#jungkook rain
nnn-ooo · 10 months
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𝘰𝘯 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦…
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jjkrkives · 1 year
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do you have to go?
I have to let you go now…
⋆.˚₊·—̳͟͞͞˚❥ baby v.o.x
Jeon Jungkook of BTS
lyrics from go by baby v.o.x
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jjungkooksthighs · 11 months
Not Jungkook singing a whole song about showing his devotion and love through sex every SINGLE DAY OF THE FUCKING WEEK I AM GOING FERAL I TELL YOU
39 notes · View notes
jkookologist · 2 months
i feel so emo today i need jungkook to come back home
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blu-archer · 1 year
Not Everything Changes
Requested. Snzy Jk after playing with Bam in the rain.
Word Count: 4452
Sickie: Jk
Caretaker: OT7 [kind of, mostly Jin/Tae/Jimin]
Errors; most likely. I should be sleeping.
Enjoy! hopefully its not too much rambling and is actually coherent.
Not everything changes.
He couldn’t believe his luck – or rather lack thereof.
Sure. Maybe it hadn’t been the brightest decision to take Bam to the park when it was raining for the third consecutive day, but it was the only time he could go to the closest one without being recognized by someone new every second step. Anyway, the weather app on his phone had said it would mostly be overcast – maybe some light rain here and there.
He’d organized his entire day around that information, so it wasn’t like he was going to change it for any minor inconveniences – and that’s what that sudden downpour had been. Those heavy clouds that had blanketed the sky? Minor.
So, against his better judgment he’d gone out and had the most carefree time with Bam. He didn’t even want to think about the current state of his bathroom with how much mud and water they’d brought home last night.
But now as he sat perched for his stylists on the set for their most recent photobook, he felt miserable.
His misfortune had started with him sleeping through his alarm at 4am, not by much but considering the screeching that it made it was quite the feat to not wake up immediately. Then he’d zombie walked through his morning chores – accidentally banging into his kitchen table and dropping some of  Bam’s food onto the floor as he refilled the bowl. He hadn’t even bothered to pick up the mess, just stood there and glared tiredly at the pellets scattering his floor. Bam had dived to sniff at the mess before turning to look at Jungkook with a wagging tail. He’d just sighed and scrubbed at his nose  as he went to pull on some sweats and a hoodie before making coffee into a small flask. Then he’d set out to go to work.
Now he was freshly dried after using the company showers and getting his makeup and hair done trying not to be too obvious that his throat had started to hurt despite how much water he chugged, and his nose was beginning to run with each dab of the makeup brushes. Although he was starting to think it was a losing battle. Already he could hear his stylist ‘tsk’ at his reddening nose, trying their best not to agitate him more than he already was. He was just thankful that his hyung’s were already being fitted into their clothes and weren’t anywhere near him to notice – especially when one final stroke on his cheek had him coming undone. He could just barely hear an annoyed sigh after he had pitched into his hands and caught an itchy fit that left him even more frustrated than before.
The stylist slipped him a tissue with the sharp instruction to not wipe off too much of his makeup since they didn’t have much time and Jungkook bowed with growing embarrassment in the pit of his stomach. Wiping his nose did nothing to relieve him, but it at least stopped dripping while he was given the finishing touches before being sent to wardrobe.
“Jungkook-ah!” Jimin grinned at him as he slipped on his suite jacket, his shirt gapping open in a similar fashion to what Jungkook’s own was. “They’re doing subunit shots before the group. We’re on set 3 with the plants. Taetae is being organized with props already we were just waiting on you.”
Jungkook did his best not to seem too out of it, even if his sinuses were borderline overwhelming with the need to sneeze as he let himself be led to where he was needed. Jimin had continued speaking, rambling about what all they’d been told to do but Jungkook really hoped that it was more optional than anything else because he was not listening to a single word being said.
Before being set in position he’d sneakily tried to wipe at his nose once more with his used tissue from before, hiding it from sight as soon as his members turned to join him amongst the mini forest that had been created on the floor. The photographer was kind in directing them,  positioning them laying down amongst each other and while he appreciated not having to stand or do too much activity, being horizontal wasn’t helping to keep his nose from running. He sniffled as quietly as he could, which really wasn’t quiet at all, but he hoped that the activity surrounding them masked it for the most part.
 His hyung’s were laying to his right with Jimin closest - his head resting on Jungkook’s shoulder while Tae had been set up seated against large potted plants that’s leaves draped over him.
There was a flash of light as the photographer did some final tests and Jungkook froze with the immediate faltering of his breath. His chest heaved once more which had Jimin shooting him a questioning look but before he could answer another flash went off.
“Eh’hESHH’uh…snf*.. H’EISHhew!” He sniffled deeply and winced at how wet it had sounded. At least he had thankfully been able to raise his arm in time, but it didn’t stop him from feeling just a little bit mortified that he could have sneezed on Jimin. Not that his hyung seemed overly bothered besides the beginning crease of concern starting between his brows.
“You okay, Kook-ah?”
“Jusd-“ he sniffed once more, clearing his throat as he got back into position. “Just the lights. I think the plants are getting to me a little bit as well.”
It was a convincing enough lie to make since he didn’t want to make anyone worry or chastise him for his [albeit flawed] choices but he didn’t miss the light kick Jimin gave Taehyung, as if to just keep watch either way.  And then the shoot began.
It was exhausting. Like mind numbingly exhausting and Jungkook had been prompted to sneeze more times than he thought he could get away with, not to mention the growing ache behind his eyes that the studio lights seemed to be amplifying each minute he sat before them. Taehyung had taken to rubbing his back or shoulder each time that they were positioned close enough and Jimin had suggested doing some shots with their eyes closed in hopes that it would help the process go smoother. His tissue from early was now unusable and he had taken to trying to use his wrist before caving and asking if he could take a break just to blow his nose.
