save Natsu and bring him back safely. It’ll be fine!” Fuyumi says, trying to suppress her panic. She forces herself to move, guiding you over the table by your hands. “Shoto and his friends are there too, they’ll help him!” She makes you sit down before walking to a cabinet and pulling out a box of tea leaves.
“I’ll put on some tea, okay? We can have some girl-talk. Just don’t freak out, dads got it.” Fuyumi says encouragingly, though it sounds like she’s speaking more to herself than to you.
The two of you sit at the table, teacups in hand. Fuyumi tries to distract you by telling stories from school, recalling all of the ridiculous and hilarious things her young students have done. And it works, for a while at least, soft giggles leaving your mouths every now and then. But, despite the laughter, both of your minds are still whirling with anxiety, every worst-case scenario being pictured in graphic detail.
Fuyumi glances at you, staring mindlessly into your cup, eyes focused on the swirling tea leaves left behind in the translucent green liquid. Almost an hour has passed and you’ve yet to take even a sip. Fuyumi studies your face, noticing that, under the expression of fear, there’s something else.
Fuyumi smiles and laughs softly, breaking you out of your trance.
“What?” You ask, puzzled. Fuyumi shakes her head gently.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Fuyumi asks, though her tone makes it sound more like a statement than a question. You blink, trying to push away your distracting thoughts for long enough to understand.
“What?” You ask again, even more confused now. The older girl laughs again, this time much more lighthearted.
“I’m talking about Natsu. You like him.” She states bluntly. You stare at her, completely caught off guard.
“I… I don’t know,” You mutter. But you do know. You have for a while. Ever since you were kids, you’d felt differently towards him. The silly childhood crush you had on him never really went away, but instead, continued to grow and mature as the two of you aged. You felt pride in being the person he could go to, and you hoped he felt the same about you. Whether it was sadness, anger, or even just needing to vent after a long day, you were each other’s first go-to.
You’re so grateful for the friendship you have with him. So grateful that you don’t know where you’d be without him. So grateful that you’re willing to do anything if it means he’ll always be in your life. Even if it means bottling your feelings for him and living with the painful, dull ache that tugs at your heart.
And yes, you were frustrated. Annoyed because you’d spent your whole life avoiding the feelings you had for Natsu. Discouraged because you’d naively told yourself you had all the time in the world to one day take the chance and tell him how you feel.
And now, that chance may be taken from you entirely. And you can’t stand it. Your gaze falls back to your now cold tea, hands gripping the fragile glass tightly.
“I think-” You begin to speak but are cut off by the sound of the front door creaking. You and Fuyumi stiffen, eyes locking. Was that the front door?
“Hello?” a familiar deep voice bellows through the halls, a tinge of concern evident. You both simultaneously let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding, the warming sense of relief flowing over you. You jump from the table and dash to the door to see Enji standing in the foyer, Natsu behind him. Fuyumi lets out a sob and runs to her brother, holding onto him like he’s about to disappear.
“You’re okay!” She cries. Natsuo wraps his arms around her, a muttered “yeah” falling from his lips quietly. His eyes widen when he looks past his sister to see you standing in the doorway, heavy tears streaming down your face and your shoulders jerking in silent sobs. Fuyumi breaks away from him, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’m so relieved.”
You walk over to him, unable to see the expression on his face for the blurry tears filling your eyes. You throw your arms around his torso, face pressing into his chest.
“I was so scared,” you whisper.
“I’m okay.” He hugs you back tightly. As you part, you subconsciously reach for his hand, taking his larger one in both of yours. Enji lets out a heavy sigh before turning to Fuyumi.
“Listen,” he starts with a solemn tone. “I already told Shoto and Natsuo. I know you’re trying to get things ready for your mother to be able to return home peacefully. We’ve placed that burden on you, but it’s too much for you to handle alone… Don’t worry about it anymore.” Fuyumi looks at her father with faint concern.
“I’m going to build a new house. It’ll be in a better location for everyone. Your mother will be discharged soon, you can welcome her home there.” He removes his shoes and makes his way into the house. “I apologize for the late notice, but you should start preparing to move.” Natsuo turns away and you catch the saddened, almost pained look on his face, and you squeeze his hand.
“Wait, Dad!” Fuyumi calls, her voice cracking. “What about you? Won’t you come with us?” She drifts off, almost hesitant to ask. There’s a pause before he answers.
“I’ll be staying here,” He replies bluntly. Fuyumi gasps softly and you wince, feeling as though you heard her heart break yourself. There’s another long pause of silence, the air slowly becoming thick with tension. Enji continues to walk down the hall. “Natsuo, Y/n, Kurumada is waiting outside. He’ll escort you back to school.” And with that, he leaves. The three of you stand there in silence for what feels like forever.
“You two should probably go,” Fuyumi whispers. She turns and gives you a smile, but you can see the small tears forming in her eyes. She walks over to you and wraps her arms around your and Natsuo’s neck, dragging him down to your level. “I love you guys.”
You and Natsuo hug her back, whispering “I love you too” in return. You all let go of each other and it’s only then that you notice you’re still holding Natsu’s hand, and you realize a part of you is almost afraid to let go. You say goodbye to Fuyumi and step outside into the cold, making your way to the car sitting outside of the wooden gate.
Natsu opens the car door and you shuffle inside, finally dropping his hand. The drive to the school is quiet aside from Kurumada’s occasional grumbled comment about “idiots on the road”. You have your head leaned against the window, lost in thought as you watch the street lights whiz by. You finally make it to the school and step out of the car, bowing to Kurumada in thanks before he flies off.
You and Natsu walk in silence to the dormitory. You flinch ever so slightly when you feel Natsu’s hand take yours but soon relax at the comforting warmth of it. You enter the dorm building, still hand-in-hand, coming to Natsuo’s dorm first. You both stop in front of the door, each waiting for the other to speak. A light gasp escapes your lungs when Natsu pulls you gently by your hand into his chest, large arms embracing you desperately. You feel tears slowly return to your eyes as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer.
“I was so worried,” you whisper, trying your best to hold back the sobs caught in your throat. “I was so afraid I might lose you.” Natsuo pulls you impossibly closer, placing a hand on the back of your head. The heavy cries you were trying so hard to keep back break through, tears soaking into his jacket.
