#ok not the best answers but yaay I got to play for once! XD my phone does not like copy/pasting from tumblr
tinknevertalks · 17 days
Omfg, I'm on a computer and can copy things easily! Let's do this!! XD
@chartreuseian tagged me in this game and I'm finally able to do it. :)
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
241. Send help?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
295,404 words. I write many drabbles.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sanctuary mostly, although I do wander over to rogue simulant country Stargate SG1.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Ghost of the Machine - 160 - Stargate SG1
Brothers - 157 - Lucifer
Acceptance - 89 - Stargate SG1
A Missed Birthday (But We'll Always Have Cake) - 85 - Stargate SG1
Beer Basted Omelettes - 84 - Stargate SG1
And yet I mostly write Sanctuary fic? Shows popularity of fandom and ship counts a lot. (Lucifer was still fairly popular when I wrote that, and we all know how the Sam/Jack shippers are. XD)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yaaaaas! I love it! Except for 19 edits. It's a big part of the fannish community - how else are we all meant to squee together?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhm... *Thinks in 241 fics* Maybe Fed is Best? It's certainly not a happy ending, anyways.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them, really? Words Don't Come Easily and Of Sequins and Scalpels are proper happy ever after ends.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't get hate. I have had someone ranting about my choices but I just blocked that convo after saying, "Thank you. I don't agree. Have a good day." I do this for fun, I haven't time for negative vibes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yus. What kind? Kinda romantic, but also featuring many different walls (if I have a vampire who can hold someone up no problem I am going to use that to my advantage, lol!).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've done a few crossovers, and a few fusions. Craziest crossover? It isn't that crazy (yet) but Sanctuary/Ted Lasso. Fusion? Sanctuary/Pokémon. I love the idea of Helen as a Pokémon trainer. Oh, but Helen as The Arrow from DC has a special place too.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone wanted to translate one of my smutty fics to Russian but I never heard anything from them again, so I assume nothing.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! With samsg1 when she came over to visit a few years back. We started planning it in my living room as our kids played Mario Kart then wrote it over GDocs together. Die Hard Isn't a Christmas Movie. It was fun, but brought up some residual feelings I had at school that I thought I had got through. Didn't tell her, because I didn't want to bring her down (because she is *so* so cool and I adore her). We do wanna write together again but we're both super busy (and I'm more a Sanctuary girlie at heart).
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Helen/Nikola. They bring me joy.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Comedic timing? I'm not sure tbh. Oh! I can write a bonzer last line. You need a great last line when you write drabbles.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Length. I cannot write long fic on the regular to save my life. Like, I know I got OSaS done, and I'm slowly getting to the denouement of In The Nice Part of Town (very slowly), but it's haaaaaard. I want the flash bang dopamine fix posting oneshots give me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If it's a language I know well (aka Cymraeg) then I'm filling that dialogue up. If it's a language I have a tiny bit of passing knowledge on, or I can ask someone, "Omg, how do I say [xyz] in [language]?", I'll use a bit of it. If it's a language I know not, and I don't want to go looking stuff up, I don't use it. XD If someone else wants to do it, more power to them. :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Voyager? Yeah, pretty sure it was Voyager.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This is called cruelty. Today? Waves - Teslen, AU, everybody's human (kinda). It's rushed in places but I love that universe.