With an understanding nod from the Head photographer, he practically sprinted out of the lights towards where his manager had already acquired the much-needed tissues and winced as he saw the rest of his hyung’s seated watching the screen upload the photos of his shoot. Obviously they must have finished up already and were waiting for the group photos to begin, which he was holding up because he couldn’t handle a light going off around his sensitive nose.
“Jungkook-ssi, are you sure you’re feeling okay?” His manager at least tried to ask him quietly as he blew his nose. His skin was burning with embarrassment, already imagining the glare the stylist would give him at the amount of makeup that had been wiped off, but it was better than having a mess drip down his face.
He couldn’t even bring himself to answer properly, just nodded and coughed into the next tissue he was blowing into.
He turned back to the set to see Jimin and Tae moving swiftly towards him, both immediately resting a hand on his upper back or leaning onto his shoulder in a way that made him feel just a little bit more comfortable than before.
“They said they have enough to work with, so we need to get changed and move to the main set.” Taehyung explained. “Maybe you will feel better being away from these props.”
He highly doubted that, and he suspected that they felt the same with how they watched him with concerned pity. His manager handed him a bottle of water and the tissue box before disappearing to find out the next steps in the day and Jungkook took the moment to sit.
His nose was swollen to a point of it being mildly painful. He could feel heavy congestion settling in and he just wanted to go home and curl up into the warmest, softest blankets he could find before sleeping for like a week. He couldn’t – obviously. He was still scheduled to work for at least another 5 hours or so, and tomorrow called for various other schedules that he would likely have to be drugged up on medication to the point where he might not even be aware of his tasks, but it was nice to dream.
“Are we moving to the final part?” Hoseok asked, the rest of the member finally joining them. Each lingering hesitantly at the sight of Jungkook. “Is everything alright? You look sick.”
“I’mah-hheh’ekshh’u! Sor-ah-ry’IEESH’U!”
 “Sounds like a cold.” Jin mused, immediately moving to set a hand to Jungkook’s forehead. “You’re a little warm but that might be because of all these lights.”
“I’b fide.”
There was a brief silence. None of them keen to say the obvious when they watched the youngest member pitch yet another damp sneeze into a tissue. His appearance spoke for itself, despite his words. It was like they could physically see his illness rolling off him in waves and yet he was in adamant denial for some reason. It wasn’t like they’d never been sick around each other before, usually they were quite open about it.
A call from across the room forced them to move back to the wardrobe section, all of them hovering a little closer than before as they watched Jungkook apologise to one of the makeup artists with pitiful doe eyes. She merely smiled with a soft word of reassurance, then got to work reapplying everything he’d rubbed off as well as concealing the deep red that had taken over around his nostrils. 
An hour in since they’d started up again and Jungkook was proud to admit that he had managed to keep his symptoms mostly at bay. Sure, the flash of lights still made the immense tickle in his nose flare dangerously, and his hyung’s still sent him pointed looks when something did manage to slip, but he had yet to actually sneeze.
Namjoon had commented more than once on his mouth breathing when they were positioned beside one another, shooting looks to the staff as if to announce this needed to be wrapped up soon, but Jungkook just brushed it off with a forced grin. He was dressed more casually this time, so the clothes were warmer and cozy to a point where he had started to doze, lazily resting back into the couch that they were all seated on.
 It was only when the photographers called for a break to review things that he let out a heavy sigh and finally relented in closing his eyes without a fight. Letting his body melt into the cushions as he listened vaguely to the soft conversation his hyung’s made until he slipped into complete darkness.
“Should we wake him up?” Hoseok wondered aloud. Jungkook had finally fallen asleep after fighting against it for like last hour and his snores were gradually filling the set while they waited.
“Let him sleep. He’s definitely sick whether he wants to admit it or not.” Yoongi sipped his water, eyes analysing the puffiness that had settled in the sick boys’ face. “We should see if we can reschedule our practices tomorrow.”
“Manager-Pdnim said he has already started to organize a shift of planning in the next few days for all of us in order to get some time off for him.” Jimin said. “Or at the very least a lighter schedule for this week just to accommodate.”
“I’ll go and see if anything has been decided.” Taehyung stood gesturing towards where their manager had left too. Hoseok joined him with one final look of sympathy towards the youngest. It left the rest of them in a moment of blissful silence where they all just took a breath and let the exhaustion of the day wash over them while the crew and staff bustled around. Jin ran his hand through Jungkook’s hair, messing with the hairspray as he removed his hand to touch his own face before settling it back on Jungkook’s forehead with a frown.
“Does he have a fever hyung?”
“Maybe.” Jin shrugged. He couldn’t be entirely sure. “He’s a bit warmer than me but it still might just be because of everything that’s happened today. He’s dressed warmer than me as well.”
“He sounded miserable earlier.” Namjoon added with a sigh. He was on the other side of Jungkook and was probably the sole reason that he was still somewhat upright on the couch despite having instinctively curled closer to his leader in his sleep. “This came on rather quick.”
“There is no way that he isn’t contagious.”
“Hyung,” Jimin spoke as if he was chastising a child. “We’re not going to be busy after this. If we get sick, we get sick. He couldn’t be absent to a shoot that’s been planned for months.”
Yoongi shrugged, if not in agreement then at least to appease the younger. He didn’t really want to get sick, especially with all the work he needed to get done, but he understood that there had been no getting out of this for Jungkook. “You think they’ll let us take him straight home instead of heading to the company?”
“I think we aren’t going to give them a choice.” Jin said firmly but quietly as Jungkook shifted.
Although the attempt was in vain when Jin startled as a hand came down on his shoulder only to see Taehyung’s face splitting into a grin at seeing his hyung jump.
“Yah! My heart!”
“Aish hyung.” Hoseok laughed as he leant over the couch next to Taehyung. “Are you implying old age?”
“Ya-Yah! Don’t disrespect me!”
He reached up to wildly whack behind him but both culprits ducked out of reach with laughter. The only thing his gestures accomplished was a low moan out of Jungkook, who blinked his eyes open a couple of times before curling further into Namjoon’s side.