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” He comforts. He holds you there for a while before pulling away just far enough to see your face. His wipes at your tears, thumbs tenderly stroking the soft skin of your cheeks, and he does so until they come to a stop. He smiles at you softly and runs a hand over your hair. “Try to get some sleep tonight, okay?” You pause for a moment before rolling you eyes with a small giggle.
“You’re crazy if you think I’ll be able to sleep after all of that,” you joke. Natsu laughs quietly. Another silence falls over you but this time it feels less tense.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight?” Natsu offers. You look at him, eyes slightly widened in surprise.
Sure, you’d shared a room, even a bed with him in the past. Being childhood friends, it was something that happened occasionally. But tonight? Something about staying with him tonight felt different. And yet, a part of you was still almost afraid to leave his side, as if he’ll vanish as soon as you do. You nod your head, wordlessly accepting his offer.
“Okay,” he says, taking your hand once more. He walks closer to the door and unlocks it, guiding you inside. You both take off your shoes and jackets, placing them by the door. Natsuo walks over to his dresser, digging through it for a moment before turning back to you with t-shirt and sweatpants in hand. “Here, it’ll probably fit pretty big, but its better than jeans, right?” He jokes, a genuine smile on his face. You giggle and take the clothing from him, muttering a thank you. You walk into the small bathroom to change.
When you come out you see Natsu, who is now in his own pajamas, sitting on the bed, surfing through movies on his tv. “I thought we could watch a movie or something. Your pick!” He says, and you notice that his usual calm-but-happy tone is returning. He lifts up the edge of the throw blanket he has hastily tossed over his legs and pats the empty spot next to him.
“Why does it feel like you’re comforting me more than I’m comforting you? You’re the one who got kidnapped after all,” You chuckle. You make your way over to the bed and sit down beside him, shoulders brushing, and you miss the brief look of nervousness splashed across the man’s face.
“Nah,” he waves his hand dismissively. “You being here is comfort enough for me!” You feel your face warm and you pull the blanket up to your cheeks in hopes of hiding your blushing.
The two of you scroll through the massive selection of movies, silently agreeing to avoid action and thriller type films. You’d both had enough action for one night. You eventually decide on a comedy drama, something lighthearted. You lean against Natsuo, your head just barely resting on his shoulder, and you feel him relax, a soft sigh leaving his lungs. About 20 minutes into the film, you begin to feel like things are normal again, the anxiety in your system finally dissipating. It’s just you and your childhood best friend, watching a movie like you used to do every weekend before your schedules got busy. Childhood best friend. Friend.
Fuyumi’s words come back to you suddenly. “You really like him, don’t you?” You glance at him, his eyes and mind completely focused on the film in front of him, entirely oblivious to the thoughts occurring in your head. Your eyes trace the outline of his profile and you drink in his every detail. His strong jawline, the swell of his lips, his sharp and angular yet soft and kind eyes. It’s at that moment that you know, it’s no longer some silly childhood crush. It hasn’t been for a while now. It’s something more serious, more mature than that. something that, no matter how much he frustrated you or made you sad, would never change.
And the thought that you could have lost him? It made you nauseous. You almost lost your chance to ever tell him what’s on your heart. And you won’t run the risk of losing it again. You turn your eyes back to the tv, yet your attention is no where near the events happening on the screen. You feel your heart start to pound and you ball your hands together in hopes of calming it.
“Natsuo,” you say, and you’re almost surprised he hears you considering how quietly you spoke. He turns to you with a soft hum in acknowledgment.
“Everything okay?” He asks when you don’t say anything, despite having called for his attention. You want to look at him, but the thought of saying what you’re about to say while looking him in the eyes is too much. So you keep your eyes trained on your hands. You squeeze your hands tighter and take a deep breath.
“I love you, Natsuo… I have for a long time, I was just too scared to admit it,” you confess. You feel the man’s gaze harden on you, but he doesn’t say anything, so you continue. “When that villain ran off with you, I was terrified that might be the last time I ever saw you, and I was so mad with myself for having never said anything.”
He still doesn’t say anything and you finally muster the courage to look over at him. But you rip your eyes away as soon as they meet his, a look you can’t quite decipher on his face. Embarrassment and anxiety take over as you begin to ramble, trying to make your confession not sound so serious.
“I know we’ve been friends for a long time and that’s probably all you view me as. I understand if-” Before you can get another word in, a hand is placed gently on the side of your head, guiding your face back to his. Next thing you know, there’s a pair of soft, warm lips on yours. You freeze for a moment, your mind being slow in processing what’s happening. And before you can, the warm sensation is gone and he’s pulling away. You look into his eyes with shock and only see love in his.
“I love you too,” he whispers. He grins brightly before it drops into a smaller, caring smile. You feel your body relax, any worry leaving immediately and instead replaced by those familiar butterflies.
“To tell you the truth, I’m not sure I realized just how much I do until tonight. A lot was going through my head, but one of the main things was realizing how much I love you and how I might never get the chance to tell you that.” He says all of this while looking you directly in the eyes with an expression he’d always kept hidden from you in the past. One full of deep love and care. “I’m so glad I didn’t lose the chance.”
“I love you, so much,” you say, feeling oncoming tears for what feels like the millionth time that night. But this time, they aren’t of pain. Natsuo looks at you, eyes soft and a blush across his face. He pulls you close, lips barely brushing as he speaks against them, cool breath fanning you face.
“I love you too. More than you know.” He presses his lips fervently against yours, his hand snaking behind your neck and your arms wrapping around his. You feel him smile onto your lips before laughing quietly, breaking your kiss. You pull away and place your forehead tenderly against his.
“What?” You ask.
“Your pulse, it’s really fast,” he states. You roll your eyes jokingly.
“I think that’s what happens when you kiss someone you like,” you quip. He chuckles and gives you a mischievous smirk.
“Why don’t we make it a little faster?”
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©Cxtori 2023 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate. reblogs are appreciated
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noctivague · 7 months
Revamping my altar - Part 01🙃
Let's ingnore the fact that I ghosted my blog for the most part of this year and jump right in as if nothing happened....