Tagging (if they wanna play): @drewsaturday, @cookie-sheet-toboggan, @ladyelysandra, @electricrogue, @zebsfloppyears and anyone else who wants to join in. XD
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todokori-kun · 7 years
I’M SO. FREAKING. GLAD YOU’RE BACK <3333 (I feel really stupid for this because I KNOW Queen Luna’s told me like a dozen times that if you’re not answering, it’s probably because of the internet…but ugh, Evans is an idiot who  still keeps having mini panic attacks over late replies XD like, I almost sent a 'did I say something wrong' message before I took a deep breath and realized how hecking stupid that would sound lol)
You’re welcome! They really do look amazing, though <3 I’ve also been working on aesthetics but eh. Idk, really. I made a barely-tolerable Saiko/Urie one, and then one for one of the Love Interests in that Otome Game I mentioned (not The Blind Griffin; the original thing I was working on)…which actually looks nice, but guess what? I could only find four pictures that matched with the color scheme/themes I’d picked out OTL
And tysm <333 ;-; but seriously, Mikasa is such a Zoldyck. Like, what if she and Illumi switched places. It’s like “Killua, you are my favorite sibling, I’ll follow you anywhere and protect you from everything” and “Eren you have a duty to your family (AKA me) please, stop playing the hero and come back here”
Actually I feel like Killua would be a lot happier with Mikasa for an older sibling instead of Illumi. Like, Zoldyck!Mikasa would probably be just as messed up as Illumi, but if we’re talking about canon Mikasa…let’s be honest. If Killua wanted to be a hunter she’d make sure he’d pass the test by any means necessary. If Killua wanted to get away from their family and explore, then sure, she’d order the butlers to let him out. If Killua’s friends came to visit and Mrs. Zoldyck/the servants refused to let them in, Mikasa would storm out there and open the gates herself. If the rest of the family went too far I really think she'd be perfectly willing to stab them all in the back, throw Killua over her shoulder, resign from her job as an assassin and walk right out of there.
Only Eren would be miserable. Illumi would probably do an even better job of keeping him ‘safe’ than Mikasa did (unlike Mikasa Illumi is perfectly willing to manipulate loved ones to keep them by his side), but…yeah. It’s Illumi. How could Eren be happy?
I KNOW. THE HAMILTON FEELS. (if you’d like I could send you more letters? I’ve managed to find quite a few….
Also idk if this is even true, but do you know about the relationship between Angelica and TJeffs (apparently they were friends and Jefferson may have been pining over Angelica, just a bit)? So I heard that Angelica slapped him so hard one time that he refused to go to any parties after that if he heard she was there too.
He also became terrified of Eliza as well…
Again, idk if this is true but I sorta want it to be lol)
Like, ok, maybe Eliza doesn’t get to truly shine until That Would Be Enough, and maybe Peggy comes off as simple comic relief to some people, but…HOW CAN YOU LISTEN TO 'THE SCHUYLER SISTERS’ AND NOT BE IMPRESSED BY ANGELICA FREAKING SCHUYLER
Nope nope nope nope rewind rewind
How does the bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a 
Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten
Spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor,
Grow up to be a hero and a scholar?
seriously? Because I broke a lot of stuff too XD There’s only one 100% undamaged glass item in this house that belongs to me, and that’s the last snow globe, the only one I somehow haven’t smashed yet. I don’t even touch it anymore because I’m scared of breaking it lol
And aww that sounds so sweet! Weirdly enough I could destroy my own clothes and doodle all over my skin but I never had the guts to do anything to my dolls…I was tempted to give them haircuts several times but I knew mom would probably freak out if she saw doll hair all over the floor so.
Yeah, tbh I have no idea what happened there either. As for blood…well, I got used to nosebleeds as a kid. Like, a ton of blood would randomly come pouring out of my nose all the time and I didn’t even care; just like 'oh welp there it all goes…dad can you pass me a tissue?’. I also don’t mind 'messier’ injuries like scraped knees. But bruises and cuts really, REALLY bother me for some reason ;-;
Oh. Oh dear.
Um, um, um. What is that. I’m never reading this manga. It will make me suffer.
(I wonder if you’re talking about Erza/Jellal? If not, sorry ^^;;)
Feel free to show me the chapter if you want to, though! I’ll try my best to figure out what’s going on :D
Schwing *insert lenny face here*
I finally found the OPM volumes! I’m gonna do my best to catch up with both that and HxH :) (that thing with Saitama, the smol child and the snow monsters at the end of volume 1 is like the cutest thing ever in my eyes. Idk. Maybe I’m just weird?)