“Ah ah ah…” Before he could go back to sleep, Tae hastily reached over to keep him up, willingly taking the weak hit that Jin laid on him as he got closer. “We’re leaving now, Kookie.” Taehyung shook him enough to keep him roused and glanced amongst the others. “We’ve got this afternoon and tomorrow off, but Pd-nim asked if Joonie-hyung and Suga-hyung could still stop by the company before going home – and Hobi-hyung, but he knew that already. Something about not being able to put a meeting off.”
“We’ll group in the one car and you guys can take the larger one to get home then.” Namjoon nodded, encouraging Jungkook to sit upright with gentle nudges in his side. “Jungkook, you need to get changed into your clothes again.”
There was a small hand around his wrist, dragging Jungkook to his feet before he’d even properly opened his eyes. Jimin was leading him off to the wardrobe area where they had the clothes they’d arrived in, the pace perhaps a bit too hasty. He had barely managed to steady himself before forcing them to stop so that he could sneeze towards the floor. He didn’t even have the awareness nor energy to cover, just moaned with a gurgling sniff as he misted the floor twice more. A low complaint from Jimin told him that he might have accidentally caught the other in his mess but there was barely a breath in-between before Jimin’s words turned softer and more encouraging with the promises of home and warm food.
And that sounded like the best thing he’d heard all day.
Getting changed and the car ride had turned into a sleepy haze. Although he’s pretty sure that Yoongi and Seokjin helped get him into his shoes and hoodie - he vaguely remembered soft nudges and gentle words before he was loaded into the car in which he promptly fell asleep in once Taehyung and Jimin settled on either side of him.
He woke up to the muffled sound of rain and the low volume of his tv playing some sport channel. He turned over in bed with a low moan at having forgotten to turn his tv off before going to bed, then jolted up. His head pounded in protest, but he definitely hadn’t left it on. He remembered turning it off the day before. What he didn’t remember was how he was in his bed.
Through his sleep-sick muddled mind he started to remember that he had in fact gotten up that morning already and had gone to work. He also vaguely remembered leaving work, which meant that if there were noises in his apartment that Bam can’t make then at least one of his hyung’s was there. Witnessing the colossal, muddy mess he had left the place in the day before.
God he really should have just cleaned up straight away, even if he had already started to feel bad. At least then he wouldn’t have to face the shame of them knowing his foolish actions.
He fell back into pillows, muffling a cough that just wouldn’t ease the tickle in his throat. At least Bam had had fun at the park – despite his current situation, yesterday hadn’t been an entirely bad idea. He just didn’t think any of his hyung’s would see it like that.
Preparing himself for the worst, Jungkook managed to pull himself to his feet with his comforter wrapped around him and draping to the floor as he walked to his living room. Immediately he could make out Taehyung and Jimin on the couch with Bam, although neither seemed to be watching whatever they’d put on the tv, much more interested in the excited roughhousing of his Doberman.
He stood by the doorway hesitantly watching. The wet clothes and dirt that had scattered the floor of his bedroom that morning had been all gone and he had a suspicion that if he checked his bathroom he’d find that spotless too.  He was about to Join the 95’ers when he glanced to the kitchen and made eye contact with his eldest hyung. Jin stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his face void of emotion – there was no anger or disappointment, but there was also no sympathy. Jungkook guesses that that was a disserving reaction.
Foregoing his previous plan, he silently shuffled to join Jin, trying his best not to feel tiny under the weight of his hyung’s gaze.
“You understand that when its pouring with rain and you have a free day, preferably you stay at home.” Jin’s voice was stern and his eyes unwavering from Jungkook’s. “Where its warm and dry. You don’t go out and get drenched in it.”
“I know hyung.”
“And if you do – heaven forbid – and you feel sick, you can tell us.”
“I know..”
“Especially if we have group activities that is both extensive and enforcing close proximity to each other. It’s called being courteous and makes us aware of any possible limitations.”
“I know, Jin-hyung.”Jungkook sniffed, burying the lower half of his face into his blanket as a weak attempt to hide. “I’m sorry.”
Jin’s gaze softened. “I made you some seaweed soup. I went and bought some ingredients and medicine since your place is practically empty.” He pinched at the blanket and tugged once to prompt Jungkook to follow him to the stove. “You need to pay better attention to your health, Kook-ah. I’m not always going to be there to make sure you rest or eat well, so please. Treat yourself with a bit more care.”  
Well that definitely wasn’t something he wanted to think about, but the thought was there now. He could already feel his eyes tearing up as he sniffed and stared into the pot of resting soup.
“Aigoo… I didn’t mean to make you sad.” Jin gently pulled him into his chest, ruffling his hair with one hand and pulling him in tightly with the other. “Let’s heat you up some food and join the other two, or you can go back to bed but only once you’ve eaten and taken medicine.”
Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat but the tears he’d yet to shed made him sound croaky either way as he agreed to join them.
“Go sit down then and I’ll bring you everything.”
Jin turned to busily get bowls for the soup and rice he’d made but turned back at the hoarse “hyung”. He blinked expectantly and swiped a single tear that had finally managed to break free and streaked Jungkook’s cheek. “Hyung, could you make me some tea too.”
“Of course, Jungkook-ah.” Jin smiled. “Hyung will bring it to you.”
Jimin and Taehyungs approach was quite different from Jin’s – in which they barely seemed to acknowledge how stupid he had been to get sick like he did. Rather Jimin did what he always did when comforting others, latching himself onto their side and smothering them with soft pets, kind accented words and just general affection that made Jungkook a little homesick for his parents, and if he closed his eyes the lilting Busan dialect could almost transport him back to his childhood home.
Taehyung didn’t really change at all, Jungkook wasn’t even sure why he had expected him too. Instead, his friend tucked into his side and draped an arm around his shoulders, occasionally being a pest and flicking Jimin as he clung to Jungkook’s other side just to hear his soulmate complain testily.
Bam had stayed on the floor for mere seconds after Jungkook was seated and settled, then he had practically molded himself onto Jungkook and Taehyungs laps. Occasionally he lifted his head to try and lick Jungkook in the face but eventually gave up and just stared at Jimin with woeful puppy eyes.