Starting point
I'm a very aesthetically driven person and I'm bored with my current altar, which has been remained the same for a long time. (I thought I had a picture but I don't and it's gone now so oops...)
I want to create something that puts me in an inspired mood just by looking at it. That looks inviting and beautiful and brings me delight and motivation. A little sanctuary nook kinda.
I want to revitalize things and symbolize the new era i'm in, due to the fact that i recently moved into a new flat, got a new job, and overall my life is very different than it was last year.
So here is the journey of making my new altar :) At the moment it's far from done but here is the first part of the process!
Part 02 will follow once I've received the things I ordered, probably at the end of November or early December.
So i went on a quest to find inspirations on pinterest that would sort of align with what i wanted to make.
ngl I dislike most of what I see because I find them too cluttered for my personal taste. The main issue is that i'm clumsy and i hate the idea of my hand having to slither through a forest of objects to be able to grab what i want lol
Still managed to find a few cool examples, here they are:
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I love the rough, folk-esque, natural aspects of them, the blend of stone, marble and wood. The branches, the sculptures, the iconic symbols and the fact that there is a variety of heights of things, if that makes sense. I also like having a strong art piece in the middle, which i prefer over having a mirror like many examples i found. Idk i just find the idea of having to stare at myself at my altar a bit uncomfortable lol
But it's still different from what would be authentic for me and also i gotta do with what i have or what i can buy.
The thing is that my altar is not dedicated to a single deity so i can't go with one strong themed vibe but i have to put them all together. Currently, Apollo, Artemis, Hekate, Dionysos, Hermes and Demeter share the same space.
Thankfully the new book shelf I got is quite wide and has three levels, which is plenty enough space to give everyone their own space and even host my incense, tarot cards and spiritual books.
I almost sold a kidney to get an antique cabinet, which looked really cool but was not going to fit in with the interior style of my living room, where my altar is located.
So I went in with a more modern yet slightly organic-shaped one:
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Not 100% what I was looking for but at least the space is there. Love the curves an the contrast of the two colors, but I wish the wood was darker. I could sand and re-varnish but who's got time for that.
Current state of the sculptures
I've been collecting sculptures and hand painting them for a while now (you can check out my pinned post for pictures of some of them), and although I love what I made, I really want to get some new ones that are higher and I'm even wondering if I should just keep them white and gold instead of colorful.
Also, for the life of me, I can't find a sculpture of Hekate that I like. They either look too bland or too new-agey for my taste. At the moment, I have the classic three women holding torches and stuff that I hand painted in blue, yellow and silver, but idk it's not what I have in mind and I think I'm just going to resort to do clay modelling myself. I'll probably do a separate post for the process!
Btw I'll do a free giveaway in the future to re-home my old sculptures so stay tuned for that!
What I have in mind
Sooo I'm not sure of the exact height and width of the things that I have coming in, and I'm still looking for a strong art piece or relief to go at the center back so I'm not sure if my disgusting mouse-drawn photoshop sketch is going to be accurate at all lol
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The more I stare at it the more I think it makes no sense 🙃
So basically, from left to right; Apollo (new statue incoming); Artemis (old statue at the moment but need to upgrade); Hekate in the center (need to craft that); Dionysos (new bust incoming); Hermes (new bust incoming); and on the lower lever Demeter (still love the statue as I think it's my best one so it will stay this way).
Still missing:
one or two candles i use during worship, preferably gold
art piece in the center, either a plaster relief or canva print of something
plant with long falling ''arms'' (idk the word in english)
dried branches to go in the left vase
a way to fix the antlers to the wall
an old key for hekate (need to go to a thrift store)
maybeee a bigger box to store my incense and ritualistic plates and glasses
I don't think I want a table cloth simply because I had one in the past and it was always a mess to clean. Having the bare table is much easier, especially considering that I will burn incense and candles and that gets messy.
Okay that's it for this long ass post, see ya in a few weeks for part 02!!!
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beetleviolet · 1 month
(To tune of Spiderman theme song) Raaat-man, raaat-man, does whatever a rat can! From his master learns to fight. Takes down shredder with a single bite. Look out! Here comes
SPLINTER (and origin story)
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So I've done minimal research on rats. Like very minimal. Like I know that 1. One breed of rats that are pets are called Fancy Rats (which would be the greatest thing ever if not for fact two) 2. Apparently father rats carry baby rats on their backs. So I will absolutely be drawing that at some point.
Also I accidently used a pen that bleeds so I couldn't color some of the images 😭
But anyway I made Splinter a white and gray rat because uhhh I felt like it. And isn't he cute??? (Yes. The answer is yes.)
Splinter grew up a rat and was the pet of Hamato Yoshi, a ninja master from Japan with the mission to defeat the Foot Clan. Yoshi was asked by a friend to hide a canister of mutagan. The Shredder was after it and it would be awful if he got his hands on it. Unfortunately, the Shredder found out and showed up at Yoshi's apartment complex. It was a long fight, in which it was revealed that the man who had given Yoshi the canister had been killed. Anyway there is an epic fight scene and Yoshi ends up being taken down. They ransacked the room before finally checking Splinter's cage, where the canister was hidden in some sort of rat cage toy thingy under shredded paper and stuff.
Shredder opens the cage and Splinter bites his hand. So Shredder does the natural thing and bitch slaps Splinter and the entire fucking cage out the open window right behind it. This is when it falls onto some sort of moving truck for a turtle sanctuary. This is how I justify using wildly unique turtle species from all over the US, one of which is deaf and wildly endangered. The canister lands on the street and breaks, mutating the turtles and Splinter. Splinter grabs the turtles and runs into the sewers.
Splinter struggled a lot with his kids when they were younger. It was risky to leave them alone, but he had to go to the surface to get food and supplies. As the kids get older its easier to leave them at home, even take them with him sometimes. He is super careful, but at some point Leonardo and Donatello end up getting out on their own. This is what leads to.. the incident (I'm being so cryptic I'm so sorry) (oh wait no I'm not im enjoying this quite a bit)
Things became harder after that. Leo was super scared of his Dad leaving the sewers, and even more scared of leaving them himself, so Splinter went out for groceries when the kids were asleep or got Raph to distract Leo for a couple hours. As they got older they got better. Leo goes out to the surface on a regular basis for errands, so Splinter assumes he's doing great now! (Cough he uh. He's really not.)