I mean, Roma ate Urie so. We’re in for one heck of a ride…
I tried my best, but weirdly, CP hasn’t been working very well for me the last few days…it keeps crashing. I’m really sorry OTL But I’m trying to fix it and I think it’ll work now!
nononononononononono don’t you dare write any more HCs Queen Luna please spare me
Oooh, can’t wait to see your reaction :D
That sounds amazing! Wishing you luck with finding more people to do it with you- I’m sure it’ll turn out great! Tell me how it turns out later, please??? <3
(also I’ll be sending you some HxH character pics, mostly of my problematic favs…hope that’s ok ^^ (tbh I’m mostly trying to get you to join me in my Adultrio (Illumi/Chrollo/Hisoka trio) obsession. Also my love for Leorio and Gon))
No, no, don’t worry about it!! Seriously, I felt so bad, because I’d be in the middle of watching something (USBs were my lord and saviour) and think ‘Omg I gotta tell Evans about this’ and then look up and think ‘wait when was the last time I had net for long enough to answer?’ Then I’d get depressed XD
Aaah, also, telling you in advance this time, on Thursday we’ll be traveling, so I probably won’t be able to answer for 10ish days ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I feel like crap OTL
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Ayyy thank you so much!!!  I get your struggle with colours XD It can be really hard ;-; I usually try to get 8 pics, but end up with 6. 
I finally saw some pics of Illumi and I get what you mean by ‘dead fish eyes’. Just, I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a character so bored. 
If only, if only... Tbh, Mikasa would be an amazing sibling figure. She’d make sure that her sibling is happy and if there was someone who made them NOT happy, then she’d return the favour.  I say Killua needs a lost big sis who is pretty much Mikasa XD
Well,,, let’s say Mikasa AND Eren switch places with Illumi? But then we’re dooming pretty much everyone in the AoT universe... Poor Armin XD
AHAHAHAHAHAH I completely understand Jeff XD Weren’t they rumoured to have had an affair?  That’s amazing XD Just what did the slap have to be like to make a grown man afraid of being in the same room as you. Can you imagine what would’ve happened if he didn’t hear Angelica would be there, though? Like, he walks in and sees her.
WADDAYA MEAN ELIZA DOESN’T SHINE TILL THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH??? WHAT ABOUT HELPLESS??  And, true, you don’t know the awesomeness of Peggy unless you know the history, but damn, she was a freaking badass.  Thankfully, Satisfied did make them go ‘damn’, mostly the rap parts XD
The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father Got a lot farther by working a lot harder By being a lot smarter By being a self-starter By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter
Ahahah, that’s completely understandable XD Now that I look around my room, the only glass item which is not a lamp, is a small vial that stands on a shelf I never touch. Maybe that’s why it survived my childhood XD
Nope, the dolls looked like nightmare fuel if my sister didn’t help XD I knew ever since I was a kid that I could never be a make up artist or a hair stylist... Tbh I never had any remorse about cutting their hair, and since my sister was there as well, she taught me to always throw the hair away/do it above a trash can. 
Well, I have to blow my nose a lot (I get sick really often), so I also get nosebleeds every once in a while, but I’m still not used to them.
ALRIGHTY THEN I am totally uploading the last chapter then XD
Yep, it’s Erza and Jellal. Wait, how do you know that??
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yaay!! I’ll have to read the rest as well XD
Ah, that’s a shame... don’t worry about it though!! 
The thing is, every time I ask someone for advice on how to start a group every time, all they tell me is ‘go to cons and find cosplayers’. It’s literally the only advice I’ve received.  The problem? Nearest cons are in Germany. And that’s not exactly nearby. Even if I did go and found LL cosplayers, what are the odds they’re Croatian? It’s honestly so frustrating.  I’ll just practice dances on my own, and if I find someone who likes it, great! If not, then whatever. 
Oh boy, let’s get to the pics!
Gon really does seem like a cinnamon roll! I wanna adopt him XD
Omg I already love Leorio! Like wow, he seems extra, but nice under all that? Rumpel no2
I wanna adopt Killua as well XD He seems like the sweetest sunshine child out there
Tbh when i saw Pika, I thought he was a girl. Whoops. Also, tragedy™
I see Chrollo becoming my problematic fave XD Also, he with his hair down ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aww, that’s nice! I hope she enjoys it!
DOn’t remind me of that ep XDDD Remember when I said a while ago that I was watching Sherlock? I watched The Reichenbach Fall. You should’ve seen me during Watson’s speech at his grave.
1am, not wearing pants, stuffing my face with pancakes while crying.  Why does it seem like 1am, no pants is my default mode XD
Yes, Illumi certainly has beautiful eyes. I feel compelled to gouge them out and decorate my room with them.
Also, idk if you’ve noticed but I’m slowly reviving scenarios on ice!! I missed that blog, so I wanna go back to writing for it ^^
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