“Can we change this to something more interesting?” Jimin prompted, paying attention to the tv for the first time. “Jungkookie, do you want to watch a movie? Something Marvel?”
“Anything you want, hyung.” He murmured softly, resting his head onto Taehyung’s shoulder.
Jimin didn’t seemed entirely pleased with the answer but grabbed the remote and went on a search for one of the older spiderman movies. It seemed like the safest option, anything potentially related to Iron man was still a sore topic after the last Avengers film.
“How are you feeling? You slept for a couple hours.” Taehyung asked just as Jin brought in a tray of steaming soup and rice with some apples sliced and put on a plate.
As if Jungkook’s appetite was big enough to eat it all right now.
“A bit better than this morning I guess, but not much different.”
“Hyung’s bringing tea now,” Jin reassured as Taehyung forcibly moved Bam entirely onto his lap so that Jin could set the tray  onto Jungkook’s. [The tray was definitely a large chopping board, but if Jin wanted it to be a tray then that’s what it would be.] ���Eat so long and maybe you’ll feel better.”
Doubtful but Jungkook did as he was told as Jin returned to the kitchen and sipped gingerly at the hot soup until the steam started to bother him and he was forced to reach for the unopened tissue box on his coffee table. Scrambling to open it and then blow his nose, grimacing at the sound. His nose still tickled but at least it wasn’t running anymore.
“As long as you feel better quickly.” Taehyung said with a small smile. “You had Jiminie worried earlier.”
“You were worried too!” Jimin pursed his lips and just resumed in his clinging after he pressed play on the movie. “We were equally worried.”
“I’m sorry I worried you.” Jungkook couldn’t help the huff of laughter that left him at that. “I’ll take better care of myself from now on.” He nibbled on a spoon of rice as if to proof his point.
 “You better.”
The four of them [five if Bam counted- he did, obviously] sat through both of the Amazing Spiderman movies, none of them complaining or thinking of switching even as Jungkook periodically dozed or sneezed his way through the passing hours. By the time the credits of the second movie rolled in he was exhausted. Pitching breathy, hoarse sneezes into his palm.
 Thankfully both Jimin and Tae had readjusted so that Jungkook had more space to himself or else he probably would have sneezed on them multiple times already. He had drunk 2 and a half cups of tea but only managed the apples and half of the rest of his meal, but Jin wasn’t too hung up on it. He just let Jungkook know that it would be in the fridge waiting for him.
The medicine he’d taken at the beginning of the second movie had started to kick in, but instead of masking his symptoms, it just made him drowsy. Which didn’t help when he kept coughing and sneezing over everything.
The final straw was when he’d sneezed hard enough that he’d gotten thrown into a coughing fit so thick he could barely breathe. Jimin and Taehyung had immediately been there, rubbing his back and handing him tissues while Jin could have probably broken the record for ‘fastest person to ever retrieve glass of water within 6m distance.’ After that none of them wanted to keep him up for longer than necessary and promptly steered him back to his bedroom where he collapsed, star fished on the mattress. One of them – probably Jimin – got to work making sure he was properly covered while the other brought his tissues and water to rest on his bedside table.
He could feel each of them as they hovered and nitpicked to make sure that there wasn’t anything else he would possibly need – only caving when Jungkook repeatedly reassured that he was fine and just wanted to sleep. Then they left the room, each promising not to be far or to call if it got too late and they had to leave for something. One of them pressed a brotherly kiss to the crown of his head, their hand on his forehead checking for a fever one last time before they retreated.
The final words of “Hyung’s here if you need him” making Jungkook so comfortably warm that he had no trouble sinking into an easy sleep again.
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googiejar · 11 months
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jinkook: midnight rain
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bultaoreunheyyy · 1 year
Happy Fucking Birthday
Title: Happy Fucking Birthday
Word Count: 3792
Summary: just a little maknae line throuple au situation, in which jungkook twists his ankle and then catches a cold from being out in the rain on his birthday
A/N: sorry but I literally created this tumblr so I could get this idea out of my head i’ll go back to lurking now byeee
Jeon Jungkook’s day starts out the way it always does, with an iced coffee in hand, the cup chilling his fingers as he unlocks the bookstore that he owns. 
Well, to be more accurate, it starts out with him waking up in bed between his two boyfriends, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, but he’s not really a morning person so he considers the true beginning of his day to be those moments after he gets his first sip of beautiful cold liquid caffeine in his system. 
Waking up between Jimin and Taehyung is definitely the best part of his day though. He usually opens his eyes to the warmth of Taehyung behind him, face pressed into the back of his neck and arm around his waist, and Jimin at his front, pert ass up against his crotch and one hand gripping Jungkook’s to his chest, keeping Jungkook firmly in place. It’s nice, being in the middle. He’s a happy man when he’s between Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin, especially when he wakes up in a group cuddle with them. A big-spoon little-spoon sandwich, if you will.   
Some mornings, waking up with the warmth and proximity of two very fine bodies leads to other things, but this morning, Jungkook is fucking exhausted. He wants to fall back asleep, but the bookstore won’t open itself, and Jimin’s alarm is bound to go off any minute, so he carefully untangles himself from his boyfriends and slips into the adjacent bathroom. 
The shower he takes does nothing to help wake him up. In fact, as he stands under the hot water, yawning and struggling to keep his eyes open, he’s legitimately worried he’ll fall asleep and drown under the spray. 
“Happy birthday,” a low, raspy voice says, and Taehyung pushes back the shower curtain and steps inside the tub next to Jungkook. He still looks half asleep himself, and his voice is still waking up, but the sight and sound of him makes Jungkook smile fondly.
“Good morning,” he says, leaning back against Taehyung’s chest. “Thank you.” 
Jungkook had completely forgotten that today is his birthday. He probably would never celebrate it if not for Jimin and Taehyung.  