After witnessing Rise Splinter, I really wanted to give the boys a positive role model, but I also knew he has to have flaws so. Uh.
Splinter is a good Dad. He takes care of his kids, knows them well, and loves them to bits. However, he just isn't a good teacher. He doesn't know how to hold back in criticisms, which totally reflected on Leo whenever he leads training. Raph tries to compensate by being super nice and supportive, even when he doesn't mean it. It kinda skews the dynamic when Splints is in teacher-mode. Splinter also applies this style of criticism to himself and is super hard on himself about the death of his mentor/owner, Hamato Yoshi. This reflects on his kids more than he realizes, particularly Donnie, and I plan to explore this sometime at the end of or right after the first arc of the comic. Which... we won't get to for a WHILE.
I still need to develope Splints a little more, but since in the present comic we haven't met him, I figured I have some time to work out the kinks.
When he's training his kids call him Sensei, but otherwise they call him Dad, or when they were little they called him Papa. His signing style may be the best next to Leo, his hands are a little quieter and softer most of the time.
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steddieunderdogfics · 5 months
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Our first writer's spotlight feature is: @anthotneystark! With seven works on Ao3 in the Stranger Things fandom (for ao3 users only), they've written five works with the Steddie ship tag!
Nominated by @thefreakandthehair, they recommend the following works by mywarisalreadywon:
Fools in love (Is there any other kind of pain?)
But when it's your brother (Sometimes you look the other way)
I will stay one night beside you, never go back to the sea (I will stay and be thy husband though it be the death of me)
My wounds cry for the grave (My soul cries for deliverance)
Sold your soul (Built the higher wall)
Kat is an absolute treasure and such a wonderful writer! Her ideas are always so fresh and so interesting, and I've never read anything from her that doesn't just hit. All of her works are so well-crafted and well-written, characterization is always on point, and I can't say enough about how much I genuinely enjoy every single thing she posts! - @thefreakandthehair
Below the cut, @anthotneystark answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I just find them so compelling, and there’s so many ways to shift the story around a bit or put them in different universes, like the options are just endless in a way a lot of the ships I’ve loved can’t be.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I’m such a sucker for hurt/comfort, but I feel like that’s such a broad range, right? More specific would be the trop of one or both having insecurities and getting that “I love you and I will choose to keep loving you” moment.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Probably the breakdown moment of finally finding a safe harbor, or realizing that people love you, and it just hits you like a freight train and you can’t do anything but fall apart, and that can go hand in hand with found family, but that’s my specific gut-punch feeling that I want to put in every fic.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Oh this is so hard! I have so many that I go back and read time and time again, so many that I absolutely adore! God, just picking one is so nerve wracking, I’m too indecisive, so I’ll say my top three (in no particular order): Sanctuary by SpicedSage, I’ve seen your face before, my friend,but I don’t know if you know who I am by HMSLusitania, and The One in Which a Time Loop is Fucking Exhausting by badpancake
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Oh for sure! I’ve had a rom-com idea bouncing around in my head for a while, I just have to figure out a good starting place for it!
What is your writing process like?
The majority of the time, I start writing out my stories on paper. I scratch it down at least enough to get me started and use that kind of as a springboard. When I can get to a point of typing it up, having that and editing as I go helps me to really build momentum and then I can just let it flow, but that initial momentum is the hard part between getting the story out of my head and onto a page. If I’m stopping and starting, I reread and edit what I’ve typed up as my springboard, so by the time I’m finished, I’ve reread it all enough times that I’m sure I’ve got everything in the order I want.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I’m very sure that I do! I start a lot of sentences with conjunctions and I try to write, at least in some parts, so it reads like a stream of consciousness without entering first person. For me it’s almost like I type how I talk and sometimes I get a little too far into that and have to reel it back.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
 Oh definitely when it’s finished. I lose motivation for periods of time and have to rotate between projects, so I feel much better about stuff when it’s all just done and I don’t have to worry about being stalled for too long.
Which fic are you most proud of?
I’m kinda torn on this one! Like I’m super proud of all the heart and the emotion I felt and tried to express in But when it's your brother (Sometimes you look the other way), but My wounds cry for the grave (My soul cries for deliverance) was huge for me because that’s my biggest single chapter fic that I’ve ever written. If pressed, I think I’d have to go with the former just because that one in particular was so heavy for me on a more personal level.
How did you get the idea for But when it's your brother (Sometimes you look the other way)?
This fic is honestly so full of my own personal feelings that I get a little choked up thinking about it too much. I’m a younger sister, so I’m constantly in this cycle of making fun of my older sister and calling her names but having this deep love for her. My family isn’t one that really talks much about feelings, but there’s so much love there and I’m finding myself constantly thinking back on my own life about so many moments where neither of us was prepared for what we had to do, but I looked at her and thought she was invincible and I feel like that’s the core of Dustin and Steve. The “that’s my brother, he’s so tough and grown up and he’s always okay” and then the sort of devastation of realizing that this person you’ve always seen like that has a lot of moments where they’re scared and hurt and struggling but not showing it. There’s just a lot of me in that fic.
When writing I will stay one night beside you, never go back to the sea (I will stay and be thy husband though it be the death of me), what was something you didn’t expect?
I don’t know that there was anything I didn’t expect, because I try not to really push expectations onto my work, I try to just let it flow and figure it out from there. But something that felt right that I hadn’t initially planned for was the moment between Steve and Joyce. We haven’t seen them interact really, and I’ve seen a few different takes on them and how they’d see each other, but I honestly loved the thought of him having this moment of trying to hold it all together because there’s so much weight on his shoulders and the moment he sees someone who’s safe, someone who has been judged so much and wouldn’t be judgemental of him, he breaks.
What inspired Fools in love (Is there any other kind of pain)?