Taehyung beams at him and then grabs Jungkook’s shampoo bottle, squeezing some out onto his palm, his nose scrunching in irritation immediately at the scent. He lathers the shampoo in his hands and then reaches up, moving his fingers through Jungkook’s hair in a way that’s definitely going to lull him to sleep if he’s not careful. 
After a minute or two, the gently scratching against his scalp stops abruptly. 
“Ohshit, the shampoo– shit–” Taehyung mashes his mouth and nose against his forearm and sneezes forcefully, the sound echoing loudly in the bathroom. 
“Bless you!” Calls out an angelic voice, and a moment later the shower curtain is pulled back once again to reveal Jimin’s face. Instead of his normal happy face, though, Jimin pouts in Taehyung’s direction.
“Why is it that you’re willing to wash Jungkook’s hair for him but you won’t do that for me? My shampoo isn’t even as strongly scented as his!” 
“It’s his birthday,” Taehyung replies, rinsing off one hand under the shower spray before pinching his nose tightly between two fingers. “And his shampoo…it’s not– it’s not that…not that…”
Jimin rolls his eyes, watching Taehyung struggle to fight off another sneeze. “Not that bad my ass,” he murmurs, nudging Taehyung to the side so he can get into the shower with them. He kisses Jungkook on the lips, then spins him around and helps rinse out his hair.
“Happy birthday, baby.” 
“I can wash and rinse my own hair, you know,” Jungkook grumbles, but he’s smiling. “Thank you.” 
They finish their shower quickly after that, taking turns under the spray to rinse off, and Taehyung keeps his hand over his nose the entire time, sniffling and fidgeting but not allowing himself to sneeze again. 
“Wow,” Jimin jokes as they towel off, watching Taehyung closely. “Imagine being strong enough to hold back as something as powerful as TaeTae’s sneeze.” 
Jungkook snorts. “Yeah, it would be impressive if he actually could pull it off.” 
Taehyung looks offended, but in the next breath he’s forced to bend in half as he’s finally overtaken by the sneeze, the expulsion ripping out of him like a scream. 
“Bless you,” Jimin sighs. He kisses the tip of Taehyung’s still twitching nose and then turns to Jungkook with a smile. “I hope you have a good day today, baby. Tonight we’ll make you a special birthday dinner, okay?” 
Jungkook nods and smiles back. Jimin is a first grade teacher, so he rushes off to get dressed for work, grabbing his packed lunch from the fridge afterward. He kisses Jungkook and Taehyung one last time each before heading out the door. 
Taehyung works as a carpenter, and his schedule is a little more flexible. He takes his time getting dressed, pulling on worn jeans and a t-shirt while Jungkook digs through his closet for a sweater. He finds a nice blue one that goes well with his black jeans, and then pulls on a jacket and boots to complete his look. Taehyung pulls him in for a hug, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind Jungkook’s ear before releasing him and sending him out the door. 
The sky is overcast and the temperature is a bit chilly, but Jungkook is in a good mood as he stops by the café for his iced coffee and then walks the remaining block to the bookstore. 
He makes it less than two full hours into his day when everything goes to shit.
The sound of his employee calling for him breaks Jungkook out of his current state, which is post-last-sip-of-ice-coffee-bliss as he checks emails on his laptop, and he jumps out of his chair, looking around frantically for Yeongsu. 
“Jungkook! Help!” 
Yeongsu calls for him again. He has dropped any honorifics and his voice sounds panicked. Thank fuck Jungkook has already finished his iced coffee. He hurries toward the back corner of the bookstore, trying to imagine what he’s going to find, but he doesn’t get far before he trips over something hard and falls to the ground, ankle twisting painfully as he goes down.   
Jungkook cries out in pain, hunching forward so he can grab his now throbbing ankle. There are footsteps, and then Yeongsu appears above him, eyes wide.
“Hyung! What happened?!”
Jungkook sucks in a sharp breath through his mouth and bites the inside of his cheek. The pain in his ankle is unreal. He’s never broken anything before, but he has to have broken his ankle, because fuck it hurts. 
Jungkook pushes out a shaky breath and looks up at Yeongsu. He remembers that just minutes before, the younger man had been in some kind of peril himself. 
“What happened with you? Why were you calling for help? Are you okay?”
“I…there was a spider,” Yeonsu answers meekly. Then, he crouches down beside Jungkook. “You should go to the emergency room, hyung. That looks bad.”
Jungkook swats Yeongsu’s outstretched hand away before he can touch his ankle. He pinches the bridge of his nose and suppresses the urge to scream.
“A spider.” 
Yeongsu nods. He at least has the sense to look a bit sheepish.
“A motherfucking spider.” 
“Yes, it was hu–”
“Lee Yeongsu!”
Yeongsu’s mouth snaps shut. And then opens again. And then closes when Jungkook glares at him.
“Would you like me to help you off the ground?” Yeongsu asks, standing and holding out his hand.
Jungkook looks around and grabs on to the nearest bookshelf. Ignoring Yeongsu’s offer of help, he pulls himself up to stand, keeping his weight off the injured ankle. 
“Please go to the doctor. You need to ice that, at the very least.”
Jungkook carefully rolls his ankle to test it out. It hurts like a motherfucker, but the pain is already subsiding a little and he has hope that it’s not broken. He looks at Yeongsu and frowns.   
“And what, leave you here by yourself? What happens if you see another spider? Hmm?” 
“I’ll call Namjoon-hyung,” Yeongsu replies, then swallows thickly when Jungkook narrows his eyes. “I-I mean, I’ll handle it myself. Because I’m capable. Please, hyung, what if your ankle is broken?” 
Jungkook sighs. “I will be calling you to check in every hour. And I swear, if I come in tomorrow morning and the store isn’t locked up…”
Yeongsu is nodding fervently. “I’ll remember to lock up this time, I promise!” 
It takes ten more minutes of Yeongsu assuring him he’ll be fine on his own before Jungkook actually considers leaving, and another ten minutes to convince himself to actually do it. He’s not going to the emergency room, though. He’s pretty sure nothing is broken, and he doesn’t want to explain to anyone that he tripped and fell because his employee was scared of a damn spider. He’ll go home, though, and ice his ankle, and maybe catch up on book orders at home. 
The walk to the bus stop is a slow, painful one. And a wet one, because the second Jungkook steps outside, the skies open up and rain starts pouring down, soaking Jungkook within seconds. By the time he gets to the bus stop, he’s cold and wet and shivering, his ankle is throbbing, and he just wants to be home. 
Some birthday this is shaping up to be.
Somehow, twisting his ankle and then getting caught in the rain on the walk to the bus stop isn’t even the worst part of this day. 
No, that would be the moment he reaches into his pocket for his bus pass and comes up empty. He checks his other front pocket, and then his two back pockets, and then both of his jacket pockets, but his bus pass is nowhere to be found. Then he looks in his wallet, and then pulls out his phone and stares at it like his bus pass might have gotten stuck to it. And then he checks all of his pockets again and tries not to freak the fuck out.
“I had it this morning,” he mumbles to himself, frantically panting himself down. 
The bus pulls up then, and the doors open, and one person gets off. Jungkook makes eye contact with the driver, but even the kindest bus driver isn’t going to let him ride without fare, so he drops his gaze and waits until the bus pulls away before slumping against the side of the bus shelter with a frustrated sigh. 
Fuck him for not bringing an umbrella or wearing a proper jacket, even. 
Walking home in the rain on a busted ankle is as awful as it sounds. Jungkook is torn between wanting to go slow to minimize the pain in his ankle and wanting to go fast so he can just get home quickly. He’s so cold that it feels like his bones are cold. Every drop of rain that hits his forehead or the back of his neck is agonizing. 
Seven blocks into his walk, a car drives through a puddle right next to the sidewalk and it sends an entire wall of water in Jungkook’s direction. On two good ankles, Jungkook might have been able to dodge sideways to avoid the resulting splash, but his current step has him gingerly standing on his bad ankle and all he can do is stand still and watch in horror as the water flies toward him, almost as if in slow motion, before completely drenching him from head to toe. 
He’s shivering so hard he feels like he could collapse by the time he reaches his street. His mood is just getting worse and worse by the second, and he can’t wait to get inside so he can get out of his wet clothes and be miserable in his warm, dry bed instead of being miserable out here in the rain. 
His nose is running profusely and it’s so cold that it almost hurts, and the constant trickle of mucus that he keeps sniffling back is starting to irritate his sinuses a lot. He feels a sneeze tickling his nose, so he lifts the collar of his sweater away from his body and tucks his mouth and nose inside, trying to cover properly. The not one, not two, but five sneezes that come out are wet and messy and make him cringe, but the resulting spray is arguably better ending up all over his chest than somewhere else. It still feels disgusting, though, and as he lets his sweater fall back against his skin he shudders. With a thick snuffle, Jungkook presses his sleeve under his dripping nostrils and desperately hopes they have tissues at home.   
His teeth are chattering by the time he’s in front of his door. His fingers tremble as they grasp his key, but when he finally gets it into the lock it turns too easily, as if the door had already been unlocked. Pushing the door open slowly, he peers into the apartment, wary of there being an intruder inside. 
There is someone inside his apartment. Two someones, and they stare at him, mouths dropping open, mid-hanging up a banner that reads Happy Birthday! across the hallway. 
“Kookie?” Jimin jumps down from the chair he’s on and rushes over, but Taehyung stays frozen in place, staring at him in shock.
“W-what the fuc–” Jungkook is cut off by a set of three tremendous sneezes that he barely catches in the crook of his elbow, and the action nearly throws him off balance. He leans his back against the wall and tries to stay upright. 
“Oh! Bless you. You’re all…wet?” Jimin reaches up to run his fingers through Jungkook’s dripping hair. “Why are you soaking wet and why are you home so early?” 
Jungkook sniffles and huffs a breath out through his mouth. 
“Why are you two home so early?” He asks, even though it’s pretty obvious based on the banner and the balloons in the corner that he’s just now noticing. He had initially thought it to be a bit odd when all four of their friends had claimed to be busy tonight when Jimin and Taehyung invited them over last week, but now it makes a lot of sense. 
“Surprise?” Taehyung finally says, brain catching up to the situation. He jumps down off the chair and comes over to stand next to Jimin. He gets right up in Jungkook’s personal space, eyebrows knitting together as he watches Jungkook shiver and wrap his arms around himself. 
“You’re shivering,” Taehyung notes, voice full of concern, and Jungkook has to put a hand against his chest to push him away a little because he’s about to sneeze again. 
“Fuck,” he hisses after he sneezes, because he’d accidentally put full weight on his ankle in favor of not falling over and it hurts. 
The next thing he knows, he’s sliding down the wall until he’s on the floor, his bad ankle stretched out in front of him, and his eyes are hot and his head hurts and his ankle hurts and his nose hurts–
“Don’t cry, baby,” Jimin urges, kneeling down in front of him and brushing his thumb under Jungkook’s eyes to wipe the tears that are now falling. “Oh, what’s wrong?”
“My ankle,” Jungkook whimpers, and then he’s sobbing, loud, wet wrenching sounds that come straight from his chest. He feels a hand pull up the leg of his jeans, careful fingers brushing over his skin, and then Jimin touches his face again, impossibly gentle and soft. 
“What happened, Kookie?” 
Taehyung is taking off his boots and Jimin is stroking down his cheek and Jungkook can’t do anything but sob. 
“I’ll run him a hot bath,” Jimin says after a moment, leaning forward first to press his lips to Jungkook’s forehead. “Will you carry him into the bathroom?”
Jimin disappears down the hall, and Jungkook can hear the sound of the water being turned on in the bathtub. Taehyung scoops him up off the floor, careful not to jostle his ankle too much, and carries him down the hall like he weighs nothing despite the fact that Jungkook has a good six or seven kilograms on the older man.  
In the bathroom, Taehyung sits Jungkook down on the toilet seat and squats down in front of him to check out his ankle.