This one actually started as a “haha what if Steve was born on a holiday” and then I made it a little angsty. Because I do like the born on a holiday and your birthday gets overlooked vibe, but then it was just a moment of thinking about what if it gets overlooked not because it’s a big holiday, but because people just don’t believe him and how much that would hurt year after year.
What was your favorite part to write from I will stay one night beside you, never go back to the sea (I will stay and be thy husband though it be the death of me)?
Definitely the bit about Steve begging for Eddie to keep him, with that warring feeling of not wanting to be restrained but wanting to be chosen. Feelings are so often multidimensional and that was something that just really spoke to me.
How do/did you feel writing But when it's your brother (Sometimes you look the other way)?
I cried so much. Like I said, there’s so much personal feeling in there, so much of the way that I am with my siblings is there, and we didn’t have any life or death situations, but that sort of love, it just sticks with you forever. In equal moments I’m Steve and I’m Dustin in there, being a middle child and all I’ve got both experiences, so I definitely had a few moments where I needed to step back and let my own feelings settle again.
What was the most difficult part of writing Fools in love (Is there any other kind of pain)?
This was actually my first fic written and published in over three years. So the hard part for me was actually just working up the courage to post it. I’ve been dealing a lot with depression and anxiety and burnout for years now and just the general dissatisfaction with my own writing, so the love I got after posting that was really just so special to me and I can’t fully express how much it means and how encouraging it was knowing people liked it.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
My favorite line is either this one from My wounds cry for the grave: “But right now, he just leans over, laughing with his favorite person ever, his heart soaring and matching hers, beat for beat.” Or this moment: “He drops right there, like a puppet with its strings cut, like a stone in water. Like Atlas being crushed by the weight of the world. Dustin is the only one close enough to make sure his head doesn’t hit the ground; he’ll be grateful for that later. In that moment though, surrounded by people who love him, sprawled on a cold tile floor, willing Eddie to be alive with his whole being, Steve Harrington’s heart stops once more.” Both of these were things I had rotating in my head for so long that I go back to those parts over and over just to feel them again.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Oh I have so many things that are half done, but none that are near finished enough to try and hype them up yet. I literally have a running list of ideas I’m adding to here and there and I just follow the inspiration!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
The only thing I can think to add is that I’m just absolutely so flattered and tickled about someone liking my work enough to nominate me for this! I’ve always tended to be more of a lurker in just about every fandom I’ve been in so this is such a surprise and it means the world that my writing touched someone enough for them to think of me. 
Thank you to our author, @anthotneystarkm and our nominator, @thefreakandthehair! See more of @anthotneystark's work featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer's Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 months
So, fanfic ideas.... If JJK and HxH characters were in No Power world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer or Hunter (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters from each.....
I have written several no powers moder AUs for this fandom. There's a lot that can be done with these guys.
I often put Gon in some field researcher shoes, in some biology filed, I did entomology and marine biology. But any specialisation suits him as long as he can go and observe by himself. He could also do some pro sport, team sports are interesting for him because how his personality is kinda both suited for it and clashes with it. I have also pictured Gon as an investigator and an artist, as he's very curious by nature and also creative.
For me Killua always starts off trapped in the plans his parents make for him. He's following his parents clan plans, be it business, law, medicine, competitive sport. And you can either make him try to make it his own or try to break off into something else. He's analytical and good at handling things and planning ahead so administrative work actually suits XD what a horrible thing to say. But also jobs that would lean into his protective side.
She gives me very strong creative vibes, so any art or design related job suits her. She would also be good with people, she lives with Nanika and such cohabitation requires a lot of people skills.
She wants to be around others but also to heal, so I see her as a doctor.
I've written her as an engineer, as a journalist, doctor. She gives off a nerdy vibe but she also has very high integrity. She could also do well as a fixer, considering how well she handled Amane.
Doctor is obvious, it's a normal job. But he could also be any form of activist or idealistic politician. He could work as a community organiser, or someone helping troubled youth. He has this strong drive for serious societal change.
I've never written a modern AU for this fandom.
Gege said that Yuuji would be a firefighter if he wasn't a sorcerer and that's a very good job for him. But any first responder job suits him. He's also good with animals so he could work at a rescue or sanctuary. He could also do well in medical fields because he's kind and strong and listens to what others tell him. He would make a great nurse or physiotherapist. But also a surgeon, that requires a lot of stamina and strength. Though doctor would feel more like mum pushing him into things because he's not very bookish. But we know his mum is capable of steering his life and development.
Model, actress, idol - she's got the drive for it and the interest in being seen, making her mark. But also engineer, mechanic, repair person and obviously a carpenter. Wood has a lot of personality and I think she'd appreciate that. I could see her making furniture.
They are very versatile. They could be a researcher, human reproduction comes to mind first, but to be honest whatever would catch their fancy they would just go for it. They are clearly a jujutsu and barrier nerd, so that could translate to physics or mathematics or maybe psychology? They could also embrace a career in comedy. But I also see Kenjaku as doing spy stuff, running intelligence or counter intelligence operations. They are so good at plotting, putting pieces on the board exactly where they want it.
Any high powered job would suit him, anything that would let him look down on others - business, politics, organised crime. But also teaching, especially university teaching, omg he has the professor vibes. He knows so much and he judges others on not having studied enough. But he also wants his students to excel, it's just that they will excel through tears, cursing his name. He could also be a therapist, some people in jjk already think he is one.
Scientist and engineer suit her. Cybernetics would be good for her, or working exotic materials and states of matter. Entomology too but more as a hobby that informs her studies. But also a wedding planner, she absolutely knows what's up. She'd specialise in theme weddings.