“It’s swollen, but I don’t think it’s broken or anything,” he says to Jimin. “I’m not a doctor though. Do you think we should take him in?”
Jimin bites his lip. “Let’s wait a bit, see how it’s doing after we elevate and ice it for a couple of hours.” 
Once the tub is full, Jimin turns off the water, and Jungkook peels off his wet clothes. He has stopped crying, but his face is still wet with tears. He allows Jimin and Taehyung to help him into the bath, shivering as his chilled skin is submerged under water. The hot water does wonders to warm him up, though it makes his nose run tenfold to breathe in the steam. He keeps his foot up on the edge of the tub, so his toes are a little cold, but he knows it’s best for the swelling in his ankle. He lets his head fall back, feeling exhausted and completely drained of all energy. 
Just outside the bathroom door, he can hear Jimin and Taehyung whispering. He doesn’t catch all of what they’re saying, but he can hear that they’re talking about him and the party they had planned for him tonight, and it makes him feel sad to know they planned something for him and will now probably have to cancel it. There’s a sudden lump in his throat, and he lifts his head, bringing a hand up to rub at his eyes to stop the tears that are welling up again.
When Jimin and Taehyung come back into the bathroom, Jungkook sniffles wetly and leans his head back against the edge of the tub, closing his eyes so he doesn’t have to make eye contact and see the disappointment in their eyes. He hears Taehyung make a low, sad sound, and then someone is beside him, their hand coming up to push Jungkook’s hair off his forehead. 
He cracks one eye open and sees that they’re both kneeling at the side of the tub now. Jimin is closest, and he’s holding up a dry washcloth, one eyebrow raised as if in question.
“Why don’t you blow your nose, sweetheart?” He says, bringing the washcloth to Jungkook’s nose. “You’re starting to sound stuffy.” 
Jungkook’s face flushes in embarrassment, and Jimin, noticing his hesitation, dabs the washcloth under his nostrils like it’s no big deal he’s literally wiping the nose of another full grown person. Jungkook does really need to blow his nose, but he can’t bring himself to do it when Jimin is the one holding the washcloth, and he’s grateful that Jimin doesn’t push further. When Jimin is done, he folds the washcloth and sets it on the edge of the tub, then dips his hand into the water to check the temperature.
“The water is starting to cool. Let’s get you washed up and then you can get out of there.” 
Taehyung switches places with Jimin, leaning over Jungkook to kiss his temple before settling back on his knees. 
“I get to wash your hair twice today,” Taehyung says, his smile wide. “Lucky me.”
He reaches out for Jungkook’s shampoo bottle, but Jungkook stops him with a hand on his arm. 
“No.” Jungkook shakes his head. “I don’t need you to wash my hair. You already did that this morning, and my shampoo bothers you anyway, and–”
“Jungkookie,” Taehyung interrupts, voice firm. “I would snort your shampoo straight up my nose every day for the rest of my life if it means I get to take care of you like this, okay? Just let me do this one thing for you, love.”  
His ridiculous statement makes Jungkook laugh wetly, and he takes his hand off of Taehyung’s arm. When Taehyung flips open the top of the shampoo bottle, it’s Jungkook who lets out a string of sneezes, to all of their surprise. 
“Kookie, baby,” Jimin says. “Did you catch yourself a cold out there in the rain? You’ve been sniffling and sneezing since you got home.” 
Jungkook shrugs, because he’s positive that’s exactly what happened but he doesn’t want it to be true, because that would just make this shitty day even worse.
“You poor thing,” Jimin coos. 
“I don’t wanna catch a cold,” Jungkook sniffles. “I don’t wanna have a twisted ankle.” And then he’s crying again, tears running down his cheeks, and Jimin is pulling the plug to drain the tub while Taehyung pets his wet hair and kisses his temple again.  
“It’s okay, Jungkookie,” Taehyung whispers. “We’ll wash your hair tomorrow. Let’s get you into some warm clothes.” 
The two of them help Jungkook out of the tub and then help him dry off, and then they each get one of his arms around their shoulders so they can help him into the bedroom. 
“Would you like to rest a bit?” Taehyung asks once he’s dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, and Jungkook nods. 
It’s only 3 p.m. Jungkook crawls to his spot in the middle of the bed and all but collapses onto his back. Taehyung pulls the comforter up to his chin, and Jimin lifts the blanket at the other end to slide a pillow under Jungkook’s ankle. They forgo an ice pack, because now that he’s out of the bath, Jungkook is shivering again. 
“Do you want cuddles?” Jimin asks, and Jungkook bites his lip to keep it from quivering and nods. 
Jimin and Taehyung crawl into bed and wrap their arms around his waist. Taehyung smooths his hair back, his fingers running soothingly through his damp locks, and Jimin rubs lazy circles on his stomach. It feels nice, to be cuddled like this, even though he feels rather miserable. Jungkook really does feel stuffy now, his breath whistling in and out of his nose, and the congestion is making him have to breathe out of his mouth. He closes his eyes and tries to focus on Jimin and Taehyung’s touches instead of the fact that his head is now hurting too.  
Happy fucking birthday, Jungkook thinks to himself as he drifts off to sleep, his nose stuffed up and his ankle throbbing and his eyes swollen from crying.
At least he has the comfort and the warmth of his two boyfriends on either side of him.
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"In the memories of entrancing moments, even if I dance alone, it still rains. When this fog gets lifted up, i will run to you on my wet feet, hold me then."