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tinknevertalks · 1 month
Omfg, I'm on a computer and can copy things easily! Let's do this!! XD
@chartreuseian tagged me in this game and I'm finally able to do it. :)
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
241. Send help?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
295,404 words. I write many drabbles.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sanctuary mostly, although I do wander over to rogue simulant country Stargate SG1.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Ghost of the Machine - 160 - Stargate SG1
Brothers - 157 - Lucifer
Acceptance - 89 - Stargate SG1
A Missed Birthday (But We'll Always Have Cake) - 85 - Stargate SG1
Beer Basted Omelettes - 84 - Stargate SG1
And yet I mostly write Sanctuary fic? Shows popularity of fandom and ship counts a lot. (Lucifer was still fairly popular when I wrote that, and we all know how the Sam/Jack shippers are. XD)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yaaaaas! I love it! Except for 19 edits. It's a big part of the fannish community - how else are we all meant to squee together?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhm... *Thinks in 241 fics* Maybe Fed is Best? It's certainly not a happy ending, anyways.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them, really? Words Don't Come Easily and Of Sequins and Scalpels are proper happy ever after ends.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't get hate. I have had someone ranting about my choices but I just blocked that convo after saying, "Thank you. I don't agree. Have a good day." I do this for fun, I haven't time for negative vibes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yus. What kind? Kinda romantic, but also featuring many different walls (if I have a vampire who can hold someone up no problem I am going to use that to my advantage, lol!).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've done a few crossovers, and a few fusions. Craziest crossover? It isn't that crazy (yet) but Sanctuary/Ted Lasso. Fusion? Sanctuary/Pokémon. I love the idea of Helen as a Pokémon trainer. Oh, but Helen as The Arrow from DC has a special place too.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone wanted to translate one of my smutty fics to Russian but I never heard anything from them again, so I assume nothing.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! With samsg1 when she came over to visit a few years back. We started planning it in my living room as our kids played Mario Kart then wrote it over GDocs together. Die Hard Isn't a Christmas Movie. It was fun, but brought up some residual feelings I had at school that I thought I had got through. Didn't tell her, because I didn't want to bring her down (because she is *so* so cool and I adore her). We do wanna write together again but we're both super busy (and I'm more a Sanctuary girlie at heart).
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Helen/Nikola. They bring me joy.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Comedic timing? I'm not sure tbh. Oh! I can write a bonzer last line. You need a great last line when you write drabbles.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Length. I cannot write long fic on the regular to save my life. Like, I know I got OSaS done, and I'm slowly getting to the denouement of In The Nice Part of Town (very slowly), but it's haaaaaard. I want the flash bang dopamine fix posting oneshots give me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If it's a language I know well (aka Cymraeg) then I'm filling that dialogue up. If it's a language I have a tiny bit of passing knowledge on, or I can ask someone, "Omg, how do I say [xyz] in [language]?", I'll use a bit of it. If it's a language I know not, and I don't want to go looking stuff up, I don't use it. XD If someone else wants to do it, more power to them. :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Voyager? Yeah, pretty sure it was Voyager.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This is called cruelty. Today? Waves - Teslen, AU, everybody's human (kinda). It's rushed in places but I love that universe.
Tagging (if they wanna play): @drewsaturday, @cookie-sheet-toboggan, @ladyelysandra, @electricrogue, @zebsfloppyears and anyone else who wants to join in. XD
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minty-trash · 3 months
Prediction for Borderlands 4 (from someone who hasn't finished 3)
(this post is full spoilers for as far as I've played to)
There are definitely still people who admire Handsome Jack. Especially if they're not on Pandora and haven't witnessed his evil first hand, they might still believe Jack was doing good. So I believe that somebody is going to salvage the AI core from the Handsome Jackhammer and use that to create another Handsome Jack. Whether he's in AI form like Tales or if he gets put into a body like the failed versions of 2 DLC I don't know. Either way, Jack will be back and holding onto that AI is going to majorly backfire on Rhys and Hyperion. Maybe Rhys will be a major focus?
Jack is the best villain this series has and I think the studio knows that. That's why he's been William Afton-ing so much. Out of the games I've beaten (1, 2, Presequel, Tales) he's supposedly had a role in all of them (even if he's not directly featured in 1 he was written into the story) and so it would be stupid to retire a character like him so soon!
Honestly I would have expected that plotline to be 3. I'm not particularly fond of the Calypso twins, they're annoying and feel kinda overpowered? Like Jack was great cause you didn't know what he was actually capable of and everything he does is his own cunning.
The twins however:
Aren't even super charismatic but have a loyal cult willing to die for them (why?)
Are overpowered. While you don't know what they're capable of the answer is yes
Are annoying as all hell.
Are literal influencers?? I feel like there's some metaphor there.
Are overly in-your-face with their sadism. Literally showing you clips and edits of Maya dying seconds after she died? Ugh.
Did I mention how annoying they are???????
And this one's a problem with the game itself but it doesn't even give you time to morn? Like you go back to sanctuary, there's one conversation about Maya, and suddenly she doesn't matter anymore. It's time to save Hammerlock. Love treating a woman's death as character development for someone else (or worse, pure shock value) but when a man dies? Oh we were stuck on Roland. Literally a whole mission (even if it was just running around Sanctuary) surrounding his death and it creates a heavier atmosphere the rest of the game. Suddenly it's not such a silly looter shooter, there are actual consequences to the characters' actions. Maya's death so far? It's just been for her apprentice to realize vault hunting isn't a game and to shock the player. There's not been any acknowledgement of what happened since. I dunno, maybe it's cause all I've done since was rescue Hammerlock but it bothers me.
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
SNW 2x03 Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow thought-stream
[30 June '23]
First of all, what an amazing, TOS-style title. I love it.
La'an sounds so done right at the beginning XD
I thought this was going to be a complaint - "Nobody told me when I took this assignment just how many friends it would make for me."
Oh, it was XD
Pelia! Already an icon
"I will make every effort to practice less vigorously."
"Well as your sparring partner, I advise you talk to your physician."
Okay wtf was that?? Okay random dude just disappearing?
Wait this is yet another AU! Kirk?!
Is she gonna grab him and press the button? Because she totally should.
He doesn't feel like Kirk... but also I guess he *isn't* our Kirk, so that's okay?
*BIG SIGNS WITH TORONTO* "Seems to be New York City." Oh, honey XD
"I was born in space on the USS Iowa" - huh! I like the way they did that!
Hah, they dressed in the same clothes, hilarious! XD
Ohhh... does the crush really need to happen? :/
Chess chess chess! It is Kirk!
Actually, re:La'an's crush, tbf, I think it's just weird to not have a crush on Kirk myself 😅
Wait, mid 21st century? I thought in the ST universe that was when WW3 was happening... *Checks* 2026-51 yeaaaaa
Kinda creepy La'an, just standing there and watching him think.