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– Still With You by Jungkook of BTS
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jeonjungcooky · 2 years
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because love can burn like a cigarette
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mlkymchi · 1 year
umbrella | [jjk.]
genre(s): angst, a little bit of fluff, strangers lovers au
pairings: jeon jeongguk x reader
word count: 900ish 
warnings: heartbreak, hell of angst, mental illness, unrequited love, death, blood, mentions of hospitals.
synopsis: jungkook is still in love with his ex but in the rain that day he meets a girl coated with stardust
taglist: aaa i dont really have anyone to tag :(( if u want to be added to my taglist, just send an ask or dm me ^-^
note: this is a reuploaded fic from my other account, skitsoulmaty. this is my first series & my first post on here so im quite nervous but i hope it goes well ahahah :(( english isnt my first language so i hope u can ignore grammatical errors if i’ve made any🤍
this is a work of fiction. any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.  © sakura, 2021.
it was one of the gone-wrong picnic days. the day had brought a sky of granite-grey clouds ruffling in ripples, indicating it was about to invite a street of colourful umbrellas to blossom.
and then it did. it came with its heaven given soundtrack, as a million soul fragments in a chorus. together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother’s soulful hum. the pearl-like drops washed every hue into a strong and soulful vibrancy.
crystal clear raindrops hit the stony ground as water seeped inside the jarred ground to mitigate the brittle dried up earth from the harshly flaring brilliant rays of that scorching sphere of fire. the droplets paused on the surface before being engulfed into the soil. it turned dark like molasses under the glossy strands of grass.
but it was not that tranquillizing for jeongguk.
the world resembled his emotions with his darkened over-clouded heart. the raindrops came falling down just like his tears. he was on the street, alone, and the only one who did not have an umbrella.
with every splash that touched the boy’s skin, his jacket gave up on keeping his body dry. water began to soak the bottom of his pale blue jeans, deepening the denim to a stronger hue, and bringing his timberlands to a glossy water-shine. he breathed in the pouring rain as it dampened his dishevelled locks.
he wandered amidst a harmonious choir of raindrops. water poured over his skin so vigorously that it felt as if he was in the flow of a river rather than a rain shower. he could not seem to figure out if he had a lot of thoughts or none at all. everything looked dusky, dull and grey. a nostalgic sensation had crawled in and washed over him when he saw the rain-washed street. it gripped his emotions with might, suffocating him.
he missed her.
jeongguk was like a wilting flower. he was weak, broken, and delicate. deprived of affection and slowly crumbling down.
he studied the way water would pour down in soft cascades, the vibrant image of a summer storm and liked how the very sound could create a sense of silence without loneliness.
they had to fall, he thought. they had no alternative. they had no escape. nowhere, but down on the rugged, solid surface. they had to face their destiny, what the future had in store for them. after they descended, the drops vanished between a billion others. they were not seen anymore, like their value had dissolved after that very moment. they were gone.
maybe he should feel glad; glad that his lifeline was longer. but he wasn’t. all his happiness had been sucked when she left. it had been a year, yet his heart still grieved and yearned for her.
the bitterly raw wind swooshed by, pulling him away from his thoughts. some youngsters’ laughter was heard faintly from a distance. the world around him was unaffected by his suffering. untouched and unbothered by the agony that he is experiencing.
perhaps he was hallucinating, or his vision was fuzzy, but for a second he thought someone was observing him.
“hey there, boy. you look so miserable that someone might mistake you for the male version of oizys!” it was the voice of some girl. it was the kind of deep voice that is so very easy to fall in love with, that auditory caramel.
(oizys was the ancient greek goddess of grief & anxiety.)
jeongguk felt enticed to the voice as if it were a magnet. he finally looked up desirous to know who that velvety voice belonged to.
his eyes fell onto were her lips. they were coral and looked soft even in the dark rain, curved up in a smile. then the rest of her face. it would be an understatement to say that he was allured. she had extremely fine, sculpted features. her silvery grey eyes glittered in the gloom, glinting with hope and curiosity. her smile, flawless and delicate. her face was luminescent, a gentle glow. she had the appearance of soul fire sparking against the ice.
she was clad in a white hoodie reaching down till mid thigh with the hood over her touseled brunette hair. her milky appearance made her stand distinctly against the faded surroundings. in the cold mini storm she stood firm.
her innocent aura drew him in.
the mystery girl snapped closed her umbrella, releasing a gravity-defying plume of small droplets. she pulled down her hood and shook her hair to gain some life back into her flattened locks which slowly got drenched.
she noticed that he had looked at her. she pouted when there was no response from jeongguk. “oh i’m really sorry. i didn’t mean to offend you. i should not have joked about that,” she paused and opened her umbrella again, and this time put it over his head, preventing the raindrops from hitting his skin.
she tilted her head and continued, “but, joli garçon, did you really think the rain could mask your tears?”
second part soon!
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biaswreckmepls · 4 months
Fan-Chosen BTS fics #2 - Feb 2024 - Day 5
Rain, Rein, Reign - You Can't Fake It
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51569710/chapters/130343269
Author: tinysweetscrown
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin
Status: Completed
Chapters: 3/3 (33763 words)
Tags: ABO AU, Royalty AU, Arranged Marriage AU, Historical AU
Male omegas are said to be born only once in a thousand years and have the highest probability of gifting their family with an alpha son. When Jimin presents as an omega, his future is set in stone and he is betrothed to the royal heir of the Kingdom, alpha Jungkook.
However, Jimin, a free spirit, is disgusted by the monarchy and wants nothing to do with his soon-to-be husband. Jungkook, on the other hand, is determined to make things work.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51569710/chapters/130343269
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sevent0day · 7 months
୨ৎㅤㅤ ︶ ︶ ⊹ ︶ ︶ . ⪩⪨ . ︶ ︶ ⊹ ︶ ︶ ㅤㅤ୨ৎㅤ
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Créditos a mi persona.
(not real photo)
૮₍ ྀི∩៸៸៸∩ ྀི₎ა
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tbr-tales · 1 year
When you realize that he was sunshine, you were midnight rain BUT you wanted it comfortable, he wanted the pain. You wanted to be a bride but he was making his own name chasing the fame. You stayed the same. All of him change like midnight...
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back2bluesidex · 8 months
I really wanna know who have been writing the lyrics 👀
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vena-xx · 11 months
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i’m actually losing my mind
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adrlx613 · 11 months
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my shoes get dirty,
as if the rain wants its existence to be known
am I someone who engraved, like the rain, my existence to you?
if not, am I just someone who came and went like a rain shower? 🌧️
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