Because we know Jim so well, it feels kind of weird that she doesn't
"My earth still has sunsets." Boom. That sure is a good argument.
I forgot she knew Sam! Or in fact that Sam was on the Enterprise 😅
You should look up Pelia!
Is this Jim actually gonna be a good driver?
Tbf I'm sure that car is easier than 1930s
Wait why has she read his file and not Sam's
What happened to lessen the eugenics war impact???
Why do we have to have action Kirk in ace? But at least it's au Kirk?
Profiling? Oh Canadian against Americans?
My wife was abducted.
Love how ahe has to do all the work
Jim keeps being hungry but this Jim never went to Tarsus?
So is this supposed to be now so I'm America the sanctuary districys
Engineering extension
"I might actually know someone in Vermont." YES, PELIA!
>> Though my guess is she's not actually an engineer yet, just because that would be funny :P
I like how weird time travel gets when immortals are involved
"People are usually difficult for me." Oh, La'aaan <3
He's just another guy though 😅
((Why can they always squeeze m/f romance in one episode but never anything queer in one-and-a-bit seasons?))
Sera?! You're a villain?!
"Try me." *bang* oh jeez oh wow they really did just straight up kill Kirk??? Incredible.
Superior Romulan strength...
How is Khan about?? This is the wrong time? Unless they're going with DS9's "the Eugenics war was 200 years ago" miscontinuity and placing it where WW3 is supposed to be? I am a confuse
"And all this was supposed to happen back in 1992, and I've been trapped here for 30 years trying to get my shot at him."
WHAT WHAT WHAT???? SO THE TIMELINE IS ALREADY CHANGED? WHAT??? I love time travel but man this is messing up my head!
What on Earth just happened though with her disappearing into smoke? what.
"Are you gonna kill me?" Jesus, I cannot with this. MY HEART
Fricking Heck
So Khan was once just be a kid being experimented on? (Like Julian? 💔)
Uhura's complete confusion and need to check out La'an when Pike says "You're not wearing your uniform." XD
Ohh, our girl's just been though a whole heck of a lot
Eyyy damn for a sec I thought that was gonna be Section 31 😅 Temporal Investigations are slightly less fucked
Nah nah nah, this girl needs therapy, please
Well she forget this? I kinda hope so... Because gosh, if she doesn't that's her and Pike who are gonna be weird when Kirk actually shows his face
They just ban her from talking to anyone about this despite all the massive trauma they just dumped on her?!! No that's not okay actually??? Damnnnn
She just straight up rings Kirk? Oh my word I love her so much
Ohhhh, La'an <3 <3 <3
This is the worst this is so unfair my poor girl... Oh, what the heck strange new worlds, what sort of comfort show are you??!
This was a brilliant episode, I loved it so much, and seeing so much more of La'an was awesome!
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nightlyponder · 1 year
4, 14, 22
4. 3 topics you’d love to learn more about: The first one is sound engineering, mostly for my job. We have a new audio booth for patrons to use to make podcasts and produce music and I am woefully ignorant in knowing how to effectively use Pro Tools and Ableton. The second would be knowing the native flora and fauna in my state and in addition to that, wilderness/survival skills would also be great to know more about.
14. 3 professions that you would like to try: this might feel outta left field but live event technical production. I've kinda done it before working the fundraising events for the nonprofit I worked at a few years ago but I really liked being in charged of the audio cues and knowing what cable goes to which and just being on the back end of things that make the live shows happen, even tho it can be stressful.
Anything to do with wildlife preservation, maybe work on a sanctuary or preserve and educate people about the different animals and partner with an animal ambassador. And lastly, maybe studio musician? Not that I play any of my instruments well anymore but I like the idea of being able to play various genres of music for whatever artist comes in.
22. 3 movies/books/tv shows that made you cry: A movie that made me cry that I can remember is Everything Everywhere All At Once. Eliza and Her Monsters, a young adult novel, made me cry. And the episode of Queer Eye where the trans woman reconnected with her father, that shit had me sobbing. I know I didnt have to do one of each but I did so there.
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my-haven-my-rules · 2 years
enchanted + rapunzel for whichever f/o(s) :D
Oh gosh-- thank you for the ask! (Btw I refer to my s/i's in the third person for simplicity's sake; Summer, in this case.)
I choose... Vi!
Tumblr media
Enchanted - What are some new things you or your partner(s) have introduced the other to? Some hobbies you’ve picked up from the other?
Ever since she got back from Stillwater, Vi's been teaching Summer self-defense. Sure, Summer knows the basics and she can shoot gun well enough, but she almost never goes out into the field and prefers to assist the Firelights in a supportive role, so she doesn't really know how to fight melee.
Try as she might, Summer never gets fully comfortable with melee combat, but at least now she knows how to properly throw a punch.
Vi sometimes likes to make these training sessions a little steamy, which then usually leads to some private time. Summer always comes out of it with at least one new hickey.
As for the other way around, Summer's been trying to get Vi into more constructive hobbies aside from fighting, like cooking and crafting. (I've seen a lot of headcanons saying Vi can't cook and I disagree. She's not a Michelin chef but she can make basic meals; she had to if she wanted to better provide for herself and Powder.)
Vi's also begun looking after the kids living in the Sanctuary. It's helping her heal after... well, everything.
It all gives Vi a domesticity that she never thought she'd get; spending time with her significant other, protecting the kids, having the opportunity to just... relax. Her heart swells every time she thinks about it. She cries the first time because the feeling was so overwhelming.
Rapunzel - Have you ever done a home-haircut, where one of you has cut the other’s hair? How did it go? If not, would either of you ever be up to do it, or is that a no-go?
They've never given each other haircuts, nor do they know how to cut hair. Summer just kinda chopped most of hers off while Vi was stuck in Stillwater, and she's kept it neck-length ever since. Don't ask me what Vi did with hers because I don't know how she was able to maintain it in that godawful prison.
Occasionally, however, they like to brush each other's hair. It's relaxing to have gentle, loving hands caress you like that.
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pastorralffriedrichs · 4 months
Straight from Hope Ministries Sanctuary.
Blessings to you all. Another beautiful day given to us from above. I want to share this devotion this early morning with you
The Lord's Prayer
- Our Father Who Art In Heaven.
- Don't interrupt me. I'm praying.
- Called you?
No, I didn't call you.
I'm praying. Our Father who art in heaven.
- Did what?
- But, I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord's Prayer. It makes me feel good, kind of like fulfilling a duty.
- Okay, Hallowed be Thy name...
- By what?
- It means, it means ... good grief, I don't know what it means. How in the world should I know? It's just a part of the prayer. By the way, what does it mean?
- Hey, that makes sense.
I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before. Thanks. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
- Sure, why not?
- Doing?
Why, nothing, I guess.
I just think it would be kind of neat if you got control of everything down here like you have up there.
We're kinda in a mess down here, you know?
- Well, I go to church.
- Now, hold on just a minute! Stop picking on me!
I'm just as good as some of the rest of those people at church!
- Oh, all right.
I guess I do have some hang-ups.
Now that you mention it, I could probably name some others.
- I haven't thought about it very much until now, but I really would like to cut out some of those things.
I would like to, you know, be really free.
- Look, Lord, if you don't mind, I need to finish up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does. Give us this day, our daily bread.
- Hey, wait a minute!
What is this?
Here I was doing my religious duty, and all of the sudden you break in and remind me of all my hang-ups.
- I'm scared to.
- I know what you'll say.
- Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
- See? I knew it! I knew you would bring her up!
Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories. She never paid back the money she owes me. I've sworn to get even with her!
- I didn't -- mean it.
- Yes, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with her. Boy, have I got some plans for her. She'll wish she had never been born.
- You can? How?
- Oh, you know, you're right. You always are. More than I want revenge, I want to be right with You... *sigh* All right...all right...I forgive her.
- Hmmmm. Well, not bad. Not bad at all! In fact, I feel pretty great!
You know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight tonight.
I haven't been getting much rest, you know.
- Oh, all right. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.?
- What do you mean by that?
- Yeah. I know.
- For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
- No, but I'd like to know.
I want to please you now. I've really made a mess of things. I want to truly follow you. I can see now how great that would be. So, tell me, how do I make you happy?
May God always bless you and may you all go thrugh life with Jesus Christ in your life
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ryttu3k · 5 months
End of year meme! Check out last year's version here!
1. Song of the year?
Måneskin - Honey! (Are U Coming?), although Fifteen's theme from Doctor Who has grasped me over the last few days. More music-specific stuff here!
2. Album of the year?
Strictly speaking the only full album I heard was Måneskin - Rush, and that had… some issues even though I love most of it, haha.
3. Favourite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Can we count the BG3 soundtrack as a new artist?
4. Movie of the year?
I rewatched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory last night and that was... it, so that, I guess!
5. TV show of the year?
I still haven't recovered from Good Omens season 2.
6. Episode of TV or webisode that defined the year for you?
Episode 2.06 of Good Omens, Doctor Who - all four specials.
7. Favourite actor of the year?
Honestly it's gotta be David Tennant. Like, between Good Omens and Doctor Who? Yeah. Neil Newbon comes in a very close second, though!
8. Game of the year?
It's a. It's actually a tie which is goddamn unheard of in a Zelda release year, but Baldur's Gate 3 genuinely nearly kicked Tears of the Kingdom aside??
9. Best month for you this year?
Oh man tricky. Do I say October because I went on my first actual proper holiday in eight and a half years? November for the Maneskin concert? Or do they lose points because I had COVID in late Oct/early Nov? Let's skip both and go with June (Vivid down in Sydney and the single greatest sorbet I've ever tried, a super fun VtM tabletop session, and got Operation YEETerus more or less confirmed)!
10. Something that made you cry this year?
Cried pretty much the whole way through the end of Tears of the Kingdom, does that count?
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Ooh I'd love to go back down to Sydney for Vivid!
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
Shrug emoji. You're all cool.
13. How was your birthday this year?
Super chill. Ordered pizza and ate ice cream, and a few days earlier when my brother came up, we went to one of our favourite Lebanese restaurants.
14. Favourite book you read this year?
A top three - Hell Followed With Us, Space Opera, and Camp Damascus! You can check my book-specific stuff here!
15. What's a bad habit you picked up this year?
Not sure I picked any up? Still haven't ditched the finger-chewing, alas.
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
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A haul from Sydney in January. Hell Followed With Us and Legends and Lattes were bought new, as were most of the CDs. The other three books and the Sigur Ros CD were second-hand.
17. Post a picture from the end of the year
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Okay so on the cruise (late October, I'm gonna say it counts) each floor on the stairwell nearest our cabin had these like, sailing/ships/cruising-type collages, right? Golden Age of Sail, 50s cruising, all that stuff. Which is fine! Great! Except one of them was this!
For the love of god, why would you think an image of the Titanic sinking would be appropriate for a cruise ship?!
18. A memorable meal this year?
The hazelnut sorbet of the gods. Listen. Sydneysiders, listen, if Rivareno Gelato is doing the hazelnut that week you have to try it.
19. What're you excited about for next year?
Australian Literature Festival at Sea! Not until December, but it should be fun as hell!
20. What's something you learned this year?
I did a course on how to make an author site! I should. Do that.
21. What's something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
We started fixing up the old, kinda leaking upstairs bathroom! Gonna be moving back upstairs once it's done!
22. Favourite place you visited this year?
Eden in southern NSW, and Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary in Hobart <3 Both on the cruise. Eden was absolutely gorgeous and Bonorong had critters.
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
You're gonna get COVID on the cruise. Yes, even wearing your mask and sanitising every five seconds. Bring decongestants because you'll also pick up sinusitis at the same time.
24. Did you keep any New Year's Resolutions?
Didn't make any :D
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Probably the two main ones are my first two BG3 characters? A custom Tav, Ta'varin 'Tae' Arkenval, and my beloved Durge baby, Tavias. I'm probably most attached to Tavias, he is going through The Horrors while being the pureblooded child of the God of Murder and also just trying to be a nice person. Wish him luck as I enter act 3!
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